#i don't actually know that much about astrology i just think it's fun <3
deimostes · 24 days
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leonid birth chart. she's born in 2205 but for this i made her birthday 11/15/2005 - release date of shadow 05 as we all know. birth time 12:30am - reference to sonic heroes release date/omega's birthday. and her place of birth? the sonic earth equivalent of memphis tennessee
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wonderer399 · 12 days
Sebastian x Ciel 🥀❤️‍🔥🖤💖🌹👄 Astrology analysis (Synastry) Part 1a ✨🔮🌌
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*⚠️Non Shippers PLEASE IGNORE MY POST AND STAY OUT! I don't want your negativity in my blog! If you don't like it, then don't engage with it...as simple as that!!⚠️*
I wanted to make a really unique, fun and interesting post related to sebaxciel. I have been studying astrology for the past 8 years now and I can tell you that its not a joke and actually can be very somewhat creepy like how do they know about me so much like wtf! stop exposing me!💀 Astrology is very vast and very in depth knowledge if you want to look at it further. So I thought why not lets make a synastry and composite chart about seba x ciel and how their relationship dynamic works astrologically and how their relationship is still evolving. I have also made their numerology chart and its fun! (I'm still learning astrology and numerology , so if I make any mistakes please kindly correct me!)
Out of my curiosity I just wanted to look at Seba x Ciel 's synastry, composite and numerology chart report and analysis and BOY !!!! I WAS SH👀K !! LIKE WTF!!! HOW!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE 💯% ACCURATE!! Now its giving me creepy vibes like did Yana purposefully picked their birthdays ?!?!? SO HERE I AM BLOGGING THIS ✨ ASTROLOGICAL MIRACLE ✨ and you are reading it!! GET READY TO GET SH👀K !! CAUSE YOU KNOW SHARING IS CARING!!
In this Part 1, I will only discuss about the planetary and asteroid Synastry aspects ( synastry chart means that you take 2 different people's chart and superimpose it on top of each other to see how 2 different people act with each other between their relationship dynamic ) ( this part 1 is getting really really long, so I decided to break it down into many mini parts ( like part 1 a,b,c..I don't even know how many mini sub parts of part 1 I will write, but it is more than 2 ) , Its like writing an AO3 ...you can never stop writing lmao! In part 2 I will go further into the Synastry and the details of the House placements and how the house overlays gives their relationship dynamic more definition! Part 3 and Part 4 will be based on composite charts! ( composite chart means you combine 2 different people's chart to see how they work together as a team or as a 1 person ) Part 5 will be about Numerology and if I'm able to find out more interesting astrological facts about them then I may make part 6 ( mostly Natal analysis )...I'm gonna expose everything about SebaxCiel dynamic and their real personality and how their relationship works and how its evolving and what do we expect to see in the future especially in the manga chapters! *EXCITED*
The birthdays, time and location I used :
Sebastian : 18th January, 1886 ( 6:30 am ) London,UK
( I was extremely skeptical about Sebby's date, however after doing lots of research and some analysis, I have come up with this birthday as it is very accurate...at least I tried to make it accurate! , also I used this bd for sebby because whenever a demon a manifested in this 3d human realm, it is 'reborn' again...obviously he a thousand years old I'm not using that B.C. date lmao! )
( okay I know none of them were actually exactly born in London,Uk however I do not really know where the mansions located...so I used London as a general location and England isn't that big enough like the states lol ..so it wouldn't affect the reading and analysis much at all I think! lol )
Ciel : 14th December, 1875 ( 7:30 am ) London,UK
Synastry Chart below! I'm going to explain now what planetary and asteroid aspects creates their LOVING, STEAMY , SEXY AND IRRESISTIBLE synastry !
✨ Ciel is Deep Blue and Sebastian is Deep Orange ✨
Just like their Eye colors! *GASPS* that was a coincidence! SH👀K !!
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Their positive aspects :
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Their negative aspects :
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( these two images illustrates their dynamics of both positive and negative sides of the same coin )
I'm gonna talk about *positive aspects only ( mostly conjunctions, as trines and sextiles are very watered down version of conjunctions, its still positive though )* cause I don't wanna ruin the *rose-colored glasses* mood we all sebaxciel shippers have it on right now! I don't need to talk about *negative aspects* cause they don't really fight much...its just the power chokehold they have it on each other kinda like BDSM not physicially but psychologically and I kinda find that really really hot! *negative aspects* ( Oppositions and Squares ) aren't necessairily that bad they are just 'necessary evil' for realtionship to grow, improvise, evolve, survive and thrive . If you guys find more aspects you can reply or reblog!
*Website used : Astroseek.com*
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, faith, hope, good luck, opportunity, wealth, philosophical and spiritual values and financial gains. It's also known as the Great Benefactor because it's larger than all the other planets in the solar system. Jupiter the god and husband of Juno according to the greek mythology. Juno, the asteroid of loyalty, intimate, serious and long term relationships and partnering. Juno is the goddess of marriage and protector of women, who was known for her loyalty and protection of women. Jupiter and Juno were a married couple. Juno is Jupiter's most prominent wife and is often depicted as a beautiful queen-consort. Juno is the queen of the gods and is worshipped as the protector of marriage and homemaking. Jupiter is also known for his infidelity and he had many other affairs lol.
When Jupiter and Juno tightly conjuncts in a synastry like this, both the juno and jupiter person wants to have a strong and powerful commitment towards each other. Jupiter brings happiness in juno person's life. Jupiter's optimistic approach in life boosts the ego and confidence of juno person. They both think they have found their 'ideal match' as Juno is extremely loyal, supportive and devoted to Jupiter person's interests and goals. Jupiter helps juno through expanding Juno's vision for their future goals and Juno helps Jupiter by grounding themselves in practical day to day life. Jupiter person also helps juno to succeed in careers to achieve BIG GOALS. Juno is tolerant of Jupiter just like a loyal, devoted and faithful wife!
Its a very stable and long lasting and perfect synastry for marrige! Jupiter brings out Juno’s desire for marriage and commitment in a big way. Juno wants to get married to Jupiter right away, like juno wants to make the 'OFFICIAL CONTRACT' immediately ! or Juno wants to desperately have a family with the Jupiter. Juno's characteristics is very protective, possesive, loyal and devoted in nature, and jupiter expands or amplifies juno's these qualities or characteristics on each other and jupiter can feel its effect.
According to this synastry, Sebby's Jupiter tightly conjuncts Ciel's Juno in libra. Libra is zodiac of relationships, ruled by Venus , the planet of Love, Beauty and Harmony! Their main focus would be their relationship with each other is their #1 priority! They prioritzie to make their relationship more lovely, harmonious, compatible, diplomatic, graceful and beautiful from both inside and outside. Sebby is very important for ciel's career and his BIG GOALS in life and they are both very loyal and devoted to each other. And Sebby helps Ciel by expanding Ciel's future vision and plans!
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'Let's fuck'....This conjunction is like a ticking time bomb 💣 💥 and the explotion of the excitement would be the bed breaking session! They can't help but to get pulled by each other to do that deed...THEY LOVE TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER 24/7! There is no other way to describe this dynamic! Its a great synastry to have a very , BED BREAKING LOUD SEX. ( Conjunctions and Oppositions will mostly feel this, but in oppositions fights will be frequent, trine and the sextile won't be that strong ) Especially if the man is mars and the women is venus...the bed breaking session will go on all night long! their passion is just stronger..if its the other way around the 'man' in this relationship may feel emasculated or may even feel slightly uncomfortable by the women, but the passion is still there but the women might be very forceful sexually towards the man.
This synastry doesn't give enough stability for relationships to last, but this synastry is perfect for a quick fling and passionate romance. Mars, the planet of ( very masculine energy ) Aggression, Power , Temper, hot headed, SEX, impulse, War, Aries and Scorpio ruler and Fiery planet meets the Venus, ( very feminine energy ) planet of Beauty and Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Luxury, Riches and Diplomacy ruler of libra and taurus.
Mars can't help or stop thinking about the passion and they also want to have Venus in their life even if its for a very short fling type thrilling relationship, MARS WANTS TO HAVE THE UPPER HAND ( like controlling or owning Venus ), MARS WANTS TO MAKE THE MOVE 1st AND IMMIDIATELY AS IF VENUS IS THE SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION STUFF WHICH WON'T STAY FOREVER IN THE MARKET ! MARS WANTS TO MERGE WITH VENUS TO FEEL THE PASSION AND THE RAW BURNING DESIRE THEY CRAVE DEEP INSIDE FOR EACH OTHER. And if Venus wants Mars as well, Venus will let Mars do whatever Mars wants...venus also secretly wants to get dominated by Mars! You know the saying goes, 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus'..its the merging of masculine and feminine energy we are talking about.
Even if it is between platonic relationship rather than a romantic one, the 'platonic' friends will still feel some tension...and their other friends might notice it and will tease them by saying 'u guys r so gay/lesbian for each other' lots of inappropriate touching going on between these 'platonic' friendships even if they already have a bf/gf....if its the dynamic between parent and child, they will show lots of passion and affection through touching all the time.
In this case, Sebby's Venus tightly conjuncts Ciel's Mars in Pieces. If noticed carefully Ciel always wants to have the upper hand and they are becoming very 'touchy touchy' by each manga chapter, especially it is more noticeable in the Emerald witch arc...like after waking up from the psychic trauma Ciel compensated his lost touching time with sebby as Ciel and Sebby both were excited to be able to stay 'near' each other again! Also, Mars do love get bathed by Venus!!... They were constantly flirting with each other with Victorian aesthetics in Emerald witch arc, especially when ciel was in a dress and sebby called him 'my lady' while fighting with Germans! and also the train date!...Mars CRAVES the touch of Venus!
