#i hope the power comes back on soon i wanna spend more time with them we need to watch more hilda and play on trite Teeheee.....
watch-out-it-bites · 1 month
Oh My Scallops I Love Them So Much They're So <3<3<3 I love calling them they're wonderful sjndjdjsjs I love our little Rambles they're so beloved gahhhh<3<3<3 I shake them around 25 time after drawing with them and nearly falling asleep on call,,,
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druidonity2 · 21 days
hey you wanna hear another fanfic idea (based on an old doodle) i'll probably never write ok here it goes-
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(What if, in her dying breath, Onyxia split Anduin into two, and nothing Varian tries is putting his son back together.)
Varian was able to fuse back together, but to his surprise, he found two boys where one once was. In her final moment, to further soe chaos and seek revenge, Onyxia channelged her power into the boy. And despite their attempts, they cannot get the boys back to one. (They try and use shalamayne, but really they can’t fully recreate Varian’s rejoining, for it would threaten the boys’ health and saftey. They spend the next year trying to locate any magic users who could help, but unwilling to risk their lives, there isnt much they can do. They must be raised as twins.)
Ann and Dulin are identical as young kids, and seem very happy with eachother, and it almost seems like they are better off now that Anduin isn’t really an only child. But then, as they enter their teens, a distinction between the two forms, and it slowly becomes clear that they are halves of a single soul. And their flaws are ever stronger for it. That they arn’t balanced. 
(-Little moments as the boys grow up, playing together, learning together, etc.
-Varian hoping at least one picks up the sword, but so far both boys are awful. He struggles, but is reminded they are the same person, of course if one cant do something the other cant either. 
-they both shared an interest in light, and learned fast bouncing practice off eachother. Both learn under Velen.)
Ann and Dulin are priests, but Ann is more rebellious and runs away more, and is more open to voicing his opinion, even at the wrong times. Dulin is much more clinging to rules and professionalism, and is quiet and more hiding of his voice, preferring to listen. They bicker more, disagree, and it slowly reminds Varian of his struggle as he and Lo’gosh could not come to agreements despite being one person. And he fears that as they age, Ann and Dulin will further be torn apart.
It does happen, when Ann and Dulin get into an argument, and Dulin uses shadow. 
MoP is Ann and Dulion getting shipwrecked. Despite his interests in Pandaria Dulin wants to go home as soon as the Alliance finds them, but Ann refuses too, and so Dulin follows along. Ann is the one to confront Garrosh, and Dulin is the one to get him help.
After the Bell scene.
Ann nearly died, and while Dulin didn’t get hurt, it seems he’s fallen ill too. He’s fine, up until he faints infront of everyone. Confused, someone reminds Varian, “They are not complete people. They are halves of a single individual, and that brings with it consequences. They were never meant to grow up apart, their souls are joined and that greatly effects their mind and bodies. I suspect if Ann had died, Dulin would’ve passed away soon after. If you lose one, you lose them both.” 
“When you were two, one half was a spineless noble easily charmed by wealth and beauty. The other half was an angry warrior, hot headed and unwilling to listen to opposition. Apart, you were two deeply flawed people who could not agree on anything, and you came close to killing yourself, until one made a sacrifice for the other. It was only because you shared a son did you come to terms with one another.” “I believe having the boys raised together is partly the reason they still get along, but they are very different from one another, and their lives would be better if they were joined again.”
Wrathion believes he knows how to rejoin the twins, and Dulin seeks that help, even behind Ann’s back. (It does not work).
(war crimes scene where Anduin holds his AU self as he dies, only in this fic it is Ann and Dulin watching an au version of Anduin die, seeing what they would look and act like if they were one person, as they should be. This event deeply effects them, acting as a constant reminder that their fractured existance is wrong)
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-Because of their bickering, it's decided one will take the throne and the other remains prince. Dulin takes the throne, which is actually one of the only things the two agree on, for Ann dislikes the restrictions the title of King would place upon him. Ann still does work for Dulin, represents him in meetings he cant go too, etc, especially durring war, but still runs off sometimes.
-Dulin is taken by Sylvanas to the Shadowlands, and it is Ann who demands to go to find his twin. He felt the moment Dulin crossed into the veil, He feels the moment his twin is corrupted, and feels his soul aching. If Dulin dies so will Ann, and Ann can feel his brother's soul weaken by the day.
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-JAILER RAID SCENE but Ann runs into the black smoke, Sylvanas cannot stop him in time- Ann embraces his brother, and a rush of energy envelopes the area. Sylvanas believes it to be the bomb, but as the smoke clears and they live, a single man is left in the middle-
Ann and Dulin fused back together.
the end.
Anduin, newly rejoined into one person, disappears for several years in order to 'find himself', soul searching or whatever. Now that he is one person, who is he really? Who does he want to be? How does he cope with his past truamas was one person, when half of him experienced things differently?
Epilogue explores how Anduin honestly still feels like two people in one body, that being fully one in heart and mind may be truely impossible, but as time passes, years go by, it seems that healing truely may be possible.
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kumezyzo · 3 months
Hey! Love all your work, could you do a scene where sapnap and reader are roommates for a while and eventually he kisses them on a random night and they’re super awkward cute the day after😭😭 sort of like a new girl jess and nick type thing
so, ive literally never watched new girl 😭😭 but i hope this is to your standards 😊
this is me after writing it... i made it more angsty before the fluff. please forgive me 😭😭
anyway, enjoy! or dont :) m.list
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you and roommate!sapnap started rooming together as to be able to pay rent. you met through a mutual friend who knew you were both looking for a roommate. neither of you are friends with this person anymore, tho lol
when you moved in together, you kinda avoided each other and minded your own business. you knew he was a gamer because who else stayed up that late yelling into a mic. but it was fine because he paid for a large part of the rent.
then, one night, the power went out.
you heard a knock on your door as you tried to flick your desk light back on. you got up and opened the door in confusion.
"hey, did your power go out too?" sap asked, peering into your room with his hands playing with the hem of his hoodie.
"yeah, i guess," you said, stepping out to look around the apartment. he followed after you as you took note that the microwave and oven were both missing the blinking green time.
"shit, i thought i did something," he joked, looking around awkwardly. you gave him a pity laugh, moving to go back to your room. he followed behind you. "did you wanna... hang out? my pc died, and i don't really have anything else to do..."
and that started the more-than-acquaintances relationship between you and roommate!sapnap. you two went out for a walk in hopes of coming back when the power came back and had a normal conversation for the first time. and as time went on, you got closer.
quarantine was definitely the turning point for you and roommate!sapnap. you were spending the most time together and truly enjoying eachothers company. and that's when it was hard for him to hide his streaming from you.
roommate!sapnap made sure to ask if you wanted his stream to know about you and respected whatever decision you made. and when his viewers learned you were his roommate, they truly started to love you from your few appearances.
and obviously, that led to roommate!sapnap telling you about dream and george. they already knew about you... and he got to introduce you to them over Discord. he was glad to see you get along with them.
you and roommate!sapnap even started cuddling when you'd watch movied together. it started off with you sharing a blanket. then you would lean on his shoulder. then his arm would naturally curl around your waist.
but then the months of this bliss ended. and roommate!sapnap told you he was dropping out of college.
"so... i was thinking..." he trailed off as you took your last bite of your burrito bowl. it was his idea to get Chipotle for dinner.
"mhmm?" you hummed playfully, urging him to continue.
"i was thinking about dropping out..." he said, looking at your face diligently for a reaction. your chewing stopped abruptly as you stared at him blankly for a moment. then you looked away, swallowing your food. it suddenly turned sour.
you took a sip of your water, "when did you come up with this?"
"I'm making more money now than i would if i finished school," he shrugged, looking away from you. "and... dream asked me to move in with him."
"and... you said yes?" you asked, sadly. he nodded. "wow, you ready to get rid of me so soon." you joked, smiling painfully at him.
"no, no," he immediately denied, catching you off guard. he moved closer to you. "i really like living with you. like... really like it."
you smiled at him softly now, "well, it was a nice run then." he nodded solemnly, and you began to get up slowly, throwing away your trash.
when you started to walk back into your room, roommate!sapnap grabbed your wrist. it was a suprise when he lightly pulled you closer to him. your stomach erupted into butterflies being so close, face to face with him.
"i like you," he basically whispered. you searched his eyes to see if he was lying. but it didn't seem like he was. "i just needed to tell you that..."
you nodded, your eyes on his lips. and before you could think, your lips were against his. and you weren't sure who started it. all you knew was that you liked how soft his lips were. they were as plump as you thought they'd be.
then, roommate!sapnap pulled away and looked at you with a dazed expression before pecking your lips again and running off to his room. he left you sufficiently surprised and conflicted.
the next morning, you were sure you had dreamed it all up. but then you remembered how he was truly planning on moving to florida. and he kissed you, and you weren't sure if you could see him again so soon.
you walked out of your room to go to the bathroom, heat rushing through you when you passed his door. when you brushed your teeth, you felt a pang of hurt looking at his toothbrush, knowing it would be gone if he did leave.
and you were more than surprised when you saw roommate!sapnap already in the kitchen, drinking from a half empty water bottle. you both froze, remembering the kiss you shared just the night before. you gave him a nod of acknowledgment before starting on your morning coffee.
you knew he was staring at you as you poured yourself your morning coffee. your face was hot, and you felt every slight movement he made. you sat away from him, scared that if you got any closer, you'd maybe scare him away.
but roommate!sapnap decided he should say something to ease the silence.
"about the kiss..." he started, and you glanced at him briefly, trying to engulf yourself in the brewed drink. "i didn't hate it..."
you felt more butterflies in your stomach, starting batting against your ribcage. "i... didn't either."
he nodded, although you barely saw it out of the corner of his eye. "did you want to... do it again... maybe...?"
roommate!sapnap you couldn't stop kissing you after you gave him the greenlight. you giggled against him when he groaned something along the lines off, 'i was dreaming about this all night.'
but he truly couldn't stop after that day. it was easy with the cuddling and the night walks and talks. but he was actually moving out soon. so he took it upon himself to make a real move.
"will you be my girlfriend?" he asked you randomly as you two cleaned up the snacks you laid out for movie night.
you turned to him, shocked. "i thought... aren't we... isnt that what this is?"
his eyebrows furrowed as he thought for a second, a pout forming on his lips as he crossed his arms. you laughed, walking over to him and planting a peck on his lips.
"i would love to be your girlfriend," you told him, making him look away shamefully. "took you long enough to ask."
he rolled his eyes playfully, "whatever," he laughed, kissing you deeply.
although it was an end of an era, you both knew it would work out. you two would make it work out.
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i lowkey hate this so much. i hope you enjoyed it, tho. -Nony
p.s. free palestine
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andraxicated · 2 years
sports festival shenanigans w/ scaramouche pt.2
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Pairings: scaramouche x f!reader
Request: HI about your sports festival prompt, it reminded me of Maid Sama's sports festival episode. Its a very old anime though, I was hoping you'd be able to make a Scaramouche version of it. Context: so in the episode there were different prizes for all the events played, for the second final event, the prize was to receive a kiss from the protagonist's friend which who was kinda made to be the prize without consent :( she's popular among the males in the school apparently. In the end the male lead won for the protagonist because there was this other guy who was very desperate to win and tried to trip up the protag to get ahead of her, who also tried to do the same to the male lead when he caught up to that nasty guy >:( he fell on all fours in shock that he male lead jumped (to avoid his leg) and won the race, and protag came in second — male lead didnt want the kiss prize and it ended up going to second place (protag). What if Scaramouche's s/o was the prize in this (if you're able to write this for me) whoever wins the race can be up to you :p
Tags: fluff
a/n: YES I WATCHED MAID SAMA TOO!!! usui is so <3 he was THAT guy!
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it's the 2nd day of the sports festival and scara is thinking of resting from the participation and spending time with you, but it seems like the universe won't let him rest. there's always something happening these days
for example: you running to him in tears that he almost dropped everything to meet you halfway
"what's wrong?!" he searches your body for any more wounds or scratches while your lips are curved upset. "I lost the game!" you whine and he stops being dramatic, rolling his eyes at your attitude.
"what game?" "it's the one deciding the prize for the next race" you reply and scara seems uninterested, just what was the prize to make you so upset?
"and? what's the prize?"
"me. a kiss from me." you say, waiting for him to run off and strangle the committee but he surprisingly took it well! or so you thought...
all the little workers in his brain are now getting themselves ready for the race. forget childe's competitiveness, scaramouche won't let himself lose in this race. your life and everyone else's are in his hands
this was one prize he'd cheat to win (or not, coz he'd get ousted from the game)
bro code! everyone backed out from the race when they saw the name of the prize and scaramouche's purple head at the starting line. except for those who really wanna die...
the whistle blows and the race starts! you'd think the taller the person the faster they are in running. but scaramouche who lacked in the height department is leading the race like a bulldozer.
he views each obstacle course like the hardships he went through in life, and what did he do? he overcame them! everyone thinks he got possessed by the spirit of power and speed
several contestants are eliminated and scara muses 'weak ass mfs'. but he shouldn't forget that there are still pathetically clinging onto the hope of winning
the goal is near and scaramouche speeds up his feet but the fatigue is slowly catching up to him. nevertheless, he has to win this for you and for him. but the thorn at his side was the only thing he has to eliminate to reach the top.
he jumps to get ahead while grabbing the other guy's head albeit too harshly. "loser" scara jeers and smirks while his body comes in contact with the white tag; an exhilarating feeling of triumph courses through him as the committee announces his name, he somehow started to understand the thrill of competitions.
his supportive friends carry him and toss him in the air as if weightless, his mortified complaints went unheard. and to further embarrass the campus gremlin, the boys made a makeshift throne from their arms for him to sit on and deliver him to your spot.
scaramouche soon realizes the prize is in front of him; your sweet smile welcoming him like he came home from war. his cheeks flush from the public's eyes on him, the victory kiss dispersing his sanity as he acts like a shy teenage boy.
