#i keep thinking of epic animatics
finemeal · 1 month
Got sent an image in my head about something that would be tragic.
In WolfyTheWitch’s animatics, Polites wears a bandana on his head and then he ... ya know. So now I have this image that every time Odysseus embraces Polites' "Open Arms" ideology, he looks down at the bandana of his friend (at this point he's wrapped it around his wrist/arm as a reminder to remember them, prolly during ... Remember Them)
Then? During "Monster" he tears off the bandana as a symbolic showing that he will be embracing the "Ruthlessness is Mercy" ideology instead of "Open Arms" ideology he's been trying to hold onto
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fawnnbinary · 1 month
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Snajis with blonde facial hair from last night,,,, so pretty
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gigizetz · 6 months
Have you listened to the songs yet? What do you think?
I just listened to all the songs which is so weird. I've been feeding off the snippets for months (like a little racoon with rabies), trying to imagine how the final product would sound like. My first impression is that everything sounds way more badass than what I had in mind lmao
My favorite track was Ruthlessness but this one has already been my favorite since I first got into Epic so yeah pretty predictable. Keep Your Friends Close is a close second.
For animatics, I'll start by working on these two. I'll first make the Keep your friends close one, then I will, at last, work on the Ruthlessness animatic. BOTH WILL TAKE A LOT OF TIME SO I'LL PROBABLY HAVE A CRAZY SANTA CLAUS BEARD WHEN I'M DONE BUT WHATEVER
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
The crew listens to Epic: the Musical.
MK's favorite song is Legendary.
Wukong identifies with Just a Man (not that he'll admit it).
Macaque likes Ruthlessness because he's an emo little stinker.
Sandy likes Open Arms (of course).
Tang and Red Son like Warrior of the Mind.
Pigsy really thinks the monkeys should take Luck Runs Out to heart.
Mei likes Keep Your friends close (a fun bop that belies danger underneath, just like her).
I have to be careful binging a new muscial (or in this case Saga) cus I end up playing each song on loop for hours. Opinions might change once the full and finished versions of later sagas are released.
I love all these hcs <3
Im imagining the gang likely sees/listens to Epic on the reccomendation of MK (who's currently on a Greek Mythology hyperfixation), and he gets them all to watch the full play - maybe in the future as a irl performance or film.
"Legendary" is SUCH an MK song. Both him and Telemachus growing up with the stories of someone dear to them and wanting to replicate their success. I could also see him really liking "Warrior of the Mind" with the theme of "some nobody" gaining the favor of a god (reminds you of anyone?) + SWK is infamously the personification of The Mind in Jttw so its a bonus. MK is smiling evily whenever a harsh plot twist occurs and his fam are shocked silent. >:3
Sun Wukong feels targeted personally with how many of the Epic songs remind him of his past. Ofc he starts crying halfway through "Horse and the Infant", and is inconsolable during "Just A Man" - verbally yelling "NO!" at the end. And like Nezha and Sandy is *silent* during Posideon's songs. Is super jazzed during the triumphant Ithaca Saga though! And feels mega catharic during "King" when Odysseus proves that he still rules to the suitors! He tries his best to hide how much the muscial is affecting him.
Macaque is a canon theatre Nerd - so he's already listened to the musical multiple times, but he's uber excited to see the live performance (and secretly bond with his found fam). Is rocking out during "Ruthlessness" and "Done For" in particular, so much so that he's fidgeting and dancing within his seat. He also vibes with "No Longer You" as someone with powers of prophecy. Is really amazed how much Wukong gets into the musical, but in retrospect understands *why*. Him and Wukong accidentally share a glance during "Would You Fall In Love With Me Again" and it gets a little awkward afterwards.
Mei is similarly excited to see anything with her bestie, so she tried her best not hear/see any spoilers ("it's a centuries' old story Mei" "Ssssh!! Dont tell me!"). She was shooketh by how hard the muscial goes. "Keep Your Friends Close" is her fave based on beat alone. She gets delightedly scared and amazed by consistent horse imagery used with Posideon (shameless link to my fave Animatic of "Ruthlessness").
Tang loves himself some historical and mythological adaptations, and is estatic that MK has given him an excuse to go see one! He's not as familar with Hellenic mytholgy as he is with Hindu-Chinese, but he knows enough lore to make the pog-champ face at every foreshadowing/reference. "Warrior of the Mind" really gets to him as a song about valuing your smarts. He also feels really empathetic for Calypso.
Pigsy only went cus Tang begged him. He feels super lost by the deep Greek lore he's missing, but he can get Odysseus's whole thing with trying to get home - but he def identifies more with Eurylochus. "Luck Runs Out" proves this to him. Later on he feels that the second-in-command was justified in having the soldiers rebel against Odysseus after so many losses (who wouldn't after losing all their friends?). Audibly gasps at the end of "Just A Man" - cus who would just do that!? Is a little freaked out by Circe turning the Athenian's into pigs - Eurylochus is depicted as partly-transformed, played by a pig-demon actor who was in super convincing human makeup in the previous sagas. He also gets protective feelings by-proxy seeing Telemachus's situation since the prince reminds him of MK. Is surprised by how much he likes the musical!
