#i knew i had aries gemini aries but didn't know what they were
rustinged · 1 year
i was tagged by @inloif tyyyy <3 post your sun/moon/rising + venus using these
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i tag: @germoflove @bigday4grimley @regulations @rumblerosesxx @uglyseason @ceramic-foundation @jemthebookworm <33
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ashes-writing-corner · 8 months
Hey yall I'm back with the most recent update of Ghosts that We Knew! I have a feeling yall are really gonna like this one, but I won't spoil anything!
Trigger warnings for: death mention, near death experience, surgery mention, talk of organ transplant, and general angst from Simon!
Taglist: @stargatenovus
Ghosts that We Knew
Part 6- Nightmares, Jokes, and Revelations
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These things and more haunted your dreams at times. For the last almost two years, your transplant and the news of your partner's death haunted you. Life had really given you a bad hand that year. Your partner was killed in action, and only a few months later you needed a transplant. 
You woke in a cold, heavy panic. The heart inside you beat hard, making your chest ache. You sat up, pushing the blankets down, which made you look at the top of the gnarled scar on your chest. It served as a reminder: someone had to die in order for you to live. 
You closed your eyes tightly and got up, swinging your legs over the edge of your bed with a deep sigh. You tried to calm it, the heart, but nothing seemed to work. You took a breath, held it, then slowly let it out as you started a list. 
"Aquarius…" you started, taking another breath. 
"Aries…" you repeated the process, "cancer…Capricorn…Gemini…"
A few more breaths. "Leo…libra…taurus…"
Ghost watched you from the doorway, curious as to what you were doing. He was in full body mode at this point, sensing something was wrong. He figured out you were, attempting at least, to list the horoscopes in alphabetical order between deep breaths. 
"You forgot Sagittarius, love" his voice sounded so clear that you jumped up, turning to face him. 
This was only the second time you had seen him like this, the second time you had heard his voice. The heart inside you leapt at the sight and sound, but you didn't feel afraid. You knew Ghost would never hurt you, never ever. But still…
That odd Familiar feeling hit the back of your mind. You tried to shrug it off, thinking "yes I know him, he's the ghost that haunts my apartment". 
You stood and just looked in the large mirror on your dresser. You watched him come in from the doorway. You closed your eyes tightly as you heard the lamp on your nightstand click and turn on. 
"I forgot Pisces too…fuck…". 
"Hey, it's alright. You're okay-". 
"No I'm not" you cut him off, hardly caring in the moment if it was rude or not. 
Behind his mask, Ghost frowned. He grew worried, a part of him knowing the root of the problem, but he suppressed it. 
"Talk to me" he told you, sitting on the end of your bed.
You stayed quiet, hesitant to let anything out. Sure there were times when talking to him felt better than therapy but at the same time…there were things you wanted to say, but couldn't. 
"Love…I can't fix it if I don't-"
"This isn't something you can fix. No one can fix this" you sounded so damn defeated, much like he did in his last days. 
His frown deepened. "I can still try. Please talk to me, sweetheart". 
You hesitated still. For someone so imposing and intimidating, his voice was surprisingly soft and tender. It was a tad gruff, but also echoed in your ears not too unpleasantly. It reminded you just a little of your partner, whose picture was now in a new ebony frame on your dresser. 
"People have been telling me that I should be thankful to feel alive" you started, not looking at him, "but they don't get it. To lose your heart, even to something not your fault, like a disease or sickness like I had, it feels like I've lost what made me who I am…". 
You had talked about it in therapy before but saying it to Ghost felt different. It felt even more raw, more real. Your grip on your dresser tightened, your knuckles hurting. You ignored it. Behind you, Ghost stood from the bed to his full height, coming to the left side of your back. 
"I lost what made me special. I lost what my partner loved most about me…and everyone acts like it's nothing" you couldn't bring yourself to look at him, even if it was just in the mirror. 
"That's not true" Ghost told you, a cold hand hovering over yours, "may i?" He asked. 
You just nodded, and he took your hand as best he could. It felt like ice, yet…like a mist on your skin. He continued. 
"You still have it, love. What your partner loved about you, I mean. Believe me, there's a lot to love. You '' he hesitated a moment, hoping he wasn't crossing any lines, "you're a wonderful mother, a good friend, and an excellent baker. You're kind, generous, you care about people and you bring out the best in them. You see beauty and worth where a lot of folks don't. And even if it's not, you make it that way. And that's such a rare thing, love. Everything you want, from your own place to your little Cafe bakery thing…it should be yours. And if I could…I'd have given it all to you". 
"I wouldn't take it. I need to earn that" you retorted. 
"Love, you survived a debilitating illness that would've killed you without a donor, kept strong when you lost your partner, and survived moving to this hellhole. You deserve the world".
You went quiet for a moment. "It just doesn't…always feel like me. Sometimes, Ghost, I just…I don't want to be around anymore". 
You felt a tightening in your hand. 
"I never wanna hear you say that again" he replied with a growl in his tone. 
"But it's true! And most of the time I feel fine! I feel okay! But sometimes…it's just hard, you know?". 
He was quiet again, only slightly loosening his grip on you. 
"Sweetheart…look at me" he told you. 
You shook your head. You didn't want to face him. You didn't want him to see you like this. You weren't weak for feeling like this, you knew but…you had to hold everything together for so long. You couldn't break down, not like this. 
His cold hands went up both your arms, stopping at your shoulders. Your brain went foggy a little as you released the dresser and let him move you so you could face him. His gaze was intense, with a hint of sadness. He understood. Ghost took your hands and gently guided you back to bed, not even having to say anything. 
In that moment, he wasn't the ghost haunting your house. In his eyes, he wasn't Ghost. He was Simon, a man who once, a couple years ago, felt the same way as you did. Those feelings had consumed him and…
Simon shuddered internally. 
He has been a fool. A damn fool for doing what he had done…
Gently, he rested you against him, as best he could. His cold was an odd comfort as he stroked your hair from your face, laying your head on a pillow as he held you.
"A heart's a heavy burden, love. And it's hard enough when it's your own. It's even harder I imagine with someone else's". 
"Someone had to die in order for me to live…". 
"Don't think about it like that". 
"But it's true" you protested. 
"True as it may be, they didn't die because of you. They died FOR you. There's a difference, sweetheart. This…this wasn't your fault. You didn't choose this. And something tells me they didn't either. Did you ever…" Simon hesitated, "did you ever find out about your donor?". 
"No" you answered, "and I don't think I want to. It'll just make it feel worse for me. Like…make it feel even less like mine, if that makes sense". 
"Understandable. But maybe it could bring you some closure. Because lovely, organ donors volunteer to donate their stuff-". 
"I know but…I feel like they just threw mine away and…Ghost…I don't know what they replaced it with, but half the time it feels like…like a beating chunk of lead in my chest. The only reason I'm still here is that little girl asleep across the hall" you admitted sadly, "that's why I fought so hard. I knew that if I died, Ellie would be all alone in this world again. I couldn't do that to her…I have to keep going for her" your voice cracked, "she's all I've got, Ghost".
"And that's a great thing, darling. Whatever reason you have to hold on, that's the best one. You have a reason, and that's the best damn thing. It's okay to be upset, it's okay to feel like everything is different-". 
"My mom, my sister…they all wanted me to just go back to being normal when it was all said and done but I was never normal-"  
"Shhhh don't talk like that, lovey" Ghost whispered in your ear softly, "wanna know what I used to say about normal?". 
"You used to make corny jokes about it?". 
"I would if I knew how. But no, I used to tell those who'd bitch about normalcy to look at it in the dictionary. The dictionary defines normal as anything that isn't abnormal. And it's the other way around for abnormal. Y/N, darling, there's no such thing as normal. It's a stupid, senseless word. Being special or what the fuck ever is overrated in my opinion". 
"That's easy for you to say, you're a ghost" you replied with a slight laugh, "hearing you swear is pretty funny though". 
"I may be a ghost now but…I was a person once. Not too long ago actually. About two years ago". 
You blinked. "Wait, two years ago-"
"Shhhh…don't overthink it, love. Just listen. I was a person once, just like you. And I don't know why but people fail to realize that being a human being is just hard as hell. I always wondered why in the world we always have to be something. What's wrong with not knowing who or what you are or being spontaneous? I heard once that it doesn't matter how you were made or where you came from, but it's what you do with your life that determines who you are". 
You burst out laughing. "You just quoted mewtwo from pokemon".
He was happy you caught on to that. "I did". 
"Didn't take you for a pokemon fan". 
"I wasn't but that was a damn good quote" . 
Your laugh died down a little to a soft giggle. "Might have to change that. We love pokemon in this household". 
He snorted. "Good luck". 
For a dead man, he had never felt so alive as he did in this moment. Laying here with you, only the lamp on while you both laughed about ridiculous things. 
"Hey…I heard your impression of an owl sucks" you said randomly. 
"What?" The statement threw Simon for a loop. 
"Oh my God it really is terrible" you grinned and then laughed a bit. 
It took him a minute. "Fuck…you got me with one". 
"Oh c'mon that was funny". 
Behind the mask, he raised a brow. "I suppose it was". 
"Cmon, tell me a joke". 
"Only if you bake me more muffins in the morning". 
"Blueberry?" You asked. 
"Chocolate actually". 
"Hm…I think that can be arranged. Now c'mon tell me a joke". 
"Okay…why are ghosts terrible liars?". 
"Because everyone can see right through them". 
You laughed like it was the funniest damn thing. Honestly it was a wonder for him to see and hear. 
"It's so lame but I love it…I'm just easily amused, I'm sorry". 
"Nothing wrong with that. Now it's time for you to get some sleep" he pulled the covers carefully over you. 
"Do I have to?" You asked, almost like a little kid. 
"You have a big day tomorrow, looking to finally get your Cafe and all that. You need all the rest you can get" he moved to sit next to you in bed. 
"We're just gonna be looking at the place. What if…what if I miss you?" You asked, looking the ghost in the eyes. 
"I'll stay til you're asleep, love. But this took a lot out of me. I need a bucket load of energy to be able to do this". 
"And if I have another nightmare?". 
He put his hand over yours again. "Then I'll be there to chase it away. Get some rest, sweetheart". 
His touch was cold and yet soothing in an odd way. It was a literal cold comfort. Slowly you closed your eyes and started to fall asleep. When Simon was sure you were asleep, he carefully moved the blanket down to peer at your chest. Not in a dirty way, but he needed confirmation about something. 
There was no way. You were already living in his home, the one he died in. There was no way…no chance in hell…
But he had to know. 
Silent as a shadow, he pulled your shirt down a little to look at the dark massive scar on your chest. Carefully, he set his own hand over it, determined yet nervous to feel the heart beating inside. 
Simon knew this was wrong. He shouldn't have been touching you like this without your knowledge or consent. But he needed to know the truth. 
And in a few beats, he had his answer. 
"Fucking hell…Simon Vincent Riley what the actual fuck have you done to this poor girl?". 
He knew his own heartbeat when he felt it. 
He was your donor. The one you refused to know about. Simon didn't really think of where his parts would end up going, but there was something surreal about this. He always thought his parts would go to some poor saps who needed it. Saps he'd never know. 
But You…you were living in HIS apartment with HIS heart in your chest. It was HIS fault you felt like you lost what was most special about you. Sure being special was overrated but…no one deserved to feel like he did. You didn't deserve to feel like that. 
Simon thought he had done the right thing by being an organ donor. But his manner of death, the feelings that had taken him over in his last moments, that was a burden you now carried.
 A heart, his heart, was a heavy burden that had destroyed him.
And he knew that he'd throw himself into the darkest, deepest depths of hell before he let it do the same to you and Ellie…
If you guys enjoyed please consider liking, following, commenting (with either comments, tags, or both) and please reblog! I love when folks do that ^.^ thank you so much for your continued support and I hope you have a wonderful day/evening! ^.^
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iridescentmarzz · 1 year
Assorted tkam headcanons
Libra; born September 30th 1885
Full name is Atticus James Finch
Autistic (i could make an entire post about this)
gives great hugs
Writes calligraphy! all of the kids birthday cards and other cards are handwritten from him
Has attempted to cook, but almost burnt the house down so Cal doesn't allow him in the kitchen anymore. for being as smart as he is, he is awful in the kitchen
Is very in control of his emotions, but when he does get emotional, his emotions are very big
he copes with negative emotions by reading or listening to the radio
He usually only listens to the news on the radio, but sometimes he enjoys listening to music
really likes swing music
Cracks his knuckles a lot
Not very religious, goes to church every sunday but as he got older began to question religion more. When he was younger he was very religious because his family was religious
Always had plans to get a dog with his wife, but because of having two kids and then Miss Grahams death, it never happened. He still thinks about getting a dog after both of the kids are out of the house
Wakes up at 5 am everyday without fail, then spends the first few hours of his morning reading before he gets ready for the day
Aries; born April 12th 1927
If she knew what being trans was, would identify as transmasc
but considering she lives in Alabama in the 1930s, she likely has never and will never hear the term transgender or know its meaning
Accident prone- often comes to Cal with little cuts and scrapes. Cal always tells her to be more careful but takes care of her injuries no matter what
Keeps a journal, though she didn't take it very seriously until she was a teen and then would make sure she journals daily
Hates Halloween after the incident. the year after the incident she stays inside for the entire evening of Halloween and snuggles with Atticus
Very artsy. Loves writing and drawing and fills her journal with little doodles relating to her day
Taurus; born May 14th, 1923
Almost always angry about something
Just an angry little guy
Needs glasses but doesn't get them until he's around 18
Absolutely adores Scout, more than he will ever admit, but he'd do anything for her (usually. they still bicker a lot)
After Halloween, the first thing he said when he woke up in the morning was "is Scout okay?"
Jem used to love Halloween, but is cautious of it after the incident. it takes him a few years to enjoy the holiday again
Takes after Atticus in his love for reading. as he gets older, Atticus lets him barrow books with increasingly mature themes and they'd bond by discussing them
Ends up playing football in highschool but gets injured. he plays all throughout highschool despite his injury, but once he's in college he stops playing and decides he prefers watching the sport instead
Keeps the things him and Scout found in the knothole for his entire life
Gemini; June 19th, 1891
No one knows except for Atticus and her late husband
Her husband was a gay man and they married mainly for protection
despite not loving each other romantically, they were incredibly close friends and Maudie mourned the loss of him for a long time
She sees Scout and Jem and even Dill as children
She was friends with Nathan Radley when they were younger, but once Nathan moved to Pensacola they lost contact, and even when he returned they just never reconnected
Virgo; September 12th, 1897
Always stimming in some way, most common stim in scrunching up his face or full body twitches
Scrapbooks and uses his scrapbook as a journal of sorts
Not very close with Nathan and often avoids him as well as he can, considering they're both in the house pretty often
Funny enough, Boo was a nickname arthur was given as a teen by his friends
He was never really a bad kid. He was just an autistic kid who struggled to make connections and when he met his friend group, they'd goad him into stupid things and he'd do them because he'd never had friends like that before
The incident where he stabbed his father did happen, but he did it not out of nowhere, but because Mr Radley was drunk and acting aggressive and it scared and frustrated Arthur so he stabbed him
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99simproblems · 8 months
My Ship in 5 Minutes: Seon-hwa&Kiet
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When I saw @mangosimoothie and @simulation-machines' posts, I had to do one for Seon-hwa and Kiet.
