#i do not support yandere dev
callie-the-creator · 1 month
ayato aishi being in love with an idol!reader would include...
sfw. warnings: yandere and obsessive behavior but that’s about it.
author’s note: this was also posted on my wattpad account, just wanted to share it here!
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• the only reason ayato knew of your existence was because he heard your name a few times brought up at school. at first, he thought you were a student at akademi but something in the back of his mind told him that he had the wrong idea. he ended up shrugging it off. that is, until he saw a 3d billboard of you in tokyo, telling the watchers below to buy tickets for your upcoming concert.
• this whole time, y/n was an idol? ayato felt like a complete idiot when he realized this and spent the next few minutes, just standing there on the sidewalk, watching the same billboard cycle through other things until you popped up again. when you did, ayato took his time admiring your features. it's no wonder you were so popular at school...you're gorgeous.
• with that, ayato hurried to his house whilst he looked up everything about you and once he was in his house, he listened to every single song that you have ever sung. unreleased, popular, underrated, instrumental, acapella, you name it. you just so happened to have over 45 songs! for someone who was in the music scene for such a short amount of time, you did have a lot of albums...but that's alright!
— while it wasn't ayato's usual taste in music, he was willing to make an exception for you and only you.
• ayato is the type of guy to see someone wearing a piece of your merchandise, walk up to them, and say, "oh, you like y/n l/n? name 5 songs."
— insufferable, yes, but he had to assert dominance and show every single follower that he was your number #1 fan! if someone claims to be it, they're dead wrong. literally.
• he hates how some of the guys at his school also knew who you were and thought you were attractive. ayato knows that realistically, it was bound to happen but he still hates having to deal with it and it's not like he could do anything about it too, just suck it up.
• if you're the type of idol to dye your hair differently with every single album debut, ayato carefully tracks for any leaks on what color it would be because he's been debating on matching with you. he's lucky that akademi high school isn't strict when it comes to uniquely colored hair (as some schools force students to dye their hair black, even if a person's natural hair color is brown). of course, he would stick out more but he didn't care. it's a way he can show his support for you and there's nothing wrong with that. 
• has only been to one of your concerts since, he won't lie, the tickets are a bit pricey and his part-time job could hardly cover it. the concert was really cool to experience— especially since ayato doesn't get out much— and he loved seeing you in person, but some annoying fans in front of him wouldn't stop holding their signs up in the air blocking his view but still tried to have a good thing by waving his light-stick and chanting in perfect harmony with the other fans.
— he would've gone a vip pass instead, but if he did that, ayato would have become flat-broke and that would in turn make him receive an angry lecture from his parents about finances.
• ayato has sent you loads of fan mail, some by name, others anonymously. he's sure that you get thousands by the hour but if there is even the slightest chance that you might read at least one of his, he'll take that opportunity
• whenever you describe your ideal type in a man in interviews, ayato makes it his duty to meet the criteria. you want someone with a little bit of muscle? he can work out more. you want a man who can cook? looks like ayato will be joining the cooking club at school. trust me, he will do anything to be viewed perfect in your eyes
• although his first-ever time seeing you in person was pretty much a bust, ayato made up for it by teaming up with info-kun to see where you would be in japan and finding your location by fan sightings. it was from there that ayato was able to find you in shibuya but it wasn't good news, actually. you were mad at the paparazzi trying to take scandalous photos of you and when ayato realized this, his head began to spin and he, too, started shouting at them to give you some space and to back off.
— when you realized this, you turned over to see just who was coming to help you since you weren't expecting it and mouthed a small 'thank you' which sent ayato's heart soaring.
• ayato has purchased an ungodly amount of merch from you, whether that be shirts, water bottles, limited-time ramen, or soda cans, he's even ripped off pages in magazines solely because your face was on it.
• alas, he still needs to find a way to worm into your personal life. it's a little hard to do that with just how many bodyguards you have and have lots of cameras in your house, too many for him to be able to capture you without any issues...
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hisluvdoll · 9 months
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A Pearl - Mitski
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Trigger warning ⚠️ This post contains themes such as : murder and SA, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, then please ignore and keep scrolling.
