#i just finished the show with my siblings tonight
I think something I'm coming to realize about myself lately is that I can be convinced to like anything if it's brightly colored enough
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h0ttestgrlinm0urgu3 · 6 months
Sean Anderson [journey 2] x fem! reader
submissive Sean☆
WARNING 18+ smut
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[ swearing, cursing, dirty talk if you squint, sub/dom dynamics, riding, ✋🏿job ]
you are responsible for what you read
Sean gets in trouble and invites you over.
a/n *could be better, I used to write on wattpad awhile ago so imma lil ass*
it's around 10 pm when your boyfriend Sean texts you, not a hello, or a how are ya' babe, just a "come over". already knowing he got into something you threw on your jacket and headed over.
Sean's mom Liz never had problems with you coming over this late... fortinutly for you, the door was opened by Hank, shawns step dad.
' ain't happenin' ' he says, not even letting the door open fully before he started. 'you know what your little friend in there did?' his questioning sounding like a tired high school guidance counselor. responding by shaking your head no he continues 'he broke into a place, some satalite shit, oh my bad, stuff, and not only that' he says in a could you just belive it voice. ' he crashed that little dirt bike of his' finishing leaning back on the door crossing his arms with a smirk that could have been compared to a teen when they snitch on their older sibling. 'yea kristen said she'd seen the cops outside of the mcbrooms house. is he hurt?' you question not letting him into the fact that Sean told you what he was planning in advance 'nope' says Liz popping in the doorway,' but he got a nice swim,' she says, chuckling. 'go up there and check on him, will you?' she asks politely, moving Hank out of the way.
knocking on the door before entering, you see shawn at his desk looking over some paper. 'what is that?' you questioned while placing your head on his shoulder reading the paper but having no clue what it said. ' i think its from grandpa ' he says not taking his attention off of it. ' has to be '
'you know what it says?' you question after placing a kiss on his check and going to sit on his bed. 'not yet but ill figure it out' he says taking a final look at the paper letting out a breath before placing it onto his desk and making his way over to his bed where your sitting with your back to the wall, he lays his head on you lap looking up to you with a grin 'i did it' he says proudly. 'yes you did baby' you laugh, leaning down for a kiss.
when you go to break it he pathetically trys to follow your lips. ' you also almost got arrested ' you say as you look down at his beautiful face taking it into your hands and squeezing his cheecks, giving him barley a peck of a kiss.
'you also crashed your bike' giving him another worthless peck. 'had a busy night' you finish before giving him an actual kiss letting his face go. 'yea i did' he says, giving you a shit eating grin.'wanna make it busier?" he says doing the weird eyebrow thing that his step dad always does that makes you tear up every time you see it. 'no busy boy, i think you've done enough for tonight.' you say laughing, which gives him the impression that you were joking.
popping up onto his knees and lifting his shirt up. causing you to laugh even more, you ask 'baby what are you doing?' making him stop his actions before his shirt is even all the way over his head 'getting busy' he says in a defeated tone not taking the shirt from over his face, but from the redness spreading across his cheast you could tell he was embaressed. ' aww ' you say as you match him getting on your knees sitting back on you feet as you take your acrylic nail from his adams apple, that was barley showing from under where the shirt lay, all the way down to the button of his jean.
he kept his arms up, letting out soft pants as he pushed the fabric of the shirt that still covered his face into his mouth.
leaving little kisses a top of where his jeans covered him from the world. 'this what you want, huh?' trailing your finger up his cheest and letting your hand grip his kneck when it got there. taking your other hand you pull the bottom of the shirt down just enough to see his face 'what you wanted a reward because you've had a busy day' you say in a slightly condecinding tone that he definitely catches abd lets out a whimper 'yes' in response.
'ive had a very busy day' nodding his head as to verify that he indeed had a long day. you can't help but find him so damn hot when he's embarrassed and horny. leaning back, you tell him to take his shirt off. quickly ridding himslef of his shirt you next tell him to remove his pants
'your gonna be my god boy right?'
cut to you sitting on his bed back against the wall, fully dressed with Sean only in his boxers sitting between your legs with his back to your cheest. his hands sit under your thighs as precouction since he can never seem to keep his hands to himself.
your nails drag up and down, from his happy trail to his cheast, before you let your hand rest on his buldge over his boxers. 'my busy baby must be so tired.' you start as you message him over his boxers. 'so worked up doing all this running around', grabbing his face with his other hand you turn his face to look at you before you kiss him.
pushing his neck higher to push more into the kiss. he starts to whimper, moving his hips against your hand.
pushing his face away from yours with an offended look you scoft at him.' was i not doing enough for you?hmm?' you say as you remove your hand from his dick. 'desperat ass bitch cant even wait and i was trying to be nice' you say as his eyes start to widen ' wait baby no.' Sean starts as you push him off of you. 'wait baby. thats not what i meant.' he says as he lets out a nervouse chuckle. 'baby please' he says to you as you grip the edge of his boxers before pulling them down. 'oh my god' he says, giving up his pleading as you rap your hand around the base of his dick. he was nice and hard leaking waiting for whatever you wanted to give him.
you climb into his lap, taking your hand from his dick you bring it to your mouth and lick your hand, palm to fingers, instantly bringing it down to the tip of his cock. he lets out the most beautiful groan with a 'fuck'. as he closed his eyes you add tighter pressure on his tip before dragging your hand to the base of his dick and back to the tip. you start off slow listening to his panting as his hands grip the sheets upder you. gradually speeding up your pace when his cock starts to leak you focous more of your attention on the tip.
he's a mess now opting to squeeze his hand over his mouth than to trust himself. sweat covered forhead, eyes tightly shut, Sean repeatedly brings his hand from his mouth wanting to speak, but every time, it meets with a pathetic whimper or a breathy moan.
finally finding his voice he squeezes his thighs together resisting any pleasure given to him 'please, god you gotta let me fuck you' he begged finally opening his eyes to take in the veiw.
letting out a moan followed by an 'oh fuck' as your hand falls to the base of his cock raising your hips so you were hovering over him. moving your panties to the side under your skirt swipping his dick up and down your pussy collecting the juices as you go before letting it rest under your entrance ' shawn baby ' taking your free hand to grab the one that was previously covering his mouth, bringing it to yours leaving gentel kisses on his palm. he lets out a breathy 'yes'.
releasing your weight and welcoming his cock inside you trying but failing at keeping in a moan at the delicious feeling of him stretching you. letting out a ' fuck' as your clit grazed his pelvis. once you were used to his size of his cock you brought the hand that was still holding his letting it rest on your thigh with the other one. he's breathing heavily as you bring one hand to his cheast using it to hold your weight and bringing your other to push his head to the side, pushing his face into the sheet under you. 'you consider this fucking me?" you tease as you slowly start to rotate your hips. despertaly trying to shake his head (yes of course) under your hand you move it letting his face up ' stay quiet for me baby' you say as your now free hand finds its home on Seans neck grasping as you start to ride his cock.
letting your head fall forward with a 'fuck', feeling him so deep inside you honestly made you forget what you came over for in the first place. with all his effort he snaps his hips to meet you as your ride him. 'fuck baby' leaning down to kiss his neck your throw your ass back riding him harder. 'im gonna come fuck' is all you can say before your pussy sqeezese his dick as you come Sean not folllowing to long after. as you both try to desperatly catch your breath you raise off of his cock letting the cum drip down onto him before you pull your panties back.
removing your clothes and cuddling up beside him pressing wet kisses all over his face.
a knock on the door breaks you both from your little world
'I guess ypur spending the night' says hank through the door.
okay honest how was that... bc I feel like I could do better because I'm a whore and I love shit like this but also this might be all you get cause I'm also a ragging virgin 😭.
*not pre read by anyone but me*
so if Grammer or spelling is off... blame me. or don't. I'm not mad either way.
leave feedback or just shit you might wanna read.
~ Daisy Baby
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
I had an idea, I don't know how good this sounds but in the beginning of the MK1 story when the Lin Kuei trio attack Madame Bo's restaurant as an act to text Raiden and Kung Lao skills, the reader happens to be there as a traveler who also has fighting skills and fights off Smoke and finds out it's a test by Liu Kang who accepts being one of earthrealm's champions but has a hard time trusting Smoke after what happen and Smoke does everything he can to gain her trust?
Trust Me
Prior notes: Halfway through writing this the Ninja Storm theme song played in my head nonstop. I got distracted for an hour just listening to almost all the Power Rangers theme songs Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: A few kicks and punches, we got those from our siblings.
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You travel high and low, far and wide. The lands must be explored and experienced. Your current location? Fengjian Village in China. Quite a peaceful village actually with farmlands that stretch for many miles. You decided to rest for a moment at the tea house. Madame Bo was really nice to you, happy to have a lovely lady like you come in.
Little did you know that she was expecting you.
Lots of different people and personalities around here. You got a show as well. Two men fighting just to figure out who is paying tonight. It must have been serious because they were fighting for their lives. You can understand since the food was amazing.
The sun had set and the cool breeze blew through the tea house. You were finishing up your meal at the same time those two men were about to. In an instant the atmosphere became hostile. You looked up to see a man with silvery hair and gray attire harassing Madame Bo. You watched carefully, wary of this guy’s intentions. You jumped into action once you saw him attack Madame Bo and literally throw her over the balcony.
His eyes turned to you when he saw you running towards him. You were surprised by the smoke bomb he threw down. It made you cough which gave him the opportunity to attack you, causing you to hit the floor.
“You are brave, but against us? You are in over your head.” He mocked you.
“I don’t care who you are or what your purpose is. You will not be a nuisance to Madame Bo.” You declared before fighting him.
You fought viciously, as anyone would suspect. This guy had a few tricks up his sleeve. Magic that you’ve never seen before. Yet you stood your ground. While you were dealing with him those other two guys were fighting off the other assassins. Oh great there are two more who got some sort of freaky magic. Well at least they are taking care of that.
An amazing spectacle of kicking, punching, and slashing was performed by you and your opponent. After all that you managed to defeat him, leaving him lying on the ground. You moved quickly to check on Madame Bo who was…fine. No, really, she was. Standing up straight and smoking a cigarette like it was a normal Tuesday night. A man with glowing eyes approached you and you finally got the answers you needed.
This was all a test from Lord Liu Kang. You, Raiden, and Kung Lao were chosen to join Earthrealm’s champions. Liu Kang was thankful that you chose to visit Fengjian now since it made things easier.
He explained that the people who attacked were the Lin Kuei and that you fought Tomas aka Smoke. They weren’t thugs but were actually a clan that helped protect Earthrealm. You were still in shock about the whole thing. You couldn’t let your guard down fully even if you now know it was a test.
Liu Kang told you all that the Wu Shi Acadamy will help train you and prepare for the Mortal Kombat tournament. Looks like you will be staying in China for longer than you expected.
Ever since Tomas fought you he has been dying to talk to you. He thought you did amazing. He really didn’t know what to expect since you were just a traveler. No one had a clue who trained you or even why you were so good at fighting. You must have been a quick thinker since you manage to figure out he was using smoke magic.
The problem is that you were cold to him. You still didn’t trust him even after finding out it was all a test. He would visit the Wu Shi Academy just to get a chance to talk to you, only for you to move away from him whenever you saw a hint of his silvery hair.
Raiden and Kung Lao told you to not hold it over his head. Madame Bo is safe. Hell, she was even in the Lin Kuei once, she’s a tough woman. Nope, you’re still not budging.
“I don’t understand, Raiden. She still treats me like some thug.” Tomas expresses his frustration to Raiden who wants to help make peace between you two.
“It probably didn’t feel good to her to be tricked like that. It may be best to prove to her that she can trust you.” Raiden gave back the best advice he could give.
“But what can I do if I can’t even get close to her.”
Raiden had to think for a moment. The others such as Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi all came around as well since they heard Tomas’ frustration. They didn’t want him feeling bad about what he did since he was instructed to cause a disturbance at the tea house. They also don’t want you holding a grudge against a sweet and cool guy like Tomas.
“I got it!” Kung Lao snapped his fingers, “How about you train with us for some time. She will see that you aren’t so bad after all especially when she sees how calm you are when fighting us. Maybe giving her a gift once in a while will help as well.”
Not a bad plan. It could work. Tomas was on board with this. He didn’t want you viewing him as some thug anymore. You need to see who he truly is and he will do anything to prove it. Operation make you trust Tomas is a go go!
Tomas asked his brother if it was okay to train with the Shaolin for a bit. Bi-Han couldn’t give two fucks where Tomas would be at so he let him do that.
Now you really couldn’t avoid Tomas. Anytime you decided to train with the other champions he was always there. You grew annoyed by his presence. You couldn’t understand why no one else was upset by that trick of a test.
You also couldn’t understand why he was leaving you bunches of lavender and peace lilies. Okay well the peace lilies should have been a big sign but you weren’t the biggest expert on flowers or their meanings. He would leave them at your door, on your chair, he would even have the guys pass you the flowers just to make sure you would accept them.
And after some time you did. It would be a waste if you kept throwing them out. They were lovely and lavender is useful. You didn’t fully trust him yet but his efforts were chipping away at your stubborn heart.
You started watched as he trained with the others. All those fighting moves you saw before when you fought him. The aggression you felt before when seeing those moves slowly started to fade. You watched as he patiently taught the others some tricks on how to defend themselves. Not just that but he was open to being taught as well. The monks taught him new moves and involved him in meditation. Now would a violent person meditate? Nope, because Tomas is not the violent person you think he is.
You realized maybe you were being a bit too harsh when you heard him speak. His voice was less deeper than when you first heard it. It was just an impression anyways. And without his mask on there is no muffle to it. You listened to how disappointed he was, concerned that you still don’t trust him. He expressed that he is doing his best but he fears that you will always see him as the bad guy.
It broke your heart when you realized you misjudged him. He was putting in a lot of effort and you were turning a blind eye to it before. You don’t know how long he will be training with the Wu Shi and you don’t want to regret not saying anything to him. You want to make things right and the best way to do that was to talk to him.
One day you found him near the zen gardens. A place of relaxation and peace. A good atmosphere for something like this. He was meditating all by himself and you were unsure about disturbing him. He already heard your footsteps, you can’t sneak up on a sneaky person. He turned towards you expecting to see someone like Raiden or Johnny. But no, it was actually you. He was shocked and wasn’t sure what you were doing here. You gently waved towards him before speaking.
“Hi…do you mind if I join you?” You asked softly.
Tomas just stared for a good five seconds before breaking out of his trace. “O-oh yeah sure.”
You thanked him before walking closer. You surprised him even more when you described to sit next to him. Both your hearts were beating fast. Yours because you were unsure of what to say and his because of the same thing. You took a few deep breaths before speaking up.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been kind of cold to you. Maybe even been avoiding you. I just kept thinking back to that night at the tea house and I just thought you were the same guy I fought back then.”
You saying sorry was already the highlight of Tomas’ day. Before he can say anything to you, even to apologize for fighting you, you continued.
“You don’t have to apologize for what happened. I understand it was just a test and no one really got hurt. Well, maybe not physically but I did hurt you by being mean.”
You were picking at your fingers as you looked down at your lap. Now you wondered if he thought of you as the bad person. He doesn’t, he never did.
“We got off on the wrong foot and I want to make it right. Maybe you and I can train one of these days if you are willing to spend time with me.”
“Yes! Yes! Of course I would love to.” Tomas got too excited and covered his mouth, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the garden anymore.
You looked at him all shocked before chuckling quietly. He really was desperate to show you that he is trustworthy. Seeing that it all paid off was too great for him that he had to express it. How could you ever imagine he was some cruel man who purposely beats up old ladies?
Your chuckle made him feel less embarrassed and happy to see you loosen up around him. You seem way chiller than he imagined. He’s excited to get to know you more now. You took his hand into yours and shook it.
“It’s nice to officially meet you, Smoke.”
He smiled at you. The mission was a success. All of this was worth it.
“The pleasure is all mine. But please, call me Tomas.”
After notes: It’s a bad time for me to find out that my favorite show is free on YouTube. Mhm I’m gonna be blasting that good shit on my tv. Anyways I hope you enjoy whoever requested it. I actually thought about this scenario a bit ago but never wrote it down and forgot about it. So looks like you read my mind. Trust me it sounded good to me :3. Adiós!
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staytinyville · 7 months
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ATEEZ poly!ot8 x Reader
Cowboy AU / Wild West
Series Masterlist
Warning: none
A/N BETA READ (@mariana-mmtz). UPDATES HAVE BEEN CHANGED. Due to me having ADHD and not being able to stick to one story until I finish (lol) Updates will now be on Monday and Thursday. It gives me time to catch up with the writings as well.
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You hummed quietly to yourself as your eyes glanced over the produce that were on display. Wooyoung skipped at your side, picking up things himself to view them. You had gone out to the market with some of the boys to get supplies for the camp. Hongjoong had given you some coins that you would gladly use. You wanted to cook tonight–it was the least you could do for them. You wanted to feel useful, even if Seonghwa or Wooyoung would shove you out of the way. 
“Do we have cabbage for kimchi?” Wooyoung asked you as he looked over the vegetable. “We need to make more.”
“Not that I remember.” You answered him. “I'll get the other ingredients.” You told him, moving along the stalls. 
Wooyoung was quick to turn up at your side, humming at each food available. As you smiled in thanks at the merchant, you heard someone call out your name from behind you.
“(Y/N)?” Your sister called.
“(S/N).” You smiled at your littlest siblings as they made their way towards you. Your eldest brother was trying to break through the crowd, trying to keep up with your younger siblings. 
“(Y/N)!” Your 6-year-old brother screamed, running into your legs. 
It had been two days since you last saw them. You had spoken with your parents at the hotel the day before, who only told you that if the marriage was what you wanted, they would respect your choice. You hadn’t gotten the chance to speak with your siblings again, though. 
“Hi, (B/N).” You giggled, softly petting the boy’s head. “How are you, hm?” You asked. 
“I'm doing good!” The boy smiled up at you, a gap in his teeth on full show. “Where's Yeosang?” He asked, looking around. When his eyes landed on Wooyoung, who was wiggling his fingers in greeting, he tilted his head. “Who's that?”
“This is Wooyoung.” You smiled. “He's one of Yeosang's friends.”
“Hello.” Wooyoung greeted, crouching down to see your brother. “Aren't you just the handsomest.” He complimented him. 
Your brother giggled, hiding behind your skirts from how shy he had gotten. You grinned, patting his head. “Wooyoung, these are my siblings.” You told him.
“Hello.” Your sister shyly greeted, nodding her head at the handsome boy.
“It's nice to meet all of you.” Wooyoung smiled. “(Y/N) talks about you all the time.” He added. 
“What are you doing out?” Your 20-year-old brother only gave Wooyoung a glance, frowning when he noticed it was just the two of you. “Where's Yeosang?” He asked. 
You took a deep breath, feeling annoyed with how your brother was talking with you. He was thinking like a man who needed to own their wife. “I'm just grocery shopping.” You rolled your eyes. “Wooyoung and San are accompanying me while Yeosang gets something done in our home.”
“Who's San?” Your brother frowned. 
“That's me.” Your brother and sister’s eyes went wide when the wide shouldered man came from behind them, holding some bags full of groceries. “I got your things, Darling.” He spoke to you.
“Darling?” Your sister whispered to herself, looking at the two men suspiciously. 
Her eyes squinted at how close they were standing near you. Wooyoung’s shoulder was touching yours and San’s chest was practically glued to your side. She pursed her lips to keep her brother from noticing it as well. He was a man, he didn’t see things the same way. 
“You're living with Yeosang now?” Your brother asked. 
“I guess so.” You shrugged. “He is going to be my husband.”
Your sister looked at you skeptically. The way you spoke so nonchalantly made her worried about why you were doing what you were doing. With how the two boys looked at you only made things worse. 
“(B/N) can you take these home?” Your sister told your older brother, giving him the groceries she had. “I'll meet you all later.” 
“What about you?” He asked your sister. 
“We'll take care of her.” Wooyoung smiled at him. “She's Sweetheart's family, so she shall be under our protection.”
“Not to worry.” (S/N) smiled at your brother, hoping he would give up. 
“I'll stay with her, (B/N)!” Your 6-year-old brother exclaimed, pulling on his older brother’s pants. 
“Big man's got the right idea.” Wooyoung grinned, poking into (B/N)’s side. The boy giggled, starting a small poke fight with the older man. 
“Alright.” Your brother sighed deeply. “Please be careful.” He looked at your sister, giving her a pointed look. 
She nodded her head, giving a smile before moving to link her arm with your own. As your brother walked away from you all, Wooyoung took your other brother into his arms. 
“Come on, (B/N). Let's go check out the river and see if we can get fish.” He pulled San along, allowing you and your sister to walk alone. 
You smiled, thinking about how Wooyoung was able to see that your sister clearly wanted to speak to you. The two boys would have left you alone, but you found it nice to see how they were all for it to take care of (B/N).
“Be honest with me, (Y/N).” Your sister started. “Do you love Yeosang?”
