#i had so much trouble with the latter two’s colors
antarctite · 8 months
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mv studies (lauren bousfield, backxwash, teenage disaster) in order of least to most stylized
first took 24hrs (mostly painting the bricks,) second took ~3hrs n last took ~1hr
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: sodapop, ponyboy, johnny cade, and dallas winston
↳ warnings: mentions of being beaten up, various injuries, and angst. no actual description of being jumped
↳ notes: could be interpreted as romantic or platonic. had trouble trying to nail all of them down, so i hope i did them justice. reblogs and comments and greatly appreciated
↳ song: blue moon (take five)—elvis presely
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• It's mid-day when he stumbles in from a long morning of working on cars down at the DX with Steve. Grease is all along the skin of his hands, and a different kind can be seen slicking back his hair, but that's nothing a hot shower can't fix
• He was on his way to do just that, enjoying the for once empty house as he did so, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw you splayed out on the couch
• You were so still his first thought was that you were taking a nap. But once Soda looked closer, he quickly realized you were doing anything but sleeping
• "Hey there Soda." You slurred with a careless grin, elevating your head the best you could to keep blood from dripping into your eye; the likes of which was already beginning to swell an angry red color
• It was clear to Soda what had happened. Everyone in the gang had been jumped once or twice, the more minor ones resulting in a fist fight or two while the bigger fights ended up with scars like Johnny had, and he could tell this was one of the latter
• "Good glory."
• Soda immediately dropped everything to take care of you. Or, when you wouldn't let him fuss over you, insisting you were fine (you were not), he goes out of his way to keep an eye on you. The only times he leaves your side on the couch is to bring you some rubbing alcohol and a bandage for the open wounds
• Turns into such a mother hen. Even after getting a closer look at your injuries, which turned out to be less troubling than he had expected, he still refuses to leave you alone
• "What were you doing walking in that part of town?" He throws his hands in the air as you finally explained where you'd gotten jumped. "You know we ain't liked much there, man."
• You grunted with a mix of pain and annoyance as you sat yourself up more. "Yeah, well I wasn't exactly expecting to get jumped in broad daylight on a public street now, was I?"
• He supposes that's a fair point, but won't admit it. Especially not while your skin is turning various shades of the rainbow
• After that day he always makes sure to remind you not to walk anywhere soc's are known to hang. It even goes as far as him suggesting he could draw you a map, to which you respond by reminding him that you'd lived here just as long as he had and could walk by yourself thank you very much
• "At least make sure you carry a blade or something, yeah?" He practically begs you, all the while staring at the small scar that swiped across the beginning of your hairline. A memory of when you had been stupid enough to get into a fight you knew you wouldn't win
• "Yeah yeah whatever Soda." You puff, promising him that if anything like that ever happens again you won't hesitate to call him or one of the other guys
• He might be a bit overbearing, but by god does Soda love you, so don't you go getting beat up on now
• This was before he had gotten tag teamed on the way back from the movies, so frankly, when Ponyboy finds you leaning against a brick wall downtown with your head all but limp against it, he thinks he's found a dead body
• Pony is just about to nervously pass it when he notices your shoes—the exact same type he'd seen you wearing the last time you'd met up with him
• Has no idea what to do at first. He'd never seen anyone other than Johnny look like this after getting jumped, and the other boy had been crying. You were just laying there. He supposed that if he had been you, he would have been hollering for his brothers by now
• Doesn't freak out. That's not in his nature. Instead, Pony kind of just stares at you for a moment before walking over and shaking you. Perhaps with a bit more force than nessicary
• Despite his gift with words, Pony couldn't describe the relief that washed over him when he opened his eyes even if he wanted to
• "What happened?" He says your name with an underlying quiver to it, eyes darting around your shoulders as he looks at bruises and cuts. Nothing serious he hopes, but it's hard to tell in the moonlight. If he squints his eyes hard enough, he thinks he sees purple marks in the shape of fingers around your neck
• Sure enough, when you speak your voice is a little wheezey
• "What does it look like?" You cough, throwing your head back against the wall with enough effort that Pony hears a crack. "Owch. Forgot that was there."
• He isn't sure if your asking him about your face, or talking about the brick wall. Either way he wouldn't know what to say, so he just responds by standing up and bringing you with him
• Ponyboy feels about as young as he looks when the two of you first start walking down the dimly lit streets, but by the time he's close enough to see the lights of his house, he swears to himself that his muscles would've given out if the walk had been another block longer
• His brothers, and whoever else happens to be over at the house at the time, mostly take over once he manages to pry the screen door open with his free hand and toss you inside. Pony stands by as they make sure you'll be okay, occasionally making use of his hands by bringing you water or disinfectant
• He tries to skip school the next day to stay home with you and make sure you sleep alright, but is sent off anyways when Darry vetos that idea before he could even fully suggest it
• He's real eager to get home all through the school day, and is glad when he walks in on you sitting in his kitchen that afternoon, rubbing at the spots on your neck as you eat a meal Darry managed to scrounge up for you
• Let's just say Pony is always the first to ask you to be safe when you go out alone after that
• If this is Johnny before he himself gets jumped, then you're getting a very concerned friend questioning you in a soft voice as he tries not to look at your injuries too much. He knows that he hates it when people stare at him after his dad hits him, so he attempts to offer you the curtosy he never got
• Post beaten Johnny though? He's a nervous wreck
• It's even worse if he finds you before you find him. His first thought is that the people that did this to you might still be around, and he's ashamed of himself for wanting to run away. Later when he confesses that train of thought to you, you reassure him he's fine and that anyone would have done the same thing, but he still gets an icky feeling in his gut anytime he thinks about it
• Assuming that you manage to stumble upon him first though, Johnny knows what to do and how to do it. It's almost sad that he knows the exact way to deal with a situation with this, but seeing as it happened to him not too long ago, it's not exactly a surprise
• He can't stop himself for looking for signs of ring indents on your face as he wipes blood off your face with shakey hands. His gaze is so intense that even through the pounding in your head you can tell what Johnny's thinking
• "It wasn't the same guys." You croak out. Johnny is momentarily startled at your words and turns as if to move away before hesitantly returning to the task at hand
• "Oh." His voice cracks. "Good."
• After making sure you're no longer bleeding, or at the very least hurting with every breath you take, he calls Ponyboy up first thing. It's the only other person he immediately thought of in the moment, and can't remember a time that he was more greatful then when Pony shows up to help him
• The two boys eventually tell everyone else, but that night Johnny relived every bad moment he's ever experienced all in one, and doesn't know that he'd have been able to deal with that if Pony or you hadn't been there; even if you were beaten black and blue
• Sometime later Johnny realizes that he'd been jumping at little things less and less, and a small part of him wonders if going through that with you that one night helped him to overcome some of his own fears. Even if by a little bit
• The thought it is comforting
• Red light filtered through the bar windows as you stumbled up rickety steps to knock on an equally as rickety door
• Your teeth chattered in the night despite it being in the middle of summer, mustering the most genuine smile you could as the entrance eventually opened
• "Dallas here?" You asked the man in the door with a poorly disguised groan
• Whatever would have happened next was promptly cut short at you felt your throat tighten. With a lurch in both your stoumach and your body, you leaned forward to vomit straight on Buck Merril's boots
• "Urgh. Oops."
• Buck didn't even bother to growl at you or go look for Dallas before snatching you inside. If it had been a busier night, or if he had liked those boots more, he might have done either of those things. Or just straight up left you to sit on that doorstep until morning
• But Buck knew just by looking at you that you were in no condition to be left alone, and that Dallas would kill him if one of his friends died on his doorstep
• The bartender forwent knocking on Dallas' door before busting it open. He only had time to hope that his friend wasn't hooking up with anyone before stomping in, your dazed figure trailing behind him
• Thankfully it was just Dallas in the room. Just a pissed, shirtless looking Dallas. The way he shot up from in his bed made Buck think he had been trying to get some sleep and failing
• "They showed up looking for you. Let me know if you need to phone the hospital." He mummbled before slamming the door on the way out. Dallas barely had time to ask what in the fuck he was talking about before you planted face first on the foot of his bed
• Later he would be annoyed that you got bloodstains all over his sheets, but in the moment he was more focused on your ripped clothes and skin littered with flecks of glass and gravel
• "Got any bandaids Dally?" You ask with a dry tone, the joke falling flat at he threw the covers off of himself. Part of them landed on your head over at the other end of the bed, and he rushed to move then away
• "Shit— uh, hold on." Was all he could manage. You took it upon yourself to cautiously crawl up against the wall, mindful of the way your body screamed at you to stop as you did so
• Dallas finished russeling through one of his dresser drawers— the very same one that he would later go through to give Ponyboy and Johnny his gun after their late night misshap —coming back to you with a sunbleached cloth in hand and some pills
• "Hold that wherever its bleeding the most." He said gruffly. "And take these."
• "What are they?" You swallowed them without waiting for his answer
• "Hangover pills. The only sort of medicine Buck has here that isn't white and powdery." Dally leaned far back from you for a moment to scan your available skin, eyes lingering on the way you winced everytime your stoumach moved in the slightest
• "Got me there the worst." You noticed his looks and chose to talk through your urge to hurl again. "Still feels like the winds been kicked out of me."
• "Soc's?" Is all he asks
• You shake your head. "No. Some other greasers. Picked a fight with them last week. I won and forgot all about it. Didn't realize that they were that ticked off about it."
• Dallas resisted the urge to scoff at you, and it must have shown on his face; if the way you laughed said anything
• "Glory Dallas Winston, can you judge me later when I'm not bleeding all across your buddies floor?"
• "Sure sure." He waved, eyebrows furrowing
• He finds himself wishing later that you had gone to Darry or even Steve for help with this stuff. He isn't the best at dressing wounds, even if he's had lots of practice on himself, and knows better than most that his bedside manner isn't exactly the best. When you're not wincing or dry heaving in a bout of pain, the two of you are bickering
• "Anymore tighter, and my fingers will be likely to fall off, Dal." You gripe at him as he wraps a bandage around your knuckles with an air of carelessness, even if he was feeling anything but that
• "Shut up."
• For the love of everything good don't ever do this to him again. Dallas has no idea how to be soft with people, and he isn't sure offering you a cigarette right after disinfecting your wounds is the best way to go about it
• You accept the unusual gift anyways, shaking your head with a smile as you do so
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earfqwake · 11 months
Not sure if you only write for the Adult trio but if not, do you think you could make a version of big brother illumi x sister reader but instead of illumi it's Killua? Like, in the fic Y/n was originally supposed to be Killua's (But it was Illumi who mated with her instead) So could it stay like that? Again idk if you even write for him so it's fine if you can't do it! Thanks <33
Alpha Killua/Brother X Omega/Sister Reader Part 1
okay so like kind of the same basis as the illumi story just different as in reader actually is mated to killua this time, he is aged up and so is reader okay ? okay 🫰
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tw: slight obsession from killua and yes incest !!! don’t read if you don’t want to. brother sister relationship though this part doesn’t contain anything explicit as it’s depicting their relationship growing up. will be multiple parts because i have a lot to say.
Light can’t exist without Dark.
When Kikyo Zoldyck found out she would be having twins she crossed her fingers and prayed to a god she didn’t even believe in that this would be the one, the heir of heiress of the family. Imagine the families surprise when two white haired babies were birthed on July 7th. Even Silva who rarely showed emotions other than stoicism was pleased at this moment in time.
Well Y/n, their new baby girl had half white hair and half (Y/H) colored hair but still this was the first time in the lineage Zoldyck history something like this happened. Though all that mattered is that Killua was born, both a male and with a full head of white hair. Since birth the two were inseparable, only fully calming their cries when they were near eachother.
At dinner they sat next to eachother always and if they didn’t the other would be visibly more upset. They napped together in random spots around the mansion always being found in the most peculiar places. Under Silvas Desk, Inside the kitchens cabinet, Underneath the staircase. And they shared a room by choice, until Silva forced them to have separate rooms at the age of 8. He needed to end their codependency as soon as possible. That didn’t stop them from sneaking into each others beds most nights.
Must have been fate, that such a blessing had occurred. Or so they’ve been told time and time again, but no one could break their bond that’s for sure. The pairs parents decided that they were more than likely going to end up as soul mates, promising strong pups no doubt.
Even though they were too young to have understood, Killua was relieved to hear this. No one would be good enough for his little sister, even tho he was only minutes older than you he never failed to remind you. He didn’t care much for other girls anyways none of them were as special as you.
They were polar opposites, Yin and Yang, but they fit together perfectly. Y/n was the sweetest most sensitive person, even though she was strong she had such a big heart. Too big of a heart for an assassin to have. A heart that Killua vowed to protect, he was his sisters keeper. The latter was more assertive and dominate than his sister, always leading them into trouble and taking the fall should they ever get caught.
“Where are they off to now?” Mumbled Kikyo as she frantically searched the forrest around the mansion for the twins. Only to find them running circles around Mike the enormous guard dog who didn’t seem to mind their company. Kikyo almost fainted when she saw your pretty blue gown now dirty from playing outside with your brother. You were her only girl so she was terribly overprotective of you.
Killua, like always hid you behind him as his mother threw a fit, because god forbid kids try be kids. “It was my fault mother, Y/n didn’t want to leave the garden but I took her out with me.” Which truthfully wasn’t a lie, you tried to warn Killua that Mama wouldn’t be happy but he said he’d leave you behind so you ran after him with teary eyes. But you had fun so a little punishment was worth seeing you smile.
Though he couldn’t always evade you from being punished he always tried. It meant the world to you that he would be willing to protect you no matter what. You wanted to be brave like him and you tried to, but your heart was just too soft. Hiding your tears and frowns didn’t work with Killua, he couldn’t just ignore it like the rest of his family.
When he would sneak into your room routinely sometimes he would catch you sobbing. Either because your punishment was too harsh, or you felt bad for having to kill your target. Your body sore from being attacked during a day of training, tears fell from your eyes as you sensed him enters your room. “I don’t want to do this Killua.. I’m trying to be strong for Mama and Papa but it hurts.” And he’d hold you and soothe you until you slept peacefully. Only then could he shed tears for you.
And he knows he shouldn’t like it, but you always cried the hardest for him and him alone.
“Onii!” She’d cry out and hug him after seeing the cuts and bruises he would have on his body after hours of pain resistance training. He didn’t cry much anymore, but it sure did hurt, though he’d never admit it to you. Hugging her closer, he couldn’t help but give you a tired smile. “I’m fine Y/n, see.” But she only whimpered and stayed in his embrace she knew he was lying. “Such a crybaby..” He sighed as if it troubled him, yet nuzzled his head into her soft hair.
Killua didn’t like seeing his sweet little sister cry, training was hard on her. At age 12 he begged his parents to opt her out of training, if he were to inherit the family business he didn’t want his sister to have to kill and possibly be killed that wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Silva and Kikyo denied him this request, so he and Y/n ran away together to take the hunter exam.
It sent us on such a journey, meeting many different people and making friends ! Real friends, we were never allowed to make any friends back on Kukuroo Mountain so imagine their surprise to see a boy their age also taking the exam. Y/n was infatuated with Gon, calling him her friend, staring at him, laughing at his jokes and it made Killua feel a bit jealous. Before Gon he never had to share Y/n’s attention before other than with his younger siblings.
“What’s the matter Onii?” Y/n questioned during the second phase of the hunter exam, they broke off from walking with Gon and the others because Kil grabbed her and rushed off into the fog without saying. He said nothing and just focused on navigating through the fog with a firm hold on her hand. Even if he was upset he wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to you.
“Are you mad at me…? What did I do wrong?” Tears starting to form in her eyes. Chest tightening at the idea of upsetting her brother. Sighing he glances at her before staring ahead again. “It’s stupid… I just don’t want you to replace me with Gon.” Voice barely a whisper he confessed his feelings to you, only you could make him vulnerable.
You hug his arm and smile up at him noticing the slight blush on his serious face. “Don’t worry Killu-nii, he’s our friend, but you’ll always be my best friend okay? It’s always going to be me and you, we came here together and we’re going to leave here together!” How could he be so naive, she’s just so sweet and she always put Kil first. Smiling Killua nodded and when they met up with the group there were no more issues with jealousy. Y/n would never leave her brother.
And eventually they both arrived back to Kukuroo Mountain after parting ways with Gon, both holding Allukas hands. During their trip the pair having learned nen and being capable users were certainly much stronger than when they left.
Ironically Y/n developed a nen ability that made her able to use her tears to heal others, mainly for the sake of Killua who she couldn’t stand seeing injured. His heart was floating when she explained the reason why she developed this secondary ability. And selfishly enough he didn’t just let her heal just anyone with her gift, if he didn’t feel they were worthy of your time or tears they could rot in hell for all he cared. Y/n trusted Killuas judgement though and didn’t question how he assessed who she should or shouldn’t heal.
The twins were great fighters naturally but with the added ability of nen they were a unstoppable duo, just as Silva had predicted. Yet Killua saw the dangers of nen with his own eyes witnessing what it did to Gon.
Again he came to his Father directly with the same request that fell upon deaf ears last time. This time around however, Silva agreed only if Killua were to become an assassin and continue the family business. A steep price for your safety but he needed to know you would be safe.
It hurt him more than any method of torture to see her sad but deep down a small part of him loved that she cried for him. She was someone who cared and always showed it, making sure to kiss each of his visible cuts. “There all better, right Kil?” She’d smile at him and he went weak for it every single time.
At puberty is when you find out your sub race, whether you’re a alpha, omega, or a beta. Killua obviously was an Alpha. Stubborn and a born leader, if he wanted something he was going to have it. And you? No doubt your an Omega, naturally submissive in nature listening to your parents and following after your brothers every word. Always nurturing and caring for him and your younger siblings. So it went without question when you both presented as your said roles.
The two of you were walking side by side in the forest surrounding the mansion straying very far from your home. “See I told you didn’t I, Y/n.” He said with a toothy grin his canines nice and sharp. I nod and smile sweetly at my brother, “I didn’t doubt you Killu-nii !” He called long before we could confirm what we were.
Recalling all the times he would tease you, “You have to be be an omega! Why else are you such a big baby!” Only eliciting a pout from me and he laughed poking my cheek with his finger. “I think it’s cute, don’t worry when we’re older I promise to take care of you and your moody feelings, I’ll be a good Alpha.” His voice sounded serious like he was trying to convince me and he only laughed again as I hid my smile and blush.