"virgin behavior" he faintly heard someone say or was his ear playing tricks on him?
while he was caught off guard, you advance and press a kiss to his cheek, plump lips coming in contact with the smooth skin. a tickly breath entering his ear as his brain short circuits and his heart pounds uncontrollably from the trickery you confessed to him. "I actually put myself as the prize. sorry bout that hmm?" you whisper, then you gave him another kiss but bolder on the lips.
"wahhhh!" and the crowd went wild as people hugged themselves and screamed as if they were watching a soccer game. meanwhile, his idiotic friends pretended to cry from the scene unfolding before them.
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undobutton · 7 months
okay okay so.. remember when i wrote this hobie fic and mentioned how i'd introduce my oc who's his friend?
well I lied. Bunny (the friend in question) is a black cat varient (idk why i didn't say that in the post) but anyhow. i do have a spider-sona and i wanna ramble about them and their relationship with their hobie varient as well as their earth and whatever. instead of Bunny bc im hyperfixated on them.
So without further ado... here is Juniper Willow! The Amazing Jumping Spider of Earth-19962! brought to you by myself, the sims 4 ft. many talented cc creators, and naylissah's "black centered picrew"!! someday I'll draw them for y'all, but not here. not now.
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Name: Juniper Willow
Nicknames: Purr, June, Juni, Period.
pronouns: she/they
Age: 19
Birthday: Jan. 23
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: pan
Favorite season: summer
Favorite color: neon pink & green
Spends time: writing music, roller skating, scheming
Likes: music, helping others, thrifting, Hobie ❤️
Dislikes: Big companies, police officers,
Bad habits: mumbling, accidentally overworking themself.
Good at: roller skating, poetry, chemistry
Job: being the Jumping Spider
Family: Older sister, Tina. Tina's girlfriend, Liz. Niece(Tina's kid), Anna. Twin brother, Benny.
Extra info: Left home with Tina when she was little. doesn't really talk to her parents.
Height: 5'7
Skin color: mocha? smth like that
Eye color: used to be brown. Now pink and green.
Hair color: dark brown.
Hair description: stomach length locs, usually tied up in loose twin buns. occasionally down for events.
Body type: hourglass
Main outfit description: (see photos above)
Not so basic info~
Fears: stuffy noses. forests @ night.
Hesitant to tell about: their relationship with their mom.
Would cause a scene over: someone mistreating another person. being lied to.
Pretends not to care about: Tina's approval.
You can find them: in their basement/hide out thingy (I'll make it in the sims soon.)
Wants to come off as: reliable, funny, caring
Comes off as: heroic, childish (on occasion)
Intro. Or extro.: introverted, but likes meeting new people every now and then.
Pets: none (Tina won't let them)
origin story (short version):
Doctor Olivia Canna was working on her experiment for years. The spider had the ability to create strong webs and a substance that could dissolve almost anything! and she lost it.. it had been months and she could only hope that the spider would find its way back to her. or still be close by.
meanwhile, Juniper caught a cold and couldn't sleep with her mouth closed bc of a stuffy nose. so while she was sleeping, the spider crawled into her mouth and took a trip to stomach acid town.
as the weeks go by, Juniper gets new abilities and with the help of their twin brother, Benny, they decide to use their powers for good! Juniper steals from big companies and gives all her findings to homeless shelters and the like. she steals tampons, pads, baby formula, diapers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, clothing etc! and sometimes they'll stop a crime or two.
Once Juniper's savings and stealings become more public, Doctor Olivia sends her most reliable 'friend' The prowler to go out and find this Jumping Spider.
annd I'll go into further detail in the chapters I write about Juniper later! I'll have the first one out soon!!
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mostlymobilegames · 1 year
HS2 first impressions
(spoilers from both books and complaining)
((This isn't as coherent as I would've liked it to be but I've spend too much time writing it already))
So after getting my ducks in order the beginning of HS2 wasn't really a bad experience, even though I still have a lot to complain about.
First of all, the MC is just not what I would've liked her to be after 10 years and like 2 consecutive wars. She still comes off as hotheaded and stuck in her own ways at times, which isn't what I want from a +30 year old high ranked immortal, especially from one who considers herself a "leader" (c'mon now). It gives off the impression that, even though she was basically Heaven's main weapon some time ago, getting a cozy spot on the Council didn't push her to get better. You can't possibly be in such a high position for such a long time and not get a better and less sensitive attitude (sure, there can be something said about the amount of trauma Vicky suffered in her Academy days which probably had an impact in her growth and is the reason for her nightmares but I'm not a psychologist, I'm just here to complain).
This isn't the worst thing (and my expectations are high because it's Alice and RC keeps creating top tier MCs) but it annoys me how small the development is after such a long time. It's not a good look, it's a look that makes it seem like she literally only got the place on the Council after graduation because she had been useful (which is somehow true, considering your average immortal had to spend years climbing the hierarchy), and that isn't completely bad unless she's not developing any skills afterwards. I do understand that she accepted that she had darkness inside her, she has power yada yada yada, but... why didn't she look into it more? Malbonte always kept talking about getting his power back from her, so why didn't anyone, not even Rebecca, look into this at some point? I don't mean immediately after winning the war, but some time down the line.
I will say that I might be too quick to judge (we started off with solitary confinement and relationship breaking) and that maybe I'm too harsh, too soon, and Vicky will prove herself in the future. I'm sure she will (proving herself is like one of her most redeeming qualities) but for know... she's not impressive. She's literally back to square one, no power, no status. Actually, she's worse now.
Now, returning to the power swap moment done by Plague, I really liked that. Not the part about how the MC became powerless, but that it was really the moment of "omg this is actually the villain". The fact that it was so easy to take away MC's only hope is horrifying but it also leaves her completely vulnerable. There's nothing there for her to use anymore.
Speaking of Plague, she's so annoying. I can't even try to respect the prowess because she's so shit. She is powerful, but the fact that she's an unknown danger and sadistic contributes more to her scary factor than her actual powers. I can't deal with villains like her, their good looks just aren't enough. Not even gonna get into the leashes scene or how creepy she is with the men, she definitely can't take refusals. I dislike that in bad guys. She's also not as bad as she likes to think she is, her power is fuelled (at least partially) by people's desperation. Her presence makes me wanna scratch my skin off.
I don't know what the plan is with characters like Loy and Andy. I only had Andy alive just for him to die immediately in HS2 so...
The rest of the LIs are as I would expect after probably being tortured for at least 3 months. I'd be really surprised if there's any genuine betrayal happening, cause I only see them as being beaten (not necessarily in a literal sense) into reluctant submission. Maybe characters like Fencio and Torendo were willing, but I doubt any of the others wanted or expected this when they went with Plague. I have no explanation for why she saw Dino as not loving the MC anymore but I'm sure there will be one.
Their new looks are superior tho, at least. And I really like how the relationship between the MC and her long time partner is being presented. Regardless of who the player was romancing, their relationship during school ran pretty hot because it was forbidden and dangerous: sneaking around, getting in trouble because of the ban, worrying about death for 3 seasons straight and so on. It's not surprising that after so many years things not only settle down drastically but they see each other more clearly. Being closed off isn't sexy anymore, it causes real tension, working late puts a strain on the relationship, being on different sides isn't exciting, it's exhausting. Real life gets in the way, they aren't college kids (who fight for their lives), they're adults who are responsible for many other people (Mimi for her students, Dino, MC and Luci for the people under them, Andy for his squad not anymore but whatever). Although it is sus how very little opening up happened in 10 years, it's expected and not surprising that the relationship turned out kinda meh.
I am curious if there will be other LIs. Part of me doubts it, there are already established romances, but idk.
The flashback in Mexico is... not that good. It isn't bad in the sense of visuals or writing, it just doesn't make sense, the four of them were never in a close friendship to the point where they'd just chill on earth. When would something like that even had happened? In season 1 of book 1 Lucifer wasn't really part of the team and idk why Dino would've agreed to go on vacation with him anyway, and in seasons 2 and 3 (in 3 more) there was a bunch of drama and wars and breaking people out of jail and being captured and training etc. WHEN did this holiday celebration happen? It couldn't have happened after defeating Malbonte, since they all graduated pretty fast and my Lucifer wasn't even alive (it makes even less sense for it to have happened after the MC sided with Malbonte🗿). It's just such a weird situation, the group was never the kind to have holidays together, even if we were to accept that Lucifer eventually warmed up to Dino enough for them to be buddies (that's not their relationship)
I have very high expectations from Rebecca and Mammon. Idk where Rebecca disappeared in chapter 2, cause I'm pretty sure no one said anything about her, only Mammon is confirmed to have ran away, so they're literally the only ones not captured (who we know exist, I don't know how many characters Plague resurrected).
The visuals in HS2 are great, no complaints there. It does seem like I've had more bad things to say than good things about the book but I am expecting abnormal levels of badassery in the future to make up for the humiliation and pain received so soon. There's just no way MC isn't gonna have her revenge on Plague. I'm really hoping she figures this powerless shit out, but I'm really liking the new partnership with Shephamalum, I'm 100% down to fill the empty vessel with god powers 🤞
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yokomation-blog · 11 months
future wildlife Artworks
here are a few of the best three drawings of future wildlife threads i did, if you like these i might make more of them and im also planning to make a YouTube series, a sort of Reboot of an older version from 2016 with two new model sheets plus a Mulk i have yet gotten done,
i´ll let you know when we begin on it and heck, if that poll might help with anything i might get the Raion kuma done as our 4th model to go alongside Nat, Doily and Kitube
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Clash of the titans
a bull shrewzilla is on it´s Way to fight an Actric grandbutcher shark, been as aggressive and territorial as the Shrews of today, these
Sea-Monsters will sometimes go after The gigantic sharks sometimes past by it´s hunting grounds and 85/100 times it´s the Gigantic sea-shrews who hunts down the Grand butchers and it´s Rarely the other way around
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flying marine mammals
on the Easten coasts of Austrica, a westren yellow spotted chaser a kind of Bullgull, is hunting down Falmon, a kind of Flying Salmon, thier ancetors were likely like flying fish, only been able to glide, but due to the sea-shrews evolveing thier Back limbs are the main way of swimming, this did reslut in some of them takeing full advantage of thier Huge Hind flippers, Some bullgulls have Learned to Glide for a little bit, forceing some fish to Evolve powered flight in these oceans 75 million years from now
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here we can see how Bullgulls are built, like a strange cross between a dolphin and a jet plane, thier back flippers are so huge, they use them to fly for a short bit like how some eagle rays are seen doing
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Penshrew leaps at a sunset
a penshrew Is Seen leaping out of the out for fun´s Sake as well as rid itself of parasites, been one of the big three Apex predators of the ocean´s 75 million years from now, these predators hunt across the ocean´s of earth
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a Sea-Snouter is seen with Clams in it´s Mouth, trying to find better waters for the Clams they feed on, Sea-snouters have been know to do this sort of "Hamster Swimming" whenever the Clams they feed on ain´t Doing too Well, this has resluts in some clams from the west have ancestors from the East and Others from the east to have ancestors from the West as species of Sea-snouter have come and gone, in some Extreme cases even in some Land clams on the shorelines of austrica
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Surpise attack
a fishpede is about to Be eaten by a gigantic snawshrew,
While they might look like lobsters or Other Sea-arthopods, Fishpedes are in fact fully Aquatic centipedes who have Return to the ocean´s only held back by the fact they always gotta return to freshwater to lay thier eggs where the young spend thier lives as nymph who are venmous with the adults just use thier front claws act like a Pair of Jaws to hold onto meat or any small prey animal and the second maxilla chomp, combind that with a killer eyesight fishpedes are the prefect bug analog to whales in a world where a few other land living arthopods also have returned to ocean´s tho not been a successful as these aquaitc Myriapoda who due to how Centipedes swim with a side to side movemeant have Evolved into a fish like body shape as adults.
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if you wanna know more about this world click here
hopeing to update the site soon and get a new episode up and running tho, for now i think i just wanna get models ready.
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
i love you darling~ i wanted to send these to you cause i feel like they really go well together 🤭
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if we were in the same city we would be unstoppable 🥲🩷
i hope you get to sleep well my love 🥹🩷 i love you so much you’re the gem of my life 🥺😚🩷💎
i wish i could talk to you forever all day… alas starting monday will be the comeback of my poor connection… not looking forward to that at all 😢🩷
i wanna give you lots of kisses when you wake up my crystal clarity 😚💎🩷
good morning my love~ 🥺🥺
i love both of the so much omfg 😭 they do go really well together (just like you and me 🤭🩵) i see myself using the first one a lot on here djshhshs
fate knew we would be too powerful if we lived in the same city so it decided to separate us like this :,( i wanna spend so much more time with you and see you all the time ;;; 🩵
my sleep was so strange but i did have some weird dreams last night i’ll have to tell you about them djshsjs 😭
i love you so so much my dearest cherry 🥺 i hate that our main cockblocker has to come back so soon, i’m still looking forward to talk whenever we can though 🥺🩵🩵 no matter how much time we get it all means the world to me 🥺
i love you so so much my cherry baby 🥺🥺 you’re as sweet as honey i wanna give you so many kisses >3< 🩵🩵🩵
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
Teddie is the first King of the King's Game, because he is powered by Commercials and thus has batshit crazy luck.
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/covers face with hand
(also, again: thank you Sam Riegel, I have no idea how I am enjoying this character instead of hating him, but it's happening. Fucking witchcraft.)
Please know that Teddie fucking BODIED kanji off the screen. I tried to screencap it but it was just too fucking fast. Imagine a kitten leaping on a stuffed toy and sliding across the floor. Also Kanji is like twice his size. I'm impressed.
Reverie draws the next King's lot out of the chopsticks.
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i wonder if Yukiko and Rise are just those people who don't like each other until they are drunk and then they are like fucking BUDDIES.
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Poor fucking Chie is sooooo not into this, bless her heart. Fistbump of solidarity.
(lmao kanji and teddie are still off-screen. teddie is gettin' his money's worth, I see.)
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Yukiko decides she's the queen (shocker there) and demands Naoto tell the group something secret and embarrassing.
He, of course, plays it completely straight and uses the opportunity to tell his backstory, coming from a long ling of detectives from back when that kind of specialized expertise was more needed. Even though they are falling out of fashion in modern life, he's being raised as one by his grandfather.
