#i always related to him and his aloof nature
avatar-mikazuki · 5 months
Sonic is beginning to realize how much he values others' company, and I need to talk about it.
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Can you believe we actually got this inner monolog!!?!? We really SAW Sonic open up as the comics progress. This is an incredible moment of awareness. The moment it really clicks that friendship, companionship, and adventure don't have to be exclusive. He can enjoy others company and still be free, still have fun, and still get things done. He can still be himself, while others join in on the ride. It makes me so happy. I'm so happy to watch him grow.
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Look at him!!! He's not just lying down hands behind his back, eyes closed all the time anymore. He's engaging!! He's so much more alive.
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vhstown · 10 months
miles g morales x you headcanons
— 42!miles x gn!reader (dating)
warnings: fluff, brief mentions of violence, angst if you squint
note: ok i know i didn't write him like a bad boy rizzful cool criminal bf but this is just my interpretation from the 1min of screentime he had 😭 i hope someone likes it? i don't really but it's ok posting anyway, kind of long a lot of ramble
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wasn't edited previously but is now!
Miles has never dated anyone before, so naturally, he's never kissed anyone before. In fact, though he's reluctant, he asks his uncle for advice about you (just as a nephew in need, of course.) It's sort of hilarious to see the boy with such a cold and unbothered exterior try to flirt and make a move on you. When he asks you out, he nearly trips over himself trying to block your way, and nearly trips over himself again when you say yes. When you try to kiss, he freezes up, but eventually gets the hang of it. It's surprisingly sweet and careful; warm.
Miles is hesitant to date you — date anyone. It's a casual sort of thing at first; he doesn't want to get too attached. But what draws him to you is the fact that you can make his life feel so normal, so simple and in-the-moment. It doesn't take long for him to realise that this is what he wants.
He does everything in his power to keep his criminal identity a secret. When there's rumours going around about the Prowler, he's quick to shut down the conversation with vague, uninterested answers. He's not scared of many things, but he's scared of the only person he can really be Miles around leaving.
So, the boy tries his absolute best to be good to you. Yes, he misses dates doing God knows what, but he's quick to try and reschedule or show up to your door with gifts, food, anything he thinks might make you happy (despite your annoyance, he's really good at making it up to you.) When dates aren't working, he decides to take you on spontaneous ones, going around Brooklyn and wracking his brain for anything that might interest you or be nice enough for a date. Half of your date is usually spent walking around together, but it's more fun than you think to pass time together like that.
For the time you do manage to spend together, you notice he's very observant (he has to be to survive as the Prowler.) Miles remembers every little detail about you and what you like. Things you told him since he met you are still firm in his memory, even if it was something you said off-handedly or to somebody else. He's always surprising you with little things you mention: an accessory, dessert from the place you wanted to try ages ago, etc.
Miles is very aware of your interests and whenever he passes by related stores, he's always asking you if you want anything. You're the only person in his life other than his family; of course he's going to cherish you.
But the second thing Miles is worried about is his mom. He's very overprotective over his mom, understandably so. She's the only parent he has left and he knows she overworks herself trying to provide for them. He's always trying to help her when he can, doing chores and errands without question and per his uncle's suggestions, but if something was to happen to her, he'd blame himself for it above all. So when he introduces you to her, he's more than uncertain. It's not like you could do anything to her, but he's made it a habit to never fully trust anyone anyway.
That is, until he sees how Rio completely lights up around you. She's so thrilled that Miles has a friend (or whatever Miles told her you were.) Even though she can only talk to you for a few minutes before her shift, she automatically opens up her home to you, telling you that you can help yourself to the kitchen and come over whenever you like. She whispers a couple things in Spanish to Miles that you can't quite catch, and he doesn't care to mention.
But you can definitely guess what she keeps telling him. Whenever he brings you over, he acts aloof, almost awkward trying to follow what his mom says to make you comfortable. The house and Miles' room suddenly becomes eerily spotless whenever you're due to come over, and the cupboards are in complete order. Rio's always asking Miles where you are, and she treats you like you're her second kid. She's very aware that you might be in the future (though Miles keeps denying it.)
You catch glimpses of his uncle sometimes. He doesn't really talk to you, but the man is calm enough. Miles seems to be comfortable around him, but when he finds out, you can make out an amused glint in Aaron's eyes whenever he sees you. Miles doesn't take you to see his uncle; he'd rather you're not aware of the man's ridiculous way of teasing him.
Whenever you come over, you both make it a habit to snack, play videogames, listen to music, whatever you feel like doing. It seems like he's always trying to keep you there. Miles will never admit it, but he misses you a lot. All he really does to show that is pull you into a silent hug and kiss your cheek when he sees you again, asking in the lowest voice what you've been up to.
When you asked Miles about his interests, he tells you the ones he shares with his uncle at first — music, art, etc. But whenever you go into his room, you notice a bunch of empty shelves and hastily shut drawers. Miles never really shares his real interests with anyone (he thinks they're childish more than anything), but when you insist, he bedrudgingly takes out the figures, comics and posters, acting like he put them away ages ago and forgot about them (more 5 minutes before you came over, if it wasn't obvious from the way he was flushing.)
The two of you spend a while putting everything back. You ask him questions about it and he returns them with short answers. When you leave that day, his heart is full, and his jaw hurts from trying to hide his smile as he looks at his shelves filled with superhero figurines and comics. He won't be touching anything now that you've put them in place. He really can be himself around you, though he's still a bit reluctant.
On top of Miles' other "secret" interests, he likes drawing. He keeps a tiny sketchbook where he draws people mainly, and you catch glimpses of it sometimes when he thinks you're not looking. Half of it is ripped out (there drawings of his mom, uncle and comic book superheroes scattered around his room), but the faces that do remain are of his dad, unfinished. There's another drawing he's never finished in there too. It's been constantly erased and redrawn; it was meant to be you. Eventually, that page is ripped out too. You can't find it no matter how hard you look; it's in his jacket.
And at first, the boy was kind of awkward. He didnt want to hurt you; he knows he very well could. He usually let you initiate anything (though he's clingy as hell and was just shooting that feeling down as much as he could.)
When he does get more comfortable around you (especially after he's sure it's not just a fling), he's always kissing your cheek, forehead, your hair; his kisses are surprisingly chaste, sweet, much like your first one. He holds your hand often too, even if you're just sitting next to each other, fingers firmly locked together with the occasional squeeze to let you know he's still there.
But he's no short of a tease too. Miles always likes to say pretty things in Spanish just to get you riled up. Even if you might understand what he's saying, he says it under his breath so you can't catch it. Miles doesn't repeat himself, instead giving you that stupid cocky smirk you've grown to love (and hate.) Sometimes he lifts your chin to make his eyes meet yours, maybe to see you flustered too as he studies your face in silence, poker-faced, not responding to anything you're saying. You think he's being teasing, but he just really doesn't know what to say. You're his, and sometimes he just can't believe it.
What he really loves though is holding you close: his head over your shoulder or your head against his chest (or his against yours, with much pestering) so you can't see the way that he's smiling. As much as he wants to be the cool and distant boyfriend, he's a big softie, absolutely melting with your affection, always quick to return it with his own.
But when you're out, it's a different story. He's not only overprotective of his mom, but of you. It really shows when he walks you home. He keeps his arm firmly around your waist, giving dirty looks to anyone who goes even an inch too close to you. He whipsers "you okay?" and "c'mon" while basically directing you around.
Miles knows these streets better than anyone else, but he's not going to take you through quick back alleys. He'll take you through busy main streets, maybe stop by a bodega to pick something up for you if you're still hungry while he eyes every corner of the store, even go on the subway with you if you're feeling particularly lazy, your back to his chest with an arm around you so you don't fall. He's always muttering about being safe, and his street smarts definitely rub off on you; his advice is sound, almost too experienced for a random kid living in Brooklyn.
However, Miles won't let you find out. No matter how much he's juggling being the Prowler, his family and you, he'll make it work. He can't lose this, no way in hell. Even if he has to lie to you about his seemingly random injuries or ditched date nights, you'll never find out about that purple blur that skids past you when you're outside at odd hours. They're just rumours after all, he tells you.
thank you for reading 😭🙏 i struggled w this one and hobie too but idk i love 42 miles he's just some guy fr .... im thinking of writing a friends to lovers fic w 42 miles but im not sure yet (im just really lazy but lmk if ur interested?) + thank you to @qiuweyballs for the inspo i hate you (endearingly)
if u liked this reblogs are appreciated <3 catch the rest of my atsv headcanons here! love ya
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pinkieclown · 26 days
Cats The Musical Autism Headcanons
because these kitties are autistic okay!! honestly i think all the characters can be autistic these are just the ones i have specific ideaz for :3
mungojerrie & rumpleteazer (cause the twins definitely share some traits lol)
- the talking talkers… they’re both hyper-verbal :) while their chattiness can sometimes help with their schemes (they like to engage a friendly policeman in conversation!) but usually they just talk cat’s ears off cause they like talking
- always up in each other’s space, these two have very little sense of personal space and are always grabbing each other’s shoulders/arms or leaning on each other, snuggling, or generally being close to each other
- both love jumping up and down or running around to stim! sometimes they link arms and run in a circle for minutes at a time just to get their energy out
- they’re pretty spontaneous when it comes to their heists, usually jumping into it before fully working out a plan, but both can get very upset when something goes wrong/doesn’t go their way
- TERRIBLE with eye contact, he’s always looking at everything except the person he’s talking to. definitely adds to his kinda ‘shifty’ reputation
- loves oral stimming, usually chewelry or something of the sort, but will absentmindedly chew on p much anything in his reach (pens, plastic, teazer’s arm, etc)
- has poor volume control, tends to talk just a bit too loud or too quiet depending on the situation
- tends to accidentally interrupt/talk over others cause he doesn’t really understand their cues
- very touchy-feely… but only on her terms! she loves initiating snuggles hugs or play-fights, but if someone touches her when she’s not expecting/in the mood, she won’t hesitate to take a swipe at em (jerrie is usually the only exception)
- tippy-toe walks alllll the time. helpful for moving quietly when she needs to but will do it for no reason at all
- loves to give cats nicknames, but doesn’t understand how they work so just decides on random nouns to call her friends
- has a hard time understanding metaphors and sarcasm
- THE STIMMER!! she loves to stim! usually flapping her paws, tapping her toes, or bouncing in place, but pretty much any repetitive movement is a stim for her <3
- related to her stimming, she cannot sit still! she’s always moving around, playing with toys, or shifting from side to side even when she’s supposed to stay still
- loves to knit or crochet with jenny, since its repetitive and keeps her hands busy, plus she gets a cute scarf at the end!
