#i dont have big plans and im busy that day but i will try to post a little something!
carcarrot · 8 months
well everyone now that sparkstember is over i can now devote my energy to being insane in other still sparks-related ways
#planning my next projects#on the one hand glad to not have to get a whole video done in the span of like 2 hours every day#on the other hand it was a fun creative challenge that gave me a sense of purpose. it was fun#but i need to keep myself busy as we descend into winter and ✨seasonal depression✨#if i dont get it done today over the next couple days im going to make something silly for goofball's upcoming birthday#and then once that's done i dont know. i want to get back to work on my screenplay and try to FINISH IT!! but idk how long that'll take#i also have to finally finish watching that film course i bought oops. maybe ill start it over#and then?????????#i have a vague Idea of a possible short film i could make. that would also be like a kind of prequel to my Main Film Idea#and its something i could actually reasonably do as a short film and its not like insanely big budget like every other idea i have is#and I'm debating abt emailing my old film teacher and being like heyyyyy maybe you could help me make this short film????#but id want to have this idea way more planned out and written before then. but OUGH WRITING ANOTHER SCREENPLAY???#WHEN I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY FIRST ONE??? sigh.#the road to making my Big Great Movie is long and arduous. will we get there. who knows#oh also debating abt writing a letter to those silly guys. but i don't knowwwww#OH lmao i keep forgetting to mention i finally got my passport (it actually came earlier than expected)#so like. goodbye everyone im heading to the sydney opera house on halloween (JOKE i am not that insane. but i wish i could)
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mejomonster · 10 months
I'm so tired
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
since u've mentioned got7 before for being just some guys and their recent non-jype comback had massive "just some guys having fun" vibes i was curious if you had any more opinions on them in general or this comeback (and maybe how it differed/didnt differ from "standard" group comebacks) in specific! also because they just released a dance practice video i was curious if there were any notable diffrences to previous choreos? i just love ur insights bc i dont know much abt stuff like this! -🐥
the chick emoji a;lskdfjj;lads anon that's so cute
now there are some pretty obvious differences in choreo, particularly in the complexity of the choreo, since got7 in their younger years was obvs pretty famous for difficult choreo + acrobatics as 2pm's younger brothers. one really noticable thing is that the nanana choreo is a lot more separated than their choreos usually are. i think i've mentioned it before when talking about group choreographies but in order to really take advantage of the group in a choreo, you have to have them all in the rehearsal room. with a normal kpop group that's not a problem because they're usually all under the same company and have the same schedules and managers, so they have block rehearsals with all the members there all the time. you can see this in all of their previous choreographies: they have pretty intricate formations and physical shapes that involve member interaction. things like the intro of ycmn, the handkerchief throw/catch in poison, the fall back trick and that crazy close backwards travel in the chorus in if you do, like all of eclipse, all of last piece, etc etc etc, these are all choreos that need all the members physically present in order to get all the shapes right. nanana on the other hand, has very little member interaction (just the jinyoung and yugyeom bit in the beginning) and although there are some pretty fun transitions and shapes, they're all made with the members standing independantly of each other. this basically expedites the process because they can all learn and practice the choreo fairly easily on their own, and then put everything together when they're all in the same room.
lack of rehearsal time isn't the only reason the nanana choreo is less complex though. you can hear jackson and jinyoung talk about it very briefly in their dance practice behind the scenes, where they say that this choreo is more about the 'feel' of the song than anything else, which is very different from their previous choreographies. jype has a reputation for having very good dancers and got7 was at the head of this, with a whole catalogue of very difficult and intricate choreos that are about showing off the technical skills of the performers first and foremost. the only other choreo from their catalogue that is equally vibey as nanana is probably thursday, which is a bside, not a title track.
as far as the actual cb goes i mean, they barely did any promo, i think they only went on youngjae's radio show and did the fanmeeting (that was basically just a concert), so that's pretty different from the typical bg cb.
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bitchlessdino · 9 months
I have this in mind, maybe svt member x reader where they are classmates from college, they are close but not THAT close lol. Until one day they started talking about house prices and how the rent is so expensive, but still with the desire of living alone, so he (maybe hoshi or woozi) proposed that they should find a place together to split rent. It started as a joke, but then they found a really good place and decided to try to live together for at least one semester.
so yeah at first everything is great since both of them are always busy, so they dont really see each other that often around the house.
until it could be that they are sexually frustrated and start a friends with benefits relationship (but in secret, so their circle of friends dont know about it). However, reader always had a big crush on him, but never said anything. idk what else to say
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Pairing: college roommate!soonyoung x afab!reader Genre: smut Word count: 5.9k tags: pwithplot, established friendship, roommate au, friends to fwb, pining, pervert!reader, pervert!soonyoung, mentions of alcohol, mutual masturbation, blowjobs, missionary, doggy, praise kink Summary: When it comes to the economy and needing a roof to live under, having a roommate is your best option, especially as any desperate college student. When arrangements are made with Soonyoung, a friend you admittedly have a visceral lust for, things take a turn one messy night. Making this arrangement more of an edible arrangement. author note: so i may have run wild since hoshi posted those thirst trap photos haha. im very proud of the header i made for this. this was something i planned on posting before my unprepared hiatus, and hopefully i'm still in spirits on continuing this. please anticipate more of me and remember that writers love interaction, criticism or not <333
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han @6969lilithcat @wonuhour @camisun93 @emmmui @toruro @jeonride @novalpha @nvmrljk @feat-sun
“That’s funny, Soonyoung’s looking for a place too.”
You looked over at the man in question to see him mid-feast on a sandwich bigger than his face as it puffed his cheeks full like a common squirrel. “Why are you looking for a place? I thought you made plans with Seokmin?”
The man struggled to swallow down the larger-than-life bite, barely managing to do without scratching the back of his throat before answering. “His parents convinced him against it. I should’ve known he’d back out when he didn’t know how to do his own laundry.”
“Do you know how to do your own laundry?”
“I know there are colors and whites, detergent and softener—I’d figure it out.”
“I’m hearing a no…”
“Youtube exists. How hard could it be? But yeah, I’m looking for a place.” He set his sandwich aside to lean in closer, washing down any remnants with a swig of his Jihoon’s stolen Coke Zero, who at the moment couldn’t be more distracted with Physics paper. “It’s not easy that’s for sure. A single bedroom is way too much on its own and anything bigger I can barely cover half of.”
“Here’s an idea,” Mingyu suggested like it wasn’t on his mind for the fifteen minutes you’ve been complaining about being essentially homeless, “Why don’t you guys figure something out together?”
“Really? Me and Soonyoung?”
Your counterpart couldn’t help the offense washing over his face. “What’s wrong with me?”
“I don’t know if you’d be a good roommate.”
“What makes you roommate of the year?”
You rolled your eyes. “We’ve known each for what, a semester and a half, and I don’t know what your living habits are. I’ve basically lived alone all my life with my parents working all the time. How do I know you won’t push all the housework on me?”
Scoffing, his lips twisted up in a cocky smile. “You’re looking at the flail youngest of two who did almost a decade of housework for a hundred dollar allowance for a week. I don’t waste Pinesol, I hand wash dishes, and I keep my 50 pairs of shoes neatly out of the doorway and in pristine condition.”
“You can do all that and not operate a washing machine?”
“The buttons and colors confuse me.”
“So,” Mingyu interrupted again, “How about it? Sounds like you guys a both a little desperate. The housing market isn’t getting any lower.”
“I guess you don’t sound all to bad to live with then,” You replied with a tinge of a tease.
“What do you bring to the table?” Soonyoung interjected.
“Discounts for food at my work, a Netflix account, a pack of scrub daddies, and a decent amount of disposable income for half an average month's rent and fun stuff if we ever get bored. Down?”
Soonyoung stroked his chin as if to think, but his head, the deal sounded as good as it can get. If he was being honest, he was desperate, but after the berating, he couldn’t let you know that. “Add in some salon-quality shampoos and conditioners and we have a deal.”
You groaned. “Fine, for a semester for now, but you’re getting laundry stuff and learning how to use the machines.”
You hadn’t expected to be apartment shopping with Soonyoung looking like a pair of newlyweds, but here you were doing exactly that. There wasn’t anything particular about him that bothered you, (except maybe the harboring attraction you had for him since freshman orientation that you blanketed over with over argumentative banter and an aloof attitude when he was around).
But as far as you knew, you were morning and night.  Sure, you’ve gotten along in social situations, but you knew how drastically different your lives were. When you aren’t working, you were a homebody and he’d bring bodies home. He lived differently than you did to put it plainly.
And perhaps the idea of waking up with him every morning possibly shirtless and/or naked frankly made you both terrified and aroused all at once.
The moment you shook his hand to agree, you were already feeling some regret, but hey, maybe that’ll actually do you some good. Maybe you’ll finally get over this school crush on this unattainably hot guy after seeing how disgusting he is leaving his underwear and socks in every corner of the place. It’s inevitable things can only go down from here, right? Right?
“A few ground rules should be in order.”
Soonyoung nodded, putting away the remainder of the edible arrangement gifted to you by your collective friends in the fridge. “Like what?”
“Chores should be switched off every week so we know how to handle all types at all times, but we do our own laundry. No exceptions. Dinner is a group effort. If we get takeout, always tell the other at least an hour in advance and costs are split. Groceries are bought biweekly with a set budget.”
“Strict, but ok. I’ll do my best to follow them. Anything else?”
You were reluctant to bring up this last one. You cleared you through, taking a second to properly form the words before letting them out. “If we have someone that we’re getting involved with, it’s either done at their place or in an empty apartment with plenty of notice.”
Soonyoung can’t help but bust out a wide and perfect grin, crossing his arms seeing the timid expression on your face. “Fine. I’ll make sure when I have sex with someone, it’s under those guidelines.”
“Ha, thanks,” You awkwardly respond, “I’ll abide the same.”
His eye narrowed at you dubiously. “Wait, you’ll actually get around?”
“Why are you doubting me?”
He chuckled, shrugging smooth broad shoulders through his black sleeveless tee. “You just don’t really seem about that. There’s nothing wrong with it, but—“
“You don’t know every detail of my intimate life so butt out.”
His arms rose up in defense, nodding along. “Alright, okay. If that’s all, I have a few rules of my own.”
“Okay. Have at it.”
He mused to himself for a few seconds. “Bathroom schedule: first come first serve.”
You nodded, easy enough.
“At a few hours of the day, the living room becomes an at-home gym when needed.”
Okay, that one had a little kick to it. “Alright.”
“And we have a safe word.”
You blinked back at him, heart pounding a little louder than it should, legs clenching as if they were being pried apart, and sweat burning the temple of your forehead with the unnecessarily dirty thoughts running through your mind. “A w-what?”
“A safe word,” he repeated as a matter of fact, “a word we can use when there’s conflict and something wrong and we just completely stop what we’re doing.” He grinned a little. “It’s not just for sex you know.”
You shoved him, earning his chuckle. “I know that, jerk. But fine, what do you suggest?”
“How did I know that’s what you’d say?”
“Because we’re good friends.”
“How about ‘hamster’?”
He frowned. “No.”
“But look how effective that was.”
For the most part, things went smoothly. It helped that things got busy and tasks barely needed to get done with the exception of laundry. You saw each other more in your friend group gatherings than at home in your shared arrangement, and despite everyone knowing you live together, neither of you made it a point to make a big deal about it, even if everyone else does.
