#i have art ideas....i need to answer the anons with art and reply to the two professors w an comic
phoenixtakaramono · 4 months
hi! any spoilers or sneaky peaks on the untold tale? i've been anxiously waiting for the new chapter 😫 your writing is on another level, i swear. i reread the first five chapters like more than 4 times each. i'm also loving your characterization of binghe!
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Hullo, hullo, anon! 💞 It makes me heartened to hear that you like The Untold Tale! And I’m glad you’re liking my characterization of Bingge! I personally like my yanderes in fiction, and it’s always somewhat hilarious how wild and simp-y Luo Binghe’s POV and dialogue/ thoughts can be compared to Shen Yuan who’s just doing his best, haha.
We haven’t reached TUT’s position yet on my WIPs to Update list, so I haven’t been posting much sneak peeks of the upcoming ch6 yet since the majority of it is still in my rough note form (reminders of what I want to happen, dialogue that needs to happen, specific foreshadowing or worldbuilding, etc) and not the pretty final draft form y’all see on AO3. But I am very frank in my replies about what’ll happen in the AO3 Comments section so spoilers are abound there, haha. If y’all want a Spoiler Free experience, do not check out the Comments section. I answer questions and even gift spoilers (even copy and paste certain scenes that haven’t been published yet) to certain readers as thanks for leaving me long essay-long comments or just plain any comments that’ve made me happy.
There’s also a jokey April Fools version of what’ll be in ch6 that I’d tweeted out: TUT ch6 threadfic (April Fools edition). You can read it there if you have a Twitter account but essentially it’s scenes to expect—but butchered with American and British colloquialisms I have a certain writing process where I go all in on the fandom belonging to whichever WIP I’m working on updating, and at that time I wanted to show why it’d be a bad idea if I jumped back into writing TUT under this mindset and how it’d be jarring, haha. TUT has a certain writing style unique to C-novels and light novels in general, so I didn’t want to detract from that experience!
If you want a direct spoiler, this is what to expect from TUT ch6:
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Shen Yuan’s shark tank meeting with the Jade Emperor’s Court (and SY finding out who is his celestial family in PIDW)
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Luo Binghe’s POV, after his meeting with the celestial fortuneteller Shen Yuan (featuring a short cameo from Ning Yingying)
I do, admittedly, miss the SVSSS fandom a lot and really can’t want to return, my lovely dear readers, but I have to be a responsible multi-fandom writer rotating through my list of WIPs in an orderly fashion so it’s fair for everyone and wait for their turn and can only promise the patience will be worth it (to preserve the magic of it all)!! Thank you for your patience! I am heartened to hear there are people still reading and waiting for my return! I’ll share new sneak peeks as I’m live-writing it, once I’m ready to pivot back to TUT. ✌️ There also exist some other spoilery kernels but I’ll leave one more hint:
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And after ch6, will be the Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky chapter where y’all will find out whose new poor cannon fodder’s identity he’s transmigrated into almost as a direct consequence of Shen Yuan’s transmigration as a celestial sharing the Protagonist’s Halo with Bingge in this new danmei genre he’s created (laughs). I’m excited because I get to finish up and debut the prettier illustration of ASTtS that’s been gathering dust in my computer files. If you’ve seen the WIP, yes, it’ll be the final version of this concept art I posted before as a sneak peek.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
I have a couple of older asks that need longer replies, and I’ll try to answer at least one of them tomorrow… but today we have a bunch of shorter ones!
furubatsu asked:
In an ask you answered ages ago, you mentioned how Malleus threw off your Top/Bottom radars at first and I was curious, are there any other characters that made you go "their x! No, wait, y!"
Ooh, good question! The only other character I can think of is Lilia, but he wasn’t as confusing as Malleus: his design threw us off, but the moment Lilia opened his mouth, we figured him out lol
We really very rarely have problems with that, because it’s more about feeling the vibe of a character than anything else.
But Malleus really did confuse us for quite some time…
Anonymous asked:
are you two aware of league of legends? maybe the jhin x hwei dynamic would be interesting…
We know of it, but we aren’t even remotely closely familiar with the lore and stuff, but we actually went and read a bit about Jhin and Hwei after receiving your ask and YEP WE GET IT LOL to be honest we’re flattered that you thought that we might like them… they really do have an interesting dynamic, and the fact that it’s rooted in deep feelings about art and has some much despair and inner and outer conflict honestly makes it very spicy.
And Hwei’s design 👌💖💖💖 instantly love him.
Anonymous asked:
Even though Regina George isn't really fitting for Vil, I bet the in universe rps/rpf community loves casting him as her in Mean Girls AUs and frequently make comments about how Vil should've been cast as her in the musical version and/or remake.
Anon, I 100% agree that the in-universe fandom fancasts him as Regina all the time. He should start asking Mira who is the most “he should’ve played Regina in the musical omg” person in the world lol
But at the same time I feel like this is the reason why Vil doesn’t read comments under his posts sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
One of my favorite 'Kalim Overblots' I've read, we don't even get to see him Overblot.
He overblots after an enemy tricks him into thinking he murdered a comatose Jamil right in front of him, leading him to attacking the 'culprit' in a rage with Oasis Maker and then-
Cut to the aftermath.
There you go, another interesting way to make Kalim overblot! I like how it’s still related to him feeling responsibility + despair because of Jamil’s death, it seems like this is the main trigger for Kalim to get an emotional reaction of this magnitude.
Anonymous asked:
Najma and Jamil are basically siblings who like to mess each other but still love each other. I mean Jamil has a better family relationship to her than his parents. That doesn't mean he doesn't like how she often annoyed him.
Azul will likely try to win Najma over for her to accept her brother's relationship to her. I mean having inlaws together is worst.
Aw this is very sweet. I’m glad Jamil has a sister like that.
God I didn’t even think about the Azul-being-into-Jamil aspect of all of it, oh god this guy is going to annoy Najma too, although for some reason I get the feeling that she’s only going to be nice to Azul to annoy Jamil.
But then again, I can’t say anything concrete about her – haven’t met the girl yet.
Anonymous asked:
IDK why but I really like the idea of Ruggie unintentionally 'stealing' Azul's 'boyfriends'. Like Azul is already upset that Jamil prefers Ruggie over him and then finds Ruggie on top of Idia when he arrives at the Board Game Club room (in reality they fell over and accidentally landed in a compromising position).
Poor Azul, this is going to make him overblot again lol  I like how this is turning into a weird romcom, although with how petty Azul is, it could end up turning into an entirely different kind of anime.
