#i got busy and sick and busy and then today there was a new video for a video series i really like and i got distracted
fragmentedask · 2 months
Why, look at you! Landing right on your feet, like a very handsome, active senior cat. Oh, if only somebody else could have seen it ...
Here's a terribly asymmetric golden star for your achievement.
* It says "your did it" .
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hellvcifer · 1 month
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CARING FOR YOU WHEN YOU'RE SICK— ଘ drabbles ┆part 1
ft. pairings :: blitzø, stolas, poly!fizz/ozzie, poly!moxxie/millie // gn!reader wc :: 4.3k note :: i am still trying to flush out this sickness! it's awful but here's some more drabbles. ozzie and fizzy's is so long omg i have fizzmodeus brain rot and got carried away !! warnings :: canon typical language, pet names used instead of y/n (darling, dear, honey, bunny, babe, baby, pumpkin, sweetie), reader throws up, descriptions of throwing up, blitzø using insults as pet names, a little suggestive (blitzø and fizzmodeus)
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Moxxie held the phone away from his ear as he heard you trail into another coughing fit. “Can you please just tell him I can’t make it in today?” 
“You should really call him yourself.” He paced, worry etched into his brow. Millie glanced at him in concern. “If I tell him you’re sick–”
“Dont!” Your plugged nose filtered your voice. “Don’t tell him I’m sick…”
“What, why?” Moxxie paused, thinking about his boss and what exactly could happen if he were to say something. “Nevermind.” He shook his head. “What exactly am I supposed to tell him?”
“Tell who, what?” 
“Gyah!” Moxxie jolted, phone flying out of his hand as he zipped to turn and face his boss. Blitzø entered, eyes scanning the room. “Uh, nothing, Sir!”
“As much as I would love to tear you a new hole and fuck it, Mox, I have more important matters. Like finding out where the fuck my assistant is.” He frowned, realizing you hadn’t shown up yet. 
“Oh, uh, right!” Moxxie glanced at Millie, searching for some sort of answer.
“Out!” She spoke up, hands slamming on the table as she stood from her seat. “Told us to let you know! Something about picking up a recent order made for an upcoming client.”
“Fuck yeah!” Blitzø grinned before glaring, “See Mox, that’s how you get shit done. Instead of sitting here on your ass, jerking off.” 
“What? But Sir–”
“Anyways!” He strutted past the two and waltzed into his office. “Don’t bother me, I’ve got important shit I’m doing in here!” His words were followed by the slam of the door. Moxxie and Millie shared eye contact before releasing a relieved sigh.
Blitzø immediately walked over to his desk, lounging back in his chair and kicking his feet up. The place felt a bit off without you around. Typically, you two would sneak off into his office to hang out or mess around when you didn’t have any client work. 
He opened the drawers and saw the makeshift mini-figures he created of Millie, Moxxie, and you. A huge grin appeared on his lips, tongue sticking out happily. He knows exactly how to pass the time until you get back in the office. 
Except, you hadn’t come into the office for the rest of the day. Which okay, sure, you’re probably busy. But, eventually the one day turned into two; and then three; and now four. He stared down at his phone, seeing the last text you sent him five days ago. He really meant to send something, to check up on you. But would you even care if you hadn’t reached out to him first?
His eyes widened, jaw falling slack at the thought. That is until he heard Millie call out your name in an excited tone. He smiled instantly and jumped his desk, nearly ripping the door to his office off the hinges. 
“Fucking finally you show up!” He leaned against the frame, a smirk appearing on his face with his brow raised. Until he couldn’t find you. “What the–”
Millie was huddled over Moxxie’s shoulder, looking down at her phone in his hands. Loona was chilling at her desk watching videos on her own phone. “Oh, sorry, Sir. We just got a text… That’s all.”
They got a text? And not him? He gritted his teeth. “Okay, what the fuck do you– I mean. I’m the boss so– Fuck! You know what! They’re fired! See how they get by without a job, that Ass fucker.” 
“Uh, Blitzø?” Millie tried to calm him down. “You’re not actually gonna fire–”
“Oh don’t you worry your little head about it, Millie!” He stomped into a pace in front of the white board. “I’ll find out wherever the fuck they’ve been hiding and make sure–”
Loona’s phone went off, interrupting Blitzø’s rampage. Everyone stopped to look at her when she picked it up. “Hey… Yeah… You need more? Already? Yeah that’s fine… I’ll see you soon.” She hung up. The silence in the room caused her eyes to slide over to the others. They all blinked at her. 
“Oh no! You’re not going to see anyone missy!” Blitzø wagged his finger at her. She stood up, weight shifting to one side as she jutted her hip out. “Not until we find out where my shit face assistant is hiding!” 
“Are you serious?” Loona frowned at him. “They’re at their apartment.” 
“I’ve been dropping stuff off these past few days while–”
“Oh that sexy dick sucker is gonna fucking pay!” He stormed out, not even hearing the rest of what Loona was going to say. She huffed.
“I’m not dealing with that.” She sat down in her chair again and went back to her phone. As much as she didn’t mind helping you while you recovered, she wasn’t going to try to interfere with the relationship you had with her dad. 
You felt your body tense at the loud noise heard from beyond your bedroom. Someone had knocked on your front door. You churned it up to one of your neighbors or someone with the wrong address and slowly closed your eyes once more.
The incessant banging prevented you from falling back to sleep. Now, a familiar voice had tacked on to the noise and caused you to let out a groan.
“Alright Dipshit, I know you’re in there! Open up the fuck up!” 
Knowing he’d eventually bust the door off the hinges or break the window, you arose from your sickened bedding and shuffled towards the front door with your blanket. “Go away!” You shouted, followed by a few short coughs. That stopped his thumping. 
“Gross, why the fuck do you sound like that?” 
“Oh fuck you, Blitzø!” You really had zero patience. The past few days your flu has only been getting worse. Loona tried to help out with the few things she brought over but whatever sickness you had was stubborn as hell. 
It was quiet… You encircled your blanket tighter around you as you got closer to the door, looking through the peephole and seeing that he was no longer there. Damn. Guess that worked. Which was odd knowing Blitzø.
“What the shit is this?!” Shouting came from your bedroom, followed by shuffling feet and your door slamming open to reveal the person you thought had left. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Oh my Satan.” You rolled your eyes and walked over to your couch, feeling yourself become overly hot. “You can’t just break in when I don’t open the door!” You relinquished your blanket while sitting down. “I told you to leave!” 
“Yeah right!” He strutted over. “Just tell me the real reason you’re avoiding me!” Your eyes widened.
“You may think your sorry ass was gonna get away with this,” He began pacing in front of your couch. “But I’ve got you all figured out.” He gestured wildly with his words.
 “Texting with M&M… having my own Loonie visit you… not talking with me at all!”
 “You really think it could go on without me–”
“I’m sick you dumbass!” You shouted and spurred a few coughs from you. He paused, slowly turning towards you. He finally took a real good look at your form. Runny nose that was rubbed to dry, bleary eyes, sunken cheeks. 
His eyes widened. “You mean… You didn’t just play hooky to avoid me?”
“No!” You shook your head. “Satan no, I would love to be at work right now.”
Blitzø sighed and glanced at your bedroom, seeing the trail of snotty tissues he pushed through to get to your living room. “Well that explains those.” 
You tried to smile, though it came off wearily. “Not to mention, I’ve thrown up twice already.” He glanced back at you. “And that’s just today!” It was quiet as he peered at the floor. 
He walked over, sitting next to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Your eyes met his, seeing them drill into your own with a hidden desire of curiosity and… hurt.
“Because…” You glanced away. “Clients have been slow… And, when I saw the rush of appointments we had this week, I didn’t want anything to mess it up or… Be in the way.” You squeezed your hands around your arms.
You felt something gently encircling your waist before yanking you closer to Blitzø. You peered down to see the tip of his tail. He rested his head against your own, sighing. “Fucking idiot.” He whispered. And although it was an insult, you know that it was from a place of endearment.
You scoffed a laugh before poking him in the chest. “You’ll get sick.”  You tried to push him away. He merely brushed your hands away and pulled you closer to him. 
“Fuck it, a few days off of work doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Except I’ll be the one that has to take care of your whiny ass when you do get sick.” 
He glanced at you. “Damn… your raspy voice is making my dick so hard right now.” He wiggled his eyebrows a few times. “Wanna fuck?” He smirked.
Leaning in, you feel a flutter within your stomach.“Oh~ Blitzø.” You whined, eyes half-lidded. Your cheeks filled with liquid before releasing the contents of your soup from earlier. Chunks flew onto his lap and all over the couch. The horrid taste coated your tongue as leftover bile leaked down your chin.
Blitzø sighed, slowly pushing your heaving face away from his dick. “Yeah I probably deserved that.”
The bird prince had just finished preparing himself, placing his crown on and taking one last glance in the mirror. He would be meeting you soon and wanted to look his best considering you both would be spending the whole day together. His phone buzzed and he chirped with excitement. He made quick steps over to his phone with a smile. That is, until he saw your text.
Stolas honey, I can’t make it. I’m so sorry.  I think I’ve caught some kind of flu. Can we reschedule?
He felt his brows crease immediately, frown sinking its way onto his lips. “Flu?” He questioned. Well this wasn’t good at all. His fingers immediately began typing.
Hello darling, I’m so sorry to hear that… Perhaps we could be together even while you're sick. A little company while feeling ill always seems to help me.  Would you like it if I came over? I could help take care of you while you recover. I don’t mind really, I just want to make sure you have everything you need to feel better. Of course, we don’t have to if you don’t want to
He anxiously awaited a reply, pacing across his room in front of his vanity. Did he come off too needy? Maybe he should have just wished you to feel better and be on his way. But how could he when his loved one is feeling sick? He saw that you read the messages and were currently typing. The bubbles went away a few times and with each passing second, he felt his stomach twist with nerves.
I really want to see you…  But I would hate for you to get sick :(
His response back was almost immediate.
No problem at all darling, I promise. A little sickness won’t harm me. I’ll see you in a few <3
After reading his text back, you wearily smiled. As much as you wanted to tell him not to come, in fear of him catching whatever bug you had, you were desperately hoping to see him today. Things had been hectic in both of your schedules so it had been awhile since you two had seen each other. Let alone have time to go out and do activities together. 
And of course, Satan was a bitch and chose today of all days to curse you. Or should you say, this entire week he’s been testing your limit. It started out as a small cough and runny nose. It might have gone away faster if you weren’t so stubborn, but that little bit turned into a full blown, body ache and fever. 
You laid back down in your bed, placing your phone on your bedside table and sighing. It will be nice to see Stolas, that’s for sure. Having been away from him for so long was taking its toll on you. He really did recharge your draining battery. You closed your eyes, thinking about his caring nature and loving words. Oh to see him will possibly end this sickness instantly.
Stolas pulled his phone out and texted that he had arrived. He grabbed the bags from his car and waved his chauffeur away. The car drove off as he walked up to your door. He knocked a few times, hoping it wouldn’t be much trouble for you to answer. “Darling?” He called out but received no answer. The prince called your cell but again, no answer. He huffed, wondering if you decided on not wanting to see him. Or what if… You were really sick. So sick that you were dying! 
Stolas broke in immediately, feet trailing through your place as if he lived there. He found his way into your bedroom, opening the door and seeing you in bed. A long breath escaped his worried lungs, feeling relief when he saw your chest moving in a deep sleep as he walked over.
“Oh, my dear.” He placed a hand on his chest, kneeling down to the side of your bed. Stolas felt an ache grow within his heart as he gazed at your form. Sweaty, shaking, breathless. You appeared tired even as you slept. “My darling, why would you push yourself like this.” He could simply tell that you didn’t get sick today alone, but were most likely not taking care of yourself as you should have been.
His hand reached out, caressing your overly warm forehead before raking his fingers lightly along your scalp. The motion slowly brought you awake, eyes fluttering open to see your lover aside your bed. 
“Stolas.” You smiled dreamily before realizing he had arrived. You pushed yourself up. “Oh my goodness, I feel asleep!” Your eyes were wide as your outburst shocked him. Sitting up so quickly, you felt pressure bloom in your head and held it. “Ow…”
“Careful, dear.” He placed a hand on your leg, circling it to soothe you with some comfort. “I’m here now. You don’t have to worry your sick–” He booped your nose. “–little head about anything.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’ll always be here to take care of you.”
“Hm?” You felt your blurred vision focus on the jester in front of you, headache making itself even more prominent the more you tried to will it away. 
“Agree with my choice for dinner after the show tonight!” He bounced in place, arms motivating his movements. 
“Oh, uh… Yeah sure.” You stood up and quickly walked over to your vanity, a shaky hand reaching out for the edge as you sat. Asmodeus and Fizz watched as your behavior was completely different from how you typically were before a night at Ozzie’s.
“Oh Honey~” Oz's sultry voice dug into your skull. “Something the matter?” He asked, cautious of your emotions. You shook your head, a strained smile appearing on your lips. 
“Not at all!” Heat rushed over your face, a sweat now brewing from an oncoming fever. “Just nervous for tonight. The new routine and all.” You glanced away.
“Aw, our little Bunny is all shakin’ up?” Ozzie walked over, his finger caressing your chin and tilting your face to look up at him. “That don’t sound right at all~” He smirked, though you could see the underlying worry in his eyes as they dipped at the corners.
Sleek metal arms squeezed around you and brought you into a tight hug. “Don’t worry, Babe! If you forget a step or two, just look at me and I’ll help you out.” He wagged his eyebrows at you, tongue sticking out of his upturned lips.
You let out a nervous laugh, feeling the sweat begin to build up on your forehead. “Yeah, thanks, Fizzy.” He leaned in, cheeks squishing together as you both glanced at yourselves in the mirror. The clammy coating on your skin dug into your mind. You worried he might feel just how warm you were becoming due to your fever. You recoiled quickly. “Uh, I think it’s time!” You grabbed your matching cap n’ bells and placed it on your head.
Fizz was saddened at your reaction, peaking at Oz to see if he felt the weird tension coming off of you. As much as he wanted to push for more, he worried that he would upset you. But he couldn’t just let you go without doing something. “Hey.” Fizz grabbed your shoulders, turning you towards him oh so gently, his voice softening. “Are you really okay?” His eyes dewed as his lips pulled into pout. 
Your head tilted to the side, bells jingling as you did. “Yes, yes! Of course!” You released a heavy breath, stomach churning. “I’m fine! Totally fine!” Your voice cracked at the end of your words. You stepped closer to the door, escaping your dear Fizzy’s hold. “I’ll get into position now!” You opened the door, beginning to wave at them with your fingers. “Bruise some knees and make them cum, my lustful babes!” 
Finally you were free from the room, air so heavy you felt as if it weighed you down. Breathe. Just breathe. You began climbing the ladder to the catwalk to get into position for the opening act that was supposed to start shortly. Your stomach rolled a few more times with the movement, causing you to clasp a hand around your mouth. You felt the bile raise into your throat with a burp but swallowed it back down. The taste barely coating your tongue. 
Don’t. Puke. Just put on the show and everything will be fine. You grasped the stripper pole in front of you, hearing the introductions begin. Your platform would be lowered down anytime now. Your knuckles tightened around the metal. Breathe. You closed your eyes. 
A jolt sent a shake through your legs as you felt yourself beginning to descend. Slowly, the glowing eyes of the audience came into view, spotlights on you as the music blared loudly. 
“The one! The only!” Fizz spoke into the mic, arm outstretched in your direction. Breathe. Smile. Show time. He screamed your name, you flashed a strained grin and began your routine, singing your solo part. 
It was going fine for the first few minutes. Your duet with Fizz and the routine felt as if it was muscle memory. Until he grabbed your hand and began to spin you, a few times too many than what you had practiced. When he had finished, he sprung onto the opposite side of the stage and continued his performance. But you, on the other hand, were left in a dizzying mess.
You stumbled, trying to hold your bearings as much as possible. The flashing spotlights made things worse the more you tried to focus on not throwing up. Unfortunately, that made everything more difficult. The lights centered on you, awaiting your final high-note. Ozzie watched your hunched over form, his faces frowning in concern.
Fizz peered at you, his smile faltering when he noticed your hand clasped over your mouth and the pained expression you displayed. He took a few steps closer but you bolted off stage, exiting fast behind the curtain. The two remaining snapped to look at each other before Asmodeus flashed away in a heartbeat. 
Fizzy glanced at the crowd, his worrisome face disappeared to the silly grin he always held. He addressed the situation and transitioned to the next act seamlessly, covering for you as if that whole mishap was supposed to happen. He left the stage quickly while the next performance took over. Making his way in the direction you ran off in, he was able to locate you and Ozzie in the bathroom next to the dressing room. Concern etched onto his face as he saw you.
Oz had shifted to his smaller form, hand caressing your back as your head hovered the toilet bowl. “Ahw, it's okay baby. Let it out.” Sweet velvet tones caressed you in comfort as tears streaked down your face. Fizz’s heels clicked over before he sat down on the other side of you. His metal limbs cool against your heated skin. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I wanted too–” You hiccuped. 
“Hey, hey, calm down, babe.” Fizz spoke gently, petting your head as you leaned into him. “You should have told us you weren’t feeling well.”
“Froggy’s right.” Oz added. “The show means nothing if your health is at risk.” He tilted your face to look at him. “You mean everything to us. You come first.” Your eyes watered at his words, lip quivering. 
“I-I wanna go home.” You sputtered, a hand reaching out to each of them and squeezing tightly. Fizz leaned his head against yours, tail pulling you closer to him.
“I’ll nurse you better, Baby.” He smiled. 
“Sounds like,” You hiccuped, followed by a sniffle. “A fun new roleplay we can try.” You quipped with a smirk.
“And we can wear cute nurse outfits!” Fizzy kicked his feet, tongue blepped at the thought. 
Ozzie stood, shifting to his larger form and grabbing you both in his arms, lifting you. “After Bunny is feeling better, okay you two?”  He shook his head, though an endearing smile remained as he ducked through the door, ready to take his lovers home and get you on your way to recovery. 
“Uh… Babe?”
“Yeah?” Moxxie called from the bathroom, his mouth garbled with the spit from foamy toothpaste.
Millie felt your forehead with the back of her hand, noticing your abnormal body temperature almost immediately. “Our little Pumpkin is burning up right now.”
“What?” He spat the extra fluoride into the sink and ran out into the bedroom. He saw you still in bed, body curled up and face scrunched in pain. “Oh, crumbs.” He quickly got closer, sitting on the mattress and copying his wife’s actions. His brows dipped in concern as he stared down at you, his other hand going to your shoulder and rubbing softly. 
“We’ll have to call in.” Millie bit her lip, brows furrowing. “We can’t go to work and leave ‘em here alone.”
“You’re right, Sweetie.” He stood back up. “I’ll call and look for some ibuprofen to help with the fever.”
“I’ll fix up some tea.” Millie leaned over, her lips gently placing a kiss on your clammy forehead before she walked away into the kitchen.
“Wait!” You tried sitting up even though there was an immense amount of pressure in your head. They both looked at you worriedly. “Don’t stay home…” Millie came and sat next to you, her hand rubbing your back as you held your head in discomfort. “I can take care of myself, okay?” You looked at her. “I’ll be fine.”
“Oh, honey.” Her eyes stared at you, taking in every bit of your face. “We know that. And before you were with us, that may have been what you’re used to. But ‘round here we take care of each other.” She leaned in, forehead kissing yours as you both closed your eyes at the contact. Moxxie sighed at the scene, his hands hovering his heart. 