Sandy feels betrayed. This isn't like Disney Hercules at all! He does really enjoy Polites message in "Open Arms" and the later moments when the hopeful soldier's outlook is proven correct. He's a little overwhelmed at points though - he get eerily quiet during Posideon's scenes. He sobs joyfully when Odysseus finally makes it home and reunites with his family! :')
Because of this really good animatic/almost child-like depiction of Aelous by gigi; I can def see "Keep Your Friends Close" being Nezha's fave. It reminds Nezha of when he was far more carefree + has a solid lesson on about trust/"forbidden fruit". He also enjoys the more march-like tune of "Survive". He does however, freeze when he listens to Posideon's songs "Ruthlessness" and "Get in the Water" - he has been on the bad end of a sea god before and is quietly shtting himself for Odysseus.
Red Son goes in feeling like he could have stayed at home listening to the musical on his phone while working on a car instead. He is however blown away by the heavy themes and performances, especially "Warrior of the Mind" and Telemachus's situation - a prince forced to grow up fatherless and protecting his mother from suitors due to his dad pissing off a higher power? Hello?? Accidentally shrieks "YES!!!" when Athena becomes Telemachus's mentor/friend after "Little Wolf".
Princess Iron Fan I could see loving any song including Penelope (she empathizes with the Queen's situation hard), but unexpectedly enjoys "Keep Your Friends Close" - she's a fellow Wind Goddess at her core. It also reminds her of her not-so-little-anymore nephew.
DBK on the flip side loves the heavier songs like "Polyphemus" and "Ruthlessness". This man is a Posedion apologist. He does feels bad for Odysseus by the end though - man just wants to get back to his wife and kid dammit!
Bonus: The Spider Gang are watching the bootleg and Spider Queen agrees with Circe's whole girlboss attitude especially "Puppeteer". Scorpion Queen is Calypso in "Not Sorry For Loving You".
This got a little away from me - hope you enjoy!
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tartsinarat · 5 months
I'm throwing this out here because I popped off with this art really hard and really liked how it came out
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I swearrrrr that I'll go into this in more detail with proper art and maybe an animatic but as quick as an explanation I can muster, at around the au's version of mid-season two (in between any sport in a storm and reaching out) Pip does end up having to leave the Owl House gang because Hunter finally managed to capture him completely by surprise because Pip let his guard down to who he just assumed was only Willow's and Gus's new flyer derby friend.
When Pip finally reaches the castle he stays there for a while to scope out the place and figure out a full proof escape route but he ends up caught in between a rock and a hard place before he could even think of a plan because he finds out that Eda is set to be put to be captured and petrified for the false crime of kidnapping the heir.
This causes Pip who's already extremely traumatised from the first petrification attempt and doesn't want to see Eda hurt again attempts to completely avoid that by striking up a deal with Belos.
This sort of works but it isn't in Pips favour at all because Belos had decided to pardon Eda (only to keep Pip from escaping again though), Pip can no longer even be out of Hunters sight or go out of the castle without Hunter's or a scouts supervision and if Eda approaches again she will be put to be petrifed immediately
So the deal goes completely out the window the moment that Eda finds out that one of her kids got kidnapped and so she and Luz (she wasn't supposed to join along but couldn't take no for an answer) busts into the castle to steal Pip right back.... which ends terribly to say the least.
Even though things went well at first, they do manage to almost escape with Pip until Belos who's at this point kinda done with his clone running away all the time decides to intervene personally rather than sending out the scouts
Eda goes full mother owl mode and does end up fighting Belos which I can imagine was a pretty epic battle
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Eda vs Belos colourised (2020) /j
no idea who was winning until the end of the fight but one things for certain is that it goes completely south for Eda towards because Luz and Pip end up in the crossfire, Pip gets hurt badly and almost loses his eye (hence the gnarly scar across his face in the drawing) because he pushed Luz out of the away from a magic spike growing from the ground, so Eda gets distracted and petrified.
Before Eda fully becomes stone she makes both of them promise to escape, thanks them and asks them to take care of themselves, Hooty and King for her... Neither Luz or Pip handle this well but don't have enough time to even properly processes and so Pip who's slightly more functional than Luz who's completely dissociating at this point quickly grabs Luz and escapes on Owlbert but Pip gets yoinked by Belos mid way and Luz ends up escaping by herself.......
At this point Pip is planning on committing regicide and is only stopped because he ends up forcibly having to drink that brainwash juice before he could do anything
Brainwashed Pip mostly can't remember what's that's happened to him except for a few fake memories that got implanted in that paints wild witches in a really bad light and so after being explained a obviously completely untrue story by Belos he believes that he's suffering huge memory loss because he was brainwashed by wild witches and that magic is fading away.
Pip also just loses most of his personality except for his sense of justice which gets extremely twisted, he just becomes extremely detached and cold as well (but he does thaw slightly with specific people but doesn't understand why *coughs* ᴺᶦᵐᵇᵘˢ *coughs even harder* ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒʷᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᵍᵃʸ ᶦˢ ᵗᵒᵒ ˢᵗʳᵒⁿᵍ.)
anyways that was longer than I thought it would be, soz for that lol
and even more longer than this is the GH masterpost link
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 days
Epic on Stage pt1
so I was thinking if/when Epic the musical becomes an actual musical, specifically for the stage, how would they adapt certain parts, both economically and to show off using the medium to tell their story. I don't know much about theater technology to be honest, so this is purely hypothetical, but it could be done if from what I've seen. There are a lot of amazing animatics from the songs, but the stage is different than something people could draw due to how the songs make them imagine things happening. You need actors and special effects that you don't necessarily have.
