#i agree with harry in this fic btw and as i was writing it i was like.... are we the problem???
harryforvogue · 5 months
a blurb where harry is a big schedule guy and yasmine is a big "it happens when it happens" girlie. they fight (sorta).
Harry and Yasmine have never lived with other people after moving out of their homes, and they alternated whose place they’d be staying at back in graduate school. It was always an unspoken rule that if Harry was at Yasmine’s house, she was the boss. And vice versa. 
But now that they're living together, how are they supposed to adjust and split responsibilities? More importantly, how the hell are they expected to create a rhythm?
Harry is a very structured person. Gets out of bed at a certain time, has lunch at a fixed time. Dinner as well. He considers himself a pretty laid back guy too. He’ll skip cooking some days to order takeout – or swap his laundry days with his bedsheet changing days just to switch things up. Yasmine calls him a relentless Aquarius. He's not supposed to be offended, right?
He’s always known that Yasmine is… less serious about all that. So, really, he always knew what he was getting himself into. Especially when it’s nearly 11 on a Sunday and Yasmine’s still buried in the sheets, gripping him tight to keep him from slipping out of bed despite his groaning about how he just wants to take a shower and eat something. (Probably the worst habit of Yasmine’s is skipping breakfast nearly every morning and that’s just not something he’s going to stand by.)
After graduation, Yasmine and Harry are employed at different universities, and the first few months are filled with settling into their new jobs. Their work hours are very similar, with the exception of Wednesdays where Harry has a later recitation class to teach. Regardless, Harry went into the new job with the mindset that he’d always get all his work done on time so that he and Yasmine could focus on figuring out the layout of their place still. Not to mention, Harry’s dedication to at least 2 dates a week (and going grocery shopping is NOT a date no matter how much Yasmine insists it is). 
He has a calendar in his office above his desk that tells him what days he needs to get his deadlines done so that he and Yasmine can have some time for themselves. He crosses out all the things he gets finished and circles the days he’s free.
Yasmine is the opposite. She always gets everything done, but it’s never as planned as Harry. She has the ability to sit down and bang everything out in one day … and also the ability to procrastinate until the night before.
It’s baffling to Harry. Harry’s routine is annoying to Yasmine. Really – where’s the fun in all that planning? And what if something suddenly comes up and there’s no wiggle room to fit in a doctor’s visit or something just because you’ve meticulously scheduled all your work to be back to back on weekdays.
This comes up one day when she’s working and he’s bringing her dinner to her study.
Harry pulls up a chair on the other side of her desk with his own plate. “Yasmine.”
“If you’d gotten this done yesterday, we could have gone to the shop you wanted to visit.”
“We can go during the weekend. I can’t just align everything with your schedule to free up some time.”
Harry smiles, but it’s clearly tense. “We get home at the same time, Yas. If we can just finish all our stuff for the next day of class before, say, 5pm, we have the rest of the day to be together. Doesn’t that sound great?”
Yasmine glances up at him over her glasses. “I don’t want to do more work as soon as I get home though. I want to relax.”
From Harry’s face, she knows he’s thinking about the hour-long nap she took on their couch as soon as she came home. 
“Right, but. Now it’s almost 8 and we won’t make it to the store on time.”
“We’ve got weekends for that.”
His mouth twists into something that’s very much not a smile. “We’ve got other stuff to do over the weekend, remember? We agreed on two dates a week–”
“No. You decided that.” 
Harry stops. He tilts his head back to look at the ceiling in an attempt to calm himself down. When he looks back at her, he reaches across, shuts her laptop in a not-so-nice way and says, “What?”
Yasmine crosses her arms over her chest and leans back in her chair. “Well, you said the two dates thing. I think going to the shop counts as a date.”
“Going shopping isn’t a date. Having a romantic time out is a date.”
“Any time I get to spend with you is a date, Harry. It's about being with you, not where we go.”
“Have you maybe considered that I want to take you to restaurants and little getaways simply because I enjoy them too? That I like to see you have fun with me?”
Yasmine sighs and takes her glasses off. She rubs her eyes tiredly. “You clearly have a certain work ethic. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but I don’t. I get my work done when it gets done and I don’t want this structured, super formal scheduling of our time together. We live together, Harry. I see you all the time. Isn’t that enough?”
He doesn’t say anything for some time, but it’s clear he’s taken aback.
“It’s not enough,” he says, anger in his voice. “It’s not nearly enough. We’re dating, Yasmine. We’re not roommates.”
Yasmine blinks. “We technically are roommates.”
He runs a hand through his hair. Yasmine knows she's pushing him more than necessary. "Don't do that."
“All I’m saying is that I don’t want to schedule times with you. Won’t that be boring? Like, oh! It’s 6pm! Gotta go watch a movie with my boyfriend. It’s 7. Gotta have dinner. It’s 8, we should probably have sex before we get too tired. I’ve never had that type of schedule and I don’t want to.”
“It’s efficient.”
