#i am once again begging people to care for the sake of caring
raccooninapartyhat · 2 months
"you shouldn't be antisemetic because you're legitimising Israel when you do" no you shouldn't be antisemetic because it hurts Jews who deserve to not be hurt, like any other human being. you should care about not being antisemetic because it hurts people, and that should be enough for you. why isn't it enough for you?
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lovifie · 3 months
Darkfic!Gaz, nothing too extreme but this is not loverboy!Gaz, this is more of It-makes-me-want-to-laugh-at-you-when-you-cry!Gaz.
TW: emotional manipulation, a bit of dubcon, mentions of kidnaps
Everyone has a limit, and Gaz is not an exception.
He is still made of meat and bones, and emotions can be tamed but not ignored forever.
Working in the military takes a toll on everybody, both physically and emotionally. And survivor guilt is the worst of them all.
Gaz is back from his last mission, but many of his colleagues won't. Ever again.
Too many casualties.
Too many lives lost.
Too many injured.
And he is fine.
Not even a scratch he could pick at to feel the pain he deserves.
He shouldn't be walking home so freely, dozens of families are about to find out they will never be whole again.
And he is walking home to you, happy to welcome him back as if he was a hero, dinner warm on the table and you talking to him about your day.
As if he would care about how your colleague invited you to a company dinner in a couple of days. People died today, he couldn't care less.
But it seems you cannot get the memo.
“Can you shut the fuck up for a fucking second? Shit! I have been out for months, I just want some fucking quiet time and you keep fucking going on and on about you. How can you be so selfish?! Fuck! Just shut up, for fuck sake!” He says, standing up from the table and dropping his half-eaten dinner on the sink before walking upstairs to the bathroom to shower.
He regrets it the moment the words leave his lips, the hurt look on your face as if he had just hit you. 
It had happened before, the pressure of his work gets too much, he keeps it in, not being able to complain to anyone, until it overfills and in the end you are the one that takes the fall.
He hates himself for it, you are literary the best thing he has, his sweet girl, always willing to take him in, more ways than another, always willing to listen to him, always patient, always kind.
And this is how he repays you, with shouts, sex and apologies. That's the cycle.
He'll get out of the shower and you'll be lying on the sofa, not wanting to share the bed with him, he'll pull you apart and back together on said sofa, and once you are satisfied and pliant he'll take you to bed to sleep on his arms. 
Until it happens again. 
He gets out of the shower, towel around his hips, and goes down to the living room. But you aren't there, his brows furrow; maybe you are picking the blanket from the room. 
So he goes upstairs again, smiling when the room's light is on, and enters; smile quickly dropping when he sees you. 
No. No. No. No.
His stomach sinks when he sees the suitcase open on top of the bed, clothes being thrown inside by you.
He can see the tears in your eyes, but you don't look sad, you look angry. You have never been angry at him, he can't wait to feel it.
“Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?” He asks stepping closer, closing the suitcase so you can’t put any more clothes in. 
You huff, looking at him with hate and tears in your eyes as you try to move his hand away from the suitcase. “I'm leaving, Kyle” 
No, no, no, you can leave, he needs you, how can you leave him? What will he do without you?
“Why? Love, please, stop, talk to me, please?” He begs, making you throw the t-shirt on your hand to the floor.
“Talk to you?!” You shout at him. “Maybe I should talk to you the way you talk to me, Kyle! Then maybe you would get an idea of how much it hurts!”
He deserves it, he knows he does, but you have never spoken this loudly to him before, and it stirs something inside him. It makes him wonder if he can make you moan as loud, scream his name. 
“I know, love. I'm sorry, I really am. You know that, right? You know that I love you to bits?” He asks, manipulation at his best. But you don't fall for it, you are far too smart to be blinded by his hurt expression. He tries to cup your face, if he can touch you he knows he's got you; but so do you, and you quickly move his hands away from your face.
“If you loved me you wouldn't treat me the way you do, Kyle.” You argue, clever girl you are.
“How can I not love you, dear?” He asks, body moving closer to you. Your hand rests on the middle of his naked chest, keeping him back. It's the back of your hand that touches him, almost as if your palm was too good to touch him. 
Your touch is cold, both literally and figuratively and that makes him start to panic. What if you actually leave? What if he can't fix this before is too late? What if it is too late? 
He needs you, he needs the control he has over you. Everything in his life constantly feels out of control, his superiors barking orders at him, enemies playing with him, and comrades dying on the battlefield without him being able to do anything about it. He needs to feel he is in control of something, even if that something is a someone and even if that someone is you.
He still pushes closer, the heat from his body pooling into the coldness of your touch. He resists the urge to smile satisfied with how your body betrays you. Kyle does love you, even if it is in an unfair, distorted and macabre way. And he knows you love him, in a genuine, comforting and undeserving way. 
His hands manage to get to your face, pushing his face forward to kiss your cheek. Baby steps.
“C’mon, love. I'm sorry, please. I won't do it again, I promise. I'll work on it, I promise I never intended to hurt you. I'm sorry, it's the job, I promise. I love you, darling. I really do.” He says, as he drops kisses on your face, lowering to your jaw and the moment he reaches your neck, he smiles, hidden from your eyes, knowing he is keeping you once more. 
Shouts, sex and apologies. That's the cycle.
“Kyle…” You protest, your hand still on his chest and some fight still in you, but he can work it out of you. 
“I'm sorry, dear. I'll treat you better, I promise. As good as you deserve, I promise.” He has you against his chest now, and he feels your hand slowly turning on his chest; your palm much warmer against his skin. 
He sucks on your neck making you whimper and he needs every bit of self-restraint not to laugh at you, not to laugh at how easy it was. He shouldn't have gotten nervous, he’s got you eating out of his hands.
The part of his brain that is still human, that tells him that you are still human starts to talk to his dismay. He knows it! He perfectly knows that he is a monster for how he treats you, that you should be with someone a hundred times better, such a sweet girl stuck together with such a horrible man.
But one of the many traits that make him such a horrible man is how egoistic he is, so he will keep you, even if you don't want to. He'll keep pushing you away and locking the doors so you can't run. Tomorrow he'll burn the suitcase, he is not letting you get this far ever again. 
A glimmer of guilt sits at the bottom of his stomach, a useless feeling. It only means he needs to get inside of you soon, fill himself with the love he so little deserves and fill yourself with empty lies of eternal love.
He grips your thighs, urging you to jump on his hips. You resist for a second too long and he slaps your asscheek making you jump with a whimper.
“I'm gonna make you feel good, love. I'm sorry. I'll make it worth it, I promise.” He says, still biting your neck. The towel around his hips falls at some point, not that he cares; it would get in the way anyway. Just as much as your clothes are, he doesn't bother to let you back on the floor to take them off. He simply grabs the material and rips it on your crotch leaving your cunt exposed. 
He is still standing, he doesn't want you to be able to rely on any support, he wants you to feel that if you don't grab him you'll fall, he wants you to need him just as much as he needs you. He slips his hand behind you, getting a finger inside of you making you whimper as you hide your face on his neck; clinging onto him and he loves it. 
This is how he wants you, desperate for him. Just like he is for you. At his disposal, just for him.
He can feel the wetness dripping down his fingers, he knows he should add more fingers before sinking you on his dick, but he wants to feel you stretch around his dick, moulding yourself just for him, shaping your insides only for him.
You bite his shoulder when he does and he smiles, loving it, he needs it. He needs the pain you inflict on him when he is like this, the bites on his shoulders, the scratches on his back, the kicks on his lower back, all of it. He deserves, he deserves much more. You could sink a knife into his shoulder, cut him to his hip dragging the blade and he would still feel you need to do more.
He is so horrible to you, he knows he hurts you, and he wishes you could hurt him back, let him know what is like. But you never do, because you are too good to hurt the man you love and it only makes him want you to hurt him more. 
He grabs your hips hard, making you bounce on his dick, the room filling with your moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin. There are no more thoughts inside his head, already forgetting the faces of those men who died today, already forgetting their names. This is why he needs you, it would consume him alive if it wasn't for you. He needs you.
You cling to him, moaning his name, you mind forgetting his harsh words already only being able to focus on the way his dick is hitting so deep inside of you. 
He makes sure to go round after round, his seed spilling out of you making him grunt. He should get you pregnant, stuck with him for real that way, forever.
It's only when you can no longer talk that he gets in the bed with you, hugging you tightly, too afraid you'll think about leaving again. 
It's usually at this point he can finally relax, go to sleep and forget about the nightmares his days have been.
But a new nightmare arises when he says, “I love you” and you answer “I know”.
Tomorrow, he is burning your suitcase and he is tying you to the bed. Enough playing around with him, he is here, and you don't need to go anywhere. 
Shouts, sex and apologies. That's the cycle.
And that will remain the same.
Whether you want it or not.
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This was my first try at writing something more dark-ish. I'm not really sure if it even classifies as it, but. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway 🩷🩷
@waiting-so-long this is what you have done to me. I don't know if this fits the vision you had but I hope you enjoy it my dear! 🩷🩷
@sgtgarricks here you have it as well, wait no more 🩷🩷
T-List: @whos-fran @thevoidwriting @sklt987659 @kayden666 @dumb12bvtch1212 @thatonepupkai @glocuseguardian3rd @darkangel4121 @risingofjupiter @spadekip @herefor-tojis-tits @lunari0 @dukeofjjune @soupinasock @marymustdie @arbesa-mind @cmbghost @dilara-del @multifandomheathenannie @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago   @tooloudarts
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 4 months
How do you think Christian Cage would react to someone dissing his wife y/n in a promo?
What happens when the rivalry between Christian Cage and Adam Copeland goes too far and causes Adam to say some controversial unscripted things about Y/n and the Patriarchy
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word count: 1K+
Main Masterlist Christian Cage Masterlist
I currently sat in my private locker room with Killswitch, Nick Wayne, my wife Y/n and our baby girl Madaline. The five of us sat in a comfortable silence as we watched Collison on the tv in the locker room. Looking around the room I felt a fuzzy feeling in my chest, I was surrounded by my beautiful dysfunctional family. The people I loved most. I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard Y/n and Nick start to boo at the screen. I looked to find my former best friend turned arch rival Adam Copeland on the screen. Copeland had been on my ass for months, ever since he arrived in AEW he wouldn't leave me or my family alone. I was on my last straw with him, what else could he want from me. I already beat him TWICE, for god sakes he put my son through a flaming table! He has no right to be demanding another title shot, he is undeserving. 
I watched as Adam walked to the ring microphone in hand, what the hell did he want now. 
“I am sick and tired of Christian Cage and the Patrarchy, all they do is cheat. If it wasn’t for Y/n and her tricks I would be standing here as your TNT Champion. Speaking of Y/n I don’t think you know this but in real life her and Christian Cage are married. Yeah, let that sink in for a moment. I guess Christian Cage really does have a thing for fatherless wrestlers, bonus points if they are way younger than he is.” 
I could feel my blood boiling as I heard the words fall from Adams mouth. I looked to Y/n and she was in shock like the rest of us. “I mean she is 20 years younger than him! But hey who am I to judge, if I was Christian Cage I would do the same thing. I mean have you seen her, damn. Christian you better watch out because once I take your title I’m going to take your controversally young wife. Which by the way you only married because you knocked her up, nice job having a newborn at 50” 
At this point I was livid, I wanted to kill Adam Copeland, how dare he talk about my family like that. For someone who gets so mad when someone brings up his family it’s ironic how he has no problem talking about other peoples relationships. 
“While I’m at it did you know the the age gap between Nick Wayne and Y/n is significantly lower than her’s with Christian, Gross. Y/n if a filty who-” Just then his mike was cut
That was the final straw, I stormed out of my private locker room and ran to the stage. I was going to make him pay. I knew this was probably a trap but I didn’t care, my adrenaline was pumping. I jumped on top of Adam and beat the bloody hell out of him for real. He tried to cover himself from my blows but they did nothing. I was able to get a good amount of shots in before security pulled me off of him. “I’m going to fucking kill you! What the fuck is your problem huh!” I yelled to Adam as security held us apart. The audience was shocked, they could tell that this wasn’t a work, for god sakes they cut off his mike before he did any more damage. My adrenaline was still pumping and I knew I coudn’t let Adam have the last word, especially after he disrespected my wife. I managed to steal a microphone that thankfully worked. 
“What the hell is your problem. You disgust me, how dare you speak of my wife and family like that. I think you are jealous of me. You have a boring marriage that has no love, you are married to an old hag who can’t even sleep in the same bed as you. Can’t you accept that I am just better than you, I have a better life, a better wife, I am the TNT champion god dammit. Just acceppt it and move on, and speaking of cheating just go home and beg your wife to forgive you for cheating on her AGAIN. Now I’ll admit that I am an asshole but I would never so something like that to the woman I love. Oh and I dare you to talk about Y/n again, next time I will make sure to kill you” 
With that I left, security escorted me backstage and out of the building. I didn’t even care of the consequences I could possibly face, I was proud of defending my family. On my way out I saw all the wrestlers backstage comforting Y/n who was understandably very upset. It warmed my heart to see.