Don't let Ciel's 13 old appearance fool you, he is very forceful and demanding towards sebby ( Its an Order SEBASTIAN! LMAO ) and Ciel CRAVES sebby's affection, excitement, passion and touch! Ciel as being a Mars in Pisces is drawn to more romantic and sensitive partners who are compassionate, creative, spiritual and will listen to him and Sebby as being a Pieces venus, he wants passion, true love, and a partner that is emotionally invested in the relationship. And Ciel exudes his passion and desire for 'revenge' and very much invested in Sebby! And we got to see the constant flirting going on between them on the lastest 212 🌹 train date🌹 chapter!
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Rarest conjunction EVER!!! It takes around 250 years ( more or less ) for Pluto to even complete 1 cycle and it takes around 165 years for Neptune to complete 1 cycle. Pluto and Neptune conjuncting like this happens only once in around 500 years!! Last time it happened in 1891 , and the next time it will happen in 2385. And it is even more rare to observe it in the synastry! Therefore, its really hard for astrologers to even describe such synastry dynamics! Both Pluto and Neptune are considered generational outer planets and they are extremely slow moving...Pluto the planet of the underworld ,the mafia boss, the thug you don't wanna mess with, always Schemeing and Plotting, death and rebirth, power to control, deep dark secrets, intense earthly desire and transformation..( lmao I always think if pluto was a person that would be that anime character from jjba Goirno Giovana like Italian mafia boss ) ...sounds very scorpionic in nature as pluto co-rules scorpio with mars...on the other hand, you have Neptune the planet of illusion, delusion, manipulation, confusion, dreams, fantasy, out of this known earthly realm ( Isekai world in anime term ), spiritualism and psychics etc etc is the theme of Neptune...Neptune rules Pisces.
When these 2 planets are in conjunction with each other in a synastry like this, Pluto person will try to dominate and control the Neptune person, Pluto wants to transform the neptune and its theme...Pluto will breakdown and destroy Neptune and will help rebuilt Neptune back better than before...now this transformation can be very painful if the Neptune person resists...the annoying thing about this transformation is that it just constantly occuring , the cycle never stops...and if the Neptune person stops the 'evolution' or does not want to transform spiritually, mentally or psychologically...they will end up having very dissapointing 'reality check' which can be very devastating and life threatening to them because Neptune is the 'Illusion' Neptune can't see past the delusion they are living in...In other words, Neptune has no other choice but to listen to pluto no matter what...if Neptune wants to transform and wants to stay committed to pluto...Pluto is very protective over Neptune person and have a very strong mental and psychological and sometimes emotional attachment to Neptune. Pluto doesn't and won't let go off the Neptune person, pluto's grasp on neptune is very tight as it wants to hold onto it desprately...it can also be other way around as well if the pluto person doesn't do what they are supposed to do, like help transforming Neptune into realigning with their reality, pluto person might get into a big trouble as the confused neptune will try to manipulate and the pluto will retaliate as pluto is very grounded into the reality and will not tolerate neptune's manipulation and psychological warfare...eventually either pluto will leave neptune alone or Pluto can stay strong keep staying 'grounded' into the reality so that it can help evolve and transform neptune as much as it is needed for neptune's realigning with the reality.
Another positive side of this synastry conjunction is that there are always a space for forming an extremely strong mental, psychological and emotional attachment with each other. Overtime they will both feel the extreme affection and empathy towards each other, if both pluto and neptune do their spiritual work and transformation and don't resist the process, instead they should trust the process, as they are both transforming spiritually. And only then they will be very affectionate and empathetic towards each other. They will also have a sense of compassion, will be able to sync with their emotional needs, they will eventually learn how to be emotionally vulnerable with each other...
In this synastry Ciel's pluto conjuncts Sebastian's Neptune. Ciel had to transform sebby mentally, psychologically, spiritually over and over again throughout their journey so far..so many trial and error going on..still the good thing is that sebby is committed...even though he was somewhat injured in the book of murder and book of atlantic...both times when he got injured, he wasn't expecting he was overconfident and slightly delusioned of his demonic superpowers...he underestimated undertaker and it cost him a lot of trouble for both ciel and him...and in the emerald green witch ark , ciel being the pluto person temporarily stops functioning due to his trauma and sebby being the neptune person tries his best with his dangerous manipulation and psychological warfare on ciel and it worked as ciel being the pluto did not tolerate his disrespectful act and retaliate back asap which was very much needed at that time...also, at the book of circus at the asthma scene ciel was embracing his own transformation and managed to overcome his fear at the end that's why sebby looked so excited... so as long as they are with each other, transformation like these will keep occuring!
Also, through that transformation, their bond keeps getting stronger through each transformation and they have gained enough empathy, affection, emotional and psychological attraction towards each other as it shows how proud ciel was when he acknowledged sebby's dedication at the end of the book of atlantic on the boat when ciel said 'You did good work today, when we reach the manor I want you to rest to serve as phantomhive butler properly'...and also when ciel woke up from psychological trauma in the green witch...they both were extremely affectinate towards each other as if its their one of the big relationship transformation...
Also, on the side note, both their pluto and neptune conjuncts at the zodiac Taurus, Taurus in pluto will be obsessed with their material possesion, finance, money, will be determined and enduring and Neptune in taurus will be very artistic, being good with food, will have a natural talent for creating beauty like pleasure seeking...both their planets conjuncting in taurus would challenge and transform their view on material possesion, pleasure seeking tendencies, money, loyalty and determination...this is exactly what we see happening during the blue revenge arc when R!ciel came back and took away everything from our ciel! And as a pluto in taurus, our ciel was extremely mad and his reaction at lau's place was extremely valid.
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Juno - Ascendant (✨ 💘 ) : *ARE YOU MY HUSBAND/WIFE?*
Most common synastry among married couples!!! Its a love at 1st sight connection! When one partner's juno conjuncts the ascendant of another partner...the juno person sees the ascendant person as their ideal mate like their entire exsistance is perfect for the juno person to be considered at their significant other. Juno, as I mentioned earlier, the asteroid which is like a very loyal and devoted wife can be very possesive of their partner at well. Juno ( sebby ) person knows very well that ascendant ( ciel ) person will be very important in their life and juno dreams and even fantasies about having a life with ascendant person and how exiciting it will be...the ascendant person will immidiately realize that the juno person needs to be in a commitment with ascendant person...its a inner calling which the both juno and ascendant person realizes from deep within..both juno and the ascendant works together to succeed and accomplishing their mutual goals. Juno person is happy to provide a solid support in order to nuture ascendant person's future goals...Ascendant sees Juno as the stable and committed source of love and asc uses it to their advantages in order to achieve their desired goals...This synastry can show that the asc person feels like a wifey/hubby material to their juno partners and the juno probably proposed to them a lot or talk about marrying them every now and then. The juno person can be overly possessive and controlling over their asc partners as well.
In this synastry Sebby's juno conjuncts Ciels ascendant very tightly! And sebby shows all these possesiveness towards ciel and their small flirting here and there is a huge indicator!
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Another really common marriage indicator between most couples...Moon the planet of emotions meets the saturn the planet of restiction, authrority and strcuture. Saturn is like a benevolent restrictive father figure and the moon is that inner child. Saturn may sometimes think that moon is really childish...Saturn isn't complaining though they are happy to take the responsibility that comes along with the moon...Saturn is very mentally and emotionally mature...and moon is very moody...which can sometimes annoy saturn....moons is always emotionally ups and downs like they are always in an emotional wave of 'feelings'...They both want the same thing in terms of commitment...Moon approaches with the commitment very emotionally and Saturn with a sense of responsibility, maturity, or practicality. Doing anything in their power to keep the bond secure. Its a really stable and long lasting synastry between married couples. This synastry is very solid and strong and provides a solid base for mutual understanding, respect and commitment between couples..
In this synastry Sebby's saturn is in conjunction with ciel's moon...even if the orbs are wider, the energy is still felt and..the moon can have wider orb in conjunction...it is very evident that how bratty can ciel get from time to time and how childishly he tests sebby just so that he can annoy him...and sebby quietly endures everything ciel throws at him along with his bratty tantrums...and how sebby is very strict with his learning lessons later on how ciel took revenge by pouring the hot tea on sebby's hands LOL so petty of being cancer moon!
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Devotion, loyalty and possesiveness to the maxxx!!! As I said earlier that Juno, the goddess of marriage is also very possesive, loyal and devoted.... In this synastry, juno conjuncts with the sun ( which is the ego the core personality )... Juno is very protective, possesive, loyal and devoted to the Sun person...Juno sees the sun person as their ideal mate ....the one and only...Juno's ideals and Sun person's ideals are matching with each other...They have deep understanding of each other's desires...Sun person's ego is ideal for juno person...juno finds it very attractive...Juno will do anything to protect the sun person from any harm...They have similar ideas about family, home, career and children. They are always there for each other. There is a strong sense of admiration, mutual respect and attraction towards each other. They see themselves in a committed and fulfilling relationship with each other. They have strong foundation to build a life, family and home together. This is a very strong and stable relationship for marrige..one of the common placement found in most married couples...Juno is everything the sun person could wish for to find in their ideal mate...
In this synastry, sebastian's juno conjuncts ciel's sun. Sebby would go in extra length to devote himself in order to protect ciel and there are many small small indications in the manga that sebby is possesive , loyal, devoted to ciel. Sebby will do literally anything to protect ciel like and his possesiveness shows that how panicked he gets when he sees ciel is injured ...in the green witch and the blue cult arc! Sebby so protective that he even forgets his own injury to protect ciel...that's how deeply devoted and protective this synastry aspect between juno and sun can be.
