#i just have to wander the house about it and tie things in my hair about it and do a wiggle dance and snack and what was i doing again
If only I had the patience, ability to sit and Do A Thing reliably for more than 15 minutes, and fleshy RAM to remember counts on things when crocheting/using my knitting machine it would be so fkn over I would have so many pixel blankets you don't even fkn know
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evergone · 8 months
Hey!! Idk know if you are taking requests right now but can you write a Theo x Hufflepuff reader imagine where the reader is always telling him to make friends from other houses. He finally does make friends but with a beautiful Ravenclaw and starts spending more time with her. The reader starts feeling insecure and ignores Theo. He soon realises that she is ignoring him and talks to her.
Btw I love your writing and can you please tag me if you do write it?
Too Friendly
Theodore Nott x reader
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex but no sex.
Description: The reader wants Theo to make more friends but when he does, she becomes insecure about their bond.
Sorry this took so long to get out, I'm in the middle of my final exams of high school so I don't have much time. I enjoyed writing this one. Thanks for the request @orphicmortala
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“It’s sad, Theo, you’ve got, like, no friends!” You said as you tried your best to remember how to tie your yellow tie.
“What do you call Malfoy, then?” Theo asked from the bed.
“An accomplice,” you replied with that unique snark that Theo loved about you, “You need friends from other houses— Friends that aren’t just me.” You added those final words hastily before he could open his mouth in protest.
Theo rolled his eyes and beckoned you over. His hands glided over the folds of your tie with expertise, undoing the mess of a knot you’d created in order to do it up properly and perfectly. When he was done, he looked up at you with his gorgeous, oceanic eyes and the corners of his mouth where both his beautiful lips connected turned upwards. You uttered your thanks quietly as you resisted the primal urge to just not go to class at all and instead spend the whole day with him. Your mind wandered off to imagine being stuck between Theo’s checkered emerald sheets, but you brought it back to reality.
Fending off your lustful desires as well as a nun would, you bid adieu to Theo and hurried out of his room and the Slytherin common room. On your way out, you dodged the teasingly crude jokes and names that Theo’s friends tossed towards you and told Pansy that she was no better than yourself (you’d seen the way she snuck out of that empty classroom after Draco a couple days earlier, her hair and clothes all dishevelled and her thighs rubbing together uncomfortably).
The whole day, Theo dwelled on your words. While you weren’t exactly dating or in a relationship, he always found himself bound to your every word and every whim. You seemed to dictate his life in a way that you certainly shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but listen to you. So, in Arithmancy, he didn’t sit next to Blaise as he usually did, instead electing to sit with Lisa Turpin, a Ravenclaw girl he’d seen you talk to a few times.
She looked at him in confusion, “Did you need something?”
He withheld the instinct to say some snide remark and instead replied, “I thought I’d make a new friend today.”
“On some random Tuesday… in our Sixth year?” Her face contorted to expose her obvious disgust.
“Merlin’s cock and balls, I’m trying to be nice, Turpin!” Theo frowned and picked up his bag to go sit elsewhere.
Turpin grabbed his wrist as he stood up and her lips made a thin line as she pulled him back down to the seat. Her brows knitted together like a homemade sweater and she breathed out a sigh of defeat.
“No, it’s okay, sorry,” she said, “Sit here if you’d like.”
Over the next week, Theo made some serious efforts to get to know Turpin despite his friends’ obvious, loud verbal opposition. After that first Arithmancy class, Blaise had practically torn him to shreds with his massive speech on house loyalty and the horrible impact that you were clearly having on him. Daphne had recited the same speech her mother had given to her on her first day of her first year at school about how interrelations with students from the lesser houses was a gateway drug to blood sympathy (she’d given him the same speech when he started his little thing with you). And Pansy, Merlin’s beard, Pansy was furious.
Pansy had constructed this whole idea in her mind that you hated that Theo was talking to Turpin. She called it “cheating” which Theo had adamantly disagreed with. He wasn’t having sex with Turpin, in fact, he had absolutely zero romantic interest in her. He barely even liked her. The only thing the two had in common was Arithmancy and every time they hung out they talked about it until there was no more Arithmancy to talk about. It was, quite frankly, boring. Turpin was boring.
“It’s emotional cheating,” said Pansy in a huff as she and the others started towards the Great Hall for Monday breakfast.
“Emotional cheating?” Theo asked skeptically.
“Yes, Nott, emotional cheating,” she nodded, “And it’s hurting Y/n’s feelings. That’s why she hasn’t spoken to you all week.”
His gaze snapped to focus on Pansy whose black eyes were ablaze with the feminine rage of a girl’s best friend, “How do you know she hasn’t spoken to me all week?”
Pansy smirked, her honey red lipstick bright against her pale skin, and shrugged. She knew you hadn’t spoken to him all week because you wouldn’t shut up about it. In Divination on Wednesday afternoon, you’d all but assaulted Pansy with questions about Theo’s newfound interest in Turpin. All of which Pansy had no helpful responses to.
“Is he flirting with her?” You asked.
“Maybe, I don’t know, it’s not like they sit with us,” said Pansy, struggling to focus on the crystal ball with all your chatter.
“Why not? Why don’t they sit with you? Are they trying to be private?” You pushed almost frantically.
“Uh, possibly? Honestly, I just think he knows we don’t like her,” she explained.
“Why don’t you like her? Is she a bitch?” You frowned and then quickly added in a judgmental tone, “Or are you just being blood supremacists?”
“Is she a mudblood?” Pansy stopped working to stare at you.
You smacked her hand and she hissed, “I don’t know her that well. Don’t say that.”
When Theo and his friends finally arrived at the Great Hall, he searched the tables for your face. While most people usually stuck to their house’s table, you were a social butterfly and loved to flutter from table-to-table to talk to all of your many friends. Sometimes he wondered how you weren’t a prefect despite your popularity and the respect the younger years gave you. His eyes found Turpin first and she beamed and waved him over, but he blatantly ignored her. Pansy and Daphne watched on with delight as the girl cringed with embarrassment and turned back to her meal with bright red ears.
A spot of h/c hair floated above a robe lined with yellow and he abandoned his friends to go to you. You were standing at the end of the Hufflepuff table (not an unusual place to find you, but your favourite table was always the Slytherin one), and you were utterly consumed by a tale you were sewing for your housemates Hannah Abbott and Justin Finch-Fletchley.
“Y/n,” Theo spoke and his deep, smokey voice tore you straight out of your conversation, “Can we talk?”
Your eyebrows quivered and your blinking sped up as you took his appearance in for the first time all week. You hadn’t gone so long without speaking to him in at least three years (you got into an argument in your third year about the petrifications) and hearing his voice and seeing him so close was like throwing a former alcoholic into a sea of wine. There was nothing you wanted more than to indulge in him. But Hannah and Justin were glaring at him like hawks, or guard dogs, whichever was more intimidating.
“Um,” you glanced back at your friends and Hannah shook her head slightly, she’d never much liked Theo, “Sure.”
Hannah rolled her eyes and whispered something barely audible to Justin. Something about a “love-fucked pushover.” You ignored her. Theo took you to a pair of seats far from any prying ears and held your hands in his.
“You know I don’t like Turpin, right?” He said quietly.
You scoffed, “Yeah, right. And that’s why you spent all week with her.”
“I spent all week with her because you told me to!” He laughed with salt that spread itself over your wounded heart.
“Did I just? Because I really don’t remember saying ‘Hey, Theo, you know how I like you so much? I actually want you to go talk to another girl,’” you said sarcastically.
He held back a grin as best he could but the amusement glistened in his eyes and on his rosy, mole-spotted cheeks. His hand came up to your brow and massaged the frown out from between your eyebrows as you fluttered your eyelashes at him in the way you knew made him melt inside.
“I wanted to make friends for you,” he told you with that soft, romantic tone he used in bed.
“Don’t,” you ordered, “You’re Theodore Nott, you aren’t supposed to be friendly.”
For the first time in a week, he got a good look at you. He hadn’t realised how much he missed the sight of your h/l h/c hair and the way it framed your stunning face so perfectly that you appeared to have stepped right out of a portrait. He hadn’t realised how much he missed how your eyes, an elegant e/c and perpetually glossy as if always on the verge of tears, examined every centimetre of his face. He hadn’t realised how much he missed doing your tie up for you until he saw it tied like a bow around your neck.
“I’m friendly to you,” he said as his hands pulled at the end of the tie and it fell apart over your chest.
“And that’s all you need, I think,” you whispered pleasantly and pressed a loving kiss to his lips as he looped the tie around itself twice and pushed the end through the gap, tying it perfectly.
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sinsandsweetness · 10 months
I’m thinking of any of the boys, how would they react to being teased with? And I don’t mean oh that’s cute- I mean hardcore teasing. I’m thinking wearing cute outfits or saying things in the vicinity of the boys, where they can’t do anything about it. I might have asked this before so if I did, oops. but I’m never without a backup! I love the scene Aaron meets Rick and Michonne, them jumping out of bed. But what if it was the reader and Rick or the reader with Daryl or Rickyl or….? “tell your mom and dad…”
“huh?” Carl rolls his eyes at who it is and calls them gross and lame. Lol (idk; that’s what my teen would have done)
Hehe ok I’m using this as a little bonus blurb for poison… I promise part 4 is coming soon but here’s something to tie us all off in the meantime <3
“You gotta tell her to cut it out. I can’t believe I’m bricked up at a children's birthday party, right now.” Shane slumps down next to Rick. Visibly irritated, grabbing the throw pillow from beside him, and placing it in his lap to conceal the tent in his blue jeans.
“Why don’t you tell her?” Rick asks.
They both look over at you from their spot on the deck. Watching you throw neon rings into the water from the side of the pool. Entertaining the half a dozen 10 year olds whose parents are all too busy getting drunk in your parents house, to look after their own children.
“You’re the only one she actually listens to.”
Rick just shakes his head with a little huff, “She’s a fuckin’ brat. Doesn’t listen to anyone.”
You know they're watching you. They have been all day. From the second you asked Rick to help tighten the strings of your bikini top, you had them in a damn trance. Unable to control their constant wandering gaze.
“What kinda swimsuit is that? Barely even covers her nipples.” Shane whines.
“She’s doin’ it on purpose. Tryna get a reaction out of you. And it’s workin’, so just… quit starin’. She’ll give it up soon enough.”
“I need her to put a shirt on before I cream my frickin’ jeans, Ricky. Go on and tell her that.”
“Tell her what?” Daryl interjects the conversation with gifts from the garage. He hands the two men a beer, plopping down on the love seat across them.
“Tell her to quit teasin us’. It ain’t funny and she ain’t bein’ very subtle about it either.” Shane nods over at you. Unfortunately for him, you catch his stare and wave back at him. A sweet, innocent little wave that sends butterflies swarming around in his gut.
“Shit.” Shane shifts his gaze to the floor.
“Made eye contact. She’s coming over.”
They all share a look before you reach the couch. Dripping wet and wringing out your hair with a towel.
“Hey,” You plop down next to Daryl, the only open seat available.
“You’re soaking.” He complains, moving further into the armrest.
“What? You afraid of a little water?” You tease, over aware of the clenched jaws staring you down from the couch.
He lets out a little grunt, sipping his beer to distract himself from your practically naked legs, brushing up against his jeans.
“Shoot, I think I’m starting to burn,” you act all concerned, looking down at your decolletage and running delicate fingers over your sun kissed skin, “think one of you could reapply for me?” You ask, reaching for the coffee table where your sunscreen so conveniently happens to be sitting right in front of the three men.
You see Shane’s fist tighten around the beer as he struggles to avoid your gaze.
“Shane?” You ask, knowing he’s always the first to break for you.
“Me..?” he looks over at Rick and sighs, tipping his head back. Asking god why the hell he was testing him so hard today.
Rick lets out an involuntary groan at his friend’s attitude.
“Alright, get over here.” He waves you over, snatching the bottle from your hands.
You stifle your laugh by biting your lip. Practically crawling over Daryl to reach Rick’s lap. Sitting down, bikini bottoms dampening his denim clad thigh, though he doesn’t complain. He just takes the sunscreen and squeezes a generous amount on his hands. Handing you the bottle back and rubbing the cream together before starting on your shoulders.
You sigh at his touch, leaning your head to the side and pulling your hair out of the way to give him better access to your back.
“I know what you’re doing.” His voice is low in your ear. Lips dangerously close to your neck. “Ain’t foolin anybody. Acting like a damn brat. Teasin’ us right in front of your daddy…” he chuckles. His breath sends goosebumps down your spine as his hands rub the muscles on your back.
“I- don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” you play dumb. Lids fluttering closed at the wonderful sensation of Rick's fingers working at the knots between your shoulder blades. Gliding back and forth and then slipping down to your lower back. Where his touch starts feeling less like a massage and more like a tickle. Threatening to send a shiver through your body.
“Sure you do,” he slides his hands down to your hips, grabbing on to you and pulling you even further into his lap, the sudden movement makes your breath hitch in your throat. “You know exactly what you’re doin’. Know exactly what game you’re trying to play. Guess you didn't realize that we might know how to play too, hm?” He uses his grip on your hips to grind you down on his lap, and the huge bulge that’s making the front of his jeans so tight.
Your eyes go wide at his boldness. Knowing that any of your fathers friends could see from their various spots all over the yard. Hell your father could see if he just turned away from his conversation with Deanna. Fortunate for you, they’re all too focused on their own conversations to pay attention to the borderline filth happening on the patio furniture.
“I- I wasn't-“
“See boys? She sure loves to dish it out but the second you start dishin’ it back,” he huffs a laugh before continuing, “she turns into a needy, little mess.”
pick your poison taglist- @rickswh0r3 @elnyrae @catt-leya @murder-jacket @miinbun @ankhmutes @eternalrose81 @cl0wnb0yyy @grimesthinker @whatthefuuuck @imyourbratzdoll @olive3oil @taylormarieee @spidermonkey2423 @fanngirl19
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stairain · 1 year
I know your wife and she wouldn’t mind.
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Even though he's married to someone else, Spencer can't resist taking care of you every time you show up on his doorstep.
Warnings: Dom Spencer, Age gap (Reader is in her 20s, Spencer is in his 30s), fingering, praise, Spencer is cheating on his wife with you, restraining, threatening, dumbification (?), minor corruption kink, he's very gentle with you. 
WC: 3.2K
You’re nervously standing outside of Spencer’s house, you had made sure there was only one car in the driveway, but you were still on edge. You had knocked a few moments ago, and when he finally opens the door, you smile up at him and your eyes wander into the house behind him. 
"She's not home, is she?" You asked in a hushed voice with a mischievous smirk on your face. He knew you were talking about his wife.
"No, she's not home." His voice was calm. He didn't move at first, but a smirk quickly developed on his face. 
"I'm afraid I'm all you have to work with today." He teased as he stepped aside to let you in, placing a hand on your lower back to guide you in. 
You chuckle softly at his joke before stepping in the doorway. As soon as he closes the door, you quickly push him against it, and pull him into a passionate kiss. 
His eyes widen a bit as you pull him into a kiss. He quickly reciprocates as his hands reach up to hold your shoulders. You two kiss deeply for several seconds before he reluctantly pulls away. 
"What was that for?" He laughed softly and brushed some hair out of your face when he finished talking. "Not that I'm complaining."
“Missed you, a lot.. So annoying only being able to see you when she’s at work.” You pull him into another kiss, not giving him the time to reply.
"Hey, hey! Alright, alright!" He chuckles and returns the kiss. He is surprised for a moment, but he gets over it quickly. They kiss deeply again. After a long moment, he finally pulls away. He chuckles and smiles at you. 
“Eager today, I see" His eyes are still wide in surprise. You blush and bite your lip. “Sorry.. Just missed you.”
“This is becoming a regular thing, huh?"
“It can be if you want it to..” 
Your hands reach out and start playing with his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt. He chuckles and puts his hands on your hips, letting you undress him.
"You do know what will happen if we get caught, right? I could lose everything. I want to do this as much as you do, but we can't have my wife finding out. Or anybody finding out." 
“Don’t worry, Sir. I won’t tell anyone.” You lean in to kiss his neck now that you’ve unbutton the collar of his shirt.
"God, that feels good." He lets out a soft groan as you kiss his neck. "Just be careful, alright? If anyone finds out that we're doing this I..." He trails off, seemingly unsure what to say. It’s clear that he’s concerned about this, but he cares about you too much to stop now.
“I know, I know..” You hush him as you unbutton the rest of his shirt, and open it so his chest is bare. You run your fingers down his abs.
The feeling of your hands on him, it riles him up quickly and he kisses you deeply again. He moves his hands behind your back before picking you up and carrying you over to the couch. He sits down and moves you into his lap, kissing you again. 
You let out a short moan at the feeling of his carrying you, and when you’re both settled on the couch, you move to kiss his neck again.
Your lower body begins to grind against his, and you moan against his neck at the feeling of your clothed clit rubbing against the rough fabric of his pants. “How much longer until she’s home, Sir?”
"She won't be home for a couple of hours.." He chuckles at your impatience. "What's gotten into you?"
“Hopefully you..” You wrap your hands around his jaw and pull him into a messy kiss.
“What's got you so worked up today, angel?" He pulls away after a long moment and looks at you with a smirk. He waits for an answer, as curious as ever.
The movements of your body against his don’t cease, and you try to answer through your soft moans 
“I-I was.. I saw you two.. At the store together.. God I was so jealous.. She doesn’t know that you’re mine.” You press your mouth closely to his ear so he can hear every gasp, moan, and whimper that left your mouth.
His eyes widen as you mention his wife. He starts to put things together, and after a moment he lets out a soft laugh. 
"Oh, so that's why you have such a fire in you right now. You're competing with my wife, huh?" He chuckles and kisses your neck. He's not angry, but he is amused by the thought of the two of them competing for his affection.
You laugh and scoff at his comment. You press your hips down harder, the friction making you dizzy. “You know there’s no competition, Sir.. You are mine.”
He holds back a laugh and moves his hands to your back. He whispers into your ear. 
"Well, I'm glad you're so sure of that. You're very possessive. Do you want me all to yourself?" 
His voice had a teasing tone as he spoke.
“I already have you all to myself. I know you don’t touch her like you touch me..” And to prove his point, you grab his hand and place them on your ass. He subconsciously grabs a handful and grips at you hard.
“Oh, you do, huh?" His voice is soft and teasing, but he can't deny that you have a point. "Well, you make a strong argument, I'll give you that. If you're so sure of yourself that you're the only one for me, then I suppose it's not a problem if we keep doing this right?"
“It’s only a problem if you make it one, Sir. You don’t say a word to anyone, and I won’t either.” You pull back from his neck and look up into his hazel eyes.
"And what if my wife finds out?" He stares straight into your eyes, not looking away as he speaks. 
"What if she sees me with you, hm?" There is still an element of risk at play, no matter what he does or what they agree upon. You seem very certain that you are the only one for him, but he’s not sure you’re willing to take the risk of his wife finding out. 
You shook your head and pushed his hair out of his face and behind his ear. “She won’t.. I’ll only come over when she’s not here.. And you can always come over to my place when you want.”
He sighs heavily at your suggestions and runs his free hand through his hair. 
"Just be careful, please. If I lose my job, or worse... I don't think I'd be very forgiving.” 
Nodding, you promise you understand the severity of it all. 
“You've got me in a tough spot here, you know? I don't know what I'll do if you cause any problems, but I'll definitely have to do something. Understand?" He seems serious about the threats, but it is still mostly for show. He cares for you too much to want to hurt you, but you need to know that this isn't something to be taken lightly.
But his tone is serious, strict, and extremely sexy. And even though he was threatening you, you couldn’t help the way your body filled with arousal at his voice. 
“I understand, Sir.”
"Good." He smiles. "You don't tell anybody. And I do mean anybody. Got it?" He leans in and kisses your neck to soften the warning. He's strict and serious, but he still cares for you like nothing else.
“I know, Sir.” His cold tone frightens you a bit, but you know that this is a serious matter. If you two get caught, it’d be over.
"I'm glad you understand. You have been warned, so I hope I don't see you causing any problems in the future." He smiles and leans in for another kiss. 
"Now, why don't you show me why you came here today, huh?" He chuckles as he pulls you closer in his lap, clearly excited to get started.
You nod at his warning, as well as his question. After hearing his chuckle you know he’s loosened up a bit. Your hands reach down to the hem of your shirt, and you slowly pull the fabric up your body, exposing your stomach to him.
His eyes light up when you do that and his face goes through a range of emotion. Excitement is definitely at the top of that list. As he looks down, he can't help but let out a passionate groan. 
"That's what I'm talking about.. You're so gorgeous, baby." He lets out another soft moan.
