#i kinda wanna ask him was his intentions were with that because i'm curious
agrebel18 · 3 months
some guy winked at me during one of my classes yesterday and now i'm studying him like a scientist studies cells under a microscope
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amazingmsme · 6 months
Showing the Ropes
AN: Still trying to catch up😭 I’m just like that bitch with his rock fr. Finish one fic post it, start the next one & it’s already the next day. Post THAT fic & you’re still the same amount behind because that’s how the passage of time works. Through gritted teeth: I love being a writer. In all honesty tho, I love tickletober it’s just a very shit time in my life & this is how I cope. This fic came out way better than I expected, just cause I’m not real big on writing for Mike. Idk what it is about him, but I always feel iffy about his characterization. But this is just a really cute & silly moment between him, El & Nancy.
Mike didn't even know how long they'd been going at it, but he knew one thing for sure: he was going to die. They were going to kill him right then and there.
Nancy was walking through the living room while they were watching a movie and she noticed the way El poked and scribbled lazily at his sides and tummy, eliciting the occasional choked off giggle.
"I can give you some pointers if you want," she had offered out of the blue, catching the both of them extremely off guard. Mike was rightfully mortified while El cocked her head like a curious puppy.
"Pointers?" she questioned, unsure what the older teen could mean. Nancy rolled her eyes fondly and made her way to the couch.
"No, go away! Don't you have a paper to write?" he snarked. El elbowed him in the ribs.
"Mike, don't be rude," she softly scolded. Nancy smirked.
"He's just cranky 'cause he knows what's coming," she teased. Mike glared at her, long and hard. They stared at each other, locked in a stalemate. In the end, it was Mike who broke it off, trying to make a run for it. She easily caught him by the back of his shirt, yanking him back, "God, you're so predictable."
"Nancy, let go! I'm serious!"
"That's the problem, isn't it? He's always so serious," she joked, shooting a wink towards El as she wrestled her brother back on the couch. She managed to pin him underneath her, Mike's constant struggling making it a little difficult for her. He wasn't as small as he used to be, now he was all gangly limbs and much taller.
"Wanna help?" Nancy asked, and El's face lit up.
"I'd love to!"
"Nohoho El don't! She's evil!" he protested, a few nervous giggles slipping past his lips.
"She's nice to me," she reasoned as she helped hold Mike's arms above his head. Nancy gave her a thumbs up before turning "serious."
"Any time you need to keep him in check, just do this," she said matter of factly. El nodded, listening intently. Mike shook his head, knowing where she was going with this.
"Nancy, don't! Whatever it is I did I'm sorry!" he cried, sure she was doing this as some kind of revenge for something he must've done. That's how it usually went, anyway. Nancy laughed in amusement.
"See? We haven't even touched him and he's already begging," she teased and El giggled along, making him blush. "But you didn't do anything- this time. Just thought El could use a leg up in your tickle fights." The comment caused a faint dusting of pink to grace El's cheeks as well.
"She does fine! Don't you El?" he asked, hoping for his girlfriend to be on his side. She just smiled at him and shrugged.
"I kinda wanna see where she's going with this. And just like that, his fate was sealed.
Nancy rolled up his shirt, anticipatory giggled building up in his chest. She made a show of drawing in a deep breath before bending down to blow a raspberry on his bare belly. Mike was immediately launched into a bout of hysterics. Unable to protect himself, he chose instead to hide his face behind his outstretched arm.
Nancy blew a few more raspberries, shaking her head and growling playfully. Mike screeched, head tossed back as loud, carefree laughter burst free from his throat. He tried to plead for mercy, but every attempt at speech was lost to an incoherent giggling babble.
Nancy pulled away to give him a breather, though it didn't last nearly as long as Mike had hoped.
"Your turn!" Nancy's chipper voice sent a strong sense of dread through his entire body. El's grin overtook her features as she swapped places with Nancy. Her eyes were alight with mischief, scanning her prey carefully.
"So I take a deep breath and just... blow?" El asked. Nancy nodded in encouragement.
"Yeah, but you need to do it directly on the skin. Like this," Nancy demonstrated again, scooping her little brother in her arms unexpectedly and blew a raspberry on his neck, making him scream much too close to her ears, but that was her own doing.
El giggled, taking the advice to heart and putting it to good use.
Mike wasn't sure how he was still alive, in all honesty.
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marisexmas · 22 days
I'm curious, is there any other things in MOTHER 2 with Porky that got poorly translated or removed in the English version? I did notice a lot of Japanese fans tend to be more sympathetic toward him, so that made me wonder if his character is more clear in the original version
I guess I had a lot more to say about this than I thought because Holy Crap it got pretty long. but it's interesting too, so it was worth it. I'll just readmore it for the length though:
The only other Definite example I can think of off the top of my head is the scene after beating carpainter, where porky asks ness to be friends again before pulling the whole "haha I lied, sucker!" thing and running away. He still does the "I lied" in JP, but the way his dialogue before that is worded in EN implies that he actually was lying/being insincere the whole time, while JP portrays it more like a lame attempt to save face/act less affected than he is by ness's "rejection" of him
I don't remember any other Specific Isolated Scenes, but even his dialogue in general (at least for his early-game self, from what I've seen in my not-very far JP playthrough) seems worded more... "neutrally", for lack of a better term. while the EN version, in comparison, seems to go out of its way to use wording that subtly but effectively makes him sound more unpleasant and/or antagonistic. the best (and my favorite) example I can think of is this one here:
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this line in EN was "Ok, good buddy! Now let's blow this popsicle stand...", but here in JP it's "All righty, my friend! Let's Go!" (he literally says the second part in english, like 'Let's de Go da ze!'. and it's so adorable. JP porky occasionally uses gratuitous english like that which also mostly gets lost in translation ;v; a shame, cause I think it's a cute little detail. but I digress)
even though they essentially mean the same thing, you can kinda see the difference in tone between them based on the wording, right? and to a lesser degree the punctuation:
EN porky goes back to sounding rude/pushy right after the "good buddy" part, which makes him sound more insincere about it. it makes him sound like he doesn't actually value ness's company, and is only using words like "bestest friend" and "good buddy" to strong-arm ness into helping him for his own convenience.
then there's JP porky... he's still getting ness involved for self-serving reasons, but he also sounds happier/more excited about it, like he's genuinely stoked just to have ness along with him on this little "adventure" of theirs. it makes him sound like he Does enjoy ness's company to some degree, and it makes the idea that they were genuinely close friends at some point a Much More Believable one.
I wanna clarify though that I highly doubt these differences were intentional, at least not entirely... I think they're more just a natural result of english/japanese language differences (things like politeness/respect levels being much more hard-coded into JP than they are in EN). but also, the bar for what qualifies a person as "selfish" and "unpleasant" or a kid as "badly-behaved" is generally much lower in japan than it is in the west, so it might be the localizers trying to make porky's negative traits more "obvious" to western players? that's just a guess from me, though
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normalsnails · 17 days
Oooh Third High Rise World 👀👀 What is the big tower this time? We've got a railgun, we've got a space elevator.. *rubs hands evilly* I want to know everything >:D
Also I'm curious about your OCs! Are they participants, candidates, angels? *^*
Hii!! Thanks for asking :33 apologies that this took long I’ve been running errands!
So first, its a broadcasting tower! Its function is what it sounds like haha, it relies on a phone (and the ability, just like the railgun) for it to broadcast you the God’s code in a video form, kinda like a tv channel, which is why there are no tvs in that world! It’s a God mechanism similar to the og one, created by the creator of all of the realms to make a god out of people who were just like the “perfect” candidates, such as : Kuon, Juo, Aikawa (some may be family, but I’ll get into that later). So basically people who were closest to God / had great potential of becoming God!
The creator selected the people who were just like / related to the “perfect candidates” and threw in an extra 100+ (a lot, i know) people to give the people chances, give them opponents ect.
Now!! My ocs which i love aaaa my little babies have time to shineee
So first, Hidehisa Suzuki!!
•as you might have gathered, she’s Juo’s younger sister, shes the most similar to Juo in the sense of bloodlust (kinda), same principles (bad guys always win). So basically a lot of his qualities, not because it’s natural and in their genetics, its that Juo was a TERRIBLE influence on her growing up, aswell as their parents ect. So shes very dragged-up.
•Giving her a masculine name was intentional! Her parents probably thought it’d be “quirky” to give their kids such awful names.
•She isn’t a bully in the way her brother is, shes more of a “mean to everyone” type. Always gets into fights, causes trouble, makes fun of everyone sorta thing. She doesn’t have targets like Juo did.
•She wears her hair in all different hairstyles, one day its low pigtails, another its down, a braid ect.
•she has white eyes like her bro but they’re not as sharp as his, they’re quite big and round. (Still soulless-looking) and her hair is the same black with a hint of purple.
•she is currently a participant, but she’s probs gonna find a mouthless mask sometime soon (She probably will break it though, shes mentally weaker than Juo)
•she’s 15!
Thats about it on her!!
“I just wanna feel alive” so her. Thats just her.
Myra Aikawa!
•she isnt Mamoru’s daughter, she’s his niece! Shes similar to him on how she has a particular worldview (not an extreme darwinist like Mamoru, but similar), very collected, very strategic, polite, ambitious ect.
•when i wrote my Mamoru hcs ages ago, i mentioned he had a stepbrother, thats his stepbrother’s daughter!
• She wasnt influenced into thinking this way, she kind of just came to a sort of “the weak die, the strong live. Thats just natural selection.” Conclusion (shes very scholarly, reads alot of philosophy books)
•Student council president, takes her role far too seriously.
•Quite snobby and pretentious but doesnt realise, her father married a successful businesswoman who is the main breadwinner of the house.
•She is now a god candidate after randomly coming across a mouthless mask (we can all tell what her goals are now, yikessss)
•Her god candidate powers include :
Self strengthening ability (isnt that great)
Consciousness interference (can go into an awake person’s brain, it has drawbacks though as it exhausts her)
Ability to control Angels (only 1 currently!!)
•She is half Thai half Japanese (Thai on her mother’s side), she speaks both languages!
•she has light blonde hair (it almost looks white) and light brown eyes!
•she wears a half up half down ponytail with a black bow!
•she’s 16!
And last, Takeshi Akesofu
•He is the only one that isnt related to the “perfect candidates” legally or genetically, he is instead like Kuon in other ways. He is the son of a CEO (of a rival company to Shinzaki’s) and a retired actress, but he is not the heir to the company like kuon, instead his elder brother is the heir. He was raised to be superior to others, to carry himself properly because of the prestige of his family. He’s different to Kuon, but theres a reason they’re somewhat related (They may or may not be in a forced marriage / engagement, but thats just a rumour thats been circling around the internet (on earth in their universe))
•He pretends that he’s all serious and proper to please his family but in private he’s rude and informal. He often brags about what he gets from his parents to his (equally rich) friends. Just your classic spoiled rich kid but hides it.
•wears sunglasses almost all the time, says it makes him look hot but he just looks tacky.
•has quite a sheltered life because of the fame, but not as sheltered as kuon’s. For example, he can go out but only if he has bodyguards / people with him.
•is a God candidate! Same as Myra he came across one by accident. His abilities include :
Ability to control Angels (3 Angels at the moment)
Ability to observe an Angel’s strength
Self-transferring (undiscovered by him but it turns out to be weak and will make him confused and dizzy)
•he has dark brown hair and dark green eyes!
•very present on social media, has millions of followers. (Which boosts his already high ego)
•he’s 18!
Thats it for my ocs!! If you wanna know more about them or a character in specific then just tell me :>
And if the third high rise world was ever in written form (unlikely, too many wip fics and exams XP) they would be the protagonists! (Meaning it would be from one of their perspectives every chapter)
The third high rise world starts mid-arrive, and it’s still going on post arrive and isn’t gonna end because Yuri & co simply don’t know about its existence! Neither does the supervisor. They will find out eventually because Yuri is literally 100% God 100% human and i can ramble on and on about the 4 omnis ect.
There are titles which none of them have acheived, such as :
Seraph. (An angel (not in a TS sense) that is the closest being to God, yet not having the power of god.)
Idol. (Just as it sounds, basically having high numbers of followers, being worshipped basically by humans)
More to be added as i think about them and look at meanings ect! Most of these are religious terms because thats a heavy theme in TS and TSA!
Instead of lightning and cloud, they have light! So basically light radiates from them as lightning would in og TS!
So thats basically all for now, as this post is getting WAYY too long, but if you wanna know more then just send me an ask!! :3
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heinzpilsner · 3 months
It's basically me analysing things with Yon Rha again, but withot being too offensively unempathic and biased, lol
Hey, I'm trying, you can give me that at least!