A day has passed since the incident with Adam Copeland and myself on Collision. Like I assumed everyone was talking about it. Considering in this rivalry I am the bad guy Y/n and myself had received nothing but support during the whole situation. People were turning on Adam for his actions, being disgusted with what he said. AEW made the decision to give Copeland a four week suspension along with making him put out an public apology. The following is a total BS apology from Adam Copeland;  
*I would like to sincerely apologise to Y/n, Christian Cage, AEW and the fans for my actions on Saturday. What I said was truly uncalled for. I apologise to everyone who was offended with my words. I take full responsibility for my actions and will continue to work on being a better person. - Rater R Superstar Adam Copeland* 
What a total jerk. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that” I told Y/n as the two of us lied in bed, mutaly deciding we would spend the day rotting in bed after what happened not even 24hrs ago. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t know he was going to say that” She told me reassuringly “I know but what he said was fucked up. I love you so much, like so so much. I would do anything for you Y/n” I told her as I began to place delicate kisses on her neck. “What are you doing?” Y/n said playfully 
“Showing you how much I love you” 
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scarletts-scribbles · 4 months
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Hey! Here's a compiled list of prompts for people to use, feel free to submit any of these for requests or to use in your own writing. I didn't come up with all of these myself so check out the credited creators! Requests are not limited to these prompts, feel free to think of your own or change these up!
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 «» 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
“I’d rather sit and do nothing with you than do anything with anyone else.”
“Would a hug make things better?”
"You wanna cuddle for the rest of the morning?"
"Just hold me?"
"You're being extra cuddly this morning."
"Quiet night on the couch?"
“You make me want to be the best I can be.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that you like to be the little spoon.”
“Do I really have to spell it out for you?”
“You look really cute in my clothes.”
“You’re special. People like you don’t come around often.”
“I’ve only ever loved you.”
"You're hogging the blankets."
"May I have this dance?"
“Are you blushing?! That’s adorable.”
“Breathtaking. You’re breathtaking.”
“You should smile more often, it looks good on you.”
“Did you just kiss me to shut me up?”
“Should we make it official?”
“Can you wash my hair for me?” 
"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the couch."
"Can I braid your hair?"
"I'm not giving up on you, ever. I promise you.”
“You’re being very unsubtle with your heart eyes for them.” 
“I’m proud of you, no matter what.”
"You're the worst, I love you so much."
"You got me flowers?"
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
“Did you ever really love me?”
"Why did you come back?"
“You couldn’t just let me have this, could you?”
“Just because you hate your life doesn’t mine to get to dictate mine!”
“Look what you’ve done…”
"You promised you wouldn’t forget me."
“I don’t have an attitude, I just answered your question.”
“Please say something!”
"I get it! You're jealous!"
“Us? There was never an ‘us’.”
“Is this how it really ends?”
“Why can’t you be happy for me for once?”
“It’s too late for ‘I’m sorries’.”
"I thought I'd lost you forever."
“Ha… I told you you’d outlive me.” 
“Since when did you ever care about me?!”
“Tell me how I’m supposed to un-love you, then. Tell me. Spare me.” 
“Kiss me one last time?
“Why did you think you could change this?! You’re nothing!”
“This is all your fault.”
“I vouched for you! How could you?!"
"God, how blind can you be?"
“You’re either a fool for not knowing or an idiot for not doing something!”
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭/𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭
“Shut up and just let me take care of you!”
“Either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or I will drag your ass down the hall kicking and screaming. you know i’ll have no problem with either option.”
"How long have you been hiding this?"
“And just when were you planning to tell me you were sick?"
“Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—”
“You’re awfully quiet today.”
“Get behind me.”
“Here, lean on me. I can carry you.”
“Hey! Hey, relax it was just a nightmare, I’m right here.”
“You dumbass. Don’t do that. Ever again.”
“Try and get some sleep. I’ll stay right here- I won’t let anything happen to you, I swear.”
“We’re gonna fix you up, brand new. I promise.”
“Bless you! Jesus that nearly gave me a heart attack, how about a little warning next time?”
“Your hands are freezing! come here, let me warm you up.”
“Show me?”
“Your bedside manner is awful.”
“Your not exactly a good patient.”
"Did you eat something bad?"
“Would you like a heating pad?”
“I think I just started my period…”
“Oh darling, this fever, you’re totally burning up.”
“You can sleep in my bed, if it'd be of any help.”
"How many fingers am I holding up? ... I don't have six fingers."
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Did you remember to take your meds this morning?”
“Don’t be stupid, now sit down before you pass out.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Who did this to you?”
“You’re not fine! You’re bleeding for gods sake!”
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
"I want to taste you so badly." 
"Make me beg for it." 
"Oh I can do this all night long." 
"Be a good girl and use your words darling." 
"You surprise me every day." 
"Let's find out how much you want it." 
"Kiss me, I can't wait any longer." 
"Come on, please, do it." 
“Don’t worry, I’d take you out for dinner before I eat you out for dessert. It’s the polite thing to do.”  
"Do you like it when I talk like that?" 
"Oh, you like that?" 
"Hmm, you're not very patient, are you?" 
"Well, let's see what happens tonight." 
“I’ll be gentle, baby.  Don’t worry.” 
"Can you kiss it better?" 
"Keep the noise down, baby.  Someone's gonna walk in." 
“God, you look amazing like this.” 
"Let’s put that smart mouth to good use.” 
"Oh, you're hard to please." 
"I had a very nice dream that started like this." 
"Can you be good for me?" 
"It's so hot when you talk like that." 
"I'll go as long as you need." 
prompt sources: @.scealaiscoite, @.sleepywriter00, @.dumplingsjinson, @.euthymiaaa, @.novelbear, @.luvmmarner, @.promptsbytaurie, @.creativepromptsforwriting, @.rosewritingprompts
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Please, ma'am, could I request a reader who's a people pleaser and a perfectionist. Someone who always tries to stay optimistic for other's sake. Preferably platonic but I don't mind either way.
Do whatever else you want with it. I just think the dynamic with the team and a high-strung happy-go-lucky personality would be interesting.
Tenderheart Bear
A/N: Hi Bestie! I got you, girl! Look at me *holds your face* I got you! This is so cute! I love! Because this is literally me lmao. Also I got the name from the Care Bears lol I'm sorry (No, I'm not lol) but I hope you like it!!! - I hope you're ok with me making the reader a field-medic. I also made her a slight cry baby, mainly because I am a cry baby. I hope you're ok with that lol
Taskforce 141 x F! Field Medic Reader who's Miss Happy and a People Pleaser Perfectionist (like me lol) - PLATONIC
Warnings: Cursing? Members of the 141 being stressed and depressed, per usual.
Master List (tag list at the bottom)
Sometimes the members of the Task Force 141 wondered why their Captain had brought you onto their team. You were just... so nice.
You're always smiling.
You're always in a good mood.
You're always seeing the bright side of things - even on the field.
You were a field medic. Even field medics had some sort of arsenal of weapons, yet for some God damned reason you refused to carry any of them, except for a few utility and military knives - which is all you ever needed really. Johnny dared to ask you why - and beg you - to have something else other than a knife.
"No, because how would I be able to carry more medical supplies?"
Johnny looked at Simon with a dumbfounded expression, then back at you, "No, you at least need a gun, lass!"
"Sergeant, I don't need a gun! I have you guys!" You shrugged as you continued to pack your medical backpack.
"Oh my God, Woman!" Johnny exclaimed, waving his hand in protest as he left the room. "LT, please talk to her."
Simon looked over at you, sighing slightly, "Y/N, he has a point."
"I haven't had an issue before, why would I have an issue now?
"Y/N. What are you going to do if you get cornered? A knife isn't going to protect you against bullets."
"True. But again, I have you guys."
The vein already bulging out of Simon's forehead became more prominent.
"Wait, stand still!" You sucked in a breath, pressing your lips together as you bandaged Kyle's arm. The mission was over and you were waiting for a helicopter to come and pick you and the team up.
"Y/N, I'm fine." Kyle told her calmly.
"No, I have to re-wrap it because you keep moving, Serg-" Your eyes began to gloss over. Kyle placed his free hand over one of hers, making her look at him.
"Hey. You're ok. I'm fine, just a little surface wound. The bandaging doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough for us to make it back."
"But it'll get infected if I don't do it right!" You pouted, tears threatening to fall.
Kyle took a deep breath and re-assured her once more: "Y/N. It's ok. I'll be fine. You'll be fine. You did good out there."
Captain Price patted each of the pockets of his cargo pants, looking for a pen. You stood beside him, holding a pen out for him. He thanked you for it, and started looking for something to write on.
You pulled out a small note pad from one of the side pockets of your cargo pants and handed it to him. He looked at you for a moment, thanked you again, then started looking for something.
"What are you looking for?"
"My cigars."
"Oh, you left them in your right jacket pocket with your lighter." You smiled at your Captain who just looked at you, then walked over to his jacket that was hung over a chair and checked the right pocket, finding his cigars and his lighter. Thinking you may be playing a prank on him, he looked at you for a moment, then thanked you.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" Simon sat on a chair beside you while you were being patched up by one of the nurses on the base.
You couldn't meet the Lieutenant's eyes. Your eyes glossed over and tears threatened to fall. "Because I got hurt- I didn't- I couldn't-"
"Y/N. Look at me."
The nurse had left, leaving you and Simon. You took a deep breath and finally looked at him, eyes puffy and rosy cheeks from crying earlier.
On the inside, seeing you hurt, or seeing you cry, or upset - at anything, wrung his heart. He scooted over and looked up at her, speaking softly, "Hey. You did good out there, sport. We all get hurt on missions, you know what - there's a reason we got you on our team. You're our little healer - and we protect our little healer. But you getting hurt this time was not your fault. If you should blame anyone, blame me because I didn't keep an eye on you."
Simon - or anyone else on the team - only spoke softly to you - they all knew that and you knew that. Because they cared. You made sure they were patched up on the field. You made sure they were ok. You were their little healer. It was only natural that they make sure you're ok.
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81 @thanksbutno98 @gabriellathegreat
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Content: Whumper-turned-whumpee, begging, bad caretaker, near death experience, restraints.
"After all they've done to you, you still wish to save them?"
"Yes," Whumpee whispered. They glanced over at Whumper; the pathetic excuse of a human curled up at Caretaker's feet and made another attempt to release themself from their restraints. "Please! They're doing better. They're not hurting anyone anymore. Please let them go."
Caretaker thought for a moment, using the toe of their shoe to tilt Whumper's head up so they were looking at each other more directly. "People like this don't change, Whumpee. If they did it once, they sure as hell can do it again."
"Whumper is living proof that they can change," Whumpee insisted with a small sob. "I know you've had your share of bad experiences, but this is mine and I should get to choose how to handle it! Please! Let them go!"
Their heart practically shattered when Whumper struggled to grasp a decent breath of air. "I'm okay with dying," they rasped. "Somehow, I have earned Whumpee's forgiveness and proven that I am very, truly sorry for the pain I've caused. That is all I wanted. If this really is my fate, then I am ready. Just... please be kind to Whumpee."
"I will never forgive you if you kill them," Whumpee hissed, their voice seeping with desperation. "You- you're the one who has me chained while you threaten to kill someone I care about! You're the only person here who is causing me pain! Not them!"
For a moment, Whumpee thought Caretaker wasn't listening to them. They saw them dig the heel of their boot into Whumper's head, pressing their face into the ground, before they gave them a rough kick and groaned irritably.
"Fuck's sake," they muttered. "Fine. If this is truly what you want, then I won't stop you."
They dropped the key to the chains by Whumper's side crouched down to be closer to them. "Here. If I find out that you've hurt them in any way, so help me God, I will kill you. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, sir," Whumper practically wheezed, still hunched over due to the pain radiating from their stomach. "I wouldn't ever hurt them. A-again, I mean."
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muzzleroars · 11 months
I am obsessed with this acended v1 idea now, a fallen angel and an acended machine!!! Please I want more thoughts on this I’m begging you
(see this!)
I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THEM TOO....i've of course talked about them a bit here, here, and here, BUT this lets me sort of give some miscellaneous thoughts i couldn't fit into those other asks!! of course i'm still formulating this part of the au so things are probably...very subject to change but they're on my mind in a big way....
first is the time gap that sort of happens here, with v1 taking years for gabriel to revive - he departs from hell a few days after its death, but ascending mount purgatory is difficult for a fallen angel, especially as he moves higher and higher. everything becomes more oppressive, his feet growing increasingly heavy as v1's body eventually feels like a lead weight in his arms. crossing lethe is treacherous as such - if he touches its waters, every memory will be wiped from his mind in an instant, and so he's required to leap from one bank to the other (assisted minimally by wings he hasn't taken out in years). and on the other end of eden, its sister eunoe threatens to burn him away (all sin is meant to be forgotten in this river, which would likely be highly detrimental to a fallen angel). so he vaults again, yet this journey was the easy one - he has all of heaven to traverse now, unable to teleport, unable to fly, but still finding some way to move between the spheres.
