#i cant believe i had to relieve this
wishing-well-art · 6 months
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The parallels are driving me crazy
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ghostbsuter · 7 months
"Oh, fuck no." The door is slammed, unfortunately for him, the guy stuck his foot in the jamb and pushed it open again.
"C'mon luv!" Constantine smiles charmingly, not waiting for Danny and entering the apartment.
At least Batman, Nightwing and Spoiler had the patience to wait for him to invite them in. Sagging against the door, he beckoned them inside.
Despite the caution, Spoiler gleefully stepped in, looking around like a child in an amusement park— which might not be too far off.
His apartment is, with all its wards and enchantments, very magical inside than it is outside.
The planetary system of another world, used as light for the living room and for practice.
(Nightwing is careful with what he touches. He still remembers the hours they spent in Mumbo Jumbo's hat.)
Batman on the other hand is following Constantine and Danny to what he assumes to be the office, if the amount of magical stuff carelessly laying around means anything.
"Alright fucker, what are you doing here? And how did you even know I live in gotham?"
John had the audacity to look abashed, scratching the back of his head with a nervous chuckle.
"Something came up and you know Gotham doesn't like me. She is much more used to you and I wanted to introduce bats to you, in case of emergency."
The young adolence stares owlishly.
(How did Constantine expect him to act at the fact that he's trusting a magical situation into the hands of a stranger?
Batman isn't sure how good the boy even is!)
"That's incredible thoughtful of you Connie." Danny hums. "What did you lose for your sorry ass to come here?"
Spoiler snorts, petting a red salamander. "He didn't lose anything." She reassures with a wave, giving an exaggerated smile and raising her brows to show that she's finding it very amusing.
Constantine sputters.
"Ancient knows how Zatanna and Raven deal with him."
Nighteing perks up from the side where he'd looked over the books, some pixie fairies(?) fawning over him? "Raven? You know her?"
Danny suppresses another sigh.
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hauntingblue · 8 months
Things I saw today on tv:
The news posting that video of hamas taking care of israeli kidnapped children as one of them gives water to a kid and tells him to say bismillah, which they say is an anti semite slur (without showing the actual audio)
A particularly vile ex minister of exteriors saying he doesn't excuse Israel's violence as he solely blames hamas while recounting the many conflicts between palestine and Israel after the 1948 pact for a two state country was rejected by palestine (wonder why)
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
hi i cant tell u how excited i am everytime i get your notifications 😭😭 also i know if i send a rec you'll do an amazing job so i'm requesting one rn i hope u like it!
barista y/n and ethan landry who are coworkers after class, they're always teasing eachother and there is some (light) flirting
y/n hasn't realized yet how attractive he is, until he passes behind her grabbing her waist to get on the other side of the counter to get an order.
it's not rlly a plot but GOD i'm imagining ethan in his tight little polo shirt and the apron around his waist, his front curls w a little bit of sweat onto them while he makes coffee..... i'm so weak 😭
thank you so much😭🥺 i was so excited to write this! love the concept so so much. hope you like it 🫶🏻
glitch — ethan landry
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word count: 1,747
pairing: barista!ethan landry x barista!fem!reader
summary: ethan has a crush on his co-worker, and she doesn’t reciprocate that crush until one touch changes everything.
warnings: a bit suggestive, but no smut
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TRUTH WAS, ETHAN HAD BEEN SIMPING HARD FOR Y/N SINCE HIS VERY FIRST DAY OF WORK. How could he not when she had that graceful smile on her face that made every customer weak in the knees? Ethan clearly wasn’t not the exception, he could work-ship the ground she walked on. But the attraction was very much one-sided.
It wasn’t that he was invisible to her, but she just didn’t see him the way he wanted to. They did flirt a bit, but while he did it with the intention of making her notice him in a romantic way, she only did it for fun, there weren’t any second intentions involved. Besides, Ethan had to watch every day the way boys would hit on her and asked for her number and how she wrote it in the palm of their hands. It broke his heart knowing she would never see him in another light.
“How many times did you have to write your number in someone’s hands today?” Ethan asked faking a laugh as they closed the cafe.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully “Today was a chill one, so not much.”
“Have you ever gone on a date with any those guys?” he asked curiously. She never talked about going on dates, or never mentioned she was seeing or texting someone.
Y/N looked at him with surprise eyes. “Eth, please tell me you don’t believe I actually hand in my number that easily.”
“Wait what?”
The girl laughed, and punch him in the arm lightly. “You do think that! God, Ethan. I give them fake numbers. I don’t want random people texting me.”
“Can’t you just say no?” Ethan asked confused.
“I don’t want them to feel bad.” she shrugged.
“So you give them fake numbers and make some strangers let them know the pretty barista gave them a fake number?” Ethan asked incredulously.
Y/N grimaced “Okay, that sounds bad too, but I least I don’t have to see their rejected faces and they don’t get turned down in public.”
Ethan laughed, and the pressure on his chest evaporated. Was it crazy that he felt relieved by this new information? A bit. “So that means that I shouldn’t bother to ask for your number?” he acted disappointed.
Y/N chuckled. “Econ geniuses are my weakness, so I would never give you a fake number.”
Ethan blushed and shoved her “Shut up! I’m not an Econ genius.”
“Anyone who passes that dreadful class is a genius in my eyes” she said, shoving him back. “Let me give you my number, but don’t ghost me, okay?”
“I would never.”
“Good, cause you’d break my heart.” she joked, writing down her real number on his palm. Her hand felt so good on his, Ethan wished she would never let go. “There you go. Text me, we should hang out outside of work.”
“Really?” Ethan’s eyes shone and his heart started doing cartwheels.
“Of course, Eth. I actually like being around you” she smiled softly. Ethan would definitely mark that day as the best day of his life. “I can set you up with someone and we can go on a double date!” his face fell. So much for hoping. “Or, we can do something just the two of us. Now that I think about it, we don’t actually know much about the other. What a fake friendship we have.”
Friendship. That’s all he was ever going to have with her, and he needed to come in terms with it. Y/N was amazing, and he should be lucky to have her around, even if it was just as a friend.
Although, on a wednesday morning, the turning point happened. The university’s cafe was completely packed, and so they had to work ten times faster than usual. Stress filled the air of the small shop.
“Ugh, stupid machine! You had to choose this day to work like shit?” Y/N groaned, hitting the coffee machine. The coffee poured down slowly, and knowing it was going to take ages for the cup to be filled, she took one step backwards in frustration.
Ethan, who was trying to get to the other side to deliver a drink, bumped into her. Being in a rush, he almost made her lose her balance when they collided, but he grabbed her by the waist just in time to steady her. “Sorry! Are you okay?”
Y/N wanted to say yes, but she was not okay. Not because he had hurt her, but because the feeling of his big hand on her waist left her speechless. It produced a glitch on her body, a malfunction that caused her brain to not be able to utter a single syllable. She only managed to nod before setting her eyes on the coffee machine as if it were the most interesting thing on the planet.
For the rest of the stressful shift, Y/N found herself sneaking glances towards the tall boy every time she could. She couldn’t help it, her eyes diverted on their own and every time Ethan would pass by her, her whole body tensed and yearned for one more touch.
Ethan’s electric touch had been like a bug that altered her whole system. How in the world did she not notice him like that before? The way his cute polo shirt hung to him like a second skin—giving him the look of a hot nerd that Y/N was now a complete sucker for—, the way he adorably frowned in concentration as he prepared a drink, or the way his beautiful curls sticked to his forehead because of the sweat—honestly, she had no idea sweaty men could be that attractive. That’s what Ethan Landry was. He was so fucking attractive, and now that Y/N saw it, it took her lots of self-control not to push him against the counter and kiss the hell out of him.
“Tough shift, right?” Ethan said as they cleaned the now empty cafe.
Her gaze dropped down to his arms, his biceps flexed as he cleaned the counter. He was so hot. “Yeah.”
“What’s wrong with you today? You seemed off the entire day.” he asked confused.
“Nothing, I’m just really tired.” she said casually, forcing herself to look away from him.
“God, yes. My body is about to collapse.” he groaned as he stretched his arms. The action cause his shirt to ride up, showing a bit of his lower stomach.
Y/N’s grip on the cloth tightened as she felt the heat growing between her legs. I get it, I’m an idiot for not noticing how hot he is! Stop torturing me, she said to her hormones. “Same.”
Ethan laughed. “Seriously, what’s going on? Do you feel sick? You’re flushed, your face is really red. Do you have a fever? I can finish cleaning, you can go home, or wait for me and I’ll drive you.”
And he was so fucking sweet too. She wanted to rip her heart out and give it to him. “No, I’m okay.”
But Ethan didn’t believe her, so he walked towards her and cup her cheeks, making her breath hitch. “You’re not. What are you not telling me?”
Y/N sighed, he was not going to let go. “Trust me, you don’t wanna know.”
“I wanted to know, now I need to know. Tell me.”
“I’m horny, okay?” she blurted out in an exasperated tone. “And it’s your fault!”
“W-what?” he took one step back, eyes widened.
“Yes, you put your hand on me today and I can’t just stop thinking about your long fingers on the curve of my waist. And you won’t believe half the things I’ve seen inside my head since. You have been driving me crazy the whole day”
Ethan’s mouth was dry. At first, he thought she was messing with him, but her shiny glossy doe eyes were telling him a different story. She wanted him. “Try me. No, actually, show me.”
And it was then when the cafe’s temperature raised, when lust filled the air and their bodies turned warm with need. Five seconds later, Y/N fastened herself to him with a stitch—she grabbed Ethan by the collar of his polo, and tugged him down to met her lips in one ferocious kiss. She walked him backwards until his lower back hit the edge of the counter. He moaned both in pain and excitement.
The girl sneaked her hand down his shirt and felt his toned abs, groaning in delight against his lips. “So fucking hot. I need you.”
Ethan grabbed her by the forearms to change positions and then turned Y/N around so that her back was against his front and her stomach pressed against the marble counter.
He bit her earlobe and then started dragging his wet lips down the skin of her neck, sucking on her sweet spot. His veiny rough hands slipped inside her shirt, exploring the skin of her stomach and then they settled on her waist, giving them a squeeze. “You liked this, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” she replied breathlessly, resting the back of her head on his chest.
“Isn’t this better though?” he asked huskily on her ear as he trailed his fingers upwards, cupping her breasts. “No bra? Lucky me.”
“Eth…” she moaned, clenching her thighs, desperate have him inside her.
Noticing that, Ethan used his right leg to spread her thighs apart. “Bend over the counter, love.” he commanded, raising her skirt up to her hips and unbuckling his belt. “Be a good girl and moan my name.”
When they left the cafe, they were both still flushed by the dirty and hot encounter they had. Ethan still couldn’t comprehend how the day ended—he had walked inside the cafe that morning, the idea of fucking Y/N didn’t even cross his mind because he knew he had no chance. And now he was leaving with his hand intertwined in hers.
Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t even want to think about her life before that shift, when she wasn’t at Ethan’s mercy, when she didn’t know he kissed slowly and with passion, that he was a very dirty talker, that his touch felt like heaven, that he loved being praised as much as he loved praising, that he made the hottest sounds and that even though he had been attractively rough during sex, he was a fucking sweetheart after it, making sure she wasn’t in pain and had a good time. Now, Y/N was all about Ethan Landry.
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anyonewannasteponme · 6 months
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Summary: Your marriage with Aemond had been one of honour, not of love, yet when subjected to your husbands cruelty upfront you cant help but ache for a way to take your revenge.
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Alcohol Usage while Pregnant, Incest
Authors Note: I feel like Aemond is lowkey out of character and I kind of hate this but oh well.
You sat awestruck, in shock at the vile accusations your own husband had just made not only against your brothers but yourself as well. You held back tears as you all but waddled over to where your step father held back Jace. "I'm sorry." You whsipered to Daemon. Your step father just gave you a pitying look as you caressed your heavily pregnant belly. Your emotions were already running rampant, you couldn’t believe Aemond had been so bold as to dishonour you in front of his own family. You didn’t just feel humiliated you were furious.
Aemond caught your eye from across the room, where he stood with his brother and sister. You could barely hold his glance, simply turning away and storming out of the dining hall tears brimming in your eyes. Please. You thought selfishly. Please come after me. Because even after the insult he had dealt you and your family tonight, you still wished for your uncles comfort. Craved it. Of course as was expected of Aemond, he did not.
When you were younger you had imagined it to be customary for husbands and wives to sleep in the same bed, now you knew that was not the case. Aside from a few moments of passion, of which Aemond never spent the night you and he had kept entirely seperate chambers throughout your marriage. That usually made you saddened, wishing and wondering what your marriage could have been like if you had simply not been born a bastard. Because of course that’s why Aemond had disrespected you. He saw you as less than, nothing more than a duty he owed to the realm as the second born son.
Tonight, you must admit you felt relieved that you didn’t share chambers with Aemond, knew you wouldn’t be able to control your rage if met with him directly.
A knock sounded at your door, startling you slightly, you prayed to the old gods and the new that it wasn't Aemond. You arose overcome with a sense of trepidation as if you were moving in slow motion, if it was Aemond what would you do? What would he do? You opened the door.
"Aegon?" You whispered, slightly taken aback. He simply grinned raising his left arm, in his hand a bottle of wine, he shook the bottle slightly as if hoping to get it through your thick skull that he wasn't here to chastise, he was simply here to... drink? "It’s Arbor Gold" He said. "Your favourite... now can I come in or are you going to keep me confined to the doorway." You cleared your throat stepping aside and allowing your uncle to enter your bedroom.
"Aegon if Aemond-" Aegon interrupted you by putting his finger to your lips and letting out a condescending assortment of hushes. "Aemond never did like to share, fear not niece I haven't come here tonight to take advantage of your delicate state, I simply come to offer a sense of comfort. From one person that has been sincerely fucked by this family to another. "
You didn't understand, Aegon had taken as much pleasure in your public humiliation as Aemond and yet you didn't open your mouth to argue knowing Aegon's temper you would take this act of goodwill with little complaints unless you wanted to risk waking the dragon. "I appreciate that." You responded. "But you know I can't drink this right? The Maester insisted."
"The Maester is a cunt." Aegon replied simply, pouring himself a glass that resided on the small table you oft took your breakfast at when you weren't expeted to be publicly feasting with your family. "Truly Aegon, if Aemond finds out-"
"What are you so afraid of." Aegon laughed, turning towards you, two glasses in hand. "My brother may have trained with the sword but I doubt he would turn his hand to his own lady wife."
Truly you didn't have a clue what Aemond would do and that was what frightened you. Yet you must admit a wave of excitement went through you at the thought. Your husband, who rarely showed you any emotions at all, losing his composure, the idea was intoxicating. You took the glass from Aegon, sitting yourself down beside him on the carpet at the foot of your bead. "I do have seats you know."
"Fuck seats."
You frowned. "You curse an awful lot for a prince of the realm." Aegon smiled at that. "And your awfully prudent, which is certainly not befitting of a bastard born daughter." His words hit where they were supposed to and you shut your mouth taking a gulp from your glass of wine. There was a fluttering in your womb at that, you thought nothing of it, treating it as a mere coincidence that came with how far along you were in your pregnancy. Yet you still placed a hand on your lower belly giving a comforting caress to the babe in your womb. "Does it ail you?" Aegon asked, staring down at your stomach in what may have been awe. "No." You responded. "Didn't you have Helaena to ask these questions to during her pregnancy?"
"I was hardly around during Helaena's pregnancy and I was most certainly not at the birthing." Those words saddened you. Your Aunt had been one of the only people in this court who had shown you kindness since your betrothal to Aemond and your Mother and Brothers taking their leave to return to Dragonstone. The thought of her laboring alone hurt your heart. Maybe that's because it could very likely be yourself in a few months, Aemond would most certainly provide you no comfort.
The night escalated from there, you had hardly meant to drink as much as you did but Aegon kept pouring you glass after glass until you were both shattered, giggling messes simply lying on the floor and complaining about how your lives had ended up the way they did.
"I always wanted to go to the north, marry a Stark." You whispered. "I hear they value honor above all else."
Aegon frowned. "Do you not think my brother honorable?"
"No!" You replied, flustered. "That's not what I meant." Yet you couldn't form a coherent thought or come up with a way to defend yourself courtesy of the alcohol. Aegon simply laid his head against your shoulder beginning to doze.
You found yourself relaxing too. Until your door swung open and a visibly irritated Alicent burst in. "Aegon." She growled. "Wake up you fool." She stood above her eldest son looking exceptionally regal despite her grievances. But Alicent wasn't who you were focusing on. No it was your husband, a stony, cool look washed over his face as his took in the compromising position you were in with his brother. Alicent had managed to prop Aegon up and began leading him out of the room, not before shooting you a look filled with malice. Aemond closed your bedroom door and locked it. That act alone sent shivers down your spine and a strange feeling began to well in your lower belly, accompanied by a neediness you had never felt before.
Aemond cleared his throat, clearly aiming to appear composed, yet you saw through his illusion; through his clenched jaw and blazing eyes, it was clear he was furious. He opened his mouth appearing unsure how to start a conversation with you. "Did he touch you." He began, getting straight to the point. "No of course not." You responded immediately. "I know you think me a baseborn idiot, incapable of remaining any semblance of loyalty but I assure you, I know where my loyalties lie."
"I never claimed you to be an idiot." He responded through gritted teeth.
"Yet you treated me as such when you toasted my brothers, blatantly questioning their legitimacy." You swallowed, feeling a sudden surge of confidence. "Jace is to be your future king and Baela his queen, you ought to treat them with the respect they deserve."
Aemond tipped back his head and laughed heartily "The day your brother ascends the throne will be the beginning of the downfall of this kingdom."
You froze in pure disbelief that he would say something so bold. "What you speak is treason."
His eye glinted with amusement. "Are you going to tell on me to your mother?" He chuckled cruelly. "You are no true Velaryon, that is for certain."
"Perhaps not." You whispered, approaching Aemond slowly. "But I am as much a Targaryen as you are and you'd do best to not forget it."