The countless times you had to fight Seokmin, Jeonghan, or Jihyo about the possibility of something developing between you and your new roommate romantically pained you with their inaccuracy. It seemed left and right that’s all everyone could talk about since it was arranged. It seemed as if there was nothing better up for discussion. Soonyoung dealt with it all the same, being constantly asked what kind of nefarious doings are being done behind closed doors that no one knows about. It always came as a disappointment when it was broken towards them that nothing was happening and that nothing ever will.
Even to you. Surprising enough.
If you learned anything from living with Soonyoung, it was harder than you expected it to be, especially with a still festering crush that is only developing into something almost tangibly heart-wrenching and stomach churning. It seemed to have taken a turn for the worse when Soonyoung started to take advantage of the home gym more due to the massive heatwave in town. 
The damn pull up bar.
You’ve only realized the time you’ve wasted after hearing the kettle whistle you put out apparently ten minutes ago. Your mind was too clouded by the flex of his biceps lifting his body in the air. Or the contracting and releasing of his shoulders that were lightly misted by perspiration. Or were too preoccupied with wanting to lick off the veins of the poor man’s lower abdomen. Or thinking about what those arms could do flinging you upside a—
“Oh, early class?”
“Uh, yeah. There’s a lot more traffic today, so I'm getting there earlier than usual.” 
His feet landed on the ground with a thud and he grabbed a towel to wipe over the sweat that was making his body glisten like glaze on a smooth buff donut. “I’m guessing you have no time for breakfast then?”
“Unfortunately,” you respond, quickly pouring your tea into your thermos before getting to your shoes, “I was gonna grab something at the Starbucks on campus after.”
“Here.” He tossed something from a box behind him and watched as you flimsily caught it from the front door.
“Oh.” A protein bar, a good one from your experience of raiding his side of the pantry. “Thanks.”
“And cancel all previous engagements. Dinner’s on me tonight.”
You squinted at him, “Why?”
“We’ll have something nice for once tonight,” he grinned, “be home at 8 tonight.”
Soonyoung’s plan for dinner was a free courtesy of Mingyu who found a nice little gig as a sous chef in a trendy place uptown. The whole circle celebrated together and you only got around to knowing after Soonyoung kept you updated on news knowing you’d be too busy to look at the giant groups chat you’re in. You should’ve been appreciative. That should’ve been your first instinct, not…entitlement. Not envious of him making eyes and flirting with the waitres. Not embarrassment for expecting something more from his brazen invite to dinner with you.
So, by then you’ve had a bit to drink. Okay, a lot to drink. Just enough to drink to have you stumbling on the center dance floor that garnered the attention of prying eyes. At that moment, nothing really mattered. You knew where lines lie, but lines eventually blur.
One second, you’re alone swaying to Britney Spears’ “toxic”, another second, Seungcheol’s crotch is up against your ass. It was a nice sentiment since you were definitely craving a bit of attention tonight, although you weren’t sure if you could look your friend in the eye again after that. Fortunately for you, it only got so far until a shapeless, but familiar, body pulled you away from the scene, forcibly putting you away in a bright yellow car. With your many failed protests, they managed to reach the footsteps of your building and finally reached for keys in their front pockets to open up your apartment.
“Hold still. Please���God, I am not sober enough for this.”
“Soonyoung….” You whined like a lost child.
He gripped you tighter by the arm to lock you in place, preventing you from falling. He was used to being taken care for and the grass was not greener on the other side. He has a lot of people he needs to apologize to. “Almost…okay, okay. I’m in. Go. Go shower and sober yourself up.”
You tugged him at the wrist, pulling him towards you. “Shower with me…”
He scoffed, a smug smile forming on his face. “You have no idea what you’re saying. Go before I make you, and I really don’t wanna have to make you.”
Logic flew out the window tonight. Not paying it a second thought, you began stripping yourself of your clothes in the middle of the living room, from socks to immediately your shirt. Soonyoung’s eyes nearly shot out of his skull as he scrambled to cover you in your abandoned shirt before it almost hit the ground.
“Undress in the bathroom please.” Even in your intoxicated state, you could feel the tension of his muscles brush against your back, causing the heat to creep up on your skin.
You let yourself melt into him giggling, turning your head back to meet his cautious eyes. “Maybe you’d like to help with that.”
You can see the bit of shock in his eyes, fluttering back to something more composed once he internally reminded himself this was the ramblings of a drunk person. “You really don’t know what you're saying.” He then pushed you inside the restroom, holding the door by its knob, “Shower and brush your teeth. I’m not letting you out until I’m sure you’re done.”
“Please, just do it.”
Eventually, he finally convinced you to do as he asked and he hears the shower running, but a mere second later a thud follows. You busted out in a fit of pain, slipping on the already wet floor and immediately your roommate comes running in concerned. “What happened?”
He turned his head the second he processed your fallen body on the ground was bare naked. Shower water poured down on your head, drenching you from head to toe, and glistening your body like a wet dream. Your eyes lit up at him in a timid demure, barely covering your intimate parts with your arms and hands. He coughed dramatically, pinching himself to find restraint, and repeated his quarry of concern with avoidant eyes before you pointed out the obvious, “I fell.”
“Hold on to the rails, that’s what they’re for,” he groaned.
He sighed, slightly glancing. “Do you need help?”
You shook your head even when he wasn’t looking. “No, I think I’m good.”
“Good. Just be careful and tell me when you’re done.”
And you’re alone again.
You pulled yourself up from your pathetic state and then the warm water run through your features, letting out a loud sigh. You finished up the best you could, ridding yourself of a night full of grime. Grabbing a towel on the rack, you wrapped it around your damp nude before letting Soonyoung know from the other side of the door. He finally let you free from his handmade prison before watching you go scurry to your bedroom in a concoction of drunken embarrassment.
You muttered to yourself scoldings for letting something like that happen, clenching your legs together in bed the moment you hear his round of shower hit the tiles through the thin walls. A groan unexpectedly sounds off abundantly clear, and your shameless thoughts take action while he’s preoccupied. 
Still naked, you let the towel fall to the ground and you crawl under the sheets of your bed, not caring in the slightest about your hair getting your pillows wet. Your hands slowly trail down to your chest, ghosting over your skin until the pads of your fingers finally found what’s between your legs. You moaned at your self-discovery. Filming your fingers with your filthy arousal, a smile derived from self-indulgence shaped on your face. There you let your fingers slide between your folds and you shudder.
Meanwhile, Soonyoung couldn’t get your image out of his head. The glimpse alone was enough to make him think of you in compromising positions. Lips around his angry stiff cock, your tongue sliding against the veins of his shaft. He’d then hear the wet suction, the vibrations of your mouth humming around his skin, moaning his name like the perfect dessert you were. He groaned again to himself, pressing his length against his abdomen, not thinking you’d hear.
But you do. In fact, it’s so coherent, it makes you wet enough seep past your thighs, trailing down your legs. Your fingers plunged in you deeper while the palm of your hand rubbed against the shape of your clit. Your hips heave up from the mattress, pressing deeper into your palm as the image of Soonyoung’s face stayed a constant in your intoxicated head.
Soonyoung could hear your moans through it all, even if you didn’t think they did, and you only further fed his imagination. He braced against the wall behind him, thrusting into his fist with gritted teeth. The squeeze he had on his girth was merciless and all he had to rid of his overwhelming sin. In his head, you batted your pretty eyes back him, trailing your hands over his body, mouth gaping that looked ready to be filled one way or another. He threw his head back, whispering your name softly. “Oh, baby…you look so good swallowing my cock.”
You felt tears soak your eyes, swallowing a desperate breath.“Mmh, fuck…just like that please…”
“Gonna fuck your pretty pussy…” His thrusts roughly pulled himself at his base, clenching the life around it.
“You’re so deep, fuck, you feel so good—“
“You’re gonna make me cum—“
“Shit, I’m gonna cum—“
Simultaneously, you both were freed of your tension, a sudden release of breath escaping your lungs. The spilled cum fell at Soonyoung’s feet, melting in the heat of the water before it followed down the drain, while you fell slumped in bed in your own filth. You lazily reached out for your towel to clean the rest of the mess, tore away your dirty sheets, and settled into a tired slumber.
Soonyoung, overwashed with shame, hung his head down as he quietly cursed to himself. He shut off the shower head and reached for his towel. He finally concludes this evening, having taken a load off. There wasn’t much left on his mind that night, only teh thought of wanting it to be over.
The morning comes sooner than you realize and you find yourself at the mercy of a shirtless Soonyoung like most mornings, except this time he wasn’t doing pull-ups. Instead, he walked to you, a vigor to his stride and he decidedly met your eyes, while you were still focused on his body.
“You’re not very good at hiding things,” he said with a knowing smile.
“Should I just give you what you want? Should I fuck the shit out of you until all I can hear is my name?”
An answer was caught in the tightness of your throat when he lifted you off the ground and instinctively made you wrap your legs around his bare torso. The heat of his body is all you could focus on until he planted you flat on your kitchen counter, parting your legs to reveal the sudden bareness beneath your oversized t-shirt.
He licked his lip, tensing up his abdomen excitedly before he found home between your thighs. Your fingers threaded through his hair, crying out in soft breaths, and pulling his head back to meet his pretty eyes glossed over with lust. 
He mumbled into your skin, specifically one thing. And he said it over again and over again. Unable to make out what he says, you asked him to repeat it more clearly. It was then he rose up to the surface, a sticky sweet sheen of your arousal in his lips before he drew them close to your ear. His breath fanned your skin, shivers running down your spine, and finally what he says makes sense.
“Wake up.”
Your eyes ripped open like the ground beneath you should’ve. You ran a hand over your face, groaning at your own dismay. “What the actual fuck…”
It took a minute for you to pull yourself out of bed, groggy and with a raging headache to blow over throughout the day, only to be met with nearly an identical circumstance you met in your dream. Your roommate’s bare back stared back at you as brightly as the morning sun. You shrunk back at the reminder of your dream, walking on eggshells towards him to reach the fridge. “Morning.”
Soonyoung coughed on his water recognizing your presence, timidly greeting you back.
“Plans today?” You asked.
He nodded, “Yeah, classes in the afternoon.”
The silence couldn’t be more deafening.
“Yeah, me too. Will be back at home at 9 after work.”
And soon you parted, embarrassed that encountered ever happened.
The rest of the day, there was much of seeing each other like most days, but this particular instance felt there was more of a reason to it. Even when it came around to your mutually available time at lunch, you made the extra effort not to run into him. How could you?
After making a pass on him and making the half-conscious decision of touching yourself to him while he was in the shower?
You’d be insane to go about things as if they were normal. They weren’t. 
When you came home that night, he was home like he always was, yet nowhere in sight. You knew he was home when you noticed his bike locked up where it normally was and shoes placed at the front of the door. You were tempted to call out his name but refrained when you reminded yourself you were yet ready for that confrontation yet.
Unfortunately for you, you didn’t have a choice in the matter as  Soonyoung seemed to be already walking out of his room, shocked to see you actually home despite it being the time you said you’d be home by. “Hey…”
“Hey.” You let your stuff down before heading to the kitchen. “Did you eat yet?”
“Uh, yeah. I got pizza with a few Chan and Seungkwan.”
“Cool. I’m just gonna make myself something real quick.”
“Did you need something?”
You pointed to his door. “You came out of your room.”
“Right,” he quickly scanned the floor before claiming nearly finished bottle of water on the couch's corner table. “W-water. I got thirsty.”
Obviously, it was an excuse, but you weren’t going to point it out with your lack of backbone. “Okay, well, I’m out here if you need anything.”