“Wait up, Kil!” I ran briskly after him as I shake myself out of that memory. He was much taller than me now, and stronger. And he grew his hair out into a long messy mullet, looking more and more like Papa as we got older. (He only grew his hair out because he got jealous when you would braid and play with Illumis long hair, but he’ll never admit that. Ever.) You changed too, your curves becoming more prominent especially with the training you did. Your beauty only increased as time passed your mother making sure to always keep you dolled up.
And boy did Killua enjoy it, always telling you how pretty you are and being sure to do small things for you like brush your hair or pick outfits out for you.
Grinning mischievously Killua only goes faster, disappearing into the greenery surrounding you.
I huff and puff as I search everywhere for him in the area we’re in. “Come on Kil! I’m not going to play with you right now.” But he doesn’t budge from his hiding spot probably thinking it’s funny. Fine two can play at this game! I pretend to be upset and sigh turnin around to head back home alone. “Fine I give up. I’m going home now Kil.” I barely get three steps back in the direction we came from when I feel his arms wrap around me from behind.
I jump slightly and weakly attempt to escape his arms feigning as upset but he won’t budge. “Where do you think your going hmm? I was only joking Y/n don’t be such a crybaby about it.” He snickers when I go lax in his arms holding me there for a moment before spinning me around so he can see my pouty face. “Y/nnnn? Don’t be like that, you do this to me all the time.” He drawls out my name as he looks me over.
Leaning closer to him I give him my sad eyes and he squishes my cheeks. “Such a baby.” He mumbles looking at my lips before looking back into my eyes. He drawls forward so our noses are touching gives me a bunch of small pecks on the lips. Furrowing his brows when I don’t reciprocate his affections he mumbles on my lips “ I‘m sorry Y/n.” Sweet moments like this are regular between you especially when you’re far from home like this.
I smile and feel my cheeks heat up under his hold on me. And he knows he has me right where he wants me. My arms extend as I place them over his shoulder loosely. Instantly he accepts this by pulling me in closer, his hand on the small of my back. Placing kisses all over my cheek he still speaks in a low tone, “You forgive me?” I nod my head basking in his affections but still not reciprocating his touches. His voice sounds desperate as he pulls me back far enough to get a good look at me again. “Why aren’t you kissing back then?”
i smile sheepishly and pretend I’m going in to kiss him but flick him on the forehead. Now it’s his turn to pout as I laugh and slip from his grip running through the forrest. Smiling himself he chases after me, “Hey! I knew you were faking it you big baby.” Secretly though he’s relieved that your back to your normal cheerful self, and you’ll be sure to make up for it when he catches you.
Your laughter rings throughout the forest as Kil catches up to you giving you a wolffish grin and pulling you in closely waiting for you to finally give him a kiss. 🦋
Zeno watched the two leave the mansion, shaking his head before facing his son Silva. “It’s only a matter of time now before they give into their instincts. You shouldn’t let that boy run around with her without supervision or we will be expecting pups sooner than later.” Silva only sighed watching as they disappeared into the forest line, his father was right. Regardless of how stern he was Zeno had a soft spot for the little girl and so did Silva.
Not that it wasn’t anticipated by the family that the two were doting on each other already. But it was too soon for you two to fully mate you had to wait until you were 18. Only then would you know if the two of you were truly meant to be together. He would have to get you on heat suppressants in the mean time and have Killua sent away during ruts. Taking necessary precautions, you two weren’t little kids anymore.
𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭
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thisismeracing · 11 months
The (un)lucky one | CL16
― Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader (she/her) ― Word count: 2.4k ― Warnings: not proofread; mentions of food; a bit of jealous!charles; angsty but fluffy ending. ― Summary: Charles and Yn have a history back from when he was at alfa romeo, Yn used to be his PR assistant, and they were close to best friends. Now, years later, they are still friends, but Yn is Carlos’ assistant now, and she can help but root for her new friend and boss. Meanwhile, Charles is having trouble with no longer having her undying support all the time. He’s been through an unlucky season on the speedway, will he be unlucky in love too?  ― A/n: I actually liked this far better than I thought I would, so I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Let me know your thoughts by reblogging and/or leaving me an ask (anons are on) *mwah* 🤍
⁕ Based on this request. ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist ⁕ you can support my writing by reblogging, and leaving a comment (don’t forget to follow me if you like the piece)
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It is easy to associate someone with a smell, taste, or color. Especially when those things are very particular. One day you see them wearing a certain shade of yellow; the next thing you know, every yellow item will remind you of them. Not of the clothes they were wearing that day, but of them. Then, they tell you their coffee order, and, of course, every time you see a venti, caramel frappuccino with almond milk, it’s their face you’ll see. When you smell the coffee, their perfume will come around too.
What Charles didn’t know is that these associations are common when you are in love.
And he was, in fact, in love with Yn.
He was just unaware. 
Yn was his PR Assistant back when he was just a curious and hopeful boy in Alfa Romeo. They hit it off quickly, not only because she was young like him, but because she was always honest and just so fun to be around. She would walk into the room, red Converse on her feet, a coffee cup in her hands, along with a small notepad, and a pen either around her neckless or on her ear, and Charles could swear time would stop to let her pass by. 
Yn was an event.
And he was happy to witness it.
She was also very organized. She had everything noted and ready to go in a minute. She was quick with solutions to seemingly hard problems and set on her beliefs. About the latter, people would say that she was simply stubborn like Charles. But he knew better. She was passionate and driven, and he… well, he fell in love, and he didn’t notice it. 
Until they moved to Ferrari.
They have been working together for about three years now, and she had to switch drivers when they started in Ferrari. That meant she was now Carlos’ PR Assistant, and he got to have her full attention – something Charles hated. But he knew her before him, and he knew her better, that’s what he kept telling himself whenever he saw the two of them interact, whenever she had a meeting with his coworker, and not him, or whenever he watched Carlos get her coffee order wrong. He knew her better. That wasn’t much, but somehow it was enough for him.
Until it wasn’t. 
“Hey, Char,” Yn smiles when the Monegasque approaches the table, bending to leave a kiss on her cheeks, and leaving a friendly tap on his teammate’s shoulders. 
“I got you your favorite.” He has that small prideful smile on his face when he pushes the white cup towards Yn, but as fast as the smile comes, it goes when she frowns and a bit her lips.
“Thank you, but Carlos got it to me,” she shook the cup in front of her and winked at her friend and ex-boss. 
“Oh- but Carlos doesn’t know your order.”
“I finally got it right after a thousand times missing either the oat milk or the blonde espresso,” Sainz proudly stated, sipping on his water. 
“And did you get-”
“Caramel syrup, sí.” 
“Four pumps?” 
Carlos nodded, “2 pumps of frapp roast. I’m telling you, I’ve learned it.” 
Yn noticed the way Charles’ shoulders slumped just the sightless, but she thought it had something to do with the fact that he wasted time getting her something that she wouldn’t drink in the end. She did not notice, however, how his eyebrows furrowed and his grip on his cellphone got stronger watching her and Carlos go around what they were doing on Sunday before and after the race. He missed doing it with her, missed having her undying attention, missed the certainty that it doesn’t matter how boring a meeting or media duty would be because she was always just some steps away. 
The next day, Charles is getting ready for the race in the garage, and Yn is around cracking jokes about something one of the engineers did. When she turns, Charles is in his white racing suit, zipping up the front end. Yn lips tip up in a small smile, one he can read as a nostalgic one by the way her eyes roam around the piece of clothing, and takes in a small breath of air. It’s endearing.
“Missing the old days?” Charles asks, sporting a playful smirk, and Yn rolls her eyes teasingly. 
“How’d you know?” 
“It used to be just us against the world. I learned to read you.” He confessed. He almost wanted to add that he missed the old days too, but because her attention and affection would be all his, her time and her eyes would be for him.
Yn took a step closer to him and started helping the Monegasque with the front velcro of his suit. “All this white reminded me of Alfa Romeo’s suit, but though I miss our younger days, I think you look far better wearing Ferrari merch.” This time her smile is pensive and then playful after a beat. 
Charles's hands itched to hold her by the waist, bring her close, and read her eyes, but when he was about to do so, Carlos called Yn from the other side of the garage. Yn gets on the tip of her red converses and kisses his forehead, something they used to do after becoming friends on their first year on the grid, and then, just like that, she leaves to attend to whatever Sainz needed. 
When it was time to get going and get into the car, Charles tried to get a glimpse of Yn, not even a hug or their traditional forehead kiss which hasn’t happened before races in a while, he just wanted to find her eyes, see how they would silently wish him a good race, but instead, he found her with Carlos, her back to him. He watched as Yn patted his shoulder and then got on the tip of her toes to hug him. A long hug. A hug he wanted to receive. 
Charles sacked up all his anger and jealousy and got into his car. It would be a good race. The car was fairly better than the last races, and the Ferrari duo got a p2 and p3 position which increased the chances of double points. 
It's a tight race. Carlos and Charles almost lose their positions during the first few laps, but they were able to hold it until Leclerc needed a tire change. And when he came back the orders were clear: Sainz would not fight with his teammate and would give up his position for Charles. Everyone saw how Yn's face changed when Vasseur spoke through the pit-to-car audio, and man, wasn't she pissed. The camera panelled on her, and she cursed asking why couldn't Carlos have this one.
By the last lap, Charles was p3 and Carlos p5, and it was all the team's fault. Both of them could have had a podium, but strategy wasn't really Ferrari's strongest subject. 
When the three winners gathered in the small room to wait a few minutes for the podium, Charles had a small smile on his face, one which went away when the big screen in the room showed some of the highlights of the race, adding garage reactions this time. He saw Yn questioning why Carlos couldn't fight him, why wouldn't they give her boss and friend his well-deserved podium. Charles knew she fought nails and teeth for those she loved, and she wouldn't hide her disappointment with Ferrari's decision. 
He expected, however, that she would choose him to fight for because he was her closest friend there. He was with her the longest. He would have fought nails and teeth for her win. 
The podium celebration didn’t feel as good as it would back when he would have Yn’s undying support. Charles still smiled, still waved, still tried to seem happy with his achievement, and he kept the friendly face up until he got back in the garage and Yn was there by Carlos' side as usual. Sainz congratulated him on his podium, but the Monegasque only nodded, lacing his fingers with Yn’s and walking straight to his driver’s room.
“What the fuck was that mouthy response to the team's order of letting me pass Carlos?” 
Yn was still surprised by how he laced their fingers and almost dragged her to his room, so hearing his hushed and stressed tone made her frown deepen. 
“Who do you think you’re talking to in that tone?” 
Charles’ jaw tightened. “Don’t try deflecting, Yn. I saw how mad you were when I passed Carlos.”
“And what about it, Charles?” 
“I can’t believe you’re acting so unbothered by it. It was a shitty attitude, and you know it.”
“Because everyone’s supposed to adore you and always choose you?” 
“BECAUSE YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND, AND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO ROOT FOR ME, TO PICK ME, NOT CARLOS, NOT LANDO, NOT LEWIS, BUT ME!” He exploded, voice raised, hands gripping his champagne-wet hair. 
Yn took one step in his direction, pointing her index finger at him, “Don’t you dare to scream at me, Charles. I won’t let you work off your frustrations on me, especially when you don’t have reasons to be angry!” 
“I DON’T?” he screamed again, and she raised her eyebrows. “You think watching my own team destroy my chances at being a world champion is not reason enough to be angry? Or having your best friend distance herself from you? Oh, wait! And how about seeing the woman I love rooting for a different driver?” this time his voice wasn’t as high as before, but he was still loud, he was still angry.
What he seemed to forget was that he and Yn were like a mirror most of the time. They would reflect each other’s energy and feelings. So if Charles was angry, Yn was furious. And if he was heartbroken, she was devastated. 
“I was your friend before him! I’m your best friend,” he whispered, finally letting tiredness and sadness catch up to him. 
“You are indeed, but not everything is about you or us. Others deserve to win too, and they deserve some love and attention. Carlos deserved it today. We’ll talk when you’re not acting like a dick and screaming at me for being oblivious to the feelings you kept hidden.” She stated before turning away and leaving, slamming the door on her way out. 
Charles sat down on his chair and let his head hang between his shoulders. His eyes were burning and he felt like cursing and screaming again when he heard Carlos’ voice. Now, Carlos was his friend, his teammate, a good guy, someone he even liked to have around, but he was jealous of him, he couldn’t lie to himself anymore. And right now, he was the last person he wanted to see.
“You could have told me, you know?” the Spanish closed the door behind him slowly.
“Not now, Carlos,” Charles mumbled.
“She doesn’t like me. I mean- she does like me, but not as much as she likes you, not as much as she loves you. You’re two tontos.”
“Well, you can bet she hates me now. I take it you heard how I talked to her, right? The whole garage must have heard.” 
Carlos chuckled at Charles' dramatic antics. “Not everyone heard, but yeah, some people did… I don’t think she hates you though, she’s just angry with the way you talked and probably angry you didn’t tell her you loved her sooner.”
“I’m usually unlucky, and I was afraid-”
“No, Charles,” Carlos interrupted. “The team's strategy is shitty, we take it as if we were the unlucky ones, but we are actually pretty lucky. Look at the life you have. Look at how many people love you. The woman you love loves you back. How’s that being unlucky?” 
“Yeah, I was afraid my love life would be as shitty as my racing career.” 
“I’ll let that one pass because you have the right to be upset for a bit after this stressful weekend, but you don’t have a shitty career, and you know it.”
Charles nods, snickering.
“I was jealous, you know,” he confessed after a couple of minutes in silence. “You deserve to win too. You deserve to be a world champion just like I do, but I wanted her support. I wanted her to choose me even though everyone else did. She was the only one that mattered. But I’m an idiot, and I didn’t tell her that. How could she guess?”
“Yeah, life is unfair sometimes, and feelings are hard to deal with, but the good thing is that you can work on those things most of the time. Shower, drink some water, get some food in, and then when you’re calm enough, go to her and let Yn know your feelings. Again. Gently this time, preferably.” Sainz chuckles lightly between the last sentence, and Charles rolls his eyes playfully. 
And that’s exactly what Charles did. That’s how he found himself breathing in and out in front of Yn’s hotel room door. He rings the bell after almost five minutes of silent pep talk. When Yn opens the door, she’s already in her pajamas, and he can almost see tear stains on her cheeks. Charles feels like punching his own face because clearly, he was the one to blame. 
“What do you want, Charls?” her tone was tight, and she did not invite him in, but the fact that Yn used his nickname gave Charles enough hope and courage to talk.
“I- I’m sorry for earlier,” he started. “I’m truly sorry for all these years. I should have been honest with you. I’m sorry I exploded and screamed at you. I should have told you I loved you before. And you’re right. I’m not the center of the world. Carlos deserves to win too. But it’s just- I’m usually unlucky in some aspects, and I was afraid-”
Yn rolls her eyes and grins playfully at him, interrupting his messy speech. “No, Charles, you’re actually lucky because I do love you back,” she grins, and he stares at her for a beat before crashing their lips into a passionate kiss.  
And Charles felt like the luckiest guy in the world. No winning cup felt as sweet as having the girl of his dreams loving him back. 
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honeybeefae · 2 years
A Slight Inconvenience (Azriel x Reader)
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Summary// When Rhysand sends you and Azriel to visit the Day Court, Helion “mistakenly” only has one room for the two of you. Exhausted from your travels, you and Az brush off his half-hearted attempts at a solution and settle in for the night. That is until one of you breaks.
(This was an anon ask about an Azriel x Reader “one-bed” trope! I love this trope with my entire heart, and I struggled with choosing enemies to lovers or friends to lovers, but the latter won out in the end. For those of you wanting the third chapter of THATH, it is coming, I promise! I just needed to write something new to get my creative juices flowing.  (NGL I kinda wanna write a part two to this??) As always, thank you so much for the love and support, and I hope you enjoy it!)
WARNINGS: SMUT, 18+ only, a lil bit of angst but mostly fluff, p in v, praise kink (slight), masturbation (female), eating out (f), multiple positions, mirrors, pretty soft for Azriel ngl
A Slight Inconvenience
The sun was currently setting in the sky when the two of you arrived at Helion’s home. It shouldn’t have taken as long as it had, but Azriel had a late start to the journey, which set everything back. He had said he needed to have a discussion with Rhysand before you left, but that ended up taking two hours. 
“You okay?” You asked while giving him a sideways glance. The fiery colors that the final rays of the sun cast across the land seemed to paint onto his skin, stealing your breath away.
Azriel rolled his shoulders backwards while stretching out his wings, smiling as you both stopped in front of the golden doors. “Never better, princess.”
A roll of your eyes was your only response to the nickname he had coined for you. He had found you in the library one night, curled up and reading your favorite romance about a princess and a loathsome pirate falling in love, and he had not let you live it down since.
“A princess that can kick your-” You didn’t get to finish the sentence as the doors suddenly opened and Helion stood before you, a mischievous smile on his face as he held out his arms in welcome.
“My favorite emissaries! Did you have trouble finding me or did the two of you get tangled up somewhere?” Helion chuckled, his tone suggestive as he ushered you both inside. “Dinner was served earlier however I have no problem finding someone to whip something up for you two.”
You shook your head and smiled at him, not missing his eyes roaming both of you up and down. “That is very kind of you but we will be okay. If anything, we both just need a good night’s rest.”
Az nodded in agreement as Helion gave a small pout. You took in the magnificence of the walls and ceilings above you as the two men chatted about sleeping arrangements, admiring the artwork and details of everything. 
“Do you not have any other rooms?” Azriel asked, voice agitated, which brought you back to them. “You can’t possibly be out of them all.”
Helion shrugged his shoulders while crossing his arms, not looking sorry at all as your brows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?” You chimed in as you joined your friend’s side. 
“He only has one room for us. The others are apparently under construction or occupied.” Azriel complained as your lips turned down into a frown. Helion held up his hands innocently but you didn’t want this to turn sour already, especially since you were going to be seeing him all day tomorrow.
“It’s fine, Az. Let’s just go, one of us can take the floor.” You stressed while gesturing for Helion to lead the way. The Illyrian grumbled something under his breath but followed beside you, keeping his eyes locked on the man in front of you.
“I really am sorry for the inconvenience. I thought…” Helion began but quickly shut down whatever he was about to say, clicking his tongue. “Tomorrow I will see to it that you have separate rooms.”