Anonymous asked:
when i was starting twst i thought neige was the name of jamils sister
Jamil and his randomly French sister…
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cAn you do a jealous richie Rozier x Male reader when someone keeps flirting with the reader and it ends with reader comforting richie at home if you can it be older richie
Only Him
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pairing: older!richie tozier x male!reader 
summary: there’s no denying that your boyfriend, richie “trashmouth” tozier, is a flirt. in fact, it’s one of his many talents. due to this, he can appreciate the art of flirting but when it comes to others trying their luck with what’s his? that’s something he can't appreciate nor agree with and you’re left to pick up the pieces of the insecure man. 
warnings: legal consumption of alcohol, heavy swearing (it’s richie, what did you expect?), angst with fluffy ending, self doubt, reader gets hit on by a woman, brief hints to homophobia, bisexual reader if you squint and look into things 
word count: 1.7k 
a/n: ok so this turned out to be more soft than anything else. richie doesn't get very mad per say, just very insecure and upset? i hope this was fine anon. 
just a disclaimer, i’m not the most experienced with m!reader so please let me know if this is alright or if there’s anything i could do to make it better. your input is really appreciated :) love you all and enjoy 
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loud music blares throughout the entire club as you lean against the bar counter, a half drunk beer in hand. your eyes are trained on your boyfriend who seems to be in his element, hair wild and glasses foggy from dancing most of the night. you chuckle as you think of the hangover he’s bound to have in the morning whereas you’ve been mindful to not have too much alcohol, knowing that at least one of you had to be sober enough to drive home. 
you idly take a sip as your hand pushes your hair out your eyes which still follow richies every move. however, your moment of admiration is interrupted by a hand which wraps around your bicep. glancing down, you see the slender hand of a woman, nails manicured and painted a vibrant red which contrasts the black button up you’re wearing. 
your eyes lock with hers and she gives you a smile, her eyes shining with what appears to be excitement. “may i help you?” you ask half heartedly, already having a pretty good idea as to why she has approached you. “i’m sure you can.” she answers playfully, releasing her grip on your arm. 
you don’t reply, choosing to look at her expectantly with a raised brow as you await her next words. “mind telling me your name? or am i going to have to call you handsome the rest of the night?” her tone is a perfect balance of teasing and curiosity and even you are impressed with her confidence. 
“y/n.” you reply after a while. she smiles brightly at you and slowly nods her head. “y/n…” she almost purrs, “it suits you. a charming name for a charming man.” she furthers her appreciation of your, in your opinion, bland name. 
you down the last of your beer and place the empty bottle on the bar counter, ready to get away from her before her lighthearted words turn into anything suggestive. “well, as much as i’d love to chat more, i should be going. enjoy your night.” her small hand grasps at your bigger one as you turn to leave. “what’s the matter honey? you wouldn’t leave a lady all alone now would you?” 
you gently take her hand out of your own, trying your best to be polite about it. “sorry but i don't need company.” you reply simply, not wanting to bring attention to the fact that you have a partner - a male one at that - afraid of the repercussions which come with openly admitting to being in a homosexual relationship. 
“oh come on, live a little, why don't you?” her gaze is sultry and her words seductive as she steps closer to you and presses her chest against your own. you look down at her nervously. “listen lady,” your words are strained as you try not to get annoyed, “i appreciate the offer but i'm good.” 
little did either of you know, a certain glasses wearing trashmouth was silently watching the exchange from the crowded dance floor, his drunken state not helping him to recognise the uncomfortable look on your face as the woman continues her advances. 
“you’re so adamant on saying no but you haven't even considered my offer.” she leans up to whisper, her breath tickling your ears which causes a reflexive and visible shiver to run down your back. a shiver which, to the woman in front of you as well as your boyfriend, looks like a pleasurable action. 
richie’s head is filled with doubts as he watches the two of you, his own insecurities causing his eyes to water and the alcohol in his body making him act impulsively as he marches over to you. 
just as you're about to push the woman away once more, you hear the familiar voice, “what the fuck are you doing?” 
the woman leans away from you and her eyes land on the shaking frame of richie who is clearly, not only drunk, but fuming and bothered. you make eye contact with him and send a silent plea for him to help you get away from the persistent lady but he doesn't seem to get the message. 
“and who are you?” his eyes snap to the small woman when she almost hisses her words at him. he smiles mockingly at her before looking back at you while replying, “well i was his fucking boyfriend but it seems that the two of you are seconds away from banging each others brains out so i’ll be taking my leave now.”
with that, he storms away and you're left standing there in embarrassment, confusion and annoyance. 
the woman looks at you shocked. “boyfriend?” her tone carries across her judgement perfectly and all you can do is nod. “you're gay?” she says condescendingly with a raised brow. you nod again but choose to reply verbally too. “yes i am. that’s why i don't want company. now politely fuck off while i go chase my boyfriend.” 
you quickly walk away and she continues to stand there in shock, her reaction replaying in your mind as you step outside the club to try find richie. you knew being gay is considered ‘taboo’ but you still aren't used to the open criticism which comes with the title. 
walking to where you parked your car, you notice that it's not in its spot and immediately panic, knowing that richie has the keys and that probably means he’s driving to your house completely intoxicated and hotheaded. 
breaking out into a run, you head towards your shared home not wanting to leave him alone (if he makes it back safely that is. he was a terrible driver when he’s sober, you didn’t want to imagine him behind the wheel while drunk.)
you finally reach the driveway and sigh in relief as you notice the cat parked in it. you walk slowly up the driveway to the front door while you try to catch your breath. turning the door handle you notice it's unlocked. 
‘he either left it open for me or forgot to lock it… again’ you think absentmindedly as you close and actually lock the door behind you. your eyes adjust to the dark house and blindly make your way up the stairs, heading to your bedroom with the hope of richie being there. 
your wish is granted as you spot his figure laying on the bed. making your way over to the still man, you quietly kick your shoes off  before sitting on the opposite side of the bed. richie’s back is towards you so you aren't sure if he's sleeping or not but your confusion is cleared up when you hear a hushed mumble come from your boyfriend. 
“what are you doing here?” you frown at his harsh tone and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “where did you think i was going to go?” you ask rhetorically in an attempt to lighten his mood but it doesn’t appear to work. he shrugs your hand off him before spitting out, “somewhere else to fuck the chick from the club.” 
his blunt words never fail to catch you off guard and you gape at him, not sure how to respond or go about fixing the issue at hand. 
“why would i be doing that?” you manage to say after a few seconds. “cause you seemed to be getting real close earlier. she was all over you and you didn't do shit about it.” his voice wavers slightly and you realise that he’s fighting back tears.
“i wasn't getting close with her and you know it… i would never do that to you rich.” you try make your words as sincere and soft as possible, hoping to calm down the jealous and hurt man in front of you. “then why the fuck was her hands all over you, huh? she was throwing herself at you and you didn't seem to mind.”
you frown and place your hand on his shoulder again, this time in an attempt to roll him onto his back so that you can see his face but he resists and you sigh in defeat. “you seem to think you know exactly what happened and if that is the case, then  you should know that i turned down her advances multiple times but she wouldn't  take no for an answer.”
his tense body visibly relaxes a little at your words but you know richie and he’s a stubborn man. “i tried to get away but she wouldn't leave me alone. she was quite persistent and you interrupted as i was going to tell her to kindly fuck off.” 
a small but noticeable chuckle escapes his mouth and you smile to yourself, knowing that you’re close to breaking his jealous act. 
“and you know what? even if we weren't dating, i wouldn't  go for her. she’s not my type. i prefer obnoxious trashmouths who can make me laugh without even trying.” you slowly rub his arm, your touch comforting and reassuring. “i like people who know what i'm thinking even when i don't know myself. people who look at me like i'm everything to them.” you gently pull his arm and he rolls over to look you in the eyes. “people who see my flaws and insecurities yet love me regardless… people like you richie. only you.”
you notice tears in his eyes and your hand comes up to cup his face, thump smoothing over his cheek as you gaze at him lovingly. “i love you. not her, not anybody else, you. you are my life and i wouldn't trade you for anything.” 
he smiles as tears escape his eyes. you lean down and your lips brush against his. “you mean everything to me tozier.” you mumble before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. you can feel him smile against you and when you pull away, you can see relief and pure adoration in his eyes. 