(Perhaps if I didn't ignore all my notifications, I'd get it faster, but hey, I quite enjoy my little intellectual puzzle here so far. Don't wanna spoil it for myself with interactivity, lol)
Okay, thinking of Katara's encounter with Yon Rha not through the prizm of my zutara brainrot now (not gonna pretend it is not affecting my judgment, it most definitely still is, lol), maybe I'm not giving enough credit to the cognitive/informational component of this event.
(Your honour, there are so many components in here, and whose components have components on their components! You can't expect me to juggle all of them at the same time and not ending up like Zuko during his date with Jin, lol)
Previously I said it was a fruitless trip, but I didn't really take into account the specifics of the case - the ones connected to learning Yon Rha's side of the story and seeing him as a person, - as well as more subtle psychological consequences of the encounter. But as I said early, I'm not a psychologist (also, not the most emphatically gifted person around, as you already can tell I guess, yikes), and my understanding of intricacies of such inner workings is quite limited.
Also, there is a thing to consider - I don't know much about the writer, and how psychologically competent she was. Of course, I could go full "author is dead" approach here and try and read really hard into this case as if it was a real life event (I wouldn't be surprised if someone much more competent than I already did it though), but... I'm trying working through "what author really implied by this" logic when analysing tSR because I respect the writer's ability to build a coherent psychological narrative within her work - given how ambitious she was with the complexion of chosen topics, you'd expect no less from her. Just throwing a bunch of random events on your audience end expect them to built their customised narrative out of it may be a fun postmodern game, but... Just but, I guess.
What I'm saying here is that there's two things about the encounter that can be easily noticed even by most casual watchers but not by me apparently geez.
First of them is that Katara learns there was a reason behind her mother's death - namely, Katara's waterbending. Oh boy. What can I say? I guess the girl could live without the guilt and painful associations connected to her bending produced by the knowledge. Another point to my "maybe facing Yon Rha wasn't such a great idea after all" argument, I guess.
Still, it was important for Katara to learn about her mother's last moments and sacrifice. It was pretty insensitive of me to overlook this fact in my previous analysis (... and I can only imagine how many people I potentially pissed off by this, oops. In my defence though - the whole "revenge" context was pretty distracting). I guess you can't call the trip completely fruitless then - althouht the fruits, may I say, were bittersweet at best and sour at worst.
(Thinking about it now, it's kinda curious that the only truly valuable thing Zuko got from his "closure" with Ozai well, except for the valuable opportunity to practice his lightening redirection was information about his mum as well, even though it wasn't his initial intention. Was it a deliberate parallel, I wonder?
... Wait a minute, why it wasn't Zuko's intention though? It would make much more sense, if you ask me. Oh well, I guess writers had too many things to juggle on their hands as well.)
Another thing is that at the start of the episode Yon Rha was a "monster" for Katara, and then he became just an empty sad man to her. I take it as a deliberate point the writer made. But what exactly does it mean within the narrative? Just a fact of life? A thing for Katara (and audience) to reflect on with no real consequences within the plot?
Or was Yon Rha's personality somehow connected to why Katara forgave Zuko, after all? But how, exactly?
I can only think of juxtaposition. "Look at this guy, Zuko is not so empty and cares about his mum, hence he's worth of forgiveness" kind of logic. But... I mean, Zuko has many problems obviously but emptiness was never one of them, lol. It still counted, perhaps - amongst other small weights on the scales (the weight of it depends entirely on Katara's previous assessment of Zuko's personality though, and I have reasons to believe it wasn't so unflattering at this point).
Does this whole 'cognitive' perspective rearrange my understanding of the reasons behind Katara's forgiveness of Zuko? Yep.
Looking at the trip as meaningful for Katara now (Zuko helped her to learn about her mother's sacriface), it makes much more sense to me. Many of my previous arguments still stand, but the weight shifted more towards platonic reasons (I mean, on one hand, this reason is linked to their connection in Ba Sing Se and reinforces it, but on the other, it's a rational reason for forgiveness, as opposed to irrational ones).
Which feels more appropriate by being less shippy, even though it was fun to compose bizzare conspiracy theories about secretly coded zutara puzzle left by the writer for us to decipher, lol (Your honour, the writer was zutara, it wouldn't be that unlikely!)
It's all about interpretations though. As I said, there are so many components in here you can easily transform the context by shifting the weights as you like.
(Ugh, my posts manage to become obsolete so fast. But hey, it's my live thinking process you're looking at, what do you expect, lol?
I'm not trying to create perfect things for people to repost or something. It's just me playing with my mind to relax. It's nice.)
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cutmytitsintopieces · 5 months
Most of my coworkers now know that I'll get top surgery.
It was just a matter of time before word got around that I will be missing from work for about 6 weeks, and some of them were clever enough to draw their own conclusions.
Others asked bluntly about it, which I don't mind at all, but one guy tried to kinda gaslight me into telling him myself?! Bro, if you want to know which surgery it is, just ASK, but don't "Uhm, I don't wanna pressure you into telling me, but I'm so curious, oh it's so mysterious! But I won't ask, I bet it's something distressing, oh I'm so worried :(" me until I tell you out of annoyance.
When he finally got it, his face was just like °_° for a whole minute. This straight man got his brain fried by the thought that someone wants to make their chest smaller, I could literally see his last brain cell processing it: "But big boobs=good, why remove big boobs?"
So his first follow-up question was, if I have a tumor. No, I don't. And then he couldn't stop himself from making jokes about my breasts for the rest of the night (yes, also transphobic ones).
It was just a bit sad, in the end. Writing this, I only now realize how fucking inappropriate it was actually, wow. But this was my only bad experience with this topic at work.
The rest of my colleagues were supportive from the first second (probably because they're all women), they told me how happy they were for me and how brave I was for doing it (I don't feel brave, lol, I just want to get rid of my back pain). Of course, there were comments like "I wish you could give my the stuff that gets cut off!", but the tone and intention were harmless, and they dropped the topic before it was getting too far.
I was really scared that they would find out, but I'm glad they know now. Imagine if I just disappeared and then showed up completely different, like I actually planned on doing. The questions would still have been the same, I believe, so I didn't lose anything by telling them.
I actually saved myself the stress of the "reveal", so yay.
I will still have to tell my boss explicitly, so he doesn't fire me. But he's a much more respectful person, I have no worries about that.
What I want to say to anyone who might be in a similar situation:
If you want to disclose this kind of personal, medical information to your coworkers/acquaintances/boss/neighbors/whatever, do it.
If you want to keep quiet and pull through without saying a word or answering questions, DO IT.
There is no handbook for those kinds of situations, and this special topic will always carry a weird aftertaste with it, but for me, it felt good to don't carry this secret around and having it explode back into my face.
This said, NEVER let yourself be pressured into disclosing personal information of any kind, especially towards people you know will handle it carelessly. In my case: childish straight men, I guess.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
What's the thing about David Haydn-Jones? Is he going to have a role in TW? Does he know something about the show and leaked it? I'm searching some info about this but I can't find anything. Also, I can't find your post about Alma (personally, even if I'm a cockles truther, I don't believe Alma is Misha, but I'm curious about what you said)
I've never been on the Alma Is Misha train seriously either but I've followed it for fun and there was just a poem from someone else alma reposted about making your own world to not die in someone else's. It was just incredibly timely because yeah. That.
DHJ is on the list of actors that were called up a while ago and asked if they'd be interested for return. The general pitch is basically, well, there's like time travel and dimensions and stuff. Anyway, for some unearthly reason, Pat's been banging on this basic bullshit pretending it's super insane leaks verifying dramatic changes or some shit just because they did reshoots and he still doesn't fucking comprehend what those actually mean.
Hell I'm pretty sure even the note attached to my own draft left a lead in that quite literally said, "This is an example draft. Due to the placement, a variety of characters could fit in from time or dimension distortions, here's a shortlist of other suggestions." basically. Like this isn't the fucking rocket science he thinks it is. This man has no earthly comprehension what a good Treatment looks like so he’s been crapping his pants about “changes” that were already fucking prepared for as alternatives. You know who understands how to make good Treatments? The screenwriters and former showrunner (not of spn) in this fandom that are WAY above your paygrade dude.
The original project was 8-10 episodes miniseries with a few fractal potentials and presentations planned so no shit they're having to shift it around a little bit you fucking knobs. lmao you wanna know the real reason he kept saying 10 episodes at first, there you go. That's why he aimed for it in the commitment. SDKJFSDJFS gg pat since I know you still read my wall like a loser and by now 100% have had ghost or someone narc to you that I'm not fucking with you.
Anyway back to actual ask, basically, he's on the list of potential fan favorites being given opportunities to return. Exactly when and where is unclear. Especially since "when" is gonna be kinda multifaced in this.
Nothing actually meaningful leaked from DHJ is actually the point. Pat's been trying to act like he Knows Things because DHJ sharing vaguepitches and some tumblr anon fucking with him.
it’s not fucking rocket science. The show features the Men of Letters. What do you THINK he’s fucking there for. And do you think that entitles him to the full thing. seriously i’m. so done with pat’s 2 braincells farting garbage into the internet and labeling it Intel when they happen to rub together
mfers know for a god given fact I work with people who get onto CW shows and even have some damn good friend actors that started periscope streaming supernatural and yelling at me live for getting them into this hellhole, but he can’t wrap his fucking brain around the fact that maybe someone moved the bar on him while he wasn’t looking. Or his folks yelling U DONT KNOW BOBO BOBO DOESNT KNOW U AND WILL NEVER KNOW YOUR NAME and then shutting the fuck up when I drop them a video voicemail, “HIIIII MINNNNNN ITS BOBO~~~~ AT COMICON~~~~ WHY AREN’T YOU HERE?~~~~ HUH??~~~~” Fucking shit.
figure it out, douchebags.
same dumb motherfucker that’s spent years arguing with me that Corporate Things Aren’t Real Corporate Things Don’t Exist And Can’t Hurt him, constantly smashed in the face. Or arguing that Berens had no Destiel intent and actually shipped Wincest--he banged on that for YEARS not even knowing about what Bobo’s desk looked like or the entire motion of overwriting Bucklemming going on in the room with Dabb’s aid. Arguing certain shit doesn’t happen because he’s nobody while I’m like, sitting on an under the table recording of execs in burbank about another CW show but SURE FUCKING POP OFF DUDE. 
You were wrong about the original ending, and paid 5K to be wrong about the omissions, and you were wrong about the pilot, but I’m very sure your magical anon that wasn’t there to save you from looking like an embarrassment then definitely has deep insights to production futures. You were wrong about Berens. Wrong about corporate. Wrong about who cut what lines to the point you were bitchslapped by actual direct sources in half a day. I have never seen a piece of shit be more consistently wrong and pretend he’s right. This is the biggest tryhard piece of shit I have EVER encountered. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
and damn I mean, I know people in this fandom overbloat their importance, or even low key media workers do. Mary Manchin argued about the goddamn market testing and said they don’t even do general SPN market testing when I had the goddamn receipts in my phone for years before we safely pushed it through debunker. Natalie Fisher took great confidence in her RL friendship with meredith to the point she argued with me in season 15 there was no confession scene. Jess from the Mary Sue, too. Like you people do not fucking understand how stupid this all looks. And patrick generally can’t even get at THAT level of fucking sources.
Genuinely funny they can’t figure out why I’ve been comfortable owning association with that market testing without fear WB will come after me to shake me down for whoever gave it to me. You haven’t thought that far yet, I guess. Probably because you never even comprehend this world turning around you, to think of that as a flag you should probably be pissing yourself about right now.
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decompose1 · 1 year
Hey so, I have a question about Amanita if you're okay with answering! I wantex to ask, how do other objects (besides Crt and Amanita's family I'm assuming) react to aer strange diet consiting of rotting organisms? Does the average stranger/passerby/acquaintance usually react with disgust? discomfort? Do people usually try to atleast be polite about their negative perceptions? More subtle? How many-
(cont) Times have people been more openly rude about it? Did Amanita get shamed or harassed over it very often? I'm just curious to know more about that! <:)
OKAY SO!! this is a sorta fun topic, because it has a lot to do with my ideas about object specbio/culture/etc, particularly with fungi, which i've thought about SO much.
so!! consumption of rot is pretty normal for fungi- essential, even! here's a like. short diagram
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Fungi are specialized for consuming decaying material, and not doing so would be sort of difficult for them!
So it would be expected.... if you . really knew anything ABOUT fungi. Which is not necessarily that widespread- for a reason!
Fungi tend to be rarer in regular cities- they often live in clusters, in their own sort of dedicated towns. There are two primary reasons for this, mostly boiling down to their mycelium networks + their tendency to totally wreck buildings with fungus/mold/humidity/etc.