I was thinking on stage they could have a piece of cloth in the background as part of the set. Sometimes it just has projections of the set, but it changes when the gods are on stage. Like it just looks like another part of Troy but then you see a monster of a man for Odysseus' vision on the cloth and it becomes Zeus' face as he enforces his will upon Odysseus.
You have whatever the cloth or screen even be something only the gods can effect outside of being a piece of the scenery. They can appear on it or affect it when trying to get a point across.
You could have them projected when they are being godly and larger than life. For example, in "Warrior of the Mind," and her bit at the end of "Remember them" she is portrayed by an actor as she is regal but not angry. Whereas in "My Goodbye" you portray her as mostly as a projection in her godly since she is pissed because she's not his friend/mentor anymore she is the goddess Athena and she is done with him. It also serves to show how detached they are from each other now and the bond they formed when he was just a kid is gone.
For Aeolus in "Keep Your Friends Close," you could have the Actor be quick and energetic moving around Odysseus quickly, maybe on roller skates if they're safe, explaining their challenge. But once the bag is open you see their more godly form on the screen telling Odysseus that he failed and blowing the ships right to Poseidon.
Or they could do the opposite, where they have the gods on the screen for when they are being their divine selves, but have them played by actors when they get more emotional to show that despite their power they are just as flawed as mortals. In "Warrior of the Mind," you have Athena mostly on the screen reminding Odysseus of his purpose because she's supposed to be his larger than life mentor. Then when, "Remember Them" comes in starts, you have the actress in the background until it's her lines to sing. Then she is telling Athena to finish the job as a person on stage to show how their relationship is starting to fray. He is traumatized and not looking to kill while she is disappointed that he didn't finish the job with Polyphemus and it's kind of the last straw with her. Then "My Goodbye" happens and Athena is played by the actress for most of the song because they're both angry and it's better to do that with real people than a projection on the screen. Athena berates him for most of the song, but when he says she's alone, she looks at him in the pause and then starts to walk away as she finishes the song. But the actress is walking off stage and singing her lines, when she gets to the final, "you're just a man," she is off the stage and on the projector as she is joined with the other voices and in her more godly form showing that they are detached now and no longer mentor and student.
It would also show in "Ruthlessness," as you could start the song with Poseidon on the screen, but then have the actor run out in front of Odysseus' actor when things get started. Yes, Poseidon is a powerful god, but during the song you could have his actor toss Odysseus' around the stage like a rag doll to show off the gods power. After Odysseus' nonapology, Poseidon could force Odysseus to look at the screen and they play the damage his is doing to the Ithian fleet, not letting Odysseus look away as punishment. Then when Odysseus opens the bag, the Actor flings themselves backwards and the remember me line is done on the screen with Poseidon's god like form. In "Get in the Water," you portray him as mostly on the screen to show off his power and the threat he presents to Odysseus and Ithaca, but in "Six Hundred Strikes," we see him do battle with Odysseus I think that's what's going to happen but there isn't much to the song yet so I can only assume since it's the climax of the Vengence Saga. I don't know how Odysseus can beat Poseidon, but maybe Athena helps and you could have the gods actors fight with his, but that's a detail for the Jorge not me.
For "God Games," you could have Zeus on the screen, and introduce the other gods as small while Athena is on stage to show off that while she is powerful, she still has to play by Zeus' rules. The other gods are introduced on the screen to show Athena the obstacles she'll have to overcome, but when it gets to their part, they appear on stage to show that they are on the same level. Then when it gets to Zeus' turn as the "final boss" of the song, it's the first time his actor is on the stage as Zeus instead of on the screen to show that Athena survived his trials and gets the honor of facing him one on one of the same level.
I don't know I thought this was a good idea to show off how to use the theater as an aspect of the show as much as the setting. That's the difference between theater and say a tvshow or movie. In a movie you could just have the gods grow with special effects or cgi, but you can't do that with a live performance on a stage. You can make dolls or animatronics of monsters but you can't just cgi them in post and have your actors react to an empty green screen or person in a capture suit in their place.
I also think a balcony could work to an extent, with the gods when they're on the screen to show how they're above mortals and have them on stage when I said they'd be on stage, however I think it would be harder to have them go from high ground to the stage consistently. No matter how short say jumping from a high part of the set to the main stage, consistently jumping and landing is bad for your knees and I wouldn't want to put any of the actors through that. It might be alleviated with wires and harnesses, but I think it's better to not make them jump on and off things regardless.
I don't know if any of this is feasible, I like theater, but I was never a theater kid so I don't know much, but I think this would be a cool idea.
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madrone33 · 2 months
I finally listened to Hadestown! 🎉
Starting with the Original Cast Recording, ‘cause might as well do it in release order. Loved it! Groovy music. Snickered. Cried. Wrote down my reaction as I went, so if you're chill with rambled thoughts and observations, here you go lol
(Soz for any typos, I was touch typing most of the time, and I've edited it but probs missed stuff)
Road to Hell (Live)
Oh it’s JAZZY. Huh. Didn't expect that, but I am living.
I like how at the start they’re simulating a train’s chugging.
Those call and response harmonies tho *chef's kiss*
Kinda reminds me of Udad.
Oh that’s Hermes!
“It’s a sad song” he says, while singing the boppiest of bops.
I like that “suitcase full of summertime” line.
“About someone... who tries.” Oho, we’re gettin into it now! *rubs hands together*
Also, I completely get now why Jorge said that first draft of EPIC: The Musical Hermes was like Hadestown.