SO LIKE. THE GAME I GUESS BUT WITH GABRIEL IN HEAVEN KIND OF. he doesn't kill nearly as many angels as v1 does everything in hell, doing everything he in his power to threaten and scare them off rather than engage them for his sake and theirs. gabriel still cares for his old home, harboring no grudges for the people he once deeply loved and would have defended to his own death. yet he won't be stopped, he will kill if it comes down to it, and despite his exhaustion, despite an entire heaven hostile toward his very being, he's only grown stronger as they've become weaker. and so his travels take far more time than v1's descent, yet to find what he's looking for is what truly counts the years - gabriel walks through a ruined, broken heaven, a world no angels have touched since god disappeared, his vast kingdom crumbing outside the small inhabited islands. this is particularly true in the ninth sphere, yet gabriel goes alone into its unknown reaches to find what he needs...and eventually, likely in part following the lead of the other archangels, the others only let him go, let him search. fighting him is no longer worth it, not with the loss of life it incurs, and they see he truly means them no harm if he can help it.
and since those other asks covered the in-between here, risen v1 ideas!!! honestly, if v1 were to receive gabriel's light, it would be surprised how similar this still feels to being a machine - it's no wonder they understood each other so well. it is much better at recognizing emotion in itself and others, and art finally comes much easier for it, but otherwise its major adjustments are more how the divine interacts with the mechanical. v1 can now imbue things with light too, much like the ferryman's cloth but MUCH more powerful. v1's definitely already been given to playing with hell mass, but it absolutely panics when it does so, the same as it always has...and then it starts walking around!!!! it's alive!!!! it blasts it, instantly, but then it happens again and again and!!!!!! gabriel comes home one day to find a bunch of weird....bugs???? running around as v1 sits there in the middle of the floor, shaping yet another little creature in its hands for experimental replication purposes. the rest of the day is spent reckoning with v1's ability to grant life and gabriel stressing the GREAT responsibility of that - he is firmly against hell mass pets while v1 wants to make spore in real life.
in the same vein, there is simply a period where v1 is incredibly destructive. it always has been, naturally, but this is much less controlled, running loose with its new abilities and hurting itself quite severely more than once. there are times the power stresses its body to breaking point as v1 overuses it, leading to break downs that bring back a lot of bad memories for gabriel. however, on the flipside, their sparring matches are absolutely on another level for both of them now - v1 learns gabriel's old tricks, teleporting and using the light to construct any weapon it wants (it's VERY creative there lol) while gabriel is now a demon that could easily rival lucifer in his raw power and command of hell energy. they both feel a new burn fighting one another, something in their natures now antithetical to another; v1 feels the sullied corruption of a fallen angel's claws while gabriel's frozen body is electrified with molten gold every time he's struck by v1's light. and they're both absolutely wild for it lol after all this time, a new, almost forbidden dimension has been added to their battles and their love. ghosts of those feelings inhabit every touch as well, like a lingering threat for both of them for some time, and they both delight in it. they've got to be careful overdoing things for a bit because of it lol
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Baby, don't run, you're breaking my heart
After spending the winter months with Astarion, Gale, Shadowheart, and Tav, Halsin gets cold feet and runs off.
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, angst, fluff, the feels, character study)
This is a direct continuation of 'Tav's sex parade'. You don't need to read the latter to get this story, but it would help the deeper meaning and understanding of it.
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics, Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
Another fic is mentioned.
Halsin had run off.
He'd spent a wonderful winter season with his lovers. Four months of good food, the best company, and shameless, hot sex. And then, pure fear had gripped him and he'd fled head over heels.
Now, the former archdruid sat in a shabby tavern, surrounded by drunkards, in bumfuck nowhere and contemplated to drown his guilt in alcohol once more. He'd sworn never to drink again, but today he was tempted for the first time in over eighty years.
With a deep sigh, Halsin hid his face in his hands and groaned. He was angry.
Why am I such a coward? he asked himself. Why do I disappoint the ones I love and care about over and over again? Why can't I be a better man?
"Are you going to order something soon, or will you keep wallowing in self-pity?" asked the tavern keeper slightly annoyed. "You're occupying a precious seat for more business-friendly customers."
"Apologies," Halsin muttered and stood up. "I'm giving the seat to someone else."
The tavern keeper grunted with a nod. The wood elf walked towards the door, but was stopped by a pretty woman.
"Hey, handsome, would you like to join me tonight? I'd love to be held down by all these muscles."
The addressed forced a polite smile onto his face.
"Thank you for the offer, I'm flattered, but I need to go somewhere."
"Oh, I see." The woman looked disappointed. "Enjoy your night then."
"You too. I'm truly sorry for declining."
Halsin rushed out of the door, his heart ached. The woman didn't have broad shoulders and freckles like Tav, nor long silver hair and a scar across her nose like Shadowheart.
Two days after leaving Gale's tower house in Waterdeep, the druid had slept with a stranger – and he hadn't found any joy in it. Three days later, when he'd gotten propositioned again, he hadn't even been able to get it up. Thus, he couldn't forget his self-loathing through alcohol nor sex. Not anymore. Not like back then.
Halsin had reached the woods and lay down in his makeshift tent, which was more like a taut tarpaulin than anything else, and closed his eyes as they filled with tears.
He was a coward. Afraid of losing people and afraid of disappointing them. Some called it commitment issues, but that wasn't it. He feared he was not enough for his partners, especially for Tav, and he couldn't contribute equal parts to their relationship. He was scared of screwing everything up eventually. He always did.
Oak Father, preserve me. Please, give me strength and courage. I have to make this right. What I have, what I found... I can't give it up. Don't want to. Please, Oak Father, I beg you; let me have a place again where I belong. I want to belong again.
Halsin rolled into a ball, making himself as small as possible, as he cried himself to sleep.
Tav was angry – no, furious, but also sad, hurt, and slightly disappointed. She'd never thought Halsin would just leave them – her – without an explanation or farewell.
"Come on, dear, drink your lavender tea," encouraged Morena, Gale's mother, and slid the sandwich tray closer to the bard.
The latter sighed unhappily, rubbed her forehead, and took a sip from her teacup. For her quasi mother-in-law's sake, she grabbed a small sandwich and took a bite. It was topped with ham, soft Waterdhavian cheese and fresh cress. Gale loved to prepare sandwiches for their afternoon tea break.
"There, there," hummed Morena, looking pleased. "With a filled tummy, the world looks less grim."
"You're right about that, Miss Dekarios," purred Tara, her little mouth smeared with cream cheese.
Tav sighed again, a bit too theatrical, and glared at the sandwich in her hand. Morena gave her a look.
"Oh, please. Don't exaggerate about this. Halsin's gone for two months already. And it's not like you have no lovers left."
"You don't understand, Morena, I love him. I love them all! Equally. Whole-heartedly. It's out of character for Halsin to just leave wordlessly. I have no idea why he left. Was it something I did? Something I didn't do? Is it a personal issue? I don't understand why he didn't talk to me. I'm seriously worried about him."
"I understand very well what you mean," the addressed replied calmly. "But your bad mood and worries don't solve the issue, do they? There are exactly two things you can do: search for him, or let him go. The choice is yours, Tav, but don't forget what's right in front of you. Chasing things you can't reach, never ends well. My son's a prime example for this – and you know it."
The bard grimaced but nodded.
"Still, I'm worried about Halsin," she muttered, rotating the teacup in her hands.
"He broke your heart," the sorceress stated pragmatically, "and you want an answer to the question why."
Tav nodded again and took another sip of tea. The lavender tried its damn best to calm her emotional turmoil, but it just wasn't working enough. The bard set her jaw, explaining: "I can't simply leave it like this. I want to find Halsin and talk to him. I need to know why he left."
"Ran away, more like," Morena muttered into her teacup, and Tara nodded in agreement.
Tav glared at them.
"That wasn't normal behaviour for him. The Halsin I know would have never done this!"
"And yet he did, dear. People are unpredictable – and selfish. Sometimes, you just have to accept your fate."
"Never!" Tav squeezed out between clenched teeth.
Morena sighed deeply.
"Incorrigible, these romantics."
Unbothered, she took another sip from her cup, while Tav was about to explode. She stood up, slamming her palm onto the tabletop, and hissed: "I'll find him – no matter if you, or anyone else, approves of it! He's worth it!"
Fuming, Tav stomped out of the kitchen.
"Don't forget our meeting tomorrow morning, dear!" Morena sing-songed amused. "The Sorcerous Sundries in Baldur's Gate has finally reopened after you killed the previous owner!"
"He was a prick!" shouted Gale from his study, making his mother chuckle and Tav snort a laugh.
"Don't worry, I'll be ready at nine," sighed the latter then, smiling slightly.
Tav had to give it to Morena; she'd been right about her prediction about spending a lovely day together. They'd portalled to Baldur's Gate with Gale and Shadowheart and browsed through the assortment of the reopened magic shop. Afterwards, they'd lunch at the Blushing Mermaid before portalling back to Waterdeep. It had been a nice distraction from the misery Tav felt since Halsin had left, but it wasn't gone, obviously. Also, she hadn't found what she'd been looking for at the Sorcerous Sundries.
"Do you have something that keeps me from burning in the sun?" she'd asked. "My skin's rather delicate."
"Unfortunately, we don't have anything like this in our gigantic assortment," had the wizard’s magical projection replied. "But you may be interested in sunburn reliever."
Tav had declined politely. She wasn't looking for something for herself actually, but for a certain someone.
Patience, she told herself. Maybe, I'll find what I'm searching for one day. – I hope I will.
Halsin lay on the mossy forest floor with his eyes closed and his palms against the ground. He felt Mother Nature's energy flow up through the soil into his body and back down. The druid breathed slowly and deeply, focusing on releasing everything that didn't serve him or was too much. Nature could use his excess energy to create something beautiful. Meanwhile, the new energy Halsin drew from her, cleansed and rejuvenated him. His thoughts drifted away after a while and he pondered about his next move. What should he do? How could he fix what he'd broken? The wood elf sighed and opened his eyes, gazing at the green canopy above him.
Oak Father, speak to me, he pleaded. I don't know what to do.
Two squirrels chased each other through the trees until they stopped and started to mate. Halsin looked away to give them some privacy.
That's not the sign I need, Silvanus, he thought, huffing a bitter laugh.
The druid sighed again. He felt tired, heavy, burnt out. He wanted to move, but couldn't get himself to do it.
I must pull myself together, he scolded himself. I won't feel any better if I keep lying here.
A fox dashed across the clearing, light-footed. Bypassing tripping hazards and elegantly jumping over the small creek. Halsin observed it.
Agile and clever like a fox. Fast and fearless like a squirrel. Thank you, Oak Father.
Tav couldn't sleep and she felt guilty. Astarion, Gale and Shadowheart tried their best to cheer her up and emotionally support her to overcome her heartbreak. Shadowheart didn't let it show on her face, but she was hurting too. Sometimes, Tav caught her staring at the honey pot in the kitchen teary-eyed.
Now, the bard was sandwiched between the cleric and the wizard who were sleeping soundly. Carefully, she wiggled her way out of their embraces, hoping not to wake them, and pattered to the kitchen. On the way, she checked on Scratch, Naïlo, and Tara who slept on the carpet and pillows in front of the fireplace, tightly entangled. The tressym purred in her sleep, enthroned on top of the owlbear's fluffy, feathery flank, who hooted lowly with every exhale, and the dog's paws twitched while he was dreaming of chasing something (probably a pigeon in the park), while snuggled up against Naïlo's belly. Tav smiled and left them alone. She walked downstairs to Astarion's basement room, but the vampire was still on his nightly stroll through the city. Sighing, the bard moved to the kitchen to brew tea. She studied the one dozen tea caddies.
For sleep and to soothe the nerves, hmm... Chamomile, lavender, and valerian. Morena would be proud that I remember her herbology lessons.
Just as she grabbed the caddy with lavender, she heard the low hum of the magic barrier of the front door. Gale had enchanted it to inform them when someone was at the door, who wasn't knocking. Furrowing her brows, Tav walked to the entrance hallway, curious who it could be. It wasn't Astarion, that's for sure, he had a key. The bard stopped before the door, staring at it. It was still humming lowly. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Halsin sat on the doorstep, staring at her wide-eyed, surprised and shocked in equal measure. Tav blinked at him dumbly.
"Uhm, hello, Tav. I uh - It's the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake anyone. Also, I- I don't know what to say."
The druid looked embarrassed and sheepish, squeezing his hands together.
"I definitely need that lavender tea now," the bard stated, still overwhelmed.
Halsin looked up at her, those hazel eyes big and pleading.
His breath left a puff of air in the cold spring night. His hair was dripping wet from the rain. Tav opened the door wider.
"Come in. It would be a shame if you'd freeze to death or catch pneumonia due to the rain. My parents would be mortified to know I've turned into such an unfriendly, heartless host."
Hastily, the druid scrambled onto his feet and lifted up his luggage. Hesitantly, he entered Gale's tower house, dripping water onto the doormat.
"Stay here, I'll grab a towel," Tav told him. "And don't you dare leave before we've exchanged a single word."
Embarrassed, Halsin lowered his head. He did feel the urge to flee, but he didn't move a millimetre. He had to put it right again. Tav returned quickly with a towel and some clothes. The druid thanked her and got dry and dressed.
"Come on. Are you hungry?"
"Yes," mumbled the addressed, the tips of his ears blushing in embarrassment.
You can't even feed yourself properly, you idiot, scolded the mean voice in his head, and Halsin shook himself to clear his mind.
He tentatively entered the kitchen, sat down at the table, and observed how Tav grabbed a tray of sandwiches from the pantry which was glowing purple.