“Yeah. Okay.”
Before he retreated back to the room, a halt was squeezed out of your throat, catching him in his eager steps. He turned to you with unfocused eyes, hard swallowing in an attempt to calm himself down. “What is it?”
“I need to get this off my chest. Yesterday…I’m really sorry for everything yesterday.”
He sighed. That’s what all that was? “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“Also. Shit, um. I don’t know why I’m saying this because it's not like it matters. Well, it does a little bit. It could totally come off wr—“
“Hey,” he interrupted, “I doubt it’s as big a deal as your making it out to be, and I’m okay with not knowing.”
“But you should know actually.” You steadily approached him, letting out an exaggerated exhale. “Yesterday, you were showering and I don’t know what got over me. Well, I was drunk, so I guess there was that bit. Anyway, I heard you, you know, and I guess I—“
“Touched yourself when I was in the shower?”
You shut your eyes, preparing yourself for the worst. “Okay, we’re getting right into it, but yeah. It just felt weird not telling you, I just—“
“You knew I was masturbating?”
“Well, yeah? It was obvious if I’m being honest. Not the point. I invaded your privacy and indulged in it. I don’t know, maybe it’s been a while since…I just want to apologize.”
“For what, overhearing me whack myself off,” he took a step closer, eyes a lot like your dream meeting yours, “or for cumming to the thought of me?”
You breathed out through your nose. In and out. Your eyes for the life of you could not stay steady. “B-both?”
“If we’re being honest here, I should come clean too, shouldn’t I?”
Your hand steadied on the couch, almost letting the force of gravity pull you down along with your sanity, but tried maintaining eye contact as if that would change the dynamic even a little bit. “About what?”
Soonyoung finally found the humor in the situation to smile, one that caused the stagger in your step. “About how your face would come up when I touched myself in the shower.”
“You can be mad at me, but I won't be mad at you for doing the same thing I did. I don’t regret it because that was the best orgasm I’ve had in mon—“
You silenced his lips with your own, launching you into him until all you felt was the heat of his furnace of a body. His hands claimed the small of your back before pressing your curves into his hollows. He received your lips feverishly, moving against you as if in heated debate, and crashed your body into the furniture closest to you. 
“Didn’t know you were this eager,” he mumbled, “you should've told me.”
Your hand gripped his hair, your teeth taking his bottom lip between and pulling, emitting illicit whines that filled your stomach with warmth. Your leg propped to his side, embracing him hungrily there wasn’t even space to breathe. His hips knocked back into you, his bulge grinding against your clothed heat as he arched you over the back of the couch.
“You’re a bit mean. I like that.” He giggled.
“Shut up,” you mumbled.
“May I remind you, you kissed me.”
“And I can back out right this second.”
“Oh, but we can’t have that,” he utilized his upper strength to lift you off the ground looped tightly around his torso, a gasp leaving your lips. You reunite with his eyes that are now leveled with yours. You’ve looked into them before but it shocked you with how dark they are, how earnest they look. “You see it, don't you? How much I want you? I see it in your eyes too.”
“T-this a tactic you use on all people you sleep with?”
He shook his head. “Just you, and only because I really want you.”
Your hand planted against his cheek, the curve of your palm hugging his jaw. His breath hitches from the mere tenderness in your eyes. His body has ever only told him he was you carnally and raw, but that gaze. If he would just bottle that gaze and show off like a trophy.
Your hand crawled over to the nape of his neck, there your digits ran up his hair, pushing him innately close to yours, and you whispered cautiously, “We can never tell the others.”
“I’ll take this to my grave if it’s what you want.”
You nodded. “Good boy.”
He transported you to his room, dropping you on his mattress with him to follow. Your lips stay glued together a perfect mold, tongue clashing in a union that you’ve only even dreamt of having. Soonyoung only briefly pulled away to reveal his torso. He was firm, flushed to the touch, and heaving under the heat of your palm.
You gasped as he pressed his body against your touch, smiling against your skin as he asked if you liked what you were seeing. All you could do was nod, somehow lost in the trance that you never wanted to escape. His mouth took your neck, roaming starved as his hands undressed you down to your underwear.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” He slipped you out from your sleeves and made skin contact. Chest to chest, waist to waist, hips to hips. You sense his want through touch alone and for once being wrong felt so incredibly right. What a relief to know, he felt what you did. “I never wanted someone this badly before.”
He nipped your neck, teeth scratching against your skin. “You say my name like that, I’ll have no choice but to ruin you. Be careful around me. Or don’t. I’d show you a good time either way.”
“You’re—mmp—such a…ah—s-sweet talker.” You could hardly talk back. He made love to your skin as if he’d done it before, touching every pressure of your body like a skilled lover, both attentively yet without remorse.
“I’m only saying what I’ve been thinking. Like how desperate I am to feel myself between your thighs.” He tugged down your underwear to your feet and let the fall to the ground, allowing your legs to hook around him. “Or how your lips taste like caramel coffee, the candy you eat every time you need a ‘pick me up.’”
“You pay attention to that?” You asked, fiddling over the button of his pants.
“I don’t make an effort to, I just do.” He found your hands, aiding you in your efforts, soon you heard the sound of fabric hitting the floor. He held your gaze still, guiding your hand over his hard cock, taking from the base up to the shaft. You swallowed memorizing his shape, his length, his weight. There was so much you wanted to be able to share with this part of him alone. “Now it’s your turn to pay attention to me.”
Your lips stretched over your cheeks. “What makes you think I don’t?” 
You trace over something particular with your other hand, something that bulges at you even with his pants on. You lifted yourself to sit up, folding your calves behind your thighs. Stroking his length with one hand, you admire your veins leading down his lap with the other. “I’ll have you know, my patience is admirable. It took a lot within me to blatantly ignore these pretty veins you have on your stomach.”
“Someone’s never called them that before,” he chuckled, “no one’s even acknowledged them before.”
“I guess no one’s been privileged enough to see them as often as I do. Lucky me.” You thumbed over the blue, scrapping over its stroke as you lowered your head and your lips wrapped around the head. You covered his underside, tugging  your lips around him, and watching his jaw drop lower when you began covering more of his length.
“I’m the lucky one,” he acknowledged, his hand dropping to the crown of your head before caressing the length of your hair. “You should see how good you look sucking my dick right now. I’m never gonna see this image without wanting to cum on the spot.”
You steadied yourself at his hips, tongue gliding over the underside, and you hugged your cheeks tighter around his girth. Eyes fluttered back at him, and you wretched to take more of him, already felt him hit the back of your throat. When you heard him moan, it fed you more encouragement, giving your best efforts to fit all of him. You coughed at the tightness in your throat but remained resilient. The vicious substance of your saliva coated him from tip to base as your hand stroked him repeatedly, pushing him deeper into you until your vision grew weary. 
Soonyoung told you to take it slow, stroking the back of your head with a gentle hand. You inhaled him for as long as you could, the sounds of your efforts growing dim the deeper he made it past your mouth. Ultimately, tears ran down your cheeks, oxygen cut from your airways, and you felt no choice but to pull him out, resting his cock between your fingertips as you gasped for breath.
That breath was quickly stolen when Soonyoung dived in to claim it, his body caging yours. His weight against yours was comforting, enticing, addicting. He moaned your name sweetly like a song, and it filled your stomach with embers of desire. “You’re so hot…I’d make you do that again if I wasn’t worried about killing you.”
You pathetically scoffed in an attempt to cover up discomfort. “That? Pff, I’m fine.”
He grinned, kissing you long and deep. “You’re so cute when you lie. I’ll make sure to return the favor now.”
Pulling at your thighs, he dragged them towards him, barely touched your eager heat, and his twitch urging you to pull him close. He leaned over somewhere behind you to tear open a condom, rolling it over himself. As he drew closer, so did you, feeling the inviting head of his cock glide over your wet cunt, you trembled in thought. Soonyoung, just—
“Put it in me.”
“Now, now. I’m not going anywhere,” he smiled cheekily.
“Soonyoung,” You whined.
Your impatience is rewarded when he plunged himself in slowly, but completely, embracing the stretch of your walls as he filled you out. “So…needy...”
His initial thrust is deep, strong, and then he landed another, quickly adjusting to the plush of your pussy. You held your thighs back to your chest, and spread your legs wide for him. Your pretty lips weren’t shy with praising him, asking him for more of his pretty cock, and earning just as you ask. “You’re mind-numbing, shit…what a good fucking pussy…”
“Your cock’s so g-good in me…you feel so good inside me, Soonyoung…”
“Fuck, say my name like that again.”
He flipped you on your stomach, pressing his fingers into your as he found his pace from behind you, ramming into you until your cunt has tasted every inch of his cock. You gasped as his hand maneuvered you to push back against him, like a toy to be played with he used every bit of you, your energy, your sexuality, and he embraced it. You felt amazing. 
“Soonyoung, I’m—ah—I’m gonna cum.”
“You’re gonna cum around my cock? Hmm? Is that it? My cock fucking you that good?”
You bit into his cheeks nodding, in the urge to respond before the wave of arousal crashed into you. You were clenching your stomach as his name came in tidal waves, grinding towards him to prologue the high. Loudly, you cursed, balling the sheets underneath you into fists. 
Soonyoung nodded proudly, the shaky view of your body trembling beneath him fuels his ego and it’s not long before he orgasms, filling the condom until it nearly burst. He pulled out of you finally, quickly discarding the trash before he joined you in bed, hugging your fatigued body to his side and there was silence. Only silence.
And breathing. Mainly Soonyoung’s. And that went on for a good fifteen minutes until someone spoke again.
“I’m glad I waited for that.”
You looked up at your roommate curiously, the smile on his face felt warmer every time you saw it. “What was that?”
He met your gaze, hand softly moving over your hair. “I feel like I’ve gotten closer to you. I always wanted that.”
He nodded, planting a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Who knew sex would make us closer friends?”
Your body ran cold, in the distance you could hear the shattering of glass far off from reality. You stayed frozen under his touch as he embraced you closer to his naked body, hooking his chin over your neck. “We should do this again. I wouldn’t mind getting used to this.”
That’s what you were scared of. Getting used to this. To this arrangement. To the sensation of his cock inside you. To the sense that it’d never be more than you hoped it would be. You’d never have Soonyoung be yours, but you knew somehow you’d always be his.
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
man. i wish i had more money to travel bc like,,, i just wish i could see my family out here more. i love my friends and family back at home obviously but my family out here is just one big tightly knit group which is unheard of for my dad's side
#the fact that my cousin gets to see his brothers like?? multiple times a week when he's not in college?? even tho they're all adults???#the fact that my aunt and uncle see eachother almost daily??#the fact that everyone here regularly meets up with each other for casual company when its NOT someone's funeral or a major holiday??????#my dad's side is so distant. i love them but i rarely get to see them even though we almost all live within like 20 minutes of eachother#just. being here makes me so happy. i haven't been in a home that felt this alive and happy since i was a little kid.#this week has gone by so fast and i almost dont wanna leave#just. my house is gonna feel so so empty. its just gonna be me and my little sister and our two cats as always.#mom will probably go to work and our dad is so flaky that he prolly wont show up till next week.#my brother is busy with jobs and college and my older sister has her family to focus on#my cousins are off doing who knows what and my aunt is gonna be busy working#its just gonna be my sister and i in a big dead house. it'll be silent and dusty and it'll feel so so wrong#idk. im gonna miss how lively this place is.#on the bright side im gonna be happy to see my cats. im prolly gonna spend at least one day curled up on the couch with them lol#but beyond that im just. not sure what to do now.#i have a friend and we love going to the mall to see late night movies and all that so i might ask her if she wants to do that again soon#also sleepovers. lots of sleepovers.#sigh. its 12:30 and i gotta be up by like 6:00 so we can drive out and catch our flight at 10:00#but i dont wanna go to bed. im just chilling with my sister and our cousin in a comfortable silence while our family talks in the backyard#i don't wanna leave that behind y'know? we don't get to visit cali all that often bc its expensive#i heard we might try and plan a vacation somewhere else though where we'd all meet up for one big vacation#that would be nice lol. this has been so fun and im gonna miss being around so much family#anyways. i need to shut up.
