#i forget not everyone just had insane teacher who ran it out of his own pocket
lonesomedotmp3 · 5 months
SPEAKING OF i had never felt so talked down to when someone mentioned they did gcse latin and i was like omg me too!!! and he was like oh what private school did you go to? and when i told him i didn't go to a private school he looked so affronted and baffled and asked why i would even study latin if i went to public school... kill yourself?
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ivyglow · 3 years
the fact that it’s Father’s Day and we don’t have a dilf Tito blurb is kinda insane
your wish is my demand, nonny!!!!!!! hehehehe
word count: 1k warnings: mention of breeding kink and pregnancy. also, I didn't proofread sorryyyy
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You knew your husband was hot one of your friends had even revealed that her neighbor called him a "dilf" the last time she had a barbecue, that's why you thought you would be ready to deal with all the moms at your oldest son's school's presentation. Because it wasn't something new.
well, as it happens, you were wrong.
Anthony was going to have an interview that morning right after your family breakfast. Which was made by you and Jackson -your five years old- helped before his dad was up and that you did with your two years old watching. When Anthony finally rose from the bed, he was greeted with Jaxon and Aurora giggling and trying to speak over the other. It was a mess, but one of your favorite messes. He promised to be on time for Jaxon’s
presentation’s and you spent the whole morning with the kids, which your husband promised to make up for later that week since you had to do it alone and with your growing bump in the way.
After getting ready, feeding them, and eating lunch yourself, you headed to the school. Just like his father's, Jaxon’s big blue eyes found his best friend in the middle of the crowd of the school and ran for it taking you with him. You greeted some of the parents you knew from picking up your kid and settled to be with his best friend’s Madison's mom. She asked about Anthony while you greeted her little one and her husband and you told her about the interview, adding “He’ll be here at any second, hopefully, there won’t be that much traffic in the city.”
“Finger crossed. But now tell me about how’s my princess doing,” her voice was soft as she turned to Aurora who had a big grin on her chubby face.
You greeted some of the teachers and other parents as you made rounds around and it wasn’t long before Beau arrived. Aurora sensed her dad as soon as he got to the door and she was eager and fast when she squirmed from your lap and made a run for him making grabby hands and babbling “dada”. He left home that morning wearing his black suit, but now he was only on his white dress shirt rolled down to his elbows, some of the buttons undone and his hair a bit messy from his nervous tick of putting his hair back as if he had the helmet on.
“Hey, babe” he greeted you with a peck on the lips and you smiled amused with how every mom was somehow peeking a look at your husband but at the end of the day, that was what he was: your husband, not theirs, and the toddler on his arm, your five years old jumping around and your growing bump only highlighted that fact.
“Hey, handsome,” you mumbled touching his plump lips with yours again. “How was the interview?”
“It was nice, I would rather be at home with you and the kids, but it was nice” he answers and kisses Jax’s forehead when he comes running to his arms. “Hey, buddy, are you ready?!”
“Yes, daddy, I remember all our rehearsals!” Jax started and then went on about how Madison would be by his side too because she also had an important spot on the poem the class was going to recite.
You couldn’t be happier with the scene in front of you and you loved, even more, the fact that Jaxon was Anthony’s carbo copy, big blue eyes, full rosy lips, light brown hair, and the signature smile he would show everybody being the social butterfly he was.
When Jaxon left for the last rehearsal with his class before the presentation you got up to get some water and pee, your baby was also starting to get restless on your belly. Leaving Anthony and Aurora sitting on the front rows you kissed your baby girl’s forehead and left with Madison’s mom company. When you two were walking back you saw the mom of one of Jaxon’s friends sitting on your spot talking happily with your husband and every once in a while glancing in a cute way to Aurora -who wasn’t having it and would keep holding Anthony’s cheek to her. Madison’s mom couldn’t contain the laugh that bubbled on her throat and you rolled your eyes suppressing your own laugher.
“He’s clearly not having it, but she probably thinks he’s a single dad,” Madison’s mom said.
You chuckled before starting your walk again, just when the woman was asking “how old is this little princess?! She looks exactly like her daddy.”
And that was your clue to enter the conversation, “She’s two, our eldest is five and our third is about to come in some months…” you smile sweetly touching your growing belly and you can see the woman mortified face. She probably was thinking he was a single dad and you could only laugh.
“That’s...cute...you guys have a beautiful family” she smiles awkwardly. “But- woah, she’s two and you’re already pregnant again?! You guys know how to build a big family” Tito smirks up at you and you shrug at the woman.
“My mom would say good genetics need to be spread around,” Madison’s mom jokes and you chuckle.
“She has a good point,” the woman finally gets up and smiles politely at everyone before making her way out.
“Well, that was funny, but you make it seem like I’m a pervert or something…” Anthony commented when you sat by his side kissing Aurora who made grabby hands.
“Isn’t that the whole point of your breeding kink?!” you joke and he couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh.
“Some would say I make a hot dad, and that point needs to be considered as well...and your friend just added the genetics convenience…”
“You’re terrible, Beau,” you mumble.
“But you love me anyway, babe,” he winks before turning to Aurora, “doesn’t she, daddy?!” and your little girl could only give him a toothless grin before he started showering her face with loud kisses.
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kagstea · 3 years
tsukishima k. - parenthood pt. 2
tsukishima k. x reader
description: part two to parenthood. with your week with hoshi coming to an end, another realization regarding you and tsukishima hits.
warnings: fluff
“Would you shut that baby up!”
“Seriously! He’s ruining my vibe!”
Daichi was quick to slap the back of Nishinoya and Tanaka’s head, giving you an apologetic smile. “Don’t mind them, Y/N. They just got rejected by the girls over there.”
You stifled a laugh at his comment, turning away to rock Hoshi. He had just eaten, burped, and had a changed diaper. In your head, you cursed the plastic doll, almost grateful that your time with it was almost up.
“Is he still crying?” 
Tsukishima snuck up behind you, a strawberry cone in his hand.
The volleyball club had taken a day off from practice, and due to the good weather, opted for going to the beach. Of course, Tsukishima asked if you could come along, claiming he would feel bad for leaving you alone with Hoshi. Then him and Hinata offered to get you ice cream, which is when your child started screaming for his life.
You groaned. “I’m going to fling him in the water.”
“Ruin my grade, I ruin you.” He held out his cone, beckoning for a trade.
It was insane, you thought, because as soon as he held Hoshi he stopped crying. Your jaw fell and Tsukishima tried to hide the smirk creeping up on his face. Instead of claiming how unfair it was, you took a deep breath, and redirected your attention to another matter.
“Where’s my ice cream?”
He sighed, laying Hoshi down on the beach towel he bought, carefully adjusting the umbrella to block the sun despite the baby being fake. “The tangerine’s bringing i-”
“Y/N, I have your ice cream!” Cue a happy Hinata running with two vanilla cones in his hands, kicking back sand at others laying on the beach. He stopped with a pant, handing you one before running off excitedly. Except, as he ran, he made you stumble.
Now, Tsukishima caught you, a hand on your waist to steady you. But, you had lost your grip on one of the ice creams, and you’d be damned if you dropped yours.
“Dumbass!” Tsukishima scoffed as his strawberry cone landed in front of his feet.
You gave a sheepish smile, a tight hold on your own in case he wanted revenge. “I’ll… buy you a new one.”
He stared at you, before shaking his head. If possible, his grip tightened on your body and he pulled your back against his bare chest. He quickly leaned over, opening his mouth and eating the top of your ice cream. Tsukishima licked his lips once he stood straight and let go of you. “Don’t bother, we’re even now.”
Then he walked away to where Yamaguchi was building a sandcastle for Hoshi, leaving you flustered and in shock. You stared at your ice cream, glancing at Tsukishima and feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Are you good?” Tanaka asked as he passed by. “Your cheeks are red, but the sun isn’t that hot, is it-”
You slapped a hand on your right cheek, shaking your head violently. “N-No, I’m fine! Just- go! I’m alright,” He raised an eyebrow at your nervous chuckle, but shrugged and left.
Of course, Hoshi had to start crying again.
The sun had set faster than you thought. Although you were at the beach for almost half the day, it didn’t feel that long with all the playing around. Of course, there were those times where you and Tsukishima had to break apart from the group to check on Hoshi, but overall it was a fun evening.
“Goodbye!” You waved to the team, holding Hoshi in your arms. They all separated to go their respective way home after arriving back at the school.
“Come on,” Tsukishima said, grabbing your bag from you. He had offered to walk you home to see that you and Hoshi were safe. You let him, considering he didn’t live that far where you worried too much.
The two of you settled into a slow pace next to each other, him listening to you hum and look at Hoshi. The sight stirs up his stomach, and he isn’t sure why.
“Hey,” He catches your attention. “Don’t walk looking down.”
You pout, turning back to the doll. “I can’t help it. He’s so cute.”
“Yeah, until you get up to get water in the middle of the night and there’s a plastic doll in your bed.” Tsukishima mutters, and you snap your head to look up at him.
“How many times have you gotten scared because of him.” He winced at the amusement in your voice. “What? None, Y/N. He’s a plastic baby.”
But your growing smile doesn’t stop. “Kei, don't say that! He can hear you, you know-” As you turn back to him to playfully cover your ears, Tsukishima grabs your hand, pulling you towards him roughly. You stumble into his chest, eyes wide.
“What an asshole. I told you to look up, Y/N.” He says seriously, talking to both you and the incompetent driver who sped past you guys. “Are you alright?” His voice softened, glancing over you for any injuries.
“I-I’m fine. I’m sorry, Kei.” You told him, guilty for scaring him. “Thank you.”
He let you step back from him, but when you tried to walk forward, his hand held you back. Seeing your look, he only sighed and intertwined your fingers. “Let’s go, it’s getting late.”
“O-oh. Right.”
He didn’t let go of your hand the entire time, not even when he walked you to your front porch. Both of you were silent for a few seconds, before he locked his gaze on Hoshi. “We give him back tomorrow.”
It brought a frown to your face. “I know.”
Tsukishima looked at you through his glasses. “Don’t tell me you got attached to him in a week.”
You felt like he was mocking you, and that made you feel even worse. “It’s been a long week.” You blinked a few times, and he wondered if you were gonna cry. 
He stepped closer to you and bent down to your eye level. His face was only a few inches away as he scanned your eyes for any sadness. “You’re not crying, are you?” He spoke gently, catching you off guard. “Because if you are gonna cry, I’d rather you do it now instead of during class tomorrow.” Although there was a hint of cockiness in his words, you could tell they were out of concern.
Without pushing him away, you sniffled and shook your head. “I’m not going to cry. You’re the crybaby here.” 
The corner of his lips twitched upwards, and he finally stood up straight. “Just making sure. You really want to keep him tonight? I could if you don’t-”
Your grip tightened on Hoshi. “It’s my night.”
Tsukishima nodded. “Alright. Then, see you two tomorrow. Go inside.” He jerked his head toward your door, and you stepped backwards, almost ready to turn around and let go of his hand. 
“Let me know once you get home. And don’t forget like last time! I was up for hours worrying.” You muttered the last part, hoping he wouldn’t hear it.
He thought about teasing you, but decided against it. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You blamed your exhaustion, or the warmth he gave off, for not wanting to let go of his hand. It was painful to pry your fingers off of his, and he secretly felt the same.
“Y/N, you have to let him go.” Tsukishima said from behind you.
But you held Hoshi close to your chest, shaking your head. You’ve had a death grip on the doll since he saw you this morning. Not even he could take him away from you. He managed to convince the teacher to collect everyone else’s babies first so you would have more time. But the class was over seven minutes ago, and you still refused to hand him over.
“Y/N, it’s a damn dol-”
“Don’t use the ‘D’ word!” You yelled.
Tsukishima sighed, sharing a look with your teacher who was too patient with you. He didn’t know whether to feel embarrassed or sorry. It was almost too concerning how attached you were to a plastic doll.
His hands reached up to rest on your shoulders, making you stiffen at his touch for a few seconds. He leaned forward to whisper in your ear. “Give Hoshi back now. You have to.” 
Hearing him talk to you quietly and calmly broke through you. You frowned, and looked at Hoshi’s face one last time before slowly loosening your grip. The teacher and Tsukishima almost cried in relief seeing you hand her the doll. She practically snatched it away once it was in her reach and he gently pulled up backwards before you changed your mind. He bid goodbye to your teacher, dragging you out of the classroom into the halls.
“Almost ten minutes of lunch is gone. I should make you buy me milk or something for taking so long. I mean, honestly, he was just a piece of plastic, why would you hold on to him so long? Y/N?” Tsukishima stopped walking up the stairs, looking behind to see you standing still on the landing facing down. 
Since you didn’t answer him, he walked back down to you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. 
But you just shook your head. Before he could open his mouth to speak again, he saw a tear drip down your cheek, which you quickly wiped away out of fear he would see it. You know he did, though, so when another one fell, you didn’t bother to try to hide it. 
This time, he wiped it away. The action caught you off guard, and you tilted your head up, shocked.
“What’s making you so upset today?” Tsukishima whispered. “Y/N, why didn’t you want to give Hoshi back?”
The question made your lip quiver. “I don’t know.”
“Y/N. Just tell me.” You looked away to avoid his stare. But he just cocked his head to the side, waiting for you to answer him. Even back in the classroom, he could tell there was more than giving back a project that was making you upset. His suspicion was confirmed at this moment. Now, it was only a matter of getting you to open up to him.
“I didn’t get attached to Hoshi.” You spoke, barely loud enough for him to hear you.
His eyebrows raised. “Huh?”
Taking a deep breath, you met his eyes. “I got attached to you. And giving back Hoshi means we’re not partners anymore. Which means that we don’t have a reason to be around each other, and we’ll go back to how things were before Hoshi.”
He was taken back by your words. This is what was troubling you?
You balled your fists at your side. “That’s why I didn’t want to give him back, but you made me, you jerk.”
It was your insult that made him chuckle. At first, you got angry and thought he was making fun of you. But he wasn’t. “Y/N, your brain is definitely broken.”
“I’m going to kick you-”
But his hand shot out to grab yours, making your words get stuck in your throat. Once again, he bent down to talk to you. “Are you really that dense? I’m pretty sure I was pretty direct this past week.”
You knew instantly what he was talking about. But, even though you were flustered you wanted to hear him say it. “Direct about what?”
“Stop trying to make me say it.”
You felt offended. “Well, then make it more clear! Asshole.” You looked sideways, feeling naked under his gaze.
Rolling his eyes and grinning, he backed up. “Will you come to my game this Saturday? It seems I somehow got used to you being there when I play, and Coach says it's bad to cut off any habits that help us.”
His statement made you smile, and you nodded. “We can’t let that happen now, can we, Kei?”
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mizunetzu · 4 years
my request is flaaaaaacidddddd peeeeenisssss
Flaaaaaaaciddddd peeeenisssss
Iida x reader - Iida Tenya’s Imaginary Boyfriend (True Ending)
⚠️warnings - good ending HAHAGQ
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Part one can be found here!
Part two can be found here!
He woke up in recovery girls office.
He wasn’t sure how he got here. All he remembered was his head feeling a bit faint walking back to the dorms, then waking up here. Looking out the windows, vast colors of orange and yellow flooded in between the cracks of the blinds, making colorful stripes paint his bed with light. He presumed it was around sunset.
The door clicked open. Recovery girl, Aizawa, and detective Tsukauchi walked through the door.
“Do you know where you are right now, Iida?” Aizawa was frank, as usual.
“I believe I am in recovery girls office, though I have no clue how I got here.”
Tsukauchi cleared his throat. “You were hit with a villains quirk about 2 days ago. You’ve been asleep ever since. It caused you to go in a nightmare-ish dream state until we caught them.”
Iida retrieved his glasses from the bedside table. It was then he realized he was in his pajamas. Aizawa stepped forward. “What’s your full name?”
“Iida Tenya.”
“How old are you and what school do you go to?”
“15 years old and I attend UA high school.”
Aizawa hummed. Nothing seemed to be wrong with his memory. “Do you know what day it is?”
“March 17...no, 19? Forgive me, it’s somewhere between there.”
“Iida,” Aizawa looked confused. It made Iida feel sort of uneasy aswell. Like getting a problem wrong and having your teacher be disappointed in you. “That’s almost a full month away. It’s February 3rd today.”
February 3rd. If Iida recalled correctly, that was around the day that everyone seemed to forget that (Y/n) existed. He checked his wrists out of habit. (Y/n’s) watch were gone. He was about to ask where it was, when the detective clicked his tongue.
“Well-thats to be expected,” Tsukauchi held up a case file, most likely a report on the criminal who used their quirk on Iida. “Time passes differently in the quirk-induced coma Iida-san was in. Some people affected by them claim it’s been years when it’s only been a couple of days. Truly terrifying.”
Recovery girl tutted. “All of his vitals seem to be in check. He should be able to return to the dorms now. Just have him take it easy for a couple days in training.”
“Mm. Make sure you make up your missed work,” Aizawa turned back, as Tsukauchi exited the office and recovery girl sat in her desk. “And tell your classmates you’re alright. Your friends were freaking out when you wouldn’t wake up in the morning. They should be in the dorms by now.”
Iida nodded.
Walking back to the dorms, there was one thing Iida couldn’t get off his mind.
He’s been in a ‘quirk-induced coma’ for 2 days. The passage of time is different with their quirk as to real life. And he could’ve sworn it was late March instead of early February.
So when did he fall asleep? And what was his ‘dream’ about?
He, at first, thought it was the result of walking home with his friends after seeing that sketch artist Kaitekina, but that doesn’t happen until almost a full month later. So, most of the things Iida remembers doing and learning in class has not happened yet.
And, nightmare? He remembers falling asleep and seeing (Y/n) in his dreams, but that doesn’t fall under ‘nightmare’ territory. Actually, it was rather pleasant.
“Oi! Iida’s awake!” He heard Kirishima yell, as he walked through the door. Most everyone was in the common room, and turned their heads. Each one of them erupted into a smile, saying things like “are you ok?” Or “glad to see you awake, Iida-san!”
He, unintentionally, tuned them all out.
What was his ‘nightmare?’ What made his dreams about a boy who doesn’t exist so bad? Was he waking up in his dream just to go to bed in that dream to dream another dream? What-
“-and (L/n) was so worried bro! I mean-he looked ok like usual but I guess he doesn’t really go out of his room unless you force him t-“
“I’m sorry, who?” Iida’s disbelieving voice sharply cut off Kaminari’s ramblings. He didn’t hear that correctly. His mind had to be playing tricks on him.
“...bro...” Looks of worry or confusion flooded the 1A students. Similar to when they looked at him like he was insane, asking for a non-existent student named (L/n) (Y/n).
Kaminari awkwardly chuckled. “(L/n)...? Your personal hype man? Dude who follows you around like a dog?”
“Kaminari-that was mean, he does not follow Iida around like a dog.”
“But he does!”
A playful argument rang out between Jirou and Kaminari. Everyone’s attention seemed to shift from Iida, to Jirou blasting her heartbeat into Kaminaris ears with her ear jacks.
“Iida-kun, are you okay..?” Midoryia brought Iida out of his trance. “Did you lose your memory or something while you were asleep?”
“No no I just-I probably misheard Kaminari-kun. Who was he talking about?” His voice was wavering. His desperation hidden behind the glare of his thick cut glasses and messy bed hair. He needed to comb his hair once he sorted things out.
“(L/n) (Y/n)-kun?” There it’s was again. “He sits next to you in class? You...oh! You two fought in the sports festival? And...yknow...the whole,” Midoryia stuck out his tongue making a mask with his hands and pretending to lick someone’s blood. “-thing?”
Everytime he asked who he fought in the sports festival, everyone including Midoryia would say “Hatsume-san, Ibara-san, and Todoroki-kun.” He never recalled fighting someone named “Ibara” from class 1B, having fought (Y/n) instead, but he grew to just accepting it.
And when he asked about the Stain incident, Todoroki and Midoryia would claim it was just them three fighting him. There was no one with (h/c) hair that helped Midoryia, him, and Todoroki out immensely. As far as Iida was concerned, (L/n) (Y/n) did not exist to the world.
So why was everyone talking like he was a real person?
“Iida, if you really don’t remember, you should go get that checked out by recovery girl...it’s pretty odd that you forgot about your own classma-“
The sudden startup of engines, followed by the whirring hiss of smoke trailing past him cut Midoryia off. Iida burned through the pants of his pajamas, but he didn’t care. He ran as fast as he could to the 4th floor of the boys side of the dorms.
His heart quickened with every step he took. He wasn’t one to get his hopes up, but the obvious look of desperation on Iida’s face seemed to lead his thoughts. He needed to see for himself.
Skidding to a halt infront of the supposedly empty dorm room, he once again halted when he reached for the doorknob. Everytime he’d check this room on impulse, he was always met with the empty, white walls and drawn curtains supplied by the school. He didn’t want to walk in and face white again.
And he didn’t.
Almost taking the door off the hinges, Iida practically shoved the door out of his way. A small gasp ripped its way through Iida’s throat.
A dimly lit room, one that was never kept clean, that had an oddly sweet smell coming from it. He saw the vaguely familiar (f/c) bedsheets, with the sea blue comforter thrown lazily on it, half slipping onto the ground. He saw the messily taped Ingenium posters, crooked and wonky, plastered on his studying table, which was almost never used for studying. When they studied together, it was usually on Iida’s bed or somewhere outside.
But finally, he saw the patio slider door opened, curtains fluttering in the mellow orange sunlight with someone standing outside. They were leaning on the balcony, with their arms stretching up, the reflection of their cheap red watch burning light into Iida’s eyes.
“(L/n)...kun...?” The name felt foreign on his lips. Even if he technically ‘saw him two days/one month ago’, it felt like years since he’s actually felt like he was in the same room as him. The boy, (Y/n), turned around.
Setting sunlight painted his face with warm colors, making the (h/c) shade of his hair burn brighter. The light also seemed to reflect off the (e/c) iris’ of (Y/n’s) face, making it look like it was glowing. It lit his face well enough to make him seem ethereal. Breathtaking. Real.
It was him. It was (Y/n).
“Morning, Tenya. How’s it feel to be asleep for two days?”
Iida didn’t answer. Instead, he walked tentatively towards the patio sliding entrance, his burnt pajama pants cinching his calves now that his adrenaline high was subsiding. He stopped a few inches way from (Y/n), reaching out and shakily touching his cheek.
Instead of fazing through him, or flat out fading, his hand made contact with warm, soft skin. (Y/n) hummed and nuzzled his cheek into his hand. Iida’s vision blurred involuntarily, despite him having his glasses on.
“Is something wrong? Did something happen?”
His voice’s vibration, and the warm breath that fanned his chest was enough proof that he was here. Enough proof he was dragged down back to earth, no longer just a distant memory no one remembered.
Iida’s throat closed up, and he felt his knees go weak. He was a blurred mass of (h/c) and (skin/c), with the hint of red that protruded from his arm, but Iida knew he was still there. He was there, with him, and would be going on until forever.
A tender, hoarse chuckle escaped Iida. He leaned his cheek onto (Y/n’s) forehead, not caring that his face and bed hair was still messy and reeked of sleep. He smiled.
“Nothing. Nothing at all, (Y/n)-kun.”
Haha. That was fun. Anyways-
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mask-of-anubis · 3 years
1 with Nina and Jerome 🙌
This took me so long to get to but here it is! (other asks are coming soon, I promise!)
“Nina asks Jerome to do something ‘no questions asked’ and Jerome fears the worst.”
Anubis House, 9pm.
As a matter of principle, Jerome liked to stay as far away from Nina Martin and her trail of bad luck as much as possible. He learned that lesson early on, but that didn’t mean he stuck to it. He always seemed to get involved with her Scooby gang eventually, even if he didn’t mean to. They were nothing but trouble, and he had more than enough of his own.
So when his phone rang at 9pm one night and he saw her contact name, he almost chucked his phone under his bed. Against his better judgement though, he answered it.
“Is this a butt dial?” he asked, hoping to quickly communicate that a call at this time of night (when she was right upstairs, mind you) was not welcome.
“I’m cashing in my favor,” she said, cutting right to the chase.
“I’m sorry?” He raised his eyebrows.
“I need you to do something for me ‘no questions asked,’” she said.
Jerome stopped. “Absolutely not...” he started to say, but she cut him off.
“You owe me a ‘no questions asked,’” she said.