"Gale enchanted the cupboard so that the food doesn't go bad," Tav explained. As always, she had interpreted his facial expression and body language correctly. She was particularly talented at that. Halsin wondered if it had something to do with her profession.
The bard put the plate down in front of him and brew the tea. The faint smell of lavender wafted through the kitchen and Halsin inhaled deeply, hoping it would calm his nerves. Tav filled two cups with tea and sat down opposite him. Her green-brown eyes studied him, her brows were slightly furrowed in concentration. It was unnerving and Halsin fidgeted around on the chair. Tav took a sip from her cup, then, she took a deep breath, and asked, way too calmly: "Why?"
The druid stared into his tea, working his clenched jaw. 'Why?'. Such a simple question, and he had no idea how to answer it. How to explain his action. Himself.
"I -," he began, voice cracking miserably. "I don't know. I mean, I do know, but I don't know how to explain it. I - I'm so sorry, my heart."
Tav inhaled sharply.
"Don't call me that," she whispered. "Don't call me that if you don't mean it. Don't play with me, Halsin."
"I mean it," the druid replied, feeling ice-cold dread filling his veins. He grabbed her hand on the table. His was clammy, hers warm. "I mean it. I- I screwed it up."
Angrily, Tav stood up, her eyes aflame.
"Yes, you did! Spectacularly! Why, Halsin? Don't you trust me? I thought you'd tell me if something's wrong."
"Of course, I trust you! That's the problem," Halsin replied, getting up himself. "I entrust you with my life – and it scares the shit out of me!"
Tav shook her head. Anger, hurt, and sadness showed on her face. She was so easy to read, like an open book. What if she would send him away now? What if she couldn't forgive him? Halsin swallowed, trembled. His fear had him in a chokehold. But, instead of moving away, Tav stepped closer.
"Kiss me. Please," she whispered, looking up at him.
A shiver ran down Halsin's spine as he took a step forward, bent down, and kissed her like a starving man. He held onto her, with one hand around her biceps and the other on her neck. Tasting her, smelling her. It was so much better than in his memories. He traced the bite mark at the nape of her neck with his fingers, remembering how he'd left it there and how she'd let him mark her so willingly. Halsin broke the kiss when he tasted saltwater.
"No, please. Don't stop," pleaded Tav with tears streaming down her face. "Please, Halsin, don't run away again. It broke my heart."
The addressed swallowed, staring at her. He'd never seen Tav cry before.
No matter what had happened and what awful things they'd gone through, she'd been solid like a rock. She'd been there for Astarion after he'd killed Cazador. Had held him tight and consoled him. She'd had enough faith and trust in him to let him drink from her every night since basically day one. She'd encouraged Shadowheart to free herself from Shar and the pain that the goddess had inflicted on her. Had hugged her and had mumbled soothingly. She'd promised Karlach to get her and Wyll out of Avernus. Had comfort her with words since she hadn't been able to touch the tiefling. She'd convinced Gale to not comply to Mystra's wishes to blow himself up. Instead, she'd helped him get the Crown of Karsus from the Netherbrain so that he could hand it to the Goddess of Magic and got freed from the Orb in his chest. She'd help him lift the Shadow Curse. Had welcomed him into her found family. Tav had helped them all. She had made them whole again, had helped them heal. To start anew. And he had screwed it up. He had made her cry.
"I'm deeply sorry, Tav. My heart," said Halsin. "I never intended to hurt you."
He kissed her again and she sobbed, wrapping her arms around him. The druid sighed. Finally, he felt her strong body against his again, saw the rosy, freckled skin again, those green-brown eyes, and that awful, short haircut. He'd missed her and he loved her – so much.
When they parted, they leaned their foreheads together, and Halsin said: "What we have, no, what you gave me, is too precious to give up. It's worth fighting for. I was a coward. Fear overwhelmed me and I didn't know how to deal with it. It's true; I trust you more than anyone else, but it scares me. For the first time in decades, I'm in love with someone, opened my heart for you, and I'm scared I'll screw it up, you'll leave me, or I'm not good enough for you. I haven't committed to a relationship in such a long time, because every time I did, it came back to bite me in the arse, or something terrible happened. I can't go through this again. I can't have my heart broken for the dozens time. But by fearing for my own heart's safety, I broke yours, and I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me."
"Yes," nodded Tav, holding him close. "Always."
Halsin felt like crying and kissed her again, desperately. They held each other close and cried freely. It felt good to let it out.
"I missed you so much," sniffed Tav. "Don't you ever do that again! I know you're a free spirit and you can't be hold down. That's why I let you go, why I'm not jealous, and why I'm happy with our arrangement. I have multiple lovers and so do you. 'Let our hearts roam freely', you once said and I agree. But please, talk to me before you run away because it's too much to bear for you. Whatever you want, whatever bothers you, I'll understand and I'll let you go, but please, come back to me and don't leave me without a word again."
"I promise," whispered Halsin, squeezing his eyes shut. "I promise, my heart. I'll never cause you heartache again."
Tav took his hand and led him towards the kitchen counter. There, she discharged her nightgown and started fumbling with his trousers. Suddenly in a frenzy, Halsin pulled the shirt over his head in one smooth motion and stepped out of the trousers. They kissed again before the bard hopped up onto the counter. Halsin already panted in anticipation, excited to feel her body against his again and taste her skin. He slid his hands under her buttocks and kissed her as he thrust into her. Tav moaned, wrapping her legs and arms around him. Halsin kissed her neck and started a steady pace. For a while, they kissed and panted against each other's necks. Then, Tav let go of him, placed her arms behind her and leaned back. The druid groaned and kissed her sternum. Moaning, Tav lolled her head back.
"You're beautiful as always, my heart," Halsin told her. "And it fills me with immeasurable joy to know that you wear my bite mark with such pride. I love you, more than you can imaging."
"I love you too, Halsin," Tav panted.
She pulled him closer with one arm to kiss him again. He happily complied and started to rub her pubic mound with his talented fingers. The bard mewled, clenching around him and making him groan. He spilled into her while moaning into her mouth. She followed him over the edge noisily and tightened her powerful legs around him. Halsin loved it and would have happily died between those muscular thighs, Oak Father, preserve him.
"Get a room, you filthy animals, Gods!" Astarion grinned, leaning against the doorframe while watching them shamelessly as they were basking in the afterglow of their orgasm.
The addressed snickered, slightly embarrassed that they were caught in the act. The vampire spawn's smirk turned into a soft smile when he said: "So, our druid has returned and the issues are resolved, I hope?"
"Yes," Tav answered and Halsin nodded against her shoulder.
"Wonderful," sighed Astarion. "Now, we can only hope that our darling bard won't sulk anymore."
"I wasn't sulking, I was dealing with heartbreak."
"Same thing, darling, same thing. Goodnight, sweet dreams," lilted Astarion and twirled around. "Oh, and druid? Don't think you can get away without an explanation. Shadowheart cried her eyes out as well, but presented herself strongly for Tav's sake."
With a shit-earing grin on his face and a nonchalant wave, the vampire spawn made his way to the living room. Halsin groaned conscience-smitten.
"I'm sorry I caused such a ruckus. I guess I can't avoid explaining myself. The others will eat me alive."
"They love you," Tav replied, stroking his hair. "They'll only eat you in the bedroom."
At that, Halsin chuckled and warmth bloomed in his chest. He and Tav freshened up in the bathroom and then, walked to the bedchamber. The cleric and the wizard had moved in their sleep, basically resting in each other's arms. Carefully, Halsin climbed into the bed and spooned up behind Shadowheart, wrapping an arm around her middle and pulling her close, while Tav snuggled up against his back.
"I love you," she mumbled, kissing his shoulder.
The druid smiled sleepily.
"I love you too."
Shortly after, Astarion joined them too. He slipped in behind Gale and rested his head against his back. He took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of lavender soap, and smiled.
"Halsin? Please, use your elf brain next time and not your bear brain," Astarion told the other man. "Let’s not cause any more heartache and misery."
"Yes," the druid agreed. "I'm sorry."
"I know," remarked the vampire spawn. "Let’s just make our lovers happy, shall we? And in the process, we'll make ourselves happy too."
Halsin hummed, smiling.
"You belong here, you know? You're family. So, don't just run off. – I never thought I have to tell you this, but here we are; we love you, Halsin."
Swallowing thickly, the druid nodded.
"I love you too," he croaked out, close to tears again.
"Rest now, druid. It's good you're home."
"Thank you, little vampire. I'm happy to be back."
Astarion hummed, snuggling up closer to Gale who sighed happily in his sleep. Halsin closed his eyes again, willing his body into relaxation. He felt warm and comfortable with Shadowheart in his arms and Tav at his back. Astarion was right; it was good to be home.
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kosmic-arts · 6 months
It is Once Again Time To Complain About Things That Don't Matter
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358/2 days is definitely one of the better written kh games, but don't let that fool you. its not like the bar was very high to begin with (i am only partially joking).
i love days, but there is so much wasted time and space in that game. i despise how much characters fainting, falling asleep, having amnesia, and gotdamn brainblasts, are constantly used as plot devices because the writers don't know how to organically move characters along to the next plot point(this goes for all of kh, not even just days). the entire novelty of days is getting to play on the bad guy's side while getting an intimate look at all the cool badass org members, and yet you hardly get to know any of them over the course of the game. barely any time is taken to flesh them out, which is a complete travesty btw, and even axel- who is one of the major supporting characters- ultimately takes a backseat to roxas and xion's emotional angst. its good emotional angst, but theres no reason for it to overwhelm the entire game. and honestly, even roxas himself takes a backseat to xion's even bigger emotional angst! roxas hardly gets to know who or what he is, whats going on, or what for. roxas is a complete passenger, and as time goes on i struggle to see the value in that, even if it does feed into the overall themes of his story and his own emotional angst.
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because, look: xion was a passenger as well; she had no choice in her situation, only the illusion of one that riku offered her. and yet, she still was allowed a moment of agency. roxas tried to do the same after xion's death by going to kill the organization(which frankly, he could've killed every last one of them- get real), riku stops him and refuses to explain or reason with roxas to get him to consider another way. riku just proceeds to taunt him. whwhy i find it hilarious that riku took pity on xion because she reminded him of kairi, but the guy who's literally his best friend's nobody whom he is currently fighting to save-... he acts like a bitch to, and refuses to give him any of the same consideration that he gave to the girl. what the fuck is that
what is with the complete and utter disrespect of roxas in his own game- >>specifically<< by the people who should be his allies. remember that bit at the end of days where roxas is about to leave and confronts axel for answers, and practically pours his heart out begging axel to help him?? axel refuses to tell him who sora is and that he’s sora’s nobody, etc. ok.. maybe he’s afraid of getting shot by the organization because it’s classified information. no, fuck that. its a major part of axel’s character is that he puts his own desires and wants before his job or duty. and! he also cares a great deal about his friends, even above his own wellbeing. he helps xion escape the organization when he was on that mission with xigbar. he didn’t even have an excuse to protect himself when xigbar interrogated him for letting xion go- axel could’ve gotten shot then and there for helping the traitor. he straight up put his neck on the chopping block for xion’s sake.
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so then, why now with roxas, does he refuse to do anything at all to help him? he’s done shit before like lie to roxas in a vain attempt to make him happy- axel cares about him! he wants to help him, especially when hes sad- and in this final moment, roxas is in complete despair. axel could’ve very easily been like “well i cant tell you,, but maybe some other guy could… uh idk his name starts with an R”. god almighty it would’ve been so easy to just nudge roxas in a direction while still covering for himself if he was still worried about that. but no, completely out of character, axel just abandons roxas to possible execution(of which he would likely be the one to carry out) by the org for rebelling, without even giving roxas the slightest lifeline to find the answers that he deserves.
man i just lost the entire topic going on an whole ass side tangent…. what even was the topic to begin with idk im complaining about days. i'll proceed with a spicy hot take! get ready. when xion died, all memory and evidence of her existence shouldn't have been erased. yes. as depressing of an idea as it is- like, her friends aren't even allowed the luxury of cherishing her memory when she's gone, i think we all know why it was a bad move in the long run. xion getting wiped from existence was a poorly veiled excuse to avoid having to explain why nobody talks about her in other games- while also just straight up being able to get away without really mentioning 99% of what happens in 358/2 days to begin with. even as a kid i knew this was shit and i still think it's shit now, and the fact they had to pull a memory wipe trick like this is even more proof that the writers of kh are absolutely abysmal at tying their stories together or thinking ahead at all. or more like, they shot themselves in the foot daring to implement important plot details into spin-off titles in the first place. chain of memories started this trend, and even that game had to pull the memory wipe trick at the end of the game so as to not stunt players who didn't happen to own both a ps2 and a gba.
