#i know im young and its too early for all of that but im just tiiired if i could just fast forward just a few years i would
needylittlegirl · 2 months
surely it isnt a bad idea to watch romcoms when im already on the verge of tears just because i want to be held
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spinninglightning · 2 months
whenever i read fics i always end up thinkin of a song for the fic or like, th chapter and then i canr stop associating the fic w/ those songs
#i listen to sm fckn music tht all the songs end up bein wildly diff too#ong i cld make playlists for multi ch fics#*stares at electric rebels*#actually u know what#i will#here r some songs:#our song by matchbox twenty is (early ch) electric rebels treemina coded#butterfly by bts (song is abt the fear of losing a person and in electric rebels this is very much true#everyone has the fear of not only losing their lives but losing their family(+found) as well#time is very much sacred n stuff like that)#humming by turnover (thr lyrics “with you ill make it out alive” sold me on this one)#viva la vida by coldplay specifically for the capital students because of how disillusioned theyve become due to the games#and forming relationships w/ their tribute#really good examples are vipsania and hilarius#rhythm of love by plain white t's makes me think of all the good moments treech n lamina have had despite their circumstances#(its also just a them song in general)#young volcanoes by fall out boy for the tributes!!! it seems light a more lighthearted victory song almost?#a “we will persevere” thing but more full of complete happiness#think abt the scene of teslee mizzen n treech running down the hill in jubilation (obvs before shit went down)#would that i by hozier just makes me think of when treech first met lamina up in the tree#which witch by florence + the machine is definitely for vipsania just before & after the bombing (aspen too but to a lesser degree almost)#“whos a heretic now” “im miles away hes on my mind” yeahhhh#love grows (where my rosemary goes) by edison lighthouse is jst a rlly good treemina song#rousseau by nerina pallot is a good fpr one of the main questions in the fic “are we really born free?”#(no. theyre not they have to work for that freedom. rousseaus main theory specifically the idea of it works really well for this fic#and the hunger games in general)#the promise by when in rome seems to work especially for treech and how he interacts with the others#he always seems to make promises - that theyll live - that he wont leave - that hell take care of the living for the deceased#this ended up sm longer than intended i reached the TAG LIMIT#basil.txt
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 13 days
Shout out to the folks at work the other day that enabled/encouraged me to go on a lil infodump about being transgender and who had genuine questions and listened to my answers. Obviously it's not something queer folks should be expected to do but I love being a point of information for people! I love talking about my experiences and my understandings of philosophies that intersect with that and I think alot of cishet people are maybe uncomfortable asking blunt questions? But so long as they're posed in good faith and with willingness to think about the response, I enjoy answering those weirdly specific things. How else to we dispel the willful ignorance that places of power want to foster towards us? I refuse to he a scapegoat and am deeply grateful to the people that are receptive to experiences outside their own
#young 20 something mum and middle aged mother of 3#both just. asking *questions*#what do hormones do? when/how did you know? why is it so important to you?#these ate genuine questions seeking to understand!! and it means so much to me that i can BE that point of understanding!#adfhsjsj they were talking about periods and the younger woman was like. sorry if this is uncomfortable Jason#and im like. lol dont even worry i still get then too and they suck#older woman was like??? i thought hormones stop them??? im not on hormones yet i just naturally have hormonal imbalance thanks to PCOS#its just...if someone genuinely doesnt understand but is willing to learn? its a conversation worth having.#and i cant know that i always have a positive effect but i ways come back to the vaguely right leaning centrist dude i worked with at mcds#who told me i had changed his view of masculinity and gender as a whole#just by talking and explaining ny experiences#even if he ends up being the only other person I affect..its all worth it.because without me or someone like me he would never have changed#sorry i just get emotional sometimes thinking abkut how...probably the majority of cishets who arent plugged into tumblr#do not experience queer people. hell#im sure there are alot of queer people who havent been exposed to queer theory either#and it means the world to me that i can present and explain that understanding. that willingness to understand.#fuck man if you had told me id be doing this in my early teens id never have thought it possible
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trash-iest · 1 year
Another year closer to 25 🤡
#this is so depressing 😭#because i dont wanna graduate and i dont wanna move out for mba and shadi AND ADULTING JUST FEELS SO REAL WITH EACH PASSING YEAR#I JUST WANT TO STOP AGEING OR AN APOCALYPSE THAT ENDS EVERYTHING BECAUSE GROWING UP IS SO OVERWHELMING#just the fact that im in my twenties and not a teenager anymore is SO HARD TO DIGEST LIKE HOW DID THAT HAPPEN WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN#IM SORRY I WAS TOO BUSY BEING NUMB AND DEPRESSED TO REALISE I WAS GROWING UP AND I DONT EVEN REMEMBER MY 20TH FROM LAST YEAR WHICH IS SOON#GONNA BE 2 YEARS AGO AND THEN ILL BE 30 IN A FEW YEARS AND ALL OF THIS—MY LIFE— WILL FEEL LIKE A BLUR LIKE HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN#im deleting my tumblr on my 25th birthday. thats it#also a very serious question (istg im not being cocky) how do people in their early 20's decide they wanna get married or have kids#because oh boy its like everyone's getting married young and having babies like how do you feel youre ready because that is some MAJOR LIFE#ALTERING SHIT#HOW DO U WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND IT#HOW DO U FALL IN LOVE AND KNOW THIS IS THE RIGHT PERSON GOOD GOD LIFE IS NOT THAT EASY BUT PLEASE SHARE LIFE HACKS AS TO HOW YOU FIGURED IT#ALL OUT#like anytime i think about shadi its like no im too selfish to share my personal space with another person and then having to interact with#their family is all SO FKING DRAINING ESP WHEN YOURE NATURALLY NOT A PEOPLE'S PERSON#like how do people not get the urge to runaway before their wedding because holyshit my 19 year old self couldnt deal with all that#responsiblity and neither can this 21 year old#like its being stuck between feeling old AND young simultaneously like as a baby why would i want to have my own baby 😭#and oh god the pain that comes with it makes me envy men SO BAD#like its so easy for u to say oh yeah lets have a baby and its gonna be shared responsibility BUT YOUR BODY DOESNT GO THROUGH HELL FOR THE#NEXT 9MTHS AND EVEN AFTER THAT I KNOW MY BODY WONT BE THE SAME AND SUE ME BUT IM NOT LOSING THIS FIGURE AND THEN FEEL SHIT ABOUT MYSELF WHEN#I DRESS UP WHILE YOURE OUT THERE CHEATING ON ME WITH OTHER WOMEN#i know not all men do that but knowing my luck i know i wont be ending up with the exception so fuck marriage and kids and having a family#and then he gets to excel at his career while i raise this kid and then few years down the lane when I consider getting a job again ill be#way behind in my field and i cant be financially independent. how do housewives not feel miserable? how do u make peace with catering to a#family#ZINDAGI KYUN AKELE NAHI GUZAR SAKTE BHAI LIKE IM ALREADY SO USED TO BEING ON MY OWN I DONT FEEL THE NEED FOR A HUSBAND OR BABY#WHY IS THAT THE ULTIMATE SETTLEMENT WHY CANT IT BE A GOOD JOB AFTER MBA#at this point the only way out of all that is death before 25 and im manifesting that for the next 4 years#i missed ranting on tumblr so much omg this feels heavenly
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this-doesnt-endd · 1 year
Lowkey i really love young sheldon like its a cute and fun show but i do think its pretty wild that they foreshadow georges death so early on like in the first season
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
it was one of my coworkers birthdays today and she was telling me abt her plans to celebrate and I'm only just realising now that I've left work that she was prolly trying to invite me.. 🤦‍♀️
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Welcome to Danny’s Part 2
People have been asking for more of this ^^ so here you go, have a really long word vomit of stuff i think is funny
Danny’s restaurant is ALSO manned by-
Tucker, who will fix your tech for free, has tattoos of hieroglyphics and lines of code that shift around when he gets busy.
Sam, who makes an express line for veggie orders. If you try to order meat from sam all the potted plants start trembling.
Jazz, who has a special booth in the back and Magically makes people dump their deepest secrets to her in streamlined Liminal Powers Therapy. (It’s a bit weird but hey the people she targets feel better so whatevs.)
Dani, who shares pictures from tourist traps she's visited, though there’s also some REALLY WEIRD pics of alternate realities and cult shenanigans mixed in. Some of the older patrons are concerned. She’s a little too young to do all this alone- actually, how old is she? Her father looks like he’s in his early twenties…
Dan, who is working here while “on parole” and often loudly argues with Danny about it.
“I don’t want to work in your stupid shop, Dad!”
Dan is two whole feet taller than danny and three times as wide i will not be taking constructive criticism. He’s a whole silver fox. There are some ladies who have a crush on him and they’re really concerned if he’s legal bc danny is younger than them how is Dan his child-
“Dan, how old are you?”
“I don’t know, like, a hundred sixty something?”
(Lady turns to look at Danny, who shrugs and smiles.) “time dilation. What a world we live in. Dan, kiddo, can you get some more napkins from the back?”
“Ugh, fine, dad.”
The first villain Danny ACTUALLY fights isn’t the Joker. It’s Condiment King. Dan runs away from him, which is already weird bc guy is MASSIVE, and the condiment king chases him bc YES SOMEONE FINALLY FEARS HIM PROPERLY.
Danny bursts out of the shop in righteous fatherly fury and beats the snot out of him. Everyones is confused bc… what? Dan is massive? Why is he scared? Why is the twink beating the snot out of condiment king?
“Dan had a traumatic experience with Burger Sauce.” Danny explains, glaring down at the rouge at his feet. He kicks him, growls, “Don’t mess with my kid.” And walks back inside.
No one asks, bc this is gotham. Asking is rude, and also it lessens the Mystery that is Danny’s. No one knows how the kids came into existence. No one knows, before someone from out of town (metropolis, ugh) asks about the sign.
The sign outside the shop says:
Welcome to Danny’s!
Do no harm and no harm shall befall you.
Start nothing and nothing will be ended.
We have baseball bats and fists and a mean swing.
This establishment does not serve- guys in white (suits), Vlad, Transphobes, Vlad, Clowns, VLAD.
Do not ask for the secret menu. If you can get it, Danny will offer it.
(Don’t scare the other customers, please.)
When asked who Vlad is, bc he’s banned three times, Danny just kind of sighs.
“He’s my kid's other parent. He’s an obsessive creep who completely ignores Danielle because she’s a girl, rolling in money but won’t pay his child support. You know how it is.”
Several goons ask what he looks like so they can keep an eye out. Dani happily tells them “look at Dan, take away Dad’s features, then convert 30% of his height and weight into smarminess.”
It's an effective description. Vlad gets full body tackled the moment he enters the neighborhood. Danny gives the goons free fudge (family recipe, one of the restaurants signatures)
One of the reasons Danny’s is so popular is bc its open 24/7. (Unless its one of those weird times where all the doors are locked and if you look through the window blinds theres nothing but a starry void.) One of the reasons Danny’s is so weird is bc Danny is ALWAYS behind the counter. Always. Round the clock. He doesn’t sleep, eat, anything. Some people swear he has a twin he swaps out with (clones).
Sometimes, after a really difficult customer, Danny will let out a really long sigh and mutter “time out” before glitching into a new position, with a new shirt and combed hair. No one mentions it.
Theres a deal that’s just, “beat danny in a fight you eat for free.”
The deal extends to both Dan and Dani as well. Even if you lose you get fudge as a reward for courage.
No one ever wins.
One time, a couple brought their kid, recently discharged from the hospital. Danny comes over to them and grins. “Hey, kiddo! Bet you gave your parents a scare, huh? Pulled through in the end. That means you get the secret menu!”
Parents: hey wtf?
Danny, handing over a perfectly normal menu: 😀
Kid: “ooh mommy look at the glowy stars!”
Parents: !?!?!?
Danny: 😁
Old man Dave, whose heart has stopped like three times now: “Oh don’t worry about that, prices are the same and it will help your kid feel much better. Danny’s just a little weird.”