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Is Naoto capable of humor? Is there a humorous bone in his body? Naoto, I don't say this lightly but you should have a drink, buddy.
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aaaaaaand she's asleep. yep. mmhm.
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Yes. But not in the way you think. Naoto doesn't believe anyone about the TV world thing, which I guess isn't surprising. He'll figure it out soon I am certain. I wonder what his primary element is.... I wanna say ice but Chie and Teddie got that covered. Maybe Physical/Fire? No idea.
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HEY. Only I'm allowed to call them dumbasses. Watch yourself, boyo.
But yeah these guys are fucking idiots, holy shit.
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Oh of course we finish off at the ramen place. /sigh. How many nights did I spend here with Shinjiro, connecting over our mutual need to care for people. How many times did Akihiko bring us here to talk about quiet emotions. Junpei and I were regulars, speaking in conversations interwoven with sharp painful earnestness and the soft barrier of humor. Such was another life.
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Ah. He's purposefully putting himself on TV.
That seems incredibly stupid.
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/grits teeth. FIIIIIIINE We'll pull your ass out of the fire, you stubborn fuck.
SUDDEN GEAR SHIFT, I'm almost done with Yukiko's SLink and it's really good! Back early in the SLink, she was openly hoping that the tabloidy news people would profile the Amagi Inn so it would go under so she could bounce without guilt.
Which, was very shitty.
Well, those news people returned to try and profile the Inn again and this time she went tf OFF on them and threatened them until they left.
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I mean you did.
But Yukiko's decided that she wants to stay and help the inn after all. Now that she's set herself up to leave and had everything in order to bounce out, now that she finally understands her cage has no lock, she's more comfortable with it.
Which is a nice resolution for that dangling thread. I often say that gender is a prison until you understand you can stage a jailbreak at any time, and I guess it's similar for Yukiko.
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I'M SORRY YUKIKO BUT I'M INTO GUYS THIS TIME. I'M SORRY YOU'RE REALLY NICE. maybe give Chie the time of day, she's crazy about you. okay bye love you gurl, you'll be okay.
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 6. Picnic - Dew/Zephyr
WC: 905
Dew asks Zephyr out for a picnic, to show his appreciation for them.
Read under the cut or on AO3.
“Hi, Droplet, what are you plotting?” Ifrit asked, walking into the kitchen.
“Hello to you too, Smokey,” the water ghoul chuckled. “And I’m not plotting, thank you very much.”
“Well, you’re doing something suspicious that you didn’t tell anyone about,” Ifrit stated, grinning. “Seems like plotting to me.”
“Oh, fuck off. I’m preparing a picnic.”
“A picnic, you say? Am I invited?”
“Absolutely not,” Dew laughed. “Not this time, anyway, I’m taking Zeph to hang out near the lake.”
“Oh, I see where this is going,” Ifrit smirked. “Some water and chill for their poor joints, am I right?”
“Ifrit, no!” Dew protested, knowing perfectly well what the fire ghoul had in mind. It did happen more than once in the past. Let’s just say some fun in the water with Dew was, hm, relaxing for Zephyr, as their joints appreciated the weightlessness. But that wasn’t what Dew planned for the day, at least not initially, “Not this time. I really want to just hang out with them.”
“Okay, okay,” Ifrit surrendered. “Need any help, Droplet?”
“Nah, everything’s done already, just need to drag Zeph out,” Dew admitted, finishing packing up the basket he had on the counter.
“Good luck then, have fun,” Ifrit patted Dew’s shoulder, adding a wink, of course. The water ghoul sighed, though there was a smile on his face, and left the kitchen making sure he had everything twice. Next to Zephyr’s door he set the basket down, and knocked, hoping the air ghoul would be there, and he wouldn’t have to run around the whole Abbey looking for them.
“Come in,” came from inside the room. Dew opened the door, and was met with Zephyr laying on their nest with some book in hand, their scent swirling around the room suggesting they weren’t in much pain today. 
“Hi, doing something important?” the water ghoul asked.
“Not really, something on your mind?” Zephyr answered with their own question, putting the book onto their bedside table.
“Great, I’m taking you out, then,” Dew spoke proudly, rocking back and forth on his feet. An adorable sight, really.
Zephyr smiled, really excited at the prospect of spending an afternoon with Dew already, “All right then, help the old ghoul out.”
Dew came closer and helped Zephyr stand up. They threw some hoodie on, grabbed their cane and were ready to go. Soon enough, the water and air ghouls were sitting at the edge of the lake on the Abbey grounds, on a soft blanket, surrounded by all the food and drink Dew had prepared.
“Fuck, Dewy, you really put all your heart into this, didn’t you?” Zephyr teased, opening yet another box with food, this time carefully sliced apples inside.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to do something nice for you, you know,” he admitted, blushing slightly and reaching for one of the cookies.
“You most certainly didn’t have to, you do nice things for me every day, I hope you know that,” they took out a piece of strawberry out of one of the boxes and nearly moaned at the sweetness melting on their tongue.
“Maybe I do,” Dew sighed. “But it doesn’t really matter, I wanted this one to be… hm, let’s say special.”
“It is,” the air ghoul agreed. “Thank you, anyway. For this, and everything else.”
“Oh, shut up already,” the other laughed, though his face was now deeply flushed. As if to emphasise his words, he pulled out one of the fruits he had around and put it in front of Zephyr’s face. They chuckled and stuck their tongue out, Dew placing the fruit in their mouth. They chewed and swallowed, and Dew took another fruit and repeated, then a cookie, then some other food.
“Wanna lay down?” the water ghoul asked after giving Zephyr a small taste of everything he brought. They nodded, and slowly scooted down the blanket, laying on their back.
Zephyr took a deep breath, their eyelids shutting, and let their power feel the air around them, summoning a soft, warm wind. When they opened their eyes again, they glanced at Dew, looking down at them like they were a piece of art. 
For Zephyr, though, it was Dew who was the art. Zephyr’s wind made his silver hair flow softly, and closeness to the water, Dew’s element, made his eyes glow bright blue. The soft smile that was painted on his face ignited an insatiable need to kiss him breathless in them.
“Come on, give me a kiss, Dewy,” they asked, drunk on adoration for him.
Dewdrop obliged, leaning down to press his soft lips to an even softer ones of the air ghoul. One cool hand cupped their cheek, and the other rubbed on their biceps, curtain of silvery white hair shielding them both from the world.
“Lay down, baby,” Zephyr encouraged. “What do you say about a little nap?”
The water ghoul only chirped happily in response, glueing himself to Zephyr’s side, and laying his head on their shoulder, cautious for any sign of discomfort from them.
“Thank you, Dew,” the air ghoul whispered. “Couldn’t imagine a better afternoon.”
“It’s nothing,” Dew answered, kicking up a comfortable, content purr, Zephyr joining with their own right away. “Love you, Zeph.”
“Love you too, Droplet.”
Silence fell then, filled only by rustle of trees in the distance and their soft purrs and soon enough both ghouls drifted away into a comfortable slumber.
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angelofrainfrogs · 2 years
We Found Him, Superstar: Ch. 10
Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: Since starting his new afterlife at the Pizzaplex, Gregory has managed to befriend the Glamrock animatronics and made a surprising discovery—Bonnie’s been hidden in the basement warehouse this entire time, badly decommissioned but still powered on. Along with Bonnie are the endoskeletons that, no longer under the virus’s control, seem much more sentient than normal animatronics… Gregory and his friends are determined to get Bonnie back into commission and figure out the mysteries of what exactly these endoskeletons are—and how to help them, too.
Chapter Summary: Thomas and Leon are back and ready for some answers. Confronting Freddy in his room proves to be more informational than either of them expected, and they’re forced to come to terms with things they hadn’t fathomed were possible…
Rating: T
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38728158/chapters/101627760
Bonnie tilted his head with a chuckle. “Heck yeah! We’re gonna have so many parties, you’re gonna be sick of cake by the end of it!”
“Maybe not all at once,” Freddy said with a gentle laugh. He knew Bonnie and Gregory would be glued at the hip eventually, but it still surprised Freddy with just how comfortable the boy was in his arms already. Although, upon further thought he realized that while Bonnie’s decommissioned state was an unnerving sight, he was the only one who never went after Gregory, so… Freddy supposed that made sense.
“The kids and I can do so much stuff now, too,” Bonnie added softly, looking around the room with a smile. “Gregory, you definitely have to come down for an actual play date soon!”
“Yeah, I wanna!” the boy said, automatically looking to Freddy for permission. “And I'll bring all my toys!”
“That is a great idea!” Freddy agreed. “Especially since you just picked up a new collection of things from the gift shop.”
“Ooh, I’ve gotta check out the merchandise, too!” Bonnie said. He gave a small laugh. “Hopefully they didn’t totally replace me…”
Gregory shook his head quickly. “Of course they didn't; I have your plushie, too—next to all my other ones!”
“Aw, that’s so sweet!” Bonnie exclaimed, squeezing Gregory tightly. “I figured it was a good sign they didn’t rebrand my bowling alley, but you never know with this place…”
“You have been sorely missed,” Freddy reassured, patting him on the shoulder. “Now we just need to find a way to reintroduce you to the mainstream area… but that requires more time to figure out all the logistics. Tomorrow, we will go bowling; how does that sound?”
“Bowling party!” Gregory insisted, leaning into Freddy’s palm as his hair was ruffled. When Freddy stepped back, he turned in Bonnie’s arms and held his arms out for the bear. “And everyone can come with us, right?”
“Of course!” Freddy replied as Bonnie handed the boy over. “The more the merrier.”
“Do you guys have to head back up soon?” Bonnie asked, one ear tilting downwards. “I’m still not able to connect to the network and access anything, so I can’t tell what time it is… I need a tech to fix all that stuff, since Roxy could only do the physical repairs.”
Gregory quickly wrapped his arms around Freddy's neck, comfortably resting his face against his shoulder. “Mm, I hope not—I wanna keep hanging out...”
Freddy laughed softly. “You look tired, superstar; perhaps we should head back soon.”
“Don’t worry, bud; I’ll see you again before you know it!” Bonnie said with a grin. “Besides, you’ve gotta make sure you’re all rested and recharged for tomorrow night so we can spend the whole time hanging out!”
“I guess you guys have a point…,” Gregory murmured softly as he rubbed at his eyes. “Okay, I'll sleep super good so I'll have a ton of energy tomorrow!”
“Lookin’ forward to it,” Bonnie said with a laugh, ruffling Gregory’s hair one more time before giving Freddy a pat on the shoulder. “See you guys tomorrow!”
“Goodnight, Bonnie,” Freddy replied, then gazed around the room. “And goodnight everyone else.”
“Goodnight Bonnie! Goodnight everyone!” Gregory chirped, waving his hand around. He quickly wrapped his arms around Freddy once again, although he couldn't help look down the long hallway—he could've sworn he saw something earlier… but it was probably just his tired imagination playing tricks on him again.
“How’s your battery doing?” Gregory asked curiously, kicking his legs back and forth as Freddy took them into the elevator.
Freddy blinked a few times, checking his power meter. “I currently have three bars of battery power, so it is just over halfway full. I will charge before the morning’s activities, but it is not an immediate need.”
“…Does that mean you can sit with me so I can fall asleep easier?” Gregory tilted his head questioningly, staring up at the bear with wide eyes.
Freddy nodded, smiling back as they stepped out of the elevator and walked back to their room. “Certainly; I will stay as long as you need.”
“You just help me fall asleep best!” Gregory explained, feeling the need to justify his actions. He knew Freddy should probably charge instead of staying with him, but he really needed the bear to ease his nerves before he went to bed so he’d hopefully have a restful sleep free of nightmares.
“It is because you feel safe with me,” Freddy responded calmly, setting Gregory down on the couch and tucking him in. He then sat as well, gently running a paw over Gregory’s hair. “And I will always keep you safe, so you may continue to rest easy, superstar.”
Gregory snuggled into the blanket as he was tucked in, his smile brightening. “And I'll keep you and everyone else safe, too!”
“I do not doubt that,” Freddy replied with a smile, and he meant it. Whatever lied in store for Gregory and his animatronic family in the future, Freddy knew that Gregory would defend them to the end. Once the exhausted boy dozed off and Freddy was sure he was well and truly out for the night, the bear went to charge and have a rest of his own.
The day passed uneventfully, although there was an undercurrent of excitement in the air when Freddy told the others they were all meeting at the bowling alley that night. After some quick communication between shows with Bonnie through his Fazwatch, they agreed that the others would meet them for bowling at 2am so Freddy and Gregory had a chance to give Bonnie a little tour of the building first.
Eventually, the day came to a close. It was nearing midnight, which is when Freddy and Gregory were going to set out for the basement. Suddenly, the pair were surprised to hear a knock at the door. They shared a look of mild confusion as Freddy cautiously moved to the door, keeping it closed as he asked: “Who is it?”
“Security,” Leon replied, fidgeting with his flashlight nervously.
The guards returned to work that night with a combination of reluctance and determination. They’d been so traumatized from their “game” with Moon two nights prior that they’d completely forgot to tell management about the kid supposedly running around the Pizzaplex until the next day, upon which Leon quickly called his manager to let him know the situation. However, when they met with dayshift staff for the changeover, no one reported seeing any kid that matched Gregory’s description, nor any unauthorized persons in restricted areas. There hadn’t been anything strange to report from the animatronics either—although Thomas and Leon were admittedly relieved by this fact.
Still, despite this small reassurance the guards were hesitant to confront Freddy directly, even though they knew this was the best course of action to get to the bottom of whatever was going on. They’d gone back and forth over who'd actually go talk to the bear, eventually settling on both of them going since they'd have each other's back. Ironically, their time with Moon served as a twisted sort of bonding experience as they’d frantically tried to escape the crawling animatronic alongside each other. Whatever was going on with Freddy and “his kid,” they’d figure it out together.
Gregory looked up at Freddy from where he sat on the floor, lowering his toys with a small frown as he heard Leon’s voice. “…What do we do?”