- has echolalia, she often repeats words/sounds other cats say, usually just to feel it in her mouth
- non/semi-verbal, only speaks when he’s very comfortable or around certain cats (like victoria or tugger)
- loves to perform but is naturally quite shy and quiet, so tends to lean on his ‘stage persona’ to express his more dramatic and expressive side! when he isn’t in that mindset though he’s very aloof
- very diligent about keeping himself clean and tidy. he can feel when even one tuft of fur is out of place and it BOTHERS him
- has hypersomnia, he’s always sleepy and gets worn out pretty quick (especially after his bigger magical feats)
- has very specific day to day routines (wakes up at a specific time, visits the junkyard on specific days of the week, etc) gets really frustrated and stressed if they’re interrupted or changed
- he’s a house-cat, but refuses to wear a collar (he hates how it feels)
- didn’t speak for a long time growing up, but at like age 4 (in cat years) suddenly started speaking in full sentences. demeter was very surprised
- has a (terrifying) habit of slipping into this wide-eyed hundred yard stare when she zones out. it took a while for everyone to get used to that
- very sensitive to lights and colors, she’s the first to notice when the light shifts ever so slightly, and too-bright lights or colors are very overstimulating for her
- doesn’t like being touched except by her moms and sister (demeter & bomba and electra, respectively) and even then only in certain moments
- special interest is the night sky, she knows all the names of the constellations and can tell you the phase of the moon on any given night
- makes A LOT of eye contact
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avonne-writes · 21 days
Are there any ways in which you think Bucky has healed Gale's inner child a little bit?
Great question! Yes, he heals him a little every day. I thought of a few below:
Bucky always chooses him. This is one of the most important things - even if he had to sacrifice things, Bucky would always put Gale first. He’d change his rituals, throw his lucky jacket away, stay stuck still in the stalag just for Gale. Even from those few sentences Gale said in the show, we can tell that Gale's needs and comfort were low on his dad's (and mom's) list of priorities, so finally having someone who considers his feelings is such a comfort.
Related to the previous one, having someone he can rely on. Who he knows will always be in his corner, who has his back. It's an incredible relief.
Loving touches - I think, due to his aloof nature and his aura of unattainability, not a lot of people touch Gale. We can also headcanon that his parents weren't too affectionate. So being touched lovingly and intimately, often and without hesitation, heals the parts of him that starve for affection deep down.
Jokes and fun - the fact that his and Bucky's sense of humour match helps the parts of Gale that never got to experience a carefree childhood. Bucky’s positive personality combined with the warmth and sense of safety he radiates help Gale relax and enjoy things more.
Being an equal - this is also an important aspect of their relationship, because Gale's peers usually look up to him or even idolize him. Meanwhile, I suspect that his father looked down on him and thought he wasn't worth much, or, at the very least, this is what he conveyed to little Gale by not paying attention to him. So the fact that Bucky is an equal partner makes Gale feel like he can finally be just himself with him. There’s nothing to prove and no image to uphold.
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This is completely random but what are your thoughts on Lucifer×Minhyeok as a ship?
in one of Luci's homescreen dialogues he's apologetic towards MC after what Gabriel did, how'd Luci think about Gabriel attacking an innocent human who isn't even related to Solomon?
I think a scenario where Jjok and Ppyong meet and become friends then Ppyong talks about MC and Minhyeok. Lucifer overhears that Gabriel attacked 2 humans instead of 1, he'd wanna know more
I think Minhyeok would be too scared of Lucifer
(if you aren't into character×character ships just ignore this ask)
Nah don't worry about it fam I'm open to answer any questions and I'm proud of you for working the guts to ask 💖
And to be honest I'm sort of neutral on these characterxcharacter ships I see their merit but LuciferxMinhyeok is a touch surprising. I'll try to give my honest thoughts on how I think it'd go and work :>
Explanation under:
So if I recall and I could be wrong but back in the Halloween event, Minhyeok had encountered the three Seraphim; Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael as well as the Kings. While going through there was a sort of fascination with him that they had going on and I think Lucifer being part angel would be fascinated as well and curiously seek him out especially if Jjok and Ppyong later on meet or he senses MC longing for Minhyeok (Lucifer strikes me as kind of perceptive to these things so for the start of it, it'd be fascination on his end while with Minhyeok it's a bit different.)
I can see the ship sort of working as Lucifer is fascinated but also sort of Aloof. He sort of is like an alley cat curious but independent, and I imagine the more he hears about Minhyeok, the more intrigued he is, and before long, the two meet, and it becomes quite a thing. So Minhyeok I feel at this time would be utterly gobsmacked; He's competing with immortal beings for MC and now here comes Lucifer the King of Pride and I imagine he's incredibly wary or freaked out and lowkey resentful but unlike the demons who take Minhyeok's fake kindness at face value, Lucifer picks up on it and I see the two talking it out because Lucifer doesn't see Minhyeok as competition.
I feel like Lucifer is above those things and so they'd probably be friends once Minhyeok realizes Lucifer is pretty neutral on MC (I get the vibes that even if related to Solomon Lucifer is pretty neutral about MC and not as obsessed as the Devils). And I think with time their relationship actually works to one of more understanding and regard.
I feel to myself that Minhyeok sort of helps Lucifer focus on the present and reconnect to the other species he sort of has been distant from and Lucifer helps Minhyeok let go and realize it's okay to have a life outside of MC and to not base his entire life around one thing, speaking from experience. It's a sweet dynamic, and if you're talking romantic, it sort of falls down the line because the two give me vibes they'd naturally fall into it. Of course neither are going to directly pursue, Lucifer would be respectful of Minhyeok's longing for MC to return to him but I imagine as MC gets railed by other demons Lucifer is the one person in Minhyeok's life telling him what he needs to hear. Minhyeok seems to always be the caretaker to others' feelings and lives, so Lucifer would probably be the one telling Minhyeok to take care of himself or to see things for what they are.
Of course Lucifer's still gonna be his feral self like he was in the Selfie story but Minhyeok strikes me as more cautious and nurturing than MC so the ship has room to be very sweet for both of them because they both get something special from it and could be pretty cute if it works like this. And while sex is a big thing I see the two taking it slow because unlike MC where their minds are on sex 24/7 the two guys just genuinely love their conversations and talk and work to it more tenderly than MC ever would with either of them.
Now I could be wrong but these are my thoughts since tbh this is the first I've heard of it so like I'm just taking a ball and rolling with it haha.
Hope it answers! 💖
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i'm here to send requestsss!
what about nikolai lantsov x sister!reader (or just sibling if you want to keep it gn) and how she had gone with nik every time he met up with the crows and she knows them all by now and she keeps in touch with kaz through letters and then one trip, she finally goes out to visit by herself and it's just hinted that y/n and kaz like each other
if you don't like it or feel it, feel free to ignore<3
Match Made by The Saints- K.B x fem! Reader
This was a blast to write, so thank you so much for sending it in! I am sorry it took me almost two weeks to write it out, I've just been stressing a lot over prom and upcoming grad stuff in combination with school related stress, as well as editing fics to get them ready for posting, but I hope you like this despite how much time it's taken
Fic type- this is fluff!
Warnings- mentions of alcohol, this is also mostly unedited and kaz is probably a bit ooc.
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You'd naturally accompanied your brother every time he went to Ketterdam.
At first, it had been to act as the tether between royalty and the crows while Nikolai was acting as Sturmhond. Over time, it became an excuse to leave the palaces and see something outside of the village in Os Alta. From there, it became a matter of the fact that Ketterdam was a city that you quite liked and therefore, Nikolais trips provided you an excuse.
You knew the crows by name, and you loved each and every one of them.
There was Inej, her impeccable talent with her knives and her skills in the way of going unnoticed. She was excellent company, the wise type, unafraid to threaten your life in the same time she spoke one of her suli proverbs.
There was Nina and her abilities as a Grisha after her survival post jurda parem usage coupled with the fact that she was excellent company to keep, just as Inej was. There was the fact that she was skilled in combat, and the fact that, since making it out of the throes of parem withdrawal, she always seemed glad to throw a punch.
Her Fjerdan, Matthias, was the type to brood and stir in his silences, but most of those silences were comfortable. He was also good for a half decent cup of tea and, unlike other muscled types you'd known, did not have an affinity for the recital of eighty-page long sonnets.
There was Jesper, the sharpshooter, who was good for a glass of brandy and a bit of banter. He was the loyal type, the kind type, the type that you didn't expect to see much in a place like the Barrel. The love he held for Wylan, his boyfriend, was clear as water just in the way Jesper looked at him when he thought Wylan wasn't looking.
Wylan was the demo man, seemingly shy and a little aloof but very kind once you got to know him past it. He could create just about any bomb if he put his mind to it and he wasn't afraid to acknowledge his smarts in the area of destruction.
And then there was Kaz. The Bastard of the Barrel, Dirtyhands, a demon created in the alleyways and drowned in the harbor. He was the second person you'd met during your first visit to Ketterdam, but had been your favorite person to see in all of the visits since.
Over time, you and Kaz began sending letters to occupy the time between your visits. You'd get a letter every two weeks, write a response, and send it out the following day.
You talked about anything and everything with him, from things as simple as the weather to things as complex as heist plans and the week-old gossip in the city. Somewhere along that line, a bit of an unspoken romance developed.
It wasn't that you were romantically involved, no. You just liked each other, and as Jesper joined the two of you in the Slat, you drinking a bit of brandy and Kaz having opted for coffee and vodka, the fact that you liked each other was almost as obvious as the sky was blue.
"Enjoying the weather?" Jesper asked. "You could've come at a better time if you were hoping to miss out on the spring rain. In summer, it gets hot and humid."
"Ketterdam is different from Ravka, then," you said with a smile. "I find Ketterdams weather preferable, usually. Ravkan summers get hot and dry, and rain in springtime is rare until the last week of May. It's beautiful here, though."
"Beautiful, criminally underrated," Jesper hummed, daring a glance at Kaz. He was watching you intently, his expression unreadable everywhere but in his gaze. His expression wouldn't've been readable to anyone else, but Jesper had long learned to look for signs of emotion in Kaz where nobody else would've thought to, a skill Inej had taught him in her returns from her voyages.