After all, it’s not just full ghosts that get the menu. If you’ve been dead, heart stopped, soul out of body before being popped back into place, then you get it. There’s actually a pretty high number of people who get it, bc this is Gotham. People get resuscitated after rogue attacks. The ecto actually helps stabilize their soul after getting jerked between life and death so rudely.
The secret menu that they’re given is just a normal menu, scribbled over top with an ecto pen, invisible to non-secret menu havers. Different “ecto-levels” to choose from, and three extra dishes. There’s also instructions to get into the “back room” for those who can’t go intangible, though it comes with a disclaimer “not for the faint of heart.”
There’s also a small note at the bottom- “do not share food.”
Anyways, as per original post. Tim herds Joker into Danny’s radar bc he Cannot Deal Right Now. He salutes Danny, who waves back, grinning like he didn’t just come at the Clown Prince of Crime like a feral badger on crack cocaine. “Heya, Red Robin! You want a coffee?”
“Please.” Tim sighs. “You’re the best, Danny.”
Jason looks between tim and the shop danny just vanished into. “Uh, what?”
“Danny doesn’t like clowns.” Tim explains. “Or condiment king. They get close, Danny takes them out.”
Jason is incredibly confused, bc he just came back from an out of town mission, but this place is right on the edge of his territory and he should definitely know about it. He asks tim, who just shrugs.
“That shop is weird. It’s like a grocery store at 3am. I stumbled in there after a rough night and Danny just whipped me up the best coffee i've ever had. Still can’t find their website. I swear it’s bigger on the inside and the door keeps swapping from one side of that fire hydrant to the other.”
Danny comes out and passes Tim a massive coffee cup. “Come back and talk shop with tucker, okay? You’re welcome any time. Both of you, actually.”
He gives Jason a weird look and then goes back inside.
Jason, who is a little concerned that the reverence tim has is more than his average weird worship of coffee (it's just that good) goes back the next day in civvies.
He gets offered the secret menu, danny does the eye thing, Jason retreats to look at the secret menu. Unsure of what just happened, he texts tim.
Jason: Why was i given a “secret menu”
Jason: the secret menu apparently (image)
Tim: …thats just the normal menu???
Jason: no? It looks like a kid went ham with a neon green marker tf?
Duke: you know this is the family chat right?
Steph: order the waffles
Jason: you order the waffles. Wtf is an ecto-level.
Jason asks for what danny recommends, Danny immediately gives him a milkshake and tells him it's on the house bc he “looks rough.”
Jason is kind if offended, bc he actually got a decent sleep- but then he tries it and its like.
Now. Between the stink Tim is making, and the sudden worship that Jason has of this shops milkshakes, the BatFamily is now Curious and will Investigate.
Are the milkshakes really that good?
The full force of the Wayne Family™ isn’t exactly subtle, so they go in twos and threes over the course of a week.
Damian gets offered the secret menu, and is also directed towards Sam’s express vegetarian line. Danny just Knew. Damian accuses Tim and/or Jason of pulling a prank on him, but they both swear up and down they didn’t say anything.
Both Steph (i think? Did she fake her death or actually die idk) and Cass get the secret menu, and they keep trying to ask Tim what certain things on the menu mean. Tim Cannot See what they’re talking about. He’s starting to get frustrated. Is it some sort of magic spell?
Tim takes Kon to Danny’s. (Is it a date? A test date on a low-stakes investigation? Maybe.) Danny, who is really starting to enjoy messing with Tim, gleefully offers Kon the secret menu, and Tim the normal one. Tim bangs his head on the table.
Dick doesn’t get a secret menu, but he does notice a couple disappear through the wall. He’s almost certain he’s seen them before, but it will be a while before he remembers Kitty and Johnny from his early Robin Days.
Duke is also not offered a secret menu, but he can see the writing anyways. He can also see that some of the patrons have weird auras, and what on EARTH is up with Danny himself? He tries to ignore it, up until Steph gets him to order one of the specials off Cass’s (secret) menu. And Danny just kind of sharpens, the air going cold.
“I didn’t give you that menu. Just because you can read it, doesn’t mean you want it. Order off the right menu, please.”
Duke, freaked the hell out by the Biblically Accurate Horror that Danny is shifting into, orders off the right menu and apologizes.
“Oh, it’s alright!” Danny flips back to cheerful in seconds. “It’s just that it wouldn’t be completely healthy for you to eat it, even if you are part immortal.”
Duke bluescreens.
Alright, somethings definitely going on.
Tim and Jason both order the same thing- an oreo milkshake, one off the secret menu, one off the normal menu. Jason confirms the one from the normal menu does not taste the same and isn’t as good. Tim cannot confirm the other way around, because Jason nearly punches him when he attempts to taste it.
They take samples home, analyze them, and go over anecdotes from other patrons, trying to figure out what makes Danny’s so weird. What makes Kon, Cass, Jason, and Damian different?
Wait a second. Kon, Cass, Jason, Damian. The ones that died and came back to life.
It’s around this time that Dick remembers where he’s seen Kitty and Johnny before. Lovers from two houses, both alike in (in)dignity, had a romeo-and-juliet-esque escapade across Gotham, ending in high speed chase with Kitty’s gangster father and a fatal motorcycle accident. Both are dead. Both are in Danny’s.
Danny’s has something to do with death.
Having heard a couple stories about food of the dead, they notify Bruce (who is very concerned as to what exactly his children have been putting in their mouths) and then call in the magic users of the justice league.
It’s a mess. Dan calls Constantine a whore. Deadman and Secret (i think thats Tim’s ghost friend?) get abducted to the backroom. Dani clocks Capt. Marvel as another kid who looks older than he actually is, with magic powers, and his showing him her REALLY interesting travel photos. Zatanna is like “this place needs an exorcism” and danny just goes “ma’am please don’t exorcize my customers.”
Tag list (if you saw me attempt this before no you didn’t)
@nappinginhell @apointlessbox @thegatorsgoose @chaos-n-kindness @mimilikey @phoenixdemonqueen @treepainting @sjrose1216 @akikkobara @malice-of-the-sunrise @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @randomkiddoscrewingaround @call-me-strega @blankliferain @somera-rubina @wordsgohere95 @rukiaai @mirellacoco @stargazing-bookwyrm @bathildaburp @littlefeather345
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You could drink your whole life away and still never get that taste out of your mouth.
half commission for @salempie half completely self indulgent dreck pieced together from our insane conversations abt franke and elka. told myself id finally write a big explanation for all of the dum shit between these two for context so Thats Under The Cut.
so I already wrote some stuff about elka and franke's relationship back in whispering rock so feel free to look at that too . it goes over elkas blindness/‘seeing’ with clairvoyance and how her and franke started talking & all that good stuff
SO FOR STARTERS. a lot of thsi wont make sense without a big breakdown of elka herself. because elkas potential as a character is like insane to me. like just the idea of her in the long run of her life reads as something so potentially tragic; a young girl whos plagued with visions of doom and destined to be an outcast even in her own home for things she cant control and clings to the One vision of her wedding that she thinks is 'happy' even despite the fact she doesnt really love the person in it. im choosing to take the li-po doc as canon here because its funny shes the only one with backstory-
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but my fucking god even the smallest look into what her parents are like is soo fucked up to me. and i do think elka especially gets a lot of influence from her mother; its funny how easily you can fit mabel doom into a box just from what elka says about her. knees deep in an avon-esque pyramid scheme and leaning into her daughters depressing ass visions & taking her to therapy at age 11 (which would be good if not for the kind of person you can already assume she is & so i doubt the therapist she has really does her any good. i think they share one). she reads as a very I Am My Daughters Best Friend type of mom to me and i can see elka being a centerpiece of the conversation when she has her Amway Girls over for drinks. wine-mom that lets her kid sip from the glass so she can feel like a big girl type deal.
and you can tell that elka is trying to hard to be too mature for her age even in her campster posts. how she writes letters to nils' mom and exchanges baking recipes with her and that feels like she really only interacts with middle aged women and not really many people her own age outside of camp (like her moms friends). which makes sense shed feel the need to ‘grow up’ early when shes probably had to process so many hard things at a young age bc of her visions.
theres a lot of filling the blanks here of course.
elka obsesses over nils to an overbearing degree even despite the fact he treats her like shit ('you promised no talking' and so on) and she treats him bad right back. she leans onto stereotypical heterosexual ideals like taking care of him and overblowing how Manly and Protective JT is and she admires romance stories like pride and prejudice and it feels like she Projects Soooooooo much of what she wants onto boys she barely feels anything for without knowing what its actually supposed to feel like. and clearly she WANTS that ideal future, a happy marriage, an actual romance- but according to nils even when they were dating she ignored him most of the time, which just seems Very Telling
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like shes filling a role, overcompensating for emotions and lacktherof she cant digest quite yet, and it only makes more sense when you know shes had visions of their future together. how could that be bad for her? shouldnt it be like the books and movies? but she doesnt really connect the fact that her visions are only for Doomed futures, and if she does she certainly doesnt show it. Doomed relationships. it's been a part of her family for generations and she isn't turning out much different, is she? i dont think she even realizes thats all she ever sees yet, just that its Going to happen. that it's Her future, and it always will be
and like, her only reference for a real marriage so far has been her own parents, and she already Knows they have an affair, and theyre doomed to split, (and i actually like to think they were in rough waters anyway and elka was a child meant to mend a crumbling marriage but thats a whole other thing) and so without a framework for what an actual healthy relationship is supposed to be like she cant really grasp that her relationship with nils Isnt that and isnt ever going to be. she can only cling to this one happy idea of the future, and thats why she keeps chasing him, self fulfilling the actuality of her situation and creating and fostering the unhappy life they will inevitably live together.
and that bleeds into everything else in her life, of course, because as the years go on, as the visions grow in number it just makes sense for her to fall into the predictability of her life. she always knows whats going to happen, her visions are Never wrong- so why try to change things? shes had time to process tragedies days, weeks, months, years before they happen, shes had time to settle into every crack of her life. her parents divorce, her various break ups, her future with the psychonauts.
“and she's already seen so much of a future with [nils] she feels trapped almost. Like she has to be happy in it or else it just means her life is miserable. And it's a mixture of pride and fear of the unknown that keeps her clinging to the One thing she knows. BUT LIKE!!! She knows what's gonna happen! It's easier to grieve when she's been grieving for years... She wants so badly to be happy, But to do that she has to step into the unfamiliar. And that's more terrifying than staying the same miserable person she's always been.”
and thats where franke comes in— and yeah you Do have to take a lot of liberties for frankes character since it’s basically, like, all the info for her is just that shes a Supreme Baby Dyke but thats enough for me. i think she has protective butch itch in her . on campster shes defensive over other women evidenced in the way she keeps watch over the girls cabins for lili when elton is pursuing her . but shes also eager to please and constantly trying to make kitty laugh and also Very naive. but she tries! and i think it only solidifies more as she gets Older and really gets a hold of her feelings & her powers. this is incredibly franke to me
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and i think as they grow older together— because i think franke and elka Do stay friends, both because elka is just pathetic and needs that positive connection even if she doesnt realize it and because i think franke is a very Loyal person & annoyingly persistent if you let her be . and i am also a kitty/franke truther. because kittys also important in this web we weave
because i think franke and kitty stay together after camp, to a point— theres a falling out facilitated on kittys end and they break up, but reconnect, and franke kind of... saves kitty from herself a little, from her strict military father whos love only extends thru finances , from her own stifling future , she drives all the way to bakersville in her shitty van handmedowned from her dad and they move in together eventually . they get jobs at the motherlobe , because it’s a pipeline to a decent job, because it’s whats easy, because franke doesn’t really have a future, because she’s never really been good at much, because shes never had much sense, because franke doesnt really care as long as she can live and help, sometimes, if she can, and because kitty’s there, and because elka’s there, and shes so used to being elkas eyes now and shes good at it. shes good at being the muscle of the missions when her colleagues lack it, when hypnosis and predictions arent enough. she likes it that way.
