#i hope the fandom is still alive last time i checked was months ago
felizusnavidad · 1 month
I was not looking for swiftie solidarity from this account but i found it! Thank you for being reasonable and making me feel better about this world. The fandom has been driving me insane these past few months. The way people were attacking Joe Alwyn like rabid dogs, assuming the craziest accusations from the TTPD song titles. And now that the album is not what they were expecting, they're still trying to spin it as some songs "applying to both Matty and Joe" just so they feel better. Not even getting into Joe's mental health.
The way I think a portion of the fandom has reached a level of delusion that nothing will get through to them normally, even genuine criticism of Taylor's silence regarding both political events and online vitriol hate of her ex, when she herself went through that craziness. I'd even argue that she egged them on with certain promo pics and tweet likings and whatnot, but okay. And I didn't even get into the weird marketing tactics.
I've just been so disgusted by the hypocrisy of the fandom and Taylor. This album was good for me because it dealt the final blow. I think I have closure now can unstan without feeling regret. I'll still listen to some of her songs but I'm not engaging with this anymore.
Anyways. Maybe this is a sign to get into Lin Miranda?
omg anon 🥺
honestly i feel like i've abandoned this fandom long ago, i kinda stopped talking about taylor here & started distancing myself from swifties (except my small circle of friends), because most of them are crazy (& yes, this comes from me, i used to be a hardcore swiftie too... now i can't believe i was spending so much time online defending this woman?). anyway. i'm not a hater, but this fandom is literally insufferable these days... god forbid you say one bad word about taylor swift, you can't criticise mother, she's a god, she's never done anything wrong in her life, apparently. i'm so sick of all of this, but also i'm not afraid anymore to speak my truth: ttpd is a bad album, taylor swift has done a lot of questionable things, especially last year, this album was unnecessary, i don't want it. i'm back on my broadway shit.
i just hope joe is ok, i hope both sides of his pillow are cold. he doesn't deserve all this hate & i seriously can't believe taylor didn't stop this shit... when the album is not even about him but about this racist piece of shit.
...i don't know who you are but if you didn't unfollow me after i changed my entire account to lmm, this must be a sign. his music was the only thing keeping me alive last year. if you ever decide to check it out, please let me know!
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incarnateirony · 2 years
watching 2po beg final scripts out of everyone to keep his shit alive is sad. Y'all floating each other desperately at this point. Nothing prevented that person from posting the script outright so we could already enjoy it. Instead, for the sake of your own vanity, you're forcing it to be mailed over weeks so you can bait about it for weeks and post it yourself, hoping in the same time someone else also volunteers to hand you stuff instead of posting it themselves.
the account is well past being a service to anyone at this point, it's just forcing delay on releases individuals could do themselves for some theater for 2po and wigglebox's vanity. Even that wiki pass off for their grand reveal of an old copy of my script was so fuckin unnecessary. If it was cleared to post she could have put it on the wiki. But you guys performed this theatrical nonsense of a pass off to put a spotlight on y'all, after telling people to NOT read the same script someone had already released 8 months before. Or them dropping 15.18 2 years behind me.
knock it off yall, it's lame.
seriously, this may shock and awe you, but everybody can post scripts they own themselves, without week long shipping and weeks of 2po and wigglebox trying to hype their last scraps up. They're now posting script-by-script as people hand it to them; 18 was their last one so one of their friends panicked and sent them another one to float with. It's genuinely funny that people are still falling for it.
guys, give it up. I don't know how to tell you this but Supernatural Prime ended 2 years ago. Reposting scripts I already released a bazillion years ago is. Weird to say the least. Extra to be the most honest. And frankly, sad, because you're still refusing to get with the current and realize all that clout stunting of yours means JACK SCHITT to the new fandom.
NOW they're baiting for a script that's already been released before (Red Meat, Production Draft) supposedly for an auction, as I guess that's the only other way to make it seem like they aren't self indulgent assholes, by trying to auction a script there's already signed duplicates of. Check.
So long and thanks for all the script fish.
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nose-bl · 3 years
this is a rant about how they ruined gwen’s character and about her relationships too
disclaimer: this post is long because i derail a bit from the main topic i guess and i overanalyze stuff a lot and i don’t know how to explain very well what i mean, also this topic is not really thaaat deep i just write a lot, but i hope someone on the fandom will understand this and agree :)
I will be forever bitter that Gwen x Lancelot wasn’t canon and that they had to be apart from each other. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE that Gwen became queen later on and it’s not like her relationship with Arthur was bad, I like it, but honestly it was rushed and it was completely ruined around the last two seasons.
So first of all, Gwen loved Lancelot, very clearly, and she promised her feelings for him wouldn’t fade as long as she lived. And she seemed really upset when he left without saying goodbye on S2E04, when he decided he didn’t want to come between her and Arthur. But it’s a problem because Gwen and Lancelot already loved each other and were perfect together, while Gwen barely knew Arthur really, and as I said it was really rushed. I think that’s my main issue, it was too fast, I understand how and why Gwen developped feelings for Lancelot, but I cannot understand why it was so quick for her to develop those feelings on Arthur. I just can’t. I know why she likes him, but how was that so fast. Because all that happened when he stayed at her home was basically her giving him a lesson (which, btw, we all loved that, Gwen is an icon), I completely see why Arthur loves her, that’s easy to see, but I don’t understand how it happened to Gwen?.
My other big issue is that we see on later seasons how Gwen basically loses importance, and like even after she marries Arthur and becomes queen etc etc she starts to not be so present, and it is canon that Arthur doesn’t talk to or spends much time with her, he spends all his time with Merlin and tells him everything but is too secretive around her, and that’s just not really normal? I mean, with the way those parts were written of course people ship Arthur with Merlin and not with Gwen.
It’s tricky tho, I do want Gwen to be queen, which is what happens, and I know the whole situation with her being a servant and Arthur a prince, which meant their love was almost impossible, is an interesting topic, but at the same time I never wanted her to be with Arthur. It’s really weird, I just think so many things could have been different but she really HAD to be queen, it was important for so many reasons, so that’s the issue.
I also think ever since she became queen she changed so much, she said in the past that she’s not ashamed of being a servant and that she’s happy with her life, and I think that’s the issue: her becoming queen means she is no longer a servant, and I mean good for her being queen is so cool and she deserves it, but also, it changes everything, now when we see her, although she is still the same humble, honest and loyal woman we’ve always known, her character feels different. And if you remember the whole situation with Morgana controlling her and all that....
Look, obviously I wanted Merthur to be canon because let’s be honest it’s what makes the most sense and I always am sad about the fact that it didn’t happen in some way or another, but that’s not the reason I don’t like Arthur to be with Gwen, I just think that her character was ruined on the last season and I am angry about that because she is one of the best characters of the show, I love her so much, and her romance with Arthur changed a lot of things. Gwen deserved so much better, in many ways, and I don’t think she needs a man to be happy, not at all, but she did find a man she loved and I wanted her to be happy with him, you know? We know her relationship with Arthur failed a lot and she didn’t seem too happy after becoming queen. Heck, even the fact that she was to marry Arthur and become queen ruined her life (flashback to that episode where she was under a spell and at the end was banished from Camelot...)
For me what would have made more sense, considering everything that happened before, would have been her being with Lancelot and rejecting Arthur, and then him suffering for that but recovering eventually and being with Merlin, it literally makes the most sense and plot-wise it would have done so many great things, like maybe idk leading Merlin to telling him sooner about his magic. Honestly I am disappointed because they developped Arthur’s and Merlin’s relationship so much and they were so close and so many gay things happened, so this is not just me being sad I didn’t get that lgbt+ representation or that my ship wasn’t canon, this is also me actually being bitter because they had a great opportunity to make it happen when it made sense and it just didn’t happen.
Anyway, the only issue with that is that Gwen had to become queen, she really had to, it was important for her and for everyone else and without that so many things wouldn’t work so it frustrates me that it is the way it is. I could be angry at the writers because they did many, many mistakes that infuriate me sometimes, but I understand it was a tricky situation.
I just think, if they weren’t gonna let Gwen love Lancelot why did they bring his character back? That only conflicted her, and made her suffer in the end, and it was unecessary unles they were planning on actually letting him be finally happy with her, after finding himself, which was also thanks to her.
As a little side note, I almost forgot to mention that I actually ship Gwen with Morgana because they were so soft with each other and it also made sense (well, at least before Morgana’s corruption)
Romance has never really been a big thing in the show aand it’s not my favourite part either, it’s always been quite simple, so for it to be better for the characters and everything, they would have had to focus more on the romance but that has never been the point of the show which is why the simplicity might be good too.
Idk, maybe I’m just overthinking it, but it always felt so wrong. It’s more than just me not liking a ship, it’s really an issue with how that part of  the plot turned out, this series is, in a big part, about the relationships between the characters, their dynamics and friendships (but not really the romance as i already said), mainly between Merlin and Arthur (I mean it’s all basically about Merlin having to save him so they can fulfill their destinies together hmmm), so of course things like this are important to the plot and change everything, but yeah idk I don’t think it’s that deep, just something that’s been on my mind and I tend to overanalyze stuff
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katnissmellarkkk · 2 years
i’m not sure if you’re still open to drabble requests (totally fine if you have enough by now!), but i’d love one of everlark’s reunion in mockingjay if peeta hadn’t been hijacked (OR of their reunion if katniss had been captured instead, but still not hijacked). thanks for considering! <3
Hiii!!! You’re so sweet, thank you for the request 💗💗💗. I gotta admit, I was pretty nervous for this one because I’ve tried to write this scene before! I actually wrote it, almost exactly two years ago. And it wasn’t my best, it was the very first thing I ever wrote for Everlark and I was still getting my sea legs (writers who change fandoms know that it takes a hot minute to figure out how to write for every new couple). And a not-so-kind anon reminded me of that fact about a month ago. So I was a little nervous to take on this premise again but I honestly felt like God had you give me this prompt not long after that anon so I could be motivated to try again so. Here it is!!!! I hope you and anyone who reads it likes it! 💗💗💗💗♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Summary : Katniss and Peeta’s reunion in Mockingjay, had Peeta not been hijacked by Snow.
I watch on as the doctors examine him, flash lights in his eyes, check his pulse, scribble things across a clipboard. I stare at the disheveled boy perched on the edge of the hospital bed, looking disjointed and dazed and terrified. Looking completely unsure of himself, for the first time in his life.
For the briefest of moments I feel a rush of disappointment wash over me. I wasn’t the first face he saw upon waking, I wasn’t there to greet him when he came to, it wasn’t me telling him he was safe now, away from Snow, away from whoever and whatever caused him harm.
But then one of the doctors steps away to grab something off the cart beside the bed and Peeta’s blue eyes — the bluest, tenderest and most haunted gaze I’ve ever seen — take me in for the first time. For the first time since that last night in the Quell.
And I can’t hold myself back any longer.
I push away from the wall, propelling myself towards him, landing gracelessly in his trembling embrace.
His arms open a split second before I reach him and he pulls me to him with surprising force. His face immediately presses into my hair, he squeezes me tight in an absolutely bone-crushing embrace and I hear him take in a shaky breath, seeming unable to release it. I can feel his heart physically beat, I can feel it drumming against my temple as I bury my face in his neck. He must swallow hard because his Adam’s apple bobs as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to close out the world around us, trying to keep myself in this moment here right now.
Because he’s alright. He’s here and alive and with me now. And that’s more than I dared to hope for.
His hand runs over my hair, all the way down my back, feeling the contours of my spine, feeling my half-undone braid. I think he opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out and I don’t have the will to pry, for once I don’t have the desire to push him for anything at all. All I want is to take this moment and hang onto it forever.
“I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now, and live in it forever.”
My hand unconsciously moves to rub his back in soft circles as I recall his words on the rooftop. I never imagined then that we’d both still be alive right now. And after weeks of me regretting that fact, I’m taken aback to find myself suddenly grateful that we are. I find myself abruptly filled with lightheaded joy, without any warning at all.
But this moment, this reunion, cannot last forever. Not even as the doctors filter out, somewhat begrudgingly, saying they’ll give us a minute of privacy. No, as much as I don’t want it to, this moment has to end. Eventually the time comes that I have to let go, that we have to break apart. As we do, I realize — somewhat instinctively — that he still smells faintly like cinnamon and vanilla. I wonder idly how that’s still possible, after going weeks without proper hygiene.
I’m so lost in the moment, that I’m so disconnected from my surroundings, that I don’t even realize that Haymitch has come up to stand beside us. That he’s carefully measuring Peeta’s demeanor towards him.
Peeta turns his head, only the slightest bit, towards our mentor. I realize, examining his face now, that he’s been beaten something terrible. His left eye is bruised black and swollen. His bottom lip is fat, like someone punched him repeatedly in the mouth. His entire body covered in contusions. He’s much thinner than I’ve ever seen him and he’s shaking visibly.
And yet, he still has enough nerve left inside him to clearly murmur, “Thanks for letting me in on the plan, Haymitch.” It only takes a microsecond for both me and our mentor to realize he’s referring to the lies Haymitch told us, to the way he pretended to want nothing to do with the rebellion when in all reality, he was a part of it all along.
Haymitch has the good sense, at least, to look more remorseful to Peeta than he did to me on the hovercraft. “Hey, listen-“
“I don’t care,” Peeta instantly cuts off, his voice remaining shockingly strong. I open my mouth to speak, to maybe say something in our mentor’s favor, but the words never come. Because I can’t bear to risk upsetting Peeta right now with a disagreement of any sort. And because I was angry with Haymitch too. I was so angry. Just because I’ve had more time to process the betrayal and move on doesn’t mean Peeta isn’t entitled to his own resentment.
Instead I move my hand, slow and soft, bringing it up to his bruised face, to touch his cheek lightly with the back of my fingers.
“Hey,” Peeta whispers, turning his attention back on me again. His voice is gentle and mild and I feel awful when I realize it’s because I’ve begun to cry. “Katniss, I’m okay.”
“No,” I say, shaking my head. Not because I think he’s not okay — even though he definitely isn’t — but because I don’t want him comforting me. It’s like when he died after hitting the force field. After Finnick revived him, he started consoling me, telling me that it’s all okay. He shouldn’t be worrying about me when he’s suffering in pain.
He doesn’t respond verbally but his eyes, his forlorn eyes, somehow communicate what he desires and I throw my arms around his neck, squeezing him even tighter now that I know he won’t break in half.
I hear Haymitch exit the room, but I’m too caught up in Peeta, in the warmth I still find in his embrace, to feel as guilty as I maybe should. I make a mental note to broach the subject of our mentor later on, when Peeta’s more settled and relaxed.
If that time is even in the foreseeable future.
For now, I’m more than content to cling to him for as long as he’ll have me. Until the doctors return and more than likely proceed to kick me out, I’m more than content to stand here and try to silently convey that he’s safe now.
I feel his cheek beneath my lips before I consciously realize that I’m kissing him. That I’m kissing his marks, bruises, his brand new scars, looking all red and painful and bright.
I had predicted he would be kissing me upon our reunion. My cheeks flush red as the realization suddenly hits me that I’m the one initiating the contact.
But as soon as I pull away, Peeta’s large, calloused hand is coming up to cup my cheek. “Hey, why’d you stop?” He asks with a slightly coy smile. An expression so subdued from the boy who entered the Quell but still reminiscent of him.
How horribly sad such an expression looks on a face so wounded.
I refuse to deny him anything though and I lean in to kiss a purplish bruise beneath his jaw when he cradles both sides of my face in his palms and guides my lips to his.
I wondered on the walk here if our kisses now would feel the same way it did on the beach. I wondered if I’d feel that same spark I’ve only felt twice before in my life.
Turns out I was right. It’s not as powerful or as insistent, as we’re both so shell-shocked and so worn down, but it’s the same sensation I felt that night on the beach. That electrifying feeling that starts in my chest, that runs down my body and spreads to the tips of my being. That feeling that had me questioning if I truly knew what it meant to be starving, if I ever understood hunger at all.
I wrap my arms around his neck again as his hands slide down my sides, eliciting an inexplicable shiver down my spine, raising gooseflesh on my forearms and weakening my knees.
The longer the kiss lasts, the more I want. Like an itch that only becomes even more insatiable when scratched, it begins to feel like I cannot get satisfied.
I don’t know if either of us would end the kiss by our own accord. From where I’m standing, I doubt Peeta was about to break it anytime soon. And I can’t seem to will myself to make it end, still wanting more and more and more.
The kiss feels so good, so impossibly good, that I know I will not be the first to pull away.
But Peeta’s still injured and he’s still under examination and the doctors can only give us so long before they have to come back and finish their job.
I hear someone clear their throat loudly and the kiss reluctantly comes to an end. I don’t even know if it was me or him that broke apart first, just that his hands still hold tight to my hips and my arms are still interlocked around his neck.
“Soldier Everdeen,” one of the trio in the doorway murmurs, their voice very tightly controlled. Peeta’s brows furrow together as he silently mouths the title back to me in confusion. “Could you please step out into the hall and let us finish up with Mr. Mellark?”
I nod after a beat, realizing I don’t have much of a choice in the matter. It’s hard, breaking not just the embrace but eye contact with Peeta. It makes me feel incomplete, like our interaction wasn’t quite done yet, like there was more to say and not enough time to find the words.
“Katniss,” Peeta calls suddenly as I reach the threshold and the doctors begin to resume their work once more.
I turn on my heels to look at him one last time. “What?”
“You’ll come back, right?” He asks, uncertainty prevalent in his tone.
And it makes my chest hurt, to think that the answer is even a question in his mind. “Of course,” I say, as sincere as I can convey. I hold his desperate gaze in mine for a long moment, hoping he can see the honesty in my eyes. “I’ll see you soon, Peeta.”
He nods, as one of the doctors wraps his scraped up arm in a cuff. “See you soon, Katniss,” he whispers back, like he’s trying to convince even himself. “See you soon.”
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noforkingclue · 3 years
I love all ur dark doctor fic so i would love to request more in which reader on the run from dark doctor and somehow ended up in another world where the doctor is still good however that doctor never have reader as companion. And then all hell break loose when the dark one cross over to take reader home. Any doctor of ur choice. Thanks in advance.
Thank you anon! I went with the 13th Doctor for this. Hope you like it :D
Title: Coming Back to an Old Home
Warnings: past abusive relationship
Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou
Blond hair, warm eyes, a concerned but gentle smile and a surprisingly cool hands pressed against your forehead. All things that used to be so familiar but now seemed like a lifetime ago. Your vision swum in and out of focus and you groaned in pain.
“Doc, who’s that?”
“I don’t know,” said the voice from your nightmares, “They just appeared in the TARDIS. It’s a mystery Graham! Don’t you just love a mystery? Something that-“
“Doc,” said the calmer voice, “Now isn’t the time.”
“Right,” your vision cleared for a moment as you looked up into the face you never wanted to see again, “”I’m the Doctor and I’m here to help.”
“No,” you said as you started to black out, “Not you.”
As unconsciousness welcomed you the last thing you saw were the concerned faces of the strangers above you.
You had thought that you knew most of what the universe had to offer. Your Doctor had been a very hands on teacher (sometimes too hands on at times) and she was never one for abandoning a lesson. However, the one thing she failed to teach you was about multiple dimensions.
“In hindsight that makes sense,” you said as you saved another teabag from the new Doctor, “The Doc- sorry- my old Doctor wouldn’t want me escaping into some place that she couldn’t go.”
“Hmm,” the Doctor pouted as she sat down, “Right.”
“What’s wrong?” you put down the mug in front of her and gave her a pleading look, “Something’s wrong isn’t it?”
“You’re lying.”
“No I’m not.”
“You’ve got that look on your face when you lie.”
“What look? I don’t have a lying look!”
“Yeah,” you gave her a half-hearted smile, “You eyebrows furrow and you avoid eye contact. More than usual that is.”
The Doctor looked up sharply and mock glared at you. You just held up your hands and said,
“Don’t blame me. It’s not my fault you have a tell. Please, never play poker.”
“Poker,” the Doctor grinned, “Never bothered to learn. Snap is where it’s at.”
“If you say so Doc.”
Your eyes flicked to hers as your smile softened. You remembered months ago when you couldn’t stand being in the same room as her. Her looks identical to the woman who tortured you. While she never laid a hand on you she always kept you close by. Killed millions in a bat of an eye then told you that it was your fault, that if you only did what she wanted then they would still be alive. Life meant nothing to her and she was more than willing to prove it.
However this Doctor, the woman you could happily call ‘the Doctor’, was different. She was gentle, patient, never forced you to spend time with her. But as you slowly got accustomed to this TARDIS and your new friends, you had slowly opened up to her. Her willingness to help you recover greatly improved your confidence and you were surprised about how much you enjoyed her company.
“And what about you?” the Doctor’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, “Do you like it here?”
“Yes,” you said, “It’s a lot more peaceful than the other TARDIS.”
“And the others? Do you like them?”
“Of course! They’ve all been very kind and helping me to adjust.”
“And me,” the Doctor finished quietly, “How do you feel about me? I know I must bring up painful memories but I hope you know that I’m not her.”
“I know,” you reached forward and grabbed her hand, “I know that now. I like you Doc. You’ve helped me so much you’re probably not even aware. I’m not planning on going anywhere. That is,” you were suddenly worried, “If you want me to stay.”
The Doctor laced her fingers with yours and squeezed your hand.
“Yes,” she said, “I want you to stay.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror in yours and the Doctor’s room. You spun around and admired the dress you found in the TARDIS wardrobe. You hardly ever wore dresses and you fancied a change.
“Well isn’t this a surprise,” a pair of arm snaked around your waist and pulled you against her chest, “You look beautiful.”
“You think.”
“I know,” the Doctor pressed a kiss against your neck, “Are we alone.”
“Of course!”
“Just checking.”
The Doctor ran her long nails over your arms. You let out a sharp breath and the slight pain that followed the action as your head rested against her shoulder. The Doctor looked at you in the mirror and moved a hand with deep red nails to grasp your chin. Your eyes flicked to her hand and frowned. The Doctor never had long nails, saying that they were too dangerous on adventures.
‘What would happen if one got caught?’ she would say, “Could rip it all off and they’re painful to regrow!’
“Ah,” the woman behind you smiled sharply, “Found out already have you? You always were a clever one weren’t you? Guess that’s how you managed to escape me.”
“No,” you said desperately, “No, no, no.”
“Yes,” she sighed, “Pet, you know how much I hate hearing that word.”
“This can’t be happening.”
“Well it is,” her arms moved back around your waist as she started pulling back towards the door, “And it’s time for you to come home. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
You tried to struggle free and your old Doctor was stronger than she looked. Her nails dug into your flesh as she steadily made her away towards the door. Suddenly the door burst open and a second, frantic looking Doctor stood frozen in the doorway. For a moment no one spoke before the Doctor behind you smirked and said,
“So you’re the person looking after my little pet for me. You’ve put me through a lot of trouble. I have a lot I need to re-teach my little human.”
“Let y/n go.”
“No,” she rested her chin on your shoulder, “I’ve sacrificed so much to get here. I’m not leaving until get what I came for.”
The Doctor took a step towards you as the arms tightened around you. A tear fell down your cheek and the voice cooed in sympathy as a hand brushed it away.
“Don’t worry love,” said a voice directly next to your ear, “I’ll get you back soon and when I do, well,” she let out a dark chuckle, “I’m not letting you out of my sight any time soon.”
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phantaloon-books · 3 years
I was rereading the iconic reunion at baltimore and this came to me and I can't not write it (even though I have a half finished chapter waiting to be written for a fic for a whole different fandom but who cares right)
in which neil regrets realizes that the feds were on to something when they talked about witness protection program. brace yourselves, it's angst time bby. please bear with me, I don't write stuff like this, content and format wise.
so everyone knows what goes down in baltimore. everyone knows that famous college exy striker for the foxes neil josten has been the son of the butcher of baltimore all along, and that smth happened after he was kidnapped and tortured that resulted in the butcher and some associates to be killed. everyone knows that neil walked out alive, injured but alive. so when a few weeks, months later, associates of the butcher start getting raided and taken in custody, everyone knows exactly who opened his little mouth and revealed everything he knows (bc there's literally no one else who could know this stuff and would be willing to share with the fucking feds, no one has a death wish)
It's a slow process. It starts with the feeling of not being safe, which is ridiculous, because he hasn't been quite as safe as he is right now, with the foxes, his family, and most importantly with Andrew. They're on summer break, technically speaking, even if they're at campus for practice because they gotta train the new foxes. They're barely doing anything than hanging out together and training, but still Neil can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, that someone is watching him, but he doesn't say anything, because it doesn't make sense, he's just being paranoid, there's no need to panic.
Neil can swear he's being watched. He feels the dread whenever he's out of the dorm, when he's out running, when they go out to eat something, when they go to the mall, on their way to practice, at Eden's. But when he looks around there's no one looking, it's been weeks and nothing has happened, he hasn't seen anyone.
Neil can tell Andrew is growing suspicious of the way he checks out a place, the way his eyes trace every corner, every exit, because he's starting to fall back in old habits, and he knows Andrew hates it. But Andrew doesn't ask, he knows that Neil will speak when he feels ready, so he lets it go, even if he can't quite let got of the worry clawing at his heart.
But everything keeps going normally, things are fine, everything is fine fine fine. Neil doesn't talk about it, but it's fine really. Until it's not fine at all, but it's also too late to talk now because his head is fuzzy and throbbing, and he feels like he might throw up and he feels pain even if he's not sure where the pain is coming from. But he can't do anything now, he can't tell Andrew how he's been feeling dread for weeks, because a man whose name he doesn't even know but whose face is awfully familiar is standing right in front of him where he lies on the floor, and the situation is also awfully familiar.
Stop being a martyr. Oh Andrew would kill him. If Neil gets out of this alive, Andrew will kill him, because he left again. He didn't want to, he really didn't. He was out on a run while Andrew was in therapy with Bee and Aaron, a couple miles away from fox tower, when a car pulled up right in front of him, two men wearing hoods and sunglasses stepping out and standing in front of him. He came to a halt, trying his best to keep calm because who the hell were these men and what did they want and for fucks sake can this just stop? It would have been smart to turn around and try to get back to the tower but he can't ever keep his mouth shut can he?
"Look I don't know who you are, I don't care what you want, but you're in my way, so move away if you know what's best." He intended to go for more sarcastic, but he was doing his best not to panic, so that had to do.
"You're coming with us, get in the car, or we'll do this the hard way." Their voices said they wouldn't hesitate, but Neil laughed anyway, that smile he knew was the Butcher's resting on his lips. Anything to make the men leave. He opened his mouth and then- "The Minyard twins are at Dr. Dobson's office. Reynolds, Walker, and Wilds are at the mall. Hemmick, Boyd and Day are in the dorms. The newbies are at the dorms as well. Come with us the easy way and we'll let them walk out of their respective places alive, Nathaniel."