He walked closer. “And we’ll always be here.” He kneeled on the bed, scooting closer before kissing your cheek. “We’re taking the day off. No matter what you try to say to convince us not to.” He smiled gently before grabbing his cell and returning to his task from before. 
You melted at both of their actions, the care and comfort they offered so endlessly being a new feeling to you. Typically, you’d get sick and fight through it on your own. Sleeping in bed and rotting until it finally flushed itself from your system. But this was a completely different feeling, one that you’re slowly getting used to and relishing in the affection.
Moxxie called your boss and through a shit ton of convincing, he was finally able to get Blitzø to agree and let the three of you have the day off. It was basically the entire staff for I.M.P. that wasn’t going to show up for the day, so obviously he was pissed.
Millie walked in and handed you some tea while Moxxie came over with some medication in his hand. “This should help with your fever.” You were able to take them easily and sipped your tea. 
“Need anything else right now, Sweetie?” Millie asked. You shook your head, slowly handing the tea back.
“I kinda wanna just sleep right now.” You muttered, glancing at the covers over your legs.
“Mind if we join you?” She smiled softly, her voice quiet to not make things any worse. “A little cuddle session always makes you and Moxxie feel better.”
“I don’t want you two getting sick.” You glanced between them. “As much as I would love to.”
“Well, technically we already slept together last night.” Moxxie began before crawling under the covers and getting situated on his side of the bed. 
“That’s right!” Millie followed his actions, scooting you over so you were in between them. “If we get sick, then we’ll be sick together.” She snuggled right into your side, her tail looping around you and Mox and squeezing tightly. You felt another warm sensation crawl across your skin though this time, it wasn’t due to your fever. You sighed, eyes fluttering shut, feeling your lovers’ arms circle around you.
An odd sound was heard from the ceiling before a hefty lump landed onto the bed. Everyone's eyes shot open to see a familiar person.
“Sir!?” Moxxie called out, voice raised. 
“Fuck this shit!” Blitzø got up and stormed out of the bedroom. “I thought yall would be porking it up in a sexy threeway!”
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likes and reblogs appreciated !! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
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bratzforchris · 3 months
Comfort, M. Sturniolo
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Summary: Matt's been burning out. It's taken a toll on his body and his mind, but luckily, you're always there when he needs you most<3
Pairing: Matt x feminine reader
Warnings: Burnout, mentions of disordered eating and anxiety, panic attack, pet names (baby, pretty/sweet/handsome boy)
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: This was a random little idea I had while I've been out of classes and work sick! Soft hurt/comfort Matt makes me so 💗 Expect a lot of writing this week while I'm on spring break and enjoy this lil story<3
Being a content creator was an extremely stressful job, and you knew that. You had to constantly be worried about numbers, engagement, and what looks would or would not get you media attention, good or bad. Although it may not be the same as a regular nine-to-five job, it was still incredibly taxing, and that weight was wearing down on your boyfriend roughly and quickly. 
Matt had been teetering on the edge of burnout for a while now, but just chose to ignore it, figuring if he didn’t acknowledge it, it would stay at bay. He knew you could tell; in fact, he knew everyone could tell, but that didn’t stop him from working day and night, constantly editing, pitching ideas to his brothers, and planning new videos. He refused to let you or Nick and Chris help him, not-so-logically thinking he had to ‘pull his weight’. In Matt’s head, Chris was the funny one, Nick was the editor and the smart one, and you had your own job at a local boutique downtown. You all didn’t have time to hear his issues, he thought. 
“Matt? You in here, love?” You knocked on the door to his office, worriedly gnawing on your lip. 
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend since you arrived home from work two hours ago, but you knew he was here because his car was in the driveway. At first, you had left him to his work, figuring he would come out when he was done with his tasks, but now, it was nearing dinnertime, and even the smell of food cooking on the stove wasn’t luring him out. You waited a few beats, not hearing an answer, until you decided to take matters into your own hands. You would never intrude on Matt’s personal space, but truth be told, you missed your boyfriend loads, and you were also slightly worried. 
Matt was hunched over his computer, fingers flying furiously over the keyboard as he typed out an email. He didn’t even look up from the screen until you tapped him on the shoulder, to which you only received a turn of the head and a tired, watery smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Dinner’s ready, baby,” You whispered softly, massaging his shoulders. “I missed you today.”
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he sighed, rubbing his temples and then turning back to the computer. “I have some stuff to do.”
“Matt, you’ve been in your office since I got home, darling. That was over two hours ago,” You protested gently. “You gotta be hungry, bubba.”
The awful anxiety started to creep into Matt’s mind at your questioning, not because of anything you were doing, but because he knew you were worrying about him, and he didn’t want that. “I ate earlier.” he lied, wincing at how easily the untruth rolled off his tongue. 
“There weren’t any dishes in the sink or the dishwasher and there weren’t any takeout containers. You didn’t eat, love.” You said firmly, but not unkindly. 
You had been noticing for a few weeks now that Matt was eating less and less, abandoning breakfast and usually after dinner dessert in favor of working in his office. You figured the issue would resolve itself after the influencers got out of their ‘busy season’, but here it was, two weeks later and Matt was getting worse, not better. You knew your boyfriend struggled with anxiety even before YouTube, but that wasn’t going to make you brush the issue off. 
“It doesn’t have to be a whole meal, but you need to eat something.” You continued as you massaged his neck and shoulders, him still facing the screen.
Your boyfriend didn’t say anything, and you almost thought he was ignoring you, until he turned to you, blue eyes full of unshed tears. “I can’t,” Matt cried, beginning to choke on held back sobs. “I have so much to do.” 
“Bubba, you can take a break. It’s okay,” You kissed his forehead. “No one is going to be mad at you.”
“But what if I’m not doing enough? What if Nick and Chris think I’m just letting them do all the work? What if…” Matt was cut off by his own shallow breathing, hands moving to fist his feathery brown hair. 
“Matt,” You interjected firmly. “You are panicking. You need to breathe. Copy me.”
Over your year of being with Matt, you had found that a firmer voice with no pet names usually got his attention better than an overly lovey-dovey voice when he was panicking. Matt finally looked at you, his hyperventilating slowing down as he copied your breathing. In for four, out for four. 
“Good boy.” You smiled, gently praising him as he relaxed against his office chair. 
Matt didn’t even argue when you closed out his computer. He just sat back against his chair, massaging his temples. You gently took his hand, leading him to the living room and guiding him to the couch. You knew he needed to eat, but right now, getting him calm and relaxed was the first priority. You sat down on the couch, allowing Matt to lay his head in your lap. You two didn’t speak for quite a while, allowing him to fully calm down first. Finally, you spoke, running a hand across his body and through his hair comfortingly. 
“Do ya wanna talk about it, handsome boy?” You asked kindly.
“I’m just stressed,” Matt sniffled. “I have a lot to do and Nick is already stressed so I tried to help him with editing, and,” he paused to catch his breath as tears rolled down his face. “And some people have been making mean comments about me lately.” he cried.
“Oh honey,” You said sympathetically, kissing his forehead. “I’m so sorry, pretty boy.”
“They say I’m not as entertaining as Nick and Chris cause I’m quiet.” he sobbed softly. 
“Baby, that is the furthest thing from the truth,” You told Matt, kissing his forehead. “You are sweet, kind, and funny. Anyone who says otherwise is a miserable internet troll who takes their problems out on people they don’t even know.”
“Mhm,” Matt sniffled and nodded, curling further into you. All was silent for a while as you cuddled until your boyfriend’s stomach growled. “My belly hurts.” he whimpered. 
You pouted, running your hand over his stomach comfortingly. “It’s probably because you’re hungry and stressed, honey. Those two things don’t mix well. Do you feel like eating some dinner?”
“No.” Matt said flatly, avoiding your eyes. 
“You have to eat, baby. You don’t even have to get up from the couch and it doesn’t have to be a heavy meal, but you have to eat.”
“Fine.” he mumbled, desperately trying not to cry again. 
“I love you, handsome.” You slid out from under him, softly covering him up with a blanket, before kissing his forehead with a little ‘Be right back’. 
You padded into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and an apple. You also refilled Matt’s water bottle that had been abandoned on the island with fresh water. Before you went back to the couch, though, you snuck into your shared room and grabbed Matt’s stuffed pug, Mr. Wrinkleton, off the bed. Based on your own anxiety experiences, you knew having a comfort object usually helped, and your boy needed all the help you could offer. 
By the time you made it back to the couch, Matt’s tears had slowed, but he was still visibly sniffling, blankly staring off into space while pulling the blanket closer to his chin. It broke your heart to see him like this, but for now, you were going to focus on comfort; you two could tackle solutions to the problem later. 
“Look who I brought,” You whisper squealed, handing Matt his stuffed animal. “He missed you.”
Your boyfriend smiled softly, clutching the plush animal to his chest. Mr. Wrinkleton had been Matt’s biggest comfort (besides you) for as long as he could remember, and that didn’t change now that he was an adult. He shifted so that you could once again sit down on the couch, before laying his head back in your lap. 
“I brought you some food, too.” You placed the snacks in Matt’s hand, planting a kiss on his forehead. 
Matt didn’t speak much as he chewed thoughtfully on the granola bar and apple. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to you; he was just so exhausted that talking seemed like an extra task. Once he had finished, he placed his trash on the coffee table and then turned over so that his face was smushed against your body. You laid in silence for a while until you softly spoke, running a hand through his hair. 
“How are you feeling?” You asked softly. 
Matt shrugged, snuggling further into the blanket. “My stomach still hurts a little. I’m just really stressed.” he said sadly. 
“I have an idea if you’re up for it.” You smiled. 
“And that idea would be?” 
“Come on, I’ll show you,” You gently took Matt’s hand, making sure he had his blanket and stuffed animal and then led him to your shared bedroom. “Lay down on your back.” You instructed. 
Once Matt had gotten himself into a comfortable position, you straddled yourself across his legs and pulled his shirt off, admiring what you saw for a moment. Your boyfriend was gorgeous and toned with tanned skin and a beautiful sleeve of tattoos that you loved to admire. You stole a pump of lotion from the bottle off your nightstand and began to massage his skin, taking extra care to rub his belly gently and massage the knots in your shoulders. 
“God, Matt. Your shoulders are so tense, honey.” You hummed when your hands met a particular knot in his left shoulder. 
In response, your boyfriend let out a soft moan, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the soft pillows of your bed. It sounded sexual, especially since you were straddling him, but Matt didn’t give a damn. The only thing he could focus on right now was the soft glide of your hands against his skin, melting all his worries away. 
Once you had finished your massage, you cuddled up next to him, pulling the covers over both of you. “Did that help a little?” You asked. 
Matt nodded appreciatively, burying his nose in your neck while holding his stuffed animal to his chest. “Mhm.” he mumbled happily. 
“I’m glad, sweet boy,” You whispered, kissing the spot behind his ear. “You know you can always come talk to me when you’re feeling stressed, right baby? I won’t judge you, nor will I ever be too busy for you.”
“I know,” Matt blushed. “I’m going to work on asking for help instead of trying to handle everything alone…” he whispered softly. 
“I’m so proud of you,” You hummed, giving him the soft praise he so heavily deserved. “You’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, you know that?”
“I am pretty great.” the giggle and smile you had been waiting to hear all evening finally crept into Matt’s voice. 
Even when his anxiety and worries got the best of him, he would never lose his ‘Mattitude’, and that was just one reason on a very, very long list that you loved this boy with your whole heart.  
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @oobleoob @idek3000hi @melguilbert
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here<3
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
Little Bit of Food
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N sees a TikTok video of couple where the women serves her partner more food on his plate than on hers. For research purposes, she just wants to see how he would react.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammar errors, SHORT
A/N: since I am Mexican and Peruvian, the foods mentioned are typical foods that I grew up eating, I LOVE these foods so much, if any other Latine readers have suggestions of what dishes should be mentioned, comment below and I’ll tag you when I use them in another one shot. Also, sorry if it’s short, I don’t think I can build off a lot of “story material” over a TikTok trend, you know?
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Y/N was watching TikTok and she saw a video that was interesting to her.
It was of a couple and a woman served her husband more food on his plate than on her own. The husband insisted that his wife should have more food and that he could eat something later.
Y/N knew that Henry was going to busy at the gym for a few hours so that gave her plenty of time to make one of Henry’s favorite meals that Y/N introduced him to, and that’s bistec a lo pobre. She bought sliced New York steaks from the Mexican grocery store (there’s always a butcher there), also some tortillas and 2 avocados to make guacamole or a sandwich later. When she went back to Henry’s house, she started cutting up tomatoes and onions so it would give the steak flavor. She put the onions and tomatoes aside in a bowl and got out the white rice in the pantry to wash the rice.
Half an hour later, Henry was came through the door sweaty and with a happy Kal.
“Ay hola, Kal, como te fue con tu papi, hm?” Y/N asked, kneeling to pet Kal.
“You call me papi?” Henry asked, drinking water from his sports bottle.
“When I’m talking about you to Kal, yes. Ain’t no way I’m calling you that though, it’s weird because I call my actual dad, papi. So don’t even think about it.” Y/N warned Henry as she washed her hands in the kitchen sink.
“Too late, I’m already thinking about, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her cheek as he hugged her from behind.
“Stop it. I’m making your favorite so please take a quick shower and then I’ll call you when it’s ready. Do you want one or two eggs?” Y/N asked.
“Two please, thanks love.” Henry said, kissing her lips before heading upstairs for his shower.
Y/N began sautéing the onions and tomatoes in the pan before adding in two pieces of steak for Henry, we’ll, one and a half, she cut a half piece for her plate. She got a plate out of the pantry to serve two ‘scoops’ of rice, adding the cooked steaks with tomatoes and onions on top of it, and preceded to fry two eggs on a different pan.
“Toro, food!” Y/N shouted and Kal calming running. “I said ‘toro’, not ‘oso’, you need to practice your Spanish, Kal.” Y/N said and placed Henry’s plate on his side of the table. Henry came running downstairs with his hair wet but he’s dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt.
“Thanks love, it looks amazing.” Henry said, kissing her.
“That’s good, now eat up, you’ve had a long workout.” Y/N said and that’s when she got a smaller plate, served herself a half scoop of rice, her half steak with 3 pieces of tomatoes and onions, and no eggs. When she sat down and said “let’s eat”, Henry looked at Y/N’s plate, then at his own.
“Darling, were you snacking while you were cooking again?” Henry asked, trying to find a reasonable explanation for the lack of food on his girlfriend’s plate.
“No, no, I didn’t snack at all. Eat before the eggs become cold.” Y/N pointed at him with her fork.
“Are you sick? You didn’t have to cook if you weren’t feeling well, love.” Henry said in a concerned voice.
“I’m fine Henry, I went to Fernando’s market today but the steak was too expensive so I only bought 2.” Y/N lied, she buys like half a pound of steak, there’s still 3 or 4 pieces in the fridge. Henry got up and grabbed his keys. “Where are you going?”
“To the market to buy more steak, what cut do you order a again? Med-ee-ya Libra de what?” Henry asked, opening the door,
“No no no, Henry, there’s no need for that, I can survive without bistec, please sit down and eat.” Y/N said, Henry closed the door, put down his keys, and sat back down.
“What about the eggs or the rice? I’m sure you could fill up on that, you told me you ate that when you were younger when there was nothing to eat.” Henry said.
“The last eggs were used on you, Toro. Now please eat before your food gets cold. You want something to drink? I got chicha (It’s a purple corn drink) if you don’t want soda.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, that’s fine, darling.” Henry said, when Y/N walked into the kitchen, Henry switched his plate for Y/N’s. When Y/N came back with chicha for Henry and soda for her, she saw what Henry did.
“Toro! You weren’t supposed to do that. You had a big workout, you’re bigger than me, you need all the protein you can get from this.” Y/N said, trying to switch the plates back but Henry refused.
“Nope, you cooked all this, you deserve to eat your delicious food. I could find something later.” Henry said,
“But you must be hungry, just eat it, I can make myself some potato quesadillas later.” Y/N said, attempting to get the plate back from Henry but he swatted her hand. “Toro!”
“I’m sorry love, but it’s for your good.” Henry said.
“I Don’t want you to be starving,” Y/N said,
“I won’t starve, my love. Watching you enjoy your food is filling enough for me.” Henry said and Y/N’s heart melted. She got out of her seat to sit on Henry’s lag, placing her hands on his neck to hug him.
“Amor, it’s a prank. There’s more steak in the fridge that I can fry up, there’s a lot of rice on the stove and plenty of eggs. Now please eat while I go serve myself more food.” Y/N said getting off him and grabbing her plate to do exactly that.
“You scared me, love. I was about to head over to the market…where is it by the way?” Henry asked,
“Haha, i can’t even tell you, I just know how to get there.” Y/N said, placing her steak in the pan and she watched Henry eat his meal.
“Delicious! This might even be better than your bistec empanado, did I pronounce that right?” Henry asked,
“Yes you did, Toro, but bistec empanado with sopita aguada is comfort food, along with quesadilla de papas, which I will be making tomorrow, I’ve been craving it,” Y/N said.
“That sounds so good, I have to make sure I work out even more. When I made you my girlfriend, I had no idea you would try to fatten me up.” Henry said and Y/N gasped, flipping the steak.
“I would never, how dare you accuse me. I’m gonna make flan for my friend’s birthday on Saturday so I’m gonna make another one just for us.” Y/N said and that made Henry laugh.
“I love your flan, darling. Your cooking skills put mine to shame.” Henry said. Y/N placed her steak on her place, serving more rice, and began frying an egg.
“I was born with that sazón, Toro.” Y/N said teasingly. She finished frying the egg, served it on her plate, and went to sit down. “Better?” Y/n asked, showing Henry her plate.
“Much better, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her. Kal barked. “Yes bear, you can have some steak too.” Henry said,
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
More Than You Know
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader(Plus-size!)
Warnings: fat shaming, body image issues, swearing, angst, lots of yelling, fluff
Summary: You had liked Steve since the day you met but you never entertained the idea of being with him because you figured a popular guy like him would never date a girl your size. Coming to terms with this didn’t mean you’d stop defending him in a world full of ungrateful girls. So you reach your breaking point when you’re sick and tired of watching girls miss out on something that would be so good for them. Thing was, Steve heard everything you had to say.
word count: 2047
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“Looking good today Lola” you could practically see the smirk on Steve’s face from the sound of his voice. Looking up you saw his eyes trained on the blonde beside you, who had yet to put returns you had finished rewinding back on the shelf, her nail file much to important.
Lola Grant was everything you were not. Blonde, primp, perfect. Steve loved her for all of those things including her tiny waist. You on the other hand hated her for all of those things. She wore dresses with flower patterns and you still wore the same tattered converse, ripped and worn in all the best ways. Your jeans and Motley Crue T-shirt didn’t compare. You were not the same.
“Thanks Stevie” you hated the nickname, especially how it brought a smile the shaggy haired boys face.
“I was wondering if you were free Friday night, I’m having a movie night with the kids and was wondering if you wanted to join?” you had lost count of all the attempts Steve had made to ask the girl out. There had to of been a billion by now.
“Sorry Steve but that sounds pathetic spending Friday night with underage kids” she sneered, meanness dripping from her tone. Steves smile faltered only slightly and despite how much you hated him for still trying he was still your friend.
“Then what’s your ideal date Lola?” your tone was sharp, accusatory, and just plain angry that she couldn’t see how great a guy he was. Not that she deserved him anyway.