You pull the shirt over your chest, exposing your dainty bra to him. A teasing smile paints your face.
He bites his lip as he looks at you, his eyes fixated on you and his heart skipping a beat as you tease him. "You're killing me, love." His voice is soft and breathy.
“You like it? I got it at the mall yesterday, just for you.” Your voice is soft as you pull the rest of the shirt over your head. “You can touch it..”
"You really did all this for me?"
He slowly moves his hands towards the bra and begins to move the fabric around. His eyes remain on you the entire time, though.
“Just for you..” You bite your lip and your eyes flutter shut at his touch on your body. “I’m all yours, Sir.”
"God, that's just what I wanted to hear."
He leans down and kisses you deeply. He runs a hand through your hair as he kisses you and his other hand keeps moving, gently pulling on the fabric as he tries not to tear anything.
“You want it off, Spence?” You whisper lowly in his ear. The atmosphere is quiet and comforting, and you can only hope you’d be treated the same way the gentle setting makes you feel.
"I want to see you. All of you." He lets out a soft laugh. "So, yes. I want it off."
You nod and your small fingers find the hooks at the back of the bra, and you begin to undo them. You can feel his predatory gaze in you, and soon enough you’re pulling the straps down your arms, exposing your chest to him. You can’t help but feel shy under his gaze, small, even. You attempt to cover yourself with your arms.
Spencer’s eyebrows furrow when you try to hide yourself.
"Don't hide. You look so beautiful."
His tone is gentle and calming, hoping to make you less shy and more comfortable.
"It's okay.." He speaks softly but quickly. "Show me everything."
His comforting tone sends shivers up your spine and causes your exposed skin to line with goosebumps. You nod slowly before hesitantly dropping your arms to your sides, presenting your chest to him.
That sends a tingle down his spine. "God, you're gorgeous, babe." 
The older man takes a minute to stare at you. He's awestruck, not having much to say as he takes in the sight. Finally, he speaks again. "I think I'm going to have to give you a special reward for being so brave for me like that, huh?"
You blush at his mention of a reward. “What kind of reward?”
"I'll let you guess." He winks at you, his voice still soft and breathy. His eyes move up and down your body, showing exactly why he's such a good profiler. "You're a smart girl. I'm sure you can figure it out." His tone is teasing and he smiles warmly at you as he waits for your answer.
You stay quiet and pout slightly. “I don’t know, Spence.. Can you tell me, please?”
He lets out a soft laugh when you pout. "Well, since you've asked so nicely..." He smiles before moving closer. "How about I try this?" 
He leans in and kisses your neck softly, his lips moving slowly, almost like he's afraid to ruin the moment, or hurt you. "How does that feel? You like that, don't you?" He looks up at you when he speaks, his eyes sparkling as he waits for your reaction.
At his touch, you immediately shiver, and gentle moans leave from between your lips. “Y-Yeah.. I do.”
"That right? How about this?" Without warning, he goes lower than before, kissing you on the shoulder. He kisses you softly at first, hoping to tease you, but he starts to kiss you a little harder after a moment. 
"Feels nice, huh?" He whispers as he keeps kissing your shoulder. "Do you want me to keep going? Maybe a little lower than that?"
“I.. I want whatever you want, Sir..” You close your eyes and let yourself get lost in the feeling of pure pleasure. “Do what you would like to, Sir.. You know what’s best for me.. Always.” You feel yourself slipping deeper and deeper in this euphoric headspace the more he talks to you in that low voice and drags his kisses gradually lower down your trembling body.
"My good girl." He smiles. He adores the way you give yourself to him completely. He goes even lower and kisses right on top of your collarbone, before going lower again. He starts down your chest, still kissing you softly, and he doesn't stop until he is right on top of the swell of your breasts.
You sigh happily at his praise, and simply let him touch you. You were nothing but a doll to him at this point.
“If I go lower, and you want it..." His voice is soft and breathy, as always. "You let me know, okay?" 
“Yes, sir..” You sound so spaced out at this point, like his hold on you is the only thing keeping you grounded.
"That's my good girl..." He's obviously pleased with himself that he can get you into this sort of headspace. He smiles at you as he slowly starts to move his hands under your breasts, gently squeezing them. "You want me to go lower, baby?"
“Please…” Is all you’re able to say, or rather, moan.
“That’s what I thought..”
It’s a blur to you, but when you come back to your own present consciousness, your back is pressed against his chest, and your legs are spread as you sit in his lap. 
You’re trembling against his hold as your wrists are held together by one of his strong hands. They’re pressed against your shoulder, to make sure you can’t even try to move and stop him.
Spencer’s other hand moves down to your spread thighs, and runs the rough pads of his fingers over your weeping cunt. You don’t know when he removed your panties, but at least they were out of way now. 
You clench at the feeling, and sob out a moan. Your noises only grow louder when his fingers start circling over your sensitive clit. Your legs threaten to close, but with the way they’re planted over his, he’s practically forcing them open. 
Throwing your head back in a whimper, you squeeze your eyes shut at the feeling of him touching you. Spencer’s fingers suddenly dip inside your tight dripping pussy. 
Your mouth drops open in a loud moan and cry, not used to the feeling after so long. Despite the force used to control you, the way his index finger and middle finger fuck into you is nothing short of gentle and calculated. You’re shaking in his hold. 
“You know I’ve got you, angel. Calm down..”
You sniffle and nod nonetheless, and the way his two fingers press in and out of you is utterly delicious. You’re wet, no- you’re soaked, and it becomes all the more apparent when the speed of his thrusts increases, and a loud squelching noise comes from your cunt every time. 
Your pussy is swallowing his fingers up, and he’s groaning at how easily you take him. 
“So fucking small, yet you take my fingers like it’s no problem.. Hm?”
The man leans down to moan in your ear as his movements become more aggressive. You choose to nod at his words, as the only thing coming out of your mouth are sobs of pleasure. He’s got you spread out for him, and it’s impossible to even try to escape. Tears are streaming down your face at how good it feels to have him forcing himself inside of you like this. 
“Sp-Spence.. Sir.. sir. I-I.. I’m..”
You can't even bring yourself to speak, but it’s not like he wanted you to anyways. In an instant, his fingers speed up thrusting into your soft walls and his grip on your wrists tightens. He leans down to your ear and coos. 
“Shh.. shhh. I know, sweetheart, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” 
You nod and try to stifle your noises, not wanting to make him upset. 
“Sorry.. Sir.. I’m sorry..”
“It’s alright, my sweet girl.”
He presses a firm kiss against your cheek before speeding up his fingers. As you’re writhing in his arms, his words ghost your ear. 
“You wish you could touch yourself, don’t you?”
He asks, practically growling in your ear. You sniff and shake your head quickly. 
“That’s what I thought, doll. No one does it better than I do.. Isn’t that right?”
You nod your head as his words are hammered into your head. No one knew how to use you like he did.
“You won’t ever need anyone else but me, got it?” 
With the way he’s talking to you, calling you sweet names in that deep, raspy voice and with the way he’s fucking you with his fingers so deeply, you know you’re about to burst. 
In addition to the fingers inside of you, he peeks his thumb out and begins to rub tight circles over your neglected clit. 
And that’s what sends you over the edge. In an instant you’re clenching around his digits and throwing your head back in pure ecstasy. Your dripping pussy is sucking his fingers deeper inside of you as you cum around them. 
You’ve absolutely soaked the fabric of his pants underneath you, as well as the skin of his fingers. You can hear just how sticky you’ve become. There’s strings of your cum coating your shaking thighs, and your release on his fingers starts to turn foamy with how fast he’s still fingering you. 
Your mouth is still dropped as moans and whimpers spill uncontrollably out of your bitten lips. 
“There you go.. My sweet girl.”
Your dom’s movements begin to come to a halt, slowing down his thrusts, trying not to deprive you of the feeling too quickly. He was so gentle with you, even when he wasn’t. 
When his fingers finally leave your poor abused cunt, he brings them to his mouth, and thoroughly cleans them off of any remaining sticky slick. 
His eyes back into his head at the taste of you on his tongue. Once he removes his fingers from his mouth, he shoves them into yours, just for good measure, a final tell of how he owns you.
“Next time you’re over here, angel, I’m eating that sweet little pussy of yours, understood?”
Even through the wrecked state your orgasm has left you in, and even with his fingers shoved deep in your wet mouth, you manage to force out your words.
“Whatever you want, Sir..”
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happyhauntt · 3 months
famous last words — james potter
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: you and james are sworn enemies. you quite like it that way.
─── pairing: james potter x quidditch player!reader.
─── warnings: fluff, banter, swearing. if you're a reader of my cedric series oh, captain! then you might find this familiar, it's a reworked version of chapter three. this was so much fun honestly i love sassy stuff like this.
─── word count: 2.1k.
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     BY THE TIME THE TRAIN WHISTLES ITS ARRIVAL AT HOGSMEADE STATION, all you really want to do is go to bed. The golden glow of warmth has suffused your bones completely, lulling you into a delightfully sleepy state. You're curled up against the window when your friend Beth jostles you awake and practically carries you off the train, where you are utterly unsurprised to learn that the weather is terrible.
     The downpour does a spectacular job at waking you up. Droplets of freezing rain slip past the collar of your shirt and down your spine before you manage to pull your cardigan up over your head. A disgruntled scowl tugs at your lips as you race ahead of Beth to get a space on one of the carriages. Once you are safely situated in the dry, you look out into the rain, expecting to see Beth scarpering up the platform right behind you. Instead, she's sauntering towards the carriage, a wide smirk on her face, happy and dry beneath one of the big black umbrellas Hagrid is handing out on the platform.
     You frown, folding your arms over your chest, feeling distinctly soggy. Beth climbs into the carriage, giggling as she sits down beside you. You merely stick your tongue out at her.
     "Hey," Beth says, folding the umbrella back up before raising her hands in defence, accidentally splashing you both with rainwater, "you're the one who ran away. Don't blame me for being more observant."
     "I reject that," you reply indignantly. Beth offers up a hair tie from her wrist and you take it, still scowling, to tie your damp hair into a messy ponytail. "I am absolutely observant. Just not... all the time." Which basically means where sports isn't involved. Teachers have noted in their reports that you're easily distracted in class, with a mind that tends to wander rather than focus on the task at hand. Your mother used to call it butterfly brain. Thoughts light as air, settling down on one flower for a few moments until a prettier, more interesting flower comes into view. She didn't mean to make you feel bad about that, but it doesn't help when all your teachers are saying the same thing.
     The prettier flower is usually Quidditch. With a muggle upbringing, you hadn't been exposed to the brilliance of magic until a mysterious letter appeared on your eleventh birthday (delivered, you recall, stern-faced woman in peculiar emerald robes. If you'd known then that Professor McGonagall's first impression of you would be a wide-eyed child whose front tooth had just been knocked loose by a rogue cricket bat, well, you probably would've died of embarrassment. Now she's your Head of House. And most unfortunately, that's not the only time she's seen you missing a few teeth.) When you got to Hogwarts and saw students playing Quidditch for the first time, whizzing like arrows through the air on actual broomsticks— You'd been in love with the sport ever since.
     Almost every corner of your brain is taken up by Quidditch. A hundred different game plans and plays running on repeat. So Beth is totally wrong; you are very observant., and you are never more observant than when your eye is on the prize.
     This time, though, the prize was shelter. Skittering off through the downpour to get to the carriage without properly checking your surroundings wasn't the smartest route, but it worked. Sort of.
     Your pride hurts a little bit.
     Beth's just about done laughing at you when a knock on the carriage exterior catches your attention. A familiar face appears at the door. "Is there any room in here?" James Potter's smile is crooked, and his dark hair is damp and floppy from the rain, water dripping from the strands into his face. Bright eyes dart back forth between you and Beth, and suddenly you remember that only almost every corner of your brain is occupied by Quidditch.
     There's a stubborn little spot right in the middle, little more than a speck, really — but it's filled with nothing else but James fucking Potter.
     "There was a mass exodus from the train as soon as it arrived," he continues as his glasses start to fog up, "and the only other carriage left is full of second-years."
     Oh, you feel that one in your soul. Second-years are okay, sometimes, but usually they're excitable, too ready for the start of another year at magic school, and thus only bearable in small doses. By third year, the excitement is all about getting to choose which classes you take, and you understand this to a degree (you chose Divination, which sounded cool at the time but was an absolute fucking mistake, because you might enjoy the spooky muggle stuff but predicting the deaths of all your friends is not fucking fun, no matter how good your end-of-year grade was for it ) but the novelty quickly wears off.
     You suppose that's why James has chosen to risk his life by sitting in a confined space with you, instead. The three of you are well-seasoned veterans of Hogwarts and its bullshit by this point and, as a result, are appropriate company.
     The fact that both of you are his teammates is probably a nice bonus, too.
     You, however, offer a merciless smirk. James Potter is, without doubt, your worst enemy, and it fills you up with glee to inconvenience him at any opportunity. "You snooze, you lose, Potter. Off to the second-years you go!" You even make a shooing motion, just for good measure.
     Beth smacks your arm and rolls her eyes, offering James a pleasant smile. "There's loads of room, ignore them," she says, and while you're busy dramatically rubbing your arm and muttering expletives, James takes a seat on the bench opposite you. Rain hammers against the roof, somehow louder than it was a moment ago, and a self-satisfied grin creeps onto his face as the carriage begins its journey to the castle.
     "Where are the rest of the merry morons, then?" You ask, quirking a brow at him. You're pretty sure you can count on one hand the number of times you've seen James without at least one of his comrades in mischief. Frankly, it's rarer than spotting a unicorn in the wild. You wonder if you should take a picture to commemorate the occasion.
     He looks sheepish as he pulls his glasses off to wipe away the condensation. "Lost a bet."
     He doesn't elaborate, and you don't care enough to ask him to. You've been at school with them long enough to know that, honestly, it's probably best not to know.
     Beth reaches out and plucks a stray leaf from your hair. She waves it in your face, tickling your nose gently before letting it flutter to the ground. You slip your hand into hers, linking your fingers together. Beth is soft and sweet when she wants to be, and you're certain there's not a soul in the world who knows you this well. She has wormed her way into your heart, and you'd have to carve it out of your chest to be rid of her now.
     "Does anyone know who our captain is yet?" You ask aloud, after a few seconds of silence have passed. You're tired enough to curl up on the floor of the carriage and fall asleep right then and there, lulled by its gentle rocking and pitter-patter of the rain, but you should probably be conversational. There's very little worse than awkward silence, especially with James sitting there, staring at you with that dopey half-smirk on his face.
     You want to smack him. You want him to think you're extraordinary. You're not quite sure how to cope with such emotional extremes, but there they are, coexisting at the front of your mind. They war with each other, an itch you can't scratch because if you, you'll keep going until there's blood.
     His, preferably.
     It's not even that you hate James. Not really. You used to, only a year or so ago, because he made it so easy. With his smug little smile and the skip in his step, with his quips and jokes and way his hair curls over his brow, you'd fucking despised him. He'd set himself up as your rival back in second year, when you made the Gryffindor team at the same time. With the blurred stretch of years between then and now, you can't remember quite how it began, or what he did precisely that sparked this eternal grudge, but what followed is years of goading one another, pushing and pushing and pushing to outdo one another.
     The rivalry has made you so much better than you ever could have dreamed. Quidditch is your life and honestly, without James Potter, you're not sure where you'd be with it. Still good, perhaps. But maybe not very nearly the best.
     (You'll die before you tell him that, though. Or he will. You're not that picky and he does seem to have a death wish.)
     The carriage jolts as one of the wheels dips into a pothole. The thought of skipping the feast entirely sneaking past Professor McGonagall to go straight to your dorm is a tempting prospect. You know Beth won't let you do it, because if she has to sit through Dumbledore's speech then she'll drag you down with her, but it might be worth a shot.
     The silence persists for a few more seconds, growing steadily more awkward. When no one responds to your question, you press on. "We should've heard by now, right? Team captains get picked in the summer, and we need a new one because Hilary graduated last year." Do you sound a little bit agitated by your teammates' lack of urgency? Yes. Just a touch. But the look on Beth's face is fucking suspicious, and James... Well. He looks like he'd rather die.
     You narrow your eyes. "What are you not telling me? Spit it out, the pair of you."
     James coughs once, raising a hand to cover his mouth as he does so. For once the typical arrogance is gone, washed away with the rain. He looks dreadfully uncomfortable, turning bright red as he bashfully says, "Well. Uh. I am, I suppose. The new captain, that is." He has the good sense to look frightened.
     You hope, suddenly, that his cough means he caught pneumonia or something. Nothing fatal, obviously, but just enough to put him out of commission for a little while. You don't really mean it (you're not quite as horrible as some people would like to think) because James is one of the best on the team. Sometimes, you'll begrudgingly admit that he's even the best on the team   ━   but only if you get to be second best, obviously.
     Which is why you're a little shocked, of course, but not surprised. Not surprised at all, because he is good. Even as you sit there, pondering the many ways you could kill him and make it look like an accident, you know he's good. Too fucking good.
     Which is why you say, "Tell me you're kidding."
     James furrows his brows. "I'm not kidding?"
     You can feel Beth's shoulders shaking beside you, trying desperately to smother her amused cackles. James' expression softens a little as he realises this is a joke, sort of, and he begins to grin.
     "No, really," you say, this time the hint of a smile forming on your own lips, "tell me you're kidding. I'm begrudgingly proud and all that, because it had to be one of us," you wave your free hand at him, you'll have the captaincy one day, "but also, like, tell me it's a joke."
     "Because I'm genuinely considering pushing you out of this carriage."
     James shrugs his shoulders, as if to say 'yeah, that's fair.' He gets it, he really does. You love that someone gets it. "It's not a joke, I'm afraid. Better luck next time, though!" He says it in a jolly tone of voice, and oh, you hate him.
     That's the thing with the two of you. You're sworn enemies, right, but you make each other better. He tries harder because you light a fire under his arse and bloody hell, you're itching for a chance to burn him, and vice versa.
      So you smirk, now. Square your shoulders. You've baited him into a competition, and you are absolutely ready to deliver. "Famous last words, Potter. Famous last words."
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blackroseguzzi · 3 months
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FATE part 6
summery: Colin reminds himself of the reasons he knew you were the girl for him while also becoming increasingly stressed over this case.
Colin’s POV
I parked my cruiser in back of the station, letting it idle as thoughts ran through my head. I was now the lead investigator on Erin’s case now that Mare was on leave, and I don’t want to fuck this up. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, my body wanted to turn out of the lot and just keeping driving away from this town, just like she had. This case. Fuck, The situation in yet I tangled myself in yet again with her. I knew by Friday this week that my heart was going to be blasted into a million pieces but maybe I was a glutton for punishment. She’s addicting, I am so drawn to her as if she’s a magnetic field. I had always been sucked into her vortex since the first time I ran into her at that coffee shop. She was always effortlessly beautiful, especially the way her eyes squinted up when she smiled. My mind slowly drifts to a memory of her in the days I knew I was going to marry her.
My alarm had gone off, I had to work that whole weekend and snuck in just a few hours of sleep. I remember the way the sunlight cast over her body that lay tangled in our sheets. I had come home that evening to her unpacking her work bag on the counter, her hair in that messy bun I loved so much. I had snuck into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her jolt into awareness of my body now pressed against her back.
“What are you doing home this early?” She turned around, pressing her hands on either side of my face, bringing it down for a quick peck on the lips. Her soft lips always plagued my nightmares after she left. Those kisses lingered on my lips as I woke up and realized that she wasn’t there, that she didn’t love me anymore.
“I pulled a few strings, and I got an interview set up in the mornin’ with a witness. So I got out at a decent hour, but I gotta be outta the house early in the mornin tomorrow.”
Her face fell, knowing we wouldn’t get to spend some time together before another work week resurfaced. I hated that she missed me, even thought I wasn’t gone. I realized after she left that I asked her to be extremely patient when it came to my work hours. She never complained due to the nature of the work I did, but her face usually had the hint of disappointment in it when I explained how many hours I’d have to clock in each week.
“Hey, I’ll make it up to you. I have a few days off for Christmas. Okay?” I sprinkled more kisses on her cheek and felt her wrap her hands around my body and sigh. 
“We have forever together, I know you’re working hard to find that missing kid.” I hated that you turned away in that moment, returning to getting your things out of the overnight bag and organized.
Your voice rang through the kitchen as I started to loosen the tie on my shirt, ready to unwind. “What do you want for dinner?”
“You know, Pizza sounds great but I have this craving. It’s been on my mind all frrrrreakkkinggg week.”
You had turned to me, your eyebrows pointed together quizzically.
“And what might that craving be, Mr. Zabel?”