So they're kind of!! Not an object you see every day in a regular city, although they definitely CAN and do live there sometimes, most just. prefer not to for the listed reasons (and i'll explain further in another post but i'm already rambling a bit more than i need to here, hehehe).
... Anyways! Ama moved out to a big city, which is where ae met CRT + others. And- yeah, most people thought it was kinda weird and gross. Ae IS eating straight-up mold and rot, and a lot of other objects just aren't used to/aware of the dietary preferences/the science of fungi, so. It's. A little shocking sometimes!! I implied this a little in the comic where CRT meets Flowerbox (here).
CRT was already aware of Ama's needs/prefs because they studied mycology! So this wasn't surprising to them, just fascinating, since it had to do with their own passion for biology/mycology/etc.
Honey Fungus + Amanita's family are also fungi, and came from the same town, so they all have the same diet :o)
I thiiiink. Uranium Glass would've quietly found it really strange, and might've mentioned, like, "that's spoiled, you know", but would probably just stop questioning it if ae confirmed that was the intention. Whatever, Ama can eat whatever weird stuff ae wants, it doesn't affect him so he doesn't care that much. Flowerbox, as you see, thinks it's kinda weird and gross, but changed his mind a little when CRT talked about it. Still weird, but CRT's gesture was sweet. Skirt might've been the most understanding? Her general attitude is "oh, well, we all have our things, i'm not about to go judging! That's what makes you special!". Skirt is very nice.
Milk was probably the hardest sell on this because she's just generally kind of stubborn and opinionated. She's the most likely to have complained any, but she, as Ama's closest friend in the city (Honey being the closest from aer hometown), would've warmed up and eventually kind of. Quietly given aer dishes she "didn't eat in time". Admittedly, she probably made it for aer and didn't wanna say so. Ama knew this. Milk is just tough.
Anyways! Other than the Defined Characters, i think most public reactions were either quiet disgust or people just politely attempting to ignore the weird thing happening in public. Probably some occasional mocking/questions/etc, but honestly, Amanita likely never quite understood why this was so weird to anyone. It's just what fungi do, naturally!
sorry this is Entirely Too Long! i've got to make a more organized post about my fungus object thoughts
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
hi i LOVE your threads that bind series (and all ur other work). i was curious about if you had any more info on arsenios? like, his power seems to be persuasion through song, is it in like a siren kinda way or? and any other tidbits if youd like to share *insert marge simpson 'i just think theyre neat' meme* <3 also every demon ever being 100% done with solomons shit before he even opens his mouth lmao
asldfjkaskldf anon... you have no idea what this means to me lol.
I will be posting the next chapter of The Threads That Bind tonight! It really kinda took on a life of its own when I started writing it, but I actually like how it turned out. It means so much to me that other people are enjoying it!
As for Arsenios, well... I have a lot of info on him lol. It just happened that he fit in with this story so I decided to include him because I am fond of him and I really wanted to write about him more. Being asked about him makes me sooo happy!
So to explain his power a little more, it was initially inspired by the concept of human musicians making a deal with the devil in exchange for musical talent. The ones who come out of nowhere and play amazingly well, but then die young tragic deaths. I figured it made sense that the demon who was making those deals would be good at music themselves and maybe their power was rooted in all things musical.
Arsenios spent a lot of time answering summons from humans that wanted to make deals to gain musical talent. He had to make pacts with them and in that way lent them his power in the form of skill. Of course, these were just regular humans and not immortal sorcerers, so they did inevitably die young, thus releasing Arsenios from whatever pact he had made with them. And of course he got their soul out of the deal.
Something really terrible happened to him, though, and changed his whole life, so he doesn't actually do that anymore. It happened some time after Lucifer and his brothers fell, but before MC showed up in the OG.
Now he mostly spends his time performing at gigs in various places throughout the Devildom. He's not super famous, just kind of a local musician, but he's busy enough that he needs a manager to book things for him. He only goes to RAD sporadically because of this and he only goes at all because Barbatos talked him into it.
He can choose whether or not to weave magic into his song and he rarely does it. But it is kind of like a siren song when he does do it. Depending on the intention, he can persuade people to do things. But it's kind of subtle, he was really going hard in The Threads That Bind lol. More often, he uses it as kind of a suggestion and he only needs a handful of notes. He can use instruments to do it, too, but because he often doesn't need much, he usually just sings.
I had him singing in what I called the "ancient language of demons" because I didn't wanna make up lyrics lol. But the lyrics can have an impact on the power of the song. For instance, if he sings in a language that the person being influenced can understand, it lingers a lot longer in their mind and can be more powerful. He's nervous about doing this to humans because he doesn't want to drive them mad by accident, so he sticks with demonic for them.
Arsenios could write entire songs that weave complex spells if he really wanted to, but he has no such ambitions, so he doesn't bother.
And you know it's so funny because I LOVE Solomon, but Arsenios only barely tolerates him and it is so fun to write. I think they could become friends eventually. Arsenios actually respects his power and he's secretly impressed by it, but good luck getting him to admit it lol.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this to get so long! But I felt like some context was needed about where the idea for his power comes from. And of course I could write about him all day lol.
Thank you so much for asking and I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! <3
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navree · 1 year
Hello there!
I want to know your opinion about the show version of Aegon, what do you think about it, do like their interpretation of his character? ( with exception of ramsay's stuff they added to his character)
Given by the fact you've read the book what things you want to change about Aegon and things you want to stay the same. I mean I'm curious how you would write aegon if you have given the chance to do so, just going by the vague description of his book character
Hey anon!
Fortunately for you, I have discussed Aegon a lot (because people ask me about him A Lot), so I'll link the posts below, but the long and short of it is that, excluding the "ramsay stuff" as you said, there's a lot that's going on with Aegon that I quite like, I just wish it was intentional writing rather than some subtext, TGC's acting choices, and interpretation.
So with that in mind, by and large I'd keep Aegon the same as we're seeing him thus far, just exclude the stupid bad writing stuff and make it clear that the stuff I do like about him is authorial intent, not just us overanalyzing stuff. I've touched a bit on stuff I'd change and keep if I were writing Aegon here but in how I'd write him if I were in charge, I'd add in a lot more of him being incredibly family oriented.
The book, like with everything it is, is kinda vague about it, but I do think it's important that Aegon be shown, despite his failings and his waywardness and his alcoholism and all his issues (and he does need to have issues, this show would be incredibly boring if it actually was cookie cutter good side vs bad side), to have a deep and unabiding love of family that overrides everything. One of the versions of how Aegon was convinced to accept the crown has it that he really started to get on board with it once it was pointed out to him that his kids would be in serious danger if Rhaenyra and Daemon were ruling, which is remarkably prescient considering Certain Things That Happen Later. It also needs to show up in his relationship with his siblings too (and honestly we just needed so much more of Aegon and Helaena's dynamic I would have loved to see the messy contradiction that comes from a pretty solid older brother/younger sister relationship contrasted with a dysfunctional marriage and what it does for Aegon's character that he physically can't love her That Way but he still loves her cuz they're family), the core actualization of that Alicent line about cuffing each other as they wish at home but defending each other in the world. It's why I love the dinner scene in episode 8 so much, Aemond decides to be petty at people who hurt him and Aegon is 100% on board to the point of committing physical violence against Luke even just for getting involved.
Most things about his book storyline I'd keep the same (I especially love his time on Dragonstone and eventual takeover, if only for the Sunfyre bond), but I'd definitely flesh out more stuff about his thought process, his feelings, how he as a character reacts to certain things. All in all, I don't think I'd write him much different than how he is now (stupid bad writing aside) I'd just be making a better, upgraded model.
And here's the more detailed posts about Aegon. It's not all of them, cuz I do reblog stuff and I'm a prolific tag talker, but this is all the important stuff in terms of how I view Aegon and some of the wants I have for his arc and trajectory:
Post about Alicent's relationships to her kids where Aegon and their relationship is discussed at length (to the point where I finally hit Tumblr's character limit per paragraph)
Post about how Viserys is the worst where Aegon and their relationship is discussed at length
Some generalized Aegon thoughts
More Aegon thoughts and why the rapist thing was bad writing
Aegon and his brothers
Some theorizing on Aegon and Aemond
Theorizing on Aegon's ultimate fate (spoilers for what that is in case you haven't ready the book and don't wanna know)
Hopes for Aegon in s2
Aegon's subtextual touch repulsion
Sunfyre headcanons post that includes parts of his relationship with Aegon
More Rook's Rest wishcasting (seriously I have like a shot for shot idea of the entire battle in my head)
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muichu · 2 years
Can i request a for tr with izana(the adult timeline yaknow)rindou and kakucho where they are in love with an extreme chaotic male!reader:)
a/n: SORRY I DIDN'T GET TO THIS SOONER BUT IM HERE TO WRITE NOW!!! and omfg I'm obsessed with this concept pls it's so cute!! I also added baji if that's fine🤧👍
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Tokyo Revengers boys: being in love with chaotic m!reader
Pairings: izana x m!reader, rindou x m!reader, kakucho x m!reader, baji x m!reader
Warnings: none!
Genre: fluff, crack
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- ngl he probably thinks you're really weird, he most likely judges you and to your face too
- how y'all fell for each other? it's beyond me... but it happened, and you guys are kinda vibing
- honestly, he doesn't see the relationships lasting long but you're determined to prove him wrong as you should!!!!
Izana stares at you while you're trying to set fire to a tree by using a magnifying glass since it's a sunny day. "What a fucking idiot, does he actually think that's gonna work?? " he thinks to himself.
"Y/n what the fuck do you think you're doing?" he asks. "I'm trying to burn this tree obviously??" you say in a serious tone, turning back to the tree. He scoffs and walks over to you closer. To his surprise, there were burn marks on the tree.
He stares again, this time it was because he was utterly dumbfounded. How the fuck did you manage to do that??? "You're so weird you know that?" he says, but not as harshly as he usually does. Perhaps he's starting to warm up to you? What is this that he's feeling?? It makes him sick. Butterflies? But from you of all people??
He'd rather die than tell you that you're making him feel this way, maybe you'll find out on your own... perhaps you're not as bad as he thought you were. You notice his expression and you turn to face him, smiling softly. "Wanna join?"
- you definitely remind him of ran
- he's pretty curious about you, seeing as you're not just crazy, but also strong as hell so maybe you'd be good to keep around
- having you around meant he ended up getting dragged into whatever the fuck you were doing but he ended up really enjoying it
Rindou was chilling with Ran until he got a call from your phone. He sighed as he picked up the phone, knowing that you were probably calling for a stupid reason.
"Hello, is this Rindou Haitani?" an unfamiliar voice asked through the phone. "Yes? Who is this, where's Y/n?" he asked, feeling slightly concerned. "Oh he's in the hospital and you were on his emergency contact so–" he hung up the phone, not wanting to hear the rest as he made his way to the hospital immediately, Ran following him behind.
Once he arrives, he asks the lady at the desk where you're staying. When he gets his answer, he rushes to your room.
"Y/n you dumbass what happened??" Rindou asks. You chuckle nervously and turn away from him. "I might've tried to ride my bike up a skateboard ramp and I might've crashed... but hey at least the nurse said I'd be fine!!" you turn back to look at him, noticing his judgy eyes. "You're a real idiot, you know that?" Ran adds. "Yeahhh I know" you sigh, causing Rindou to smile a bit.
- when he first met you, he thought you'd cause a lot of trouble
- because of this, he always kept an eye out on you so that if you do anything bad or suspicious, he could deal with it immediately
- as he was doing so, he didn't expect to fall in love with you, seeing as how you're always doing some wild and concerning shit
Today you decided to be a real menace, because who in their right mind thinks "I'm gonna prank Izana, this is gonna be so funny!!"? Definitely not most people, definitely not sane people... but you're built different obviously.
Kakucho was about to lose his shit because what the fuck do you think you're doing??? Are you trying to get yourself killed??? You waltz up to Izana and Kakucho watches intently.
"Izana... I got a call from a certain someone... I heard they wanna fight you real bad, they have it all planned out and everything" you say as you pat his back. Izana stares at you, and if a stare could kill, you would've had the most gruesome death. Kakucho notices this and rushes in immediately.
"Oh it's okay don't worry about it, he was just messing around I promise!!" Kakucho tells him as he drags you away. "What the fuck were you thinking???? That could've gotten us in real big trouble, yknow that???" he says frustratingly. You look down, trying to hide a smile.
"His face was kinda funny though, cmon don't lie" you reply, your smile getting bigger. "You're insane..." he says. "You bet I am" you reply with a smirk, causing him to blush slightly.
