#i am absolutely (but not really) upset at the Black Magic
keeps-ache · 2 years
ohhh problems without a name, do you only exist to be labeled??
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elrondsscribe · 2 months
Okay so here’s the thing. I freely admit I am Big Stupid. I forget things constantly. The Vampire Chronicles is a layered tale packed with constant retcons and gaps getting filled. Whole chunks of characters’ stories slip my mind on the reg.
So I understand I may be missing something major.
From where I’m standing … I know that Armand was v upset when it happened, and given everything he’d been through to that point he’s absolutely allowed to be upset; but did Marius do wrong by turning Sybelle and Benjamin?
Hear me out: the rule of this universe wrt humans who tango with vampires is there’s only three eventual outcomes: death, madness, or vampirism. Obvs if Armand had his choice at that point in the series he’d have preferred them to have regular human lifespans and eventually die, but 1) given his history with Daniel, who knows if he wouldn’t eventually have changed his mind, and 2) it might not have been what they necessarily wanted for themselves. Cause the way both Sybelle and Benji talk makes it sound like they might’ve actually asked Marius to get vamped??
(And Pandora? Or wtf was Pandora even doing while all this was happening? She was there, what was she doing?)
Because here’s their response to it:
(…) Sybelle rose from the piano, and with her arms out ran to me. And Benji, who had been watching all the while, rushed to me also, and they imprisoned me gently in their tender arms.
“Oh, Armand, don’t be angry, don’t be, don’t be sad,” Sybelle cried softly against my ear. “Oh, my magnificent Armand, don’t be sad, don’t be. Don’t be cross. We’re with you forever.”
“Armand, we are with you! He did the magic,” cried Benji. “We didn’t have to be born from black eggs, you Dybbuk, to tell us such a tale! Armand, we will never die now, we will never be sick, and never hurt and never afraid again.” He jumped up and down with glee and spun in another mirthful circle, astonished and laughing at his new vigor, that he could leap so high and with such grace. “Armand, we are so happy.”
“Oh, yes, please,” cried Sybelle softly in her deeper gentler voice. “I love you so much, Armand, I love you so very very much. We had to do it. We had to. We had to do it, to always and forever be with you.”
Like, in the immediate aftermath, they’re both over the moon about it; they’ve even fed already. Later in the Prince Lestat era, they both seem fine; like I’m not recalling any major fledgling angst.
Claudia was eternally unlucky, and she was intensely lonely. Her relationships with both Lestat and Louis were complicated and strained (to the point that she tried to kill Lestat), she didn’t really have peers, and by the time she finally got a companion Armand was already engineering her death.
Daniel gradually went unhinged for a decade before becoming a vampire, and Armand might’ve blamed himself for Daniel’s full-fledged insanity afterward but it sounds to me like even if he’d somehow survived that horrible night he’d have lost his mind anyway. (By the way, who was it that kept Daniel fed while he was in that madness, huh?)
Benjamin and Sybelle are super lucky, relatively speaking; they have each other as peers, and Armand is somewhere between a peer and a guardian. From what we see in the PL era, they have their pursuits, they have a place in the vampire world — as fledgling vampires go, they seem to have as close to an ideal life as fledgling vampires get.
And like,, they got what they wanted: their Forever With Armand, with the sweet bonus of less physical harm to fear. And in the long run, after the … Veil-induced mania? wears all the way off, it seems like Armand isn’t that unhappy about it either.
As much as Armand is totally allowed to have his feelings about it in the moment, all things considered it doesn’t seem like Marius “ruined” much of anything by turning them. At least not to me.
(Marius and Pandora? Tf was she doing?!)
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nekropsii · 2 months
hello!I have a question about your alpha troll iceberg.
When did kurloz sexually assault meulin?I cannot find the source for it on my own.
I’m also a little skeptical since:
1.kurloz feels some form of guilt for deafening meulin.Not as much guilt as he shows,considering how he technically breaks his oath of silence by using his purpleblood magic
2.he isn’t openly sexual other than getting the codpiece,which I view as him following any orders from gamzee and/or lord English.And also his game sprite may have a bulge to it?im not sure about my second point
3.i don’t know why he would do that because he doesn’t abuse meulin that way.In openbound 2,he treats meulin more as an easy pawn to assist him in his malicious plans to help lord english & gamzee rather than sexually assaulting her to ruin her and then manipulating her.
I’m really curious to know when this happened,since it would reframe his already atrocious actions as even worse
Also I have a bias since I have a weird attachment to kurloz for no canon compliant reason.
Hopefully this isn’t too long…it probably is but I hope 8]
I applaud the thoroughness, actually, and thank you for reaching out. I love when people ask me to Cite My Sources, so to speak.
It's in one of the Signing portions of their interactions, so I do not necessarily blame you for missing it.
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This is clearly non-consensual touching that is being framed as Upsetting on Meulin's end and Deliberately Creepy on Kurloz's.
I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Well, I feel bad about it, obviously, assault is literally always bad, but I really cannot decipher Kurloz as a character. Not fully, really, 'cuz he doesn't have much of one. To me, this reads as a pure, unadulterated Makara Moment, and I'm frankly just kind of tired of it. Kurloz's character is just a nebulous haze of Plot Instigation and Racism. Gamzee's character is also just a nebulous haze of Plot Instigation and Racism. These are both characters who are coded as Black, who are portrayed as being very dominating, abusive, and physically + sexually violent - especially Gamzee. Kurloz doing this is weird, but it's not... Shocking, I guess.
His relationship with Meulin is absolutely, uh... Troubled... To put it nicely... What, with him manipulating her into a cult and mind controlling her into doing his bidding all the time, on top of this assault, the Bullshit Clown Magic having the side effects of Confusion, Brain Fog, and Memory Loss, and her still seeming to have some kind of suppressed attraction to him... It's complicated. I think it could be genuinely very fascinating to explore, if one has the stomach for it. And a deft enough hand... And is capable of handling it all with maximum sensitivity. It's verging on something really good... But it falls kind of flat, and it's fucking exhausting that we're having this same damn conversation with another fucking Makara.
This could be done extremely well. There's some genuinely solid grounds here for exploring a very complex, very visceral abusive relationship, kind of like what was going on with Gamzee and Terezi, but... There was both just not enough time to set that up fully, and also I am so tired of Makaras being Like That.
I wish I could say this was surprising. I really do. It's not, though. It's like... On par with Gamzee being kind of a Necrophile. I just have to sigh and throw my hands up and accept it. Like, god dammit, okay, I guess we're doing this today! Sure! Whatever! Fuck my life.
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seokmthw · 1 year
search the universe | park gunwook
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⇢ pairing: gunwook x reader
⇢ warnings: soulmate au, slight angst, fluff, mentions of death, brief mentions of alcohol
⇢ word count: 3.3k
⇢ synopsis: timers are stamped onto your wrist with the amount of days you have left until you either die or find your soulmate. since you had gotten yours, you had a hard time believing it was the latter.
⇢ note: i know this is a really cliché soulmate trope, but i have a love for it that i can't quite explain. i'm hoping this won't be the last you see of soulmate!zb1, so be on the lookout in the future for more from me! <3
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soulmates were a weird concept to you from the moment you learned about them. wveryone around you - friends, family, coworkers - have always been excited to find the people they’re meant to be with for the rest of their lives. you never understood the hype, much less how the actuality of it all was ever achievable in the first place. everyone whose timer you witnessed ticking down almost always met their death sentence, so you had every right to be apprehensive about whether it truly worked or if you've been fed lies for your entire life.
everyone was born with a timer on their left wrist with chunky black squares and beaming red digits that never lit up until you reached a certain age in your life. yours started on your sixteenth birthday with the fresh set of bold letters reading 1,095 days. that was exactly three years, no more, no less. it was a rare occurrence someone would ever be branded with the same date as their birthday, but the universe just seemed to hate you more and more for not believing it’s incredibly stupid logic. your nineteenth birthday was either going to be magical or tragic for those around you, but you already knew everything was going to take a turn for a worse, so why stress about it?
that day was now exactly a week away and your parents and group of friends were stressed out more than ever because they weren’t sure if they should plan a party or a funeral. you told them all not to worry about it, that you didn’t care, but they never seemed to listen. which was fine, you were used to people losing their minds over your slowly deteriorating time, but you just wished that once in a while someone would pay attention to how you felt. 
especially now, where your two idiot best friends were frantically pacing the living room in your shared apartment with their thoughts spewing directly from their mouths out into the open. they had absolutely no filter, so talks about a gruesome death and an unforgettable birthday bash were the main topics.
