#i just look at how lines look in a picture and then i use that???
sirfrogsworth · 2 days
Dinner with Aunt Denise & Uncle Jeff A Tale of Science Fair Photography
Ever since my parents died my aunt and uncle have done their best to fill some of the hole left in my heart. It almost feels like they adopted me in a way. They check on me. They help me clean. They helped me sort through all of my parents' belongings. And from time to time they invite me over for dinner when I'm feeling up to it.
Last week I got a new invitation. I had been feeling pretty lonely as of late so I graciously accepted. Before I left I saw my camera sitting on the table and realized I had this fancy new lens which is especially suited for taking pictures of people.
I thought to myself...
"This lens has only taken pictures of bridges at sunset."
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Which is cool and everything, but I don't really want my only photos to be of bridges at sunset. I like taking pictures of other things.
I didn't have any lighting equipment handy—just a single external flash. And without a solid plan for how I was going to use it, I quickly packed said flash and headed westward. As I saw the sun lowering in the sky above the highway my big photography brain had an idea...
"I should take pictures of *people* at sunset."
I needed a reflector of some kind to bounce my flash against. I thought poster board would probably suffice so I stopped at Walmart and headed to the arts and crafts area. I found these tri-fold poster board thingies that grade school kids use to display their science fair experiments.
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I got 2 for $7!
What a deal!
After I arrived I asked if my aunt & uncle minded having their photo taken. My aunt said she was fine with it but warned me that no one had ever been able to take a decent photo of her.
I'm typically not one to be braggadocious, but I replied...
"Well, that's because you've never had your photo taken by ME."
I'm not sure I should have been so cocky considering my lighting equipment is typically used to display the life cycle of earthworms, baking soda volcanos, and... potato batteries—which was the delightful and totally real project I just found on Google.
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Science Fair Entry from Billy, Age 10
After a delicious feast of bratwurst, salad, and non-electrified potatoes, I convinced my aunt and uncle to sit for a sunset photoshoot. They even helped me set up my science fair project.
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Science Fair Entry from Froggie, Age 42
I decided to do a quick test indoors to make sure my plan would work. Jeff volunteered for my first experiment.
Without my contraption...
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With my contraption...
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I think my experiment was quite promising. But would my idea hold up outside during the sunset with constantly dimming conditions?
We moved everything to the backyard. The tri-fold poster board was a bit ornery regarding its uprightness and needed to be tamed. My Uncle Jeff used a large rock, some pillows, and a step ladder to keep the makeshift reflectors in place.
I started taking test photos without the flash to figure out the background exposure.
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Those pesky power lines were going to need to be zapped later in Photoshop, but I was really digging the scenery.
I dialed everything in, started taking photos, and even on the little rear camera screen I felt like they were turning out well. With the sun setting the sky looked like it was on fire. But then the batteries died in my flash and I was starting to lose that fiery sky as darkness began to creep into view.
Unfortunately, all of the potatoes were in our bellies so my aunt scrambled to find regular batteries in the house.
This photoshoot had become a complete team effort with everyone doing their part to make it a success.
Surprisingly it was my Uncle Jeff was giving me some bona fide model poses. He just naturally has some sort of... resting model face. Very masculine and authentic. And my Aunt Denise is just pure sunshine manifested as a person. So I had no problems getting nice expressions from her.
So... would you like to see the pictures?
Will I get a blue ribbon on my science fair project?
Am I building up the suspense too much?
Okay, here we go...
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I suppose the only validation I really need is from the person who has never had a decent photo taken of them.
Let's see the verdict.
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All of those hours and hours of photography training helped me learn the problem solving skills I needed to pull off a photoshoot with seven dollars in supplies.
Take a small light source, bounce it off something larger, and you get a big light source.
And big light sources make people look snazzy in photographs.
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Are you kidding me?
I lost to the potato kid?
What kind of rigged nonsense...
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ekingston · 15 hours
A chef!AU, maybe? In any case, a story in which Kara and Lena meet through one of them preparing/serving/etc food for the other and build their relationship based on that.
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(also on ao3.)
“I’m telling you, Alex. It’s her.”
At three pm on a Tuesday their restaurant is characteristically dead, save for the one lone customer Kara is spying on from behind the kitchen doors. The woman is perched, a little perilously, on a barstool at the counter. It’s the one that’s closest to their register, the one with the wobbly leg that Alex keeps telling Kara to fix. One of her red-soled heels is dangling from an impatiently bouncing left foot.
“This is the fourth time this week she’s come in here,” Kara says. “You don’t think that’s just a little bit suspicious?”
Alex shrugs, fully committed to her task of mincing onions. “Maybe she’s just a big fan of Italian food.”
“No way,” Kara says. “No woman who looks like that would put something in her mouth that wasn’t clearly marked gluten-free and vegan. Give me your phone.”
Alex rolls her eyes dramatically as she elbows it over. “Tell me again how you’re totally over Siobhan.”
“Oral sex isn’t a moral issue!” Kara takes a decisive breath while she unlocks her sister’s phone with practiced ease. “Whatever. Water under the bridge.”
“A love for pasta also doesn't explain why I heard this woman answer a call yesterday with a different name than the one that’s on her credit card,” Kara points out, before snapping a quick picture through the porthole window.
“Okay, now you’re being creepy,” Alex says.
“Shut up,” Kara tells her. “I’m texting Winn.”
Kara eyes the woman at the counter while she waits for his reply. The subject of her suspicion—Lena, she’d called herself on the phone; Tess Mercer, it had said on her mastercard—twists a soft-looking lock of dark hair around her finger as she studies their menu. The way the sunlight sets it ablaze almost makes Kara take a second picture, purely for its artistic merit.
Alex dabs at her onion-induced tears with the cuff of her sleeve. “Let it go, Kara,” she sighs.
“Let it go? Let it—” Kara whirls back to face her, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Do you want The Tower to end up like Winn and James’ steakhouse? Or are you fine with getting swindled by this—this… villain?”
“Of course not.” Alex looks at her like she’s stupid. “But even if this woman is your so-called ‘food influencer’, what do you suggest we do about it? It’s not as if we can bully her into giving us a fair review.”
Kara squares her jaw and sets her fists firmly on her hips. “No,” she declares, her tone grim. “But we can teach her a little about journalistic integrity.” She blows at a lock of hair that’s fallen in her face. “And also, possibly, credit card fraud.”
Alex narrows her eyes at her. “Kara,” she warns, putting down her knife. Her voice is low and cautious, as if she’s talking to the rowdy raccoon that moved into their dumpster three weeks ago instead of to her baby sister. “Let’s just take a breath and think about this for a m—”
Kara is already gone, the doors to the kitchen swinging closed behind her. Sliding into the cluttered space behind the counter, she crosses her arms and then drops her elbows on the bar, leaning what she belatedly realizes is probably a little too close to her adversary. She’s close enough to make out the individual downy hairs on her chin and the lines in her painted lips, which are still pursed thoughtfully in what Kara is sure would look like an attractive pout to someone who didn’t know any better.
But Kara knows so much better.
“Let me guess,” she remembers to get out, much less biting than originally intended. “Today you’ll be having the fifth entrée down the list.”
As soon as their eyes meet over the miniscule amount of space left between them, Kara knows leaning in was a fatal mistake. Her nemesis blinks up at her with wide, startled eyes that remind Kara of the glass pebbles she finds on the beach on her morning walks, not-quite-blue and not-quite-green, and for a moment Kara’s brain sputters out as if someone abruptly turned off the flames that kept it cooking.
But the woman recovers fast, like the scheming scoundrel that she is. She guiltily shutters her eyes behind thick, charcoal lashes, and Kara’s temper revives at the observation that her enemy isn’t as good of an actress as she thinks she is.
“I’ve actually been thinking of breaking my own rule,” she says, with a smile that lands somewhere between self-deprecating and apologetic. “I may give in and order the same thing you served me yesterday.” Kara goes hot all over with righteous indignation at the rich timbre of the woman’s voice, the almost flirtatious lilt it takes on when she adds, “I haven’t been able to stop dreaming about it.”
Kara pulls back a little in an effort to escape that curious gaze, the enticing scent of the woman’s perfume. It’s sweet enough to drown out even Alex’s mountain of onions. “I know what you’re doing,” she blusters.
The—frankly unfairly beautiful—soulless grifter stares at her, stricken. “I’m—I’m sorry?”
“You should be,” Kara says. “I know who you are.” And then, as if she’s putting down the last card in a game of Uno, “Lena.”
The woman goes very still for a moment, and then the corners of her lips tug down in a bitter semblance of a smile. “I see,” she says. She’s rigid, regal; she’s royalty perched on a wobbly wooden stool. “And am I to assume that’s enough for you to turn down my patronage?”
Kara’s resolve wobbles, too. She hadn’t expected her adversary—Lena, she now knows—to roll over so easily. “Well, yeah, obviously,” she flusters, her energy suddenly too large and lumbering in the face of Lena’s deference. “Winn and James are family.”
“Family.” There’s a flicker of wistfulness in Lena’s voice, before confusion colors her features. “So the cold shoulder,” she says. “It’s personal?”
Kara scoffs. The fraudster doesn’t even remember the names of her latest victims. Typical. “It was their steakhouse that you razed to the ground last month,” Kara reminds her.
Lena blinks at her. “The establishment just up the road?” She raises a critical eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure they set themselves up for failure when they decided to name their restaurant Misteak.”
Kara huffs. Her air quotes are appropriately vicious when she says, “They were doing just fine before your slanderous ‘review’ went viral.”
Lena does a remarkably convincing impression of someone who is genuinely flabbergasted. “I don’t even know what that means.”
Lena’s shocked laughter is bright but brief. It’s the first time Kara has heard her laugh. It’s maddeningly attractive and deeply annoying.
“Okay,” Lena says. She folds her arms in front of her chest and leans back a little in her seat, unaware of its delicate disposition. A smirk tugs at one corner of her mouth. “Tell me,” she says, her eyes narrowing. “Who do you think I am, exactly?”
Kara leans in close again, refusing to allow Lena to get the upper hand. She’d like to wipe that smirk from Lena’s face—manually, if need be—preferably, even, if it means she’d get to smudge that infuriatingly immaculate lipstick with her thumb—
“You,” Kara charges, in an effort to drown out that unhelpful thought, “are a fraud. You call yourself a ‘mystery food critic’ on TikTok, but really you’re blackmailing businesses into buying a favorable review.”
“Hey, um.” Alex has followed her out of the kitchen, holding her phone. “So. Winn texted back, and he says—”
But Lena laughs again, her guarded posture melting down to unmistakable relief. “I’m so sorry,” she says, her voice a high warble. “That sounds awful. And also extremely illegal. Have you reported this person to the authorities? I can get you in touch with an excellent lawyer, if you’d like.”
Kara doesn’t know if she feels more outraged or confused.
…Or possibly some secret third thing.
“So you’re telling me—” Kara barks out a disbelieving laugh. “You’re saying you’re not her.”
“This, ehm— Tic Tac person?” When Lena’s dark lashes flutter, something in Kara’s chest flutters too. “No.”
Impossible. “Then why have you been in here every day this week?” Kara interrogates, the full force of evidence she’s collected behind it. “When neither one of us has seen you here even once, since we opened?”
Alex rolls her eyes. “I told you I wasn’t sure whether I’d seen her here before,” she points out. “Also, Winn says—”
“Oh please,” Kara scoffs, her eyes fixed on Lena, who has propped her elbows on the counter again, closer now than she’d been the last time their eyes met. “As if you could forget a woman as beautiful as—” Kara’s gaze drops to Lena’s mouth, unbidden, when Lena parts those rude, ruby lips. “...You.”
Alex stares.
Kara swallows.
Lena blinks; two times fast, and then again, after a beat, slow and sticky, her eyes darkening.
“So you may as well come out with it,” Kara croaks out what little remains of her anger. “There’s something you want more than our fettuccine.”
Lena’s cheeks have turned a treacherously charming shade of pink. “I suppose you’re right about that one, at least,” she admits after a beat.
In Kara’s peripheral vision, Alex frantically slides her hand across her throat. Kara frowns at her, telegraphing a wordless what is your problem but finding no satisfactory answer in the crimson shade her sister’s face has taken on.
“Yeah, well,” she says, almost disappointed, fumbling to fill the space left by Lena’s confession. “I’m telling you right now that it’s never going to happen.”
Alex clears her throat with startling force. “Winn wants to know,” she says, reading from her phone, “Who’s the hot chick?”
When Kara returns her gaze to the woman on the other side of the counter, she gulps. Lena is somehow even closer than she was before. She’s also fully propping herself up now on the laminate surface between them, granting Kara a glimpse of freckled cleavage that in no possible universe could be interpreted as unintentional.
“So,” Lena drawls. “What you’re saying is you’re not going to give me your number?”
Kara’s throat is suddenly very dry.
“Huh?” she manages, but only just barely.