“i love you so much.” you say before pulling him into your arms, letting his head rest against your chest, doing everything in your power to let him know how special he is to you. 
“i love you too, y/n… more than anything.” he whispers and you know right there that this man means the world to you and you do to him. you look in his eyes and you see your future with him. you see the life you’ve always wanted. judgement and criticism be damned, you’d marry him one day. 
you would make him the happiest man alive and he’d do the same to you. you would make him yours for life and for whatever comes after it. 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
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spiderlandry · 1 year
mae ! — 20, any pronouns, asian
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note: this is a sideblog ! i wont be able to reply to comments and i’ll be following back from my inactive primary (@pritzel)
emoji anons are welcome in my inbox 🫶
im currently not taking any requests—im taking a break from writing
disclaimer: i may reblog dark or nsfw content. respect each author’s boundaries and rules (such as mdni)
— ethan landry
spider-man ethan listening to your heartbeat
you and ethan bonding over music
ethan as a chef
random ethan landry headcanons
yes, chef
love language
murder party
off the table
it’s a sad song (but we sing it anyway)
reflections (coming soon)
— chad meeks-martin
bad idea
— tara carpenter
in my mind
lovegame (coming soon)
— anika kayoko
— quinn bailey
when the sun leaves me
— lo’ak sully
hard to love (coming soon)
have you forgotten? (coming soon)
— neteyam sully
this is eclipse
— jake sully
— rotxo
safe place to land
— spider soccorro
— shauna shipman
— jackie taylor
looking out for you
— misty quigley
— koby
wildly inappropriate
ao’nung wide angle pic
stressed lo’ak as loona’s hyunjin
need help finding your way around ?
# mae answers <- when i answer asks that arent requests
# typical stories small things <- me rambling (it’s a lyric from girl’s talk by chuu and yves :3)
# scream recs <- scream fic recommendations
# avatar recs <- avatar fic recommendations
# grishaverse recs <- occasional grishaverse recommendations
# one piece recs <- one piece (mainly opla) recommendations
# ethan landry thoughts 💭 <- my little headcanon/scenario posts for ethan
# doodles <- my doodles (mainly avatar probably)
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sickcroww30 · 2 months
i found out today you deactivated your side blog and i was sad because all the beautiful art there is gone, but regardless of the reason you had to delete it i just want you to know all the stuff you create is awesome and you're a big inspo, i hope you have a nice week!
Thank you anon for the support, I'm sad that it's gone but it's for the better of my mental health.
I finally bring myself to answer this because a lot is going on in my mind and I don't know how I should put it into words. For anyone who doesn't know about its existence, don't read, not because it's embarrassing but because it may sound very weird without any context.
[rant below, wall of text]
To begin with, I'd like to thank everyone who has been following its growth from the start of it to its final end. I created the blog not only to freely show my (judge-able) interests but also more of my personal thoughts rather than having to keep this one publicly behaved. It was fun and I was super dedicated to what I was making. I poured my time and effort into it, and it quickly became an important part of my life back in 2021-2022.
I thought that if I show people what I like then I might find someone who shares the same idea. But maybe because of being so dedicated to it, it turned into a portrayal of a lonely delusional individual, or at least that's what I think I look like.
I don't blame anyone for this but myself. I thought that maybe it was because I didn't do well enough, or that I didn't make appealing posts, maybe people didn't like what I was doing and that's why there was so little interaction I got. I needed to do better I needed to be more open and show the followers that I'm easy to talk to, please engage with me. Stuff like that. So I pushed it and hurt myself in the process. In the end, I felt so lost and clueless. I even said things I shouldn't say, being harsh with my choices. I was struggling both with real-life matters and with the blog itself. I tried to keep up by posting other stuff that were not the main focus, still, I couldn't help but finalize my decision to deactivate the blog once and for all.
In the end, it was supposed to be fun but it wasn't enjoyable at all. I love to see my art development every time I scroll through the blog. And sometimes read the replies and tags in old posts. I'm sorry that I deleted it, I miss it too, but I don't want to look back at it seeing the person I became because of its existence. I do still and forever appreciate the love that everyone has given to it.
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the-bloody-sadist · 6 months
In my twitter I like to post fanarts and also give fic recs for my fav non canon mlm ships. And somehow someone tweet me this :
"I'm starting to think maybe people should read actual BL manga. perhaps considering manga written with actual gay characters in it in addition to shipping m x m from whatever battle shounen you're into."
I was confused af.... Do you think I should reply or just keep silent ?
Thanks for sharing your fanfics and fanarts. Your writing style and art style is not what I usually love at first sight. But wow your arts are beautiful and your writings are amazing (especially on how you wrote the characters, none of them are ooc). And your answers to same anon asks on fandom and shippings, WOW. Some of them are what I often feels but I just can't voice them....
I also love your fics recs, some I don't even know yet....
NEVER. RESPOND. TO THOSE KINDS OF COMMENTS. NEVER. I'M HAPPY YOU'RE AKSING FOR MY ADVICE SO I CAN TELL YOU THAT!! If you're a creator, especially in the BL space nowadays, you're going to hear from these shitheads at some point or another. Their arguments mean NOTHING. They are irrational and ridiculous and will change their logic the moment you interact with them, so no matter how well you present your opposing argument, they'll find some other way to cause trouble. I REPEAT: YOU CANNOT WIN NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Plus, there's no need to, because the levelheaded people already agree with you and that's what matters.
Also they have no idea what they're talking about and don't even believe what they're saying, much less follow that logic for their own entertainment choices. They're hypocrites. They'll say that to feel like a social justice warrior and then turn right back to the fanfic about battle shounen boys that they felt guilty about reading. They're projecting at best, moral grandstanding for their friends' approval at worst.
Whenever I see people like this, I snicker with my friends about it, make sure my view of the comment is correct by discussing opinions with them, and then block the person so they don't have to see my work anymore (since they can't make the decision for themselves!). It's a strategy that works wonders and makes sure I deal with the least hate possible in my day-to-day posting experience. And it builds me up with the right audience who actually loves me and my work!
Thank you for being one of those people and for looking up to me for answers, I'm deeply flattered! If given the chance, I will always try to be the voice for anyone who needs it, so you can link to my posts and ramblings when someone says something stupid and have me explain why you think the way you do (and why it's NOT WRONG AT ALL).
Much love! I hope you enjoy those fic recs!!
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mappishiina · 5 months
"Well, well... I suppose you need an explanation of how all of this works?"
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"You should already know who I am, of course- your boss, the one guiding you in your job as the warden of MILGRAM? That's right, I'm the one and only Jackalope. You'll want to listen up, because I'm only going to explain this once..."
"This blog allows you to send questions to Mahiru Shiina, Prisoner 006. Think of it... like an extended interrogation. You can send them as yourself, or anonymously... whatever you'd like. Put your name on what you say or not, I don't care."
"As with how things work in MILGRAM regularly, what you say to her and how you say it will affect her just like your judgements do. This will help you to better understand the prisoner. After all, I want you to peer into their hearts and minds. It's best if you can truly understand them, in order to make the best judgement you can."
