#i have no other words of advice we just stink tbh
jrueships · 1 year
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mickmundy · 1 year
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spy headcanon thread! just some of my personal thoughts and musings about his character :-) enjoy!
starting off by saying that spy is Absolutely Everything to me.. i've put his thread off for so long because i have SO much to say and im afraid i'll leave stuff out BUT we're going to take a Stab at it (😏) and i guess i'll just add more stuff later if i need! As Usual this is just pasted from my twitter so i'm sorry for any wonky formatting issues!
the most important thing to me about spy's character is that it is Varied and can be Contradictory. i say this about all of the mercs tbh but spy is among the Most important given his role/occupation as a spy. he IS A Spy, but he's also Just Some Guy (gender neutral).
spy is a bit dry; very sarcastic, a bit stoic, but he's definitely not heartless. i think he's very "emotionally in-tune" to those around him and prides himself on being able to read a room exceptionally well!
... but just because he knows what people might be thinking doesn't mean he's going to do anything about it! he likes being in the know but seldom ever enjoys interfering; it's best if he keeps out of the fray, or so he tells himself!
that being said, i Do think spy makes exceptions to this rule (which To Me is what makes his character Interesting!).... as we see in expiration date! he spends his "last living days" helping scout become a worthy date for miss pauling!
if he sees someone Floundering or really stuck in some kind of emotional squander, he'll pass by with a hand on the shoulder and a concise, discreet, kind word of advice in their ear and move on. no need for thanks, he's just Sharing an Observation! if you try to thank him, he'll give you a coy look and be like "for what?" but he knows. he's just letting you know you don't need to thank him <3
loves breaking balls. he'll help you if you ask him, but not before he gives you a LOT of shit for it. he'll volunteer himself to help you (even if you tell him you need his Stinking Help!) and he'll roll his eyes and say "ha! you are So helpless! i know you're glad i'm here to see this through with you uUu" LOL
but he will give you genuine insight and Surprisingly Good advice. huh, you didn't know he knew you so well! despite his job as a spy, he'll tell you to be authentic and will encourage you to listen to your instincts.
is an Observer First and an Action-taker second. prioritizes being in the know and likes being in the background (despite how good he is at being in the spotlight!). always thinks before he speaks, very calculated in everything he does!
got wiser with age. when he was younger i think he was quick to save his own skin and thought only about himself. among his first "selfless" acts were running out on scout and his mom to "protect" them, but with the wisdom of hindsight, that wasn't the smartest idea!
firmly believes in the power of respect. seems to have a positive relationship with all of his teammates (yes, even sniper, engineer and pyro lol) and scout's mom, too (regardless of how u see their relationship). tells scout that he has to earn pauling's respect to be worthy of her!
won't hesitate to stick his neck out for/work with people he appreciates. in the comics, he works with (and even prioritizes the safety of) miss pauling, helps sniper, and obviously comforts scout when he's dying in the way that Scout would want to be comforted. good job pops!
which brings me to dadspy... how i love you... i could make an entire other thread about my dadspy thoughts BUT i'll keep it "brief" here. i don't think he ever "treated scout like shit" nor do i think he was abusive to scout's mom or scout. he's just the world's most mediocre absent father to me... KDSKF
i think scout's mom knew What Spy Was and knew that at some point, he'd have to leave her. i think she's a perfectly capable woman who spy is genuinely still in love with (they have an open, long-distance relationship!) and is quite the deadly catch herself! perhaps i'll make a thread on her if that's something people would want....
i don't think she resents spy for running out and i think spy has complicated feelings about running out. he's convinced himself he did it for everyone involved's safety but in hindsight he Does feel a Bit (emphasis on Bit. it's not Earth Shatteringly Dramatic, just a little demon that sneaks up on him now and then...) guilty and tries to "make up for it" by Trying to get along with scout even if it's... not easy LOL. him turning into tom jones when scout died was to comfort scout the way Scout would want, which i think says a lot about spy's character.
however, once scout finds out the truth, i think he tells spy that he shouldn't have lied to him about it ("what kind of dumbass lies to their son on his deathbed! 🧍") and spy's like "ah... i suppose that... was also a mistake." and they smirk/smile at each other.. Road To Forgiveness begins..
also i personally love the running gag that everyone knows that spy is scout's dad (except for scout), not because i think spy would tell all/even some of the mercs but because it's SO obvious that all of them are like "i mean yeah.. doy". extra points if their knowledge Also surprises spy. "WHO TOLD YOU? HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" and the mercs are like ??? "erm... we have eyes...?" LOL
DESPITE being Stoic and Unknowable and Mysterious, he is also Quite the Doofus. one of my favorite and most important thoughts on his character. i think his authentic laugh is his snort laugh and i think that's what made scout's mom fall in love with him... :') has a great sense of humor.
loves playing pranks, causing mischief and being a Smug Cunt. will hide behind his Carefully Crafted Facade, but those who really know him (heavy, scout's mom) can see right through it! teaches scout some of his "best ones" (though not before pranking HIM with them first! it's okay though. scout's a good sport and gives him props LMAO)
a short list of spy's "best ones":
cleaning a glass door REALLY well and tricking the mercs to run into it at full force
oil on the kitchen floor so that anyone who comes running in will slam into the oven that engineer Just Fixed God Dammit! and destroy it
mentos in soda
scout and spy have the "same laugh" when they REALLY start howling. snorting, wheezing.... they sound almost identical. usually if they're laughing THAT hard, the rest of the mercs are looking at them like this >__> (covered in soda, can't get up from the ground because oil, etc)
obviously enjoys literature! language is one of his favorite things, though. loves learning about different dialects, slang, accents and learning the intricacies of grammar, too! likes studying the other mercs for this reason. the base is a fun, mixed bag for him!