Freddy grimaced, murmuring softly: “As far as we know, they still cannot see you, so—oh! Your shirt!” Gregory was wearing one of the new shirts he’d picked out yesterday. If their theory was correct, then the guards would only be able to see a floating piece of clothing… which was potentially more concerning than seeing a whole kid. “Hurry, change into your usual one and hide!”
Gregory nodded as he quickly got up, struggling to take his shirt off in his haste. After swapping the garment for his regular one he ran to hide behind the couch, peeking out ever-so-slightly to observe what was about to happen.
“He’s definitely talking to someone,” Thomas muttered, patting his leg to make sure his keys were still there. After the incident at the daycare, he’d bought himself and Leon a super-strong pair of matching carabiners; this way, they could hook their keys directly into their belt loops at all times, and if someone—or something—tried to steal them again, they’d feel the keys being tugged on before they were actually taken. They’d certainly learned their lesson about leaving important objects on a desk out in the open…
“Maybe it's the kid,” Leon murmured, then took a deep breath before calling out to Freddy again. “Do you mind letting us in, Freddy? We just need to talk to you for a moment.”
Freddy paused with his paw on the door handle, looking around the room. Gregory’s toys were scattered all over the floor, as they hadn’t had time to clean before the guards showed up. However, it’s not like the animatronics’ rooms were always pristine, so as long as they didn’t find Gregory himself, Freddy reasoned he might be able to explain away the mess.
“Hello, Officers!” the bear greeted cheerily, finally opening the door and standing in the entryway to block as much of their sightline into the room as possible. “You wish to speak with me about something?”
Thomas stared up at him, wondering for the billionth time why all the robots had to be so tall. At least Freddy’s height didn’t compare to… his… Thomas shivered, glancing at Leon for him to take the lead.
“Yes, we…,” Leon started, clearing his throat as he turned his flashlight off and slipping it into its holster for the time being. “We were informed that you have a child here by the name of ‘Gregory’—brown hair and brown eyes.”
Gregory watched from the back of the couch. To his relief it seemed like his body was completely invisible to the humans, since he made “eye contact” with Thomas as the guard tried peering around Freddy’s legs.
“...Do you think we should tell them the truth?” Gregory asked Freddy from where he crouched, nervously twiddling his thumbs. Freddy hated keeping secrets, but he wasn’t quite sure if they would believe him yet…
“A child?” Freddy tilted his head curiously. “I would never keep a child from their parents—it goes against my programming.” Not a lie, exactly, but definitely not what the guards wanted to hear.
“You sure?” Thomas asked, trying to see into the room. It was a mess, like someone had literally dropped what they were doing and left toys all over the floor. He didn’t see any kid, though, and he pouted slightly. “As long as the kid’s okay, you’re not gonna be in trouble, but… we have to know.” He paused, shifting his gaze from Freddy to Leon and back again. “They’re still technically looking for all those missing ones, you know, so if you have any information… please tell us.”
Leon nodded in agreement, sighing softly and placing his hands on his hips. “He's right. Nothing bad will happen, we just need to make sure the kid finds his parents. Apparently he's running around at night with you, Freddy, so… we figured he'd be here.”
Gregory remained behind the couch, teeth clenched tightly as he continued to watch the interaction. Were they being truthful? He really couldn’t tell, and his hesitancy towards night guards was in full force as they continued to press Freddy for information. What would they do if they found him? What could they do? And worse—what if they hurt Freddy in the process?
The animatronic shook his head. “I am sorry, you must be mistaken; I have not seen a child named Gregory who is missing his parents.”
Again, technically not a lie—Gregory’s dad was with him almost all the time. He just happened to be an animatronic bear.
“Can we… come in?” Thomas asked hesitantly. He leaned towards Leon, whispering even though he was sure Freddy could hear: “Maybe he’s hiding in the back room?”
Leon glanced at his coworker with a nod, then rolled his eyes back to the bear. “We just need to take a look around to be sure, Freddy.”
“…Alright,” Freddy relented, his standard smile plastered on his face as he moved aside. It would make them even more suspicious if he kept them out for no good reason. Thomas entered the room first, looking around with narrowed eyes.
“God, it’s a mess in here… I thought they weren’t doing any meet & greets yet; what’s with all the toys?!”
“Ah, those are left over from before,” Freddy replied, already feeling his composure slip, especially as Leon stepped close to the couch Gregory currently crouched behind. “I admit that I have been a bit lax with cleaning things up…”
Leon soon peered around the furniture where Gregory was, only to see… nothing at all. Although, the box behind the couch was suspicious, as well as the blanket sprawled across the cushions. It seemed like someone had been sleeping there.
“What's with the box full of toys back here?” Leon spoke up. Gregory took this moment to quickly move away and run over to Freddy, standing behind him and gripping his leg nervously.
Freddy remained silent for a few seconds, before chuckling in a weak attempt to deflect from the situation. “I apologize, I am so used to it that I no longer register it—that box is where I keep toys for the children who visit. I am hoping that meet & greets start up again soon so I can share them!”
Thomas, who’d sworn he felt a cold breeze rush by just a moment ago, was staring at Freddy suspiciously. “Isn’t that box from Roxy’s Raceway? You’d think the company would make a special treasure chest or something, since they’re so obsessed with branding and stuff…”
Leon looked over at Freddy as well, narrowing his eyes—Thomas had a very valid point. As he shifted his gaze, he caught sight of the plethora of children’s drawings hung up on the walls. One image in particular stood out: what appeared to be an intricate line art drawing of a Freddy holding a grinning boy in his arms. It was way too detailed for a child to make unless they were a prodigy, and Leon had a feeling that if it was colored in the boy would match Sun’s description perfectly.  
“...Is that Gregory?” Leon asked, turning to face the animatronic. Gregory kept himself close to Freddy's back, still hugging onto his leg.
This time, Freddy actually had no response. He mentally kicked himself for being so careless with Gregory’s presence, not thinking that anyone would look this hard into the notion of a child here after hours now that the whole Vanessa and virus issue had been eradicated (at least, to the company’s satisfaction). Freddy simply stared at the guards, a neutral expression on his face as he felt Gregory holding onto him tightly.
“Oh yeah, that’s definitely him; Freddy always has something to say, so this is weird,” Thomas said with a nod, stepping up to the drawing to look at it closely. “Damn, look at this detail—is there anything you animatronics aren’t good at?!”
Leon shook his head, also figuring Freddy’s silence was the best answer. “Like I said, Freddy, you aren't in any trouble. We just need to get him back to his parents, is all.”
Gregory looked up at the bear with a frown. “Are they telling the truth? You don’t think they want to—” His breath caught in his throat for a second as he pushed down the memories of his last encounter with Vanessa. “T-They don’t want to hurt me, do they?”
Freddy really did think that Thomas and Leon were genuine, but he completely understood Gregory's hesitancy after the whole situation with the previous night guard. And, solely based on the few personal experiences he’d had with them to this point, Freddy had to admit that he also didn't trust the guards completely. Still, they'd obviously caught onto Gregory's existence, so he needed to give them something before the situation got out of hand.
“...I understand,” Freddy relented with a sigh. “Yes, you are right—Gregory does exist, but not in the way you think. I am not lying when I say that he does not have parents that are missing him. The situation is... very complicated and hard to explain. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I ask that you please try and open your minds a bit.”
“...What the hell does that mean?!” Thomas asked quietly, his anxiety starting to rise. “'Open our minds?' What are you talking about?! Oh, god—”
“Stop panicking—let's just hear him out,” Leon snapped, giving Thomas a swift slap on the back of his head. He then looked up at Freddy, adjusting his glasses before folding his arms across his chest. “Tell us the truth, and tell us everything.”
The bear was quiet for a few seconds, processing how much to reveal and exactly how to say it. Gregory gently squeezed onto his leg, frowning softly but keeping quiet as he waited for Freddy to figure out what to do. Eventually, the animatronic let out a small sigh and looked at both guards as he started to explain:
“You are surely aware of an incident that occurred directly prior to your hiring that caused a system-wide glitch in the Pizzaplex. I do not think it is the time to go into detail about the glitch specifically, but what you need to know is that the missing children were central to this plot, and that is why they were taken. Gregory is one of those children.”
He paused, waiting for a reaction, but the guards only watched him with growing looks of unease on their faces. They had a feeling that whatever Freddy was going to say next wasn't what they wanted to hear.
“Unfortunately, those children... they will likely never be found—at least, not in their original state,” Freddy continued, choosing his words carefully. “Gregory was central to stopping the events of that night before anyone else got hurt, but in doing so he paid a price. He is constantly around me, as you have heard, but you are not able to see him because... Well, put simply: he is a ghost.”
Leon stared at Freddy with wide-eyed disbelief. His gaze soon shifted towards Thomas, taking a moment to process what was happening before shaking his head.
“So... Gregory is actually a ghost kid?” Leon concluded, letting out an incredulous snort. “I don't know how to believe that—ghosts don’t exist. Do you have any proof?”
“Well... Gregory can manipulate electricity,” Freddy said slowly, thinking of ways to verify Gregory's supernatural existence. He met Thomas' gaze, tilting his head slightly. “Officer Thomas, do you recall the first time I encountered you after hours, when your flashlight flickered before going out completely? That was not a coincidence. If you hold it up again, Gregory should be able to manipulate the light as before.”
Thomas was desperately trying not to tremble, barely registering what was happening as he tried to make sense of Freddy’s earlier proclamations. What the animatronic had told them was horrible—those kids were just... gone? Well, not really—they were ghosts?! Because of a computer virus?
None of it made any sense.
It took a moment for Thomas to register that Freddy had asked him to do something, but when he did he quickly shook his head. “Nuh-uh, I-I'm not being bait this time... Leon, y-you can test the electricity thing!”
“Either flashlight will work,” Freddy explained gently, seeing how frightened the poor man was getting. “Gregory just needs something to focus on.”
Leon rolled his eyes at Thomas before slowly pulling out his flashlight and turning it on. He then set it down on the floor and stepped back, shoving his hands in his pockets. “...There.”
Gregory looked up at Freddy for a moment before slowly stepping forward. Taking a seat directly in front of the flashlight, the boy reached a hand to hover over the object and began concentrating. It took a few seconds until the light started to flicker, and seconds after that it completely went out. Leon swallowed hard.
“It could just be the batteries or something…,” he mumbled quietly.
Though still terrified, Thomas was also fascinated. Unlike Leon, he was a firm believer in the supernatural and despite the circumstances, he wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to interact with a real ghost—no matter how scared shitless he got in the process.
He turned on his own flashlight and gingerly stepped forward, placing it next to Leon's and hoping he didn't accidentally run into the ghost (if he was really there). “Um, can... c-can you turn mine off, too?”
Freddy looked down at Gregory, finally acknowledging his presence in front of the guards, and gave him a reassuring smile. “Go ahead, superstar.”
Once he was given the go ahead, the boy took a deep breath and concentrated once again. It took him a bit, but the flashlight suddenly went off without having to dim. Leon gasped quietly, looking over at Thomas. Even he had to admit that this sure didn’t seem like a coincidence at this point.
“O-Okay, so... Gregory is really just a ghost?” he asked hesitantly, and Freddy nodded in confirmation.
Thomas swiveled his wide-eyed gaze from Leon to Freddy, asking the bear in a whisper: “So, since... since he hangs around you a lot, does that mean that you're, y’know… haunted?”
Freddy blinked at him curiously. “What is your definition of ‘haunted?’ It may be different from the information stored in my databank.”
“W-We’ll, it’s, uh…” Thomas gestured vaguely, trying to explain. “Like, when there’s a g-ghost following you around all the time, a-and it’s attached itself to you and won’t l-leave you alone.”
“Ah, I see. Hmm…” Freddy hummed thoughtfully, then nodded with a huge smile. “Then yes, by your definition I am most definitely haunted!”
“This whole place is haunted!” Gregory commented as he slowly got up and returned to Freddy's side, giving his leg a light pat. “Tell them I won't hurt them or anything! I'm a good ghost!”
“This is not what I expected, but I guess in some ways its better than a missing child… kind of,” Leon mumbled to himself, resting a hand on his head. “I’ve got a lot more questions, but as long as he won't... scratch us or scare us or whatever, I think we'll be… okay.”
“Oh no, Gregory would never do such a thing!” Freddy responded, quickly shaking his head. He rested a hand on Gregory’s back, appreciating the fact that he didn’t have to hide such movements anymore. “He is a very good child! I wish you could speak to him directly, but we are still working on controlling his invisibility…”
“You say that like he’s learning how to ride a bike or something, not… becoming visible!” Thomas exclaimed, though he no longer seemed quite as afraid. At least they had some sort of answers, as strange as they were.
Freddy’s face lit up as an idea struck him. “You may not be able to see him directly, but there is a way for you to see where he is—Gregory can still touch physical objects, so if he were to do something such as wear normal clothes, you would at least be able to track him… would that make things any better?”
Leon was silent for a moment before lightly shrugging his shoulders. “Honestly… I can't tell whether or not I'd be freaked out or relieved.”  
Gregory gasped at the idea, grinning up at Freddy before quickly running to the couch. Grabbing the Freddy shirt he’d tossed aside earlier, he slipped it on and turned to face the guards, throwing his hands in the air. “Ta-da!”
“Oh my god, there’s a fucking ghost kid right there what the fuck—” Thomas began to ramble, taking an instinctive step closer to Leon as he watched the shirt settle into the shape of a small child. He soon cut himself off, slapping a hand to his mouth before grimacing and muttering under his breath: “Ooh, probably shouldn’t curse in front of him, huh?”
“If you would not mind,” Freddy said with a gentle laugh. He walked past the stunned guards to stand behind Gregory, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. It was now abundantly clear that he was indeed holding onto something, not just gripping thin air. “We are still learning how all of Gregory’s powers work, but usually the animatronics are able to see and hear him, while humans are not—though, clearly, you are still able to sense his presence to some degree.”
“Damn, that’s insane...,” Leon said quietly, picking up his flashlight while keeping his eyes locked on the floating shirt. “Okay, Freddy, we… we believe you. Does that mean the other missing children are also…?”