“guys, seriously, it’s fine. i really don’t want you to be in a constant state of distress because i’m going to die before you do,” you said.
yujin stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide with bewilderment as he gasped, “y/n, if you say anything like that one more time i’m going to kick you.”
you merely shrugged, “i’m just speaking the truth.”
gyuvin, who had just thrown himself onto the plush loveseat, sighed loudly but didn’t say a word. you knew that every time you talked about this you made them upset, and tension was even higher now that the numbers on your arm had a seven on them. you just wished they would accept your fate and move on, because really, you didn’t think it was a big deal. 
“come on, please don’t be upset with me,” your voice grew soft at the sight of their somber faces and your own realization that this was having more of an effect on them than you initially thought, “if i am going to die, let’s make this last week one of the best we’ve had in our lives, okay?”
yujin and gyuvin shared a look before they finally nodded and you were engulfed in a bone crushing hug. it felt good to feel their arms around you, because at the end of the day, you needed them more than anyone else in the world. you just hoped that they would be able to move on past it all and continue to live for you. after all, they adorned a hefty amount more numbers than you did, so they still had a while. 
“we love you, y/n, and we get mad at you because we care so much,” gyuvin whispered, so it felt like it was only the three of you in the whole universe, “now are you going to let us plan a party or not?”
“please let us plan a party!” yujin exclaimed.
you huffed in mock annoyance, “fine, but you have to promise me you won’t go too crazy. i don’t want you guys to get your hopes up and the outcome be worse than you expect.”
three days after your compromise with your friends, you were sat at your favorite restaurant, where they wanted to ask your opinion on some of the party decorations. however, the initial reason was soon deflated due to you recounting a dream you had. to say they were surprised was an understatement.
"you what?” gyuvin exclaimed, causing you to cringe back into your spot of the booth. he and yujin shared almost the same expression the moment you began recounting the news to them.
slowly, you replied, “i told you, i had a dream about someone i don’t know. it was so weird though, because i couldn’t see their face whatsoever.”
and it was true. the past two nights you’d had the same exact dream. the first time, things were foggy and clouded, making it to where you could only hear his voice. however, the second night, you could make out a bright smile and glittery brown eyes, but nothing more. you met your friends’ gazes, shrugging your shoulders, “it’s really not that big of a deal. i don’t know why you guys are so surprised about it.”
“you are such a dumbass,” yujin replied as he buried his face in his hands, his voice muffled as he spoke the next time, “have you not listened to a single thing we were taught about the timers in school?”
“no! i’ve always slept, you should know that. i sat next to you during the lectures.”
gyuvin looked as if he were about to slam his head into the wall next to him, “it’s literally common sense to know that when you have a dream about someone you don’t know when your timer is almost up that it’s your soulmate.”
you rolled your eyes, shoving rice from the plate in front of you into your mouth to avoid saying anything that could upset them. no matter what anyone said, you just couldn’t even begin to think how it’s logical to believe the stuff school fed you, especially when it came to those numbers. you were absolutely not going to become brainwashed into thinking that a meager dream could have any significant correlation with your timer.
“i think you guys are just trying to get into my head to make me believe these stupid things are actually worth my time,” you laughed.
“it sounds to me like you’re trying to tell yourself not to actually take what we say into consideration,” gyuvin stated matter-of-factly, spooning a mouthful of the stew he’d ordered into his mouth, with an eyebrow quirked up in question. yujin suppressed a smirk next to him.
you fell silent at his words. it wasn’t because you believed him, because you certainly did not, but you were done talking about it. you made a promise to yourself not to utter a single word about your dream around either of your best friends - you knew they would do this - but your tongue had different plans for you and now the situation was a mess. their accusing glances, wide grins, and shared looks were enough to give it away.
you threw enough cash to pay for your meal on the table and scooted out of the booth, your lips pressed into a thin line, “i’ll see you guys back at the apartment.”
“y/n, wait!” yujin called after you, his voice faltering slightly, “we didn’t mean to upset you!”
“just let them go, yujin, all we ever do is make them mad anymore. maybe it’s best to have some time apart.”
gyuvin’s words sent a pang of guilt and sadness to your chest, and it took everything you had not to choke on a sob right then and there. it took a lot for him to say something that could be hurtful and knowing you were the one that caused it made you want to scream until your voice went hoarse. however, you refused to turn back and apologize, because you weren’t the only one in the wrong. they were just as much at fault as you were. 
soon, you found yourself sat on a swing in the park a few blocks from your apartment complex, tears staining your cheeks and your heart hurting. what if your friends were right and you were just blowing the entire soulmate thing way out of proportion? was everyone else you’d seen meet their death just the less fortunate? questions flooded your mind and had no intention of stopping any time soon. you felt dizzy from your brain taking on so much at once and you were beyond grateful for the seat below your body that kept you steady. 
you never thought that you would consider having a soulmate as a possibility, but here you were, wallowing in self-pity and hatred for yourself for causing everyone around you grief just because you couldn’t seem to see the logic until four days before your timer ended. sighing, you aggressively wiped away the remaining tears on your skin and rose from your spot. it was about time you started to head back to your apartment. 
an apology was long overdue anyway.
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thin fog swirled around your ankles as you walked toward the shadowy figure just in your line of vision. the soft pink glow of the sky reflected in his eyes - which were as sparkly and happy as ever - and glimmered beautifully in his hair. he seemed far beyond your grasp, and just when you thought you were getting closer to him, he was even further back than before.
what originally started out as a walk became a light jog in a desperate attempt to reach him. you swore for a moment you could catch a glimpse of one of his features you’d previously been unable to see before, but it was gone just as you were about to reach him. you were now broken out into a sprint, your legs burning and heart racing.
you needed to see him. 
but, he just kept getting further and further away, his gaze haunting you with unanswered questions and a plethora of what if’s. you refused to give up. you pushed your legs harder, extending them to your absolute best ability to cover more distance between you and his dark presence. with your arm stretched out, you called, “wait, please!”
the boy finally stopped - though it was unclear if it was because of your desperation or exhausted state - and held his hand out for you to take. you forced your legs to a stop, your eyes frantically searching the features visible to you to try and cling on to what little you were offered. the same two features as before; his hair and his eyes. 
for a fleeting moment, you saw something flicker across the the lower part of his face, just beneath his nose. However, just like that, it was gone, but you knew exactly what it was.
a gummy smile.
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it was finally your birthday, and the day that you would be meeting whatever fate you had in store. you had woken up at ten o’clock, thankfully, but now it was five o’clock and you still had six hours and twenty minutes left on your timer, so anything was possible. you were a lot more nervous than you expected, but since you’d spent your entire life resenting this day, it wasn’t as overbearing as you imagined it would be. 
the moment you entered into the kitchen, yujin and gyuvin were showering you in hugs and loads of “happy birthday, y/n”s but the troubled looks in their eyes were hard to miss. you could have sworn you saw a tear slip onto yujin’s cheek and that gyuvin’s breathing was slightly uneven, but you decided not to comment on it. not on this day. you didn’t think you could live with yourself if you sparked an argument on what could be some of the last moments you had with them.
instead, you hugged them both for a good five minutes, relishing in the feeling of security and comfort their grips held. the nagging in the back of your mind told you to enjoy as much of their company as you could in those remaining thirteen hours, because you very well could never get it again. and neither could they. pushing the thoughts back, you gladly dug into the dinner the pair made for you and watched the drama reruns that were playing on the television in the living room. it was a favorite among the three of you, so it only felt right to turn it on and delve into the world of your favorite characters.
about an hour later, your friends ordered you to stay in the apartment and get ready for your party while they went and set up, which was code for “hey, we don’t want some freak accident to happen before your timer is up so just stay here where we know you’re safe,” but you certainly weren’t complaining. as of right now, the safer, the better.
once left alone until they were to come to pick you up, you dropped to your knees in the middle of the kitchen and sobbed. this entire situation was all too real, and you could feel the steady grip you once had on being sure you were ready to accept your death starting to slip through your fingertips. you had no right to be upset, this was the day you were waiting for your whole life just so you could prove to everyone that you were right.
but you were just so scared.
there were so many what if’s, so many unknown factors of what the rest of your evening had in store. you weren’t sure you were ready to find out, but your timer was dead set on getting you to that point. the more you looked at the crimson numbers, the more your belly twisted and turned. you hoped that if you were to die, it was quick and painless, and if you were to meet your soulmate, you wouldn't be the most awkward person in the world.
you sat on the cold tile with silent tears flowing down your cheeks for what felt like an eternity, but only ended up being twenty minutes before you finally pulled yourself together and forced your legs to take you into your bedroom so you could get dressed. you had less than a couple hours before yujin and gyuvin would be back, and if you didn’t look collected and put together, all hell would break loose. you chuckled at the thought while you threaded your legs through your skinny jeans and put your top on. 
by the time your best friends had come back to get you, you were going stir crazy penned up inside of the apartment, so you were glad to finally be going somewhere. the drive there was full of music blasting and lots of laughs, but the sadness was still heavy in the air. you couldn’t blame them, though, because you definitely felt the same way. 
once at the venue, you couldn’t help but gasp at the sight. everything was outside, fairy lights casting a warm glow across the otherwise dark section of the area you were in. a bonfire was already raging in the middle of it all. people circled around it with drinks in their hands and smiles stretching across their faces. you couldn’t believe how many people actually came or how much yujin and gyuvin had  outdone themselves with the entire setup. 