“Well, Ms. Y/l/n, Its something I daydream about often. Spread out on the kitchen table, ready for me to savor every last bite.”
Her eyes wandered across my face, and as our eyes met, I knew she had caught on to the kind of craving I was looking to fulfill.
“Oh, you daydream about this craving often, huh?” A little teasing grin emerged from her face.
I smirked and let out a small chuckle as she started to undo the buttons of my dress shirt.
“Yeah, now we’re cookin’ with fire baby,” I growled, reaching down to cup her ass in those black buttery soft yoga pants I loved her in. The first kiss tasted like candy, and just got more and more delicious as they came. I could feel the heat in between her legs as she pushed me into our dining room with her hips as our tongues still danced together.
“Shit,” She breathed out as I felt her fumble slightly as I tugged at her sweatshirt. We broke apart so I could peel it over her head, making her bun flip to the other side of her head, and stray hairs falling around her forehead. Nobody ever looked that good in a messy bun.
I let out a small moan as her hands worked quickly to unhook her lace pink bra. Her breasts tumbled out of the cups with ease, and my hands couldn’t contain themselves. I reached up to her chest and feverishly messaged, and delicately twirled her nipples. When she bit my lip, man that’s when it was all over.
“You always crave dessert before dinner?” She whispered in that low raspy voice I only ever heard in the bedroom. 
As my hands worked her chest and my mouth occupied the crook of her neck, I could feel that ache in my groin when she started to tug away my belt and unbutton my pants.
She watched as I pulled my pants down, left in boxers. I started to pull my undershirt off when I heard her giggle at the fact my socks had in fact not matched.
I smiled at her, and she pushed a large pile of her papers off the dining table and onto the floor in a hurry.
“I’m going to fucking ravish you, baby.”
She shook her head as she pushed me away from her playfully.
“No sweetie, I get the first taste,” She moved my body as if I was a puppet, placing me laying down on the dining room table - bare assed with my cock straight up waiting for you.
I loved watching her give me head, the way her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her hands gripping my thighs. I let out a deep moan, letting her know the pleasure was going to be short lived if she keeps on using her tongue that way.
She licks the full length of my penis before climbing up on the table, straddling me from above. I pulled my hands to cup her ass again, squeezing her thick soft cheeks as she kisses me. “My turn,” I whispered as we quickly and gracefully rolled into switched positions on the table. Her perfect body now laying down, legs spread as if inviting me in. I felt her breath hitch as I guided myself inside of her. Fuck I will never forget that feeling. That tight squeeze, wet and so fucking warm. I whispered that I loved her, loved her body, loved everything about her as I thrusted my dick inside of her. She was not a quiet girl, but she was reserved and laid back for the most part, but man in the bedroom she was an animal. It surprised me at first, and then once I realized it was exactly what I needed that addiction was intoxicating. I don’t think any girl could ever make me feel half as good as she did.
Her quiet voice pulled me from my drunken pleasure, “I’m gonna cum, Colin.” Her hands found mine and we slowed our intensity. I loved the way her neck and face flushed a perfect pink color as we edged ourselves to completion.
“That’s it baby,” I whispered in between thick breaths as she road out her orgasm- just watching her face scrunch with pleasure pushed me over the edge and I spilled myself inside of her. God, I was done for. She was my forever, it was Fate that brought is together the same coffee spot the day we met.
I closed my eyes, reliving that memory a small smile on my lips when suddenly a knock was at my window.
“We gotta talk Zabel, “ Mare’s harsh voice was muffled by the car window between us.
I turned off the car, taking a deep breath before opening the door.
I was surprised to see her here after getting kicked off the case for some reason I wasn’t able to have as knowledge. “What‘a going on? I thought you were on leave?” I questioned her. Her permanent frown was deeper than normal today. It gave me a slight anxious feeling.
“Why are you talkin’ with Deacon Mark?”
Of course she was here to talk the case, but I knew the shit I’d be in if I continued to let her in on what was going on in the investigation.
“I’d love to chat but this doesn’t really concern you anymore, Mare. we got it handled. Promise.” I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her nerves, but she shrugged it off.
“ No, it concerns me because I need to find out if there’s a connection with Erin’s case and Katy’s.”
Her tough exterior was something I wasn’t used to. She had only shown me a softer side once or twice, but learning a bit about her past I understand why the guard was ALWAYS up.
“Look, Mare…”
“Shove it, Zabel. You’re talkin’ to a fucking reporter but ya won’t talk to me?”
I gave her a confused look, not understand why she would bring that up- but something was fishy.
“Wait how did you know I was investigating Deacon Mark?”
Mare signed, running a hand through her hair in frustration.
“An unknown source saw ya talking.” She replied.
I wanted to push it further but I had work to do and she was making me late. I know she wanted information but i just couldn’t risk it.
“Sorry Mare, you’re not on the Case.” I started to walk away when I heard a mumbled out of her.
It sounded a lot like “ Well have fun on your date tonight.” But I didn’t want to push it, because there was no way she knew I was going to dinner with you tonight, or was there?
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roohuh · 1 year
Only one way to find out!
Part 28 of year Seven in Obliviate
Ominis X MC
Summary: You settle into your life at the mansion. Anne moves in with Ominis
Warnings: secretive themes 18+
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Waking up with a start you whip your head around scanning the room you are in, memories of the night before flood your mind. You touch the necklace still tightly secured around your neck. Enveloped in your plush bed you let a satisfied yawn escape your lips. How long has it been since you last slept in a bed? Quietly you pad over and try the door, to your amazement it is unlocked. Dressed only in your nightgown you slip out of the room hurriedly making your way down the hall. The sound of Gaunt’s voice freezes you in your steps.
“Good morning Little Beauty. You are up early. And walking around in just your sleep shirt? Very indecent.” He shakes his head in disapproval, then pats his leg motioning for you to sit. As you sit in his lap Gaunt plants a tender kiss on your neck, running a hand up your thigh. You shudder at the sensation wanting to pull away but his other arm holds you close. He lets out a hungry growl in your ear his grip on your thigh tightens painfully.
“Coming out here dressed like that one would think you are just begging for me.” Inwardly cursing your stupidity you remain silent trying not to shift in his lap. His hands explore your body before pushing you off his lap and giving your back side a hard smack.
“Why don’t you go get decent and I will have breakfast made for us.” He adjusts his tie regaining composure. Sheepishly you turn back to your room feeling like a scolded child. Finding a large wardrobe filled with pretty things to wear you put on the least revealing dress you can find and fix your hair to go down to breakfast. In the dining room you find Gaunt sitting at the end of the large table reading the paper. As you sit he looks up smiling warmly,
“How did you sleep dearest?”
“Well thank you. It was nice to sleep in a bed.” You reply as you butter a slice of toast. Staring at the bread you can not help but ask,
“Is Ominis… alright” Gaunt’s eyes meet yours, obviously displeased at the mention of his younger brother. Shifting in your chair you fight the urge to tug at the choker still fastened around your neck.
“I know he is not coming. But I just… he is still alive and well right?” Your eyes plead with the man as your voice wavers trying to fight your emotions.
“Yes he is alive and doing well. He is excelling at his classes at Hogwarts. I fear he took your death rather hard at first but seems to have recovered now. He spends quite a bit of time with a girl from Racenclaw I have noticed, I suspect they will be official soon.” He lies watching your face closely. The news sends a wave of pain through your body; biting your lip hard you try and conquer your rising emotions.
“So soon…”
“Young love is fleeting. And the boy does think you are dead. Best we keep it that way, don’t want to go upsetting the poor fellow right as he has started to smile again.” The man says seemingly apologetically. Nodding as hot tears roll down your cheeks you lose all sense of appetite. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket Gaunt dabs at your tears.
“Do not cry MC. This pain will pass and I think you will enjoy your new life with me. Maybe after a while we can even go and get you a new wand.” Nodding you try and calm yourself knowing crying will do you no good. This is your life now, you took his hand, you accepted his offer. Finishing his breakfast Gaunt kisses your hand before rising from the table.
“I have to go to Hogwarts now and teach my lessons. The house and gardens are yours to explore but do not get any funny ideas. The perimeter of the property is still charmed and you will still not be able to leave.”
Wandering around the massive house you eventually find the library. Starved for reading you fill your arms with books settling down in a large arm chair. Hours pass as you read a massive tomb about different forms of wandless magic attempting very successfully to perform a variety of spells, you are pleased all of the practice you did in the courtyard is paying off and with the added knowledge you have found in this book you feel the proficiency you have reached. Starting to grow hungry you wander back in the direction of the dining room stopping before a large painting which hangs on the wall, depicting Ominis’ mother, father, brother, and who you can only guess is a very young Ominis. Standing transfixed you gaze upon his likeness unable to look away from the milky gaze. Trying to resign yourself to a life without him you force yourself to turn, wiping away the tears which prick at the back of your eyes. A window offers a welcome distraction as you watch the birds fly overhead wondering if there was a way to escape this place. If you did escape, where would you go now? Ominis has moved on, more than likely everyone in your life has moved on. What would anyone say if you suddenly appeared again? Would anyone even want to see you? No one came looking for you, even in such an obvious place. You sigh resting your chin on the windowsill. Hand reaching to the jewelry on your neck you consider a life here. Would it really be all that bad? He said you could get a wand again and in time you would surely be allowed to leave the house. Creating a tiny flame in your palm you roll the fire around in your hand completely lost in thought.
Anne had come to live with Ominis. Her presence went a long way to cheering him up the first night she was there. Sebastian also stayed the night and it felt like things were before MCs death. Anne made herself busy cooking a big lunch for the group. Ominis sat at the table listening intently as Sebastian filled him in on the going ons of Hogwarts.
“Where is that bag Sebastian brought last week? I had sent some spices for you to use, which you obviously ignored.” Anne called from the kitchen. Grabbing the bag from the floor Sebastian dumped the contents on the table shifting through the pile looking for the small bag of spices. Eyes landing on the plain letter he raised a brow.
“What is this? You never opened your mail? I was curious about this one; it almost looked like MCs handwriting.” He said, handing the letter to Ominis. Puzzled he lets his hands trace over the simple “Ominis” on the front before opening the letter. He holds his wand inside scanning the hastily written words. Wand dropping to the floor Ominis sinks to his knees in shock. Alarmed Sebastian picks up the letter.
“Is it real?” Ominis shaky voice is barely above a whisper. Eyes burning Sebastian grabs his friend pulling him to his feet.
“Only one way to find out!”
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aemiron-main · 1 year
talking about victor being found on the side of the road again except this time ft edward
the fact that the indianapolis gazette talks about victor being found along the side of the road lacking fine motor skills makes me insane.
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“The bodies were discovered early Sunday morning, after Creel was found wandering aimlessly along the side of Highway 49, south of Hawkins. Deputy John Snow from Hawkins police department intercepted Creel and made the discovery upon returning him home.”
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“Creel at first told authorities that he knew nothing about the things found at his home. He is described as 5 feet 10 (?) inches tall, weighing about 180 (?) pounds with light skin, light brown hair, and ‘appearing unable to perform basic motor functions,’- a condition likely brought on by the psychological consequences of committing the murders, said head psychiatrist at Pennhurst, Alexis McMurry.”
Like cmon, Victor was found missing his memory (as he had no idea what happened at his house), wandering along the side of the road, after being found by Hawkins police, on the south side of town, near the lab. That’s got HNL and Brenner written all over it. And lacking fine motor skills?? Like Terry??
Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the road Victor was found on was Mirkwood, the same road that Will vanished on, but I need to do more digging for that.
This is also the paper that mentions Edward Creel instead of Henry Creel. Meaning that this Victor may very well not be the same Victor that we saw with Nancy and Robin at Pennhurst, as Edward Creel seems to have his own timeline, a timeline where Victor is 38 instead of 40 in 1959, where Victor’s wife is named Alice and his daughter is named Virginia, where the Creels lived in Hawkins for two years, and where there’s a ton of other differences too.
However, this is interesting to me because in this post, I talked about how we see Victor being arrested at night by state troopers (who were working for the lab in S1 with Will’s vanishing), and how those troopers likely took him to the lab that night and then the lab dumped him on the side of the road to be found by the Hawkins police. But if that’s the case, then that means that this shot:
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Is a shot of Edward’s timeline. Which would mean that the guy talking about Victor getting arrested that night:
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Is Edward. However, there’s still lots I need to dig through when it comes to sorting out Edward’s timeline vs Henry’s timeline and what happened in each timeline regarding the Creel murders. Both the Indianapolis Gazette (Edward timeline) and the Weekly Watcher (Henry timeline) have different dates for the Creel murders too. Edward’s the one in the timeline where the murders happened on Will’s birthday, which could also tie into Edward being vecna.
There’s also something else that’s been gnawing at me regarding that scene of Victor being arrested, because look at Henry/Edward’s dialogue:
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“He” was arrested? It’s almost set up as if it’s a totally different monologue cutting in/as if we’re missing a line of dialogue, because there’s no establishing who “he,” is, Henry/Edward wasn’t talking about his father previously, because this is what he said previously:
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And yet, it just suddenly jumps to this wording with “he,” there’s no dialogue between “and it nearly killed me,” and “he was arrested, blamed for the death of my sister and mother,” and that line is also interesting, because he specifically says that Victor was blamed for the death of his sister and mother, but a.) does not name the sister or mother, which is suspicious considering that Edward’s sister and mother have swapped named compared to Henry’s sister and mother and b.) he doesn’t say that Victor was blamed for the death of Henry/Edward, which is odd.
Also jumping back to that last newspaper clipping, I’m staring at the wording of “the things,” at Victor’s home (the bodies) and all of the imagery with The Thing and what I’ve been talking about with Virginia’s eye goo and regenerative healing and goo from The Thing.
There’s just. So much to think about.
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remyfire · 10 months
hi remy!! another 🎲 for beejhawk perhaps? lol :-)
(FINALLY GETTING BACK TO THESE a little at a time, please forgive me for the wait!
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You get! A kiss on the nose! Have some post-war established forties-something men because I keep putting BJ through the blender in everything else. They deserve this)
Hawkeye is dabbing away the last of the shaving cream that got pushed to his neck when something about how he shifts makes the bathroom light hit him at an odd angle, and like a moth to a flame, his gaze skitters right to...it. To be fair, it's almost impossible not to see it, what with it being right there on his face, taking up an unfair amount of real estate, but...it. There it is. Unavoidable.
Every day, he seems to be noticing something else about how his body is changing that gives him pause, but there's still a wide array of options that can take his mind off it—maybe even prove that however he's seeing himself in the mirror is completely untrue. Admittedly, a lot of it has to do with the doting attentions of one extremely enthusiastic lover who, once he's told what the trouble is, will go out of his way to demolish Hawkeye's uncertainty with all the subtlety of a wrecking ball.
Part of that tremendous ease BJ has with Hawk's worries probably has something to do with the decade and a half of experience they have with each other, truth be told. Still feels unreal, when he really considers it. From the minute Rudyard Kipling slithered through the air between them, it felt as if Hawkeye had known BJ Hunnicutt for his whole life. But just like anybody else, they had to fight and claw their way through bickering and misunderstandings and double speak and just downright assholery before they could finally get here, to a charming house in California where, against all odds, they appear to be able to spend the rest of their lives side by side.
They get to be together. They no longer hesitate about sharing the most minute thoughts of affection. God, with the ever shifting landscape around them of free love, how it's permeated down to Castro Street, they're able to even have public dates in a way that Hawkeye had never truly thought would become real. Dates surrounded by people just like them, everybody looking out for each other, smiling as they wander down the sidewalk or into a restaurant by the sheer power of the fact that they can just...hold hands. Kiss. Wrap their arms around each other's waists and claim and know down to their very depths that everyone around them is doing the same.
In a way, it's funny. On nights like this, where Hawk's less concerned about how close he can stand to BJ in public without interlopers starting to whisper, it seems to open up his mind to notice, again, those strange aspects of living in a body that's changing right before his eyes. Love handles. Shiny stretch marks on his thighs. Silvery hair.
And the things that aren't changing, but just becoming more apparent every day. Like...nose.
"How's it coming?" BJ asks as he wanders in from the bedroom, fingers cleverly securing his tie.
Hawk turns his head this way and that, eyes not moving from his face in the mirror. He ponders. Frowns. "D'you think my parents should've named me Rudolph?"
"Like Valentino?"
"No, like..." Hawk blinks and finally turns his attention to Beej. "Really?"
BJ shrugs with a little smile. "Well, yeah, hello." He strolls in and tucks himself up close to Hawk's back, resting the side of head against his. "You seeing what I'm seeing?"
It's all but impossible to look away from BJ's handsome face through the glass, actually, the way his grays have brought out the elegance of his mustache, how deeply the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes sink in when he grins like this. He's so solid. Safe. Sexy as hell. "You know what it does to me when you wear that tie, right?"
As his eyes turn into smoldering diamonds, Beej's lips curve into a lethal smirk. "Sorry. Losing my memory in my old age. You'll have to remind me later."
"You'll be lucky if I let you get out of the car before I'm fucking reminding you," Hawk teases.
BJ keeps his gaze right on Hawkeye's as he leans forward and presses a hot kiss behind his ear, the kind that makes Hawk hum and go a little weak in the knees. "We have a reservation," BJ reminds him, as though he's not touching the small of Hawkeye's back to keep him steady and press him into the bathroom counter all at the same time.
"Fuck you," Hawk murmurs.
BJ laughs, winks, then steps away to let Hawkeye get a deep breath to settle himself. It would be a shame to miss out on some amazing cheesecake when he can just let BJ get through dinner unruffled and then blow him in the front seat, if Hawk's back'll let him.
Maybe it won't. But wouldn't it be fun to try?
Hawkeye hangs up the hand towel, but the moment he looks back at the mirror to check his hair, his stirring thoughts go dead silent. "Really, though." As he lifts his chin, a combination of the lightbulbs they use in the bathroom and his skin, warm from the California summer, makes the very tip of his nose seem even more bulbous and flushed than usual. "Look at this."
BJ hums in question. He settles his hand on his waist as he leans into the counter for a better angle. "At what?"
"This! Are you kidding?" Hawkeye gestures at his nose more grandly than he did that new bike he bought Beej for Christmas the year before last. "Look at it."
"What about it?"
"I swear it's getting redder. Bigger. I don't know." As Hawk screws up his face, his expression briefly reminds himself of a cat, disdainfully analyzing the food that was just set before it.
BJ chuckles. "I really have no idea what you're talking about. It looks exactly the same as it has since the first day I met you."
Somehow that's an even more horrifying thought, that Hawk's gone this long thinking he's some handsome, sexy ladykiller—mankiller? That one doesn't flow as well. Maybe neither of them do. He shakes his head to try and dispel the thoughts before they can go racing away from him. "Okay, sure. Forget it. It's fine." It's not. He's fixating, stuck, compulsively spinning his mind around it so that even when he looks down to grab his bottle of cologne, all he sees in his head is a bright red berry stuck at the end of a crooked hose.
Beej makes a quiet sound—one that Hawk instinctively understands to be his problem-solving hum—before he slides a hand into Hawkeye's back pocket, against all odds managing to get his thick fingers in no matter how form-fitting the trousers currently are. "I think I could pick just about any part of you out of a lineup."
Hawkeye snorts, the corners of his lips quirking despite himself. "Oh, yeah, kind of like weeding out the weird freaky misshapen apple from the bunch."
He cocks his head, considers another angle. "Because when Erin's not visiting, I'm allergic to anything that's not a bathrobe."
"Close," BJ murmurs, his tone shaking only slightly with a repressed laugh.
"Okay, okay, okay." Hawk waves through the air. "I'll bite. Why?"
"Because you ruined any other body for me."
Hawk pauses, still clutching the bottle of cologne, staring hard at the faucet.
"You're not gonna believe me. But try." BJ nuzzles Hawk's cheek, the words inescapable from so close. "When Erin and I swung by SF MoMA the last time she was here—when you were pulling that emergency shift, remember?—I kept having this feeling when I was walking past some of the paintings, the sculptures. I couldn't really figure it out. It's all gorgeous stuff. Erin kept pointing out some of the most incredible details I've ever seen. She's got an eye for it, I swear. But it took me until I got home and came into the bathroom and you were in the tub, and I just...I saw you, and I realized that every person depicted in those masterpieces, yeah, sure, they were objectively lovely, and also they stirred nothing in me. They were some of the most lifelike pieces I've had the pleasure to see, but they were so incredibly fake. They couldn't hold my attention because they weren't you."
All at once, Hawk can't bear to look at him, turns his head completely away. It's strange. It's so fucking weird how they've been together all this time, and yet there are moments where BJ will see him so vividly that Hawkeye half-wonders if he's been walking around in a blur up until then.