I tag @pink-chevalier and anyone else who want to do this.
Original by rosenkow. Blank templates are here
**I typed their names in their signatures. Yeah, I'm extra.
Red/Diamond: Seon-hwa
Turquoise/Spade: Kiet
Zodiac Placements:
Taurus Sun/Scorpio Moon/Leo Rising
Aries Mercury/Gemini Venus/Leo Mars
Leo Sun/Gemini Moon/Libra Rising
Leo Mercury/ Leo Venus/ Leo Mars(It wasn't on purpose. I swear!)
Trust: High (It took a while because of her past)
Jealousy: High
Horniness: High
Clinginess: Non-Existent(She has possessive tendencies tho)
Trust: High
Jealousy: Moderate
Horniness: High
Clinginess: Low
Age-Gap Romance: 7 years. They were both grown when they met. She was 32. He was 25.
(Witches are semi-immortal. They stop aging in their mid to late twenties.)
Love At First Sight: When they first met, he just knew that she was 'the one'. (He renounced his fuckboy ways for her.)
Ladykiller in Love: Is there a Bisexual version? Anyway, Kiet casually dated a bunch of men and women. Seon-hwa is one of the few people he felt a real connection with.
Am I Just A Toy To You: He wanted a romantic relationship. She wanted a fuck buddy--or so she'd thought.
Belated Love Epiphany: She acknowledged her feelings after their first(and hopefully their last) break up.
All Amazons Want Hercules: She likes men who can stand up to her and take charge in bed. ((She's a dom-leaning switch))
Violently Protective Girlfriend: She's violently protective in general. She spent time in prison for beating her ex after he {redacted}. And yes, she'd do the same to anyone who hurts Kiet.
How It Happens
Falls Slowly: Seon-hwa (The connection always been there, but she was slow to acknowledge it)
Tries to Get Closer: Kiet
First Sight: Kiet
Relationship Attitude
Very Dedicated: Both
PDA: Both
First to Confess: Kiet confessed first. Seon-hwa's reaction wasn't what he expected. She suddenly became distant and told him to leave which led to him asking her, "What am I To You?". (Spoiler: She didn't know how to answer that)
First to Kiss: Both
First to Apologize: Kiet is a prideful person, but he's willing to admit when he's wrong.
Initiates Contact: Both
Spoils the Other: They do this on rare occasions. Gift giving isn't their main love language.
Wakes up first: Kiet
Does the Cooking: Seon-hwa started cooking after Kiet almost burned down their kitchen kitchen.
Does the Housework: Nope. They'd rather hire someone to do that.
Does the Talking: Kiet. He's the smooth talker.
The More Popular: Kiet. They're both extroverts, but he's more approachable. Seon-hwa can be abrasive at times.
The Designated Driver: Neither. They're the drunk couple making out in an Uber.
The Better Caregiver: Surprisingly, it's Seon-hwa. She's not the type to spoil her loved ones, but she'd still take care of them in her own way.
The Over Protective: Seon-hwa
The Planner: Both. Seon-hwa is in charge of the finances. Kiet plans social outings and events.
"Excuse me. They Asked For No Pickles.": Seon-hwa.
Big Spoon ↔ Little Spoon
Kiet: Big Spoon
Seon-hwa: Little Spoon
Early Bird ↔ Revenge Procrastination
Seon-hwa: Depends on the situation.
Work and important events: She either arrives early or on time. It's a thing she picked up from her dad.
Everything else: She doesn't give a fuck.
Kiet: He's a procrastinator and always arrives late.
Tidy ↔ Chaotic
Seon-hwa: She keeps her space somewhat neat.
Kiet: He's a 10, but lives in a pigsty. (This is how his old apartment used to look. Trash and clothes scattered everywhere. Damaged sofa.)
Screams over Bug ↔ Kills/Removes Bug
Different Types of People Killing Bugs
Kiet: The Scaredy Cat/The Gangster
Seon-hwa: The Quick Killer
Lend Clothes ↔ Borrows Clothes
Kiet: Loves it when she walks around in his shirt/hoodie
Seon-hwa: Wants to be covered in his scent(It's not a kink)
Romantic ↔ Casual
Kiet: He's definitely a romantic. He's the type who'd do something like this or this. Or propose on top of a mountian.
Seon-hwa: She's pretty casual. Nobody would expect her to be a fan of Romanticism, but she is.
Decisive ↔ Indecisive
Seon-hwa: She's a stubborn Taurus. She makes quick decisions and sticks with them.
Kiet: It's about 50/50. Sometimes he struggles to make important decisions, but once he makes up his mind, it's hard to stop him.
Takes Hints ↔ Clueless
Seon-hwa: Leaning towards clueless. She's direct and expects the same from others. Misunderstandings are avoided that way.
Kiet: He's more attuned to people and their emotions. It's a skill he can use for both good and selfish reasons.
Mature ↔ Playful
Playful banter is their love language.
Straight-Forward ↔ Vague
Seon-hwa: Very straight forward
Kiet: Straight-forward, but tactful
Confident ↔ Shy
They're both confident.
Ray of Sunshine ↔ Done™
Kiet: [Leans towards the former] He's charming and friendly. People tend to warm up to him easily.
Seon-hwa: [Leans towards the latter} She's been through a lot in the past 20 years. She also comes off as intimidating.
Realistic ↔ Idealistic
Seon-hwa is more realistic than Kiet.
Would Die For Attention ↔ Independent
Kiet: He's a slut for attention like a typical Leo.
Seon-hwa: She doesn't seek attention, it seeks her. And she doesn't mind it.
Tense ↔ Easy-going
Seon-hwa: Her short temper is the opposite of easy-going.
Kiet: It depends on his mood.
Head ↔ Heart
Seon-hwa: Don't know where to place her. She follows her gut more than anything else(she's a type 8 in the enneagram), but there's no option for that.
Kiet: He follows his heart. (Not sure what his enneagram is. He's obviously some kind of heart type.)
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lunarmagickastrology · 11 months
It was summer of 2015 when Venus journeyed with me into my underworld as she passed over my rising sign degree.
This was the last time Venus was retrograde in Leo.
She dipped into the first decan of Virgo.
Where were you summer of 2015, the last time Venus was retrograding through the same sign she is going to retrograde summer of 2023?
In our lifetime, Venus retrogrades in Leo / Virgo, Scorpio / Libra, Gemini, Aries, Capricorn / Aquarius. If you have placements in these signs, this is where your transformation lies. Also in this lifetime, during Venus retrogrades, the houses where you have Taurus and Libra will be highlighted. This is a cycle of becoming. A journey that takes you into the more tender parts of your underworlds.
Venus is the guide.
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Venus retrogrades are so powerful. They are not always easy. But love never is. The underworld is a journey into the darkness.
Valuing yourself can be a struggle, but desires lead the way. Desire to know yourself. Desire to be love. Desire to have something you value. Desires lead the way to a more aligned life. Desires are the Gods' way of pushing you towards who you are meant to be. The journey into the underworld is one of becoming.
As Venus transforms from Evening Star in the Western night Sky, to starting her decent down and going retrograde, to losing visibility; she is getting closer and closer to the Sun in zodiacal order. Then She joins the Sun and is reborn, about 20 days have passed. Then she eventually goes direct again and becomes visible in the Eastern morning sky before the rising Sun. Her retrograde takes about 40 days. A number often used in cycles of trials and tribulations.
Transformations, coming into deeper understanding of our desires and where to go next, always bring us to a deeper connection with ourselves.
Sometimes Venus retrogrades can turn our lives upside down. Sometimes they can bring us blessing and abundance. An addiction. A house purchase. A lover. A break up. Artistic talents. Opportunities. Greater self-worth. Knowing where to go next. Understanding our traumas with greater clarity.
Venus shows us the struggles of our hearts can drop us to our knees. Praying for protection and guidance. Venus can protect us during hard times. Guide us through violence. Guide us through darkness, as many myths describe. This has definitely been my experience as someone with a fallen Venus in my first house (Venus in Virgo).
When Venus crossed my rising degree in 2015, I had come face to face with my demons. Addiction and power struggles. Now, 8 years later, I am so grateful for what Venus has brought me.
This last time Venus was retrograde in Leo was 2015. My life took a very dark turn. I was putting myself in dangers way, losing my mind. I didn't know I was going through a Venus retrograde at this time. I was studying astrology. Writing down all my natal aspects and trying to learn who I was. Feeling dissociated from myself is what first got me into Astrology.
Even though I didn't understand Venus retrogrades at this point in life, I did feel deeply guided and protected during this time. Guided through difficult karma. I knew with all my heart, there was a magnifying glass being placed on my insides - a very specific struggle. Forcing me to heal through darkness. Forcing me to look at myself. I knew there was a purpose to this darkness, even though I lost everything, hurt people that deeply cared about me, and was changing the trajectory of my life from there on out. I knew I was being Divinely Guided - towards healing, towards greater self- understanding, towards the hardships that were meant for me, the hardships I needed go through to learn how to trust myself.
Before this experience, I was so disconnected from myself, just going through the motions of what I felt I had to do. This dark time in my life woke me up to who I was. Killed the dissociation from self. I realized if I didn't care for myself, if I didn't learn to speak honestly (Gemini South node issues), if I didn't learn to respect myself, if I didn't get myself out of harms way, no one else could. Things would only get darker and darker if I didn't learn how to love myself. During this point in my life, I could feel my psyche falling apart, unraveling to a dangerous degree. I had to learn to honor myself - in full and total honesty. So I learned what my therapist at the time called individuation. I learned how to take responsibility for who I was being. For all my behaviors. November 2016, with the help of my parents, I checked into rehab.
Little did I know at this time my Progressed Saturn was also in the process of going direct. Saturn helps you with psychological development, individuation, and discernment. Saturn represents sobriety.
2017-2018 was all about learning healthy relationship patterns and learning that boundaries are the greatest acts of love. Saturn and Venus. I was learning who I was outside of others. My progressed Saturn going direct allowed me to finally create authority within, instead of giving it away.
Venus retrogrades, when they hit your angles or personal planets, can take you into your Underworld, your darkness. This is a transformative process. They can connect you with great love, peace and opportunities.
Venus protects and guides you through this journey.. She always rises again as a Morning Star.
This Venus retrograde in Leo 2023 will come very close to the final degree of Leo and the Fixed star Regulus. This is creativity and self-expression. Individuation.
Through Venus I learned to speak my desires. I learned that boundaries are an act of love and respect in relationships. I learned that you are responsible to uphold your boundaries - that is not a job you can inappropriately place on others. I learned that boundaries are containers you set for yourself, not others.
This Venus retrograde I am enjoying the fruits of my labor.
Venus retrograde of 2018 was in Scorpio and I learned all about my own toxicity and was able to look at it head on.
This was written on 6/30, Friday Venus's Day and Venus hour. I woke up with the Sun with the motivation to write about Venus.
Venus activates my 9th house. This Venus retrograde I have decided to go to School for astrology certification since I do desire to be a Teacher of Astrology in my elder years.
I used to fear schooling for Astrology because I didn't want my knowledge to be clouded by someone else perspective. I didn't trust myself. I didn't have discernment or a connection to my own wisdom. Now I do. Now that my Saturn Return is over I have inner authority like never before. I can now learn from others without losing my unique perspective.
Thank you Venus,
Love a Fallen Sun (aka Sun in Libra) and a Fallen Venus (aka Venus in Virgo)
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sopebubbles · 2 years
ready for more Friendly Fighter Fodder???
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Good. Glad to hear it. Love the enthusiasm.
This post will be a rambly and is no way needed to enjoy the Fighter series, so if you rather skip it feel free! This discourse takes place after Chapter 9 and assumes that you've looked over the character chart. Masterlist Character Chart Friendly Fighter Fodder (vol. 1)
First of all, I really appreciate how kind and understanding everyone has been since I started managing Sopebubbles' blog. It's been a lot of fun for me to interact with you guys and see you react to this story that I really love. For this Friendly Fighter Fodder, I got to interview our lovely and talented author. Without further ado, please allow me to introduce her. You know her best for such works as Serendipity, A Sea Without You, 21st Century Girl and so many more. Maddie, welcome. We are honored to have you with us today.
Thank you! Its a pleasure to be here! It's okay if I call you Maddie, right? You can call me whatever you like. I'm not used to sitting in front of genius. Oh, you're too kind. So let's jump right in. Why is Val's birthday important? Both beastie and I are very interested in astrology. I think about it at least a little bit with most of my characters, though not all. Sometimes I like to deliberately build characters around a zodiac sign. For example, Yn in The Pact was created as a Gemini to complement Jin's Sagittarius because it's one of astrology's great pairings.
However, with Val, I needed to choose a birthday. So I decided what zodiac sign suited her best and we ended up in April as an Aries because she's very action-oriented and pretty impulsive. I think her Aries sun and Tae's Aries moon really allowed for their explosiveness.
For awhile we were really stuck between Scorpio and Aries, because she is really intense and has a secret and this deep emotional world that she's trying to understand. The birthday we chose actually has her moon as Scorpio, which is why we ultimately settled on that particular date.
Also, my moon is in Scorpio so it made it easy to project onto her. 😂
And I happen to love scorpio moon folks, so it's perfect. Can you talk a little bit about the relationship dynamics within Bangtan? I know some of them have been touched on in the story, but they all seem very open. How does it work? Namkook: Namjoon wasn't super serious about anyone before Jungkook. Partially it was that he didn't want to get anyone invested in his lifestyle. His parents weren't exactly a role model couple (because his dad was a jerk). He knew pretty early on that he was bisexual, but never pursued anyone of either gender very seriously until he met Jungkook. As Kook tell us, it was Jin who got him to stop fooling around and put him to use. After a couple of years of working the streets for Jin, and after finishing high school, he began to work more closely with Jin and that's how he met Namjoon. They hit it off pretty quickly! Namjoon new his dad wouldn't approve of the relationship because of toxic masculinity, so they kept it secret for the most part until his father was killed and he took over. They are still pretty low key. While they love each other deeply and are very committed, they do indulge in (mostly) sexual encounters both in and outside the relationship. Jungkook keeps a separate bedroom because Namjoon snores too loud sometimes and they both like their space. I really like this pair together. We had talked about before how they complemented each other really well. Namjoon has a tendency to think everything through very deeply and choose the best course of action. While Jungkook can be entirely thoughtless, but then just kind of…do the right thing?? I think Namjoon is very taken with Jungkook's instincts and ability to be carefree and capable.