“I was hoping,” Lena says slowly, that maddening smirk once again tugging up the corner of her mouth, “that you’d maybe like to—”
Lena shifts in her seat, crossing her legs in what is bound to become a devastatingly seductive pose, but the barstool decides in exactly that moment that's it’s finally had enough. Lena yelps as it gives out beneath her with a dramatic snap, one of its rickety limps flying across the floor as if celebrating its first taste of freedom, and Kara’s never considered herself to be very quick, but here she is anyway, on the other side of the counter in what feels like less than a second, one hand gripping Lena’s forearm, the other slipping smoothly around her waist.
“—fuck,” Lena gasps up at her. She feels good, in Kara’s hands, slight but pleasantly heavy, like the santoku knife Alex has forbidden Kara from touching ever again. “Well,” Lena says. “That’s. Perhaps not the way I would have phrased it, especially in front of your friend—”
They both glance over at Alex, but she’s disappeared, the swaying of the kitchen doors the only indication she was ever there.
“O-kay,” Kara says.
Lena grins. “Okay?”
Kara mentally rewinds the conversation and feels her ears burn at the realization of what she just agreed to. “I mean,” she amends. “We could, maybe, grab something to eat first?”
Something devious sparks in Lena’s terrifyingly gorgeous face. She glances down at Kara’s arms before blinking back up at her again and smirking. “I thought you already had.”
And, goodness gracious.
Kara is about to be in so much trouble.
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golden1u5t · 3 days
photoshoot | a.h x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: suggestive
ꨄ summary: aaron finds out about a photoshoot you did and the only way you kept him from getting upset was promising him his own personal photoshoot. 
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"how about we make a deal-"
"no." you stated firmly, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair as you stared at the inmate in front of you. you glanced at the glass behind him, looking at the people behind it even though you couldn't really see them.
"i'm not asking for much, sugar. i just wanna see that pretty little tattoo you got." his eyes traveled down to your chest as he leaned forward, you closed the file and pushed your chair away from the table. behind the glass, aaron stood with his jaw clenched impossibly tight as he thought about someone else seeing the tattoo that was reserved for his eyes only.
when you got into the room behind the interrogation room, aaron was clearing the room out so it was just you and him. you avoided looking at him but you could feel his eyes burning into the side of your head.
"how does he know you have a tattoo?" aaron walked closer to you but you still kept you eyes trained forward. "is there-"
"¡ did a photoshoot- last year, before i joined the team, before we started dated." you spoke, wiping your sweaty hands on your pants before reaching into your back pocket and grabbing your phone. "it was for a playboy magazine."
you searched the name of the photoshoot and a picture of you was the first thing to show. you glanced over at him before passing him your phone. aaron's hand tightened around your phone as he saw you on the screen, stripped down to your panties and bra, in various poses. he looked at pictures and thought about all the times he'd ran his tongue over the ink etched into the skin right above your pantie line. you turned to look at him, trying to read the expression on his face.
"agents?" a police officer walked into the room.
"give us a moment please, we'll be right out." aaron dismissed him without even taking his eyes off of you. the police officer walked out and left you and aaron alone again. "why didn't you tell me?"
"i wanted to put it behind me." you shrugged, reaching out for his hand. aaron hummed and pressed his lips to your head, he took his free hand and placed it on your hip. "i'll let you take your own photoshoot when this case is over, only if you promise to not be upset."
"deal." he smiled, he was already imagining all of the positions he would put you in.
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strawberry-daiquiris · 23 hours
i just need you to know that all of these ~water adventure oscar~ photos have me thirsting for a salt skin part 2. maybe he and lando decide to take to the sea ? i don’t know. i’m just spit balling. and this is ZERO pressure! i just wanted you to know im thinking of you and your boys! (plus my fave photo from the set!!)
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this photo was intense immediate salt skin vibes for me! the concerned look on his face, the clutching hand on the towel, the person captivating him off camera.
i haven't done much meta around them because that fic still feels a bit sacred - i wrote it all in one sitting, more or less, and felt a bit like i'd been drowned in the ocean/dehydrated on a rock when i finally stood up off the sofa.
i've always thought that afterwards, lando would become oscar's very curious, slightly violent wag, flitting all ethereal around the paddock charming people then threatening to rip their throats out if they so much as hinted a threat at oscar. everyone would know there was something weird about him, they could just never really guess what. except for maybe zak brown lol still don't ask me what i was getting at with that weird hint of a side plot.
anyway here's a little 900 word snapshot of their morning before this picture would have been taken in the saltskin universe!
tw for them being bloodthirsty sirens and also displaying slightly coercive behaviour!!!
“Are you going to put SPF on?”
Oscar hangs back against the bathroom door, rubbing a stubborn patch of lotion into the dry skin at the side of his nose. On the floor, Lando is rooting under the bed for something, his naked arse pointing Oscar’s direction. It still gets him, even now, how weirdly Lando moves his human body, whipping around slightly too fast, fixing Oscar with a stare that’s a little ethereal. 
“I’m a merman, Oscar. I don’t need frickin’ SPF.”
”Were.” Oscar emphasises with his hands, chucking the tube onto the floor next to Lando. He flinches from it like Oscar’s thrown a grenade, or a fishing line. “You were a merman, and now you’re not, so…”
He points out the window to the baking hot sun. It’s a free weekend in Monaco, time to take the boat out into the furthest reaches of the bay so Lando can dive under the water for longer than it should be possible to hold his breath. 
Lando grimaces, poking at the tube with his foot, trying to roll it under the bed to its final resting place next to whatever he’d been looking for. He treats the underneath of the bed like a cave, hoarding things there. It’s fine, and Oscar doesn’t mind, until it’s something important, like his passport, or the car keys. 
”Lando, don’t make me do it.”
Oscar turns back to the bathroom mirror, sighing when he realises he’s still got a glob of white on his nose. He pauses, listening for the squelch of cream on soft skin, but it doesn’t come.
”Lando,” he starts, and he hears a groan as his voice curls out of the bathroom, tantalisingly soft as it creeps away from him. Oscar has learnt how to control it, how to target the power towards a person, or an object. It’s not the only reason there’s trophies on his shelves and a different coloured team wear in his wardrobe, but it’s one of the biggest. “Put on the sunscreen.”
He hears the cap pop, the heavy weight of Lando’s footsteps as he comes closer, standing naked in the doorway squirting it on his chest. It’d be hot, if it weren’t for the scowl.
”I hate you,” Lando spits, tongue more pointed than usual, the tops of his ears going red like they want to spike, fighting the siren rage.
Maybe it’s hot because of the scowl.
Oscar only smiles, wrapping an arm around his stomach and holding him against the door frame, fingers working some of the cream into the scarred skin that used to be gills, shiny silvery purple like stretch marks. When he comes to a stop, he looks at his hand, pale against the tan of Lando’s skin. Ever since he came out of the ocean, he’s had webbing at the base of his fingers. Not enough to be noticeable unless you really look. Take it in alongside his slightly lighter eyes, and his sharper fingernails. Surface changes to the eye, but rooted far deeper than that, somewhere in Oscar’s DNA.
”No, you don’t,” Oscar whispers, and he doesn’t need to use his powers for this, needs nothing more than the press of his lips against the side of Lando’s face, where he’s finally starting to grow something that looks like facial hair. “You love me.”
Lando squirms, but Oscar has the upper hand. More strength in his thighs, more defined muscles in his chest. He’s not fighting a monster now. He is one.
Oscar smiles, twisting Lando so their faces are pressed so close he can smell the salt on Lando’s breath. Strong like he’s been swilling sea water, even after he’s brushed his teeth.
”You do, you love me,” Oscar insists, and Lando shakes his head. Oscar rests his fingers along Lando’s scars again, scraping the pointy bits of his nails along the soft, new skin until Lando shivers, whimpering, pleading. Tame. “You wished for me.”
Lando grabs Oscar’s arm, wraps his strong, long fingers around his wrist and tugs, heaving breaths like he’s just gulped down a lungful of water. 
“You did,” Oscar insists, the hand Lando didn’t grab scratching deeper, until the scars start to pinken. It turns Lando on, every time, still sensitive with an erogenous zone unique only to him. “Say it.”
”I wished for you,” Lando blurts, and Oscar lets go, stepping back out of his space triumphantly. Still, Lando reaches for him, sliding his hands under Oscar’s t-shirt, feeling the muscles, pulling him close. His voice is softer, when he speaks again, more like the boy who dazzled him in the water, tempted him close to death. “You know I wished for you.”
Oscar kisses Lando’s forehead, holds him as he rests against his chest, so much skin on display, so much vulnerability. He can tell the moment it takes them both, remembering how lonely they were, how much they loathed the absence of this, even when they didn’t know what this was. 
“I know,” Oscar whispers, letting his hand fall to the curve of Lando’s waist, and the small ridge where his tail used to start, the one you can feel if you know where to touch. Eczema, Oscar has taught Lando to claim, if anyone asks why his skin looks like the surface of a rock, weathered by a storm. “I know.”
They stay that way until the SPF starts to dry, tacky, on Lando’s skin and Oscar has to push him away before they’re bound by more than just the sea.
”Put some clothes on, Lando,” Oscar says, brushing past him to leave for the kitchen, pack a cool box with raw meat they don’t eat anywhere but home, the boat and any restaurant with carpaccio on the menu. “The boat’s not going to sail itself.”
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rey-129-fan · 3 days
Gotham-Amity Co-op AU
Part 1 | Next
Wow, okay, people seem to really like this. Awesome! Whelp, here's part 2!
“Alright, order.  Order.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a Triple Nasty with cheese, extra mustard and pickles.” Laughs rang out at Dash’s remark as everyone settled in to their seats.  Sam, who stood at the front of the room by a blackboard, just gave the quarterback a flat look while Danny and Tucker snickered at the teacher’s desk.  The group was meeting in an empty classroom at Casper since most were still Casper students, at least for another couple of months until graduation.  Jazz and Kyle, both of whom were attending school in Gotham, were dropping in to visit and attend the meeting.
“We are now beginning the first meeting for the Green Amity Co-o-”
“Oh, we are not calling it that!” Paulina cried out.  Sam’s eye twitched and started to glow slightly as those around the Latina nodded in agreement.
Jazz quickly stepped in.  “While naming something Green in a city that has a known meta Eco-terrorist might not be a good idea, we can discuss names later.  For now, let’s focus on more important matters for the co-op.”
“Right,” Sam sighed, releasing the tension in her shoulders.  “So has everyone had a chance to look over the info and pictures Jazz and Kyle were able to gather?”  Getting various conformations, the goth nodded. “Does anyone have any objections on using the building as a Gotham based co-op?”
“Not really.”
“None from me.”
“Okay, so we’ll put down an offer to buy the building,” Sam nodded before shuffling around some papers in her hands.  “Next on the agenda is rent.”
“Won’t we own the building?  Why would we need to pay rent?” Dash asked.  Kwan nodded while several others in the group just dropped their heads.
“Because we need to pay for things like utilities and taxes,” Valarie shot back, arms crossed as she stared down her former friend group.
“Not to mention that we should collect some money for potential repairs that will be needed in the future,” Wes added, nodding.  Dash turned and glared at both of them.
“As Val and Wes said, we may own the building, but we still need to gather money to pay for things like water, electricity, internet.  Things needed to make the building usable,” Jazz explained in a less condescending tone, mullifying the blond.
“So we need to figure out how much each utility is and split it between everyone, with a little extra on top to make a fund for repairs?” Danny clarified.
“That is a start, but some people will use more of some things than others.”
“Well, we can always start with it and adjust as we get a better idea of how much it costs and who uses up what amount,” Star said as she stood up and walked over to the board.  She picked up a piece of chalk and began writing down numbers.  “Do we know how much we have to pay for property tax?  From what I could find on the internet, the average cost of utilities in Gotham is about $118 a month, give or take.”
“That lines up with what I saw too, though that doesn’t include internet or phone plans,” Val nodded.
“Well, our phone plans aren’t likely to change, so we don’t need to worry about that.  Most internet plans start about $40 a month,” Tucker added.  Star nodded and added the 40.
“As for property taxes, given the building’s estimated amount, it would be about $15,900 a year, which is paid quarterly.”
Star continued writing.  “So 15,900 a year is 1325 a month.  We currently have 11 people, so that’d be 120.45 per person per month just in taxes.”
“So utilities plus internet and taxes would put us at about $242 a month.”
“Don’t forget insurance and repairs.  Gotham isn’t the safest place, what with all the supervillains,” Danny added.
“Never mind random ghosts dropping in just to fight Fenton.  We’re probably going to have to repair the place more often than the average,” Kwan nodded.
“Hey!  Don’t pin the property damage from ghost fights on me!  It’s mostly the GIW doing that!”
“We know, Danny, but you can’t deny that there are going to be at least a few ghosts that will come just to fight, and the GIW are likely to follow them.”  Danny crossed his arms and grumbled, but conceded.
“We should just double the amount we have for now.  That way we can cover the basics and have enough to cover anything that could come up, while most can afford it with a part-time job,” Tucker suggested.
“It’s a start,” Jazz agreed.
“And if we need to adjust it, we can always discuss it again,”Mikey pointed out.