Kaz Brekker was looking at you like you were the one thing throughout the entirety of the Slat that had actually mattered. Jesper was entirely sure that he could've grabbed the Van Eck DeKappel painting and returned it to his and Wylans home without Kaz noticing or caring all that much in the end.
"It's full of gorgeous and handsome criminals, if you go to the right gambling dens and gang headquarters. How long are you in?"
"Til the end of August," you hummed. "Needed to escape the palaces for a bit. All of it was beginning to feel too mundane."
Jesper suspected that you had missed a certain guy with a thousand different nicknames, all of which had nearly the same connotations, too. He didn't say as much, only looked to Kaz.
"She's in on our heist jobs for the next bit?"
"A few," Kaz nodded. "We'll be going back to Ravka alongside her at the end of August. The royals need our assistance with a jewelry heist."
Jesper observed your gaze. You were looking at Kaz like he was the most important person in the room, just as he was looking at you. He wouldn't've tried, but had he wanted to, he was sure he could steal the Lantsov emerald from your person without you giving a damn.
"Who else is in?"
"The rest of the crows," Kaz responded. "You'll have to tell Wylan, though. I'm not popping to yours for dinner, and I won't see him for three days."
"You have alternate dinner plans?" Jesper asked, glancing between you and Kaz for a few moments. "Yeah. That's fine. Have fun."
Jesper did not know what to think of the pairing you two could've made, he just knew that he did not miss it; the pining, the yearning, the 'we like each other but we're both oblivious.'
He was glad the two of you may have had each other, though. It seemed a match made by the saints--or a match that would be made when you both stopped being fools, anyway.
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I LOVE your human au and would be delighted If you could expound on Wally's relationship with the cast and how he views/ is viewed by others <3
I hope you have a good day/ night whenever you are and I wish your pillow always be cold 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
ofc! i've been thinking about it a lot!
i would like to begin by saying that, as with canon, everyone likes Wally. as they should! i think that's an Important tidbit that should always carry across, at least in some way
Wally is... i think it's also important that he's a kind person. he loves deeply, is very forgiving and accepting, and he's just. he's a bizarre little man, and he's wonderful! there is not a malicious bone in his body! he finds delight & beauty in everything he can. he looks at his friends and is filled with deep contentment and joy and love. he's not blind to their flaws (and certainly not his own), but he never minds. those flaws are part of his friends, and he loves every bit of them!
and ok. Wally is not nearly as naive in this au as he is in canon. bc he's had a different life! he's had a rough go of it! unfortunately there's next to no way for normal people to grow up completely innocent & naive & pure, yk? life is harsh. Wally is not spared. he's incredibly kind despite it all. he's still in love with life and humanity. he smiles at strangers in the street & stops to watch bees pollinate flowers & sees parts of his friends in everything. he has many intense feelings even if he doesn't really show it or know how to convey them! he believes in the inherent goodness of people & beauty of being human!
there is a... very wide range of how people (outside of the Neighbors) view Wally. a lot of people find him slightly unsettling and really fucking weird, and well. he is! he's strange, and it's a wonderful part of him! but many don't see it that way. so he was ostracized by his peers in school (all the way through college), his coworkers (the few times he held a job before becoming a full-time artist), and most people in his local community. they just don't get him. they don't See him. Wally doesn't mind all that much! all of the important people in his life accept and love him for who he is, and he wouldn't even think of changing to fit the mold others want to shove him into.
then of course there are the people who treat him like a child, bc ableism is a thing and Wally's very noticeably autistic (even if people only notice subconsciously). this i think would be one of the very few things that outright annoys Wally, even if he doesn't really show it. but then there's the people who, while they might not get him (especially not to the extent his friends do), they accept him. like much of the art community he's involved in - even if a lot of them completely misinterpret his personality / mannerisms. they're all like "ohhhh he's so mysterious and ruminant" that's the 'tism, babes
BUT! YOU ASKED ABOUT SPECIFICALLY HIM AND THE NEIGHBORS! we'll save Barnaby for last since that's. uh. i have a lot to say about it. it's Very Complex in my mind
collectively, all of them love Wally a lot. which i've said! We Know! they also (mostly subconsciously) look for his approval - he's got a certain level of charisma that makes them all want him to like them. which, he does. obviously. unconditionally. and they're all protective of him & very patient with him. i think that's both a result of his natural rizz, how kind & patient he is with them, how well they understand him, and how he's a pacifist. he's their guy and woe befall anyone who dares cross him. (essentially, all of them collectively: the only constant is suffering - omg Wally!!! 💖💖💖)
we'll start with Frank! before he got to know Wally, he thought that Wally was an aloof asshole who thought he was better than everyone. then they started to directly interact and Frank realized "oh you're literally the nicest person i've ever met & also surprisingly relatable. you're just like me fr'. did he have a lil crush on Wally? yes. im saying it now literally everyone in the friend group (except local lesbians poppy & sally) has had at least a teensy crush on Wally at some point. but Frank deeply appreciates Wally's company & his complete lack of judgement. and how he gladly will let Frank talk for hours on end, chiming in with questions to prompt him to talk more! he also appreciates Wally's calm demeanor and vibes. he's one of those people that even when overwhelmed, Frank can handle having Wally around. he's like a human capybara! if Frank needs/wants a buddy with him for Situations, his go-to (after Julie ofc, though depending on the situation he'd pick Wally first) is Wally, since Wally Gets It. also Wally is unafraid to be like "wow, this kinda sucks! we're leaving", thus giving Frank an easy out. they just get along very well! ofc Frank can get frustrated with Wally, but then again he gets frustrated w/ everyone. but since Wally is patient with him, Frank tries to return the favor. also he's gotten into several fistfights over Wally's honor
Julie! she loves Wally so fucking much! he's her lil guy! even if he's kinda boring in a way! he's not very good at games or sports & would rather go on a relaxing walk than play Just Dance, but hey! he always makes Attempts, and she appreciates that! when they were younger and Julie & Sally & Poppy had girls nights (they continue to have girls' nights but everyone is involved. they still call it that tho), they'd often include Wally bc, yk! he's chill like that! Julie also massively respects his ability to say "no thank you" to anything without compromise. if he ever says it to her, she knows that he doesn't mean Any ill will by it! there's a sort of comfort in that! she knows she can be herself around him! also he's just... very good company. he's a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a willing victim & confidante for elaborate schemes! he visits her at work Purely because he knows it delights her to see a friendly face in the middle of a grueling shift! he's always been a bit of a lighthouse to her!
and while Sally can be a little exasperated with how literal Wally is, she finds no small amount of solidarity with him As A Fellow Artist. when they first became friends, they caught on like a house on fire! she mentioned the artistic side of theater, and Wally was immediately on board. then and going forward Wally is always willing and more than happy to assist with painting sets, art advertisements for her performances, etc! they have little brainstorming sessions where she rambles about what she wants sets / costumes to look like, and Wally sketches them out! since Sally was a theater kid and goes on to work in that department (locally, usually), Wally often gets first read of her scripts. Sally highly values Wally's opinion and input. if he's free, sometimes he helps teach the actors' the show choreography. Sally runs through it with him, Wally soaks up the moves like a sponge & memorizes them, and hey! he loves to teach! Sally just. she loves him a lot. they're both artists of a sophisticated nature <3
Howdy thinks Wally is real neat! Wally is good company and is (often unintentionally) hilarious! he's also like... the one person Howdy refuses to scam in any way shape or form. tricking grandmas into buying more than they need? no sweat. tricking Wally into spending slightly more money than intended? Howdy feels like a fucking monster. but yeah, Howdy's just always delighted to see Wally! he likes Wally's unique view of the world and often takes it into consideration when making decisions. when he's stuck on something, he thinks WWWD (what would Wally do!). Howdy also is the one who most often accompanies Wally to his art shows & the like, bc he knows that Wally will accept the first price offer he hears - and Howdy is determined that his incredible works of art are paid for their worth! nobody is gotta cheat his pal outta a single cent! he just likes having Wally around, you know?
Wally & Poppy have an interesting relationship, i think! he tells the cashier "she asked for no pickles" for her! she makes sure he always has a soft place to land! he kinda confuses her, but she finds it endearing in a way? he displays a personality/behavioral quirk and she's like "oh. well alright!" and rolls with it very gracefully. they appreciate each other's mellow demeanor and proclivity for peace. Poppy knows she can always have a nice, quiet conversation with him over tea (even if he doesn't drink it!). and he's always willing to help with anything and everything she needs, no question. i think i've made this joke on this blog before but! in way! he's her emotional support animal lmao. a hand to squeeze to death on an airplane! also it's funny for me to picture a 6'8 woman hunched behind this 5'2 shrimp of a man as if he can hide her
it takes a little bit for Eddie to adjust to Wally's bizarre nature! like i've said, Eddie connects with the group when they're all in their late 20s. he hasn't had over a decade of being friends with Wally like the rest of them. he likes Wally plenty! definitely grows to love him! but it's an adjustment. Wally consistently startles him very easily (Wally is naturally quiet and has a habit of appearing out of nowhere), and Eddie has a hard time getting a read on him. most people do! and also Wally is very handsome/pretty, and that throws Eddie off a bit (it's hard to think when someone so attractive is staring directly into your eyes without blinking) but once he gets somewhat used to Wally & understands as much as he can, he very much appreciates Wally's company & friendship! they find (somewhat subconscious) solidarity in being the kindest and most helpful people in the clique! and Wally is a wonderful island of peace in a turbulent world. Eddie never minds sitting with him for a cup of coffee in the early morning during his route, even if it means his workday ends a few minutes later than usual.
other supporting cast like Wally as well. Ms. Beagle kinda views him as a second son! the Joyful siblings will always find him a little weird and unsettling, but they're nice enough to him. Howdy's family thinks he's neat. etc! but lets talk about Barnaby!
Wally is literally everything to Barnaby. that's his person. there is literally no one that comes before Wally in his eyes and heart. their relationship is and always has been very nontraditional To Me (in this au and somewhat how i view them overall! its complicated!). Wally never subscribed to or understood societal norms, and as a result, Barnaby wound up pretty much shunning them as well when it comes to his lil buddy. their relationship isn't romantic - Wally is very aro and Barnaby just does not feel that way about him, not really. but at the same time it's certainly not entirely platonic!
neither of them can imagine being separated. they met in 7th grade and have been glued together ever since. they've been through some tough shit together! they know each other better than anyone! you cannot have one without the other! they're more than a package deal - they're Inseparable! Barnaby has had many a nightmare of Wally leaving in one way or another, and it scares him more than anything. to him, he can weather any storm as long as Wally is by his side. they obviously don't spend every moment together, but at the end of the day they always come home to each other.
