#i hate this cusser
midnightfire830 · 4 months
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Human Square Cusser Design
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Pollux: Sirius, why did you invite me in a resto all of a sudden?
Sirius: Remember about the beast from Mid-eartheim?
Pollux: Oh. You mean the one who kicked your face?
Sirius: ...
Sirius: Anyway, I've learned that Spica had helped them to get a job here.
Pollux: ...
Pollux: So we're here to cause trouble?
Sirius: *chuckles* You're here to join me? Good, good. It won't be fun if I'm the only one getting beaten up.
Pollux: ...
Pollux: This is why everyone hates you.
Sirius: Whatever. Just call them so we can order.
Pollux: *frowns* *rings the table bell*
MC: *approaches their table* *and when they see that it's them*
MC: Don't you have classes, you little shits?
Pollux: ...
Sirius: *bursts out laughing*
Pollux: I, uh, we have a recess.
MC: Why? Don't you have a fucking canteen at Contell?
Pollux: We do, but... *sad pouts*
Sirius: Ha... Beast, is that how you treat customers?
MC: You're not a customer unless you order and pay.
The manager: *yells from the counter* MC! Don't start a fight!
MC: *yells back* Yeah, fuck you! Who cares!
The other customers: *laughs*
Pollux: I just want to order... *already sulking*
Sirius: What are you bestsellers?
MC: All.
Sirius and Pollux: All?
The manager: That cusser is a good cook!
The other customer: *sounds of approval*
Alpheratz: Pollux, where the hell did you go during lunch break?
Pollux: Sirius dragged me to a resto in town.
Alpheratz: A resto? Why?
Pollux: Sirius found out that MC was working there.
Pollux: And oh boy! Sirius had spent all of his money so we could try all of the food on the menu!
Alpheratz: ...
Alpheratz: He did that?
Pollux: Yeah! *laughs* But as soon as he's done eating, MC kicked them out.
Alpheratz: *laughs* The heck?
Pollux: Oh! And they gave me the resto's number so we can order here from Contell.
Pollux: They said something like, "I don't want to see your faces here. You're ruining my day."
Alpheratz: *laughs again*
Arcturus: Vega... I'm hungry...
Vega: *has been placing order and cancelling it after every few minutes*
Vega: Can't we just go to the canteen?
Arcturus: But I want to try the food Pollux had eaten from the resto.
Vega: *sigh* Alright. *placed an order again*
MC: *slamming the door open*
Vega and Arcturus: ...
Vega: How did you get here in a matter of seconds?
Arcturus: Looks like they were on their way when you kept on cancelling your order.
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Spiderdemon AU 3
Part 3!!!!
Previously https://www.tumblr.com/ireallylovepupplies101stuff/739916085361508352/spiderdemon-au-2?source=share
Safe to say Bendy's thoughts are going crazy with what he just learned about Cuphead.
His boyfriend, is Red Diamond/Venom, and has been unknowingly trying to kill him, because Cuphead has no idea he's Spiderdemon.
It's certainly a lot for Bendy to take in.
He pushes that aside for the moment though. Cuphead and Venom are both hurt and needs help.
He helps Cuphead onto his bed, starts treating his injuries, and interrogates him to get some answers.
Cuphead: *sighs* I made mistakes. Mugman got dragged down with me because of my choices. We're both stuck with a job neither of us want, but it's either this or we throw away any chance we have at actually getting to live normal lives... Well, as normal as they can be now that I'm stuck with a parasite for a wingman.
Cuphead: I NEVER wanted you to find out like this, when things are still dangerous and could put you at risk. I swear I'll be ready to protect you from all of this.
Bendy: ..... *starts working on Cuphead's arm* I can protect myself just fine.
Venom: Told you.
As Cuphead bickers with Venom, Bendy's trying to keep calm as he processes how Cuphead has been trying to kill him unknowingly. Wondering how he'd react if he found out he's Spiderdemon.
And also wondering how much danger Cuphead would be in if he decided he didn't want to hurt him for the people he's forced to work for.
Though Cuphead's arm is too damaged and he and Venom are way too hurt to try saving Mugman as soon as Cuphead wants. Hell Cuphead practically passes out in Bendy's bed, so Bendy calls Boris for him to come over and finish fixing Cuphead's arm (ignoring Boris yelling at him over how he's cussing crazy for helping his apparently secret supervillain boyfriend instead of dumping him) and goes out as Spiderdemon to save Mugman himself.
He keeps his secret identity though. When Mugman questions why he's saving him, Spiderdemon explains that Red Diamond's romantic partner reached out to him for help, so for the sake of doing the right thing, he's willing to make a truce for the night.
So Spiderdemon saves Blue Spade, Bendy keeps his secret identity, Cuphead recovers, and things end decently that night.
Cuphead of course is angry at Bendy for reaching out to Spiderdemon for help, worried Spiderdemon will use him to get to him, even if Bendy insists he won't. Either way when Red Diamond and Spiderdemon fight again, Red Diamond warns Spiderdemon to stay the cuss away from his pipsqueak.
Ignoring the urge to snap at the pipsqueak jab, Spiderdemon claims he wouldn't hurt someone just to get at his enemies.
Now that he’s in the know about Cuphead and Mugman’s secret identities, and jobs, AND Venom, Bendy would have some questions. He doesn’t pry when Cup and Mug claim they can’t share everything, but at least he learns more about Venom, and does his best to treat him nicely (Even if Venom tried to kill him when he’s out as Spiderdemon.) Bendy even gets Venom tater tots stuffed with bacon from the store when Cuphead mentions Venom’s getting hangry.
Bendy jumps a little when one of Venom's, black goo tentacle things, comes out of Cuphead’s back and grabs the tater tots.
Venom: Keep, him.
Cuphead: *rolls his eyes* He says thanks.
Unfortunately, Bendy and Cuphead's relationship becomes a bit strained. Bendy doesn't like lying to Cuphead's face now that he knows, and he hates fighting him as Spiderdemon.
Cuphead meanwhile is getting agitated that Bendy seems to be distancing himself from him. Thinking it's because Bendy's spooked from what he learned, and to make matters worse, Spiderdemon is being a cussing coward trying to avoid him in fights, and is obviously holding back.
THAT, makes Cuphead MAD.
Now I don't know how things would lead to this situation, but I had an idea that when Spiderdemon is saving people from a big building collapsing, Red Diamond, angry beyond belief from everything, goes after Spiderdemon and starts fighting him in the extremely unstable building. Wanting to cussing defeat him once and for all.
Spiderdemon manages to hold him back long enough for him to save everyone, but at one point Red Diamond gets caught under falling debris and gets stuck as the building completely collapses.
Red Diamond not at all expecting Spiderdemon to charge after him and save him from being crushed to death.
Unfortunately, they're both officially buried alive, Spiderdemon, with Venom's help (though he can't take full form because the space is too small), is holding up what's threatening to crush them, Cuphead still stuck under debris, and none of them can move.
Boris from the safety of his room is watching all of this going on from his computer, through Spiderman's body cam, and is desperately trying to get help for them. But it'll take them time.
While stuck, Red Diamond realizes Spiderdemon is in arm's reach. Killing him would be foolish, but he might as well learn who this cusser is so he can find him easier.
So, he yanks off Spiderdemon's mask.
"... Bendy?"
Bendy, not at all looking surprised that his mask was ripped off, sighs as he does his best to keep them from getting crushed. "Hey Cuphead..."
Venom: Well, this explains a lot.
Safe to say they're kinda, stuck, arguing with each other.
Cuphead: YOU'VE BEEN SPIDERDEMON THIS WHOLE TIME?! You kept this a cussing secret from me after I told you I'm Red Diamond?!
Bendy: Cuphead-
Cuphead: What? Did you not trust me?! Did you think I would have killed you if I found out?! You really think I'd stoop so low to hurt someone I cussing care about?!
Boris, hearing all of this, gets fed up and turns on a speaker in Bendy's suit.
Bendy: Boris stay out of this!
Boris: Oh like hell I'm letting him yell at you while you're trying to keep both of you alive! Listen up Cuphead! Bendy didn't tell you because he didn't want to put you in the position where you had to choose between his or your life! He didn't worry about you killing him! HE WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU DYING FOR HIM! Now stop being a scummy boyfriend to my brother so I can cussing focus and get you two help!!!
This leaves them in a tense silence. Neither of them know what to say. Even Venom is at a loss.
But then the debris starts to shift, and Bendy and Venom both cry out when the weight gets worse. Boris swears through the speaker and tells them more of the remaining parts of the building are starting to fall and begging Bendy to hang on.
Cuphead's eyes widen fearfully as he watches Bendy struggling even with Venom's help. Bendy sees Cuphead's expression, growls, and REFUSES to let them die like this.
Watching in alarm, and horror, Cuphead witnesses Bendy shapeshift more than just giving himself horns, claws, and a tail. Bendy starts growing in size, he gains extra arms, extra eyes, black fur, and BIG rows of sharp teeth. Witnessing as Spiderdemon, turns into a SPIDER, DEMON.
In this new form, Bendy's able to get Cuphead free from the debris crushing him, holds him close, and busts the two of them out from where they were buried.
The first thing Cuphead processes is the overwhelmingly bright lights from being above the surface again, and people screaming in terror at the "monster" that just burst out.
He then hears cops yelling and sees some of them drawing their weapons.
Cuphead quickly yanks Bendy behind some cover, right on time for Bendy to shape shift back to his human form and pass out in Cuphead's arms. Wrapping his jacket around Bendy to keep him hidden with his mask now gone, and his suit in shreds, Venom gets them the hell out of there, and takes Bendy back to his room at Felix's house. Simply knocking on the wall separating Boris' room from Bendy's before leaving without a word.
Venom: ... What are we going to do now?
Cuphead: ... I don't know…
When Bendy wakes up and Boris tells him Cuphead dropped him off and left without a word, he texts Cuphead and asks him if they can talk at his dorm later. (Boris plans on talking to Mugman so Bendy doesn't have to do this twice and gets some decent privacy with Cuphead.)
Cuphead doesn't respond, but he is there waiting at Bendy’s dorm room when Bendy comes back.
So, Bendy starts from the beginning. Explaining how Wilson used the spider to save him from his deathbed, and how he wants to use his powers to help people since he couldn't help Wilson.
Cuphead keeps a poker face expression during the whole explanation. Doing his best to keep his emotions in check.
It sorta helps Bendy stay calm but at the same time is making him nervous.
When Bendy’s done explaining, Cuphead explains that the reason why he and Mugman are hunting spiderdemon is because his boss knows he got his powers from a spider experiment. So now he wants Spiderdemon captured, preferably alive. Cuphead can only imagine for cuss knows what.
Cuphead claims he and Mugman aren't going to hunt Bendy now. He's not hurting someone he cares about and he isn’t handing him over to a monster of a man. He and Mugman can come up with an excuse or something to buy them more time.
Bendy: ... What about, us?
Cuphead: .... I don’t want us to break up, but right now things might be too complicated for things to go back to how they were... How about we just, pause for now?
He understands Cuphead’s reasoning, but that doesn't mean Bendy likes it.
He agrees, Cuphead says they'll all meet up later as a group to figure out a plan, and leaves Bendy’s room. Leaving Bendy alone with his thoughts and feeling like absolute garbage.
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imstilldaydreaming · 1 year
Random question time! Which para cusses the most? When did they start cussing, what influenced the habit? Who cusses the least and why? Has the para who cussed the least heard the para who cussed the most cuss? What’s their reaction? Is there a compromise when it comes to communication between the two?
alright, I think I can do this with varying degrees of depth for my most active paracosms (warriors of halcyon, under the sakura trees and the to.uhou one), so buckle up, because this will be long!
everything is under the cut!