He went silent. Something passed between the two of you, maybe it was the alcohol acting but you found yourself staring at his lips as his tongue darted out to wet them. Wondering what they would feel like on your own.
You leaned forward and pressed your lips against him, he stiffened immediately at the contact arm coming up to grip your own, as if he was unsure whether he should pull you away or not.
“I will not take you.” He said at last pulling away, lips swollen. “Not if my brother has had you.”
You hated how chivalrous he always had to be. “He hasn’t.” You whispered. Please. You wanted to say, yet you caught yourself when you realised the picture you were painting of yourself. Bedding a man who had attacked and debased your family regardless of if he was your husband or not would come across as needy. You didn’t care. “I want it.” You whispered. His eyes widened and then something changed, his gaze became hungry, his eyes roving over your body, drinking it in. You were still in your dinner dress, now crumpled and stained from your drinking with Aegon. Your pregnant belly strained against the material.
“Lay on the bed.” Aemond ordered.
You obeyed.
“Spread your legs.” Aemond approached the foot of the bed where you sat. When you spread your legs, with slight difficulty due to your belly, he snaked his hand between them, pulling down your undergarments before assisting you in taking your dress off.
Aemond pulled a chair up to the foot of the bed and sat down, his legs spread. You found your eyes drawn to his straining cock immediately. You felt a thrill, having not taken him in months. “Touch yourself.” He stated.
Your eyes widened. “Pardon?”
He smiled cruelly as if you were nothing more than a joke to him. “You want it?” You nodded. “Then show me.”
You had only allowed yourself the reprieve of masturbation on your loneliest nights when you wished for anyone to keep you company in your large, cold bed. You gulped, snaking a hand down between your legs and finding your clit. You began to rub circles around the bud, letting out a light gasp at the jolts of pleasure coursing through your body simply by having someone watch you.
“You’re filthy.” He said simply, smiling and palming between his legs as you began to buck into your touch. “Close already?” You nodded desperately. “Hands off.” He said. “When you cum I want it to be from me.”
You continued, his words barely registering. In seconds Aemond was on you, ripping your hand from between you legs and pinning you to the bed. “Stupid girl.” He snarled. “Dumb already and you haven’t even had a cock in you.” You whimpered.
“Please put it in me.” You whispered prompting a growl from Aemond. He spread your legs even wider before undoing his zipper and freeing his length. “I shouldn’t be giving you what you want.” He growled. “Not after the stunt you pulled tonight.”
He aligned himself with your entrance before pushing in ever so slowly. You let out a cry of pleasure. “Fuck.” Aemond whispered, so feint you could have missed it, his eyes fixed on where the both of were joined. “Feel good?.” He asked.
All you could do was squeeze your eyes shut and nod as his thrusts became deeper, more frequent.
“This is all you needed huh?” He asked with a laugh. “A cock to fill you up and you’re satisfied.” His words weren’t computing, your eyes rolled back into your head. “Fuck I’m close.” He growled, thrusts picking up. “Where do you want it?”
“In me.” You said before tipping your head back and moaning as you played with your clit, walls fluttering around him as your orgasm finally overtook you. You must have been squeezing him like a vice because Aemond came shortly after you, collapsing beside you as he breathed deeply.
You lay like that for a few minutes, before Aemond placed a hand on your belly giving it a light rub before standing up. You grabbed at his wrist. “Stay.” You asked, eyes pleading. How you had gone from being furious with him to asking him to spend the night you had no idea.
Yet it was Aemond. He left anyways.
Perhaps that was for the better. Aemond was blood of the dragon, as were you and yet some days he made you feel like a sheep in comparison to himself. So you went to sleep. The only evidence he had been in your room dribbling out between your thighs.
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pupkashi · 1 year
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the worst part of dating gojo? how often he gets hit on
a/n: hi hi friends !! thank you for the request and sorry for taking so long </3 i hope you enjoy !!
wordcount: 1,293
warnings: general feelings of insecurity and jealous
youre trying your best to keep the tight smile on your face, your hands are bunching up the hem of your t shirt to stop your nails from digging into your palm.
“you’re just too funny satoru!” the girl giggles, her hand almost hitting his bicep, he’s chuckling dryly, but you’re seeing red and don’t notice how he looks at you for help.
“your arms are so toned! i can’t imagine how strong you are” your jaw is clenched, you don’t bother excusing yourself as you leave and head for the restroom.
locking the door you’re fighting back tears, the lump in your throat burning with the insecurities clawing their way up. you aren’t even sure who she is, all you knew was one of your friends invited her and they ditched the bar twenty minutes ago.
all that was running through your mind was how much better she was than you, each of your insecurities picking at your brain. the vibration of the phone in your pocket brings you back to reality.
the brightness of the letters satoru ♡ cause you to wipe your tears away, reading the message and typing back a quick reply.
where’d u go?
had to pee, almost done
when you reach the table again, satoru looks almost relieved that you’ve arrived, opening his arms and practically pulling you into his lap.
“you guys are just sooooo cute together! i cant believe y/n managed to find someone so out of their league!” the backhanded compliment has you clenching your fists again, shoving yourself off your boyfriend and settling into the booth with a tight smile on your face.
gojo looks at you before looking at the girl again, he’s giving her a right lipped smile before he’s ushering you to stand up.
“i cant say i had a good time, what was it again? Camille?” she looks hurt as she repeats her name, satoru only waves her off, “yeah yeah whatever, we are gonna head out because you’re terrible company! hope to never see you around” he’s giving her a dazzling smile as his arm loops around your shoulder, practically pushing you away from them.
when you reach the car satoru is staring at you, waiting for you to say something, anything. he’s watching how you fix your hair nervously, the way you’re avoiding eye contact and how you’ve gona radio silent, bouncing your leg and picking at your nails.
“sweets please say something” there’s a slight pleading tone to his voice and you almost cave in.
“I’m fine satoru, can we please just go home” you mumble, your knees facing the window and your voice soft. you can practically hear his frown as he drives home, his music playing softly as the night replays in your mind.
jealousy courses through your blood as you remember how she touched your lover, how she touched his arms and chest falling him ‘so strong’ when you were right there. your jaws clenched, and your knuckles are white.
a sigh leaves your lips when you recall how nicely her dress fit her, how great her hair looked and what a perfect body she had. she looked like someone gojo would actually want, why would he want someone like you?
“we’re home sweetheart” his voice is soft, as he opens his door, rushing to the passenger side to open your door. you only mumble a thank you before walking past him and unlocking the front door.
Gojo’s hot on your heels, calling your name before he finally gets frustrated with you ignoring him. there’s a firm grip on your wrist and he’s pulling you to his chest, his free hand going under your chin and forcing him to look in his eyes.
“talk to me, please”
“there’s nothing to talk about!” you reply curtly, heading for the bedroom and changing out of your clothes, washing your face and brushing your teeth quickly before gojo can join you.
“did you have a good time? you were real quiet, missed your voice” he mumbles as he slips under the covers. you don’t reply, afraid if you do your voice would crack, both out of anger and the tears you’re fighting back.
“your friend was” a pause, “nice.” you roll your eyes at his words, scoffing before throwing the blankets off you and moving to get your phone and head to the living room.
“y/n!” you turn around quickly to face him, your eyes teary and your hands shaking a bit from anger.
“what? you wanna get her number? talking to her again so she can try and feel you up again?” he tries to walk closer to you but you only back up. “no! go ahead, im sure you’d prefer her much more than me” you growl, “I’m sleeping on the couch.”
satoru only stands there shocked, never had he heard you so angry and sad about something, your voice had never been that cold towards him. then it clicks in his head.
you were jealous.
it didn’t take long for him follow you into the living room, he didn’t care that you were already starting to make yourself comfortable on the couch.
“i don’t give a fuck about her sweetheart, i don’t even know her name and i hope i never see her again” he sighs, picking you up from the couch and carrying you bridal style to the bedroom.
“put me down!” you shriek, punching his chest in hopes he’d let you down, but his grip only tightened. he only put you down when he throws you in the bed, pinning your hands above your head with ease and hovering over your body.
“i only want you, i have only ever wanted you and no one is gonna change my mind, my love” his words are sincere and you feel guilt creeping up on you.
“I’m-” you’re cut off by his lips on yours. it was the kind of kiss that leaves you light headed from how much love is behind it, the kind that wraps you in a warm blanket of love and makes you feel safe.
“you have nothing to be jealous about i swear to you” he mumbles, “there’s no one more perfect for me than you” another kiss to your cheek. “she’s not even near as pretty as you so don’t even try using that line on me” he says, smirking before he loosens his grip on your wrists, letting you sit up.
when you do r bother getting up satoru lays next to you, his arm draping over your waist, his hand snaking it’s way under your shirt and settling snugly at the dip of your waist.
“sorry for being so-” you pause as you search for the word, satoru wastes no time to finish your sentence for you, “green?” he smiles, kissing your jawline and you pout.
“yeah,” you sigh, turning to look at him. your heart clenches as you see the loving look in his face, like you’re the only person in the world.
“‘s okay, kinda nice to know you’re still getting jealous” your brows furrowed at his words, “makes me know you’re still in love with me” he winks and you roll your eyes.
“all it does is inflate you’re already huge ego” you retort and he smiles, peppering kisses on your face as you giggle.
you’re both quiet for a second, wrapped in each others arms. it’s with you when satoru’s the calmest, his breathing even as you run your fingers through his snowy hair.
it’s you he lets in, let’s you cuddle and kiss him to your hearts content. it’s with you that his guard is down, that his infinity is off.
it’s only with you, because he only loves you.
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poetrylesbian · 1 month
NEED TO RANT BC I AM HAPPY FOR MY MUM. cant believe my mum (studied ancient history in high school, has a degree in literature and ancient history, has been teaching ancient history for nearly 40 years) finally got to visit greece and italy. with a loving partner, after being divorced twice. after one of those husbands emotionally and financially abused her. and the first one cheated on her. and her loving partner took her to the acropolis in athens. and in front of the caryatids (which she always wanted to see, she has a poster of them above her desk at work) he proposed to her. and the ring he chose wasn't even ugly. and she went to delphi and crete and now she's been in italy for the week. she went to pompeii. she's probably taught HUNDREDS of students about these places. she can recite shit about them off the top of her head. she knows more about ancient history than anybody I have ever met. she made a 200-slide powerpoint and a booklet for her partner so he could be prepared for the trip. and, because he's perfect for her, he fucking read all of it. and now she's gonna get married to this man who I actually love a lot because from the beginning he has treated her family like his family. he's basically already my stepdad. and even though im pissed a little because she always promised me that we'd go to greece and italy together, im happier because nobody deserves this more than her. and i just think its amazing that at 57 these amazing things are finally happening for her. and our relationship hasn't always been perfect but i do think she deserves this happiness. im so emotional about it. and im really excited for her partner to become official family. and im so grateful that he helped make this trip happen for her. her last husband hated that she had kids and avoided her family and fucked with her and me a lot... he lied to her about money... he treated us badly. her more than i will ever know. he destroyed her self esteem. and now she has this man who is so generous with not only the money he has but his time, his love, etc. he cares so much about her family. and he proposed at a place she's been dreaming about visiting her whole life. how great is that! im just so relieved. her trip is almost over but im so happy she went on it. okay rant over.
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cxrsed-angel · 1 year
Similar Worries
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Word count: 3k
Warnings: angst, age gap (reader in her 20s, joel in his 50s).
A/N: I wrote this immediately after ep 6. There are spoilers for the episode. gif credits: @joel-miller
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You had been walking in the woods for few hours after you left the couple’s cabin. You were in the back talking to Ellie, telling her how she cant go around tell people they’re like a thousand, especially when they didn't kill you and had given you soup.
When you see Joel stop walking, you walk up closer and see him breathing heavier. You put your hand on his shoulder, watching in fear as he grabbed his chest; you didn't know what to do if he had a heart attack in the middle of the fucking woods in the snow. 
“Joel, what's wrong, are you okay.” you watch in a panic as he nods his head, but he's still breathing heavily. You look around, trying to find somewhere for him to sit but there’s nothing. You try to calm yourself because the last thing you need is to freak out, making Ellie even more scared. You turned to look at Ellie but she was frozen in fear staring as Joel continue struggling to breathe behind you. Your attention is back on him when you heard his voice. 
“Im fine, just the cold air.” he said slowly, still trying to catch his breath; Ellie nods and walks closer.  But you stay silent, frozen in fear trying to rake your brain for any information on heart attacks but you come up blank. You realized didn't know what you would do if he had a heart attack; you're more mad at yourself at the fact that this situation hadn’t even crossed your mind. 
“Good because I don't know what we would do if you had a fucking heart attack right there.” You hear Joel let out a small laugh at Ellie’s joke as she lightly slapping his back as the two of them continued to walk ahead. But you didn't believe him. Ellie was right; what do you do if he has fucking heart attack in the middle of the goddamn forest in the snow. You knew it was something more than the cold air but decided not to press on it. But you kept an eye on him the rest of the way. 
The whole time you were walking, you were quiet. You tried not to show it but, it really scared you, it made you realize how old Joel was compared to; you always knew of course. When he complained about his knees when going upstairs, he talked about his back pain from sleeping on the ground countless nights. But it was always light-hearted, not life or death. You knew he had bad hearing from shooting, but this scared the shit out of you. 
When you were surrounded by the group, you saw Joel was different again, he was off, but you didn't have time to focus on it. You were just relieved they didn't shoot anyone. As you rode on the back of Joel’s horse, all that replayed in your head was how Joel seemed off. Something in his eyes that you couldn't quite figure out. You think back and remember he seemed off ever since you guys had left Kanas; you just never noticed until now, and with the troubled breathing, you were starting to get concerned. 
After Maria and Tommy gave you guys food and told you what house you would be in you immediately needed to show, you also thought it was best to let Joel talk to his brother alone. You went into what you assumed was the main bedroom to shower. After the shower and changing into some clothes, you sit on the bed, and you could hear Maria come and talk to Ellie, you knew you should see what they were talking about, but you figured Maria wouldn't do anything. As you sit on the bed, you couldn't stop seeing Joel struggling to breathe, and how helpless you were, you didn't know what to do, you couldn't save him you just watched. You had gotten lucky today, but one day you're not gonna be lucky; what if you can't save him, just freeze there like you did today? Tears fall down your face as you realize how little you could do.
You hear boots come in the room and assume it was Joel; you look up and see him looking at you. You could tell had been crying, you expect him to sit down next to you, but he stays standing, staring at you. “Have you been crying,” you asked quietly, looking at him, You could see in his eyes something wasn't right, and you wondered if it was something had happened. You waited for him to say something, but he remained silent, staring at you. You try not to sniffle but couldn't help it. 
“Have you been crying.” he repeats as he steps closer to the bed, but you weren't gonna let him change the topic off of him. 
“You first.” you said through snuffles. 
“It was just emotionally seeing Tommy, that's all.” you stare back at him, you knew it wasn't that, and you were a little offended that he thought that would work on you. You knew him better than that. But two could play that game. 
You took your shoes off and climb up into bed and lie down. Joel watches you, confused with frown eyebrows. You let out a fake cry, “it's my period, my emotions and hormones and everything.” You tell him with exaggerated sadness laced in your voice. You knew you were being childish, but you didn't care; you weren't gonna let him get away with that shitty lie. 
He rolls his eyes at your sarcasm as he gives you a deadpan stare. “Really?” was all he said, which made you even more upset. You sit up on the bed and stand up, glaring at him as he remained on the bed. You had been worried all day about him, and he wanted to be closed off to you; you weren't gonna take it. 
“No Joel don't “really” me you know  it's bullshit either tell me or dont tell me, but dont lie to me, god forbid I ask you what's wrong.” you couldn't stand him right now you turn to leave the room, but he voice stopped you making you turn around. 
“We’re staying here,” he mumbled quietly as he stares at the ground, adverting your eyes. You frown at him, not understanding what he meant. You hated when he talked in half sentences leaving out details. Who was we, why are we staying here, and also, why had he been crying? 
“What” you asked sternly, pissed at him for not being clear and deflecting the topic yet again. You walk closer to him, narrowing your eyes at him, waiting for Joel to answer. Joel sighs before looking up into your eyes, “You and I are staying in Jackson, it's safe they have food and shelter it's better for you.” he explains, but his voice is still shaky you could tell he was leaving something out and considering the fact he didn't mention Ellie you knew there was more than what he was saying. Also, he didn't talk to you about it; if you wanted to stay or not, you weren't gonna let him dictate where you go and make important choices without. 
You nod, “okay, well me and Ellie will go to the fireflies to make a cure, you can stay here and live out your suburban fantasy okay.” you replay, full of sarcasm; you watch as Joel's face frowns in frustration. He shakes his head and puts his face in his hands for a few minutes before looking back at the ground. 
“You and I are staying, Tommy is taking Ellie, he’s made the trip before, and he can handle it.”. You were getting tired and annoyed with this whole conversation going in circles and getting nowhere. You didn't understand why he wanted to leave Ellie; why didn't he want to continue? You’ve already gotten this far. But you stopped and remembered earlier when he couldn't breathe, and it clicked. You saw it in his eyes when Sam attacked Ellie when the dog started sniffing Ellie. It wasn't a heart attack. It was a panic attack. He was scared. 
Your eyes softened when you realized and came and sit down next to him. You place your hand on his face, slowly turning it, so he's looking at you. “Joel it wasn't the cold air wasn't it,” you stare full of concern into his brown eyes. You knew you were right when you see a tear fall down his cheek. You grab his hand in yours, rubbing it slowly; you didn't say anything, just waiting until he was ready. 
It was quiet for a moment as he cried silently before speaking again. “I get these dreams it’s a different situation, but they all end the same you or Ellie, or hell sometimes the both of you, dead while I just stand there frozen not doing anything, just like I did with-” you watch, choke back a sob before continuing. “Im just failing, I failed Tess, and Sarah, and in my dreams, I fail you and Ellie that’s all I do is fail.” his voice breaks at the end of the sentence as he continues to cry. 
You feel your heart break at how much pain he has been in and how this had been hurting him for so long. You reach up to his face wiping the tears as they continue to fail. You stay silent, waiting for him to finish. You feel him lean into your hand as you gently caressed his face. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing. 