the best secret keeper. contrary to popular belief, spy will NOT air your business if it's Serious. he might "let it slip" to medic that sniper sleeps with a stuffed animal, but he won't let anyone know that heavy has ptsd. he likes giving people shit, but not genuinely causing harm!
ah.. breaking balls as a love language.. this is something that i think is shared between spy, scout, and scout's mom. they LOOOOVE to give you shit, but it comes from a loving place. i think a lot of scout and spy's banter in exp date is like this:
it's not actually Insulting to either of them (spy calling scout a failure, scout telling spy to go to hell, etc) and is in fact more like a thing of Endearment. if you know people like this then you know what i'm talking about. idk how else to describe it KSDFKS
he is very girlfailure that thinks he's a girlboss but is actually a girlfailure and is coming to terms with his girlfailing. as i've said, spy isn't heartless. he knows he's made mistakes and knows his job has costed him a lot and now he's trying to reconcile with it. sometimes it's funny, sometimes its angsty!
is a total foodie and has a LOT of opinions about all kinds of cuisine! loves cooking with engineer and pyro (YES i think pyro is an INCREDIBLE chef. they only burn things because it's fun/funny! for the bit. you understand), and heavy has a perfect palette (just a personal hc of mine heh) so he always gets to tag along and taste test! <3
if spy is involved with any of the other mercs, scout's mom knows about it. they're in an open relationship and spy values her just like he'd value any of the mercs in a romantic relationship. she knows all of them and they're all very polite to her (ala like they are with miss pauling), but she quickly surprises them by being snarky and playful like spy and scout! she also doesn't hesitate to begin telling the mercs the most Humiliating Dirt on spy AND scout! HEHEHE
i don't think he'd cheat on her nor do i think he'd bother cheating on any of his partners. he's very open with communication when it comes to his interpersonal relationships (this is ironic to everyone but him because his relationship with his son is currently in shambles). he's good at it when it comes to romantic relationships though!
his love languages are, well, any and all of them! he loves being in love, he's a huge romantic and is not shy about showing it. will absolutely DROWN his partner in gifts and pretty words (that he really does mean!) and so on... perhaps to the point of it being a little overwhelming! at his partner's request, he'll dial it back... but he still loves to spoil his lovers, and THAT is something he WON'T apologize for! >:)
as i touched on earlier, has a good rapport with all of the mercs and pauling. he's patient with soldier and the other mercs hear him out about the bucket list idea (and are all Quietly Amused by how scout promptly ruins that for him. team dynamic ykwim). i think he's the closest with heavy (i'm a spoovy enjoyer), engineer, pyro, and sniper (BUT in kind of a "unique" way. perhaps i'll elaborate) but he enjoys the company of all of the other mercs as well!
is Informed about engineer's, demoman's and medic's research (though not on the levels they are of course) and likes being in the know about things going on around the base. he mostly shares enemy intelligence with these three over anyone else. they talk frequently and Love to gossip (engineer SWEARS its not gossiping but demo and medic are like "no. its gossip!" SKDFKSDF)!
will absolutely always enable you to treat yourself. scout, spy, medic and demo are the KINGS of "go on!! treat yourself!! :D" no matter what it is. if spy sees you really struggling about whether to get something, he'll slip it in with his own purchases and gift it to you later. "this one is from me, so you don't need to worry about compromise. <3"
in battle, he's a bit more sadistic than his teammates; likes making people squirm and is more than capable of getting under your skin. information extraction is part of his job and he treats it as such: Part Of The Job. he doesn't get a LOT of pleasure from hurting others, but he Does enjoy starring in a good revenge tale!
no, i do NOT think the world's most absent father cares about his 30 year old son's sex life nor do i think he's even "fiercely overprotective" of scout just in general. i think he knows scout is a grown man who has to make (and account for) any failures and fumbles he makes in his life. he'll be there with a kind word (and a few snarky ones!) when shit hits the fan, but he's not running around fighting scout's battles for him. scout loves battling too much to let him anyway! LOL
he teaches him things that Spy Himself values (like respect) because he... values it and since spy IS trying to be a bit more of a Dad to scout, it's also a reflection on him (to spy. scout doesn't care or think of it that way). insists on the value of self improvement! (something he himself didn't learn until he was Much Older... but scout doesn't need to know that!)