“Of course. I wouldn't be marrying him-” You answered. 
“(Y/N), I'm your sister.” She stopped you. “We might bribe and blackmail each other, but I've been with you longer than anyone else. We've shared rooms for my entire life.” 
You watched as her eyebrows pulled together, her eyes full of worry as they looked at you. “Please be honest with me.” She stopped you both from walking forward. “Does he make you happy at least?”
Her question caught you off guard, but a smile was quick to make its way onto your lips. Yeosang was someone who didn’t enjoy partaking in violence unless threatened. He was someone who knew how to take care of himself as well as others. Even if he wasn’t at his best. 
They would all go to the extreme if it meant protecting each other. It was what you admired about them. There was so much to look forward to with them, but the passion they put into everything was what made you notice them. They made you feel much more than happy.  
“More than I would ever be able to find in Cromer.” You spoke absent mindlessly, smiling over at Wooyoung and San playing with your brother. 
(S/N) took a glance at where you were looking, finding San holding your brother upside down as he laughed loudly. She felt a smile slip onto her face as she watched them. Looking back over at you, she was quick to see the sparkle in your eye. 
She knew for a long while you were involved somehow with the cops. And when Seonghwa and Yeosang started working at the hotel, it was clear they had taken a fancy to you. She wasn’t going to judge you–you were her sister. She would trust everything you say and know that you didn’t do anything that went against your morals. 
Your sister knew you and found something within those boys, and seeing you with Wooyoung and San, it was clear you found something more. 
“I want to meet them.” Your sister said. 
“Yeosang?” You tilted your head. 
“The boys who make you happy.” She smiled. “You don't think I haven't noticed how happy you are when you talk to those boys who came into town months ago?” 
“I know you aren't marrying Yeosang because you love him. You just want a way out from all this. If you trust them enough to do that, I want to meet them.”
Tears welled in your eyes at her announcement. You had always been close with her, even if she was years younger than you. But you took care of her when your mother couldn’t. You were there for all her firsts and watched as she grew up. It meant so much to hear that some of your family believed you. 
“Okay.” You smiled softly at her. 
So you took your sister and brother back to meet the rest of the boys. Wooyoung and San were more than willing to go along with you. Your brother rode with Wooyoung as San had let you and your sister ride on his horse. It wasn’t that long of a walk to get to the camp, seeing as the boys were back in town. 
As you all came up to the camp, your brother gasped from seeing everything. 
“Pretty girl!” Seonghwa exclaimed, skipping over to you. He gave your sister a greeting when he noticed her, bringing her into a side hug. 
“Hello.” Yunho spoke up. “It's nice to meet you.” He told your sister. 
Wooyoung brought your brother down from his horse, laughing as the boy quickly ran around the camp. 
“You guys live in tents!” He exclaimed, eyes wide as they took in everything. He began to snoop, which made you frown, about to tell him something. However, San told you it was alright, Wooyoung watching over him. 
“Look at what they have!” Your brother yelled, holding up some hourglass he found in a chest. 
“Okay, let's put that down.” Hongjoong walked out quickly, taking the object from your brother's hand and setting it back down. 
“You guys are super cool!” (B/N) yelled, running around once more. 
“Who's this?” Hongjoong asked, giving your sister a polite smile. 
“Captain, these are some of my siblings.” You spoke up. “Guys, this is Hongjoong–the captain.”
“Hello, it's nice to meet you.” Your sister spoke up, holding her hand out. 
Hongjoong gave a bow of his head, shaking her hand. 
“I'm Yunho.” The tall man took to introducing themselves. 
“You guys are the cops at the hotel.” Your sister shook their hands, making the observation. 
“Hello, I'm Mingi.” The boy spoke from behind your sister. 
She quickly turned around, nodding up at him. Your brother ran up to the little group, bumping into Mingi’s legs. Mingi held onto the boy’s back to keep him from falling over. As your brother stared up at Mingi, he tilted his head. 
“Hey, you look like that one guy on those wanted posters.” He pointed at Mingi. 
Your eyes went wide as you looked at the others. They, too, had worried expressions, hoping your sister wouldn’t say anything. But you already knew her–she was just as observant as you. So when you saw her look at you with raised eyebrows, you cleared your throat to avoid her stare. 
“How unfortunate for me.” Mingi told your brother. 
“It's a pleasure to meet you guys.” You were thankful your sister hadn’t asked more about Mingi. 
The boys seemed to get along with your siblings just fine. You were happy to see them interact with each other. Your sister had laughed so hard, it was amazing she didn’t have an asthma attack. And your brother had so much fun playing with Wooyoung and San, who kept him entertained. 
You had a smile on your face the whole time, laughing along with the boys and giggling when they would poke fun at you. It was clear how different you were when you were around them. You allowed yourself to feel emotions you hadn’t before. Your sister could see that as she watched you. 
“Come on, we better get them home, (Y/N).” San told you, rubbing your lower back. 
You hummed, moving along with him to get your siblings back home. They both said goodbye to the boys–your brother even giving them hugs. On the way home, though, you could see your sister had a thoughtful expression on her face. 
“Everything okay?” You asked her. 
“They all make you so happy.” She started. “I've never seen you smile so much. (Y/N), maybe you haven't thought about it yet, but I really believe you'll love one of them someday.”
Your lips pulled together as you thought about her words. It was clear she still only thought about you ending up with one of them. But at least she wasn’t going to say something about you marrying Yeosang but falling in love with one of the other boys. 
You couldn’t think about choosing just one of them, and they knew that too. You were excited to go with them and find where you would turn up. They weren’t going to let you down if you were a part of their group. You were going to be someone they cared for, and you were happy about it. 
“I can only hope to have that.” She added. 
“You're still young, (S/N).” You told her. “You're a wonderful person and I'm sure you'll find a boy who will love you.”
“You found yours. And I'm so happy for you.”
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Series Masterlist
@thefrog3223 , @iarayara , @0rangemilk , @explorewithd , @detectivedoodle , @bangtanxberm , @a1i33a , @loveforred , @drunken-deitence , @0325tiny , @the-ghostest-with-the-mostest , @atinyreads , @atinytinaa , @lexiigom , @smilingtokki , @mismatchfluffysocks , @brain-empty-only-draken , @sousydive , @alex-tinyyy , @h3arteyes4mingi , @onedumbho3 , @popcatx0 , @blue1amory , @mommahwa1117 , @sunnyhokyu , @cloudieclair , @araknoid , @starjoongi1117 , @chel-awingcherry , @puppyminnnie ,
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lemonmaid · 5 months
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Also for some reason I cannot edit on the app? Nor on the website, so please work with me here, sorry about the confusing layout, I know I hate it too.
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“I don't need you hovering”.
(name) glared at Xiao, who was literally watching (Name) as a hawk as he tried to feed their four year old pup.
(Name) resumed his attention onto Yuen, who was glaring at the two for interrupting his feeding, “Oh I know buddy, Dada can be so mean”.
“He is four, I think he can feed himself”.
(Name) rolled his eyes, “I'm still cutting up his food for him, he could literally-”.
“Let me do it”. Xiao gently moves (Name) over to cut up Yuen's food.
(Name) silently seething; his scent souring,”I'm pregnant not incapable” he mumbles.
(Name) was only six months pregnant, not too far into his pregnancy but not too far away from giving birth. Did he appreciate Xiao's helpfulness? Of course, some omegas would be delighted to have a mate so helpful and understanding as Xiao. Xiao was very experienced in the field, having a pup, Yuen, before meeting (Name) with a one night stand. 
(Name) excuses himself from the room to finish getting ready for the day. Looking at the bathroom mirror, his stomach barely dropped, perks of being a male omega. 
“You should be getting bigger soon”.
(Name)’s eye twitched, “Wow… Thanks”. 
Was Xiao a great mate? Of course! (Name) couldn't be happier, but it's Xiaos overbearing that got (Name), it's ‘You're doing that wrong’, ‘no let me help’, ‘you shouldn't pick up Yuen’. It was very exhausting.
Xiao was dressed in his work clothing holding Yuen who was ready for school, hence the yellow bucket hat and blue school uniform. “Yuen say bye to Papa”.
“Bye-bye!!” Yuen does the kiss motion towards (Name).
“Are you going to be okay going to University today? I don't want you walking that far-”
“Again, pregnant, not broken, anyways I was going to pick up groceries after class”. (Name) gave the two a quick hug and the two goodbye.
“And then he tells me “yoU ShOUld bE geTTinG biGGeR sOOn” like fuck off please, I understand that he is trying to help but, it's overwhelming! I can do things by myself! I'm a big boy!”. (Name) ran to his father-in-Law, Zhongli, who was his Political Science professor. 
(Name) usually got to school early to help Zhongli set up the classroom, but that was both of their excuse to gossip.
Zhongli watched the younger omega scrub the chalkboard harshly, putting his hand gently on the younger male’s shoulder, “Maybe see it from his perspective… when Xiao was… Expecting, he was alone, besides from me and his step father, think of it as he doesn't want you to feel alone. Also culturally speaking, he the rest of his siblings were raised that a pregnant omega shouldn't be do anything but resting, so this is a change for him as well”.
(Name) snickered at the memories from early into his pregnancy, how Xiao told him not to rub his stomach often or the pup will end up being spoiled or how when he came back from night school, Xiao lit sages around the house. 
“Just communicate with him”. Zhongli said with a soft smile on his face. 
After class was done for the day the two omegas walked home together.
“Hmmm, what is for dinner tonight (Name)?”.
(Name) hummed, “I've been craving some Tangbao, the big ones, no, bigger”. (Name) drooled at the thought of a hot doughy, chewy, flavor filling bun in his stomach, the thought earned a kick from the pup inside of him.
As the two walked into the shared home space, the aroma of dinner hit their noses.
Yuen ran up to (Name) and Zhongli, giving the two a giant hug, or as big his small arms could. 
“Hello to you too Yuen, I trust you've been a good boy for your fathers?” Zhongli said as he patted the boy's head. 
Yuen nodded his head, grabbing Zhongli’s hand, “come! I wanna show you! My book!”.
(Name) took his shoes off carefully before stepping up stairs to join the family in the living space, (Name) drooled at the thought of dinner.
It wasn't too abnormal for Xiao to be cooking but usually (Name)  to cook. 
(Name) slouched down into the comfortable recliner in the corner of the room, waiting for dinner, closing his eyes, listening to Yuen speak his mind to his grandfather.
“this is! Uncle… Bo-sac-i-us!”
“That's a very good illustration, young one, who's that right there?”
“That's my new baby sister!”
“Oh, you're sister?”
“Mhm! Papa said he thinks it's a girl and Dada says Papa is always right”.
(Name) smiled fondly.
“Dinner everyone” Xiao spoke softly, taking in (Name)’s tired form.
The table was set up neatly, dinner looked perfect, it was almost like a mutton hot pot. 
“Now Yuen, do you want to eat with a fork or your training chopsticks?”.
“I wanna practice!!”.
(Name) looked at the food in awe, but his hormone pregnancy brain nagged at the thought that this wasn't what he wanted, but the food looked so good at the sametime. 
“Are you okay (Name)?” Xiao whispered.
(Name) started grabbing greens and beef and putting into his bowl, “I'm- fine”.
Xiao didn't press any further, picking up food and putting it onto Yuens and (Name)’s bowls. 
Dinner was calm, well, for everyone else. (Name) was quietly seething, he felt guilty about it though, he didn't mean to feel this way but he can't help it, pregnancy brain.
“Yuen, make sure grandpa sees his way out the door”.
“Yes dada!!”.
(Name) helped collect dishes to put in the sink.
“Are you sure you're okay? Your scent is off”.
(Name) finally quietly broke down, “I wanted Tangbao for dinner, not a hotpot meal, I hate that you do things for me, I hate how I can't go anywhere without you hovering! I'm sorry! I'm just overwhelmed!”. 
(Name) quietly sobbed into his mate's chest.
Xiao rubbed (Name)’s back, leading the omega up the stairs to their share bedroom. 
“I'll be back, let me finish cleaning and get Yuen to bed”.
Xiao was gone for 40 minutes, giving (Name) time to breathe and calm down. When Xiao came back, he had a small plate of melons and tea with him.
“I'm sorry”.
(Name) took the plate, calming down, “was this the good melon?”.
“The one that's been in the freezer since New Years”.
(Name) hummed, “I forgive you, for now”.
Xiao chuckled, massaging (Name)’s swollen legs, “I mean it. I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of your feelings. That makes me a bad mate”.
(Name) sighed, “You're not a bad mate, you..just… are not emotionally self aware sometimes”.
Xiao nodded, “I'll work on it, I'll do better”
“I appreciate that”.
A small knock on the door interrupted the two. “Papa, can I sleep with you?”.
The two omegas smiled softly, “Yes Yuen, give us a minute to get change. We'll come get you”. 
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cloverthebarbearian · 6 months
The Party
Rolan/GN Tav No smut (yet) just, angst? Fluff? And initial encounters. Tav is intentionally left as nonspecific as possible but in my mind palace they are a human fighter. Word Count: 3,195 (P.2 Alone Together)
Sharing a drink with the hero of the hour. His lips against the same cup theirs having embraced the entire evening. It suddenly left him feeling… sheepish? No, something else. Deeper. Warmer. Rolan swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. This was all just incredibly inappropriate, he thought. But instead of taking back their drink, Tav just smiled, and further held their cup out towards Rolan's lips. "It's alright," they said, "It's almost empty. We can finish it off together." He let the moment linger, weighing his circumstances. This is a party, after all. However unfamiliar an environment this is for him, it was clear to Rolan that everyone around them was here to relax and have fun. Fun, with his hero.
(This is my first ever fic if anyone is mean to me about it I WILL cry anyways pls enjoy!)
"Well?" Shadowheart's eyebrow raised as she swirled her wine around her chalice.
"'Well', what?" Tav returned, watching their rescued merry band of tieflings mingle and drink around the campsite. Just that morning, they stood together to defend the grove against this 'Absolute' worshiping goblin hoard. It set Tav's heart at ease to see them all safe. Relaxed. Happy. Even if they knew by morning, they'd be back on the road, facing any and every danger that lurked on their way to Baldur's Gate.
But tonight? Tonight was for celebrating.
"Well," Shadowheart continued, "I've noticed nearly everyone's been coupling off tonight. Those tiefling lovebirds have been cuddling by the water since they got here."
"And? They've been attached at the hip since we met them."
"And that cute bard girl's somehow gotten herself mixed up with little Miss Pony-tail," she raised her glass and smiled to Alfira and Lakrissa, who were not-so-subtly cuddling up by the fire.
Tav turned their drinking horn to their lips and smiled, "They are quite cute together."
"Karlach's been flirting with Dammon, I think? She keeps punching his arm, which I believe she thinks is flirting. Or maybe she's just drunk… Hells, I swear I even saw Astarion sneaking off with Lae'zel, of all people."
The wine nearly shot from Tav's nose at that, "You're kidding!"
Shadowheart laughed, shrugging her shoulders, "I know Astarion's quite the flirt. But I'd assumed Lae'zel had a bit more self respect."
Tav gasped with a smile, elbowing their companion as they both kept a steady watch over the party.
"My point being," Shadowheart continued, "The last few days have been exhausting. Who knows when we'll have another chance to relax like this."
Tav gingerly placed their hand over their heart, faux shock dripping from their voice. "My goodness, Ms. Lady of the Dark, are you attempting to court me?"
"Ha! I'm sure you'd like that," Shadowheart said with a teasing glance, "But I'm afraid the wine's already got me spoken for." With that, she gulped down the last of her chalice and sighed, "What I was suggesting," she side stepped to Tav's shoulder, matching their gaze into the crowd, "Was perhaps a certain wizard. One I've noticed you continue to observe. One bound for greatness under an apprenticeship in Baldur's Gate? Before he's become too famous to remember us great Saviors of the Grove." Her voice took on a playful tease as Tav's cheeks began to burn, a slight tingle reaching their ears. Hopefully, they could pass this off on the alcohol. Considering they'd never admit Shadowheart's intuition was spot-on.
"He seems quite busy putting on a show for his siblings, at the moment," Tav said, smiling, though a bit feeble.
"Don't tell me our big bad leader is shy!" Shadowheart teased once more, "Taking on a goblin cult, lead by a terrifying drow warrior, and they don't even bat an eye. But Gods forbid they speak to a handsome tiefling!" Shadowheart's voice was starting to rise. People's heads were turning, and Tav couldn't tell if she was intentionally trying to embarrass them, or if she was truly just a bit too drunk off the cheap booze.
"Shadowheart! By the Hells - Okay, if I go over there will you please just, maybe, be quiet? Go to bed and - Gods - have some water, perhaps?" Tav's cheeks were flushed in full now, well past a point of being able to blame the wine. Shadowheart laughed to herself again, clearly more composed than she was letting on.
"I'm a big girl, but thank you for caring," She smiled once more, picking up a canteen instead of another bottle, "And I will be going to rest. But you-" her finger gently poked into Tav's shoulder, "- are going to tell me all about it tomorrow."
Tav rolled their eyes, "Yes, I'm sure you'll be utterly enthralled as I regale you with some bardic novella of Master Lorroakan's greatest deeds, or something to that effect."
They began walking away from Shadowheart's tent, making their way back into the mingling crowd. After her outburst, Tav didn't want to walk straight up to Rolan, lest he somehow connect the conversation back to him. No, they couldn't risk it. Instead, they looked for their favorite camping companion - Scratch! Who was quickly found surrounded by tieflings. Mostly the children, but even Zevlor was standing near, smiling at the scene.
"Hey, Scratch!" Tav called out, waving his favorite ball in their hand, "Wanna fetch, boy?"
Scratch barked excitedly, play bowing, tail wagging. The children around him broke apart, giggling expectantly. Tav threw the ball as far as they could across the camp, and watched as Scratch made a break for it. Weaving through the crowds of party-goer's to retrieve his prize. He quickly returned with the slobbery toy in his jaws. But instead of rushing back to Tav, he trotted back into the group of children, all of whom were very excited to play a game with their new best friend.
So much for that out.
Tav took a moment to look around the camp. True to Shadowheart's observations, they saw Karlach laughing heavily, one hand slapping against Dammon's back, the other holding a spilling tankard. Though, by no means did Dammon seem uncomfortable. And to Tav's surprise, Lae'zel and Astarion were seemingly absent. Where could they have gone off too -
"Hey! Tav!"
Tav spun around to follow the voice calling for them, only to see Lia waving frantically, motioning them to come over. They smiled and waved in return, their stomach doing cartwheels. Of course this would become unavoidable. The Gods so love to tease me. They took a mighty sip of wine as they walked over.
"Tav, please tell our brother here that, if it weren't for you lot, we all would have been the main course in some sick goblin buffet!"
Rolan's eyes rolled and his teeth bared into a scoff, "Lia, please, that is not at all what I was implying."
"Really, now? Because it sounded like you seem to believe you could've fought off that whole hoard all on your own, for some bloody reason," she said with a smile, winking at Tav. It was very clear she was simply arguing for the sake of seeing her eldest brother get himself worked up. She turned her own tankard to her lips and pouted playfully, "What would you have even done? Cast 'Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles' and hope they'd be distracted long enough to make a run for it?"
Cal laughed, clearly a bit too drunk for Rolan's liking, "Heh, 'Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles'. I like that. Is that a real spell?" He turned to his brother in inebriated earnest. Rolan looked up into the sky. He was no devote worshiper of any Pantheon, but Mystra did bless him with access to the weave. He wondered if she were capable of divine intervention, striking him down with a lightning bolt in this very moment. A heavy, exhausted sigh escaped him.
"Lia, all I said was I wish I had gotten a chance to show those goblins some real magic," Rolan caught himself in the moment, casually glancing to see if Gale was somewhere within earshot. Tav couldn't help but smile at the thought of someone telling Gale, Mystra's ex-Lover, that his magic was sub-par. When Rolan realized the party's resident wizard was nowhere near, he cleared his throat, "And Cal, no. 'Shimmering Sparkles' is not a real spell," his glance caught Tav's eyes for a moment, "Although… I do have my own spin on Dancing Lights that I've been working on. If… If anyone were so inclined as to wish for a demonstration," he stated, puffing his chest out ever so slightly.
"I-" Tav was immediately interrupted by a very drunken Cal.
"Yes, brother! Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles!" He nearly fell off the boulder he was sat upon caught up in his excitement. Lia linked her slightly more sober arm into his to keep him balanced, encouraging Rolan further.
"Go on then. Let's see what makes your spell so special."
"Patience, you two," Rolan stretched out his arms, shaking his neck and shoulders loose, "Have you no respect for showmanship?"
"Having performance issues, Rolan?" Cal retorted in a cheeky mock-whisper.
Rolan rolled his eyes, "Oh, hush you," he replied, centering himself once again in preparation of his spell.