“A fancy dinner, wine, making out in a movie theater, third base in the back of a BMW. Nothing to do with babysitting” she responded promptly. Steve hummed with satisfaction, a dopey grin on his face. The sentence immediately making him forget how rude she was in the first place. His mind now only in the backseat of a BMW.
“Classy” you quipped, and she offered a forced smile but knew you were judging her. Yet a girl like you didn’t really get under her skin. How could you when you guys weren’t even in the same league of girls.
“We could do something else, maybe a movie?” you didn’t hide the roll of your eyes as Steve tried again.
“Maybe another time Stevie, I’m busy this weekend” a lie and you knew it, and maybe he did too. Finally picking up the stack of tapes you rewinded she moved off to place them on shelves.
“Get real Steve” you snipped, the moment she was out of ear shot.
“What’s your deal?” he asked and you shook your head, amused he couldn’t see how shitty she was.
“My deal is that girl sucks, you’ve got so much more going for you” you said pushing a new tape into the machine and hitting rewind. Steve moved behind the counter, taking Lola’s previous spot.
“She doesn’t suck, she’s cool and hot. Hard to get but I don’t give up” he smirked as he crossed his arms and you groaned, annoyed that he was so blinded by her fake appearance. She was nothing more than a girl who peaked in high school and Steve was so much more.
“She’s not cool nor is she hot. Don’t you ever think? If she actually had anything going for her she wouldn’t still be stuck here working in a video store” your anger caused the words to rattle out and Steves face dropped.
“Wonder what you think of me then?” you instantly realized your mistake and began shaking your head. You wished Robin wasn’t at school and was here to defend you.
“That’s not what I meant Steve-” but he was already shaking his head in offense and pushing himself off the counter.
“It’s exactly what you meant Y/N” he spoke harshly, hurt by his friend and the words you had spoke as he walked into the back room. Sighing you dropped your head on the counter, upset you pissed him off.
“What’s wrong? Did he deny you?” Lola chuckled as she returned to the counter now free of VHS tapes. Lola viewed life as a social ladder. She was on the top, Steve right below her, which is why she never dated him, and you were all the way on the bottom. She was out of Steve’s reach but you were miles away.
“No Lola, thanks for having faith in me” sarcasm laced your tone as you lifted your head.
“How could I have faith in you, you’ve never had a date in your life” she chuckled, annoyed you gave her so much crap when she saw you as absolutely nothing. She didn’t even think Steve should be talking to you.
“Shut up Lola” you spoke, not wanting anymore shit, already angry enough.
“You want to know why you haven’t had a date Y/N?” Lola expression turned menacing as she moved towards you, mean girl genes firing through her bones. “Because you’re fat, and weird, and no guy is attracted to that”
“You know what?” normally Lola would get to you, break your heart and allow tears to pool in your eyes. But today was your breaking point. She could treat you as badly as she wanted but you were done with her treating Steve like that.
“What?” her amused expression didn’t falter as she waited for some lame comeback bound to fall from your mouth.
“You’re a bitch Lola. Nothing more than a washed up high school mean girl. You’re gonna spend the rest of your life in this God forsaken town, running though men like their a God damn marathon, until you end up stuck with some creepy old man who knocked you up, and you’ll never be anything more than that girl from high school absolutely everyone hated” Lola was shocked as you continued to raise your voice at her, alerting Steve from the back room.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about” Lola began to shake her head but you were beyond angry now, laughing as you approached her. Steve moved to the door, listening to everything you both said.
“Yes I do, because everyday you treat Steve like shit when he thinks you’re the best thing on earth. Do you know how crazy that is? Steve is the greatest guy I know. He cares for so many people when he doesn’t even have to, including me, he even drives Robin to school everyday even if he doesn’t have to be up for work, because he’s such a great guy. He’s the kind of guy who would treat you right and every day for no fucking reason you tell him no” Lola opened her mouth to speak but you quickly held up a hand, not done with your spiel.
“Not to say you deserve a guy like that because you don’t, and twenty years from now, while your holding your child on the porch of your trailer home, you’re gonna be wishing you said yes to him. Every day I hope he’s gonna walk through those doors and ask me out instead because I know what he’s worth. He may be way out of both our leagues but at least I appreciate him. The only reason he still asks you is because you are the skinny, pretty girl, and that fucking stings. Yet I guess that’s how this cruel world works. So leave us both the fuck alone from now on” heavy breaths left your mouth as you finished, Steve having heard the whole thing, shocked to hear such passion come from you.
“Okay, I’m sorry” Lola muttered, before rushing from behind the counter. “I’m gonna take off, my shift is up anyway”
“Bye” you snipped, and she wore a guilty expression as she quickly collected her things and fled the building. You dropped your head back on the counter, now worked up from the drama. Steve finally walked out the back room, knowing Lola was gone.
“You think I ask her out because she’s prettier than you?” your shoulders tensed at his voice, not realizing he heard the whole thing. “Because you’re way prettier than her”
“Don’t lie to me right now Steve, guys don’t date big girls like me” you looked up as you shook your head at him. Steve didn’t care the enthuse the idea.
“I never asked you out because I thought you were too good for me” you furrowed your eyebrows as he continued to talk anyway. Steve had always thought you were pretty and on top of that you were also the best person he knew.
“I’m nothing special and you’re kinda the coolest person I know. I ask Lola out because she’s the kinda girl I’m gonna end up with, not because of her looks compared to yours. I’m just not good enough for you” you scoffed, not believing a word because you truly had never heard kind words like this before. It was also hard to believe he could feel like same way you had all this time, used to people avoiding you because of your size.
“I’m not looking for the you’re not fat, you’re beautiful speech. You weren’t supposed to hear what I said. So can we just drop it” you said turning away from him, uninterested in this lame attempt at making you feel better. You had accepted your fate a long time ago.
“You are beautiful Y/N. Fuck, why can’t you see that? I never asked you out because you were the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen and I didn’t want to ruin that” tears pooled in your eyes because if you let yourself believe him and it wasn’t true you weren’t sure you’d ever recover.
“You’re a great guy Steve, you wouldn’t ruin anything. I would” Steve’s heart warmed because he heard how you had defended him like that. Not even he thought he was so great and apparently you noticed him more than he thought you did.
“Thank you for defending me, and it made me realize that I do deserve someone who would defend me like that. So go out with me Y/N, and not just because of this whole thing, because I’ve wanted to date you since the day we met” you shook your head, the tears now falling down your face.
“Steve if you hurt me, I just can’t. I wouldn’t be able to handle it” Steve felt his heart break as he looked at you. Really looked at you and he felt terrible he had never made you realize how amazing you were in the first place. He was selfish staying away because you deserved to be shown you were just as beautiful as any girl Steve had dated.
“Let me prove you wrong” he said gripping your arms and you looked up at him, tear filled eyes, and he felt the wind get knocked out of him from the look in your eyes. The fact he never realized you loved him back before was shocking because he could see it written all over your face.
“Okay” you muttered and before you could even react he tugged your lips against his. Arms gripping you for dear life and your eyes were wide as you realized what he had done. He had kissed you and you had never even expected it. Then you realized how soft his lips were, how he tasted like cherries, and his warm mouth soothed every ache in your heart. Your hands gripped his shirt as you settled into the kiss, relaxation taking over you, eyes fluttering shut as he moved to wrap his arms around you. If you had known yelling at Lola would make Steve Harrington kiss you like this you would’ve done it a lot sooner. You weren’t even fully sure you were supporting yourself anymore, knees weak from the fire he has ignited in your stomach.
“Holy shit” Steve panted as he pulled away, a dopey smile on his face, because he had never felt like that from kissing a girl before.
“I know” you panted right along side him and he let out a giddy chuckle, moving to pull you back into his arms.
“I may not deserve you but after that I’m not going down without a fight”
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w2sology · 9 months
in your skin, harry lewis.
summary: harry feels like you two haven't been spending enough time together, only he doesn't want to come off as clingy.
warnings: language, reader has an occupation in fashion.
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harry felt like he couldn't breathe or function properly. for the past week, he'd been doing nothing except attend video shoots and moor around the house until you got back from work, and even then you'd still be doing work.
he felt like you two were drifting apart a little, and after the years that you two had been together, that had become one of his worst fears.
today was no different, except you were working from home instead of at your office desk. a phone in one hand and a pen in the other, you jotted down important notes from your call as your eyes occasionally skimmed through your laptop, looking for any changes in this week's runway.
harry walked past, originally planning to go straight to the kitchen to get a snack, but his mind got the better of him and he found himself standing right at your feet in the living room.
looking up at him, you flashed a smile as you hummed in response to your colleague on the other end of the phone.
not satisfied enough with your answer, harry huffed to himself, throwing his arms up in defeat as he walked towards the kitchen.
"she won't even look at me for more than a second, what am i, chopped liver?" he muttered under his breath.
you heard him mumble, but didn't hear exactly what he said, choosing to brush it away.
"okay, so what do you think about adding a few more models to the shoot before the show?" you suggested to your colleague.
"hm, that's doable."
harry rummaged through the cupboards, settling on some winders to eat before making his way out of the kitchen, only to see you still on the phone.
you looked up to meet his gaze, raising your brows as if to ask him what was wrong.
"you're still busy?" he whispered.
placing the phone on mute so your conversation wouldn't be heard, you sent an apologetic smile towards your boyfriend. "i'll only be about fifteen more minutes, babe."
that was a good enough answer for harry, so he stuck by your words and sat on the couch opposite you, deciding to use his phone to pass time.
this wasn't a new feeling to harry, he always felt this way when he had been away from you for too long or when he felt like he hasn't been with you for long enough. to others, it was just the effect of being with your partner for so long. but to harry, it was like if he didn't have you, his whole world would come crashing down.
fifteen minutes turned into twenty, which turned into thirty, and before harry new it, you had began discussing a whole other plan to the one you were originally discussing.
frankly, harry was getting a bit fed up. his attention span was bad enough as it was but with you denying him any sort of attention, he felt like he was going to die.
tossing his phone next to him, harry got up and walked where you were, flopping in the spot that wasn't covered in notebooks, fineliners, unfinished designs, and gel pens.
you rolled your head to the side to once again greet him with a smile, and only then did you see the frown on his beautiful face.
mouthing a quick 'what's wrong?' to him, you brought your hand to gently caress his cheek, touching his forehead as well to make sure he wasn't feeling ill, which he wasn't.
at the feeling of your touch, harry swore he could've melted right there and then — his eyes began to flutter as you cradled his face, but his from was still visible.
"hang up on her," he mumbled, still clear enough for you to hear.
"i'm almost done, harry."
"you've said that four times in the past two and a half hours, y/n."
"someone's needy today," you giggled, seeing absolutely nothing wrong with your boyfriend's clingyness.
in fact, you found it wholesome how harry always wanted to spend time with you — some boyfriends would get sick of seeing their girls every single day.
"i'm not needy... am i?" he doubted himself.
"right, carly, is that everything then?" you began to wrap up your phone call, saying goodbye to your co-worker and packing up your notes and stuff.
"fucking finally, i was beginning to run out of air!" harry groaned, sinking down in the couch.
laughing at his dramatics, you put your things on the coffee table for now, before turning to harry.
his arms wrapped around your — his — t shirt, pulling you onto his stomach so you could be properly embraced by him. however, harry was never fully content until you had skin to skin contact, so his hands snuck under your shirt snd rested on your hips.
as you straddled him, your hands once again cradled his face, basking in the intimacy of the position you were currently in.
leaning forward, harry's eyes naturally closed as he met your lips with his, sighing into the kiss.
kissing harry would never get old, you still felt those jitters that you had the very first time that he kissed you.
placing small kisses on your lips before totally pulling away, harry looked up at you through hooded, love drunk eyes. "i miss you."
"i'm right here?" you raised an eyebrow.
"no, i know that," harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "i just feel like we haven't been that close lately."
pouting at his confession, you pushed your body closer to harry's, wrapping your arms around his neck so that you could hug him as closely as possible.
he returned your hug, letting a smile drift onto his face at the form of contact.
"i'm sorry we haven't spent much time together lately," you whispered. "but i promise, i'm all yours now, and whenever you want me to be."
"do you pinky promise?" he asked, holding up his pinky finger.
with a laugh, you took his pinky and linked it with yours, both of you sealing the promise with a kiss. "i do."
"good." harry was about to kiss you again, before he was interrupted by your phone ringing besides you both.
turning your head to look at the id, you saw it was talia calling you. your mind was split between answering the call or tending to your boyfriend, who held the biggest mug on his face.
"don't answer it."
"but harry..."
"y/n..." he groaned, throwing his arms about. "you're my girlfriend, not hers!"
that line had you laughing, as you forgot about your phone, making a mental note to ring talia back before the end of the day.
"right. now i'm all yours." you mumbled against his lips.
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pterodactyl-hater · 3 months
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Just not him
・❥・ Your situationship doesn’t like that you were seen with another man
・❥・word count: 1.2k
・❥・warnings: Homelander and The Deep (they’re their own warnings), fade to black smut, Homie is a little toxic, supe!reader
・❥・I don't write smut because I'm not good at it, but I'm not good at it because I don't write it, a viscous cycle.
Also sorry if this doesn't make much sense I was in and out of consciousness while writing 😝
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"No. No way am I doing that."
"(Y/n), your sexuality is part of your brand. May I remind you your approval rates are going down by the minute." Madelyn sighs.
"Yeah, I get that, but you expect me to go out there and flirt with The Deep? I'd be making a fool of myself." Your cheeks are hot as you try to defend yourself.
"Ah, ah, you'd be making a spectacle, and that's exactly what we need right now. Drama, scandal, rumors."
"And it has to be him?" You deadpanned. "It can't be anyone else? What about Homelander?" You felt yourself becoming desperate.
“Homelander? And you?” A smile breaks out on her face, but she tries to hide it. “I don’t mean any offense, but you two aren’t an ideal pair up.” She talks to you like you’re a child. You fight the urge to tell her that you and Homelander are actually a very good pair. “Anyways, recently you and The Deep have been trending, as a couple.” You scoff.
Recently on a podcast with some man you’re sure is very popular in a different crowd, The Deep confessed that he found you to be the most attractive member of The Seven. Ever since then a burst of videos were posted of cute moments between the two of you, which turned into edits, which turned into fan art, which turned into fanfiction. You fought the urge to gag, who even makes that stuff? From a marketing perspective, it made for great business, a romance angle brought new eyes to the scene. To you, it was demeaning.
“Fine. But I’m not going to take this any further than a few flirtatious remarks at tomorrow’s gala.” You remind yourself it’s not good to anger someone like Madelyn, she’s scarier than she lets on. Madelyn nods and you walk out of her office, much more embarrassed than you were when you entered. As you stormed down the hallway to the safety of your own home, none other than The Deep greeted you.
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive.
“Hey! How are you doing today, cutie?” He starts. He practically salivates as he walks beside you. You feel like you’re gonna be sick.
“I’m not in the mood right now.”
“C’mon, why don’t you let me take you out for a drink or two? We’re supposed to be all over each other tom-“
“Not in the mood!” You cut him off. Your walking increases to practically sprinting until you reach your home. You slam the door shut behind you. You shrugged off your clothes and crawled into bed. No way in hell were you getting out of bed until the last possible minute.
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You stood, still as a statue. You wore a deep purple outfit. The silks enveloped your body in a sexy, yet elegant way. You had never felt more bored in your life. The Deep had his hand positioned on your lower back, where it had been all night. You had already talked to everyone important, you made sure the photographers got enough shots of you coquettishly whispering in The Deep’s ear, or leaning on him while being in conversation. You had taken notice to the fact that Homelander had yet to arrive. The gala would be ending soon, and without an appearance from the leader of The Seven himself. His absence further ruined your mood.
You and Homelander were in a bit of a situationship. There was no official label for your relationship. He’d come to your house just to sleep with you one day, then act like you two were strangers the next. You had learned to accept that nothing serious would come from the relationship. But there was still a part of you that wished he had come tonight.
“(Y/n), big smiles.” The Deep reminded. “Why do you look so fucking depressed?” His voice was low enough that it would look like casual banter to any outsider. His hold on the small of your back grew tight.
“Back off and mind your own business.” You said through gritted teeth. You forced a coy smile and blush onto your face as if he had just said something really flustering to you.
“Hey you two!” You felt your brows furrow. Sometime between two minutes ago, when you last scanned the room, and now Homelander had entered, and without you noticing. Your fake smile melted into a real one.
“Homelander.” You greeted. The Deep pulled you in impossibly closer. He didn’t say anything, just nodded. You had a feeling he was scared of Homelander.
“Do you mind if I borrow them?” Homelander asked The Deep. All of you knew it wasn’t a question, just a thinly veiled demand. “You seem to have them chained down.” He laughed, referring to the vice grip currently on your back. After a second the hold was gone, The Deep had already walked off to get himself another drink.
It was just you and Homelander now. He moved close to you to whisper in your ear.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asked with a plastic smile. You felt your stomach drop.
“My job.” You shot back with an equally fake smile. You watched as his cheeks turned red with anger.
“No.” He grabbed your wrist. “We’re leaving.” You planted your feet in the ground.
“Excuse you?”
“I said, we’re leaving.” He hissed.
“They’ll have my head if I’m seen leaving with you.”
“They can fucking suck it up. I’m The Homelander. I get who I want, when I want. We’re leaving.” He dragged you by the wrist to pull you out the back doors. You were acutely aware that all the photographers turned away their cameras after seeing the expression on Homelander’s face.
The cold night air curled around your exposed skin, but you had no time to even breathe it in before your head hit the wall behind you and Homelander’s lips were on yours. His hands gripped your waist as he pulled you closer to him. You push him away, sucking in deep breaths.
“What’s gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?” You ask breathlessly. You can’t say you don’t enjoy this possessiveness, but he’s never made such a scene for you before, especially in public. He doesn’t answer before pulling you back into another hungry kiss.
He pulls away, his breath hot against your neck. “You’re mine. All fucking mine. No one else can have you, especially not that fucker Deep.” He pants. His grip tightened in a way you’re sure would bruise if it wasn’t for your invulnerable skin. “Fucking say it. Say that you’re mine.” A tone of pathetic desperation creeps into his voice. You smile and curl your fingers in his hair.
You wish Madelyn could see you now. Not a good pair, as if.
“I’m yours, Homelander.” You assure him. He whines against your collarbone. You’re sure tomorrow he’ll go back to pretending none of this happened, but for now you revel in his attention. “Why don’t you show them that I belong to you?”
It’s so petty, just a cheap way to stick it in Madelyn’s face. Homelander grins as he tries to suck a hickey on your neck. Both of your smiles quickly faded at the realization that there’s no way to bruise invincible skin. “Shit.” You cursed under your breath. Homelander looked up at you with his big blue eyes. You run your fingers through his hair.
“I’m sure you could show them in a different way.” You smirked.
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mirisss · 5 months
Enhypen reaction to their gf's solo debut
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The New Kard part 2, part 1 can be found ~ here ~
Pairing: Enhypen OT7 x idol! (Y/n)
Wordcount ≈ 1.1k
Warnings: People sending some hate to (Y/n), a tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff
Summary: In a world where the Kard we know today doesn’t exist, a new Kard is created. “The new Kard” = (Y/n) - 02 liner dating Enhypen, Keeho (P1harmony), Ricky (ZB1), & Yunjin (Lesserafim). After The New Kard made their debut with Cake, the promotions for the song were over. However, (Y/n) still had much to do as she prepared for her solo debut. 