And Namjoon also appreciates how physically unbreakable Jungkook is. Maybe he thinks about that with Val, too. Allow your mind to wander where it will with that piece of information. What about 2seok? As discussed in chapter 8, Hoseok first met Jin on the streets of Seoul when he (accidentally) killed for the first time. But it was hardly the first time Jin had seen him. Seokjin thinks that one of his talents is finding people with potential. He's a pretty big fan of diamonds in the rough and fixing broken toys. He had been following Hobi around the streets for at least a couple of weeks. He wasnt necessarily supposed to be there; it wasn't exactly Bangtan territory. But he had been looking for a way to approach Hoseok, and the moment presented himself. Since Hobi really had nowhere to go and was worried about being sought out by the other gang, he stayed with Jin. They became deeply devoted to one another. When Jin was assigned to go to LA, there was no way he would leave Hoseok behind. They are very much a part of each other. Oh. And they are open to possibilities, but generally both too busy and not interested enough to pursue anything outside of each other, but they might be able to make some time 👀
I always saw Jin as someone who puts Hoseok before anyone else. In terms of being on the queer spectrum, in my mind (and I don't know if you'd agree with this) he had the strongest preference for men. That being said, he is deeply in love with Hoseok who knows things about Seokjin that no one else does. In a lot of ways, I think Seokjin is grateful to Hoseok for accepting him completely and he wants to do the same in return. So if someone was important to Hoseok or Hoseok wanted to explore, then Jin would be more than willing to let and encourage that happening. With or without him being there also. I haven't really thought much about how much Jin prefers men, but I agree he has a strong preference for Hoseok. I think Jin is someone who spends a lot of time trying to get to the very bottom of someone's being, which is part of why he doesn't trust Val immediately. I think once he's explored the depths of her, he'll be disappointed in himself for not having been the one to discover her. 😂 But yes, absolutely, he would let Hoseok have whatever or whoever he wanted. On to Vmin... Yes, now Vmin...theirs is the least like a relationship. They met while attending the same expensive private school. Jimin was…a trouble maker and entirely too smart for his own good. Tae was, well pretty much how Tae is. They were friends and that was pretty much it. Fast forward a couple of years after graduation and Jimin is being held by the FBI for some very less than legal computer activities. Tae finds out and appeals to Namjoon, who convinces his dad that getting Jimin out of trouble and under their organization will be well worth the cost of a bribe—which it was. Afterward, Jimin introduced Taehyung to the BDSM scene and the two began a casual, open sexual relationship. They both freely sleep with other people as we have seen, but they do tend to see each other as a constant.
I have thought a lot about Jimin’s character specifically! I don’t know if as authors we’re allowed to have favorites, but if we were allowed he would definitely be among the contenders! You may have noticed that Jimin’s header was used for Chapter Nine despite the fact that the focus was mostly on Y/n. However, this was the first time we started to see Jimin’s character through his interactions with other people. We start to get a sense of what he values and what he doesn’t and what motivates him. Jimin is aromantic and alexithymic. An important thing to note is one does not cause the other. You can be uninterested in romance and not have alexithymia and you can have alexithymia and be interested in romance. Jimin just happens to be both. I included Jimin’s aromanticism on his character chart because if you asked Jimin directly if he was interested in romance, he would flat out tell you, “No.” However, if you asked Jimin if he was alexithymic, he’d have no idea what you were talking about. Jimin is comfortable. Bangtan accepts him for who he is and he feels safe with his friends. Thus, he doesn’t feel the need to go looking for answers. He understands that on some level, he’s different but he also knows that while he doesn’t understand his emotions, other people don’t understand how to code. And to him, it’s more ridiculous to not understand how to code or hack into a government mainframe, because those things are much easier than emotions. Both intentionally and unintentionally, Jimin has developed coping mechanisms for his alexithymia. Because he doesn’t trust his understanding of emotions, he looks for behavior to guide his actions. He values compassion and loyalty most of all. Taehyung has displayed those qualities to him more than any other person, so he values Taehyung more than any other person. In return, he tries to show a similar amount of compassion and loyalty. The other thing too is that Jimin likes caring for people. He gets a great deal of satisfaction knowing someone else is enjoying themselves. That was what got him into the BDSM scene. He liked knowing what the rules to everything were and fulfilling expectations as a Dom. He liked knowing that he was giving people what they were asking for. And if he seems a little callous at times, well then, that's just part of his persona. And in case you’re wondering, Tae finds that bit particularly hot. 
And as far as not wanting romance, he just doesn’t care for those behaviors. They look contrived to him, so he rather not participate. Easy as that.
If this is your first time hearing about aromanticism or alexithymia, I encourage you to look them up! And if you have more questions about how this affects Jimin or his relationships, please let me know. 😊 One more thought, I didn't want to have your typical giant ot7 love puddle. Not that I don't love those stories, because I do! It just didn't feel right for the story for me. I felt like it would be very intimidating for Val. And I liked the idea of getting to explore different kinds of relationships instead of one. Tell me about Yoongi. Ah Yoongi! Is it wrong to say he's my favorite and he's not in a relationship because he's just too wonderful? Okay, that's not the real reason. I imagine Yoongi probably really liked a girl in undergrad. They were friends for a long time, both premed, studied together a lot. He didn't get the courage to ask her out until senior year and she said yes, but then they went to different medical schools and, well we know that could never work. Med school is a busy time, too busy to invest in someone else. Then once he realized he would be part of the gang, there was no point, in his mind, of involving anyone in his life who he would just make vulnerable. If Jin has the strongest preference for men, then Yoongi has the strongest preference for women. Not that he wouldnt ever be interested or have sex with a man, but he's honestly fairly disinterested in the whole thing in general. He needs that spark. And I can't think of any brighter spark than our Val. She's so sparkly, sparkly, isn't she? 🤩 She sure is. Speaking of Val, does she know about all these dynamics? What does she think of them? I think this will come up soon in a few chapters, so instead of discussing what she thinks of them directly maybe I should tell you why she probably doesn't really know about them. Firstly, she does know about vmin, but she still doesn't fully understand that. Tae is not very good at explaining things. He'd rather just make out, tbh. But Val is someone who really needs things laid out explicitly, particularly when it comes to feelings and interpersonal relationships. She barely remembers her mom, much less what her parents' relationship dynamics were like. Her most intimate interpersonal relationship in her whole life was with Joaquin. Yikes. Honestly, she probably expects a certainly level of unhealthy behavior because she doesn't know anything else, even though she does know it doesn't feel good. She hasn't seen much of anything that wasn't a heterosexual, abusive relationship up close. I think she has absolutely no context to bisexuality or polyamory. And I think it's really going to throw her for a loop. She has a lot to learn! Luckily, she's a quick study. Yeah, I think she'll catch on! I know a lot of people were here for Taehyung and Val. We know that Val thinks everything was a lie, and it's clear Taehyung is starting to process some very complicated things about their previous relationship. Is there any hope for them moving forward? What do you think is the biggest lesson they need to learn, either together or separately? I know that's been confusing to a lot of people including Tae! When she says it was a lie, it's because she knew she was lying. She thinks she tricked Tae into believing she was someone she isn't, and that who she is isn't lovable. Obviously she has to learn that she is lovable, but the guys will take care of that. I think she needs to learn that she can be the person she wants to be simply by embodying it. She had to accept her own duality, and all the different parts of herself. She is traumatized and also naive, strong and vulnerable. Tae needs to learn how to communicate, honestly. In some cases, words are actions and actions that aren't properly explained or justified only do harm. I have a lot of hope for them! 🥺💕
Well, that is it for this episode of Friendly Fighter Fodder. Thanks again to Sopebubbles who indulged my whim for an "interview" and painstakingly typed out her thoughts!
As usual, we love to hear your thoughts too! If you want to know more about anything or have an opinion you'd like to share or your own hot take, feel free to let us know!
Thank you so much for reading! 🤗
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
Okay so for the Anon who asked for me to break down Ewan's chart
First here is his big six :
Sun: Aries
Moon: Gemini
Rising: Libra
Mercury: Aries
Venus: Pisces
Mars: Capricorn
So let's start off with his Aries sun and Gemini moon. A person with those placements are usually an explorer, active and energetic. They are curious and love to learn new things. Intelligent, witty, communicative, and rational in everything they do. They are very capable of handling several projects at once. We can see that a lot with Ewan, how he does a lot of private humanitarian work and only ever talks about it when he wants to shine a spotlight on it. We can also see that side of him when he told the motorcycle story, on how he just saw someone ride it and he wanted to try. The Aries-Gemini combo makes him have impulsive actions but he is learning something new along with it.
Libra rising signs are knowledgeable, intelligent, well-mannered and restless. They have a great sense of justice and order. These natives are the natural peacemakers in their social circles. You can see how sweet he is to his fans, and how polite he is when working with people. We also can see his Libra rising with how he chose to come back to Kenobi. He wouldn't want to do it without Hayden and was always as the Executive Producer making sure everything was going for everyone filming.
Aries Mercury, I waited to get here to say this. This is a big reason Ewan and Hayden get along so well they are both Aries suns with Aries Mercury. They understand each other and communicate well with one another. I could see that when they were filming Episodes 2 and 3. Hayden was probably more extroverted but more hesitant to take risk. While more than likely Ewan was more introverted but more willing to try anything to learn something. Hayden probably said more out of pocket things when younger 😂. But their personalities switched, Ewan is a bit more introverted and still likes to learn. However he is a bit more hesitant now that he is a bit older, and well we know Hayden is definitely more introverted now. But I wouldn't be surprised if he took more risk now
Okay this is where it gets a bit spicy 😂. He is a Pisces venus and Capricorn mars. He takes care of the person he loves, and is generally quite loyal and committed once his heart has been won. Very sexual, he has strong needs for physical expression of love. He feels most loved with physical proof of commitment, and works hard at making his relationships work on a physical and practical level. Definitely requires, more than most, physical presence, steadiness, reliability, and comfort in his relationships. He is concerned about his partner’s’ emotions, and his expression of affection feels solid and very cozy. Ewan may struggle with not begin the most communicative of lovers, however. Oftentimes, he expects his partner to intuit what he needs rather than request it outright. Ewan is serious about love, and is not one to take a relationship lightly or to throw it away without first doing what he can to make it work. Ewan tends to believe in taking his time when it comes to developing a relationship and to lovemaking itself. Ewan is sensitive when it comes to the matters of the heart, essentially Ewan is much stronger and persevering than he appears. Partners who express loyalty, respectability, and some fragility are most appealing to Ewan. I see this as him when he was you know younger and teenager. That he wasn't the type to get into a relationship too quickly as he knew. When he falls for someone, he falls hard. So I can definitely see him as the type that probably had a lot of girls like him but he just didn't want to date. He probably did date but just didn't put as much feelings into until he felt like he met the right one. So when he comes to private time, Ewan is the Slow and steady wins the race. That Capricorn mars is not going to just want to go for one round, this is a man that is going to be Dominating and want a good two hours just the two of you. However with the Pisces venus he has, he won't just sleep with anyone if he doesn't have some type of feelings for him. I'm not saying that Ewan didn't have one night stands but he probably didn't like it as much. He craves connection and stability. So he is the type to not do single well.
So what I got from his chart is that Ewan attention is harder to get. You have to keep the Aries placements entertained but with that Gemini moon. You have be ready for, if he wants to talk about Taco toppings at 3pm and if black holes do lead to another time past or future, how do you alter what you already know but without changing time at 3am. That is what you have to be ready for, Good news is once you have him, he is going to settle down quick. He wants home and stability. So if you can show him that, he will get married soon.
Basically what I got from doing Ewan and Hayden's charts
Ewan is harder to get, but easier to keep and settle with.
Hayden is easier to get, but harder to keep and could be with him for a while but not settle.
Both put it down in bed but Ewan needs more of an emotional connection to sleep with someone (again he could have one night stands but they probably aren't his favorites). Hayden however could easily not put feelings into a one night stand but crave stability later.
Again no professional here just going off of what I saw in both their charts. So I could be totally wrong and obviously do not know them personally. So I have no idea what they are like behind close doors. But this is just what I got from the birth Chart.
PS Oli, I hope you had fun reading my deep dive 😂😂
Astrology Anon 💜😈
thank you for doing this astrology anon!!! to the other anon who wanted this—HAVE AT IT
the stuff at the beginning seems particularly accurate—as i mentioned, i’m watching the all of the long way series, and Ewan is definitely energetic and an explorer!!! and ugh i mean…loyalty…here’s the thing, like, i am SENSITIVE about the whole Ewan/Mary thing for no reason other than i have a parasocial relationship where he’s my father and i have an actual shitty father and i am a similar age to his eldest, Clara. but anyway, these are my issues, we don’t need to get into them 😂👀
but thank you for doing this!!!! i love hearing about the astrological placements for my boys. and regardless of my weird issues i obviously love Ewan more than anything (except Hayden)
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lucy-and-rebecca · 2 years
Spoilers for 100 yq chapter 103
Welcome to another episode of me fangirling over Lucy disguised as analysis.
This chapter is one of the most important chapters for Lucy's character development and it was brilliantly executed.
We start off with the Gemini fake out. The thing that worried fans for two weeks turned out to be Lucy's spirits looking for her. While I was pretty sure Lucy wasn't going to lose her arm knowing she was fine was a huge relief.
Then she got into Aries form. I follow the logic on that. It's the only star dress that can offer her protection against physical attacks. Also it is just me or they were intentionally putting the focus on Lucy's guildmark?
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Anyways that didn't work. Kiria was able to cut through it and Lucy was about to give up.
This is where things get intresting.
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Kiria says no more miracles for you. It could be just because of the translation but the way she says this implies that Lucy being saved was something someone else did for her. In reality only Lucy could have pulled it off.
It's scenes like these with Gemini that make you realise most people don't really know much about celestial spirit magic. Not only that but Lucy's magic is on another level. If you know everything Lucy can do you can predict she was capable of using Gemini or Gemini could come to help her. To people who don't know much about celestial spirit magic and the ways Lucy can use it, what happened would feel like a miracle.
The moments with Laxus were just incredible. When Lucy was about to lose hope Laxus came to her rescue. He physically saved her yes, but more than that his words gave her strength to fight.