and elka appreciates frankes company. she listens, shes sweet, she does little things for her that no ones ever really put the effort for before; she likes her. franke is strong and bold and makes her laugh and shes always there but god elka cant let go of that future, of that box shes put herself in, that her mothers put her in, of being a Good Wife to a Loving Husband, of getting married normally and falling into unfailing familiarity. thats all shes ever wanted and shes not going to jeopardize that . not for franke, who may not be a boy but is handsome like one, whos always held her after every break up with nils and the men that filled empty days inbetween.
and elka is too stubborn to recognize those feelings anyway. too prideful to accept a way out. too set in her cycle no matter how much she hates it, her little self fulfilling tragedy of her own making, wallowing in her own doom. she struggles for control of her own life when she feels like every choice has been made for her anyway, she puts up her walls and carefully constructs what people see. but franke was always harder to trick, because while empathy isnt a particularly useful psychic power it’s certainly an inconvenient one. all franke has to do is get too close and all those carefully crafted walls fall apart, and elkas control is gone, and thats all she really has. and she tries to distance herself, really she does, but franke is also too persistent. and elka wears gloves, keeps contact that would make her walls crumble from happening as best as she can, but she cant really keep herself from the brief moments where she feels like someone actually fucking cares about her.
and that slightest lack of control, the need to wrestle it back is why she proposes to nils the next time theres a falling out— she knows how it happens, she plans every detail. and he accepts, despite everything. gets her a cheap ring and it feels like lead on her finger and its nothing at all like how shed thought it to be when she was a kid, theres no feather light feeling in her chest, only that dreadful reality that she cant turn this back. BUT WHAT CAN U DO LMAO
elka doesnt tell franke about this engagement until later, on their way back from a mission. late at night when neither of them can sleep, and franke invites elka to smoke in her van, because its been so long since theyve been alone like that, because elkas been so strangely absent lately. and because of everything, because frankes always so damn nice, because elka hates the feel of the ring on her finger, because she let herself get high alone with franke fucking athens whos always been so good at pulling her apart— the truth of it all spills out and its messy and emotional and she hates it, she hates the life shes made for herself, but franke makes it easier to bare and now shes here and shes so close and god she wishes she could see her smile again, she wishes she could see franke, thats all she needs right now and she cant but she can touch her and she can hold her and for tonight, she can be known, she can let those walls crumble, she can be something else just for once here with franke . she can kiss her here in this van, touch that happiness for just a moment, and forget the future that waits for her outside of it. franke begs her to forget the wedding, to just let herself be happy— and god, she wants to, but it means turning her back on everything shes known and everything shes saw to be inevitable, and franke has never been in her future, so if it were supposed to work out why hadnt she seen it and she cant, she cant take that risk but she can have this, even if its temporary, she can have it.
and just as soon as she gets a taste of it, its gone. after that night, after the missions over and theyre back at the motherlobe and have to pretend like nothing happened (franke doesnt, of course she tells kitty about it, she tells kitty about everything.) but that brief moment together haunts elka every time she sees franke, sees herself through frankes eyes, sees herself in her wedding dress because god its all franke can think about! of course it is! she knows how much elkas destroying herself she knows how much misery shes wallowing in that kiss in the van felt like an emotional punch to the teeth and she hasnt ever forgotten it and all she can do is sit and watch while elka throws herself into a loveless marriage. she can come to her wedding and see the way the bride and groom kiss with the emotional weight of a wet towel no matter how hard elka tries to hide it under a pretty dress and bouquets of flowers and meticulous planning.
and elka resents nils but she cant really hate him, its not his fault, not really. he feels trapped just like she does and his feelings of misery only cycle back into hers . they fight and gnash and wear away at each other and its a relationship thats crashed and burned a million times before elka even said i do. and its inevitable that she falls into her mothers habits, a sip of wine here and there to loosen up, until it turns to a glass, until it falls into a bottle on nights when whatever work nils does runs late.
but franke’s still there. shes always been there, hasn’t she? always trying to play knight, always trying to save her, dragging her home when shes stumbling over herself because god who else is going to do it but her? who else is left to care? certainly not nils. never nils. because franke knows her. because franke pities her. shes always pitied her. shes always known. and elka hates it, she resents it, but god in the same breath she’s desperate for it, she envies it to her very bones. elka is a mess but after frankes done with her she has someone to go back to that loves her. and god what elka wouldnt do to have that. to take it and keep it for herself because shes never ever got to have that movie romance shes always wanted.
so now comes this.
because elkas particularly miserable and particularly spiteful and she needs to get franke to understand, just for a moment, drink with her and get on her level and she needs her there with her no matter how her pity makes her feel. no matter how much it makes her shake with anger and envy and desperation, but god the way franke looks at her, the way she still tries to salvage what they have, the soft, slurred way she tells her that it’s okay but its not okay, none of this is okay, it never has been and she just wants franke to shut up and see that, and if she cant then she’ll show her, she’ll show her all the raw angry desperation, with too much teeth and hands that claw and grab and she’ll know why everyones always said she’s too much.
and she knows this puts her on nils’ level too. that this makes her a cheater, that shes no better than he is now. no better than her father and his affair. but god, she wants to be selfish. she wants to be in control. just for once. she wants to feel right and she wants to feel happy and she wants to feel loved. thats all shes ever wanted. and franke will let her have that, just for a little while, at the very least.
anyway. sorry. sorry for being crazy . this isnt even getting into the shit after the comic takes place . elkas stupid brainworld thag she has to overcome in order to finally be allowed in the polycule and live happily ever as worlds first lesbian divorceman
sorry for all the shit i make up instead of caring about actual characters with screentime . bye !
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juanbodyswapstfs · 11 months
Fair Trade
David was a hard working father trying to provide enough to maintain his son. The downside to this was he wasn’t spending a lot of time with his son martin.
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Martin was an attractive young man but doesn’t know the potential he has in his body. It pained David that Martin wouldn’t use his body to its full potential.
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One day, David came home early from work. “Hey Martin, im home early!” Said David. David didn’t get a response and headed upstairs. He saw the door to his bathroom opened and saw Martin jerking off to his briefs. “Dad!” Martin proceeds to slam the door in a hurry.
A few hours later..
Hey bud, You doing alright? “Dad, please go away.” Said Martin. “Son, I know how you feel, when I was your-“ “Dad just stop it! you don’t know how I feel.” Said Martin angrily. “Alright, Ill give you some time to calm down, when your done, come to the living room and we’ll have a chat.” Said David.
A few minutes later..
“Hey dad, Im sorry for how I talked to you..” Said Martin. “Don’t worry bud, I get your sexual desires hehe.” David said. “I love you but sometimes I just wish we could feel more connected.” Martin said. “Yeah, Hehe I wish you knew how good and strong your body is martin.” David said. “And I wish I could spend more time with you dad.” Martin said. “Well, goodnight my son.” David said. They both head to bed and sleep until the next morning.
In the morning
Martin wakes up feeling a bit sore and clumsy. “Woah why do I feel so big all of a sudden.” Martin opens his eyes and sees a huge bulge in his briefs. “Oh my god dad, why didn’t I know you had such a huge package.” Davids package was girthy and long with his balls big and manly. “Damn my armpits smell fucking good.” Martin whips out his new package and starts jerking off. “Ooohh yeah that shits good.” Martin then cums all over his dads chest.
On davids side..
David woke up and already knew something was wrong. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, “Hey handsome, Im gonna treat this body how it should be treated.” David Takes off his socks and smells them, “Mmmm” David takes out his package and jerks off. “Oooo fuck yeah im your country boy.” His hot steamy sperm squirts on the mirror. Martin then knocks on the door, “Hey Dad, you like your new body?” Martin says. “Dad?” “Im your son Dad.” David says in a cheeky tone. “Oh dad, im gonna use this body to its full potential.” David says. “Hahaha son, me too.” Martin says. “Alright im going to work” Martin says then leaves.
At the construction site..
Martin was trying his hardest to fit in as his father, He had to take a leak and went to the restroom. At the restroom there was an attractive construction worker guy pissing next to him. “Mind If I give you a hand haha.” Martin said. “Uh David?” The man said. “Just joking with ya haha.” Martin said a bit disappointed. The guy zipped up and left the restroom in a hurry. When Martin finally finished he walked out and saw his manager. “Hey david, Im sorry to say this but, your fired.” “Wait what?” “You harassed one of your coworkers.” The manager said. Defeated, Martin headed back home.
At Martins school.
David was having a blast in his sons body, winning every game and scoring a lot in gym class! “Haha beat that suckers!” David says. “You changed so much martin..” says martins crush. “People change my dude.” David says says. Martins Crush walks away sad. The bell rings and David runs home in his new youthful body.
At home
David and Martin arrived home in each others bodies. “Im sorry Dad, I got fired.” Martin said. “Oh thats fine, its your body now anyways.” David said. “Im doing well in school so fair trade haha.” David Said. Both Martin and David were satisfied with their bodies, David joined football and graduated with a athletes scholarship and Martin got a job as a Gay stripper.
So sorry for not posting stories in a while, I was kinda blocked on what to do next.. Message me if you have requests! peace out.
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seeingivy · 1 year
never grow up 
satoru gojo x f!reader 
tsumiki’s first date doesn’t go so well.
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: megumi + tsumiki kiddos, mentions of heartbreak, reader says she wants to murder a child at one point, reader and gojo are soulmates, written for my girlies who are still waiting for love (I am the target audience)
an: my other gojo fic is personally victimizing me. like physically giving me pain in my soul its making me very mad. anyways here is a consolation prize (very old draft) while I try to revive that dumpster fire and not rip my hair out in the process. apologies to the gojo girlies im sorry :((( 
You press down the ends of Tsumiki’s hair, setting her hair against the hairband that she had picked out. You feel her reach up, squeezing your hands as you give her hair one last spray lean down to press a kiss to the top of her head. 
She turns around, pressing herself against your legs as Satoru and Megumi walk in, leaning against the doorframe. They’re both irritated - not big fans of the whole ordeal. 
Tsumiki’s going on a date. 
Satoru was very adamant about it at first. Tsumiki can’t go on a date. She’s only thirteen and she has no business looking at boys, let alone going out with one. 
But she was just so excited, her tiny little eyes looking up into yours as she pleaded with you to convince him. So you did - his favorite dessert, a few kisses, and batting your pretty eyelashes until he gave in. And he always does. 
Megumi wasn’t one to exactly stop it per say, but he had made his opinions clear. He’s not a nice guy. Dates are stupid. Love isn’t real. You chalk it up to the fact that he’s a morbid nine year old. 
The three of you clump by the door as you watch her walk out the door, shooting you one last toothy smile before locking her fingers with the boy, Hiro she said his name was, and skipping down the walkway to where his parents were waiting. 
Megumi trails off immediately, running up to his room as you and Satoru watch the car drive away. He reaches over, locking his fingers with yours, as he cranes his neck out the doorway to watch the car disappear down the street. 
“She’s too young to go on a date, Y/N. What if he’s an idiot?”
You wrap your arms around him, squeezing his arms as he deflates against you. 
“They’re thirteen, Toru. I bet they’re just going to awkwardly hold hands during the movie and freak out about it. It’ll be fine.” 
“And what if something else happens and she comes home crying, love?” 
“She’s growing up. Stuff like that will happen. We just have to be here to catch her, that’s all.” 
You and Satoru are standing outside the movie theater, the rain pouring against the shade, as you wait for Tsumiki to leave the theater. She had texted you - two hours earlier than she was supposed to, much to Satoru’s dismay - and had said that she wanted to come home. 
And when she comes out, you know you made the wrong choice by letting her go. Because there she is, crying puddles like Satoru said she would. Her eyes are swollen, her cheeks tinted pink, and the look on her face is just about to make you cry. She looks heartbroken.
She holds her hand out to Satoru, the two of them walking off to the car as you trail behind the time. 
You feel horrible. You pushed her too hard, too early - letting your own past get caught up in what you were doing with Tsumiki. You remember it vividly. Pining in your room, saying no to dates because you knew your parents would never let you go. Getting stuck wondering about what could have been, how much love you lost out on just because someone stopped you. 