And he was fucked. Of course he hadn't been safe, he would never be safe. In fact no one he cared about would ever be safe. He should have known better. But he wasn't going to let the foxes be harmed.
"How do I know you won't kill them anyway?" The snark was gone, the smile vanished. His face was blank and dangerous, because he'd done this before. "I don't even know who you are, you're obviously not the big guys, and I don't remember seeing your faces."
"We don't want to attract unnecessary attention. All we care about is you. If you come, you spare us all the trouble. As for who we are, let's just say someone is pissed at the piece of shit that ruined everything."
"The Butcher's friends then. I can't argue with that, it's a habit of mine to fuck up. Ichirou won't be too happy if something happened." He played his strongest card but fuck it. The Moriyamas owed him protection, Ichirou himself had made a deal with him.
"The moment they turned their backs to the Wesninski and made a deal with Hatford, those Japanese shits mean nothing to us." These were desperate men apparently. If the Moriyamas were nothing, the FBI was even less. "Time is running Nathaniel, decide. You or them?"
Andrew would kill him, but they'd talked about it before. Neil had told Andrew. If it means losing you, then no. He would not put himself first. Hell, he'd told the others before, the Foxes were all he had, he wasn't going to risk them for himself, not for anything. He needed to keep them safe.
So now he's lying on the cold wooden floor of some house or shed or whatever, drowsy from whatever they drugged him with once he got in the car, and in pain after being beaten for the last hour or so. He didn't bother asking the man (who is obviously in charge and sent the two men) for a name, and honestly he still doesn't plan to. What was the point of that anyway? He just looks up at the cold brown eyes of the man standing over him, Neil's face as neutral as he could keep it despite the fear of not making it out alive threatening to pull him under. The man just stares at him, calculative eyes and cruel smile, and Neil can't take it.
"What, so you're just gonna stand there? I have better shit to do." He hears the slur in his voice, wonders if it's just the drugs or something else. A concussion is likely. He's met with silence, so he closes his eyes and lays his head down. Fuck he's tired of these situations. He truly will never be safe, no one will-
"You know, I was expecting so much more from you Nathaniel," the man says with a laugh, "I was told that you'd put up a fight, I thought this would be fun. They said you'd beg for your precious life, but you haven't even made an effort."
Whoever his source was, they definitely do not know Neil, or Nathaniel for that matter. Not only is he not going to risk the men hurting the others, but he isn't going to fight, not against so many of them, not when running would be more likely to get him out alive. He isn't going to let them know that. "First go fuck yourself, and second, this isn't remotely close to entertaining to what I've been through, maybe if it was more interesting."
What does Andrew say? Regret is worthless? It seems right, because he can't find regret in what he said, even if his face is a bloody mess (what's new?) and his body shakes with shivers, after his head is held underwater so many times. No, he doesn't regret it. Instead he finds himself laughing a hollow thing.
"Y'know at least others have had a point, this time it's just for the fun of it, and it's not being much fun." His voice cracks a couple times, hoarse from coughing up water.
"You're right though, it is for fun. You cost me absolutely everything Nathaniel. Did you know the feds and the Moriyamas have been after us for months? Hunting us like we're rabbits, all because you decided to be a dipshit and open your mouth. You should be dead. You should have died ten years ago, back in March, anytime. All your existence caused us is trouble. And ratting us to the feds wasn't enough was it? No you told Ichirou all of the Butcher's men were loose ends, too." The man took a deep breath, composing himself. "So yes Nathaniel, this is for fun. This is payback, you've cost many lives, this is retribution for speaking, and I'm gonna enjoy seeing you have fun for as long as I can."
At some point, after hours, he's left alone in the dark, in the cold. He knows he’s in pain. He’s pretty sure his arm is broken, and so are several ribs. He knows he should be in a lot of pain, but he's just numb. Regret is worthless. Because even if he feels even worse than how he felt last winter at Evermore, he doesn’t regret it. He can’t be sure the guy’s men were truly going to kill the Foxes, but he doesn’t regret coming here to make sure the others don’t suffer more than they already have because of him. He wonders if Andrew will forgive him. He didn’t leave proof that he didn’t want to leave this time. Would Andrew think he left them - him? God, he hopes not. Would Andrew look for Neil or leave it thinking that Neil wanted to leave?
It doesn’t really matter, though. Neil is so tired. This time isn’t like when he was on the run or when he went to Evermore or when Lola took him. While with the Ravens, Kevin knew he was there at least, if anything were to happen, a person would know where to look somehow. At Baltimore, several people knew the most likely place to find him; Uncle Stewart, the Hatfords, Kevin again. He has no idea of where he is, or who took him, and no one knows he’s been taken in the first place. No one will ever find him.
Maybe it’s better that way, he thinks. No one will have to deal with the burden of him or his disappearance or his death, because no one will know. The simple thing would be to assume he ran. He hopes they assume he ran. Maybe they’ll be hurt, but haven’t they been expecting him to run? They won’t make it to championships without him considering Jack is an awful striker, but Kevin will manage. Andrew - Andrew is the one who expects him to run the most, maybe he’ll take it nicely. Neil hopes he takes it nicely. Guilt blossoms among the nothingness in his chest, but he can’t take it back, and he doesn’t want to. It’s better this way. No one will find him, but that’s fine. He wonders what the Moriyamas will do. He doesn’t want to think about that. He thinks of Andrew, the kisses, the care, the love, the nights spent together. Thank you, you were amazing. He wishes he could tell him how much he cares one last time. He feels something wet slip down his face. He can’t tell if it’s water, blood or tears. He sighs. He thinks of Andrew, and his eyes slip close.
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lostsoulaltair · 3 years
OnS Chapter 99 - Deep analysis - Love
Hello everyone, I hope you’ve been well; remember to take care of yourself everyone!
The new chapter is out, and of course,analysis and theories will come but, there’s something I want to talk about which was discussed with two friends from discord.
Therefore, let’s begin!
One of the things this chapter carried was “Love”. And many might say or state it’s the cliché of undeveloped romance but, the issue is, that’s not the central point of the story, how can I say this?
In one of the Afterwards Kagami released that sadly it’s not translated and I asked my friend which translated the raw chapters each time they were released to translate it; Kagami states the value of family and love, but for that, let’s talk about it on how that applies towards the story.
First of all, Kagami Takaya stated long ago that Romance wasn’t the main theme of the story; which so far has been true until the doubt that was born during the current chapter. But there’s a huge issue everyone dismisses, what could it be?
The issue is, love takes many forms, it’s not only romantic love or yearning for another person; how can I say this?
Within each chapter, we’ve seen love countless times among humans; and this isn’t romantic wise; it goes to the small shape of caring for another, it goes to worrying for the well being of another:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 20
It might seem like it’s a common panel with comedy but actually, that’s the first time Shiho Kimizuki shows love and affection in the shape of caring twards a friend, towards family; towards someone who supported and encouraged him to take a decision in way more early chapters.
It’s true the squad is young, it’s true they’eve spent at least 5 months together due to how the story began; but yet, they slowly started to take care of each other in their own ways without stating it clearly.
Another proof of such emotion is this:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 23
Another view of this is back in chapter 23 when Shinoa was going to tell Yu about the incident that happened when he became a seraph for the first time; but before that, the squad wanted to make a peaceful dialogue first and for that, they started to do it like a family would; Shinoa and Mitsuba aimed to cook for the guys that technically are the strength of the squad when it comes to defense; but of course, both ladies don’t know how to cook and this ended up depending on Shiho Kimizuki to cook a breakfast for the whole squad, therefore, what’s the point to this?
Correct. Love isn’t romance alone; love is caring for each other, making sure to deliver an appropiate notice to someone you care and that’s what the squad did together; they worry about Yu and true, they might not express it towards words but they can do it through actions:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 35
Yoichi used something Yu repeated to them and that goes to what Mika taught him back when they were in the vampire capital; they became family, they took care of each other’s back and this applied to Mikaela as well not due to him being an important person to Yu but rather because they care about Yu’s happiness and well being; they care for a person that means a lot to someone within the squad and it’s reflected a lot on Mikaela when he showed distrust towards Yu’s friends.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 56
Another form of love despite the picture uploaded is the fact that Guren loves deeply his friends and specially Shinya, does this mean it’s romantic? 
No. Shinya was the very first friend Guren had, a friend that supported his idea to destroy the Hiragi Family so they could be free from their graps ever since the events before the Catastrophe; they trusted each other in order to find out what they Family planned along what Mahiru aimed; both were partners in arms to check each other’s back and eventually, those two started to find more friends which later on became Mito, Goshi, Sayuri and Shigure; and the reason for Sayuri and Shigure to be friends was because they’ve been loyal to Guren; they were supporting pillars but they saw themselves as followers from the Ichinose household until that slowly changed; they saw each other as equals and friends as well.
Even when the world was going to end, they raced towards it bravely even if it meant dying in the process, but of course,Guren couldn’t withstand such event which lead to the Resurrection.
Is there any other form of love?
Of course there is:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 58
While it’s true the scene displays Kureto struggling agaisnt Shikama Doji and relies on kissing Aoi; it’s true that Kureto does harbor feelings towards Aoi but the fact that the shadow of his father, the shadow of the whole Hiragi Family was casted on each member; this only made that Kureto couldn’t express such feelings at ease, but such emotion of love could be seen back in the last volume of the LNs of the Catastrophe.
After the fight Kureto had with Mahiru; Kureto dialed his father to ask if this was also aware of everything to which Tenri replied that it was; that everything was proceeding according to certain plan.
And of course, during this conversation, Aoi Sangu became Tenri’s hostage since he ordered to shot Aoi; Kureto of course worried about her and made Aoi use her cursed gear to heal herself; and you might wonder, where’s the love within this?
The love in there as it’s pure form is the fact that Kureto does care about Aoi’s well being despite her being the least enjoyable character to see within the story by what the fandom has expressed so far and. Kureto despite having a cold demanor cares a lot about Aoi and it’s well seen in the fight against Tenri, when he goes and protects her.
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 5
Another form of love is the one that displayed Mikaela Hyakuya towards Yuichiro Hyakuya, a selfless love that was born from the very bottom of his heart:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 90
Correct. Mikaela told Yu he loved him; such form of love it’s the purest because Yu meant the world to Mikaela; Yu became his light to fight all the things his heart endured, Mikaela wanted to see Yu happy, he wanted to see him safe after the events of Ferid killing their family in front of them without mercy.
Yu and Mika have had a strong bond with all the time they’ve spent together; they knew what bothered them along when to scold each other whenever was uneasiness.
The love Mika displays towards Yu is a sincere form of love, the one that aims or seeks to see the well being of an important person; a love that aims the total security of said person but within this, it does not only focus on that; Mikaela despite being a vampire was able to keep lingering emotions since his reason to live was still alive; he was aware of Yu’s nature and yet, he did his best to ensure his safety despite adversity; but within this, he was aware Yu was in good hands, he had a family that cared about him, and of course, may might say chapter 95 was the opposite of it but, chapter 99 really striked down on such beliefs:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 99
Shiho and Yoichi were the first ones to get triggered by Yu’s easy emotions of just hearing Mikaela will be saved.
They doubted Guren for his actions and how it delivered to Mikaela’s death. They’re young, they don’t know how to express the form of love that goes by embracing someone or giving support words but one thing they do display is through actions; they care about Yu and care about what Mika held dear as well; they’ve lost their important ones in the process and they’re not willing to lose more.
And lastly, the love that confessed Shinoa Hiragi to Shikama Doji; while it’s considered quite surprising and even as something manipulated; in fact, that’s not really the case; Shinoa wanted to have a normal life, being a normal girl but she was aware she wouldn’t be one from the beginning and specially after remembering the events on which Mahiru ended sealing her emotions:
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Image taken from Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign - Chapter 99
I understand very well that this might be unpleasant to some, or joyful for others; as the writer of this analysis, I don’t find it joyful nor unpleasant; everything is held within a neutral point of view; and what it’s displayed in said chapter is actually Shinoa accepting what her heart feels. She’s aware her heart does beat fast when she’s close to Yu but it doesn’t mean she’s obsessed with him nor means she lusts for him; but rather, just like Mikaela; she wants to see him happy, that for once he manages to have a happy life, that he is safe just like the squad does too.
The main focus of the story asides from defeating the First Progenitor isn’t about creating romance; but rather to show that love takes shapes, love is built with time, it can go for appreciation, respect, careness, happiness for the wellbeing of someone that changed a life.
P.S: Analysis are held within a neutral view, they don’t support ships nor anything. The choice of shipping goes only to each respective reader.
The purpose of this analysis is not to justify or say Kagami is enforcing romance but rather, he is aiming to show that adminst catastrophic events, “love” is the key to keep standing, to keep fighting even if the reasons to live may be silly. 
And just like my favorite lore story which is Honkai Impact 3rd, they always state: “Fight for all that’s beautiful in the World.”
That is applied within this chapter as well. A fight against a being that has a God complex. 
What do you think dear readers? Do you agree love takes different forms? Let me know.
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GIF belongs to hopeymchope
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sterekficrec · 3 years
Lost fic masterpost 2.0
This is the new masterpost list for lost fics we haven't found ourselves yet and we need some help with finding. This list contains all asks that are asked after May 31st, 2018. If you asked us something before that date and it hasn't been answered, please check out our Last Chance Asks post first, if it isn't on there feel free to send us the ask again.
If you know what one (or more) of these are then let me know through an ask and mention the number.
Thanks in advance for all your help :)
Hii! I'm looking for this fic I read a while ago, it was on ao3 and kind of short I think.. Stiles catches Derek smoking weed naked, and it involves shotguning.. I remember it had embeded images of shirtless Derek(or some model who looks like Derek more likely) sitting on the floor by the bed.. Hope somebody knows this, I really want to find this :'(
Hi! I don’t know if you can help with this but I’ve been looking for a fic everywhere. Stiles is older than Derek and Talia brings him in to help Derek through his rut or heat. I can’t remember much else. I hope you can help!
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic where stiles thinks Derek doesn't find him attractive Derek doesn't get hard, and Derek thinks that stiles doesn't want him because of this and there's just hella miscommunication?
Hey I was hoping maybe you could help me find a fic? All I remember was that is was like a retelling of season one but Stiles was older and an FBI agent?
Hey there! I wanted to ask about a fic I read some time ago. It’s sort of au. Stiles doesn’t live in Beacon Hills anymore but helps out Deacon and him and Derek meet when he helps out Dereks pack with something. He’s a witch or something like that. I’m sorry for being so vague and in one of the cases Derek gets possessed by a demon, who kills people by dehydrating them. And Stiles gets the demon out of him. Have you guys recced anything like it? I really want to read it again. Thanks :)
Hey!!!! So I was wondering if you could help me find this sterek fic?? They are married and they have a few kids I think mpreg. It has a lot of chapters and in one of them their daughter I think her name may start with an l goes to a dance with a vampire, Derek isn’t so sure ab it. And one time stiles has to go on a trip for work or maybe a retreat with Scott and Derek has to console there few month old, as he hasn’t been away from stiles. Please please!!
I was wondering if you’d be able to help me find a fic? Derek and Stiles are on a date and they have Cora with them. When they’re buying tickets, the person at the ticket counter flirts with Derek and assumes he’s chaperoning a date between Cora and Stiles. I think Stiles yells oh hell no and then kisses Derek?? I wish I could remember more, but that’s all I recall..
I've been looking for a certain nsfw fic where someone "gives" Stiles to Derek as a birthday present, I'm pretty sure Stiles is tied up in a hotel bed or something like that. Thank you so much in advance 💖
Hello! I read a fic once and I cannot find it again and I would really like to reread it. Of what I remember the sheriff is an alpha and dies and Stiles has to take over and the sheriff left a lot of debt. So Stiles starts to sell off chunks of land and works a ton of jobs to try to pay it back.
Hey, I’m looking for a fic where Stiles is a spark, but he’s hella freaking powerful because when his mom died he kind of tried to bring her back, but it latched onto his baseball bat? I think Lydia is actually the alpha of the pack, and Laura and Cora are alive (I think the rest of the Hales are too?). Derek was like, literally married to Kate for a while and then they divorce and Stiles and him break into her house and totally trash it. Help????
I was wondering i you could help me find a fic (i'm desperate), the only thing i can remember is that derek keeps a 20 dollar bill by his door in case any girl scouts come by, but they never come because the moms think he's some kind og bad guy. Stiles meets a girl scout mom and konda confront her about it (and by confront i mean like really yell at) i think it might have been a slowburn fic Thank you:)
I've been looking desperately for this fic where Stiles gets Emissary/Druid training from Deaton but eventually Deaton refuses to teach Stiles anymore so Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in search of another teacher he leave sometime before the alpha pack he finds a teacher and travels a lot but eventually returns Beacon Hills after a few years very powerful helps them defeat somthing and eventually hooks up with Derek.
Hi please if u could help me this sterek fic? Both derek and stiles were deputies . Derek was new there and parrish like stiles which made Der jealous . I dont remember much but help ..
Hey I was hoping you could help me find a fic? It's been a while since I've read it, but I know it was based around the sacfricial killings, but they were being used to resurrect some people I think? It was magic!Stiles, and at the end he kinda changed the spell to resurrect the Hale family instead? Sorry I can't remember much else, but I know I really enjoyed it and I can't find it at all. It would mean a lot if you found it!
Hello. Love this blog helping find fics for other people some of which I’ve read and loved. I’d love if you could help me find a fix where stiles, Jackson, Erika, issac and Boyd are selected to be seventh to the hale family. Mr. Harris is the servant and the living family is Cora Derek Laura Peter and the grandmother. Stiles of course is Derek’s servant and finds the truth out about his forgotten pass and what he is to Derek’s. Changing him Erika and issac into werewolf’s. Hope you can find!!
Hello! I was wondering of you could help me find a fic. From what I remember, Derek comes home (from college I think) for the first time in years, and finds that his family loves Stiles, who he has never met. They hate each other in the beginning. Thank you for any help you can give, and thank you for all you do for this amazing fandom! :D
hi!im looking for a sterek fic that has stiles staying in beacon hills as a supernatural doctor? and then he gets an email from derek that says that derek is hurt. stiles also has a bunch of journals full of information about the pack. and them stiles has a really bad leg injury. and the sheriff is dead. stiles listens to either mozart or bach to calm down, i can’t remember. please, help me. sorry if my descriptions are a little messy, im stressing over it bc i want to reread it. thanks.
i’m trying to find a fic where the pack accidentally wishes on a shooting star about stiles, and they wake up in this alternate universe where stiles doesn’t know who they are and he’s being brought in by deputies, && they find out that stiles is a mage of some sort in another pack, i’ve been trying to find it forever. also thank you!
For the prompt you asked: what about Stiles going crazy trying to plan the perfect Christmas party with the pack but everyone has a different religion or belief and Stiles is squishing a little of everything in there, the party wont even be on Christmas eve but in a different neutral date or smthng. And obviously since most of the pack is still busy with school(or college?)he ropes Derek into helping with preparations. Obviously they end up making a big mess out of everything. they also fight a lot untill Derek snaps and Stiles realizes that Derek's only problem with Christmas is he misses his family so much(and the only reason Stiles wants to party it's bc it makes him remember his mother)And the pack arrives at the new Hale house to find them like that, depressed and with a burnt out dinner in the kitchen, ligths popped and tree destroyed. And it magicaly snows in that moment(or maybe it's Stiles?)
Hi, sorry for my bad english. I’m looking for sterek fic. I know I read it in AO3. I don’t remember much but almost in the end Stiles and Chris are arguing because all the stuff his family did. How bad Stiles was tortured by Gerard and I think Stiles was pemanently injured in one ear and one eye. And also Chris was yelling that he killed his father and Stiles said in the end it didn’t mather because He was damage forever. I really hope you can help me.
hi, so i was hoping you could help me find a sterek fic where stiles and derek are childhood friends, and stiles is pining after him but derek and paige are dating, and stiles gets jealous when paige is sitting in his seat and almost has a mental breakdown? i think stiles starts ignoring him, and derek realizes that he no longer sees paige as his future mate but stiles. thank you!!
Hi, Sterek fic I can't find. With Stiles drowning, bc of himself or feelings being too much, Derek notices and saves him, and the Derek warms him by turning into his alpha form? Stiles really like shifted Derek. Thank you guys! :)
Hi I was wondering if you could help me find these 2 sterek fics where: 1. Derek and stiles are on a stakeout looking at a bank I think when someone approaches the car and Derek pulls stiles into his lap and stiles begins to question his sexuality and if Derek likes him. 2. God I can’t believe I didn’t save this one but I can only remember a scene in the fic where stiles and Derek were at a drive though movie theatre and they were kissing and it was all about Derek self healing. Pls help.
Hey I'm trying to find this fic on archive that I read before but I can't seem to find it. If you don't do this sort of thing sorry in advance. But if you do all the teenagers are alive and Stiles is getting bullied by a group of douches so the pack challenge them to a series of games. Girls vs girls and boys vs boys. They win of course. Anyway if you know of this fic please let me know
I need help finding a fic pls. Stiles meets Derek young (around 4ish) and they're soulmates (Derek knew when Claudia was still pregnant). There is def an age gap. Stiles grows up knowing Derek is his mate, and tries to mate with him, but because they spent so much time together while he was young, stiles's wolf develops quicker than it should and goes into heat, so they try to separate them. Mama S. and Hale family is still alive, and theres an alpha/alpha mate convention at some point. Thanks!
hey! i'm looking for a fic where stiles is living on the east coast working for the government and then he saves somebody's life by recognizing that the agent was walking into a trap of a vampire coven so he starts working with this supernatural sector of the government (and people named jessica and jason i think) and gets sent to a national council thing and reconciles with derek and the pack after having left beacon hills and stuff
Hi! ❤️ thank you so much for taking the time, I was just hoping someone could help find that sterek fic where it’s established relationship, and stiles works for a company because he came up with a famous slogan for some type of candy/food and the company rlly loves him, at one point goes on a business trip where someone tries to have an affair and stiles is like WHUt NO and goes back to Derek immediately feeling guilty even tho he was 100% loyal? Thank youuuu ❤️
Hello! I love this blog a lot , keep up the good work. :) I was recently reading a fanfic where stiles is kidnapped by jennifer and she uses derek’s semen in a spell to make the “werewolf messiah”. Can you help me find it?
I am looking for a fic. Derek is the alpha and he and stiles get together and cook meals. First Boyd is added to the group and then Isaac. Isaac becomes a foster of Boyd's parents. Then Erica is added. They give Erica the bite after discussing it with her parents. Please help
Hi! Looking for a fic where Stiles is bitten by a fox at the zoo, changes into an actual fox, which means he’s terrified of the werewolves, including Scott and Derek. Derek has to lure him out with a trampoline (definitely inspired by that video of a fox on a trampoline). I looked everywhere I could think of but no luck :/ hopefully someone’s heard of it! Thank you!
Hi! I’m scouting the internet for an old sterek fic I read once where stiles and Allison bond over the summer after s2 and in a drunken mistake Allison gets pregnant but it’s not romantic? I can’t find even a trace of it anywhere but I VIVIDLY remember it
Not a fic Rex but could you help me find a fic? It’s been months apon months since I have read this fic but it’s a sterek fic and stiles was kinda of controlling and would never be a good bf to Derek so they never did anything derek wants to do only stiles. And I remember they talked about it and were getting better and Derek asked to go on a hike to show stiles this pond or something idk for sure and stiles almost says no and it’s angsty and amazing.
Hi! I've been looking for a fic that I read a while ago, I don't know if it's been deleted or not and I don't remember it clearly. But from what I remember, at some point Derek stayed with Stiles and his dad in his wolf form because he was traumatized and felt like he was inconvenient to everybody? Sorry I'm not being very clear but if that rings any bell... Thank you!
hi! There was this Sterek fic form Isaac's POV where he was Stiles' PA and he really shipped him with Derek, but all the other two do is fight-- and in the end, he finds out they've been married for around 5 years. Do you know it's linked, by any chance? :)
Hey! I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find this Sterek fic and was wondering if you could help me? All I remember is that Stiles is pregnant, him and Jackson are really close friends, and something about ‘is Thursday a good day to tell your ex you’re pregnant?’. Thank you so much if you could help! ❤️
Hello! Okay so I have my been here in a while, but I've ran out of fics to read. And I'm not sure if you guys are still active. But do you guys have some where Sterek start dating, but it's because one of them like the other and the other one thought, "why not?" But they end up falling for the other. Sorry I know this is too specific. :/ but thank you!!!
I'm looking for a fic that Stiles was invited to Derek's wedding to Julia/Jennifer, but it turns out he was magically controlled to go along with everything so she'd have control of the pack???? Eventual sterek.
Hiiii! I'm wondering if you can help me. I read this fic forever ago and it was a supernatural FBI type situation. Stiles was magic and sold potions on the side (I know to at least Ethan). Deucalion was selling drugs that were killing people. I remember that the drugs made you hover in the air before you died and Stiles got drugged (also pretty sure he was a suspect). Derek was an agent. Thanks in advance!
Hey I'm really sorry to bother i am looking for a fic were stiles and derek are in a long term relationship but derek starts to neglect stiles so he decides to leave for a new apartment and derek realizes how much he has been missing. thank you i hope you can help me
Hey! So I’m looking for 2 sterek fics that might have been deleted but I’m not sure. The first, someone is poisoning the wolves to makes them shift, and stiles and Derek get locked in a cage so that Derek would kill stiles. The second one, the pack goes to college, but Derek breaks up with stiles to keep him safe, and stiles starts taking pain killers. The Alpha pack shows up, but at the end Peter tries to kill Scott or Derek to become an alpha again. Any idea? Thank you!!!
Hey I'm looking for a sterek fic and going out of my mind because I cant find it! All I remember is that they had at least one kid together and in the epilogue or sequel or something they were having a family dinner where their college age oldest daughter was bring home her boyfriend to meet the family. And I think the younger brother was non-binary of some sort and they were worried how the boyfriend was going to handle that. And werewolves existed but still a secret. Thank you in advance!!
Im sorry i might be stupid but i cant find the askbox, im looking for a fic where stiles and derek are mates and there might be a abo dynamic, derek knows they are mates before stiles is born because he meet Claudia while she i pregnant, they start of young in the fic but get older as i goes. I must have been an explicit one. Sorry for any inconvinience
Hi! Looking for a stereo college au where stiles is obsessed with Greek mythology and even got a tattoo of it. Some internal homophobia in there too. Thank you in advance!
hi! i am looking for this sterek fic i read last year I think. Stiles and Derek are both in college and Stiles is crazy about greek mythology - has some of the stuff tattooed on him. Derek is kind of closeted and maybe a little internally homophobic but is crazy about Stiles. Stiles has some Dark Things that happened to him back in BH.....Eventually Derek gets him a ticket to go to Greece? Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
I think these two are asks for the same fic, if not I seperated them in a. and b. so let me know the latter if they are not the same.
