#i listened to so much old jazz while writing this; i was up till 4 am this morning/last night
so i had a thought/request thing: prussia x reader sound of music au?
Oh I absolutely LOVE that thought!
I took a little creative license in this fic (which I will elaborate on in the after-notes), but ultimately I directly referenced some of my favorite scenes from the film.
Thank you for sending me the ask, and I hope you enjoy!
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The children were finally asleep.
A spring storm had rolled in- a welcome relief to the dry heat which had plagued the city for several long days- but the thunder had troubled them.
You were hardly surprised when first a timid Ludvig came to your room, followed only moments later by Monika. It took a few more claps of thunder and flickering lights for Friedrich to appear, claiming with false bravado that he had come to make sure that you were safe.
You had distracted them from their fears, though some- such as the loud protests which continued with each passing day, the strange men seen lurking outside the house, and the current absence of their guardian- Some fears couldn't be assuaged.
But children were easy enough to sway from their dark thoughts, and you always had a gift for embellishing the truth. 
This time, you chose not to rely on the ditty you had taught them several weeks prior (though you could hear Ludvig repeating 'whiskers on kittens' to himself), but instead crafted a tale of heroism about their big brother, one that soon worked its magic, all three falling asleep by the time the storm had settled into gentle rainfall, curled together atop your blankets.
Unfortunately, their restless energy had passed onto you, and after several moments of staring at the ceiling, you carefully, quietly, slipped out from beneath the covers, tugging on a nearby robe, and sliding on a pair of slippers before making your way to the library.
Time passed without your knowledge; you had found an old disc of American singers to play on the gramophone, and quickly tucked yourself into a novella that had caught your interest several days prior. It was a pleasant distraction, almost successful in keeping your frazzled thoughts from running wild. 
Had his work run late? Had there been an accident? Had one of those radicals done something that was meant to look like an accident? Had-
The distant, sudden sound of the front door closing had you glancing towards the grandfather clock, that flicker of worry sparking to life once more as you noted the lateness of the hour.
His work often brought with it long hours, but this, even by his standards, was alarming.
You were relieved to hear his footsteps, and knew you must content yourself with the knowledge that he had at least made it home safely. He had, after all, made it perfectly clear some time ago that his welfare was none of your concern.
In vain, you tried to return to your book, but to your chagrin the combination of the gramophone's crackling, the tapping of raindrops on the windowpanes, and the nearing, shuffling footsteps kept you from falling back into the story. You feigned interest however as a familiar figure entered the doorway.
For a moment, he said nothing, silently studying you. You were hyper-aware of his gaze, were certain he could hear the panicked rush of your heartbeat, could see the heat dancing on your cheeks.
Finally, he spoke, your given name tumbling out almost as a sigh, and to your embarrassment it caused you to jump, startled by its presence in your already frenzied state.
You turned to face him directly, seeing his hand hanging uselessly in the air, looking for everything like a guilty schoolboy. In another circumstance, you could have laughed, seeing the normally rigid Captain so timid and unsure of himself. "Sorry! Sorry, I..." His words trailed off, the hand falling back to his side, all emotion gone from his features once more. "May I join you?"
No, you wanted to say, I'm not sure I could trust myself if you stay.
But your voice was welcoming him in, and you straightened your posture as he took the chair opposite you.
You tried once more to feign interest in your book, but your eyes kept straying from the page, unable to stop yourself from studying his features in the warm light, taken in by the vulnerability, small as it was, he was granting you, clearly beyond weary.
Your curiosity could no longer be helped. "Are you well, Herr Beilschmidt?"
A small smile flickered to life, half-formed and fragile, those peculiar scarlet eyes finding yours, your name once more slipping past his lips. "I thought we agreed you would call me Gilbert when we were alone?"
For a moment, he was no longer a Captain, not Herr Beilschmidt, but any other man, a man who could even become-
But that could not be, and you wouldn't allow your fantasies to jeopardize your work, couldn't bear the thought of being parted from the children. "I agreed to no such thing, Herr Beilschmidt."
He released a pained sort of sound, reminiscent of a scoff, and it prompted just enough of your ire for you to press onward with your curiosity. "You were out late this evening."
You couldn't fully conceal your concern, and it was clear that he had detected it, those eyes somber once more, studious and strategic.
Fearful of what he may find, you spoke once more, hiding the inconvenient truth with another, sweeter one. "The children missed you at dinner."
His study lingered, lips parting as if he were going to speak, before he dismissed it, a sadness surrounded him in its absence. "How were they today?"
This was neutral territory, familiar ground, and you breathed a silent sigh of relief. You began a retelling of the day's adventures, embellishing your words with a whimsy that had often earned you others' disdain. But G- Herr Beilschmidt- was amused, laughing at your failed attempt to mimic Friedrich's angered voice at Monika for daring to stick a frog in his pocket.
"And Luddy?"
Your smile softened at thoughts of the youngest Beilschmidt. "A dear as always. He insisted upon baking a cake with me earlier." The words triggered another memory, a more urgent one, and you rose with a suddenness that caused him to jump. "Pardon me; I forgot that we saved a slice for you! Excuse me for a moment?"
You didn't wait for his reply, already sweeping towards the open doorway, forgetting in your rush to grab a candle, the electric having gone down several hours ago.
The corridor loomed before you, quiet and filled with the darkness of the midnight hour. In the face of that alien light, your footsteps faltered, suddenly uncertain of a path you had tread dozens of times.
A warm presence appeared at your side, a gentle hand pressing to your lower back, as he fell into step beside you, carrying one of the candles. "Allow me?"
Your skin burned beneath the weight of his hand, memories of the party several nights before now dancing to the surface at his nearness.
How you wished you could turn him away now, but fear of the ghosts still haunting these ancients halls and nameless monsters lurking in the shadows far overpowered your fears of revealing your heart.
Slowly, quietly, you charted the course to the kitchen, and you were grateful to finally be able to step away, allowing yourself a moment to breathe, reign in your traitorous thoughts.
The ghost of his touch still remained however, and you busied yourself with pulling the cake from the ice box, pleasantly surprised to discover some remaining cream as well.
He had taken a seat at the small table often used by the house staff, several more candles lit in front of him. You were surprised to see he had pulled out two forks, standing and gesturing to the empty chair beside him. "Please; join me."
You should have taken your leave.
You should have made your excuses and retired for the evening.
But there was something so hopeful in his expression, and you couldn't resist the sway he held over you.
For a time, there were no words shared between you, the only sound the symphony of the falling rain, the distant notes of the gramophone, and the irregularity of silver tines clinking against porcelain.
"We should discuss what happened at the party."
His voice was unexpected, words hanging in the air with a tension you were loathe to acknowledge.
There was nothing to discuss, not to your mind.
He was betrothed to another, and he was your employer.
It could never be anything more, even if you should so desperately wish for it.
Still, you would always have those memories, safely locked away into your heart: Monika sighing, fondly watching the sparkling couples gliding across the ballroom floor, Ludvig pestering you with questions about the musicians, and Friedrich earnestly trying to master the Allemande with you, before Gilbert was unexpectedly cutting in, offering the children a brief history lesson even as he fell perfectly into step, words soon falling away, sparkling burgundy eyes locking with your own.
With each step, you felt your fragile defenses weakening, was certain he was drawing you nearer with every turn. Each clasp of hands sent a spark through your pulse, every point of contact buzzing with restless energy. As you took your final turn in a dance meant for four, you were met with a warm smile which stole the little breath you had left, and you were drowning in a wine-dark sea.
The spell was broken with Julchen's applause, surprise to see her home from university enough to distract the others, though Gilbert was slow to release your hand, lingering, before he finally drifted over to join his younger siblings.
You couldn't fathom why he should wish to discuss the ordeal now of all times, though to say it hadn't been on your mind, replaying in your thoughts for the past several weeks, would be a lie.
"You hired me to watch over your brothers and sisters, and I care for them dearly."
Your focus remained on the chocolate crumbs remaining on the plate, dark flecks against the otherwise pristine, pastel pink petals.
Even as he spoke your name once more, you did not turn to him, unable to face him. "Only the children?"
"No," you admitted, before you recognized your slip and quickly tried to rectify it. "Yes!" Trying to redirect his thoughts, you interrupted him before he could speak. "Isn't it right that I should care for them?"
You finally turned to him, praying your mask would hold, even as you once again found yourself the subject of his scrutiny. He was bewildered, clearly not expecting this turn.
"Of course it's right."
You saw another opening, one that could perhaps save you from his suspicions. "You invited me into your home, and I am grateful to you. I'll miss them very much when you and the Baroness-"
Oh, you couldn't even speak it, for goodness sake!
But this excuse was convenient, a simple shroud, disguising your feelings behind the implication that your true worries were being parted from the children, that you only dreaded his betrothed becoming his wife because-
You could face him no longer, your attention once more drawn back to the scene in front of you, candlelight dancing in refractions on the cutlery. 
He let out a stray sound of bemusement, your given name yet again slipping from his lips in a fond murmur. "There isn't going to be a baroness."
Your attention flickered back to him almost immediately, disbelieving and concerned. "There isn't?"
"No," he hummed. There was a slant to his brow, a twist to his features which puzzled you.
"I don't understand."
His focus shifted away from you, a small smile once more flickering to life, not fading away this time but lingering, its lightness echoing in his voice. "We've called off our engagement-"
"Oh, I'm sorry," you whispered sincerely, not meaning to interrupt, but he was stunned nonetheless.
"You are?"
You nodded, unwilling to trust your voice in this moment.
His smile softened to something unreadable then, something which made your heart melt. "We both agreed that, well..." He suddenly was looking away from you, bashful in a way you didn't recognize, taking a steadying breath before he seemingly found the courage to face you once more, though his words were barely a whisper. "You can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else."
At first, you were unable to comprehend his words, desperate for confirmation. "Surely you don't mean-?"
His hand found yours, gentle and insistent. "I do. I've come to love you in a way... quite unexpected. And I," he paused, his eyes seeking your own with a tremulous yearning, one which carried in his words. "Is it foolish for me to hope that you love me, too?"
You thought back to the journey which had led you here: the arguments, the compromises, the love growing ever stronger with each passing day. This house had been a cold tomb when you had first arrived, specters haunting every square meter.
But now it was your home.
The children were your home.
Gilbert was your home.
He was still waiting for your answer, both despondent and eager, and you finally allowed your mask to fall away, smiling as you raised your free hand to gently cup his cheek, your vision hazing through tears.
It was uncertain who moved first, but the kiss was all you could hope it to be: gentle, loving, with an added sweetness from the lingering tastes of cake and cream.
He sighed as you slowly drew away, the candlelight dancing in his eyes, a bright smile creasing his features.
You had made many mistakes in this life, taken many missteps, but to be blessed with this life, to find such love and a place to call home?
Somewhere along the way, you must have done something good.
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One of the most notable changes was directly adjusting Gil's role compared to Captain von Trapp's. The Sound of Music carries an inherent antifascist message, which allowed me to explore more of my belief that Gilbert was a Prussian Social Democrat, a member of one of the most influential political parties directly challenging the rising fascist ideals of the growing Nazi Party. Several assassination attempts were made on members of the Social Democrats, before, ultimately, tragically, their work against the Nazi Party was overruled by vote.
I opted to keep Gil as a big brother instead of a father; I cherish the relationship they have already, and the thought of them not only losing a parent, but watching their beloved, bright brother fade away into someone they barely know- It was too good.
I spent quite sometime trying to finding a traditional German couple's dance, and even the Allemande, from the Baroque period, was intended for a group of four.
I wish this could have been longer, but at over 2000 words already. I am content.
Thank you again for the ask, and thank you so much to everyone for reading!
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stuonsongs · 3 years
My Top 10 Favorite Songs of All Time - 2006 Edition
2021 Editor’s Note: I was looking through some old files and found this thing that I wrote sometime in the summer of 2006 at age 22. For all I know, it could’ve been 15 years to the day! Looking back, I’m not sure how many of these songs would still make my top 10. Don’t get me wrong, I still love all of these tunes, but I’m sure you know how it goes - You get older, you get exposed to more things, and your idea of good music expands. Anyway, I thought it might be nice to share with anyone who still uses this site. I present it in its original format without edits to my writing. I ended up writing full posts in this blog about some of these songs if you go through the archive. 
Stu’s Top 10 Favorite Songs…Ever
Let’s start with some honorable mentions. These were so close, and I thought about it for so long, but they had to be left off.
Honorable Mentions
All Summer Long – The Beach Boys
All Summer Long. 1964. Capitol
This song has been described so many times as being “the perfect summer song.” When you listen to it, you can’t help but smile from the opening marimba intro, all the way through. It just screams “summer” and it hurt me to leave The Beach Boys off my top 10.
Bleed American – Jimmy Eat World
Bleed American. 2001. Grand Royal
So full of energy, so rocking, and so what would’ve been the most recent song on my list. I wanted to keep it in the top 10 just so I could have a song from the ‘00s, but it wasn’t meant to be. When the chorus kicks in, I can’t help but headbang.
Marie – Randy Newman
Good Old Boys. 1974. Reprise
Randy has said that a lot of young composers pick “Marie” as their favorite Newman song, and I can see why. The idea of a guy having to be drunk to tell his wife that he loves her is pretty funny, and throughout the whole song it’s just the beautiful melody with tons of strings, all to a tune about a guy ripping on himself as he comes home drunk to his wife.
Does He Love You? – Rilo Kiley
More Adventurous. 2004. Brute/Beaute
I guess this is newer than Bleed American, so it would’ve worked too. This is another more recent song that it killed me to leave off the list. The outro is an arrangement of the main tune with a different chord progression performed by a string quartet. Very beautiful. Also when Jenny Lewis screams “Your husband will never leave you, he will never leave you for me,” I get chills every time.
So here it is. After a long day’s work, I’m finally finished. It actually turned out much different than I was thinking when I first started. The number one wasn’t really even in my top five when I started, but I slowly realized I loved it so much. I also left Ben Folds (Five) off this list completely, and I don’t know, I just feel the whole catalogue of Ben is so solid, none of the songs stick out to me that much. But anyways, here it is! After the break of course…
Stu’s Top 10
(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave – Martha and the Vandellas
Heat Wave. 1963. Motown.
This one beat out “Bleed American” just barely. The reason being that somehow, despite being nearly 40 years older than Bleed American, it still has so much energy that it kills. Dan Bukvich once told our Jazz Arranging class that you can boil all the oldies you hear on the radio down to three categories: 1) Great Song. 2) Great Performance. 3) Great Arrangement. This song is one of the great performances. The handclaps throughout, combined with the driving baritone sax behind everything and constant snare drum action will keep anybody with blood running through their veins dancing all night long.
Bodhisattva – Steely Dan
Countdown to Ecstasy. 1973. MCA
This song is my Freebird. It’s just a basic blues progression song at its core with some minor changes at the end of the form. The real kicker that drives this song home is the three minute guitar solo in the middle that isn’t nearly as rocking as Freebird, but it is highly proficient and takes me to places that just make me want to play the song over and over again. I have no idea what this song is about, probably Buddhism, but hey, this once again proves that lyrics rarely matter and the music itself is the core.
Zanzibar – Billy Joel
52nd Street. 1978. Columbia
This song reminds me of long car rides on vacations down the west coast with my parents growing up. They used to play a tape of 52nd Street, or at least their favorite selections, constantly on these trips. I didn’t hear this song again until early in my senior year in college and remembered why I loved it so much. The song has a heavy jazz influence, displayed in the breakdown where Jazz trumpeter Freddie Hubbard does a solo. The best part of this song though is at the end of the 4th line of each verse, Billy does this “Woah oh oh!” thing that just makes me want to sing every time. It was between this and “Miami 2017 (Lights Go Out On Broadway)” which is also a great song, but the “Woah oh oh!” is too much for ol’ Stu boy.
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) – Bruce Springsteen
The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle. 1973. Columbia
Early Bruce Springsteen records have something that very few other artists can ever pull off without sounding cheesy or forced. It has this undeniable sense of urgency, like the world will fall apart and life will crumble through your fingers if this one moment in time doesn’t work out the way Bruce describes it. There are so many early Springsteen songs that just set a scene of “We have to get out of this town right now girl before it kills us, no matter what any of our parents, friends, anybody has to say.” There’s a line that kinda sums it up: “Well hold on tight, stay up all night ‘cause Rosie I’m comin’ on strong. By the time we meet the morning light, I will hold you in my arms. I know a pretty little place in southern California down San Diego way. There’s a little café where they play guitars all night and all day. You can hear ‘em in the back room strummin’, so hold tight baby ‘cause don’t you know daddy’s comin’.”
I’ve Got You Under My Skin – Frank Sinatra
Songs For Swingin’ Lovers! 1956. Capitol
This song falls into the category of great arrangement. This Cole Porter classic tune was arranged for Sinatra by Nelson Riddle. The story goes that he was still copying down parts for the players while riding in the cab to the recording studio on the day of recording. After the players ran through it once with Frank, they stood up and applauded. The Baritone sax takes control here, outlining a Db6/9 chord throughout the intro. Of course, Frank’s vocal delivery is spot on and goes up and down in all the right places for the biggest emotion impact. It’s amazing how a song with no real chorus can be so good.
A Change Is Gonna Come – Sam Cooke
Ain’t That Good News. 1964. RCA Victor
This song was not even going to be on this list, but then I ran across it while scouring my collection of music and remembered how good it was. Then I listened to it and was blown away by the level of detail that went into this arrangement. Sam’s vocals soar above the mind blowingly beautiful arrangement. The lyrics to this one actually add to the tune itself, speaking of wrongdoings in the world around him, and how social change is on its way in the form of the civil rights movement. The song flows with such ease out of Cooke that one might forget the weightiness of the content, but the song’s content is just so heavy that it’s impossible to deny it.
Whatever – Oasis
Whatever EP. 1994. Creation
This song was released as a Christmas present to the U.K. from the Gallagher brothers and company. It never appeared on any full album, only being released as a single, and amazingly, it blows away anything else they’ve ever done. Think “All You Need Is Love,” but with tons of rocking energy and a snide, nonchalant attitude. The chorus speaks, “I’m free to be whatever I, whatever I choose and I’ll sing the blues if I want. I’m free to be whatever I, whatever I like, if it’s wrong or right, it’s alright.” Not exactly poetry, and the song isn’t exactly breaking any new ground either, but the song is absolutely perfect in every way, and it was going to be my #1, but perhaps the only reason it’s not at number one is because I’ve played this song so many times that at the moment, these next three are beating it, but who knows how I’ll feel in a few months. This song also pulls the same “outro performed by a string quartet” thing as “Does He Love You?” but even better. It’s so simple, but I can’t get enough of it.
Mr. Blue Sky – Electric Light Orchestra
Out of the Blue. 1977. Jet
This is obviously the best Beatles song that the Beatles never wrote. The staccato guitar during the verse combined with the strings present in just about every ELO song combine to make a force that is undeniably catchy and musically challenging at the same time. This is really what makes ELO so good. I didn’t discover this song till probably Nov. 2005, and it was one of the best days of my life. I didn’t want to include two songs by the same artist in my top 10, but if I did, I probably would’ve added “Turn To Stone” on this list too because it is almost as awesome as this one. It’s a shame that just like Billy Joel, most critics at the time hated ELO for being overly creative musically (they called it pretentiousness). These days we have acts that really are pretentious (see Radiohead), but everyone loves them, even critics. I’m not knocking all Radiohead, just most everything post OK Computer. Sorry, got a little sidetracked there.