Most of Tav's familiarity with magic came from seeing Gale in combat. It was interesting to them - fascinating, really - seeing another wizard's process. Dancing lights wasn't a spell Gale used often. Yet they could tell right away, the way Rolan worked with the weave was different. Gale always acted like the weave was Mystra herself - to be revered and respected, always somewhat fearful of its fickle nature. And Gale treated the weave as he treated Mystra, as if he had to prove to himself that he was capable enough to work with her, for her. That he knew everything naturally and intimately enough that magic just came to him. Even if Tav always felt like that was a load of crap.
But Rolan? He treated it like a science. As though he were a craftsman, a Master of his trade. Its like he studied the weave to a perfect formula. There was a practiced structure to his movements. As if he could pinpoint where the exact aspect of the weave he needed was located, and then simply pull it from thin air itself. Something about it made Tav's heart race.
He brought his hands before his chest, right above his diaphragm.
"And… Behold!" His arms outstretched, and a rippling wave of lights, indigo and magenta, flowed from his body, carrying themselves up and out into the air. It were almost as if a portion of the Tears of Selûne itself had fallen from the skies and brought itself flowing through the campgrounds. Tav brought their hands together into an enthusiastic applause. Or as enthusiastic as one can be with a drinking horn of wine in their hands.
"Adoring applause?" Rolan cooed with a smile, dipping into a bow, "You're too kind."
"Remember when he could barely cast that?" Lia playfully chastised, gently elbowing her brother in the rib.
Cal chuckled, sighing like a proud father, "They grow up so fast, don't they?"
Rolan smiled and shook his head. A genuine smile, Tav noted. Something they weren't sure they had ever seen from Rolan before.
"Never have I met such troglodytes," he commented, "Now, pass the wine."
Cal stood up to pass Rolan the bottle he had been milking, only to stumble over himself when trying to sit back down.
"Woah there, big fella! Easy now," Lia giggled, reaching up to help Cal find his balance, "I think we had better find you something to… eat? Drink? Or a quiet place to vomit, perhaps?"
Cal shook his head, waving a hand in the air, "You worry too much! I'm perfectly-" his words trailed off as he caught his stomach, "Actually, Lia, you may have a point," Lia rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Playing babysitter once again," she hooked her arm below Cal's shoulder, "I'm gonna get the lightweight somewhere decent to rest." She glanced to Tav, the back to Rolan with a smirk, "You two don't have too much fun without us."
Rolan's tail suddenly swished and thudded against the ground, almost frightening himself with the reaction. Lia and Cal both laughed as they walked off. Rolan gripped his wine bottle tightly, bringing a large gulp to his lips. He laughed. A tired laugh, shaking his head.
"Its a wonder why I love those two idiots," he said in a strained tone, almost as if he were trying to convince himself.
"Isn't that the whole point of family?" Tav said quietly, trying to tease.
He choked on another sip of wine, Tav getting the idea perhaps Rolan had forgotten they were even still there for a moment. And Rolan suddenly realizing his vulnerability.
"Um. You won't… tell them I said that, will you? Surely it's the wine talking, but I'll also deny it if you do."
Tav laughed.
"Gods forbid you love your family," they teased.
Rolan smiled again, weakly, then hid it with a scoff, "Of course I love them, I just can't let them hear me say it. Lia would use it against me for the next three months. Minimum," he spat out. Perhaps a bit too harshly, he thought, turning the bottle to his lips once more. Only to find it empty.
"Oh, bother," he muttered to himself, tipping the bottle over, spilling one single drop of purple-red liquid into the dirt. Tav hesitated briefly, before offering their own drinking horn. Tav hadn't met many tieflings before stumbling upon these refugees, so they couldn't be certain, but they swore they saw Rolan's deep red cheeks flush a shade darker.
"I… N-No, it's fine. I've had quite enough to drink already," Rolan wavered, laughing awkwardly. Not an entire lie. He was surely feeling the muddling effects of the evenings festivities. But this hesitation was much more… personal. Sharing a drink with the hero of the hour. His lips against the same cup theirs having embraced the entire evening. It suddenly left him feeling… sheepish? No, something else. Deeper. Warmer. Rolan swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. This was all just incredibly inappropriate, he thought. But instead of taking back their drink, Tav just smiled, and further held their cup out towards Rolan's lips.
"It's alright," they said, "It's almost empty. We can finish it off together."
He let the moment linger, weighing his circumstances. This is a party, after all. However unfamiliar an environment this is for him, it was clear to Rolan that everyone around them was here to relax and have fun.
Fun, with his hero. He reached out, taking the cup from their hands, their fingers overlapping in the exchange.
"I, uh… I thank you, my friend," he smiled and gave a slight bow. Always so formal, Tav thought. They almost wished Cal or Lia would come back, just to see him act a bit more relaxed again.
Rolan's sips were small, and slow. He wasn't sure how much to drink, how much to share. And the moment he put his lips against the rim of the horn, he was reminded of Tav's lips once again. Suddenly struck with an internal battle of wanting to keep his mouth here for as long as he could, and wanting to get the moment over with out of sheer, self imposed embarrassment. One small sip, and then another. Tav tried desperately not to stare at the way his throat bobbed every time he swallowed.
Once finished, he handed the cup back to Tav, who took a sip of their own, finishing the last of the drink off. They reached their fingers up to catch a small spill of wine from dripping around the corner of their mouth.
And suddenly, it was so very apparent that it was now just them. An awkward silence growing over the both of them. One which Tav broke first.
"So," their voice immediately cracked, leading them to clear their throat and laugh at the social blunder, "Um, you must be excited to finally get out of the grove, yeah?"
Rolan laughed in a tone that to an unfamiliar ear likely would've sounded mocking.
"By the Hells, yes. I am so incredibly happy to finally get out of this filthy quagmire. Once we reach Baldur's Gate, perhaps I can engage in a civilized conversation for the first time in weeks," once again, Rolan immediately felt himself bite back his words.
"That is… Not to say your company isn't more than engaging. I-I'm just so use to speaking with Cal and Lia. They've never had much interest in… learned topics. I mean, Cal likes to read, at least. But it's all adventure novels. The Illustrious Tales of Balduran or some similar drivel. Nothing with any merit," he glanced over at Tav, who was just staring at him. Their eyes wide, their mouth just barely parted. Rolan stiffened, feeling his cheeks flush once again, ever so slightly.
"Ah, I see I am rambling quite a bit and, uh, likely boring you," he said, trying to sound flippant. Tav blinked suddenly, locking back into his focus.
"What? No!" Their hand flew out and touched his arm, "I love listening to you speak about… well, anything, to be honest." They laughed to themselves, "Sorry if I seemed bored, I suppose. I just, um," suddenly, their face felt warm, their words catching in their throat.
Rolan's attention still set on them, on the feeling of their hand squeezing his forearm, "You…?" he continued their thought. Tav took a deep breath in, and smiled.
"You really… Light up. When you talk about your family," Tav finally let out, "Even to complain about them. It gets you talking. Like, really talking. And it just makes me happy, to see you happy," their voice trails off as they realize what they're saying. Then, they laugh again, releasing his arm, "I suppose now it's my turn to blame the wine. Speaking of which, maybe I should get us some more?"
Rolan smiled, almost reaching out to touch their wrist in response, but stopping himself, "I… yes. Um, well," he cleared his throat, "No offense to Zevlor, I know he did his best with the supplies, but, this wine is… ah, I think the word I heard your pale elven partner regard it as was 'piss' earlier, did I not?"
Tav laughed again.
"Yes, Astarion. I believe he did."
"Well," Rolan turned toward his companion for the evening, smoothing his hands across the front of his robes, "I actually have a lovely vintage of Arabellan Dry back in my belongings. I was going to save it for when we reach Baldur's Gate, to celebrate my apprenticeship. But, perhaps…?"
Tav's heart was suddenly racing, their stomach a bundle of nerves. A smile crept up their face as the flush built on their cheeks. They gingerly placed their hand over their heart, and spoke in a cool, coy manner.
"My goodness, Mr. Future Arch-Wizard of Baldur's Gate, are you… attempting to court me?"
Suddenly, Rolan's face went hot. Even with Tav's limited tiefling experience, it was wholly apparent. Immediately, Tav began laughing once more, nearly doubling over at the severity of his reaction.
"Sorry, sorry!" The reached out for his hand, "I'm only teasing, Rolan. Yes, we can go have a bottle of wine together. I'm starting to get tired of all this noise anyway," they waved a hand around, gesturing to the festivities around them.
Tav hooked their arm into Rolan's, looking up into his eyes. The burning yellow-gold and the hell's touched black vastness behind it. Rolan said a silent prayer to any God listening, thank the stars the likelihood of Tav hearing his heartbeat through his arm alone were slim. He felt as if his chest were on the brink of bursting. Still locked in his gaze, Tav smiled and tilted their head.
"Well? Lead the way, Mr. Wizard."
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
JAMIE TARTT | call it what you want.
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: reader's family comes to visit london and she ends up having to hide her relationship with jamie till the final game of the season.
WARNINGS: language, innuendos
A/N: this is technically a sequel to my comfort crowd story that was my first one about jamie, but it can be read as a standalone too! would recommend reading it first since it gives a little backstory to the garden and reader's past relationship. also, you'll probably be able to tell that i rewatched match scene in the finale for a certain scene AHAHAHA i really wanted to show jamie's more affectionate side, so there's def a few cheesy scenes in here! the title is taken from 'call it what you want' by taylor swift
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It's midnight when you hear a knock on your door. Any reasonable person would've ignored it and/or hid in case it was some axe murderer. Of course, you knew it wasn't a murderer, just your boyfriend.
"I thought I said you couldn't stay over tonight?" You say when you open the door to reveal Jamie, whose expression quickly turns into a pouty face.
"I know, but I missed you," You playfully roll your eyes, yet are unable to stop your smile. Christ, he could be annoying, but he could also be pretty sweet. Those two balanced each other out.
"Fine, come in, but you can’t sleep here," You take his hand and bring him inside your flat. He plants a kiss on your temple and the two of you settle down on the couch, which for you was a deserved reward.
The reason why you were up so late despite having to work in the morning was that you had been trying to make your place spotless before your brother and his family came to visit the next day. They had already been in England for a few days but were only coming to London now to visit you and to attend the final Richmond match of the season.
"How's the cleaning going?" Jamie asks, as he wraps one arm around you and reaches for the remote in the other one.
"Took five hours, but at least it’s done." You sigh as you settle closer to Jamie. Even if you had warned him not to come over tonight, you still appreciated his presence.
When you started dating, you never expected the football player to be so clingy, but not even a day after your first date, he was already hanging around you every chance he got.
You couldn’t even hide it from the team because the moment Sam caught the two of you arriving at the clubhouse together, that was it for you guys. They were happy for the two of you, though sometimes too happy, especially whenever you had to call Jamie for a physical and they automatically assumed it was code for something.
"How was practice?"
"Good. The team's having a hard time mastering the start though. The timing's always off," He explains about the surprise goodbye performance they were doing for Ted and Beard. 
They had been planning it from the moment they heard the news the two of them were leaving for Kansas at the end of the season. Well, right after they all finished processing — through crying, screaming, protesting, and the like — the news.
"You guys will do fine," you take the remote from his hand and start looking for a certain movie. "Plus, even if you fuck it up, I’m sure they’ll love it regardless." That gets Jamie to chuckle and you feel the vibrations from his chest.
"How about this? Let's watch the Sound of Music, so you can try and copy one of the von Trapp siblings!" You suggest as you press play on the movie. Jamie doesn't protest and simply wraps his other arm around you too.
You look up at your boyfriend and suddenly feel a pang of guilt. "I'm really sorry,"
You don't need to explain further because Jamie instantly understands. He kisses you on your forehead, "Stop saying that. I know you don't want your family to know you're dating such a talented football player because you're afraid one of them will try and steal me from you."
You remove yourself from Jamie before playfully pushing his head. "Yeah, that's exactly right." The both of you laugh as Jamie pulls you in again.
You had already explained why you were hiding it from them back when you found out they were visiting. You had already been dating Jamie for a couple of months, but not a single person back home knew. 
Most of your family knew about the disastrous way your last relationship ended and you were sure they'd be extra protective about the next guy. As much as you loved being with Jamie and knew he wasn’t that guy anymore, you knew that your football-obsessed family was aware of who he used to be.  Stories of the multiple scandals, hook-ups, and rumors of unsportsmanlike conduct throughout the years were the exact reason you were so afraid to tell them. Those were in the past and you knew that, but you weren’t so sure how to convince your family of that, too. 
Jamie, true to form as the prick he is, completely understood and never tried to pressure you to tell them. He was even the one to tell the whole team that your brother was coming to visit and they had to, in his words, shut the fuck up about your relationship.
This was probably the last night for a few days you two could comfortably spend together, so you didn't really want to force him away. The two of you just sat there watching a Julie Andrews classic where you'd occasionally hear Jamie sing along to the musical numbers.
It was around 2 am when the movie finished and now, he definitely had to go home. Even then, you had a hard time separating yourself from Jamie, but your rational brain was telling you it would be bad for a secret relationship if your family caught him in the apartment.
"See you tomorrow, yeah?" Jamie says as he opens the front door.
Instead of responding, you plant a kiss on his lips, catching him by surprise. He's quick to wrap his arms around your waist as he reciprocates it. You separate and finally, answer him. "Yup, see you tomorrow." Jamie gives you one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before he leaves your apartment. 
You look around your place for a second, seeing if there's anything you need to fix up before tomorrow. Once you assess that it's as clean as it can be, you go to your room and catch some much-needed sleep.
When you hear a knock at your door, you drag yourself out of your bed and to the living room. Before you can even twist the doorknob, you hear a voice on the other side, "You should be awake by now!"
"I am!" you respond, as you open the door. You're greeted by the sight of your older brother Frank, your sister-in-law Denise, and their son Gregory.
"Hello, family," you say drowsily, as the three of them envelope you with a hug. Once they let go, you lead them inside your apartment. "How's your vacation so far?"
"Oh, amazing. I get why you moved to Europe," Denise answers, as she looks around your flat. "They have you set up pretty nice here, huh?" She plops down on your couch and pulls Gregory down next to her.
"Yup," you head to the kitchen to make the three of them some drinks. "So, what do you two plan to do while Gregory comes to work with me?" They had already told you ages ago that Gregory wanted to visit the clubhouse badly, but you knew it was also free babysitting.
"Sightseeing mostly," your brother replies, grabbing his cup of tea from you. When you take a seat next to Denise and your nephew, the former leans into you and whispers, "And get into places where 18 and unders can't." 
You chuckle and she plants a kiss on her son's head. As they enjoy their drinks, the three of you start catching up. You steer clear of any questions about relationships and instead focus on you being a physical therapist for a football team.
"Do their feet smell?" Gregory asks and you nod your head.
"Extremely, so always remember to wash your feet, okay?" You reply and the 8-year-old gives you a thumbs up and drinks his hot chocolate.
The topic then shifts to the upcoming final game between Richmond and West Ham. You managed to get the 3 of them tickets, — thank you, Higgins, — which they said was the perfect way to end their trip.
"I'll get you some shirts today, too. Gregory's gonna help me pick them out, yeah?" You turn to your nephew who is more than excited to do so.
"Nice," your brother reacts. "I'd appreciate an Obisanya one."
"Yup, and I want a Colin Hughes one if they're available. And of course, this one here," Denise pulls Gregory into a hug, "wants the captain's jersey."
"Will do," you make a mental note, before excusing yourself to get ready for work. 
You’re freshening up in your bathroom when you hear your nephew call out to you. "Mom's asking if you have an extra blanket!" 
"Check my room!" You hear him go to the room across and as he passes you again, he shouts a quick 'Thank you!'
Once you’re done getting changed, you head back to the living room. All three of them were ready to head out, so you lock up and hail a taxi to the AFC Richmond clubhouse. On the drive there, the seatbelt was practically the only thing stopping Gregory from bouncing up and down in the car. 
When you get there, you find some members of the team along with the Director of Football Operations standing front and center near the entrance of the building. You thank the driver and grab Gregory by the hand. You say goodbye to his parents, and since they’re so excited to have some alone time, they don't even bother looking up at the scene in front of them.
"What's all this?" You say as you approach the entrance. Gregory, despite his excitement, was now walking more cautiously, lagging behind you. When they hear your voice, the team finally settles down.
"Well, a little birdie told me that you'd be bringing someone special to work today and so we decided to assemble the Richmond Welcome Committee for him." You stare at all of them in disbelief and your smile grows wider. You find Jamie in the group, whose smug expression tells you exactly who it was.
"Hello there, Gregory," Higgins turns to your nephew and sticks his hand out, who is still hiding behind you. You move to the side and crouch down next to him, so he feels more at ease.
"Hi," your nephew finally speaks up and shakes his hand. 
Higgins then bends down to the eye level of your nephew. "Welcome to AFC Richmond! We prepared a little gift for you if that's okay."
Gregory nods his head. Higgins and the rest of the team start doing a drumroll and move out of the way to reveal Isaac, with a personalized jersey. You exhale in disbelief and turn to your nephew. 
"What do you say, Greg?" Said nephew was too awestruck by his favorite player to even move. 
After a few seconds, he finally ran up to Isaac and hugged his favorite player. The team captain was now the one in shock, but slowly reciprocated it. Gregory then lets go and accepts the jersey from him. The rest of the team moves to crowd the boy and start talking with him. Almost immediately, your nephew transforms from his former terrified state to the life of the party.
You moved to the side to give them space and thank Higgins, who just shook his head. "It's no problem," he started. "Henry doesn't come here that often anymore, so it was nice to do this for another kid." You smile, before noticing Jamie going toward you.
"And here's the little birdie now," Higgins jokes before excusing himself. You see the team busy entertaining Gregory, so you take the chance to plant a kiss on Jamie's cheek.
"If only the tabloids knew how sweet the striker of AFC Richmond could be." You whisper afterward.
"I know, I'm a great not-boyfriend." He continues to show his smug smirk and before you can reply, you notice that your nephew is starting to look for you.
You put enough distance between you and Jamie to seem platonic, "Greg?" You catch his attention and see him already wearing his jersey over his shirt.
"Can we go inside now?" He asks and you nod your head.
You turn back to the "welcome committee," and thank them. "This was so great." They wave goodbye to the both of you — with Isaac giving Gregory a high-five — as they head to the field for training.
Once you're alone again, Gregory turns to you. "That was so much fun!" You laugh at the boy's reaction as you settle down in your office.
For about 2 hours, you had to deal with the boy asking you about every detail of the papers in front of you. Vitals, size charts, diagrams, he was curious about all of it. A part of you hoped that he'd want to talk about something, anything else, but you soon regret wishing that.
"Auntie (Y/N), is Jamie Tartt your favorite player?" You try and hide your shock at the question. He's 8 years old and it's probably an innocent question.
"Yes, he is." You answer honestly and turn your chair to the treatment table where Gregory was lying down. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, I saw you talking to him earlier." He observes, sitting up and looking like he's about to launch into a whole monologue. "And I saw a lot of his jerseys in your room too, so I thought you must be a fan. But you work here, so are you guys close?"
Maybe you should have closed the closet door before sending him in there. You try and keep your calm. "Kind of. I mean I'm close to all of the players, in a way."
If Gregory thinks anything is off, he doesn't show it. Instead, he nods his head and goes back to his comic book as you continue to work on some reports for the players.
Once you finish, you bring Gregory to watch the morning training. His parents were going to pick him up during lunch, so you only had to keep up the charade for just a little longer. The team was doing a few drills when you got there and Ted spots the two of you approaching. He immediately runs over and greets, "Is this the little guy? Hi, I'm Ted."
What was it with dads and shaking little kid's hands? Gregory, already getting used to meeting such famous football personnel, took his hand and shook it as firmly as an 8-year-old could. Jamie was too busy with his drills to notice you there and you’ve never been more relieved about that.
After spending the next hour watching the game from the stands, it was time for lunch and you headed to the car park to find Frank and Denise. You smile at them and hand off Gregory who started telling his parents about his brand-new personalized kit.
You feel your phone vibrate and take it out to find a message from Jamie. secret boyfriend bought secret lunch for a secret date in your office ;)
You chuckle at the message and send him a quick reply before hearing Gregory mention your name. "Auntie's friends with all the players, especially Jamie Tartt. He's her favorite and they're close."
Oh, this child is going to ruin you. You try and stop yourself from overreacting, though you instead end up letting out an exaggerated laugh. "Yeah, I mentioned him being my favorite player, but he seemed to forget that I said I'm also close with all the players, not just Jamie."
Frank seemed to buy it, but you can tell that Denise was starting to pick up on things. She could always tell when you were lying, even before you left for London. After you had broken up with Matt, it took one call before she realized what happened. So it was only a matter of time till she figured it out, but you had hoped you could delay it till after their trip. You wave to the three of them as their taxi left the car park.
You headed back to your office to find Jamie already devouring his pasta. "Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a date?" His head snaps towards you with noodles still hanging out of his mouth.
"I didn't know how long you'd take and I need my carbs." You roll your eyes as you go to the seat across from him. Jamie puts his plate down and brings out yours.