“this is so beautiful, guys, thank you,” was the only thing you could manage to exert from your lungs before you were pulling them both into a tight hug, suppressing the fresh tears that threatened to spill over at the snap of a finger.
gyuvin laughed softly, “anything for you.”
“we love you, you know that, right?” yujin inquired, pulling back slightly so he could meet his gaze with yours, “so much.”
“i love you guys too.”
your moment only lingered for a few moments after that, because next thing you knew, people were bounding over to you and wishing you a happy birthday. hao and hanbin, who you hung out with occasionally in high school. taerae from the time you dared to sneak out of your parents’ house just to go on a midnight mcdonald’s run with him. matthew and ricky, your old roommates before you decided to move in with yujin and gyuvin. many of old classmates and even a few people you didn’t know. all for you.
you could feel yourself gaining control over your nerves and body once more as you conversed with everyone. all of the weighted thoughts were nearly forgotten about. that is, until you decided to steal a glance at the remaining time left on your wrist. you could feel your chest tighten and your breath hitch in your throat.
three minutes.
that was it. three meager minutes until you either died or met the person you were supposed to be with for the rest of your life. you swallowed harshly. it was best you didn’t mention anything and cause everyone to go into a state of panic, so instead you practically glued your arm to your side and refused to look at the time anymore. whatever was going to happen was left in the hands of fate now.
you took a drink from the cup in your hand, craving for a distraction from the anxiety that was caused from looking at your timer. a light tap on your shoulder was able to be felt and you turned to find yujin, who was smiling widely, “i wanted you to meet my friend, gunwook, who i told you was studying abroad! i figured i would invite him to the party since he was back in town.”
your gaze shifted to the boy that was stood next to yujin. the moment your eyes met with his, a spark was lit and it completely engulfed you from the inside out. the world around you faded, leaving you with only him. his dark brown hair that was illuminated by the light of the bonfire, his honey brown eyes the sparkled like the stars that blanketed the sky, but most importantly - his gummy smile.
he felt the same. you could easily tell by the way his face contorted to an expression that was nothing but pure joy. almost instantly, he pulled you into his arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent. you melted into him, basking in the warmth that he radiated and the feeling of security that you felt in his hold. softly, he whispered, “i’ve been waiting for the day i could finally hold you.”
“i’ve been waiting for the day i could put a face to all of the features i saw in my dreams,” you replied, entirely unable to suppress the grin that broke out onto your lips.
you pulled away from his grasp, flipping his wrist, as well as your own, over to bear the thick zeros that now adorned your wristsand were lit up a bright green. this was it, you finally met your fate, and you were so glad to know that it was with the captivating boy who visited you in your dreams. 
gunwook cupped your cheek, examining your face, taking in every inch, every detail that he could. leaning forward, he was just barely apart from the shell of your ear, lips brushing your skin as he spoke words to you that you wanted to hear over and over again for the rest of your life.
“if i had to search the universe to find you again, i would in a heartbeat.”
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
I don't know about you, but tests and all that scary stuff is coming around for me next week, and all year I've been having horrible little thoughts about William lately.
So get this, lets say you actually study for that type of stuff (i know i don't) and you just can't get the information to stick in your head!
✨Magically!✨ You or Will, idrc comes up with the bright idea on how to get it to stick in your head by sitting on his dick and reading or going over whatever you've gotta remember
i might've read this somewhere butttttt, i'm a needy little whore at 1 am lets goooo
Before I forget, I love your fics and I have never submitted one before so...! As usual, drink your water, eat some food, and remember to get rest! unlike some of us Lastly, don't forget to sexualize your favorite old man/woman/other
Hi, thanks for the request, this one was an absolute joy to recieve, I love all your little asides lol. Please feel free to send others!
Exams season is a killer and I really hope you get what you want out of it, just remember that tests and numbers and shit don't define you as a person Xx
That being said, whilst this may not be the most optimal way to study, its certainly the most enjoyable...
william afton x (gn)reader
A/N- Reader's between 18 and early 20s. William is a neighbour, for my plot convenience lmao.
You're sitting at the kitchen table to do some studying today, rather than barricaded in your room as usual. You'd read something online about a change of scenery being good for remembering stuff and because your parents were out it seemed a good opportunity.
With each passing minute, you dawned to the conclusion that that post was bollocks because it wasn't working.
You had your laptop open in front of you, surrounded by a frankly obnoxious amount of papers, trying to wrap your head around content for an exam tomorrow. But each time you wrote a line it was like your mind was rubbed blank, Men in Black style. It was so frustrating, and you knew you should have done it earlier but, good god, why was it so hard to remember anything?
So engrossed in feeling inadequate, you flip the laptop shut angrily, tilting your head back so it touched the chair in anguish. Defeated. It was as you did this that you clocked a figure in the kitchen doorway, making your body jerk up-right and turn round in one fluid moment.
Keep reading
"Mr Afton, how long hav- what are you doing here?" you blurt out, quick to try and compose yourself, you weren't physically or mentally ready for guests, especially ones you'd been casually hooking up with since you moved back home.
"Just dropping this off for your dad. I didn't want to interrupt cos you seem to be... trying not to cry?" 
He laughed as he said the last part, moving over towards you and helping himself to a chair. Pushing all your papers to the side without asking. "What's wrong then, been missing me?"
Usually you'd laugh at that but you just shrug at him, half angry at his expression and half at your situation. "You know, I could fucking cry." You do manage a laugh, but its shaky, "Because I'm going to fucking fail this fucking exam because I can't drill any of this shit through my fucking thick fucking skull." You rattle off quickly, each use of 'fucking' harsher than the last.
You hadn't really meant to let any of that out. But frustration had taken hold a bit too strongly there.
Afton just stared at you for a few seconds, his lips pressed into a hard line and you could tell he was trying not to laugh at you. You were a bit unsure how you'd react if he did.
After a few moments of silence you place your forehead in your hands and mutter 'sorry'.
"You're alright. Though you shouldn't be studying whilst you're upset, no wonder nothings going in."
"...If you tell me to calm down, I'll lose it." you say, head still in hands, laughing a bit at how much this was bothering you, it was an exam, a booklet of paper, what kind of melt would be this upset. Literally everyone else, you suppose. You take a deep breath.
"Right. Uh when's the test?" he asks you, half looking at a sheet of notes, his interest quickly peaked.
You laugh shortly. "9am."
"Then you've got... What, 20 hours? You've got time to calm down and revise." He put his hand on your shoulder, "You, sweetheart, need to relax."
You swat his hand away, laughing at his cockiness you could tell where this was going, "That's why you came over then? Heard dad's car door shut and your shoes were half-on I'll bet?"
He flashed you a smarmy grin, "You're not far wrong." You shake your head, messing about with this prick was the last thing you should be doing, but the first thing you needed.
"You know, if this type of revision isn't working for you... I heard that associating information with a sense can help you remember things."
You could hardly believe him, seeing you upset and still vying for what he came for. A risky move, Really. You suppose it took cojones, could have made you want to grab a hold of his, or squash them under your shoe.
"Oh yeah?" you ask sarcastically, "What are you suggesting?"
You're not sure how long it took for fresh marks to appear on your neck and your pants to be around your ankles, but you quickly find yourself sitting on his lap and letting his cock slip inside you.
As familiar as the low grunt from behind your ear was becoming, the feeling of him stretching you open always surprised you.
You raise your hips up and press back down again, moaning slightly, he let you slowly ride him for a few moments before, just as your rhythm increased, he grabbed your hips.
"Easy," his voice was thick, brushing against your neck, "You're supposed to be fucking studying."
You groan your protest, a hair away from booing him. "What is it you study again?" His question makes you laugh and you lean back against him with your back arching, causing him to grunt. He gripped your hips harder now forcing you still.
"Fuck 's sake. History."