“I’m not having sex with you at 8pm every night just because it’s efficient. What -- are you going to break up that time too? 15 minutes for foreplay, 10 minutes for--"
He looks really mad now, his eyes alight. “That’s not what I mean! I’m saying that if we’re on the same wavelength – if we’re getting all our work done on time, then we can spend time together. That’s all! You're being way too difficult just for the sake of disagreeing with me.”
Yasmine frowns deeply. “Why don’t you adapt to my schedule then? I get all my work done too. I’ve got Saturday and Sunday’s open too – just like you.” From Harry’s expression, she exclaims, “See? It’s not about our time together. It’s about us sticking to your routine.”
Harry pinches the bridge of his nose. “We live together now. Don’t you think we should have some sort of rhythm? Be in sync?”
“That’s boring Harry!”
“Don’t you dare say efficient!”
“It is!” Harry stands, putting distance between them. “This is ridiculous, Yasmine. And you have no right to say that I’m only making you adapt to my way of living.”
“Why can’t we live my way?”
“Because you don’t have a way! You get up and you just make things up! I can’t do that. I want to have breakfast together, lunch together and dinner together. I don’t want to be eating alone while you’re working just because you didn’t want to finish everything before 6. This past week alone, we’ve yet to do anything but ask about each other’s day because when I’m working, you're not, and when you’re working, I’m done with everything. You see the problem?”
Now, Yasmine can handle Harry when he gets like this. She’s put up with him before – and she’d be lying if she said she doesn’t see his point. He wants to spend time together as a couple. And he’s figured out a great way to clear up time for himself. Now he wants her to follow his regimen.
But the thing that makes Yasmine get angry is his volume. He’s got no right to yell at her.
And, okay. He’s not really yelling. He’s just annoyed and getting his point across loudly. But, it’s too late.
“Clearly we’re not going to do anything together tonight so why don’t you just let me finish my work and then we’ll talk about this later.”
Harry grabs his dinner and starts to leave her office. “No, we won’t be talking about this because by the time you’re done, I’m going to be asleep!”
“Well maybe don’t sleep so early?” she snaps back.
“Why should I change my schedule to match yours?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you!”
“You don’t have a schedule!” Harry says, visibly trying to keep his head from exploding. “You do things whenever you feel like doing them. So whenever you realize you’re more than a roommate to me, find me.”
He shuts the door behind him, leaving Yasmine alone in the room.
Harry can hold a grudge.
Yasmine, as fiery as she can get, has harsh anger hangovers. Once her anger at Harry is gone, she goes to find him. Sure enough, it’s late and Harry’s already in bed.
So she gets ready for bed too. And when she slides in, she waits for Harry to say something. He must still be angry because he doesn’t say a word. Doesn’t even turn to give her a kiss.
Yasmine sighs to herself. He’s the one who never likes to go to sleep angry, so she inches closer to him and rests her head on his shoulder. “Harry.”
No answer.
He’s not wrong, but she’s not either. So she sits up and pokes his biceps hard to wake up just in case he’s already out. When he offers her nothing, she huffs and rolls her over him, looking at him sideways with half her body draped over his arm. 
“Hey.” She goes back to poking, this time on his face. “Hellooooooo.”
“What are you doing?” he grumbles, turning his face away. Yasmine finishes rolling over so she’s now on his side, looking up at him. She nearly tumbles off the side of the bed, but Harry’s quick arm on her waist prevents that.
"Yasmine," he hisses.
“Let’s talk about it.”
“I don’t want to. Go back to your side."
“Oh come on. No going to sleep angry, remember?”
“I’m not angry. I’m annoyed. We can definitely go to sleep annoyed. In fact, I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing."
“Hmm, no we can’t.” She tangles her legs with his. “Harry. Look. I understand what you’re saying. But I’m not going to apologize. I don’t think we’re that type of couple that needs to do everything together.”
“Not what I was saying but thanks for showing me you were listening."
She rolls her eyes. “I get that you want to spend time together, but don’t you think blocking out certain hours of the day is kind of ridiculous? It's so military."
"You get what I mean."
“Yasmine, if you had a 9 to 5 job, what time would we have to be together?”
“That’s not fair considering we don’t have 9 to 5s.”
“Say we did.”
“We’d have time after 5 and weekends.”
“Wouldn’t that be a schedule?”
“Well I don’t imagine we’d do something every day. I love you, but I do need to be away from you sometimes.”
Harry’s jaw tenses. He closes his eyes again. “Goodnight.”
“Hey wait, I didn’t mean it like that!” Yasmine laughs, throwing her arms around his neck. “I only mean that we’d get sick of each other.”
“I’d never get sick of you.”
“You’re saying that now but if we’re attached at the hip, then I’m totally sure–”
Harry’s eyes open and he grabs Yasmine’s face, tugging her close. “Never,” he says, voice deathly quiet. “I’d never get sick of you.”
She stops laughing, eyes wide. Something flutters in her chest. And…elsewhere too.
"Fine," she says, all breathily. "It would be a schedule, but only because we'd have no other option. We have flexibility as professors. We have more time, but more work load we bring home. It's not the same thing."