Hello, sorry I have another ask. I'm looking for a fic where werewolves are known and the hale family is alive. Stiles has to spend time with every member of the pack to determine compatibility I think? They all dislike him. Laura hates him because they had a previous encounter and she bruises him. It's a sterek fic I think. Thanks!
there's a fic i read years ago about stiles and derek both being accountants and working together. i think stiles was a new employee? possibly a student/graduate? sorry i dont have much information, its been years since i read it and i just randomly thought about it but cant find it
Hey! I swear I got this Fic from y’all but I cannot find it now for the life of me. It’s a college AU where stiles rushes fraternities on a whim and meets Boyd. Boyd is a legacy for Derek’s fraternity and joins them, Stiles ends up rushing and joining Scott’s fraternity. There’s a whole bunch of pranking that ensues including Stiles stealing Derek’s pledge paddle... it’s a fantastic fic but I can’t find it
hi!!! i was wondering if you know the fic where the pack finds actual wolf cubs and decides to raise them??? i remember it being a WIP and the wolves names were sköll and haiti (?). btw: i love this blog so much 😭😭💝
hi! I’ve been looking for a fic where stiles (for a reason that I forget) pretends to be gay and ends up dating Derek while still pretending to be gay and then actually falls for Derek in the end. I can’t seem to remember what it’s called and I really wanna reread it. Hope you can find it!
Hi, I’m wondering if you could help me find a fic. One where Derek had to sacrifice his love for Stiles to keep his family alive (some sort of curse on him to make him fall out of love) and magic!Stiles does everything to break the curse? If you know it please help
Hi! I’m looking for a Sterek fic on Ao3 where the day after Stiles and Derek finally go forward in their relationship this random ass guy shows up, claims he’s an old friend of Derek’s from New York and convinces the whole pack, minus Stiles, too. From what I remember he used their names to place a spell on them to control them. Derek attacks Stiles then kicks him out of the group, Lydia shows up and helps Stiles break the spell because she’s queen, and they get the guy arrested. Plz help?
Hey guys no pressure but theres been a fic stuck in the back of my head for months and I can’t find it. What I remember is that the pack are in a bar when a siren does a siren thing and everyone in the bar is under his spell and it was something d&s could resist only because they were truely in love. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, English is hard for a dyslexic
Hey!! First of all...... thank u so much this is always so helpful..... Second of all, I can’t remember the name and hopefully you can help?? It’s Sterek, it’s not an AU. Derek leaves and moves to Montana? Colorado? Something like that and coincidentally Stiles ends up going there for college and slow build???? And knowing these boys, some Angst™️
UGH!! Can you help? Stiles goes to stay with Derek in Brazil?
HELP, goin crazy looking for fic I wanna reread, Remember tons specific odd details. Listing them w/ hopes someone knows what I'm taking about! ABO adjacent, Stiles heat is called a wetting, Stile's dad gives his hand away only cuz its good alpha Derek, marital/mate tradition w/ fancy ornate bathtubs, Stiles has skirt w/ embroidered list of his skills on it, Derek bad a verbalized emotions. Regency era. Stiles has a miscarriage w/ lot of self blame. Issac is Derek's ward since he's a kid. Aaah?!
Hello I'm trying to find a fic where when Stiles was young (and with the help of Lydia or Scott) did a spell to never find his soulmate. Like it was: he will have blue eyes, no green and brown; he will be strong enough to lift a car; he will play cello. The point of the spell being to not find him. Later he meet Derek and freaks out because he is perfect (multicolored eyes, werewolf strength...). Please help me find it! Thanks
I am looking for a fic that starts with Stiles and Derek researching but then Stiles gets turned on and him and Derek end up hooking up. It's a 5+1 fic
Hi! Can you help me find the fic where Stiles, Sheriff and a few other people from town were held hostage by werewolves(?) but also some humans I think and they were planning to escape but stiles said they should stay put. And at the end or towards the end Derek bursts in as a full wolf and stiles has to talk him down so he’ll shift back and the people who held him hostage know him as one of the most dangerous in the Hale pack.
Hi Mod(s)! I am currently looking for a fic about magic Stiles. I don't remember any of the pairings, but I vividly remember a conversation between Stiles, Allison, and Lydia. To prove that his magic is real, Stiles sets his lacrosse stick on fire. Allison is prejudiced toward magic and says that Stiles could probably light a house on fire, and Stiles responds that he could, but then he would die of organ failure. Thank you for your help! I appreciate the time and care you put into this blog!
Hey, thanks for all you do. Do you perhaps know a fic that is basically a rewrite of season 1 but Stiles has a dog, and Derek gets jealous of the dog, honestly I've been searching everywhere for this
I have a question
all I can remember is Alison is matriarch of the hunters, Stiles is sassy as fuck... I think he was magic. I believe there was a coffee shop showdown where Alison didn’t realize that Stiles was there... I can’t remember if it’s a recent fix or something I stumble across finding new docs to read.
Hello! I've been trying to comb my way through your blog and searching google but I haven't been able to find the fic I've been looking for so I hope you can help me (and I hope I'm not missing the post and making a duplicate)
The story is a sterek fic where Derek goes to stiles for help because hes developing a sexual problem and only trusts stiles to look up the answer. Stiles find out it's likely a mate thing and suggests derek figures out who hes been spending a lot of time with. Derek checks out and crosses off each of the pack before settling on Scott (because of his scent, thinking its what's triggering the response), turns out its stiles and that stiles has a very active libido and that's what's causing Derek's problem.
I swear I had it saved but I can't find it in any of my bookmarks. So, any help you can provide at finding the fic would be super helpful! Thank you!
hi, hoping for some help finding a fic? from around 2015 - sterek (either established couple or they got together during +), there's a big bad that mind controls or possesses Derek and makes him stab stiles. then in the next part stiles trains with the argents and they're still trying to fight the big bad. there's an OC that stiles is jealous of bc she is able to bring Derek out of the mind control/possession when he wasn't able to. that's everything I remember. any help is appreciated! thanks!!
There is this fic that I cannot remember the name of. It’s a very slow burn where stiles and Derek once they decide to be together, wait until 18 for kissing (before that they do Eskimo kisses) and then to like 21 or something for sex. It’s really sweet and cute and stiles is understanding of his trauma. It may have been a de-aged derek, cursed, bonded, or fake/pretend relationship? If you know, I will love you forever and ever +1.
I'm looking for a long Teen Wolf fic. Here's what I remember.
Stiles left to join the FBI. Cut ties with Beacon Hill. Never looked back. Becomes an FBI wunderkind.
On behalf of the FBI he goes to some werewolf or Supernatural Council event with his unit. It's a complete surprise the Beacon Hill pack is there, they're all cold shouldering each other. Everyone has grown into their own, and the pack is beyond thriving. Derek is some high muckity muck.
Scrooby doo mystery plot stuff, ends in Sterek.
It's long and has some time stamp sequels.
Does this sound familiar? I've been looking for it to reread.
I’ve been looking for this one sterek fic where stiles has a crush on Derek and Derek is like in high school while stiles is still a kid. And like stiles comes over to the Hale house to hang out with Derek and he catches Derek making out with a girl (maybe Kate) and it breaks his heart.
Hi :) I’m looking for a fic where Stiles and Derek fake being in a relationship when Derek has to go to some werewolf retreat. Stiles learns magick and can see strings that run between…mates, maybe? I think there’s also a toddler named Luca running around. Idk I remember reading this YEARS ago and would really like to find it again🥺
Hey. I was wandering if you knew of a fic that’s kinda oldish. But stiles and Derek meet and they’re like mates or soulmates or something. Anyway stiles pack which is like Scott, Allison, Lydia, Danny etc have been cursed by a witch and I thinks they’re getting their power drained or something? They’re lived are in danger and Derek helps coz Stiles is his mate. Possible chance they’re all at college
hi! I am looking for a sterek fic. stiles works two jobs and is really tired driving home one day and accidentally rear ends derek (who is a cop?) who then comforts him when he freaks out. it is abo au and the pack are included. thanks in advance!
Do you know a ao3 fanfic about sterek where stiles just presented as an omega and gets taken by the government to be the omega in dereks military group?
Hey I was wondering if you could find this fic for me? I’ve been looking lol night and I can’t find it anywhere. I know it’s on AO3 if that helps at all.
So it’s a royalty au and pretty much Derek is a werewolf and he invades stiles kingdom under peters orders but when Derek gets to the palace stiles father isn’t there as stiles has hidden him and he ends up marrying stiles and stiles is like tricky and stuff and there’s one scene where they are in the garden and dereks soldiers end up in a field of wolvesbane and gets really sick and stiles goes in to save him and he gets really mad at his guards for letting the wolf just walk into it. And Peter is bad and intends on killing derek and stiles realises this and tells him and Derek ends up killing him. I think it would be classified as enemies to lovers? I hope that’s enough info to go off of
Thank you so much in advance I really appreciate it if you find it!
Hi I have been looking for this fic for literally years, all I remember is that stiles and allison had a kid together years before when they were both on the outs from the pack in LA, but they come back and scott and allison end up together again, and derek left beacon hills for years but comes back and settles but keeps leaving and stiles is upset—eventual sterek of course—and there’s something big going on supernaturally? And stiles gets intense migraines? Honestly it’s been so long I could have imagined this haha but I will be so grateful if someone has heard of this! Thank you for all you do!
Hi there! I read a fic a looong time ago and unfortunately, I can't find it. What I remember, is that Stiles and Derek move out of Beacon Hills and also get their own dog. I also think at first Stiles was on his own and he moved away for himself, not necessarily bc he was pushed out of the pack, but that may have been in a different fic and I'm just mixing them up. So sorry for being so vague! I hope you may be able to find it
hi! i'm searching for a fix where the pack goes on vacation and derek and stiles have to share a room. basically stiles thinks that derek doesnt like his scent and leaves the windows open and they freeze their asses off lol. i think it was in a cabin or something in the woods.
Hiya! Not sure if you’re still taking SOS Fic Searches. I cannot for the life of me remember anything more than a sterek fic with stubborn Derek / Stiles where Jackson asked Stiles out on a date on Valentines Day knowing Derek would be jealous, but when Derek doesn’t step in immediately, after the “date” Jackson texts Stiles “you’ll thank me for this” and then kisses him on the porch and Derek wolfs out and chases him — thus allowing for them to discuss their feelings and get together (but also keep it a secret from the pack for being assholes and making group chats without them)
i’m looking for a fic that starts with stiles and derek getting into a fender bender. it’s in a universe where everyone registers as a dom, sub, or switch. stiles is a sub and derek is a dom. derek works with scott. after the accident stiles brings derek cookies and brownies at work. derek is some sort of officer or something that works with dom/sub rights or something?? there’s a protest which stiles goes to and it gets violent and at another point someone vandalizes where derek works. stiles and jackson are friends and jackson coaches lacrosse. i’m sorry if this is vague but i appreciate the help!
I'm trying to find a fic and I'm hoping you can help- I've read it before but can't for the life of me find it on Ao3, and it's killing me! It's one where Stiles is magical, Scott pretty much goes insane- and there is a super amazing scene towards the end where Stiles winds up magically taking Scott's wolf away and giving it to Melissa, who lovingly embraces it. It was a great read that I could have sworn I bookmarked :(
Hi! I’m not sure if you can help me find a lost fic. But I thought I’d give it a shot and ask. I read this Sterek fic within the last couple of months and i remember very little unfortunately. Basically I remember that stiles was allowed to sleep in dereks bed and Derek was acting like that was no big deal, but everyone else in the pack thought it was a massive deal because wolves and scent and stuff and I remember one of the women in the pack was pregnant but no idea who. This is so convoluted and I’m sorry. If you can’t find it no worries! Thanks!!
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refinedbuffoonery · 3 years
Looking Through A Window (7)
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macriley married undercover au
Sorry for the delay! I either have my shit together in real life or fandom life, but never both at the same time lol. Anyway, I got endless joy from reading all your reactions to last chapter’s clifhanger (sorry not sorry). I didn’t respond to comments because I don’t trust myself not to spoil anything, but just know that I appreciate every single one of your theories. Also, many of you were at least somewhat correct. (Yikes am I becoming predictable?? Gotta fix that.) This chapter ends at a good stopping point, so I’m going to switch gears and write a couple chapters of other fics (which I encourage you to read!!) before coming back to this. But fear not! I have big plans for the future of this fic, and I’ll send you all down the theory rabbit hole soon enough. xoxo
The world narrows until Mac is only aware of two things: his racing heart and the fact that Riley is gone. 
The blood is fresh, but there’s no sign of a struggle—no sign of anything, really. The windows are locked and unbroken, the bedroom door is half-closed the way it always is. Not a single thing is out of place…except for Riley. 
So, where the hell is she? 
His body goes taut as the worst case scenario plays in his mind. Please don’t be gone, Mac silently begs. Please. 
The apartment is quiet. Too quiet. So when the shower turns on with a loud thunk, Mac flinches. Hard. Without thinking, he scrambles out of bed and lunges for the bathroom door. 
As he bursts through the door, Mac’s awareness shifts to three things: Riley is alive, she’s naked, and she’s screaming. 
“Mac!” She hisses, glaring over her shoulder. If looks could kill, he’d be very, very dead by now. At least her back is to him. “What the hell?” 
Mac barely hears her over the roaring in his ears. He scans her naked body, trying and failing to be professional as he scans for injuries. 
His eyes land on the blood smeared between her thighs, then the thin stream rolling down the inside of her knee. As understanding dawns on him, Mac holds out his own blood-covered hand in silent explanation. 
Riley winces. “Sorry about the blood.” 
Mac still feels a little disconnected from his body when he says, “I was afraid you were dead.”
Embarrassment floods Riley’s face. She begs,“Can we please finish this conversation when I’m not naked and bleeding all over the floor?” Mac’s gaze automatically flicks to the drops of blood between her feet, but he doesn’t move. His limbs are still frozen in place, the way they’ve been since he found her. “Get out!” Riley snaps. 
His own embarrassment finally taking hold, Mac stumbles backward, tripping over the door frame on his way out. 
While Riley showers, Mac busies himself by stripping the bed and washing the sheets and blankets. Not just because it needs to be done, but because it’s easier to process emotions when his hands are busy. It feels like he just experienced the entire spectrum of human emotion in the span of three minutes, and now all these untethered feelings are floating around in his head. As he works, Mac examines them one by one. 
He woke up this morning wanting to cuddle with Riley. Not just wanting to, but comfortable enough to act on that desire. 
When his hand landed in the blood, his brain immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. He is deeply afraid of said scenario. 
Then panic set in, as he desperately tried to prove himself wrong. 
Followed by relief at finding Riley and learning the blood was not from an injury, but from a normal bodily function. 
Then embarrassment, because he freaked out and barged in on her over something he could’ve deduced for himself if only he’d just stopped to think. He’s supposed to be smart, so why couldn’t that big brain of his, as Jack would say, figure this out? 
The answer to that question, at least, comes easily: Because it’s Riley, and he doesn’t always think with his head when it comes to her. 
For example, while he’s mortified at seeing her naked, a part of him wishes she’d been facing the other direction. 
Mac starts the washing machine and decides to do the mature thing and hide in the kitchen for the entire foreseeable future. He spies Harley lying on the couch, gazing out a window. “And where were you for all of this?” he asks. “A heads-up would’ve been nice.” 
Harley stares at him for a few seconds before resuming her vigil, and Mac hears the message, loud and clear: You’re on your own. 
When Riley still hasn’t emerged from the bedroom long after the shower turned off, Mac suspects that she’s hiding too. He doesn’t blame her. 
It’s late morning by the time the laundry is finished, and Mac can’t hide any longer. Clutching the still-warm sheets and blankets to his chest, he cautiously ventures into the bedroom. Riley is lying on the bed with her knees tucked up to her chin, and a pang of sympathy echoes in Mac’s chest. Her eyes are closed, but Mac doubts that she’s actually asleep. 
Dropping the sheets on the floor, he asks, “Are you alive?” 
Riley groans. “No.” 
“Could you please go die on the couch then, so I can make the bed?” She groans again and mumbles something incoherent. “Also you’ll feel better if you eat something.” 
“No I won’t.” She sounds like a whining toddler, and Mac has to stifle a snort. Still, a bit of the awkwardness dissipates. But only a bit. 
“Yes you will. I know you, Miss Hangry.” 
“I’m not hangry.” 
“Says the one who skipped breakfast.” 
“I was hiding from you.” 
“So was I,” Mac confesses. Riley cracks a single eye open at that, just in time to see his cheeks heat. “Trust me, I am way more embarrassed than you.” 
It takes him a second to notice that she’s blushing too. “Wanna bet?” 
Mac starts putting the fitted sheet on the unoccupied side of the mattress. “I didn’t see anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Nothing he hasn’t seen before, anyway, but Mac wisely decides to keep that part to himself. “Victoria’s secret is still a secret,” he adds with a wink. 
Riley rolls her eyes. “You did not just say that.” 
“Made you laugh, didn’t it?” Mac gives her a shit-eating grin, and despite her best attempt at hiding it, amusement slips through the cracks in Riley’s unimpressed facade. 
“Whatever. We don’t have to do anything today, do we?” Mac raises his brow at the question. For all the years he’s known Riley, she’s always been more of a ‘suck it up’ kind of person, not a ‘stay in bed’ person. So her question is surprising, if not mildly concerning. 
“Nope.” He pauses. “Are you okay? This isn’t like you.” 
Riley rolls onto her back. “Dude, it feels like someone took a cheese grater to my insides.” 
Mac winces at the mental image. “Ouch.” 
She pauses, as if contemplating her next words before she says them. “I got a new IUD a couple months ago, and this one makes my cramps way worse. I used to be able to ignore them, but this sucks.” 
Not knowing how to reply to that, he squeezes Riley’s ankle in a way he hopes is reassuring. Mac flicks his gaze up to meet hers and finds Riley already looking at him. Her gaze is warm and steady, but Mac can see hints of pain clouding her dark eyes. He thinks it isn’t fair that her body turns on her like this. 
"I'm getting back in bed the second you're done making it," she warns. 
"Go right ahead." 
Riley wanders into the kitchen, and, true to her word, reappears right when Mac finishes smoothing down the comforter, with Harley at her heels. To Mac's surprise, Harley jumps on the bed, waits for Riley to get situated, and then tucks herself into Riley's side. A smile blooms on his face. Riley puts an arm around Harley, pulling the dog into her stomach before moving to scratch her head. When Harley licks Riley’s face in return, Mac suddenly gets the feeling he's watching something private. 
Satisfied that Riley is in capable hands, Mac leaves without another word.
Beneath the weathered wooden conference table, Harley’s head rests on Mac’s foot as she dozes through the Patriots’ council meeting. When they arrived, no one looked more put off by their presence than Conrad, but, true to his word, Ethan welcomed Mac and Riley with open arms and encouraged their participation. A murmur of dissent snaked through the room, but no one openly questioned Ethan’s decision to include them. 
Twenty minutes in, Mac would rather be anywhere but here. The “meeting” so far has been very little business and mostly rehashing some fishing trip a few of the guys went on over the weekend. Mac is holding out hope that it won’t be a complete waste of his time, but said hope dwindles each time someone exaggerates about the size of a fish. 
There’s nothing interesting to look at in the room, save for Riley. No art, no plants, no wall of guns. Not even a clock. Just drab gray walls with no windows. And he doesn’t dare study any of the men for longer than a second or two each. Making an enemy is as easy as looking at someone the wrong way, and Mac has no desire to antagonize the other members of the Patriots…at least not yet. 
Extricating his foot from beneath Harley’s head, he’s just about to make an excuse about needing to use the restroom when Ethan’s phone rings. After quickly checking it, Ethan excuses himself from the meeting with a curt nod to Conrad. Mac understands the look; he’s given and received it countless times himself, after all. Permission to continue without him. Because despite his tendency to toe the line, Conrad is still Ethan’s trusted lieutenant. The exchange is subtle, practiced, and apparently insignificant to the other men at the table, who are somehow still talking about fish. 
When the storytelling finally lulls, Conrad clears his throat. "Let's start with recruitment. Report." No nonsense, right to the point. Maybe he’s tired of the fish conversation too. 
As Conrad steers the conversation through the various items on the agenda, Mac realizes two things. 
One, the Patriots are far more organized than he originally made them out to be. This is no grassroots startup, and their plans go much deeper than protests and parking lot shootings. 
Two, Conrad is careful not to let anyone share too much information, instead asking everyone to give their detailed reports in individual meetings. And it's more than just trying to keep him and Riley in the dark. It's almost as if…almost as if Conrad doesn't want anyone to see the big picture besides himself. 
Mac decides to take his theory for a test drive. "I know I'm new here," he says, "but why have everyone meet with you a second time individually instead of sharing their full reports now? Wouldn't that be a better use of time?" 
Conrad sneers. "On the contrary, boy, why would I waste everyone's time making them listen to information they don't need to know?" 
It takes every ounce of Mac’s self control not to roll his eyes. 
Beneath the table, Riley grips his knee, nails digging in through his khakis. Mac wants to tell her that he’s thinking the same thing she is, but he can’t. The best he can settle for is a brief touch on her arm before needing to do something with his hands to distract himself from the way his skin burns under her touch. He elects to drum his fingers on the table, mostly to push Conrad’s buttons even further. 
If Conrad’s furrowed brow is any indication, it works. 
“Do you mind?” Conrad says with a pointed glare at Mac’s hand. 
Feigning ignorance, Mac replies, “Mind about what?” 
“The tapping.” 
“Oh!” Mac makes a show of sliding his gaze down to his hand before flattening his palm against the table. “My bad.” 
Looking none too pleased, Conrad moves on, but to Mac’s surprise, the man sitting beside him leans in to whisper, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. He's not the one to piss off." His words are tinged with genuine concern, and under different circumstances, Mac would appreciate the advice. 
"He's a man," Mac whispers back, "just like everyone else at this table." Minus Riley, of course. 
The man presses on. "The previous occupant of your seat was shot point blank for asking too many questions." Mac's brows raise at that. "You're sitting in a dead man's chair." 
Mac pockets that little detail gratefully, but he hesitates before ultimately heeding the man's warning. He fiddles with the button on his sleeve, impatiently waiting for the meeting to end so he can share his theory with Riley. 
What Mac doesn't anticipate is Riley beating him to it, pulling him aside before they're even back in the car. "Conrad's compartmentalizing information," she says in a quiet, confident tone. 
They’re too exposed to be having this conversation. Mac nervously checks for eavesdroppers, but doesn’t spot any. Deeming it safe for now, he replies, "Yeah I thought so too." 
"He's made himself essential. No one else knows how everything works." Riley pauses, eyes catching on something over his shoulder. Barely audibly, she adds, "An asshole and a control freak." He doesn’t need to turn around to know she’s looking at Conrad, not when she has a white-knuckled grip on Harley’s leash. 
"So if we eliminate him…" 
Riley nods in understanding. He’s controlling everything in an attempt to rise through the rankings and seize power. So if they eliminate Conrad, the whole organization may very well come tumbling down in his wake. 
Now they just have to figure out how the hell to accomplish that. 
"What if we help him?" Riley suggests, reading Mac’s mind. 
"We've spent all this time looking for the weakest link, but maybe…maybe we need to attach ourselves to the strongest one." A stray curl falls in Riley's face, and as she brushes it behind her ear, Mac absentmindedly wishes his fingers were brushing it back instead. Riley continues, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think we should help him become more powerful than he already is. That way, we can do as much damage as possible when we take him out." 
A man they don't know walks by, and Mac nods in greeting. Waiting for the man to move out of earshot, Mac drops to one knee, giving Harley a good scratch. She wags her tail and opens her mouth in a smile, clearly enjoying the attention. When the coast is clear again, Mac says, "You just made this op so much longer, but I think you're right." 
Riley snorts. "What, is there somewhere else you need to be?" 
Gazing up at the woman before him, the answer is obvious. Not unless you're coming with me. 
In the gray hour before dawn crests over the world, Mac wakes to something tickling his nose. He exhales sharply, trying to blow it away, but the tickle persists.
His face is pressed into the nape of Riley's neck, and a deep inhale causes a few strands of her hair to go up his nostrils. Reaching up to brush Riley’s hair out of his face, he hesitates right before his calloused fingers brush her skin, afraid that even the barest touch will shatter the moment. As soon as Riley wakes, he'll have to hide behind his mask of indifference, and Mac isn't ready to do that yet. 
For as long as he dares, Mac allows himself to imagine what it would be like to wake up with Riley for real, in his own home. He sees her curled in his bed, sheets pulled up to her chin, hears the soft, steady cadence of her breathing, smells the lingering traces of perfume on her skin. 
Riley stirs in his arms, and the vision blurs, moving out of reach. Mac grasps for it, but it evaporates into nothingness as she settles back against him. 
He shifts his focus to the very real sensation of Riley’s body tucked into his. Her back to his chest, his leg slotted between hers, her ass pressed against his—
Mac jerks backward, trying to put as much space between them as possible before Riley wakes and realizes just what she scooted back against. 
Except, in his haste, Mac doesn’t realize there’s a third party present until his foot slams into the small, warm body lying at the foot of the bed. Guilt washes over him at Harley’s ensuing yelp. 
Awake, Riley mumbles, “Did you just kick the dog?” 
“It was an accident!” Mac insists, sitting up. He turns his attention to Harley. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. You can come back if you want.” He pats the bed in a way he hopes is reassuring, but Harley merely eyes him with suspicion before slinking out of the room. 
“I can’t believe you kicked the dog,” Riley says, still half-asleep. “She finally slept with us, and you betrayed her.” 
“I told you it was an accident!” 
Mac rakes a hand through his hair. “You’re never going to let this go, are you?” 
“Nope.” Riley sighs, rolling back to her side of the bed, and Mac isn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. Or maybe a little bit of both. “You better go apologize.” 
Mac scoffs. “And let you take over the entire bed while I’m gone? I don’t think so.” 
And there it is. The closest they’ve come to acknowledging the evolution of their bed-sharing habits. Particularly the newfound lack of sticking to their respective sides. If he’s being honest with himself, Mac doesn’t know where to go from here. He wants to see it as a sign of things changing between them. Obviously Riley is aware of their precarious positioning, but based on her casual relocation, she doesn’t see this any differently than the dozens of times they’ve slept squished in a small space together in the past. Whether she’s aware of the other thing, she doesn’t let on. 
“Your funeral,” Riley says, pulling Mac out of his head. 
The dog. 
The dog whose forgiveness he needs to earn via extra breakfast. Maybe extra dinner too. 
Sighing, Mac goes after her, cursing his inability to get things right with either of the females in this house. 
~ Tag List ~  Want to be added? Send me an ask.