“Alright, so all in favor of starting rent at $485 a month, raise your hand.” Sam counted the hands in the air.  Eleven.  “Very well.  Up Next: rules.”
“Oh come on!  We’re no longer kids and are going to college!  Why would you wanna create rules?!” Dash protested.
“Just because we’re adults now doesn’t mean that there aren’t still rules we have to follow,” Jazz responded.  “Pretty much any place you could live would have quiet hours and cleanliness requirements.  Plus I’m pretty sure there are places or things that you wouldn’t want others to mess with.” More grumbling was heard but no more protests.  “Now, from what I’ve observed and read on the internet, in general quiet hours are generally between 10-11 pm to about 8 am during the week, with it rolling back an hour on the weekends.  I don’t need it to be that strict, but I would like to have some quiet by the time I’m going to sleep.”
“What exactly do quiet hours entail?  Is it like a curfew?” Mikey asked, pushing up his glasses and looking at the two actual college students.
“Nah man, they’re just the hours you have to be quiet for.  Ya can do whatever ya want, so long as yer not disturbing anyone or keeping them up.  Just don’t do anything that’ll get the cops or Bats on ya, and yer good,” Kyle explained.
“So what should these quiet hours be?  Not going to lie, but midnight seems like a good start, especially if you have early morning classes,” Wes spoke up.
“Midnight is good for me.”
“Aw, but what if we want to have a party!”
“Well, if you start at 8, that gives you four hours,” Sam explained, raising her eyebrow.
“A 4 hour party seems to be enough, especially since not all of us would want to have a crazy party outside our door all night,” Val stated, glaring at Dash and Paulina.
“It seems common consensus is quiet by midnight.  What about when they end?”
“Well, most of us will likely have classes starting by 9.  Including travel time and getting ready, we’re likely to be up around 8 or so.  That’d give us 8 hours of quiet to study and fall asleep.”
“So midnight to 8 am for quiet hours?  Any objections?” None were made.
The meeting continued on in much the same way, with only a few protests to some rules, mostly related to shared chores and the creation of a chore schedule.  But these protests were quickly silenced by a glare from Valarie that slowly glowed a slight red the more protests were made.
“Alright, I think we’ve covered everything we set out for today’s meeting,” Jazz said, tapping some papers against the desk she sat at.  She took over the meeting as Sam grew more annoyed.  The goth was now sitting between Danny and Tucker, who were both offering small touches of comfort.  “Remember, if you have any questions, share them in the discord server.  And if you have any suggestions for a name, please feel free to send them to Wes, who will compile them into a poll so we can vote on them in a week.  Now, would anyone like to add anything else?”
A few mutters and shakes were the answer.
“Very well, that concludes this meeting.  Hope everyone has a good summer, and when we next meet, hopefully, it should be in our new building.”
Did I seriously just write 1363 more words of set up? Yes, yes I did. I have no regrets. We should be in Gotham starting next chapter and get up to the shenanigans then.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! I started writing this while I was baking a pie for my own mother.
I am going back and forth on whether Phantom Planet is canon or not, but either way, all of Amity Park knows about Danny in this, but not the outside world, and especially not the GIW. While I do read a lot of bad parent Maddie and Jack, I much prefer to have them as good parents that love and accept both Danny and his little clone/cousin/sister.
Sorry guys, but Bruce is not adopting either Phantom.
Again, feel free to leave suggestions for names for the Co-op, as well as for this little AU itself. Also, suggestions for shenanigans and powers our liminal teens might have outside just glowing eyes.
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xonavia · 20 hours
Can I request Chigiri, Nagi, and Bachira getting jealous of their s/o favorite fictional character (besides them)? -> Came from one of the comments on my post but wanted to make sure it was in my line up so I didn't forget to do it!!
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Chigiri Hyoma -> I'm sorry but this man is no good with emotions, though his face says it all when he jealous, of really anything -> He will side eye things until you figure out that he's feeling jealous or anything, but then again even when you ask him he'll brush it off like it was nothing -> But he really can't stand to see you gush all about this character who you love ever so much, I mean your walls are more decorated with things of this character then they are of pictures of the two of you!! -> May or May not actually attempt to act like them, but if you ever call him out on it he'll say he wasn't and that it was just an "off day" -> But going back to the fact that he's hella jealous. I mean he's a whole man right here, who can actually hold and touch you and yet you choose to be in love with something that can't even see you?! -> He will hella judge you tho, like why talk about how much you wanna kiss that character when he's literally right here and has been pleading for kisses (with his facial expressions) Nagi Seishiro -> He kinda understands I mean he's most likely had characters that he's liked from his video games, but def not as much as you do -> He'll give you the weirdest looks from where ever he was sitting, even bothering to look up from his game to question what the hell your even talking about -> Does get a little pouty when you gush about how much you wanna cuddle and squeeze the daylights out of your fav characters, I mean he's right there and he wants you to cuddle him -> Will express the fact he thinks your a little delulu and you should really just focus on the fact you have a real person that loves you, instead of trying to get somebody who's not even in your universe Bachira Meguru -> Pouty #2, but at least he'll tell you straight up that he wants your attention -> Has def thrown your phone away from you just to get your attention, I mean phones are replaceable, he's not -> Also Groans repeatedly when you talk about your character and how much you love them, can't you use all that love on him instead?? -> Every once in a while he will be nice though and when he finds some merch online he may, if in a good mood, get it for you, but don't get to excited about it, there's a 99% chance that later he'll get jealous about you trying to figure out where to put it and things like that, that he'll take it and hide it -> Will tackle you onto your bed if he thinks you're talking too much about your fav character and will make you cuddle with him
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thedeviltohisangel · 2 days
For A Fortnight There We Were Idea- evelyn and her husband are freshly divorced and he’s jealous of callum, maybe he and callum have a little confrontation
For A Fortnight There We Were
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"You know, when I pictured my first time out with another man after my divorce," Evelyn burped with a giggle as her second pint settled, "it was nothing like this." Her and Callum were cocooning themselves in the back booth of a pub, each of them with a baseball hat tugged low and a cigarette in their hands.
"And what were you picturing? An old billionaire on a yacht?"
"I had offers," she hummed as she gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him closer so he was standing between her legs where she sat on a stool.
"I'm sure you did," he mumbled. He leaned in for a kiss and Ev dodged to drop her forehead to his shoulder.
"Someone has their phone pointed at us." The last thing she wanted was photos and videos of her and Callum to be plastered all over social media.
"We don't have to hide anymore, Evvie. Let them watch me love on you." The way he had been dreaming about. Touching her and kissing her without worrying about optics or fielding phone calls from his publicist on how best to keep their distance the next few days until the attention died down. She kissed his neck in response and pulled back to look at him.
"There's no going back." Once they offered the world this glimpse of them, they would voraciously seek out more and more in an attempt to consume all of them. She was afraid it would ruin them. That it only worked because some parts of it were secret.
"I'm not interested in going back. Only my future with you."
"Someone has been reading too many novels with romance in them." Her elbows rested as his shoulders as his nose tipped against hers.
"Evelyn, I'm going to kiss you now." His hand cupped her cheek and she smiled as his lips pressed against hers. She held him close as he pecked her lips a few more times. "Let them say whatever they want to say. We are going to do whatever we want to do and not worry about it."
"That's hard for me." Every minute of every day of her life was planned for her. From waking up to going to bed, she lived and died by her calendar. Callum was asking her to exert some spontaneity. "You might need to kiss me a few more times to bring me around to the idea." His grin was wicked as he obliged.
It was dark enough for them to hold hands and walk home from the pub, Ev shocked there wasn't a line of photographers waiting outside after the video of them kissing had already made it's rounds on Twitter. "I want a million more nights just like this!" she squealed as he lifted their interlocked hands and she spun around. "Will you be my midnight snack tonight, Mr. Turner?" she asked. She looked up at him with love in her eyes but he was looking behind her in the direction of his townhouse.
"Get behind me." Ev caught a glimpse of the figure standing by the gate before Callum had her chest to his back, their interlocked hands going into the pocket of his jacket as they walked closer. "Can I help you, mate?"
"You can get your hands off my fucking wife." Evelyn's eyes almost fell out of her head she opened them so wide over his shoulder. Logan.
"I think you need to go." Neither of them wanted to have to call the police. It would bring too much attention.
"She's mine! You can't have her!" Logan stalked forward and Callum pushed Evelyn back and stepped forward to hold his hands to her ex's chest.
"Get in a fucking Uber and drive away. She's not your wife anymore and you don't fucking own her."
"You want that whore?" Logan asked as he pointed at her where she was shivering from the cold and the panic.
"What did you just call her?" Callum pushed him further away from her as he stalked forward like a predator who had found its pray.
"Both of you stop! Logan, go home. Callum, please let's go inside." She reached for his arm and wrapped her hands around it in an effort to pull him away from the increasingly dangerous situation.
"You know what? You can have her. She's so fucked in the head anyways." He had plans to be the bigger man and let it go and go inside the way Evelyn had requested. But then he heard her gasp at his words and felt her fingertips dig into the skin of his arm for solace and knew these were words she had heard come from his mouth before and that they were sending her right back to that dark and lonely place.
"He has two fucking seconds, Ev." He was warning her what was going to happen. Didn't want her to be surprised when he broke his jaw.
"Don't, please. Please, please, let's just go inside." His twitched as he weighed the desire to protect her through physical dominance and to comfort her in the way she asking him to. Callum settled for the latter. He kept his body between her and her ex, bracketing his arms around her as she punched in the code for the gate.
"I'm right behind you," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to her hair.
"Let it go, Cal, please."
"I can't, Ev. Go inside and lock the door. I'll be right there." She looked back once over her should on the stairs to the door and her ex smiled the way he always did when he was toying with. It showed how much he enjoyed still being able to get under her skin.
"I'm sure you want to hit me. Let's get this over with, Turner." Callum shook his head.
"I respect her too much to do that. You've taken enough from her, Logan, did the first honorable thing in your miserable life and signed those papers. Let her fucking go because if I see you again...I swear to God I will welcome the consequences."
Evelyn watched from the window as the two men seemed to exchange threats with each other. As Callum stood and watched her ex-husband get into an Uber and drive out of their neighborhood. He stood there for a few more seconds and let out a deep breath and square his shoulders before turning to walk into the house.
Not for the first time was Evelyn nauseous over the baggage she was bringing into his life. Not for the first time she was scared that it was now one step too far for him and he would leave. Not for the first time did she want to scream out into the universe so it could swallow her pain and lock it away.
And not for the last time she was so utterly in love with Callum that she could finally think of the word forever.
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vintagetvstars · 21 hours
Betty White Vs. Eartha Kitt
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Betty White - (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Golden Girls, Life With Elizabeth) - I mean - does she really need an introduction? It's Betty White, people! The First Lady Of Television! What *hasn't* she done? She had an incredible career (in fact, she earned the Guinness World Record for the longest TV career by a female entertainer *twice*!) with an infinite list of successes - she won seven Emmys, three SAG awards, and even a Grammy. I personally know her best for her spectacular portrayal of Rose Nylund in The Golden Girls, but she's played so many great characters in her long career. A lesser known but marvelously charming role is that of the titular character in Life With Elizabeth, a 1950s sitcom which she also co-produced at the age of *28*! She was also a great advocate for a number of causes - animal welfare, gay rights (she used to accompany her friend Liberace to events to help him avoid being outed as gay), and racial equality: she famously hired Arthur Duncan, a Black tap dancer, on one of her shows, and when threatened with going off-air if he wasn't fired, she just declared "He stays, live with it." She's the whole package - amazing actress (and comedienne and producer!), kind and hilarious, and of course - beautiful! Just look at her - that smile! Those eyes! That charm!! Watch her in action if you can (they're too long to link here, but entire episodes of Life With Elizabeth are on youtube!), but honestly - her pictures alone are enough to make me swoon!
Eartha Kitt - (Batman) - No text propaganda
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Betty White:
Have you seen her?? Look me in the eyes and tell me that Betty White's smile doesn't have the power to turn anyone's heart to mush. She looks adorable one moment, and can come up with the most out of pocket lines the next (all while still looking innocent about it). People know her best as Rose Nylund in The Golden Girls, of course, where she played the show's most naive character. But reportedly, Betty was actually the cleverest person on set. She didn't even have to learn her lines; reading the script once was enough for her, and she'd be able to remember any additional changes throughout the week without a problem. Which is pretty amazing if you ask me! Anyway, Betty is an icon. Her television career spanned seven (7!!!) decades, covering basically the entire tournament's time period (and then some!). She *almost* turned 100 and her outliving other celebrities was a Tumblr meme for ages. She had her own talkshow in the 1950s, for which she hired a female director, and had an African-American tap dancer (Arthur Duncan) as a regular cast member. When faced with criticism for the latter and the threat of being boycotted, Betty responded with "I'm sorry. Live with it" and gave Duncan *more* airtime. She was also the first woman to ever produce a sitcom (Life with Elizabeth) in which she played the lead, and looked absolutely stunning doing it. All in all: Betty was a badass, had a heart of gold, and she's absolutely stunning!