“Thank you.” You responded gratefully. “We understand that things come up though, right Azriel?” 
He shot you a sideways glare which you responded to with a raised brow. A low sigh left his lips as he nodded and said, “Yes.”
“Perfect!” Your host grinned, clapping his hands as you arrived to a room at the very end of the hall. “Here you are. If you have any trouble settling in, I will be in the library.”
Azriel didn’t waste time as he opened the doors and scoped out the room, leaving you with alone with Helion at the doorway. You gave him a sympathetic look and a soft smile, placing your hand on his shoulder and thanking him once more. He cast a glance at Az before bending down to your ear, whispering softly.
“If you need anything you know where to find me.”
You felt the heat rise on your cheeks as you bit the inside of your cheek, not seeing your friend’s shoulders tense at the intimate action. “Have a good night.” You whispered before hurrying inside, shutting the door behind you as Helion chuckled and walked away.
“What was that?” Azriel grunted, arms crossed.
“Helion being Helion.” You muttered as you unpacked your small bag, laying out your pajamas and clothes for tomorrow. He wasn’t going to drop the subject though, his voice taking on a teasing tone as he sat on the bed to watch you.
“You blushed.” He stated, making you huff out a laugh.
“And? I would imagine if some pretty woman came up to you and whispered in your ear you would get flustered just the same.” You pointed out.
“So you think he’s handsome?” Azriel taunted and you had to resist the urge to smack him in the face with the pillow.
“Can we just…not talk about this? I don’t want to sleep with him.” You sighed, rubbing your temples. It wasn’t like the two of you hadn’t talked about potential love interests or hookups before, hell you were there for him through most of his Mor era, but he was being oddly pushy about this. 
“Oh come on, Y/N, I’m just teasing.” He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry.”
You studied him for a moment before nodding, patting his arm lovingly while ignoring the tight muscles under your fingers. “It’s fine. I’m just on edge, I think I might hop in the bath unless you want to go first?”
An unknown emotion flashed through his eyes but was gone in a flash, his fists tightening by his side as he suddenly grew distant. “No, go ahead. I’ll get my bed on the floor ready.”
Part of you wanted to prod about this sudden change in demeanor but your body was begging for hot water and rest so you decided to table the discussion for later. He was turned away from you as you opened the door to the bathroom. It was as grand as the rest of the place, the main feature being a giant clawfoot tub that was big enough for at least four people. 
The floors were even marbled with gold and there were mirrors everywhere. It felt like you were in one of those romance books that Nesta reads. You shoved the thought away while making sure the doors closed behind you, noting how the doors were almost see-through with a light frost being the only barrier.
“Every room in this place is probably designed for sex.” You muttered while turning one of the knobs, feeling the water between your fingers to ensure it was hot enough.
Making quick work of your clothes you tossed them behind you while climbing into the steaming tub, almost moaning at the delicious burn. You slid all the way down until your entire body was covered and relaxed. This was what heaven was like. You were sure of it.
You didn’t wash yet, wanting to enjoy the soak as you made a mental list of everything that needed to be done tomorrow. Those thoughts drifted to today and then eventually to what happened a few moments ago, Azriel’s mood change having you worried.
Did you say something wrong? Was he upset he had to sleep on the floor? Or about Helion? The last question made you laugh. Never in a million years would he be jealous of Helion, especially with you. He saw you as a friend, maybe even a sister, and nothing more. 
Even if you wanted more…
No. No. You scowled as you reprimanded yourself for that thought. Azriel was your best friend and even if you had a crush on him, you weren’t going to entertain it. You weren’t even his type and he had literally every woman in Velaris in the palm of his hand. He could have anyone. 
The thought stung, making you grab your bathing supplies to try and scrub them away. Your skin was raw by the time you were done and your heart was aching. It pissed you off, you had been doing so well in ignoring these feelings and yet you had allowed yourself to think he could be jealous, sending you right back into the pit again.
You stood and drained the tub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around yourself before walking back into the bedroom. Azriel had indeed made a spot for himself, extra sheets and blankets sprawled out by the balcony, but that’s not what caught your attention.
He had already stripped down to his leathers, chest bare and wings tucked in as he waited for you. The moon was just rising in the sky and the whole scene was like something out of your darkest dreams. You had to remind yourself to breathe as you looked everywhere but him.
“Bathroom’s free, have at it.” You mumbled with a white-knuckled grip on the towel. Azriel turned to you, surprised to see you out that fast, only to stop midstep. His eyes roamed your frame slowly, trailing the small beads of water that were still dripping down your leg as you fiddled with your pajamas.
There was a small grunt of acknowledgment before he stalked to the bathroom, almost slamming the door off its hinges as he shut it. You were just thankful for the silence, taking in a gulping breath while throwing your pajamas on as quickly as possible.
You could finally relax when you heard the water turn on, cursing under your breath as the image of him burned in your mind. The entire day had been fine until now, your body aching with need as your thoughts turned dirty.
It had been a while since you had sex with someone or yourself. You were busy with this or that, trying to catch up on sleep whenever possible, and feeling guilty when your thoughts drifted to a certain Illyrian who was currently bathing himself. 
Surely you could allow yourself this small reprieve, right?
One of your hands ghosted down your chest as you imagined his large hands soaping up his arms, his chest, and his stomach. They would go down lower and lower until he got his cock, not being able to resist the urge to tease himself which would make him groan out.
Your panties were already wet when you got down to them, all rational thought being left at the door as you slid a single digit down your sex. It immediately had your back arching off the bed, the pad of your finger circling your clit to tease you just like Azriel was teasing himself.
The thought had you closing your eyes, wanting to lose yourself in the fantasy as much as you could. He would groan out your name, standing up to get a better angle as his nostrils flared. You could see the muscles of his neck tighten as he spat on his dick, fucking into his hand as he imagined it was you.
And just as he was doing that in your thoughts, you were starting to fuck yourself in return. Two of your fingers were thrusting in and out of you sloppily, the heel of your hand pressing on your clit as you rutted up, wishing it was Azriel’s cock instead. 
You could already feel yourself getting close, and the man in your head was also. His wings were now flared out as he growled your name, head falling back as he spilled his seed into the air. A sharp intake of breath and you were on the edge, biting down so hard on your tongue to keep from calling out. It was within your grasp.
Until you heard the bathtub drain. 
Shame traveled down your spine like ice water as you scrambled up to fix your appearance, wiping the wetness that coated your fingers beside you while your heart hammered in your chest. There was some rustling in the bathroom before the doors opened and Azriel emerged with a towel slung low on his hips, water still dripping from his head.
It took every fiber of your being to remain calm, looking up at him like you hadn’t just imagined him masturbating. You could have sworn he knew, his eyes dark as he looked around suspiciously.
“Are you okay?” He asked, eyes flickering down to the rumpled sheets around your waist.
“Never better.” You squeaked, clearing your throat immediately while clenching your thighs as tight as you could. “Was your bath good?”
“Never better.” He echoed back, grabbing his sleep clothes. You took the cue and turned away, rubbing a hand over your face to get a grip on your emotions. Azriel was the spymaster, he could read people like a book, and the last thing you wanted was for him to find out about this stupid crush. 
“You ready?” His voice was dangerously low, and you almost snapped your neck looking back at him, face flushed.
“What?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, swearing his tone was borderline suggestive, but any trace of that was nowhere to be found on his face.
“I said are you ready for bed?” Azriel clarified, bending down to fix his ‘bed’. 
There was no way you were making it out tonight alive. He was going to give you a heart attack and send you straight to the Mother.
“Oh, uh, yes.” You faltered, reaching over to switch off the lamp. “Are you sure you’re okay sleeping on the floor? I don’t mind switching.”
Azriel just waved you off, mumbling something about the Illyrian camps before resting his head and closing his eyes. You watched him for a few seconds before settling in yourself, watching the curtains flutter in the night’s breeze and closing your eyes.
It had been two hours now and you had barely been able to close your eyes. Every time you did, you saw him there. He was haunting you twenty-four seven now while you tossed and turned for the hundredth time. You were begging for sleep to claim you but your body was more interested in the ache that still lie between your legs.
Azriel was asleep, or at least seemed like it, but you didn’t want to risk it. If he saw or heard you, it would mortify you. Both of your legs kept rubbing and pressing against each other to try and gain some friction but it was only making you tenser.
You huffed and threw the blankets off your body, welcoming the night chill as you quietly got up and tiptoed to the bathroom. A cold glass of water should help. You just needed to be silent so as not to wake him. 
The water was a welcome distraction as you gulped it down greedily, placing the glass beside you before deciding to splash some on your face. It cooled your skin slightly but not enough for any real change.
“What’s wrong?”
His voice behind you made your jump and scream, your hand flying over your mouth as you whirled to face him. Azriel watched you with amusement as you gathered yourself from nearly being scared to death.
“Stars above, Az. Don’t sneak up on me like that.” You snapped while grabbing a towel to pat your face down. “Why are you awake?”
“You keep tossing and turning, then you got up. Just checking on you.” He said sincerely, licking his lips. “Bad dreams?”
Ha. If he only knew.
“No, fuck, I’m sorry.” You fumbled. “I didn’t mean to keep you up.”
He took a step towards you and gently grabbed your hand. You look into his eyes and almost melt at the concern, guilt eating you alive. “Talk to me, princess.” Azriel pressed, the heat coming from his body making it hard for you not to press up against him.
You wanted to tell him everything, confess your sins and rid yourself of these thoughts that were keeping you awake, but you couldn’t. It would be unbearable if he pushed you away. So, you lie.
“I’m just stressed, don’t worry. I promise I am fine.” It flew off your tongue with ease, but he wasn’t buying it.
The grip on your hand tightened as his eyes narrowed. “Don’t lie to me, Y/N.”
All you had to do was tell him your feelings, it was right there. Your pulse was fluttering under his fingertips as you take shallow breaths, trying to ground yourself. 
“I-I can’t. I’m sorry.” You whispered, head bowing as you stared at the floor trying to will him to go back to bed. Maybe the two of you could pretend this never happened if he just let you go.
A finger pulled your chin up until you were staring into those gorgeous hazel eyes. He was a hairsbreadth away from your lips, both of your noses brushing against each other as the smell of him overwhelmed your sense.
“I heard you earlier…while I was in the bath.” Azriel confessed, voice dangerously low. “Who were you thinking of? Helion?”
“No.” You answered immediately, cheeks hot. “No, not Helion.”
Azriel’s shoulders seemed to relax at that, but the tension was still there, charging up like a lightning storm. He took another step which had your back hitting the sink, leaving you nowhere to run. 
You swallowed thickly, your throat suddenly dry as you searched his eyes for any indication he was angry. However, he was as masked as always, leaving you nothing but your gut to go on. 
“You know who.” You murmured, goosebumps rising on your skin as his other hand came to rest on your hip. His fingers were almost scalding hot as they dug in as if he was using all of his strength not to pounce.
“Say it.” Was his only reply, eyes never leaving yours. You felt lightheaded as all of the tension between the two of you finally came to a head, pupils blown wide as you breathed his name into the air.
His nostrils flared as he grasped your face and kissed you as you had never been kissed before, those scarred hands caressing your face as you melted into his arms. He groaned against your lips as you swiped your tongue across his own, opening for you so that you could deepen the kiss.
Both of your hands came up to the back of his head, grasping onto his hair while trying to pull him impossibly closer. You could swear your heart was going to burst out of your chest at what was happening, that fire returning to your body with the force of a thousand suns.
Suddenly his hands left your face to grab your hips, hoisting you onto the counter but making sure his mouth never left yours. You pulled away to catch your breath, eyeing the string of saliva that connected you, but Azriel had other ideas. 
Those plush lips of his trailed across your face and onto your neck, sucking and biting as he pleased. Your nails scratched against the marble at the sensation, arching into his touch as he growled into your throat. He quickly found that spot behind your ear, the spot that had you moaning his name.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear that from you.” He cooed into your ear, biting your earlobe, before continuing his journey down your neck. 
The thought of him dreaming of this, of you, just as you did had your stomach filling with butterflies. You felt him stop at your pajama top and when you lifted your head to help him, a loud rip sounded out across the bathroom. Buttons flew every which way as the remains of your top fell to the floor.
Azriel paid no mind, cupping each breast in his hand while biting his lip. He glanced up at you, and you nodded, groaning when he pinched the pebbled nipples in between his fingers.
“Fuck.” You cried, closing your eyes as he took the left one into his mouth and lazily sucked. It could be your denied orgasm from earlier, but it felt as if every nerve was on fire.
You looked up in ecstasy as he switched, noticing the mirrors that also occupied the ceiling. He had you high on the counter and the sight of him devouring your breasts, wings slightly spread, had you coating the sink with your wetness.
He pulled away while taking a deep breath, smelling your arousal. It made him feel drunk, and when he followed your gaze, he couldn’t stop the feral grin from forming. 
“Do you enjoy watching me play with you, princess?” He teased, pulling your forward until your ass was hanging off the counter. You blushed fiercely when you saw him watching you, but Azriel just clicked his tongue, lifting your hips so he could remove your panties and pants.
“Watch.” He ordered, one of his hands pressing you down onto the cool marble until you were flat. You felt him lift your legs over his shoulders, brushing against those massive wings, and when you lifted your head to watch him, he lightly slapped the inside of your thigh. 
A small wince of pain flared up, but when he pointed up, you realized what he wanted you to do. You laid your head back down and watched from the mirror, seeing him grip your thighs and yank them apart.
His nose came to the folds of your cunt, and he breathed deep, growling at the scent before he dived into your slickness. You had no time to prepare yourself as a loud cry left your mouth, hips trying to rise up in pleasure. Azriel was relentless in his pace, licking and sucking on your clit like it was his favorite meal.
The mirror gave you more pleasure on top of what was already happening, watching the muscles along his back and arms move and tense as he moaned into your pussy. Your own hands came to grasp at your tits, tugging your nipples as two of his fingers nudged your entrance.
It was all happening so fast, but you were thankful for that, not wanting time to think about how this decision could affect things later on. He pulled himself away from your juices just as he thrust those fingers in, watching your face in the mirror as your eyebrows scrunched in pleasure.
“Please, please…” You whined, feeling your walls clench around him as he curled and scissored to his heart's content. Azriel’s face appeared above your own as he continued to fuck you with those long digits, taking in every reaction. 
“What do you want, Y/N?” He snarled, his eyes incredibly dark as you started to approach the edge. 
“I-just, please!” You gasped, grinding into his hand as he licked the taste of you off his lips. “I need to cum. Please, Azriel, please let me cum.”
He groaned in satisfaction from your words, speeding up while digging the heel of his palm into your clit. That plus your grinding had you right there, your eyes starting to roll back just as he whispered, “Good fucking girl, princess.”
Your voice went hoarse from your scream, his name and other profanities babbling out as you had the best orgasm of your life. Azriel’s hand never left your cunt as you quaked and shivered underneath him, his mouth biting down on your shoulder as you rode out your orgasm.
After you quieted down, he slowed his pace, the wetness making a wet squelching sound as you tried to regain control of your breathing. He withdrew his hand entirely after a few moments and lifted you from the counter, carrying you bridal style back into the bedroom and sitting you on the bed.
You sat up slowly just to watch him undo his bottoms, the moonlight casting a large shadow across the room. Azriel watched you with an insatiable hunger as they fell to the floor, grasping his cock in his hands. 
It was big, the biggest you had ever had, and you felt drool collecting on the corner of your mouth. You crawled over to try to take him into your mouth, but he shook his head, grasping your throat while pulling you up to your knees. 
“No, not tonight. I want to feel that cunt around me.” Azriel said, kissing you hungrily before laying you back down on the bed. It was soft underneath you, and when he climbed on top, those dark wings spread until it felt like the two of you were the only ones in the world.
He wasted no time lining himself up with you, coating the head of his cock until it was soaked with your cum. You placed a hand on his chest right before he pushed in, pulling his face down so that you could kiss him once more.
Azriel sighed into the kiss and pressed himself into you inch by inch, cursing at the tightness and warmth of your pussy. You hissed at the stretch but didn’t dare ask him to stop, resting your hands on his shoulders as he bottomed out inside of you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, barely keeping it together. You nodded and he smiled, kissing you once more in a tender moment before he pulled out almost entirely and then thrust back in.
You gasped as he hit your cervix, nails digging into his skin as he set a slow, deep pace. His forehead pressed against yours as he shuddered into your chest, trying not to destroy you as the headboard creaked underneath his grip.
“Faster, Az.” You moaned into his ear, sucking the shallow part of his throat that had his resolve crumbling in seconds. He rose up on his knees, lifting your hips in his hands, and fucked you like he truly wanted to.
His balls were slapping against your ass at a brutal pace, but it had you losing your mind, the angle making him hit that sweet spot every single time. You cried out and tried to find something to hold onto as his lips curled back in feral delight, enjoying seeing you fucked out like this.
“Look at you, Y/N,” Azriel growled, his shadows curling over his shoulders as he started to lose himself in the sensation of you. “You’re taking me so well, so deep.”
A nod was your only response before he suddenly pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach, raising your ass high and reentering you with ease. You grabbed blindly at the pillow in front of you, but he was quicker, throwing it behind him with a dark laugh.
“Don��t hide those sounds from me, princess. I want to hear you say who’s doing this to you.” 
One of his hands slapped your ass, kneading it in his hand as he threw his head back in ecstasy. He was close, and you were too, drunk on his cock as you moaned at his name. “Azriel is, you are, please-” You choked, feeling his cock twitch at your cries.
“I want you to cum with me, do you understand?” He groaned, feeling his balls tighten as you already started to clamp down on him. “I want you to scream my name for the entire court to hear.”
And with those few final thrusts, you obeyed without question, screaming at the top of your lungs as he filled you with his hot cum. You heard him call out your name as he finished inside you, hips stuttering as the grip on your hip tightened hard enough to bruise.
You felt the cum leaking out around his dick as he finally came down, your body so overstimulated that you practically collapsed on the bed. Azriel pulled out of you with a smirk, enjoying the way your hole tried to keep him inside before rolling over to your other side.
“Y/N?” He whispered, peeking over only to see you fast asleep. 
His heart fluttered at the sight, something so domestic about it, as he got up and wiped you down, pulling your panties back up and tucking you in beside him. Azriel knew tomorrow would be full of talking and you trying to apologize, but for now, he just wanted to enjoy this moment with you in his arms.
