#i had so much energy after that i HAD to do a redraw
nikkidrawsstuff · 11 months
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sangoundercover · 2 months
Someone asked me how I draw faces a couple months ago and I never had a good example to show so here‘s a little snippet and some text about how I think while drawing:
I always make a copy of my first sketch in case i mess up. Sometimes I try to do a clean up on a new layer, and it doesn‘t always work out. Not because the lines or anatomy is bad, but because i lost focus and with that I lost the gesture/energy and emotion of the original sketch.
Don‘t try to fix what‘s not broken. When that happens I go back to my original sketch and start again, often I draw straight on that same sketch layer, trying to carefully clean it up, staying zoomed out to stay focused on gesture and emotion instead of zooming in and only seeing individual lines. There‘s no need to completely redraw something on a new lineart layer if the original sketch looks already good.
Other factors can play in too (first drawing of the day, not warmed up, tired after long day) So don‘t force yourself into thinking your first attempt has to work out.
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Learning when to stop and start over is not just good for faces, it‘s something that helped me improve at drawing in general, be able to draw faster and more efficiently. I started to adapt this years ago when I drew a lot of short comics.
This is especially useful if you tend to get stuck on specific parts on drawings e.g. one part of a face looks wrong and then you erase,re-draw,erase, re-draw -> repeat for an hour and get frustrated. (i think we‘ve all been there)
This is where you have to learn to STOP and START OVER. Recognizing the frustration cycle before it can happen. Re-Drawing the whole face/thing from scratch instead will often get you better results than trying to „fix“ a single sketch for hours. The longer you spend trying to fix a sketch the less likely you will want to start over because you already put so much time into it.
People often ask me how I draw a lot/fast and this is a big part of how☝️ Learn to stop early and start over if something doesn’t work instead of getting hyperattached to every single line you draw.
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Prompt: The Prefect's Obsession.
Pairing: Yandere!Prefect/ Yuu and Reader/ Player (can be read as platonic or romantic)
Genre: Yandere
TW: Obsessive behaviour...? Let me know if anything else should be added ^^ (Reader and Yuu are two different individuals.)
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AN: I initially had the prompt 'obsession', but reading @roseapov 's Player and Overseer thing gave me this idea; what if Yuu was more than just a puppet, and equally as obsessed with the player as the rest of the twst cast? I'm trying to explore how to write more unsettling kind of stuff, since I'm pretty good at writing regular ol' angst and fluff if I do say so myself ^^ somehow twst brings out this side of me lol. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy!
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The Prefect was made aware of your presence in their life during the first ever battle they fought, against the blot monster in the Dwarves' Mines.
They remember the rush of energy that filled them, the authority with which they barked out orders for their friends to fight. The intensity of the battle had had little effect on them (even though a small part in the back of their brain said that they should have been freaking out) as they instructed their friends, while their own strings were pulled by another.
Till then, the Prefect had only felt someone's intent gaze, even when no one was there. At times a little rhythm would be thrumming under their skin, sometimes soft and slow, other times fast-paced and exhilarating. But the way you had possessed their body, taken over their actions to lead them and their friends to victory, was what astonished and scared them the most.
They hated it at first. After all, who would like to have no control over their actions in a life-or-death situation? But as time went by, and you led them to victory and safety so many more times, the Prefect grew fonder of you.
The many hours you spent, watching them repair Ramshackle or handle Grim and the rest of the first years endeared you to them. You were so patient, so kind-hearted to be helping this magicless human navigate the challenges of being transported to a magical world. Their desire to know you, to thank you grew day by day, minute by minute. After all, without your help they would not have gotten this far. Somewhere, the lines between genuine gratefulness and blinded devotion blurred, and the Prefect had no intention of redrawing those lines, ever again.
They could tell when you weren't with them. The lightness they felt when under your watchful (and loving, hopefully) eyes would go away sometimes, leaving them to mindlessly wander, waiting for you to come back. Of course, they wouldn't hold your occasional absences against you. They couldn't even bring themself to think something so blasphemous as to hold a grudge against you. But they also couldn't suppress the fear and anxiety that ate away at them each time you left, wondering whether you would come back, when you would come back, and how long you would stay with them the next time.
You, who they had never seen, had more of an impact and importance in their life than the boys of the seven dorms they had become fast friends with.
A conversation with Riddle after one of their lessons together revealed that the boys were also aware of a greater entity watching over them. They called you by a special name, one initially used by Idia and then adopted by everyone else.
Prefect tested the word, satisfied by the way it rolled off their tongue. Because they control us, just like a player would their game characters.
The Prefect became the subject of more attention fairly quickly after it became known that they were aware of the player and not just a oblivious puppet as Azul had theorized earlier. Considering that you used the Prefect exclusively to interact with everyone, the boys would try to spend as much time as they could in their presence, in hopes of feeling the your 'grace' and monopolizing it. It was just a feeling, one that they could all experience but none could explain. Your presence through the Prefect calmed them. Even when they thought themselves to be alright, the feeling of your presence would help soothe parts of themself they weren't aware needed soothing.
But the Prefect...They hated it.
The way they all milled around them, hungry for any indication of your presence, your validation. The way they stuck close to them, waiting to bask in the familiar warmth and calm that surrounded the Prefect when you visited them. To the Prefect, they were quickly turning from friends to insistent, irritating flies buzzing around.
Nobody deserved to be in your presence. Nobody but them. Because you chose the Prefect as your vessel, a blank slate for you to use to mercifully interfere in the lives of those who didn't deserve you.
The Prefect felt a sense of pride at the thought of being your puppet, at your mercy and for you to do what you wish with them. No greater honour could have been conferred to them and their existence than to create miracles in your name, under your guidance.
Of course, this... devotion meant that the Prefect often wondered about you. While you watched over them as they attended their lessons, the Prefect wondered if you liked to learn History; perhaps you were more into sports and fitness. Or perhaps alchemy was more your pace?
The Prefect also liked to imagine that their features somewhat mirrored yours. Perhaps your eyes were similar, or the curve of your nose, or perhaps your skin tone. After all, there must be something common between an entity and their vessel, to show that they are bound to each other, right?
As they looked down at your fallen form, however, they could not see any similarity. Not even a passing resemblance.