You didn’t want to do that to Tsumiki. Let her lose out on feeling special, having someone hand her flowers, and making her smile just because she was only thirteen. 
This is somehow worse. She’s only thirteen and she knows. The soul crushing feeling of someone not returning your feelings, thinking you’re weird, having love to hold onto that no one wants to return.  
The three of you return home, not having uttered a single word the entire ride home. Megumi was still over at Yuji’s, having ran over to his house across the street the second the two of you went to pick up Tsumiki. 
“Want me to go get him, Toru?” 
“Not yet, love. We have to talk to Miki first.” 
You press your hands against your sides, awkwardly ambling into the kitchen where she was sitting at the table. She had unwrapped the plate you had made her - that she was supposed to eat when she told you about how great her date was. Instead she looks deflated, pushing her fork across the sides as she picks out the smallest bites of food. 
You sit next to her and watch Satoru zip around the kitchen, placing items in front of you. Three spoons, strawberries, and the industrial tub of chocolate ice cream that Satoru bought against your protests. 
He leans forward, taking the plate in front of Tsumiki onto the side and pushing the ice cream in front of her. He hands the two of you spoons, taking the third, and opens the lid. 
“Alright Miki. Let’s talk, yeah?” 
She lowers her head, digging her spoon into the ice cream as you and Satoru stand at her sides. He leans over, slinging his arm around her shoulder as he gestures to you to do the same. You both lean your heads against hers, the three of you still digging into the ice cream. 
You’re not sure when she started, but when you look over, Tsumiki’s crying, her hold on both of your hands so tight you can feel the blood stopping. The three of you wordlessly eat the ice cream, until Satoru breaks the silence - nearly an hour later. 
“Want to talk about it now?’ 
“I just got sad. When we got there, he asked me if one of my friends liked anyone because he liked her. Not me.” 
You can feel the bitterness sticking in your throat - a heavy mix of guilt and anger. You never really understood child violence, but you think you’re starting to get it. Because why would he take her all the way there just to say that? Hold her hand on the pavement just to ask about her friend? You’re going to throttle him. 
“I just wanted someone to like me like you guys like each other.” 
You and Satoru look at each other over the top of her head, your heart squeezing in your chest at her words. 
“Someone will, Tsumiki. I promise, okay?” 
She crushes her hand in yours, nodding as she leans closer into you. You can see the gears in Satoru’s head moving as he looks over, shaking his head at you. 
“Can I tell you something, Tsumiki?’ 
She looks up at him, the two of you looking into his bright, blue eyes. 
“No one liked Y/N when she was younger.” 
You glare at him, rolling your eyes. He can’t be serious. 
“Yeah. She went months, years on end waiting for someone to like her back, you know?” 
“Thank you for the reminder, Satoru.” 
He ruffles the top of your hair as Tsumiki laughs, shaking his head at the two of you. 
“What I mean is, Y/N and I had to wait for each other. We didn’t get it right on the first try or even the third, fourth, or fifth try. Y/N dated guys who were mean to her, I dated girls who didn’t even really like me, and we both were really, really sad about it.” 
Now you get it. 
“I waited for Y/N. She didn’t just come around super easy, okay? You’ll have to wait for your Y/N too.” 
“Waiting for Satoru made it all the sweeter when I got to him, you know?” 
She looks up, a questioning look in her eyes as she angles her neck upwards. 
“The thing you’re waiting for is worth it. And you don’t have to worry about it not coming, because it will. And when it comes, you won’t even remember that you had ever waited, that you ever felt this way.” 
You and Satoru both watch her wipe her tears with the back of her hand, nodding as she gives the two of you one last hug and pads off to her room. You and Satoru stay in the kitchen, your hands locked together as you eat the tub of ice cream Satoru left out. 
You lean over, pressing your forehead against his shoulder as you groan. He places his free hand in your hair, soothing through the tangles at the ends of your hair. 
“What are you groaning, love?” 
“I should have just listened to you. She’s all sad now because I let her go.” 
“That’s not your fault. It was right to let her go now because it was bound to happen one day.” 
“I know that, Toru. I just…I don’t want her to grow up. I don’t think I really realized it before but people can hurt her. The bad way. And we can’t really protect her from that.” 
He lets go of the spoon, circling his hands around your face as he lifts your head up. He’s looking down at you, stupid blue eyes glimmering, as he gives you a soft smile. 
“She’s growing up. Stuff like that will happen. And she won’t be alone, because we’ll be there to catch her.” 
“Don’t quote me back to me dumbass. I hate you.” 
He laughs in response, leaning down to press soft kisses to your face - your forehead, cheeks, the tip of your nose. You shrug him off, pressing yourself against his shoulder again, his hand rubbing small circles into your side. 
“Thanks for waiting for me, Toru.” you whisper, leaning closer to him. 
“You’re so dramatic.” 
He leans down, pressing kisses all over your face till you’re smiling so big you have to push him off. He always does this - tickles, kisses, squishes you to death until you smile at him again. He stops, pulling you close again as you both swing your legs against the chair. 
“Thanks for waiting for me too, love.” 
You and Satoru drag Tsumiki and Megumi to the bookstore the next day, much to Megumi’s dismay. You tell Tsumiki that she can pick anything she wants out and that the two of you will buy it for her. 
She joins the two of you at the front, holding a laminated purple calendar in her hands. You crouch down, turning it over in your hands, as she looks at you. It’s a fifteen year calendar - which you didn’t even know they made. 
“You picked…a calendar?” 
“I want to count down the days. Till I find my you.” 
She skips off, entering the line as you and Satoru follow, your hands locked together. He squeezes your hands three times, giving you a soft smile, as you return his three squeezes. 
One squeeze for each word. I love you. 
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
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murdrdocs · 1 year
you should totally write another enemies to lovers w ethan but like fem!reader and him get paired into a project we’re they have to take care of an egg together as if it were a baby? (like those cheesy movies LMFAO) and maybe they constantly argue about it and even try to convince their teacher to get paired into different groups but they’re forced to work together. then one night, reader has been taking care of the egg all day, she decides to go to ethan’s apartment but as soon as she leaves her apartment building she gets a call from ethan!gf (to mess w her) and at that point she’s just running to ethan’s apartment and yeah you can do the rest.
description. you're paired with ethan landry for a silly, 2000s-esque 'baby project', forced to reckon with the troubles of parenthood, and your inconsiderate feelings towards the brown haired boy.
includes. GN!reader, allusions to sex but no smut, reader curses a lot, chad's here :D
word count: 1.6k+
a/n: im so sorry it took me so long to write this but its here now :) also i changed this a bit just bc here we have the fake babies that cry and stuff and it adds drama yk and this was not supposed to be this long but enjoy nonetheless (also x2 this isn't proofread at all and it's written like an extended blurb)
anytime you said your life "was a movie" you were never serious. which is because before ending up in this class, life for you was nothing but usual teenage and young adult endeavors; parties, hanging out, spending entirely too much money.
but now, your life literally is a movie. an early 2000s movie that the production shouldn't have greenlit because it desperately flopped in the theatres and digital release, only to become a cult classic 20 years later.
however, you're stuck in that flopping at box office point, coming in the form of being assigned a project where you had to take care of an egg, then a fake baby, in a class you shouldn't have been in in the first place, and being paired with ethan landry out of all people.
you don't have anything against ethan per se, but you don't like him either. on a scale of dislike, neutral, and like, you're in the lower end of neutral with your feelings towards ethan.
he wasn't a horrible guy, but he just reminded you of the guys back home. the ones that were always unnecessarily rude and help "opinions" that were really just hate speech waiting to be turned into hate crimes. and sure, he hadn't done anything in particular to be compared to those people, but you're better off being safe than sorry.
you're sitting across from him now, a brown egg sitting between you two, and your eyes switching from glaring at the egg to glaring at ethan.
"so ... how do you wanna do the schedule?" ethan asks, fiddling with the sticker on his smoothie cup.
your glare intensifies and you sit back in your seat, crossing your arms over your chest. "i want you to know that i don't wanna do this with you."
ethan looks slightly shocked by your blunt statement, which infuriates you more. and then he says, "...okay?" like he doesn't care. asshole.
you decide to be the bigger person, taking a deep breath before you continue speaking. "okay."
it's silent for a few moments. "now that we have that cleared up, how do you wanna do the schedule?"
you and ethan decide on who should take care of the egg-baby for the first week, until you upgrade to a fake baby. that night when you go home, you send an email that is a mix between begging and demanding your professor to switch your partner.
the week was fine. it could've been better if your professor switched your partner, and if you didn't have to communicate with ethan landry more than you would have ever wanted to. but apparently, people can't always get what they want.
by the first class the following week, 3 groups have broken their egg and failed the first half of the assignment. you sit and listen to your professor lecture each and every one of you about the importance of good child care, and how taking care of the egg was the easy part. as she hands out doll babies in a carrier, and understand how lifelike the not-toy is, you start to realize just how much harder this is going to be.
"who would've known blackmore had this sort of money." chad marvels at the doll in the stroller. he has his hands on his bent knees, his brown eyes shifting to notice every detail about the doll in the stroller.
"it fucking knows how much time each of us spends with it, chad," you complain through a mouthful of burrito bowl contents. you have a little time alone since ethan had class, so you took the time to take yourself, and amelia/janice (you and ethan couldn't agree on a name) to the dining hall for lunch with chad.
"just spend time with ethan. i do it everyday."
your eyes roll so hard that you have to pause and hold a hand to your head. "easier said than done."
chad laughs a bit, sitting down in the seat across from you once again and starting to dig into his own burrito bowl.
"what's your problem with him anyway?"
"oh don't even get me started–" but he did get you started. you detail all of the things that deems ethan to be insufferable in your eyes. his abercrombie model body, his nerdy persona, his "well actually" moments, his need to correct everyone, the way he seems like he actually hates tara and sam, his not-so-subtle superiority complex. chad stops you whenever you start to mention his hair.
"just sounds to me like you're hiding your true feelings behind anger."
you don't have a response, instead opting to check your email to see your professor sending a third denial to switch partners.
you're thinking of a way you can convince her whenever ethan texts you.
'my shift? '
"gotta go," you tell chad, sliding him your tray to dispose of with a grin, feeding him an excuse about being a "busy parent now" whenever he tries to argue.
okay, truth be told, ethan landry wasn't that bad. he offered to take up shifts whenever you even alluded to being stressed about other things, he offered to buy you meals in return for watching amelia/janice for an extra half hour. he seemed like he both cared about passing this project, and you.
"just so you know, i also tried to switch partners," ethan admits with just a hint of shame in his voice, and a light pink tint to his cheeks. but you don't know if that's from his confession or the alcohol in his system.
it's the end to another grueling week taking care of amelia (ethan let janice go) and you decided to celebrate by opening a bottle of wine. you were feeling oddly good that whole week, so whenever ethan came over to drop amelia off, you invited him in for a drink.
which turned into two. which turned into a late night kitchen makeout session.
the alcohol was obviously hindering your thinking abilities because not only were you pressing ethan landry back against your counter with your body and letting his hands roam all over your figure while he kissed you, you also pulled back and stared at him wildly to ask, "wait, amelia's down for the night right?"
ethan smiles big, playing along, "yeah, she's down for the night".
his hands find the end of your shirt and the slide underneath to feel the warmth of your skin. your room was occupied by your daughter, but your roommates were out for the night and the couch was available.
you let ethan lead you there and decide that yeah, ethan landry isn't that bad.
this, is the climactic point in the film. it's so cliché that you can predict the next moments, and you don't like them.
you were walking from your apartment to ethan's, preparing to drop amelia off for ethan to take care of now that he was out of econ. you've done this same walk safely many times before, so you weren't worried about yourself at all. you had your headphones on, playing music at a low volume just in case, and there were only a few minutes left in your walk. when your phone rang, you didn't think much of it. you answered it without checking your phone, a chirpy "hello?" being your greeting.
the voice on the other hand was unrecognizable. "hello." he said it like a statement, not a question, as if he had an upper hand.
"who is this?"
