#i like butter lettuce. and that's like it.
capfalcon · 2 years
idk if i missed the memo somewhere or smth but i genuinely just do not understand people who like vegetables. yes i know this makes me seem like a small toddler. but i just. i watch people eat salads and im like. are you. are you enjoying that. mmm. water. mmmmmmmmm. weird texture. i watch people Love brussel sprouts and im like ah yes. i too love the taste of bitter leaves. i think i like about 10 veggies total. i have ordered a salad exactly twice. i do not understand.
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aro-culture-is · 6 months
aro culture is getting so fucking tired of people using the fact that there's a queer romance in something as a reason you should watch it. like haven't allos had enough of romance? queer or otherwise? I'm not saying queer representation is bad, of course, I'm just fed up with asking what a book is about and in response all I get is "oh it has queer people in it" cool! what is it about? having queer representation is not the be all end all of media can we please have ONE thing without romance in it. please.
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maigetheplatypus57 · 19 days
Honestly dungeon meshi fans were not kidding when they say that the show helps them have a better relationship with food... the recent episodes with izutsumi have encouraged me to start adding more vegetables to my meals (or at least not pick them out from dishes...)
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angelmush · 1 year
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trying to convert myself from being a shrimp hater via chili butter grilled shrimp (inspired by cafehailee but tweaked for allergies and tastes).
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bombusbombus · 8 months
Some pretty silly takes coming out of Batman fandom as to what it's like to be raised by a British person. Bruce wouldn't be unable to speak with an American accent—he's been surrounded by American accents his whole life, and he'd probably avoid drawing unwanted attention.
Much more likely he'd tell his friend at school that he had "rocket salad" for lunch and 20 years later it's the only thing that person remembers about him so they STILL tell that not-actually-funny 'story' to everyone at high society parties. At every party. Until Bruce regularly fantasises about hitting them with an actual rocket.
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warpolomewdarkmatter · 10 months
i think that if Lightyear (2022) didn't have the meat-bread-meat sandwich scene i would like the movie way more. the sandwitch gag was just so flabbergasting and honestly gross (so unhygienic!!!) that it yanked me out of the "being immersed in a story with my disbelief suspended" into "Who In Their Right Mind Wrote This Into The Movie Script. Am I, The Viewer, Supposed To Think This Is Funny?" soooo fast (and it was already losing me with all the new watery characters and the lackluster zurg plotline). there's a cool scifi story happening before & after that scene and Those events are always shown as something natural, i guess (within the setting they make total sense, i mean), and i always trust the main character to know what to do and Belong in the story. but the sandwiches were weird and alien even to him and even moreso weird and alien to me by extension... and that feeling of weirdness contributed to nothing re: mood of the moment/overarching plot/character development and it wasnt even FUNNY. if the creators wanted to include the sandwich so bad they needed to have zurg eat it to show what a deranged freak he is.
#i know this is kind of insane nitpicking but i do sincerely believe this. for me that scene is one of the most memorable parts of the movie#origpost#lightyear#oh my god and the cucumbers... the WATERY VEGETABLE SLIDES FROM THE FATTY MEAT!!! THATS OBVIOUS AND DISGUSTING!!#YOU HAVE TO CUSHION IT WITH SOMETHING DRY/TEXTURED LIKE BREAD OR LETTUCE!!! OR SLICE THEM INTO STRIPS NOT CIRCLES!!!#NOT TO MENTION THAT THE BREAD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CUCUMBER SITUATION WILL BE SO SOPPING WET.#AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THEY USED ANY SAUCE OR SPREAD BECAUSE IF SO THE BREAD WILL GET EVEN MORE MOIST???#unless the bread is covered on both sides with a fat-based spread eg butter which would prevent it from absorbing water. but who knows.#(echoing mumbling) or you could use cream cheese instead of butter... w/ some spices mixed in... god i wish theyd add some cheese on there.#um in conclusion. love to have characters take a break and enjoy some food that adds some flavor (ha!) to the setting.#like the grub in emperors new groove! or wreck it ralps pacman cherry! or wallace and gromits moon cracker!!#i just think the ly sandwiches underdelivered and the characters didn't even finish them (i mean buzz takes it [hands dirty] and#sets it on the table AND PICKS IT UP [HANDS DIRTY] AND ***TAKES A BITE***???? and LEAVES IT??? which is fucking insane????!?!?!?!)#um. sorry for ranting and nitpicking again. i just have Opinions on food. in scifi. i guess. (suddenly the blogger is weirdly embarrassed.)#the other food items in the vending machine were PICKLES btw. maybe the colony just got really good at growing cucumbers and nothing else..