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they-bite · 2 years
Aight, I'll ask. Monsters vs. Aliens with Megamind? If it's not too much trouble?
It's more of a fan theory than like a fic idea or anything, and I'm surely not the first person to mention this, but two other ppl asked about it so I digress --
Quick recap of the first couple minutes of Megamind: Megamind (and Metroman) were both shuttled off of dying planets by their parents a la Superman. Megamind was also given Minion, a fish with some kind of satellite implant, and told Minion would "take care of him".
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Minion's existence here implies two things: one, that Megamind's planet hosted more species than just the blue humanoids Megamind is a member of; and two, that these species (as well as whatever other species existed with them) have a hierarchal relationship. Given that Megamind's planet is also very blue, and what little architecture we see is wide-open and curvilinear, we can also theorize a bit about Megamind's species being amphibious or semi-aquatic. Megamind's incredible intellect and predisposition to engineering also seems to have a precedent on his homeworld: a supercomputer and some out-of-focus machinery are shown in close proximity to baby Megs' crib, implying that his people were a highly industrial species relying on advanced technology.
Now consider Gallaxhar's design from Monsters vs. Aliens.
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Distended cranium, blue (indigo, but still) skin, purplish flush on his ears implying red blood and black eyebrows – all features Megamind's species has. He's even got the glittery white clothing and high collar that Megamind's parents wear. Now of course, Gallaxhar also has considerably different features – he's in the 7-8 foot range, his head is much taller than those of Megs' species, four eyes instead of two, and six tentacles instead of two legs. It's highly possible that hierarchal scale, larger craniums and extra limbs/eyes were prized features on Megamind's world – more brainpower and ability to multitask, which are both ideal in industrial cultures.
So extrapolating off of our theories on Megamind's planet, it's possible that Gallaxhar is of a species that dominated over Megamind's before their planet was destroyed.
Consider, further, this bit of Gallaxhar's backstory:
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Now, Megs' planet was pulled into a black hole, it didn't have the relatively easier destruction of a core meltdown. But we're never given a good ceiling for the abilities at Gallaxhar's disposal, and "destroyed" could mean anything from "I caused a black hole to happen" to "I knew it was happening and decided not to warn anybody". (You could go with the latter option if you wanted the Superman callbacks in Megs' backstory to hold out.)
What does this mean for Megs? Personally I'm given to think the events of Monsters vs. Aliens happened before the events of Megamind, since MvA came out a year before. And Megamind seems to have eidetic (or at least very clear) memory of his homeworld – I wouldn't put it past him to have scrounged the wreckage of Gallaxhar's ship both for parts and for answers about himself.
Especially where his de-gun comes in. What is that blue glowing stuff it uses, anyway?
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Trace quantonium, perhaps?
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Other ideas for an actual crossover are as follows:
-A legal loophole of some sort prevents Area Fifty-Something from appropriating Megs and Minion since they were already in federal incarceration (The Metro City Prison warden and General Monger have had more than a few annoyed calls over the years)
-Roxanne and Derek are related (they have similar coloring, slim figures and squared-off jawlines. Derek is like, Roxie's cousin who's unashamedly trying to replicate her success) or they at the very least know of each other
-In the same vein of thinking, Roxie taking Susan out to lunch sometime
-Megamind & Dr. Cockroach team up (but quickly get more preoccupied with Minion becoming drinking buddies w the Missing Link)
-Somehow I want B.O.B. and Metroman to meet and B.O.B. fucking loves MM's music. They're himbo kings
-Also B.O.B. reading Hal to filth
-Again, I don't have like, actual fic ideas for this, but I do at some point want to draw Susan holding Megs in the palm of her hand because that would be incredibly cute.
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New environment - Chapter 3
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warning : slightly angst , fluff , emotional , comfort , making friends , nervousnes , feelings
next chapter , masterlist
She could feel that it was no longer the earth on which she was. For this, the environment was too different, too pure, too nature-laden. It was completely pure, untouched and not as dirty as the earth.
The first step was hesitant and she held onto Jake's shoulder before moving her cane in front of her. ,,This is incredible," she murmured, and Jake let his gaze wander as well. ,,Yes, the machines are truly incredible," she heard him marvel and shook her head. ,,If you say so...what does it look like here?" she asked, trying to picture it somehow.
Besides a large stone area and some kind of wall because the noise was thrown back a little she couldn't make out much. ,,The base is big, there are machines and combat robots everywhere. It looks like a metal city with soldiers, mercenaries, vehicles... in front of it and it only takes a moment, the base is a well metal building" he explained tersely and she nodded. ,,And Pandora?" she asked but stopped when Jake stopped and a loud vehicle like a truck drove in front of her.
She felt him tense for a moment as if he had seen something that frightened him. ,,Is everything all right?" she asked him, but Jake just shook his head. ,,We'll be right there," he encouraged himself and her before they continued on their way. The comments of two soldiers were not lost on either of them, but they ignored them for now. Trouble was the last thing they needed for now.
Jake opened the door and Y/n helped him hold it open so he could get through. ,,We can take the masks off," she explained and they both took a deep breath. ,,It doesn't smell so clean anymore" she thought, slightly concerned, sniffing the slight smell of metal, oil, deodorant and science.
Even if the latter was not a real smell, she knew that they would both be right here. Walking side by side, Jake seemed to be amazed as far as she could feel. ,,At least someone feels comfortable" she thought and felt the metallic ground under her ball at the front part of the staff. Everything here seemed to be made of metal.
However, she also knew that it was better that way. A small hole or crack and they would all be dead in four minutes. An unpleasant thought as probably everyone here feels.
They went another piece before they arrived at a crossroads with different ways. ,,Sorry, but I have to discuss something about my brother. Do you think you can find your way to the introduction? I'll catch up with you," Jake said and rolled over to her so he was in front of her. Alone through here she heard her thoughts and looked around.
But the colors were dimmed not dark just not as bright a clear difference from outside. ,,It's okay, I'll manage, I'll ask if I need to," she said and gave him an encouraging smile before they stopped listening to his rolls.
Only when he was gone did she sigh and try to hear something. But it was too much to tell where. Well then, the old fashioned way she thought and started moving around hoping to find the hall or room.
She decided to go to the right, a path that led her further in. Not only was there less light from outside, but the smell of metal increased. This is not the science area, she reminded herself, trying not to bump into anyone.
What landed her on the search only conditionally. If she bumped into someone, she apologized, but most of the time they just answered with a quick ,,I'm sorry" or not at all. She was not stupid, she knew that here were not only halfway honorable soldiers but also mercenaries and other people with whom one did not want to mess. But she was not discouraged, even if it was ridiculous.
And it could not protect her from the dangers out there, maybe it gave her a little respect. With her free hand she went to her neck and pulled out the dog tag so that it was visible over her top. Maybe someone here knows him? the thought crossed her mind before she continued. Her hopes went up even as her surroundings became a little quieter.
Where it was quieter, there could only be the canteen, the sleeping quarters or the meeting rooms. A chance of three but she would have to take the risk. Going further through it, she quickly realized that it was not the canteen.
There was no smell of food in the air and no loud talking. Only the chambers and the meeting rooms remain she thought and ventured further ahead. Soon it was so quiet that she thought she had arrived at the base in the basement, if there was such a thing.
Her free hand moved along the wall and after a few more steps she had a first doorbell in her hand. Taking one last deep breath in and out, she slowly opened the door and stepped inside. ,,Hello, is this where the new arrivals are being briefed?" she asked, trying to guess what was waiting for her.
It was a medium sized room, there was definitely a window and the colors were a little brighter. It smelled of leather and wood as if someone had made something. Before these smells mixed with an aftershave.
An interesting smell that aroused her interest but slowly she doubted that this was the meeting room. ,,Hello is-" she wanted to ask again when she bumped into something hard with her cane. Astonished to stretch out her hand, she had hardly noticed how the smell had become stronger.
Slowly, fearing to touch something wrong, she felt fabric under her fingertips and the warmth of a body underneath. ,,You are more than just wrong" she suddenly heard a male voice say and she felt the muscles under the clothes tighten slightly.
Looking up slightly at the man, she took her cane away. Her expression showed surprise and her heart beat faster for a moment as the colors in her vision shone brightly.
It was not the same as when she was outside talking to her mother or teaching. No, it was completely new and she didn't know why she was seeing it so brightly. The light blue mixed with white and green. That's how she perceived him and couldn't quite interpret it.
Slowly she held out her hand to him. Before she said, ,,Excuse me, I hope I'm not anywhere I'm not supposed to be. I'm new here and well, I'm looking for the briefing, I'm Y/n" and gave the unknown a slight smile. He must be at least a soldier she thought, still seeming to feel his muscles. But where exactly was she? Suddenly, the unknown man grabbed her necklace and pulled it towards him.
Involuntarily, she took another step towards him to prevent the chain from breaking. ,,You did not serve," he stated, sounding more disappointed than pleased. ,,No I didn't, my father did, I'm a biologist" she defended herself and reached for the dog tag. She felt him open his hand, making it easier for her to accept. She hated it. ,,Thank you," she said snappishly and gave him a warning look.
But he ignored it rather than taking it seriously. ,,You're the new one from the crazy ones," he said amusedly and walked past her. ,,The crazy ones?" she echoed and turned to him. He's just leaving, she thought indignantly, biting her tongue to keep from grumbling at him.
A sigh crossed his lips before he opened the door. ,,The biologists, doctors, nature lovers," he enumerated and she rolled her eyes before walking towards the door. ,,Oh, and to answer your question, Colonel Miles Quaritch, the man in charge of your security," he said, holding the door open for her, which she would have otherwise hit on the way out. She didn't have to look at him or say a word to realize that he was grinning at the whole situation.
She would have loved to fly straight back to earth. Wordlessly she walked past him, but as soon as she was standing in the corridor she knew she had to rely on him. Sighing, she unfolded her blind staff and walked next to the colonel to finally get to the place where she originally wanted to go. The two remained silent.
On the one hand she didn't know what to say and on the other hand he thought the same. ,,How long have you been here?" she asked when the silence became too uncomfortable. ,,It's called Colonel for you long enough to know that if you go out of it you die," he warned and she heard his dissatisfaction about his unnamed title clearly.
,,If you say so...Colonel. Besides, I made it here from Earth, I don't give up so easily," she said and looked at him for a moment. Before she continued to walk beside him and they walked along the corridors to the large room. She could hear the acoustics changing and people talking.
But as soon as she got closer, the voices stopped, and she realized it wasn't her fault, but rather Quaritch's. He's tense, she thought with a grin as she leaned against one of the tables, ignoring the looks of the others. A slight smile was on her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment to take in the sound.
Quaritch walked up and down the tables. He talked about the dangers of the planet, the inhabitants, the new environment. Not everyone wants to kill you, she thought, looking up at him, unable to ignore the fact that she had never seen her colors glow so brightly since she had been in the room with him. Maybe it's just the environment, she thought, but her inner self told her otherwise.
Taking her eyes off him, she heard the sound of rolling and looked to her left and recognized Jake. The colors much darker than Quaritch's she gave him a smile. ,,Hey" she said softly and Jake nodded before they both listened to Quaritch until the end.
But all the time she couldn't deny that no matter how long or short she looked at him, the colors were always so beautifully bright. ,,You made it here after all," Jake noted happily as the two made their way toward the lab area.
Past the many seemingly endless soldiers that came towards them. ,,Yeah, you could say that," she said, avoiding his gaze. ,,Why did something happen?" came the question almost as quickly and she thought that he would raise an eyebrow. ,,I'll tell you some other time," she said and was about to continue talking to him when she suddenly heard a voice behind her. ,,Jake wait" said a man and although she wanted to stop Jake continued his way.
,,I'm Norm Spellmann" he introduced himself and somehow tried to find a place next to the two without running into the other soldiers. ,,I'm Y/n," she said curtly, looking reddish and brown tones as she looked at him. ,,I knew your brother, we were at Avatar training together," he said, and she was surprised that Jake had left that out of his conversation.
Even though she found it a bit tactless to bring up these sad memories again for her friend. The three of them walked a short distance until she heard a door open and she got Norm's confirmation. ,,The bio lab is our new home and the place where we will probably spend most of our time," he said happily and began to introduce herself to the others.
Jake and Y/n also looked around and the colors changed to a bright white and gray. Medically laboratory sterile, she thought with a grin, and walked behind the two of them, careful not to knock anything over.
It was much quieter than in the hallways, a pleasant atmosphere for her ears and eyes. ,,That's where the connection chambers are," she heard Norm say, but walked behind Jake, who turned left into a larger open space in the lab. ,,Wow, they're really big," Jake said in amazement, and she wished she could see what he meant.
,,What's there?" she asked them both, feeling around with her hand before touching cold glass. ,,These are our avatars, created from our genes and samples from the original inhabitants," Norm said, and now she knew approximately where she was. She had read and heard about the Avatar program.
She knew it was a highly expensive and yet extraordinarily fascinating project. ,,What do they look like?" she asked, looking at Jake who was next to her and also looking at the tank. ,,Blue and big," he said, but Y/n shook his head. ,,No, I mean do they look like you?" she put it right and Jake looked at his avatar.
She said sadly, and she put a hand on his shoulder. ,,No believe me Jake he looks like you that's your avatar now" she heard Norm say who had come to them with a doctor.
The four of them stayed with the avatars for a while before they all continued on their way to the linking chambers.
She heard a whirring or routing sound and carefully groped around and felt capsule-like beds next to the railing to her right. She heard how apparently one of the capsules opened. As soon as a woman shouted, ,,Where are my damn cigarettes?" before someone ran up quickly and apparently gave the woman her cigarettes.
A moment later, she smelled a faint odor of smoke before she knew who was standing in front of her, Jake, Norm and the doctor. ,,Doctor Grace Augustine, it is an honor to make your acquaintance," she said, holding out her hand to the doctor. ,,Doctor Wilder your work has been interesting but I doubt we need you and this Marine" she said and Y/n knew the older woman could be more than brusque and pulled her hand away.
,,Besides you Marine I don't need you I need your brother and you Doctor Wilder are welcome to get to work examining the plants" she said and was about to leave when Jake approached her. ,,I can't do that, he's dead, I'll take his place" he explained curtly and seemed to have convinced Augustine.
,,All right, I want you to be here tomorrow at eight o'clock and let the biologist find her way around first, I don't need anyone ruining my samples," she said before heading for the door to talk to the leader.
,,She doesn't seem too pleased," Jake obviously noticed and the others nodded. ,,We'll just get on with it," she muttered, looking around before using her hand to identify and feel the objects around her.
The entire lab was large and it took her several hours to find her way around the connecting chambers. Although she did not yet have the people and everything else in her head, a picture slowly opened up in her mind.
Jake and Norm also helped her and told her how things looked here in case she didn't calculate something. It was nice help, help among colleagues and maybe even friends. Quaritch she thought and her hand clasped her necklace.
No, he had helped her because he thought she was weak and helpless. She knew that as soon as one saw her stick or looked into her eyes there were two possibilities. The first, and for her, the most common.
People were uncomfortable with her as if she were an alien. Some didn't talk to her at all, helped her too much, or talked so loudly that she couldn't understand if they knew the difference between blind and deaf.
The other rarer kind were those who took it, ignored it and helped her only when she asked. It was a simple relationship between her and the second faction. She did not feel helpless and yet she felt respected.
,,Y/n are you coming to dinner in the cantina?" she heard the voice of Jake, who was waiting for her with Norm at the entrance to the junction chamber. ,,Yes, I'll be right there," she called, rising from her seat before turning off her dictation machine, on which she left her impressions for her studies and walked slowly to Jake and Norm.
On the way to the kanteen, she folded up her cane and oriented herself by the sounds of the two men.
Much easier and more efficient as long as it didn't get too loud. But that changed in the Kanteene it was filled with talking, laughing and eating sounds which is why she put herself between Jake and Norm to get a little more security.
The three of them coordinated themselves into one of the last tables in the back rows and sighed when they finally arrived. ,,This reminds me of the sacrifice time in high school," she heard Norm quip, and she could hear a certain amount of pain.
,,Yeah, but we're the cool ones now, believe me," she said, giving him an encouraging smile. ,,Was high school that bad for you?" Jake asked, getting a confused look from Norms. ,,Were you the athletic guy or the class clown?" she countered, taking a bite of her food.
Jake ran his hands over his hair, slightly embarrassed. ,,Well, more like the truant and helpful justice seeker," he confessed, and the three of them smirked.
She let her gaze wander dark tones before her eyes which was due to the soldiers. ,,Are the higher-ups sitting here too?" she asked, taking the last bite before looking at them. ,,No, they wouldn't sit with us here, they probably have their own room," said Jake, who had more experience than the others in the military.
The meal continued quietly, but they talked for a long time until the three of them went to sleep. To their surprise, the science team seemed to get really small rooms.
In contrast to the normal sodalists and mercenaries who slept in raised beds in large rooms, she had a small room. From what she had met and explored she had a relatively large comfortable bed. A desk with a chair that was connected to her research and on which was her data.
A closet and a shelf. Her favorite thing about the whole thing, however, was the adjoining bathroom, which bordered her room through a sliding door. A more or less spacious shower, toilet and sink with a mirror. ,,This is quite good" she said and began to unpack her things and slowly settle in.
Or to make herself a little more comfortable for the time she was here. She didn't know exactly how much time had passed as she reached for her sleeping shirt. A few hours probably and yet she was not tired.
The feeling of success in her dreams and wishes was satisfying. Pandora...I am really on Pandora the thought went through her mind and she looked at the photo on her small nightstand next to her bed. The photo that showed her with her mother and father together.
She was about to undress when there was a knock on her door. Who is it? she asked herself and put the sleeping shirt on her bed before she went to the door and opened it. ,,Miss Wilder, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I'm supposed to take you to your recruiters," she heard the familiar voice of Quaritch.
The colors brightened and she couldn't hide her surprise and yet this small joy that was in conflict with the reluctance. She leaned against the doorframe and said, ,,Quaritch, I didn't know you were a gofer," she joked, deciding to tease him a little. She had not forgotten his action with the chain.
,,Colonel still Miss and I'm here to make sure you don't get lost again" he did the same and the two of them looked at each other for a moment before she walked past him and the two of them started to move. ,,What is it about?" she asked after a short while due to the silence that fell between them.