"i'm ... an admirer."
a chill runs through your body and you quicken your pace. "okay? what's your name?" you're looking around, searching for people on the street to witness something just in case. but there's only 2 to 3 people walking at this late hour. what are the fucking odds.
"i go by many names. some people call me the boogey man, others their worst nightmare." he speaks slowly, methodically, with a smooth tone, a direct contrast from the fast shakiness in your voice.
"oh, yeah? why do they call you that?"
"because ... i'm known for gutting people like a fish."
you don't say anything, going to reach for your phone and hangup instead. which, you do. you hand shakes as you go to call ethan instead, but before you can click on his contact you're getting a call from him.
"ethan? thank god, i was just about to call you. some fucking weirdo called me and he was freaking me the fuck out but i'm almost at your pla–"
"you think i'm a weirdo?" the same voice.
you glance down at ethan's contact, blinking, making sure you didn't read it wrong. but it's right.
"... ethan?" you ask softly, your heart thudding intensely behind your chest.
"is that you?"
fucking asshole.
"you fucking asshole." the entrance to ethan's apartment building is in sight now, as is the boy himself, standing in front of the building with his phone held in one hand, and a white object in the other. the closer you get, the bigger his smile gets, and the narrower your glare gets.
you stop in front of him, shoving the stroller into his foot and pushing at his chest for good measure. "you fucking asshole!" you repeat, as if he hadn't heard you the first time.
ethan laughs, he cackles, like he just told the best joke in history. the dial tone of ethan ending the call is barely heard over the blood rushing in your ears.
"c'mon, babe," ethan tilts his head as he pockets his phone and the white object. his hands reach for you, and you flinch away the first time, but the second time you let him rest his hands on your waist and pull you into him. he places a kiss on your forehead, then your nose, before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
"i fucking hate you." there's no bite behind your bark.
"yet you decided to have a baby with me."
stupid fucking assignment.
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: vacation edition
— strawhats being a cute friend group once again
— male reader, everyone having the tiniest crush on him too but thats only if u swuint (im a very selfindulgent writer sorry)
— also i imagine robin, franky and brook to be older than the rest of hte crew, but not like crazy older. its probably not really relevant, but like mid twenties insead of their thirties and forties LMFAOA the rest of the crew is young twenties
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liked by ._.[name], princesanji, and 10k others
dni_nami: pre-7hr flight question, how long until we all start killing each other? everyone place your bets
tagged: ._.[name], freeluffy, and princesanji
uso_pp: we barely made it through the airport without losing luffy, so i'm placing my bet on one hour.
[liked by ._.[name], roro.zoro, and 20 others]
-> dr.law: i'm surprised you even made it through airport security....
-> dr.law: hard pass. good luck everyone else.
._.[name]: i think it's gonna be fine !!! what's the worst that can happen tbh
-> dni_nami: i could list 100 reasons why this is gonna go bad and all of them involve luffy.
-> robinkills: [name]'s right, i think this trip is going to be very fun !
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liked by roro.zoro, robinkills, and 11k others
freeluffy: [name] rented bikes for us, but he won't let me drive :/
tagged: ._.[name]
SUPERCOLA: good job [name] for saving his life, much appreciated
dni_nami: i'm begging you two to not crash and make the expenses of our trip go up even more
-> princesanji: always thinking logically, nami, this is why i love you so much <333333333333333
roro.zoro: pick up some sake otw back
-> ._.[name]: yesyesyes we all know thats the only reason why you came anyway, i'll pick some up
-> roro.zoro: what. no way. i definitely wanted to be sat on a hours long flight next to luffy and be living in a small apartment with all of my friends who dont know how to speak quietly and wont let me sleep even when its already early morning. what. i am so excited to be here.
-> uso_pp: alright we get it please stop
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liked by princesanji, SUPERCOLA, and 8k others
robinkills: thank you [name] for winning me the prizes :)
tagged: ._.[name]
._.[name]: anything for you robin <3 aka the person thats keeping all of us sane right now <3
-> uso_pp: when is sanji going to accept the fact that [name] is actually apart of this friend group and that he is also more favored by the women we interact with
-> ._.[name]: dw usopp he only puts on a hard front, he ltr begged me to room with him so he could cuddle w me at night. he's just being shy rn
[liked by dni_nami, roro.zoro, and 40 others]
-> ._.[name]: yes luffy :) we are otw back and i have the one you asked for as well.
-> SUPERCOLA: [name] the absolute goat in dealing with luffy and his absurd requests so the rest of us dont have to
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liked by freeluffy, roro.zoro, ._.[name], and 9k others
uso_pp: morning debrief where we all share embarrassing stories, like how [name] almost stripped completely naked drunk last night because an ice spice song was playing on the karaoke.
._.[name]: alright genuinely why the fuck did that have to be the caption you put on the internet for the whole world to see
-> roro.zoro: no dont be embarassed [name] it was funny watching you try and copy her signature pose
[liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 90 others]
-> dni_nami: don't think about even crossing me in the future, i have a video of the whole thing bby
-> ._.[name]: GOD FORBID A GUY HAS FUN
skullnsoul: i found [name]'s dancing and singing quite endearing
-> ._.[name]: thank you brook :') you're so sweet
-> skullnsoul: yes, although i feel like you're much too old to be wearing underwear with hearts as the print, [name]. i suggest buying new pairs of boxers :)
-> ._.[name]: what the actual fuck
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liked by princesanji, uso_pp, and 11k others
dni_nami: i really wish you could hear sanji cursing [name] outin this photo
tagged: princesanji and ._.[name]
._.[name]: me when im literally following the instructions that hes telling me and i somehow still get yelled at
-> princesanji: do you even understand hwo cooking meat works? everyone would have gotten salmonella and food poisoning if i didn't teach you how
->._.[name]: yelling is never the answer sanji
uso_pp: they acc cookeedddd tho like our food was so tastyyy
[liked by princesanji, ._.[name], and 9 others]
robinklills: sanji almost shoved [name]'s head into the griller, it was funny
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liked by princesanji, ._.[name], and 12k others
roro.zoro: [name] told me to post this photo he took.
tagged: princesanji and ._.[name]
dni_nami: awww look all the boys finally getting along
[liked by robinkills, uso_pp, vivi, and 50 others]
-> princesanji: i would have much rather been in your presence my queen, i love you so much
-> ._.[name]: sanjii give up the bit for fucks sake
uso_pp: where was me and luffy's inv ??? ig its like that now ....
-> roro.zoro: you guys were playing mermaids in the pool at the apartment and explicitly told us to not interfere with your serious business
-> princesanji: and then you started getting mad at us for invitig you again right before we left
._.[name]: damn zoro u lookin mad fine in this photo shiiiitttt #smash
-> roro.zoro: i need you to make sure your door is locked later tn or else i cant promise you will wake up the next day
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liked by dni_nami, vivi, roro.zoro, and 12k others
._.[name]: thank u nami for the photos
tagged: dni_nami
._.[name]: btw nami made me post this w that caption so it could "scare away the hoes"
-> dni_nami: im doing them a favor, they just dont know it yet cuz ur fucking insane
-> uso_pp: LMFAOAO
purrrona: can i bite it?
-> ._.[name]: BITE WHAT?????
-> purrrona: so is that a yes or a no?
-> uso_pp: professional dick rider alert !!!!
roro.zoro: why is your thirst trap the first thing i have to see when i open this app
-> ._.[name]: why are you acting like you weren't the first person to like this post???
[liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 57 others]
dr.law: id also like to thank nami for the photos
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this-doesnt-endd · 1 year
I want to see a modern day american bandstand i feel like it would do relatively well i think it maybe could stand a chance if done right
#like it kinda hits the niche that lets plays hit where you watch people doing x its about music and like dances made for those music#if you go early days route it can be about the people who dance on it like the regulars they had in the early days#i think making that a bigger aspect would be something people would be interested in not like reality tv wise#but the appeal of regulars getting to know them the whole like parasocial aspect of it all like for better or for worse#its an aspect that tv film and now social media in general had and can kinda rely on and im not saying its right#but it would mosy likely happen and producers wouldnt be mad abt it anyways#it was abt the now whats young whats hot whats hip#and it had major social impacts#i think it would be interesting to see teens/young people have that kinda spot in media#cause its just a differnet world from online culture#and people made their breaks on bandstand#obvi theres a lot too it and nothing would be perfect and it might work in theory and fail in practice but its interesting to think about#cause it feels as social media grows the like distinctness of like teen culture fades#like its always refered to in the context of social media and how that interacts with traditional media#which is important since theyre now so intertiwned but it feels less prominent to see the two discussed seperatly#and it obvi connects with the lack of real physical spaces teens and young people are allowed to occupy and be in#its just interesting to think about if it makes sense
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
22 asks!! :DD 💖💀🎉💖
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There's so much sadness! So much angst! AND JEVIL COMFORTING FRISK BY MAKING HER LAUGH?? PERFECT!!!
Now I may be not able to apply this idea word for word.. but I LOVE so much about it! Would you mind if I yoinked some of this? Its great!! :DD
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:DD Happy new year!🎉🥳🎉 And thank YOU for sending me a kind message! I endlessly appreciate it 💖💖
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:00 Really? Thank you!! :DD I was actually pretty unsure of that detail for Jevil.. Making him round and squishy kind'a made him look too young to me.. but I'm so glad you like it! Maybe his squishiness isn't so bad! :D
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:DDD Happy new year!! 💖🎉🥳🎉💖
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XD Its been a while since I watched the movie. But I think my reaction was something along the lines of:
"..oh?.... OH..?.... OH YOOOOO---" *excited for angst noises XDD*
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Thank you!! :DD As for his knuckle scars, there isn't really one specific way he got them. It just shows that he's rough and tough. He's been through a lot and has been on many dangerous missions.
You know, scraping his hands on rocks, dealing with sharp teethed and dangerous creatures every day.. Your hands would naturally get beat up a lot of you lived like Kwazii.
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Aww! How fun! I'm sure Foxy wouldn't mind the company! :}
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Foxy: "Oh? Are you a new animatronic?"
Calico Jack: "BIG TALKIN ROBOT-"
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Now usually I would say Calico Jack. And its probably still true.. but considering how I'm trying to structure my Octonauts AU.. Inkling might actually be the one who's studied up more on folk tales and mythologies.. 👀
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@rockbott0m47 (huh.. in all my days I don't think I've ever received a question like this XDD)
I try to be as factual as possible.. but in all honesty, my factual stops where the lazy begins-
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XDD You're welcome?? Ah- Sorry for your loss?? XD I'm not sure how you feel about this realization but none the less thank you! I'm so glad you've liked my artwork! :DD
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:DD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad you like my deign!! :}}💖
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(Post in question)
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Yes exactly! Shellington's "VEGGIE DAD" shirt, Kwazii's bent whiskers and scars.. AND YES YES! THE CAPTAIN IN FULL UNIFORM!! I was thinking that he is an early riser and was up before everyone else was. He's not intending to eat later- he's just already had breakfast! :0
AND YES!! The meals were all correct but one <XD google says that sea otters eat crab. So I googled "crab meat meal" and drew one of the things that came up. It might be a salad thing..? Or a crab pasta thingy.?? Not sure <XDD But MAN the potatoes would have been a good idea too-
One detail that I was fond of was the steam coming from everyone's cups. Though Peso and Barnacles have no steam, because they're drinking cold drinks! You get it?? Becuase they are cold creatures?? Don't like warm things??? I'm so smart 🤣
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YOOOO THIS IS A REALLY SOLID IDEA!! She could have the guilt of having killed everyone, while also trying to give everyone their happy ending.. Cool! Would you mind if I used this idea? Or at least part of it? Its really neat! :00
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like that design detail of his XDD
Also thank you again! Happy new year!! 🎉🥳🎉
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XD My first thought was Glamrock Freddy; "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE YOU NOW GREGORY??"