The hand on her waist tightens and suddenly she’s beneath him, his entire body hovering over hers. He lets go of her face, but leans down to kiss her instead. She holds him tight, her fingers tangled in his long curls that keep falling into their faces and tickling them.
“Harry,” she murmurs against his mouth. “Why are you so worried about us spending time together, hm?”
“I haven’t had a single meal with you all week, and I just remembered that you spent Sunday catching up on work, which is unfair because I forced myself to finish all my work so that I could have time for you. I don’t want to be the only one doing that.”
Yasmine sighs. “Harry, I’m not working just to avoid you.”
“I know that. And I know that us living together is enough for you. That sleeping and waking besides me is good, but it's not nearly enough for me.” Then, quietly, “I’m being petty about how you get your work done. But Yasmine, I didn't ask you to move together with me just so I could see you every day. I want a life with you." He traces her cheek gently, kissing the corner of her mouth. “And you’re right – we don’t have a 9 to 5 but is it so wrong for wanting to cut out a part of my day just for us? No talking about work. Just you and me, with a lot of this, preferably.” He kisses her again.
She's getting all mushy inside again. “It’s not wrong,” she whispers. “It’s not.” She wraps her legs around him, making him lean all her wait onto him. He holds his out against the mattress to stop himself.
“Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“No. Lay on me."
Harry does so, just for a total of five seconds until she’s gasping for air. Satisfied, she rolls out from under him and lets him lay comfortably. She straddles him then, bracing her hands on his chest. “Okay, let’s come to an agreement.”
Harry runs his hands up and down her thighs. “Let’s.”
“How about this: no talk of work after 7.”
“And I will try my best to finish all my work by then also, but in the event I cannot due to circumstances overlooked in your calendar, you have to leave me to finish up so that I can come back to you as quickly as possible.”
“Done. And on weekends, nobody works. Don't bring any of it home on Friday. Not even a mere word about it.”
“Unless absolutely necessary.”
He pins her with a stern look. “I’ll be the judge of those conditions.”
“Anything else, professor?” Yasmine grins knowingly down at him, drumming her fingers against his chest.
Harry pinches her side. “And I will be a little less annoying about the whole two date thing.”
“And I’m sorry that I’ve kind of neglected you all week.”
“Thank you.”
Yasmine blinks expectantly at him.
He says, “Oh, are you waiting for an apology from me?”
“That would be nice.”
“Is that right?” 
She feels a thrill rush up her spine. “I’d appreciate it.”
“Yeah? Would you, baby? Good to know.”
“Or you can make it up to me in a different way.”
He shrugs. “Sorry. It’s almost 10. I’m strictly a no-love-making-past-eight-pm kinda guy.”
Yasmine sighs. “What a shame. And to think I went through all this effort coming to bed without a bra or underwear on in hopes I’d get to–”
Harry sits up and wraps his arms around her, roughly pulling her down into bed. “C’mere.”
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cannibalizedyke · 11 months
what if regulus & mary raised harry potter together and then kinda fell in love about it🧍‍♀️
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xpao-bearx · 1 year
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 2 HERE
Read Part 4 HERE
NOTES: The fact that the idea for this part was already causing me such INTENSE brainrot way before I even finished writing Part 2 (which is pretty funny cuz I actually had a TOTALLY different idea compared to how this part is now, but hey my stoopid brain does what it does) 👁👄👁 Anyhoe, I am SO stoked for this (it also turned out quite long)!! It's finally got ✨️smut✨️ which I know my fellow sluts have been waiting for, BUT it's not the actual sexy sex yet cuz I'm saving that for the last part. Don't worry, it'll definitely be worth it~ ;)
BTW there's a part in this where Steven recites French poetry by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore and I used Google Translate for the English, so if the translation is off then I'm very sorry!
And I just wanna thank y'all sooo much again from the bottom of mah lil black heart, like SERIOUSLY! You lovelies are truly spoiling me with all your sweet comments, likes, and reblogs 😭❤️❤️❤️ And I swear that after the unexpectedly huge success of this fic, it made me fall RIDICULOUSLY HARDER for Oscar ISNACC and I have y'all to blame for dragging me even deeper into DILF Hell Heaven. Like, it's actually a problem when I suddenly feel like giggling and kicking my feet while I'm suffering at work just at the thought of him 😂
I also haven't been this confident and motivated in a while, and this is one of the VERY rare times I'm actually updating pretty quickly without the temptation of slacking off and abandoning it. I love writing and this fic is my baby, and it's just so fucking incredible that you guys are loving what I'm putting out, too, so once more: THANK YOU 🥰
Who knows, maaaybe more Moon Knight fics will come out in the future from me and fingers crossed that Moon Knight Season 2 will be confirmed 🤭
And the tag list has been updated! I also included some readers who I thought wanted to follow this whole series, so if you find yourself tagged despite not asking to be then that's why LMAO xD As always, the tag list is open so don't be shy to ask if you'd like to be added on it! ^_^
TAGS: @autismsupermusicalassassin @ungracefularchimedes @pimosworld @ababynova @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @anapnovo-blog @am-3-thyst @harrys-tittie @zukoisbabee @wiltedwonderland @the-ginger-draws @bitchyglitterfox @readingfan @spidey-3 @minigirl87 @wandasupremacy @simba-will-live-on @wavychelle @thepowerthismanhasoverme @blackholegladiator @kittytiddywinks @literalfkinsimp
Part 3: Like a virgin, touched for the very first time
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After the flurry of honesty and an insane whirlwind of emotions, you and Steven finally winded down. It was a bit awkward following that, but he asked (well, sputtered) if you'd like to stay. He immediately apologized, knowing that he was overstepping boundaries and he completely understands if you rejected such a mental idea.