- heart eyes at first sight
- falls in love with you immediately because you're exactly like him?!?!?? he feels so seen and understood
- y'all are so dangerous omg toman is always stressing out so much cuz you two😭 definitely cannot be trusted to leave you two alone together
Mikey and the others watch from a distance as they see both you and Baji setting a car on fire. The only thing they're surprised about is how you two haven't been caught yet because this is the second car that you set on fire this week.
"Uh huh... sure" Chifuyu replies giving you a strange look. "Cmon don't look at us like that, it was insane, you gotta admit" Baji says. "What is wrong with you guys" Chifuyu says with that same strange look, but you don't hear him because you're both running off again, giggling like little kids.
Once you notice that they're staring, you two start running towards them while smiling and laughing like idiots. "Did you guys see that?!?!?" Baji asks while panting slightly. "It was fucking insane" you add, high fiving him as you look back at the car that's currently up in flames.
What are you two planning on doing this time? God knows... he also knows how Baji's racing heart isn't because of the adrenaline of the fire, but a different type of adrenaline, one that he's never felt before but he could definitely get high off of forever.
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a/n: once again, I'm so sorry that this took a while to get out, I'm finally off of school till 2022 so I should have time to work on everything!!
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y0itsbri · 3 years
gallavich week 2021 - day 3 - travel au as always inspo from @ianandmickeygallavich // @gallavichthings
Stuck with You
Words: 5.5k
Summary: A winter storm strands a desperate-to-return-to-Chicago Ian at the airport with no car. A dark-haired mysterious man in an expensive-looking leather jacket and sunglasses seems to be his only hope. Ian grows suspicious of the man's true intentions as they embark on their road trip with some funky excursions. The two men find what need they most in each other.
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"Fiona, I'm literally at the gate. I'm about to board now!" Ian was lying straight out of his ass as he was running through the bustling airport, dragging his bag as fast as the bent-as-all-hell wheels on the suitcase would allow him. He had not, in fact, woken up to his first alarm... or second. Maybe he was running extremely late despite Fiona's near-constant nagging to get there early in case something happens again.
Ian mumbled a quiet "Fuck" as his suitcase's wheel locked up again. He did not have time for this. His huffed cursing was apparently heard by Fiona's supersonic hearing. A woman in white capris glared his way. Okay, maybe it wasn't that quiet.
"Ian!" Fiona's voice rang through his phone. She sounded frantic and exhausted. She had every right to be, but Ian was not in the mood for an early morning guilt trip. "What happened? And you better stop fuckin' lying to me and get your ass-"
"Fi, I gotta go, love you, talk to you later, promise," he mumbled all the formalities as genuinely as he could muster before he hung up. He had tuned his attention into his surroundings and noticed an absurd about of people hovered around the rent-a-car station while the airport gates nearly empty, except for the occasional airport employees trying to reason with irritated passengers.
Sure enough, something did happen, as Fiona would have happily predicted. There was a massive winter storm and all flights had been delayed until further notice. Ian idly walked to his gate just to make sure he wasn't going to miss his plane like he had the day before. The gate was a fuckin' ghost town besides one man in an expensive-looking studded leather jacket and shiny dark hair to match. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of purple sunglasses, despite the fact that they were currently indoors.
Ian instinctively stepped closer to the man to maybe strike up a conversation. It wasn't something he was so fond of doing, but if he was trapped at an airport, he might as well make friends. Anything to distract his anxious thoughts about not making it back to Chicago in time for his interview. He couldn't even look at his phone, knowing Fiona was probably blowing it up right now about how he has to get his shit together. He knows.
In the midst of his inner debate, Ian oh-so-gracefully tripped over a chair -- the wheels of his suitcase coming to a halt, causing the bag to loudly clang against a nearby pole.
The man jumped up with a startle, yanking off his glasses and swiftly reaching into his boot and pulling out a small knife. He slowly took in the fact that there was no threat -- just a giant blushing ginger wincing at the knife pointed his direction.
The man sighed and tucked his knife away, "Shit, I thought you were trying to rob me or something."
Ian eyed a small black backpack tucked behind the man's legs. That bag was sleek and tiny compared to Ian's nightmare of a bag.
"Ain't look like you got much to steal," Ian joked, immediately regretting his decision to be witty after literally just being held at knifepoint. Maybe the mysterious man would appreciate his charm.
The man frowned. Okay, maybe Ian's humor wasn't for everyone.
"And how did you get that knife through security?" Ian asked in attempt to ease the tension a bit.
"None of your damn business." The man retorted shortly, but his eyes lingered over Ian for a moment longer, amused.
"Right." Ian replied after a moment. That was fair. He was a stranger, after all. But there was something about this man that was so intriguing. The man stood nearly half a foot shorter than Ian and clearly had the personality to make up for it. Ian was most definitely not in the mood to almost get stabbed again so he decided to lay off the talking, making an obvious show of adverting his gaze from the gorgeous leather-clad man in front of him.
"Uh.. hey," the man spoke up again as he looked around the terminal. "Did I miss the flight or did everyone just get abducted by aliens or some shit?"
Ian was amused at the aliens bit. Who even was this guy?
"It looks like all flights are delayed. Some freak super-storm coming in, don't want any crashes or anything."
"Buncha pussies," the dark-haired man grumbled as he stood up.
"Where are you going?" Shut up, Ian, shut up shut up shut up.
"Rent-a-car? Is that okay with you?" The guy pulled his bag over his shoulder, but turned his gaze back to Ian.
"Uh, yeah, I mean -- sorry, never mind." Nice going, Ian.
"I'm just busting your balls, man. Just gotta get back to Chicago before the weekend. Can't just sit around like a little bitch and wait for a storm to pass like some people." The enigmatic man teased him.
Ian rolled his eyes, but followed him like a lost puppy. "You're not the only one. I have an interview in Chicago in two days and I really can't miss it." Ian pointed back towards the rent-a-car area when the man didn't question him any further. "Don't think you'll have much luck with that, by the way. They looked almost sold outta cars when I walked past here earlier."
"So you walked past the rent-a-car instead of actually getting one? Real smart, Stumbles."
Ian cringed at the nickname. So much for first impressions. The man pulled out his phone from the tight pocket of his pants and stopped abruptly, Ian almost losing his balance to keep from stumbling into the guy. Again. Ian was literally swept up off his feet by this dude. He had to get himself in control before he lost what remained of his dignity.
"Ey' Dimitri, I need a car." The guy said into the phone. Ian awkwardly waited around. It wasn't like they made any plans of travelling together but they were in the middle of a conversation, he couldn't just leave. It wouldn't be polite. Not that much about this guy was polite to begin with. But they had something going at least. The phone conversation got heated very quickly. Now Ian could very clearly see why he was the type of person to have a knife in arm's reach at any given notice.
"I know you have fuckin' plenty. I'll drop it off next time I see Yevgeny, you know I'm good for it. I gotta job this weekend- It is your fuckin' business when your bitch of a wife- Oh c'mon, you can admit she's a bit of a bitch. Whatever- Or do you wanna tell Svetlana that your incompetent ass is the reason why she ain't getting her payment- or do you plan on paying for that shit? Didn't think so. Black cat. Red one."
There was definitely a lot to unpack and as curious as Ian was, he was definitely not gonna ask... yet.
"Red, you comin'?" The dark-haired man called over his shoulder as he started heading towards the airport's exit.
"Me?" Way to play it cool, Ian.
"No. The other giant ginger standing behind you. Yes, you."
"My name's Ian, by the way."
"Don't care."
"Where are we going?"
Together but not together, they waited for... Dimitri, maybe? The shorter man beside Ian was tapping around on his phone and hadn't said a word about their plans beyond the simple 'Chicago.'
Right as Ian got the nerve to ask, a sleek black jaguar came to a halt on the street in front of them. Ian only knew a bit about cars because his brother liked fixing them up -- and man, was this a sick car. Lip would be jealous. Ian fought the urge to take a photo of the car -- unsure what the boundaries were in situations like this.
Ian's mystery man sauntered over to the driver's seat, exchanging a loaded handshake before switching places with the driver, who was apparently not Dimitri.
The passenger side window rolled down, revealing a bright red interior. "Coming, princess?"
Ian placed his suitcase in the backseat before hopping in the front himself.
"Do I ever get to know your name, princess?" Ian teased back. But he was genuinely curious.
The guy smirked, "Buckle up. I ain't slowing down for anything." And true to his word, they sped out of the parking lot, earning a few well-deserved horns from cars that they had cut off. Ian cringed.
Ian waited until they were on the interstate to speak again, not wanting to be the cause for an accident with this guy's hectic driving and the snow lightly falling on the road in front of them. Maybe he shouldn't be getting into cars with mysterious strangers. Maybe he should have thought of that before he did, in fact, get into a car with a mysterious stranger.
Ian decided to try again, "Ya know, if you don't tell me your name, I'm just going to start calling you something real stupid, like Bob or Cookie or Raven."
"Raven is actually kinda badass." The man replied, not taking his eyes off the road, but the side of his mouth quirking upward.
This guy was impossible, "Ugh."
"Ya know, you're kind of annoying for a passenger who should be grateful that I'm saving your ass. I could dump you on the side of the road, make you hitch hike all the way to Chicago or wherever the hell you end up. Probably some real weirdos out there wanting to pick up a pretty boy like you."
"Didn't ask to be saved." Ian blushed despite his best efforts to play it cool.
"No? So you were just following me all around the airport, why?" He glanced at Ian this time.
Yeah, he had a point. "Like I said, I got an interview I can't miss. My sister set it up for me and she would actually have my ass if I fucked this up. I'm talking like this-is-the-final-straw." Ian sighed, running his hands up and down his face.
"Hmm. You'll make it. I'm a good driver." He smirked. He lifted his hand off the wheel as if he were about to touch Ian's shoulder or something, but decided against it at the last second.
"Good and fast are not equivalent." Ian's breath hitched.
"Says you." The guy drummed his fingers.
"Says most people. And probably the cops." Ian was not about to spend a night in the slammer.
"Fuck the cops." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The conversation died down and a rock ballad lulled over the car's exquisite sound system. Damn, this was a nice car.
"Mickey." The guy murmured, barely audible over the bass.
"What?" Like the mouse?
"My name's Mickey, by the way." He glanced over at Ian.
Oh. "Kinda badass." Ian returned with eye contact a smirk.
Mickey smiled at the road ahead of them.
"Mornin', Sleeping Beauty." Mickey called out from the driver's seat, patting Ian's shoulder. Ian could have sworn Mickey's hand lingered a bit longer than necessary, but maybe he was just reading into the interaction.
Ian must have fallen asleep sometime during the drive, because now they were parking in the parking lot of a diner. Red neon lights highlighted the exterior, giving the place a sultry vibe. Odd vibe for an off-the-road diner, but Ian supposed it could be weirder.
Mickey hopped out of the car and shoved his hands into the pocket in his leather jacket, searching for something.
After a moment, Ian slowly stretched his legs out as he crawled out of the car and found Mickey smoking a cigarette while leaning against the hood of the car. It was picture perfect. Mickey hadn't noticed him emerge yet, so Ian decided to give into his urges as he snapped a picture of the beautiful man in front of him -- all black shadows and glowing red.
Ian closed the car door and Mickey stubbed out his cigarette and led them inside. "Usual table," he said to the hostess, who led them to a table set for two towards the back of the establishment.
Yeah, this was weird. Who the fuck had a 'usual table' at a joint off the highway in the middle of nowhere?
Inside hung the heads of exotic animals that Ian hoped were fake. Once they were sat across from each other, Mickey ordered a short stack of pancakes and Ian ordered a hamburger and fries -- the first thing he saw on the menu.
"So, brunch and tigers? What is this place?" Ian mused, curiosity and now suspicion overtaking him.
"Cool, huh? Got connections." Mickey went back to rearranging the condiments and sugars on their table.
"Mhm." Ian was skeptical, but didn't want to pry. He seemed to be on this guy's good side for now.
Ian spent the better part of their stay just taking in everything around them. The walls were lined with playing cards, posters from bands he's never heard of, bizarre news articles, lights swung and tacked up with a casual precision, literal jewelry and crowns under display cases, and he could've sworn there was sparkles mixed into the red paint covering the walls. It was like a goblin's cave or something.
Occasionally, he would look up at Mickey, who would look away almost instantly -- like he'd been caught in the middle of something. Planning something? Ian couldn't tell if Mickey's cheeks were actually blushing red or if it was just the lighting. Probably for the best because Ian blushed like a motherfucker whenever he held Mickey's eyes for too long.
Luckily, the waitress brought over their food before Ian could say something stupid. Ian's hamburger and fries were places in a classic red boat with black and white checkered paper. The burger was massive and had a flamingo pick placed in the center of it. Mickey's pancakes were covered in bananas, blueberries, and powdered sugar. The waitress also set down a glass elephant bottle filled with, what looked like, maple syrup. The waitress just smiled at them and walked away without another word. This place was strange. And Ian couldn't shake that feeling.
