#i just think he can be an arsonist as well
castielsprostate · 9 months
farmer's market castiel this, soft plant dad castiel that. what about arsonist castiel?? what about vandalism castiel?? castiel takes up grave-robbing as a hobby
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(giggles and kicks legs)
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otaku553 · 7 months
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Ok so I have been stewing this crossover au in my brain nonstop for the past few days and. I am nothing if not committed to the bit, so. Volume cover redraws :)
Here are the originals:
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If you want to read more about my one piece spy x family crossover, keep reading!
So the idea is simple! Crossover reincarnation au where ASL is reborn in Spy x Family. They’re each born separately and none of them are born with the same names as their previous lives, and with no way of finding each other, they each find their own thing to do in the world.
Sabo, too used to the dangers of being a spy, eventually finds a cause to devote himself to again, in preventing war from engulfing the country he was reborn in. Ace, drawn to fire as he was in his previous life, used arson as a means to rob rich people for sustenance and survival, and is eventually scouted and hired by Garden as a fire specialist and assassin. And Luffy, though born in perhaps the poorest condition, grows up happily and takes whatever part time jobs he wants to do.
The thing about Sabo is that, as much as he seems like a young man of good repute and high standing within society, everyone in WISE knows that he is a massive nuisance. Nobody knew in the beginning how a child less than half the age of most of their veteran agents could have the same skills and knowledge in their profession. Sabo was— and still is— hyper competent, and by the time WISE figured out just how much of a menace to society he was, it was too late.
Ace forgot for the first few years of his new life that he wasn’t made of fire, and consequently, received multiple accidental burns. This did not deter him, however, from growing up to be a very skilled arsonist, well-practiced in every which way to start a dumpster fire or house fire. As a teenage he would use this often to draw attention as he robbed rich people blind. When he was caught, he was given an ultimatum by Garden: join them and receive payment for starting fires and causing problems under contract, or face the government and authorities for his crimes. Begrudgingly, he joined Garden, but eventually comes to appreciate that he can make substantial money in his element.
Luffy is Luffy. No telepathy or experimentation, no fancy schools, no gimmicks or secret identities. But he has still lived an extremely colorful life in this world, full of fascinating and kind individuals who have helped him grow up healthy and relatively happy. He goes where he is free, and he takes whatever part time jobs he wants in order to make the minimum he needs to survive.
Ace and Sabo find each other first, in their late teens, and neither of them realize that the other remembers their previous life, but both refuse to separate. (Sabo thinks Ace doesn’t remember, because Ace didn’t recognize him. Ace never saw Sabo grow up past 10, however, so he doesn’t recognize older Sabo immediately. By the time he does realize who exactly Sabo is, Sabo has backtracked and pretends to know Ace from a dream, or from somewhere else.)
Sabo’s attachment to Ace, predictably, causes problems between Sabo and WISE, but by then, Sabo is indispensable to the organization, and they make an exception for Sabo to be able to remain with Ace, so long as Ace never finds out what Sabo’s actual job is. Ace, on the other hand, hides his job because he doesn’t want his brother, who he has just found and who does not know Ace well enough yet, to know that he makes a living from killing people.
And they find Luffy sometime afterwards, prior to the beginning of the Spy x Family canon. Luffy figures out, not long after moving in with his brothers, both of his brothers’ secret occupations and the fact that both of them remember their past memories. He thinks it is common knowledge, however, and so he never brings it up.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
arsonist's lullaby
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words: 3.3k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, female receiving oral pregnancy, proposal <3, established relationship, arson, lots of talk about fire lol, camping, mentions of rafes bad childhood
you watch as rafe strikes the match. he prefers it over a lighter, holding it between his finger as the flame inches lower, lower, until it gets too hot and he's tossing it into the fire pit, right on the bushel of kindling that instantly takes light.
rafe looks up at you, the fire sparking in the reflection of his eyes as you make your way towards him. he doesn't have to say a word, the way he sits back in the camping chair, silently telling you to take a seat.
you slide onto his lap, placing yourself sideways with your bum on his thigh. you look at rafe for a minute, just admiring his illuminated features as the orange flame flares up and down with the wind. you listen to the sound of rustling leaves, the distant lapping of waves on the nearby lake.
“are you having fun?” you ask rafe. he may be your boyfriend of two years, but it can still sometimes be hard to tell.
rafe nods, before grinning and leaning forward to press a kiss towards your lips. “i always have fun with you.”
you weren't sure that he would enjoy camping, especially tent camping it, but you always used to go every summer with your parents, and when you asked if he would be down to go, he didn't think twice before saying yes.
“you're sweet.” you giggle, leaning in to press the side of your head against his shoulder, tucking your nose into his neck, inhaling his scent after a long day of relaxing on the beach and taking strolls through the well trodden paths through the woods.
“you're probably the only person alive who would call me sweet.” rafe places his hand on your hip, squeezing it gently. 
it's not that rafe puts on a scary demeanor with everyone else, it's more like that's his natural state and you bring out a side meant just for you.
you kiss his neck, it's not enough, but it's a thank you for his vulnerability, his willingness to please you.
you both sit in comfortable silence, your eyes closed as you recover from the day while rafe stares at the fire, the flames calling to him. he holds you tight to his side as he reaches and tosses another log into the fire, a spit of sparks shooting up.
“who taught you how to build fires?” you ask rafe, looking at the now smashed teepee of sticks he had built up.
“i guess i taught myself.” rafe shrugs. “i always used to build them in the fire pit in the backyard whenever my dad would take sarah to softball practice.
“mmm.” you hum, pressing another kiss to his neck, before moving to his jaw. “we should go into the tent.”
“yeah.” rafe nods, picking you up effortlessly, his pants already beginning to swell just from having your lips on him. he walks quickly to the tent, having to duck down to fit inside, placing you on the inflatable mattress.
you let out a giggle as rafe zips the tent closed before tugging his shirt off, opening your arms up as he sets himself over your body, one hand sneaking beneath your shirt to your waist while his other hand cups your jaw, holding you in place as he kisses you.
“i love you.” you whisper to rafe before picking your shoulders up off the bed, letting him pull your shirt off.
the windows of the tent are zipped mostly shut to protect your privacy from those camping nearby, but you left the top open to just a screen after double checking there was no rain forecasted.
you look up at the stars, your soft moans and rafes low grunts lost to the music of the forest as the wind moves through the trees.
“here, baby.” you hand a crumpled up newspaper to rafe. “we need it hot to roast our marshmallows.”
“mhm.” rafe finished building the fire, the embers still slightly warm from your fire last night before he places the newspaper at the center to get the fire going quicker.
“gosh, i can't wait.” you pat your stomach. “it's been so long since ive made s'mores.”
“i don't think ive had them in… ten years.” it may even be more than that. rafe hates the way it makes you pout. his lonely childhood hurts you as much as it hurts him. he fears sometimes even more from your reactions.
“come on.” rafe taps his knee. you really should have just packed one camping chair, it's not like you're sitting on your own as he pulls you into his lap, pressing kisses to your cheeks and jaw as you wait for the fire to grow.
“mmm, the s'mores…” you blink your eyes open, not even realizimg that you've relaxed so completely against rafe that you were almost asleep.
“ill make one for you.” rafe grabs the stick from the nearby table. “how burnt do you like your marshmallow?”
“just a bit.” you smile as rafe rolls his eyes. 
“i like mine burnt.” 
“oh im sooo surprised.” you joke as rafe sticks the marshmallow into the flames, just until it gets gooey before making your smore for you, adding extra chocolate for your sweet tooth.
“so good.” you moan when you take a bite, making rafe shift you slightly on his lap.
you eat s'mores as the moon rises, minutes ticking by until all of your graham crackers are used up.
you let out a yawn, eyes blinking the smoke out of your eyes as the wind momentarily shifts before blowing back in the same direction.
“gonna go put pajamas on.” you press a kiss to rafes forehead before moving to the tent, glad you went for a bigger size with enough room for you to get dressed and undressed. you sigh as you sit down to change your socks before laying back on the bed, not even realizing how exhausted you truly were as sleep takes you.
rafe checks on you after a few minutes, smiling when he realizes you're absolutely fine, just already in a deep sleep. he zips the tent back shut, keeping one eye on it as he goes back to the fire, building it up bigger and bigger as the flames grow, watching with excitement until he runs out of logs to add.
rafes fingers twitch. you've been home for two weeks from the camping trip. he wonders when is it an appropriate time to suggest going again. he longs to feel the heat of a blaze against his skin, to feel the ultimate power of building a fire to his will.
“hey.” your soft voice interrupts his thoughts, his face easily shifting from one of intensity to soft love.
“hi baby.” rafe presses his lips against yours in a greeting.
“missed you today.” you hum. you work two days a week at a local animal shelter, mainly just to keep busy and do something to feel accomplished, and they almost always coincide with rafes work, but today was a rare occasion where he was off and you were busy, leaving rafe to roam the house in boredom until you get home.
“missed you more.” he says, placing a hand on your waist to pull you into a more intense kiss, his lips smashing against yours. “how's casper?”
you blink, it takes you a second for your mind to start working after the passionate kiss before the corners of your lips turn down. “still no one wants to adopt him.”
you couldn't believe it at first when the adorable little white puppy came into the shelter, you thought for sure someone would snatch him up instantly, until you saw that he's missing his two hind legs. clearly people in the area don't want to take the initiative to have a dog with only two front legs.
“im sorry.” rafe sighs. he kisses you again, this time soft and comforting. “it's best he waits for the right family though, yeah?”
rafe echos the words you always say when a dog takes a little longer to get adopted. better to wait for a forever family than to wind up back in the shelter after a few weeks.
“yeah.” you nod. “so, what'd you get up to today?”
“nothing.” rafe says honestly. 
“nothing?” you raise your eyebrow. “what are you gonna do when im gone next weekend?”
rafe let's out a curse. he forgot you were going on a girls trip. out of town to some spa that he has the address and phone number, along with any other information he might need to know, typed out in his notes when you first told him about it. just in case.
“shit, i was trying so hard not to think about it that i pushed it out of my mind completely.” he says with a light chuckle, but his face isn't one of happiness. 
you swipe your hand through his hair, combing back the dark blond strands. “maybe we need to get you a hobby. you can build a lego set or do a paint by numbers.”
it's mostly a joke, but you do want rafe to enjoy himself while you're away. you make a mental note to yourself as you go into the kitchen to make dinner to find something to keep his mind occupied while you're separated for the first time for longer than a day since you began dating.
rafe looks at your contact on his phone. his finger twitches over the call button, despite you just getting off the phone after talking for an hour, skipping out on drinks with the girls to chat, but you didn't tell rafe that, telling him everyone was in their rooms and that you had plenty of free time to keep him occupied.
he sighs, clicking on your contact picture. you set it at the beginning of your relationship, a kissy face selfie and rafe hasn't changed it since.
“fuck.” he groans, heartbeat starting to rise as a bead of sweat forms on his forehead, anxiety building.
he walks out of the house, no set route in mind. rafe tells himself the walk will clear his head, but what he put in his pocket before leaving says different. he needs to get the feeling out somehow.
he walks and walks until it's dark outside, moving towards the run down side of town until he comes to a small shack, purposely taking mostly abandoned roads. rafe scopes out the area quickly, looking around to see if theres anyone nearby, close enough to see him.
when the coast is clear, rafe lets out a sigh of relief as he pulls the matchbox out of his pocket, a fresh one, having to repurchase after using an entire box camping. 
rafe isn’t sure how easily the place will light up. the shed looks dry and old, and when he looks inside, its empty other than some old long forgotten gardening equipment. rafe strikes a match and sets it on the wooden window sill, watching as it burns out. rafe continues striking the matches and tossing them at the shack as sparks ignite the scraps of wood. 
rafe steps back when he throws the last one, tossing the empty cardboard box into the flames as they slowly take over the structure. rafe smiles, the anxiety that was building up inside him blowing away with the smoke.
the flames eagerly ate up the wood, spreading quickly and before rafe knew it, the already unsturdy roof was collapsing in on itself, sparks adding to the stars in the sky.
he stands for a moment longer, the warm orange glow causing an odd comfort. rafe knows its wrong, but he can’t help that he feels better after setting the fire, walking away as the wood turns to ash, the shack long forgotten and reduced to nothing.
rafe paces, strikes a match and lets it burn to his fingertips before blowing it out, paces some more, then pulls out another match. he’s not anxious this time, doesn’t feel the itch to set a place ablaze as he did two nights ago, having to shower three times before he finally got the smell of smoke out of his hair.
now, he’s just impatient. the front door is open, letting in a cool breeze and giving him a view of the driveway as he walks around the foyer, waiting for your car to pull in, for you to finally return home.
rafe blows out a match right when he sees your car turn down the street, his eyes widening as he tosses the matchbox onto the hallway table, stepping out onto the porch, unable to keep himself farther away, moving down the steps as you pull into the driveway.
you barely put the car in park before you’re flying out the door, jumping into rafes arms as he spins you around.
“oh my god, ive missed you so fucking much.” rafes arms are wrapped firmly around your waist, not letting your feet touch the ground as he walks towards the door.
“wait, rafe-” you giggle.
“we can bring your bags in later.” rafe says. he has other priorities.
“no, the car is still on!” rafe sighs and sets you down. you quickly run to pull the keys out of the car and lock it, rushing inside with rafe quick behind you. you toss the keys on the table, noting the matchbox but you're too busy being swept off your feet and carried up the stairs by rafe.
he lays you on the bed, only now pausing to take a minute. you may have only been gone for three nights in total, but it felt like a lifetime to rafe. he leans forward, pressing your lips together before continuing to just stare at you.
“stop looking.” you tug at rafes collar. “do something.”
rafe listens to your command, moving quickly to sink down the bed, tossing the hem of your dress up, not even bothering to take your underwear all the way off, simply sliding them to the side and burying his tongue in your cunt.
“did you see a second shack burned down?” you look up from where you were mindlessly scrolling on social media. 
of course rafe knows. but he certainly isn’t going to just admit that to you. he can’t have you leaving him, he’d probably burn the whole town down if that happened.
“oh really?” rafe says, keeping his voice level, disinterested.
“yeah.” you zoom in closer on the picture, nothing more than a pile of ashes and dust. “damn, i wish i could have seen it on fire.”
the fire department didn’t even get to it until it was completely burned to the ground with how isolated it was. just as rafe planned it.
“really?” his eyebrows raise.
“yeah.” you nod. “i love fire.” you give him a mischievous smile. you surely don’t mean it in the same way as rafe does, but he feels a little more at peace. if you somehow found out, maybe you wouldn’t leave him because of it, or at least hear him out.
“hmm.” rafe just hums.
“we should build a firepit in the backyard.” you mumble the suggestion, but rafe quickly nods. “yes.”
you giggle, setting your phone down to move off the armchair and onto the couch next to rafe. “you wanna keep practicing your fire setup for the next time we go camping?”
rafe smiles, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. “maybe.”
rafe tosses another log onto the flame, smiling at you as you rock gently in the hammock, set up precariously close to the fire so you can feel its warmth as you relax, the summer coming to an end.
“you look beautiful.” rafe says. the orange light illuminates your features, along with the twinkling fairy lights strung up along the back porch.
you just smile at him. you don’t need words, not anymore.
rafe pokes at the fire with a stick, opening up the center to allow more airflow into the bottom as the flame grows larger, but not too large, never when you’re around. 
“come lay with me.” you open your arms to rafe, who moves with ease onto the hammock next to you, the fabric pushing you both close to each other, glad you opted for the larger size so you could sit together. “i love you, baby.” rafe kisses your head, looking around the yard, at the fire, then up at the stars. “i love this life.”
“i love this life too.” you press your hand to your stomach. there’s a surprise you’ve yet to tell rafe. its only a suspicion, partially confirmed by a stick test, but you want the doctors confirmation to be sure before you tell rafe. you look up at him, tilting your head to the side so you can see his face. “you’re happy?” “yes.” he says honestly. “when im with you, i am.” 