You were different, breathtakingly so.
Having spent the most amount of time in your presence, there was no way the Prefect could have made a mistake. The light sheen of grace that clung to your skin was enough of an indicator of your identity. The Prefect watched, mesmerized by your (e/c) eyes that held a mix of awe and curiosity, your apologies for bumping into them ignored in favour of staring at your face, searing each and every feature into their brain.
The Player.
The player was in Twisted Wonderland.
The player was in Twisted Wonderland?
But how?
Briefly, as Yuu extended a hand to help you up, they wondered if you had been unceremoniously dumped into this twisted world of magic and monsters, the same way they had. Their blood began boiling under their skin at the thought that some being (could this mean there were beings greater than you?) would treat you so carelessly, as if you did not hold power over some of the most important figures in Twisted Wonderland.
Prefect watched you stand with their help, a soft and grateful "Thank you," slipping through your lips and setting their every nerve on fire. The timbre of your voice, the slight awe in your words and the grateful light in your eyes as you looked at them, it was all so much. Too much, and yet still not nearly enough.
And then, a small voice spoke up from deep within them. 'The Player is here. And nobody knows.'
For if they had, if they had the slightest of an inkling that their beloved deity was amongst them, the housewardens would do their best to have you for themselves. Each dorm would declare an outright war on the others if it meant having you by their side.
But if you could be persuaded to join one before the others even found out...
They gave you a big smile, reverently noting the slight blush you sported. How cute. "No need to apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going either. But.. I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Yuu, what's your name?" They asked, hoping to not scare you off by seeming over eager.
"Ah, I'm (Name)," you answered, a bashful smile on your face. They cooed over your warm smile and sparkling eyes internally. So naive, so trusting; no wonder you cared about everyone, even those that had hurt your vessel, and by extension, you.
"I'm in the process of transferring from Aravae Arcane Academy," you continued, and their smile almost slipped from their face. You were in the process of transferring into Night Raven College? That too, from an obscure academy situated Sevens knows where? How long had it been since you had decided to grace Twisted Wonderland with your actual presence? How long had they been unaware of their beloved deity being so close? How long had they been unable to serve you as they should have?
The Prefect pushed the thoughts down, deep down, where it would never see the light of day ever again. You were here. Through some miracle, you were right in front of them, where they could touch you if you permitted (for they would never lay a hand on you without your permission).
And you would stay. The Prefect would go through it all again, fight the Great Seven even, if only to ensure that you would stay close to them. Where they could bask in your glory and serve you as they are meant to. A loyal follower devoting their heart, soul and mind to their beloved deity.
Your expression changed into one of slight embarassment and awkwardness, and that is when the Prefect realized they might have been just a little too intent with their staring. Nervously chuckling, they said, "Ah, okay. That explains it, I guess."
You chuckled as well, and the Prefect felt as though fate was smiling down upon them. This, this was their reward for going through all that they had. This was what they were meant for. "Yeah... I am kinda lost though. I was supposed to meet the Headmage, but..." You trailed off, and they nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, the grounds can be real hard to navigate. But don't worry! I'll help you get to the Headmage's office. He should be there, if he's not doing any surprise class supervisions today," they chirped.
"That would be nice. Oh, but, I don't want to trouble you. I mean, you must be busy..."
"It's no problem, really! I'm always happy to help!"
"Oh, well... If its not much trouble, please lead the way."
"Sure! Oh, by the way, do you have any dorm you'd like to be in? I know the Dark Mirror sorts students into dorms, but people do change their dorms sometimes if they want to..."
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OVERHAUL UPDATE 06/07/24 - Going slow, but changes are ahead.
Hey, everyone, and welcome back to another monthly update.
Keep an eye out this Monday, June 10th, for an upload announcement.
The push back of the Japanese volume release to next month has been helpful, as it gave the team time to breathe. The release schedule is picking up with the work, as not as much work has been done the last few months as planned. For now, TriMax Vol 7 will release the first Monday in July and our usual schedule will continue as before. If anything changes, we'll keep you all updated on that.
There's one main factor counting into the slow work and delay, but it's more personal, so if you don't want to know, then you can just skip ahead of the next bit.
I, as in the project lead, am the primarily cleaner and redrawer for the project, meaning that the delays are entirely on me.
For the last year and a half I've had a job that I took as an emergency, right after I lost my translator position due to the financial crisis. Meaning, the emergency job was supposed to be temporary, just to keep food on the table until I found something I'm more qualified to do.
Things, of course, didn't turn out like that and I've worked the same retail job for one and half years now. A retail job is usually no issue for me, but this was a newly started business with an inexperience owner, so the stress levels have been very high. My boss is understanding and kind, but also very drained and fighting to stay afloat.
I've worked hard to help as much as I could, setting up inventory systems and and an online shop/catalogue, which took most of my energy for personal projects. Now that things are finally stable, I've handed in my resignation and will leave the business in August/September, and therefore hopefully also leave me with more energy and time.
Anyway, with that info, it's time for a few double page spreads!
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The number of double page spreads per chapter has gone up dramatically from Vol 6, and they are all highly detailed, a trend that seems to continue into Vol 8, as well. It's been requiring a lot of work to fix these up, sometimes only managing to do a single one a night.
That's all for this month's update. If there are any topics or parts of our process that you want to hear more about, don't hesitate to send an ask or leave a comment on this post.
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genericpuff · 5 months
Hey there! Let me just start by saying that I love your work on Lore Rekindled. I've been super into Mythologies ever since I was like 6 (so that makes it nearly 20 years of constant adoration lmao), and your retelling of the Persephone myth is honestly one of the best ones I've seen so far. Which brings me to my question: I was wondering whether you would ever like to turn rekindled into a wholly original project. Perhaps after changing character designs and tweaking some details?
Keep up the great work and have a lovely day!
Thanks so much! I'm so glad it's resonating with people looking for a more grounded approach. That was pretty much half of my goal, I wanted to try and expand on the more creative interpretations Rachel started with (such as the modern setting) but actually tighten the worldbuilding and keep it more on theme with the original myths. So I'm always happy to hear from y'all that it's accomplishing that exactly as I had hoped :)
I've had people ask me that question about making it a more original thing, and I have considered it just for the sake of like, "making something my own", but at this point if I did that I'd have to completely redraw Rekindled from scratch and I don't know if I have the energy or strength to do that LOL (I'm already infected by the redrawing brainworms on my original stuff). And it would defeat the point of why I started Rekindled in the first place - to bring closure to myself and others who loved LO in the beginning and saw all the potential it had but never really delivered on. To remove it from the LO stylization would make it more 'original and unique' but would also remove it from its original purpose.