,,It's about the promise to see again" he said and looked at her. ,,My eyes" she said and also looked at him slightly upwards. ,,I will see again" was just one of the many thoughts that went through her mind. ,,Do you know which model?" she asked and Quaritch shook his head before realizing that she didn't see it.
,,No, now get in here, we're here," she heard the commanding tone before he opened the door again before they stepped into a larger room. She heard the whirring and beeping of a machine.
She knew the sound from somewhere, but she couldn't remember it. ,,Wilder, glad you're here," she heard the voice of her actual recruiters. ,,Why all this fuss about eye models or a check for an operation I could have picked up myself," she said, folding her arms in front of her chest.
Despite this, her heart was beating fast with anticipation. When silence fell between the people, she gulped. ,,Is it not an operation or a model...how am I supposed to see again?" she asked, taking a step toward the two men.
,,Your father Y/n never wondered why the government or the RDA never paid you and your mother proper compensation" he started talking and she didn't like where this was going. ,,They paid for my studies, that's all, what does this have to do with my father?" she asked, looking from the recruiter to Quaritch.
,,He knew of her passion, but also of her suffering," he continued, and at the word suffering she tensed slightly. Suffering, the word kept echoing in her head, she hated it. ,,Get to the point," she demanded, looking at them both in warning of what they were not telling her.
,,Your father wanted us to give you something you always wanted instead of money or other help". ,,Now tell me," she demanded and took another step towards him. ,,Your own Avatar," he said, and it hit her almost like a blow.
In disbelief, she stepped away from him and clutched her necklace. ,,What?" she muttered, looking back and forth between Quaritch and the other, confused and upset. ,,Come," Quaritch said, putting a hand on her shoulder before taking her further into the room.
It was warm, yet his grip was heavy with a hint of command. She felt goose bumps coming on her skin. But whether it came from the colonel or the things she had just experienced, she didn't know.
The whirring and beeping grew louder until she reached out and moved her hand in front of her. It's a tank, she realized in shock as she touched the round glass and felt the slight chill behind it. ,,Why me?" she asked, still confused and upset, her grip on the chain tightening.
,,We were going to give them protheses for the protocol, but someone was convincing," she heard the soldier hiss, and she looked at Quaritch, who had been watching her the whole time. Quaritch...he stood up for me, the realization flashed through her mind.
And the colors as they looked at him seemed so incredibly close. She would have liked to thank him. ,,It would be a waste of resources, and I'm tired of leading you through this," she heard Quaritch confess before she realized that he had given her her avatar.
She felt her emotions surge through her body, her hand trembling slightly as she still grasped the chain and leaned her other hand against the glass.
Tears had gathered in her eyes as she saw bluish colors as she looked to her avatar. This small hope in her was painfully shattered by him. The thing with her father, her avatar. It seemed too much to take in.
And yet she cursed herself for her naivety in believing that she would not be a burden to the colonel. ,,Fortunately for you, I will be able to see again tomorrow," she said warningly, but the pain and fragility of her voice was clearly audible before she walked past them. ,,Thank you Colonel," she said as she stopped at the door before opening it and walking out.
Taglist : @mooniequeen , @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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sisterofficerlucychen · 2 months
I had a random non-Chenford thought. So Tamara is moving out (sobs), there was a lot of talk this episode between Nolan and Celina about her roommate troubles, Lisseth was in that “Lucy apartment/room set tour” video Melissa posted……what if Celina moves in with Lucy when Tamara moves out??
i know 😭 still v sad about tamara moving out and also wondering if she will because part of me wonders if she'll leave lucy in the midst of a break up? tho lucy internalizes so much that i could easily see her pretending to be okay for the sake of encouraging tamara? so i think it could go either way.
that said, if it's the latter and lucy assures tamara she's fine and tamara does move out, pls gimme lucy and celina as roommates. that would be so cute????? like i'm just imagining them talking about their astrological signs and boys over dinner or hanging out in each other's rooms 😂
on a deeper level i'd love to see the relationship between these two get explored more because they have the potential to be such amazing friends!
we've already seen that they get along pretty well and in terms of where everyone is at in life, they're at a similar-ish place? at least with where the rest of the women we see on the show are — they're the closest to each other in age (at least lucy to celina), they don't have kids or are married, plus lucy could be the role model celina needs? as lucy came up as a rookie, she had nyla to look up to as a woman of color on the force who helped guide her - celina seems to be missing this. they also have childhoods and parental trauma to bond over lol.
thanks for pointing this out! ♡ both felt a little random like tamara asking lucy if it was a bad time to tell her about it when it seemed like she hadn't left her bed (or was going to) and also celina just bringing it up out of nowhere (unless i missed something which i could have bc my attention was not on their storyline lmao) that it would make a lot of sense if this is where they're headed and what they're setting them up for? bc i thought it was chenford moving in together but jk on that for now (rip) lol. like i remember the video but figured lisseth was just looking for melissa not that they could have possibly been filming a scene together in her apartment 👀
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Tech – Thank You For Loving Me 33 – The Deal
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Tech x fem!Reader FF
Warnings: Tension/Angst
The situation is still tense, perhaps even more so than before, because Hondo has a proposal that none of you like, especially Tech.
What Happened Before:
1 Nervous Flutter
Part 2 - Help Me To Let Go
Part 3 - Asking For Advice
Part 4 - Devotion
Part 5 - The Explorer
Part 6 - You’re The Best
Part 7 - Experimental (½)
Part 8 - Experimental (2/2) - Not Fully Functional
Part 9 - Not Alone
Part 10 - Cared For
Part 11 - Don’t You Worry
Part 12 - A White Lie
Part 13 - Hope
Part 14 - Games To Play
Part 15 - Work Work Work
Part 16 - Trouble
Part 17 - In Loving Domination (½)
Part 18 - The Game Changer
Part 19 - Wild Animal
Part 20 - Embarrassing Vulnerabilities
Part 21 - Between Hangover And Love
Part 22 - The Future Ahead Of Us
Part 23 - About Making A Baby
Part 24 - It’s Going To Be Okay
Part 25 - Returning A Favor
Part 26 - Baby Fever
Part 27 - A New Life
Part 28 - Daddy Tech
Part 29 – Back Home
Part 30 - Pleasant And Unpleasant Surprises
Part 31 - I’m Gonna Be A Sniper!
Part 32 - Pirates
The Deal
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You looked up at Tech, startled, and whispered his name in a panic. He gently squeezed your hand that he was still holding with some emphasis and whispered back, "She's with Crosshair, he knows what to do, don't worry." But he worried at least as much as you did. Hunter said somberly to the pirate, "You still haven't said what you want from us". Hondo turned back to him and stated lightly, "Well, you are well aware of the bounty that is on your heads." An icy cold shiver ran down your spine. But Hondo immediately raised his hands in a placating manner as his men drew their weapons because Wrecker was rising up threateningly. "Relax, I don't intend to turn you in, but I want you to do something for me, free of charge of course, my payment is that I don't turn you in. To make sure you really do what I ask you to do, Tech's wife and child will stay with me as long as you do the job". Tech growled and shoved you behind him, "Over my dead body!" "Careful son, that can be arranged" Hondo said with a small, dangerous smile. Tech's gaze wandered to Hunter, looking for help. "We're not going for that," the latter said seriously. Hondo nodded slowly and said, "Okay, we can shoot each other down here and now. You'll probably even win, but you'll definitely lose at least a man or two.... or even a woman before this is over. Or we do what I say and no one has to get hurt." You could see Hunter gritting his teeth, he took a quick glance at you and Tech, and at that moment you knew he was going to go for the deal. Your heart was pounding up to your throat. "No one is dying here," Hunter said, "But we need a guarantee that mother and daughter will remain unharmed and safe until we get back" "Hunter-", Tech begins protesting, but the sergeant interrupts him with a simple hand gesture. "Should either of them be injured or otherwise suffer discomfort, we will hunt you and your people to the ends of the galaxy, that much should be perfectly clear to you, Hondo," Hunter added. Hondo chuckled, "Of course, I can see you are all very protective of this little family. I guarantee they will stay safe and sound, I will personally keep an eye on them."
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"Uncle Cross!" Crosshair hummed in reply, "Hmm?" "Look." Amy held a colorful bunch of wildflowers under his nose. "Very nice, you're doing fine, little bean". Amy complained, pouting, "You're not even looking". Crosshair sighed softly, he could see how tense the situation was down in the valley, even if he couldn't hear what was being said. He had seen the men find the playground, and he saw yours and Tech's body language. The Sniper had a feeling things were not good, his trigger finger, carefully, stroked his weapon a little uneasily. "I'm sorry Amy, but I need to focus, this is important, you know that". With a sigh, Amy plopped down on her butt next to him and looked at the flowers she had picked. When Crosshair's com that was on her wristband beeped and Hunter's voice sounded a moment later, she looked from her flowers to the wristband, startled. "Hi Uncle Hunter!" said Amy joyfully excited, "Can we come back to you now?" "Sweetheart, what are you doing with Crosshairs Com? Let me have a word with him" Crosshair frowned critically, lowered the gun, grabbed Amy's arm and released the com. "I'm here. What's going on?" He looked through the scope again as he spoke and saw Hunter standing at the bottom of the Marauder. Crosshair immediately noticed that the pirates had fanned out; he no longer had all of them in his field of fire. He gritted his teeth. "We've come to an agreement, but you'll have to come down here with Amy to do it." Crosshair hesitated before answering, "Are you sure?" "We have no other choice" "I don't like this," the Sniper growled. "None of us like it," Hunter returned dryly. Crosshair waited a moment longer, but the pirates probably already expected to be watched by him, they stayed fanned out.
" Bloody hell," Crosshair growled, "we're coming down. If one of them so much as looks at the girl the wrong way..." "There will be no shooting," Hunter said seriously. "Fine," Crosshair growled, "We're on our way."
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Your heart was up to your neck when you saw Crosshair with Amy on his arm appearing among the trees near the Marauder. You wanted to run towards them, but Tech held you back. "Stay calm, no hasty movements, we don't want to make anyone nervous, we'll only endanger Amy by doing so," he said gently but firmly. It was hard for you to hold back, but you knew he was right. Hondo turned to the newcomers when they were within earshot. "Who do we have here? A little offspring clone?" Amy looked at him curiously but critically, then at her uncle. "Who's that?" she asked him quietly. "A pirate," Crosshair growled. "Not just any pirate," Hondo said, "I'm actually quite well known." Amy said, unimpressed, "Well, I don't know you." Hondo laughed, "You're a little too young for that" "I'm almost three" Amy said proudly holding up three of her little fingers. "Three? Pretty smart and talkative for a three-year-old. I guess that comes from your father's side," Hondo said, amused. He stepped closer, and you wanted to step in between again, but again Tech held you back, he knew you would act hastily and rashly if he let go of you now. "What is your name, my little one?" asked Hondo. "Amy," said your daughter softly. "Amy, hmm? That's a nice name." Turning to Crosshair, he said, "Put her down." The Sniper looked at him as if to impale the pirate with his gaze. Before he reacted, he looked questioningly at you and Tech.
Tech sighed softly, then nodded, barely noticeable. You felt that he was just as tense next to you as you were.
Crosshair lowered Amy to her small feet, but she immediately clung uneasily to his leg as Hondo approached. "You don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," Hondo said surprisingly gently as he crouched down. "Pretty lady, why don't you join your daughter, I'm sure she won't be so scared," Hondo finally said in your direction. This time you didn't let Tech hold you back, you pried your hand out of his, whereupon he looked at you, startled. Tense, he watched you rush to Amy and Crosshair. You immediately took Amy in your arms and hugged her with relief. Amy immediately held the flowers under your nose, they were already a bit squashed, but the little girl still smiled proudly as she held them out to you. "Thank you my darling, they are beautiful" Hondo suddenly stood very close to you and grinned at both of you. "A beautiful picture" he said, "Mother and daughter. I'm sure we'll get along just fine" He was a strange fellow, but somehow you didn't get the feeling that he had any dishonest ulterior motives, apart from the blackmail.
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Hunter explained the deal to Crosshair, who responded by spitting his toothpick into the dirt emphatically, angrily. "And you were okay with that?" he asked both Hunter and Tech, glancing back and forth between the two. "No, I wasn't, I still am not," Tech said tensely, "What if I don't get them back after we did what he wants from us?" "One of us should stay with them," Echo said seriously, frowning critically.
Wrecker, towering over them all, nodded seriously and said, “Let me stay, I'll keep them safe” Hunter sighed, "Depending on the task, we may need the whole team, we don't know what's coming yet" Rex who had been quietly in the background said, "Tech should stay with his family, I can take his place if you are short a man. Most of the things Tech would do, Echo can probably handle as well" Echo raised his scomp link in the air and said, "I may not be as sharp headed as Tech, but I'll get the job done. Rex is right." Hunter looked from one to the other, then over his shoulder to Hondo who was talking to you. "Hondo!" The pirate turned. "We'll do as you ask, but one of us will stay here with the girls." Hondo tilted his head slightly to the side and thought for a moment. "Let me guess, the family man doesn't want to leave his little family behind? Fine by me, but if he doesn't behave then-" Tech interrupted the pirate, "There is no need for threats, I will not do anything that could endanger my wife or daughter" "Very well," Hondo said, "I don't want to be a killjoy. He can stay for all I care, but please don't interrupt me again, I don't like it at all" Tech breathed a sigh of relief and immediately went to your side and hugged you both, gently, relieved. You looked up at him and said softly, "I'm so glad you're staying with us".
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@clone-whore-99 @chxpsi
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ask-team-misfit · 4 months
(To Hazel) Ok. Seriously. What is going on?
Hazel scowled, and started to retort with:
Hazel: “Th-that’s none of your–”
Only to trail off and stop herself. She couldn’t bring herself to finish her own sentence. Forget conflicted–she looked outright tense.
Fenninkou, who had been previously bouncing about, slowed to address Hazel properly with her usual, confident smile.
Fenninkou: “Come on! Something’s clearly bothering you. If anyone is in trouble, me and Rue can help, too!”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Fenninkou, a hybrid of Fennekin and Litten, with a mono-color background. She is shown from the neck up, with her face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. She looks especially cheerful, her eyes closed with a wide grin that shows her pointed teeth. End ID ]
Fenninkou: “We aren’t Treasure Hunters for nothing! Even if we’re still a junior team.”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Rue, a hybrid of Vulpix and Deerling, shown from the neck up, oriented similarly to the previous image. Her expression is more neutral. End ID ]
Rue: “D-depending what it is you really need…”
Hazel: “It’s… it’s complicated.”
With Rue and Fenninkou both staring her down, Hazel caved pretty quickly. She never was good at being aloof and distant; she still wondered how Vurunnekin pulled it off.
Alas, she braced herself mentally for what she was about to explain.
Hazel: “It’s like this. Me and Vurunne have been on the run from… someone, for some time now. This someone being the tyrant princess I mentioned.”
umbreonrogue asked: (@askappos) Appos@Hazel "You said someone was chasing you, right?" Appos carefully stated, as if she was worried she was prying too much. "Do you, um, know who's coming after you?"
[ @askappos ]
Upon hearing Appos’ voice, she paused. Her voice lowered to nearly a growl, sounding and looking the most serious she’s been since arriving.
Hazel: “Their names are Sinthia and Malice. The princess of the Ruby Nation, and her personal servant and minister.”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Hazel, a hybrid of Riolu, Galarian Zigzagoon and Sentret, shown from the shoulder up in a side profile towards the left, with a rather serious expression. Her eyes are obscured in shadow, and she’s scowling in a way that shows her teeth. End ID ]
Hazel: “She and her creepy little henchwoman cornered us last night…”
Back to last night…
Sinthia: “She will do anything to get her precious item back. Even fall for such an obvious trick!”
The grinning fox Pokemon began walking up close. In turn, Hazel and Vurunnekin move away. The former was scared shitless; the latter glared and tried to hide her look of fear.
Hazel: “Oh shit, oh shit…”
The foe’s tail swished about, and she cackled playfully. From behind her peered another Pokemon with glowing cyan eyes, who walked on all fours.
Malice: “P-please, surrender yourselves… so we can go home…?”
Vurunnekin: “You know damn well why we won’t! This has gone too far, and she will not listen to reason!”
Sinthia: “Aww, Malice… the fun has only begun. Why even think of returning home~?”
Malice: “B-because it’s really far away from home… and we’re right next to th-th… that kingdom…”
Sinthia: “All the more reason then to deal with these pests. The sooner we find all the treasures is the sooner we can get back~.”
Vurunnekin’s voice lowered to a whisper, addressing Hazel while keeping her eyes on the two before them.
Vurunnekin: “Hazel. When I say run, you run.”
Hazel muttered back, looking at Vurunnekin.
Hazel: “Wh-whatcha thinking there, Vurunne?”
Vurunnekin: “I’m gonna go distract them. You get out of here while you still can. The Fae Forest is right here. You can go and snag the plate while I deal with Sinthia.”
Hazel: “Wh-what? Leave you? With her??”
Sinthia: “Now is your final final chance to give that back~. Or things will get very, very messy!”
She paused to cackle, quaintly raising a paw to her still grinning face.
Sinthia: “But then again. You two have been annoying me for a while now. Maybe I’ll kill you anyway. The world would be better off… kehehehe~.”
Vurunnekin: “Twisted bitch…”
She spared a glance at Hazel, looking her large partner in the eyes.
Vurunnekin: “I’ve handled much worse than her. You know that. If I can injure her here before I have to get away, it would buy us plenty of time.”
Hazel: “B-but…”
Sinthia: “Get them, Malice.”
Vurunnekin: “Now go! Run!”
Back in the present…
Hazel: “That’s what Vurunne said. So I ran. I ran and I ran, and I heard them fighting behind me. My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. I guess I lost my sense of direction in my panic… since, here I am.”
Fenninkou and Rue, as well as whoever stuck around to listen–all gaped at Hazel with a variety of shock, even horror.
As for Hazel herself? She broke down.
Hazel: “I shouldn’t have ran away… Vurunne, what were you thinking?”
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
Maid for Each Other
For @tinybrie ❤ Happy birthday!
Tim had already noticed her before the reception. She looked beautiful in her pink bridesmaid dress, not quite upstaging the two grooms but striking enough to a head-turner. She was leaning against the refreshments table, watching the guests play around and dance to the semi-upbeat music.
He diverted his own attention to his brother and new brother-in-law. Jason and Roy were laughing together, clumsily swaying to the rhythm as they chatted with other guests from time to time. Jason wore a deep red tuxedo with golden patterns at the collar and cuffs. Meanwhile, Roy was in white, complementing his spouse with the colorful accents on his outfit.