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sportyclown · 3 years
how sawamura, miyuki, yuki, and kuramochi text (friends + s/os)
will most likely do a part 2 with more boys at a later date! these got freakishly long because i am, at my core, a very mad. also might revisit as i get re-familiar with the characters, i just had this idea floating around in my head. also the way these got pro
sawamura eijun
no matter who he texts, it’s always extremely extra. not only does he always give more information than you asked for – ex. if you text him wya? he will give you a play by play of his entire route or something
 he also uses tons of emoticons. and yes I do mean emoticons, baby boy has a flip phone. ifhe does eventually get a smart phone, then this boy overuses tf out of emojis. he’s the sort of person that sees someone use a combination of emojis he likes and then tries to copy them, but uses it completely incorrectly, but its v cute.
if you send him a meme, he will respond with an unnecessary amount of hahas. 
when he’s texting his lil bae, they’re always on his mind so he ofc texts them every thought that comes to his mind! when he sees something that reminds him of you, he won’t hesitate to share it with you. 
if you have been together for a long time, then we will definitely text you words of affirmation and be very honest/blunt about how he feels about you. he’s also always sure to ask you about your day - and he seriously cares. but i still i feel like with a s/o he would prefer facetime to texting just because he likes to see you :)
overall, a very adorable texter and his enthusiasm is just as contagious when texting as it is in person. he’s kind of clueless so he doesn’t pick up on subtext. so be blunt, just like he will be with you~
kuromochi youichi
my bias might be showing here, but I feel like he is one of the most well-adjusted boys in terms of being ready for a serious relationship tbh (at least post-high school). i mean we all saw that he regularly corresponded with wakana wish that were me lmao
i think he would most often use proper capitalization, but not to the point where he uses a period after every text
would send his friends news articles about his favorite fighting games where u like gaming or not
a meme fiend in general. the sort of person who uses reaction images of people he knows. (if you’re dating, he would still have a stash of funny pics/screenshots of you on ft, but he’d ofc only use them with you <3). his convos with his friends are rarely serious
 i don’t think he’d be the type to text haha out loud, but he does use LOL on occasion. with close friends/his lil bae he might send a voice memo of him laughing hysterically if you send him something REALLY funny. ugh my annoying king <3
unlike eijun he’s the king of being perceptive / picking up subtext. 
similarly, i do think he’s pretty reliable, but for friends i feel like he might make a lil bit of a stink lmao. like lets say a friend wants him to pick something up for them, he might play like he won’t do it then miraculously shows up with the requested item. its giving tsundere vibes on the low.
with his partner: i feel like he would use emojis when he’s trying to be ~cute~. i think with a established partner he’d be pretty flirty still but he’s v much whipped for his partner so its way more mushy than it would be early in the relationship.
yes your name has hearts/stars in his phone. mans is a SAP for you
his love language is more quality time imo, so I think he values time spent with you over texting time. so a lot of your texts might be asking you to come over to hang out / get a meal or vice versa
like eijun he wants to hear about YOU, and is very supportive and good at advice when he wants to be. he can be goofy but this is how he shows you he cares/sees you as more than a friend
he’s a blushy/shy boy with his s/o esp early in the relationship, so he might be hesitant or nervous to say “i love you” or anything like that outright, but you know anyway, which just makes the times when he does outright say it that much sweeter.
miyuki kazuya
i mean it goes without saying that this man is snarky. he’s not a meme king himself but he enjoys when people send them to him and will usually play off the meme to make his own jokes.
i feel like he also likes deep-fried memes or the very abstract, post-modern memes. miyuki is good at making other people laugh, but he has a generally very-off brand humor and the things that make him cackle hardest are either at someone else’s expense (very similar to kuramochi, so they bond a lot over that) or just indiscernible without access to a huge layer of context/background
saves the reaction photos kuramochi sends him, but doesn’t usually use them. but seeing an ugly pic of eijun yelling never fails to make him grin LMAO
i think he also texts A LOT about baseball, even more so than these other baseball dummies. texts his teammates a lot of articles he reads or clips from games/cool plays. this is mostly about texts, but in terms of social media I think miyuki uses twitter/instagram the most especially for baseball related reasons, while kuramochi uses snapchat the most. 
he probably texts a lot about baseball as well, both seriously and playfully
i can see him using hahas and LOLs in equal measure, but he would also utilize the haha reaction if he had an iphone. this boy does value his wit so he would definitely have commentary about any memes or jokes he’s sent
you won’t win a joke war against him, he will definitely one-up whatever you send him with either a one-liner or another joke. how tf does he do it?
definitely ignores people/conversations if he really wants to - but ofc he never does that to his BAE
if miyuki give you a dry one-line response...he’s not interested at all or he’s feeling frustrated about something else. but when he’s really happy? he will text his friends all the time and spam them! i see him as someone who enjoys texting when he has the attention span/state of mind for it. and when he’s texting his s/o his texting gets even more ~flavorful~
wit his lil bae: i don’t think miyuki would switch it up much w his s/o. is probably even more teasing with you over text than he is with his friends, which is saying something.
like talking with you just by nature of you being his partner. prob prefers texts to facetime because text kinda allows for maximum snark
he LIVES for you guys’ witty back and forth 
if he’s traveling for work or something, will definitely relish in you guys binge texting a tv show or something but just making funny commentary (or he’ll just send you funny commentary to get a reaction)
 he can dish it and he’s also not a super sensitive guy so he can take it tenfold from you as well. nothing y’all wouldn’t be used to when talking in person!
sometimes when texting him you’ll want to beat his a*s because he can be so cheeky but its endearing in a way. he definitely adds emojis to the end of his more annoying messages to give it that loveable vibe (and it works ofc, we love u miyuki)
he’s kinda clingy on the low so i think he’d prefer a partner that’s more open with their affection via text than he is. he would live for your random ilys or whatver throughout the day. also would not mind at all if you updated him on your actions throughout the day or sent him snaps - might not be able to respond to everything, but will react and appreciate it. very likely to make jokes about whatever you’re doing.