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THIS IS SOO LONG!!! I did not want to make it into a huge thesis LMAO!! sorry for wasting your time! thank you for reading though😭😭😭 my other parts won't be that long...it took me 3 days to write lol...I just got carried away by their dynamic! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! AGHH!! I felt like I had to explain astrologically!
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amorganva · 1 month
Putting down my unhinged theories
I voiced all of these during my playthrough but I wanna put them down anyways Lies of P is a game of lies and I often feel like the game itself is trying to lie to us so...... Compiling Theories
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Carlo and Romeo didn't die of Petrification disease I honestly believe that something else killed both of them. The Petrification disease is just too much of a convenience and would've been used as a cover up. Why else would the stalker be like "Gemini, get rid of them." "I'm so sorry....I was too late" if it was only Carlo contracting the disease. The pose the body is in to me clearly conveys DEAD. And even if he caught the disease, Mr. Geppetto, the amazing Geppetto of the Workshop Union who sends his son to the MONAD CHARITY HOUSE - Valentinus Monad: Leader of the Alchemists - surely, SURELY he would've gotten a cure for his son/be able to afford it. Hell, Geppetto knew of his daughter, Sophia, and of Simon Manus. He had the connections. Giangio cures Antonia after all and she only dies because her organs were too damaged already so the disease was the thing keeping her alive. If caught early on, Carlo would have lived and given Romeo part of his cure seeing as it's implied that Geppetto didn't very much like Romeo - worded as "a grudge." What this grudge is about - getting his son killed or something else....we don't know yet but hopefully will find out.
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2. There's 2 Geminis "Gemini, get rid of them." ...How? He's a cricket guide. Or is he? I honestly think there's a cricket Gemini and a Stalker or puppet Gemini. Or it's one and the same and he's now "atoning" so to speak by helping PCarlo in his cricket form. It feels like Sophia knew Gemini from somewhere because she's like "I see they got Gemini too." And since Sophia knew Carlo as a child from their time at Monad... "Gemini get rid of them" may have been misinterpreted....and subsequently covered up since she was a famous, legendary stalker. Also his name spelled Gemini, to avoid copyright they couldn't go with Jiminy but...they could have also used any other name since most names are based on the original story or versions thereof and the cricket is only ever the cricket. Sticking with Jiminy but spelling it like the astrological twins sign is too much of a coinkydink for me. Gemini was there in the car, the car that Geppetto based his secret workshop in. Mhh..
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3. If Camille acted on instinct saving a baby - something beyond her programming - then PuppetRomeo and P are 100% acting on muscle memory from their lives mixed with puppet strength/speed. Which means that Romeo and Carlo were actually pretty good stalkers-in-training. I talked about this in my Romeo appreciation post but I can totally see live Romeo doing fancy moves like that, like he's dancing, and Carlo just wanting to get things done quick and clean. This lends to my theory that something other than a disease must've gotten to at least Carlo because he'd be more skilled than that. (He took down all major puppets and a demigod thing by himself with the occasional Sophia rewind....no way in hell that's just programming, since P is awakening) Then again we don't know how old exactly he was when he died. But Geppetto made him a young adult puppet and the nameless puppet is clearly not a child (assuming it's Carlo's OG body yes?) so it's safe to think he could've handled himself in combat somewhat by that point. Something more powerful did him in and the game is lying to you and I stand by that until the series is finished and I'm either right or have to concede that it just do be like that and his origin story is just kind of "yeah he died. Nothing more than that. Let's get the plot going." But that feels very Un-Neowiz because this world and its characters are full of easter eggs and research and care that I don't think the devs would just handwave something as big as this.
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4. Not so much a theory as a comment but imagine seeing the guy you had fun talks with, helped out, nerded out with, listened to music with all of a sudden just kills you and every one of your friends. The evil ending is so devastating and I feel the badest for our girl Eugenie she's so sweet. Eugenie and her country and origin will hopefully get more elaboration, maybe Carlo will sail beyond the seas of Krat. Also that literally no one at the hotel seems to realize P is a puppet. Maybe Antonia since she knew Geppetto. But since you are required to lie and P is a special puppet who can lie....easy mistake to make. Venigni would've realized Law 0 much sooner - that Geppetto can create exceptions. Which also makes the Romeo fight even sadder - because P is exempt every other puppet must attack him...he can't help himself. My bro better be revived with some ergo, we need more of him and I think the devs know by now how popular of a character he is...I think...I hope...(alongside the lords of drip - the BRBH) 5. There's not really a timeskip in the lore. Sophia was trapped for a few years...maybe? She knew Carlo and Romeo since they were children at Monad and she's maaaaybe in her late 20s? early 30s? That means that the time between Carlo's and Romeo's deaths can't have been more than a year or two from when the game started. The King of Puppets was created to cover up the true origin of the Frenzy - that's Romeo and he awakened way before Carlo - his model only looks shabby because he literally exploded into flames, not because it's decades old (if you look at the model textures they might look old and grainy but that's literally everything in this game - look at Ps sock textures).
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They were created after Arlecchino - Covenant. Carlo's body proved unstable, volatile - making Geppetto spend more time on a new and improved version of a puppet which is why P looks so human and polished aside from the Legion Arm. I still commend Geppetto for giving his son freckles. He did this for us. Aside from that you'd probably recreate your child the way you knew them and the last G probably heard from his son was the Graduation which would be like 17/18. So he was probably just a little older - like early 20s.
6. Carlo's journey is that of a Heart, a Brain, and Courage. Tying in with the Wizard of Oz, if Dorothy doesn't end up as our player character, I feel like Carlo received his Heart in the first game from Geppetto and Sophia. The second game will focus on recovering more of his memories and personality - the brain. The last game, because it 100% is a trilogy, will focus on the courage to do what's needed to save....Krat? The world? His friends? Who knows - from whatever org Paracelsus belongs to. And then...we go home :)
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This is probably why the game has stuck with me well after having played it multiple times. I love it when it gives you material to theorize with but also isn't so open ended that it's not satisfying, that the story is just whatever you want or gives you nothing to work with. Maybe I should do some Link Click crossover doodles mhh.
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spamgyu · 2 months
i have no clue abt astrology pls explain🧎🏻‍♀️
Disclaimer: I only have very surface level knowledge of Astrology — pls take all that I say lightly. I also don't base 100% of my beliefs on this ideology. I find it fun and interesting but this is by no means of me trying to force my ideas on anyone.
Most people who know their zodiac signs only know their sun. Your sun sign represents your core personality – how you express who you are.
For example: Mingyu is born on April 6th making him an Aries. Aries are known to be driven, passionate, fiery, and confident. Very much Mingyu.
We all know Mingyu to be quite good at almost anything and everything he does. We can see in his stage presence the confidence he has in himself and who he is as a performer. Lastly, we see his fiery moments any time they are on GoSe – competitive nature or just simply getting too invested in the mind games, even if it's for self satisfaction.
But beyond the sun sign, there are other two signs that make up who you are; your moon and your rising. That's why for a while I was messing around with people whenever they told me their "Big 3" because it's very telling of who they are as a person.
Moon signs is your soul/emotions. It's your driving force on how you choose to respond to things on an emotional level.
Mingyu's moon is in Pisces, a water sign which is a stark contrast to his Sun which is a fire sun — but in a way works out for the best. Water signs are known as the cry baby signs, and tbh they aren't but that just might be me being biased as a Scorpio. Water signs are very much in-tuned with not just their emotions but everyone else around them. Mingyu knows how to read a room, he knows how to adjust himself and his reactions according to each person and how he predicts they will react.
Another example of Mingyu's moon coming into play is his patience. A lot of people tend to wonder how he manages to be stay so cool, calm, and collected despite having 12 brothers who knows how to push his buttons well. And it's literally because of his Pisces placement.
Lastly, the sign that you are only able to find out through your birth time — ascendant/rising. Which is why when Mingyu told everyone on live his birth time, so many of the astro girlies went FERAL (including me).
Your ascendant is your "social personality" – it's how people first see you as when they meet you. This is why some people often get "Oh you're a _______ sign? I thought you were ______ sign."
It is also the sign that weirdly enough categorizes people's style and physical appearances.
Mingyu is a Gemini rising (which btw a lot of people expected him to be a Virgo and I just KNEW there was no possible way he would be. He is far too patient, spontaneous, and go-with-the flow to be have a Virgo in his Big 3. Yes, this is Virgo slander.) Anyways, we can see his Gemini rising well... overall. Geminis are able to adapt well in social situations — hence how well he's able to adapt in any variety show settings, his travels, ordering for the group, leading conversations and jokes.
The more you learn about each sign, the more it's so telling of each of the boy's personality. It's actually pretty crazy how well you can know about each one without much to go off but by their signs. And it's even crazier seeing it play out when you watch their content.
Like there are moments when one of them does something that maybe some people will say is out of character, but then I think of it as "Well their moon is _____ so it makes sense."
Anyways this was just me rambling....
Long story short, Mingyu is annoyingly perfect (90% bc he got two signs in his big three that are well....... 😖) and his recent LA vlog shows his Sun and Rising sign well.
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elvenbeard · 6 months
OC INTERVIEW: Vincent "V" Ezaki
Tagged by: @pinkyjulien @chevvy-yates @wraithsoutlaws and @v-eats-bugs thank you so much!!! <3
I'm gonna steal the idea some of you had and let him answer in character, but I'm gonna put some more context (and/or the truth xD) after Vince's reply where I see fit!
Tagging everyone who sees this and hasn't been tagged yet :3c I think most of you have done this at this point, but do please tag me if you do, I wanna read about your blorbos!!
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■ NICKNAME ■ "Just 'V'."