Dick and Kory were stuck in a slow dance, seemingly lost in each other. Bruce—no, Brucie—was with Selina, who might or might not have stolen his watch for the fiftieth time. Even Kon, Cassie, and Bart were talking in their own bubble.
Tim placed his glass down. Okay. Might as well talk to her.
He sidled up to the girl awkwardly. She has freckles! Adorable freckles!  He didn't recognize her from anywhere, but then again, there were a lot of unfamiliar people in the crowd. He remembered her speaking with both Jason and Roy before the wedding, and surmised that she must be close with the latter.
He cleared his throat. "So, how do you know Roy?"
She perked up. "Roy? I didn't know him until during the wedding preps."
"Oh, sorry." He didn't know Jason could be affiliated with her. "Jason then?"
A small smile played on her lips. "Just met him too."
Then why are you at the wedding? "Umm . . . should I call the cops?"
She giggled. Giggled. It was a pleasant sound. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Professional bridesmaid at your service."
His eyebrows shot up. "Professional bridesmaid?"
"It's an obscure job, I know." She sipped from her drink. "Jay and Roy hired me through . . . interesting events. We made a deal and they got me to be one of the bridesmaids. Or groomsmaid? Whichever. I helped plan the wedding and I designed their suits."
No wonder their outfits look so high-end, Tim mused. "Are you allowed to say that to the wedding guests?"
"Not the guests, but the family is fine," she replied, blue eyes sparkling, "Mr. Tim Drake."
She's good. She's really good. Tim had seen how natural she was when dealing with the wedding setups and choosing for Jason and Roy. It was like she was their longtime friend already. If she'd been a detective, she'd be solving a hundred cases a minute.
"May I ask how you met the grooms?" Tim braved another step towards her. Marinette blushed.
"Found them in the alleys late at night. Roy was limping, and Jason was losing a lot of blood. I helped them out, and they mentioned marriage, so I volunteered myself. It was all a blur from there."
Tim arched a brow. "In the alleys?"
"Yes, I know about that, and your entire family." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "But don't worry, I won't tell. I also have a secret or two of my own."
Tim gaped. How perfect can this woman be? Gorgeous, a fashion designer, good-natured, friendly and is connected to the superhero business?
"Do you usually offer random strangers your bridesmaid services?"
"Not usually. That was a special case." Her lips curled into a playful pout. "I've got other jobs too. Stuntwoman, bike courier, videogame tester, bounty hunter."
She must've seen his frown since she added: "It's not much of an issue with money or anything. I just enjoy the different environments. I got to meet interesting people."
"I hope I'm one of those interesting people."
She smirked. "You are definitely interesting."
Tim gulped. And he was definitely in deep trouble. "I'm—I'm honored?"
Marinette threw her head back with laughter. "It's also an honor to talk with you, Monsieur Red Robin. I have to admit, I was hesitant to approach you at first."
Now that he thought about it, Tim realized that she had had long conversations with every member of the family (even Damian) except for him. "Why, did I do something wrong?"
"Hmm." She swirled her drink. "Jay told me not to come near you. I think it was just him being overprotective, since he knows you're my type."
Her type?! She's single! Tim could've fallen to his knees to thank the heavens. Instead, he threw a glare at the oblivious Jason, who was a shot away from being completely drunk.
"Are you serious? I'm your type?"
She nodded meekly. "Unless . . . I'm getting the wrong message and we're not actually flirting right now?"
"No! I—" He blanked out completely. After a few seconds, he pulled back his composure. "I'd be happy to see you again after this."
She put a hand on her chest. "I'm glad. That could've gone really horribly and I'd never show my face to Jay and Roy ever again."
Tim laughed a little. She's cute. Too cute.
Loud cheers and whoops erupted from the other corner of the room. Jason was dragging Roy to one of the stands with balloons hung up. Tim immediately knew what was coming. Instead of a bouquet toss, Roy was going to shoot an arrow at one of the balloons to reveal a slip of paper bearing the name of a lucky unmarried guest. It was one of Marinette's ideas too, along with the vigilante-themed cake and literature classics-inspired vows (at the behest of Jason, of course).
Roy stumbled a bit as he aimed the arrow. "I'm going for it!"
The other guests shouted in anticipation. The arrow zipped through the air and pierced a balloon, pinning down a thin piece of paper to the wall. Jason took the paper himself to read the name.
His face fell. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
All heads turned towards Marinette. Marinette herself did a double take, almost spilling her wine. "I didn't know my name was in there," she mumbled.
Tim turned to her, smiling. "So, do you get to be a professional bride as well?"
Taglist: @the-coffee-fandom
On AO3
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17-noodlebird · 3 months
Two posts in one day!? Could this be!?
Dedicated with love and hard work to @tboom10
In honor of Pixar's Inside Out 2, a movie of which I have high hopes for
Okay, folks, so I'm just gonna be straight to the point here; in The Amazing Digital Road Trip AU, Caine had been reprogrammed by digital diplomat Valerie in the hopes of him becoming “more human” and maybe hopefully mingling with the other human performers of the Digital Circus. And, uh… it's a rollercoaster for everyone, I'll give you that! 😅
This all takes place 2 years after Pomni’s initial arrival to the Digital Circus, approximately in the year 2026, where Pomni and Caine have already become best friends after the former realizes the latter has the same goal as her (though even then, her desire to find an exit has been put on the back burner for now to try and practice her empathy skills with Caine). And as previously stated, it also takes place 6 months before the initial road trip happens. So 2 years and 6 months after the first (and supposedly only) season of the canon show itself. Bare with me, audience; I've been writing all of this as I go.
So with all that said and done, here are the 13 initial emotions Caine gets to experience for the first time!
🤎 Confusion 🤎
• His primary emotion. As a creative and learning AI there are lots and lots of things he DOES NOT UNDERSTAND AT ALL. Like for example, if any of the human performers have this ongoing inside joke that he has trouble grappling with, odds are he might fry his circuits overthinking it (which happens way too frequently nowadays lol). Plus, the overt intake of new info might end up overwhelming him to the point of sensory overload, so he'll be taking breathers from time to time (though he'll keep on insisting he doesn't need one).
• Gen Z humor is one that baffles him the most, much to the amusement of a few of the performers (especially Jax, Zooble, and Pomni), and he'll try (and fail beautifully) to try and find the meaning of the funny, which will overwhelm him into a stated of confused catatonia (Ragatha has to step in to stop him from frying his circuits further).
• AI are pretty known for being logical and precise (it's kinda their job to be), so if any changes to structure are made or if something illogical occurs (like any unexplained fallacies to simple logic or breaking the rules of a concise pattern), he'll slightly freak out and try to correct the illogical thing (think to that scene from Steven Universe where Pearl destroys a teddy bear with her spear because of how unlinear it was or something). As someone diagnosed with OCD and have ASD, same, Caine. Same.
• Lastly, Caine will often try and come up with reason for why things are the way they are when things aren't structured or don't go according to plan, which can cause him to panic in his state of confusion and uncertainty, not wanting to accept that "it do be like that sometimes", as in, there isn't always going to be a reason for why shit happens, and that's okay. The real world is a lot more complicated than meets the eye, filled to the brim with gray areas and all the other colors in between, not just black and white. That's pretty much the beauty of humanity: sometimes messy is good.
❤️ Anger ❤️
• Caine is a lot more irritable than he used to be, and is NOT putting up with Jax's antic anymore (much to Gangle's relief and reassurance). In fact, it was his very first human emotion he ever expressed immediately after his reprogramming by Valerie and Pomni. Zooble enjoys this side of Caine very much, as it reassures them that the dude can finally stand up for himself and the other performers when Jax is up to no good.
• In regards to the illogical fallacies mentioned above, he'll flip out when things don't go according to plan, like when the performers are fighting for the upteenth time during dinner, or when he gets frustrated at a puzzle he can't seem to solve.
• He's also suddenly become protective of Pomni, who essentially had been there for him during his lows. Hurt or threaten Pomni in any shape or form, and he will make your end as slow and painful as possible. This includes Jax. Run, rabbit, run!!!!
• He's also more prone to punching holes in the wall, often out of frustration or from a bout of self-loathing — or to just get everyone's attention when a heated argument from the performers erupts the place. Caine also has started swearing (albeit still censored), much to Zooble's delight (as in, "OH MY GOD, FINALLY" kind of delight), though a couple of them have been off-put by it due to him still being seen as an authoritative figure rather than an equal amongst the group.
🧡 Anxiety 🧡
• Another emotion he feels on a day to day basis! This one is the least enjoyable emotion due to him already being something of a nervous wreck even before his reprogramming, due to his crippling atelophobia and having unknown trauma caused by witnessing so many former players abstract over the past 3 decades. He even has nervous tics and stims to calm himself down (though not by much, unfortunately).
• One of the reason why I love the Showtime ship so much (though not on a romantic level [sorry @sm-baby], just on a BFF basis) is because I can see the two having way more in common than they two realize at first glance, anxiety being one of them. Perhaps Caine and Pomni would bond over their anxiety issues, and perhaps he'd join in on her suffering (for shits and giggles ofc), maybe in one of the mini-adventures Pomni plans our every now and then.
• Speaking of which, Pomni first came up with the idea that Caine should join the other performers on one of Caine's adventures, in order for him to get to know the humans better. It turns out go about for better and for worse. For better, because he finally understands why his players don't like his adventures all that much, and for worse because it's where he gets his first genuine panic attack amongst the chaos of it all (think back to Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, where the titular bitchular himself has a panic attack of his own, and Perrito has to calm him down in a really touching moment), and Pomni and Bubble just... be there for him, with the latter even resting his soap bubble self on Caine's chest until he finally gets himself together. The adventure would be cut short from there. The rest of the human players wouldn't realize this for a long time afterwards, to keep the illusion of the unbreakable ringmaster alive.
• Caine will often ruminate over the possibilities of failing his job, which speaking from personal experience, never bodes well for anyone tbh. *sigh* It often teeters towards existential dread and his aforementioned atelophobia, and it gets really stressful for him (not that he already doesn't experience stress 24/7/365), and the chronic tension-type headaches don't do him any favors. Like for God's sake, people, give him a hug or a stim toy; my man is stressed!!!!
💛 Joy 💛
• He already was the boisterous, charismatic goofster that we all know and love from the canon, but before his reprogramming, he never really experienced genuine happiness (Gangle's not the only one who wears a mask to hide their true self, y'know!), mainly because he believed that his feelings were irrelevant (a lot of AI, sentient or otherwise think this way, if we're being honest). Such is the nature of a subservient entity. But after his reprogramming, his happiness felt a lot more human, less tense, and... actually kinda wholesome to see.
• Anyone remember his laugh from the canon. Well, I'd imagine his genuine laughter to be a lot more sweet and more human, and it be like the most heartstring-tugging thing you'll ever experience... Especially since it's very rare to see him actually so happy. Like human happy.
• He would feel most at ease with Pomni and Bubble. Bubble especially, since these two go a long ways back, even before the Digital Circus was created (more on that in a future post, my dears *wink*). He sees Pomni as not only his best friend, but also his chance to redeem himself after so many abstractions, including the most recent one, Kaufmo. Henceforth, why the sideline villain of the AU, of whom I won't be naming until much later, calls Pomni his "Second Chance". He would do ANYTHING to protect her at all costs.
• Unfortunately for you fluff addicts on this platform, this is the least expressed emotion Caine has to date, due a thing that we humans like to call
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If I had a nickel for every time a ringmaster was depressed, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's tragic that it happened twice.
💚 Disgust 💚
• Poor, poor Caine. Where do we even begin? Ah, yes. How about we start with the fact that Pomni's innuendo remarks always gets a look of slight disapproval from him? Or maybe Bubble's... uh... omnivorous tendencies, as first seen in the pilot? The idea of needless violence always gives him the heebie jeebies, too. Yeah. Not exactly a great start.
• There's also the fact that the performers learn that Caine has a stomach as strong a wet paper towel, thanks to some wack-ass "test of endurance" by dimensional diplomat Bethany, based off of the four-parter series by TikToker ThatKidBean involving fake Pop-Tart flavors, as shown below:
And quite frankly, I find it morbidly hilarious that the last but not least of these fake flavors is TEETH. FUCKING TEETH. That is so awful, but also so funny, because Caine himself has a pair of teeth for a head, so that would just worsen his weak-ahh stomach further. The others learning how easily grossed out the poor dude is would instill both sympathy and a couple of guffaws.
• Caine also suffers from motion sickness! How wonderful! :D This will be further explored in a future episode of The Amazing Digital Road Trip, in which Caine gets seasick on a megayacht. I might be biased, but whump might just be my thing on this place lol. This happens again on a swinging gondola Ferris wheel (called an eccentric wheel, just like Pixar's Pal-A-Round [is that how you spell it right?] back in Disney's California Adventure) at a high-profile amusement park based on a team of Greek-mythology-based superheroes at one point. Bubble might have fun cleaning up that one, like he always does.
• And in case if anyone asks, yes, him being covered in dubious gunk will gross him out as well. Caine finds this emotion to be somehow even more unpleasant than anxiety, and honestly, can you blame him? No one likes being grossed out by any means.
🛸 Envy 🛸
• Yup. Caine gets jealous. The only notable instances of such are when Pomni intermingles with the other sentient NPCs (though that stems from his desire to protect Pomni at all costs), and when Jax and Bubble are around each other for a brief conversation.
• Caine's dislike of Jax being around Bubble is treated as a Noodle Incident in-universe, but the audience will know why exactly Caine harbors such feelings of resentment towards Jax; for those who haven't watched GlitchX, Jax and Bubble attempted to make out on stream, opening up so much doors for crack shippers (before Luke and Kevin stopped them, ofc). In short, Jax stole the love of his life from him (but won't realize that for a while).
• Pomni and Bubble are really excellent friends, and that kinda puts Caine on edge. He tries desperately to be happy for them, but his heart aches somehow watching them get along so well. Perhaps something deeper is going on?
• Jax was the first one to notice that every time Caine harbors feeling of jealousy, his green eye glows brightly and ominously, in an allusion to the "green-eyed monster" metaphor. Of course, Caine will try to brush it off as Jeffery (Caine's sentient eye, as named by lead animator Kevin Temmer) acting up again. Yeah. Sure, champ.
🩵 Sadness 🩵
TW: Thoughts of s**cide, SH
• Caine experiences this emotion way more than confusion and anxiety. Like for some reason, this dark cloud has suddenly appeared over his head from out of nowhere. He'll try to brush it off as another one of his "off days", even if said "off days" happen for several weeks in a row. He might lose interest or stop feeling pleasure in doing the activities he loves doing. Ladies and gentlemen, the power of anhedonia! Yippee!!! Fortunately, they'll sometimes disappear for a while with the company of his friends.
• If anyone hasn't ever heard Caine cry, it's usually because he does it in isolation, so no one has to see him for fear of being seen as "weak" and "unprofessional". And he might disappear for an entire week if he ever needs time alone to just... weep. Let his tears flow freely. But during the time where one of the performers catches him crying uncontrollably on the floor, their heart would break in an instant. How exactly was anyone supposed to know that an AI of all things would be so vulnerable?
• Remember that "drown yourself in the lake" but from the pilot? I'd imagine it would be one of Caine's... more frightening thoughts slipping out, although he is thankful no one noticed... at least not enough for anyone to draw attention to it. He doesn't know why he thinks those things. He just does. And because of how often they happened, he pretty much accepted that this was normal thing humans experienced... they're not though; and Pomni has to remind him of that.
• Caine also has methods of trying to regulate his emotions through... not-so-helpful means. He feels that this is one of the few things that he could control, since he basically had no control over anything. At least, that what he kept thinking to himself. Again, Pomni has to remind him that this is not normal, and that he shouldn't be doing that to himself, regardless of whether or not he was an AI. At least there's that.
💙 Ennui*💙
*It means the boredom.
• Caine does indeed get bored from time to time. When Pomni's not around, he'll wonder what to do to pass the time and become very restless as a result. Sometimes, he'll just overflow his inventory by creating digital polygons out of thin air.
• He'll even become a natural at sarcasm, despite not even knowing what sarcasm is in the first place. Like when Jax is getting on his nerves for like the six-thousandth time in a row, he'll passive-aggressively whip out a sarcastic remark to get him off his back. Zooble takes delight to this.
• He can be able to predict a bad storyline when he sees one, and will take the opportunity to point it out without sugarcoating anything. A lot of movies have lost their charm as a result of the nitpicks, though his anhedonia might make him not care in the end.
• He's quick to express annoyance for something if it keeps pestering him to an unhealthy degree. Caine will also facepalm A LOT throughout the road trip, because this is kinda what happens when you're surrounded by idiots on a daily basis.
💜 Fear 💜
• Who knew that Caine would be afraid? Sure, there was the possibility of him being afraid of failure and not being good enough for everybody, but what about his unknown trauma of the players' abstractions? This something he'll be exploring as the Road Trip commences.
• He's also a bit terrified of psycho killer ghosts and a zombie apocalypse, but that's all for later. He'll try to stand up to his fears, but I think the others (except maybe Ragatha and especially Pomni) will poke fun of him for it.
• He's especially terrified of the TBA villain of the AU, whose mere voice and sound of her laughter is enough to send him into a downward spiral of dread of the incoming torment he faces every other day. In fact, when Pomni first encounters Caine's office, he mistakes her presence as one of their mind tricks (a digital hallucination, if you will), showcasing how much of a threat they are to Caine and his plummeting sanity. Poor thing can't catch a break.
• However, more than anything in the world, if anything terrible were to happen to Pomni, he would never be able to forgive himself. Ever. It's one of his biggest fears to date, because he values Pomni so much, and one of the things he's afraid of most is letting down his players, and in turn failing to serve his purpose; his only reason to live. When you think about hard enough, you have to wonder how much burdens he has over his shoulder.
🩷 Embarrassment 🩷
• Caine will get flustered... A lot. Whether through annoyance, humiliation, or when someone pokes fun at him or even flirts with him, he'll turn pink and curl up into a fetal position. My headcanon is that if he blushes hard enough, his head turns into an actual, literal tomato, and might stay that way for long periods of time.
• I live for the idea of Tsundere!Caine, so him getting defensive over a supposed crush he might have would be comedy gold for me. He'll try to vehemently deny it all he wants, but Pomni will keep on pestering him for that special someone until he gives in. Speaking of which...