Only In Dreams – Weezer
Weezer. 1994. Geffen
This has been my favorite Weezer song since about a month into me picking up Weezer’s debut album back around early 2000. It has this ostinato (a repeated motif over and over again) in the bass throughout most of the whole song, never even really resolving to the Gb major chord (excluding chorus, which never really resolves) that it wants to until the end of a 3 minute contrapuntal guitar duet when everything dies out except the bass which just retards on its own until it finally plays the single Gb we’ve all been waiting for. The song on the whole up until the guitar duet is pretty tame, but once those contrapuntal guitar lines start intertwining, my ears perk up every time. I can sing both lines at separate times upon request and when the drums finally kick back in fully at the climax of the song, I let out a sigh of relief or bang on my car wheel in exultant joy, whichever is more of an option at the time.
All Is Forgiven – Jellyfish
Spilt Milk. 1993. Charisma
I always loved this song from the first time I heard it, but I didn’t realize how much I loved it until maybe April 2006. I found out about Jellyfish first semester of college in the Fall of ’02 and heard this song, and knew it was great. The constant tom-tom driven drums, the fuzzy, almost white noise distorted guitar, and the half time bass throughout. It was great. Then in April I put it on my mp3 player for the walk to school, and then I listened to it for about two weeks straight. Seriously. It runs into the next song entitled “Russian Hill” which is almost as good, but because it’s a separate song, I couldn’t include it on the list, but in my mind, they always run together and are basically one long 9 minute song. The ending just gets more and more white noise filled until you can barely take it anymore and then it just cuts off completely into the slow acoustic intro for Russian Hill. It’s perfect in every way. I think this would fall into the category of great song. And the way the song builds up right to the middle of the song and then cuts out completely except for some very VERY faint xylophone noodling, and then busts back in with some feedback directly into guitar solo. Man I love this song.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
Hi! 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 for Kageyama from the headcanons list?? If it's too many, just choose whichever interest you the most! Thank you! 💜
Hhhhh ty for requesting!!
I have so many ideas from Kageyama after seeing the latest few chapters all over my explore page on ig, this should be fun~
Btw just because I crave fluff and made up romantic scenarios I will be including you as a female s/o, I hope you’re fine w that bc I’m terrible at writing same sex fanfics and I feel like including you might be fun too, sorry if it’s not what you prefer, I’ll write up another one if you want!!
(You aren’t mentioned excessively though, so don’t worry!!)
Warnings: Mild manga spoilers that have to do with Kageyama’s backstory, nothing too major though, and angstangstangstangstangst-
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2. How are they like on social media?
- Kageyama’s probably one that doesn’t really have that much regarding social media.
- However he would probably have the most common ones.
- Instagram, snapchat, maybe twitter too.
- He also has tiktok now that you’ve basically forced him to download it.
- Definitely uses instagram the most out of everything he has.
- Username: milkboykags
- Followers: 992 (Since he’s pretty popular through playing volleyball.)
- Following: 745 (He tries to follow most of his followers back if they have mutual friends between them, even if it’s a fan.)
- Profile pic: Probably one of those grunge shaky pics of him with a few of the Karasuno team members and you with a dark background and stuff.
- Bio: If you don’t have milk, don’t bother looking for me. ~Me, 2k19 (He hasn’t updated his bio a year lol.)
- His instagram feed is actually pretty aesthetic.
- He has one volleyball post of the entire team at the beach playing beach volleyball while the sun sets.
- He’s way too proud of that post.
- Another one of his posts was taken when you two were on an arcade date (At that time he hadn’t confessed yet, but he asked you out just to do that) and he sneaked a photo of you trying to get a unicorn plush from one of those claw machines.
- That one he’s gonna be keeping in his feed forever.
- He has a collection of highlights.
- There’s one for volleyball practice shenanigans, one for those little dates he takes you on, another one for full on group hangouts, then one of camera wars with random people that try taking photos of him, most likely you or Hinata.
- His feed basically revolves around this filter recipe he made for instagram, which makes his photos look cooler toned and more faded.
(P.s dm me if you want the recipe bc i made it on vsco lmao no I’m not a vsco girl don’t worry.)
- He doesn’t really use snapchat and twitter.
- Only does streaks with you and the volleyball team.
- Tiktok though, is a whole other story.
- Username: givemethecows
- Followers: 1405 (People from both tiktok and instagram.)
- Following: 200
- Bio: I make videos and shit.
- Profile pic: Bass boosted you like jazz meme (Bass boosted but photo if you get me.)
- Kageyama has this whole lowkey eboy thing going on with his tiktok.
- Most the time his videos are just a way to show his weird sense of humour or his sense of style that screams casual eboy.
- Since you forced him to get tiktok, you also forced him to learn dances with you.
- He’s terrible at those.
- Like very bad.
- He managed to break a pair of Tsukishima’s glasses while doing the renegade at break.
- And almost twisted his hips trying to throw it back as a joke.
- Needless to say it’s both hilarious and embarrassing for Kageyama.
- There are also tiktoks of him doing insane volleyball tricks on camera like the demon quick, the synchronised attack, and his jump serve etc.
- Which have gained him quite the following on the platform.
- In conclusion, Kageyama is generally pretty good at social media, but sucks ass at dancing.
4. What is Kageyama’s preferred weather?
- Surprisingly, Kageyama doesn’t like sunny weather. At all.
- For him, it’s the absolute worst thing.
- He think that sunny weather is way too annoying and hot and stuffy and gross.
- Plus, going out for morning runs in sunny weather is like wearing 10 jackets in hell.
- Like you can put on an extra layer if you’re cold but you can’t just strip naked if you’re hot.
- Oh my god he hates it so much it pains him to even think about it.
- He likes rainy days.
- Definitely not his favourite though.
- Rainy days usually mean staying home for the entire day.
- He can just laze around in his house, do whatever he wants.
- The sound of rain against glass windows soothes him.
- The constant sounds of droplets hitting the windows give him a sense of tranquility and peace.
- He will quite literally, fall asleep to those sounds.
- However rainy days do have their drawbacks.
- One of them, is having to stay home.
- Kageyama likes going for runs just to take in some fresh air, but that won’t work when it’s raining cats and dogs now will it.
- Plus, it means everything he does is restricted in his house unless he can get to an indoor gym that’s open.
- Boring.
- So he prefers windy days, when the cold breeze grazes his skin and the sun hides behind the fluffy clouds.
- It’s those days where he doesn’t have to suffer the heat that the sun brings upon him, nor does he have to suffer the feeling of rainwater dripping from the tips of his hair.
- He can do whatever he wants and still feel at ease and comfortable.
- Quite literally everything he asks for in a day.
6. Favourite music?
- Let’s be real, Kageyama probably isn’t good at music.
- He can’t dance or sing to save his life.
- However, he does enjoy how listening to music calms his nerves and gives him a chance to relax, even if he’s in a situation where he should be focused on an assignment or a piece of class work.
- People would expect him to enjoy listening to EDM or alternative rock, but no.
- This boy likes to listen to lofi and love songs.
- This doesn’t mean that his playlist only consists of these two genres, but the majority of songs in his playlist are either chill lofi beats or songs that give you the feels.
- Some of his favourite artists are Jeremy Zucker, Blackbear, Conan Gray, Billie Eilish, Lauv, Clairo, Wallows, Khalid, BENEE, Post Malone, Coldplay, Rex Orange County, Green Day, Shiloh Dynasty, Kina, love-sadKID, and the Arctic Monkeys.
- Has like 5 different playlists for different moods and events.
- One for moody times, one for study beats, one for when he wants throwbacks, one for firing him up before volleyball matches, and one for if he ever has to DJ in the front seat of someone’s car.
- Prefers to listen to music by himself.
- You’re an exception though.
- If he’s with you, you get one earbud, but he’ll be the one choosing the music still.
- You two have pretty contrasting tastes when it comes to music.
- He likes softer songs and lofi the most, whilst you prefer old rock and alternative rock. Oh and also a lot of throwback songs.
- I feel like Kageyama has definitely cried to a few songs when he was going through hard times.
- To him, listening to music is also a way of releasing all the inner conflict and frustrations.
- (Spoiler for backstory) When his grandfather died, he put Fix You on loop for at least 20 minutes.
- He was just numb, curled up into a ball on his bed, staring at the wall. He couldn’t feel anything. Nothing in his mind registered properly. All he could think of, was everything his grandfather had taught him, before he eventually passed away.
- Submerging himself into the melancholy song he was listening to, he didn’t even feel the tears that were now streaming down his face.
- The salty tears were now staining his pillow, creating little wet spots.
- He listened to every single lyric in the song, clutching his sheets harder every time the chorus came up.
- He punched his mattress repeatedly, still unable to accept the fact that someone he held so dear to his heart had just left like the wind.
- It wasn’t long until he was a sobbing mess, shaking and whimpering as he knelt on the bed.
- Silently sang to the lyrics, plopping back to his bed in defeat.
- His sister lingered in front of the door for five whole minutes, eventually leaving to let Kageyama sort out his feelings himself.
- You introduce a ton of new songs to him, since he doesn’t know that much about anything else other than lofi and sad songs.
- Just please no one let him listen to Nickleback. Please. He doesn’t need to know about it.
8. Movie that he would choose for a move nigh?
- The monthly Karasuno volleyball team movie night was finally here, and it was Kageyama’s turn to choose a movie this time, much to Tsukishima’s dismay.
- He’s put a lot of thought into this, not wanting to disappoint his teammates by choosing a shitty movie.
- He basically tried to figure out what everyone wanted to watch.
- However, everyone had very contrasting requests.
- Tsukishima wanted to watch Jurassic Park, Yamaguchi wanted a Disney movie, Hinata wanted something Marvel, Tanaka and Nishinoya wanted a horror movie, (Mainly so they could hit on you whilst you were still single) Sugawara wanted a romcom, Yachi wanted a comedy, and the others were fine with anything.
- He stressed himself out way too much trying to choose one movie.
- He finally got an idea after 3 entire days of thinking.
- And it wasn’t anything the team expected.
- Kageyama pulled up with Pulp Fiction.
- He’s seen that movie at least 5 times already.
- It was the perfect mix of comedy, gore, action, and philosophy.
- Plus, anything that starred Samuel L Jackson was worth a watch.
- Till this day, it remains one of his go to movies, alongside any MCU movie. (Captain America: The First Avenger is definitely his favourite though.)
12. Something small that they enjoy?
- One of the two small things Kageyama enjoys doing is baking cookies.
- Cookies in particular.
- I mean, there really is no detailed explanation.
- He’s pretty good at baking in general, even Tsukishima enjoys the cookies he bakes.
- Plus, he gets to dip the cookies in milk, what’s there not to enjoy?
- Another little thing he enjoys a lot is actually photography.
- Most the time, when he sees a pretty sky, or a city street at nighttime.
- He can’t help himself but snap a few photos here and there.
- Something about a well shot photo just hits different.
- Sometimes, he brings his camera out just to takes nice photos.
- Whenever you two are on dates, he’ll be able to capture candid or motion shots of when you’re just looking out the window of a bus mindlessly, or when you’re twirling around on the street playfully.
- Photos speak a thousand words, and honestly? He lives by that.
14. What is enough to bring him to tears?
- Support.
- Kageyama really needs support from someone he cares about.
- And no, not like support from his teammates.
- That’s different from hearing someone cheer from the stands.
- (Spoiler for backstory) Kageyama’s parents never gave much attention to him, since they were always busy with work. The only person that ever showed support for him was his grandfather, who passed away while he was still young.
- As if that wasn’t enough shit directed towards Kageyama, his teammates abandoned him during a match in junior high not long after the death of his grandfather.
- Which means that Kageyama now has lowkey abandonment issues.
- All through his volleyball journey he never got the support and reassurance he needed.
- He watched in envy as people from opposing teams, or even his own teammates, waved at their family members after they won or lost a match.
- All he could do was stare at the stands, hoping to catch just a glimpse of a family member.
- Nothing.
- Nobody realised how alone Kageyama felt during and after matches, until they watched him break down in tears after a particular match.
- It was the Spring Match against Seijoh, and Karasuno was playing like normal.
- Kageyama was insanely good as usual.
- What he didn’t notice then, was that you had dragged his sister Miwa to the match just so you both could cheer for him.
- In addition to that, you were also wearing his jersey.
- It wasn’t until the final point was scored, did he hear you and Miwa scream from the stands.
- Hearing the familiar voices, his head basically snapped in your direction, scanning the stadium for someone familiar, before landing his eyes on you and his older sister.
- His eyes widened for a hot second, his mind running in circles.
- Nobody has ever cheered for him.
- But here you two were, cheering for him from the stands.
- And you were wearing his jersey.
- A hand went up to cover his mouth, a huge grin spreading.
- One drop.
- Two drops.
- Then came the waterworks.
- The entire team was shocked.
- Like shookth.
- The two of you ran down to the arena, engulfing Kageyama in a huge hug.
- Best moment of his fucking life.
- From then on, the Karasuno team members made sure to notify you of any matches they had against other schools, hoping you and Miwa could go cheer.
- You two haven’t missed a single match since.
Whoooo three hours of work and going straight to Netflix at 2:30am, what a life.
I couldn’t resist I’m sorry casual or slight angst is my favourite genre of hc and fanfic-
I hope you liked this xx😗👉👈
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theadorablespderman · 5 years
Please excuse the long post. But I want to write something for women about what I’ve learned, being a 21 year old women, about safety and the shit things women feel we need to do so we’re not attacked by shithead on a daily basis:
Two girls my age have been murdered 30 miles from where I live. The girl who was killed just recently was found and the suspect is in prison, he kidnapped her, killed her, and burned her body. And a girl 6 months ago was killed by a guy she dated for 2 weeks. It’s so scary being a woman and I live in a pretty safe area and it’s just heartbreaking. I’ve had some serious anxiety issues from this and I’m just scared to even meet any men or date or do anything because like this is what can happen. And these girls were smart, strong women and they’re just gone now and that’s terrifying.
Anyways guys I just haven’t been active on tumblr because this has been weighing heavy on my mind. Please women, practice safe dating, be aware of your surroundings, meet in public places, and don’t trust anyone alone until you’re sure you know them. It’s not our fault if we are murdered, it’s the killer, but unfortunately we have to try and minimize the dangers that come with being the sex we are (men get murdered too, I know this, but being a woman you’re raised in constant fear of what some men can and will do to you) I’m just saying women are born into this culture of being the weaker sex, the targeted sex, and dear lord my fellow women I wish we weren’t, so let’s fight back, let’s be safe, and that might not always work but know that I’m being you and so are millions of others. It’s so important to understand that we don’t need to seek protection. We can protect ourselves and police, neighbors, or family may not hear or heed our cries for help, for protection, for understanding but that is their wrong doing.
Idk guys.....I’m just feeling a lot of things and I want any young girl reading this...even if you’re not a girl, but I want to specifically let young women know:
1. You will never owe anyone anything you feel uncomfortable giving, or feel obligated to provide because the other party made you feel guilty, or lesser for not providing it (this includes your time, sex, conversation, money, or a smile)
2. Unfortunately, what we wear will be considered by some low life’s out there as invitations to take what you aren’t willing to give. You dress how you want to dress, but always be prepared to defend yourself. There are dangers to wearing certain clothing (but guess what, I still wear those items of clothing) but it is nieve to think that in the age we live in men (or possibly other women) will not in their fucked up brains think that’s still some fucked up invatation. Be prepared to slap those assholes, but don’t think they no longer exist because light has been shed of rape culture. Always always be prepared. No matter what your wearing, always know that someone is going to think you owe them something because of how you look (how much makeup you wear, what close you have one, damn it, what kind of music you listen to). They are awful people, but they exist so please be aware of that and do everything in your power to be vigilant of that. (I’m not wanting to victim blame any survivors. If you’ve been raped and have or haven’t done these things it is not your fault, you should never be blamed. It’s the asshole who violate you and no one else, but if there are ways we as a society can try and flush the assholes out before they can hurt anyone else, I want to try and make women aware of this. So please I love and support any survivors and would never dream of making you feel bad or lessor if you’ve been raped or abused. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT)
3. That leads me to three. Like I said. If you are abused, attacked, raped, beaten, etc. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. People will ask “why didn’t you do this?” Or “you should’ve done this” and that’s what’s already going through your head to some degree. It’s no ones bussiness to know why you made the choices you did. No is fucking no and fighting or letting whatever happen happen it’s no different. You are a survivor, you are still worthy of everything the worth has to offer ( that is good) and you are not at fault. People who point the finger at you are victim blamers and not worth your time.
4. You should always be aware of your surroundings as women. I’m in college and while walking to your car or anywhere really, my college campus has made sure to post flyers around the school about safety practices. I’ve also read online some things convicted rapists look for in their prey. Often they will look for a women who seems to be alone, most likely who seems distracted, either by taking on the phone, with headphones in, or looking down at something while walking. what I did during my night classes I would keep one headphone in while walking the long walk out to my car in the dark, I’d keep my headphone in, stay on the sidewalk with street lamps and away from any bushes and I’d call my mom because she’s the person I trust most in the world and lives close by that may be a different person for you. Anyways I would have her on the phone and because my headphone was in it didn’t look like I was talking to anyone. It made me feel safer and I still was able to stay aware of my surroundings) I would either but a hood over my head if I had my hair in a bun which is basically every day, but that is something rapists look for. Buns. It’s easy to grab.
Additional safe practices while walking anywhere even during the day in sketchy areas or just when your alone and someone could attack you, I always walk with my keys between my knuckles so I could punch and injure or impale any attackers. I will always text or call my parents (may be someone else for you) to let them know I’m leaving and I’ll let them know once I’m in my car. I also carry pepper spray and I keep my head constantly on a swivel. Looking behind me, side to side, and if I’m going through any parking lots I stay away from large vans or trucks...basically any car I can’t clearly see into from a distance. If I have to go between cars to get into my own I will often do a quick look over the car, under the cars, and check to see if anyone is around. I then will put my phone in hand ready to press the emergency button and I’ll unlock my car because it’s old as hell and I don’t have a remote. I hop in the car and immediately lock it again.
Do not accept someone’s request for your help if it has to do with putting anything in their car or lurering you away from a public place. If you do wish to help, find a local security guard, campus police, or even just a group of friends to come with you. But law inforcement is better. If it’s a legitiment request for help the person should not begrudge you for being extra hands or requesting a security guard help them. Additionally if you feel uncomfortable and someone disabled requests your help getting into a car or anything call 911 or your local police station that a disable individual require help getting into their vehicle and you feel that the police would be more qualified.
Often attackers bank on peoples good nature and disguise their plans in a veil of trying to get you to help them with odd tasks. Should you stop helping and being a good person? No! But be safe and aware while you do it!
5. Get an if I go missing file together. This is something off of Crime Junkies Podcast (amazing go listen if you haven’t already). If I go missing folder may seem grusom and errie but I promise it’s will help. You put all your passwords, account info, for you bank, phone, social media, everything in the folder. Make sure to keep it up to date and file anything away that might come in handy if you go missing. Tell one or two trusted family members or friends about it and it’s location (any access codes or other info on how to get to it) and only tell the people you know you could trust. This way if god forbid something does happen to you. Instead of having to wait for warrants and all that jazz, family members and friends can look into your recent history to see if you have in fact dropped off the grid, if there has been any unusual activity etc, and then they can provide this info to the police who will be days ahead of the investiagtion without having to serve warents to phone, bank, and other companies who other wise would not be able to provide account details unless they have your password and information. Doing a If I Go Missing folder could possibly lead the police to your kidnapped, killer, or if you’re alive, even you. It’s so so so so smart to have!