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5uptic · 3 years
crewfu: fanfic spotlight :)
Angel of Life, Bringer of Death by woofles1990 (5up/Steve, teen rating, gen | 377 words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Steve and Dk just wanted to explore a dungeon. That's all they wanted! A certain angel clearly had other plans.
flashover by Anonymous (Apollo & 5up, teen rating, gen | 853 words)
Summary: n. the moment a conversation becomes real and alive, which occurs when a spark of trust shorts out the delicate circuits you keep insulated under layers of irony, momentarily grounding the static emotional charge you've built up through decades of friction with the world. OR: it's pretty stupid to sleep on the tiles of a subway station, even though you are well aware you have a home. It's also quite embarrassing to have a friend pick you up from there.
Sparks Fly by Rocketro (5up/Fundy, gen rating, m/m | 863 words)
Summary: 5up and Fundy watch fireworks together.
you're holding back (shut up and dance with me) by lytriis (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: 5up and steve dance.
what happens in Vegas by aphilologicalbatman (Apollo/Steve, explicit rating, m/m | 1.4k words)
Summary: "I'm pretty sure this is a bad idea, Steve." "Nah, this is a great idea, dude." (Or: the one where they hook up in Vegas.)
quiet when i'm coming home by homeward_bound (5up/Hafu/David, teen rating, gen & multi | 1.4k words)
Summary: 5up comes home from LA.
i could peel it for you by sweetlikesugr (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: One appletini at a time, 5up ponders about oranges, buttons and celestial bodies.
from blossoms by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: “O, to take what we love inside, to carry within us an orchard, to eat not only the skin, but the shade, not only the sugar, but the days, to hold the fruit in our hands, adore it, then bite into the round jubilance of peach. There are days we live as if death were nowhere in the background; from joy to joy to joy, from wing to wing, from blossom to blossom to impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom.” -Li-Young Lee, From Blossoms
you think that i'm foolish now by amsves (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: “Is everything okay?” That’s a stupid question and Steve knows it. If everything was okay, Five wouldn’t be randomly appearing at his hotel room at—Steve checks his phone—2:37 in the morning. Their group had split up for the night a few hours ago, uncharacteristically early for them, but Five had had plans to talk to—
Like you wouldn't notice by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: Apollo is having feelings, so he pushes them down and hopes Steve doesn't notice. Avoiding Steve was never going to end well. "From that moment on, Apollo becomes hyper-aware of all things Steve. The way his long leg touches his, hip-to-knee, in the bar booth when they're drinking overpriced cocktails."
Vegas Lights by amethystvxidwalker (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.3k words)
Summary: “You were planning on actually swimming with me, right?” Steve faced him, brown eyes and dopey grin almost making Five swoon. He forced himself to focus on Steve’s face rather than the black ink above his hip, small, blocky text that read ‘SUGR?’ because of course it did.
ice-cream-covered screaming hyperactive thought by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.5k words)
Summary: Apollo isn’t sure when, exactly, he fell in love with Steve. Maybe, just maybe, he thinks, he never really fell. Maybe, he’s been falling. He’s still falling.
u spilled orange on u by SmearedWords (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.1k words)
Summary: Five times Dumbdog thinks Steve is illegally attractive and the one time he tries to admit that to him. Keyword: tries.
My love is the evening breeze touching your skin by tumtummeke (Apollo & Steve, general rating, gen | 5.2k words)
Summary: Steve's love language is physical touch. Dumbdog's is... not that. A day at the beach with Steve and Dumbdog (and background crewfu), told in five touches.
be like the love that discovered sin by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 5.6k words)
Summary: It’s annoying because Apollo even left for work a whole hour early today, which should be enough time to get to his shitty office job like everyone else on the train, but unlike everyone else, Apollo also has a second job. Which leads to the last reason why Apollo is having a bad day: being pinned under an overturned car while a villain monologues at him. Well, that last reason isn’t really part of Apollo’s bad day, but sue him if he wants to include the misfortunes of his hero identity Dumbdog while listing the reasons for his bad mood. “I don’t have time for this, Suptic,” Apollo grits out, interrupting the villain’s monologue.
friends in this town by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 6.1k words)
Summary: Five only realizes he’s bitten his nails down to the quick when the sting of pain catches up to him. He’s probably overthinking. He just needs to talk to Hafu. That’s all. ...He doesn’t want to. He’s worried he will only hear an answer he’ll hate. Out back, putting off talking to his sister really gives Five a sense of deja vu. All he needs to complete the feeling is Steve. “You need to relax, man.” Speak of the devil.
this party's just another haunted house by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 7.7k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: On December 31st, Apollo wakes up in his hotel in Vegas. The problem is, it's always December 31st.
call me by your name (i don't know that's pretty gay) by Qupid (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 10k words)
Summary: “Oh!” The human suddenly exclaimed, “You probably want my name!” Five had no interest in holding the power of a name over a human, it always seemed more trouble than it was worth, “Not particu-” “I’m Steve! It’s a pleasure to meet someone as cute as you.” The human, Steve, interrupted before 5up could finish. 5up’s eyes widened as he felt the power of gaining a name rush through him.  It was intoxicating and he could see why some fae would frequently come to the human realm just to trick humans into giving up their names. Five hadn’t needed to trick Steve, the man had given up his name freely and Five couldn’t believe how goddamn stupid he was to do it. “Ohhhh my god you’re an idiot.”
you'll hear me howling outside your door by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 22.2k words)
Summary: Something warm blew against Steve’s face and, distantly, he heard a high pitched whine. A nudge, and when Steve ignored it, a more insistent push had him opening his eyes to the face of a wolf mere inches from his own. Steve laughed. How delightful!  He was hallucinating animals now. The wolf’s fur looked bright to him, but even with as dark as it was Steve could tell it wasn’t white. Maybe it was more of a sandy color. Not that it mattered when all Steve could focus on was its piercing gaze and how its eyes seemed to bore into his soul. The wolf whined again and nudged Steve in the shoulder with its nose, making the man rear back when he realized that this might actually be a real wolf and not a hallucination at all.
kinda good for my love by sweetlikesugr (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 44.7k words, chaptered)
Summary: 5up can’t really recall the exact moment when dares became his and Steve’s thing and he is not sure if he even wants to try - after all, why would you mess with something that feels so natural, that feels so right? Why not just let it take its course and see where it might lead them?
Also: mangoedges‘s 5up the human impostor collection!
Wait what is this: pretty straight to the point! i’ll regularly share crewfu-related fanfictions to this blog :)
How regularly is “regularly”?: great question! LOL. it depends on the flow of fanfics that get uploaded, which i do not have any control over, but i’m looking forward to do this twice a month. after all, it’s only me doing this and i often run on a tight schedule.
What’s the format like?:
[title of fic with link] by [author of the fic with link] ([main pairing(s)], [fic rating: eg, general rating], [relationship: eg, m/m] | [word count in k], [added prompt to specify if it’s complete or not])
Summary: [summary provided by the author. if it doesn’t have a summary, a “No summary” prompt will be put instead]
(What does WIP mean again?): Work In Progress :)
Why are you doing this?: from the beginning, my blog has hosted conversations about RPF (real people fiction) and crewfu pairings. this has evolved into people sending me updates about certain fics in the crewfu tags every now and then, but i wanna take the next step and just do these things myself. after all, i’m already lurking in the tags often to see the fics that get posted. as someone who is both a writer and a reader, i wanna appreciate fanfic writers and help out other people that want to read fanfic and consume more fandom content!
Will it be AO3 only?: well, ao3 has a very helpful tag system that makes finding fics incredibly easy, as well as allowing people with no accounts to like and comment on fics, so that’s the site i will personally look in for fanworks. but if there are any fics you’ve written or liked in any other platforms, such as wattpad, you can always contact me through my inbox (send an ask or a dm!), and i’ll make sure to include for the next fanfic spotlight :)
Does it mean you won’t reply to fic asks anymore?: yeah, i guess. since i’ll be doing the searching myself it seems counterproductive. but if i ever skip a fic or again, it’s in another platform, or you’ve posted/read the fic a while ago and you want to get more traction on it, hit me up and i’ll take it into consideration!
Will you read every single one of the fics on your list?: oh no. again, i run on a tight schedule, and also i have my own taste when it comes to fics. i won’t be reviewing fics or any of the sort, and my intention extends to simply sharing these fics to this page so people will have easier access to them :) that’s where ao3 tagging becomes SUPER useful!!!
So what’s the criteria for the way you’ll sort out the fics in your list?: word count, going from lowest to highest. in case of fics in other platforms, i guess i’ll put them at the top of the list. i’ll also be looking for fairly recent fics, so let me know if you want any old-ish fic to be included.
I see you talking mostly about 5up/Steve and Steve/Apollo. Can I still send/see other crewfu fics?: why yes absolutely! my goal is to push every fic which heavily features regular crewfu characters - 5uptic and supdog just happen to be very popular pairings. so, to give you a list: core 4 (5up, hafu, dk, steve), apollo, aipha, annie, janet, kimi, ellum, koji… you know the drill. it doesn’t have to be centered on a relationship, or about 5up in specific, etc. my only requirement is that any of the previously mentioned members are a central part of the fic or are HEAVILY featured in it (sorry, minecraft fics with 50+ tags who only mention 5up as an afterthought won’t make the cut :/).
Isn’t shipping Bad™?: well, it’s a little more nuanced than that. i will go out of my way to discourage and shame people who often violate CCs’ boundaries by acting like so and so has a crush on this person, or that this and that are Actually Into Each Other or secretly dating. any sort of tinhat bullshit is a big nono (think larries). but i run on the assumption that people who write rpf understand that what they’re doing is simply write a completely fictional story using real life personalities, and understand the boundaries necessary to do it - aka they’re not tinhats, they understand they can’t assume everything about CCs’ thoughts and personalities, they understand that what they’re writing is strictly fiction, they keep these works only in fandom circles, etc. (but again, it’s only one me doing this, so please be kind if i don’t happen to know that this person is Actually a tinhat or whatever).
show fic: NO. (seriously. i don’t feel comfortable putting my ao3 account out there. please respect my privacy on these trying times <3)
I REALLY don’t care about your rpf/fic talk: fair! i’ll be tagging every single one of these posts as “fanfic spotlight”, so just mute the tag using tumblr settings so you’ll never have to look at these! likewise, you can follow the tag if you want to keep up with it, or search it on my blog to look at the other entries you might have missed.
Hey, my fic is here and I don’t feel comfortable with it being shared over here: no problem! let me know as soon as you can and i’ll take it down <3
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deannaroxannewrites · 3 years
Tropetember Day 2: Coffee Shop / Tattoo Parlor / Flower Shop / Other Retail AU
Coffee and other ways to heal the soul.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: General Audiences
TW: Valhalla arc (mentioned), coffee, NCIS cameo
AN: Day 2 of @tropetember. I was really struggling with the coffee shop AU but once I got going, really got way too into it and could probably pad this out into a short series. Is that something people would be interested in?
Also, not really sure if I managed to capture Spencer but remember this is an AU and that's my excuse!
Find this story on Ao3 here.
Word Count: 2.4k
One of the biggest advantages of owning one of the few coffee shops in Quantico that wasn't part of a massive chain, was the constant stream of senior FBI and Navy personnel desperate for high quality, well made coffee. It had become such a lucrative venture in fact that you could afford to hire enough staff to rarely even have to be behind the counter at all.
The surge in popularity has even allowed you to convert one of the spare upstairs rooms into a meeting room. In hindsight, you should have converted more because once your regulars found out about it, there had been outright war between the Navy and FBI to try and get meetings booked in. A couple of your regulars had even managed to get both institutions to hardwire connections so they could host even more briefings and meetings in the friendly, comfortable space.
Today's winners were a Unit from the FBI, who had booked it out for a whole day. Aaron Hotchner, the BAU chief, came in most mornings and was a real sweetheart. You'd been trying to get him to drink something other than his normal americano since his return from Afghanistan a few months ago, but had not been successful so far. You were excited to meet the rest of the legendary team. He always spoke fondly of them when he bought extra coffees to boost morale.
With that in mind, you quickly throw together the pastries and beverages he'd preordered for the start of their session and head in to do a quick check that everything was ready.
Like any meeting room, there was a large table in the center but you'd made sure to surround it with comfy and artfully mismatched chairs. The floor was a deep walnut colour and matched the numerous floating shelves which were covered in plants and books. The place was homey and extended the cosy chic look you had been trying to achieve throughout the shop.
After a little bit of organising, including making sure the FBI cables were accessible and tidying any of the Navy’s equipment, you head downstairs to the main space.
Charlotte and Jessica were behind the tills this morning, making quick work of the line and exuding friendly helpfulness out of every pore. They were both grad students and you were already dreading them graduating. Their natural effervescence would be impossible to replace.
To pass the time until your booking arrives, you catch up with NCIS Agent McGee who is on the coffee run, trying not to hold him up too long in case he ends up getting in more trouble with his big bad boss. Apparently Agent DiNozzo had knocked over Gibbs coffee but McGee had then slipped in it and done some minor damage to some of the equipment. He told you he much preferred coffee run to door knocking duty round a 6 block radius like DiNozzo.
As you wrap it up, a group of people enter the shop, led by a woman in colourful clothes and a sunshine demeanour. It's not until you see Agent Hotchner's suited and booted presence bringing up the rear that you realise this is the infamous BAU.
Donning your friendliest persona, you politely excuse yourself from McGee and head to greet them, calling Aaron's name across the way.
The profilers seem surprised by your use of their bosses name but quickly shake it off as introductions are made. You receive hand shakes off most of them with the exception of Penelope, who gives you a hug because of course she does, and Dr Spencer Reid who gives you a shy wave and looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.
It didn't take a profiler to see the physical distance between the genius and the rest of the group. He was always a step away from the nearest person and automatically avoided any physical contact from them.
How strange.
Brushing it off you lead them upstairs and get them settled, letting them know that they're welcome to come and go in the shop as need and that all their drinks would be added to the discounted tab and left them too it, all the while trying not to puzzle over the handsome loner and his cute sweater vest.
If there was one thing Spencer Reid hated more than anything, it was team building.
Normally, back before everything happened, he would just grit his teeth and bear it. That's been a lot harder after finding out that Emily was alive.
Processing the joy at her being alive and the rage at being led to believe she was dead in the first place, particularly by the people he trusted the most, was not easy. He was trying to forgive them. He was trying to let it go, to accept the damage but move forward.
It was still a work in progress.
That's why, when Hotch announced a team building/meeting day, he had momentarily considered resigning. Though there was no longer outright hostility between himself and Jennifer, things weren’t exactly comfortable between himself and half of the team. The only bright side to this whole endeavour was the location. No coffee shop lasted long in Quantico unless the coffee was actually good. It was a small mercy.
He followed the rest of the team into the coffee shop, eyeing the surroundings and taking note of the other visitors. As the rest of the team joked about, he stayed back, simply waving at the nice owner of the shop when Hotch introduced them.
They appeared to be about his age which was very impressive considering the success of the café. And there were a couple of sci-fi references hidden in the décor that he would have loved to ask about, but he doubted they’d appreciate him going off about Star Trek this early in the morning. Instead he just gave a tight-lipped smile and followed the team upstairs.
Spencer tried his best to concentrate throughout the morning but to say he was relieved when they were left to their own devices for lunch would be an understatement.
After a productive morning in the office, you wander back out to the main part of the shop to check on things. The lunch rush can be unforgiving but the girls seem to have it in hand. Nothing out of the ordinary for a Tuesday lunchtime.
What you didn’t expect to see was Spencer Reid hidden away at one of the back tables with a ginormous book in front of him, a small scowl on his face and the rest of his team nowhere in sight.
You agonise silently with yourself for a few moments before you decide to head over. You figure if he doesn’t want company he’ll let you know but you feel drawn to him. It was strange. Maybe it was just your instinctive need to collect strays.
You smile gently at him when you reach his table, indicating the seat opposite him in question. He gives a quick nod but doesn’t fully look at you.
“Everything ok?” you ask.
He takes a moment and seems to be considering his options. He looks at you with a little tilt of his head, likely questioning your motives.
Finally, he seems to decide you have no sinister intention and quietly replies “I just wish things could go back to how they were”.
You had heard about the events involving the BAU in the last year or so. It had been a hot topic of gossip in the shop numerous times. Aaron also occasionally talked about his guilt at what he put his team through when he stopped by, needing a friend to talk to. It’s the first time, however, that you think in depth about how faking a close friend's death likely affected the team members who were unaware.
This isn’t to say you didn’t care or didn’t think that it must have been terrible for them. You did, but had agreed with the justification that it was for Agent Prentiss’ safety, that finding out she was alive would make up for it. It’s apparent in the sadness of Dr Reid’s expression that that isn’t the case.
“Can I touch you?”
His eyes shoot up in surprise and he hesitantly nods. You gently grasp his hands, wrapping your fingers around his.
“I can’t even imagine,” you begin slowly, “how difficult this must be. But if you ever need to talk to someone, you’re always welcome here”
He gives a short, sharp nod and squeezes your fingers which you take to mean thank you.
“Also, this is totally not my place but, a therapist, one outside the Bureau? Might not be such a bad idea?” You give a sardonic grin and admit ” It worked for me”
After you give his hands another quick squeeze, you leave him to ponder your statement and head back to your office. Paperwork doesn’t do it self after all.
You hope Spencer manages to find some support though and decide that if he wants it, you’d be more than willing to help him.
It was a few weeks before Spencer Reid showed up in the coffee shop again.
It was early evening and you only had a few people in. You’d opted to close up tonight to ensure Jessica, who had been on the afternoon shift, had time to work on her assignment for class. She’d been complaining about it for the last few days.
The sound of the front door opening distracts you from your thoughts and you glance up to see who has entered. When you realise who it is you can’t help but smile.
“Fancy seeing you here Dr Reid” you say in greeting. He gives you a small smile in return.
“Well, it’s good coffee and, erm, the company’s good?”
You understand the question implicit in that comment and glance around at the few remaining patrons. They all have a beverage and it’s a quiet night so you can afford to take a step out behind the counter between orders.
“Sure, let me make us both a drink and then I’m all yours.”
You take his order (how much sugar?!?!) and get you both sorted out and settled into a small booth. You look at him, taking in the nervous expression on his face and let him settle in and start the conversation.
“I, erm, I took your advice”.
“That’s good. Are you finding it’s helping? Having someone outside of work to talk things through with?”
He nods his head.
“One of the things she pointed out was that so much of my life is wrapped up in work, that when things go wrong I don't have an external support system. Not that I didn't know that already but, someone else pointing it out made me realise how much if an impact it has.”
You bob your head thoughtfully, acknowledging his comment but not forcing him to say more.
“She suggested I try to find people outside of work to talk to. I was... I was wondering if you could be one?”
His nerves seem to have failed him slightly as he can’t look you in the eye, but you give him a big grin. Of course you want to spend time with this lovely man.
“I’d love to” you say, which gets him to look up and give you a smile in response.
You spend nearly an hour, with occasional breaks to serve customers, chatting to him before it becomes necessary to close up. He starts gathering his things but you’ve been enjoying his company so much you can’t bear to let him go. Instead, you check if he’s in a rush and, after confirming he has nothing else planned, invite him to hang around and grab something to eat from the diner down the street.
By the end of the night, you’re glad the diner is 24hr. You completely lose track of time, fascinated by the sheer amount of information he can provide and the passion with which he infodumps. It’s extremely endearing.
“I had a lovely time tonight” you tell him as you walk towards your apartment. You don’t live too far from the coffee shop and he had very gallantly offered to walk you home. “I’d love to do it again some time?”
He smiles and nods in agreement before asking for your phone number.
“I don't really like technology that much so I don’t have a smartphone and I don’t really check it that much and prefer speaking to texting…”
“Spence” you say, a little laugh in your voice as you interrupt. “Whatever works best for you. I’m not going to suddenly vanish on you, promise.”
You seem to have hit his worries a little too closely as he sways a little awkwardly, gaze wandering down to his feet.
“Can I hug you?” you check. His answer is to wrap his arms around you and you gently sway the both of you side to side.
He lets go and turns to head back out into the night as you call out “If you’re ever missing me, I know a place you can get great coffee. I can get you a good discount.” A laugh stutters from his lips and he wishes you a good night.
Leaning against your door you sigh happily to yourself. It’s always a good feeling making a new friend.
It had been over a year since the last time the BAU had booked (and managed to attend the booking). In that time, you’d converted another room upstairs into a meeting room, as well as setting up a shared work/study space in a room out the back.
You grin as you see them all enter, fascinated by the way this family of agents interact with each other. There’s even a tall, handsome genius who stands within the group, laughing and joking along with the rest.
Spencer greets you with a gentle kiss to your lips and it causes uproar from his colleagues. You don’t react much, you just turn to them and shrug.
“Do you know how many germs are passed in a handshake? It’s much safer to kiss.”
Your genius just laughs and wraps an arm around you, guiding the whole group upstairs, his friends playfully demanding details the whole way.
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Fic Recs/Mandatory Reading for Reddie fans
Here is an incomplete list of some of my favorite Reddie fics on ao3, because i cannot get over the sheer talent of this fandom’s wonderful writers! A lot of these are the Greatest Hits that you’ll find on almost every fic list, but that’s why I consider them mandatory reading. like if you haven’t read some of these, what are you doing?
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg, rated M
the 27 years in between, but better because richie and eddie stay together. every time i think of this fic, i think of that lady gaga meme where she’s like “brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, etc” and maybe it’s bc this is one of the first reddie fics i ever read, but this one is always gonna be my favorite
broken record by spunknbite, rated E
the mother of all time loop fics. every reddie veteran gets chills at the phrase “the house on Neibolt was still standing”
literally everything by stitchy
like seriously just clear a few days bc you’re not gonna want to stop reading this author once you start. no other author has made me literally fucking cackle in one paragraph and sob in the next like this one, pls do yourself a favor and devour all their works like i did 
the night we met (take me back) by camerasparring, rated E
ch2 fix-it where eddie shows up at richie’s door alive and with no memory. great slow burn with a wonderfully conflicted richie, 10/10
let’s hear it for my baby! series by cloudings, rated E
OOOOOOOHHH boy! a modern teen!reddie grindr AU that’s both steamy AND sweet?? more like a fucking blessing amen hallelujah
a heart that laughter has made sweet by marjaani, rated E
another lovely teen!reddie fic that’s got it all! sweet, stupid boys, humor, a teeny bit of angst, and some 5-alarm fire smut with some top eddie, as a treat
keep talking. i’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice. by theappleppielifestyle, rated T
angst with a happy ending is my favorite, and this one is just fantastic. so sweet, so sad! and stan is featured as eddie’s afterlife buddy and idk about y’all but i cannot get enough of stanley uris in my reddie fics. read this, then read all this author’s reddie fics, they’re all amazing
collateral by loosecannon, sheepknitssweater, rated E
a post-ch2 fic that i guess could be classified as fix-it, BUT with some very interesting twists. they beat the clown, everyone lives, but no one really gets the tropey happy ending. the WIP sequel is also incredible and i live for the updates.
the greater fool  series by mischiefmanager, mostly rated T with some E
this is a series i’ll reread a lot bc it’s so fucking good. follows young reddie into early adulthood, mostly a bunch of cute shit where they figure out themselves and their relationship. also contains the single best teen reddie fic in existence, he came in through the window, but reading the whole series is a must
brokeback derry and everything else by Amuly, rated E
27 years in between, richie and eddie reconnect in their 20s and meet back up in derry twice a year to remember and love each other before going back to their lives and forgetting. so much pain. there’s a lot of sweet stuff in there, but you can see shit’s gonna get complicated from miles away and the anticipation almost gave me stomach ulcers (in a good way). ultimate angst with a happy ending.
let me name the stars for you by playedwright, rated M
speaking of angst with a happy ending...Martian AU!!!!! this one fucked me up in the best way, i literally called my roommate at 2am to vent to her about my emotions after reading it. i go back and reread chapter 8 just to be overwhelmed by it, and it makes me cry every time. plus, there are awesome sequels/companion pieces in the series! read this, i beg you!
walk through fire for you by hyruling, rated T
unwind after all that angst with some cute, drunk, confused eddie being very upset when he finds out richie is engaged. richie only teases him a little before pointing out the matching ring on eddie’s finger. 