I don't want to cause trouble or upset anyone but I fucking hate Peter from YB and honestly, seeing his creator's true colours, I'm even more glad that I hated him, I know people that actually like the game and the character, heck, even one of my favorite ever Youtubers was inspired by the game and made a beautiful VN with characters that I love and are actually interesting, but the Fuboo literally sucks ass, Peter is a terrible character with a terrible design, the only thing that he does in game is kill other characters, be a delusional rapist and kidnap you. I hate him so much and the only things that seems to be interesting about him are his family issues and the fact that he knows he's in a game, there's nothing else, he doesn't draw, he doesn't write, he even doesn't have a job, at this point, you would assume that all the red flags of the character would drive people away from it and the game but no, he's "cute" apparently, he is not, he's desperate and horny, all the other characters are better than him in almost every way but if you spend any time with them then he'll kill them, it's wrong on every level, the only reason people like him is because he's one of the first characters to be a "yandere obsessive stalker" and a "self aware" character but others have done it way better, John doe, for example, he knows he's in a game, stalks you and can literally KILL you but guess what, even HE, "a self aware yandere obsessive stalker" character like Peter, can ACTUALLY take a hint, He can actually just, let you go, not pursue you any further, LOSE INTEREST, and guess what, he's not even like, human, in any way, but he knows when to give up, unlike Peter and his creator.
I'm sorry if I sound like a hypocrite or jealous person but I refuse to support the game and its developer after what she did, and I hope others will follow suit and find other better games, whether similar or not, to support, with creators that actually need the support, Fuboo or Melissa, however you want to call her, is a groomer and her husband is a rapist, they clearly don't feel any remourse for what they did and it would be wrong to support them. please, reconsider, look through the evidence and move on from that game and that character, it's a lost cause.
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Decided to try my take on rewriting the yandere simulator rivals and characters.
First on the list, Osana Najime!
Ah, Osana, the worst take on a tsundere I've seen. Since she's the first rival we'll be rewriting her.
❁Her new name is Kumiko Hajime
❁She's the third rival
❁She doesn't degrade Fumihito (Taro), it's just playful teasing
❁She loves cats still
❁Raiburu does not follow her everywhere
❁Her hair reaches down to her waist, not near the bottom of the floor.
❁Her new suitor is Raiburu. Since who doesn't love friends to lovers.
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sugaraki-tenko · 7 months
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canonically47 · 1 month
don’t support yandere dev.
i don’t care that amai is finally going to be in the game. i don’t care that he’s finally been able to do something with the game. play the build if you want, i won’t forbid you from it - but don’t support him. don’t stop giving him shit. don’t forget what kind of person he is.
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grapegoggle · 12 days
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im sorry ive been fixated on yandere simulator PLEASE DONT THROW ME IN THE TORTURE LABYRINTH.
i only like specific characters from the game . the game itself sucks ass but i like 4 characters (Otohiko, Kyuji, Hazu, and Toga) and im making redesigns of them. they are like my oc’s now.
these are only two of them, im still working on Hazu and Toga🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
I do not support yandere dev. i just want to steal his characters because they deserve better
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sorry for being cringe 💔💔💔☹️
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nestypewriter · 4 months
Hii! I saw your M!Ryoba x Reader post and I just wanted to say it's a masterpiece! Could you make more post of M!Ryoba x Reader? I really love your writing <33
Distorted Embrace
[ M! Ryōba x F! reader]
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[Content Warning: Kidnapping, obsessive tendency]
[Disclaimer: I want to emphasize that I do not endorse or support this type of behavior. This content is purely for entertainment purposes.]
{Author 's Note : Hello! So originally I was planning to move away from the yandere sim since I heard about what's been going on to yandere dev but i Don't really know anymore but anyways,thank you for the requesting and also thank you for the compliment that was very sweet of you, I hope you like it!💜💜}
[the inpo was tape#1]
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your eyes started to open as you start to regain consciousness, you felt your head pounding.
You then heard a familiar voice say, "Watching you sleep is always so cute, but it gets a bit old when it's 6 hours, don't you think?" You asked, "What's happening? Where am I?" Your eyesight was getting clearer as you looked around.