Authors note: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it even if I couldn’t fulfill everything in your request. 
Request by 🍮 - anon
Please reblog! 
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Third Person POV
The New Kard’s debut was quite a success. Everyone was talking about it. The MV received a lot of views and the rookie group even got a win on one of the music shows. Thousands of videos went viral of moments where the group hung out, performed, or joked around on variety shows. (Y/n) became particularly popular, netizens loving her stage presence and personality. Her group and her boyfriends were all so happy about their successful debut. 
Once promotions were over for Cake, the company booked a meeting with (Y/n), telling her that she would be making her solo debut after they saw how popular she was. (Y/n) was incredibly happy, she decided that it should come as a surprise for everyone, they wouldn’t find out until the info was posted. (Y/n)’s groupmates Keeho, Yunjin, and Ricky were all busy working as MCs or acting in a drama. Enhypen was busy preparing and then promoting their newest album, Dark Blood with the title track Bite Me. 
(Y/n) was working hard and tried her best to hide the fact that she was preparing for her solo debut. Her title track was just her style, she loved it. The styling was top-tier, the MV shooting had been a lot of fun, and she truly hoped the song would be a hit. Her friends and boyfriends were so busy with their own work that they missed the post announcing that (Y/n) would be debuting as a soloist in 3 weeks. Her debut album became one of the most-bought debut albums of all time. The fans seemed super excited for (Y/n). 
The day of her debut was finally here, (Y/n)’s MV was just posted, and thousands of views rolled in within seconds. It wasn’t until that day when the MV was released, that Enhypen found out that their girlfriend was debuting as a soloist, or well she now was a soloist as well. They watched the MV, mesmerized by her dance moves and her beautiful voice. The second it was over they called (Y/n), who answered, expecting them to have found out by now. “(Y/n)! You’re a soloist now!?! Why didn’t you tell us?” Jake along with Sunoo exclaimed loudly. “Surprise!” (Y/n) chuckled, nervous to hear their opinions. “Can you come over or should we come to you?” Heesung asked, wanting to congratulate her in person and not just over the phone. “Uh, hold on,” They heard a low mumble in the background, probably (Y/n) asking her manager when she could meet with her boyfriends. “I can head over to your place in 2 hours,” “See you then, miss you, love you” Sunghoon began saying goodbye, and as he came to the last part all the boys joined in. 
2 hours later, (Y/n) was knocking on Enhypen’s door. Jungwon opened the door, a silly smile on his face as he basically threw himself on the girl, hugging her tightly. “(Y/n)!” Jay shouted happily from the living room. Jungwon released her from his hug after a minute, allowing her to step inside and close the door, they walked over to the living room. The other six boys stood there, with a cake and a banner that read “Congratulations honey,” Which they all also said once (Y/n) had noticed the banner behind them. “Thank you,” Everyone was smiling as love-sick teenagers as they sat down together, eating some of the cake and talking about everything. The boys told (Y/n) about everything they loved about the song, the MV, and the dance. 
A little later, (Y/n) opened up her Instagram, checking some of the comments people were posting under her latest post, the one with the announcement of the MV’s release. Many comments complimented her and congratulated her for her fast solo debut. However, her happy feelings and smile soon disappeared as she found hundreds of people writing their dismay and dislike of the song and the choreography, saying that (Y/n) should have done better. Her heart fell as she found people writing that they regretted buying her album. Niki noticed the way (Y/n)’s smile disappeared, he scooted closer to her, throwing an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. He glanced down at her phone, finding her reading comments. “Hey, what’s wrong?” The others noticed the scene once they heard the maknae’s voice. 
“People are disappointed, I should have done better,” “Oh darling, no, you were amazing, they’re just being haters for the hell of it,” Jay said, also coming over to comfort (Y/n). “They hate the song and/or the choreo, saying it’s not my style and it was just a waste of money for the company,” “Do you like the song?” Jungwon asked, “Of course, I love it,” “Do you like the choreo?” He then asked, “Yes, it’s something I’ve dreamt of doing,” “That’s all that matters then. It wasn’t a waste of money or a disappointment if you love it, then it was a success,” “Wonnie,” “Hey, look, we’re so proud of you, your members are so proud too! And real fans will love it too!” Sunoo said, giving (Y/n) a bright smile, his eyes crinkling up along with it, something (Y/n) loved about Sunoo, his true smile was cute and sweet. 
“Please teach me the dance? I want to be prepared for the dance challenges for tiktok,” Niki said, Sunghoon and Jake immediately stood up to learn the dance too. No matter what happens, as long as (Y/n) has Enhypen, she will continue to smile and be strong. Within seconds of standing up and trying to teach the boys her choreo, she was smiling and laughing. Completely forgetting about the hate she had received. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: ok so listen; so Steve Harrington who didn't tell anyone he gets into a medical school (Indiana University School of medicine) but he travels to school during the week and Mike finds the graduation letter in Steve's apartment. He graduated as a premed student with a full scholarship to Harvard Medical school for the trauma surgeon program. The party realizes that their constant jokes making fun of Steve's intelligence caused him to not tell them about this. I want a mixture of angst with a full proper apology & a few years later him graduating from Harvard with the party cheering him.
MY LOOOOOOVE!!!! Nothing gets me going quite like a secret super smart Steve Harrington. Is it OOC? Maybe. But writing Steve as a fucking Harvard Med School graduate!!! A whole trauma surgeon!!!! YES!!!!! I obviously had to put some Steddie in there, mostly because Eddie deserves a happy ending, too and any chance I have to give him one, I will. - Mickala ❤️
Steve was late. He’d been late a lot recently.
Mike started driving a few weeks ago, got his hands on Nancy’s car since she was busy traveling the world now, and he’d been quick to pick up the slack.
But he was growing impatient.
When they asked Steve why he was late, he shrugged it off, said he forgot. Everyone just went with it because obviously Steve’s kind of scatterbrained and a few fries short of a happy meal, especially after the head trauma.
But Mike was suspicious.
Steve let it go a little too easily.
And Eddie hadn’t stuck up for him like he usually did when they were teasing his intelligence.
Mike was letting himself into Steve’s apartment, using the key that he kept under the mat so the kids always had a place to go if they needed it.
He wasn’t home yet, but Mike had just been to Family Video and he wasn’t there either. Apparently, hadn’t been in at all today. Keith said something about ‘taking the day off for exams.’
Steve wasn’t in school though, so that meant he was lying and Mike wanted to know what he was lying about.
He looked at the counter, saw a large stack of mail, and decided that was probably a good place to start his search.
Most of it seemed like junk, a few bills, a letter from Robin, and an envelope that was torn open already from Indiana University.
If it was already open, it was fair game. That was his motto, at least.
He pulled out a thick stack of papers.
The seal in the corner of the first page said School of Medicine.
Was Steve sick? Had he started seeing the university doctors because of some weird problem with his head? Maybe that’s why he’d also been so forgetful lately.
Maybe they put him on a new medication trial or something and it was a side effect.
But he kept reading and felt his chest cave in.
Dear Mr. Steven J. Harrington,
It is a great honor to announce your successful completion of the pre-med degree program at Indiana University. Your incredible tenacity has proved that you’re prepared to work through any medical school program in the country.
Graduation is currently set for May 18, 1989. Please contact your advisor to reserve tickets by April 28, 1989.
Thank you for trusting Indiana University with your education. We look forward to seeing your accomplishments in the future!
“Holy shit.”
“Why are you reading my mail?”
Mike jumped at Steve’s voice. He’d been so busy reading the letter, he hadn’t heard the front door to the apartment open.
“You’re going to med school?”
“Hopefully, yeah.”
“What the fuck?”
Steve rolled his eyes and made his way to the fridge, grabbing a can of soda for himself.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, like. You’re. You’re you. How are you going to med school?”
Steve’s brows furrowed as he leaned against the counter and sipped at his drink.
“I graduated from pre-med as valedictorian. I’m not sure what you’re asking.”
“You? Valedictorian? You barely got through high school!”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“I hated high school. I was going through a lot of shit. It wasn’t because I’m stupid.”
Mike’s mouth was gaping like a fish, confused at literally everything that was happening.
“I also just got into Harvard on a full scholarship if we’re gonna put it all out there. I was gonna tell everyone this weekend at El’s birthday party but I’m sure you’re about to run to tell them all.”
Well, how could he not? Steve had been hiding going to college for years! He was about to move to Harvard!
“Wait! Is Eddie going with you?”
“Yeah. We found an apartment over a record store and the owner hired him to run the store while he transitions into retirement.”
Mike felt like he was in an alternate universe. There was no way Steve Harrington was going to be a doctor. There was no way Eddie and Steve were moving to Boston.
There was no way he was leaving all of them.
“But. But what about us?”
“You guys are all practically adults. You barely even hang out with me anymore unless it’s to get a ride or get snacks for Hellfire. You didn’t even notice I was driving to and from campus for years. I think I’ve given enough of myself to people who don’t seem to want it,” Steve shrugged, looking down at the floor.
Mike wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, but he also kind of just wanted to hug Steve and tell him that wasn’t true.
But it kind of was, wasn’t it?
They’d all taken advantage of Steve’s kindness for years. He’d been the best damn babysitter they could have, saved their lives multiple times, gave them money for the arcade and dates and pizza for pool parties when he lived in his old house.
They grew to just expect it.
He didn’t even know the last time he’d heard anyone say thank you. He certainly hadn’t said it in a long time.
“But, Dustin will be devastated.”
“He’ll be okay. He’s gonna go to MIT when he graduates and he’ll be right around the corner or something. I dunno. He hasn’t even called me just to talk in months. I don’t think he’ll miss me that much.”
Which just. It wasn’t true. Mike knew for a fact that Dustin would be heartbroken about Steve leaving.
“It’s fine. Eddie’s gonna be home soon so if you wanna wait for him that’s fine. I’m gonna go shower and get an early night. Been up since three this morning.”
“Did you really have exams?”
“I checked to see if you worked today and Keith said you had exams,” Mike said shakily, feeling entirely off balance.
“Oh. I just had to do an entrance exam for Harvard. They let me take it on IU’s campus since I can’t move until two weeks before classes start.”
Mike nodded once.
This was really happening. Steve was leaving.
Steve was going to Harvard.
He was taking Eddie with him.
And not a single one of them had bothered to notice any of it happening.
“I told you I don’t know! I’m giving you everything I have!” Mike yelled at Dustin, who was pacing and clearly trying not to cry.
“It just doesn’t make sense! He always acted like he didn’t understand half of what we were saying when we talked science stuff!” Dustin yelled as he walked back and forth across the floor, wearing a pattern into the carpet.
“Maybe it’s because we’ve always just assumed he’s dumb. I mean, none of us really treated him like he could keep up, so maybe he just. Didn’t,” Lucas shrugged.
“He could’ve told us!”
“Or maybe he didn’t want to since we all thought he’d be lying,” Max added from her chair in the corner.
“He could’ve proved it!”
“Maybe he didn’t want to have to,” Eddie said as he walked in the room.
Hellfire was at Dustin’s tonight, and Eddie had been late.
His sudden appearance made them all cower where they sat or stood.
“No Hellfire tonight. I was gonna call, but had to drive by here anyway. Steve’s having a bad night and I’m pretty certain it’s your fault, so I’m gonna go try to get him through it.”
It was a bit harsh, but not undeserved.
“Why didn’t you tell us, Eddie?” Dustin asked quietly.
“It wasn’t for me to tell. He was going to when he got accepted into IU, and then you guys spent most of that night telling him he wouldn’t understand what you were talking about with your group science project so he kept it to himself. Then he just decided it wouldn’t be worth trying to explain anything since you wouldn’t believe him anyway. He asked me not to say anything until he announced his graduation and Harvard this weekend, so I didn’t.”
“But we would have been proud of him! He could have shown us his acceptance letter or something.”
“That’s not how you made him feel,” Eddie shrugged before turning back towards the door. “We’ll see you at El’s party.”
When Eddie left, the room was silent.
Everyone was deep in thought, trying to unpack everything.
With Hellfire canceled, they didn’t have much of a reason to stick around, but none of them felt like being alone.
Not when they started to realize that Steve was kind of the glue that held them all together and without him, they may not ever be whole again.
El’s party was simple, just the usual guests and some cake and balloons. She didn’t like a big thing, usually preferred to have a sleepover with Max and just do their nails and listen to music.
Joyce insisted on having a little get together though, said it would be nice to celebrate something since they hadn’t really since Will’s birthday.
Steve was there, holding Eddie’s hand in the corner, talking with Hopper while Eddie talked with Joyce.
Steve told them everything when they got there since the kids knew, and while he knew Joyce and Hopper were happy for him, for both of them, they could send their shock.
All of the kids had hesitantly hugged Steve when they got there, barely saying anything to him, unsure where they stood.
Steve felt like he was closing the book on his life in Hawkins, and he hated that it felt like no one would join him in the next one except for Eddie.
Throughout the day, the kids would find their way up to him to just be close, soak in Steve’s energy, try to appreciate him now because they clearly hadn’t been before.
He let them. He could have told them to go away, or tried to talk them into apologies, but it wouldn’t do any good right now, and he didn’t want to ruin El’s birthday party.
Eddie could tell he wasn’t himself, though. He saw the way Steve’s eyes dropped down to his lap every time one of the kids would walk away from his side, how his leg started bouncing when things were quiet for more than a few seconds.
“You wanna head out?”
“Steve? Can we talk to you for a minute?” Lucas asked, the rest of the party behind him watching with wide eyes.
“Oh. Sure.”
Eddie patted his knee and stood up, but Lucas gestured for him to sit back down.
“You, too. We owe you both explanations and apologies.”
So, Eddie sat. He would support Steve through whatever this conversation entailed, and maybe get something else out of it too.
“We all want to take turns saying stuff, but I wanna start,” Lucas said, playing with his hands nervously.
Steve nodded, always more patient than the kids deserved.
“I always saw you as the jock, ya know? Like, I respected you because you were a great basketball player and you had a lot of friends. I just kind of thought that was who you were, even after high school. You always made time to help me over the summer, even when you’d just worked an opening shift or had to go in for a closing shift. I didn’t really consider you an adult, even though you were. You were just there. You protected me, all of us, from some of the scariest shit any of us will ever have to deal with without even taking a second to consider your own safety. You just did it. And I don’t really think any of us thanked you. None of us would be here without you.”
Lucas was biting his lip, trying not to cry as he wrapped up his speech, but didn’t get a chance to start before Will started talking.
“I haven’t spent as much time with you as the rest of these guys have. But I know that you’re always there. You give me a ride when my mom can’t and you always slip me an extra $1 or 2 when we go to the arcade because you know I don’t have much. You hung up my art on your apartment wall even though it sucks and isn’t your style because you wanted me to know that someone supports me. You’ve been one of the only constants in our crazy lives, and we haven’t done nearly enough to show that we appreciate you,” Will wiped his eyes quickly as he turned away to let someone else speak.
“Billy was an asshole to all of us, but especially to you. You could’ve walked away that night, left Lucas and me to defend ourselves or die trying, but you didn’t. You knew he was a racist piece of shit and you got another concussion just so he wouldn’t lay a hand on us. That was the first time I ever had someone stick up for me like that. And after everything with Vecna, you were the one who always checked in, made sure I had rides to appointments, had food I could easily make when my mom wasn’t around, brought me to the skate park as soon as I was cleared by my doctor. I’ve never had someone who cared so much like you do and I’m sorry I didn’t know how to show you that it meant so much to me,” Max said seriously.
Steve was sniffling, and Eddie knew if he tried to comfort him too much right now, it would just make it worse. He squeezed his hand and wiped the tear falling down his cheek as the kids continued.
“I hated you for the longest time. I thought it was your fault Nancy changed, and then I thought it was your fault when Nancy and Jonathan got together, and then I just hated everyone and everything for a while. But I think it was just easy to use you to blame everything on because you let me. You just let me treat you like shit. You let me complain about your driving while you drove me anywhere I wanted to go. You let me blame you for Nancy being upset about the break up when she was the one who hurt you most. You let me think you were stupid when you’re brilliant enough to go to Harvard on a full scholarship. You let all of us take advantage of you and I don’t know why, but I wish I could turn back time and not let you do that. You didn’t deserve to be used by any of us, but especially me,” Mike said surprisingly sincerely.
In fact, Eddie watched Mike take a few deep breaths like he was holding back a sob.
“I am sorry for how we all treated you, Steve. I did not know that we hurt you. Dad said sometimes the people who hurt the most are the people who accept hurt as the way they are supposed to be treated, but that is not true. You should be loved so much, like Eddie loves you, by everyone. We should have done better,” El said as she held Max’s hand.
Dustin had been incredibly quiet, hiding in the back, not even looking up from the ground. Eddie could tell he wanted to say something, but probably didn’t know how to start.
It was no secret that Dustin was Steve’s favorite kid. It was also no secret that Dustin loved Steve like a brother, maybe even more, and that if Steve was upset, Dustin would want to make it right.
“I never had someone to look up to until you came around,” Dustin started, still not looking up from the ground. “My mom always felt bad that she didn’t give me a good role model or a brother or sister to look up to. But when you started watching over me, she felt like it was better this way. ‘That Harrington boy is special.’ That’s what she says all the time. And I guess I got used to her saying it and just didn’t think anything of it anymore. Like, yeah, you’re great. You do all kinds of stuff for me and for all of us, but it just felt like you wanted to so what made it so special? When Mike told us everything, it hit me that even if you wanted to do all that stuff, you still deserved a thank you. You went out of your way to make us safe and happy, and our only way to repay you was to constantly put you down and bully you. We spent years calling you out for what an asshole you were in high school while we ended up being assholes to you. You’re my brother and I haven’t been good to you. I’m sorry.”
Eddie was watching as Steve finally let out a sob he’d been holding in for too long. He pulled him into his chest, watching as the kids all wiped tears of their own away.
He knew the kids were genuinely sorry, he could tell that when faced with the reality of the way they treated Steve for years now, they felt terrible. But he also knew that Steve let it go on too long without saying something, and that it would take a while for him to really figure out a good balance of being there for the kids he loved and setting boundaries he needed to set long ago.
“Can you give him a minute guys? I’m sure he wants to talk to you all, but I think he just needs to calm down.”
The kids all nodded and scurried away.
They weren’t kids anymore, was the thing. They would always be kids to Steve, though. That’s why this was hurting so much. They were his nuggets, and they’d been unintentionally hurting him for years.
Steve had been so excited to tell them about getting into a pre-med program at IU, and when he couldn’t tell them, he changed. He was withdrawn in ways Eddie had never seen or expected. He was focused on school, and their relationship, but nothing else. He would go through the motions of driving the kids where he could when he could, throwing the occasional pool party, keeping up appearances.
He’d been exhausted for two years now. Running on fumes for miles, no end in sight. Until he got his acceptance into Harvard.
Eddie had never seen him so happy or proud of himself.
But the happiness faded quickly when he realized what telling the kids would mean, what going to Harvard would mean.
It meant moving, it meant leaving the kids, it meant spending the next 6-8 years so focused on school and residency that he probably wouldn’t have time to visit much outside of major holidays. It meant hoping that Eddie would come with him, support him, and love him regardless of the limited time he had to spend outside of school.
But Eddie would be there for every moment. He’d worked so hard, and Eddie wanted to be there for him every step of the way.
The kids would understand. They were almost graduated at this point, probably heading off to college themselves, and had their own lives to start.
“I wish I’d just told them about IU.”