“ill always be with you.” you grip rafes hand. you turned down opportunities for trips with your girlfriends. if they didn’t want rafe to come along, it was a no. you can’t blame them, but you refuse to leave him alone after putting the pieces together.
the first arson could have been a coincidence. but the second, on a night you were also away from rafe? you know its him. it’s why you suggested the fire pit in the backyard. why you won’t force him to spend another night without you, alone and anxious, having to face the demons of his past, his childhood. you know he’s not a bad man, not at heart, not deep inside. 
you turn to rafe, tears brimming in your eyes, overwhelmed with your feelings for him. “i love you so much.”
“baby.” rafe coos, bringing a hand to the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss. your hands run all over each others bodies, the moon and fire illuminating you as you work bits of clothes off, just enough for you to sink down onto rafes cock, more grinding together than thrusting at risk of spilling out of the hammock.
“god, you feel so good.” rafe groans, hands gripping your waist as he pushes in before making a miniscule movement back.
“filling me up perfectly.” you undulate your hips. sex with rafe is often wild and intense, but moments like this, where you’re just indulging in each others bodies, relaxing and slow, just like the swinging of the hammock.
“yeah, gonna fill you up real good.” rafe smirks, the corner of his lip twerking up.
the words spill out of you. “i think im pregnant.” you immediately want to take them back when rafes eyes widen.
“rafe-” you lean back, a look of regret on your face, but rafe just pulls you back in, slamming his lips against yours, hips moving faster, hand gripping your ass, pulling you against him as he cums, cock swelling inside of you before releasing.
“if you're not pregnant, im gonna make sure you are.” he gasps out, chest rising and falling, keeping his cock pushed inside of you.
“you’re not worried?” you ask. clearly the couple glasses of wine you had at dinner are giving you a loose tongue. 
“no.” rafe says honestly, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “i would be if this was anyone else. you know…” he swallows thickly. “you know how messed up my childhood was. how hard my dad was on me… i feel like this is a chance to heal that, to treat my kid better than i was ever treated. and i want this with you.”
“i want it too.” you coo, kissing him softly.
“oh, and i guess there’s no better time for this.” rafe chuckles, his softening cock still inside of you, fire dying to just embers as he reaches to his shorts, halfway down his thighs and pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket, flipping it open with one skilled hand, turning the ring to glint in the orange light.
“will you marry me?”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysillycomics @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 6 months
How To Adapt To Fire (II)
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PAIRING: Fireman!John 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Journalist!Reader
WARNINGS: Fire(s), intended harm, death/gore, murder, crime, corruption, arsonist mystery plot, pining, protective!Johnny, flirting, intense banter, fade-to-black, nudity, suggestive descriptions, dirty jokes, etc.
A/N: Taglist is full.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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Johnny watches you slap another news clipping to the board he’d bought you for thirty-two dollars and twenty-three cents, tired eyes blinking slowly. Standing in his apartment’s living room in his boxers and an oversized shirt, he’d woken up to the sound of muttering, and it had been just that for the last week. 
When he’d allowed you to live in his spare room until you could find a new apartment building to call your own, he didn’t expect you there to be so much grumbling. Like a little bug in his ear—not that he minded all that much. At least, if you were that bug.
“I feel like I’m losing my mind,” you groan, running a hand down your face. “How did he find me? How did he know I already knew so much about the case?”
He, the arsonist.
Your entire building had been a total loss—and, sure enough, the lock had been busted off of your apartment door just like the scene of the fires that resulted in casualties. You had been targeted, and it wasn’t just an accident. There was intent there; a threat. 
Stay away from me, or else. 
Johnny had sighed long when he read that in the report he’d gotten his hands on—there was no way in hell anything was stopping you except…well, except yourself.
While he had envisioned one day potentially asking you to move in with him, he hadn’t expected that to happen so soon. Certainly not before the first fucking date. He hadn’t even gained the courage to ask you out yet, and here you were—pajama pants polling at your ankles and Johnny’s baggy sweatshirt loose around your shoulders. The Scot stands with the heat of sleep and attraction on his skin. 
He tried not to stare, really he did, but the way you looked in his clothes was too much of a distraction for his own good. 
The man clears his throat, face burning. 
“I’m beggin’ you to give it a rest, Dearie. At least five minutes.” Johnny sighs. “It’s not healthy.”
He doesn’t think he’s seen you shed a tear over your apartment—about your belongings. In reality, he was taken aback by it. Soap wouldn’t have blamed you at all…but you just seemed angry. It worried him, but the emotion was well within your right to hold. Just as it was within his right to try and keep you from rushing into danger.
“Not now,” you grumble. “Not until I know how he found out my room number.” 
“You aren’t exactly unknown.” The fireman walks closer to your standing form, hand moving up to scratch at his back as he gunts. “Mostly everyone who would care to look into your career knows about you. It wouldn’t be hard.” 
Johnny moves his vision over the board, pausing before he licks his lips.
“...They’ll be needing me in today, Hen,” he breathes. 
Your lips tighten, and you glance over quickly to find blue eyes already looking. Snapping your attention back to the board, you push back against the burn of your face.
“It’s your job, I’m not going to tell you not to go in.”
“If you need me here, then I can—”
“John,” you interrupt, shaking your head with a heavy frown and turning his way. “No way. Go in.”
Johnny’s serious face doesn’t lessen, and you’re struck with how often those lines on his face are becoming commonplace.
You wouldn’t say that you were taking this well. 
Forcing yourself to work; making your mind push back at the deep pit that seemed to be growing. Everything you’d worked for—everything you’d had. Gone. Up in smoke.
Two people had died in that inferno, and you can’t help but put that on yourself. 
Fingers going up to tap at your chin, your attention goes back to the board, the heavy weight of bags under your eyes from lack of sleep. You’d tried to re-write what you had in your notes as well as you were able, but there had been a reason for making a physical board in the first place. 
Johnny watches you, his brows tight and his fingers twitching. Sighing, he fixes his feet and lightly places a hand on the back of your spine, blinking quickly your eyes dart over before the tension begins to bleed from your muscles. 
Your gaze begins to soften, but your voice is still a light firmness. “Stop that.”
The man blinks. “Stop what?”
“Stop being all…” You huff, sagging into his hand. “You.” 
Johnny pushes a chuckle, shifting to stare at you fully and letting the smirk move over his lips. His fingers move along your back, rubbing tiny circles as the room goes airy—how quick it was that you could fall into this sense of attachment. To anyone outside of the apartment, it would seem the two of you were in a strange relationship, and that would be true to some extent. 
Your face heats up, and Johnny’s large palm flattens. He moves and presses his nose into your hair.  
“Now what’s that supposed to mean, then?” He grunts, and you can feel his flickering smirk as clear as day. 
Leaning over into him, you sigh, glaring at the board as your heart patters. 
“It means you’re distracting me.”
Johnny hums, thumb moving up and down over the knob of your spine.  “Talk to me,” he mutters. “Let me help, aye?” He blinks slowly, face hot and his lungs palpitating in his chest. The man cared about you so much—his heart ached for what you’d been put through. Losing a home like that. 
Your lashes flutter, a near purr emitting from your throat at the hypnotic movements of Johnny’s grip. Like a damn harpy, he was digging his claws into you; it had been happening for months. Of course, you’d let him touch you—how could you not? Even his sense of courage and justice was something that let you know his character, his honor. 
This case was just as important to him as it was to you. 
“Go,” you mutter, shifting your head so that you can stare at him. Johnny’s visage pulls back, his stubble moving with the worried angle of his lips; his skull tilts, almost like a dog cocking its snout. “We can figure something out later—if I get you fired I’d finally gain a conscious.” 
Johnny sighs, looking you up and down. “...I’ll be making dinner tonight. Just,” he breathes, and as his hand leaves you, your body fights the instinct to shiver. “Wait for me, Bonnie.” 
You take in the closeness between the two of you—how your bodies melt into one another as if on instinct. Something was startling about how easy it was to live in the same apartment as Johnny. It had almost been too easy. Sharing food, blankets, and looks.
Your eyes follow after Soap as he brushes your cheek with the back of his hand before turning and walking back to his room, bare feet padding over the floor. His legs move, small burns and scars all over before your vision travels up the broadness of his back; the stretch of his arms as he brings them up with a groan to itch at his head.
Licking your lips, the sight is enough to quiet your mind. Seeing how, like water, his clothes morph into the swell of his thighs and the…your face bursts into fire, and your head snaps away. 
Clearing your throat, you blink quickly and try to re-focus on your board of suspects.
Johnny tightens the belt over his waist, huffing softly as he walks into the fire department’s bay door—passing the red trucks and patting the dogs as they come up to mob him. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he chuckles, the clicking of little claws tapping over the concrete floors and the panting of hot breath. “Good to see you too, little rascals.” 
The fireman looks around the area, seeing some of the boys mulling about doing repairs or fixing up the slight mess. Johnny motions a hand when he’s greeted, and before long he’s entering the main hub of where he wants to go—the kitchen. 
Grabbing a cup, the Scot’s intention is to get some water before settling into his desk and diving into something that can take his mind off the woman living in his apartment. Licking his lips, Johnny gets momentarily lost in the remembrance of your skin—your determination. 
He’s angry. Angry that someone’s done this to you; had disrupted your life so violently. A question was stuck swirling in his head as he began hearing the murmuring from the walk-in pantry. 
What would have happened if you hadn’t been with him that morning? 
“What do you mean ‘that was you?’” Johnny’s fingers freeze around the rim of a glass, blinking into his own smaller reflection. Brows furrowing, the Scot’s head swivels to the kitchen pantry and the barely cracked open door and the voice that emanates from it.
For some reason, the stagnant air after that sentence makes Johnny’s spine straighten. Blue eyes stare blankly, and fingers twitch as the same voice starts again.
“I thought you said it was over?! That the last one was,” a strangled word, a fast inhale. “We had a fucking deal.” 
Heart slow in his chest, Soap stares the longer this seemingly one-sided conversation goes on. There was something off—the words seemed hurried; panicked, even. It wasn’t the usual emotions you had when having a talk with someone. 
Taking a steady step back, the Scot remembered how fast your pulse had run when he had you at his chest a week ago—the fast slam and the whites of your eyes on full display. Even if you didn’t confess it to him, Johnny knew you’d been afraid of the fire. Fearful. He knew you weren’t sleeping. 
Maybe the fireman was being paranoid, but anything that he didn’t understand made his hackles rise like a feral dog—certainly with you, technically, under his watch now. Everyone was a potential threat. Face stiff, Johnny begins walking over to the pantry with nearly silent feet, boots softly flattening to the tile floor.
Stopping outside of the door, his ears hone in. 
“This isn’t right! There’s a difference between what you do and what I do! We stuck together, but this is it. I’ve covered for you—I’ve tried to smooth everything out, but this isn’t something that I can look past anymore. She wasn’t even involved yet!”
Johnny’s lips tighten, his eyes burning through the barrier until he lifts his hand and settles it loosely on the doorknob, not pushing even as the thin material shifts minutely. The alarms in his head were going off, and he didn’t like that. 
Muscles tight, the Scot moves a bit closer, shoulder just beginning to touch the wood before—
Kurt Matthews, one of the rookie firefighters, shoves himself through. 
Johnny strangles a gasp as the two men nearly collide with one another, only shoving out, what he hopes to be, a casual call of, “Hell’s bells. Careful there, Kid.”
The man’s wild eyes lock on him, stumbling back before Soap’s hands move to grasp his arm, a dark phone held lightly in Kurt’s hand. Johnny looks at it silently before he forces a blank chuckle. “Sorry, then. Was going to get some bread—you know how it is, eh?” Kurt looks frazzled, a sheen of sweat over his face; eyes tiny. “The boys never fill up the bread box after they finish a loaf.”
“What?” Matthews quickly mutters, before shaking his head and waving a hand. “Yeah, right, whatever.”
He swiftly moves past the Scot, brushing shoulders. The mohawked man’s nose pulls in, and blue eyes watch the disappearing individual. 
Johnny’s throat swallows down saliva. 
Kurt Matthews smells like gasoline.
You hear the sound of the TV and sniffle, pushing the heels of your hands into your stinging eyes. 
It wasn’t a question as to why you had waited until Johnny left to let yourself feel the hopelessness that was sinking into your chest—you were surprised you lasted that long, though. Tiny tears dribble out over your cheeks, but you fight them with a growl. 
“Keep it together,” you sigh harshly. “C’mon, keep it together.” 
Your heart jerks when the front door of the apartment opens, and you’re quick to stand up from the couch where you had been sitting, clearing your throat as Johnny’s call echoes. 
“Just me!” 
You divulge immediately into your hurried sentences, waving a hand. The shake in your voice is obvious. “I have some of the names I remember writing down—it isn’t much but I—”
“What happened?” Johnny’s hands capture your face in a swift second; he isn’t even out of his work clothes before he’s over and touching you. It’s like he teleported over at the slightest hint of distress, not even a moment of hesitation. “Whoa, hey, hey,” he breathes a bit slower, softer. “What’s this then, Bonnie?” 
Delicate movements of his fingers scrape your flesh, thumb running as blue eyes come into focus. Your lungs tighten up again at the sight of tense worry—Johnny’s face all hard with the lines of his forehead and the narrowing of his eyelids.
“Let me see,” he utters, tilting your head up so the brightness of your eyes is visible to him; the wetness of your flesh. “Hey, now.” 
The man’s attention goes up and down on the off chance this is physical pain instead of the internal kind. But he knows better than that. So, Johnny stuffs down the hunch he had about the man in his own ranks and places all of his concern on you and your bitter tears. 
Even when you try to grumble his worry away.
“It’s just stupid tears, MacTavish,” your voice cracks as he drags you to him, curling his arm behind the stretch of your shoulder blades in an addictive display that leaves your nose sniffling again. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Quit it,” the Scot pleads. “Jesus, Pencils,” he sighs, arms trapping you in just like before. “Just let me hold you, yeah? I swear, you’ll make my heart burst ‘fore I get you to admit you’re feeling something.”
Your glossy eyes flinch into a weak glare. “I’m not that emotionally constipated, jackass.” 
Johnny’s breath moves over your scalp.
“You sure about that?” Your face goes to an annoyed sheen, and from the soft rest of Johnny’s chest, you look over at him. He’s trying a light smirk, but his eyes are still serious. 
Letting yourself melt into him, you take in his scent and the heat he offers you, surrounded by the remnants of his life and future—this apartment that offers you a reprieve. 
You close your eyes and let your hands shift up to grab at Johnny’s shirt slowly, your heart gradually easing. Unaware of the soft gaze watching every second; his own grip tightening.
“...You’re like a dog,” you whisper, tears drying. “Always running over.” Your pause lays out a beautiful scene. “I like it.”
Johnny’s cheeks flare to a bright red. He clears his throat, glancing away from your face. “I don’t know if I should be offended or not.”
“Hm,” you hum, shrugging and nuzzling your nose into his pulse. You hear it racing. “Up to you, I suppose.” 
The man laughs, chest jerking. 
The silence that falls after is like a blanket—settling thickly over the space as the last of your sniffles finally halt. You didn’t like crying; not in front of others. It was easier to just push through it, but Johnny’s presence made you soft, at the same time you can’t tell if that’s good or bad. But it did make your fear lessen, and maybe that was something you couldn’t overlook. 
You tighten your hold on his waist, and he grunts, glancing down at you as his gut swirls. The man’s half-lidded eyes flutter, fingers flinching along your clothes. The room gets warmer, or maybe it’s just him. 
“I guess,” you begin under your breath, voice muffled by his skin. “I could use your help. Officially.”  
“Ooo,” the Scot whispers. “‘Officially’—look at that.”
You huff, lips pulling up. 
“Well,” the man mutters, chin resting on top of your head as the sun outside begins to dip lower. “‘Officially’ I have some information that my Bonnie little boss might like to hear.”
Your smirk grows wider, your heart hammering faster as your pulse moves with fire. 
“Oh?” Your nails drag his sides, and you feel Johnny’s breath hitch, a low purr emanating from his chest. 
“Oh, aye,” a hand grips your chin, dragging you back until you’re once more blinking into his gaze head-on. His finger pets your flesh, your breath puffing out as he stares down at you. He swallows down the nervousness in the back of his throat, the urgency that instinct pushes away in this moment of anticipation as he watches your face. “But I’m having a moment, it seems—can’t think straight.”