“I do not…” Jerome scoffed, but she once again interrupted.
“Valentine’s Day, last year,” she said. “Need I remind you?”
“Okay! Okay, I remember,” he said quickly. Ugh. Why the hell did he ask her of all people to help? He had hoped she would forget and never cash in, but apparently today was the day.
He couldn’t believe he was on the hook for a girl who had even more enemies and sketchy night activities than he did. It was equally likely she would ask him to help her find a nerdy signed book as a present for Fabian as it was that she would ask for help burying a body. He hoped for the former.
There was nothing he could do. A “no questions asked” was binding at Anubis. He was indebted and it was time to cash in.
He sighed. “Fine, what do I need to do?”
“Meet me in the Frobisher Library, 11pm. Bring your noise-cancelling headphones, a headlamp, and a trowel,” Nina said. The second she was done talking, she hung up.
“God dammit…” said Jerome.
Frobisher Library, 11pm.
“We better not be burying a body, Martin,” said Jerome three hours later when he walked into the library and found her sitting in the dark with a heavy looking satchel over her shoulder.
“I’m surprised you actually came,” said Nina.
“Despite what you might’ve heard, I pay my debts,” he said.
He gestured to his equipment. “What’s all this for then?” he asked.
She shook her head. “I meant what I said: no questions. Let’s go.”
She walked over the bookshelf and pressed the button to make it swing open. Great, Jerome thought. He didn’t know what he expected when she asked him to meet there of all places, but he had hoped going down into the tunnels wasn’t on the agenda.
There was still time to escape. But at what cost? If he ran now, Nina would undoubtedly spill the details of his humiliating Valentine’s “no questions asked.” He really couldn’t live with that. He sucked it up and followed her inside.
The Tunnels, 11:15pm.
Down in the tunnels, it was worse than Jerome remembered. Granted, the only time he’d ever been down there was when he was running for his life, so he hadn’t taken his time to peruse.
It was also freezing. He rubbed his arms as he trailed behind Nina, wondering how she wasn’t shivering.
It was true what everyone said about her; she really was unphased by stuff like this: subterranean tunnels, deadly tasks, et cetera. She’d changed since last year. She was always a bit of a daredevil, but he remembered her in the history classroom, shaking with fear, tearful at the thought of their teachers tipping the scales.
Now though, she walked past chilling stone rooms haunted by the ghosts of deadly tasks completely steady, jaded even. Speaking of ghosts, from the rumours Jerome heard, Nina spoke to spirits regularly, like it was normal. She kind of terrified him.
He was really scared of whatever she was leading him to. After all, they didn’t have the best track record in their relationship. He’d betrayed her when her life was at stake, not once, but two times. Granted, both times he didn’t know her life was at stake, but it didn’t make it any better really. Plus, Nina notoriously held grudges. He just hoped she wasn’t leading him to his doom.
“Okay, here it is,” she said finally.
She stopped in front of a dusty trap door. It looked like an ancient air vent. Jerome looked around; this couldn’t be what she meant.
She opened the hatch door and crouched down. Jerome peaked inside. It was pitch dark. He switched on the headlamp and shined it inside.
“Oh god…” he said. Behind the door was a long, dark, dusty tunnel that, for all he knew, led straight to the depths of hell. In the quiet between each of their breaths, he could hear a distant, dull roar coming from inside.
Nina tied her hair up into a ponytail. “Okay, I need the stuff you brought,” she said, holding out her hand. She strapped the headlamp to her forehead, tucked the trowel into her back pocket, and put the headphones around her neck.
“If you hear me screaming, don’t panic,” she said – easily the most alarming thing anyone had ever said to him. “I won’t really be in danger. The only time you’re allowed to come in and help me, is if you see the walls collapsing.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jerome said. “This is insane! What the hell are you doing in there?”
“You’re on a strictly need-to-know basis,” Nina said. He dropped it. He knew no amount of questioning would make her budge.
He also knew something else: if he left right now and refused to help, she would 100% do whatever it is she’s doing on her own. That was how they were the same; they were both stubborn, sometimes to the point of self-destruction. The least he could do was stay there and make sure she didn’t self-destruct.
“Fine,” he said. He had so many bad feelings about this — about why they were here in the dead of night, about why she asked him of all people, about what was in that tunnel, and about what the hell she had in that satchel.
As she steeled herself to enter, he got his answer to the last question. The flap of her bag shifted and Jerome spotted an unmistakable flash of gold. The Cup of Ankh.
His eyes went wide. Before he could say anything, she put on the headphones and disappeared into the tunnel.
The Tunnels, 11:30pm.
It was agonizing waiting for Nina to reappear. He only brought one headlamp, so he sat in the dark of the tunnels, listening to the wind pass through and rustle the dead ivy twigs and leaves on the ground.
He didn’t hear anything in the tunnel once Nina entered. He watched her crawl in, the headlamp casting eerie, moving shadows on the dirt of the cave. But eventually, Nina and her light disappeared.
His ears had never been more peeled as he listened for any sign of struggle or danger. He had no idea what she meant when she said he might hear her scream. Did she mean in pain? In fear? It didn’t even matter because she told him to stay put anyway. He didn’t know if he could do that.
For now, he listened for signs of rubble falling. What would he do if it collapsed? If she was buried alive? He shuddered. Being buried alive sounded almost as bad as his worst fear. Almost.
Thinking about it made his skin crawl. He got up to pace and walk it off.
He looked to his left and saw a long stone beam stretched over a dark pit. Light streamed in from the moon through a grate in the ceiling. He peered into the pit, but it descended into darkness. He kicked a pebble into it. He didn’t hear a sound until nearly a minute later.
“What the hell is this place?” Jerome whispered. Not only was it architecturally impossible, but it was also clearly full of horrors and death traps. No wonder the Scooby gang wasn’t afraid of his ghost stories anymore.
He kicked another rock into the pit, but while he was waiting for the drop, he heard a noise from in the tunnel. It was a distant whimper — Nina. He paused, listening for another noise.
“Ahhhh!!” Nina shrieked.
Jerome ran to the tunnel. “Nina?” he shouted. “Hello!” She didn’t answer. She didn’t scream again.
He knew what she told him. Stay there, don’t react, it’s fine. He knew something else though: she was stupidly reckless. His heart was pounding. For all he knew, she could be dying in there, all alone, and he was doing nothing.
It was normally his M.O. to stand by, let other people deal with their problems while he dealt with his. He did that all year. He saw his friends sneaking out at night, jumping at the slightest noise, clutching burning brand marks, turning pale at the dinner table — and he ignored it. Not this time.
He pushed up his sleeves, steeled himself, and crawled into the darkness.
He couldn’t see anything at all, it was totally dark, but he crawled forward. “Nina!” he called. “I’m coming to find you. And this is the worst ‘no questions asked’ ever!”
She didn’t respond. He listened hard, but he couldn’t hear her screaming. He couldn’t even hear her telling him off for coming in. Instead, he heard dripping. He crawled forward.
Drip. Drip. Drip. He followed the noise. It was all he had to go off of. He still couldn’t see Nina or her headlamp.
The drip sped up to a steady stream. He heard a babble, like the sound of a tiny stream. Where the hell is water coming from, he thought.
“Nina?” he shouted. “What the hell!” Jerome’s hand sunk into a puddle. When he pulled it out, it was covered in slippery mud. He wished he could see. He kept crawling against his better judgment, but then he felt it: water rising.
All around him, he felt freezing water seep out of the ground. A moment later, he felt a drip from above. “What…” He stopped in his tracks. The water was rising. Panic set in.
He was petrified. He didn’t know whether to turn around or find Nina. The water started to pour in heavy streams from the top of the tunnel. It soaked his hair and his clothes. It was freezing cold.
“Nina!” he shouted desperately. Please let this be a dream, he thought. “Nina!”
He pushed his hair out of his eyes but it did nothing because he couldn’t even see. His pulse pounded in his ears. He remembered when this fear started — the day at the beach, his first time at the coast. He nearly died. Alone. This time he wouldn’t be lucky enough to catch the current to shore.
He spit out water and coughed. He sat back onto his heels. The water was at his waist. “Nina!!”
Then he heard her, her voice like a dual-edged sword: sharp on one side and terrified on the other. “Jerome! What are you doing? I told you to stay —” She was cut off by a rush of water from the ceiling. It splashed into their faces.
He couldn’t see her at all, but when the water drained from his ears, he could hear her choke and cough.
“We have to get out!” she yelled. Another rush of water descended on them. Jerome tilted his chin toward the ceiling. He couldn’t stand to put his face underwater. It terrified him.
A horrible rumble moved through the tunnel. All of a sudden, Nina’s headlamp glitched back to life. She was right beside him, soaking wet and squinting in the light. The water was murky brown and nearly a meter deep. Jerome was petrified.
Nina, however, shouted, “Let’s go!” She started paddling toward the entrance. Jerome couldn’t. He couldn’t do it.
“Wait!” he shouted, but before he could do anything, he heard the rumble again and a huge wave of water descended on him from the back of the cave.
It was so powerful that it pushed him and Nina back. He knocked into the walls of the cave and flipped onto his back as the wave shoved him. He was completely disoriented, flipping back and forth, hitting the floor, suffocating from the lack of oxygen, until finally the wave dumped them out in a heap onto the cold concrete floor of the tunnels. Water flooded out in waves behind them.
Jerome kneeled on the ground, choking and gasping. His heart pounded. His skin was frozen.
“What the hell?” he shouted when he caught his breath. His vocal cords were wrecked.
He looked up at Nina. She kneeled in a heap on the ground, coughing up water. “I’m sorry,” she exclaimed. “You weren’t supposed to go in there,” she said.
Jerome laid down on the cold floor. He heard the roar of crashing waves, all in his memories.
The Grounds, 11:50pm.
They walked back to Anubis in silence. With every step, their shoes squeaked and squelched with water. Jerome was freezing. He looked over at Nina; she was shaking. It reminded him of that night in the history classroom. He noticed her satchel was now empty.
“Answers, now,” Jerome said.
Nina sighed, but she didn’t argue. “I had to bury something down there,” she said.
“The Cup,” he said. Nina stared at him. “I saw it in your bag.” He didn’t ask how it survived the furnace.
“Then you can understand why it needed to be hidden somewhere no one would ever go looking for it,” she said. “The tunnel was part of the tasks. It shows you your worst fear.”
“No kidding,” Jerome scoffed. He looked at her, but she stared off into the distance. He couldn’t help it; he wondered what the hell she saw in there. He didn’t ask.
“I asked you to come because no one in Sibuna would have let me do what I just did.”
“For once I agree with them,” he said.
“Well, I had it handled,” she said. “I’d done it before, so I knew what I was getting into.”
“Yeah, until we almost drowned,” he stressed. Just saying the word struck fear in his heart. His skin froze all over again.
“That’s why I said to stay where you were,” she said. “I never wanted you to get mixed up in that.” She ran a hand through her soaked hair and sighed. “I’m sorry I got you into that mess.”
Jerome nodded, his version of accepting an apology.
Nina half-grinned. “Trust me, I really thought you’d be the one person on earth who would actually mind your business when I told you to,” she joked.
He cracked a smile. “Trust me, normally I would have.” But when he thought about it, he’d stuck his neck out for her kind of a lot. He realized with a shock that she had done the same for him, and she probably would again if given the choice.
“Well, Martin, after tonight I believe you owe me at least three ‘no questions asked,’” he said. She probably owed him a couple hundred actually, but he was feeling generous.
She sighed. “That’s fair,” she said.
They reached Anubis finally. They ditched their soaking shoes and socks outside and snuck in the house. Jerome shuffled off to his room, eager to rid himself of his soaking clothes and the memory of this night forever, but Nina stopped him.
“Jerome,” she whispered. He squinted at her through the darkness. “Thanks.”
“You live a weird life, Martin,” he said, his way of saying “you’re welcome.” She was the most reckless person he has ever met, but he had to admit, she had guts.
That was how Jerome learned to never request a favor from Nina Martin ever again, no matter how many embarrassing things he did on Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day, 2011 (one year ago).
Nina knocked on Mara and Patricia’s bedroom door, staring at the text she got from Jerome.
A second later, Jerome opened the door and stepped outside, looking panicked.
“What the hell is a ‘no questions asked?’” she asked.
“No questions!” he whisper-shouted. He grabbed her wrist and tugged her into the room.
The room was covered in pink frills, plush stuffed animals, glitter, and red hearts. A string quartet sat on Patricia’s bed. When they saw Nina, they readied their instruments and started to play.
“NO!” Jerome shouted, more desperate than angry. “It’s not her.” He turned to Nina, “Help me get rid of it!” he pleaded.
Nina’s jaw was on the floor. “What the…”
“No. Questions. Asked,” Jerome hissed.
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weallsimpfordabi · 4 years
Switching Sides (Part One)
Find the other parts here
A/N: ahh I’m so excited to share this with you guys 🥺 I hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Dabi x Reader, Ex!Bakugou x Reader
Word Count: 1,652
Warnings: Kidnapping, cursing, choking, mentions of death, threats, angst, Dabi being Dabi
Tag List: @platinumbelle @sweet-bunny-writing @bunbunsblog
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“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.” Dabi’s deep voice called out as his long legs started to carry him towards you. You were frozen in place, fists clenched. You weren’t sure if it was fear or shock, but either way, your feet were planted to the ground, keeping you in place. His footsteps got closer, and you could only muster up the courage to look into his almost electric blue eyes. He smirked, reaching his hand out to your face. You flinched, turning your head away, but he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him once again. “Poor little kitten, already terrified before the fun even begins? What a pathetic hero you are.”
“Dabi, we don’t have time for this. Since she’s here, the pros are probably on their way. We have to move. Get rid of her and come on.” A harsh tone hurried him, but Dabi just raised his free hand to hush the other villain, keeping your chin in his grasp with the other. His eyes dropped down to your shirt, something seeming to catch his eye as his eyebrow raised.
“You know, Kurogiri, she could be useful.” He leaned in close, eyes scanning your face before locking gazes with you again. “What do you say, doll face? Wanna help us? Or do you wanna die and take all of your friends with you?” He chuckled before grabbing your wrist tightly, spinning you around and clasping his hand over your lips to keep you quiet before you even had a chance to speak. He dragged you towards the warp gate that had been made, his breath heavy with excitement in your ear.
Your stomach twisted with nausea as your body was transported to what you assumed was their headquarters. Dabi sat you on the couch in the corner of the room, unbuckling his white belt. You watched with wide eyes as he just stared you down, the belt slapping lightly against each loop it slowly passed through.
“Don’t worry, it’s just to keep you quiet, kitten.” He chuckled as he squatted down in front of you, wrapping his belt around your face, effectively turning it into a gag. You just watched as he looked over you, something dark taking over his eyes. “You look pretty with my belt in your mouth.” He tucked some hair behind your ear, and you flinched away. A growl bubbled up his throat, his hand finding its way around your neck. “Don’t fight me, baby doll, you’ll lose.”
“Dabi! You mind explaining why there’s a hero in our hideout?” A blue haired man, covered in hands appeared. You looked over, your heart dropping. You knew exactly who this was. You had seen the aftermath of his trials, almost completely destroying Kamino. You also knew that he had cut off the arms of the Yakuza leader of Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul.
“Shiggy, don’t worry so much.” Dabi spun around on his heels, his back now facing you as Shigaraki kept his exposed red eyes on you. “She overheard Kurogiri and I talking about our plans. I could have killed her, but then we wouldn’t have the leverage we need.”
“Leverage?” Shigaraki tore his eyes away from you, looking at Dabi with a glare that sent a shiver down your spine. “We don’t need leverage, Dabi, we already have a plan. Don’t forget your place in our organization.” As he spoke, he started towards you. “If you won’t get rid of her, I will.” His hand reached out to you, your squirms quickly becoming desperate scrambles for escape. You knew his quirk, and you could feel the fatality of his touch as he got closer.
“Don’t, no one touches her except me.” His voice got deeper, as if the other man had taken something that was his. He changed his tone almost immediately, his dark eyes lighting back up as quickly as they had dimmed before. “Shigaraki, trust me on this. She goes to UA, look at her uniform.” They both took a glance, and that seemed to interest the red eyed man. “We could use her, get inside information.” You made a noise in protest, trying to argue with them. You could never betray your friends and the teachers you held so dear to you. You shook your head, glaring at the men towering over you. Dabi sighed, working the belt off of your face.
“Be nice, kitten, or we’ll have to use this belt for something else.” He sent a smirk your way before putting his belt back on, Shigaraki shaking his head and sighing.
“Are you sure this is a plan to get intel and not some weird sexual fantasy you have?” Dabi looked over at his colleague, rolling his eyes lazily.
“I’m not helping you.” You tried to project your voice, remembering what your mentors had taught you before. You always had to at least seem brave, even if you’re terrified. Dabi hummed, crossing his arms.
“I don’t think you understand the position you’ve been put in.” He crouched down in front of you, his black painted nails resting on his bent knees. “See, you have a way in to get the information we’ve been trying to get for a while.” His hand ran up your thigh, making you jump. He looked up at your face, holding back the smug smile he wanted to let free. “And we have the power to make sure that everyone you’ve ever loved and cared about dies in a horrible, burning, decaying death.” His hand continued up your body, the surprisingly soft skin of his palm tracing up your arm. “What do you say, sweetheart? We have a deal?” His hand stopped at your shoulder, his fingertips digging into the skin hard enough to make you wince. You shook your head, keeping your chin high.
“There’s no way in hell I’m gonna be a mole for the League of Villains. I’d rather die than help you.” His brows furrowed, anger taking over his features. His hand, in one swift motion, grabbed your throat and squeezed with an impressive amount of force. He stood just as quickly, your body being pulled up with him. His face was suddenly uncomfortably close to yours, his warm pants moving your hair with every breath. Your eyes widened, pure fear numbing your body. You started struggling to breathe, choking gasps the only thing you could muster.
“Let me make this perfectly clear. You’re gonna help us, you know why?” He smiled wickedly, the look in your eyes making him feel more powerful than he had in a long time. “Because if you don’t, I will make sure that everyone you know dies. I’ll even make you watch as they burn to death. So, are you absolutely sure about your answer? You can change it now and I’ll let go.” You could feel your head spin, black starting to slowly take over your vision. You tried to pull his large hand off of your throat, but to no avail. You knew you needed to answer soon unless you wanted to pass out with them around. You nodded, wheezing out that you would help.
You were let go of, your body immediately crashing against the ground. You took a few deep breaths, coughing in between as your vision slowly returned to normal. You looked up at Dabi, your breath still a little shaky. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t stop your hands from trembling. Of all the years you had patrolled and even fought against strong villains, this one had you terrified. You heard a low chuckle vibrate his throat as he took a short stride towards you. He crouched down again, leaning in so his nose was less than an inch away and his insanely bright eyes were boring deep into your soul.
“Aww, what’s wrong, kitten? You scared of me?” He smirked deviously as he straightened his back, helping you up and lifting your chin so the gaze you two shared never strayed. “Don’t get scared now. We’re just getting started, baby.”
You had gotten back to the dorms around eleven at night. You felt as if your brain had been deep fried as you stumbled through your door. You weren’t really sure where you were going, but your body seemed to know exactly where to go. After a few minutes of aimlessly wandering, you found yourself in front of your ex boyfriend’s, Katsuki’s door. You knocked gently, hoping he was awake. You heard cluttering before the door opened, Bakugou squinting at you.
“Y/N/N? Where the hell have you been? You know you aren’t supposed to be out after curfew, idiot.” He blinked, rubbing his eyes before taking your appearance in again. He then got a worried look, opening the door wider. “C-Come in, hurry before someone sees you.” He helped you inside, sitting you down on the edge of the bed as he searched for spare clothes for you to wear. Luckily you left some of your own from a few months ago when you two had broken up and you “moved out” of his room. He handed you your clothes, turning away so you could change.
Once you were done, he tucked you in to the bed, wrapping his toned arm around you. “You don’t have to talk, Y/N. Just don’t tell anyone I let you sleep in here.” You nodded, closing your eyes as you instinctively cuddled into him. Your body was shaking as the events from the day replayed in your head. The plan they had told you to follow was almost impossible to keep a secret. But you didn’t want to think about it even more than you already knew you would. For now, you just wanted to sleep in Katsuki’s arms. You had no idea it would be the safest you would feel for a long time.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Finale Review: The Last Adventure! or So Long and Thanks for All The Ducks
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Hello all you happy people. The day we’ve all simultaneously waited for and dreaded is here. The grand finale to a five year journey.. and for me an almost one year journey of covering season 3 as it came out. It was thanks to this show i’ve been able to make money doing what I love. Without it I never would’ve found my patreon Kev, and I never woul’dve had the solid focus to keep going as long as I have. And I never would’ve had all you lovely people reading my work. Thank you for that. I hope you’ll stick around even though the series is gone, I love you all. But as the sun sets on this series I have one last episode of the season, and the series to cover. I won’t be doing it in my usual recap style due to it’s sheer length and scope, but I promise you if you join me under the cut I will break down eveyrthing I can about this final adventure, it’s huge, awe inspiring twists.. and it’s heartwarming conclusion. It’s everything you could want from a finale short of a Grandma Duck Cameo, and i’ts under the cut with full spoilers. Seriously if you do not want any spoilers TURN BACK NOW. I’m opening with probably the biggest spoiler of the finale. 
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I Think She’s A Clone Now You were warned. So.. Webby is Scrooge’s Clone, made by FOWL as part of a decades long scheme to find the papyrus of binding, and raised by Beakly to keep this precious child out of their sinister clutches. I have hundreds of reaction images, several for what the fuck.. none of them seem sufficient.. ALL OF THEM together like some megazord of what the fuck are not sufficient for how much this reveal caught me off guard. It caught ALL of us off guard. I’m sure even those who called it still were suprised that’s the direction it took. I think we all expected her parents died by FOWL, or her parents were FOWl with Pepper being one of them, or anything else. So naturally it took around 14 drafts, and me going the fuck to sleep as I had stayed up to watch the finale and thought I could just smoothly transition into writing the review despite there being a LOTTTTT to unpack.
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Even after the recharge though this took a bit of doing... so now i’ve done it... what’d I think? Whelp....
I liked it. I like it the more I think about it. Even the problems I had with it just kinda melted away as I thought about it. I understand if you do not. This twist will not be for everyone, it changes Webby’s character and story entirely, ruins tons of fan theories, and in general is batshit even for a series that in the same finale, turned Manny into a shout out to Gargoyles, complete with Keith “My Body is Ready” David. This series is genuinely batshit and loves it, but this is a LOT to ask dramatically, a lot to rewrite expectation wise and a lot to thinka bout. There’s a reason besides sleep deprevation it took me a whlie to fully grasp how I felt. So if you don’t like it fine, but i’m going to make my best case. 
Starting with something that made me realize I fully like it: It dosen’t invalidate Webby’s charcter. The one little problem I had left was “Well dosen’t Webby having the McDuck bloodline mean she couldn’t be specail if she wasn’t a McDuck? That sure the rest of the cast are specail but you can’t be really important without it?” Honestly.. no. Webby is who she is not because she’s a McDuck.. but because she’s Webby. She got her martial arts and mystery solving skills through Beakly and being raised. She had intate talent sure.. but as we’ve seen with the boys through the whole series, talent has to be honed. Skill has to be earned and learned.  Webby worked hard to research other civilizations, worked hard to hone herself into a deadly fighting machine with her mother’s help, worked hard to be every bit as cool as her idol who turned out to be her biological dad. She earned her badassery, her wisdom and her courage SQUARE. 
And more than that she’s her own person. Her adoptive parent and biological parent are both paranoiacs afraid of betryal, unwilling to trust, and slow to let anyone in. By all accounts Webby should be the same.. but she’s not. Oh sure she has some paranoia and is willing to slit some throats, she was raised by the world’s best spy and is the daughter of the world’s greatest hero, that was never going to be gone entirely. But at her core she just wants to trust people. She just wants to love them and be loved. And.. that’s why her family loves her. Because she’s the kindest, the warmest and the best of them. They love her because she’s Webby and that’s she’s family, they could care less who she’s related to. All it really changes is how Scrooge acts around her and that gives us fans tons to work with. 