"Oh, and one last thing: this blog is best viewed on its desktop theme, if possible."
"I've also been told to mention that there's 'OOC info' under the cut, whatever that means."
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Hiii. This is, as you can probably guess, an ask blog/rp account! Just real quick under the cut, here's a few basics for conduct:
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I am an adult, but will not be answering any NSFW asks, and I also reserve the right to not reply to anything that makes me personally uncomfortable. This probably won't happen anyway, but I want to make my stance clear just in case. There's a lot of minors on milgramblr and running similar roleplay blogs, and I want this to be a safe and comfortable blog for everyone to interact with.
For consistency's sake, the current timeline of this blog is set in trial one. This may, and likely will, change at some point. I might jump timelines around later. But, starting out, it'll be trial one.
I try to stick close to canon in my characterization, but might indulge in a few personal headcanons here and there, especially to fill in gaps on things we don't know. If you send "magic anons" and things of that sort, I may or may not reply/go with it, depending- I'd like to stick mostly with the idea that any asks sent here are the "voices" that the prisoners mention hearing (so, not being able to physically do anything)... but I also may decide to indulge for fun. Basically, it's up to personal discretion. Just know it might not get answered.
This is probably going to be more of an ask-blog type thing than it is... a rp blog per-se, but I may dip my toes into roleplaying a bit on here as well! Other Milgram RP blogs can feel free to interact, and Mahiru will respond to any asks from RP blogs as if they were being sent by your character. I'll tag interactions with other prisoners with their number!
(I might do art for some asks as well, depending on motivation...)
Oh, and I'll edit this to put a tag index here whenever I figure out what I'm doing for those. Right now my ooc tag is simply #ooc, and any graphics I've used on the blog are reblogged under #graphics credits, as well as being credited at the bottom of this post.
Please just in general be nice and remember there's a real person running the account, and hopefully we can all have some fun with this!~ I've definitely been inspired by seeing other ask blogs/roleplay blogs pop up for MILGRAM, so I'm excited to jump in!
graphics credits: mobile icon + header by ameyumez and dividers on this post by 74n5n.
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 month
Yeah. It's basically why I'm thinking of lessening my inputs in some art communities. So many of the people in Discord alone are very touchy when it comes to receiving criticism over webcomics and even art. 
The last server I was on banned me for basically talking about how the owner of a server's art piece would probably improve if they go back and finish it. All I got was a response that amounted to "shut the fuck up! Let the artist do what they want" with the artist/owner pointing up to it in agreement when they were the ones who asked for an opinion. Always treating me like I'm a negative user and a whale (basically meaning a person who consumes a lot of media and treating it like it's a part of the conversation). 
Generally speaking, webcomic servers are just terrible places. Like all of them just run on echo chamber energy. Sure you can say that about social media sites, but forums and especially Discord servers have it worse to me. Like the times I keep getting vague answers on comics that seemingly have no directions and all the artist does it post sarcastically smug emojis over the questions while saying things like "that's an interesting idea" or "Ooo! Maybe. Guess you got to keep reading". No real engagement. Just garbage responses.
Or one time when I tried to ask a simple question about a flaw in a character or even story that I didn't like how it was written, and the author spent time divulging their character's bio and how story writing works without actually engaging with me and answering what I just asked. Acting like I didn't read or understood the story/intentions. You know, before blocking me on almost all accounts. Furaffinity, Twitter, Tumblr, ect. ect. Just a waste of time, especially mine.
That's one of the things you're wrong about, GW dude. It doesn't matter if they're a big shot or not. As long as an artist/person has AN AUDIENCE they're all the same. Just borderline insecure and most times arrogant people who really have a specific audience in mind that will take the good and the bad, not say anything about either, and put users down if they didn't like what they said.
That is unfortunate and irritating to hear and I don't know if it's the internet that caused this or does popularity really go into people's heads. This reminds me of the anon who came here like a month ago to tell me to critique Marvel movies instead of webcomics. I think they might have been a webcomic artist who comes from that exact mindset. These people also need an example of what a negative person is. Go on Twitter, and I am not naming names but certain users who spend their whole timeline shitting on shit. Those people give me the idea they are very hard to be around. Likely nicest thing they can say about something is "looks like shit lmao". I know you've critiqued me as well and I don't get the idea you're inherently a negative person. I do take everything you say to heart and if I say something stupid you're not afraid of saying it to my face. You don't go on twitter or some grassy forum to crop my statement and go "THIS PERSON IS CLUELESS! FUCK HIM!". That's being a dick. I guess the inability to handle criticism is just something that's very common in indie scene, like gaining an audience is the worst possible thing that could happen to you as a creator. I don't think you should give up. Webcomics already have a ruined reputation and it's not the fault of webcomic critics but the webcomic creators for being so shallow, self-centered and pardon my french, fucking delusional.
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eusuchia · 5 months
sorry to the anon but I couldn't figure out how to edit my answer once it was in my drafts (great website).
the question was (badly paraphrasing) shouldn't we try to preserve the livelihoods of ceramicists and weavers too? and instead of saying 'mass production already killed this industry, and it will happen to others,' try to save more art from it?
basically yes! deskilling due to industrial capitalism sucks and mass production makes commodity fetishism infinitely worse. I think it's important to preserve craft knowledge and don't think we should just cede everything to industrialization, but that feeling isn't going to shift industrial trends -- only industrial action will do that. for what it's worth, it's really annoying to hear 'just unionize!' as an artist, when many, like me, are self-employed/freelance, and without sudden mass interest in some kind of low-entry-requirement sectoral guild, are not very unionizable because we don't have workplaces in the traditional sense. but by sheer numbers a lot of the job loss to AI would be corporate-level, I think, and there's more potential for people employed by like, marvel, to actually do something significant about the use of AI, than for individual customers trying to throw their weight around by buying or boycotting. I'm happy to get proved wrong here by some targeted mass boycott campaign, but I'm not holding my breath.
on a personal level I regularly spend money on handmade ceramics, fiber arts, and original art commissions both physical and digital because I find them valuable and beautiful. but I also use my IKEA plates and print-on-demand t-shirts, functionally devaluing those crafts. no amount of hypothetical discourse shaming me for 'stealing from working craftsmen' would really change that due to the economic realities. (tangentially, I don't use AI as a stand-in for commissioned art because they are not at all interchangeable to me.)
broadly though, isn't every kind of automation 'taking a livelihood' from someone in theory? my original reply to metamatar's post was basically asking where you draw the line. digital printing is taking the work of typesetters and sign painters, canva presets are taking the work of graphic designers, slip casting is taking the work of ceramicists. yet those trades still exist, and if anything I think their creative horizons are a little wider when the drudgery of the industry is taken up by machines. I know that's paltry compensation for a vanishing job market under capitalism, but isn't it a good thing when ceramicists and weavers are free to explore their ideas and not confined to backbreaking work of making the same bowls or yards of tweed for years on end? (especially in The Good Society with robust social protection that we should all be fighting for anyway)
there can be different use cases for these things (artisanal vs mass produced) and one use doesn't mean 1:1 something is being stolen from the other. personally I'm never going to pay someone to render my likeness instead of taking a photo; the money that's being 'lost' by a realism portrait artist there is purely hypothetical. same for when people get mad about others generating AI art for fun. 'you could have paid an artist for this [generated meme in the style of hr giger]' ok but they weren't going to and you can't make them.