I think I might cry at how pretty she is honestly
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that SMILE!!!
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she's even pretty when she's not smiling... ahh...
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some soft butch realness
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soaricarus · 9 hours
a collection of all the weird things that have happened to me in my life, since one of my friends said i should make one
one of my ex-friends [they cut me off bc i rightfully called out how sus it was that they went from 0 rares to a blue headdress and multiple long collars in a day] just up and vanished one day. i knew them from animal jam. they had a youtube channel and were semi-popular. i was in one of their videos, one of those animal jam adventures we played together. there were rumours they died to some illness but nothing concrete ever came out of that, but two months after that everything of their online presence disappeared. one of my friends made a video on them and their passing out of respect, but that video is gone too despite them never deleting it. we both know they existed, but none of us can find anything on them. everyone else's videos are gone too. everything about them is just gone as if they never existed
this isn't the only friend this has happened to. i've had four other friends just suddenly disappear, every trace of them existing just completely gone. typically every trace of them just disappears after 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 weeks and 2 months. one friend was mid 2018, another friend in 2017, one in november 2019, another somewhere in early 2021, and another aj friend early 2017
this isnt as weird as everything else but we once took a picture and i saw a shiny object on it and reached down to pick it up just moments after the picture was taken but it was gone. there was only an imprint of it and it was nowhere. nobody had reached down to pick it up before me, and nobody else was around. this isnt the only object this has happened to either.
i found a human pelvis on a beach once. i am the only one that remembers this happened despite me showing both of my parents. they have no recollection of this
this didnt happen to me but it is regarding me. my mom once heard me calling for her in my room - she's in the living room sitting by the computer desk, my room is right behind the wall the computer desk is by. she answers and i don't answer back. one thing is for certain though - this was not an audiotory hallucination. she then realized that i was not home because i was in kindergarten. rightfully she was freaked the fuck out and didn't move for an hour or two
here's another story from my mom because i think its fun to include: she once heard the sounds of my dad coming home. opening the door, stepping inside, putting his shoes on the shoerrack, walking slightly into the hallway, and then all the sounds stopped. she's confused and checks the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom because those are the only three rooms he could've walked into. he's in neither of them. she's weirded out but brushes it off for a while until he comes home and makes the exact same sounds that she heard earlier that day. how interesting!
we used to have teaspoons that had two lines at the end of the spoon. one day it changed to the lines being by the front of the spoon. i asked my mom about this when i was 7 and she said "we've always had those spoons?" looking at me as if i was talking nonsense to her. we also used to have a bunch of colorful spoons! but they're also completely gone now despite us never throwing them away. i know we used to have them because i broke a blue one by biting down on it too hard once. oops.
artistic rendition of the spoons:
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could also swear we used to have yellow plates matching our other colored plates [as well as cups and forks, because we bought them in a set. The Spoons Included] but we. do not have any yellow plates. my parents have said we have never had yellow plates
i could swear by my entire life that korea, thailand, china, australia and many other countries are not where they're supposed to be. this is not because of different projections. none of the projections match up to the map i know.
we used to have an orange cat named charlie, he was a stray we took in. he had no interest in going back outside and he was a cuddlebug, enjoying the safety of being inside with people that love and care for him. one day when we came home, he was completely gone as if we never had him. we asked everyone nearby if they'd seen him, but everyone said no. we only have two pictures of him [despite us taking many more of him]. here's one of them!
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there were two twins that lived across our house. they were pale, had black long hair, and usually wore white - or matching dresses. sounds like a horror movie description, i know, but they actually looked like that. one day during winter after snow had fallen we found out that, when we werent home, they stood in front of our backdoor [which was honestly better described as a big window door] and windows and just stared, because their footprints were there. terrifying!
there was this one time where- apparently an alternate universe or something kinda. overlapped. or swapped? me with an alternate me. my friend rain witnessed this and apparently i called it rainai and wasn't much of an artist from what i can gather, and didn't have the same ocs as i do here. that me was also more shy and definently not the same as i was at the time. this happened in 2019
our cats teleport. i once saw one of our cats, who i will call little shit, inside, eating from the food bowls. sounds and everything from her crunching on it when i got home. i went upstairs to set up my pc and then back downstairs to say hi to her and she was nowhere to be seen. i looked around everywhere and couldn't find her, so i dmed my dad and asked if she was inside and he resopnded that she was outside. i open the door and call for her an lo and behold guess who comes running and meowing. it was not our other cat, mama cat. i can tell their shapes apart so easily
my mom and i saw a witch flying on a broom with their cat once! a shadow silhouette unmistakable for a broom, with a human on the front and cat on the end. we both looked at eachother like "you just saw that right" and just nodded
i saw a big black thing flying by my window twice the size of a raven last yeah. i'm pretty sure that was dragon shaped. four limbs and then wings. i mentioned this once in a friend group server but the chatlogs of that are just completely gone(???)
my mom once showed me an article on how they confirmed alternate universes exist. it was genuine. apparently this exact article does not exist and i am the only person i know [save for my mom] that knows alternate universes were confirmed to exist. nobody else has ever heard anything about this
there was a red pencil sharpener i checked the kitchen counter for 7 times. it was not there. it very much was not there. nobody put it there. when i asked my mom after she walked into the kitche and infront of the counter it was suddenly there after she pointed towards it for me
i will update this with a reblog if i ever remember more because my memory is very selective for some reason
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wishjacked · 2 days
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Happy #WebcomicDay!! :D
This year we're celebrating the process of making pages... so below the cut I've got a bunch of pictures sharing how I go about making pages of my evil post-apocalyptic workplace sitcom, Cargo!! :D
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So! My process!!
Writing-> I think sometimes there's pressure to "write" your comic a certain way, I see people talking about script format and stuff a lot. That really doesn't work for me, though! I write my "first draft" script in short scenes on scrap paper, in whatever order they come to me. Sometimes a scene will just be one or two lines, and then a little description of what I want to happen in the rest of the scene.
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Later I type the scene up, and write the "connective tissue" that fits between the disjointed scenes so they all flow together like they ought. I don't do page breaks or even character tag or action notes hahahaha I like it to be as BASIC as POSSIBLE so it's easy to edit. And since I'm the person drawing it I can almost always remember who's supposed to be saying what lmao
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I edit a lot, but the most major editing is also probably the last bit... when I letter my pages usually I realize "they would never say that" and so I end up rephrasing everything. My art brain is sometimes waaaaay better at phrasing hahaha. Like you can see in the finished page for this script I rewrote like basically all of it, and actually went back to the original "sketch" script in a lot of places.
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Thumbnailing-> my thumbs are really big, I draw them with markers on printer paper and keep them in a binder!! I like to thumb scenes in batches and I also usually write my dialogue on them, just so I can read through them before (and while) I draw to get a feel for how the pacing works. :)
Sketching-> OH sketching is also really hard for me! I don't have a good visual imagination so it's really important for me to make sure I have good references. Last year I was especially focusing on setting.
My comic is set in Florida. I'm lucky in that I used to live there and still go back to visit sometimes, so sometimes I can gather my own reference images! But more often I start on Google Maps or Zillow, trying to find buildings that have interesting features or the right kind of "look" for what I want. I'll also look up other interesting elements, my comic is set in a post-apocalypse and I'll research home gardening and things like that which people would probably have.
For example, in this set in chapter 7, I used Google Maps images, photo references of indoor hydroponic gardening, and like, 90's-00's hacker computer setups haha. Also my BFF Roomstyler.com, where you can make 3d house interiors haha!!
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Lineart-> I LOVE lineart it is my favorite!!!! I sketch and ink two pages at a time, and it usually takes somewhere between 10-12 hours to do both steps.
I actually think my art looks best when it's just lineart... but I think my STORY is better with color, like it makes it clearer and easier to read and it has a better atmosphere HAHA.
Colors-> I think it usually takes me 4-6 hours to do 2 pages (I haven't timed myself as consistently as I time my lineart and sketching). I have a big file with small copies of my previous pages that I color drop from, and my characters are all flats only. The limited palette that I use is also really handy, it streamlines coloring a LOT.
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Finishing Touches-> aka I steal mercilessly from my one true love, my internet home, the beautiful and blessed Wikimedia Commons
I put lots of overlay layers on my art! I like textures so having some strange little textures or pictures on things makes my art feel a lot more finished to me.
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And finally my very most favorite ✨finishing touch✨ is the bright colored/patterned gutters that I use. Here are some of my favorites that I've made and used in the past!
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And that's all!! I hope you guys have a very happy Webcomics Day and find lots and lots of wonderful new things to read!!!
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chaifootsteps · 1 day
I just want to take a moment to praise TADC. In a single episode, honestly part of a single episode, they made me care so much about a character they just introduced. Gummigoo was introduced and then removed, and I care and know more about his character than I do any of the characters in HH or HB. We learned so much about him and felt so much emotion because of this character that a lot of people have become attached. Even after the episode the Glitch utilizes his image and character in amazing ways that continue to make us care. The picture they posted where in the background we saw Pomni adding his picture next to Kaufmo? An amazing touch. The music video where we see and hear him glitching out before exploding again? These were small things they implemented that has made me love Gummigoo. And honestly makes me look forward to future episodes of TADC. Especially with Goose saying the show will mainly be character focused and not overarching story based. This was what I wanted from HH. I wanted to learn and care about the characters, but instead we got a rushed story line where I don't care about anyone. The feeling and attachments I have/had to HH characters are mainly from fan content instead of the show itself. I can't wait to see more of TADC, and for Goose to continue to break my heart.
Agreed with every word of this. This show hurts, but it hurts in the best way, and it's everything we dreamed HH would be when we mistakenly thought it had a competent creator who cares about people. Can't wait to see how Goose breaks all our hearts next.
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silverfoxstole · 2 days
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Bears, bears, bears! Bears everywhere! And Doctor Who bears at that, made specially for and presented by me to Paul McGann, Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy at Portsmouth Comic Con.
As most of you probably know, I document my bear-making activities on here and I made an Eighth Doctor bear a couple of years ago, followed by a Seventh Doctor last summer. Ace was a new one, and because of that I ended up making two, the first as a prototype that I kept for myself, working out the details of the costume, particularly the jacket, and the second for Sophie.
Back in February when I decided to make Anne Bearleyn I found that my usual type of fur was unavailable so I had to go looking for another, ending up with something that while it looked lovely was fairly hellish to sew as it shed everywhere. It was all I had when it came to making the first Ace bear, however, and so I went with that. Afterwards, having got covered in fluff again, I tried to find something similar to the fur I’d used for most of my previous bears, but when it arrived and I started putting one together decided that when compared to the bear I’d just made it looked cheap and nasty, which was definitely not what I wanted for this particular project. Consequently that fabric went on a one way trip to the bin and I ordered more of the other stuff, resulting in what I’ve termed a ‘furpocalypse’ when I decided to cut and sew three more bears in one day:
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I had to vacuum both the room and myself four times, and clean out the sewing machine twice! That fluff gets everywhere, even up your nose! It was worth it in the end, though, as the result looks so nice. As the pile is quite thick I had to glue on the noses and use felt for eyebrows as thread just vanishes, but I think that actually looks better and allows for more expression.
I made a second set of Ace clothes while I was waiting for the fur to arrive; the first jacket had been a bit too small and I’d only had satin to use for the lining which disintegrates as it’s sewn, not something I wanted to give someone as a gift. It was a painstaking job to replicate the badges and decoration on the jacket with felt and embroidery thread, but I was pleased with how it turned out:
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The costume is based on one from Remembrance of the Daleks, the skirt and t-shirt made from jersey and the decorations on the latter also of felt. She has a plait, rucksack and baseball bat, as well as a nitro 9 canister in her hand/paw (which I actually swapped out for a better one on Friday but didn’t take any pictures of it). The nitro is attached with velcro and can be exchanged for the bat. My only tiny niggle is that I made the jacket lining the wrong colour, only realising it should be orange when I started rewatching Sophie’s episodes last week, but that’s just my perfectionist side at work and her new owner didn’t mind.
“Aaaaaace!” You can see my original Seventh Doctor bear here; I changed a few things working on the new one, this time using blue eyes and making the jacket in cream rather than brown, mainly as a contrast with the darker fur but also so he would match season 25 Ace. I decided to use red paisley for scarf, tie, hatband and handkerchief, adding a red trim to the last two. The jumper once again took a couple of hours’ work, and as this was a present for Sylvester this time I did embroider question marks and chevrons all the way round!
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For the umbrella I cut out several long triangles and stitched them together in imitation of a real brolly, using a bit of a skewer covered in felt for the pole (that’s not the word but I can’t think what to call the middle of a umbrella for the life of me!), to which I attached some jewellery wire pinched from my sister (shh!) twisted into the shape of a question mark. That was then covered in yet more felt. I’ve made a lot of things from felt lately!
And voila: one finished Seventh Doc bear:
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I do hope Sylvester spots that he even has spoons in his pocket. 😁
Last but not least, we have Eighth Doctor bear, which I actually started first but I didn’t have enough fabric for his coat so he had to sit and wait while I worked on the others. My original is here; he’s gone through a few costume tweaks as I’ve tried to improve on things and this time I mainly used scraps left over from my own cosplay and made them up in the same way: shirt, scarf, waistcoat, belt and gailters are all the same as mine, and the coat is identical material but from a different source.