“I know, sweetheart. But we can’t change the past. You’ve got such an amazing future ahead of you. Everyone is gonna be so proud of Dr. Steve Harrington.”
Steve smiled at that as Eddie dried his tears away.
When he’d calmed down completely, he walked over to where the kids were sitting on the porch.
He stood in front of them with his hands on his hips, a small smile on his face.
“If I forgive you all, will you stop looking like I just stole your ice creams and kicked your puppies?”
Dustin was the first to jump up and run into Steve, sobbing when Steve’s arms wrapped around him.
“It’s alright, bud. I love you, even when you’re a shithead, okay?”
All of the kids piled into Steve’s arms and around his back, all of them crying as Steve started telling them all about his program.
“I’m going to be a trauma surgeon. I was always pretty good at patching everyone up after Upside Down shit, so I figured why not make it a career? And I placed so high on the entrance testing, they suggested I go for pre-med instead of the EMT program. One of my professors my first semester suggested being a surgeon, so that’s the track I took.”
The kids looked at him in awe, like they were seeing him in a new light.
Eddie thought maybe they were finally seeing the Steve he’d seen all along.
May 11, 1997
“Steven Joseph Harrington, MD, summa cum laude.”
The cheers from his group were so loud, but they all ignored the dirty looks from the surrounding family and friends.
Steve Harrington was a Harvard graduate, a graduate with the highest honors, a trauma surgeon who already accepted his first position in a nearby hospital.
Everyone was so proud of him.
Wayne and Eddie had arranged for everyone to either ride in a rental car with Wayne or fly in to surprise Steve for his graduation.
He could see Steve look up into the crowd when he heard the screams, could see the grin spreading across his face as he realized his whole family was here to support him, just as they had been for the last eight years.
Everything Steve wanted and worked for was coming together, and everyone who believed in him was here cheering him on.
He was the best damn babysitter those kids had, and now he’d be the best damn trauma surgeon Boston Children’s Hospital would ever have.
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milkiane · 2 years
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STAY AWHILE. steve harrington
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summary: meeting the one who could make your heart stop whilst simultaneously being the reason why your heart beats is rare, and steve just so happens to be one of the lucky ones who found them during a slow monday in family video.
warnings: no major s4 spoilers, just a love-sick steve. gif credits to @emziess
word count: 4.3k
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steve groans in despair.
it was barely a busy day in family video. it usually wasn’t during mondays.
he throws the stress ball against the wall and lets it bounce back into his grasp. robin was out back, it was her turn to rewind tapes and place them back on their respective shelves while he was stuck at the counter.
when he doesn't manage to catch it, he doesn’t bother getting up to grab it. instead, he calls out, “hey, robin?” 
without waiting for her response, he eventually decides to meddle in his coworker’s love life. “do you know what i just found out about vickie today?”
there was a pause. a beat, just before robin responds, “yeah? — actually, no, i don’t think i want to know.”
“she,” he stops for a bit of a dramatic effect. “returned fast times paused at 53 minutes and 5 seconds and—“
“so? m-maybe she realized that she didn’t like fast times exactly at 53 minutes and 5 seconds so—“
“and do you know who pauses fast times at 53 minutes and 5 seconds?” he asks, waiting for a reply. but when it doesn’t come, he swivels in his chair and answers himself. “people who like boobies, robin!” 
“ew! gross. don’t say—“
“and it’s not a big deal, okay?” steve reassures, sending her a knowing grin. “i like boobies. you like boobies.”
“vickie likes boobies. definitely.” he exclaims, swiveling around in his chair again as the overhead bell notifies him of a customer. “it’s… boobies…”
and that was when he caught sight of you; headphones on as you twirl the wire, heading straight towards the romance section. there was a glow that seemed to follow you, and if you were going to ask him, it wasn’t because of the shitty lighting of family video, it was because he thinks you’re an angel.
steve’s breath got caught in his throat and he believes that his heart was just robbed out of his chest. he slowly puts his hand on his chest, just right where his heart is supposed to be, and surely enough, it is still there, gradually beating rapidly as he continues to stare at you. 
“…teve… steve… steve!” he snaps out of his trance when something hits his head. his gaze falls on the ball bouncing on the floor. he looks up to see robin looking at him with a question mark above her head.
“are you even listening?”
steve didn’t even bother responding to her as he started making his way towards you. he could still faintly hear music playing from your headphones around your neck as he stopped by beside you. 
“uhm, busy night?” he questions, awkwardly posing by the shelves. he leans all of his weight against it, bicep rippling, but it’s a beat before he realizes how much he’s performing for you — he’s downright smitten and downright cringing.
from the counter, robin frowns as she looks at you and then at her best friend. “damn it, steve,” she mutters, walking back to the break room as she mumbles something about how it should have been her instead of him.
“uh, yeah, you could say that,” you respond, letting your eyes linger a little longer in the romance section as you head straight towards the new releases. “i mean, if you count eating a tub of ice cream whilst escaping the cruel reality of real life type-of-busy, then yes.”
“well, if it’s any help, i would recommend-” he plucks a random movie from the shelf and looks at the cover. “ah, the breakfast club. this is a must-watch. it’s filled with romance, friendship, and a little bit of a high school adventure.”
you look at his name tag then back at him with a grin, and he swears he could melt into a puddle right then and there. “and you’re sure i’ll like it, steve?” 
“oh, no, sweetheart, you won’t like it. you’ll love it.” he doesn’t know where the pet name came from but the way it easily rolled out of his tongue convinces him that it feels just right.
you ignore the heat rising up to your cheeks as you snatch the vhs off his hands. “and if i don’t end up loving it?”
“well, then i guess i’d have to make it up to you,” steve shrugs, feigning nonchalance. “but if you do end up loving it, then… then the new diner downtown sounds good for a first date, right?”
you purse your lips trying to hide the smile that threatens to spread as you make your way towards the counter. “you better start praying to the stars, steve, because i’d be really disappointed if i wind up hating it.” 
he grins at your words, making his way around to ring up your selected films. as soon as it was bagged up and ready to go, neither of you felt like saying goodbye yet but alas, you had a movie to critique.
steve walks you to the exit and opens the door for you, like the gentleman he is.
“i’ll see you around, steve.”
“see you later… alligator.” it was then that steve realized that he never caught your name. he spews out silent curses as he closes the door, but nevertheless, he runs straight to the break room and steals the marker in robin’s hand.
“no way!” robin exclaims at the tally. “i will never believe that you just made that happen.”
“oh, you better start believin’, rob, cause i’m back in the game, baby!”
steve runs straight into the family video’s entrance, dramatically opening both doors with a bit of force. his hair flops up and down slightly as he pants, “anything yet?”
robin pops her head out of one of the shelves she’s been organizing. “nope.”
steve lets out a heavy sigh. with every day that you don’t return, his heart that he once thought was stolen was slowly countered in small damaged boxes. no bubble wrap, no fragile warning, nothing that would ensure that it was handled with care. “it’s nearly been a week, robin.”
“well, if it’s any consolation, i think you’re a great guy, steve. it’s her loss anyway, who in the right mind would miss out on the opportunity to go out with king steve? especially with that babe-slaying hair.”
“very funny.” steve mocks a sarcastic laugh, rolling his eyes. he goes over to robin with a drag in his steps. “it’s just that- i really thought she would be the one, you know? there was something about her that just… pulled me in. she’s not like any other girl i’ve ever seen, robin.”
“she’s- she’s a goddess. an angel. it’s like she was made to make up for the world’s imperfections, like every flaw in humanity does not matter because she graces every ground she walks on,” he continues. “it’s hard to believe that we’re even breathing the same air as her. it’s-“
before he can go on with his poetic spiel, keith leans against his office doorway and says, “i knew it was your dulcet tones i heard, harrington.”
steve and robin simultaneously roll their eyes, getting back to organizing.
“a girl dropped by the other day looking for you, by the way.”
steve freezes. “girl? what girl, keith?”
“dunno, was a pretty one though,” he winks, munching on his cheezy chips. “if she didn’t nearly bite m’head off, i woulda kept her for myself. anyway, there’s some shit she left for you, it’s in here with the tapes i told you to rewind decades ago-“
before he could even finish, steve runs towards his office, effectively knocking over the human-sized cardboard cutout of phoebe cates.
and just as keith said, the breakfast club vhs, alongside the other films you picked, was neatly stacked in the corner of his office. there was a folded beige card taped on top of it.
—— ✦ 
I.O.U. a date.
redeemable for… a romantic milkshake for two at kelly’s diner on the 21st of may. 7 pm sharp.
to: steve (with the killer hair)
from: y/n (sweetheart)
p.s. don’t be late, romeo :-)
—— ✦ 
steve blinks. and then again. and once more for extra measures, just to make sure he wasn’t making it up. he reads your name, and then aloud as if testing the way it rolls on his tongue. he’s never seen a name that suited a person like it did with you. 
steve feels robin’s presence beside him before he sees her. “you see this, too, right?”
she hums.
“… and do you know what this means?”
robin groans.
it takes steve a while to realize that today is the 21st of may. he blames keith for his lack of preparation. what is he supposed to wear? something simple? casual? smart casual? he knows kelly’s milkshake shack was straightforward, but nothing too bad for him to worry about.
he was worried about how to impress you. what type of flowers do you like? do you even like flowers? what type of chocolates do you love? do you love the milky ones? dark chocolate? the one with almonds? what if you’re allergic to chocolates? but even then, steve thinks flowers and chocolates aren't enough for you.
you deserve the world, the stars, and the moon. you deserve it and more. but what a pity it is that this gesture of adoration and worship is what the world would deem unreachable. unrealistic. superfluous.
nothing is superfluous for you, he thinks. despite that, steve decides to stick with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. nothing could go wrong with that now, could it? he questions himself as he starts his trek to the flower shop a few blocks down.
the first thing that he notices is the soft music playing on the record player. the second thing he noticed is how every flower is blooming and twinkling, not a fading one in sight. the last thing he noticed was the lack of a clerk at the counter.
“uhm, hello?” he calls out hesitantly.
muffled but still coherent, he receives a response from the back room. “one second!”
there was something about her voice that sounded familiar, and yet he couldn’t pinpoint who it could be. he shrugs it off. whilst waiting, he takes a look around the shop, criticizing which would be the perfect pick.
“what flowers do you have in mind?” the voice calls out once more. he could hear some shuffling on the other side.
“i was actually hoping you could help me out.” steve replies somewhat bashfully. “maybe something that’s simple but breathtaking? like nothing too extravagant but something… ethereal.”
he wasn’t sure if they caught what he just said, but before he knew it, the curtain separating the rooms was drawn. 
“busy night?”
steve stops shuffling through the vinyls and spins on his heels. “oh, yeah, scored a date with the prettiest girl in-“ 
you grin at the astounded boy in front of you, eyes wide and jaw slack. you delicately push the bouquet of pretty pink chrysanthemums and yellow dwarf sunflower in his hands, grinning up at him like a tease. “you were saying something about scoring a date with the prettiest girl in hawkins?” 
“i- wha?”
“chrysanthemums symbolize devoted love, loyalty, happiness, and these lil sunflowers symbolize adoration.” you state. “i love the sentiment, by the way.”
“you work here?” he finally speaks, watching as you step back to organize the lone stems by the counter.
“i mean if it isn’t obvious,” you shoot him a pointed look. 
“y-yeah, right, right.”
“my aunt used to own this shop, but she said she couldn’t take it anymore after some supernatural shit kept happening in this town apparently.” you huff. “i think she just needs to take her meds on time.”
“yeah, probably.” steve chuckles nervously before clearing his throat. “so, uhm, i don’t really remember seeing you around until a few days ago, is this your first time in hawkins?”
“save the getting-to-know questions for the date, harrington.” you smile up at him. “anyway, how about you pick me up two hours from now, i’ll forget that you ever bought me flowers from my own flower shop, and then we can continue this over some sweet milkshakes?”
“yeah,” he nods, his reply was barely even a whisper. there was a look of adoration in his eyes, a dopey lovelorn smile on his lips. “sounds like a plan.”
before steve gets in his car, he pauses by the door, looking back at you with one last glance before he gets stuck with the question, is this what love at first sight feels like? 
steve never wants to lose that feeling.
and surely enough, steve is back two hours later with the bouquet in hand, hair styled to perfection, and the feeling of love at third sight stuns him. 
steve looks at you like it’s the very first time he’s seen you, and he feels like his heart drops. every 
he stares at you and there is an indescribable sensation in his chest that he couldn’t express. it gives him an urge to try every pick-up line in the book; make himself look like an idiot by asking whether you fell from heaven. because steve genuinely believes it. is that so silly of him to think?
there’s a warm fuzzy feeling deep within that void. it’s the type of feeling that makes him want to tell his friends all about you, his mom even, to the world if possible. 
there was a pep in your step as you make your way toward steve, noting how handsome he looks in his shirt and corduroy jacket, jeans seemingly well-ironed. his hair is gelled – you’d have to ask him what hair products he uses later – and it makes you want to run your fingers through it.
“looking as gorgeous as ever, sweetheart.” steve compliments you with his ever charming smile. he gives you the bouquet that he’s been hiding behind his back. “these are for you.”
you take it from him and take a whiff of the sweet smell. “wow. these are beautiful, steve. i wonder who picked them for you.”
“oh, you know, just the cute little owner who works in the flower shop.” he grins. “oh, wow, would you look at that. we’re actually standing in front of it right now- oh, and good god, here’s the cute little owner i was just talking about.”
“what flavor do you want?”
“strawberry-chocolate has always been my go-to.”
“what’s with the judgemental look? it’s heavenly!”
“but that’s so… so basic. i’ve pegged you to take more on the crazy flavors.”
you playfully roll your eyes at him as he guides you to a booth, hand respectfully placed on the small of your back. you look at him with a teasing grin. “i bet you love vanilla, though.”
steve scoffed, sitting in front of you. “i do not.”
he does, but he wasn’t going to admit that.
“you totally do,” you snicker before busying yourself with the menu.
“what can i get y’all today?” 
“we’ll get a large strawberry-chocolate milkshake,” steve quips, looking at you for a moment before, like clockwork, adding, “with two straws, please.”
ignoring the rapid beating of your heart, you shake your head at him, “you do this with all the girls you go out with?”
“nah, only the ones who like basic ass milkshake flavors,” he grins, leaning back against the couch. “been reserving all my suave moves just for you.”
you scoff playfully, putting a hand on your chest. you can feel your heart beating as you take in his appearance under the neon lights of the shack. “should i be honored?”
“yeah,” steve nods fervently. “i’m actually glad you went out with me, meaning we don’t have to worry about your bad taste in men, too. i would have been really concerned.” 
you laugh at him, and steve beams. you throw a balled-up tissue paper at his face, effectively snapping him out of his little inner dialogue about how your laugh was one of the best things he’s ever heard. “you literally love vanilla milkshakes and you’re trying to call out my apparent bad taste?”
“not vanilla,” he shoots you a glare, the curl of his lips failing to keep up with his act. he throws the tissue back at you. “seriously.”
you raise your hands in defense, trying to prevent the laugh threatening to leave your lips. before either of you could say anything else, the milkshake was served.
steve scooches closer towards the table as he places the milkshake in between you. he thanks the waitress and dips the two straws into the drink. 
“just a fair warning though,” steve warns, moving closer to take a sip. “you might get enchanted by my pretty brown eyes with this close proximity, i was told you can get lost in them.”
you continue sipping with a smile, eyes momentarily flicking down at his lips before looking back up into his eyes. his eyes are pretty, you will let yourself willingly get lost in them if you can.
steve does the same, and as his eyes settle back into yours, the two of you let out tiny hushed laughter after the sudden eye contact.
“tell me if you need a map,” he sips, letting out a soft groan at the taste of the milkshake. he’s beginning to understand why you love it so much. “i think you’re starting to get lost.”
“did the heart eyes give it away?” you grin.
the conversation easily flowed like a river after that. secrets, and smiles, and laughter were shared between you two and it lasted for hours, more than what the two of you have signed up for. but neither of you was complaining. 
steve learned a lot more about you than he ever did with anyone else. he learned that fleetwood mac, starship, and queen were the artists that claimed your top three. the breakfast club instantly became your favorite after his recommendation. and that you really, really want to learn how to rollerblade.
you, on the other hand, learned steve’s music taste was all over the place, but he secretly loves billy joel after seeing his parents dance to his music when he was younger, a vulnerable memory that he loves to preserve. he tells you all about dustin and the gang, and how the former was like the little brother he never had. he told you about how he was a bit hesitant about getting himself out there again after nancy, his ex, because she was the first person he’s ever loved and apparently it was all bullshit.
you both knew each other better than anyone else, not even your friends nor his knows about the things you told each other. and before you know it, you find yourselves in lover’s lake after getting kicked out for staying after closing — neither of you realized that the two of you were the only people left, save for the staff who kicked you out.
you look up at the starry sky with a content sigh, basking in the chilly air, the soft music from steve’s car, and well, steve.
“i don’t think i’ve had as much fun as i did today,” you say.
steve tilts his head to look at you, a small smile pulling at his lips before he teases, “good to know.”
“stop,” you push his face away. “i’m serious.”
he laughs, settling with a soft smile as he answers, “me, too, sweetheart.”
you look at him, and purse your lips. “i’ll be staying awhile, y’know?”
“what?” his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. you want to give it a kiss.
“you asked me, earlier today, why you’ve never seen me before,” you recall. “i’m planning on staying for a while, just until i have everything figured out.”
“yeah,” you nod. “i wasn’t going to, originally, until i found a reason to stay.”
steve smiles, he’s been smiling more than he ever did his entire life, and it’s not one of those flirty smirks or small smiles, they were the genuine and contagious ones. he’s convinced that his jaw will ache from all the muscle movement but he doesn’t mind, not when you told him prior that you loved his smile.
“yeah?” is all he can ask. 
you hum in approval.
“what, our ever so beautiful hawkins, indiana doesn’t offer you enough?” he teases.
“well, your ever so beautiful hawkins, indiana so happens to offer the best milkshake,” you shrug nonchalantly. “i guess that’s enough reason.”
he gasps dramatically, putting up an exaggerated act by clutching his chest with a pained groan. “you offend me, woman.”
you laugh. “fine, you, too, pretty boy.”
“me, too, by the way.” steve murmurs after a while, ignoring the thumping of his chest. you feel some shifting from his side, so you look down to see him closer and his palm facing upwards, as if offering it to you. “maybe… maybe we can figure it out together?”
you look up at him, taking another moment to appreciate his beauty, before interlacing your fingers with his. “i’d like that very much.”
“thank you for tonight, steve,” you say, unbuckling your seatbelt as he puts his car in park. he gets out of the door and around the vehicle to open yours. “seriously.”
“no need to thank me, sweetheart,” steve smiles, tucking a stray hair away from your face. “i had fun with you tonight.”
you stop yourself from feeling the warmth of your cheeks, instead, you move a bit closer to him. “although, there’s one thing missing...”
steve frowned, his hands hovering just above your waist, hesitant to touch you. “what is it? — agh, i knew i should have gotten you the — robin said it would be too much and i —“
“it’s not whatever you think it is.”