But Beej's palm finds his cheek then, and Hawk feels it all the way down to his toes. No, there's nothing fuzzy about life for him. He's been seeing in brilliant clarity since Kimpo.
Slowly, slowly, BJ guides Hawk back around, like a planet rotating toward the sun, and the moment they lock eyes, Hawkeye finds his face so gently cradled in both of BJ's massive hands. Suddenly there's no thoughts of noses, of stretch marks, of sore backs. There's just a silent invitation to look and be looked at in turn.
Hawk can't stop himself from resting his palms on BJ's softening waist as he drinks in the sight of him. It's incredible how impossible it is now to separate the potent reaction he has to the lines on his skin from the way his muscles melt in relief that he's here at all. As Hawk falls deep into his blue stare, his blood sings for him as though they're magnetized. There's so little distinction between the visceral physical attraction and the comfort that he can tell now has only come from time, time, and more time.
BJ thumbs over Hawkeye's skin. "You know what this face reminds me of?" he asks quietly.
Hawkeye considers. A single butterfly begins beating its wings right at the base of his stomach. As desperately as he's trying to flip through his mental rolodex to find a joke, a quip, the combination of BJ's touch and the longing in his gaze stops any playful comments stone dead. "No."
"It reminds me that you're here. You're real. You're not some dream." Those stunning eyes wander palpably all over Hawk's expression, from his forehead to his cheeks to his chin, leaving no part of him unloved. When BJ's fingers brush along the creases at the edge of Hawk's eyes, Beej bites his bottom lip for a moment. "That we made it. That we're living. That no matter who was taken from us, we're still marching forward together. That every day, there's a part of you that changes—just a few dozens of billions of cells—" The casual nature of that number makes Hawkeye chuckle, makes BJ's grin widen. "—but that even when you change, you're asking me to come right along with you. Because you don't need me to stay the same. And neither do you. Because what matters is we're making the choice every day to love the man we see right there, right in that moment, and finding we never want to make another decision but to stay. To learn each other's minds and passions and bodies over and over again."
The fervency of Beej's words pick up the longer he talks, and Hawkeye leans into him, bumping their foreheads together with a shuddering exhale. "You're such a bastard," Hawk finally manages to whisper back, smiling so broadly that his cheeks hurt. "How do I follow up something like that? What am I gonna say, ditto? C'mon. It's not enough that you took all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes, but you've gotta take all the perfect words too?"
"Look who's talking," BJ repeats in a voice that's so lush, so sweet that Hawk could never doubt it.
BJ cups Hawk's cheek more deliberately, and without another thought, Hawkeye closes his eyes and purses his lips, waiting for a millionth kiss from the man he gave up so little for and yet gained so fucking much from. But there's no gentle brush over his mouth. Instead, faint but intimate warmth presses right to the tip of his nose, and Hawk, already at the edge of emotional overwhelm, feels his legs buckle as he gasps and leans his weight into BJ.
Beej catches him, because of course he does, his arms wrapping around Hawkeye's waist in the exact space that was made for them. He busses their noses together, back and forth, and Hawk drags up fistfuls of BJ's shirt over his spine, pulling it out from under his belt, and lets out a whimper.
"I love your nose," BJ whispers, the heat of his words tickling Hawk's face. "I love your grays. I love your wrinkles. I love your figure, all the soft parts, all the knobby bits. I've never felt like this about anybody in my life. And every day, there's something new about you that lights me on fire. So hush. The next time you see something you don't feel like belongs on your body, you just come find me, and I'll make sure it feels plenty welcome, huh?"
Hawk barks out an unexpected laugh. "I love you so much. You asshole. We've got a reservation that you made. We don't have time for me to blubber up with the waterworks."
It's the silence between them that's always been a warning. Hawkeye risks a glance and finds BJ already smirking at him, toothy and dangerous, and just as Hawk's heart starts to flutter, he's already hopping away—but not before BJ finds his ticklish belly and grazes over it.
"No!" Hawk cackles without thought, leaping from one foot to the next in a shot of adrenaline that makes him feel like he's barely thirty again. "Don't you—don't you dare!"
"I'm just making you laugh," Beej taunts as he comes after him. He makes an impressive lunge, but Hawk manages to spin out through the bathroom door and scamper across the carpet. "Aw, c'mon, babe—"
"Menace! Dick! Ass!" When BJ makes another grab, Hawk somehow manages to duck under his arms. "Pri—no!"
As Beej catches his wrist at the last possible moment, he drags Hawkeye in and pins him gently up against the hallway wall with his broad form, kissing his nose, his cheek, his jawline. "Love you," he breathes.
Thoughts of cheesecake rapidly slipping away, Hawk tips his head back with a shivery laugh. "Love you too—" And then cuts off with a squirm the second his evil lover presses fingers into his waist. "Hate! HATE!"
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eggcompany · 1 month
Filthy Sweet Part 1
Jamie shows up at Keeley's door sick, sweaty, and in the depths of his heat. She thought Roy would be mad that her ex was there and in such a state. But Roy was just an alpha... and he never got to indulge with an omega who trusted him like Jamie does. Keeley loves the way Jamie submits to her, it's fucking art when he gives up for Roy. Alpha and Omega... her boys. Roy loves taking care of omegas, Keeley loves watching her boys give up to their primal wants, and Jamie loves his Mommy and Alpha.
“Jamie? It’s past midnight and I thought you were past- oh my god what’s wrong with you?” Keely asked and pulled the man into her home once she caught a good look at him. His splotchy face, red rimmed eyes blown huge and black, his skin a sick color, the sweat rolling off of him in the cold air. His bleached hair stuck to his forehead where it escaped his headband. 
“‘M so fuckin’ sick” he said as he was dragged to the kitchen. He dropped as soon as Keeley let go of him, knees hitting the floor in a painful thud. The woman got next to him, rubbing his back, shushing him, looking at him with a confused bewildered face. Then she caught it. His soaked trackies.
“Oh Jamie… your heat?” She asked carefully. Jamie hated being in heat, electing to only do it when he was on the brink of medical intervention. His heats were always a bit… Violent and overwhelming. Something Keeley hated because as a beta she couldn’t truly give what Jamie wanted, and because she hated having to tie Jamie down to keep him from hurting himself which kind of ruined bondage. But that was then. 
“I don’t know why my fuckin pills ain’t workin. I took them this morning like like ‘m supposed to. I- I was out on a jog and to get snacks and and it fuckin hit me. I-I need- I can’t get home.” Jamie explained and rubbed his hands over his cramping lower stomach. 
His head already started feeling manic, full of wants and worries. He wanted to be home and he wanted to hide in the closet and ride his dildo till he passed out on the shitty pile of pillows he called a nest. He was worried about getting home or someone being at his house or someone stopping by or not having food in the fridge or eating too much and Roy being mad about his calories or his dildo not being enough or a million other things. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll um- I’ll get you some water” Keeley said and hurried to get a glass and fill it with nice cold water from the pitcher in the fridge. Jamie let out a squeaky whine, another set of cramps rolling through his hips and stomach. 
“If you- you could get me a pad, I can get an Uber. I-I needa go home. It’s- I’m sorry” Jamie apologized pitifully from where he was, looking up at the beta with a sorrowful expression, like a wet puppy. She handed him the water, holding onto it until she was sure his trembling hands had it. 
“When did you leave your house? It’s late, Jamie.” She asked, glancing up at the clock, nearly 1am. 
“I left at eight and-and I uh jogged out and I got a sandwich and then I-I … I don’t know. I dunno where I went.” Jamie said and stared off at the floor. It was like his head was steamed up glass, like he could kinda see but not really. He just knew he was tired and his pants were soggy and his insides were starving to be filled.  
“Jamie… that’s not safe, you know that.” Keeley said and pulled Jamie out of his head as it tried to wander toward what his primal parts wanted. 
“I fuckin know. I don’t know what I’m doing. My head’s all fucked.” Jamie said and rubbed a hand over his face, holding his head in his hand for a minute before drinking more of his water, it tasted sweet to him, like he wanted to go drink the whole pitcher. 
Keeley left, watching the man shakily sip at the water before she slipped into the bathroom looking for the extra large pads she had. They were emergency backups, really, they’d grown dusty in the back of the drawer she kept that stuff in. Knowing Jamie, he’d soak through one by the time he got back to his house. She remembered when she had to take him to clinic while he was in heat for a certain test, he’d soaked through two pads, his absorbent underwear, and his sweatpants. She grabbed two and hoped she could find one of his old plugs or something to help him stay dry-er. 
But he was panicked and confused and she was sure he’d still have to pay extra for ruining a car’s seat. 
“Keeley? The fucks at the door this late?” Roy asked as he made his way down the stairs. He was blinking, barely awake, scratching at his lower stomach. He was walking, stiffly making his way toward the kitchen where he had assumed his girlfriend was having a midnight snack or some shit. He knew the house well enough he didn’t really need to look where he was going, rubbing his eyes as he walked toward the bright lights. 
He was an alpha who was… well an alpha. He knew a little bit about omega’s, a little bit about betas, just about the same amount as any other alpha knew. Which was to say he never really noticed the way Jamie acted around him, toward him, or anything else that any other omega would have clocked as attraction. Jamie was a great footballer, and, as much as he hated to admit, a friend. It didn’t matter if he smelled like candy and warm caramel, he was… unattainable to say the least. 
And perhaps the best smelling thing he’d been close to in…a while. Especially as he stopped in the doorway to stare and the whimpering body kneeling sloppily on their tiled kitchen floor. Especially when his grey eyes shot up to catch the alpha standing there in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, his knees slipping apart the moment he caught sight. 
“Roy don-” Keeley started as she hurried to stop her boyfriend from getting in Jamie’s range. It was already too late. 
“Alpha” Jamie sobbed as the cup of water he’d been nursing fell from his hand. His body swayed as his knees slipped as far apart as his sweatpants would allow. He crashed forward, like his strings had been cut, forehead to chest hitting the cold floor as his back dipped and his hips tilted so he was perfectly presenting his ass up in the air. 
He hiccuped out a sob, body burning up as the alpha’s scent caught his nose. His whole body trembling, hands trapped between his sternum and the floor in shaking fists. All his muscles wanted to relax, to be loose and soft for the alpha. 
“Woah, Jamie, are you fuckin dying or something?” Roy asked, looking between his player on the floor and his girlfriend. It took him staring down at the other man, taking in the way his knees were spread, face shoved into the tile, ass in soaked sweatpants up in the air. The alpha’s nose flared, eyes flashing a rosey red before simmering back brown. The scent drew him in, making him step closer without him even knowing his feet were moving. 
“Jamie.” Roy growled out and looked down at the omega sobbing against the floor. He just stared at him, almost the same stare he had back when they were on opposite teams. A stare that could drill a hole through pure steel. 
Keeley stepped her way quickly toward Jamie, trying to miss the broken glass now scattered on the floor, the cup had broken but not shattered. But even so there was much more glass between her and the omega than between Roy and him. 
“He just needs a pad so he can Uber home. He didn’t come by for me to help or anything.” Keeled explained, trying to make sure Roy understood Jamie was in a bad way and not trying to get her back or anything. She was about to pull Jamie’s shoulder so he was back up kneeling but Roy was already down on one knee, rubbing his back comfortingly. 
Jamie whined and melted into the floor, losing himself in the contact of a proper alpha. He hummed as Roy rubbed his hand from the top of his sweats up to his shoulders. Roy’s look melted from his face, turning from utter disdain to something… far softer. His eyebrows grew close together and he almost looked intrigued. Like a curious cat. 
“Roy, that's gonna make it worse, you just need to go back to bed. Go on, I’ll stay until his ride gets here.” Keeley said and shooed her boyfriend back, making the older man stand and back up a few feet. 
As soon as Roy stood up and stepped away, even with Keeley’s hands soothing him to sit up, Jamie let out the most horrible noise. It was a cross between a shriek and a begging word. He sobbed harder, crashing his head, that only raised a few inches, back into the floor with a sick thud. He sobbed harder, ignoring Keeley’s comforts and guidance, letting his head rise with each sob only to drop back down onto the floor. 
“Jamie! God, don’t do that. Your head.” Keeley said and wrestled with him just to turn his face so she could see the red spot where his forehead had collided with the tile. He was crying, grey eyes watery and face splotching red. 
“I’m so sorry, I should leave. I'm a bad ‘mega, I’m bad, I can’t, I'm-I’m sick” Jamie sobbed and instead of his hips wagging in the air like a proper position for a presenting omega, he sunk into the floor onto his side, knees dragging up to his chest. She could see how hard he was clenching his jaw, nearly being able to hear his teeth creaking with the pressure he was biting down with. 
The beta tried her best to sooth him down, doing everything he liked. She was rubbing his burning blush red ears, the soft ridges rolling under her thumb, and her other hand was rubbing up and down the center of his chest, feeling the dense muscle hiding under his shirt. 
“Keeley… he should stay, he can stay, look at him” Roy said and looked down at her and she felt… God Jamie was just so fit and made such good sounds when he was in heat and Roy’s eyes not being a true alpha red yet but a warmer brown hue than normal, it all made Keeley’s own center hot. She couldn’t smell them, being a beta and all, but just looking at Jamie sob and roll toward her boyfriend just… It was getting into her own head.
Of course she’d thought about it before. She’d thought about when she was first with Jamie. When the omega would wake up soaking wet and begging her to lay across his back and shove a dildo into him, and when she asked he’d tell her about how he dreamed of Big Bad Roy Kent shoving him down on the pitch, pinning him in the showers, grabbing him just out in public. She’d of course thought it was hot, Jamie being a wet bitch under the alpha on the market? It was hot. 
And she’d thought of it much more recently when she caught Roy’s hand flying over his cock while watching game tapes or Jamie’s highlights. Or when Roy would grumble in his sleep in the nights before his rut, rumbling ‘ pretty boy, good Jamie, faster, good baby, so fuckin pretty’ . And of course when she asked he told her that yeah sometimes when he got around his rut that the pretty little thing would fill his head. It was normal, at least that’s what he told her. And she just thought it was hot. 
“Okay. Okay but you’ve gotta go to the bedroom so I can get him cleaned up. Bring me a shirt and… some of those fuzzy spa socks I have. His feet get cold when he’s like this. I need to get him cleaned up, in some dry underwear and damn I need to put a plug in him too he’s gonna leak all over the house.” Keeley explained and stood up so the alpha could kneel down next to Jamie. 
Roy started at his hands, rubbed them, catching their wrists together like they’d done a million times before. Scenting each other like they’d scent everyone else at the club. Except this time Roy let his hands and wrists drag across Jamie’s neck, rubbing across his scent glands and higher so he could rub his ears the same way Keeley had. 
Jamie was breathing deeply and calmed down as Roy caught Jamie’s face in his hands. He wanted to be closer to the alpha, pushing himself up on his hands so he was half kneeling, half on his hands and knees. His lips were slightly parted, eyes locked in with Roy’s. 
Roy hummed and pet away Jamie’s tears. The omega smelled fucking amazing. Sweet and warm and sort of like cut vegetables too. His skin was so smooth and soft and felt like heaven in Roy’s hands. And his hot breath and big blue eyes were doing something downright evil to Roy’s cock where it swelled in his underwear, giving a true valiant effort to try and get erect after having just had two full orgasms with Keeley a few hours prior.
“Jamie?” Keeley asked after savoring the pure beauty of her two boys savoring each other. Roy looking down at Jamie with want and Jamie up with adoration and need. 
“Alpha” Jamie breathed out and let his eyes shut, trusting Roy to see him in his heat unguarded. Showing utter submission and trust. He trusted Roy a thousand times over as a coach and friend, and now especially as an alpha. 
“Pretty boy… pretty ‘mega. Keeley he’s so soft…. Pretty baby” Roy said looking up with his eyes a rosy color, those eyes had looked down at Keeley so many times when she had to pull Roy through a rut. Rare times, but she’d only seen those eyes during his ruts. But now… simply touching an omega in heat was turning his brown eyes a maroon shade. 
“I know Roy. I know he’s soft. I know he’s pretty. Let him cuddle you for a while and then we can get him a ride home.” Keeley offered but she knew in the back of her mind Jamie was going to end up sleeping in their bed that night. 
“Let him stay the night. I’ll drive him home in the morning. Let him stay, he'll be okay.” Roy persuaded and Jamie sat up on his haunches, feet crossing under his butt. His eyes were blown, a thread of true omega gold nearly glowing.  
“Can’t sleep, too itchy” Jamie slurred out and looked between the two people he loved most. Keeley smiled and rubbed Jamie’s shoulder. His head lolled over, eyes staying on hers as she threaded her fingers through his sweaty hair a few times. 
“I’ll get you fixed in the bathroom and Roy can bring us some clothes and then make you some tea that’ll make you sleepy.” Keeley said and Jamie was nodding along with her.
She was his whole world right then. Mind too mushy to think for himself. Why would he need to when mommy and alpha were right there with him. He smiled at that. He loved them so much. And then he was standing and walking with her to the bathroom hand in hand like he was in a trance, dopey grin on his face. 
“Good boy” Keeley said quietly and closed the bathroom door behind him. And that… oh it melted him like butter. Jamie smiled stupidly, all pearly teeth and big round eyes. He loved being a good boy for mommy. He loved being a good boy. But then his smile fell and he looked at Keeley with a shy look. He hadn’t said it yet, the game only started when he asked for it. 
“Mommy’s boy” Jamie said quietly, asking more like it, asking for permission. 
It’s their game from forever ago. When Keeley had to calm him down or get him to shut up. When Keeley had to get him to come with her to the clinic so he didn’t fuck himself to death on his little fucking machine. When he was so far in his head Keeley thought he might get lost in there. It was their game. It was the only thing that could make sense when his head was all fucked. It helped him stay anchored when he was deep in his heats. Helped him know that even though he couldn’t smell an alpha, there was someone in charge, in control, to take care of him. 
Keeley looked at him considering. Is this okay? Is Roy going to be okay with it? Is any of this okay? Are they going to fuck? She’d love to see that, and that shook her from her own head. She’d love to see Roy fuck Jamie through their mattress. Or over the counter or in the shower or on the couch or on the floor like animals. And she looked back at Jamie where he had his sleeves pulled over his hands picking at it like he always did when he was nervous.
“Mommy’s special puppy. Just for a little while, Jamie.” Keeley finally said and Jamie smiled around the bit of cuff he had caught between his teeth. It was cute and only cuter when he leaned down to rub his cheek and forehead across her temple.
“Kay” is all he said. All he needed to say. He didn’t need to talk or anything else cause mommy was right there and she was gonna think for them both. 
Keeley knelt down, noticing how haphazardly Jamie’s trainers were tied and how his pants were completely untied. He always tied up his sweats. She just shook her head and looked up at Jamie who was smiling. He knew what she was doing. Mommy takes care of puppy and he just loved her and being her good boy. 
He lifted his foot once she untied his trainer’s laces. She pulled each shoe and sock off carefully, shoving his socks into his shoes before setting them aside, out of the way so he couldn’t trip over them later. She pulled his untied sweatpants down next, slipping them over his feet and tossing them into the sink. 
Jamie’s thighs all the way to his knees were soaked. Slick making his soft paper pale skin shiny and sticky. His tight briefs were doing nothing to keep any of it from rolling down his legs, the black fabric of them far over soaked. 
“Oh sweetheart, you’re soaked. Do you want to get a shower?” Keeley asked and gently touched the inside of his thigh, just above his knee. He jerked a little but held still, being good. Keeley smiled at him and pulled his briefs down, cringing a bit at the wet noise they made when they fell to the tile floor. 
Jamie shook his head, eyes getting watery. He sniffed once and Keeley hugged him, getting her hands under the fabric of his hoodie, working it up in the process.
“It’s okay, let’s just get these icky clothes off of you. Yeah lovely, let mommy see you.” She said as she pulled his hoodie and shirt up off of him, baring his blushing chest and wispy happy trail. Jamie kept his arms down obediently, not covering himself up like he wanted to. 
“I’m gross” the omega said as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. He looked down at himself. He felt gross and hot and cold and slimy. If he’d known his heat was coming on and he was gonna end up with someone, especially Keeley or Roy, he would’ve at least shaved if not went to get a wax. He hated not being perfect. He was the prettiest if he just had time to get perfect . 
Keeley shushed him and tilted his head away from his own body to back at her face. Jamie sniffed again, pout nearly comical on his soft pink lips.
“I want you to bend over the sink, I need to get you nice and clean. You wanna be nice and clean in mommy’s bed, yeah?” Keeley asked and Jamie nodded. He wanted whatever she wanted. 
He moved slowly as he made his way to stand in front of the large mirror. He looked between himself and Keeley’s eyes before he spread his feet and draped his chest over the cold countertop. He laid between the twin sinks. Center stage. 