Livin' It Up on Top (Live)
That’s a smooth transition👌
Persephone’s voice is really cool. Kinda rough texture?
Oh I didn’t realise Persephone and Hades would be having a turbulent relationship in this.
Oooh Orpheus’ voice is smooth.
They’re all so happy huh. Welp, you know there’s gonna be a crash in their future.
Orpheus seems really grateful for Persephone’s... graciousness? When he said that she'll always fill their cups and they'll raise them to her and stuff. Theory: either she’ll have a soft spot for him later, or he’ll feel betrayed and blindsided by the more cold side of her later.
All I've Ever Known (Live)
I don’t know anything about Eurydice, but is this her song?
Ah yeah Orpheus is singing, so it must be.
Oop. Foreshadowing.
Way Down Hadestown (Live)
Hermes is back!
“Bored to death” HA
“Graveyard” wow the puns/metaphors are going hard XD
I can’t tell who’s singing lmao. This is like when I listened to Hamilton for the first time. I’ll need lyrics, or familiarity RIP
The coins as the percussion/tambourine is a nice touch.
Hades’ voice is DEEP.
They haven’t mentioned gods yet, I don’t think? Just the Fates, right? It sounds more like a mining operation metaphor for mythos right now, hmm.
Epic II (Live)
King of diamonds and spades - like the playing card suits, but also like the mining operation.
It’s the La la la la thing from Wolfy’s animatic! Almost. A different rendition - I bet I'll hear that later 👀
Why is it called Epic II? Where’s 1? Am I missing something?
Chant (Live)
Oh they’re doing overlapping meodies!!
Ah wait this is Eurydice now, gotta go back a few seconds to catch that. I keep getting her mixed up with Persephone 😅
Oh now we’ve got Eurydice and Orpheus relationship troubles? Huh, I kinda assumed they’d be the perfect couple till her death.
And a semi callback to her song, nice.
Hay Little Songbird (Live)
DAMN his voice is deep!
Is this Eurydice??
Is- Is Hades seducing her? To work for him of smth? Ummm.
Not the canary!
That shaker sounds like a rattlesnake, and it does not bode well for a little bird.
When the Chips are Down (Live)
Oh hey I was right! It is a metaphorical rattlesnake!
Does she choose to go to the Underworld of her own volition? I thought she like- died.
Gone I'm Gone (Live)
She does??
Ouch. She sounds so resigned.
Is this a metaphor for her starving to death? Oof.
The harmonies!!
Wait for Me (Live)
“Six feet under” oh yep.
“Lay low, stay outta sight” - getting Hamilton's Stay Alive vibes.
“Don’t look back” ah. FORESHADOWING.
Ohhh the River Styx being a high wall is so smart!
“And don’t look no one in the eye” I must be too deep in the Odyssey related fandoms, because I'm seeing puns where there are none lmao
Poor Orpheus, but I mean, he was kinda being a bit… naive? If he didn’t prepare for winter and just went off in his own head to make songs?
Why We Build the Wall (Live)
Free from who?
Enemy? 👀
(Yes, I'm aware I'm being led into asking all the questions he wants me to ask, but in my defence, it's very effective.)
Oh huh. Wasn't expecting it to be poverty, tho maybe I should've.
Him calling them “My children” plus the chanting is uh. Why does this sound like cult propaganda?
His voice sounds like the Ozymandias poem guy.
Also giving Frollo “She ran, I pursued” vocal vibes.
“Behind closed doors” - ominous.
Ha! Ok nice subversion.
Our Lady of the Underground (Live)
Persepone is a drug dealer XD
That’s a strange note on “there’s a crack in the wall”
Oh no, am I supposed to remember all these band member names? *crying*
Way Down Hadestown II (Live)
Bringing back motifs I see.
The pickaxes as percussion is cool.
Oop, Eurydice is getting a bit of a wake up call.
Chant II (Live)
Ooooh does the ‘backdoor’ Hermes meant, mean that Orpheus doesn’t have to ‘die’ to get there? ‘Cause he didn’t sign anything, which is a metaphor for him not actually being dead in the myth, so he can still leave.
“Hungry for the underworld” - the pomegranate?
And now Eurydice and Orpheus are singing half the La la la la tune each as if to each other from across the Underworld!
Ooh I LIKE those slant rhymes! "Young man, you can strum your lyre, I have strung the world in wire."
Oh this is where Orpheus sings his plea!! I know this is a thing because of Udad's Underworld Blues lol.
Epic III (Live)
The harmonies 🥺
Oh! It’s that part from Wolfy's animatic :O
I’m tearing up bro.
Just thinking that Eurydice was so upset with Orpheus for focusing on writing his song about Hades and Persephone, but it's that very song that is giving him a chance to sway Hades' mind. But on the other hand, if he'd focused less on the song, he never would've had to use it, y'know?
Word to the Wise (Live)
Ha the Fates(?) doing Hades’ inner monologue like, yeah bro u screwed yourself.
Uh oh this is probs where Hades comes up with the ultimatum. Wait no don't-
His Kiss the Riot (Live)
Those strings are creepy.
Belladonna? Oh the poisonous flower.
Did he call Orpheus the Jack of Hearts?
That acordian is awesome.
Fuck, I knew it.
He sounds like the guy who does the creepily ominous monologue in Micheal Jackson's Thriller.
Promises (Live)
Oh huh. It’s my theory from the 2nd song but it's Eurydice feeling betrayed that the world isn't always plentiful and not Orpheus?