6. If someone attack’s you, leave as much evidence behind as you possibly can. Spit everywhere, throw up, pee, poop, scratch their bodies, get their dna allother you and get your all over them. If your being raped and can pee or poop or vomit on the attacker that is a very good way to try and stop them, it’s unexpected and they won’t want to be covered in your waste or vomit. Another self defense tactic my dad had told me from the time I was a child (sad he had to tell a child this) but if you can play as though your into the whole sexual getting raped thing long enough to get your hands free, and if your in a position where you can see the attackers penis, reach down like youre gonna touch and participate and then my dads exact words “grab his dick and squeeze tight, yank that thing and don’t stop till your arms are over your head” they might throw up from the pain but you can then hopefully make an excapr and if you were able to really injure them the police should find the guy with the torn scrotum in a hospital or at the crime scene. There are things you can insert into your vagina, it looks like a weird condom almost and I’m sure there are multiple kinds but it’s an anti rape device that when inserted if you are raped the insert will act as though it’s a condom when they insert their penis into the vagina, the insert will allow the penis to enter, but when it’s pulled out the man will find his penis now has a barbed condom basically stuck to his penis that basically will shred it if he tries to take it off. Here’s a picture:
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There are other amazing things out there but don’t let someon threaten you into leaving an area, or threaten you into having sex or anything. You always have a choice and even with a gun to your head it’s better to scream, not always, but most of the time this will scare the attacker and they will then start running. You could be killed still, but people will know what happened, there is most likely be witnesses, and there won’t be a search for the body.
Sorry I know this is so not my normal blog post and it’s not even fandom but I want everyone to feel like this is a place we can talk about how to be safe as a women. If anyone has ideas or things they do to help their safety pleas reblogg or just comment or just share with some one somewhere about our rights as women. I want to know what my fellow sisters do to stay safe, or if there are any questions.
I don’t pretend to know what it’s like as a victim. I was jumped by a man on a date when I thought he seemed like a nice guy, and I let him drive me over to my car in the dark. He put my seat down and was all over me in a second. Hands on my breasts and butt. I said no after unfreezing and I felt so so sick like I was nothing. But he did stop when I said no and I got out of the car and cried and sobbed. My dad held me for an hour when I got home because I knew I was a lucky one. So I’m not a victim, I was lucky because he could’ve easily raped me and he didn’t. So I don’t pretend to know what it’s like, but that pure gut wrenching, sickening terror I felt in that car for five minutes gave me a look what it must be like and I just want the women out there to know we can be safe and then even if we are or aren’t safe you never ask to be raped or killed or attacked. We all have awful stories but it’s important to voice “no” and to fight back. It’s important we she we are not to be trifled with.
Anyways. I’m sorry again for that taking long and thank you for letting me ramble. I feel my anxety has dropped a level. Stay safe out there!
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fandom-glazed · 5 years
music asks!
FAVORITES 1. what are your favorite bands? Lord Of The Lost, Porcupine Tree, Nightmare, Frost*, newer: Scarlet Dorn 2. what are your favorite singers? Lady Gaga, Steven Wilson, Zia, Lorde, newer: Down To Eden 3. what are your favorite albums? Thornstar by Lord Of The Lost, In Absentia by Porcupine Tree, To The Bone and Transience by Steven Wilson 4. what are your favorite songs? Six Feet Underground by Lord Of The Lost, Trains by Porcupine Tree, What I’ve Done, In The End and Numb by Linkin Park, My Demons and Ricochet by Starset, From The Flame by Leprous, Lovesongs (They Kill Me) by Cinema Bizarre, Would It Matter by Skillet, Hyperventilate, Experiments in Mass Appeal and Snowman by Frost* 5. what do you think the best popular song of the year is so far? I honestly don’t know. 6. which genres of music do you tend to like the best? Prog, Metal and any heavy stuff (not including “brutal” Death Metal - on a daily basis), Indie, Alternative, Soundtracks 7. what is the best concert you’ve ever been to? Either the Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour concert(s) in Hamburg 2018, or the Lord Of The Lost MEGA tour concert in Munich 2016 8. song of the year? My personal songs of the year (not released in 2019) at the moment: Kiss Me by Rob Vischer, While This Way by Árstíðir .2: 2019 still has to deliver! 9. album of the year? See 8.2 10. what are the best songs your parents have gotten you into? Anything by Keane, Evanescence, Depeche Mode,... 11. how did you first find out about your favorite band/singer? My own, like, nothing I inherited from my parents, favorite band was probably Cinema Bizarre and I found them through their first single being played 24/7 on Viva. 12. when/where do you first remember having heard your favorite song? I don’t remember anymore, sadly. I first heard Trains on a train station. 13. about how many times have you listened to your favorite song? I have absolutely no idea, any number I’d name would be too low. 14. if someone asks you what music they should check out, what are your go-to recommendations? I always assume my taste in music is nothing most people would care to listen to, but I’d say everyone should check out Steven Wilson(’s projects) at least once. And I’d promote my favourites in Lord Of The Lost till I die.
NOSTALGIA 15. what songs give you the most nostalgia? Anything by Evanescence, Keane, 80s music in general, The Corrs, Kylie Minogue, HIM... 16. what kinds of music were you raised on? Mostly 80s stuff, some rock, much pop, my mother brought some jazz as well, unfortunately. 17. what are your favorite songs that have ever been popular? See 15., probably :D I love almost every song by Gaga, I’d say she’s definitely popular! 18. who were your favorite musicians as a kid? I adopted my parent’s favorites, mostly The Corrs, specifically their drummer Caroline. Eisblume. Cinema Bizarre. Though that was already in my teens. 19. how did you feel about music as a kid? Music is and has always been my love and a great hobby. 20. what was your first concert? if you haven’t been to one, what do you want your first concert to be? I was six years old and I remember my dad telling me to say I’m seven so the security would let us in. It was The Corrs and I think it was either in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart, or in the Olympiahalle Munich. We went to several concerts in that year. (So that’s where I got that from!)
PERFORMANCE 21. how do live performances, whether they’re from your friends or professionals, tend to make you feel? Like in another dimension. 22. singing in the shower or singing in the car? I don’t drive, so, rather in the shower. But mostly at my desktop, extremely loudly. 23. if you were to become a musician, what kind of musician would you be? I am a pianist/multi-instrumentalist, but I think I’d never want to be a professional. 24. if you could pick one instrument to learn how to play, what would it be? If improving on the piano doesn’t count, like, learn something completely new, I’d say, maybe the harp, the cello (though I tried it some years ago). 25. what is your singing voice like? what singers do you remind yourself of? I don’t have a super special singing voice (I’m told otherwise), but I hit all the notes thanks to my trained hearing. I don’t really remind myself of someone particular, but I can make my voice sound like different singers like Scarlet Dorn, Lorde or the singer of a band, I just discovered, Trees Of Eternity. 26. have you ever been involved in any music programs? which ones and for how long? I have been member of my music school’s programme/ensemble. 27. which instruments do you know how to play? what’s your skill level? I’ve been playing the piano for 13 years, if I’d kept up the hard work I put in it until 2016, I’d be rather high-skilled, I started to play the guitar some years ago, but I was never really sufficiently active. I also began playing drums and even cello, but due to price and neighbours I couldn’t continue. I am an autodidact singer and I can play the bodhran. 28. if you took music lessons as a kid, are you glad you did? if not, do you wish you had? I am glad I took piano lessons, but I wish I had started taking guitar lessons sooner. I’d be much better by now and I also adored my teacher as a person. He kinda reminds me of my actual mentor now.
SOUNDTRACKS 29. how do you feel about video game soundtracks? I love video game soundtracks. 30. what soundtracks do you enjoy listening to the most? It changes from time to time, but at the moment I love the Mass Effect: Andromeda soundtrack and also the Dragon Age soundtracks, as well as most of the Marvel movies’, Ghibli movies’ and Game Of Thrones’. 31. which soundtracks do you think are objectively the best (or what are some that you think deserve appreciation)? I’d say check out Trevor Morris, Joe Hisaishi and Ramin Djawadi and you’re on the right scent. 32. how do you feel about musicals? I absolutely love musicals and used to visit some as often as I could with my aunt. 33. do you have any favorite composers, including classical ones? See 31, as for classical ones, I love Rachmaninov, Bach and Chopin. 34. are there any soundtracks or kinds of soundtracks that you just can’t stand? Can’t think of any at the moment. 35. what are your favorite songs/soundtracks from movies? I stared to obsess with Under Stars by AURORA from the ME: Andromeda credits, I love the Misty Mountains, The Marvel Avengers theme and the Harry Potter soundtrack, actually I can’t possibly remember everything to write it down.
LYRICS 36. what are some songs whose lyrics you relate to? Ou, that’s a personal one. There are many. But to name a few: Would It Matter by Skillet, Covered In Gold and Walls Of Utopia by Oh Fyo!, Don’t Hate Me and Prodigal by Porcupine Tree, Pariah and Hand Cannot Erase by Steven Wilson, No Me No You by Frost*, almost everything by Scarlet Dorn as well as Black Halo and most of all Cut Me Out by Lord Of The Lost 37. pick a song and analyse its lyrics. Can’t do, shouldn’t do, probably. 38. which songs do you think have the best lyrics? There’s just SO many. 39. what are some songs whose lyrics you think most people just don’t get? Six Feet Underground by Lord Of The Lost, not your typical love songTM, Harmony Korine by Steven Wilson, also so much by Steven Wilson. 40. are there any musicians whose lyrics you particularly tend to like? Steven Wilson. Next! :D 41. do you prefer songs that have good melodies or songs that have good lyrics? Good melodies, generally. But once I got hooked on by the sound I live for good lyrics.
CHALLENGES 42. name five songs you like that were released in the 90s. Join Me In Death by HIM, Walking In My Shoes by Depeche Mode, Rosier by Luna Sea, Viva Forever by Spice Girls, Enter Sandman by Metallica 43. name five songs you like that were released at least 50 years ago. I could name you some classical compositions... 44. write a parody of at least a verse of any song you’d like. Reign, reign on me, reign on me, reign on me. Reign, wash away, triangles and tears, blur all your plot and reign on me. 45. name 5 songs you can’t stand. Despacito, Despacito, Despacito,... 46. look at your country’s song charts, listen to the first unfamiliar song you can find, and share your opinion on it. I didn’t know and didn’t like any of the first eight I looked at. That’s how much I love chart music! 47. turn a song lyric into a pickup line. Until the end of night... (listen to Blood For Blood by Lord Of The Lost. I won’t explain any further.) 48. name the last 5 songs you listened to. While This Way by Árstíðir, Loreley by Lord Of The Lost, Ten Feet High by Andrea Corr, a song I mixed and mastered, Sinking Ships by Trees Of Eternity
RANDOM 49. what are your favorite album covers? In Absentia by Porcupine Tree, Thornstar by Lord Of The Lost, Hand Cannot Erase by Steven Wilson, Resist by Within Temptation, Milliontown by Frost* ... 50. any cover versions that you think are better than the original? I mostly like the cover version and the original. 51. how often do you listen to music? 24/7 52. do you collect vinyls? if so, what have been your best finds? I do have some by Lord Of The Lost and Steven Wilson. 53. if you could meet any musician you’d like, who would it be? Steven Wilson. By faaaar. 54. how do you feel about classical music? I love classical music. 55. would you ever want to have a career in music? I am, in fact, an aspiring audio engineer. 56. if you had a stage name, what would it be? My stage name for audio productions and art is nadzumi. 57. on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is music to you? 11. 58. how do you feel about rap music? Don’t like it. Only a few songs. I like Eminem. And I found the influence in Linkin Park very interesting. But I’d rather stay away. 59. what do you think the best “era” for music was? I’d say the 80s, some of the 90s and now, because there’s such a diversity, everyone will find something they can love. 60. how has music affected you as a person? I’d say I am music. (Music has affected everything.) Feel free to ask away any number if you want me to answer it in more detail!
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hap-hazard · 6 years
study tips for a procrastinating mess
as a self-admitted chronic procrastinator, i have decided to post ALL my stupid tricks that help me! hopefully i can internalize them through text *insert heavenly sound here* (chronic procrastinator as in I, esther the idiot, literally stayed up till 4:30 am writing a position paper that i got stuck on and sat in front of for an entire 14 hours. straight. i need help.)
drink with a straw. saw this somewhere, it helps, basically if i have like a cup of water or something i need to constantly pick it up and put it down and it just stops my hands from moving and my mind from thinking aiya. BUT you know I constantly need something to do with myself or i find something to do (aka tumblr and boredpanda) which is why i study snack like a grazing animal omg and also why my hair is always messed up after sitting down in the library for an hour ugh. SO: straws ftw.
similarly, tie hair up. if my hair is down. i will play with it. and that means i WON’T be typing. it must. be. up.
don’t die studying for assessments! briefly review with vocab! this may just be me but really when it comes to tests and quizzes it’s usually not what i studied independently that counts, it’s what i fully learned in the first place. so listen like a really attentive 5 year old in class (cuz that’s basically what you are in relation to a knowledgeable teacher) and then before a test just review vocabulary and dates so you can make sure you’re able to revive that dead information in your brain from 5 days ago. i use vocabulary sheets as knowledge defibrillators. 
throw your phone across the room! this is probably why my screen protector has so many cracks. but yeah i leave it across the room or in another room where i can’t see the screen.. if i don’t see it it’s usually out of sight out of mind. oh and if i need to use my phone i don’t check any other notifications because if i read a text i always feel obligated to reply so just leave that gross red notification hanging there for a while.
things to do after hitting the wall/when feeling really stuck in a rut: shower. do chores. walk the dog or run errands to get out of the house (but not longer than half an hour). refill water and stretch while doing it. play guitar but limit it to 20 min. check in on a family member and ask hyd. braid hair or retie it. stand up and scream a little. dance around the house and sing. give yourself a pep talk about all the stuff you have to do in order. sit somewhere new even if it’s in the same room and DECIDE it is now a new beginning because you shifted two seats to the left.
music is to block out sound, not to entertain. my house is almost always noisy; dad on the phone, mom talking to my brother, sister practicing traditional chinese instruments, brother singing along to the entire freaking hamilton soundtrack, dog barking, grandpa snoring... earbuds are savior. at cafes too. people say to only listen to instrumental and i tend to agree, but sometimes listening to my usual chillhop playlist just makes me sad and unmotivated so i alternate between a few playlists just to switch it up and keep ME AWAKE. heck i even listen to white noise, anything to drown out distracting interactions
ALSO earbuds are good even if there’s no one else around because they prevent you from getting up to do random stuff (cordsssssss hallelujah for annoying cords). ESPECIALLY keeping you away from mindlessly checking your phone.
get out. really just leave the house or wherever you normally study. i go to a different cafe every time i need to hardcore study just because being in my house makes me feel relaxed. if i pay for a starbucks coffee, i am NOT going home until i use that starbucks time well and do something productive. also this gives me a conscious reminder of my time because i have to go home at a certain time etc. etc.
when in midst of a break-down, tell someone. not in the “oh no you’re going to hurt someone or hurt yourself” sense, but because it helps you finish that break-down up and feel re-motivated. crying to my mom about an assignment may or may not help with the assignment, but at least i cried and now i don’t need to agonize for another hour over the stress. text-spamming a friend may be stupid in retrospect but as long as you go “HEY I’M DYING LISTEN TO MY STUPID LIFE CHOICES FOR 5 MIN” and then get right back to work it will help you move past the stress and get back in a grind.
for exams, just make a list of things to know better then attend after school hours. at our school the teachers have after school hours or free periods and they are *usually* very happy to engage with a student and answer questions regarding material during this time. for finals, i usually don’t try to cram everything. i look over all my notes and vocab and just make a super basic list of things i dont know well (or highlight the terms in my notes). making an entire comprehensive study guide of these things takes too long. then i go to the teacher and talk it all out. just make sure i understand and then while talking scribble down a couple words so i can remember. after doing this sometime during the week before the final exam i can HANDLE ITTTT and i don’t need to cram quite as much. (this probably works because i’m an auditory learner.)
BONUS TIPS FOR STUDYING LATE AT NIGHT! all-nighters are scary; try to get at least a couple hrs of sleep or your days will all seem like one and you’ll lose your sense of time and school and classes. food gives energy. hot drinks keep you awake. if you are tired you will feel colder (idk why but everything is always colder if i’m underslept). DO NOT expect a comfortable aesthetic night; if you get any blankets more than necessary you will fall asleep.
there’s probably more but i really don’t remember it ahhaha i’ll add it later if i think of it. and i know there are so many good things that i don’t do while studying like making a schedule etc etc etc... it’s just they don’t always work for me, these are my fail-safes haha.
also here are my spotify playlists (either that i made or that i listen to):
for when i am SAD:
the songs that make me happy
Reggae Infusions
String Theory
for when i must BLOCK OUT NOISE and get in that study mood you know:
new chill
Jazz Vibes
Ocean Escapes
for when i am TIRED:
electro swing
*when i'm tired i also listen to my normal music and sing along a little
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Dust Vol. 4, Number 11
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Blink and 2018 is just about over, at least in terms of music releases, at least if you don’t follow best ofs, mainstream hip hop or holiday music. As we close in on another year of amazing music—but what year isn’t, really?— Dusted takes a moment to dig through the piles and write some short, mostly positive reviews of albums that might have gotten slept on. As usual, writers follow their interests through expansive drone, transcendental folk, incendiary free-jazz, metal, punk and gospel-tinged Americana. Contributors this time included Ethan Covey, Justin Cober-Lake, Jennifer Kelly, Bill Meyer and Jonathan Shaw.
Bitchin Bajas — Rebajas (Drag City)
Bitchin Bajas are a band made for deep exploration. Their hallucinatory, drone-based excursions are like an old couch — sink in, stretch out and stay a while. Rebajas, released this fall by Drag City, makes that task simple. The seven CD set features most everything the band has released since their debut in 2010: eight full albums and their contribution to various split albums. If you’re dipped into Bitchin Bajas previously, you’ll know what you’re getting. (And if you haven’t there’s little chance this package, or this review of it, is where you’d start.) That said, for those with a long drive, or a monk-like attention span, settling in and tracking the territory of the band’s evolution is rewarding. While the themes — of drone, calm, repeating bass and synth figures — remain constant, the band isn’t a one trick (or one note?) pony. Deep listening uncovers the variety between shorter, bloop-and-hum pieces from Tones/Zones (Disc 1) and the meditative, cycling layers of “2303” from last year’s Bajas Fresh (Disc 7). And there are moments that peek up from the soup: “Bajas Ragas” adds hand percussion and a loping bass line for one of their most engaging concoctions—fit for a slow-motion dance floor in a submerged city of the future. Missing, unfortunately, is their 2016 collaborative album with Bonnie “Prince” Billy, the excellently-titled Epic Jammers And Fortunate Little Ditties. As is this intriguing gem of Rolling Stones covers. Yet, with just shy of seven hours of music, I doubt many will sweat their absence. There’s more than enough to disappear into. And, if this review hasn’t spelled it simply enough, this is quite possibly the trippiest music out there. So, set your intentions and bon voyage.  