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fazcinatingblog · 6 months
The cut on my finger is mad at me that I had to juice a lemon for my lunch meal prep
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apnourry · 11 months
Just curious if you masturbate often
Y'all could ask me if I like leafy greens or something
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hydrangevas · 1 year
craving german cheese and vegetable sandwiches...
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pizzapizzadickz · 1 year
Random fun facts b4 bed! Whoo!!!
I never rly realized just how severe my pickiness is. Bc. I'll eat anything. I love food. I love trying food too. Buuuut, if im at home I won't eat many foods. Lettuce, most raw veggies, I like chips but hate how they get stuck in my teeth (i avoid a lot of similar foods), and i hate it when I toast things too much and all the skin on the roof of your mouth just says "im outta here"). There's probably more but this is an example. Oh also i hate food touching (I'm fine with it when it's at restaurants tho bc that's how it's supposed to be so it's okay). And when I do go out to eat (and try something new), I generally like picking it out beforehand or I take a while to decide everything I want. I love that places have online menus now bc I often just decide using that.
Also I've been stimming a lot lately. Probably bc ive been tired. But I wonder why that tends to cause it? Probably bc it's a self soothing behaviour. How neat.
#diary#personal#disordered eating#ahh. but yeah. i hate eating mixed frozen veggies or shit like fruit salad.#like. i dont mind it if i combine it or cook it a certain way#but i absolutely hate just random crap thown together.#heres a list of some more specific foods and reasons actually#so lettuce. ive hated it since ive been a child. probablu bc its bitter? it tastes weird#i dont like uncooked veggies. carrots are a prime example. they crumble apart and end up just everywhere in your mouth. dont like.#i dont like unripe fruit. but i love the ripe kind.#AND THIS IS WHERE A PROBLEM STARTS. DO I CHANCE BUYING FRUIT NOT KNOWING WHAT ILL GET. NOPE. so i dont eat fruit much anymore...#i dont really like meat all that much. especially red meat like beef. specifically stakes n the like bc it hurts to chew for so long.#i also dont like chicken or porkchops bc theyre bland n suck (my parents dont season them well)#what else. hot dogs. hate them. i will eat them on ocassion but not something i like.#i dont like pinapple bc its too strong but i like it cooked.#i used to hate porridge but like it now bc if i dont use milk products like butter i can eat it without it hurting#i cant eat ribs. idk why. i wish i could bc theyre tasty but they hurt to eat and upset my stomach.#i used to hate bread bc i once ate one that tasted moldly. but now i love it especially buttered bread#what else... i think thats it for the most part? im allergic to a bunch of stuff too (actually theyre just sensitivity)#the stuff im sensitive to only makes my throat itch but it includes: almonds. pecans. wallnuts. sunflower seeds. mushrooms.#the rind on brie cheese. alfalfa sprouts (maybe due to mold on them or something???? idk why i have this one)#oh blue cheese. i think thats it? i used to have more that came and went. like honey for example.#im also really lactose intollerant#im also really picky in the way i eat and i have a hard time making myself food bc of low energy n srufd#like today i wanted a tuna or salmon sandwich. but i settled for a pb&j one bc my hands hurt and it seemed like a lot of work#i just couldnt rhink of making it up so i didnt!!!#but on another note i actually really love foods with strong flavours. like spicy foods. or smokey. strong cheese. etc#my eating habits could really be better though. i didnt have any veggies (again) today.#ahhh i do worry thats why ive been taking vitamins#its bc i just dont eat the right foods ever. like. most of my diet currently is cashews and bread.
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southislandwren · 2 years
happy day 2 of 5 days of quarantine. my friend brought me some groceries since i literally haven't grocery shopped since august and i made some homemade garlic bread with the bread i made yesterday. tomorrow i'll start a new batch of bread so tonight i'll take some starter out and feed it and all that. yay cooking to stave off the horrors
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astranva · 1 year
Instagram Live
Word Count: 1k
Category: Fluff
Summary: Harry joins his girlfriend’s Instagram live.
There were a lot of labels that people never seemed to like.
There were relationship labels that people fought over, sexuality labels that every media outlet liked to plaster, and scandalous labels that could break a royal’s reputation.
However, your label as Harry’s girlfriend was one that you actually seemed to enjoy.
Harry’s normal girlfriend.
Sure, you were called “Harry Styles’ girlfriend” more times than you were called by your own name ever since you became public three years ago, but if there was anything you felt like you had bragging rights about, it would be that you managed to form a connection with his fans for being yourself, and especially on TikTok.