“I don't know what I’ll do if something happened to you or Ellie, I froze when that kid came up behind me, too damn old to hear them and too slow to do something. I couldn't hear when Henry and Sam snuck up on us. It's only a matter of time before I fuck up and put someone in danger, until I freeze at the wrong time again. Lately I've been so godman scared that my heart feels like it stopping and-” 
“and you can't breath and you get dizzy like you're gonna pass out.” you interrupt him, knowing how it feels. You see his eyes widen a little when you describe what happens. You’ve had panic attacks before you knew they were scary as shit. You remember the first time you felt one you thought you were dying. 
You wipe another tear that falls from his eyes. “They happen to me too sometimes, not as bad when I was on my own after my parents died. I used to get them almost every day then, I got one the first time I saw a clicker all,  I did was crouch down to the floor into ball and cried until it went away then I ran. You’re not failing Joel, you arent gonna fail, You didnt fail when you got us out of Kansas with all those infected and a whole town chasing after us.” you looked into his eyes, but you could tell he was still uncertain, they were still full of worry and disbelief 
“Joel its okay to be afraid I’m fucking terrified almost all the time, Im scared that one of us is gonna catch a cold in the middle of the winter and die, Im scared Im gonna sneeze at the wrong time a room full of clickers and get ripped apart, Im scared-” you paused as you felt your tears coming again, “Im scared Im not gonna be able to protect you, that something gonna happen and I won't be able to do anything to help you.” you smile faintly “I guess we have similar fears huh Texas” you tried to lighten the mood as you continue to cry. 
You see him start to smile too through the tears; his hand came up and wiped your tears. You feel his hand wrap around your waist, pulling you into a hug as your cries came out harder. You thought back on how you thought he was having a heart attack and how helpless you were. 
“You fucking scared me back there, thought you were having a heart attack or something.” you pull away looking into his eyes as yours were filled with tears. “I cant fucking save you from a heart attack Joel, you get shot I know what to do, you get stabbed I know what to but-” You feel yourself choke on your sobs, unable to speak for a second. “I always thought a bite was the worst I had to worry about, you cant come back from a bite, I cant do anything about that, I made peace with that, but what about heart attack, or heart failure, what the fuck do I do then?” You cry out as he pulled back into a hug, rubbing your back as you try to steady your breath. 
You close your eyes as you relax against his chest, and you stay there, in each other embrace, as your comfort each other through your similar worries. Joel pulls away first gazing into your teary eyes. He wants to comfort you, reassure you, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He wants to tell you that nothing gonna happen to him, but he can't. He understands where you're coming from, he's nearing his 60s while you're still in your 20s. He hates himself for allowing you to get this close; he knew you were younger, that you deserved someone better than an old man. But you convinced him, told him over and over that you only wanted him. 
“How about we cross that bridge when we get there okay honey.” he attempted to reassure you but you looked into his eyes, seeing the wrinkles around the outside of his eyes, across his forehead, and lining the rest of his face, the grey in his facial hair and you couldn't you, couldn't do that because you’ll be unprepared when you got to that bridge there’s no crossing it. 
You shake you head as you feel your eyes filling with tears again, “I cant Joel, I cant fucking wait because we wont cross it I will, just me and Ellie watching as you fall to the ground unable to do shit.” Your lips trembling thinking about him being in pain and dying while you stand there frozen with Ellie in horror helplessly. “I dont want to lose you Joel not like that.” you whispered before leaning back into his arms. 
Joel thought about it and knew you were right; he knew you were gonna worry yourself to death about his health, and there want much else he could do to change that at the moment. So he just continued holding you in his arms, racking his brain for a solution but there wasn't an easy fix. He thinks about your words earlier, and how you were so good and quick to guarantee that he hasn't failed and that he wasn't going to, he wanted to do the same for you. But he couldn't find the right then to say, so he let you sob into his shoulder until he hears you stop.
“My brother gonna be a dad.” you widen your eyes at the sentence he just blurted out; you pull away, wiping the tears and snot off your face; you stare into his eyes, confused, until you realized what's happening. “You dont know what to say do you.” you watched as he nodded his head, disappointed at himself for not being able to get his words out, but you didn't blame him; you knew he said more through actions. You remember the first time he tried to say you’re more than a friend to him and watched as he continuously rambled about how much you mean to him and getting so far off topic he started using construction terms as a metaphor for your relationship. You knew what he meant. But you let him continue fumbling over his words before saying you felt the same. Since then, you’ve got used to him showing how he cares about you through his action and not getting too mad at his lack of communication. 
“Do you wanna talk about that or were you just trying to lighten the mood.” You asked him. You knew talking about babies, and parenting was hard for him, but you were unsure if he was ready to talk about how that information was affecting him. You watched as he shook his head and knew he was trying to lighten the mood; at least that was his intention, not quite sure it worked. 
“Trying to lighten the mood but I think I did the opposite.” he replied with an unsure smile; you let out a small laugh at his awkwardness, finding it cute. You nod and leaned forward, kissing his cheek. Before laying in the bed, you watch as he took his shoes off and joined you, laying in front of you pressing his back against you chest. Your arms wrap around his waist as you relaxed against him. You knew that both you and him had a lot of things that you’ll probably never gonna heal from or not worry about. You knew there's always gonna be a wound and hole in him from his daughter, and you were always gonna worry about him and his health, But at least you had each other at this moment; that was all you focused on. 
“I love you Joel, I know its hard but well figure it out, well get through this together, you arent alone.” you spoke softly as your head lay on his shoulder. You feel his hand come on top of yours as it rested on his stomach, rubbing them. 
“I know baby, I-uh I love you too.” he whispers back; you smile against his shoulder as he verbally said it back for the first time. You didn't want to make too big a deal of it; you always knew he loved you. He showed it in multiple ways, but you will admit it sounded nice. you snuggled up, pulling him closer into your chest as you closed your eyes and let this awful day end.
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honeybeedrabble · 4 months
Dangerous Desires (ix) - Home Coming
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CW: spanking/brat taming, hair pulling, biting, licking, breast play, marking, unprotected piv (dont be stupid), rough sex, slight fingering, degradation, choking, cream-pie (DONT BE STUPID), probs some shit editing, LMK what i missed !!
word count: 10K 💀💀
18+ MDNI !!!!!
You stood in front of the hokage, heart beating out of your chest. You were nervous, that much was obvious. However you couldn’t wrap your head around why you were summoned. Lady Tsunade finished writing her last few words into her notes, stapling them together and setting them aside to address you.
“You must be wondering why I’ve sent for you,” she started, sitting up in her seat. Her face was somber.
“I can’t say you’re wrong.”
“What I’m about to tell you is something only a very select few know about.” Tsunade started, hands clasped together on the desk. “We’re about to go to war.”
You were shocked- was Kakashi really telling the truth?! Was he right all along?! Your emotions were everywhere and it was evident on your face.
“I know, I know it’s a lot to take in. I myself am not sure if I’ve taken it in yet.” She seemed stressed, you could see the worry behind her soft brown eyes.
“Lady Tsunade… who are we at war with?”
“My dear who aren’t we at war with?” She sadly laughed to herself. “Truth be told we’re fighting against a greater force than we know. I hate to say this but we’re looking at a fourth great ninja war.“ Your eyes widened, body filled with anxiety.
“A fourth great war? Are you serious?”
“I’m as serious as death. In fact, there’s going to be a five kage summit soon and I’ll need to attend to talk about said war.”
“So… The war isn’t with the other nations? I mean… if there’s going to be a summit with all five nations, doesn’t that mean neither is the threat?” You asked, still confused.
“Then who’s the threat?”
“I can’t discuss that with you.”
“Then why have I been summoned Lady Tsunade? If you can’t tell me who the enemy is tell me what I’m here for.” You were starting to get angry, worried for what you’d been told previously.
“You need to fight in this war.” Tsunade said plainly. “With medical jutsu like yours we would be idiots not to use you. I’m telling you now that we’re not asking you to enlist, but rather we are drafting.” Kakashi was right.
You couldn’t believe him, it was impossible to. How could this be happening? It wasn’t long since you’ve been here and already you’re being drafted in the war. It was exactly how Kakashi had told you, no denying it. This is your job, what you were sent to do, the only thing you know how to do, so damn right you’re going to use your blessing to help all you can.
“I’m well aware of my capabilities my lady, and in fact I find it a great honor to be drafted by you personally.”
“You’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would, I must thank you for that.” She sighed a relieved breath, hand clutching her chest.
“I have no other choice but to. This is what I signed up for when moving to Konoha. I decided the day I learned my first medical justu I would help the world become a better place. If you hadn’t drafted me I would’ve signed up myself. It’s my duty, this is my home.” Your words moved Tsunade, she smiled softly at you. Her face dropped suddenly.
“I’m glad you believe that, and I’m glad to have someone like you be so ready for whatever is to come, really I am. But because you’re going to be in the war I need to to preserve your chakra. Because of this, I forbid you from working at the hospital.” She looked away from you, knowing she didn’t want to see the determination wash away from your face in real time.
“Are you… are you firing me?”
“I’m afraid so. I cant have you waste any of your precious chakra on a few sick patients when we are going to have armies full of injured shinobi on the front lines. We have enough medical personnel at the hospital already, so with you being as high ranked as you are we must save you for the battlefield. You understand don’t you?”
“Lady Tsunade what more do I have other than my job? How long will it be until we are in war? I-I can’t be out of work that long.”
“I’m sorry but my hands are tied.” Her voice was almost as sad as yours, she worriedly watched as your eyes started to well with tears.
“Please my lady. Don’t do this to me.” She got up from her desk and walked over to you, hugging you tightly against her.
“It’s going to be alright, I promise. I just need you to rest up. We’ll be destroyed without you, please just trust me.” You hugged eachother until you could calm down, you wiped any tears that fell and stepped aside.
“Lady Tsunade I have a request to make.”
“What is it dear?”
“I want to go home. Back to my village and see my parents one last time before I go to war. I think it’s only reasonable to see them one last time, as me coming home alive and well is uncertain.” Tsunade stepped back and looked at you, a hand draped softly on your shoulder.
“I accept the request. How long will you be gone?”
“Probably under a week.”
“Then so be it. You’re dismissed.”
You walked out of the office and back home with an intense sadness inside of you. You gave up on Kakashi because you loved your job. Now your job has been stolen from you and it was all for nothing. Everything that had given you value- that had given you purpose- is now gone. You wondered if you should even return home or not.
You decided it would be a good idea if you told your friends Machi and Gale you’d be gone for the next few days, back at home until you decided you needed to come back. They understood and wished you well on your journey.
Kakashi was a mess, thinking about how poorly he treated you during your sexcapade, saying he hated you and fucking you so roughly he wasn’t sure if he had hurt you or not. Who care if he did? You hurt him worse. You hurt him in a way nobody else has. How could you treat him like he was somebody only to leave him like he was nothing? At least, that’s how he saw it.
Business at The Poison Sandwich was slow today, maybe the sadness was in the air. Kakashi ate his BLT, thoughts of you racing through his head. Even up until he heard your name uttered by the two girls you held dearly as friends.
“So she went back home.” Gale said to the cook behind the counter.
“I’ve been thinking about visiting a few of the sandwich shops in her village for a while now actually.” Percy smiled from behind the counter.
“Wait… she went back?” Kakashi interrupted, unsure if he heard right.
“Yeah, yesterday. Said she’s be back in a few days.” Machi said, looking over at Percy. “He said he was going to go the her village pretty soon to try out the food there.”
“Is this true Percy?” Kakashi asked his friend, who nodded as he discarded his white apron.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Can I come?” Kakashi asked, cursing himself. What was he thinking?
“Well as long as you don’t have any other plans for the rest of the day, I see no problem. I’m heading off now, so get ready.” Percy said, untying his apron and tossing it on a nearby countertop. “Ladies, you don’t mind closing shop for me, do you?”
And of course, as enamored with the man as they were, had zero issue and took care of business as he and Kakashi took off.
Kakashi was shocked to see the strange motorized bike that Percy had built, looking it up and down in shock and awe at the mechanism.
“What is this, if I may ask?”
“Well I’m not a shinobi like you so getting around to long distances isn’t easy for me. I built this myself as a way to make the trips easier.” Percy said, tossing Kakashi a black helmet. Kakashi caught it and reluctantly adorned it, his silver hair peeking out from underneath.
As Percy started the machine Kakashi sat in the back behind him, pondering why he had felt the need for such an impromptu visit to your hometown. He didn’t know why he felt this way, especially after the way you had treated him. Once again he felt alone, abandoned by your heartlessness and eager mindset to go fight off in a war that he felt would mame and kill you the second you had your back turned to the enemy.
“Kakashi… what’s been going on with you?” Percy asked, snapping Kakashi out of the trance he found himself in.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, puzzled at his friends sudden questioning.
“Listen... Gale, Machi, and I all know about your secret affair. And we don’t care- we support it honestly. But ever since you two have had a falling out… we’ve noticed a change.” Percy’s voice was somber as he drove throughout the thick forest, focused on the destination while his heart was stuck in the conversation. Kakashi was silent a moment, his mind was racing. Was it safe to tell his friend the truth? To let the secrets of his beloved lay out in front of someone who was only watching from the outside?
“I’m not sure I understand,” he replied monotoned. His outside demeanor was cool, but anyone who really knew what was going on inside his mind could tell the intricacies of his tone, picking up the way his voice would lilt anxiously as he declared this inquiry.
“Well I’m sure you do, so don’t play dumb with me Hatake,” Percy snapped, he wasn’t playing games- Kakashi was sure of this now.
“Well what do you want me to tell you? Sometimes people don’t work out the way they meant to, we don’t have control over these things. All you need to know is that me and her are… we’re complicated.”
“Bullshit.” Kakashi was taken aback.
“What are you talking about?” The wind was blowing through his hair, headband threatening to blow off his eye. He held it tight, looking at his thighs for avoidance.
“I’m talking about your seriously psychotic desire for control. You’ve wanted her from the moment you met her, haven’t you?” Percy asked, revving the engine of his bike.
“More than anything…” Kakashi admitted, vision still remained on his thighs.
“And ever since then, what have you done?”
Kakashi thought about it for a moment. What had he done? He had fucked you on his desk, broken into your home and stolen your underwear, touched you while you slept, fucked you at work, fucked you on missions- gods... the list could only go on.
“I’ve done all I could.” He clutched his fists, hating how horribly his stomach churned. “And yet it still wasn’t enough.”
��What do you mean?”
“I mean that my love for her has consumed me, my body, brain, and soul. She’s all I think about- ever. She’s everything, and everywhere. No matter what time of day or night, I can feel her down to the very air I breathe. I’ve tried for what has felt like forever to have her all to myself.”
“Why all to yourself?”
“Because the thought of her with anyone else makes me violent,” Kakashi said, regretting his words the very moment they spilled past his lips.
Percy remained quiet, Kakashi wasn’t sure if it was so he could talk more or not. He stayed silent for a while too. He wondered wether Percy was judging him, then again he didn’t care too much, it wasn’t him who was worried about public appearances.
“Sometimes I can feel my blood boil when I see another man talking to her. She makes me feel at peace, not just in my mind but in my soul. I love that woman down to the marrow in my bones and to think that some other man could see her and only see her for her beauty, only see her for something to use makes me sick. I can practically feel the bile in my throat just thinking about it.”
“So she makes you feel calm?” Percy didn’t seem to be turned off by the way Kakashi spoke of you, it was as if they were having a conversation so casual it was comparable to one about the weather.
“It’s beyond that,” Kakashi felt his heart flutter as he thought of you, his mind running with excitement just at the opportunity to talk about you.
“Sometimes I think about my past and all the people who have left me. Some of them chose to, some of them didn’t. Regardless, whenever I’d get attached to someone they’d leave, I didn’t have any control over it. Maybe it was because I was weak, or too young to have any real say in the matter. But now it’s different. I’m stronger and I’m older, no matter how you look at it I’m ten times the person I was all those years ago.” Percy remained silent, listening intently to his friend. Something he wouldn’t do to much of as Kakashi wasn’t the type to open up easily.
“When I met her, I knew instantly I loved her. It was a fact just as true as the sky is blue. I don’t think about all the horrible things from my youth whenever she’s around, not when all I can think about is the possibility of my old age spent with this wonderful woman. And the only way to have a future with her is if she doesn’t leave. I’ve grown beyond a simple lust for her, I've realized I can’t escape these feelings. I learned about her past, her favorite flowers and I’ve showered her in as much affection I can show without being too much. I’m sure I’ve crossed that boundary already but I can’t help it, I have too much inside to not let go of.”
“So you want something serious with her?”
“Why call it quits now? After everything you’ve gone through, why give up?”
“Because she’s going to leave me,” He ran a hand through his silver hair, holding back a tear that was heard through the slight crack in his voice.
“She told you she doesn’t want to be together anymore?” Percy asked, wondering if what his girlfriends told him about you was true or not. He remembered hearing how you liked Kakashi too, but was afraid of ridicule, yet still craved his love beneath it all.
“She wants to fight in a possible deadly battle. I cant disclose much but that’s all I can say.”
“But she’s strong isn’t she? Plus she’s a medic, so wouldn’t she be able to heal herself if anything happened?” Percy asked, unsure about the severity of this “battle”.
“You don’t get it,” Kakashi sighed, leaning his forehead against Percy’s back. “I can keep her through affection and intimacy, that’s one thing we both know we have for each other, it’s apparent. But I can’t keep her from getting herself killed. Death is around every corner for people like me and her.”
“Shinobi, you mean?”
“Exactly. I don’t want to be in love with someone and yearn for them every second we aren’t together just for them to leave and die. It’s not fair to torture myself like that. I’d rather call it quits early before I’m doomed to live a life of suffering. I couldn’t deal with it.”
“Kakashi, you already are.” Percy didn’t care to tiptoe around the fact, he was tired of all the beating around the bush. Kakashi sat there a moment, his head still resting against his friends back.