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its a really asinine trend that has indisputably ruined kh with each installment. like, you can't be serious. in order to understand the main villian's(xehanort) motivations, i have to play 2 games and a casino, to have a full understanding as to why this old fuck wants to blow everyone up. for the longest time, i didn't understand why xehanort was concocting this decade long masterplan to attain kingdom hearts, UNTIL i happened upon the kh wiki. this is so sad you cant make this shit up you can figure out within the space of kh1 why ansem wants kingdom hearts. he's a power hungry mad scientist that went batshit insane in pursuit of knowledge. a classic victor frankenstien-esque character archetype. its so easy! I understood that without issue even as a child. too bad they couldn't just do that again with the next major villian! tbf, even xemnas' goals were extremely simple-...... until they added in the bit where he was lying to the entire org about them not having hearts or the ability to feel and yadayada... what was he trying to accomplish with that stunt again? don't get me started how stupid xemnas lying is. you've gotta be shitting me. like, are you saying that intelligent scientists like zexion and vexen wouldn't figure out such an obvious lie? what about lexaeus? luxord? really?? these aren't stupid people. at least one of them would have figured it out. would've been a good opportunity to give marluxia a reason to have been trying to pull a coup(besides wanting power???) because he figured out xemnas was a manipulative fuck and marluxia decided to take initiative and overthrow him. i love marluxia, but damn, the entire time i was playing com i had no idea what the fuck his motivations were.. why does he want to take over the organization... was that ever mentioned? …huh
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but wait wait, i just went on another massive side tangent. i want to go back to talking about xion. i would've much preferred if we got to see moments of roxas and axel struggling to come to terms with losing one of their only friends. like, how would axel handle being completely powerless to save her, and frankly unable to even be there in her final moments? maybe he would've turned on the organization much sooner, because how could he ever continue working for the group that split him apart from the 2 people that really matter to him. that'd be interesting. roxas could eventually cool down, and simmer into a depression AND NOT GET THROWN INTO A SHITTY SIMULATION BECAUSE RIKU SHOULDVE BEEN NICER TO HIM. huh what- and maybe roxas might feel inclined to give up, but meeting with namine could be some reassurance to him because she tells him all that stuff about how he won't disappear and there's hope for nobodies like them!! honestly, just seeing the characters having to grapple with the pain of their past and actually talk about it instead of vaguely wincing about things they feel but can't remember would've been so much better. i get it, it's a mildly entertaining trope- characters suffering emotional wounds they don't remember receiving, or acting in strange ways in deference to old traditions they can no longer recall... yeah i get the appeal, but it doesn't make for a very strong story in the long run, especially with an event as major as xion's sacrifice. why can't characters be allowed to grow from their past and have character development. i like it when a character's history influences them in meaningful ways that isn't entirely superficial.
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heck man, idk. you get the point. days is full of amazing ideas and has a fantastic premise, but like all things in kh, it struggles to hold up as soon as you examine it with the barest amount of scrutiny. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
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It’s whatever
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Robin Buckley x fem!reader
WARNINGS: a lot of dialogue, cursing, suggestive comment at the end, mentions of food
REQUESTED: {x} by anon, rivals to lovers
SUMMARY: When the two get paired up for a project neither of them likes it very much yet the time spent working on it reveals some feelings they both buried deep down.  
A/N: thank you for this lovely request! i am absolutely in love with robin and was so glad when i got your ask <33 the timeline is a little messed up but it’s whatever ;) gif credits to @julicnbaker
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The second you heard your teacher say the names Robin Buckley and Y/N Y/L/N in one sentence, you knew it wasn't going to be anything good. It’s not a secret you and Robin don’t like each other very much - in fact, you’re pretty sure your whole grade knows it. It’s not so rare to hear the two of you fighting in the hallways over the most stupid things ever. And the fact that you two have a locker right next to one another doesn’t help either. There’s just something about her that gets on your nerves.
“What? No, please, miss, anyone but her!” you exclaim, basically begging the teacher to pair you up with someone else.
“I’m sorry but the pairs are already made. You’ll just have to learn how to work with each other,” the teacher comments, making you turn around and stare at Robin with a murderous glare. It’s not her fault but you can’t take your frustration out on the teacher so she’ll have to do. Besides, she’s going to do the same thing.
“No, we’re definitely not writing that!” Robin argues, snatching the piece of paper out of your hands.
“Then what should we write?!” you yell, putting your hands up in frustration. It’s been like this for the past hour or so, desperately trying to work together but failing miserably. “We’re getting nowhere. How about I just do the project and then we simply present it together?” you suggest, taking deep breaths to calm down.
“Yeah, of course, and let you take all the credit? You’re delusional,” she barks back, placing your notes on the table between the two of you.
“Well, you’re impossible to work with,” you state, crossing your arms on your chest.
“I work perfectly with people who aren’t you,” she defends herself, making you roll your eyes.
“I really don’t know how Steve can like you,” you wonder out loud, and now it’s her turn to roll her eyes.
“And I really don’t know how Steve can like you,” she answers the rhetorical question, a puff of air leaving your mouth.
“Yeah, whatever,” she repeats, looking down at what you currently have on the theme. “We wrote three sentences. In one hour.” Robin sighs, taking a deep breath before saying the next words. “What if,” a pause. “What if we put our differences aside, just for the sake of our grade?” she almost shyly asks, and you can’t believe a half-decent idea came out of her mouth.
“Sure. It’s whatever,” you mutter, relaxing your face muscles.
“Yeah, whatever,” she whispers, and you could have sworn there was a ghost of a smile on her face.
Today is the day you’re supposed to present your finished work but you haven't seen Robin all day. Not in the first class you had together, not in the hallway. The presentation is in 15 minutes and you’re starting to get really nervous.
“Harrington!” you shout through half the hallway, students turning to look at you but you couldn’t care less.
“Wow, calm down Y/N, where’s the fire?” he questions, motioning for you to take a deep breath.
“Where’s your annoying little friend?” you ask, angrily puffing out air.
“Which one?”
“You know damn well which one, dipshit,” you mutter, signalling that it’s not a good time to joke right now.
“She stayed home. She’s sick,” he quickly answers, knowing how hard it is to deal with you when you’re angry.
“She’s sick?!” you exclaim, grabbing the students' attention once again. “And she didn't think to let me know?! Oh that-”
“Okay, let's just take a deep breath, in, then out, c’mon, do it with me,” Steve cuts you off before you could say anything else. You stare at him with murder written in your eyes but still follow his instructions. A couple of breaths later you finally calm down a little, trying to think of a way to persuade the teacher into letting you present some other day instead of angrily screaming to Steve about Robin. “There you go. See, that wasn’t that hard,” Steve finishes, taking his hand off your shoulder.
“Thanks,” you say in return, saying your goodbyes and storming the other way, back to the classroom.
After school, you make a quick stop at your house and then go straight to Robin’s. She opens up the door with puffy eyes, a half-used tissue in her hands.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” she questions, sneezing right after.
“I came to yell at you for not letting me know you’re sick,” you answer, but there’s almost no anger visible in your eyes. “You’re glad I could get Mrs Fisher to move the date of our presentation,” you state, a confused look setting on her face before the realisation hits her.
“Oh, shit!” she exclaims, her eyes widening. “Today was the day of the project. Oh, I’m so sorry Y/N, I totally forgot!” she apologises, coughing as soon as the words leave her mouth.
“It’s fine now, I don’t blame you that much now that I’ve seen you. I couldn’t think straight with a cold like that either,” you confess, earning a laugh from the girl standing in front of you. “You should have seen the panic I was causing at school tho. Steve had to calm me down by breathing with me,” you add, another chuckle slipping past her mouth.
“Oh, poor him. I’ve seen you angry, you’re not the easiest to deal with,” she comments, your mouth opening in mock offence.
“How dare you! I mean, it’s true but how dare you!” you whisper-yell, a smile appearing on your face right after. She mirrors your actions, stepping aside as in to say come in.
“What’s that in your hands?” she asks, making you remember what you stopped at home for.
“Oh, I brought you chicken soup! My mom made some because it’s her favourite so I took the opportunity,” you explain, handing her the bowl.
“You brought me… soup?” Robin questions, almost as if she couldn’t believe her ears.
“Yeah, is that so hard to believe?”
“Yeah, actually, just a week ago you hated my guts and now you’re bringing me chicken soup and I’m getting all these mixed signals and I don’t know what to think and I’m practically brain dead right now so I really don’t know what to-”
“Robin!” you cut her off, just like Steve did you hours ago. She abruptly stops, a blush appearing on her face.
“-And now I’m rambling again,” she softly finishes, her eyes looking down to your lips for just a second.
“It’s okay,” you reassure, awkwardly standing there. “The truth is,” you sigh, moving just a tad bit closer. “I actually really like you. You’re just so cool and the second I laid my eyes on you I knew we could never be friends so I just convinced myself I hate you instead. Like, your friends were just so different from mine, and I knew we couldn’t get along but maybe we actually could because I’m nothing, and I mean nothing like my friends and I know this seems so sudden but I just can’t take it anymore because this week has been the funniest out of my whole high school experience-”
“Y/N,” Robin softly says, ending your speech.
“And now I’m rambling,” you repeat the bronde’s previous sentence.
“You are,” she replies, taking a step closer to you. “But I don’t mind,” she adds, getting a hold of your hand. You look down at your interviewed hands and smile happily. She takes a deep breath, mentally preparing to say the next words. “I really hope I’m not reading the signs totally wrong but… can I kiss you?” she almost whispers, looking deep into your eyes.
Lost for words you simply nod, waiting for her to take the next move. And when she does, you swear you could melt right then and there. Her lips are so soft, they fit perfectly with yours. It’s like you were made for each other. The butterflies in your stomach are almost unbearable and when she pulls back, you immediately miss the warmness. She practically smirks when she sees you chasing after her lips, a laugh escaping her mouth.
“What?” you say when you open your eyes, making her shake her head.
“Nothing. You’re just so adorable,” she confesses, and you feel heat rushing up your neck.
“Fuck you,” you say without an ounce of hate in your voice.
“Is that a threat or a promise, love?” she winks, a giggle being heard from her. You’re lost for words, never before seeing this side of Robin but, to be honest, you really, really like it.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
requests are back therefore iiii am baaaaccckk!!!
i have decided i would like a lil sum sum both angst/hurt but obviously ending happy because i am weak without it 🤪snarky bamf girlfriend has gone missing how very dare she. she begged to leave to go shopping because she love’s watari she does but he can’t….shop bless his heart (and she enjoys nature as well cause ya know fresh air takes away sadness at least that’s what my therapist said 😌☝️) L is freaking out but not but is cause he does have feelings and is like “i regret being in a relationship” only because he’s worried to all hell. if you do like during task force don’t wanna tell you how to write cause duh but i would not mind if it’s more like a character study of L as each member interacts with him (insert tries~~ to) and help with the ongoing situation. i dunno i kinda see obviously golden retriever himbo matsuda being the one uncomfortable with the fact that L is still so stoic. would L lash out? i dunno sure. you’re probably wondering whomst would take snarky girlfriend and howst did they know about her? just a random dude and i think that’s what pisses L off its not anyone with a vendetta just some random sicko. she comes back obviously and once again you can decide that part because i did not think that far 😌😊. anywhoooooooo welcome back literally take a sabbatical if needed. with that being said take as long as you want with this request cause yes ✨tdlrrrr: girlfriend gone, L freaking out, task force struggling to help, girlfriend come back, literally cannot go anywhere ever again and tbh can’t leave L’s sight 🫡 God bless bestie soldier
🐸| hey girl queen pussy boss glad to see u in my reqs again😏
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Why did he even let you leave?
L had never let you go out without someone keeping tabs on you at all times- usually him. Of course, nobody on the outside knew he was L, but it was just to be on the safe side. Regardless. You'd been gone for over five hours with no follow-up.
Hell. He knew he should have just stuck that tracking chip on your shoelace when he had the chance.
He really shouldn't have cared. There were far more important things to tend to, obviously. L was in the middle of the Kira investigation, for god's sake, working with just six other people, one of which he was almost completely sure was the internationally feared murderer himself. That was what should have been on his mind. And anyways, you were an adult. You were intelligent and resourceful and every bit as capable as he. If harm befell you, L had very little doubt that you wouldn't be able to make your way out. But no matter how much he tried to convince himself that what was going on around him was significantly more pressing, something in him just wouldn't accept that. There was an annoying nagging in the back of his mind reminding him that you still weren't back.
L really couldn't stand you leaving to begin with. What did you need to go shopping for Watari for, anyway? The man looked just fine in his professional attire, L thought. But you had insisted that Watari needed more up-to-date clothing and a wider selection of outfits in general, and L, knowing it would be useless to argue with you, had simply let you leave. But it couldn't possibly take that long to buy clothes for a man three times your age, right? Then again, L wouldn't know. He'd never even set foot in a shopping center- his trusty white shirt and blue jeans had served him just fine for years. Why had he even gotten in a relationship to begin with? If he had never met you, he wouldn't have to feel this way. That would have been much more preferable.
Oh, please. He didn't mean a word of that and it was impossible to convince himself that he did. L knew he was really starting to panic if he was thinking like this.
The members of the task force themselves also seemed to notice your absence despite them not knowing you very well. The loss of the atmosphere of arrogance and lack of sarcastic remarks was not missed by anyone- which prompted the most eager (and the most tone-deaf) member of the group, Matsuda, to ask about your extended absence.
"Hey, L- I mean, Ryuzaki?" Matsuda carefully stepped towards the detective, whose blank expression was beginning to falter. "You know, Y/N's been gone a while... do you think everything's okay?"
So even Matsuda had noticed, L realized. That didn't seem good- but he was determined to keep it together, and he definitely didn't feel like talking about it with Matsuda.