About halfway through eating, Ian had enough of the odd vibes and promptly excused himself to go to the bathroom. He had to get out of here, forgo his luggage in the fancy ass car. He didn't care if he'd have to hitch hike at this point. He washed his hands in the bathroom sink, planning when to make his escape, when the door swung open.
"Ian." Mickey looked genuinely concerned. No stupid nickname. Ian. "What's wrong, man? You looked pretty sick back there. Is it food poisoning? I'll give Anakin a fuckin' piece of my mind if he didn't cook that fuckin' burger. He knows better than to fuck with me." He rattled off.
Ian felt flighty and tried to take off during Mickey's rage-induced ramble but an arm gripped his bicep, stopping him in his tracks.
"Hey, Ian, look at me." That was the problem. Ian couldn't stop looking at him. He would probably do anything he asked. And that was fucking dangerous. He was a stranger with connections. That couldn't lead to anything good.
Ian finally made eye contact and the grip on his arm loosened, gently sliding towards his wrist before falling back to Mickey's side.
"Promise me you won't kill me." Ian blurted out.
Mickey's eyebrows nearly flew off his face, "Kill you? Where the fuck is this coming from? You think I hate you or something?"
"Well, maybe, I don't know. This is weird."
"Maybe." Mickey paused, actually making an effort to see this whole strange situation from Ian's perspective. "But I like weird."
Ian stayed silent.
"I promise I'm not going to kill you. I promise that I'm going to get you back to Chicago for your interview. I promise we're all good, okay?"
The tension in Ian's shoulder's visibly relaxed and he released a breath he didn't know he had been holding. But that confession still doesn't explain this weird excursion.
"Why does everyone here know you?" Ian finally asked, swallowing his nerves.
This was not a conversation for the men's bathroom, but here they were anyways.
Mickey looked a bit embarrassed. "Used to live a few towns over with my ex-wife-"
"Ex-wife?" Ian nearly choked.
"Svetlana. Fuckin' disaster. But I used to come here with my son, Yev, on special occasions when his mom was out. He always loved it -- thought he was the king or some shit."
"Don't see the kid as much anymore, but this place still has the best fuckin' pancakes so we go when we can."
"So this isn't a sting operation to kidnap me?"
Mickey rolled his eyes, "You're an idiot. I actually happen to like you."
"Yeah, me too."
"So glad you like yourself, champ."
"Oh, fuck me." Ian groaned.
"Maybe later." Mickey smiled too sweetly for someone who had just insinuated what they had.
They returned to their table, finishing off what they could. Mickey had insisted he pay for both of their meals -- reparation for nearly giving Ian a heart attack and fleeing off to fucking Mexico or something. The waitress collected their tab and walked away with a wink, "Have fun tonight, boys."
"See ya 'round, Geneva." Mickey called, "Always in my fuckin' business." But Ian could tell it was meant with nothing but fondness.
Mickey held gave a two finger salute to the hostess on his way out before holding the lion-studded doors and turning to face Ian, "We're in this together, yeah?"
Ian didn't fall asleep in the car this time. Instead, they played the license plate game and carried impersonal conversation in between stops at gas stations and fast food restaurants.
"Books or movies?" Ian read from his phone.
"What kind of fuckin' question is that?"
"From the online list you made me look up!"
"Yeah, because you suck at coming up with questions!"
"Whatever. Books or movies?"
"Movies, duh."
"Aw, c'mon, you don't like books? When was the last time you even read a book?"
Mickey flipped him off, "What about you, smartass? You prefer books over movies?"
"Well, no..."
"Well, exactly."
"Cats or dogs?" Ian asked. "I've never had either, but dogs are cool."
"Yeah, 'cause you act like one."
Ian gasped, mocking an expression of hurt. "I bet you're a dog person, though."
"Yeah, why're you so sure about that?"
"They're all tough and shit."
"I got a cat back home. She's tougher than any dog I know."
"What's her name?"
"Aw, softy."
"It's short for Indica, clearly we're cool."
Ian gave an even more exaggerated "Aww."
"Shut up, next question."
They had missed the worst of the winter storm that had threatened their flight and gotten them in this situation to begin with. It was starting to get dark and while Mickey assured Ian that he could drive through the night, Ian insisted they could stop at a hotel and still make it back before his interview. Truthfully, he didn't want to be involved in a luxury car crash with a maybe Russian mobster. He couldn't pinpoint Mickey, but that's what he had currently decided on.
They had pulled off into the lot of a pink hotel. Mickey had gotten them two rooms, side-by-side. Instead of going up to his room and passing out like Ian had expected, Mickey headed straight towards the hotel bar -- ordering a mojito and a vodka tonic and making friendly talk with the waitress in a very low cut red shirt like they were old friends. Mickey was nothing like Ian expected.
Ian headed up to his room to drop off his suitcase and call Fiona back, sure she was going to disown him right then and there for avoiding her calls all day.
Ian opted against going down to the bar and instead watched reruns on the hotel tv. Alcohol didn't really mix well with his meds and he didn't want a hangover if they were going to be in a car all day tomorrow -- especially a nice car like that. Yeah, he wasn't puking in that anytime soon if he could help it.
He took a long, hot shower, indulging in the hotel's eucalyptus-scented body wash before settling in for the night.
Ian was resting peacefully until he heard a blood-curdling scream next door. Mickey was next door. Mickey.
Ian leapt out of bed, grabbing nothing but his shirt before frantically knocking on Mickey's door. C'mon Mickey, don't be dead. C'mon. C'mon.
Mickey swung open the door rubbing sleep from his eyes, "Ian?"
"Uh, hi. I heard screaming. Just making sure you're not being murdered."
"Shit, yeah. I get night terrors sometimes. I meant to mention that to you, but it must have slipped my mind after a few drinks. Didn't see you down there?"
"I called it an early night," Ian replied guiltily. He felt bad if Mickey was waiting for him. But he didn't know.
"Yeah... anything else?" Mickey looked Ian up and down. Ian was suddenly hyper aware he was standing in front of Mickey in only his boxers.
"Um, no." Ian glanced around nervously.
"Great." Mickey shut the door. Whatever. Ian turned to open his door, but it wouldn't open. He searched his pants for the key card only to be reminded that he was not, in fact, wearing pants. Fucking great indeed.
Ian knocked on Mickey's door again.
"What?" He grumbled with a tooth pick between his teeth. "'m not fuckin' screamin' anymore."
"I locked myself out."
"Of course you did." Mickey rubbed a hand down his face, "You ain't goin' down to the front desk in your underwear and I'm not goin' down there either so it looks like you can either come with me or sleep in the hallway, your choice."
Some choice.
Ian followed Mickey into his room, the same layout as Ian's -- just mirrored. Mickey tossed a blanket at him and then collapsed back into the pillows himself.
Ian tried to make himself comfortable on the ground but all he was going to do was bruise his fuckin' spine and freeze his ass off because apparently Mickey likes to sleep in Antarctica.
"Fuckin' cold." Ian mumbled, cocooned in his one tiny hotel-grade blanket that hardly covered his long body.
Mickey didn't open his eyes, but he lifted the comforter on the bed, "Get in here, Frosty."
Ian hesitated. But he was really fucking cold. He made sure not to touch Mickey at all as he crawled under the covers, laying as still as he could on the edge of the mattress. Mickey sighed and scooted his back into Ian's chest, grabbed Ian's arm, and draped it around his waist. "There."
Ian was still for a moment before settling into the warmth.
"Mickey." He said softly. He wasn't even sure if Mickey had heard him.
"Is that your real name? Mickey?"
Mickey sighed, "Mikhailo."
"Hmm. I like Mikhailo. It's like Mick-halo, like you're an angel."
"Baby, you've met me. There ain't nothing good about me. I'm more like the devil."
"Why's that?"
"Dude, I almost knifed you when we first met."
"I had that coming, though."
"Maybe so."
"Is that all?"
"Fuckin' terrorized my neighborhood as a kid."
"Me too, you ain't special. Got anything else?"
"I'm a raging homo."
Ian rolled his eyes. "Me too. Anything else?"
"Can't do enough for my own kid."
Ian was quiet so Mickey continued.
"Svet won't keep him in Chicago where my job is. I don't wanna be the asshole to choose work over my kid, but I can't just up and leave, either."
"Yeah, but it sounds like you visit him a lot. He must know you love him, though. Bet you're a better father than mine."
"Yeah, mine too. Ain't hard to beat. He's a real dick. I don't wanna be anything like that piece of shit."
Ian squeezing his grip around Mickey's waist. "You're not. I'm still betting you're all things good."
"Guess we'll just have to see."
"Guess so."
A moment passed before Mickey spoke again.
"Go to sleep, stupid."
"Goodnight, Mick-halo."
Ian nestled his head into Mickey's hair, smelling the eucalyptus on his as well. The two not-strangers drifted off together.
Ian woke up after Mickey, who was already packing up his oddly tiny back pack again. And Ian's suitcase. He took a moment to recall last night's events.
"How the fuck did you get that?"
"Morning to you, too." Mickey tossed a prepacked muffin at Ian's half asleep body. "Went to the front desk for a spare key after continental breakfast, duh. Eat up, we're leaving in 10."
Ian groaned and pulled the covers over his head. He felt a weight on the mattress beside him. He peeked from behind the blanket to see that Mickey had sat down and was currently staring at his legs? Ass? Who knew. Turns out 'thighs' was the correct answer as he set his hand on the outer part of Ian's right thigh. Just resting it there for a moment before getting up.
"Fine, we're leaving in 15."
Satisfied, Ian closed his eyes for a few minutes, feeling the ghost of Mickey on his leg. He was so warm. It was like his heart was on fire.
They ended up leaving 10 minutes after Mickey's initial 15 were up. But it wasn't Ian's fault that there was a hold-up at the front desk. Something about a scheduling conflict between a drag show and a speech contest. Hell, Mickey thought they should combine the two events and call it a day.
Back in the car, Mickey had some upbeat indie music playing this morning while they circled around the old town to find a gas station.
"Ya want anything?" Mickey asked before he turned away from the pump and towards the building, patting down his ass to make sure he had his wallet.
Ian was distracted by the patting for a moment before replying. "Uh, maybe a Gatorade or something?"
Mickey tapped the hood of the car twice instead of replying verbally, but the message was received nonetheless.
Ian pulled up the picture he had taken yesterday of Mickey in front of the bizarre diner, moments before he thought he was being hunted for sport. It was beautiful. He was beautiful.
After a moment, the driver's side door swung open, "Whatcha lookin' at, Smiles? Texting your girlfriend?" Mickey teased as he closed the gas tank and hopped in with a coffee balancing in one hand and three different flavors of Gatorade in the other.
"Nothing." Damn, Ian. Like that ain't an obvious lie.
"Ain't nothing, lemme see." Mickey took Ian's phone and dropped the Gatorades on his lap.
"Ouch! Well, thanks -- for these -- but give me my phone back!"
"Is that me?"
No sense in lying now. He was literally looking at it. "Uh, yeah. Thought it looked cool."
"That's dope as fuck, man. Send that shit to me, I wanna post it on my Instagram."
Ian certainly hadn't expected that response. But when had Mickey ever been what he expected?
"I don't have your number." And he wasn't asking for his number like some school girl. Mickey had literally requested he send him something. Ian had no idea why he felt so ridiculously nervous.
"Gimme." Mickey made grabby hands for the phone and began to plug in his number before Ian realized that this definitely counted as distracted driving in a very nice car. "Done."
The morning and afternoon went by pretty quickly. Mickey sang along to some pop songs while drumming his hands on the steering wheel. Ian took some photos of the inside of the car, earning some light teasing from Mickey. Shut up, this might be my only time in a car worth more than ten grand.
Ian watched the highway and the grass blurring past his window when he suddenly remembered the small notepad and pen he had swiped from Mickey's hotel room.
Mickey looked pretty distracted, so Ian took it out and began to sketch his profile. The man was too beautiful. He couldn't help himself. With a burst of confidence, he added a note to it before ripping the page out and sticking it in the side pocket of Mickey's back pack. If Mickey saw him, he didn't say anything -- for once -- and Ian was glad for that.
They were nearing Illinois state lines, so they had to get into travel specifics. Ian gave him the address to his apartment. Both being Southside, Mickey knew the area well enough that he wouldn't need directions until last minute.
Ian figured now was as good as time as any to ask, "What are you doing in Chicago?"