It’s also expertly revealed, which helped ease us into it. Webby is just as shocked and confused as we are and is seriously hurt, which makes her vulnerable to the villains. Kate Miccui deserves a goddamn award for voice acting and if their isn’t an award show for that their should be. While she’s been fantastic with Webby all series long this is her finest performance, going from Webby’s usual self, to all the hurt she goes through.. to her quitter moments at the end, calling Scrooge dad and giving out a little noise that makes it clear as Beakly tries to leave, that no.. she’ still her family.. she’s still her mom and she’s not going anywhere. 
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As for the concept being a bit ridiculous yes it is.. but so is this universe. This universe is entirely insane in the best fucking way possible: I mean.. look at this final group shot. 
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We have an old man whose somehow still alive simply because he was too busy to die, an inventor whose cloned himself multiple times so clones are fesable and is probably a clone himself given how the last finale went, an awkward armored superhero and his biotech filled girlfriend, a small boy robot weapon of discretion who put his head on his brother’s body, a no longer headless manhorse former harbinger of the apocalypse with the silky voice of keith david as one big homage to gargoyles, a lesbian living shadow and her sister, a superhero who based himself on a fictional character and his boyfriend/sidekick who by all accounts should be dead by now, a lesbian military superheroine from the moon, STORKULES COCKBLOCKER OUT OF MYTH, his moong goddes sister, two adopted family stunt pilots, a bunch of super intelligent mice, an odd duck whose kinda sorta dating a giant shrimp, his cousin with super luck powers, my globetrotting boys, an immortal treasure hunter and in the family proper: a former spy turned adopted mom of a clone, a woman who lived on the moon for a good decade, a man who once trapped everyone in what would essentially be the plot of the mcu’s second best work by pure accident, a blue boy whose piloted a plain, captained pirates, and has his own talk show, a green boy whose ran a multi-trillion dollar company, nearly destroyed all of time and space and is under investigation for fraud, and a red boy who has a hulk-esque rage filled embodiment of all his suppressed emotions, whose fondest wish was tall legs, and who can easily take out a giant magica supermachine with some fancy wiring. So the richest duck in the world having a clone daughter, while divisvie and what not.. is far more plausable than we give it credit for. As are her new sisters who Id in’t forget but are part of the whole twist. 
So yeah, I like the twist and my nitpick is more that despite having a full season to set it up.. they saved it for the last episode. Instead of BUILDING on Webby’s desire to know more about her family and having the twins show up earlier.. it’s all shove into the finale. It’s a well done shoving but there’s so much that could be explored with Webby being Scrooge’s daughter, so much that futzes with the regular family dynamics and we don't’ get any of it. Sure it was probably saved for a possible season 4 but they treated this season as the last. Manny being an apocalyptic man horse voiced by the uber sexy keith david, and no I will not stop bringing that up even outside of it’s own section and why yes it is getting it’s own section, is the kind of revelation you can leave for one last episode. “One of the main cast is a clone” really isn’t and that’s disapointing. 
Especially since thinking back to life and times.. Webby IS a lot like Scrooge was before circumstance hardened him. She’s tough, resourceful.. but also has a peppy spirit to her. It adds interesting shades to her character, where she zigs where Scrooge zags, how much of it is her upbringing with Granny versus his with his parents, how much did Beakley play into it. There’s A lot to dig into and given I have most of the series left to review, I will get to dig into it, and there’s a lot to be explored in fanfic so if I wasn’t already planning a massive one before I sure as fuck am now. So it’s not a bad twist nor bad we get to write the future.. but I do wish the crew THEMSELVES had done more with it. Still my bar for “not fucking up the entire show” is pretty low after Star Vs ended with her committing implied genocide to stop a genocide and How I Met Your Mother ended “But the real journey was in how much I want to bang, bang bangity bang I said a bang bang bangity bang your aunt robin now your mother conveniently died”. I can handle “This twist is kind of weird but also really intresting.” If the twist isn’t for you, as I said i get it. This is my opinion. Now for the thing I won’t shut up about. 
Look i’ve made no secret how thirsty I am for Keith David nor how much of a national treasure I rightly believe him to be. He’s one of my faviorite voice actors, with a mind boggling number of awesome rolls, mostly recently as a fowl mouthed coffe cup encouraging a teacher to sabotage his rival teachers breaks on close enough. Even if I didn’t like Gargoyles, which I do, i’d have an entire section talking about that Manny reveal. 
Manny was already objectively one of the best parts of the show, a hilariously weird addition that was also relatable as he just wanted to fit in. I did not know you could make him better. Then they gave him Keith David’s voice and revealed he’s one of the four horseman of the apocalypse, but doesn’t want to end the world he just wants to be a normal dude, AND turned him into a shout out to the last part of the disney afternoon they hadn’t touched, my favorite part of it and a show i’ve been sitting on watching in full for far too long. Motherfucking Gargoyles. 
But given how unique it was for the Disney Afternoon and how much Disney had no desire to ever reference or use the franchise, still no fucking clue as to why they are sitting on money here, I expected it to be sadly but understandably left out. Instead they made Manny into an expy for them, gave him the voice of their leader Goliath, the voice of an angel, and had him say “I LIVE AGAIN” complete with the utterly transcendent theme song. Seriously give it a listen. 
So yeah I couldn’t not mark out at this. Amazing fucking stuff and almost as unexpected as the clone thing and easily my second faviorite part of the fiinale only NARROWLY topped by the curtain call. Which we’ll get to. Keith David took his time getting to this series but they saved the best guest voice for last. Utter tremendous. 
Huey Season?: I”ll save more of this for my breakdown as the season as a whole but yeah while the finale as a whole was good.. I do feel Huey got short changed. He got PLENTY of development this season, and some REALLY good scenes with Bradford.. but ultimately he got overshadowed by the Webby thing. it just never quite felt like Huey got a real resolution to his character arc the way his brothers did. He still got some REALLY good moments, his “Just cough up the information Bentina!” was one of his finest and Danny Pudi did his best. The BUILDUP was good but hte payoff was non existant and easily the weakest part of an otherwise triumphant finale. I feel the final plot was ultimately just a bit too jam packed to really have Huey feel vital to it the way Dewey was to the Della arc and Louie was to his own arc. Both tgot big emotional payoffs in his finale but the most I could gather here was he accepted adventure? I guess. It just really feels off, like I missed the payoff to everything when it’s probably just nonexistent and that bothers me a lot. In a finale that was almost all hit.. this was easily the biggest misstep. I don’t have as much to say here on it.. but that’s because it’s really that simple: they gave Huey’s arc a ton of build up in this last episode and some of his others, really made him into Bradford’s good counterpart.. then just sorta.. forgot it because “oh shit Webby’s scrooge’s daughter kinda need to pull focus here”. Had they given this arc at least one more episode, we might of had time for it. Granted i’m not sure how much they could get away with but we clearly needed at least one more episode and what they chose to jettision, the climax to Huey’s story.. was way more important than they clearly thought and i’m heavily disappointed. 
Bradford’s Big Hole Speaking of payoffs the missing mysteries payoff.. is a mixed bag. I expected all of them to combine some how into some elaborate plan I just wasn’t seeing. In hindsight it does make sense that wasn’t it: Bradford hates overcomplicated schemes, so his would be incredibly simple and require as few moving parts as possible. It still dosen’t stop the fact that the big plan to cap off the entire series built over a season... was to build a giant stygian hole of non existence to throw people into. 
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Yes really. Instead of using the Payprus to write them out of existance, if carefully worded or try doing it all at once or anything practical.. Bradford just plans to shove everything he dosen’t want in the world anymore into a hole.  Look i’ts not like it ruins the episode, there’s still tons of tension from him holding Scrooge’s loved ones over his hole and threating to throw them into it’s gaping void. And it’s foiled by a 12 year old just.. shutting it off. Like I get him leaving an off switch on, that’s just common sense.. but why wouldn’t he have a remote or something to turn it back on? one with a password or something to lock it. There’s something inherently underwhelming about as series ending plan that can be summed up “hope no one shuts my unguarded hole. “
The finale does make for it by using the missing mysteries all in VERY clever ways. In fact every episode in the season had some sort of payoff here. It’s what makes up for how baffling the main plan is: every other thing, from the missing mysteries to the guest stars has lead up to this one moment, this one final adventure. Which leads me too
An Hurricane of Payoffs:
So from the top Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!: Isabella Finch herself ends up being VITAL to the story and to Bradford’s backstory, as does Junior Woodchucking as a whole. Quack Pack!: Gene is the fuel for Blot’s glove.. though he also fucks off right afterwords.. never to be seen again or help out at any point...
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Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!: This was the most unexpected and elevated the episode in hindsight for me as what seemed like a waste of time.. wound up setting up the first part of the finale, and the final battle with Steelbeak, and in clever ways with Steelbeak using the intelliray on himself, Launchpad muttering the map in his sleep via his smart self and Dewey remembering the base layout. 
The Lost Harp of Mervana: Used as a lie detector for that heartbreaking interrogation scene. 
Louie’s Eleven: Introduced Daisy setting up Donald’s plot which i’ll get to. 
Astro BOYD: My baby boy comes back for this episode! He also gets one of the best lines of it “I’m a Head!”. That is the most ralph wiggum the boy has ever been. I’m so proud. 
Rumble For Ragnarok: Okay I was wrong nothing from this one comes back. Still a great episode. Same with the trickening. Both are VERY stellar episodes though, so I give it a pass. You can’t give a nod to EVERYTHING. 
The Phantom and the Sorceress: The Blot and Super Sayian God Super Sayian Lena, as well as Lena’s character development from said episode.  They Put a Moonlander on the Earth!: Launchpad helping Penny realize her purpose.  Forbidden Fountain: Jeeves is un-babied as a trap Let’s Get Dangerous!: Drake and Gosalyn Return, and Solageo’s Circut ends up being vital to the climax.. in the strangest and funnest way to say possible but still. It counts.  Escape from the Impossibin: Beakley’s near breakdown at the idea FOWL has come back. It was already heartbreaking and the first adventure had made it even more so.. but now it’s out and out DEVISTATING. The one thing after her daughter is not only back.. but SHE’S the reason he’s in Scrooge’s life and home and her giving up SHUSH has now left her wide open. 
The Split Sword: Probably the best out of all of these as it ends up directly playing into the climax in an awesome way i’m saving for Bradfords New Gods: Storkules shows up. Okay so that every episode claim bit me on the ass. Also when did these two meet? I mean probably at end of spear of selene but the more important question is WHY DID YOU ROB  ME OF THESE TWO MEETING AT ANY POINT IN THE SERIES. 
The First Adventure: Naturally the Payprus comes back as Does herons needling bradford to stop denying what he is. 
Fight For Castle McDuck: Suprisingly the blessed bagpipes ended up being VITALLY important. And giving us sexiest man alive infinity years running Keith David for an episode.  Last Christmas; Santa Cameo
Beaks in the Shell: Gandra being taken and the Lost Library being setup for this episode. 
Lost Cargo: The Stone of What Was. And Credit where its due what FELT like simply a filler episode with a tantengal connectoin.. ended up probably being one of the most important episodes. Fair play. 
Life and Crimes: Magica turning Bradford into a non sentient bird, like what happened to her brother.... proving once again this episode really REALLY needed as subplot attached to lead into the finale or something. 
Bonus Round: Pilot payoffs by the pound. Seriously Scrooge and Donald’s last lines to each other, the badass return of “I’m a Pilot”, more on that in a minute, and even other smaller call backs like “Keep Getting Up” and webby sucessfully getting some juice to Louie’s pride. All top notch stuff and it really makes the finale FEEL like one with all this coming back full circle. So i’ve hinted at it enough, let’s bring on the bad guy. 
The First Woodchuck
We’ve had some mixed payoffs so let’s get to one that’s just out and out excellent. Bradford Buzzard.. is the best villian the show ever had. Now I will give the caveat that my favorite forever and always will be
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You know it, I know it. But Bradford is the best genuine threat of the series, with Marc Evan Jackson perfectly balancing his menace and genuine evil.. with his steadfast believe that he isn’t evil, and his calm, controlled business demeanor. It’s one of the best performances of the show and he deserves all the credit for it and after seeing him in supporting roles for his career, even if his role as Kevin on Brooklyn Nine-Nine is fucking awesome and I’m sad that show is ending, it’s nice to see him step into a big meaty role as the big bad and utterly nail it. 
And the finale.. pays eveyrthing off with him, apart from the plan itself perfectly. Starting off him being revealed as Isabella Finch’s grandson... was  a stroke of genius. I didn’t expect her to come back in play but it gives perfect reason both why he knew about the mysteries.. and why he’s like this. 
Like Scrooge did with his nephews, niece and daughter, Isabella dragged Bradford all around the world seeing the unseen, thinking it was fun. The problem was... Bradford HATED it. He hated every minute of it, like as one post pointed out Rusty Venture from the Venture bros, and felt he should be in school. He wanted a normal life and a normal world and not.. this waking nightmare. So to him, fixing the world, stopping this sort of thing is the only way and that doing so is a good thing. His problem is how he adapted to it.
We see that best in his mirror images, the people he’s in direct contrast with and the show knows it. Starting off with the one he’s not like at all is Scrooge. Part of what makes Bradford perfect is he’s Scrooge’s evil opposiite. The Luthor to His Superman, The Joker to his Batman, the Green Goblin to his Spider-Man, the Iron Monger to his Iron Man, the Sinestro to his Green Lantern. Both come from a long line of adventure but while Scrooge embraces that and loves it, Bradford hates it and wants to destroy it. One is energetic and always ready, the other’s calm, calculated. And one sees what he is.. and the other dosen’t. Simple as that.
But his other mirror’s are more like him, moving onto Huey. Their both woodchucks, both prefer caution and planning, and both want to make some sense of a nonsensical world. Both want to feel safe when they constnatly don’t. One’s prone to panic attack the other’s calm. But what makes Huey the better man... is that he accepts the world is the way he is. It goes all the way back to terror of the terrafirmains. While he was all for adventure he started his doubting things, not beliving things were real.. because the reality that there are some things you just can’t prepare for, just can’t know, and you can’t be always ready.. it shattered him. He nearly let himself die rather than live knowing what’s out there. Webby pulled him out of that, literally and figuratively.. and he never went back. Sure he still tries to have an order to things, still breaks when his structure’s broken.. but it’s gone from a paranoid fear of the unknown and weird to embracing it. To relishing in finding unsolved mysteries and new clues to unlock, to finding new things to explore. He went from seeing this chaotic world as something to run from, to embracing and studying it. To loving it the way it is the way his family loves him for who he is. Bradford.. denies reality belongs the way it is and wants to force it into what HIS idea of it is Superboy Prime Style. The world isn’t waht he thought it should be so he’ll MAKE it that way. Huey grew as a person.. while his arc didn’t have a full payoff.. it still pays off here by showing what he COULD’VE been. had he let his earlier fear and his always present neurosis drive him like Bradford has. Let his big brain make him think he knows what’s better for EVERYONE instead of using it to genuinely help people. Bradford lacks the boys heart and empathy and that’s why he fell. Huey had his family backing him, his best friends coming to get him, and his brothers ultimately rescue him. Bradford.. threw his only true ally down a styigan murder hole. 
Finally.. we have the one that’s not brought up directly.. but is very much there. Donald. While the two don’t interact hardly at all... it’s VERY fitting that Donald is the one Bradford picks to threaten Scrooge with. Like Bradford... Donald grew to hate adventure, he wanted to get as far away from it as possible and took it from his boys for as long as he could. Granted that was in part Bradford’s fault, and that was an INCREDIBLY clever twist: it dosen’t make him entirley responsible or anything that robs the moment of it’s imapct, Della still chose to take it out by herself, she still lied to Donald and she still got lost all by her own decision and impuslviness. But it fits perfectly into it: Bradford’s horrifying smile when Scrooge gets taken away from saving her is even WORSE now with full context, and it still fits that knowing about the project.. he’d want to set it up to screw up Scrooge’s life. I don’t think he sabotaged the rocket or anything, too obvious and something Della would’ve mentioned by now.. but he knew it was unfinished. 
Back to the parallel the diffrence is once again.. change. Donald let go of his hate of scrooge and his past and realized it wasn’t all bad. He let himself grow as a person after a decade of bitterness and anger. But most tellingly and poignantly is Quack Pack... both had a chance to make a world that was safe, normal and what they always wanted. Both out of terror of the danger of this world.  Thing is.. Donald’s was noble. He feared for his kids, his sister, his uncle.. loosing one again and any of them at all. He wanted a normal life to be safe, to hide from that.. but it’s not what THEY wanted or who they are. He accepted that’s not how the world works and how it does.. is still pretty great. And his growth shows: he’s ending the series planning to go off with his girlfriend globetrotting, KNOWING things might not be safe, but diving into adventure, having accepted it as part of him. He even finds some new family and takes in two girls who badly needed a home. He learned to accept things how they are... and Bradford refuses, not beliving in this world as it is and vowing to force it into the way he wants it to be. 
And it’s that inherent selfishness.. that makes Bradford the Cartoon Supervillian he desperatley claims he isn’t. Bradford dosen’t care how many lives it takes, how much worse it makes the world, or how many people he has to stab in the back... the world WILL be “normal”. Bradford cares for no one and nothing except his own ambition. He kills Heron despite her loyality, and his own clones who loyally served him.. simply because their chaos too. No one or nothing else matters, not how they feel, not their right to exist.. only HIS vision. If he wanted to keep the world safe he’d be more of a hero, if still throughly a bastard... but he dosen’t. He wants to make it “normal”. He wants the world the way he thinks it shoudl be and damn anyone else and perfectly represents all the old assholes like him today who refuse to accept something diffrent or against the norm because “that’s how it’s always been”.  Like those real world assholes.. Bradford is wrong. The Duckverse is beauitful how it is in it’s chaos and risk and love. And he just can’t see it because it’s not what he WANTS to see. 
And that’s why I also love the Sword giving him big, black and red classic villianous monster, slowly mutating him as he fights the duck family. Because that’s his inner strength: he may deny he’s a villian but he’s forcing his will on others, refuses to see the world as it is for selfish reasons, and is willing to kill his own friends and allies if it means getting it. He’s the bad guy. And while he denies it to those around him... it’s clear from the fact the sword is working for him that he KNOWS IT, he knows he’s a villian and this is just what he wants but is so up his own ass he can’t SAY it or admit it. And in the end he’s fully beaten by the fact that his forcing his will on everything’s what’s unnatural: While his plan was ingenious, have scrooge sign a contract agreeing never to adventure again, since he’s right Scrooge would solve nonexistance it’s the same reason “launch hulk into space” only resulted in a smarter, more skilled hulk coming back with a space army to get revenge. He just didn’t bank on the inherent rediclousness of the unvierse: family really is the greatest adventure of all.. and the papyrus accepted it. It was the one thing he coudln’t palnf or because he can’t see the woirld how it is.. and that’s why he lost. He was so confident how he saw the world and how he worked was the only way... another way beat him. 
His fate.. was also awesome and endleslly apporirate. Being mocked by the other villians who while less capable aside from Magica, at least admit what they are and what their doing.. and turned into a Vulture for Magica, left to be a mindless lackey in tons of chaotic schemes for the rest of his life. It couldn’t of happened to a nicer jackass. Okay three more sections to go. Let’s go.
Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away With Daissssyyyy
Donald’s leaving for a long, romantic adventure with Daisy is the perfect capper to Doanld’s character. Donald started the series hating adventure: blaming it for della being gone, his rough times during it, and wanted to escape it in the boat and keep from loosing his kids to it. He felt like a looser for not having reached his dreams or properly provided for his nephews, when really he did his best and still raised three wonderful kids. A bit overproective, god yes.. but despite his grief and anger he still got through ten years with them on his own merits, hard work and determination. 
As the series went he reconclied with his past, realized Scrooge lost something too and that blaming him soley when it was Della’s choice was just taking his anger out on the one person he had left to take it out on instead of embracing his only family left, accepted Storkules as his friend (JUST his friend), accepted adventure through quack pack realizing that while it may be weird, dangerous and sometimes stressful for him... it’s what his family love doing and they should be who they are instead of who he wants them to be, and finally.. accepted himself by finding Daisy, someone who loves him for who he is, and literally and metaphorically understands him and turned right back around from dumping him to save him from a giant monster she roared at. He’s finally at peace. 
And that’s why leaving. Not forever, He , Daisy, and his girls will be back in a few months or even a month. It’s very clear this is a vacation.. but it’s one  he’s earned.  He’ll always love his boys, his surrogate daughter/cousin, his sister, and his best buddy launchpad. But it’s okay for him to want to form his OWN family, to spend time with his future wife and show her the world. To make his own story for once instead of sharing it. To find his voice. 
I also find it very poetic that a story that started with Donald raising his nephews like their dad.. ends with him adopting two more children. Two kids whose lives had been misrable: rapidly aged in tubes, deemed failures, constantly bellittled by the closest things they have for parents, so desperate for answers they’d kidnap their own sister and betray her trust and do things they know are wrong, And all this.. for nothing as their  Dad kills their mom, bad as she was, and plans to kill them. And Donald’s first thought when given the chance to have a kid free time to himself, with no guilt having earned it? To take these girls in, start his own family, if Daisy’s cool with it mind he thankfully clearly called to talk this over first, and give them their own. Because that’s who Donald is, a good man whose finally earned his happy ending and the life he always wanted.. and accepted who he always was. An adventuerer, a loving fiance.. and  dad. 
The Real Hero: One last one before the bonus round and a quick one. The Launchpad Scene.. was one of the shows best. His arc in this episode of thinking he’s not a hero.. made sense. He’s been plenty heroic.. but his boyfriend is a martial arts and gymnastics savant and one of his three best friends has a giant suit of armor and is a genius. But the payoff made even more: He may not be the strongest, the most skilled or the smartest.. but he has the heart of a hero. He’s always been the kindest, most trusting, most friendly one of the main family, a guy who never gives up, even when he should, never surrenders and loves everybody. And that’s why he’s inspired so many people: Fenton to not give up after his firing and keep going, leading to his path as Gizmoduck. When Drake was lost, his fllm gone and his mentor seemingly dead (In fact skulking around the sewers like an evil ninja turtle), and his future unclear... TOLD HIM he could be Darkwing, that he could become the hero they both ihdolized and the inspiration to kids he wanted to be by his own bootstraps, and he gave Gosalyn faith in darkwing and hope at at time she had none. He also gave those mice their freedom. Not as poignant but you try creating the rescue rangers and see how far you get. I’ve lost a lot of chipmunks and mice that way. 
Launchpad’s last stand makes up for his lack of being in the season during the final  half. Launchpad realizing that despite his quirks he’s just as noble, valuable and wonderful as his families, both of them. And that he is a pilot. Sure he gets the gizmoduck armor.. but the armor isn’t what makes hi ma hero... i’ts being launchpad that makes him a hero. Loving adopted dad, wonderful partner, best friend... and a pilot
Bonus Round:
Okay this is just stray stuff from throughout the episode I didn’t have several paragraphs worth of material on before we get to the final thoughts. But it had so much good I can’t not talk about it. So...
Gyro calling Little Bulb BOYD’s brother. My heart wept. So sweet. As was him fixing his son at the end. BOYD has the two loving families he deserves.. and the brother he deserves.. and the brother he dosen’t deserve who will probably also is skulking around the sewers like an nafarious ninja turtle as the series ends. 
Gosalyn fixing up Darkwing’s outfit for him. Awwww. Adopt that child you coward. Also if they don’t base the reboot on frank’s work here, I will riot. 
“Just cough up the information Bentina!” that was just pure comedy gold especially the sheer fear radiating off him. Also right. 
Manny’s “I can explain” and , once he has silky smooth keith david voice going “Come on man I just want to live my life.” That man is a legend. 
Dewey and Louie just not talking the “you kids stay behind shit” pointing out both their stake in this and how they’ll just go anyway and him proudly accepting it. Given the kids turned the tied of things a lot, good call. 
Dewey and Don Karnage singing their own background music as they air joust. Hell yes. 
Pepper got a promotion! Goodf or her... it’s meaningless now but hey she has a partner in both senses. 
Speaking of pepper she had the best line of the episode “He’s a grown man who has the strength of a baby!”. Only Amy Sedaris could’ve given that delivery just the perfect way she did. 
The Funzo’s opening sequence was dynamite, from how well set up it was as an infilfration, to Webby having learned how to scam free drinks (Louie was so proud), to Lena cheating for her sister at DDR, to Scrooge paying full price.. it was wonderful> The payoff was also great as rather than be mad her special day was used as part of an elabroate spy operation.. she’s giddy. Because of course she is. Two specitic  bits that get their own items
The Cabs came back one last time! It dosen’t effect my now finished retrospective, but after spending all that time with them it was nice to see them for what will probably be the last time for some time. 