"She's fine," L replied, a little too sharply, and Matsuda backed up a bit. "That's unimportant right now. How close are we to formulating a plan to infiltrate Yotsuba directly?"
"Oh- yeah. My bad." Matsuda scurried away, leaving L to mull over your whereabouts. Assuming shopping wasn't supposed to take this long as he'd suspected, there were several possibilities. Perhaps you'd been taken was one he was a bit concerned about- you didn't look very strong at first glance, and of course most people would consider you quite attractive. But L more doubted this than didn't- you weren't an inexperienced fighter, and you were more than capable of fighting off anyone that approached you the wrong way.
Next thought- maybe there had been a situation at the shop you'd gone to? Maybe someone had burst through the door with a gun and held everyone hostage- but L didn't think that was likely, either. Japan was so strict about who could have a gun that it was almost impossible for a regular citizen to obtain one- and definitely not someone crazy enough to hold a bunch of people hostage. Third scenario.
Okay, removing all ideas of foul play- there were lots of potential reasons why you weren't back yet that didn't involve you getting kidnapped or killed. Maybe you just ran into a friend at the store and stuck around with them to catch up. Maybe traffic was just bad- it had been drizzling all day, anyway. He knew you had a penchant for things like trees and birds- perhaps you had just stopped at a nearby park or something.
Wait- what if you'd run into someone else? A new person? Someone who wasn't so... reclusive. Quirky. Reserved. Odd. L wouldn't be surprised if you had just found someone you fancied more- someone like you had tons of options, more than L cared to admit at the moment. Maybe you'd wanted to get away from him for once and accepted a date request from this other person. Maybe you'd found them fun, fascinating, attractive. Someone like that would probably be much appreciated by you when all you did was spend time with L and his... personality.
L decided to stop himself there. He was going to worry himself into a frenzy if he kept that up. No, next.
Maybe Watari's wardrobe actually did need updating- and badly, for you to be gone this long. When was the last time L had seen the elderly man out of that stately suit and hat, anyway...?
L snapped out of his thoughts and slowly spun around in his chair to face Detective Yagami, who was eyeing L with a furrowed brow. "Is everything alright? You seem to be in a bit of a trance..."
"Yes, yes, I'm fine." L averted his eyes and waved his hand dismissively, turning back around before Soichiro saw his normally calm visage waver. Unfortunately, Soichiro's son stood right beside his father; L could feel Light's eyes burning into the back of his head.
"Dad's right; you seem a little off," Light added, stepping around L's chair so that he could see L's face. "We're making pretty good progress with Yotsuba, if that's what you're worried about- we've got a couple of leads-"
"That's good." L interrupted, and Light cocked his head at the detective, a little put off. "Keep it up."
Light turned around and began to wander back over to the rest of the task force, watching L's back from the corner of his eye. When he was face-to-face with his colleagues again, he brought up L's unusual demeanor, lowering his voice. "I know this might not be a great time, but have you all noticed anything a little odd about Ryuzaki today?"
Soichiro nodded in agreement. "Yes, I have... he seems a bit- dare I say- distracted." He kept his voice barely audible as to not attract the attention of the enigmatic detective just a few feet away from where the group was huddled.
"I noticed it too; it's unlike him," Aizawa added in a businesslike tone. "Although I'd rather stay on task than discuss Ryuzaki, it's honestly unsettling..."
"He must be very much so if we can tell," Light decided. "I mean, Ryuzaki obviously hides a lot under the surface- so if we can see it, something must be really bothering him."
"I know, right?" Matsuda exhaled, seeming relieved that he hadn't been the only one that had noticed L's unusual behavior. "I even went and asked him about it."
"Straight out?" Soichiro looked startled. "Matsuda, good grief."
"No, no- not straight straight out," Matsuda hurriedly amended, shaking his head wildly. "I just asked him about Y/N, and he kind of snapped at me and I came back over here," he explained quickly.
Light snapped his fingers, coming to a realization. "Of course- Y/N is what's worrying him. Have you noticed how long it's been since we've heard from her? Ryuzaki must be fretting over her whereabouts."
Soichiro turned to Light, an understanding expression on his face as he thought over this. "Right. We already know the two of them have... a relationship of sorts, so it's only natural for someone to be concerned- especially someone like Ryuzaki."
"I can't imagine why he'd be very worried about her," Aizawa scoffed. "Y/N seems more than capable to me."
"Still, he's worried. Normal human emotions!" Matsuda announced triumphantly, throwing his arms into the air.
The other three men collectively facepalmed.
Matsuda dropped his arms, puzzled. "Wha-?" Confusedly, he turned around- and was met with the startling sight of Ryuzaki's wide eyes staring right back at him.
"Agh!" Matsuda instantly whirled back around and squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment as the other task force members glared at him, annoyed.
"Again- good grief, Matsuda," Soichiro snapped under his breath, and Matsuda dared to open his eyes a smidge to give the older man a sheepish smile.
"My bad, Chief..."
Luckily for the group, Ryuzaki didn't budge from his chair, instead having turned back around to fidget aimlessly with the mouse of his computer. Of course, the lack of reprimand for the group being off task was not lost on the men, who goggled in shock at Ryuzaki and then Matsuda, who seemed just as appalled as everyone else.
"Uh- why didn't he get mad again?" Aizawa asked, brow furrowed.
"Beats me..." Matsuda glanced one more time at Ryuzaki before turning to face the others with wide eyes. "Okay, he's totally freaking out about Y/N, right? He has to be."
"I guess that's the only conclusion," Light agreed, looking uncertain. "But if the guy running this whole operation is distracted, what are we supposed to do to help?"
"Ah, you're right- that may be a problem," Soichiro affirmed nervously. "But this is Ryuzaki- I'm really at a loss for what to do here."
The group stood in thoughtful silence for a couple of minutes, wondering how to fix this problem.
Matsuda suddenly snapped his head up. "Hey, let's cheer him up!" he suggested gleefully, making sure to keep his voice hushed this time.
The rest of the task force reacted accordingly to this idea.
"Oh, come on- you heard me," Matsuda enthused, his expression brightening. "If we can make him feel better, he won't be distracted, and we can get things going again!"
"Sounds like a pipe dream," Aizawa jutted in scornfully.
"Not if we pull it off."
"And the chance of that is...?" Light prompted sarcastically before folding his arms across his chest and letting out an exasperated breath. "I really think we ought to just leave him be. Y/N will be back soon, more than likely, and he'll be just fine."
"Still," Matsuda insisted. "We're just being nice! And it's super weird seeing Ryuzaki like this, anyway... so why not?"
"And how would you suggest we go about that, Matsuda?" Soichiro queried, his tone skeptical as well.
Matsuda eyed both Yagamis curiously. "You've never cheered anybody up before when they're down? Just tell him that there's nothing to worry about- but in a lot more words than that."
"Okay, Matsuda, quick reminder that this is Ryuzaki." Aizawa arched a brow dubiously.
"Yeah, well, Ryuzaki or not, he's still a human being."
"But do we know that for sure?" Now both eyebrows were raised.
"Okay, okay." Light held up two hands, silencing the two men. "You know what, Matsuda? We'll try it, just to humor you. But if this doesn't go as planned..."
"Thanks, Light! Don't worry, it'll be fine- come on, guys!" Matsuda, apparently having no qualms at all, began strolling right towards Ryuzaki, leaving the other men no choice but to follow him.
"I hope he knows what he's doing," Soichiro murmured beneath his breath.
"With Matsuda? It's kind of a gamble," Light told his father as the group approached L, who turned around upon hearing the men behind him. Seeming a little caught off guard, L cocked his head at them, eyeing each in turn. "Is something the matter?"
Light, Soichiro, and Aizawa all awkwardly mumbled different things in unison, the general idea being that Matsuda was the one who forced them over here. Matsuda, however, paid no mind to the others and flashed a somewhat pitiful smile at L, who blinked in confusion.
"Actually- we were wondering-"
"You were wondering," Aizawa interjected sharply.
Matsuda huffed. "Okay, I was mostly wondering- but they were too- if you were doing okay?"
L continued to look confused. "Doing okay?"
"Like, uh, we were wondering if you were feeling alright. If something was wrong?" Matsuda sputtered, chuckling awkwardly after every few words, the task force behind him grimacing as L glanced towards them.
"I am alright. Thank you for asking. Now wh-"
"But are you really, though?" Matsuda cut him off abruptly, wringing his hands nervously. "I- what I mean is-"
Finally, Light, seeing that if they allowed Matsuda to go on he would say the wrong thing, interrupted Matsuda himself. "To be honest, we've noticed that your behavior has been a little out of the ordinary since Y/N left a while ago. To put it simply, we're curious as to if she is the reason for this."
Matsuda sent Light a grateful look as Light stepped back slightly with a wince. Meanwhile, L just watched the group, apparently waiting for the next person to talk.
"Of course, we don't mean to be invasive," Soichiro clarified, deciding to help the pair that had just spoken. "We'd just like to know if you need us to do anything." Aizawa, not knowing how to add on, just affirmed Soichiro's words with a firm nod.
L sighed, seeming exasperated, and the entire task force collectively cringed, hoping their words hadn't come off the wrong way.
"If you must know..." L finally spun around, his gaze not meeting anyone else's. "I am a bit concerned as to where Y/N may be right now. There's no need to walk on eggshells- you all are already aware that we have a bit of a relationship, so please, don't look so nervous."
Nobody relaxed.
"I appreciate your concern, but really, it's unnecessary," L insisted. "I'm just a little worried. Everything is fine."
"Can't be if we can tell something's wrong," Matsuda countered, and L's probing gaze instantly shot up to look at him. Matsuda faltered some before continuing on. "Well, I mean, you never show any emotions ever, so... I mean..."
L arched a brow, but his response wasn't what Matsuda expected. "Excellent deduction."
"Well, I'm sure she'll be back soon," Light chimed in, a little weirded out by the whole situation, but trying to be reassuring anyway. "Y/N certainly isn't helpless- I'm not suspecting any foul play, so I hope that's not what you're worried about."
The words sounded strange coming from Light's mouth- Ryuzaki, worried about someone? His thoughts on humanity as a whole were pretty straightforward: trust nobody, they're only "cunning monsters," so forth. But it seemed L didn't feel that way about everyone.
"I agree," Soichiro added, sounding tentative. "It's probably traffic or something similar that's keeping her. I'm sure there isn't any need to worry."
L didn't reply to either Yagami, only looking up at them with just a hint of uncertainty on his face. "Mm... do you think so?"
"To be honest, you never know with women." Aizawa shrugged flippantly, trying to lighten the mood some. "They say they'll be back in an hour and you don't see them for five, they say 'fine' when they actually want you dead, all of that. Y/N's probably still... what was she doing?... shopping or something. Wouldn't be surprised if she just wanted to 'look around' a little more- and apparently, that's not a slow process with them."
Now L actually looked lost. Meanwhile, the other task force members slowly lifted their gazes towards Aizawa, equally questioning expressions on their faces.
"Uh... thanks for the information... I guess?" Matsuda squinted at his coworker, bewildered.
Aizawa pursed his lips unapologetically. "I tried."
Matsuda blinked before turning back to L. "Okay- so why exactly are you so worried? What do you think might have happened?" He spun around to face Light. "Hey, Light, you have a girlfriend- what would you be worried about besides for foul play?"
Light's expression dulled at the mention of Misa Amane. "Can't say I'd be worried," he answered listlessly. "When she isn't with me and she's out in public, she has a couple of bodyguards with her a lot of the time."
Matsuda coughed awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, right. Uh- well, if you don't mind, Light, if Misa-Misa was my girlfriend, I'd be worried that she'd find somebody else to be with!" He laughed nervously, putting a hand behind his head. "I mean, it would just seem like she had a bunch of other, way better options for a boyfriend." He looked back down at Ryuzaki, who blinked up at Matsuda with an odd expression. "Maybe you're worried about something similar? That she ran off with a random guy or something?"
L was silent for a few seconds before responding. "...maybe. But if that were true, I'd be more worried about foul play than Y/N deciding to leave with no warning. That would be out of character."
"Huh- I guess you're right; that would be kinda weird." Matsuda stuck out his lower lip in thought.
Now Soichiro spoke up. "Forgive me if this is offensive, but... knowing you, I'd expect you had something like a tracking device on her- honesty, I'm a little bit surprised you don't."
"Yes, I know, and normally I would," L sighed. "However, I was specifically asked not to, so I refrained..."
"It's okay," Aizawa offered. "I mean, it's a lot better than you doing it anyway and her finding out later."
L nodded halfheartedly.
"If you're really concerned, Ryuzaki, you could let us go out and try to look for her," Matsuda suggested helpfully. "Especially since we're sort of way off task already..."
"A search? Now?" Light queried, eyeing Matsuda skeptically.
"Yeah? Why not? It's not like we'll be able to focus now, anyway." Matsuda shrugged casually.
"Now isn't the best time," Soichiro interjected, siding with his son as usual. "Of course, this is still the Kira investigation..."
"Actually, I'm with Matsuda on this one- for once," Aizawa cut in. "We won't be able to really do our best work if Y/N's on our minds. It'd be best if we just went out and got her already."