Warriors of Halcyon
The swears the most award goes to... Yuri!
When she started working as an idol, her agency had this rigid set of rules she had to follow all the time (just like what happens irl). and one of the rules is "don't swear". she really respected this rule everywhere but, with the decrease of overall care about everything, she started using cuss words. and now that's pretty much the way she normally talks (when she doesn't have her work facade on, of course).
The swears the least award goes to... Kagura!
I'm feeling like this was kind of expected lmao. anyway, she takes anything language very seriously. so, because of this and, y'know, the whole "having spent your whole life around a very formal atmosphere" thing, she not only doesn't cuss, but she hates it too!
as for communication between these two, I don't think they talk that much anyway, but if they did talk and Yuri was comfortable enough not to appear all happy go lucky, Kagura would probably end up correcting Yuri's speech and she, on the other hand, would tell her to shut the fuck up.
and I think that, if they reached a compromise, it'd most likely be Kagura not being annoying about Yuri's cussing habit.
Another para that doesn't cuss at all is Ririka.
she doesn't really know how to use those words and even has trouble with detecting them mid conversation. she doesn't mind Yuri or any other team member cussing, she's just confused by it. the rest of warriors of halcyon try to explain to her what those words mean and what they convey, in those cases.
Under the Sakura Trees
The swears the most award goes to... Yoshie!
this cast doesn't really have a lot to offer when it comes to regular cussers(?), but Yoshi probably takes the cake.
she didn't swear at all during her high school times (her attitude was like the one Kagura has lmao), but she did become more laid back when she got to college, so she tried cussing among friends. now, she does so regularly and effortlessly! it kinda gives her a sensation of freedom that her past self didn't have!
The swears the least award goes to... Nami!
oh wow, would you look at that, the two extremes are in the same family.
so, Nami doesn't like to cuss, but she doesn't hold a visceral hate towards it like Kagura does. she just doesn't like it, and finds it lowkey annoying. that's it.
Yoshi tries really hard not to cuss in front of Nami (cuz "oh no, I have to be a good role model for my younger sister"), but this isn't to say that it hasn't happened before.
the most likely scenario for this to happen is if something goes wrong (eg. forgetting something on the oven, stubbing your pinkie on a corner of furniture, that kind of stuff). in these cases, cue in Yoshi cussing the shit out of everything. then she realises Nami was, in fact, in the room, abruptly stops and starts apologizing. Nami, of course, doesn't think of the words are a problem (she's probably way more concerned about whatever went wrong lmao)
Land of Spirits (T.ouhou paracosm)
The swears the most award goes to... Marisa!
Easy choice. Marisa swears pretty much CONSTANTLY. I don't really have much of a clue as to why she does or when she started. I guess that's just the way she is.
The swears the least award goes to... Patchouli!
I guess she's a mix between Kagura and Nami on this. She doesn't like it, finds it annoying, but not that annoying. She spends her time reading instead of talking to others anyway, so there's that.
as the game shows, the ordinary magician profoundly annoys our sickly librarian. Patchy finds Marisa's cussing (and her way of talking in general) a nuisance. if there were to be a compromise between these two, maybe it would be Marisa toning down a bit.
and yeah, that's it!! thanks a lot for the ask and for your time reading this! I hope you're having a nice day!
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
I'm feeling a Nevada Ramirez mood (love that damn asshole) but if you aren't feeling writing for him then I give this up to authors choice. But from the current ships numbers perhaps: 3 (because I wanna get fucked up), 9 (because I have to), 10 (because I would like to know your thoughts) and 11 (because I am wildly curious)
("I'm feeling a Nevada Ramirez mood" Translation: "I want a daddy to spit in my fuckgng mouth" Sorry, I don't make the rules about language translation.🤷🏽‍♀️)
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3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope:
You'd always kind of sort of lived in a fairytale. In hindsight, though, you probably had to: It's what probably made being with his stupid ass a bit easier. Kind of like you were living in one of those stories where a monster that terrorized some bucolic tiny town could be brought down to size by a soul of pure heart. Maybe even regain his human form.
If only your story had had a happy ending.
In a way, Nevada felt he was to blame for that; clearly, sticking with you had really only encouraged that type of behavior, or so he thought.
And now look where that ended you: All that gross-ass makeup to make you look like your last moments hadn't been agonizing (the coroner insisted it had been quick, but Nevada called bullshit); those stiff clothes that you never would've worn unless you had to (Nevada never would've put you in them if he had more of a choice); eyes closed, never to see the telltale signs of the one you left behind coming undone (actually, in a sick way, Nevada didn't necessarily mind this; it spared him the humiliation).
There wasn't even necessarily any sign that you had been targeted; the general theory really was that you'd been taken out by a stray bullet. But in some part of him, Nevada couldn't believe that. He didn't want to. It just made so much perfect sense in his mind: You were just minding your own damn business, walking home after a shift ended a little later than expected. You were the very picture of innocent and unsuspecting, all vulnerable and without him. In short: That was the perfect time for some rival gang or some shit to take a shot at you.
And the thought made Nevada's blood boil to the point that it evaporated into the air, further polluting these fucking New York skies with his inner toxicity being exposed. He'd make whoever did this to you choke. But not before roughing them up a lil bit. Maybe cut off some fingers. Some toes . . . Maybe a pound of flesh as payment if there was any time left, who knows.
But first, his men had to find them.
To say that Nevada does not take your passing well would be an understatement. He's somehow more violent. Somehow a lot less tolerant of bullshit (and he already wasn't before). If anyone so much as blinks wrong, they run the risk of having a nearly feral fuck jump at them and attempt to rip their face off.
His men, who already feared and respected him, dare not occupy the same room as him any longer than they have to. They miss you as a person, of course, but they never knew just how much of a hold you had on their boss until that hand was gone.
Sure, he goes through the usual motions seen in others, like sitting in his chair, downing copious amounts of whatever was left in his liquor cabinet. And, of course, there's the stages of grieving: He's eternally stuck oscillating between guilt and anger.
He was supposed to be the one that got killed out here, him! Not you: Sweet, kind, patient, hard-headed, stupid-assed you! He got that, why couldn't God get with the program on that!? He was the dealer, the gang leader putting himself into all kinds of problems with others; you were just some innocent bystander who happened to get caught in his web, decide they liked it there, and inexplicably stuck around.
And now you're dead. He was being selfish, you were being stupid, and now you were dead.
He stares blankly at nothing before humming with a sip of whatever the hell is in his glass now, he doesn't fucking remember. Can't taste it anyway; his sense of taste disappeared, floated away with your spirit the moment he learned of your passing.
The pure-hearted soul that kept the village safe was gone; all that remained was the carnivorous beast, ready to rampage and raze the town to the ground.
9. Which one swears more?:
Just in time for the 20210 Summer Olympics, we have a new category to observe: Fucking Goddamn Cussing Up a Shitstorm! Representing Washington Heights, we have a cussing prodigy, Nevada Ramirez! Also representing Washington Heights by way of duel citizenship between the apartments, we have . . . You!
Okay but in all seriousness, Nevada is definitely the gold medal-winner here. Science indicates that cussing helps to relieve stress and for as collected as Nevada likes to appear in front of others, 5'9" is not a lot of space for stress to go. He's constantly bottling up that shit! What's worse, though, is that the fucker makes it sound elegant.
How does he make "fuck" sound so gentle when it leaves his lips with a cold-eyed glower!? Who the hell knows!
Erstwhile, you're a pretty good runner-up. Even if you were a big cusser before getting with Nevada, you could never catch up with him -- he's just had way too many experiences where he felt the need to pepper the ambience with some cursing. And if you weren't as into it before . . . I'm sorry, boo, but you'll be picking up that nasty habit of his like you were picking up the torch for the Cussing Olympics. Bon chance!
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other:
Noah . . . How did you know I was planning to do a preference on what characters watch with their S/Os? Not that I can confirm or deny that Nevada was in that one but --
Nevada didn't really watch TV a whole lot before you two got together. It was a mix of him not having a lot of time and him not having a lot of care to keep up with anything. Everything is so goddamn serialized, what's even the point?
Really, the only reason he bought subscriptions to streaming services was to keep you entertained for when he had to be out the house or some junk. But there were a few too many times where he'd come home late and find you curled up on the couch.
". . . The hell're you still doing up --"
". . . Did you just --"
"Yes, now sshhh! I'm about to see who this chick picks to go to bed with."
Of course, 'Vada is pissed; people don't shush him, he shushes them! What the fuck could be so interesting that you'd do that!? He takes his glare from you to the screen . . . and about thirty minutes in, he gets it. He'd never say it out loud, but deep down, he knows why you like Love Island. It's stupid, it's trashy, he hates these dumbass twenty-somethings making drama out of nothing, and for fuck's sake will somebody talk to the girl with the dark skin and short hair she's the hottest one there --
Of course, he tries hard not to show his interest, taking seats next to you when you're watching "because he's tired", adding his own commentary "because these pendejos need to know better", etc. And, of course, it doesn't fool you in the slightest. As amused as you are, though, you don't tease him about it; you're afraid that if you do, your stubborn boyfriend would put up a fight in the form of leaving you to watch your silly little show by yourself. And you really don't mind sharing the show with him . . . No, solitary watching is reserved for your cartoons.
Nevada may let things with you slip to a point but the moment he learns you like to watch anything animated, he's on your ass with the ruthless taunting. Which is like the pot calling the kettle black because 'Vada's secret pleasure is even worse: daytime soap operas. Admittedly, there's some sentimentality connected to them (he remembers being at his Abuela's house and seeing her get really into some telenovelas), but the fact of the matter is really more that he's invested in the drama and bullshit going on between all this lunatics who we're supposed to buy as being doctors or CEOs or whatever over-glamorized positions they're supposed to have.
He doesn't actually get to watch them often but . . . hey, that's what he pays certain grunts to do for him.
Okay I had way too much fun writing these so lemme just cut myself off now. Thanks for asking!!!
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moodyoranged · 3 years
aubrey and esme <3
big spoon/little spoon:  usually esme i think but also i think it’s not like an intentional decision she just kind of gravitates to hanging off of aubrey loves to be close <3
favorite non-sexual activity:  they have like a nice little saturday routine i think.  they wake up and they make fancy breakfast and coffee with fun syrups.  then they drive out to the farmer’s market or something and listen to npr in the car together.  then they run whatever other little errands they have to do before getting lunch at their favorite little cafe.  then they go home and lay in their bed and read or nap or whatever feels Right.
who uses all the hot water:  esme.  she doesn’t even realize how hot her showers are she just likes them scalding.  if she felt the water aubrey used she’d be appalled because it’s like just Warm but to esme that’s simply Freezing.
most trivial thing they fight over:  they’re the couple that gets in their feelings if the other watches a show or listens to a podcast that they’ve been enjoying together without the other.  like oh i just thought we were watching this is us together that’s all i didn’t realize YOU were watching this is us and i’m just IN THE ROOM......