The whole scene where Della finds out about the trip. Just all of it. Her casually and accidentally choking daisy TWICE, Fethry, who sadly did not get an episode this season, being the one to blab about it and only realizing it .. after repeating that they told him not to, and Gladstone who not only was casually winning at Skeeball while his cousins both got pissed at it, relateable as hell, but then awkwardly escorting his baby cousin out of the situation. 
“Satstically with Hubert gone one of us should be pancking but WHO I ASK YOU WHO?” As if I needed more evidence they were perfect for each other. 
Lena just.. slumping over after Dewey finally has her drop the cloak. Comedy gold. BOYD scanning her later likewise so. 
The second best line and line read of the episode goes to Louie/Bobby Monihan. “That is not comforting, I do not want to die”. He couldn’t of summed up Louie in one line any better. 
Ludvwig was a national treasure.  Not only did I squeel internally when it turned out he was alive but the explination for it was hilarious as it was batshit, and him just causally revealing Webby’s origin was fucking amazing “Ill give you all a moment ot process” The acomplanying “bless me bagpipes” was also amazing. 
I do wish we found out where FOWL went but it was probably to leave the remains all free to come back as villians of the week. Frank outright said they had a tailspin sequel episode ready to go.
The Webby and June fight was a masterpiece and I REALLY need to do a top 12 fights list someday. 
Lena connecting with the new twins , having pretty much the same background of being created by a villian for shitty reasons. 
“one is silver and the other is “ “Flintheart glomgold!” they should consider a teamup. What’s a little brainwashing between friends?
“We’re sisters’. No you and violet are sisters, Webby is your girlfriend your both just in denial. I only say this because Webby also thinks Della and Penny are just friends and I feel she simply dosen’t know what being gay is or again is in denial. They’ll get there. Plus it feels like Lena just didn’t want to loose her and would say anything which is valid. 
Curtain Call and Final Thoughts:
The Curtain Call was the perfect way to end a spectacular finale. Each bit of it’s a masterpiece, and every character gets one last awesome, heartfelt and hilarous goodbye with the camera and ending how it should: on our five most important characters, in a circle, together, smiling, freefaling into the next adventure. I”d have it no other way and any other series finale credits and last moments will now pale in comparison. 
So the finale as a whole is messy, some bits aren’t resolved as good as they could’ve been, Huey go the shaft, and it REALLY needed another episode leading into it to help take the pressure off. While it needed 90 minutes for the plot it had to tell, it needed more to build up to that and while the season was tight with episodes they BADLY needed one more they didn’t get or even a subplto to help take the load off this episode. 
But even with that... it was an utterly awesome finale on par with other recent standouts like “Let’s Fight to the End”/ “Thank you For Watching the Show” (Both feel like finales to me but in diffrent ways), “The Future” and the whole arc leading up to it, both parts of “Heart” and “Nice While It Lasted” . It was heartstopping, heartrending and heartfelt and ended the show as it should be: with over the top insanity, big reveals, a hell of a final battle.. and a focus on family. It’s not the perfect finale, and I defintely need more ducktales.. but it’s still a classic one and one of the series finest hours.. literally in this case. 
I.. am going to miss this series. I went into it before but it’s thanks to this series I make a living. If you’d like to contribute to that, I have a patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, my next stretch goal is a darkwing duck epsiode a month so  kick in a buck won’t you? and take comissions so if theres an episode from the first two seasons that’s not part of the season 1 arc (I’m almost done there) or Lena’s story (already being paid for that) feel free to shoot me a line to comissoin it for five bucks an episode. 
But more than that it was an excellent well crafted show that took a franchise I love and updated it for a new generation. My nieces love it, I love it, and I will always love it for that. Young or old, this show as phenominal, it was stupdendous.. it was a duckblur. It will remain in my heart for probaly the rest of my life among such shows as Steven Universe, Parks and Recreation, The Venture Bros, Letterkenny, DBZ Abriged, and so many more that have touched my life. It was simply the best. And i’m going to miss it. Thank you for reading this, i’ll see you at another rainbow, if not one quite like this.
Next on this Blog: Duck week continues after this review took two days to complete. Sorry about that. Our heroes head to castle McDuck and Dewey is forced to face the consequences of his actions, while Scrooge yells at his dad , his dad yells at him and his mom is the most precious thing tha’ts ever lived. Also Launchpad in Donald Cosplay. And it won’t stop there as till saturday the rest of the week is all dedicated to Ducktales as I finish up the Della and Lena arcs for season 1 and get started on Lena’s last three episodes. So if you liked some ducktales, stick around. And once again.. thank you. 
61 notes · View notes
five-rivers · 3 years
Long Night in the Valley Chapter 1
Behold, my attempt to rectify the appalling lack of into the mind fics in the BNHA fandom.  :P
“You shouldn’t be here.”
He stood on top of the stairs to the beach, looking down on them.  With the sun rising behind them, his pupils were pinpoints, his irises shockingly bright. He wore a thin windbreaker over a t-shirt that read ‘tracksuit’ and a pair of sweatpants with his signature red shoes.  His expression was strangely flat and blank.  He had never looked at them like that before.
“Deku?” said Ochako, uncertainly, taking a step forward, her hand half raised, as though she could reach him despite being so far away.
The commission instructor flung out an arm, stopping her.  He was staring up at the boy, too, his eyes blown wide, lips pulled back with something like worry, something like fear, and something like avarice.  “Whatever that is,” he said, “it isn’t Midoriya Izuku.”
Aizawa reviewed the program the commission had sent to him, ignoring the gentle bumping of the bus and the barely controlled chaos of the students around him.  It looked fairly straightforward, all things considered.  The requirement was new, and Aizawa felt it was illogical to test students like this, when they could simply have the material added to the course load, but, overall, he’d seen worse.  
So why did this bother him so much?
He scanned the paperwork again.  He was going to be getting the same certification as his students, had arranged to be part of the same general ‘cohort’ even, because he didn’t trust them on their own.  At all. Ever.  
But that shouldn’t be an issue.  Even when they did get split up, they’d be going in groups of five and—
Ah.  There it was. Groups of five, with any odd numbers being used to fill out other groups who were undergoing testing on the same day, most of whom were adult heroes, if he recalled correctly.  
With the addition of Aizawa, there were twenty-one of them.
Calling on years of experience, Aizawa didn’t groan.  The thing was, Aizawa knew, even before arriving and having numbers and groups assigned, who the odd one out would be. There was only one student who could be so problematic without trying or indeed having any control over the variables that went into causing the problem.  
Aizawa almost suspected that Midoriya had some secret trouble-attracting quirk on top of the lightning-spitting bone-breaking insanity and the randomly appearing eldritch abomination tentacle things.  It would fit right in.  
Sadly, Midoriya’s ability to find trouble didn’t seem to go away when Aizawa stared at him, so he had to acknowledge that the kid was just that unlucky.  
If Aizawa let Midoriya go off to complete the course on his own, he would probably discover that, oh, pro hero Wash was laundering money from an overseas smuggling operation disguised as an environmental clean up charity.  Or, somehow, locate a villain, despite being at a secure hero commission building. Like he had during the provisional license exam.  Or break a bone.  Again. Or discover a previously unknown aspect of his quirk.  Again. Or get into a fight with Bakugo. Again.
No way.  Not if Aizawa had anything to say about it.  
Izuku bounced in place, excited.  He was attending a professional development course given by the Hero Standards and Practices Commission.  It was like a dream come true!  Literally!  He dreamed about this!  Of course, he’d had the dream when he was seven, and he’d just learned about the HSPC and what it did, and All Might had been the course teacher, which he wasn’t going to be for this course, and which was also a little redundant, because All Might (Mr. Yagi, Toshinori, Eight) was already his teacher, and the reason behind this course, and making everyone with any kind of hero license take it, was a bit disturbing, and he’d had to opt out of some of the course features, because reasons, but, regardless—
“Midoriya,” said Jiro, tapping on his shoulder, “they’re calling for you.”
“Oh!  Thanks!” said Izuku, nodding vigorously, and, man, he really had to cut his hair soon. It was getting long enough to fall in his eyes when he did that, and that would be distracting in the field. Good thing it wouldn’t matter for today!
They weren’t going to be doing anything physical, after all.
He walked up to the table, showed the person with the clip board his provisional license (he could still hardly believe he had it!  It was so cool!) and received a card with a number on it.  
“Pin that to your shirt,” said the man, hardly looking at him.  
At least, the man was trying to look like he was hardly looking at him.  Maybe he recognized him from the sports festival and didn’t want to make things awkward?  But it had been a while since the sports festival.  They tended to drain from common memory pretty quickly, and—
Oh, no, he’d been holding up the line.
He sketched a quick bow and ran over to where the rest of his classmates and teacher were waiting.  
“So,” said Aizawa, looking as exhausted as ever. There was a spark of something in the man’s eye, though.  Vigilance. Had he noticed something amiss? Should Izuku be on alert as well? “We have consecutive numbers, so most of us should be together in the same groups.  Problem child.”
Izuku jumped to attention.  “Yes, sir?”
… It was kind of sad that he answered to the name ‘problem child,’ wasn’t it?
(Was it sadder that he almost liked the nickname? It was nicer than what some of his other teachers had called him.  It didn’t have the same bite.)
“Trade numbers with Yaoyorozu.”
Izuku blinked and looked at Yaoyorozu in surprise.  “Um,” he said.  “Okay?”  He unpinned his card and held it out to his classmate.  
Yaoyorozu took it carefully, frowning at the number.  “Why are we doing this, sensei?” she asked.  
“Because knowing his luck, Midoriya is going to be the odd one out, and you’re the only one I trust not to kill someone or get kidnapped if you’re left on your own.”
Okay.  Harsh. But fair.  
“What about Iida?” asked Kaminari.  
“I know what I said.”
Harsher—Wait.  Aizawa knew about that?  Since when?!
“Didn’t she go off that one time, though?  At Kamino?”
Aizawa turned to stare at Mina, who held her hands up. “Forget I said anything, sensei!”
“No, no, you’re right.  Hagakure, you take Midoriya’s number.”
“Eh, me?” asked the invisible girl.  
“Yes,” said Aizawa.  
“Er, are you sure?  I don’t know if I could survive a Midoriya-level calamity!”
Izuku felt his jaw drop a little.  Was that what they were calling it now?  Rude.  
“The calamity won’t happen if he isn’t there,” reasoned Aizawa.  
Which.  Okay.  True.  But also, rude.  
Izuku wasn’t that bad, was he?
Izuku took Hagakure’s card.  The number put him between Uraraka and Aizawa, so he’d probably be with at least one of them.  On reflection, Yaoyorozu’s number had put him on the other side of Aizawa.  Which probably wasn’t a coincidence.  
The rest of the class got through registration shortly thereafter, with several of his classmates trying to trade their own numbers, only for Iida to scold them.  Which was typical, really.  It was almost calming, and Izuku needed calm after… that.
Was his luck really that bad?
Now he was much more nervous than before.  Except, before he’d been excited, and, now, he was really—
He fiddled with the sleeve of his uniform, trying not to pick at his scars or cross the line into overtly fidgeting and being distracting.  He wished he’d brought one of his grip strength training tools.  At least with those he could pretend their only purpose was working out, unlike his other fidget toys.  
Oh, gosh, was that pro hero Rosemary, the memory hero? And Strato!  The high altitude hero!
Wow, he’d been so worried he almost hadn’t noticed how many amazing heroes were here!  There were even some he didn’t know!
And then they were being called up, number by number.  
Hagakure, true to Aizawa’s prediction, was placed with a group of confused-looking strangers, including Rosemary.  Izuku was almost jealous.  He’d love to learn how her quirk worked.  
Actually…  All of the people in that group were heroes with mental quirks.  How interesting!  Izuku would have to ask Hagakure if they gave her any tips.  He was sure they’d have different insights than the other people in their class, especially considering the subject matter of the course.  
The subject matter being combating mental attacks.  
That’s why Izuku had to opt out of being a ‘subject’ for the course.  He didn’t entirely understand it, not yet, but One for All definitely had a mental aspect, and he didn’t know how or if that would show up in a simulated attack like the ones they’d be demonstrating.  It was better to play it safe.  His quirk was already weird enough as it was.  He still wasn’t sure how he’d manage to talk Aizawa and his classmates out of being suspicious after blackwhip came out.  Most of that day was a blur.  
Izuku suspected that things would not have been smoothed over nearly so easily if Nezu hadn’t known about One for All.  
He also wasn’t looking forward to the reaction when the other user’s quirks started coming out – Even if being able to use them was going to be really cool.  
Anyway, his own group had resolved itself to consist of Aizawa, Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki.  He was relieved.  Todoroki looked relieved, too.  That made sense.  With what Todoroki had told Izuku about his history, he wouldn’t want to be doing this with people he didn’t know, either.  
But Todoroki would have opted out, anyway, right?  Or did Endeavor not let him?  Honestly, that would be par for the course for Endeavor. Todoroki said he was getting better, but…  Izuku had doubts.  He liked to think that people could always be saved, even from themselves, that most villains could be reformed, even if the government didn’t think so, that people like Endeavor and Kacchan could see the error of their ways. But.  
But even though Kacchan was better than he was before didn’t mean that he didn’t still do things that Izuku… didn’t like.  
And he couldn’t imagine that Endeavor was changing faster than Kacchan.  
“Who will they have us do first, do you think?” asked Uraraka. “I mean, I know they’re going to go through all of us, but all of this is making me so nervous.  I have a lot of embarrassing memories, I mean, I’m sure everyone does, but, ugh, that didn’t come out right…”
“Well!” said Iida, energetically.  “If they let us volunteer, I shall go first!”
“What?” said Izuku, surprised.  “You didn’t opt out?”
“Opt out?” asked Uraraka.  “That was an option?”
“I mean, yes?” said Izuku.  “I mean, I had to file a bunch of paperwork and get Mom, All Might, and Principal Nezu to sign off on it, but, I mean, it’s an option for people who know secrets that shouldn’t be exposed.”  Like Iida.  What was he thinking?
“I… did not know that was an option,” said Iida, who had evidently now realized he was in deep, deep trouble.  
Izuku resolved to protect his friend’s secrets as best as he was able, even if it meant he didn’t get a good score in the training.  
“I didn’t think there was an opt-out option, either,” said Todoroki, frowning.  He reached towards his face but tugged on his hair instead of touching his scar.
Okay.  So.  “Am I- Am I the only one that asked?  L-like, it wasn’t easy, I had to get a bunch of signatures, but it was doable, I…”  He shrugged, helplessly.  
“I wasn’t informed there was an opt-out,” said Aizawa, grumpily and a little… suspiciously?
Izuku cringed.  He did not need his teacher to be suspicious of him.  He did not need people looking into his life.  Into his past.  Into his quirk.  
Maybe, if they couldn’t keep Iida’s and Todoroki’s secrets quiet, he could play his reluctance off as pertaining to those.  Even if the idea made him feel incredibly guilty and unworthy of his friends.  
He would just have to do his best to help them.  
Before any more conversations could be had, their group was called into one of the rooms.  A set of six cheap futons laid on the floor.  Monitoring equipment lined one of the walls.  Two commission personnel, a man and a woman, were waiting for them.
When the woman saw Izuku, she frowned and pulled her phone out of her pocket.  What was that about.
“Hi,” said the man, who had a rather hooked nose and very bright, almost glowing, yellow eyes.  “I’m Ito Kenzo, and I’ll be your instructor for today.  You can call me Ito-san.  This is Saito Yume, we’ll be using her quirk for today’s demonstration.”
The woman smiled brightly, putting away her phone quickly. “The way my quirk works is that I can put up to five people into a shared dream state modeled after a sixth person’s mind.  All six people lose consciousness when I use my quirk, and the perception of time in the dream state is usually altered, although by how much varies depending on the group.  The dream state persists until either I release it, the people involved break free, or eight hours pass.  However, I’ll be making the rounds once an hour to pull everyone out and let you move on to the next person in the group.”
“I’ll be joining the dream state with you, to help point out tactics,” said Ito.  “Although the person the dreamscape is modeled on won’t be completely aware of what’s going on, the goal is to familiarize you with what it feels like to have your minds invaded in a safe, secure environment.  Saito-san’s quirk is similar enough to that of several known villains to be a good example of what to expect.”  Ito paused.  “Any questions?”
Uraraka raised her hand.  “Who’s going first?” she asked.  
“Ah, that would be—” He broke off as Saito tugged on his sleeve and showed him her phone.  The man did a double take, then paled, slightly.  He glanced at Izuku.  “Er,” he said, “you’re not supposed to be in this group.”
“Yes, I-I am,” said Izuku.  “This is- This is my number?  It matches?”
Ito glanced at Saito.  Then his phone rang.  “Oops,” he said, looking at his phone.  “It looks like I’m in the wrong group.  You kids are supposed to have Suzuki-san, I was, was requested by another group, so sorry! He’ll be here in a minute!”  Ito retreated through the back door at high speed.  
Izuku swallowed.  Something was going on behind the scenes.  This wasn’t about the suspected traitor thing again, was it?  Izuku had thought, after the training camp, that it was pretty obvious it had to be a teacher…  And it couldn’t be Aizawa-sensei.  He’d almost been killed by the noumu.  
(Also, he was the best teacher Izuku had ever had.)
A new, much taller man walked through the door.  “Hello,” he said.  “I am Suzuki Takami.  I am your instructor.  Apologies for the mix up.”
“No worries!” said Saito.  “Everyone, go ahead, lie down, get comfortable.  Midoriya-san, you’re first!”
“What?” said Izuku.  “But, I, um, I opted out?  I filled in the paperwork and everything.  I got a signature from Abe-san, and Kondo-san, and, and—” He fumbled to pull out his paperwork.  He’d kept copies, just in case.
Saito and Suzuki didn’t so much as look at it.  
“This course doesn’t have an ‘opt-out,’” said Suzuki.
“Excuse me,” said Aizawa.  “He clearly has paperwork for an opt-out.  Maybe you were misinformed.  Like you were about the room.”
Suzuki shook his head.  “I don’t know who you talked to,” he said, “but they were either mistaken about what course you were referring to, or you misunderstood them.”
“But,” said Izuku.  
“Midoriya,” said Aizawa, “if you want to sit this out, it’s fine.  I can go with you, so you won’t be alone.  No one’s going to make you subject yourself to a quirk you aren’t comfortable with.”
“He can do that,” said Suzuki, “but he’ll lose his provisional license.  He’d have to go through recertification entirely.  When’s the next licensing exam?”
“Hold up,” said Aizawa, “you’re doing this course two more times, aren’t you?  I know I was given multiple options for getting this certification.”
“Sure,” said Saito, “but it’s still going to be my quirk.” She wrapped a strand of her hair around her finger, stressed.  
Izuku’s mind was racing.  He couldn’t lose his license.  He couldn’t lose his ability to help people.  He—What would All Might think?  He couldn’t—
“It-It’s-It’s fine, sen-sensei, I’m um.  It’s fine!  I’ll- I’d have to do this anyway, right? Mi-might as well get it over with, huh?”  He walked over to one of the futons, and set down his backpack, trying to hide his trembling hands.  “So, is-is there anything special or specific I have to do for your quirk to work?”
“Nope,” said Saito, cheerfully, “just lie down and close your eyes.  Come on, everyone lay down.”
Aizawa moved slowly, which was nothing short of shocking considering how eager he usually was to crawl into his sleeping bag.  He put the bag down on one of the futons.  “You’re sure there’s no way for Midoriya to opt out?”
“Positive.  We’re really sorry,” said Saito.  
“Illogical,” grumbled Aizawa.  He got into his sleeping bag nonetheless.  “You sure about this, problem child?”
“I-I’m sure, sensei!  Plus ultra, right?”  He laid down, trying to get comfortable, but the panic rising in his veins really didn’t allow for that.  He could, distantly feel One for All (and all it contained) pressing up against the back of his mind with something like concern.  He swallowed.  Don’t think about it.  
His classmates were, hesitantly, picking out their own spots. Iida looked like he wanted to say something.  Uraraka’s brow was furrowed, her lips pursed.  Todoroki was difficult to read, as always.  
Suzuki was already lying down, staring at the ceiling.
Izuku closed his eyes.  
“Alright!” said Saito.  “Here we go!”
Yume left the room with Midoriya Izuku in it, feeling just slightly dazed.  She paused for a moment in the back hallway.  She had dozens of other groups to set off, and she was running late after that little snafu.  
Midoriya Izuku was supposed to be in a group with Suzuki-san and four other specially picked professional heroes.  Heroes who would get to the bottom of why and how he had multiple quirks, who would find out who he really was, who would figure out how he was in contact with the League of Villains and why they decided to pick some random quirkless nobody—
Assuming that’s what Midoriya Izuku really was.  The initial investigation had uncovered some discrepancies in his family records.  
In any case, he was not supposed to be in a group with his little friends and overprotective teacher.  
Oh, well.  Except for Midoriya, they were all clean.  If they were really heroes, they’d do what was right.  
Yume pushed off the wall (when had she started leaning on it?) and stumbled.  Something bright and red caught on the periphery of her vision and she looked down.
Her nose was bleeding.
She licked her lips, tasting copper.  It shouldn’t be bleeding.  That only happened when she overused her quirk, when she tried to put too many people into one dreamscape or tried to combine two dreamscapes into one. She’d been pacing herself.  This shouldn’t be happening.  It shouldn’t be bleeding like this, like she had just put more than a dozen people under.
Suzuki Yume promptly passed out.  
“Wow,” said Uraraka, looking around in delight.  She was still worried about Deku.  He’d looked really bad right before Saito-san activated her quirk, and she and Suzuki-san had been acting kind of shady, but—
This place was beautiful, and she couldn’t help but be a little in awe.  She’d kind of expected dreamscapes to be more… Mushy, maybe?  Darker?  Her dreams usually weren’t very clear (except for the nightmares, and those didn’t count).
But Deku’s dreamscape was as bright as he was: a beautiful beach and a cerulean ocean at sunrise.  Or was it sunset?  Either way, the sun hovered above the ocean, its light gleaming off the waves.  
“Wow,” said Todoroki, approaching the breakers on the beach.  He crouched, looking at the sand.  “It’s really…”  he poked the sand, “detailed.”
“As expected of Midoriya!” exclaimed Iida, waving his hands. “His attention to detail is unparalleled!”  
“Hm,” said Aizawa.  “Too bright…” He put on his goggles.  
“Excuse me,” said Suzuki.  “If I can have your attention, please.  I apologize for the deception, however—”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
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veiledsilver · 3 years
Top five moments you've felt like the universe was messing with you.
Oh boy everyone get ready this is a long list. In descending order, from mildly funny looking back on it to "oh god oh shit oh fuck":
5. Catfishing: College Edition
In 6th grade, I decided to apply to colleges early to see how they were like. I was scared that if they knew I was too young, they'd arrest me. So I created a gmail account as my persona, a white 12th grader named Emilie Alexander. Emilie was planning to go into nursing, dating a high school linebacker named Kyle Kenderson, and deathly allergic to bee stings. If she even came near a bee, she would die.
This part was of the utmost importance.
See, I was constantly paranoid that one day, the jig would be up- I might forget that my fake last name was Alexander. Or the college dean might come knocking at my door and tear up my home in his mad search for Emilie. If that happened I would fake her tragic death, presumably caused by one big fucking bee.
I secretly collected my information. What nearby states were the prettiest to visit. Which colleges were the safest and most affordable. How often they held courses that I liked. In my emails with colleges I tried to sound as mature and professional as possible.
Then, one day, a college member asked me what high school I was in, so they could check my records.
My blood froze.
It was time to bring out the bee.
In response to their question, I sent an email that was like this:
"Dear Mr. McLaughlin, I was a proud graduate of- ugh! Ah! Kyaaaa! Uwaa! W-w-what's this... huge goddamn bee doing here?! Eek, pardon my foul language! It's just that, as I told you earlier, being stung by a bee would kill me.... and now it's stung me thrice (three times)!!
What do I do?! I can't die... I've always wanted to attend your beautiful college...
But this is... the end...
Mr. McLaughlin...
*looks at you sadly*
Tell... my mother... I loved her...