He closed his eyes, occasionally catching himself to hold onto the bike better as they jostled over small rocks and bumps along their path. Kakashi didn’t have much to say about that, but it did prompt a lot of thinking, not that he could do much with Percy being such a chatterbox.
“You need to hear me out with this, okay? Love is like a sandwich-“
“Good gods, spare me the metaphors…”
“I’m going somewhere with this trust me!!” Percy yelled defensively, his volume mostly washed out by the breeze blowing by. “You can have all the amazing fillings you want: intimacy, shared experiences, passion, romance, all that is great but without the bread that keeps it together it’s just a bunch of things slopped together. What makes a sandwich a sandwich is the bread that keeps it together- a solid foundation, trust. And sure, it’s going to be messy at times, but that just comes with that delicious journey we all sign up for.”
“Is there a point to this analogy?”
“Obviously, dumbass. You have all the makings for a great relationship except for the bread… the trust. The bread you’ve got is thin- real thin. Meaning it’s not able to keep all that great stuff inside. The only way that meals gonna end is with everything falling out. Do you know why your bread is thin?” Percy asked, dodging a large rock in the middle of the path.
“Because of my insecurities…” Kakashi admitted, his face heating up.
He sat with this realization, mostly because he was metaphorically eaten up alive by one of his best friends. That aside, he looked at the bigger picture. Was he really that insecure about his trust in you? He knew you were strong, but was he actually just insecure you would rather die than be with him?! Was he really that codependent on you? That wasn’t possible, not with war being such a great threat. Percy didn’t know that though, so that’s another thing to factor in. Regardless, there still was valid food for thought presented to him.
“Well how far away are we now?” Kakashi asked, looking around at the new environment.
“Wont take longer than a few minutes, bud. Relax, we’ll be there in no time.”
Percy was right of course, only a few minutes later and the two were parked outside the large wooden gates. Sounds of children’s laughter and music could be heard just beyond, as well as the smell of amazing food clouding their senses. Kakashi and Percy walked in, delighted by all the new sights and sounds, it seemed like a festival was taking place, although they had zero clue what it was for.
While it did seem magical at first glance, Kakashi knew the truth behind this villages facade. When he truly looked around beyond the vibrant colors and fun attractions, he saw very sick people lurking around the streets, some even begging for spare money. He sighed to himself, judging all the men who walked by with their expensive robes who were laughing at the sick and elderly.
“Kakashi! Over here!” Percy called to him from beyond the crowd.
Kakashi looked over to where his friend was and saw a small shop next to some sort of brothel-esque building. He tilted his head in curiosity at him, raising both arms in a shrugging position.
“No- come over here! This is the place I came here for!” Percy called louder, holding open the shops door to signal he was about to enter.
Kakashi jogged over there, still overwhelmed by all the excitement going around. When he caught up with Percy, he suddenly felt something very familiar. It was that calmness in his soul he had described to Percy earlier. He spun around, trying to see what it was and if he could follow it.
“Something the matter?” Percy asked, shutting the door.
Kakashi turned his head and saw a small staircase on the outside of the establishment that led to a second story door. He furrowed his brow looking at the door, feeling a strange calling towards whatever was just beyond it.
“No… I guess it’s nothing.” He said, turning towards Percy as he opened the door and walked inside.
It was a small restaurant, a few tables here and there as well as a large island that a middle aged man stood at.
“Hi, welcome in fellas! Take a seat anywhere you want, I’ll get you both a few menus to look at!” He said cheerily, ducking behind the island to grab two menus.
Percy sat at the island in front of the man, Kakashi followed and took the seat next to him. The older man gave them their menus and went in the back to give them some time.
“Are you hungry at all?” Percy asked, skimming the drinks side.
“I could eat,” Kakahi responded, suddenly craving a sandwich more than anything.
There were quite a few options to choose from. Some vegan options, some vegetarian, and some sort of dessert types with various different fruits, custards, and cream fillings. Kakashi was in the mood for something more traditional and hearty, deciding he would ask for a grilled chicken sandwich.
The man reappeared with a small notepad and pen, leaning against the countertop.
“You two ready to order?” He asked, looking at Kakashi first.
“Yeah, may I please have the grilled chicken sandwich?” He asked, pointing to the menu. The man wrote it down and then asked for Percy’s order.
“I’ll have this breakfast sandwich,” Percy said.
“A little late don’t you think?” The man laughed, taking both menus.
“Well you know… breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why not have it anytime of day?” Percy laughed. The man furrowed a brow and Percy grimaced, embarrassed by his joke falling flat.
Kakashi couldn’t help but feel that comforting aura getting stronger around him. He looked around, maybe it was the environment? Just then it became much stronger, as if all this muscles had relaxed in just that moment. It felt less like an aura and more like a chakra. He quickly looked behind the man and towards the curtains that led to the back. What he saw he couldn’t believe.
You emerged from beyond the curtains, holding two cups of water in your hands. When you looked up you immediately locked eyes with him. You must’ve felt the same muscle relaxation as Kakashi, you suddenly dropped both cups catching the eyes of the room.
You had arrived to this hometown of yours not too long after you left Konoha. You watched as children ran around happily through the village with their prizes from games going on throughout the streets. You sighed, walking down the paths of the place you once called home, knowing the happiest of people were just tourists in this living hell your family and community was trapped in.
You approached your families restaurant, smiling at the nostalgic feeling it filled you with. You grabbed the handle and walked in, your father standing just behind the island. He called you name excitedly, rushing over to you to hold you in a tight hug.
“You’ve come home! What are you doing here? You didn’t get kicked out, did you?” He teased, letting you go to get a good look at you. You nervously laughed.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Well whatever the reason is, it’s nice seeing you again.”
“Um… can I talk to you upstairs for a moment? There’s something I need to tell you… it has to do with me being here actually.”
He nodded and held the curtain for you to walk through. Beyond the kitchen in the back was a small door that led to a staircase, that staircase led to the small flat you and your family grew up in. When you both had settled down in the living room, you had assumed your mother would be there, however she was not. Puzzled, you two sat on a nearby couch and you faced him to ask.
“Did mom go out somewhere? I mean… I didn’t see her in the restaurant or kitchen and it’s a little late to still be in bed…” Your fathers face fell, looking at the carpeting.
“Your mother is uh… well there’s no easy way to say this. Your mothers in the hospital.” You felt your heart drop.
“What’s wrong with her? Why didn’t you send a message?! I could’ve come home to help her- what’s going on dad?!” you asked, voice shaking.
He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with one hand anxiously.
“We aren’t sure what was wrong with her but… we knew that with the big move and that new job of yours you’d have some real stress. We couldn’t put that on you, so we made the decision to send her to a nearby hospital to get her checked out.”
“Fuck…” you sighed, holding your head in your hands. “You need to take me to her, I can heal her… or fix her or… something- anything! Gods dad, what the hell?! Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Sweetie it’s fine, your mothers going to be okay-“
“Dad that’s a lot of money! For crying out loud, how are you going to afford the hospital bills?”
“We’ll be fine! as long as you’re okay we’ll be just fine.”
“Here, let me see if I have any extra money on me,” you reached into your pockets for your wallet. Your father quickly nudged your arm away.
“Please don’t, you have enough on your plate already. Why don’t you tell me what you needed to say earlier, okay?” He asked, putting on a small smile.
You frowned.
“Well, since we’re getting everything out in the open…” You took in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky breath. “I’m going to war.”
You felt your heart shatter the way you watched your fathers face drop again. It was as if he was being told his only child was about to be killed right in front of him.
“Dad, I know how it’s sounds but I don’t have any other choice. There are people who need me, I signed up for this- this is my job.“
“I understand.” He said softly. You frowned, pulling him into a hug.
“I wanted to see you and mom one last time before I left… I know it’s a worst case scenario but… if anything were to happen, I wanted to tell you both goodbye.” You heard your father sob in your ear, holding you tightly. You couldn’t help yourself from crying either and wept with him on the sofa.
“I know you’re strong, and I know you’re valuable, but I’m still so worried,” he sputtered, you patted his back to comfort him but it did next to nothing.
“I know, but I promise you I’m not going down without a fight. I swear to you and mom I’m not going to let myself be weak.” You said sternly, almost as if you weren’t choking back a rivers worth of tears.
After a few more minutes and you and your father had calmed down, you sat there and discussed the situation of war. What it meant for you and your family. You said that with the money you had, it’ll all go to them if you died and they’d be able to move far away, to a better village and have a good financial place for themselves. Your father wasn’t pleased to hear about this and almost cried again. To get his mind off of it, you told him about your job and all the people you met at Konoha.
“Machi and Gale, huh? They sound quite nice! You even have your own students, sounds like you’ve adapted pretty well,” you dad smiled, tears drying on his cheeks.
“I have,” you smiled back, a blush forming in your face when you remembered Kakashi was one of the first you grew close with, even if it started out so riske.
“What’s that look for, hmm?” Your father asked, teasing you for the small blush across your face.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, putting a hand to your cheek and feeling the warmth on your skin.
“Don’t lie to me, I know that look pretty well. You must’ve met someone who isn’t just a friend or a student to you, so tell me!” He laughed, playfully swatting you on your arm.
“I mean, yeah there is someone,” you smirk, shortly after your face fell.
“Um… is everything alright?”
“Yeah, It’s just… things are complicated right now.”
“Oh,” you father said sadly, crossing his arms.
“But he’s a really great guy!” you perked up.
“He?” Your father asked. You nodded. “Does he have a name?”
“He might.”
“He might? What might it be?”
“It might be Kakashi.” Just the your fathers arms uncrossed, his eyes widening.
“As in Kakashi Hatake?”
“Oh great,” you sighed, hating this conversation immediately. “Yeah, why?”
“Because that’s the famous copy ninja! I’ve got to say I’m impressed.” You groaned, holding your knees to your chest now.
“Please stop embarrassing me.”
“I’m not trying to, I’m just suprised that a man like that can be in a relationship with you.” Immediately you grew defensive.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your brows furrowed.
“Woah, I didnt mean it like that! It’s just… he’s known for being such a hardened shinobi. Who knew there was a heart beneath the mask?” He nervously laughed.
“I knew.” You added. Your father frowned, nervously fidgeting in his seat.
“I’m sorry, " you sighed. "I didn’t mean to be so snappy. It’s just that we’ve spent a lot of time together and he means a lot to me. I’ve seen a lot of his sides and even though he drives me crazy I can’t help but love him regardless. He makes me feel seen, and appreciated. No matter how bitchy I am he keeps trying, nobody else has ever been this patient with me. And what makes things even crazier, is that I feel so drawn to him. It’s like my whole life has led up to the moment we’d meet. Oh, what am I saying? This is starting to get weird, I’ll stop while I’m ahead,” your face felt extremely hot, you avoiding looking at your dad.
“No it’s fine, I get it.” He said, patting you on the back.
“Yeah, thanks.” Silence.
“So what makes things so complicated?”
“‘What isn’t complicated’ is a better question,” although you knew that answer was something entirely too inappropriate to say.
“It’s that bad?”
“Yes and no. It’s a long story, I couldn’t get into it.”
“Well whatever the case may be, you sound like you really love him. In fact, I caught onto you saying that,” he smirked.
“Please stop.”
“Fine.” he raised his hands defensively, then stood up from his seat at the couch. “Now we can sit here moping all day or we can spend time together like we used to. What do you say?”
“Moping sounds good but we can’t afford that right now so let’s work the restaurant like we used to.” You smiled, following him down that stairs.
So that’s what it was, it was you all along. He should have known better. Kakashi stood up, uttering your name back to you. You weren’t sure what to do. Truth be told you didn’t forgive him for putting you out on the spot like that, but you also knew there was no real reason for him to forgive you either.
“I’m sorry but would you excuse us for a minute?” Kakashi asked Percy as he motioned to speak to you outside.
“No.” Percy said, fidgeting with his napkin. Your father shot you a concerned look, finally putting two and two together. You patted him on the back reassuringly.
“It shouldn’t take long, we’ll just have a chat upstairs.” You reached into your pocket for a set of keys, walking out the front door of the establishment, Kakashi on your tail.
You two walked out in silence and he followed you up the outside stairs, staying quiet as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. He looked around and it appeared to be your old bedroom, posters and ribbons hanging on the walls. It felt homey to him, more so when he noticed preserved flowers laying on your desk, jasmine to be exact.
“So did you follow me here or did you-“ he cut you off with his lips against yours. Your eyes grew wide in shock. But the moment he put his hand on the small of your back you felt entirely different. Your eyes closed softly and your hands tangled in his hair. You felt a familiar fire burn in your chest, your heart fluttering as his beat in tandem with yours.
“Kakashi,” you sighed, his grip on you becoming tighter. He pushed you against the door, keeping his grasp on you impossibly firm. “Now’s not a good-“
“Stop talking, damnit.” he huffed, his breath hot against your skin. Immediately you shut your mouth, only opening it again to allow his tongue to brush up against yours.
You locked the door while you were still up against it, then resumed pulling on his hair. You also pushed your body against his firm chest, feeling your loins flutter as his breathing became heavier and his kisses more desperate. Kakashis tongue prodded into your mouth, caressing your own as if it lost it, rejoicing in the feeling of finding it again. His body language spoke the same dialect, his arms tense while they wrapped around you, legs locked in place as they cornered you against the wooden door.
You grabbed onto his vest, yanking it off of him and it was only for a moment when his arms left your body. His vest sliding off of him and landing on the floor, he swiftly kicked it away and then resumed his primal grip against your body. He pulled you into him, a breath of air escaping your lungs the moment he ripped your body off the floor. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, head falling to your shoulder while his teeth sunk into your neck, you let out a small grunt from the pain that you couldn’t welcome enough.
“Kashi?” you whispered heavily. He cut you off with another sloppy kiss, the rough smack of his lips against yours had you digging your nails into his back through his body con long sleeve. “What are you doing-“ another kiss “here?”
“What does it look like?” He huffed, hands sneaking past your shirt as he caressed your back with his long fingers. Your breath hitched at the feeling of him touching your bare skin, hair on the back of your neck raising while the tickling sensation of his calloused fingertips roamed your skin.
“I know what you’re doing, but why?”
“I needed you,” he rasped, fingers digging into your skin, his own nails now dragging down your skin. You shuddered in his grasp, thighs clamping down tight around his abdomen. “Must I need any other reason?”
“No…” you knew this was rhetorical, but the gratification you gained from answering him regardless heightened your arousal, giving into him just like you always did. “Needed me for what?” you asked, your chest rising and falling as you struggled to gain your composure.
“I just needed to see you,” Kakashi muttered licking the slight teeth marks that curved along your neck. “I missed this… the way things were before. Y’know I thought about inviting you over the other night?”
“To your apartment?” You were suddenly curious. He nodded, his hands now rubbing down your back, causing you to shiver once again. “What would we do?”
“I don’t even know. I was just so empty without you, even you being in my presence would be enough for me. However, I’m sure we’d find ways to entertain ourselves,” He leaned in closely to your ear “Wanna know how exactly?”
When he said this he thrusted himself into you, his hard package pressing right up against your clothed cunt. You moaned, grinding down on the new stimulation the moment you could, completely void of embarrassment or shame.
“Y-yeah,” your heart was practically in your throat now, however you felt the heartbeats much, much lower.
“Well, I had something in mind,” he hummed, his hands now on your asscheeks, gripping them harshly.
“Ngh- Like what?”
“I was thinking about how bad you’ve been lately,” his breath was almost burning the skin of your neck, you wanted him to so badly rip your clothes off of you and take you to bed. His hair smelled so good, you kept digging your fingers inside of the fluffy mass, gently pulling at it while it tangled between your fingers. He grunted slightly.
“Just like how you are right now,” it came out a purr, vibrations coming up from deep inside his chest. “You’ve been a bad girl. Sometimes I can barely recognize you.”
You didn’t know why you felt so ashamed about his words, a wave of regret crashing hard against you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, unsure why the apology came so easy.
“So you admit you’ve been a bad girl?” he asked with amusement in his tone, his voice hoarse as he spoke deep into your neck.
“I’m as bad as they come,” you admitted, legs wrapping around even tighter. He chuckles softly.
“Oh? Well then I think we both know what that means,” his cock twitched underneath his pants, you had to sink your nails into your palms to avoid getting handsy. “I think you need to be punished severely.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps rising on your skin immediately. He carried you over to your bed, tossing you down on it. You crashed against it, a loud squeak echoing through the room. You blushed, hoping to whatever god there was that nobody downstairs could hear.
“What are you going to do with me?” You asked, your hands rubbing where he bit you on your neck.
“You want to know your punishment?” An amused smile spread across his face. You nodded. “Well that’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You felt frustrated, already wanting him to lash out on you, it felt like torture the way he stood over you, patently keeping his hands to himself.
“Please?” you whispered, one of your hands moving south of your body, he watched as your sunk your hands under your waistband, eyes blowing wide when your mouth fell open.
He grabbed your wrist and yanked it back out, pinning it down and above your head.
“I think you need another spanking.” You bit your lip, trying to hide your excitement, your panties already wet when he increased the pressure of his hand.
He sat down next to you, letting go of your wrist and instead using his hand to grab your hair into a tight pony tail, causing you to sit up.
“Should I bend over your lap?” it came out as a mewl, your desperation evident on your face.
“How funny that you just want to jump straight into it,” he smiled in your face, shiny teeth gleaming back at your from beyond his perfect lips. “Sweet girl, maybe you do know how to behave,” he kissed you softly, then had you bend over his lap.
With one hand still firm in your hair, the other pulled down your pants, your panties coming down with it. You clenched around nothing as the cool air hit your wet cunt, a shiver was sent up your back.
“Such a slut, excited for her spanking.” He caressed your soft globes, you hummed excitedly, almost moaning at the delicate touch. “If I hadn’t done this previously I would’ve assumed you didn’t know what this was. Is that true? Are you a stupid girl who doesn’t know what a spanking is?” he cooed, his hand grabbing you hip harshly, fingers digging into your skin.
You grunted, knowing with this much pressure he would leave bruises along you skin for days, weeks even.