100% going with the "only people that know me really well can use my real name" canon, because I love that scene and moment so much (and the lil nod to it again in the Tower Ending with Johnny ;_;). In my hc, Jackie gave him the nickname "V" on the day they met. Up until then he had always insisted on the full "Vincent" with everyone, and Jackie was the one to urge him to be careful with whom he shares his full identity. Meanwhile it's the other way around and "Vincent" is reserved for friends only... and "Vince" exclusively for Kerry really xD
■ GENDER ■ "Could say I'm a self-made man." ;)
This highly depends on who is asking the question here, if it's a very casual setting he'd say the above, if it's something to go into a screamsheet or whatnot he'd be more like "well, take a wild fuckin' guess" or just "male". He doesn't hide the fact he's trans, and he's proud of his journey and identity, but it's still not something he'd want to publically discuss with strangers without anything to gain from it.
■ STAR SIGN ■ "Gemini I think, but I gotta say, astrology isn't exactly something I have deep knowledge or opinions about."
He celebrates his birthday June 10th, but his real birthday in in September, so he's actually a Libra xD
■ HEIGHT ■ "5'6."
■ ORIENTATION ■ "Sorry ladies." ;)
Again, highly contextual on who is asking, and depending on that his answer might be more evasive or he'd just decline to answer. The less details about his private life are in the public's eye the better. But if the context is a fun night out with friends and he feels safe, he'd definitely give a more cheeky response and, to not get anyone's hopes up, just straightforward let them know he's gay.
■ NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY■ "Born and raised in Night City and a proud citizen ever since."
He doesn't talk about his family because he's cut ties with them long ago. His mother, Marcella, was also from Night City, your average NUS citizen with mixed European heritage. His father, Kousuke, was Japanese. He and Vince's mother met through work for a certain corporation that wasn't necessarily welcome in NC at the time (but I bet my ass still very much present in one way or another).
■ FAVE FRUIT ■ "When I was a kid, I once had daifuku with real, straight-from-the-ground strawberries. Somewhere way out there on the Japanese countryside, couldn't tell you where exactly anymore. Still got no idea where they even got the strawberries from, but no RealFruit ever matched those."
■ FAVE SEASON ■ "Don't think I have a real preference here, 'specially cause Night City's warm all year round. I like it that way. Could do with less sandstorms though. I like it when it rains now and then, the steam on the asphalt, everything is just... quieter, in a way."
■ FAVE FLOWER ■ "One made from plastic."
Vince doesn't have a green thumb and no mind to care for plants either. He's far from an outdoorsy, nature-loving person XD Do not gift him flowers, he will not know what to do with them. That being said though: he has two big stylized lotus flowers tattooed. The first one he got shortly before he left his home, when he began his transition. The second after his top surgery, when he already worked for Arasaka, as a reminder to stay true to himself on the inside, especially whenever he couldn't outwardly. He just likes the lotus aesthetically, the shapes and symmetry, and that it symbolizes rebirth and transformation.
■ FAVE SCENT ■ "Clean bedsheets and freshly brewed green tea."
And the odd mix of Kerry's overpriced bodywash and favourite cigarettes XD
■ COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE ■ "Yes, in that order please. Coffee with milk and sugar, tea is fine just plain, green or black."
He's definitely more of a coffee than a tea drinker, and whatever it is, it's gotta be a little fancy xD Vince is the kind of person with a long-ass signature order at the coffee shop, and I 100% see him loving bubble tea in any combination and variation in existence. The only time he drinks his coffee black is when he accidentally orders "the same as him" in a moment of distraction at Caliente's with Kerry. But tea he occasionally likes just plain, but then it has to be high quality organic real tea leaves. Hot chocolate is a nice special treat, too.
■ AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP ■ "Even in my line of work a regular sleep schedule is possible - and necessary, to stay sharp. I try to get my 7 hours of sleep in."
The somewhat regular sleep schedule is really something he values and tries to stick to, although the Relic and Johnny's presence really mess it up for a long while. But especially because his lack of sleep while working at Arasaka contributed to him developing a drug addiction to cope with the stress and sleep-deprivation it's something he doesn't want to fall back into.
■ DOG OR CAT PERSON ■ "Defintiely cats."
■ DREAM TRIP ■ "I'd like to return to Japan one day for a short vacation - see if I can find that daifuku shop again, haha. Would also love to visit Europe more extensively than what I've seen of it so far. And, who knows, maybe the Crystal Palace one day."
And the Phillipines with Kerry <3
■ FAVE FICTIONAL CHARACTER ■ "Ooohhh, that's a hard question, let me think for a moment... [insert long analysis of different movie and video game characters and why they're good or bad and why he likes them or not]"
Evading this a little bit because I don't wanna dive into a rabbit hole of seeing what canonical fictional characters there are and why Vince might like them or not xD He is a big nerd and a gamer and knows so much more than I do XD Also, he'd 100% be the kind of person who's rooting for the evil guys, because often their motivations and goals are much more complex and interesting than the "hero's" in his eyes xD and he's fascinated by the concept that they're doomed to lose by the narrative usually (because the good guys usually win), but still fight tooth and nail to achieve their goals and safe their own skin. He can relate to that a lot more than the selfless goodie-two-shoes who just want to save the world and make it a better place.
■ NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH ■ "In this weather one is more than enough. Sometimes none is better."
■ RANDOM FACT ■ "It takes around 7 seconds for someone to form a solid first impression of you in a face-to-face conversation. It takes my Kiroshis' scanners half as long to additionally supply me with all the data on you I need to permanently ruin your life for good."
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inthestarsme · 2 years
Astro Observations pt.3
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
‼️TW: I will be talking about miscarriage, illnesses and other darker stuff. So if this might trigger you, please don't read it!‼️
Jupiter 4th house: I've seen many people talk about different placements that indicate moving to a different country, but this one rarely get's talked about or just get's left out. I have this placement, and when i was little i moved to a completely different continent with my family. And this fits perfect into this placement. So maybe at some point in your life, you might have moved or might move to a different country/ continent because of or with your family.
I've also seen people say this placement indicates a happy homelife. It very much can indicate that, but for example, i also have saturn 4th house. In my younger years my childhood was pretty crappy, my parents were actually not the best parents, but when i got older, it got a lot better and now my parents are very supportive and have changed a lot for the better. So other planets can kind of block out jupiter, but jupiter could also influence other more negative planets in the same house, and make them change into something positive, after the challenges of the other planet have been overcome. Remember that saturn (chronus) was the titan-father of jupiter (zeus) and only after saturn died (because jupiter killed him) jupiter could truly reign. My family growing and learning (jupiter) eventualy killed the restricting, bad patterns (saturn) and jupiter is now ruling my family life. 🪐
Jupiter 10th house/ Jupiter conjunct MC: It can indicate your career life being very important in your life or you having a big career. But it can also, just like i already touched on before, indicate getting your actual career or your biggest career improvements/ changes in another country or continent. 🌎🌍
5th house in Scorpio or Pluto 5th house: At it's best, this placement can indicate your first pregnancy/ birth being very transformative for you, you could experience a lot of ego deaths, which might be hard at first but very good in the long run. But on the negative side, this placement can indicate problems during pregnancy or birth, and even miscarriage or you having to abort your child. This is just one placement, so i would very much take it with a grain of salt. This can depends on so much, so don't be scared if you have this placement! 🤰
Mercury 9th house: You might love talking, thinking or even writing about anything that has to do with philosophy, religion and foreign cultures or just cultures that are different from the one you were born into. Your mind thrives on these topics and they might be the ones you could intellectualy contribute a lot to. Also, you could learn a lot in foreign countries (or, like i sayed, countries different to the one you were born in) or your mind/ communication/ writing could especially thrive there.📖
Sun in the 8th house: I feel like this placement can very much indicate getting some inheritance at some point in your life or benefiting from some persons death in some way (it sounds fucked up and it can even actualy be fucked up, but it doesn't have to). Personally, you might go through a lot of personal transformations, even intentionaly, because you're always trying to go deeper into who you truly are and your psychology (bringing light into the dark). Your heart could also experiences a lot of "deaths and rebirths" and you might have to be careful with heart disease. You could have inherited some illnesses from your family. When you feel heartbreak or go through anything really traumatizing you could literaly feel pain in your chest or feel the pain of your trauma predominantly in your chest/ heart area. 🫀
pluto 10th house/ pluto conjunct mc: You might get bored by a certain career path very easily and always want to persue something new. This can make you very experienced in a lot of different areas, but it can also cause problems, because many bigger career paths require the willingness to stay and be persistent. So for you, the best career path would probably be something that always challenges you with new things, not something that is very repetative. But it could still be more difficult for you to find a fitting career path, but if you do, you could become very powerful in that area. 🦾
Scorpio moon: You guys might always feel very deeply, but don't like to share or talk with others about how you are feeling or what you are going through. You like to process stuff very privately. On the one hand, you don't really bother other's with your personal stuff or whine to other's about what you're going through. But on the other hand, this can be challenging to deal with, because others always have to guess if somethings up with you or poke it out of you. I know you don't have to talk with others about everything, but it's also not other people's responsibility to always check up on you and keep up if you might have a problem with them. So i would really ask you to learn to go to people and at least be open about certain problems you have with them. I know it's not always easy, but it is important!🗣
That's it for today! I know it's been a lot about scorpio/ plutonian placements, i promise the next one is going to be a little more versatile.
Feel free to reblog, like and comment to show some love.
Bye 🫶🏻
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umepnnn · 4 months
3DOLC x ROE — results.
challenge created by @starliet and @cleostoohot 🖤
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sorry (and not sorry) for the long hiatus cuz i'm enjoying life :)
so a few days ago i came across several posts about their challenge and i decided to try it out ! i didn't plan to post or anything so there wasn't a "what i'll be manifesting" post, but the results were so insane i had too make one.