I think people are unthinkingly flattening all kinds of creative labour when they talk about what might happen with AI. to start with, people are often talking about the job market of the first world/imperial core/etc despite the huge amounts of creative labour in/outsourced to other countries. but wherever you want to apply AI -- I don't think boutique client-based work is ever going to vanish, because the stuff that AI can do well is limited to certain types of digital illustration and animation, and you need human, creative problem-solving for new creative work, even on industrial levels with lots of automating tools in the workflow. art directors with good sense can see that. big name editorial illustrators are going to remain big name editorial illustrators. etc. (tbh, I think even the stuff AI is 'good at' looks dogshit a lot of the time, hence my disinterest in it, but that's a personal valuation and has no economic bearing.)
I'm not saying there's nothing to worry about, especially because managers and execs are often stupid and have bad taste and want to 'incorporate AI' when it makes no fucking sense, and would gladly thin out their staff for any reason. but that is ultimately a labour problem and not an artistic one.
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rubykgrant · 6 months
As a black woman,It is not okay that you draw characters of color with natural hair given that you are a white woman claiming to be an ally but openly drawing racist drawings of sailor moon and the day of the dead when you do not celebrate neither Asian nor latin culture.
Hello anon. I'm not sure what prompted this, but I tried to give it some thought before replying.
I don't think it is somehow "not okay" to draw characters of color with natural hair; natural hair is beautiful. Curly, wavy, and textured hair of all types is beautiful. Hairstyles from different cultures are a variety of creative and cute. I think it is important to learn how to draw characters like this better, to celebrate this. While it can be a problem when people outside of certain cultures- and in particular, white people- don't know how to draw different features and hairstyles properly, the answer isn't "Only draw people who look like you". That is... kind of a big issue with white-washing characters, and entire casts of characters looking too cookie-cutter. Words like "progressive" and "inclusive" have been over-used, but it's still important to remember; we need to keep moving forward with how we think and what we create. We need to acknowledge differences in positive ways, and learn from other people when they share important things about negative portrayals.
I would agree that certain things that are very special and specific to different cultures would be best depicted by somebody truly connected to it. That still doesn't mean "white people should only draw more white people". Since you brought up Sailor Moon and Day of the Dead, I can only assume this was in reference to some of my Sailor Moon re-designs and fan-art from the Book of Life? In regards to myself, I can only say that I very much DO care about NOT spreading racism with my art, so I'll have to look at what I've done, try to improve on myself, and apologize.
While it may not be your intent, this has actually reminded me of something I've been thinking of on my own; occasionally, I do re-draws of various scenes from movies or TV shows. If I have a DVD, I'll pause on the scene I want to draw so I can look at it. Occasionally, I find a screen-shot to look at. I've done this with many different movies and shows... and I have genuinely wondered if it is just unfair imitation; the source is already something beautiful, and I'm just copying it. In terms of me being a white person, is it wrong for me to "get attention" when I copy something that is based on characters of color? I don't want to somehow steal recognition from artists who are part of these backgrounds, or be praised for something mediocre when others deserve to be seen.
This is not a confessional, you aren't a priest, and I'm not Catholic. So I won't get into every thing I hate about myself or regret doing in my life; but just regarding THIS, misrepresenting myself as an "ally" while not putting in the effort to AVOID doing something negative, or worse, doing something wrong and just "not caring enough"... that is something I would want to change. I think it is also an over-used phrase when a white person gets accused of something racist, and then stumbles through and apology while saying "I'm still learning". I won't give out any excuses or empty promises. I have wasted enough years of my life being unaware and uncaring. I have made enough bad decisions when I was old enough to know better. I don't want pity, or coddling for doing the bare minimum. I want to be able to look at myself someday, and be happy with who I am. I want to change what isn't good about me. Even though I don't agree with the beginning of this ask- the idea that it isn't alright to draw characters of color with natural hair, when you are white- I am still going to think about what it means to be a white artist, and try to be more respectful in the future
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matri4rch · 1 year
Little Announcement + rant
This is my personal opinion, you are welcome to disagree with anything I say and I am willing to discuss the post in a civil manner down in the replies.
(I am sorry, this post is going to be incredibly long)
So I was lurking in @thequeenofthewinter 's blog as one casually does and I came across the sexyman fiasco posts. and oh my God. I should have not went to investigate.
The sheer hate for Ulfric had me a little shocked. Like yeah, I admit that my favorite nord is very, very flawed (sometimes infuriating as well) and everyone is entitled to their opinions about him, whether they are positive or negative but hating a fictional character to the point that you feel the need to say that "People who like Ulfric Stormcloak should be shot." (I just went back and it was not one, BUT TWO people who said it) Is kind of... going a little too far.
There are reblogs roasting Ulfric that I know are all in good fun, and I even laughed at some of them (love the "how is ulfric going to compete against the glory of Alduin" one lmao) BUT COME ON...
Also saw someone said Ulfric was a n*zi?! And that people sent anon asks basically saying @incorrectskyrimquotes was endorsing rascism for just putting Ulfric in the poll. While saying they want to f*ck Alduin, who I'm pretty sure is pretty damn worse in the grand scheme of Nirn.
This post was made because of the sexyman poll, but it opened my eyes to how intolerant the fandom can be towards other less-liked/more flawed characters like Ondolemar, Miraak, etc. Because they get incredible amounts of hate as well.
Now, why am I not going to publish the fic I've been mentally planning for a whole year? I hear nobody ask.
Short answer is: I do not wish to get an explosive in my mail for simping over Ulfric. lol
Long answer is: I am genuinely scared of some of the members in the fandom. I fear that I post about a character I love, cherish and am attached to just to get harassed and dragged for it. That I attempt to connect with the community to befriend people who share my interests and get shunned and casted out instead.
I love when characters make mistakes, say the wrong things and get in trouble for it, I like when they have negative traits and flaws because it makes them human and not a bland Mary Sue who can do no wrong. I write my fics because I adore the original work, I write to express my feelings, my ideas, to transform the bad things that have happened in my life and make art out of the sadness, pain and anger. I accept criticism, and wish to learn and grow as both an author and a person. But there is a very clear difference between criticism and hate.
Its honestly very disheartening to see that a game that is widely regarded as a sandbox that gives you the freedom to create your own story has so many people in its fandom that cannot handle when others don't fit into the idea/mold they have created of what is "right" and what is not. People that don't care to understand the point of view of others and resort to insulting the other person.
Anyways, thats it, thats the rant.
I am, again, extremely sorry for how long it is but I truly needed to get it out of my chest.
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aller-geez · 11 months
I love your OC art and I was wondering how you're able to make them. Is there a website you use or a template you follow? I'd love to make my own OC's but don't know how/where to start
Hey there Anon! So sorry for the lag in the response, I wanted to be sure I could give you an in depth answer! It’s gonna be long, so I’ll put a Read More here~ if you have any questions, feel free to dm me!
Lemme start by saying, Thank you so much! You’re so sweet! 😭😭 it seriously makes my day to hear that, you don’t even know 😭🖤
Secondly, as for Remi and Levi, both characters started out as roleplay characters that @thekinkyleopard and I came up with about 10 years ago! The characters themselves have evolved over the years as we’ve done a hundred different storylines and bounced ideas off of each other. Draeko, on the other hand, was created less than 6 months ago, so he’s not as in depth of a character.
