#i know it's spidey super stories but come on dude
gaykarstaagforever · 1 month
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I don't know, Spidey, I think maybe you should
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AND you drank the drugged rootbeer float.
Why did you come along on this trip if you were just going to drink whatever the evil robot wizard gave you?
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blooming-violets · 5 days
The ask I sent previously was deleted and I'm mad I'll send it again
In the comics there is a hilarious story line where aunt may starts dating Jameson what do you think Peter's reaction would be to that of he found out ?
What would Peter's reaction to may dating in general be I think he would be annoyingly protective dress up as spider man crash her dates or threaten the men dangerous bodily harm if they break her heart and will start staying over at May's house alot more and be very clingy for a while
This has huge potential for being extremely funny and I want your thoughts on it
OH I can see him being so possessive over her! Especially if it's Jameson!
You know how in Dancing on My Own, Peter crashes Reader's date and is obnoxious and trying to get her to come back to the apartment with him instead??
It's that times ten.
Any time he hears she's going out with him, he suddenly has a super big problem that only she can fix. He needs her really badly. It's an emergency. He's having a mental health crisis. He's gonna jump. Quick, come home and talk me down!
And she falls for it half the time because that's her boy and if he says he needs her, she goes. Peter knows this very well and uses it to manipulate her. But over time she catches on that this only happens when she's about to go on a date.
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He will straight up call her repeatedly during their date until she picks up. He'll tell her there's a fire at home, the cat is dead, a burglar broke in, he was in a deadly car accident, he lost his shoe and needs her help to find it, anything to get her to come back.
Until she puts her phone on silent because he's being a dick.
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He will trash talk Jameson every chance he gets. He'll make a god damn power point on all the reasons why he sucks and May should run far, far away.
He goes so far as to try to find her other men to date who aren't Jameson. Shows up with some rando dude from the grocery store like "Here! He's perfect for you! I told him you'll take him out tonight." Meanwhile May is like wtf please get this stranger out of our home.
May is slowly losing her mind.
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Spider-Man becomes NYCs biggest public nuisance. He'll try to ramp up everything he's doing so he keeps making the papers. His goal is that Jameson will be so obsessed with all the Spidey news that he doesn't have time for May.
It doesn't work. His plans backfire.
Just makes Jameson more annoying and May, of course, doesn't know Peter is Spider-Man so she goes along with his rants, much to Peter's displeasure.
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Spider-Man starts showing up all their dates, too.
Swinging right over their outdoor table of lunch, purposely knocking over Jameson's drink into his lap with his foot as he goes.
"Accidentally" shooting a web over the guys mouth and "forgetting" to take it off for him so he's just stuck with it until it dissolves.
Swooping May up off her feet and swinging her away because he "thought Jameson was a pervert trying to hurt her".
Stuff like that.
May is getting real sus at this point because Spidey and Peter are really morphing into one.
She's sitting there watching Peter and remembering all the weird times she's found strange shit in the laundry and how strange he would sometimes act and starts putting two and two together:
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omg this is how she finds out he's Spider-Man
Because he's too damn jealous and possessive over his adopted momma that he just forgets to be secretive about it.
He's getting sloppy.
When it finally comes out, she starts to understand why he's so angry about it. Jameson has never been kind to Spider-Man.
She can blame it all on that but, really, Peter probably would have done that with anyone she tried to date who's not Ben.
He's got jealousy issues haha.
OMG what if he comes home one night and over hears them having sex
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He would die. Act like such a baby! Covering his ears, yelling, stumbling around with his eyes closed like he's traumatized, banging things to get them to stop.
Imagine Jameson walking into the bathroom, shirtless and in his boxers, happy as can be while Peter is throwing death glares at him across the hall. Standing there outside the door like this:
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It really would turn Peter/Spider-Man into public enemy number one omg
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nysocboy · 6 months
Spider-Man: The Dark Age. Fan-movie with little Mary Jane and a lot of gay subtext
I have been eagerly anticipating the fan-movie Spider-Man: Intro the Dark, directed by Timmons Flowers and Gemstone alum Jak Kristowski: no girl is mentioned in the trailer or in any of the comments by the frontrunners. This is a big deal: the Spider-Man mythos is usually loaded down with heteronormative erasure ("Like all stories, this story is about a boy and a girl.")
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Scene 1: After a news report about an explosion in Rosenberg Labs, we cut to a high school shot.  Peter Parker (Joshua Morgan) enters his class and talks to his bud about asking "Ruby" out.  Ok, so he's established as heterosexual at minute 0.30.  Two other guys discuss meeting at Peter's house after school.
Scene 2: Home.  Peter is greeted by his mom  Cut to breakfast, where they all discuss the explosion. Dad says he's going to be gone three days to help with cleanup, and he'll be back tomorrow night.  That's two nights. Continuity?
Scene 3: Peter playing chess with his bud, whom he calls Veon, although he's listed as Eddie in the closing credits(Jaizier Mallett, listed in the closing credits as Ja).  He says "checkmate," although the pieces on the board are random; no checkmate.  Eddie/Veon leaves. 
A Harvard recruiter calls, wanting to talk to Peter because of his excellent skills on the guitar.  Really?  Does Harvard have a big guitar program? Could we see Peter playing this guitar?
Later, Dad gets home and tells Peter that all of the animals in the lab died. Except for the spider crawling p his sleeve...which, the minute he leaves the room, bites Peter!
Scene 4: That night, Peter dreams of having super powers.  He wakes up, goes to the kitchen, and eats a lot of pizza and chips.  He goes back to bed, wakes up with a fever, and stays home from school. 
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Scene 5: Cut to Peters' femme friend Hunter (Tyler Inabinette, who is queer in real life) eating dinner with his dad -- pizza.  Is that all people eat in ths town? Dad upbraids him for just getting a B on the quiz.  Then Dad, who owns Rosenberg Labs, gets a call that they lost something valuable, so he leaves.  Um..dude, the place was exploded. You lost everything of value.
Scene 6: Peter in the garage gym, doing lots of pushups and bench presses (fully clothed).  He can attach himself to the ceiling!  He calls Hunter to come over, and demonstrates.  They deduce that he has developed superpowers from the bite of a genitically altered spider.  
Scene 7: At school, Hunter wants to be Peter's lab partner, but he picks Ruby, the girl he likes, instead.  Not cool, bro!  Hunter has to pick someone else. He approaches Eddie/Veon, who is surprised: "Aren't you and Peter best friends?"  "Yeah, but he likes this girl..."  Eddie/Veon criticizes him: "Sound like you don't have the guts to ass it out."  This phrase is not in the Urban Dictionary, but I imagine it means something like "fight for him."
Scene 8: Hunter and Eddie.Veon working on their project, a 3-d model of an atom (which we don't get to see). They decide to take a break and go fishing.  That's a break?  Won't it take hours?  Hunter reveals that he likes Ruby, but Peter already has her torn up.  Ugh!  What happened to "just us guys?"  
On the way back from fishing, they discuss their interests.  Hunter asks Eddie/Veon to see a movie with "me and Peter."  He agrees, except "No Peter."  Want him all to yourself, Eddie/Veon?  Think of your answer carefully -- you're my last hope.
Scene 9: Cut to Peter testing his spidey powers by jumping off the roof.  No problem.  Mom and Dad are both out for the evening, so he cooks dinner -- not pizza.  Whoops, some burglars break in!  Peter clobbers them, but he's injured in the leg.  The police arrive and help him limp out. Wait -- it was night, and now it's broad daylight!
Scene 10: Peter's bestie Hunter calls and invites him to participate in an underground fight thing. They wear masks so no one knows who they are, but his opponent, Flash (Ben  Beauchamp), recognizes him anyway, calling him "Penis Parker."  What's wrong with being named after your penis?   He beats Flash, who goes home to get beat up by his dad. 
Cut to Peter and Hunter going home, laughing and grabbing each other.  The fight was at night, but now it's daylight.  Dad is watching a news story about how strong spider webs are. 
Scene 11: Peter and  Hunter designing a spider-man costume, with special equipment so he can extrude webs from his wrists and stick to things. They test the elasticity by holding hands.
Peter admits that he's kissed Ruby, and Hunter gives him effusive congratulations.  "You've proven that you're hetero, bro!  Want to hold hands again?"
Then Peter's spidey-senses kick in: his mom has been kidnapped by a katanga-wielding bad guy.  Peter rushes to the rescue, but she sees him -- what if she recognizes him?! He rushes back to his room to hide -- and takes his shirt off and lies down on the floor. Beefcake alert!
Scene 12: He awakens, still shirtless. Mom wants to talk to him, so he slowly puts a shirt on -- beefcake alert!.  Fortunately, they don't know that he's the spider-dude. They just want to know what's going on, with his late nights, fights, and girlfriend. He blows up and storms out.
That night, Peter's little brother Sam appears to yell at him: "You left me!  You were the worst big brother ever, to let me die like that!"  Why haven't we seen Sam or heard of this guilt before?
Scene 13:  In the morning, Peter rebuffs Mom's attempts to connect.  She asks "Did you hear what happened to Aunt May?"  Another character not mentioned before, but maybe she was the kidnapped lady.
Peter walks for a really long time.  Now it's night. He runs into Flash, the guy he beat at the fight earlier, being beat up by his Dad, I think, and intervenes.  Flash thanks him.
Scene 14: Peter standing atop one of the pylons on the Ravenel Bridge in Charleston, flexing in his Spider-Man costume.
Cliffhanger: The Big Bad decides to lure him out by kidnapping someone he's close to. The end.
Beefcake: Peter with his shirt off for about 5 minutes.
Gay Characters: None specificed.
Gay Subtext: Hunter seems be interested in Parker, and Eddie/Veon is trying to woo him away. I wish they could have been more explicit, but the guys were probably worried about scaring away homophobic viewers.
Heterosexism: In spite of the four throwaway lines about liking girls, there is no hetero-romantic plot. 
Continuity Errors: Lots. It's night, and then it's day.  You think it's dinner time, but they're having breakfast.  Characters are discussed without being introduced. Plotlines are introduced, then dropped.
My Grade: For a fan movie written and directed by two teenage dudebros, it has  competent production values.  The acting is a bit amateurish, but then, these are amateurs (except for Tyler), so you can't expect drama school graduates.  The gay subtext and lack of excessive heterosexism push the grade up to a C+.
The full review (many more pictures, no nudity) is on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends
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kitcat992 · 2 years
First off, I know I've mentioned this before but it cannot be taken for granted. Thanks for being one of the nicer Tumblr users. :)
So I wanted to ask you, from a medical/fantastical standpoint, just how indestructible exactly is Peter Parker?
Based solely on Tom's Spiderman, he's been slammed repeatedly through concrete walls and floors, crushed by a building, had his body almost torn apart by 2 huge ferries, hit by a bullet train, shot and I don't remember what else. He usually just limps away, grabbing his side, has some cuts and swelling and he passed out for a while in Homecoming and Far from home.
Do you think his healing factor works instantaneously? Maybe his bones are way denser and harder to break? Maybe this beautiful kid is magic?
I really liked the realism you provided in your Identity series and how it both helped and screwed Peter over. Hoping that his healing factor will help pull him back from the dead in your next chapter.
Awwww, I don't even try to be nice so that's very sweet to hear!
I love this question because it lets me play with reality AND fiction at the same time.
But the answer is always gunna be this: The character is as indestructible as the writer makes them to be.
Superman? Nothing but kryptonite can hurt him! But wait, no, a new writer comes along and decides "the sun's gunna give him cancer cause I said so." Captain America? Can survive nuclear bombs and living in ice for 70 years! But wait, no, a couple bullets from an AR17 kills him because the writer of Civil War said so. It truly all just depends on who is writing that character and what they decide to do.
That being said, I always felt the MCU went a tadddddd bit too far with Peter's powers, specifically with the whole "hit by a bullet train" scene. They sorta pushed Superman level invincibility there -- just my opinion, though.
Peter Parker, in every iteration we see him, always has *growing* powers. They strengthen and mature as he strengthens and matures. So young Peter Parker -- the one we see in Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Homecoming, hasn't honed in on his full capabilities yet. Believe it or not, Peter Parker actually becomes as strong as Captain America himself. But it comes with time.