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ଓ affirmations i used:
regardless of everything...
nothing can ruin my manifestations
i always manifest within 3 days or less
i have everything i desire
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ଓ what i manifested:
always confident and friendly, good at socializing
that's exactly what i did. i feel like a social butterfly at school and it's easier for me to join in convos now. making friends and having small talk just became easier for me. and i don't overthink so much anymore
being more included in my friend groups
i have a group i hang out with at uni for like 4-5 months now but i wasn't rlly active until this challenge LMAO now i'm like so comfortable with everyone and felt more like a part of the group. it also went like this with my other friend groups that i just started hanging out since this year. i actually speak to people individually now woah :)
getting closer with an SP
idk i thought this guy was cute so i just included this and at first the situation was: he's close with my friends but he's not in any of my friend groups so we don't hang much at all. but then after 2-3 days since this challenge, our mutual friend suddenly ADDED HIM into the group out of the blue and we all started going out and he is SUCH A GENTLEMAN to me + he added my socials as well hehe
school is fun, assignments are easy & no stress
literally came to school to chit chat and i'm not stressed at all. i get my work done on time and everything goes so smooth fr. and the best part is my classmates are the sweetest ugh SCHOOL IS FUN (they are the uni friend group i just mentioned up there) and they'd always gather around my seat lol and we'd chat the whole class.
bright smooth clear skin
same skin care routine – skin clearer than ever. no longer uneven dark spots or small little bumps <3 smooth like a baby's bottom :) my mom actually thought i was wearing makeup when i literally just washed my face n removed all the makeup !!
no dark circles
i slept like usual but my dark circles rlly went away since this challenge i'm actually surprised (even tho it should go away cuz it's the law lmao) and usually they'd still show when i have my makeup on but now it's wayyy less noticeable
friends from other countries coming to mine so we could hang out
just went out with one the other day lmao so check ✔️ i guess
everyone cares about me and is very nice to me
yoo my friends were so patient and attentive to me and even the taxi drivers are nice, they'd start convos and not in a creepy way. everyone is so nice for real <333
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ଓ what i did:
i just read the list and affirm whenever i can, mostly focused on the 4D and know it's inevitable that they'd manifest <3 cuz it's already mine the moment i think i have it. and honestly the "nothing can ruin my manifestations" line helped me a lot.
other than that i did nothing in the 3D. i never initiated anything. they all just came to me just ✨ like ✨ that ✨
i got most of my desires within 3 days but i still continued affirming after 3 days cuz like why not? it's like i'm doing the challenge again or sum but yes i still get desired results after that.
btw i also listened to quite a few subliminals alongside doing this challenge just because i can xD even for the same desires and like they both manifested but anyways i'll make a separate post on my subliminal results.
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© umepnnn 2021 – all rights reserved.
[note from a later date //29 jan 2024]
i have been on a hiatus since then until now, because i was busy with a lot of stuff i didn't have much time to learn and post astrology stuff here ~
i am still busy as ever and i don't plan on coming back here anytime soon (mayyyybee idk) but i still come on tumblr quite often cuz i loveee our astrology & manifesting content
and somehow today i checked my draft and saw this whole post here from three years ago i'm like wuhhh totally forgot.
BUT! everything i said is true fr like the "friends from other countries coming to mine so we could hang out" last year literally TEN of my friends came to my place (they're from 4 different countries) and I even went on trips with some of them — mind u i havnt seen most of them in like 2 years at the time
trust me manifesting is sooo easy just think u have it and u have it
thanks for reading and stay healthy stay safe everyone <3 cya
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year
Ok, so who all wants to see some ancient designs?? Thought this might be fun since there's so many new people around lately, and even the not-so-new people may not know about these! Here's the first 3 skaters I ever made, back when I was still Syppah's Cute Creations mainly doing amigurumi crochet:
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Creepy Eyes is a true OG that's been around since about July 2015! It isn't very popular on skaters or joggers since I stopped doing cons, but it's still going strong as midis and maxis. I've also used the pattern on eyeglass cloths, face masks, scrunchies, tights, zipper bags, and more. I don't think I'll ever fully retire it, haha. The other two up there are Rainbow Narwhals and Cute Eyes (original light pink version below, got the hot pink version above as a misprint afterwards).
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The next ones I got that no longer exist were Rainbow Candy, Double Rainbow Candy, and Happy Bees:
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tiny prehistoric pics because i can only find them in my old old etsy's sales history, haha As you can see, besides Creepy Eyes the vibes were incredibly different. I wanted to make clothing that could go alongside my ˜”*°•.★·.·´¯`·.·★𝓀𝒶𝓌𝒶𝒾𝒾 𝒶𝓂𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒾 𝓅𝓁𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾𝑒𝓈★·.·´¯`·.·★.•°*”˜ even though my personal style and fashion interests were/are much more goth. That leaked through again with the Guro Guts skirt next.
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The first ever Guro Guts skirt was made just in time for Halloween 2015 In 2016, plushies were still my main focus and for a number of health reasons I was essentially dead that whole year. I don't think I added any new skirts at all..
The next big addition to my skirts was in April 2017 with this set:
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Demon Summoning and Vampire Night have survived until this day. Good Medicine on the top left was only made in this colorway for a short time before I switched to a purple & pink version that I also kawaii'd up. Vaporwave and Angel Summoning are both pretty much defunct as of 2021.
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2017 Blue/Red Good Medicine, 2018(2019?) Purple/Pink Good Medicine. Both are discontinued
In late 2017, I separated out my clothing shop from my crochet shop and started going all-in on a more goth leaning aesthetic. Witch Vamp (originally "Witch Vampire") was truly born. A lot of designs from that time are ones you'll still recognize today
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The only other one that's pretty much gone these days is Rainbow Galaxy. I used to have it in skaters and joggers, but it's another one that wasn't as popular online as it was at cons. They're also like A Lot especially for my generally goth-ish shop
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Rainbow Galaxy Skater (designed in 2017), Rainbow Galaxy Joggers (2018 or 2019.. unsure, haha) I last ran preorders with Rainbow Galaxy in 2021, but I don't think I got many orders. I've just let them fizzle out since then. But the skirt semi-lives on in the glorious mistake that is the Bomb Pop Skater
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Originally I had 3 of these because a few Rainbow Galaxy Skaters got printed without any yellow. But like, what a good mistake! Since then I've ordered them this way on purpose. EDIT: Another discontinued skirt was the Black Widow's Web. Idk even when I made it first. 2018? But it died in 2021.
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Next casualties, between 2020-2022 I discontinued a few more joggers due to slow sales:
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Astrology Joggers, Creepy Eyes Joggers, Dark Galaxy Joggers (actually the 2nd version. V1 was a bit too.... phallic with the goo drips lmao) So after that, I think the main casualties have been *item types* rather than designs. I've dropped a lot of things (lanyards, zipper bags, wallets, all-over-print tshirts, tights, pvc charm keychains, and soon enamel pins) because they were great for cons, but don't really sell online. Or because they became obsolete (skirts w/out pockets).
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It's been a long journey! And if you go all the way back to my crocheting days, I've been at this whole "self-employed" thing since the day I turned 18 in 2008 and was able to open up an Etsy shop (had other jobs too back then tho, like I was a pharmacy tech for 2 1/2 years). Hope you all enjoy seeing these designs from the old days and learning more Witch Vamp lore!!!
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torialefay · 1 month
Hi, Torie? Or may I call you Fairy because you did swoop into my life like an angel, hehe.
Please call me Ree if you wish, but as my username? ID? nick? (sorry I'm very new to this platform) suggests I am indeed a balding brown lady and I turned 29 this Jan.
I've been lurkin' around tumblr for about 3 days now, and consuming whole astrology posts, predictions, analyses, ff, etc on Bang Chan (the Majestic) because, well, I'm delulu. Before anything else, I'd like to plainly state I LOVE the way you arrange your synopses. They're beautifully detailed, categorized, summarized as well as described under each of his placements and houses, and to an astrology enthusiast but noob like me, it helps SO much. I'd also like to thank you, simply for the effort you put in for making amazing, relatable content like this. You're a Fay indeed!
And so, I seek to feed my delusions further by requesting a compatibility analysis with none other than the operator of these delusions, Mr. Bahng of SKZ himself.
I'll be attaching herein as much information as I can provide, I hope this helps.
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I'd also like to add that I don't want to rush you, like at all. I can feed myself with the other contents of your blog in the meanwhile, so please take up this request as you please, when you please.
And oh! Thank you for creating this space for people like me who are proclaimed "too old" to be crushing on idols and celebs. I think you're about 4 years younger than me, but the openness and acceptance of astro-Stays always amazes and enchants me. Thank you for being the way you are!! <3
Anyways, I'm sorry about the huge rambling, I went for longer than intended, hehe. And I wish you happiness, health, love, abundance and prosperity. May you flourish, Fay!