“Why’s that?” You lick your lips and see cobalt blue follow them.
“Because this Hen in front of me has been a damn tease since I’ve met ‘er.” 
Any snappy reply is cut short before it even can fully register in your head, and all thoughts halt the second his firm mouth is on your own. 
You gasp, but there isn’t an ounce of yourself that pulls back, not when Johnny’s fingers play at your shirt-hem, or even when your own slide under his clothes. You don’t pull back when they hit the floor—don’t pull back when your bodies follow suit. 
A dance of fire and ice moves with the writhing of flesh and the passing of heavy kisses; panting breath. Grunts and groans as if every pass of lips and teeth is a knife into supple skin. Tense legs and flexing arms—dragging fingertips digging into every latchable dip even as the dead of night grows longer. 
It’s only after every desire has been satiated that you finally utter about the finer details of this mess. 
Johnny’s hands move down your bare back, slipping to grip your waist and drag you into him as you sigh. Your thigh lifts to rest over his hip, leg hanging uselessly over as it brushes the ruffled sheets as lips find your neck, tiny nips and passes of skin mixing as your eyes flutter. 
The fireman makes a noise of satisfaction in the back of his throat, hand sliding to hook under your kneecap, caressing. 
“So attentive,” you murmur, and your fingers run through his hair, itching at his mohawk as the longer strands slip through. Johnny burrows closer, nose pushing your head upwards as he kisses the space where your neck connects to the underside of your chin. 
He chuckles smoothly, stubble scraping along as you shiver at the sensation. The hard press of his pecs shove into you, and you lightly breathe; fingers twitching.
“How are we feeling?” Johnny grunts in between his worship.
“Energized,” you grin, half-closed eyes shimmering. 
The man smiles widely, grip sliding downward slowly as he chuckles. “Yeah?”
“Not like that,” you groan, shoving his hand away as he laughs, rolling onto his back and folding his arm over his eyes. 
“Ah,” Johnny’s chest jumps with his amusement, itching at his bare abdomen for a moment. “Worth a try, then.”
“Dog,” you roll your eyes. “You’ve had enough of a fill.”
“That’s all up to opinion, Dearie.” He smirks, peeking at you as your face heats up.
Shoving at his shoulder, he laughs again and pushes up, hands melting into the mattress beside your head as he looms above you as a large wall. 
“I’ll never have enough of a fill when it comes to you and your wet c-”
You snap a hand to his mouth, covering it as you glare openly, sneering. “Finish that sentence and you’ll never have me in this bed again.”
Johnny’s glinting eyes stare from above your hand, and you feel his smile as clear as day as his face stays stuck close to yours. 
A teasing kiss is leveled on your palm and you roll your eyes, pulling away to lightly push at his forehead. The Scot lets you shove at him, and you sit up fully as he grunts and rests his back on the headboard. 
Shifting your body, you straddle his lap and grasp his chin.
“A few hours ago,” Johnny’s eyes are blown, and you feel his touch on your hips. He hums in question, barely listening above the squeeze of your legs. “You were going to tell me something—a lead.”
“Was I?” The fireman breathes, licking at your finger as it goes to rest on his bottom lip. 
You cock your head with seriousness and a level of amusement in your gaze. “You were. Tell me.”
“You need to work on your pillow talk, Pencils.” Johnny sets a sloppy kiss on your collarbone and sighs. 
There’s a moment where you both stare into one another, and the gravity of this begins to set in once more. Carnal desire and feelings aside, there was always an edge to the both of you—this need to be seen through whether for some sense of justice or care. 
“Kurt Matthews—rookie fireman,” Johnny grunts, looking away for a quick moment. “Heard him speaking on the phone, got a bad feeling ‘bout it that I can’t place. Might be nothing, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t tell you.” 
“Kurt,” you breathe, brows pulling in. There’s a long pause. “Kurt Matthews…that sounds familiar.” 
Hopping off Johnny, the man groans softly, a slightly needy look following after as your bare body slips away. He knocks his skull against the headboard, side-eyeing your backside as you hurry off to your board. A light smirk makes itself known before your voice snaps him out of his memories. “Stop looking at my ass, MacTavish!”
His face goes beet red as he grunts, quickly snapping his eyes away. 
You wrap yourself into one of the blankets that was on the couch, letting it hang off of your shoulders as you snatch one of the papers on your mess of information. 
“A fireman,” you mutter to yourself, finger running down names and brief descriptions. “An inside job? No, that would be…” Your eyes spark to life as Soap shuffles in, running through his hair. “That would be one hell of a story.” 
Attention locked in, your eyes instantly stop on your own chicken scratch—the name at the bottom of the page. 
Kurt Matthews. Witness to fire on the fifth; one dead. 
“Off duty? Or not hired yet?” You ask, lips tightening. “Why was he at the scene? Johnny,” your curious voice calls to him, and he slips up behind you, flattening his front to your back. You lean into him, showing him the paper. “When did he get taken on into the department?”
“Month ago,” Johnny’s face pulls, frowning. A name catches his attention, and he tilts his head. “Why’s Duncan on there?”
Your attention moves to the scribbled title. Johnny continues as you read, your stomach sinking. 
Duncan Ballard. Employee of Warren Electrical. No involvement.
You wave a hand. “He has nothing to do with this case. That was back when I was looking into the money laundering—”
“They’re cousins.” 
Your body twists, face confused. “What…?”
Johnny blinks, glancing at you and then back to the paper, he vaguely gestures to the two names. “Duncan and Kurt—they’re cousins. Met him at one of the department cookouts. Strange bloke, but I never thought much about it. Just thought he liked the profession a bit because Kurt was getting involved.” 
You stare at him, a million thoughts dashing from behind your eyes. “Duncan was the man I interviewed about the Warren Electrical case. He was cleared by the police,” you stutter, looking to the side. “He was the only employee of the company that didn’t confess or implicate someone else. There was no evidence to…”
You trail off before your spine tightens. Your body pushes itself out of Johnny’s hold, rushing to his computer and opening it like a bat out of hell. 
“Give me the name of one of the fire victims.”
The Scot watches after, hurriedly forcing out, “Mike Lane.”
An article pops up—one that you hadn’t written but that another journalist had. Warren Electrical Employee Exposes All. 
“Another,” you breathe, eyes stuck on the screen.
“Kit Cannon.”
Warren Electrical Employee—
“Johnny, one more.”
“Hadden Taylor.”
Warren Electrical Employee—
Your throat closes for a moment before you force out in the middle of Soap easing out another name, still not sure where you’re going with this. “He’s trying to kill off anyone who snitched.”
Johnny pauses, coming over to look as he thinks—as he looks over the articles you show him with a grim face, he tilts his head.
“Even then, why were you a target? All you did was interview him. And why now?” 
“He knows I have all of the resources,” you begin. “If anyone can catch him, it would be me—I interviewed him when he was in temporary custody. It would have seemed like he didn’t have a choice unless he wanted to keep his appearance of innocence.” 
Your mind struggles through the potential answers. “But you’re right—why now? Is it because of the trial coming up? And how does this connect with Kurt?”
“He smelled like Gasoline when he walked past me,” Johnny adds, rubbing at his chin; itching at his scar. He spares you a look, mulling over the words that he’d heard in the pantry. “...I think he’s trying to cover his cousin’s crimes with his own. Make it seem like they’re all a part of one damn scheme.” 
“He’s the one going for the abandoned buildings,” you agree, nodding a few times, looking over into Johnny’s eyes. “Kurt Matthews and Duncan Ballard. Okay. We have our leads.”
Before the Scot can speak on it, you’re rushing past, grabbing clothes from the floor and shoving them on. His face moves in, confusion overtaking his building shock. 
“What are you doing?” You shove into your pants, not sparing a look before you button them. 
“Get dressed, we’re going out.”
Johnny’s left in the middle of the room, naked, watching after you with a slack-jawed expression of disbelief. 
You hang up your phone with one of the many people you know in the city, dropping it to your side as you and the fireman stand in front of your car. You have an address for Kurt’s home—not one for Duncan, but that can happen later. With what Johnny had said not moments before, Matthews was expressing hesitation. Go for the weaker link first. 
The streets are lit up. It’s still night out but the long hours are beginning to thin into morning; it can’t be later than three AM. Vehicles rush past, and, occasionally, people walk to wherever they are off to. The city never sleeps, just as you don’t. 
“Woah,” Johnny grabs onto you before your hand can latch onto the driver’s seat door. He waves his other hand and stares at you heavily. “We can’t just go into this with our dicks in our hands, Bonnie.”
“Thankfully, I don’t have one of those,” you huff. “That’s why I keep you around.”
“That isn’t,” Johnny sighs aggressively, shaking his head. “I’ll not have you in danger. We need to pass this along the chain.”
“The chain,” you grumble, “hates me. We’re the best bet right now.” Raising a brow you point a finger under his nose. “If I recall, you asked to be involved.”
Johnny frowns heavily, looking unimpressed until he takes a deep breath. He rasps out, “You’re lucky you’re damn near a goddess—”
His phone goes off in his pocket, and not a second later, he’s answering as you mess with your satchel. Taking out a piece of paper, you try not to show how much his little comment made you want to float into the air, giddy, nearly, as you write down Kurt’s address sloppily. 
“MacTavish,” Johnny grunts out, turning slightly away. 
You open your car door, but a hand moves out and keeps it closed enough to a point where you can’t slip inside, you pout and Johnny raises a brow as he listens. Your eyes notice how his jaw clenches, and he lets off an aggressive sigh like a boar when he registers the words being said from over the line. 
Your heart drops when you watch his shoulders sag, hips moving as they situate themselves.
“Right. I’ll be over.” Cobalt eyes snap to yours when the call ends, deathly serious. “One of the boys had to run out tonight during his twenty-four-hour—family emergency. I was on call for him.” 
You open your mouth to speak. 
“No,” Johnny points at you, digging out his own keys from his pants as he backs up. He shakes his head. “No—you’re not going alone. Don’t even ask it, Pencils.”
Your loud scoff echoes. “I didn’t even mention it!”
“You fucking thought it,” he grunts, glaring. “Get your pretty arse back inside the apartment and we do this together tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes,” you wave a hand, stepping back onto the sidewalk as the Scot moves to his vehicle only two cars down, sarcastically monologuing. “All naked and waiting to be ravished by your brutish body. Whatever will I do without you, my brave firefighter?”
“Don’t tempt me,” Soap mutters to himself, and just as he unlocks his car and opens the door, you’re there at his side. A light kiss is pressed into his flesh, and he freezes. 
“Be safe,” you mutter, and he melts—tension loosening. He smirks and glances over, carefully grabbing your face before connecting his lips to yours with a low groan.
“Maybe you should be naked and waiting for me—”
Johnny chuckles against your lips. “Keep your head on for me, Pencils. I’ll be back soon, and we can find the fucker that did this, eh?”
As he gets into his car and drives away, you watch after him and bite at your lips. And then as he turns the street corner, you jog over to your car and slip inside.
The home was run down.
It wasn’t a place where you would want to raise a family, and neither was the neighborhood. In fact, barely anyone seemed to live on this street, and even if there were entire rows of houses, there weren’t even any lights on—nothing illuminated the streets except the lamps, and you were parked under one with your satchel in your lap. 
Experience didn’t mean you never get nervous.
You feel the clamminess of your palms as you flex them, replaying Johnny’s words in your head over and over. You knew the house was here, so, you could always just…come back later. There was no harm in it. 
Yet, your eyes narrow, and your rage builds. 
This fucker was related to the man that burned down your apartment building—was potentially covering for him so you wouldn’t break the case on Duncan killing off the snitches for Warren Electrical’s schemes. But all because of an interview with him? All you’d done was sit down with the guy; why did he feel the need to track you down? Breaking into someone's house and lighting it up with matches was personal—incredibly personal. 
Duncan had given you a warning to keep away, and you hated warnings with a fiery passion. If anything, it had just set you on his ass more. 
“Okay,” you huff, and reach inside of your satchel, flicking on the recorder you stuffed inside and stating your name, age, and important information. 
And then you open the car door and exit. 
Speed walking to the door, you look down the dark streets and hunch into yourself, the calls of crows and the wind moving the overgrown grass. Cracked concrete hits the ground as you kick pieces away, and at the two steps leading to the front door, you think that perhaps this might be a bad idea.
Bad ideas are what make good articles.
You hum, face innocent. “Johnny’s gonna fucking kill me.”
Knuckles raising, you send three firm knocks into the paint-speckled wood, and wait. And wait.
And wait. 
Your face tightens, your legs shifting minutely as the seconds draw long. A part of you is somewhat relieved until you hear a small creak just when you’re about to walk away. You freeze, and your eyes move slowly to the glass of the side window in a gradual glance. 
Your eyes lock onto a face staring back. 
Gasping, your foot takes a rapid step backward, but before you can rush away, Kurt rips open the door and pleads in a tiny voice as he grabs your arm. You flinch, raising up a heavy fist. But his words stop you from sending it forward.
“No! No, you can’t be here!” Your eyes blink rapidly, stuttering through your initial panic.
“Leave!” Kurt snaps, eyes wild. “While he’s still asleep—he can’t see you here or he’ll—” There’s a splash of liquid and you shout. Kurt lets go of you quickly as he looks down at himself as his clothes get flooded from behind. 
The sharp smell hits you before your ears twitch to the sound of a lighting match. 
Kurt screams, snapping around as you fall backward off the steps, slamming into the ground with a panicked flinching in your lungs. A large shadow stands in the doorway. “I didn’t say anything—I didn’t—!”
Kurt Matthews goes up in flames, and in the fire and the rabid screams of sizzling flesh, you’re left shouting in pure fear. Duncan’s familiar face was illuminated by an orange and red inferno and he watches you blankly with a box of matches in his right hand.
You run off so fast, your heels get kicked off in a flurry of a chase.
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zepskies · 8 months
Smoke Eater - Part 6
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 7,000 Tags/Warnings: Fluff, jealousy, angst, hurt/comfort
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Part 6: “Just Casual”
A few days after the house fire that claimed the life of Paul Richardson, father of two, Chief Bobby Singer was joined in his office by Detectives Winchester and Novak, along with his resident Squad Captain and Truck Lieutenant, Benny and Dean.
“The Richardson fire has officially been determined an arson,” Bobby revealed.
“They found a time-delay incendiary device hidden in the attic. No fingerprints. But that’s not even the odd thing,” he said. “The medical examiner found a brand mark on his wrist that was inconsistent with his other burns. Which is why you’re here, I reckon.”
Bobby directed his gaze at both John and Cas, who didn’t look surprised to hear this news.
Dean raised a brow. His gaze shifted to his father, but John only met his stare for a moment before he answered Bobby’s unspoken question.
“We’ve been investigating a series of murders in the area over the past six months,” John said. “Each victim died in their home, with the same brand somewhere on their body. Typically the wrist, or the back of the neck.”
“So we officially have a serial killer turned arsonist on our hands,” Bobby concluded. His attention shifted to Benny and Dean. “Keep this close to the vest, but keep your eyes open.”
“Arsonists are hard to catch,” Dean said, looking to the detectives. “What do you know about this guy?”
Cas glanced at John. The older man could feel his stare, but had to ignore it for now.
“Not much as of yet,” John said. “Right now he’s a coil of smoke, if you’ll pardon the phrase. Our psychologist says he’s most likely a white male, statistically speaking. College educated, or at the very least intelligent, efficient, and so far, he thinks every step through. Like he said, no prints. But the brand is a message.”
“To who, and why, is what we’ve been trying to figure out,” Cas added. “We think that’s the key to pinpointing a suspect.”
“Really,” Dean said. He raised a brow and crossed his arms. “Six months, and that’s all you’ve got?”
“Dean,” John started, but the Lieutenant shook his head.
“Come on, Dad. I know you. Who is this guy?”
“Dean, this is the best I can give you right now, but believe me, we’re working on it,” John said, that tone that boded no further argument.
Bullshit, Dean wanted to shoot back. But he held his tongue for now. He knew that John wouldn’t budge. Instinct still told Dean that his father was holding something back though.