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His shirt and waistcoat both fasten with buttons, and I made the watch chain and belt buckle from embroidery thread. It took several attempts to get the boots and gaiters right, and I went from having quite a large piece of faux leather to something about a quarter of the size, most of it ending up in the bin! Unlike my Eight bear he has a sonic screwdriver, made from - yes, you guessed it! - felt. Fortunately the TVM sonic is quite a simple design, unlike the other one I made which can be swapped with this one to go with the Dark Eyes outfit I ran up on an impulse because I had scraps left from my own jacket and put in the bag with him; hopefully Paul will find it as that DE sonic took me two attempts to get (somewhat) right!
I changed the shape of the lapels on this new coat so that they were more like the real one, and I also took some pics of him in his Dark Eyes gear:
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I confess that he was the one I found it hardest to give up. Look at him:
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And he matches me!
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I had to keep telling myself that I couldn’t keep him, I’d made him for Paul, but it wasn’t easy!
Finally, a few pics of them together:
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I was so, so pleased with the way these turned out. Along with Bush (about whom I’ll post separately), these are the best bears I’ve made so far, and I’m glad that Paul, Sophie and Sylvester were just as happy with them!
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zillasvilla · 19 hours
Beyond the lights
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Warnings: Smut, Foul language, use of n-word, mentions of violence and sex-trafficking. Minors DNI.
Summary: Soraya deals with the negative press of an incoming court date while focusing on a new stage of her relationship with Joshua. Pairing: Jey Uso x Black OC Word Count: 7.4k words
A/N: I had meant to post this a few days ago, however, family things happened the past few weeks, so enjoy the long chapter I finally figured out how to finish.
Disclaimer: All art: pictures, drawings, music, lyrics, and videos are credited to its original creators. Characters and plot lines created are this blog's creation. Do not repost or copy work on any media platform.
Pink : Translation Green: Negative Press/Wrong Sources. Orange: Accurate Source, positive press Blue: Flashback
Song Inspiration: Leave a message (skit) x Mary J. Blidge Incapable x Keyshia Cole
Current Time: 6:15 a.m.
Stillness lay heavy on the neighborhood, the neighbors being miles away from each other in the gated community. Warmth flooded the street as rays of fiery light shot the world through, ending the night. A mess of limbs tangled beneath the ruffled-ripped silk sheets. The rapid buzzing of phones, vibrating against the bed.
"Jey.” A hand reaches out pushing at his back; feeling his naked skin between her fingers, wanting the buzzing to stop as it becomes persistent. The vibrations continued, waking them both from their deep slumber, reaching blindly for their phones at opposite ends of the bed. It was the weekend and they wanted nothing more than to be lost in each other again, uninterrupted this time.
“Put it on, do not disturb.” He tells her, immediately silencing his phone from the world, and tossing it on the bed. She looks at him with a frown. “It’s just us this weekend.” He pulls her closer to him, rough but warm hands rubbing her back. 
“Not our friends though. They know now.” She silences certain people on her phone, shifting to place her arms around his neck as he nuzzles her neck, pressing soft kisses to her collarbone. Humming in agreement, he pressed his tender wet lips up her neck.
Jey felt her toss the phone somewhere, probably next to his. Her body pressed closer to his with a soft sigh. The soft glow of the sun-kissed her deep brown hue. Her eyes closed letting him caress her body. 
Pulling back he calls her name. “Soraya.” The evident sleep left in his already raspy voice deepened as he looked at her. The soft hm’s that left her plump lips weren’t enough for him. His large right hand gives her ass a slap. A sharp inhale of her breath at the sudden stinging pain. 
“What.” She whines, melting into his hold as he massaged the area he hit, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, watching her face with a deep chuckle. 
“Look at me, baby.” He coos, beard tickling her neck as he nips along the sensitive area. She stuck to him, unable to move from his assault on her flesh. His fingers knead into the flesh of her fat ass, pressing her down against his pelvis, The only barrier between them is the sheets. 
Soraya flutters her eyes open to look at him, a soft gasp at the way he was looking at her, his deep brown eyes showing nothing but love and passion, her body shivers in pleasure, hearing him chuckle.
”good girl.” He captures her mouth on his own; biting the flesh of her lip, grinding his hips up into her. Their tongues meet in a frenzied dance inside each other's mouths. The once thin sheet now pooled at their feet. The cold breeze of his fan raised goosebumps on their skin.
A soft oh left her lips at the intrusion of his swollen tip, dripping with pre-cum. Her legs instinctively went on his hip, her heel digging in his back; his girth pushing past her slick folds with a groan. 
“Fuck, baby.” He rubs his hands up her side, squeezing softly with every slow thrust of his hips, biting his lip at the feel of her warm walls around his dick. Her tiny moans in his ears, almost sure he heard her whisper his name several times.
”Jey..” She let out a string of needy pants, watching as she tilted her head back, body sensitive with every stroke he gave, curving slightly to tap at her sensitive spot. A soft squeak made him groan.
"Live with me,” He tells her, her head coming forward to look at him, his face soft as he slows his strokes, pulling out only till his tip remains, making her whine at the loss and teasing, as he repeated this. Their breaths blowing on each other, the sweetness of the mangoes they ate hours ago still lingering on their breath only adding to the feeling he was putting her through, completely taking over her pleasure. Soraya almost didn’t hear the question.
“M’want me to?” Her hands grabbed his that rested on her hips, letting him roll their bodies over, her back pressed into the plush bed. Jey’s fingers entwined with her own, pinning them by her head. He freed a hand to tap his leaking erection against her sensitive mound, smearing the juices all over the warm brown-colored tip.
"So I can get you like this every day..” He leans down with a brief kiss to her bruised lips. “Hell yeah.” Jey slowly rocks down, piercing his lip with a bite at her sucking him in. Her hips arching up into his torso. Her skin is warm against his own. She still doesn’t answer him, lost in the way he slowly slides inside her; feeling the visible veins along his hardened flesh, stretching her walls with a groan. 
Her mouth was slightly open, struggling to get free of the grip he had on her wrists; wanting nothing more than to scratch her nails in his back. He halts his movements, a bratty whine leaving her mouth. “Josh.” 
He groans at his name leaving her lips. He braces his hands by her head, her legs and arms instantly wrapping around him like a koala. His favorite position, it pushes him deeper with satisfied groans from them both. Once chest to chest, he rocks in her slowly, building the pleasure back up as he presses kisses to her chest, nipping at the round flesh of her breasts, sucking softly into her skin to leave his mark. 
Soraya’s hands felt good on his head; mostly resting on the nape of his neck, where the short patch of curls finally grew out to the length she liked, matching the beard that was freshly trimmed as it rubbed against her soft skin. Her nails scratched along his scalp, earning soft groans. 
“Kahaia” a gruff mention of her own middle name in the heat of pleasure; taking them back to the moment they first met at Trinity and Jimmy’s engagement party. Only he had ever called her by her native name. It sounded better coming from him. So hearing utter Kahania in the heat of the moment filled her with a hint of pride. His arms now wrap under and around her in a hug, pressing his weight on her. Jey’s head nudges into the space between her neck and shoulder, leaving open-mouth kisses along the blade. Their hips rocked in tandem as the world around them continued on. He only wanted to be around her today and this was the only way he was going to get it. “"gaoioi i le atamai ia te au." (Move in with me).
Soraya felt every thrust he was giving her, going teasingly slow to feel every inch of her walls, her face contorted in pleasure at each new sweet spot, mentally noting it for the next time they get like this. His lips kiss the space behind her ear, a snap of his hips making her gasp. "e te le'i mafaufau ea ia te a'u?" (moving in with me?) He asks her in a way where she can say yes or no, hoping she says yes. 
She couldn’t deny that she would love waking up to him every morning just like this, then tangled up in each other's arms afterward; Soraya felt like they were moving too fast. She was scared to put herself in a vulnerable position to get hurt again. Yet, the way he made her feel with every hug and every sweet kiss on her face, constantly telling her she looked good made her feel truly loved. She was scared about the world’s reaction to her relationship, but she didn’t care anymore. Any reservations she had were kissed away by his lips on hers, his hips working a steady rhythm.  
"Ioe tama lapoa.” (yes big papa) She doesn’t remember what happens after whispering the words against his lips. Just the imprint of a smile, the soft crow's wrinkles surrounding his eyes, falling deeper in love with her every minute, learning the ways to pleasure her mind and body. 
The way she easily meshes with his vibe, as if she belonged here with him. Joshua did believe they were moving too fast. Her soft pleased moans, and squeezing walls, begging for more of him, repeating the word yes between a steady string of moans. Her hands were on his neck, her blue acrylic tips scratching his beard in between the hurried kisses. If this was his last chance to be with her he was taking full advantage and unspoken agreement between them. If they crashed and burned along the way then they were both to blame. 
Joshua knew that would never happen. In too deep as they shared a passion-driven kiss; lips locking with a slow pump of his hips. His own stuttering release mixed with hers, dripping onto the sheets. A mix of their own sounds echoed through the room which was now masked in the scent of sex and sweat. He wasn't going to ask her again, he already knew her answer was yes, she just didn’t say it. He found her sudden shyness when in bed together cute, knowing only he could get her like this. He adjusts their position, resting her on his chest as he rests against the headboard, her tiny snores making him chuckle as he reaches for the remote to on the TV. Entertainment Weekly, with a new host, displaying a man’s name he was tired of hearing, only he was watching closely at the mention of Soraya’s name.
I’m Dina Taylors with Entertainment Weekly. In recent news, Damien “Dame” Davis, has been picked up on several RICO charges by the state of Georgia, New York, Florida, and California. What the Rico charges are, we will have more as the several states share any evidence found. The bulk of the evidence comes from Soraya Attui-Dudley and her team of attorneys.
The sudden movement of her body makes him look down. Soraya, using his own to adjust her position, head resting fully on his chest, arms tucking around him. The fluttering of her eyes puts a smile on his face. He feels the soft exhale of her sigh. His own hands rubbing up and down her back.
"Mornin’ sunshine.” 
She mumbles a soft good morning, turning her head to look at the TV. The mention of her name gained her attention with a frown.
Soraya over the past few years has been silent when it comes to the nature of her relationship with Damien. However, the recent police reports suggest she wasn’t a willing participant in all of his endeavors outside of music. As of now, Damien is being held in Rikers Penitentiary, awaiting bond before his approaching trial.
“It’s over, yeah?” He asks, frowning at the multiple images of her face bruised, lined with white powder beneath her nose, and smeared all over her nostrils as if someone forced her to inhale the substance. Only ever seeing the surface of his abuse on her. “I mean, his life is pretty much over.”
"I wish.” she sits up in his lap, stretching her arm out as he watches. He wasn’t sure how she still looked so beautiful in the morning. Her hair is wild from last night, framing her sleep-ridden face. “I’m sure they’re going to call me to testify, for him to maybe get what? Life with the possibility of parole.”
He frowns when she gets up, taking the sheets with her, as she walks into the bathroom. “Better behind bars, than walking free.”
Soraya doesn’t care, using the bathroom to freshen up for the day. She bites her lips at the multiple bruises he left on her neck, debating on whether she wanted to cover them up or not. 
Mercedez, the mother of Damien’s three-year-old daughter, has expressed her deep regrets and apologies towards Soraya. The apology comes in full force after the release of the police images from multiple stations, showing a beaten and battered Soraya. 
Funny how, you think you got the man, and he turns out to be an abuser. It was only a matter of time before we saw his true colors.
She found herself digging through his closet, the majority of her clothes still at her place, she needed something in case they were to go out, whatever she had here, going in the washer. His closet is nothing but t-shirts, and sweats. Jeans here and there, his shorts somewhere in his dressers. She spots the black Niu TAT shirts, the black cotton shirt calling her name, knowing he probably had a pair of light blue shorts in his dresser. 
Does anyone think there is any truth to these documents she’s putting out. These date back years before they broke up.  Gotta think, maybe she wants another come up. The dude is a famous artist. Soraya is in a league of her own. She’s up there with some of the greats. It just sucks she had the wrong guy on her side.
All the blogs were talking about this and she wanted no part in Dame and his upcoming trial. Soraya did her part, and that was it. If she can and will avoid the frenzy of the newfound history of Dame’s past, then she was a fly on the wall. The door to the bathroom opened, the steam pouring out and dissolving into the cold air. The towel wrapped loosely around his waist, the water dripping from his hair and face onto the well-defined chest of her lover. 
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” A knowing smirk on his face as he readied himself for the day. 
“Mhm, why when the real thing is in front of me.” She innocently looks up at him, a soft bite of her lip that always drives him crazy. The seductive bedroom eyes, made him wonder if he wanted to take her back to bed or not. 
“Keep playing and we’ll never leave the house.” Jey finally notices her attire. His clothes are slightly too big on her, still looking better on her than him.