Mickey made a face like he was thinking about how much he wanted to explain to Ian. "Well, for one, I live there. Second, you've seen my tattoos right?" He held out his knuckles reading FUCK U-UP. Ian nodded and Mickey relaxed one hand back onto the steering wheel before continuing, "Tattoos were a family ritual. I help my brothers on runs when they need it -- those idiots can't plan for shit by themselves. Makes good money though. I also work part-time at this high-end restaurant downtown. Satisfies my sister that I have a legit job. Ain't too bad either. Lotta sketchy shit goes on, though, but they know I'm good to look the other way for a low low price." He grinned.
"Damn, you sure are something," Ian mused.
"Yup yup. What about you hot-shot? What's the whole deal with this interview?"
Ian sighed. "Never finished high school and uh, I have a mood disorder thing so a lot of places won't even consider me. Got fired from my last job for snapping at the dickhead manager --which was well-deserved by the way -- but still stupid. My sister, Fiona, got me this interview with the magazine company she works for -- she thinks I'm so sick like our mother and that if I don't have a job to keep me stable that I'll just fuck off. But the job would be really cool because I've been into photography and shit since like forever. I don't know, it's stupid. But I really just can't stand to let anyone down again, because I am better. They just don't always believe me."
Mickey frowned, and Ian worried he shared too much. But then Mickey rested his hand on Ian's thigh, "Hey, man. That sounds cool. But it's okay to not be okay. Just be honest with me, and I believe you. Promise?"
Ian's apartment was in sight before he knew it. It was starting to get dark out, but he would still be able to get a good night's sleep before his interview in the morning. Mickey's car definitely did not belong in his neighborhood. It stood out like a sore thumb. He couldn't stay for long if he wanted to leave with the car in tact.
Mickey helped Ian get his suitcase out of the backseat and then leaned against the car, watching Ian with a strange look in his eye. Before Ian could ask, Mickey stalked over to him and leaned up, and pressed his lip's against Ian's. He smelled so sweet. It wasn't the eucalyptus shampoo either -- that had long faded. This was just pure Mickey. Mikhailo.
The moment was over too soon and Ian groaned. Mickey gently patted his cheek, "Don't worry, big guy, you ain't gettin' rid of me this easy. I'll see you soon."
"Soon." Ian repeated back, still a bit dazed in the head.
Mickey smirked as he hopped back into the jaguar and sped off to wherever the fuck it is that Mickey goes.
Ian lugged his bag upstairs, unlocked his door, and plopped down on the couch.
After texting Fiona one last time, Ian had turned his phone off to avoid any distractions. Giving in to the urge to text Mickey would definitely be a distraction. He needed routine. At least for tonight.
It was a relatively quiet night in terms of activities. He had microwaved a frozen dinner and watched a couple episodes of Schitt's Creek before taking his meds, brushing his teeth, and heading to bed.
No matter how chill of a night he was planning on having, his mind kept racing with thoughts of Mickey with everything he did. That man was so cool and funny and kind, even if he didn't believe it himself. Ian didn't know what exactly had caused such a reign of self-doubt over him, but they would talk about it someday. Ian wanted him to see how good he was. Mickey just brought long-vanished excitement to Ian's life again. He trusted him and cared for him. And he missed him. They had only spent two days together, but Ian couldn't imagine sleeping without him. He drifted off to sleep thinking about what Mickey would look like in his bed with him.
Ian had gotten up at his first alarm for once and arrived to the interview 15 minutes early. He was genuinely passionate about this job so it was easy to turn up his charm. He would hear a call back later that afternoon, but given that he was pretty sure Fiona was sleeping with his would-be boss's boss, he was almost certain he would get the job.
Ian finally turned his phone on when he got home. One message from Fiona -- reminding him of the interview. But more importantly, three from Mickey. He immediately clicked on Mickey's name, absolutely no use in playing it cool anymore. He couldn't get him out of his head.
Mickey (9:27pm): *image attachment*
Tumblr media
Mickey (9:27pm): found this in my bag, i wonder how it got there🤔
Mickey (7:32am): good luck at your interview! hope it was worth literally dragging your ass across the country for
Ian smiled.
Ian (10:06am): I have absolutely no idea how that drawing got there. Maybe trolls? 😇
Ian (10:07am): And your luck helped! I think the interviewer liked me :)
Mickey (10:07am): hopefully he didnt like you too much
Ian (10:09am): SHE liked me a very healthy amount.
Mickey (10:10am): gonna keep it that way
Ian (10:12am): 🙄 Oh Mick. Can't be jealous over something you don't have.
Mickey (10:15am): i have you right where i want you dont you worry your pretty little head
Ian (10:17am): So you think I'm pretty is what I'm hearing?
Mickey (10:18am): i think your annoying go away
Ian (10:19am): I thought I couldn't get rid of you that easy?
Mickey (10:19am): changed my fucking mind
Their texting banter came to a halt when Mickey picked up a shift at his legitimate job. Ian unpacked his ratty old suitcase and cleaned up his apartment while he waited for his phone to ring. From the job... from Mickey.
Right when he was switching loads of laundry, his phone rang. It would be a lie if he said he didn't drop everything and run.
It was his new boss him on his new job. He couldn't hold back his grin as he immediately texted Mickey, then Fiona. He was proud of himself.
Fiona called and they chatted about the job -- omitting the part where he assumed she was sleeping with the boss -- and Ian's road trip -- omitting the part where he kissed his once assumed kidnapper -- and then about Fiona's kids and Carl's lately stunt. He was so invested in his little criminal brother that he almost didn't hear the knock at his door.
"Fi, I gotta call you back. I think I have a delivery or something." Ian wasn't expecting anything.
Ian nearly leapt backwards when he cautiously opened his door (there were no damn peepholes in his building) to find Mickey waiting on his doormat with a grin on his face. "Congrats on the job, man!"
"Oh my God. You're here?"
"Yeah, I told you I would see you soon. I'm a man of my word. And I brought cupcakes." Always the unexpected. "Well minus one. I didn't know which apartment was yours and I went to your neighbor's first and he wouldn't tell me where you lived without a fuckin' cupcake. Greedy asshole." He murmured, quietly smiting the old bastard.
"Mickey." Ian smiled, eyes crinkling with it. "You're good. You're so good."
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kamisathoes · 2 years
AWW TY FOR THE HUGS— AND OKAYY JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE! i saw some in the event too but i didn't understand if you meant separately or together?? lmao— if that's what you mean by wips,, im excited for all of your works your writing is phenomenal and yeah i already fell in love <33 i am curious to see more :) as for my request,, first of all take your time to write it cause you got a life, have other wips to finish and ur imagination + creativity may lack sometimes. so, tyt!! (note: this is kinda long lmao-)
second, it is based of a dream i had because i cannot stop thinking about it yo 😩 modern au, where reader is the younger sister (im a sucker for these pls- obv reader isnt a minor, just a bit younger) of childe's and thoma's best friend, where she is quite shy + gets flustered easily. u aren't good with talking to others so when u first met em u just hid behind ur bro— sadly breaking his heart cause he thought his 2 best bros would have a different effect on u— but no. ajax and thoma were confused and tried to look behind ur bro— but there was no need since you peeked a bit, looking up at them with big timid eyes, while theirs widened. a small, soft hello left your lips, and it was set.
the 2 deemed you as adorable and precious as hell. and breedable lmfaoo
you often saw them coming to your house so they could game with your brother, or heard him talk to them through phone- sometimes they even asked about you and u blushed really hard cause "they asked for me?-" and since they seemed like nice ppl to u, you asked to your bro if you could join them sometimes, either playin at home or going out. u may have developed a crush on them- he was so happy u asked since ur so shy- his besties were perfect 4 u. so, yes. ok next- after days, months of hanging out and stuff, you got closer to them, felt more comfy, even gave em hugs cause u were rlly affectionate. that didnt stop em from teasin u tho, when ur bro wasnt lookin cause u were so easy to fluster. (childe def being the worst out of the 2-) they just couldn't get enough of your cute reactions, so they... kept doing it. ajax's flirty demeanor + thoma's smooth ways = u ded. and all they did was chuckle at that. meanies
then came the big day where u asked them if you could go hang out with them... without ur bro. u told him tho, but he was ok with it cause he trusted them- so u went out and childe came to pick you up and u both went to thoma's place. (or they come to urs and ur bro is gone somewhere?? lmao idk)
it was ur first time bein alone with em so u were a bit overwhelmed- so they tried to calm you down, and u felt better again :) played games etc... then after one of their comments, u went full flustered mode and everything they did to hold themselves back went out of the window, ur cute innocent dress already testing them. so they,, just started ravishing u. they teased u relentlessly, and u just sat there red af cause u weren't used to this much teasing. u were too shy to do anything urself, too inexperienced, so they took those matters in their own hands and... yeah. ur moans so cute they couldn't stop fucking you roughly. filling you with cum. so much cum was dripping down your thighs, but you had no time to focus on that as one kept pounding ur moist, small cunt, and the other fucked your tight ass, both with no intention to stop anytime soon. tears streamed down ur face cause it was so much... but they said you could take more so, it had to be correct, right?
and at the end u all sleep together after mumbling i love yous. because fluff warm,,
SO YEAH- since i mostly included the sfw part ur free to only do the nsfw one?? i tried giving as much info as possible so you have the idea set in ur mind,, now swarm it with urs cause i cant write </3
but yeah it's ur choice i don't wanna make you feel like it's too much or anything 😭😭 once again, tyt with it and pls take care!! AND TRY TO SLEEP A BIT MORE OKAY?? OKAY TY AND HAVE A NICE DAY
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tundrainafrica · 2 years
Hello there~ Just dropping by to say that I finished ‘A Tale of Two Slaves’ in less than 2 days! It’s so beautifully written & I think it’s quite fresh of you to write in Levi’s POV 95% of the times. And despite it consisting more narrations/inner monologue as compared to dialogue, it’s not at all boring. I love it!
Though, I do have a question that needs answering. It’s probably a read-between-the-lines kinda thing, but I get a bit confused on the chapter in which Levi jumped for the last time and he went blank about what he wrote for the past few months...?
As a reader, I kinda interpreted it as him going through a depressive period at the time & that’s why, some of the things that happened for the past few months were all blury and felt like a dream to him. Though, he did remember he wrote it.
So, I was wondering, as the author... was that what you actually intended when you wrote it? Or was it like your venturing more towards the fictional side of the story so maybe he was possessed or something? 😅
I’m sorry if this may contain spoilers for those who haven’t read it yet, I don’t know how to ask spoiler-free.. 😔
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my fic. It really means a lot to me and sorry for taking so damn long to reply to this... Life got... hectic.
Sorry ahha when I write in third person, i tend to write only from one headspace because I prefer to just explore one character at a time and I like to explore the mystery of just not knowing what everyone else is thinking and leaving a lot of that up to interpretation.
From this point, i'll be discussing the ending of my fic Tale of Two Slaves, so I'm just gonna warn about spoilers for people who wanna read it.
Though, I do have a question that needs answering. It’s probably a read-between-the-lines kinda thing, but I get a bit confused on the chapter in which Levi jumped for the last time and he went blank about what he wrote for the past few months...?
I like to leave a lot of my fic up to interpretation coz I just prefer to generally show scenes and just have poeple interpret them however they want but of course, like all other writers, I generally have intentions for writing scenes.
The last scene where Levi jumped for the last time and went blank, was actually just an allusion to the phenomenon where when people have finally moved on from something, they actually start forgetting what they were sad about in the first place. I've experienced that a lot but I'm not sure if other people have.
In the fic A Tale of Two Slaves, Levi actually started jumping when he was a kid because the sport called out to him, and there are many interpretations for this, maybe because in canon, he really is athletic and he really does fly. But Levi joined the track and field team because he said it was 'nostalgic' or jumping felt 'nostalgic' and one of the reasons he did join was he had a buried memory of Hange and he wished he could have "jumped" and flew after her which explains the jumping in the last scene.
The injury Levi experienced and his sudden inability to fly ran parallel with the emotion that in his past life, he couldn't save Hange, so when he was jumping, he was dealing with two strong emotional losses, Hange's death in the past life and the fact that he lost any ability to high jump again.
And when he blanked out, it was just him, having moved on from both those memories, those emotions and the baggage of it all.
I hope this makes sense and sorry if this took a while to answer. If you have any more questions about my fics, feel free to ask. It means a lot knowing people thought this much about my fics ajsks.
For anyone who's curious, here's the fic.
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Hey Kacey! I was reading though you dad witcher stuff for the 1000th time because oh my GOD it makes me happy, and I was curious: how do you think the wolves would react told holding their newborn for the first time? I'm not asking for a fic (unless you wanna😜) cause I know thats a HUGE undertaking, but just wondering your kinda headcanons on it. Would they be afraid to hold it, be kinda shocked numb like 'omg I made a tiny human can't compute', be super excited and never want to put it down, etc. And again, even headcanons is just if you want to. You write all of them so damn well and their emotional reactions to things are always 100% in character when you write them.