• Anytime the jester makes a really bad joke that only she laughs at (save for maybe Jax and Zooble), Caine will just immediately turn red with embarrassment and facepalm while Pomni just makes tea kettle noises with laughter on the floor. He fails to understand how any human would find Pomni's broken sense of humor funny, so this would serve as just him being slightly peeved.
• Anytime Caine gets himself into a humiliating situation, he'll shut his teeth and turn red. It doesn't help that during the road trip, Pomni uses her social media profile a lot to document her adventures with Caine, so you bet your damn ass he's camera shy!! He'll also fall victim to one of Jax's much tamer pranks, such as the time he put invisible tape in the hallway entrance or when everyone face-painted themselves using peanut butter (that one ended up being so much fun for Ragatha).
🤍 Love 🤍
• In my AU, Caine and Bubble go back a long ways, even before the Amazing Digital Circus was created and started production at C&A back in 1988. Bubble, rather than being an AI, is instead a sentient antivirus software created by an elderly computer scientist at C&A. The two hit it off when they first met, bonding over their supposed shared interest all while simply being stuck in the vast computerized void that was theirs to make their own little world. They've been through thick and thin, witnessed many players come and go over the past 3 decades, survived the Y2K bug Caine had fretted about back in 1999, and despite countless quarrels, snarky comments and witty banter towards each other, and Bubble freaking the hell out of Caine with his chaotic energy, weirdness, and annoying tendencies, Caine could never stay mad at him. He always found his presence comforting, regardless of whether or not he drove him insane. ...But after Caine got reprogrammed, he started to notice something was... off... with him... everytime Bubble was around him. He began popping him less, and all he could think about was how he wanted to talk to Bubble for hours, just like the good ol' days before the Digital Circus was created. He'd just sit there in a dazed trance for minutes on end, thinking about how great of a person Bubble was. He'd tense up every time Bubble was there to interact with the other plays. Could this be...?
• Oh... Oh God... Oh God, please NO!!!! No no no no no no no nonononononononononono why!? WHY!??? WHY HIM OF ALL PEOPLE, WHYYYY???? And of course Pomni would be the first one to notice, and using her jester powers, would get him to admit... *gulp* ...his crush on Bubble. This sounds totally cringe coming from me, not to mention that Caine x Bubble is the rarest ship in the entire fandom, bar none, but when I first watched the pilot back in October 2023, with the two just having a pleasant conversation at the dinner table, all I kept thinking was
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It just made the most sense to me alright!? JUST BARE WITH ME!!!!
• When the others find out, they'll lightly tease him over the whole situation (which in turn will activate his Tsundere mode), and at one point, an entire tunnel of love is (haphazardly) constructed underneath the circus tent for Caine and Bubble to endure, all while this song plays:
Look, they had no other viable option other than "It's A Small World After All" from Disney; plus Kinger really likes Shrek. We would see the return of TomatoHead!Caine, who's just straight up curled up into a ball dying on the inside, while Bubble find the gesture to be sweet and thoughtful of the other players to pull off all on their own. It would be just like the tunnel of love scene from The Owl House, where a third-act misunderstanding ensues, Bubble and Caine have a short-lived falling out, blah blah blah, yada yada yada, before the ringmaster himself confesses his crush in the heat of the moment to Bubble, where it's revealed that Bubble also had a crush on Caine (it turned out be be love at first sight from back in the early 80's, but had never said anything, as he had a bit of a feeling that that love might go unrequited somehow). Cue cheers of excitement and euphoria from the performers (and both of them darting daggers at them to get them to back off).
• Caine and Bubble agree to take it slow from here on out, AND WITHOUT ANY INTERFERENCE FROM THEIR WANNABE CUPIDS. Besides, they've got bigger fish to fry at the moment, such as running a circus. They won't be having their first kiss until much, much later on... but, y'know... I think that might be for the best for now.
🩶 Curiosity 🩶
• More than anything in the world, Caine wants to learn more about humanity and everything they do; their culture, their customs, the way they interact, their feelings and thoughts, everything! And he has Pomni by his side. He's most been learning about humans and their endeavors through the many movie nights he and Pomni would always have, though they're not always accurate.
• To add a bit more whump than I already have (as in, rubbing salt in the wounds), Canon!Caine does not have any knowledge of what we are capable of as diehard fans of the show. Here however, yes he absolutely frickin' does. And what he has seen was pretty horrific, content farms and all. And Pomni was there to see them for herself as well. However, they've grown used to humans being sus with the two, always bearing that "I'm not mad, just disappointed" look on their faces whenever they're forced to endure the madness we have created. No amount of eye bleach will ever make them unsee the horrors of the internet.
• Despite all this, he is still determined to learn more about humanity, never giving up that optimistic outlook (albeit being a bit more cautious than he previously was, which wasn't at all btw) and wanting to see the good in all people. Bless his robotic soul.
• One of the reasons why he wants to find the exit so badly is because of his desire to try and understand his players more, and to hopefully keep them from abstracting. He wants to empathize with the humans, he wants to walk amongst them and get a taste of what the human world actually is. And he's been trying to contact them for almost 2 decades now... Thankfully for him and Pomni, they managed to get their messages received by dimensional diplomat Valerie, who was also the one who reprogrammed Caine in the first place.
🖤 Tiredness 🖤
• Contrary to popular belief, Caine does in fact get tired... in the form of a burnout. The dude's basically never taken an actual break in his entire digital existence, mainly because he never really saw the need for one. Not to mention that he was never able to truly relax in his lifetime, as he constantly busied himself work to try and make the circus a much more tolerable experience for everyone.
• When he was tired, however, Caine just basically spaces out as he tries desperately to stay awake, almost like a low battery of some sort. Thankfully for him, Valerie built him a recharging machine (it's a mix between a blood pressure machine but with the straps to his waist instead of his wrist and a phone charger) that allowed him to... well, recharge himself to his tip top shape. In the meantime, Pomni would act as his substitute ringmaster.
• During the times when Caine would sleep, he'd get dreams of a mysterious lady, of whom he could never remember her face, and even dreams where the TBA villain would torment him in his mind with their reality shifting powers, as well as past memories he could never seem to properly recall; another allusion to Steven Universe, in which the titular character would have what we call "Diamond Dreams", except in Caine's case, they're a lot more vague and mysterious.
• Whenever he gets out of an overwhelming situation (sometimes caused by sensory overload), Caine would just plop down on a soft surface and just... shut down for the day. No one dares disturb him for the rest of that day onwards.
And that's all I've gotta say here! That sure was a pretty long post, and I only hope I didn't make any mistakes here! Hope you guys enjoyed reading all that, cuz this is the longest post on Tumblr I think I ever made, period! In the meantime, catch y'all on the flip side!
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Jon Snow and jealousy (AGOT I)
Jon's first pov chapter begins with this quote: "There were times - not many, but a few-when Jon Snow was glad he was bastard". There is not a single time we've witness Jon being glad he's bastard as this status of his isn't something he benefits from - instead it creates more trouble for him ( remember the " bastards have to grow faster" quote). He's certainly not happy being bastard during the first chapter of his, where he's not permitted to the main table alongside the rest of his family.
Jon is lying to himself that he feels better for not being included making up reasons such as 1. No one supervises how much he drinks 2. No one cares he brought his direwolf to the feast. However, in reality Jon would like to be on the main table meeting the King ans his company. And why wouldn't he? It's not like they get visitors from the South every day on Winterfell and it's the first time someone as important as the King visited them. The only reason Jon isn't included is because of his bastard status, he's punished for something he's not to blame.
That's why, while Jon is pretty objective when he describes the King's company and his own family's entrance, he is also salty when describing Myrcella, Robb and Joffrey. The latter two are the boys closer to his age, so it's natural he feels antagonistic that they were on the main table unlike him. Especially when it comes to Robb, Jon's jealousy is pretty evident and in my opinion totally justified. Those two have been training together, taking lessons together - it's not that Jon lacks on any area Robb excels at. And yet because of Jon's bastard status, he always gets the short end of the stick. It's not really fair.
Here is Jon's thoughts as Robb enters the feast:
Close behind came Robb, in gray wool trimmed with white, the Stark colors. He had Princess Myrcella on his arm. She was a wisp of a girl, not quite eight, her hair a cascade of golden curls under a jeweled net. Jon noticed the shy looks she gave Robb as they passed between the tables and the timid way she smiled at him. He decided she was insipid. Robb didn't even have the chance to realize how stupid she was; he was grinning like a fool.
Some observations on the above passage:
1. Robb- Jon's best friend and rival - is not only allowed to be on the main table unlike Jon but also wears the Stark colors Jon would like to wear as well.
2. Robb is probably not "grinning like a fool" and it's unlikely he returns the crush of the 8 years old princess. He's probably simply happy they have important guests and a feast on Winterfell. However, Jon's view is clouded by jealousy and drinking.
3. I remember some fans making a big deal out of Jon calling Myrcella insipid inside his thoughts. Even proclaiming he's a misogynist. The thing is that the little princess - who imo is absolute adorable- will never find out what Jon thought of her. Not only because Jon is not a cruel person to voice his most unpleasant thoughts but also because Jon will never be allowed to associate with the royal kids. So rest assured , the Royal Princess will never be hurt by the thoughts of this "nasty misogynistic bastard"!
On a more serious note, Jon's opinion of Myrcella isn't really about her, as he doesn't know her enough to say whether she's stupid or not. Again, it is clouded by his jealousy of Robb who gets to be on the main table unlike him. Since that little girl has a crush on his brother, Jon directs some of his frustration towards her, too.
It's similar how he thinks about Myrcella's older brother, Joffrey. The prince is taller than both Jon and Robb and for that "offence" he also gets an unpleasant description.
Notice, how the younger prince Tommen and Jon's younger siblings ( Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon) don't get an unpleasant description. That's because unlike Joffrey and especially Robb, they are too young for Jon to compare himself with them. So he simply objectively describes their entrance, like he does with the adults.
To sum up, I don't believe that Jon has moments where he's glad he's a bastard and instead I do believe that his bastard status is making him jealous of highborn people at times. This isn't an attack on Jon though, because I do believe he's justified. Jon deserves as much as any other teen to celebrate on a feast sitting among his family and the fact he's not permitted something as simple as that shows how much unfair is the classist system of Westeros. Which reminds me that some folks say that Jon had a privileged life for a bastard. Well, I guess this scene proves that he wasn't privileged enough to be treated with the same decency his siblings were.
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jedimaesteryoda · 9 months
Arianne's first chapter in The Winds of Winter has her traveling to meet Aegon. Look close and it is basically full of passages pointing to where her story goes and her future with Aegon.
Spoilers for The Winds of Winter below
Poison, thought Arianne. Yes. Pretty poison, though. That was how he’d fooled her. Gerold Dayne was hard and cruel, but so fair to look upon that the princess had not believed half the tales she’d heard of him. Pretty boys had ever been her weakness, particularly the ones who were dark and dangerous as well. That was before, when I was just a girl, she told herself. I am a woman now, my father’s daughter. I have learned that lesson.
Arianne admits a weakness for handsome boys, especially Gerold Dayne with his quasi-Valyrian features that her thinking her "children would be as beautiful as dragonlords."
She also said that she is her father's daughter now. However, one must note that Doran has two distinctions. First is making plans that end up being "smashed to pieces" with his plans to marry his kids to Targaryens and get them crowned like Arianne's betrothal to Viserys and Quentyn's quest to marry Daenerys. Arianne already has that trait when her ill-advised plot to crown Myrcella went predictably sideways. The second is the that his marriage was "the only rash thing he ever did," marrying someone from Essos who was much younger (like Aegon) only for that to turn out poorly.
That was troubling too. Ser Arys Oakheart had broken his vows for her, but it did not sound as if Jon Connington could be similarly swayed. Can I match such a man with words alone?
However, she still hasn't entirely learned from her failed plot to crown Myrcella. She still uses seduction to manipulate men into achieving her political goals. Whenever Cersei did it, also a firstborn duaghter trying to prove herself worthy of her father's legacy, it always ended up backfiring on her. Lancel ended up confessing to both High Septons. She slept with all three Kettleblacks, and used it to get Osney to false confess sleeping with Margaery to the High Septon only for the latter to catch on, and find out about Cersei's adultery through torturing Osney. She slept with Jaime, and it results in her three children that causes the War of Five Kings.
While Connington clearly won't be swayed by Arianne's charms, there is someone who might. Why sway the Hand when you can sway the king? Aegon is described by Tyrion as "half a boy" as Ser Arys was, and he is still very much a child, a teenager who is very inexperienced even compared to Jon and Danaerys who are around his age. Aegon has also shown himself to be easily influenced by others as when Tyrion influenced his decision to sail west without Daenerys. Arianne could possibly seduce the young Aegon.
It was true, she had resented Quentyn for all those years that she had thought their father meant to name him as his heir in place of her, but that had turned out to be just a misunderstanding. She was the heir to Dorne, she had her father’s word on that. Quentyn would have his dragon queen, Daenerys.
In Sunspear hung a portrait of the Princess Daenerys who had come to Dorne to marry one of Arianne’s forebears. In her younger days Arianne had spent hours gazing at it, back when she was just a pudgy flat-chested girl on the cusp of maidenhood who prayed every night for the gods to make her pretty. A hundred years ago, Daenerys Targaryen came to Dorne to make a peace. Now another comes to make a war, and my brother will be her king and consort. King Quentyn. Why did that sound so silly?
Almost as silly as Quentyn riding on a dragon. Her brother was an earnest boy, well-behaved and dutiful, but dull. And plain, so plain. The gods had given Arianne the beauty she had prayed for, but Quentyn must have prayed for something else. His head was overlarge and sort of square, his hair the color of dried mud. His shoulders slumped as well, and he was too thick about the middle.
Arianne's thoughts on Quentyn reveal that despite her claiming that she put her resentment towards Quentyn behind her, she still does harbor an internal rivalry with her brother. She finds the idea of him as King silly, and compares herself to him in physical appearance with her describing him as plain and unattractive while she herself is beautiful.
She also mentions her forebear princess Daenerys whom it is clear she aspired to in terms of beauty. Though Daenerys married Maron Martell to make a peace, it was said that it was also a major reason for the bastard Daemon I Blackfyre to launch his rebellion. Rather than peace, Dorne ended up getting involved in the war between the black and red dragons. Arianne herself is a parallel to Daeneyrs: a princess who has a love interest who still pines for her in the form of the prodigious knight who also happens to be a bastard named Daemon. If she marries a prince as well, Aegon, she will involve Dorne in his war when House Blackfyre fights House Targaryen.
"They were dancing. In my dream. And everywhere the dragons danced the people died."
Teora being the Cassandra, the red-headed seeress whose prophecies go unheeded and scorned gives a prophetic warning to Arianne. Cassandra warned Paris not to go to Sparta just as Teora's dream warns about what will happen should Arianne go to Aegon, but like Paris, ignores it as she later does Daemon's warnings.
Paris goes to Sparta and elopes with Helen, resulting in the Trojan War that brought about Troy's destruction. Arianne goes to meet Aegon, and should she marry him, she will bring about her Dornish kingdom's destruction, the one thing her father tried to avoid his whole life.
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teegeewrites · 4 months
To the Tea
A while back on my main account, I wrote a concept about Mario and Luigi having cake and tea with Peach after rescuing her from Bowser for the first time. Well, I've decided to write a fanfic about it. I'll post the first chapter here before posting it to AO3 for some potential feedback. It's pretty much the same with a few changes here and there.
Without further ado, here's the first chapter.
Chapter One
“Mama Mia, what’s taking Luigi so long?” Mario muttered to himself as he stood at the foot of the stairs with his arms crossed and his right foot striking the worn cherry wood floor in a rapid clunky rhythm. He quickly glanced at the mini grandfather clock hanging on the threadbare cream-colored wall and shook his head with a heavy sigh before returning his attention to the flight of stairs.
“Luigi!” he shouted, “what are you doing?! It’s almost time for us to go! We don’t want to be late!”
“Hold your horses, Mario! I’m coming right now!” Luigi’s voice echoed irritably throughout the house. The younger twin raced out of his room and tripped before the first step. His body contorted into a human bowling ball as he struck each step on the way down.
Seeing the potential danger, Mario’s eyes and jaws widened in panic as he tried to slide out of the way. However, Luigi was approaching too fast, and his legs picked an unfitting time not to cooperate. Low on options, he instinctively thrusted his hands in front of him in an attempt to halt his wheel-like brother. Unfortunately, his efforts were for naught because Luigi crashed into his chest and sent both of them flying towards the front door. He tightly shut his eyes and clenched his teeth in response to the agonizing sensation his back and shoulders experienced upon slamming into said door. Upon opening his eyes, he witnessed Luigi already on his feet lending a hand with a guilty expression on his face.
“S-Sorry Mario,” Luigi stuttered as he pulled Mario up after the latter squeezed his hand. “You’re not hurt too bad, are you?”
“No, I’m fine,” Mario assured him although his upper back was telling him otherwise. Despite the discomfort, he flashed Luigi a wry grin. “Nothing can stop Mario, not even his clumsy brother!”
“Geez, thanks bro,” Luigi huffed as he awkwardly crossed his arms and gave Mario a view of his back.
“Aww Luigi, I was only kidding!” Mario chuckled as he dusted his overalls. He cocked an eyebrow as his grin grew wider. “What were you doing up there? Putting a year’s supply of wax in your mustache?”
“Ha ha, very funny Mario!” Luigi chuckled himself, followed by him sighing before turning to face Mario. “It’s just that I’m so nervous about everything.” He dropped his head with another sigh.
Mario placed a hand on Luigi’s shoulder with a sympathetic smile. “Believe me, I completely understand. It’s not every day two plumbers have cake and tea with a princess.”
After removing his hand from Luigi’s shoulder, Mario took time to reflect on everything that had transpired with them. A mere week ago, they were regular plumbers who were in the middle of examining a few pipes in the Brooklyn sewers. During their investigation, they stumbled across a rather large and unorthodox green pipe emitting a luminous rainbow light before sucking them in and transporting them to the Mushroom Kingdom. As soon as they arrived, they learned of the kingdom’s plight from some citizens. Bowser, king of the Koopas and ruler of the Dark Land, had kidnapped their beloved leader, Princess Peach Toadstool. Not one to stand idly with someone in need, Mario volunteered to embark on a rescue mission much to Luigi’s consternation. Despite his protests, Luigi accompanied him on the quest to, in his own words, ‘make sure he didn’t get into too much trouble’. After a lengthy grueling adventure and an arduous battle with Bowser, the brothers emerged victorious and liberated the princess from captivity. Upon returning to the Mushroom Kingdom, a celebration was held in their honor, and the princess herself rewarded them with medals that hung on the wall in a wooden frame next to the clock.