That said, I am hoping to do some other adaptions of Greek myth stories that were either poorly done by LO or not covered at all after Rekindled is done, so I'm considering doing a more original interpretation separated from the LO retelling for those, as they wouldn't necessarily depend on the H x P retelling that Rachel tried to accomplish. That way I can sorta try and have my cake and eat it too LOL But we'll see! I gotta get through Rekindled first :' )
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amedamacherry · 3 months
'I told you I could dance'
(Sketch version)
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Seto Kaiba & Anzu Mazaki
(Oh yes. I love them! #SorryNotSorry)
A colored sketch I made recently. Might delete it later.
With a close-up of their faces because I kinda like how they turned out 🤭
I haven't uploaded it anywhere else so far and I don't know if I will. It was just an idea that needed to get out of my head. And since I'm no good at writing fanfiction, I went with drawing.
It has been YEARS since I drew anything. I'm out of practice and rusty, but it was so much fun!
I bought a great new convertible tablet with a stylus recently (it's meant for work, but... 🤭) and I finally tried to sketch something out digitally. I wanted to try that for so long, but when I was a student, I never had the money for good hardware. Then, after I got a job and married and had children, all of these within a pretty short time, there finally was enough money, but no time and energy! (Life being life, I guess 😅)
BUT NOW! I finally dug into it. And let me just scream this out loud:
All those tools and possibilities, without redrawing the whole shit because there was something a little bit too big or too small or too far on one side. It's great! And so much fun! I wanna do this much more! ❤️
I'm still no good with actual oulining. Is it really such a pain in the ass or is it just because I'm new to this? Outlining by hand never was such a big deal for me. Anyway, that's why I just went ahead and colored the sketch as it was. I didn't even do it properly, just went with the process and couldn't stop myself. I don't know if I can find the time and energy (!) to make this into a proper drawing one day, but it will be somewhere near the top of my priority list. 😇
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luzenber · 1 month
Even thought of an AU of the diamonds being Greek gods?
Well....not Greek but Western, it was one of my very first Au, where White was a god 👍
Summary of this Au (if you're interested)
I didn't name this Au :)
In this universe there was a place, a place for good creatures who have died and it is also the residence of the supreme god (White), she initially created Black (oc) in the hope that she would be the one succeeded her later, but Black was impatient so she tried to kill White to take her power. But White was originally a god, so she quickly defeated Black and Black was banished to a place for bad people (aka hell).
Later, when her anger subsided, White created a new heir, Yellow. Black creates a devil, Blue, and wants her to kill everything White created (including Yellow).
Many thousands of years later, White decided to create a new angel, Pink, to take care of the souls. But instead of studying hard to work later, she was playful, flying back and forth between planets and then fell in love with Earth. From then on, she always sneaked to Earth to play with humans (disguised as humans).
Black knew so she sent Blue to kill Pink. When Blue saw Pink from afar, she used her power to prepare to kill Pink, when a voice said: "There you are" causing Blue to stop and look in the direction of the voice, that was also the voice. was the first time Blue met Yellow. And, she fell in love at first sight (Yellow is very beautiful in this au :3)
As for Yellow, after discovering that Pink was not in her room, she went looking and felt an unusual dark energy. Ran over and saw Pink nearby, but she remained calm and called Pink when the energy disappeared. After observing and seeing nothing, she took Pink home (Blue had already left).
From then on, every time Pink sneaks down to earth to play, Blue will always hide around, just to see Yellow:3. But if the person who comes is not Yellow but another angel, she will kill them (other angels, not Pink). White soon felt strange so she asked Yellow to find out the reason. And when Yellow comes around, Blue shows up (she was following Yellow the whole time) they have a fight.
(This is actually an Au I created for Bellow, not really a slasher) XD
In the Pink part, after being discovered many times, of course she was punished and had to stay in her room. Because she didn't like being locked up, so she try to leave, but was caught again. This time, White got angry and took away her pair. Pink's wings. At the same time, she ordered her to be locked in prison, then later,Pearl (a low-level angel serving Pink) help Pink escape the prison and leave the paradise land.
From then on Pink stayed on earth and lived in human form until Black discovered her. Black sent another demon to kill Pink. When Yellow returned and heard the news, she immediately went looking for Pink, and found her cold body. Yellow thinks the devil who killed Pink is Blue so she hates Blue, but because she has no evidence, she can't do anything....
Later, Blue learned why Yellow hated her, so she got angry at Black and left. Blue then explained it to Yellow again. After much persuasion, Yellow believed and no longer hated Blue. She goes to find Pink's real killer and destroy that demon. Later, the two started talking and Yellow realized that Blue wasn't really evil, but because she possessed great evil power, everyone thought she was evil....
They gradually secretly became friends... at this point I stop the Au :)))
Maybe I will redraw this Au and post it later :b
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spacey-xannabelle · 1 month
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Fateful Encounter...
Last month, at around April 10th, I decided to revisit an old project I started months prior which was to polish up a test sketch of a comic page about Lucy encountering Lumi in the dreamspace. And after slowly making progress on this, I'm finally finished with this!
I'm gonna leave some artist notes under the read more, but overall I'm super proud of how this turned out!! This is pretty much my first serious attempt at making comics in general so this has been a very interesting learning experience!
Artist notes: So this is what the original sketch for this whole thing was. It was just me scribbling out a scene I had in my head for Startrails that I wanted to put on paper:
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This I'd say was made around 2020-2021 ish. At the time, I didn't really do much with it. Until several months ago, I thought of trying to redraw this page and expand upon it.
But my first attempt at doing this didn't quite lead anywhere. I barely got through the thumbnailing process and just gave up bc I lost motivation (and life/work stuff was Happening so yea I had to put this aside as I figured stuff out). Here's the first draft of the thumbnails:
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It was just two pages at the time and was pretty simple. I left this project sitting in my files for a while until I one day just, started binging videos from Thestarfishface on YouTube, primarily her webcomic guide videos. And I decided I'd give this project another go.