It came as a surprise to many and most when people caught up to the woman Harry seemed so infatuated with that he was grinning some more, directing sappy lyrics to on stage, and going shopping with at places that weren’t Gucci. You were relatable.
Your TikToks were international treasure, especially ones where you pranked Harry or participated in couple challenges with, so it was no surprise that even your Instagram harbored some following who were instantly excited and urgent to join once they had got the notification.
yourinstagram started a live video. Watch it before it ends!
Clad in a black Pleasing crewneck, hair up in a microfiber towel, your legs were pushed up slightly against your chest as you painted your nails, peaking to see you already had 14,374 viewers.
“Helloooo,” you dragged, smiling once you saw the excited comments coming through.
user4: hey, y/n! how are you doing?
“I’m doing okay,” you answered, sighing a little, “Just taking a quick break from studying and thought we could have a chat.”
user5: you’re still studying?
user7: @/user she’s getting a master’s degree where have u been
user8: do you miss harry?
“Hi Angela,” you smiled, “Yeah, I’m getting my master’s degree. Guys, I literally forgot how awful exams and assignments were because I graduated like, four years ago, so I don’t miss it,” you said, “Do I miss Harry? No, of course not. I don’t know who that is.”
user10: I hope you’re joking
You chuckled, “Some of you are new here, huh?”
user12: HARRY
harrystyles: Boo. You miss me.
You laughed, “You’re going to break them.”
harrystyles: Oops.
harrystyles: Have you eaten?
“Yeah, I-Oh my God, H, I made one the best salads ever. It had chicken, like grilled chicken, and I had bell peppers, corn, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, red beans, onions,” you counted on your fingers, “Then I made this creamy avocado dressing. It was so fucking good.”
user4: share the recipe bestie
harrystyles: Yum. Can’t wait to try it when I see you.
harrystyles: Breakfast?
“Yeah, I had breakfast, too,” you nodded, “Butter toasts and those olives we got from Italy,” you said, “What about you? Are you eating well?”
user5: I can’t believe we’re witnessing this
user15: it’s like they’re on the phone together
user16: I want to sit on a highway
harrystyles: We had tacos! 🌮
You gasped jokingly, “Did you actually eat tacos because I was telling you about how much I’ve been craving them yesterday?”
paulithepsm: Y/NNNNNNN
harrystyles: Yes. Hehe.
“Pauli!” You grinned, “I missed you too much!” You were beaming before pointing a finger at the screen, “Same doesn’t go for you though, H. I can’t believe you ate tacos without me.”
harrystyles: PAULI
paulithepsm: HARRY
paulithepsm: I miss my best friend 😭😭
user18: PLS
harrystyles: I’m sorry. I’ll make you tacos when you get here. Promise.
harrystyles: Show me your nails.
You showed your freshly painted nails to the screen, “Some Citrico Vibrante Cremoso greens,” you showed them off, “Buy Pleasing,” you teased, “Or find more affordable dupes, babes.”
harrystyles: I’ll match with you.
“You can wait until I come. I’ll paint them for you,” you said.
harrystyles: OKAY ❤
user3: HE’S SO CUTE
jeffazoff: Come get your man. He’s a pain.
You laughed, “Aw come on, Jeff. He’s not too bad. You just need to cuddle him and feed him.”
harrystyles: Agreed.
harrystyles: Jeff, don’t cuddle me.
jeffazoff: I wasn’t planning on it 🙄 I’m waiting for Y/N to come and do that
“I leave you for two weeks and now you’re about to kill each other,” you sighed, “Hey, before I forget, can you tell Lamby that I’ve been trying to send him my final thoughts about the outfit but it won’t get to him for some reason?”
harry_lambert: My phone’s been acting up, babe. Send it on email! 🖤
user20: I just want to be her
harrystyles: I love your outfit.
“Okay, Lamby, will do,” you said before giggling, standing up and backing away a little to show the Pleasing crewneck and the baggy green sweatpants you were wearing, “Oh yeah? What do you think?” You put a hand to your hip before pretending to flick back your hair, “My boyfriend got me that sweatshirt,” you pointed at it, “And these are his sweatpants,” you pointed again, “Hair by me, nails by me but using my boyfriend’s nail polish,” you said, wiggling your fingers before approaching your phone again, “He’s kind of a big deal.”
user7: she’s so cute
harrystyles: He’s so fucking lucky.