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bahrtofane · 4 months
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in which jude is your best friend, or well, was. hes much more now
word count - 1.3K
watch it - arguments, yelling. happy ending tho hehe
“Can you grab my purse? I left it in the back seat." 
Jude looks up from his phone at the doorway and gives you a nod, “Yeah gimme a sec, i got it.”
You send him a smile and thanks before taking your shoes off and relaxing on his couch. Today was an impromptu hang out, practice ended early and the personal trainer was out, so this was one of the few days Jude had to relax.
He still wanted to spend it with you, even after you told him he should use the opportunity to nap or just relax in his room. 
'What's the point if I can't bother you at the same time ?' was all he said. 
so you caved and got ready for him to pick you up, soon to raid his fridge or find another movie to watch. (which you always end up talking over but that's okay. It's the thought that counts. you even have your own Netflix profile on his tv !)
Your phone goes off and you're pleasantly surprised to find it's the man you met a few days ago. You caught his eye and he politely approached you while you were on a little coffee run. a treat after a bad few days. 
You smile when you text your date back confirmation. Dinner date this Saturday how exciting !
Jude comes back with your purse in hand, sliding it on the table your way before crashing into your side. 
"Jesus Jude- my god- you're too big to be doing that. you're gonna kill me someday." you sputter.
"no, it's good to keep you on your toes." he giggles while smothering himself into your side
you groan trying to get him off before resorting to kicking him off with your legs. 
he yells before hitting the ground, "Im worth too much for you to be throwing me around what the hell."
"you started it! you're so annoying, oh my god."
he narrows his eyes before getting up and sitting a far distance away from you, for safety. 
he puts on a movie and continues to sulk while you roll your eyes. 
‘Oh by the way I'm gonna have to cancel saturday. “ 
“What, why ? What happened?“ 
“I have a dinner date that day ! isn't that exciting.’
Jude only scowls at you, unimpressed. “You're canceling, over a man. First of all, why is this the first time I'm hearing about this guy. And why didn't you tell him you were busy and just pick a different day.”
“Saturday is his only day off. I don't know why you're so mad.” You frown. 
“Saturday afternoon is my only afternoon off.”
“Jude. Why are you being so childish?”
“I don't know because you're putting some guy you just met before me, your best friend.”
“He's not just some guy I think we could really be something. Why do you have to be so protective of me? I'm not 5 oh my god.”
“It's not just that it's that you're canceling our hangout for him.”
“We always hang out-”
“Exactly so I don't know why you're jumping so quickly to change it over some dick.”
“Im not like that and you fucking know it. You of all people should know that this is a chance I don't want to miss out on just because we order food and stare at a tv for hours on saturdays.”
“Oh so that's all it is to you. Staring at a tv.’ Jude rolls his eyes.
“It's not like that, I love hanging out with you. "
" I just don't understand why you're suddenly so eager to see anyone right now . I can't make any plans with anyone without you storming down here and telling me it's a waste of time. " He sighs 
You stare at him in disbelief. “Because you have a career ?? i don't give two shits who you talk to, but I can't let you make dumb decisions. I will always be your best friend, that's my job and nothing more."
"That's why this is so frustrating,” He waves his hands in the air aimlessly, “Do you even know what you're saying to me?"
"You're not making sense." You shake your head. 
 “I don't want to fight with you, I just don't understand why you're acting so selfish.”
“That's your problem, you act like I'm doing something wrong instead of being happy for me."
“You dont fucking get it do you oh my god I dont know how to be any more clear with you so you can get It.”
You don't say anything, choosing not to read any deeper into his words and instead watch the rest of the movie in silence. You don't have it in you to argue with him anymore. You care for him, truly. He's your best friend and you couldn't be happier or more proud to be able to have him by your side. 
But there's always that prickle of feeling that lays within you. A prickle of yearning, a wanting for more. You're not blind by any means, Jude is a handsome man and he's grown into his features better than you expected. 
You don't know if it's just delusion, but there's always a base layer of tension between you too. Always a second away from something going too far and it leading where it probably shouldn't. 
But you know it's deeper than a what if for you. You've found a good friend in him and somewhere along the way you've drifted to less than only platonic feelings. But you also know the way Jude is, the way he acts and talks is just that. Not meant to be read deeper and you dont let anything get your hopes up anymore. 
It's the reason why you said yes to that guy in the first place, so you can hopefully stop crushing on your best friend and move on.
Your over-thinking soon passes the time and you find yourself in an awkward quiet that neither of you want to break in fear of more arguing. But Jude takes the risk.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles.
"For what Jude? "
"For how I acted, and what I said. It was an asshole move to assume you're only gonna meet him for dick when I know you aren't like that. And for acting like you can only hang out with me. I'm sorry.”
You sit there silently, not saying a word. 
He turns to face you almost desperately, “You're my best friend you really are. I care about you, more than anyone else. And i just- fuck it. You’ve given me some of the most precious moments of my life, but I think I’d be a better boyfriend if you’d let me, friends just doesn’t do justice to what I feel for you anymore.”
You stand up and walk over to him, standing between his legs and placing his hands in yours, gently smiling.
“Please say something.” He whispers. 
“I can't think of anything I want more than for you to be mine Jude.”
He jumps at that, bringing you flush to his chest, “What about the guy on saturday?’ “I'm obviously going to cancel and tell him I'm no longer available.”
“Good.” He smiles. There is a moment where his gaze focuses on your lips and you can feel your face blush at the newfound attention.
“Can I, kiss you ?” He breathes
You give a nod, and no sooner do his hands gently cup your face, his lips meeting yours.
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angelanderson · 11 months
I really want an Ellabs x reader fic of fem reader really needing comfort bc she's sad/overwhelmed but she tries to hide it from ellabs but obv they notice smth is off, so they tell her they noticed smth is wrong and she kinda breaks down at that, then they comfort her thru it, listening to her problems or insecurities n'stuff <33 Sorry if it's confusing and/or too long, u dont gotta do it but i'd appreciate it tons <33 (Im totally not self projecting)
ur projecting = supported. 🫢 100% sfw/comfort fic but still no men or minors. type of relationship between them is up to u! this ended up a semi- full length fic oops ? enjoy!
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sometimes it just feels too hard. being the newest member in jackson means you feel like you have to prove your worth 24/7. and it’s exhausting, really. abby is just so strong, ellie has the best patrol work, and you? you feel… weak. you (falsely) feel like nothing you’ve done has proven you’re worth the space in jackson.
so when monday rolls around, you tell ellie and abby you have plans with someone else so you can just go home and hide. they don’t question that, why would they? tuesday you tell them you wanna go to bed early. okay, fine. but then it’s wednesday, and they’re starting to get that something is going on with you.
the worry starts to kick in wednesday night after maria tells the two women you asked to go home early, citing that you’re not feeling well. abby all but drags ellie to your tiny place immediately after hearing maria’s words. you always tell each other everything. so why didn’t you now?!
it’s easy to know abby and ellie are knocking at your door simply because of the sheer force of it. five minutes you try to pretend you’re not home. you don’t want them to see you in this state; you’ve been ugly crying for two hours now. however, they don’t give up. it’s not like you could expect anything else from them.
“baby, we know you’re home. let us in, yeah? we’re worried about you,” abby shouts out after another two minutes of knocking.
you respond back with a sickly voice from the sofa, “no, go away. ‘m busy.”
you can just feel the attitude enter ellie’s body now. you know how stubborn she can be. “no, we know you’re lying. i will find a way in if you don’t let us in within the next thirty seconds.”
you know she isn’t joking as you move to open the door. the sight of you upon opening the door is not a pretty one— your face is red, covered in tears. ellie takes a deep breath before she pushes in. she won’t let you shut them out anymore. abby shuts the door before them before heading you back onto the sofa with them. each other is on either side of you within the matter of seconds.
as per usual, abby is the first one to break the silence. “oh, honey, what’s going on? we could’ve helped you sooner if we knew.” the way she sounds sad just makes you feel worse.
insecurities once again bubbling over, you do the only thing you can think of: you try to shove abby away. being significantly stronger than you means it didn’t feel like a single thing. however, abby won’t put up with you lashing out right now. she knows you can be their sweet girl even in the toughest of moments.
ellie watches like a hawk as abby grabs both of your wrists to stop you from trying to push her away again. “just because you’re upset doesn’t mean you can act out. are you going to be the big girl i know you are now? or do i need to keep you here?”
the concerned sternness of her voice makes you whimper in reply. fresh tears leak down your face as you try to find the words to explain. “i- i just don’t think i deserve to be here! everyone, especially you two, carry your weight around here! and what do i do? i’m just a stupid girl working in the bar!”
and, well, neither of them could say they were expecting that response. sure, you were newer to Jackson, but so was everyone at one point. you were also one of the most popular Jackson residents— everyone loves the energy you bring to the bar after a long day of work. so it just makes sense that both women are beyond shocked to realize that this is why you’re so down. how could you not know how loved you are here?
as yet another round of tears starts to fall, you feel abby’s big arms quickly pull you into her chest. your body starts to shake with each inhale as you start to sob into abby’s chest. while ellie rushes to rub your back, abby starts to tilt your head up so you can see her.
“angel, angel, no. let’s take some deep breathes and then we’ll all have a talk, okay?”, abby coos as she wipes away the falling tears.
ellie puts your right hand over abby’s heart when your breathing doesn’t start to slow any. she speaks in the softest voice she can muster up,“deep breaths with me and abby, baby. feel abby’s heart beat. we’re all going to just relax together before anything else.”
two minutes between your favorite people is all it takes to reduce you to just sniffles. you slouch back into your seat once you’ve finally caught your breath. you look up at abby and ellie with wet eyes before letting out a long sigh. no one is sure who should speak first.
ellie decides she’ll be the one to start, “it’s not true, you know? everyone here loves you. helping run the bar is important. you create a space where we can all relax for once. emphasis on the relax part.”
abby grunts in agreement with ellie. “you know ellie’s right, don’t you baby,” abby questions before looking over to ellie, “our favorite girl’s always making everyone feel happy, isn’t she?”
“for real though, you really do play a big part here. you know ellie and i started arguing less when you came around? pretty big deal there, you know. even joel commented on it,” the dirty blonde continues on the conversation.
and that makes you giggle for the first time all day. “even joel? really?” while you knew they had a previous history of more frequent fights, you didn’t know even joel was over it back then too.
“yeah, it’s really true,” abby starts before taking a breath to think about her next words. she exhales, “strength isn’t everything, you know? you add just as much as we do here. creating a space where people can relax while we live on this hell on earth is just as important as what we do. we all do the best here because we are better with each other. our system can’t function without others.”
you’re sure you’d be crying tears of happiness right now if you weren’t so exhausted from all your previous crying. your previous anxieties start to slip away as you start to truly internalize both of their words from today. you are important. you matter here. just like everyone else.
no one is given a chance to speak before you’re pulling ellie and yourself on top of abby. “i love you, i love you, i love you both,” you whisper out. “you’re right. i promise i’ll come talk to you next time i’m feeling down, okay? know you’ll make me say that part next!”