His healing factor hasn't ever been like Wolverines, where he heals immediately. Actually, Wolverine didn't exist until 1974, arriving to Marvel comics long after Spidey. So for a while it was Cap and Spidey who held the title of "fast healers." While he doesn't heal immediately, he does heal quickly -- how quickly is never the same due to continuity issues. One issue it's overnight, the next its days, some its weeks....some he flat out dies (see: Ultimate Spider-Man and even Spider-Man: Disassembled)
The dude has survived A LOT. 3rd degree burns all over his body, his head smashed into the ground thanks to Dick!Thanos, his eye was plucked out and eaten in front of him, he was severely electrocuted, our boi was even flat out crucified at one point. He hasn't lived an easy life.
Problem is that comics don't really focus on the aftermath of the big climax to their action-packed story. No one has really explored the consequences that come with the aforementioned, and so we really don't have a good grasp on Peter's healing factor. We just know he heals faster than the average human, but not immediately like Logan.
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So that's where I play with reality and fiction. I like to take "super powers" and mix them into the normal functions of a typical human being. If I'm tired -- exhausted, sleep deprived, worked to the bone and all around worn down, it's gunna take me a *lot* longer to recover from any inflicted wound or illness. That's why rest is so, so, SO important when you're sick or hurt. Rest is literally what helps us heal.
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It's also why we tend to kick you out of the hospital ASAP. It's not that we don't want you there, it's because if you get sick with *anything else* while you're in the hospital -- already compromised to have that happen -- you're gunna receive a hard hit of whatever you get sick with. Because your body is already weak. Normal you might bounce right back from the flu, but injured you is gunna be bitch slapped with the mighty Iron Fist.
So the same can apply to a superhero. If Peter's wounded in battle, he might bounce back after a couple days, depending on the extent of injury (and how quickly he treats it -- alcohol wipes and May's sewing kit in the bathtub that hasn't been cleaned in weeks isn't the way to go, Peter!) If Peter's wounded while kidnapped, sleep deprived, starved and already weakened, it may take a lot longer.
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But again...it all depends on the writer.
That being said, we DO know he can die. We've seen it happen. Our boi just endures a lot before he finally reaches that point.
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backalleysalesman · 2 years
What I got planned for fanfics:
Deadpool/Moon Knight:
For This Misadventures of Deadpool and Moon Knight
Depressed Wade stuff, dude is just sad and Steven comes over to check on him. Maybe Marc shows up idk. Jake does not cause Jake is a shit lord
Wade gets kidnapped and tortured and Jake saves him uwu
Then not paired with that series but still Deadpool/Moon Knight
ALSO!!!!! I’m stuck thinking about Wade getting blown up and having to regrow his body but Spider-Man is like “nah I can’t babysit you this week but I got a friend to help!” And that friend is Moon Knight (cuz why not)!!! Basically on occasion Wade’s body doesn’t grew things back correctly all the time. 👉👈 I’ve been trying to write it as a daddy kink thing as a joke since White Box keeps making daddy jokes in my other fics but I can’t do it. I’m taking too much physic damage. Imma keep trying but worse case, I will scrap the daddy bs sub plot line. This will either be a one-shot OR a mini series one-shot with how Marc, Steven, AND Jake “learning” about Wade’s new private bits LOL This isn’t a fetish thing, I’m literally trans. I could just make Wade trans for the story but where is the fun in that? I need more people to realize Deadpool/Moon Knight is such a great chaotic pairing. But I will do my best to fill the space until better writers come along. Or someone please help give me ideas.
I have a bunch of ideas. I normally don’t like writing fandom favorite pairings cause idk but when I do, I cater to myself more. Which means Peter is gonna be trans cause I’m trans LOLOL Also Peter will be 30 in every fic
Peter gets ghosted and cheated on and is big sad, Wade is a bro and is like “date me lol” and Peter is like “eh sure but I want a normal out of suit dating experience” and then they go on a date to all my favorite places as I cry as a single person
Peter gets a horrible head injury and is suffering from memory loss BUT THERES A PLOT TWIST
Peter retires as Spidey and moves far away and essentially becomes a travel blogger for some big company that is doing a multi-dimensional vacations idk in his universe there is no Deadpool and DP saves him a bunch of times cause Peter can’t use his powers cause that universe does have a Spider-Man
Isekai trope but make it Spider-Man???? (there’s a pattern, I really like multiverse stuff and I also don’t think 616 Spidey deserves Wade lol)
Wade finds an onlyfans for a spider-man cosplayer and it sounds a bit too close to the real spidey. Basically keeps shoving money at the guy to be his sugar daddy and Peter doesn’t really know it’s Wade. Spider-Man and Deadpool are best friends, DP still has his huge crush on Spidey but respects the fact that Spider-Man is not interested.
Apex Legends:
My duo and I roleplay a bit while playing the game LOL we mostly just say dumb shit that is very OOC for who we play as but it’s fun pairings would be
My friend plays as Mirage 99% of the time unless he is Loba or Caustic (We call him incel science man). And I really like playing as then intel gatherers... Sometimes we play Trios but our 3rd only plays Valkyrie. And then we just super goof around or get too serious. But I’ll start taking notes for some fanfics ideas uwu
Dead By Daylight:
Yui and Mikaela for my friend, I haven’t been playing much cause one I’m more of a killer main but also depression
maybe something with Felix cause he’s my favorite
Also Sadako/Ghostface sprinkle in Michael??? I have too much Sadako lore stored in me I used to own every Ringu manga, book, and movie before it vanished when I moved away
crack killers as a family trope idefk just something stupid and funny
All these will be rated M or E for different reasons but the main goal is they bump uglies (idefk I haven’t used Tumblr since the purge and I’m scared to use certain words). I’ll be focusing on Marvel stuff and Deadpool/Moon Knight and mostly write as Wade cause I suck at writing as Moon Knight.
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emwritesstuff · 3 years
housesitting | bucky barnes x reader
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summary: Housesitting for Steve Rogers has many perks. The man has the comfiest bed you’ve ever slept in; his coffee machine is top tier; and he also pays for every single streaming service you could think of, because he doesn’t wanna miss anything.
You can hardly see how Bucky Barnes stumbling into his apartment at 3 am with multiple wounds is one of them. But I guess it might be?
notes: this is my attempt at a more ~comedy centered one-shot, with some making out in the middle because uh, who doesn’t like that? In other news, reader is Chaotic. Canon mcu (Infinity War/Endgame) is non-existent in this.  (word count: 3K)
warnings: language, mentions of blood, gunshot wounds, general patching up shenanigans, some making out/grinding but not quite third base
[PART 2: breaking and entering]
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Housesitting for Steve Rogers has many perks. The man has the comfiest bed you’ve ever slept in; his coffee machine is top tier; and he also pays for every single streaming service you could think of, because he doesn’t wanna miss anything. An old popsicle thing, you assume.
It’s peaceful, too. The neighborhood is nice and quiet, the other tenants are either extremely polite or too scared of Captain America to make much noise. You’ve had very nice stay-cations at his place, where you were free to choose to binge The Office while eating an entire pizza in the spam of 2 episodes or taking advantage of the quiet to write your grad-school thesis.
So when a loud BANG almost makes you drop your coffee mug on the floor, your spidey senses are immediately on alert. You don’t care how many times Peter insisted that it wasn’t a thing, your arm hairs stood up and your heart started hammering on your chest all the same.
You contemplate squeezing under the bed, turning off the show that was long abandoned and hiding until whatever it is goes away, but before you can do any of that, a string of sharp cursing and soft thumps and thuds snaps you out of your fear.
Maybe it’s a burglar. You could take a clumsy burglar, easy.
Now feeling like Tony had just welcomed you into the Avengers, you hop off Steve’s bed and let your baby Yoda socked feet carry you stealthily into the living room, holding a table lamp as if it was a baseball bat.
Everything is quiet, with no signs of forced entry at the door (you remember someone on Law and Order using those words), and in the dark you don’t notice the bloody trail coming from the kitchen.
You’re imagining things, then. When was the last time you slept? You don’t even feel tired, but you know sleep deprivation always gets you all kinds of crazy.
It happens the second your arm falls to your side and your posture shows the slight of relaxation. A strong arm around your neck and a hand against your mouth to muffle the screaming.
In the quiet of Steve’s apartment building, there is only you shrieking and howling and thrashing against the hold of a stranger.
“Don’t fuckin’ move.” You still.
And then you bite into the hand that is muting you, immediately regretting it when your teeth sink into something hard. Metal? Concrete? Ouch. You resume your resistance, determined, and is shoved away.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Who the fuck are you.” His voice is gruff and dulled over the mask he is wearing, and as you’re taking this giant of a man in, you notice it.
The metal arm. The strapped leather jacket. The tortured blue eyes.
Winter Soldier.
The intruder is James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve’s best friend. That’s who the fuck it is.
“I’m Steve’s house sitter! I even have a key.” You say, with arms in front of you to signal no harm but inching closer to the table lamp with every step.
“House…sitter? Where’s Steve?”
“Who knows. Maybe a mission. He texts me, I come over.” You shrug, and put a chair back to where it was before it got knocked over.
“I don’t believe you. Where is Steve?”
“Listen, I don’t know, okay? I guess he’s just out for a few days. I don’t ask. He just lets me stay in here so I can water the plants and feed the Avengers.”
“The– the what?”
“The Avengers! The fish, see.” You point to the aquarium, where a handful of colorful fish swam peacefully in.
Peace. So much for your peace, because now what you have is a surly super soldier eyeing the fish tank like it was the most loathsome thing in the entire universe, except maybe for you.
“I hate this thing. Naming them makes it even worse.” He trudges back to the kitchen, stomping on the floor like he was on a parade.
So much for the other people’s peace, too.
“Hey! Sir. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s 3 in the fucking morning?” You sass, putting your hands on your hips when he retorts that yeah, he does know. “What are you even doing here?”
“Back from a mission.” He grumbles without looking at you, as if you’re the one who stumbled into his place in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t your place, but still.
“Don’t you have a house?” There’s a part of you that knows pushing the Winter Soldier’s buttons is asking for trouble, but your tired and confused brain decides to ignore it.
“You interrogating me? I need a motherfucking– ” He wheezes and nearly doubles over, holding on the door frame between the living room and the kitchen. You finally spot the blood, both on the tiles and seeping out of the Soldier’s jacket and pants.
He’s hurt. Shit.
“– first aid kit.”
“You need a motherfucking hospital!” You shrill, panic chilling your bones. You don’t do blood. Or any kind of wound, for that matter.
The man ignores you, opening up cabinets hastily. You huff, and walk past him to get to the actual home of the first aid kit. Steve’s oldest, closest friend and can’t even find a box with pharmaceutical supplies in his kitchen. You slam it on the counter next to him.
“You’re welcome.”
“Zip it.”
Just a look from him is enough to render you speechless, and not in the good, butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of way. You’re positive that one swat of that metal arm and you’ll be flying out of the window.
He begins by removing his mask, revealing a handsome face underneath, and you try your best to focus on how dark and menacing it looked while locked in that scowl of his. Then, he unbuckles his jacket and discards it on the floor, it coming to a stop next to your feet.
Oh man, he’s naked. Well, not really, just the incredibly toned, strong and muscular top half of him, but you stare wide-eyed as if he was.
“See somethin’ you like, doll?” He quips, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and you turn your back to him, mostly to hide your own embarrassment.
“No.” You cross your arms resolutely, because you definitely don’t think he’s attractive. He is a rude, grumpy, private-property-invader-bastard. Doll. Yuck.
You hear a rumble come out of his chest. Is he laughing? Shithead. Other noises follow, wheezes, small grunts and the tinkle of metal on the marble counter.
A particular pained grunt makes you turn, and you see Barnes with his body twisted, trying to reach a bloody hole on his back. It would be funny if he wasn’t trying to poke a gunshot.
“Do you need… help?” You ask, against your own will, only to be met with his icy gaze.
“Come on, you can’t even reach that.”
Another glare is shot your way, and you quirk your brow up. He did need the help, you think, because aside from the muscles and the sweat making him glisten like a delicious – wait what – glazed donut, the man looked like hell.
“…fine.” He slides a pair of surgical prongs, something you identify in your head as oversized tweezers, and you instantly regret your offer. Pressing an iodine-soaked cotton ball to a wound, sure. But not this.
He turns his back to you without a word, supporting himself on the marble. You think that he’s about to make a dent on the goddamn stone if he keeps holding onto it that hard.
“Ah, fuck. Shit. Fuck. Ugh, it’s so gross. Fuck.”
It’s the most horrifying thing you’ve ever done, but you try your best to get to the bullet quickly, so very thankful that Barnes holds himself perfectly still for you. “Got it!”