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang, rated E
post-ch2 slow burn with tags that really say it all, including but not limited to: eddie moves to california and richie is a mess, Eddie Kaspbrak’s Hot Girl Summer, and cute middle aged man dates
pivotal moments by danfanciesphil, polypocket, rated E
high school reddie has a sort of fwb thing goin on, but emotions get in the way. featuring wonderful bevchie friendship, hella miscommunication, cute double dates, high eddie, and a happy ending
like a bullet in the back by jerry_duty, rated M
adult idiots in love! a personal favorite trope of mine! slow burn with a fair helping of angst but a really great ending. richie stays with eddie in new york while he’s there on business, and it takes these losers SO LONG to figure it out but the way they dance around it is very cute
no sense of living without aim [WIP] by liesmyth, rated E
richie and eddie meet on grindr in the 27 years between and hey, whadda ya know, they fall in love! i really love this fic but i’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned. i’ve had it open on my phone browser for like 3 months with no update but i still check it regularly bc i’m pathetic and this fic is just so good i’m DYING to know what happens next so read at ur own risk
a strange sense of familiarity [WIP] by Katranga, rated E
another “they meet and fall in love without remembering” fic, and even though it’s not complete yet, it gets regular updates. oh, also, i’m obsessed with it. they’re long distance fuck buddies who can’t admit they’re in love, and then they get hit with the childhood memories! and everyone lives! what’s not to love!  also PLEASE read kisses take like mint and every other reddie work by this author, they are all fantastic
adult friends by sudowoodo, rated T
AU where adult reddie meet at a first aid seminar for work (immediately fall in love), become friends, become best friends, and finally get to be happy. has some super repressed eddie and intensely pining richie, which is always fun, and genuinely made me laugh out loud. also please check out this author’s other reddie fics, there’s some super sweet kid reddie in there that really warms the heart
the mind's a funny fruit by joldiego, rated T
eddie wakes up barely alive in derry, has 0 memory, calls himself richie, and moves in with some lesbians. an absolute must read that ought to be on every reddie fic rec compilation. i read this a long time ago and just thinking about it makes me want to read it again.
now what i'm gonna say may sound indelicate [WIP] by IfItHollers, rated E
it took me entirely too long to find this fic since i joined the fandom, and it’s truly a fucking masterpiece. it’s almost at 200k now and still unfinished, and the slow burn is excruciating, but this is a legendary fic for a reason. eddie spends the first chunk of this fic in the hospital recovering from the massive chest wound, and then he and richie move the recovery to ben’s cabin in the woods. the author’s notes for each chapter are a story in themselves
signs of a new lifetime by swordfishtrombones, rated T
one of the sweetest, most romantic reddie fics i’ve ever read. a fresh take on a classic concept: post-ch2, they’re in love, they haven’t said/done anything about it yet, BUT!!! it’s not angsty! they are all cute and giggly like “you say it first!” “no, you say it first!” and it makes me fucking MELT
broadcasting tower by swordfishtrombones, rated E
back-to-back recs from the same author! bc i love these fics so much! sort of similar to the last one in that they both know what’s up and just haven’t said it, but this one’s got the angst! i didn’t know when i read it that it was the same author as the other fic, and i thought how funny, i found another reddie author that perfectly captures this pair in such a wonderfully romantic way! i also just noticed there’s a follow up to this so now i have to go read that immediately
eurydice; the original comeback kid by Vulcanodon, rated M
for the love of god please read this and the other work in this series. it’s a ch-2 fix-it with some intense action sequences and major pining, and it has haunted me since i first read it
love on the telephone by tempestbreak, rated E
okay this one is really just 30k of pure smut but it’s also so sweet and features a mini sexual awakening for eddie and some insecure richie with an emphasis on how much they love and trust each other. also it doesn’t hurt that the smut is fire, like does anyone else want that twink obliterated, or is it just me?
the boy who loves you by candlejill, rated E
eddie lives, richie confesses, things are chill and then they’re not. richie’s career flourishes, which is always nice to read and is what ultimately catalyzes eddie’s gay awakening and realization of his love for richie. it’s got some sad angsty parts and a very sweet ending, and it up there as one of my favorite reddie fics of all time
richie and eddie break up [WIP] by skeilig, rated M
a refreshing and realistic take on life ch-2 for the losers, because being in love at thirteen doesn’t mean you can fall into a perfect relationship at 40. i’ll admit, i’m hoping this will ultimately be a “richie and eddie get back together” fic, but it’s still a very good read (and often very funny in the second chapter) at the moment in the midst of their break up
september 1989 and everything else by pineapplecrushface, rated T
cute kid reddie figuring it out and making me smile. the follow up to this and the after derry series by this author are also personal favorites
go west by ssstrychnine, rated T
road trip fic! an absolute work of art slow burn with teen reddie in the 90s. it’s so beautifully written i just wish i could go back and read it for the first time again
the edification of eddie kaspbrak by tozier, rated M
character study with some incredible fucking prose, my lord it gorgeous. explores how eddie learns about love as he grows up, and it’s super fucking sad sometimes bc the poor boy doesn’t know how to have the things he wants and i just want to give him a hug, but it’s really a spectacular fic
circular motion by sinchronicity, rated M
soulmate!AU that follows book canon and even though it’s been a long time since i’ve read it and the details are fuzzy, i remember absolutely loving it and thinking it was incredible
tell me you know by RichiesToesHurt, rated E
college losers with some severely pining and jealous richie with a lovely ending 
predicament bondage [WIP] by dgalerab, rated E
i resisted reading this fic for so long, recently broke and binged all of it, and now i’m like frothing at the mouth for updates. richie’s a closeted actor/comedian who meets eddie, a professional Dom, when he needs help researching a role. they become friends, they develop crushes, richie realizes he’s a sub, and it’s just so much fun to read
there’s a lot more fics to rec so i might add on to this in the future, but in the meantime my biggest tip for for reading fanfiction that took me embarrassingly long to figure out: focus on the authors! if you read something you like, check out the rest of the work by that author bc odds are you’ll like that too. i mentioned it in a few specific works above, but check out the authors catalogues for these fics. if i included every work by these authors that i loved, this list would be miles long
feel free to add on any great stuff i missed, there’s sure to be tons of it!
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burning-omen · 4 years
Thank you
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Words: 1,682
Spencer Reid x selectively mute! Male Reader
Requested by anonymous: "Could I get a Spencer Reid x Male!Reader where the reader is selective mute and tries to make up for the lack of being able to say kind things to people and ends up just being very affectionate with people and getting them gifts. And one point he’s giving something tk Spencer and end up either saying “You’re welcome” after he says thanks or just something small, which ends in wholesome shit cus the reader said something to Spencer when he rarely ever talks to begin with"
A/n: it gets crappy towards the end.
You are selectively mute which for you meant that you just didn't talk much. Like Ferb from Phineas and Ferb, you only spoke when you were required to and a few other special occasions. But you were mostly silent other than those times. Your mother was deaf, only using sign language to communicate. She homeschooled you until college so you had no reason to speak until then.
When you were an adult you did try to speak more, but for you it was exhausting to force yourself to talk continuously so you went back to being the Ferb guy. You found friends who didn't try to force you to talk, some even tried to learn sign language for you. It was nice, having friends that didn't try and change you.
Everything was going good, you were happy. Then on a night out with your friends you see this nerdy little drifter in the bar, trying to find somewhere quiet to sit. And near you seemed to be perfect because he sat four seats away from you and your friends booth. You couldn't help but stare. He was so... Interesting. Who comes to a bar to read? Apparently he does. Another thing, he's finished that entire book. How?
A few other small things made him interesting, the way he'd keep pushing his messy hair out of his face instead of tying it back with the band around his wrist, the way that he was kicking his feet in a nonchalant way. He was... Cute.
Admiring someone was weird for you. You'd normally shoot down any type of attraction to anyone almost immediately, either convincing yourself that it's impossible that they would like you or that even if they did like you, your relationship wouldn't last long. But none of that came to mind.
Despite the very low chance that he knew sign language you decided to take a chance with him. You waited until he closed his second book(which only took a few minutes) before walking up to him.
But, halfway through walking over to him you got nervous and sat back down.
One of your friends, Warren, noticed this. He watched you stares longingly at the man who was only about 15 feet away. He looked around the man, then back at you.
"Dude... " He whispered.
You looked over at him.
"Go talk to- Well, interact with him. "
Your eyes widened and you shook your head rapidly.
He sighed and rolled his eyes. Without saying a word he stood up, you stared up at his with confusion but anxiety almost immediately took over as he hoisted you up and began to push you towards the man.
He stopped when you came up next to the man. Warren had a wide smile on his face as the man stared at him with confusion.
"Hi, I'm Warren. This is my friend, (y/n), he thinks your cute but he doesn't talk so we're hoping that your not straight and know ASL.. "
Oh no... Warren why.
You decided that when he inevitably rejected you that you'd go hide in a very dark closet for the rest of your life.
The man flushed red and looked at you.
You smiled weakly, feeling thoroughly embarrassed.
Instead of the even more embarrassing rejection you thought you'd get after, you were met with a sweet yet nervous smile from the man.
"I'm Spencer. "
And that's how you met Spencer. Almost two years ago. After 'talking' for a bit your group decided that you all should head home, but not before giving Spencer your number and telling him to text you when he got home. Nearly two hours later he texted you. The two of you proceeded to text throughout the night and into the day. A few days later you went on a date, a few more days later you went on another. And another a few more days later. And so on and so forth.
A little later Spencer started to stay over your house and slowly, your house turned into your's and Spencer's as he unintentionally moved in. Well, basically moved in. He still left occasionally to get things from his practically abandoned apartment. Your place was closer to the BAU so he could get there a little earlier.
You and Spencer were a secret, well, mostly a secret. Your close friends(including Warren) knew and so did Spencer's mom. Spencer hasn't told his team yet. No real reason other than the fact that it never really came up. Of course there was teasing and suspicion when Spencer would come in late or leave early but that's just about it.
His work didn't effect your relationship as much as he thought it would. It was after he started dating you that he realized that in between cases, it felt like time was speeding up. There could be a month between 2 case but it would only feel like a couple of days, despite the fact that he could recall everything he did during the time in between. With you it slowed down. As soon as he'd walk through the door the world would go for a thousand miles a minute to, well, normal. Which was weird at first. He'd find himself trying to see if something was wrong. Checking closed cases with pure nervous intent. You had to get used to this in the beginning of you're relationship, but a few months in he stopped and accepted that he now had, what felt like, more time with you.
The only "real" problem (or what you thought was a problem) was the fact that you didn't speak. Your anxiety is where the gift giving began. You see, Spencer, despite him nervousness, could say that he loved you and say that he cared about and appreciated you. But you couldn't. So you tried to show your appreciation another way. And that way was giving gift.
At first it was just small or weird things. He needed pens? Well, here you go! A new journal? No problem!
Spencer had to be one of the most appreciative people in the world because everytime, every single time you gave him anything it always ended with a kiss and a promise that cuddles would be plentiful that night.
You kept the smaller gifts relatively close to each other with the bigger and more ambitious gift had to be spread out. One or two a month to keep Spencer from noticing their frequency.
Today was one of the days you'd give him a big gift. Nothing really big, but you were excited about it.
Both you and Spencer were sitting on your couch, watching Ant-man, talking about the many improbability of the movie. You needed to get Spencers attention. Spencer, who was going on about how there's no was the Scott should be able the still be alive after becoming smaller than air particles.
You gently ran your finger over his hand, drawing tiny circles over his knuckles then going farther up his arm, still drawing small shapes on it.
This is how you'd get his attention when he's focused. A lot of the time he won't be able to hear or see anything other than what he's focused on. You don't want to scare him so you do this. Just gentle, slow touches and he'll snap out of it.
It happened relatively fast this time. Only taking him a few seconds for him to come back.
He looked over at you, confused, then apologetic.
"I'm sorr-"
You cut him off with a quick kiss on lips, which flustered him more than one little kiss should've.
You held up one finger, telling him to wait a second. You stood up and walked to another part of the house. You came back a few seconds later with a tiny, dark grey box.
You excitedly sat down next to Spencer, smiling widely. You shoved it into his hand, practically bouncing in place as you waited for him to open it.
He looked at you suspiciously, then looked down at the box. He opened it slowly and found... A key? He looked back up at you, you were still smiling brightly.
"I-i don't understand... "
At the moment, you could not remember what the sign for move was for the life of you.
You rolled you eyes and pointed to the front door.
He looked at the door then back at you.
"You want me to... Leave? "
You rapidly shook your head 'no'.
You picked up the key out of his hand and pointed it to the front door.
"It goes to the front door? "
You nodded, relieved that he's starting to get it.
"A key to your front door... " He mumbled to himself.
After a few seconds he looked at you, then the key, then the door, then back to you.
"Are you asking me to move in with you? "
You nodded again, still smiling widely.
He looked at the door, then looked at you with a giant smile.
"Yeah, i-i think that'd be nice, "
Without thinking you pulled Spencer into a tight hug. Normally, Spencer's reluctant with touches of any kind but as you held him tightly he couldn't help but melt into the hug, wrapping his arms around your lower half.
After a few moments you pulled away.
He stared down at the key for a long moment.
"Thank you.. "
Still feeling the excitement from starting a new chapter of your relationship, you took a deep breath and blurted out, "you're welcome! "
He looked up at you, his eyes widen.
You didn't know what to do after that so you just shrugged.
He grinned widely before practically smacking his face against yours in an excited(not like that) kiss.
When he pulled away you were shocked, Spencer wasn't bold by any means so that was something very different.
"I love you so much, " You said quickly.
He looked down, blushing.
"I love you too. "
Both of you smiled, then got comfortable on the couch again and resumed the movie.
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echo-bleu · 3 years
To Fall, There Is Death
This work was created for the @rnmbb Roswell New Mexico Big Bang 2020 event.
The amazing @slynella/Slynella was my partner for this event and created three absolutely wonderful illustrations for this story! The artworks are incredible and I love them to pieces, thank you so much Sly 💙
Huge thanks also to @eveningspirit for helping me build the plot of this and handholding through the writing. This fic was hard to write, both because I got lost more than once in the narrative and because I basically left the fandom when I was less than halfway done. But, here it is.
This fic is loosely based on both Dumas' The Three Musketeers and BBC Musketeers, and borrows some plot elements (and a few lines) from the latter, but there is no historical accuracy whatsoever and it is set in the fictional kingdom of Antar. The title comes from “Quo ruit et lethum” which is the actual motto of the Musketeers: To Fall, There Is Death. The header of each part is a chess move or a chess opening, usually with some relation to what happens in the part (and a few where I just liked the name :D).
[apparent deaths by shooting and hanging, mentions of war and injuries, canonical levels of violence, past abuse]
Read on AO3 (13k).
The day Alex died was the beginning of the end.
Liz would be hard pressed to tell when it had all started, when the pieces had first been put in motion. So much had happened to lead them there, one step away from checkmate, one step away from the end of the game.
Maybe it had started six months ago, when the King died. She remembered the funeral ceremony that gathered all of the court and so much of the city, Max and Isobel’s regal and solemn faces. Max had worn white, and knelt to receive the crown on his head. “The King is dead,” they’d chanted. “Long live the King!”
But things had been moving even before that. Maybe it had started a year ago, when Lord Michael first came to the court and challenged Alex to a duel. Alex had been injured already, barely able to stand on his feet. Liz remembered the absolute shock on his face, when Michael had pushed back his hood and revealed himself, after the King introduced him as his natural son.
Alex had lost the duel. He’d stood there afterwards, dazed and devastated, unable to take his eyes off Michael for one second, like he’d expected him to disappear again. He’d spent most of the next three weeks drinking himself to the ground every evening, just to dull the pain that never left his eyes.
So maybe the pieces had already found their place ten years ago, in that time Alex only ever hinted at, when he and Michael were engaged to be married. He’d never told Liz and Maria the story. “There was a man, once,” he’d said. “He died.” Kyle had probably known more, after all he was Alex’s friend when they were children, but he never said. In all the years they’d known Alex, though, there were always these shadows in his eyes, that spoke of a dreadful weight, a longing and a guilt that never left him.
Bishop Takes Knight
The Musketeers on duty stood in line for muster, as Alex limped down the ranks and inspected their gear. Musketeers had to be dressed perfectly in every circumstance, boots shiny and blue cape draped over their shoulders, because they could be called to attend the King and the royal family at any moment. Liz was with Maria at the very end of the line, Alex’s seconds-in-command, his most trusted people. Kyle wasn’t there, because a patrol had come back injured from a skirmish with the Red Guard the night before and the surgeon hadn’t slept all night, getting a bullet out of a Musketeer’s shoulder.
Alex handed out orders for the day and dismissed his Musketeers. Liz and Maria joined him in the armory, since they were to be on duty at the Palace that day, and together they selected loaded muskets and their trusted swords.
There was nothing to indicate how horrendous things were about to get, except maybe for the slight trembling in Alex’s hands as he fit his scabbard on his belt, or the way Liz and Maria squeezed his shoulder a little tighter than usual before going to ready their horses.
They barely had time to step out of the garrison, leading their horses out of the large wooden gate, before everything went to hell.
“Musketeers!” a voice rung out, harsh and unforgiving.
Alex froze in his steps, recognizing the figure in red before any of them. There were half a dozen Red Guards scattered around the square, unmoving, watching them, and in the middle, Lord Michael, in full leather armor under his red cape. He had several pistols on his belt, and one held loosely in his hand.
“Manes,” he added with venom in his voice. “Still standing, I see. Still the Captain.”
“Michael,” Alex answered, his voice smaller and shakier than Liz had ever heard it in public. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to finally do what I’ve been waiting for for ten years,” Michael spit out. “I’m here to kill you.”
Liz fully expected Alex to take a fighting stance, bring out his pistol and defend himself, but he sagged instead, looking defeated. What had become of her friend, the war hero who went up the ranks so fast he became the youngest Captain ever? Where had Alex Manes, the fearless soldier, best swordsman in the Kingdom, gone?
She’d seen the change, of course. The last year hadn’t been easy on Alex. Ever since Michael first came to the court, he’d been different. There was a spring in his steps, at first, just knowing that Michael was alive, but with the months passing, with Michael showing his loyalty to Jesse Manes at every turn and his hatred of Alex, it had grown into a weight, a ball and chain he dragged everywhere with him.
Liz hadn’t realized that it had gotten that bad. Alex wasn’t defensive, he was resigned. It was almost like he wanted Michael to kill him. Like he felt that he deserved it.
He gave Maria the reins of his horse, and turned back to Michael, facing him.
“We can still work this out,” he said, his voice low and sad. “There are other ways, Michael. You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, I believe I do,” Michael snarled, still speaking loudly so that everyone in the square could hear him. “You had me hanged, Alex. On the day we should have been wedded.”
Alex looked stricken. “I didn’t–”
“I was in your bed, for months. I know who you are, deep inside. Definitely not a morally uptight Musketeer. You disgust me.”
“We can settle this like gentlemen,” Alex said, hand going for his sword. “Last time I was injured, but we can duel again. The King isn’t there to stop us from dueling to the death this time. You can have your reparation.”
Michael waved his pistol around. “Damn the rules!”
“Michael!” Liz cried out. This was too much. If Alex wasn’t going to defend himself, then she would. “The King will never forgive you if you do this.”
“The King is my brother,” Michael spit. “He’ll choose me over one Musketeer. Especially one who’s been a thorn in everyone’s side for so long.”
Liz closed her eyes. She wanted to believe that it wasn’t true, that Max truly respected Alex and wouldn’t stand for this, but how well did she really know the King? Just because he liked her, because he always asked her to be his guard and they’d had a few moments together, didn’t mean she knew what he was thinking. This was a matter of politics, the King and the Prime Minister, the Musketeers and the Red Guard. It would never be a simple question of friendships and personal preference.
When she opened her eyes again, Michael had his pistol trained on Alex.
“Michael,” Alex murmured. “Please. I never wanted this. I loved you.” He had tears running down his cheeks.
Michael’s jaw was set, but he twitched at the words.
“You never loved me,” he snarled. “I was just a toy to you, that you discarded at the first occasion. How was it like, Alex, to see me hang at the end of a rope? How did it feel?”
Alex let out a sob. Michael locked eyes with him.
It all happened fast. Michael aimed his pistol just as Alex looked away, devastated. The shot rang out like a death sentence, echoing across the square.
“Alex!” Liz screamed, as her friend collapsed. She ran to Alex’s side, all thoughts of safety be damned. He was lying on his side, unmoving.
“Lord Michael!” someone cried. The Red Guards around the square started moving, rallying around Michael as the Musketeers took out their guns. But there wasn’t going to be an all-out battle, not today, not like this. Michael looked at them disdainfully and turned away, taking his men with him.
“Kyle! Kyle, come here right now!” Maria yelled toward the open gate of the garrison, joining Liz at Alex’s side.
But Jenna Cameron was already moving Alex, checking his pulse. “It's too late,” she said. “He's gone.”
Liz stayed frozen for a second, incapable of believing it. She looked between Alex’s still form and Michael, now retreating from the square without even a look behind him.
“Come back, you coward!” Liz screamed at the top of her lungs. She launched toward him, but Maria caught her across the waist and held her back, sobbing.
Michael’s steps halted for a brief moment, but he didn’t turn. He kept walking away until he disappeared down a side street.
Liz collapsed against Maria, and they both fell to their knees crying, cradling Alex’s lifeless body.
King’s Gambit
A year ago
Liz winced as Alex hit the floor hard, head first, grunting in pain. The whole court cheered, but watching it brought her no joy, no excitement. Alex was the best swordsman in the whole Kingdom, he should have easily won against a fresh-faced arrogant Lord, bastard of the King or not. But the asshole was good, and he’s provoked Alex when he was already injured, just a week out of being stabbed grievously enough that his left arm was of no use. Liz seethed in anger as he sneered at Alex from above.
“Come on, you’ve got to surrender,” she murmured under her breath. She hoped her friend would have the common sense to understand that his health was worth more than winning this ridiculous duel, even if he felt the heavy gaze of his father, the Prime Minister, on him.
Maria, beside her, was holding her breath just as much. She knew how much Alex’s abused body could handle, and this was already too much. They sighed in unison as Alex rose to his feet once again, stumbling on his boot-covered wooden leg before dropping into a fighting stance. Lord Michael goaded him openly, exchanging a few parried blow before he plunged under Alex’s guard and elbowed him hard in the temple. Alex crumpled to the floor.
Liz was almost relieved that Alex didn’t rise again, until she realized that he’d passed out. Maria rushed to his side, taking his pulse, and Liz only started breathing again when she looked up and nodded.
“Goddammit, Alex,” she whispered. Cameron squeezed her shoulder from behind.
They both sighed in relief when Alex made it back to his feet with Maria’s help, and knelt in front of the King.
“You fought well, Captain,” the King said. “But my son is an excellent swordsman, and you are obviously injured. Do you accept your defeat?”
“I do,” Alex answered through gritted teeth.
“Very well. Then I declare Michael, count of Dimaras, the winner of this duel. Michael, will that satisfy your call for justice?”
“It will for now, my King,” Michael answered, kneeling beside Alex. “The rest of my claims will be settled another day.”
Liz stared at him, wondering exactly what he had against Alex. She’d never seen him before, so it was obviously something from Alex’s past, from the time he never spoke about. Alex had that look on his face that she’d only seen on his worst days, the ones where he drowned himself in wine, or trained until he collapsed in exhaustion.
There was a story there, and it wasn’t a happy one.
It took several days for it to come out. Alex spent them in the worst mood, spending his days in the armory despite his injuries, hacking at straw mannequins until he couldn’t feel his arm anymore. His friends didn’t push him. Liz and Maria recounted the duel to Kyle in detail, of course, but they didn’t try to force the story out.
They knew their friend. Words didn’t come easily to Alex even on the best of days, but now between his concussion and his exhaustion, he could barely string together a sentence. He seemed to be in shock.
When he was finally ready, one night at the tavern, after almost a full bottle of wine, the words came out stumbling over themselves. It was disjointed, slurred, barely intelligible, but Liz understood enough. There was a boy, once. Lord Michael, before he was the King’s bastard, when he was just a street orphan. He and Alex had fallen in love and gotten engaged. Alex’s father had disapproved, and made it clear, but they were going to elope.
And one day, Jesse Manes had found them in the gardener’s shed, and he’d glimpsed the fleur de lys branded on Michael’s shoulder, marking him a thief and a convict. Alex hadn’t cared, he’d trusted Michael, but it gave Jesse the opportunity he’d been waiting for to destroy them.
He’d attacked Michael with a hammer, and then, by the authority granted to him as the lord of his lands, he had sentenced him to death. Alex had been powerless. The last thing Michael had seen before the rope suffocated him was Alex’s tears.
Except that somehow, Michael was alive. And he held Alex responsible for what had happened to him. His knight in shining armor, the one Alex had thought would steal him away from his monster of a father, had become the black bishop of Jesse Manes’ game, intent on taking his revenge against Alex.
“Ten years learning how to live in a world without him,” Alex sobbed into his bottle when he finished. “What do I do now?”
Liz didn’t have an answer. She hugged him tight until he fell asleep.
On the day of Alex’s funeral, the sun shone high and hot in the sky and it felt like it was the universe’s way of laughing at them. Liz got up early to clean her leathers and polish her boots until they shone brighter than they should have been able to, given how worn they were. She checked her uniform meticulously, taking particular care of the fleur de lys engraved pauldron that marked her commission and the expensive rapier Alex had gifted her years ago. Squaring her shoulders for the hard day ahead, she walked down the ranks of solemn Musketeers, adjusting blue capes and leather doublets as she gave out orders. Alex deserved them at their best, and she was going to make sure that they were.
The service was beautiful and heartbreaking. Commander Valenti gave the eulogy and all the Musketeers stood at attention under the heat as the casket was lowered into the ground. Alex had been a well-respected and beloved Captain, who’d always taken care of his men.
Liz felt a pang when she saw Gregory Manes, freshly returned from the war on their border, shed a tear as he threw a rose on the casket. He was the only one of Alex’s brothers that she liked, the only one who supported him. Jesse Manes stood, impassible, as people came to offer their condolences. He never even twitched a muscle, and Liz hated him for it.
She kept observing him throughout. This was the man who had had his own son killed. They all knew whose orders Michael had acted on, even if he’d pretended to do it out of revenge. Liz, whose own father was an immigrant tavern owner who’d done everything for his daughters, couldn’t understand how a man like Jesse Manes could even exist. He hadn’t hesitated to have Alex murdered because Alex threatened his position as the Prime Minister.
And now he stood there and didn’t even have the decency to show some grief. He was dressed in the black of mourning, but he looked at people with the same disdain, the same arrogance as he always did.
This was a man who thought himself untouchable.
Liz was going to prove that he wasn’t. They were moving toward the last stretch of the game, and even with Alex gone, she would make sure Jesse Manes didn’t win. She patted the stack of letters tucked into her leather doublet. One way or another, Alex would be avenged.
Three months ago
“Alex!” Maria exclaimed as Alex joined them at the long mess table in the garrison’s courtyard. Kyle moved to give Alex space to sit down on the bench, while Liz grabbed a bowl of soup for him. “Where were you? We looked for you everywhere!”
“Did Commander Valenti ask after me?” Alex asked, dropping onto the bench.
It wasn’t the first time, in the last few months, that he’d disappeared on them like this. He had done that before, but usually they found him passed out somewhere in a tavern, or occasionally curled up in bed in his room, in too much pain to move. But recently, it had changed. He rarely drank too much anymore, and wherever he went every few days, he came back looking rested and content. It wasn’t common when it came to Alex, so his friends hadn’t pushed him to reveal his whereabouts. That day, though, he seemed on edge.
“No, we just thought we might hit the tavern,” Liz answered. “Dad is making rice pudding tonight.”
“I have something to tell you first,” Alex said, lowering his voice. They all leaned in to listen. “I just came from the Palace. You’ve all heard that Princess Isobel is pregnant?”
They nodded. It was the talk of the month everywhere in the city. Princess Isobel was King Max’s twin sister, and since the death of the old King four months ago, the next in line for the throne. King Max had yet to marry, even though he was already twenty-eight, so Princess Isobel and Prince Noah’s child would be the first Prince or Princess of the new generation.
“You remember how I told you that my father will try to regain more power?”
Liz nodded. “He had the old King’s ear, but Max hates him. He’s been talking about appointing a new Prime Minister.”
“My father won’t stand for it,” Alex said. “He will move against Max soon. He knows Max won’t let him keep his position for long.”
“But what can he do?” Maria asked.
Alex’s eyes turned stormy. “He’s ruthless. He plays the long game, and he’ll stop at nothing to get even a scrap of power. My source says that Prince Noah is his henchman, he’s the one who convinced the old King to arrange this marriage. He wants to get Isobel on the throne.”
Liz widened her eyes in shock. “By killing Max?”
Alex just nodded.
“But Isobel hates him just as much as Max does,” Maria said. “It wouldn’t change anything, would it?”
Alex bit his lip. “It looks like he has some kind of leverage on her. With that and Noah’s influence, he could get her to do what he wants. And–” he hesitated.
“What?” Kyle pressed him.
“Now that Isobel’s pregnant, he could also eliminate her as soon as she gives birth,” Alex sighed. “If he played his cards right, he’d be named Regent.”
Liz swore under her breath. This was bad, worse than she could have imagined. “How do you know all that?” she asked.