“okay smarty pants, you better. also, we always are, darling. love you the most,” teases ellie before she presses a kiss to the back of your head.
“hey! what if i love you both the most? then what?” you’re sure you can feel ellie roll her eyes as abby whines out playfully.
“okay, okay. how about we all love each other the most? can we just agree so i can drink some water now? my head is killing me.” a major post-crying headache has just started to come on for you.
ellie rolls her eyes playful at both of you. “i’ll get us all some water”, she commands as she walks to your kitchen, “and get comfy with abby. we’ll watch a movie, and yes, you can choose today.”
yay! end note to say ur important and i’m glad ur here + love that we all each add our own special things to this earth 🫂
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noiryinn · 2 months
can i request a kunigami x male reader? i dont have anything like a plot in my mind , but maybe a very shy/insecure , artist reader?
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pairing(s): kunigami rensuke x shy!male reader
summary: you and kunigami get paired up for a school project, only problem was, you had a big crush on him.
warnings: none!
word count: 3.9k
a/n: ofc! thanks for the ask! i’ll do my best. this is so bad plus i don't rlly know his personality that great so this is probably ooc. sorry it took so long! i had school and other things to work on (btw this is so rushed i wrote this in like 2 days...)
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you tapped your foot anxiously on the ground. you had to work in pairs for a project…honestly, you’d rather work alone, but the teacher already said no. you were hoping you got someone good. yet, luck seemed to have other plans as your name was heard alongside kunigami's, the guy you had the biggest crush on.
‘okay, just don’t stutter…act nervous…oh what the hell im gonna do both of those things!’ you thought. you were panicking in your seat when you saw him walk over to you. well, his build was certainly bigger up close. you studied his physique, it’d probably be pretty nice to draw. he was certainly way more attractive up close. you were lost in your thoughts when you heard a voice.
“hey, l/n, you good?” you snapped out of your thoughts "uh, y-yeah, I guess… I mean, let's just start, right?" you said, your voice quavering. you seriously couldn’t focus at all. it was horrible! how would you pass this stupid class if you kept staring at him? you forced yourself to stop and finally do your work.
you talked a bit stiffly, but you couldn't help it. you could tell kunigami was trying to make a bit of conversation, but it often led to an awkward nod or "yeah" from you. you were typing on your laptop, researching for the project when you head your name.
"mind if i ask you something, l/n?" kunigami looked straight in your eyes. the eye contact almost made you sweat a bit and you tried looking everywhere but him. "y-yeah...go ahead." you said sheepishly. "do you not like me? you seem a bit distant." a small frown tugged at his lips. you felt a knot form in your stomach as kunigami's question hung in the air, lingering like a heavy cloud. his auburn eyes stared into yours. "no, it's not that I don't like you," you replied hastily, your words stumbling over eachother. "i mean, you're a great partner and all. it's just…uhm…nevermind."
you busied yourself with your laptop, pretending to focus on the project while desperately trying to avoid kunigami's penetrating gaze. but despite your efforts to push him away, you couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that gnawed at your conscience. kunigami sighed, but you could feel his expression softening. "it’s fine if you don’t want to say anything," he said gently, his voice was reassuring. "didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything, just making sure things are cool with us." you nodded, glad that he didn't outright hate you.
you continued working on the project, there was a lingering tension in the air. but something about it felt different, it was intense yet comforting at the same time. you couldn't help but steal a quick few glances at him. you noticed the way he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he typed on his own laptop. his hands swiftly navigating the keyboard. but you quickly realized you'd been staring too long and looked away, a blush tinting your cheeks.
the afternoon sun cast a golden hue over the familiar path you took home every day, but today, something felt different. as you prepared to make your way home, a voice broke through the ambient noise, pulling you from your thoughts. turning around, you were met with the sight of kunigami jogging towards you, his features softened by a small smile that seemed to light up his face.
"hey, l/n," his voice, calm and inviting, reached your ears, surprising you with its warmth. "mind if I walk you home?" his words hung in the air, unexpected yet strangely welcomed, sending a flutter of anticipation through you. your cheeks flushed with warmth at the unexpected offer, caught off guard by kunigami's gesture. after a brief moment of hesitation, you nodded, a mix of nerves and curiosity bubbling up inside you.
with each step, the world around you seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the gentle rustle of leaves overhead and the rhythmic sound of your footsteps. the occasional brush of your arms sent a thrill down your spine. you stole glances at kunigami, wanting to bridge the silence with conversation but finding yourself at a loss for words.
eventually, you couldn't contain the restless thoughts swirling in your mind any longer. fidgeting with your hands, you finally broke the silence with a hesitant apology. "uh...sorry if i seemed distant. i just get nervous pretty quickly..." your words hung in the air, tinged with uncertainty. kunigami's response was reassuring, his understanding demeanor easing the tension that had coiled in your chest. "it's no worries, i totally understand," he reassured, his voice a soothing balm to your nerves. "but just so you know, you don't have to feel nervous around me. we're partners, right? and… friends, maybe?" his words held some hope, a glimmer of possibility that stirred something within you.
with a small smile, you nodded in agreement, the weight of his offer settling comfortably in your heart. "yeah, friends," you replied with a soft smile. the conversation flowed effortlessly between you. before you knew it, you had reached your doorstep, the realization of parting bringing a twinge of reluctance.
"i'll give you my number if you want to work on the project together or even hang out," he offered, blinking in surprise, you processed his offer before accepting with a nod of gratitude. "what? uh, yeah! sure..." your voice trailed off, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you handed him your phone, eager to exchange contact information.
as kunigami inputted his number into your phone, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside you. with a final wave goodbye, he disappeared down the path, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the screen displaying his contact details. you sunk onto the couch, you stared at the screen for what felt like an eternity, the weight of possibility settling over you like a comforting blanket. it was like a dream.
the next day had a more comfortable atmosphere. you found yourself working really well with him. you tried not to show that you were still giddy from getting his number. it was like a dream. you totally scored! “did you find anything for slide 5?” you asked, trying to ease your mind, “uh, not yet. i’ll get on it after i finish this real quick.”
you continued working on the project, every now and then, you took quick glances at kunigami, who seemed engrossed in his own task. kunigami would ask for your input on certain aspects, and you found yourself opening up more, expressing your ideas and thoughts. you admired him, not just for his intellect and dedication to the project, but also for his patience and understanding towards you.
eventually, as the class drew to a close, you both managed to finish a good amount of the project. with a sigh of relief, you leaned back in your chair, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over you. kunigami turned towards you with a smile, a genuine one that reached his eyes. "thanks for your help, l/n. i don't think i could've done it without you," he said sincerely, breaking the tension that had been lingering between you two. you couldn't help but return his smile, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "no problem, kunigami. we make a pretty good team," you replied, genuinely meaning it.
you left the class satisfied with the work you completed. you thought about what you'd do next. as you left the class, the weight of the day's interactions lingered in your mind. you couldn't deny the chemistry you had with kunigami, despite the initial awkwardness, there was an ease when you two interacted. you walked down the hallway, lost in thought, you heard someone calling your name. turning around, you saw kunigami walking up to you, a friendly look on his face.
"hey, l/n, wait up!" he called out, his voice carrying over the bustling noise of the hallway. you slowed your pace, waiting for him to catch up. "hey, kunigami," you greeted, "what's up?" he walked beside you, hands in his pockets. "just thinking. the deadline for the project is pretty near and we might not finish it by then, you mind grabbing some coffee or something and working there?" you could barely contain your excitement. "yeah, sounds good. this weekend sound good?" he nodded before saying "great, i know a good café nearby that we can go to."
the weekend came by quicker than you expected and the deadline was wednesday. you put on a casual outfit and started to go to the café's address. you nervously adjusted the strap of your bag and kept checking it if you forgot anything. soon, you found yourself standing outside the café, kunigami already there. "glad you could make it, l/n" he greeted, "let's get started, hm?" you nodded before you two settled in a cozy corner booth.
the two of you wasted no time getting started. only after a few minutes papers and other things were sprawled all over the table and you two were locked in. you saw how he was always intensely focused whenever he worked on things. you admired it. the way he always did things so effortlessly...he definitely wasn't some jock, that's what. you told yourself that over and over again, it made you feel slightly guilty of your initial thought of him. you shook those thoughts out of your head though as you had to focus on the project. you couldn't let him do all the work, could you?
soon hours passed by, but they seemed like mere minutes when you were with him. kunigami made time pass by fast, and you two finished a good chunk of work. sure, there was a lot more to do, but it was still a decent amount. you laughed at his jokes, sure, they were a bit corny, nonetheless they still made you chuckle. you found yourself opening up to him slowly, you talked about small bits of your childhood, some stories, your family. he seemed to actually enjoy listening to you too. he shared some things about him as well. things seemed to be easing up between you and kunigami, and it felt nice. yet, you two had to go home at some point. so you waved goodbye and made your way back home.
all night you thought about your day, but it was mostly about kunigami. it made you a bit frustrated on how much you unwillingly thought about him. it was like he haunted your every waking. you thought about his smile, his personality, how he looked, pretty much every aspect of him. it kept you up at night. you really tried to stop it but you were unable to. that didn't stop you from acting like a middle school girl with a crush though. honestly, it was kinda pathetic.
you were helping one of the teachers when you spotted him. there he was. kunigami and his circle of friends. he seemed to radiate, in a sense, it drew your attention like a magnet. you caught his eye for a brief moment, and he flashed you a warm smile, causing your heart to flutter rapidly. you quickly averted your gaze, feeling a blush that you couldnt hide creep up your cheeks. what was happening to you? why were you so affected by his simple gesture? you shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts, and focused on grabbing the stuff out of your locker.
with a sigh, you closed your locker and headed to your next class. you remembered that you needed to work on the art and drawings of the physical part of the assignment. the presentation was nearly done, you only had to work on the tri-fold. you were more than happy to do them, but presenting them was a different story. you were sketching the drawings on a piece of paper, but none of them felt right. you were about to scrap what felt like the 100th drawing when kunigami sat next to you. "something wrong? you look a bit stressed" he asked as he looked at you with concern.
"it's just...i can't seem to get these drawings right." you looked down at the paper with a slight frown, "how about you try drawing a different angle of it? the proportions seem a bit off when drawn like this." he suggested, leaning in to get a better look. the proximity made your heart race, you could faintly smell his shampoo, a fresh, citrusy scent lingered in the air. "uh...yeah. maybe that's what i need..." you replied, unable to focus on anything but how close you were.
with his help, you managed to create a set of drawings that you both were satisfied by. "you're amazing, l/n! they're really great." he said in awe as he looked at the drawings. "you think so?" you felt a bit shy from the compliment, "of course i do, you're super talented." kunigami replied genuinely. the praise made a wave of euphoria rush through you and you felt a sense of pride in your work. for the rest of the class, you two goofed off. since there was little left to finish you two had the freedom to. "hey, how about tomorrow we meet up in the library after school? we can make final alterations there." he recommended. "sounds great.
the next day came by quicker than you thought, you practically spent the whole day trying to avoid him, but it seemed like fate had other plans. you walked into the library, looking around until you spotted him. kunigami was already waiting for you. "great, you're here. let's make the finishing touches, shall we?" he greeted, and gestured for you to take the seat in front of him. you nodded and settled yourself into the seat, hoping everything was perfect.
you were fixing up the drawings on the tri-fold when a thought crossed your mind. what if everyone made fun of you? what if they hated the drawings? you started doubting your abilities as you stared at the drawings.. you were fidgeting with your hands before kunigami said something, “you nervous?” he asked, you nodded in return, “i’m sure you’ll be fine, don’t sweat it.” kunigami beamed before patting your back reassuringly. a light tint of pink dusted your face, but you ignored it.
every time he glanced at you, your stomach did flips. you often looked at kunigami out of the corner of your eye when you thought he wasn't looking, studying the curve of his jawline, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. it was like noticing the details of a masterpiece for the first time, and you couldn't tear your gaze away. to you, kunigami felt like a muse, an abstract piece that you couldn't understand at first glance. you needed to know more.