You giggled, cupping your hand around your mouth, “Harry Styles just cursed on live,” you whispered.
user21: “he’s so fucking lucky” I DIED BYE
jeffazoff: Scandalous
harrystyles: OH FUCK
harrystyles: 😎
You laughed, “This is some content your fans will absolutely go feral over,” you said, “I need to go now.”
harrystyles: Call me?
user20: I’m not okay
You nodded, “I’ll call you right after I end that thing. Bye, guys! Talk to you later!”
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mars-ipan · 2 years
if you don’t like vegetables there’s something wrong with you.
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ultrasharpy12345stuff · 4 months
Proof that Law of Assumption is Real
You can literally experience what you want right now. Let's use an example, think of something simple.
Think of a burger. It's juicy and succulent. It smells really good. It has the fat dripping off it it, it has fresh lettuce and tomato slices. Maybe some pickles. It's thick and meaty and it has it's aroma wafting in the air. You can smell the seasoning. You can smell the butter brioche buns and of the oil is fried to the underside of them. The air is filled with the scent of barbeque sauce and fried meat. And it's not cheap like from McDonalds or something, oh no. I mean this is a REAL burger made in house by hand.
Did your mouth start to water? Did you start to imagine what it would be like if you got to eat this burger?
If this all started happening to you then you have just proved to yourself that imagination is real. Imagination is literally another dimension. What's in your mind is another world. And you're able to bring what's in your mind outside.
Artists do it all the time. They have a picture they want to make. They envision it, they imagine it, they think about it. And then they make it! And then boom it exists! Isn't that cool? They actually brought something from another dimension into the real world!
I have a confession: there's a videogame I want to make. I've been thinking about what this videogame would look like. I keep thinking about how this videogame would play. And it's gotten to the point where I can almost clearly see it in my head, this fantasy videogame that doesn't exist. But here's the kicker: I FEEL like I've literally played it. It's so weird.
So that's the same way with LOA. See, what you imagine is real. It's REAL. It's in your mind. And you can actually experience what you want RIGHT NOW.
You can do it. Think of something you want. Now ask yourself, "What if this were true right now?" I myself just got this really dumb grin on my face. And that's proof that it's real. Because I experienced what I wanted THAT MOMENT.
Here's another proof: you're supposed to be happy. No, I'm not just saying that to make you feel better I mean literally human beings aren't supposed to be in undesirable situations and have terrible emotions. The reason is because feeling good... well, feels good. Doesn't it? So doesn't that mean you're always supposed to feel good or more often than not? If feeling good feels good then that means you're supposed to feel that way. It's a reward.
You do something and you get rewarded for it. That's a pavlovian response. This is nature, this is natural. That is how we are wired. We are supposed to feel good, we are supposed to be rewarded. So why not feel good? If life is hard enough as it is doesn't that mean we should make it less hard? So doesn't that mean we should naturally feel good?
Then logic follows that if feeling good feels good then we are supposed to feel good. And if we're supposed to feel good then we should do everything in our power to feel good (within reason of course). And in that case giving to ourselves what we want in our mind will do that.
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bogleech · 3 months
At least being an extremely picky eater as a child means my adult life became filled with brand new food experiences.
Among the things I never tasted until my 20s and up include pizza, waffles, pasta sauce, macaroni and cheese, fried eggs, meatballs, sausage of any kind, fish other than canned tuna, shrimp, crab, steak, ice cream other than plain chocolate, cooked vegetables in general, jam or jelly of any kind, gravy, stew, curry, vegetable stir fry, nuts, berries, and tomatoes.
Before roughly some point in my very late teens for some reason the thought of eating any of those and countless other things repulsed me. I liked only smooth bland textures with one simple flavor. My meal of choice was pasta with nothing on it but butter and a pinch of salt. Yes like just a bowl of pure starch. The only vegetable I liked was every form of potato, and lettuce. Like I just ate plain heads of lettuce.
Now I love every food so much I eagerly anticipate the next time I'll be hungry but then I'm paralyzed by choices. Even sandwiches I can make at home feel like an indulgence sometimes. I plain overlook some things for years, like I just realized today I don't know what a "banana split" is like but I had a banana and some ice cream. Now I do! I like ice cream a lot better with a banana I think! Im forty
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0asisbliss · 3 months
How JJK characters react to you cooking for them
Warnings: None. NOT PROOFREAD. Fluff.
Characters included: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Yuuji, and Sukuna.
Dividers by: Plutism, and k1ssyoursister
A/n: inspo from my hxh version of this I thlought it would be fun - ̗̀ ( ˶'ᵕ'˶) ̖́- I kind of headcannon Sukuna as a weird boyfriend. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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When he comes home it’s a possibility that he hasn’t eaten all day, so when he comes home to a freshly cooked meal he’s gonna eat everything in his sights. You always have to make sure you make enough for him to get seconds. He’ll always make sure to give you little compliments about your food.