“Mhm, is that a threat?” Her lips pursed at the way he looked at her, a half smile on his face as he slid on the same shirt as her, only a different color. 
“Nah.” He walks over to her, grabbing her hands to pull her up. “A promise.” He gives her a quick kiss on her lips. “Let’s go eat.”
We have received word that Damien Davis has posted bail. Our sources have spotted him leaving with what we perceive is his attorney and another mysterious woman. 
New sources have revealed Damien Davis as a critical part of an ongoing sex-trafficking ring, along with being at the scene of a homicide the NYPD has been investigating since last year.  Damien Davis is a dangerous and manipulative man, there’s no telling what he put Soraya through during their relationship— Welcome to 106 & Park, We’re your host AJ and Free. 
The channel was changed from multiple news stations to a culture-centric music station. Her favorite hosts introduced the top ten music videos. Their late breakfast, resting on the coffee table in front of them. The remnants of eggs too small to pick up scattered across their plates. She wasted no time cleaning their dishes and the kitchen to rejoin him on the couch, mostly his lap as it was her favorite spot. His own arms cradled her into his chest, the outside had patted her thigh softly, mindlessly rubbing the bare with his fingertips. His attention was on the flat screen, but his mind drifted off to nowhere. 
They sat like this a lot, just relishing in each other’s company. A comfortable silence as the room filled with nothing but their soft breathing syncing with each other. The quick kisses come soon, frantic touches, clothes soon discarding as they make time for another round, christening his couch for the first time. The world around a second thought as they got lost in the feeling of each other’s bodies once again. 
A pleased sigh leaves her lips, his body a weighted blanket over her own, his head resting on her chest. Her fingers scratch his scalp, as grumbled groans leave his lips at the sensation. 
“Are you sleeping?” She whispers. He shifts, lifting his head slightly to nod. Probably the best sleep he’s gotten in a while. She frowns, wanting to go get food, but loving the way he is turning into a big baby. His phone vibrated somewhere in the house, as it connected to his Bluetooth speakers. Jey doesn’t make a move to answer, letting it go straight to voicemail.
"If it's important they’ll leave a message.” He mumbles, arms briefly squeezing her, too comfortable to get up. 
The ringing continued making him sigh and get up, briefs he put on after the intimate moment, clinging to him, the blue shorts hanging low on him as he pulled them up.
”Must be important.” She jokes, rolling over to grab whichever shirt fell on the floor, to partially dress herself. 
“For sure.” He sighs, scrolling through the multiple text messages and notifications. Her own phone went off as she joined his side. The influx of incoming texts and calls overwhelmed her, with multiple people congratulating her on her latest album, and more people offering her support during the Dame crisis. The countless emails came in to collaborate on a song, asking her to write for them and produce the beat. “Gotta go back on the road soon.” He murmurs, finally putting his phone away. 
“Back to business.” A defeated sigh, head laying on her arm. Deciding right now she wouldn’t be doing collaborations with anyone, until after her next album and possible tour. 
“Moving in gotta wait huh?” He jokes, putting an arm around her. Her soft laughs, and her body turning inward into his side. 
“Mhm, nope. While you were in the shower, called some movers to pack.” Still rooted in their standing position, her fingers lightly traced over the intricate details on his arms. A laser focus on the detailed insect on the inside of his right bicep, the muscle flexing with every touch of her fingers.
“I want one.” She whispers.
“Want what, a tattoo or a tribal tattoo?” 
“Both.” She shrugs. “Been meanin’ to get one, I just could never decide what I wanted, or someone who could do it and it looks good.”
A knowing smile spreads across his face, picking up his phone. She watches as Jey sends someone a message. His hand slid down to pat her thigh. “Go change.”
”Mhm, what for?” 
“You’ll see, just change into something comfortable.”
A confused frown on her face, she jogs upstairs, pulling out the freshly dried clothes, seeing what she had that was comfortable enough for whatever he had planned. The white cropped shirt, and green cargo shorts would have to do, rushing to get dressed and meet him downstairs.
Jey lets out an appreciative whistle, loving it when she wears shorts, the fabric barely stopping at her thighs, the perfect canvas for a slew of tattoos. He watched as she slipped on her shoes. “Where are you taking me?”
“You trust me?”
A slight tilt of her head at him while grabbing her phone made him chuckle. “Blindly.” If anything her past relationship should make her wary of him taking her anywhere, yet, the warm and inviting aura of Jey washed away all doubts.
“You’ll like it. I promise.”
A promise that was well-kept as he pulled his truck into the parking space in front of one of his favorite places. The bold white lettering of the shop name gained her attention. SACRED TATAU. 
“Tattoo shop?” She questions, a little confused, but partially excited as it seemed to be a shop that focused on culture art. He gets out, coming around to open her door. 
“The best in Florida.” He grabs her hand in his. Their fingers already know to lock with each other. The shop provided a homey feel as they entered. The decor is a warm dark color that instantly puts her mind at ease as he talks to a woman behind the front desk.
Soraya watches as another set of girls walk in, bright smiles on their faces as they greet him, his hold still on her hand, keeping her close. 
“Sienna, Savannah.”
”Been a minute Uce.” Sienna tells him, finally looking next to him. The shock and excitement on her face let them know she knew who Soraya was.
“You’re Soraya!” Sienna tells her, completely starstruck at one of her favorite artists standing before her.
”In the flesh.” She jokes. 
Sienna and Savannah were big fans of Soraya, but they made her feel like any other person coming through their dad's shop. They pulled her away from Jey, wanting to get to know her more while listing off the many songs they loved. He watches with a smile as the man of the hour graces them with their presence after getting his things set up. 
“Uce.” The slapping of hands gains the girl's attention. Soraya watched as the pair talked, slowly getting up to join his side. The slight glance of recognition as he wrapped an arm around her back. 
“Here for another one? You’re running out of space.” He jokes, earning a deep chuckle from Jey. 
“Nah, for my girl this time.” He guides her up. “Mike, this is Soraya.” He notices the sudden shyness in her.  “ Soraya. This is my tattoo artist Mike and the guy who will be doing your first tattoo.” 
“Hey.” They shake hands, the warm grip, comforting her anxieties. His crow's eyes showed as he smiled. “How did you end up with this one, yeah?” He points at Jey with a smile, making her giggle at the way Jey kisses his teeth, with a smile.
“He just showed up on my doorstep.” She shrugs with a smile, looking at him as he shakes his head with a flushed smile. Grabbing his hand again, she comfortably stands at his side. “I like your shop.”
“Fa'afetai (thank you), Jey says you want to get a tattoo?” The bigger man is talking to her now, Jey disappearing after spotting a jar of cookies in the back, an older woman filling them with more of what looked like a batch fresh from the oven.
“I do.” She chews her lip. “I don't know what I want.” She wasn’t sure and didn’t want to regret it someday. “I want a butterfly. It’s my favorite insect.” She then thought of the one on Jey’s bicep. “Give me a second.”
Mike watches as she skips up to Jey, gaining her attention in an instant. The soft attentive gaze he gave her, made him smile. For as long as he knew Josh, he never talked about bringing home a woman for his family to meet. He always said he would just pop up one day and he was married. 
“I want the butterfly that's on your bicep.” She tells Jey. One of her favorites he had inked on his body. Always finding herself in his arms, outlining the details of the large insect resting in the middle of his bicep. The most recent one he had Mike touch up and he couldn't lie and say it wasn’t his favorite either. The thought of having matching tattoos with Soraya was a distant idea for further in their relationship.
“Just the butterfly?” He asks, making sure this is really what she wants. 
“I don’t know what else I want, I really like the one you have.”  
Jey nods, looking behind her at Mike who was getting his cart set up. The TV being turned on was a bit of a distraction. “How about we put the butterfly on there, and let Mike do his thing with the rest?”  
The first prick of the tattoo gun on her thigh was scary, but with the constant reassurance from Jey; the pain subsided. She was finding herself falling asleep on the table.
“Not you going to sleep and you were scared.” Jey chuckles, biting into another cookie, glancing at Mike doing the tattoo to her face. Soraya's head rested on her crossed arms, letting the buzzing sounds and constant vibrations on her skin lull her to sleep.
“Shut up,” she mutters, glancing at the cookie in his hand, then back at him with a soft hum. He lets her take a bite, looking down at his phone briefly. 
Welcome to THE WHOLE STORY...I’m Anderson Cooper. The United States will be moving forward with its case against Damien Davis. There is substantial evidence that will be used against him. A good portion of that evidence links back to Soraya Aititui-Dudley. The pair had their own run-in with the law, per the multiple domestic violence reports in several counties across the county of Georgia. It’s too soon to say whether or not Soraya will be called to testify, as this is only the beginning stages of the tria--
The sudden change in channels gains her attention. She watches him flip through the many programs as comfortable silence washes over the shop. 
“How did you two meet?” Mike asks, the gun in his hand carefully pressing the ink into her skin in an intricate pattern as he breaks the silence
The crowded home of Jimmy and Trinity was filled with nothing but their immediate families. For Trinity that included her Mom, uncle, and cousins. The large three-bedroom home houses a multitude of food and drink options, and a family DJ playing in the backyard. They had recently announced the pair were engaged, eliciting several whoops and hollers in congratulations. Soraya had found herself in a circle of Trinity’s work friends: Bianca, and Lina. They had made eye contact the entire night until he made the first move, stopping her as she came out of the house to refill her drink. “Josh.” He greets a small smile on his face, her soft brown eyes looking at him in interest. A soft hum leaves her lips looking him over. “Soraya.” They shake hands, neither one wanting to let go first at the warm grip heating her entire body, using this chance to pull her off to the side as they struck up a conversation oblivious to another person watching them.
“That was only the first time,” Jey grumbles remembering that same night, he learned of her relationship with Dame. The pair have been together since high school. 
“So, you've known each other for a while?” 
It was just never the right time for them to get together. Only ever seeing each other at events planned by Jimmy and Trinity. Their interactions are limited to social environments. Her previous relationship was at the forefront of her mind. “Yeah. We saw each other here and there. I was constantly on the road at the time, was away from everyone.” Soraya sighs, not wanting to relive the past anymore. 
“Imma go get sum food, you hungry?” He directs to Soraya but also extends the offer to Mike and the girls. With everyone in agreement, Jey makes sure Soraya is good before heading out to get something for everyone.
“So what does Soraya the artist have planned next?” Mike asks, cleaning off excess ink with a paper towel.
“Another album and maybe a two-leg tour hopefully.” She’s scrolling through her phone at several emails about dates and venues. Unable to look at Mike as she was lying on her stomach so he could do the back of her leg. 
“Exciting, I know Josh has a few international trips coming up, gonna travel with him?” Being the current World Heavy-Weight Champion he’s going to be defending his titles more and with his current feud with Finn Balor, he is leaving soon.
“No, but you just gave me an idea too.” She laughs. Soraya hadn’t thought about traveling with him, but seeing as their dates overlap, why not. She could see him in his element and him in hers.
“Glad to be of help.” He chuckles, incorporating the flower in her necklace into the design on her thigh, the details popping against her dark skin. He noticed the necklace the moment he saw her, a tradition he did with his own wife; getting the notion that she was Samoan as well, letting the culture design translate into her personal story.
“I don’t mean to pry, but why did you go ghost after exposing your ex? '' Sienna asked, earning a few slaps and shut-ups from her mom and sister. Soraya wasn’t offended or phased by the questions, knowing it was a well-warranted question. 
“It's fine…It was mostly for my safety and sanity.” Which was the truth. Dame was known for being able to find her anytime she left him, especially with them being contractually bonded at the time. Finding the loophole in those contracts saved her life and career. “In the years that I’ve known him, I knew he wasn’t going to let me go easy.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” His mom tells her. “I had a friend in an abusive relationship. She sadly didn’t make it out alive, so it's happy to hear that some women do and live to bring awareness.” A comforting smile on her face towards Soraya. 
“Josh wouldn’t be as happy as he is either,”  Mike adds, realizing that Soraya was the woman he always talked about, telling him about the girl he wanted but couldn’t have because of a dangerous situation. “You’re all he ever talks about.”  He’s slowly finishing up the tattoo. 
“Yeah. Uce is in love” Savannah laughs, getting up to grab some cream off the shelf for her Dad.
Soraya bites her lip nervously as the family cooed over Josh and his love for her. The man is head over heels for her. The instant notification she got on her phone pulls her attention away.
Current Time: 7:30 p.m.
Mike wiped the last of the cream off her thigh with a paper towel. A good five hours after Josh retired with food from Zaxby’s giving both her and Mike a break. Jey helps her stand up guiding her to the mirror.
“That shit clean baby.”  Both of them admired the garter-style tattoo, the matching butterfly sitting on top of her thigh, surrounding small detailed flowers, noticing they matched the style of her necklace, the intricate detailing of Samoan culture markings making up the band of the tattoo, incorporating her mother’s culture into the design. She instantly fell in love, knowing she would be coming back to get the flowers colored in.
“It’s perfect.” She turns and gives Mike a hug, his embrace feeling like she was hugging a giant teddy bear, returning the hug, he smiles.