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I do! I'll have to draw them sometime-
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Thank you! I'm so glad! :DDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the designs I've given them! :}}}
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rainstops · 8 months
thank you for saving me
alhaitham x reader angst/comfort
summary: you and alhaitham clearly liked eachother. but fate did not have in store for you what you had hoped for.
warnings: arranged marriage, you argue with your mom
words: 2.4k
you and alhaitham always got along really great. some people would say that youre the only one who he ever really got a long with. always kind and respectful to you.
kaveh was the first one to notice alhaithams blatant favoritism towards you. whenever he tried to bring it up, alhaitham quickly shut him down. but this time he wasnt going to let that happen.
"so? when are you going to ask [name] out?", he immediately asked when alhaitham walked through the door of their shared apartment. "ask her out? why would i do that?", alhaitham was quick to answer. "come on dude, everyone knows that you like her. "like her? sure i like her as a friend", alhaitham hung up his coat.
a moment of silence followed.
"oh so you wouldnt mind if i asked her out?", kaveh asked. alhaithams head shot into his direction. no words needed. the expression on alhaithams face was far more than enough for kaveh. "Ha, see you do like her!" "whatever im going to sleep"
kaveh was right though. alhaitham did hold feelings in his heart that he didnt understand very well.
you on the other hand also just arrived at home. you took off your shoes and were immediately confronted with a "[name] we have to talk", of course from no one less than your mother. you tried to avoid her as much as you could, but with how controlling she is, that was more than just hard.
you both sat down at the kitchen table, and your mother immediately started talking. and you wished you wouldnt have come home that night.
"so you know that the fact that our family keeps on living, and keeping up our status is important, right?", your mother started. she had been giving you the same talk lately over and over again. she kept reminding you about how you had to get a boyfriend soon and get married soon. for archons sake, you were 19!
your family had a fairly high status in sumeru, and your mother lived for continuing the family. she had an early marriage and an early pregnancy, just to ensure that the family reproduces.
"mom get to the point", you sighed. you couldnt hear the same talk over and over again. she would just tell you how its important that you have children and its for the family and-
"i've arranged a marriage for you"
what? she what?
"you did WHAT?", you slammed your hands on the table and stood up from your chair. "[name] you know its just so-" "i dont CARE what its about!" "now how about you sit back down and listen to me. ive found you a lovely guy whos just a year older-" "no, how about you listen to ME for this first time in your life? all the time you were trying to control my life and manipulate me and you kept telling me over and over again how its 'for the family'!, well in all honesty fuck this family!", all your pent up anger from your nineteen years of living was now let out at the person who caused it all.
"young lady that is no way to talk to your mother, and especially no way to talk about your family!", your mother stood up from her chair as well. "youre not fucking listening to me! i am not getting married!", you screamed while putting your shoes back on.
you stormed out the door, although you were very aware that she was going to get whatever she wants one way or another.
it doesnt matter. she never even mattered. you needed to go somewhere, somewhere else than that place you lived in. and you knew exactly where.
kaveh opened the door for you. "alhaitham theres someone here for you!" he shouted through the whole apartment. its not like you were never here for you. whenever your mother got too much, you slept at alhaithams place. kaveh also told you a million times already that youre the only one who alhaitham allows to sleep in his room.
"same fights as always?", kaveh asked. you shook your head. "worse" "worse? what did she do?", alhaitham was suddenly standing right in the hallway. it took you everything you had to stop you from ugly crying right then and there.
you were still mad. you were always gonna be mad, but the fact that you almost sprinted all the way to the shared apartment, took away a little of the rage.
"its kind of really hard to say", you really didnt want to say it. it for some reason felt even more wrong to tell alhaitham, but you didnt know why. "i dont think theres really anything that we dont expect from your mother by now", alhaitham said looking at kaveh, and then back at you. your eyes started watering. not at the thought of having to say it out loud, but at the thought of having to spend most of your life with someone you didnt even know.
"she arranged a marriage for me", you said. your words were followed by a long silence.
alhaitham looked irrated at you. or maybe he was angry. who knows. kaveh on the other hand was shocked. his eyes wide, and lips slightly apart. never of them knew what to say.
"youre kidding", alhaitham said, more wishing than actually asking. his voice was barely above a whisper. you could only shake your head.
a shaky, long sigh escaped your lips, and even though you didnt want it, the tears started falling. your body tensed up, and you could feel alhaithams arms wrap right around you. all you could do was lay your head onto his chest, and kaveh went to grab some water for you.
the rest, you dont remember.
you woke up, in alhaithams bed. the apartment sounded empty. what time was it? you honestly couldnt care less about going to school today. you didnt want to go anywhere today. but you also couldnt stay here another night, that was decided. one way or another you had to confront your mother, and who knows, maybe you could also convince her to stray from her plan.
but you knew, you could not convince her.
you discussed and fought with her for quite a long time.
"youre getting married to that man, and if i have to drag you to that wedding. besides everything is already paid for"
"wait- already paid for? when is the wedding anyways?", "next month"
without another word, you stood up from the kitchen table and went to your room. you threw yourself onto your bed.
your body felt so heavy, and especially your heart. your eyes felt as if they were going to close any second, but you didnt feel like you could sleep. you were angry, but you were also disappointed and sad. disappointed in your mother, that she saw you as nothing else other than an a way to extend the family. and disappointed in yourself, for not being able to convince her.
well at least you still had alhaitham. he was the best friend you could ever ask for, although you ever wondered if you felt more towards him than just friendship.
your question was answered pretty quickly. you had no idea what had caused it. if it was the upcoming marriage, or just because he was always there for you. but recently you wanted to be closer to him than before. you wanted to always stay by his side, but maybe you just wanted to avoid being home.
but alhaitham... was it just an illusion or was he getting more and more distant by the minute? he used to always make time for you. if you were struggling with something, he stopped what he was doing just to help you. he wanted to talk to you over all of the people he knew. he talked to you daily, but now the days you two talked were moving apart further and further.
what was happening?
"alhaitham can we talk?", you carefully asked, not wanting to disturb him. this was one of the first time you felt like you were walking on eggshells around him. "not right now [name], im busy", he replied, not even bothering to take his eyes off the paper he was working on.
"but its kind of important...", you tried again. suddenly he slapped his paper down onto the table. "what is it?", he finally looked at you for once.
you sat down right across from him. "well... how do i start this" "just say it, i have important things to do"
... were you not important to him anymore?
"alhaitham, i feel like we are drifting apart", those were the best words you could find to describe what you were feeling. "so what? its not like we're a couple or anything" "so i dont matter to you at all"
a moment of silence. thats not true, is what alhaitham wanted to say.
"alhaitham dont ignore me" "im not ignoring you" "then answer me"
huh wait what? did he just say that?
"did i just say that...?", he mumbled to himself, kind off hoping you would hear it, but you were already out of the room, heading home. your mind was blank. where did you go wrong? what did you do that couldve possibly made him act this way?
alhaitham got home, closed the door, and sunk into the couch. his hands were traveling through his hair, and he was rubbing his face as if he was trying to rub away the words he said.
"woah what happened to you", kaveh asked as he walked past him, just wanting to get a glass of water.
"nothing", alhaitham mumbled, his hands still in his face. "doesnt look like nothing to me", kaveh replied. honestly he shouldve just dropped it right then and there.
"kaveh what do you think gives you the right to nag me like theres no tomorrow?" kaveh just stared. "seriously man what is up with you recently? is it because of... you know, [name] getting married?", it almost felt hard to say. his heart dropped to his stomach and a shudder went down his spine, hearing kavehs words.
the reminder that you were getting married takes him right back to the day when you told him whats happening. he couldnt help his heart feeling like it was getting ripped apart, like its nothing more than just a piece of paper. from that day on he couldnt concentrate on anything. everything felt like a reminder of you, everything reminded him of the daggers that were send through his heart of the mere sight of you.
so he did the only thinkable thing, which was to distance himself. maybe his heart and mind would go back to the way things used to be. but everyday where he would be spending less time with you, felt like someone was taking half his soul away. he was even less focused on things, and was living in a trance, like a depressed man. but in no way was he trying to hurt you. no that was even worse than anything he could think off.
everything felt like it circled around you. it almost felt like...
"it feels a little like youre living for [name], doesnt it?", kaveh suggested. yeah exactly that.
kaveh sat down next to him. "alhaitham, do you remember the exact date [name]'s wedding is?" alhaitham looked at kaveh. "its tomorrow, alhaitham"
wait wait, no, when did time pass so fast? you cant get married. no way.
you were standing there, in your white dress. it wasnt really yours. it was your mothers old dress, meaning you did not choose your own dress. but maybe it was better like that, since you didnt want to get married anyway. the reception wasnt very pretty, it almost looked like a church. but maybe only you felt this way. you didnt want to be here. you didnt want to be anywhere. well there was one place that couldve been nice. you wanted to be wherever alhaitham is right now, but he didnt seem to want you arround.
you were staring at the bouquet you were holding. everything felt so surreal. you looked up at the guy you were marrying. he looked absolutely happy to be where he was. it almost made you uncomfortable to look at the wide grin on his face.
you looked at your mother, who seemed to be crying. everyone seemed so happy, except for you.
you were not picking up any words, until the question was asked.
"do you take [name], as your wife, your partner, for all eternity?", the sentence almost made you throw up. "yes", the guy so quickly replied. he smiled at you. and you felt the urge to slap him. and maybe your mother while you were at it.
"now, do you take [guys name], to be your husband, your partner, for all eternity?" "I.. uh", you wanted to say no so bad, but it seems you didnt have to.
you looked up from the floor you were staring at to avoid any gazes, when suddenly the doors to the reception slammed open. "stop... the fucking wedding", alhaitham stood there, out of breath, his hair messier than ever, and he looked like he had been... crying?
he walked up to you and took your hand. "you dont want to marry this guy right? forget this, forget everything, and just come with me"
he looked at you like he had never seen anything he loved more. and in that moment, you indeed forgot everything. like nothing was important, nothing other than the happiness of you and the one who was holding your hand.
you dropped your bouquet right there and ran. your mother shouted something, and the guy was standing there all confused.
as soon as the both of you had left the reception, you started stumbling. "alhaitham im wearing heels!", without hesitation, alhaitham picked you up like you weighed nothing.
a few more steps and you both hid in an allyway. to some people this might looked weird, but they dont know what was happening. to you you couldnt be happier than this.
but yet, tears were streaming down your face. and you arms wrapped themselves around alhaitham, quicker than he could react. your head was already pressed into his chest. and he hugged you back.
"im so sorry, im sorry for shouting at you and im sorry for not helping you earlier. i love you, [name]", his voice was wavering, but it had an odd certainty in it. without someone having to tell you, you knew from this day on everything was going to be okay.
a/n: sorry that this is kinda rushed, but i just wanted to get a genshin fic done before im flying to england :) thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed
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ttzamara · 1 year
Hello there! I wanted to say that I absolutely love your writing and that I think you're amazing and I hope you're doing great.
And if you're taking requests, could I have something were the reader is sleep walking and because she has feelings for Tech she walks to his bunk and cuddles him and, of course, tech has feelings for her too and let's her sleep with him and it all ends with smut?
It's just something I've had on my mind for a while now but I thought it will be better if you could write it
First of all thank you so much love i really appreciate the feedback <3 I hope u are alright too and have a lovely day!
,Second! thank you so much for this lovely request! Im so sad that it took me so long to write this, especially since this is one of my first requests but im so happy that its finally finished! Hope you enjoy it
I tried to inform myself about Sleepwalking as much as possible since i did not know a lot about it - if i made any mistakes with my current knowledge please tell me (;
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(Warnings: SMUT, Minors DNI, P in V (Wrap it before you tap it kids), Not proofread, Language, !!English is not my first language!!)
My Requests are open!
5.505 Words and 30.228 Characters
Even as a young child, people around you noticed how you suddenly got up at night and interacted with things around you without knowing anything about it when you woke up.
It was never a big problem, a little strange at first, but they quickly got used to it. Even the boys learned to deal with it. When Tech was going over your medical report before you arrived and read the word somnambulism, he made sure to learn about it and explain it to his brothers.
They were skeptical when Tech explained it to them, Crosshair even joked that he might accidentally shoot you if you sleepwalked through the Marauders and scared him.