He never responded, probably because he was rendered speechless, but I never touched that account again.
My private gmail for fun stuff like tumblr still has "Alexander" as a surname, though.
4. Wild and Authentic
Alright. Alright. So. My art teacher in middle school.
Right off the bat, they endeared themselves to the tumblr art kids- they proudly used they/them pronouns, dyed their hair vibrant colors, deeply encouraged OC creation, and was chill with any art style even if it was anime. Mx. Mason was very cool, except for one thing.
We had complete artistic freedom when it came to their assignments, EXCEPT FOR ONE THING.
Drumroll, please.
Take a deep breath if you must.
Cats had to have extremely distinct whisker pores.
YES, they believed that modern depictions of cats were too streamlined. Too... idealized. As a cat owner themselves, they were convinced that society's vision of cats did not do their feral feline ancestors justice. In making their faces flawlessly smooth-furred, we were stripping the cat of its true nature.
I found this out the hard way, when I was drawing warrior cats fanart for class (it was of Firestar cuddled in the arms of an orange haired anime catgirl who was his reincarnation in my first ever comic series, Warriors Neko Desu! ♡ Heart Academy Dokidoki).
Mx. Mason came over to look at my magnum opus, and I expected them to have their socks knocked off at my artistic talent. They lifted up my drawing for all to see, and I smugly leaned back in my seat.
Only for them to launch into a passionate lecture about how, in neglecting to draw whisker pores on cats, I was DENYING THIS FICTIONAL CAT OF ITS WILD AUTHENTIC SELF.
My friends absolutely lost it when I told them this story, and there was a period of time when all our discord nicknames were wild and authentic too.
As for Firestar and his counterpart Hoshineko Orenji-chan, I never did give them wild authentic whisker holes, but that's to be expected of a kittypet, I guess.
3. Stan Jungkook Or Whatever
A couple years ago, my family and I flew to Seoul, South Korea, to visit our relatives and teach me more about my heritage. It was very nice! I got to visit shrines and festivals and palaces, and I was in awe that this was what my ancestors had once seen in their daily lives.
Then, when we went to the modern side of Korea, I realized just how much I didn't fit in.
It was clear that I didn't know how to act, or how to speak Korean, and I spent my days fumbling around and getting scammed multiple times by salesmen. But I clowned myself the most... during an interactive event with kpop stars.
They had this experimental event where holograms of the boys would sing onstage and dance in place of the actual idols. Before the show began, girls could stand in booths that scanned their appearances, and holograms of THEM could dance onstage with the hologram boys.
I didn't know this.
When Cousin Ae-cha told me to step inside one of the machines, I thought I'd be hilarious and stand backwards, so it would scan the back of me instead of my front. As I walked out, I saw other girls putting on their best makeup, cutest clothes, and most expensive accessories, and I slowly realized that I was in danger.
But the danger didn't come until halfway through the concert, where the boys looked eagerly off-stage and a holy staircase appeared and all the hologram girls descended from heaven. There were cherry blossoms. There were roses. There was me, among the crowd of beautiful airbrushed girls, walking backwards.
I felt the judgemental gazes of twenty girls and their mothers.
Each boy danced with a girl, who got a cute animated moment with special effects, and sang about how they found a dream girl to have a true love romance with. Finally, all the girls vanished except one, and it was me.
One of the boys didn't dance with any girls, and now he was all alone in the rain, feeling dejected that HE did not find his true love girl to have a dream romance with. Then the rain stopped, the sun came out, and I emerged. Still backwards.
He was thrilled and sang about how my face (that he didn't see) stole his heart, and now everyone in the audience was giggling, and he slowly brought me very close to kiss me... but because I was backwards, his nose was cutely nuzzling my hair.
The audience members- at least the adults- were now laughing their asses off. His lips met the back of my head, and together we vanished into the wind.
I'd say I couldn't show my face there ever again, but I never did show my face, so... hm...
2. Horrid Little Temptress
If I wasn't a minor, I'd need a drink before starting this story. Sadly, I cannot drown my sorrows- and neither should you after you hear this, because it's only fair.
Mrs. Appleby was my Spanish teacher in like, 9th grade. Even the wild and authentic art teacher thought she was insane. Appleby forced kids to brew tea for her and yelled at them when they didn't get it right, and I thought she had a chronic squint until I realised she just did that to mock me and my Asian eye-folds. She forced us to watch Dora the Explorer to "absorb knowledge." Everyone fucking hated Mrs. Appleby.
But the worst thing she ever did... was during the school festival.
See, whenever she's angry, she zooms right into kids' faces to scream at them. Her wrinkled flesh would blot out the goddamn sun and all you see are her bloodshot yellow eyeballs so victims just stayed rooted to the spot like cornered animals or something similar. This is important.
Because when she was sampling her own brownies (read: hoarding them so no one else could eat them), one parent foolishly decided to grab one and she thought it was a student and she grabbed his wrist so hard she could've nearly snapped it and... and... zoomed into his face.
Except she underestimated his height and kissed him by accident, but it was more like her mouth was sucking in his face like a vacuum.
His wife was shrieking like an ape. His kid, my classmate, saw his social life flash before his eyes.
In her defense, she did not mouth to mouth with him on purpose and afterwards she cried in the bathroom and when I foolishly followed her in to comfort her, because I am a teacher's pet through and through, she snatched the paper towels I got for her and wailed that she was a-
If I had decided to not be kind, I never would've heard that string of fucking words. But I did. And I paid for it dearly. The end.
1. Violence IS The Answer, Sometimes
Thomas, my dearly detested.
Back in sixth grade, I used to have a crush on him because he had the surfer boy look with nicely tanned skin and pale blond hair and the clearest aquamarine eyes I've ever seen. He also liked surfing and swimming. He seemed like the perfect little trophy waifu except for one absolute dealbreaker.
He and his parents were extremely conservative and so, when I told him I liked him, his response was basically "haha no you're a [slur] and would probably eat my dog."
I was horrified and ran away to cry. But then, by the next day, I decided I needed to punish him. Thomas walked in before class started and I was waiting for him with these hands. I kicked him so he doubled over, slammed his face into his chair's seat, and quickly clambered on top of him to SIT ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD. He started shaking and twitching and trying to pry me off, but eventually he went limp and stopped moving.
I thought he fell asleep, but Mohammed, another classmate who was bullied by Thomas, told me that Thomas might never wake up again (not that he was very sad about this. I didn't know until later, but Thomas said slurs at him too).
While I was sitting on the guy, he'd straight up passed out from the lack of oxygen.
Screaming and crying, I told our homeroom teacher that Thomas suddenly fainted, and she was the type of Caucasian that thought all little Asian kids were sweet and innocent, so it didn't even cross her mind that? It might've been me? Who sat on his head when she walked in?
He was sent home early that day. I had to go to a different school next year because Thomas's mom threatened legal action. The only reason I didn't get punished further was because my rich cousins out-Karen'd her and donated a huge amount of money to the school to keep them quiet.
Anyway, I never did anything that insane ever again, because something like that is enough for a lifetime. My cousins made it clear they would never back me up again. I was sure this whole event would be put behind me, too.
But last fall, during my first day of online learning... who did I see in my zoom meeting... BUT THOMAS! I had my mic and camera off, but the moment he saw my name, his face went pale. His soul would've left his body, but then it would've gone to hell, so it wisely decided to stay inside.
Still, out of shame and embarrassment, I never turned my camera on for the rest of the school year.
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I know I’m the only person that wants this but I want that movie Stand By Me, the adaption from the book The Body, to be made into a tv show. Like, the first season would be before the events of trying to find the dead body, where Denny Lachance is still alive and the characters are just living their lives and Ray Brower could be there and then the season ends with Dennis dying and Ray going missing. Then the second season would be about the dead body of Ray and going to go find it. And then the third season would be when they are still kids, and they all deal with the aftermath of all that’s happened in the first two seasons. Do I want this just because the lives of these characters and their relationships intrigue me a strange amount and I want to see flashbacks of how these two different friend groups met and I imagined entire personalities in Ace’s gang for those who didn’t have one? Yes, thanks for asking. Speaking of flashbacks on how they met:
The older boys:
I have this feeling that Charlie Hogan and Billy Tessio probably knew each other since preschool. They probably both wanted to slide down the slide first and ended up getting into an actual fist fight that the teacher didn’t care enough to break up. Afterwards Billy was probably like, “Okay, we fought so we’re friends now.” “Huh?” “Yeah, I heard that if you fight with someone, then you become friends.” “Nuh uh!” “Yeah huh! I heard it on TV.” “Oh, okay.” Unfortunately, nobody else seemed to share this mindset as they started beating up people they wanted to be friends with, and nobody wanting to return that offer of friendship for some reason. They were the epitome of single brain cell shared between them even back then. And nobody gave a damn about either of them enough to explain why their friend making strategy was a bit flawed.
Then there was Ace Merrill, or John Merrill, who Charlie and Billy didn’t really pay attention to until in the third grade when he demanded everyone started calling him Ace. Everyone immediately complied, since Ace was absolutely terrifying, known for going batshit insane at the hint of disrespect. Once a kid didn’t let him borrow a pencil, so when Ace did get his hands on a pencil, he stabbed the kids eye with it. But Charlie and Billy kept forgetting to call him Ace, which Ace took as a slight, and beat them both up. Ace expected that to be the end of it, only to be completely baffled at how now Charlie and Billy wanted to be his friends. As they tried to explain their ideology, Ace thought it was stupid but the two of them were persistent, and that’s how Ace begrudgingly allowed them to hang around him, but had to explain to them that not every person they would beat up would become their friends, which they had to come to terms with much to their dismay. They did start remembering to call him Ace, although it took months.
In the sixth grade is where Eyeball Chambers comes in, or Richard Chambers. Upon entering middle school Ace and his ‘lackeys’ Charlie and Billy had gotten quite the reputation. Ace has evolved his batshitness into something a bit more terrifying; he’d talk gently to you while making threats, smile at you, right before breaking every bone in your body while yelling angrily at you. Now, Richard was a pretty quiet kid, always covered in bruises from his old man, not wanting any attention. But one day he gained Ace’s attention; walking home from school he accidentally tripped over Ace’s bike, breaking it. Ace was unhappy about this, so he gave his usual gentle talking before he pinned Richard to the ground and put out his cigarette just under his eye, accidentally missing his eye, while Charlie and Billy shouted insults and threats. He was going to do more but than Richard was so nonchalant about this injury, not even making any sound of pain. Richard calmly said that he would fix Ace’s bike, to which the three other boys called bullshit, saying that Richard wasn’t smart enough. The three boys followed Richard to his work shed, surprised to find all sorts of little built machines. As it turns out, Richard was good at making things. He fixed Ace’s bike easy, but at that moment Richard’s dad came in drunk and started attacking Richard, breaking Ace’s bike once again. The three boys fought off Richard’s dad and took the bike and Richard and ran. Richard apologized for the bike and Ace just shrugged, saying he could just fix it again. After that, the three boys, especially Ace, would start hanging out with Richard, asking him to fix random stuff, him gaining the nickname Eyeball. Ace actually gave him that name as a strange way of apologizing for the scar. The more Eyeball and Ace hung out, it became clear that Eyeball was somehow special to Ace, and Ace’s favoritism of him was so blatantly obvious it wasn’t even funny. While Billy and Charlie would occasionally suffer the wrath of Ace, as well as the later members of the gang would, never Eyeball.
A year later in 7th grade is where both Vince Desjardins and Fuzzy Bracowicz, or Norman Bracowicz, would join this dangerous group of messed up kids. Vince was easily scared, and when someone or something scared him he would just throw one of the rocks he always kept on his pockets at them and run away, and he was a damn fast runner. So people kept their distance from Vince, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his rock. Now with Ace’s gang, they were an even more dangerous threat with Eyeball. He was still a quiet kid, but if people messed with his friends he would beat them up, although he didn’t care if people messed with just him, having gotten used to it from his dad. His friends however, especially Ace, would care a great deal, so nobody messed with him either. But then Eyeball accidentally spooked Vince which resulted in a rock to the face. Eyeball really didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but his friends thought otherwise. He tried to argue that he’s had worse injuries, AKA his dad, but that was evidently an ineffective argument as they would spend the next week trying to beat up Vince, only for him to out run them each time. They were then approached by Fuzzy, having gotten that nickname in the 5th grade when he threw a possum at his teacher and laughed, and he offered a plan to offer a truce to Vince to hang out and drink, and then jump him once Vince was drunk. They asked why he was helping them, and Fuzzy apparently just thought this entire situation was hilarious, and he wanted to witness the whole thing. So Fuzzy goes and convinces Vince, the most jumpy kid they knew, to come hang out with the most dangerous group in town who have spent the entire week trying to beat him up, a feat that truly impressed the gang. The rest of the gang tried not to get drunk along with Vince but as it turned out Vince was actually a fun person to hang out with and they ended up getting just as plastered. And sure enough, both Fuzzy and Vince began hanging out with the group. They told Vince later what their original plan was, to which he responded that he hated every single one of them, while leaning against Fuzzy and his legs on Charlie’s lap. (I like to think that this group of friends are very physically intimate with each other)
And finally, in the 9th grade is when the final addition to the group was made; Jack Mudgett. Jack had just moved to town, and had made an impression when he was asked to introduce himself to the class, to which he looked straight at the teacher and said, “If you make me do that I will shit all over your desk. Seriously. I’ll take the shit and rub it all over.” Evidently, he wanted to be left alone. And naturally, Fuzzy thought messing him was the peak of amusement, and he recruited Charlie and Billy into his cause, with Eyeball, Vince, and Ace only joining in occasionally. At this point, even upon entering high school were the older high schoolers thought they could knock Ace’s gang down a peg, they found themselves sorely mistaken, and at this point even the police didn’t want to handle them. Vince, while still jumpy, can now hold his own in a fight, although if something spooks him he will throw the rock first, only running if he’s alone. Jack, in response to this bullying from the most feared group in the town, was to be perfectly blunt and tell them they disgust him. Ace, naturally, beat him up so badly that he had to go to the hospital for a few days. But when he came back to school, he continued acting blunt towards them like they didn’t just send him to the hospital. This happened again and again, with Jack never learning his lesson, and at this point Ace is ready to cut off a limb or kill him or something, but Fuzzy thinks this is fantastic and practically begged Ace to let him join the gang. Ace said no, of course, even when Fuzzy got the other friends to ask too. But one day in the cafeteria, while Fuzzy and the rest of the gang were loudly making their case to Ace with Ace threatening to stab all of them, Eyeball spoke up and said that having Jack in the gang could be fun, to which Ace immediately complied and walked over the Jack immediately and practically dragged him to the table; again, blatant favoritism. Jack of course is unhappy with this arrangement, not wanting to be friends with them, but after some time actually fit into the group very well, and he joined the close knit nature of the group.
They probably all bullied Denny to be honest. Jack was the one that came up with the idea to carve a word into their arms, although he was being sarcastic, but Charlie and Billy hatched onto the idea and persisted until it was decided to actually go through with it.
The younger boys:
Gordie Lachance and Chris Chambers probably met in kindergarten. Gordie was always by himself, having trouble connecting with other kids, and Chirs was by himself too, since the other kids parents had warned them all to stay away from that Chambers kid. However, one day Gordie was by himself in the sand, talking to himself. Chris saw this and approached him, asking what he was doing. Chris didn’t really expect a response since most kids ignored him, but Gordie was thrilled at the possibility of a friend, and told him all about this story he was making up. Gordie didn’t really expect Chris to care, since nobody cared except Denny, but Chris was enraptured by his story. And so they became each other’s friends, since nobody else would bother with them.
It was just the two of them until 2nd grade, when both Vern Tessio and Teddy Duchamp joined in, although the came into the group separately. Vern was first, probably struggling hard with some assignment, and all the other kids would always make fun of him for being stupid, except for Gordie and Chris; they only make fun of their friends, which at this point in time was just the two of them. Gordie felt bad and let Vern copy off of him, although they were caught by the teacher and both got in trouble. Chris told them both off and said that Gordie should have just taught Vern how to do it rather than let him copy off him, the mom of the group even back then. And so both Chis and Gordie would help Vern study with varying success, but those study sessions quickly formed into hang out sessions.
It was later into the year when Teddy would join them. The trio were hanging out, and they saw Teddy actually trying to steal a car, although having no idea how to go about it given that he was in the 2nd grade. They went over, Chris saying that if he didn’t know how to steal a car then he probably shouldn’t go ahead and do it, since he’d probably just get caught. Vern said that this reminded him of something and then rambled on about, while Gordie actually managed to get the car door open and start the car. They all turned to Gordie, to which he shrugged and said he read about how to do it, since he was thinking of a story that had someone stealing a car. And Teddy the whole time was just standing their thinking who the hell were these weirdos? But with the now properly stolen car, Teddy wanted to take it for a spin and got Gordie to scoot over. Not wanting to leave Gordie alone in the car with the class maniac, Chris got in to, and Vern got in as well, not wanting to be left behind. Teddy immediately crashed it and they all had to run away from the scene. After that, Teddy just started hanging around them, and before they knew it they were the infamous gang of misfits; the bad news Chambers kid, the Lachance’s failed son, that Duchamp loon’s even loonier kid, and the second idiot the Tessio family produced.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
A Hero II  (Shinsou x Reader)
A/N: I did not intend for this fic to be three parts, but it seems that I have been writing too fast to keep track of the word count. This chapter will have a little fluff with mostly angst. I promise though, the next part is entirely fluff and my favorite piece to date. Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the support.
!!!Sort of spoilers but not really you’ll be fine
word count: 4350
Part One/Part Two/ Part Three
“Where are you?”
“I’m with Aizawa-sensei. Is everything okay?”
“Oh, that’s great. Do you mind if I come visit for a minute?”
“Uh, sure, but why?”
“I don’t know, I just really don’t feel good. I feel like crying and I need to see you.”
“Ah, okay. I’ll be waiting for you.”
“I’ll be by the classroom in like, five minutes.”
“See you in a little bit.” 
Shinsou set down his phone after hanging up. “I’m really sorry for taking a call while we’re talking, sensei.”
The dark haired, tired teacher in front of him only sighed and shook his head. He really didn’t care if the kid took a phone call. He was more mature and obedient than the majority of his students, so it wasn’t a big deal. It was nice to take a break from teaching reckless wannabe heroes all day like Midoriya and Bakugo. “Someone coming to interrupt our lesson, I suppose.”
“Yeah, but just for a second. It won’t be an issue.”
“Bakugo’s adoptive sister, right?” he asked, exasperated already. He could only imagine the kind of person someone related to that blond devil would be, even if it wasn’t by blood. Just being around him for so long no doubt would corrupt anyone. Having one Bakugo around was more than enough, but two? Unmanageable. A good reason to quit his job.
Shinsou nodded. He fiddled with his neck wrappings, feeling himself getting anxious. He wanted to see Y/N, he really did. But in front of his teacher, someone he looked up to and didn’t want to see him go soft...not ideal. He just hoped she would talk to him outside in private and nothing be heard or seen. “Yes.”
Aizawa leant back against the blackboard, crossing his arms over his chest. Talking about his personal life could be useful too. He was curious about the kid. He was so ambitious and strong-willed, competent in a world of idiots. If this girl, whoever she was, made him happy, that would only boost his morale when fighting. It was a good thing for him to be lovesick, actually. Aizawa hummed, “Interesting. She’s in your class, I completely forgot about that. Didn’t think you were the type to have friends, honestly.” 
“I’m not. It’s just...well, I can’t explain. She’s different.”
A head popped in the doorway of the classroom a moment later, and it was almost as if a cloud  had formed on the ceiling. Her smile was obviously fake, and her eyes screamed with the shine of not-so-distant sadness. He had to close his eyes for a quick moment and take a deep breath to calm himself down. His face was heating up and his heart started to race again. She was so fucking precious, even when she was about to cry..
“Shinsou,” she muttered, not even bothering to step into the classroom.
“I’ll be back in a minute, sensei.”
“That’s fine. Take your time.” The man waved off his student, not wanting to bother him. The girl looked pathetic standing there with that fake grin. Already, he could tell she wasn’t much like her brother. He should have known that knowing Shinsou cared for her so much. He wouldn’t associate with people like the hothead. Aizawa also didn’t hate her upon first glance, and that was quite shocking. He really disliked everyone.
Shinsou stepped outside into the hall. She stepped forward to be closer to him just by a little, and her eyes flickered down to his hand. Knowingly, he reached out to take her hand in his, rubbing the backs of her knuckles with his thumb, just like he always did when she was sad. She was the first one to initiate it, holding his hand that time in the alleyway. Ever since then, she asked for him to hold her hand, to make her feel a little better. 
“Did something happen?”
“No, not really. I’ve just had a really shitty day. I accidentally spilled fruit milk all over my homework and my brand new textbook. When I was walking out to the dorms, that little freak with the purple balls on his head tried to look up my skirt. My mom called and yelled at me because of my grade in mathematics, even though I told her you were gonna start tutoring me, but she didn’t even care. And then, when I got to the dorms, I tried to take a nap but I had this terrible nightmare where you died and stuff, and it’s just been a really bad day.”
“Wow, that does sound shitty, I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said. For a moment he paused, thinking through what he could do for her before asking, “Do you want to wait here and we can go out somewhere when Sensei and I are finished?”
“Maybe. I’d rather hang out with you the rest of the day then go back and wallow in my own self-loathing,” she answered miserably, letting her head fall to stare at her shoes. “I just don’t want to bother you, Shinsou.”
“Don’t say that. You’re never a bother,” he hushed. “Didn’t I tell you I would do anything for you?”
“You’re too nice to me.”
“Not possible. I’m just doing what I want.” He always said that. He was never doing her a favor, she was never making him go out of his way or do something he didn’t want to do. For some reason, he found that whatever she wanted, he also wanted. If she wanted to sleep in bed all day, so be it, that’s what he wanted to do too. If she wanted to travel the world, he might just drop everything in Japan and go with her. He felt ridiculous about it, but it was true. That’s how she made him feel.
Whenever she was happy, he was happy. So, all he wanted was her to be content.
“You’ll have to tell me more about your day and that nightmare you had later. Talking about it helps.”
“Wait in the library until I’m done?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you later.”
He nodded, taking away his hand to step back into the doorway. He placed a hand on the doorframe and leaned into it. “Bye, Y/N.” His eyes trained on her face as she lifted her head to look at him, a small, genuine smile on her face this time. Maybe he was dramatic, but that girl was all he ever wanted to look at. That smile, it made him feel like a million bucks. He felt like a real hero whenever her lips turned up in that familiar way. 
“Thank you, Hitoshi. Bye…” He turned to enter the classroom but she stopped him, grabbing his wrist before he could completely go. When he turned to see what she wanted, she pushed herself forward into his arms, wrapping her own around his waist. “I really wanted a hug.” 
He sighed into her touch, wrapping his own arms around her shoulder and one to rest on the back of her head. “No problem.”
“Okay, now for real this time, bye.” Finally, the girl pulled away from his hug, waving to him with her now with a full bright smile on her face and a bit of pep in her step. For a moment, all he could look at was her going down the empty hall, he almost forgot what he was originally doing.
“You done?” a voice mumbled behind him, and he jumped. How could he forget that Aizawa was right there? He saw them hug and everything, how awkward. He felt like a real sissy boy in front of his idol. 
“Yes, sorry about that. Won’t happen again.”
The man rolled his eyes, his lip quirking in the tiniest of smirks. “We both know you can’t promise that,” he said. “So what is she? Your little girlfriend?”
His mouth opened and he stumbled over words to say. “No-No, of course not. She’s my friend and that’s it.”
“I see.”
They went back to the lesson as normal, talking and discussing possible moves and tools that could be utilized with his quirk. Still, Y/N ran through his mind over and over. At this point, he felt like he was actually going insane. Why couldn’t he focus on something else for once? Had this girl completely consumed his mind? He just couldn’t shake the thought of her and how she looked at him. Did people normally feel this way for their best friends? He had no idea, he’d never had one to know for sure.
Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to tell anyone about how he felt. He wasn’t really big on talking about his feelings.
The clock ticked away quickly, and by the time he was focused on the lesson at hand, it was already over. Aizawa had to go home to feed his cat dinner, and the sun was just going down for the night. He gathered his things and started out the door, leaving his sensei behind. 
“She’s cute.Your ‘not girlfriend’, that is. She’s not what I expected.”