He hummed in your ear, thinking for a minute, whilst your body throbbed around him desperate for some kind of stimulation. "And what's this on?" He could tell you were aching for something so he pushed you forwards, dragging you back, the angle allowing him to press so fucking deep.
"Come on, sweetheart."
"Civil war. Spanish."
Your gruff answer mirrored his growing frustrations.
"And uh... I don't- who won that?" The fact he couldn't move inside your tight hole was making him white-knuckled with restraint.
With your one word answer that was enough studying for the both of you. He started to move your hips along him, letting your eager pace take over.
You knew that you were going to be up all night doing this now, but you didn't really mind.
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rachelillustrates · 2 months
My top 7 Faerie stories/worlds atm 🦋
**Note, I am super dupes aware that I haven't read/watched everything, so please feel free to reblog/comment with recommendations!**
Faerie is the pulse of my heart, and my mind/spirit/etc. spends a LOT of time thinking about it, SO here's the most resonant of depictions of the realm/faeries themselves in my current opinion (and why).
(And not in any particular order:)
Elfhame, @hollyblack 's "Folk of the Air" series and all related books
Arda, Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and all related adaptations
"Suitor Armor" by @thepurpah
Studio Ghibli's take on spirits in Japanese folklore
Brian and Wendy Froud's take on Faerie
"Fraggle Rock"
"Tock the Gnome," by myself!
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(Art by Rovina Cai, from "How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories")
I feel very much that Holly Black gets the lushness and richness of Faerie, plus the trickery of it, and that level of dangerous beauty - what attracts humanity to it, etc. How everything is in extremes, too, but also how parts of it echo the human experience - both in terms of courts, but also in terms of the heart, and the emotional impact of intense circumstances and intense feelings.
I am, admittedly, not all caught up yet since I haven't read her earlier works, but of course I recommend starting with "The Cruel Prince" and reading forward from there (the more recent "Stolen Heir Duology" having an extra special place in my esteem)!
(Also special shoutout to the fact that there are Nisse - Gnomes! - in the recent books, AND that her take on Redcaps is absolutely Orcish 💚)
(Also also, cw: Changelings. They can be a triggering/upsetting subject, considering how our concept of them as humans seems to have come about. She does make pretty heavy use of them, but not in the ways that one might expect, and always from a very emotionally-centered space - not a humans-abusing-potential-fae space.)
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So, Tolkien - yes, I am including the world of his works in this because even though he considered them religious and specifically-denominational, he took SO MUCH inspiration from folklore and faerie tales (do not even get me started on what got edited out of "The Silmarillion" istg) that Arda is not wholly Christian, from my Faerie-worshiping queer-ass faerie perspective thankyouverymuch. Not to mention what is being done in fandom with the faerie-races, especially the Dwarves and the Hobbits, AND what recent adaptations are opening up with the Orcs!! Obviously, his take on Faerie is a much more literally-grounded reality - they exist in the Earth-based world (as if Faerie has bled into what we expect Earth to be), they have magic (at least the Elves and Dwarves do) but it's both somehow super ethereal and super physical at once. And divinely connected, since the biggest magic in Middle-earth (or any part of Arda) comes from the lesser Gods - the Valar, and the Maiar who serve under them as well as from Big Sky Daddy Eru, but we're not talking about him right now. So that, to me, really speaks to the spiritual nature of Faerie too - which is always always always personally interesting to me, and Jrrt's take on the fae was absolutely foundational in my budding concept of them, before I even really thought about who they are in a conscious way.
I don't know where to recommend starting, since I got into the world through the Jackson films, first, and I wouldn't change my experience for anything because it's given me SO much. But in fandom, shoutout to the works of @conkers-thecosy (read her fics here!) as well as "A Long List of Happy Endings" by vicious_summer and "The Mushroom Mine" series by @chrononautintraining for Dwarf Stuff - and "Splint" by HelenaMarkos for Orc Stuff. Plus, as much as I know it's divisive, "Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" is - again - doing wonders about the Orcs AND doing very well by the Dwarves too, in my opinion, showing them as a fully realized and thriving people (though Dwarf women should still have beards, Amazon!! And there seems to be some confusion around how the name of Durin functions...)!! Available to stream on Prime, here.
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"Suitor Armor" takes place in a world that appears very similar to medieval Earth, and as such the worldbuilding itself doesn't feel very specifically Faerie - yet. However, with the main character having significant ties to the fae, and with the story still having space to explore their culture once the tale takes the characters there, I have faith that we are gonna see more of this take on Faerie specifically soon. In the meantime, what we have seen so far - how faerie magic works, how they relate to each other, etc. - rings true for me, and is lovely to behold, especially in the face of the tragedy around their circumstances in the Big Plot.
Free to read here (and coming to bookshelves in 2025!!).
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As for Studio Ghibli - Miyazaki's take on the spirits of Japanese folklore - which are absolutely Faerie - was SO formative for me growing up. I don't have anything else to say about that except that he's right!!
I recommend "Princess Mononoke," "Spirited Away" and "My Neighbor Totoro," particularly. All available to stream on Max right now (but buying physical media is better, and they're very likely available to rent other places, too).
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Brian and Wendy Froud's work has, of course, also been absolutely formative for me - especially when I started getting into Faerie properly. Their work doesn't require much commentary either - they're just correct 💗 Nothing I've experienced has ever contradicted what I've read in their books, and I feel like their work really, really gets the energy of the fae and the liminality of their existence. And that there is kindness, and light, as well as danger.
I recommend "Trolls" and "Faeries' Tales," to start with, and of course the quintessential "Faeries" by Brian Froud and Alan Lee, which started it all.
(Also, considering what's below, special honorary shoutout to their work on "The Dark Crystal." Definite overlap there and absolutely counts.)
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Obviously there's some crossover with The Muppets here, considering they come from the same studio, BUT if we're looking at just "Fraggle Rock" on its own - absolutely. Though a very different take than those mentioned above, if you're looking for the whimsy and delight at the heart of the fae, the Fraggles have it.
Both the original series and the reboot are currently available to stream on AppleTV.
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Okay, and my own! What I'm doing with the world of "Tock the Gnome" is a little bit different - again, we're looking at a realm that isn't free from some of the physical bounds we find on Earth - but in its vast history there is Faerie at its purest, and the characters are on a Big Quest that will be instrumental in restoring the realm to what one would expect of Faerieland (all wrapped up in a body-positive, sapphic-presenting queer romance, btw). My focus is on Gnomes and Orcs, in particular, since the fact that they're also fae is a big part of my message. Recognizing that, as well as recognizing the importance of connectedness between people and the balance of that and personal sovereignty, and how damage to those things might impact the whole of a magical realm.
All pages available to read for free here, across several platforms (with print issues available here).
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sp0o0kylights · 5 months
why the deep sigh before saying you’re a natural redhead lol
Several reasons!
For context this is in response to my answer in the "rb in the tags what would be the physical feature used to identify you in fanfiction of you if you were a fictional character" post a few days ago and the TL;DR is the redheads get stereotyped in specific ways I hate.
Large ass rant below (hey you asked lol)
For a lot of people, redheaded women are a fetish. ( When I was younger, I had people date me who later stated they just wanted to cross off dating a redhead, they didn't actually want a relationship, and my personal favorite, that they would never date someone who "wasn't skinny" but made an exception bc I'm a redhead. I've been offered a LOT of sex and a LOT of threesomes, because I'm a bucket list item and they will say so, to my face, in person. Like many things in life, there's a line between a preference or appreciation or even a "type" --and a fetish. The later being an issue because you're no longer seen as a person but an object, and people will make that creepily, disgustingly clear.
2. It's a stereotyped personality. Redhead's are crazy/hot tempered/insane (see: that one dude from Fruits Basket and I cant even pick a female character theres so fucking many) crazy in bed (one example among hundreds is We're the Millers "Eh she's a redhead there's a 50/50 chance she'd be into it") Soulless (I actually used that one to get through High School by insisting I was collecting souls to pay for my fire-lake front mansion, shouts out to South Park lmao), and many more. The redheaded step-child, the vixen, the other women, etc.
I have had my hair color come up in job interviews, with teachers, with coaches or trainers and even in situations as a kid where I was essentially asked "Hello kid I just met, you're a redhead, are you going to behave for me?" Related, my parents got a LOT of praise because I was quiet. Throughout my life the most common "praise" I have received is that I am "not a typical redhead" bc I am "calm."
You still see a lot of this bleed into fanfiction, but you used to REALLY see it bleed into fanfiction lol.
Addendum to both points above--the fetish, hot, good in bed thing typically only applies to conventionally attractive women.