Keeley couldn’t help but look. It was Jamie. You had to look. His thick thighs glistening with slick, his perfect round ass begging to be fucked and slapped. And when he tilted his hips, heels raising a bit off the floor, Keeley couldn’t help the throb that echoed between her own legs. Jamie was terribly pretty with his pink hole on display as a drop of slick rolled down his thigh, his cock and balls hanging sweetly soft under him, his smooth usually waxed skin perfect and pale with just the shadow of hair starting to show. 
“That’s a pretty bitch” Keeley said and Jamie smiled, hiding his face against the cold counter. He felt himself throb again, grateful for the counter keeping him on his feet, on display for his mommy. 
"Thanks" He said politely. He only let out longing sighs as Keeley wiped him clean with a cool cloth. She’d wet it beside his face, the cool water misting up from the sink feeling calming on his warm cheeks. 
He began panting against his arm which stayed obediently folded over the countertop. He couldn’t help the way his hips trembled or when he bucked up when Keeley ran the soft towel down his cock. He finally whined out, all desperate and calling, when Keeley pressed just hard enough on his hole that he felt his knees buckling, needing to hold onto the counter. 
"Want him so bad, mommy" He finally whispered as Keeley patted his legs dry from a few stray drops of water rolling down to his feet. She smiled at that, at how long it took for him to finally say it. How out of it he sounded. 
"I know that, baby, you've said that a lot before. Does he smell like you'd thought?" Keeley asked lowly as she looked under the sink at the organization tubs that had once been Jamie’s, stuck in the back and dusty now but clean inside. She never used under the sink, hadn’t thought to check there for his things when he was still moving his stuff out. 
"He smells like you guys had sex. And- and mud. He smells like- like wet rain an’ dirt. The pitch after a storm." Jamie explained and Keeley shook her head. Of course Roy smelled like football something. It also made her happy to know Jamie could explain it to her as something she knew. She could imagine that smell, that earthy scent. It fit Roy. 
"We had sex after dinner. You can still smell me on him?" She asked and finally found the small blue glass plug, bringing it up to wash it beside his face. It wasn’t very big, just enough to keep him from making a mess. He’d had a set of them, all about the same size, ‘ they’re not for sex, I just like the way they feel. Helps me sleep knowing I ain’t waking up in a puddle’ is what Jamie had said about them. 
"I can smell him on you. I can smell him now. Whole place sniffs like 'im" He whimpered and tried to keep the slick from leaking out of himself, failing but the attempt was there and Keeley could tell. She made a kissing noise and rewiped him with a dry towel before letting her hands splay over the wide expanse of his ass. He purred a bit, just one little rumble, as he tilted his hips back up to show off. His back arched just the right way, his body shifting into the position with natural ease. 
"You get so cute in heat. Ready?" Keeley asked and used one hand to grab and massage the plush muscle, the other held the slightly chilled plug against his hole. She watched as he shivered, goosebumps raising on his arms. He took one big breath and relaxed again, nodding into his arms. 
"Yes mommy." He replied, only letting out a satisfied sigh as the plug slid into him with no resistance. He hiccuped and grabbed onto the counter again, a warm swooping feeling in his belly nearly making him fall. His muscles made for holding onto a knot locked onto the toy, filling his brain with all those good chemicals that usually eluded him. 
Keeley stroked his back a few times, running her hand from shoulder down to his thighs. 
“In the shower, puppy, you’re gonna catch a cold.” She ordered and Jamie was moving shakily to get into the glass doored shower, turning on the water through muscle memory. She hopped up on the counter, watching him stand under the water as it warmed up, enjoying the show. 
Roy knocked before opening the door, now clothed in a t-shirt and joggers. He handed the shirt, one of his own heathered grey ones, and a pair of his own boxer briefs, thick cotton ones. He held the pair of teal socks in his own hands, holding them close to himself like he didn’t want Keeley to snatch them away. 
He pushed the door open more with his foot, right past Keeley, eyes locking onto Jamie. The younger man was leaning his forehead against the shower wall, letting the water splash against his back. His face was out, eyes caught on the alpha as he stood in the doorway. Jamie didn’t even think before he was sliding one leg forward to cover his cock and accentuate the dip of his back and the curve of his ass. He just kept his eyes dead on with Roy’s, even as the alpha looked him up and down slowly. 
Keeley looked between them, rolling her eyes before laughing when Roy had to grab the door jam, short nails digging into the frame for support. 
"You're both bad for each other. You, Mister Kent, need to go to bed or you'll be grouchy in the morning. And you, little boy, are supposed to be showering." She said and they both started arguing with her, over lapping each other.
"I was asleep until he-"
"I am showering he was-"
And then they were back locking eyes. Roy's warming back to the maroon color, Jamie's own simmering to a more yellow hue. Even with her nose she could feel the scent thickening the air. 
"You finish showering, put these on. Both of them. You" Keeley ordered Jamie, laying the clothes on the counter before poking Roy in the chest.
"You and me, talk." Keeley said as she shoved him out of the bathroom, keeping the door open behind them. She grabbed the hand that wasn’t strangling the soft socks, and pulled him into their bedroom down the hall. 
“Come on with it then.” She started as soon as the door was shut. Roy nuzzled at her temple, taking in strangled breaths, his teeth clenched. He let out a shaky sigh against her skin, not pulling away from her as he spoke. 
"He smells like fuckin caramel and popcorn and and fuckin... I wanna eat him. I love you Keeley. I really love you, I just... He smells so fuckin... can't help it." Roy growled out and stepped back, scrubbing his hands over his face. His dick was throbbing in his pants but he didn't feel the manic need to fuck, he just felt that crawling feeling in his hands to touch. 
"You'd never go behind my back to have sex with an omega. You don't even like omegas." She said and petted his bed head into a slightly more orderly way. Roy closed his eyes and leaned into her hand in his hair. 
"Never, Keeley, I'd never fucking do that. I just... he smells fuckin good and-" Roy started to bite out, his face screwing up like it hurt him to admit. His eyes creaked open, anger was heavy within them. Keeley smiled up at him and patted his hairy cheek. 
"If he wants, you can fuck him. I get to watch and you have to make me cum too. But you have my blessing to shag that dripping cunt he's got." Keeley said, rasping the last bit into Roy's neck. She felt the skin under her lips warm up with a pink blush. 
She pulled back to see Roy looking fuzzy eyed at the wall in front of him. He was still for a minute before nodding. He looked down at her, eye’s fuzzy but more focused, and nodded. 
"He doesn't nest, the suppressants he took as a kid didn't let him develop it, and he loves getting eaten out. Bet he'd love you're scruff on him, rubbing him all red" Keeley said sultry, scratching at his beard. She mouthed at his neck, letting some sensitive skin get caught between her teeth. 
“Fuck” He cursed his hands grabbed onto her hips, hands tensing each time she scraped her teeth over his scent gland. 
“Yeah? You wanna go dig the couch cushions and make a den? Huh, you wanna build a nice den for you and that sweet little omega? I know you do. I know you wanna make him dinner, brush his hair, you wanna climb in that fucking shower with him right now, don’t you? You can’t stop thinking about being so fucking good to him.” Keeley teased, lips teasing over his neck with each word. She was speaking the truth, he did want all of that. And she fucking knew it. 
“Fuck, yes, please?” Roy asked, hand reaching for her own, asking permission. His head was filling up with all the dreams he’d had of that omega. Of bending him over and eating him out or fingering him over his lap or spanking him when he was being a brat or taking his straight razor and shaving that stupid perfect jawline. 
“Yeah, just make sure to take your clothes off before you get in the shower. I don’t want you getting the floors soaked.” Keeley said and stepped back, watching her boyfriend tear his clothes off his body as he rushed toward the bathroom. 
Roy had always been a service alpha. Always wanting to do. Nothing made him feel better than making his mate happy. He loved it though, getting down on his knees in the shower and washing them gently, licking them clean, building a den somewhere soft and dark and quiet to mate in, feeding them by hand. It all made Roy hot in his pants and mushy in his head. 
And god Jamie would have never guessed. 
Not when Roy came into the bathroom already bare down to his skin, eyes warming to a deep red, cock thick and ready to fill Jamie past the brim. Jamie gasped and turned to grab the wall so Roy could just yank his plug out and fuck into him. But then Roy wasn’t slamming the shower door open but rather opening it slowly to run a hand from Jamie’s shoulder down to his ass, pulling his cheek apart to see the base of the plug. 
“Pretty baby, stand up.” Roy growled lowly, the words rolling their way into Jamie’s head, making his body obey without having to think at all. He stood up, water spraying across the back of his head. Roy petted at him for a moment, running both his hands down Jamie’s sides, squeezing his hips, squeezing down both his arms, and finally up to turn Jamie to face him. 
“Say I can have you or kick me out” Roy ordered, a breath away from Jamie, his lips nearly a ghost across the other man’s. Jamie whined, wanting to be under the alpha already, wanting to be good, needing to be alpha’s pretty little thing. 
“Speak, puppy, we need to make sure you want it. You wanna spend your heat with mommy and alpha?” Keeley said as she sat on the sink counter, turned so she could watch them. Jamie looked between them, eyes big and needy, glinting with a golden sparkle. 
“Daddy, fuck me. Wanna be good boy” Jamie finally whined out, mashing together the words he wanted. Roy smiled and brought their lips together, letting Jamie nip and suck at his lips, begging for more. He pulled back and Jamie pouted, wanting to get more of the alpha in any way he could, hands reaching for the hard cock brushing against his hip. 
“Hands off for now, puppy. Let daddy get you clean. Be good and wash your hair, you want to be nice and clean in daddy’s den, yeah?” Roy growled out and licked a line under the curve of Jamie’s jaw, savoring the taste of sweaty skin and the feeling of the slightest bit of 5 o'clock shadow. Jamie was nodding, eyes squeezing shut, hands blinding reaching to follow his orders. 
“Keeley?” Roy asked, looking over his shoulder at his girlfriend as he grabbed her shampoo, some pink bottle that cost a nauseating amount. Jamie was reaching for it but stopped to look up at Keeley. She smiled at them, both of them drunk off each other. 
“Make sure to wash around your ears, baby boy.” Keeley said and Jamie looked away, embarrassed. Roy looked at him, confused for a moment, before remembering how Keeley had been rubbing his ears in the kitchen. 
“Sensitive, huh? Sensitive all over right now, aren’t you? Every nerve on fire, isn’t that right?” Roy whispered against the side of Jamie’s head and dripped a bit of the soap into Jamie’s shaky hands, putting it back only to get down onto one knee under the omega.
Jamie stared at him, eye’s glimmering like molten gold, just watching to see what he was doing. Alpha’s were supposed to be… rougher. Taking. Less… gentle. It was kinda throwing Jamie for a loop seeing his alpha down on the floor of the shower. He couldn’t help but cock his head to the side in confusion as the alpha grabbed a pink loofah, coating it in vanilla scented body wash and gently start washing Jamie’s legs. 
The omega looked up at Keeley, eyebrows caught together, big blue again eyes looking to her for help. Keeley sighed, Jamie never took well to gentleness. Always wanting harder, rougher, ‘ just hurt me, do what you want to me, I can take it’ . 
“He’s a service Alpha. It’s making him happy, you wanna make alpha happy. You just need to do what you’re told, we’ll take care of you, puppy.” Keeley said gently, making sure Jamie understood what she was saying. His brain was moving at half speed. He nodded at the end before looking down at Roy. His dark hair getting all wet, turning to spilled oil on his head. 
“Happy? But…” Jamie mumbled and tried to look at Roy’s face. He couldn’t tell if the alpha was happy, he couldn’t see his dick. But then Roy was standing up, pulling him into a heated kiss, hands cradling Jamie’s jaw. The omega sighed and went jelly in Roy’s grasp, letting the alpha push his mouth open with his tongue, letting Roy taste him. 
“Wash your hair, let me clean you, and then I’m gonna take you back to our bed. I’m gonna get my mouth on that wet fucking cunt. You’re nearly spilling out around your plug. Gonna taste so good, all loose and dripping on my fucking tongue. Then when I get you good and settled, I’m gonna do the same thing to her, and you’re gonna watch. Aren’t you? Yeah you wanna fucking watch me make her cum.” Roy growled, low and rumbling in a way that had Jamie holding onto the alpha tightly, hole clenching up on the plug that was nearly overflowing with slick.
Jamie was nodding, lost in the image the alpha was painting. He loved getting eaten out, loved to get sloppy before a good knotting. He just needed to make alpha happy, finish alpha’s ritual. 
Most people had mating rituals. Certain clothes, foods, dances, movements, even just a certain way they make the bed. Jamie had his, sure, but he never really fed into them. He just… couldn’t. He could hear the voice in his head starting to pick at him, his father’s words drilled into his head. It doesn’t matter. They’re doing Roy’s ritual. Roy’s rather soft ritual. Jamie would have bet it was impact or physical stress but… a shower was good too. 
“Wash ma hair” Jamie mumbled and his hands found his hair, moving around clumsily to scrub the soap into his scalp. Roy hummed in approval before kneeling back to methodically scrub at the omega’s skin, indulging in the scent of his slick, inches from his face. It would have been sacrilegious not to lick across the pale swell of Jamie’s ass, letting his teeth graze across the tender flesh. 
Jamie whined, shifting around to get Roy’s mouth on him but Roy just stood up to keep washing. He was gentle with each stroke over the omega’s chest, cautious to be extra gentle over his nipples. Even then each time the loofah coasted across the puffy flesh, Jamie moaned out. 
Hair forgotten, clean enough to be tended to later, Roy left the actual cleaning behind to tease Jamie. He plastered himself across Jamie’s back, throbbing cock nestled between his asscheeks, plug warmed up but still a stark contrast to the soft plushness surrounding it. The omega let out an excited noise as he shifted his shoulders and back slightly against the hairy torso behind him. 
Jamie’s hands stayed obediently away from himself and he didn’t try to grab Roy’s cock but rather grasped loosely at the alpha’s wrists. Jamie’s head lolled back as Roy made nonsense paths from his collarbones down to his hip bones. Jamie just panted out, gasping when Roy’s rough palms caught on especially sensitive bits. 
“Pretty boy, show Keeley, show her how obedient you are. Show her you’re being a good boy.” Roy said quietly into Jamie’s ear, causing the omega to crack his eyes open. 
He caught sight of Keeley, hand snaked under her pajama pants, rubbing at herself lazily. Jamie sobbed, hands clenching up around Roy’s wrists. He caught her eyes, not knowing the alpha was looking at her with raw hunger in his maroon eyes over the omega’s shoulder. 
“What a sweet puppy. Words, how do you feel?” Keeley asked as Roy reached over, keeping one arm around his omega’s waist, to turn off the water. Jamie held onto that arm, head all desperate and uneven with all the gentleness. 
“More?” Jamie said, asking it rather, as kisses started to be scattered across the back of his neck and shoulders. Roy ran his hands across the plains of the omega’s stomach, waiting for Keeley to open the door and hand him a towel. 
“You want more? Daddy’s gonna get his face in your cunt in a minute. I’m surprised you’ve kept that plug in, that you haven’t got his cock down your throat. You’re being such a good boy.” Keeley said as she slid off the sink, pulling her hand from her pants. She quickly handed Roy a towel, a fluffy pink one. 
“Knot? When d’I get a knot?” Jamie asked in a slurred voice as Roy dried him off methodically, wiping the water away with quick ease, making sure to get everywhere dry. Keeley stood right outside the shower door, looking Jamie up and down, appraisingly. 
“Not going to knot you tonight, puppy, just going to get you to sleep. Clinic in the morning and then a knot.” Roy said calmly and quickly dried himself off. Jamie’s eyes grew wide, the simmering gold going dead back to grey in an instant. A light switch getting flicked off. 
“What? W-why? I promise I can take it, I’ll hold still and everything, I’ll be good.” Jamie said, looking between Keeley and Roy as the alpha dried his own hair. Keeley smiled, reaching out to calm the omega back down, he was so easy to rile himself up. 
“You’re doing so well, baby. We just want to make sure you’re alright. We care about you, we don’t wanna hurt you. You can’t have a knot tonight. You just need to get some sleep, let us worry about it. Okay, Jamie?” Keeley said and helped Jamie step out of the shower, but even then she could feel the tension getting worse in his muscles. His eyes looked back at Roy, confused why the alpha was hard but wouldn’t knot him.
Jamie’s head was too wooshy, too loose and foggy, all he wanted was a knot. The alpha of his actual dreams was right there , and he was hard and he smelled amazing and he was touching Jamie and taking care of him, just like a proper mate would. So why was Keeley saying no to a knot? 
That’s what flipped his mind. Keeley told him he couldn’t have a knot. Because Keeley was Roy’s mate. Roy wouldn’t knot him because he had Keeley. Jamie was just… just a bother. A toy to be played with and laughed at before tossing away to get back to their nice plain nice life. 
“Jamie!” He heard it in the back of his mind but didn’t care much as he pulled on his slimy cold sweatpants, walking as fast as he could while getting the wet cloth over his legs. He felt tears burning at his eyes even as he made it to the door and had his shirt half yanked on. He heard the thumping and banging of footsteps behind him which only made him run faster till his hand hit the doorknob. 
He shouldn’t have come here. He should have known better. He’s not one of those soft pretty omega’s, small and petite, with a soft body and desperate need to give their wholes lives to an alpha and be nothing more than a fuck doll housekeeper. He was too big, too muscly, he had a career, he wasn’t supposed to. He shouldn’t have shown up here. He shouldn’t have let it get this far. 
It was that thought that had him pushing himself out into the cold night, one bare foot meeting the cold concrete and Keeley’s front step. That was until a single word had him turning around, teary eyes glaring with nothing less than anger and hatred. 
“Omega” Roy growled out, towel wrapped around his waist, he was standing there in the doorway, eye’s dead serious. Jamie just looked at him, right in his eyes, as difficult as that was. He wanted Roy to know he was serious. He was a grown man, he could see where he was or wasn’t wanted. 
“You don’t want me, you can’t keep me, I don’t wanna be a toy. I’m going home.” Jamie said, eyes falling down, arms crossing, other foot coming down next to his other one in a childish stomp. He just stared down, fighting every urge in his body to do as alpha says, to just be a good boy and stay. He just… he wasn’t… he wasn’t supposed to be in Roy’s bed with Keeley. He wasn’t supposed to whimper and purr his way into his coach's den and expect to be given what he wants. He wasn’t supposed to have a heat right now and he hated being in heat and and- 
“Baby, come back in the house. You’re not a toy, you’re a good boy. Good omega, come back inside.” Roy guided as Jamie stood quietly at first but then broke down sobbing. The alpha gathered him up, wrapping his arms around Jamie’s hiccuping body, pulling him away from any prying eyes and back in enough for Keeley to shut and lock the door. Jamie just held on, hands holding onto the warm damp skin under him. 
“I hate being in heat, I’m an ugly boy, I’m a pansy, I’m not strong enough.” Jamie said, words chopped up with sobs and hiccups. Roy held onto him, nuzzling across the omega’s ears, shushing him. Keeley shook her head when she met Roy’s eyes. 
‘ James?’ Roy mouthed at her, having been witness to the elder Tartt’s fit throwing tantrums and violent rage, how he’d spit venom at his own son. Keeley nodded, pity readable on her face. Roy just gritted his teeth, anger burning through him hotter than it ever had before. It had to be the scent that radiated off of Jamie, shame, fear, something similar to old milk and hot tar. It made Roy want to go kill everything that ever made Jamie sad. But when Jamie let out another sob, all that melted away and he just wanted to make his omega feel better. 
“You’re a good boy Jamie, a pretty boy, a soft sweet omega, mommy’s sweet puppy, yeah? You’re so strong, you took your medicine like a good boy, you found mommy when you needed her, that was so good. So brave and strong.” Keeley praised quietly as she ran her hand up and down his back. Jamie hiccuped and kept sobbing, holding onto Roy for dear life. 
“I’m a bad dog. I’m bad.” Jamie sobbed, knees buckling so Roy had to keep him up on his feet, Keeley supporting him by hugging his back. Roy shushed him, lips against his sensitive ears. 
“Do you want me to make you a good dog?” Roy asked simply, Keeley was about to shoot him a look but Jamie was nodding, wiggling his way out of their arms to kneel at Roy’s feet. His hands fell reverently onto Roy’s knees, eyes looking up like the alpha had just saved him from execution, scent changing from fear and shame to something that had Roy grinning. 
“Please, daddy, make me good. I wanna be good, help me.” Jamie begged and Roy ran a hand under his jaw like he was actually considering it. His tear filled eyes and kiss plump lips, it was the picture of sin and Roy just needed to get a good look at it for a moment. 