"Didn't we establish that Y/N is perfectly capable of handling herself?" Light countered. "She'll come back when she comes back. There's more important things at hand."
"My son is right," Soichiro affirmed. "Matsuda- please think twice before dragging us all somewhere next time..."
"But, chief- you guys agreed to help cheer up Ryuzaki so we could get back on task!" Matsuda protested. "Of course, sir, no disrespect."
"Cheer me up?" L glanced up at Matsuda questioningly.
"Yeah, this was a team decision," Aizawa challenged. "If we hadn't come over here, we would have just spent the whole time wondering about Ryuzaki."
"You could have just asked me-" L tried to cut in.
"Are my father and I the only ones capable of focusing on the task at hand?" Light demanded, his tone growing agitated and the atmosphere tense. "Why are we worrying about an issue that will just resolve itself?"
"What if- but what if it didn't?" Matsuda sputtered, a little caught off guard at the change in Light's normally cool demeanor. "There's always the risk that-"
"Again," Soichiro interrupted, his voice still calm, "Y/N can tend to herself. We've already eliminated the possibility of these 'risks.'"
The discussion quickly began to devolve into chaos, the task force members at odds and L unable to get in a single word.
"But there's still a chance-"
"Y/N can take care of herself!"
"There's nothing wrong with making sure."
"It isn't like we're gonna get anything done at this point!"
"You realize this isn't an everyday investigation, right?"
"Everyone, please-"
"You're doing nothing but drowning everybody out at this point!"
"I don't see why you're so against this idea!"
"I could say the same for you!"
Everyone stopped in their tracks, the room suddenly silent as your voice echoed through the room. Casually, you made your way towards the others, arms full of shopping bags and oblivious to the chaos that had just ceased.
"Hello, everyone- what did I miss?" You looked around the room, your eyes coming to a stop at the task force still in their arguing stances, your boyfriend shrouded by their silhouettes.
You arched a brow. "Okay, why is everyone looking at me like that?'
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phoeebsbuffay · 2 years
Imagine you are seduced by Lord Vader, eventually being catapulted into the Dark Force as his empress…
Warnings: smut and fluffy; unburnt Vader.
Recommendations: this is (loosely) based on Cobra Starship's "Good Girls Go Bad."
Somehow your innocence survives the fall of Republic and the rise of Empire. You content yourself in adapting from one side to another, the only concern is finding you job.
You are an orphan and lost many of your friends to the war. A deep and overshadowed part of you blames the Jedis for this: had they not been corrupted by their vanity, the Siths would have never come so far.
But this is not something you overthink about it. Life is what it is and all you wanna do is spend your life without finding trouble.
However, trouble inevitable comes to you. The day where you are off to the market, a guard of the Empire stops you by and discovers you have no documents.
“What do you mean?” You ask him, stupefied. “I am registered in the Empire yes. Why, I’m a legal citizen.”
And that’s how it begins. Next thing you see, you spend at least a whole month trying to prove the bureaucrats that you are not a liar or worse, a spy for the rebels.
“Look, all I wanna do is live my life without causing trouble ok?” But then you bluntly add. “By the way, since you have given me so much a headache in the last thirty days, could you give me a job?”
The captain H/N looks at you with disdain at your blunt request. Paradoxically, however, he conceeds you a job. You have to clean the ships.
“All right, if it’s worth good credits, I’m in.”
“Hey, do you wanna a job or not?”
“I still have dignity, my man.”
And there you are. Finding yourself a new job, eh? It’s not that difficult…
Vader is watching you, in between bewilderment and perplexity because, apparently, you had no idea who Darth Vader is and why people around the ship fears him so.
His eyes linger in your appearance: your hair is black but with shades in blue and red; your face is oval and your eyes possess some lividness that he’s never seen in anyone before. They are colored blue, the same shade that once colored his.
Vader swallows when noticing that. You stamp innocence and he hates it because some part of you reminds him of his old self. He breathes in, unwillingly to be seen.
He notices your hair is tied in a pony tail, though a few locks come to your forehead. His eyes linger again at the color that paints your lips. Red. Such strange choice.
He then notices your curves, which makes him aroused. Vader hasn’t felt like this for a long time. A sly smirk crosses his lips at the thought of you, completely bared before his eyes, begging for him. Not out of fear, but out of desire.
His breath hitches. He stops watching you for now. For his own sake.
It’s Friday night and the corridors of this great grey ship are empty. Your hands are begin to callous as a result of wetting the cloth and rubbing against the window in order to remove the dirt.
Sometimes you wonder if you didn’t deserve more. It’s when a man hidden beneath a dark cape comes close. You don’t pay him much attention until the two of you are engaged in a conversation.
“Feeling unsatisfied with your task?”
His voice gives a hint that he is not a good person, or someone with good vibes, but did you really care? He couldn’t be different from others who came accross you—all of them a victim of your fists.
“Not really”, you tell him. “I am just tired.”
“Wouldn’t you like to find something else to do?”
“Nah. I’m fine with the credits I get. They pay me enough.”
There’s silence. Vader is still baffled by how you do not recognize him at all. Perhaps he should force his signature upon you, but part of him is amused by this.
“Perhaps you should be promoted. You have a lot more guts than many men I know.”
You chuckle softly.
“You are kind, sir. But I’m good with what I have.”
Vader doesn’t like the answer. However, something about you prevents from you suffering a bad destiny. If only you knew…
“I insist. Your dedication should be better paid. It’s Friday night, and yet here we are.”
He steps closer to you. His breathing is slow, patient even. You feel it, you hear it. It gives you chills. Slowly, you turn your head to face his. You look into his yellow eyes. You forget how to breathe.
He is devilishly handsome, pure tentation. Damnation itself. But the barely look makes you wet. Vader feels it and presses you against the wall.
“What’s it I see in you, Y/N?”
How does he know your name? But you find yourself spreading your legs. His hand, methalic, runs over your thighs and rests right in the between them, not forcing any entrance upon it. He makes small circles, smirking as you squirm lightly.
“Fear?“ he whispers. “Do you fear me?”
“No.” You speak bluntly. “Who are you? And what are you doing to me?”
The two of you lock your gazes. You are invited to get to know him, just as the same he is to you. Usually, you are not the one to give in so easily but his power is alluring.
He presses your body against the wall. His hand slowly unzips your pants. You find yourself barely breathing again, butterflies going on your stomach. You don’t realize you are in silence until your mouth parts and you moan loudly. Because he inserts his hand on you.
“Hmm. The power I have over you is alluring.” He smirks at you, sensing his own arousal pulling against his leather pants. “Corrupting you has made me greedy.”
He whispers against your ear as he stimulates you. He knows you are a damsel in every single meaning of the word, hence why he said what he said. You used to think you’d have no interest in men or anything related to intercourse because wars took away any hopes you had of forming a family. But now as you are about to come so uneasily, you find out this stranger you desire has taken away your repressed feelings.
“Come to me, Y/N.”
And you did. Willingly so. It is when you recognize him. His hard features are softened when his lips look for yours. As you kiss him, you come to know this is not anyone. It’s Anakin Skywalker, the chosen Jedi who descended into darkness. And you just fell for him.
But you wake up panting. How can this be a dream? No. No. But you feel yourself wet, your nipples hard. Damned you are.
You decide to have a cold shower. It helps you to let go of that strange dream. You dress yourself for the job, going earlier than usual. Its 5 in the morning when you get there.
“Y/N”, the captain of the guards is surprised to see you. “A bit early don’t you think?”
“Keeping my mind and my body occupied is a good way to myself defy”, you smile as he chuckles at you. You do enjoy making people laugh. “It is what it is.”
And you walk in. You are about to begin your day, however, when you sense that breathing. The very same one of your dreams. Oh fuck. You pitch yourself. You are not dreaming.
The figure in dark cape steps into your direction. You can’t see his face, though weirdly enough you are familiar with him.
“Y/N”, he greets you. “You are early today.”
“How’d you know that?” You hear yourself saying.
Lord Vader chuckles.
“I’m a very observing individual, attentive to details.”
You swallow and lower your eyes. He moves closer, eyeing you intently. You feel exposed under his linger gaze. Especially when he says:
“I hope you’ve slept well”, earning you a blush.
You try to excuse yourself from him. But Vader does not let you. Instead he asks you a deadly question:
“Is this what you want? To be a cleaner all your life? You have ambitions, Y/N. Why don’t you bring them to me?”
Vader is entertained by the mix of your fear and defiance that conflict you. He tempts you, and you know it. But so far you resist it. This is only the beginning. The game is not over yet. So he leaves you free for your work. So far.
The next day, he visits you again. You somehow expect that… and somehow there is a part of you who is eager to see him. You wonder whether you’ll ever see him in trouble, an idea you are only entertaining when he steps inside the room you are cleaning.
“I am not one easily into trouble so I am rescued, Y/N.” So says Vader, but you detect an amusement in his voice.
You turn at him, emboldened as you say:
“Looks to me you want to be rescued from yourself. Otherwise why’d you be here?”
You test yourself and as Vader uses the Force to grip around your neck, thus impending the air going through it, you gasp. But somehow you don’t fear him. You hate his actions. This misleads Vader into thinking you are prompted to darkness. Perhaps you are, or perhaps you are more complex than you think.
The next thing you know he presses you again the wall. You dare to remove his cape and you gasp in surprise when seeing his handsome features. Vader laughs at your surprise.
“What? You were expecting differently?”
“Yes, my lord.”
How can you feel so bold before a man who inspires fear and hate everywhere? Yet, you know there’s more than this. But your thoughts are interrupted when you find yourself caressing his cheeks before moving down to his neck.
���I was a man once”, Vader confides you, mesmerized by your beauty and boldness. You don’t know what you are doing by locking gazes with him, but damn you enjoy it.
Your hand slips right to his pants. You are tired of playing this game, and you put your hand right into it. Vader’s breath hitches—the only sign that tells you he’s enjoying.
“You are more than a man”, you tell him, your voice melting with pleasure when holding his erect member for the first time.
How weird this connection between the two of you. His eyes never leave yours and you feel your body reacting to him almost instinctively.
“Down.” He commands you. “On your knees, Y/N.”
And you obey. You wait for his orders, you are but his subject. Vader smirks as he overpowers you. And you ever so eager to please him do not take any more time than using your mouth to do so.
He watches as he corrupts you, a sensation that only highlights the pleasure you give him. He feels you, not physically but mentally as well. It’s been a while he’s been so captured by someone…
Vader pushes away this thought out of his mind. I am in control here. The goodness in her will disappear.
He forgets about it when he reaches the climax and you swallow the warm seed that goes right into your throat. You feel hypnotized. But in fact because you’ve never felt desired before gives you a new empowerment feeling.
“Be mine”, you don’t ask him. You command him.
Vader smirks.
There change is coming. He knows it, he feels it. Right there where both of you are, he removes your clothes. Vader watches aroused as you feel so comfortable in your skin, spreading your legs at him.
Fuck. He’s trapped in you.
And you know it well because you smirk at him. You take his hand and place over your neck. There’s little need for words. He complies to you. He steps forward and lifts both legs around his waste all the while he kisses your neck. A smirk twitches in the corner of his lips as you respond him eagerly.
His lips burn your skin all the while his fingers run right into the between of your legs. You react like he expects you to: noisy and melting. It does not take much of a time before he begins the act of fornication.
“You are mine”, somehow it is ironic how his sense of possessiveness appeases his dark side. Breaking the hypnotic sensation that envolves both of you, you realize the complexity of Vader’s character.
It softs your heart. It makes him human before his eyes. All these games you both have been playing show a deeper meaning that goes beyond the temptation of corrupting your soul.
“I am, my lord.” You tell him gleefully. “I am indeed. As you are mine
You beam when his lips clash into yours. You are surprised to feel his gentleness in thrusting you, aware this is your first time. How he claims you is far from what you imagined. It’s even better.
“My empress”, he whispers against your lips.
He knows he wins the game, but as your moans echo loudly in that room, Vader also knows he lost. He may have brought you to his side, the dark side, but you are also the one who rescued him from the depths of his darkness.
“All hail Y/N!” You smirk when being introduced by all those men. Dressed in a long black dress with few details in red, your hair is braided and you feel yourself every inch the empress you are.
With Palpatine gone, the empire is your husband’s. And yours.
The taste for power is like a poison. You enjoy it even though it’s deadly. But somehow… you remain good. Not entirely bad.
When looking back at Vader, you feel the designs of your hearts have been aligned all the time. You step to where he is after your coronation ends and kiss his lips.
“I love you, my darling.”
In moments like these, he’s vulnerable and gentle. Not the cruel tyrant the circumstances force him to be. He smiles at you.
“And I, you.”
The two of you lock loving gazes before he engulfs you in his embrace, possessive as always. Possessive like you want him to be. Possessive…just exactly like you are.
And you both smile to each other because you know it.
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bulletproofscales · 1 year
fem boy feb day 2 - pet , hybrid , captive (namjoon)
cutting this one short for the sake of the challenge, can’t really make masterpieces each day oh well. still hope you enjoy!  tags: namseok , dom hoseok , implied mafia boss hoseok (?) , dog hybrid namjon , muscle chub namjoon , spoiled pet , implied displine. 
i’ll probably add more to this tomorrow but i need to sleep
Today is a very special day, because after months of obedience training Hoseok finally gets to show off his new acquisition. They’d warned him about hybrids. And maybe they had been right.