And thank you, once again!
hi ree! why are you so cute?! your comments got me blushing over here 🤭 you are just the sweetest thing! i appreciate all of your kind words and feedback soooo much! it fuels me to write more & more <3
also, you are definitely not "too old." i always say life doesn't start until your thirties anyway hehe. AND if it makes you feel any better with hair stuff, i've definitely already got a few grays. i'm right behind ya ❤️
if you're new to astrology, i'd recommend going through my "Bangchan As Your Boyfriend" astrology series if you haven't already. i go more in depth with some of those. but if you ever have specific questions regarding chan's chart, please feel free to message or inbox me any time <333
NOW, for your reading hehe:
your ascendant and mercury in aquarius (1st house):
with these placements, i already know that you are super fun and unique. definitely a "march to the beat of your own drum" kind of person. aquarians are already very cerebral by nature, getting lost in their own heads and focusing on abstract thinking. your your SPECIFIC planets found here are super beneficial to have (in my opinion) and here's why:
the first house, in general, is who you come across as. so obviously you have your ascendant in aquarius here, BUT you also have mercury in the first house. mercury is all about how you communicate with others. SO, putting all of this together, you likely come across as someone who has their own unique interests and is very good at talking about them. people probably think you are actually a very good communicator, albeit in your own way. aquarians tend to make mental connections that others don't, so sometimes you may feel frustrated when you meet someone and they just don't seem to "get it." or maybe they aren't able to get very engaged in the conversation, which is understandable because your mind probably works in ways that others' don't. this is an awesome placement though since likely (as long as you feel comfortable to talk with that person), they will find you very interesting!
this is actually a great match with chan. chan's ascendant is in gemini, and his mercury is in libra. both of these are air signs, the same as aquarius. what all air signs have in common is their "cerebral" nature. they love good, mentally stimulating conversation. NOW, connect that with the actual aspects of personality that we are talking about (first impressions and communication), and BOOM, recipe to immediate connection. you'd be able to talk to each other about anything any everything. i think you'd probably keep chan on his toes a bit too.
your sun in aquarius in the 12th house:
we've already discussed aquarius, so i won't beat a dead horse there. sun is all about personality around others- the way you present yourself to friends. and the 12th house represents spirituality, the occult, healing and closure, the afterlife, etc etc. i always associate 12th house energy with astrology actually, so i'm glad you've made it here 🫶🏼 and tbh, it's *literally in your stars for your personality to be attracted to it!
with this placement, you probably seem like someone who, again, has their own ways of thinking, but you seem as though you're peaceful about it. like at the end of the day, you are who you are and you're unbothered. unapologetically yourself is definitely the best version of you to grow into if you aren't there already!
i think this is also a good match for chan's libra sun. neither of the signs are innately controversial and usually get along well with anyone. i think it would make for a pretty harmonious relationship.
your moon in scorpio in the 9th house:
moons give us insight into who we are at the core. our deepest values and beliefs. yours lies in the 9th house, which is all about travel, wisdom and learning, cultures, and philosophy. scorpio is the sign of deep rooted connection, beauty, and intensity. so let's put all of this together. at your core, you are probably very driven or inspired by the world around you. your interests aren't limited to the things around you, but to everything in the world. you likely feel a deep need for travel and cultural connection. not only this, but you find beauty in each person from these different cultures AND you yearn for world-wide connectivity. definitely the "all i want is world peace" type. that isn't to say that you're naive about it, but in an ideal world, you see its inherent value.
as far as moon compatibilities with chan, i think this could work. i don't see it going overwhelmingly in one direction or the other. what i will say: your scorpio moon is much more intense than chan's libra moon. it isn't that it's your intention, but at your baseline, you can be verrrrry passionate about things. but more in an "idgaf" way than chan. it also means that it's gonna be much easier for YOU to share emotions than it is for him. and with that scorpio moon, you are definitely NOT gonna be happy when in a relationship with a partner who doesn't share those "hidden" parts of themselves. i think it would take some work here, but once you learn to trust each other, you would both fill each others' needs emotionally.
your venus in sag in the 10th house:
with this placement, it's likely that you love your people fiercely and that is shown through your actions. you're also probably very deeeeeply loyal to those you love, and that translates into relationships as well. it also means that you like to have fun in relationships and live them up to the fullest, which potential partners see when they meet you (through that 10th house energy)!
chan's venus is in scorpio, a water sign. and yours is in sag, a fire sign. a lot of people will tell you that "ahh water and fire don't mix" etc etc. but i wholeheartedly disagree. both signs represent the extremes when it comes to passion, just how they show it can be a bit different. both scorpio and sag are super full of passion and intensity in the bedroom and in relationships in general. the difference between you and chan would mainly be in the balance of fun & lighthearted love VS all encompassing, devotional love. you may feel sometimes like chan is being too controlling or is "suffocating" you in a way, and he may come to feel like you get flighty on him sometimes (maybe you go back and forth between what you do and don't want). BUT i still think that with balance and time, these placements can actually be ideal. it definitely makes for a fun and well-rounded romance. (i want to add though that if someone if going to have to defer more, i see you deferring more to chan. sag is a mutable sign, so you're likely to be more flexible).
*also wanting to add too that it is likely that whoever you are with (partner wise) will likely very much be tied to how people perceive you. idk just felt like adding that in there hehe
your mars in leo in the 7th house:
mars shows action and aggression. leo represents individuality and confidence. 7th house rules relationships, marriage, and partnerships. putting all of this together with chan's mars in sag, i see a combination for some problems. both leo and sagittarius mars realllly guard their ego. like a lot. with your 7th house placement, it seems like you are likely someone who tries to protect themselves a lot when in relationships with others. chan is the same way, in regards to his ego that is. this is how i see it playing out: some big argument erupts and your reaction is to place the blame onto something/someone else (sorry but maybeeee), and then chan pops off or maybe even gets upset and storms out. it's fighting fire with fire (literally 2 fire signs here). so when things "go up in flames"... take that literally lol. this would be a reallllly big make or break.
overall though, i think there's good compatibility here! feel free to leave any feedback or lmk if you have any questions baby ❤️❤️❤️
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
hey hey mod kyoko this is my first time requesting something on your page so i'm going easy on ya!
May i request Tsumugi Kirumi and Korekiyo with a ultimate astrologist s/o? like they study space and stars and mars and the other sturf of astrology? For some odd reasoning i find shinguji extremely comforting and pleasant to the ear and eyes :)
Thank you and Happy New year!
-Mod Kaito
ahh the v3 cast <3 (specifically kirumi <33)
dude i hope you meant astrology as in horoscopes too because that's how i interpreted it
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tsumugi, kirumi, korekiyo x astrologer!reader (gender neutral)
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tsumugi is definitely the type to appreciate an art such as astrology
in fact, she's super into it
she thought some posters would liven up her room so she bought some charts of constellations and the planets
she'd ask you to teach her how to interpret a birth chart, get obsessed, and then ask everyone she knows for their time and date of birth lol
she spends a lot of time reading up on this sort of stuff because she knows it's your passion
anyway, she's done so much research she knows almost as much as you, so the two of you can have hour long conversations, which is refreshing, because most people you talk to think astrology is fake? weird? yadda yadda
tsumugi's recent birthday gift for you was a brand new telescope
it was the latest model, with newer technology built into it, like the kind a laboratory would have, and now it's in your home!
thank tsumugi for being almost unhealthily obsessed with your interests
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you and kirumi will stay up late at night drinking tea, starting a fire, and gazing at the night sky through the windows
she always plans these nights on a calendar, like the super organized maid she is, and prepares small entrees as well
she is always pointing to constellations and asking you to name them
she's really good at making conversation about your interests, it's like she has a database of conversation starters specific to you because it's her heart's desire to make you feel wanted and cared for
though, she doesn't really understand the horoscope part of astrology
she asked you if it was real one time
she probably meant is it accurate?
you'll tell her to take it with a grain of salt. some people really believe in it, and others think it's silly.
though she recognizes horoscopes as a pseudoscience, she does think it's fun to read them and see how accurate they are for her
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the two of you are literally always going to be outside at night. always
korekiyo actually bought you both a tent so you could camp
the two of you have contests to see who can spot the most planets, stars, and constellations
imagine sitting on a blanket in the grass together, and he has his arm around your shoulders as he points up to the night sky omg
astrology appears in many cultures so of course he knows all about it, and you're the perfect match for him
he has always wanted an s/o who appreciates the universe as much as he does, and has interests similar to his own
and in moments like this when you two are talking about your shared interests is when he truly falls in love with you over and over again
sometimes he'll ask you to just rant to him about astrology so he can see your face light up as you talk about your passion
and of course you're so focused on info-dumping that you don't realize how kiyo is staring at you so intensely with our adoration in his gleaming eyes
literally didn't even like korekiyo but now because of my own damn writing im a simp 😭
-mod kyoko
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nyoomfruits · 1 year
Hi Ellie!! Good day to you. I just want to pop in to say I love what you have done with Lando and Oscar dynamic in What you do to me. The way Oscar was so nonchalant about giving a "friendly teammate brojob" at first and Lando was totally freaking out inside cuz til then his impression of Oscar had been so cool and collected?? like, thats them!! what Lando has learned from his former older teammates may not apply wholly this time!! and in the end Lando looked back!! hope is there!!
also irl Oscar describes himself as this chillaxing dude allll the time which has me thinking what about the time he is not >:) don't you just wnat to lose your shit sometimes babygirl >:)
Also Oscar is an Aries so as a quasi-interested astrology girl (when it fits my agenda) may I present this article which imo has an interesting description of Aries in bed https://www.sosyncd.com/zodiac-signs-ranked-by-best-in-bed/
My apology in advance for being horny in your ib </3 but I just you know your story was the serotonin I needed today <3
''don't you just wnat to lose your shit sometimes babygirl >:)" anon the numbers you would do in the ggb group chat you have no idea.
but YES oscar being this chill calm go with the flow dude actually being really vocal and intense in the bedroom has me <3
dl;akjsdflk i'm not much of a zodiac girly but the line 'They will do whatever it takes to make sure their partner is fully satisfied.' makes me so !!!! oh my god
DONT WORRY THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR BEING HORNY IN MY IB actually you know what as an extra big thank you have a snippet of the norstri smut i'm currently writing in which oscar is a vampire for no other reason than. fun.