As the men filtered out of Bobby’s office, Dean held Cas back for a moment.
“Watch the old man’s back, all right,” Dean said. “He’s got a penchant for being reckless.”
Cas gave him a wry, pointed look. “I’m doing my best. Winchesters are a stubborn lot.” 
Dean smirked and walked out with him. Meg was headed inside, having just come in from an ambulance call. She smiled when she saw her boyfriend.
“Hey, lover,” she greeted. And she smacked his ass in front of God and the entire Rescue Squad, who liked to sit outside the firehouse and play cards at their table.
Ramirez and the others smirked and called out their customary whoops and cat calls. Dean smirked at the actual blushing discomfort that tightened up Cas’s face and shoulders.
“Dinner tonight at Casablanca’s, right?” Meg asked, unfazed by the catcalling peanut gallery.
“Right,” Cas said stiffly. But he still brushed her cheek with his thumb in affection. “See you later.”
“Yep,” she nodded, though she shot Dean a wry brow. “What? I stole your boyfriend. Get over it.”
She continued on her path back inside the firehouse, leaving Dean and Cas to stare after her in annoyance and begrudging fondness, respectively.
Dean turned to his friend and clapped him on the shoulder.
“Good luck and Godspeed, my friend. That woman’s fuckin’ terrifying.” 
Cas gave him a lazy salute as he walked away. He found that John had already started up their police car. He was in the driver’s seat, as always, with a hand resting casually on the steering wheel.
Dean typically sat in much the same way. Cas thought both men were more comfortable in a car than anywhere else in life. Except, maybe, the precinct and the firehouse.
Cas slid into the passenger seat and gave his partner a knowing look.
“I still think you should tell Sam and Dean what’s really happening here,” he said.
John looked over at him with an almost unreadable expression. But they had been partners for a few years now; long enough for Cas to get a read on the older veteran.
“I understand why you want to keep them out of this, but now this guy is starting fires. Here, in Dean’s district,” Cas pointed out. “Wouldn’t it be safer for him if he had clearer eyes walking into the next one?”
If, God forbid, something should go wrong on the next call Dean responded to, John would never forgive himself. Both he and Cas knew this, but John never answered his partner’s question. He didn’t want his sons getting their noses in this just yet, even if it meant the worry he saw in Dean’s eyes.
So he put the car in “drive” and peeled away from the firehouse.
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Trying to match your schedule with Dean’s was a challenge you two were trying to figure out. Though you’d fallen into a pattern of talking on the phone to fill the void when you two couldn’t meet.
Even after almost two more weeks and a third date, you were pleasantly surprised that you and Dean still had plenty to talk about. You told him more about your childhood with your grandparents, while he told you funny stories about him and Sam growing up with their dad, though he was often gone while working on cases.
It was family friend and Fire Chief, Bobby Singer who looked after them whenever John couldn’t, or his old partner Jody Mills, or even Ellen Harvelle, owner of the Roadhouse.
The more you learned about Dean, the more invested you became. And he listened to you when you went on tangents about new recipes you wanted to try out (as long as he got to be your official Taste Tester).
You two argued, playfully and fervently, about music. And you’d been creating a list of old shows the other hadn’t seen, but absolutely needed to.
Dean had suggested Dukes of Hazzard, for example, while you suggested Smallville. You each only agreed to put up with this list if you two watched it together. (Needless to say, there would be some marathon binge watching in your future.)
You particularly took notice though, when Dean invited you to join him at the Roadhouse to meet Cas, one of his best friends, and his girlfriend Meg. You’d invited Andréa to come along, and even Dean’s friend Benny, who she’d also been seeing ever since that night at the Roadhouse.
Apparently, the couple had their own plans.
You tried not to feel some type of way about her brush-off, but your friend had been increasingly distant since she met Benny Lafitte. However, you supposed you couldn’t judge. You hadn’t been calling her as much either, ever since you met Dean.
You knew that if you kept dating him, some adjustments would have to come in your life. You also promised yourself that you’d never be someone who forgot your friends for a man…even for a man like Dean Winchester.
Tonight, however, you’d come directly from work to meet him at the bar. It made more sense than to make him come pick you up from your house, so you sat with a ginger ale while you waited. He’d promised you via text that he was on the way, just stuck in traffic.
Okay, drive safe. 😘 Don’t speed, please.
You knew how he liked floor the Impala with that damn lead foot of his.
No promises. 🏎️
You wanted to roll your eyes, but you were smiling unconsciously as you read his reply.
You were soon knocked out of your thoughts when a smooth voice said your name. You looked up and to your right, and there stood a familiar face. The man greeted you with an easy smile as he sat down next to you.
“I thought that was you,” he said. He reached out his hand and re-introduced himself. “Gordon Walker. Not sure if you remember me.”
“Oh, yes! Of course I do, Gordon,” you smiled and shook his hand.
“It’s good to see you again,” he said. His dark eyes subtly took you in from head to toe in your skirt, heels, and blouse. “Though I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never seen you here before.”
“Ah, right,” you said. “Well—”
Before you could explain, Gordon held up a finger as he noticed your drink of choice.
“Oh, wait a sec. Let me get you something stronger than soda,” he said. He started to flag down Jo, but you shook your head and made a cutting motion with your hand.
“Uh, no, that’s okay,” you said. “I’m waiting for someone.”
“What?” Gordon asked.
It was getting busy in the bar, making it loud enough that you could understand why he hadn’t heard you. You leaned over towards his ear.
“I’m good for now, thanks,” you said, raising your voice a bit. Gordon leaned in even closer and chanced resting a hand above your knee.
“You sure?” he asked. He gave you a smile that was all smooth sex appeal and confidence, without being arrogant.
It was undoubtedly attractive, but you were more shocked than charmed in your blush. You instinctively leaned back when you felt his hand on your thigh. Your hand clenched on the counter.
While your brain scrambled to figure out a response that would successfully remove it (without snapping rudely like you were itching to), a hand slipped along your lower back.
You jolted a bit in your seat with a flare of unease, until you turned your head and found Dean.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted, and dropped a kiss at your hairline. He also clapped a heavy hand on Gordon’s shoulder and squeezed. The other man graciously got the hint and leaned back, withdrawing his hand from your thigh.
“Hi,” you said, finally able to breathe a bit easier. You gave Dean a smile, and he returned it.
He looked over at his friend with a sharper smile. “Hey, Gord. How’s your night goin’?”
“Good.” Gordon nodded, now with a knowing gleam in his eye. “Though I’m sure your night’s gonna go better.”
You weren’t sure how to take that remark, considering the way Dean reacted with a tighter expression and pursed lips. Then, they flickered at a smile.
“Well, we’re meeting up with Meg and Cas in a minute. You should join us,” Dean said. Even though his tone wasn’t so very inviting. The two men seemed to have a wordless conversation between the lines that you couldn’t decipher.
Gordon shook his head, but raised his drink. “No worries, you guys hang. I’m leaving in a few.”
“All right. Let us know if you change your mind,” Dean said. He thumped Gordon once more on the back, more friendly this time.
Dean’s other hand slipped around your waist. He tapped you on the side.
“Come on, I’ve got us a table. It’s quieter,” he said.
You nodded and slid out of your seat. You offered Gordon a polite smile, even if you’d rather not.
“Have a good night,” you said.
The other man’s smile was less flirtatious and more polite this time as well.
“You too,” he said. 
Dean helped you onto your feet, like the gentleman he was, and he continued to lead you away from the bar with a hand on the small of your back. You instinctively pressed against his side to squeeze past the throng of patrons.
When you reached a high-top table in the corner, he pulled out your chair and held your hand as you climbed up in your skirt. You thanked him with a more genuine smile. Though once he was seated next to you, you leaned towards him and laid a hand on his arm, which rested on the table.
“I tried to tell him I was waiting for you. He took me by surprise,” you whispered.
Dean’s brows rose, but his face soon evened out with a smile. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Don’t worry about it. He didn’t know about us,” he said. “He was shootin’ his shot…a bit aggressively. Sorry about that.”
“Oh…it’s okay. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” you replied. Though butterflies ran through your belly when you considered what us meant.
You noted his frown at what you’d said though, and so you aimed to change the subject.
“But Cas and Meg know, right?” you asked.
Dean nodded. His frown started to lift. “Yeah. Cas is one of my best friends. Meg is…well. She’s the little sister I wish I didn’t have.”
You shook your head in amusement. Then you let out a squeal as Dean hooked a foot around the leg of your chair and brought you closer. He stopped you from becoming too unbalanced by wrapping an arm around your waist. You clenched your hands into the open panels of his plaid shirt, and his charming smile greeted you.
“Hi,” he said.
You laughed. “Yeah, you mentioned that earlier.”
“Well, I’m doing it right this time,” he said. And he dipped down for a lingering kiss.
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Across the bar was Jo Harvelle, doing her job behind the counter. She poured five shots in succession and doled them out to a party of frat bros without even looking.
Her eyes were drawn to the back corner of the bar, where you and Dean sat closely together, exchanging whispers and the occasional steamy kiss.
“Mind your business,” came Ellen’s whisper in her ear.
Jo whipped her head to glare softly at her mother, but she saw Ellen’s point. It was both obvious and pathetic of her to stare.
Despite the unease making her feel a bit sick to her stomach, Jo went over to Gordon down at the end. His sympathetic smile bothered her; she knew then she hadn’t just been caught by her mother.
“Interesting, isn’t it?” he remarked.
“What?” Jo said. She began wiping down his area of the counter. “Would it kill you to keep it in the glass?”
Gordon gave her an amused look as he sat back in his seat. His tumbler of whiskey was drained.
“Look, I’m sorry, all right?” he said.
Both of them knew he wasn’t apologizing for the spill.
Jo’s brows knitted together, mostly in annoyance. “Again, for what?”
“I know it’s gotta be hard to see him actually moving on,” he replied.
Her lips pursed, and her eyes darted to the back of the room again. She stared for a moment at the side of your face.
“Knowing him, whatever it is won’t last,” she muttered.
Gordon hissed at the "burn," with a deep chuckle. She knew her words weren’t kind, but it was how she felt.
“That may be,” he allowed. “But he’s not just chasing tail anymore. That’s what scares you.” 
Gordon dropped a nice tip for her next to his glass. He grabbed his coat off the back of his chair and left Jo with the churning in her gut.
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Cas and Meg finally arrived a few minutes later.
Dean knew you’d been to the Roadhouse before, but this was different. You were meeting some of his friends, and he realized how much he wanted you to. He felt…comfortable around you. And he wanted his friends to know you, and to like you.
“As you know, Meg’s our Paramedic in Charge over at 25,” he began, gesturing at the woman as she got settled in her seat.
You admired her long brown hair, tall boots, and black leather jacket. She seemed to ooze confidence and dark charisma as she tossed you a smirk.
“Guilty,” she said.
You smiled back. Dean gestured at her boyfriend next, clad in a beige trench coat, slacks, and blazer.
“And Cas, who bravely suffers being my dad’s partner on the job.”
Cas nodded wryly at the introduction. His dark hair and blue eyes were striking, you could admit. His tie was loose and slightly rumpled. Along with the stubble coating his face, he was handsome, if a bit scruffy. It was hard for you to believe he’d earned the top scores his year in the Police Academy, but you supposed that looks could be deceiving.
“What’s that like?” you asked with a smirk. “From what I’ve heard about John Winchester, he sounds like he’s a bit of a hard-ass.”
Dean barked with a dry laugh. “An understatement.”
“He has a crab-like shell,” Cas agreed. “But he has a soft center where it counts, not unlike his sons.”
You turned to Dean with a more teasing smile. “Aww…”
He rolled his eyes, even though his arm, which had been draped across the back your chair, now dropped to curl around your waist.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Columbo,” he remarked at his blue-eyed friend.
Always had to get the last dig in, it seemed, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little along with Meg at Cas’s expense.
“You guys all seem really close,” you said. It was nice for you to see.
Dean shrugged like it was no big deal. Or rather, like it was commonplace.
“Well, maybe family ain’t just about blood,” he said.
Meg rolled her eyes. “Ugh. What a friggin’ sap.”
“You love it,” Dean grinned. She smiled, begrudgingly.
Family ain’t just about blood.
You liked that sentiment as well. It seemed to be true here. 
Even Ellen Harvelle treated Dean like a son when she came over to greet your table. She kissed his cheek and gave Meg and Cas’s shoulders a squeeze. Even you got a warm hand on your shoulder when she introduced herself.
“Welcome, hun. I understand it’s not your first time here, but if you got any questions on the menu, you let me know,” she said.
Dean shot you a conspiratorial smile, and it got you wondering what he was about to do.
“I mean, I don’t know why you don’t put the order in for chili fries the second you see me come through the door,” he teased. “Come on, Ellen. How long’ve I been coming here? Since before I had a license?”
Ellen narrowed her eyes and flicked the side of Dean’s head, regardless of his flinching protest.
“Don’t you go sayin’ that so damn loud,” she reproached. “You never drank underage at my bar.”
His eyes averted with a smile, in a way that told you Ellen was a damn liar. You bit your lip to try and hide your smile.
“Anyway, I’ll get your damn fries—”
“And a beer,” Dean interjected. She rolled her eyes.
“And a beer. Four?” she pointed at the rest of you, and you, Cas, and Meg nodded in agreement.
“All right, four beers. Anything else, darlin’?” She looked at you with a mother’s charm.
You looked up from the menu and unconsciously smiled.
“Um, sure. Can I get the chicken sandwich?”
She patted your shoulder. “You sure can.”
Ellen then took the rest of their orders without writing a thing down. You were impressed by her memory. At the end though, Dean didn’t let her go without a hand on her arm.
“Thanks, Ellen,” he said with a more sincere smile.
“A-huh,” she replied, with all due sarcasm. But there was a fondness in her eyes that was hard to miss when she playfully grabbed the back of his neck. “Knucklehead.”
A giggle escaped you, and Ellen tossed you a wink before she went to put in the orders and get the drinks.
Conversation flowed easier when the alcohol came. One beer became two, and even three (four, for Meg). By then, you were sure it was one beer too many for yourself, but you didn’t want to be the odd one out. You were mostly listening to the three of them bounce back and forth between reminiscing with old stories and roasting one another mercilessly.
It was hilarious and entertaining, but you were trying not to get caught in the crosshairs of the volleying. Inevitably though, Meg’s attention turned to you with a certain sly smile.
“You must be real special,” she remarked, gesturing at Dean. “He usually doesn’t bring his girls around here, where he actually likes to hang out. Guess that’d mean he’d have to see ‘em again with the lights on.”
You blinked in surprise.
“Meg,” Dean’s voice cut like a warning.
Your eyes widened as you took in the change, his deeper voice, his more serious gaze, versus Meg’s nonchalance. Even Cas gave her a chiding look.
“Not sure I want to know what that means,” you tried to joke.
But you could guess. It was fairly obvious.
You glanced over at Dean, whose lips pursed. Before either of you could say anything more, Meg chimed in.
“Oooh, is this gonna be your first fight?” she teased.
Dean’s brows furrowed with a glare. “That’s enough.”
“And that’s our cue,” Cas nodded. He’d already slipped out his wallet as soon as his girlfriend started talking. He left a generous few bills to cover their half of the night, plus tip, and got up out of his seat. He claimed his coat and then encouraged Meg off her chair.
“What? I’m not done with my beer,” she protested.
“I think you are,” Cas said.
Meg scoffed, but she allowed his manhandling as he wrapped a supportive arm around her waist.
“You’re not the boss of me, Clarence,” she snipped.
“Certainly not,” he agreed. “But you’re a lightweight. Time to go home, before you insult the entire bar.”
“You’re no fucking fair,” she groused, hitting his chest over his jacket. Cas leveled you and Dean with a long-suffering look of apology.
Dean waved him off with a “no sweat it” look and a shake of his head. Meg annoyed the shit out of him sometimes, especially when she was drunk. He turned to you with a sigh.
“Again, sorry about that. I didn’t think I’d have to apologize for my friends more than once tonight,” he said.
You shook your head. “It’s...okay. Overall, they were really fun.”
Dean scoffed. “I don’t think Cas has been called fun even once in his life.”