"We're in my basement, sweetheart; my mom even went to the trouble to add this to our house," he exclaimed. "What are you talking about?!" you yelled as you tried to get up, but you couldn't. You looked down to see your arms and legs were tied down to a chair. "Huh? What is this? What's going on? Why am I tied to a chair?" You struggled a bit more, hoping that maybe the ropes would loosen up.
"Stop your squirming, dearest. That would only leave a mark on your precious skin; you don't want that, do we?" he said as he leaned down to caress your cheek. "Isn't that romantic? That chair is the very same one that my mother built for my father while she was here! And now you're sitting in it! I'm keeping a family tradition!"
"Aishi-san? Why are you doing this? I haven't seen you since you've been in the news lately," you said as you shook away his touch. "Don't be so formal with me, dear! You could use my first names. We're friends, aren't we?" He crouched down in front of you and put his hand under his chin as his head rested there while staring at you with a loving gaze.
"Is it true, what all the journalists said?" you questioned, and all of a sudden his eyes darkened, and his smile dropped. "I said, use my first name, dearest," he softly said but it's more like a demanded. "I'm sorry, but in the current situation I'm in, I don't want to," you said firmly. You felt brave, but that soon vanished when he stood up and pulled out a knife from his pocket. "Say my name," he ordered as he got closer and closer with each word.
The tip of the knife got closer to your throat as you felt sudden fear and yelled, "R-Ryōbo! Ryōbo!" Thankfully, he backed away as soon as those words came out of your mouth and moaned loudly like a sigh of relief as you looked at him with disgust.
"W-what?" you squeaked out as he smiled with glee. "Oh dearest, do you know how long I wanted you to call me that? With every conversation we had, calling me by my name when you called out to me, it's like a dream come true! Good thing I got that on tape!" he exclaimed, gesturing at the tape recorder on the table.
"What do you even want from me? Am I your next victim?" You nervously asked, scared at the possible outcome of your demise. "Victim? No, no! Darling, you were the one I was protecting this whole time! I did this all for you!" He explained. "Protecting? You mean the boys at school?" You asked as the realization hit you.
"That's right, darling! They were getting in the way of our love! Their eyes were looking at you with a disgusting gaze! Thinking about taking a chance with you! So I had to get rid of them!" he said as he leaned over your face, put his hands on both of your cheeks, and gently caressed them.
"Love?! I never saw you that way!" You exclaimed, trying to shake his touch again, but he gripped your cheeks tightly. "But now you will! You will stay down here with me, and then you will fall in love with me! Then we would have our first kiss!" He rambled and giggled as he pondered, "But Ryōbo-kun, if you love someone, you shouldn't kidnap and tie them to a chair," you angerly explained, hoping to knock some sense into him, but you knew your words would get ignored. "Well, how else could make sure that you would talk to me after what you saw on that awful news? You would have avoided me! You left me no choice but to keep you here!" he said, looking at you with a soft gaze.
"Please... please just let me go... I won't tell the police or anyone! Just let me go home!" You begged, but alas, he didn't budge. "Sorry, dear! But I know you would run away from me after you get the opportunity to go out, but there's no need for that. After all, you're here now! So there's no use in going back. Besides, I won't let you out of my sight! Isn't it great? We'll be together... forever!" He exclaimed, excited with all the plans he had for both of your futures together.
"F-forever..." you stuttered, not wanting to live a single day with your kidnapper. "That's right!" he exclaimed, but soon his attention turned to the tape recorder. "Oh, looks like I have to change the tape. One moment, dearest..." he said and went over to the tape recorder to change the tape with a new empty one.
While he was busy, you took this opportunity to try and cut or loosen the binds, but the binds were too tightly secured to even move a single thread. "You know, darling, I could hear you..." he said after changing the tape. He stood up and walked back to your form as he leaned over and looked you in the eyes with his empty eyes and said, "Don't even try. You know there's nothing you can do."
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artiah669 · 9 months
TW: I will be talking about grooming. Please beware before moving on to this.
Hey guys! Ik I don’t make posts like this but please bare with me. I wanna spread this and I wanna use my platform for good. Ik im an artist but I just wanna help out.