Barnaby just... he loves and respects and values Wally so much. he wants his approval, his attention, his company. sometimes he scares himself by considering the lengths he'd go to for Wally. there is no one he's more comfortable with or feels he understands / is understood by. if somebody has a problem with Wally, they have a problem with Barnaby. if Wally jumped off a cliff, Barnaby would not hesitate to leap after him! Wally says jump, Barnaby asks how high! he's not a violent person at all, but teen Barnaby once broke a bully's jaw for goin' a little too far w/ Wally
is their relationship a smidge unhealthy? a lil codependent? yes <3 yes it is <3 but we all know that Wally would never use this against Barnaby. on his side of the coin, Barnaby is his person as well! Wally has never imagined his life without Barnaby because it just does not occur to him that that's a possibility. there are many things that only Barnaby knows about Wally, sides only he's seen. there's complete & unconditional trust/love between them. they hotbox Home together <3
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right-there-ride-on · 2 months
A "Brief" Analysis of Religion and Johnny Joestar
I would be remiss not to begin by addressing Stone Ocean. I believe SO was where Araki really began playing with the idea of faith. Enrico Pucci is a priest, and his outfit is emblazoned with a giant cross. While there is something to be said about Pucci's repurposing of religion to suit his own goals (there are several good discussions of Pucci's character with relation to his faith that others have made, though I don't have them on hand), for my purposes there are only two aspects of Pucci's connection to Christianity that are relevant here:
a) His actual religious faith is somewhat disingenuous (Pucci listens to Dio's Heaven Plan because it serves his own aims - like Hot Pants)
b) He belongs to organized religion (introduced in a church, works in a prison chapel, 'Father' Pucci)
And one aspect of his character that is relevant:
a) He fully believed the Heaven Plan was righteous and would be a boon to humanity
Given that Pucci is the villain of the part, I think it's safe to say that we are supposed to take away that all of these are negative qualities.
I bring this up specifically to juxtapose SO's depiction of Christianity to SBR's. Steel Ball Run is a natural evolution of Stone Ocean's religious theming that represents both a critique and affirmation of faith. This analysis will focus on the character I think best represents SBR's religious themes: Johnny.
Unlike Pucci, Johnny's faith isn't immediately obvious. He wears no crosses and, if it weren't for his own narration, we likely wouldn't know he was religious. After all, Jesus appears to multiple people throughout the part, not just Johnny. It is possible to reduce Jesus' manifestation to simply being the work of corpse parts, but working in tandem with Johnny's character, it becomes plain there's stronger themes about Christianity and religion at work in the narrative.
(It's also very telling when even ten years later (as seen in Jojolion Chapter 22: Morioh, Year 1901) one of the few panels we get of Johnny is him in prayer.)
Johnny's character is extremely rich, but for this analysis I'll choose one of the more prominent overarching themes for his arc: the search for forgiveness. The concept has another name too - redemption. I'll be using them interchangeably.
Section I - An introduction to Johnny Joestar
I'll start with a quick rundown of Johnny's backstory.
Here's a few panels to representative of George's parenting:
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And here's a few of Nicholas. After several panels of darkness, from Johnny's POV we're given this:
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Johnny admires him greatly, but already feels a great sense of inferiority toward him.
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"Maybe I'm not your real brother?" Gee, I wonder who put that in his head.
Here's what we learn about the Joestar family:
(a) George Joestar is a Grade-A asshole. This will be a running theme.
And (b) Nicholas was everything to Johnny.
I want to point out this panel:
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Even with George essentially physically threatening him to kill his pet, Johnny's kindness still wins out. His kindness toward animals is a consistent trait and also functions as indicator that, at some point in the past, he was far less aloof than he is in SBR. As readers, we find out this is because of Nicholas' death, which Johnny believes himself to be responsible for.
Johnny's perception of his own guilt in the accident is not helped by George's constant criticizing and reinforcement of Nicholas' amazingness:
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It is made abundantly clear that Johnny isn't good enough for George.
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And Johnny never will be good enough. He's already the youngest person to ever win the Kentucky Derby (one of the qualifying races for the Triple Crown, which it's previously stated his father won several times) but George doesn't care. You can explain this with grief, but it seems clear that Johnny was always the unfavorite. Nicholas' death just cemented things.
The death of his brother and his relationship with George severely damaged Johnny's beliefs about himself.
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Chapter 42: A Silent Way (Part 2)
From a very young age, Nicholas' death caused Johnny to perceive himself as a murderer, willing or not. In other words, he has almost always considered himself a sinner. The 'sin' he committed of killing his brother is why he believes he is undeserving of happiness (Cain and Abel anyone?).
Because he is a 'sinner' - an unforgivable sinner - Johnny cannot fathom his life through any other mechanism but karma. He will always deserve the awful things that happened to him, because his sin is too great to forgive. God just hasn't noticed his mistake yet.
Section II - Broader themes in SBR
These are two main themes I will discuss here:
2. Religion
My discussion on individualism in SBR will be limited to its connection to the religious theming. If you want a more in-depth look at this theme in general, check out this video.
As noted above, in Stone Ocean Father Pucci was a member of organized religion. Yet his faith was not truly in the church, but in the 'Heaven Plan', the completion of which would enable people to know their fate. They could not deviate from their set course, but the intention was that they would be able to find 'peace of mind' in that idea. This is how things are supposed to be.
We can also look at the Heaven Plan through the lens of "God has a plan for you". No matter what struggles you endure, you are supposed to be able to find comfort in the idea that some unknowable thing has it all taken care of. Is it a trial of your character? A test of your faith? If you accept God has a plan, then no matter what happens you can be assured you made the right decision (and alleviate your guilty conscience). If you live your life according to the Bible, then you have nothing to fear. If your life sucked in particular, then don't worry, because Heaven's waiting. Faith is based on the idea of "hope". That's what a prayer is - hope that someone is listening.
These ideas of religion and God's plan (i.e. fate) are also present in SBR, in a more subtle capacity. Most obviously, we have the corpse parts. The corpse is understood to be an object of power and value by most everyone in the story.
Here are a few panels of how different characters perceive the corpse.
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Chapter 27: Tusk (Part 3)
Gyro understand the corpse in the capacity of its ability to grant power and glory to the nations of the world. Still, he acknowledges "saints exist for the common people".
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Chapter 57: Civil War (Part 2)
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Chapter 75: D4C (Part 8)
Hot Pants initially seems to have a similar impression of the corpse as Gyro. However, as the story progresses, we learn that they and Johnny's motivations to collect the corpse are quite similar. The difference is that while HP wants the corpse for themselves (to earn forgiveness), they believe they can accomplish this forgiveness by giving the corpse to a higher cause (the Vatican). Hot Pants, too, acknowledges that the miracle of the corpse is supposed to belong to the people.
Meanwhile, Valentine uses the corpse as proof of the 'napkin law'. Whoever has the corpse will have the power to influence the rest of the world. This is representative of religion as an influencer and indication of power.
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Chapter 78: D4C (Part 11)
Valentine quite literally claims the power of the corpse - the power to control the right to good fortune, to decide who deserves good things and who doesn't - as his own. He even decides this power doesn't belong to the corpse, but was his all along, his own potential just waiting to be drawn out. He compares this new ability to that of God himself. Valentine is putting himself in the position of God.
All of these characters consider the corpse in terms of what it means to a larger cause. The corpse, and thus religion, is a tool to grant power to those who possess it. It enables whatever entity possessing it to impose "God's plan" (I use that liberally) onto others, supposedly for their own good. Even HP, who has the motivation closest to Johnny's own (even mirroring his 'any means necessary' approach), still views the corpse in terms of its wider applicability. These viewpoints are starkly contrasted by Johnny's own; he just wants the corpse to be able to walk again. Johnny's motivation is very base, but out of the everyone in the cast, it is the humblest and I would argue the most sincere. It's a wish that would affect only himself. The corpse - and thus religion - is something deeply personal to him.
This relatively deterministic stance on religion - as a power related to fate and a tool to control the fates of others - would be in strong contrast with SBR's individualistic themes, were it not for Johnny.
Section III - Understanding Johnny's Search for Redemption
Now I will take a moment to address the unfortunate elephant in the room, namely Araki's treatment of Johnny's disability as a metaphor. I'm not happy with it, and I think magically healing his injury was kind of bullshit when the narrative had reached a point and almost spelled out that it wasn't necessary, but it is what it is so I'll be discussing his disability in this essay in that capacity.
On a related note, I’ll say something kind of controversial: Johnny’s hunt for the corpse was never really about his legs, though that was certainly part of it. As discussed in my Civil War analysis, the parallels between HP and Johnny reveal something else: narratively, gathering the corpse is shortcut to characters earning forgiveness. I’m not sure Johnny himself realized it before Philadelphia, but at some point the corpse became less about his disability and more about spiritual redemption. Healing his legs is representative of cleansing himself from his 'original sin' of "killing" Nicholas.
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Chapter 72: Ticket to Ride (Part 2)
Johnny perceives his shooting as the ultimate payment for Nicholas' death. He ran from George after their falling out, pretending he was living the good life without actually forming genuine relationships with anyone. He ran from the guilt he felt toward Nicholas' death for even longer, only recently truly facing his trauma in the Civil War arc. His disability prevented him from being able to run away anymore and forced him into further isolation. It was the final proof he needed that he is someone not allowed to be happy - not allowed to be forgiven. As he is, he's not worth anything to anyone. That's why he's so desperate to walk again. Johnny has been in the 'negative' his entire life. The corpse granting him mobility would be the ultimate proof that he is a person worth healing / saving.
I'll also suggest that his statement of "not giving a fuck if the corpse is a saint or whatever" is less how he feels about religion and moreso about the apparent reverence everyone around him has for it, namely Hot Pants, Valentine and even Gyro. They all believe the corpse to be something valuable because of what it means to a larger cause or organization. For Johnny, it's a means to an end. At this point in the story, it's become clear that the one thing Johnny wants most of all is to be forgiven for his 'sin' - a chance to wipe the slate clean.
Section IV - Johnny and Faith
Firstly, Johnny was raised in a religious household. As seen above, his father is obviously religious to some extent, and when Gyro initially questions him about the corpse he's able to list off a few Saints.