He lets out a long breath when you toss the prongs and the bullet on the counter with the rest and resumes his cleanup. So, he’s not even going to say thanks. Great.
You try not to think about how you still want to make conversation while you hurriedly scrub the blood from your hands, because aside from the hostility and him jumping on you as a meet-cute, the guy peeks your interest.
Steve has said Barnes is nice, too, and you believed Steve, because he’s basically incapable of lying. Or maybe because he’s pretty. Both, for sure.
With your hands now clean, you turn to him, mouth open with some kind of conversation starter that is immediately forgotten.
Oh man, he’s naked. For real this time.
Bucky Barnes has stepped out of his pants while you were overthinking by the sink, now standing in only a pair of black boxers. It’s like he feels you staring at his butt, because he turns to you with raised eyebrows.
“Last one’s on my thigh. I got it.” He’s holding the prongs this time, and you’re glad you don’t have to do anything, because your face next to that groin might make you go into spontaneous combustion.
He hums. You hope all of this is a fever dream.
“Isn’t there a med bay at–”
“Don’t like people prodding and pokin’ at me.” His comment makes you grimace. He’s the Winter Soldier, damn it. You know the stories, everyone does. Of course he doesn’t like being prodded.
He looks at you funny, probably because you went dead quiet. You don’t want him to think you feel pity, because you don’t, but god don’t you feel bad for poking him now, even if verbally.
“I’m gonna – grab one of Steve’s – uh. Dude you need to put some clothes on. Jesus.”
He laughs at you again, which you’re thankful for because anything is better than the awkwardness of the other subject. You pick up a black pair of sweatpants that was so deep in one of Steve’s drawers that you know he’d have to have bought it and never had the guts to put it on. This one would do just fine.
If there is one thing Steve Rogers isn’t, is a black sweats guy.
“Here.” You deposit the sweats and a white tee on the counter, one of the millions that you found inside the closet. Barnes was patching himself up now, bandages wrapped everywhere on his body.
Got his ass kicked good. You shudder when you imagine the state of the other guy.
He eyes the clothes, and saying nothing, returns to his task. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“I didn’t ask you to help me.”
“Yeah, but I did anyways! ‘Cause I’m stupid, I guess.��� You almost hurl a dirty plate at him when he scoffs, muttering a yeah, guess you are. “God, why are you so grumpy?”
“Well you try being shot 5 times and see how cheerful you are after.”
“You got shot 5 times?!”
Looking at you from between his brows, the Soldier nods to the five mangled bullets sitting on the counter. You think about how you’ve made yourself a sandwich just hours earlier on the exact same spot. You want to puke.
Taking time to look around yourself, you can finally grasp the state of Steve’s ever-so-pristine kitchen, now a mess of dirty clothes, blood and your own few dishes from the night before. You don’t even think about what you’re doing as you move, gathering every single cleaning supply you can find, and start working on the cleanup.
You’re struggling, because obviously you’ve never done this before. Anyone can tell, from your soft abdomen and your severe lack of muscle, that you’re not an Avenger. Sure, you work with them, but you’re usually neck deep into advanced tech, not in the gym by any means. Also, you don’t do blood.
That means you have to think about something else, anything else, while you’re manically cleaning the floor. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, the Winter Soldier’s tight ass, four sheep, get it together goddamnit –
“Leave it. I’ll clean.”
You huff, he huffs back, and you look up at him.
“You got shot five times. Go sit down or something before you blow your back too, grandpa.” You call him that to assure yourself that he is old, like actually super old, and thirsting over him is weird. Even weirder when he’s all bandaged and bleeding. And still shirtless. Shit.
He mumbles something that you ignore, and stomps off. You think you actually did a pretty decent job with the cleaning, considering.
You need coffee. Definitely an entire bottle of vodka too, but there was no alcohol in this god’s good home, so you settle for the brew that you made earlier. You pour a mug for Barnes too, because you’re nice like that, and amble into the living room to find him slumped on a chair.
“Coffee?” You start, settling his mug on the table next to him.
“It’s almost 5 a.m.”
“Guess I’m up early for once. Maybe I should go for a run.”
He snorts, and opens one eye to inspect you from where he is. He reaches out for the coffee, using his metal hand, and you consider the two ways this could go.
He’d shatter the mug right then and there. Or, he’d throw it at you. Your jaw goes slack at what he actually does, sirens blaring loudly in your head. Truly astonishing, the most bewildering turn of events.
He drinks from it.
“Thanks. Quit staring at me.”
“Wow, Mr. Winter knows the magic words. Mr. Barnes. Sergeant?” You’re thinking aloud, abandoning any trace of sanity you’ve been holding. You even sit on the couch next to his armchair.
“It’s Bucky,”
Again, absolutely bewildering. You must be going insane.
“– and you talk too much.” He finishes, with an end-of-story tone, and returns to his rest. At least that felt like normality.
“Bucky. Bucky.” You roll the name on your tongue, feeling a weird buzz start to take over you. It grows stronger when you notice he’s looking at you, one brow quirked as if you lost your marbles. “You know, Bucky, this is definitely not how I saw my night going. Home invasion, playing surgeon – not my usual kind of fun.”
You get up, maybe because you decide that you – and Bucky – need a blanket, or maybe because you need a distraction from his chest going up and down like it’s got a business with making you want to touch it.
You’re not a slut, but who knows? Jim Halper would get it.
“You’re that kid, aren’t you? Stark’s assistant.” Bucky’s voice, low and husky, makes you jump. You look at him, your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
It’s surprising that he knows you, considering. He’s – well, he’s basically a celebrity, if ex-assassins could be considered that. You’re only Tony’s techie, and you and Bucky have never actually met, not even in the few parties you had attended to stop your boss from nagging you that you had to actually go out and have some fun sometimes, because you’re still young and cute and you need to enjoy yourself before you get saggy and bitter.
Jokes on him, you were born bitter.
“I’m no kid.”
“Nice socks.”
You wiggle your toes and it makes the ears of one of the baby Yodas move.
“Still not a kid! If you wanna be sad and wear your sad, plain socks, Bucky, that’s entirely your choice.” You said, pointing your index at him, making circles in the air with it to really get your point across.
Bucky smirks, and you go up to him with the two blankets on your arms. He’s blocking the door with that bulky body of his, and you raise your eyebrows quizzically.
“I’ll have you know – meeting Steve’s annoying, mouthy, pretty house sitter is not how I saw my night going either.” Bucky puts a doubtful tone on house sitter, as if he still doesn’t get exactly what it means.
You blink. You’re positive you heard it wrong. Is he… is this flirting?
“You think I’m pretty?”
“I called you annoying and mouthy too.”
“Yeah, I mean I know that much about me.” You chuckle, rolling your eyes. “The pretty part is new though.”
Bucky still hasn’t moved from the doorframe, and you find yourself staring up at him. He is inches away now, pupils blown wide in the darkness, and you can see a ring of steely blue around them. He licks his lips, and you’re drawn in.
The maelstrom in his eyes sends you spinning.
“I think someone should say you’re not see through, much less–”
Bucky shuts you up by pressing his lips onto yours, a slow, exploratory kiss, the tenderest he’s been all night. His metal hand rests on your lower back, making you shiver at the cool touch.
You’re all panting and eagerness when you cup his face with both hands and press your body against his. You need to deepen this kiss. You haven’t drooled over Bucky Barnes all night to keep things lovey-dovey.
He responds in earnest, pulling you closer. The flesh hand on the back of your neck is a stark contrast against the chill of the other. You and Bucky stumble from the corridor and back to the living room, knocking over a few of Steve’s decorations in the process.
“I don’t feel as bad for this one.” You mumble against his lips, stopping to look at a particular framed picture of Captain America in uniform, surrounded by every single counterfeit Cap in Times Square.
“S’ one of his favorites.”
You nod, you’re aware. Steve thinks it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bucky’s breath tickles the hairs on your neck when he continues.
“I hate it.”
You capture his lips again, and you two resume your chaotic redecorating. You’re thankful for Bucky’s strong arms keeping you from falling over, because at this point you’re not sure if your legs work anymore.
He takes you with him when he drops down on the same armchair from earlier, and the dizzy spell you find yourself in is broken when you hear him groan.
Right. He’s battered up and stuff.
“Shit, Bucky, I’m sorry–”
“No.” He pulls you close again, and guides your body to straddle one of his thighs. “Stay right here, doll.”
Doll. God-fucking-damnit.
His hand moves under the elastic band of your pants, oh my god you’re making out with Bucky-Hot-Piece-Of-Ass-Barnes in your wiener dog pajama bottoms, and finds the hem of your underwear. He pulls on it, and you yelp when he lets it snap against your side.
He laughs, and you vibrate along with his chest.
You find yourself grinding on his leg, sucking on his bottom lip, raking your nails along his shoulders, doing anything, everything for more, trying to burn the taste and the feel of him on your memory. He moves on to kiss your neck and you sigh, tugging on his hair and making sure you’re holding on for dear life.
Your eyes flutter open, enough to see the fish Avengers in their tank.
The Avengers.
Steve Rogers is an Avenger. So is Bucky, technically.
You’re making out with Bucky. One of his hands is on your boob.
This is Steve’s apartment.
You manage to sober you up enough, despite Bucky’s constant attacks of open mouth kisses and bites on your neck.
“I don’t think Steve would – if we–” You lift your head begrudgingly to look at him. “You know, on his armchair.”
“Right.” He didn’t seem convinced, but his hand moved up from your butt to your waist again.
Steve Rogers was probably miles away right now and still cockblocking you.
Even worse, his furniture was cockblocking you.
Stupid star-spangled IKEA shopper.
And his hot best friend. Who’s currently smiling at you in a such a way that makes you almost abandon all comradery towards Rogers and the sanctity of his place.
You debate getting up, but resign yourself to burying your nose in the crook of Bucky’s neck and just staying there, because honestly, when are you going to have the chance to do this again. Never, that’s when.
Also, he’s surprisingly comfortable for someone with a metal arm and such a jacked-up body.
“You’re sleepy.”
“No, I’m like, super awake.”
It’s a lie, because now that the sparks have flown and the rush of blood in your ears gave way to the quietness of the early morning, you feel yourself drifting, on and off, surprising yourself when you come to once and find that Bucky is still there, warm under you.
“Sleep, doll. I need it too.”
You shift, ready to let his rhythmic breathing lull you to sleep. The last 75 sleepless hours catch up with you.
“Bucky? If you want to break into someone’s house again sometime – I have a first aid kit too. Just sayin’.”
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ptergwen · 3 years
through the lens
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w/c: 2.3k
warnings: swearing and mentions of blood (all fluff tho!)
summary: yours and peter’s date night doesn’t go as planned, thanks to his “little” accident and mj’s photography project
a/n: it’s been a minute but i’m back! for now lol i promise i’ll be way more active when exam season is over <3 this was based off the lovely pic above taken by the even lovelier zendaya and i hope you enjoy these… let’s call it random workings of my mind
“hang on, can you come closer?” mj instructs you, you promptly stepping towards her. “is this good?” “great,” she affirms and squints behind the camera. “smile really big on the count of three, okay? one, two, three!” doing as she says, you give mj your cheesiest grin with your eyes squeezed shut and all. she snickers while snapping the moment on her polaroid.
mj asked you to be her subject for a photography project. you’re happy to do it, although it’s super last minute. like, barging-into-your-room-and-begging-you-for-help last minute. she was supposed to turn this in days ago. lucky for mj, her teacher was feeling generous and gave her an extension.
you have to work fast because of mj’s deadline and your plans with peter. he’s coming over for a movie marathon and cuddles right about now. well, he’s actually running a tad bit late. that’s typical peter for you.
“just a couple more, and then you’re free,” mj informs you while shaking out the polaroid. “this is honestly pretty fun, you know.” you glance at the photo she’s holding with an eyebrow quirked in surprise. she captures you well. “what made you choose me?” “no one else was free on a saturday,” she snorts and tosses the picture in a pile with the rest.
your mouth falls agape. “i’m not free! peter’s gonna be here in…” you check the time on your phone, much to your dismay. “he’s a few minutes late, but still. i have things to do, too.” a smirk sets on mj’s face as she gets ready for the next photograph. “relax, y/n/n. i was kidding. i’m sure spider-dweeb will be here sooner than you know it.” sighing lightheartedly, you take a seat on your bed.