Thank you for putting out your amazing works, allot of them have honestly helped me plug along through 2020 and beginning 2021. I hope you have a wonderful day!
A/N: I’m so sorry this took forever to finish babe! I have no idea how the post baby being born thing goes? I don’t know how long it is until the dad holds the baby? But I did research and I did change some things up because I didn’t want to do each story the same. So sorry for anything that isn’t correct or accurate. I kept Geralt’s sort of short because I have done one similar to this before except with Lana (Smitten) so this time I did Bram!
Warnings: it’s implied that the reader went through birth before this but it isn’t mentioned, fluffy with a hint of witcher angst, does breastfeeding count as a warning? if so, there is breastfeeding in this but only briefly
“What’s she going?”
“She’s eating, Lambert.”
“Why is she making that noise?”
“She’s breathing while she’s eating.”
“Is she supposed to be breathing like that?”
“Yes, love.”
“Bug, why do her eyes look so wide? She looks scared.”
“Probably because you’re staring at her and hovering so close.” You giggled softly. He was towering over you two and leaning over you and Eva as she nursed. You didn’t mind, but everything was new to Eva, who was born just a little bit ago. 
Lambert moved away from Eva, choosing instead to sit near your knees so he wasn’t too close to make Eva uncomfortable or scare her, but so that he was close enough to watch her. 
“How long until she’s done?”
“Oh, love.” You tore your eyes away from Eva to look up at your husband. “You’re so impatient.”
“It’s been hours.” He frowned. “I read somewhere that if I don’t hold her soon, she won’t know I’m her dad.”
“I can assure you that isn’t true.” You shook your head with a little chuckle. “And it hasn’t been hours. It’s been maybe a half of an hour. Once she’s finished eating, she’ll stop nursing and then I promise you that I will let you hold her.”
He nodded his head, yellow eyes flickering down to Eva. 
“Is she gonna start teething and still be nursing like that?”
“It just depends on when her teeth start coming in.” 
Lambert winced and brought his hand up to his chest as if the thought brought him pain. 
He settled with quietly watching her, fascinated by every little noise that came from her and every little move she made. 
When Eva was finished nursing, Lambert rubbed his hands along the tops of his thighs and shifted in his spot. 
“Can I….?” He trailed off, eyes flickered up to you.
“Yes, my love.” You nodded, moving Eva around so you could safely hand her off to her father. “Come up here and sit next to me. My legs are hurting and I can’t move too well right now.”
Lambert moved to sit by you at the head of the bed. He became as still as a statue as you moved Eva into his arms. His brows drew together softly and his lips parted. 
“She’s…. Fuck, Y/N. She’s so tiny.” His voice cracked. 
“I know.” You put your hand on his shoulder, smiling at the sight of him holding her. You kissed his shoulder. “She’s so beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Looks just like you, bug.”
“I think she’s got your nose.”
“Gods, don’t say that.” He shook his head, sniffling. 
You reached over to wipe his cheeks. “She’s too perfect to look like me.”
“Well she’s ours. So she’s gotta have a little of both of us.”
Lambert nodded. His eyes were still focused on her. 
“Just wait until Vesemir gets a load of her…. I hope she gives him hell in her toddler years. 
Your eyes followed Triss as she checked over the baby, ensuring that the tiny newborn was healthy and well. The baby was crying and that worried you, but Triss assured you that it was okay. 
“You did amazing.” Eskel murmured, leaning over to kiss your temple. He was sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. Your fingers were still intertwined on the bed by your side. Your skin was clammy and damp with sweat and you were exhausted, but you wanted to hold her, to hold your baby. 
“Did you get a good look at her?” You asked. Your voice was raspy. You turned your head to look up at him. 
“She looks beautiful.” He nodded, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“She has got a nice set of lungs on her.” Triss moved towards the bed with the baby in your hands. “Have you guys decided on a name yet?”
“Mhm.” Eskel watched you take the baby from Triss. “Nadia.”
“What a stunning name. Very fitting for the little girl.” 
You fixed the way you held Nadia, situating your hold on her so that she rested against your bare skin. Her cries died down and she curiously looked up at you. 
“I’ll leave you two be for a bit.” Triss took a few steps towards the door. “If you need anything, I’ll be out in the other room.”
Eskel thanked her since you were too caught up in gazing at the beautiful little baby on your chest. 
“Eskel.” You reached out with the hand that wasn’t providing her support. Blindly, you found his arm. “She’s…. She’s….”
“She’s beautiful.” He leaned down to kiss your messy hair. “And looks to be a bit hungry.” He chuckled softly as Nadia made a motion with her mouth like she was trying to suck on your skin. 
“After she eats, you can hold her.” You told him, moving her so that she could latch onto a nipple. 
“Oh I….” Eskel trailed off, shaking his head. 
You shifted at the foreign feeling of her latching on, but she seemed to get the hang of it. 
“You what?” You looked up at him. 
He shifted around to sit with his back more towards you. He looked down at his hands, rubbing them together. 
“I think I should wait a little while. Maybe until she’s older at least.” His words were quiet and hushed, but you could hear them just fine now that Nadia was no longer crying. 
“What? Eskel, what makes you think that?” You furrowed your brows.
“I just…. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have me hold her when she’s that tiny.”
You watched him for a few moments, unsure that you were even hearing him right. How could he say that? He had been so excited and so eager to hold her throughout your pregnancy and even through labor.
“Eskel, look at me.” You murmured. You wanted to reach out and hold his hand, to touch him and comfort him, but you were busy holding Nadia. 
He didn’t turn towards you at first, but then he let out a small breath and turned around so that he could look at you. 
“Eskel, you’re her father. There is no reason in the world you should put off holding her.”
His eyes flickered down to watch her, to watch his newborn. She seemed to already be drifting off to sleep. 
“What if I hurt her?” He asked, his voice low and timid. “On-On accident, of course. My hands- I-I’m just…. They’re big and the things I’ve done-,”
“You are more than just a witcher, Eskel.” You reminded him, though your words did little to comfort him. The furrow in his brow was still prominent. 
You made sure you had one arm securely holding Nadia in place, and slowly pulled your other arm away, making sure she was still comfortable and safe. 
You reached over to take Eskel’s hand, placing it on her back. You placed your hand over top of his, gently brushing your thumb over his knuckles.
“You would never hurt her, Eskel. You’ve been so excited since we found out I was pregnant. Please, don’t let those bad thoughts in your head ruin these precious moments you’ll never be able to get back.” You whispered, eyes staying on his face. 
He was focused intently on Nadia, golden eyes stuck to her face. 
A few silent minutes passed. He kept his hand on her back where you were holding it. He could feel her breathing, hear her little heart beating in her fragile ribcage. It was so different to hear her outside of your stomach, but it was just as comforting. 
“Okay.” He nodded. 
You smiled, taking your hand away from his so you could reach over and cup his cheek. 
Once Nadia was finished nursing, Eskel got comfortable on the bed and you carefully placed Nadia in his arms. 
“She’s so light.” He chuckled softly, making sure to keep his voice quiet so as to not scare her. “I can’t believe we…. That she’s…. She’s ours, doll.”
“She is.” You nodded, reaching over to brush your fingers through his dark hair. 
“Fuck me, Geralt! Look at that little fella!” Jaskier exclaimed, shaking Geralt’s broad shoulder. 
“Jaskier!” Geralt hissed his name, not wanting to raise his voice. 
“It’s a damn shame he inherited that furrow you’ve got between your brows. Hope he doesn’t have your same bad attitude–,”
“Jaskier, please keep your voice down.” Geralt cut him off, almost speaking through clenched teeth to the bard. 
“He’s alright, Geralt.” You smiled. Briefly, you looked up to your husband but then your eyes fell back to the newborn you held in your arms. “He’s a quiet baby, isn’t he?” 
“Got that from Geralt too.” Jaskier commented, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He was eager to get closer and see his little nephew. “I see he’s got Y/N’s nose though. Thank the gods.”
Geralt glared at Jaskier. 
“I know you’d like to hold him, Jaskier. You’re nearly jumping out of your skin, but–,” You were cut off my Jaskier’s excitement. 
“I would love to! That is true. However I do think Geralt should hold the little bugger first.” Jaskier put his hand on Geralt’s shoulder. 
“I agree.” You smiled at Jaskier. Your eyes flickered over to Geralt. “Come have a seat, love.” 
The witcher move to your bedside, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you. 
“He’s so small.” Geralt commented. “Is he healthy?”
“He is.” You nodded. “He’ll grow.”
You directed your husband on how to hold his arms and then you placed Bram in his arms. 
Geralt looked down at Bram, a little smile tugging at his lips. Bram was fast asleep with his mouth slightly open. 
“What’s his name?” Jaskier asked, sitting down next to Geralt. 
Geralt over to you, silently asking if you wanted to tell him. 
“Go ahead.” You encouraged, reaching out to place your hand on his arm. 
“Julian Bram, but we’re just calling him Bram.” 
Jaskier repeated the name under his breath, testing out the flow of it and how well it sounded together. 
“Julian? As in…. As in my name?”
You nodded while Geralt kept his eyes on Bram. 
“That’s so sweet of you, Geralt.” Jaskier put one arm around Geralt’s shoulders, pulling him in for a tight hug. 
Geralt groaned.
Taglists: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @andyrazzledazzle @ameliasmistake @winterwolf @caraqas @bluscryn @thefirelordm @y-napotat @henrycavillbesty @crazybutconfidentaf @runawayolives @she-wolfoftheinquisition @onlygeraltofrivia @henrythickcavill @lharrietg @wellthisstinks
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lilred8220 · 3 years
Well, yet another fic no one asked for😃
I wanted to write this because some time go, I was watching the fireworks when this song started to play↓↓↓
And I just thought how romantic it would be if I wasn't forever alone 🙃 so, I build a story around that. I hope you enjoy it!
P.s. This is a F!MC
I had been so excited for this day! In the human realm, my hometown this time of year had a huge festival ending with a huge firework show. I had asked to go a week in advance but due to being in the Devildom for the exchange program, I couldn't go. It definitely was a disappointment. However Diavolo, seeing me upset and now curious about the tradition, asked all about it and he thought it sounded fun. Thanks to him always wanting to do anything new, he immediately decided to do the same here in the Devildom.
So through the long week, he asked about everything we would do at the event to make it much more fun and quickly get everything ready to make this last second festival. It somehow all came together and it feels almost exactly like the festival from the human realm. The food, sweets and all! Now it was the time to enjoy the festival!
The brothers couldn't understand why I was so excited for this. Though we all went to festivals and saw fireworks, It was just something that I would always look forward to this time of the year and it's just more special this time around. It kinda feels as if I'm sharing something that I love with everyone I care about in a place where I like to call my new home. Hopefully they'll come to enjoy this as much as I do.
"So, this is called an Elephant ear?“ Beel asked, drooling at the large fried sweet in front of him.
I laugh, as I grab a piece before he can scarf the treat whole, "Yeah, it's just fried dough with powdered sugar on it. They usually sell these at any carnival or festival." I pop the elephant ear in my mouth, savoring the amazing taste.
The brothers each had something to eat as we took a break from all the festival games littered around. We all take two picnic benches for the 8 of us, well, us and Beel's giant pile of food he got. Everyone had won something from the games…well everyone but me and Mammon. Mammon was determined to win a game, yet his luck seemed to be the worse for wear today and all the games we'd gone to all ended up with one of the other brothers winning the game. My luck honestly wasn't any better due to playing the same games that the others had won.
"I'm telling ya! Those games are rigged! The people runnin 'em are just a bunch of con artists!“ Mammon yells, clearly frustrated that he hasn't gotten anything.
"Or maybe you just suck lol" Levi says, holding a Ruri-chan plush to his chest.
"Honestly, you really shouldn't be surprised, you were pretty terrible at all those games since you had no choice but to play fair." Satan adds on, which all the brothers nod in agreement.
Asmo laughs, "Well, what do you expect from a scumbag?"
I start to get annoyed as the brothers all start to bash on Mammon. He seems fine on the surface but I've been around him long enough, with him basically living in my room and all, to see all his little ticks. Like when he's excited, his hand gestures are more dramatic, to emphasize his point or how his eyes light up when something catches his attention, like something to make a quick buck. However, right now, with the way his mouth slightly twitches and his hand shoved into his pockets, he's upset. He really only does this when the brothers throw insult after insult at him, like right now.
I sigh as they continue their assault on him. But an idea comes to mind and it'll be easy enough to pull off.
"Does...that all that stuff apply to me too? Since I didn't win anything either, after all..." I say, putting on my best pouting face and looking down at the ground.