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Chapter 27: Tusk (Part 3)
At the same time, however, I believe there's enough evidence to suggest he's in a crisis of faith. As per evidence I'll show later, he may simply think God has abandoned him like everyone else.
I'll move on to Johnny's perception of himself and how that relates to the religious themes in the story.
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Chapter 41: A Silent Way (Part 1)
Stands are reflective of their user's fighting spirit, or, more literally, their soul. Tusk's bullets being destroyed so quickly is reflective of the weight of Johnny's guilt against his goal of forgiveness. At this point, Tusk is still in Act 1. Johnny feels any progress he makes towards forgiveness simply... fizzles out. Forgiveness means he can be happy, but he can never be truly happy because he has always been a sinner.
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The dinosaurs here function as a metaphor for Johnny's guilt (isn't that a sentence?). He was able to start down the road to forgiveness through the hunt for the corpse parts and gaining Tusk, but at this point he still doesn't feel like he's truly earned the right to have them. 'Fate' will catch up with him before he can be forgiven, because he doesn't deserve to be forgiven.
Contrary to popular readings, as much as Johnny appears rather cold most of the time, he's actually an extremely caring person. His kindness with Danny backfired on him in a big way, which I why I think he tries to shut down the softer part of himself so hard, but it still comes through. We can see it in his loyalty to Gyro, putting up with his jokes and even playing along, as well as putting his life on the line to protect him several times when the easier option would have been to run away. He feeds the stray wolf in Wrecking Ball because he felt bad for it. He's also one of the only people to be genuinely kind to Lucy, even defending her to Gyro and protesting her involvement in the corpse hunt. Think about that - Johnny, Mr. "Get the Corpse at any cost" Joestar, was obviously willing to put Lucy's safety before his determination to get the corpse. Much of his coldness can be attributed to walls he built due to those he cares about frequently abandoning him, voluntarily or otherwise.
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Chapter 42: A Silent Way (Part 2)
And if everyone has abandoned Johnny - because he has never been worth anything, because he is a sinner - then God surely has too. Very early in his life, he closed himself off to other people (and we can infer, by extension, closed himself off to God).
Because of this - because of his lack of connections to others, because of his low self-worth, because he feels he isn't someone who deserves happiness - Johnny's conviction to collect the corpse parts frequently wavers.
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Chapter 44: A Silent Way (Part 5)
His 'dark determination', first seen in True Man's World, demonstrates that he does have the motivation to collect the corpse parts at any cost. At the same time, A Silent Way highlights his tendency to give up on himself. That's the struggle he must overcome in that arc. Johnny must harden his resolve, because despite still feeling like he doesn't deserve anything, he does want the corpse parts so that he can be someone worth something - to Gyro, at the very least. And because of his strengthening bond with Gyro, Johnny finds the resolve to fight on not just for Gyro, but for himself as well, evolving Tusk into Act 2. Even so, at the end of this arc, Johnny is still wavering. His still isn't sure of his worth because he has yet to pay for his 'sin'. Deep down, he believes he is not and never will be worth forgiveness.
But he keeps trying.
Johnny is the first to explicitly recognize the corpse as Jesus Christ, and Johnny is the only one to whom Jesus speaks directly and addresses by name.
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Chapter 58: Civil War (Part 3)
As discussed in my Civil War analysis, his connection to Jesus, and Christ's words to him, are critical in Johnny realizing that Nicholas' death was not his fault. At the end of the arc, Johnny is purified, because Nicholas' death was never his sin to bear. Furthermore, despite threatening it several times, Johnny has never murdered in cold blood. Each and every time was self-defense against Valentine's minions (ironically, Gyro probably has a higher kill count.) When Axl Ro kills Johnny, his old self quite literally dies, and he is reborn purified of past sins (hey, that's a familiar story).
What we learn here is that it was the one man who was collecting the corpse - again, representative of a shortcut to forgiveness - for his 'selfish' goal of spiritual redemption that Christ deemed worthy of showing himself too. By reading Civil War as Johnny reconnecting with his faith through finding forgiveness for his sins in both himself and Christ, we understand that he isn't wavering anymore - now, he does believe himself someone worthy of redemption. But even with his faith in God and Christ solidified, Johnny still believes he hasn't been completely forgiven, as his legs are still not healed. Hence why he fights so desperately to reclaim the corpse in the D4C arc.
Section V - The Two Sides of Religion
First, the corpse siding with Valentine causes Johnny to have another crisis of faith.
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Chapter 79: D4C (Part 12)
Valentine and Johnny's stances on faith are opposed to one another throughout the final confrontation. Valentine is trying to impose his version of "righteousness" onto the world. Valentine believes that, through the corpse (religion), he has the right to decide who is worthy and who is not. Johnny, by contrast, is fighting to save Lucy and reclaim the corpse - to make himself someone 'worth something' again. Yet we see that even Johnny isn't completely sure of that his path is the 'righteous' one. Does someone like him (someone still unworthy, a sinner) even have the right to oppose Valentine's vision? Is he worthy of forgiveness?
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Chapter 88: Break My Heart, Break Your Heart (Part 1) - quick side note: notice how Johnny still has very low self-worth and continues to condemn himself as a 'sinner' (someone evil) frequently and without much cause. Even after Valentine literally killed his best friend, Johnny struggles to see himself as someone who even at the bare minimum deserves to judge others. George Joestar when I get you...
Valentine assumes a similar role to Pucci. In this final confrontation, he is representative of the use of religion as a tool of power.
Quick aside here:
The comparison of those involved in the race to a lamb - famously associated with Jesus Christ himself - is curious.
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Chapter 85: Ball Breaker (Part 3)
Valentine indirectly refers to Johnny as his 'greatest challenge' and moreover attempts to force him to attack first (Chapter 85: Ball Breaker (Part 3)). Valentine is trying to force Johnny to become a sinner again before he condemns him to death for being unworthy of Valentine's 'righteous' world. Valentine is literally acting in God's place as judge, jury and executioner by determining who is 'worthy' and 'unworthy'.
Johnny, on the other hand, is representative of religion as a healing influence. He doesn't want to influence large groups of people or protect any nation. His connection to God and Christ through his faith is far more individualistic and personal. I think it's very telling that he's the winner here.
Section VI - Conclusion
At the end of SBR, we learn that despite everything - even through his crisis of faith - still, Johnny prays. He's always been praying.
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Chapter 95: The World of Stars and Stripes
The story of Steel Ball Run is about finding your faith again. Johnny always prayed, even when he thought he’d never be forgiven, even when he believed God wasn’t listening. He is the kind of person that miracles are for (as alluded to by Gyro and Hot Pants in Section II). Johnny is the only religious character to escape the narrative unscathed, largely because religion was something so deeply personal to him. Rather than simply being 'selfish', his goal was personal, spiritual redemption. Faith carried him across the continent, helped him overcome his trauma, helped him connect with Gyro, and showed him how to find self-worth again after his lowest point. His faith was sincere and for himself, in contrast to most everyone else in the story who tried to impose their beliefs onto others.
Hot Pants, a member of organized religion, used it as a means to an end but never found the forgiveness they were looking for because their faith was performative. Pucci too failed because he used his faith (in the Heaven Plan) to try and assume control of the fate of others (similar to Valentine).
In contrast to Pucci and Valentine, Johnny absolutely wavered in his faith. Several times, in fact. He believed for most of his life that no one, least of all God, was listening. God had no plan for him, because his life was a mistake. Even so, he found comfort in praying for himself and Gyro, and by the end at last believed himself someone worth forgiving. And he was forgiven - cleansed, if you will. His being able to walk at the end of SBR is indicative that he no longer considers himself a sinner, but someone worthy of a new beginning as a person.
By the end of SBR, it’s apparent that the corpse itself isn’t what Johnny needed. It was because of his relationship with Gyro and the trials they faced together that he was able to gain a better understanding of himself, where he fucked up in the past, and learned how to be a better person. Lesson 5 is the key. "The detour was the shortest past." (Chapter 84: Ball Breaker (Part 2)) Johnny never fully possessed the corpse, preventing him from using it as a shortcut to redemption. It wasn't the corpse, but the corpse hunt itself that enabled Johnny to find forgiveness in himself and reconnect with his faith.
Narratively, Hot Pants, Valentine and Pucci were punished because they were not sincere in their proclaimed beliefs or otherwise abused religion in a position of power. Yet religion itself still isn't represented as a negative thing. Johnny's character carefully combines themes of individualism and religion to demonstrate the healing influence of personal faith.
Closing Notes
This essay was a much bigger undertaking than my previous analyses, primarily because I feel I am not the person to be writing it. I wasn't raised particularly religious (I barely know the cliff notes of Christianity), but at the very least I hope this is valuable jumping off point for others.
I apologize if I repeated myself too much. This was a very messy essay and I tried to clean it up a bit, but I'm sure I missed some things.
Based on some brief scanning of different Christian denominations and what occurs in SBR, I'd say Johnny was probably raised Lutheran. What do you guys think?
Also, shoutout to Johnny’s little devil horns.
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to share your thoughts as well.
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altocat · 7 months
Although it is shown that Sephiroth is mainly a victim. Do you think that Sephiroth DID have some kind of darkness lurking inside of him?
I think it was always there, but either due to all the worst possible outcomes meeting him throughout his life, or latent Jenova-influenced instincts lurking beneath the surface.
Sephiroth is an interesting case of nurture over nature. I genuinely believe he probably would have just been a completely average, normal person if he'd never been selected to be part of the Jenova Project. For as much bad as he exhibits in his capability to kill, there's also a level of empathy and compassion buried deep down inside him. Sephiroth does some unmistakably horrible and unforgiveable things under Shinra's orders. But there's also the capacity and potential to become something truly noble, a real hero, if only untethered by evil people who would exploit him.
Sephiroth's still a cold, aloof individual, of course. And he probably never really liked people, or related to them. But that's to be expected given his upbringing. I think Shinra directly set him on the path of becoming what he did, and there was always the potential he would one day snap with everything that occurred. But Sephiroth himself COULD have been something more. He could have been the savior of the world, not its destroyer. Under different circumstances, he could have been every bit the "Chosen One" he believed himself to be.
But Sephiroth's inner weaknesses, insanity, and repressed rage/trauma made the decision for him. And it WAS his choice in the end. He's not a hero. And there's no going back.
A fallen angel.