“don’t call him that,” you shake your head. mj throws her own head back to the ceiling. “ugh, but that was a good one,” she insists, you only humming. “it’s better than penis parker, at least.” “nah, i like the alliteration,” you laugh out and earn a giggle from mj. “you’re lucky parker doesn’t have super hearing, or does he?” winking, you hit a pose for mj. you’re looking at her over your shoulder with smolder eyes.
“ask him yourself, after you get this shot.”
the two of you continue messing around with her polaroid until the film is almost gone, and peter has yet to arrive. you’re starting to worry. you aren’t sure where he could be.
he doesn’t patrol on weekends unless it’s an emergency, and he would’ve told you if there was one already. he’s never this late without sending a text, either. it’s almost an hour past when date night should’ve started. on the other occasions peter has gone off the grid, they didn’t end well.
“i’m freaking out, em. do you think he’s in some kind of trouble?” you ask mj, pacing around your bedroom. she offers a sympathetic shrug. “maybe he just ate some bad yogurt. remember last time?” being the dummy he is, peter once scarfed down an entire tub of vanilla yogurt before he realized it was expired. no one heard from him for days. he didn’t show up to school or answer any calls.
may ended up inviting you over and explaining he’d gotten a stomach bug, which you then tended to him for the rest of. the story was so amusing, and so peter.
“may doesn’t buy him dairy anymore. why do you think he always raids your freezer?” you bring your fingers up to rub your temples. “the kid can empty ice cream cartons in one bite,” she agrees, silently cringing. her curiosity piques at the fact. “is that also a power?” “who cares?” you nearly shout, your fingers curling into fists. “what i wanna know is if peter is fucking okay.”
on cue, there’s a knock at your apartment door. you and mj exchange looks of urgency, both rushing out of your room to answer.
mj follows you through the hall and stands by your side while you fumble with the lock. when your door pulls open, ned has his hand raised to knock again. “ned? what are you doing here?” you don’t give him the chance to speak. “have you heard from peter? he was supposed to be here a while ago, but he never showed.” rather than answering in words, ned takes a step aside.
the sight you’re met with makes you gasp. peter peeks out from behind him, cuts and bruises littering his flushed face. he gives you a lopsided smile.
“you have your answer,” mj murmurs to you and eyes ned curiously. he lets out a nervous chuckle. “here he is.” you push past ned and practically jump into peter’s arms, your hug bone-crushing. “peter, oh my god! are you okay?” wincing, peter hugs you back by your waist. his chin rests carefully on your head.
“hey… i’m alright, baby. still pretty sore, though,” he sucks his lower lip between his teeth. you take the hint to loosen your grip on him. “i was worried something bad might’ve happened to you. i… i guess i was right.” your tone softens, you threading a hand in his curls. they’re completely disheveled from whatever went down with him.
ned heads inside to catch up with mj, the two of them letting you have a moment alone.
“someone’s got a spidey sense of their own, huh?” peter tries to lighten the mood by joking. it doesn’t work, a frown still evident on your face as you try to untangle his once soft locks. “baby, everything’s fine. i just… had a little accident is all. no big deal,” he reassures you and moves in to peck your lips. you’re so shocked that you dodge the kiss.
“little? your whole face is black and blue, pete!” you tug on the white collar of his button up, peter letting out a shaky breath. your other hand comes to rest on his cheek, touch gentle. “how’d you get like this?” he licks across his lips shyly and sets his hands on your hips. “see, on the way over there were these bad guys who-“
“no there weren’t,” ned cuts in, scoffing at the beginning of his friend’s story. peter shoots him a warning look over your head. “yes there were, ned. you weren’t even there!” he catches mj glaring at him before he continues. “don’t listen to him. anyway, i had to fight them because…” when he trails off, you stroke your thumb across his cheek, avoiding any wounds in the way. raising both eyebrows, mj speaks up.
“because why? go on, parker. i’m intrigued,” she encourages him. everyone can tell peter is lying except you. the question really is, what’s he lying about? he gulps down his spit, pulling your body against his for comfort. “take your time, peter. we can wait,” you say only for him to hear. his love filled eyes meet yours, and he nods. ned huffs at the dramatics unfolding before him.
“dude, you’re making this way worse than it actually is. just tell her!” he demands, mj cocking her head to the side. peter’s gaze flits between the two of them. “tell me what?” you wonder softly and tilt his chin, willing him to look at you again. “i… i…” peter’s shoulders slump, his voice lowering in defeat. “there weren’t any bad guys.”
“of course there weren’t,” ned confirms. “no shit,” mj adds. exhaling, you wait for your boyfriend to further elaborate. “what really happened, then? be honest, pete.” peter lets go of you so he can come into your apartment properly, you shutting the door behind him. he scratches the back of his neck as he fills you in. “ok. um, me and ned were hanging out.”
ned is attempting to stifle a laugh for some reason, which mj elbows him for. you take one of peter’s hands. “yeah?” “we were at my place, and… you know those really slippery steps on the sixth floor?” peter pauses for someone to answer, playing with your fingers. “the ones flash almost wiped out on once?” mj questions in amusement. he lets a quiet chuckle out. “good times. yeah, those.”
his gaze averts to the ground, you listening on. “so, i was walking ned out on my way over. we were talking about spidey stuff-“ “as per usual,” mj mumbles to herself. ned raises his hands in defense. “—and i told ned i could always stick my landings. he didn’t believe me.” you playfully roll your eyes, seeing where this is going. “so… i, uh, decided to show him,” peter finishes off.
“i did a, um, backflip. tripped and fell down the flight of stairs,” he finally admits to you, putting his other hand on top of your intertwined ones. “clearly, i was wrong.” his bloody face is now red from humiliation. “you didn’t trip, dude. you freaking summersaulted!” ned corrects him and bursts into laughter he’s been holding back. “idiots, both of you,” mj simply remarks.
“that’s it? why didn’t you just say that?” you almost laugh yourself. groaning, peter rests his forehead against yours. “because it’s embarrassing! i wanted you to think i’m a tough guy or whatever.” placing both hands on his cheeks this time, you nuzzle your nose against his. “you don’t have to be a tough guy to impress me, babes. you’re kind, smart, funny. makes up for you being such a klutz.”
peter cracks a grin, easily capturing your lips in the kiss he didn’t get to before. it doesn’t last long because mj gags and ned whistles at you. you’re both giggling when you pull apart, peter kissing the tip of your nose for good measure.
“you really mean that?” he checks, tucking back a strand of hair from your face. “of course. i have a thing for himbos,” you tease and poke at his bare chest. his eyes widen. “how about i get you some ice and you find our first movie?” you’re already off to the kitchen, beaming at peter. “date night’s still on?” he happily plops down on your couch, mj showing ned her pictures from earlier.
“as soon as those two get out of here,” you call loudly enough so ned and mj hear you. “yeah, yeah. we’re leaving,” mj deadpans, shoving the photos back into her portfolio. peter glances over at it curiously. “what’s that for?” “photography project,” she says and gets an idea. “i have some film left. y/n took up most of it… you losers want the rest?”
while mj coerces her way to a higher grade, you put some popcorn in the microwave for your movie marathon.
“well, i could use a new lockscreen. i’m in!” ned quickly concedes. him and mj both give peter hopeful looks. “i’m not!” he protests, squishing one of your pillows against his chest. “with my face looking like… this? forget about it.” mj walks over to him and places her portfolio on the coffee table. “what? those gashes are gnarly… in a good way, i mean,” she promises.
“painful, too,” peter murmurs. “y/n, hurry up with that ice!” mj demands, grabbing the polaroid camera from its string around her neck. you wave her off. “what i’m saying is, they’ll look sick in my portfolio.” mj forces a smile, ned looking at her weirdly. “uh, what’s the theme of your project again?” “freestyle, baby,” mj casually replies.
peter comes up with a condition that could persuade him. “if you say please, i might consider it,” he concludes, mj perking up. “please be in my project. pretty please?” she instantly requests, ned pursing his lips from behind her. peter rubs his chin. “y/n, what do you think? should i?” you pipe in from the kitchen. “yeah, so she’ll leave my house.”
“you heard the lady. i’ll do it,” peter gives in. all but squealing, mj gestures for ned to sit. “this’ll only take a few minutes. you guys are really saving my ass.” ned gets comfortable next to peter on the couch, who wants to see how far mj will really go. “aw, we are? i believe that calls for a…” ned catches on. “it comes after please…” mj picks up her camera with gritted teeth. “thank you, morons. say cheese!”
that’s the only warning peter and ned get before they’re blinded with the flash. ned does a toothy grin as he leans into peter’s side. peter musters up the best smile he can, hair a mess and cuts burning pink on his face. satisfied, mj snatches the photograph as it pops out.
“pleasure doing business with you two,” she states, you joining the three of them in the living room. you set the popcorn on the table and give peter his ice pack. he presses it to his cheek, kissing the back of your hand. “send me that!” ned reminds mj, helping himself to your bowl of popcorn. she salutes him.
“there’s my star. what do you say, y/n? wanna take one more really quick?” mj suggests, already holding up her polaroid. you take the other cushion next to peter, your head on his shoulder. “can peter be in it with me? since he’s in the modeling mood tonight.” he wraps an arm tightly around you. “let’s do it, sweetness.”
eagerly jumping in front of you two, mj crouches down to get a better angle. “on the count of three. one, two, three!” the camera clicks, and you surprise peter by laying a smooch on one of his cheeks. he’s holding the ice against his other, genuinely smiling for this picture. ned coos at you, mj showing off her work when it dries.
“how adorable,” she says sarcastically but means it. peter nods at her in appreciation, his lips brushing the side of your head. “what can i say, you’re a pro,” you compliment mj. “come on, em!” ned cheers through a mouthful of popcorn.
tonight was an unexpected and exciting mess, even if your date night did get crashed.
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seek--rest · 2 years
i know mj is obviously his endgame but i just don’t want them to introduce a new love interest for the next movie(s) bc like what’s the point. like if they want to introduce gwen, have her be the love interest for miles and if they want to introduce felicia just have her be someone that spidey sees on patrol sometimes. why built up petermjs live story for 3 movies just for them to split and introduce someone else even if petermj is endgame like?
I mean… that’s basically the mythos of Spider-Man and his relationships to me. The build up and slow burn (of which I’d argue MCU PeterMJ are like. The opposite of a slow burn considering canonically we never got to see them fall in love. We jump from them barely speaking to Peter being suddenly in love with her in FFH which I know a lot of fandom loved but… I did not.)
The love story of Peter and MJ is long and winding and so much sweeter because of what it takes for them to get there. @laideemacbeth said it perfectly that Spider-Man is essentially a super soap opera. To love Peter Parker and Spider-Man is to love the complexity and real life shit that he goes through: break ups, make ups, struggling to pay rent, living Life™️
While I’m… hesitant to believe that the MCU can pull it off without getting into love triangle territory which I abhor, I also didn’t ever expect in a THOUSAND years that they’d be able to pull off NWH like they did.
Love isn’t a game and the partners you have along the way to your endgame aren’t obstacles. They’re just people— so that if/when you find a person you want to spend the rest of your life with (especially in the case of Peter and MJ in every iteration), you truly feel like you’re coming home.
You definitely don’t have to want it and who knows what they’ll do (or if it’ll even be good)!
But that’s kinda the Story of Spider-Man to me my dude.
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chanceux-05 · 2 years
I just saw NWH yesterday and after a day to let it sit in my head I just want to say all the things I LOVED about this movie (this might take a while)
Also *SPOILERS* if you haven’t seen NWH yet, although I definitely recommend it. 
I also have not seen Tobey and Andrew’s Spidey movies (I know its terrible) and although I did do my research before watching NWH if I get something entirely wrong PLEASE CORRECT ME!