Ethan Covey
 Nathan Bowles—Plainly Mistaken (Paradise of Bachelors)
Plainly Mistaken by Nathan Bowles
Nathan Bowles, banjoist, percussionist and citizen of New Weird America, departs from his plain-spoken directness in this fourth album and makes a welcome detour into open-ended psychedelia. Right from the dreamy, drifty “Now If You Remember,” you sense a soft-focus open-ness to otherworldly experience. The cut, written by the seven-year-old Jessica Constable and included on Julie Tippett’s 1976 Sunset Glow, shifts and shimmers in ways that Bowles percussive banjo ditties have rarely done. Yet the album’s transcendental heart comes in “The Road Reversed,” where a pounding, dancing rhythm kicks among long, velvety bowed tones, and banjo notes bend into raga-like half-tones. Folk Americana frolics amid deep-toned Eastern meditation, and where one begins and the other ends is hard to say and, also, beside the point. There are, for sure, some traditional touchpoints—“Elk River Blues” (a tune by Ernie Carpenter that Bowles revisits here), “Fresh and Fairly So” and “Stump Sprout” will all satisfy fans of the twang and the twitch. Yet what lingers, for me, are the ones that stray from past experience, the slow, solo ambiguities of “Umbra,” the shadowy flurries and shifting dissonances of “Girih Tiles.” What Bowles’ well-turned work has lacked till now is mystery, and here it is at last.
Jennifer Kelly
 Mike Farris — Silver & Stone (Compass)
Mike Farris's long, strange career flamed briefly with the alt-rockers Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies in the 1990s. After that, Farris rejected his rock 'n' roll lifestyle and grungy sound in a move toward gospel and soul. The surprise of the transition wasn't the partier-to-Christian story but the discovery of how strong Farris's vocals are. On Silver & Stone, he has less of a gospel focus, but down in some swampy soul music (with bits of brighter pop), he shows off that voice. He's willing to take on Bill Withers (“Hope She'll Be Happier”) and Sam Cooke (“I'll Coming Running Back to You”) — not tasks usually recommended — and he comes out of it just fine.
The album fits a sort of arc for his solo career. It lacks the new-convert punch and joy of Salvation in Lights, but it shifts into more thoughtful reflection. Where he had been celebrating, now he's considering how to live. The explicit religion has mostly disappeared, but Farris's songs still run on hope and a big heart. The sorts of ideas at work on Silver & Stone synthesize on “When Mavis Sings,” a tribute to Mavis Staples and serves as a sort of musical and personal model. Farris, whether in rock or soul, the church or the club, presents a focused vision with enough groove to carry it through.
Justin Cober-Lake
 Tim Feeney — Burrow (Marginal Frequency)
MFCS K | Tim Feeney - Burrow by Marginal Frequency
Burrow can be read as both an explanation and an instruction. Percussionist Tim Feeney begins each of this tape’s four pieces (two per side, and if you purchase a download you’ll get a file of each side, not each piece) in similar fashion, beating out a pattern with minimal variation. As the performance progresses monotony gives way to fascination as Feeney slowly reveals a beat’s potential variations. At a certain point things change. Are you hearing more because he threw something on the drum skin, or because your concentration is unlocking that drum-strike’s secrets, or maybe both? Treat this tape like a meditation guide, one that helps you to dig into the sound and see what treasures you find.
Bill Meyer 
 Forever House — Eaves (Infrequent Seams)
Eaves by Forever House
Forever House makes wildly complicated songs whose improvisatory flights and furies are held together, barely, by Meaghan Burke’s keening, swooping melodies. A lurid aura hangs over these difficult, jarring compositions, witchy incantations invoking freaks, body doubles and spiders. Burke’s voice is velvety dark, draping over odd-shaped rhythms, jutting stabs of violent sound. The drumming is particularly good in an off-putting, against-expectations manner; along with throbs of cello and throes of feedbacked dissonance, it constructs a weird fun house architecture where everything tips and distorts and unsettles.
Forever House’s oddities work because they’re powered by formidable skills – this is a band with a serious NY downtown pedigree. Burke, a cellist and composer, commutes between classical orchestra work and solo material that skitters along the boundary between archaic pop and free-wheeling art song. Both guitarist James Moore and bassist James Illgenfritz have played with John Zorn, as well as other downtown luminaries (in Illgenfritz’s case Anthony Braxton, John Zorn, Elliott Sharp and Pauline Oliveros and others, in Moore’s with the electric guitar quartet Dither). Drummer Pete Wise has left less of an internet trail but seems to have Bang on a Can connections. You get the sense that Forever House is their spooky busman’s holiday, a chance to play against type and raise some unruly ghosts. Boo!
Jennifer Kelly  
 German Army — Kowloon Walled City = (Null Zone)
Kowloon Walled City by German Army
German Army is neither an established military entity nor some reenactment clique, but a low-flying, California-based combo that (according to their Facebook page) “uses art to document disappearing cultures and wildlife while critiquing imperialism in all forms.” Kowloon Walled City certainly qualifies as a disappearing culture, since most of the semi-autonomous, mob-run neighborhood that sat at the edge of Hong Kong’s airport has been cleaned up or knocked down. Since there’s nothing particularly Chinese-sounding about this tape’s perky synth/drum jams and the rare spoken vocals are in distinctly American-accented English, the proclaimed mission may be a failure or just a red herring. But if you need some catchy tunes limned with coded mystery to jam in your old jalopy (if you have tried to get a car stereo with a tape deck in the last ten years, you know what I’m talking about), German Army is at your service.
Bill Meyer
  Gong Gong Gong—Siren (Wharf Cat)
Siren 追逐劇 by Gong Gong Gong 工工工
Two songs from the duo of Joshua Frank and Tom Ng make a case for an intriguing Beijing punk-noise underground. The a-side, “Siren” abstracts the electric blues into a single clattering guitar riff, a zooming, looming roar of bass and a searing call (no response) vocal from Ng, in sing-song-y Chinese. “Something’s Happening” is meatier and more conventionally rock, still built on sharp, stinging guitar clamor, but buzzing with Hendrix-y solo-ry (if Hendrix played the bass). Both tracks employ the minimum number of parts to maximal impact, the construction loose enough for friction, sparks and gnashing aggression.
Jennifer Kelly
 Gerrit Hatcher / Peter Maunu / Julian Kirschner — The Raven and the Dove (JAKI)
The Raven and the Dove by Hatcher/Maunu/Kirshner
Chicago’s built on drained swampland, so when the next wave of free jazz rolls up, it can travel. Certainly this trio, which comprises two younger musicians and one more who seems to be doing exactly what he wants with his retirement, covers a lot of ground. Gerrit Hatcher is an extroverted tenor saxophonist with a raw tone and a willingness to depart from his default setting of muscular tune-grinding into passages of tentative flutter and delicate counterpoint. Good drummers never lack for work, so it’s saying something that you can find Julian Kirschner on a Chicago stage pretty much every week of the year. He comes from a post-free jazz conception of his instrument that favors color, space and movement over pulse or swing. Joining these youngsters is Peter Maunu, whose past life playing fusion and new age music seems quite irrelevant to the unpredictable stream of savage scraping, subliminal humming, and acidic rocking that issues from his guitar, violin and mandolin. This group is brand new, but it won’t be for long; they’ve been touring around the Midwest this fall, so you can expect them to add seasoned rapport to band new promises before long. Catch them if you can, and catch this promising debut if you can’t.
Bill Meyer
 Kidd Jordan / Alvin Fielder / Joel Futterman / Steve Swell — Masters of Improvisation (Valid Records)
Masters of Improvisation by Kidd Jordan, Alvin Fielder, Joel Futterman & Steve Swell
It takes a particular orneriness to be a musician in a musical city and stake your claim to a style that the city has never embraced. You can say a lot of things about New Orleans, but it’s never really been a free jazz town. But that hasn’t stopped tenor saxophonist Kidd Jordan, who has made his crust playing and teaching every style that a jobbing musician must play, from playing a particularly uncompromising variety of free jazz. Two of his accompanists here are long-time partners. Drummer Alvin Fielder, who like Jordan is in his 80s, has likewise carried the free jazz torch in southern environs where the muggy air of indifference would douse a fainter spirit. Pianist Joel Futterman is a decade younger and his darting technique and forays inside the piano imply that his roots are sunk in different turf than his mates, but he’s been playing with them long enough to be able to bring empathy as well as energy to the table. New York-based trombonist Steve Swell is the newcomer, and his ability to shift effortlessly between sere exhalations and brash attacks allows him to complicate the combo’s late-Coltrane vibe without betraying it, and then be equally persuasive when they turn around and wring the last blue drops out of Doc Pomus’ “Lonely Avenue.” This concert recording lingers long on the stormy side; go on, stick your face into the wind, you won’t be sorry.
Bill Meyer
 No Love — Choke on It (Sorry State)
Choke On It by No Love
No Love, from Raleigh, NC, play punk rock that conjures the ragged toughness of the mid-1970s NYC downtown scene and the pace of early-1980s Southern Cali hardcore. It’s a potent mix, and when guitarists Seth Beard and Daniel Lupton make a bit of space for vocalist Elizabeth Lynch, the record really kills it. The record’s title track and “Dogs//Wolves” — released back in 2015 as the A-side of a terrific single — are frantic punk burners that scrap and sizzle, teetering on the brink of perilous chaos. The band manages to channel the energy without disciplining it, like the Heartbreakers in those magical months in 1975. “Back Taxes & Anaphylaxis” is even better, mostly because Lynch takes an aggressive lead on the song, showing what she can do. On “Drama Fever,” she manages to keep pace with the guitars’ slashing intensity, but on some of the other tracks, she’s drowned out by all the frenzied riffage. The raw sound of the record gives it a low-grade charm, but the noise sometimes obscures the tunes, which are pretty great. Still, the band’s vigor and verve are undeniable. More, please.  
Jonathan Shaw
 One Tail, One Head — Worlds Open, Worlds Collide (Terratur Possessions) 
Worlds Open, Worlds Collide by One Tail, One Head
Norway’s One Tail, One Head have been playing black metal since 2006, but this year’s Worlds Open, Worlds Collide is the first full-length record the band has ever released. They’ve made a career on their reputation as a live act, pairing their orthodox blackened sound and songs with a stage show only slightly less theatrical than Watain’s (that’s all stage blood, right guys?). It seems that this first LP will be their last, as One Tail, One Head have announced their intent to call it quits after a tour supporting the record. That sense of finality may have prompted the band to round the stylistic bases, pairing truculent, muscular songs reminiscent of the early demos (“Firebirds” is a good example) with more chaotic, swirling work typical of the recent EPs. Songs in the former mode are more successful here, especially the record’s title track, which thunders and crackles with convincing menace. But One Tail, One Head could have given themselves a better sendoff. Few of these tunes feel fully realized, and none is near the equal of the band’s intense performing presence. It’s too bad — but a wise (or wise-ass) kid from Chicago once observed that “breaking up is an idea that has occurred to far too few groups, sometimes the wrong ones.” Via con Satàn, fellas.  
Jonathan Shaw
 Vanessa Peters — Foxhole Prayers (Idol)
Foxhole Prayers by Vanessa Peters
Singer-songwriter Vanessa Peters could have settled for the smart folk-rock she’s been doing for almost two decades, but on Foxhole Prayers she stretches herself, looking at the cultural landscape without relinquishing her personal lyrics. “Carnival Barker” offers her most direct political track, but “Trolls” is more effective, capturing the patience and perseverance needed to defeat the title characters. The song has personal and political resonances, and it's that dual thinking that drives much of the album. “Fight” takes on extra meaning in the context of the album. Peters unveils her own fears and her own need to press on, but with enough space in the lyrics that she could be speaking to herself, a young artist, or someone afraid of venturing into the public eye in any sense; calls to bravery aren't limited to those on stage and Peters situates her song as someone who knows that.  
As her view expands, so does her music, particularly as she incorporates electronic elements into her sound. The dance-pop influences of “Before it Falls Apart” surprise, but Peters' tasteful use of the new sounds allows everything to fit in naturally with what she does. The album, inspired in part by comparing the world of The Greaty Gatsby with today's political climate, has its roots in crisis, hence the title track, and Peters uses her art to search for something better. 
Justin Cober-Lake
 Shells—Shells 2 (Gingko)
Shells 2 by Shells
The evidence suggests that Shelley Salant is not a loner. She’s been booking shows in Southeast Michigan for a decade. She’s the sort of record store clerk who greets you with a recommendation that you’d best consider. She’s played guitar in Tyvek and Swimsuit. She’s the sort of person who makes communities happen by doing what she does.
But she also has pretty strong instincts about what makes a guitar worth hearing — liquid tone, phrases that are concise unless they need to wander, pithy hooks, gritty noise and reverb for days. She’s got some things to say on her own, and that’s where Shells comes in. Shells 2 contains 14 tracks, each a brief and lucid lesson about one or more of the aforementioned virtues. Some of them comprise layers of loops, some follow a single snaking line, and a couple have been overdubbed into an approximation of a band. Similarity spotters may point out the bits that sound like Link Wray or Roy Montgomery or the Feelies, but that would require looking past all the bits that sound like Shelley Salant rocking essentially.
Bill Meyer
 Various Artists — Chebran Volume 2: French Boogie 1979-1982 (Born Bad)
This superlative collection of funk, disco and proto-rap documents the cross-hybridization of bootleg tapes of Grandmaster Flash, Eurovision-style dance music and sounds from the African and Arabic colonies that bubbled up in working class neighborhoods at the dawn of the 1980s all over France. Here on cuts like Ethnie’s “De Chagrin En Chagrin” synths take up the serpentine non-western melodies, while Bootsy-style funksters slap and pop out the boogie. Likewise, the ponderous stomp of bass and percussion anchors Ganawa’s “Yamna” in present day disco, but its wheeling woodwinds and haunting call and response transport you to sand swept deserts in North Africa. Ettika, both the track name and the artist name for a one-hitter from the early 1980s, nudges a disco synth into twisty arabesques and flits from French to Arabic in its emphatic, female-powered raps. Forget the melting pot, these cuts bubble like sour dough starter, when errant spores of yeast find a home in a dull white flour soup and create something marvelous.
Jennifer Kelly
 Otomo Yoshihide / Paal Nilssen-Love — 19th of May 2016 (PNL)
19th of May 2016 by Otomo Yoshihide & Paal Nilssen-Love
Conventional wisdom holds that when Paal Nilssen-Love gets on stage with an electric guitarist, fillings will loosen. That certainly holds true when he pairs up with Terrie Ex, his preferred six-string slinger of recent years, and there are parts of this encounter with Japanese guitarist Otomo Yoshihide that could be cited as supporting evidence. Otomo brings plenty of volume, distortion and ferocity; there are passages where it sounds like he’s demolishing some metallic structure while Nilssen-Love erects an impregnable surrounding whirlwind. But neither man stays in one gear, and some of the most involving moments come when they drop to a scrape and a shimmer.
Bill Meyer
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smokescreen24 · 6 years
Get to know me Questions
1. What is your full name? Jessica. I only hear my full first name when I’m in trouble. 
2. What is your nickname? Jess to family, Jazz to @sabotage-prowl, since she’s the one who gave me that nickname. 
3. What is your zodiac sign?  Taurus/Gemini cusp, but I have more Taurean traits, so I just say Taurus for simplicity’s sake. 
4. What is your favorite book series?  Oof, that’s tough. Probably either the Nightside series or the Secret Histories series. They’re both by Simon R Green. I’m actually reading the last book in the Secret Histories, and I’m ready to cry.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens? Not so much. Ghosts, yeah, a little. Hard not to when you’ve actually seen spooks in real life and in real time. 
6. Who is your favorite author? Simon R Green. Seriously. I love his writing. 
7. What is your favorite radio station? I don’t have one - I don’t listen to the radio that much. Why listen to mostly commercials and some music when I can pay Spotify 10 bucks and listen to just music?
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Vanilla. I drink and eat a lot of vanilla flavored stuff. 
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? My instinct would be to use the word awesome. I use that one a lot, to be brutally honest.
10. What is your current favorite song? Currently? Probably either Legend by The Score, or Superpower by X Ambassadors. 
11. What is your favorite word? Fuck. I say it A LOT. 
12. What was the last song you listened to? Miss Jackson by Panic! At the Disco. It’s damn catchy, and thus is stuck in my head. I’m humming it now, tbh. 
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Huh. That’s tough. I watch a lot of shows, so I don’t think I could recommend just one. 
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Man From Uncle. That movie is hilarious, and Napoleon Solo gives me life. 
15. Do you play video games? Uh, yeah. Fairly frequently. I’m a FO4 fan, and I also play a lot of Diablo 3. 
16. What is your biggest fear? Spiders. This girl will nope the hell out of the room. Then make my guy go kill it. 
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m not too sure, actually. My reliability? 
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Oh, this one I know, though. One of them is my inability to communicate. I’m bad at it - I miss calls, I miss texts, or alternatively,  I get the calls, or get the texts, then forget to call or text back. For like, days. Then wonder why everyone’s mad at me. I’m trying to work on it, but it’s a work in progress. 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?  I really do like both, but I like cats that little bit better. 
20. What is your favorite season? Summer. Otherwise known as Monsoon Season here in Central Florida. 
21. Are you in a relationship? Yup! I’ve been married for about 7 months now, but we’ve been together for a lot longer than that. 
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Naptime. I’m so serious. 
23. Who is your best friend? @sabotage-prowl!! This chick! She’s my ride or die, she’s got my six, and she’s the Prowler to my Jazz. 
24. What is your eye color? Uh, right now? They’re silver-blue. I’m wearing a light blue shirt. 
25. What is your hair color? Brunette/Purple. I’m letting my hair grow back out, so the ends are a light purple. 
26. Who is someone you love? My other half. He’s in the shower right now, humming to himself, even if he thinks I can’t hear it. 
27. Who is someone you trust? Again, my husband and my bestie. I trust those two with everything. 
28. Who is someone you think about often? My Dad, interestingly enough. I have a lot of his things in my apartment. 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? Not particularly? Today’s Monday. Who gets excited for Monday??
30. What is your biggest obsession? My obsessions come and go, tbh. 
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Oh my Lord, that’s tough. I watched a LOT of TV as a kid. 
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? I married the dude, if that tells ya anything. 
33. Are you superstitious? Yeah. The only superstition I don’t believe in is the black cats. I’ll cross a black cat’s path, just so I can pet it. 
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? No, they’re pretty usual. Spiders, heights. 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind it, but every now and then, I get my picture taken anyway. I don’t mind it. 
36. What is your favorite hobby? I read. My other hobbies come and go. 
37. What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Night Fall, by Simon R Green, which combines the Nightside and Secret Histories. Someone’s gonna die, and I’m gonna be sad, I know it. 
38. What was the last movie you watched? Who Framed Roger Rabbit? God, that film is not for kids, and the villain STILL creeps me the hell out. 
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? None - though I have been known to torture a guitar from time to time.
40. What is your favorite animal? Cats. Big cats, small cats, I DON’T CARE. GIVE ME ALL THE CATS.
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? @argentlune, @sabotage-prowl, @m-is-for-mungo, @leggylance, and last but certainly not least, @shiroismydadson
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Teleportation. Do you know how much easier my life would be? 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? I’m such a homebody, so home and late at night, usually. 
44. What makes you smile? It doesn’t take much to make me smile. I’m pretty cheerful as a rule. 
45. What sports do you play, if any? Paintball, and some backyard football, if the appropriate people are there. 
46. What is your favorite drink? Coffee. I’ll drink coffee all damn day if you let me. 
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Man, years ago, back when my babe was doing his hospital rotations. We passed a journal back and forth for about six months.   
48. Are you afraid of heights? OH YES. The last time I was on a roller coaster, I passed out. 
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? This stems from my time in retail - if you have exact change, GIVE IT TO ME BEFORE I OPEN THE TILL. DO NOT HAND IT TO ME AFTER I’VE OPENED THE TILL - I HATE THAT. I’M NOT GOOD AT MATH, AND NOW I HAVE TO BALANCE IT IN MY HEAD.