“I’m getting...inside information,” Alex answered. “That’s all I can tell you, I can’t put my source’s life at risk. But we have to stop my father.”
“But how?”
Alex ran a hand over his face, suddenly looking exhausted. “I don’t know yet. But I will figure it out. In the meantime, we’ll double up all our guard duties for both Max and Isobel. We won’t let them get hurt.”
A month ago
The convent was easy to defend, its thick outer walls ready to weather a siege, but the inside was cold and sparsely furnished. The weather was just starting to warm up, spring giving way to summer, but Liz shivered as she stared at the lime-washed walls, her linen shirt too thin to keep out the chill.
“I can't believe you slept with the King!” Alex exclaimed, throwing his hands up. He was pacing back and forth in the corridor outside the Mother Superior’s private chambers, which had been ceded to the King for the night. They’d arrived at the remote convent the night before, under fire from a host of unidentified mercenaries, intent on killing the King.
“Alex, not so loud,” Liz whispered back. She wrung her hands together, nervous. “It was special circumstances, okay? He was scared and someone was trying to kill him. He just needed some reassurance.”
“And you had to sleep with him?” Alex lowered his voice. “After what happened to Rosa? Liz, did he force you?”
“No, of course not!” Liz clasped a hand over Alex's mouth, worriedly looking at the door behind which King Max was asleep. “He didn't force me. He didn't even ask me, I offered.”
“I don't understand,” Alex said. “We're here to protect him. We spent the whole day yesterday under heavy fire because someone is after him. And he's the King, Liz!”
“I know.” Liz looked away. She hadn’t meant for this to happen. Max had looked so down, so alone, she’d just wanted to offer comfort. The sex had been a spur of the moment thing, and although she was convinced neither of them had really forgotten why it was wrong, they hadn’t cared. Max might be the King, but he was a human being just like any of them, with his own fears and desires, and Liz had felt close to him ever since he started requesting her as his personal guard more often.
“Oh my God, you're in love with him,” Alex realized. “Fuck. That's a development I didn't expect.”
“I'm not in love with him!” Liz protested, but her voice wavered. She could see in Alex’s eyes that he was far from convinced.
She was about to argue more when she saw a nun approach from the corner of her eyes.
“News?” Alex asked.
The nun, a young, fresh-faced woman who seemed nervous and shy under her black veil, pointed toward the convent’s courtyard. “Your friends are back.”
“Good. We'll be with them in a minute,” Alex said. “We'll talk again later,” he added to Liz.
“Alex?” she asked, her voice quiet.
“Can we keep this quiet for now?”
Alex sighed. “Of course. The King sleeping with a commoner, be it a Musketeer, is not something we want to shout from the rooftops, anyway. Is this about Kyle?”
Liz shrugged. She and Kyle had found comfort in each other, back when they first became Musketeers. Liz had never been in love, and she liked Kyle more as her friend than whatever they had been back then, but she knew he still felt something for her that wasn’t just friendship. She didn’t want to hurt him, and knowing that she’d slept with the King, of all people, surely would.
“Fine,” Alex grumbled. “Let's go.”
He had sent Maria and Kyle with most of the Musketeer team that had traveled with them to pursue their assailants yesterday, after they had managed to make them flee. Liz was relieved that there hadn’t been a single casualty on their side, whether Musketeer or civilian. They had done their best to protect both the nuns and the King, but if it had come to it, the King would have had to be Alex’s priority, and Liz knew he would forgive himself for putting nuns in the line of fire, however willing they had been.
Their friends looked tired and dirty, but not injured. “Did you catch them?” Alex asked.
“No,” Kyle shook his head. “We almost got one, but they disappeared. Only thing we found is one of their horses.” He gestured behind him to one of the Musketeers, who lead a horse over.
“Any identifying marks?” Alex asked.
“Only this,” Maria said. She pointed to the embroidery on one of the saddlebags. Five dots, joined by a thread, making a lopsided W, in yellow thread on the dark leather.
Alex took in a shocked breath.
“What is it? Do you recognize it?”
“That's Cassiopeia,” Alex said. “That's Michael's symbol. His men are the ones who attacked us.”
He brought a hand to his throat, cupping the ever-present gold medallion and ring he wore on a chain. Liz had never asked what they were, but since Alex had told them his story, she’d assumed it was his engagement ring, and maybe a portrait of Michael. She’d seen him do this very gesture many times over the past few months, nearly any time Michael’s presence at court came up, but rarely with such anguish on his face.
“This was in the saddlebag,” Maria said, handing over a stack of what looked like letters, tied with a brown cord. Alex took them with a frown. “Nothing else?”
“No. I’m sorry.”
He nodded tightly, and ran a hand over the embroidered constellation. “I should have known my father would send you,” he muttered. “He knows where to place his pieces. What have you done, Michael? What are we going to do?”
Giuco Piano
Ten years ago
They were seventeen, and in love. The sky was full of stars above them, on a warm summer night. Alex and Michael were lying in the grass at the very edge of the Manes estate, behind the gardener’s shed. The gardener, for whom Michael worked during the day, had long retired in his  house further up on the hill, and Michael had brought out the blankets he used to sleep on a straw bed in the shed.
Alex spun the thin golden ring on his finger. Michael had given it to him earlier that day, going down on one knee, a plan already formed for them to get married and escape the Manes estate and its bigotry by the end of the summer. He had made the ring himself, during the shifts he picked up at the village smithy. He’d even plated it with gold he’d saved up from the jewelry people asked him to repair.
Michael was good with his hands. He was good with everything, really. He was smart and quick-witted, and he knew the name of every plant in the estate’s garden. He’d taught himself to read and write, and he spent his night poring over thick tomes Alex snuck out of his father’s library for him.
It wasn’t fair that he wasn’t allowed to make use of all of this knowledge, just because he’d been born a commoner. An orphan. He’d told Alex about all he’d had to do just to survive, unable to even get an apprenticeship because he had no parents to sign a contract. The years of labor, from an age too young to remember. The abusive employers, the orphanages, the streets.
The jail he’d ended up in, and escaped from. Alex knew what the mark branded on his shoulder meant. It meant that Michael had been convicted and thrown in prison, at fourteen, for stealing food from the market. It meant that even if Alex’s father had been willing to let him marry a man, and a commoner to boot, it would never, ever be a criminal like Michael.
That was okay, because Alex had no intention of asking him. In a few days, he’d turn eighteen, and they would run away together.
Right now, they could enjoy a summer evening together under the stars, far away from prying eyes.
“This is Ursa Major,” Michael pointed at the sky. “It looks a bit like a frying pan. Then Ursa Minor. The brightest star is called Polaris, it's the brightest of all stars. Then Draco, the dragon, goes around it, see? A curve here, and then back. My favorite, though, is Cassiopeia.”
“Where is it?” Alex asked.
“There,” Michael pointed a little to the left. “It has five major stars. Like a W, see?”
“I think so,” Alex murmured. “Yes, got it.”
He turned to press a kiss on Michael's cheek. “I like listening to you. Keep going.”
“Cassiopeia is the prettiest,” Michael said. “It was named after a queen who thought she was the most beautiful person in the world, more even than the nymphs. She angered a god, Poseidon, and he set a sea monster on her kingdom. She had to sacrifice her daughter to appease him.”
“Ugh,” Alex made a face. “That's not a nice story.”
Michael shrugged. “I like it, I think. The daughter was saved by a hero and married him. Sometimes I wonder what my mom sacrificed me for. Maybe she's safe and happy somewhere out there.”
Alex squeezed his hand. “Yeah. I wonder that too,” he murmured. “My father would happily sacrifice any of his sons for the kingdom. Me especially. He wouldn't even blink.”
Michael sighed. “I wish that weren't true. We'll get out of here as soon as we're married, right? Then he can't touch us anymore.”
“We'll never truly be out of his reach,” Alex said. “He's the highest ranking officer in the kingdom already. He'll be Prime Minister soon.”
“Then we'll just have to go really far away,” Michael whispered.
Alex closed his eyes and let Michael kiss him, wishing that were possible.
“It’s done,” Michael stated, throwing his pistol on Jesse Manes’ desk. It made a dull thud. Manes looked up and deigned giving Michael his attention. “He’s dead. I’m sure the word will reach your office soon.”
“Any clean-up needed?”
“No. Full daylight, as you specified. Dozens of witnesses can testify that I did it alone. You have nothing to worry about.”
Manes stares at him for a few seconds, then pushed the pistol away from his paperwork and put it aside. “Good,” he said, in clear dismissal.
Michael ignored the implicit order and dropped into a chair, pulling his feet up on the desk. Manes scowled.
“I thought I would feel something more than this...emptiness,” Michael muttered. “I loved him, once.”
“Are you sorry you killed him?” Manes asked him, annoyed.
“Regrets are pointless. Right now, I need help. His Musketeer friends won't let this go unpunished, and even my status will not be enough, not if they can reveal that I'm branded.”
“You're just as weak as Alex after all,” Manes sneered. “I thought you were different.”
“Weak? No. Just practical. I haven't forgotten that you're the one who gave the order to hang me, Minister. I have very few reasons to trust you.”
“You're right, you're not like Alex. Maybe I can still make something of you.”
“You can use me,” Michael offered. “Ortecho and DeLuca want revenge. They want me. Exchange me against the letters.”
“They have leverage. Why would they give it over?”
“It's become personal. Alex was the one who wanted you gone. The other Musketeers care about very little beside their wine and their petty quarrels with the Red Guards. You hand me over, they'll let the letters go.”
“What about you? Why would you even offer that?”
Michael shrugged. “I'll take my chances against them. I came to the city to kill Alex, and I have accomplished my mission. With the old King dead, I doubt Max will keep me in court much longer, and if he learns about my past, he won't take it well. My best bet is to disappear again.”
“So you think you can slip their watch and escape the city?”
“With Alex dead, I'm the best swordsman in the city. I can take two Musketeers.”
Manes shifted in his seat. “Very well. We'll offer the exchange.”
Bad Bishop
A year ago
“Careful,” Alex murmured, wincing in pain. He shifted his position until he was more comfortable on the bed, waiting until the ache in his shoulder subsided a little.
“Sorry,” Michael said sheepishly, untangling himself from Alex’s limbs. Propping himself up on his elbow, he trailed his fingers down Alex’s chest to his navel, tracing every scar.
It had been three days since the duel, since Michael had declared his feud with Alex in front of the court and then tended to his wounds and forgave him in the privacy of his chambers. Alex’s arm was still too sore to use, though he’d discarded the sling, and his concussion was just starting to clear up, so he was off duty for the time being, by Kyle’s order. Michael had found them a room in a small inn outside the city, known to be discreet, where they’d spent the night learning each other’s body all over again.
They’d changed, in ten years. Both of them had become different men, forged by hardships and age, but their love hadn’t altered. It was scarred by the wounds Jesse Manes had inflicted on it, just like their bodies, but it was just as strong.
Alex reached out with his good arm to touch Michael’s throat, which he was seeing bare for the first time. The deep rope burn there had become white with age, but it was impossible to miss without the high-collared uniform to hide it, a stark reminder of what their love had cost Michael.
Michael’s face fell, sadness replacing his prior playful smile. “It wasn’t you, Alex,” he said.
“I know,” Alex murmured. It didn’t make it hurt less. He’d blamed himself for ten years, for letting his father catch them and giving him an excuse to go after Michael, and he wasn’t going to stop now. He’d failed Michael in every way. He’d watched him hang, unable to save him from that fate.
He’d walked away, unable to stand the sight of his lover at the end of a rope, and that had somehow allowed Michael to escape.
“I love you,” Michael said. “What your father did isn’t your fault.”
Alex just sighed and let his hand fall back to the bed. Michael leaned in to kiss him, softly, and continued his exploration of Alex’s body with his left hand, the scarred, gnarled fingers brushing against his skin.
He reached past Alex’s waist and down his naked hip, to where his right leg ended just below the knee. Alex froze. His wooden leg was resting somewhere beside the bed, the stump naked and ugly, swollen from overuse. He hadn’t let Michael touch it yet, or even really look at it.
But Michael didn’t pause, didn’t recoil back in disgust. He kept touching Alex’s skin, his fingers light like a feather despite their obvious stiffness. Alex shivered as he slowly went over the scars, then back up the inside of his thigh.
“That alright?” Michael asked in a whisper, looking back up at him.
Alex nodded mutely.
“What’s this?” Michael asked, cupping the medallion that hung from Alex’s neck..
Alex blushed and hung his head. “Open it,” he murmured.
Michael’s breath hitched when he saw the tiny gold plaque inside the medallion, delicately engraved with the lopsided W of Cassiopeia.
“I had it made after you—” Alex cut himself off and swallowed, the words stuck in his throat. “I could never forget you, but I needed to remember what I was fighting for. It kept me going.”
Michael ran his thumb over the engraving, then around the clumsily made golden ring he’d once given Alex.
“When all this is over, I’ll make you a much better ring,” he said.
Alex smiled tightly. “I like this one. But we can get matching rings for our wedding, after all this is over.”
It felt weird to even dare think about such a future, after the one they’d dreamed of had been ripped away from them. It felt like tempting fate. But Alex wanted to daydream again, to stop living like he’d die tomorrow.
To stop wishing that he’d died ten years ago.
“How’s the plan going?” he asked, shaking those thoughts out of his head.
“I think he’s starting to believe me, after the duel. He knows I’m the one who stabbed you in the shoulder too. I’m still sorry about that, by the way.”
“You don’t need to say it every time we meet,” Alex snorted. “I know. I understand why it was necessary.”
Michael nodded. “We’ll need him to really trust me, though. He needs to think that I hate you enough to be willing to ally with him, and that’s not going to be easy.”
“My father isn’t an easy man to fool,” Alex contemplated. “Do you know how to play chess?”
“I’ve learned,” Michael said.
He hadn’t known, back when they were engaged. Alex remembered trying to teach him the basics, but they hadn’t had time for more. He hoped Michael’s game was solid, because they were going to need it. “My father is a master player. Beating him at his own game will be hard, but he taught me well.” Alex bit his lip. “He’d use his belt every time I lost. Which was every game, until I finally learned.”
Michael made a complicated face, full of anger and sadness but also impatience. “Then you’ll have to guide me,” he said with a playful smile. “I can be your pawn.”
“Nah,” Alex shook his head, smiling along. “You’re no pawn. You’re...a bishop, maybe. White bishop pretending to be black.”
“I like that,” Michael smirked.
“I’ll like it more when we’ve won the game,” Alex replied.
Queen’s Pawn Game
Four months ago
“Where are we going?”
“I think I’ve figured out the next part of our plan,” Michael said, dragging Alex by the hand. Alex checked that no one was likely to see them, but the place was empty for now. Princess Isobel’s private quarters were off-limits to everyone but her personal servants and, apparently, Michael.
“Michael,” he called, before Michael could take him any further. Alex stumbled a little on his wooden leg when Michael stopped brutally. “Tell me.”
“Okay,” Michael relented. “I’ve been looking for something to use against your father for months. I’ve finally found it. Something that can bring him down.”
“What is it?”
“I asked Isobel—”
“What?” Alex interrupted him in shock. “Do you know how dangerous that is? What makes you sure she won’t just throw us in jail for plotting against the Prime Minister?”
“Calm down, Alex,” Michael sighed. “I know what I’m doing. Isobel wants him gone as much as we do.”
Alex just shook his head, still in shock.
“She says she knows how to get proof that he abused my father’s confidence,” Michael said. “Look, at least heart her out. She’s my sister, she’ll never rat me out.”
“What about me?” Alex asked.
“She admires you. And she hates your father. She will help, I promise.”
“Fine,” Alex relented, though his misgivings weren’t alleviated much. He’d avoided telling even Liz, Maria and Kyle about his plan, by fear that it would somehow get back to his father’s ears. And Michael went straight to the Princess? There was no way this was going to end well.
Isobel was waiting for them in her sitting room, regally sitting on a richly-decorated armchair. She was wearing a blue satin dress with a complex embroidery along her corset and a mounting collar, with matching sapphire necklace and earrings. Her hair was pulled up with pins and braided at the top of her head.
“Captain. Michael,” she welcomed them. “Please sit.”
Alex bowed and obeyed. “Your Highness.”
Isobel didn’t beat around the bush. “Michael told me you’re looking for proof of your father’s misdeeds.”
“I’m—” Alex fumbled, looking for a way to answer that wouldn’t risk implicating him or Michael.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you for details,” Isobel brushed it away with a sweep of her hand. “I believe I know where to find what you need. There are letters. He will not have destroyed them, because they serve as his insurance policy.”
“What do you mean?” Alex asked. “Your Highness,” he added as an afterthought.
“You can drop the address when we are in private,” Isobel said dismissively. “The letters are between him and respected members of the court. They detail a plot fomented to overthrow the old King, years ago. It failed, because some of the plotters opted out at the last moment, but your father keeps the letters as proof to blackmail them into doing his bidding. And if he ever goes down, they will go down with him.”
“If you know all this, why don’t you expose him?” Alex dared to ask. This was not how he was supposed to speak to a member of the Royal Family, and he knew he was overstepping, but he had to know. “What does he have over you?”
Isobel leveled him a glare, but didn’t call him out on his impropriety. She started huffing, but her gaze grew sad instead. “He has Rosa,” she said quietly. “And that means he has me.”
Rosa. Free-spirited, beautiful Rosa. The best of them all, cast out of the court like a criminal and sent back to her father’s country, forbidden from any contact with them.
“You had her exiled!” Alex lost his temper before he could check himself. Rosa had been his best friend, the fourth of the invincible group he formed with Liz and Maria. She should have become Captain, not Alex. But she’d gotten too close to the Princess, and she’d paid the price for it.
That was why he watched Liz’s infatuation with the new King Max, Isobel’s twin brother, with wariness. He wouldn’t let the same thing happen to another of his Musketeers, to Rosa’s little sister.
“I did not,” Isobel sighed. “Your father did. She found those letters, she was going to expose him. Manes had her cast out and convinced my father the King to marry me off to Noah, who is loyal to him. He’s been dangling our relationship over my head for years.”
Alex couldn’t stop his anger now that it was out. He could only think of the tears on Liz’s face when her sister went missing, the months of thinking she was dead in a ditch somewhere. “And you think you got the short end of that stick? Rosa’s all alone in a country she’s never lived in, stripped of everything she accomplished for herself! For all I know she’s still a prisoner, too!” They’d gotten one letter, after months of silence, hand-delivered by one of Isobel’s maids. It had been upbeat and hopeful, like only Rosa could be when things were desperate, and Alex knew she hadn’t told them the whole truth.
Isobel looked away. “I know that, Captain. That’s exactly why I can’t expose your father. I can’t risk Rosa’s life, and he’s capable of having her killed if I take a single step wrong. That’s why I need you.”
“Why now?” Alex asked. “He’s been Prime Minister for eight years. What’s changed?”
Isobel sighed. “You can’t repeat this to anyone. Not even your friends, not until the official announcement is made.”
Alex silently put his hand over his heart as a promise.
“I’m with child,” Isobel said. “My marriage is...what it is, and I was willing to sacrifice many things for the peace of the kingdom, as long as my father was the King. But Max hates your father, and they’re already battling each other by way of new taxes and border strategies. I fear that it will turn into war soon. I won’t let my child get caught in the middle.”
Alex inclined his head. An expectant mother would do a lot for her child, he knew that. And Michael trusted Isobel. He could work with that. “Where are the letters?” he asked.
“Manes keeps them in his office, in a locked drawer.”
Alex exchanged a look with Michael. His father’s office was deep inside the palace, constantly guarded. Getting there without getting caught would be almost impossible.
He stood up and bowed deeply. “I will do my best, your Highness,” he said. He still had misgivings, but if Isobel was telling the truth – and why would she lie? – this was their chance to win the game. The Queen could do a lot of damage on a chess board.
“Captain,” Isobel called him, prompting him to straighten up. “Michael told me some of what happened to the both of you. Manes will not go unpunished for that.”
“He was within his rights,” Alex said bitterly. He didn’t know what to think about the fact that Michael had told Isobel about them, but he had told his friends, too. He couldn’t blame Michael.
“Maybe, but he hurt my brother. He will get what he deserves.”
Alex nodded, still doubtful. “Thank you, your Highness.”
Hedgehog System
Two years ago
Alex propped himself up with one crutch carefully as he tended to his horse. He groaned in pain when the young mare shifted her head brusquely and he had to side step, his stump brushing on his other calf. It had been just over two months since he’d been amputated, and the wound was slow to heal, his body still reeling from the infection that had almost killed him.
He wasn’t really supposed to be up and about, but most of the Musketeers were out on palace duty and he was bored. He couldn’t focus on paperwork anymore and he was too wound up to sleep, so he’d come to the stables to have something to do.
His mare moved again, and Alex barely avoided tumbling to the floor, his balance shot. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea after all.
“Alex!” a voice called. “Where are you?”
It was Rosa. Alex dropped his brush and grabbed his second crutch, leaning against the wall of the stall. “I’m here!” he called back, making his slow way back to the courtyard.
“Alex,” Rosa sighed, seeing him. She didn’t scold him for leaving his room, which was Alex’s first clue that something was very wrong. The second was the tear tracks on her cheeks.
“What happened?” he asked, worried. He dragged himself to a bench and sat down, gesturing her closer.
“I have to leave,” Rosa said.
Alex frowned. “Leave? The garrison?”
“The country,” Rosa sighed, drying her face. “I have to run.”
“What do you mean?”
“Isobel and I...we got caught,” she sobbed. “I have no choice.”
Alex closed his eyes briefly, then put a hand on her shoulder. “Rosa, who caught you?” He knew that Rosa has been seeing the Princess in secret for months, since before he and Liz had gone to war. They’d been discreet, but Alex had found a note Isobel had given Rosa by accident once, and she’d confessed everything.
Rosa bit her lip and met his eyes, hesitating. “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “Isobel is engaged, and I’m just a commoner. If I don’t leave, they’ll have me executed.”
Alex hugged her as she cried, until Liz and Maria returned from the palace. The goodbyes were painful. Rosa was forced to pack light, leaving with only her horse – most of what she had belonged to the garrison, anyway. She could barely stand to tell her father, but he accepted the truth sadly, preparing her as much food as she could carry for the journey.
Liz collapsed as soon as Rosa’s horse passed the garrison gates, weeping in Alex’s arms. Rosa could never come back, now. She’d have to make a whole new life somewhere, in a country at war with their own, and it was hard to tell if they’d ever see her again.
Center Game
Four months ago
Getting their hands on the letters turned out to be easier than they’d hoped. It was once they found them that things started to go awry.
Michael had orchestrated a commotion in the palace, enough to attract the Red Guards that stood outside of Jesse Manes’ office away. Alex knew that his father was attending the King, so he picked the lock and took Michael inside. They’d both been in the office many times, and they knew where Jesse kept his confidential papers and prized possessions. The drawer was locked, but it was the work of minutes to get it opened.
There were multiple stacks of paper inside. One was an entire bundle of blank lettres de cachet signed by the old King that made Alex wince internally. His father having that kind of power didn’t sit well with him. These letters could condemn someone to death without a trial or any kind of proof of a crime – only the whim of whoever held it. It was undoubtedly how Jesse had managed to have Rosa exiled.
The second bundle proved to be the one they were looking for. Alex untied it and started looking over the letters to check that it was all of it while Michael stood guard outside.
“Michael, look at those names,” Alex pointed at the headers of some of the letters.
Michael approached and read over his shoulder. “Valenti, DeLuca… They were involved?”
“It looks like it.” Alex sighed, his excitement dropping. “If these letters implicate them, we can’t use them. I can’t do this to Mimi, or to the Commander and Kyle.”
“It looks like it’s only the old Commander, Kyle’s father, not his mother,” Michael said, leafing through the sheets of paper. “But Mimi DeLuca was definitely involved.”
“So this is all useless?”
Michael didn’t have time to answer, because there was a commotion outside. “Guards! Why did you leave your post?” It was Jesse Manes’ voice.
“Shit,” Alex murmured.
His father was too close to the door, there was no way they would be able to get out in time.
“Hide,” Michael whispered hurriedly.
Alex didn’t have time to grab the letters from where he’d dropped them back into the drawer. He stumbled to the balcony and flattened himself against the window frame, hoping against hope that his father wouldn’t notice. It was a terrible hiding place, but there was nowhere else in the office that would fit him.
“Lord Michael, what is the meaning of this?” he heard his father ask.
“I happened to pass by your office on my way to see what was going on in the north wing,” Michael answered, his voice loud and formal. “I saw that it was unguarded and opened, and when I checked that everything was alright, I was almost ran into by someone fleeing the place. I think they searched your desk. I tried to stop them, but I was too late.”
Alex heard someone ruffling through papers.
“Minister, it was a Musketeer,” Michael added. “I saw the uniform.”
Alex held his breath.
“Alex,” Jesse muttered. “Of course. Him or one of his friends. No point in trying to close down the palace, those damned Musketeers have free reign here.”
“I don’t think he had time to take anything,” Michael said.
Jesse ruffled through papers some more, then sighed. “I have to go attend the King,” he said. “I’ll leave you in charge of tightening the palace security.”
“Yes, Minister,” Michael answered. “I will see to it immediately.”
Alex heard their steps retreat, and then the door closed. He didn’t dare move, in case Jesse had remained in the office for any reason, but he couldn’t hear any noise.
Several minutes later, the door opened again. “Alex?” Michael called quietly.
Alex stepped out back inside, grumbling as his leg protested his standing on it for too long. “He’s gone?”
“Yeah, he’s with the King. I sent the guards away for now and made sure no one would notice. We can’t take the letters now, though, or he’ll know.”
Alex cursed through his teeth. “Why did you have to tell him it was a Musketeer?”
“I needed his attention off of me,” Michael said. “If he thinks it’s you, he won’t search for the person responsible any further. The plan doesn’t work if he doesn’t trust me.”
“What plan? Even if we can steal the letters at a later date, we can’t use them. I can’t do this to Mimi and Maria.”
They discreetly walked out of the office and into another corridor, entering the Princess’s wing. This was the only place in the palace where they could be reasonably certain that they wouldn’t be overheard by someone with ill-intent.
“I think I have an idea,” Michael said. “It won’t be easy, and it might be dangerous. But that’s the way you play chess, right? Take risks?”
Alex shook his head. “My father wouldn’t agree with you. He makes hard decisions, but he doesn’t take risks.”
“And you?”
Alex shrugged. “I’ve learned that playing by his rules doesn’t give me the advantage.”
“Good,” Michael smiled. “So, maybe we can’t use the letters to incriminate him, but there are other ways they could be helpful. Getting my hands on them will take some time, but it should be easy enough. He’s starting to trust me.”
“How is that useful to us?”
“He’s going to make his move against Max soon. We need him to trust me enough to ask me to do his dirty work.”
Alex blinked. “You want him to ask you to kill Max?”