When he gets in really, really late you often just put all of the food in the fridge, and write his name on it. When you do little things like this it makes his still heart skip a couple a beats. It’s always the small things you cook, and do for him when you’re in the kitchen is what he loves most.
He won’t always verbally tell you what he might want to eat. You sometimes have to take a lucky guess, and most of the time you’re correct. We all know Gojo has a huge sweet tooth so when you bake for him it makes him swoon he loves it when you bake cookies, and different cakes.
If there is room for improvement when you cook for him he’s more than happy to help you. Even though he doesn’t know the first thing about cooking or baking.
Kisses, and hugs go a long way when he’s in the kitchen with you, or when you bring him a plate and give him a small, but cute kiss on the cheek.
When you cook for him he likes to think of it being a very careful and thoughtful task you did just for him. It kinda makes him feel special you know?
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
He thinks it’s cute when he comes home from dealing with annoying curses, and non-sorcerers to you in a cute little apron stirring some type of soup in a pot. He’ll eventually come behind you, and greet you. It’s like any other usual afternoon, he asks you how your day went, and what you did today.
Afterwards he might just observe you cooking. From time to time he’ll tell you bits and pieces of his day while leaning on the counter next to you. He also lets you do your own thing. Like he won’t tell you if you’re doing something wrong, or right. He’ll might tell you easier ways to do different things though.
He hugs your waist as you chop up onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and other vegetables. He looks closely for any errors or anything you might be during wrong. Not to be annoying, but to help you improve.He doesn’t intentionally interrupt you it’s just by habit having to correct someone. That’s he even does it with you.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Its was just another regular long day at work. He hung his coat up, and slipped inside the kitchen for a bite to eat. He noticed you when first entering that you were cooking something. You were in some sweats, and one of his t-shirts. He thought you looked beautiful just in a baggy t-shirt, and sweat pants.
Nanami always thought you were the most beautiful woman in his world. Even now when you were cooking him dinner. You chopped the vegetables, and other food items with such grace. He just stood there and watched you for a minute. You not even noticing him at first continue to chop and pour things into a pot. Only when you turn around to grab some butter out the fridge you find your husband staring at you in awe and adoration.
He starts to walk up to you. He gives long thoughtful hug then turns around and leaves. He didn’t stay long, and left you to do your cooking duties.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
It was routine for you to wake up and fix breakfast for Yuuji. Today was no different you gave Yuuji a quick kiss on the forehead before getting up and going to kitchen to get breakfast. Yuuji is always asleep whilst you cook breakfast, but today it was different. Yuuji got up strangely early. You thought that maybe he slept the day away yesterday, and decided got up earlier that usual.
Nonetheless he brushed his teeth, and took a quick shower. Once he was done everything he headed to the kitchen to have breakfast with you. You weren’t done though. Today’s breakfast would take longer that usual because you were cooking more stuff. Yuuji didn’t have work on that day so you decided to make something meaningful, and different. Instead of something quick, and easy like usually do on the week days.
On the weekends you would cook such breakfasts like pancakes, waffles, and other extra things. Yuuji’s appetite was kinda fairy big. So on the weekends you fed him want he usuals wouldn’t eat because of short time. So since you had a little bit of extra time you decided more than usual.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
My dude just stares at you. Literally not caring at all. It’s not until you keep doing that you actually see him reacting to your cooking. The thing is he made a uncomfortable face. It wasn’t your food he made that clear. Thank god. No it wasn’t that it was him thinking that you thought you had to cook for him in order to keep him happy.
You don’t know we’re Sukuna got it from.
“You know. You don’t have to do this every night woman.”
“I know I just like doing it-.”
“Oh. Well maybe say that next time.”
He went back to eating after that, and so did you. You thought nothing of it. Later that weekend night you saw Sukuna making you breakfast?
You offered to help him, but he declined and said he wanted you to sit down.
Maybe it was his way of thanking you? You weren’t really sure when it came to Sukuna and his mixed feelings. He always had a hard time expressing them. And when he really wanted to express them. He felt as if he’d say something stupid, or something corny.
It surely surprised you. It’s kinda rare for Sukuna to cook especially if it isn’t a special occasion. Maybe he just wanted to return the favor? You don’t know you maybe should still try to help him by at least washing the dishes. After cooking and eating you expressed your opinions on the food, and you loved it.
It was a start of a date night idea for you two. You two would cook for each other every once in a while. He would never admit it, but Sukuna liked doing this with you.
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