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This guy who didn't come to help his guild when phantom lord attacked them because he didn't accept Lucy as a member of fairy tail and didn't think she was someone worth protection, broke free from mind control and put himself in harms way almost on instict to save Lucy.
Lucy thought she couldn't do anything on her own. The solution to that is her realise her guild is always with her. It's your typical power of Nakama but it feels more impactful with Lucy. Because the story with her isn't she was weak but then she became OP (I mean it's kinda true but that's not the main point). Her story is she wanted some place to belong and fairy tail accepted her unconditionally and the strength she has now is because of their support.
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Lucy is at her strongest when she is fighting to protect someone else.
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Do you understand how incredible this moment is? Lucy summoned a spirit to look after Laxus as she was about to do a spell that required three people. Summoning a spirit and keeping their gate open requires magical energy. Virgo said Lucy can maintain her new SD for only sixteen seconds and Lucy said that's all she needed. This shows she calculated how much time and energy she needed to defeat Kiria and made her moves accordingly.
Kiria could slash through anything so Lucy let her. She let Kiria slash at water in confusion while she chanted her spell. Because all she needed was time. She was strong yes but more than anything she was smart. She's the jack of all trades character who uses her power smartly to overpower enemies far stronger than her.
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Lucy doesn't have the magical power to do Gottfried by herself so she figured out a way to increase her power and do the spell with other celestial wizards without actually having anyone else there. She had done spells with Gemini before but they aren't here right now. In that moment the only person present there is Lucy. She is just using her magical smartly.
And finally we have this.
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That smile is so important.
This fight was very similar to her fight with Mimi. There were two main difference. First is Mimi realised she shouldn't underestimate Lucy, Kiria didn't. Second is, with Mimi even after Urano metria Lucy wasn't sure she had won. Here she knows. She's not even looking at Kiria she just knows she has won. In fact she knew she would win even before she summoned Virgo.
This fight is the perfect mix of last minute power up through power of friendship and a character winning the fight before it even begins because they were prepared and planned according.
One of the things I love about Lucy as a character is that losing is a real possibility for her. Which is why when she uses her head and wins it feels so much more impactful.
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astral-lucy · 3 years
gilmore girls big three, pt i
hi beautiful people!
i did this post a while back on my we heart it, so i went back to look for it, deleted it there, so i could post it here! gilmore girls is my favorite series of all time, so i'm really excited to do this! some of these are based on their birthdays or estimated birthdays, just so you know (you can look it up, i took the info from this website!). if you've seen the series and want to leave your opinion, please, feel free to do so! also, we don't hate dean, jess nor logan here.
here it goes!
lorelai gilmore
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taurus sun - sagittarius asc - aries moon
her birthday is april 25th 1968, which would make her a taurus (just like me!) . at first, i found it weird, not really seeing it, since i always thought she was a sagittarius. but, after thinking it for maybe less than two minutes, i definetely can see it. sheis quite lazy for those things that are not really a reponsability or simply avoids doing certain tasks, yet she's extra hardworking (and even more since her sun could be on her 6h with the sag ascendant i think she is). though she also loves to treat herself, she also knows when she need to tighten her belt. she doesn't like changes that are really crazy and, honestly, has a hardtime letting things off her chest sometimes. oh, and, of course, she is a foodie. i say she's a sag rising for her desire to know and travel, always pushing forward for greater things in her life. i kept debating if she was an aries moon or a gemini moon, so i actually made her chart, and she actually is an aries moon!
(ps: for those of you interested; she's also an aries venus, taurus mars and mercury with a leo jupiter)
rory gilmore
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libra sun - virgo asc - pisces moon
the next gilmore also has a canon birthday and birth time! it says she is born october 8th 1984 at 4:03am! it's funny cause, recently, i had a discussion with my mom abouth wether she was a virgo or a libra. she is totally a libra and you can tell since, as her mother sun sign, libra is also ruled by venus, which makes them unfairly pretty and attractive, enchanting and wanting to be nice to absolutely everyone. and she is a virgo asc (you bet i drew her natal chart), which explain how responsible and grounded she is. the pisces moon also makes so. much. sense! you know, i thought she was a virgo sun with a psices rising, but wow, this makes way more sense than i thought. remember how the stories of lorelau always were of her wanting to help people when she was a baby and how she's always concerned about others?
also, rising opposite moon does create a conflict on her internal emotions and thoughts, so that's why is harder for her to tell lorelai what's going on at first. and 7h moon makes you usually really close to your mom so-
(ps: for those of you interested; she's an scorpio venus, capricorn mars and jupiter, with a libra mercury)
luke danes
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scorpio sun - aquarius asc - capricorn moon
so, i didn't know who to put next, since the series has so many characters becoming more and less important through the whole plot that the next big character i saw was luke (not at all because he's one of my fav characters). it's said that his birthday is between october and november, which it'll make him a scorpio, a hunch i have since the first time i knew his full story, which makes senses since we see how his family life was never the best. nevertheless, he was the most grounded one, who had the initiative to make his own business but without really changing his dad's old stablishment. he has quite a hard time telling his emotions (again), though everyone knows them, and always showing though love. i was about to write taurus asc instead of aquarius is because of how he decided to open a café, but an aquarius rising would also make a lot of sense - he helps the community yet somehow always seems to go against the authority in it (taylor) and he move forward about his dad's business creating his own.
sookie st james
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pisces sun - gemini asc - gemini moon
she's really sweet and caring, wants to nurture others, she's always eager to try new things, experiment, all while being the brightest and clumsiest in the job. super fond of emotions and always there to help, share and norture. being a mother is extremely natural to her. she is born to be with people, to talk, to laugh and to share her thoughts.
lane kim
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aries sun - scorpio rising - gemini moon
super dramatic, rebellious, and knows how to be secretive. fun, and it is quite realistic. an amazing friend, but does require a lot of attention. not the best home life, that what provoques her escapes and hideaways, leaving house with quite an impulsive thought process behind. also, the relationship with her mother is bad but she still loves her. she's also super independent and ready to build her own path - until she actually has to and freaks out.
paris geller
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capricorn sun - capricorn rising - capricorn moon
needs to have leadership and control, but doesn't have the exact delicacy that rory has to ask for it. she is always confused about her emotions and the non-logical part of life. she is super focused cause she was pressure on her back at all time from her family, but, once she gets adjusted, she doesn't like changes. she could have a 12h moon though.
hope you enjoyed this!
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The sound of drums
//It's been what felt like thirty minutes. Sophie is in the corner of the room, in the middle of a panic attack. She was hyperventilating. Hugging her knees as she stared into the corner.//
Sophie, whispering to herself: this isn't real.. this isn't real..
//Sapphira, who was still there, stood a few inches away from her. The zodiacan didn't know what to do. She had never dealt with someone in such emotional state.//
Sapphira: um... You okay kid?
Sophie, looks at her: I'm not supposed to be here. *Gets up off the ground* I have to get back on Amoretia. Now.
//Sophie walked out of the hut she was in. Sapphira followed behind her.//
Sapphira: Um, what's an Amoretia?
Sophie: Where are your light ships?
Sapphira: Ships? Oh well, they're right over there. *Points to the boats near the docks*
//Sophie turned her head to see boats on the water.//
Sophie: No, not those types. You know ones that fly?
Sapphira: Boats can't fly hon'. They're for the water.
Sophie: Ugh no! You don't understand, I have to get off this planet! My family is in danger!
Sapphira: Huh, well I guess you're out of luck. No one knows how to get off this place. If us Zodiacans did, we would've long left this place by now.
Sophie: You mean? I'm stuck here?
Sapphira, nods: Yup.
//Sophie looks distraught. A feeling of fear washed over her. Her family, her lover, and her friends were in danger. Perhaps dead by this point. She wanted to cry but the overwhelming fear kept her in a frozen state. Then, she got an idea. The staff, yes, the staff! The magic could take her home! Sophie looked up at Sapphira.//
Sophie: Do you know where my staff is?
Sapphira: You mean that long branch with a moon crystal on top?
Sophie: Yes!
Sapphira: The Geminis have it.
Sophie, confused: the.. what?
Sapphira: Just follow me. Right this way.
//Sapphira walked forward on a clay path. Sophie following close behind. The path led through a rugged village. People were in the streets. Some selling products, others buying said products, and children playing games with each other. Every person there had a tattoo of sorts on their right shoulder. Some had very similar ones as others had entirely different ones. The tattoos look like star constellations. Even Sapphira had one.//
Sophie: Um, what's with the tattoo? Seems like everyone has one.
Sapphira: Everyone does! This helps differentiate our tribes.
Sophie: tribes?
Sapphira: There are many tribes. Like Aquarius, Virgo, Tarus, and Aries. I am a Scorpio.
Sophie: Oh, so, horoscopes?
Sapphira: That's right. Each one has their own job to do. Taruses take care of animals, Virgos are priestesses and priests, and Geminis are druids.
Sophie: What are you supposed to be?
Sapphira: I am a Scorpio, therefore that makes me a soldier. From the moment I was born, my fate was made up for me by the gods. Born to protect others and fight for honor. *Sighs* always and forever..
//Sapphira looked to the side. She seemed exhausted. Sophie took note of it. She too knew how it felt.
The two arrived to a large building with hanging glasses vases with various herbs inside. As the two walked in, only two people were there. Twins attached by the hip.//
Sapphira: Sophie meet the Erestella Twins. Glykeria and Gelkiyle. They are incredibly wise and can tell the future... And they're also my younger siblings. A little weird but they'll grow onto you.
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: We've been keeping an eye on your staff... It radiates great power, more power than anything we've ever seen, Sophie Iris.
Sophie: How did.. how do you know my name?
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: we know a lot about you. More than just your name. You are the etheriums greatest hero that had ever been prophecied
Sophie: Prophecy?
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: A young woman with hair as black as night, with eyes as shimmering irises, and stars blushed over her cheeks.
Sophie: You mean my freckles..?
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: Yes... It is told she will defeat great evils. First a bizzare lunatic with the face of red.
Sophie: Baozhai..
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: A great tyrant that has cursed the etherium.
Sophie: Hatred!
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: A large slithering beast that has eaten a hundred of lives.
Sophie: Uhh... I don't know.
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: And the monster that created all evil in the first place.
Sophie: I'm sorry what?
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: Yes, yes, you must, you must! Oh.. we see it now. The queen oh.. the foul white beast! Your friends, your family, they are in great danger! You must return now! Quickly!
Sophie: How?? Sapphira told me your people don't have light ships.
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: The staff will take you there. *Hand the staff over to Sophie*
Sophie: With magic? I don't really know any spells
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: Neither do we.. but we must get you back. Sapphira, do you mind training Sophie? She must get better at fighting. It will help her on her journey.
Sapphira: or else?
Glykeria and Gelkiyle: We see her getting hurt in battle.. badly. We do want to keep her alive and well. So, please teach her.
Sapphira: Understood.
//The twins began to look through stacks of books. Both looking through pages and pages at a fast pace. Sapphira looked at Sophie.//
Sapphira: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to training!
Sophie: Okay. Where do we start??
Sapphira: First we do warmups.
Sophie: Warmups? Doesn't sound too bad-
Sapphira: Warmups where we run up and down the mountain.
//The camera pans to a large scary mountain with dark thundering clouds around it.//
Sophie: Can we stretch first..?
Sapphira: Sure thing.
//As the two were beginning to stretch, back at the castle, Danae was pacing back and fourth. She looked scared. Felt nervous.//
Danae: Oh my guh-goodness.. oh gosh.. oh my omnisciences.. what am I gonna do??? Poor Sophie.. I-I-I should've never let her go! This is all muh-muh-my fault!
Veronica: What's your fault?
Danae, scared: GAH! Oh, Miss Veronica, I hadn't realized you were nearby..
Veronica: Oh you know me. I just love dropping by! Just in case anyone isn't, you know, trying to betray the queen.
Danae: I understand. Yu-yu-you do have to do whatever you can to duh-defend the queen.
Veronica: So, about you were saying.. about something being your fault?
Danae: uh oh yes! Um- well I uh- it's a-a-all my fault that I accidentally may have dropped-
Veronica: You let Sophie out to kill Hatred didn't you?
//Danae looked at Veronica very stunned.//
Veronica: Oh so I was right! Nice to know that. Hm.. and now you feel bad because Sophie's gone and her boyfriend is gonna be a puppet.
Danae: puh-puh-puppet??
Veronica: Oh you didn't know?? Her majesty has something big planned for her little boyfriend! And that includes the red calamari.
Danae: oh dear..
Veronica: And this time, I'm going to make sure nothing goes wrong in her plan. So-
//Veronica grabbed Danae by her neck and pinned her against the wall.//
Veronica: Tell me. Where are the others?
Danae: I'll never tuh-tell you!
Veronica: No? Oh. hm.. that won't do. Guess I'll just have to.. scalp your hair off then!
//a vine wraps around Danae's hair. It slowly begins to pull on it. Danae yelps in pain.//
Veronica: You gonna talk?? Or would you rather remain hairless all your life??
Danae, struggling: No! I'd rather duh-duh+die than tell you! Hatred's reign will end!
Veronica: Okay, have it your way <3
//The vine begins to pull much harder on Danae's hair. Her hair began to slowly tear from her head. Danae closed her eyes and but her bottom lip. She didn't want them scream, she didn't want to give in. Danae already risked Sophie's life, how could she risk the lives of her family. The top of her forehead began to bleed.//
Veronica: I guess after this, I'm probably gonna have to ask Antonella next. I think she'd make for a great scarf! So soft and fluffy.. might give it to Hatred as a present.
Danae: No! Nuh-no please!
Veronica: You don't want that? Okay... THEN TALK!
Danae: Okay, okay, I will! They're hiding in the bunkers in the Gaia forest.
Veronica: Bunkers? Oh, the bunkers.. ah yes! Why haven't I figured that out! So obvious..
//Veronica let's go of Danae's neck, allowing her to drop to the floor. The vine let go of Danae's hair and slithered away. Danae holds the top of her forehead. She winced in pain feeling the cut that formed there.//
Veronica: I had a feeling you'd betray Hatred. My plants would whisper to me that you and Antonella were up to no good..
Danae: Yu-you're a muh-monster..
Veronica: I am? Huh.. well since I'm a monster, guess I should do this
//Veronica punches Danae's right eye. Darkness faded in as Danae fell backwards onto the ground. Then, Antonella came running in.//
Antonella: Danae? Danae?? *Sees Veronica and a fainted Danae* Oh no..
Veronica: Oh no indeed~
//Veronica grinned widely, showing off her sharp teeth. Vines wrapped around the two traitors. They were dragged to the dungeons.