You smiled in amusement, but Meg’s words still swirled around in your head like heady wine.
“Dean,” you began, but your attempt to broach the issue was cut off by his cell phone ringing. He gave you an apologetic look and fished in his pocket for his phone. His brows rose when he saw the caller ID.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I gotta take this,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, okay—” You’d barely nodded when Dean was up and out of his chair, heading out of the bar. You could still see him through one of the faded glass doors as he held the phone up to his ear.
It was late, and quieter now. A blonde server came to take your plates, and you actually remembered her.
“Oh, hi! Jo, right?” you asked. She hesitated when you spoke, but she bobbed her head.
“That’s me,” she said. “Can I get you anything else?”
“No, I’m good. Thanks,” you said with a smile. “I met your mom. She’s really nice.”
Jo uttered a wry laugh as she stacked the plates and silverware. You helped her collect the silverware and empty beer bottles.
“Yeah, when you get her good side,” she replied. 
You smirked at that, remembering how Ellen snapped back and forth with Dean. You had no doubt that woman could be a pistol if you pissed her off.
“Well, it's nice here,” you admitted, once again taking stock of the décor. The music, the warm lighting, the good food… “It’s cozy.”
Jo’s smile quirked to one side as she paused.
“Well, it’s been in my family for three generations of Harvelles,” she said. “This was my father’s favorite place in the world.”
You caught the note of melancholy in her words, in her eyes.
“Was?” you echoed. She met your gaze and nodded.
“He was a firefighter,” she said. “He died on the job.”
You dimmed considerably. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Jo only nodded.
“How did he…” Your curiosity got the best of you, but you soon shook your head and backtracked. “Never mind, you don’t have to explain.”
“It was a fire that wasn’t properly vented,” Jo answered your half-spoken question. Her blue eyes were heavier. “He got caught in an updraft…but he actually worked at Firehouse 25. He was their brother. That’s why this’ll always be their place.”
You processed that with a slow nod of wonder.
“It’s good that you and your mom will always have that support,” you said eventually. “Even though…it might be hard too, to always be reminded.”
Jo’s lips quirked again. “It’s more the first one, but…sometimes the second one. A lot of these guys have known me since I had braces. It’s hard to shake that perpetual little sister thing.”
You smiled at that. “Yeah, I’d imagine that gets old real quick. A bunch of over-protective older brothers.”
“Overbearing, more like,” she scoffed. You laughed.
Unconsciously, you glanced over to the front of the bar, where you saw Dean still on the phone. You remembered the second date you were meant to have, when he was late due to a five-car pileup his team responded to.
You remembered that night he called you for the first time, after a long day he didn’t want to tell you about. He’d let you distract him instead. All the while, it had you wondering what he’d seen. What he’d responded to that day.
Had it been another car accident? A fire? What made someone as upbeat and funny and smooth as Dean seem to lose all the life in his voice?
Though while you were lost in your thoughts, Jo was watching you.
Jealousy roiled inside her, unbidden. She didn’t want to hate you, because unlike the girls Dean usually messed around with, you had some self-respect. Jo heard Meg’s snide clips at you earlier, and no one could fake the surprise in your eyes. Unless you were just that good a damn actor…
But no, she didn’t get that vibe from you.
It didn’t mean she had to like you though. 
“You’re right to think twice,” Jo said, earning your attention back with a swivel of your head. “What Meg said…she wasn’t wrong. Dean’s broken a few hearts, if you catch my drift.”
Just a few well-placed words, Jo thought. She realized then that she had the power to twist the wrench here, widening the gap between you and Dean. Feed your doubts.
She didn’t have to feel bad about it if it was the truth.
And yet…she saw the way your gaze fell. The disappointment setting in, the anxious clench of your hands on the table. You glanced over at Dean again out of the corner of your eye.
Jo realized then just what she was doing, not just to Dean, but to herself.
You’re not some petty bitch, she dully reminded herself.
“But,” she found herself adding. You raised your gaze back to her. Jo let out a subtle breath.
“It’s not always his fault,” she admitted. And maybe she was speaking a bit too much from experience. “The job demands a lot from him.”
Slowly, you nodded. You looked pensive, but not like you’d made up your mind.
Fine, Jo thought, as she collected the dishes and left your table.
She didn’t know if she wanted to sway you one way or the other on taking a chance on Dean Winchester.   
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While you were talking to Jo, Dean was taking his father’s unexpected call.
“Hey, Dad. What’s up?” he said.
“Hey, son. How are ya?” John’s voice was gruff and tired. Dean frowned to hear it.
“I’m good. I’m out right now, but did you need something?”
“Have you responded to any fires lately?”
“You mean like the Richardson fire?” Dean asked pointedly. “No, haven’t had one since. And no cattle prod brandings either.”
“All right, good. Just checking in.”
Good? Dean thought. John would be chomping at the bit for a new arson. If he was “just checking in,” then he was worried about something. Is he worried about me?
“What’s going on? Is there something I need to know?” Dean asked in suspicion. This was why he had taken the call. “Seriously, you can tell me. I’m not even gonna bitch at you like Sam does.”
John chuckled. But then he hesitated. Dean knew he’d hit on something.
“Dad?” he pressed.
John’s sigh was a heavy one. “Okay. What I’m about to tell you, you don’t fucking repeat. Not to anyone, you understand me? Not even your brother.”
Dean’s brows furrowed in trepidation. “Okay, fine. What the hell is it?”
“Richardson, the father of two?” John reminded. “He was a lawyer, linked to a money laundering scheme through a company called Stull Storage. It’s an old company, dates back to the seventies.”
As John continued to explain, the more confused Dean became… 
About 30 years ago, John Winchester had been a young, but promising officer in the Narcotics division. He’d married young, and by then was just barely clearing the five-year mark. Already he had the house he’d inherited from his wife’s parents, a four-year-old son, and a newborn.
Stull Storage’s units were used by a drug ring that John had been trying to infiltrate, undercover. Those units had stored cocaine, illegal weapons, and other flavors of contraband, mostly from South America (and back).
“We got close to breaking that case, once, but after the fire…I transferred out of Narcotics, as you know,” John said.
Dean knew the real story there. After his mom died, his father went into a spiral, trying to find whoever set that fire—even after the Fire Department found no evidence of arson. John had eventually been forced out of Narcotics. He requested Homicide.
As he’d told Dean once when he was extremely drunk: I seem to do better at my job when the bodies are already dead.
“Now I know that I was right about your mother’s death,” John said.
Dean released a shaky sigh. “Aw, man. Not this again, Dad. For Christ’s sake.”
“There was something wrong about that fire, Dean,” he said, raising his voice to be heard over Dean’s objections. “I just didn’t find the connection…until now.”
Dean muttered a curse under his breath. His gaze fell to the ground. Sam was usually the one who drew a hard line at hearing any more about their mom’s supposed murder, but now Dean had reached the end of his tether. It was too much.
He glanced back through the glass doors to make sure you were okay. He saw you talking to Jo, and he frowned at himself.
Here you were, waiting on him back in the bar, and his dad was calling him in the middle of the night, chasing ghosts again.
“Look…it’s been my whole damn life with this.” Dean held the phone to his ear with one hand, and rubbed at his forehead with the other. “I just can’t do this with you anymore.”    
“Dean, listen,” John urged. “You wanna know what I’m digging into, this is it. I got Mary’s file unsealed.”
Dean’s eyes widened. “What? Thought you couldn’t do that without new evidence and a court order.”
“Well, I’ve got the evidence…maybe I was a bit impatient with the court order.”
Dean rolled his eyes. His father liked to play a little fast and loose with the rules.
“At the time, the medical examiner dismissed it. She’d been burned…” John paused on a deeper breath. “But I saw it. Mary had a burn on her wrist. It was the same brand found on Richardson. On Jerry Stillwell, CPA. Amanda Waller, journalist. It’s all connected, Dean. How they’re connected to one another, I’m not sure yet. We’re still digging…but I do know this. Richardson was a message.”
Dean’s back hit the wall of the Roadhouse. His brows furrowed as he struggled to digest everything John was saying.
“A message?” he asked. “To who?”
“To me, I think. Those kids, and their mother…you got ‘em out alive, but they weren’t meant to,” John said, his voice sounding heavy. "The wife told me her husband was erratic when he got home, holding his wrist. He'd been burned before the fire. He wouldn't say what happened...then they smelled the goddamn smoke."
"Shit," Dean replied. He leaned heavily against the wall, pressing a hand to his forehead. There was an ache starting between his eyes.
“Yeah," John agreed. "The drug ring I was investigating, when I was in Narcotics. I was getting close. And I mean close. I was about to get the Big Kahuna. The kingpin of the whole operation…and then the house fire.”
Fuck. Dean wiped at his mouth anxiously as he realized what John was saying. Fuck.
“He burned me, Dean. He must have,” John said. Meaning, the drug lord he was trying to pin down somehow discovered his identity. “Your mom paid the price of that.”
“Who is this guy?” Dean asked. His hand holding the phone was starting to tremble.
“I still don’t know his real name. Workin’ on that one too,” John said. “But they called him Azazel.”
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When Dean eventually hung up with his father and returned to you at the bar, he saw you brighten. But you soon dimmed with a tinge of worry. Something of his thoughts must’ve shown on his face.
Shit. He tried his best to school his features.
“Hey, sorry about that,” he said, grasping your shoulder. “I’ll take you home.”
“I met you here, remember?” you asked.
Dean paused, then shook his head. Get it together, asshole.
“Right," he said. "Well, I’ll walk you to your car. Let me just pay real quick.”
After he sorted out the bill (he didn’t know that you’d slipped in an extra $30 in Cas’s stack for your part), he led you out, saying goodbye to Ellen and Jo while you went.
You hesitated when the two of you got to the car. Something wasn’t right with him. And both Jo and Meg’s words still rolled back and forth through your head.
“Dean, are you okay? Who was it on the phone?” you asked.
“I’m fine. It was just my dad, called to have me take a look at his car. We were just arguing about our schedules…I’m sure you can relate,” he replied, trying at a smile.
You weren’t sure if you believed him. Though he was nearly convincing, he was also shifting on his feet, hands in his pockets. His gaze roamed away from yours, above your head and over your shoulder.
“Um, I might’ve had a beer too many,” you said with a half-chuckle. “Could you walk with me for a bit? Just until my head clears enough to drive.”
“I could take you home,” Dean offered.
“And leave my car here?” you asked. In a public parking lot behind a bar?
You shook your head and pointed down the road.
“Just there and back…but if you need to go, I guess I could just sit in my car for a while.”
Dean shook his head with a frown. He couldn’t tell you that a damn serial killer was on the loose.
“No, it’s okay,” he said. “It’s a relatively safe neighborhood, but not so much at night. Not by yourself.”
He laid a hand on your back to start walking with you, but his hand soon fell back to his side. You glanced at him, but he looked straight ahead, unusually quiet and reserved.
It felt like he was checking out of this night with you. Like he just wanted to usher you into the car and leave. Did he just not want to deal with what Meg said?
“You must be real special,” she remarked, gesturing at Dean. “He usually doesn’t bring his girls around here, where he actually likes to hang out. Guess that’d mean he’d have to see ‘em again with the lights on.”
Letting out a breath, you tried to see if you could broach the subject.
“It was nice to meet some more of your friends,” you said, and with a nervous laugh, “even if it did get awkward there at the end.”
Dean finally looked over at you.
“We never exactly talked about what each of us was looking for,” you said. “What we were really doing here.” 
You stood your ground, but you tried not to look censuring. Just open to whatever he might have to say. Even so, unease churned inside you.
Dean sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “Look, she wasn’t exactly wrong about me.”
You considered that with a nod, biting the inside of your lip.
“When was the last time you were in a relationship?” you asked. Dean gave a humorless huff of a laugh. This really was the last thing he wanted to get into tonight, but he had a feeling he had no choice.
“A few months ago, for about a minute,” he said. “But uh, before then…never.”
Together, you began to cross the street while the cars on either side waited at the red light. Pedestrians had the right of way for the next 30 seconds. You looked over at him and steeled yourself.
“Dean, is this is something casual for you?”
“Define casual,” he attempted to joke (or to deflect). Though the bravado fell the moment he saw that look on your face: tight and disappointed…and hurt.  
He reached for your hand, but you weren’t having it. You slipped away from him and continued walking at a more brusque clip, even in those platform heels.  
“Okay, hold on.” He quickly followed after you and tugged you back by the hand. It had you both stopping in the middle of the crosswalk.  
Dean squeezed your hand and peered into your eyes.
“Look, I’m sorry. Don’t close up on me,” he implored. “…Please.”
Despite your better judgment, and your pursed lips, you waited. Something told you this man didn’t often say please.
“The truth is, I’m trying to do something different here with you. I don’t think we would’ve made it to date #4 if we were just casual,” he said. “I’m not playing games either.”
You wanted to trust that he was serious. Once again, your mind and your heart were at odds; the former told you to be wary, while the latter told you to trust the earnestness in his eyes.
Your heart won. “Okay, Dean.”
“Yeah?” he asked, with hopeful brows raised.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
You finally smiled. And you leaned up, resting a hand against his chest, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. His stubble was coarse, but familiar against your lips.
Dean turned his head and leaned in for a proper kiss. His hands found the curve of your waist and brought you closer against his chest. You both sunk deeper into it, your lips gliding as your head tilted into the kiss…
Until a horn honked loudly, making you both jolt at the sound.
The streetlight was green, and several cars were waiting for you to cross. You snorted in amusement, leading Dean to grin down at you. He tugged you back into step with him across the street.
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Again, you hesitated at your car. Dean was more himself as he’d held your hand all the way back.
He now held your car door open while you threw in your purse. But when you turned back to him, you still saw something brooding behind his eyes.
You drew near and grasped the open edges of his shirt. This man wore a lot of plaid when he was out of uniform, always with an undershirt. Tonight it was green plaid on gray, complete with some faded jeans and a pair of boots. This was the only “casual” way in which you wanted Dean.  
“Hey,” you started.
“Hmm?” he replied, holding you by your arms.
“I get that we haven’t known each other all that long. So you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” you said. “But did something happen when you stepped out? When you talked to your dad?”
Dean paused. His eyes, a pale green under the streetlamp, flicked to yours.
“I just want to know that you’re okay,” you said. “And if you’re not, that’s okay too.”
After a moment to blink in surprise, your earnestness got to him. His grip moved down your arms, and he took one of your hands. His dad’s warning echoed through his mind.
What I’m about to tell you, you don’t fucking repeat. Not to anyone, you understand me? Not even your brother.
Dean knew his dad didn’t make demands without a reason, even if he wasn’t typically so forthcoming with them. But Dean drew enough courage to be as honest as he could be. You deserved that much, after everything you'd put up with tonight.
“My mom died...when I was about four,” he said. “It was a house fire.”
Your eyes widened. All this time, you’d assumed his mother had passed away. You hadn’t expected that, though. You squeezed his hands.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, and you meant it. Dean just shook his head.
“It was ruled an accident. Really they just didn’t have much evidence either way,” he continued. “But uh, my dad’s been obsessed with the idea that it wasn’t. That someone started the fire on purpose… Well, today, he might’ve found his proof.”
He held your gaze for as long as he could, but in the end, he just couldn’t. His chest was tight. Saying those words out loud made them real, and he wasn’t sure of how to handle it.  
“Oh, Dean,” you said, starting and stopping, as you struggled to formulate a response that wasn’t just “I’m sorry,” or “Are you okay?” 
He clearly wasn’t. You also didn’t want to give him platitudes like, “That’s crazy,” or the ever-inspired: “Wow.” 
Or some other variation of what you’re supposed to say. You wanted to give him something honest. Something real. 
So you curled your hands around his arms, earning his gaze.
“You must be reeling right now,” you said. “Do you think he’s onto something this time?”  
“I don’t know what to think,” said Dean. “I’ve been pressing him for answers, but…honestly? I wish he hadn’t told me a damn thing.” 
You didn’t know what to say to that. You were surprised that he actually confided in you with this. But the only thing you could think to do was lean up on your toes and slip your arms around his neck. You hugged him, warm and tight. 