would also apologize over text. he’s not always used to apologizing can be awkward about it, so text makes it easier for him.
he would use emojis w you in a joking/ironic way. would absolute use those dumb but genius emoji combinations
yuki tetsuya
i’m literally cracking up thinking about texting him. he is one of my ultimate baes but im sorry i just know he texts dry asf. but its part of his charm!
has a flip phone. either never upgrades or gets the chunkiest most basic android if he is forced to
the thing is this man thinks that he is infusing all his texts with, like, tajin level seasoning, when in reality its pepper
uses punctuation. always. exclamation marks are used sparingly to express excitement.
but i can’t get the image out of my head of an upset tetsuya texting you a simple angry emoji (or the angry emoticon >:( LOL) if he’s reeeeeeally mad. but its v cute i can’t take him seriously. i just want to give him a hug <3
 but you know what he is so PASSIONATE about whatever he’s talking about that his passion bleeds into his text through sheer quantity of words and depth of thought. ultimately, all his conversations end up being extremely flavorful in terms of content. he is surprisingly good at having deep conversations over text.
he’s better at holding conversations with more extroverted personalities, truthfully.
he’s another one who sends random things to people when he thinks about them. miyuki of course gets so many texts/thoughts about shogi. if you get a random haiku, poem, or quote from testu, that means you’re blessed enough to be in his inner circle! he definitely thought of you when he read it and and wants you to respond!
with bae: he doesn’t really change up his texting style tbh, but he has a stronger outward reaction to what YOU text in response.
definitely the type to smile almost imperceptibly at his phone as he texts you, even if you send him something like “hey i’m at the store, want anything?”
he’s not great as verbal affection early in the relationship, so you’ll have to discern his love/affection. however baby boy is NOT afraid to just straight up say he loves you, he does it all the time and early.
he’s KNOWN for being reliable and responsible, so he will be at your beck and call when he’s able to for anything you need, but his heart is also warmed by the thought of you reciprocating that care. if your texts show him you’re thinking of him just like he does too. he’s very gentle and sweet, and checks up on you when he’s able to see if you need anything at all.
he might be reliable, but that doesn’t mean that he’s the quickest guy to respond to texts. he’s a busy guy, and he doesn’t think about his phone all the time, but he will always get back to you (bae does not play when it comes to completing things).
if they came up with a shogi game for gamepidgeon and tetsu had an iphone, your phone probably would be spammed with requests for games lol.
this is my first time doing headcanons like this so please let me know what you think or give me tips on how to improve! I really enjoying thinking about it so I hope to do more in the future <3
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hey! can i request a match up?
im a girl, im 5’2, im a 5w4 istp. i don’t label my sexuality, i like whoever i like. i use all pronouns, i don’t care if people just use she/her. i also tell people they don’t have to use them all equally, i’m fine with whatever! i don’t go out of my way to make friends (it’s not that i have a hard time making friends-it’s actually really easy for me-i just don’t want to deal with everyone being so childish and immature). i don’t talk much around people i don’t know, so i tend to come off as rude/cold. when i’m with my close friends, i joke around a lot with them. i’m really good at understanding other people’s emotions, i get told i have an extremely comforting vibe and that i’m easy to open up to. i’m very loyal, i’m the kind of person where if one of my old friends showed up to my door and told me they needed a place to stay the night, i’d let them no questions asked. i’m not a sensitive person, i don’t cry easily. my friends tend to tease me a lot, and it doesn’t bother me since i know they are joking (honestly when people tease me in an attempt to be rude it still doesn’t really bother me). conflict doesn’t bother me at all tbh. i have a pretty short temper and get annoyed easily especially around irrational people. besides that, i’m a really chill person. to me, my friends being happy and comfortable is my priority. i’m completely fine with sharing things (like clothes, my irl best friend has half of my closet), if my friend/so wants to cuddle and watch tv? fine with me. if they wanna sit in the same room doing our own things? fine with me!! my love language is gift giving and quality time (idc what we do, as long as we are together) i don’t particularly hate anything, except stink bugs. honestly it’s less that i hate them, more that i’m terrified of them. any other bugs, or spiders/snakes don’t bother me, it’s just stink bugs. i hope this isn’t too much! i wanted to make sure i didn’t miss anything!! take your time, don’t feel rushed to complete this,,,have a great rest of your day/night!!
yumpty talks: hey love!! I just want to say, I'm terrified of stink bugs too, they're horrible ;___;
also, thanks for the baal advice >:D!! it was because of you I beat her- (or maybe it was because my friend logged into my account and removed all of my artifacts ;_;)
sorry took a while! I hope you like this >:D!!
I match you with...
I matched you with Yae because you guys just...fit. Yae doesn't go out of her way to make friends either, so it's kind of a win-win that you two are "pushing" each other to make friends or whatever. She gets how child and immature people can be, I mean, have you met some of the people who work at the shrine with her? She's also a woman of few words, and she comes off as rude and a little cold too at first. You two are actually kinda feared, because you come off as so scary ;_;. You understand emotions, you say? Okay, she thinks you were sent from heaven. Yae doesn't really know how to express emotions very well. I mean she know how to but at the same time she doesn't ???