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kamyru · 8 months
Who is "Professor Overshare" and who is "Professor Brick wall" in their relationship? (Public Safety Instructors x MC) (Headcanons)
Jin Namba
Overshare + Brick wall: Jin is an overshare about his colleagues. All the cadets know how anxious Goto was when his wife was pregnant, how Kaga never curses near his kids, how Soma is the one to braid his daughter's hair, how Kurosawa goes into dad mode when he gets a call from school, how Ayumu wanted to name his daughter something peach-related, how Ishigami is all laugh and smiles near his family. But cadets have no idea what Jin kids are doing, even if they heard that he is married. He is too protective of them for this.
Brick wall: MC doesn't have enough guts to spill the other Instructors' tea in front of the students. And she has a pact with Jin not to talk about their kids. So, she comes more of a brick wall than expected. Yet, sometimes she tells them that she has a family, even if no one knows who is her family. Except the fact that they know who her husband is.
Hideki Ishigami
Brick wall: Most of his students don't even know his first name, what family status are you talking about? The most they can get is his wedding band. But if a cadet is courageous enough to ask him about it, they'll get a death stare. It's actually someone else, probably Goto or Namba who accidentally mentioned that he is married. And then, it clicked to whom, considering that they have another Ishigami professor.
Brick wall: MC is not a brick wall because she wants to be, but because she is afraid to disappoint her husband. Yet, she do actually tells students that she has a husband and kids. And when they find out who the person behind her stories is, they are bewildered.
Hyogo Kaga
Overshare: Kaga is not your typical overshare professor. He doesn't talk about his personal life to brag. He does it accidentally because it's so natural for him. Like: "I don't trust anyone but Ayumu and my wife." "Even my wife was better than you at this, and she was the worst student you can imagine." "My kids can understand this and you don't? They aren't even in elementary school."
Brick wall: MC. It's not that she doesn't talk about her personal life, she just knows that no one will ever believe her that she is married to Kaga. So, the most she says that is not related to the lesson are encouragements and stories from her youth.
Shusuke Soma
Overshare: MC. Who won't brag about being married to Soma? MC definitely sometimes feels jealous over girl students that crush on her husband, even if Soma reminds her every day that they are married. So, she once is a while talks about her husband and sometimes even kids to make a point. Yet, there are also moments when she accidentally without any jealousy involved does it and she is adorable.
Brick wall: Soma. Cadets know that he is married, because he rejected some of the girls saying this. Though, every time a student asks him about his personal life, he is as evasive as always. He gives answer, but no one knows what do they mean. So, no one really knows what is happening in his life before getting to MC's lessons.
Seiji Goto
Overshare: Goto. This man is a simp. No. He is a HUGE SIMP. There's no way MC and his kids aren't his background, lockscreen, profile picture, and everything around him. At first, students thought he is aloof, then they saw him interacting with MC and talking about his kids, and they understood that he is just shy with them. So, cadets even tease him from time to time. Once, a group of them met him outside the Academy while he was with his son, and nearly melted into a puddle due to how cute they were.
Overshare: Who won't overshare that they are married to Goto? Have you seen this man? Damn, MC may not be as cute as Goto with all his lockscreens and backgrounds, but she has the most wholesome stories about her family. She isn't openly a simp for Goto, but she is the cutest wife someone can ask for.
Ayumu Shinonome
Overshare: Everyone expected him to be a playboy, and he then said he was married. Then, the students expected him to divorce, then he took a day off to celebrate his anniversary. Then, the students expected him to be child free, and a few days later he came in with his daughter. Ayumu doesn't talk, he just likes to mess with his students and low-key demonstrating them how bad they are at reading people.
Brick wall: The same as Kaga's case - no one will ever believe that she is married to Ayumu. Yet, she knows him for so long that she understands what he is doing with his little overshare game. So, she tries to be as tight-lipped as possible, not to destroy her husband's joy. However, at least once a semester she drops a bomb before Ayumu, to mess with him for every time he was a tease with her.
Toru Kurosawa
Overshare: Toru. Has anyone has doubts? He probably came into his first class with his family album of his family with MC. Cadets know the names he wanted to name his children but got rejected, the way his heart flutters when MC kiss him goodbye, how hard it is for him to leave for missions. Everything.
Brick wall: Every one is a Brick wall in comparison with Toru. Even if MC makes a 24h video about a day in their life, she won't get to the level of Toru's oversharing.
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painted-bees · 1 year
Question for Bee!: Are any of the cortes trio prone to jealousy?
Like, in general? Or...towards one another? God, I can't imagine it...
For Cortes, I just don't think it's in her emotional library, full stop.
Magritte will celebrate your success no matter how big or small--she doesn't covet other people's rewards or accomplishments in such a way that would lead her to feel jealousy. And when it comes to her relationships, she's always been very open--as long as folks are communicative and nothing is done behind her back, yanno? The honesty is what matters.
I think the most susceptible would be Raf, just due to the nature of his particular bag if insecurities. I'm talking relationship-related jealousy specifically (he's had his fill of accomplishments, accolades, and attention where skill, talent, and profession is concerned, more than enough, too much.). But he saved himself a lot of trouble by just...denying that the thing happening between him and Magritte was anything resembling a committed relationship. And, by the time that it could no longer be ignored, it was because the communicative trust they developed between one another had become so robust, Raf's occasional paranoid/anxiety spiral has a hard time finding purchase with Magritte as a viable source of insecurity or worry [though it can be exceptionally awful when it does]. That tumultuous part of his mind, it seems, isn't even aware of Cortes' existence in his life. Perhaps this is helped by the fact that she seems almost single-mindedly concentrated him and Magritte in her affections.
Both Raf and Magritte can't even pretend to wholly understand what Cortes is about, but they both find quiet amusement in how easy it is for Cortes to captivate literally anyone. Something about her tall, narrow physique, perhaps...that supermodel-esque build commands attention over a whole host of passing admirers...and Cortes is consistently, fantastically aloof to all of them.
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Ben 10 Aliens As Their Own Characters (Original Series)
This has been on my mind for a looooong, long time and I finally decided to share this here.
I’ve seen some cool concepts for the “Ben’s Omnitrix glitched out and caused the aliens to have their own sentience” AU (like @thisunknowngenius’ take on the AU for example, as well as @justmenoworries​‘ glorious @omniglitch-au​) and I thought of sharing my own take for this.
Gonna call this AU of mine Ben 10 Alienated.
Let’s start with the Original 10 here because I have no idea where to start with the others lmao.
Wildmutt - Considered as the family pet, he’s just like any other normal man’s best friend. He always strive to be close with his family (especially Ben) to show how much he loves them.
Four Arms - an extremely violent, short-tempered, and very brash berserk who tends to be quite unkind to others around him, especially towards the people who dare hurt his loved ones. He seems to think that punching things, including people, is the best way to solve problems and his hot head can sometimes get him into trouble.
Grey Matter - tends to be boorish, and sarcastic with a dry sense of humor. He usually has a stoic frown, though he does smile from time to time. Grey Matter is very honest and blunt about what is on his mind. His brutal honesty isn't so much out of a sense of morality, but because he doesn't want to waste brain space by making up a lie. Regardless, he’s willing to help his family with any problem that only relates to knowledge and tutoring.
XLR8 - an energetic and upbeat Kineceleran who loves to do all sorts of bizarre things and dislikes "dull" things, like reading and studying. He’s a menace in the pranking field, but thankfully, his pranks are all relatively harmless. XLR8′s also a good sport and loves doing some competitions with his siblings. Well, unless you’re cheating then you’re really asking for a pie in the face.
Upgrade - literally the nicest alien you’ll ever meet. Upgrade possesses emotions and acts more like a human than a normal Mechamorph. He’s a bit shy but is generally a very kind-hearted individual who speaks in a polite manner and is sensitive to others' feelings. Despite his typically shy behavior, Upgrade occasionally demonstrates more assertiveness, confidence and can stand up for himself without resorting to anger (Heatblast joked that Four Arms should take notes about this). He’s pretty much seen with Grey Matter in most cases as he is more like an assistant of his.
Diamondhead - If someone were to look up “father figure”, then Diamondhead is sure to appear in those results. He is very responsible and talks formal. He rarely loses his nerve and can maintain clarity in any situation. He’s like the loving father figure of Ben, Gwen and the aliens and has a closer relationship towards Max due to sharing the responsibilities of being the parent figure of the fam.
Ripjaws - Not exactly the most intellectual member of the aliens, as Ripjaws is clueless, easily confused by complex words and misinterprets insults and figures of speech. He is also very gullible, often easily believing things people say and is surprised when others tell him that they're lying. In general, his mood can shift very quickly. He can bounce between bored, to happy, to angry, and to happy again. Despite his easygoing and aloof personality, Ripjaws is a good-natured and well-meaning alien.
Stinkfly - the very definition of “lazy” and a good-for-nothing couch potato of the family. He may be laid-back, but he’ll do anything to help the world in need and protect his family. Despite this, there’ll be times that he can be cynical towards others, even to the aliens and Tennysons.
Ghostfreak - he’s quite hard to approach given his quiet, deadpan and distant demeanor. But that’s because Ghostfreak is simply not good at expressing his emotions and would rather do so through his poems. It does help with giving him ideas on how to express his emotions more. Regardless, he has a heart of gold to the people he truly trusts; his one big family.
Heatblast - he’s a sporty athlete with a fiery personality and is always eager to challenge someone when he’s being challenged. Heatblast is one of the more mature aliens unless he ends up getting himself caught into the childish antics of his siblings (mainly XLR8).
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csphire · 7 months
Meet Tav (Gustav the VIII)
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Legal Name: Gustav the VIII, Future Duke of the House of Sunshard
Nickname / Aliases: Tav / That Foolish Brat He's not fond of his first name Gustav as he shares it with his father, his grandfather, and so forth in his lineage. It takes him a while to open up to Astarion, and later the others, about his proper name, past, and not-so-happy "privileged" life. His mother gave him the nickname Tav, and it stuck. It's his father and grandfather who usually call him "That Foolish Brat." Background: Noble Age: 26 Pronouns: He / Him / They Race/Subrace: High Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Good Deities: It's complicated. Lathander, Mystra, Loviatar and Ilmater Class / Subclass: Bard / Wizard Instruments of Choice: Flute / Violin / Lute Weapons of Choice: Hand Crossbows, Daggers, Staves, Mace and Shield
Love Interest: Astarion Their relationship was a bit bumpy at first. Although both were snatched up in Yartar they had not officially met until crossing paths on the beach after the crash of the nautiloid. Before that, as Tav performed in a tavern he had watched Astarion prowl the crowd night after night and eventually ended up whispering sweet nothings in another young nobleman's ear. Tav found the colorfully dressed elf handsome but by now knew a charlatan on the hunt when he saw one. He followed the two out in concern that Astarion was going to rob the other man or do something worse but the two of them ended up abducted instead. The noble Tav would like to think was spared. Astarion on the other hand at first assumed Tav an easy mark for later. Pretty but far too gullible, and idealistic given all who the half-elf helped. Astarion also presumed by the young man's attire and easygoing manner that he had zero understanding of hardship or the dark underbelly of this world.