Redheaded men are "ugly", and if you don't fit into the current but ever changing Socially Acceptable Hot Chick Look, then you're in for it. This includes weight, skin color/tone, freckles, type of hair, fuckin' eye color sometimes, the list goes on.
I vaguely recall someone who was doing a media study about how the male "problem child" in media is typically portrayed as a redhead. off the top of my head, the kid from Malcom in the Middle and the kid from the magic school bus.)
And that's just the cis shit.
3. People in general get weird about my hair. A lot of strangers enjoy touching it without asking, or otherwise felt ownership over it if I had parts of it dyed, etc. I legitimately had people get super upset the time I dyed it black. Hell I had STRANGERS get upset. People I never met in my life who were making small talk in the check out line, absolutely FURIOUS with me about dying it black, because they asked me what my natural hair color was and I answered honestly.
4. If you're over the age of, ehhhh, 25? 27? You probably remember the age of fanfic where we described EVERYONE by their hair color lmao. Redhead was right up there with bluenette. It was painful and that post reminded me of it.
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goldtheostrich · 6 months
Current Fandoms and Stuff I like! (will update often)
(Most favorite ones are Sailor Moon and Ojamajo Doremi, but the rest are a fight for second place! >:3)
Ed Edd N Eddy
South Park
Digital Circus
Murder Drones
Leo (2023) most recent fandom go watch it pls
Regular show
Sailor Moon
Ojamajo Doremi
The Amazing World of Gumball
Cute High Earth Defense Club
Marvel stuff (hehe)
Dragon Ball
Demon Slayer
Spooky Month
One Piece
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Princess Tutu
All of Aphmau’s series! :>
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Percy Jackson
Warrior Cats
Oliver and Company
Proud Family
Adventure Time
Lucky Star
Talking Tom and Friends
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Whatever Happened to Robot Jones
Steven Universe
101 Dalmatians the Series
1O1 Dalmatian Street
Animal Jam (Play Wild and OG)
Genshin Impact
The Amazing Digital Circus
Sims 4
Dungeons & Dragons
The Simpsons
12. oz Mouse
(still fairly new to some of these, so yeahhhh)
Now time to explain the rules in this blog and some stuff about me!
-fav animal is seals bc they so silly, also one my most fav youtubers, leamon puppy has her main as a seal, think that’s where I first started loving seals so much but idk XDDD
-I absolutely love vintage vids, just something so interesting about them to me! I love animes from the 90s-2010s most, but my most FAVORITE anime genre is magical girls!
-My first magical series was probably Glitter Force (SMILE PRECURE DUB YALL), but then Sailor Moon caught my eye and it is one my favs to this day! I finished Tokyo Mew Mew first though!
-Fav character is Pop Harukaze! She doesn’t get much of a role in Ojamajo Doremi as a Ojamajo, but something about her personality or something.. I am just living for it!
-Some other favs.. and yes I have a long list bc my autistic brain can’t choose favorites when they are so unique.. are Tsubomi/Cure Blossom, Komugi/Cure Wonderful, Gelatin (BFDI+), Flower (BFDI+), Two (BFB), Firey (BFDI+), X (BFB), (Teardrop (BFDI+), Four (BFB), Aiko (Ojamajo Doremi), Onpu (Ojamajo Doremi), Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi, Saki/Cure Bloom, Minako/Sailor Venus, Erika/Cure Marine, Nagisa/Cure Black, Bu-Ling/Mew Pudding, Yayoi/Cure Peace, Love/Cure Peach, Hana-chan (Ojamajo Doremi), Pollun/Porun (Precure), Jewlulu (Pripara), Tweek (you know what), Oz (Canimals), Muffin (Bluey), Zane (Mystreet/Aphmau), Garroth (Mystreet/Aphmau), Kim (Mystreet/Aphmau), Ian (Mystreet/Aphmau) and Noi (MID/Aphmau)!
-Fav color is lavender and pastel yellow
-Im scatterbrained at times, but can try remembering anything you say! Im clumsy and shy! <3
-“Do you have games on your phone” YES BUT LEAVE THEM IF ITS MY PHONE OR IPAD XDDD, especially my dear Animal Jam >:3
-I don’t really prefer to talk on email or text.. just tell me something on here or a social media platform like Youtube or Deviantart! I still use Gold the Ostrich as the user!
-Fav thing to say is “HOR HOR HOR HOR HOR” all i freaking know about fnaf is the movie with unnecessary add on lore 💀
-I don’t mind cussing, it’s just not a full on “lifestyle” for me
Now some rules! <3
-Everyone is allowed on my blog, it is mostly a tickle/random blog, but it’s quite decent so far!
-If you dislike this blog, please don’t say unnecessary stuff in your blogs, posts in any other media, etc if so. Just try ignoring this blog if possible.
-I can do commissions, especially of the following fandoms, but pls don’t get too upset if I don’t know a certain fandom, sometimes I forget to add a fandom to here.
- I am a minor, 13 in fact! So no sussy requests pleaseeee!! any other tickle requests are okay, even from fandoms I dont know, or your ocs! pls dont be mad if I don’t want to do your request! I will do anything that is sfw and accept lgbtq+ characters aswell!
-Might update this later, but this is good for now! Also this might stay as my only blog due to having no other ideas for blogs at the moment
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 8 months
Hi JWB! I just read your previous answer on Khushi leaving the house and loved your response. Buaji and Arnav can be really fun. It got me thinking about what Arnav would have done if Khushi had decided to leave at the end of the contract. How would he have stopped her from leaving. Eagerly waiting for your brilliant response. Thanks
Hello Anon!
Thank you for liking that response :)
Arnav can't let Khushi go. That's one definitive thing about him. And it hurts Khushi the most to walk away from him. That's definitive about her.
I'd expect some resistance, a bit of dark comedy, a huge argument until Khushi - yes Khushi - would say something that's absolutely painful but true and that would bring reality to his doorsteps.
He needed to be shaken out of the fact that just because he sees Khushi as his wife because his misunderstanding has been cleared, it doesn't mean Khushi can suddenly start living happily with him as his wife because she has seen what monster he can transform into and every second of the elopement was a suffocation of the little hope of love she had for him.
It's painful but it is realistic.
And I feel Arnav would let Khushi go then, aware that the person who hurt her the most is the person she loved the most and he would quietly make a LOT of reparations. I totally see him buying back the shop but giving it to Shashi through Akash's hands. I see him sending Shashi to the best hospitals to get him recovered as soon as possible.
I see him clearing off Buaji's rent with a government explanation of Phuphaji's pension funneling into the rent wherein reality Arnav just has bought the house for Buaji.
And I see him hovering around Khushi's house - and this could be funny - because he wants to catch a glimpse of her and Akash giving him tips that Happy Ji's garage is an excellent viewpoint (in his experience).
It would actually be funny because every time Khushi would be like "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" and he's like "Accelerator not working,", "Paint repair", "Fuel maintenance", "Tire change",
And I see Khushi softening by leaving sugar-free jalebis and food at Happy-Ji's place until of course Arnav has fallen sick or something and he's unable to show up and Khushi panics and yells at him when she finds him in his office.
And of course Khushi gets angry that this man can say and do everything in the world except say the words that matter the most for her - and Arnav says those magical words, it's "sorry".
And imagine Khushi being upset that he's saying sorry.
"I know you're sorry,"
"Excuse me?"
"Haan scuze you, do you have anything else to say apart from that?"
"I am sorry Kh-"
"Hey Devi Maiyya, you're impossible-"
"What the-"
"Ji haan, what the! You're an impossible man who never knows when to say what!"
"I'm saying right that I am genuinely so-"
"Arnav ji, if you say sorry one more time then I'm going to make you feel sorry!"
"What the- what do you want to hear?"
"I want to hear what's in your heart! What I want to hear is not what you think I want to hear but what you have in your heart without me wanting to hear it!"
"What the-"
"Phirse what the!?"
"What the-"
Cue Khushi's shocked face which morphs into a sheepish smile and Arnav's anger finally going down when she hugs him back.
Ugh, cute I know. (Also I'd have it shot in the dark in the office with a few lights and Arnav in black/blue and Khushi in red!)
But yeah... that's your semi fic for the ask. Hope you like it!
(Of course I got derailed)
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A Cozy Autumn Date
He had been monitoring the weather forecasts for the last couple weeks to make sure everything was perfect. It had to be. Your date was something very special to him and he wanted you both to be able to look back and cherish it.
So when he finally saw the day in the forecast that would be absolutely perfect, he started getting things set up. Which was a little hard to do in between his daily fights against the other school gangs, but this was something important that just had to be done.