“Thank you for trusting me with your first.” He was honored to give her something she loved. “Hopefully you’ll be back for more.” 
She laughs. "Oh for sure." She watched Jey gather their things after hugging his wife and kids goodbye.
The two of them head out together. Her thigh was still sore, hissing at the sudden pressure from sitting in the passenger seat.
“Hurts huh baby?” He looks at her. She nods with a pout, adjusting her sitting position to not put pressure on the freshly-inked thigh.
“Yeah.” She responds, digging into his middle console for the blunt he had rolled earlier, knowing the little thing would ease some of the pain. The two ride in silence for a minute, the car filling with the strong scent of weed, getting them both high.
“What if we travel together for your tour.” Jey breaks the silence, stopping at the red light to look at his now relaxed girlfriend. “Schedule your concerts around my shows and events?” 
“Mhm, I travel in style.” She reminds him. Jey never really cared to pay extra for first class or personal drivers; choosing to carpool with his peers, Soraya on the other hand relished in the added luxury. She was always on some private Jet, or tour bus, even going as far as to get a driver, wanting to limit a lot of crazy fan interactions, especially with the trial going on. For her, he would do anything.
“Then we travel in style, as long as you’re next to me.” The car moves again, a giddy smile on her face at the thought of traveling with him. Her fingers moved rapidly across her phone screen, sending her manager Naraya the go-ahead to plan the tour dates around his schedule. 
“Oh, you planned this already?” Jey peeks over at her while laughing. 
“Of course, I was going to do it regardless.” Her hand comes up to rest behind his neck, thumb rubbing into the skin behind his ear. “Wanna see you live'” she murmurs to herself, but the cocky smile on his face signals that he heard her. He decides not to tease her as he drives them home. 
Why would she stay in such an abusive relationship? See me he would look worse than me You never know what you’re going to do in a situation like that. Do you think they’ll call her to testify against him? She’s weak. Supposed to be this big bad girl and she let a nigga smaller than her pimp and drug her out.  I doubt she testifies, why should she if they have all the evidence they need.   He’s a scapegoat for whoever he’s affiliated with. They’re feeding him in the woods. She’ll probably run away like last time. She’s nothing without him.
The incoming notifications of the blogs talking about her killed her, frustrating not only her but Jey as well, as some particular people he was no longer friends with sent him the blogs, stating she would kill his career as well. No matter how much she tried to shut down the rumors, it always found its way into her life.  The two of them scowl at their phones, calling her relationship with Dame a publicity stunt for her. Twisting her words back on her, stating Dame didn’t deserve it and that he loved her even though he cheated on her and had a child with her. Something the public doesn’t know; thinking the child was born after she went ghost. 
She wanted to respond but they would only twist her words once again, It seemed the only way she knew how was through music. A light goes off in her eyes, a small smirk on her face as she looks at Jey who is getting ready to remove his shoes.
“What?” He noticed the mischievous look on her face, confused at what she was planning in that head of hers.
“I can’t believe you dragged us into this shit.” Bianca sighs, carrying a black garment bag in her hands. “Especially in this dirty-ass abandoned warehouse.” 
“Oh, hush.” Trinity hits her, carrying her own bag of hair materials, behind them the twins and Montez carrying video equipment. “We got you girl.”
Soraya smiles, sipping on a Red Bull to keep her awake. “Thanks guys, this was just a spur-of-the-moment idea.” 
“This doesn’t have anything to do with the blogs talking about you again is it?” Bianca asks, setting down the bag of clothes on a nearby table. “Or that Dame is going to trial?” She hated being called out by the girls, they were always spot-on about what she thought. A defeated sigh leaves her side.
“This is the last time.” She was certain this would end what they thought about her and focused solely on Dame and how horrible he was. She tried to stay quiet about everything, but it seemed everyone was forcing her hand, demanding she speak about it. Trinity and Bianca groan. 
“Girl, no matter what you do, they will still talk.” Bianca tells her honestly confused about why she was entertaining the blogs. Trinity on the other hand understood why she was. Why would she let them continue to drag her name? 
“At the end of the day B, We gotta support her.” Trinity would rather end this conversation and support her cousin in whatever she thought was best.
“Forever gon support my girl.” B raises her hands in surrender. A couple of more people came in with their things as well, confusing not only the girls but the guys as well. “Who are they?’
“The host of  The Bullet Club.” Soraya grins, a set of men walking towards him with a wide smile on their faces. Jey watches confused as the two dudes pull her into a hug. He slowly walks his way up to them.
“Hey, squirt.” The taller, older man hugged her tightly, swaying them side to side. 
“Hi, Uncle Cliff.” She grins returning the embrace, an oh expression on everyone’s face. “Thanks for letting me do this.”
“Anything for my niece.” He pulls back; looking behind him at his crew setting up the multiple green screens and camera equipment. “Bout time you did a legit diss, that shameful shit was whack.”
She makes a face, spotting Jey at her side. “Not too much on Shameful, she got me through it all.”
Cliff raises his hands in defeat. “Do you baby girl. You know you say the word, "I got my guys on him.” She rolls her eyes, Her uncle stays wanting to put a cap on somebody, especially if someone messing with his family. She finally introduces them to her friends, mainly Jey. Who was protectively at her side. Cliff sizing him up inserts himself. “Joshua right?”
He nods, returning the same attitude. “Yeah.”
They stare each other down as Trinity pulls Soraya away from them to possibly do damage control. Bianca made her sit down as Trinity got her things out to do her hair. Soraya has to watch from a distance at her boyfriend and uncle having a stare-down, before they break into a union of laughter dapping each other up. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
“Girl, you didn’t tell me the Method Man was your uncle.” Bianca scolds almost, burning her head. “My bad.”
“That’s why and he's not by blood.” She’s touching up her makeup, adding some more details to her lips, smacking them together to evenly smear the gloss across them. “Just super close with my dad.”
“Shit, he's fine as hell.” Trinity sighs, putting an outfit together for her. “If I wasn’t married.” 
“If you weren't what?”
Their conversations come to a halt as their boyfriends join them. Jey going to sit in front of Soraya, watching her doll herself up. “Nothing.” Trinity deflects, hugging Jimmy’s waist. 
“Mhmm, Raya, you almost ready?” He asks, looking down at her. Bianca had finally finished her hair, letting her get up and grab the clothes Trinity picked for her. 
“Yeah.” She walks up to Jey, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “Going to get dressed.” He follows behind her, only to make sure no one walks in on her while she changes. She had wanted to talk to him as well; unsure of how he was feeling in all of this. 
“You look good.” He tells her, holding the discarded pieces of fabric, loving the way the new outfit shaped her frame. A shy grin on her face as she walked up to his leaning body perched on the metal frame. Her arms wrap around his neck. 
“Thank you.” She stands on her tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his lips. “You okay?” He shrugs, looking down at her. A slow lick of his lips as he trailed his eyes from her face to her body pressed against his. “How do you feel about me doing this?”
“I’m here to support you.” He gives her another chaste kiss, biting her lip in the process. “Let this be the last time you talk about him though.” A tiny whimper leaves her mouth at the loss of his on her own. He was cool with Soraya doing what she had to. However, if this doesn’t kill the shit then she was fighting a lost cause.
“It’s overkill at this point Soraya. I’m not staying in this relationship if you’re going to continue entertaining the nigga. Make it count.”  
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The empty warehouse was now set up with multiple green screens and cameras, a single microphone in the center as she stood behind it, Her uncle and his host doing their intro from or their radio station introducing Soraya as the beat started. The buzzing notifications in her friend's phone came out as this was being aired live across all social media platforms. 
The first line in her diss surprised everyone. “You might wanna watch your mouth, or watch your spouse. I’m that chick, I’ll make you want to slit your wrist. your nigga tryna kiss my pics.”
It wasn’t often Soraya sat down and truly dissed somebody, especially in freestyle while being recorded live for everyone to see at midnight. However, it was brought out of her and there was no turning back. As she continued, Jey wondered if this was her way of finally releasing any negative energy she was harboring over the situation. He had also wondered if she would do the same to him if they didn't work out. Regardless if it was mutual or night. He hated thinking that way. 
“Let’s clear shit out, lately it's been empty as the head that wears the crown. Niggas who want a bitch whose only talent is to mentally be challenged....” The short pause between bars; a mix of approval ooo's in the background. “chemically imbalanced.”
Yet, just seeing her in her element, the way all stress left her body in her movements, he still had to wonder how their story would end. Trinity notices the distant look in her brother-in-law's eyes, the wheels turning in his head. She instantly knew what he was thinking. “She’s not going to do you like she’s doing him.” She tells him.
“Yeah?” He looked at Trinity and then back at his girl. “How do you know?”
“She wouldn’t have gotten matching tattoos with you.” Only Trinity and Jimmy had noticed the butterfly on her leg that was eerily similar to the one Jey had on his arm. It was hard not to miss the garter-style tattoo on her leg. Trinity also saw it as a sign of her being in love. Growing up Soraya had told everyone her first tattoo would be a matching one with her future boyfriend to signify her being truly in love. She kept that to herself for Jey to find out.  
He takes the newfound information into account as he watches her, finally listening to the lyrics that she is spewing out.
“Nigga listen, I can’t really explain it, but, shit I’m famous so people gon draw the picture however they wanna paint it, ain’t it.” Her uncle is in the background running around with Montez, their actions warranted at the bar, sneaking a jab at the blogs telling false stories about her.
By this time, over a million people were turned in, constantly sharing their livestreams. What the people in the warehouse aren’t seeing on the green screen are multiple pictures of her and Dame, and how she started his career, providing proof that he was a narcissistic wanna-be rapper. Debunking all the claims that he put her on. 
“I’m the reason why you great nigga, I’m the one who got you eating medium and steak nigga.” If she had a real audience they would be dead as she devoured the switch-up of the beats, in the background her phone was going off with messages and notifications of people trying to save face. 
“I’m not the type to hit feet when I’m targeting chest, when I met a world peace put your art to the test and now went overheads.” She had been going on for two minutes now with no plans of stopping anytime soon. “This is something I have oversaid now it's just an overkill better yet it's over dead, over heads.”
Cliff had started to slow down the beat, signaling for her to stop at some point, but she still went in on the mic, rapping to no beat as she stared straight into the camera. “Zero effort, you have zero leverage. Text me on my phone and I’ll see at zero message.”
Soraya had released so much trauma into that freestyle, no longer caring about how she was going to be viewed, using this as a reference anytime someone brought up her past. Her focus now is on the man who loved her and showed it daily. She finally looked in his direction as they wrapped up. A silent conversation was being held between them from how they held each other’s gaze. Her feet moved toward his direction. The closer she gets, his arms open letting her wrap her arms around him, his own hugging her shoulders, with a gentle kiss to her temple.
“All good?”
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idontplaytrack · 3 days
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, some coarse language, implied smut at very end
In which AJ and reader bake a cake for their 3-month anniversary, but it turns into a big ‘ol mess.
Requested? Yes / No
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest and my own)
“So, what’re gonna do today, babe?” Asked AJ.
“Right?” You chuckle, leaning your head onto her shoulder for a moment. “What do you feel like doing?”
“I mean, three months is a bit of a big deal. A quarter of a year together.” AJ mentions, winding an arm around your waist while you snuggled closer to her chest.
“We could always…bake a cake? It’s a celebration, kinda. I think that calls for some cake.”
“Yeah, we could do that. Of course, honey.” AJ nodded, wrapping her other arm around you. She plants a kiss to the crown of your head, “How ‘bout we go do some grocery shopping? Get what we need and stuff.”
“Sure.” You looked up at her with a smile on your face. She looks down at you, “Let’s go, baby. Up we go.” Still in your pyjamas, you and AJ got changed then did the rest of your morning routines. “It’s barely past 8a.m.— you wanna take a drive into the city?” AJ suggests while brushing her hair, “The Targets are open already anyway.”
“Ooh.” You gasped, “Yeah, let’s do that. Can we go to Build A Bear too?”
AJ turned around to face you, “Sure we can.” She grins, “Should be fun. Haven’t been there in years. We said we have to stop having fun anyway?”
Once the both of you were ready, you guys got into her car and AJ started driving. It was an approximately two-hour drive from Rhinebeck into Manhattan. You dozed off for a but due to the motions of the car, but was soon woken up by the sounds of the city. “Shit, I was out for so long?” You grumbled. “It’s okay.” AJ flashes you a quick smile, “Don’t worry about it.” Finding a parking spot was proven to be quite the challenge, but she got that done. And soon enough, you and AJ were walking into the grocery store. She grabs a basket before you could. You offered to hold on to it, on account that she drove here, but she insisted.
“Hey.” AJ tapped your shoulder softly, “Why don’t we have a little fun? Let’s each go around the store and grab some stuff we think the other person will like.”
“Cute.” You laugh lightly.
“Let’s do a drink, a candy, a chocolate, a bag of chips and one more extra thing— whatever you think I’ll like and I’ll get you something that I think you’ll like.”
“Okie-dokie. Got it.”