But it was late, and there was absolutely no way he was going to let you go home alone especially with the state you're in. And also...
Well, call him a selfish knob, but he just wanted--needed--to be with you.
But you agreed to stay--enthusiastically so. You both were flustered, though sharing a laugh together had all the tension fade away.
Because, truly, you were right where you were supposed to be.
Steven prepared dinner for the two of you, consisting of five-minute vegan mac and cheese courtesy of his microwave then indulging yourselves with the box of chocolates he brought at the failed date for dessert. It wasn't "grand" by any means, but it was the best you ate in a long time.
All thanks to the cute host... Actually, your gorgeous boyfriend.
Just the thought had you grinning like a doofus, the butterflies in your belly now transforming into fucking birds.
Did that make sense? Hell no, but being with Steven absolutely did.
"Love..." Steven's strong arms encircled around your waist from behind, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "Make yourself comfortable, yeah? Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."
You gasped, affronted, quickly whipping around to face him. "Excuse you, sir, but I have every reason to be worried!" You huffed dramatically. "You are definitely not sleeping on the couch, Steven. And if you still insist that you are, then I'll just join you!"
Steven chuckled, his cheeks glowing pink. He rested his chin atop your head, pulling you closer to him. "The couch is too small for the two of us... So for a good night's sleep, I suppose I have no choice but to share the bed with you, yeah?"
"You say that as if you'd rather not." You pouted playfully, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head against his chest. You can faintly hear the erratic thrum of his heartbeat, matching your own.
"I'm just pulling your leg, sweetheart." He teased, kissing your head.
How the fuck did he ever get so lucky? He thought he was going crazy, that this was all just a dream--but it wasn't. Dreams were never this good. You were right here, right now, in his arms. Wholly accepting him for who he is. Loving him.
And he fucking loved you, too.
"Where's the bathroom, baby?"
Baby. The name made his heart stop for a full second. Heat once again crept up to his cheeks and all the way to the tips of his ears, his voice not coming out as all he could do was just point towards the bathroom as he stared down at you in a completely lovestruck sort of wonder.
You giggled, blushing as well before leaning up on your tiptoes and pecking his nose. "You go relax, Steven. I'll join you soon."
He watched you saunter off, still glued in place and a hand atop his frenzied heart.
He had no idea how in the world he was supposed to relax, especially now that the situation fully hit him like a freight train. But thankfully, he found his legs moving for him and his body taking the liberty of changing into his cozy pyjamas before climbing onto bed.
He put on his ankle restraint and settled down, covering the blanket over him like some posh Victorian duchess as he laid completely stiff. He didn't know how long he stayed like that, lifting his head and squinting every so often at the closed bathroom and your obscure shadow dancing amidst the light peeking through the tiny crack of the door underneath.
And it was so...quiet. Neither Marc nor Jake has uttered a single peep, which was highly unusual. Either one or both of them always had something to say, regardless of whatever Steven was doing and he was the same whenever they were fronting.
But as of the moment, he couldn't even handle speaking with Marc. Not after what he did. Marc and Jake were his family and there was no doubt that he and Marc will eventually make up, but no one was ever allowed to hurt you--especially now that you two were officially together.
Jake, on the other hand... Well, he was known to butt into Steven's business. But Jake always gave him a good push, and he would never actually force Steven to do something if Jake didn't believe he could do it. Truly, Steven owed Jake for technically setting you and him up.
But besides Marc, Steven was more surprised that Jake wasn't yapping away especially when you were involved. It didn't go unnoticed for Steven the way Jake has...changed. Only when you were around, at least. And despite Jake being the stealthiest of them all, Steven could always feel him silently observing you at work deep within the recesses of his mind.
But Steven never said anything. He just understood--accepted--Jake, and he was sure that Jake knew. But Steven didn't mind it; in fact, it made him feel less alone.
After all, how could anyone ever resist you?
He then sighed deeply, shaking his head. Clearly it was no use just laying in his bed like a corpse, so he sat up and threw the blanket off before grabbing a random book from his bedside table and donned his glasses. But his brain was too muddled, heart still not ceasing its turbulent thump as he couldn't even register the words popping out of the worn pages he has read a thousand times.
"So you wear glasses, too, huh?"
He flinched slightly at your voice, seeing you standing at the foot of his bed. You chuckled softly before your eyes landed on his ankle restraint, raising a brow.