The two of you start talking about the upcoming game this Sunday, to which you bring up your usual 'night before' ritual.
"I thought your family was gonna stay at your flat that night?" Jamie asks, but you just shrug.
"I'll find a way to escape. No way you're going to the garden without me. I'm your good luck charm, Mr. Tartt." You lean towards the football player and playfully narrow your eyes at him. He breaks into a smile and takes your hand into his.
"Yeah, you are." He says softly, and your smile starts to fade. Jamie would never say it out loud, certainly not in the clubhouse where his teammates could hear him, but his nerves always reached an all-time high before a big game. Even after the Man City match and the talk with his mum, you noticed he still felt uneasy in the days leading up to this one.
He was good at hiding it from most people, but over the months, you figured out the small tells that showed he wasn't feeling his best. That's one of the reasons Dr. Sharon suggested he find a safe space, one where he could collect himself before a game, especially like the game on Sunday.
"Hey," You get him to look back at you and squeeze his hand tighter. "You and the whole team are going to dominate. You've already guaranteed a spot in the Champions League, so you’re set for next season. Plus, your beautiful and frankly, awesome girlfriend is gonna be there in the dugout cheering you on."
Jamie pulls you in for a quick kiss as a thank you before you start to fix up the table. He then suggests a rather inappropriate after-lunch activity — "Ay! Call it a motivational activity," — and you have to physically push him out the door for his afternoon practice.
It's the night before the match and you were currently arguing with your brother about the sleeping situation.
"Frank, I'll be fine. There's three of you, it's a king-sized bed, and you know I love couches." This time, he gives in. You watch him disappear into your room and after five minutes, you start heading out.
You go down to find a parked car outside, with its owner leaning on the side of it scrolling through his phone. Since you had dinner with family and he got a drink with Roy, the two of you had planned to meet up later than usual.
"Told you I still knew how to sneak out." You say to him, and the moment his eyes land on you, his expression seems to relax. You approach him and ask, "How was hanging out with Roy?"
"Weird, but good," he answered as the two of you got into the car. "Told me he was proud of me."
"That's nice of him. After all those training sessions and him barging on both our doors early morning, you deserve it." You’re reminded of when Roy came to your flat at 4 am after he realized that Jamie wasn't at his own house, which ended with you scolding the coach about it.
You didn't want to make a big deal of it, but you knew how much Jamie appreciated hearing that from someone he looked up to since childhood. Especially with their history back when Jamie first joined the team.
He continued to tell you about what went down, even mentioning how he convinced Roy to go to Keeley that night and finally ask her out again. Though, he admitted he partly did that was so they could finish earlier and he could see you.
You get to the garden and despite visiting it almost every week, you’re still amazed at its beauty. You remember the first time he brought you there before you were even dating. You had been so touched that Jamie was willing to share this place with you that you ended up kissing him right then and there. 
Ever since then, you ended up going with him before games, even if the two of you would just sit there in silence and simply take in the surroundings. That's exactly what was happening tonight, with you and Jamie sitting on a bench and just observing the garden.
After a while, you took the chance to look at Jamie without him noticing. He was always the most calm here and you could tell it from his side profile alone. His jaw was relaxed, his eyes were closed and he was breathing steadily.
You suddenly get the urge to admit something. "I'll tell Frank and Denise tomorrow." Jamie looks at you as you repeat, "I'm telling them about us tomorrow, after the game."
The football player breaks into a smile, and you can't help but mirror it. If the two of them could only get a glimpse of the Jamie you knew, who was thoughtful, enthusiastic, and truly kind-hearted, they wouldn't even care about all the dumb stories of the past. 
After a little while longer, Jamie drives you home and you give him a quick goodbye kiss before heading back to your flat. You try to be as quiet as possible, turning the knob ever so slowly. You soon realized you didn't have to, as you hear someone clear their throat. You open the door to find Denise sitting on the couch in her pajamas and you freeze. "You went out?"
"Yes," you finally managed to croak out, as you closed the door behind you and leaned on it. "Wanted some fresh air."
"Fresh air? From the car I just saw you get out of?" Denise crosses her arms and you accept defeat. You say nothing as your sister-in-law asks, "Who's the guy?"
"Jamie Tartt," you admit, and her eyes almost pop out of her head.
"Oh shit, you are dating him. I really thought Gregory was just exaggerating things." You roll your eyes and join her on the couch.
You quickly plead, "Please don't tell Frank yet. I promise I’ll tell him after the match. You know, just in case he gets an urge to do bodily harm to my boyfriend."
"Come on, you know he wouldn't actually do that." You tilt your head. She adds, "He probably wouldn't. But fine, I'll keep it from him." You sigh in relief until she starts giving you a look. "So, Jamie Tartt, huh?"
You groan. "Oh God, can we not do this right now? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothing! I just didn't think you'd go for a guy like him. You know, more laidback with a slight douchy vibe."
"He is not a douche!" You're quick to defend Jamie, but now Denise narrows her eyes at you. "Not anymore. He was the one who planned that jersey thing for Greg. Would a douche do something like that?"
"Okay, okay, I believe you. He doesn’t seem like the prick from before." Denise holds her hands up in surrender. "But, I only know that because of how you're acting now." She nudges you on the shoulder and you tilt your head. 
"Look, you just seem happier, lighter. Much better than when you were with Matt. I was never going to admit it, but you should’ve ended things after college. Nothing was too toxic about your relationship, but you always looked like you were holding something back."
It was true. It took a few months of not being with him anymore to realize just how many red flags he had. Yes, he was smart, polite, and always knew exactly what to say, but he was also the first to criticize you when you didn't live up to his “standard.” You had convinced yourself that he was only trying to make you better, but in reality, he was just an ass. 
Being with Jamie is what convinced you of that. He got you out of your comfort zone to enjoy things, without ever making it feel like he was pressuring you. You did the same for him too, and instead of pushing back like Matt always did, Jamie would actually listen to what you had to say and cared what you thought.
You explain all of that to Denise and at the end of it, you're sure she's starting to see why you fell for Jamie in the first place. "I'm glad you're happy." 
You hug your sister-in-law tightly before you both start getting tired. Everyone had to get up early tomorrow, so it was best to get some rest before then.
You're already lying down and tucked into the couch, but you grab your phone and send a quick message to Jamie.
i hope you're sleeping because this is for when you wake up tomorrow. good luck and i know you'll be the best fucking player on the field!
You hit the send button before returning your phone to the table and drifting off to sleep.
You had planned on getting to the clubhouse earlier than usual. You had to prepare for the match and your family didn’t want to push through a bunch of people to get to their seats. 
But even then, there was already a crowd around the building. Maybe it was because this was your first time working here with the team making it to the finals, but you've never seen that many AFC Richmond fans present.
You had separated from the three of them once they got their tickets and insisted they could find their seats on their own. Because of all the chaos of getting ready and setting up with the whole crowd, you hadn't gotten a chance to check if Jamie had replied or even look for him.
It was only when Will showed up at the dugout saying that Jamie was looking for you did you see him for the first time today.
"I've been waiting for my good luck kiss," is how he greets you and you can only laugh as you embrace him. He met you outside of the locker room, so you avoided all the whistles and 'oohs' from his teammates. 
You give him a quick kiss before telling him about last night. You could see his relief when he realized that your sister-in-law did approve of him, which you almost felt guilty about. 
Jamie Tartt, world-renowned football player, was nervous about what a relative of yours thought about him. 
"I'll tell Frank later. And, if you guys win the game, maybe he won't come after you and injure your other ankle." You remind him and he chuckles, but your straight face is enough for him to take it seriously.
"Shit. I guess we do have to win." 
After hearing Ted asking everyone to huddle up, you separate from Jamie and the two of you join the crowd inside the locker room. You with the rest of the physical therapists and Jamie with the players.
You had to admit, you were a bit nervous for the game. You knew the team was doing great, but after their crying session right before the match, you were worried they'd be too teary-eyed to make it through. And in the first half, you were right to be. Despite their efforts, West Ham was ahead much to every Richmond supporter’s dismay. 
But after whatever happened in the locker room, they seemed to be picking it up. After those 3 misses, you and the rest of the people in the dugout were ecstatic when Jamie finally scored. 
But then it led to a whole different issue. Now, West Ham was focused on marking Jamie. From both a personal and professional standpoint, you were worried. Jamie's ankle could still easily be injured after what happened at Man City and Richmond would lose what was called "their central cog." 
You were grasping your medical bag as the game continued, ready at any moment to rush over there. You flinched when Jamie fell to the ground, but when the referee called for a penalty, you knew this was one of his tricks and you sighed in relief. 
He looks at you with one of his signature smirks as he's pulled up by Sam. You playfully shake your head and roll your eyes, as the teams get ready for the kick.
And thank God Isaac was able to get it in the net. Well, through it? You could feel Gregory's excitement over it, even if you weren't sure where they were in the crowd.
After eavesdropping on Rupert Mannion ordering his manager to "take out" Jamie, you felt a lump forming in your throat. But at least George still had some integrity, even if you ended up seeing his balls after he gets pushed. As Rupert got heckled off the pitch, Jamie catches your eyes.
He notices your worried expression and gives you a reassuring look. It was his way of saying "Don't worry, you think they can take me out?" You not as the players head back onto the field.
Even then, the players were completely boxing Jamie in, but you watched as Ted signaled a strategy for the free kick which they seem to understand quickly. Jamie's trying everything to get Bumbercatch's attention, but the moment he sends it Sam's way, you know exactly what's going on.
"Go, go, go," You whisper, on the edge of your seat. You're squeezing Will's arm a little too tight, but even he is too immersed in the game to care.
Sam gets the ball in and the whole stadium erupts in cheers. You wait, but when the final whistle was blown, you and Will start celebrating too. The whole team starts running onto the pitch and at that point, you weren't thinking. 
The moment your eyes landed on Jamie, you were running across the pitch towards him. He catches you in his arms and pulls you into a kiss. You deepen it as if you weren't surrounded by thousands of people right then and there.
You break apart for a split second to say, "You guys absolutely smashed it. I knew you would win." 
He pulls you back for another kiss, before smiling against your lips. "You aren't worried about your brother seeing us?"
The thought hadn't occurred to you at that moment, but you try and find them in the crowd, still not removing yourself from Jamie's grasp. With all the chaos, you give up and just shrug it off, turning back to the football player. 
"I don't really care anymore." You admit as you laugh.
Jamie pulls you into a hug and spins you around in the air. You laugh and hold onto him tightly. When he puts you down, you find your family coming toward the two of you. Frank is the only one who seemed shocked by this whole ordeal, with Denise simply smirking and Gregory being distracted by all the people celebrating on the field.
"Right, hi Frank," you start and you slide your hand down from his arm to intertwine it with Jamie's hand to steady yourself. "Did I forget to tell you I have a boyfriend now?"
"Yeah, I don't think it's come up, no," He replies.
Jamie takes a step forward and stretches his other arm for a handshake. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jamie—"
"Jamie Tartt, yes." Your brother firmly grasps his hand. "I know who you are." Jamie's legs buckle slightly at Frank's strength, but Denise puts a warning hand on her husband's shoulder.
"Not too hard, honey." which prompts Frank to finally let go of Jamie.
It's a few minutes of silence, — well, as quiet as a celebrating football stadium could be — before you finally try and escape the situation. "Maybe we should let Jamie celebrate with his team!"
"Yes, of course! Congratulations, Jamie! You guys did amazing." Denise says, causing Jamie to flash a genuine smile.
"Yes, you and your team did great," Frank adds on, notably less enthusiastic. "Especially with that last shot from Obisanya." Of course, he had to add his favorite player to this.
You try and pull Jamie away to bring him to his celebrating team, but your brother pulls him into a hug, forcing you to let go of Jamie's hand. You watch Frank whisper something in his ear, before letting go. He then says out loud, "Congratulations on making the Champions League. Can't wait to see you guys play next season."
All Jamie can do is nod in gratitude, as he seems to still be processing what happened before that. You decide to thank him on your boyfriend's behalf.
"See you guys later!" You say to your family as you bring Jamie away from them, his expression slightly worrying you. Once you put a safe amount of distance between them, you whisper, "What did he say?"
"Nothing," Jamie pursed his lips. "Just that he'd make my life a living hell and find a way to ruin my career if I broke your heart." He laughs it off, but you can hear a slight shakiness in his voice.
"Alright then," you interlock your arms with Jamie's, but neither confirm nor deny the truth in his statement.
"That was a joke, right?" Jamie tries to ask but you just shrug. His face almost turns white, but you laugh and instead, he playfully narrows his eyes at you. "That's not funny."
"Well, I’m pretty sure you aren't going to break my heart, so you'll never have to find out. You plant a kiss on his cheek and remove yourself from him. “Now go, celebrate your win!" 
You push him to the rest of his teammates, who are in the middle of celebrating, but he's quick to grab your arm and pull you close. "I know how I want to celebrate this win." He moves in for yet another kiss.
You briefly wonder if this is being televised and if it might be how all your friends and family back home find out, but you'd deal with that later. Right now, it's just you and Jamie. 
And you've always wanted that celebratory field kiss.
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shelbbswrites · 2 months
You all seemed to appreciate when I did this last week. So, here are some of my 9-1-1 thoughts I tweeted during tonight’s episode.
• Easily one of the funniest and silliest cold opens this show has ever pulled off.
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• Why is Marisol moving in with Eddie?
• There is A LOT happening. My head is spinning.
• Only on 9-1-1
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• Evan Buckley, I love you so much. I’ve been anticipating this scene (or one like it), and 9-1-1 did NOT disappoint. The Buckley siblings mean so much to me.
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• Thank GOD for Bobby Nash. Eddie Diaz desperately needed that talk.
Bobby and Eddie's scenes always deliver, even if they’re still a relatively rare occurrence.
• I already loved Hen and Chimney, but I love them even more for saving this dog.
• Gosh, that Eddie and Buck scene was so good. From start to finish, it was fantastic.
Their honest conversation. Eddie’s response to Buck telling him about Tommy. Their first hug in literal years happening at just the right time.
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• Henren are the best parents.
• That final Buck and Tommy scene is so wholesome. I’m glad that 9-1-1 is spending more time with them.
• “What was it? Pastel and puke?”
What a way to kick off the Eddie and Maddie (and Buck) scenes!
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• 9-1-1 meets The Hangover on Thursday, May 2? Oh, I’m SO here for this.
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Poly!Landoscar where they’re on winter break and reader takes them to her home town which is super snowing, ski/snowboard village type vibe? (I’ve got Colorado in my head for some reason🤣) Maybe she’s got a really big family and they all share a cabin for a holiday in the winter?
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Making my way through blurb requests tonight (don't be surprised if this is the only one I end up doing)
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Snow. It didn't often snow in England, where Lando spent a lot of his Christmases before he met his partners. It didn't snow where Oscar was from, either.
So, when Y/Ns family invited the boys up to the family cabin in Denver, they jumped at the chance. A snow day was exactly what they needed this Christmas.
With the length of the flight, Y/N, Lando, and Oscar decided it best to spend at least two weeks up there. A week with Y/N's family and a week in the cabin.
During their week in Y/N's home, the three of them shared Y/N childhood bed. It was a squeeze for the three of them, who were used to one of those bigger than normal beds. But it was cosy and comfortable in the cold climate that the boys weren't used to.
Lando and Oscar were like kids out in the snow. Lando threw snowballs as Oscar tried his best to build a snowman (but Lando kept aiming for the snowman, hitting the head off of the body). When Oscar was finish, Y/N came out with a spare hat and scarf. She wrapped it around the snowman, standing back to admire Oscar's work.
On the second week on their holiday, the throuple, along with Y/N's parents, set off for their holiday cabin. Y/N's siblings and families were to meet them their. Her brother and her sister both had families of their own, partners they had married and a gaggle of kids each.
Y/N had warned Lando and Oscar about the gaggle of kids on the drive up. "They are wild, feral demons," she said, driving behind her parents. "Don't let them bully you, okay? Because, you show one sign of weakness, and they'll be on you."
"Should we be scared?" Asked Oscar. When Y/N drove (which wasn't very often, only when they were in the states for insurance reasons), Lando would be in the passenger seat and Oscar would be in the back. If it was Oscar driving, Y/N was beside him and Lando was in the back. And, if it was Lando, Oscar was in the front with him.
"Terrified, more like," Y/N answered as the cabin came into view.
The cabin was a part of one of those skiing villages. It was owned by the entire family, Y/N's parents, aunt and uncles on both sides. They just had to stay coordinated enough to ensure it was being evenly shared.
Y/N parked up beside her parents. "Game plan is we settle in and hit the slopes," she said and pushed open the car door.
The boys grabbed their things from the back of the car. They didn't let Y/N carry anything as she led them into the cabin, following her parents.
When they got inside, Y/N's parents were stood in the foyer. "We've been thinking," said Y/N's mother as the boys set their things down, "that, because there are three of you, you guys should get the master bedroom."
Y/N's brows furrowed. "Are you sure?" She asked them.
With his jaw clenched, Y/N's father nodded his head. "Just remember, we'll be in the room next door," he said, staring past her, at Lando and Oscar.
After they unpacked their things, Y/N took the boys skiing. They started on the easiest slope, since Lando and Oscar didn't have as much skiing experience. They had some, but not a lot.
Once the skiing was done, Y/N took Lando and Oscar to the café in the skiing village. She'd been going there since she was a kid, most of the staff being friends she knew from high school.
After ordering three rounds of hot chocolate, Y/N joined the boys by the window. As she sat down, they were by the window, watching as the snow fell. "This is amazing," Lando muttered as he cupped his hand around his hot chocolate.
Y/N's siblings had arrived that evening. It had taken the kids three hours to break Lando and Oscar.
Y/N and her siblings had all been ice skating since they were children. The sisters had played hockey while growing up and now the kids did the same.
As soon as they'd met Lando and Oscar, the kids had been trying their best to get them to take them skating. It didn't matter that they couldn't skate, but it was what the kids wanted. They'd been screaming, jumping up and down on the sofa as they screamed at Lando and Oscar.
And then the boys agreed.
The kids settled down for the night, with the promise of going skating the next day.
The skating... wasn't going well. Lando and Oscar were like bambi on the ice, with the kids skating circles around them. They were tripped up, falling flat on the facing several times.
Y/N's laugher wasn't helping. She stood on the side lines, watching and high fiving the kids as the skated past her.
And then she got onto the rink. "Osc, grab a hold of Lando," she said as she grabbed Lando's hand. Oscar placed his hands on his shoulders as Y/N began skating backwards, pulling them along. She was constantly looking around, keeping an eye on her nieces and nephews.
They managed to trip her up once, with her, Lando and Oscar falling into one pile. But they didn't mind, the three of them erupting into giggles. "Kind of the best snow day ever, right?" She asked and leaned forward to kiss Lando.
She kissed Oscar, too, the kids behind them letting out a series of 'ew's.
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ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ♡ ༘*.゚Mouse-Trap ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ♡༘*.゚
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《Notes / Ideas / Mini Fic》
In this Au, (Y/N) is the the first sidekick since Dick Grayson is Stray in this timeline. Due to that, her origin is much different.
I would say (Y/N) would take the mantle in her college years.
By day, normal college girl that has a intership at Wayne Enterprise. At night, timid heroine that aids the dark-knight crusader.
With a quiet breath, you do your best to keep up with Mr. Wayne as he walks amongst the party guests. His secretary calling out sick, along with needing you as extra eyes incase of any.. Mishaps.
I would say (Y/N) back story is completely up to ya'll! But overall, she is the eldest sibling of batfam. Adopted or not!
"Ah.. Ms. Kyle." Mr. Wayne gently takes her hand, placing a small kiss on her knuckle as she chuckles gracefully at the contact. "Bruce.." She smirks cheekily, "I see your unacompanied at the moment.."
"I'm not, this is my son, Richard."
I see this (Y/N) is much more dependent on Batman/Bruce than Dick was.
Instead of her leaving Bruce with the intentons of becoming her own hero. He basically had to persuade about it, disscussing it and such.
Which works out! Kinda...
Ms. Kyle states, as you linger behind Mr. Wayne. Trying to take a peek at the situation, until you hear a unfamiliar voice chime in."A pleasure to meet you, Sir." He said respectfully.
Dick however, later on. Does in fact travel out of Gotham and becomes his own seasoned thief.
Later on, becoming more situated in Bludhaven, often visiting Selina!
Overhearing the greetings, you shuffle closer anxiously. Honestly just wanting to head home and finish assignments until patrol. "And who's this?" Ms. Kyle says soothingly as she sees you.
"A-ah.. Uhm.."
I would like to think in this Au, much more magicl-girl vibes!
Also, to add! Bruce is much more protective than usual. Cause I think its funnier!
But this is mainly due to MouseHero!(Y/N) still not as well-trained as Bruce, yet shows promise.
"This is my intern, (L/N), she's substituting for my secretary tonight." Placing a hand on your shoulder. He gently nudges you in front of the two. "Uh.. H-Hello?" You said weakly, doing your best to look at them both.