“It’s not pleasant, at least not the way I do it, remember? It’s gonna hurt, way more than a few soft taps.”
“I’m hoping for it,” you replied back, surprised by your own response and enthusiasm.
“Oh yeah?” he also seemed surprised, pleasantly surprised. A wicked smile was plastered on his face, searching your eyes with his own. “How long have you been wanting this for? I mean, you’re so obedient. I cant help but assume you’ve fantasized about this ever since last time,” his grip of your hair tightened, you smiled up at him devilishly.
“I’ve been wanting this since I last saw you.”
“Good answer,” he smirked. “Are you ready?”
You nodded quickly, arching your back as the tension builds up in your body.
“An even better answer." his fingertips glided againsty the curve of your back. "I don’t care if you scream or cry, in fact it would make this more enjoyable,” he hummed, pulling on your hair. “Now sit still.”
Kakashis hand came down hard on your backside, a loud slap echoed in your ears. You let out a depraved moan, biting your lip as the stinging starting to settle on your asscheek. He took a moment to take in the look on your face, ogling the flush of color across your cheeks. Quicker, and much harder this time, he struck you again with his ever-so-firm hand.
You whined, squirming in his lap until he spanked you again. After his next, you dug your nails into the mattress beneath you, huffing deep breaths in and out. Kakashi laughs softly, watching your soft ass turn a bright pink as he punished you.
“How many can you handle? You want me to get creative?” he asked happily, softly rubbing circles on your abused skin.
“Y-yesss…” your voice was trembling.
“If you say so. But it makes me wonder… how much pain can this pretty little ass take?”
“I deserve it, we both know I’ve been bad,” you mutter, nails coming out of the mattress as you slowly began to get less tense with each rub of Kakashis hand.
“Yes you have,” Kakashi exclaimed amused. “Do you know how bad? Answer me.” He smacked you again, and all you could muster was a string of whimpers and groans, no real words coming to your mind.
“Answer me properly. I don’t want to hear your little moans. I want a real answer. Tell me what you’ve done.”
“I… I’ve kept you a secret…” you whispered, your hand stroking his knee. “And the worst part is I’ve been fantasizing about you this whole time.”
“Interesting. For how long, give me a number.” He pulls your hair, tilting your face upwards so your eyes are locked.
“8 weeks,” you confess, looking away to avoid his strong gaze.
“8 weeks? How filthy have you been? What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve fantasized about me doing?” He pulled your hair tighter, forcing you to look back at him.
“I’ve thought about you defiling me.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow.
“That’s all? I’m not going to lie, I expected more from you.” His hand move from your ass to your hip, once again squeezing it tightly. You winced.
“I-I’ve thought about you waking me up just so you can use me to get yourself off,” you blurted out. Kakashi perked up, much more interested.
“Anything else? You’ve had 8 weeks,” clearly he was having fun toying with you. It felt like torture dumping your fantasies onto him, but you couldn’t help spilling your guts.
“I’ve thought about pleasuring you.”
“Go on.” His grip became looser, yet still firm.
“I’d use my mouth.” He smirked.
“Is that all?” You wanted to melt into his lap, escape his massive presence.
“And my hands…”
“Well, don’t you have a plethora of talents,” he teased, bringing his hand back and quickly down his to your ass. You flinched, but before he could make contact he stopped himself, laughing softly. Your face burned hot.
“Anything else? I mean, 8 whole weeks is a looong time,” he raised his eyebrow again, looking directly in your eyes.
“Spit it out, don’t be a tease. I know you can say more.” His words made your skin tingle.
“I’ve thought about how mad you were at me, ignoring me all the time at the office. So I thought about trying to rile you up, get you even angrier. Just so maybe you’d snap and use me without holding back.” He loosened his grip on you.
“You really want that? For me to take my frustration out on you?”
“Yes.” You gripped his knee tighter.
“You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” He smirked, grip getting firmer in your hair again.
“I am.”
“Do you have no shame? Ass in the air, panties off, pussy soaking wet, and looking me in my eye while you tell me about all the filth you’ve imagined about me. Sweet girl, you’re more perverted than I thought.” He pulled your hair back further, his mouth connected with your more a quick kiss.
“I bet you’ll say anything at this point if it’ll make me happy, huh? You’ve completely given yourself to me, isn’t that right?” With lidded eyes you nodded looking up at him.
“Are you mine to use?” Amused curiousity lingering in his voice.
“Yes.” Right after you confirmed this, another rough smack was right up against your ass. You yelped, once again digging your finger into the mattress.
“You like that, don’t you? You like getting hit by me.” You nod. Another rough smack. “Say it.” he practically barked.
“I- I like it! I like getting hit by you!” You wanted to curl up in embarrassment, once again hoping nobody could hear you. Kakashi had a wicked look on his face.
“I wonder how many times can I hit this ass of yours before you cry? Are you a tough girl?” He asked condescendingly.
“Yes…” He hit you harder, producing a loud moan out of you. He laughed.
“Are you tough or what? You seem to be enjoying this more than I expected,” this time he struck you lower, so that his palm was right up against the back of your thigh. You desperately squirm again, breathing shakily. He hits you there again, smiling to himself.
“Oh? Am I hitting a sensitive spot?” You almost shrieked when he smacked it again. “So I did find a sensitive spot,” he leaned down closely so that that he was almost in your ear.
“I’m going to keep smacking you, riiight here until your crying and begging me to stop.” And that’s what he did. Over and over again, watching as you rubbed your legs together, slick coating the feverish in-between of your legs.
“How many more spanks can you get before you cry? 10? 20? I know you can take it,” he kept spanking you, each one lighting you up until your ass was red. As he spanked you, he enjoyed watching your eyes roll back, your whimpers echo softly in your room, and your body spasm after each moment of contact.
“You must nearly be at the edge, huh?” Your eyes rolled back to normal, welling with tears. “Awww, is that it? Is that all you can take?”
He delivered the final blow, you moaned loudly, tears flowing down your cheeks. You felt lightheaded, pain and pleasure circulating inside of you. The erotic sensation making it's way up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
“Aww… did I do that? Did I make the tough, pretty girl cry?” You nod, unable to verbalize a single thought. “Such a good girl, taking it like a champ. I have to say, I admire how well you kept your composure… well at least most of it.”
He pulled your hair back, your head coming closer to him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes and bit your lip, your heart melting at his sudden tender affection.
While still having a good grasp of your pony tail, Kakashi slung you over to the side, trapping you against him and the bed. He had you pinned, your wrists above your head. When he towered his large form over you his lips brushed against yours, his scent was everywhere. You closed your eyes again, and felt how his eyelashes fluttered against your cheek as he bent down lower and licked up your neck.
You smirked, a sudden tickle causing you to slightly spasm, Kakashi laughed softly when he saw it. He instead turned to biting you, the feeling of his teeth in your neck filled you with the most euphoric nostalgia. You sighed, legs bending so your knees could squeeze his waist. He rutted his hips into your core, and you shuddered as the wet juices pooled in your cunt and trickled down your legs.
Kakashi looked up at you, lips curled into a cocky smile, pressing softly against your own. You parted your lips, his soft tongue dragging along your plump lip, before his teeth gently trapped it and he bit into it possessively. You never started the day thinking he'd be showing up at your old home, about to fuck you senseless into the mattress you've spent countless nights on. It seemed to you like Kakashi's fate was to always appear, and so was your passionate desire for him.
Kakashi's kiss could make your loins ache like a wildfire, yet it could also make your breaths slow and your heart melt. Maybe it was fate?
I am safe here. His arms are open, his tongue is tender, and I don't need to struggle anymore.
Its all you could think about, really.
Two fingers circled your drenched clit, Kakashi watched your hole clench around nothing. He licked his lips watching your pretty cunt swallow his didgets shortly after, curling up as he pumped in and out.
“She’s so pretty…” he hummed, his knuckles now shiny with your arousal.
Your toes curled the more he pumped you, his fingers working fast. You roughly grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement. He looked up at you, a single brow cocked.
“Something wrong?” his voice was smooth, eyes soft as they watched you with adoration.
“T-that’s not what I need…” You murmured, breathing in and out as if you’d pass out.
“Tell me, what do you-“
“Cock. Yours.” You demanded. Kakashis eyes grew wide, a sinister grin plastered in his face. He retracted his fingers from your cunt, a silent moan escaped your lips when he moved.
“I never thought I’d have you so needy, sweet girl.” Kakashis hand traveled to his waistbands and pulled them down, hard cock slapped against his body con shirt, precum making his tip glisten.
“I can’t help it.” You admitted, your eyes breaking away from his to stare at his erection. Your legs spread wide, and you wriggled excitedly.
Kakashi ducked down to kiss you, cupping your cheeks as he rutted against you, his length rubbing up and down against your clit. You moaned into the kiss, a smile on your face as your pleasure spread. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, getting even closer as you two enjoyed eachothers embrace.
Kakashis tongue made its appearance in your mouth again, the soft tip of his tongue swirling with yours, just to retreat and wetten your lower lip.
“Don’t tease me…” you whispered, breaking the kiss only to resume it quickly. He laughed gently, his hand moving south to grab the base of his cock and align it with your entrance.
“Well, aren’t you one to talk?” With one swift motion he went balls deep inside of you again, a shiver running up his back as he bottomed out, his public bone flush with your clit.
You both grunted, then began to lock lips as his hips drilled into you. You both knew you didn’t want to waste any time, each time he bottomed out you grounded down on him further, feeling his warm precum coat your walls as your own arousal spilled out and onto the sheets.
“Always wet for me…” he smiled, kissing down your jaw.
His cock was heavy, stretching you perfectly and throbbing each time it hit that tender spot inside of you that made you digs crescents into his back with your nails. He loved watching your lashes flutter when your eyes rolled back, and he devoured your lips whenever they opened to produce a guttural moan.
“I love you…” Kakashi cooed, a finger of his now playing with your clit.
“Love you- haaah- too…” you replied with a whine between words.
Kakashi pulls your shirt off of you, then quickly grabs both your wrists in one hand. He pins you down, and you’re unable to move. He retracts his hand from your clit and presses his forearm under your tits, pushing them up and drooling at how pretty they sit. He ducks down and sucks a nipple, his soft tongue spreading hot spit over your sensitive tits. He moans, cock throbbing as you pulse around him.
He looks up at you, your face red and forehead slightly sweaty. Fuck, you look so sexy. He groans your name, biting your tit, sucking a hickey into the soft flesh in his mouth. You’re seeing stars, vision blurry as your orgasm comes washing over you. You’re whimpering his name, shaking and yet unable to move under his massive presence. He lets go of your tit in his mouth and watched over you. You were his own personal porn star, cumming for him- cumming on him. Whimpering his name as you choke his girthy cock and take him while he resizes your cunt.
“Filthy… you’re making such a mess.” His pace was quicker now, your cries of pleasure louder as he beats your pussy into the mattress. “Bad girl…” he hums low, almost a growl.
You can’t fight back the violent euphoria, your poor cunt wants more of him, regardless as to whether or not you can take it.
“S’ good…” you mewl, erotic and soft squelches filling your ears as he continues to stuff you with his member, his own orgasm on its precipice.
“You really are a slut of this cock, huh?” he teased, thrusting hard, keeping his dick stuffed deep inside you as he pressed his pelvis against your clit. His nails dig into your wrists, your fingers try to grab onto him but you just can’t reach.
“No more playing games,” he grunts, a hand letting go of your wrists to wrap around your throat firmly. You gasp, your air running thin. “You want me?” His hips retreat, then slam harsh inside of you. You wince, eyes snapping shut when you moan.
“Tsk tsk, look at me.” you follow his order, your brows knitted tightly together, looking up at him through your lashes. His teeth glimmer as he grins mischievously, his grip on your neck tightening. “Nah, you need me.”
You feel like you’re about to pass out again, legs shaking viciously and you felt light headed.
“My body always misses this pussy… fucking made for me.” He nips at your jaw, railing you at the one pace he knows you and he both like it. “Mine.”
He wants to mark you up, leave you purple for everyone to see. So when he notices how hard it is for you to breathe he lets go, and takes delight in how you choke for air. He sucks deeply at your neck, throbbing inside you when he imagines how it’ll look after.
“M’gonna cum again…” you almost plead, hips tilting up to meet his own, welcoming his gorgeous cock back inside of you where you knew it belonged.
“I bet you want me to cum inside you,” he mutters, letting go on your sensitive skin before he sucks another purple bruise into your neck.
“Please.” Is all you manage, your slick now running down your ass.
“Always a slut for my cum…” He bites your shoulder, his tongue licking at the red skin underneath. “Can’t fuck you once without you begging for a creampie.”
You cum for a second time, begging for his hot cum to fill you up and pour out. Kakashi complies, a few more rough thrusts and he’s pumping you full of his burning seed, you feel impossibly full as you throw your head back. Kakashi moans heavily, still pumping you with his cock, loving the way you squirt on him with your own spend.
“You can play with yourself thinking about this tonight,” he says low, kissing you hard while he continues to shoot ropes into you. You twitch, legs spasming as your orgasm refuses to subside.
“N-no. I wanna be with you tonight! I wanna do it again!” You beg, wrapping your legs even tighter around him. His eyes widen and he licks your neck playfully.
“My sweet girl, if I bring you home with me tonight I won’t stop until the sun comes up.”
“I’m prepared to lose a few hours of sleep if it means I can spend them being your whore.” You respond shamelessly. He lets go of your wrist and you grab the back of his head, fully making out with him as you play with his silver mess. “I love you. I don’t care anymore.”
Kakashi hums in delight, pulling out of you, your shared cum sticking to his own thighs now.
“You mean you’re all mine?” He knew the answer.
“Mmhmm… And I’m sorry about the way I was acting before…” You admitted, hands running in his hair.
Kakashi rested his face against your tits, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“What do you mean? I should be sorry. I shouldn’t have been such a scummy person to make you choose me or your career, especially when I knew how much you love it.” His voice was soft and somber, you kissed the crown on his head.
“We both messed up, yeah?” You slightly giggled.
“Yeah,” he laughed back. “If you’re sure about going into this war with me I want you to know something.” He picked his head up, towering over you again. His palm rested against your cheek as his eyes looked deep into yours.
“I don’t care who we’re facing or what we’re up against. I don’t care who’s getting hurt but I do know one thing,” His brows furrowed. “I’m not leaving your side once. I’ll cover you, I’ll fight for you, I swear I’ll kill for you- I already have and I will again if I have to.”
He softly kissed the tip of your nose.
“That goes for me too,” you sighed, one of your hands caressed his shoulder. He grabbed that hand and kissed the back of it, then pulled you off the bed.
You two got dressed, although you chose to change into a turtle neck, and went downstairs. The restaurant was more packed and there was chatter all around, the nerves you may have been heard upstairs disappearing completely.
Percy turned around when Kakashi approached the seat next to him and reclaimed his seat. You walked around the counter and began to wipe it down. Your father came out from behind the curtain that led to the kitchen.
“Here’s that sandwich,” Your dad said, handing your boyfriend the plated food. “Enjoy, son.”
“Son?” Kakashi asked, taking a look around to see if people were watching him. When the coast was clear he quickly lowered his mask for a bite, then put it back on.
Nobody could see the smile underneath he had while he chewed, but you noticed the crinkle underneath his eyes.
“Not bad,” Percy said, polishing off his meal. “What’d you think, Kakashi?”
“Yeah,” he looked up from his plate, watching as you walked around the restaurant, taking orders and handing out drinks. “It was good.” It tasted like home.
A/N: after a much needed break/hiatus i’m finally back RAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!! for everyone asking if i plan on continuing the mafia AU yes i do but i feel like it’ll be a small mini series.
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yeahspider · 3 months
let the light in
Ve’s note - soft fic about chan going back home to australia . this is so fluffy and warm . he is just so lovely and writing about him makes me happy(im drunk as usual so this is sparsely proofread my bad) no warnings sfw !! enjoy <3
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the sun was setting as you were finishing up your closing tasks at your parent's record store. picking up a record from the bin you blew gently on it, watching as dust flew off and into the air. this place could use a good dusting you thought to yourself. the clock hit five signifying the end of your shift. at 5:01 the bell above the door chimed alerting you that someone entered.
“we’re closed sorry” you quickly said without looking at who entered. you were tired and ready to eat. you went to grab your purse and head out but stopped seeing the person standing in the doorway. it felt like your heart jumped out of your chest when you made eye contact with Chris.
“I know I'm sorry I was just hoping you’d make an exception for an old friend,” he said with a shy smile. a smile that made your heart swell even if it's been years since you’ve seen it in person. the setting sun illuminated his body. hair in its naturally curly state, teeth on full display. he looked like the young boy who you once loved. the same boy who chased his dream but broke your heart in the process. you could never blame him though. it’s not like you ever confessed. too scared of rejection and unwilling to hold him back from his potential.
“of course, I always have time for you its been so long,” you say to him as you usher him to a chair. your mind still catching up to the fact that he was actually in front of you. tentatively you reached out and brushed his hand, discreetly checking to see if he was real. this was a moment you’ve only dreamed of. chris was still all smiles as you sat across from him.
“i’m sorry i never came to see you sooner. i always meant to but i just chickened out everytime.” he admitted with a blush rising to his cheeks . you wanted to cup his face to feel the blood rush under his skin..
“Why would you chicken out am I that scary,” you say jokingly.
“well i used to have a massive crush on you that i never really got over and i didn’t want it to be weird between us. didn’t want to ruin the familiarity.” he said as a blush ran up his neck. familiarity ? what does that even mean ? and what did he mean he had feeling sfor you? that your pining wasnt singular, but shared. your mind races as seconds drag on after his confession. you cant seem to find the words to decribe what you feel right now. are you relieved? scared? happy? nothing feels quite right.
"I'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. let's just forget about it. how have you been?" Chris said trying to save the moment. You could see the embarrassment tinted on his ears.
"wait- you didnt make me uncomfortable i was just shocked. i ..." you hesiated to admit you felt the same way. but he waited for you . your chris . ever so patient. ever so understanding.