Then, after learning the nature of all of Tav's physical scars and background, he was left baffled. He couldn't understand why anyone would flee from such a life of seemingly rich comforts and safety to barely eke out a living by performing music alone. But eventually, he came to realize just how trapped Tav felt in his old life. How the younger man had no room to breathe and be himself. It paled to his own suffering but the yearning for freedom was still something they both held in common and bonded over. Best Friends: Gale and Wyll Tav is friends with all of his companions. However, when it comes to Gale there is a mentorship aspect to their friendship as well due to they are both wizards. With Wyll they relate to one another deeply by being a part of nobility and an inability to obey or please their fathers.
Personality: Among his peers, he was always a touch aloof but polite at first. He's learned from court life to always be on guard and to listen more than talk. All to learn enough to unleash either the sharpest of retorts to anyone who dared to insult him first or the sweetest complement to charm. He maybe haughty at times, but only to cover up the fact he's actually quite shy when it comes to dealing with people, especially one-on-one. At his first ball, he soon found standing and chatting in a large group easier as it mostly involved observation. "So many like to hear themselves talk. I say let them," he decided with a smile. If any focus fell upon him, Tav learned quickly to pivot it to another when the need arose. It was only when he started to perform before a crowd, the more raucous and lower class the better, he found the courage to drop his mask at long last, cut loose, and rediscover his true playful self. "Why under that thin layer of ice you're as warm as a sunbeam and such a sweetheart," Astarion would tease but lightly. Bio: Tav was born to a rich family who can trace their lineage back farther than the founding of Baldur's Gate. Like most of the city's nobles, as the heir to his family line, he was highly educated and sheltered well beyond his childhood. He was also expected to find someone suitable and marry to continue the Sunshard line. Once puberty hit, however, Tav could no longer stand his family's guided cage or their carefully laid plans for his life.
At first woefully naive about the world beyond his family's garden wall and court life, he rebelled, ran away, and ended up with a few scars after a near-fatal fight. But from them, he also learned more about himself and life in general. Each time he wiggled free, he managed to stay out of his father's and grandfather's clutches a little longer. At first, it was a handful of days but by his late twenties, he managed to dodge them and survive all on his own for over a year.
In fact, on his recent nineteenth attempt, he had made it all the way to Yartar. There he hoped to finally be beyond his family's reach. He had been an established bard for a few months with no sign of any of his father and grandfather's hirelings or mutual acquaintances. He was at last happy and fully prepared to be disowned. A threat his father had made when they last spoke. But then one terrible night he along with Astarion and countless others were abducted by mindflayers.
Trapped in one of their pods his only small comfort was knowing his mother might continue to think he's only fled from the nest again. That he was out enjoying the world and doing what he loves. Unlike his father, she never begrudged him for taking off and only demanded he send word home to assure her of his safety now and then. Given all that's happened he's not sure where to begin and just how much he should leave out, least upset her.
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snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
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Hyoma would be chill with a lot of the gang, but I think he would be most comfortable around Tsubasa. They both like nature, foraging and living in the woods so they would get along greatly. Hyoma has always been intrigued by Tsubasa’s mysterious nature and finds it alluring, so he will often try to interact with him at parties when he doesn’t know where to go or what to do. Hyoma also LOVES Eagle and will buy him toys and play with him. Tsubasa would often spoil Hyoma with pretty things while Hyoma would spoil Tsubasa with cool sticks and bugs he found from nature, which Tsubasa gets so giddy over.
Gingka of course would be his main bestfriend, though they have grown apart over the years as he’s gotten older and he’s staying in Koma. I feel like their friendship at first was really rocky on Hyoma’s side because when Gingka left he felt like he had been abandoned, and he struggled with that a lot during fusion. But as he’s gotten older, he’s learned that no matter how far away Gingka may be, he’s still his childhood buddy and he wouldn’t throw him away like that no matter what happened. I think on the off chance that they do meet up and talk to each other, they have a blast of a time that is full of laughs. They would probably go out to park together and cause mayhem. Hyoma feels like they can go full crackhead with him and Gingka is fully on board with that. Either that or they’d go out and have a nice warm lunch with each other and catch up on things.
Speaking of best friends, I feel like Hyoma would love to hang out around Kyoya. Something about his aloof and endearing demeanor draws him closer to him and that’s something that Hyoma readily enjoys. He will often bring him meals after a long day of training with each other to just see him light up at the taste only to play it off like ‘it wasn’t THAT bad– Don’t get the wrong idEA–’. Hyoma think’s it’s the best reaction in the whole world. On a silly note, Hyoma would often make Kyoya laugh because of how goofy he is. He would use sock puppets to talk to Kyoya when he’s in another room by peeking his arm out of the door. Kyoya would desperately try to not to laugh as he smacks his hand away trying to shove them back into the door. Kyoya and Hyoma would often get high together, which starts up some really giggly interactions that usually ends with both of them falling asleep to nature documentaries or kid shows. Kyoya was curious about it but Hyoma never pushed him, rather Kyoya was the one to reach out and ask him what it was like, and from there on Hyoma introduced it to him slowly and told him how it would make him feel, both positively and negatively. Hyoma never allows anyone to take his weed if they are in a bad mood because he knows how badly it can make your anxiety spike, so Hyoma and Kyoya only do it if they are feeling 100 percent comfortable. Since then, they have always been really chill and open about talking with people about edibles and other weed related products, so much so that they’ve gotten some of the other bladers try it, like Ryuga, who did NOT handle it well.
Ryuga and Hyoma’s interactions would be very interesting. I think most of the time Hyoma’s personality would confuse Ryuga to the point where he just can’t be mad, just flabbergasted. Oh, he climbed up a snowy treacherous mountain to find him in a volcano like he was visiting somebody’s apartment asking for sugar? Absolutely insane. If Ryuga didn’t know any better he would say that Hyoma is mentally gone. But despite his enigma of a mind Ryuga does tolerate their interactions very well, although they barely see each other as Ryuga is too ashamed of his mistakes to show his face in Koma Village ever again. That doesn’t stop Hyoma from trying though, as he will often invite him to hang out outside the village in the forest to talk and occasionally to get high with Kyoya. Ryuga has no tolerance for weed though, so he would cough and get all watery eyed the moment he ever smelt a blunt, then he would trip for the next 3 hours while not saying a word to anyone other than asking the most out of pocket random questions that anyones ever heard. Hyoma loves to indulge him and asks him equally perplexing stuff back. It is a hilarious cycle that makes Kyoya laugh every time.
Madoka and Hyoma are friends, but they rarely have time to really get to know each other more personally.
Benkei would kind of like a big brother to Hyoma as well as a wingman for whenever Hyoma starts crushing over Tsubasa and Kyoya. Hyoma would tell Benkei about how nice they are and how happy it makes him, and while Benkei doesn’t fully understand it being aroace himself, he still is so glad that Kyoya and Tsubasa have someone like Hyoma who loves them for who they are. Benkei would help Kyoya cook for Hyoma and Tsubasa when they finally get together and have a date at Kyoya’s apartment. Likewise, Hyoma and Benkei would talk about different grilling techniques and how to get the best flavor out of their food. Both of them LOVE talking about smoking meats as well, and would take notes on how the other does their work.
SPEAKING OF GRILLING– He learned how to work a grill from Ryo. (AUTISM BE DAMNED THIS BOY CAN WORK A GRILL–) Because of how he lost his parents at a young age, he was always hanging out around Gingka’s house, and in the summertime when it was nice out Ryo would grill them something to each of lunchtime. Gingka would always be asked to bring them supplies, so while he was off grabbing those, Hyoma would be left with Ryo at the barbeque. At first he was scared of it because it was hot and it spit smoke at him, but Ryo assured him that it was safe and taught all about how it works and what to do when grilling food. The first time he flipped a burger patty was with Ryo. Needless to say, Hyoma fell in love with Barbecuing, and would work very hard to hone his technique to the best of his abilities. But he fondly remembers the time when he first used the grill by himself, presenting his overly burned or raw burgers to Ryo, and each time Ryo taking a bite out of them no matter how horrible they were and telling him it was the best burger he’d ever eaten. And as both of them get older and Hyoma gets better at grilling, Ryo is always delighted by his meals, and makes sure that Hyoma knows just how proud he is that he’s come so far in his life.
He would be the cool uncle to Yu. He would really try and make a positive impression with him, given that he is dating his ‘brother’ and he wants Yu to be okay with him possibly proposing to Tsubasa when the time comes. He would perfectly go along with all of Yu’s silly charades as well as being an awesome playtime partner. Hyoma is often asked to look after Yu while Tsubasa is off on a business trip, which he loves to do because then he can get to play with his little brother buddy. Hyoma and Yu would love making crafts like homemade slime and sensory bottles, which often involve a lot of glitter that Tsubasa finds tucked away when he gets back.
That’s all I could think of for now, but I’ll probably have more in the future.
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twinkinspector · 1 year
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tokoyami fumikage ❥ astrology masterlist ❥ generational planets
❥ birth date: october 30, 2126
❥ birth time: morning
❥ birth place: shizuoka prefecture
❥ pop astrology analysis
tokoyami is a scorpio sun, aries moon, scorpio rising. i’m taking a different approach to him because i thought it would be interesting to incorporate dark shadow’s energy. tokoyami himself gives me big scorpio energy, which does line up with his sun and rising being there. i think dark shadow is well-represented by this aries moon. the moon represents inner emotions, which i think could be one way to look at him. dark shadow is very sensitive to tokoyami’s emotions and is much more aggressive than his counterpart – they’re almost opposites. i also think it’s interesting that the aries energy is sandwiched between scorpio placements – scorpio is big on being mysterious...... and hiding things....... so it speaks to the way he tries to control and hide dark shadow.