"Hello there." Ms. Kyle greets kindly, giving a small wave as Richard took a glance at you. "Hi, (L/N). Right?" He greeted charmingly, holding out a hand.
In this Au, there are Robins! But the mantle is always changing.
You blink at his presence, he.. He was gorgeous. His lips pursing into a grin, blue irises taking hold of your heart.
Grasping ahold of his hand, you politlely shake back.
Yawning, Stray boredly stood watch as Selina grabbed the jewel. Smirking, he helped her up, letting her take the lead as he followed after. Running amongst the rooftops. Graceful as their feline personas as they dash.
Wincing slightly, Stray glances at the other building. Seeing a familiar bat-themed caped-crusader on their trail. Rolling his eyes, he kept moving, something or rather.. Someone did catch his intreset..
Gasping in awe at the moonlight, you jump over buildings carefully. Trying to keep up with your mentor as he skillfully plants his feet on the opposing building. You managed to bring your speed up, eagerly leaping forward, eyes bright as a smile blooms on your lips.
Stray, noticing the actions, slows down ever so slightly.. Savoring the raw expression on the heronies features.
Ah.. Far too late to admire when the opposing duos now stood neck and neck.
Civilian (Y/N) is still shy, but more akward and humble, almost embarrssingly . While her Hero counterpart is still shy, a bit more cry-baby with a strong willed-heart. Overall, still the same girl, just one with more confidence.
Babs is still Batgirl! She doesn't date Stray. But does date Dick for a bit, but before they create their hero/vigilante personas, though it doesn't work out. Overall still on good-terms and are besties.
"Aww... Seems Pussy-Cat is gonna' ruin the fun!" Joker laughed, watching Stray pick you up carefully. Your costume torn a bit as you weakly move in his arms in defiance.
"Why don’t cats play cards with mice? They’re too fur-midable at poker!" Joker joked, sweating slightly as he saw the glare directed at him.
I love to think Babara is your utter bestie, in or out of costume. She Dislikes Stray, (she doesn't know its Dick), finds him way too cocky and flashy. Bruce and her team up to scare him away whenever they can, (often failing).
Jason however, finds Stray!Dick annoying but kinda cool. Though, Jay does on occassion get teased by the thief. Which he hates, and goes to (Y/N) with crocodile tears.
It works often, Dick finds it annoying and tries to explain himself as Jason smiles in wickedness. It still works when your all older! What a pain! (Dicks words, not mine.)
In this Au, Dick gives off more "golden-kid" vibes, due to the fact his thief-persona is much more flirty and blunt.
You smile, giggling as the thief dramatically recalls his tales with your "hero-self". Flustered slightly, dumbly nodding along as your chest felt warm.
Stray and Civilian!(Y/N) relationship is sorta like Mari-Chat in a sense (lol).
But I feel like she'd open up to him more due to Dick's flamboyant energy. Finding comfort without the need to be enemies when shes not in uniform.
But with Richard, she's more self concious than ever! Always afraid she'll mess up and ruin their starange friendship and he'll figure who she is.
Batman is so done, while Selina loves her new novela.
Tagging: @gaozorous-rex-blog @b4tm4nn @777ily @celestial-kanzakii
[Yay! I wrote more! Horray! I need to write Hemlock!Jason. But overall one of my favorite Aus! Any more ideas? Send them in! Hearts, comments, fan art are super Appreciated! Check out the extra! Mousequerade Ball!]
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stylesluxx · 1 year
your sibling is a fan — bts
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[warnings: in jk’s the reader’s parents are against tattoos but aren’t mean]
summary: in which your sibling is a fan | requested!
word count: 2,333
main masterlist | bts reactions masterlist
kim seokjin
"Don't be nervous; my parents are super nice and my brother is a dork. He'll probably embarrass himself before you embarrass yourself," You smiled, trying to cheer up your anxiety-ridden boyfriend.
"Y/N, really?" He whined and dragged a hand down his face causing you to giggle.
"I'm just kidding handsome. But seriously, he's such a dork."
You use the key you kept after moving out to let the two of you into your family home, immediately greeted by the smell of food and your dad asking if that was you.
"Yeah, it's me and Jin, Dad," You answered as you slipped off your shoes by the door and put on some slippers. "Look they even bought you a pair," You whispered to Jin as you pointed them out.
His ears turned red, making you giggle again and rub his arm.
"Perfect timing, we just finished the food," Your mom greeted you happily as she walked into the living room.
"Mom, this is Seokjin, my boyfriend. Jin, this is my mom," You introduced the two with a big smile. "Oh, and this is my dad," You added as he entered the room.
"It's nice to meet you both; Y/N talks about you every day," Jin speaks up softly while shaking both of their hands one at a time.
"The feeling is mutual, Seokjin. Our Y/N talks about you with great reverence."
"Oh, you guys can just call me Jin."
"Big word, Mom," You teased at the same time as Jin.
She playfully rolled her eyes at you. "Go upstairs and get your brother. Jin, come sit at the table."
Jin looked back down at you but your parents had already walked into the dining room. You gently pushed him in their direction and went upstairs to get your baby brother.
You knocked on his door and waited for a response before opening. "Hey, Kid."
"Hey, is your 'date' here?"
"Yeah but why the quotes around 'date?'"
"Because you and I both know... you can't get a date."
"Yeah, well, put some deodorant on before you come downstairs to meet him."
"I'm sure your invisible boyfriend will be okay with some manly stench," He said as he rolled off the bed and led you out of his room.
"You're 14, what part of you is manly?"
"My skincare idol!" Your brother gasped as he walked into the dining room.
Your brother turned back around to face you. "How much did you pay to get him to come here tonight? Did you sell the house? Are we homeless?"
"What are you talking about, Kid?"
"That's Kim Seokjin-"
"He prefers just Jin."
"There's no way you're dating him."
"I am though, so if you'll excuse me-"
"No, there's no way I'm not sitting next to him."
Your brother quickly walked back into the dining room and you could hear him apologizing for his behavior and introducing himself.
You followed behind him with a confused look on your face, one that your parents matched from their seats at the heads of the table.
"So, where do you know him from?" Your dad asked your brother.
"I researched his skincare routine. His nickname is literally 'Worldwide Handsome.' How do you think I have the perfect skin?"
Jin chuckled shyly as his ears turned red again, clearly not wanting your parents to find out about his nickname (at least during the first meeting).
"Ah, don't be embarrassed Jin," Your mom quickly chimed in.
You smirked, knowing just how you could get back at your little brother for all his trash talk and doubt.
"Yeah Jin, at least you wore deodorant today. The kid didn't."
min yoongi
"So, when's this guy supposed to be here? He's late," Your older brother asked, clearly unimpressed.
"He's actually not late. Dinner starts at 7:00, it's 6:00."
You changed the channel on the tv, not caring that his favorite show was on.
"You're annoying."
"You're irritating."
"Who even says that? Your loser boyfriend some word genius and teaches you new words?" Your brother scoffed and snatched the remote out of your lap.
You turned to look at him with a shit-eating grin. "Yeah, actually."
Yoongi rings the bell as you're setting the table with your parents, who have already met Yoongi. Your mom is humming excitedly at seeing him again; she's happy your dad can finally talk about basketball with someone other than her. She does love Yoongi, but your father's rambling is just... a lot.
"Y/N why is Agust D at our door?"
You dropped everything and practically ran to the door to greet your boyfriend.
"Hi Yoongs," You hummed in his ear as you pulled him into a tight hug.
"What in the world is happening?" You could hear your brother mumble behind you.
"Hi Pretty," Yoongi chuckled at your excitement. "How are you? How was your day?"
"It was good, just missed you a lot," You sighed as you pulled away from him.
"Enough hogging, let us hug him too!" Your mom teased making the two of you laugh.
Once you reluctantly stepped away from Yoongi, your mom pulled him into a hug, and then your dad, both expressing how happy they were to see him again.
"So, you didn't tell me you were dating a rapper. My favorite rapper at that," Your brother mumbled to you.
"Didn't think it was important and I also didn't know," You shrugged.
"You're kinda... goated for bringing Agust D home," He said and pat you on the head.
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "Yoongi, you have a fan."
jung hoseok
"Can you try to eat more of your vegetables please?" Your mom asked your little sister.
"Mom, you kinda just have to let me do my thing. I'm not a kid anymore," Your little sister huffed.
You quickly put a hand over your mouth to cover your laughter. "Babe, you're 10," You reminded her through a snicker.
"But, I deserve some independence! Right? Tell them J-Hope," She tried to argue.
You didn't mean to laugh, it was just so cute. The dark eyeliner and dark clothes to imitate Hobi's Jack in the Box phase but she was just a baby in your eyes; your baby sister that was still in her Hope World phase.
"Babe, you can call him Hobi," You told her softly.
"Really?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.
Hobi nodded and gave her a big smile. "But only if you finish your vegetables," He bargained.
You placed a hand on his lap and smiled up at him gratefully. "Love you," You mouthed and in return, he leaned down and pecked your temple.
"Well, that settles it," Your dad speaks up. "Welcome to the family, Hobi."
kim namjoon
You're genuinely shocked that your older sister knows who Namjoon is. His music isn't her style and she's so much older than you, so you don't know who introduced her to BTS in general.
"Joon, this is my big sister. This is Namjoon, the guy I'm always talking about." Your arm was wrapped around Namjoon's waist, head against his shoulder as you introduced them.
"Oh, so this is 'Joon,'" Your sister hummed and nodded her head. "It's nice to meet you. You're much more handsome in person."
"What?" You blurted out. "I've never shown you pictures of him."
"Girl... this is RM from BTS. I don't live under a rock," She scoffed. "One of my girlfriends on Facebook-"
"Oh, you're so old. Facebook?" You gasped.
"She posted about him and it was love at first sight. Everyone with eyes has a crush on him, come on Y/N. Let's be serious. And he's smart. He'll be good for you."
You let out a breathy laugh as you looked up at your bulky boyfriend to see him smiling confidently. "Um... I see introductions weren't necessary."
"Anyway, Joon, can I call you that?" Your sister ignored you and took his arm to lead him away.
"Sure," He nodded.
"Great, let's talk about some of your greatest lyrics. My personal favorite is..."
park jimin
You two sat in Jimin's car, mentally preparing to go in and meet your family.
It wasn't like your family was embarrassing or they were bad people or anything like that.
"It's just that... she's a hardcore ARMY. Like, decked out in purple, bleeds purple type of thing. So, if she faints, don't freak out," You explained to your boyfriend as he looked at you with wide eyes.
"Right," He nodded slowly. "Should I call an ambulance if she faints?"
"Oh, no, don't worry. We have a routine for her fainting episodes. There's nothing wrong with her, by the way, she's just really high-strung. But she's a good kid. You'll love her," You promised and took his hand in yours.
He nodded confidently, looking ready to head in. You leaned in to peck his lips, but a knock at your window, made you jump and turn to look back at the perpetrator.
"Hey Tiny, you scared me," You smiled toothlessly at your little sister.
"Yeah, and the lights on the car are freaking out Dad. When are you coming in?"
"Sorry, we're coming," You apologized and Jimin cleared his throat to let out a quiet apology.
Your sister took a closer look at him, eyes growing to the size of saucers.
"Please don't faint right now," You mumbled to her.
She cleared her throat and stood up straight. "Me? Faint? Yeah right, Big," She tried to play cool. "But, uh, you didn't tell me that your boyfriend was Jimin."
You side-eyed her, "Uh, yes I did. I told you on FaceTime that I had a boyfriend. You asked what his name was. I said 'Jimin' and then you laughed in my face and hung up on me."
She let out an awkward chuckle and scratched the back of her neck. "Right, well... we're waiting for you."
The two of you in the car, watched your sister scurry off into the house. It was at this moment you could see she had purple highlights in her hair and she was wearing Shooky slippers, making you facepalm and let out a sigh.
"Well, she didn't faint," Jimin spoke up and rubbed your arm.
"Let's not hold our breath on that."
kim taehyung
Between Taehyung and your family, you were jazzed out.
Your parents grew up listening to jazz music so it's always been a big part of your life and love it. Your sister even became a jazz singer.
Jazz isn't as popular as other genres but she's one of the most notable figures of her genre.
And Taehyung? Taehyung plays her all of the time. Ever since you told him you were sisters, he's been pushing to meet your family (more than he already had been).
You're pretty sure he heard the music playing from the driveway, that's how loud the music was.
Your dad claims "Jazz always sets the proper tone." And maybe he was right because Taehyung was all smiles when he walked into the house.
He wasn't his normal shy self as you introduced him to everyone. Especially not with your sister; they got along swimmingly.
"I'm such a huge fan, you have no idea. I've been wanting you meet you for a long time, all of you guys," Taehyung spoke earnestly, hand over his heart.
"The feeling is more than mutual. Y/N tells us that you love jazz," Your sister smiles warmly. "I'm a big fan as well. I've recorded some covers of your songs but I haven't released them."
"That means so much to me," Taehyung smiles, somehow, even bigger than before.
You swoon quietly at the interaction, happy that everyone's being kind and warm. It's so sweet, you kind of don't mind the loud jazz music playing anymore.
You watch them interact, swap the numbers of their managers and go on and on about their love for music.
"He's a keeper Y/N," Your sister winks at you.
"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be hyping me up but okay."
jeon jungkook
"Woah, who's the dude at the dinner table?" Your sister asked as she walked in.
"You're late," Your dad stated briskly.
"Sorry," She mumbled sheepishly and sat across from you. "Hey, Sissy. Who's the guy?"
"You know he can hear you?" You chuckled.
"Wassup?" She nodded.
"I'm Jungkook, Y/N's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you, finally," Jungkook smiles at your sister.
"I'm sure you know my name. Y/N likes to act like I'm her kid but we're Irish twins. It's nice to meet you, Jungkook. I like your music by the way."
"Thank you."
Dinner was going well until your sister rolled up her sleeves, revealing a new tattoo.
"Oops," She mumbled.
"I thought we said no more tattoos," Your mom sighed, making you wince and put your head in your hands.
Your parents weren't the biggest fans of tattoos, they just didn't understand why someone would permanently mark their body. But your sister was rebellious. Well, you wouldn't even say that, she just did what she wanted.
"Well, I thought you meant no more tattoos as long as I lived here. That's why I moved out," She shrugged.
"I can't believe-"
"How many tattoos do you have?" Jungkook asked, cutting your dad's complaint off, causing you to look up from your hands.
"Oh, well, I honestly plan on having a sleeve. So, one piece but I've had five sessions," Your sister says sheepishly, looking down at her dinner plate.
"Cool. I have a sleeve. I can show you later if you'd like?" Jungkook offered and you looked over at your sister.
Her face lit up like a little kid getting ice cream and your face started to mirror hers.
"Yeah definitely. That'd be so cool," She nodded.
"We can go to our apartment then," You suggested, trying to respect your parents.
Once the situation fizzled out, you turned and pecked Jungkook's arm, making him look down at you puzzled.
"You're the best. She's probably your biggest fan now. After me, of course."
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[AN: if you want to join my taglist, here’s the link to the info page]
[tags: @vantaebearr​ @tomiwastilinskii​ @yourthebrokengirl​ @halesandy​ @blackpetalbluemoon​ @bts-106​ @doublebunv​ @embrace-themagic​ @loveyoongles​ @daphnxy​ @notsooperfect​ @somewhereinthestarss​ @urvirtualgfteehee​ @n4mina​ @little-dark-empress​ @sunshinehobissunshine​ @tinyoonsblog​ @aclp-jb1d​ @knjkitten​ @clowdyblue​ @nlost21​ @xanny91​ @ezzie0861​ @bbl32​ @hoodalmighty​ @yoongiesstar @bloodline1632 @kissme-ornot​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @coldmuffinduckling @xyahrinx​ @marvelahsobx​ @bubblytaetae​ @kawennote09​ @jungkooksseuphoria​ @emeraldjade23 @mimiba3 @instabull​ @starstruckfangirls​]
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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Roommate Pt2
"Shit, my fucking head is pounding." I woke up, thankfully in my bed for the first time in a while. Looking to the side of me, I noticed the girl from last night that I couldn't remember almost felt bad. But for the first time, I kinda felt something for her, or maybe I didn't feel anything. My feelings have been a bit out of the order, to be honest. I have a habit of confusing feelings with lust. Now, the issue with kicking out a one-night stand is that I can't distinguish feelings and whatever the fuck I'm feeling. Especially with Bada and Howl, they are like older, annoying siblings who won't get off my case. I mean, I love them but it seems like they are fucking up my vibes. Like last time, they literally hastled me as I was walking out the door. I'm trying to meet the new guy.
This isn't the first time it has happened, but I guess it didn't occur to me that they were on the bitter side about my dates, but I thought that was just Badas' impression of my weirdly interest in stupid fucking people, because I mean the smaller the brain the better the sex. Then Howl came along, and it was fine for a while until he started acting like Bada as well. It was weird. "Why the fuck is Bada's man on my case like my older brother." I get out of bed realizing in the hour long I've taken to figure out my thoughts, the girl had left. "She was cute. I'll give her that. Hey, maybe I do like her." I statt walking towards my bathroom to take a shower. More time to think to myself yay. But maybe I was just overthinking everything, I mean, they must see me as a little sister. Yea, that would make sense, with me being younger than them in a foreign country, might I add.
"Yea, I know they are simply trying to protect me and probably think I should slow down with all the blind dates and stuff, but I'm not a little girl. They need to chill." As I finish washing myself, I step out the shower, wondering what Bada is cooking. I can smell food, just can't tell what it is exactly.
"We have to tell her tonight, we can set up a dinner at a nice fancy restaurant and talk to her. Like slowly get it out, I mean, it shouldn't be hard, I heard America is pretty cool or just open about that stuff." Badas says as she finished making the American style breakfast that Mika loved. "I mean yea, America is more open about these kinds of situations, but we can't just tell her out like that, Bada." Howl states kind of arguing with Bada to make it be known that there was no going back after this. "Baby, look at me, I know, ok. I know this is a difficult situation but we have to do this together. This is something we have to do together, we have to get our girl baby this is our only chance." Howl smiles at Bada, pulling her close before whispering the words i love you in her eyes. They stand there in silence falling between the two, agreeing on their plan of getting their third piece of their heart.
Hours had passed since that close kept moment between the two. They arrived at the restaurant, and at first, they thought to keep the meeting causal until they realized maybe the beautiful atmosphere of a happy place with amazing food would soften the fact that the two people she has been basically living with were in love with her. "Reservation for Ms. Lee", they stopped checking their appearance for the 17th time of what it feels like tonight. They smile at the waiter while following him towards the table. "See, everything is going just fine. It's gonna be perfect. She will show up soon and we'll finally have our girlfriend. Game time, baby."
After about 10 minutes of sitting there and the waiter constantly coming over, pestering them about having to order something, they start to lose hope. "This was a bad idea," Howl says in despair. Though Bada still has a strong belief that you're going to come, she pulls herself together and tries to get Howl to believe as well. "Baby, I love you, ok. So I say this with all the love I have for you. MAN UP." In that very moment, Bada sees a glimpse of your pink and black hair coming through the door in a rush. Thanking the heavens for giving them another chance.
"I'm so sorry, guys. I got held up with Heaven." Mika states as she drops her coat on the chair and sits down on the opposite side of Bada and Howl. As soon as they both hear the name, leave your beautiful lips, their mouths fill with a hint of distaste. Praying to heaven completely forgetting that happened to be the name of your date or new fling. Bada and Howl had one thing and mind, and that was making sure you forgot that girls name entirely by the end of the night. "I'm here now though, I know it doesn't make up for the fact that I was so late, but I'm really sorry." Bada smiles as Howl seems to be wanting to just get it out already. Seeing this, she grabs his hand firmly, letting him know it will happen. "It's fine. We were just worried, but you're ok. So how about we just order now." You all look at each other, agreeing. Howl helps you with the menu, knowing of course you need no help he just likes to be close to you. Though they both know you'll need help ordering, your social anxiety playing a huge factor in that. Looking at the menu, you finally decided on a simple shrimp pasta. You could never go wrong with a classic. Howl orders a steak with mash and vegetables, and Bada follows along ordering lasagna, one of your favorites just in case.
"So, what did you guys need to talk about so urgently. Hopefully, this isn't about trying to get me to join the academy again. I don't care how much potential you think you see isn't a dancer in me, I promise." Mika says, deciding to start the conversation off with a slight joke to ease the situation. Truth be told, she didn't have the slightest idea why they both wanted to talk with her. No matter how hard she tried to ponder over the thought, it didn't make sense why they were here together. "No, I know you all camera shy and stuff, but you are a good dancer flower." Hearing Bada say that name brought her a sense of comfort, it was a name she had given her when they first met. She claims Mika sparked in the sun like a flower. Smiling at that thought, it does ease the tension, "Good, because all those people in one big room is just like a no for me." Howl sits up making eye contact with bada before deciding they should go to the restroom, getting the message they excuse themselves for a minute. Stepping inside Bada immediately breaks down her strong facade. Howl grabs her in his arms, trying to calm her down. "This is stupid she can never love me. It's so hard, baby. I'm trying to be strong for us, but she doesn't want me, I can tell. I see her with all these tall girls, and I think im like them, so why is it never me." Howl shuts up her crues with a simple kiss, breaking her away from the moment. "Your wrong baby, she will love you just like I love you, ok? You shouldn't be doing this alone. You're right. I need to man up and be their for both of you. Don't ever think for a second you're not enough ok, let's go out there and get our girl."