50. Have you ever been to a concert?  No, not to my knowledge. 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Not at all. I did not claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat leaves. 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut. Oh, little me, so full of hope. Then I discovered I didn’t like heights. 
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? The Transformers universe. G1, though. It has to be G1. 
54. What is something you worry about? I’m an adult, so bills, usually. 
55. Are you scared of the dark? Nope. I like the dark. 
56. Do you like to sing? Yes. Can I sing? Not really. 
57. Have you ever skipped school? Once, and it wasn’t even for fun - I had to clean the house to make sure that my mom’s ex wouldn’t ground me for the next eternity. Never mind that the house was already stupid clean. 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Um. I don’t know? 
59. Where would you like to live? London. I’d love to live in London. 
60. Do you have any pets? Yes. My cat, Cleopatra. She’s fat, old, and spoiled. 
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, for sure. 
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets. If I’m up early enough to see the sunrise, something’s wrong. 
63. Do you know how to drive? In theory. I can drive if I absolutely have to, but it stresses me out so much. I do better on two wheels. 
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I wear glasses, so headphones actually press the stems into my skull, and that hurts. 
65. Have you ever had braces? Nope! 
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop, with rock thrown in. 
67. Who is your hero? My Mom. She’s done so much, with so little, it’s honestly amazing. 
68. Do you read comic books? Yes - I loved the Spidey/Transformers crossover! 
69. What makes you the most angry? I’m super defensive of my family and friends. Mess with any of them, and get ready to catch these hands. 
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? It’s a pretty even split. It depends largely on where I am. 
71. What is your favorite subject in school? English. Can’t you tell? 
72. Do you have any siblings? Yes! Two brothers and a sister!
73. What was the last thing you bought? Groceries, unfortunately. Because I’m a grownup. 
74. How tall are you? 5′2″. I’m tiny. 
75. Can you cook? A little? I’m not great at it, but I don’t set things on fire, either. 
76. What are three things that you love? My friends and family, music, and books. 
77. What are three things that you hate? Boredom, blood, and spiders.
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? More guy friends - I get along better with dudes
79. What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual! 
80. Where do you currently live? Central Florida. 
81. Who was the last person you texted? @sabotage-prowl! She was giving me shit because she can. 
82. When was the last time you cried? A while ago. It’s been a while. 
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber?  I don’t really watch enough Youtube to have one. If pressed, I’d say either Markiplier or Tobuscus. 
84. Do you like to take selfies? Sometimes - I’m not super into selfies, I tend to take more pictures of my friends and family. 
85. What is your favorite app? Uh, Tumblr. I spend waaayyy too much time on here. 
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? My ma and I get on like a house on fire! She’s an extremely tolerant woman. 
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? An English accent. Take your pick of region - I love them all. 
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? *points to above answer* Take a wild guess. 
89. What is your favorite number? I don’t have one, as such. 
90. Can you juggle? Not at all - my hand eye coordination is AWFUL. 
91. Are you religious? Yes. 
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? “Kick ass, go to space, represent the human race!” applies here. 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? A little - there’s not much I won’t try. 
94. Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin and Codeine. I’m allergic to one of the most common antibiotics on the planet. 
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yup! Into a very tight curl if I try. 
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yup! It feels weird when I’m wearing my glasses, though. 
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Um, fairly often - my hubby is more right than I am, usually. I hate admitting that, though. 
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? BEACH, BEACH, BEACH!!!!
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? “You have to take the leap. Because if you land on the other side, you’ve reached your goal, but if you fall short, you have tried, and are wiser for the attempt.” - My Uncle Steve said that to me years ago. 
100. Are you a good liar? Not really. I’m a bad liar. 
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Slytherin! 
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time. I get asked to repeat myself a lot by folks who hear me mutter, and think I’m talking to them. 
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert. A little from column A and a little from column B.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? Nah - I’m bad at keeping up with the entries. I don’t write often enough to justify it.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends very strongly on what happened to make the first one go away. 
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Try to find the owner. I’m not a complete monster - I’m a broke millennial, I know that something like that could fuck your week or month up.  
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes. My youngest brother is a good example of that. 
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yep! It was fun! 
110. Do you have any piercings? My ears! I wanna get my nose pierced, but it’ll have to wait till allergy season is over. 
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? That’s tough! I have several I’d like to meet! 
112. Do you have any tattoos? Two! My family’s zodiac on my right wrist, and the Spartan II’s insignia from Halo on my left clavicle. 
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Tough to say. Lemme get back to you on that.
114. Do you believe in karma? I believe that it’s a bitch, and the wheel turns for all of us. 
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses! 
116. Do you want children? Eventually. I’m not ready for them yet - I’m too broke. 
117. Who is the smartest person you know? @sabotage-prowl
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? So not telling you that! 
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? From time to time. It’s not fun. 
120. What color are most of you clothes? Blue, black, or red, primarily. But I’ve got other colors in there. 
121. Do you like adventures? Heck yes! I’m ALWAYS down for adventure! 
122. Have you ever been on TV? Nope. I’m not important enough. 
123. How old are you? 30. Yeesh, I’m old. 
124. What is your favorite quote? “So, you’ve got a plan?” “Oh, yes.” “Am I going to like it?” “Almost certainly not.” “If I weren’t already dead, I’d think I’d be very depressed.”  
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Both. Both is good.
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honeyforfree · 6 years
Kipling’s Feet
Half a year of Hungary First birthday in Mexico Twenty years of Hungary Six years of Austria
Six years of playfulness Six years of discovering talents Beautiful naivity! Six years of gaining knowledge That charm of the routine...
Two years of suffering Two years of running freely towards dreams Six years of serious work Hardcore reality: That’s already adulthood.
How much of this is coming still? Will I ever feel again that beauty of naivity?
I must fight for that Lady Uninvited is anyway here Already Till the end
That hardcore reality Beautiful naivity
Chapter One
I. My mother took me to the local house of culture to see a play of The Jungle Book. It was 1995. I was obsessed with animals, with nature. I was that girl who always had to wear nice clothes for every occasion,  but next to a 4-year-older brother I just wanted to listen to Nirvana with him - this was one year after their MTV Unplugged – and to run through the field when older boys were playing football. I wanted to catch the ball. My brother was so cool, I also wanted to be „cool”. (This was also the year when I learned how to pee in a standing position. I thought, there is nothing special about peeing in sitting. So I developed my own technique. And again. My brother was cool. I also wanted to be cool.) My mum has been reading Kipling’s classic for me, so I knew all of them. Mowgli and Shere Khan and Baloo and Kaa, that big snake. I never trusted Kaa, and never understood why Mowgli did. Now, that I throw myself back in time, I remember: it was a play by a Hungarian travelling theatre. In fact they called themselves THE Travelling Theatre. It was impressive. I imagined them as real rovers who just arrived there with their old coffers after sailing through the country by their Volkswagen vans. They had this vintage image, it was completely new for me. All these props and colours, all those movements and actions... suddenly I found myself in this other world where tale became reality and I felt like I want to join them. That I want to get into their mini bus and continue their tour with them. I was 4 years old, and I was convinced that this was the only problem that was holding me back from doing that. 
II.   The next year Szandi, my best friend from kindergarten started to take dance classes. It was „jazz-ballet” for kids. – Funny enough, later on I got to know that it was a genre that never existed... Szandi was a gypsy girl, can’t remember what happened to her parents, but she was raised by her grandma. She showed many clichés of a precocious gypsy kid: golden hoop earrings at the age of 5, frilly dresses for daytime and that special, orange clogs with glitters on it. With a wooden sole. CLOP-CLOP-CLOP-CLOP. It was very loud. After the first day I saw that pair of clogs on her tiny, skinny, coffee-brown feet, I told my mom, I would like to get one of those. I need them. She said it is not for kids, it is vulgar and that it is not healthy to wear such heavy, healed, stiff shoes. It would just ruin my feet. Nowadays my collegaues say that I have such nice feet..., so I guess she was right. But at the age of 5, I was furious. In my vision those clogs were beautiful. Szandi was a woman. And she took dance classes. So I told my mom, if I can’t wear orange, wooden clogs with glitters on it – although I am already 5 – she should at least take me to that dance class. So she did. I had soft, leather ballet shoes and a leotard with Minnie Mouse on it. And I was moving. Believe it or not, one year later I performed a choreography which was danced to a song from The Jungle Book. First row, wearing a „grass-skirt”, a „grass-top” and a floral wreath, which costume was made by my great-grandmother. (She was a florist, in her earlier years she used to work in a floral shop, so of course, she did a beautiful job.) On that performance I felt like I did everything perfectly as the teacher asked, and I owned every movement in my body. Recently I got the footage of that evening – transformed from VHS to a DVD. Turned out I wasn’t so perfect, in fact it looked like a bad karaoke, because I was singing, - or at least gaping – the lyrics while dancing. First row. In a jungle-styled costume. I have been dancing ever since that first jazz-ballet class, but I never got that orange, glitterish clogs. Thank you, Mama to protect me from such distorsion of taste and feet, now I know, why. Kipling and the jungle and Mowgli had to do something with my childhood after all. That performance at the house of culture, my gypsy friend, whose features reminded me strongly to Mowgli’s, and my first time of performing on stage: all that was written by and English man in 1894.
III. Do you know in how many ways I’ve used my feet ever since? Imagine! I used for steps, for running, for hanging, for swimming, for skiing, for skating, for jumping, for becoming taller... I used them for dancing, for carrying my entire body through the weirdest positions. I used my feet for showing beauty, for having an excuse for my bad balance, ’cause of course you can’t hold a 1,74 cm high axe on a relevé of a size 37 foot. Tststststs.... Of course you can!          I used my feet to take the attention away from my creepy, asymmetrical upper body when my spine was injured. I use them as help to keep the rest of my body healthy, to give me a good posture, to carry me on and on. To anywhere, maybe everywhere. And to kick in the ass Lady Uninvited every now and then, to stand up and leave all what and whom give pain. Today I used them for walking me up to this hill to spend my last official day here, to run for my pizza, to go to the toilet and to wear a heavy pair of sandals with a hard, stiff, wooden sole. At least they are black. No glitters.
Jazz- ballet. Neither jazz, nor ballet Then ballet, folk and all the rest A little ballroom and finally jazz.
Drop. Drop. Drop. Modern, or something like that Quit, move, move. Contemporary and all the rest.
All the rest, *avagy az összes többi.  Az a sok év, amiről most nem érdemes beszélni, mert biztos vagyok benne, hogy egy soha véget nem érő sztori lenne. 2018. június tizedike. Tegnap magyarul énekeltem Ausztriában, és Trump-pal táncoltam a színpadon. Furcsa. Mester diploma – almost done. De annyi minden jön még.
                             How much of this is coming still? Will you ever feel again that beauty of naivity?
You must fight for that! Lady Uninvited is anyway here Already Till the end
That hardcore reality Beautiful naivity.
*so the all the rest.  Those many years, which are not worth talking about now, because it is certain, it would be a never ending stroy. Tenth of June, 2018. Yesterday I was singing in Hungarian in Austria and I was dancing with Trump. Weird. Masters degree - almost done. But so much more is coming still.
Linz, 10.06.2018 /In the frame of a workshop for creative writing with Dr. Lisa Jeschke./
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Something Borrowed 6/? (Witney) - Miss Bianca & jazz
Summary: This was going to be Courtney’s first visit to her childhood home in five years, and she’d made a lot of plans. Obviously, none of them had included falling into a whirlwind, summer love affair with her father’s 28-year-old fiancée, three months before the planned wedding. But sometimes, things just happened.
Miss Bianca’s A/N: And we’re finally back. I missed jazz and our girls so much, y’all have no idea (or maybe you do, idk). Just a brief reminder that this playlist made by @alaskasthrone exists, because we recently discovered that it’s been expanded since we last listened to it, and all the songs are still perfect. And, of course, you can always find us at @willamdelrio and @artificial-jazz , and this fic will be posted on ao3 as well.
jazz’s A/N: SO SO sorry for the delay with this chapter – real life got in the way a bit :((( Believe me, Miss Bianca & I missed writing this fic as much as you all missed reading it. Catch up on Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, & Chapter 5 here, my loves! Enjoy <3
Willam’s expression hardened the moment Dave’s voice boomed through the house, and Courtney felt her heart sink into her stomach. They were standing at the top of the stairs, holding hands, and Willam was wearing a full face of makeup and a tight skirt for the first time in what felt like forever. Impulsively, Courtney went up on her tiptoes, pressing a quick kiss to Willam’s cheekbone.
When Dave stepped into view, Willam dropped Courtney’s hand instantly, and Courtney watched helplessly as Willam descended the stairs.
Swallowing hard, she stepped backwards into the hallway, and then turned around, retreating into her room. She could greet her father later, she figured. Closing the door, Courtney sat cross legged on her bed, and waited for Willam’s inevitable knock or intrusion.
It never came. The sky went dark outside her window, and when Courtney finally emerged from the room to find something to eat, the house was quiet again.
She imagined that maybe, Willam would be curled up in the living room, or waiting spread out on the floor of the foyer, or perched on the counter sporting nothing but panties and a seductive smile. But there was no sign of the other woman anywhere, and by the time Courtney reached the kitchen, she’d realized that the house was empty but for her and the trail of lights she’d left on behind her.
She ate cold vegan pizza from the fridge as quickly as she could, hating how big and lonely the kitchen felt without Willam propped against the bar, watching her with a hip cocked.
The whole house felt lonely without Willam, Courtney realized. She wrapped her arms around herself as she stood on the fluffy rug in the foyer, her toes digging into the soft fabric, and stared up at the balcony of the second floor landing. She couldn’t help but picture Willam there, in yellow-gold lingerie and matching heels, her elbows resting on the railing, fingers curled to beckon Courtney upstairs and a mischievous smirk daring Courtney to fuck her right there, make her moans bounce off the high ceiling.
The steps felt endless and tiring, and by the time Courtney had collapsed onto her bed once more, her limbs were as heavy as the weight in her chest. She checked her phone impulsively every few moments, hoping that maybe Willam had texted.
As she lay on her back, she found herself wishing desperately that they could rewind to this morning, with Willam pressed against her, breathing softly against her bare chest and slowly tracing her name on her hip.
Courtney waited until past midnight for Willam to come to her room like she’d said she would, digging the other woman’s fur coat out of her closet for some sort of company. Eventually, Courtney found herself curled up on her side, trying her hardest not to cry and wondering why all the color seemed to have been sucked out of the world.
She fell asleep accidentally with the lights still on, the coat pulled over her like a blanket, wrapping her up in the fading scent of Willam’s perfume.
Burying her face in the covers, Courtney squeezed her eyes shut tightly. She’d hardly slept last night, and she needed a few more minutes.
The mattress shifted under her, and then there was brightness behind her eyelids as the coat that had been pulled up over her head was abruptly tugged away from her face.
“Wake up, princess.”
At that, Courtney’s eyes flew open as she suddenly processed who the voice belonged to.
Willam was sitting next to her, in a t-shirt stolen from Courtney’s closet. The sunlight from the window was making her eyes sparkle, and she was smiling down at Courtney, bright and warm, and Courtney thought she might burst.
Pushing the coat the rest of the way off her, Courtney sat up as fast as she could, practically throwing herself into Willam’s lap and wrapping her arms and legs around her tightly. After a few seconds, Willam hugged her back, and Courtney felt her laughter more than she heard it, utterly caught up in the softness of Willam’s body pressed close against hers again.
“Good morning,” Willam chuckled, and Courtney smiled into her neck.
“Morning,” she replied, her voice muffled. “You didn’t come last night.”
“I couldn’t, babe,” Willam said, rubbing her back. “Looks like you cuddled with my coat instead.”
“Shut up,” Courtney mumbled, stifling a laugh. “I missed you.”
“It hasn’t even been a day, Court,” Willam said, and Courtney could practically hear her rolling her eyes. “Getting all clingy with me, as if I was the one away for a week.”
“Don’t pretend you didn’t miss me too, you asshole.”
Willam ran her fingers through Courtney’s hair, and tugged at it gently, making Courtney lift her head. She was still smiling, a slightly lopsided grin, and Courtney was struck with the overwhelming urge to hug her again, even though she’d never stopped in the first place.
“I did,” she admitted. “But you gotta let go of me, though.”
“Because I’m not gonna kiss you till you brush your teeth,” Willam said. “And you’re super cute right now, and I don’t wanna wait.”
“Well, you can wait another minute,” Courtney said decidedly, tucking her face back into Willam’s neck.
“Bossy,” Willam commented under her breath, and Courtney swatted her back. “Hey!”
With her qualms from the night before almost completely forgotten now, Courtney squelched the small voice in the back of her head reminding her why things couldn’t be this easy forever. In a few minutes she’d brush her teeth, then kiss Willam on the lips and everywhere else for a little while, or maybe for a few hours, and she couldn’t bring herself to care about much else.  
It was this same giddiness – the warmth that Courtney felt at Willam carving out a special moment in time for her that morning – that carried Courtney through the rest of her day. Nothing, Courtney determined, could take that away from her.
She was Willam’s best-kept secret, her favorite thing – Courtney could feel it in the intensity of Willam’s passing glances, in the way a small smile seemed to permanently hide in the corners of her mouth whenever Courtney was nearby.
She’d ride that high for as long as she possibly could.
Courtney even learned to love the game. She found herself staying up late and listening for footsteps outside her bedroom door, when it was quiet and dark aside from the moonlight casting shadows onto the wall, waiting with bated breath for Willam to slip in undetected.
They’d run “errands” for Dave in the afternoons, drive to the laundromat to pick up his dry-cleaning and fuck in the parking lot, Courtney’s sundress bunched at her waist.
Or maybe, if Willam wasn’t wearing a bra, Courtney would tug down the top of her dress until her chest was exposed, and fuck Willam hard, pressing her upright against the door in the backseat of the Jeep so anyone could see them, watching her breasts jiggle in time with her gorgeous little moans.
The scandal of it all seemed to make the whole affair sexier – Courtney soaked her panties through at the thought of getting caught, and noticed how much more desperately Willam bucked into her touch when she thought someone might be watching.
None of it seemed real, when Courtney took a moment to distance herself from the situation. They were two girls living out a movie plot, downsized to a screen that could be shut off as the credits rolled after a cheesy ending and a ride off into the sunset that solved all of their problems.
There were little things that poked holes in Courtney’s fantasy, though – things like Willam’s huge, ugly engagement ring slipped back on after she washed any evidence of Courtney from her fingers, like the way Willam disappeared into the master bedroom when Dave got home. Like the distant sound of Dave’s yelling later on, and the total lack of reply that made Courtney’s stomach turn.
Sometimes, Courtney secretly worried that maybe it wasn’t that kind of movie after all.
Even still, around the house, she graciously accepted the subtlest of touches: the brush of Willam’s fingertips against her side as they shuffled around the kitchen after dinner, or how she’d squeeze Courtney’s hand when she was sure no one was watching, a motion so quick that Courtney would’ve thought she imagined it if it weren’t for her racing pulse.
The alternative to it all was to acknowledge the fragility of their arrangement, its potential expiration date looming large on the horizon – and that wasn’t an option. Not for Courtney, at least. No, she’d keep things as they were for as long as possible, ignoring the wedding planning tabs constantly open on Willam’s laptop, thank you very much.
So, when Willam approached her in the hallway upstairs later that week, mumbling an incoherent request into Courtney’s ear while a hand on the small of her back guided her into her bedroom, the butterflies in Courtney’s stomach had her complying obediently.  
As soon as the door was shut and locked behind them, Willam’s mouth was on Courtney’s, biting and insistent, her hands gripping Courtney’s hips tightly to keep her steady. Courtney looped her arms around Willam’s neck, letting the other woman walk her backwards until her weak knees hit the foot of her bed and she sat down on the edge, breaking the kiss involuntarily.