“Yeah, I know. She’s kinda perfect.”
The older man only sighed, nodding to agree with the boy. “For you.”
“No, she’s just my friend.”
“Fine. She’s the perfect friend for you.” He waved his hands, motioning the boy to leave him the hell alone and go to the library. “Get going, your friend is waiting.”
Needless to say, that was one of the most embarrassing moments of his entire life. 
The dorms had been around for a couple months now, that meant that classes lived together and saw each other much more often than they used to. Shinsou had to admit, he wasn’t upset about the change. He couldn’t decide what he liked better, waking up to see Y/N in the dining room in her pajamas and hair untamed, stuffing her face with sugary cereal, or her visiting his room late at night after curfew to watch movies and stare out the window looking for constellations.
God, seeing her every day, even on the weekends... It made him feel like this was worth it. It had been months and he hadn’t tired of her. Normally, he couldn’t stand the same annoying friends after a period of time.
He was nearly asleep when a soft knock sounded on his door, echoing softly in the dorm. Lazily, he picked up a pen from his side table and tossed it to the door with a quiet thud, signalling for the only person it could be to come in. No one visited him in his dorm, no one except her.
The door creaked open, followed by a girl slipping through the crack. A click meant the door had closed, and he let out a breath of relief. She was here again to give him company, something he desperately needed.. 
When she was with him, he felt so different. He felt special, like there was hope for him. He relished in the feeling, entranced by her presence alone. 
"Hey," he breathed, rolling over in his bed to face her. She flopped down on the other side of the bed, face first into the pillows. “What’s up?”
“Lonely and missing you,” she told him. Again, his heart jumped at her words. She missed him. She always told him she missed him, when they were allowed to go home, when they had classes at different times, when she went out with her friend, on long weekends away from the dorms. She always missed him. He was almost sure she was exaggerating. How could she miss him that much? He wasn’t very exciting, just a friend. The only other person she often missed was her brother, who stayed across the yard of dorms.
“Well, what do you wanna do? Watch a movie or something?” he asked.
“Honestly, I just want to talk. I have so many things on my mind.” She paused, rolling over on the bed to face him, face sinking into his pillow. Her eyes held so much fear he thought she must be drowning in it. He had no idea what to expect when she came in that night. She hadn’t texted him or said anything earlier in the day during their classes.
 He wanted to reach out to her and hug her, make her feel some compassion instead, but he thought that was too intimate. If there was one thing he was afraid of, it would be making her uncomfortable. Part of the reason he loved her company was that she seemed completely at ease in his presence and he in hers. 
“It’s about this war,” she whispered.
“What’s worrying you?”
She shut her eyes, not wanting to look him in the eyes directly. Images of her friends and family lay dead in her mind, and she had to take a deep breath to calm down. “All I can think about is how many people we are going to lose. My brother is one of the strongest students here; no doubt he’s going to get dragged into this fight. Hell, he already has.”
Shinsou nodded, lost in a bit of his own thoughts. Everyone knew how dangerous the league was, how horrible the casualties would be. He tried not to think about it, but how can you not when everyone talks about it? When your teachers are preparing to die and leave you behind? “I know what you mean. Aizawa-sensei is in the same position.”
“It just scares me so much,” Y/N whispered, pressing her face deeper into the pillow, trying to find an ounce of comfort in the softness and the scent. Nothing was helping at this point. “What do I do if I lose Katsuki? What happens if they kill Hawks or Endeavour? What do we do then? Society can’t just expect kids to sacrifice their lives.”
“You just have trust in the ones stronger than you. I know it’s hard, hell, I just want to go out and fight alongside them,” he confessed. “But, I can’t, and you can’t.”
“I just hate it. I feel so fucking worthless, Shinsou,” she cursed, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes, soaking into the pillowcase tear after tear. “All Katsuki has ever done for me is protect me, fight for me; all my life he’s been this way. I hate that I’m not strong enough to help him now when he needs it the most. I'm so worthless.” her words began to shake, and toward the end, she choked down a sob. He watched the whites of her eyes fill with red, irritated from the tears and her squeezing her eyes shut to keep them in.
He lifted his arm, tucking the other under his pillow. Instinctively, she moved forward, pressing her forehead to his chest and curling her arms up in front of her to rest between. He held her to him, resting his chin on the top of her head, buried in her knotted hair. Her cries ran through her entire body, and he held her tighter to his chest in an attempt to ease the tremors. It seemed his instinct to hug was right. She needed this. 
Fuck, he needed the embrace too,  just to feel someone alive against him.
“Y/N, you’re not worthless. You give your brother hope and motivation just by being with him. He loves you, and wants to live another day so he can see his sister again. You know that,” he said soothingly, although he felt a tickle at the back of his throat, pain lurking up. “Besides, what would I do without you? I need you.”
“No one needs me, Hitoshi. Nobody,” she sobbed. How could she believe that? Both of the boys had saved her life multiple times, yet she had done nothing for them. “I’m just a background character. I’m nothing.”
He tilted his head down, his lips just skimming her hair. “You’re the only friend I have. You’re the first person who made me realize I could be a hero, that I wasn’t just a villain. Do you think that’s nothing? ” he muttered, “To me, you’re the main character. You’re all I care about and the only person I ever want to be with.” 
“Hitoshi, you fucking idiot,’ she cried. He felt her hands grab handfuls of his shirt, clenching her fists so tightly her knuckles must have turned white. “Why do you care so much about me?”
He lied. 
“It’s because you’re my best friend.”
It’s because I’m falling in love with you.
“I never want to lose you, Hitoshi. Promise me, you won’t leave me, promise,” Y/N begged, practically demanding him to give her that little push of assurance. She needed someone’s words to keep her going, to know it was okay.
“I promise.” 
It seemed like, when he was with her, he made more promise than he ever had in his life. Shinsou never believed in making promises because he never really intended on keeping them, so he avoided them. Yet, he wanted to make promises to her. He wanted her to trust him, and find comfort in his word. 
In this world, you can’t predict when you’ll die or how long you’ll live, but as long as he could, he would stay with her. 
He danced around their friendship. It always felt like he would make a mistake and reveal how he really felt about her. He loved their friendship, cherished it with all his heart. But that didn’t stop him from feeling something much more intense. He didn’t know for sure how he felt, only he was attached. Maybe he was falling for her. It could have been a crush. 
All he knew was that those feelings were real.
She lifted her head from his chest, and he pulled back to look down at her. She was puffy in the eyes and her cheeks stained with tears. He lifted his hand, gently bringing his thumb to rub against her cheek, pushing away the salty tears. His hand stayed there, fingers sliding against her skin so softly, almost ghostly. 
Goosebumps rose up on her arms at the subtle touch, and her heart beat faster. His hand stopped moving to rest on the side of her face, fingers tucked back by her neck. He was so warm, and she leant into him. Her eyes met his dark violet ones ridden with deep bags from lack of sleep. Still, he was handsome, so perfect in her eyes. His face moved closer to hers, and her eyes flickered down to his lips. Her eyes shut, moving ever so slowly closer to him.
A loud chime rang out from her back pocket. Startled, she jumped away from him, her hand flying to her pocket to grab her phone and shut it up. It was probably just a spam call anyway. 
She sighed, sitting up on the mattress and swinging her legs over the edge. She turned back to the boy, but was unable to make eye contact. He laid there with his forearm resting over his eyes, not looking at her either. “Shinsou...I-I’m sorry but I have to take this. I’ll see you tomorrow in class, okay?”
“Yeah, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow then.”
“See you,” she said quietly as she walked out the door, answering the phone as she did so.
Once the door was closed, he let out a load groan, turning on his side and curling up around one of his pillows. What the fuck was that? Were they about to kiss or was that just his imagination? Why did Bakugo have to call at that very moment? He couldn’t have waited, like, another 10 seconds?
He felt so good, having her pressed against him, to hear her telling him she needs him, to hold her face in his hands. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, he was sure of it now. Even while she cried, she still looked perfect to him, like an angel came to Earth just for him. Maybe she was an angel after all. No other girl as wonderful as her would take interest in him. She was here to save him, bring him hope and love and make him feel something while he was alive for however long. He always longed to feel anything other than guilt and anger and sadness. 
And his angel had brought that to him.
Y/N had gone out to the corner store for some snacks that afternoon instead of training, so he proceeded to sit and study. His quirk wasn’t really the best to practice alone, for obvious reasons. In the courtyard outside, he sat with his heavy books, math problems flashing in his mind. 
He was smart, so this kind of thing was never an issue for him. For Y/N, though, they had to work on that. She despised mathematics with a passion to the point where he would have to bribe her just to get her to do her homework. It was sad, but quite humorous for Shinsou. 
“Yo, loser.”
He lifted his head at the voice, his eyes trailing up to see Bakugo, slouched over in his messy uniform. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah, actually, you can.”
Shinsou prayed that there would be no violence here. But with how her brother was, it could go crazy really fast. It wasn't that he was afraid of Bakugo at all, in fact, Shinsou knew with his quirk he would win a fight. It would just make Y/N upset.  
He set down his pencil and moved over on the bench to make room for the blond, who hunkered down beside him. He didn’t take his hands out of his pockets, and didn’t move to make eye contact.
"Well what do you want?"
He shifted, practically itching to walk away. Still he persisted. "Y/N talks about you so fucking much, you know," he finally grumbled. "Shinsou this. Shinsou that. Seriously it's annoying "
Part of the purple haired boy was flattered and frankly excited. She talked about him to her family? He was sure it was all good things of course, but to know that he occupied her mind when he wasn't around? It was amazing. 
To be honest, he thought about her more than you normally would with just a friend. Her smile, her laugh, her voice. All of it just ran through his mind all hours of the day. 
"Ah, okay."
"Listen, I'm definitely not here to be your friend, fuck that. You're a creepy ass dude." As usual, rude as hell with no filter whatsoever. Typical. "It's just that I feel like I should...ugh, thank you."
"Huh, never thought I'd hear that come from you, Bakugo," Shinsou replied with a smirk.
"Shut it." He paused, leaning back to stare up at the sky. "Y/N hasn't ever really had a friend, not one that was good to her at least. You're the first person to really bring her out of her shell. She's a hard-core introvert, I guess."
"Don't thank me. I'm not doing anything I don't want to."
"I know. It’s just that when I convinced her to come to U.A., she thought she would be all alone, you know, bullied and shit like before. I'm just glad someone's been there for her."
"I really can't see why people would bully her. She's kind and beautiful and smart."
"Yeah, right, I know. People just like to pick on little girls." Bakugo sighed, clenching using fists in his pockets. "I've just gotten so busy recently with everything, I haven't had the time to be her brother. You've watched out for her instead."
"She doesn't even need someone to watch out for her. She's not a baby, she's strong enough to handle herself now," Shinsou replied. "We all have our moment of weakness."
"Y/N told mom about how you got rid of that thug the day I was sick. Can't believe it," he muttered. "Nothing happened, but I swear if you weren't there and something did,  I would’ve kicked some major ass. So thanks for that too."
"Like I said, you shouldn't thank me. It's just the right thing to do."
"Yeah, but you aren't just doing it out of the kindness of your heart, Y/N isn't a damn charity.” His face lightened for a moment, the scowl softening into a grimace. "You love her, any dumbass can tell. I'm not sure if she feels the same way, but, shit…I’ve just never seen her happier than when she’s hanging out with you."
Shinsou said nothing. What was there to say? Bakugo was right. He did love her. Maybe for a while he thought it was just a crush, but it wasn't. Sure, if that criminal were harassing anyone else, he would do the same thing for them. Only, he wasn't sure he would turn around from his walk home to make sure they were safe. He wouldn't let just anyone come into his room at any hour of the night for hugs and cuddles, or a shoulder to cry on. That just wasn't him. 
So he felt comfortable being confronted with the fact. Because it was real. He really loved her, and he would never deny it.
"I've got a bad feeling, loser. A really bad feeling something is gonna happen to me. You have to be there for Y/N when it does. Swear to me," Bakugo commanded, turning to stare the other boy in the eyes. They weren't friends, it was true. In fact, Shinsou didn't like the guy one bit. But he could feel the pain and hopelessness in his voice, guilt that he might not be there anymore. 
And so, he felt himself making another promise for her.
He nodded. "Yeah, I swear. I'd never let anything happen to her."
"Good. Glad to know there's somebody else out here in this shitty world that loves her."
"Me, too."
Part Three is up as well so check that out.
Taglist: @vicisbookishblog  @annepamgkrth @smellslikenonsense
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bokutokoutarou · 4 years
— break your heart (||)
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pairing - sugawara koushi x f!reader
synopsis - in an au where everyone has their own warning label that appears on them when they get a new significant other, you see the words “will break your heart” appear on sugawara koushi’s wrist the moment he asks you out
Part 1  | PART 2 | Part 3
[a/n] - this is part 2 to my 100 follower special. there’s gonna be one more part after this <3
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Empty. Everything seemed empty.
His wrist, his mind, his heart. There was a hollowness that ached deep within Suga’s chest after you ran out of the room, and although his mind was racing with enough thoughts to make him feel dizzy, it felt strangely blank. There was something he was missing — someone he was missing — and that someone was you.
But who were you?
That simple question replayed over and over again in his mind to the point where he felt like he was about to go insane. Nothing seemed real anymore, because everything had happened so fast. He was about to receive the ball at a game and in the blink of an eye he was lying down in a hospital bed, feeling a throbbing pain his head and the warm sensation of a stranger's hand holding his.
A stranger...no, you couldn’t be a stranger — not with the way you had looked at him as though nothing else in the world mattered to you as much as he did. The nurses wouldn’t have let someone who didn’t know him into his room, so it was impossible for you two to have never met before.
You were apart of his life — you had to be — yet no matter how hard he tried to think, he couldn’t recall a single memory inside his mind that had you in it.
Suga let out a deep sigh of frustration, and despite how utterly weak he felt, he gripped the white sheets of his hospital bed so tightly that his knuckles began to turn white. He didn’t know if his head was pounding because of his injury or because of how hard he was trying to grasp onto any sliver of a memory that could tell him who you were, but it was no use. Every one of those memories were empty.
“There’s nothing...” Suga whispered to himself defeatedly, allowing his head to fall back onto his soft pillow. His attempts to remember you had been futile, because it was as though you had been erased from his mind without warning. 
Warning. The thought of that singular word made him instinctively grab onto his left wrist with his right hand, and he used his thumb to trace small circles over the blank spot on his skin.
According to you, there had once been a warning label there.
According to you, he had gotten that label because he asked you out.
It all seemed so surreal. How could he have gotten his first warning label without even remembering what it said? He couldn’t even rely on his own memory, so all he had to fall back on were a stranger’s words.
No, not a stranger’s words. Your words. His eyes immediately darted to his sports bag, which was resting on one of the chairs by his bedside. He weakly stepped out of his hospital bed, flinching as the coolness of the ground surged through his bare feet, and he pulled the bag’s zipper to reveal his phone resting on top of his jersey.
The sudden brightness of his phone screen illuminating the surrounding darkness sent a wave of pain through the grey-haired boy’s already aching head, but that didn’t matter to him. In that moment, all that mattered was that his most recent photo had you in it.
It was a moment frozen in time, a moment that existed in the software of his phone rather than in his own mind. He was fast asleep on your shoulder, and you had the brightest of grins on your face as you held out a playful peace sign to the camera. Nishinoya and Tanaka were hovering over the back of the bus seat you two were sitting on, holding out peace signs and sticking out their tongues goofily.
“So it’s true...” he whispered, his heart stopping in his chest. He immediately went to his messages to see if he had a chat with you, and sure enough, your name held the position of the top-most chat on his screen.
“[Y/N] ❥”.
“[Y/N],” he whispered your name, the sound of it feeling so familiar yet so foreign as it rolled off his tongue. He repeated it once more and closed his eyes, half-expecting all of his forgotten memories to instantly flash through his mind, but not a single one appeared.
His mind remained empty.
“It’s no use,” Suga sighed, collapsing back in his hospital bed and staring up at the ceiling in a daze. Although he didn’t remember who you were, he knew that you must have meant something to him, because your absence left a gaping hole in his heart that he so desperately wanted to fill. 
Who were you, and why did he feel so empty without you?
Suga closed his eyes, the surrounding darkness to encompassing him as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber — away from the throbbing pain in his head and the hollow feeling in his chest.
Empty. Without you, everything seemed empty.
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After spending the night in the hospital and undergoing a multitude of examinations to ensure he was alright, Suga was discharged the next morning.
He had tried to tell the doctors about his amnesia, but they simply stated that there wasn’t much they could do. Only time would tell whether his memories would slowly come back to him or just not return at all, so the doctors told him that he’d be able to go to school the following day and resume life as normal.
Well, at least as ‘normal’ as it could get.
After scrolling through all his photos and text messages, there was no denying that he had been in a relationship with you. Not when there were pictures of you wrapping your arms around his neck as you gently kissed his cheek, not when there were text messages of you two saying the fateful three words: “I love you”.
If he did love you, then love was cruel, because any feelings that he harbored for you had disappeared, instead being replaced with a feeling of emptiness, a feeling of curiosity. He wanted to remember what it felt like to love you, but he didn’t know how.
On Suga’s daily walks to school, the feeling of the crisp morning air usually calmed his mind for the coming day, yet there was nothing relaxing about his walk to school the next morning. Anxiety flowed through his veins because with every step he took, he was closer to seeing you.
And he was right about that, because upon arriving at his destination, there you were.
You were sitting in a desk at the front of the classroom, a blank expression on your face as you took your binder out of your bag and set it down in front of you with a light thump. Your lips were pulled down into a permanent frown as you flipped through your notes, but it didn’t seem like you were looking for anything in particular. Your eyes were empty and your movements were slow — you were clearly hurting and Suga knew that he was the reason why.
Suga was never one to avoid confrontation, but at that moment, all he wanted to do was run out of the room. Although he had forgotten who you were, it was hard to forget the tears that streamed down your face as you pleaded with him to remember you. Suga couldn’t face you knowing that he was the reason for your pain, even if it was unintentional.
“Koush — um, I mean, S-sugawara-san,” the sound of your startled voice snapped Suga out of his thoughts. He looked up and froze in place when he realized that you were staring at him with wide eyes and parted lips, as though his very presence had caused your whole world to come crashing down around you.
“[Y/N] ...” Suga gulped as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, but when he saw your breath hitch in your throat, he realized that saying your name was a huge mistake.
“Y-you...you remember me?” you stuttered out, making Suga’s heart drop in his chest. Your expression had immediately brightened, and there was a glimmer of hope in your previously lifeless eyes. But as much as Suga didn’t want it to disappear, there was no use in lying.
“No, I...your name is in the contacts on my phone. I’m sorry,” Suga apologized, turning red in embarrassment. It pained Suga to say these words, but he couldn’t even bring himself to imagine the amount of pain you were feeling.
“Oh...” you said in almost a whisper, but the pain in your voice was as clear as day. You looked back down at the notes on your desk, the light in your eyes dimming and your expression saddening once more. “You sit beside me, by the way...in case you forgot that too.”
Suga didn’t know what to say, so he simply walked towards you and took a seat in the desk beside you. He noticed that his very presence made you stiffen in your seat, and you didn’t even spare him a glance as the teacher walked up to the chalkboard and began her lesson.
“Was this your way of moving on?” Suga thought to himself, not even attempting to listen to what the teacher was saying. Although the boy had no memory of your relationship beginning, he didn’t want it to end. All he wanted to do was remember, for everything to go back to normal — but he couldn’t even remember what his ‘normal’ was.
Throughout the entirety of the lesson, Suga kept sneaking glances at your wrist as you copied down the solutions that the teacher was writing on the chalkboard. Your wrist was empty just like his was, devoid of any warning label that signified a relationship between you two, which made the boy wonder what words could have possibly appeared on your wrist when he asked you out. 
Suga didn’t realize that the lesson was over until he saw you open your textbook to start working on the assigned homework. He followed suit and opened his book too, yet instead of working he simply stared at the equations on the page, hoping that the confusing math problems could distract him from all of his problems in real life.
“Hey, Yoshida,” the girl sitting in the pair of desks behind yours and Suga’s whispered to the blond boy beside her, snapping Suga out of his daze. “Can you check over my answer for question three?”
Suga’s eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the eleven words that had come out of the girl’s mouth. A spark had lit inside of his mind, making glimpses of the past appear before his eyes at the speed of light.
“[Y/N], can you check over my answer for question three?” he remembered asking you, his past words echoing in his mind as the image of a page with the words ‘go out with me’ written on it danced before his eyes.
He remembered the initial look of surprise on your face, the way your lips were parted in shock before they curled upwards into a smile as you told him that his answer was perfect.
He remembered the way your eyes watered in fear when you saw that your warning label claimed you were ‘too idealistic and stubborn’, and he remembered the laugh of relief that escaped your lips when he told you that he thought that it was cute that you always had your head up in the clouds.
And finally, he remembered the feeling of his heart sinking in his chest when he rolled up his left sleeve to reveal the words ‘will break your heart’ on his wrist.
“Are you okay, Ko — Sugawara-san?” you asked, snapping the grey-haired boy back into reality. His heart was racing because of the sudden memory that had flooded his mind, yet the sound of your voice made his heart race even more. “You look kind of lost...do you understand the homework?
“N-no,” Suga shook his head, not even daring to mention the memories that had flashed before his eyes because he didn’t want to bring your hopes up. “Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I remember a single word our teacher has said all semester.”
He wasn’t lying when he said that. His amnesia must have went further than simply forgetting you because he truly didn’t have any memory stemming back from the past few months, yet he could have sworn that he remembered the mundane task of buying a new binder before his math course began. Life was cruel, because of course his memories had to be cut off at the point right before he met you.
“I can help you, if you want,” you told him, and his brown eyes widened in surprise at your sudden proposition. “We can meet in the library to review at lunch like we always d—”
You stopped speaking mid-sentence, and Suga knew that it was because you had realized that he had no recollection of what you were talking about. Suga knew that no matter how many memories would come back to him, he couldn’t get them all back. He wanted to remember every single study session, every single inside joke, every single moment that had made him fall in love with you.
“That sounds good,” he gave you a small smile, pretending not to notice what you had stopped yourself from saying, and as if it was perfect timing, the bell rang to mark the end of class. The two of you simultaneously stood up from your seats, putting your books in your bags before walking out into the hallway.
You gave Suga a small grin before you parted ways with him, which made his heart flutter in excitement. Maybe he was starting to remember the feelings he had towards you. Maybe spending time with you would help him remember something else. He didn’t know if the sudden memory he had in class was a fluke, or if he could even intentionally trigger getting another flashback, but he had to try.
Suga couldn’t contain the smile on his face as he walked the rest of the way to his class, yet little did the grey-haired boy know that the moment you turned away from him, you finally allowed the mask on your face to fall.
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“I’m sorry, I don’t know if I can do this.”
Suga’s brown eyes immediately darted up from the pages of his textbook at your sudden words. The two of you had been sitting in the library for the entirety of lunch, and reviewing a whole semester’s worth of math work was exhausting, to say the least.
“Hmm?” Suga hummed, twirling his pencil boredely in his fingers. “It’s alright, I’m tired too. We went through a lot today, so we can go through the rest of the lessons tomorrow. Thanks for helping me, by the way.”
“No...you don’t understand,” you shook your head, making the boy’s brown eyes widen in confusion.
“What don’t I understand?” Suga furrowed his eyebrows, tightening his grip around his pencil to stop the momentum of it spinning in his fingers.
You didn’t respond at first. You simply stared down at the pages of your textbook, and Suga noticed that your eyes were starting to water.
“[Y/N], are you oka—“
“I thought I’d be fine, but being with you right now...I can’t take it,” you interrupted him, your voice breaking as you spoke. “I can’t just sit here and pretend that everything’s alright when three days ago you forgot that I even existed.”
Whatever strength left inside you that allowed you to keep your calm for so long had finally collapsed, allowing the river of your tears that you had been holding back to stream like a waterfall down your cheeks.
“But I...I didn’t want to forget,” Suga felt a pang of guilt strike his heart upon seeing you break down before his eyes. “You don’t know how much I want to be able to remember, and I’m actually starting to. Today in class I remembered the moment I asked you out, and I’m sure I’ll be able to remember more things if you don’t push me away.”
Your tearful eyes widened at his his sudden statement, but you didn’t allow your moment of hopefulness to last very long.