If there's one thing Yae looks for in a partner, it's loyalty. I have no doubt about that, and that's another reason I chose to match you with her. She treasures your loyalty greatly, and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Yae isn't sensitive either, and insults don't bother her much either. She likes how chill you are, because honestly, I think she'd find super energetic people annoying. She loves the gifts you give to her, and treasures and saves every single one. I think a love language of hers would be quality time as well, and she often takes time off of work to spend time with you. She doesn't quite get why you're scared of stink bugs, but everyone has their fears right? Even if they are a little weird-
I match you with Childe because, well, I don't know. Honestly, it just felt right-
Because of his job, sometimes Childe has to go out of his way to make friends. He's not necessarily a big fan of it, but fate can be cruel ;_;
Like the situation with Yae, you're probably both feared lmao. It's only because of how you are at first glance though, well, how the both of you are at first glance. You two seem like big ball tough guys, but you're actually softies <33. He likes how you're able to understand emotions so easily, because he himself can sometimes get mixed up in his own feelings :(. Childe is also, like Yae, a big fan of your loyalty. Even though he's a Fatui Harbinger, you do and will always love him, and he treasures that fact. Once again like Yae (jskjskjskj-), Childe isn't sensitive either. Because of his job he kills LOTS of people. Like, lots-
He's used to insults, let's be honest. No Fatui Harbinger is liked by more than 30 people (most likely-). Your chillness is also a good balance to his constant energy, and it helps him tone it down a bit when needed lmao-
LOVES LOVES LOVES the gifts you give him!!! saves each and everyone and wouldn't let one go even if it'd kill him. As for the quality time, being a Harbinger takes up a lot of his time. :(. But he really does try to make time for you, it's just hard sometimes :(
Does NOT get your fear of stink bugs, he low-key thinks its weird jskjskjskjk. But just for you, he'll look past the weirdness of your fear and kill every stink bug in Teyvat </3
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advena87 · 4 years
Kaer Morhen shenanigans (but mostly Lambert’s) part 8
Here is: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 and Daily Lambert
also Keira & Lambert’s love story, Aiden & Lambert’s love story and… this.
Eskel: Can I keep this goat?
Vesemir: No.
Eskel: Why not? She’s so cute, I named her Lil’Bleater.
Berengar: Because she’ll hurt and annoy everyone.
Vesemir: And she will destroy everything.
Eskel: But you basically just described Lambert!
Geralt: He has a point. If we can keep Lambert we might as well keep the goat. She can't be worse than him.
Vesemir: It's hard to argue with this logic…
Lambert: Give me a vodka on the rocks. 
Geralt: Lambert, it’s 7 in the morning. 
Lambert: And a piece of toast. 
 *a moment later*
Geralt: Eskel, we just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Eskel: They’re for Lil’Bleater.
Berengar: Why are you making pancakes for goat?
Eskel: She doesn't know how.
Lambert: Um, guys?
Berengar: What now?
Lambert: Can animal breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Eskel: Where’s Lil’Bleater?!
*a moment later*
Berengar: *leaning against a wall with Geralt while they watch Eskel try to catch Lambert *
Berengar: Amazing.
Geralt: This is the worst chase I’ve ever seen in my life. How has Eskel still not caught him?
Berengar: Lambert is pretty fast, and if he caught him, he would probably kill him. Tbh I don’t think Eskel really wants to touch him. You never know where he’s been.
Lambert: Eskel, calm down! This goat was stinking, someone had finally wash her!
Vesemir: I can’t believe how drunk you are!
Lambert: I am not drunk.
Vesemir: Yes you are!
Lambert: I am not!
Vesemir: Can you tell the time?
Lambert: Yes *turns to point at clock* I am not drunk!
Vesemir, pointing out of a window: Lambert, do you see that over there? Running between the trees?
Lambert, confused: No, I don't. What is it?
Vesemir, now looking directly at Lambert: It's my patience for your stupid drunk shit, running away from me again!
Berengar: Wow, I really like this new, abstract, surrealist, post-modern painting of this depressive and tormented person.
Lambert: Dude, that’s a mirror.
Berengar: The fact that I exist literally pisses me off sometimes.
Vesemir: What are the signs of teenage depression?
Geralt: Why are you asking?
Vesemir: Berengar was doing laundry earlier and he dropped a sock and I heard him say “why has the god forsaken me”.
Vesemir: Where's Berengar? I've been looking for him all day.
Eskel: He’s been in the shower.
Vesemir: All day?
Eskel: Pretty much. He takes really long showers when he gets depressed.
Vesemir: Well, when do you think he’s going to come out?
Eskel: I don't know. He took a chair in there.
*a moment later*
Vesemir and Eskel: *knocks on bathroom door*
Berengar: Who is it?
Eskel: It's us, we just wanna talk.
Berengar: How many of you are there?
Vesemir: Two.
Berengar: Then talk to each other.
Vesemir, calling Lambert: Hello.
Lambert: What?
Vesemir: Lambert, you should identify yourself when you answer the phone.
Lambert: Sorry.
Lambert: *thick sarcasm* The Kaer Morhen keep, major disappointment speaking.
Lambert: Better?
Vesemir: *sighs in defeat*
Lambert: Hey guys- Why are you all standing on table? Are you playing a game?