He called up a few places for food catering and dining out, just for price ranges and locations, options-that sort of thing. He called to find a very specific type of flower bouquet and since it was a seasonal kind they always sold out quickly. Upset that nobody had any left over, he decided he would make you one from scratch, hoping that even though it wasn’t store-bought you would at least like it a little.
Finally finding a place that was still open on October 31st proved more difficult then he thought.
“People really like going on Halloween dates? Maybe I’ll keep that in mind.”
After about a week he found one. He gave the owner all the information that was asked for and he asked about the location, directions (since he was never really sure how to get to these places), and time slots. Picking the second-to-last slot, he thanked the owner many times.
“No problem, young man. I hope you enjoy your date.”
Then disaster struck: the week of your date everything was suddenly closed and unavailable. And it was showing rain all week.
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Smoky fell to his knees in anguish. Your date was ruined.
“What’s up with you?” Fujio asked, walking into the room.
Smoky just glared at him.
Fujio stepped back, startled.
“H-hey bro, I-I-I didn’t do anything. I didn’t hit you, r-right? C-c-calm d-down.”
Fujio backed up so far he hit the wall, now Smoky was right in his face.
“You’re going to help me with my date since the weather ruined my plan. Got it?”
“Good! Now here’s what you have to do. Get some people from Oya and Murayama, oh and Rao too, and…”
October 31st, at the break of dawn, everyone was gathered in the gym they fought Senomon in, working out the details of this date.
“Ok, so I know we’d rather be fighting each other, but I really need your help. As you know, it’s soaking wet out which put a damper on my date plans and everything was suddenly closed up. So I need you guys to do some behind-the-scenes magic for me to make this a great date. If everything goes well, I’ll hold off on beating you guys for a month.”
“So what do we do?”
“Ah, Todoroki and Odejima! Ok I need you guys to go get these things for a pretty fall bouquet since everyone ran out.”
“What am I doing here, again?”
“Murayama, you are Mr.Muscle. I need you to drive the tractor. But please go slow- it’s supposed to be a nice date, not a car race.”
Murayama scowled, but nodded his head in acceptance.
Fujio and Rao were already off setting up a cute little corn maze and a pumpkin-lined path for the tractor. Murayama came over to help put a canopy up over the cart the tractor would be pulling. When Odejima and Todoroki finished with the bouquet assembly they helped Smoky put some hay bales into the cart for the two of you to sit on.
“Now we wait. Meet me here in 2 hours.”
Your boyfriend Smoky hadn’t contacted you in a few days, so when he finally did you asked him what was happening. Did he get hurt real bad in a fight this time?
“No, no I’m fine. Hey do me a favor, will ya? Put on a cute outfit, maybe bring a light jacket or a sweater, and meet me outside. I’m gonna take you somewhere you’ll like.”
You smiled. “Ok, I’ll be right down.”
Hanging up and charging your phone for a little bit, you go to look for an outfit.
Urgh!! I have nothing to wear! You groan, tearing apart your closet. You finally decided on a black corduroy jumper and a fuzzy lavender sweater, paired with some Bearpaw boots. You grab a windbreaker and unplug your phone, putting it into your jacket pocket. You want to look nice for Smoky so you put on a little makeup-mascara and some lip gloss is enough. You practically ran downstairs to the door, yelling your goodbyes to your pets as you left. You locked the door and ran to Smoky, flinging yourself into his arms.
“I missed you! Are you sure you’re ok?”
Smoky just chuckled, “Yeah, I’m great. Here, let’s get going,” he said, opening the passenger door of his 1975 Ford Bronco for you.
It didn’t take as long as either of you thought it would to get to the date place, and when you got to the parking lot Smoky told you to close you eyes.
“It’s a surprise, so you have to keep them closed. I’ll guide you there.”
You were surprised now. “Ok, then. Lead the way.”
You feel the hard ground under your boots, hear the leaves crunching a little through the water on top of them. There’s a faint smell of rain and something else you can’t quite place.
“Hey gimme a hint! Where are we?”
Smoky chuckled. “Not very patient, are we? You’ll see soon.”
He loved this about you, so sweet and always curious about things. And the way you cared so deeply about him.
The two of you stopped after a few more feet, and he warned you first before continuing.
“Ok, I need you to grab my neck. I’m going to lift you to the next part.”
Confused, you wrapped your arms gently around his neck, and the he proceeded to lift you princess-style into the cart. He came up shortly after, helping you to your feet. He walked you over to the hay bales, and gently helped you sit down on one.
“Why is this seat so prickly? Can I open my eyes now please?”
Smoky just about bursted from being so giddy.
“No, not yet. Almost.”
He reached over and flicked the fairy lights that Todoroki and Odejima had put up around the inside of the cart. Then he grabbed a lap blanket for the two of you. He sat down next to you and spread the blanket over your laps.
You opened your eyes and were absolutely amazed. What you saw before you was more than you could have asked for in a date from Smoky. You were in a cart in a pumpkin patch, with a corn maze and a path lined with pumpkins for the tractor to go through.
Smoky handed you the bouquet Todoroki and Odejima made, nervously.
“Do you like it? Is it ok for a late fall date?”
Your eyes were suddenly moist. You were so happy he put this much thought into your date.
“Yes, of course I like it. I love this idea so much!”
Smoky signaled to Murayama to start the tractor, but he didn’t.
Still nothing.
“Murayama called in sick, he said he didn wanna see you guys bein all mushy gushy on each other.”
“Oh no.”
Murayama called in sick? Really? That could only mean one thing. He got Binzo to drive.
“Please tell me you know how to drive a tractor?!”
The tractor started, and you were surprised at how smooth it was. Then the driver turned around.
“I put off my date with Todoroki for this, so you owe me.”
“Odejima!! Hi, I’m glad to see you!”
Odejima. Odejima is driving. Ok, now you can relax.
Hours later after you went through the pumpkin patch and path, picked out a couple pumpkins to carve later, and got spooked in the corn maze, it was dark. You got up go jump down off the cart but Smoky was faster.
“Here, I’ll go first.”
Smoky jumped down from the cart and turned around. Spreading his arms like he wanted you to jump into them.
“Now you.”
Smoky stood there smiling, and since he had given you such a nice date and even got a lot of the boys to help, you decided to let him have this.
You jumped down into his arms, scared that you would fall. But he caught you, swinging you around.
“I know this wasn’t the best date, but I hope it was ok.”
“Smoky, I already said it was great. I loved it. I mean, a date in a pumpkin patch and all our friends came to help you out? That’s amazing. And I did catch glimpses of Fujio, Rao and Binzo so that was fun too.”
Smoky was shocked.
“It’s fine, he only came in to see how we were doing. He didn’t want me to tell you until after and he said you promised no beatings for a month.”
“Grr, but he’s exempt. He didn’t help. So he gets the punishment.”
“Smoky, don’t ruin the date we had. I don’t think it’s over yet.”
Smoky looked at you, now he was the confused one. The date wasn’t over? Yes it was. This was all he had planned.
You walked toward Smoky, now you were nervous again.
“I want you to close your eyes, please.”
Smoky just looked at you, blinking.
“Smokyy! Please? I have something for you.”
Smoky reluctantly closed his eyes.
“Now put your hands out toward me, face up.”
He did, still confused. You put your hands in his, squeezing them so you had a good grip. Then you got on your toes (since he was a bit taller than you) and kissed him on the cheek. You got so embarrassed and you felt your cheeks heating up.
Smoky opened his eyes and saw you, beet red. He was also blushing-you had never kissed before so it was a first for both of you. He walked toward you and gently took your head in his hands, giving you a light peck on the forehead.
Both of you were still blushing when Smoky turned to you and said it was getting late.
“Yeah, let’s go home.”
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cosmicgalaxy22 · 8 months
It’s been a while since my last post and for that I am sorry. I really have no excuse.
I watched the pilot for ‘The Amazing Digital Circus’ the other day and absolutely loved it, my favourite character is definitely Jax, but Pomni is close behind.
I made my own OC for the series.
Meet Magze!