Yandere Dev being exposed has a groomer. Yandere Dev has been a controversial person for years. You may ask yourself why. Well, I don’t wanna make it long af but their literally a pedo, a r@pist, etc. in the game. "Oh, Artiah the characters are 18+ yandere dev said that.” Bro you got me fucked up if you think I’m actually gonna believe that excuse. 
I am not surprised by the stuff in his game/ how it acts that he’s a groomer. I do encourage anyone even yandere sim fans to watch this video. Their is literally screenshots and screen recording. Yandere Dev before has confirmed to multiple people that these are real, but claims what he did was a mistake. Grooming minors is not a mistake. Especially when your over 30 years old. Talking about how big your penis is, what kind of breast you like etc, TO A MINOR Is not cute. And then when they gonna post and expose your ass you wanna be a manipulative. "My career is over” good. Do not give predators a platform. Especially those who doesn’t hold themselves accountable. i beg of you to play watch the video below. If you wanna know the truth please watch.
If there are any other people out there who were victims of yandere Dev don’t be scared to come out. People just like me and others are here to support you.
Yandere dev needs jail time/ needs to be off the internet. Please don’t let him get away with this.
Edit: please be aware I do make updates. Looks at reblogs I do talk about yandere dev talking down the video and etc!
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peachiime · 6 months
antics at akademi — a yandere simulator inspired story.
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akademi high school is a very prestigious establishment, saved only for the most eloquent and intelligent students. it's the place where budding youths go to be modeled into the perfect member of society, it's the place where dreams come true, it's the place where everything runs as perfectly and as smoothly as you can possibly imagine it. akademi highschool is a utopia...
...said no one ever.
akademi fell to shambles long ago, and this year's batch of interesting characters seem dedicated to tearing it to pieces even more, whether they're doing it consciously or not.
these people are far from normal. every day, there's some new conflict or event or explosion or bird attack. and don't think that the list of troublemakers only extends to the students, because these teachers are the only people working there for a reason.
does that intrigue you yet? if so, you might be interested in following the progression of this school year, where you'll watch relationships break and form, people rise and fall, see it get worse, then become slightly less worse. you know, that stuff.
akademi high school is way past the description of disorderly. it's downright hellish.
but it will get better.
want to see?
(more information under the cut.)
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antics at akademi is a retelling of yandere simulator, with the same setting and characters, but a different genre. it takes on more of a slice of life comedy story, with some elements of drama in there as well.
when published on ao3 and wattpad in the future, every chapter will follow to day-to-day life of the students of akademi for a whole school year. every moment will be full of things that make you smile, laugh, cry, or hit your head again your screen.
antics at akademi is an entirely separate thing from the game it is inspired by, and is in no way in support of yandere dev; not supporting anything the original may imply, not supporting his actions or ideologies, none of that. i am a very different person and i am telling a very different story from yandere dev.
any questions, comments, or concerns are encouraged. don't feel afraid to submit an ask, and please reblog my posts whenever you can if you want to support this project!
and also note that posts will probably be slow, since there's a lot of information to share and i'm very busy with life right now. in the meantime, there are many other posts about antics at akademi that you can see by checking out the specially made tag for it! (its just antics at akademi again. search it up wink wink)
once again, don't feel afraid to ask any questions, whether they're silly or serious. thank you for reading this far, and i hope you decide to follow the production of antics at akademi! much love <3
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krevitia · 5 months
Hey yall, these are some headcanons about the Delinquents in Yandere Simulator!
⚠️DISCLAIMER!⚠️ I do NOT support Yandere Dev.
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Osoro Shidesu:
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She doesn't like picking on people, she doesn't like fighting unless provoked either.
She is NOT flexible at all, she can fight but her flexibility is awful.
She makes fun of the Delinquents for being quote on quote "midgets" when shes only 5'10.
Her natural hair color is brown, she usually forgets to re-dye her hair and her roots show that.
She believes that Aoi is one of the VERY very little students that can put up good match for her after she saw Aoi knock out Budo.
Shes a dog person.
She hates politics.
She always tells the boys "Life is too short to not live it to your fullest."
Shes lesbian.
Her and Umeji are the only ones who got their scars from fights.