Those strings are gorgeous!
Oh! A duet!
When the couple actually works out their shit:
“I do” omgggg!
Wait for Me II (Live)
Aww that’s nice. Persephone and Hades are gonna try too!
Oh no not the “wait” like in Hurricane-
Doubt Come In (Live)
Oh noooooo
... Oh god
Road to Hell II (Live)
Hermes sounds so sad but resigned. Like, 'Oh well. I knew it would turn out like this, but I'd hoped.' Which like. SAME.
The instruments stripped away so it's only silence and one voice is so good.
I can just imagine Orpheus collapsed shell shocked on stage as Hermes not unkindly pushes him to go on.
That reprise and ending is so fucking good AHHH omg no regrets. Some regrets. Whatever, it was good.
... Time to listen to it again with lyrics :D
And then I'm gonna listen to the Original Broadway Cast Recording!
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kikker-oma · 1 month
That animatic with LU Epic AU? That was a reason I had Epic stuck in my head on loop for a loooong time, thinking about how to fit all the songs into a Warriors-centric musical thing all the way to the Storm Saga with a touch of Circe.
No joke I listen to those albums and just see LU boys having an awful grand time.
Also hi o/ :D
YES SAME THO! I keep thinking of how I would plug the boys in to the songs and scenarios and who would fit where and mmmmmmmm so many possibilitieess
Maybe after Fan Joy July I'll challenge myself to learn how to animate so that I can make the boys come to life🥰
Hello dear(^o^)/
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moxielynx · 3 months
So as I know little to nothing about Epic The Musical(only listening to snippets of like, 4 to 5 songs-) I really wanna know more about it and the AU you made with it and Tetrax-
Oh my god it’s happening it’s happening it’s finally happening
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everything is under the keep reading cause this is going to be a LOOONNG post
OKOK SO basically the epic au follows the musical almost exactly, story wise, with some kinda major changes
I wrote about it all on my priv twitter then transferred everything over to a txt document so excuse the fact that it’s formatted as a twitter thread cause it literally came from one!!!!
Also I made a couple of changes ever since the Circes Saga was released and there will continue to be changes until the musical is fully completed so I will list all the changes after this
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1. Ares has a name now, it’s Orion!!
2. I’ve decided that all the gods are just gonna be named after the actual gods they’re supposed to represent, I can’t be bothered to come up with a bunch of new names for them
3. In the "Circes Saga" part Circes, instead of threatening tetrax to never return she helps him get to the underworld, having a new respect for him cause not only was he able to resist her power but also he tries to show as much respect to her as possible by kneeling and begging for his crew to be set free instead of resorting to trying to kill her
4. Tetrax meets Clockwork directly instead of having a dream with him in it since Circes helps him go to the underworld
HERE ARE SOME OF THE DESIGNS!!! The first 3 are Aeolus, Circes and Hermes and the other one is just concepts for the others, the designs are all subject to change
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ive also started an animatic for one of the god games songs!!!! its still only a ""storyboard"" so stuff is messy+needs to be adjusted/added but heres what it looks like atm!!! i used this animatic to practice drawing azmuth and orion since i hadnt drawn them at all prior to making this, i hope that i can finish this by making a cleaned up version
i hope i can make animatics on at least "The Horse and the Infant", "Just a Man", and "Done For" in the future
i genuinely dont think ive ever put this much time, thought and effort into an au, tetrax makes me so happy and these songs makes me so happy too, tysm for asking about the au i love love loooovvvee talking about it
playlist of all released songs !!!!! playlist of all the unreleased/unfinished songs!!! (that i talk about here in this post, theres a BUNCH of other unfinished songs yall should check out as well)
extra art of it :3
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smallpapers · 1 year
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Updated profile pic!
Thanks to everyone for your support through the past year <3 I can't believe TOH has ended...
Some updates/ personal notes under the cut!! Like, its really personal its almost narcissistic!
PRONOUNS: I go by she/they now!!! I've always had a lowkey gender crisis (fueled by an existential crisis really) so I am FINALLY trying this out. Feel free to refer to me with they/them pronouns :) (I guess I should have seen something coming when I made my first proper OC over a decade ago as an aro ace agender lol)
TOH ENDING: I'm really sad that the owl house is over...but I'm so glad I got to meet so many cool people in the TOH fandom!!! I even had the pleasure of sending a few friends stickers as a small token of appreciation. I'm like super grateful for all the encouragement and notes! I don't talk much here but I do read the reblog tags :) The brainrot was so serious that it made me draw basically everyday the past year (even if its a small doodle) and i really feel like i grew as an artist, and I honed my skills although I still have a long way to go! I can see improvement in my framing and colouring skills :) I think I might do some funny compilation video in the near future...
A BREAK/MINI-HIATUS: I am considering taking a small break from fandom. It might be a few weeks or maybe less, depending on how quickly I get out of this slump. I am guessing its a burn out from all the negative news regarding AI 'art' and being tussled round by the twitter algorithms. Also maybe because i did two epic pieces back to back... I have a lot of ideas and I really don't want to stop posting art online! I want to do sort of a post-WAD/pre-epilogue HW comic series, as well as a grom animatic :)
THANK YOU HUNTLOW ugh they mean so much to me... I know its silly because its a silly little fictional ship. But its really unlocked some creativity in me that I lost? Along with such a lovely community, it has really inspired me to keep drawing! Maybe its a right place at a right time thing, but after watching ASiaS, it gave me brainrot so much that it kicked my other bad habits out the window! I got to do so much cool stuff i always wanted to do including making an animatic, comics, being in a fan zine, epic pieces, making stickers... I can't believe they are canon now its been such a journey to watch this ship and the shippers blossom :)
THANK YOU!!!! If you've ever liked or reblogged any of my drawings, especially leaving funny tags, I just really want to say thank you <3 I really do cherish all the comments I get!!!! and if you've read this far, I'm super impressed!