Namjoon hadn't been easy. He has scars to prove it. 
But they found a way. And now he has his precious obedient puppy. Who stares at Hoseok with wide eyes and little pout waiting for his instructions, gigantic but pliable and easy to handle. He’d let Hoseok do anything, that dumb pup, following him around aimlessly throughout Hoseok’s apartment just for an ounce of attention. 
Which Hoseok always provides, asking about his puppy’s day, what he did, what he read, or saw. Despite what most people think, he is a very merciful owner; once Namjoon started behaving, that is. It's his good conduct what got him this outing with Hoseok. After months of begging to be let outside. 
This is close enough, right? 
He’s got some dreadful work meetings to sit through, and he thought his puppy would do just the trick. Besides satisfying Namjoon’s need to go outside, at least temporarily. But his meetings happen in particularly overwhelming spaces. So he wants to make sure his puppy doesn’t get over excited and starts misbehaving. 
“Joon-ah, come here.” He announces while opening a box on the table. As if his pet wasn’t already eagerly rushing to him from hearing his master arrive. 
Namjoon is a sight for sore eyes. Wide dumb dimpled grin honey skin and his silky black hair, from which high rottweiler ears peak out. He’s not intimidating, even if Namjoon is nearly a head taller, and two Hoseoks wider. As he rushes up to him Hoseok lets himself admire the expanse of thick muscle, so shredded when he first adopted Namjoon, but that now has started to soften under his care. Round bloat-like belly bouncing in unison with each strut towards his master. He doesn’t need to check to know his little nub tail is wagging at his arrival. 
“Hoseokie! Where’d you go?” Hoseok glances up at him with a smile, always adoring the excited greeting; and to think he had been so aggressive to Hoseok once.
“I was getting a few things for tonight, are you excited?” 
He is nodding before Hoseok can even finish his sentence. “I am.” His deep voice won't ever stop sending shivers up the older’s spine. “Thank you again, Seokie.” 
“You’re gonna have so much fun.” Hoseok’s small hand reaches to cup his pet’s cheek, Namjoon immediately melting and nuzzling to the touch. He’s so easy. “You’ll have to wear some things, though, okay?” 
“Why?” His head tilts softly to the side. Hoseok prides himself in his pet being so smart, always asking Hoseok for books, or putting on documentaries for them to watch whenever Hoseok gets to spend the night with him. But it's adorable how little he actually knows about the world. 
“Well... Last time when I tried to have a meeting here at home, we got a little bit too excited, didn't we?” He lets his hand slide down Namjoon’s rounded cheek to the ample squishiness of his pecs, freely letting his thumb caress over the brown nub of his puppy’s nipples. Earning a breathless shiver in response. He remembers trying to show Namjoon off within the comfort of his own home, and how restless Namjoon got. “I need you to behave if we’re going to be out and about, ok?” 
He gives Namjoon a knowing look, but his wide eyed pup nods eagerly. “What’cha bring?” 
Hoseok beams retrieving the items from the box, showing a black leather collar. He feels particularly pleased with the gasp that slips from Namjoon’s chest.
“For you, puppy boy.” His own heart shaped smile grows on his face, as he brings it up. “Want everyone to know you’re mine.”  Doesn’t even need to say it because Namjoon is already lowering himself and leaning closer; grin splitting his face. Always so eager for Hoseok’s praise, for his ownership over him. 
He never blamed Namjoon for resisting being adopted and owned, he never knew how good it could feel. Now he is baring his neck for Hoseok to fasten the leather collar around the base of it. Small little pendant reading ‘Jung’s’ glistening stunningly. Namjoon trying to control his excited breathing. 
“You like it?” Hoseok’s own tone softened at the sight of his puppy so pleased. 
“Yes! What else you got?” He is practically vibrating with excitement when Hoseok pulls out a matching leather leash, showing it off proudly before clipping it to Namjoon’s collar. 
“You won’t be going far with this.” What once would have sounded hostile and threatening, now seemed like music to Namjoon’s perked up ears. Following the movement of Hoseok's hands with starry eyes and ajar lips. “And lastly…” He holds the cock ring between his fingers. 
And it looks like Namjoon doesn’t really know how to react, since he doesn’t really know what it is. Hoseok grins, it's his turn to be excited this time. “This one will take a little longer to put on. Sit down, puppy.” He guides Namjoon to the floor with a gentle hand on his shoulder, until his pup is kneeling.
Hoseok never really bothered on clothing him. Especially when he spent all this time around the house. He kneels in front of his puppy, big dick limp on top of his thighs. “This is just to avoid making a mess.” He explains kindly, as Namjoon watches in awe as Hoseok lubes his dick and the silicone ring.
“Okay, maste-engh.” Words are cut short as Hoseok begins to slip the tight down his thick shaft. His puppy was truly gifted; Hoseok even worried it might’ve not fit. But it does, easily. Squeezing just enough until it's pressed against the very base. Namjoon’s heavy breathing enough encouragement for Hoseok to tug on the leash and bring him for a kiss. 
“We will have so much fun.” He grins brightly.
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azzahrahumaira · 2 months
March 25, 2024
I was eating iftar together with my fellow teachers and I couldn't help but wonder how you've been. It's insane because even after all this time, little things still remind me of you. I was eating some traditional meals and as soon as I ate the greens, I remembered you. I was worried about you and your health. I so badly wanted to know if you are all right. I wanted to know if you've eaten your iftar. You always eat sahur and iftar right? Do you still hate greens? For heaven's sake, you should always eat some greens and fruits. You know people may looked at me and thought that I was eating my foods enthusiastically, but deep down I really wanted to share my iftar with you. I wanted to see you eating well next to me. I wanted you to be there. I wanted to hear your soothing voice. I wanted to talk to you.
It's been nearly a year since I last met you and it's been ages since we last talked. You're okay, right? How have you been? How's life treating you? How's your Ramadhan going? How's college? Do your friends treat you properly? Can you do the assignment and exams with flying colors? Just tell me one thing, how do you feel? There's just so many things I wanna ask you, but I know never in a million years will I ever get the answers. I know I am dumb, because I still deeply care about you. I still think of you from time to time, eventhough I am not even entirely sure if you still remember me at all. Maybe I am only a thing of the past to you, right?
It's okay. It's not like I want things to go back to how they used to be. I know our lives have significantly changed and I know you never remember me. I know for a fact that you just don't give a damn about me, I know all this, but why the hell I can't stop remembering you? How am I supposed to forget you when everything never fails to remind me of you? How am I supposed to close this chapter of my life once and for all? How do I move the fuck on??? How????
Sometimes I wish I could get into an accident and then I get amnesia, that way it would instantly erase all high school memories. Because it hurts, it does hurt to be someone who remembers things. It sucks to be someone like me, a girl who cares about a guy who never took a glance at her, let alone loving her. Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you take up every corner of my mind? Can't you just get out of my mind and give me peace of mind? For God's sake, please just leave me all alone. I don't want your silhouette to keep following me everywhere I go. I don't wanna keep writing about someone who has hurt me millionth of times. God, please tell me how to forget him. Please tell me how to get him out of my mind. Please tell me how to move forward and never look back on the past. I am begging you, please guide me to Your light. Because I am freaking tired of all this. Because I don't wanna chase him and get tangled up in any stupidly pathetic love story again. Because I only want You to help me be a better person. Because all I need is Your love, that's all.
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commiicc · 11 months
Hi. I'd like to talk a little about my time on social media as an artist. I'm sure a lot of this has been said by a ton of artists before me, but I'm going to say it again anyways.
My online handle is @ commiicc. I've gone by the alias Comic for a few years now. I was extremely active of Twitter during the height of the DreamSMP fandom. My time in this community brought me many memories and experience. Both good and bad. Today, I just want to focus on the art.
In my opinion and experience the art community of the DSMP fandom was so incredibly toxic. Artists were the backbone of the community. It was said time and time again. But this held many artists to unfair expectations. The turn around on art was insane. If art was not posted directly after or the day after the stream/ event it would flop. Posts would circulate about the perfect posting times, which I would memorize, then be so sad when I'd post at those times and a price would still fail. I'd blame myself. I'd internalize it and think I just wasn't good enough. It was never my art. It was simply the shit algorithm that is any social media, but that didn't stop me of course.
And I watched so many young artists beg for followers, because validation meant everything. And we all wanted to be mutuals with the popular, big twitters because that meant we'd made it... right?
I watched followers drop and people ask if they'd done something wrong to deserve it because canceling was so common. It was usually just bots being deleted, but "what if I did something wrong" was always everyone's go to.
Going back to artists being the backbone of the community and pumping out content. I used to say how thankful I was for the community because it made me grow and find my style. But in reality, I only found my style once I stepped back and took time on a piece. I was just slapping shit together back then. I hated most of what I made during that time. It was all rushed. Because no one gave me time. I always felt so rushed to post something so it gets attention. Post something so my followers don't think Im leaving. Because if you took too long to post (more than a week) you'd start losing people. I was a small artist and craved that attention... So I forced myself to create, even if I had no ideas. It's pushed me into burn out.
I'd compare myself to other artists who somehow created masterpieces in like two hours when it took me ages to do anything. I compared myself to everyone and hated everything I did. It was incredibly unhealthy.
I've only just now started making things I enjoy again.
Even when I switched fandoms I was still in the mindset of pushing out art, so I hate it all.
Only after burning myself out can I now restart and find my style... Can I now actually create again.
And I know that's just the culture of social media. and people used to tell me "just don't care" "just don't look at the views". do you know how hard it is to be a 16, 17, even 18 years old and NOT look at that??? to be a new artist and NOT care how much attention your art gets??? when a content creator that you love can see your fanart and has actually seen it.. all humans want is validation. Social media prys on that toxic need. On that innate human need. Cause yeah, we all want to know that what we're doing looks good, but holy shit was that place bad.
And I KNOW I'm not the first person to say this. I'm just trying to share my experience and I'm putting all this disclaimer here in case... So please just check yourself and remember we're all human. Social media is kinda awful and this is literally just my blog to share long thoughts and archive who I am. My time on social media fucked me up a little and I'm just now realizing it. That's what all this is.
So yeah all this to say, I'm done posting my art on social media for now. I'm done pumping out art just for the sake of it. When I create something worth sharing, I'll post it. But for now, I'll be in my comfortable void. I'm around and always willing to chat about the art making process or just chat in general. I'm creating. I always have been. I'm just not sharing it. It's not for your eyes.
It will be when im ready.
And new artists, young artists, any artists; your worth is not determined by the views or likes a post gets. Your art is worth more than any amount of attention it gets on social media. Don't create for attention. Create because you enjoy it. Create for yourself. That's where the magic happens.
thanks for reading. sorry this is long. I'm very wordy. thanks for being here.
- Comic
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xxlovelynovaxx · 11 months
Tumblr media
I am frothing at the mouth. Like sorry actually this can be motivated by misogyny but you literally have no way of knowing. Also Sidlink shippers sometimes write Revali as a huge asshole because Revalink is another extremely popular gay ship, calm down.
Sometimes it's just fun to write characters who conflict with your ship as evil. Hell, I want to write evil Yona even in a SHIPLESS fic because I think it's fucking FUN.
Just say you don't like evil!Yona/Ilia/Mipha/Malon with your whole chest. I am BEGGING you to stop moralizing it. No, it's not misogynistic and when it occurs IN a fic it's not even rude to other fans who like those characters. Seriously. People have been making evil!variations of characters since the beginning of time. It doesn't suddenly become not okay because said characters are in a popular ship and you include a DIFFERENT popular ship in your fic.
"Okay but it's clear when it's misogyny" is it? Because you just implied it's always misogyny to make love rivals evil when sometimes it's just fucking fun. I can promise you that your reading comprehension is not so good that you've developed a teleempathic link directly to the author's brain and intentions.
"Stop bashing other women characters to support your ship" I'm going to write a thousand shipless evil Mipha and Yona fics just to spite you. And no, making a character evil is not bad writing and you have NO IDEA even in zelink fics if it's for the sake of "getting them out of the way" for the ship. I'm a multishipper and polyshipper. I write Miphlink, Sidlink, Revalink, Yona/Sidon/Link, and SO MANY MORE besides Zelink.
Also "disgustingly ooc". AUs exist. Changing a character's motivations or intentions is often IN CHARACTER for your VERSION of them. Was it bad writing when I wrote a Frisk or Chara who wanted to destroy the world in Undertale fics, when it's well established by the meta narrative in game that it is the PLAYER that drives the route you take? Or when I gave Lucy Heartfilia Yukino's gold celestial keys to plan an event where she has to use all of them at once? Was that misogyny?
Or is it just shipping? When I killed off my OCs crush's girlfriend because I wanted her to have to process the extra guilt that came along with mourning a girl she actually cared for while also secretly being glad she had a chance with him again, all while he took care of the twin sister of the girlfriend that had essentially been disabled by the loss of the telepathic link to her twin, was that bad writing? In a book about dehumanization and war and how death and identity affects the way these marginalized teenagers?
How about try "stop bashing other writers and calling them bigots for writing stuff you don't like". It's not a good look... to have to moralize everything because you're incapable of just saying "I dislike this" with your whole chest.
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