So here’s everything I loved:
 Peter and MJ frantically trying to keep Happy and May from seeing the helicopters is peak teenager-trying-to-keep-guardian-from-finding-out-how-bad-shit-is-rn energy
I did not know who Matt Murdock was when he first came onscreen (I just didn’t recognize him) and just thought everyone was screaming because he was hot (which is valid ngl)
Matt Murdock is a great lawyer
MJ and Ned saying over and over how they would change nothing about knowing and helping Peter gave me such joy
Dr. Strange being demoted?? I literally wanted to cry it was so funny
Peter just blurting out people who still needed to know about his identity was so relatable like his brain kept spitting stuff out
Doc Oc being so confused about Peter not being his Peter and then Peter just being able to control the tentacles was hilarious
That lady from MIT just LECTURING someone
MJ schooling Dr. Strange aka Benedict Cumberbatch aka super polite dude without the goatee on manners
“Please Scooby-doo this shit”
For a few minutes I was confused on whether Sandman (is that his name?) was a villain and that was fun
Everyone (the visitors that is) finding out that magic existed and just being like what the fuck
Also him being able to beat Dr. Strange using MATH (maybe it is useful after all)
I always love seeing what Peter’s spidey sense is like from his perspective
Green Goblin being creepy as shit
May being badass as shit against Goblin
As I continue, for the sake of clarity I will refer to each Peter by the name of their actors (aka Tom, Tobey and Andrew)
Andrew just coming through the portal with his cute hair and immediately freaking out bc he was right about the multiverse
MJ throwing bread rolls at him
Andrew refusing to crawl until Ned’s grandma asked him to get the cobweb
Ned thinking Tobey was some random dude
Also them trying to web each other three seconds after they see each other
Everyone listening to Ned’s grandma
Them helping Tom get through May’s death and trying to get him to understand that being ruthless isn’t the way
Three Peters in a lab trying to cure a bunch of villain dudes
Ned saying “Peter” and all three answering him
Tobey referencing Harry?? It made me a little sad but I loved it (also Ned’s reaction)
Just the Peter smalltalk in general
Tobey encouraging Andrew by calling him amazing
The coordinated attacks once they get their act together
The Avengers are a band that broke up once like the Beatles end of story
Andrew literally crying after
Doc Oc being excited to see Tobey??
Dr. Strange just going along with everything while also trying to keep the universe from imploding
Tobey stopping Tom from killing Goblin
Andrew throwing the serum thingy to Tom and Tom catching it (the hand eye coordination i will never have)
Just the Tobey/Andrew bromance in general
Dr. Strange including himself in the people who care about Tom
The meet-cute vibes in the coffee/donut shop scene
Wow this is a long list I’m sorry
Obviously I loved this entire movie! At this moment it is tied with Winter Soldier with being my favorite but oh my god was it amazing. I’ll probably go into further detail about why I loved some of these things but it is currently 12 AM (so I guess I watched this two days ago now??) and i need to not stay up all night.
Also I WILL be watching all the spider-man movies. After I finish the Witcher. I promise.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 3 years
Defending Peter Parker (Round 1: Andrew Garfield)
Here <- Read this one too if you want (you don't need it to understand this one... but still.. give me the attention🥴)
Soooooo I'm doing this cuz I'm bored to show y'all how dumb some of your arguments and criticisms of the live action spidermen are. I'm doing Holland next. I'll do Maguire if someone shows me where people have hated on his spidey cuz all I ever see for him is people treating him like he's the most perfect Peter Parker to ever exist. I'd never tell anyone how they're "supposed" to feel about a situation so I won't do that and also don't take this seriously I'm just a dumb teenager. I'm just taking the dumb opinions y'all like to pass as fact and rebutting them with actual facts.
Here <- link for Tom (coming later)
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"hE's ToO cOoL"
This just tells me you don't really read the comics. Or if you do, you only read for one type of Peter Parker. People forget that his character is FLUID.
The completely BS idea that Peter Parker is this insanely socially inept uwu guy is just really false and I don't know where it came from. (Oof welp, actually I do. It came from all the people that think that there can only be one type on top) The hate for Andrew's Peter is so unwarranted. There are so many versions in comics and in shows where Peter's not overly awkward and he's actually pretty confident and does good with making friends. People really just took Tobey Maguire's and said that his was the only version that could possibly be right so apparently that made Andrew's wrong? Like no. Tobey's is not law. He was one of many versions and just because Andrew's was cooler, it did not make his wrong. Check out the spiderman cartoons. Literally any spiderman comic. Peter's got swagger when the story calls for it.
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"cRiNgEy AcTiNg"
This is the only point where I'll use my opinions. If you can, with a straight face, say that the acting in TASM was cringey, but the Tobey Maguire movies are your favorites, you're either a pathological liar or you have absolutely no sense. The Tobey Maguire spider-man movies, while still being good, have literally the cringiest acting I've ever seen. They literally have a whole montage of the dude strutting down the street like an idiot to show that he's being "bad" like??? But your problem is Andrew Garfield's quirks? Um, next caller!
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"sKaTeBoArDiNg & pHoToGrApHy"
(Yes. I've heard this idiotic one before)
Again. Read a comic book. Tobey Maguire's is not law. (Also, Tobey's spidey had photography too sooooooo? I am confusion?? Why do ppl even have a problem with what hobbies he does or doesn't have? That has nothing to do with the character)
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"nO-oNe CaReS aBoUt HiS pArEnTs' StOrY"
...hehe fair 👀, keep going.
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"i DoNt LiKe GwEn"
Okay, I'm all for Gwen Stacy slander here, just not TASM Gwen Stacy slander. The chemistry was there and she was MUCH better than little miss Mary "you didn't see my play, peter" Jane. (I wont put her over Zendaya tho) She was a really good love interest and honestly their chemistry was one of the best parts of the movie. Gwen never tried to hold Peter back and she always helped out as much as she could.
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"gOoD sPidErMaN, bAd PeTeR"
This ties right back into the first one. Everyone had a view of what Peter Parker was "supposed" to be after Tobey Maguire's, so when Andrew's came out and he wasn't "nerdy enough" for people, they immediately assumed it was wrong and hated on him for being cool and funny.
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All in all I give Andrew Garfield's Peter an 8/10. He's super cool and I despise it when people hate on his character and his acting as if he didn't BLESS them by gracing their screens.
Comment anything I might've missed!
Tagging great ppl: @allegra-writes , @yumings, @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky, @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse , @the-weird-bisexual , @kelieah
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 6--On the Inside
Very appropriate title by the way.  Works in a multitude of ways.  
As always, my randomness is going beneath a cut again to spare the eyeballs of those of you that don’t want to see it at all and also?  Help those of you that have somehow stayed spoiler-free in this brand-new age of early release episodes.  It is still so wild to me that I’m a full episode ahead of half the fandom.  I don’t know what I’m going to do when we get to the final episode and they decide to make us all suffer together--because somehow I do feel they will do exactly that after spoiling us for the first 23 episodes.  It is going to be agonizing.  
Anyway.  Without further ado, Shae’s stream of consciousness review (of sorts).  
Not fair, Angela.  Opening the episode with that shot of that big ass spider.  I hate those suckers.  So naturally, they’re an easy sell for setting the horror scene to me, lol.  
Okay.  Who the hell’s chasing Virgil and Connie?  Walker No-See-Ums?
Barely a minute in and the atmosphere for this episode is moody AF.  
What is this?  Tara Jr. The Walking Dead?  LOL.  Where’s the Scarlett for this mini plantation house?  Anyway.  First three minutes of this episode?  Just as attention grabbing as the first five episode openings this season.  I don’t think people out there are giving our writers enough love for that.  Every episode so far has opened like a mini movie.  
With the way the Walking Dead logo keeps crumbling away with each successive episode, somehow it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the Carol and Daryl spinoff was eventually titled The Living and had flowers growing out of each letter, lol.  I mean, there would be a certain sort of life-affirming symmetry in a show that’s been promised to be much lighter in tone doing just that.  
More Carol and Aaron?  Yes, please.  I don’t necessarily like Carol staying at home and sitting the sidelines like a figurative happy little homemaker in the B story while the rest of the mains are trying like hell to sell the A story, but if she’s going to be totally prohibited from the main storyline until it’s time to blow shit up?  I’m going to continue enjoy getting to see her do what she should have been doing for seasons--interacting with others in the community, especially Aaron and the ladies.  
Truly.  I really am loving my girl getting some quality Aaron and Rosita time.  It’s so long overdue.  
Bless sweet Kelly.  Riding off to her sister’s rescue.  
Why isn’t Lydia shown as part of these plans?  For someone that could barely read last season, I doubt that big ass map was a piece of cake for her and it’s all just guesswork anyway without her guidance.  I mean, why does it feel like they are cutting some of this stuff that might not seem like much plot-wise but would go a long way toward establishing different character beats?  Personally, I would have loved to see her involved in the search and sharing scenes again with Carol and bonding with Kelly. 
Virgil be having that “I always feel like somebody’s watching me” feeling.  Don’t you hate that, lol?  
“You haven’t slept in days.”  But how many days, Virgil?  I’m going to need a number because I’m confused AF about this timeline at this point.  What we’re seeing and what different pieces of dialogue is telling us is not exactly lining up.  I’m going to find it awful hilarious if it hasn’t even been two weeks since the cave in.  For reasons.  
Connie’s spidey senses are clearly tingling.  
Alrighty, then.  She’s clearly got PTSD.  Understandable.  They’ve all had it.  Some have been treated more sympathetically than others, though.  
I mean, it never seems to cross anybody’s mind how Carol probably sees Henry’s head on that pike, Mika’s pale and bloody body, Lizzie crumpled face down in a bed of yellow flowers, Sophia with a smoking bullet hole through her undead head whenever she closes her eyes but whatever.  
Okay though.  But what if Connie had really shitty, impossible to read handwriting?  AKA doctor’s  handwriting.  What then?  
Leah’s face honestly twists my insides whenever I see it, lol.  It’s quiet a visceral thing.  No, that does not make me a horrible person.  Not everybody wants or has to drink the awesome, great, redeemable villainess Kool-Aid.  IMHO, she’s got a face meant for a Walker.  Perfect makeover idea.  Eh.  Mostly it’s her expression and the deadness of her eyes.  
Anyway.  Why is it always the fingers?  Eff that.  
Listen.  If ya’ll can’t tell Daryl’s conflicted AF with the situation he’s landed in, you don’t know how to read NR’s face and eyes.  He’s not a masterclass like MMB but he’s pretty darn good when he wants to be.  
I honestly feel sorry for Redshirt Frost.  
“You do what you gotta do.”  Frost knows what’s what and he’s willing to walk the walk for Maggie.  Impressive loyalty.  I’m left wondering how the current, colder incarnation of Maggie inspired it because I’m still struggling to see it.  Anywho.  My point is the dude knows the score and just gave Daryl the okay.  
Daryl taking off his angel vest before stepping into the role of torturer/interrogator=him shedding the persona/the man Judith and RJ and Lydia and Carol know him to be.  Pushing away his man of honor status so he can just survive somehow.  
Pope never quits chewing whatever the hell he’s got in his mouth.  It’s kind of distracting.  
Ohhh.  We’re back to the Haunted Mansion.  I mean house.  Where are the Hitchhiking Ghosts?  
All the eyes scratched out of those creepy pictures=spooky.  
The good old fogged up bathroom mirror shot.  Somebody’s been watching and studying their horror movies, lol.  Not gonna lie though.  I’m legit bracing myself for the jump scares I know have to be coming.  
I’m loving the music/score in these scenes.  
Truthfully, I could care less about these Reapers.  But they are hella attractive, lol.  Listen.  Angela knows what she’s doing.  
Kelly’s horse is so pretty.  Prayer chain for that baby.  
More dead horses?  Why?  
Connie’s slingshot?  Sorry.  I maintain, no matter how much I like these two, that they have the lamest weapons ever.  Endless supply of Virginia rocks or not.  
So.  Did Virgil and Connie enjoy a little equine for dinner?  Did they kill it before the Walkers fed?  What monsters!  Yeah, no.  Not if they were starving even if I personally could not have.  The more probable story is they fled the camp in a panic and left the horse behind and then it went down.  Sorry.  I didn’t exactly study the wounds on the poor animal because it is so traumatizing to me to continue to see them meet such dastardly ends on this show.  I don’t know who the hell has such a score to settle with horses but stop it.  
Days.  It’s only been days.  Not weeks.  So many times with all that Daryl and Company have had to contend with since the cave in?  Those do not exist, lol.  They’re just a convenient, appeasing piece of dialogue thrown at a fanbase primed and ready to read everything into not much of anything.  There’s just not been enough time for it to happen unless Daryl has literally been up 24/7 for all of them.  You know, strategizing how to attack the remainders of Alpha’s horde, figuring out how to defend Hilltop before it fell, healing from the wound he sustained at Alpha’s hand, sitting on that log all damn night with Negan waiting on Carol to come home, having a lover’s quarrel with his best damn everything, taking care of the Grimes babies and Lydia, being the reluctant leader.  Kang, why you playing them like that?  Daryl’s a super guy but he’s not a superhuman with clones.  So many times my ass.  
Seriously.  Who been watching Connie and Virgil?  The MIA Oceansiders?  Beta’s Fee Fi Fo Fum Ghost?  