You couldn’t even imagine what he was feeling, but you just wanted him to know that someone was there for him. You were there for him. 
Dean eventually hugged you back. He held you, reassuring you as well as himself. He blew out a cathartic breath, and his hand came up to cup the back of your head. His lips tugged upwards.
“You’re a sweetheart, you know that?” he said. 
A smile spread across your face. Your fingers soothed through his hair gently. You pressed your lips into his neck.
“I aim to please,” you said against his skin.
Dean smiled more fully at that. The new warmth in his chest warred against the roiling in his stomach. Despite his best efforts, his smile faded.
His mom’s killer was still out there.
The thought was haunting his mind, and he knew it probably would for many nights to come.
So for now, he’d just hold you a bit tighter.
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AN: 🥲 I honestly didn't mean it to end so angsty, but Dean finally got some much-needed hurt/comfort there! What did you think of how Jo handled her jealous side? And Gordon "shooting his shot" lol.
Coming soon in Part 7, we finally get to a huge milestone between these two lovebirds, with a side helping of baking shenanigans. 😏❤️‍🔥
Next Time:
“Ey, ey!” he raised a warning finger with his free hand. “You’re about to take this to a new level.”
You met his gaze through your lashes with a playful smile. “So?”
Dean raised a brow at you. He could admit, you had audacity. All he could do was call your bluff.
He took one of your battered fingers into his mouth. Your eyes widened at the feel of his soft tongue swirling around your finger, sucking it clean. All the while, his eyes never broke from yours.
Lord have mercy, you thought. Really, it was the only coherent one in your head.
Keep Reading: PART 7
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
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shojizbae · 2 months
My Rave Babies
Spencer Reid x Reader
rave baby part two
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For three weeks, your coworkers had been barraged nonstop about your scandalous habits. "So, listen to any good EDM?" or " Going to any parties?" had been ringing in my ears all week. The team had managed to sneak in puns during a case.
"Well, that sheriff was just raving, man." Derek leaned against the counter and brought a paper cup to his mouth
"Enough," I groan and toss my head back
"C'mon, you can't just tell us you used to go to raves and then not take us," Emily explains
"We are in the dead of the midwest. Will a serial rapist be on the loose, and you're thinking about going to a rave?" I fill up a paper cup with coffee
"Well, do you know of any back home?" JJ offers, sliding effortlessly into the conversation.
"JJ, you have kids," I whine
"Will can watch them for the night." She refutes
"I can't. I'm going back to the murder case before this town is traumatized further." It's a less effective duck-out, but it draws attention away. Hotch gives me a bit of a look as I rejoin a discussion with an exhausted look.
"I hope you didn't stay up all night partying." He teases
"No, I got a full night's rest. I'm ready to take this guy in." Deny. Deny. Deny.
The case came to a close two days later, with the man castrating himself and then slitting his throat. Unfortunately, the connection that all of the victims had was that they frequented the same club. An EDM / Rocker club with very Rave-like vibes. The jokes flew on the plane ride home.
"Alright, alright, fine. I'm going to call my old friend. She'll let me know what's going on in town."
"Really?" Morgan jumps at the statement
"Yeah, don't make me regret this."
It was four days later that a festival would be in town for the weekend. I informed the team that tickets needed to be bought. I also let them know they should be on high alert for roofies and perverts. Skimpy clothes and loud music were catalysts for freaks.
"So you're really knocking the dust off?" Morgan holds an FBI mug up to his lips. He's got an all too-full-of-himself grin on his smug little face.
"Yeah, you're coming too?"
"Yeah, so is Emily."
"And me!" JJ holds each of my shoulders, "I'm so excited, Will hasn't stopped ogling the outfit in my closet. He said he needed to borrow some floss and held it up on the hanger."
"Is anyone else coming?"
"Yeah, Penelope and Spencer," Emily says
"Reid?" I nearly snort my coffee out
"That's my name." He traipses into the kitchen and dumps half the can of sugar into his mug.
"I figured a rave would be a little out of your comfort zone. You're really coming?"
"I-i-It is. But I'm trying some exposure therapy."
"I thought that has been disproven." Emily counters
"Clinically, yes. But some of the results of those who have conquered fear through exposure therapy are too nice to pass up. You know, in recent studies-"
"Yeah, we get it you're going." Derek cuts him off
"So, have you picked out an outfit?"
"It's no Halloween, but I figured I should just wear what I always do."
The night came faster than I had expected. One night, I was filling out a report on a serial arsonist; the next, I was tying myself into a bikini and zipping up giant platform boots. I put on a silky kimono to disguise the scandalous outfit. We all taxied to the nearby party meeting to get our tickets and a wristband checked. Emily and JJ looked phenomenal. Penelope was show-stopping, though. A galaxy-printed dress, giant boots, and fishnets, bejeweled with bracelets and a bucket hat.
Derek was primarily shirtless, though he found a neon fishnet shirt and tactical boots over some burning man cargo shorts. Finally, Reid was the last of the group. Surrounded by a thousand people in their skivvies, he stuck out like a sore thumb in gray slacks, a purple pinstripe button-down, and a sweater vest. The most crazy part of his outfit was his mismatched DC and Marvel socks.
"Wow, you look-"
"You look," I motion up and down at him. "You know, for the youngest on the team, you look like you're babysitting." He laughs, but it seems like he's shriveling on himself.
"Don't worry, you look great," I reassure and slide my hand up and down his bicep reassuringly. Even if I'm typically a touchy person that gesture might seem too forward for coworkers so I retract my arm awkwardly.
"Dang, (Y/n), where were you hiding that body?" Emily came and patted me on the ass and then slung her arm over my shoulder.
"Ok, tipsy, why don't we get you some water?" I unfurl her from me
"That sounds great," Reid clears his throat. "My throat is feeling a little dry." Emily wraps herself around me, and JJ slings an arm over Reid's shoulder. Morgan follows behind us, and we find some bottles of water that are way overpriced. Music begins to bump behind us, and I drag the group into the heart of the crowd. Morgan rears off when he finds some girls eyeballing him. Penelope follows Derek to a group of fun.
JJ and Emily stay close by but jump and sway with the thrumming music. Reid looks out of place like a black sheep.
"DOC!" I shout over the loud music
"You look stiff!" I jump around and scream at him.
"I'm not much of a dancer. Maybe I should just go home."
"What?" I stop jumping. C'mon, you've just got to feel the music." I take a step closer. Thanks to the giant shoes I wear, I'm much closer to his face than I usually am. I loop my fingers into the belt loops on his hips and take another step closer. "C'mon, man, you've just got to feel the rhythm." with my hands, I make him sway his hips to the beat. With a bit of encouragement, he starts to do so by himself.
"Ok, just jump around. Let yourself feel free." I twist and jump to the ear-splitting music. He raises his arms apprehensively, and I fling mine on top of him to show him it's fine. With my permission, he raises them and starts to flail freely.
"Alright, pretty boy, get into it." Derek teases
"Don't listen to him. You look great." I jump and swing my arms like a toddler. Lost in the moment, I spin around to show off my back and shake my hips. I lose my control and dance like a maniac. I back up onto Reid and sway with him. As I feel eyes on us, Reid jumps away from me.
"Are you two having fun?" JJ drawls
"Have you been drinking?" I shout
"A lot!" She responds
"I'm having so much fun. Why did you stop this?" Emily screams
"The hangover you'll have tomorrow? Yeah, have fun taking a jet ride with your ears trying to compress into your skull. And one time I caught a nasty STI from hooking up with someone in a port-a-potty."
"What ew," Emily fake retches.
"Don't worry, I took antibiotics." The music came thrumming through the speakers as a new DJ started their set. Immediately, I recognized her and started leaping like a manic shrimp. "Oh my god, I love this song!" I twisted around and grabbed each of Reid's wrists.
"C'mon, dance with me!" my mind disappeared in the bass. Nothing else mattered but the feeling of my feet pounding into the dirt and the occasional collision of Spencer's limbs. Slowly, the thrumming of the tempo migrated to my ankles.
"Alright, it has been a long time since I've danced like this. I need a break."
"Yeah, I don't think these are the best dance shoes either." there's sweat on his brow, but he holds up one of his feet to show off the brown loafers.
"Let's find the rest of the group," I whisper scream in his ear. In the proximity, I feel my torso press to his. I nearly roll my ankle and he catches me by my hip. He stands me back up and steadies my hips.
"Ok, let's get you to a cab," We find Derek quickly. He only has one girl who won't let go of his bicep tonight. Emily, JJ, and Penelope cling back to us, and we leave the grounds all slightly limping. We all file into a taxi and people filter out of the car slowly.
"I think I'm going to get out here and just take the metro home." JJ and I are the only two left in the vehicle as Penelope gets out of the car.
"What no, just stay in the car. I'll drive you home."
"No, that's far too much."
"I could drive you home." JJ offers as we turn down the corner of her street."
"No, you live further than her."
"Reid, I'll drive you home," I demand.
"Alright, you two have a good night." JJ slinks out of the cab, and we watch Will open the door, and she leaps into his arms.
'the kids are sleeping.' I read from his lips
"They're going to have a fun night." I snort. Reid shrinks on himself again. "C'mon, you've had to have some sort of fun like this."
"No?" The cab takes us to my neighborhood, and we get out. Reid insists on paying the driver. I let him in and opened the front door. He takes the same space on my couch and groans from the pain. I bring two cans of lemon seltzer water and slump down with my legs across his lap on the couch. I crack the cans and hand one to him.
"Oh, thank you," he takes it, and I take a big slurp of mine. I extend a foot up and put my ankle near his face
"Could you unzip me?"
Uh, uh, sure." He holds my ankle and tugs the zipper down the inside of my calf. Once it's down, I use my other foot to push it off with my other foot. I hold up the second foot and he obeys, tugging off himself.
"Thank you, I roll, crack my ankles, and sigh in relief. "Whew, those were killing me." I start to roll down my thigh-high fishnets.
"Uh, would you like to go to the bedroom to get changed?"
"No, I'm fine like this." I pull the second sock off. I readjust the slipper kimono and tug one of my blankets up my shoulders. I twist around to lie on Reid's chest, straddling his leg.
"Uh, what are you,"
"I'm tired, Spencer." I dig into his chest with my own and loop my arms around his neck. I readjust myself even more around him. His tie stabbed me in my temple, and I tugged it off his chest.
"Uh (Y/n), what are you-"
"Calm down," I say, undoing his top buttons for the skin-to-skin contact my body craves. Your chest is warm." I cuddle into it and kiss his collar.
"I had a good night, Spencer," I sink further into his frame and pull the blanket on harder. I feel a hand thread its way into my hair but dreamland takes me away.
"I had a good night too."
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interestofthemonth · 3 months
Alastor includes himself on couples' dates.
He follows Cherri and Pentious on a date every now and then just solely to be a nuisance. Cause some mayhem on the night out. Kill a waiter here, blow up a building there. It nearly ruins the dates every time, but Cherri is a freak and finds positive twists each time. "That waiter was my second cousin who was a dick anyway, at least I don't have to see him at family reunions now." "I'm an arsonist, what part of the building exploding did you think was gonna be a turn-off for me?" He continues to tag along out of the sheerest of boredoms.
Going along with Chaggie is more common. Charlie can (and has) straight up invited Al on dates. Hell's princess takes any bonding opportunity she can get - especially with Alastor who is most standoff-ish during her redemption lessons. It drives Vaggie mad how he worms his way into their day, but she loves her girl because of that impossibly good heart of hers so she always allows it. Charlie is just so happy to have a second dad who is interested in her life the hotel's benefactor take an interest in their way of life. As a trio, they'll take walks around the city, visit art museums (i would love to see the type of art a museum from Hell keeps), and go on picnics together. Tame to the point of tedious, but Al still enjoys the company and Vaggie's sour face.
But when Husk and Angel start having actual dates? 8/10 times Alastor is with them. Mostly bc he lives to be an annoyance for Husk. Cause, you know, Husk actually tries to be romantic for Angel Dust. After a life of repression and an afterlife of abuse, Angel doesn't really have a sense of romance even though he has a longing for it. The former Overlord wants to give him everything he deserves. They go to carnivals, to the drive-in theatres, to the beach, ice skating, dancing, stargazing. However, a candle-lit dinner looses some flare when your cannibal boss orders toes as an appetizer for the table. But Angel is still smiling so Husk is satisfied. Without knowing it, Al being a creep ends up helping Angel get better into the rhythm of going on real dates. It takes some of the pressure off of him to be perfect - to not fuck things up like he knows he always does. Plus Angel kind of likes Al - they both have a certain . . . draw to entertainment. Can't be bored for too long. So every now and then, they team up to cause chaos have fun and the poor kitty hangs his head as he goes along with his boyfriend's and contractor's every whim. Occasionally Al will bring Niffty as his plus one, claiming he needs to air her out a little bit so she might as well join their fun. Those turn into the most hectic nights but also the ones with the most laughter. And, truth be told, despite how everyone thinks Charlie is the biggest Huskerdust shipper (practically crying rainbows when they first became official) Alastor can and will do everything in his power to keep these fools together. He gets far too much enjoyment out of the pair. Hell, he starts looking forward to Thursday night swing dancing dates. The Radio Demon third wheels so hard to the point that he is a salty, bitter bitch for weeks after finding out Angel assigned Fat Nuggets as Best Man for their (imaginary) wedding. His temper tantrum ends when the couple tell him he can be the officiant.
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
do they have deal breakers?
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a/n: idk i just thought this would be an interesting thing to write.
synopsis: what are some deal breakers for them? what can they not tolerate?
includes: slenderman, jeff the killer, eyeless jack, laughing jack, jane the killer, nina the killer, the bloody painter, candy pop, the doll maker, jason the toymaker, dr smiley, nurse ann, the puppeteer, clockwork, zalgo, hobo heart, ticci toby, zero, kagekao, nathan the nobody, homicidal liu + sully, tim wright, brian thomas, jay merrick, jessica locke, and alex kralie.
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SLENDERMAN doesn't have a lot of deal breakers, to be quite honest. it doesn't have any preferences when it comes to romance. i suppose if it had to pick something, it would say that it would rather avoid dating people with a disdain towards nature. it literally lives in nature, so... it would also probably avoid people who have children in their life, be it a parent or a teacher.
JEFF THE KILLER has a two off the top of his head. firstly, he will never date a Fangirl capital 'F'. if he even gets the slightest inkling that someone might be a fan of his, it's an immediate no and that person very well may lose their life. and secondly, he refuses to date anyone who hates his brother. yeah, he and liu don't get along and liu wants him dead but in his mind, liu is still the most important person in jeff's life. people who commit arson are on thin fucking ice.
EYELESS JACK is fairly lax when it comes to 'deal breakers'. he doesn't have anything he dislikes, and there isn't any type of behavior that he necessarily avoids either. people who aren't fond of cannibalism would be difficult to date, he supposes. he doesn't really like people who may try keeping his as a pet either. and... maybe people who are in cults...
LAUGHING JACK is one sick and twisted bastard so deal breakers are very unlikely. realistically, his partner being around kids should probably be a deal breaker but that's... literally the only way to meet him. he's incredibly complex so he really won't know his own deal breakers until he's like... in the situation, y'know?
JANE THE KILLER has one immediate deal breaker. if you like jeff the killer, she immediately feels immense disdain toward you and she will never even acknowledge your existence, not unless she's forced to. jane richardson is also lesbian, so men are an immediate no.
NINA THE KILLER has one immediate deal breaker as well. if you dislike jeff the killer, she will not get along with you. she and jeff have a love-hate relationship but at the end of the day, he's still her idol and she looks up to him a lot, so.
THE BLOODY PAINTER barely interacts with people to really know if he has any deal breakers. perhaps people who dislike art? though, he can't really fault someone for not seeing the beauty held within the multitudes of art all around the world.
CANDY POP isn't the biggest fan of people he deems to be annoying or boring. now, i know what you're thinking, candy pop literally finds joy in annoying people, so wouldn't he be delighted to have a partner who behaves the same way? absolutely not. he likes to be the one terrorizing people; he does not want to be terrorized.