Gregory raised his arms up. Now that the guards knew the truth, he felt comfortable enough to be held by Freddy in front of them. As he was lifted, to the guards it looked like Freddy was picking up a floating t-shirt. The bear inclined his head, not sure exactly how to explain the state of the other children.
“Unfortunately, yes, it does mean that they are no longer... with us as you and Officer Thomas are.” Freddy paused, shaking his head. “But they are not in the same state as Gregory—they are still... trapped, somewhat. Gregory was fortunate in the sense that he managed to escape before suffering the same fate.”
“...Poor things,” Thomas muttered, shaking his head as he picked up his own flashlight. “Is there a way to get them out, or...?”
“At the moment, we do not know how,” Freddy replied somberly. “But we are working on finding a solution to their predicament.”
Leon let out a heavy sigh. Despite the idea of a ghost haunting the Pizzaplex being disturbing on so many levels, at least the ghost was just a kid. When it came down to it, Gregory was just little boy who’d suffered an unfortunate fate—as were the other kids that had gone missing. Their families were grieving, sure, but Leon knew the children were probably also grieving the loss of their own lives.  
“Is that why you all go down to the basement constantly?” he asked, glancing towards the door with a small frown.
“Yes,” Freddy admitted with a nod. Best to leave Bonnie out of the equation for now—he didn’t want to overwhelm the guards more than they already were. “The one fortunate thing about their predicament is that all of the children are trapped in the same place, which happens to be the basement.”
“Got it.” Leon nodded somberly, crossing his arms in front of him. “Just know, we'll be keeping this information to ourselves. I'm sure no one would believe us anyway—but that really isn't the point. I wouldn't want the techs to reset you or something if they think you’re malfunctioning with all these crazy claims of seeing ghosts.”
“Thank you both,” Freddy said with a smile. “I am sorry that I did not tell you all of this sooner, but you can understand my hesitancy…”
“Yeah, it’s… it’s definitely a wild story,” Thomas replied, massaging the back of his neck. “But honestly, it explains a lot…”
“We understand—like you said, we probably wouldn’t have believed you earlier, either,” Leon admitted, letting out a soft chuckle. “I know even with the proof right in front of me, I wouldn’t have been as receptive had I not already spent a few nights in this weird place…” He let out a sigh, then offered Freddy a small smile and slipped his hands in his pockets. “Plus, I’m not sure what we can do for a ghost right now… but Gregory seems like he's being well taken care of I guess, and that's all that matters. If there’s anything we can help you with, just let us know.”
“Thank you; we will,” Freddy replied with a relieved smile—this had gone even better than he thought it would. He glanced down at Gregory, whose worry was clearly fading as the pair realized the guards might be nicer than they originally thought. “Perhaps in time you can help Gregory improve his communication abilities with humans!” He paused, blinking as he thought aloud: “He still does not have any living friends yet...”
Thomas grimaced automatically, but he quickly tried to turn this into a smile. “S-Sure! We can, uh... hold a séance, or something...” He glanced at Leon. “...You think we’d get chewed out by management for doing that?”
Leon furrowed his brows, glancing at Thomas. “I don't think we need to hold a séance if the kid can already communicate through Freddy, dummy.”
Gregory stayed quiet for a moment before looking up at the bear. “What's a séance?”
Freddy blinked twice, accessing the dictionary in his databank. “It is a meeting where people attempt to contact the dead, usually with the help of a spiritually-inclined person known as a medium.”
“Wh... Where did that come from?!” Thomas asked, his gaze shifting from Freddy to Leon then back again. He gasped, eyes widening. “Oh! Did Gregory ask you what a séance was?! I couldn't hear him, obviously, so...”
“That sounds like a terrible idea—I'm right here!” Gregory mentioned with a huff, resting his chin on Freddy’s shoulder.
“We will not attempt that, do not worry,” Freddy reassured Gregory, smiling down at him and giving him a squeeze. He then glanced at the guards, realizing he may need to start acting as a go-between until they found a better way to communicate. “Ah, Gregory says that a séance is not a good idea since he is right here.”
“...Right,” Thomas conceded with a nod. “Sorry!”
“It is alright,” Freddy replied with a laugh. “He is very curious about everything, so he asks a lot of questions.”
And he’s kind of clingy, too, Thomas thought, noting how the shirt seemed to hug Freddy tighter and tighter with every passing minute. He didn't say this aloud, of course, but honestly he thought it was rather endearing. The kid obviously felt safe with the animatronic, and since Freddy could interact with him he was in better hands than if he and Leon were to take him—and as Leon said earlier, the child's comfort was all that mattered. They were well past the point of keeping him “safe”…
Gregory nodded his head, already a lot less stressed out than when the guards showed up earlier that night. He wasn't calm, per se, but knowing the guards weren’t trying to hurt him or get Freddy into trouble made him feel a lot better.
Leon stared at Thomas for a moment longer before looking over at the floating shirt in Freddy's arms. The situation was harder for him to take in than his supernaturally-inclined coworker, but the evidence was clearly there. It was just... a shocking sight.
“Well, we'll get out of your hair soon. Now that we know there isn't a kid hiding in the Pizzaplex—” Leon grimaced, the truth falling uncomfortably from his tongue. “Er, a living one, at least—we won't be on your case. Although… we’d still like to help the ones that are trapped in any way we can.” His eyes flashed with determination. Now that he and Thomas were privy to what was going on to an extent, they couldn't sit and do nothing. It’d feel... wrong.
“Definitely,” Thomas agreed with a nod, then made a hesitant sort of noise. “Erm, but... What actually happened to the kids? What… what happened to Gregory?”
Freddy went silent again, debating how much to reveal. This was something that he didn't know all the facts to, and in a way he was grateful for that. He had a vague idea of what had happened to the children based on Gregory's reaction once he'd learned the truth—the sight of the boy clutching his neck and choking, coupled with the large knife Vanny constantly wielded, could only mean one thing. At least it had been quick... hopefully.
Freddy shook his head sharply, cutting off the thought. He held Gregory closer, half-heartedly covering his ears although he knew the boy would be able to hear him—he just hated the thought of Gregory reliving such a traumatic event.
“The children were... murdered,” Freddy admitted somberly, watching the guards closely for their reactions. “I do not know all of the details, but I believe they were all killed by one person in the same fashion. And before you ask, we do not know of that person's whereabouts, although we do believe that they were being controlled to do such heinous things.”
Thomas visibly flinched at the news. He'd guessed as much based on what he knew of both the kids' fates and the sordid reputation Fazbear Entertainment had for child fatalities, but hearing it so blatantly was just... horrible.
“We're going to help them,” he reassured softly. “We have to.”
Leon sighed, also knowing the answer before Freddy said it aloud. Those poor children were left here... And for what reason? How and why would a person be controlled to do something as horrific as murdering children? He had many questions, which he'd research soon enough when they returned to their office.
“Well, we have access to the internet, which I know you animatronics don’t,” Leon said with a determined nod. “We'll search for any information we can so we can figure all of this out.”
“Thank you again,” Freddy said, relief evident in his tone. “I know this is a lot to process, but we appreciate your help and understanding.”
“They're just scared kids, right?” Thomas piped up, a sad smile crossing his face. “They don't deserve this; we'll do all the research we can and let you know what we find.” He met Freddy's gaze, for once not seeming afraid. “And like Leon said earlier, we won't bother you so much at night now that we know you're not malfunctioning or anything.”
“Huh—maybe they aren't mean after all...,” Gregory murmured, a smile lighting up his face as the guards’ words really sunk in. “They’re gonna help us free the kids!”
“We’ll do what we can. Just... don't scare us, is all,” Leon added, rubbing the back of his neck.
“We will try our best,” Freddy said with a laugh. “I certainly will not, but watch out for Monty.” He paused. “And Roxanne, too.”
“Noted,” Thomas replied with a grimace. Monty had already scared him plenty... “Okay, we'll leave you be to do... whatever it is that you guys do. We'll check in later and let you know if we find anything.”
Leon nodded in agreement, waving his hand at Freddy and the ghost in his arms before leading Thomas out of the room. As the door shut, Gregory looked up at the bear.
“This is great! Now we have even more help!” the boy chirped happily “We won't have to worry about anything ever!”
“It is a relief to finally tell them what is going on,” Freddy admitted. “I did feel bad for keeping them in the dark… but now they are most definitely on our side.” He smiled, then suddenly gasped as he off-handedly checked his internal clock. “Oh my goodness—Bonnie! It is already almost 1 am… we may have to skip part of the tour tonight if we want to make it to bowling on time!”
“Oh no—run, Freddy!” Gregory exclaimed, patting Freddy's shoulders rapidly to get the bear to move. As Freddy quickly made his way to the basement, Gregory lifted his watch and turned it on. “Cadet Bonnie, sorry for the wait—we’re on our way now! We were talking to... Well, we'll tell you when we get down there!”
“Message received, Commander Gregory!” Bonnie’s reply came through loud and clear, the smile in his voice obvious. “See you soon!”
Masterlist of chapters on Tumblr here!
Please check out The Superstar Series on ao3 for all fics in this series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2726401
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Adjusting
Note: I played this last bit in little bursts, in between testing out some lighting mods for the game that I'm still curating for my own personal gameplay. So things in certain scenes might look suddenly different lighting-wise, I just kept playing my save while testing them out! It might change a bit more in the future until I figure out what I like exactly!
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After an eventful night with the girls, Sigrid is up early in the morning to eat some random leftovers in the fridge for breakfast. She's feeling a little down, and Scarlett notices. She sits beside her.
Scarlett: Hey Sigrid, how are you feeling today?
Sigrid: Oh, hey Auntie. I'm okay, just pretty tired. Still getting used to the sleepless nights.
Scarlett: Yeah, this time is hard in terms of the adjustment. I can only imagine what it's like with two babies.
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Sigrid: How did you do it?
Scarlett: Well every baby is different, but this seemed to work for me...
Scarlett spends time explaining some tips and techniques to Sigrid to hopefully help her adjust to parenthood. By the end, Sigrid is feeling more confident, lifting her mood some.
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Later that morning, Scarlett, Sabrina, and Anya head to San Sequoia to try their hand at power walking. Sabrina is past their due date and trying to get this baby to come, one way or another.
Sabrina: I really hope this works! They said walking is one of the best ways to help induce labor.
Anya: Don't worry, even if this doesn't do the trick on its own, we'll keep trying!
Scarlett: The exercise is good for us anyway!
Anya: You're telling me, married life has made me soft! I gotta get back in shape!
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The trio enjoy a good power walk, stopping occasionally for water breaks before continuing on. Sabrina doesn't feel any different after the walk baby-wise, but the three definitely feel good about themselves after some exercise on a beautiful summer day!
Unfortunately, Anya is unable to stick around for long after their workout sesh, so she leaves early while Scarlett and Sabrina explore more of the neighborhood. They stop in the gardens next to the fountain for a chat.
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Scarlett: So, we're almost to the finish line! Be honest, how we feeling?
Sabrina: Like a beached whale.
Scarlett can't help but laugh at that one.
Scarlett: Oh honey, I know the feeling.
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Sabrina: Sometimes it feels like I'm going to be pregnant forever.
Scarlett: Yeah, I know that feeling too. It'll pass, and soon enough you'll have your little boy in your arms, and you'll miss this even if it was miserable at times. Just know, you're doing an awesome job.
Sabrina: Thanks, Mom.
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Sabrina's hands gently clutch their belly for a moment.
Sabrina: Oh, he's kicking. Wanna feel?
Scarlett: Do I?!
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Scarlett's eyes are full of wonder and awe feeling her grandson move around.
Scarlett: Oh, he's a strong one! Hi my boy, Gramma can't wait to meet you!
Sabrina: Tell him a little louder so he'll get the hint it's time to vacate.
The two laugh.
Scarlett: You heard that. It's time for you to make an appearance! Don't worry, the world's not so bad out here. I think you'll like it.
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Scarlett looks up at their child.
Scarlett: Oh my baby... having a baby...
Sabrina: Mom, don't get all soft on me now.
Scarlett chuckles, feeling her eyes mist ever so slightly.
Scarlett: If I don't do it, who will? Let me have this one.
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Scarlett straightens up and plants a big kiss on Sabrina's cheek.
Scarlett: I love you, hun.
Sabrina: I love you too, Mom.
0 notes
Review: The Starkillers’ newest indie-rock single ‘Here With You’ is a love song reminiscent of the classics
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Forming in 2020, the four-piece The Starkillers reign from Salt Lake City with influence in sound from artists like The Killers and Foster The People. Also taking heavy visual influence from the likes of Cyberpunk 2077 and Star Wars, The Starkillers are a band who evidently have taken great care in their image and impact, carefully piecing together their music and appearance to hit the hardest when experienced. Now returning with a new single ‘Here With You’, the quartet are reminding everyone of what they have to offer.
Boasting a tender indie-rock soundscape, ‘Here With You’ is a gorgeously layered journey of intimacy made all the more hard-hitting by its building grandeur. Setting off with acoustic guitar plucks and the occasional subdued beat, ‘Here With You’ begins slow and a little saddened but soon a more quickly paced beat kicks in, keeping the gentle resonance but pushing forward into brighter tones. Striking electric guitar notes ring out in the gaps between vocals, carrying a weight of nostalgia in their echoey, dominant plucks. Coming together at full-force for an emotionally in-tune chorus, the thumping drums, euphoric guitar and powerful vocals all lift together in volume and strength, still feeling paired back individually but together marking a cathartically impactful stamp upon the track. Feeling romantic in its delicacy and still familiar in its indie-rock stylings, ‘Here With You’ is a love song reminiscent of the classics, not feeling forced or over-done and instead providing an experience of simple bliss in its gripping three and a half minutes.