“You like when I give you rules, instructions. It’s what makes you the best player I’ve ever seen.” Roy said, the praise making Jamie gasp and sit up straighter, hands sliding higher on Roy’s legs, fingertips slipping under the towel. 
“You don’t argue with me because I know better than you, isn’t that right?” Roy asked, pushing his fingers into the wet hair sticking to the omega’s temple. Jamie leaned into the contact nodding, letting his eyes slip shut. Stupid brain saying stupid stuff. Didn’t matter what he thought, mattered what Roy said. 
“What was that, puppy?” Roy asked when Jamie’s lips moved but no sound came out. Keeley leaned down next to Jamie’s face, but not hearing any words, just seeing his lips shape words. 
“Speak.” Keeley said, voice dipping demandingly. Jamie’s eyes fluttered open, lips pitching up into a smile. 
“‘m a stupid boy. Mommy, alpha, not stupid. Don’ needa think.” Jamie slurred out, mouth pulling into a real smile, toothy and bright. Keeley shook her head and pet his hair, looking at Roy as he stood half drunk off Jamie’s scent and submission. 
“He’s a fucking disaster. I’m gonna make him scream.” Roy said, red boiling up into his eyes, as he ran his thumb across the omega’s plush bottom lip. Keeley nodded, leaning in to press a kiss to Roy’s lips. 
He was more riled up than he let on, especially as he shoved his tongue into her mouth, using his left hand to drag her in and press the kiss that much deeper. She let him, let him ravage her mouth for a moment before she put a hand on his bare chest and pushed a slight bit, signaling for him to back off. Which he did reluctantly, only to look down and notice the shaking air around them. 
“You’re purring so loud Jamie, never heard you so loud.” Keeley said, smiling, and put a hand on the back of his neck, feeling as his whole body rattled with the loud rumbling. Roy grabbed under the younger man’s arms, lifting him to his feet. Roy caught his lips and… oh Keeley wasn’t ready for that. 
She wasn’t ready to see the way they locked together like puzzle pieces. The way Roy’s hands slipped the shirt and pants off Jamie so deftly the omega didn’t even notice, the way Jamie’s hands splayed across the alpha’s back to feel each and every muscle there, and definitely not for the way Roy’s own chest gave a half purr, just a rattle. She’d never heard Roy purr. Never. She’d never heard Jamie purr like this. 
It nearly made her feel left out until Jamie was grabbing for her, to pull her in for a sloppy, wet kiss. Wet from his tears and drool, messy and hungry. 
“Bedroom. Now.” Roy said in a way that left no room for arguments, even from Keeley. Jamie was wobbly on his legs as they slowly got covered in stray drops of slick that slipped past the plug, but Roy was far too ramped up to care for consequences so he simply picked the omega up. 
Carrying him front-to-front, hands under Jamie’s plush ass, Roy hauled him up the stairs like his knee was ten years younger. Jamie, of course, was grinning ear to ear because his daddy carried him like a little princess. The omega wrapped his legs around Roy’s hips, feeling the hard line of cock pressing against his own soft shaft, he also held on with his arms around Roy’s shoulders, loving the way the muscles there felt under his shower warm skin. 
Keeley followed them, both utterly turned on by the show of strength and because she was a little nervous Roy’s knee would give out half way up. She also couldn’t help but watch the act play out in front of her. Yes she loved bossing Jamie around, she loved seeing Roy all dominant, she loved them both and wanted to play with them both, sure. But seeing the two of them be in their utter sexual element with each other? It was… art. It was beautiful and messy and natural and it made her feel kind of honored to be able to watch. She’d still get an orgasm out of it, but that could come later. 
Roy dropped Jamie onto the bed, throwing the towel that had been covering him away. Jamie immediately started reaching for what he really wanted, hands reaching toward Roy’s hard cock where it hung heavy between his hairy thighs. 
“Hands off. Present like a good bitch, pretty baby.” Roy ordered as he knelt up onto the bed, watching Jamie move into the presenting position. Each movement, each chiseled muscle, moved like water under his skin in a graceful fluid motion. He easily rolled onto his belly, dragging his knees up to create a stark angle of his back. Ass raising up, thick thighs spreading, back dipping deeply, as his chest stayed down on the bed. He reached his arms out in front of him, grabbing the headboard, face stuck down into the bedding. 
“You can’t breathe like that, you’ll hurt your shoulders.” Keeley corrected and pulled at Jamie’s elbows, making him draw them back so his forehead rested against his forearms. Jamie just whined and rolled his eyes. He didn’t need to breathe. He needed a fucking. 
And he absolutely wasn’t getting it because soon the rough drag of Roy’s scruff was rubbing across his ass, a hot wet line being branded into his skin as the alpha licked a stripe across his plush skin leading to the warmed end of the plug. Jamie cried out, grabbing the soft bedding below him. 
“You said you could hold still. Show me you can be a good boy.” Roy said as he laid down behind Jamie, pulling his hips down a bit. Jamie bit into the bed as he breathed in deep, waiting for whatever was next. Keeley sat beside Jamie’s head, one hand finding his hair, the other reaching under the waistband of her pajama bottoms. 
Roy nuzzled the inside of Jamie’s thigh, causing the boy to cry out again as his skin grew red from the alpha’s stubble. He was marking Jamie. And that just made the omega moan out that much louder as Roy pulled the plug out of Jamie. 
Jamie shivered as Roy’s breath washed over his exposed hole. He knew he was leaking, knew his thighs were trembling, but all he could think about was how alpha’s hands held him down. Owned him. 
“That’s fucking stunning. What a pretty bitch” Roy growled out as he stared down at the meal laid before him. He breathed in the pure scent, eyes rolled back in his head before he dove in.
Jamie’s skin was smooth and he tasted so sweet, the soft little hairs that covered him held in that sweet scent. Roy moaned out as his tongue easily slipped into the omega after only giving a few long licks. He felt drunk. His hands grabbed at Jamie, his waist, his thick thighs, his unbelievably soft ass. He couldn’t help but shove his face closer, needing more of the caramel sweet slick that was flowing from the omega. He was in his own world. 
And Jamie was so out of it. He couldn’t tell whether or not he was screaming, moaning, or just had his mouth open. He’d never felt so good . Roy’s tongue was fucking into him, licking up all the slick that spilled out, sucking on his rim, scruff rubbing his sensitive skin raw, hands grabbing and holding him down. It felt so good, he tried his best to stay still but he couldn’t help try and push back against Roy’s face. Keeley’s nails scratched and rain lines across his scalp. He was surrounded by nothing but feeling. The feeling of the sheets and blankets below him rubbing against his chest and his overly sensitive cock were pushing him closer and closer to cumming. 
Keeley was enjoying the show more than she thought she would. Fingers rubbing quick circles over her clit, occasionally rolling down through the slick mess that was drenching her underwear. She couldn’t decide what was better to look at, Roy’s growling desperate way he ate Jamie out, or Jamie’s blissed out face as he cried out and moaned, all shook up with a thunderous purr. She could feel Roy moving the mattress as he rubbed himself against the mattress without meaning to, and Jamie holding onto the sheets for dear life. It was art. It was exactly what both boys needed, what they wanted, what they craved . And it was fucking hot. 
“Gonna- fuck please - alpha- mommy - cum gotta cum” Jamie struggled out between the ‘ ah ah ah’ s that were overtaking his every breath. He was crying again, turning his head to look up at Keeley. His face was wrecked, tears, blush, and eyes a shimmering golden color.
Keeley nodded, bottom lip caught in her teeth, she was almost there herself. A few more quick tight circles and she was gasping into her own orgasm, nails dragging across Jamie’s scalp as she grabbed up his hair. She rode out her orgasm watching as Jamie shoved back against Roy’s face, hips bucking chaotically until he was screaming out. 
Roy grabbed Jamie’s hips, working the boy through his orgasm. He kept licking inside Jamie until he was sobbing from overstimulation. Even then Roy only pulled back to lick up everything that had escaped him, running his tongue gently over Jamie’s hole and down to lick at his small soft balls. 
Jamie was panting, dizzy and happy, smile plastered to his face. Keeley was running her fingers through his hair with her still shaky hand. He didn’t know nor care about anything. Alpha was happy and mommy was happy and he was happy and everything was perfect. 
“Fuck.” is all Roy said as he knelt up, hand finding his throbbing cock. He moved so he was over Jamie, just nearly touching the sleepy omega. He growled out as he came, hand flying over his cock as he painted Jamie’s back and ass with ropes of cum. Not as much as if he hadn’t come a few hours before, but enough that Jamie would smell like him for days. 
Jamie giggled, looking over his shoulder at Roy who was panting, forehead resting against the omega’s shoulder blade. 
“You ate me out” Jamie said in a dazed way, giggling as he relaxed against the bed. Keeley broke out in a laugh too. She had her head thrown back catching her breath but the omega’s little giggles pulled her back to the present. 
“Your face is so much worse than when you do me.” She said and reached over to the bedside, forgoing the tissues to grab the pack of wet wipes from the drawer. 
Roy was blushing, he felt good but he didn’t mean to get so… wild. He was just so overcome with need … that didn’t happen often anymore. Keeley reached forward and began cleaning his face, scrubbing lightly at his stubble. 
“You did such a good job. I’ve never heard him purr like that before. He’s so happy. You made that sweet omega so happy. He feels so good because of you, Roy.” Keeley whispered as he noticed Roy begin to get into his own head. Roy just looked at her as he wiped off his hand. He nosed at her cheek till she faced him, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. 
“Thank you. Do you want me to, um… do you the same?” Roy asked, needing to get an orgasm out of her soon so he could crash back to bed. Keeley shook her head and put a clean wipe in his hand and wiped off Jamie’s back. 
“No need, already came. You two were so hot. You definitely have to do that again, after we get him to the clinic and get him settled.” Keeley said and laid back down beside Jamie once the omega was wiped off and clean. 
Roy finished cleaning himself off before laying down beside Jamie. He didn’t know if he should touch the now sleeping omega or not but it was out of his hands soon enough. Jamie was a cuddle bug regularly, he was practically an octopus during his heat. Head lying on Roy’s shoulder, arm laying across the alpha’s hairy chest, fingers caught up in the thick chest hairs there, leg thrown over Roy’s own. It was bliss. 
He was fast asleep when Keeley got up to clean and sweep up the broken glass in the kitchen. And when she got her phone from the charger to snap just a few quick pics of her boys. 
She just wanted a memento in case there wasn’t a next time. But that was unlikely. 
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madseance · 1 year
My Broadchurch posts have been getting more notes lately, which is a great excuse for me to point people to some of my favorite Hardy/Miller fics:
Loneliness (in F Flat Minor) by TreacleA — T, 50k
“I think I was a bit jealous of your date last night.” Hardy’s leant back in his seat, his hands resting on the wheel and he turns his head slightly to look at her. If he’s surprised he doesn’t show it, his dark brown eyes reflect the dash lights as they rest calmly on her face. “Well,” he pauses minutely, allowing space for the nuance in what she’s said, “You’d no need to be.”
Jump in the River by bitboozy — M, 8k [part 1 of Domesticated — M, 700k]
All the while he was gone, she tried not to think of him. She tried not to wonder what he was doing, where he had gone, why he had left. She tried not to make it about her. Logically she knew it couldn’t be. But perhaps that was problem. In her alone-est moments, she wonders why she wasn’t enough to keep him here. He thinks of her unabashedly. Like a dream he replays in his mind, a memory that is just the slightest bit different each time it passes through. He misses many things about her but chief among them is the freedom of arguing with her. He can yell at many, he can chastise anyone. But only she fights back. He has always liked the fight of life. The challenge of breathing, the unmistakable strain of human interaction. It reminds him he’s moving forward. With her, the fight is a game he can’t win but loves playing anyway. Maybe because he can’t win, and neither can she. It is infinite. As time passes she wonders if he ever happened to her at all. If she had just altered her own memories to make those days seem bearable. To remember something from those years besides her own personal tragedy. When he shows back up in Broadchurch she could kill him.
Empty Spaces by ShirleyAnn66 — T, 70k
Ellie recognizes his voice with the first word and spins around, mouth gaping, eyes wide. A part of her knows she must look ridiculous and only more so when she gets her first look at him. Gone is the scruffy unkempt man she remembers so well. The man standing before her is clean shaven, his shirt crisply pressed and buttoned to his throat, his tie perfectly knotted and straight. His hair is shorter than it was in Broadchurch, and smoothly combed. She barely recognizes him, his face all unfamiliar angles and sharp edges that could slice paper, but the overall impression is one of almost-vulnerable boyishness. Then she meets his eyes, and they’re as wide as hers, watching her with a mixture of uncertainty, nervousness, happiness and some indefinable something that gives her a burst of fear mixed with excitement mixed with the sense of finding something that had been lost. “Miller,” he says with an obvious effort, “finally got that promotion, then, aye?”
Tea & Happiness by MrsNoggin — E, 16k
Daisy wanders off and returns a few seconds later with the throw that usually lives on the back of the sofa, for exactly times like this. Instead of covering her father, for some reason she hands the blanket to Ellie, and for some reason Ellie takes it, shakes it out and lays it over him before even thinking to question why it’s her job.  The stairs creak in an obnoxious way, as those in new build houses that have been rather half-heartedly constructed tend to do - Daisy disappearing upstairs. The noise disturbs Hardy, and he turns over slightly, giving a graceless, twitching kick and a snort, before blinking his eyes open sleepily. "Hey love, you have a good time?” Love. She’s not sure who his sleep-addled brain has decided she is, so she strokes his hair back from his forehead. Watches it flop disobediently straight back down again. “Go back to sleep.” “Aye. Night Ellie, get home safe.”  Oh.
Ricochet by paintedvanilla — T, 8k
She looks more unsure now than she has all evening. “I’ve just— been thinking is all.” “… Thinkin’.” “Yes,” Miller says, giving him a look. “And our job, it’s quite stressful.” Hardy stares at her. “Sure.” “Sure. You say that like it didn’t almost kill you,” Miller says immediately. “But that’s— nevermind, I just thought— I mean I had this… look, just tell me if you think it’s a stupid idea, and I’ll never bring it up again.” “Love to, if you’d bring it up in the first place,” Hardy says before he can stop himself.
The Same Stuff by Lemur710 — M, 11k
“He was on a plane to America with his daughter Easter weekend, Ellie. And he still called you when he landed, didn’t he?” “He had to check in. We work together.” “Don’t always talk about work, though, do you?” “So what? We’re partners. Mates.” Lucy nodded. “Yeah. Mates who talk every day, who work long nights and sleep at each other’s houses, mates who make each other dinner and help each other’s kids with their homework. I barely see you without him anymore.” “So, he’s my best ma—oh, god.” She frowned in disgust, a chip half-way to her mouth. It was true, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
like night needs morning by svpportive — T, 2k
She rewinds the tape, rubbing at her eye. When nothing of import shows up, as suspected, she sighs and closes out of her computer and starts packing her things. Hardy still hasn’t moved. Definitely asleep then. She huffs and pulls the bag around her shoulders. “Goodnight, sir.” She says, loud in the empty quiet of the dark office. When he doesn’t stir she chuckles, and kisses the top of his head before making her way out. It’s only until she’s in the car that she realizes what she’s done, meaning she completely missed how Hardy had startled awake then stilled in shock.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 9 months
Vicarious (Part 10)
Azula frowns at the mirror; she still has his hair lopsided. She has been at this for at least a half an hour and she only has an hour more to get it right. And and hour more to figure out how to groom Sokka’s beard.
Between his horrendous handwriting and his somewhat unclear instructions she might be better off just going to the man himself and let him manage that part. 
She can at least get his hair done nicely. At least that is a display of an attempt. 
She picks up the hair tie and makes another attempt to get it right. It is, by far, better than all of her other attempts but it still isn’t perfect. And maybe for Sokka that is perfect. He doesn’t really seem like the type to care if a few strands of hair come out of the wolf tail. Pushing back all of her screaming instincts she steps away from the mirror. 
She just needs to go down to the living room and converse with Aang or Toph or anyone really. Reading a book would also do; anything that will keep her from dwelling on those misplaced strands of hair. 
She wanders her way down the hall.
“Hey, Sokka!” Toph greets.
“All ready for your date tonight?”
“Yes. I think so.”
Toph throws her head back and cackles. “I can tell that you aren’t! Your heart is beating like crazy.” Her expression grows more serious. “You’ll do fine, Sokka. Just make her laugh, you’re good at that.” She pauses. “I guess that Katara could give you better advice than I could. She knows what women like.”
“You don’t?”
“I know what I like!” She declares. “Which, apparently, is a lot different. Unless Jin is also into Earth Rumbles. But she strikes me as the candle lit dinner, walks through a blooming field kind of woman.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Azula replies. She tries to think of the things that she would enjoy on a date. Decidedly, she also falls under the ‘a lot different’ category but in a much different way than Toph does. 
“You’re going to be fine. And if it doesn’t go well then you have us.” Toph smiles. 
“I can date you?”
Toph laughs again, louder this time. “Your humor is impeccable.”
“I like Earth Kingdom women.”
“Okay, maybe don’t say that to her.” Toph snorts. 
Her list of things not to do and say continues to grow, but no one ever seems to have advice on what to do. 
“I heard that she did it because she thinks that some spirit told her that she had to. Like a divine sacrifice that can only be done by someone with royal blood.”
“I heard that it was a dragon, not a spirit.” Mentions a second female voice.
Sokka hears the guards before he sees them. 
“I heard that she sees herself as some type of martyr.” Speaks a third guard. 
“Either way, she’s…she’s out of her mind. If you ask me, they shouldn’t have brought her back to the palace, she’s going to make the entirety of the Fire Nation look foolish.” 
“Quiet down, Admiral Chan, she might…”
“Hear me?” He looks Sokka directly in the eyes. “That girl set fire to my beach house and upset my son. I knew that she was insane before everyone else did. Had to keep my damn mouth shut though or I’d have to deal with she and her father.” 
“Didn’t she sleep with your son?” Asks the female guard. 
Admiral Chan sniffs. “From the sound of it, she wanted to. But my son has better sense than that. He knows a lunatic when he sees one. This one just so happens to wear a crown.”
Sokka feels his chest constricting. He wishes that he had some witty comeback but he doesn’t know what Azula would say, how she would react. He doesn’t even know how he would. He thinks that he might laugh it off, make some ridiculous joke at his own expense just to alleviate the tension. But that isn’t Azula’s style. 
By the time he decides that she would probably attack the holes in the logic of these rumors, the guards have already rounded the corner.
That he hadn’t said a thing in defense makes his face red and his eyes prickle. 
He finds it perplexing that he is affected so much by rumors that aren’t really even about him. Ones that he won’t have to worry about when he gets his own body back.
Somehow it feels like they are talking about him. 
Or maybe it is that he knows exactly why Azula is so inclined to keep to herself. Knowing that he has partaken in sharing the rumors that make him so uncomfortable now. It is so easy to gossip about her; she is a royal, she had a scandal, and, just to add intrigue, she shrouds herself in mystery.
Really it is quite simple; she is sad and she is hurt. She just wants peace. 
He hopes that she can at least have that while masquerading as him.  
Currently, he can’t cling to that hope. Not when she is approaching him with a razor and a demand; “help me fix your beard so that it doesn’t look stupid while I’m on your date.” 
She is just as stressed as ever. 
Perhaps more so. 
Jin is a pretty girl. 
In some ways she reminds Azula of TyLee. They are both bright eyed and happy-go-lucky. Maybe Jin isn’t quite as perky but she is certainly cheerful. 
Perhaps that is why Azula’s stomach is doing all kinds of flops and flutters. Why she is having trouble getting words out. She is out of her comfort zone on many different levels. She should have taken the woman to a play or a music event, anything but a dinner. If Sokka hadn’t already reserved a seat at the Crimson Imperial Candle, she very much would have picked a different date activity. 
Instead she is forced to endure the awkward and tense ambiance that overlays the elegant and romantic atmosphere that the eatery tries to coax. The fountains that cut all across the floor, dividing each table into a small and individual island are lit by dozens of candles hanging from the ceiling and floating in the water. Twinkling reflections and artfully positioned tiling make the water look like a sea of rippling gold. 
There is an option to eat while sitting on rugs and carefully arranged pillows but Sokka has chosen to reserve a table instead. Not that, that isn’t nice enough. The table is sprinkled with firelily petals and–likely per Sokka’s request–moonlily petals. 
There are other touches of Water Tribe influence in this arrangement such as a scatter of little wooden beads and paintings of wintery landscapes. Azula notes that he hadn’t requested any Earth Kingdom touches. 