It was here where I began making a second draft of the thumbnails and this was what I had to work with:
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I wanted to experiment with the panels and get funky with the compositions this time around. The 2 page draft expanded to a 3 page thing. But I thought it would've been better if I added one more page at the end with Lucy waking up as a conclusion to wrap this whole thing together.
And in the middle of working on page 3, my friend had suggested to do a an impact frame page, which I hadn't considered during the thumbnailing, so 4 pages became 5. And this was the result!
I posted the pages as I finished them onto my deviantart so that's where a lot of my thoughts were journaled as I went along dfjsdh. To summarize my ramblings there, this project was a very fun (and a bit frustrating) learning experience! I'm hoping to keep practicing and improving my workflow, and hopefully one day make Startrails a full fledged webcomic :')
Additional ramblings:
The structure that Lucy finds Lumi in is inspired by an orrery.
For page 5, I initially didn't plan for much dialogue but as I drew it, it felt just a liiiitle bit empty, so I kinda just threw in some dialogue for Mira. But bc I was already in the inking process (and I just wanted to have this project completed), I didn't redo the page to even include Mira in it. So Mira's just out of frame sdfjskdh. If I had more time and energy to keep this up, I'd have made a revision of the page so I could include her.
This experience has taught me that I could seriously work on my rendering process a bit more, and that my layer management is just atrocious sdkfjksdfh
This has also taught me that while Medibang has the tools needed for me to draw these pages just fine, it also lacks some stuff that I personally need if I were to do a longer project like this. So I'll be experimenting with CSP next!
The dialogue throughout this whole thing wasn't all that planned out- I really just stuck close to what the initial doodle had which probably wasn't the best idea bc I just have like, 2 pages of Lucy's awkward sounding dialogue aaaa. I might do something a bit more dialogue heavy to help improve this skill next time.
Anyway, thank you for reading through my 1 am ramblings on this little project of mine shdkjhks
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the-autistic-spider · 8 months
this is Daniel James aka apollo
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this is a close up of his face as you can see he has freckles
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the lines under the screen are wires that go into his body as he has wires running right along his veins to control all the cybernetic parts
also most of the info is on the drawing here V
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the text under photos will be a bit more descriptive
this is technically a young justice (show) oc
he can sing to boost/weaken his teammates/enemy's so if he sings a song about speed most of the team will be faster
if he sings a song about luck the team will be more lucky (depending on the song the more draining it will be like luck would be extremely draining on energy)
but the song must be sung live to work but it works as long as its live through a speaker
he stole the jacket (no need to elaborate he just stole it)
originally his name was Apollo and his hero ID was DJ
but i didn't like that so it became Daniel James aka Apollo
because of civilians hearing him being called DJ and Apollo they assume his full title it D.J. Apollo
the drones he has are made for him along with the headphones as he is extremely sensitive to sound so they stay on 24/7
after he got the screen over his left eye he is able to access the internet and more as the parts where originally a phone
he lost his left arm in his first fight against the full project sound wave
origin: while out in Gotham (before he was a hero) he was hit in the face by a stray bat-a-rang thrown by robin (he had no tech on his person at the time) which made him lose his left eye as later that day he grabbed his phone his bag and it fused to him replacing his left eye with the screen you can see.
his main rogue's origin:
his uncle Liam franklin was working on a classified project that DJ knew as
his uncle was in an accident with the project causing him to need a blood donation and the only one available was DJ so he unknowingly gave his uncle his meta gene through blood donation
the accident left his uncle with 2 personality's where he would do something but be unaware the other personality only called them self P_S_W aka Project_Sound_Wave
sound wave has the exact same powers as DJ but they absorb the sound around them to weaponize it as his vocal cords are fully gone from the accident
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he has speakers in his hands he can use to fire pure sound to launch himself up/launch teammates/enemy's away
the speakers he has on his belts are specially made for him by his uncle and link to him by Bluetooth (yes he has a Bluetooth connection) and they can fold out to become drones to boost his musical boost range.
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the speaker in his throat can change his voice to match with any song he sings to sound correct
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doesn't like robin much as he found out about a second part of his powers by being hit in the eye by a stray bat-a-rang
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recorded songs wont have his power boost effect it has to be sung live for the effect to work his voice being projected live through speakers is fine though as long as it is a live singing
feel free to redraw in your art style just credit me please=]
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kidnamedbird · 26 days
Hello all!
It's me, Kid Named Bird from Team Kid Named Bird. For clarification, I'm actually named after the team, not the other way around. I'm the lead translator and dialogue letterer for Beyblade X, or at least I was. I am heartbroken to announce our indefinite hiatus from the BeyX manga; if we do get back to it, we'd finish off all the year one content (up to the likely incoming subtitle/branding change) and all of the extras that go with it. This would leave us with a finite amount of work for us to do and a nice archival version of the beginnings of X.
To explain why we're ending our release, I'd like to say it's not because we don't want to. We'd love to continue on this project because we all really adore this manga. It's hard not to grow fond of something you've poured so much time into. I never really even planned on forming the team to translate the manga until the first chapter was about to come out. I had translated the prologue chapter as a fun side-project — I learned how to letter and translate because of it! So once some of my veteran scanlator friends and some brave newbies hopped on the project with me, I felt like we could actually take a bite out of this massive undertaking. A 36-72 page manga every month for a team of mostly employed/student volunteers is insane, especially when you consider the amount of redraws we had to do on this specific work. There were so many text overlays we had to draw over or speedlines (blech!!) we had to clean up, and usually tens of pages of them. Sometimes we had to do the work of a weekly manga series translation to get our stuff out depending on the amount of pages we did. After a while, that took a toll on our team. We can only do so many 50 pagers in a row before it completely consumes all of our free time outside of our full time work or education. I knew that as soon as we got behind by one chapter, we'd not be able to catch back up. It would just cause us too much grief and stress. I didn't want to do that to my team of unpaid volunteers, so I made the choice to throw in the towel. We were doing pretty professional work for free, and we got burnt out. We all had entire lives outside of BeyX, and I wanted my team to live them. It wasn't a decision I made lightly, or without reason. The official release is coming out soon, and if you don't mind the dub names, the previews looked pretty good! They seem to be Singapore/South East Asian exclusive for now, but I'm sure someone will snag the scans for them. Also, the anime, for the first time in Bey history, is almost exactly the same plot-wise! Previous series manga and anime have diverged wisely, but as the manga and anime have an overlapping writing staff this time, the stories hit almost all the same beats. If anything, I think the anime takes the manga's story and gives it far more breathing room and better pacing. The extra character-focus episodes have done wonders to help develop the cast further and make Bird's journey of perseverance all the more compelling. You will still get to experience the story of X in different ways, but maybe without us. If we had the time, energy, and ability to sustain our bodies, we'd still be working on this manga, I promise you that. The kind words we have gotten from our readers have meant the world to me (I tear up at them sometimes!). I hope that one day, we can return to finish off the first year of BeyX content. If we don't, then oops! Every member of our team has other projects we work on, so you can find us there. I can't tell you what those projects are for our privacy and safety, but we do them! For now, this is Team Kid Named Bird spinning out.