“I’ll start dropping hints,” Michael said. “That I’m frustrated that Max won’t give me more power, unlike the old King, that I’ve done this kind of thing before… With my past, he won’t have trouble believing me, and if he thinks he has leverage over me, he won’t think twice.”
“So you want to what, stage a murder?”
Michael laughed. “No, just convincingly fail at my task. And once he’s asked me that, we’ll have proof that he’s conspiring against the King.”
“He won’t give you the orders in writing,” Alex said. “He’s more cunning than that. It will be your word against his.”
“That’s where the letters come in,” Michael smirked.
Drunken Knight Opening
Two weeks ago
It happened in a matter of seconds. One moment, Alex was stumbling around the town square outside the garrison, drunk and depressed, ready to collapse into bed. The next moment, he had Michael in a choke-hold, and he was holding a dagger to his throat. Michael had shown up out of nowhere, running from a back alley, and Alex honestly couldn't have explained it if he tried, except to say that his body reacted long before his mind caught up.
“Alex,” Michael let out a strangled whisper. He tried to free himself, but Alex was restraining him too strongly.
“I knew you weren't telling the truth,” Alex hissed. “You had ulterior motives. You just can't let things go, can you?”
“Alex, I don't know what you're talking about,” Michael tried.
“Alex!” Maria called from the garrison door. Alex turned to her sharply, almost driving the knife straight into Michael's neck in the process. “What are you doing? He's the King's brother!”
“He's a liar and a thief,” Alex spit out. “And my father's spy.”
“Alex,” Maria tried, her hands up to show she was harmless. “You're drunk. Free him and we can talk.”
Alex’s rage spiked, hard and unforgiving in his chest. Maria was looking at him with something like pity in her eyes, like he was good for nothing more than her contempt, a shadow of her once great capacity for compassion. Maria, who had let herself be seduced by Michael, who still defended him after Alex had told her everything. She’d probably given him information about Alex, ways to reach his weaknesses.
“You!” Alex rounded in on her, not letting go of Michael. “You slept with him! Are you in love with him?”
“You don't understand,” Maria sighed. Liz came up behind her, her face resigned and sad.
“No, I don't,” Alex said.
“I didn't know, Alex. I swear I didn't.”
They circled each other a few times, in slow steps. Alex could see Liz out of the corner of his eye, ready to intervene, Kyle and his medical kit, waiting.
“Will that do?” he murmured in Michael’s ear.
“Lots of people watching us,” Michael whispered back. “I see Red Guards coming. It should convince your father.”
He chose that moment to free himself of the choke-hold. The main gauche nicked his neck, but the amount of blood wasn’t enough for it to be a serious injury.
Alex immediately drew his sword, but he stumbled, too drunk to fight properly. Michael threw him stumbling backward into Liz's arms, a slash of his blade sending fire down his arm. And just like that, the fight was over.
Michael disappeared into the crowd, swallowed into the sea of red uniforms arriving at the scene.
“How was my funeral?” Alex asked from his seat by the window, in the shadows, where he’d been watching the garrison’s courtyard slowly fill up.
“Very emotional,” Liz said, carelessly throwing her rapier onto the bed. “Commander Valenti had a lot to say about you. Your father looked very uncomfortable.”
“I'm sorry to have missed it, I wish I'd seen that. Any news from Michael?”
Maria shook her head. “Not since he killed you.”
“You’re never going to let us live this one down, are you?” Alex asked.
Faking his shooting in the middle of the street had been a rehearsed affair, with the help of a blank pistol and creative use of cow blood. Alex’s best friends and Commander Valenti were the only ones who knew. They’d had to bring the Commander in on the whole plan, but though she’d scolded them about taking unnecessary risks, she was overjoyed to get the opportunity to get back at her long-time rival. Jesse Manes had been a thorn in her shoe for too long.
“You and your lover just faked your murder to take down your father,” Maria said. “Things don’t get much more romantic than that.”
“You read too much,” Kyle grumbled.
Liz plopped down on Alex’s bed. “What now?”
“Michael should be talking to my father as we speak,” Alex explains. “He’ll propose to exchange himself for the letters. And since my father will think that getting revenge against Michael is more important to you than blackmailing him, we’ll have the leverage we need.”
“I still think this is a needlessly complicated plan,” Maria crossed her arms on her chest.
Alex shrugged. “But it will work,” he said. “We have a few days to prepare, and I have a mission.” He pointed at Maria. “You’re going to wait for Michael to contact you, and set up the exchange. I’ll give you the details.” He turned to Liz. “Since I need to make myself scarce until then, you and I are going on a trip. We’re going to get Rosa back.”
Liz and Maria looked at each other. “You think it’s safe?” Maria asked.
“I’ll make sure it is,” Alec nodded. “Our job is to get her here. Michael will handle the rest.”
Liz’s face lit up and she got up from the bed to hug Alex. “Thank you,” she murmured in his ear. “Thank you. Dad’s going to be so happy.”
Magnet Sacrifice
Two weeks ago
“So we finally meet properly,” Michael said with a smile, shaking Liz’s hand, then Maria’s. “I feel like it’s long overdue.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were avoiding us,” Liz joked.
Alex felt a little like his parallel worlds were colliding, his day life as a Musketeer and his night escapades with Michael. Having Michael here, at the garrison – even if they’d taken precautions and let him in through a back door, and he wouldn’t go past Alex’s office – was both exciting and terrifying. They were playing a dangerous game.
“How did it go?” he asked, cutting the pleasantries short.
“The altercation got back to his ears, as planned,” Michael said. “And he knows you have the letters. He sees you as his main threat, and me as his ally.”
“So you've convinced him that you hate me and that you're on his side?”
“Almost. Just one tiny detail left.” Michael shifted on his feet uncomfortably.
Alex frowned. “And what is that?”
“I need to kill you.”
Alex’s friends erupted in questions and protests, while Alex stared at Michael, considering.
“Eliminate a threat and collar you in the same move,” he said slowly. “That sounds like him.”
Michael nodded. “I think he wants to both be certain that I really hate you, and make sure that he has me under his thumb. If I kill you in broad daylight, in front of witnesses, then he’s the only thing standing between me and jail.”
“He probably likes the dramatic irony of it all, too,” Alex rolled his eyes. It sounded just like his father. He wasn’t a dramatic man for the most part, doing everything with military precision and very little imagination, but when it came to torturing his family, he’d always been inventive. He’d forced Alex to watch Michael be hanged, ten years ago. Alex hated remembering what he’d done to his mother until she left, but it had been ugly.
“So, can we do it? We’d have to make it convincing.”
“Wait, you’re actually going to do it?” Liz protested.
“It’s the only way to get at him,” Michael said. “If I don’t do it, he’ll stop trusting me.”
“Won’t it put a wrench in your plan? You still haven’t told us the whole plan,” Maria accused Alex.
“That’s true,” Alex admitted, raising his hands in the air. “I didn’t want to until we were sure it was going to work. I’ve told you about the letters.” He waved at his desk, where the stack of letters Michael had stolen from Jesse Manes’ office were kept under lock. “My father is very careful not to leave a paper trail. We have the letters, but we can’t use them. Michael can testify that my father had him try to kill Max, but it’s not enough unless we have some kind of confession. So Michael came up with a plan.”
“We both did,” Michael corrected. “You gave me the idea.”
“Let’s say it was a collective effort,” Alex conceded. “My father doesn’t know that we can’t use the letters. Maria’s parentage isn’t public knowledge, and Jim Valenti is dead. He’s desperate to get them back. So we came up with an exchange: the letters, against Michael’s head on a platter. We convinced him that Michael and I hate each other, first with the duel, and more recently when I attacked him.”
“Oh, so that was why,” Maria raised her eyebrows.
Alex nodded. “He’s the King’s brother, so I can’t touch him. My father thinks that I want his hide for how he ‘humiliated’ me. We’ll stage the exchange carefully, in a place where he thinks he has the superior position, and I’ll trick him into a confession. He won’t be able to resist showing me he’s won.”
“That sounds like a really complicated plan,” Maria frowned.
“He’s a master chess player. He’d see through something simpler right away.”
“But then how does it work if Michael ‘kills’ you?” Liz asked.
“It will be even better,” Michael said. “Because he won’t feel threatened anymore. I’ll kill Alex, secure my position. You’ll make the exchange, pretending that you don’t care about the letters and just want revenge. With Alex gone, he’ll think he’s untouchable.”
“You murderer!” Liz hissed as soon as Michael walked into the church, on Jesse Manes’ heels. Maria put a hand on her wrist to keep her from lunging at Michael.
They had chosen the church for the exchange because it would be empty at this time of the day, and it was neutral ground. Holy ground. Even Jesse Manes wouldn’t dare try something there. He’d come without guards, unwilling to trust any of them with this mission. A few coins had gone to the priest to make sure that they wouldn’t be interrupted.
“You shot him in cold blood!” Liz cried out again. She was a good actress, Michael has to give her that.
“He would have done the same to me,” Michael shrugged, lowering his collar to expose his neck, and the scar there. “He did, once.”
“Entertaining as this is, perhaps we should get down to business,” Manes said coldly. “Give me the letters, and you can do what you want with Michael.”
Liz took a step forward, and Maria let her go. She bowed her head.
“Minister, I’m sorry for you loss. I’m sure that discovering that your son was killed by one of your own men was devastating. I was surprised to hear that Lord Michael was still free.”
“He was...useful,” Manes said. “Are you aware of the contents of the letters?”
“Oh, she knows,” Michael said through his teeth.
Liz put her hand on the hilt of her sword. “Shut up, you traitor,” she spit out.
“She knows you tried to depose the old King,” Michael said anyway, putting as much contempt in his tone as he could. It wasn’t hard. He had plenty of contempt in store for Jesse Manes. “She knows you tried to kill the new one, too. But she doesn’t care, as long as her precious Alex is avenged.”
Manes hissed in shock and grabbed Michael by the collar. “You told them?”
Michael shrugged cockily, no trace of fear on his face. “I told them everything.”
“You’d murder the King, just to get your little favorite on the throne?” Liz asked, moving so that she was on Jesse Manes’ other side. “Why? Haven’t you got enough power already?”
“It wasn’t about power,” Jesse sneered.
“Of course it was,” Michael said, pushing him away. “You just wanted your own puppet. Max is too opinionated for you.”
Jesse let him go, his face reddening in anger. “You understand nothing.”
“Then tell us,” Liz said, taking the letters out of her pocket. “Tell us, and you’ll get your precious letters. Nothing will be able to hurt you anymore.”
Jesse glared at her. “The King is destroying our country. He’s emptying our coffers, ending taxes, bleeding us dry. We’re at war, you of all people should know that. We can’t win a war without money. I ordered his death because I alone will face the truths that no one else can stomach.”
Liz paused. “And the old King?”
“A youthful mistake,” Jesse shrugged. “Once we got past our differences, he was amenable to work with me. Just like Noah will be.”
“Well, wasn’t that an enlightening conversation,” a voice boomed out behind their backs.
Jesse turned around in shock as Alex walked in from behind the organ. “Hello, Father.”
“You’re dead,” Jesse hissed, eyes widening almost comically.
“Am I really? It seems that I’m a better player than you give me credit for,” Alex said, putting an arm around Michael’s waist. “You should choose your pieces better.”
En passant
Ten years ago
Alex stopped humming and jumped to his feet as he heard a horse neigh in the distance. His own horse was placid beside the stream, munching on a clump of herbs, but he perked up as well. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then Alex heard a gallop and a frightened horse passed him at high speed, jumping over the little stream without slowing down.
“Come back!” a voice called.
Alex took a few steps away from the cover of the trees and spotted a young man running toward where the horse had gone, limping slightly. His breeches were covered in mud, like he’d fallen off the horse. His outfit was made of cheap linen and rough wool, the only leather a satchel across his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Alex asked when the boy reached him. He seemed to be about Alex’s age, with light curly hair framing his face. He was beautiful, in the unrefined way that commoner could be, all muscles from hard work and sun-tanned skin. Below your station, Jesse Manes’ voice echoed in Alex’s ears.
The boy stared at Alex for a moment, giving up on chasing his horse. “He’ll come back eventually,” he sighed. “I’m trying to train him, but he’s stubborn.”
“He’s yours?” Alex asked.
“No, he belongs to the Valenti estate. I’m just helping train him.”
The Valentis were the owners of the land bordering the Manes’ estate. Alex mostly knew their son Kyle, who was his age, though they’d had a falling out and no longer spent time together. Kyle’s parents spent most of the year in the capital, since his father was the Commander of the King’s Musketeers. Alex and Kyle had dreamed of becoming Musketeers themselves as children, though now that Alex was preparing to enlist in the Army next year, that dream seemed far away.
“I’m Alex,” he said, because it seemed only polite to introduce himself. He’d never been allowed to interact much with the inhabitants of the town besides the ones that served his family.
“Lord Manes’ youngest son, I know,” the other boy said, irreverently, his face almost daring Alex to react. “I’m Michael.”
Alex hitched to put him back in his place, but he stopped himself. It was clearly what Michael wanted, so he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “I’ve never seen you around before.”
“Only got here two months ago,” Michael drawled, with a hint of a northern accent. “I’m an orphan. I’ve lived in lots of places. You satisfied?”
Alex shrugged, still not rising to the provocation. “Where do you live now?”
“Here and there,” Michael ducked his head, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “In barns, mostly. I try to pick up work wherever I can.”
Alex bit his lip. Michael’s bravado seemed to stem from not wanting to be put down by rough conditions, and he could admire that. “Can you tend a garden?” he asked.
Michael nodded.
“Our gardener’s old and almost blind, he could use some help. I can’t promise you money, but there’s a shed. It’s sturdy and it keeps warmth pretty well.” Alex knew that mostly because it was where he ran to, when his father was angry enough that staying in the house was dangerous.
“Why?” Michael asked. “What do you want from me?”
Alex shrugged. “Properly pruned rose bushes? People don’t always have an agenda.”
Michael stared at him doubtfully, but he nodded. “I have to go,” he muttered. “Need to find that damn horse before nightfall.”
Alex watched him jump over the stream and take off running and stared after him for a while. He wasn’t sure what to make of this encounter. Mr Sanders would be glad to have some help, especially if it was help he didn’t have to share his paycheck with, but Alex didn’t know what had possessed him to offer the job to a boy he’d just met.
There was something about Michael. Alex couldn’t quite figure out what, but he couldn’t get his face out of his mind, as he hopped onto his horse’s back and led him back to the stables.
He tended to his horse quickly and went to change, knowing that his father was waiting for him in his study for their daily game of chess. It was the only time in the day that they still interacted, as Alex avoided coming down for meals unless they had guests. Since Flint had left the previous year, life at home had been worse than ever, and Alex spent as much time as he could outside or locked in his quarters.
His father scowled at him in displeasure when Alex slid onto the chair waiting for him, and made his first move without a word. He always played the whites. He always won.
Alex dreamed of inverting the board, sometimes. The whites played first, and that gave them an advantage. Maybe with that, he could finally beat his father – finally make him proud.
“You’re hesitating again,” Jesse said, as Alex took a minute second to choose between taking a pawn and protecting his bishop. “You’re still not rigorous enough. There are no easy moves in chess. Whatever you do, there will be difficult consequences, sacrifices that you have to make. You can’t win without making hard decisions.”
Alex didn’t reply, and went with the risky move, that could give him checkmate in five if his father didn’t see it.
Jesse saw it. Of course he did. He played with little creativity, but a ruthlessness that was unmatched, and he had an eye for the combinations. He was always ten moves ahead. Alex couldn’t beat him.
He would beat him one day, he promised himself as Jesse waited for him to topple his king before he stood up and removed his belt. He would beat him, and he wouldn’t do it to make his father proud.
He would win, and his prize would be freedom.
“How very cunning,” Jesse sneered at Alex. “You tricked me into making a full confession. And what use is your confession, uh? The word of a lowly Musketeer against the Prime Minister of Antar?”
“The King may not believe their words, Minister, but he will most certainly believe mine.”
Jesse Manes turned sharply at the new voice. Princess Isobel was as beautiful as ever, illuminated in the mysterious light of the church's stained glass windows. Her light green dress, an intricate work of lace and satin, almost appeared white, and so did her long blond hair, gathered above her head with jeweled pins. She didn’t smile as Jesse bowed to her, deeper than his status warranted. “Your Highness,” he said, backing away.
“General,” Isobel replied coldly, as Liz, Maria and Michael retreated out of the church discreetly, giving her the floor. “The King will hear about this. I am certain he will not have any choice but to dismiss you, and even if your status may spare you from standing trial, you’ll be exiled.”
Jesse backed away a few more steps. “Isobel,” he said, his tone condescending, switching out of formal address. Isobel’s face scrunched up in disgust. “You can’t do that. You know what will happen if you do.”
“I highly doubt that,” Isobel answered. She stepped aside, and Rosa came out of the shadows behind her.
Isobel was incredibly good at this, Alex reflected. She waited until Rosa was at her shoulder and bowed her head to her, in a clear sign of her affection.
“Yes, Father,” Alex said. “I took the liberty to have Rosa escorted back to Antar. It turns out that the King was more than happy to pardon his favorite Musketeer’s sister, once the Princess made her case. And now, I have multiple witnesses who heard you confess to your plot to kill the King himself.”
He was still tense, watching his father's every move with his hand on his sword, but jubilation at this tableau is catching up to him. They had him. Their impossible plan had worked, and his father would never hurt anyone again.
Jesse looked scared now, looking around him for support that wouldn’t come as Alex advanced on him. Alex didn’t bother to hide his limp.
“Your blinders are what defeated you, father. You think I'm weak, because I love men. You thought Isobel was easier to manipulate than Max because she's a woman. You were wrong.”
Instead of stopping in front of his father to face him, he kept walking, until Jesse had to step aside to let him pass. “I believe this is checkmate, father,” he said in a low voice, meant to be heard by him only.
His friends were waiting for him behind the church. Alex led Rosa out, signaling his men to escort his father and the Princess back to the palace. Jesse Manes was done. He might not go to jail, but as soon as Isobel told the King, he would lose his job and his standing, and probably his title and estate.
Alex knees felt weak with relief, as he walked back to the garrison. Commander Valenti was standing with Kyle by the door to her office, and Alex simply nodded at them. It’s done. Kyle whooped in joy while his mother simply smiled.
Alex turned back to his best friends.
“So we’re four again?” Liz asked, watching Rosa with hesitation in her eyes, a fear impossible to put into words.
“I don’t know if I can get my commission back, but I’ll never stop being a Musketeer,” Rosa said with tears in her eyes. She held out a hand to her sister. “One for all,” she murmured.
Liz grabbed her hand, and Alex and Maria joined in, adding their hands on top. “All for one,” they said together. They fell into a group hug, relieved tears mixing with smiles.
Alex saw Michael standing at the gates out of the corner of his eye, leaning against one of the posts and watching them.
“Go to him,” Liz told him quietly. “You’ve waited for this for so long.”
Alex straightened his clothes. “I have something to do first,” he murmured. He unclasped the chain from his neck and took off the golden ring. Taking a deep breath, he slid it onto his finger.
He swallowed back a sob, looking at his hand.
“Does that mean we have a wedding to plan?” Rosa asked with a smirk.
“Soon,” Alex promised.
He didn’t look back as he joined Michael at the gates, and linked their hands together.
“It’s done.” He smiled softly at Michael, who didn’t speak. “We’re free.”
You can read the first two parts of the series for a more detailed account of Alex and Michael's duel and its aftermath (though keep in mind that they were written over a year ago, before season 2, and I've changed a few things to the plot of this AU since, most notably my plans for Maribel). I hope you liked this! And remember to go look at Slynella's amazing illustrations for this fic and give her all the love!
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gnarf · 3 years
Gnarf’s 2020
and what a fucking year that was... Anyways, let’s talk about the good things, shall we?
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I made it through 2020 alive and without going insane! Yay! So lets see what else I did. (This is a long post)
In the beginning of 2020 I said I won’t participate in many fests. Only three or something like that. Lets check how that went!
Fests Gnarf participated in: 9
@lockdownfest @lcdrarry @hd-wireless @hpfluff-fest @hd-hurtfest @hd-fan-fair @hd-erised @gameofdrarry in drarropoly @wireless-festive-minifest​
Haha yup, three. Sounds legit. I also wandered off to try if I can art! No worries, I gave that up :D Mad respect to all Artists, arting is exhausting and the progress is too slow for me.
If you really want to check out my attempts, here’s what made its way onto AO3:
Dont Blink! for LCDrarry, it includes the Angels from Doctor Who and was a pain in the arse.
If you knew... was made for H/D Wireless and has the armiest arm i ever saw, very proud of that one. Its also the last thing I made.
Home Sweet Home was also made for H/D Wireless, and the first bigger art piece I tried my hand on.
A muffled groan which is rather explicit and I entirely forgot about making it :D it has a ficlet going with it too.
(I think theres other Art stuff here with the tag #gnarf draws or something)
I reached my yearly goal of writing 100k words once again!
Fics and Ficlets I wrote this year: 20(ish)
Better Side of the Bed (Lock Down Fest, T, 2k)
It was all Malfoy's fault. Harry could be at the Burrow right now, but instead he was trapped in Malfoy's tiny flat. All because that dick couldn't stop bothering him about a stupid life debt he didn't even care about.
Doing What's Best (G, ~800 words)
Lucius looked down at the little bundle currently sleeping in Narcissa's arms and felt terror shoot through his body. A little boy, his hair so white it was nearly invisible. Born only a few hours ago, taking his first breath in the light of the rising sun. Narcissa had whispered a welcome, her eyes wet, her smile bigger than ever. But they both knew, even though temporarily safe, he really wasn't. Draco was born into a world ruled by war. If only it'd end soon.
I better be hallucinating this (T, 3.8k)
After the war Draco Malfoy is sentenced to Azkaban for a really long sentence. Apparently aiding in Dumbledore's death overrules any argument Harry could put up for him. After the trial, as the days pass by, Harry is more and more outraged at the sentence. He can't stop obsessing over the fact that Draco Malfoy saved his life and aided him during the war and is very much capable of redemption. Not to mention that Malfoy has always been a delicate git and would never survive Azkaban. After a few weeks obsessing Harry decides that Malfoy indeed can't remain unjustly in Azkaban and starts to plot a way to break him out of jail and hide him in Grimmauld Place. When Hermione finds out she's not amused. Ron is horrified. Draco still thinks he's hallucinating.
Keep Holding On (Wireless, M. 33.333) A collab with @maesterchill​ who surprised me with lovely art for it!
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco both fall into their own battles with their mental states. Draco is sent to Azkaban, and Harry turns to drinking, hoping to forget. Months later, Harry visits St Mungo’s new ward on the request of a friend, only to find Draco in a deep vegetative state. Not willing to give him up, Harry stays by his side, while simultaneously dealing with the Ministry's newest grand idea to make everything worse. Making new allies, and losing old ones along the way, will hopefully be worth it in the end.
Age is just a number (Fluff Fest, T, 1.5k)
Married for decades, their life is perfect. Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words: "Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
There was still hope (Hurt Fest, M, 3.1k)
Draco winced as pain shot through his leg with every step. This secret, back-alley laboratory had been his last chance, last hope, to find the potion. But nobody had it in stock, and there was no time left to brew it himself. Panic was slowly overtaking his entire mind as he crept out of the store and back to the nearest alley to Apparate back home. He already felt off, and it was still early in the day. Of course this thestral-shit had to happen to him, of all people. As if life wasn't bad enough for him already.
Desire (E, 1.7k)
"Auror Potter, what a pleasant surprise to meet you here. What can I do for you?" "Stop the show, Malfoy. There's no one around, and I'm not here as an Auror." Draco watched Potter move closer until they were nearly nose to nose, only the small counter of his shop kept Potter at distance. Potter's eyes were dark with something Draco couldn't exactly name, his face was flushed and the air surrounding him felt somehow static. Draco felt the urge to lean further over his counter, to drink in his sight, to touch the man on the other side—but he didn't.
Drarropoly 2020 currently holds 7 ficlets and is in a Series. The highest rating is Mature and its 3.2k in total at this point.
Let's not wait for France (Fan Fair, T, 17.7k)
All Harry had wanted from his Eighth year at Hogwarts was a little peace and a little privacy but, from the moment that he stepped onto Platform 9 3/4, it was obvious that nothing was ever going to be that easy. An accidental bond with Malfoy that resulted in them having to stay together at all times was the final straw. Things couldn't be worse. So much to a quiet year in Hogwarts.
Love letters for the oblivious (Mini Wireless, T, 716 words)
Draco had gotten the strangest letters all week long, which wasn't what anyone needed at Christmas. Especially not him. Either someone was taking the piss, or he had a very dumb and inefficient secret admirer. And Draco didn't know which would be worse.
Double-Booked (Mini Wireless, T, 2.1k)
Finally, peace and quiet, and— "Malfoy?!?" Or the one where Harry thought he could enjoy a quiet Christmas far from everyone, just to find out that the cabin he had booked already accommodated another guest.
The best Christmas he ever had (Mini WirelessT, 1.9k)
Christmas had never been less appealing to him than this year. That was until Arthur Weasley showed up at his door, dressed as Santa, inviting him to the Burrow.
Anon Fests to be added
Whoever made it to this point: yoooo! Friend! Lots of love to you! I also got tagged in many get to know me posts, plenty of love in my Inbox giving me love slaps left and right (honestly, im bruised, stop slapping me), amazing person awards, top 5 fics, and whatever you can think of.
To make up for not answering most of them because I’m a horrible person:
My favourite colour: purple My age: I’ll be 30 next year in April, I expect gifts, I don’t accept first borns My favourite trope: eight year My favourite animal: cat My favourite ice cream: Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough Here’s my writing Playlist, it’s the worst you’ll ever see, and yes, I use YouTube, I’m old.
Other things that happened in 2020 that made me happy:
I kicked out my mentally/emotionally abusive partner of 7 years in January
I kept my grandma alive through this *waves hand at world*
I was able to share my birthday cake with my family becaus I got to leave my first quarantine a few days before my birthday
I got to keep my job
I found a lot of lovely friends in this fandom, and got to keep them through this year
My cats are their usual little jerks and actually enjoyed me being at home due to the raging pandemic
I finally cut off my hair
I’m about to hit 3.5k followers here and I love you all
I’m also tagging everyone who sees this and wants to do something similiar! Show us what you did in 2020, the things you’re proud of, and the things you loved! Let’s spread some happy for the end of the year 💜🥰
38 notes · View notes
anonniemousefics · 4 years
The Trouble With Wanting
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Originally posted on AO3
Fandom: Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom | Kaz + Inej
Word count: 5,745
***Rating: NSFW (aged up characters) - It’s a bit smutty. Like a 5 on the smut scale***
Synopsis: Inej begins to reckon with her own armor so she can have what, and who, she wants.