From the look on her face, Azula is inclined to believe that Jin has pieced that much together as well. 
“Do you know what you’d like to eat?”
Jin speaks first, “why don’t you ask Sokka, since he wants to call all of the shots.” 
Azula grits her teeth. She is going to kill the man for putting her in this position. That dolt. That careless oaf! At least she can rest assured that she isn’t the only insensitive person around the palace. “I was actually going to let you pick the food tonight since I chose the decor.” 
“How thoughtful.” Although she smiles, there is anger twinkling in her eyes. “Sokka know how much I hate interior design and lo-ove the culinary arts.”
She makes a mental note that Jin wants to be an interior designer and cannot cook. If she had to guess, she would say that Jin is also a very picky eater. 
“Go on, Sokka, you know what I like to eat.”
Azula hadn’t seen a smile as forced as the one that the waiter makes since meeting Joo Dee. She clears her throat. “We’ll have the…” she tries to recall what dishes she had enjoyed while staying in the Earth Kingdom. She can really only recall one thing, “seared wild Kyoshi elephant koi.”
Jin rolls her eyes. As soon as the waiter is out of earshot she scoffs, “really, you think that some fancy gourmet meal is going to win me over? Do you even remember what my favorite food is? I remember yours; blubbered seal jerky. Your favorite color is indigo, your birthday is February 20th, you are really annoyed by singing nomads and singing gophers, you had a run in with a baby sabertooth mooselion, and you still sleep with this ratty old stuffed seal.”
Helpful information. But delivered most hostilely. 
“Do you even know a single thing about me?”
“I’d like to, why don’t you tell me about…”
“Because I. Have.”
“I’ll listen this time. I promise. Ask me to recount what you told me tomorrow and you’ll see.” 
Jin rises abruptly. “It’s a good thing that you have a big appetite, Sokka. Enjoy your elephant koi.”
Usually Azula can piece together exactly what she had said that had made a person turn away from her. This time…
This time she can’t understand it at all.
The woman didn’t even give her a chance to try.
Understanding dawns.
Jin didn’t give her a chance to try, but she had probably given Sokka many.
Even still, she can’t stop the tightening of her throat and the turning of her tummy. Now Sokka is going to destroy whatever she has left in life. He is going to ruin it much further beyond repair that it already had been. 
Perhaps she should try to win the woman back. If she can, he wouldn’t need to know. But no, there had been a finality in this breakup. She has a strong feeling that it isn’t the first break up. But it is the last. 
Sokka can’t say that he is surprised to see Azula home wearing a look of utter dismay. The way that she bites the inside of her cheek, the downcast of her eyes…
“It didn’t go well, did it?”
“She broke up with me…you. She broke up with you.”
Sokka sighs. “Yeah, I had a feeling that she would.”
“Because you think that I’m trying to ruin your life?”
“Because of me.” He mumbles. “I kind of gave you a task that I knew was doomed…”
“Then why? Why send me on that date at all?” She slaps her hands against her thighs.
He shrugs. “You’re smart and good with words, I thought that you might be able to do or say something that I wouldn’t have thought of.” 
“What would make you think that? All of the friends that I don’t have. All of the relationships that I managed to ruin? You picked the wrong person to fix your relationship troubles, Sokka.”
He flinches. He itches to say something, but once again he isn’t sure what to say. He isn’t certain because most all of him is inclined to agree with her; how could he expect her to fix a failing relationship when all of hers have crumbled, when she hasn’t exactly had success in forming new ones. “You’re not the wrong person. I know that you can make a few friends if…” 
“Don’t lie to me, Sokka.” She folds her arms across her chest. 
“I’m not lying. I think that you can make lots of friends. All you need to do is…”
“Change everything that I am to make people like yourself more comfortable around me?” She quirks a brow. 
“I didn’t…I wasn’t going to say that. You don’t make me uncomfortable.”
Azula rolls her eyes. “Please, Sokka. I know my own face and I know what it does when I am uncomfortable.” She takes a step closer and he takes a step back. And she laughs. “See! That’s all it takes. All I have to do is step towards you and you act like I’m going to set you on fire–set myself on fire to do it.”
Sokka swallows. “I–” He rakes his hand through his hairline. “You’re an intimidating person, okay. You just are.” He cringes at his own blunder. “And I know that you can…turn it off. I’ve had a few conversations with you that didn’t make me nervous.”
“Yes well, I’m not going to change my whole demeanor for  other people. Especially ones who won’t stick around when things get grim.” She turns her back on him. 
He groans. Why is she so hard to talk to? Why is he so bad at talking? Maybe if this body came with even a scrap of Azula’s eloquence maybe wouldn’t make a mess of every other conversation they have. Maybe if he had his own eloquence, that date wouldn’t have gone so poorly for Azula. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” He tries. 
She pauses and looks disinterestedly back at him. 
“I didn’t really know Jin.” He admits. And, Spirits, it hurts to say out loud. “I didn’t really try to get to know her.” 
Azula’s brows furrow. 
“She was like…I just kept picturing Suki and thinking about Suki. They are kind of similar.” 
“Pathetic, Sokka.” Azula scoffs. And with that she is gone, her footsteps echo from down the hall.
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maxillness · 2 years
You look distracted, Hunny // Smut
Pairings: Jack Thompson x Stark!Reader
Pronounces: They/Them
Warnings: Sex p/v, dirty talk, bottom!Jack
Summary: Peggy Carter asks Y/N Stark to be a distraction at the gala where they have a mission. Y/N is distracting, but doesn't follow the plan
Word count: 1553
A/N: This is the filthiest I have ever written
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When Peggy came to them and asked to help with a secret mission, they expected to be a watchdog, not a distraction
"Please tell me why I'm doing this again" Y/N was walking around the Gala, trying to locate their objective
"Because he needs to be distracted so Mr. Jarvis and Dottie won't get seen with each other" Y/N heard Peggy say from the comms
"You owe me one, Peg," They said walking towards the bar as they spotted agent Thompson "Whiskey, please," They said to the mixologist standing behind the bar
"You here alone?" Y/N turned their head to the side to see Agent Thompson sipping on his glass
"Yes," They gave him a seductive smile and bashed their eyelashes just enough to let his mind wander "And you? You look like someone who'd bring a date"
"I'm here alone, darling" They swore they heard an accent some place under his voice
"What a shame. Such a handsome man as yourself shouldn't be alone at such a beautiful Gala" They said before taking a sip of their drink
"Don't flirt with him, Y/N" They heard Sousa say
"You know, you look oddly familiar" Y/N got off her stool and stepped closer to the blond agent
"Do I now?" They still had that seductive smile on their lips "Is that a good or bad thing?"
"I don't know yet" It's a good thing Y/N knows agent Thompson, but it's not a good thing when it's the other way around "Y/N Stark"
"I know my name, what's yours?" Hopefully, he didn't have the file on them. He properly doesn't as it's classified, but still, he's an SSR agent
"Jack Thompson" It wasn't a part of the plan, but, looking into his hazel eyes, they were sure the night was gonna end in sex. One place or another
"Do you really want your night to end alone, Jack?" Y/N knew either one of them wanted their night to end alone
"Y/N, what are you doing?" They ignored Peggy at the other end
"No" Jack looked down into the floor, giving Y/N the opportunity to take out their earpiece and dumb it in their glass and put it behind the counter "I don't want to end up alone tonight. What about you, Y/N?" Y/N stepped closer to Jack, making them stand in between his legs, faces inches apart
"Depends on who I'm ending up with" Jack's breath quickened as Y/N's lips were millimeters away from his "I have to go home" Y/N sighed when Jack pushed himself closer and Y/N pulled back
"Let me drive you," He said as he stood up
"You don't know where I live," They said, laughing a little
"You could tell me" Jack pulled Y/N's body closer to his by their waist
"Fine. I let you drive me" If this was a normal invitation to a gala, they probably wouldn’t had ended up with someone they just met
Y/N tried to open their door, but it was hard when Jack was standing behind them kissing their neck “I’ll kill you if you leave any hickeys”
“Understood” He said and turned Y/N around as they got the door opened
Jack pushed them inside the doors as he was kissing them with force. Y/N closed the door as their hands were occupied with both tucking Jacks hair and trying to get his tie loose
“Desperate much, Y/N” He said and grinned into the kiss
“You’re the one who’s desperate. Getting into bed with a person you’ve just met” They said as they pulled his tie above his head not wasting anytime to get it all loose
“And what about you? Hm? You also just met me” He said unbuttoning his button up
“I’ve been watching you for longer” They said pulling them both into their bedroom trying to get his belt off while kissing up and down his neck making sure to leave hickeys
“You know, it’s not fair that you have all you clothes on, but I’m almost naked” Jack said which was followed with a moan as he kicked off his shoes and theirs followed
“If it was your house, it might have been different” They said between kisses that went from the right side of his neck, across his throat, and to the left side of his neck “My house, my rules” They said she finally gave in and pulled down the zipper to their dress and slipped it down their body, leaving them in their matching bra and panties
Y/N pushed Jack back so he sat down on the bed. He reached out to their hips and pulled them onto his lap “Is it supposed to be comforting that you’ve been watching me for longer?” He asked as Y/N started kissing him again
“It wasn’t my intention, but, is it?” They asked as they looked deep into his eyes and started rocking their hips lightly which caused him to close his eyes and moan “Tell me. Was it?”
“No” He managed to get out as his breath started to tremble “Please” He moaned as he put his head on their shoulder
“Please what, baby?” They knew exactly what he wanted, but they needed to hear him say it
“Please fuck me” He breathed out as he started to scratch up and down Y/N’s back
“Of course, darling,” They said as they got off of Jack's lap “Take off your boxers” They demanded which he happily and quickly did “Good boy,” They said and got onto their knees right in front of him
They took his cock in their hand and licked a stripe from the base to the tip which made his breath tremble as his eyes rolled back in his head. Y/N spit in her palm before stroking him a few times before taking him in their mouth
“Fuck” Jack moaned and put his hand in Y/N’s hair to make them take him in more, but which resulted in them grabbing his hand and pulling it away “Please let me touch you” He moaned as she started going up and down
The bedroom was quickly filled with Jacks loud moans which they had no intention to cover “Fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna cum” It was Y/N’s cue to get off and stood up “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see. Get in the middle” They demanded which he happily did. He would do anything for the person in front of him. As he got in the middle of the bed, Y/N clipped off her bra and slid off her underwear and discovered them in the pile of clothes on the floor
“You’re gorgeous,” Jack said as Y/N straddled his lap, but not sitting down and as he put his hands on their waist
“And you look even more handsome naked” They smiled seductively
“Please. I need you to fuck me” He moaned as he closed his eyes “Please” He bucked up his hips, but Y/N pulled away
“Only if you’ll be a good boy, and not do this stunt again”
“I swear. Please. I swear I'll be good” His eyes started watering. He never thought he’d be this submissive to anyone. He was always the one in charge. He wasn’t used to this
“Good. Now, if you don’t keep your promise, you’ll get punished. You get that?” They asked as they hovered over him
“Yes. Yes, I understand. Please, fuck me. I want you”
“No. You don’t want me. You need me, and I don’t think you can accept that. You’re too embarrassed to be so submissive. You hate not being in charge. Is that correct?” They leaned down and hovers their mouth over his pulse point. He nodded “I need to hear you, baby”
“Yes. That is correct” He admitted
“Thank you,” They said as they started sucking at his pulse point, dragging short but loud moans out of him
“Please” He moaned. Y/N started stroking him a few times, still wet from their mouth. Y/N took in just the tip which made them moan a little “Fuck, Y/N” They slid more down onto his cock taking almost all of it in, making them both moan loud
Y/N put their forehead on Jack’s as they started rocking their hips. Soon the room was filled with both of their loud moans, defiantly heard by the neighbours
Y/N sat up straight as they started picking up their speed and sat Jack trusted his hips to meet their movements
“Fuck, Y/N! I’m gonna cum” He closed his eyes and rolled his head back. Y/N could as well feel the knot in her lower stomach tightening
“Show, don’t tell,” They said as they put their hands on his chest. With just a few more seconds, Jack came and Y/N followed short after
Y/N got off, laid beside Jack, and pulled the sheets over the two of them
“We should do that again sometime” Y/N smiled and kissed Jacks' cheek
“We should” He sighed and looked towards them
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silverhenderson · 1 year
Better Together (Regulus Black x Reader (Iris Lebelle))
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauder's era)
Pairing: Regulus x Iris Lebelle
Warnings: Slight Smut, Swearing and Angst
Word count: 1869
A/N: if you want to see what Sirius was doing during this let me know!
October, 10th, 1976
Sirius ran his hand through his curly brown hair, sighing as he looked up at the tall building. A mansion for one of his horrible mother’s friends, his little brother Regulus walked up next to him, while the two looked similar they both were very different. Sirius wore a red tie and a suit his mother had forced him into and Regulus wore a green suit. He looked up at his older brother. “What?” he asked looking at Sirius with a face, “I hate coming to these things,” the other brother said back not looking him in the face. “I don’t,” Regulus said looking back at the building and smiling a bit to himself. In truth, Reg really didn't love getting dressed up for some stupid event for “purebloods” but what he did enjoy was seeing his friend; Iris. 
The two had been inseparable since they were children and had met at the ministry where both their fathers worked. Since then, they would sneak off any chance they got to have fun together. Feelings had started to bubble over for his best friend, something about her long hair and her smile made his heart flutter. She was kind, and smart, and never showed an ounce of hate towards anyone, and he loved her for that. She was different, and she had always been there for him through everything his horrid family had put him through. Although he was the “good” brother, it was still difficult, but she took the pain away and all the weight that had been thrown on his shoulders. 
Regulus straightened his tie, taking a deep breath he walked past his elder brother and into the house. It was packed, adult after adult packed next to each other. In the middle of the room was dancing, Regulus ignored his brother sneaking past him to go probably find some girl to whoo. He looked around trying to find her, suddenly someone grabbed him by the arm. He looked up and was sorely disappointed to see his mother, “Regulus come with me, I would like you to meet someone” he nodded and went with her.
The mother and son came to an old-looking gentleman who was surrounded by many different important-looking people. “Mr.Girth this is my son Regulus,” his mother said motioning to her son. “Nice to meet you, son,” he said holding his hand out to the boy. “The pleasure is mine” he took the old man’s hand and shook it firmly. As Mr.Girth talked about some topic Regulus couldn't care less about his eyes wandered and spotted her. There she was across the room, everything around them slowed as he took her in. She wore a short blue dress, her hair had been curled and had daisies braided into them, her makeup was soft, and she wore a necklace of a bee. She smiled and laughed at whatever the person she was talking to was saying, and his heart stopped. She was extraordinary; he wanted to take her away and just have it be the two of them together. Forever. Nothing in the world mattered anymore.
“Excuse me,” he said to the group and walked across the hall to her. He ignored the whispers from the group he had abandoned. Brushing his pants off he weaved through the dancers, thinking of what to say to her. Swiftly Regulus grabbed her hand and spun her, dipping her and holding her. As the two stared into each other’s eyes he blushed; she was so beautiful. Now that he was so close to her his stomach suddenly filled with butterflies.
She giggled when she saw it was him who was in her arms, “hello Mr. Black” she whispered to him, he smirked down at her; “hello Ms.Labelle” he whispered back. He resisted the urge to kiss her; after an awkward silence, he pulled her back up. “How has your night been Reggie?” she asked. “Not great, Sirius is being a pig” he motioned over to his older brother who was flirting with some brunette. “He’s gonna disappear soon to go sleep with the Mckinnon girl” Iris laughed at his comment. 
She threaded her fingers through his and pulled him to the dance floor. He followed like a lost puppy; she placed his hand on her waist. He looked down at her, face heating up. Pulling her close, the two began to dance around the room, the two danced in sink like clockwork. Regulus spun her, her dress spread out around her making her look like a princess. And that's what he was to her; a magnificent princess. The two were so engulfed in each other they didn’t notice the whole room staring at them. 
Sirius watched his brother with Iris. There was some unseen spark between the two of them. He knew his brother’s feelings towards Iris, he saw the way he stared at her. Sirius couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Not because he liked Iris or anything, she was somewhat annoying to him but because his brother had found something like that. Although he had been known for his flirtatious nature he secretly longed for someone he could love forever. The boy walked away from the group to a small corner where he took a swig from the flask he had brought and disapparated. 
   Finally, the song ended and in turn, the two stopped their waltz. Regulus held her close, their faces mere inches away from each other. He could feel her soft breathing on his face, he looked down at her lips. This is it he thought, everything he had been hoping, praying for was going to happen right now. Before he could close the space between them there was a growing applause behind them. Iris looked to see what was happening and to Regulus’ displeasure; he continued looking at her. Her cheek grazed his lips softly.
Iris blushed at the applause, Regulus pulled out of his trance from her when a voice complimented them behind them. “Well done Mr.Black, that was some of the most beautiful dancing I have seen” It was Mr.Girth, Regulus looked at him pulling away from Iris but keeping a grip on her waist. He wanted to punch the man for interrupting them, Iris listened to the man ramble compliment after compliment at the couple. Iris looked at Regulus and then back at the man. “Thank you, Mr.Girth but I think I hear my father calling me, come Reggie” She took him away from the man and up a back set of stairs. 
The two walked upstairs and down the hall until coming to a closed bedroom door. She pushed it open and pulled him inside. Shutting it behind her, she flicked on the lights. The room was a light blue color and had a four-poster bed as well as a dresser. Not much else other than that. Iris pulled him to the bed. This is what it has to be Regulus thought his breath stopping; thinking about what could come next. She sat him down, “I have a present for you,” she said smiling at him. “What is it?” He asked, half hoping the gift would be something more than just their friendship. She leaned forward and placed something in his hand. A small cardboard box, he looked down; cigarettes. “But you don’t smoke,” he said looking at her confused, “I know” she sat next to him. “But I know you like to when you get stressed, so I bought them for you”
His heart skipped a beat, she was so sweet, she was an angel. He mouthed a thank you and lit one, breathing in and lying back on the bed. She looked down at him, his curls spread out around him, he looked up at her; her blue eyes twinkled from the moonlight. He took in another breath and the two sat in a comfortable silence. After some time the small flame had gotten down to his fingers. He blew it out and threw the butt somewhere in the room. Regulus looked up at Iris, thinking. She looked back down at him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her down to him. The two ended up with Iris right above him and Regulus under her small frame. 
His breath hitched, and he looked up at her face. Her eyes drooped a bit from how late it was. He had imagined this moment for years and now it was finally happening. He reached up and ran his fingers through her hair holding her head in his hand. She looked at him, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. Regulus slowly pulled her face to his, closing his eyes. Before their lips could connect someone busted into the room. Iris shot up and ended up sitting on Regulus’ lap, there in the doorway stood none other than his brother. Sirius. 
The eldest brother was a disheveled mess; his tie was around his neck. His buttoned-up shirt was open and missing some buttons, his hair was a mess and his belt had missed a loop. He laughed at the scene before him, Regulus’ calm demeanor completely flew out the window. He was pissed. This was his one shot at finally being happy with the girl he cared so deeply for and his stupid drunk of a brother fucked it all up.
“What’s going on here?” Sirius slurred, Regulus shot him a glare. “None of your business you fucking prick” he shot back. Sirius laughed at his brother, “Well whatever it is, Iris you're needed at Evans.” Iris sighed and went to move when Regulus grabbed her waist, “why?” He snapped, Sirius looked taken aback by the question; “so you can shag her?”   Anger clearly in his voice.
Sirius again laughed, “First off Iris is so not my type, Second I just had the best “shag” of my life, so I’m good for now, and third I’m sure Remus would not be thrilled about that” Regulus looked from his brother to Iris who was blushing much harder than before, “the werewolf?” He asked looking at her, “everyone knows he has the hots for her; has had them since 4th year” Sirius said nonchalantly. Regulus felt two things, 1 the anger of someone even thinking of Iris the way he did and 2 his heartbreaking at the thought of the two of them not being together. 
Iris looked at him, he said nothing and let go of her. She didn’t move, “Reggie?” She whispered he looked away from her holding back tears, he couldn’t let her see him cry; he just couldn’t. Before Iris could say anything Sirius grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out. Regulus heard her call out for him down the hall, with worry in her voice, but he didn’t move. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he sat there in the room, the light flickered and left him in darkness. In that second Regulus vowed two things, for one he would never show pain like this in front of anyone ever again, and two. He would make Remus Lupin feel the pain he did forever.
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peace | S. Sallow | Chapter Four
Sebastian Sallow x F!OC
Warnings: cursing (if you squint), mentions of death, slightly sexual content by the end.