3! 2! 1! Let it rip with us next time, whenever that may be! Thank you so much for supporting us!
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lesserkey · 2 months
you have an excellent eye for stylish and fashionable designs. you make really good use of bold, limited palettes. you're able to set mood effectively in a way that conveys gravity of character! i think there are specific strengths you could bolster, but your personal style also has a lot of ways you could expand on elements you don't do as often - detail shots or landscape, playing with zoom, exploring more diversity of anatomy, or exaggerated action and foreshortening and stuff. you make some really cool art, and i like it for what it is, and there's nothing wrong with sticking to what you like of course, i just you've got the skills to make a broad array of expression shine!
Hello anon! I really wanted to thank you so much for your kind message. I think the biggest thing I appreciated is the helpful direction you also gave me. It makes me happy that people can see I can push the strengths of my style more and it’s definitely something I want to work on! I did want to share that I actually… used to do a lot more background work. A lot of the pieces are from 2020 and I experimented a /lot/ to really push myself. I lost the drive after I started my full time job so I never had the same energy or time like I used to back at the end of 2020 but I wanted to keep trying.
This is old work but I thought it would be fun to share, just to show that I really do want to revisit this stuff and even redraw some of them too!
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Diversity in anatomy is another thing I’m working towards slowly improving! Did you know I actually couldn’t draw aged characters or even cis male characters well? Bloodborne really helped me out with that and I want to return back to playing around with it. I did actually buy the dungeon meshi daydream hour that was recently released to study and see how the mangaka approached diverse body types. It’s extremely inspirational to me. The design I’m working on for Agares is me pushing to draw a cis female body type differently as well as in age! Caesnig is the other character I wanted to push with working on in terms of body type and face since his was a goal of mine to reach that I want to continue developing as well!
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I hope to return back to experimenting when I can because I know I can do it! It comes down to finding the inspiration that kickstarts it and the energy as well. I really do appreciate what you told me today and even the ways I can further push my work and what would really make it shine. It made me so motivated to try again and work at it ❤️
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fluffytheocelot · 3 months
Okay, I saw your screencap redraw, and as someone else who's *obsessed* with Carmen's parents, I had to take you up on that offer. So, consider this ask license to infodump your thoughts on them! :)
AGH ok so-
Carmen's parents have a LOT of potential narrative-wise, and I really hope one day we'll see more of them in canon. (Maybe comics like the showrunner talked about before?)
Like how in the world did they meet??? Cause idk i feel like Carlotta disappeared way too easily to have just been a civilian. I think she was a thief too, not VILE, she only steals when she needs to, for one reason or another.
this is getting long oops- under the cut!
I think they happened to be going after the same thing, at the same time, and hoo boy do they not get along lol. Turns out Carlotta (telling Dexter her name is Vera Cruz. He does not believe her) had agreed to steal the whatever-it-is in exchange for an under-the-radar trip somewhere else.
They make a deal: Dexter gets her there, and he gets to keep the prize. Yay, roadtrip!
Cue rivals-to-friends-to-lovers speedrun lmao
Some time passes after that (during which they continue to see each other) and many months later they discover oops they made a Carmen
Dexter begins making his much longer trips away from VILE (wanting to support his partner with their unborn kid as much as he can) and starts the process of leaving. When Carmen is born, his trips away get longer and VILE finally catches wind of what's happening, and you know the rest.
AHH ok headcanons about each:
definitely shares a lot of personality traits with Carmen. Even just from what we saw during Shadowsan's flashback, they are so so similar :( The two combined chaos energies probably would've driven Carlotta up a wall lmao
woulda been a fantastic girl dad. this man would have sat thru tea parties and played barbies with little Carmen and LOVED IT
dad jokes. that is all.
probably also a very high energy/troublemaking kid, like Carmen
Seriously I picture him and Carmen being super close if he'd survived.
idk i think it'd be funny that this master thief that is 1/5th of the leadership of a massive and ancient crime organization is an absolute dorky dad lmao
was gonna ask Carlotta to marry him after he escaped. but. well.. yk.
Was gonna pick Shadowsan to take his place on the faculty anyway
knows guitar, and probably would've taught carmen how to as well.
is it a universal dad thing to enjoy Jimmy Buffet music or is that just my dad??? Idk either way he vibes. Carlotta has a video of him softly strumming a guitar with baby Carmen in his lap and singing "Little Miss Magic" to her ;-;
also enjoys AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Guns n Roses, all that kinda stuff. Probably projecting my own dad a bit but oh well
As much as he'd hate he couldn't be there for Carmen when she was growing up, I think he'd be glad she at least had Shadowsan looking out for her :)
He would be so proud of everything Carmen has done and accomplished ;-;
its probably been said before, but Carlotta definitely started up the orphanage in Buenos Aires hoping Carmen would end up in it at some point.