“But you can’t control that, Koushi,” you shook your head, your voice coming out in a shaky whisper. You didn’t even try to correct yourself when you said his first name. “What if you don’t remember? Then what? And even if you do, you can’t remember it all. There’s always going to be something missing, and it isn’t your fault, but I...I can’t handle it. I’m sorry.”
You started to get up from your seat, and Suga was speechless as you started putting your books away in your bag before standing up and starting to walk away.
“Wait!” Suga called after you, gently grabbing onto your wrist to stop you from leaving, but his brown eyes widened in surprise when you flinched under his sudden touch. He was confused at first, but then he realized which wrist he had grabbed onto.
It was your left one. He was holding onto the spot that was once etched with words that foretold a warning for your relationship. But now the words were gone, erased, just like his memory of you.
You two were frozen in shock, staring into each other’s eyes as his hand was gently clasped around your wrist. But he didn’t let go, because he didn’t want to let you go.
“What happened to you being ‘too idealistic and stubborn?’ Why are you giving up on this?” Suga’s voice came out strained as he looked into your eyes pleadingly, and in that moment, he looked just as broken as you did. “I might not remember the feelings I had for you before I asked you out, but I remember how happy I felt when you said yes. Isn’t that enough?”
Your eyes widened momentarily at the mention of your label, yet Suga could have sworn that he saw your expression soften for a second. You didn’t say anything at first, but after a couple of moments your eyes glistened with even more tears than before.
“I’m s-sorry,” you finally whispered. “It isn’t even your fault, I just can’t bring my hopes up again. Let’s just forget about this once and for all.”
And with those final words, you pulled your wrist gently out of Suga’s grip and walked out of the library, leaving the stunned setter to sit alone and contemplate where it all went wrong.
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“Go home, Sugawara-san.”
“Come on, just let me in.”
“I said go home. You need to rest.”
The rest of the school day had gone by in a blur after what had happened at lunch, and before Suga knew it, he was standing in front of the gym pleading to be let into practice. Daichi had locked him out, only swinging the door open occasionally to scold the persistent grey-haired setter and tell him to leave.
“I’m fine now, just please let me practice,” Suga sighed, trying to sneak a glimpse of his team practicing in the gym, but Daichi was standing in front of the entrance, blocking his view. “We need to get ready for—”
“You’re not fine,” Daichi interrupted the boy, crossing his arms sternly. “You just got out of the hospital. Go home and rest up. You can practice again next week.”
Not even giving the boy another second to insist on being let in, Daichi stepped back and slammed the gym doors shut, the sound of a click ringing out in the air to indicate that he had just locked it.
“Great...” Suga huffed in annoyance, his breath coming out as a foggy puff in the cool air. The sky darkened with each passing second, revealing the moon and the stars in the wake of the previously bright blue sky. The boy knew that there was no use in waiting there any longer, as Daichi had made it clear that he wasn’t getting past him, so he tightened his grip around his sports bag and began his long walk home.
Although Suga was walking home alone, he had the millions of thoughts that were racing through his mind to accompany him. In reality, missing a practice was the least of the boy’s worries. He just needed something, anything, to distract him from the words you said earlier.
Was it really over?
Did you really want him out of your life?
Did you really want him to forget it all for good?
He didn’t know why he cared as much as he did — it felt like he had just met you, yet at the same time it felt like he had known you for his entire life. Maybe his label was gone, and maybe his memory of you was too, but he wasn’t ready to let it all go.
A sudden gust of wind snapped Suga out of his thoughts. He had been zoned out for the entirety of the walk, so the cool breeze brought him back to reality and made him realize where he was.
The sight before the grey-haired setter’s eyes was beautiful. The full moon rested high in the starry sky, its light illuminating the dark blue lake water that flowed beneath the bridge that he had been absentmindedly walking on. He had always taken this route during his walks home because of how picturesque it truly was. 
Suga walked over to the edge of the bridge and rested his elbows on the grey railing that was the only separation between himself and the water below. He stared up at the night sky above him, yet instead of seeing the lone moon, or the thousands of stars, his vision was clouded with a memory that he never knew existed.
And at that moment, it all came flashing back.
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[a/n - okay don’t scream at me bc it obviously doesn’t end here! as i said earlier, i’m making one more part, so don’t break my kneecaps bc i’m giving y’all the ending that you deserve!
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hectabdr · 3 years
Dragon Raja IV - Chapters 3 & 4 (Abridged)
Hi everyone, continuing with today's chapters, these are centered around Nono and Caesar and their lives after he returned from Japan.
Previous chapters
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Chapter 3
Mediterranean Sea, Republic of Malta.
The Island of Frefra is mostly an ecological reserve, there is a white building on top of a natural harbor with luxury yachts and sailing boats. Tourists and locals have always been interested in knowing more about its residents, but the government is very secretive about it. It is well protected against binoculars and often, music can be heard coming from the inside. Girls in white dresses walk around it and they're known as the "Iris girls".
At 5:45 am, a rotating alarm clock started playing a terrible heavy metal song, making its way through fashion magazines and snacks, it ran around the bedroom of Chen Motong, who finally trapped it and took its batteries out.
She slept for another 20 minutes and woke up in a hurry. She had classes to attend. Cooking lessons, Japanese tea ceremonies, British literature and music appreciation, amongst other things. This was the Golden Iris Shuyuan Academy. It was meant to educate Nono on how to live among nobility.
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She arrived late at the breakfast table only to realize the other girls were betting on her punctuality. After she accepted Caesar's proposal, he took her to Rome to meet his relatives, some of which were more than 300 years old, they left their cryogenic beds and unexpectedly blessed their marriage (after evaluating her from head to toes). Nono's own family was rich and powerful, known as the Black Prince Group. After both families signed the marriage contract, they agreed to make Nono drop out of Cassell to take a years-long bridal training in the Shuyuan Academy.
During her dancing lessons, a yawning Nono was the only one who couldn't keep up with the rhythm, prompting her teacher to whip her foot.
At her cooking class, she kept eating bits off her dish, leaving almost nothing for the teacher to evaluate.
She managed to succeed on her tea ceremony while her boredom made her toes fight each other behind her back. She was distracted during literature and used her profiling skill to cheat on her analysis of classical music.
She unwillingly started regretting the moment she accepted the marriage proposal, but not because of Caesar, it was all about the life that awaited her. The lessons were relentless and the academy was isolated from the outside world. She didn't sleep enough because she used her Cassell training to sneak out at 10:00 pm to swim by the beach, that was the only time in her day when she felt truly free.
She toyed frequently with her obnoxious alarm clock, it was a gift from her old classmate, Luminous. On her last birthday, he casually carried a backpack with him all day, it was pretty obvious that he was preparing to give her a gift, which he nervously did, and he was the only person who dared to do so, as everyone else felt intimidated by Caesar.
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She knew about Luminous's feelings for her. All of the male classmates who liked her could easily fill the whole cafeteria. Luminous was just one of them. She considered herself a passer-by in his life, thinking some girls of his age (like Zero) would be a better match for him. One day he'd mention it as a thing of the past and they would both laugh about it.
She hoped to finish the bridal course in months, but it had already been a year. She brought mostly books but she quickly ran out of things to read.
Suddenly, she realized someone was hiding in her bedroom, right after the cleaning lady left. The intruder took one of her books and a bag from her secret stash of potato chips. She turned off the lights and grabbed a knife, more excited than scared, she searched for the thief.
After finding nothing, she remembered her bathtub, and there he was, asleep with the missing book on his face and a bag of chips in his belly. She punched him in the stomach. A patrolling Nun showed up, concerned, Nono hid the intruder in the tub and pretended to take a bath. If someone found Luminous in her room, they would accuse Nono of having an affair.
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The nun searched the whole place with a revolver but couldn't find anyone, before leaving, she had a conversation with Nono about her situation in the academy, specifically her wish to leave. In the lady's words, "Her soul seemed to lag behind her body". Luminous finally understood that she was there to become the perfect bride. When the nun left, Nono scolded him for his presence, she realized he looked different, he was clearly taking care of himself, better dressed, he definitely had a better haircut. He also thought she looked somehow different, more elegant, but exhausted.
His stomach roared, breaking a long awkward silence and she took him out to steal some food for him. They took wine from the cellar, along with some ham and cheese.
-Sister, do you know Johann Chu? -Maybe, was he your boyfriend or did he just owe you money?
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Luminous explained his situation to her: he decided to go with the school's psychologist, professor Toyama, who diagnosed him as schizophrenic. Toyama attempted to erase Johann off his memory, but Luminous responded by making a scene and drawing out his desert eagles. He tried to track Johann in everyone else's memories but his missing classmate didn't have many friends.
Anjou couldn't remember him either. Back during Luminous's second year, there was no trial against a Blood Rage user, Frost Gattuso only accused the principal for his terrible administration. The rollercoaster incident happened way after they finished their ride with Shavee. Anjou gave Luminous the location of Chen Motong, telling him to use her profiling ability to find some clues.
However, Nono also believed Luminous had schizophrenia and convinced him to stop his search and look for treatment instead. Luminous lamented his condition and how he couldn't trust the world he lived in anymore, however, despite how enticing it was to forget Johann and go back to the real world, he felt his brother was still out there, waiting to be saved, but everyone forgot about him. Nono couldn't do much for him in his situation.
-Years ago, you were not the president of the Student Union, but a scared boy that I rescued from a theater. Now that you don't trust the world anymore, you came back to me. How many more times do you think I'll be here to save you?
Suddenly, a security guard noticed the candle they lit in the cellar. Nono didn't know how to react, but someone broke a bottle of wine on the guard's head and knocked him down. It was Finger, who informed Luminous that now he was wanted by Cassell, as they thought he was an undercover agent sent by the Dragon Raja.
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Apparently, on the same night that Luminous left the college, someone entered the Ice cellar and stole Constantine's skeleton, severely injuring principal Anjou in the process. The only student with such clearance and power was the S-Rank himself.
Agents of the Execution Bureau went looking for Finger in Cuba, so he buried them in a tobacco field, with their heads out, of course.
Nono urged them to understand the seriousness of what it meant to be hunted by the secret party, which essentially made them targets of the whole world. They could leave no traces for Norma to track down. She considered there were three possibilities:
1- Luminous was insane.
2- He was an undercover agent sent by the dragon raja all along.
3- He was the only person in the world who was't hypnotized.
The only being who could be responsible for the third option is the white dragon king. Its skeleton was never recovered. Their only option was to travel with Luminous in secret to track down any trace that Johann might have left in the world before he disappeared.
-I really hope my brother is alive... -True Love! Said Finger and Nono in unison.
Finger then urged them both to leave and "go save the world" but Nono refused to leave. She had a responsibility with her family and with Caesar. As Luminous turned around and started walking, Finger stunned her, urging Luminous to help him carry her outside.
Chapter 4
Caesar Gattuso was sitting down in a church. This was the anniversary of his mother's death, so he wore a suit, drove a Harley Davidson motorcycle on his way there and brought her a bouquet of white flowers.
When he was younger, she bought him a miniature bike, she also loved to see him wearing little suits. Most of Caesar's style was based on her taste, he thought that would please her while she watched him from heaven.
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The first time he had been on the Milan cathedral, he was attending her funeral. The ceremony was presided by the pope himself. Knowing of his family's involvement in her death, he poured kerosene on the coffin and lit a fire on the church. The authorities managed to save the historical building and despite of it all, Caesar was still allowed inside every year to mourn Gulweig, (as long as he wasn't carrying any dangerous chemicals).
Parsi Gattuso arrived in a car to give him some urgent news, his wife Chen Motong had gone missing. He brought with himself a letter that she wrote for her fiancé, it expressed Chen's dissatisfaction with her new life, asking him to give her some time.
Caesar immediately realized the poetic letter was fake, since Nono wouldn't bother to express herself in such a way. According to him, Nono would just write "Caesar, I'm leaving" In a napkin and leave it on top of her bed. The letter was probably written by a narcissistic person like Finger.
However, this left him reflecting on Nono's true feelings towards her future, wondering if all he did was capturing a bird (that he initially admired for its freedom) just to lock it in a cage.
Far away in Cassell College, the elders of the Secret Party reunited for an emergency meeting, the first one since 1961. Many famous individuals that once shaped the course of history were in it, still alive after faking their deaths to cover up their slow aging. In the principal's chair, Leonardo Flammel, the vice-principal and a direct descendant of Nicholas Flammel sat down and started the meeting.
He welcomed EVA, Norma's war personality with 140,000 times her processing power, and asked her to project a life-like hologram of Anjou's assassination attempt.
According to the recording, the previous night, the principal intended to access the ice cellar, but he stopped meters before reaching the entrance. He looked behind and said:
-Is that you?
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In a fraction of a second, his access card had left his pocket after something cut through it. His entire body started bleeding from multiple cuts to his skin. He had no time to react and tried to use the card as his weapon, since the attacker didn't give him enough time (even using Time Zero) to draw his dragon slaying knife. It was guessed that his opponent could use Time Zero as well, but was more skilled in combat than the principal himself.
The security system identified the situation in time and called the police and medical assistance, otherwise, Anjou would have died. The conversation quickly turned to Luminous's possible involvement in the situation, Flammel had a conversation about it with "Mr. Beowulf", who was also present.
The legendary Beowulf was not an individual but a family of dragon slayers. They had a strong attraction to dragon blood, for them it was almost like drugs to an addict.
They were the most fierce dragon hunters in history, pouring the blood of their prey and drinking it after every successful kill. Their newborns were poisoned with dragon blood and only those who survived the process were considered worthy of living. Their latest descendants were almost dragon-like in appearance, but they were unlikely to turn into death servitors. Whenever that happened, the family killed them immediately.
Considering there's an imminent crisis ahead, the leader of the family showed himself in the table for the first time in a hundred years. That's because he strongly opposed the establishment of Cassell College, since "a true dragon slayer can only be born in the battlefield".
Back in the day, he led the "Action team" of the secret party, which eventually became the Execution Bureau. Initially he was expected to lead it, before he expressed his dissatisfaction with the college. Compared to the Action Team of the old days, the cruel Bureau is almost a charity.
Beowulf immediately started discussing Luminous's background. His parents were apparently in the records of the Execution Bureau, but their achievements are not registered. They never reported themselves and their location is currently unknown.
Caesar Gattuso was responsible for the defeat of Norton, Abdullah for Fenrir and the Gattuso's orbital weapon for the White King. Luminous was present during all of these events, but his actions are not registered either. He theorizes that Luminous is in fact a dragon, taking advantage of the war to slay his fellow kings. Since his use of Yanling was unknown and Time Zero belonged to the King of Sky and wind, the most mysterious of the dragon kings, the elders came to the conclusion that this dragon was none other than Luminous himself.
As soon as Beowulf questioned the absence of Frost Gattuso, Pompeii himself made an entrance by making EVA project his hologram on an empty chair. The man was semi-naked as multiple women applied sunscreen on him, annoying everyone on the room, specially Beowulf. Pompeii focused on the importance of Constantine's skeleton, since everyone else seemed more focused on Anjou's assassination attempt. Those bones contained the power of the king of bronze and fire, who was conformed by twins, so the college kept Constantine's skeleton, while the Gattuso family kept Norton's. In that very moment, Frost was transporting their half of the dragon king to an underground vault in the bank of Rome.
Pompeii linked Frost to the call, who was now 120 meters underground and descending. The vault was heavily protected against Time Zero users.
Just as they were discussing the security measures, the loud sound of an alarm silenced everyone in the room, when the members of the meeting asked about its purpose, they quickly realized that it wasn't coming from Cassell, it came from the elevator in Rome. The intruder was in the vault.
Frost was instructed to forget the original plan and leave with the bones of Norton. His bodyguards quickly mutated into dragon-like creatures to protect him. Corrosive acid and bombs were released as the elevator rose back to the surface, but there was something heating up the place and it was greater than any bomb they detonated.
Every guard stayed behind to guard the doors, hoping to witness the intruder. Finally, one of the doors was blown away. In the fire, there seemed to be dragons and snakes dancing. The mummy-like figure in white robes slowly walked towards Frost, as he exclaimed:
-It that... you? Is it really you? It is you!
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EVA instructed him to step back, as he had no chance of winning against this "reaper", Frost took out his phone and transferred control of the vault to EVA before the strange creature reached him. Suddenly, the camera was broken and the visuals lost. The sound of the doors being blown up one by one was heard. Beowulf commanded EVA to close the sole entrance of the vault, which could easily resist ten-million-ton nuclear weapons, (Not enough to contain certain dragons).
Believing this to somehow signal the end of the world, the council awaited quietly. Investors in Rome were ecstatic when the value of gold suddenly increased (Since one third of the monetary gold in the world was just destroyed). EVA used the surrounding cameras to confirm the worst, Frost Gattuso was dead, crystallized by the extreme heat. Their diamond-like statues were left behind and soon collapsed, turning to dust.
The possibility of the resurrection of the black King soon reached their heads, its return would signal the end of humanity.
Caesar soon appeared in the room. He was named the new representative of the Gattuso family, so he ordered EVA to kick his father Pompeii out of the meeting. He defended his education in Cassell in front of Beowulf, saying it made him prouder than his last name ever would. He explained that this dragon was more dangerous than the others due to its ability to understand humans, their organizations and its capability to hide among them. It was more similar to humans than it was to dragons, which was its more terrifying feature.
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He impressed Beowulf, specially when he ordered to investigate anyone who had come into contact with his uncle, since he recognized his killer. He then brought up Luminous. EVA explained that his unprecedented progress in combat skills was due to his participation in the Nibelungen project. It allows Luminous to surpass the dragon blood limit without turning into a death servitor. He was an artificial emperor, like Chisei Gen from Japan. Beowulf was enraged, since he considered it was a waste of resources to use Nibelungen on such a weak student instead of picking one of their A-Rank fighters and ordered EVA to put all of her computing power in finding Luminous and Finger. However, EVA found no records of Finger in her database. Everyone concluded that he deleted himself.
Since Luminous already worked for the Executive Department and therefore knew how to hide from them, Caesar proposed to employ a different type of hunter, specifically the ancient creatures that the college kept under the ice cellar, originally intended to be used against the black king. The elders voted in favor, but even Beowulf was frightened by the idea of employing them. Flammel suddenly stood up and contacted Finger, warning him of the impeding threat. Moments later, a veteran knocked him down.
Parsi had noticed a change in Caesar. In years prior, he'd make childish requests, like asking him to empty a restaurant because he wanted to drink tea in peace. It looked like he was never going to grow up. Ever since he came back from Japan, he was far more mature, taking bigger responsibilities and doing most of the work by himself. He asked Caesar about his friendship with Luminous, specifically if he wasn't worried about the beasts hurting him.
-I don't want to harm Luminous, but he made a mistake, he shouldn't have involved Nono.
He seemed extremely silent, stopping in his way out to stare at a decorative kimono, one that he brought from Japan as a souvenir, he was wearing it the day he arrived. He wondered about the weaknesses of the dragons, if Constantine was Norton's, who was Shavee's?
He felt like he was forgetting something.
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You’re Jacob’s twin and always get the short end of the straw, but your dad gives you no choice but to tell him why you’re such a troublemaker.
           “Promise me you’ll be good today?” Andy asked, looking over at you. You looked back at him and rolled your eyes as you opened the Audi’s passenger side door.
           “I’ll keep her in line,” your twin sighed.
           “He’ll keep me in line,” you reiterated. Your dad sighed, took a sip of his coffee, and watched the two of you start to walk inside the building. “You really don’t have to watch me, I’ll be fine on my own.”
           “You heard what the principal said, though. You’re one problem away from a suspension.” You walked backwards into the school’s doors, making sure no one was behind you, and watched as your dad pulled away. The two of you used to be close, really close. Actually, you used to be close to both of your parents. And then you started growing up and they picked a side. Jacob’s side. All you really knew was that Jacob was the favorite of the two of you. You were known as the troublemaker, the one who was always doing something wrong even if you thought it was right and nobody would ever listen to you about it. You always got the short end of the straw and you were sick of it. You loved Jacob, he was your best friend, but he was your mind’s worst enemy.
           “I’m really not that much of a bitch, am I?” You asked him. He scoffed.
           “The ninth graders are scared of you, y/n,” he said.
           “As they should be. I’m going to history.” You walked away from your brother and went to the school’s history wing, where your first period was. Jacob did have the same class until about three days in when they decided the two of you shouldn’t be in any classes together because you just talked to one another. You’d ended up in the same English class, though.
           You sat down and looked around to see that none of your friends were there yet. Most of them were usually late since they took the bus – not everyone’s dad was the assistant DA. You and Jacob were some of the luckier ones at Archer, or so you were told, because your parents actually cared. You weren’t sure how true that was, at least about your dad, because he never seemed to unless it was impacting him. Today was going to be an example of that, but it was also going to be the turning point.
           “Hey, little Barber, your daddy put any innocent people away again?” Brett, one of your least favorite people ever, asked from behind you. You turned around and rolled your eyes.
           “Don’t you have anything else to be concerned about? Like your grade or… football or something?” You shot back.
           “Yeah. Like how I’m going to plow the shit out of your brother on the field at flag today.” That was right. It was flag day in gym, meaning they were going to drag your whole grade out onto the field and play capture the flag, which gave an excuse for all of the football players the chance to prey on anyone who wasn’t them. You didn’t stand for that shit, but your brother wasn’t exactly going to stop them.
           “You try that and the only thing getting plowed is your body off the field,” you responded with your arms crossing over your chest. You tried to forget about Brett, and the rest of the people on the football team, as they all sat down behind you. They sat behind you in your other two classes before lunch and you noticed them eyeing you as you went to sit down across from Jacob.
           “Why is half of the football team looking at you like you flashed them in the locker room?” Jacob asked as he drank some milk. You kicked him underneath the table.
           “Because I threatened them.”
           “You know not to…”
           “I’m not going to do anything and they’re not going to do anything, Jake. It’s fine. I promise.”
           “As long as you promise.” You two ate the rest of your lunch and went your separate ways – him going to find Sarah, who he had an insane crush on, and you going to your English classroom. Your daddy issues led you to be good friends with your English teacher, Mr. Marx, and you were supposed to help pass out copies of Catcher In The Rye. You were looking down at some meme Jacob had sent you when you literally ran right into Brett.
           “Whoa, little Barber!” He said. You felt your breath turn to pure fire as you sighed out, kneeling down to pick everything up that you’d dropped. “Better watch yourself.”
           “Yeah, you too.” You rolled your eyes and started walking away, toward the classroom, and for a few minutes you forgot all about Brett. You saw Jacob sit down a few minutes later and went to sit beside him, at least until the bell rang that it was time for the capture the flag game.
           You were lucky. You were on Jacob’s team, thankfully, because the person who was choosing knew that the two of you had some kind of twin telepathy. You were against Brett, which gave you the chance to kick his ass.
           “Come on, little Barber. Daddy’s not here to protect you now. You and your big brother are all alone now, and nothing is going to stop us from stomping on the two of you like a couple of cockroaches.” That was it. You’d had enough of the taunting, enough of the teasing, enough of the fucking bullying. Something just rose up inside of you and your fist collided with Brett’s face.
           “Miss Barber!” One of the coaches yelled, grabbing your hands and putting them behind your back like you were about to be handcuffed. “Miss Barber, that is enough!”
           “No, I don’t think so!” You said loudly, lunging back at Brett. He was laughing, even as his nose was bleeding, and he wiped the blood away.
           “You’re going to wish you hadn’t done that,” Brett said. You rolled your eyes and walked to the principal’s office, right through the double doors and right into the actual office. The coach sat you down in one of the chairs and walked off, leaving the principal to tell you how things were going to go.
           “Who am I calling? Your mom or your dad?”
           “My dad, I guess,” you shrugged. Usually it was him that dealt with things like this since the courthouse wasn’t too far from school. He was also a lot nicer to you than your mom was, and the earlier he came home the later she was able to work. You watched as the principal called your dad and hung the phone up after he said he was coming.
           “So you’ve progressed from acting out in class to punching other students?”
           “A natural progression, don’t you think?” You said, crossing your arms against your chest. You heard the bell ring and not a minute later, your brother was walking in there, still in his gym clothes.
           “What did you do, Y/n?” He asked you. You could tell that he was angry.
           “I punched him because he was being an asshole.” You looked behind you to see that he was looking at the principal.