"S-Sorry, it's..." He scrambled for something--anything. "I...I know it's a huge red flag, but I have a...sleeping disorder. I promise it ain't for something, um...sexual."
"No need to make excuses, Steven. I don't think it's a red flag."
'And I wouldn't mind if you used it on ME.' You bit back the risqué words that nearly tumbled out your foolish, needy mouth.
Steven only smiled shyly, putting the book away before he gasped when he suddenly felt something plop down on his lap.
Something soft, warm, and lovely.
"Is...is this okay..?" Now it was your turn to be shy, meeting his gaze tentatively.
"More than okay." He breathed, staring up at you with an awed grin. "Gods, Y/N, you're beautiful."
"Thanks, this is my 'I wonder how I didn't pass out from running the most I never thought I could' look." You laughed. But Steven didn't, guilt clouding his features.
He placed his hands on your hips, brows knitting together and jaw squaring. "I really am sorry, Y/N. You didn't have to do that, didn't have to meet me. I would've hated it, but I would've totally understood if you never wanted to see me again. And yet...I was happy when you did come."
"I'm happy, too, Steven." You assured him, one hand on his shoulder while the other combed through his fluffy curls. "And honestly, I would do it again. If you were in, hell, Egypt--I'd still find a way to you, no matter what."
His expression softened, a smile replacing his frown as he leaned forward and laid his head on your chest. "Please do one favour for me, though?" You kept quiet, patiently awaiting his words. "If you ever meet Marc, punch the prick."
"Baby, I can only slap him! No way I'd ever damage your godsent face." You laughed again, little snorts wracking your body that Steven found so damn endearing. Then he looked up, his chin resting in between the pillowy softness of your breasts.
"Love... Call me that again."
"Baby." You obeyed with zero hesitation, and Steven groaned. A deep, rumbly sound that sent tingles all throughout your body. You lightly tugged on his hair, making his head tip back and gaze locking with his pretty brown eyes that have gotten darker, pupils dilated.
"Baby..." Your voice came out as a pathetic whine, your hand on his shoulder holding on for dear life. "Wanna kiss you."
Like a predator pouncing on its prey, Steven swooped up to catch your lips--only for the both of your glasses to bump into each other.
An awkward beat passed between the two of you before you both exploded into riotous laughter. The two of you fell side by side on the bed, giggling so much that tears sprang to your eyes and your stomachs hurt.
Once you two finally calmed down, you exchanged bright smiles and Steven rolled on top of you. His elbows dug into the bed on either side of you, making sure not to bear down his weight on you. He then took off both of your glasses, setting them aside on the bedside table.
"Shall we try again, love?" But Steven didn't wait for your response, crashing his lips with yours.
It was chaste. Feather light. So much better than what you ever imagined it to be like. Steven's lips were unexpectedly soft, but there was a certain firmness in the way he kissed you. Your eyes fluttered shut, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in closer to deepen the kiss.
Steven cradled the side of your face gently, lovingly, as if he was handling glass. Then, experimentally, you nipped on his bottom lip. He gasped sharply, and you slid your tongue inside his mouth.
It was obvious how inexperienced you were, but Steven certainly didn't mind. In fact, it only turned him on even more that you wanted to spend your precious first time with him.
And he was definitely never letting you go.
You moved your tongue uncertainly, small panic brewing inside of you if you were doing it right. All those shows and movies made kissing look so easy; but you were soon snapped out of your thoughts as Steven's tongue tangled with yours, taking the lead as he coaxed you into a lazy, sensual dance.
And that drew a long, beautiful moan out of you. Steven craved more, more, more--wanting to push you to the very limit, a lustful, greedy beast suddenly possessing his body.
But oh, he knew, deep down, that beast has always been there; waiting for the right moment to be released.
Waiting for you.
He then slowly pulled away, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongues. Your entire body was flushed, lips puffy and eyes hazy with anguished yearning as you stared up at him. Your hands reached out, clinging on tightly to his black sweatshirt. Despite being on the bed, you felt as if you were free falling into a bottomless pit.
And you wanted to fall--with Steven.
"Steven..." You murmured, one leg wrapping around his waist. "Are you gonna make love to me?"
"No." His reply was instant, levelling his gaze with yours. "I will, but not tonight, darling. I don't have any condoms."
"I...I don't mind..."
A low purr reverberated from his throat. Fuck, were you even aware of what you were saying? Of the sweet, tempting danger it entailed?
He might as well just tie you up, keep you in his apartment forever. With him. ONLY him.
He shook his head, quickly stamping down such dark, possessive thoughts.
"Love." He emphasized through clenched teeth, and you saw the way his inner conflict flickered in his eyes. "Not tonight, Y/N. But that doesn't mean I can't still please you, yeah?"
He pulled your leg off of his waist then pressed his lips to your ankle, electricity coursing directly to where you desired it most.
He never broke eye contact, his lips slowly trailing down the smooth expanse of your leg before pausing at your crotch. He chuckled deeply, ignoring it as he moved to your stomach.
You mewled desperately, wiggling slightly. "Baby." You pleaded, nearly breathless. "Please... Don't fuckin' tease me."