Lyrically warm and a little nostalgic, ‘Here With You’ reflects upon wanting to be in the company of someone you deeply connect with, primarily speaking in the form of romance but nodding towards any bonds shared between souls at times too. Finding yourself at home within the presence of another person is not an easy feat, and ‘Here With You’ speaks of it like that feeling is one to be treasured, pleading gently to spend every moment beside their person whether they are filled with silence or laughter. Most striking in its focus of an emotional intimacy shared, lines like ‘I see your face soaked in light, everything feels so right and I wanna be here with you’ build upon the touching core nature of love, falling for someone in their most raw and personal moments and wishing to be with them through every high and low. The atmospheric journey both in sound and narrative of ‘Here With You’ is one doused in the purest of light and resonance, stripping back the overdone cheesiness of a traditional love song and taking it back to a connection between hearts rather than appearances. As the protagonist hopes to spend not a moment without the one they care for, ‘Here With You’ is likely a song most can relate to whether swaying along with a partner or aching for the one it leaves them thinking of, but all in all reminding that you cherish the beauty of love.
Check out ‘Here With You’ for yourself here if The Starkillers indie-rock sound and lyrical admissions found you falling for their authentic style!
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
can i request arranged marriage with toji and corruption please 🥰
wedding rings - toji x fem!reader (5k)
the zenin clan just can't stop meddling in toji's affairs. what's he supposed to do with the nervous little virgin who shows up on his doorstep and says that her family and his have said they have to get married? not fuck her?
warnings: not sfw/minors dni. arranged marriage. corruption kink. virgin reader. light cunnilingus, fingering, coming inside. light dub-con by nature of 'arranged marriage'. afab reader, fem pronouns.
[a/n: writing toji is always so much fun ;_; ]
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When you showed up at Toji’s door with suitcase in hand, trembling lip and eyes all wide and frightened, he had laughed outright.
It was just like the fucking Zenin clan to be meddling in his life even now, wasn’t it? Even though Toji has abandoned them and slaughtered their ilk, their bullshit about bloodlines still leaks into every facet of what they do; and clearly the idea that Toji, even with his flawed lack of cursed energy, might be able to pass on the technique and hasn’t got a pretty little wife to impregnate yet had rankled them so badly that they’d sorted the whole situation out for him.
If he didn’t hate jujutsu society so much, he’d almost feel bad for you.
You’re clearly in the bloom of life; fresh-faced and innocent, not expecting to find yourself in Toji’s messy shithole of an apartment (why bother making it nice, when he spends so long out of it for work?). He wonders who you’ve pissed off to end up here.
As it turns out, you end up telling him yourself, a frown on your face.
Turns out, you’re . . . not quite just like him, but you’ve been fucked over by your clan just as much for not being able to be useful. You can see cursed spirits, but you’ve got no cursed energy, no technique – despite your clan usually producing good, dutiful, powerful wives. Disappointment of the family. He can understand what that feels like.
So they were probably glad to get rid of you. Might even hope you’ll bear Toji’s kid and it’ll have no technique to speak of itself, too – so both families can forget about you.
(Well, Toji thinks to himself with a grin – his family can’t forget about him, much as they want to, considering both his nickname and his line of work.)
He takes a sip of the glass of water he’s holding in his hand, green eyes focused very hard on you. You’re not in traditional clothing, like most clan members he knows would be; you’re wearing a pale blue dress that you keep tugging uncomfortably down over your thighs. Toji lets his eyes linger on your thighs, too – he might as well appreciate the view, he supposes.
Your suitcase is full of, as well as a collection of clothes in modest cut and soft, pastel colours, documents. Toji flips through some of them, nose wrinkling at the boring jargon. He does linger on a caveat about if you bear him children, they all have to take the Zenin name, and Toji and you will be ‘compensated handsomely’ for handing over the kid’s education and raising to the clan--
Toji’s about to crumple them up on the floor and tell you to get the fuck out of his house, when he catches sight of you over the edge of the paper. You’ve drawn yourself in; shoulders tight, pretty mouth pressed into a tight line, eyes shining with a mixture between hope and fear. You look so lost. You look so innocent.
A little curl of heat makes itself known in the very base of Toji’s stomach; the thought of you being a good little wife, on your knees. The thought of him telling you exactly how to suck his cock.
He knows how the sorcerer clans raise women like you.
He knows you’ll be eager to please and obedient, falling over yourself to keep your man happy. He knows, too, that you’ll be pliant and agreeable – and that you’ll be pure as the driven snow. That thought gives him pause.
You’re seductive to him without realising it, in the totally guileless way you act, as if you don’t know that he’s considering how your tits would fill his hands and how tight your precious, untouched cunt would feel around his girth.
If he rejects you, what will your clan do?
You’re as fucked as him. He can see it in the shine of your eyes in his kitchen; you’re afraid he will throw you out, like he was thinking of. Leave you to fend for yourself on the streets of Japan, because there’s no way your family will want you back after even scum like Toji’s rejected you.
Would it be so bad?
He lets himself look at you critically. He takes in the curves, the dips, the contours of your body; the way you’d feel beneath him. Your face, and what it would look like lost in pleasure.
Perhaps it would be pleasant, to have someone to return to after a hit; to have someone warm his bed, curl around him, cook for him and take care of him. Perhaps it would be pleasant to take a pretty little virgin and break her into exactly what he wants in a woman. To teach her how he likes to fuck, how he likes her to act, to condition her until he can crook his finger at her and she’s bending over, presenting herself already slick and needy for his cock to use however he sees fit.
“Alright,” he says, draining the glass. “Sure, sweetheart. We’ll get married.”
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Later on that night, he creeps into the spare room. You’re asleep on top of the covers in a cute pyjama set that’s all frills and froth and pale pink; elastic in the shorts digging into the flesh of your thighs, top clinging to the curve of your chest. His cock stirs in his pants looking at you. You’re so . . . innocent. There’s no mark to you; Toji wants to cling to your hips until there are bruises in the shape of his hands, wants to worry love-bites into your neck like a necklace, wants to ruin you until you’re tear-stained and whimpering and arching your hips up for him--
Calloused fingers trail along your skin. You’re so soft. Where Toji is all scars and muscle, your skin is like satin. You moan in your sleep, pretty face furrowing, and Toji wants to see your face creased in pleasure too. Your mouth drops open and he imagines thrusting his cock in it; how pretty and shiny your lips would look wrapped around his shaft, almost too big for you to even take.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, thumb skimming the exposed stomach where your pyjama top has ridden up. “Ripe for the picking, ain’t ya?”
Your eyes twitch. Eyebrows, furrow – and you blink your gaze awake, sticky-slow, to see your fiancee looming over you in the dark.
“What’re you—?” You ask, still sleep-laced, but Toji just makes a soft noise in the back of his throat.
“Just lookin’ at the merchandise, sweetheart,” he murmurs. “Wanna make sure you ain’t damaged, that’s all--”
“I—I’m not!” The cute little burst of outrage is ruined somewhat by the yawn that you have to suppress in the middle of it, but Toji grins.
He didn’t think the Zenins would send you if you weren’t – they wouldn’t want to risk the precious possibility of a kid born with power and technique not really being one of theirs – but it’s nice to hear your mouth confirm what he’s been suspecting and hoping is the truth.
“Aw, baby girl,” he says, keeping his voice low and even, trying to comfort you even as his hand is sliding further up, cupping one of your breasts (his palm brushes your nipple and he feels it harden beneath his touch, stiffening to a peak – he wants to see what you look like under there so badly), “C’mon, it’s fine. I ain’t gonna hurt you--”
“M-Mr Zenin,” you say, and the tremble in your voice is so cute. His cock is straining against the boxer shorts he wore to sleep in. You’re wide awake now; your eyes meeting his. “I—I know, but--”
He’s on the bed. He doesn’t miss how your gaze strays to his veined forearms, where the muscles bulge in his biceps, the carefully sculpted and maintained abdomen and pecs – he sees the swallow in your throat, the way your cute little tongue reaches out to swipe nervously over your lower lip.
Thumb brushes your collarbone and you shudder, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation. He sees your thighs twitch, squeeze together – he’s willing to bet if he dipped his fingers into your slit right now, he’d pull his digits back out with your slick glimmering on them.
“Just call me Toji.”
“T-Toji—” Your voice pitches, shuddering with arousal that you don’t know how to handle. He’s heard that note in women’s voice before; that desperate ‘I want to be touched, but I know I shouldn’t want it’ wobble. He’s been the cause of it more times than he can count.
“S’okay,” he soothes, his other hand rounding over your hip, his knees nudging your legs apart. “You’re savin’ yourself for marriage, yeah? We’ll get the papers signed in the mornin’, I promise, botha our families are the kind to make sure things can be rushed through quick--”
“I—” You’re a little breathless, all needy and hot under his touch. It’s adorable. “I shouldn’t, please, it’s only a few days--”
“You want to.” It’s not a question. It’s a statement, as he curls his fingers about your hip, as he settles his own muscular thighs between yours and he sees that there’s a damp spot on the pale pink shorts. Soaked through your underwear and your nightwear? He forgot how sensitive virgins can be. “Don’t lie to yourself, angel.”
He leans down, scarred lips brushing yours. You taste like his toothpaste; peppermint on his tongue as he swipes it over your lower lip and you sigh as you allow him entrance. It’s the first mark of him on you, but he knows it won’t be the last. He deliberately presses his knee against your clothed mount, grinding it just a little – and you whimper into his mouth, heated and desperate.
“We’ll be married soon as,” he murmurs to you, pulling back, looking at you with lust darkening his eyes. No man has ever looked at you quite as hungrily as Toji is looking at you right now. And he’s so handsome, his touches gentle-- “You wanna be a good girl for me, right? S’just what a wife does for her husband, yeah?”
“Yes,” you breathe, and Toji grins at you. It’s a feral, starving grin, that you feel deep inside of you as you clench around nothing and burn to be touched.
He kisses you again, hungrier. He nips at your lower lip, his tongue roughly demanding entrance – he dances against your own. You’ve never really understood the idea of kissing with tongues, but Toji knows exactly what he’s doing; hitting a spot on the roof of your mouth that makes you shudder and gasp, your hands coming up to grasp his biceps.
The muscle underneath them is so solid, and Toji can’t help but notice how soft your hands are on him. He knows you’ll be that soft everywhere else, and the thought spurs him on.
“I’m gonna undress you now,” he tells you, thick and throaty. His big fingers curve under the hem of the lacy top you’re wearing, gently tugging it up over your stomach and then your breasts. That sharp green gaze caresses every newly bared inch of you, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Fuckin’ hell. You’re a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart.”
Your skin feels hot under the compliment, Toji’s flat palm sliding along the softness of your tummy to round over your breasts. Your nipples have pebbled and stiffened in the cool air of the spare room, and Toji flicks his thumb along one (making you shiver, again, he notices) before he bends his head to suckle the bud into his mouth, his tongue lapping at it in a way that has your back arching and thighs clenching.
He chuckles at the noise you make as his lips pop off, and he turns his attention to the other side.
“Responsive, ain’t ya?” He asks. “You’re adorable.”
You give him a trembling breath as a response, which he takes as a sign to begin a trail of wet, open mouthed kisses down from your breasts to your stomach, tongue tracing the shape of your navel, teeth grazing your hips so gently that you barely feel them. He takes the waistband of your shorts in his mouth and tugs those down using your teeth, and the vision of him between your legs like that--
“Ha,” he says, as his fingers reach to tug them, expertly manipulating your legs so he can get them off without moving from between them. “Careful there, darlin’. You’re gonna soak right through the sheets.”
His mouth, again – kissing firmly against the wet patch on your underwear, his breath fiery hot. His mouth is solid enough that you feel the jolt that goes through you as his nose pushes against your clit, even through the cotton. Toji almost smirks at how much of a cliché the white cotton underwear trimmed with pale pink lace is, but the scent of you is too heady for him to want to do anything but bury his head between your thighs.
Lower. He kisses all over your slit, hard enough that you jerk, ruing the barrier between you two. His thumb strokes circles into your inner thigh--
He seems content to kiss at you through the fabric – but really, he’s waiting for you to give in. To beg him to take them off. From just how wet his face is even with the barrier in his way, he doesn’t think it will be long – and you do not disappoint. You raise your whips, softly mewling;
“Please, I –”
“Please, what, darlin’?” He asks you. “C’mon, you can use your words – no secrets from your husband, right?”
“I—” You’re so cute, squirming and feeling like a slut for him. He loves it. He loves the tremble of your body and the fact that your eyes are glassy with need. “P-please take my underwear off, I wanna--” You swallow. “W-wanna feel without it--”
“Aww, y’should’ve just said so,” Toji says. Fingers pry beneath the gusset.
He doesn’t bother manipulating your body this time. He simply tugs hard enough to split the seams, the fabric delicate from being saturated in your slick.
(Doesn’t matter, anyway. While he’s home, you won’t be wearing underwear.)
You gasp at the display of strength, swallowing – and Toji grins at you again. Oh, you like that? He’s got more shows of strength where that came from, don’t you worry.
He props up your knees with his hands and says;
“Wrap your hands around these, keep your legs spread for me like a good girl, yeah?”
You nod, shyly averting your gaze as you do just that and the position spreads you open lewdly; your velvet-soft folds bared entirely to Toji’s hungry eyes.
You’re already absolutely dripping, but Toji can see that you’re nervous.
“Don’t worry,” he soothes you, again. He can’t help but notice how small you look; the pearl of your clit nestled between curling soft petals, your pulsing hole. He knows you’ll take him, but . . . fuck, he thinks you’ll be a stretch. Not that that’s a bad thing. “I’m gonna open you up, darlin’, alright?”
“Y-yeah,” your voice is tremulous, soft – and sends a throb right to his cock. It’s been straining against his boxer shorts since the moment he saw you, but your eyes all big and glossy with trust and the vulnerable position you’re in and the knowledge you have never been touched like this are really doing a number on it.
But fuck it, he’s not gonna hurt you more than he has to if he’s really going to keep you around. He gently spreads your plump labia lips even further apart with his fingers, so your clit stands swollen to attention. You shiver under his calloused fingers, as he leans in and a hot wash of breath fans over you.
Toji’s tongue darts out to lap a long, slow stripe from perineum to clit, and though he can’t see your face any more, he hears the way you whimper.