At the bunkers, everyone was sitting and standing around. They were pondering where Sophie and Jim had gone off to.//
Tori: they couldn't have gone far.
Victor: you think they went to go fight Hatred?
Jeremiah: Definitely. After what Hatred's lackies did to Silver, I wouldn't be surprised if she left to get revenge.
Lukas: then let's go after them! Who knows what could've happened to them
//The others looked at each other. They gave each other a nod of approval. Jeremiah walked forward to the exit. As he was about to open the door, he stopped himself. There was the sound of rumbling. Jeremiah raised an eyebrow in confusion. Spontaneously, the door slammed open as a collection of vines bursted it in. They wrapped themselves around the remaining survivors.//
Jeremiah: wha- bu- how???
Veronica: don't worry, someone else can explain how I found you! It was pretty easy to get it out of them~
Ollie: what did you do with Sophie and Jim you monster!
Veronica: whoa that's the second time someone's told me that today. Hmph, I'm not surprised..
Ollie: Answer me!
Veronica: Uhhhhh, Jim's dead and um Sophie's gone. She specifically told me that you guys are losers and that she went to take a vacation!
Ollie: Liar! You're a liar!
Veronica: pfft, I know! I know.. Sophie didn't tell me that! ... But Jim is gone.. and so will you be :)
//The family was dragged away from the bunkers. They were taken to the underground dungeons of the Amoretians castle. Each individual in their own cell. Except for Silver, who Veronica took away.//
Lyka: You better not lay a finger on him or I'm gonna break each and every bone you have!
Veronica: hA! I'd like to see you try ya seven year old!
//And with that, Veronica walked away with her vines carrying Silver. Lyka hits the door of her cage.//
Jeremiah: Swear to God, I'm gonna rip her cotton candy hair off when I'm out of here!
Ollie, looks around the cells: I don't see Sophie anywhere.. do you guys?
Antonella: I'm afraid Sophie isn't here young ones.
//The others looked across from them to see Antonella and shaking Danae, in separate cells.//
Lukas: Huh, you guys got caught too?
Antonella: Afraid so.
Danae: It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault-
Jeremiah: Uh, is she okay?
Antonella: No, she's not. It's okay, Danae, this was out of your control
Danae: No, no, NO! It is my fault! I let Sophie and her friend go! I should've never done it! You know I thought hey maybe she could do it, maybe this is the one! But it wasn't and now she's gone. Forever!
Ollie: What do you mean?
Danae: Sophie is.. Sophie is.. Sophie is dead..
//Everyone gasps at the same time.//
Lukas: No, that can't be!
Danae: I-i-it's true.
Andrew: Don't push yourself too hard. Sophie and Danae here were only trying to do what was best. But, we'll get her.. all of them.
Ollie: Dad- I mean... Andrew?
Andrew, looks over to Ollie Hey Ollie.
Ollie: but- how? I thought you, Nomura, and Cetus went to-
Andrew: Get help? That was unfortunately cut short.
Nomura: That pathetic plant monster snuck up on us and took us out by surprise.
Jeremiah: Same here with the rest of us.
Ollie: Where's Cetus?
Andrew: Hatred took him.
Ollie: Why?
Andrew: I'm not sure but I know it isn't anything good. Who knows what that monster has planned. I just hope she doesn't make him suffer too much..
Ollie: Well, I'm not gonna stand around and wait to find out. There's gotta be a way out of here.
Jeremiah: It's hopeless. We'll eventually all be tortured soon anyway.. It was stupid to come here anyway. Should've let the enemy come to us. Then Jim, Cetus, Silver, and Sophie, oh God.. poor Sophie.. NONE OF THEM WOULDN'T BE DEAD or possibly suffering a worse date than death!
Ollie: I don't even want to think about it. God, you'd think the people you'd spend your best time with would be with you till the end. When they could be torn from you just like that.
Lukas: I always thought that us, Jim, and Sophie would get to do all the things we've always wanted to do. Like set an animal testing facility on fire.
Tori: We could still escape right? Someone can break these doors open!
Nomura: I'm not strong enough to pull these doors off its hinges lass. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.
Victor: So that's it? We're all doomed.
Jeremiah, trying not to cry: I wish I could've told Sophie how much she meant to me and Jim too... I wish I could've held her hand one last time.
Tori: Then, hold mine.. if we're going to go out. Then, we should give ourselves one last heartfelt moment before our lights go out.
//Jeremiah holds Tori's hand through the cell. He smiles sadly at her as tears ran down his cheeks.
Cut back to the village of Horoscopia, night had already fallen. Both Sophie and Sapphira had finished up their first training session. Sophie was breathing heavily, attempting to catch her breath. She was sweating from her brow. It seemed that the training had exhausted her. Sapphira walks into their hut with two plates of food.//
Sapphira: Tired are we?
Sophie: ya- think?? You guys train like it's the last day of your life!
Sapphira: Technically, that's true. On our home, everything here attempts to kill us. So, it's best to be in shape to escape any threat.
//Sapphira sits down next to Sophie. She hands her a plate of food, along with a coconut as a drink.//
Sapphira: Here, eat. You need some protein.
Sophie: Oh, thanks! *Takes a bite out her steamed bun* mmm.. mmm! Wow this is good! What's in this??
Sapphira: Human flesh.
Sophie: wha-WHAT???!!??
Sapphira, bursts out laughing: I joke! I joke! It's αρνάκι. I apologise, us Zodiacans love joking about cannibalism. It's a way we relieve our misfortunes. Especially, during a hard harvest.
Sophie, nervously laughs: oh.. haha.. *drinks from her coconut*
Sapphira: Oh don't be that way. I'm truly am sorry, Sophie dear
Sophie: Oh, it really is okay. Hehe, you know it kinda reminded me of my uncle Raine. He'd say something like that too.. and Silver too.
//There was a bit of a sad tone when she mentioned their names. Sapphira took notice.//
Sapphira: Hm, I see... I'm sorry your family got caught up with that enemy of yours. I know you'll get your revenge soon. When you're out there battling your foe, give them everything you got. Always remember who and what you're fighting for.
Sophie, nodded: Yeah, that makes sense.
Sapphira: Well, we should finish up eating and get some rest. Tomorrow's a long day of training. Thea from the libra tribe will be joining us, to make sure I'm not going too soft on you, and so will my little brother. He hasn't completed all his training yet so it'd be good for you two to train together.
Sophie: Yeah, that sounds great. Can't wait to meet them.
//As the two finished up, they laid down in their separate beds. Sophie laid awake for a bit. She wondered how her family and friends were doing. Hopefully, they were all holding up...
Hopefully, they hadn't given up.
Back in Amoretia, inside the castle, Hatred is inside a room. She put her hand on her eye. It stung badly, causing her to wince in pain. Hatred let out a sigh. Lucian walks into the room.//
Lucian: Still hurting?
Hatred: That octopus messed up my vision.. while that girl left me in a bad condition after our fight. They're the first warriors to ever hurt me.. this.. INFURIATES ME! *Grabs a bowl of fruit and throws it across the room*
Lucian: I can see that you're distressed.. how about I take care of the cephalopid for you *takes out a dagger* you know to teach him a lesson..
Hatred: that won't be necessary. *Stands up* I've done something already.
//Hatred walks over to a wall. She taps a brick on the wall. The wall opens up, revealing their to be an elevator behind.//
Lucian: You Amoretians do like your secret passage ways.
Hatred: You can thank my great, great, something grandfather. He built these secret passageways in case a war or a riot broke out. He was extremely paranoid, thank God for it... Come along.
//Hatred stepped inside the elevator. Lucian following right behind her. The elevators doors closed and it took them down.
The two arrived to a candle lit room. There was a cauldron in the middle. Stacks of books, potions, and herbs were scattered on the table. Lucian looked around, curiously. He noticed an open book with the title "Plant Servus Creaturae". It had instructions on how to create a being like Veronica. Lucian tried to take more of a peek at it. Then, Hatred slammed the book shut. She gave Lucian a disapproving look. Lucian huffed in frustration.//
Hatred: that's not what we're here for. *Walks over to three glass containers* this is.
//Lucian's eyes widened at what stood before him. He walked up to the glass. When he pressed his hand up against it, someone slammed themselves against the glass frame. Lucian jumped back a bit. He continued to look on with amazement with a combination of fear. Before him was Cetus, although different in some way. Lucian noticed his eyes were glowing red. The same came to the other two subjects, being Jim and Silver.//
Lucian: What did you do to them?
Hatred: I made them right. The proper way every being should be.
Lucian: Explain specifically??
Hatred: Well, when I got rid of my worst enemy. I pondered for a bit. I knew no matter how hard I tried to make people believe that love is a sickening disease that plagued the etherium, I had to come up with another way. With this. *pulls out a bottle with red dust inside*
Lucian: What is that..?
Hatred: I call it hate dust. Its a cure to heal one's mind from love. It makes the subjects behave right.
Lucian, raised an eyebrow at her: Um, why are they acting like that then? *Gestures to that violent raving, anger induced Jim, Cetus, and Silver.*
Hatred: What do you mean?
Lucian: Nevermind. What do you plan on doing with hate dust exactly?
Hatred: Make more batches of it. Then, sail around the etherium with my ships. Spread it to every other planet and make the perfect etherium I always dreamed of.
Lucian: Did you say ev-every planet?
Hatred: Yes.
Lucian: Oh, um. Just double-checking.
Hatred: Hm, very well then. As for Sophie's accomplices, Veronica will cure the rest of them. They desperately need it. Also, I have been thinking about making them apart of my army. They all have great skills in fighting.
Lucian: But they didn't beat you..
Hatred: Because I'm the etherium's strongest being. No one can.. not even that little, pathetic, miscreant. She thought she could but what happened to her exactly? She ended up on the worst possible planet in existence where beasts roam, weathers storm, and cannibals live. She's as good as dead when she arrived.
//Hatred walks over to the elevator, hands behind her back.//
Hatred: Oh and by the way... Is Carrion back yet?
Lucian: Um, that's what I was going to tell you about. He is back.
Hatred: Take me to him. Now.
//Lucian nodded. He walked over to Hatred and stood next to her. Lucian began to think to himself. He did think it was great that Cetus was consumed with hate. Although, the thought of the entire etherium being consumed by hate.. would it even be worth ruling the etherium if it was like that? Then again, there is no backing out now. The elevator took them up.
Later on, the two walked, or for Hatred's sake, speed walked to two large doors. Hatred slammed opened the doors. Behind a couch was Lusca, who was hiding from the large beast. A loud roar broke the silence of the room. Hatred couldn't help but cover her mouth at the sight. Before her is the white boney beast, with red glowing eyes, and razor sharp teeth. Carrion stretched out his wings, then let out a mighty roar. Lucian couldn't help but cowered in fear at the sight of Carrion. He's absolutely terrifying. Even more terrifying than when he was just a lifeless corpse. Lucian looked over to Hatred. He noticed a single tear leave the right side of her eye. This is certainly new. While being around her, he had never witnessed a change of expression from her. Just the same scowl or frown. Seeing her shed a tear at the sight of Carrion made him guess she had more emotions that weren't just anger.
Hatred walked up to Carrion.//
Hatred: It's time to finish what we started, old friend.
Carrion roared in agreement. As his roar echoed through the halls of the castle. Everyone inside knew what had happened. The beast has returned to it's master. The roar slowly faded as an organ piano began to take over.//
If you were church, I'd get on my knees.
Confess my love, I'd know where to be,
My sanctuary, you're holy to me
If you were church, I'd get on my knees.
//Sophie has her eyes closed as she stood up against an opponent. A tall and muscular zodiacan that looked no older than her. He's holding a spear. He looked down to her, awaiting her move. Sophie eyes opened upon the opponent.//
I'd get on my knees!
I'd get on my knees!
I'd get on my knees!
//Sophie holds her weapon tightly. She lunges at her opponent. The opponent lunged at her in return. Their weapons clashed together and their faces met. Both filled with might and fierceness. A few feet away from them was a libra zodiacan and Sapphira. They were watching over the two to make sure the training was fair. The libra zodiacan looked at Sophie with little care. She didn't think that Sophie had it in her to defeat such an opponent. She was much smaller than the larger opponent. Sapphira thought otherwise. She believed in Sophie and knew she could win... Hopefully. Sophie was knocked down onto the ground. She dropped her weapon next to her. Sophie struggling, got up off the ground.//
Thea: Point to Icarus.
Take the pain!
Make it billboard big and swallow it for me
//Sophie wiped the dirt off her face. She picked up her weapon off the ground. She held it tight in both hands.//
Time capsule for the future,
Trust me that what I will be,
//Next, Sophie is carrying weights up on a hill. She seemed to be struggling and failing behind. Icarus, the same opponent from earlier, was ahead of her and doing fine. Sapphira was with them, carrying weights as well. She noticed Sophie falling behind and quickly ran back to her. Sophie fell to her knees. She sucked in some breaths of air. Sapphira kneeled next to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder.//
Oh the things that you do, in the name of what you love.
You are doomed but just enough, you are doomed but just enough
//For the third training session, Sophie was learning to fire an arrow. She fired an arrow and it landed preferly in the center of the target. Sophie smiled to herself. Sapphira clapped in encouragement. The two looked over to Icarus to see how he was doing. Icarus fired five arrows, one at a time at the target. They all landed perfectly in the center as well. Sophie and Sapphira looked on with dumbfounded looks on their faces.//
If you were church, whoo!
I'd get on my knees, yeah!
Confess my love! I'd know where to be!
//It was raining, Sophie was fighting a test dummy that strangely looked like Hatred. She punched at the dummy and kicked at it as well.//
My sanctuary, you're holy to me
If you were church, I'd get on my knees
I'd get on my knees
I'd get on my knees
//Sophie kicked the head of the dummy, that it went flying off the body. It landed in the mud, getting dirty. Sapphira nodded at Sophie in commerce.
Morning rose, Sophie stood out the window of the small hut she was living in. She looked from the village down to her staff. Her eyes softened at it, not knowing whether to use it or not.//
I love the world but I just don't love the way it makes me feel
Gotta a few more fake friends,
And it's getting hard to know what's real,
//Icarus walked by, carrying a basket of fish. He stopped as he saw that Sophie was all alone. Icarus noticed the staff in her hands. He thought to himself a bit before walking up behind her. As Sophie was in the process of putting it down, Icarus lifted it back into her hands. Sophie looked at Icarus in surprise. Icarus smiled softly at her. The next thing they knew, they were in a field of weeds. Icarus nodded at Sophie to use her staff at him. Sophie looked away as she used her staff. She mumbled a few words before summoning a spell.//
And if death's the last appointment,
Then we're all just sitting in the waiting room,
I am just another human trying to avoid my certain doom,
//The spell blew Icarus off his feet and into the wall of a mountain. He fell on the ground, onto his face. Sophie gasped lightly. Icarus raised a single thumb up to show that he was okay. Sophie sighed in relief. She ran over to him and helped him up. Icarus smiled at her.