But after Tech's explanation, they all took the time to read up on it, so Wrecker dismissed the idea of scaring you so you'd wake up, Hunter found a way to not let your wanderings overwhelm his senses, and Tech found the best way to handle your sleepwalking.
And even Echo, who came much later, found a way to deal with it. After his first couple of nights on the marauder he thought that you would just ignore him when you walked past him at night, but he found out more about the sleepwalking and your behavior during it, by asking Tech about your nightly behavior.
"Good morning (y/n)"
Said Echo with a coffee in his hand as you walked past him with heavy steps. Crosshair snorted in amusement as you ignored his brother and simply walked into the Fresher.
"Definitely a good morning when she looks like a bird built a nest on her head overnight."
Crosshair said, grinning as he polished the scope of his Sniper.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you looked up into the mirror of the ship and sighed. Why did you have to get up so early again? Oh, yes, because Tech wanted to explore Endor and its plant species. But of course, this idiot - handsome idiot - had to leave early so he wouldn't run out of time.
After you went to the toilet you took a refreshing shower to wake up. Slowly you stood under the running water and leaned your head back so that you looked directly at the ceiling of the marauder before closing your eyes and letting the warm water just wash over you.
The warm water was almost like a trance, felt so warm and soothing that you could fall asleep again. So warm, so warm, so coooooold!!
A shrill scream escaped you and you immediately snapped out of your trance as the warm water suddenly turned ice cold. A cackle sounded in front of the Fresher door, followed by muffled voices and then the warning voice of the Seargent.
You quickly got ready and put on your clothes to walk out of the fresher to see an innocently grinning Wrecker and an amused Crosshair.
"I hate you both"
you said and slapped Crosshair on the back of the head, who just grumbled under his breath before you went to your bed to put your sleep shirt on it and make your bed.
After you were done, you slowly walked into the cockpit of the ship and saw Echo and Tech hunched over his datapad talking quietly about something and Hunter sitting on one of the chairs with his eyes closed.
"Good morning guys"
You said quietly and gently put your hand on Hunter's shoulder who slowly opened his eyes and looked at you with a teasing grin.
"Had a nice shower?"
He asked and cackled as you gently punched him in the ribs, Tech and Echo both grinned as they looked at you and you huffed in annoyance.
"Oh yes, unbelievably pleasant shower, so pleasant that I hope I destroyed your eardrums with my scream."
you mumbled and sat down behind Echo on the chair.
Hunter chuckled and nudged you with his foot. You gave him an amused look and then looked at Tech who was engrossed in his datapad. His eyes kept shifting from left to right as he read the article and his teeth nibbled lightly on his lower lip. He looked so handsome when he was focused.
"So, where are we going today?"
You asked, leaning against the back of the chair. Tech looked up after a few seconds and looked at you.
"I found a holonet path in the woods near us that's pretty isolated from the locals. There are some sightings of the native plants of endor along this path, so we will go there."
he said, putting his datapad in the bag attached to his armor before standing up and indicating that we could head out.
"And why are we leaving so early?"
Echo asked, standing up to follow his brother out of the cockpit. The others, including you, also got up to follow Tech out of the ship.
"While no sightings of Gorax have been made in this area so far, we should still be on the lookout, as they mainly inhabit forests and are carnivores. However, they are much more active during the day, so we will leave before sunrise to arrive at the site at daybreak."
Tech said matter-of-factly and typed on his datapad while you fell into formation. First Hunter, next to him Tech, then Echo and you, and finally Wrecker and Crosshair.
"Carnivore, Great"
Echo grumbled. You agreed with a grunt and looked ahead of you, it was still relatively dark, the branching crowns of the trees made it seem even darker than it actually was.
The hike to Tech's place was about an hour and a half long and as good as silent, but the rising of the two stars around Endor made themselves visible and slowly lit up the sky. The place he led you to was incredibly beautiful, an open area within the forest.
Wrecker sat down almost directly against one of the trees and leaned against it with his eyes closed, Crosshair followed suit and lowered himself down next to Wrecker. Hunter stood around in the field and just looked at the sky, Tech and Echo were already walking to one of the bushes that were at the edge of one of the trees and had red berries on them.
You sighed, closed your eyes slightly, and just concentrated on the sounds that endor was bearing. Chirping of various birds, the rustling of leaves and a noise that sounded like flowing water?
You opened your eyes and looked to the left, from where the noise was coming, and slowly walked towards it. Tech had told you that there wasn't much water on Endor, so you walked towards it curiously.
Pushing through the branches you arrived at a small stream surrounded by beautiful flowers. Indigo blue plants surrounded by small insects that looked almost like a nerine flower.
You crouched down gently and looked at them closely, watching their stalks blowing lightly with the wind and the insects moving slowly back and forth on the flowers. Your head tilted slightly to the side as you softly touched them.
"It is called Aura Blossom, the favorite plant of the Ewoks... it is often used as decoration for the Festival of Hoods. It is known for its indigo blue color and for its bioluminescence, which describes the production and emission of light by a living organism. It is also sometimes confused with wisties or the firefolk."
said a voice behind you as he walked up to you and squatted down next to you.
"They are gorgeous"
you said softly and watched as one of the insects crawled lightly onto your finger before crawling back onto the plant.
Tech looked at you and slowly nodded before answering.
"Yes indeed, really beautiful"
You watched as he carefully took a sample of the plant and gently put it into one of the test vials to analyze it on the Marauder.
"Tech?" he hummed, looking up at you from the sample before you spoke again.
"What are wisties?"
he smiled slightly and stowed the probe in his pocket as he stood up and held out his hand for him to pull you to your feet. You slowly walked back to the others as he began to speak:
"Wisties, also called Fire People, are a small, radiant, sentient species native to the forests of Endor. Like the Ewoks with whom they share their homeworld, the fairy-like flying Wisties are fierce defenders of their forests, and the two species are allies. The Ewoks sometimes use pouches full of wisties as weapons against invaders. They throw the pouches in the direction of a target; on impact, the wisties emerge and attack the invaders. They are about the size of your palm"
"The size of my palm?"
You asked, looking at him with curious eyes. He stopped beside you and turned to you and carefully took your hand. His index finger gently began to draw a shape in your palm and you watched intently.
When he was finished he looked up into your eyes and left your hand in his grasp. Still looking at your palm, you slowly looked up at him with a smirk.
"Wow, so so small and the Ewoks just throw them at their opponents, a bit cocky isn't it?"
The brown-haired one grinned and looked you firmly in the eyes when you started to laugh at the thought, he also started to laugh slightly.
After you laughed you both grew silent, a comfortable quitness fell between you as you stood there, your hand still in his and a soft smile on your faces as you looked at each other.
His brown eyes shone so beautifully in the light of the stars, he looked so relaxed and the smile on his face made him look much younger than he sometimes looked on the battlefield.
His hand rested slightly on your hip and he gently looked down at your lips before looking into your eyes again, almost like a question. You nodded softly and he leaned down to you, he was so close, your noses were touching and it was only a few centimeters to-
Wrecker's loud voice pulled you apart and you stepped away from each other, you sighed in annoyance and Tech looked from you with red cheeks to Wrecker who came out from behind the branches.
"We are here, we were just on our way to you after taking a sample of the Aura Blossom".
Tech said quickly and cleared his throat before walking quickly to the others, Wrecker looked after him in surprise and looked at you, but you just shrugged and followed them. Admittedly, it stung a bit that he left so quickly after you almost kissed, but it was Tech.
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The walk back to the Marauder was quiet, you talked quietly with Hunter, Crosshair walked beside you two, wrecker in front of you and Tech and Echo in the very front talked about their samples.
"Did something happen?"
hunter suddenly asked and crosshair looked at you with an interested look.
"What should have happened?"
you asked confused and looked at hunter curiously. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked ahead.
"You tell me."
He answered and pushed you slightly to the side. After you looked at him even more questioningly, he sighed and gave you a slight teasing look.
"When you came from the river, your heart was beating incredibly fast, you were red and tech was exactly the same".
he declared and Crosshair next to you smirked in amusement. You groan in annoyance and looked ahead to where Tech was talking to Echo.
"He was just telling me something about the Aura Blossom and I got scared when wrecker called us, that's all."
you answered and Hunter looked at you with a skeptical look, he heard how your heartbeat quickened again and saw how your face grew hot but he didn't say anything else about it. Thank the maker.
After you arrived on the marauder, Wrecker made a small fire in front of the ship so that all of you could eat and sit around the fire afterwards to watch the light of the starts disappear behind the horizon. It was almost as beautiful as seeing them rise, but the starlit nightsky afterwards was even more beautiful than anything else.
It feeled like you were all watching the sky for hours, telling old stories and horrible jokes, as if there was no war in other galaxies. Life could be so beautiful sometimes, you just needed the right people to enjoy it.
"Okay everybody, bedtime! Tonight we're all going to bed and not going to the cockpit or anywhere else to sleep."
Hunter said, yawning as he gave Tech a firm look. Wrecker and Crosshair were still sitting outside by the fire when the four of you went into the ship.
Echo just dropped onto his bed and closed his eyes almost immediately, Hunter pulled his shirt over his head and ran shirtless into the fresher, Tech went into the cockpit to turn on the warning system, and you just stood there and waited for Hunter to finish getting ready, so you could go into the fresher and finally change.
you sigh and walk over to Echo's bed to nudge him lightly.
"Take off your armor, or you'll be complaining about the neck pain again tomorrow."
He grumbled, but got up to remove his armor pieces. As you began to help him, Echo smiled down at you gratefully and went to bed with a small 'thank you, good night' afterwards.
"Fresher's free"
Hunter said and walked past you to throw himself on his bunk. He was still topless and in one of his black pants, when the long haired man sensed you looking at him he lazily opened his eyes and grinned at you cheekily.
"See something you like?"
he asked, laughing softly as you gave him a bitter look.
"Ha Ha, did you even change your clothes?"
you asked and he hummed while putting his arm over his eyes. Yeah of course.
You took your sleeping shirt and went into the Fresher to change. You sighed, Maker, it felt so good to take off your bra after wearing it all day.
Your shirt was fortunately big enough to hide your butt behind the fabric, at first you were a little skeptical to use your usual sleeping clothes on the ship, but the boys didn't mind. Why would they?
After you were done you took your things, opened the fresher door and almost ran into Tech who flinched when he suddenly saw you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you".
you said sheepishly, leaning slightly with your shoulder against the Freshers doorframe.
"It's okay, I should have known you'd go into the Fresher after Hunter".
the brown-haired man said, adjusting his glasses as he eyed you in the dim light.
You smiled warmly at him and pushed off the doorframe to go to your bunk. "Sleep well tech"
He glanced after you as you walked past him and a slight warmth rose up to his ears before he whispered, "Yeah, sleep well (y/n)."
You sigh as you finally snuggle into your bed. Sometimes you missed your own bed, especially since it was much more comfortable than the beds the GAR offered, but you had gotten used to it, so it wasn't that bad after all.
You suddenly remembered how you and Tech almost kissed... Would he really have kissed you if Wrecker hadn't interrupted? You sighed as you imagined it. Were his lips soft? Probably not, he didn't look like he was constantly caring about his lips. No, they probably weren't, he was constantly chewing on them.
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Tech sat on his bunk with one arm behind his head and the datapad in the other hand as he read more about the plants he had spotted today.
Rokna mushroom? he adjusted his goggles as he saw link
Rokna tree fungus or rokna fungus is a deadly, blue fungus that grows on the rokna tree found on the forest moon of Endor. The sharp spikes protruding from this mushroom could cause the death of those who came in contact with them. The highly addictive spice known as Rokna blue is extracted from the Rokna mushroom. definitely sounded interesting.
Sighing, Tech put the datapad on the side of his bed, took off his goggles and rubbed the red marks it left behind. He laid down on his side and closed his eyes, already feeling exhaustion overwhelm his senses...
A few hours had passed when Tech was suddenly awakened by a clatter, he looked tiredly behind him and tried to make out the cause of the noise in the darkness... with high probability it was you.
He sighed as he turned to stand up and was putting on his glasses when you suddenly appeared in front of him. A soft smile tugged at his lips when he looked up at you and caught sight of your hooded eyes.