As they are left in the bathroom taking a moment for themselves, only terrible thoughts are crossing Mika's mind. What had she done that was so difficult to tell. She felt worse for not being able to remember it. She immediately thinks she might have crossed the line. Maybe Bada felt like she was coming onto Howl sneakily. Sure, she thought Howl was hot and mean fuck they both were and would it make her a bad person if she admits she has fantasized about them both a some point. But Bada was her best friend, and she refused to lose a meaningful friendship because she couldn't keep it in her pants. Throughout this meltdown, she is having she doesn't notice Bada and Howl come back from the restroom, nor does she notice she has started crying. Finally catching sight of them, she immediately breaks down. "I'm sorry for whatever I did, I promise I didn't mean to. Bada, you're my best friend, and I tried to hard not to make you feel any way. I even changed habits that I grew up with, like walking around with less clothes and other shit that may piss you off. Howl, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Please don't kick me out." Hearing this, they both move towards the other side of the table, grabbing her with Howl, setting her on his lap, this of course catches her off guard, but Bada keeps her in place.
"You didn't make anyone uncomfortable flower, I promise. We aren't gonna kick you out, or I'm not." Bada says, rubbing her big cheeks to calm her down while wiping the tears. "We wanted to tell you the truth. We've been in love with you for years now, baby. At first, we thought something was wrong until we both talked it out and realized we both had feelings for you. Then, Bada told me that you had said something about poly relationships at one point, and we realized their was nothing wrong with it." Howl states, turning her around to straddle his lap, rubbing her waist as comfort. "W-wait, what? You love me. The both of you, I thought I was imposing with the constant amount of third wheeling, that's why I've been going on more dates." Mika speaks up confused. How could two of the most beautiful people inside and out love her. "Baby, we love spending time with you. If anything, we were trying to build up the courage to tell you. And now you have us." Bada says, hooking her fingers with yours and Howl. "No more dates, we are all you need." Mika smiles, looking off happy. I Thinking she was getting kicked out or just wrong for liking two people, and it worked out. Bada starts to usher both of her partners out of the restaurant to go home, says they could order in, simple wanting to spend time with each other. They faithfully agree and pile into the car, making their way home.
Stepping out of the car, going into the building, Mika notices that neither one of their new partners can keep their hands to themselves. Though Mika all of a sudden feels shy with all the affection. Howl reaches out for her hand in the elevator and pulls her to him, leaving open-mouthed kisses down her neck. While Bada turns around staring at her with a smile that could only be described as pure lust and desire. "You know, I'm starting to believe that our little flower here, knew we were listening to her fuck other people. Torturing us, weren't you?" She listens to what Bada says completely, forgetting she used to invite people over to her place after her dates. But before she could answer, the elevator stops, opening up indicating they have reached their floor. Bada walks out, going to the front door tapping the code in while Howl grabs Mika, throwing her over his shoulder. Yea, she was truly in for it tonight. Opening the door, they immediately walk into their room, Howl throws her down on the bed. Leaving them both standing in front of her. She had never realized how much taller they were than her. Towering over her, making her feel so small, and yet she doesn't feel afraid if anything, she is excited.
"Bada, right baby. You do like torturing us, don't you? Almost every single night, hearing your sweet, beautiful moans for some random shitty guy and girl you could find. You wanted our attention, didn't you, baby?" Mika nods her head as Howl pushes her down on the bed, working on kissing up her legs, reaching straight for her pussy. Staring at it like it's a prize he had finally won. "Giving this pussy up all the time, that shit ends tonight you her me little girl." It wasn't a question, no it was a demand. That he knew she would follow without a second thought. Peeling her panties down, he catches sight of the little bow on the front, motioning it to Bada how she gets on the bed smiling. "I told you she is our little flower." Bada comes behind your gathering you in her arms as Howl finally takes off your underwear. Pushing your legs up yo have you spread out more for him, with Bada holding you still. You hadn't even realized she had taken off her pants, leaving her just in her Calvin Klein thong and the blouse she chose to wear. You whine at the thought, catching both of their attention. "N-naked, please?" Hearing this, they need no further instructions. With Bada pulling off her shirt and bra, you feel her pulling down your dress, sliding it off, leaving you in nothing. Feeling her bare breasts pressed against your back leaves you moaning. Though Howl takes his time, slowly pulling down his pants and shirt, almost giving a strip tease. "Come on, we can't leave our flower waiting. We had to show her what she was missing." Bada moves her lips down to leaving love bites on you neck while playing with you breast.
Howl forgets about his underwear at the moment, leaving you to gawk at his abs. He watches you stare before diving straight in. Sucking and licking your cunt like it's his last meal. "You taste so good, baby." You push his head further in with your thighs, "f-fuck yes." Bada bites your ear while moaning. You trun your head, realizing she was fingering herself. She looks so fucking hot you can stand it. Howl pushes a finger in why his nose is positioned right on your clit, casuing you to scream out. You start to tap Bada motioning her towards you, "P-please sit on my face," and who is she to deny such a request. Positioning herself to hover over your face, she contemplates if this is the best idea, but she stops thinking when Mika pulls her thighs down, closing them around her head. Sucking on her clit her she moves Badas hips to ride her face, while Howl is jerking himself off still eating Mika out. With Mika's nose mumbling against Bada's clit everytime she moves she is so close to her high. "Fuck... baby I'm gonna cum." Bada yells out loud grabbing the headboard, as Howl feels Mika cuming in his mouth. Bada squirts all over Mika's face never had she felt such a high. Howl and Bada make eye contact, now realizing why all those girls that came into Mika's room screaming.
Howl grabs Bada kissing her while she leans in sucking on his lips, wanting a taste of everything Mika has to offer. Mika dares at them with pure love, wanting more. Bada pushes him down, getting on top of him while pushing him inside. While she is used to the stretch, she knows Mika isn't, and they will have to work her into it. So, Howl starts fingering Mika again, pushing in two fingers at a time overstimulating her. "S-shit....wait." but they pay her pleads no mind, and he grabs her thighs, pushing in another finger moving faster than before. Bada, seeing this, starts moving herself up and down. Dancing we coming into affect when they fuck. All you can hear from the room is skin against skin. "Yes...right there....fuck give it me." Bada says while slamming herself down onto Howl shaft over and over again. She feels the band in her stomach slowly start to snap, knowing she had just come before leaving her sensitivity. Howl notices this and moves his feet to stand on the bed and further slam his hips against her own, causing Bada to clench around him, holding onto his chest. "That's fuck baby. Fuck come all over me." That pushes her over the edge. Leaving her crying and coming on command.
Bada and Howl take a moment to themselves while he is still fingering Mika, even though she had come 2 more times. Howl stops while Bada gets off of him until they hear a phone ring. They ignored it for a moment until it hangs up and rings again. Howl reaches over realizing its Mikas phone, about to put it on, do not disturb. Until he sees the caller ID, "So you haven't cut ties with that heaven girl baby," Mika looks up and him wide-eyed, realizing he told her she would meet up later. Before she can speak, Howl flips her over positioning her on all fours. She feels the heavy weight of his shaft pulsing against her throbbing abused clit. He passes her the phone, and she looks at it. He wouldn't want her to answer it at a time like this, would he? But Bada grabs the phone, answering it while placing it against Mika's ear. She hears Heaven speak up, asking about where she is, wanting to answer quickly so she can end the call until Howl starts to push in. "W-wait...fuck...pleasee. Too..big." Howl stares at her perfectly arched for him. "You can take it, baby. I know you can. Good girls take it nice and well. You're my good girl right". Each word is punctured by an inch until he is fully inside.
"So full." Is all Mika can manage out, causing both Bada and Howl to smile at their precious baby. Heaven after a while goes silent on the phone, yet doesn't hang up. Bada quickly speaks up, while putting pressure on Mika's clit. "Our baby is a bit.. occupied at the moment if you couldn't tell. I would say she could call you back later, but she won't. Don't call this phone again." In the process, Howl starts hammering his hips into Mika's, holding her up feeling on the imprint in her stomach. "Would you look at that baby, I'm all the way up here. Can you feel me in your stomach, can't you? Claimed I wouldn't fit, but look at you. It's like your pussy was made to take me. Made just for us." Howls says while pressing down on your stomach. Bada moves to kiss you sucking on your tongue, leaving you just overwhelmed, never experienced anything like this. Completely cock drunk. "Gonna take good care of you flower, always."
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ageofbajabule · 9 months
Curtain Calls | Sam Kiszka
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Sam Kiszka x F! Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Oral Sex (F! and M! Receiving), Unprotected Sex (WRAP IT UP PLEASE), Cockwarming
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Author’s Note: Hello my lovelies!! Here it is, the highly awaited request! Inspired by this anon, as well as having this moment included by this lovely anon. Also sorry if its poorly edited :(
Everyone was scattering around the hallways, the show was in approximately 45 minutes. Josh and Danny had already gotten their makeup done, and ready for the show. Jake had you touch up his eyeliner, and straighten out his new suit.
“Where is your brother Samuel?” You shook your head, Sam always got ready last minute. Even when it came to makeup, you were always yelling at him for being late for his makeup session.
“Probably snoozing with Rosie in the greenroom.” Jake shrugged, chuckling softly.
“Ugh…” Your feet began dragging you near his greenroom, knocking loudly. “Samuel Francis Kiszka, get your ass in the dressing room.”
Hearing a groan from the other side, “I’m coming Y/N.”
You huffed making your way to your station, everything was already set up to put his makeup on. And you had hoped he was smart enough to put his suit on, since by the time you would finish with him he would only have a few minutes till they had to be on stage.
Surely enough you hear footsteps making way to you, turning around your met by the handsome brunette. And he was indeed wearing his suit.
“Wow, you actually listened for once…” You clicked your tongue.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sam sat in the chair looking at you.
“Sam I’ve been working on tour with you these past two months, how are you still forgetting to show up early enough.” You started to prime his eyes, before getting the eyeshadow palette in your hands.
“I’m sorry, I'm just still new to all of this.” He slouched a bit.
“Sit upright, I need to make this look perfect.” You poked his shoulder.
“Yes ma’am.” He smirked at you, in response you roll your eyes.
Sam always did have the younger sibling personality that everyone would talk about. Sometimes you found it utterly annoying but deep down, you found it cute about him. But he was in fact an adult, who just liked to have his childish fun antics.
The relationship between the two of you this tour had been wonderful. Anytime there was a small break between shows, he’d take you around the cities or small towns to show you his favorite places. He even had you join him on a small vacation to the Carolina’s with Rosie.
You tried to get out of it, but he was consistent with getting you to join him. And you figured if you said no, you felt that would’ve changed your relationship and made work awkward. The only reason you didn’t particularly want to go, was simply that you had feelings for Sam.
There had always been casual flirting between the two of you. But nothing more than that, in fact the one time in the green room the two of you had fallen asleep on the couch and were woken up by Jenny. She was another makeup artist for the guys, she mostly worked with Josh and Danny but you would help assist her.
Ever since then, Sam and you have talked more. Sending recipes to one another, he even taught you how to make pickles. Sam was just a kind hearted man, that you truly didn’t know how to express your feelings to him.
“So, are we going with what we’ve been doing? Or are we taking a new approach tonight?” You looked through your palette and the liquid eyeshadow you had.
“The usual…” He said softly, taking a sip of his Topo-Chico.
“You know, I really think we can get more creative…” You smiled softly, applying a layer of the glittery liquid eye shadow to put on his lids.
“You’re the mastermind here… Not me.” He chuckled softly.
“Maybe in the next show we’ll try something new. If you’re up for it that is.” You smiled at him softly.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.” He smiled softly his cheeks turning a rosy tone.
You giggled softly, grabbing a palette, taking a brush and dapping it into the silver shadow. You gently apply it to his eyelids, dragging it out, blending it softly into the underlayer.
“You’re really good at this ya know?” He kept his lids closed, fearing you would scold him for opening them while you worked on his look.
“I’d hope, I didn’t go to beauty school for nothing.” You giggled softly, grabbing another silver shadow packing it onto his lid.
Earning a chuckle from him, “Hard work pays off.”
You smiled softly, finishing the rest of his eye makeup. “Should I add rhinestones?” You pulled away from his face grabbing the pack of rhinestones.
“Yeah, might as well. Can’t out-do Josh though.” He smiled softly looking in the mirror at your work.
“Josh creates his own look before even having Jenny or I do his makeup.” You giggled softly, applying makeup glue to the rhinestones applying them gently to his cheekbone.
“He likes to be prepared, I guess.” He chuckles, you smiled back to him finishing up his look with about 15 minutes left till they hit the stage.
“Well, what do you think?” You asked as you cleaned up your workspace.
He stood up, looking at himself in the mirror. “It looks great, as always Y/N.” He smiled, turning towards you, his stare focusing towards your tits.
“Sam… my eyes are up here.” You snapped your fingers at him.
“You wore that top purposely. I know you took your sweatshirt off before I came in here. Don’t act all innocent. You wanted me to stare at your tits, didn’t you?” He chuckled softly.
He knew you all too well, you always wore a light sweatshirt no matter what. Sue me is what you thought to yourself. You couldn’t deny the attraction you had towards Sam. In fact your feelings had only gotten stronger towards him after the small trip you took with him.
“No… I just got hot.”
“Uh huh… I’m sure that’s what it is.” Sam drags his finger up your thigh, moving it slowly towards your center. The one day you chose to wear a skirt to work, and he pulls that stunt.
You stop him, grabbing his wrist “You at least gotta kiss me first.”
“Say less.” Sam straightens himself, putting both hands on the side of you, pressing you up against the counter, trapping you in.
“I was-“
“Look at you stuttering angel. Don’t get nervous now.” He smirked at you.
Sam looks deep into your eyes, leaning forward. You move your head a bit. “Playing hard to get are we? Or is that you retreating because you’re scared you might like it.”
Sam goes to move away but not before you pull him in tightly for a kiss. He places a hand on your waist pulling you closer to him deepening the kiss.
That is when you hear a knock, disrupting the kiss. The two of you break apart from one another.
“5 minutes till show!” Richard yelled through the door.
“Fuck…” Sam sighed softly, resting his forehead against yours.
“You should probably go, don’t want to be late to the stage.” You giggled softly.
“Josh already was, what would the difference be if I was.” He laughed softly.
“The difference is he is vocals, and can at least sing off stage. Whereas you play the bass and should be on the stage already.” You shoved him lightly to get him towards the door.
“Don’t think this is over…” He rubbed your cheek softly with his thumb.
“I’ll be on the sides cheering for ya Sammy.” You blushed.
He smiled, pecking your lips softly before making way out of the room. You sighed softly, shaking your head. Did that really just happen?
You cleaned up your workstation, getting everything packed up to be set on the trucks before making way to the side stage to catch the next song after the opening.
The guys weren’t kidding when they said they liked to blow shit up. The shows were always electrifying and exciting. Keeping the fans on their toes for what was next. Sam running back and forth between keys and bass.
It was absolutely amazing to see them live their dreams, and of course you were to. When you had been asked to be a part of Greta’s team you were absolutely thrilled after seeing Josh’s looks for the Dreams In Gold tour, not only that Jenny had put in a request for you to be a part of the team. She had liked your technique in makeup.
After an exhilarating show, you make your way back to Sam’s dressing room with makeup remover and cleaning cloths to remove Sam’s makeup after his show. He always had you helping him as he claims he doesn’t really know what to use, or what skin care products to apply afterwards.
But you lately have been finding it to become an excuse for him to spend more time with you. And after what happened earlier this evening, there was no denying it now.
Sam came into the room, locking the door behind him pressing you against the counter immediately pressing his lips against yours.
You were taken back a bit, but wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him back hungrily. It was like you were both starved and deprived of one another.
Tangling your hands in his hair, you tugged slightly earning a groan from him. Letting you slip your tongue into his mouth, exploring it for a bit not until you felt Sam’s hard-on pressing against your thigh. Earning a moan from you. He was lengthy, and average in girth from what you could feel.
“Sammy…” You whisper against his lips, panting softly.
“Angel, please…” He said with honey in his voice.
“Don’t stop…” You blushed, kissing him again, as he reaches to pull your top off. Lifting it over your head, breaking the kiss just for a moment. He then returns back to kissing you, while groping your breasts with his hands.
Moaning into the kiss, you feel his dick throbbing against your thigh. He wanted this just as much as you did. You began to palm him through his pants, he bucked his hips forward from your touch. Causing you to giggle softly.
“Eager aren’t we?”
“I’ve been dreaming of this ever since that trip…” He muttered under his breath.
“Then I guess all this pent up sexual frustration will make this worth the while.” You smiled softly, as his hands wrapped around you back to unclasp your bra.
He ran his hands over your shoulder and down to your breasts again, massaging the one with his hand and taking the other into his mouth. He licked over the mound of your hardened nipple, sucking and biting softly. Earning nothing but words of pleasure from you.
“Sam…” His name falls off of your tongue like sugar.
He looks up at you with his brown eyes, pupils blown lust filled. You bite your lip from the sight, as he removes his mouth using his other hand to pinch your nipple softly.
“What baby…” He smiled softly.
“I need more…” You tilt your head back slowly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you angel…” He smiled, kissing your lips softly. Moving you towards the couch in the room.
Once the back of your knees hit the couch you, Sam stood above you smiling down at you softly.
“You better remove those pants, I don’t think you want to be questioned on how they got dirty…” You giggled softly tugging lightly at his satin pants.
“They get dry cleaned anyways…” He chuckled lightly, removing his pants, leaving him in his briefs. His cock strained against the fabric. You felt your breath hitch in your throat from the sight.
Sam knelt down in front of you, moving his hand over your center. You had soaked through your panties already, practically pooling in them. He ran his fingers across collecting some of the arousal.
“You already made such a mess… Should I help clean it up?” He looked up at you, placing his hand on the hem lining of your panties.
You nodded your head fervently, “Please…”
He smirked, pulling them off of you, putting it with the rest of the discarded clothes. He placed your legs above his shoulder’s his face coming close to your center. You could feel him breathing against your thighs, causing goosebumps to rise.
Sam began kissing the insides of your thighs, biting softly leaving marks behind. Your head lolled back, as he licked a strip up your center. Causing a whine to slip from your lips. He continued to lick slowly, and languidly.
Your hips bucked forward against his face, causing his nose to brush against your clit. Making another noise slip past your lips. He held your thighs tightly, getting to work quickly. He flicked his eyes up at you watching the faces you made as he ate you out. He slipped two fingers inside tightening around him, as you were already close to the brim of your first orgasm.
He started to pay more attention to your clit, sucking and licking it more than before. Earning pornagraphic sounds from you, trying to keep your voice to a minimum as to not alert anyone potentially walking by the room. You felt the band start to break.
The next head nuzzle Sam made, had been the pushing point of your orgasm. Spews of, Oh fuck, Sammy… leaving your lips as he calmed you from your high. Your legs tremble above his shoulders as he slips away placing them down.
He looked back up at you, your arousal covered his lips. “Come here, taste yourself.” You met his face kissing his lips roughly. He kissed you back, biting your lip softly.
“Tastes like sugar…” He smirked against your lips.
“Sit…” You stood up looking at him.
Sam nodded, taking a seat on the couch. You knelt before him pulling his boxers down his legs, throwing them with your pile of clothes. His dick sprung up, hitting his abdomen. He was painfully hard, throbbing and some pre-cum spilling from the tip.
You moved your hands up his thighs slowly, and wrapped your one hand around him pumping him slowly. His mouth agape, letting out a quiet groan. “Y/N…”
“Don’t worry Sammy, I’ll make you feel good.” You blushed softly.
He nodded his head, caressing your cheek with his hand acknowledging you to continue. And so you do, licking the tip slowly teasing him. He shuddered underneath you, giggling softly. You wrap your mouth around him, inching your way down as you take him in. Careful not to make yourself gag, he let out another groan.
You moved your hand downwards to Sam's balls, gently cupping your hand around them, moving them around in your hand. He huffed, his head rolling back.
“Fuck angel…” He closed his eyes, feeling you work on him.
You hummed as you continued to bob your head, swirling your tongue around his shaft. Earning praises from him as you continued your little moves, getting him closer to release.
That’s when he tapped your cheek with his fingers. “Not yet, I want to fuck that pretty cunt.”
You removed your mouth from him, a string of saliva as you continued to pump him with your hand. You straddle his waist lining yourself up with him.
“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill.” You smiled softly at him, before sinking down on his length. Gasping as he bottoms out in you.
“Like fucking velvet…” He grunts, grabbing your waist softly.