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:  aubrey,  but just because esme has a broader taste.  aubrey is more particular about what she watches and esme respects that by letting her make the call because her bar’s a little lower and she loves her wife so she won’t make her sit through married at first sight just because it’s her guilty pleasure.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  esme she probably is the kind of social where she has a rapport with their super already and can just slide it in next time they bump into each other in the hall.
who steals the blankets:  aubrey because i just get the impression that she runs cold and would unintentionally burrow in their blankets hard.  but it’s okay because that’s the exact situation esme ends up spooning here you steal the blankets you have to share body heat it’s just the rules.
who leaves their stuff around:  esme.  aubrey’s organized and knows that everything has it’s place so she just puts it there to have it done and have things looking nice.  and esme really believes in that in theory but it’s so much easier to leave her work tote on the table and her running shoes in the foyer and her sunglasses literally wherever she decides to take them off instead of going to the table to put them back in their case.  so she slips a little but she really tries because she knows aubrey likes it tidy.
who remembers to buy the milk:  aubrey.  esme would happily pick it up but she’s simply not the one remembering it.
who remembers anniversaries:  they both do <3 they both feel like adult journal writers or at least girlies who keep like detailed calendars/planners so they’re probably on top of knowing when big benchmarks happened and keeping them in mind for when the anniversaries roll around.
who cooks normally?:  aubrey.  esme loves to help when she can,  and offers to take over on weekends,  but esme’s work schedule usually has her missing prime dinner time,  rolling in just a little too late.  but aubrey’s also the better cook who loves it more so esme simply isn’t too distraught about it.
how often do they fight?:  not often.  i think they both hate fighting and we have some criers on our hands so it’s always a whole thing when they do fight that ends with them apologizing profusely and a big dramatic making up.  so i think they try and squash as many fights as they can before they really turn into fights just to avoid that.
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:  esme tried to get aubrey into snapchat with her but it just never stuck they’re better off doing something more straightforward like texting or just straight up calling
nicknames for each other?:  i think esme adores calling aubrey sweet little pet names.  she doesn’t really expect reciprocation because she does get extra with lots of little darling angel my love type things but i think she does live for the times here and there where aubrey will call her some little nickname.
what would they get each other for gifts?:  ohh sappy things.  i think they love going the thoughtful and handmade route (even if it isn’t always their hands making it).  jewelry,  candles,  little candies.  i feel like they’re kind of esty fiends for this kind of thing,  just keeping an eye for fun little personalized,  one-of-a-kind gifts because they just feel sweeter that way.  books are also always on the table,  and esme also loves to find fun little kitchen gadgets for aubrey.
who kissed who first?:  esme :relieved:
who made the first move?:  once again probably esme.  i think she’s just a lot more forward than esme not in an aggressive way but she just has the confidence to be like hey you’re cute and i’d like to get coffee <3
who remembers things?:  aubrey.  i just think she’s more detail oriented than esme,  and keeps track of more of the little things that happen in their lives.
who cusses more?:  esme.  she’s cut back in the few years before she met aubrey,  but she does let it slip every now and again,  and i just can’t see aubrey being a huge cusser at all.
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ultxmate-hxpe · 4 years
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Just a quick disclaimer! This is all based on my own headcanons and probably 0% canon!  FULL NAME: Kokichi Oma NICKNAME(S): Ko, Oma
AGE: Somewhere between 15 and 17 during the events of v3 MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: ENTP. BIRTH DATE: June 21 ETHNICITY: Japanese PLACE OF BIRTH: Tokyo Japan GENDER IDENTITY: Male.  PREFERRED PRONOUN(S): He/Him. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual. RELIGION: He doesn’t really think about religion much. OCCUPATION: The Ultimate clown gang leader. Don’t tell him I said that FACE CLAIM: Himself.
PARENTS: He has a mom and dad. Who were very cruel to him, and did not want him around, eventually they drank themselves to death, leaving him to the mercy of the streets at 8 years old SIBLINGS: Akane Owari he looks up to as a big sister/mom figure as she took care of him on the streets despite being more than ten years his senior. SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Canonically none, (I’m partial to K1-bo, Miu, Rantaro and Shuichi though) CHILDREN: None LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: He’s had a little “alone time” but nothing else  STORY OF FIRST KISS: Not got one yet A SOCIAL PERSON? I mean if you count being a little shit to the others in the killing school semester social yeah  HOW DO THEY THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE THEM? He knows that everyone hates him, HOW DO OTHERS ACTUALLY PERCEIVE THEM? They hate him
Physical Traits
EYE COLOR(S): Dull violet. HAIR COLOR(S): Black. HEIGHT: 5′1  WEIGHT: 97 lbs  BODY BUILD: Very lithe, partially malnourished. You can see his bones if he bends certain ways GLASSES? CONTACTS? No.  STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFITS: He likes to wear baggy clothes and scarfs, often only in black or white, with purple accents JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS? Canonically, no. After the games, he gets his ear pierced ATHLETIC? He can be, he’s very fast being so smal HOW DO THEY WALK: like a little shit. Most of the time his hands are behind his head, or theyre in his pockets HOW DO THEY SMELL LIKE: Too much axe mostly WHAT’S THEIR POSTURE LIKE? Relaxed
Phobias and Diseases
PHOBIA(S): Dying  MENTAL DISEASE(S): Ptsd, compulsive lying  PHYSICAL DISEASE(S): No diseases, just some scars and undernurishment WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED? not until after the games
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Highschool  LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM: Depends on the day. GIFTS/TALENTS:  Lying, lock picking, flexibility, other skills befitting a petty thief SHORTCOMINGS: He has a hard time forming a legitimate connection with others due to his compulsive lying, and often doesn’t know how to form an actual bond STYLE OF SPEECH: Relaxed like the rest of his outward appearance . “LEFT BRAIN” OR “RIGHT BRAIN” THINKER: A little bit of both, though he does seem to think more analytically . ARTISTIC?: Not particularly traditionally. He has a very childish way about how he draws, evidenced by his crayon blueprints and the self portrait he drew in his room in chapter six  . MATHEMATICAL? He can be. MAKES DECISIONS BASED MOSTLY ON EMOTIONS, OR ON LOGIC? Logic based on his emotions, mostly  MOST SENSITIVE ABOUT/VULNERABLE TO: Abandonment OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST? pessimist  EXTROVERT OR INTROVERT? Extrovert
NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD? Night owl LIGHT OR HEAVY SLEEPER? Heavy sleeper. FAVORITE FOOD: Soda LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: pigs feet. COFFEE OR TEA? Depends on the time of day. CRUNCHY OR SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER? Smooth LEFTY OR RIGHTY? Lefty. FAVORITE COLOR? Violet. CUSSER? Sometimes. SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER? After the events of the game he picks up smoking. PETS? No tagged by: @roborights​ :D tagging: whoever wants to do this -w-
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pcymerrick · 4 years
(   peyton merrick   )   /   *   intro   .
hey y’all !! i’m BREEZY, i’m NINETEEN, and i live in the CST. my bby PEYTON is a special diamond so rather than leave you guys in the dust about them, i wanted to make a lil’ intro !! if you guys want to PLOT, IM me or add me on DISCORD junaeifyoumay#0750. 
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{ zion kuwonu, demimale, twenty, he/they } — you know who i love ? PEYTON MERRICK , you know the SINGER/SONGWRITER they’re literally all over snapchat with their little family ! you know them from THE X FACTOR, they’ve really made something of themselves around hollywood. didn’t you see on the news earlier, they have a baby, how CUTE is that ?! 
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FULL NAME: peyton ‘zion’ merrick NICKNAME(S): pey, chubby bear (mostly used by their mom) AGE: twenty MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: blah blah. BIRTH DATE: august 28th ETHNICITY: black and white PLACE OF BIRTH: ottawa, canada GENDER IDENTITY: demimale PREFERRED PRONOUN(S): he/they SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual OCCUPATION: singer/songwriter FACE CLAIM: zion kuwonu
grew up in ottawa, canada and they’ve only lived there, los angeles, and malibu.
elementary school and middle school was normal, but high school was a little more difficult, especially when peyton joined the hockey team.
peyton was born intersexual (so that's it's not confused with being transgender — someone's gender identity who doesn't match with their gender at birth — intersexuality is when they're born with sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of 'male' or 'female') and peyton's family treated them normal, they didn't see peyton as any different. so when it came to getting changed in the locker rooms, the first time was awkward because peyton noticed internally … they weren't the same as their male teammates. 
(tw) junior year is when one day some fuck turd noticed peyton when changing in the locker room, the boys harassed peyton and then it got spread around school. at first, people couldn't believe it and they were just going by word, so they did consider him 'freakish'. but they would still be like “oh that’s peyton, he’s cool and all but he’s some kind of freak.
by senior year, peyton didn't give a fuck about them, besides they were becoming young adults and that shit was getting old. now it was just dealing with fuckboys and jocks that thought they could get over with peyton, but peyton was a bitch and they thought the attitude lu gave them wasn't worth it.
with all this 'its a girl thing' and all this 'its a guy thing', peyton did some self-exploring and realized they didn't want to be stuck to shit like that, especially with their anatomy, peyton lu identified — and still does — as demimale.
(tw) peyton hated partying, but they believed the stereotypical thing where 17 & 18 year olds were supposed to be drinking and trying different drugs their senior year. listening to idiotic 'friends' peyton went to a few to find out they really really didn't like partying. when it comes to that, peyton regrets losing their v-card again, because they believed that's when and how it was supposed to happen.
in college, peyton had it a little bit more easily, people kind of minded their business and it was a lot more independence. they weren’t really looking for love so when they ran into the then love of their life, it was accidental. things were a bliss when peyton was with him, the guy was more than accepting of peyton, constantly embracing them and encouraging them to embrace themselves. 
sophmore year, at 19, peyton gets pregnant, peyton’s freaking out and although abortion wasn’t an option in their mind, they still couldn’t figure out how the fuck they were gonna manage or what they were going to do. peyton was starting to get a little popularity due to posting covers on youtube, then things were starting to get rocky with him and they had an audition, how was a baby going to fit into all of this?
so a few weeks later, peyton makes the announcement, he walks out on peyton, peyton’s family is like more than overjoyed (especially his mom and sister) and offer their help. in the last months of their pregnancy, they did have to take the offers of help and the first two months of bringing baby girl, alayla nova merrick home. but four months after giving birth, peyton has everything else around them together and in order and less of the familial help is needed, but the father is still a ghost, and peyton’s trying to get a grasp on this new change of life.
PARENTS: tiffany merrick, apollo merrick SIBLINGS: younger brother, older sister SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): none CHILDREN: alayla nova merrick
HEIGHT: 5′5 WEIGHT: scales are not our bestfriend STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFITS: ripped skinny jeans, old tees, old hoodies, oversized everything JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS? incomplete sleeve. nose. ears. ATHLETIC? lol, wut WHAT’S THEIR POSTURE LIKE? slouches, hey, we get 3 hours of sleep okay
NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD? night owl LIGHT OR HEAVY SLEEPER? light FAVORITE FOOD: lmao what is eating (mac and cheese) LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: brussel sprouts COFFEE OR TEA? coffee LEFTY OR RIGHTY? lefty FAVORITE COLOR? blah blah. CUSSER? most of the time — no.  SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER? gave that up after the baby PETS? one dog, simba
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sdohertys · 4 years
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NAME: Scarlett Marina Kaufman Doherty
NICKNAME: Some people call her Scar, much to her irritation. It’s not even a cute nickname.
BIRTHDAY: January 16
AGE: 34.
GENDER: Cis Female.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Petaluma, California.
PLACES LIVED SINCE: Oakland, CA; Walnut Creek, CA
ETHNICITY: Ashkenazi Jewish.