Immediately, the brothers started to panic, trying to reassure me that it wasn't true, successfully drawing their attention away from Mammon. I slightly looked up, passed the frantic brothers to lock eyes with Mammon. He stood there for a moment, a bit confused by my sudden comment. I flash him a quick smirk before looking up at the brothers, accepting their apologies. The brothers seemed to relax and drop the topic after that, returning to the food they have. Mammon, who had seemingly understood what my intentions really were, looked at me, with his face slightly flushed, then stared down at his food.
In Mammon's mind, he honestly doesn't know what force sent Y/N here but, she is honestly the best thing that has ever happened to him. At first, he hated the idea of being her guardian due to all of the extra work he was given. But, as days turned to weeks, her treatment towards him was nothing but sweet and loving. It honestly was a huge adjustment for him, since everyone treated him like scum or useless, having her place so much faith in him, even defending him and doing little gestures like this, it makes his head spin. He honestly couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but, his feelings for her drastically changed, he couldn't deny it now, how he longed for her, wanted her all to himself. How he loved her unconditionally.
I smile, quickly finish eating my food then stand up, "Ok! Time to get back to the games!“ I say, excitedly.
"Y/N, I'm glad you are excited but some of us still need to eat." Lucifer says, glancing at Beel and his mountain of food.
"Awww, come on Lucifer, I wanna try to win something before the fireworks start." I plop down again, putting my chin in my hands.
"Well, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time." Lucifer tries to cheer me up, eating some fries.
Mammon looks up at Y/N, upon seeing her upset. He honestly hated seeing Y/N upset, even if for something so small as to wait for everyone to finish eating. He wanted nothing more than to see her smile everyday, it honestly was one of his favorite parts of the day to see her smile so sweetly. He'll do anything to make her happy. He sits up and scarfs down his food before standing up. "Ok, how 'bout this,' ' Mammon gets up and walks over to me, ' ' since I haven't won anythin', I'm gonna go play some more games and I'll meet ya guys later. Y/N, ya can come if ya want to." Mammon starts to walk away, at a slower pace than he usually would.
"Yeah! Ok!" Before any of the other brothers could protest, I quickly got up and hurried over to Mammon. I can hear the brothers stumbling to get up to follow us.
"Hey! Mammon is stealing Y/N!"
"That's not fair!“
"That scumbag..."
I hear some of the things they're saying as they seem to be trying to catch up.
I grab Mammon's hand and start to make a run for it. "Come on!" I glanced back at Mammon, who seemed shocked. He looks back to see the brothers in hot pursuit of us. Getting the hint, Mammon picks up the pace. We high tail it out of there, laughing like a bunch of kids all the while.
Me and Mammon finally stop and I flop on the floor, trying to catch my breath as Mammon puts his hands on his knees.
"I…I think we lost 'em" Mammon pants, out of breath from running around.
"I…I think so…jeez, how…how do you always do this when you get in trouble?“ I wheeze out, my human body not used to running as much as a demon. Especially if that demon is Mammon.
Mammon straightens up, finally catching his breath, "Well, I'm not usually running from ALL of my brothers, just Lucifer mostly."
Mammon reaches his hand to me and after a moment, I let him help me up. He helps me to my feet and when I look up, his face is very close to mine. We stare at each other for a moment before both of our faces turn more flushed than we already were.
His bright blue eyes that have a hint of that golden yellow has me in a trance. When I first met Mammon, it was the first thing that drew my attention, it's honestly something that I always find myself staring at all of the time. They are very beautiful to me and never fail to make me feel relaxed when I see them. But not only that, he is a very handsome man. His rich caramel skin with his pure white hair makes his face stand out even more. He is just so captivating to look at, however his personality is what truly makes him shine. Even if he tries, and fails, to hide his true feelings, he always has his heart on his sleeve, rather if he realizes that or not. He tries so hard to help me or to even make my day brighter when I'm not feeling my best. He even tries to protect his brothers and is always there for them. He honestly is the most caring person I've ever met and I can't help but fall for him because of that.
Mammon looked down at her face, he honestly couldn't help but stare. In his mind, she was more beautiful than anyone he's ever seen. Her beauty not only stopped at her looks but the person she was. She was a true wonder to him, too good to be true yet, here she was, defying all logic. All he wanted to do was look at every detail of her face, her eyes as they shine, her soft skin as the blush covers her face, her parted lips as her breath finally slows down. Mammon was the first to turn away, catching himself now staring at nothing but her lips.
He clears his throat. "W-Well since we're here, let's get to some games!" Mammon says, his fangs flash with his grin.
We made our way to the nearest game booth, both of us looking at the various prizes. The booth in question is a simple ring toss, the bottles are organized by colors which show what size prize you can get. There are the ridiculously large stuffed bears that are taller than me to the very small animal plushies. Scanning all the prizes, one catches my attention, a black plush crow with a yellow tag on it. It was big enough to hold in your arms, it's wings dangled at its sides. It had its beak opened slightly to look like a smile. I glance over at Mammon, who is currently eyeing a plushie of a grimm, that also has a yellow tag hanging off of it. I laugh, thinking of how that plush crow reminded me of him.
Mammon looks at me, slightly confused, "What are ya laughing at?"
"Oh nothing, though I know what prize I want." I smile, looking back at the crow plush.
Mammon follows my eyes over to the plush, he tilts his head at my choice, "Ya sure that's what ya want? There are plenty of things better than that ol' crow."
I nod enthusiastically, "Yeah, I think it's cute, like someone else I know." I playfully push him.
His ears turn a dark red but he laughs, "Well, I know what I want so, let's go and win some prizes!“
We pay the demon running the game and start trying to make the rings reach its mark. However, as in most carnaval games, the rings in question are only slightly bigger than the top of the bottles, making it much harder to win. Not to mention the bottles for the better prizes are further back, making it much harder. As we try a couple times, we don't get much luck and we're running out of grimms to play. However as we reach our last game, even though I end up with nothing, Mammon manages to sink a ring on a yellow bottle.
"We have a winner!“ the demon behind the booth says, walking over to grab the ring.
"Yeah! This was nothin' for the Great Mammon!" Mammon threw his hands in the air, and I cheered with him, "You did it! You won!“
The demon walks back over to us, "Alrighty, you can pick a prize with a yellow tag. Which will it be?"
Mammon's eyes flick to the plush he was eyeing earlier and he goes to speak, but an announcement rings through the speakers all around the festival, "The firework show will be starting in 15 minutes, marking the end of the festival! So hurry and grab a seat to enjoy the show!“ a cheery voice says before the music from before starts to play again. Mammon looks down at me for a moment before a small smile appears on his face.
Mammon looks at the demon and points at the plush crow, "I'll take that one."
I look up at Mammon, "But, I thought you wanted-“ I get cut off by the demon swift return, "Here you go." The demon hands him the crow plush.
Mammon takes the plush from the demon with his usual bright smile and starts walking off, I quickly follow, still confused. Once I catch up, he looks at me with a blush on his face and holds out the crow to me.
"W-well, there wasn't really anythin' I wanted, so I figured I'd get this ol' crow since ya seemed to want it so bad." He says with his usual bravado, yet it was a bit more shy than normal.
"But, you said…" I start to say as I take the plush but, cut my thought short.
Even though I know he wanted something, that much he's been saying all day, he still got me this crow plush. Knowing how he struggles to do these things and becoming a stuttering mess when it's pointed out, I choose to not question him. Yet, I can't help but love him even more, him knowing that I wanted something as well and that he'll be going back home later with nothing. I'll have to repay him later but for now, I'll just enjoy the rest of the festival with him.
I shake my head and give him a smile, one that shows how much I truly appreciate and love him, "Thank you so much, Mammon." I hold the crow close to myself.
Mammon feels all the air in his lungs escape him. Y/N's smile, the sparkle of joy and something more…intimate in her eyes. Honestly, for a split second, he found himself jealous of that crow, seeing Y/N holding it so lovingly. He wanted, no, needed to show her how much he loves her. If not tonight, it'll drive him insane.
After looking a bit, me and Mammon found a perfect spot to watch the fireworks. We sat on a hill that was a bit further away from the festival and luckily, we could still hear the music playing from one of the speakers nearby. We sat in a comfortable silence, waiting for the fireworks to begin. Which based on the amount of time it took to find this isolated spot, it should start at any moment.
Mammon is resting his arms on his knees as I sit with my legs crossed, the plush crow close to my chest. I watch all the demons in the distance hurrying to find a spot to watch the show as well. Thankfully, none of them seem to look in this direction. So right now, it's just us, alone.
After a few moments, Mammon looks over at me and shyly starts to speak, "H-hey, Y/N?"
I look back at Mammon, noticing his face slowly forming a blush, "Yes?"
"I…I wanted to tell ya-" Mammon gets cut off by the first firework going off.
We slightly jump, but my eyes widen as the firework show starts, "It's starting!"
I watch as the firework starts to make the usual dark Devildom sky shine bright with many different colors. All the while, a familiar song starts to play on the speakers, making this a moment that I want to treasure always. It was a song from the human realm and it was a song that made this moment feel more intimate. I honestly couldn't ask for a better day, I got to go to the festival with all my favorite people and I even had, dare I say it, a wonderful date with Mammon. The thought of going on a date with Mammon makes my cheeks burn but I truly wish that this day would never end.
Mammon's heart starts to pound in his chest, his gaze never leaving Y/N. He watches as her eyes glow with wonder, watching the fireworks as if it were the first time. She never looked more beautiful, more perfect than right now. If he was ever gonna make his move, it had to be now. Mammon opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't find it in himself to break her trance. However, his greed for her attention, her voice, her touch, for nothing but her, was growing. So, he closes his mouth and takes a deep breath. He leans closer to her as his shaky hand gently touches her cheek to turn her face towards him.
When I suddenly feel a light touch on my face, I snap back to reality. Before I can react, I feel my face being turned and suddenly, Mammon leans in, his eyes close and gently presses his lips on mine, like he's afraid that I'll break. My eyes widen, taking a moment to realize what is happening. Mammon, feeling me not move, starts to move away, most likely worried he did something wrong. But, not wanting to lose the moment, I quickly filled in the space he left, pressing my lips a bit harder than he did. Mammon tenses at my sudden movement but quickly melts into the kiss, holding my face with his hands. I place the plush to the side, momentarily forgotten, I place my hands on his chest for support.
The air stills, the world around us starts to disappear. The only thing to keep us from forgetting the world completely is the sound of fireworks and the song playing so sweetly.
I snake my arms around Mammon's neck, then he takes the chance to pull me in closer by my waist, closing the gap between us. Even though he was nervous at first, he seems to have relaxed, even nips at my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. He swiftly slips his tongue in my mouth, tangling it with mine, deepening the kiss. We held each other close, like we were afraid that the other would vanish.
Needing to breathe, we lean away slightly. I'm not sure when it happened, but I managed to end up on Mammon's lap. Mammon seems to also realize the position we're in and his breath hitches.
His hand comes up and holds my face, "I love ya, Y/N."
My heart flutters and I lean into his touch, "I love you too, Mammon. I…I always have."
"Y/N, I care about ya so much and I…I don't want anyone else trying to steal my most precious treasure from me. The thought of it kills me, because I'm yer first man." Mammon stops, becoming more shy, "I w-want ya to be mine and…I'll be yers…if ya want me."
I feel as though all of the butterflies in my stomach would explode out of me. I can't stop the big smile that appears on my face, "Mammon," I hold his face in my hands, "no one could ever take me away. And not only that but…" I bite my lip, feeling a bit bashful, "You already have me. Now and forever."
If Mammon could, his eyes would have hearts in them. He looked at me with such lovestruck eyes, his face is probably the most peaceful expression I've ever seen. I look back at him in awe, honestly have never seen him so happy, like he's on cloud nine.
A smile is plastered on his face, "I promise that I will be with ya till the end of time. I gotta be the luckiest demon in the whole festival, no, the Devildom. But, I guess I did win something at the festival after all." His smile suddenly turns into a smirk, "What do ya say we go somewhere more private and we can continue…this?"
My face turns red, but I nod. We stand up, I grab my plushie so that we can leave when I suddenly hear someone, or rather, some people, running this way.
We spin around, both of us knowing too well who that voice belongs to. Lucifer and the rest of the brothers are running at full sprint in our direction.
"Oh shit!" Mammon yells out, quickly sweeping me off my feet, making a run for it.
Startled, I grabbed on to Mammon's jacket, making sure to not drop my crow plush, "Ah! M-Mammon!“
He looks down at me, " Well, I might get strung up later, but I'm yer man now. I want ya all to myself and I don't know about ya, but I'm not ready for tonight to end." He flashes his signature smile.
I can't help but laugh, as we make yet another escape from the brothers. This is truly the best day I could have asked for.
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