THE DOLL MAKER is immediately hesitant around older men, so if you are a guy and you're older than him then just know he'll avoid you like the plague. also, due to his pyrophobia, arsonists and people fascinated by fire get an immediate no from him. anyone who may poke fun at the dolls he creates aren't welcome either, and he'll probably end up turning them into a doll.
JASON THE TOYMAKER has one goal only and it is to find 'the one for him' so like... not many deal breakers here. just fall in love with him and never ever reject him and everything will be good! you'll be turned into a wax doll, otherwise, and that's a terrible fate to suffer.
DR SMILEY also rarely interacts with people, though he's not the biggest fan of people who so desperately cling to life and believe that death is something to be afraid of.
NURSE ANN just doesn't like people in general and only has like... three people she enjoys being around so the likelihood of her growing to like someone is small. that being said, something that immediately makes her dislike a person is when they mock her for not speaking often.
THE PUPPETEER has major disdain for people he cannot control. unless he's already grown attached to (ex. emra) or reliant on them (ex. zachary), then disobedience is not something he can tolerate. he's also not the biggest fan of super-duper cheerful people, though that's only because it makes killing them harder.
CLOCKWORK by default cannot stand anyone who reminds her of her past. she wants nothing more than to forget the pain and hell she went through, so to find a person who reminds her of all that trauma? yeah, no, they gotta go.
ZALGO literally hates everything and everyone but on the very slight chance that someone manages to worm their way into the essence of his being, then so long as they don't mind humanity's downfall then they're fine. bonus points if they're good with kids because holy shit he doesn't know how to be a dad. and if they dislike kids then like... that's fine, i guess, but he'll be a bit bitter.
HOBO HEART is fairly hesitant when it comes to love. the one time he fell in love, she threw his heart away. he's hesitant to fall in love again, but he could never fall for anyone who would so willingly leave him behind. he's not the biggest fan of liars either. simply put, he could never love someone who doesn't value their own heart.
TICCI TOBY already keeps people at a distance, but it's an immediate deal breaker when someone starts making fun of him. if someone makes a bad comment about lyra or his mother, then that's also an immediate no. anyone who heavily drinks alcohol is a no. anyone who 'teases' him about his tourette's is a no. anyone who doesn't take his CIPA seriously is a no.
ZERO could never be in a relationship with someone with the mindset of 'i can fix her' because she doesn't need to be fixed. honestly, you should consider yourself lucky that she's somehow managed to grow an attachment to you considering her disregard for everyone around her. do something to make her hate you and you'll regret it.
KAGEKAO is gay, first and foremost, so if you're a woman then it just won't work out. he's fluent in english as well so you don't necessarily have to know japanese, though he'd love for you to learn. people who make comments about his wine habits or tell him to cut back on drinking wine will be disposed of immediately. he also isn't fond of boring people.
NATHAN THE NOBODY tends to believe that most people are in the organization that took away his sister, so by default, it's an immediate no if he comes to believe that someone is in the organization. he can't come to terms with his sister's death, so he'll get rid of anyone who tries to make him see that she's dead.
HOMICIDAL LIU hardly ever gives romance any thought because he's so caught up in his goal of trying to kill jeff that it rarely ever crosses his mind, so deal breakers aren't something he's given much thought. people who aren't fond of arson probably won't like liu, so they're a no. anyone who thinks he should forgive jeff is an immediate no. anyone who is a fangirl of jeff or idolizes him the way nina does is also an immediate no. people who aren't fond of smoking most certainly won't like him so they're also a no. anyone who sees no harm in mocking and bullying other people is a no.
SULLY has deal breakers relatively similar to liu. if you're a jeff groupie then he honestly wants nothing to do with you. if you are a threat to liu in any way shape or form, then he's already planning a way to dispose of you. other than that, he's pretty laid back with this sort of stuff.
TIM WRIGHT has a habit of smoking so people who can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke should probably avoid him. he isn't close to a lot of people so when someone betrays his trust, it really hits him hard so people with a habit of lying are an immediate no.
BRIAN THOMAS is a bros before hoes sorta guy in the sense that if his partner doesn't like his friends then suddenly he doesn't have a partner anymore. he can't date someone who dislikes the people he's closest to, it just doesn't work that way. especially if they dislike tim, like... that's his best friend there, dude.
JAY MERRICK is a gay man so if you are a woman, then... yeah. it won't work. you stand no chance with jay if you don't believe him when he tells you that something is seriously wrong. he doesn't like people who avoid telling him about an issue because it stresses him out a lot so he would rather prefer people who can openly tell him if something is wrong.
JESSICA LOCKE is lesbian, so men simply just do not have a chance with her. she doesn't really have many deal breakers though, to be honest. at least none that come to the top of her head. she'd probably have to experience something to decide whether or not that's a deal breaker for her, y'know?
ALEX KRALIE is like... deeply unhinged in every way possible and will try killing his partner no matter what, so. let's just use the alex before all the operator stuff happened! he can't be with anyone who doesn't support him or his passion project, marble hornets. and in the midst of marble hornets, he will try to kill his partner. there's no avoiding that. he, himself, is a deal breaker, gotta be honest here.
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
I can't believe we've reached the season finale! 😭 First off, the key visual for this episode is too adorable and is only reminding me how much I'm going to miss my favorite (fake) family! ❤️
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While the early season episode where Bond and Twilight go on a mission together hints at how much compassion Twilight has for Bond, this episode really highlights what a softie he can be when he's around someone with whom he doesn't have to put on any acts.
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Not only does he risk his life to go after Bond in the fire, but when he finds out that Bond went into the burning building to save another dog, he gives that soft, sincere smile that's only reserved for when one of his family members does something that truly touches him.
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Rather than be annoyed with Bond for putting both their lives in danger, he's happy that he would risk his life to protect others...because that's what he does all the time! Plus, when he thinks Bond is acting out by "attacking" random people, instead of getting mad, he puts it upon himself to try and understand Bond better, the same as he does with Anya.
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It's also really adorable how much Bond wants to please Loid. Is he learning from Anya?
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This guy has to be one of the dumbest arsonist to stick around the building he just burned down with a hat that says "Fire" 😂
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And of course, wet Bond and "trying not to laugh" Twilight are finally animated! Twilight is lucky that Yor and Anya weren't there to catch him snickering like that...the embarrassment may have killed him.
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Then we get the pinnacle of how much Twilight cares for Bond when he tells him that he should think of himself as a family member first and guard dog second, plus how heartbroken "someone" would be if anything happened to him. And that sentiment is really a driving theme in the series, not just in this case with Bond, but for Twilight and Yor too. They're always putting the happiness of others before their own, without either knowing that the other is doing it.
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I didn't think they would use this story as the season finale, since it only featured Twilight and Bond, and Franky a bit in the beginning. But they made it feel more like a finale by adding new scenes of the other characters! The scenes with Anya and Yor doing origami was cute - I love how Yor went too hard with the scissors 😅
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And the ending where Anya gives both Twilight and Bond stellas was a great addition (though maybe a bit canon-altering since Anya in the manga hasn't seen soaked Bond up to this point).
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The montage of all the other characters at the end was nice as well.
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I laughed at Fiona's target practice 🤣
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And the final scene with the Forgers having dinner was the perfect last shot~
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No announcement for season 3 yet, but the episode does hint that there will be more! There's a SxF event in Japan in June 2024 where they could make such an announcement. I'm hoping season 3 won't start until 2025 in order to give the manga time for new content - as of the end of season 2, 67% of the manga has been adapted into the anime (according to my story guide spreadsheet), which is a lot. We'll see! But there will definitely be more SxF anime in the future, perhaps even another movie! So for now, only SxF Sundays twice a month will have to tide us over 😄
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
imagine babysitting with boyfriend!dabi
you were supposed to spend the day together but shit got in the way and now you were stuck at your relatives’ place and had to look after their kids for the afternoon. dabi was ready to disappear the second you mentioned it but you practically dragged him there by his collar and now he’s sitting on the couch pouting.
he would never admit it but he was worried that the kids might get scared by his appearance. well turns out they absolutely adore him.
it’s definitely annoying him at first that they won’t leave him alone for even a second and keep demanding that he plays with them. you glare at him after a while and he reluctantly gives in.
it starts with them playing with little race car models and they soon switch to drawing messily in one of their coloring books. dabi turns out to be quite the talented artist which you haven’t known until then.
however he draws the line when the kids want to play dress up. he vehemently refuses… for five minutes at least. when you return from the kitchen with snacks for everyone you have to try your absolute hardest not to burst out laughing when you see the sparkly tiara on his head. (you manage to take a picture without him noticing)
he doesn’t admit it but he’s actually having fun and watching you interact with the kids is putting thoughts into his head that he’s never had before. maybe starting a family of your own isn’t as bad of an idea as he used to think.
now all he can think about for the rest of the day is you underneath him with your legs pressed to your chest and the sound of your heavenly moans when he draws orgasm after orgasm from you until he finally cums inside of you. he rly hopes you won’t mind not using a condom this time...
- 🥛
the way i actually can picture him letting the kids grab onto his arms and then lift them up to spin the two of them around, once he’s done dabi would be dizzy as hell but then there are the kids who starts screaming “again!” “again!” which has him huff tiredly but still comply to what they want because they were having fun and that surprisingly made our arsonist hold back a smile, all this under your amused but still tender grin.
i can also see dabi play with them the ‘see you, can’t see you’ game, after you teach him, and he adores the laughs and giggles those little dwarfs let out when he exclaims “ah! here you are!”, in the most (semi) monotone voice someone could’ve ever hear, but the kids still loved it so much and that just leave him with a tingling sensation inside his chest from how moved he was, but still managed to keep it low or you wouldn’t let him live it down just like with the tiara moment.
once the kids were gone, you two finally alone, dabi is sitting on the couch with dazed eyes looking in front of him and lips slightly parted; when you sit next to him you’re about to ask him what was that face for, after snorting amused, when in a millisecond the villain has you laying beneath him as he hovers over your figure. you look surprised at him, being meet by a stare of pure desire and love that made your heart skip a beat from the intensity “w-what?”, you blurt out confused while glancing back at your boyfriend unsure on what’s gotten into him, then your eyes fell down and widened at the sight of the bulge inside his pants that was now pressing against your lower abdomen “you–?! wha–?!”
“i...”, dabi interrupted you “want to have kids with you princess.”, he confessed in a low husky gentle tone looking away from you with the back of his hand raising in front of his face and you blinked fervently, no because... was this cruel villain blushing right now?!
god he is so damn gorgeous like that, you can’t wrap your head around the fact that you have the most precious boyfriend out there, he’s truly such a gem honestly.
smiling tenderly at his confession you cup his cheeks, making him flinch slightly because of the sudden move, and pull him towards you meeting him halfway to kiss the raven-haired boy on his lips deeply, with an astonishing amount of love that left dabi speechless but yearning for more which is why a second later he was already ravishing yours back with as much passion as you.
when the two of you parted, panting, your hazy eyes locked and you swallowed down before slowly sliding your legs up his sides then closing them around dabi’s waist in a tight grip that pressed his boner against your clothed heat, a groan and moan leaving both your mouths at the friction. licking your lips under his burning gaze you start talking “what are you waiting for then?”, dabi looks with eyes that you can see ask for permission and “fill me up dabi.”, with that accompanied by a roll of your hips against his, he completely lost it.
after this, skins slapping together, pants, groans and moans are the only things that can be heard inside your living room as your man is cumming for the sixth time inside of you, balls deep into your pussy with the tip of his dick pressing hard against the swollen entrance of your womb as he’s spilling his load in complete ecstacy once again while you squirt all over his shaft and onto his pelvis with a pitiful cry, too overstimulated to even form a single syllable.
dabi has his eyes still rolled back into his skill in pure bliss when he hear you slurr about how much seed there’s inside your cunt, his cerulean irises going back to their place immediately before he raises from his hovering position on you with flushed cheeks as he smirks, totally high on you “of course there’s lots...”, and grabbing onto your waist he starts to rut his hips slowly, fucking all his seed into you with eyes clouded by desire “i gotta make sure my princess is filled up to the brim with our babies, right?”, he ends his sentence with a sharp thrust that made you let out a sob while holding onto his forearms for dear life, moaning continuously as dabi kept pounding into you “you can take more of it, i know it baby, i believe in my pretty girl nhgh–”, dabi kept blurting while throwing his head back with a throaty dragged groan at feeling your walls clench around him, hips picking up pace in no time.
letting out a breathy moan he looks down at you with sweat rolling down his temples long his pretty panting face, then he grabs your forearm to rub kind circles on it “i’m gonna make sure it’ll stick this time, so– ugh— bear with me for a little more ‘kay baby?”, you nod absentmindedly, too fucked out to register well what he’s saying to you, making him let out an amused snort at seeing your expression completely melted from the continuous pleasure and overstimulation “good girl, lemme reward you thenhgh—”, and with that another load of his seed was flowing inside of you and deep into your womb.
the pure bliss dabi feels everytime he cums deep in you, the imagery of his white ropes sticking inside your uterus, makes him rock hard all over again. mind completely lost into the ferverish sensation he’s been feeling for hours now thanks to his precious girl.
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howlingdemon13 · 4 months
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Betelgeuse I was hugely inspired by a bunch of artists and fic writers in the fandom, as well as a few monster artists who specialize in combining different creatures into beasts that actually look cohesive. I’m not sure how well I was able to execute the vision here, but I’m really proud of it regardless! DiamondZ, nonbinary-arsonist, stinkyhorsebitch, and arbuzyansky were the main catalysts for this, so definitely take a peek at their work or give them a follow. I was initially going to submit this guy for a staff art show, but I don't want to rush the rest of it, so I'm just going to post what I have finished here. Design notes are under the cut.
In earlier drafts, I was looking into more serpentine-looking designs since Beetlejuice turns into a snake in the film. Some of the concepts I was leaning towards looked like either a lindworm or centipede, but I think mammalian fits Musicaljuice since he’s “softer” in a lot of aspects compared to his film counterpart. I may look into playing with a more snake/bug-like design in the future. Beetlejuice’s overall look is heavily inspired by Chalicotherium goldfussi, which were huge Miocene ungulates that are distantly related to things like rhinos and tapirs. Given that Beetlejuice is super old, I felt like an extinct animal was a proper fit. On a more personal level, I really like the way these guys look and it was easier to rework their body plan into something that looks carnivorous. That, and I wasn’t really vibing with other mammalian body plans, especially because I wanted something that was close in shape to a human without being apelike. Huge herbivores also have larger stomachs, which I feel is a better analogue to Beetlejuice’s body type. You’ll have to pry that man’s curves from my cold, dead hands. All his forms are chubby and soft, and I’ll fight you over it in the Denny’s parking lot. I also added some hyaenid traits, especially for the head shape and teeth. Hyenas are very social animals (like Beej, except no one can see him), and striped hyenas and aardwolves specifically have these tall crests of fur that run down their backs and back legs that they can raise and lower to communicate. I’d argue it’s fitting since Beetlejuice’s hair sticks up at odd angles and communicates his mood (intentional or not). And hyenas laugh. Granted they giggle when they’re stressed, but it still fits. I modeled his stripes off of both species as well. His hind paws, ears, and tail are all based off of those of opossums. Beej is very “trash animal”-coded, and I felt like the opossum traits would fit better with the Chalicotherium body than something like a raccoon or skunk. I felt a little bad about not giving him a ton of bug traits, so I tried to add mandibles, but they just weren’t looking right in earlier design drafts. I gave him a bunch of small eyes to compensate, but making him look buggy wasn’t the only reason for the extra eyes. We know from early drafts of the musical script that Beetlejuice’s last name is Shoggoth. These creatures are mentioned by Lovecraft in Fungi from Yuggoth and At the Mountains of Madness, but I’m not sure if this implies that Beej is a shoggoth, or if it more so refers to him being able to manifest multiple limbs/shapeshift/warp reality like one. In that same vein, the mouth in his chest is mostly to look scary and is just another fun little Lovecraftian trait that I felt was needed. Same to the tendrils, but that’s also a common fandom trait that is pretty much canon (to me) at this point. I might rb this with headcanons later on.
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sebadztian · 1 month
Watching episode 5 now...