PARENTS’ NAMES: Adina and Vadim Kaufman.
body image mention, abandonment, death (cancer)
RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY: Strained. One-sided. Basically non-existent. When Scarlett hit her teen years, she’d come to the conclusion that her mother wanted a child, but she didn’t want to be a mother to that child. Their conversations consisted mainly of Scarlett’s appearance and body image, pushing her to be the most prim and proper of ladies. Her mother never called her beautiful. Vadim, on the other hand, was never around to have a real conversation with his daughter, having gone out to meet with his mistress of the year. Might as well not even have a father. She’s cut herself off from her family to the point where she legally changed her last name so she could pretend she was not related to them. After getting many phone calls from her mom when she first moved away, Scarlett changed her phone number and blocked her mom from every social media platform.
CHILDHOOD TRAUMA: When Adina found out about her husband’s many affairs, she blamed Scarlett’s birth, having said that if she never gave birth to Scarlett perhaps her figure could still be desirable enough for her husband. She then proceeded to send ten year old Scarlett away to live with a Filipino couple in their mid-50s in Oakland, who raised her until she turned 17. Scarlett continued to feel unwanted by her own mother.
HEIGHT: 5′4″
WEIGHT: 120 lbs.
BUILD: Slim and petite.
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown.
USUAL HAIR STYLE: She styles it differently every other day, but when she’s concentrating, she pulls it back in a high ponytail. When it’s down, the length is just two inches below her shoulder blades.
EYE COLOR: Her right eye is green-blue and her left eye is a hazel color.
STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFIT(S): Scarlett dresses in very trendy, designer clothing. A casual coffee outfit would be a cream colored blouse with dark wash skinny jeans and a pair of brown booties, with her hair in a messy bun and gold hoop earrings.
JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS?: She got her belly button pierced in high school, and she also has her ears typically pierced.
SCARS: She has a scar toward the back of her neck, right below her ear from trying to cut her own hair when she was nine years old. Her mother was less than pleased, to say the least.
UNIQUE MANNERISMS/PHYSICAL HABITS: She’ll lick her lips almost every time she takes a sip of coffee. When she’s drinking wine, she likes to tap her index finger just below the rim.
ATHLETICISM: She’s not into fitness, like at all. She loves to eat and she loves to drink. Her main source of exercise is walking for miles in her heels and running around stores.
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High school diploma.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Fluent in both English and Russian, but English is her first language. She also can have conversational French. Conversational Tagalog also.
LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM: It had taken a while for Scarlett to be comfortable in her own skin, just because her entire life she was told by her mother that she was never good enough, never pretty enough, or smart enough. As she continued to build her business, slept around with as many people as she desired, her confidence grew. People tell her she’s beautiful, and she never disagrees.
GIFTS/TALENTS: Public speaking, flattering, styling and outfitting someone. Pretending her parents don’t exist.
MATHEMATICAL?: NOPE. The only time she’s mathematical is when she’s figuring out how much she’ll save on a sale.
MAKES DECISIONS BASED MOSTLY ON EMOTIONS, OR ON LOGIC?: Both, I wanna say. Scarlett can be impulsive and controlling at times, but that’s driven by anger, irritation and lust. She usually cuts off most emotions when it comes to people.
LIFE PHILOSOPHY: When you don’t have your shit together, you have to dress like you do.
RELIGIOUS STANCE: She was raised Jewish but she’s not particularly religious.
MOST SENSITIVE ABOUT/VULNERABLE TO: Her childhood. Having moved across the country where hardly anyone knew her at the age of eighteen, it was a chance to have a fresh start.
PAST RELATIONSHIPS: ( cancer tw, death tw)Scarlett has only ever had one serious relationship when she was 25. He was the definition of the perfect boyfriend, everything she thought she should want but nothing seemed right. Two years into their relationship, he proposed and impulsively she accepted believing she was in love with him. Just days later she regretted her decision. Thinking she would catch wedding fever, she stuck to the engagement and continued to plan out the wedding but emotionally became distant from her fiance. A year into their engagement they were married, and just six months after they finally wed, she decided she was going to divorce him. She met with an attorney and was near ready to serve the papers when he told her he was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He fought for 7 months. She’s harbored a substantial amount of guilt knowing that as he was dying, she wanted to leave him.
Nothing else is worth mentioning. She usually keeps her relationships casual, hardly sleeps with anyone more than twice, and even that’s pushing it.
PRIMARY REASON FOR BEING BROKEN UP WITH: Emotionally distant, doesn’t want another serious relationship.
PRIMARY REASONS FOR BREAKING UP WITH PEOPLE: Doesn’t want a serious relationship.
EVER CHEATED?: No, not at all. She would never do that to someone because she saw the damage her father did from his multiple affairs.
BEEN CHEATED ON: No. Other than her three year relationship, she hasn’t been in a relationship serious enough for it to get to that point.
LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: She doesn’t date, but she frequently has one night stands.
STORY OF FIRST KISS: Her first kiss was with her best friend in 8th grade during a sleepover when she suggested that they should kiss since Scarlett said she was bored.
STORY OF LOSS OF VIRGINITY: It’s nothing exciting. In fact, it’s quite cliche which she hates. She lost her virginity the night of Junior Prom with a guy she had AP Bio with.
A SOCIAL PERSON?: Superficially, yes, but he’s very particular with who he deems as a close friend.
MOST COMFORTABLE AROUND: A bottle of red wine.
HOW DOES HE THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE HER?: Charismatic, witty, beautiful.
HOW DO OTHERS ACTUALLY PERCEIVE HER?: Brutal, pretentious, beautiful
LIFE GOALS: Still up in the air.
DREAMS: To be a stylist on a Hollywood-type of level.
GREATEST FEARS: Not living an exciting life/growing complacent.
MOST ASHAMED OF: Her parents.
CRIMES COMMITTED (WAS HE CAUGHT? CHARGED?): Underage drinking, but I mean, lmao. She also stole a pair of shoes from a department store when she was 14, but was never caught.
FAVORITE FOOD: Sinigang and rice. Half of her childhood consisted of her learning how to make Filipino dishes because of who she lived with.
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Highkey salad. Highkey, anything vegan.
FAVORITE BOOK: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK: Doesn’t care enough to have a least favorite book.
FAVORITE MOVIE: She’ll say Roman Holiday but it’s really Terms of Endearment.
FAVORITE SONG: Linger by The Cranberries but anything by Barry White. She loves Motown.
FAVORITE SPORT: She loves basketball and is biased toward the Golden State Warriors.
COFFEE OR TEA?: Wine. But coffee, yeah.
TYPE OF CAR HE DRIVES: Silver Rolls Royce.
LEFTY OR RIGHTY?: Right-handed.
CUSSER?: All the time.
SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER?: She used to smoke, but quit after she ended her engagement. But yes, drinker. Loves to drink. It’s her favorite hobby.
BIGGEST REGRET: Letting her marriage go on for too long.
PETS: None.
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zaharrine-blog · 5 years
really ridiculously detailed character stats.
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FULL NAME: Zacharie, originally Zachariah Lévesque, but he abandoned that name many years ago. NICKNAME(S): Zach, if he knows you well enough; That Motherfucker AGE: Late twenties, exact age unknown. MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: ESTP-A BIRTH DATE: Unknown, Cancer season. ETHNICITY: French Peruvian. PLACE OF BIRTH: The French countryside, before the world ended. GENDER IDENTITY: Nonbinary male ( dmab ), but doesn’t really put a label on it. PREFERRED PRONOUN(S): He / they. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual. RELIGION: N/A. OCCUPATION: The traditional items merchant needed in every video game. FACE CLAIM: Canon.
PARENTS: Both are deceased. He doesn’t talk about them. SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Verse dependent. CHILDREN: None. LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: Definitely not a virgin. STORY OF FIRST KISS: secret :^)  A SOCIAL PERSON? Sort of. HOW DO THEY THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE THEM? Nothing more than a merchant; he may appear as extroverted, but he doesn’t reveal much about himself and treats everything like a business, so he doesn’t believe anyone has any reason to think anything else about him. HOW DO OTHERS ACTUALLY PERCEIVE THEM? Mysterious, a little intimidating at times. Many want to know more about him but whenever they ask they tend to be met with silence or a swift change of subject.
EYE COLOR(S): Dark brown, almost black. HAIR COLOR(S): Black. HEIGHT: 5′10″ WEIGHT: 197-ish lbs. BODY BUILD: Broad-chested and broad-shouldered and pudgy around the belly / waist. GLASSES? CONTACTS? Neither. STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFITS: Casual. He alternates between a white T-shirt with a red heart symbol on the front, and a white turtleneck sweater with the same symbol. He either wears black jeans, or black baseball-esque pants with dark socks pulled up to his knees. Dark brown boots at all times. Never seen without his toad mask on, and occasionally his cat mask. JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS? None. ATHLETIC? Not really. HOW DO THEY WALK: Casual, hands often in his pockets. He’s got a confident walk, but not too showy. HOW DO THEY SMELL LIKE: The smell of sugar and ash clings to him constantly, much to his disdain. He does what he can to mask the scent, usually with whatever flower-scented perfumes he might be able to dig up. WHAT’S THEIR POSTURE LIKE? Not the best, but he doesn’t really slouch too much - but he often isn’t standing or walking at his full height.
PHOBIA(S): lol MENTAL ILLNESS(ES): Schizoaffective with that sweet, sweet PTSD. PHYSICAL ILLNESS(ES): Unknown illness that often leaves him fatigued, bleeding a black oil-like substance from his nose or coughing and throwing it up frequently. Possibly brought on by constant exposure to smoke and sugar. WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED? all undiagnosed babey!!!!!!!!!!
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: He was never able to go to school, so he mainly just taught himself. He’s extremely intelligent and clever, so lack of proper education was never a problem for him and he had no trouble doing his own studying. LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM: It fluctuates; he has more self esteem when it comes to specific parts of himself ( like his ability as a merchant, his charisma, his ability to persuade almost anyone ), but he struggles with self esteem regarding his appearance -- his mask isn’t just to hide his face and everything he dislikes about it, of course, but that’s part of it, and his usually baggy clothes aren’t just worn because they’re cozy. GIFTS/TALENTS: Charismatic, persuasive, and damn good with a sword. Not to mention the fact he can literally grow a giant pair of wings whenever he wants to. SHORTCOMINGS: Greedy and often, unintentionally, insensitive. Doesn’t like going to others for help and would prefer to solve his own problems by himself, and doesn’t like talking about them in the first place.
STYLE OF SPEECH: A mix of both eloquent and casual. Sometimes he emphasizes on sounding too formal for laughs. “LEFT BRAIN” OR “RIGHT BRAIN” THINKER: Right. ARTISTIC? When he has the chance. MATHEMATICAL? Yes. MAKES DECISIONS BASED MOSTLY ON EMOTIONS, OR ON LOGIC? Depends on the situation. MOST SENSITIVE ABOUT/VULNERABLE TO: His face, to the point where if you try to remove his mask and he isn’t comfortable with you like that he might physically lash out. Hates being confronted with the fact he bottles up his emotions instead of dealing with them in a healthy, productive way. OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST? He might seem optimistic, but he’s more than often a pessimist. EXTROVERT OR INTROVERT? Extrovert, with some introvert qualities.
NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD?: Goes to bed late, wakes up early. LIGHT OR HEAVY SLEEPER?: Heavy, when he can actually fall asleep. FAVORITE FOOD: He doesn’t have one, there isn’t much variety in the zones anymore when it comes to food. LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Again, he can’t be picky when the zones lack much variety in food. COFFEE OR TEA?: Coffee. CRUNCHY OR SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER?: Smooth. LEFTY OR RIGHTY?: Ambidextrous. FAVORITE COLOR?: Red and yellow. CUSSER?: Yes, but not heavy. SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER?: Doesn’t smoke cigarettes, sometimes drinks, regularly smokes weed. PETS?: None, and he doesn’t view the Judge as his pet either, just a very good friend.