Geralt: Yeah, we’re playing “we saw a young arachnomorph in the castle and don’t know where the fuck it went”.
Lambert: *scrambles onto table*
Lambert: I’ll think of a plan, I’m the best at plans.
Eskel: No. You’re not.
Lambert: I am! Name one bad plan I’ve come up with.
Eskel: Blowing up the rock troll in the castle tower.
Berengar: Starting a bar brawl because you forgot your wallet.
Geralt: Ritualistically sacrificing Eskel.
Eskel: Putting Lil’Bleater into the washing machine.
Geralt: Throwing bombs inside the castle.
Berengar: Take fisstech and go hunting for a Water Hag in brothel.
Geralt: Ooh, so that's why they kicked you out of there!
Lambert: …
Vesemir: I'm disappointed
Lambert: And I'm tired of hearing this shit. You're disappointed? Let's think about it: Brengar has depression and suicidal thoughts, I have drinking problem and anger issues, Eskel's best friend is a goat, and Geralt is a slut.
Geralt: Wait, what?
Lambert: And tell me Vesemir, whose fault is that?
Vesemir: It's not your job to question my parenting methods.
Lambert: Why not? I find some of your methods highly questionable.
Geralt: I'm not a slut!
Geralt: Ok Lambert, we need you to distract the guards.
Lambert: Right.
Berengar: What are you gonna do?
Lambert: I'm gonna kill them. That ought to distract 'em.
Geralt: I said distract them, not cut them down!
Lambert: There is just no pleasing you sometimes.
Gerlat: Lambert!
Lambert: FINE. I'll take care of it. No killing, I promise.
*Lambert leaves*
Geralt: What do you think Lambert will do for a distraction?
Eskel: He’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and all the horses fled*
Berengar: ...or he could do that.
Geralt: …
Geralt: Fuck. It’s time for Plan B.
Berengar: We have a Plan B?
Geralt: No, but it’s time for one.
*meanwhile in another part of town, Vesemir on a date with countess Mignole*
Vesemir, to Mignole: Hah, look at those idiots getting chased by guards.
Vesemir: Wait.
Eskel, Geralt, Lambert & Berengar: *yelling in the distance*
Vesemir: I can’t come today, sorry.
Countess Mignole: Why not?
Vesemir: Geralt, Eskel, Lambert and Berengar are all in the hospital.
Countess Mignole: Oh my, what happened?
Vesemir: Varying degrees of idiocy.
Eskel: With all due respect Geralt, have you lost your fucking mind?
Geralt: That's with all due respect? And since when you use the fuck word?
Eskel: You took advice from Lambert?!
Berengar: It’s called hitting rock bottom, Eskel.
Geralt: It's called following Vesemir's directions. He always said: „In the unlikely event that you encounter something that is not covered here, find a man named Lambert of Kaer Morhen, get his advice, and then do the opposite.”
Eskel: But you did exactly what Lambert told you!
Geralt: Because it was good advice.
Vesemir: Eskel wants to become a witcher when he grows up to kill monsters and help people in need. My other son, Lambert, wants to be a porcupine so he can stab people with his butt.
Vesemir, before the young witchers set off on their first independent journey: Eskel, you should look after Lambert.
Eskel: What do you mean? He's a witcher now.
Vesemir: That doesn’t mean he actually knows what he’s doing.
*later on the path during dinner*
Lambert: Okay, guys, who wanted the macaroni and bees?
Eskel: ...
Gerlat: You mean cheese?
Lambert, struggling to keep the bowl covered: That does make more sense, actually.
Eskel: I'm starting to understand what Vesemir meant.
Lambert: Your existence is confusing.
Vesemir: How so?
Lambert: Your presence is so fucking annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Berengar: It's called Stockholm syndrome.
Lambert: Ah yes, another issue on my long, long list.
Berengar: I think you may also have PTSD.
Lambert: Yeah I have PTSD.
Lambert: Proficient Talent for Sucking D-
Vesemir: WE ALSO need to talk about your use of humor as a coping mechanism.
Vesemir: Everyone always asks me how I handle running the witcher school.
Vesemir: The truth is, I don’t. I have no control over them whatsoever. This morning, Geralt called my name, and when I showed up to see what was going on, Lambert shot me in the throat with a slingshot.
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geekgirles · 5 years
My opinion on Kagami
I've been wanting to do this for a while, and the latest leak we got from Jeremy only gave me more reasons to share.
Now, know that I'm not trying to roast anybody or shaming them for their opinions under any circumstances. I just want to share mine.
Nowadays, my thoughts on her are... complex. The easiest way to sum this up would be with the same point many other fans experience through Lila: hate her character but love her design. Please, put the knives down!
I don't hate Kagami, but I'd be lying if I said I'm happy with the way she's being handled. From my point of view, she's very cute! From all her freckles to her bright brown eyes... Not to mention her clothes! I totally saw one of my dream outfits in hers. In terms of view, what's not to like?
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Now, the way she's currently written... That's another story.
In my opinion, she's kind of gone downhill since Riposte. Then, we got a glimpse of what a healthy love rival looked like. She acknowledged Adrien's fondness of Marinette in no time, didn't show signs of falling head over heels for him at first sight (no easy feat for this show, tbh) and didn't treat Marinette as a threat right away! Bonus points for fencer girl!