Inej Ghafa had a problem. Any one of her crew on The Wraith would have called it insomnia, and, honestly, that was the explanation she preferred. Insomnia would have innocent enough and treatable enough – a quick visit to a Healer at the next port could prescribe a potion that would put to rest the whole conundrum.
If it was as simple as insomnia, that is.
But nothing was ever that simple for Inej. Simple solutions are for simple people, she’d tell herself, trying to muster up some self-confidence in her captain’s cabin at night. Much of her life was far from simple, and she liked it that way. But this. This was eating her alive.
The waves rocked The Wraith through the night. The summer heat bore down all through the night, even with a porthole window ajar. And with the heat, and the sweat, the gentle sway of the boat, all she thought of was him.
Fuck. She pressed her palms into her eyes, whining for sleep. Fuck. She’d started this. She’d wanted this. I’ll have you without armor, she’d said, shoulders set in determination, or I won’t have you at all.
Kaz Brekker had taken those words to heart. Of course he had. He had always taken her words seriously. And she’d expected him to choose the armor.
But he hadn’t.
“So, what is happening, exactly?” It had been nearly a year since she’d asked him this exact question. They were huddled over a small table in a dark corner of The Crow Club, sharing a bottle of kvas after having checked her parents into an expensive hotel for their stay. She would be setting sail with them in the morning, headed for Ravka, their maiden voyage aboard The Wraith. Kaz had been nothing but a gentleman to her mother and father their entire stay, addressing them formally in his best (albeit broken) Suli, occasionally checking his tie. He had treated them to lavish dinners, far from the Barrel, and put them all up in a safe part of town.
But she would be leaving Ketterdam then, and they had not spoken since the docks about their plans to hunt slave traders. They had not spoken about how their fingers had entwined, that he’d taken off those damnable gloves, and what had that even meant?!
So she’d asked the question. “What is happening, exactly?” leaning into an elbow on the table, lifting her glass with the other. Thank the Saints for kvas. Would she have been able to push the issue without a little dose of the liquid courage?
“Do you still not know?” Kaz had set down his glass, leaning back in his seat with his other hand on his crow’s head cane. He was wearing those damn gloves again.
“You’re a free woman now, Inej,” he’d said.“Go where you please, do as you want.”
“I’m not a podge; I gathered that much,” she said. “I mean, this. This.” She gestured between the two of them, the great expanse of table between them, both too small and too wide all at once.  
At that, Kaz stiffened, his coffee-black gaze dipping away from hers for a brief moment. Nerves? Shame? What was it? Why was he so impossible to read?  
“What is it you want?” he rasped at last. That voice of his. Inej felt her breath hitch – nervous and something else.  
“I told you what I wanted,” she replied, feeling her face grow warm. “What is it you want?”
“What I want hasn’t changed.” It could have been the dim light of the Crow Club, but Inej could have sworn Kaz’s sharp cheekbones were reddening.
“You want me.” She repeated his words from all those months ago. It felt foreign to pry into Kaz this much. But she deserved to know. Without armor, that was the demand.
The muscle in his jaw ticked, like he was prepping for a fight. He picked up his glass, draining it entirely before saying another word.  
“I want,” he started, disjointed and awkward, “I want you – to want me.”
Now she knew her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her. He was red in the face, and, for all of his rough edges and sharp angles, he was still a boy, in front of the girl he wanted and felt he couldn’t have.  
“I do want you,” she breathed, and then Kaz was checking every face around them, casing their surroundings, as if suddenly overly concerned about who was overhearing. But the Crow Club’s patrons were far off, engaged at gambling tables or raucous drinks at the bar. Kaz and Inej were quite alone.  
“You want the sea,” he corrected, not meeting her gaze.  
“Don’t tell me what I want,” Inej interrupted.  
“You said you wanted the sea.” Kaz turned his dark eyes back at her fiercely. “You wanted to fight. You wanted to save girls like you. And you should. You are good and dangerous and glorious, and now you are free. Do what you want, or Ghezen help me, I’ll fight you right here.”  
But Inej just smirked.  
“I never said I wanted you or the sea, Kaz,” she said. “I’m a free woman now, and I’ll have you and the sea and every other wonderful treasure I can lift from life’s coat pockets.”
Kaz was pressing back a crooked smile.
“Spoken like a true privateer,” he said, almost wistful, almost proud. It was truly an overwhelming amount of affection coming from Kaz Brekker, and all Inej wanted in that moment was to see him smile more.  
“I’ll be needing a cheeky parrot for my shoulder to complete the ensemble,” she quipped.  
“And an eye patch,” Kaz added, and it was Inej’s turn to grin.
“And a drinking problem,” she said, lifting her drink, and Kaz leaned forward with his to clink their glasses together in a toast. The sight of his quirk of a smile over her glass was enough to make her heart swell in her chest, and by the time they set their glasses down again, she felt she had to say it once more.  
“I want you without armor, Kaz.”  
And part of her expected him to run, to recoil into that darkness within himself he loved and hated so much. That he would choose the certainty and safety of it over whatever might lie beyond.
But instead, he ran his gloves fingers on the rim of his glass, absentmindedly, thinking, stewing. Not quite scheming. Just considering. And when he looked at her, there was the spark of something hopeful and daring in his gaze. He started to nod slowly, and a lock of his dark hair slipped forward, like he was already coming undone.
“Without armor,” he repeated.
Was that a yes? It certainly wasn’t a no. He could be coy like this when striking a deal. Was he running a con or scared out of his wits? Infuriating. Infuriating and still Inej wanted him.
“Did you buy me the ship because you thought I want the sea more than I want you?” she tested.
“I bought you the ship because you deserve the ship.”
“And my parents? And my debt?”  
“Ketterdam owed you those long ago. If I could have sooner --”
“You say things like that, and I can’t decide if I should throttle you or kiss you senseless, Kaz.”
Kaz huffed a casual ghost of a laugh, but Inej noticed his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously above the collar buttons of his pristine white shirt. His gloved hand tightened on the crow’s head cane, the leather creaking.  
“What is it?” she asked. Kaz took another gulp of his drink. He was doing his level best to appear unruffled, she realized.
“The suspense is killing me,” he rasped, his lips in that crooked smile. “Whatever will you choose, Inej.”  
And that’s when she decided: she was going to kiss that stupid smirk off his face. Not here. No. He didn’t deserve the kind of havoc that would wreak on his life, the kind of danger revealing that kind of weakness could bring to his doorstep. Neither did she, for that matter. Instead, she drained the last of the kvas, and stood up, Kaz’s dark eyes following her every move.  
“Meet me in The Slat,” she told him, and reveled at the way Kaz’s jaw slackened, his pink lips parting just slightly. She’d surprised him, surprised the Bastard of the Barrel himself, and the rush that came from that kind of power never got old.  
Just remembering what came next made Inej groan in dismay in her bunk. She flopped an arm over her eyes, desperate to scrub the embarrassment from rising again. Why did her memory plague her at night like this? What did she do to deserve this kind of nightly torment? Some part of her hoped Kaz was just as miserable; it only seemed fair.
She left the Crow Club through the front door, making it appear to anyone watching that she and Kaz were headed in separate directions for the night. But once in the shadows, she’d scaled a drainpipe and hoisted herself onto his window ledge, giving the window a quick heave before slipping soundlessly inside. When she turned around, Kaz was already locking the door behind him.
Her heart rammed against her ribcage at the sight of him. He was slipping off his coat, then one glove at a time, and while his face remained expressionless, his chest heaved and his nostrils flared. This man, this ruthless, dangerous man, who’d killed for her and conned for her, this man was breathless with nerves at the very thought of touching her again. But then, who was she to judge? Her fingers trembled when she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear that had escaped her braid.
It was madness. All she’d really wanted was to hold his hand one last time before she set sail in the morning. She’d never thought that greed could get the best of her, but Kaz Brekker’s tendencies had a way of rubbing off on you. Greed perhaps was one of them.
She started to cross the room to him, thrilled by the sight of his bare hands, his dark furrowed brows in the moonlight. The armor was coming off. Rip it off like an old bandage, she thought.
She had mistakenly assumed it would hurt less this way.
“You want me,” she said again. The air around them was changing. The room felt heady, murkier. Like moving through a dream.
Kaz nodded.
“Say it,” Inej said.
“I want you,” Kaz rasped. He was breathing hard, rooted to where he stood.  
She should have seen the signs.
She felt dizzy as she closed the distance between them, but she tried to ignore it. They’d held hands in the open air; this shouldn’t be any more difficult than that. She reached out, running a hand along his black waistcoat. She could feel the hard planes of his chest beneath, and the floor seemed to pitch beneath her feet.
Rip off the bandage. Saints, rid us of this armor.
“Inej,” he whispered.
Before she could think, she grabbed the neck of his waistcoat, pulling him closer. His black eyes flew open wide.
“Wait--” Kaz started to say as their lips met. Panic immediately seized at Inej’s chest, ice cold and contracting so that she gasped. When was the last time she had been close like this with a man? She didn’t want to think that. She didn’t want to remember—
At the same moment, Kaz groaned against her mouth, something between desire and pain. One of his hands was sliding around her waist, gripping hard against the small of her back, and at the sensation, Inej felt herself start to buckle. Memories were coming back fast and fierce now, of unwanted hands, of ruthless, cruel smiles, the horrible stench, the pain, the ripping, deep pain—
Something clattered to the floor. Kaz’s cane. Somewhere above her, Kaz grunted in obvious pain now, his bad leg giving way as they both stumbled backward awkwardly. It was only getting worse. At the feel of his body against hers, his hips meeting hers, her body reacted entirely on its own. She froze, feeling herself leave her body, disappearing into darkness. This was happening to someone else, someone broken, someone who didn’t care.
When she finally became aware of her surroundings again, she was huddled on the floor by the locked front door, shaking uncontrollably with her wet face buried in her arms. Crying. Kaz was nowhere to be seen. Something of a relief, really. She was alone, and no one could hurt her.
But then she heard the sound of deep retching from somewhere else in the room, and she looked up through blurry eyes. She blinked away tears as best she could, but couldn’t stop the sobs. This was insane. What kind of privateer cried in a puddle on the floor after kissing a man?
“Inej.” Kaz’s voice was thicker than usual, his rasp harsh like a strained whisper. He was on the floor, too, leaning against his bedframe next to his washbasin. His dark hair fell across his sweat-beaded forehead, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.
“I’m fine,” Inej choked. She ran a sleeve across her nose and gulped in deep breaths, trying to calm herself.
“You’re crying.”
“I said I’m fine.”
“Come here.”
“You’re vomiting.”
Kaz heaved a deep sigh. He stretched his long legs out of front of him, flopping his head back against the bedframe and staring at the ceiling.  
“I should have--” he started.
“I don’t know what I was thinking,” Inej interrupted. She was unwilling to hear apologies for something she’d started.
“What were you thinking?” Kaz asked. It wasn’t accusatory, which was refreshing. When she looked at him again, he looked exhausted, wiping back sweat from his face. That kissable face. This was torture.  
“I thought this could be easier since you managed to take off your gloves,” she said. Kaz only grunted with a nod, as if to agree it wasn’t an unreasonable conclusion.
“But you.” Now he looked at her with a pained expression she’d never seen before, and it made her ache. “I am clearly particularly poisonous to you,” he said.
Inej immediately started shaking her head.
“Kaz.” She was frustrated at his self-deprecation. “Please understand. My mind wants you. My heart longs for you. My body…” She struggled for words, the shame rising again, threatening her eyes with tears. “My body isn’t entirely convinced something horrible isn’t going to happen again. This wasn’t because of you. You understand that, don’t you?”
She silently pleaded with him, tears still glistening in her eyes. But Kaz only swallowed, his dark eyes sadder than she recalled ever seeing them.  
“More than you know,” he said.
She knew bits of his story, enough that she understood his armor. He hadn’t vomited at her kiss. He had vomited because his skin could not forget the touch of dead flesh; his eyes saw dead bodies where there were none. His body was just as rebellious as hers. They stared at each other a moment, unsure of what to do next, spent from tears and retched kvas.
“This is hopeless,” Kaz finally relinquished.  
This only annoyed Inej more, and she frowned at him. Kaz Brekker didn’t give up. Kaz Brekker made the rules. Kaz Brekker owned his world.
She unfurled her own legs, stretching across the distance between them, and nudged at his ankle until he looked at her. It was about all the contact either of them could stand in the moment, but it was still comforting.  
“If you can’t beat the odds,” she threw his own words back at him, “change the game.”  
“Hm,” Kaz grunted, unconvinced. “What podge said that?”
“Some guy I know.”
“He sounds terribly good-looking.”  
“He’s no idiot either.” And Inej offered up a weak smile that should have passed as flirting in better circumstances. Kaz met it with his own tired smirk. It was something. It could be enough for now.  
And that’s when they both had decided they weren’t giving up on this – whatever this was. She would be returning to port in Ketterdam in two months after that maiden voyage, and they determined their schemes to remain in touch, to track and disrupt slavers by day, and in secret, when she was on land, they would try to take off the armor. Little by little. Bit by bit. It was a patient strategy they were both familiar with.
But it wasn’t long at all before Inej began to eat the words of her own demand. Without armor. Fair was fair, after all – she’d demanded it of Kaz, she owed it to him, too. But with each visit, each stolen kiss, each gentle touch, it became clear what her own armor had protected. She groaned now to even think it, frustrated beyond words.
She had been so young when she had been thrown into the clutches of The Menagerie. She hadn’t even kissed a boy before that, not really. Her first experiences had been of fear, coercion, unrelenting pain, and, finally, escape within her own mind. And now, any time her body began to respond to Kaz’s touch, his lock pick fingers, his soft mouth, this armor clamped down tight. It could happen any time, without warning. When his gentle fingers brushed over her cheek. When his lips grazed the shell of her ear. She wanted; Saints, how she wanted him. Perhaps this was justice from her Saints for the lives she had taken – to want someone so badly and be tormented each time she tried for what she desired.
Of everything Ketterdam had taken from her, this was perhaps the worst.
For all his shortcomings, her battle was one Kaz understood all too well. He fought his own, shuddering each time their skin brushed for the first time in awhile. She would notice the deep breaths he swallowed to calm himself, the molasses-slow movements he made to prepare himself before he tried anything. It wasn’t all for her benefit, though she needed it as much as he did. Every touch he managed was triumph, which only made her own failures sting even worse.
Her last visit to Ketterdam was what had left her in knots, deprived her of precious sleep. He had gotten under her skin, into her very soul. As long as she had work to do during the day, she could put it out of her mind. But here, in the lonely night, rocked by the waves, it couldn’t be avoided.
It had been a year since their ill-fated first kiss – was it too soon to say she loved him? The very fact she worried over the question made her think it wasn’t. She wouldn’t say it, but she did. Damnit.
She’d known it the last time she’d set foot in his city, too. That was the night they had taken down a particularly hard-to-catch trafficker, a slimy, sick demon Inej had spent the better part of six months tracking. Kaz had worked hard gathering the intel she needed, and the two of them had taken him out that night. Left him bleeding out on the steps of the Stadwatch with a warning message pinned to his chest. They’d scaled the drainpipe back to The Slat, bloodstained and breathless with adrenaline and righteous fury.
She turned back to Kaz as he closed the window behind him, a laugh bubbling up from within her. They’d done it. The job was done. She could hardly believe it. The look he gave her when he heard her laugh made her feel more precious than kruge.  
“Thank you,” she panted, still trying to catch her breath. Her top was damp, from sweat or the man’s blood, she wasn’t sure. “This could not have happened without you.”  
“It would never have happened at all without you,” said Kaz. He was pulling at his gloves, and she was already itching to weave her hands through his long fingers, map each tendon, the bump of each knuckle. She knew his hands now as well as she knew her own.
But he didn’t go for her hands this time. Instead, he stepped closer and cupped her face in his bare hands. They were softer than she would have expected someone called Dirtyhands would be. Glove-wearing had that effect.
This time, when he brushed his thumbs across her cheekbones, her body didn’t try to run. She could stand in his adoration, holding her hands over his.  
“You are extraordinary,” he told her, his breathless pants warming her face. This was her Kaz. He wouldn’t say beautiful or anything that remotely sounded like words men who had once paid for her said. He said extraordinary, and he wanted only for her to know it, to believe it herself.  
And when their lips met this time, there was no threat of darkness, no need to escape. She felt him draw in a sharp breath, and she waited to see if he would recoil. But he only pushed his fingers further, burying them into her hair at the nape of her neck.
And this time she wasn’t afraid. No, this was something else. Desire spread through her, warming instead of constricting, pulsing instead of shutting down. Her hands were running down his torso, pulling at the crest of his hips, and neither one of them were running. Just the opposite.
More, her body said. More, his lips urged.
She could taste him now, the brush of his tongue against her bottom lip, and she pulled him in closer, her eyes falling closed, losing herself in him as much as she dared. One of his hands had stayed wound in her hair, but the other began to slip down her spine, pushing her in to him. She was flush with his body, something she had only dreamed of desiring, and still it wasn’t enough.
More. More.
Her lungs ached, and she pulled back to draw in a breath, her eyes fluttering open to take him in. Kaz’s dark hair was loose over his thick brows, and his eyes – Saints, the man looked starved. Pupils blown wide in the moonlight; his collar unbuttoned and askew.
“Enough?” he asked. It was a tender question, meant to check on her wellbeing. But it wasn’t enough. Not in the slightest.  
She wanted to push the armor, unhook what trappings she could, see where it took her. This was already more than she’d dared to hope for months ago. She was only a little dizzy, only slightly out of breath. Her desire far outweighed the small discomfort.
She took Kaz’s hand from her hair, lacing his fingers through hers. Those hands. A beautiful paradox, they were. Gentle enough to pick any lock, ruthless enough to strangle the life out of a man. She didn’t fear them, not what they did, not what they were capable of. She only wanted them.  
Kaz watched her in mild confusion, perhaps amusement, while she looked over his hands, thinking, moving slowly. And then she slipped her fingers to encircle his wrist and gently moved his hand to cup her breast.  
Any amusement on Kaz’s face fell away in a moment of awe. His chest hitched up, shocked. Had he ever held a woman like this before? Knowing his demons, surely not.  
She let her hand fall away from his wrist, and for a moment, Kaz didn’t move, like he didn’t dare. His eyes wouldn’t budge from her face, as if waiting for any sign that this would upset her. But she felt powerful, encouraged by how she could render this dangerous man speechless. And she smiled at him, sliding her own hands up the wide breadth of his shoulders, pulling him closer once more.
Kaz’s breathing was shallow, but not panicked, as he finally dropped his gaze to what he now held. He moved his fingers experimentally, his lips parting. Inej felt her whole body warm, practically alight, when his thumb grazed her nipple.
“Fuck,” was all he whispered, and Inej held back a laugh. She looped her fingers around his neck, her nails grazing where his hair was shaved shorter, and pulled his lips back to hers.  
His kiss this time was like nothing before. It was like a wave finally crashing onto shore. Passionate, verging on unhinged. His mouth parted as he kneaded her breast, and she tasted his salty-sweet tongue before gently nipping his bottom lip, eliciting the tiniest sound from the back of his throat. This was nothing like The Menagerie. This was Kaz. Her Kaz. Kaz who would never take from her without asking, would never receive unless he could give back in equal measure.
His hand was splayed open across her back, holding her close, and, as he started to stumble on his bad leg, unsteady in their embrace, he slid his arm around her waist so that they were braced together. She could feel his smile against her lips, the smile she could never get enough of, and she stumbled, too, until he was pressing her against the edge of his desk.
But then, without warning, his hand dropped from her breast. He slid both hands to her waist, lifting her onto his desk, before covering her mouth in kisses again. She was suddenly dizzy again and slipped a hand back to brace herself on the desk.
“Kaz--” She pulled back and tried to whisper.  
“Inej,” he rasped back. Saints. Damn this armor. She had to keep wanting him, she needed—  
And then his hand was on her breast again, gently cupping, softly grazing, and she was breathless. His lips were working up the side of her neck, nipping at her earlobe, sending shivers across her skin, and it should have been perfect.
But it wasn’t. The armor was closing in. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.
Until he stepped between her parted legs, drawing ever closer, and she felt it press against the inside of her thigh. Every hard inch of him. And it was as if something inside of her snapped.
“Kaz!” she shouted, and, in spite of herself, she shoved his chest, hard, pushing him off of her. He staggered back, shocked and disheveled, and when his bad leg buckled, he sat hard on the edge of the bed.
Sankta Alina, how he’d looked at her that night, that horrible moment.
“I don’t understand,” he had said, looking dumbfounded, as she began to sink to the floor. Even remembering it made her want to cry again. But she wouldn’t.
She was sure there was no coming back from it. That would be the end of their failed experiment. She was meant only for killing men, not loving them. She would live alone for the rest of her days. The ecstasy other girls spoke of was probably overrated anyway.
She slipped to the floor, overcome with horrible memories and new regrets, as the tears sprung to her eyes.
For a few agonizing minutes, the only sounds in The Slat were Inej’s muffled sobs.
“You wanted me to…” Kaz started to say.
“I know I did.” Inej was miserable.
“But then I did something wrong.” Kaz shifted uncomfortably on the bed. Likely still adjusting to the discomfort of a now-useless erection. Inej had never hated herself more.
“You didn’t,” she whispered, shaking her head. “I’m all wrong. I’m broken. This horrible city broke this part of me. I want this, Kaz; you don’t know how much I want this--”  
“I might have an inkling,” Kaz groaned, shifting again, resting an arm over his lap.
“I don’t know how to fight this,” and Inej buried her face in her hands.
“We are fighting this,” Kaz insisted. “We have been fighting this. A battle of wits always lasts longer than a battle of brute strength. This is a long con we’re running, Wraith. Don’t you dare give up on me now.”
She looked up through her tears at his earnest face. It was the same face that pulled her up from the ground when her exhausted arms couldn’t fight one more minute. The face that was always one step ahead of his enemies. The face she loved. She did, after all. She loved him.
She nodded once, wiping off her cheek with the fabric on her wrist.
“Knives drawn, pistols blazing,” she sniffed, half-heartedly.
“Innuendo, Wraith?” Kaz gave her a cheeky smirk. “A bit too soon, don’t you think?”
She did laugh outright at that, and Kaz gave her that crooked smile that could always bring her back to life.
“It was hardly a year ago, and you were vomiting into that washbasin just from kissing me,” Inej said. “How are you doing this? Why is this easier for you?”  
Kaz paused, raking his fingers through his dark hair as he thought.
“I suppose my body believes different lies than yours,” he said. “You’ve got some demons that are harder to kill.”
Inej nodded in agreement. It made sense.
“That and I – how do I put this lightly?” Kaz averted his gaze, looking up at the ceiling. “I polish my knife, you could say?”
Inej spat out a laugh. Such a Crow. No manners in the least.
“Laugh if you want,” Kaz smirked, “but the practice can’t hurt. Are you practicing?”
“Knife-polishing?” Inej raised an eyebrow. “Wait, mine needs a different name.”
Speaking as plainly as this was already helping. Inej could feel her shoulders loosen.
“Cleaning your sheath?” Kaz offered, with a shrug. “Do you clean your sheath?”
“Saints, Kaz!” Inej laughed, her head thrown back. And Kaz couldn’t hide his grin.
She’d laughed, but it became the next scheme in their long con against their rebellious bodies. Perhaps if Inej wasn’t afraid of awakening herself, it would be less frightening when it happened with Kaz. It wasn’t the most insane plan they’d ever come up with.
Inej wrote Nina Zenik for advice before The Wraith even left port, with specific instructions about where to post the reply so she could receive it at their next stop. She could only imagine what her old friend’s reaction to this sort of letter would be.
Unsurprisingly, Nina’s reply was not shy. She was not one for innuendo and had enclosed a detailed, bullet-point list of everything Inej ought to try on her own to conquer this horrible reaction to arousal. Inej couldn’t read two sentences without blushing. She’d hidden the letter in her pack, had considered its contents for nearly a week without any action whatsoever.
But the insomnia wouldn’t relent. Each night, she lie awake with unmet desire, her thoughts swirling with memories of Kaz instead of memories of her past. They would be returning to Ketterdam within a week, and all she wanted was to be able to not push Kaz away again. She couldn’t bear another look like the one he’d given her that last night.
She had to try. She had to let herself go and feel without looking for an escape. She was alone now, after all. Safe, in control. No one to lay a hand on her.
She took in a long inhale and let it out slowly as she let her fingers wander to her center, at first just over her trousers. Nina had insisted it wouldn’t work if she forced it. Now she tells me, Inej had thought, grimly remembering that first night her kiss had made Kaz vomit.
She drew lazy circles over herself, following Nina’s suggested, and slowly, Inej’s lips started to part. There was nothing painful about this at all. She felt lovely. Her mind could wander off while her body welcomed the new gentle touch.
And she thought of Kaz, as Nina had instructed, of everything she wanted about him. His crooked smile. The stubble that grew on his chin after a few days of travel. That haircut no one else could pull off. His sharp cheekbones, his perfect mouth. She could think of many places she wished that mouth could be. Her fingers travelled a little further, a little faster, slipping underneath her trousers, at the thought.
Who was she kidding? She wanted that mouth at her breasts, those clever fingers working over more sensitive parts of her. She wanted him to grip her waist, her ass, to nip at her neck and rasp her name into her ear. She was gasping, warm and flushed. If her own fingers could feel this good, what would his be like?
She wanted to know.
She had to know.
With her pleasure rising, she was suddenly welcoming new ideas, daring to demand more from her own body. If it could feel like this, she could unbutton his shirt. She could let him unbutton hers. His fingers would probably shake. She loved that about him. Would he let her undo his belt? Could she dare to be completely naked with him? Would he dare?
Saints, she wanted him. She closed her eyes tightly, her mouth slack, and all she could think of was him hovering above her, his soft mouth all over her, his fingers caressing her slick clit until her whole body shook.
She bit her lip, biting back his name. Perhaps she wouldn’t when he was there. Pleasure was building through her abdomen, pushing her closer to a cliff she desperately wanted to fall off of. Was he saying her name when he did this to himself, too? Oh, the thought undid her completely.
And Inej cried out, losing herself entirely to the new sensations that flooded her body, and then pressed the back of her hand to her mouth while she floated among the stars. It wouldn’t do at all to have one of her crew come and check on her now. This was not something she needed to explain. It was bad enough Nina knew.
One thing was for sure. It wasn’t overrated. Not a bit.
Inej pressed a hand to her sternum as she caught her breath, her heart pounding against her palm. Her eyes began to drift close as her breathing evened out. Sleep was closing in, a smile on her lips.
Inej Ghafa had a problem. Well, no, Inej Ghafa had several problems. Didn’t everybody? Tonight, at least, she would rest in the knowledge that not one of them would get the best of her. Not today.
Read the companion piece here.
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