"i've had a crush pn you for years." you finally admit. feeling a weight lift off your chest, the pressure in your ears lessening. "ever since you first picked me up from that party years ago. youve always been there for me, even when you were thousands of miles away you checked up on me. so the feelings only grew overtime."
"Are you serious? You've had feelings for me this whole time? I thought you just viewed me as some foolishly ambitious boy. I never thought you would want someone like me." he says, with a look between sadness and relief on his face. you guys have been dancing around each other for years. two idiots in love.
"you were never a fool to me channie. I believed in you wholeheartedly and still do. i always knew you would make your dreams happen."
"let me take you out somewhere. we should reconnenct i want to relearn everything about you, if youll let me." chris said. nothing but smiles and dimples.
of course you agreed. you let him learn everything as long as you could do the same
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
hi! if you're feeling up to it, may i request tadc cast reuniting with the reader after escaping the digital circus? (not sure if caine would work though, sorry caine fans ;_;) tysm! btw, A+ gif choices :>
Reunited! (TADC cast x reader!)
Except Caine <|3 I kept putting this up because I uh uh
Kinda kept forgetting <\3 I'm so sorry anon 😭😭
This ended up more so being what you guys get up to after reuniting in the real world!
Written on mobile!
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Sure she may have wanted to escape the digital world... a lot... but she never thought she would actually escape, and with everyone else too..! So that's nice! Imagine her shock when by pure chance she runs into you. More so shocked than anything, but relieved.. she was so tied up from being free again that she didnt realize how much she missed you.. it feels.. weird holding your real body.. but it's not unwelcome!
Honestly the hardest thing for jax is to tone down his whole.. asshole thing, because people in the real world arent trapped in a space. Actually it would be this reason that you almost dont recognize him..! Woah jax not being an ass for once? Thats not your man!!!!!
As for feeling stuff... oh boy I think I mentioned somewhere that hes a clingy shit behind closed doors, or maybe that was a hyper specific request.. but get ready to have to carry this dude around for a few hours
I know I mentioned this. a few times but I love the idea of ragatha and her partner opening up a little bakery together. I can see her being into baking plus I think it fits her aesthetic; if she didnt get into Doll making and stuff... ponders... tearful reunion for you two, ragatha cant help but get a little touchy when she realizes it's you.. though she awkwardly pulls away and apologizes for that.. please hold her and dont let go
Its.. nice... I already have two teary reunions in this post.. hmm.. I don't think kinger would cry. The way I can describe it emotion wise is when you find an old trinket from your childhood. Nostalgic, maybe? I think he takes the longest to build himself back up to where you guys were in your relationship.. the trauma (which realistically they all have, however I think so far at least its hit kinger the worst), losing his possible wife (queener/queenie), reconnecting with his kids (I hc he had at least one kid!!), ect ect
You guys are going to have to take it slow, you know? I have a second request with this prompt for kinger so imma go more into that there!
Writing this down first before I forget but you guys open up a body mod shop together. Piercings, tattoos, ect ect ect. Idk zooble just kind of gives off those vibes, and I feel like you guys would do that together. You guys move in a.. longish..while after reuniting in the real world and confirming who you are to one another.. it's not so much as zooble wants to make sure it's really you, its more so zooble needs time to get used to the real world again + they're cagey about their space !
Another tearful reunion, she cant believe it's really you. She really thought that she would never see you again... but you're here..! Similar to jax, shes going to cling right onto you and not let go.. you guys hand out nearly everyday for the next few weeks while you try to sort things out, perhaps quickly moving in together
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vesora · 1 year
featuring a q&a with my past intrusive thoughts lol <3
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you decide what works for you. if you like future tense affs, fine. if you feel more comfortable dancing while affirming, fine. the manifestations have to come into fruition into the 3D regardless, so do what makes you feel like YOU.
methods help you remember your true life. your true life is that which you previously desired (you dont desire it now because you have it idc) through visualising, affirming, scripting etc.
take a leap of faith. just trust. it’s hard i know, but trust in yourself. have faith in the only commander of the universe which is you. 
“im scared this wont work even though i know the law has worked for others”
take a leap of faith, my child. trust. trust. TRUST. 
trust it works. persist in the fact the law works perfectly for you, because it does. if your 3d doesnt show that, it’s because the law has worked so perfectly that it reflected back that assumption to you.
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you don’t need to work hard to change your assumption. just view it as if you have already changed it.
“the way i trust my manifesting abilities >>>>”
“it’s crazy how i manifest like instantly”
“how have i always manifested so fast wtf”
imagine telling your friend:
“i have full faith in my manifestation abilities, because i literally have never failed in manifesting anything”
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Q: “but sora i have failed in manifesting. i feel im lying to myself if i say i didnt”
A:  the ONLY objective truth is what you tell yourself. maybe when you say that you never fail at manifesting, your mind throws memories at you saying wtf u have failed. but then view a memory where you have succeeded in manifesting the life of your dreams.
Q: “but that memory wouldn’t be real”
A: says who? they’re both in your mind. why is one memory real and the other fake when they both are taking place right now in the mind? you’re picking and choosing which is real and most of the times, this may not be in your favour
Q: “yeah but i remember experiencing the ‘bad’ memory so which is why i feel it’s real”
A: then feel the memory you desire to be real. if you find visualising and SATS hard then do what’s comfortable to YOU. like touch a pillow and say damn my sp soft as hell and really see the pillow as the sp. grab a 5 euro note and say God i cant believe i have a 5000 euro in my possession.
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give yourself relief. relieve yourself of worry. if you feel resistance and you feel what youre doing isnt working, that is false because the 3d doesnt dictate reality; YOU DO! just trust. just trust and also just trust.
accept your power as a permanently successful manifestor, no matter what, and you now are. you always were. you always had the things you wanted; the people you craved; the love you deserved. you always had it, right in your mind. now it is your time to claim it. just accept it, even if it feels uncomfortable. you always had everything, be conscious of it through whatever means you prefer and 3d will be like aye aye homie im on it.
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𝐓𝐋𝐃𝐑: 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭.
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rinbowaman · 10 months
Series Masterlist
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Here you guys go <3
Warnings: smut...lots of smut...this chapter is a little long, but there's also threats, abuse of authority, abuse of power, abuse of authority in relationship, .....reader...(in case you weren't able to tell in last chapter) has a breeding kink...so do the step brothers....i had to quickly type this as i was packing. for our family trip. so this. is not proofread at all....sorry.
"Fuck baby, you're so wet....."
"Pl-please......please I-I cant....ugh...."
Thrusting, pelting against your taint, he continuously shoves his thick and lengthy member in and out at a vigorous speed, going deeper....deeper.....and even deeper.
"Ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! He-Heeseung! Pl-please! Oh my God!"
Digging his fingers into you, his hands plastering to your skin, he lifts, pulls, and tugs you up and down, all in a lively speed. His hips add to the momentum as he thrusts his hips, forward, back, forward, and back. Over and over again, leaving you no room to gain rest from the loss of breath. Gasping out as you relieved your moans out into the open air, he fucks you, all into an oblivion state and cum's inside, coating your walls...
".....How.....could I....my own....step brother?"
Releasing a shocking cry, you jolt up from your bed, grabbing hold onto the satin sheets that cradle your nude frame. Faintly sweating, you find yourself waking to the intense dream that correlated with the events that took place hours earlier....when Heeseung had confessed his love for you....all the while he fucked and released endlessly inside you.
"I can't believe I did that earlier...."
Hanging your head low, you succumb to the abysmal feeling of defeat as you drenched your soul into the epitome of shame. Not to mention, Kurt had been texting you ever since he dropped you off from the wedding last night. Looking at the clock, the time reflected the early morning of three a.m., merely just five or six hours after the session you permitted to happen. Despite the hours that went by, the stretch of your womanhood and the soreness that lingered, the smell of Heeseung's cum as it settled inside the deepest crevice of your walls, slowly seeping out as you laid sleeping, and the purple coloration of his oral assault on your skin, all of which had become tender to the touch, all became a reminder of your everlasting shame. Everything about your current state was a reminder of what had transpired.
Exhausted from the harsh pelts of his performance, the last thing you could recall was surrendering to the high of your climax as you started to drift while remaining in his arms. He held onto you, lifted you and carried you over to the bed, where he plastered his sweet....his poisonous and sweet kisses all over your body as he laid beside you, nestling his member inside your cavity while you both drifted off entirely.
Yet now, you find yourself in bed alone.
"Did he get up and go to his own room?.......I.....I dont know whats happening or what to do.....how are things going to be?....I just not only let my step brother fuck me.....but I let him...."
Scattering around, you reach over to the end table and took a peek inside the compact containment of assorted pills, noting that you had already been on a steady form of birth control for 72 hours.
"That....should be fine.....I should be fine....besides....if.....if I do end up getting pregnant.....I could just....go back to the clinic...."
You found yourself feeling even lower than ever once you had finished your mental thought. You didn't have a preference for the matters in regards to abortion, quite frankly, you were always supportive of the woman making her own decisions when it came to her body....yet for you personally, you had always thought about being a mother...some day. But not like this. Yet....the thought of possibly creating something beautiful, only to be placed in a situation where you were forced to lose it, all to ensure the family's reputation...and yours, wouldn't be hindered or tarnished by this event.
"God....what was Heeseung thinking?....What was I....how could we both let that...happen?"
Prior to what happened five hours ago, your last sexual encounter was just a little over four years ago, how could you display such maturity and abstinence during college, yet loose yourself the moment you find yourself confronted by.....your step brother.
Laying back down, you admired the compact in your hand.
"God I hope that I wont get pregnant just because of one stupid mistake......please....please dont let that happen....I can't bear the thought of being placed in a position to make a choice like that.....especially since.....having a baby......"
Finding it best to sleep it out, you placed the compact back in your drawer, and nuzzled your nude body into the covers. Once more, you begin to drift off, your mind finding solitude and comfort in not being conscious and thinking....that was the best medicine....for now.
You woke up once more, only this time you found yourself to have overslept as you note the time was a little past eleven a.m. With your body feeling regenerated from the exhaustion you experienced last night, you quickly made your way into the shower and washed yourself thoroughly. Before turning the water on, the scent of Heeseung's essence, along with your own natural made lubricant punched your nostrils.
"My God.....does it have to smell so bitter and sweet? I need to get rid of this smell its....its too much....."
Indeed it was too much. It was too much of a reminder of your shame and grave mistake. What on earth would your mother have thought had she heard about what you permitted to happen? What would she say? What would she do?
What she or Danny don't know, wont hurt them. Its not like you to keep secrets from your mother, your best friend, yet on an occasion such as this, you rather take this dark sin of yours to the grave.
Submerging yourself into the water droplets, allowing the warm temperature to soothe your skin and cleanse you, you massaged the bathing oils into the regions of your skin, faintly hissing in pain as you smooth your fingers over the areas where he marked you with both his teeth and tongue.
Finishing up, you dried yourself off and got dressed, breaching the despaired moment when you found yourself stepping out of your room. Looking both ways you ensured that the area was cleared before proceeding down the stairs. Once more, you remained quiet and every so cautions as you made your way down, hoping that the two step brothers were either still asleep in their own rooms, which would allow you to escape out of the house undetected, or if they were out running errands, that would be even more fortuitous since it would buy you more time to pack and get out.
Creeping down each step, you found the entire first floor of the house to be quiet and empty.
Walking over to the door that led to the garage, you peeked in and found that their car was gone, signaling you to realize that they were gone.
"Yes! Thank God."
Opening the fridge, you grabbed a bottle water as you mentally walked through the systematic process of gathering your things, reaching out to Wendy, and starting the process of moving out.
"Oh hey, you're awake."
The deep voice stunned you from behind as your body froze solid in place.
"Oh no......God no....why....?"
Turning around slowly, your eyes met with Heejeong's as he stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the entryway.
"Did you sleep well? I noticed you got back kind of late.....from uh...whats his name again? Kurt?" He tilts his head and sends of a sly smirk as he walks in your direction.
Reaching past your frame, he opens the fridge and grabs a bottle water for himself, leaning in as he slightly cradles your back against refrigerator door. Remaining within a hand's distance away from you, all the while keeping you backed up against the aluminum appliance, he takes the cap off the bottle, proceeds to drink the entire thing as his eyes peer down at you....locked on you.
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Looking away for a moment, you turned back only to find that his eyes remained on you.....drifting up and down as he took in the full sight of your body, from head to toe.
".....What are you doing?" You asked softly, your breath shaky as you took notice of his minor steps forward, closing the distance between you two.
"Nothing.....what are you doing.......baby......sis?"
Your eyes widened and your brows raised up as you took note of his tone and the way he issued his words.
"Oh no....."
"......I have to go....um....I think it's best if I move out....I just..." You shift your eyes off to the side, noting how he raised his hand and plastered his palm on the fridge door behind you, his arm gently touching your cheek as he traps you in.
"Hmm?.....Move....out?.......Why would you go through the trouble in doing that?......" he calmly antagonizes. Tossing the empty water bottle off to the side, he reaches up and while remaining leaned into the arm that hovered next to your face, he caresses your cheek and moves a piece of your hair away from your face.
"....I just....I dont think it's going to work out...if I stay....." you tried to steady yourself as you spoke out. Your breath hitched the moment you felt him pull the water bottle from your grasp, while still making direct eye contact with you. Gently taking the bottle from you, he tosses it aside where it meets with the empty bottle thrown previously.
".....He-Heejeong....w....what are you doing?"
Leaning in, he nuzzles his face against your ear. Sticking out his tongue, he taps and flickers the muscle on the soft spot just right below your ear. "You tell me......what are you doing?......Walking around looking pretty all the damn time......getting a boyfriend and flaring him in front of us....." he softly whispers.
"....Why...why are you doing this? Why....why are you and .....why are you both?...." you felt yourself losing breath as the sensation of his tongue wildly pecking against your skin starts to drag in a prolonged motion, beginning with the lobe and down to your neck.
"Hmm?......what do you mean? How could you ask us a question like that?......Isn't it natural for us to love......you.......baby........sister...."
"St-stop saying that....please do-dont...."
Straightening his posture, he steps in and presses the buckle of his belt against you. The weather was quite warm, and eighty two degrees today, so you opted to wear a ribbed, low fitted crop top, and a matching skirt. Only display a moderate sense of skin exposure on your waistline, you still felt the despair and regret of wearing something that wasn't at all lascivious, yet it didn't help your cause. If anything, it formed your body magnificently and hugged every bit of your curves, while displaying just a subtle bit of sexiness from the minor skin exposure and the amount of leg you were showing off.
Reaching up, he begins to unbutton the ribbed top, exposing your breasts. Being that the weather was supposed to be reach up to the low eighties, you were careless to opt out on wearing a bra. Why did you have to let your guard down? Being overly presumptuous in thinking that the boys would be out of the house or sleeping, you dug your own grave as you realized that you were too premature with your complacent attitude and allowed yourself to be in the current situation at hand. Seeing you like this, dressed up looking fiercely beautiful and sexy...it was like dangling raw meat in front of a hungry wolf.
Once he had each button come loose, he reaches into the open flap of your blouse and relished in the sensation of your soft breast. His hands were just like Heeseung's, rough and decorated with dried up callouses that scratched your soft skin, causing you to wince in minor discomfort each time they roamed the regions of your feminine curves.
"He-Heejeong please......don't.......dont." you begin shaking your head as you displayed a look of worry and weakness. His touch, much like his brother's, was addicting, rough and yet soothed by the coating of his tongue and his tender kisses. "Please.......please dont......I-I'm begging.....i'm begging you...."
"Yeah?.....Beg some more baby......" He calmly issues while his mouth found refuge on the inner nook of your neck, and remained securely latched on as if he were a leech. The squeak of the suckling sound as he sucks in parts of your skin, flickering his tongue in circular motions all the while his hands massaged your mounds, flickering your nipples with his thumb, all very similar as Heeseung had done...
Pressing his body against yours, you felt the softness of his white t-shirt coil against the bare nudeness of your chest as the flap of your blouse was drifting apart, sliding down your shoulders. His buckle pinches against your pelvic bone, all the while his ripped up jeans coats your bare legs.
Releasing the little bit of skin he had been sucking on, he pulls his head back and admires the craftiness of his brother's work....
"Huh.....Heeseung was a little hungry last night, hmm?"
Widening your eyes, you gasped and pulled yourself back, which resulted in you plastering your entire rear end, shoulders, and head up against the appliance.
".......Y-you.....you knew?" you looked at him with furrowed brows.
"Well I know now....." reaching up, he flicks his fingers and gently taps against the soft purple mark of Heeseung's territory. Smirking, he scoffs out a gentle but deep chuckle. "Bet he didn't go easy on you, did he?"
You felt yourself becoming hopeless all over again. You wanted to fight him off, just like you wanted to fight Heeseung away....yet there was something about each brother.....their touch, their kisses, their manner of coating you with their saliva. It was so.....
"I love you......you know that, right?" He leans in, gently resting his forehead against yours.
"W....what are you....?.....What are you saying?" you stuttered out, yet the last bit died down as you felt him reach up with his free hand and snake its way under your skirt. His other hand remained plastered onto the stainless steel door, supporting his weight as he leans forward, pressing his body completely against your own.
Your breasts squeezed in, his hard chest latches on. You could feel his heart beat agains the plate in between your breasts.
It was wild, for your other step brother, the one who adorned a punk rocker appearance, had just confessed his love for you much like Heeseung had done in the middle of the night.
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"D-dont.....please....please I'll........I'll do whatever you want i just....i can't...its not fair to.....its just not...."
"Fair to boyfriend?.....hmm?" raising a brow, Heejeong calmly teases out his words, smirking as he grew wide eyed. ".......You dont need to worry about that....."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"Where do you think Heeseung went to this morning? He's obviously not happy with someone else staking their claim on something that belongs to him.....and me."
Your eyes widened in fear. "Heeseung....is going to see Kurt?....Why?....What is he going to do?.....please....please tell him to come back."
Placing your hands and gripping on to his shirt, you dug your fingers on to Heejeong's chest as he remained inches away from you. Looking down at your delicate hands, he reaches for them, holding them delicately into his own palms and raises them to his mouth, where he placed the most tender and soft kisses....to include the massaging of his tongue.