(tw for mentions of blood)
There’s a slight metallic taste to Oscar’s kiss, and Lando can’t help but think ‘that’s me, that’s my blood’, and it should be weird, all of this should be so weird, but all it does is make Lando want more.
“Off,” he mutters, pulling away from the kiss tugging at the bottom of Oscar’s t-shirt. “Off.”
“God, so demanding,” Oscar says, but complies anyway, taking off his shirt in one swift motion. “If I’d known you’d be like this I would have picked a different midnight snack.”
“Midnight snack,” Lando squawks, indignant, as his eyes roam over the expanse of Oscar’s chest. He’s seen him shirtless before, sure, but not like this. Not in the context of what is about to happen. It makes him feel kind of insane. He shakes it off, focuses back on Oscar’s face. “Why are you talking about me like I’m a can of Pringles.” Oscar pulls a face. Lando groans. “Do not tell me I taste like a can of Pringles.”
Oscar laughs. “Don’t worry. You don’t taste like a can of Pringles.” He tugs at Lando’s hoodie as he says it, and Lando guesses it’s only fair. He struggles a bit taking it off, but Oscar helps him, and when he’s free Oscar’s face is suddenly right there.
Never one to waste an opportunity, Lando leans in for another kiss. “Wait,” he suddenly says, pulling away so fast it nearly sends Oscar crashing on top of him. “What do I taste like?”
Oscar’s face is carefully blank as he says, “Nothing important.”
Lando frowns. “What does that mean?”
“Just. That you taste like nothing important.” His nose scrunches up as he says it. It’s endearingly cute.
“Oh my god,” Lando says, as it hits him all of a sudden. “Am I gross?”
Oscar laughs, but when he sees the panicked look on Lando’s face he stops, taking his face in his hands, rubbing his thumb over Lando’s cheek. “Hey, no, don’t worry. You’re not gross. Far from it. Trust me. You taste uh. Really nice.”
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alchemania · 7 months
Thinking thoughts.
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Wanderer 🤝🏻 Furina 🤝🏻 Layla
Silly lil funky hat that I love :)
I think they'd be fun on a team together too. .
I have decided to call them the Blueberry Bunch cuz they are all short and wear blue, and all have different shades of blue hair I think c:
• They all hug (or in Layla and Wanderer's case they also kiss....and hold hands...hee hee....)! Furina especially is huggy touchy so she'll often waddle up and lean on a shoulder or hug from the side
• Furina and Layla enjoying sweets together and Wanderer just like "you guys can have at it"-
• Hat switcheroo!!! Furina likes yoinking her buddies' hats and putting them on and doing little impressions of them. Tetsuya is not amused.
• Wanderer often cooks for the others (he doesn't need to eat but gradually he comes to join in for the companionship of it all) and ensures Layla is taking care of herself..mumbles about how he's not her butler when she overexerts herself and crumples over but he's also the first one over to make sure she's alright and carries her if she's too tired <3 Furina confronts him about it and he's like well she won't exactly be helpful in combat if she's falling over like an old tree and she just uh huh. Sure.
• Layla gets tired a lot and she and Furina will have sleepovers in the teapot..they snuggle :]
Wanderer, coming into the room: Hey guys I made -
Furina and Layla, peeking up from under the covers: 👁️👁️
Wanderer: ... good lord. Anyway uh, breakfast is ready whenever you two sleepyheads get up.
• Furina and Wanderer cook together as well as Furina gets better at it! He's a surprisingly good teacher (also Furina likes to sing while they work and sometimes Tetsuya will hum along....he catches on quickly)
• Layla likes to go swimming and Furina mentions surfing in her voicelines so I'm thinking about Layla learning to surf ... it's a bit nerve wracking but Furina is her biggest cheerleader!! Beach days are always nice they all just chill under the sun ..Layla roasts fish and fruit in the evening for dinner :)
• Wanderer gradually gets a little softer around Layla (and it's hard to tell if you don't really know him but if you do, you Will Know) and Furina is like oh...hehe...do you like her C: and he just what. No. Don't be ridiculous..
He gets teased a lot (good naturedly!) Furina like dude just tell her how you feel and he's like I Would Rather Die, Actually -
It comes out tho when Layla is putting herself down she's just "okay but who would like me though like romantically" and Tetsuya is like "Me, the hell you mean-"
"......oh I just remembered something I have to do bye-"
Layla just like oh ......finds him later all embarrassed and she's like I like you too c:
(and then they kiss YIPPEE!!!)
•Tetsuya and Furina dance together sometimes, she teaches him how to ballroom dance and Layla just watches she's content to be the audience :) Furina does pull her in sometimes tho like now it's your turn! :D
•Layla will sometimes go into long talks about the stars and Furina will just listen :} she's happy to learn new things (Tetsuya doesn't believe in astrology still but he'll tag along sometimes to stargaze)
•Furina and Layla call Wanderer "Bluebird" sometimes (in Layla's case it's more like an affectionate name yk like. How you'd call your partner "love" or "sweetheart" and then in Furina's case it's just a nickname)
•Layla has a pet cat named Cosmo and she takes to Furina and Wanderer immediately. Funniest thing is Tetsuya acts like he doesn't care and is all annoyed when the cat follows him around and then one day they catch him with Cosmo purring in his lap and he's scratching her behind the ears and gently smiling C:
• Since he's the best fighter of the three, Tetsuya will often lead combat training (Furina mentions not being a good fighter in her quest and I think Wanderer would absolutely be her coach) so they can fight together better as a team. Tetsuya is very much used to going solo, so it's a learning experience for him too.
•Sometimes when Furina is feeling silly she'll scoop Layla up and run with her across the surface of the water for a little goofy time :)
• Furina has nightmares a lot and since Layla is often awake anyway, she'll make her warm milk with honey and let her recenter. Sometimes Furina will lean on her shoulder and just watch her do homework while she calms down.
• When it rains, Layla and Furina will hide under Tetsuya's hat. He always fusses about not being an umbrella, but he doesn't push them away either :]
•Sometimes Wanderer goes off to explore on his own and when he comes back he'll bring lil trinkets like flowers and shiny rocks, etc.
• Also teaches Furina and Layla how to sew! Furina makes him a little bird plush for his birthday and he's just like oh. You didn't have to but uh. Thanks. (he keeps it under his pocket along with the little doll he made)
Anyway I love this trio a lot ❤️ Love is stored in the found family.
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galaxae · 7 months
if youre still doing the ocverse ask game, 3 and 19? 🥺
ougghhh i so totally still am. i'm mainly fixated on my stupid ass video game idea (working title is gods don't bleed but i want to change it bc it doesn't fit as well anymore)
forgive me if this is incoherent, my boyfriend dislocated his knee so i have to care for him, and work has been terrible and burned me out, so i'm definitely leaving some stuff out of my answers :(, but whatever!!
3.) any recurring images/elements?
absolutely yes. lots of imagery of plants and animals, for one. fire vs. ice too, yes i know it's a very commonly used trope but i like playing around with those two things, especially when i get to kinda subvert expectations with them. similarly with light vs. dark. and also colors vs black and white, both in terms of morality and in terms of actual visuals
19.) describe the sillies you think about but that dont go in the story.
in my mind, charity and fabian (the first two playable characters, and close friends) are exes. it's probably not going to be canonized, but it's also not going to be explicitly denied, so...
their first date was incredibly awkward, by the way. fabian was an ignorant rich kid who loved to pry and stick his nose in others' business and not let up until he knew everything about a situation, while charity was freshly in the "my mom and i were homeless, got taken in by a man, and then that man turned out to be very very bad so we had to flee the state and come to this small piece of shit town where no one realizes how privileged they are, and this all sucks, and i don't want to talk about it" mindset. they were also both 14-15 which is the worst age to be. they broke up so fast after this but now they've got a really solid friendship going a few years later, and charity has a different (cooler) partner
also, so many silly bits of dialogue that... i'm not sure they'll go into the game at all, or if they do, whether they'll just be optional bits. but some favorites include (formatted sorta like they would be in my script document):
KIMBERLY: Oh, hey, Fabián, you're in French 2 with me next semester. JAMAL: Wh... what? People actually take French? I thought that was a myth. FABIÁN: Well, I already know Spanish since everyone on my mom's side and, like, half of my dad's side speaks it. So I thought taking Spanish would be way too easy. CHARITY: You stupid son of a bitch. That's exactly why you should take Spanish.
ACE: Holy shit, I just got stung by a bee! FABIÁN: Are you ok??? Ace pulls the stinger out of their face ACE: LOOK! It's still pumping venom! That's so cool! CHARITY: What the fuck is wrong with you? ACE: What's wrong with you? Lookit!
JAMAL: Hey. Kimbie. KIMBERLY: Don't call me that, please. What is it? JAMAL: Spell ICUP. KIMBERLY: "ICUP?" JAMAL: Spell it. KIMBERLY: That's not a real word. Fake words don't have spellings. JAMAL: Can you at least try? KIMBERLY: Oh. Wait. I see. I-K-U-P. JAMAL: ... KIMBERLY: Does that suffice? Jamal looks as though he's about to cry. [Later that same day] JAMAL: Hey, uh, hey Kimbi-- Kimberly. Is it just me, or is your outfit kind of, uh, "updog?" KIMBERLY: What? JAMAL: Your outfit's kind of "updog." KIMBERLY: What does "updog" mean? JAMAL: ........Can you........... rephrase that, please? KIMBERLY: ? No. JAMAL: :/
also, there's a period of time when kimberly is in 9th grade where she gets really intensely into astrology. specifically so that she can Know A Lot About A Thing that other people don't know as much about. she'll see someone doing something, walk up to them and be like "what are you, an aries venus?" and when they don't understand the reference she'll be like "never mind :)" and feel smart. she no longer does this in the game because she realizes that's so cringe. and she has OTHER science to do, dammit!! (like proving the Weird Kid at school is a literal alien)
another fun fact: kimberly (resident genius) and jamal (who does not give a shit about academics) play chess together one time and jamal wins because kimberly is so perplexed by his newbie moves that she doesn't know how to respond to them.
oh... i didnt realize i had this many sillies... cool :)
yall are encouraged to send more asks if you want i love these blorbos
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sungbeam · 10 months
describe your favorite mutuals & their bias/biases <3
omg i always feel so much pressure for these cuz i have quite a handful of moots but i shall try my best !! thanks for ur ask anonie o7
@justalildumpling & na jaemin — both just uber delulu and mutual orgasm donors 😭😭 their astrology/horoscope reading says they'd be good for marriage, but i think WE r a much better match 😚 anyways, i love u j my beloved wife and soulmate !!