Come to think about it, the boys have committed arson just to get another boy out of the house. But hey, it's all in the name of the Queen, so it's ok? (No!)
Seb is like SUPERMAN, taking off his glasses to activate his laser eyes. Is he wearing mascara?? His eyes looked like Violet's...
Derrick was never in Purple House to begin with, so you did commit arson, Ciel!
Um, why does Professor Michaelis look strange without his glasses?? Seb isn't even wearing glasses in the first place! I think it's his hair?
And here comes Master Michaelis with his elephants... Well, technically, they're Soma's, but...
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Where are the other teachers? Or more importantly, where's Purple House's house master??
Always makes me wonder, why does Violet not want people to come into Purple House? Anyone has a theory?
Why do they translate it as 'mayor'?
Yes, boys, it was arson! And the arsonist (or at least, one of them) is right there with you!
Here it comes... Here it comes...
Ciel threw himself at Sebastian... Surely, he didn't need to keep holding onto him as he talked to him... I mean, he didn't even have to be that close to thank him... But I'll take what I can get!
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Did he trip or something?
*rewind video*
Nope, he didn't. He literally jumped and launched himself at Seb!
One hell of an educator? Really, Seb? Really?
Damn... They're finishing each other sentences. Even the unspoken ones! And they have the same exact thoughts, word by word!
Everyone else has left, Ciel. You didn't have to do this.
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Hello, the Midfords!
The teams entrance are cool!
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Edward, your sister complex is showing... Even Ciel didn't think it was normal. And this is coming from the guy who's dating his demon butler.
I wonder if Vincent & Dee would make it to this episode...
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flowercrowngods · 11 months
The click of the Zippo opening and closing is almost hypnotic, lulling Steve into that familiar satisfaction of just the right noise at just the right frequency as he watches Robin’s wrist flicking the lighter open and closed, her arms stretched above her like she’s trying to touch the ceiling. Steve’s hands are gently swaying next to hers, in the nonexistent breeze of his bedroom.
It’s one of their weird private moments; where they get to have everything being just right that would get them questioning and judgemental glances from everyone else. The tingling sensation in their arms as the blood flows down and away from their hands, leaving them heavy and floaty in a way that never fails to ground them. But there’s also a safety to this moment, a security that they just get to have this without judgment.
Just the flick of the lighter and not a word spoken for over half an hour now.
Sometimes Robin laments, How am I supposed to ever find a girlfriend when this is my version of quality time? This is just weird. I’m weird.
Maybe, but it’s fun, Steve had said once, staring at the veins in his hands while a large water bottle was balancing on his forehead.
She had sighed and snatched the water bottle from his face to plant it on hers, admitting, It is fun.
“Do you ever wonder if there’s like…” Robin interrupts their silence, the Zippo never faltering, Steve’s eyes still fixed on it like all the answers to the questions of the universe lie somewhere in the peeling black foil.
“Like, a point?”
“A point?” Steve asks, still following the lighter with his eyes, even as Robin stops flicking it open and closed and starts playing with the spark wheel and stone. There’s no flame yet, though, and it looks like she’s just stroking it almost reverently.
“Yeah, like a reason that we’re still, like, doing things.”
Steve frowns, lowering one of his arms to feel the blood flowing back into his hand, the sensation warm and familiar. Like a reminder. There’s blood in your body. You’re alive.
Is there a point, though?
“No,” he says eventually.
“No. I don’t think there’s one. We just are. Not like we can stop.”
“Well, we could,” she says, and in one second there’s nothing, just words hanging in the air. The next, there’s a flame coming from the lighter as Robin presses hard and fast enough on the spark wheel. It stays there, the little flame.
We could.
Steve says nothing, just watches the flame as the blood gets drained from his right arm once more.
“Sometimes I wanna burn down your house. And your car, too. I watch you die in there sometimes.”
“Your car. Sometimes it’s just; there’s these thoughts. Or, like, scenarios, and they’re super duper real in my head, and I have to remind myself they’re not. Just makes me wanna drench it all in gasoline and just… boom.”
“Boom,” Steve says, and it’s not the reaction that he should be giving, not the reaction of a sane person — but then, sane people don’t play with their lighters in bed or listen to their best friend’s arsonist tendencies. Sane people don’t see what Steve Harrington see, they don’t do what he does. What he had to do. When what he should have done was fail some tests, drink some beers and kiss some girls.
Is there a point?
“I promise when I get a new car, I’m gonna burn this one with you, yeah?”
“Deal,” Robin says, and the little flame dies. The steady click is back, and Steve smiles a little.
“And the house.”
The clicking stops, and before he knows it, Robin’s body is wrapped around his, her head resting on his chest.
“I think that makes for a good point, though,” she says eventually, and Steve perks up.
“Me? Isn’t that a little stupid? And scary? Like, choosing a person to be the point in general.”
She shrugs against him, reaching up to hold his hand and link their fingers in the air above them.
“Maybe, but I think most points are either stupid or scary. It’s why people talk about it so often without ever, like, really saying something. I think you can be my stupid, scary point, Steve Harrington.”
Swaying their linked hands gently above them, Steve smiles. “Then I think that makes you my stupid, scary point, Robin Buckley.”
“Deal,” she says again, and there’s less of a threat about it this time.
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tokidokitokyo · 3 months
Japanese Dramas
that I watched in January/February & my thoughts on them ^.^
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VIVANT - (Netflix) A drama about corporate and political espionage that takes place in a fictional country called Balka but is filmed in Japan and Mongolia. I love the main stars Sakai Masato and Abe Hiroshi, and the various references to Sakai's previous show Hanzawa Naoki (the director of which also directs Vivant). There is a lot of action and I found the story very interesting, but in the middle it slows down for an episode, so just push through that part lol. 5/5 particularly for the cast.
ペンディングトレイン―8時23分、明日 君と
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Pending Train - (Netflix) A train car full of normal, everyday people are suddenly thrown together in an unknown location where they have no idea what is going on. They cannot contact anyone else, and they must learn to survive and to work together. Here the main trio are played by amazing actors (Yamada Yuki, Akaso Eiji, Kamishiraishi Moka) and the story line kept me interested until the end. 5/5 acting and storyline all around.
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Burn the House Down - (Netflix) A fire destroys a whole family, but years later the daughter can’t accept that her mother, who was left without a memory of the events, was the arsonist. She infiltrates the house of the person she thinks is responsible for this tragedy and works to solve this mystery. Nagano Mei is great as the protagonist and Suzuki Kyoka is an amazing antagonist, and the twists and turns will leave you wanting to binge this drama quickly. 5/5 for suspense and for making me nervous right through to the end.
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An Incurable Case of Love - (Netflix) If you liked Itazura na Kiss you’ll like this drama! A girl recognizes her dream of becoming a nurse so she can be by the side of the doctor she met in high school. But he’s kind of a jerk. Plenty of ドキドキ (fast heartbeat) and 胸キュン (that squeeze in your chest) for romance drama fans. Hospital setting so beware of the mild hospital type things that come along with it. Some deep subject matter as well. Kamishiraishi Mone and Satoh Takeru with excellent acting for your troubles. 5/5 for making my heart race (this was my second time watching it!).
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v1olentdelights · 10 months
Across a Crowded Room
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Spencer Reid x reader - 2k words
TW: fire..., mention of like passing out and being in a hospital, just regular cm stuff, and my bad writing of how a fire starts? maybe
Summary: It had been a couple years since you and Spencer had seen each other. What happens when he gets a case in your hometown, and you reunite?
a/n: I can only think about having a job as a florist, so that's what we are gonna stick with. Hope you enjoy :) I know people cant just up and move... lets play pretend, okay. and thank you @magic-is-beauty for reading it over!
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It had been a couple years since you had last seen Spencer Reid. You had met in a coffee shop you worked at. It was silly, but you had seen him come in a few times and thought he was cute, so you put your phone number on his cup one time. You could see how his cheeks turned bright red and how he turned towards you with a meek smile. Thank goodness he saw your number, because for the next 2 years you and Spencer would be best friends and dating. That was until he moved away.
On one of your many dates Spencer had told you he had big news. You were thinking that maybe he had been invited to teach.
“I’ve been invited to join the Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia!” he exclaimed. And for the first time in your relationship with Spencer, you felt disappointed. Well not necessarily with him, more so that he was leaving you. 
“Oh, that's great Spence.” You tried to sound enthusiastic and supportive. But even Spencer could tell you weren’t. 
“You’re not happy?” It was more of a statement. 
“It's not that I’m not happy, I am really happy for you! You have wanted this for so long. But you are leaving me, and I’m going to miss you.”
“Well, I thought maybe you could come with me? There are a lot of great opportunities, especially considering D.C. is right next door.” 
“You know I can’t Spencer. I have a whole life here, family, a job, there is too much.” You could see the light in his eyes dim slightly. “I’m sorry, you know if I could that I’d be there with you every step of the way.” 
“No, no I totally understand. I just wish you could.” 
You both had spent your last few weeks together well, but you knew what him leaving meant. There was nothing you could do to stop the impending goodbye. And you guys tried to keep in contact, you really did. But your lives moved on and there seemed to be less and less time for you to talk to one another, so you just slowly lost contact. 
Over that time, you had moved back to your small hometown to take care of your sick grandmother while you balanced school and her flower shop. 
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The BAU received a case in Spencer's hometown, your run of the mill arsonist. It was nothing too crazy, they were sure to be back to home base within the week. Thankfully only a few people had died and fewer were injured in the last couple of fires. 
Upon their arrival he was hit with a wave of nostalgia. 
“Come on! I want to show you my favorite ice cream parlor! There is even a great bookstore next to it!” You were skipping down the street with Spencer's hand in yours, and you were going a bit fast but he would never admit that. 
You had been gracious enough to invite Spencer to stay with you in your hometown for a few weeks during his last summer (unbeknownst to you) with you. 
“I’m coming!” he laughed as he sped up his walking a bit. That afternoon was one of the most memorable days you’d ever had. You were letting Spencer in on a part of your life only a few got to experience. 
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“Come on Reid.” Hotch's voice pulled him out of his memory. On their way to the station, he was watching his life pass him by the whole way there. The Sunday afternoon walks, the dates at the small ice cream parlor you loved. They passed 2 of the crime scenes, one of which was that diner, both burnt to a crisp. 
As they were setting everything up, the team could tell Spencer's mind was somewhere else. No one mentioned it though thinking it was just the feelings of being home arising. There wasn’t much to go off of other than the locations and how the fires were started, a match and gasoline.
Hotchner had ordered everyone to go back to the hotel and get a few hours of good sleep and then come back ready to work. 
Spencer had been pacing the room for the past couple minutes contemplating texting you. He hadn’t deleted your number, and even if he had, he would have recalled it from memory.
If he were to text, what would he say? He hadn’t texted you in over a year now. Would a sudden message be weird? Spencer honestly just wanted to know if you were alright, the idea of you being in trouble or hurt made him sick. Maybe he could just say he’s in town and see if you wanted to catch up before he leaves. He would decide tomorrow, hopefully after gathering more information about the unsub. 
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After deciding a town meeting would best get the word out and maybe reveal a few suspects, everyone gathered in the town hall. They were giving a short but in-depth profile to the public. Spencer was mid-sentence about an arsonist's motives when he caught a pair of familiar eyes staring right back at him. 
It was you. He’d recognize your eyes anywhere. Derek's cough and Emily’s staring kept him talking, playing the pause off as him forgetting something. After delivering the profile he excused himself and looked for you in the crowd. He didn’t get far before you grabbed his hand, he whipped around to see your small smile.  “Hey Spencer, it's been a while.” For a moment you both were still, but as if his brain had restarted, he wrapped you in his arms tightly. 
“I’ve missed you.” Both of you not pulling away for a moment, just taking in the moment. “I was going to text you, but-” he cut himself off, you’d understand. You always understood. 
“When I heard the buzz around town I almost texted you too. But then I remembered you're the one who catches the big bad guy, I should probably let you work.” You let out an awkward laugh. The last time you had seen him was when you were saying goodbye. 
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You had taken Spencer to the airport so you could say goodbye, it was filled with tears, mostly from you, and plenty of hugs. 
“I’ll call you every chance I get.” he reassured you with a kiss to the nose, bringing his hand up to wipe away your tears.
“I know, but what if you can’t? What if you get hurt and die? How will I know you’re okay?” you sounded pathetic honestly, it was obvious that Spencer would be okay, he was on a team with some of the world's best profilers and was incredibly smart. But it didn’t stop you from worrying. 
“I'll be okay, I promise.” he pressed a gentle kiss, holding you tightly. Then you watched him walk through security and onto his new life. 
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“I’ll always make time for you.” He said it in a way that sounded desperate, a way that told you he really meant it. But he could feel the team's stares, he knew that not only would they be wanting an explanation as to who you were; but that he also needed to get back to catching the unsub. 
“You go do what you need to do.” You nodded to the team, “And call me if you have time for lunch or dinner, we can catch up.” you rubbed his arm up and down once before walking away. Oh, how he hated watching you leave. 
“Sooooo, are you gonna tell us who that was?” JJ asked in a teasing tone.
“A girlfriend?” Emily joked as she bumped into Derek. Rossi and David had an uninterested look on their face, but were totally listening in. 
“Yes actually. We haven’t talked in a while though.” he turned back towards the way you left, hoping to see you again. 
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Now time was running out, if they were able to trust the timeline of the last 3 fires, today there would be another. There were police frequently patrolling the streets. There wasn’t much more that could be done. The police station was buzzing, everyone looking into people who were suspicious. However, since they lived in the small town, their observations and conclusions had to be taken with a grain of salt. 
Then there was the ringing of a phone, everyone stopped for a moment. Someone picked it up only to hear an address then the phone hung up. The force was gearing up and peeling out of the parking lot calling in for the fire department, as was the team. 
You were tending to some of your assortments in the back when you heard the jingle of your doorbell. 
“I’ll be with you in just a moment.” as you were finishing up you heard a liquidy sound from the front of the store. As you came out a burst of flames emerged in front of you, slowly your flowers began to catch fire. The posters and Styrofoam, the rug, everything was catching fire, but you couldn’t make your way past to get out of the building. The fumes were rising, you thought you could hear sirens faintly. 
Trying to move away from the flames you made your way to the back room. There was another door that led into the alleyway. However, the door was locked, you kept twisting and ramming into the door, but nothing worked. You began to feel dizzy and almost sick.
Stumbling back into the wall for some support you slid into a sitting position. They covered what to do in this situation in school, but not to this extent. Just as you were about to fade out you heard someone yelling. In an attempt to get someone's attention you yelped as loud as you could, though it wasn’t that powerful, the first responders could hear. 
You could make out someone's figure as they wrapped their arms under your legs and back and carried you out. 
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Waking up you could hear the beeping of the hospital machines. Your hand twitches but it was held by something, though it quickly squeezed your hand. Opening your eyes, you saw your handsome Spencer looking at you. 
“Hey, you're alright.” he smiled at you as he grabbed the water next to your bedside.  “The shop isn’t going to make it, is it?” 
“No, I don’t think it is. But I’d rather you have made it instead of the shop. I’m sorry about that, but you should be pleased to know we caught the guy.” 
“Doing your job perfectly, just like I imagined.” grabbing his hand again you squeezed it gently. 
“I thought about you every day. There is this coffee shop down the street from my apartment and it's almost exactly like the one we met at. But you’re not there, so it's not as perfect. And when I take the metro home, I think about what I would say to you.” He looks earnestly into your eyes “I think about you all the time, and I regret not taking you with me.” 
“I couldn’t come then, you know that. I had too much to take care of at home.” He shakes his head slightly in understanding. “But I guess now that my shop is burnt down… I don’t have much else, my classes are online, and my lease is almost up.” It was almost comical how his face lit up.
“You could come back with me to D.C. I mean, only if you want to.”
You both looked at one another in a new light. You could truly pick up and leave now, and it made you ecstatic for the future. 
“Only until I find a place of my own for now.” You brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles. 
“Until you find your own place.” He smiled constantly. Unbeknownst to him, almost his whole team was standing just out of sight, eavesdropping, preparing for a gossip session with Penelope.
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