After adjusting to his length, you started to ride him slowly. Wrapping your hands around his neck, he moved his face towards your breasts paying close attention to them as you started to gain some momentum.
He latched his mouth onto your right breast, licking and sucking on your nipple. Biting softly, earning moans from you. Starting to rotate your hips in figure eights, Sam starts to moan the vibrations against your breast making you wetter.
“Shit, Sam…”
He removed his mouth from your breast, cupping your face with his one hand. “Come on baby… I know you're close.”
You nodded, starting to bounce more on his cock. Everytime you would come down, he’d meet you with a particularly hard thrust, sending you over the moon.
Sam then held your waist tighter, picking up the pace by thrusting faster and harder into you. You pressed flush against his chest, running your hands into his hair pulling slightly as pornagraphic sounds left your mouth.
You felt yourself getting closer, and by Sam’s breathing you could tell he was near as well.
“I’m so close…” You moaned into his ear quietly.
“Let go… I'm almost there. I want to feel you all around me…” He groaned softly, rubbing circles on your clit.
Within the next minute you went into overdrive. Praises flew from your mouth as you clenched around him, seeing colors as you came. “Sam…” Your head rolled back.
“That’s it baby…” He moaned softly, within a couple more thrusts that became faltered and slow. He was spilling his release into you.
The two of you sat there on the couch, chests pressed against one another. Sweaty, and panting as you both came down from your high.
“That was…”
You giggled softly, kissing his cheek.
“Oh, Sam… Your makeup...” You went to move, but he kept his grip on your waist keeping you from moving.
“Sam.” You looked at him.
“Just let me stay inside a little longer. You feel like home.”
As He softens inside of you. And you can’t say no to such a pretty face, so you obliged.
With his strength, that surprised you he had stood up holding you not slipping out of you. Moving over to the chair where you had the makeup wipes and remover to clean his face.
���There, now you can take care of me.” He chuckled softly.
You blushed and started to remove the makeup off of his face while you sat there as his little cock warmer….
After cleaning him up, you moved off of him, wincing from the loss of him.
“Come on, let’s shower. I’m tired.” You motioned to him.
He stood up, following you to the shower off the right of the room. Then you heard pounding on the door.
“Next time, can you do that in the goddamn hotel!” A crew member yelled.
You and Sam looked at each other busting into fits of laughter. You blushed slightly from embarrassment.
“Well… I guess we’ll have to work on that pretty girl.” He pulled you into the bathroom, shutting the door behind the two of you, pulling you in for another kiss.
@lyndszee @fkfearandliveyourlegend @starcatcherry @hi-hi-hello11 @myleftsock @thunderstomp-and-tequila @sinsofstardust @holybananafuck @thecoldwind @gretasfallingsky @laneygvf @sacredthefran
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rinbowaman · 9 months
hiiiiii reinna i love ur work it makes my day everytime i read it lmaooo <333
i was wondering if u could make a fic abt sunoo like youre the 8th member of enhypen and since youre not that girly or act cute like the other female idols instead kinda tomboy and baddie sunoo finds you annoying cos hes not used to it but the other members r fine. one day after dance practice (y/n and jungwon r roomates) saurrr jungwon told yn the tea abt sunoo hating her but yn secretly likes sunoo. So after jungwon left to go somehwere idk shopping?? Yn cried n cried n cried and u can basically use ur creative imagination for the rest 👻👻 pls make it smut at the end tho i love it 👻👻👻
Thanksssssss miss bestest ever writter everrrr!! 1!111!1 ❤️❤️❤️
@reyna-ohno - I hope i did you justice ;)
Warnings: unprotected smut, fingering, gossiping, enemies to lovers trope, some minor angst, cursing's, a little bit of hate sex....and i think that's it. to make it more believable, Y/n has her own room but is close with the members and allows them to come hang out. I wrote majority of this while i was on bedrest recovering, so i apologize this is not proofread.
"She's really not at all like the others..." Jake remarks as he sits next to Heeseung, noting that your behavior on camera, was very much genuine as you were no different than how you were off camera.
"Yeah she doesnt seem to be into that whole cutsie thing. Kind of refreshing actually."
"Yeah man, i think so too."
Everyone could relatively agree, to see you be yourself, it was new and fresh, and a delight to see. For Sunoo, it was an abomination.
While you were filming alongside Jungwon, while you were chic and stylish in your own manner, you opted for casual and simple flares of fashion rather than the traditional girly and fancy type. With a loose pair of jeans on, a fitted tee shirt with a matching baseball cap, you displayed your smile and laughter by having a good time being the only girl member in the band.
Watching from aside, Sunoo glares and rolls his eyes. Next to him, Sunghoon pops over and gives him a slight side bump to break the silence after noting the look of irritation on his face. "Whats got you all worked up?"
"Why can't she just be like the rest of the girls in the industry? She's not at all doing well on these weverse lives, people want to see cute girls being....cute...not relaxed and chilled."
"give her a break, she's just being herself man. Can't be mad at that."
"I'm not mad i just.....i just dont get it." Sunoo shakes his head as he turns and walks away with his arms crossed, obviously irritated by your lack of enthusiasm when it came to attempting to be adorable, much like your counterpart, Jungwon. For a young man to be far more agile in being cute in his mannerisms, more than you, that usually was an indicator that you were someone who was far too much of a hopeless cause. Truth of the matter, Sunoo knew what the public liked, he knew that fans liked it when idols did silly and cute things like finger hearts, squinting eyes while displaying a cat like smile, or making high pitched sounds. You didn't do any of that, nor did you attempt it, which caused him to wonder if you were going to be the downfall of Enhypen.
Finishing the live stream, you and the boys all made your way back home to the dorm where you nestled yourself in you room, conveniently next to Jungwon's, who had developed a close bond with, much like a sibling. Since receiving your room assignments, being the only girl, you got your own room, yet it was nice to have Jungwon right next to you, since it was easy for him to come in and out to visit all throughout the night to hang out or watch tv together. Tonight was no different, especially with the new episodes of your guys favorite tv show coming out.
*Knock knock*
"come in." you softly call out, and as expected, you watched as Jungwon brings in a plate of fresh hot hotteok, and tea.
"did you start it?"
"no not yet, was waiting for you."
settling in as he places the plate and two cups on the table, you both prepared to watch the latest episode. As the opening credits rolled, Jungwon took the opportunity to talk about the vlive from earlier.
"Hey so......only because i'm the leader.......but......does it bother you that Sunoo.....well....you know...."
Raising your eyebrows in confusion as you munched on the honey filled treat, you looked up and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "What do you mean?"
"You dont know?"
"Know what?"
Jungwon sighs as he curses himself for opening a door that he wish he hadn't. "nevermind."
"Nooooo...dont be like that....tell me."
"its just....well....he really doesnt like you......and he makes it obvious."
Stunned, your eyes grew wide as you felt your heart drop. "Oh....he does?"
"yeah......do you want me to talk to him about it?"
Shaking your head, you kept your composure as best as you could. "No...its fine.....i'm sure he'll get over it."
Jungwon smiles in return. "yeah, i'm glad you're not too upset about it."
But the fact of the matter was, you were upset....deeply. No one would know of it, since you were very much strategic in keeping it hidden, but you were quite fond of Sunoo....you actually liked him even....so much, that you caught yourself dreaming of him, fantasizing on what it would be like to snuggle up with him, going on dates, or just being in his embrace and smelling his cologne.
You held it all in and the entire night, one episode after another, you felt as if your heart was punching your chest outward.
"Well, i'm gonna go to bed. we got an early morning tomorrow, so dont stay up too late."
"Okay." you feigned a smile as you watched him walk out. The moment you left the room, you hid yourself into the dimmed lighting in your room and began crying. You felt hurt. Did Sunoo really not like you? Why? You both hardly shared any words to one another. Yet it all started to make sense, for all the times you though back when you tried to make conversation, only to watch him side eye you as he would get up and leave the room. There were other moments too, such as whenever you would sit right next to him, and he'd let out an exhausting sigh, and get up to walk across the other side of the room to sit in a different seat. Initially, you didn't think much of it, you had thought he merely was just shy or just was not used to being around female idols. But now......it all makes senses. The man who you really wanted to be with....the one you admired from afar, day dreamed...the one you would do anything for, actually disliked you.....hated you......
Sobbing away into your kneecaps as you held your legs to your chest, you failed to notice that Jungwon had mistakenly left your door cracked open, not shutting it all the way through. With the bit of the dimmed lighting peeking out from the crack, the hallway remained pitch black with just a strip of the orange and yellow hue coming from your room.
Walking up after grabbing a bottle water from the kitchen, Sunoo strolls through the same hallway, all to reach his room at the end of the corridor.
hearing the faint sounds of your sobs, he takes a swig of his water and gulps it down as he sides eye the slivers crack in the door.
“is she….crying? What is her deal?”
sighing out in frustration, he took the chance to enter and see if he could get you to stop, considering your room was across from his. With all that sniffling and whimpering, it would be hard for him to get some sleep with your cries echoing in the hall. Walking into the dimmed room, he gently shuts the door behind him and walks further in. Breaching the opening of your room, he stands straight and leans against the wall while watching your pitiful state. Taking another gulp of water down, he rolls his eyes as he breaks the silence.
“you know if you’re going to cry, you can at least have your door shut all the way through so you don’t wake anyone.”
jolting out of your fetal position, you look up him with your tear stained face. Shocked, your eyes were wide and glossy, pieces of your hair remained plastered on your face and you softly whimpered out a few sniffles before stuttering out an “s-sorry….”
eyeing you down, he takes yet, another gulp from his bottle. Switching his gaze to the floor as he screws the cap back on, he crosses his arms before asking you the big question, merely because he grew curious after seeing your face.
confused, you sat there in silence and looked off to the side before turning back to him. “……um….s..sorry?”
sighing out as he rubbed his temple, he finally speaks out. It was soft yet firm, with a low tone….much lower than what he normally dispelled.
“bitch why are you crying?”
taken aback, your eyes became overflowing with the stinging of tears once more when you heard his harsh tone. Whimpering into your kneecaps again, he rolled his eyes in defeat as he regains composure and attempts this once more.
“okay okay look….just tell me why you’re crying. Can you do that? Hmm? Can you just stop and talk for a second? I’d like to eventually get some beauty rest.”
you shifted over and turned your back towards him.
“just go sunoo…….you’re not going to be the solution to any of my problems right now.”
gaining width in his widened glare, you heard his foot steps and thought he was walking in the opposite direction to exit the room. It wasn’t until you felt his weight plopping beside you that you realized he was sitting right next to you. Not only that, but the moment you heard his careless whisper, how his hot breath touched your ear, you knew he was far closer than he had ever been with you.
“Why is that?” He whispered into your ear. you shuttered as you felt an electric shock travel up and down your spine.
“stop! Why are you here? Why do you even care or try? I know you hate me…..just….leave me alone.” You broke down and began to sob as you lashed out the truth.
he didn’t deny it, nor did he try to argue with you on your statement, he did in fact, borderline hated you. Though hearing you say it aloud made him feel a certain type of way about it.
“you’re right….I do hate you.”
“could you please just go……..I….I don’t understand…I’ve never done anything to you….I’ve tried to be nice and I’ve always been helpful…..I’ve……I’ve don’t everything I could to make you see how much I care…” breaking down, you sobbed as you curled your body in.
“I know.” He admitted, nonchalantly at that, as if he knew all this time yet still found it suitable to hate you. But that’s as all about to change….
feeling his hand grasp your shoulder and turning you over, in a rather forceful nature, you gasped out in shock as you witness his frame hovering over you. His feline eyes staring right into your iris and a soft, very faint smile appeared on his pouty lips.
his pupils shift in random direction as he takes in y the sight of your face. Releasing a soft chuckle, he calmly speaks out.
caught off guard, he blinked in shock before uttering an “excuse me?” Bidding him to clarify.
“I said, ‘cute’. Does crying make you deaf too?”
“why are you being this way? I don’t get it…..”
“welcome to my world."
"What is your problem!?" you snapped. you've about had it with his cocky attitude and the lack of sincerity in his tone. Yet the moment he pinned you down as he leaned further in, with his nose pressed against your cheek and his hot breath grazing against your lips, you were shocked still.
"you know, you put on that act to behave like one of the guys. you act cool and casual, and you treat all aspects of being a girl as something that is beneath you. yet look at you now.....crying and looking so adorable......so soft....all your feminine features coming out with each tear drop you cry out."
"ar.....are you toying with me?"
"Maybe.......is that bad?.....is that something that bothers you?"
Shrugging from left to right, you try to break free from his grasp as he began to hold on to your wrists. "huh....you're even cuter when you struggle."
"stop it! get off of me!"
"I will.....if you can get me off." he smirks with that sly smile that he was known for. You gave in as you break down from feeling the immense different in strength. Despite being the carefree and adored idol he was, Sunoo was indeed still, a man.
"Why .....just why....?"
Smirking once more, he leans further in and pauses just before his lips are met with yours. "ddeonu" he whispers.
You raised a brow in annoyance as you whispered back. "is that supposed to be funny? like a joke?"
Once more, he whispers back "ddeonu....you tell me...." smiling and smirking against your lips, you faintly smile back as you feel his grasp loosen and soften up, with his finger tips stroking your skin.
"do. you really hate me?" you asked.
Before he could answer, you softy whispered and cut him off. "let me guess.....ddeonu?"
His eyes widening for a moment, he whispers firmly and tells you, "say it again."
Leaning slightly upward, you softly tell him......"ddeonu....."
His lips lock yours in. His hands eagerly roam up and down your body. Your hands rest on his broad shoulders as you feel his grope slightly shift your body upward from the overwhelming sensation of his soft skin traveling all over your stomach, your breasts, and your ribcage. breaking the kiss to catch his breath, ultimately allowing for you to do the same, he breathes out his gasping words as he rips your buttons apart.
"Whine for me....little girl."
"No Sunoo...."
"Do it."
Kissing you, he shoves his hand down your shorts and flickers his two fingers against your clit. Just as he wanted, you whimper into his mouth as he holds your wrists down with one hand. "Whine some more." he breathes out.
Meshing his lips with yours, he rubs your slit up and down and presses his palm on it as he clams a grip and shoves his tongue deeper into your mouth.
Breaking free for a moment, you turn your head and gasp out. "God!.....I hate you i swear."
"Do you now? Tell me how much you hate the fox." he mumbles against your lips, as. he pulls down your shorts and panties, rolling them down past your kneecaps.
"Sunoo....." you whispered out.
Hovering over, he props his frame on his knees and pulls his shirt off, loosening his sweatpants, he leans back in and props his chest to remain heightened just above your exposed breasts as he uses his arm to stilt himself up. His hair loosely draping down as he eyes you with an intrigued glare.
"you look so cute when you cry...."
"........you're crazy."
"every sly fox is." he smirks as he kisses you once more, this time it was tender, and more gentle. Leaning all the way down, you relished as his body melts into yours, your arms wrap around his neck as you feel him probe your entrance. Gasping for air, you grip on to his shoulders and dig your fingers in as you feel him slide the remaining length inside you.
"Y-you...you're not wearing a condom." you breathed out, wincing your eyes shut as you felt the sting of him inserting all the way through.
"Don't worry.....i know you're a good girl....and you know i'm clean.....considering we're with each other all the time." he heavily breaths out upon feeling the pressure of your entry squeezing him as he bottoms out inside.
It was true, since you always had feelings for the man to your right, you never once paid any mind to all of your fans, the other idols, or staff that showed interest. You remained faithful to a dream that you never thought would have come, yet you stayed hopeful. The dreams alone, were enough to get you by, now that you were in this moment, it all felt surreal.
"Ah! You...you're too big!"
Kissing you tenderly, he begins to thrust slowly and deeply. "Yeah?....It might be because you're super tight." wincing at the last part, he grits his teeth slightly as he pulls out yet kept the tip nestled in before shoving himself all the way back in through.
"Fuck.....you're really tight......" breathing in deeply into your ear, he caresses both sides of your head and twirls his fingers with your hair as he softly kisses your helix, nibbles on your lobe and licks the inside of your ear canal.
"Ugh! ugh! Sunoo!" you gasp out as you release each pleasurably moan and bite your lip. Remaining in the missionary position, Sunoo props himself up as he lifts both your legs and rests them over his shoulders. "S...sstop." you shyly utter out as he positions you to be fully exposed and in his view. "Shhhh......be a good girl." breathes out as he reaches around one of your thighs and circles the pad of his thumb on your clit. With your hips dipping high and low with each thrust, he picks up the pace upon seeing how delectable your breasts looked as they jiggle up and down from his momentum.
"Oh.....shit....move like that some more baby girl...." he gasps as the sweat beads drip down and his hair glistens and becomes slick wet. "Move...baby....move some more...." thrusting in faster and faster, you lose breath as his bumping thrust instilled a raging sense of pelting pleasure that penetrates deep into your chest.
"Oh.......oh my god...fuck.......what.....what are you doing??...." you gasp out as you bite on to your finger as you shift your face off to the side, your body drenched with sweat as you take in thrust after thrust. Feeling him easily sliding in, you felt your body leaking the bit of moisture onto his lengthy shaft as his thrusts and friction caused it to thicken and cream up on the base of your opening, with a reside ringing around his length.
"Shhhh......take it cutie....fuck.......take it all." he gasps out as he thrusts in deeper, leaning back in as his chest rests atop your breasts, locking your lips in once more. Your moans started to pick up volume, so he swoops a hand and gently covers your mouth while planting his lips on your forehead, taking in the feeling of your face jolting up and down as he pelts you with his hip thrusts. "Oh you're so fucking good.....you know that?" he whispers as he kisses your sweaty brow line as you moan out your muffled answer into his palm. "keep taking it.....just......shit....little more......r-...right there...." gasping out a deep breath, he pulls out his shaft and watches as the slime of your body's lubricant and his pre-cum lines a bridge between your entry and his tip. Aiming for your breasts, he holds his shaft steadily in his palm as he releases and paints your chest with his seed. Chuckling as he catches his breath, he kisses your face tenderly as you whimper out, trying your best to calm your heartbeat.
"Can't get you pregnant....not yet.....staff and company wouldn't like that....." with a tender kiss, he softly rolls his tongue around, massaging the inside of your cheeks as he continues.
"but maybe.....a little later......maybe we'll make something as cute as you.....hmm?"
Tired, breathless, weakened and limp, you whispered out "ddeonu...." to which he laughs as he keeps his lips planted on your cheek.
"I do...."
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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thesimulationswarm · 9 months
Double Shot
Joel Miller x f!reader x Tommy Miller
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!AFAB!reader x Tommy Miller Rating: explicit, 18+ MDNI Summary: A gorgeous man walks into your coffee shop and introduces himself as Tommy Miller. Then his equally gorgeous brother shows up. You can't decide which you like better... but maybe you don't have to. A/N: This will be in four parts, building up to the smut. Hopefully released daily. It's dumb filthy shit I couldn't get out of my head, okay? Then I'll be back to my ongoing serious series. Word count: 1.5k warnings/tags: threesome, shameless flirting, sibling rivalry, PWP
Part 2 , Part 3, and Part 4 are available now.
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Part 1
“It’s going to be another hot one out there today folks— topping out at 105 this afternoon. Remember to drink lots of water, stay in the shade, and of course, wear sunscreen!” The opening beats of Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) followed, and you whacked the radio off in annoyance.
You were sick of this summer. Sick of the record-setting heatwave. Sick of the shitty little building you’d found for your coffee shop, which had seemed so cozy in February but turned out to have the world’s lowest-output air conditioner. Sick of sweat staining through your t-shirt as you worked the morning rush.
You were proud of your business, sure. You’d started from nothing and managed to get it off the ground. Now you had a steady clientele that came for their morning coffee but also for your homemade pastries— your pride and joy. But to keep things afloat you worked like a dog. And this summer was killing you.
The flow of customers finally let up for a minute and you sat on your stool, leaning into the breeze from the countertop fan. 
You let your eyes flutter closed, dreaming about the ice cold Lone Star you’d have when you finished tonight. You could almost feel the condensation on the can as you pulled it from the fridge, could hear the crack and hiss of it opening…
You just about jumped out of your skin when the front door flew open, chime tinkling.
“Sorry to interrupt. Looks like a well-earned break, sugar.”
The man standing in the doorway was tall, bronze-skinned, with thick dark curls tumbling around his face. His biceps were visible below the sleeves of his gray t-shirt, his thumbs hooked on the belt loops of his jeans as he stared at you. He was smirking, and then— when you met his eyes— he fucking winked at you.
You raised your eyebrow at him. “It was, as a matter of fact.  Been at it since 5am. But what can I do for you?”
The man ambled over to the counter, inspecting the chalkboard menu on the wall. “Well, I heard this is the best place in the neighborhood to get a coffee and a little breakfast. And I’m going to need both to start my day.”
He ordered an iced latte, double shot, and one of your cinnamon buns. You set to work preparing them, only too aware of his eyes on you as you moved behind the counter. You got a lot of flirts in here, men looking for a little ego boost on their way to work, and for the most part you didn’t mind—as long as they don’t take it too far.