TAGGED BY: stole it... from someone i tagged... on another blog :y TAGGING: all of you. do it
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serbarris · 5 years
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Faralen Sabrae, Ambassador
Nickname: Rae
Reason for name: Faralen means “hunting star” she has loads of tiny freckles so they’re like stars
Birthday: 8th Bloomingtide
Race: Dalish Elf
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Place of birth: near Gwaren
Places lived since: Brecilian forest, Sundermount, Amaranthine, Emerald Graves
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Faralen’s father, Eladd was the healer under Keeper Mahariel and Marethari, but unfortunately passed in 9:27 Dragon. Her mother, Varliss, is an apothecary for the Sabrae clan.
Number of siblings: Eilan is her adopted brother, they consider Tamlen an honourary member of their family
Relationship with family : Very good relationship with her father
Happiest memory: Faralen used to hurt herself a lot as a child and her dad was Second under keeper Mahariel, he used to always heal her using his magic, telling her to be more careful next time, to which she always replied “i dont have to be careful you’ll always be here to heal me” and he would make it snow a little bit in the room and she loved it so much
Childhood trauma: The death of her father when she was 15 was very traumatic, but also when she was around 18 Tamlen and Eilan went to the ancient ruins and found the tainted Eluvian, she knew of her friend’s excursion and she went to find them.
Children of her own?: Yes 4
If so, relationship with their father?:  Faralen and Vaimah started on a very tense relationship, they were both very solitary. They knew of each other through mutual friend Eilan Mahariel, though after he and Tamlen died in the ancient ruins, Vaimah and Faralen looked out for each other. They slowly but surely relied on each other more than they could realise, grew very close, and fell in love (even if Faralen didn’t realise at the time). They have a very good relationship now, and Vaimah is a constant reminder for Faralen to voice her feelings and they tend to balance each other out nicely.
Age she became a mother: 31 when Caeren was born, 34 when Amoran was born and 38 when the twins; Linneth and Oronth were born
Positive Personality Traits: She loves her Clan dearly, protective, loyal, honest, selfless
Negative Personality Traits:  Very reckless, short-sighted, ruthless, short-tempered
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Interests: Berries, dalish history,
Mood Character is Most in: wistful
How does your character deal with being afraid?: not very well tbh, she mostly lashes out
Any reoccurring nightmares?: Mainly nightmares thinking about what happened to Tamlen and Eilan, later on, dreams about what happened to Vaimah while he was missing  
When are they most in their element?: in the middle of a fight
What do they have a soft spot for?: Literally Vaimah, also children
What events have had the most impact on her life?: Tamlen and Eilan dying and the Blight which prompted her obsession with becoming a good warrior/hunter, leading to her becoming Warleader of the clan.
Enraged When?: 90% of the time
Greatest Strength?: Pride
Greatest Weakness?:  Her pride
Biggest regret: she didnt outright stop Tamlen an Eilan from going to the Ruins, as well as not realising the depth of her feelings for Vaimah, and voicing them before the Conclave and his memory loss.
Height: 5′2
Weight: idk
Build: lean
Nationality: Ferelden
Disabilities: none
Complexion : olive, freckly af
Face shape: heart
Distinguishing facial features: freckles, and scars around her temple and on her nose and lips are very prominent
Hair colour: Auburn
Usual hair style:  cut short, side part,
Eye colour: Green
Glasses? Contacts?: nope
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): casual easy to move around in clothes, she doesnt like to be restricted in her movements, she wears tough leathers when in battle
Typical style of shoes: lightweight resilient boots
Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?):  healthy
Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): Faralen does prefer to be clean, but when living in nature you can be lucky to find a very clean stream, she does wear eye makeup as it makes her eyes stand out more
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: .Andruil’s Vallaslin (variation)
Accent?: tiny welsh valley lady
Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): she definitely has resting bitch face, also talks with her hands a lot
Athletic?:  very
Level of education: relatively poor, she is illiterate
Level of self esteem: Quite high after becoming the de facto leader of the clan, it definitely allowed her to get more confidence
Gifts/talents: skinning an animal in like 12 seconds
Shortcomings: She makes some very questionable moral decisions
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.):  clear and blunt
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?:  right
Artistic?:  if stick figures count
Mathematical?:  Nope
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emotions but she thinks its logic
Religious stance: Believes in the Dalish Pantheon
Cautious or daring?: Daring
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Vulnerable to attacks on her culture, and no matter how pissed she was at Vaimah while he had amnesia she would often threaten any attacks on his abilities due to his health
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist
Extrovert or introvert?:  Introvert
Current marital/relationship status:  Officially bonded with Vaimah in 9:43 Dragon
Sexual orientation: Bi
Past relationships: none before Vaimah
Primary reason for relationship ending: n/a
Level of sexual experience: n/a
Story of first kiss: Vaimah’s memories had slowly started to return after going into the Fade and being reunited with Faralen. After her very angry confession during an argument the air had cleared between them. They then started to get back into their old flow and they were in the Herald’s Rest one night and they get tipsy and say fuck it.
Story of loss of virginity: Her and Vaimah wait a while, they go at it before the final attack on Corypheus in case the worst was to happen, but Faralen was so nervous and Vaimah had to reassure her it was just him there was nothing to worry about
A social person? : can be when in the mood
Most comfortable around (person): Vaimah
Oldest friend:  Tamlen and Eilan, until they y’know died
Profession: Dalish Ambassador to the Inquisition, Leader of the Sabrae Clan
Past occupations: Leader of Sabrae clan forces, hunter
Passions:  cleaning and sharpening her weapons get the glow on
Attitude towards current job:  helping to save the world with the man you love who barely remembers you is a bit stressful
Phobias: moths
Life Goals: Don’t die
Dreams:  To just live a simple life, settle down, get out of the action.
Greatest fears: Putting the clan in danger, she really fears that they (still) don’t accept her as a slightly unconventional leader due to her not being a mage
Most ashamed of:  The fact she loves those tiny little Orlaisian finger food things that Vaimah hates
Compulsions:  double triple quadrupole checking everything and anything
Obsessions:  berries also vol-au-vents
Secret Hobbies: making daisy chains and little crafts from twigs and leaves etc
Secret skills:  being able to skin most animals in around 30 seconds
Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): not yet
Light or heavy sleeper?: very heavy
Lefty or righty?: neither, she is illiterate and learned to use weapons with both hands so she has no preference
Favorite colour: Green
Cusser?: Yep
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: not for the most part, socially drinks
Faralen full biography | Vaimah’s Character Profile
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emilia-lefebvre · 4 years
Character Development
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Character Development Questions
Name: Emilia Hope Lefebvre
Nickname: mostly Emmie
Birthday: April15th
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Launceston, MA, United States
Current Residence: Westminster, London, United Kingdom.
Nationality: American
Version: II Former: I Updated: 11/27/2019
Grandparents: Adopted Grandparents -- Leonardo and Elanor Lefebvre, Biological grandparents -- unknown
Aunts/Uncles: NA
Parents: Cassandra and Martin Lefebvre
Siblings: An older brother names, Varden Levebvre and a younger sister named Océane Lefebvre
Relationship With Family: Emilia is so incredibly close to every single member of her family. She considers family one of the most important things in the entire world, and is so grateful that instead of falling into the hands of the Russians, she was adopted by a very happy family and raised alongside two amazing siblings.
Happiest Memory: All her happiest memories were before she found out that she was a product of prostitution and possibly rape. When she was simply just an innocent little soul who had not a care in the world. She used to smile so genuinely then.
Childhood Trauma: Her biggest trauma was learning the identity of her biological mother and what she went through. The Lefebvre’s wanted her to know where she came from and were as honest with her as they could be when she was old enough to understand.
Adult Trauma: Every single woman in need that got away from her. Especially in the early days of her shelter. There were women she would approach who would disappear after they spoke to her and it left her with a hole in her stomach.
Occupation: Owner and operator of Inga Nowak’s Shelter for Women and Children
Affiliation(s): Strongly French
Loyalty Level: Complete.
Mob History: Starting fights with Russians
Notoriety: Quite a bit among the French and a little among the other families. Given she is the adopted daughter of a French Commandant, people remember her and know her name. She considers each person another member of her family.
Deviance(s)?: None.
Possible Ulterior Affiliation(s): None.
Rivals or Enemies?: Russians. Every. Single. One.
Strengths: empathy, understanding, openness, confidence, kindness
Weaknesses: anger, hate, self sabotage
Weapon of Choice: Her hands
Money or Murder: Money...but sometimes there could be an argument made for murder in the right circumstance.
Height: 5’ 6”.
Weight: 57 kg (126 lb)
Build: Slender
Hair Color: It changes with her moods but right now she’s got dirty blonde hair.
Usual Hair Style: Soft curls around her face. She likes to wear her hair in a single braid at times and other times let’s it float around her naturally. She often runs her hands through her hair when she’s thinking about something.
Eye Color: Hazel, almost green.
Glasses? Contacts?: Contacts.
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): She dresses professionally in her day to day life. Pant suits and suits in general. In her personal life she likes summer dresses and comfy jeans with big sweaters over her body.
Typical Style of Shoes: Her shoe style ranges from boho chic, to bobs, to louboutins. She’s got quite the selection
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Two ear piercings on her earlobe
Scars: scar on stomach from appendix, scar on her collarbone from skidding on her bike when she was younger,
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: Scrunching her nose when she gives a genuine smile, winking, pushing her hair out of her face, raising an eyebrow, narrowing her eyes when she’s concentrating.
Athleticism: She’s got self defense training thanks to her older brother, she’s rather adequate when it comes to yoga, and she likes working out but she doesn’t do it all the time. When she gets the chance she’ll run by the gym but that’s about it.
Health Problems/Illnesses: Depression, Anxiety, Anger Management Issues
Level of Education: Bachelor Degree in Social Services
Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish
Level of Self-Esteem: Somewhere in the middle. She knows she’s pretty but she doesn’t like to flaunt it all that much. She knows she’s a good person but she won’t toot her own horn about it.
Gifts/Talents: Empathy, social apptitude, plays guitar/piano and likes to sing.
Mathematical?: At times.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: She’s a very emotionally driven person, she tries her best to be logical, especially when it comes to keeping everyone safe. Her emotions do get the best of her sometimes in her personal life.
Life Philosophy: Do unto others... Pay it forward
Religious Stance: She questions religion. She grew up in a christian family, so she’s got a basis in that.
Cautious or Daring?: She wants to be cautious but sometimes it’s daring.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: the shelter, prostitution, sex trafficking, her mother dying, being adopted, not having any real family,
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist
Extrovert or Introvert?: Used to be an introvert, but is now an Extrovert
Current Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Past Relationships:
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Being too sensitive.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: Not understanding her work.
Ever Cheated?: No.
Been Cheated On: Yes.
Level of Sexual Experience: Normal or kind of minimal. She needs to get laid more that’s for sure.
Story of Loss of Virginity: First year in college, to a boy who dated her for all of 5 minutes. It wasn’t the best situation.
A Social Person?: Very Social
Most Comfortable Around: Her parents, her brother and sister, french loyalists, friends,
Oldest Friend: Rosalie LeComte, Eugene Moreau
Life Goals: To rid London of sex trafficking and prostitution
Dreams: ‘‘
Greatest Fears: failure, someone she loves getting hurt, her shelter being broken into,
Most Ashamed Of: ?