“oh… what is it then?”
you loop your fingers around his belt loops, tugging him closer to you. steve gasped softly, hands finally settling on your waist. “a kiss.” 
you hum, moving your arms up from his torso and looping them around his neck. he could feel goosebumps rising in the wake of your warm touch. 
your noses brush against each other, lips teasing as they barely leave a featherlight touch. 
steve, getting impatient, pulls you impossibly closer, smashing his lips against yours. it was a mix of soft and desperate as if he’s been thinking of what it would have been like to kiss you. it was. if not, then it was even better than what he dreamed of.
you smile against his lips, fingers tangling in his hair. your mind is clouded; you’re drunk on his sweet strawberry-chocolate flavored kisses, the scent of his musky perfume, and the smell of his hairspray.
you slowly pull back only to have steve chase your lips again for a quick peck. “you’re a great kisser,” he murmurs.
“i know,” you tease, pulling him back down for another kiss as you can’t help yourself, only pulling away on the account of actually needing air to breathe. 
“good night, steve,” you pull away slowly, his hands slipping away from yours as you walk up to your front doorstep.
“i miss you already!“ he calls out.
“go home, pretty boy.”
“good night, sweetheart!” he grins.
“drive home safe, farrah fawcett.”
“hey! i told you that in confidence.” steve exclaims, unbothered by your screaming neighbor yelling profanities at him. it was late.
you look back at him with one last smile before disappearing behind the door, you lean against it, grinning from ear to ear as you squeal in the safety of your own home. you walk around the shop-apartment with your giddy smile never faltering even once.
unbeknownst to you, after making sure you got in safely, steve is punching the air, whooping, and jumping on his feet as he did his own little celebration. he looks back once more before getting into his car, playing a billy joel song.
it frustrates him beyond belief how a woman could easily make him weak in the knees, how you, with one look into your eyes, accompanied by a glint of a smile, could make him feel as if he could crumble into lovesick wreckage, how your featherlight touch could effortlessly yield him into submission — but he supposes that he does not mind because you’re not just any woman nor is this just any feeling. he made a promise to himself that he would never fall in love again, never will he accept the risk of getting his heart broken once more, but for you — when he’s with you — he would risk getting his heart broken time and time again if it meant being in your presence. he’s never felt so seen, so loved, so adored, until he met you.
he’s willing to patch up a broken heart if it means loving you.
it’s dizzying, it’s so overwhelmingly beautiful — the feeling of being in love. the feeling of being in love with you. and in two years' time, the whisper of those three little words, those of which are common amongst those who love and are loved, and yet it holds a special meaning that no one but the two of you can understand. 
it’s a promise. an oath. a secret that you will continue keeping that no matter what, it will always be you and him against the world, that even if everything else fails, your love for each other is what will keep you going.
because you did not end up staying a while, you stayed with him, and you’ll stay with him until forever falls apart.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Reader is a fellow youtuber/influencer and they’re modelling a new set as a savagexfenty partner but she needs to have a guy in the photos and videos as well so she asks all her single friends but Colby is the only one down to help. Things get intimate and they start to see each other as more than friends
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Pic from Pinterest
I walk around the house, nervous. I face palm myself on the forehead when my friend i talk to on the phone tells me he's busy today.
"I know it's important to you, i'm sorry i can't be there today", he says and i nod like he can see me in any way.
"You're only the eleventh person to tell me that. No problem, see you soon Hayes."
I hang up and throw myself on the couch, my head in my hands and exhale loudly. I hear a ding and grab my phone from next to me. My face lights up and i smile when i see a picture from Colby, a silly photo of him and Sam from the road.
"Weirdos", i text and send to him and he facetimes me. "Hey, weirdo number 1,what's up?"
"It's the first time I'm glad I'm not number one at something", Sam laughs before Colby got the chance to answer and we all laugh at Sam's statement.
"Trust me, he's number one at being a pain in the ass too", i tell Sam and we both laugh, while colby gives us a fake angry face.
"Oh, how well i know that!"
"If you wanted to talk to y/n, you could've just facetime her, now shut up", Colby tells Sam and Sam taps with two fingers on the wheel.
"I'm driving, dude.", Sam defends himself and i giggle at their childish behaviour that always makes me feel better.
"Then eyes on the road and give me a chance to talk to my best friend", Colby's eyes grow wide in his funny way of changing face expressions
"Is she a bigger best friend than i am?", Sam asks and looks at his friend, faking his serious face as well as he could. From the angle of the phone, Sam and Colby looked like a crazy couple.
"Never", Colby answers and turns back to me. For a second i forgot i was talking to them. "Hi y/n, sorry for that", i smile and roll my eyes.
"It's ok, this reminds me why i declined moving in with you two. Where are you guys going?"
"Coming home, actually. We went to check something on Sam's car."
When Colby says that, my heart gets filled with joy.
"COLBY! I JAVE A FAVOUR TO ASK YOU!", i scream on the phone and get up from the couch because of the excitement. Both guys open their eyes wide at me because of my reaction. "Are you free at around 5 PM today? I have a photoshoot today for Savage x Fenty and i asked all my friends who are also into modelling and no one is free tonight. My partner called in sick two hours ago and there's nobody who can replace him at the agency. Can you replace him, please? Two hours maximum is the photoshoot.", i bite my lip nervously, waiting for Colby's answer. " Also, you're single and i talked to every single guy i know, i draw the line now because you're my only chance. ", i practically beg and look at his amused face, while i start feeling stupid.
"You know you could've asked from the beginning, right? Yeah, of course I'm coming with you. A chance for me to see pretty women and a chance for you to model for your dream line."
"Oh My God thank you thank you thank you"
We hang up a few moments later and after a while i hop in the shower to get ready to leave. I wash my hair, dry it and brush it as good as i can, so the hairstylist wouldn't spend half an hour to untangle it. I clean my face once more with a cleanser and prime it a bit so i wouldn't look like i just got out of the bed. I get dressed in my xplr merch, the purple combo, and head to my car to pick up Colby from their house. I pull up ten minutes later and Colby waited for me at the porch.
"I shouldn't have let you track my phone", i exhale when he gets inside
"It's for emergencies.", he closes the tracking app and puts his seat belt on.
"Was me picking you up an emergency? How?", i turn my wheel left-right and look around in the mirrors to make sure nobody hits me while leaving their street.
"It takes me a lifetime to get ready. When you said you're coming, i was in the shower", he laughs and i roll my eyes
"i knew it! You're never ready when i tell you I'm heading to pick you up. I was so confused when you told me you're done."
"That's why you showed up half an hour before?", he looks at me, smiling and i nod, smiling as well.
We drive another half an hour until we reach our destination, a studio downtown LA, used especially for photoshoots and music videos. We go to make up and hair, the process altogether taking close to fifty minutes, which is a lot for both me and Colby to take. Modelling is hard and since we're not quite in the industry, it's hard to wait such a long time for a natural light make up and wavy hair, or in Colby's pov, a slight comb through his messy hair.
I get dressed in the Floral Lace Teddy and i face palm myself in my head, realising Colby's gonna see me like this. My cheeks get red and i head towards the set to meet with him. My eyes widen when i see him already posing, wearing black carnival satin boxers, sitting in a chair, acing every pose. I look dreamily at him, the boxers suiting him perfectly and his concentrated expression gives him a sexy vibe. He catches my eye and smirks at me, but then he looks at me up and down, noticing what i am wearing. I swallow hard and my mouth dries up a little when his eyes linger a few more seconds at my chest, where he can see my nipples.
"Oh, you're here, great. We'll take some couple photos of you two, then single shots for you, ok?", the photographer tells me and i nod, heading towards Colby. I awkwardly stand next to him, unable to think in that moment and it seems like he can't either. " Ok, please take a sit on his lap, your back towards the camera so i cam photograph the back of that thing you're wearing.", he gestures around with his index finger and both Colby and i chuckle when we hear him say thing. I sit on Colby's lap and adjust myself to be comfortable. He looks up at my face while i do that and blush when i meet his eyes. He puts his hands on my waist and i hear the clicks of the camera. "great, now I'm gonna need some spicy shots, boy, please put your hands on her ass.", i chuckle when i the photographer calls Colby a boy and he rolls his eyes but immediately obeys and puts his hand on my ass, harshly.
"Asshole much?", i whisper and he bites his lip, smirking.
"Couldn't help it. You look amazing in this", Colby's raspy voice sends shivers to my entire body and his sight travels back to my almost exposed breasts, where my nipples are poking. I hold in my breath when he gets closer to me and expose my back, pulling my hair on the side of the shoulder.
"Amazing, thank you. Beautiful thing you have on", i laugh at the photographer's remark and relax a bit.
I get up from Colby and we start shooting again, this time both of us facing the camera. He goes behind me and puts one hand on my belly, while one of my hands holds him frkm behind his neck. We take a few shots facing the camera and then we switch again to sensual photoshooting. Colby gets back on the chair, which is seated sideways now, and i sit on him again, this time leaning back, giving him the opportunity to run his hands on my chest and over my breasts, as Michel, the photographer, instructs him to do. I breath heavily every time i feel Colby's fingers run over the thin lace and he tenses up every time he touches me. The boner he started having clearly doesn't do us no good, but i try a lot not to think about it when i get up from that leaning position and i lock eyes with him. He puts one hand around my neck like he's chocking me, but he's so gentle i barely feel his hand.
"Great, amazing", Michel shouts and clicks frenetically on the camera. "Good, we're done with these, go change. Next pair!", he shouts and motions us to leave the room fast, like he's not already paid to be there the whole day.
"You should keep these boxers. They suit you", i smirk and look down at him, his member not softening yet. He blushes and laughs.
"Sorry, i couldn't help it anymore. You look great in this thing"
"No worries. I have my side effects too", i think about my nipples poking out through the fabric and wave at him when i get in my dressing room. I change into the No Strings Attached set and take a few deep breaths before getting out of it. I don't understand why i am so nervous all of a sudden around Colby. I've known him for almost 5 years now, never have i felt like this, not even when we were all hanging out at the pool. Mistake or not, we would always hug each other and touch each other while having bathing suits on, yet everything was normal. I look at myself one more time in the mirror and slap my own ass, feeling myself. I see Colby in the mirror and i start laughing.
"Arrogant much?", he laughs too and i walk with him on set again, to film the commercial. Michel starts playing some music for the two of us to relax a little and to get in the mood. Once we felt ok, i approach Colby and he spins me around, our faces lighting up with happiness because of our good mood. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him and i grab him behind his neck and glue our foreheads together.
"Great, keep dancing, darlings. It's coming out great!"
"He's such a figure!", Colby shakes his head and i laugh, while spinning one more time and going back into his arms. My back was against his chest and he embraced me, his head in the crook of my neck, getting too comfortable and kissing on my neck and on my shoulder. I turn my back to the camera and face Colby, i cup his face in my hands and he puts his hands on the small of my back, bringing me even closer to him and all of a sudden, he pulls the strings of my underwear. Michel shouts cut! and i grab my strings to tie them back together, shooting Colby an angry look.
"Amazing, folks, that's all with you.", Michel looks in his camera, not disturbing himself to look at us one more time. I thank him and leave Colby behind, but he catches up with me in a second.
"Hey, hey", Colby grabs my hand and i turn to look at him.
"Why didn't you warn me about that?", i drag him into my dressing room to talk to him.
"I just got carried away and i thought it's gonna make a great end of shot. I'm sorry.", he leans back on my make up table and i cross my arms at my chest.
"It's ok, I'm sorry. I overreacted. I was nervous the whole day because of this shoot and now I'm throwing words around.", i shake my head and head over to my couch where i had my clothes grabbing them to go change.
"It's ok. Why were you nervous? You've done this before", Colby comes closer to me
"I was nervous to shoot with you actually. I knew what type of shoot it was going to be that's why i didn't ask you to come in first place, but i had no choice in the end. Meet me at the car, go change", i give him a smile and hit him playfully with my fist. He nods and leaves the room.
Driving home, none of us says anything. The radio plays overly heard songs that we both got tired of, but fortunately, we get home faster than expected. I park the car on their driveway and sigh.
"Thank you for helping me, Colbs. I owe you one", i tap his leg and take my hand away to rest it on the shifter.
"Anytime, y/n. I just.. You know we're never gonna be the same after today, right?", he looks at me, analysing my features.
"Why?", i play dumb and look straight ahead. I knew we are something else after all the intimate moments we've had in the past couple lf hours.
"I had you almost naked in my arms, y/n. You were dressed in the most intimate lingerie possible.", he says, voice a little too loud for the inconvenience we're having.
"I know, Colby, i know what you mean. I just don't want to acknowledge anything", i shout back and look at him. "We've seen the most of each other today and I'm aware of that. But we have to be chill about it"
"What? Why?"
"What do you mean why? Colby, we're friends, we can't just throw it away like that!", i throw my hands in the air
"What if i don't want to be just friends with you? What if i can't see you as a friend again?", he raises his voice and we both hold our gazes, tension thick as hell. I gulp.
"You don't see me as a friend anymore? Why?"
"Fucking hell, y/n. Maybe because you felt like you were mine? And it felt so good to experience this with you that it fucked with my mind so fucking much. You can't come up to my house tomorrow and act like i haven't touched your ass or kissed your breasts the day before. ", he inhales deeply and he holds his head in his hands. I grab his wrist to discover half of his face." What? ", he looks at me and i lean in to kiss him. Surprised, he leans back, but gets into the kiss immediately, his hands in my hair. He pulls at it and i gasp, giving him permission to slip his tongue inside my mouth. Colby moans when my hands travel to his abs, stopping above his belt. All of a sudden, a loud honk is heard right next to us. I let down the windows on Colby's side and encounter two overly excited figures, Sam and Kat, looking at us from Sam's car.
"Now I'm glad you didn't ask Sam to model with you", Kat shouts and we all laugh at her statement.
♥️I had so much fun writing it, hope u liked it
Disclaimer, i would've put the pictures of the sets I'm talking about in here, but i was afraid i would get restricted or something for nudity or some shit so i didn't take the risk.
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gourdkeeper · 11 months
Hi, tysm for your amazing Jamie fics 💗
I was thinking about a fic where Jamie sees Fem!Reader with Luke, whether it be catching a bite to eat, or sharing a hug or something, and Jamie takes it completely the wrong way and thinks there is something going on. Queue the issuing fight between Luke and Jamie!
Tysm again, best Jamie fics ever! 💓
Arghhahdhsks thank you!! I wouldn't say they're the best tho, Jamie got quite a few great writers <3 also damn!! First non smutty request! Enjoy!
Content warnings: jamie is really fucking jealous in this, violence, swearing, fem!reader, jamie is possessive once more, luke is just a perfect friend but he gets heated up too, reader doesn't put up with crap either
Word count: 1648
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The sun was shining bright, there was a faint breeze in the air and the streets were bustling. It was the perfect day to grab a bite with a friend. And that was just the plan for today.
You invited Luke to hang out after working out together and he was overjoyed, accepted immediately. He likes you a lot as student, you're always eager to learn and you don't back down from a challenge, besides, you're really good company and friend. Luke likes playing video games a good deal and so do you, so every now and then you visit an arcade together or just play something online.
It's nice! Him and Bosch were your first friends when you first moved here and naturally, you cherish them a lot.
You walked through the park at first, it's a nice place nearby the academy and made way to the main streets.
Luke wanted pizza. Again.
"Luke please I'm gonna be sick of pizza at this rate." You huff at him and he just shrugs his shoulders at you.
"Getting sick of perfection? Couldn't be me-"
"You've eaten pizza the last time. And the time before that. And the one before too."
"Ok fine, what do you want instead? Burger?"
You can't help but laugh, how does this guy keep his physique when all he eats is junk.
"I don't know? Maybe we can grab some street food instead? The weather's nice and all!"
"Sweet! Sure, there's the pizza stall-"
You punch his shoulder in jest.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"
You both joke around and end up settling on going to Chinatown, there's a new joint you wanted to try for a little while now and you were craving some ramen and soup truth be told.
Luke's stomach is growling and he starts mumbling about how he's gonna need to order the entire menu.
You suggest to take a starter to eat on the spot while you wait for the takeout order to be finished.
It's been a godawful day. His eyeliner isn't perfectly even. Just as he went out a bus splashed mud all over his pants. Then he got harrassed in the subway when all he wanted was to mind his business. Ugh.. he's sick and tired of the good-for-nothing brutes that keep taking over the city. It's even worse when the weather is good. The streets become packed. People bump into him. Thugs will try picking on him simply for being a "pretty boy".
And then there's the issue at hand, he wanted to grab some lunch and every damned place is full, bursting at the seams.
Jamie feels like he can't catch a break.
He decides to just call it a day. He'll just cook himself something much better anyway. "If these losers want to waste upwards to an hour in a queue they can take the L." He thinks to himself.
He's not aware that his day is about to become even worse.
He stops in his tracks just as he cuts the corner to go in his apartment.
"Luke?! What the hell is this douchebag doing here?" He stares for a bit and as Luke moves he notices someone covered by his wide silhouette. "...No way."
His thoughts are racing. "Now why, *today* of all days, is this joke of a man here and with *my* girl? What does he think he's doing? In *my* turf of all places."
He observes with a vein nearly popping at his temple as Luke extends a spring roll to your mouth and you happily take it. His blood boils as he sees you being all buddy-buddy with his rival. Trading smiles. Laughing at his lame jokes. The idiot even has the audacity of touching your face to wipe away a bit of food? How fucking dare he? How fucking dare he put his hands on you?
Jamie's fuming, any more anger bubbling in him and smoke would be coming out of his nose.
He spots the vendor calling them over to hand them take out boxes and bags. Huh? They're not gonna finish eating here? What? Is he intending on stealing his girlfriend away? Take her home? Nah, he ain't letting this slide.
He pulls and rolls up the sleeves of his yellow jacket and starts walking towards you and Luke. Head low, glaring through his brows and teeth bared.
"Oh Jamie hi!" You notice your boyfriend approach and wave, you didn't expect to run into him but you're always happy to see him.
"Jamie? Is everything ok?" You find his lack of response odd.
"Huh?" Luke turns around, spring roll still halfway in his mouth.
Expressing his initial confusion was all he had time to do before the long haired man pulled his arm back and swung at him. Fist landing right on his face, sending him backwards a few steps and making him spit the food out.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR BRO?" Luke doesn't understand what prompted him to this.
"Don't even start with the "bro's", I'm ain't no bro of yours." He spits at the ground directly in front of the blond. He's ready to throw hands.
"Jamie?!" You're caught completely off guard, why the hell did he do that? You rush to your friend, "Luke are you okay?"
He pushes you away lightly. "You might want to step aside. I'll deal with this."
People starts gathering around curious.
"Oh yeah? Why is that? Got tired of her boyfriend? Was I not enough?" Jamie snarls, "Or are you just trying to steal her away from me Mr. Perfect?!"
They push each other back in turns.
"What?!" You're incredulous, but... Kind of entertained at the same time?
"Is your girlfriend not allowed to have friends now?" Luke retorts.
"Not with dipshits like you, you fuckin' meathead loser."
"Oh I'm the meathead?! I didn't walk in here swinging. Peacekeeper my ass, that's the damn opposite you-"
"Watch your fucking mouth army boy."
"Or what?"
Their foreheads are almost pressing at each other and you decide to intervene before they both go fully at it and thrash the street.
"Both of you knock it off! What the hell is going on?"  You slide in the middle and push your boyfriend away. "Back off Jamie, what is this all about?! You too Luke, back off!" They hardly move.
Luke tries to put his hand on your shoulder to get you to get away and Jamie slaps it off.
"Touch my girl one more time and you're eating concrete."
"Jamie! Luke is my friend, he's not doing anything wrong-"
"Oh is that so? Sharing food while giggling to each other? Right in front of where I live?"