That's all from me for now!!
<3 papers
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valorianknights · 1 year
Songs for some really interesting Dark!Hunter au ideas:
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Not one of us - Lion King 2
Like come on, this needs to be an animatic and this fits Hunter so well. Like what if this takes place during Watching and Dreaming? Like this is basically hunter's worst nightmare. To not belong anywhere, being a long and "Helpless to defy his fate".
This could also be some really good huntlow angst. I mean, when I was reading @avatarmerida's fic " The Secret Life of Caleb Jasper Blood Williams", and It got to Hunter revealing himself as the golden Guard to the team... I just... With everyone's reactions... This is what I heard. Ugh. My heart.
My goodbye - Epic the musical
Maybe a dark! Hunter au?
Inspired by @soldrawss Dark!Hunter au
Where he knows everything about the Day of unity, being a grimwalker and even what happened between the Wittebane brothers. But doesn't care.
Maybe he saw potential in Willow to be in the emperor's coven back when he was a scout during a chance meeting and she used her plant magic to help him with something.
Knowing her talents would be wasted in abominations, when he becomes the golden Guard a few weeks later he demands that she be placed in plant track, due to her raw and natural power for the magic. Even saying he wants to take her up as his protegé, just as Lilith had Amity.
He really just wanted to understand why he couldn't stop thinking of her and thought he could get to the bottom of it with her around him more.
After spending time with her he realized that he enjoyed her company and just wanted a friend and it'd be great to have her in the coven with him, even if it was temporary due to the day of unity.
Since she had never seen him without his mask he infiltrates Hexside as Caleb BloodWilliams under Belos' orders to keep an eye on the human to prevent her from interfering with the day of unity. And finds himself becoming attached to Willow and Gus and this new friendship.
Though as he realizes his feelings for Willow may not be as platonic as he thought.
When she and the rest of the hexsquad go to fight Belos during "Young blood, Old souls", everyone gets separated and thinking that Luz and the others are most likely going to die fighting Belos, Hunter confronts her as the Golden Guard.
Sentimental and irrational behavior aren't any teachings of his and he tells her how she had the potential to be a captain, but she's wasting her time to fight a pointless war. He's done. He's disappointed. But so is she.
Willow isn't stupid, she figured it out. She knew Caleb and the golden Guard were the same person. And now that she knows who the bad guys really are, she's done too. They cut their ties, but super angsty and she tells him that she saw him as a friend (maybe more), but if he wants his goodbye then that's fine.
If he wants to help Belos hurt people, if he refuses to change, then she can put him out of sight and out of mind. He can have his goodbye. At least she knows what she's fighting for, she still has her friends and family, if he's so great and wise why is he all alone?!
They part ways hurt, and even though Hunter didn't want to admit it to himself, he didn't really want her to leave. He wanted her to stay. But he knew his place. He understood his purpose in the end. There's no stopping the inevitable and she couldn't even begin to understand what was happening. After all she is just a witch.
(You can clearly see which one I put more thought into and favor more)
I needed to get this out of my system so I could get back to finishing the fanart I was working on.
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amazingmsme · 3 months
okay so. i was going to answer your ask with the epic headcanons but i’m a little nervous about posting them to my blog so i’m sending them to you in this ask instead so i hope that’s okay, i’m also sorry if this list is short </3
i often see people depict odysseus as being shorter than everyone else in animatics and i love it so it’s officially canon to me
i feel like the only person that would be shorter than him is telemachus (at the end of the musical), but only by a couple inches, odysseus still never lets him live it down though
odysseus is definitely the type to try and deny that he’s ticklish if you asked him, and he’ll do it with a confident smile on his face too. but when he realizes you intend on calling his bluff then that’s when he starts getting nervous
he’s clever and sneaky so he’ll probably try to save himself by outsmarting you, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t
if you plan on going after him though just be warned that he is very vengeful, there is a very high chance that he will get you back the minute he’s caught his breath
eurylochus isn’t typically one to start any of the shenanigans on the ship, he’s more content with watching and smiling fondly at it from the side a lot of the time, but if someone asks him to help wreck someone (usually polites or odysseus) or to get revenge on someone then he definitely will
but if he suspects that someone is gonna try and tickle him instead then this man will not hesitate to either throw out empty threats or just straight up run
polites likes to launch surprise tickle attacks on people a lot but he’ll shout “sneak attack!” before he does it, and whoever his target is usually lets him have his fun for just a moment before they Get him
will plead to whoever else is next to them to help him and then act all surprised and betrayed when they help his attacker instead
always lets out a loud, high pitched squeal when he’s caught off guard by an attack, everyone loves it and thinks it’s so funny
- fluffvoid
No worries! I’m just so desperate for content lol. These are great! They’re all so fitting! Realize I got a little carried away, so some of it is under the cut
But OMG LITERAL SHORT KING! He may not be the tallest, but he’s so cunning & mischievous so he absolutely makes up for it. But he always pouts & glares when they tease him about his height. But he’s so happy to finally have someone shorter than him. Like HA! See, I don’t you I wasn’t that short!