❥ in-depth below the cut ❥
❥ scorpio sun: mysterious with emphasis on subtlety. extremely private. secretive. incredibly driven. high libido. strong desires. obsessive behavior. secretive about interests specifically. temperamental. moody.
tokoyami has such scorpio energy it almost makes me laugh. he really likes darkness (obviously) and other things related to it. he doesn’t talk much and will straight-up ignore people if he thinks what they have to say isn’t important. he’s super strong as far as combat goes – he’s one of strongest students in class 1-a. he’s really secretive about his interests because they’re “arcane and fantastical” – he’s actually a bit insecure about them. as a result, it can be pretty hard for others to relate to him. he comes off as temperamental and moody, and i feel like that’s intentional on his part. just overall brooding vibes. say it with me..... from dat wiki: his favorite things are gloomy places.
❥ aries moon: idealistic. fiery. energetic. falls in love quickly. short-tempered. enthusiastic. impulsive. emotionally volatile. the moon is in fall here.
dark shadow!!! he’s beyond volatile. that’s why tokoyami keeps him on such a short leash and doesn’t like to give in to him too much (aside from the obvious fact that he’s just dangerous). he’s definitely fiery and energetic – so much so that he’s hard to control when he gets carried away. he’s short-tempered for sure. impulsive – he acts QUICKLY when he’s upset. and he’s almost exclusively tied to tokoyami’s emotions. he stated at one point that his anger in particular really affects dark shadow. bakugou also has this placement.
❥ scorpio rising: naturally dark. surprisingly charming. first impression of being standoffish or aloof. intense. secretive. mysterious.
the jet-black hero loves to project the fact that he’s naturally dark. but he is surprisingly charming, which anyone who loves him will tell you! he’s incredibly polite and courteous when he needs to be. and it’s really charming. however, he’s not always polite and charming. the first time we really see him is when everyone in class 1-a introduces themselves to deku. unsurprisingly, tokoyami isn’t one of those people. he just keeps chatting with those around him and almost completely ignores iida when he comes up to him. his intensity is shown not just in combat but in his everyday vibe. like i said above, he’s pretty secretive and likes to be viewed as mysterious.
❥ libra mercury: social butterfly. people pleaser. desire for justice. can talk in circles. not great at decisions.
kirishima also has this placement, and he and tokoyami obviously have very different communication styles. so i’m going to come at this from a bit of a different angle.
one thing that makes tokoyami hard to relate to (from the perspective of his peers) is his particularly dramatic way of communicating. libras have a bit of a flair for the dramatic, so as his mercury placement, this makes sense to me. he also likes to give little mini-monologues that also show that desire for justice. and his tendency to talk in circles. i wouldn’t say that he’s not great at decisions, but it does show some duality – and i want to just relate that back to dark shadow.
❥ scorpio venus: passionate. giving. committed. emotionally intense. secretive. cannot tell you how they feel!! venus is in detriment here.
tokoyami seems to feel deeply even though he doesn’t necessarily express it. and that’s very scorpio. but it makes him passionate and committed to his ideals. heroes are giving just in the nature of their job and the ideals they must hold to even want to pursue such a job. again..... secretive. and emotionally intense – that’s just speculation when talking about tokoyami himself. but when we’re talking about dark shadow..... yeah. from personal experience, scorpio venuses can’t tell you how they feel romantically lmao i have nothing to back this up with but i wanted to put it out there
HIS COSTUME. SO SCORPIO. SO DARK. SO MYSTERIOUS. a cape?? all black??? baby....... your scorpio is showing.
❥ scorpio stellium: tough to get to know. emotionally intense. misunderstood. able to detect subtle nuance.
i’m not going to go into this too deeply because it would get into houses and some people use different house systems than me, so i’m just focusing on a purely planetary perspective. stelliums are a concentration of a particular energy in your chart. it’s three or more planets in the same sign. some people say it has to be in your personal planets. no matter how you spin it, he has a scorpio stellium. it intensifies that scorpio energy. bakugou has an aries stellium in his chart.
❥ virgo mars: perfectionistic. self-sacrificing. lots of nervous energy. disciplined. enthusiastic.
tokoyami gives me a really perfectionistic vibe – it’s not expressly shown, but he’s constantly coming up with ways to compensate for his shortcomings. CONSTANTLY. he literally figures out how to fly because........ he feels like he just should be able to. again, heroes are just innately self-sacrificing. he’s also super disciplined – part of his training with dark shadow was to train in a dark cave, which would have been sooooooo dangerous. i attribute that nervous energy and enthusiasm to dark shadow. i almost feel like he sees dark shadow as nervous energy in itself. and from a jungian perspective, i feel like dark shadow is his shadow self.
❥ 0º capricorn jupiter: practical. ambitious. disciplined. persevering. very serious in regard to life and career. takes pride in his work and accomplishments. loyal. honest. goal-oriented. workaholic. jupiter is in fall here.
heavens to betsy, a critical degree!! this is really interesting. usually, a planet at 0º can manifest uncertainly or awkwardly, but i feel like this placement really encompasses tokoyami. all the keywords i found for this describe him 100%. cusp signs aren’t a real thing and the influence of cusps is something highly debated among astrologers, but i’m of the school of thought that they do have a bit of an influence – especially at a critical degree. this is the cusp between sagittarius and capricorn. i think dark shadow embodies fire energy in general, so this could almost represent the divide between him and tokoyami. he embodies sagittarius jupiter qualities – but only through the lens of dark shadow. otherwise, he’s very capricorn jupiter. this jupiter placement often has trouble equating their own self-worth to themselves and not their achievements or work, which i could see here. (can u tell i also have a cap jupiter) he actually shares this placement with hawks, which is...... interesting.
❥ virgo saturn: introspection and change as a result of that introspection. adaptability.
tokoyami is soooooo good at adapting. he has way more special moves than his peers. like...... way more. and they’re a lot cooler, imo. at the sports festival, all might gives him advice about close-range combat, and he really takes it to heart. in his very next fight, he’s pretty much solved it. i’m not gonna list all his moves because that would take a really long time, but he’s absolutely got this placement covered.
❥ overall
when i initially ran his chart, i had two options. he could have a scorpio rising or a gemini rising. at first, i was torn. how cool and on the nose would it be for him to have a gemini rising? the sign of the twins??? but he really doesn’t have any gemini energy. and that would have been his only gemini placement. but giving him the scorpio rising gives him a scorpio stellium – enhancing the scorpio energy that he already has even more. imo, his scorpio energy is the Most Correct part of his chart. i think it checks out that the only water in his whole chart is scorpio (which i think of as the least water-y water sign). also same, that’s my only water placement the only thing i would change here would be to give him more virgo placements – especially in his personal planets. maybe a virgo mercury – his refined way of speaking kinda gives me virgo vibes. but i’m in no way dissatisfied with this chart! i think it’s pretty accurate overall.
❥ chart
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honeyxgang · 1 year
im slowly being forced outta retirement bc nobody is writing the fic ideas i have in my head so to start here’s some waka headcanons. mostly sfw but gets spicy toward the end so yktv mdni
Short King Waka Headcanons 🤲
doesnt just like trolling people, he can also be very playful
actually did really well in school just didnt like going relatable
shit almost went left in his youth with alcohol but his friends helped him through shoutout to the final timeline
loves kissing and his favorite feature on a potential love interest is lips so hope you’ve been hydrating. bonus points if you have on a gloss instead of lipstick. the shine catches his attention
is eternally grateful to rihanna for fenty gloss he’s now willing to go to war for her
if he really likes someone he gives them a nickname
is very physically affectionate. hugs, cuddles, holding hands, etc he doing allat
since he has an oral fixation he actually takes really good care of his teeth + makes sure his lips are always moisturized
aka straight, white teeth + and a literal perfect smile 😩
wears cologne. he smells delicious. probably the mixture of the cologne and pheromones
doesnt enter into romantic relationships often instead being more likely to flirt casually with absolutely no intention of it going anywhere/the occasional one night stand
believes in letting girls down gently if they do catch feels though
team his parents are alive. no sibs though
gets mistaken for a child me too
has a motorcycle and a car (i see him as a man with money idc idc idc)
deflee into rap, hip hop, and r&b
comes off very very very aloof until he gets to know someone. he’s not shy through
some girls are disappointed to get to know him and find out he’s not even the stereotypical bad boy/fuckboy. dude watches documentaries and enjoys learning new things and is completely unashamed of that and would probably be first to apologize in a fight. his version of netflix & chill is him putting on a wwii documentary and you not being there
that’s one way to pique his interest though teach him something he didnt know before
wears other jewelry too (necklace, bracelet)
the type of bf who would lose his mind if you got a necklace with his name or initials
very laidback and slow to anger
he fought in his youth because he was targeted for his height. then he kept fighting bc he liked throwing his weight around 🤷‍♀️
hates bugs to the point where he might make you go kill whatever has got in 😐
could use some work with verbal communication (“im glad manjiro died” cmon bruh. ik that happened in one of the fucked up timelines however im sure he still sucks bc he only talks to 3 people)
by that i mean he can come off sounding harsh af when that’s not his intention. unfortunately he’s a straight arrow. hope you have tough skin
keeping in line w black twitter’s “dudes w the best d” ranking since he is both skinny and short he is hung like a horse that’s where his height went and knows what he’s doing when laying pipe 🤌
high school was a very horny time for him
you would not fucking guess that just by looking at him and idk where he tucks his third leg
seriously theres always a moment of silence when he gets his pants off. whoever is about to have their spine realigned is like 👀 and he’s just sitting there like 😏
tripod is long and thick good luck sis 🫡
doesn’t do one night stands often or at his place bc once somebody gets a taste they’re ready to commit to his dick marriage
uses condoms bc he’s not ready for fatherhood. if he doesn’t have any he’s not penetrating. yall can do oral though
1000/10 in bed because he likes eating pussy AND will fold you into the mattress 🧎‍♀️
loves getting his dick sucked and he 100% believes in dsl’s 🫦
they gotta look natural though. he has a grudge against kylie jenner for influencing so many people to get botched lip injections 😒
he’s gonna watch bc the way somebody lips stretch to fit him + get all red and plump from putting in work? >>>>>>>
100% the type to grab hair
and the headboard
also will push your knees to your chest if yall in missionary seriously he’s small but man’s is strong
comes to the slow conclusion that he’s an ass man and therefore loves anything from behind
if you’re sending nudes gon head and send something in a thong or g string. if you haven’t heard from him in a few days he might call you
will spank you. just be ready for that
believes life is too short for bad sex and therefore is permanently on demon time 😮‍💨
you’re going to question all of your life choices once youve survived finished. also good luck walking
maybe take a day off work
in conclusion i am down bad
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