Back onto the training ground, Sophie was gaining the upper hand in the fight. Icarus lost his footing and fell to the ground. Thea, the libra zodiacan from before, looked on in bewilderment. Sapphira crossed her arms and smiled smugly at Thea.//
If you were church, yeah
I'd get on my knees,
Confess my love,
//Unlike before, Sophie was running ahead of Icarus and Sapphira with the water weights. The two zodiacans looked on in surprise. No terran had ever been capable of doing such a thing. With the training of firing arrows, Sophie became much better at it. The arrows flew from the bow as if they were being summoned of out Sophie's hands themselves. Icarus cheered on in encouragement.//
I'd know where to be,
My sanctuary, you're holy to me
If you were church, yeah, I'd get on my knees
Yeah, I'd get on my knees
//Sophie practiced some more with her staff. This time getting much better at using it. She even looked to be enjoying it as well. Icarus wrote down what she was doing on a piece of paper. A simple remainder on how to use her spells. He picked up the paper and walked up to Sophie. Sophie stopped using her magic and looked to Icarus. Icarus handed the paper to her. Sophie took it and thanked him.//
I'd get on my knees, yeah, oh
I'd get on my knees, ah, ah, ah
I'd get on my knees, yeah
I'd get on my knees,
//In front of Sophie was a bunch of test dummies of Hatred and Veronica. Sophie gripped her staff as she glared them down. She used a ton of offense spells to take down each and every last one of them. She took her time doing it too because of all her pent up rage within her. Sapphira looked happy at first but her face changed to nervousness. She noticed Sophie was enjoying it a little too much. As Sophie took down the final one, practically ripping it to shreds. Sapphira placed a hand on her shoulder. Sophie almost hit her in the face but luckily missed. Sapphira had a look of bewilderment. Sophie's eyes softened at Sapphira. She quickly apologized to her, over and over again. Sapphira simply brushed a few pieces of hair out of Sophie's face. She smiled softly at her and held Sophie's cheek.//
Sapphira: Don't lose yourself
//Sapphira walked off to clean up the mess of the test dummies. Sophie took in what Sapphira said. She exhaled some air and gripped her staff. Sophie looked over to a Hatred test dummy face that had been ripped off. She frowned at it. Sophie walked off to do some thinking.//
If you were church,
I'd get in my knees,
Confess my love, I'd know where to be,
//It was morning once more, the sun had begun rising. Sophie was standing at the edge of a cliff. After she had done some thinking, she had realized something. Sophie began to get consumed by rage and hate. The very thing Hatred felt towards everyone. Sophie didn't want to feel what Hatred felt.. No. She didn't want to become what Hatred had become. A being consumed by anger only to make others suffer for it. Sophie watched as the sun rose. She promised herself to not become Hatred. Sophie would only fight to avenge her fallen loved ones. As well as to save the etherium from the hands of Hatred.//
My sanctuary, you're holy to me, you're holy to me,
If you were church, yeah, I'd get on my knees, yeah
//The sound of ceremonial drums began to play softly. Sophie stood before Thea and two other libra zodiacans. They were the leaders of the libra clan. It was rare to see all three leaders in the same place because they had to intend to other important matters. Although, they do show up together if it was for special occasions, like an initiation. Behind Sophie were a crowd of other libra Zodiacans, along with Sapphira.//
Mali: Sophie Moana Luca Iris, you have completed all your training. You are now fit to destroy any foe that stands in your way. But know this Sophie, never have I seen a Terran do such a thing you've done. They've fallen behind or given up when they believed they couldn't do it. Yet you, you still kept going. You've beaten young Icarus at every challenge. Something which heavily surprised me... And for that, I give you the greatest honor. Sophie Moana Luca Iris, I deem you a member of the Libra tribe.
//The crowed roared with applause. Sapphira clapping the hardest and even cheering loudly. Sophie smiled softly at Sapphira.//
Mali: Now... Please step to the right and you'll receive you're tattoo.
//Sophie turned her head to the right to see a zodiacan holding a tattooing comb and a needle. She grimaced seeing the tools going to be used on her. Sophie sucked in some air before walking over to the tattoo artist.//
*one painful tattoo later*
//Sophie rubbed her back softly where the tattoo was placed. She was sitting down on the porch of a small hut. Zodiacans around her were celebrating and having a good time. Sophie decided to stay out of it, instead opting to watch from the sidelines. Sapphira walked over to her.//
Sapphira: I hope the tattoo artist didn't hurt you too much, So-so. I know how it feels to earn your first tattoo.
Sophie: Huh? No, not too much I guess. But it was worth it, this tattoo does look great on me.
Sapphira: It sure does, how about we go show that tattoo off to the other guests? I'm sure they'll gleam with envy
Sophie: No thanks, I just want to stay here for now. Just take one last look at this place before I.. *cuts herself off as she sadly looks to the side*
Sapphira, sits next to her: I'm guessing you're leaving soon. You've already mastered using your staff and your training. No need to stay here anymore.
//Sapphira had a look of sadness on her face. Sophie took notice of it.//
Sophie: I promise I won't forget you.. and all that you've done for me. Without you, I wouldn't be as prepared as I am now.
Sapphira, smiles and nods: I was just doing what I had to do.
//Gelkiyle and Glykeria walked up to the two. They were holding a set of glimmering clothing.//
Gelkiyle and Glykeria: Here, you will need this in your journey.
//Sophie grabbed the clothing presented to her. She held up the shirt piece. It glimmered in the moonlight. Sophie looked at it curiously.//
Sophie: What did you guys do to this?
Gelkiyle and Glykeria: This armor will save you in your greatest time of need.
//The two walked away, tripping over a log. They quickly speed walked away trying to avoid embarrassment. Sophie placed the shirt down. Sapphira looked at the clothing in curiosity.//
Sapphira: I didn't know my sisters could sew such beautiful clothes. I'm quite jealous of you So-so.
Sophie: I guess I better put this on before leaving. I don't know what it'll do but since your sisters are fortune-tellers, I guess I should trust them.
Sapphira: All their predictions are quite strange but trusting them is best. You know they once predicted four people from different families and backgrounds are actually all related in some way. Strange but eh, quite possible.
//Back to the castle, the kidnapped crew were lounging about in their cells. They all were hopeless. They couldn't escape or had any ideas to do so. Cetus, Silver, Sophie, and Jim were all dead. And they were bound to be next. The sound of heels clicking echoed through the cell. Veronica walked down in the cells with a wide smile on her face.//
Veronica: How wonderful! How great! Friends I come bearing great wonderful news!
Jeremiah: If it's putting me out of my misery, please do it now.
Veronica: Oh, how'd you know, edgier other boy??
Lukas: Guess our time has come. It was nice knowing you guys.
Mary: I hope heaven will let me despite all things I've done.
Veronica, pokes Mary's nose: I ain't killin' ya sweetie! I'm just gonna change you all for the better! Well, at least that's what Hatred puts it. *Clasps her hands together* So, who's first?
//No one speaks up at the suggests that something utterly horrible can happen to them. Veronica hummed a bit.//
Veronica: Welp, I better just choose someone. How about... You! *Points to Lyka*
//Lyka bites Veronica's finger. Veronica wails in pain and attempts to pull back her finger. It took a few seconds but she managed to pull her finger out of Lyka's mouth. Green liquid spewed from Veronica's hand. Lyka spat out the liquid from her mouth.//
Lyka: Ugh! You taste like a nasty sour green smoothie- *Lyka gets cut off as she'd grabbed by her neck by Veronica*
Veronica: WHY YOU LITTLE WORM- *exhales air* you know what.. this will only make the transformation even sweeter.
//Veronica pulls Lyka's head up. She pulled out a glass vile from her pocket. Veronica began to poor it down Lyka's nose. Lyka struggled in her grip. She clawed at her arm and kicked at her face. Veronica ignored her attempts at being free. Even though it hurted her. Lyka's attempts at being free slowly stopped as her body started to become lifeless. Everyone around her watched in utter horror.//
Andrew: NO!
//Andrew tries to reach out for Lyka but couldn't. He was too far away and the bars of his cell were holding him back. Lyka became completely lifeless as she stopped moving. Veronica dropped Lyka into the ground. She placed the vile into her pocket.//
Veronica: I didn't kill her that's what I'll tell you.
//Andrew looked extremely confused at Veronica. She was proven right as Lyka rised from the cold stone ground. Lyka looked perfectly fine but something was very off about her. Her eyes were glowing red.//
Andrew: Lyka?
//Lyka eyes darted to Andrew. She lunged at him, trying to claw at him but the bars were luckily holding her back. Andrew jumped back as Lyka tried to attack him. The others gasped in horror.//
Jeremiah: The fuck did you do to her?!?
Veronica: I used some of Hatred's new invention. *Pulls out the same vile* Hate dust, has a simple name, does a simple job! Warning: may cause you to become consumed by enraging hate and want to rip apart your friends and family!
Veronica: Hmm, just wait a while. I haven't even used the dust yet on you! Then you can rip off as many heads as you want! Now.. who's next? *Her eyes darted towards Tori* how about you?
Tori: Me??
Veronica: Don't worry, it'll be quick and you won't even feel a thing! Hehe! Now open up!
Tori: WAIT! Um, errr, uhhh... What if we play a game???
Veronica: A.. a game?
Tori: Yeah, um, if you win, you get a REALLY great prize!
Veronica: Hmm.. what is this prize?
Tori: Um.. plant er.. fertilizer?
Veronica, looks insulted: Do you really think that I would be so stupid to fall for this obvious trap just so you and your friends can ESCAPE?? And for what plant fertilizer??
Tori, looks around nervously: umm-
Veronica: I'd happily do so! I love plant fertilizer! Haha, I was just joking about that trap stuff, haha! You look so serious for a second there!
//Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.//
Tori: Okay, great! This is how the game is played. First you give me the keys. Then go stand over there where that big beautiful purple lady is.
Veronica: ha! Sounds easy enough *gives Tori the keys then goes stand over to where Nomura is* Okay, now what?
//Nomura grabs Veronica by the neck, making a strange noise that sounded similar to that of a squeaky toy. Nomura snaps Veronica neck. Veronica's lifeless body falls onto the floor. Seeing this, Tori quickly opens the door to her cell. She walks over to the other cells and begins unlocking them. Jeremiah walks out of his cell with a completely stunned look on his face.//
Jeremiah: Nomura.. did you kill her???!
Nomura: Of course I did! We'd be doomed if that mangy lunatic didn't cease to exist already.
Jeremiah, absolutely terrified: Um.. Nomura..?
Nomura: What?
//Jeremiah pointed to someone behind her. Nomura turned around to see Veronica standing up with her head completely turned around since Nomura cracked it. Veronica grabbed her head and cracked it back into place. Veronica smiled creepily at them.//
Veronica: DID I WIN?
Jeremiah: FUCKING RUN!
//Those who were freed began to run away. Tori was pulled away from unlocking a cell door by Victor She dropped the keys as she was pulled away. Tori hadn't finished opening all the cell doors.//
Tori: No! *Reaches out for those are still locked up*
Andrew: It's okay! Just run!
//Tori nodded before running along with the others. As Veronica chased them, plants began to grow with her every step. Vines grew from the ceiling, attempting to grab at them. The group came across a two way hallway. Without realizing it, they ended up splitting up as they went took different directions. Veronica didn't know which way to take and simply stood there. Her menacing grin dropping.//
Veronica: Um.. I should go right! No wait.. I think most of them went left. Then again that ursid girl that tricked me went right. UGH! DECISIONS DECISIONS!!
//With the group that went left as they continued to run, Tori saw a large white doors. She pointed to it.//
Tori: Let's hide in there
//The others nodded in agreement and entered it. As soon as they entered, Lukas pushed a table next to the doors. The others helping by tossing random objects to hold it shut.//
Jeremiah: I think that's should do it. I'm pretty sure she won't be able to get in here.
Ollie: So.. we're safe right?
Lukas: Yup! It's just you, me, the others, and that large skeleton dragon sleeping over there-
//As Lukas realized his mistake, he was about to loudly gasp but Jeremiah quickly covered his mouth. Jeremiah hushed him.//
Jeremiah, whispering loudly: Ssshhh! You'll wake it up you idiot!
//Carrion began to rise up. He fluttered open his empty eyes and stretched his wings open. Carrion turned his direction over to the intruders who entered his domain.//
Ollie: Too late.
To be continued...
((Hatred, Sapphira, Icarus, Thea, Veronica, and Jeremiah belong to me
Tori, Nomura, and Victor belong to authorlovechan
Lukas belongs to @wallymcflubberfins
Cetus, Andrew, Lusca, and Lucian belong to @aalbliii
Sophie belongs to @sleeplessdreamer14
Lyka belongs to @uselessalexis165
Ollie belongs to @ohdamnitsaferret ))
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astroidology · 3 years
My thoughts on each sign I've had a crush on/dated :
Male Version bc I'm straight haha
■ Aries: FUN! Very energetic, very easy to talk to and funny. He never did any special treatment to me but he told everyone that he liked me... so, okay, confusing. He would listen to me, so that was attractive. We eventually stopped talking bc he moved away. He ended up never telling me directly that he liked me though but he did reached out to me years later and confessed his love omg intense.
□ Aries #2: very smart. Could literally outsmart anyone, that's attractive. I adored how he would tell me that I was wrong. Challenging. We were never really close friends, we had mutual friends so we would see each other every once in a while. Again, he told a few people that he had a crush on me, and even told me that after a couple of months. He was very very sweet. I don't think I've ever met such a sweet Aries before, so extra points. But very straightforward, he asked me out almost immediately.
■ Taurus : always staring at me, most of the times i looked at him, i caught him. I had to be the one that made the first move and talk to him but very interesting, he always seemed to know what to respond and he'd respond right away. Kinda like he knew what i was going to ask him. he'd be shy sometimes and would let me do all the talking but he remembered everything that I once told him. Once he got comfortable he'd brought it up in our convos and it'd be the sweetest thing. Also, he'd follow me around a lot, id see him almost everywhere and sometimes he would even wait for me, so yea... super sweet.
■ Gemini : funny. We were like best friends. Our humour was very similar so we'd be laughing most of the time and having a great time. He was VERY straightforward, he would always tell me that he liked me, he was very touchy as well. And even after years, he still reaches out to me... so idk I thought he would move on or smthing.