Now, I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember, and creating characters has always been something I love doing. But everyone creates an OC differently. Personally, I always start with the visualization of a new character, first.
Like for instance, for Draeko, I started with just a color pallet, (ie, pastel pink, white, pastel mint green, and pink plaid). And because I’m a furry, most of my OC’s usually have an attachment of some kind to an animal (shifters, or my Hellhound), plus I wanted more of a complex character since Remi was so plain.
I started drawing a reference sheet for him, which is pretty much a large, informational sheet with your OC in a bunch of different angles, along with key information, accessories, or whatever you want people to know about your character. Here’s some examples of reference sheets I’ve done for our OCs:
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I usually start with the full body view first, coming up with details to add as I go.
(Most of my OC’s started out as fursonas, so they already had their animal form, I just would need to design a human form that matched it.)
I then come up with their personality as I’m adding details, and accessories, and naming them. And very last, I come up the details for their backstory, as well as any lore I can come up with.
Everyone creates differently, and if you’re someone without much art experience or just don’t have a want to create art, OR if that just seems backwards to you,
An easy, pain free way to create your own in depth character that can just always live in your head, or one that you commission another artist to bring to life for you, they have these AMAZING character development type sheets that you can fill out, essentially making a written Reference Sheet so someone else can imagine (or bring to life) your character accurately. Here’s just a few I found in Pinterest by looking up “character development sheet”
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As for how I create my art, I use an iPad and Apple Pencil, along with the program Procreate to freehand draw (or I also use bases or pose references from Pinterest!) all of my art from scratch!
Sorry if this is way longer of an answer than you were hoping for/expecting, but I wanted to cover as many points as I possibly could!
Like I said at the top of the post though, if this doesn’t make sense or if you have any other questions about it, shoot me a dm! I promise I don’t bite, I just suck at replying to messages (:
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A bunch of shorter ones today, but first!
We posted two top-centric hc lists yesterday, and I somehow completely forgot to mention Jack in either of them 🥳 I am so sorry to Jack Nation and to the goodest of boys himself, so at the end of this post there are hcs about him on both of the yesterday’s topics… (I’ll also add them to the respective posts, obviously)
This weird oopsie aside, here are the replies:
feverish-dove asked:
THANK YOUUUUUUUU♥️ i don’t think you realize how happy that made me. i love speedpaints but when an artist takes the time to break down what they did so i dont have to try (and usually fail) to do so myself it just goes brrrrrrr<3 im soooooo happy rn. you and katsu are awesome
You are so very welcome!! ♥️
I am very happy that the post was useful and any of my explanations were cohesive enough to understand something. And I really love talking about my art process, so thank you for your question!
Anonymous asked:
I just wanna say i'm in love with genderswap twst headcanons and arts... Thank you for sharing a full course meal-
You’re very welcome, Anon! I am super happy that you’re enjoying these. Like I’ve already said, drawing and writing these are a treat and a national holiday for me lol
Anonymous asked:
I’ll break Idia, you say? Well, I did always want to wreck him… 😏
Anonymous asked:
You can't tell me what to do 😠
I'm swallowing your art whole as you speak
Anons are misbehaving… Anons are getting wild 😳 breaking Idia left and right and not chewing stuff properly!
I love the chaos.
Anonymous asked:
I also have an Idia plush and he’s cheeked up.
His clothes sold out though so he’s naked. I put a Nagito jacket on him to hide his shame i.e. his butt.
Damn Anon this is even better though. Imagine Idia with a Nagito jacket barely covering his naked body. This image is doing something with my brain.
Anonymous asked:
HELP do you have any thoughts on azurido??? its been on my mind since i saw Floyd say Azul (probably) wouldnt mind keeping him as a pet for winter (?) break
Indeed, Anon, here is the tag!
Oh we love that line from Floyd lol This whole scene happens so fast and feeds us with so much stuff that it takes time to process.
Azul absolutely wouldn’t mind keeping him as a pet… it’s upsetting that Riddle probably wouldn’t be much of a help at the Lounge (the main reason for Azul to keep pets lol) but knowing how much Riddle’s existence wounds Azul’s precious ego? He would get super smug with Riddle temporarily being his lap cat. Or a little chihuahua.
Anonymous asked:
I’m not sure why but I would love the idea of Epel talking about how girls are weak and then getting his butt handed to him by a girl in Magical Shift. The competitive, tomboy in me would be grinning like a maniac.
Epel absolutely needs to have a girl kick his ass, and it’s weird that he even needs this to happen to realise that “girly” doesn’t mean “weak”; just look at his meemaw and how scary she can get. I’m sure Epel’s mom isn’t any better lol
Anonymous asked:
I had a sudden thoughts last night
So coway au
But it's just Riddle riding Floyd in a cowboy outfit
Thoughts? 👀👀👀
Anonymous asked:
yeehaw 🤠
I wonder… if you two are the same Anon… maybe not. Maybe we just mentally entered a saloon somehow and now I am a sheriff.
To answer the first Anon, this would be insanely hot, and I feel like if Riddle is drunk out of his mind enough, he could do that. He wouldn’t succeed though, because riding a horse is one thing, but riding Floyd while being completely drunk is totally different lol But it’s the attempt that counts. Floyd is going to be very entertained either way. Or annoyed, you never know with him.
Alright, so JackJack hcs.
strap hcs for fem tops or if they even use them lol.
Jack could’ve been very good at it if someone made her use it, but I feel like she thinks that this is too obscene of a thing to do. It’s not like she’s prudish, but wearing a strap is a bit too far for her. Even though someone would probably look at her and think that it looked very good on her…
Based on that one post about the bottoms getting creamed up inside how would the tops react if their partners are demanding/begging for them to cum inside them?
Jack – he is probably the type to start thinking about pulling out when he starts to feel his knot growing, you know, being responsible and stuff, but if he hears his partner begging or demanding him to cum inside, his brain would shut down completely and he would go even deeper than before and fill his partner to the brim :( He would be very embarrassed of himself afterwards.
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hellowhoisthere · 2 months
@Anon from Ask Box
tumblr sucks and deleted your beautiful ask when I tried answering it, so sorry. My reply as follows:
Hello Anon! I want to thank you for reminding me of the joy of sharing my writing. I am glad the chapter did its work. I honestly didn't expect to turn out that way since my idea has been maybe some screaming, crying and comfort makeout. But really at point in the story timeline Qi Rong has been working so hard to better himself as person to be a better parental figure to Gu Zi. Its like the intro to that song Whats A Soulmate. Its a person that makes you better because they inspire you. And I believe the thing something Qi Rong needs not someone to come in to 'fix' him or his situation but Qi has wanted a person to care about enough that Qi Rong will aspire to be better on his own. And Gu Zi and Lang Qianqui do that for him. They care about Qi Rong with all his diffculties and the possible see good in him.Then there came the art therapy idea for Qi Rong with a steel chair. He has in a stornge unit because Gu Zi didnt like the smell of the paints lingering. Also he was scared of knocking over or messing something up. Not that Qi Rong is anti- medication or therapy but he had those bad experinces that make him avoid seeking that kind of help for himself so he got to have these other ways to cope. Yeah so thank you again so much for sending in asks. I have written this story in my head so many times. I hadnt realized it been so long since I frist had the idea. I hope to share more of this idea soon!