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It must have still been the early hours of the morning when Ariadne woke again. It was the smell of cinders and sandalwood that brought her to reality. She quickly untangled herself from Sebastian and got off the sofa, making her way back to her dorm. Ariadne found Imelda, Grace Pinch-Smedley, Nerida Roberts, and Arista Deadshadow all milling about and getting ready for classes.
It was Imelda who noticed Ariadne walk in, "And where were you?"
The girl walked over to her trunk and opened it, pulling out a clean uniform. A white cotton blouse, a gray skirt, a green Slytherin blazer, and her house robe.
"It's none of your concern," Ariadne answered, shedding off her nightgown and changing into her school uniform.
"You were gone when all of us woke up," Nerida, who was fixing her hair into its normal bun, said.
"My business is my own, again, it's none of your concern." She applied a bit of perfume, undoing the braid she had in her hair, and ran a brush through it before re-braiding it, tossing it over her shoulder.
"Oh come on, Ariadne, I saw you fast asleep in Sebastian Sallow's arms this morning in the common room when I went to use the girl's lavatory," Grace teased earning a half-hearted glare from Ariadne.
"He just helped calm me down after a nightmare. That's all. Nothing else happened. We're just friends." She felt like she was repeating herself. It was getting quite frustrating.
"You fancy him, don't you?" Imelda this time, not much to Ariadne's surprise.
"Why is it any concern of yours if I fancy Sebastian or not?"
"Because it's obvious," Imelda sighed, "it doesn't take a Ravenclaw to figure out that you fancy him."
"How is it obvious?" Ariadne felt her face flush as she faced the wall away from the girls.
"Sleeping in the common room together for one," Arista Deadshadow finally piped up, running a brush through her dark chocolate locks.
She was courting Amit Thakkar. Not only did she have beautiful chocolate hair, but she had tan skin to compliment it and a set of beautiful blue eyes. Arista and Amit certainly had a beautiful courtship from what Ariadne observed.
"Secondly, you and Sallow spent most of fifth year together," Nerida pointed out, "honestly, it wouldn't be a surprise if the two of you started courting."
She rolled her eyes and was done with the conversation. Ariadne grabbed her school bag and left the room, giving all her roommates an obscene gesture. She found Ominis in the common room conversing with a disheveled-looking Sebastian, who was struggling to do his school tie.
"Good morning, boys," Ariadne greeted.
"Oh, good morning, Ariadne," Ominis smiled.
"Ari," Sebastian said, still struggling with his tie.
"Bash, let me fix that for you," The girl chuckled, walking over to the brunette boy and fixing his tie for him.
"Shall we be off to breakfast?" Ominis suggested, taking his wand out and letting it guide him to the Slytherin common room entrance.
"Took the words right out of my mouth, Ominis!" Sebastian exclaimed as he followed his best friend out.
Ariadne lagged behind a little, watching the boys interact as if nothing happened between the two of them. A smile formed on her lips. She watched as they cracked jokes and exchanged smiles themselves.
As she walked behind them, listening to their conversation, Ariadne couldn't help but let her mind wander to the nightmare she had the night before.
She was back. Back at the final repository. Ariadne stood victorious over Ranrok. Her breathing was heavy, having just absorbed Isadora's power. A new sense of power overcame her. A new sense of pride.
She reveled in it, feeling the magic course through her veins. An apparition of Professor Fig appeared.
"Professor, this power! It's incredible. Think of all the things I can to do to help people!" She exclaimed, "How much of this I can use."
Fig's face was grim.
"You have disappointed me, my dear child," He said.
Ariadne froze, "But professor-"
"This power should not be wielded by someone so easily swayed by the dark arts..."
That sentence hit Ariadne hard. How did Fig know she was drawn to the dark arts? He couldn't possibly know what transpired in the scriptorium or the catacombs. She swore to Sebastian, Ominis, and even Anne, that this was between them.
"How-" was all she could say and she sank to her knees. An impossible guilt consuming her.
Fig turned his back to her, "I'm sorry, my child, but I believe I have failed in teaching you. After all, the magic my wife Miriam and George Osric died for, now lies in the hands of someone I fear will be most likely to fall victim to the dark arts."
And with that, Fig was gone. Ariadne dropped her wand. She failed the man she looked to as a father.
"Ariadne?" Sebastian's voice came.
She snapped out of her thoughts to look at the boy next to her, "Hmm?"
"Are you okay?" Ominis asked, who was sitting in front of her, his clouded gaze filled with worry.
"Oh, yes," She lied, "I'm just lost in thought."
Somehow, as she was lost in thought; they ended up at the great hall, and sat at Slytherin's table. She couldn't recall the steps she took to get there, nonetheless grabbed herself a tea cup and made herself some Earl Gray. Ariadne reached for a platter of Raspberry tarts and plucked one from the pile, putting it on her plate.
Sebastian sat next to her, his brown eyes fixed on her. She looked back at him as she took a bite of her tart.
"What?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"I'm just worried about you," He answered, taking Ariadne's hand in his "Do you want to tell me about that nightmare you had last night?"
She shook her head, "Not at the moment. Later perhaps, where there aren't as many prying eyes and eavesdropping ears."
Sebastian nodded and returned to eating his breakfast. Ominis- who sat across from them- had a questioning look on his face but only shook his head and drank from his goblet of pumpkin juice.
The three Slytherins quietly ate their breakfast before heading off to classes. During fifth period in Defense Against The Dark Arts, Professor Hecat had brought out a Boggart cabinet.
"I know what you're all thinking,
Didn't we cover this in third year? Yes. But this does come up on your N.E.W.Ts." Hecat waved her wand and moved all the desks against the wall.
"Now, can anyone recall the spell used to get rid of Boggarts?" She turned to the class.
Ariadne was standing next to Natty and watched as both Sebastian and Coulter's hands went up. She chuckled and turned to her Gryffindor friend.
"This will be interesting," Ariadne whispered.
"Indeed," Natty agreed with a smile and amusement playing on her features.
"Mr. Sallow," Hecat waved to him to answer.
"Riddikulus," Sebastian answered confidently.
"That is correct. Now as you all know, Boggarts turn into the thing you fear the most. And as the spell implies you will turn the thing you fear very most into something funny!"
Ariadne's stomach dropped, and she felt the color drain from her face. They turn into the thing you fear the most?! She thought. Her thoughts ran wild as she started to fiddle with her fingers.
"Line up!" Hecat called.
One by one students lined up. And one by one students fears came to life before them. Natty's was her father, Coulter's was isolation, Amit's was disappointing his parents.
She watched as Sebastian went next. The Boggart shifted and moved before it finally transformed into a casket. An open casket. Ariadne saw Sebastian stiffen at the sight, his hands shaking slightly as he gripped his wand. Inside the casket lay Anne. She lay there pale and unmoving. His twin. Sebastian's worst fear was the death of his sister.
"Riddikulus!" Sebastian cast the spell and Anne's casket turned into a swarm of monarch butterflies.
He stepped back, taking a shaky breath before returning to the back of the class. Ariadne gave him a sympathetic look before returning her gaze to the cabinet that was now in front of her.
She pulled her wand out. It was beautiful, made of fir wood, eleven and three-quarter inches, reasonably supple, with a unicorn hair core. The wood was white and the handle was black with a silver botanical design spiraling around it.
As the boggart shifted and moved around, Ariadne's mind raced again. Her worst fear could be a number of things. Acromantulas to Godric knows what. A shiver went down her spine. And finally it takes form.
What Ariadne stares at is a mirror image of herself. Except this Ariadne wore black leather combat gear, her eyes were an ominous red glow, and a malicious smile graced her lips.
"Oh, Ariadne, dearest," Her doppelganger chuckled, stepping closer, "you're not scared of acromantulas. Despise them? sure. But you aren't afraid of them. You fear me."
Ariadne gulped, "What do you mean by me?"
The doppelganger smiled wickedly starting to circle her. The sound of the leather boots it wore rapped slowly against the floor.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," it continued, "you're afraid of yourself."
A dark laugh made its way to its lips, "Well, more specifically, you're afraid to become the person you so crave to be."
"Lies," Ariadne stated, raising her wand to cast the spell.
"Are they? So, you don't desire to wield the power that Isadora Morganach left in that final repository? The very power that you now hold?"
"You're afraid that it will consume you. You're afraid that you failed Professor Fig by taking the power for yourself. What a true Slytherin you are..."
Ariadne shook her head, feeling tears prick at her eyes, "No, that's not true!"
"Its not?" The doppelganger stopped in front of her, squinting its eyes at her, "or are you afraid that it is true?"
And the doppelganger- boggart- turned into a niffler. She watched it- shaking- as it rolled around with a gold galleon in it's paws. Ariadne turned on her heels and ran out of the class. She didn't care if it was cowardly of her to do so, she's not in Gryffindor like Natty or Gerrath.
"Ari, wait!"
Ariadne ignored him as she made her way out the DADA tower and up the stairs to the seventh-floor corridor. She entered her room of requirement, trying not to cry. She saw Deek standing in the middle of the room, taking care of the plants she had growing there since fifth year.
The house elf noticed her and smiled, "Deek was wondering when you'd be back! Deek's been taking care of the room and beasts for you!"
"Thank you, Deek, I appreciate it," Ariadne smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Sebastian had been looking for Ariadne for hours. He searched the library, the great hall, the quidditch pitch, the Undercroft, and Hogsmeade. No such luck. He wanted to make sure she was okay. Apparently, Ariadne had skipped sixth period and hasn't been seen since according to Imelda.
Where the hell is she? He thought to himself.
Sebastian decided to look in the Astronomy tower. She had to be somewhere. As he walked down the seven-floor corridor a door appeared. He furrowed his brows. He knew what the door led to, but only read about it in a few books on Hogwarts.
The Room of Requirement.
Sebastian stepped through the door, where he was met with a room that very much reminded him of the Slytherin common room, but with a purple aesthetic and not green. Several potion stands, herbology plants, and few vivariums. The ambiance of the room was like walking into the Forbidden Forrest in the dead of night.
And there she stood, Alchemy book in one hand and gaze fixated on a boiling cauldron. Ariadne wasn't wearing her house robe and her braided hair was now tossed into a messy bun on top of her head.
"So, this is where you come to hide," Sebastian said, making the girl jump.
She turned to face him, shock is written all over her face. "How did you get in here?"
"I was just looking for you. I've been searching for hours, it's nearly curfew. I was going to look in the Astronomy tower when this door appeared. Is this what I think it is? The room of requirement?"
Ariadne shook her head a sighed deeply, "Yes, and I come here to get away from prying eyes and to focus on my studies."
"That's brilliant actually," Sebastian said as he approached her, "Do you want to talk about what happened in Defense Against The Dark Arts during fifth period?"
He heard a forced laugh come from the girl. She turned to look at him, her green eyes full of something Sebastian could see said 'really you came to ask a dumb question?'
Ariadne sighed and set her Alchemy textbook down, putting the flames out under her cauldron. She motions for him to follow her into one of the vivariums she had, the enormous one in the middle. Sebastian walked inside with her and was met with a beautiful field and an eternal sunset. It was beautiful. He saw a herd of Mooncalves, puffskeins rolling about, jobberknolls flying in the air, and Nifflers running amuck.
He watched as Ariadne picked up a teel colored Niffler and nuzzled her face against it, before pulling it to her chest. She walked over to Sebastian and held it out to him.
"This is Perry," She said, "you want to hold him?"
Sebastian hesitated before taking the little guy in his hands, "Yeah, sure. Why not?"
The niffler started to climb his arm and shoulder, snuggling into Sebastian's neck. He chuckled and he took hold of the Niffler and brought it to his chest.
"Little rascal, ain't he?" He chuckled.
"What, him? Never!" Ariadne sarcastically rolled her eyes with a laugh and smile that reached her eyes.
She walked further into the vivarium and took a seat on a nearby boulder. She patted the space next to her and Sebastian obliged, sitting next to her with Perry in hand. Ariadne took a galleon out of her pocket and gave it to the Niffler, who took it without question and shoved the shiny item into his pouch. Sebastian chuckled and scratched Perry's head.
"About Defense Against The Dark Arts," Ariadne started, taking a breath, "it also had to do with the nightmare I had last night."
Sebastian looked at her, he could see uncertainty swimming in her green eyes as she looked ahead of her. His full attention was now on her.
"You already know how much the power I wield scares me. I'm scared it'll consume me." Her gaze shifted to him. "I'm also afraid of the person I'll become if I gave into the power. I know that person isn't someone I want anyone to meet. I don't even want to meet that person."
Sebastian could sense the hesitation in Ariadne's voice. There was something else she wasn't telling him.
"And finally... Something thats been eating away at me since the beginning of summer." She gulped and looked away. She started to play with her fingers.
Sebastian furrowed his brow, "Ariadne, what is it? You can tell me."
"I believe I failed him," She choked out.
"Failed who?"
"Fig. I believe I failed him. He was the closest thing I had to a father since my father died. I let him down when I took that power for myself, and he died disappointed in me. I failed him as not only his student, but as the daughter he never had. I'm afraid that if i use the power Isadora Morganach left in the repository, I will have not only failed him, but the Keepers, the school."
She had tears running down her face at this point. She sniffled and hid her face in her hands. Sebastian put the niffler down and watched it scurry off. He turned back to Ariadne as she quietly sobbed into her palms.
He scooped her up in his arms, bringing her into his lap. She was straddling his waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder for the second time.
"Ari, I didn't know Fig as well as you did, but I can tell you this. You did not fail him. You saved the school and defeated Ranrok in the process. I think he would be proud of the person you are. The Savior of Hogwarts." Sebastian explained, rubbing circles into Ariadne's back.
"I don't feel like the Savior of Hogwarts!" She pulled back to look at him. "I feel like a fucking train wreck. And it's only a matter of time before I go off the bloody rails."
The boy got an idea then, he cupped her face with one hand.
"What if I helped you learn to control this power? So you don't have to be afraid of it?"
"What? Sebastian, I could hurt you or worse... I-I, I'd have to think about it."
Sebastian used his thumb to wipe away her tears, "Don't worry, love, you don't have to give me a definite answer right now."
Ariadne nodded, "Merlin, look at me. I'm a disaster."
"If it helps, I think you still look gorgeous."
"Shut up, no I don't."
"Yes, you do."
"Bash..." Ariadne gave him a half-hearted glare.
"What? I'm not lying!" He chuckled, "you've always been gorgeous to me."
"Sebastian..." She looked at him with a serious look.
"Ariadne..." He returned the look, holding her close.
Sebastian watched as Ariadne's eyes flickered to his lips and back up. She bit her lip. He brought his other hand up to cup her face. The look she was giving him was making it very hard to control himself and the way she was straddling him. Godric, he hope she didn't notice his little.... friend.
She surged forward, pressing her lips to his. Sebastian easily returned the gesture like he had all those other times over the summer. Her lips felt soft against his rough ones. His eyes closed, letting out a low moan as Ariadne's fingers woven themselves into his hair, tugging slightly. He glided his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for permission. She obliged and Sebastian slipped his tongue into her mouth. She tasted of Earl Gray and honey.
He pulled away, looking into her eyes, "Shall we take this somewhere else?"
Ariadne nodded and got off his lap, taking Sebastian by the wrist and leading him out of the vivarium. She took him down a corridor in the room of requirement that opened up into another room.
This one also felt like the Slytherin common room with the purple aesthetic and not green. One side was a group of couches and chairs with coffee table in the middle. On the otherside was a small library of sorts and few tables with books and papers scatter on them. And back of the room was a four poster bed with lilac colored pillows and coverlet.
"I use this when I want to get away from people. Don't worry, Deek the house elf shouldn't bother us tonight." Ariadne quickly explained as she stopped a few feet from the bed.
"It's perfect," Sebastian said before capturing her lips with his in a heated kiss.
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pbandjesse · 6 months
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Well today did not go absolutely according to plan. But thankfully it was not as off the rails as yesterday was. It was a better day even if it didn't work out perfectly.
I slept alright. I slept in a bit and when I woke up I felt pretty good. I am glad I was able to get some good sleep. It let me be very productive today.
I started by taking a shower. I wanted to wash my hair and then I would perk my eyelashes. I had to time everything well if Naomi and Kim were coming at 1.
I felt pretty good. I was very clean and decided I would get dressed before I did my eyelashes.
I just wanted to be cozy. I love this long sweater dress and it was pretty perfect for this grey and foggy day.
I would set up on the bathroom floor and do my eyelashes the left eye went poorly like it does every time. But I got them done at the same time and not doing one eye and then the other. I over curled my left eye though and I hope it calms down a bit but that's okay. I'm still happy with my progress in learning to do this. I get better at the application every time, but it is a hard thing! So weird.
After I finished that and cleaned up I worked on cleaning the apartment. I changed the kitty litter and vacuumed. Moved some stuff around and started preparing the house to have people over.
I went to check my phone and Kim texted me that they were sick and would have to reschedule. Not a big deal. We will find another time.
Well now it wasn't even now and I had a clean apartment and hours with no plan. So I decided to finish cleaning up the apartment and then I would go out into the world.
I haven't been to savers in forever. I decided that would be a fun trip. So I would make that drive. Which kind of sucked because people can't drive in fog and were acting stupid even though visibility was fine.
I enjoyed my music and the drive despite others, and made it to savers in one piece.
And it was an awesome trip. I got a grab bag with three wedgewood plates for $4. I got a deck of vintage playing cards with ducks on them. I got a gift for someone.
I wasn't exactly planning on looking at clothes. But I did and I had some awesome finds. I got two jumpsuits that are skin tight and will be amazing for layering and keeping warm. I got a soft Tshirt dress. I got a beautiful tea dress that has tie straps and I love.
But the big find. The prize of the day. I found a LL Bean long coat. For $12. I am so beyond thrilled. I love a long coat but they tend to be overwhelming because I'm short but this one is so so perfect. I'm thrilled.
I was all excited and happy with my new jacket. I looked around for a little longer but nothing was topping that.
I finished looking there and paid and headed out. Onto the next one.
I went down the street to hit up the goodwill there. I found a few more gifts there. And a new picnic basket with a lid. Some frames for gifts. It was so good time.
I went back to the car and drove to Marshalls to look for sweater tights. No such luck. And I got very very tempted by leather purses. That I do not need but I will continue to think about.
I walked over to target next. Where I did find the sweater tights I wanted. I also got the hair stuff James needed and some holiday deodorants. Then I wandered around for a while.
The lines were very long so I decided I would just get in that now. And it did take a while but it was whatever. I paid and went back into the world.
When I got to the car I checked in with James and decided I would get a sandwich and then go to the museum and after they were done we would go look at the two houses.
And this worked out great. I went and got Wawa. I got a little sandwich and ate in the car. And then went to find my husband.
The drive back was kind of rough. There was an accident on the ramp to the highway so I had to go a different way and the gps took me all around the beltway which was bizarre. But I got to James before 4.
I enjoyed sitting with James while they finished up there day. I chatted with Phil for a bit. And told James about the day. It was nice. I enjoyed being at the museum.
James would finish up and load up the bike on the car and we were off.
We saw two houses and neither were amazing. The first one was another blue house. And it has potential but it makes more sense now why there were no photos on the listing. This was rough. It was still occupied and the woman was nice but this place was a mess. The carpets were disgusting. There were bones in the basement. Of a rodent probably. Everything just seemed dirty. But the real issue was the smell. The owner has poured spearmint oil on everything. The smell was so strong my eyes and nose burned. It was clear she was covering something up. But man. It was tough.
We were all in agreement that this was not the palace. Even at the price, it would need so much work it wasn't worth it for us.
So to the next one. This one was as far away as we were comfortable with. And it was cute. But this one also had basement water damage and clearly there had been a grease fire in the kitchen. I loved so many parts of it, but we decided that it just wasn't going to work out. We had a good conversation with Harold about first time home buyers. And it turns out we see his first first time home buyers! So he is learning a lot too. He would send us a few more to look at and we might go see those tomorrow. Exciting. I'm glad he's trying to hard for us. It is a big ask.
We would head home and soon Callie was coming over! I was so glad to see her. James would make us quesadillas which was so nice of them. Me and Callie went over my camp schedule and she pointed out a few things I can fix up. And we just talked about camp nonsense. Hopes and dreams for next summer. It was just so nice hanging out with me friend.
We talked about other stuff to. Life. People. Diagnoses. We talked about the upcoming Christmas party at camp. And the drama around that. Im so glad she came over.
She would leave around 930. And I would spend some time trying in my new things. And it was a good evening.
I am cleaned up and in my jammies now. I'm going to get ready to sleep now. Tomorrow is another busy day.
But only a little. I have to get an x-ray and I get my injections. We might see houses. I'm looking forward to being with James. It will be a good day.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Take care of yourselves and be safe. I love you all!
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