Secret Hobbies: Cooking, wine tasting, yoga
Emotional State: Every day is a new day
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Early Bird.
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Light sleeper
Favorite Animal: Elephants
Favorite Food: Italian food, and mexican food. Which she doesn’t get much of in London
Least Favorite Food: Anything with peppermint in it.
Favorite Book: Gone with the wind
Least Favorite Book: ?
Favorite Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Least Favorite Movie: Hereditary
Favorite Song: Gone Gone Gone, Phillip Phillips
Favorite Sport: Hockey
Coffee or Tea?: Tea.
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Smooth.
Type of Car He Drives: white Range Rover
Lefty or Righty?: Right-handed.
Favorite Color:  Magenta or purple
Cusser?:At times. Mostly to herself,
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: She’ll drink sometimes, she’s done drugs but she’s not super fond of them. She likes mushrooms, though.
Biggest Regret: ?
Pets: ?
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piiruetto-blog · 5 years
Character development outline            
Origins and Family
Name: Hanamaru Rhee Nickname: Maru, Maru-chan, Marucchi, Bunny, Hana Reason for name: Hanamaru means flower circle, and Hanamaru loves flowers/nature, so I thought it was a perfect fit. Birthday: 13th October Age: 16 Gender: Female Place of birth: Busan, South Korea Places lived since: Tokyo, Japan.
Parents’ names, backgrounds, and occupations
Parents: Tae-min { father } and Minako { mother } Number of siblings: 1, Hokuto Rhee Relationship with family: Very well, she loves her family to death. She wouldn’t be as strong without them. Happiest memory: Receiving her pointe shoes when she was 8. She had been asking for them for such a long time, that when she finally got them, she cried.  Childhood trauma: Her grandmother Ha-rin passed away when she was 11. She was incredibly close with her Halmeoni, and when she died it was like a piece of her soul was ripped away.  Children of their own: N/A Relationship?: Verse dependant.
Height: 152 cm Weight: 49 kg Build: Petite Nationality: South Korean Disabilities: Anemic Complexion: Porcelain, similar to a dolls. She has no freckles or blemishes.  Face shape: Round Distinguishing facial features: Red glasses, full lips Hair color: Strawberry blonde Eye color: Amber Glasses/contacts: Yes, she wears red glasses. She only wears contacts on special occasions.  Style of dress: Toned down Harajuku Health: Average, she gets sick every once in a while but not too often. Because she’s anemic, she some times faints after getting up too fast or if she pushes herself too hard.  Grooming: Very well! She loves pampering herself with facemasks and several lotions. She smells of strawberries and freshly cleaned laundry.  Jewelry, tattoos, piercings: Pierced ears. She also wears a ring on her pinky that she was given when she was a baby.  Accent: Noticeable Korean accent Physical habits: She bites her thumbnail lots.
Level of education: She’s very intelligent, she just has trouble focusing. Because of this, she has trouble turning in papers on time and her grades fall. She was a B student in school.  Level of self esteem: She has a healthy self-esteem, being able to recognise her strengths and weaknesses.  Talents: Piano, Dancing, Voice Shortcomings: She has a hard time judging other people and is a very emotional person. She cries a lot when happy, or sad, or even angry. 
Style of speech: Childish. She uses words like doggie, and bunny and silly words that children would use. She also tends to stutter when nervous.  Artistic/mathematical: Artistic. Makes decisions on emotion or logic: She makes decisions based on her emotions, which often leads to bad outcomings. Life philosophy: “Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.” - Roy T. Bennett Religious stance: Not religious Cautious/daring: Cautious, she barely is daring unless its something very important to her.  Extrovert/introvert: She’s an introvert. 
Relationship status: Depending on the verse. Sexual orientation: Straight / Bicurious. She’s a virgin everything so she’s unsure whether or not she likes girls. Past relationships: Depends on the verse Primary reason for being broken up with: She is a little clingy-- but not overwhelmingly so. She just likes having someone with her. Though sometimes she gets jealous too, another reason why she gets broken up with.  Primary reason for breaking up with people: She has a problem with loyalty. If she doesn’t feel as if that person is loyal to her, then she’ll likely break it off. Level of sexual experience: Depending on the verse. In her main verse, however, she has no experience at all.  Story of first kiss: She’s never had one unless it’s in a different verse.  Story of loss of virginity: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She’s a virgin in her main verse Most comfortable around who: Her mother, and her best friend Jihoon.
Oldest friend: Jihoon Noe How do they think others perceive them: As a shy, nervous girl. Someone who’s lazy and doesn’t try her best.  How do others actually perceive them: Someone who is very loyal and caring. Also someone who is nervous, but doesn’t let it stop her from achieving her goals. 
Profession: N/A Past / current occupation(s): Worker at an ice cream parlor during the summer.  Passions: Playing piano, dancing ballet, and playing video games.  Attitude towards current job: She loves her job as an ice cream employee. As silly as that sounds. Attitude towards current coworkers/bosses/employees: She likes working with her friend Reiko, but otherwise her boss scares her. He’s a huge dude with lots of tattoos. Salary: She’s a student, but she makes approximately $800 a month working part time at the ice cream parlor. Her family is well off as well. 
(  Every character should have secrets  ) Life Goals: To get through life without falling apart. Greatest fears: The dark, bikes, and losing a family member. Especially her little brother.  Most ashamed of: Her not liking of going out much. She hates that she likes being alone. The only time she prefers being with someone is with Jihoon or with her S/O. Compulsions: Turning the lights off and on 3 times before going to bed.  Obsessions: Idols, anime and video games Secret hobbies: She sings in her own room, dancing to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.  Secret skills: She’s really good at archery. Crimes committed: She’s stolen money from her parents before, but feels terrible every time she does.  What do they most want to change about their physical appearance: Her tiny frame, as well as her pale skin.
Daily routine: She wakes up, applies a face mask then gets dressed. She eats a bowl of oatmeal with strawberries then heads off to school with her little brother. After dropping him off at Pre-K, she turns up at high school. Once she finishes school, she grabs Hokuto and brings him back home. She makes him Hatteok as well. Night owl or early bird: Early bird. She wakes up early because she has to drop her brother off at school.  Favorite food: Sukiyaki Least favorite food: Gejang Least favorite movie: She doesn’t have one.  Favorite music: J and Kpop. She also loves classical music. Least favorite music: Death metal Coffee or tea: Tea. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter: Smooth! Lefty or righty: Righty Favorite color: Pink. Cusser: Nope! She thinks its rude to cuss. The only times she’ll swear is if she’s completely frustrated or feeling too much pleasure  Smoker/drinker/drug user: Nope! Biggest regret: Allowing herself to fall apart in front of others. Pets: Two, a Shiba inu named Chika and a Ragdoll cat named Mimi. 
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damon-rutherford · 5 years
About Damon
Name: Damon (Greek Name, means “to tame.” From the classical myth, Damon and Pythias have become symbols of true friendship, as Damon risked his life to save his friend from execution) Rutherford.
Nickname: Do “manwhore” and “slut” count?
Birthday: November 4th.
Age: 32.
Gender: Male.
Place of Birth: Bristol, United Kingdom.
Current Residence: Mayfair, London.
Nationality: British.
Parents: Biological parents: Tom & Rose Abbott.   Andrew & Cerys Rutherford.
Number of Siblings:  Three (that he knows of). Gideon, Lara and Yvonne.
Children: none that he knows of.
Relationship With Family: The first four years of his life he had spent with his biological family were hellish. They were abusive, physically violent.  He’s close to all of his family members (except Connie, with whom he’s just.. civil). Andrew - he admires him and lives to make him proud. Lara & Gideon - they are his everything. He would tear his heart ouf his chest for them. Yvonne - obviously, he doesn’t love her as much as he loves Gid & Lara, but he still considers her his sister (unlike Lara & Gideon). Cerys - he was basically attached to his mother growing up and it nearly destroyed him when she passed away.
Happiest Memory: Family trips to Swiss Alps with his family, back when Cerys was alive; the day he became uncle to Felix; Opening of Mayfair.
Childhood Trauma: Verbal abuse, physical abuse, abandonment, poverty, illness - Damon's childhood (up until he was five) was a cocktail of horror. Before Cerys & Andrew adopted him and Gideon, he was traumatised to the point that he lashed out at everyone and was too violent for a kid of his age. Cerys’s gentle care and visits with the therapist helped him overcome.
Height:  6′ 1″.
Weight: 168 lbs.
Build: Athletic. He’s naked a lot, has to keep that six-pack in the prime condition.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Usual Hair Style: Letting loose those sexy curls.
Eye Color: Hazel.
Glasses? Contacts?:  none, has fairly good eyesight.
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Dressed in an expensive suit most of the times. Sometimes seen in casual - dark jeans, black t-shirt, and a leather jacket.
Typical Style of Shoes: Oxfords.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings? Rolex & Patek Philippe watches. No tattoos, no piercings, he’s not a classless gang member.
Scars: Two. The first is a very tiny scar on his forehead and another is more noticeable one on his back. Courtesy of his biological father.
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: His eyebrows have their own personality.
Health Problems/Illnesses: Suffered from allergies and bronchitis as a child, had early symptoms of asthma, but Cerys made sure to prevent that.
Level of Education: Bachelor’s degree from Harvard Business School. He barely graduated, missed half of the classes and only studied right before finals. He may or may not have charmed his Macroeconomics professor who was going to fail him, but didn’t. Student years are a blur because he was either drunk or high or both and was partying every damn day.
Languages Spoken: English, French, some Spanish and conversational Mandarin.
Level of Self-Esteem: Moderately high. No self-confidence issues.
Gifts/Talents: More of a street-smart than a book-smart. He absolutely hated studying, passed the classes mostly from what he would hear during the lecture. Pretty good with numbers.
Flaws: Drinks way too much and sleeps around.
Mathematical?: Definitely. The only discipline he was interested in at school.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?:  Business - stricly logic. Private life - emotions.
Life Philosophy: “I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.”
Religious Stance: Not really religious, but identifies himself with the Anglican Church.
Cautious or Daring?: Depends. Can be both.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: His biological family. Cerys’s death and Katherine Mayfair.
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist.
Extrovert or Introvert?: Extrovert. 
Current Relationship Status: Single.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Past Relationships: Alessandra Fognini (ex-fiancée), and a girl he dated a Harvard for almost a year.
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Cheating jerk.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People:  again, cheating jerk.
Ever Cheated?: Haha.
Been Cheated On: No.
Level of Sexual Experience: He’s Damon Rutherford... Enough said.
A Social Person?: Extremely.
Most Comfortable Around: Lara & Gideon. 
Life Goals/Dreams: Expand his hotel empire all over the world.
Greatest Fears: Losing his family.
Most Ashamed Of: Introducing Katherine in Gideon’s life.
Hobbies: Throwing parties. Traveling. Playing tennis.
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): Nothing major, except DUI and bar fights.
Night Owl or Early Bird?:  Night Owl; 
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Light. If you breathe his way, he’ll wake up.
Favorite Animal: Not really an animal person.
Favorite Food: Anything seafood.
Least Favorite Food: Pineapple pizza. Yuk.
Favorite Book: Ulysses by James Joyce.
Least Favorite Book: All of the “bestseller” trash-rature.
Favorite Movie: Christopher Nolan movies.
Favorite Song: My Way, by Frank Sinatra.
Favorite Sport: Tennis and football (not American football).
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee.
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Smooth.
Type of Car He Drives: Vintage Ferrari. He has dozens, but that’s his favourite.