“Let’s meet up near the checkout line in thirty minutes?” AJ continues excitedly.
“No problem.” You mirrored her smile.
“Good luck~” AJ teases.
“Won’t need it, babe.” You chuckle, turning around to go the other way.
You didn’t use up more than fifteen minutes to gather everything you knew she’d like, so you pretty much spent the remaining time roaming the store just to see it. Right before thirty minutes was up, you headed for the checkout line to meet with AJ— she walks up to you at the same time. You let her go ahead of you in the line since she was closer to it than you were. And when the cashier was scanning the items you looked at anywhere but her, not wanting to spoil the surprise for yourself. You two were out of there soon enough and went to put those bags in her car before taking the Subway to get to the store you wanted to go to.
“Oh, my God. This place looks so different than I remember it being.” You remarked once you set foot into the store.
“Are you talking about the colour scheme because this one kinda sucks?” AJ whispered.
“AJ!” You chided quietly, seeing a staff member approach.
“The use of primary colours their old layout was way better. This place looks like a hospital.” AJ continues.
“Okay, Kingpun.” You joked, “Should we go then?”
“No. No.” She says, “No, you wanted to come here so we’re gonna make whatever you wanna make before we go.”
“Making a matching one with me.” You requested.
“Yeah, of course.” AJ agrees immediately, eyes scanning the options before her. While it’s been years since either of you have been at Build A Bear, the process was pretty much self-explanatory so you two got through the whole thing without any problems. “These are not cheap.” AJ laughs, checking the prices of the tiny clothing on the shelves, “I get why my Mom never wanted me to go here.”
You guffawed, “Yeah, but it’s just one though, right? Since my Mom threw away my whole collection that I had gathered over like— thirteen years.”
“What? That is so— she just threw all of them out without asking you?” AJ squinted at you for a second before attempting to put a t-shirt on her teddy bear, “The head’s so big. How’d you even get it through?” AJ giggles, you told her, “I just squished it and pushed it through.”
“Well.” She bit back a grin, “Yeah, okay.”
“Okay, let’s go pay for these before we end up buying more stuff than we need.” You urged.
“For sure.” AJ agrees, “Come on, baby.” She took your hand and walked to the checkout.
“AJ, why did you pay for me? I could’ve—”
“I wanted to.” She smiled, fingers still interlaced with yours as you walked back to the Subway station. “It’s a gift, alright? Take it. You never want anything, anyway. So just…let me give this to you, hm?”
You sighed quietly, squeezing her hand, “Alright.”
After roaming the city for a little while, and a nice snack— you and AJ decided to it was a good time to drive back home. “Did you have fun?” She asks, hand smoothly finding its way to your thigh for comfort.
“Yep.” You confirmed, “I had a good time. Reliving my childhood and all, without the screaming in my face about prices over a tiny hoodie.”
AJ bit back a laugh which turned into a chuckle as she caresses your thigh, “I’m glad I could let you have a better experience.”
You looked over at her and smiled, “I still think my Mom could have been nicer to me about it. You know? I was what, five or six? And she just raised her voice at me instead of telling me no at a normal volume?”
She doesn’t really say anything, but her hand was still running up and your thigh and then giving it a squeeze.
You offered to take over and drive instead halfway through but AJ still insisted to finish it herself. “I can drive, you know that right? I’m not gonna crash your car.” You giggled.
“I know that.” She smiles while replying, “I just wanna do this, you know? I love having you in the passenger’s seat while I put my hand on your thigh. I don’t know what that’s about, but I just like it.”
You hummed in response, “Oh, okay.” Her thumb softly brushes across your skin at that, and you say, "I like it too."
AJ only smiles back at you while she kept her eyes on the road. You loved seeing her smile— it always made you so happy.
Once you and AJ arrived back at her house, you two were met with her Mom making lunch in the kitchen. "Wow, you girls were up early." Her Mom looks over her shoulder for a second.
"Hey, Mom." AJ went over to give her a hug, "We woke up early so we drove into the city for a bit. Got a few things since we're celebrating today. Three months." "Time flies, doesn't it?" Her Mom commented.
"Indeed." AJ agrees while you walked up to them. She presses a kiss to your cheek, "Hi." You gave her a small smile in return, "Wow, you're making those stuffed avocado bowls? Lucky me."
Her Mom laughs, "She says you like 'em. And I know you're here, so I decided to make this." "Aww. You did?" You looked at AJ.
"I mentioned that you liked it, yes. But you have also complimented her for this dish before, remember?" AJ teases, "Okay, we're gonna go freshen up then we'll be right back, okay, Mom?"
"Of course, mija. Go ahead."
After lunch, you asked AJ if she wanted to watch a movie. "You pick one, honey." AJ nodded in agreement, grabbing the remote to turn the TV on. She hands it over to you, then went to grab the two bags of snacks and things you both got from earlier. You took yours, she took hers, then she sat down, opening up her arms for you to get closer and snuggle with her. "This one?" Your eyes flicked up to look at her. "The Object of My Affection." She reads off the screen, "This is a good one, yeah, sure. Whatever you want." You pressed play and put the remote away. "Just so you know, it's you though." She says quietly, her chin resting on the top of your head.
You let out a small laugh, "Alright, flirty." AJ slides her hand down to find yours before intertwining your fingers together. "Wanna see what I got you?"
"Definitely." She peeks into her bag of stuff from you, "I love all of these, babe, thank you. What is— oh. These socks are so silly, I love them." You cupped her cheek and pulled her face closer to peck her on the lips, "You know me better than my Mom does, not gonna lie. Everything is spot on. Even the freaking candle I've been eyeing for like two weeks."
"You like?" AJ grins, licking her lips then kissing you this time.
"Are you kidding? Of course, I do." While she snacked on some Sour Patch Kids, you munched on a bag of chips that she got you, both of you now completely focused on the movie playing. You and AJ ended up watching another movie after this before deciding that you guys were bored. "Maybe take a nap." Her Mom suggested while doing her daily reading at the dining table.
"Great idea." AJ took you upstairs by the hand, "See you later, Mom." The older woman laughs, "Sleep tight."
Once AJ got comfortable, you rested your head on her chest while laying stomach down. Her hand tangles in your hair, giving your scalp a massage which was easily lulling you to sleep. "You okay?" She asks, a tiny bit concerned that you were this clingy.
You mumbled unclearly, nodding your head, "Can we bake a cake when we wake up?"
"Okay." AJ agrees readily.
"Promise?" You continued.
"I promise." She answered wholeheartedly.
A couple hours later, you and AJ were in the kitchen getting ready to bake a cake. She got the recipe from her Mom, then proceeded to gather the ingredients. While she read off the paper, you snuck a kiss to her shoulder and made her squirm while a smile was plastered onto her face. “Hey, you.” AJ locked eyes with you for a beat, “What ya doin’?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” She asked, playful glint in your eyes as you pulled away and looked at her.
“Kissing me?” She nearly snorted, setting down the bag of flour.
“What’s so funny?” You ask, pushing yourself to sit on the kitchen island.
“Nothing.” She tells you, “You’re cute.”
“You’re also pretty fucking cute yourself.” You cracked a smile, she steps closer to you.
“Charming.” She smiles pulling you close eagerly and pressing a kiss to your lips. You happily welcomed the contact, deepening it quickly. One of her hands rests on your hip while the other cups your cheek, her kisses were soft and warm and comforting— you just couldn’t stop. Her hand brushes against the bag of flour as you leaned back and you got an idea, sticking your hand into the open bag, you got some of the flour and sprinkled it on her face as soon as she broke away. AJ tries to keep a straight face but very quickly failed. “It’s on, baby. It is so on.” She had a devious little smile on her face as she swiftly retaliated, causing a squeal to burst out of your mouth before you jumped off the counter to run away from her.
“Hey!” You gasp, a hand on your hip while you glared at her when she threw a handful of the flour at you and successfully dirtied your shirt.
She couldn’t stop chuckling, “It’s hard to be intimidated by you, honey. You’re so small.”
Brushing it off your shirt as best as you could, you quickly ran for the bag pf flour on the counter to grab some so you could get back at her. She dodged, and hit you again. You yelped, “God, I suck.”
“You started it, you’re not gonna win though.” AJ smirked, “Are you gonna surrender?”
“Yes, but you gotta keep that bag so we both can’t touch it anymore. Whatever we need is already—”
“Girls.” You heard. Both of you turned to look at her mom so quickly. “Oh, no, I’m so sorry.” You gasped, horrified, “We’ll clean this up as soon as we get the cake in the oven.”
“Why do you have your phone up like that?” AJ pointed out, “Were you recording us?”
“Yeah.” She admits, “It was really cute. I’ll send it to you later.”
AJ laughs in disbelief, “Wow. Uh, thanks Mom.” With that being said, AJ grabs the broom and immediately swept up everything. “I’m s—”
“Don’t be.” Her Mom assured, “We all need to have some fun sometimes. I’ll be in my room, but save me a slice.”
“Sure thing.” AJ promised, putting away the broom and dustpan before washing her hands so she could finish mixing the cake batter. Once she put the cake pan into the oven, she focuses completely on you again. “Hi, pretty.” She says. With you leaning against the kitchen island, she places her palms on either side of you and successfully traps you. “Now, where were we?” She grins, tilting your chin up by the finger.
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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memyselfandmya · 1 day
10 days until JWCT
Okay, there's a lot to unpack here. Warning: New Content below this line.
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So, for starters, a full clip scene of Darius and Ben and omg I totally see the darker elements that the creators were talking about. I was so not expecting the dinosaur to jump through the window like that. Very CC S3-esque. What's this about a call, make that a prank call? That Ben didn't make apparently? The drama... And it definitely seems like there's some tension between Ben and Darius. What's going on with them? At the moment I don't have any coherent theories about this, and tbh I just want to see how it plays out. The animation is amazing and so is the attention paid to the background, there's so much detail. One thing I noticed in the background was a calendar and I'm wondering if it has importance.
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This is what I was able to get from the calendar. It's very blurry but there seems to be certain dates marked off. At first I was thinking the month displayed was September but then I took a closer look in another scene.
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In this screenshot the month looks like November and the X's are more clearly visible. I don't know if there's any significance to this and I could just be making something out of nothing.
So next up: the pictures. The first one is of Ben and Bumpy and while there's nothing particularly striking about the poster itself, the background is where my attention is at. I went through all of the content we've gotten so far to see where it might be located and the only one I came up with is possibly Sammy's house. The panelling is very rustic but it doesn't match the color scheme of Darius' cabin so that's my estimated guess with Sammy living on a (rustic) ranch. It could potentially be Ben's place as well. There's additionally a sign that says "...In this kitchen." I'm guessing it's some cheesy sign.
The third image (we're switching around) is in the same location however the poster gives us some new looks. It's Sammy and Ben at the fair that we first saw Sammy in which tells us that Ben (and possibly Darius?) are also there as well. They're standing in front of a broken gyrosphere and it seems to be on display. What I'm wondering is why it's on display and also how it got there. Perhaps it's some dinosaur themed fair of some sort. The caption says If it can happen, it will. Why do I feel like at some point they might drive the gyrosphere? Idk, it's stupid.
The second and the fifth also seem to have the same background. The direction poster features Darius and it looks almost like he's in a barn; he's got some hay behind him so could it possibly be Sammy's ranch? It could be another part of the scene we saw with Sammy running out of her house. The fifth one has an image of a dinosaur (do not ask me which one) but there's also a newspaper pinned up with a headline that reads "In a Simulat[ion]" What could that be about? My initial thoughts were that it was somehow about Mantah Corp Island bc of the fake climates and stuff but idk..
The third pic is the one I find most interesting. There's a lot of little details in the background and the poster is also really cool. It's definitely the desk of someone trying to uncover a mystery with the red string and push pins. There's a newspaper pinned up that also seems to be from The True Times with a headline that says "WHO ARE T[HEY]." Could this be about the Nublar six? There's also a few photos of dinosaurs. None of the sticky notes are legible but there are stickers or something. One that says "WHY?" another that says "[QUE]STION [EVER]YTHING." there's another one but I can't tell what it's actually saying. Also a random fuel tank thing? Wonder what that has to do with anything. This picture definitely seems to be targeting the conspiracy aspect of Chaos Theory and is 10/10 marketing.
Now my last point is that I believe there's a post for each of the campers (minus Brooklynn... rip) The loyalty one is obviously Ben's and the Direction one is most likely Darius'. I'm assuming that possibility is Sammy's and that Tranquility is Kenji's because he's in that one and lowkey looks lonely. Also that caption? Like ouch. Motivation I heavily believe is Yasmina's poster. "Your fears can't get you if you run fast enough." Like c'mon. It's obviously her's with her being a (former?) trackstar and also how we saw her anxiety/ptsd in the later seasons of CC.
All I know is that I need all of these posters for my bedroom, please and thanks. I'm genuinely so excited for it to come out. Just 10 more days!
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perfectly-uncapable · 4 months
making. little drawings??? WAAAAAAAH
i think im going to go insane
I DREW THAT????? my vision is on paper shhsgehzhzhz i feel INSANE everytime i look at it
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