Umeji Kizuguchi:
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He idolized Osoro the most out of all the boys and had a HUGE crush on her when they met.
He is the straightest of the Delinquents, but he is a proud Ally and supports LGBTQ+
He has the most piercings (4 ear piercings, 2 nose piercings and an eyebrow piercing that got an infection.)
He is the only one of the group who knows how to cook food and not burn it.
He hates dogs, and doesn't like going to Osoros house because she has one named Rocky.
He steals a lot of Hokuto's stuff, like his car keys and his shoes.
Him and Dairoku roll up and get high together in the back of the school next to the boxes at the incinerator.
He has drunk from a whole keg of beer and finished it himself.
He has stole from a jewelry store and was taken into custody for it.
His scars are from a really bad fight that Osoro had to break up.
Hokuto Furukizu:
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Hes the more chill and laid back one of the group which is ironic considering he gets into a lot of fights.
His scar is from bullies in the freshmen year.
Him and Hayanari are in a situationship, he says that its "nothing serious."
Hes the least sexually active of the group and the only virgin.
He always pays for the group when they go out to eat because the others are painfully broke.
Hes the only one who has a car, he treats it like the most precious thing in the world.
Hayanari visits his house the most and they usually kiss or play video games.
Him and Genka have talk sessions on Thursdays.
He gets surprsingly good grades and the others make fun of him for it.
Got into a pretty bad fight with Sho Kunin, a member for the martial arts, this caused the delinquents and the M.A.C to have a full on brawl they got into trouble for.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 11 months
do you write for the male yansim rivals?? if not the female ones are ok too :>
could i ask for male!osoro headcanons with a girlfriend who's in the cooking club?
To be clear, I fucking hate Yandere Dev, so sad the game is like it is fr. Please note none of this is or will be connected to that creep. Male! Osoro and Fem! Osoro x Cooking club! Reader hc
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A/N: No TW for this, remember that I don't support Yandere Dev and Yan Sim in any way, I just write fics of the characters. Word count: 0.5 k
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Male! Osoro:
Since you’re in the cooking club people would assume you’re a total sweetheart and a kind, probably sensitive person, so when Osoro was caught looking at you a bit too long or making sure you were safe it came off as a surprise.
At first everyone thought you pissed him off somehow, but how? What did you do to him? Then you thought, did I do something to him? Only after that it turned out that his stares weren’t the ones of hatred.
And oh god was it a shock, at first between his friends. “Hey Osoro? We can take care of that cooking club punk you’ve been after.” After he shuts them down (almost with his fist) they realize he wasn’t mad at you, he was madly in love with you. 
They are playing the biggest matchmaker wtf, like trying to set you up and shit.
And after the two of you end up together? Prepared to have “the talk” with his friends. 
Other than that your relationship is very sweet, you often bring something to him when he’s with his goons and although he seems annoyed at it he folds instantly. 
The biggest bodyguard ever, someone looks at you the wrong way? They get sent to the Nurse instant. 
People in the cooking club are surprised, some kinda scared but quickly grow to understand you two, something Osoro will never understand.
You get hurt? Damn someone is going to prison.
Surprisingly Ayano leaves you and him alone, one rival off the list ig. 
Female! Osoro
Omg this woman is down bad fr (Not in a weird ways fucking incels), she’ gone soft and it shows, maybe not a lot but still.
You give her a baked good or a sweet kiss when no ones looking? You have protection till the end of the world.
The delinquents were mad confused when you two became a thing. What do you mean, Osoro having a sweet and cute girlfriend?? 
A very lovely relationship, she may come off as harsh, rough and tough but she just loves you so much.
Her gang or squad whatever you call them were even more confused when you gave her cookies, kissed her cheek and just left. I feel like the concept of Osoro being a genuine, good girlfriend was just too much for their brains to handle.
And when you find time outside your clubs activities when you can just sit together and chill with each other, she’s head over heels.
If someone looks at you or flirts with you it’s on, broken teeth were not the only problem the person had to deal with after Osoro was done with them. “Hands off my girlfriend fucking bitch.” 
You guys are so cute, a typical bad boy and a typical sweetheart cook, can this get any sweeter? Yeah it can.