□ Cancer : I had a crush on him for like 3 years straight and he never knew bc I'm very lowkey but also because we were best friends and he had a gf so I wasn't going to make any mistakes. But oh boy, he was very cool, open minded and fun. He wasn't that sensitive though, I've never seen him crying either. He was very sweet sometimes. A risk taker.
■ Cancer #2: so sweet! Mama's boy. Was very close to his sister as well. Very very shy so I basically had to make a move. But yeah, I also had a crush on him on the low-low until his best friends told me that the cancer boy liked me. I was in shock. That guy would barely talk I didn't understand but ok. He was so funny, attentive and a great listener. A little lazy and would always show up late tho. Very into skinship and pda. Sensitive af.
□ Leo : I had like a small crush on him bc he was so funny and I would laugh my ass out everytime I'd see him lol but I don't think he liked me back, he was just a funny guy hahaha also, we had great convos.
■ Virgo : it took me some time to like him mostly bc he tried way too hard to be liked, he just seemed very well put together it was almost hard for me to believe that he was real. He was huge on compliments and gifts and also seemed very committed since day one. He'd enjoy spending time together and would talk to me always, no matter what he was doing which for me was a lil too intense but i started liking that after a while. He was very into making things work as well so when times got rough, he was still holding on to us so that kinda helped me believe in relationships and i guess the amount of effort you can put into something you really want. He left once he had tried everything to stay so I admire him for that.
□ Libra: I liked him right away but not as much to make a move you know. He seemed very mysterious which is weird bc libras are so open. He would stare at me from afar until one day he straight up talked to me. He was a hopeless romantic for sureeee. He never told me that he liked me directly, but he would always mention how I was his type lol and that he really liked my voice, he was older than me though. One day he gave me a flower he made out of a napkin. Then he got a girlfriend and cutted me out from all of his social media so now I don't know what the fck happened lol
■ Scorpio : now, I didn't have a crush on him, but he had a crush on me and would write me love letters. We were really young back in the day, so I get that but yea. That lasted probably like a year, I don't know anything about him anymore.
□ Sagittarius : I really liked his voice. We talked only for like two days but he was very smart. It was interesting talking to him. We're still friends.
■ Capricorn : oh no. I've had the biggest crush on him for years now. Idk what it is about him but ;( The thing is I don't really know him, I've never talked to him, so I can only imagine. I'm sure he has no idea that I like him but back when we were able to see each other in school, I'd stare at him purposely so that he would notice lol creepy I know but I'm sure he noticed two times. He would look at me sometimes. But you know that very sweet look ? Yea, he looked at me like that so idk. And when I got the courage to dm him (after couple of months), I found out that now he had a gf so... whatever I guess. If it's meant to be, it'll be.
□ Aquarius : toxic. I honestly rather stay away from him now but I used to really like him back in the day, we were really good friends. He was also very sweet and kind. And would do unexpected things that caught me by surprise. Such as showing up at my job place just to say hi loo He confessed his "love" right away and wanted to rush into things, next thing I know he's looking through my texts and is telling me to not have any friends wtf. That was a real turn off for me so cutted him off.
■ Pisces : he really lived in his own world. He was very insecure as well. Would always tell me that I deserved better which is sad. And although he had really bad memory, he remember my birthday. Very sweet deep-down, not the most funny guy but he would be laughing all the time. I did have to be careful with my words bc he was prone to getting the wrong intention. His kisses were very sweet, so much love into them. He brought me flowers on our first date. He was very open about his feelings even though he wouldn't treat me any differently.
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moon-kissed-witch · 2 years
The signs as fucked up and abusive things my in laws do because I'm angry and extremely emotional. TW: ABUSE IN VARIOUS FORMS, MENTIONS OF RAPE, STALKING, AND ATTEMPTED MURDER. DO NOT PROCEED IF THIS WILL TRIGGER YOU.
(none of this is meant to imply that the signs themselves do this. I make astrology posts for fun and this is a vent one)
Aries: Nearly beat a toddler to the point of broken bones. This was only ever intervened twice, specifically to ensure that there weren't broken bones because if there were he'd need medical attention and would have to be evaluated privately by cps.
Taurus: Didn't let one of their children get diagnosed with an illness they admit to knowing he has because it would be "an excuse."
Gemini: Recorded not only me but others having complete reactive abuse breakdowns to use as blackmail.
Cancer: Deliberately causes scenes in public by crying so that you look like an asshole if you don't give her what she wants.
Leo: Took one of their children out of therapy because the therapist was actually trying to help him and realized how severely abused he was being.
Virgo: Pretend to be holy when they're just blatantly bad people. Direct quote here, "I've tried so hard to see what the lord sees in you, but I can't."
Libra: Tried to bring my rapist, abuser, and attempted murderer back into my life to "get his side of the story." My mother threatened legal action against them over this.
Scorpio: Threatened to "cut off" the genitals of one of their children if they had premarital sex. Said child was ten at this time.
Sagittarius: Moved their son across the country specifically to socially isolate him, make him dependent on them, and feel incompetent as an adult.
Capricorn: Bullied their own child for his clothes but refused to actually buy him new ones, knowing damn well he was a teenager and couldn't just go get new ones all the time. He lived in hand me downs. His siblings everything they wanted, including rodeo pageant outfits.
Aquarius: Gaslighting daily about the most ridiculous things and then calling you the gaslighter. Also they raised a horse girl. That's not "abusive" but maybe don't let this girl have horses that she literally trained to hurt anyone but her entirely unprovoked.
Pisces: Love bombing and doing favors just so that you owe them something. Also, emotional manipulation to the extreme.
Ophiuchus because fuck you I'm adding more: Killed animals they didn't like and bought their child a rabbit they knew she wouldn't take care of, said she wanted it but never expressed any interest in this creature she asked for, and then didn't care when she killed it. They made her brother bury it.
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draculcid · 3 years
that friends episode where ross and rachel get out of a ticket because rachel flirts with the police officer (“officer handsome”) but instead of ross and rachel it’s steve and billy, respectively
Steve whined, “I told you to slow down! We’re gonna get a ticket.”
“God. Chill out. I can handle this,” Billy sighed, pulling over. He unbuttoned a few more buttons of his already unbuttoned shirt, revealing more of his chest.
Steve looked at Billy like he was being crazy, “Billy. You’re kidding, right?”
The officer sauntered towards them, eyeing Billy’s car and then leaning by the window.
“Hi, officer,” Billy said, leaning out of the window. He put on his alluring voice, “was I going a little too fast?”
Steve rolled his eyes, and quietly muttered, “Oh my god.” They were definitely going to go to jail or something. So much for doing something lowkey and romantic.
“Can I see your license, please?” The officer asked urgently. Shit. Billy was supposed to renew it, wasn’t he? Steve was so close to strangling Billy right now.
“Oh, yes, absolutely,” Billy grinned, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket, “You know, it's weird, but I had a dream last night that I was stopped by a policeman. And then he...” Billy trailed on, “Well, I probably shouldn't tell you the rest, right?”
Steve tried really hard not to scream WHAT THE FUCK?
“Your license?”
“Yes, here you go,” Billy ran his tongue over his lips, suggestively, handing the officer his license and letting his hand linger for a little, “Officer, uh, Handsome?”
Okay. He was successfully working the officer over now and Steve hated it. It was like Billy had some flirting superpower. Steve wondered if Billy ever used it on him...probably.
The officer smirked, “It's Hanson.”
Billy brushed a curl out of his face and pouted, “Oops, I'm sorry, my mistake.”
“Dear lord, Bill!” Steve whispered angrily. Billy looked over at Steve and raised his eyebrows teasingly.
“Wow.” The officer said after a second, “This is a great picture.”
“Oh, really? You think so?” Billy leaned out of the window further. Steve was surprised he didn't fall out of the car yet, “You know, I had just rolled right outta bed.”
“Yeah, you look phenomenal.”
Steve pushed Billy back with his hand and said, “Yeah, no. He used a whole bottle of hairspray that morning!” The officer looked surprised to see Steve in the car. He furrowed his brows like he did not notice him earlier.
Billy rolled his eyes at Steve and quickly switched the course of conversation, “You know, you're-- you're probably, um, probably wonderin' about the old date on that. I’m renewing it tomorrow.”
“Yes, I am. You're an Aries, huh?”
“I bet you're a Gemini,” Billy gazed at the officer. It was one of his signature piercing stares. Steve was about to go feral in the passenger seat.
The officer shook his head, “Nope.”
Why was Billy pretending like he knew shit about astrology?
“Sagittarius?” Billy guessed, tilting his chin down.
Billy smiled. Okay, Steve was getting a little jealous. “Oh! I knew it! I knew it!”
"I'll tell you what,” The officer started.
“Yeah?” Billy batted his eyelashes at the guy in front of him.
“You're not gonna speed anymore, right?”
Billy nodded like a good-church-boy, “I won't speed.”
“And you promise you get this taken care of right away?” The officer pointed to the expired license.
“I promise.”
The officer wrote something on a little slip of paper and continued, “And in the meantime, you'd better let your friend drive. Does he have a license?”
Steve wanted to say ‘I’m not his friend, you idiot. I am his boyfriend, who he LOVES very much,’ but he decided that it won’t be the best idea.
“Yeah. He has a license.”
The officer nodded towards Steve, “Can he handle a stick?” he asked Billy. Like Steve was some little kid who couldn’t answer questions himself.
Billy poked his tongue out, teasingly “Uh, well...”
“I can handle a stick!” Steve said, way too enthusiastic. The officer handed Billy the slip of paper with a wink and walked away.
Steve took Billy’s place in the driver’s seat, scowling, “he just gave you his phone number!”
“Yeah. And you almost ruined my plan,” Billy groaned, “I got us out of it though.”
Steve started driving but he was still sulky. Billy rested his hand on Steve’s thigh, “Stevie Boy, are you jealous?”
“Of course I am! You were looking at him all nice.”
“Like this?” Billy said. Steve’s gaze met Billy’s and for a brief moment, his brain short-circuited. Now, Billy was looking at Steve all nice. Blue eyes darkening, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.
“Jesus, man. I’m driving!”
“Sorry, baby. Not my fault I’m irresistible.”
Steve drove around for a while until he heard the siren sound again.
He groaned, "What? What does he want? I swear I wasn't doing anything.”
Billy smirked, “Well, maybe he saw your hands slip briefly from the 10 and 2 o'clock position.”
“Maybe it's, uh, Sergeant Sagittarius coming back to flirt with MY boyfriend some more,” Steve grimaced.
“It's Hopper,” Billy pointed out when Steve pulled over.
Hopper walked towards the car.
"Good evening, Hop,” Steve said like the respectful little man he is.
Hopper cut to the chase, “Do you know how fast you were traveling back there?”
Steve shrugged, “Uh, not really, sir, I don't, but it- it could not have been more than 60.”
“You're right, it was 37.”
Billy started laughing his classic hyena laugh but quickly stopped when he saw how Steve was glaring at him.
“I mean, you're not gonna give me a ticket for driving too slow, are you?”
“That's right.”
Steve decided to do what Billy did, “You know, officer. I had the weirdest dream last night.”
"Oh my god. Steve,” Billy hid his face in his hands, “Not with Hopper.”
"License, please,” Hopper said impatiently.
“What, you don't- you don't wanna hear about my dream?” Steve stuttered.
Hopper shook his head in disappointment, “I'll be right back with your ticket, Harrington.”
Steve and Billy sat there in silence.
“You’re like- his son,” Billy mentioned. He had a crazy look on his stupid face.
Steve looked at Billy with wide eyes, ashamed, “I know- I-I know.”
Billy laughed his hyena laugh again, earning a punch to the chest.
“I hate you.”
ask me
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agust-june · 5 years
Descendants of the Stars and Gods
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Aside from the Mortal realm, there was Mount Olympus and the Celestial spirit realm or the forbidden realm as uncle Zeus says. He hates the celestial spirits, but honestly, I feel sorry for them. Being trapped for all eternity nowhere to go. Sometimes I wonder what the celestial realm looks like aside from their constellations in the sky.
They weren't always trapped and they weren't always hated by uncle Zeus no, they were made by him and the other gods. Mortals loved them too, I guess to look at during the night before Apollo would bring the morning sun with Helios and Esos following him. It was what the constellations did to the gods that had driven the hatred to Zeus. It started with the zodiac constellations.
Ophiuchus the serpent bearer poisoned the mind of Aries the ram, saying that should be alongside the gods instead of being in the sky. Aries didn't agree at first but Leo did, soon Aries joined in. Gemini soon went to Zuse and told him this news. Of course, he wasn't happy. So he went to punish Ophiuchus, Leo, and Aries for their thinking. Ophiuchus still wanted to take on his plan uprising the gods, Zuse furious more than ever went to execute Ophiuchus. Cancer being the protective one stepped in and was hit with one of Zeus's spear then which shattered the crab's shell. Everyone was saddened for cancer was killed.
Zeus didn't care for he tried to kill Ophiuchus again. But this time Scorpio got up and tried to kill Zuse himself. This is what started the war, Aquarius brought Cancer back soon everyone was ready to fight Zuse. Of course, Zeus the brought in Athena, Aries, and the others to fight. However, there was a Zodiac sign missing which was Gemini, Zeus was using them and the clever twins didn't realize it. Capricorn was the one to help them see, the twins didn't like being used not at all and so they decided to play Zeus's game. Gemini knew Zeus's plan, to release Pandora's box of evil upon the Constellations before Zeus could do it the sneaky twins took the box and unleashed them. Seven figures were released Wrath, Envy, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, and Pride. Aries rounded them all and Gemini and Ophiuchus communicated with them soon the Seven agreed to form an alliance with them.
However, that wasn't enough to take down the gods. So they lost the war, Zeus created a separate realm for the Stellar spirits and their descendants. The seven deadly sins were sent to the abyss to be punished along with their descendants as well.
That's why uncle Zeus hates them he feels hatred for when his creation rebels against him. Now I'm going to be going to school with the descendants of the celestial spirits and the Seven Sin descendants. Athena decided to create a program for seven of the descendants and the Zodiac constellations to be at Mountain Olympus Academy. At first, Zeus wouldn't allow it but Athena argued saying that he shouldn't be mad at the descendants of those who betrayed after all they had no say in the matter. I was a baby when the war happened my mother kept me at home while father fought in the war.
Why my parents are letting me go to this school? Well, my father didn't want me to go there because I'd be disrespecting uncle, Zeus. My mom said it would be nice for me to get out and give others a chance so I wouldn't be lonely like dad.
However, I wasn't alone, I see Uncle Zeus and aunt Hera's kid Jackson all the time. I also hang out with Athena's kid Jinyoung and Apollo's kid Youngjae. Who're my parents? Welk that's easy Persephone and Hades.