Carmen inherited thief skills from both parents idc. Carlotta definitely gave Dexter a run for his money lol
looks a lot like carmen, but with green eyes instead of gray, and more brown hair than Carmen's red/auburn.
also the parent carmen got her freckles from (BC Carmen had em when she was little, and she spent a lot of time out in the sun!! I will die on the Carmen having faint freckles hill dangit!)
also bi. idk these two give bi4bi vibes.
more likely to get into a fistfight out of the two of them ("Carlotta, no!" "Carlotta YES" *cut to Dexter desperately trying to hold her back* "CARLOTTA PLEASE WE'RE TRYING NOT TO GET CAUGHT")
Upon reuniting with and getting to know Carmen, she's very much reminded of Dexter. She'd be all too happy to tell her stories of Dexter.
definitely also has a bit of a mischief streak too.
absolutely did NOT put up with Dexter's nonsense at first lol
was initially terrified of what Dexter would think when she told him they were gonna be parents, but was quickly reassured when the next time Dexter came back from VILE he had armloads of baby stuff from around the world.
Probably has a big extended family but after Dexter's death and Carmen disappears, she gets distant with them. After reuniting with Carmen though, accidentally runs into a family member with her and they're like "wait is that her?? She's alive??" and just like that Carmen has managed to acquire ANOTHER family lol.
Absolutely thrilled to learn Carmen wasn't alone all those years and immediately just adopts Zack, Ivy, and Player lol
Probably a little hesitant about Shadowsan at first, given that he was supposed to assassinate Dexter and did actually take her daughter to VILE, but eventually they're chill and he tells her stories of Black Sheep's antics. Meanwhile Carmen is in the background begging him not to lol.
I think once she got over her distrust of Shadowsan and got to know him, and sees how close he and Carmen are, she'd be glad that he was there for Carmen when Dexter couldn't be.
ARGHSH I have plans for them in many AUs lol. I'll get around to actually enacting em someday XD
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gaybae1021 · 1 year
Dimitri and Naoko (Nekoette)
Sharing some art and headcanons about my favorite half-siblings!
Mystreet Designs
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The fact that they weren’t in mystreet was a crime!
More art and Headcanons under the cut!
Dimitri is a very active kid, he enjoys karate and the occasional game of soccer. When not in school he spends a lot of time at his mom’s gym, and is her biggest cheerleader during her boxing matches. They have a pretty good relationship, Nicole is pretty hands off with him, and he appreciates the independence, but it leads to him being pretty disrespectful the few times Nicole has had to go mom mode on him
Dante and Nicole dated in high school, where Nicole accidentally got pregnant. Dante did the best he could to help out, but they eventually decided they should go their separate ways. Dante hasn’t seen Dimitri since he was around 2.
When Dimitri got a bit older and Dante got settled with KC, Nicole and Dante decided try more of a coparenting situation. Dimitri was apprehensive at first, but quickly became friends with Naoko. After that, bonding with Dante and KC came pretty quickly.
When first meeting her, Naoko was as much of a girly girl as a person could be. Princess dresses, tea parties, dolls, the works, all of which she begged Dimitri to do with her. This was embarrassing at first, but he eventually got used to it.
One day Dimitri showed her his videogames, and she immediately hyper fixated on them, quickly matching and eventually surpassing her brother’s skill. She enjoys the cute little farming sims but is equally into more combat based games.
Imagine this sweet little seven year old suddenly dropping into professional gamer speak
Videogames quickly become their favorite bonding activity, as it’s something they enjoy equally !
Get Back! (Redraws)
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This. This right here. This is my favorite dynamic. This rabid “get away from my family you bitch” energy.
Season 3 Designs
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Dimitri (12) and Naoko (9)
I wanted to keep their basic armor vaguely matching, but not just pink and blue copies like the og skins. Since Naoko showed interest in the bow and arrow I gave her a lot of ranger inspired details, with the hood piece and leather bracers. I kept her outfit practical but still a bit femme, despite her serious expression here she’s still very much a little kid who likes pink and flowers.
For Dimitri I wanted him to have pieces of both of his parents. So he has some samurai inspired tunic and shoulder plates like Dante and arm wrappings like Nicole. And while in season 2 he uses his dads old katanas, in season 3 he’s switched to his own pair of short swords, he kind of wanted his own thing rather than copying his dad.
They’re mostly trained by Katelyn, with some occasional lessons with Dante. The art is definitely a bit misleading, they’re far from cool and composed warriors at this point. But they love training together, and are both eager to learn.
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jade-of-mourning · 2 months
hiiii lychee :))
as you can see I have too much free time on my hands. but I have a decent amount to say today, so prepare yourself
I’m gonna try and keep this organized and maybe short so 1: do you have any more thoughts on the avatar mako au to share because it’s been rolling around in my brain a lot and I want to know what you have to say about it bcs the way your brain works is so. hajdhskapxn/pos
2: mako learning to draw by engraving his parents’ faces in the dirt of an alleyway over and over and over for years even as he starts to forget their faces. mako who wishes he could’ve afforded paper and charcoal at eight to put down something permanent, something accurate. mako getting their family photo from yin and giving her the scarf, redrawing the picture on the nicest paper he can find to give to her as well. artist mako,, save me artist mako,,,
3: more fem mako thoughts but makorrasami love triangle/eventual polycule(?) except they’re all girls. I just feel like the pining after your team captain who you now do know is gay except it’s because she’s dating a rich girl who’s also very hot is just a whole lot more fun than what they had going on in canon because. girls but sports au. sooo in love w that. also I don’t think makorra would get together in b1 like canon did for a couple reasons. for one, the girl trauma in addition to general trauma of being a homeless orphan. touch and gestures of affection from a person she doesn’t know well yet would probably be a no-no, and korra seems like a very touchy person, just in the natural way that her space is yours and your space is hers. also her energy? like obviously mako would come around but korra in b1 is so much more excited about the world than mako and I think that would kind of, like, intimidate her. (<-also reasons makorra could’ve worked later on but not when they happened) but as the series progresses, korra mellows and mako gets used to her. it works.