At one point you tried to teach her how to cook or/and bake, the kitchen was in flames, good thing she knew how to put it out. After that you stick to just having her as company while cooking.
If you ever give out your baked goods with your club you can be sure as hell she’s there watching over you, it’s like you’re giving a cookie and the person looks behind you just to see a tall, muscular ass woman looming over you. While you’re smiling and shi, she’s standing with this dark aura surrounding her.
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pink-tonic · 6 months
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Description: After a sudden death at Akademi High, the students are given a short break. Once they come back, everything seems normal, but that isn't fully the case.
The leader of the Newspaper Club and childhood friend of Ayato Aishi, (Y/N) (L/N), is trying to get to the bottom of the death and putting a stop to any future tragedies.
But with the added obstacles of admirers and strained relationships, will he be able to complete this goal before anyone else is killed?
(Ayato Aishi, Taeko Yamada, and various male rivals x male reader)
Warnings: Yandere themes (Stalking, obsessiveness, Killing, unhealthy relationships), death, sexual harassment, bullying, graphic depictions of violence, and mentions of blood
(These themes won't be present in every chapter, but I'll make sure to put a warning before the start if they do show up)
Additional Notes: To get something out the way, I DON'T support Yandere Dev at all. I find his actions to be horrible, but I just didn't have the heart to trash this story. This is my most planned story, and I just don't want to get rid of it because of someone's actions. I hope you understand.
This story has an alternating POV between (Y/N) and Ayato. Each chapter will have a newspaper or a knife emoji. The newspaper is for your POV and the knife is for Ayato's POV
The First Day📰
Day One🔪
A Week In📰
Week One🔪
Come Get Your Paper!📰
Set the Plan Into Motion🔪
The False Letter📰
Can This Be Called a Success?🔪
What to Do?📰
New Week and a New Face📰
Time to go Back🔪
It Haunts Me📰
Moving On🔪
Hostage Mission🔪
What's the Hold Up?🔪
A New Week and a New Treat🔪
Answer to the Problem🔪
Did You Hear?📰
A New Week and New Drama🔪
I'm Not Made for That!📰
The Plan is Happening Now?🔪
This is How You Do It🔪
Another Letter?📰
Give Him This🔪
In Love?📰
A New Week, a New Oddity📰
Stalker Stalking Another Stalker🔪
Picture Perfect for Me🔪
The Feeling That Stays📰
What's Going On?📰
Do What You Have to Do🔪
It's Over🔪
A New Week and a New Realization🔪
No Explanation🔪
Who Needed You Anyway?🔪
Swim to Your Heart's Content🔪
Too Much📰
New Week and a New Nurse📰
A New Start?🔪
Pushing the Line🔪
Watch Your Back, Kana🔪
A Break Would be Nice📰
What to Do?🔪
Where is He...?📰
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do yandere Chemach from Cult Of The Lamb
Y'know, I never actually knew about her until my second COTL playthrough since I stopped playing my first one before the relics update. This may not be long but I'll cover what I can!
Yandere! Chemach Concept
(Short Thoughts - Devs I beg you for more lore-)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Delusional behavior, Body horror, Kidnapping (kinda), Manipulation, Murder, Death/Corpse mention, Dark themes, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Obviously what we can tell from meeting Chemach is she's... insane.
It's implied in dialogue, from what I remember, that her relics are made from gods who have died long ago.
The crown on her head most likely doesn't help her sanity.
She seems to see herself as better than her siblings, often ranting about the relics she sells to the point it's... hard to understand what she means at times.
Not much is known about her, from what I can tell at least.
She's a NPC meant to aid The Lamb on their quest.
Although, she does mention having "followers" and using pieces of The Lamb to make relics.
Her followers just seem to be corpses... so we can also assume Chemach is delusional in her insanity.
Your fate with her is unpredictable for the most part... although eventually you can guess what it will be.
Perhaps you were a vessel for the Red Crown before The Lamb.
Or maybe even a lesser god/powerful being.
Fascinated by power, Chemach grows infatuated.
She wishes to support you in exchange for eager chats.