Nice.  A Michonne mention.  Maybe the truth will start to trickle out.  
LMAO at Connie’s “I’m not staying here.”  Me neither, girl.  I would be outta that house so fast.  
They really “Quiet Placing” this episode.  Honestly?  I’m kinda loving it.  
WTF was that?  I know she can’t hear but you telling me all the little hairs on her arms, legs, and neck didn’t stand the fuck up and say fuck this shit, I’m gone?  Pardon my language, lovelies, but that moment had my heart kicking up several beats.  
Okay, okay.  To be fair to Connie, every hair on her body been doing that since the front door closed.  Maybe they’re desensitized.  
Gollum’s chasing Connie!!!  He/She wants their Precious!!!
The knee jerk reactions about this episode sight unseen are OTT, honestly.  And I mean no disrespect by saying that.  I can understand completely where they’re coming from because we’ve been burned so long in this fandom.  But it’s obvious the spoiler source has their particular biases and reads into things in such a way that don’t line up with what’s actually being shown onscreen.  Daryl’s loyalty in this episode and all along quite clearly lies with his family and his community.  He’s been playing Leah since the start and is truly just trying to survive somehow.  
Awful thought.  The Reaper that’s so suspish of Daryl--haven’t quite caught his name or really cared to.  I feel like he might try to get to Daryl somehow.  When he realizes that Daryl cares no more for Leah than any human would care for somebody (they thought) they used to know?  He’s going after Dog.  Or Carol should she finally join this story. 
I refuse to believe Carol isn’t going to be a part of this story.  Because they messing with her mans, lol.  
“You’re ever with us or you’re not.”  Now where have I heard those words before?  I wish I could find that Daryl gif because that had to be one of the funniest things ever, lol.  
Unrealistic suggestion to Daryl, Leah?  Breathing oxygen seems to piss off Carver.  Oh look.  He finally has a name for me, lol.  
I love how all three of the ladies--Carol, Magna, and Rosita--look at Kelly with such indulgent, adoring “little sis, you alright?” eyes.  
They are seriously the most beautiful quartet of characters.  I mean all of them are lovely but Carol and Rosita this season?  Ugh.  The unfairness of the pretty.  
Human bones.  Terminus callback, lovelies.  How it all would have eventually gone down if Gareth and Co. hadn’t met the business end of Rick’s red machete.  
So many horror movie homages in this one.  
Virgil’s like “let’s leave this Texas Chainsaw Massacre behind.”  
Connie and Virgil have obviously bonded, ya’ll.  I’m surprised by how much I’m enjoying their scenes together when the character mostly got on my nerves with Michonne.  He’s a good actor and the core of his character is sympathetic, but I’m not going to lie.  I wasn’t super enthused when he was the one that rescued Connie because I didn’t know how their scenes would play out. But there’s a nice synergy there.  
Okay.  Does Carver want Leah for himself?  Because I’m sure Daryl at this point would love to scream “take her, I know where I fucking belong!”  
Daryl’s digging in deep because Carver has shown him Leah’s potential weak spot.  Nuance is truly lost on some people, LMAO.  He cares about Leah as a human being probably.  He’s Daryl, after all.  The sweet one.  But he sees her as his way outta this and he’s going to exploit it.  
It’s nice to have a silent Negan for once, lol.  I can pretend he didn’t take my baby Glenn away from me and enjoy JDM’s pretty.  
So.  These cannibal people were the watchers?  Hmm.  
I’m really digging Virgil 2.0.  Yeah.  Nobody’s surprised more than me.  
Sweet, sweet scene between Virgil and Connie.  His determination to reunite her with her family brings back the sympathy I felt for him when he told Michonne “I promised her flowers.  Every day.”  
Damn.  How many of those creepy crawly cannibals are there?  
How brave of Connie to confront her fears to save someone she’s obviously grown to care about.  
The Kelly/Connie reunion gave me chills and made me cry.  Thank fuck Angela didn’t cheapen that moment by having it focus on literally anybody else.  Kelly is the most important person in the whole world to Connie and vice versa.  Just like Carol is the most important person in the whole world to Daryl and vice versa.  Angela fucking knows.  Everybody does.  Except the people busy building castles out of sand while the waves of Carol’s and Daryl’s converging stories keep crashing closer and closer to shore.  
Such a beautiful moment given to us by Angel Theory and Lauren Ridloff.  So authentic and sweet.  Kelly and Connie are home to each other.  
Poor Frost.  That’s all I gotta say about that.  
WTF, though.  Was Mel just not available or what?  I want to see more of the ASZ characters that I care about, not the Reapers.  Like I’d be fine with the story if all the characters not named Maggie, Negan, or Daryl weren’t surviving on crumbs during it.  Especially the 2nd billed actress on the entire show.  Angela.  Please.  Fix this.  
One last WTF.  Seriously.  WTF has Maggie done to inspire Pope’s obsession?  It better be juicy after all this shit.  
Overall impression of the episode--
One of my favorites of the season so far.  The horror aspects were fantastic, IMHO. I truly didn’t expect to like Connie and Virgil’s scenes as much together so that was a nice surprise.  She got the reunion that felt most true and earned for the character and her story and I thank Angela from the bottom of my heart for that.  
I would have loved more Carol but I always want more Carol.  I’m okay with her taking a backseat because ultimately?  This was Kelly’s moment with her sister.  Carol and Connie will eventually have their time to sit down and talk.  And pick back up their blossoming friendship because I truly do not feel Connie blames Carol at all.  
I do wish Lydia had been included with the girl group.  Last episode felt like it was leading up to that.  
The Reaper storyline continues to be the weakest link because every time we see them the dialogue and interactions feel totally recycled from the time previous.  I feel like it would have totally been helped by a tighter focus and less stretching out because 8 episodes of this is really diluting what I feel like Angela and Co. are going for.  I’m not here for Leah being redeemed or being a bigger focus in any of the episodes because she does nothing of interest for me.  I’m just peeking in on that story for the Daryl of it all.  
Speaking of the Daryl? You lovelies out there gotta stop taking that spoiler source’s recaps at face value because it’s obvious to me at least that there’ some bias at work.  Every action and word coming from Daryl is coming from a place of loyalty to his family and wanting to protect them, no matter how he has to dirty his hands.  Leah is just a means to his ultimate end.  She’s not his future.  She never was.  His future’s already spoken for and 2023 can’t get  here soon enough.  But like Daryl, we have to just survive somehow.  
Oh goodie.  More Maggie and Negan next episode and looks like no real follow up on Connie and the ASZ reunions.  Hopefully, this is yet another instance of the previews being deceiving but I’m not holding my breath.  
Until later, lovelies.  
Hope my word vomit didn’t bore you too much.  
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illinformedcomicfan · 3 years
Why does the Spider-Man in your profile and banner have the colors flipped?
I see you asking, my devout follower. Begging, praying that I give you the answer to this elusive, long-running mystery. Well, it’s been about a week now. That’s basically a year in these COVID-19 times, so I figure it was time for an answer. Sit down my friend. This is not simply sPidEr-MaN wItH tHe cOlOrs fLipPeD. Let me introduce you to one of the greatest and most underrated characters in Spider-Man comic book history. Or in comic book history as a whole, really if you want to go that far. I present, Web-Man. Now I see you asking. Who the fuck is Web-Man?
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He wonders that himself every day, as well.
Web-Man’s a weird character. At first he seems pretty simple. You saw the image and probably thought “That looks like an evil version of Spider-Man that has the colors of the suit flipped”. And that’s correct. It’s that simple. But the circumstances of his creation and history (or lack thereof) are what interests me most and how crazy they are, so let’s take a trip down... well not memory lane because I’m sure you didn’t even know he existed until now. He represents such a weird phenomenon of superhero comics history that I love explaining him. The Trope of “Opposite Bad Guy With Different Colors”
This is a well-known trope in superhero stories. It’s a great storytelling and visual element that’s easy for audiences to wrap their head around. There’s a good guy. There’s a bad guy. The bad guy looks pretty visually similar and tends to have the same base powers as the hero but they’re eviiiiil. It sounds cheap, and to some extent, it kind of is, but opposite villains are so fun that no writer, or fan can resist them (especially when they’re done well). There’s so many examples of this that it’s almost absurd. Every superhero you can think of most likely has an opposite. -Zod is Superman But Bad -Bizarro is Superman But Bad (sometimes) -Superboy Prime is Superman But Bad -Cyborg Superman is Superman But Cyborg Bad (You get the point by now) -Reverse Flash is Flash But Bad -Black Adam is Captain Marvel (Shazam) But Bad -Owlman is Batman But Bad -Sinestro is Green Lantern But Bad -Malcolm Merlyn is Green Arrow But Bad -The Frightful Four are The Fantastic Four But Bad -The Crime Syndicate is The Justice League But Bad The biggest example of mass-media cape stories these days, the MCU, tends to pull this trick often, and most of the time they get a lot of shit for it regardless of how well made the actual movies are, and rightfully so in some cases. -Iron Monger is just Iron Man But Bad -Abomination is Hulk But Bad -Whiplash initially has the cool electric whips at the start but then he gets a suit of armor so he just becomes Iron Man But Bad BUT Also Has Whips -The Winter Soldier is, to some extent, Captain America but bad (This isn’t a slight against the movie or Bucky’s character, just another example) -Yellowjacker is Ant-Man But Bad -Kaecilius is Doctor Strange But Bad (and Mordo is going to be Doctor Strange But Bad 2.0 in the sequel) -Killmonger is Black Panther But Bad SPOILER FOR WANDAVISION -Agatha is Scarlet Witch But Bad
By now no further explanation is needed. You already knew that there’s a very common trope of The Good Guy But Bad. Thing is, when most people think of Spider-Man But Bad, they tend to think of Venom, who is sort of the gore body horror sci-fi 80s version of Spider-Man But Bad. At some point he gets enough of his own lore and enough of his own comic series that he kind of loses that, but that original context is always tied to him. There’s never really been a straight, 1:1 opposite of Bad Spider-Man that’s taken off in popularity. Tarantula sort of fits the bill? Maybe? Not really? Especially with that name and get-up.
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But the concept of Web-Man, Spider-Man But Bad With The Colors Flipped, sounds so simple and surefire that it’s a wonder why he never took off. You’d also believe that, due to it being SO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, he was created early. On the contrary, it took about 15 years after Spider-Man’s introduction for Web-Man to hit the pages of a comic story. The most wonderful (or most horrendous, depending on how you want to see it) part of him is that he’s not main 616 Marvel universe canon. Spider-Man But Bad!... of Earth-57780
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Created as a tie-in to the Spidey Super Stories segment of The Electric Company’s children program, this comic ran for a good few 8 years, in what was basically a more over-the-top and zany version of Spider-Man for the kid audience of Electric Company. (Fun fact, the Spider-Man of this reality was part of the Spider-Verse events that have been a part of Spidey comics for a few good bit of the 2010s now.)
In August of 1977 with #25, Marvel editor/writers Jim Salicrup, Nicola Cuti and Bill Mantlo, along with artist Win Mortimer introduced Web-Man in the lead story “Spider-Man and Web-Man”. 
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Created by Doctor Doom as an evil clone of Spider-Man (a couple years after The Original Clone Stuff, and some 17 years before The Clone Stuff Everybody Hates), his deal is pretty simple as you can see from his masterful and devilish creation by Marvel’s resident supervillain. (Side note, I love the sheer power visible in the panel where he breaks the containment tube).
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Endowed with Spidey’s knack for quips, fast zingers and the ability to piss off pretty much everyone he runs into, Web-Man robs an armored car to get Spidey’s attention. What follows is some pretty cheesy but endearing joke-exchange and fast paced action. They go back to Doom’s lab, and the best part of the story? He’s not even the only Web-Man in it.
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Yes, that’s right. It’s not just ONE Web-Man we’re dealing with. It’s TWO WEB-MEN.
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Unfortunately, in a pretty uncharacteristically Spidey move, he brutally and violently viciously maims and murders the two misguided souls. Ok, its not really that graphic or serious in the story, but those were real dudes with like, meat and bone and feelings. And now Spidey’s recklessness has cost them their life. Pretty uncool, Peter.
After that, regular Spidey beats Doom and presumably sends him off to jail. There’s no follow up to the Web-Men or how precisely they ceased to exist beyond “Spider-Man broke the mirror”. A fun and breezy story to kill time with. What boggles me the most, is that in the 41 years since, he hasn’t come back a single damn time in literally anything.