"Honey come on you know uncle Zeus hates waiting" mother called I got up and grabbed the things I wanted to bring. I then go to my dad's chariot, my mom and dad were in already, I get in the back and close the door. Soon were riding out of the underworld and head out to Mount Olympus.
"Ah, Hades Persephone and Jaebum! Come we finally have been waiting for you" my uncle cheered when he saw us. I say my hellos to my family and then I go to Jackson and Jinyoung.
"Wheres Youngjae?" I ask "he with his dad he has to do day shift with him so he'll be late" Jinyoung answered.
"Hey, Jaebum is your parents making you go to that school with the celestial descendants?" Jackson asked
"Yeah, you?"
"Yep my dad didn't want me to go but mom says I have to then they got into a fight and my mom won"
"Wow I wouldn't expect your dad to agree on letting you go, he hates the Stellar spirits"
"I met them they aren't bad as they seem but among the Aries, they hate us the most," Jinyoung said
"My dad tells me to stay away from the twins he said they were two-faced" Jackson stated
"He's not wrong I don't trust the Gemini descendants," Jinyoung said
"Hi guys"
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"Youngjae-ah!" Jackson yelled and hugged Youngjae. "Are you going to school with us?" Jinyoung asked
"Yeah my aunt is making me go," Youngjae explained
"At least we're all together," Jackson said happily "I'd rather be in the pits of Tartarus bringing a boulder up a hill then spend another semester with you Jackson"
"Yeah I can't get in any more trouble Jackson-ah" Youngjae agreed
"Why you guys don't love me"
"Because that's gay Jackson"
"No, it's not, I love you and you love me I see nothing wrong with that" Jackson said
"What type of barney bullshit is that?" Jinyoung said
"Sorry mom" Jinyoung apologized
"Why must we argue about our love for each other?" Youngjae asked.
"Because I don't love Jackson"
"You love me and Jaebum right?"
"I guess so"
"Then it's settled you love Jackson too, why else would you hang out with us if you didn't love Jackson-ah" Youngjae reasoned
"Aww thanks, Youngjae-ah"
"Now give me money," Youngjae said
"Wait for what? Why!" Jackson asked
"I can't just defend your honor for free, I need money to buy a new game. Now, pay up!" Youngjae explained as Jackson gave him a five dollar bill.
"A little more, I know you have some" Jinyoung was dying of laughter at this as Jackson gave him more money.
"JINYOUNG HYUNG!" we all looked over at the screeching voice they were two tall boys one with black and one with silver-white hair. Jinyoung looked absolutely repulsed at the two boys.
"Jinyoung you know them?" I ask
"Sadly yes, they're our cousins"
"Hello, Jinyoung and family!" One said
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"Hello. My name is Yugyeom" the black haired boy greeted bowing slightly.
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"Im BamBam, it's not my actual name, but Bambam is what I go by"
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"Why are you both here? Don't tell me you both got in trouble with mortals again" Jinyoung asked
"Oh no we just wanted to see our beloved hyung, after all, we're going to school together!" Yugyeom cheered
"Yup even Mark is coming"
"Mark?" Youngjae asked
"Mark is coming!" Jackson squealed in excitement Mark was our older cousin he is the son of Poseidon at a young age his dad taught Mark how to use trident so that he could learn how to control the sea. Out of all of us, Jackson was the closest to Mark, Mark was the quietest out of all of us, he didn't really talk to anyone but Jackson.
"Honestly I want to see if any of those decedents are cute if so I'm calling dibs," BamBam said as I realized I met BamBam and Yugyeom before. Yugyeom is the son of Dionysus. Last year Yugyeom had this big crazy party and he invited me, however, I barely remember because I was drunk. BamBam I met in school once he was the loudest person in the library. He was the son of Aphrodite.
"Hold on who said you get to choose first?" Jackson said bringing my attention back to him and BamBam.
"I did after all ladies love me"
"Haha that's a good joke cause last time I checked they love me more" Jackson said
"Stop fighting over people you haven't met! Jackson your an idiot and BamBam your an even bigger idiot" Jinyoung yelled as he scolded the two. I wonder out of Jackson and BamBam gets the most girls. I mean Jackson is really good with women if he was serious about a girl (which had only been three in his lifetime) he would treat them like a goddess. If he wasn't serious then boy he could date three girls at one time. The only way for him to mess up is when he gets caught. When he gets caught he's a complete dumb ass. Like the things he does and how he gets himself caught is stupid.
"Also I already have who I want so I got first dibs" Jinyoung claimed as Jackson whined and BamBam, Youngjae, Yugyeom and I laughed honestly I didn't think Jinyoung would be looking for a girl especially one of the descendants of the celestial realm.
"Wow hyung I didn't know you like girls" BamBam joked
"Haha good joke it won't be one when I punch you" Jinyoung threatened
"Once I think about it I've never seen you actually date a girl," Youngjae said  I've seen Jinyoung fall in love he fell in love with a girl in our class named Tzuyu daughter of Urania, the Muse of astronomy. The thing was that she liked Jackson and Jackson being himself and not realizing Jinyoung's feelings and went out with Tzuyu. Jinyoung has hurt it took him a few months to get over her, but he couldn't get mad at Jackson because it wasn't his fault.
"Jaebum!" I turn at my mother's voice
"come on we're going home"
"Bye Hyung!" Jackson and Youngjae said
"See you later"
"Bye" I wave then walk to my parents.
A week later
Today was the day I moved into the dorms. My mother was going to miss me and my father denied that he'd miss me. Even though I and my mother know he was going to miss me.
"Ah, Jaebum it's about time you got here! The descendants are coming" Jinyoung said helping me and my parents with my stuff. "Jinyoung how are you?" My mother asks
"I'm doing fine, my mother is stressing me though, she wants me to play nice with the descendants" Jinyoung explained
"And you boys should be nice I don't want to hear from anyone that you're being a bully do you hear me Jaebum?"
"Yes mom, but why me? Why not give Jackson this talk?" I ask
"Because Jackson isn't my kid"
"Your mother's right, that's between your uncle and aunt and I don't want to be in the middle" father said
"JINYOUNG JAEBUM HIIIIIIII" a loud voice boomed from down the hall we all turn our heads to see none other than Jackson. "Speak of the devil" Jinyoung mumbled
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"Hi, Jackson-ah" I greeted with a smile "I'm so glad I found you guys. Jinyoung your mother stuck me into a dorm room with a Mark and a descendant of  Libra" Jackson said happily. Jackson always made new friends easily I mean it wasn't hard for him after all he is his father's son.
"I good I'm glad you made new friends" my mother smiles as she and my father finish getting my room together. My mother waves her hand and sets a photo me, her, and dad on the dresser.  
"Are you done, honey?" My dad complains
"Oh shush Hades! Say goodbye to our only son!" I smiled as my mother sassed my father. As she came over and hugged me, "I'll miss you be good and make friends" she said as my dad came over to me and gave me a hug. "Please come and visit or at least call so your mother won't annoy me" he whispered in my ear and I nodded. Dad and I know if mom doesn't hear from me over time shell complain to father about how I don't call her or even answer her calls. My mom says goodbye as my dad drags her out of my dorm room.
Later I go with Jinyoung, Jackson, and Youngjae to Yugyeom's party. When we get there everyone just disburses Jackson went to get drinks Youngjae goes over to Mark who is also here. Me and Jinyoung just sit down. After a while Jinyoung gets a call from his mother, so he left.
"Jaebum Hyung your here!" I look over and see a surprisingly sober Yugyeom.
"That's odd your not drunk"
"That's because we have school tomorrow I'm not that irresponsible hyung"
"This is a nice party Yugyeom," I say and he nods.
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"I am my father's son after all," he says as the music stops and the lights shut on. We look at the door and see unfamiliar people walk inside.
"Peak a boo! What are you staring at its a party isn't it? Turn on the music and act normal"
"Seulgi be nice!" The lights were still on people started chatting. "Who are they Yugyeom?" I ask "Oh those are the new celestial descendants I invited them" Yugyeom explains as he stands up and gets a chair to stand on.
"Hey, guys these are my guests please treat them with much respect and keep the party going," Yugyeom shouts and he gets off the chair. As the music turns on and lights shut back off. Yugyeom leaves and I just look around the room to find Mark and Youngjae. When I find them on the other side I get up and walk to them I also took notice to see a drunk Jackson with them. "JAEBUM AH THIS IS THE BEST PARTY EVER" Jackson slurs "hi Jaebum" Mark greets as he grabs onto Jackson so he won't move away.
"Hyung I'm leaving with Mark and Jackson," Youngjae says
"Leaving? But we have only been an hour here" I say "yeah and it took an hour for Jackson to get wasted" Mark says "I'm NOte drunk, I just had A WONDerFUL drink of wine" Jackson pouts like a child I roll my eyes at him it's not a surprise tho I warn Jackson not to drink too much wine but he never listens. "Go home and please take care of him"
"You know I always take care of Jackson," Mark says as he, drunk Jackson leave the party. I then turn around only to collide into someone else.
"Oh, my stars! I'm sorry!" a girl's voice rang through my ear as my shirt got wet. I look at her, she has dark skin, big nose, and big lips and straight hair judging but her eyes they must be a dark color.
"It's alright-"
"No, it's not I ruined your shirt"
"It'll dry," I say
"Hey Gem were leaving!" A voice calls out to her and she turns to look at this girl with long dark hair. "I'm sorry I have to go ill see you around I hope bye," she says turning away and scurried off to her friend. As I watch he leave there's only one thing that comes to mind. And that was she was cute.
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venusrulerblog · 6 years
Turtles All The Way Down Quotes for The Signs
Aries: “You're both the fire and the water that extinguishes it. You're the narrator, the protagonist, and the sidekick. You're the storyteller and the story told. You are somebody's something, but you are also your you.”
Taurus: “It’s a weird phrase in English, in love, like it’s a sea you drown in or a town you live in. You don’t get to be in anything else—in friendship or in anger or in hope. All you can be in is love.”
Gemini: “People always talk like there's a bright line between imagination and memory, but there isn't, at least not for me. I remember what I've imagined and imagine what I remember.”
Cancer: “And I knew I would remember that feeling, underneath the split-up sky, back before the machinery of fate ground us into one thing or another, back when we could still be everything.”
Leo: “Sometimes you happen to run across a brilliant run of radio songs, where each tie one station goes to commercial, you scan to another that has just started to play a song you love but had almost forgotten about, a song you never would've picked but turns out to be perfect for shouting along to.”
Virgo: “You are as real as anyone, and your doubts make you more real, not less.”
Libra: “But what I want to know is, is there a you independent of circumstances? Is there a way-down-deep me who is an actual, real person, the same person if she has money or not, the same if she goes to this school or that school? Or am I only a set of circumstances?"
Scorpio: “You remember your first love because they show you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how and you become a person and why.”
Sagittarius: “Most adults are just hollowed out. You watch them try to fill themselves up with booze or money or God or fame or whatever they worship, and it all rots them from the inside until nothing is left but the money or the booze or God they though would save them. Adults think they are wielding power, but really power is wielding them.”
Capricorn: “No, it's not, Holmesy. You pick your endings, and your beginnings. You get to pick the frame, you know? Maybe you don't choose what's in the picture, but you decide the frame.”
Aquarius: “And we're such language-based creatures that to some extent we cannot know what we cannot name. And so we assume it isn't real. We refer to it with catch-all terms, like crazy or chronic pain, terms that both ostracise and minimise. The term chronic pain captures nothing of the grinding, constant, ceaseless, inescapable hurt. And the term crazy arrives at us with none of the terror and worry you live with.”
Pisces: “We never really talked much or even looked at each other, but it didn't matter because we were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe even more intimate than eye contact anyway. I mean, anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see.”
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aesethewitch · 3 years
Hi! May I have a reading? If you're not doing those now, feel free to ignore! I just want to know if C (he/him) is the one. I remember that when I first met him I didn't care about him, it was another guy that had my attention, I just ignored him (not willingly of course). But as time progressed, my feelings for him slowly increased. As of now, I feel like he might be THE ONE, but I'm still not sure because there are so many things standing in our way. And if he's not, why do I feel this way? I'm J (she/her), aquarius sun, gemini moon, aries rising, if that helps? Thank you so much!
Hello there! This is a tough situation to be sure - one I’m unfortunately personally fairly familiar with, so I understand your need for some guidance. I hope I can provide it.
For you, I drew the Ace of Wands, the Seven of Pentacles (inverted), and the Devil.
Now, I know that Devil card is startling. I know I was shocked; the cards fell out together: Ace of wands covering the Seven of Pentacles, both face-up, with the Devil face-down nearby, just touching the other cards. I’ll get to it, but please read this entire reading carefully.
Is C “the one?” Well, I don’t know about being “meant for each other” (or if that’s even a thing that happens - I have my personal doubts), but I will say that you and C do have a powerful connection. There’s a lot of flirting and sensuality and potential here. It started as just shallow chatter, but has deepened over time, as you’ve mentioned. This could be the beginning of a very meaningful relationship for you both, even one to last a lifetime.
Conversely, the situation you’re in has left you wanting. The Seven of Pentacles is speaking of a venture that just hasn’t rewarded you the way you’d hoped. You’re frustrated, maybe even a little angry if you let yourself admit it. You’ve said yourself that there are “a lot of things standing in the way,” but have you considered why those things are in the way? What’s their purpose? Who placed these obstacles there?
And, of course, we have the Devil. This isn’t an inherently evil card, despite the imagery, though it does have negative connotations. In this spread, it speaks of superficial reasoning and dependency. It seems to me that you feel this way for C because he has something that your previous (or current) partner doesn’t, or that you don’t. It’s something you crave because you’re lacking it. You’re drawing a hard line of comparison, holding C and someone else on a set of scales that are weighed in C’s favor.
Look at C objectively. He’s human, and therefore has virtues and flaws. If you didn’t have the perspective and experiences you’ve had, would you still find those things so attractive? Are you using your attraction to C to deflect from your own perceived inner failings or pain, or to fill a space left by someone important to you who neglacted your needs? Are you ignoring his flaws to amplify this feeling of belonging and love?
You should be wary of entering a relationship with C if you’re mostly looking to fulfull a need that’s gone neglected for too long. Let go of the worry that you’re a bad person, and realize that it’s perfectly human to seek comfort and to fulfill your needs. However, if “true love” is your goal, it takes more than that - it takes work, including work on yourself. Love and relationships are not fitting cures for it.
Perhaps this isn’t exactly what you were looking for. Perhaps you already knew all of this and just needed someone else to say it for you. Either way, I hope the answers to the questions I’ve asked come smoothly, if not easily.
With strength and blessings from someone who’s been there, - Aese -
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