but then how does masami happen so early? because asami is the moon to korra’s sun. she’s calm and a careful thinker and after korra’s exuberance breaks down mako’s walls a little bit, asami would be able to slip in being everything mako imagines herself wanting. also more than financially stable. so masami becomes a thing, and korra is jealous, but she’s not sure of who which I personally think is so funny
but yeah that’s basically it. I always love how you take my silly little commentary and give actual thoughtful replies, it makes my day 😭
with love
snailon! good to see you here haha i totally didn't die for like two weeks what fjsgjhjkgfhs (i'm so sorry i took so long that you thought you imagined this ask hhh)
okay i actually have not thought about it for a hot minute but get this… i get like 40 hours a week back because no more percussion! so i have so much time!!! dude i'm going to rewatch lok AGAIN and then brainrot some more. avatar mako's love hate relationship with the entire fucking world is the only thing about it in my head. i'm sorry i don't have a lot to say about this au right now :(( it'll happen,,, one day,,,,
oh! (sobbing!) personally i am a fan of aspiring writer mako but also artist mako is extremely valid and i love the hc's you've built around it :)
girl for girl for girl makorrasami is really the best version of it tbh! love all your thoughts and actually that's a hilarious angle of korra getting the Sapphic Confirmation but it's not a good thing bc the love interest is actually dating a girl who is NOT korra except oh shit this girl is also super hot and attractive. what the fuck is this. korra my favorite girl in the world ever you're allowed to like all the girls in the world if you want and no one has the right to fault you for it.
anyway thank YOU for always sharing your thoughts with me!! i love to hear it and i'm sorry there was such a delay bhjfjgfh i'll get to your other ask soon promise. my commentary is a little bit dead today but i wanted to get this out instead of leaving it rotting in my inbox forever because i promise i have been turning it over in my head for a minute now :P have a good day snailon!
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poupeesdecirque · 30 days
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General Update
Just a heads up, I mainly write for those who got snippets the last days and are maybe (quite) concerned and worried about me.
So, the last few weeks at work have been literal hell.
More under the cut, this gets long.
This week especially, we worked with 6 people understaffed (out of 16, might be not that bad if you work in an office but if you work with humans, especially children/toddlers even it's... difficult), I won't get much into detail but weeks we have the bi-weekly meeting mondays before work mess me up already but then 3 more people calling in sick made everything worse. It didn't help that my annual employee-feedback talk was coming up on wednesday and that turns me into a pile of anxiety of its own.
The tuesday in before had me crying in the bathroom at work after just 1,5 hours of a 8+ hour day without real lunch break (just fyi last summer I went down with hours to be less stressed... I got in more than two days worth of work in overtime the last month). I work there for 10 years and this is the 2nd time I cried and this time it was just because of the pure stress. I won't go into detail here but I went beyond my limit so often the last weeks I am merely a shell and just do creative things to cope somehow.
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The annual talk went .... good. No, good is an understatement, it was one of the best I had, there is basically zero critique on how I work, boss is very satisfied and the only thing is that I am told to tell my coworkers when their decisions stress me. haha. yeah.
Then there is our street... it's a construction site since February but now the whole thing is closed down, last week I almost didn't manage to get to work bc they closed down another road and I had no way to get through left q_q...
The work week was just 3 days (luckily) and we went into a long weekend bc of the public holiday. I decided to take the thursday slow but, yeah I know it better, the point here is when you go from 200% to maybe 10% your mind will crash and that's what I got.
I am so under stress my body has no idea where to put it and tries everything, I can't sleep well, just for a few hours and then I am wide awake.
Aside that I am basically done with the redraw project which took me almost a year, then my fic 'Warmth' is done too, it's just one final scene and that's the epilogue with the final conclusion, I have been working on this for 2,5 years now and it's part of my evening routine.. the redraws are part of my morning routine... I changed a few more things and well I managed to mess up my entire routine but I NEED IT TO FUNCTION.
I felt it coming but well.. you guessed it right, depression hit me hard on friday evening (I have seasonal depression, it gets worse the longer the days become, higher temperatures are often enough to trigger it, then the lack of sleep, two big projects ending, etc) and yesterday before the con I didn't even want to go there despite the Con being the only thing keeping me going the whole week.
I'm exhausted, tired but sleeping doesn't work as my body is "I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT THE STRESS". I am really mean towards myself and I am trying hard not to be an ass and we don't talk about the fact that I need days to like... put away the laundry, put groceries into the cabinets or have crafting materials scattered around everywhere. It's just a real mess in here.
Overall I just... pour energy into crafts bc I have no idea where to put it. I would love to just go for a good old inline skate round but I don't want to carry my skates through the landscape for 10 minuted bc we have no streets q_q;
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I know I stacked on a lot and less would be better (heck I challenged myself to cook more variety again and ofc I got competitive with myself but went out of my comfort zone and then wasn't able to estimate things anymore... if you know me closer you know what that means), but right now it's about finding the balance here as when i do nothing it just ... gets worse.
Concluding this means I am on a tightrope with things and there is not much needed to make me fall (again). I have projects to work on, but I get too invested and then overdo it which means ~ more stress~ ... good thing I can't work on Lenalee unless the new zippers arrive and sewing in general is not really appealing to me.
But I prepped everything for sewing for her and Maple, I have cut parts for the Allen Clown Cosplay, even started the buttons (& remade those already bc first attempt left me unsatisfied), I made the cover for the next fic update but I don't want to post everything at once.
Don't forget the situation at work made me an expert in how to get a lot of shit done in very little time and to use every minute I have to get the most results out of the time I have. Slowing down is a real issue I have to learn.
This entry doesn't make much sense but if you have read until here just know I thank you for your attention. This month is mainly DGM themed everything as the series turns 20. I have photos with OC dolls queued up and once I have the mind for more sewing I will work on Maple.
There is cosplay progress from a while ago, cosplay photos, drawings, lots of doll progress from Kanda to come and in general some very pretty photos I am found of.
Oh and the travel blog regarding the HanaCon is written I will post it soon, maybe not today bc it's enough already.
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desultory-novice · 9 months
Been awhile since I had seen your stuff, and I really enjoy what you’ve been coming up with! Glad to see you’re having fun
(Also, how did you start here, so to speak? I would love to be an active creator in the kirblr community, but since I just lurk and rb because I don’t have the energy/confidence to create, I just feel like an unwelcome stalker LOL. Sorry if this is too much!)
Oh, gosh, thank you so much! I'm a little impressed at how things have turned out after barely two years(?) here myself!
I don't know if my methods could ever work for anyone else as they do me, as I attribute a lot of "this" to serendipity but...