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Hi Steph, I hope you’re well. I also hope this message isn’t hurtful in any way. See, I’m not even 25 yet, but I struggle with shame at the idea that I’m still on tumblr and reading fanfic. It just doesn’t feel grownup or mature enough. It feels like I should get over it. It may seem like a childish concern but the level of distress and shame it causes me is significant. Have you ever felt the same way ? How did you overcome it ? Much love to you.
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Listen: The idea that fandom should be discarded when you get older is UTTER FUCKING BOLLOCKS, and the majority of people shitting on older fandom folks and trying to make people feel bad about it are either too young to comprehend that there's no magic door you go through in your 20's and suddenly you lose interest in everything you enjoyed and pop out on the other side in a suit and tie, or "high and mighty" ass-twats who think they're better than everyone else, that everything except for what they like is “cringe” and are the same folks who think sports fandoms aren’t weird-as-fuck either.
They don't understand who keeps fandoms alive. They don't understand that the creators of the media they consume are also adults over 30 (this one ALWAYS confused me... like... who they fuck do they think wrote the content they currently enjoy in the first place???). They don't get that not everything is made for them specifically, and that people are allowed to enjoy different things.
They don't understand that being an adult doesn't mean losing a part of yourself, nor losing the things that make you happy.
And they CERTAINLY don't comprehend that it's fantastic being an adult in a fandom. I can now afford a Funko collection, or buy those prints I wanted, collect comics, create the art I enjoy, interact with people who share my interests, and play video games without rage quitting because now I enjoy the challenge that they present to me.
And, ESPECIALLY in this day and age of the entire world falling apart, obligations having to take precedence over yourself, and jobs working us so much that it’s nigh impossible to have free time anymore, we adults need things that make us happy, to help us make sense of the world, to help us escape it for just a little while, because honestly once you have to deal with real life again, it can sometimes really suck.
I've written and reblogged posts about this very thing in the past that you can check out, before I get to my main point and answer your actual question:
Fandom Twitter seems so ageist, I see why you don’t like it (with reply from JBaillier)
REPLY: I’m a 33 year old nurse, I come to fandom to escape
HATE REPLY (to a different ask): That other Anon is right, it’s weird you’re almost 40
REPLY to REPLY: Don’t let the ageism get to you
REPLY to REPLY: Don’t listen to that other anon
REPLY to REPLY to REPLY: Anons are mean
REPLY to REPLY: I’m 18 and it makes me mad people are ageist
On Fandoms, Age and Gender
On Fanart and Fanfiction: When Are you Going to Stop It?
Ageism in Fandom
Ignore the Fun Police as you Age
Your Fave Author is over 30
You only need to like a thing to be a fan of it
Ageism in fandom, 27 is too old?
ALL THAT SAID, finally, Nonny, I can’t 100% relate to how you feel because I was fortunate enough to have family and friends who encouraged me and my interests given my affinity for art and my initial desire to be an animator. Of course I had the occasional adult belittle me, AND I still keep my fandom life VERY much separated from my personal and work lives, AND I also hyperfixate on fandom things so I’m always “weird”, so in that regard I have felt shame. But when I got into my late 20′s and early 30′s, I suddenly realized that those people who shat on me for liking the things that I do were just miserable people themselves, who had very little interests of their own, and their impact on my life is literally a blip of a moment in a life that could be 80 years long. Suddenly it didn’t make sense to me to stop doing things I enjoyed and be shameful of that stuff, because there’s so little in my life these days that makes me happy, and my Stuff and Things™ are precious to me. Sure, I still have a Personal Life, Private Life, Work Life, and Fandom Life that all vaguely connect together but are for the most-part kept separated, but it’s not out of shame, it’s out of “my job doesn’t need to know what I do in my off hours because it’s none of their business”. It’s worked for me, and perhaps it can work for you.
I mean, who wants to essentially go to work 40+ hours a week, pay bills, do essential and obligatory tasks and chores, try to stay alive, and then in what little free time one has and just.... do nothing? I genuinely do feel sad for people who feel like they have to abandon what they once loved... it must make life feel very lonely and very unfulfilling. For me, I do all of the adulty things mentioned above, plus I watch movies, I draw, I write, I maintain a blog that fulfills me, I read, I collect stuff, and I play video games. I can’t afford to travel nor do I have any partner/s in my life, so it’s these little things that make me happy. And once I realized that, it was easier to let go of any residual shame I still had.
Don’t ever stop enjoying fandom. No one does... Conventions of any sort would never exist without fandom. Sherlock Holmes is still a relevant literary figure because people STILL adapt it over a century later. Sports live on forever and no one ever shames those people, right? Like, I don’t GET football or hockey or the fandoms surrounding them, and I don’t GET enjoying a sport I’m not actively participating in, but sports isn’t my thing, ergo, not my place to shame someone else for it. 
As one post put it up above there: a LARGE chunk of your favourite fic authors are in their 40s/50s/60s. Fandom is multigenerational and no shame should ever be had about reading fan fiction. I don’t make it a secret anymore that the only literature I read is fanfic. Quite frankly, it’s easier for me to consume because the worlds are already established, and I just get to read about what the toys I love are doing in the sandbox this time from someone ELSE’S perspective.
*HUGS* Please don’t feel shame, Lovely. It will take time, but once you realize how insignificant other people-who-you-barely-know’s opinion really is, you genuinely do stop caring what other people think. Literally just a blip.
*HUGS* Please take care, Nonny. I hope my words comforted you at least just a little bit.  
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italeean · 2 years
Turn that frown upside down
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hi everyone, how are you doing? Spero vada tutto bene 💚🤍❤️ (I hope everything’s alright). Today’s fic was requested by an anon, who I thank very much because I’ve wanted to write lee!Xiao for ages, but I never had a good idea. I’m pretty satisfied with this one, though, and I hope you all will enjoy it too. Suggestions and/or support are always appreciated ^_^ Stay hydrated and enjoy the fic!!
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it’s not to your taste, I don’t suggest you read it
WARNING: A light spoiler of the new quest
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'No, Rex Lapis. This isn’t a good idea at all’ Xiao’s voice was calm, but it was clear that he was irritated at the idea of meeting with Yanfei, Yelan and Aether for lunch and to show Itto and Shinobu around Liyue. Zhongli was invited, too, because his knowledge would’ve been extremely useful to narrate the story of the city and the harbor (and also for his secret contribution in the Chasm), but the yaksha didn’t want to hear anything about it. ‘I have no intention of meeting up with the others, especially with that noisy tall guy from Inazuma’ he added before leaving.
Aether was there, too, since he was the one in charge of delivering the invitation, and looked at the Geo Archon with a troubled expression ‘Did we insist too much, Zhongli?’
The man understood the traveler’s concern, but he also knew Xiao well enough to tell that he wasn’t really annoyed at the idea of participating at that lunch, he was probably just reluctant to go out of his comfort zone. ‘I don’t think so’ he began ‘I personally believe that he needs to be persuaded... and maybe even reassured’ he replied. The blonde understood the situation (after the experience in the Chasm, he found out how much the yaksha was bothered by the idea of troubling or being a burden to someone else) and decided to convince Xiao to come with them and meet his friends again.