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Character Profile:
Name: Magze (Pronouced ‘Mag-zee’)
Nickname: Magz
Stage name: Magze the Magic Cat (despite not really being able to do much actual magic, only tricks)
Age: 22 (Not that he knows that)
Gender: Male
Height: 5’6
- He came along before Pomni
- Not humanoid
- He’s a black and white, rubber hose cartoonish-like plush cat, with black pie eyes, wearing a red bow tie, a black magicians hat with a red strip and white gloves
- He is mute and communicates through sign language and gestures
- The others understand him because of Caine, who gave them the ability to understand sign and gestures, Pomni is also given the ability when she arrives
-Has a crush on Jax
- Can be snarky and sarcastic but also really sweet
- Can give back to Jax as much as the other gives. He signs really fast
- He finds Jax’s attitude amusing, though will step in if Jax takes it too far, such as when Jax pushes Gangle, he helps her up, when Jax breaks her comedy mask, he helps her fix it
- Cares for the others a lot, sees them as family (except Jax, but you already know the reason why ;) )
- Cares for Pomni, like a little sister( despite being older than her though he doesn’t know that) as well as Gangle. He’s sees Ragatha as a motherly-like sister figure and Zoobler like a grumpy older sister. He sees Kinger like a weird uncle and used to see Kophmo like an older brother (his abstraction really upset him, though he hides it)
- When he first arrived, he was terrified, he broke down after a few days becoming very close to being abstracted. But Jax found him, and surprisingly, comforted him and calmed him down, saving him
-Magz has liked him ever since (not in a crush way then, that came later) and they’ve both become quite close. Jax is nicer to him, not completely nice, but not as horrible as he is to the others
- He copes by pretending that he never had a life before the Digital Circus and had always been part of it, how much it actually works, he doesn’t know, but he hasn’t abstracted yet, so he takes it as a win
I might doodle more for Magze in the future so look out for that! Also it’s my birthday today, so yay!
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berryunho · 4 months
Tbh, the other day I finished reading all of Answer so far within a few hours (gotta take breaks and interruptions are inevitable).
If you told me that Answer!Yeosang doesn’t really know most of what’s actually going on, that he just somehow became a bigwig after being complicit (because he has a job he’s happy with and friends and people leave him alone) and not actually understanding the codes or anything that’s underlying, I would believe you. If you told me everyone was guilty and has done something wrong >except for Yeosang, I would believe it. He could absolutely blend into the crowd without getting into trouble and outsiders could think him a member of the insiders team without him actually understanding what they have been doing.
I just imagine him having pretended to read the dumb book and just ‘yes and’-ing his way to the top and no one would think anything of him otherwise, because “Look, mom! I can use my degree for something! I have a stable job and a place to live! I’m a farmer! And there’s a community! And yeah we do some weird things and I don’t understand them but don’t all cultures have some stuff people can’t really explain? It’s all in good fun and as long as no one gets hurt we’re all good!”
With how little we know of him, I am almost convinced he has done nothing wrong and honestly, I genuinely hope it’s the case and he’s just totally oblivious. That would be such a good plot point 😂
Otherwise at this point, as the mc I would just abandon everyone to escape and proceed with the police, because if best friend isn’t being best friend, then we’ve lost the purpose of being around and goodbye. Maybe that’s harsh but I’m still upset about Haseul and Mingi HELPING DETAIN HER
Also I’ve been hoping more and more happens with Seonghwa tbh… Turns out leader isn’t too upset about the idea of mc and Seonghwa getting together that much and if he won’t cause physical harm if they do the do because he cares about them most then there’s no actual issue with it! Like the leader didn’t do anything to him when he believed they had already done it, he just interrogated him about it. He didn’t seem to mind it in the end, though I do not get wanting to watch. But if it causes rifts between the two boys then that could be a very good thing for the rebellion!
Anyways, I hope they can cut out all this black magic seance bull and detain the false prophet, but I have a hard time believing that anyone can come out from this unscathed mentally. Except maybe Yeosang if my hope of a theory is correct 😂
Sorry for ranting at you! This is just to say that I’ve been thinking about Answer and the Pinterest boards ever since I finished binging the whole thing.
I hope not all will be lost for our favorites (NOT HONGJOONG and maybe not Jongho if he is truly irredeemable) (they can go have a nice chat for forever with the police tbh, I just hope they’re not corrupt too. I would not be able to handle it.)
^ Me fighting back the misogyny from HJ and his drones bc I have sO many clapbacks I am ready to unLEASH at them for their insults at mc
LKAJSFLKJSAD i hope your eyes were okay after reading so many words so quickly LOL
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pls i love your analysis of the rest of this too lol you're so real dw dw for sending a long ask i love it sm and tysm for liking the story so much that you binged it !!!! that's seriously so so meaningful to me hehe
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a-prekliatyvlk · 10 months
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Vavrinac started the pack around 0500AD almost 200 years before the twins were born. Only 100 years after he started the pack did a siedr or sied (Norse equivalent of a shaman or witch also known as a vulva / volur) came to tell him that twins would be born upon the pack. One touched by Hel (the Norse goddess of hel or the underworld) who would always have her footing there and in the land of Midgard (the living human world) and One so loved and golden he would rival Baldr but he would not die like the real one by Loki’s hand, he would learn to become his own and thus foil and be the down fall of Vav just like Loki’s entrapment after killing Baldr was his downfall. 
Vav wanted this prophecy to never happen because he wanted his reign on his pack and children to be everlasting. Because he deemed this Siedr of Vulva so fucking terrible and a liar he killed her.  Which upset many people of the pack at the time considered that the pack all believed that you treat a siedr with respect regardless of the outcome of whatever fortune or future they told. To kill them was also seen the worst crime to Odin / Freyja. Most of the people of the pack decided of course that they would wait until those twins appeared and then of course kill off Vav whenever it was over with. 
Sadly that never came to pass because of Vavrinac’s insufferable need to be a terrible father to Katia. He fucked it all up and ended up getting away in the scuffle of all the BS that he caused. 
Now the part of the prophecy was true. Katia;s blood is black unlike Artem’s blood who is ‘pure’ red blood. The pack of course seen Katia as a version of Hel because she had black blood. Artem of course did turn out to be like Baldr because everyone loved him so much and he was of course the biggest helper of the pack. 
Now this of course brings me to kind of the point of this lore post. The pack over the year’s has met and been around so many different people who have become something of a staple in their pack and life currently. Either because of this prophecy that was handed down to many in the supernatural world seeing as the twin’s were a huge deal. Anyone who seen Katia after she was taken believed that for all purposes she was Hel because of how bad her back looked. Everyone knew Artem was probably Baldr based on the way he killed people and arranged them and now really nothing would pierce through him. 
Velkan ( @nvrcmplt​ ) is a prime example. While the Twin’s and the pack both keep mostly to Norse god’s and how they worship them. They do in fact worship  Velkan as a god who brought Vavrinac into this world and every other wolf (PLEASE NOT THIS IS LORE THAT I AM BRINGING INTO THIS WORLD IT MAY NOT OF COURSE BE THE SAME FOR OTHERS PLEASE RESPECT YOUR OC MUNS AND THEIR LORE THANK YOU) For a while the twin’s called the wolf “The black wolf” as the one who changed them because realistically they thought that’s who was the first werewolf. UPON VELKAN ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHING VAVRINAC by killing the bastard. The twin’s decided to of course honor the god that saved Katia. They offer him traditional blot IE: Cooked foods, animal sacrifices and the more famous blood. Blood offering’s are only ever done by Artem as his blood is pure unless Katia kills something then it is the animal blood she is offering. Katia’s blood is black and that is seen as a stain upon her. She of course uses magic so everyone see’s red blood but her blood is not. Velkan’s temple is simple an open space in the middle of the woods far off so that of course no one can stumble upon it. It’s for the pack and only the pack. 
Loni ( @shealfa​ ) Is mainly the only ‘pack’ that the twin’s interact with specially because of connotation’s with Katia being Hel. This was mainly formed with Artem being a boss man and amazing as he is and then of course Loni and Katia becoming close. Vav does not like too (before he died) visit Loni because he just simply doesn’t like her. Obviously that is for a reason because she doesn’t give into his shit. We all love Loni here. 
Then there are muses of course like Lylene ( @lykaiia ) Aaron ( @hunterfromthewoods​ ) Bon ( @nvrcmplt​ ) Andrew ( @avaere  / @stckhlmr​ ) Artem bring into the pack because they are wolves and or loner’s or he finds them and wants to give them a good home.  Or are S.O. of the pack. (Not that Katia doesn’t she does it’s just because ya know she’s kinda prickly)
Now there are many more muses that are very specific to this post but are otherwise non human but fall under supernatural and not wolf. Now they of course are heavy in the muses background and lore.
There are of course special cases for humans, some humans just get a pass for being in the lives of the pack. 
All of these muses can and will come up in some point of the lore between other’s. IE threads or asks depending. Most importantly Velkan because he is now seen as the protector deity of this back. 
Thank you for coming to this long ted talk of mine. I am sorry to peoples fucking notes if this breaks them and of course there are so many other people I want to tag but won’t because ima not flood their fucking notes and that’s not fair. I already have so many here already. 