Another. He lets himself soak his face in your slick; lets his tongue get deep between your folds. You taste so good on his tongue; honey-sticky and sugar-sweet. The tip of the wet muscle gently flickers against your clit and your hands are suddenly wrapped in his hair, your chest heaving in sensitive gasps. You keep your legs raised, so he decides to be kind. He eases his lips off of you for a moment to mumble, amused;
“Don’t pull too hard, I’m too young to be losin’ my hair--”
Before he dives back in between your legs, once more licking and sucking at the tender flesh. Your stomach explodes in fireworks, your heart beating so fast you can hear it in your ears. Toji’s mouth and tongue against you is a wet, lascivious noise that at once makes your toes curl in pleasure and cringe in embarrassment. Is it awful and forward of you to be enjoying yourself like this? Your family have always drilled into you that a proper wife isn’t a slut, but still does what her husband wants--
Toji’s not your husband yet, but this is fine, right? To have him eating you out like you’re a desert oasis? His lips lock around your clit and he sucks and your vision whites out for a second, your hands tugging hard at the dark hair in your grip--
And he comes away with a light laugh that still manages to shiver with seduction. His face is shiny with you as he looks at you with eyes half-lidded and still hungry.
“What’d I say, huh?” He teases you. “Angel, I could have fucked you with my tongue all night--” He likes seeing how the crude words make you flinch, nervous but pleased but ashamed all warring within you. Your lips are pushed forward, the moue almost petulant. His voice drops a tone. “Don’t look at me with that cute pout. You don’t know what it does to me.”
If he didn’t still need to stretch you out using his fingers, he’d take a moment to kiss you so you could taste yourself and just how needy you’d been for him on his lips. But he’s still driving a hole through his boxers, so . . . the sooner you’re able to take him, the better.
You’ve gone back to holding your legs apart with your hands. Excellent.
Besides. He hadn’t finished what he was doing, and he thinks it’ll be easier to fuck you if you’ve already come once. Your poor, swollen clit hasn’t had all the attention it deserves. You’re being so cute, so well-behaved for him--
“Relax,” he says, softly, as he eases his fingers from spreading you open, dipping them in the mess he’s made of your slit. “This might sting a bit--”
One finger finds your hole; circles the sensitive entrance, making the muscles in your thighs tremble. But you keep your legs spread open for him like a good girl, and he’s able to gently push his index finger in, first to one knuckle, then to the second, and then to the ones at the base.
“Good girl,” he breathes, barely able to breathe at how tight you feel around him. Your insides are silky and hot and wet, clinging to him like a lifeboat in the sea. He pumps the lone finger in and out of you, rubbing the pad against the inside of your walls until he finds the spot that makes you throw your head back and give him a long, choked moan. “There we go,” he keeps talking to you, softly, like you’re a spooked animal. “’M gonna put the second one in, yeah? You’re takin’ it like a champ, sweetheart. You wanted this, huh?”
You babble something that he doesn’t care enough to listen to but overall sounds positive. This one’s a stretch, his middle finger and index finger even tighter. But he needs to get three in you, he thinks, or you’ll never take his cock. You let go of your thighs, and he sucks in a breath – but your feet clearly need purchase on the bed, your fingers twisting in bedsheets now they can’t twist in his hair, and you breathe through the stretch so he figures it’d be churlish to tell you off for it now.
He keeps hitting that spot as he fucks you slowly on his fingers, until he can feel your cunt sucking him in, pulsing around him.
“Third finger,” he tells you, his own throat dry. “Next time I fuck you with this one, you’ll feel my weddin’ ring--”
You tighten around the other two at that. Cute. Three fingers opening you wide, scissoring inside of you, aches – but you’re being so good for him, the most that’s coming out of your mouth sweet little whines. Toji rewards you by crooking them inside you against that spot, his thumb coming to gently rub circles into your swollen clit.
He’s been teasing you for too long, and you are a virgin – it’s no surprise that the stimulation proves too much for you too quickly, and you arch your back at the same time as fireworks go off inside of you, your cunt fluttering around his fingers, tightening and loosening as waves of euphoria wash over you.
You soak Toji’s fingers with the rush of your release; the gush of liquid.
He whistles, low and impressed. So you’re a squirter, huh? Toji doesn’t mind that at all. It’s not like he’ll be doing the laundry – and it’s kind of hot, to look down at you and see what a mess he’s made of your little virgin cunt--
“That’s it,” he says, guiding you over the last low crests of your orgasm. “I think y’can take me now, sweetheart. Let’s get you comfy--”
He shows off his strength a bit, because he knows it will get you going despite the sensitivity of your body from your recent orgasm. You’re man-handled by him higher on the bed, so your head is on the mountain of pillows you’ve slipped down. He can pick you up as if you weigh nothing at all, despite the creak of the bedsprings clearly saying the opposite.
Your legs are urged to wrap around his hips.
“Don’t worry,” he tells you, again. He doesn’t think he’s ever reassured a fuck as carefully and constantly as he’s reassuring you; but then again, he’s never intended to marry one of his fucks before.
You, though – you’re so adaptable. So untouched. So different from women and men who come onto him at bars and flutter eyelashes and make soft little insinuations. He can corrupt you into exactly what he wants, and the thought of you knowing nothing but his cock forever and serving him like he’s the only man in the world--
It’s enough to make a lesser man come in his pants.
“You’re tired, yeah? I’ll do most of the work. You lie there and take it like the sweetheart you are.”
He’s shucked his underwear off in the man-handling, and now he shifts so that you can see the full glory of what he’s packing. Your eyes widen.
He gets that a lot. Even for a virgin who’s probably never seen a cock before, it’s obvious that Toji’s the real deal – you swallow, nervous, and whisper;
“I—what if it doesn’t fit--?”
(There’s a tremble of fear in there, that you’ve fucked up; that he still might throw you aside if you can’t take him, and now you’ve been utterly ruined.)
“Hey,” he says, all comforting and appeasing, “I ain’t hurt you yet, have I?” You shake your head, but your bottom lip is still trembling. “I’m gonna go slow with you, I promise.” He shifts forward again, the head of his cock catching against your entrance. “Just keep your eyes on me, darlin’. I promise, it’ll feel so good . . . you wanna keep your husband happy, don’t ya? I’ve already got you all stretched and prepped. Just breathe--”
He keeps up the steady stream of talk as he urges his hips forward, your cunt swallowing the head of his cock first before he’s able to push more of his shaft in. You keep your eyes on his, green eyes locked against yours – and though he can hear the shake in your chest, you don’t make any noise louder than a huff when he gets two thirds of the way in. He pauses there for a minute, letting you adjust – he can feel every minute tremble of your body, swears he can hear your heartbeat.
“Good?” He asks, and you nod – and he slides the last third of himself inside you in the same unhurried pace, until he’s settled hot and heavy entirely inside of you.
His eyes map your stomach, pleasure rushing through him at how big he must be inside of you; there’s the lightest shadow on your pelvis, as if he’s big enough to make your stomach bulge. He takes in the sight of you with all nine inches of him buried inside of you; the sore, spread-wide stretch of your cunt around him, the creamy ring of your pleasure where you’re joined.
He can’t fuck you vigorously – he thinks he’d fucking breakyou - but you’re tight enough that he’s getting plenty of stimulation just from keeping his cock in there.
“P-please,” you manage to form, through your swollen lips and your glassy eyes and your dry throat. “W-want you to fuck me, Toji--”
Oh, fucking hell.
You’re perfect.
“I will, sweetheart, don’t you worry,” he instinctively leans down and presses a kiss on your sweat-soaked forehead, flexing his hips so they withdraw the smallest amount. “Just lie there and take it for me--”
You do.
He doesn’t fuck into you with abandon, though he wants to more than he can say; plenty of time for that in the future, as your cunt moulds to his cock and it isn’t such an effort to get it inside of you. Plenty of time for you to learn just how hard he wants to rail you, until you’re covered in his bruises and there are friction burns on your knees – plenty of time for him to show you every depraved thing you make him want to do to you and make sure that you enjoy it.
He fucks you with slow, shallow strokes, taking most of his pleasure from the way you feel around of him; your eyes, your mouth, your heaving chest. You’re hot and tight and wet and grip him perfectly – his fingers digging into your thighs where they’re wrapped around his hips.
He’s been hard for what seems like hours, so it’s no surprise, either, that he feels his orgasm come quickly up on him like a steam train – it’s not like you’re going to shame him for coming quickly, you’ve never even been fucked before. So he lets the heat all gather low in his belly until he can feel himself teetering on the edge – and then, he dips his head and pulls you into a heated kiss as he grinds his hips in a circular motion inside of you and feels himself tip over the precipice.
His cock shudders and judders inside of you, shooting rope after rope of his come deep into your body; thick and hot and full. His teeth worry at your bottom lip almost hard enough to draw blood, the groan vibrating through you as he comes and pushing you into another short, trembling orgasm as if trying to milk him dry of everything that he can give you.
(You like him coming inside? He can work with that too.)
Your thighs are tight around his hips, your arms draping loosely about his neck as he kisses you. Your tongue nervously probes at the scar; the slightly raised line bisecting his mouth, and though he usually doesn’t like it being noticed or touched (he knows it gives him an air of danger, but sometimes the events surrounding it’s acquirement sting), he finds that with you he doesn’t mind.
With you, his eyes flicker closed and he just enjoys the closeness and warmth of your body, even as he gently pulls his cock out of you (you leak slick onto the bedsheets, again. He’s gonna have to buy some more laundry tablets).
“How’s that, darlin?” He murmurs to you, not moving from his comfortable place on top of you. “Glad y’didn’t save it for marriage now, huh?”
Your cheeks radiating heat is enough answer for him, Toji’s smirk so wide and smug that it threatens to split his face in two. He flops to one side of you, pulling you in, cradling you against him like a little spoon. He can’t help but notice that the curve of your body fits perfectly against his.
The two of you will fit even better in Toji’s bed, he thinks.
“We’ll get all the paperwork and shit sorted tomorrow,” he tells you, as he feels your breathing begin to even out, the tremors from your orgasm begin to fade. He could get used to this too. Someone warming his bed. Someone to cuddle up to on cold nights. Someone soft, to ease the loneliness he hadn’t realised he was feeling.
He doesn’t want to get sappy on you, though. He lowers his face to the shell of your ear, breathing gently, murmuring in a voice that’s still dripping with desire for everything you represent to him;
“The other stuff that goes with a marriage too. I wasn’t kiddin’ about wantin’ to finger you with my wedding ring on, darlin’.”
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myarlert · 2 years
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# .01 — satoru gojo x fem!reader
# .02 — cw : smut : oral [f. receiving.], sensory deprivation [blindfold], cum eating, use of toys [vibrator], orgasm denial, use of ‘baby’, he’s kind of a butthead at the end :(
# .03 — [less than .8k words]. kinda self indulgent, right into it. kinda was hoping for this to turn out better but i hope you guys enjoy it anyways, first time writing a full blown thing for jjk! might possibly write a part two. :( RBS ARE APPRECIATED !
minors do not interact
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‘now baby.. are you positive you wanna try this?’ toru chirps, running his hands up and down your already spread thighs. his eyes trained on how pretty your pussy looks covered by the soft, sheer lace.
he pulls his lip between his teeth at the sight. your puffy lips nearly straining against the bare material, drooling in a little puddle in the middle. you mumbled an affirmation, letting him know you wanted more. smirking, he removes his hands from you, to your dismay. you thought for a moment about how you got here. meeting gojo at a new restaurant because you were so insistent on spending more time with him. and look where he has you. you look down, watching how he shifts his position. ‘ready?’ he asks, thumbs wrapped around the blindfolded that always adorned his face. nodding desperately, he removes it. you watch how his soft hair fluff up then move back to its original spot. his hands come up, gently wrapping it around your own eyes, closing you off to everything you can see. ‘too tight?’ you shake your head no, giving him a soft smile. ‘alright baby.. hm.. let’s get these off you now.’ with your hands by your sides, digging into the mattress you help aid in taking off your soaked panties. his rough hands drift up and down your thighs, his fingers just barely grazing against your goosebump covered skin. you can feel the desire lingering in the air, thick with need.
but the moment you heard that soft buzzing from what you knew was your favorite toy, you started wiggling in your spot. ‘i got you baby. lay back for me, yeah?’ nodding again, you lay your body back against the soft sheets. the bed shifts again. the temptation must have been to much for him, because within just a matter of seconds you feel his hot breath against your aching, leaking cunt. ‘toru!! p-please..’ this erupts a chuckle from his throat. oh?! so needy. i fucking love it.’ how angelic you looked right now. hips damn near bucking up against his awaiting mouth. desperate to feel his nose brushing up against your throbbing clit. unsure of what’s to come, your body goes still. waiting to feel even the slightest touch of his cool fingers, maybe even the tantalizing sensation of his fingers brushing so delicately over your bare pussy. that’s not what he does. back arching as soon as you feel the vibrator pressing firmly to your clit, ripping a choked out moan from you, your thighs threaten to close. ‘nuh-uh. keep them open for me pretty.’ you knew exactly what the look on his face was just by hearing the way he spoke and damn near condescending tone. you don’t know it, but his eyes are trained on the way your pretty pussy is fluttering around nothing. deciding to be nice and let you really have it, he smiles before licking a stripe straight up your folds, letting his tongue run over the vibrator for just a second, ticking his muscle. with gojo, it’s really the sounds you make that drive him on. that one did it. that squeaky moan mixed with the way your bucked your hips up was it. he begins wildly making out with your cunt, tongue making it all sloppy, dipping into you every now and then, only to pull back out and leave you leaking.
‘G-GOJO! hnnnggh feels so good!’ he looked up at you, completely under his power, unknowing of what he was going to pull next. ‘yeah? if it feels so good.. why won’t you cum on my tongue?’ the feeling of the vibrator mixed with how his tongue is lapping you up is overpowering, him being the only think you know. pushing your hips down, he smiles against you, chuckling a bit which sends little puffs of air into your clit. ‘mhm, that’s it baby.. yeah..’ he coaxed, his words sounding so enticing. ‘fucking give it all to me.’ the way he’s moaning against you, slurping up every ounce of your sweet honey that drips from you. his cock aches, twitching against the sheets, the feeling of the material stimulating him but not enough. his mouth follows you when you lift your lips, driving straight into that heavenly light that he brings you to. he removes the vibrator from you just before you climax, drawing out the most annoyed moan from your chest. ‘fuck! why did you do that!?’ chuckling yet again, he pulls completely away from you. fingers coming back down to gently tap at your clit, watching as your thighs clench up. ‘want you to cum around me.’ and it would be the most vile, maniacal chuckle, how he’d just make fun of you for being so needy.