She panted softly, trying to catch her breath. Her own cheeks were flushed, she could feel it, and her lower lip stung deliciously from where Willam had bitten down and tugged with her teeth.
“Baby,” Willam sighed.
Something tugged in Courtney’s chest at the pet name, and she looked up at Willam reflexively. Her breath caught at the intensity in Willam’s gaze, the raw hunger and the hint of something else, hidden in the affectionate tilt of her lips.
“Yeah?” Courtney managed to say, squeezing her thighs together.
“Baby,” Willam repeated, and Courtney swallowed the whimper rising in her throat. “Fuck, I want you. So bad.”
Willam bent at the hip to press a kiss to Courtney’s lips, slow and languid, her hand cupping Courtney’s cheek as she stole what little air was left in Courtney’s lungs and left her lightheaded.
Rendered completely speechless, Courtney gave a small nod in acknowledgment, ran her hands up the backs of Willam’s legs, letting her touch speak for itself. Willam pushed gently at her shoulders, and Courtney moved backwards onto the bed, watching Willam pull her skirt up around her hips and crawl forwards to straddle one of Courtney’s thighs.
Courtney wanted to say something, tell her how glad she was to see her, how insanely gorgeous she looked on Courtney’s lap, but Willam was kissing her again before she could get the words out.
Once she could get her brain to focus on anything other than Willam’s mouth on hers, Courtney scratched lightly up Willam’s abdomen, pushing her shirt up and running her fingertips all over the exposed skin. Willam hardly gave her a moment to breathe before kissing her again, and again, as if Courtney was addictive, a drug that she couldn’t get enough of.
When Willam finally broke the kiss and propped herself up with her hands on Courtney’s shoulders, both of them were breathing heavily, and Courtney could feel the heat and dampness of Willam’s panties against her thigh.
Willam’s eyes were almost wild, her lips pouty, and she dragged her nails slowly across Courtney’s chest, gaze following the movement of her hand. When she popped the top few buttons of Courtney’s shirt, scratching over the top of her bare breast, Courtney couldn’t help but whimper softly, needing more contact. As if triggered by the noise, Willam started to rock her hips against Courtney’s thigh, groaning low in her throat at the friction.  
Courtney settled her hands on Willam’s ass, encouraging her movements, and the Willam started to grind down faster, nails still digging into Courtney’s skin.
“God, look at you,” Courtney murmured, staring up at her. “I wish I had time to kiss you everywhere, make you feel as gorgeous as you are.”
Willam let out another moan at the praise, louder and needier than the first. Courtney let out a strangled breath, the sound of Willam’s voice sending a bolt of arousal straight to her core. She sunk her fingers into Willam’s ass, squirming and lifting her hips from the bed in an attempt to get some friction where she needed it most.
Clearly taking notice of Courtney’s desperation, Willam tossed her head back and moaned again. Her eyes narrowed almost playfully as she continued to grind on Courtney’s thigh without making any effort to return the favor.
“Do you think he can hear me?” Willam panted, letting out another groan, back arching. “Fuck, I almost wish he would. Then he’d know I fucking fake it with him.”
Courtney whined softly, flexing her thigh and pulling Willam’s hips down more roughly. Willam was only confirming what she already knew, but the wild recklessness in her words combined with the way she was using Courtney’s body to get herself off was enough to make Courtney want to cry out, beg to be touched.
“You know that, right?” Willam said breathlessly, her hand kneading at Courtney’s breast now. “You’re the one who makes me moan and scream, Court. It’s just – ooh, fuck – just you.”
“Good,” Courtney exhaled, reaching up to tug at Willam’s shirt, pulling her back down enough to kiss her. “I want you all to myself,” she added against Willam’s lips before wrapping her arms around her and sliding her hands down to rest on Willam’s ass again.
“You have me, baby,” Willam gasped, her head dropping to rest on Courtney’s shoulder as she moaned again, this time high pitched and through her teeth.
The sound was sharp, cutting, and for a moment, Courtney was positive that it must’ve been audible in the hallway and throughout the entire house. But there was no knock on the door, no footsteps in the hall, and Courtney wanted to hear that noise again more than anything.
Willam panted hot breaths on Courtney’s upper chest as she drove herself higher and higher, and then her teeth closed around flesh, biting down on the taut skin just below Courtney’s collarbone, and Courtney cried out, channel clenching around nothing as she moaned brokenly.
She almost didn’t hear it, the first time the car horn blared from outside. Her thigh was practically slick now, and Willam was moaning in her ear, but when the horn beeped again, three times in succession, everything came to a grinding halt.
“Oh, shit,” Willam hissed, her eyes wide and frantic. “Goddamnit, I fucking – Court, I forgot.”
“What?” Courtney demanded, as Willam scrambled off of her, swaying from side to side for a moment before stumbling towards Courtney’s closet. “What did you forget?”
Willam smacked her forehead with her palm, rubbing the heel of her hand against the space between her eyebrows as if she was trying to clear her thoughts. She wrenched open Courtney’s closet, rifling through the section that was now solely devoted to her own clothing.
“Willam!” Courtney exclaimed.
“It’s fucking – it’s date night,” Willam said finally, and Courtney could see how shaky she was. “He’s waiting for me in the car, I’m already late, I’m not ready -”
“Calm down, Bill,” Courtney said, sitting up. “It’s fine, he’ll understand.”
“You know he won’t,” Willam said, looking back over her shoulder at Courtney. “Cut the crap.”
She hastily took off her tank top and pushed her skirt down past her hips, stepping out of it quickly and grabbing a dress from the closet. It was tiny and shimmery, iridescent shades of teal and green and purple, and Courtney could practically feel how thin and slippery it was as Willam slid it over her head. With the way it loosely draped over her figure and hugged her hips, the way it rode up her thighs the second she started to move, Courtney’s hands were already itching to touch.
“You can’t just put that on and leave,” Courtney complained, watching the hem slide higher up her thighs as Willam reached up to tousle her hair into a shape that seemed intentionally debauched, rather than accidentally so.
“I gotta,” Willam said, looking over to meet Courtney’s gaze. “I’m sorry, kitten. I’ll be back soon, promise.”
With that, she spun around, and disappeared into the hallway before Courtney could protest any more. Courtney stared at the mess Willam had left in her wake in stunned silence, articles of clothing and discarded hangers littering the floor, and flopped back down on the bed with a huff of frustration.
Willam could be gone for hours, Courtney figured. She honestly didn’t know if she could bear it.
She could feel the heat pooling between her own legs, and her thigh was still slick from Willam’s wetness, and she wanted to punch something or someone out of sheer sexual frustration.
With her chest rising and falling heavily, the top of her shirt still open to expose her breasts, Courtney glared at the ceiling. She’d liked it much better when Willam was on top of her.
Now, she was just worked up, and more than a little bit annoyed to boot. In hindsight, Courtney realized, she probably should’ve grabbed Willam’s hips and pulled her up to straddle her face instead, so at least one of them could’ve gotten off before Dave had so rudely interrupted.
Selfishly, a part of Courtney hoped that Willam was just as wrecked as she was. From the wild-eyed look on the other woman’s face as she’d changed and stumbled around the room, Courtney was pretty sure that was the case.
She pictured Willam, legs squeezed together underneath the dinner table, squirming in her seat as she ordered an expensive cocktail on the rocks with too sharp a tone – or trying her hardest to maintain conversation and feign interest in Dave’s dull anecdotes, still in the pair of soaked through panties that Courtney knew she hadn’t changed, her nails digging harshly into her own thighs.
The image made Courtney feel slightly better, almost – but didn’t do much in the way of distracting her from the ache in her core. Briefly, she considered taking care of herself, but gave up the thought after a moment, realizing that it wouldn’t be satisfying after having Willam so close so recently.
“Fuck, I want you. So bad.” Willam’s words echoed in Courtney’s ears, and she took a shaky breath, crossing her legs at the ankles. Baby, Willam had called her. Over and over, making Courtney melt into the bed, soft and malleable and adoring under her. “You have me, baby.”
“Fuck,” Courtney whispered out loud. She grabbed a fistful of her comforter, wished desperately that it was Willam’s hair instead.
After a moment, she loosened her grip. Willam liked when she tugged on it gently, just enough to direct her but not enough to hurt. Willam liked everything better gentle, liked to feel pretty and soft and cared for.
Courtney doubted Dave knew that. Or cared enough to find out.
Men were pigs, she reasoned. And men like her father most of all, the ones who used money and power to manipulate women and then treated them like dirt for letting themselves be taken advantage of.
The combination of arousal and righteous indignation felt like an adrenaline rush, prompting a desire in Courtney to spring up and do something rash, like rush outside and cuss out the first wealthy-looking man she ran into, or video call Willam and make her wish she’d bailed on date night altogether. Clenching her hands into fists, she closed her eyes, and waited for the feeling to pass.
Except it didn’t.
While she possessed just enough self-control not to call up Willam, Courtney did still want to send her a quick text, something to remind her of what she was currently missing out on. After all, Courtney was suffering. It was only fair to let Willam know.
As soon as she had her phone in her hands, one text asking Willam to come back soon turned into three, then six, telling Willam without sparing any details what she wished she’d done to her in the short time they’d been alone together.
It was like shouting into the void. Each message was opened and ignored, until Courtney was gripping her phone tightly enough that she thought she might crack the screen.
Willam had some nerve, ignoring her like this. Courtney was aware that she probably seemed beyond needy and possibly annoying, but at this point, she couldn’t find it in herself to care. She wanted Willam’s attention, and she didn’t feel like waiting.
Making a split-second decision, she popped open the rest of the buttons on her shirt, and shimmied her shorts down her legs, leaving her in her panties with her chest bare. She crossed one arm over her stomach to push her breasts together, showing off the small amount of cleavage she had, and fumbled for her phone. The adrenaline was still coursing through her system, and she could practically feel her pulse under the fingers laid across her ribs as she found the perfect angle and snapped a few pictures.
Courtney chose the most flattering of the bunch and sent it quickly off to Willam without a moment of hesitation, refusing to give herself the chance to overthink it.
She only had to wait a few moments until the read receipt appeared, and only a few seconds after that before Willam finally decided to reply, spamming her with messages.  
The string of curses and exclamation points, along with a desperate inquiry as to what the fuck Courtney thought she was playing at, made satisfaction curl comfortably in Courtney’s stomach. She smirked at her phone screen and wiggled a little, feeling a bit like a cat who’d finally managed to get her owner’s attention. Or, rather, a kitten.
And Courtney was in the mood to play.
For good measure, she shrugged the shirt off her shoulders and took another few shots, free hand toying with her own nipple until it was stiff and sensitive under her fingers.
She figured that would be enough material to keep Willam’s mind on her and her alone until the date was over. And after that, if Courtney played her cards right and sent a few more choice messages later on, she was positive Willam would find a way to get her alone again once she arrived back home.
The next hour and a half crawled by slowly, and Courtney remained on her bed, lounging, occasionally texting Willam, almost painfully on edge. The moment she heard the car pulling into the driveway, she was on her feet, pulling her shorts back on and buttoning up her shirt just enough to cover herself, not bothering with decency.
She hurried down the stairs, and positioned herself against the open archway that led to the kitchen, pretending to scroll through her phone casually as she eyed the front door.
Dave was the first to step inside, not bothering to hold the door open for his fiancée. When Willam entered behind him, catching the door just before it slammed shut, Courtney’s eyes were glued to her immediately.
Willam had matched the tiny dress with a pair of thigh-high black boots, spiked heels and her toes peeking out at the front. Courtney barely even heard her father’s half-hearted greeting, too busy staring at the exposed skin between the hemline of the dress and the place where the boots ended, Willam’s flexed thighs practically daring Courtney to sink her fingers into them.
When she managed to tear her gaze away, Willam was looking right back at her, her cheeks tinted a shade of pink that didn’t match her blush and her pupils very obviously dilated.
It took every ounce of restraint Courtney possessed not to stride forwards and grab Willam, kiss her right there in front of her father. Willam’s tongue poked out to wet her lips, and Courtney had to bite the inside of her cheek to suppress a groan.
Seeming fully and thankfully oblivious to the palpable tension in the air, Dave plodded upstairs for the night, calling Willam to join him as he reached the second floor landing.
Courtney watched Willam take a deep breath, and then the other woman was walking up to her, grasping her hand tightly and leaning in to press a brief but heated kiss to her lips.
“Wait right here,” she whispered, the intensity in her eyes taking Courtney’s breath away. “Okay?”
Courtney managed to nod, and then Willam backed away. She was already halfway up the staircase by the time Courtney recovered her composure, ears straining to listen to Willam’s impressively convincing spiel: assuring Dave that there wasn’t a need for him to wait up for her, that she’d join him in bed after a quick nightcap.
Courtney wanted to tell her that it wouldn’t be quick at all, not if she had anything to say about it.
It was only a few minutes before Willam’s heels could be heard clicking back down the stairs, and Courtney felt like a coiled spring, wound so tight she could burst.
Willam stalked towards her with purpose, her hand landing flat on Courtney’s chest, pushing her back against the rounded frame that she was leaning against. Courtney reached for her instantly, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer – not unlike how she’d wanted to that first night after their family dinner, in the kitchen.
There was a moment of silent tension, Willam’s face just inches away from hers, her skin so hot that Courtney could feel the warmth through her dress.
Courtney’s lips grazed Willam’s, and the other woman exhaled a soft breath against her mouth.
“Goddamnit, Courtney,” she whispered.
When Willam’s lips finally met hers again, Courtney found herself smiling into the kiss, her arms wrapping around Willam tightly.  
“So you liked my photos?” Courtney giggled.
In lieu of a response, Willam snaked a hand underneath the hem of Courtney’s shirt, fingers pressing into her lower back. She sucked Courtney’s bottom lip into her mouth before resting her forehead against hers, reveling in the moment.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“You almost killed me,” Willam muttered with a low chuckle.
Just then, there was a loud thud from upstairs, and both of them froze momentarily. Courtney tried to push Willam off of her, and the other woman made an affronted noise.
“In there,” Courtney explained, nodding towards the kitchen.
“Oh.” Willam nodded, keeping one arm around Courtney and leading her into the kitchen with her thumb rubbing lightly over Courtney’s spine.
The room was relatively dim, but neither one of them made a move to flick on a light switch. Instead, Willam guided Courtney around the bar, pressing her quickly against the counter and surging forwards to kiss her again.
Courtney allowed Willam to take charge at first, content to let her get out some of her pent up sexual frustration. Sliding her hands down to cup Willam’s ass and kneading with her fingertips, Courtney considered her options.
It only took her a few seconds to decide, and then she was spinning them around, pushing Willam back against the counter instead and swallowing her responding squeak of surprise. Pulling up the bottom of Willam’s tiny dress, Courtney slipped her thigh between Willam’s, breaking the kiss for a moment just to hear her groan at the contact.
“Oh my god,” Courtney breathed, rocking her hips to grind her thigh against Willam. “How did you make it through dinner like this, babe? You’re soaked.”
Willam whimpered, and Courtney leaned in to press another kiss to her lips before rolling her hips forward again.
“Good job, love,” she murmured, meeting Willam’s eyes just in time to see them glaze over.
She traced Willam’s curves with light hands, up the smooth scales of her dress and around her breasts. Courtney let her touch linger there for a moment before dropping to her knees, smirking at Willam’s audible gasp.
She pressed her cheek to Willam’s inner thigh, glancing up to watch the faint shimmer of the dress over Willam’s heaving chest. It was a gorgeous image, Willam practically buckling at the knees as Courtney’s breath tickled her skin, and Courtney couldn’t believe how lucky she was.
Pushing up the hem of Willam’s dress, Courtney leaned up, placing a kiss at the apex of her thighs, through the damp fabric. Willam shuddered, letting out a moan.
“Oh, Willam,” Courtney sighed, laying her cheek against Willam’s thigh again. “You’re gonna have to be quiet for me, you know.”
“But, baby,” Willam started, her voice weak and raspy.
“I can’t come up there to shut you up,” Courtney said, turning her head to kiss the front of Willam’s hip softly. “Can you keep quiet, love? For me?”
Willam’s hand slid into Courtney’s hair, tugging, trying to pull her face closer.
“I’m not gonna do anything else until you say yes,” Courtney added, nuzzling against the spot she’d just kissed. “And I want to so bad, Will.”
Willam bit her lip, nodding slowly at Courtney with a pained expression on her face. Her fingers coiled more tightly into Courtney’s curls, and Courtney didn’t need any more encouragement than that.
She pulled Willam’s thong away from her wetness, maneuvered it down her legs and over the tall boots, making sure the fabric didn’t catch on the heels.
Willam’s thighs were quivering under Courtney’s hands already, and she rubbed over them as she pressed kisses across the front of Willam’s hip, following the tug on her hair to where Willam wanted her so desperately.
One hand sliding between Willam’s legs, Courtney shifted slightly, gripping the back of her knee.
“You might wanna hold onto something,” she said, feeling Willam tense at her words.
Too impatient to wait any longer, Courtney lifted Willam’s leg, draping it over her shoulder and opening Willam up to her sight. She was so wet that her inner thighs were slick when Courtney kissed her there, and Courtney felt lightheaded, the scent making her head spin.
The point of Willam’s heel dug into her back, grounding her again, and she leaned in to lick a long stripe up Willam’s folds, suppressing a smile at the strangled noise that died in Willam’s throat as she tried to keep from moaning.
Not wasting any time, Courtney tilted her chin up, focusing her attention on the sensitive bundle of nerves, unable to resist teasing it a little with her tongue to make Willam whine.
“Court, baby, please,” Willam begged, her hips jerking.
She knew Willam was hardly staying upright as it was, and she couldn’t afford to draw this out, since the kitchen had no doors and they could technically be caught at any moment.
After a few more brief moments of teasing, Courtney made quick work of opening Willam up with her tongue, driving her to silent screams, her body shuddering as she pulled and twisted Courtney’s hair.
Wetness kept pooling at her entrance, dripping almost constantly onto Courtney’s chin and lips. In a split-second decision, Courtney slipped the hand that wasn’t holding Willam’s thigh up on her shoulder between Willam’s legs. She slid two fingers inside Willam, adding a third when she met no resistance, and this time, Willam failed to suppress her raspy moan.
The slick noises sounding from Willam’s core were enough to make Courtney dizzy with arousal herself, and the fact that she was causing it doubled the effect. She was intoxicated by the feeling of Willam practically throbbing under her tongue, the way her walls fluttered and grasped around her fingers as she pumped them steadily in and out.
When Willam said her name again, voice breaking on the last syllable, Courtney sealed her lips around Willam’s clit, sucking hard as she twisted her wrist to reach the sweet spot inside.
The muffled scream was audible as Willam came, clenching tight around Courtney’s fingers, wetness dripping onto her palm. She was tugging harshly at Courtney’s hair, heel digging into her back again, all sharp edges and soft warmth inside, and Courtney wanted the moment to last forever.
When Willam sunk to the floor, satiated and spent, Courtney was there to envelop her, placing a lingering kiss to the top of her head. She pulled Willam’s legs onto her lap, carefully removing her boots for her, keeping her eyes on Willam as she slumped against the cabinetry.
“Can we just… sit?” Willam asked, her voice sleepy. “I don’t wanna go upstairs just yet.”
Courtney’s heart fluttered, and she pulled Willam into her arms, breathing in the scent of her hair. “Of course,” she replied softly.