"kunigami?" your voice squeaked a bit. he turned to you signaling he was paying attention. "you think....we're gonna do good?'" kunigami's gaze softened as he met your eyes, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "absolutely, l/n," he replied, his voice filled with confidence. "we've put in a lot of hard work and dedication into this project. i have no doubt that we're going to do great." you looked hesitant for a moment before nodding, "…yeah, we'll do great." you seemed to be reassuring yourself more than him.
the presentation day approached way too fast for your liking. the night before, you barely got a wink of sleep thinking about presenting. it was horrible. when you arrived at school, it didn't get any better. you felt jittery and on edge. you checked your bag, adjusted the strap, checked the time. you tried running lines in your head but everything went blank. not good, so not good. what if you two got a bad grade? and it was because of you? all these thoughts rushed to your head. a knot formed in your stomach and you felt sick.
you walked to class each step your heart pounded in your ears louder and louder. the weight on your shoulders felt heavy. you opened the door, your hands shaking. you saw kunigami in the classroom. he waved you over, but he seemed to realize something was wrong. "something wrong? are you feeling nervous?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "it's just— i don't know...i can't help it." you admitted, unable to meet his eye. "even if we did do all of this hard work, i just can't seem to control my nerves..." you sighed in defeat. your mouth felt dry and there was a lump in your throat.
you kept looking at the ground until you felt his hands on your shoulders. kunigami's touch was surprisingly comforting, his warm hands grounding you in the moment. "it's okay to feel nervous," he reassured softly, his voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos of your thoughts. "but remember, we've prepared for this. we've worked hard together, and whatever happens, we'll face it together, alright?" something about his voice drew you to look up at him. and it gave you the tiniest, smallest bit of confidence that you needed. "...right,"
"thanks for helping me—" it was then when you snapped out of your thoughts and you realized he was still holding your shoulders. still stupidly close. that familiar scent of citrus filled your senses. you took a moment to gather your thoughts, time felt like it stood still. the world around you faded into the background as you locked eyes with him. you admired his features for what? the hundredth time? he seemed to realize that he was still holding your shoulders too, as he let go with a faint reddish hue to his face.
"yeah, it's nothing." kunigami said as he averted your gaze. you two gathered your composure and sat down, you couldn't shake off that warm feel of his hands though. that was quickly interrupted though as the teacher randomly called a random pair to present. someone was testing you, because it had to be your pair. you cursed under your breath and stood up shakily, slowly walking to the front with presentation in hand.
you looked at everyone, their gazes fixed on you. you felt their eyes stare into your very existence, waiting for you to say something and mess up. you glanced at kunigami, he was already looking at you. he made a 'go on, i believe in you' face. you gulped and decided to suck it up.
your voice started off shaky, but it slowly turned out to be steady as you continued. you found a rhythm that worked and you spoke more loudly and confidently. soon, kunigami chimed in and took it from there temporarily. the hours spent researching and working on this project really paid off, as the class seemed interested in what you had to say. the teacher made a few satisfying looks as she typed on her laptop, writing notes and grading.
after a lot of talking and questions, you were done with the presentation. you stood there a bit shocked when everyone clapped for you and made small, positive comments. you exchanged looks at kunigami and he seemed proud. "you did great, i told you you could do it," he nudged you. "...yeah. sorry for ever doubting us." you said lightheartedly.
you two made it back to your seats, after a bit of hesitation and thinking you said something, "hey, do you...want to meet in the library after school friday?" you whispered to him, not wanting to get into trouble. "oh? what for? we got another presentation?" he asked jokingly. "no, it's something else," you chuckled, "just...to hangout, and uh, stuff." you tried making an excuse. really, you wanted to spend time with him. maybe even confess your feelings, but you weren't quite ready to admit that yet. kunigami's expression softened into a warm smile, and he nodded eagerly. "yeah, that sounds great. i'd love to hang out," he replied, his eyes sparkling with genuine enthusiasm. "let me know the time, and i'll be there."
maybe this was your chance to get to know him better outside of school. "awesome, i'll text you the details later," you said, trying to play it cool. as the day went on, you couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement from the successful presentation and kunigami's agreement to hang out. the thought of spending more time with him made your heart flutter. you found it hard to concentrate on your other classes, your mind wandering to what your hangout could result in.
friday came, and you waited in the library for kunigami. you were stuck thinking if you were actually going to confess or not. you were probably going to make a complete fool out of yourself, but something in you nagged that you always ran away from things. maybe you should go through with this, just say it, as simple as that...but you were totally panicking. if he said yes, it would be totally awesome, but if he said no, you'd actually never show your face at school again. so you were stuck, then a genius idea came to mind. flip a coin. yeah, that would decide what would happen.
'heads for yes, tails for no' you said to yourself. you kinda hoped it would be tails, but luck seemed to hate you and you got heads. 'oh screw it, what's the worst that can happen?' you thought. you were zoned out when you saw a familiar sight of orange walking in. "sorry i'm late, i had some things to do" kunigami rubbed the back of his head. "no worries i just got here anyways..." you fidgeted with your hands. he took the seat in front of you. and for a bit, you talked casually, until you decided to spill it out.
your heart raced as you summoned the courage to speak the words that had been weighing heavily on your mind. "kunigami?" you began, "yeah?" he responded, turning his attention to you with a curious expression. "i know this is kinda random, but…" you trailed off, feeling a flush creeping up your neck. "but i like you, i think—" you mumbled "no, i know i like you...you're like really cool, and nice, and it's kinda like— i don't know..." you sighed, your words sounded like nonsense.
"please just wait for me...until i can actually say it without just— just messing up so much" you continued, squeezing your eyes shut. your face felt hot and you didn't know what to say anymore until you felt a familiar warmth on your hands. the feeling making your eyes open to look at him.
he had the same expression as always. yet, he looked a bit awkward, "sorry if i seem uncomfortable, i can't take compliments that well, it's not your fault." he chuckled nervously as he rubbed circles on your hand, "but really, it's fine. i'll wait for you, for however long you need," kunigami paused, "what i'm saying is, i like you too." you stared at him, shocked. "really?" your voice was barely above a whisper. "yeah. so, confess to me again when you're ready, alright?" it all felt like a dream to you, was this real? "alright" you said, this time more confident.
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dystychiphxbia · 9 months
☆ - Gym crush! pt. 3
this sucked but im so busy with uni aaa
characters: isagi, reo, nagi
Isagi Yoichi:
this guy is new to the gym
he catches your eye, mainly because his form is horrifying at first
where did bro learn how to squat...
you try your best to help him!!
and wow he learns super fast
like...when one is new to the gym they usually progress fast but he's on another level...
you are honestly impressed
and he's so nice too??
except when he has progressed enough to attempt a pr...yeah it's the same level of focusment as when he's playing football
and he can get angry at you for bothering him
but he will always apologize afterwards and say that he just really needed to focus
he really enjoys your company...he was a blushing mess when you first approached him and he still struggles to keep his composure when your hands accidentally touch
always spots for you but first you have to teach him how to do it
definitely talks about you to his friends
they try to get him to ask you out but he always says that you are just his gym crush, no way you return his feelings (but you do)
and your thighs...he WILL be looking at them.
Mikage Reo;
now let's be real...this guy has his own personal gym for sure
but let's say one of his friends drag him to a regular gym....for plot reasons
rich boy is shocked
but you catch his attention...you are so elegant...you dont fit in with all the gym bros
now the problem is he wants to talk to you...would it be weird? can he just invite you to his gym instead?
he overthinks too much
you notice him too, he looks out of place and his gym etiquette is lacking
he forgets to rerack his weights and you immediately go remind him
"oh...im used to not having to rerack them at my own private gym...thanks for the heads up."
nah not the entitled rich boy
but you are a bit jealous...especially when you are waiting for the leg press to be free
reo hates working out in a packed gym but he just cant get you out of his mind even couple days later
his friend says you come often during the peak times and always seem pissed off about having to wait between machines...
so, he returns to the gym once more with a plan
and there you are....waiting for a free squat rack
you were quite surprised to see him...why would a rich boy with his own gym return to a regular gym during peak hours?
once you start racking your weights, reo comes up to you asking how many sets you have left
"bro. i just started. you saw me." "well lemme squeeze in between ur sets yeah?"
you dont like sharing. but the gym is packed. so you give in.
reo keeps talking to you and you realize that he's actually nice
sure he's rich and entitled and has no clue about how the life of a poor commoner is, but you enjoy talking with him
and the way he throws in a few flirts, and makes sure to compliment you...you are a goner
you end up doing your entire routine with him, getting to know him more
you can't help but notice the way he looks at you...and your body
by the end of the workout, he drops the big question
"wanna ditch this gym and workout at mine?"
he promises you can workout for free...ofc you say yes cause that means you can save money
so you save money and he gets to see you almost everyday...an ideal situation!
honestly in the end you care more about seeing reo than saving money...
Nagi Seishiro;
nah who got this man to the gym
again...let's say a friend forced him to come along...for plot reasons...
he does not want to be there
like yes he has his goals that he wants to achieve, but a packed gym is just too much
you see him occupying a machine you need for like 10 mins just being on his phone so you go up to him
he's confused but lets you have the machine, he wasn't really using it anyway
honestly he seems kinda lost
like he doesnt actually know what to do. since he was already dragged to the gym, he should do something useful but he doesn't know what
and you notice...and kinda feel bad for him...he looks like a lost puppy
so!! you help him out!!
you dont know much about football but you help him figure out what he should do at the gym to improve :)
he actually appreciates your help. and you see him come to the gym more and more
this is nagi we are talking about so it's a miracle that he actually keeps coming back
but the thing is that he really wants to see you!! you motivate him
you always smile so brightly when you see him. he just can't get enough of that smile.
everything is less of a hassle with you around!
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Am I the asshole for ditching helping my friends on a school project to hang out with someone else? I know this sounds bad.
So my friends are all in an english class im not in and they have a big final project due where they have to make a movie based on the hero's journey or whatever, and I agreed to play one of the roles. I haven't had this agreement long bc they werent originally allowed to let me participate because im not in the class, but the teacher agreed. I also only have a small role that would be two or three scenes at the very beginning and very end.
Everyones had a hellish time trying to schedule together, and theres not a huge amount of time left for the project. Monday was off this week because no one was prepared, thursday and tuesday were off cause two of the people had other school stuff, but that leaves wednesday, friday, the whole weekend and monday as well.
The thing is, everyone was planning on filming on wednesday to get it done as soon as possible- but I agreed to hang out with a different friend wednesday (ill call him Z). Z and i are besties and would spend hours talking every day last year, but since he graduated and has college he's been scary busy, and we've barely been able to hang out at all. We've been trying to schedule a meetup for weeks and finally got free time matching up wednesday, which was prettymuch planned before my friends gave me a role in their project.