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bloodiegawz · 2 years
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"Sooo... what exactly am I looking at?"
Mika stood in front of the large heart, cringing every time it pulsated. They absolutely despised whatever was happening in this room, from the corpses of a familiar face hanging lifelessly on the walls and cieling, to the black sludge coating every surface and attempting to pull in everything it touched.
In their arms was a quivering Grim, facing the room with a determined smugness to his expression, though he was clearly frightened. How long had he been in here? A few minutes, or hours? Hell, even a few seconds was enough to give Mika the creeps. They gently stroked the monster's head, though unsure which one of them needed it more.
"All you've told me is that I need to fix something. Is this it? It doesn't look very... uh... fixable."
The stranger beside them didn't respond immediately, staring straight ahead with his lip twitching. For a man asking for help, he sure was hesitant to explain the problem. He grumbled under his breath, stamped his foot once (creating a horrible wet shlop sound) and turned his head over to Mika.
"You've overblotted."
Mika blinked slowly at him for several moments, not processing the statement. Luckily, Grim was there to respond for them.
"Myeh?! But, we're all standin' right here, and nothing's wrong with them!"
The other pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed aggressively, almost whistling with the force of the breath. "How do I explain... Look, THAT is your heart," he pointed at the beating heart in the middle of the room, "and THIS is your conscience." He jabbed a finger at Mika, poking them in the arm sharply.
"Con.. science... You mean, I'm not real?!"
"Please." He rolled his eyes. "It's like... being in a dream. With me, and Grim, and whoever the hell those guys are." He gestured to the door, seemingly referring to the other people they'd met on the way here.
"Oh." It still didn't make sense to them, but they nodded along. "Okay... but, wait, if you're not lying or anything, how'd I overblot in the first place? I don't have any magic, so I can't build blot, right?"
"Apparently not. I don't know what you've been doing, but there was a ton of it in your body. I really just needed to-"
The other looked away and crossed his arms. When Mika followed his gaze, they saw it led to one of the... bodies... on the walls. He gripped his sleeve tightly.
"... Look, I... I'm sorry. I got upset and I let it get in the way of my morals, I guess. I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking."
Grim folded his firey ears back. "Quit dancin' around the question and spit it out, myeh! Tell us what happened already!"
It was silent in the room for a few moments.
"... I forced you to overblot."
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prerodinu · 9 months
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Vavrinac started the pack around 0500AD almost 200 years before the twins were born. Only 100 years after he started the pack did a siedr or sied (Norse equivalent of a shaman or witch also known as a vulva / volur) came to tell him that twins would be born upon the pack. One touched by Hel (the Norse goddess of hel or the underworld) who would always have her footing there and in the land of Midgard (the living human world) and One so loved and golden he would rival Baldr but he would not die like the real one by Loki’s hand, he would learn to become his own and thus foil and be the down fall of Vav just like Loki’s entrapment after killing Baldr was his downfall. 
Vav wanted this prophecy to never happen because he wanted his reign on his pack and children to be everlasting. Because he deemed this Siedr of Vulva so fucking terrible and a liar he killed her.  Which upset many people of the pack at the time considered that the pack all believed that you treat a siedr with respect regardless of the outcome of whatever fortune or future they told. To kill them was also seen the worst crime to Odin / Freyja. Most of the people of the pack decided of course that they would wait until those twins appeared and then of course kill off Vav whenever it was over with. 
Sadly that never came to pass because of Vavrinac’s insufferable need to be a terrible father to Katia. He fucked it all up and ended up getting away in the scuffle of all the BS that he caused. Plus his sister, Katarína used her siren magic to help make sure that no one questioned his rule. No one questioned what he did to his children.  
Now the part of the prophecy was true. Katia's blood is black, unlike Artem’s blood which is ‘pure’ red blood. The pack of course saw Katia as a version of Hel because she had black blood. Artem of course did turn out to be like Baldr because everyone loved him so much and he was of course the biggest helper of the pack. 
Now this of course brings me to kind of the point of this lore post. The pack over the years has met and been around so many different people who have become something of a staple in their pack and life currently. Either because of this prophecy that was handed down to many in the supernatural world seeing as the twins were a huge deal. Anyone who saw Katia after she was taken believed that for all purposes she was Hel because of how bad her back looked. Everyone knew Artem was probably Baldr based on the way he killed people and arranged them and now really nothing would pierce through him. 
Velkan ( @nvrcmplt​ ) is a prime example. While the Twins and the pack both keep mostly to the Norse deities and how they worship them. They do in fact worship  Velkan as a god who brought Vavrinac into this world and every other wolf (PLEASE NOT THIS IS LORE THAT I AM BRINGING INTO THIS WORLD IT MAY NOT, OF COURSE, BE THE SAME FOR OTHERS PLEASE RESPECT YOUR OC MUNS AND THEIR LORE THANK YOU) For a while the twin’s called the wolf “The black wolf” as the one who changed them because realistically they thought that’s who was the first werewolf. UPON VELKAN ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHING VAVRINAC by killing the bastard. And thus brought Valentín Roman and Katarína back into the world upon Vavrinac's death. The twins decided to of course honor the god that saved Katia. They offer him traditional blot i.e.: Cooked foods, animal sacrifices, and the more famous blood. Blood offerings are only ever done by Artem as his blood is pure unless Katia kills something then it is the animal blood she is offering. Katia’s blood is black and that is seen as a stain upon her. She of course uses magic so everyone sees red blood but her blood is not. Velkan’s temple is simply an open space in the middle of the woods far off so that of course no one can stumble upon it. It’s for the pack and only the pack. 
Loni ( @shealfa) Is mainly the only ‘pack’ that the twins interact with simply because of connotations with Katia being Hel. This was mainly formed with Artem being a boss man and amazing as he is and then of course Loni and Katia becoming close. Loni and Katia knew each other, Loni being reincarnated several times over the course of the twin's lives. Every time they somehow find each other. Vav does not like to (before he dies) visit Loni because he simply doesn’t like her. Obviously, that is for a reason because she doesn’t give into his shit. We all love Loni here. 
Obviously, there are many more muses that will be talked about that will constantly be brought up from other muses. All of them are super important to the pack and important to the lore. IE threads or asks depending. Most importantly Velkan because he is now seen as the protector deity of this back. 
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princesslocket · 1 year
I am here to ask for the Locket lore so I may have some art THOTS for the besties lol 👀 
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Hehehehe alrighty here ya go!
For starters, Locket is kind of a burntout "gifted kid"
Or you could say she's just good at following instructions... Like she'll give the professors her attention but she'll be daydreaming throughout the entire lecture after gaining the basic understanding of what they're learning.
She likes to get all her homework done during class (that way she can have absolute free time after school) but on the off chances that she has to do homework after school, she'll sit somewhere quiet in the library to get it done.
One of Locket's favorite things to do when she's not at club practice, is (re)reading her favorite manga!
Like she's just a casual fan of everything but if someone were to ask her about the manga, she'd start jumping in place and fangirling. ((She also jokes about about going into heavy detail about her favorite arcs and such but really, the most she does is make noises like "bwah" and "blam" when trying to voice her excitement. Think of the way Hinata talks from Haikyuu and that's how Locket talks skjahgrhjng))
Locket is friendly to everyone she meets even if they don't deserve it. Mainly because she brought up to treat others she wants to be treated but also because she believes that everyone deserves at least a little kindness in their lives.
She and Kalim are good friends but she'd admittedly a little wary of him (or more so of Jamil)
It doesn't matter if she's from another world or not. Locket WILL NOT give anyone any info about her home life unless if it's in secret with Headmage Crowley. If someone somehow overhears... Well Locket would probably start avoiding them out of fear.
Locket also dislikes taking naps! Like she'll get real upset at herself if she accidently falls asleep for any reason. Which is funny considering how she's a big advocator on making sure her friends are taking breaks when they need it.
Like Grim, Locket REALLY likes tuna (sandwiches) especially when it's served with black olives! Sometimes she'll buy him some just because but most of the time she'll just split half of her own tuna with him so they can enjoy it together
Locket can't exactly use magic like everyone else.
Her pendant originally served as her magical outlet in her homeland but after being summoned to NRC it lost just about all traces of her old magic. The most her pendant can do now is act as a link of sorts, binding her to Grim and allowing her to pull small amounts of magic from him to use at her disposal. ((It works best after he's eaten))
Locket's also in NO rush to get back home. She gladly accepts being stuck in NRC/Twisted Wonderland with everyone. It beats being constantly reprimanded by her parents.
And lastly (for now at least) Locket is saving up for a blastcycle! Like she really wants to know if it's the same as flying on a broom and riding on horseback.
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