"...we were just grabbing some food? Like...how friends do?" You can't believe you need to explain how friendships work to your partner. Is he really that jealous? Or is it just because it's Luke?
You heard that they don't get along before but this is a whole other level.
"Touching your mouth?"
"For fuck's sake this is ridiculous-" You can hardly believe this.
"Don't worry, that's what he does best, being ridiculou-" Luke can't even finish what he's saying before another punch comes flying in his direction.
He straightens up and launches himself at Jamie.
You quickly step away, trying to avoid being hit on accident.
Luke isn't holding back. He's holding Jamie by the jacket's collar and punching freely until Jamie manages to stick his foot on the other's abdomen and kick him off.
"If you both don't knock that off right now I'm going home."
They ignore you, more focused on fighting than on you.
"Fine. Have fun, get a room while you're at it." You walk off, huffing. "What the hell is their deal..." You mutter to yourself as you walk home alone.
A few hours have passed when you get a text from your dear coach.
"Hey, sorry about today, I'll pay lunch next time. Hope you're not mad at me."
You're not mad at him, I mean, he didn't really do anything wrong, he just refused to take shit.
There's a knock at the door.
"Babe, are you home? I'm sorry!" Jamie is yelling from outside.
You take a deep breath and go to open it.
Yikes... he looks like roadkill.
You keep your head low and you let him walk in.
"...I'm sorry about today." He takes his hands from behind his back and pulls out a small bouquet of flowers. "I know it doesn't make it right but..." He hands them over to you.
"Jamie... What was all that for?" You accept the flowers and you take a hand to his face, his lip is busted and eye swollen, it looks like it hurts.
"I just... I just thought that you two were being too close and that...you know."
"Luke and I are friends, I know him for longer than I know you, if I wanted to be with him like that I would have done it before. You can trust me."
He clearly feels stupid. He knows his actions were irrational and brash. Amplified by the bad day he had of course, but it doesn't excuse it.
"I know I can trust you... I'm sorry."
You crack a smile and laugh.
"W-why are you laughing..?"
"It's kinda cute-“
"What is-?"
"That you're soooo insanely jealous."
"Lies. The great Jamie Siu doesn't get jealous of anyone." He's struggling not to laugh himself, fully aware of how silly he sounds.
You hold his hands and kiss his cheek.
"I'll forgive you..."
His eyes light up.
"... If..."
You smirk at him.
"You also apologize to Luke. I think he deserves flowers too."
He shakes his head laughing and clicks his tongue, "Tsk, I'm not giving that guy any flowers."
You raise your brow at him.
"Okay fine! Flowers for the scoutboy it is, ugh..."
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I’ll Assist You || ceo!keys x assistant
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Summary: After his mind is plagued by his sweet assistant, Keys is struggling to concentrate on his work. Surprisingly he finds that she’s ready assist him with his troubles, in any way.
Content warnings: oral (m & f receiving), p in v sex, dom!Keys, sub!assistant, use of sir, slight degradation, sex at work, spit play, light facefucking, male masturbation (i think that’s it?)
Word count: 4.9k
Based on:
“Now, where you see this graph? This is where the data displays engagement. We rose up on launch day - of course - and - and, uh -“ Keys stopped mid-sentence, looking at the young girl that had scrambled through the glass doors, a stack of coffees carefully balanced on one arm, and a notepad and laptop tucked under her other. She was often on time, but today was different.
While Keys couldn’t figure out what had held her back fifteen minutes of the team meeting, his mind was busy. Suddenly occupied with the smooth curves of her exposed shoulders and the slight peek of chest she didn’t usually show. Her face as soft and beautiful as ever was glowing, a summer hue on her cheeks as she handed out the coffees hurriedly.
“I’m so sorry, Mr Mckey, the lines at the coffee shop were horrific.” She explained sweetly, placing his coffee in front of him and settled with her laptop on the chair next to his. Key’s suddenly couldn’t find any words as he waved his hands in a ‘no worries’ gesture.
“So, uh, the dip - this um, this dip line here is where our blue shirt glitch happened, the uh -“ He stuttered as he watched his assistant chew on the end of her pen, her eyes bright as they looked up at him with deep engagement. He couldn’t hear anything, think about anything let alone take his eyes off her lips until he saw them moving.
“Sorry?” Keys spoke suddenly, startling her. Hushed whispers sounded through the conference room as concern grew for his behaviour.
“I said, are you feeling okay? You don’t seem well. I can send everyone out if you need space, sir.” She spoke kindly, quiet so as not to embarrass her boss. She was thoughtful, gentle with her tone as genuine worry flashed behind her eyes.
“Yeah, I, uh - yeah can you take over? Excuse me everybody.” Walter spoke lowly, nodding his head towards everyone in the conference room as his assistant nodded and stood. As he grabbed his coffee and his bag, her body slid past his slowly. He could almost feel her heartbeat against his chest as his eyes dropped to the line of cleavage in front of him. He felt like a teenage boy, stuffed to the brim with hormones as he looked back up at her face; her eyes had a twinkle to them he hadn’t seen before.
The whole interaction was less than 10 seconds, but it had replayed on his mind all afternoon, his jeans tighter than usual as his brain displayed the image of that silly little glint in her irises. He was thankful for his new desk, the thick mahogany concealing any arousal and any twitch of his aching cock trapped underneath it. Every time her sweet voice sounded through his office phone, reminding him of another meeting, he could feel his cheeks burning; his face warm and pink. What the fuck was happening to him?
He’d called in sick. The week off. He couldn’t take it, the summer heat burning such rays down on the office that his pretty assistant walked in a different dress every day. Slip dresses, floral sundresses, high waisted skirts and low cut tank tops. He couldn’t take the ache of having to tear his eyes away from her body, the constant drinking of water because his throat got dry every time she looked at him when he tried to present statistics to his team; he’d end up in the bathroom from not only over-hydration, but the dire need to palm at his cock in attempts to get it to calm the fuck down so he could work.
So he took time off, sitting on his couch at home and tugging desperately at his cock, watching videos of corny scenarios in which some unqualified guy bent his unsuspecting secretary over a flimsy desk. The first few times, he tried to find videos of women that looked nothing like her. Dollar Tree glasses on the bridge of their noses as they put on a painfully pitchy seductive voice and got on their knees waiting. It got him over the edge, spilling precariously over his fist and often times the coffee table in front of him.
But then came Sunday night. The night before he was due to go back into the office, and his heart kept palpitating at the thought of seeing her again. The thought of her eyes, the way they twinkled with something he couldn’t quite place had his imagination running wild. And so came the usual routine, scrolling through his phone for the perfect video to get off to. But something hit different, his heart beating a million miles an hour as a video popped up as a recommendation.
‘Innocent secretary cums hard on her boss’ desk’. Vanilla title but the thumbnail is what sent voltage to Walter’s cock. A pretty girl looking exactly like his assistant, bar the different coloured eyes and heavy glam makeup, laid back against a desk with her boss’ head between her legs and a pretty floral dress bunched up around her waist. He felt guilt creeping up his spine immediately for how quickly he freed his cock from his pants, the speed at which his thumb clicked the video but he couldn’t stop.
“Mhm, cum all over his tongue like that.” Keys mumbled lowly, his bottom lip tugged between his teeth as his fingers wrapped around his throbbing shaft, stroking so fast he almost couldn’t keep up with himself. After pottering around her boss for a good portion of the video, tending to his every need, the girl in the video was about to come, her hips squirming as her ‘boss’ looked up at her determined to make her a sopping mess. God, what he would give to do that to his naive assistant. Have her writhing against his tongue as he lapped up any drop of arousal she’d give him. He couldn’t even fathom an inch of guilt now, too close to exploding all over his stomach at thought of the taboo relationship he’d formed in his head.
He slept peacefully, until his alarm woke him up at 7, reminding him of who he had to face and the events the night before. Sitting up and unlocking his phone, he closed all his internet tabs and erased his history; taking a cold shower to clear his mind and his conscience. He headed into the office, feeling confident about his day back.
That was until she walked in. White and blue floral dress. Just like the girl in the video. His eyes almost popped out of his head, as his laptop slipped from his hands and clattered to the floor. Her head turned towards the sound, eyes widening as she ran over to help him, dropping to her knees in front of him.
“Are you okay, sir?” She asked breathlessly, as she checked his laptop was okay before passing it up to him. Her eyes bright as usual as she didn’t move from the floor. Walter could barely move, his head too busy with a mixture of attempted professionalism, forming words and the pornographic moans of the girl from the video as he looked down at his assistant. He just nodded as he grabbed his laptop and headed into his office, trying hopelessly to blink away this new image of her. She followed him into his office, concern crossing her face.
“Thank you, that’ll be all, really I’m fine. Can you check what presen-“
“Mr Mckey, what is going on? Have I upset you in some way?” Her voice was gentle as always, as she stood in front of his desk, ignoring his heavy sighs and his face buried in his hands. He couldn’t outright tell her that his presentations had been failing, his mind had been racing, his cock had been fucking leaking at the sheer sight of her walking through the office. She’d go straight to HR. But he wished he could say it. Wished he could tell her how much he wanted to bury his tongue -
“Please, sir. I want to help you. Let me help you.” She spoke again. He’d heard that line somewhere before. The tone, his assistant had perfectly matched the whine. The porn video. No, that would be ridiculous. Unless she was crouched behind his couch last night, she’d have no idea. He dropped his hands away from his face, looking up at her confused.
“What did you say?” Walter spoke, wanting her to repeat herself in case his aroused mind had made it up. But he had it confirmed.
She slunk around his desk, sitting on the edge of it with the same concerned yet kind look on her face. Her eyes boring into his with that glint, yet gentleness that he couldn’t stop thinking about. What was happening? Had he not woken up yet?
“I said, please let me help you. Sir.” She whispered, her hand coming to rest on top of his against the desk. Walter shot up, standing in front of her as he shoved his hands into his pockets; distancing the contact between them.
“Were you in my house last night?” Walter accused, his tone a little angry as he became paranoid. His assistants face changed into surprise, shock across it as she shook her head defensively. Walter’s softened as he regretted the tone he used with her.
“I - I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to - fuck - I’m really sorry -“ He apologised, though stopped in his tracks as her expression changed suddenly.
“Mr McKey, I did something bad. I should be saying sorry.” She mumbled softly, her eyebrows frowned with regret but her lips curled up at both ends. Walter was confused, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose as they fell with the furrowing of his eyebrows.
“What - what is going on? What did you do?” He stuttered out, trying not to focus on the way her legs were slightly spread on his desk.
“I…got worried about you. You were off. Acting weird. Especially in meetings and stats presentations and then you slumped off for a week - no communication and -“ She rambled nervously, waving her hands as she spoke. Walter was growing more and more anxious, slamming a hand down on his desk. She flinched ever so lightly but it was met with a tiny smirk.
“What did you do? Tell me now.” Walter spoke with a harsher tone, not meaning to be intimidating but was quickly getting tired of the dragged out responses he was getting.
“I want to be the girl in the video, Mr McKey.”
Walter felt like he was about to pass out, the room spinning slightly as his heart started to pick up again. There was no way this was real. He was still dreaming, the post-orgasm sleep hitting him differently.
“I don’t - I have literally - just no idea what you’re talking about.” Walter scoffed, running his hands through his hair. His eyes darted over to the window of his office, looking out to see if anyone could somehow see into his mind.
His assistant stood up, fiddling with the tie at the chest of her dress, smiling unfazed by Keys’ clear distress. This silly pining and feigned ignorance wouldn’t go on anymore. Walking towards the door, she ignored his questioning of her actions as she locked it, rolling the blinds down. The other members of staff would just suspect they had a meeting, nothing more. As she turned back around, leaning back against the door, she wondered if this was the right thing to do; her body essentially throbbing with the carnal need she’d developed since the day Walter had hired her.
“I wanted this job because I was underestimated everywhere else. Not only that but the way you stood up to Antwan Hovachelik? Dude was an asshole. You deserve to be here, to be owner of your creation. I admire you, so much. So when you got all weird and seemed unwell, I wanted to check in on you.” She spoke, walking slowly towards Keys’ desk again. He cleared his throat as it began to dry as it instinctively did whenever she looked or spoke to him. Her demeanour had changed slightly, a confidence in her walk that wasn’t there before.
“You - yeah - thank you. I, uh, I took time off to clear my head, that’s all.” Walter muttered, his eyes looking around the room; anywhere but at the sultry gaze she was throwing towards him. He couldn’t believe the way he was caving, he was stuttering, nervous by her.
“I know what’s going on.”
“Do you?” Keys chuckled with a scoff, believing he still had the high ground here.
“You watched porn with a video of a girl who looked similarly like me. I’m guessing it made you come, seeing her submit to her boss like that.” His assistant spoke boldly and bluntly, but with a sickeningly innocent tone to her voice as he almost choked on his own tongue.
“And how the fuck would you know something like that? You’re being - this is highly unprofessional.” Keys spluttered, taking off his glasses and throwing them on his desk.
“Because I hacked into your phone. Before I explain why, I want to apologise first and foremost for in the invasion of privacy. I was truly worried. I was going to see if you’d emailed anyone and explained why you were off, what was going on. But then it flashed up on my screen. Like a screen sharing app if you will.”
Keys’ mouth opened and closed with no sound coming out, his knees feeling heavy as he sat down in his office chair. He was filled with guilt, anxiety, shame but most of all, his cock was aching more than ever.
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce what was happening then. Seeing her look like me, wearing clothes similar to how I dress? Bar the fact my eyeballs would fall out if I put that much makeup on them, it was a little too familiar right? Getting fucked by her boss? The taboo, the risk of it all?” She kept going, slowly making her way around the desk again and sitting back in the spot right next to his chair.
Keys sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair and looking up at her finally. He knew now, that this wasn’t a one-way street. It wasn’t as perverted as he thought, because she wanted it too. He could tell by the way the glint returned to her irises as they fell upon the strained outline of his cock in his jeans.
“Aren’t you clever? Such a smart girl after all.” Keys muttered, folding his hands over his lap. “Invading my privacy is worthy of a call to my lawyer.”
Her eyes looked away from his groin for just a moment, fear flashing through them.
“Your concern means a lot however.”
“I really just wanted to- to make sure you were okay, to check in. I didn’t think I’d confirm my own fantasies, nor did I think you’d share the same ones.” She stuttered, and Keys rose an eyebrow and smirked before standing up, between her legs this time; his knee nudging one of hers open slightly.
“No. You just thought you could walk around with your pretty dresses, and your little tank tops, and these stupid fucking eyes and think I’m not going to want you? Then you hack into my personal life and think you’re gonna get off scot-free?” Keys spoke firmer this time, a hint of anger in his voice but it was a facade for the hot arousal coursing through his veins. She was looking up at him with the same innocent look she always did.
“What’re you going to do about it, sir?” She whispered back, hop-skip and jumping over the work boundary they were supposed to have. Walter’s eyes flitted over her face, to her lips, the curve of her cheeks and back to her eyes again before he finally gave in.
Smashing his lips against hers, it was messy. Almost painful the way their mouths rolled against one another, carnal need for each other finally being released. His hands travelled up her sides, one tangling in her hair as he held her mouth to his, the other finding the hem of her dress and bunching it up in his fist.
“Please.” The angelic tone of her voice rang through his ears, echoing and swimming through his bloodstream straight to the head of his cock.
“Just once. This one time and we forget it happened.” She carried on, begging with her eyes as her hands found his belt buckle; unfastening it and pulling the zipper apart wantonly.
Keys nodded, his hand tugging at her hair so her head tilted back. His lips sucked at her neck, careful in marking so the entire office didn’t know he’d fucked his assistant. He let her fumble with the hem of his underwear, while his hands got busy hiking her dress up around her waist. He’d dreamed of this, watched porn of this. And now here she was, with her legs spread against his mahogany and her fingers - oh - her fingers wrapping around his cock.
“I want to be that girl, Mr McKey. Want you to make me yours, even if it’s just this once okay?” She whispered softly and sweetly, her tone mimicking the one that had made him come hard maybe a mere 12 hours before. She stroked him slowly, her thumb swiping over his slit and spreading the copious amounts of pre-come he’d produced at the sight of her.
“You want me to take you on this desk? You liked that video too, didn’t you?” Keys spoke with a hint of condescension, his hips bucking slightly into her touch. He watched as she bit her lip and nodded, bringing her other hand to his cock and using both to stroke him.
“Mhm. Odds are we came at the same time.” She spoke softly, smiling sweetly up at him. Keys almost came there and then, his mind pulsating with the thought of her touching herself to the same video, at the same time.
“Tell me. Tell me what made you come. Was it his tongue? Was it the way he held her head as he fucked her throat? What was it?” Keys mumbled desperately, his hands sliding along the insides of her thighs, pushing them apart as a string of her own arousal stuck between them. He moaned aloud, letting two fingers gather the stickiness along the cotton gusset of her panties.
“Yeah - how - he - fuck, sir, please -“
“Tell me and I’ll make you come just as hard. Use your words.” Keys spoke again, looking up into her eyes this time as he awaited her answer, joining his two fingertips in the side of her panties and pulling them against her thigh. His mouth watered at the sight of her wet cunt, glistening on his desk like a fresh meal.
“How he held her face, you know - made her look at him? When she was coming? And then - fuck -“ Keys slid his fingers inside her, her wetness allowing him in with ease as she moaned sweetly; her eyes fluttering shut as her grip on his cock tightened and stilled for a moment.
“And then what?” Keys continued taunting her, copying her hands and stilling his fingers inside her; though his fingertips were angled upwards against the spongy spot that had her chest falling and rising faster.
“And then he spat.”
“All her mess right back into her mouth. Put her in her place, didn’t he?” Keys whispered, his spare hand leaving her hair and gripping her jaw softly. She nodded up at him, finally clicking into the dynamic Keys had manifested subconsciously. He’d never thought he’d be capable of controlling somebody’s arousal like this, but she was so needy, so pliable. Assisting him, like she’d been hired to do.
“Can I make you come?” Keys asked politely, though there was a slight growl in his voice, the desperation to feel her squeeze down around his fingers almost painful.
“Yes. Please.” She groaned, bucking her hips down onto his fingers. He smiled against her lips, grinding his fingers back into her with a deepening intensity, his other hand keeping a tight grip on her jaw. He wanted to watch her climb that peak, dance on the edge of pleasure. Her sounds were heavenly, but already her pleasured expression was more beautiful than he could ever have imagined.
“I’m close, sir. You’re making me so close.” She whimpered, her hands finally letting go of his cock as she braced herself on the edge of his desk with one and pulled his face closer to hers again with the other. He kissed her messily before pulling his fingers out of her; chuckling lightly at her whine.
Tutting at her teasingly, he pushed her shoulders back so she fell onto her elbows, her eyes widening as she realised what was happening.
“Remind me. Who works for who?” Keys spoke softly, tucking his heel into the leg of his office chair and dragging it closer so he could sit. He pressed kisses to her knees as he pulled them upwards, her heels kicked off as she balanced her feet on the arms of his chair.
“I work for you, sir. I’m yours.” She moaned innocently, eyes threatening to roll back as he pulled her hips closer to the edge of the desk, pulling her panties off entirely and diving straight back into her cunt like a man starved. He didn’t let up, not until she was squirming and writhing on his desk like the girl in the video they’d both watched.
“Mhm. And you’re gonna listen to me and come when I tell you to?” Keys mumbled against her clit, sucking it into his mouth as he looked up at her and waited for the answer. Her eyes squeezed shut now as she tried to pinch off the impending orgasm that was waiting, pulsating inside her. Her boss was eating her pussy on his office desk, quoting the exact video that had got them both off before. She could barely hold it off as she replied.