There are times, though, when it’s not just about not minding.
Times when you decidedly enjoy the attention.
And this would be one of those, because this man is fucking gorgeous.
You feel your hips swaying more than usual, and you wish you’d worn something more alluring than jeans and an old t-shirt. At least this pair of jeans does a good job of highlighting your ass, especially now that the denim is clinging to your sweaty skin.
“So is this a summer job, or do you work here year round?”
“Honey, I don’t work here. I’m the co-owner,” you reply, whipping around to set his drink down in front of him. You were vaguely aware of the door chime tinkling as another customer walked in, but at that moment you only had eyes for this one.
The man let out a low whistle. “A business owner and a beauty? Color me impressed.” He leaned forward against the counter, looking around at the pastry case, the neat racks of cups, the espresso machine.  From this distance you could appreciate his freckles, like a dusting of brown sugar over his sculpted face. “You know, I’m in business myself.”
“That so?”
He held out a hand to you and broke into a wide smile. It was dazzling. “Tommy Miller, of Miller Construction.”
You were about to shake hands with the beautiful Tommy Miller when you were both interrupted. The customer you’d been ignoring had materialized at his side, and smacked him— hard— on the arm.
“Tommy, quit your bullshit!”
“Jesus, Joel, I’m in the middle of somethin’ here!”
You watched with interest as the two turned to face each other. The second man— Joel, apparently— was about his same height, but looked a little broader through the shoulders and a little older. He had a strong jaw, painted dark with stubble, and an impressive mustache. 
Jesus Christ, it was hot enough in here already.
“You’re in the middle of wastin’ precious time, is what you are,” Joel scoffed, before turning to you. “I’m sorry about my brother, ma’am. He thinks he’s god’s gift to the ladies.”
You laughed, looking from one man to the other. You could appreciate similarities now— the dark curls, the strong but trim bodies, the deep eyes you could get lost in.
“And you should know,” Joel added, “It is Miller Construction, but I am the sole proprietor. Tommy here works for me.” Then he held out a hand across the counter, with a close-lipped smile that was less flashy than Tommy’s but no less devastating. “Joel Miller. Of Miller Construction.”
Tommy glared daggers at his brother as you reached across to shake. Joel’s big hand swallowed yours, his grip firm and warm. You felt something electric go down your spine, the hairs standing up on your arms.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joel,” you said, looking into his rich brown eyes. Then you turned, and held out your hand again. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Tommy.”
Tommy’s hand was smaller than Joel’s by just a hair, but it was softer, too. You looked at Tommy as you shook, but out of the corner of your eye you could still see Joel— watching you touching Tommy.
The dampness you were feeling between your legs— it wasn’t just sweat anymore.
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It was mid-afternoon and the cafe had started to feel like the ninth circle of hell. There weren’t many customers after lunch, so you used that time to work on baking for the next morning. The problem was the ovens, which put out way more heat than your crappy little AC could counter. You had about 30 minutes left before you could pack it in for the day, but you thought you might just spontaneously combust if you stayed inside.
So you grabbed a paperback and a cold coke from the drink case, and went outside. Your place was on the corner of a little strip mall in South Austin, and it bordered on a gravel lot with food trucks and picnic tables. Everything was closed up this time of day, but that was all the better to have a quiet moment to yourself.
The sun was fucking brutal, but you sat in the shade of a live oak, and you could feel a little breeze lifting the hairs on the back of your neck.
You looked around at the sun-baked street, watching people come and go. Mostly in cars in this heat, but some brave souls were walking or on bikes. Next door, a work crew was taking a break from the building frame they’d been erecting. You watched the men downing gatorades and wetting bandanas to tie around their necks. Now that was a tough job on a summer day.
Then you noticed something.
Off to the side was a makeshift table, papers spread across a piece of plywood balanced on two saw horses. Two broad figures stood beside it, looking down.
Joel and Tommy.
This was goddamn Miller Construction.
You knew you shouldn’t spy, but you couldn’t help watching. The brothers looked deep in conversation— Joel with his arms folded across his chest, Tommy with his head tilted to one side. Tommy pointed to something; Joel nodded, and then pulled a pencil out from behind his ear to note something down. Tommy said something else and Joel shook his head, tapped his finger on one of the papers emphatically.
Both men, taken separately, were impressive items. But when they were together, Christ almighty. There was something magical in their practiced ease, their good-natured jockeying for dominance. You couldn’t pick just one to admire.
You heard your oven timer go off inside the cafe, and you reluctantly peeled your eyes away from Miller Construction to head back inside. You hummed along with the radio as you checked on your croissants, suddenly a lot less annoyed by the interminable summer.  With their building site right next door, you ought to be seeing a lot more of the Miller brothers.  You were going to make the most of it.
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soft--dragon · 4 months
Loosen Up
So recently I finished Vox Machina and if you haven't seen I highly recommend it!! SUCH a good show oh my lord. Can't wait for the third season to drop :D
You can view the relationships however you like, I don't mind ^^ (except Vex and Vax, they're siblings, don't be weird :/)
Word Count: 3,138
Warnings: Kinda spoils a plot line in season one but nothing major ^^
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
It isn’t a secret that Percy is a bit of a stick in the mud.
Rarely did he let his walls down and simply be. Too caught up in his world of smoking guns and exploding inventions. A lifetime of heartache shutting his heart away in a cast iron keep that very few had a key to access. This also meant emotions such as joy, love, and contentment were rare to be exposed from behind those defensive gates.
That was before Vox Machina. 
A chaotic, rambunctious group of outcast individuals working with the skills they had to make it through another day. A ragtag family doing its best to survive in a world that would spit at their feet and tell them to fuck off. 
However, this family knew how to tell the world right back to fuck off too. 
Percy honestly couldn’t imagine his life with these people a few years ago, but now he simply could not fathom a reality without them. Tight-knit and stupid and loving, never faulting in their care. It was something Percy told himself to never take for granted, no matter how much they tested his patience. 
Much like tonight, where he was being subjected to the most irritating forces known to man: Vex and Vax when they were on the hunt for entertainment.
Percy is sitting near the fire, sketchbook in hand with rough charcoal drawings of new inventions scattering the pages. Vex and Vax have boxed him in by sitting on either side, peering at his notes and asking such incomprehensibly odd questions Percy wanted to know who the hell tutored these two monsters.
Honestly Vax, why would a pistol need a compartment for snacks? 
It took almost fifteen minutes before Percy's patience gave in and the notebook snapped shut with a dull thud. “Are you two quite finished?” Percy demands, staring at the duo with a narrow gaze. 
Vex grins, raising a hand in surrender. “We’re curious about your new inventions, love. Is there something wrong with that?”
Percy huffs, tucking his book into the folds of his jacket that is laid not too far from the flames, warming up for the night ahead. “Only when you keep badgering me to make a glove that turns whatever it touches into gold.”
“It would be quite helpful, dear.”
“And far out of my current capabilities, I’m not a wizard.”
“Oh, give yourself some credit, Freddy,” Vax grins. “Grow a beard and I’d say you’re plenty wizard-like. With your lifespan, you’ll need a cane before you know it, and it could act as your staff.”
Percy glares at him under half-lidded eyes. “Thank you, Vax’ildan,” he says sarcastically. “Remind me that I will die much sooner than the rest of you, just what I needed to hear tonight.”
Vex snickers, gently bumping his shoulder with her own so those green eyes look at her. “Oh come on, we’re just messing with you, Percival. What’s got you so grumpy this time?”
Percy gave her a mildly incredulous look. “I’m not grumpy.”
“He says while glaring, and with a bitter tone of voice,” Vax murmurs with a grin. 
Percy shoots him a dry look which the male elf only laughs at. “See? That’s exactly what I mean, man!”
Vex’ahlia laughs, dropping her arms over her bent legs and cocking her head to the side. “What is it gonna take to make you loosen up, Percy?”
“A good bottle of wine, some peace and quiet, and a book.”
“We have two silver to our name and a bear,” Vax counters. “Can’t quite match your aristocrat taste, but Trinket tells great stories.”
Trinket, nestled comfortably at the edge of the cave where the other party members are conversing, does not indicate that he knows, nor cares that his owners are talking about him. Percy envied that damn bear, able to go to sleep and easily block out the surrounding sounds. What a dream life. 
“Trinket is busy sleeping,” Percy tells them, “his stories will have to wait.”
Vex isn’t dissuaded by Percy’s bristling attitude, instead leaning more into his personal space just because she can. “Darling,” she says, “We just want to help you relax, is this such a big ask?”
“Aeugh, the drama of this man,” Vax chuckles through an exasperated breath, elbowing Percy’s side gently. 
The white-haired human flinches away from the contact with a start, his hand shooting down to rub the area. “Yes, yes, you’ve stated I am a dramatic piece of shit more than once, Vax. I believe your point is made.” 
The twins aren’t listening to Percy’s grumbles. The second he flinched, they’d locked eyes, a conversation played out with expression alone.
Vex narrows her gaze. Hurt?
No. Healed by Pike from the last mission.
Just startled, then? 
Seemed more than that. He knew we were right there.
So what are you thinking? 
Vex perks a brow at her brother when his expression suddenly brightens in some kind of realization. Her eyes flit over to Percy who was unaware of their silent musings, still resolutely crossing his arms with a scowl that the fire did not deserve to be subjected to. She looks back to her sibling who is grinning now. Vax gives a small flex of his fingers, his eyebrows jumping up and down. Understanding hits Vex and her smile turns evil, nodding minutely. They wink at each other, the excitement for a game making them giddy though they contained it. Couldn’t let Percy catch on too early after all. 
“Percy~” Vex coos in her sultry voice, not missing the slight twitch in his face from her tone. The sight makes her all the more eager to extract the plan she and her brother had silently communicated. She lifts her fingernails to her eyes to examine them. “You sure we can’t convince you to loosen up at least a little?”
There was a scoff. “I’d like to see you try,” Percy muttered.
Oh excellent, an invitation. 
“Well, if the man insists, Stubby, who are we to ignore him?” Vax leaps for the opportunity with a grin that’s all charm and Cheshire-like. 
“I agree,” Vex smirks. “Shall we?”
Simultaneously, the two half-elves grab one of Percy’s wrists each and fling him onto his back, his arms being pinned by his head. A startled yelp leaps out of the human, the sudden gravity shift leaving him to stare up at the pair of matching grins. He tugs at his arms. They won’t budge. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Percy asks, bewildered and slightly on edge. 
“You said we could try and loosen you up,” Vex answers.
“By wrestling me to the dirt and pinning me down?” 
“Oh no, we just had to get you in a better position, dear heart,” Vax smirks.
“A better pos- for what?” 
The bemused and exasperated question only delights his captors further, and this is where Percival Fredrickson de Rolo the Third realizes a very fatal error. He had been encouraging the chaotic force that was the Elf Twins. He'd practically been asking for trouble. This realization only sinks in further when Vax’s free hand comes down to rest on Percy’s clothed stomach.
“Percy, you wouldn’t happen to be ticklish would you?” 
Oh gods, no.
Memories spring to Percy’s mind of laughing himself hoarse while dogpiled under his siblings from the silly battles. The sensations scuttling everywhere, unstoppable and unbearable. His realization shows up in his face in the form of a pink flush and the beginnings of a wobbly grin that he desperately tries to keep under control.
“Oh, I see a smile trying to come out there!” Vex leers keenly, lowering her own hands to wiggle her fingers close to Percy’s side, delighting in his immediate response to wriggle away despite his efforts to seem indifferent to his dilemma. 
“V-Vex, this is ludicrous-” Percy splutters, his grin becoming wider by the second, his resolution foiled from years of inexperience in this game. 
“So you are ticklish, then?” Vax questions, his fingers gently pressing from where they are resting atop Percy’s lean stomach. 
The flinch and sharp intake of breath was answering enough. Percy’s ears were starting to burn from the attention, torn between wanting to wrench away and escape this playful teasing, or staying and trying to muscle through in a show of defiance. 
“I’m- it’s been a very long time since someone has tried,” Percy answers stiffly. 
The way the twins lit up made him cringe back, instantly knowing that was the worst thing he could’ve said.
“Well now we have to tickle you,” Vex exclaims like her word is law. Though, with her role in the group, it may as well be. 
Percy is most definitely blushing now. It was honestly adorable. “N-No you don’t!” He protests, his boots now shuffling into the dirt in hopes of dislodging his sudden capture. “I’m not even tihicklish!” Damn it.
“Was that a laugh?” Vax coos, delighting in a sound so rare from Percy who barely even grins on a good day. Percy is doing his best to try and become an ostrich with how far he’s turning his flushed face into the ground, stumbling refusals not quite managing to leave his lips coherently. 
“Why my dear brother, I think it was,” Vex chuckles. ‘Shall we see what else we can pull from our resident sour puss?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Electricity crackles through Percy’s sides and stomach in a split second, a strangled sound being pulled from a forgotten section of his vocal cords. His whole body instantly jack-knifes, legs trying to pull to his stomach to protect the sensitive areas suddenly under attack. Stubbornness makes him clamp his lips shut and bite his tongue, not wanting to give the twins the satisfaction of hearing him laugh again. He refused.
“Hmm, seems we’ve got a stubborn one in our hands, Vex,” tuts Vax, his fingers probing up and down Percy’s ribcage, noting every flinch and muffled grunt let out by the human. 
“Oh don’t worry, he’ll crack eventually.” Her eyes meet Percy’s and her smile makes his stomach twist in anticipation. She winks. “They all do.”
Her hand starts to slink down to his hip bones and- Nope. Nope. Nope. Not gonna happen, he’d rather get possessed by a demon again. Percy’s struggling kicks up, trying to find momentum with his legs to dislodge the grip pinning his wrists to the cave floor, still fighting not to crack as Vax’s fingers deftly squeeze his sides. He almost manages to heave himself to sit up, but a well-placed scratch at his lower back sends him crashing back down. His legs fly up to his stomach again, desperate to protect some part of his sensitive body while his chest shakes with restrained laughter. 
“Uh uh, not yet mister, we’re not done with you until you laugh~” says Vex, her hand dropping to lightly scuttle behind Percy’s knee that was right beside her.
Percy yelps, immediately kicking his legs back out, and scrunches into himself in a fast motion. The reaction made the twins pause, and he knew he was royally screwed. 
“Interesting, he might be like you. I think the gentler stuff works better on him,” Vex says to her brother, her hand dropping to Percy’s hips once more and scuttling her nails featherlight across the man’s skin.
“NoHAHaha!” Percy protests, his yelp swimming between stolen laughter that tries vainly to escape his throat, his head being tossed back against the floor as his body tries to do an emergency lockdown on his vocal cords. 
“Brilliant, sister,” Vax chuckles, and before Percy can prepare himself, he spiders his claws up along Percy’s stretched torso with a softened touch.  
Immediately, Percy sputters, and the dam finally cracks. “S-Shihihihit! Vehehex! Vahahax! Ohoho gohohod!” Percy gasps out through fits of boyish laughter, a sound so out of character for the gunslinger that it takes the twins aback in surprise.
His cheeks are flushed a rosy pink, standing out against his pale complexion and white hair. A wide, mirthful smile cracked out against his brooding face, nose scrunching in a way that couldn’t be described as anything but endearing. His body didn’t know whether to fight or fold, the long-forgotten instinct of childhood leaving him withering and laughing from the soft fingertips spidering along sensitive skin.
“Well, how about that,” Vax murmured, something gentle in his voice despite the mean wiggling of his nails on a particularly sensitive rib. “He can laugh.”
“Oh much more than that, dear brother,” Vex smiled fondly. “He isn’t grumpy now.”
Experimentally, her fingers swirl up Percy’s unprotected ribs to dance gently under his arm to see if it would have much effect. Oh, and it does. Percy practically squeals. High-pitched and panicked and childlike, his struggles for his pinned arms make a reappearance as the sensitive hollows are attacked by softly brushing nails. 
“Nononononohohoho VEHEehehex!” He pleads, scuffing the heels of his shoes into the floor in a half-baked bid for relief. “Fuhuhucks sahahake!” 
“That is utterly adorable,” Vax laughs, his own hand coming up to stroke deftly down Percy’s arm from wrist to armpit in a maddening pattern of soft touch. The strokes only elicit more half-bitten squeals and squeaks of protest, most noises swallowed up or blended into Percy’s laughter.
He knew he should feel embarrassed, his pride shattered into pieces from a few measly fingers and well-picked words to crack his defenses, but Percy couldn’t recall a time he’d last been in the middle of a play fight such as this. The sensations are foreign but not forgotten, too much and yet not enough at the same time. It was a conflicting state of escape or endure.
However, when Vax slipped a hand under his buttoned shirt to ghost gentle nails on his bare lower back, he was pretty sure his body got struck by lightning. 
“VAHAHAX! OHOHOhoho mihihy gohohod plehehehease! P-PLEHEhehehease!”” 
Vex and Vax pause in their movements and watch with awed amusement as Percy laughs himself mad from the briefest touch to his back, his full-bodied laughter quickly melting down into rich, honey-sweet giggles that shake his entire body. It didn’t seem real, that a sound so adorably childish could come from Percy’s mouth, and yet here he was, half curled on the ground, giggling up a storm. 
Vex and Vax share a fond, endeared smile and let go of Percy’s wrists, leaning away so he could have space to collect himself. The human wheezes through his tumbling giggles, his arms shifting to wrap around his middle as he slowly calms down. His eyes, which had been tightly closed, flutter open to show mirthful tears at the edges.
“F-Fuhucking hehehell,” he gasps, “I thohought I wahas gohohing to dihie.”
“Oh relax, we like you too much to kill you,” Vex snickers, offering her hand to Percy. She has to hold back a snort when he flinches mildly at her fingers, eyeing them distrustfully. “We’re done,” she promises.
After a suspicious look, Percy grasps her hand and allows her to tug him into a sitting position. One of his arms is still wrapped protectively around his stomach, his hand reaching far enough to rub that damn spot Vax had tickled for three seconds which caused him to fall apart. 
“Remind me to never piss you off,” Percy rasps, taking off his glasses to rub the tears in his eyes away.
Vax leans over to his supplies to snatch up his water skin, offering it to Percy who took it gratefully. “So,” Vax starts, watching Percy drink water like he hadn’t had it in years. “Soft touch and bad back, huh?”
Percy almost chokes. With a rough swallow, he recorks the water skin and clears his throat, stubbornly not looking at either of the twins. “Like I said, it’s been a long time. I didn’t think I still even was… well, you know.”
“What? Ticklish?’
Vex’s gentle tease makes Percy’s face burn for what felt like the millionth time that evening. He shoves his glasses back on his face despite the heat in his cheeks making them fog up mildly. The reaction makes the twins chuckle.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Percy dear,” Vex soothes, an arm wrapping around his shoulders and rubbing gently at the nape of his neck - tension knotting the area from hours of leaning over a workbench while inventing. Percy winced at the attention, both from the anticipation of another attack and the ache of his tense muscles. 
“It’s embarrassing,” Percy grumbles without much heat, sounding like a petulant kid. “My siblings always ganged up on me because of it.”
“You have a nice laugh, I can see why they would,” Vax hums, tucking his water skin back into his nearby cloak.
The surprised look on Percy’s face almost made Vex tackle him back to the floor and tickle him again just so he could hear how precious his laugh was. She held herself back though, he’d had enough for tonight anyway. He hadn’t been tickled in years, he’d need to be introduced back to the game slowly. Tonight was an excellent first lesson. 
“So, Percy’s ticklish then?”
The sudden voice made the trio jump and look up to the other side of the cave where the rest of Vox Machina were watching them with grins. Scanlan, who’d asked the question, chuckled at the human’s sudden flush. “Yeah no, we saw the whole thing, de Rolo. Don’t expect this to be the last time, that was cute as fuck.”
Grog chuckled deeply. “Very cute,” he agreed in that rumbling voice of his. Pike, who was sat atop his shoulder nodded enthusiastically in agreement. 
“Had no idea you could laugh like that, Perce,” she chirped, glancing at Keyleth who giggled softly. 
“It was quite sweet,” the Air Ashari tacked on.
Percy stared at the group of people he called family, his eyelid twitching slightly and cheeks flushed a rosy pink. His gloved hands come up to press over his face, knocking his head into his bent knees, wishing the floor would just cave in and murder him quickly. 
“Aww, I think we’re embarrassing him,” Vax cooed, his hand resting atop Percy’s head and gently ruffling his hair in a brotherly fashion. “It’s alright, Giggles, you know we do it out of love.”
“F’ck off and die,” came the muffled grumble buried into Percy’s hands.
The twins cackled, pleased that they not only thoroughly shattered Percy’s indifferent demeanor, but got him flustered beyond repair from simple, playful affection and loving words. They were gonna have fun with this new information. It was their right as a family to carry on the de Rolo tradition of making Percival Fredrickson de Rolo the Third laugh, they wouldn’t let Percy’s late siblings down on that front.
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