I'm not the only person who cant film wednesday, another friend will be gone, and they said thats fine and they'l just film his scenes another day. They seemed really stressed and upset that i couldnt make it, though, but I dont understand why we cant just film mine & his scenes friday or the weekend.
It feels weird too because they're okay with him being gone because he had plans with his girlfriend, but i just have mine with a friend. Many of them know and love Z too and have barely gotten to see Z either so I thought they'd understand. I know I said I could be in the project while still having plans with a friend, but the plans are only one day. & i didnt know everyone elses schedules were so tight too. It's also not my class & this project isnt gonna affect my grade, so I'm not taking it as seriously as a lot of my friends- but the friend seeing his girlfriend is also not part of their class and it wont affect his grade either. I feel like im really disappointing them all but im not gonna pass up hanging out with Z after months of not seeing him in person.
aita ??
What are these acronyms?
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cheesysoup-arlo · 1 month
Cady’s Cousin (pt.4)
(pt. 1)/(pt. 2)/(pt. 3)
A/N: im sorry for the delay on an update low key lost the motivation for this but I regained motivation so here you go
“Hey guys what is up? What’s the hot goss of the first day of school?” A woman who you are assuming is Regina’s mom says as you all entered the house “hey mom, not much happened today but we were planning on using the pool while the sun’s still out and warm” Regina replied “ooo totally fun I’ll get you guys some snacks and drinks” “thanks mom we’re gonna go upstairs and change” you all went upstairs to the large guest room were Regina kept extra clothes and swimsuits for the group which you thought was really cool. “Ok boys you can change in here or the bathroom and us girls will go in my room” Regina said as everyone grabbed their swimsuits “I think I’ll change in her with the boys since there’s a lot of us” Janis says heading over with Aaron and Damien “are you sure?” Cady asked “yeah so we can be ready faster” Janis says with a half convincing smile, in reality she’s just not ready to change near you, it’s taken her a lot of time to build her confidence to feel comfortable enough to change in front of Regina and the other three girls with their “perfect” bodies as Janis likes to describe them. “Hmm ok if that’s what you want” Cady says not convinced “yep” Janis says heading to the other room. “Here y/n you can try these on and whatever fits or you’re more comfortable with you can wear” Regina says handing you a few bathing suits “thank you” you say with a smile “um you can go change in the bathroom if that’s more comfortable for you” Regina says pointing to the closed door behind you “oh yeah totally” you say and go in the bathroom to get changed. everyone gets done changing and the boys plus Janis are waiting in the kitchen for the rest of you. “Ok pool time” Regina says as she walks towards the sliding glass door that leads to the pool “sunscreen” Cady says handing you two different ones (the spray kind and the lotion kind) you take the one you like “thanks cads” you start putting sunscreen on but can’t really get your back, Cady’s busy helping Regina so you decided “hey Janis could you help me out?” “Oh um yeah sure, just your back?” She asks walking up behind you “yeah thank you so much you’re a life saver” you say with a small laugh as she helps put sunscreen on your back. With your back to her you miss the redness that’s starting to form on her cheeks, she’s blushing. “Omg Regina look” Gretchen whispers to Regina pointing at you and Janis “aw they’re adorable” the boys and Janis decide to have a squirt gun fight “if I get sprayed y’all are going home” Regina says half joking, you laugh a little sitting at the edge of the pool with your feet in the water. You’re just chilling when you see Aaron pointing his gun at you giggling a little “AARON DONT YOU DARE” you say trying to block your face “don’t worry I’ll save you you hear someone say causing you to move you hands from your face to see Janis absolutely soaking Aaron. Janis walks over to you and you stand up “my hero, how can I ever repay you?” You say draping your arms on her shoulders “a date, perhaps?” Janis says blushing a little “oh a date?” You say with a smile, blushing “you can say no…” Janis says looking down at the ground “how could I say no to you, I’d love a date just give me details” you say with a wink, walking away from her to grab a snack. Janis watches you walk away, she won’t admit it but she was definitely staring at you, admiring every inch of you thinking about how beautiful you are. About an hour later everyone has had enough pool time “movie night? I know we have school so if you can’t I understand but you know my mom is always ok with sleepovers” the group agrees that it would be fun. Everyone showers while Regina’s mom orders pizza and gets a couple snack trays together. Everyone gathers in the living room. Regina, Cady, Gretchen, and Karen on the big couch that folds out like a bed, the boys on the smaller couch that does the same, and you and Janis are sitting next to each other on the air mattress and are sharing a blanket.
“So what movie are we watching?” Damian asks looking a Regina since she has the remote “can we wat-“ Cady goes to speak “if you suggest the lion king again I swear to god Cady, love you to death but please we’ve seen that so many times” Aaron says, Cady crosses her arms and lays on Regina visibly grumpy “it’s ok princess I’ll watch it with you soon, don’t be grumpy” Regina whispers to Cady giving her a kiss on the forehead “ooo what about that one movie with the blonde girl who’s like really smart and goes to that one smart people school?” Karen says “OH MY GOODNESS LEGALLY BLONDE?” Damian says sitting up, excited “yeah that one” Karen says with a smile “wait we watched that last movie night” Gretchen says with a slight head tilt “ok hear me out, Lilo and Stich?” You say “yesss please I love that movie” Janis looked up at Regina “ok who want to watch Lilo and Stich? Raise your hand” Regina asks, you and Janis immediately put your hands up, Karen and Cady also put their hands up “you know what yeah let’s watch it” Aaron says also putting his hand up “ok so Lilo and Stich it is” Regina says with a small laugh and puts on the movie “yay you say eating a slice of pizza and without thinking you start leaning on Janis, she doesn’t mind she thinks it’s cute and keeps eating her food while watching the movie. Regina secretly takes a picture of the two of you. As the movie continues you start feeling sleepy, Janis wraps her arm around you and plays with your hair as you slowly doze off “awww” Damian says looking at the two of you “shhh, D she’s sleeping” Janis says giving him a slight glare. Cady is asleep and so are Gretchen and Karen. There’s still about 15 minutes left of the movie and Janis is starting to doze off. You wrap your arms around Janis more in your sleep, you’re both lying on the floor. Regina is the last one awake and decides to take another picture and smiles at how adorable the two of you look before she decides to try sleeping too.
A/N(pt.2): should I continue the series?
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gifti3 · 1 month
Arranged marriage au with asmo
I need asmo to be in some type of royal otome slowburn manhwa
ramblings ramblings
the drama guys....the DRAMA! dont tell me a bunch of nonsense wouldnt happen
remember the post where i was like indifferent/passive aggressive asmo becoming curious about the MC fics are peak
similar thing is happening here! honestly i think theres some resentment coming from asmos side at first but mc is like ay....you do ur thing and i do mine
im not gonna make u do anything u dont want, i dont have any expectations from this arrangement. lets just try not to make each of our lives hell u know
lol i bet when asmo first meets MC after finding out that hes supposed to marry them he's like thinking "......ig theyre not that bad looking"😒 (he literally would have been flirting with them in any other circumstance)
hmmm mc needs to be apart of a pretty influential family i think since this is gonna be a political type marriage
and asmo,,,,i feel like he doesnt really engage in the specifics when it comes to politics or anything. it's just not something thats important to him. he has his side hobbies and business endeavors that cares about. But topics outside of those things are left up to his family
so perhaps one day, the head of the family (i wanna say lucifer but since i want the person in this role to give off more a mysterious vibe, where his word is final michael might be a better choice) is like... this specific family...theyre kinda important and we want them on our side so get married to their eldest who has rejected every other person ever but has agreed to marry and since u dont do much when it comes to political affairs im gonna have you do this whether you want to or not
and asmo is just like....HUH he tries to get lucifer to help him out here but lucifers like...yea dads not budging sorry lil bro (he doesnt say it like that but similar sentiment lmao)
now mc never really wanted to get married cause they didnt wanna have to go through the motions against their will and they like their life as is but their parents have been breathing down their neck about marriage for years now. And now that this BIG opportunity has present itself to their parents, it feels like the pressure is really on now! at first mc is like shit...idk if i can weasel my way outta this one
and then......they realized that maybe this could probably work out in their favor actually.....
mc agreed to married him cause asmo has a bit of a reputation as a partier and a playboy
with asmo they feel like things can stay as they are for the most part if they let him continue to do as he pleases (not like they could have stopped him if they wanted to lol)
everything can be the same, they can still live their own separate lives, just now they have the title of spouses!
and thats the plan, like i said before asmo comes in being a bit rude at first but it kinda changes to indifference and a little passive aggressiveness once MC is like...yo chill im not gonna shit on ur parade. i just wanna be left to my own things. you do you sir
yes thats the plan...thats supposed to be the plan and it was going as mc expected for a good while
but as we know if u put something or someone in front of asmo enough times hes gonna get curious
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haemosexuality · 1 day
i blocked her so i can talk about this here now. in 2022 i became friends w someone from here and at least to me we were really good friends since tho there was some personality differences that kept chafing. also ive been really depressed especially this past year or so and i was not my best self i was not as reliable of a friend as i shouldve been. that made it worst. i (not on purpose) made her really upset over a thing (theres a lot of context to explain and i dont wanna type all of that rn) and didnt immediately acknowledge it bc i was busy (out with family all day) and then she ghosted me. we were friends for almost 2 years and she just ghosted me. and i dont, want to diminish her feelings in any way but from my pov i dont think it was that bad? that it warranted that? its been two months so i sent her a text saying i wish her well and then blocked her on whatsapp and on here. because i dont really want to hear what she has to say at this point (because she ghosted me for two months and i had no indication that would change). but im still sad. im really sad. ive been trying to not think about it because i dont want to break too hard but, man. she was my best friend for almost two years, we had kind of concrete plans to meet this year when/if i go to the us, i really cared about her even if i was horrible at showing it. another friend of mine is of the opinion that i wasnt in the wrong and am better off without her but i dont think so. i feel really bad. i hope shes doing ok. half of me thinks i deserve better than someone that ghosts me the other half thinks its exactly what i deserve for being such a dick friend and idk which to listen to. i dont want to hear anything she has to say but i also wish shed just say anything at all, even if she just cursed me off and blocked me
a lot of the stuff outside of my control that kept causing problem in our friendship was resolved like, in the first two weeks of her ghosting me. if theyd been resolved just a week earlier we probably would still be talking. i dont feel like i deserve any of it. not the meds, not the laptop, nothing. i know i was in a really bad depressive episode, i know how depression works but couldnt i have tried harder? and even outside of that, i cant just use depression to excuse my lack of communicating and all the promises i wasnt keeping, nothing was stopping me from being more honest except my own guilt. she didnt deserve that. its kind of devastating to have a friendship end so suddenly like this. i really really miss her. i havent blocked her on discord in case she does want to reach out even tho i know blocking her on whatsapp (the main place we talked) sends a big "never speak to me again" message. im good at repressing emotions but whenever i think about it too much i want to tear my organs out
i didnt even consider the idea of being angry or upset at her until over a month has passed. i was venting to another friend and she said that ghosting me was a shitty thing to do and the way she treated me before wasn't ok. i genuinely hadnt felt anything other than "im such a horrible person and a fuck up, i hope she can forgive me but i understand if she cant'' at that point and idk if it was just lack of self respect or if i really was super in the wrong and my other friend just couldnt grasp that from my pov of things. i dont know. i have more to say but talking about this very in depth for pretty much the first time is making me want to throw up so im going to stop writing
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Yuu and friends go to disney world!