“Yes sir, I promise I’ll be good. Anything to make you fucking happy ohmygod -“ She rambled messily, as his fingers found their way back inside her; pumping rhythmically at the same time as his tongue against her clit. She wasn’t entirely sure of the promise she’d made, only that she wanted to impress him just as much as she wanted to come on his tongue.
“You can come. Can tell you’re being good already, squeezing my fingers so tight they could break. Make it messy, okay?” Keys moaned, his eyes closing in pleasure as one of her hands came to grip the hair at the front of his head, pulling him in closer somehow.
He was entirely entranced with the taste of her, sweet bitterness on his tongue as he waited for her to tipple over that edge. Her breathing was getting faster, her walls clenching sporadically around his fingers.
“Tell me. Tell me when you’re coming.” Keys mumbled against her skin, tongue rolling over her clit as he sucked it in between his lips again.
“I’m coming sir please, please don’t stop -“ Her whines were making his cock jump up against his stomach as he put everything into pulling her through the waves of ecstasy. Her spasms around his fingers could be felt on his chin as his eyes rolled back into his head, not letting up until she fell back fully on his desk; her calves coming to rest down on his shoulders.
When he finally had the willpower to pull away, leaving gentle kisses to the creases of her hips and thighs, he stood up. His knees felt weak, power and arousal weighing him down as he planted his palms on the desk either side of her.
“You need to be way quieter, you understand me? Whining and whimpering like that? Do you want to get caught with your dress up around your waist?” Keys taunted, dominance rushing through his veins. He was shocked at himself, but the way she responded so eagerly to him pushed the doubt to the side.
“No, sir. I’ll be quiet, I promise.” She whispered, reaching for his cock and holding the head of it against her clit. Keys’ hips stuttered for a moment at the contact, her warmth coating him for a second as he became impatient and pushed inside her. He gripped her jaw again, making her look into his eyes as he watched her feel the stretch. She pulled him in so easily, but she was so compressed around him. So much so, he felt like he couldn’t breathe, but would he stop? Never.
“Sir?” She spoke softly, her jaw opening as he rocked into her carefully. He hummed in response, looking down at how his cock disappeared inside her, before pulling out and moaning at the glisten covering his shaft.
“Can you -“ She whispered shyly, as he looked up at her. She was holding her tongue out, just like the girl in the video. He knew what she wanted. He leaned over her with a smile, their eyes glinting towards each other as he spat directly into her mouth. He felt his cock throbbing inside her as she swallowed him down before kissing him hungrily.
“Can’t fucking take this anymore. You’re too pretty.” Keys rambled, his hand settling on her lower back as he rutted into her quickly. She bit down on her lip, eyelids locked shut tight as she tried to hold back the moans firing from her throat. Her hands fisted at his shirt as he pounded into her with a ferocity he didn’t even know he had in him.
“You’re gonna make me come. You feel too good - I can’t -“ Keys let the dynamic shift as she blinked her eyes open, smirking at him. The way he yearned for her with his body, the way he couldn’t control himself anymore sent a power surge up her spine.
She pushed him away, jumping off the desk and kneeling before him before he had any time to complain about the lack of constriction around his cock. He scoffed in disbelief, fingers immediately tangling in her hair and pulling her mouth onto his length messily.
“Can’t believe this. You on your knees, mouth stuffed full of me. God, you’d do anything for me wouldn’t you?” Keys rambled as he thrust his cock into her throat over and over. She nodded as best she could, sweet little whimpers sounding around his shaft as she let her throat go lax to allow him the speed and depth he needed.
It wasn’t long before his balls were drawing up, threatening to spill into her throat. One look down at her teary eyes, her pretty dress crumpled and her lips tucked around him and he was gone.
Fingers matted into her hair as he held her down on him, cum spilling in pools at the base of her tongue as he tried to groan quietly.
She pulled off after a moment, taking the time to not only swallow his spend, but look up at him with the most sated look Keys had ever seen. She smiled, getting up and fixing her dress before seating herself on the edge of his desk again. Walter stood shocked with his softening cock still out of his pants, running a hand through his own hair as he caught his breath.
“You’re…that was…insanity.” He breathed heavily, tucking himself away and sinking into his office chair. He felt exhausted, but in the best way; eyes looking from her ankles all the way up to her eyes as she seemed not just content but back to her usual self.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you?” She said smoothly, her sweet smile now tainted by Keys’ image of her with his cock between his lips.
“No, you uh, I don’t need anything else.” Keys said almost coldly, trying to process what had just happened and whether or not they should have done it. She nudged his calf with her foot, getting him to look up at her as she smiled.
“Nothing happened, remember? One-off. We both feel better now.” His assistant spoke kindly, leaning her feet down to slide into her heels again as she stood and fixed herself one last time. Picking up some stats sheets that had been pushed to the floor, she corrected them into a pile on Keys’ desk, moving and opening his laptop and putting it in front of him while he just watched with widened eyes at the shift in the room.
“Yeah. Really got it out of our systems-“ Keys was interrupted by a harsh knock at his office door, his heart palpitating at the thought of it being someone that found out about their lustful interaction.
“Oh! That’ll be your 11 o’clock. He’s here about your deputy position.” She spoke softly, pulling up his blinds and unlocking the door.
Walter fell back into his own usual self, clearing his throat and putting his glasses back on, tucking his shirt back into his jeans and trying to shake the last 30 minutes out of his head.
“Thank you.” He said gently, double meaning as he smiled back at her before letting her welcome in the interviewee. As she walked over to the coffee machine opposite his office, he sighed. That hadn’t helped at all. He definitely couldn’t stop thinking about her now.
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strawberryamanita · 11 months
Alright, I gotta head this off at the pass. If you are feeling uneasy because of the new outrage directed at Mark, please consider giving this a read. I'm just one single schlub, but I know a thing or two about reacting on impulse because of my triggers, and I gotta throw my hat into the ring.
I know about the Hospital game video. Very unsettling stuff, I can well imagine. As someone who can't handle graphic depictions of real-life events myself, I'm not going anywhere near the video. I also know now that the TikTok angry mob is looking to cancel him because he hasn't taken the video down as of the publishing of this post(July 11th, 2023, 10:52AM EST).
Y'all, I'm asking you, as a concerned fandom member, to please give Mark the benefit of the doubt. [He uploaded a video literally yesterday] talking about how busy and stressful things have been for him: he just lost his grandmother, he got sick, he gets injured frequently, he's in the middle of filming a movie that he had to take a break from because he was putting himself at risk for damaging his eyes, it just keeps going.
If you're outside the fandom and just having fun sending stray shots everywhere, please know that Mark is not gonna ignore all this when he's able to address it -- but that when is not right now. Mark and his editing team do a good job warning his viewers about common things like flashing lights and exceptionally gross imagery; this other video is a long way from the improvements the channel has made. 7 years ago feels less relevant than 1 day ago.
I'm pretty confident that Mark's not gonna refuse to delete the video because "Oh don't censor art" or whatever he's gonna get accused of. He, like I'm imagining a good deal of people were, was not aware of how real those images were, and it's probably not at the front of his mind because that video is buried under literally thousands of others on the channel. Mark's deleted videos before, he probably doesn't have a special attachment to this video or anything.
And, real quick, before you question why his editors won't just do it for him -- it's still his channel, I don't think he'd be cool with his editors making decisions about deleting things without running it by him.
All of this stemming from TikTok makes perfect sense, seeing how the fandom on tumblr was completely calm before the news was brought in from the outside. TikTok runs entirely on sensationalism and hype and clicks, and the eternal engine of Needing To Cancel Someone comes for us all one day. But I am asking you -- you, the person reading this, not the algorithm on TikTok -- to step back and think about this situation for yourself. No, I'm not just "defending a celebrity" and all that -- I'm trying to say that this uproar is being driven by very intense emotions drummed up by graphic content, and your nerves are probably shot by thinking about it all and I hear all of that. I've done impulsive things while triggered myself, you have all of my sympathy, none of this is to downplay the shockwave hitting you and others right now.
But Mark made a mistake.
Making a mistake does not make someone a bad person. It doesn't make you a bad person, it doesn't make me a bad person, and it doesn't make Mark a bad person.
Please don't keep yourself on constant duty to watch his every move and time how long he's been "ignoring" this on a stopwatch. Mark is known for pushing himself more than he should; the fact that he hasn't addressed this yet is a good sign that he has hit capacity levels of stress.
Let yourself breathe. Distance yourself from the video. Ask around on tumblr for their favorite lighthearted Markiplier videos, or just watch another YT'er if you need to get even further away from this. Prioritize your mental health today. You are going to be okay. This is all going to be okay.
Please let yourself believe that.
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Can I request an angst to fluff? Where the reader suspects Jack is cheating but he's really been planning something for her? (Or vice versa, where Jack thinks the reader is cheating)
Like they'll have an argument but it has a happy, fluffy ending.
reconciliation party
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A/N: Hi! thank you for your request, I didn't think it would be that long, but i really hope you like it! For the other people who have also sent me requests, I want to let you know that I will write them as soon as possible too &lt;;3
jack had been different the last few weeks, more suspicious, to put it in a way. A couple of times he had tried to show you something on his phone, like a photo that urban had sent him or a cute video of a puppy, but it wouldn't let you hold it, and would immediately swipe the notifications as soon as a message came in, so you couldn't see it.
The first time that happened, you felt a weight drop in your stomach; Jack had always trusted you and didn't care if you accidentally saw a message or any other thing. You immediately felt that something had changed.
Now, you were staring at the ceiling unable to sleep, since the night before you had discovered that Jack had changed his password; sometimes when he was very busy, he would ask you to answer an important message, or to see who was calling so insistently, or even to connect it to a speaker and put on background music; that's why you knew his password, and you also knew that in all this time, he never had it changed.
Your chest felt tight, and silent tears fell from your eyes, as you tried not to wake Jack, who was sleeping next to you. It wasn't something you wanted to think about, but it was inevitable, all these changes indicated that Jack was hiding something from you, and it couldn't be anything good.
It was already one o'clock in the morning, and just when you decided to just sleep, his screen lit up. You bit your lip, trying to resist the temptation; even if you couldn't see the message, you could see who sent it. Perhaps it could give you a clue, considering that someone was writing to him at this hour. You thought and thought, until a minute later two more messages arrived. You sighed, and slowly got up from the bed, walked over to his side, and knelt in front of the nightstand, trying to read the name.
Your stomach dropped; Jessica, you didn't know any Jessica, who was she? You tried to convince yourself that none of this meant anything, Jessica could be a new assistant... "a new assistant that he could be cheating on you with", your mind quickly answered you, as if it wanted to make fun of you. Overthinking was one of your worst flaws, and you could feel like your own thoughts were making you sick.
You went down to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water, and you sat on the counter trying to let the liquid calm you down. Finally, you didn't trust your self-control, so you decided to fall asleep on the couch, sobbing all you wanted, without having to worry about waking Jack up.
In the morning, your luck was not on your side, you were usually the one who got up first, but apparently Jack had noticed your absence, and had gotten up to look for you.
"Hey, sleeping beauty," his soft voice said, nuzzling your shoulder. You woke up startled, making Jack more suspicious that you had decided to just sleep away from him, "why are you here?" you stared at him for a moment, confused, until reality hit you.
"I just fell asleep" you said in your morning voice, hoarser from crying the night before. Jack frowned.
"nervous about your first day?" Jack watched as your eyes widened at his question.
"Shit." you said quickly, running to the bathroom, “shit, shit, shit”, you locked the door, and Jack soon heard the shower running.
So, 1. you had decided to sleep on the couch, 2. your eyes were puffy, 3. you hadn't remembered that today was your first day at your new job, and 4. you had locked the door? Obviously, something was wrong.
And obviously, your first day didn't go as you expected, as your dream job had decided to come just as your boyfriend had decided to cheat on you.
You almost fell asleep at the first meeting in the morning, and you weren't able to come up with any good ideas; your boss's hopeful look turning into a disappointed one as the day wore on.
you got rid of your heels as soon as your feet crossed the door, sighing and letting yourself fall into the couch.
The following days left a bitter taste in your mouth, Jessica kept sending Jack messages in the middle of the night, as the days passed you could feel how the sound of the notifications generated an almost physical response in you, your body tensed, your breath was stuck halfway, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up.
But Jack slept next to you every night, so he probably saw her during the day. On Thursday you decided that you were going to find out whatever the truth was, you could no longer bear the uncertainty.
You dressed like you were going to work, got in your car, parked a couple of blocks away, and called your boss saying you were sick. You waited a couple of hours to make sure it was a safe time when Jack wouldn't be home, and you came back. You turned all the drawers, you checked all the clothes, the wallets, the little home-studio that Jack had in the basement, the office where he had paperwork... but nothing.
When Jack walked into the house, everything was a mess, and in the middle of it all, there was you, staring back at him with eyes bloodshot from crying and sleepless nights.
"what happened?" Jack asked you concerned, walking towards you and kneeling down to look at you.
"Who is Jessica?"
"You're better at hiding things than I thought, although you missed changing her name, or maybe it's not even her real name, but who is she?"
Jack looked at you confused for a couple of seconds, until everything clicked in his head.
"Is that why you've been so weird these last few weeks?"
"what do you think?" you responded sarcastically, and jack smirked, letting out a sarcastic laugh as he got back to his feet. but his eyes reflected his disappointment.
"So you think I've been cheating on you" he said, like it was funny, but his humor was dry.
"what else am I supposed to think?" you answered, looking up at him, feeling small.
"mmmm I don't know" he said pretending to think, "maybe... oh, I know! that I was planning something for you because you got your dream job?" he yelled, angry. you looked at him in surprise, realization coming over you, slowly feeling like the dumbest woman in the world. “she's a party planner! i can't believe you, i’m so fucking mad right now”, he confessed.
“Jack, please…”
“I was trying to do something beautiful for you and the first thing you thought was that I was cheating on you!? how could i not be upset? one of the few things I ask of you is that you trust me and you can't even do that!”
“what?!” you squealed standing up, now offended, "what do you mean, "you can't even do that"? are you trying to say that I don't put anything in this relationship? so why the fuck are you with me then? Better go and have a relationship with yourself if I do not contribute anything in this!”
The two of you were silent for a moment, looking at each other, feeling a mix between anger and guilt.
“babe…” jack said, trying to calm down, guilt taking over him, "that's not what I meant"
"so what did you meant jack? because it sounded pretty clear to me"
"I'm mad, y/n, not to mention how sad I am too. I don't even know what I'm saying. Can we talk about this tomorrow, please?"
you could see the weariness in your boyfriend's eyes, probably not only from the fight, but also from all the preparations; preparations for your party, the one you just ruined.
"okay," you said, just loud enough so it wouldn't be mistaken for a whisper. jack nodded, walked up to you and kissed your forehead, before lumbering up the steps to reach the bedroom, leaving you alone in the living room.
The next day, you felt awful, you had decided to sleep in the guest room and Jack hadn't come looking for you, although you didn't blame him. You had no idea how you were going to fix things, but you decided to put together a little plan.
When Jack woke up, you were gone, his heart fell into his stomach and as angry as he was, he couldn't stay without knowing where you were, so he sent you a message. You were buying some things when your phone vibrated, and you smiled sadly when you saw his name.
"I'm fine baby, I just went out to buy some things, don't worry about me" you replied, not wanting to go into details.
when you got home, jack was gone, which you were thankful for. you started tidying up the whole house, and once tidy and clean, you filled it with party decorations, made one of his favorite foods, and had a kind of picnic in the living room. It was already 10pm when Jack came through the door, and he saw you sleeping on the couch with a party hat on your head and streamers used as a scarf. he laughed, feeling all the anger and sadness evaporate from his body.
He sat next to your body, and you woke up slowly.
"I'm so sorry" was the first thing you said once you were wide awake, feeling your eyes fill with tears.
"it's ok baby, i forgive you"
"I shouldn't have mistrusted you"
"well, no, but we can't change the past, I just hope that from now on you trust me, y/n" he replied, looking into your eyes
"I will, I promise, I'm sorry. It's just... I've already been through that."
"I know, and that's why I would never do it to you, y/n, I hope you always remember it" you nodded, and Jack smiled.
"what?" you said, feeling shy.
"You look so cute in that party hat," he said, chuckling softly, red forming on your cheeks. you gently tapped his arm.
"don't make fun of it, it's my way of asking for forgiveness"
"I know, and I love it, but you know what I love the most?"
"The lasagna I know you have in the oven, because I can smell it up from here" he said, and you laughed.
"Come on, gluttonous boy, that lasagna is waiting for you" you said, giving him a peck.
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fellow-traveller · 2 months
This is gonna be long, so if you don't have the time to read it, it's cool, I'll summarise it like this:
I think I'm back. Kinda. Expect some blasts of Hol Horse fanart that I missed sharing here since November 2023 (if you followed my Twitter/X, you might have seen them)
Okay, I know excuses can be bad but here's mine to kinda justify my absence.
I admit that I had been feeling depressed with what's happening in P@lest1ne for the past 6 months, because I had never seen it happening in real time, in videos and interviews. 20+ years ago, anything about them came in the form of stories from actual P@lest1nians whom I had the privilege to meet during my volunteer work in school, and newspaper articles from local publishers. Our local broadcasters still chant FTRTTS whenever they talk about them. But the real-time atrocities and the aftermath really got me hard. I'm not one to shy away from real-life gore - true crime is my go-to documentary whenever I'm relaxing - but what's happening there - the injustice, the brutality, the depravity - can be too much for me to bear.
I'm not saying I'm used to it by now...I still hear my heart break with every dead and hungry child I see on my screen, but at the same time, I feel a bit more hopeful. Mainly because I believe in the P@lest1nians' faith and resilience, and I believe in mine.
Apart from world events, on a personal level, my company moved to a new building in December, about an extra 30 minutes drive away from my home, so I was almost on a blackout from online stuff back then. Didn't even touch the 1 Day 1 Hol Horse challenge (but thankfully they are done now...will share them later). The move-out was done around the end of January 2024, and then I got busy again with work in February. Work had been very hectic because everything had been disorganised since the move. Even now, we don't really have internet in the new building and had to use our phone data for that.
Wanted to get back last month, but delayed it until today because my cat was sick with cancer. My cat, little Vee, whom I had for 12 years, just passed 2 days ago, 1 day before my birthday ;-;
Anyway, all that said, I think I'm ready to be back now on tumblr. I know I missed a lot of drawings that I kinda promised myself to finish (like the Halloween Hol), and also posting the 1 Day 1 Hol Horse doodles. I missed other people's Hol Horse and HolPol fanart as well. I also have a few thoughts I wanted to share of our favourite JoJo cowboy too...
So in the next few hours, I'll be doing just that. I apologise for the massive spam that's about to come beforehand. Just note that if you cannot wait for the fanart blast, you're welcomed to dig for them on my Twitter/X.
On current notes, I'm in the middle of doing The Emperor Month Challenge. Basically, Hol Horse with the other Part 3 characters. I missed 2 days now, but I'll be catching up. This will be on until the end of this month.
For now, I won't be doing requests/art trades because I wanna start drawing for my JoJo OCs. I have been neglecting them for months.
Hopefully the depression will simmer down. The world is a mess, and I'm trying to soldier on.
Oh, and to my Muslim followers, Happy Eid-ul-Fitr. ♥
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