"M'sorry, pretty girl. Just let me worship you, yeah? You deserve it." He hummed, completely unbothered. "I deserve it."
He pushed up your tank top, your breasts spilling erotically and...fuck, was that a belly button piercing?
"First year of college. It was a completely lucid decision." You giggled at his stunned expression. "Hurt like a bitch, but I've always wanted one."
"Looks like I'm not the only one with secrets, then." He chuckled, kissing your belly with utmost tenderness and your breath getting caught in your throat. His lips languidly traced upwards, reaching your breasts and burying his face in between them and inhaling deeply.
Now he understood why Jake wouldn't shut the hell up about the way you smelled after asking you out.
His left hand groped one of your breasts, breath stuttering at the wonderful plushness. Then he raised his head, eyes locking intently with yours once more as his tongue flicked your pert nipple. You whimpered for more, more, more--back arching as you eagerly offered yourself to him.
And he just as eagerly accepted your gracious offer, mouth latching on to your nipple. You moaned as he sucked and squeezed, his teeth grazing slightly against the sensitive bud, only magnifying the maddening sensations you had no control over yet had the privilege to be a willing victim to.
He pulled away with a resounding 'pop' before giving your other breast equal devoted attention, his right hand making its descent lower, lower, lower--slipping inside your shorts and his chest blazing at the dampness that greeted him.
"Bloody hell..." He grunted, erection straining painfully against his pyjama pants. He glanced down, his much larger hand cupping your entire pussy. "Wanna fucking taste you, angel. Can I? Please, love, I wanna taste your pretty pussy."
"Y-You don't even have to ask..." You squeaked, completely scarlet from head to toe. "Just take me, baby."
Steven grinned wolfishly, a gleam in his eyes that you've never seen before making your heart skip a beat. Without wasting another moment, he practically ripped your shorts off. He groaned as he saw the wet splotch in the middle of your panties, yanking them down your legs before bringing it up to his nose as a shiver ran down his spine at your intoxicating scent.
Your arousal was flowing down to your thighs, eyes glazed over as if in a trance as you watched Steven sniff your panties like a beast in heat. Then he shimmied out of his pants, your eyes widening as his cock stood proudly; thick and veiny, the tip an angry red and leaking with pre-cum. His fist, still clutching on to your panties, wrapped around his cock as he leaned down to meet your pussy.
Instinctively, you snapped your legs shut, hands flying to your face.
"I-I'm sorry!" You sobbed, briskly shaking your head. "I'm sorry, so sorry! I...I can't, Steven..."
You expected him to be furious, and honestly you'd understand if he was. What you didn't expect, however, was him gently removing your hands and tenderly kissing away your tears.
"Hey, hey, it's alright, love." He assured, his hands massaging soothing circles on yours. "What's the matter? You don't want to continue?"
"I-I do, it's just..." You sniffled, blinking away tears and meeting his concerned gaze. "I'm...I'm embarrassed, Steven. It's just... Y-You know it's my first time, and you're doing amazing, it's just...I'm scared I'm not. I...have no idea what the fuck to do, and I'm not even pretty."
"That's not true." His voice was firm, jaw ticking resolutely. His brows furrowed, expression the most serious you've ever seen it. "You're bloody gorgeous, Y/N. I'm the git who doesn't know what the hell you see in me. And don't fret about being inexperienced, love. I'm so happy that you wanna be with me, and if you'd allow me, I wanna spend the rest of my life proving it to you."
You stayed silent, then your lips curved up into a dazzling smile that had Steven utterly weak in the knees. What the hell were you so anxious about, anyway? This was Steven Grant, the man of your wildest dreams. The man you loved.
"I love you, Steven."
Steven froze, tears prickling his eyes. Something between a sob and a chuckle escaped him, positively beaming down at you.
"I love you, too, Y/N."
He then parted your legs, hands quivering slightly. "I love you..." He crouched down, pressing his lips to your inner thigh. "...so fucking much." His tongue darted out, licking the beautiful stretch marks that lined the supple skin of your thighs.
His tongue slowly wandered up, up, up, and you were scarcely breathing once his face was in front of your cunt. His hot breath fanned against your clit; dark, nearly black eyes fixed on yours.
"Quand je vivais tendre et craintive amante..." He recited in French, smiling up at you. "...avec ses feux je peignais ses douleurs."
When I was a tender and fearful lover, with her fires I painted her pains.
You had noticed earlier the French poetry books stacked on Steven's desk, but goddammit you didn't expect he would quote one while he was right in front of your pussy.
You were sure this absolutely sexy menace of a man was trying to murder you.
His thumb then brushed against your clit, making you gasp. He grinned widely, pushing down on your nub as you whimpered and squirmed helplessly.
"Baby..." You begged, tears pouring down your pretty pink cheeks, and there must be something severely wrong with Steven to find it so enticing. "Pretty please... Fuck me with your mouth."
And how could he ever say no to that? He was merely a loyal, desperate slave for his goddess' wishes. For her love.