Requiem For A Web-Man
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(Before you ask, yes, I made that edit. I have a bunch of them)
Web-Man never returned to Spidey Super Stories. He was never introduced in a 616 Spider-Man comic. He’s never been in one of the cartoons, movies, games, or external media. The closest thing we have to a mass-media version of him is his design is one the featured alternate suits in the great Spider-Verse movie. Even then, that’s all it is. A funny nod in the background. I even doubt that the producers of the movie actually intended that as a Web-Man, Earth-57780 reference more than they just went “Haha wouldn’t it be funny if one of his suits just had the colors flipped?”
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And it’s that lack of return that both baffles me, and that I understand. He’s not exactly the most creative idea. His design isn’t new or a twist on the classic costume. His status as a villain doesn’t really achieve anything that guys like Venom and Carnage already don’t do, and better than he does it. There’s really no reason to bring him back in a big story. Then again... does there really need to be?
In a genre with talking dinosaurs, mutants, like 7 different Superpeople, legions of super-heroes, gods, dragons, magic, vampires, aliens, stories that ask us to pretend that Darkseid, Thanos, and Mongul are different people, but most importantly, where there’s half a dozen stories (one of them an Oscar winning movie) all focusing on the core idea of “There’s infinite versions of Spider-Man with countless variations meeting up!”, I find it hard to believe that there’s really no plausible way to bring him into the spotlight again.
To quote his character bio on ComicVine (which I swear a million times I didn’t write, but I love) “fans are eagerly waiting for a new appearance where he returns as a hero, not a villain.”
Web-Man is such a fun and absurd example of the Opposite Villain, that I hope he at the very least gets referenced, or lord willing, actually make an important appearance in a Spider-Man story before I die. He deserves to. (Credit to my good pal Nutz, who introduced me to Web-Man so many years ago. I thought he was joking and that he wasn’t real, but he ended up leading me to find one of my most favorite forgotten characters in comic history, and one I proudly use as my internet avatar everywhere I can.)
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themculibrary · 2 years
Into The Spiderverse Masterlist
Links Last Checked: June 27th, 2023
an extension of more than one love (this was a long time coming) (ao3) - emilycmbl G, 15k
Summary: Spider-Man is constantly giving to his city. It's about time someone gave back.
Dimension Hopping 101 (ao3) - mauvera T, 15k
Summary: Miles should definitely not touch the swirling black hole in the space time continuum. Right?
Yeah. Right. Super bad idea.
So why was he tempted to do it anyway?
Before he could let something as stupid as reason or logic get in the way, he jumped.
@heyitsspiderman (ao3) - meggannn T, 27k
Summary: @heyitsspiderman: people act like they know this city but when i’m in the air i find more boroughs all the time. so far ive counted ten. dont listen to big brother in your ceiling (google) telling you otherwise (google maps)
how to rob your uncle's grave (ao3) - relationshipcrimes G, 2k
Summary: Miles saves the multiverse, gets sweet new powers, goes through a fairly-traumatic origin story, and has four whole days of riding high on a wave of new-and-improved teenaged self-esteem before some douche on the street looks him dead in the eye and says, "You couldn't have waited until Peter Parker was cold in his grave before stealing his name, huh?"
It’s a School Night, Why are You Out Saving the World? (ao3) - TechnicolorVocab01 G, 16k
Summary: Jefferson Davis can’t lie to himself, as much as he tries. He and Miles have always butted heads-- his son just has this carefree, unfettered approach to life that Davis' strict, no-nonsense methods seemingly have no place in. A large part of him loves Miles for that, truly, even though sometimes Jefferson feels as if he's just slowing him down.
But now, with Miles away at school on weeknights-- seemingly always busy with something or another-- Jefferson has never felt that gaping space between himself and his son yawn wider.
Enter the new Spider-Man. A free-spirited kid, five foot nothing and standing between the whole city and danger as if it’s his job, breaking a long series of minor laws with careless ease, and giving a certain cop heart palpitations on a regular basis.
Jefferson Davis can’t lie to himself anymore. No matter how much he hates vigilantes-- especially of the masked variety-- a child is a child. And a dad is a dad.
Kung Pow Panda (ao3) - Nicomoru G, 17k
Summary: It's a slow patrol day in New York when Peter sees a Kung Fu Panda rip off dvd fall out of a dude's backpack.
He decides to return it, but gets one hell of a surprise once he sees who owns it.
My Memories Came Back in the Form of Someone Else (ao3) - Lucy_Luna G, 101k
Summary: A series of stories revolving around Gwen's encounters with the Miles and Aaron in her universe.
Of Messy Dimensions and Hobo Spiders (ao3) - 2space_lesbo1 G, 15k
Summary: Miles thought the whole messed up multiverse thing was over.
Boy was he wrong.
spiderman loves you (ao3) - owlinaminor T, 7k
Summary: Or: how to figure out if your son is actually Spiderman without letting him know that you suspect he’s Spiderman because you want to make sure you’re right about him being Spiderman before you ground him for the rest of his adolescent life.
Spinsta (Spidey Insta) (ao3) - Ravenesta T, 2k
Summary: There are things that Jefferson Davis simply does not understand.
He's starting to, though.
Superhero Adoption Agency (ao3) - brushstrokesApocalyptic T, 8k
Summary: Jefferson Davis realizes that Spider-Man is a child, and is determined to put an end to his recklessness. Miles disapproves.
the family brooklyn (ao3) - tactfulGnostalgic T, 12k
Summary: New York is notoriously protective of its superheroes.
The PR Department Doesn't Get Paid Enough For This (ao3) - jazzgirlsworld pepper/tony, quentin/roger G, 52k
Summary: Or, the one where The Avengers have Twitter, Peter has super-friends he told no one about, Tony is STRESSED and always five inches from death (and a dad), and the public have a field day.
Peter's life got a whole lot more insane overnight.
Those Little Dimensional Constants (ao3) - SilverSupa G, 3k
Summary: “Geez, man…” Miles rubbed at the back of his head, looking helplessly at all the knives Noir had on him. “Why are all of these things that Nazis tried to kill you with?” “If a Nazi tries to stab me, I feel like it’s only fair that I get to keep the knife.”
Alternatively, Noir is a bit of a kleptomaniac who keeps trying to take things from other dimensions, and the other Spider people are concerned
under fire (ao3) - deniigiq N/R, 55k
Summary: “Woah,” Miles breathed. Except he didn’t. No, the other guy, he’d said that. In Miles’s voice.
“It’s another Miles,” Gwen murmured with awe. Another Miles. He had a double. He had a double like Peter did.
“Hi,” he said, then felt awkward as hell. How were you supposed to greet your clone? Twin? Alternate universe buddy? Was there a handbook? He needed a handbook. “Hi,” the other Miles said through his mask, then looked down. Miles looked down with him and realized they were still holding hands. They let go at the same time.
“You’re me,” the other Miles said. Apparently he’d gotten the handbook.
(Someone is trapped in the Spiderverse. Miles, Gwen, and Peter B. find themselves in need of some assistance to rescue them.)
You're Looking a Little Stark (ao3) - Midnight_Clover miles/peter, pepper/tony T, 52k
Summary: Peter Parker is just an intern at Stark Industries. Or, rather, that's what he wants everyone to think. But after meeting Tony Stark for the second time in his life, change gets launched his way left and right. It takes time to accept these changes and understand them, even longer to accept them. He's not used to having someone care about him like this since Ben died.
The one where Peter is Tony's intern and then falls in love with Miles while Miles falls in love with Spider-man.
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lexieelouuu11 · 4 years
HC: Peter Parker didn’t know he was Bi until Harley Keener
So this took a turn I wasn’t expecting, also it’s a lot longer than I was expecting I’m sorry also Idk how to do the cut thing so my bad  
 TW: Mentions of Rape
Okay so Peter Parker is *Straight*
He likes girls, really likes girls
He literally went on a date with Liz (it may have ended with her moving away bc he put her dad in jail but that’s besides the point)
And he may have had a brief crush on MJ 
So Peter Parker is *Straight*
Boys are gross, and trust Peter he knows
He doesn’t ever want to think of men in a sexual matter
He 10/10 supports anyone who comes out to him 
But anytime he thinks about how boys could possibly be into him, his brain immediately goes to Skip Wescott 
And how Peter was 9 when it started and that he never wants to be in a position like that again
It was horrible and scary, and Peter Parker likes women and only women, and he will never be anyone’s Skip. And he will never put himself in a position where there can be another Skip.
So Peter Parker thinks men suck. 
(Obviously beside Ned and Mr Stark, they’re cool, but Peter has known Ned forever and Mr Stark is literally a super hero, and Peter only became such a huge fan of Iron Man and Tony Stark because of what happened)
His therapist tells him it was his way of coping with what happened 
Then one day Happy picks Peter up at school on an non-lab day because Mr. Stark has someone that he wants Peter to meet
Peter really hopes its the Black Widow (because they’re both spider themed heroes !! how cool !!!)
Peter meets Mr Stark and this mystery person in the living room
Mr Stark introduces Peter Parker to Harley Keener
Harley Keener looks hot good, hes tall and wears a leather jacket and cowboy boots with skinny jeans. He looks so out of place, but he doesn’t look bothered by it either
Peters heart skips a beat, but Peter chalks it up to be anxiety 
“Hey there Peter, I’m Harley”
Oh my god he has an accent, an actual southern accent
And doesn’t that just make Peters heart race 
“Tony here tells me you’re a real Einstein” He laughed
Harley laughed. Peter is not laughing
Peter hears his blood rushing, and feels himself go cold. His spidey-sense is just going off
Peter looks to Mr Stark whose smile falters at the look of pure-fear on Peters face
Mr Stark doesn’t know. Peter never told him. Any files about what happened never include Peters name, or any family members name, so Mr Stark wouldn’t have stumbled on it, unless he went into Peter’s Therapists notes, which he hasn’t because he may be nosy but he isn’t invasive 
Peter knows what this is, he knows he’s going into a panic attack. He was triggered and he needs to get out. Out out out before anything can happen
“So-sorry, I’ve gotta, I gotta go, something came up wi-with May. It was um, it was nice meeting you Harley.”
Peter left, and made it back home, though he doesn’t remember how he made it from Manhattan to Queens and into his apartment.
He’s home and it’s not the safest place, can’t go into his bedroom but it’s better than there
Tony beat him to the apartment (without Harley), already sitting with May when Peter walks in
May is quick to give Peter his favourite over-sized sweater (it makes him feel safe) sitting him down in the living room, putting a knit blanket over him, and giving a bottle of water. 
“Pete, you okay kid?” Mr Stark asks 
And Peter is fine, he always has been, so he nods 
“Do you want to talk about why you were triggered into a panic attack” His voice is soft as he speaks to Peter, like Peter would break
May sits next to Peter, pulling him into her 
“Adrian Toomes was not the first person Spider-Man sent to jail” Peter started the story like this because it was easier to tell it, his therapist may not be happy with it but she’ll be happy he’s making progress by telling some
“Spider-Man was 11 when he sent his first person to jail. It was a year long trial, one kid versus one 18 year old. He used to call Spider-Man, Einstein”
Peter seemed to be done with his explanation after this, deeming it enough information for Tony to understand what happened
It wasn’t 
But May sending a text that said “Search Skip Wescott” gave Tony the opportunity to find out what happened later 
(Tony is really pissed when he reads what happens, and makes sure Skip get transferred to worst prison and that he can never leave)
“Okay, Pete, I’ll talk to Harley about not calling you that. But Harley will be going to the same school as you, okay? That’s why I wanted you two to meet.”
After that first night Peter goes back to being his usual chipper self
And Harley starts at Midtown 
Peter was just rounding the corner outside of the school to see Harley getting dropped off by Happy
After a moment of hesitation Peter went up to Harley and offered to help him on his first day (because Peter will not let his overwhelming fear take over and he will be friendly for the sake of Mr Stark and that is all)
Despite Peter’s uneasiness and distrust Peter and Harley get on like a house on fire
Peter started to feel really close to Harley, and Harley would often throw his arm around Peter’s shoulder and call him things like sugar, or sweet thing or darling
And Peter liked that a lot, except he didn’t because it was weird (but he really did)
And Peter would always go tomato red whenever Harley was around
Even Ned and MJ recognized the crush Peter had on Harley and vice versa
“Dude when are you going to make a move on him?”
“What the fuck, Ned? I’m straight, Harley and I are friends”
“Peter are you being serious right now? You both obviously have a crush on each other. Harley knows you like him too.”