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But ever since Frozer... Kagami's character has turned from determined and serious to judgemental. There's nothing wrong with a character being cold and confident, especially if they're supposed to be good guys, but by then she had started being just another love rival.
Why is this so important to me?
Well, leaving aside the importance of the romantic factor for a show based on the confusing love story of its two main characters, because I took Feri's words to heart. Kagami and Luka were supposed to be charming, well-rounded characters, not just love interests. And yet, I get to see that in Luka a lot more than I do in Kagami.
This meant a lot to me because every single love rival Marinette has had so far has been/is a jerk to her! How are we going to show young girls that love rivals aren't the same as sworn enemies if a show directed to them portrays just that!
And don't tell me that's just how girls act because if it's wrong to let boys insist on asking out a girl who is clearly not interested so is letting girls cat fight.
Back to the point.
While I myself prefer to see Kagami's interaction with Marinette as tough love/advice, both Thomas and Feri explained she basically told her to step up her game, or Adrien's hers. Which, yeah. Can be both advice AND a threat. This last statement comes from the fact that Kagami's last interaction with Adrien in Frozer turned out to be Kagami deeming Marinette as unworthy of Adrien's affections. Hence, the "When you see you're wrong [about your target], I'll be there" moment. She basically told Adrien Marinette was the wrong choice.
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And then, there's Animaestro. Now, I do not condone Chloé and Marinette's actions at all. But Kagami was no saint either. While there's no denying Marinette and Chloé gave her the stink-eye first, she was just as jealous as them and fueled their insecurities when she took Adrien's arm, which is nothing bad itself, especially since it didn't make Adrien uncomfortable (take notes Chloé & Lila), but it looked as a "take that" move, y'know? And she also kept giving Marinette the stink-eye whenever she was around Adrien, to the point where she looked outraged by her mere presence. Things we've seen before in Backwarder, for example.
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And... *sigh* how could we forget Oni-chan?
While her rage in this episode was righteous and it wasn't directed at Marinette, it portrayed Kagami in a light that didn't make her justice. It could be argued jumping to conclusions makes her more human, but don't say it's something we only saw in this episode because this whole post is about her making assumptions of Marinette. But I must admit this time took the whole cake! Her anger was terrifying. But I need to pretend the plot-convenient plot holes don't exist for a minute to talk about something: that reaction was way over the top.
It would, of course, be understandable if we were aware Kagami's met Lila before and she thinks of her the same as Marinette does. But that's not the case. Then why does she react like that?! You'd expect that after hearing Adrien practically gush about Marinette and finding her almost everywhere they go (sometimes even per Adrien's request), she'd be more sold on the idea of Mari being the one he loves. Yet, the only explanation I've found online is that she thought Lila was his girlfriend. Hello???? Wouldn't it be the normal thing to do to wonder just who the Hell is this girl you haven't even heard of and calling Adrien to find the answer? Well, apparently not.
And now that we know Kagami will be the Dragon miraculous holder I'm a bit disappointed. Don't worry. It has nothing to do with all this. It's because it's... predictable. Way too predictable.
On the one hand, it's true a friend of mine and I headcanoned she could get the horse miraculous, and I'm a bit bummed out about it. But for the most part it is because of how predictable it is.
Leaving aside their faces, which is where the heroes become more obvious to us, the viewers, if we take Marinette's Ladybug costume, there are still clear differences between her hero self and her civilian self. While still using polka dots, they are far less numerous or notorious than Ladybug's and, most importantly, her main colours are white and pink, as opposed to the superheroine's red and black.
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Kagami, on the other hand, uses red and black as her primary colours in both outfits. And, on top of it, she's an Asian fencer, so the fact that she wields the Dragon (clearly Asian-based) miraculous which includes a sword is such a surprise...
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But seriously! I don't hate her!
She clearly has some great moments such as when she helped Marinette up, or as I call it, the "move I'm gay move", or when she stood up against Chloé. It's just that her role in the Love Square doesn't look like it's balanced. Kagami can be hostile to Marinette and fuels her insecurities, as opposed to Luka and Adrien's chilled interactions and Luka's effect on gradually making Adrien see Marinette as more than just a friend.
Well, as always, I'll guess we just have to wait and see.
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gayregis · 4 years
sleipnirlo replied to your post “bro if im this petty about how they treat dandelion think about how...”
I feel you friend - from what we've got already, whatever they're doing to Dandelion/Jaskier seems... not ideal, to put it gracefully, and it pains me quite a bit, but if/when they get to Regis... considering the pain in my heart during some parts of b&w, having in mind that I generally believe cdpr's interpretation to be proper (aside from some jarring mistakes) it's going to be a completely another level of ridiculousness on my part; like,, I know it's most probably not possible for the show to meet my standards, but pls... just... get SOMETHING right...