           “Mr. Barber, you should go back to class. Your father will be here soon too deal with your sister.” Jacob looked at you this time. You nodded and he left, turning and walking out of the office. “Miss Barber, you do realize that this is a suspension?”
           “A suspension? You’re kidding me, right? He provoked me. I didn’t just try to break a guy’s nose!”
           “You did break his nose, regardless of your intention,” the principal said.
           “I’m not saying anything else until my dad gets here,” you replied, sitting back in the chair, arms crossed.
           “Fine by me.” The principal left you in the room, probably to go complain to one of the ladies at the front office who just agreed with everything he said because he was kind of creepy, and you sat there. You texted Jacob back, saying apparently you were getting suspended, and he only responded that your mom was probably going to be pissed. You were counting on your dad being a little less angry at you. He always understood. You just hoped this wasn’t an exception to that.
           Your dad walked in a few minutes later, obviously not happy, in his suit and tie. He sat down beside you, barley looking at you twice, and the principal walked in behind him. Then he adjusted his seat at his desk, turned his computer monitor the other way, and glared at you. He looked from you to your father and then back again, finally sighing and clasping his hands together.
           “So, Miss Barber, are you going to explain what happened to your father?”
           “Brett kept attacking me, verbally, until I lost my temper. Apparently I broke his nose.” Your father turned toward you, a look of disgust on his face.
           “You what?”
           “Did you even hear me? He was attacking me all day, he always does and he always gets away with it because he’s a linebacker and they get away with everything,” you explained further, hoping that your father would just fucking listen to you. But he wasn’t having any of it. He glared at you, rubbing his temples, and shook his head.
           “I’m proposing a one week’s suspension for her. Her brother can get all of her work for her, but for the next week she is not allowed to step foot on school property. And on top of that, she’s going to write a letter to Brett explaining that she’s sorry for breaking his nose.” You sighed.
           “Un-fucking-believable,” you muttered under your breath.
           “LANGUAGE!” Your father turned to you and grabbed onto your arm. “I need to get you home before your mom starts to wonder.”
           “But I-” You started to say. But your father yanked you up, barely giving you enough time to take your backpack with you, and nearly pushed you out of the school. His car was parked right in front of the doors and you got in, kind of afraid to hear what he was going to say. He drove aggressively, even by his standards, and pulled into the house a little bit father than he normally would. You didn’t want him to talk to you, so you tried to get your key out. But he came up behind you and pressed his palm to the kitchen door. You looked behind you before letting the door swing open.
           “What the hell, Y/n?” Your dad asked you.
           “I don’t want to talk about it. I already tried and you didn’t listen to me.” You started walking up the stairs, trying to prove your point, but your dad wasn’t in the mood for games. He ushered you over to the couch, all but making you sit down, and you could tell that he was absolutely fuming as he walked back and forth.
           “Why would you do that, Y/n? You already knew you were on thin ice with us. You know your mother was looking at boarding schools for you? So we could keep you out of trouble?”
           “If you’d listen to me you would know that I didn’t just punch him to punch somebody!” You said over him. Tears were coming to your eyes and you knew you were about to break down and cry even though you didn’t want to. You wanted to stop being such a crybaby at everything.
           “So you’re telling me you did this, for what? To get attention?”
           “No, I did it because he was bullying me and Jake and he wouldn’t leave me alone! I just got mad and I reacted.”
           “You just reacted. Right,” he said, hands on his hips, shaking his head. “This isn’t a reaction, Y/n, this is assault.”
           “I didn’t do it just to do it! I’m sorry!”
           “Sorry isn’t good enough!” You stood up then, tears in your eyes, and walked away. You knew that wasn’t what he meant. You knew he meant that you weren’t good enough. He never saw the good things you did, only the bad, so why would this be any different? Why would he actually fucking listen to you this one time?
           You slammed your bedroom door and slung your backpack onto the floor, making sure you didn’t hit your laptop, and you took out your phone. You opened up the text messages between you and Jacob – Week’s suspension. Dad still won’t listen to me.
           A whole week? It’s not even that bad!
           That’s what I said! He hates me J.
           He doesn’t hate you.
           He thinks I’m doing it to get attention.
           You are doing it to get attention.
           Not like that! The blue bubble said that Jacob was typing for another few seconds before you got a ping.
           I’ll talk to him when I get home. Mom said she’d be late so maybe everything will be fine when she gets home.
           Thanks. You shut your phone off, knowing that your dad was probably going to do something crazy like log into your account and try to say that you were planning all of this all along, just to get his attention. You kind of were, but not in the way that he thought. You just wanted him to fucking listen to you about this, to listen to why you had punched the guy instead of focusing on the fact that you’d done it.
           You heard the door open and shut in another few minutes and looked at your phone, realizing Jacob must be home. You didn’t even notice you were crying until you wiped your tears away. You were sitting on the floor of your bedroom, crying, and you were absolutely ridiculous. All of this over a stupid bully, but all of it came down to the simple fact that your dad just didn’t listen to anything you said. And if he couldn’t even listen to you about this, what would he listen about?
           You couldn’t really hear what was going on downstairs, but there was no yelling. Of course there wasn’t. Sometimes you thought that maybe things would be better if it was just your parents and Jacob – no you, no problems. That’s what you were, to all of them, even if Jacob didn’t want to admit it. A problem. A big fucking problem.
           There was a knock on your door a few minutes after that and your father walked in, looking at you on the floor, and he sighed. He took a seat across from you, crossing his legs, leaning his back up against your bed. He looked you up and down, noticing that you’d been trying to be quiet and there were little half-moon shapes on your arms from your fingernails digging into your skin. He noticed that you were crying.
           “Jacob told me what that guy said to you.” You sniffled.
           “What, that the kid called us cockroaches? Or said that Daddy wasn’t around to protect us? Or the cracks that he makes all the time and expects me to be okay with it?” Your dad sighed.
           “He didn’t tell me all of that.”
           “I can’t believe that it took him telling you for you to stop hating me.” Your father thought about it for a minute, eyebrows furrowing, and shook his head.
           “I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to you from the beginning. But I’m listening now, so tell me what happened.”
           “I just lost it. And I knew I would be in trouble because he never gets in trouble, for anything he does. And he does this all the time, not just to me and Jake. He does it to everyone. And I just got really really mad. And then the principal didn’t listen to me, and you thought I was just doing it for attention, which brings us back to the fact that you don’t listen to me. You never listen to me. And the only reason you are now is because Jacob is making you, because let’s be honest, everything would be so much better if I wasn’t such a problem.”
           “A problem? Sweetie, you’re not a problem.”
           “Then why won’t you listen to me? Why do you always assume I’m the one to throw the first punch?”
           “I don’t know. Maybe it’s easy to believe that you’d be mad at us instead of some other kid. But that’s our fault. That’s my fault for not listening to you and believing you. But that also doesn’t change the fact that you got physically violent with a kid just because he talked you into it.” You nodded, knowing that he was right.
           “I don’t know if I’m doing it for attention or not, but maybe if you’d pay me some I would know.” Your dad reached his arm out for you to come hug him so you did, leaning against him as he hugged you to his side.
           “I’m sorry, sweetie. But you still can’t punch him. Even if he is a stupid linebacker.”
           “I know. I just got mad.”
           “You’ll have to work on that.” You both sat there for a few more minutes before your mom’s car door shut and your dad sighed. “I’ll go talk to your mom. Everything’s gonna be fine, okay?”
           “Okay.” You watched him leave your room and sniffled once again, ready to face your mom the same way you’d faced your dad. Jacob walked into the open doorway, leaning against the frame.
           “I didn’t hear any yelling. Is everything okay?”
           “Yeah. Everything’s fine.”
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long to get out! I’m having a lot of family things going on at once so I haven’t been able to write. I hope you like it still!!
Taglist (if you’d like to be added, send me an ask or a message!): @an-adventureland, @firstangeldragonranch, @ssebstann, @winterreader-nowwriter
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
Wild Thing - James Cook x Reader 🔥
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Summary: Some people think Cook is the crazy one, but have they met you? Your antics drive Cook insane, and he doesn't know how to handle it
James Cook walked through the halls of college with JJ and Freddie by his side, as if it were a normal day. But it wasn't.
It was barren of life. Devoid of a bright hue that dashed across the floor. It was missing you.
Cook remembered when he’d met you. He thought you were a good girl trying to be a bad one. However he was wrong, utterly and completely. You weren't even a little good.
That was what made him so allured by you. You weren't what he had expected you to be, and it reeled him in so divinely.
JJ and Freddie wanted Effy, but he had his eyes set on (Y/N). She was less obvious. She wasn't bad to revel against what happened to her beforehand, she was bad just because she wanted to be.
"It might be quiet in class today." JJ speculated, well aware of your absence.
You had been suspended for causing a fire in the girls bathroom. It surprised no one, not a single soul. Doug only shook his head and handed you the suspension slip, you smiling as you accepted the paper.
"Yeah." Freddie wasn't sure what to comment so that was all he said.
You seemed fun but a dangerous kind. And he was on his toes, awaiting for you to do something despite you not supposed to be here.
"More like fucking boring." Cook stated, leaning against a locker as JJ shuffled for his books.
And then he saw a shadow slip down the hall, dressed in black. From head to feet, you were covered in the dark material, as if you were wishing to absorb in any hint of a shadow so that you wouldnt be spotted. "Or maybe not..."
He couldn't help himself, your presence was too intoxicating. And so he began walking in your direction, but Freddie stopped him.
"We have class." JJ reminded him, it would be starting soon enough.
"Fuck class, I've seen something better." And so he left the two there, and went down the hallway which he had seen you go.
The nurse's office. That was where you had lead him. He thought he'd be rude not to accept your invitation, and so he swiped his eyes around the hall, and then entered.
"It's halfway through the day, and yet you've only just seen me." A blunt was held in the parting of your lips, your amusement slightly muffled by it.
Cook watched as you tugged out your lighter, sparking the tip with the small yet powerful flame.
You breathed in the contents, a satisfied smile spreading upon your face. "What're you up to?" He asked suspiously.
Whatever it was, he had no intent in stopping you. He was merely just curious of why you were at college. You had been suspended, giving you a chance to go anywhere. Why come back?
"Maybe I wanted to see my favourite cookie..." You winked at the boy, making his heart race.
No other girl had such an impact on him. You were the only one that had ever managed to make him nervous. "Is that really why?" He asked cautiously.
"And I've never had sex in a nurse's office." You speculated, tapping your black nails upon the desk you were sat on.
You handed him the blunt, watching as he inhaled and instantly relaxed. The effects were strong, and maybe they'd help you get exactly what you wanted.
You pulled your hair from its bun, letting the tresses extend down onto and past your shoulders. "What do you say. Are you in?"
Was that a joke? Of course he was. He flicked the spliff to the floor, finding you for more intoxicating. He'd be stupid to pass up an opportunity such as this.
Cook stepped between your legs, running his calloused hands up and down your bare thighs. "Do you really want to do this?" He checked. Usually he didn't with other girls, but you were different. You meant something to him.
"Hurry up." You whined, tugging on the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer to you so that you could nip at his bottom lip.
He reached down, pulling your shirt over your head. His eyes were drawn to your cleavage but they moved up to your face. He cupped your jaw, molding your lips together in a passionate lock.
It felt like the kiss of a lifetime. It was like you were infecting his veins through it.
You stood from the desk, letting your lips leave his for a moment. Removing your shorts, you were left in your underwear and your weathered docs.
"I don't think this is fair James." James. No one called him by that, other than his mother who he barely saw.
Your fingers trailed down, playing with his belt. As you did so, he discarded of his shirt, and then pulled your hands away so he could undo the buckle.
You pushed his jeans down, transferring to rubbing him over his boxers. Cook groaned, letting his head fall down into the crook of your neck.
From there he could smell your jasmine perfume, he couldn't help himself he ran his tongue over the skin, making you push your hair aside to give him more access.
"Do you have a condom?" You asked, pushing his mouth away from your neck.
He didn't. Shit. He moved away from you, digging through the office drawers. Bingo, there was a box.
Cook took one, pushing down his boxers as you did the same with your own underwear. He was quick to rip open the packet as you inspected his body.
"Your bigger than I thought you'd be." You commented with a smirk. He wasn't sure whether it should have boosted his ego or not, but nevertheless, he still put the condom on.
"Back up." He told you, patting the desk space. And you hoisted yourself onto the platform, spreading your legs for the bad boy.
He held his cock in his hand, pushing the head slowly through your lips. Your head shot back. "Shit." You whined.
"Is this why you came to school, huh? For my cock?" The boy taunted you, moving forward in and out, quickening his pace.
One of your hands scratched the surface of the wood, the other clawed his left shoulder.
"Yes." You breathed. "I've been wanting to fuck you for ages." You informed him, which only helped him boost his pace.
His thumb slid down to your clit, rolling it with the pad. You hit into his shoulder to quieten yourself, and that only made Cook feel that much closer.
"I'm gonna cum." You told your fellow student, your lips brushing against his alabaster skin.
"Let go." He commanded you. As he said that, he let out one last moan before he himself finished, releasing inside the latex. You came after.
Sweat stuck in both of your hair. You got down from the desk, reaching down to grab you thong and readjusting your bra.
"That was good. Really good." Cook breathed, fumbling for his own clothes as you were nearly dressed.
Perhaps this was his chance to tell you all about how you made him feel. What you did to him in a non sexual way.
You had just slipped your shirt back on, and were combing your fingers through the mess of your hair.
"Maybe sometime we could-" He was cut off, the bell ruining the moment.
You smiled at him, the sweetest one he had received. "I'd better go, before a teacher catches me. See ya Cookie." You blew him a kiss before slipping out of the room.
Cook pondered in deep thought, his chin resting on his hand. You were all at Effy's, and that was the problem. You were there.
You had to said a thing to him about what had happened. "We should invite some boys."
It was Katie's suggestion, and Panda was quick to nod to it. You were all still getting to know each other, and Cook noticed that you were clearly not opposed to the idea.
"As long as they're cute." You commented, taking a swig from the bottle of vodka you were nursing. Your face fought not to scrunch up, and Cook thought it was adorable. But that wouldn't be the right thing to say. He didn't even know how to converse normally with you.
And so more people that you hardly recognised were invited.
Cook hated Katie in that moment. You had all been fine together, but no, she wanted other people involved. It lead to you grinding upon some random guy who was treating your body like property.
And the worst thing was, you didn't seem to mind. If anything, you were quite enjoying the attention.
That should have been him, not some guy who had bleached his hair for attention. You were wild, and it was driving him crazy. He never wanted to tame you, he was mental too, but he wanted the desire to be mutual.
"Forget about it." Freddie advised him, noticing where his gaze had been for the majority of the night.
"I can't." He argued. It would hurt him more to see you just as a friend. You deserved love and he wanted to be the one to give it to you.
"She won't change." JJ protested.
That was the thing. Cook didn't want you to change, except the man you were happlessly grinding against. After he saw that smile after your earlier activities, he knew that there was much more to you than what he had already seen.
"You shouldn't want her to, she's fun." Panda said, laughing her tits off at the thought. She was clearly intoxicated.
You were fun. And Cook knew he wanted to have fun with you, not watch you enjoying it without him. So he walked through the crowd of dancing bodies and couldn't help himself.
His fist swung before he or anyone else could stop him hitting the guy you were entertaining right in the temple.
"What the fuck Cook!" You screamed at him, but then it turned into laughs.
A guy tried to come at him, but Freddie pushed them away, trying to calm everyone watching down.
JJ tried to drag him away from the situation. He couldn't leave though, not without saying anything. "I feel something for you!" He shouted over the music.
Again you just seemed humoured by the statement. "You think you do. That's because we fucked Cook. It was just sex, nothing else."
A lump grew in his throat. "It was to me." He told you. This wasn't going where he wanted it to.
"Then it was my mistake." You left, dragging the injured guy with you, and heading out the door.
"Fuck." He pushed through people once again, going to the bathroom and locking himself in.
His eyes could stop. Tears washed down his face, burning the skin that they ran down.
Perhaps it was his mistake. He knew you were a wild thing.
You awoke in a bed that was not your own. Your head ached a little even more so as started remembering the chaos of the night before.
There was a guy with blond, with roots that clearly did not match, hair. He was usually not your type. You must have been having too much fun to judge him on your appearance.
But you screwed up. Cook. He liked you, and you left him to sob in a sink.
College would be 'fun' . You doubted the two of you would meet in the nurse's office again.
Maybe he'd give you another opportunity. The sex was good, great even. But he was better, the way he made everything brighter by either cracking a joke or causing a feud.
A part of you wanted him to tame you.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Comforting Hugs and (platonic) kiss on the cheek. Min Yi falls and gets a boo boo so Huntsman has to Comfort her, much to his discomfort. Cause what you wrote with Uncle Goliath was adorable so now it's Uncle Huntsys turn. - Pixel Anon
Affection meme
4. Comforting hugs
8. Kisses on cheek
Whoops i tripped and it turned into feels how'd that happen
Huntsman had never wanted kids. He didn’t like kids, he didn’t trust kids, Kids always seemed to be more of a pain than they were worth.
Which was why he wasn’t particularly excited when everyone found out that Syntax had a kid. Some little wannabe detective whom was barely old enough for grade school yet somehow believed she was capable of solving any mystery handed to her but still needed to hold hands with a grownup while crossing the street.
Another thing he didn’t like about kids, they didn’t even have the skills to back up their egos.
The only positive thing he could scrounge together about Syntax's Daughter for a long time was that she seemed to be a rather tough kid. Always tripping and falling and scraping herself up in ways he was (pretty sure) a lesser child would have stopped everything to cry about, brushing the dirt off of her clothes and going back to whatever she was doing. At times Syntax or her aunt needed to pull her away and tell her to bandage up her injuries first and she’d protest over it.
So he’d give her that. She was tough.
That in no way meant he was alright with babysitting just because he was the only one without any plans tonight.
He’d be completely fair and say that he expected it tpo be a quiet night. The brat was in between ‘mysteries’ and was quietly working on one of her arts and crafts projects. He’d figured they’d have no real reason to interact until she’d tell him it was about dinner time and they’d… order in or something, he didn’t know what kids liked to eat.
But that didn’t mean he was okay with it just happening to him to be stuck with the brat all night until Syntax got home from whatever tech-related insanity the Monkie Kid and his ilk had pulled him into.
Though when he heard a yelp of surprise and pain, he’d assumed it was something like, the little gremlin tripping on her own socks or something and falling face first onto the floor or whatever. So he didn’t give it any mind as he continued to sharpen his lucky blade.
Though he didn’t hear any grumbles of annoyance as she continued on with what she was doing, or even laughter at her own clumsy actions. Then she was a little blur of black hair and pink jacket as she darted from the kitchen area to the bathroom, passing by as quickly and quietly as possible.
Now… That was… probably something….
The bathroom door shut with a thud, but he could pick up on sniffling and upset whimpering noises among the sounds of bottles clattering, every so often punctuated by more yelps of pain.
Then he smelled burning. It was coming from the kitchen and sure enough there was a skillet that had fallen to the ground, and a pair of eggs half sprayed along the stovetop, some parts very quickly turning to charcoal.
What had happened put itself together rather quickly and he cursed under his breath at the idiocy of children.
When he returned to the bathroom the whimpering had ended and was replaced entirely with the sniffling, and the rummaging of bottles was replaced with the running of the faucet.
“What are ya doing in there?”
“Bull. Open the door kid.”
“It’s okay! I’m okay!”
“Open the door before I break it. Minyi.” The child’s name felt weird on his tongue, but she had to know he was serious.
There was a pause, and then the door creaked open. The kid stood there, moving her hand from the doorknob to wipe at her eyes, the other hand held behind her back.
“You’re really gonna be a stupid kid and hide it from me?”
She rocked back and forth on her heels, her glasses were missing, probably dropped them when she ran in here, so she couldn’t hide her face like she usually did.
After another long pause where Huntsman debated what sort of threat he could make to a six year old without her father finding out about it and finalizing those vivisection plans he was sure he had squirreled away somewhere but constantly denied, the brat relented and held out her hidden hand, and sure enough the sleeve was rolled up to the elbow and the outer side of her hand front he base of her pinky all the way down to her wrist was an angry red.
“Dumb kid.”
She whimpered again and a fresh set of tears began to bubble out of her eyes and he rolled his. “Sit down. I’m not risking your Aunt’s wrath by not patching you up after you did something stupid.” The kid quietly did as instructed and sat on the edge of the bathtub as he opened the medicine cabinet. The burn cream was far too high up for her to have been able to reach.
She had started to cry properly now… Stupid kids crying their eyes out over dumb things.
“Please don’t tell Daddy or Auntie.” she squeaked out when he finally crouched in front of her, holding out a hand for when her own was placed in his.
“Why? You scared of admitting you burned yourself trying to make your own dinner instead of being the rational and smart kid they both keep saying you are?”
The brat kept crying as he finished wrapping up the wound until the entire area was covered over her left hand.
“I can’t cause any problems…” That… gave him pause.
Sure kids want to be good. They might be little shits but they rarely WANT to be bad kids. So if she’d said that she ‘wanted to be a good girl’ or whatever that would have made sense. But… ‘cause problems’?
“What are you on about?”
“Daddy and Auntie have enough problems, and I can’t be one too!” she looked up at him then, sniffing pathetically and hair falling in her face at her vehemence “I gotta be no problems at all! Cuz Cuz… I’m a trooper! And clever, and a delight to have in class!”
….damn here he thought obsessive perfectionism wouldn’t kick in until teen years.
“You’re six years old is what you are.” UGH… he knew what adults were SUPPOSED to do around crying children.
Didn’t mean he had to like it.
Huntsman offered his hand to the kid again, and she didn’t hesitate before sliding her uninjured one into his. He tugged her forward, and she stumbled until her little body collided with his. And to keep her from escaping he placed his other hand on her back. “Who ever told you you ain’t allowed to be a damn kid, huh?”
“Kids don’t just pick up ‘delight to have in class’ from nowhere, I'm guessing it was a teacher?”
“Then who's messing with the development of clan young? It’s been decades since this clan has had any young, and if our only child in thirty years has had her development messed with…” the kid let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“...Nobody has to… people are always sayin' stuff about how scary it is that me an’ Auntie are the only humans in our family… that you an’ Uncle Goliath eat people… That Daddy used to be handsome but now he’s just….i forget the word… The teachers wanna keep an eye on me, they keep saying that ‘demon behavior’ might rub off on me. And it’s stupid!” She pulled away to look at him again and she’d stopped crying, her face pinched in a pout. “It’s stupid cuz you an Uncle Goliath are super cool! And Daddy is Daddy! But they’re all scared and they shouldn’t be. But…” she looked away again and Huntsman took the opportunity to lift her into the air to steadily walk them back out into the living room. “But if I start bein’ a problem then they’re gonna think its your guys fault. It’s not, but they'll think it. And they're gonna do bad things cuz they’ll think they gotta and It’ll be my fault because I made problems and I can’t make problems!”
“Maybe I should show those grownups how right they are about how dangerous I can be, if it upsets you that much.” The kid looked back up at him and he made sure to bear his fangs properly. She’d probably get scared too and he could remind her how he and Goliath were actually in fact quite dangerous, and while her father would never dream of hurting her, those ladies probably had the right idea, too.
And then the little shit laughed at him.
“You’re silly.” But just like that her mood was better. She leaned in and before he could tell her to buzz off or drop her she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks for bandaging me Uncle Huntsman. But I messed up the eggs still so I gotta make another dinner.”
“If you really don’t wanna cause problems-” he dropped her, she landed on the couch harmlessly. “-Just tell the grownup in the room that you’re getting hungry. Don’t just assume you know what you’re doing.”
She fingered the bandages on her hand again when she sat down properly in the seat. “Okay. Sorry Uncle Huntsman.”
“Just because you don’t want to cause problems doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. You’re literally a child.”
“Okay Uncle Huntsman.”
“Now out on one of your damn movies while I see if there’s anything edible left in this place.”
More rebound than a beach ball apparently, that kid. Observant too, if she could connect probably idle chatter that… either teachers or parents of friends… would whisper about to not only her and hers, but also deduce the danger of her family being considered ‘scary’ and what she should do to combat it (whether it was a good idea or not)
He wondered how many of those scrapes she acted like she didn’t even notice were just her putting on a brave face because being seen as weak was suddenly something she thought she couldn’t afford to do.
… Minyi really was a tough kid, wasn’t she?
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