@jaehunnyy & jung wooyoung — bro i didn't know which teezer to pick for u 😭😭 but since the craze lately has been mr wooyo 😗 chip is just the sweetest and most wholesome bean ever?? (except lately 🤡 woosan is getting to her) but she deserves the absolute world
@winterchimez & lee sangyeon — my parents !!! absolutely adore ally :')) she's always encouraging my shenanigans and one of the most supportive people on this app. i feel like every day i learn that we have another thing in common w each other LOL
@ethereal-engene & lee jihoon — NO CUZ EKFNEKDK when i tell u ash looks like woozi (゜-゜) im not even kidding, they both look SO good in specs and i love ash sm, she GETS ME and im so convinced we're like actually long lost relatives 😭😭 the way she puts up w my shit and supports me all the time :')
@loveliestfelix & choi yeonjun — omg no because nana is supermodel material?? supermodel gf and bf say HUH???? her writing is something to fall head over heels in love w !! my beloved angst queen 🫂 ilysm im always thinking of u <3
@tranquilpetrichor & (i wanna say) yoon keeho??? — eris i just realized i don't really stan some of the groups u do and i haven't seen u talk abt ur biases recently 😔 SO PLS DO TELL ME ABT THEM !! but i wanted to include u here bc it didn't feel right without u 😭 but she's so underrated and one of the chillest people ever, and a literal ballerina like 😳 that shits hard bro
@zzoguri & ji changmin/kim sunwoo — MY FELLOW KYUBODAN MONI AHHWHDINEJDJD they are AMAZING at writing??? i guarantee u will fall in love w their style, and they're also just so easy to vibe w and talk to 🤧🤧 hope to get to know u even better bestie :'))
@haet-sal & ju haknyeon — CAKECEYYYYY 😩😩😩 ik the ship name is hakcey/hickey LMAO but cake 😎 anyways LMAO lacey is prob who i aspire to be?? 😭 like u guys don't understand how pretty this girl is and the fact that she's SO COOL TOO?? i feel like i'd be so intimidated by u irl tbh 😳
@goldenhypen & jake sim — my canadian counterpart and chinese 04 twin 💖💖💖 i miss u sm omg i will always uphold that em is one of, if not, THEE nicest person on this app. like if u touch her I HURT YOU 😐🔪 she is sooo so compassionate and caring and just wah i love u sm i hope ur doing alright :'))
@sseastar & byun euijoo (i think? im sorry i don't stan &team 😔) — yet another author here who's style of writing absolutely blows me away skdnkendk like the slice of life ghibli movie vibe of her writing makes me SING and she's also a very cool woman in stem™ </3 she's also so soft and sweet, and i only have the most tender of thoughts toward her
@hqrana & omg im so bad i know eric sohn for sure 😭 — we actually haven't talked about many other groups besides tbz and svt skdnekdk OKAY BUT MY MARVEL MOOT !!! i treasure noa so much, like what a star and the way we literally have so many fandoms in common??? for the longest time (and still) i look forward to interacting w her just cuz she is absolutely SO fun to talk to 💖 ly bff
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demonspawnshell · 9 months
The Evil Goobers Quotes
Alex and Phillip come from @alice-angel12x
Phillip, walking in with blueprints:Hey Boss I got a new— WHAT THE HELL?!
Alex, casually sitting on Phobus’ lap as Phobus sleeps: What? He said he couldn’t sleep alone.
He has no idea how it can be interpreted.
Phillip: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Phobus does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff?
Alex: If Phobus were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Phobus jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Phillip:You jump off a cliff!
Alex: Gladly. Provided Phobus did first.
Phillip, walks into the kitchen to see Phobus: Phobus, it's 3 in the morning! Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Phobus: Because I've lost control of my life...
Phobus: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Phobus: How do you want your coffee?
Phillip: Black, like my soul.
Phobus: Phillip, your soul is a latte.
Phillip: I know one person who finds me funny!
Alex: Okay, who?... and you can't say yourself!
Phillip: Okay then I'm out.
Phillip: Capitalizing every word in a sentence is vomit inducing.
Phobus: Enjoy Your Trip To Puke Land, Boy!
Phobus: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Phobus: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Alex: Sure!
Alex: Whats your favorite color?
Phobus, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
Phobus: You’re overthinking this.
Alex: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Phobus. What if I’m underthinking?
Phillip: I have a bad feeling about this...
Alex: What do you mean?
Phillip: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Alex: No?
Phobus: That actually explains so much
Phillip: Alex said its my turn with the brain cell.
Phobus: Square up.
Phillip: I feel like I can be myself around you.
Alex: You’re weird and quiet around me.
Phillip: Yes.
Phillip: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Phobus: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Phobus: I’m really glad “fight me” has replaced “sue me” in the common vernacular because I don’t have money, but I do have fists and I am always angry.
Phillip: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Phobus: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Phillip, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Phobus: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Alex: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time
Phillip: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Phillip: Look, Phobus! It's the good Kush!
Phobus: It's the dollar store, how good can it be?
Phillip: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Phobus: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
Alex: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Phillip: We have three, actually!
Phobus: Pick your favorite.
Alex: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
Alex: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited.
Phillip: "If"
Phobus: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and they might not even die.
(Foreshadowing :0)
TBA; Most quotes came from
Others are from me :]
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oddmawd · 2 months
Hey Mawd, is it okay to ask about "The Wife" from The Hunt in these OC asks or not? Just curious! Nway, sending 🎂,💯 and ☕️ for Rei!
hmmmm, The Wife...that should be fine! i left her somewhat abstract for the reader-insert lovers but she has a distinct personality i could use for this DETAILS ABOUT OCs ASK MEME...(also i did base her closely on Rei LMAO so i can kind of default to Rei's characterization for the ask game too!)
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
You put me through my paces with this one because I hadn't actually done any birth chart stuff for Rei, and I'm not very good at astrology stuff! I'm basically just picking stuff that fits the personality I gave her. Her birthday is April Fools Day! This makes her an Aries, and I like to think she was born only a few minutes after midnight, putting her on the cusp of being a March and April Aries. As for her signs... She is an Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising. This gives her Aries' ambition and drive but Virgo's desire for order while pursuing her goals, and Scorpio's strong intuition and ability to read emotions. Does she fit these signs? Sometimes, but her past has cooled some of Aries' famous temper, and her Sun and Rising signs further quell some of the impulsivity Aries are known for. She looks before she leaps, unlike the typical Aries, and she's not a selfish person as some people believe of Scorpio. She IS, however, very much a Virgo in how critical she is of herself (especially her appearance). I don't know enough about Tarot or numerology to answer the other questions, but I hope the above is enough. <3
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Fun Fact #1: Rei's favorite emoji, coincidentally, is the 💯 emoji. Followed closely by the ✨ emoji. You'd THINK it would be the winking emoji, but nope. She saves winks for in-person shenanigans. Fun Fact #2: She owns no fewer than 50 wigs. Yes, that's a lot of wigs, but not all of them are top-grade, human hair, hand-tied, or even natural-looking wigs. In fact, the majority of them aren't. Human-hair, hand-tied wigs are extremely expensive, and she only owns a handful (collected over the course of many years) for special occasions. She breaks down her wig collection into four distinct categories: The Queens (her best wigs), the Classy Ladies (high-end synthetic wigs), the Party Girls (mid-tier synthetic wigs), and the Hot Mess Ma'ams (the cheapo costume wigs she happily beats to hell and back). Every category has its time and place. The purple wig she wore to the club in The Sight Unseen was a Hot Mess Ma'am she got on Amazon for like $15. (Bonus Wig Fact: She prefers NOT to glue down her wigs, though she used to do so for ballroom competitions and burlesque routines. Her skin is sensitive and easily irritated, and she enjoys changing up her look on an almost daily basis.) Fun Fact #3: Rei loves reading, and she loves reading nonfiction especially. She volunteers are her local library to read books to kids. She typically dresses up in a costume or fancy outfit that fits the theme of the day's book. Rei is QUITE GOOD at acting out children's literature, and kids love her because she's willing to meet them on their level and never talks down to them. She's very good with kids in general. (That may have been more than one fun fact for this last entry...)
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Today, Rei is a double espresso kind of person. She drinks it for utility in the early mornings and to power late-night study sessions. A quick slam of caffeine is just what she needs to power through the day. BUT when she wants something she can savor and isn't in dire need of instant waking up, she goes for a London fog with a pump of lavender syrup. That's her cozy drink on Sunday mornings, curled up in bed with a good book in her favorite bathrobe. Please note that in her club-scene-visiting and dance-competition-dominating and burlesque-performing youth, however, she would down sugar-free Red Bulls by the case. Those were darks times characterized by youthful idiocy joie de vivre and complete disregard for the health of her kidneys.
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