...It seems to me I really took off after opening my inbox up to doing detailed ask memes about the characters. Again, this was kind of luck on my part because I spoke very lovingly (albeit truthfully!) about a few mega popular characters, which caused two of their fandom BNFs to kindly reblog my posts, and that sent a bunch more asks for the WHOLE rest of the Kirby cast my way!
I'm sorry to say, it does take a lot of energy though. But I do get the struggle, as I'm often exhausted by life/lots of jobs. However, if you can find any sort of mental "trick" to keep yourself going, you might discover you have more energy than you think inside you!
(Me, I'm very visual, and I keep a collection of my favorite fanart on hand. If I think I've exhausted myself on a character/ran out of ideas of things to talk about, I'll browse through my personal "gallery" and it will help me to remember characters/events/interesting points.)
As to the matter of confidence, you've probably heard the whole "fake it to you make it" bit and to a degree, at least, it's true. I've had a couple of posts where I've flooded the tags with things like "OMG this is so bad and I'm so sorry!" or "I had no time to work on this and it shows~" or "if this sucks it's because life is crushing my soul and I just want to sleep for a thousand years..." annnnnd unfortunately...
...even if it's how you're feeling At The Time, those things can make people feel like they're intruding into your space by liking or reblogging it. It's like, if you're telling us something so personal and private, maybe you really only want to hear from a friend right now, and not a stranger...? What I've done is I've told myself it's okay to write out those low self-esteem thoughts elsewhere but try to let the people who are here for the art/images/videos/writing/discussions just enjoy your art/images/videos/writing/discussions.
If you've got something to get off your chest, don't feel like you have to hold it inside, but don't hold your audience captive either.
(Also, something else fun about this: if you cast out positivity, you may find that it comes back to you, and when you look again at that thing you shared, it was NOT as "awful" as you thought.)
Now, a lot of that was about "external" confidence or what you display. As for internal confidence, that's... kind of a constant struggle. We all -- and by all, I I mean even famous published creators -- have times when we think our work isn't good enough. Annnd...
...Well, it isn't always great. But the fact that something isn't great now (even if it's the absolute best we can do at the time) doesn't mean we have no skill at something! We all have to start somewhere. And sometimes "somewhere" is a piece of art or writing or theory or humorous content that only 1-2 people think is "...Eh, not bad."
My first "hit it big" piece? My "Moon's Haunted" Kirby meme? Ohhh man, I can't STAND to look at now! I redrew it a few months back and if I were to redraw it today, it'd look better still, probably. The key is that I tried (...and that I meme-posted when the game was going viral >.> ) and I think that shone through??
(...It might be silly, but there IS a Nintendo Direct tomorrow. Probably no Kirby news, as I assume Vanpool's closure will bring an end to us getting multiple Kirby titles a year, but if you really want to try and take that ^ path, you can always get up early/stay up late and ready yourself to post commentary on any news!)
That doesn't just go for art, but writing/theories/HC as well. I myself find it a little sad when someone starts on a post and then will just trail off with "...lol I dunno, didn't think about it that hard."
"Don't say that, person on the internet," I cry! Do you realize how much information is at your fingertips right now? You can google for things even if you only know it as "that thing in that one movie about the fruit." You can watch a Youtube video in 5 minutes explaining the mechanics of something you've never seen or ever hope to do before! You can even watch a Youtube playthrough of a Kirby thing you forgot instead of saying "You forgot!" Don't know how to draw cloaks? Pinterest has millions of references! Don't like Pinterest? Just google "cloaks, Pinterest" and click on the images tab and you will never have to log into that accursed site! It just takes WANTING to.
Though sometimes, I think people write that out of embarrassment? Maybe they DID think about it but they don't think anyone would be interested? Or maybe they really didn't think about X or Y but didn't want to feel like they were neglecting anybody and that something is better than nothing. Which it is, but LOVE is even more important!
...And love, especially in a fandom space, can be ~complicated~
Like I mentioned above, I'm LUCKY that my top favorite characters also come close to topping the rest of "the fandom's" list. But as I've said before, I love every character in Kirby. Even the ones-people-want-to-throw-off-a-bridge-into-a-waste-treatment-plant..
And if I'd started off my tumblr as a "The Susie Haltmann Appreciation Blog!" as opposed to my actual "Hey I'm Completely Obsessed About Marx and Magolor and I Think About Them All The Time (...but I also like the Haltmanns from a story perspective for their heartrending tragedy that hits close to home for me...) Blog" I don't know if we'd be having this conversation right now. ^^;
(It doesn't just have to be all about controversy/"discourse" related stuff either. I could have started a "Daily Sillydillo" blog and had to retire it in a month due to low levels of interaction. The concept of fandom favorites might not be very egalitarian, when every character deserves to have their story enjoyed, but sometimes, strong love can make up for the lack of eyes on a thing. Occasionally ^^)
...Anyway, you might not have the energy, at least not all the time, and confidence might be a little low right now too, but you love Kirby, right? You have passion for it? Passion can get you a lot! And also, there's a few methods of interaction that, for personal reasons, I could not choose that have done wonders for everyone else!
For example, I have some old, unhealed trauma about OCs, but there's a whole hu~ge section of Kirblr that loves OCs and, as far as I've seen (??) tries to be really supportive about them?
Lastly, I can guarantee you, you are NOT a stalker and anyone who thinks being a "quiet supportive fan" equates to being a stalker should consider moving away from thinking of themselves and/or others in that negative way. You have stalked nobody! You have only shown an active interest in others! That is a POSITIVE thing!
And on that note, you're definitely not unwelcome either! Especially if you're one of the precious, wonderful people out there who reblog lots! If you want to get your toes wet, why not test the waters and build your confidence in this space by adding some of your thoughts onto your reblogs? You could build a rep/connections that way!
TLDR, sometimes gaining an audience/a space is a magic trick that no one knows the secret to. Other times, it is the result of months and months and months of hard, lonesome persistence.
The best advice I can give you is advice I would give myself:
-Be kind if you can, if you cannot, then be understanding -Demonstrate care about your interests and those of others -Forgive yourself for being at the beginning of your journey
-Enthusiasm, sincerity, and love are warm lights in this world of ours that can, at times, seem so dim and dreary. Light a little lantern for yourself and remember to laugh loud with joy that life is also so amazingly, ridiculously magical and before you know it, others will find their way to your light to add their lantern to yours!
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