"Please! Please! I'm asking you! Please call Heeseung!" you started to sob. "It wasn't Kurt's fault! He's a nice guy, please dont do anything. He's not one to fight."
Lifting his eyes up at you, he smirks out yet again, although this time there was something deeply sinister about its meaning.
"Oh trust us....we know....that's why its not going to be too much of a bother to get rid of him..."
You felt as if your heart stopped beating. You didn't know how to take the information, yet you were still relentless to fight for Kurt's safety. Should anything happen to him, you would have never forgiven yourself, for it was your idea to invite him to the wedding. How could you possibly move on knowing that Heeseung may do something reckless such as issuing verbal threats or worse...what if he gets physical and initiates assault. The thought of seeing Kurt black and blue was already breaking your heart, and it showed.
Leaning your head against his chest, still grabbing on and furthering the digging of your fingers into his chest, you whimpered as you felt the tears stream down your face.
"Please......please....I'll do anything...I wont....I wont see him again. I wont do anything. Please.....please just call Heeseung...please.......for me.....will you please do it for me?" you begged.
Hearing the deep and low sigh, Heejeong reaches for his phone in his back pocket. "Alright....I'll call him." Lifting your chin up, he issues a deep and passionate kiss, migrating his tongue to explore the entire inside of your oral cavity. "I certainly have a soft spot for you, don't I?" he smirks as he places the phone on speaker, dialing Heeseung in.
Your felt the weight of your chest lifted when Heeseung finally answered the phone.
"Hey, whats up?"
Heejeong, while eyeballing you and maintaining that cruel smirk on his face, leans his face at a tilt and speaks into the phone, never once breaking his sight off you.
"Hey.....got baby girl in front of me. Did you wanna say 'Hi'?"
"Hiiiii baby giiiiiirll! How's my little minx today? Did you sleep well?"
"Oh she slept well......and she's looking reeeeeeeally pretty for us today...."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yeeeeeeeah...." Heejeong's voice croaks into a low growl as he communicates with his brother. You shook and hung your head low in defeat as you felt your fingers dragging down along the ripples of his chest muscles.
"Baby girl...say hi to Heeseung."
Leaning your forehead against his chest, you continued to sob.
Lifting your chin ever so delicately, Heejeong squares your face with his own and places another kiss onto your lips before breaking and whispering once more. "Say hi....." nudging his nose against yours, he motions you to speak into phone.
"Hey baby......I miss you. You miss me?"
Wincing upon hearing his words, you stuttered out your response, displaying an amicable tone in order to appease the situation. "Y-yeah....I do."
"Mmm that's good." he chuckles as he speaks into the phone.
"So baby girl has something she wants to ask you..." Heejeong softly groans out as he plays with your hair.
"Oh yeah? Well what is it baby girl? Tell me....tell Heeeeeeseung what's on our mind?"
Heejeong places the phone closer to your face. Placing his lips on your forehead, he taps in a kiss, remaining glued to your skin as he inhales the scent of your hair.
"H-Heeseung....Heeseung please....please don't do anything....to Kurt. Please........"
A moment of silent stills the air, when finally he responded.
"Hmm....no can do baby. Already close to old boy's place, and I don't like anyone getting close to what's mine."
"We both don't...." Heejeong whispers out, adding onto Heeseung's point.
Panicking, you appealed to Heeseung once more. "Heeseung please....please....I......I miss you.....I miss you so much." you whimpered and sobbed out, clearly evident that you were forcing the words yet you still managed to speak them in a soft tone.
"Oh yeah?"
"Y-yes.....I do.......I miss you....and......I.....I want you here.....I want you to come home.....come back home...to me....please?"
Another flare of silence accompanied by the static of the moving car on Heeseung's end, caused you to slightly worry, yet the moment he finally responded, you felt a breath of relief escape your lips.
"You want me back home?...You miss me that much?" he asks.
"Y-yes....I miss you.....and........I just want you back home.....so please......if you leave......leave Kurt alone I wont....I wont speak to him or ....or see him.....and.....i'll.......be good......I promise i'll be good......please.....for me?" you trembled, hoping that you had him.
"Hmm......what do you think, Joey?"
Heejeong, smiling as he continued to play with your hair as he placed one of your fingers inside his mouth, gently nibbling and sucking on it the entire conversation, releases with a harsh suck on your index finger as he relays his answer to Heeseung.
"Well.....baby girl says she's sorry.....given its her first offense and the fact we didn't go over rules yet, I think we can let things go just this time....." leaning in, Heejeong kisses your ear as he beckons you to apologize. "Say sorry baby girl.....tell us how sorry you are." sticking his tongue inside your ear, he latches his hand on the back of your head to keep you steady as he feeds the wet muscle in and sucks on your helix.
"I-I'm sorry....I'm sorry........so......so sorry....mmmmm..." you whimpered out as you felt Heejeong mashing your breast in his grasp.
"Well.......just this once. But we gonna have a talk when I get back and go over some ground rules, you got that? Babygirl?"
"Y-yes......yes...." you whimpered out.
"Alright, I'm turning back around and I'll see you guys soon." hearing the clicking of the turn signal, you felt compelled to gain closure from Heeseung....
"Please...you promise....you promise you didn't do anything.....Heeseung?......You promise to leave him alone?" you whimpered out.
"I promise darling. I'll let Heejeong prove it to you, mmkay?"
"I love you."
You became hesitant yet you knew that you would quickly lose the gained trust and feared he would turn back around, to finish what he had initially started.
"......I......love you too......"
Releasing a long gasping sigh, you could hear the smirk that formulated on his lips. "Yeah you fucking do." chuckling, he bids you. and Heejeong farewell and hangs up.
Heejeong remained latched on to your neck, adding more to the wide array of coloration to your skin complexion.
"Please....please.....can you show me.....that Kurt is fine?......before.....before we........move on?"
Peering his head up, he looks at you with an expectant raise in his brow, as if he almost seemed to question your audacity for inquiring the well being of another man. Yet you were quick to save yourself as you calmly spoke out, "Its just......just.....just so we can tell him......that I will no longer be seeing him......together......since....I belong to .....to you......and Heeseung....." you looked down and faked a faint smile, though the saddened despair of imprisonment was evident in its presence.
"Ooooh I see....well why didnt you say so. Yeah....here." taking his phone, he dials Kurts number.
"How....how did you get his.....his-"
"His number?" Heejeong smirks before whispering against your lips. "Its a secret....." kissing you once more, he places the phone back on speaker.
Motioning for you to answer, Heejeong raises a brow at you as he hands you his phone.
"Y/n? Did you get a new phone?"
"What the heck happened? I've been calling and texting ever since I dropped you off last night, you hadn't returned a single one of my calls or messages, I was getting so worried. I was just about to head over to come see you."
Panicking as you noted Heejeong biting down on his tongue, you quickly jolted out your words.
"Um...no! No dont....dont come over here...I.....I actually called because.....I....dont think it's going to work out between us.....I....I just have so much going on and I'm sorry......I didnt know how to break it to you so I....I was....ignoring you." you stuttered out, the tears forming in your eyes for how cruel you were being towards someone as nice as Kurt, all the while Heejeong stood and tilted his head, slightly nodding with approval as he winks at you and smiles.
"Y/n what?? What are you saying? What's going on? This isn't like you....and...are you crying? What's going on tell me, I can help yo-"
"I dont need your help just please dont ever call, message, or come see me. Please just listen and understand....its just easier. I"m sorry....I have to go. Please dont contact or come see me." You quickly hung up and shifted your sights to the ground, placing your hand over your mouth as you began to whimper out your sobs. You hated that you had to be so short with him.
"I'm sorry Kurt....please....please understand that I have no choice...if I don't......I might get you into some trouble..."
Knowing how athletic and rigorous rugby and basketball are, there was no doubt in your mind that Heeseung and Heejeong would think twice about initiating a fight with Kurt. What would happen if one of them were to seriously get hurt?
................If only you knew what they really were capable of doing......
"Good girl......so good....." kissing you and stroking your breast, while his other hand reaches in and slips his fingers inside your panties, he rubs your clit up and down.
Gasping into his mouth, you found yourself growing weak in the knees once more, recognizing the familiar sensation from last night with Heeseung.
Tapping the back of your thigh, he speaks into the kiss but never breaks the contact between your lips. "Jump..."
Abiding by his bidding, you wrap your arms around his neck and commenced a small jump, where he caught your thighs in a loop hold and sustained your weight against his frame. His staggering height had caused you to become somewhat uneasy as you felt him migrate from the kitchen and onto the sofa in the living room.
Laying you on your back, he immediately ravished your exposed breasts with a myriad of kisses and suckles on your nipples, all the while he raises your skirt and coils it around your waist.
"Fuck baby.....you're so fucking perfect....aren't you?"
Shaking your head as you felt yourself breaching that moment where you would admit defeat and succumb to his physical acts of tenderness, you remained facing away, trying to let go of that shameful sense you had in your gut since this morning.
"Yes you aaaaaaaare...." he chuckles out as he trails his kisses down to your stomach, kissing around your belly button.
"Please....please.....Heejeong........I....I dont know.....this is just.....we're family.....I cant....I just cant...."
"You're right...we are family..." he responds. "You're our baby girl......our one and only."
Gasping out in shock, you trembled as he hooks his fingers onto your panties, and slides them down.
"You belong to us......you're our beautiful girl.....the one and only one for us."
Shifting your body as you tried to abstain from him pulling your panties all the way off, he smirks slyly as he presses his lips against your cheek and nearly rips the material off your legs and through your ankles.
In a harsh manner, he spreads your legs open and admits a small slap of each hand on the meaty portion of your inner thighs, spreading them apart.
"Stay...." he calmly speaks against your skin as he begins to trail his kisses downward, re-initiating his path of saliva once more. Once he reached your belly button, he expedited his traveling and nuzzled his face in between your folds, rubbing his nose against your clit.
"Heejeong! mmmm! St-stop!"
"Mm-mm.....lay back down baby." he softly speaks as his lips remained in contact with your slit. The sensation of his words spoken onto the softest part of your sensitive region caused your eyes to roll in the back of your head. Arching your back, you gasped out towards the ceiling as you felt the hot vapors of his breath accompany his words, all coating your clit.
"Mmm!!!....Ooooooh.....oh my God......oh my God...please....mmmmplease...ugh!"
"Talk to me baby." once more, he speaks while his lips remained latched onto your slit, the feeling repeats the motions of your eyes rolling, your back deeply arching, and your hips waving up and down, which he took great delight in riding along with the tip of his tongue.
With a closed mouth smirk, he scoffs against your opening, which only enhanced that tingling numbness you had felt earlier with Heeseung. That shameful feeling.....had quickly disappeared.
"Yeah baby.....thats it....move with me." flickering his tongue, he moves it in a variety of motions, left, right, up, down, and in circles, all focusing on the sweet soft spot at the tip of your clit.
"uuuuugh! Oh my God.......ugh!"
"Come on baby.....tell Joey how much you like it...."
"Say it." latching his mouth, he fully envelops your clit and parts of your folds into his mouth and sucks harshly as his tongue worked its magical motions on your clit. His warm saliva drenching you, all the while the smoothness of his tongue massaged and his teeth barely grazing against your skin as he smothers the fat surface of his tongue all over your opening. Scoffing on your cavity, he adds a series of smirks and chuckles as he performs, enhancing the stimulation from the vibrating of his tone.
"Mmm!! Oh my God....Joey...Joey...Joey.....mmmm...please...please....ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!"
"yeah, come on baby, tell me what you want."
"Say it."
"Mmmmm please......I want it......I.....want it...."
"Want what?"
".......you......I want......mmmm....ugh! you! ugh! mmmm....oh my God!" you whimpered out as you peeled your face away and off to the side, biting the tip of your tongue as you felt the tears streaming down your cheeks, all from the painful throbbing and numbness that was taking place in the depths of your core.
He continued to perform his oral fixation on your womanhood, yet each time you felt yourself gyrating, breaching climax, he pulled back and with held you from experiencing release. He was far more toying and cruel in his manner of four play than Heeseung, especially considering he could do it so well....
The way his tongue fucked you, coated you, dressed you with his saliva and massaged you into an ultra state of heightened sensitivity.....it was all too....
"Tell me you want me to fuck you pretty girl......I want to hear you say it."
"mmmmmm ugh....ugh....Heejeong......please....pllllease......."
"Please what baby?" speaking against your clit once more, he pulls his head back and harshly blows at it, before shoving his mouth back on with his nose brushing against the tip of your slit.
Rolling back your eyes once more, you lost your breath as you succumbed to the overwhelming sensation of his oral love. Losing pattern, your breathing escalates to obtain whatever it had lost from when you choked on your own moans.
"Please what baby?" he whispers once more, releasing a long gasp against your clit as his mouth all but latched on. The hot vapor of his breath triggered your hips and thighs to move forward and buck up in a sudden manner, which would have closed the distance and met his mouth, except his hands pinning you down wouldn't allow it.
"Please....ugh! Please....please fuck me....fuck me....Joey.....Joey fuck me...." you whimpered out a series of gasping moans as you truly begged for your elder step brother to do onto you, what his other half did hours earlier.
"Awww....come here baby." Propping himself on his knees, he positions himself in between your wide open thighs and feeds his cock out from his jeans. Much like Heeseung, Heejeong was also blessed with a thick girth, elongated length, and heavy muscle.
Leaning in and hovering over you, his hand remains on the base of his shaft as he places a palm next to your head and closes the distance. His chest presses against yours, and you felt him entering inside. The painful sting of the stretch of his enlarged tip pushing in caused you to hiss and jolt up in pain.
"UGH!!!! Ugh! He-Heejeong...ugh! It.....it hurts......." you started to sob out.
"Yeah....so I've been told.....but dont worry pretty girl.....unlike all the others, I actually care about you....and I intend to make you feel good.......sooooooo fucking good.....I'm going to fuck you nonstop."
Sliding in, Heejeong continues to breach your walls. You felt them separating as they clear a path for his shaft, moving in and pushing the skin further deep within you, inch by inch.
Your thighs tremble, and your hips start to gyrate in a wild motion.
"Hang on baby......almost there.....fuck.....you're so fucking tight......you just so perfect arent you?"
Kissing you, he closes in the remaining gap that was present between your chests, which sealed the deal in his full entry. The base of his groin mashes against yours, while connected skin to skin, he rotates his hips in a circular motion, further dipping into you as if he was drilling his shaft inside.
"Ugh!!! S-stop!! Oh my God what are you doing to me??!" you nearly screamed out, feeling a rush of pain from him bellowing out, yet it was quickly recovered by the immense pleasure and relief of pumping against the throbbing numbness in your gut.
"Shhhhhh......thaaaaaats a gooood girllll....." he growls lowly in your ear. "Ready?"
The familiar sense of gaining your acknowledgement hits you as you take in his wording, all the same as Heeseung issued....
"You ready for me?"
Nodding in a sense of panic with your brows furrowed, displaying a worrisome and painful expression, you prepared yourself for what was about to come....
You realized the moment he moved, that you had misjudged and, once again, found yourself in a presumptuous state as you assumed Heejeong's manner of making love or 'fucking' was similar to that of Heeseung's performance last night.
You couldn't have been any more wrong.....
He didnt start out at a moderate pace, instead, he began to thrust hard...fast...and deep, right from the get-go. Your mouth parts wide open as you felt him fucking your breaths out of you.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!!"
"Yeah baby, fucking make some noise...." he speaks as he kisses into your mouth, holding you by the neck and stroking your skin with his rough thumb.
He had you squelching in no time. Each second that he rammed his thickness into you, you felt the splatter of your juices decorating your inner thighs as he propped his chest to remain hovered, gaining more leverage to dip his groin down and drilling into you deeper....harder...and faster.
With absolutely no room to breathe, let alone murmur out your words, you were left merciless and could only admit the short and pungent gasps of your airy tones of euphoria as he punched your soft spot with his dick.
Gasping, trying to catch your breath, feeling the mesmerizing sensation of his length going in and out of you, he had you nearly climaxing just within seconds.
"Mmm...not yet baby...you gotta hold it......"
Rolling your eyes back, your body succumbs to the weakened state of being fucked brutally by Heejeong.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Please! Ugh! Ugh! I-cant!!"
"Yes you can.....come on baby, let me keep fucking you.....you feel so good..."
Snaking his hand underneath the thatch of your thick strands, he cups the back of your head and lifts it, positioning you to watch as he dips his cock in and out of you.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Wh-what! Please! What are you doing?!" you stuttered in gasping moans as you plead with him.
"Watch me fuck you baby."
"Ugh! Please.....Oh my God please!" you place your hand on his wrist, trying to plead with him as the feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable. Watching his thick length melting in and out of you only furthered your rising to orgasm.
As you watched, you noted the thick, creamy white substance formulating at the base of your folds, while decorating a thick ring around his shaft.
"Fuck yeah baby....shit.....why are you so beautiful....and perfect?" noting the substance that was foaming from the friction of fucking you, Heejeong felt himself reaching the zenith of orgasm as he discovers how much you were enjoying the view.
"Ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh!"
"Yeah.......come on baby....I'll make you cum...." picking up the pace, a feat you didn't think was possible as he was already going at an incredibly pleasurable speed, you felt his tip going in deeper as Heejeong fucks you in a jack-hammer momentum, groaning and releasing a prolonged growl into your ear. "Now baby....."
Arching your back, you tilt your head back as your hips and groin muscles levitate, pushing against his lower abdominal muscles.
Releasing your essence, you coat his shaft with the hot moisture that glazes over his entire length. Feeling it was the most amazing sensation, and it caused him to violently unleash inside you.
"Uh.....fuck!.......Fucking hell babe......fuck i'm cumming."
Pelting in a series of small thrusts, much like Heeseung did, Heejeong ensures that the entire produce of his essence makes it into the deepest and darkest part of your body. Once again, you felt the joy in thought, as you imagined Heejeong's DNA merging with yours and his cum spreading his genes inside you, transforming your body into accepting motherhood.