And so, like a parched man in the desert, he buried his face in your sopping pussy. You yelped, eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sudden--but very much not unwelcomed--intrusion into your deepest, most intimate part.
Steven's groan of appreciation vibrated within your gummy walls, inching ever so deeper, feeling his nose hit a bundle of nerves. Then his tongue licked a long, slow stripe along your mound and up to your clit. You cried out, a broken, pornographic song that echoed throughout Steven's entire flat.
"Gods..." His voice was low, trembling; one hand yet again wrapping around his aching cock, the flimsy fabric of your panties hugging the tip. "You've no idea how much I dreamt of this, Y/N. Waited for this." His other hand settled on your pussy, deft fingers running along your drenched folds. "Such a good girl, tastes so fucking good."
He puckered his lips, kissing your pussy. And the sounds that accompanied were downright filthy, Steven moaning shamelessly, loud squelches and the heady smell of your sex filling the air.
Slowly, carefully, he thrusted a finger inside of you. You keened, your thighs squishing Steven's head and your hands gripping onto his hair. He then added another finger, scissoring his digits and you knew right then and there that you were losing what's barely left of your fucking mind.
You grinded against him, and he bobbed his head zealously in perfect tandem with you. His tongue lapped up and down, up and down, before suddenly driving it inside your hole.
He was rubbing his cock vigorously, watching you, burning this marvelous moment for all eternity into his memories. And as soon as a third finger slipped in, you were fucking gone.
You screamed, finally reaching that peak and falling over it, seeing stars. You gushed around his mouth, and Steven noisily slurped it all up, not daring to leave behind a single drop.
He soon followed, grunting animalistically as his cum sprayed all over your panties. He collapsed against your pussy, in between the heavenly plushness of your thighs, panting raggedly.
Neither of you knew how long you both stayed like that, coming down from your high, until you sliced through the serene silence.
"Wow... Just...wow."
Steven chuckled breathlessly, looking up at you with your wetness glistening on his lips and chin. "Wow, indeed." He then leaned forward, and you gasped as his lips suckled on the skin right next to your clit, claiming you with a dark purple mark.
"You'll be the fucking death of me, Steven Grant." You groaned playfully, pulling on his hair.
He grinned, crawling over your body before moulding your lips together in a passionate liplock. His tongue entwined with yours and you could taste yourself, your brain short circuiting.
He slowly drew away, gently knocking his forehead against yours as his grin grew impossibly bigger.
"I'll make love to you at the Field of Reeds, then."
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harrysonlylover · 5 months
you're right. many blogs have expressed frustration, but i don't follow those blogs. i follow you, and your posts have been all over my feed. i’m speaking up because i don’t understand. i didn’t highlight that you’re a fan and find him unattractive. i pointed the hair post out because you’ve made numerous posts about his looks, about his silence, about the people he associates with. your post on his “lost charm” was only one piece of what i listed. it’s hardly a little detail when you spam things.
your name is harrysonlylover. whether you worship the ground he walks on or you only use his name to boost your fanfic, you still have a blog called harrysonlylover that is dedicated to harry styles. you can call it what you want. what influence exactly are you hoping he has? you’ve contradicted yourself, saying you want him to speak up because he has influence, and then simultaneously followed that up with “i can assure you that a white man’s opinion who’s a singer isn’t that relevant.” his opinion matters, or it doesn’t? you want to hear he’s not a zionist? you’ve admitted you’re not even a fan of his. it’s just very confusing. why don’t you use a different celebrity’s name if you don’t like his music, his work, or him? his name isn’t doing much to boost your fanfic anyways.
I created this blog 1 and a half fucking year ago. The reason i chose this user is probably something random because as i said “let’s normalise growing out of something.” It depends on your definition of a fan. I’m not listening to his music much anymore because guess what? We grow up, explore and become into other things. This blog is personal to me because it holds memories and mutuals that i love. If you’re so wound up go ahead and unfollow me.
His opinion is irrelevant to political matters, his influence isn’t.There’s a difference. If he posts a whole ass political statement that is out of his field of knowledge then yeah that’s not relevant. But if he posts a donation link for Gaza then it matters.
Again, unfollow me because this is more about you being concerned with me. All about what i like, dislike and my posts which is quite pathetic. Why not choose a diff user? Idk my life doesn’t really depend on it. If you think that a user name is so so significant to one’s life then you’re wrong because there are users here like @harrysass or something. It’s just for the fun of it. Not everything needs to be analysed.
Don’t twist my words. I didn’t say that i don’t like his work. I said i don’t listen to his songs as much as before. Do you want to come over, make me a playlist and tell me who i should listen to? You’re so concerned with my “fan status” like what is a fan to you? Do you want me to dedicate my life to him? You don’t choose what i get to call myself. Who are you??
Again—we can give our opinions on what a person is doing even if we love them. Giving my opinion does not mean i’m sending him hate messages, bullying him or harming him. You do know that we have something called freedom of speech right? Or do you only consider someone a fan if they shut up and agree with everything he does? Because you’re obv so concerned with the fan term.