Her words never seem to make sense, but it's clear she's drawn to you.
Her siblings, two fellow birds, warn you not to get too close to their sister.
She is insane, enraptured by the artifacts she creates.
She'll simply manipulate you closer... and closer... and closer...
For the most part, her actions a erratic and cryptic.
But in the end she knows what she wants from you.
Companionship is what it starts as... power is what her obsession ends with.
Based on her canon behavior and the limited lore we have on her... we can assume she's make her obsession into a relic.
She becomes so obsessive about you... she wishes to keep you beside her.
What better way than imbuing your power into a relic?
She will not give you to anyone, though... not even The Lamb.
She lures you in with promises of more power... only to slaughter you and make part of you a relic for her to keep.
Perhaps she'll make your heart a relic?
Your adoration, love, and heart is what she's wanted all along... but getting it involves a rather twisted way in her mind it seems.
She tells you not to worry when you visit her.
It will only hurt for a little while...
Yet she'll take care of you... your heart hidden away for only her to see.
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priestvox · 1 month
Yandere simulator x hazbin hotel au
(I DO NOT support yandere dev at all he is a disgusting man)
Senpai/Taro Yamada = Alastor
Osana Najimi= Vox
Amai Odayaka= Rosie
Kizana Sunobu= Valentino
Oka Ruto = Velvette
Asu Rito = Tom trench
Muja Kina = Eve
Mida Rana = Lilith
Osoro Shidesu = Husk
Hanako Yamada = Nifty
Megami Saikou = Baxter
Yandere Chan/Ayano Aishi = Roo
Budo Masuta/Budo Masuyama = Angel dust/Anthony
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askagamedev · 3 months
These references are out of date so I hope you'll bear with me. Why is it games like Watchdogs 2 can have a whole citty full of NPC's each with mostly unique profiles and interactable (you can hack almost everyone, you can physically interact, etc). But something like Yandere simulator struggles with keeping a frame rate with not even 200 NPC's. The models in Watchdogs 2 are also more hyper realistic so I don't know if that means more framerate impaction?
What you're seeing are the programming principles of optimization and scalability in effect. These two principles are more than the sum of their parts, they are multiplicative in their effectiveness (or lack thereof). Thus, if there's a situation where we need to optimize at scale, the results are very pronounced. When we talk about performance, it helps to think of it as costs to do things. We spend system resources (CPU time, GPU time, system memory, etc.) to perform tasks (load a dude, draw a dude, animate a dude). Optimization is being clever about not wasting our resources doing unnecessary things. This lowers the cost of performing these tasks. Scalability is the other factor - the number of things there are multiplies their overall costliness. This should make intuitive sense.
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Let's have an example - imagine that you need cupcakes for a party. The cupcakes cost $5 each and there's a $20 flat delivery fee. We need five cupcakes for a party, so the cost is $20 (delivery) + $25 (5 cupcakes x $5) for a total of $45. Optimization is our way of reducing the individual costs. We can optimize either the cost of the cupcakes or the cost of the delivery fee. Maybe we can optimize the delivery fee down to $10 but can only optimize the cupcake cost down by $1 each. We only have time to choose one optimization. In this case, optimizing the delivery fee results in a better overall cost reduction - 5 cupcakes x $5 apiece + $10 delivery is $35, while 5 cupcakes x $4 apiece + $20 delivery is $40.
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Now think about what happens if the numbers change. Instead of needing five cupcakes for the party, let's say we need a thousand cupcakes. 1,000 cupcakes x $5 apiece + $20 delivery = $5,020. If we optimize the delivery fee, the cost becomes 1,000 cupcakes x $5 + $10 delivery = $5,010. Here, optimizing the cupcake price is a much better deal than optimizing the delivery fee! If we reduce the price per cupcake by $1, we get 1,000 cupcakes x $4 apiece + $20 delivery fee = $4,020.
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Bringing this back to games, it should make sense now. Ubisoft spent a lot of engineering time optimizing the cost of each NPC (cupcake) down as much as possible because they knew that they would have a huge number of them in their game world. Yandere Simulator did not spend as much time optimizing their NPCs, so their NPCs are more costly than the WatchDogs NPCs.
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