Lefty or Righty?: Righty.
Favorite Color: Black and white.
Cusser?: Fuck yeah.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: All of the above. 
Biggest Regret: Again, introducing Katherine Mayfair to Gideon.
Pets: Nope.
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elfenbensord · 6 years
chapter one // champagne
A/N: Hello, and welcome to this new series that I’ve started writing (and hopefully will continue and eventually finish). It’s another Remus Lupin x Reader, because we all know I’m in love with Moony. Enjoy, and hope you’ll stay around for more!
FWAAF Masterlist / Masterlist / Requests
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James Potter
Lily Evans
invite you to join them at the celebration of their marriage
Thursday, June 29th, 1978
11 AM - 8 PM
Equmenia Church - Mural Room
Watford, England
Dinner, dancing, and shenanigans to follow
His pale skin shines in the mirror of the sun. The moon is his only friend, it looks at him with round eyes. With a shaking soul, he brings his pale hands to his bleeding chest. His bones have broken, his heart hurts as it struggles to produce the missing blood he so desperately needs. A cloud of mist escapes his mouth as he falls to the ground, only to feel the wet moss seeping through the fabric of his ragged clothes. He’s never felt more true, he’s never hated himself more. The moon doesn’t understand the hurt it causes him, as it innocently stares down at him.
The first words Remus Lupin utters on the very important not-to-be-missed morning are a series of curses.
“Oh, fuck… this bloody day… that goddamned alarm clock… I don’t even have an alarm clock… Bloody fucks.”
The pale boy is, though undeniably soft, a skillful cusser. His reasons for the many swear words don’t have time to be explained, he’s in too much of a hurry. Words falling from his breaths, he continues to get ready for the day. The white shirt is far too wrinkly to meet any standards, it has to be ironed. He may be late already, but some dignity he’s still got left. He manages to catch a glance of himself, the body which never quite felt like his own, as he walks through his hotel room only half dressed. The new slashes and bruises are not to be ignored, they decorate his chest like grim tattoos, constant reminders of what he is. Last night could’ve been spent in whiskey and good friends’ conversation, it ought to have been, but the moon had other plans for him. He silently curses the moon, the stars, the entire universe, and hurries to button the dress shirt all the way up. One by one, he hides the reds, pinks and beiges.
His last muggle pounds are spent on a far too expensive taxi ride, trying to catch up all the time he’s already lost. The suit he’s hired for this event now feels very uncomfortable, it stretches out in some places and stays loose in other. This is not how it felt when he tried it on in the shop. A thought crosses his mind, What if the wolf is changing me?
The idea will never leave his mind, it will linger in the back of his life for the rest of his time now. The fear of the wolf, of himself. It’s been a present force in his presence, ever since he grew old enough to could think of such things.
“An awful lot of traffic, innit?” the taxi driver has never heard of werewolves, the wolves inside of people. He lacks the fear and pain Remus has become so accustomed to.
“Hmh”, he can only agree; the traffic is awful. Checking his watch, he realises how late he really is. “You know what, you can just drop me off here.” He hands his pounds to the driver, practically throws them at him, then scurries off in the direction he believes to be right. He’s only been in Watford once before, on a summer holiday ten thousands of days ago, but he still finds himself knowing the way to the little church. He’s still cursing under his breath.
James is waiting for him when he finally arrives to the place. It’s a crooked, lime white church, it looks as if it was plucked right from a book of fairytales.
“There you are, mate!” James Potter, his raven hair still unruly though it’s his wedding day, clasps the scared scarred boy’s back, “I thought you were never gonna show up. You’ve got the rings, don’t you?”
A second of panic, then a reminder. With slippery fingers, he fishes up the small velvet box containing the two bonds from his pocket. You’d believe it was his own wedding day, but no woman is yet to love the beast he thinks himself to be. James’ brown eyes drown in relief when he sees the small box. He’d thought it’d be a good idea to give Remus the most important rings, not really trusting Sirius with such small objects. He hadn’t taken the circumstances into account, he hadn’t taken the moon into account. But his friend is here now, all of his friends are, and the day is clearing up to be the best of the best. He’s got a beautiful red-headed bride waiting for him, and he can’t help but so smile as he thinks about all the good the world has given him so far.
“So you decided to show up at last!” Sirius, the handsome, mischievously dark-haired boy, greets one of his truest friends. It could’ve been words meant to hurt, but the cheeky smile on his lips and the bright eyes tell a different story. “How’ve you been, mate?” An arm swung around the stag, another one around the wolf. They’ve got no time for catching up and chit-chatter, they know that but they’ll pretend not to.
Peter, the nervous, these days strangely tired-looking, boy ushers the trio into the church, “Guys, guys, come on! It’s about to start, and I heard that Evans won’t be too happy when she walks in to no groom.”
“That’ll be Potter in a minute”, James’ smile shines like the sun and stars. The sun is also a star, why would they differ? Remus spends a lot of time thinking about those who inhabit the dark sky. Sometimes he wishes he was a star or a planet, for sometimes life is cruel to the human. But he never wishes to be the moon, for he knows the hurt that he would cause others. He thinks of this and much more as two of his friends are wed and tied together by fate.
The big, cream-coloured party tent seems like something out of a dream, it doesn’t place right in these grim times of war. The Potters have made a real effort to make the day like the ones before the darkness spread, with flowers and lanterns and musicians. The string quartet plays music everyone’s heard before but no one knows the name of, couples dance in the middle where chairs have been removed by hand -- there are a few muggle relatives of Lily’s here, and a wedding is not a big enough event to expose the wizarding world. Remus Lupin stands alone in the outskirts of the dance, watching his friends from childhood from afar like he always has. He has never been one to dance at weddings. He would’ve known this if he’d been to one before. But he hasn’t, so he’s unaware of the fact that he is not meant for dancing. But this is a principe he is about to break.
“Remus, mate, what a night this is!” Sirius is just as handsome as he was in the beginning of all this. A little drunk, his tie undone and suit jacket thrown somewhere, he rocks the rolled up sleeves and suspenders. A fag hangs from his lips, a light trail of smoke searching its way up into the approaching evening.
“Have you snogged any of the bridesmaids yet?” Remus’ reply is sharp due to wine and lack of sleep, but true nevertheless. Sirius knows the way of the moon and gives him a sympathetic look instead of a witty remark. Remus would’ve preferred a witty remark, he’s not one to accept pity from anyone, not even life itself.
His friend nudges him with a glass bottle -- is it butterbeer or something stronger? -- and says: “You know me far too well. But how about you, I feel like we never talk about you enough”, they don’t, “has someone caught your eye?”
Remus grabs the bottle out of his friend’s hands, takes a sip of the amber liquid -- definitely firewhisky -- and lets out a deep breath. “Nope.”
It’s a lie. Someone has caught his eye, her dress is yellow to match the sun -- no, the stars -- no, life itself. Her dress is a reflection of what life ought to be, and her smile a demonstration of a happiness he never could’ve imagined.
“Well, maybe because you are not looking well enough. That’s definitely why you weren’t a Hufflepuff; you’re a shit finder. Come on, open your eyes a little! Be a little reckless, create some regrets! What are you, 21-”
“I’m 22. You should know that, we’re the same age.” Remus’ words won’t throw Sirius off what he believes to be his motivational speech.
“-you haven’t danced a single dance, have you?” Sirius knows his friend too well.
“No, and I’m not going to.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, why would I?”
“Because the bird in the yellow dress over there has been glancing your way every so often since my hilarious best man speech. And because I dare you to dance one dance with her.”
“She hasn’t, and I don’t care about your stupid dares.” Another sip from the bottle.
Sirius reclaims his beloved alcohol, only to discover that it’s almost empty. “Yes, she has. I saw how she laughed at my joke about hippogriffs.”
“Sirius, no one laughed at that joke.” The bottle switches hands again, Remus drinks the last of the whiskey to gain the strength he will need and then leaves his friend.
Her dress made her daydream about all the dancing she’d do, all the smiles she would elegantly hand out to handsome strangers. No such smiles have been mentioned in the corners of her lips, painted red with lipstick, this evening. With a sparkling drink in her hands and one leg crossed over the other, she sits in the outskirts of the party, of life. Her daydreamer dress is no use in the night, the flowery patterns clashes with the stars. She’s about to catch another glance of the handsome boy on the other side of the outskirts, only to realise he’s left his small corner. It’s a shame, she was looking out to introducing herself to him soon. Maybe.
The same boy walks with a thundering heart and a weary suit, he silently wishes for the stars’ blessing as he approaches the girl dressed in happiness and life. His anxious thoughts make him act foolish, fumbling.
A few seconds of stammering, “Is this seat taken?” he gestures at the patted chair beside her.
“No, no, go ahead”, her bright smile lits a small something in his calloused heart. After that follows the lingering panic of not knowing what to say.
“Groom or bride?”
“What?” The music is playing louder now, he has to lean in closer to her ear to make himself heard. At the same time, he catches a whiff of her perfume, he catches an elegant smile on her lips. “Groom or bride?”
She leans in closer, “Bride’s cousin. (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Groom’s friend. Remus Lupin”, they shake soft hands and tug at each other’s hearts.
“-and he’d try to woo her at every given occasion, it’s a miracle she ever agreed to marrying him.” Remus makes her laugh brightly, and that makes him immensely happy. The summer evening is pleasantly warm, though a cold breeze graces her cheeks every so often. Stars are about to peek out, visible and unspoiled by the mists of fuel and gas from the busy London. Lanterns have been hung up by magic, and it seems like the pair is drowning in stars.
“And where were you in the middle of all this?” She feels warm inside, though her dress is a bit too thin for the cold evening. They have, without noticing, moved their chairs closer and closer to each other ever since they started talking. They’re almost pressed together now. He feels everytime she shifts her legs, she senses every time he dries his sweaty palms on his black trousers. She finds him very handsome in a suit, even though she hasn’t seen him wear any other sort of clothing. Suddenly she finds herself thinking about him in everyday clothes -- she’s convinced he’d wear woolly cardigans, tight jeans, fingerless gloves, maybe even beanies.
“I was in the background, quietly making my way unnoticed through late study nights and lonely mornings.”
“Same here… What school did you say you went to?” There’s a lipstick stain on her champagne glass and a twinkle in her eye. A quiet buzzing is making her words float easier.
“Hogwarts, of course!” He hasn’t caught up to her yet.
“Strange, I’ve never heard of it.” To her, the lanterns have been hung up by hand, even though it looks like they’re floating by invisible strings. To her, magic is a feeling, a certain smile or impossible card tricks. The boy by her side is completely and wonderfully normal, though strange scars decorate his face. She’s seen weirder, and she won’t grant his strange remarks any deeper thought. He’s funny and charming in his own particular way, and she likes him a bit more than a stranger, never-to-meet-again, should. The musicians’ fingers are tired, the classical music their instruments are singing is simple yet holds a certain charm this wonderful night. Hadn’t it been for her, the music wouldn’t have sounded so beautiful, he thinks. If it wasn’t for him, the lights would’ve looked duller, she believes.
“Care for a dance?” He’s drunk on her company and a little bit of champagne, not one wine or fire whiskey. He glances to where Sirius was stood a couple of minutes -- maybe hours -- ago, only to find him gone. Their dare is off, but he wants to dance one dance with her anyway. Despite not being one to dance at weddings. When he sees the hesitation on her face, he quickly adds: “Only one dance. And don’t worry, I’ve got two left feet, I think.”