I came to feel so protective of this particular vampire, and people not familiar with the books knowing him as a caricature of himself fills me with dread
tbh my main hope for regis if/when they get to him is that they don’t shy away from making him complicated. he’s kind, also ominous, also funnie … to summarize: shitty old bitch. 
b&w did this thing where they just made regis a very solemn character and also made him closer to the typical arrogant immortal which was just ooc imho... and then they created a new plotline that revolved around him being Uncontrollably Violent for a few seconds which.......... like i just found it SO disrespectful to how regis’s backstory is an analogy for alcoholism/addiction in general........ they literally did the opposite of humanizing him, they uh... monsterfied him? 
regis’s entire character (like geralt’s, and also the rest of the hansa’s) is about paradox and logistical impossibilities. if you’re this, you can’t be that -- but he’s both, for some fucking reason, he defies logic. 
regis is supposed to thread this weird line of what is man and what is monster, and if you’re kind for a century does that make up for three centuries of absolute cruelty? what does it mean to act honorably? at what point can you feel safe and trust someone? 
one thing i appreciate about regis’s character is that he’s always just seemed to go BEYOND his context in the fictional world he exists in. at the end of the day, these characters are not the people we love them to be, but rather messages about what ARE good and evil, what IS humanity, and other deep questions the witcher loves to tackle. within the books, i got a VERY clear sense of how regis as a character was answering these questions and the kind of messages sapkowski was trying to communicate with him. same with the rest of the hansa, in fact. that’s... why... the hansa and ciri and yennefer are my favorites...
to contrast, in blood & wine, i didn’t get this sense of existing beyond the context of the media at all. cdpr just wanted cool vampires which is fine, but the elements of the books are lost because they just gave them up
(wow this got long sorry! i just wanted to explain my thought process behind this list im about to give) 
as for netflix.............. i don’t necessarily think that regis is easy or difficult to cover. but IN MY OPINION nailing these things would help out regis’s character the best:
we should feel safe. one of the things that struck me so hard when reading baptism of fire was how much i initially trusted regis when they found him in that stupid graveyard, despite being well-familiar with the adage of “stranger danger.” he just seemed safe to me. 
this is probably because of how eloquent he is and how omniscient he has the ability to come off as..... so good writing for his dialogue that captures his superfluous nature, that isn’t just what cdpr did where “funny smart guy use big words unnecessarily” ... no, you need to put effort into it by having him use words of an intermediate vocabulary, but using them in such a way as to philosophize about everything and anything that comes up. 
this also relies heavily on how regis delivers his lines when they first meet him. all of his dialogue cues are like, “said softly,” “said gently.” there’s NO aggression, no harm in this man. no reason to fear him.
the atmosphere of his cottage should really communicate this wonderful sense of bucolic bliss, as it were.... the intoxicating heavy scent of herbs... the only lighting in the cottage being fro a pot-bellied stove........ remember, geralt describes this as having could have come directly from a fairytale. in contrast, fen carn should feel ominous, until his appearance.
costume design! don’t forget the apron wrapped around his black coat, please! who can fear a man in an apron?
we should feel suspicious. we SHOULD still feel like he’s harboring some kind of dark secret, though. 
there are so many little clues and points in baptism of fire that hint at his identity, that just should NOT be cut out or overlooked: him being able to detect the healing brokilon medicines in geralt’s sweat, when he refuses the drink politely and says softly, “it’s a matter of principle. i never violate the principles i set for myself,” the dipping into a conversation to name every type of vampire that exists......... the sense that he knows just a little too much to be only who he says he is.
cahir and dandelion making guesses as to who he ‘really’ is shouldn’t be cut out, either. i think their guesses are conduits for the audience to attach onto as we make our own guesses and theories within this short amount of time.
we should feel fear. oh so cdpr wanted crazy ass vampires? well don’t worry, because regis is a crazy ass vampire. but how to get this through to the audience, when he’s not off his shits anymore because it’s the 13th century and not the 9th? it’s going to need to come mostly from geralt. 
they should emphasize the tension in the scene by the yaruga where geralt has his blade to regis’s throat by having geralt’s lines be delivered in a very precise, careful manner. he shouldn’t be furious and dripping with adrenaline, ready to fight regis. he needs to be wary, conserved. we need to sense apprehension to engage in conflict, because he knows that he would likely lose the fight... which will freak the audience out, because asides from that bit with djikstra, geralt up until this point has been pretty powerful and undefeated, i mean we just saw him cleave his way through a fuckton of scoiatel at thanedd (that bit with torque in edge of the world was more for comedic relief imho)
on a related note, the scene where milva and dandelion have doubts about regis and ask geralt for advice, and geralt answers with a laundry list of all the things regis can do and says for himself that he doesn’t know if he could kill him....... that shouldn’t be cut and should strike some fear into our hearts.
regis shouldn’t be devoid of humor. he has his own sense of weird humor...
please keep the fucking pun in: “the immortal soul (...) abandons the stinking carcass and spirits away, forgive the pun.” i think this demonstrates how he has this kind of skewed sense of humor, that serious philosophical topics aren’t dull to him... rather they are exciting and full of riveting debate and also, jokes
that really long conversation with geralt where he concludes with “but i’ll give you some advice anyways: life differs from banking somewhat,” and in the fish soup scene where he really makes fun of geralt as well... but really the whole company should do this
don’t make him an asshole
he should be self-sacrificing for humanity. he should protect the girl in the refugee camp with the utmost conviction... i think this part is kind of easier because regis’s pure actions in the books are enough to demonstrate how committed to humanity he is, unlike cdpr which just made shit up and it went sour because their shit was all like “oh haha humans are so weak and i dont get why they dislike death :/”
tldr: don’t cut shit because even the smallest details add to the larger picture, make a cool atmosphere, paradox of safety and fear. you’re welcome
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