#i hate sylvie
marvelstuffisfunny · 8 months
My tiktok fyp is full of Loki x Sylvie edits and I hate them
"He is so in love 😍"........
Why? Nothing Silvie has done has warranted a love connection
They are physically arguing and fighting every other time they are on screen together..
He cries and is miserable whenever she is around
Please Marvel just don't let them end up together
I don't care about the Loki x Morbius stuff just don't force a romance where there clearly isn't one
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saquesha13 · 7 months
I’ve never hated a fictional character more then Sylvie. She has zero character growth, blames HER wrong doings on everyone else, doesn’t care about the giant apocalypse SHE started. She should be the one sitting alone watching the sacred timeline, what’s the difference between that and working at mccdonalds in the 80s anyway?! But of course instead loki gets punished for her choices. For once in his life he was happy, he had a place where he belonged, he didn’t want to be alone and she tore that all away from him. She was no help at all this entire season and did nothing but complain. She should be the one sacrificing her freedom to fix the problem she started. Loki deserves a happy ending for once.
i was screaming at him to just kill sylvie honestly.
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sockpluto · 7 months
loki: i know im probably the last person you want to see
sylvie: yep
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dannydanoninoo · 8 months
So you mean to tell me that Disney writters decided it was very much okay to write
Heterosexual selfcest
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Whatever the fuck this dependency shit was between an older authority figure and a subordinate
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But they drew the line at a gay ship? One that has an AMAZING chemistry and a build up of friendship and trust where they would both die for each other?
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lokimobius · 2 months
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LOKI  S01E05 “Journey into Mystery” S02E05 “Science/Fiction”
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catwouthats · 8 months
Lokius vs Sylki season 2 episode 2 (cinematography wise)
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Green background (in this show I’ve analyzed it’s usually used as a color for enchantment)
Bodies overlap from our angle
Completely facing each other
Nothing blocking them from each other
Equal playing field (both eating pie)
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Orange/yellow tones (I’ve analyzed this color is usually used for lying and betrayal)
Bodies separated
Not entirely facing each other (though they do later)
Unequal playing field (employee vs customer)
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ailendolin · 7 months
The fact that Loki spends centuries alone trying to fix the mess Sylvie made only to actually end up alone in the end. The fact that he basically becomes a stranger to Mobius because of it. The fact that even when he wins, he's doomed to lose.
The fact that Mobius can't bear to stay at the TVA once Loki is gone. The fact that he goes to his original timeline to see what Loki is trying to protect. The fact that he has no place there, has no purpose at all anymore. Waits for the spark.
The fact that Sylvie is the only one who gets what she wants. The fact that she doesn't even have to face the consequences of her actions because Loki does it for her. The fact that she gets to be selfish and happy in the end while Loki and Mobius don't.
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p4nishers · 7 months
what i absolutely adore about mobius is that he never stops being kind. EVER. he has gone through so much and no matter what happens he always chooses kindness over anything else. we've seen him comfort strangers countless times without hesitation because he's just THAT good and he would never turn away from anyone in distress. even when he's clearly upset he's still kind enough to explain to victor what he's drinking and not even be annoyed at his constant interrupting but just say "hold on a second" in a gentle tone then focus on him again DESPITE EVERYTHING GOING ON to get him hot chocolate bc why wouldn't he do so? he doesn't question these actions because they come naturally to him, kindness is in his nature. why shouldn't he try to lighten the mood and be kind while they wait for their end? why shouldn't he reassure and comfort everyone around him while he's actively falling apart? these aren't questions for him bc he's at his core the kindest person in the show and he will always ALWAYS have time and space to be kind. god.
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pparkerized · 8 months
the scene where loki and mobius narrowly escape death together, wrapped in each others arms was SO gay. but of course they had to ruin it with loki immediately bringing up sylvie afterwards.
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 7 months
the entire season they've shown sylvie perpetually being okay to just walk away from the fray and getting no consequences whatsoever. which would be ok since she doesn't rlly care about them like loki does. but in the end she just moves on so fast after she watched loki isolate himself and go off JUST to fix her mistake.......
meanwhile mobius is there, frozen in that time, left behind by the person he's an "expert" on not only bc of his job but bc of their friendship, him quitting the job that was his entire life, because loki has left and his previous purpose didn't have loki anymore
it's just fucked up how everyone else got their happy endings (good for them) except for loki and mobius. they're apart, separated once again, looking miserable in their last shots. just like last season.
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lokiiied · 8 months
i haven’t seen any gifsets of this scene yet, so i bring you more shitty screencaps but this moment felt like it was important me ?
loki walking past sylvie with mobius AGAIN with zero hesitation. (two eps in a row) hmm what does it mean.
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(this time loki leaves first and mobius stays behind to look at ravonna, before following after loki - a parallel to last episode with loki & sylvie. and the second time they mirrored those dynamics in this episode! interesting.)
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jiyascepter · 8 months
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LOKI | S2E1 'Ouroboros'
Reblog if you save | do not repost
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taw-k · 2 months
When Mobius said Loki's a man of action I wanted to die. HE'S NOT. Even a non-loki fan knows that he's sly and cunning and calculated and takes his time. Not jump into action and see where it takes me kinda guy
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rosenthalsgirl · 6 months
Can I sue Marvel for the emotional damage they caused?
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shivieroy · 6 months
girls do not think about boys, girls think about how sylvie is hated for the same reasons loki is loved because she got in the way of a ship between two white guys in which one of them is a time cop.
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loonarmuunar · 7 months
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Sylvie IS helping Molly, but his motivations are more morally grey than just for the sake of helping her. He’s fascinated by humans, and he has an interesting in studying her. It’s very unclear what he means by studying but Molly isn’t in any immediate danger. For now, at least.
I have NO clue how he would’ve died (maybe medical malpractice?) so uhhh if anyone has any ideas 👁️👁️ lemme know
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