Oh he ABSOLUTELY denies it til his dying breath, dude just will not admit he’s ticklish. Even when he’s writhing on the ground cackling his ass off. Eurylochus is just like “so, are you ticklish?” & he’s like “NOHOHO, YOU WIHISH” & he shrugs & just keeps going because “you’re not ticklish, so why should I bother stopping?”
But before they call his bluff & find out how ridiculously ticklish he is, he’s so adamant & smug about it. & like, he’s their captain, what are they gonna do? Tickle him? Only Polites was stupid brave enough to try when he noticed him feeling particularly grumpy & home sick
Eurylochus was just staring at Polites with wide eyes shaking his head because he was worried their captain might snap & yell at him & having one of them upset was bad enough. But he just grinned at him even more & put a finger to his lips as he snuck up behind him as he was steering the ship. He pounced on him suddenly, lightly scribbling his fingers over his sides & yelling “coochie coochie coo!” Odysseus legit shrieks & accidentally jerked the wheel to the side, making the crew stumble & fall & they’re all grumbling to themselves as Odysseus is blushing bright red. & Polites is laughing next to him, props his elbow on top of his head, sighs wistfully & says “I thought you weren’t ticklish Captain” all smiley & shit
Odysseus is just like “Eurylochus, take the wheel��� & before his expression even changes, he’s tackled him to the ground. Polites is already giggling & screaming “NO WAIT I JUST WANTED TO SEE YOU SMILE! I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUNNY!” & Odysseus has his shit eating grin as he cocks his head & goes “oh yeah? Well then, this is about to be hilarious” & proceeds to wreck his shit
But after that everyone knows their captain is a lot more sensitive than he tried to let on
Odysseus honestly loves the chance for some playful roughhousing because it helps take his mind off other things. But yeah, he’s smart as hell & tricky & is able to pull one over on you if you’re not careful. Definitely one of the meaner tickle monsters on the ship
I’m literally dying at the idea of Polites announcing his sneak attacks, cause like, he doesn’t want it to startle them, & he finds that the very act of knowing what’s coming right before it happens makes it worse. (Totally doesn’t know from experience. Nope)
Eurylochus is the level headed moderator, he stays on the sidelines & steps in to help out whenever needs it most in the moment (usually Polites) but if the mood is right, the mischief starts to rub off on him & he can’t help but join in the fun. But more often than not he’s forced to for his own self preservation lmao
Everyone wants to wreck him because he’s always so calm & rational. They just wanna know what he looks like when he lets go a little!
Starting a tickle fight on the deck of the ship is literally the fastest way to make Eurylochus disappear. Odysseus notices because he wanted his help getting Polites before turning the tables & attacking him instead
Finally, my precious baby boy💗 literally the biggest fucking lee, way too cute for his own good. Everyone’s favorite to mess with
He’s so shy about the fact that he actually really likes the fun, playful affection & tries to act like it’s torture. Literally no one buys it
Also literally no one ever actually helps him when he’s getting wrecked. They all just add to the torture, but Polites was secretly hoping they would anyway (he could see the way they were smiling & staring, just BEGGING to join the fun & no way could he tell them no)
Ixvskegd he has such a loud, high pitched laugh it’s soooo damn cute & infectious! He shrieks & snorts a lot, & his laugh goes all over the place from shrill giggles to full belly laughs
On the opposite side of the scale from Odysseus the short king, we have Polites the beam pole. I feel like he’s so lanky & tall & lowkey kinda clumsy, he is a walking bullseye. Odysseus especially loves to ask him to grab stuff up high for him & then tickle his armpits when he reaches up. As previously stated, he falls for it every time
I swear, this musical has me in such a chokehold
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gigizetz · 7 months
Do you think you will ever remake your six animatics? Since you unlisted them bc their old?
also do u think we can see some Hermes art that u haven’t posted ( IF you have some ofc!!)
(keep up the awesome work!! I can’t wait for ur next epic animatic!!! )
Hmm... I think only time will tell, honestly. Right now I don't have any plans on doing so, but who knows!
and like. yall have seen all of my hermes art.
I didn't expect my design for him to get so much hype, but thank you all so much, it makes me really happy! His is one of the designs I put the most thought behind, so it's great seeing it pay off :D
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boobersandstuff · 1 year
Currently listening to the dear wormwood by the oh hellos for the first time so here's my thoughts on all the songs:
Prelude: good, very much the type of music I like.
There beneath: why is this so beautiful!? It's making Wang to cry for some reason ah! ITS SO PRETTY AND IM CRYING WTH!?
In the blue hours of moring: pretty, this entire album thus far is giving fantasy world, comfy fantasy.
Exeunt: if I had a sing for my gender (when I'm masc), it'd this album but definitely this song! Also I read "lovely" in this as "lovejoy" lmao. OH HELL YAH! THIS IS AMAZZING! I LOVE THE KINDA ROCK TO IT AHHHHH (or is it punk? Heh *shrugs*) FUCK YEAH!!!
Caesar: it's so relaxing, like a lullaby. This entire album has been a 10/10 so far HOW HAS NO ONE TOLD ME HOW GOOD THIS IS HELLO!? WHO TF WAS KEEPING THIS FROM ME!? It feels like a song in a part of musical abt either, moments before disaster, or a song abt the last few moments waiting for disaster. It's so nice wth!? It's like the prettiest poetry in song format & fantasy I LOVE IT RAHHHHHHHH.