Yuu and their twisted friends get a week off school so you decide to take them to disney world for the first time what will happen? Lets find out.
Warnings- none just fluff, may have some typos.
Nonbinary reader
Charecters- all charecters plus staff :)
This will be multiple parts- part 1: before the trip
Whats happening before the trip? How do you get evreyone on board? Where are they sitting on the bus? Find out below
You get off school for a week but the students dont get to go home yet since the mirrors are being repaired so you decide to take them to disney world after seeing an ad for it it looks just like the one in your world but more tailored to the villans it looked like so much fun! Now to get evreyone on board you set a plan in motion.
Your feline companion was resting in a patch of sunlight on the ramshackle floors you gently shook him awake "hey grim~ i have an idea" you said happily grim looked at you confused and slightly annoyed that he was woken from his nap. "What do you want henchman?" He yawns as you explain your plan "why should i go" he crossed his arms you smiled you only had one awnser for that "theres lots of yummy food there." With that grim was in and ready to go.
First years-
You knew ace wouldnt be so easily swayed as grim with a simple mention of food. No instead you would have to work his ego in your favor. And duece was easy enough. You quickly found him and duece arguing as usual "oh boys!" You called out with a grin. They turned to look at you "hey prefect." "Hello!" They said happily greeting you. You sat down and explained your plan. "I dont feel like going all the way over there." Said ace being stubborn as always. you sighed "well i guess it makes sense. You would be to scared for the roller coasters anyways." That got him. He quickly agreeed and challened duece im the provess causeing a two for one combo.
Jack was another tough one. You can barely read him at all. So you would need to think very carefully about how to approach this. You found him working out and walked over "hey jack!" All he did was nod in greeting you quickly explained your little trip. He thought for a moment "im not sure im pretty busy i dont have time for a childish thing like that" you thought for a moment "well... what if some creep tries to bother me and grim? I dont have any magic and grim can only use fire i could use a big strong bodygaurd for the day or i may not make it back." You said with a dramatic sigh jack grumbled about it but agreed
Epel was easy if he put up a fight the same routine with jack would work just as well on him, Even better. He completly agrees with the idea because its away to get vil off his back and it would be his first time there
Lets face it hes not going until malleus agrees.
When maus does agree wether you ask him or not hes coming along.
Other nrc students-
Cater is going the second you tell him. Do you realize how many magicam worthy things he will gain out of this? You fin him taking selfies and walk over and start your routine just as you predicted hes head over heels in love with this idea.
Ruggie doesnt see a problem with this idea so he dosnt mind tagging alog after all like grim just mention all the yummy food and you will be good
Another one who is happy with this idea it sounds like so much fun to him and hes in the right mood so i wont take much convincing but he will want to go the moment you mention it so i would save him for last
Also apart of the happy gang! He will definitely help you convince ida as well this sounds like a perfect opportunity for idia to make new friends!
As long as he can sleep he dosnt care where he is his father will definelty drag him along anyways when he hears about this so he agrees
Vice dorm leaders-
He definetly wants to try out the sweets this place has to offer and learn from them so he will be tagging along happily
Once he hears it from his brother its all over for any chance of argument floyd is dragging him alog wether he likes it of not besides it will certainly be interesting.
Once you tell kalim like jade its all over for argument he has no choice but to tag along.
He is so excited for this its kinda creepy. He will gush about how amazing this will be that whole time until you get there.
He is definetly going now that you told nothing will stop him from coming and bringing the whole disamnoa family hes in summer father mode and ready to go
It will take some convinceing after all his mother would never let him go to a normal park much less and amusement park but you explain all the yummy strawberry sweets and that you need someone to keep evreyone in line then hes in
Probably really lazy about it so it will be hard to convince him to come you will need to threaten his peace saying you will wake him up from evrey nap he ever takes if he doant agree. Trust me then he will.
This man will somehow tirn this in to a buissness opportunity i have no clue how but he will. So hes in and will make profit off of this trip.
Oh hes so ready this sounds like the best thing in the world to him he eill be dragging jamil around aswell
Probably the hardest to convince after all he is so busy but he realuzed he had a role in a dusney productions movie coming up maybe he could learn some things about his charecter while he is there plus epel and rook are so excited he will make sure everyone looks their best
Very hard to convince him to go but ortho is definetly a big help so with enough peer pressure he finnally agrees so you leave him alone.
Litterlly on cloud nine to be invited anywhere. Hes coming no taking it back now.
Once he overheards the idea from someone he comes up and graciously offers to chaporone this even in one of the schools old busses they rarely use anymore he also tells the other staff ti come
Told by crowly he has to make sure his pups stay in line after all.
Trein + lucius
Hes bringing the cat. He will turn yhis into a history lesson aswell.
Hes making sure you all exercise while your there
Hes more than happy to go he may even find new products for the store
Rsa students :) -
(You decide to call a few of your rsa friends and see if they want to come with!)
Hes very happy to join plus he gets to keep an eye on you hes a protective friend especially when your in a school full of villans you need someone to watch out for you!
He heard riddle and trey were going so hes sure to follow! Besides it it sounds like a purr fect way to spent the after mew n
Najma viper
(Does she go to rsa i cant remember... oh well) shes happy to go shes your only female friend after all! Besides her brother will be there to for some sibling bonding
Leona was forced on babysitting duty again so hes coming along super excited
Bonus! their roles on the trip
Crewel- the driver no one else can be tristed driving or there will be a crash.
Riddle- is enforcing the rules. Making sure evreyone stays in line
Cater is taking a million photos of the trip
Trey is making sure evreyone is making logical desisions hes the smart ine and can fix most problems
Yuu- you are the you need to make sure evreyone is getting along and no overblots
Ace and duece and making sure evreything stays lively ace keeps trying to pull pranks but duece is keeping him in line
Lilias in dad node making sure everyone is happy and having fun or else
Trein is trying to lecture history of disney world
Crowly is reading a book being useless
Sam is talking with azul about buissness
Grim is taking a nap with treins cat
Najma is helping you keep things calm
Silver is sleeping
Jade and floyd are being scary
Kalim is bothering idia withe ortho and jamil watch
Sebek is being sebek hanging around malleus
Rook is helping with epel while neige chats with vil
Chenya is just being a menace
Cheka is being a little kid and chating with jack and ruggie while leona sleeps
Pt 2 will be about your living situation fir the week bye bye
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bravrdm · 1 year
poly!bats boys x plus sized black reader headcanons?
Omg I completely ignored the poly part my bad I’ll do another one but for now here’s this
He worships you body in the bedroom
He knows how it feels to be insecure (via his hands)
So he always make sure to remind you your beautiful.
Fucks you when ever you get a new hairstyle
If you ever worked for the night Court you would be a perfect spy bc ur change ur wigs all the time.
When you wore your Afro out one day in the city the kids came rushing out to greet you and they put a whole bunch of flowers in ur hair
He he didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love with you in that moment but he did. He loved seeing you with kids
Punched a dude in the face for making fun of ur weight.
He thinks ur hair is really cute
Would try to use ur hair and ur ass as a pillow.
Always touching ur belly and kissing ur arms/shoulders.
{dam bitch why I’m blushing}
Goes feral when u wear skin tight dresses and that one color that looks good on ur skin tone.
Kisses you stomach when he’s going down on u.
When u fall asleep he’ll put on ur bonnet for u and kiss ur forehead.
You’ll be at the dinner table with everyone and he’ll be kissing ur wrist and kissing up ur arm like chill bruh it’s not that serious
He’ll learn how to do ur twist outs and will make sure u never run out of hair grease.
Don’t make jokes about ur weight or skin color in front of him. He will fuck you in front of the mirror/ window just to show u and everyone else just how pretty you look when your cumming on his dick.
Ur sitting in his lap ALL of the time
When even u joined the high lord meetings with az rhysand wouldn’t even give u a chair bc he knew Azriel would just pull u into his lap and you would both just sit there
U thought he was lying when he said he would fuck you in front of everyone if you kept making jokes about yourself?
The next meeting he had he had you facing everyone while fucking the shit out of you while his shadows covered the both of you so no one would see.
Sadly the shadows couldn’t hide your moans so u had to keep quiet.
Rhysand chewed him out for it but he also told az he would of done the same thing (they both nasty like that ew)
He’s a big man so of course he likes everything big.
No offense to nesta but I don’t think it’s really realistic for cassian to be with a skinny girl 😔
Big beefy men usually go for big girls idk why ask your baldheaded mother.
He would only wanna see u in skintight dresses. (Or naked but that’s another story.)
He would HAVE TO learn how to do ur hair
Territorial asf
One time u had a male hair braider and he almost went crazy
You smacked him and kicked him out
After that he made sure to learn how natural hair works bc there was no way he was gonna let anyone else touch you.
It was kinda romantic teaching him and watching him learn about your hair.
He’ll do ur cornrows and then fuck u.
I feel like he would be more intimate when it comes to doing ur hair.
Like he would light candles and wash ur body in the bathtub and then wash ur hair.
After he’s done he would lay u on the bed and oil and lotion ur whole body down. And put u in one of his shirts
He would have u sit in his chair at his desk, section your hair and twist it up
You’d be so relaxed at that point and turned on.
9/10 im slow fucking him after that ngl.
Nice sleepy cuddle-fucking? Yes sir yes sir.
He tried to learn how to do ur hair but he was so busy and was always tired after his long work days.
But there was no way in hell he was having his high lady looking like shit
So he made a plan and got together the best stylists and braiders in the game for his wife ❤️🤞🏾
He would definitely have u living that pampered wife lifestyle
Im not really into the soft life shit but he would definitely have u living the soft life
Always buying expensive hair jewelry and headbands.
He got u a wet brush with a fat diamond in the center.
All ur hair products would match bc he likes organization.
Would probably have a whole separate room dedicated to ur hair and jewelry.
I’m kinda mad at rhysand rn so no more for him.
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munamania · 4 months
hm feel free to tell me ur thoughts if youd like friends but basically my friends did text abt doing dinner and i was like 'im sorry i cant tn feel free to go w/o me or lmk if you wanna do another day' and ofc i caught stupid messages back just like 'booooooooooo' 'i cant till next week at least' 'what time r u busy til eye roll' and ill be honest here i fucking lied not that i should have to even give some big explanation but i was like 'well i have class till 5 (theoretically i would) and then have a meeting that doesnt have an end time' basically pretended the one from yesterday. and then i even sent a followup like 'if you guys end up just hanging out at someones place or you grab drinks or anything ill try to stop by later on' and the one sends a message back like 'do you think if we planned on a day next week you could commit to that?' fucking condescending as hell and to that i literally said 'Hm well idk' and then they were just like 'No days next week?' 'just wondering i mean bc maybe the three of us can just go and then we can plan on something lower commitment some other time.' fuck you first of all. and then a 'i get it if it's too last minute!' from my one friend um so thanks to her i guess and i sent smth kinda snarky back like 'well it's not like we had an actual commitment for any day but by all means go and ill certainly try to carve time out in my schedule some other time yeah!' and ive had the notifs muted bc i just dont want to deal with it rn. why am i not allowed to not be available why am i automatically some flaky low commitment bitch who has to be constantly berated in the chat while yall also ignore pretty much everything i say. im not doing that. and this just confirms my suspicions that they already see me in a certain way why should i have to bother when i HAVE still tried to see them and at least offer alternatives when i cant make it to things. also the semester just started like
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