Willam hummed, tucking her nose into Courtney’s neck. After a moment, she let out a sigh, sounding so perfectly content that Courtney felt her chest expanding, wanting to give the entire world to this woman who was crumpled halfway in her lap on the kitchen floor.
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Mycroft Submission Form
I saw the new updated form and had to try it out.
Name: Melissa
Nationality: American
Age: 22
Personality Type: INFP/ENFP (I switch back and forth depending on the day/weather)
Level of Education: 4 years of College, still working on my Bachelors for Animal Health Science
Best Subject: Art, History, Psychology/Social Studies, English
Worst Subject: Chemistry (Any science class really) and Math (was my best subject, until they added the alphabet to the numbers)
Favorite Subject: Art, Karate, Textiles and Home Economics
5 Hobbies (if applicable): Drawing, playing video games, cooking (lots of steak and lamb), baking (cookies are a specialty), sewing and watching TV
Favorite Genre of Music/Movies/Books: Movies: Anything but horror/suspense, Music: Mostly Country but pretty eclectic (no jazz/screamo/or other heavy metal), and Books: I dare say that I don’t read. Like at all, but I love the original Grimm Fairytales.
Last song you listened to on repeat: “Unsteady” by X Ambassadors
Last phrase you said to another living person: “I got burned by Holy Water once while at the Vatican.”
How many blankets do you sleep with: Just 1, my “Clown” blanket (but really it’s a crying opera singer holding a rose, that’s been in the family for 30+ years. I do sleep with like 6-7 pillows though)
7 note worthy skills: Loyal, Altruistic, Kind, Compassionate, quiet (yes I consider this a good trait), very open-minded, and strong (physically I mean, mentally is up for debate)
7 noticeable sins: I’ll admit I’m lazy, somewhat immature (I swear a lot and my favorite is the F word), I do procrastinate, I am food aggressive, a wee bit selfish and show no mercy to backstabbers, bullies or people who just annoy me (a kick to the groin, a harsh, tear-inducing insult, a dark secret exposed or get them in trouble with a teacher.)
Allergies/impairments/illnesses: I have what I’d like to call illness-induced asthma, and I am near sighted and have to wear glasses, but no allergies at all.
Level of Intelligence on a scale of 1 to 5: 4 (Just above average, but I’m no Einstein)
Level of Fitness on a scale of 1 to 5: 1-2 (currently dieting and exercising, but I love food too much)
Level of Attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 5: I think 2, but everyone else says 4 (liars).
Feline, canine or both: Canine (loyal) and Feline (keep to myself)
Confidence Level on a scale from 1 to 5: 2-3 (1 on bad days, but hardly ever higher than a 3)
Position in the Family (oldest, youngest, middle): Only child, so oldest (I never had to share my toys!)
Eye Color: Brown (Always wanted blue eyes or green)
Hair Color and Length: Long, brown, wavy hair (I hate it. Get’s frizzy in dry/humid weather and gets burning how in the summer, but I can’t cut cause I don’t look good with short hair)
Height: 5’ 2” (Short. So very short, but have so many tall friends)
Combat level on a scale 1 to 5: 2 (currently in Karate)
Your normal dress: A pair of worn blue jeans, a loose fitting T-shirt, a Zip-up Hoodie, a good pair of socks and an old pair of running shoes (with insoles cause I have no arch)
How well you take rejection on a scale of 1 to 5: 5 (I’ve been rejected numerous times)
Languages known: English, currently learning Esperanto and Spanish
Cleanliness of your bathroom on a scale of 1 to 5: 4, would be a 5 but I have a roommate who’s messy
How big is your circle of friends on a scale of 1 to 5: 2, not fond of big groups.
How would you rate your mental health on a scale of 1 to 5: 3-4 (I can get depressed easily on bad days)
Opinions on the current Holmes family members (Siger Holmes, Violet Holmes, Sherlock Holmes and Eurus Holmes): Sherlock is cool and I like his intelligence, his violin sills, and he’s pretty good looking, despite him being a bit, well rude or too honest. As for Siger and Violet, I haven’t met them or got to know them but I’m sure they’re lovely (if they’re your parents, I’m sorry for not realizing that, I’d just like to say that they are what I would want for grandparents, they are so sweet, I love them.) Eurus, I feel that she had so much potential, but I really don’t know how to feel about her. On one hand I am just as impressed with her intelligence and skills as I am with Sherlock, but I’m also pretty terrified of her.
Please bold the following below that applies toward your submission:
Friendship (You will be smothered with gifts but will ask for nothing in return)
Mentorship (Need time to learn, but can I will get the idea)
Relationship (If you’re up for it, then I’ll give it a try)
Partnership (So like be the John to your Sherlock?)
The Question portion:
Please note that you do not have to submit the pictures within your submission (save the puzzle) but you must answer them honestly and do so without cheating.
The angle of C looks to be 45 degrees, while A and B ~15 and ~30 degrees. There’s no attempt at math on this one, just looking at the pictures, I can assume the angles A and B add up to C.
2) Solve the puzzle:
First off I love Sudoku, I play it whenever I get the chance. Couldn’t figure out how to write on the pic so: (This one was a good one, had to really sit and work on it for a like an hour)
            812       753       649
            943       682       175
            675       491       283
            154       237       896
            369       845       721
            287       169       534
            521       974       368
            438       526       917
            796       318       452
Don’t know, and Cheryl is being really “extra” as the kids say now, by not saying what her birthday is, I would have not given her a gift.
Shoot Mr. White. I don’t know but he hits his shots all the time I’d at least try and hit him.
Change the first plus sign into a 4 (545 + 5 + 5 = 555) 
He can’t reach the button for the 10th floor in the elevator so he has wait till there are more people to press the button for him.
Seen this one too. You pick two switches to turn on, one stays off, after waiting a bit, pick one of the switches that is on and then go into the room. If the light is on then it’s the switch still on, if off, touch the bulb, cold=the switch that was always off, warm=the one that was on then turned off.
Don’t care. These gods sound like dicks.
Why can’t he just go to Mary’s house and give her the ring? John is lazy and illogical, that is my deduction. I don’t know.
Flip it upside down and it’s 87. Seen this one before too.
I don’t know! This is the kind of riddle that makes me want to hit the creator in the face. Hints would be nice too.
Alex is screwed. He jumps, he dead. He somehow survives, he’s burned or he starves, he dead.
A. Anne could be married or not. If she is married and looking at George then yes, a married person is looking at an unmarried person, but if she’s not married the its still yes, cause Jack is married.
Nope. Math was not my best subject.
1? No clue.
This type of math I can do, n=10. (10^2 - 10 - 90 = 0)
Vince did it but I’d say “you’re all paying for the new window, I don’t care who broke it.”
18) Where does the English horn (Cor Anglais) come from? I’m assuming not England. Cor Anglais is French, but I doubt it’s from France. I don’t know.
19) What is brass composed of? Copper and Zinc
20) Who was the FIRST great artist that contributed to the Italian Renaissance? Masaccio. Thanks Art History!
Don’t know but I known that I wouldn’t be at that party.
How about nope
24) Is the dress blue and black or white and gold?
Blue and Black and I never want to here about this dress again. I hate dresses and I hated this meme when it came out on the news.
I had to read this damn thing like 6 times, but I figured it out! There is no letter “e” in the entire thing. Kind of cool given that “e” is the most common letter used in the English language.
(I liked this submission form. It’s defiantly more challenging and has to do with a lot more problem solving than the last one. I like puzzles and some of these really made me think.)
Mycroft’s answer:
Melissa, I must say that I have heard many odd phrases in my lifetime both directly and in passing but never something akin to ‘I got burned with Holy Water once while at the Vatican' even with faulty translations at best. I would assume their would be a good story in correlation with that statement? I find it refreshing that you can take rejection so well despite stating that this is a regular occurrence for you. It takes a lot of time and practice for something like that not to effect you anymore and in the few times that I have been on the brunt end it does still carry a sting for me. But in private mind you as I cannot have my competitors or coworkers see me in a state of disarray. While I cannot say with any true glee that I have always been for the sciences ( my heart has always been on external things that tend to change more rapidly and could be controlled at a faster rate) than what concerns the inner workings of the human body much less than that of an animal however, I do have some know how about avian species and reptiles as Sherlock was wont to play with them. I am quite pleased that you attempted the puzzle and even more so that it is correct. My only issue is that if I took you up on a partnership is that you cannot be vindictive toward clients in a direct way. As a partnership with me would include dealing with some rather self-centered diplomats or government officials I'm afraid that in any instance of 'wrong doing' we would simply grin and bear it until the proper time comes to exploit it for personal gain. You can't exactly run the world if you burn too many bridges and make far too many enemies and you can see that with Mr. Moriarty's circles as well.  You may not be too fond of the partnership considering on how  big these meetings tend to run but rest assured we do need more  Esperanto speakers. Just remember that in public everything must be clean and pristine which includes talk, work and the like but in private I will find no complaints from me. 
Friendship: 8.6/10
Mentorship: 8.1/10
Relationship: 6.79/10
Partnership: 7.56/10
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Greyhounds Quotes
Official Website: Greyhounds Quotes
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• Anger does not come easy to me. It is something I have to encourage, like a greyhound in second place. – Joe Dunthorne • As to the old history of Ireland, the first man ever died in Ireland was Partholan, and he is buried, and his greyhound along with him, at some place in Kerry. – Lady Gregory • Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men; As hounds, and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs, Shoughs, water-rugs, and demi-wolves, are ‘clept All by the name of dogs: the valued file Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle, The housekeeper, the hunter, every one According to the gift which bounteous nature Hath in him closed. – William Shakespeare
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Greyhound', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_greyhound').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_greyhound img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • By nature a philosopher is not in genius and disposition half so different from a street porter, as a mastiff is from a greyhound – Adam Smith • Capitalism lures us onward like the mechanical hare before the greyhounds, insisting that the economy is infinite and sharing therefore irrelevant. Just enough greyhounds catch a real hare now and then to keep the others running till they drop. In the past it was only the poor who lost this game; now it is the planet. – Ronald Wright • Greyhound Bus Lines motto: “We Stop For Some Damn Thing Every 200 Yards.” – Dave Barry • Greyhound racing is a self-regulating gambling business that depends on the uncontrolled breeding and unaccountable disappearance of thousands of dogs every year. That is a situation that is unacceptable and indefensible – Annette Crosbie • He looks like a greyhound, but he runs like a bus. – George Brett • I hate the bloody highways. I hate hamburgers, I hate Greyhound buses. I’d have liked to have been in America during the Jazz Age, or the Golden Age of Hollywood. – Shane MacGowan • I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot; Follow your spirit: and upon this charge, Cry — God for Harry! England and Saint George! – William Shakespeare • I tell everyone very plainly that I take bribes, but what kind of bribes? Why, greyhound puppies. That’s a totally different matter. – Nikolai Gogol • I think writing a poem is like being a greyhound. Writing a novel is like being a mule. You go up one long row, then down another, and try not to look up too often to see how far you still have to go. – Ron Rash • I thought I was going to die a few times. On the Freedom Ride in the year 1961, when I was beaten at the Greyhound bus station in Montgomery, I thought I was going to die. On March 7th, 1965, when I was hit in the head with a night stick by a State Trooper at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, I thought I was going to die. I thought I saw death, but nothing can make me question the philosophy of nonviolence. – John Lewis • I used to run away to New York from Baltimore all the time.I would get on the Greyhound bus and tell my parents I was going to some sorority weekend. I’d even make up fake permission slips, come to New York and just ask people on the street if I could stay with them and go see midnight movies. – John Waters • I was washing dishes at the Greyhound bus station at the time and I said, ‘Awap bop a lup bop a wop bam boom, take ’em out!’ – Little Richard • I’d really like to get on a Greyhound bus and go backpacking across America. – David Morrissey • I’d wanted to be a writer my whole life. But when I finally made it, I felt like a greyhound catching the mechanical rabbit she’d been chasing for so long–discovering it was merely metal, wrapped in cloth. It wasn’t alive; it had no spirit. It was fake. – Anne Lamott • If one is a greyhound, why try to look like a Pekingese? – Edith Sitwell • I’m born originally in Toronto, and I have what I call my ‘Fame’ story. I took a Greyhound bus and went to Alvin Ailey and received Dunham, Horton, Graham technique there, but I could never take my eyes off of Balanchine doing ‘Nutcracker’; to me he’s the best who ever did it. – Laurieann Gibson • In his youth Michael Owen was literally a greyhound. – Jamie Redknapp • It seems wrong and unfair that Christmas, with its stressful and unmanageable financial and emotional challenges, should first be forced upon one wholly against one’s will, then rudely snatched away just when one is starting to get into it. Was really beginning to enjoy the feeling that normal service was suspended and it was OK to lie in bed as long as you want, put anything you fancy into your mouth, and drink alcohol whenever it should chance to pass your way, even in the mornings. Now suddenly we are all supposed to snap into self-discipline like lean teenage greyhounds. – Helen Fielding • Ive fostered five dogs for the Best Friends Program, which is an amazing no-kill sanctuary for animals, as well as a greyhound named Natasha from the greyhound rescue. All of my fosters have taught me great lessons like patience, nurture, and responsibility. My last foster dog was a Cocker Spaniel, and I couldnt let him go. I adopted him! – Olesya Rulin • I’ve noticed that Henry needs an incredible amount of physical activity all the time in order to be happy. It’s like hanging out with a greyhound. – Audrey Niffenegger • She bounded before me, and returned to my side, and was off again like a young greyhound; and, at first, I found plenty of entertaiment in listening to the larks singing far and near; and enjoying the sweet, warm sunshine; and watching her, my pet, and my delight, with her golden ringlets flying loose behind, and her bright cheek, as soft and pure in its bloom, as a wild rose, and her eyes radiant with cloudless pleasure. She was a happy creautre, and an angel in those those days. It is a pity she could not stay content. – Emily Bronte • Some folks like to get away Take a holiday from the neighborhood. Hop a flight to Miami Beach Or to Hollywood But I’m talking a Greyhound On the Hudson River Line. I’m in a New York state of mind. – Billy Joel • Sometimes the fluffy bunny of incredulity zooms around the bend so rapidly that the greyhound of language is left, agog, in the starting cage. – David Mitchell • Thank God and Greyhound you’re gone. – Roy Clarke • We commend a horse for his strength, and sureness of foot, and not for his rich caparisons; a greyhound for his share of heels, not for his fine collar; a hawk for her wing, not for her jesses and bells. Why, in like manner, do we not value a man for what is properly his own? He has a great train, a beautiful palace, so much credit, so many thousand pounds a year, and all these are about him, but not in him. – Michel de Montaigne • What a creature he was! Never have I felt such a horse between my knees. His great haunches gathered under him with every stride, and he shot forward ever faster and faster, stretched like a greyhound, while the windbeat in my face and whistled past my ears. – Arthur Conan Doyle • Why not be oneself? That is the whole secret of a successful appearance. If one is a greyhound, why try to look like a Pekingese? – Edith Sitwell • You know what’s really good is a greyhound in the shower. – Nick Thune • You look sad even though we just met No need to get upset But I got a show, gotta go, so I thank you And if you wanna still get sexed down You could catch the next Greyhound But until then, I gotta go, so I thank you – Eamon • You may bury my body down by the highway side. So my old evil spirit can catch a Greyhound bus and ride. – Robert Johnson
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Greyhounds Quotes
Official Website: Greyhounds Quotes
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• Anger does not come easy to me. It is something I have to encourage, like a greyhound in second place. – Joe Dunthorne • As to the old history of Ireland, the first man ever died in Ireland was Partholan, and he is buried, and his greyhound along with him, at some place in Kerry. – Lady Gregory • Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men; As hounds, and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs, Shoughs, water-rugs, and demi-wolves, are ‘clept All by the name of dogs: the valued file Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle, The housekeeper, the hunter, every one According to the gift which bounteous nature Hath in him closed. – William Shakespeare
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Greyhound', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_greyhound').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_greyhound img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • By nature a philosopher is not in genius and disposition half so different from a street porter, as a mastiff is from a greyhound – Adam Smith • Capitalism lures us onward like the mechanical hare before the greyhounds, insisting that the economy is infinite and sharing therefore irrelevant. Just enough greyhounds catch a real hare now and then to keep the others running till they drop. In the past it was only the poor who lost this game; now it is the planet. – Ronald Wright • Greyhound Bus Lines motto: “We Stop For Some Damn Thing Every 200 Yards.” – Dave Barry • Greyhound racing is a self-regulating gambling business that depends on the uncontrolled breeding and unaccountable disappearance of thousands of dogs every year. That is a situation that is unacceptable and indefensible – Annette Crosbie • He looks like a greyhound, but he runs like a bus. – George Brett • I hate the bloody highways. I hate hamburgers, I hate Greyhound buses. I’d have liked to have been in America during the Jazz Age, or the Golden Age of Hollywood. – Shane MacGowan • I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot; Follow your spirit: and upon this charge, Cry — God for Harry! England and Saint George! – William Shakespeare • I tell everyone very plainly that I take bribes, but what kind of bribes? Why, greyhound puppies. That’s a totally different matter. – Nikolai Gogol • I think writing a poem is like being a greyhound. Writing a novel is like being a mule. You go up one long row, then down another, and try not to look up too often to see how far you still have to go. – Ron Rash • I thought I was going to die a few times. On the Freedom Ride in the year 1961, when I was beaten at the Greyhound bus station in Montgomery, I thought I was going to die. On March 7th, 1965, when I was hit in the head with a night stick by a State Trooper at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, I thought I was going to die. I thought I saw death, but nothing can make me question the philosophy of nonviolence. – John Lewis • I used to run away to New York from Baltimore all the time.I would get on the Greyhound bus and tell my parents I was going to some sorority weekend. I’d even make up fake permission slips, come to New York and just ask people on the street if I could stay with them and go see midnight movies. – John Waters • I was washing dishes at the Greyhound bus station at the time and I said, ‘Awap bop a lup bop a wop bam boom, take ’em out!’ – Little Richard • I’d really like to get on a Greyhound bus and go backpacking across America. – David Morrissey • I’d wanted to be a writer my whole life. But when I finally made it, I felt like a greyhound catching the mechanical rabbit she’d been chasing for so long–discovering it was merely metal, wrapped in cloth. It wasn’t alive; it had no spirit. It was fake. – Anne Lamott • If one is a greyhound, why try to look like a Pekingese? – Edith Sitwell • I’m born originally in Toronto, and I have what I call my ‘Fame’ story. I took a Greyhound bus and went to Alvin Ailey and received Dunham, Horton, Graham technique there, but I could never take my eyes off of Balanchine doing ‘Nutcracker’; to me he’s the best who ever did it. – Laurieann Gibson • In his youth Michael Owen was literally a greyhound. – Jamie Redknapp • It seems wrong and unfair that Christmas, with its stressful and unmanageable financial and emotional challenges, should first be forced upon one wholly against one’s will, then rudely snatched away just when one is starting to get into it. Was really beginning to enjoy the feeling that normal service was suspended and it was OK to lie in bed as long as you want, put anything you fancy into your mouth, and drink alcohol whenever it should chance to pass your way, even in the mornings. Now suddenly we are all supposed to snap into self-discipline like lean teenage greyhounds. – Helen Fielding • Ive fostered five dogs for the Best Friends Program, which is an amazing no-kill sanctuary for animals, as well as a greyhound named Natasha from the greyhound rescue. All of my fosters have taught me great lessons like patience, nurture, and responsibility. My last foster dog was a Cocker Spaniel, and I couldnt let him go. I adopted him! – Olesya Rulin • I’ve noticed that Henry needs an incredible amount of physical activity all the time in order to be happy. It’s like hanging out with a greyhound. – Audrey Niffenegger • She bounded before me, and returned to my side, and was off again like a young greyhound; and, at first, I found plenty of entertaiment in listening to the larks singing far and near; and enjoying the sweet, warm sunshine; and watching her, my pet, and my delight, with her golden ringlets flying loose behind, and her bright cheek, as soft and pure in its bloom, as a wild rose, and her eyes radiant with cloudless pleasure. She was a happy creautre, and an angel in those those days. It is a pity she could not stay content. – Emily Bronte • Some folks like to get away Take a holiday from the neighborhood. Hop a flight to Miami Beach Or to Hollywood But I’m talking a Greyhound On the Hudson River Line. I’m in a New York state of mind. – Billy Joel • Sometimes the fluffy bunny of incredulity zooms around the bend so rapidly that the greyhound of language is left, agog, in the starting cage. – David Mitchell • Thank God and Greyhound you’re gone. – Roy Clarke • We commend a horse for his strength, and sureness of foot, and not for his rich caparisons; a greyhound for his share of heels, not for his fine collar; a hawk for her wing, not for her jesses and bells. Why, in like manner, do we not value a man for what is properly his own? He has a great train, a beautiful palace, so much credit, so many thousand pounds a year, and all these are about him, but not in him. – Michel de Montaigne • What a creature he was! Never have I felt such a horse between my knees. His great haunches gathered under him with every stride, and he shot forward ever faster and faster, stretched like a greyhound, while the windbeat in my face and whistled past my ears. – Arthur Conan Doyle • Why not be oneself? That is the whole secret of a successful appearance. If one is a greyhound, why try to look like a Pekingese? – Edith Sitwell • You know what’s really good is a greyhound in the shower. – Nick Thune • You look sad even though we just met No need to get upset But I got a show, gotta go, so I thank you And if you wanna still get sexed down You could catch the next Greyhound But until then, I gotta go, so I thank you – Eamon • You may bury my body down by the highway side. So my old evil spirit can catch a Greyhound bus and ride. – Robert Johnson
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
0 notes
sheilacwall · 5 years
Legends: Rakim – Hip Hop Golden Age Hip Hop Golden Age
Introduction by @TrueGodImmortal – There are some rappers and MCs that transcend the culture. They become even bigger than Hip Hop in the neighborhood, they become worldwide icons. They become the greatest. They became legends.