He found the dark-haired guy at Pervases’ Temple and the immediately approached him. Obviously he didn’t startled him, since Xiao was such a good fighter and perfectly able to perceive someone coming from behind him. Aether also decided to leave Paimon at Xiangling’s restaurant because, although she has a big heart and would never purposely hurt his friends, she can say inappropriate things sometimes, and to accomplish that mission the traveler needed to master the art of diplomacy. In fact, it wasn’t exactly easy dealing with Xiao... and he hadn’t even brought almond tofu.
‘I assume you want to try to convince me to participate to your... event’
Alright, that wasn’t exactly the warmest of greetings, but Aether was firm on his decision, so he decided to let the yaksha’s harsh tone slide. ‘Yeah... or at least I’d like to know why you don’t wanna come with us:’. The adeptus repeated what he said to Zhongli, but the blonde didn’t buy it and started inquiring a bit more (always paying attention to how the other one was reacting to his question, on high alert to catch any sign of discomfort).
However, it seemed like Aether wasn’t really able to “master the art of diplomacy”... Xiao was like a wall and always answered the questions with the same sentences, but the blonde had an unexpected turn of events when the wind made a dead leaf brush the yaksha’s ear. The dark-haired guy shuddered from that light touch, and his friend didn’t fail to notice it. After all, he is a brother, which means he has experience with tickling people. However, he needed to be extremely careful to not let the grumpy guy catch on to his plan.
He casually walked behind the shorter guy and, before he could turn around and ask what he was doing, he started scribbling on his ears and neck, catching him by surprise. Xiao wasn’t expecting such a childish reaction from Aether, which is why he didn’t have the time to prepare and try to contain his laughter. He just let out a started yelp and tried to ask ‘Whahahat thehe heck ahare yohouhuhu dohoing?!’ The blonde laughed along with his friend, genuinely amused by his reaction and his goofy struggle ‘Since you don’t wanna give me a reason why you wanna come to lunch with us, I decided to persuade you in another way’ he replied, knowing that Xiao was more than able to fight him off, if he got uncomfortable.
After some minutes, during which Aether watched the grumpy boy scrunch his neck trying in vain to protect himself while he kept wiggling his teasy fingers on the sides of his neck, on the tip of his ears, behind the ears and anywhere else he could reach on the area, Xiao’s legs gave out and he started falling on the ground, but the blonde was quick to catch him by his waist, and took advantage of the situation to change spots.
‘Trahahaveheler wahahaihit’ the yaksha tried to protest between his giggles, but without doing anything to actually stop his friend. This detail didn’t go unnoticed, and the traveler simply ignored his protests and went to town all over his tummy and sides, wiggling a finger in his bellybutton or quickly squeezing his hips every once in a while, just to make him squeak. ‘Ahae- EEK!! Ahahaetheher pleheahase EEP!’ the shorter guy tried to sink to the ground to avoid the tickles, but the blonde followed him and even managed to straddle him, getting a better position to get every sweet spot on his torso.
Hearing a please coming from Xiao was quite the event, but Aether knew it wasn’t the time to give up; on the contrary, it was the perfect time to go all out. ‘Please what?’ he asked with a teasy tone and a warm smile on his face (which made things even more flustering), then his hands latched onto the dark-haired guy’s ribs, massaging the bones and gently digging in the grooves with no mercy.
How can someone who looks so sweet be so evil?! the poor yaksha kept thinking, but he soon realized that his friend was even more cruel, specifically when he felt a couple of fingers stroke tentatively under his arms. ‘NOHOHOHO NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE TRAHAHAVELEHEHER’ Xiao went ballistic, and in that moment Aether knew he had succeeded.
He started off slowly, circling his friend’s exposed underarms and teasing his biceps (which were surprisingly sensitive as well), smiling fondly at him struggling and laughing nonstop, then he began getting closer to the center but without reaching it just yet. ‘AHAEHEHEHETHER OHOH MY AHARCHOHOHON’ Xiao was going crazy, he was kicking with his legs in the air and squirming all over, as if it was going to get him out of the traveler’s clutches.
‘COHOHOHOME OHOHON!! LEHEHET MEHEHE G- NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEREHEHE PLEHEHEAHAHASEEE’ While the shorter guy was finishing his sentence, Aether decided it was time to go straight for the kill and started scribbling rapidly in the very center of the yaksha’s underarms. The poor guy reached an even higher level of hysteria: his struggling increased, tears started forming in the corner of his eyes and his laughter got more squeaky and relatively high-pitched. ‘IHIHI’LL TEHEHELL YOHOHOHOU’ he finally gave in ‘IHIHI’LL TEHEHEHEHELL YOHOU!! JUHUHUS STAHAHAHAP’ he exclaimed.
Aether was caught by surprise by these words. Truth be told, he had somewhat forgotten about his mission and his mind was focused only on making his usually grumpy friend smile and have fun. He was convinced that being an adeptus and being so old weren’t good reasons to stop being goofy and having a good laugh. However, a particularly loud screech from said adeptus made him snap out of his trance and he immediately stopped. He decided to keep sitting on the grass to have the conversation, but obviously he left Xiao some time to recover.
‘So...’ the dark-haired guy began immediately after he sat up ‘the truth is, I don’t feel particularly comfortable around new people and I don’t want to ruin your hangout with my mood’. Aether looked at his friend, but not with pity; his eyes were full of admiration because he had managed to open up even though his fear of being a weight for other people. Anyway, it was time to complete the mission.
‘I understand your reason, but you gotta understand that no one sees you as a burden. We care about you and we’ll do out best to make you feel at ease’ the blonde started talking ‘Also, not everyone in our group is an loud extrovert like Itto, I’m sure that you’ll find someone you’re comfortable talking to... like Shinobu, for example. She’s rather calm and considerate, but she’s tough enough to contain her boss, I find her pretty cool’ he tried to suggest.
‘I... I’ll think about it’ Xiao felt reassured by his friend’s words, but he still didn’t want to risk to let everyone down backing out at the last minute. It was better than a firm no, though, and the taller guy considered his mission accomplished.
Aether also noticed the other guy smiling softly... maybe it was because he had experience with tickle fights, probably with his brother and sisters before the tragedy. ‘By the way’ the adeptus’ voice abruptly interrupted his train of thoughts ‘don’t think you managed to make me talk with your cheap tricks, I only pitied you so much that I decided to tell you the truth and make you happy’ the traveler saw a teasy smirk on the shorter guy’s face. Could it be...
‘You’re asking for it now!!’ he exclaimed. There was only one way to find out if he really liked tickling or not, right? He pounced on the adeptus and started squeezing his sides, making him go into a new fit of laughter. What he didn’t expect was his friend’s retaliation, though. ‘Take tha- aaaahhahahaha Xiahahao wahahahait!!’ Xiao took advantage of the blonde’s distraction to scribble on his tummy, making him squirm and giggle. ‘Gotcha’ the dark-haired boy kept tickling the traveler with one hand and raised his other fist in triumph, not expecting him to gather enough strength to raise his arm and wiggle his fingers on his exposed underarm.
In the end, it turmed out to be a really tough fight that no one really won, but the important part is that luckily no one interrupted their playful moment. 
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