He remained laying on top of you, plastering you with such warm and loving kisses, whispering how much he loved you.
"Fucking dammit......I can't get enough of you....I love you so much......I'm never letting you go......y/n."
Kissing you, he lifts his frame off and away from you, yet remained position in between your legs on his propped knees. Tapping his fingers along your chest, he allows you to catch your breath as you took in your deep inhales. Your face remained turned away and laying off to the side, with your hair slightly plastered on your glistening skin.
You felt the touch of his fingers gently grazing against your cheek, moving the pieces of hair that was stuck to your skin. Shifting your eyes over to the side, you noted how both Heejeong's hands were on your chest, and the other was resting on his hip.
So whose hands were touching your face?.......
Looking up, standing and leaning against the back side of the sofa, hovering his chest above you, was Heeseung.
"Fuck you're so pretty......" he calmly states as he continues to move your strands.
Dressed all in black, and adorning a black cap, you noted the muscles of his chest as his black fitted tee and looked as if it was painted on his skin, it was so pleasantly form fitting. His hands adorned black, fingerless martial arts gloves, and he completed the ensemble with black jeans and boots. He resembled a bodyguard, or a bouncer at a night club, which had made you garnished thoughts on just what he had planned on doing with Kurt had it not been for you to call and beg him to dismiss his plan.
Your thoughts on Kurt was quickly interrupted by Heejeong's hand joining in, finding home on both your pelvic bones as Heeseung continued to tap his fingers along your cheek, and along your lips.
Smirking, Heeseung leans in, reaching all the way down to kiss you. The scent of his warm and spiced cologne combats Heejeong's cool and icy fragrance, merging into a perfected mirage of colorful scents.
Eyeing you up and down, you saw how Heeseung admires your skin, sparkling under the natural lighting in the room with the small beads of sweat that remained dewed on every part of your body.
"Well baby girl..........time for round 2."
"R...r....round....2?" you stuttered as you continued to gain your breathing back to a stabled pattern.
You heard them both chuckle, as they displayed a smirk that represented their own persona; Heeseungs sadistic one versus Heejeong's malicious grin. Issuing their expressions to you with wide eyes, they both respond simultaneously.......
Authors note: OOooooooohohohohohoh Y/n is in for it now......mmmmhmmm....TBC!
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry@honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz@mimimovv @stvrryhee @moonmoongi @seungjiseyo @csmicvrse @yohanabanana , @heeshees@yumii0828 , @lprww, @mariji , @silcry @cutiejseong
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leviathanspain · 2 years
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daemon targaryen x targaryen!reader
synopsis: his betrayal could only hurt so much
pt two
you watched him caress her jaw, his face unmoving as she leaned in for more. you could quite literally, not believe your eyes. watching as daemon kissed rhaenyra, their silver hair shining bright in the brothel, even if the darkness covered everyone’s faces, theirs were like shining pools of fire.
you sucked in a breath, and pushed past the others behind you, the suckling noises, the moans, the groans, it all seemed to be drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding in your ears.
you felt a hand grab your shoulder, and pull you off onto the wall. you panicked, afraid of anyone discovering you, so you clutched your hood, the only thing shielding the fact that you were the king’s heir.
you met the gaunt face of your personal guard, “luras.” you panted, your heart had leaped into your throat until you saw his face, and he grimaced, “let’s go.” he didn’t sound angry, just stern and almost relieved.
as you returned to your chambers, you tore the hood off and you angrily began to toss the things in your room. your books found themselves on the floor, half in the fire, your goblets of water were tossed towards the walls, your sheets were in shreds. a child’s tantrum, you threw; screams bounced off the walls, angry of his betrayal.
daemon ripped your dress at the seams, your back was against his chest, his erection rubbing into the flesh of your ass. he was kissing you on your neck, your head thrown back in pleasure as he took you for his own.
daemon gripped your hair tightly, moving you forward slightly as he finally let his cock bury itself in your cunt.
you moaned loudly, and he pulled you back against him, “you’re mine. only mine, and forever mine.” he whispered heavily against your ear. you could only moan as he began to thrust up into you, his other hand on your throat, constricting your breathing.
you hadn’t known when you had fallen asleep. but you found yourself face down on the concrete floor of your chambers, tears dried on your face.
“my princess.” your maid walked into the room, a gasp rolling off her tongue as she witnessed the mess you had left. she looked around and back at you, your anguish unwavering as you stood up. you brushed your dress, and you sniffled.
“clean it up, and have my dragon prepared.” you used your best tone of command and watched as your maid nodded, dipping her head as she exited the room.
the doors opened up and you turned around, expecting your maid.
daemon targaryen stalked into the room. his short blonde hair was messy, his clothes were still unchanged from the night before and he had a hungry look in his eyes that you knew far too well.
“what do you want, daemon?” you glared at him, and watched him walk towards the bed, “my sister wasn’t enough to satisfy you? you wanted to real thing i suppose, not the keychain version.”
daemon scoffed slightly, “i didn’t know you’d be so upset about it. i thought you’d be happy that i’d given that cunt a break.”
you shook your head, “get out. rid me of this disease your presence brings.”
daemon laughed, “seems like disease already hit this room. your tantrums weren’t always my favorite.” he whispered, quietly, leaning into you.
as much as you wanted to step back, push him off, the urge to fight was gone and you felt yourself lean back into him.
daemons forehead touched yours and for a moment, you lost your composure, letting the tears that welled go, staining your cheeks subtly.
“you hurt me.” you admitted, “and i cant find it in me to forgive you…” you continued and felt daemons hand on your cheek, caressing you just as he did you sister.
the realization had you lurch and you immediately pulled away, “leave. please leave.”
daemon looked at you and had an unreadable expression on his face. “i’ll leave because you asked, but you are mine, just remember that everytime you think you can make demands.” his tone was pure rage, rage at your rejection, and rage that he had you so close, yet now you pushed him so far.
as he shut the door, you let yourself fall onto your bed, tears falling down harder.
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taytrashmouth · 5 months
Request: Hiiii first comment on tumblr EVER…I really love 19 and 14..with peeta would be so cute (I’m in a peeta chokehold rn..) I LOVR YOUR WRITINGS SO MUCH I CANT GET ENOUGH💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏 -@bigbootysniffer
Prompt 14: slow dancing by a fire
Prompt 19: person B is insecure about their scars and person A makes them feel better about it
This is adorable, I’m so in love with this request!!! Hope you like it!!!! Thanks so much for all your kind words it really means a lot to me ❤️❤️
Requests are open so please send them in!!!!
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Peeta x reader. Set during mockingjay after Peeta is rescued from the capitol.
It had been a rough few weeks. First you lost Peeta, which made you pretty unbearable to be around. Then you saw him on TV saying all those things, using words that weren’t his.
Coin had to lock you in your room when they went to rescue him. When they finally did let you see him, you ignored everyone’s warnings including snows. He tried to kill you which was hard to deal with.
Two weeks later and no real developments had been made in the rebellion and they finally let you be alone with Peeta for an hour. You sat in the fake garden in the base of district 13.
And watched as the guards escorted him over to you. He didn’t look like himself. Thin and covered in bruises.
“Call us if you need to.” One of the guards handed you a buzzer. You nodded.
Peeta sat down on the picnic blanket next to you. You felt nervous around him. Which made you want to cry, you were scared of Peeta.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“Hi.” He didn’t look like he wanted to be here.
“I got your favourite bread. And orange soda.” You showed him.
He just stared. “I can’t remember what’s real and what’s not.” He spoke just above a whisper. He sounded so depressed.
You thought for a moment before answering. “Ask me.”
“Green is your favourite colour. Real or not real?” He stared at you.
“Real. Yours is orange, like the sunset.” You smiled at him.
He almost looked relieved. He sort of smiled and took a sip of the soda. His colour.
“I missed you.” Tears filled your eyes.
He looked at his lap. He couldn’t say the same thing. Still confused as to why he believed you wanted to kill Him.
“You used to make me bread like this all the time. It was my favorite part of the week. Not because i liked the bread, that was just a bonus, but because I got to see you.” You spoke, trying to break the tension.
You tore a piece of bread off the loaf and hit it in your mouth.
“I threw bread at you.” He spoke.
“I was starving, you saved me.” You assured him.
“I burnt it on purpose. And my mother beat me for it. If I didn’t care about you I would’ve had a lot less suffering.”
Tears filled your eyes and regret washed over his face.
“It’s all fuzzy. I’m sorry.” He began to cry, holding his head. He repeated that he was sorry until you held him and he slowly hugged you back.
“It’s okay. I’ll help you remember.” You assured him and brushed some hair off his forehead.
“Thank you.” He half smiled.
You just nodded.
“You want to hurt me. Real or not real.” He wiped a tear off his cheek.
“Not real. I swear.”
He nodded as if telling himself it was okay.
“I couldn’t hurt you even if I wanted to. You’ve always been there for me. With the bread. At the Capitol, in the games, back in 12. Always. The only time I ever saw you hurt anything or anyone was to protect me. You are the sweetest person I know.” You squeezed his hand.
He smiled a little wider now, like he was more sure of himself now.
“I love you…real or not real?” He asked again.
“You never said it to me. But I like to think that you did. You showed it. The way you protected me, the way you kissed me, the small things. You planted daisy’s in my front yard because i mentioned I like the smell. You Gave me a pearl in the games…I hold it when I’m scared and when I was missing you.”
“Do you love me?” He asked simply.
You hesitated for a moment. “Yes. So much. I wish I could explain how much I love you but I don’t have the words to describe it. You’re my favorite person in the whole world.” You were teary.
Very carefully he held your cheek. And kissed you gently. You smiled into the kiss. It was over too soon.
“I think I love you too.” Peeta told you.
That was enough for you. You almost laughed in relief.
“That’s good.” You giggled.
You spent the next 2 hours talking, no guards ever came to get him.
You walked with him to his room, and as you said goodnight, and turned to leave he spoke up.
“Okay.” You smiled.
He gave you a shirt of his to sleep in and it swallowed you whole. You were sure he would also drown in it after losing so much weight.
He hesitated after watching you lie down on his bed.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. You immediately knew he was scared to show you his body.
“I’ll close me eyes.” You told him and you did.
You heard some shuffling and then after a minute or two he asked you to open your eyes.
His bare chest was shocking. Scars and bruises littered his body, weeks after returning. You could see his ribs.
Tears filled your eyes and your hands came to your face.
“They don’t hurt anymore.” He told you.
“Are you sure?” You asked sadly gesturing for him to climb into bed.
He did. “Some are worse than others.”
“You’re perfect. I hope you know that. The scars just prove how strong you are. What you’ve gone through but didn’t deserve. I love you Peeta.” You told him and put your head on his bare chest.
“Thank you.” He was teary too. “I love you n/n.” You smiled through some tears. It was an old nickname that you hadn’t heard for months.
He was remembering.
You were inseparable the next few weeks. Despite Peeta having a few episodes or panic attacks he was doing much better. You were always there to calm him.
You sat with him at Finnick and Annie’s wedding.
“You’re beautiful.” He told you. You smiled, Effie had picked out your dress and to your surprise it wasn’t over the top.
“Do you wanna dance?” You asked with a smile.
“I don’t know if I know how.” He replied.
“You do.” You smiled remembering the victors tour. “But I’ll teach you if you don’t remember.”
He picked it up quickly. Your hands around his neck, his on your waist. You swayed to the music, occasionally spinning or clapping.
He was yours again. Peeta was back. You smiled as he kissed your head.
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Hiiii, Cyprus ❤️ Did you like my surprise? I trashed your apartment since you never seem to leave mine! I'm not mean like you though, so I left all the pieces of your now broken phone at the bottom of this note. Also I pissed all over your mattress <3 You cant keep fucking with me and expect me to take it, right? Anyways, suck a fat one and see you at work on Monday, babygirl!!
[Author's note: Cyprus doesn't like going to your apartment. He prefers it if you stay at his, hence the stealing and manipulating to get you to come over to his place. Canonically, he wouldn't leave you alone at his place either.]
Tw: afab reader, cyprus being a dick
Your heart was pumping when you arrived at the office on Monday. Ready for a confrontation with Cyprus. All the worst-case scenarios ran through your mind and you hoped he would lash out at you publicly, getting himself fired in the process.
Only to find out that he isn't coming in today, he pulled one of his emergency leaves. The office was asking you what happened to him since it was already established very well that you're his girl. You said you had no idea, which made them probe you even more. As they didn't believe you.
That was... Anti-climatic. You're somewhat relieved yet tensed because you know something is about to happen yet you don't know when or what. You're not receiving any calls, or text messages from him either (as expected, you mangled his phone), not even an email that he could have sent through his laptop.
The workday went by uneventfully, save for your nosy coworkers pestering you for more details about Cyprus's absence during lunch and punch-out time. To your surprise and many of your colleagues too, Cyprus wasn't there to pick you up, you truly had no idea what had happened to him. It was complete radio silence from the hothead. Very uncharacteristic of him, you thought he would fly off the handles at your offences.
Maybe he gave up. You're too much trouble than what you're worth.
You grinned, thinking that you're one step closer to freedom from that man, you will have to figure out how to deal with the animosity that will inevitably arrive when he comes back to work. You knew Cyprus was vengeful, he's going to do something to fuck up your career as revenge.
You said your goodbyes to your coworkers as you head back home. The trip was also nothing out of the ordinary, it's just like how it was before accidentally snaring Cyprus's fiery heart.
However, when you arrived back to your apartment, your landlord, a few other tenants, a group of cleaners and a pair of plumbers coming in and out of the lobby was waiting there for you.
You asked what was going on.
The tenants seems distressed, they were too busy chatting amongst themselves or on phone calls. The only person who's willing to fill you in is your landlord, who doesn't look too thrilled to see you either.
He said he would want to talk to you outside. You obliged and follow him to the entrance, where the both of you are illuminated by the door lights and street lamps.
"There was a clog that caused the toilets in a handful of units to flood." He said.
You were worried, thinking that you're one of the affected too. You asked if you could check your room out too, but your landlord only stopped you there.
"We are doing what we can to settle the situation. However, I must talk to you about the cause of it." He pulled his phone out and opened his photo galleries.
"It came from your apartment. You flushed something down that you weren't supposed to." Your eyes landed on a picture, showing you a rusted, dirty water pipe, gaping on one end and what seemed like a soaked, crumpled period pad. You don't think it was even originally used, you're not even on your period. How did it-
"I will be charging your account for the repairs." Your landlord told you.
You tried defending yourself, saying that you didn't do it. You accused Cyprus of trespassing and causing the clog because you and he had a "fight".
He shook his head. "I wanted to believe that too, because I never expected you to be this reckless. I checked the surveillance cameras, no one entered your room other than yourself."
You tried to desperately fight your case, you do not want to pay for damages you didn't do! You knew Cyprus is behind this somehow, but you couldn't prove it. Frustrating as it is, you couldn't do anything except to bite the bullet.
Your landlord excused himself to handle the situation at hand, leaving you alone to think about what had happened alone. Outside, with the darkness surrounding you.
You sighed and frowned. Maybe you should call your mom, dad, sibling or online friend to rant about your day. You were too immersed in your thoughts and misery that you didn't realize a certain sedan car has been circling around the block a few times now. Still, not aware of your surroundings, you pulled your phone out.
But you got distracted by the icon of your favourite social media application. You ended up launching that instead of calling someone for advice or help. You had to pacify yourself and what better way than to use mind-numbing brain junkfood?
However, during mid-scroll, your precious device was yanked away from your hands by none other than Cyprus.
But before you can even inhale a complete gasp, the deafening sounds of your lifeline shattering reached your ears first. Followed by successive crunching of your already abused phone under his heavy, combat boots.
You stared at it slack jaw as he continued grinding his heel against the pieces out of pure spite.
"I read your little note." He gruffed, continuing to destroy whatever is left of your gadget. "I was fucking pissed." He continued, glaring at you as he fits in a couple more stomps.
"But now, we're even." He pulled something out from his pocket and pelted it at you. It isn't heavy, you thought he threw the crumpled note itself at you since it looked thin, paper like and light.
Only when you took a closer look, your face paled in horror.
It's an empty menstrual pad wrapper.
"Come on, princess." He clamped his hand around your wrist, dragging you along with him. "We're going out for dinner. I don't feel like cooking today."
You wrenched your hand away from him and said you didn't want to see him. He disregarded that with a click of the tongue and a roll of the eyes.
"You know, you really can be a handful sometimes." He grabbed your hand again. "I'm not mad anymore, okay? You learned your lesson; I won't be fucking your shit up as long as you leave mine alone. I'll be paying for the damages and I'll get you a new phone after dinner. Now, let's go. I'm hungry and I bet you are too."
You still resisted him, planting your feet firmly on the ground and trying to tug your hand away from his iron grip. You said you're tired, you just want to be in your room.
He scoffed. "Trust me, you do not want to go in there. I took everything important, you should have no problem staying over at my place. The sheets are freshly washed and I deep cleaned my mattress just for my angel girl who could do no wrong." Heavy sarcasm was dripping from his words at the end of his sentence.
You still put up a fight, which thinned his patience.
A yelp escaped your lips when he suddenly groped your ass. His grip was firm, a bit too firm that it hurts a bit. Wincing, you unintentionally loosened your posture, allowing Cyprus to whisk you off your feet and draped you over his shoulder. You made a fuss, kicking and hitting him but he was like a mountain made of steel and concrete- nothing fazes him.
"Stop squirming, you fucking brat. Or I'll bite you." He growled, walking towards his car and tightening his hold on your legs, you're trying your best to kick him in the head. It was already hard having your upper body dangle off his back shoulder.
Of course, feeling the sting of humiliation, you didn't stop. You kept struggling against the much stronger man, hoping that he would either give up or drop you.
But to your surprise, you felt a sharp pressure on the side of your ass cheek. Shouting in pain, you realized that Cyprus held his word and sunk his teeth into your soft flesh. That was effective in stunning you in place, the scream dying down in your throat and you ceased your flailing.
"I warned you, pretty girl." He unlocked his car door with his key fob. You sighed, this is going to be a long week.
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