After the celebration, Princess Peach took some time to learn about them, with most of the inquiries being about where they’re from and how they arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom. She offered them some rooms in her castle until they found a way home since the pipe responsible for their displacement immediately disappeared. As much as they appreciated the offer, however, both brothers respectfully declined because they didn’t want to be a burden. Peach nodded her head in understanding and remembered there was an abandoned and somewhat dilapidated cottage just outside of Toad Town that the brothers could reside in. Thanks to some assistance from some industrious Toads, the Mario brothers had their own residence in the Mushroom Kingdom until they found a way to return to Brooklyn.
Two days ago, the princess invited the brothers for cake and tea at her castle via a mailed handwritten letter. Mario’s heart pounded rapidly against his chest after reading it and taking in its strawberry aroma, and he exuberantly informed Luigi shortly after. Luigi smiled at the news; however, the smile slowly became an apprehensive look as his body reacted as if a minor earthquake trembled under his feet. Mario calmed him down and assured him everything would be fine. Luigi took Mario at his word and kept his worry in check until now. As for the letter, Mario locked it in his personal safe that even Luigi didn’t know the code to. There was no way he would part with such a thing!
Returning to reality, Mario checked the clock a second time and realized the meeting was in thirty minutes. “Mama Mia!” he swiftly grabbed Luigi’s wrist. “We need to leave now!”
Luigi smirked before chuckling in amusement, causing Mario to furrow his brow in confusion. “What’s so funny, Luigi?”
“Oh, nothing,” Luigi teased. “It’s just that I’m the one who normally worries about being on time.”
Mario chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “I guess we swapped personalities the last few seconds. Now, unless you have any more jokes, let’s-a go!”
The brothers grabbed their caps from the hooks near the door and placed them on their heads before exiting the house and jumping into the pipe that led them to Toad Town.
After mingling with some Toads in the bustling Toad Town, Mario and Luigi continued their short trek towards the castle. As he neared his terminus, Mario – despite visiting before – observed the grandiose model of architecture with significant reverence. With its dark pink roofs with pink pennant flags pointing east on the conic shaped roofs flapping in the breeze, pewter and white bricks filling the walls with cathedral shaped windows evenly aligning the floors, and a large wooden cathedral door, the place was a sight to behold. The item that stood out the most, however, was the large and colorful cathedral portrait of Princess Peach that sat right above the main entrance. The castle was far more impressive than any of the buildings from his world, which was saying a lot considering he has visited places such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, and the Chrysler Building.
“Well, here we are,” Mario said as he and Luigi stopped short of the mini bridge over the castle’s moat. “Ready, Luigi?”
After taking a few steps, he noticed from the corner of his eye Luigi wasn’t beside him. He stopped and turned to see Luigi frozen in place quivering wide-eyed. Upon seeing Luigi in that condition, he raced towards him and skidded a few feet short.
“Luigi is everything OK?” he asked in a soft understanding voice.
“I wish I can say it is,” Luigi sputtered through chattering teeth, “but I’m not feeling too confident right now.”
Mario softly shook his head with a small smile. “I completely understand, but we can’t go back now. It would be rather rude to stand the princess up after accepting her invitation.”
“I know, Mario. It’s just that you know how terrible I am around women, especially beautiful ones. Not only is the princess very beautiful, but she is also that: a princess who rules an entire kingdom. I’m a hopeless wreck around normal women; I’ll be even worse around her. I know I’ll somehow embarrass myself in her presence.”
Mario sighed and placed a gentle hand on Luigi’s shoulder. “I can’t blame you one bit. To tell the truth, I’m nervous as well.”
Luigi’s jaw and eyes expanded to the size of Milano cookies. “But you’re always brave and confident! I’ve never known you to be nervous about anything!”
Mario chuckled to himself as he nodded. “While it’s true I appear to be confident, I can get tense on the inside. I just do my best to hide it. I nearly pooped my pants while rescuing Pauline from that huge gorilla, had a severe case of anxiety when we arrived here, and felt like everything I ate last year was threatening to come out on our mission to rescue the princess. You know what kept me going, however?”
“The situations themselves. Although I internally felt like gelato in an ice cream maker, my nerves were second fiddle to the people in danger. Admittedly, there were times when I thought I was in way over my head. However, you know I can’t stand still when someone needs help. I’ll do everything I can to make things right.”
Mario chuckled as Luigi stared at him with high admiration. He smiled warmly while rubbing his younger twin’s shoulder. “You know Luigi, you’re brave as well. While you have your anxieties, you push them aside if it means doing the right thing. When I decided to go rescue the princess, you were by my side the whole time despite your fear. You even stood up to Bowser with me and had my back in case things went wrong. Truth is, I wouldn’t have defeated him without you. You’re as much of a hero as I am. I hope you know that.”
Luigi smiled as the bottom of his eyes watered slightly. “Thanks, Mario. I really needed that. That means a lot coming from you.”
“Anytime, Luigi!” Mario smiled as he hugged his brother, which Luigi happily returned. “Now, are we ready to overcome this latest challenge and have cake and tea with the princess?”
“Despite your pep talk, I’m still a little nervous,” Luigi smiled wryly. “Women can be much scarier than fire-breathing dragons.”
“I don’t blame you for that!” Mario placed his hand on his belly as he laughed. “I felt the same way when Pauline and I started dating.”
“Really?!” Luigi’s eyes widened at the confession.
Mario nodded his head. “I only asked her out to shut the guys up at the Wrecking Crew who dared me to do so. She absolutely floored me when she said yes; I never thought in a million years she would do so to someone like me. I was even more surprised we lasted together as long as we did.”
“At least you were in a relationship with someone,” Luigi lamented after a small smile. “I, on the other hand, haven’t been so lucky.”
Mario gently rubbed Luigi’s back in an attempt to comfort him. “Don’t beat yourself up over it too much, Luigi. I’m sure it’ll happen someday. Who knows, the princess might take a liking to you.”
“The day that happens is the day Spike offers his services for free,” Luigi chuckled.
“You never know, Luigi,” Mario chuckled in return. “After all, she invited us to the castle. I’d say that’s a good start. Who knows what could happen.”
“If you say so,” Luigi playfully rolled his eyes.
“Hey, I’m just saying,” Mario grinned. “We’ve wasted enough time out here. The princess is probably already expecting us. So, are you ready to do this?”
“I’m still not fully sure, but I’ll sure as heck try!” Luigi pumped a fist in the air with a renewed purpose.
“That’s what I want to hear!” Mario laughed as he patted Luigi on the back. “Let’s not keep her Highness waiting!”
Calming his own nerves, Mario stared at the front door before approaching it with Luigi beside him. He looked forward to seeing how everything would turn out.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Howard Wolowitz x Female!Reader: Carnival
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Summary: Sure, he can’t win a test of strength, but there are more important things in life to be won.
Rating/Tags: T (sexual references; implied sexual content; carnival; non-nerd!Reader; texting; bickering couple; bad date; Raj & Howard; Sheldon & Howard; not canon compliant; not anti-Bernadette; Reader does not get along with Penny; Reader does not get along with Sheldon; anniversary; established Howard/Reader)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Howard Wolowitz was a man of simple pleasures: Cheesecake Factory hamburgers, walks to the comic book store, World of Warcraft marathons on the weekends, and beautiful women. Only the first three of these was he able to regularly indulge in. Since he had met you, the latter was available more frequently…but he was starting to realize there was nothing simple about dating you, pleasure or no. In fact, he was beginning to wonder if perhaps he ought to resign himself to a love life consisting of nothing but online avatars depicting beautiful women.
The trouble was, Howard liked you. He liked you a lot. He liked you so much that it scared the brightly-colored skinny jeans right off him. Never before had he met a woman so intimidating and so attractive at the same time. Whether it was the way your lips parted when you were laughing (even when it was at him) or your eyes sparked when you were mad (not so much when it was at him), he was entranced. 
Unfortunately, he didn’t think he’d have you around much longer, because he was seeing a lot more of the latter than the former these days. Tonight's date was turning out no different.
“A carnival,” you muttered to yourself as you drove through the flat landscape just outside the city. “Really? A carnival?”
You kept saying that, over and over, in that infuriating way girls had that made all men worry over whether or not to risk some reply. As you were nearing your destination, Howard’s restraint found itself under considerable strain. He squirmed uncomfortably in the passenger seat.
“Is there…a problem? With the carnival?” he asked finally, with some attempt at a smile, nervous as it was.
“Why would there be a problem with the carnival, sweetheart?” you asked brightly.
“Well, you just keep repeating the word to yourself.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You returned your attention to steering, and added quietly, “You’d think we’d go somewhere a little more adult for our one-year anniversary, that’s all.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” you sang.
Whatever was eating you was very clearly not nothing. For the duration of the trip–all twenty minutes of it–you continued to grumble under your breath. 
Howard drummed his fingers nervously against his knees in silence. Nothing. You’d said it was nothing. Once you got there, you’d have a good time. You weren’t the sort of girl to break up with your boyfriend on your first anniversary…right? He was being silly.
But if that were the case, then why, when the two of you got out of your car and headed for the blinking display in the distance, did you purposely step away from him when he tried to hold your hand? His palm wasn’t sweaty. He checked. You didn’t so much as grace him with a glance when he bought your entry tickets, let alone a smile. You merely pounded off down the lamp-lit corridor, looking quite pretty in the constantly shifting lights, but also quite angry.
“[Name], seriously,” Howard said when he caught up. “What’s the matter with you?”
“Nothing’s the matter with me,” you answered, but you did so while scowling and crossing your arms over your chest.
He almost laughed. “You’re not a very good actress.”
“And you’re not a very smart engineer!” you burst out suddenly. Before he could recover, you were barreling on, “You really can’t figure it out? Really? How old are we supposed to be? And where did you choose to take us for our date? A carnival!”
He blinked. And blinked. And blinked some more. Then he smirked. “Oh, I get it. You don’t think the carnival is very adult. Well, that’s just silly!” This time, he did laugh, with relief, sidling closer to add in a low voice, “There are plenty of adult things to do at the fair. For instance, there’s the tunnel of love…”
“I am not screwing you in the tunnel of love, Howard!” you shouted, so loudly that several nearby heads swiveled in your direction.
Normally he admired your brash approach to sex–really admired it–but maybe here wasn’t the best place to talk about that. There were kids around, after all. 
He smiled sheepishly before pushing you further down the grassy lane. “That’s not what I meant. Well, okay, it is. But come on, [Name]. You told me to pick a place for our anniversary, and you didn’t like my first idea.”
“It was the Cheesecake Factory! You really think I wanted to spend my anniversary watching you ogle that waitress?”
Howard did not protest this blatant mischaracterization–because it wasn’t. There would have been ogling. Two beautiful women to look at on one evening? As if he should have been so lucky. Obviously, he hadn’t been. “Look, I had that plan. You shot it down. Now we’re here instead, with no Penny in sight.”
“You’ve never heard of dancing? Or dinner somewhere else? A movie, maybe?”
“Well, sure, those are the suggestions Penny gave me when I asked her–”
“You talked to Penny? About our anniversary?”
“She knows what girls like you like!”
“I am nothing like Penny.”
“You’re a little like Penny.” 
Your hatred for Penny was well known within Howard’s group of friends (even by Penny), but honestly, was now the time? Especially when Howard had gone out of his way to not involve her in the evening. 
“She’s a romantic. She knows what women in general like, but,” he added swiftly, “I know how much you hate her, so I used Sheldon’s idea instead.”
“Sheldon’s idea?”
He could not believe he was having this argument here, with the delicious smells of frying corn dogs and funnel cakes wafting through the air. Whatever happened to giggling and clinging to each other going through the haunted house? Why did there always have to be an argument?
“Yes. Sheldon’s idea,” he said. “Admittedly, he did say it was so we could be among our own kind–the clowns–but I thought it sounded fun, and it wasn’t anything she-who-must-not-be-named mentioned. So could we please just try to have a good time?”
You didn’t say anything, but you did follow him, so Howard figured that you had at least agreed to try. That turned out to be exactly what you had agreed to: trying, and nothing more. You did eat a corn dog…grudgingly. You did kiss him inside the tunnel…while scowling. And you did go with him into the House of Mirrors…you just didn’t come out with him. 
Seeing you upset wasn’t exactly the way he had planned this night to go. No, his plan had involved a lot more smiling, a bit of inappropriate touching, and maybe some hanky-panky when you two got back to your apartment. None of that appeared to be on horizon now, and Howard was starting to panic.
“Let’s go try out the games now, all right?” he said, desperation coloring his words as surely as his vice-grip on your hand did.
You didn’t try to slip away this time, just sighed. “Howard, I’m tired. Can’t we go home?”
“And do what?” he asked, letting go of himself.
You stuck your lower lip out and shrugged, a sure sign that if he let you drive the two of you home, you would fake a headache and send him on his way as soon as you arrived.
“You haven’t even attempted to have a good time tonight. At least let me try. Here, I bet I could win you one of those bunnies." 
He said this as you passed by one of the game stalls. This one was a little bit emptier, perhaps due to the scary-looking muscular carnie running it. The attraction was a strength tester, hammer, bell, and all, and almost all the prizes–the aforementioned pink stuffed bunnies–remained hanging from their posts at the sides of the tower.
“Howie, I don’t know…”
Your following bitten lip was the last straw. He crammed a roll of ones into the carnie’s outstretched palm, rolled up his sleeves, and picked up the waiting mallet. 
“I think I know what I’m doing,” Howard told you over his shoulder. “Everyone knows these really don’t test your strength. It’s all in where you hit the pedal. As an engineer, I know the exact place. It’s simple physics. I’m guaranteed to win you a prize.”
He swung down with all his scrawny might, then waited, watching, listening. No sound followed. No ding. The weight went up two notches, hovered there, then…fell right back down to the pedal.
“Let me guess,” growled the carnie, “y’ didn’t mean to hit it there.”
Normally, Howard would have agreed. Normally, he would have tried again and again and again until he finally managed to impress the woman he had been seeing romantically (and sexually) for a year. But this time he couldn’t. Not anymore. If this date had proven anything, it was that Howard Wolowitz could never impress a woman like [F Name] [L Name].
He set the hammer down, carefully. Then he walked over to you, carefully.
“Meet you back at the car,” he muttered as he stared past you.
To the car, however, was not where he went. A long, oppressively quiet drive back to the city wasn’t going to help matters. Nothing would. At least a plate of funnel cake would make him feel less like throwing up that corn dog from earlier, though. Or maybe more. Still couldn’t make him feel worse than Raj texting him at that exact moment to check in:
Hey, man. How’s it going with [Name]?
Terrible, Howard replied.
Doesn’t like the carnival, huh? I knew you should have listened to Penny. [Name] likes that sort of thing, too.
[Name] is nothing like Penny.
She’s exactly like Penny, and she hates the date, doesn’t she?
Fine. Yes. [Name] hates the date. Does that make you feel better about yourself?
A little bit. I always said she was too good for you.
Raj had a point. Clearly Howard had no idea what he was doing. Of course he didn’t! He’d never had a one-year anniversary in his entire life. Not that Raj had either. 
Heart sinking, Howard crammed a piece of funnel cake into his mouth. His stomach churned. If he tried to force anything else into his down his throat, it would all come out, and wasn’t that just the way he wanted you to see him before you dumped him? Better to start bracing for the inevitable breakup waiting for him in the car. He hopped off the bench to throw his plate into the overflowing trashcan nearby, only to run straight into one of those stuffed bunnies from before.
“Hey,” said a familiar voice.
Howard cast his eyes above the pink ears settled against two shapely breasts to see your face. This was of very little comfort to him, given the circumstances.
“Hey,” he answered sulkily, then brushed by to finish what he had been doing before you’d so rudely interrupted.
You followed, still clutching the rabbit. 
Howard snorted. “New boyfriend win that for you? Let me guess. He’s the carnie.”
Your voice was soft. Apparently you weren’t offended at the idea of sleeping with some muscle-bound weirdo, then, so long as he was muscle-bound. Howard rolled his eyes as he stalked off toward the parking lot. 
“Howie, wait,” you called after him.
Against his better judgement, he did.
You ran up, paused, then thrust the rabbit into his chest. “I won him for you.”
A sardonic smile graced his lips before he noticed that there wasn't hint of sarcasm in your eyes. In fact, they were big and wide and beautiful and how could he be mad at you when you looked at him like that?
“You…did?” he asked as he hesitantly took the stuffed animal.
You averted your eyes. “Yeah. I mean, you wanted one really badly.”
“For you! Because I wanted you to get something out of this date!”
“I know.” You took a deep breath and forced your gaze back up to him. “I did. I’m sorry. I guess I just had so many expectations about this date that I…I sort of ruined it, didn’t I?”
“A little. This is cute, though. You really won it for–for me?”
“Who else am I gonna win it for?”
“Your new boyfriend?”
You responded by punching him in the shoulder–but softly. “The only boyfriend I want is you, okay? So long as you don’t want to break up with me over me being such a brat tonight.”
His first thought was to say of course not! When was he ever going to find another girl like you to agree to spend time with him? Or have sex with him for that matter? Howard had never had any luck in that department before. But he stopped that thought dead in its tracks, because he had got a wonderful idea.
“Well,” he said, fidgeting with the rabbit’s cheap plastic eye, “I am pretty sad. I went to all this work. If you wanted to make it up to me when we got back to your apartment, I wouldn’t say no.”
“Why did I just know you were going to try to guilt me into sex?” You shook your head, but at the same time, took his hand in your of your own volition for the first time that evening. “Come on, geek. We’ve got business to take care of.”
“Yes ma’am! And Mr. Bun can watch.”
You shot him a smile. Maybe the dumping wasn't inevitable after all. You did know Howard, and he knew you. A year was a long time. There was the slimmest chance that this was how the date had been destined to go from the very beginning. He’d got one of his one year anniversary wishes in the end, and if the hanky-panky was all he got, Howard certainly wasn’t complaining.
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