One of the first true legends in Hip Hop, Rakim, is our topic of discussion today. Yes, you might know him for crafting classics next to Eric B., but make no mistake about it, Rakim is the premier lyricist in the history of the genre and one of the most influential artists in the entire genre of Hip Hop. Today, we wanted to continue our DAR Legends series with a look at the incomparable Rakim, talk some of his greatest verses, and his legacy as one of the true pioneers of the game.
@CherchezLaPorsh – There are a few MC’s who are frequently mentioned when talking about legends, but there is only one that is widely known and considered as the “God MC”. He’s someone who has influenced hundreds of artists and has established himself as the greatest of all time IMO. Hip Hop would be introduced to Rakim back in 1987 when he paired with friend and DJ Eric B. The two became Hip Hop powerhouses and through each album release, Rakim’s “God MC” claim became clear. Those of us who are familiar with the duo know the standard which they set. Eric B mastered scratching and DJ-ing while Rakim fascinated us with his lyricism. 1992 would give us their last album together “Don’t Sweat The Technique” and while the complications and label legalities were plentiful, Hip Hop said farewell to one of the most influential duos and the only MC that proved he really was “godly”.
So what makes Rakim such a God in Hip Hop? It’s his ease of delivery, the intricacy of his lyrics, the precision in his word choice and metaphors and of course his impressive level of creativity. His articulation and eloquence are still unmatched and while many try to uphold the purity of Hip Hop, Rakim did this naturally and consistently. 1997 would be the year Rakim resurfaced and he was better than ever (if that’s even possible). He dropped his solo debut The 18th Letter and once again fans were amazed. Apart from his early work, this would be my favorite album in his solo catalog.
Rakim has always managed to have impressive production on his albums and this one was no different. DJ Premier, Pete Rock, Father Shaheed and a few others made this flawless. Each track met the standard which he set (for himself) so many years before thus making it one of the greatest releases of the year. Every track is great to me but the one that stands out the most is “Guess Who’s Back”, as it’s got impressive tempo, incredible energy and it’s the perfect display of Rakim’s rapping prowess. In fact, the first verse shows exactly why he’s godly.
“It’s the return of the Wild Style fashionist
Smashing hits
Make it hard to adapt to this
Put pizazz and jazz in this
And cash in this
Mastered this, flash this and make em clap to this
DJ’s throw on cuts and obey the crowd
Just pump the volume up, and play it loud
Hip Hop’s embedded
Before I said I wouldn’t let it
But me and the microphone is still magnetic
Straight off the top
I knew I’d be forced to rock
Dance floors just stop, the spot’s scorching hot”
He rhymes words in the middle of each line/bar and at the end, while also changing the rhyme pattern every few lines and he manages to match it seamlessly with the increase and decrease of the beat. It’s flawlessly delivered and so effortless.
Although Rakim was never (and will never be) a big time household name in the mainstream so to speak, he established his ranks in the genre. He’s a favorite of purists and is credited for influencing almost every rapper of the “Golden Age” through his precision, confidence, eloquence and flawless skill. He referred to himself as a God MC and proved it over and over and over again.
@JADBeats – Back in 1985, Eric B. found the perfect MC to take his beats to the next level. Rakim was one of the guys back then that would be unknowingly changing the game before my official introduction to Hip Hop. He’s the guy that my pops, uncles, and older cousins regarded as the best along with the likes of BDK, MC Shan & KRS-1. I really fell in love with Hip Hop around 1993, but growing up I remember Rap City and Yo MTV Raps playing videos like “Paid In Full”, “Microphone Fiend”, “I Aint No Joke”, “Don’t Sweat The Technique”, etc. The TV was always blasting while we were glued to it in awe.
This man had a gift with words. It wasn’t exactly his message but more so how he said it with his relaxed and laid-back delivery with the ability to get aggressive at times. The way he boasts about his style with such confidence showcasing his clever, articulate, and metaphor driven flow with ease was so unique that no one could really copy. There are some rappers who just mesh perfectly over jazz and funk instrumentals, and Rakim is that. Although he has many classic songs, if I had to choose one it would be “The Punisher” of the Don’t Sweat The Technique album. He went absolutely crazy on that song. The song really embodied the title. It is one of those songs that you rewind to catch how dope the lines were. He’ll go down as the innovator of multisyllabic rhymes, internal rhyme schemes, alliteration with letters, referencing and sampling his old songs in new songs.
There are two MCs we regard as the greatest now, who like many others, have borrowed or sampled from Ra like Nas when he says “I’m the N, the A, to the S-I-R/ and if I wasn’t, I must have been Escobar/” and Eminem’s “I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t then why would I say I am”, which are both inspired by “It’s The R”. He’s had ups and downs in his career, but has created so much greatness that it is set in stone. It makes me happy that I see producers, rappers, commercials and movies using Rakim & Eric B. songs to carry on their legacy. Ra is my favorite rapper’s favorite rapper or at least in their top 5 lists, so respect to The God MC.
Outro By @TrueGodImmortal – Where do I begin? For a young MC myself, Rakim was a huge influence. Lyrically, his ability to showcase internal rhyme schemes, lyrical dexterity, and an abundance of wordplay is second to none. His influence on my favorite rappers like Nas, Jay-Z, and numerous others needs to be recognized. He’s paved a legacy that is majorly unmatched in the game and though as a solo artist later in his career, he didn’t experience the same success so to speak as with Eric B., I think as a lyricist, his strengths grew even more after this. Now don’t get me wrong, love Paid In Full,  Follow The Leader, Let The Rhythm Hit Em, and Don’t Sweat The Technique, but I wanted to focus on Ra when he was on his own. We hear so much of him with Eric B., and rightfully so, but aside from those 4 amazing albums as one half of one of the greatest duos ever in Hip Hop, Rakim has shown his lyrical growth through the three solo albums he’s had, most notably on The 18th Letter and The Master, his debut and sophomore solo.
This is clear on tracks like “When I B On the Mic”, the DJ Premier-produced banger from the 1999 release The Master. Lyrically, this is one of his strongest performances in the later point of his career. The third verse is the best example of his lyrical strength and growth to me. Take a look at how many rhyming words he fits into the verse. Check it out:
“To my elite peeps
With the murderous mystiques
I hit the streets with beats
And they critique for weeks
They be like, How that kid Ra reach the peak?
Pull out the heat and use my technique to speak
It’s dangerous
Sit calm and explain to kids
What part of the game this is in foreign languages
They hold Ra’s events in different continents
Put my lyrical contents in monuments
In ghetto garments, I rock a towel like a pharaoh
Mind travel, design style like apparel
My fashions last long as a lifetime
‘Cause I can see the future when the god write rhymes
They’re mad ‘cause I managed to reign so long
Like their chance to make money done came and gone
This is strictly for my listeners on the corners at night
And the sisters that be keepin’ this right, when I be on the mic
That is a masterful lyrical work IMO. Another verse that I’ve always loved came from his solo debut The 18th Letter, which has some amazing lyrical gems on it. My personal favorite song from this is the Pete Rock-produced “The Saga Begins”, and Ra kills it all three verses, but the 2nd verse has always stood out to me the most. Take a look:
“Yo, my never-ending epic
Got the world spinning hectic
I quickly spread it
Till the whole city’s infected
Suspense that I supply intensify
Then commence as my daily events go by
You get involved in thisParagraphologist
Narrating novelist
Market this, sound marvelous
I’m the star in this
Which means the author’s authentic
Most definite, every episode’s an epidemic
So when you research, check it, here go the evidence
They represent with lyrical negligence for presidents
My science existed, without the fiction
Every inscription is a special edition
So all hail the honorableMicrophone phenomenal
Microphone phenomenal
Persona is unbombable
Trust me son, I continue like a saga do
Bringing you the drama to
Allow you that the chronicle”
I think verses like those showcase why Rakim is a top 5 lyricist of all time and the original complex lyricist in the game. His ability to switch rhyme patterns, stuff line after line into one couplet, and his precise flow is quite possibly unmatched along with a very recognizable voice. While most people would point to the Eric B. & Rakim days for their favorite memories of Rakim (and I understand why), I think more credit needs to be shown to his days as a top tier MC alone. We often overlook some of the greatest legends’ best work based on nostalgia. In my humble opinion, The 18th Letter and The Master, as well as The Seventh Seal gave Ra his own true identify away from Eric B., and solidified him to me as one of the greatest to ever do it even more. There are many in Hip Hop who aspire to legends, and one name that a majority will say is their influence is Rakim. That right there says more than enough.
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The post Legends: Rakim – Hip Hop Golden Age Hip Hop Golden Age appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/legends-rakim-hip-hop-golden-age-hip-hop-golden-age/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=legends-rakim-hip-hop-golden-age-hip-hop-golden-age from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/187609090283
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Legends: Rakim – Hip Hop Golden Age Hip Hop Golden Age
Introduction by @TrueGodImmortal – There are some rappers and MCs that transcend the culture. They become even bigger than Hip Hop in the neighborhood, they become worldwide icons. They become the greatest. They became legends.
One of the first true legends in Hip Hop, Rakim, is our topic of discussion today. Yes, you might know him for crafting classics next to Eric B., but make no mistake about it, Rakim is the premier lyricist in the history of the genre and one of the most influential artists in the entire genre of Hip Hop. Today, we wanted to continue our DAR Legends series with a look at the incomparable Rakim, talk some of his greatest verses, and his legacy as one of the true pioneers of the game.
@CherchezLaPorsh – There are a few MC’s who are frequently mentioned when talking about legends, but there is only one that is widely known and considered as the “God MC”. He’s someone who has influenced hundreds of artists and has established himself as the greatest of all time IMO. Hip Hop would be introduced to Rakim back in 1987 when he paired with friend and DJ Eric B. The two became Hip Hop powerhouses and through each album release, Rakim’s “God MC” claim became clear. Those of us who are familiar with the duo know the standard which they set. Eric B mastered scratching and DJ-ing while Rakim fascinated us with his lyricism. 1992 would give us their last album together “Don’t Sweat The Technique” and while the complications and label legalities were plentiful, Hip Hop said farewell to one of the most influential duos and the only MC that proved he really was “godly”.
So what makes Rakim such a God in Hip Hop? It’s his ease of delivery, the intricacy of his lyrics, the precision in his word choice and metaphors and of course his impressive level of creativity. His articulation and eloquence are still unmatched and while many try to uphold the purity of Hip Hop, Rakim did this naturally and consistently. 1997 would be the year Rakim resurfaced and he was better than ever (if that’s even possible). He dropped his solo debut The 18th Letter and once again fans were amazed. Apart from his early work, this would be my favorite album in his solo catalog.
Rakim has always managed to have impressive production on his albums and this one was no different. DJ Premier, Pete Rock, Father Shaheed and a few others made this flawless. Each track met the standard which he set (for himself) so many years before thus making it one of the greatest releases of the year. Every track is great to me but the one that stands out the most is “Guess Who’s Back”, as it’s got impressive tempo, incredible energy and it’s the perfect display of Rakim’s rapping prowess. In fact, the first verse shows exactly why he’s godly.
“It’s the return of the Wild Style fashionist
Smashing hits
Make it hard to adapt to this
Put pizazz and jazz in this
And cash in this
Mastered this, flash this and make em clap to this
DJ’s throw on cuts and obey the crowd
Just pump the volume up, and play it loud
Hip Hop’s embedded
Before I said I wouldn’t let it
But me and the microphone is still magnetic
Straight off the top
I knew I’d be forced to rock
Dance floors just stop, the spot’s scorching hot”
He rhymes words in the middle of each line/bar and at the end, while also changing the rhyme pattern every few lines and he manages to match it seamlessly with the increase and decrease of the beat. It’s flawlessly delivered and so effortless.
Although Rakim was never (and will never be) a big time household name in the mainstream so to speak, he established his ranks in the genre. He’s a favorite of purists and is credited for influencing almost every rapper of the “Golden Age” through his precision, confidence, eloquence and flawless skill. He referred to himself as a God MC and proved it over and over and over again.
@JADBeats – Back in 1985, Eric B. found the perfect MC to take his beats to the next level. Rakim was one of the guys back then that would be unknowingly changing the game before my official introduction to Hip Hop. He’s the guy that my pops, uncles, and older cousins regarded as the best along with the likes of BDK, MC Shan & KRS-1. I really fell in love with Hip Hop around 1993, but growing up I remember Rap City and Yo MTV Raps playing videos like “Paid In Full”, “Microphone Fiend”, “I Aint No Joke”, “Don’t Sweat The Technique”, etc. The TV was always blasting while we were glued to it in awe.
This man had a gift with words. It wasn’t exactly his message but more so how he said it with his relaxed and laid-back delivery with the ability to get aggressive at times. The way he boasts about his style with such confidence showcasing his clever, articulate, and metaphor driven flow with ease was so unique that no one could really copy. There are some rappers who just mesh perfectly over jazz and funk instrumentals, and Rakim is that. Although he has many classic songs, if I had to choose one it would be “The Punisher” of the Don’t Sweat The Technique album. He went absolutely crazy on that song. The song really embodied the title. It is one of those songs that you rewind to catch how dope the lines were. He’ll go down as the innovator of multisyllabic rhymes, internal rhyme schemes, alliteration with letters, referencing and sampling his old songs in new songs.
There are two MCs we regard as the greatest now, who like many others, have borrowed or sampled from Ra like Nas when he says “I’m the N, the A, to the S-I-R/ and if I wasn’t, I must have been Escobar/” and Eminem’s “I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t then why would I say I am”, which are both inspired by “It’s The R”. He’s had ups and downs in his career, but has created so much greatness that it is set in stone. It makes me happy that I see producers, rappers, commercials and movies using Rakim & Eric B. songs to carry on their legacy. Ra is my favorite rapper’s favorite rapper or at least in their top 5 lists, so respect to The God MC.
Outro By @TrueGodImmortal – Where do I begin? For a young MC myself, Rakim was a huge influence. Lyrically, his ability to showcase internal rhyme schemes, lyrical dexterity, and an abundance of wordplay is second to none. His influence on my favorite rappers like Nas, Jay-Z, and numerous others needs to be recognized. He’s paved a legacy that is majorly unmatched in the game and though as a solo artist later in his career, he didn’t experience the same success so to speak as with Eric B., I think as a lyricist, his strengths grew even more after this. Now don’t get me wrong, love Paid In Full,  Follow The Leader, Let The Rhythm Hit Em, and Don’t Sweat The Technique, but I wanted to focus on Ra when he was on his own. We hear so much of him with Eric B., and rightfully so, but aside from those 4 amazing albums as one half of one of the greatest duos ever in Hip Hop, Rakim has shown his lyrical growth through the three solo albums he’s had, most notably on The 18th Letter and The Master, his debut and sophomore solo.
This is clear on tracks like “When I B On the Mic”, the DJ Premier-produced banger from the 1999 release The Master. Lyrically, this is one of his strongest performances in the later point of his career. The third verse is the best example of his lyrical strength and growth to me. Take a look at how many rhyming words he fits into the verse. Check it out:
“To my elite peeps
With the murderous mystiques
I hit the streets with beats
And they critique for weeks
They be like, How that kid Ra reach the peak?
Pull out the heat and use my technique to speak
It’s dangerous
Sit calm and explain to kids
What part of the game this is in foreign languages
They hold Ra’s events in different continents
Put my lyrical contents in monuments
In ghetto garments, I rock a towel like a pharaoh
Mind travel, design style like apparel
My fashions last long as a lifetime
‘Cause I can see the future when the god write rhymes
They’re mad ‘cause I managed to reign so long
Like their chance to make money done came and gone
This is strictly for my listeners on the corners at night
And the sisters that be keepin’ this right, when I be on the mic
That is a masterful lyrical work IMO. Another verse that I’ve always loved came from his solo debut The 18th Letter, which has some amazing lyrical gems on it. My personal favorite song from this is the Pete Rock-produced “The Saga Begins”, and Ra kills it all three verses, but the 2nd verse has always stood out to me the most. Take a look:
“Yo, my never-ending epic
Got the world spinning hectic
I quickly spread it
Till the whole city’s infected
Suspense that I supply intensify
Then commence as my daily events go by
You get involved in thisParagraphologist
Narrating novelist
Market this, sound marvelous
I’m the star in this
Which means the author’s authentic
Most definite, every episode’s an epidemic
So when you research, check it, here go the evidence
They represent with lyrical negligence for presidents
My science existed, without the fiction
Every inscription is a special edition
So all hail the honorableMicrophone phenomenal
Microphone phenomenal
Persona is unbombable
Trust me son, I continue like a saga do
Bringing you the drama to
Allow you that the chronicle”
I think verses like those showcase why Rakim is a top 5 lyricist of all time and the original complex lyricist in the game. His ability to switch rhyme patterns, stuff line after line into one couplet, and his precise flow is quite possibly unmatched along with a very recognizable voice. While most people would point to the Eric B. & Rakim days for their favorite memories of Rakim (and I understand why), I think more credit needs to be shown to his days as a top tier MC alone. We often overlook some of the greatest legends’ best work based on nostalgia. In my humble opinion, The 18th Letter and The Master, as well as The Seventh Seal gave Ra his own true identify away from Eric B., and solidified him to me as one of the greatest to ever do it even more. There are many in Hip Hop who aspire to legends, and one name that a majority will say is their influence is Rakim. That right there says more than enough.
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