A simple tune accompanies them as they dance their one waltz, though they are not ones who dance at weddings. The night lets them believe that they are the only ones in the star-filled night. And there and then, he understands her notion of what magic is. Her hands pressed to his, his hand on the curve of her waist, her dress flowing as they move and turn together. Their one dance will remain drowned in moonlight, their eyes, their evening. It lasts for forever, through all of space and time, until it reaches the end. Their eyes won’t leave one another’s.
“Do you want to go somewhere?” He’s never uttered those words to someone like her. They’re walking, hands still clasped together, around the park the dinner and aftermath of the wedding was held. Her heels are dangling from her left hand, her bare feet delightfully feeling the fresh summer grass of the garden. It’s coming to an end, the clock will soon strike eight times. They’re not quite ready to let go yet.
Her cheeks are red from his company and a little bit of champagne, “Where do you propose we go?”
His glasses have slid down his long nose, a solemn moment passes as she leans in closer to correct them. “We could go to Paris”, he dreams just to watch her smile, “or to my hotel room.” He can’t help but ot blush as he utters the words.
She stays close, she doesn’t step back. “I’ve always wanted to travel the world”, she speaks and he holds his breath, “but I think your hotel room will be quite perfect for the night.”
Smiling and giggling, they try to be quiet as they walk their way back to the tent. Remus’ mind lingers at the thought of her hands. He’s happy to see his good friend, James, walk towards them, he’s too focused on her smile to notice the newlywed’s hurried steps.
“James, this is (Y/N), she’s Lily’s cousin.” He already feels proud to introduce her.
Though James has urgent matter to speak, he doesn’t hesitate to flash her one of his handsome smiles. “Of course, Lily talks of you loads! How did you like the ceremony?”
“I loved it! Very exclusive, I’m surprised I was invited.” Remus gets her humour, James doesn’t.
“Lovely, lovely… Well, I’m gonna have to borrow Remus for a quick sec, if you don’t mind.”
He grabs Remus before he can protest, walks a couple of meters to be out of earshot, and starts to speak the troubles, “We’re needed at the headquarters, it’s urgent. Lily and Sirius are already there, Peter’s disappeared somewhere. I stayed behind to get you.” Remus didn’t know that any words said by James could hurt his heart so much. He knows it’s no use to argue about coming with him, the war won’t stop just because his heart found someone who’s smile makes him feel several pleasant things. He finds it even more gruesome for Lily and James to have to be called in on their wedding night, but they all know the promises and sacrifices you’re forced to make once joining the Order. “Okay, but is there time for a quick goodbye first?” He looks at (Y/N), who’s observing the floating lanterns with wonder in her eyes. James sees his friend’s longing, and his heart is too good to deny him this. “Alright, but make it quick.”
Remus walks the few steps towards her with a heavy heart, he suddenly doesn’t know how to do this anymore. An idea suddenly enters his mind, and he fumbles to search his pockets after pencil and paper. His heart sinks when he can’t find any.
“Do you by any chance have a piece of paper and a pencil?” he has to ask her, and then watches how she fumbles with her small portefeuille. Hope sparks again once she exclaims a small “Aha!” and hands him a small notebook and a pencil.
“Do you mind if I?”
“Not at all.”
He quickly finds a blank page and writes down the address to his own shabby London flat, he wishes he could write down a phone number as well but the few jobs’ salary he’s managed to scrape together can’t pay for a phone of his own. He squiggles a small ‘/Remus’ at the bottom of the page and then hands her the book.
He looks her in the eyes for the last time of a long time, “Goodbye.”
He leaves without another touch, thinking of how he shouldn’t let his heart be this loving. I think this hurts too much, his brain dangerously thinks. And then he feels her touch again.
“Did you think you’d get to leave without me?” She holds onto his hand, making him turn around to try to understand her. She’s a muggle, she could never know about the Order…, he thinks. She wonderful, his mind argues out of the blue.
In her other hand is a piece of paper, filled with scribbles, filled with her. He accepts the note, pressing it to his heart. She’s much shorter than him now when she’s not wearing heels, she has to reach up to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I don’t want to go.” He lets his heart be loving again, just for a moment.
“It’s okay, we’ll speak soon. And then we can go to Paris, or your hotel room.” He laughs, he understands her humour. “I’m sorry.” He wishes he could say so much more, but it’s suddenly hard for him to speak his heart. “I’m so sorry, let’s hope we’ll meet again”, is all he has to offer her tonight.
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scardohertys-blog · 6 years
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NAME: Scarlett Marina Kaufman Doherty
NICKNAME: Some people call her Scar, much to her irritation. It’s not even a cute nickname.
BIRTHDAY: January 16
AGE: 32.
GENDER: Cis Female.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Petaluma, California.
PLACES LIVED SINCE: Oakland, California, Cape Hazel
ETHNICITY: Ashkenazi Jewish.
PARENTS’ NAMES: Adina and Vadim Kaufman.
body image mention, abandonment
RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY: Strained. One-sided. Basically non-existent. When Scarlett hit her teen years, she’d come to the conclusion that her mother wanted a child, but she didn’t want to be a mother to that child. Their conversations consisted mainly of Scarlett’s appearance and body image, pushing her to be the most prim and proper of ladies. Her mother never called her beautiful. Vadim, on the other hand, was never around to have a real conversation with his daughter, having gone out to meet with his mistress of the year. Might as well not even have a father. She’s cut herself off from her family to the point where she legally changed her last name so she could pretend she was not related to them. After getting many phone calls from her mom when she first moved away, Scarlett changed her phone number and blocked her mom from every social media platform.
CHILDHOOD TRAUMA: When Adina found out about her husband’s many affairs, she blamed Scarlett’s birth, having said that if she never gave birth to Scarlett perhaps her figure could still be desirable enough for her husband. She then proceeded to send ten year old Scarlett away to live with a Filipino couple in their mid-50s in Oakland, who raised her until she turned 17. Scarlett continued to feel unwanted by her own mother.
HEIGHT: 5′4″
WEIGHT: 120 lbs.
BUILD: Slim and petite.
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown.
USUAL HAIR STYLE: She styles it differently every other day, but when she’s concentrating, she pulls it back in a high ponytail. When it’s down, the length is just two inches below her shoulder blades.
EYE COLOR: Her right eye is green-blue and her left eye is a hazel color.
STYLE OF DRESS/TYPICAL OUTFIT(S): Scarlett dresses in very trendy, designer clothing. A casual coffee outfit would be a cream colored blouse with dark wash skinny jeans and a pair of brown booties, with her hair in a messy bun and gold hoop earrings.
JEWELRY? TATTOOS? PIERCINGS?: She got her belly button pierced in high school, and she also has her ears typically pierced.
SCARS: She has a scar toward the back of her neck, right below her ear from trying to cut her own hair when she was nine years old. Her mother was less than pleased, to say the least.
UNIQUE MANNERISMS/PHYSICAL HABITS: She’ll lick her lips almost every time she takes a sip of coffee. When she’s drinking wine, she likes to tap her index finger just below the rim.
ATHLETICISM: She’s not into fitness, like at all. She loves to eat and she loves to drink. Her main source of exercise is walking for miles in her heels and running around stores.
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High school diploma.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Fluent in both English and Russian, but English is her first language. She also can have conversational French.
LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM: It had taken a while for Scarlett to be comfortable in her own skin, just because her entire life she was told by her mother that she was never good enough, never pretty enough, or smart enough. As she continued to build her business, slept around with as many people as she desired, her confidence grew. People tell her she’s beautiful, and she never disagrees.
GIFTS/TALENTS: Public speaking, flattering, styling and outfitting someone. Pretending her parents don’t exist.
MATHEMATICAL?: NOPE. The only time she’s mathematical is when she’s figuring out how much she’ll save on a sale.
MAKES DECISIONS BASED MOSTLY ON EMOTIONS, OR ON LOGIC?: Both, I wanna say. Scarlett can be impulsive and controlling at times, but that’s driven by anger, irritation and lust. She usually cuts off most emotions when it comes to people.
LIFE PHILOSOPHY: When you don’t have your shit together, you have to dress like you do.
RELIGIOUS STANCE: She was raised Jewish but she’s not particularly religious.
MOST SENSITIVE ABOUT/VULNERABLE TO: Her childhood. Having moved across the country where hardly anyone knew her at the age of eighteen, it was a chance to have a fresh start.
PAST RELATIONSHIPS: Scarlett has only ever had one serious relationship when she was 25. He was the definition of the perfect boyfriend, everything she thought she should want but nothing seemed right. Two years into their relationship, he proposed and impulsively she accepted believing she was in love with him. Just days later she regretted her decision. Thinking she would catch wedding fever, she stuck to the engagement and continued to plan out the wedding but emotionally became distant from her fiance. A year into their engagement in the middle of an argument, he asked if she loved him, and she took too long to respond. Three days after that, she gave back the ring. Nothing else is worth mentioning. She usually keeps her relationships casual, hardly sleeps with anyone more than twice, and even that’s pushing it.
PRIMARY REASON FOR BEING BROKEN UP WITH: Emotionally distant, doesn’t want a serious relationship.
PRIMARY REASONS FOR BREAKING UP WITH PEOPLE: Doesn’t want a serious relationship.
EVER CHEATED?: No, not at all. She would never do that to someone because she saw the damage her father did from his multiple affairs.
BEEN CHEATED ON: No. Other than her three year relationship, she hasn’t been in a relationship serious enough for it to get to that point.
LEVEL OF SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: She doesn’t date, but she frequently has one night stands.
STORY OF FIRST KISS: Her first kiss was with her best friend in 8th grade during a sleepover when she suggested that they should kiss since Scarlett said she was bored.
STORY OF LOSS OF VIRGINITY: It’s nothing exciting. In fact, it’s quite cliche which she hates. She lost her virginity the night of Junior Prom with a guy she had AP Bio with.
A SOCIAL PERSON?: Superficially, yes, but he’s very particular with who he deems as a close friend.
MOST COMFORTABLE AROUND: A bottle of red wine.
HOW DOES HE THINK OTHERS PERCEIVE HER?: Charismatic, witty, beautiful.
HOW DO OTHERS ACTUALLY PERCEIVE HER?: Brutal, pretentious, beautiful
LIFE GOALS: Still up in the air.
DREAMS: To be a stylist on a Hollywood-type of level.
GREATEST FEARS: Not living an exciting life/growing complacent.
MOST ASHAMED OF: Her parents.
CRIMES COMMITTED (WAS HE CAUGHT? CHARGED?): Underage drinking, but I mean, lmao. She also stole a pair of shoes from a department store when she was 14, but was never caught.
FAVORITE FOOD: Sinigang and rice. Half of her childhood consisted of her learning how to make Filipino dishes because of who she lived with.
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Highkey salad. Highkey, anything vegan.
FAVORITE BOOK: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK: Doesn’t care enough to have a least favorite book.
FAVORITE MOVIE: She’ll say Roman Holiday but it’s really Terms of Endearment.
FAVORITE SONG: Linger by The Cranberries but anything by Barry White. She loves Motown.
FAVORITE SPORT: She loves basketball and is biased toward the Golden State Warriors.
COFFEE OR TEA?: Wine. But coffee, yeah.
TYPE OF CAR HE DRIVES: Silver Rolls Royce.
LEFTY OR RIGHTY?: Right-handed.
CUSSER?: All the time.
SMOKER? DRINKER? DRUG USER?: She used to smoke, but quit after she ended her engagement. But yes, drinker. Loves to drink. It’s her favorite hobby.
BIGGEST REGRET: Letting her relationship with her fiance go on too long, because then she broke his heart.
PETS: None.
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