"Hey (y/n), come on... bedtime, let's get you to bed."
he whispered softly and he was about to get up to lead you gently to your bunk when you laid down next to him and snuggled up to his side.
A choked sound escaped from the brown-haired man's throat as you pressed tightly against him, he tried to gently shake you awake, but to no avail. As he tried to free himself from your grip to sleep in your bunk, as he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, he noticed how your grip around him tightened and how your head pressed against his bare chest.
He sighed in defeat and took off his goggles to hang them back on the wall and settled back down and gently wrapping one of his arms around your waist to find a comfortable sleeping position, his eyes slipping shut as he did so.
The warmth you radiated under his blanket was pleasant, your head against his chest was soothing and the way you wrapped your arms around him was something he could definitely get used to. It wasn't long before he sank into a deep sleep, lulled by your warmth and presence beside him.
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It was pleasantly warm as you slowly woke up, you sigh softly as you press yourself against the warmth. Why couldn't the marauder's wall always be this warm? A tired yawn sounded above you and the weight on your hips disappeared.
Suddenly you startled, What?
Your eyes snapped open and you saw a confused looking tech staring at you. His hair was all messed up and his slightly squinted eyes hinted that you had scared him awake.
"What are you doing in my bunk?"
you whispered anxiously, looking at him in confusion, he ran his hand over his eyes and flopped back down on his pillow.
"I am not in your bunk, infact you are in mine. You were sleepwalking again during the night and when I tried to lead you to the bunk you laid down next to me and didn't let me go, so i had no choice but to let you sleep in my bed. Well, I could have carried you over to your bunk, but after you held me so tightly it seemed like your consciousness was looking for a sleeping partner, which in that case was me. ".
he answered softly and closed his eyes again, he sighed lightly and pulled the blanket over you again.
"I'm so sorry tech"
you whispered embarrassed and started to push yourself up but he dragged you down and pulled you close to him.
"Shut up and let me go back to sleep"
He whispered and exhaled deeply. But suddenly his eyes snapped open and he looked at you shyly "unless of course you don't want to".
You smile softly at him and turn your back to him, pulling his arm around you so that he would put it back around your waist. He sighs contentedly and presses his nose gently into your hair before inhaling deeply, your scent occupies his senses in the best ways and he couldn't imagine anything better at the moment.
You almost fell back asleep, but you heard Tech huff in annoyance behind you and noticed him trying to turn away from you.
"You okay?"
You asked softly, turning your head slightly to the side to look at him. He blushed slightly as he looked at you and nodded.
"Come back, you're nice and warm"
You pleaded, tugging lightly on his arm. Tech gulped nervously, but settled back down on the mattress, this time with a much bigger gap between you two.
Tech seemed to close his eyes again and you tried the same. but your back started to get cold without his warm body and your body yearned for his warmth, which is why you scooted back a bit and pressed your back against his chest.
The brown-haired man's grip around your hips tightened and a slight mewl escaped him.
"Meshla, please just stay like that".
Oh? Ohhh.
Your eyes widened slightly as you realized why he was so nervous, it was far from the first time you had ever seen one of the guys with a hard-on, but it was the first time it seemed like you were the reason. were you even the reason?
you whispered softly and he cleared his throat before humming lightly.
"Would you allow me?"
you asked and a soft blush rose to your face you looked in front of you at the bed and saw that Echo was already awake, wreckers bed under yours was empty as well.
"allow wha- Ohh"
he asked confused but you gently grinded your butt against his crotch and he moaned softly.
The brown haired man whispered a soft 'yes' against your neck and started to grind against your butt, you followed his movements and heard him sigh as he pressed his nose into your neck and started to spread soft kisses on it.
His hands moved your hips firmly against his movements and he moaned softly, a warm shiver ran down your spine as he moaned your name and a pleasant warmth began to form between your legs.
"(y/n), please"
he rasped and you turned to him, he pressed his lips directly against yours and engaged you in a passionate kiss, his lips were warm, slightly chapped and moved strongly against yours.
He continued to rub his cock against you and his leg gently drove between your legs to let you gently grind on it.
you moaned softly into the kiss as you felt the pressure of his thigh against your crotch and he took the opportunity to press his tongue through your lips into your mouth to fight with yours for dominance.
His hand gently drove up to your neck to press you tighter against him, groaning into the kiss as you lightly bit his lower lip. His other hand slowly traveled under your shirt up to your breasts and he gently cupped one of them in his hand.
You moaned as you pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him. His eyes were hooded and his pupils were blown wide as his right thumb stroked your lips seductively.
"I want you so bad"
you pleaded, biting lightly on his thumb, he groaned as you ran your tongue over his fingertip.
He straightened up and climbed on top of you, with his arms on the sides of your head, to kiss you again. You sighed into the kiss and your hands went to the hair at the nape of his neck to pull it harshly.
He groaned as an annoyed grumble sounded over his bed. You jumped apart as long legs came into view on the outer side of his bed.
Crosshair jumped off his bunk with a small thud and looked at you both with a snide look. He had just woken up, his eyes still rimmed with sleeping sand and a tired look was in his narrowed eyes.
"It's fucking morning you perverts, you can't even sleep here without being woken up by two fuckers."
"It's not like I'm always walking in on you when you're enjoying yourself"
Tech sneered and Crosshair scoffed as he walks out of the room grumbling
You looked after him with a horrified expression and looked at Tech in shock, who in turn looked at you with an embarrassed grin.
"He'll definitely tell the others."
you muttered and Tech nodded in agreement, well shit.
"Theoretically speaking, if he tells the others, until you and I are done, no one else is going to come in here and interrupt us."
he said reassuringly, grinning at you as you gave him a smug look.
You firmly tug him towards you and press your lips against his while wrapping your legs around his hips and grind his dick against your pelvis.
He groaned when he noticed the wetness through your panties, his hand went down to your underwear and gently pulled them down.
"I bet you taste better than anything I've ever eaten".
he whispered against your lips and ran his finger through your labia, gently picking up wetness, and brought his finger to his mouth.
Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him eagerly lick your cum from his fingers, convinced that you had never seen anything so erotic.
He moved to climb between your legs but you held him by his shoulder.
"Another time, please I need you so much".
He looked up and looked deep into your eyes, you looked heavenly from this perspective. Your still dressed upper body moved with deep breaths, your hooded gaze and your red swollen lips.
Techs cheeks reddened as you sat up and pulled your shirt over your head, your breasts jiggling slightly as you threw your shirt to the side and he smiled in response.
"What, you see something you like?"
you asked, and he cleared his throat.
the brown-haired man replied, crawling up to you again to engage you in another passionate kiss. His left hand lightly squeezed your left breast and you panted as an electric shock ran down your spine.
Your hand went under the fabric of his pants and grabbed his cock in a gentle grip. He groaned and his hips thrust forward, the brown-haired man's lips parted from yours as he felt the pleasure of your hand movement and his forehead fell on your shoulder.
He gasped as his hips bucked with your motions and you placed gentle kisses on the side of his neck.
"kark, stop please i don't want to cum yet."
he panted and pushed your hand out of his pants. He frantically tried to get out of them and carelessly tossed them aside as he turned his gaze to you again.
you looked up at him with hooded eyes and put your palm to his cheek to kiss him again, your lips parted from his to whisper
"Please tech, fuck me...I have an implant".
He grunted, grabbing his cock to guide it to your hole and smearing your moisture on his member before gently guiding the head in.
You gasp as he slowly pushes in and clasps your hands behind his neck, he puts his forehead against your collarbone and moans softly.
"Maker, you feel divine!"
moaned the brown-haired man and intertwined your left hand with his.
You both gasp as he bottoms out. It felt so intense, you could feel every vein and felt him pulsing lightly inside you.
His grip on your hand tightened gently and he gasped as your insides tightened.
"mhh, please move tech"
Tech drove out lightly and then pushed softly into you. He started with light movements and his rhythm accelerated steadily, his lips enclosed one of your nipples and started to suck gently.
You gently tried to suppress your noises so as not to disturb the others and squeaky breathy moans escaped your throat.
"Please more, you feel so good".
Your head fell back as tech began to lightly nip at your throat in response to your request. His thrusts slowed down a bit, but got harder and the hand that was intertwined with yours went gently down to your clit to run firm circles on it.
A high-pitched moan escaped you and you pressed your lips tightly together to avoid another slip.
Your legs crossed behind Tech's hips to press him closer to you, whereupon he slightly changed your position and lifted your hips a little higher.
The new angle broke your will to suppress your sounds and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your nails clawed down the brown-haired man's back.
Tech moaned against your mouth as the grasp of your walls tightened, your sounds blurred together and hot breath escaped your mouths.
"Come for me Cyare, please" (beloved)
he spoke breathy against your throat and the rhythm on your clit increased, he bit gently into your throat to leave a mark.
Your insides grew warm and a pleasurable pressure exerted inside your belly, a bond whose knot became tighter and tighter.
tighter and tighter, until it became harder and harder to breathe, white spots appeared in your gaze and your eyes closed as he gently pinched your nipple.
He whispered softly against your neck again and pressed a soft kiss against your forehead afterwards.
It suddenly felt so quiet, like the calm before the storm, and it took you a few seconds to realize how he was taking care of you, from the gentle movements on your clit to the hard thrusts of his cock inside you.
Your gaze slowly turned to the brown-haired man, his hair wildly disheveled and his eyes squeezed tightly shut, his hot breath hitting your neck and his movements faltered as he looked up at you.
you whispered and a loud moan escaped his lips as he heard you speak his native language.
"olaror ti ni ner kar'ta" (come with me my heart)
he cursed and his thrusts lost their rhythm, tech rutted into you with firm movements and locked his lips with yours.
Your hand gently went to one of his nipples to stimulate it and he whimpered as the pleasure ran down his spine.
"im cumming, olaror ti ni (y/n)" (come with me (y/n)
he pleaded and the knot inside you exploded as he bit your shoulder.
A long moan escaped you and his whimpering followed as he came inside you. Tech's cum was warm and a gentle pressure pressed against your Cervix.
"Gar cuyir bid jate, yaiyai'yc ni bid pirusti" (you did so good, satisfied me so well)
you praised him gently and he shuddered as your hand raked through his hair.
He sat up slightly to take one of his (clean) cleaning cloths to wipe you and his cock and leaned slightly to the floor to hand you your clothes while he put on his pants.
Afterwards he settled back on top of you and gently pulled the blanket over both of you to lay his head on your chest.
He opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted him.
"Sleep ner Kar'ta, we'll talk later". (My heart)
He closed his mouth and closed his eyes as you gently massaged his scalp. His arms hugged you as far as he could and a soft smile was on his lips as he yawned.
Your movements faltered as your eyes slowly closed and you also fell asleep.
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Hours must have passed when you next opened your eyes, the chrono clock showed 16:47 hours and your eyes widened as you realized how long you must have slept.
Tech was no longer on you, but you could hear light tinkering outside. You got up to put on your clothes and then went into the fresher to freshen up.
Fortunately, your sweater had a collar, because the mark Tech had left behind was clearly visible. Still, you cursed and rubbed at it
you strolled into the cockpit of the marauder and directly a sarcastic whistling sounded.
"Look who has awakened from her beauty sleep!"
the marksman's voice teased, and he chuckled as you gave him a somber look.
"You probably should have slept longer."
you countered and he grumbled under his breath as you gently pushed against his shoulder to sit down on a chair.
"No crosshair, gar ganar at tionir kaysh at olaror ti gar" (you have to ask her to come with you)
the Sargent quipped and laughed as you kicked his leg.
"I could have slept longer if my brother and his girlfriend hadn't had sex in the bed below me."
Crosshair replied, chuckling and crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned back.
You were about to answer, but a voice interrupted you.
"That's your problem Crosshair, experiencing what you've already done yourself is apparently not so nice after all?"
Tech looked at his datapad as he spoke to his brother and walked forward to the console. Hunter looked at you with a grin and shrugged his shoulders as if to say that Tech was right.
"Oh shut up."
Thank you for reading love!
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