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MYARLERT ©️ 2022
tagging @okhotel @paradisdementor @soaringmirror @raegalliard @rowsn @strawberryerwin @chaotic-nick @sftbunnyy
347 notes · View notes
natsfirecat · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader. R has fire powers linked to her emotions. The Avengers try to guess who her crush is and when Natasha’s name is mentioned R’s powers play up 🔥🔥. So her friends make it their mission to get the two together. Fluff please and thank you 😊
yes i LOVE writing pyrokinetic reader
Operation Fire Widow
word count: 2.5k
warnings: some swearing, Supergirl references, accidental burning
A/N: anon i’m so sorry this so long. i got shadowbanned and my dumbass didn’t know I could get my account back until recently so- but anyway i hope you enjoy! :D 
"Also no,"
"Just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger, no,"
"Ugh, fine. Is it Steve?"
Sighing, Carol and Wanda looked at each other in defeat; they were not going to crack you tonight.
"Alright, new subject then," Peter interjected, taking a sip of his root beer. Despite his age, you found that he fit in well with you Wanda, and Carol. The four of you made quite an interesting friend group.
"I overheard Mr. Stark talking about how Mr. Fury made Natasha train a bunch of new SHIELD agents and she made a lot of them cry,"
You gripped the pillow tighter, picturing her losing it and yelling. The thought started to make smoke come out of your hands, hence why you were gripping the pillow tighter in an attempt to hide it.
Unfortunately, your attempt was unsuccessful.
"Y/N what the hell are you doing?" Carol asked, noticing the smoke rising.
You let go of the pillow, then balled your fists to try to stop the smoke.
"What's going on?" Wanda asked softly. When you first joined the Avengers, she was the one who helped you learn all about your powers and how to control them. She knew you lost control sometimes, so she placed a gentle hand on your back, which nearly burned her.
"Wait a minute," Carol said, connecting the dots. "It's Nat, isn't it?"
"No!" You lied, feeling the smoke starting to rise from your palms again.
"It is!" Peter said with a grin.
You sighed, hiding your face in the scorched pillow.
"Don't be shy, Y/N," Carol said, smiling at you. "It's sweet,"
"It's pathetic, and never gonna happen!" You protested, not peeking out from the pillow.
"I beg to differ," Peter stated proudly.
"Me too," Wanda said.
"This is gonna be a thing now, isn't it?" You said with a groan.
Peter thought for a minute, thinking about your superhero name and Natasha's.
"Operation Fire Widow," he said.
Wanda and Carol nodded in agreement.
Yep, this was definitely going to be a thing now.
The next morning, you woke up to a loud knock at your bedroom door.
"What is it?" You groaned, rolling over.
"Us!" Wanda yelled back.
You let out a deep breath, there was no getting out of this one.
"Come in!"
The door opened, and Wanda, Carol, and Peter all walked in and sat on your bed. Peter was holding a piece of paper with a bullet list on it.
"What is this?" You asked, rolling your eyes at them.
"Operation Fire Widow!" Peter replied with a bright smile.
"Oh what the hell?" You said, giving in. "Tell me about the operation,"
The three of them surrounded you, holding the piece of paper up.
"We've created a three-arc plan," Carol started. "Part one starts today; we're gonna get you and Nat in the living room at the same time, alone. Then we're gonna take away all the blankets, and turn the air on really high so it gets freezing. Because of your powers, you'll be fine and be really warm, so then she'll want to cuddle you to warm up,"
"Oh come on, you guys aren't gonna actually freeze the room, right?" You replied, slightly concerned.
All three of them looked dead serious.
You let out a long sigh,
“Look, you’re not gonna actually do something like that. I’m open to some things you guys could plan, but this is taking it too far,”
Carol rolled her eyes, then snatched the paper back. 
“I’m going downstairs now,” you told them.
“Good, ‘cause Natasha’s down there!” Wanda called as you exited your room, earning an eye roll in response. 
She was right, Natasha was sitting at the table eating breakfast. 
“Hi,” you told her. She waved in response, giving a small smile.
Unfortunately, she stood up as soon as you sat down.
“Where are you going?” You asked.
“I need to reheat this,” she replied, holding her plate up.
“Wait!” You said, stopping her. “I could do it! It’ll be faster!”
You immediately regretted it as soon as you said it. She raised an eyebrow at you, then shrugged. She handed you the plate without another word.
Taking in a deep breath, you knew you couldn’t mess this up. You closed your eyes, then slowly began to heat up the plate. 
Once you finished, you handed it back to her and smiled triumphantly. 
She hesitantly grabbed her fork and took a bite out of it, then looked at you with a shocked expression.
“It’s a little warmer than I was expecting, but it’s better than how it was before. Thanks,”
You smiled at her for a few awkward second before backing away. 
You ended up backing into the counter, your hands smoking as a jump response.
“Shit!” You cursed, closing your fists whilst trying to ignore the growing pain in your lower back.
“Are you okay?” Natasha asked, standing up immediately.
You gave her a thumbs up, forcing a smile.
“I’m good, I, gotta go, I-”
With that, you ran out of the kitchen before spending the next few days trying to forget the incident.
“Alright, you’ve done enough sulking,” Carol said as she barged into your room without even bothering to knock. “It’s time to talk to her again,”
“What? More operation Fire Widow?” You asked in a mocking tone. 
Carol rolled her eyes.
“You guys are just like Kara and Lena, you’ll either be the greatest couple of all time or the worst queerbait ever. In your case, it would be because you’re too afraid to admit your feelings to her,”
You sighed. Of course your best friend would use one of your favorite ships to pressure you.
“Talk to her at Tony’s party tonight, okay?” 
“Good. Wanda and Peter have already agreed to help you get ready,”
You couldn’t help but smile at all their efforts to help you with the woman you were hopelessly crushing on. 
Carol returned your smile, then exited your room.
A few hours later, as promised, Wanda and Peter (who was surprisingly good at doing makeup) arrived.
Wanda had come over with a few different outfits for you to try on, while Peter already sat behind you and started doing your hair. 
Whilst he was experimenting with a bunch of different styles, Wanda held two outfits up, then held one over your chest.
It was a sparkly purple dress. She pulled it away and held the other in it’s place.
This one was a dark red suit. Wanda’s eyebrows raised, then she set it down before holding one last outfit up. 
“That one,” you said. It was darker with some sparkles on it, just enough to make your eyes shine. 
After putting the outfit on, Peter added the final touches to your hair. 
He then turned you around to face him, carefully putting some makeup on your face. He sat up a little straighter, leaning in to make sure he got it right. 
“Perfect,” he said after a few minutes. 
Wanda gently grabbed your wrist as you stood up, leading you to the bathroom so you could look at yourself in the mirror. 
“Is that one of the steps in your little operation?” You asked Peter with a smile.
“You look beautiful,” Wanda told you, grinning widely. 
“Thanks,” you replied, returning her grin.
Just as you were about to say something else to them, your bedroom door opened once again as Carol walked in.
“Wow, Y/N...” she said, looking you up and down. She smirked at both Wanda and Peter, then back to you. “Go get your girl.”
The music was loud, there were people surrounding every side of you. It was honestly overwhelming if you were being honest.
You eyes scanned the room, looking for Natasha, but you couldn’t make anything out in the crowd of people. 
“Sorry,” you muttered, making your way through all the people. 
Being in the middle of the crowd was doing you no good for finding Natasha, and you hated being surrounded by people like that anyway. 
So you walked away from the dance floor, and made your way to the drinks. 
You couldn’t help but sigh as you took the drink. Your friends had gone through all this effort for you, and you hadn’t seen her at all.
As you held the glass in your hand, the liquid inside began to bubble. You frowned, realizing that you were involuntarily using your powers. 
You took a deep breath, then closed your eyes. 
In 1...2...3...4...
Hold 1...2...3...4...
Out 1...2...3...4...
Hold 1...2...3...4...
You repeated this pattern a few times until you could feel yourself calming down. 
You opened your eyes, and sure enough, your drink had stopped boiling.
You began to head for the hallway when the familiar red hair swept into your vision.
“Nat!” You called.
She swept around to face you, her lips immediately curling into a smile.
“Y/N, there you are! You look amazing, by the way,”
“Thanks! You look amazing too!” You replied, hoping she couldn’t see the red in your cheeks as you blushed.
As you took the last swallow of your drink, she stepped closer to you.
“I’m probably gonna leave soon, I’m not really in the mood for a party.” She said. “But, before I do, wanna dance?”
You nodded, taking in a deep breath, hoping she wouldn’t notice.
She smiled, then grabbed your hand as she led you to the dance floor.
For a few moments, the two of you stole glances at each other while moving your body along to the song. It was going fine.
Until it wasn’t.
A slow song started playing.
You were about to suggest to leave the dance floor when she shrugged, then wrapped her arms around you.
Natasha was touching you. Her hands were on your shoulders as she pulled you closer to her. She was actually dancing with you.
You let out a shaky breath before placing your hands on her waist.
As you stared into her eyes, all you wanted to do was close the gap in between you and kiss her right then and there.
However, the nerves in your stomach were stopping you. As much as you tried to stop it by slowing your breaths, you felt the anxiety getting worse.
“Ow!” She said suddenly, pulling away from you. 
You gasped, realizing that you had once again used your powers without meaning to. This time, Natasha got hurt from it.
“I’m sorry,” was all you managed to get out before dashing away from her, and out of the building.
Natasha watched you run out, her mouth hanging open, dumbfounded. 
She wasn’t mad. Disappointed, yes. But not because you hurt her. She knew you had pyrokinesis, something must have trigged your powers. She was mostly disappointed because of how you left her.
The burn barely even stung anymore.
She walked off the dance floor, attempting to follow you. 
While Natasha was unsuccessful at finding you, she was lucky enough to find one of your best friends.
“Peter!” She called, walking up to him.
“Hi Ms Romanoff,” he replied, grinning.
“I’ve been over this with you, call me Natasha or Nat.”
“Right, sorry, Nat,”
“It’s fine, I wanted to talk to you about Y/N anyways,”
“What about her?” 
As soon as your name was mentioned, he tensed up. Had things not gone well between you and Natasha?
“She ran out on me,” she told him. “We were on the dance floor, and something set her powers off ‘cause she burned me. She apologized, then just ran off without another word,”
“Oh no...” he replied, frowning.
“Do you know why her powers could’ve been acting up? Is something going on that’s causing that?” She asked.
“No-” he replied too quickly. 
Natasha caught onto this.
“Peter... what’s going on?” 
She took a step closer to him, narrowing her eyes.
He gulped, looking to the floor.
“I told you, Ms. Romanoff, nothing’s happening,”
She took another step closer.
“If you don’t tell me right now...”
“She likes you-” he got out just as she was leaning in again.
“What?” She asked, finally stepping away.
“Oh god, she’s gonna kill me now.”
“What do you mean she likes me?”
“Nothing, I-I gotta go-”
Just as he was about to run off, she grabbed his wrist.
“Oh no you’re not. Sit down. You’re going to tell me everything.”
The next morning, your heart dropped to your stomach when you got a text from Natasha asking you to meet her in the training room. 
You had spent the rest of last night, and a good portion of this morning watching sad episodes of Supergirl. 
You closed your laptop right as Lena shouted the words, ‘I KILLED MY BROTHER FOR YOU, FOR OUR FRIENDS! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE?’
Carol was right about you and Natasha being like Kara and Lena. You could’ve been one of the greatest pairings ever, but instead you ruined it when you burned her and ran out. 
You let out a slow breath, preparing for her to yell at you for hurting her and want nothing to do with you ever again. 
You texted her back, saying that you were coming as you finally changed out of your pajamas.
You could already feel your palms heating up as your heartrate increased on the walk. You were trying so hard to stop it, but there was already a little smoke. 
When you opened the door to the training room (which you had to do by pushing with the side of your body, since you were worried you could accidentally burn the door with your hands) you tensed up at the sight of her.
She didn’t look mad.
In fact, she was smiling at you. 
She walked over to you, then started to put a hand on your shoulder, before you backed away abruptly.
“You okay?” She asked gently. 
You weren’t sure how to respond as you balled your fists, doing whatever you could to get your powers to stop.
“It’s okay, and you’re okay,” she told you, leaning in close. “Take a deep breath with me,”
Had this happened earlier, it would’ve been embarrassing for Natasha to bring your nerves down like this. But now, it didn’t feel embarrassing. In fact, it felt safe.
She made you feel safe.
Once you felt okay, you gave her a small smile. She returned your smile, then took your hands in her own. 
You almost tensed up again, but soon felt relaxed as she ran her thumb over your knuckles. 
You stared at each other for a few moments of comfortable silence before she leaned in closer.
“So, about your little Operation Fire Widow...”
“Oh my gosh, um- it’s not what it sounds like! I promise, it’s-”
She brought a finger to your lips, interrupting you.
Your cheeks turned bright red as she moved her finger under your chin so you’d look her in the eyes. 
“Y/N, I think you are adorable,” she said, smiling. “In fact, I’d really like to take you on a date, if that’s alright with you?”
You couldn’t believe what she was saying. 
Natasha Romanoff, the intimidatingly, scary, spy who could easily kill you in two seconds if she wanted to, liked you back. 
Suddenly feeling a surge of confidence, you leaned forward and kissed her. 
Your lips fit so perfect on hers as you smiled into the kiss.
She moved her hand around the back of your neck, and moved the other through your hair. 
She softly bit your lip, prompting you to allow her entrance. Her tongue explored your mouth as you leaned in even closer to her.
You didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon, but unfortunately air soon became an issue. 
You were practically gasping for breath by the time you finally disconnected your lips.
She couldn’t help but smile at you, reconnecting your hands.
“So I’ll take that as a yes, then?”
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