“The fuck MJ, I expected you to be more understanding about this. We are friends. Maybe I come off as gay to you because I choose to respect people and am not the exact definition of a ‘toxic male,’ but I don’t fucking like you guy assuming that I like men. Men ain’t shit and I’m not going to find myself in another situation like I used too. I like women”
“What’s your issue Peter? You homophobic now? Didn’t peg you as that.”
“Fuck MJ, this isn’t your business. I’m an ally, people love who they love, but I don’t like men, and you need to stop pushing that on me. I have my reasons, you have yours.”
“Peter, the way you’re going off on MJ isn’t really helping your point much-”
“Would the two of you just shut up about this. I don’t like other guys. Women are it for me. I will not be stuck under another man. Fuck, I’m straight and you need to stop pushing the idea that I’m into Harley just because you want me to live out your little fantasies of what my life should be like.”
Peter didn’t talk to them the rest of the day. Not because he was angry but because he was embarrassed that he said too much 
At the tower Peter and Harley were cuddled together sitting next to each other watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine and talking
Peter really loved Harley’s Blue eyes
And his accent
And his face
And Harley in general
But totally only in a friends way
They’re bros
“I want to try something real quick, you can tell me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am” 
And then Harley kisses Peter
Harley Kisses him
And Peter freaks out
Without even thinking about it, Peter pushes Harley off of him and bolts, leaving the tower without his phone, shoes or bag, Peter just leaves
Once Peter gets outside he throws up, before his anxiety takes over again and he just runs and runs and runs
Harley is left now sitting on the ground, tears in his eyes, confused and hurt about what just happened
Tony makes it to Harley in record time thanks to Friday, and without a question Harley explains what happened
“I thought he liked me too, Tony, I really did. I don’t know how I messed up this bad.”
“I’m sorry Harls, Peter has been hurt a lot and I just don’t think he was ready yet emotionally for a relationship.”
Tony knows that Peter has probably just been triggered. He’s only heard Peter talk about girls romantically, never boys, but he was sure that Peter and Harley were going to be together at some point
Once Harley finally calms down enough and goes to his room Tony calls May
“May, is Peter with you, he left all his stuff here.”
“No, I thought he was staying with you tonight. what happened?”
“Harley kissed Pete, and he freaked out and ran out without any of his stuff, I was hoping he was with you. His phone is here too.”
“I think I know where he is, College Point Park. Ben and I used to take him there after any court date.”
“I’ll meet you there.”
“What about Harley?”
“He’s already asleep, I’ll meet you there.”
Tony and May get there in record time, finding Peter sitting on the rocks facing the East River.
“Peter?” May called out.
Peter turned around, his face clearly red, tears streaming down his face.
“I don’t understand” Peter finally said as May and Tony got close enough
“What don’t you understand?” Tony asked
“Harley kissed me. He kissed me. I expected to hate it. But I didn’t. I liked it when he kissed me. I should hate it though. He’s a boy. I shouldn’t have liked it.”
“Peter it’s okay if you liked Harley Kissing you, and it’s okay if you like him romantically too” May tried to comfort
“But it’s not May, because if I like Harley, and I like him kissing me then that means that I liked it when Skip kissed me. And I didn’t like anything he did to me.”
“Peter, I like when Pepper and I kiss, but that doesn’t mean that if May were to kiss me that I’d like it. Same thing goes for you kiddo.”
“I like girls though. I can’t like Harley.”
“You can like both boys and girls. You could be Bisexual or maybe not. No matter what it’s okay.” May said again.
“I need time. I can’t- I need Dr Rosenburg and I need to not be Spider-Man and I need to not see Harley or Ned or MJ. I need time.”
“Okay baby, you can have as much time as you need.” 
Peter ends up taking a week off of school, with daily appointments with his therapist. He went completely ghost mode. Wasn’t active as Spider-Man, wasn’t active on social media. Didn’t read or respond to anyone’s messages. Only talking to May or Tony and only if they were at the apartment.
After his week off, Peter finally reappeared at school, still having not responded to anyone’s messages, preferring to just deal with things in person.
“Peter oh my god you’re alive we all thought you died.” Ned shouted from down the hall going to greet his friend, MJ and Harley in tow.
“I’m fine guys, I just had some stuff from the past come back up that needed to be dealt with before I did anything that would hurt other people.”
“What are you talking about Parker, you wouldn’t hurt a fly let alone anyone else.” MJ said confused
“I’ll tell you when I’m ready too but I’m not there yet. My therapist thinks I made good progress this week though.”
“Your therapist?” Ned asked.
“Uh yeah, sorry. MJ, Ned, I really messed up with how I treated you guys the other day, regarding my sexuality, turns out I may of been wrong and you guys were right, I just repressed any of those emotions due to trauma. So, I’m sorry you didn’t deserve that.”
Ned and MJ obviously forgive Peter bc duh they’re friends
“I would like to talk to Harley privately though, so you guys wouldn’t mind?”
So Peter pulls Harley to the side finally getting the chance to talk to him, and wanted to say his words before he lost his nerves.
“Peter I’m sorry-”
“I liked when you kissed me. That’s why I freaked out. I didn’t think it was possible for me to like that, or men. I’m sorry for pushing you away. I wasn’t prepared and my brain automatically went to a dark place. I like you Harley Keener, but I have problems and I want you to be aware of that before we do anything.”
“If we are going to try this I need you to be aware of my limits. I have a lot of them apparently, and I’m not sure if more will come up or not, but my therapist said that I should talk to you about this stuff before we do anything. If you still like me, that is.”
“Peter Parker you are too precious, of course I still like you, I don’t plan on not liking you for a while yet.”
And then Peter smiles and he feels relieved, because getting to this point took a lot of work and now he’s here and he likes a boy who likes him back who won’t hurt him
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ok so i’ve been doing a spidey movie marathon in the wake of the leaked and official trailers being released
(goddamn i am super hyped for alfred molina as doc ock again you don’t understand)
and i just got up to homecoming and
it just fucking stokes my fiery hatred of mcu stark after im3
because of the way he treats peter, because of it being confirmed peter had no clue why he was in germany/civil war, and just the general idea that the reason the avengers don’t show up in each others’ films (in-story wise not just ya know expensive contracts and schedules and shit) is just the simple fact that they don’t give a shit about each other
(the only 2 that actually seemed like friends ended up either on an international murder spree or dead at the bottom of a canyon in the middle of nowhere, space)
like i’m at the part where peter cracked his suit and dealing with all the new options and he says “wow mr stark really overdid it”
and all i can think is
“yeah he sure fucking did maybe you need to rethink this whole stark obsession huh?”
because the thing about spidey is he’s just a guy in a suit doing the right thing
(and as spider-verse reiterated, anyone can be spidey)
but it gets less and less appealing the more tech he is given
when it comes to the final confrontation with the vuture, and he’s back in his homemade suit, and he has to lift himself out of that pile of debris BY HIMSELF, it should’ve really been the reality check for peter
that he is just some guy, doing the right thing, and he doesn’t need all this fucking ultra tech from some dude who doesn’t give a shit about him unless it suits his needs
stark was always a selfish asshole (a tolerated selfish asshole in the iron man trilogy) but none more so than in homecoming and, let’s face it, in far from home when he gifted a kid KILLER DRONES FROM SPACE
i don’t see no way home walking back or steering away from peter being stark’s fanboy but at the same time...goddamn, how i wish they would
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ducktbm · 3 years
HEY tell me more abt ur spider x man AU i would like to hear abt it
Here’s the set up
My man can walk on walls & has super-mega anxiety
He should be able to shoot webs from his wrists. As a treat even if he can’t canonically
And so MAYBE
-I still think webshooters are cool as hell and really useful In the way he can give it to other people and they can use it to free themselves if he’s saving various people at once-
So let’s just say The web he can get out of his wrists is kind of dog shit at first
It’s just like. Normal thin spiderweb and it sucks ass these are bitchboy webs
He makes his normal web shooters and has those n everything is cool
But obviously since I’m putting this within the X-Men universe mutants are common
Peter is a dumbass but he’s in no way an idiot he knows if he gets figured out he’s gonna have way more issues than Flash Thompson after gym class-
I’m suck at explaining shit but to get to the X-Men part :bangbang:
Peter opens up to Aunt May about being a mutant. Or well “becoming” a mutant.
She’s stricken with grief but still loves him and will most definitely still love & protect him with her life
After a week of being physically ill with anxiety (the normal human kind) he comes home from school. And with his Aunt May in the kitchen. Is a bald old dude in a wheel chair, and a less bald but slightly older & way more intimidating dude.
The bald dude offers him tea and the moment the teacup lifts off the table only half an inch the Spidey sense goes off & he BOLTS he doesn’t understand what’s going on, he’s confused, and feels slightly betrayed
He spends the night at Harry’s. Harry doesn’t ask why Peter is so upset, he knows when something is to sensitive to talk about
The next morning Harry lends him clothes & they go to school together
Peter durring homeroom is called to the office
MJ & Harry are GLUED to his side
When they walk into the principals office & see his aunt and the same men from last night he is visually panicked.
The men suggest his friends leave but he’s half convinced he’s about to be sent away so he says they can stay.
They both hold his hands tight
Nothing could prepare him for the next few minuets
The bald man says “very well, if you’re sure” and with a “i am” from Peter he introduces himself
“I am Charles Xavier and this is my friend Erik Lehnsherr.” All three teens are very alarmed bcuz E. Erik L. . Isn’t t. I. IS THAT FUCKING MAGNEATO ? STANDING IN OUR PRINCIPALS OFFICE PETER WTF DID YOU DO?
Xavier explains that a few days ago his Aunt May, knowing about the Xavier Institute reached out for help. And he is very sorry to have frightened you the other night but this is us formally inviting you in enrollment to Xaviers Institute For Gifted Youngsters, a school for mutants
MJ: it’s a mutant school
Xavier: That Is correct.
Harry: ..Peter?
MJ: Peter?
Peter: .........Funny Story actually ! aha um well you see BOLTS AGAIN
Erik tells Xavier theres no way this kid is gonna talk to us like this, we need him to come to us
Xavier is like. Very well
And politely asks Harry & MJ to talk to him for them, and that it’s very important they tell no one.
But this really is Peter’s best interest
They give their pitch to the two to repeat to Peter
They MJ end up finding him following GPS chip in his phone she totally didn’t put there bc she cares for her best friends safety but also already thought he was Spider-Man anyway
Peter confesses to being a mutant, and Spider-Man
They t (btw Yea this is Harry/Peter/MJ what about it)
They both comfort him & tell him about the Xavier institute
Yeah. Hell have to move there but he can still attend Midtown if he wants
But if not there’s always Bayville!
Harry says if Peter wants to go to Bayville Harry will immediately Transfer himself & MJ there bc theres no way there leaving him alone
(Peter is also trans)
It takes a bit but Pete eventually says ok, he knows it’s in his best interest, it’s the best idea, and the most beneficial to him.
He moves to the institute !
He ends up going to Bayville bc. Omg. Freedom from Flash Thompson
Harry & MJ. Transfer
Peter is immediately introduced to Beast AKA Dr Hank McCoy and they’re best friends so quick.
Hank uses Peter web shooter design to make an organic one that takes his shit ass webs & quickly winds and spins them up so when they leave the shooter it’s a thick rope akin to his fake webbing
It takes him a rlly long time to be able to produce webs fast enough to use it but he eventually does!
Peter not knowing literally any of their powers bc he refused to look into mutant stuff bc he didn’t wanna be on an FBI watchlist seeing Rouge KO a student durring training: DID MRS ROUGE JUST FUCKING MURDER THEM? GUYS. GUYS. STOP THE SIMULATION?
Peter: wow Dr McCoy you must’ve been really cool in highschool
Hank: Aha I wish *shows him photos of him in highschool
Peter: hey Mr McCoy these are cool but where are you
Hank: ? I’m right there?
Peter: .
Hank: I wasn’t always blue Mr Parker
Since Harry & MJ are In The Know (decided actually no one knows Xavier’s is a mutant place yet)
They’re allowed to come over to da mansion & just get to witness all the weird shit that goes on there
MJ has fun being Ref durring Mute Ball !
Harry just cheerleads n supports them
So Peter goes to Bayville (Harry & Mj transfer bc Yea)
The younger mutants like Pixie, Laura, Armor, Cypher, Roberto, Wolfsbane, Dani, Magik, etc also attend, in this timeline mutants are still relatively hidden but r on da brink. The Second Genesis team is around as instructors
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