This will end: ngl this is entire album is giving epic: that new Greek mythology musical. AND I LOVE ALL OF THOSE SONGS SO THATS A COMPLIMENT! also this is so cute & pretty ah! I'm abt to cry again. There is goes. WAHHHHHHHH. :0 WOW THAT ENDING BIT IS JUST....IM STAR STRUCK!!! THATS THE BEST PIESE OF MUSIC IVE EVER HEARD!!! THIS IS SO GOOD WTF!? I NEED A VINYL NOW!
Pale white house: its so pretty! Also I looked it up and just as I thought I can't one T T. God dammit! It's so good and for what!? For what reason did they have to do this!?
Where is your rider: I need all of these to get tiktok famous so everyone who doesn't listen to this album to listen to it cuz ITS SO GOOD AHHHHHH. It's so pretty ah!
Soldier, poet, king: we all know it now, and yeah it's good. But I'm kinda sick of it lmao. Very good, just very sick and tired of it so, SKIP!
Dear wormwood: now let's see the song of the same name of the album. ......wtf, this is so good, like the best song here-HOW!? HOW DID IT GET BETTER!? I LOVE THIS SONG-I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! THIS IS MY FAVOURITE SONG IN THE ENTIRE ALBUM!!! THE CHOIR WTF!!! SHMSNDJSMNSJDN THIS IS AMAZZING LIKE THIS IS MY FAVOURITE ALBUM OF ALL TIME WTF!?!??!?!?! AHHHHHHHHH. This is my anthem for getting better mentally, THIS IS MY 2023 ANTHEM! YEAH IK KNOW WHO I AM NOW!!!
Danse Macbre: very Dancey, like those tavern Dances or at balls. I might make an entire book fantasy abt this album lmao. This album was made in lab to what songs I think are my favourite and are 10/10-ers. Lol
Thus always to tyrants: this is so good I need to watch animatics/animations to these songs omg! Ah! SUCH A GOOD ENDING SONG!!! I have nothing else to add other than what I've already said, it's so good! Ahhh!
What do I rate this album? 10/10, it's amazing, there's not one bad song! Like even lvjy (my fav band has like 3 songs I skip, mostly cuz I got sick of hearing them lol.) It's so good. 10/10 GO LISTEN IF YOU HAVNT ALR YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!
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hikkokoro · 4 months
I dont think you understand how much I freakin love your animatics of ‘keep yours eyes open’. Im so normal abt Epic and Im so normal how much it actually fit with Moon. I cant stop thinking abt Moon said something like “Time for me to the brother I never was” what if I sob
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knightinink · 1 year
My Dip Playlist & Meanings Behind Each Song! -Pt1
Problems (Mother Mother) - This was the very first song I associated with Dip over a year ago now! The angel & demon aesthetic of the song fits that of Pip & Damien, as well as the seemingly prohibited relationship between an angel & a demon. Aesthetics all around with this one!
So Am I (Ava Max) - I like to imagine that Pip is the one singing this to Damien, coming from a place of empathy, yet Pip has come to terms with where he stands among his peers, while Damien is still trying to gain the acceptance from the others. Pip wants him to know that being a "misfit" is okay, & that he understands what Damien is going through.
Happy Face (Jagwar Twin) - I associate this one more with Pip, but I think it still fits for them both, creating an angsty scenario. This is Pip telling himself that no matter what he's going through, he just needs to grin & bear it, even if he doesn't want to. This is how things have always been for him, so he will continue to smile. (Maybe Damien will teach him that "it's okay to be angry sometimes").
Fairytale (Daryl Silvius) - This one I've actually created an animatic for in my head to This Lovely Fic! Damien is the one singing, his fairytale being Pip, & how he is happiest when he's with him rather than in his arranged marriage with Gregory.
(You're The) Devil in Disguise (Elvis) - Just another angel & demon aesthetic, not much more to say about this one.
INFERNO (Sub Urban, Bella Poarch) - Angel & demon, once again.
Looking at Me (Sabrina Carpenter) - Still angel & demon aesthetic, but there's also undertones of Pip being nervous about being in Hell when he dies, scared & intimidated by all the other demons living there. Damien does his best to calm him down (their relationship isn't that developed yet, so he's unsure exactly what to do), so he just tries to keep Pip's attention on him.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia (The Charlie Daniels Band) - Angel & demon AGAIN, but with a twist. I like to imagine that they're playing pretend & the scene suddenly shifts to a realistic scene of an old southern-styled bar where the two face off against each other in an epic fiddle duel! At the end of the song, the scene shifts back to them in Damien's bedroom, toys & costumes strewn across the floor while the two laugh, having enjoyed their imagination world.
Love Is a Song (Donald Novis, Disney Studio Chorus) - I actually wrote my fic while listening to this track on loop, so I now associate this song with this fic whenever I'm watching Bambi or whenever I hear it. I think I was getting back into the old film again, & was listening to the soundtrack for a few days, & this song stood out to me. I'M ALSO A HUGE SUCKER FOR OLD MUSIC!!! (I also think this songs fits the atmosphere & mood of this fic as well, especially the end!)
Devil Town (Cavetown) - Pip's afraid while falling down into hell & arriving, but knowing that Damien's with him every step of the way brings him some relief. He's still nervous, but knowing that the black-clad boy will be with him, he can relax, if only a little.
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