Read the sentences in italic again^
And this whole thing about him not boosting my fics— oh sorry to disappoint you but i’ll ask him to recommend my stories to everyone next time i see him.
I’m pretty sure my fics are fine. My skills and writing style exist with or without his name. If i wake up tomorrow and write something with a character called harry styles or a whole different character, that’s up to me. Or do you want to analyse that as well?
Going back to the point i made earlier to remind you that this blog is old. The user wasn’t born yesterday, i don’t wake up everyday and light a candle for him. Understand that while i don’t listen much to his music anymore, it is my choice whether i write fanfiction or not (which btw, he is nothing but a face claim. What i write is a whole other made up character but is just called Harry)
They’re also written for fun so don’t worry about boosting them because i’m not submitting them for a nyc times best seller.
This felt like an investigation so i urge you to go out, touch some grass, connect with nature and lessen your curiosity. I’ve removed my anon option because if you wish to grace me with your presence and delightful questions, do so without hiding.
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youreverydaydemikid -> conjectureand-gloom (15/01/24)
welcome to my personal diary!
hi! my name is alex, and i’m a non binary lesbian demisexual person (they/them).
@YourEverydayDemiKid on both ao3 and wattpad, not active on wattpad whatsoever.
i’m really just here to chill, i’ll mainly just repost things i like. which will mainly be theatre things, and these theatre things will mainly be hamilton things. i also give out little sneak peeks to my fanfictions, so enjoy that!
i’m a minor, so just don’t be creepy.
ACDT (GMT+10:30)
if anyone wants any fanfic recommendations, check out this post!
lyn lapid side blog- @tlit21c
my pinterest
discord- #youreverydaydemikid
spotify- nahh (taylor’s version) - bc i ain’t telling y’all my deadname, and my parents won’t let me put it as alex lol
2023-24 writing/posting schedule
hamilton (feel free to request any ships for hamilton fics, i love them all so much. and alexander is a DREAM for any multishipper)
jesus christ superstar (jesus/judas or jesus/judas/mary mainly for jcs, but feel free to ask if there are any other ships you want!! and no, i am not religious. i do, however, have religious trauma. don’t question it, i’m confused about why i’m in the jcs fandom too)
a good girls guide to murder (any ship. but like. pip/ravi is my favourite. ravi is my comfort character, and nothing can change that. i just torture pip relentlessly)
nevermoor (personally i’m a morrigan/cadence girly, but i tend to write more gen fics in this fandom, rather than shippy)
in the heights (canon ships mainly, but feel free to ask if you want any other ships!!!)
newsies (i tend to write more gen fics for newsies too, but dave/jack is my fav. also LOVE angsty crutchie fics)
keeper of the lost cities (preferably keefe/tam or marella/linh. but, once again, feel free to ask!!)
hunger games (gen, preferably. but i’m team peeta, in case anyone was wondering-)
maze runner (newt/thomas. idrk about many other ships, tbh)
divergent (canon ships only. and no, christina/tobias is not canon.)
six (gen all the way. they’re found family 100%, no romantic feelings there. katherine howard is my preferable torture toy btw)
the song of achilles (achilles/patroclus? literally what other ship even is there????)
wednesday (wednesday/enid. i feel like this requires no explanation. also. angst fics. i almost exclusively write angsty fics about wednesday, rather than enid. and i love the whole of the addams family, and i love familial hurt/comfort)
harry potter (DISCLAIMER: as much as i have tried to leave this fandom, it’s what makes me, me. i have been in this fandom since i was 7, and this was before jk rowling was revealed to be a shitty person. i’m a queer teen. i do not agree with any of her statements. the only way i engage with the fandom is through gay angsty fanfiction. fuck jkr. with that said, i write for any gay ship really!! i love them all!!! also, harry is my preferred whump character)
descendants (ben/mal ig, but i LOVE the VKs friendship so much. alsooo mal is my little angst toy lmao)
i’ll write any fandom listed above! i’m not picky at all! i love them all!
i’ll write hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, whump, angst, fluff, romance, anything that isn’t smut. any AUs that you could think of, and literally anything. i’m not picky, once again. whump is my personal favourite, but i will write any genre!
i won’t write romanticised abuse, non/con, or anything like that. that’s not to say the requests can’t have dark aspects, but i won’t write romanticised stuff like that. not even going to apologise for that.
actually, on that, i don’t write any non/con, romanticised or not.
also, i won’t write omegaverse, nor will i write y/n fics. nothing wrong with those genres, i just don’t write them!
It’s Only A Matter Of Time- A Hamilton watches Hamilton fic
i wish i could say that was the last time
call me son one more time
when they surround our troops
then a hurricane came
take a break
and his right hand man…
she was holding me
the great war
achilles, come down
steal into my affections
the fact that you’re alive is a miracle
fools who run their mouths off wind up dead
to convince you that i love you
my father wasn’t around (febuwhump 2023)
philip, you would like it uptown (febuwhump 2023)
i may not live to see our glory… (febuwhump 2023)
an outrageous demand (febuwhump 2023)
stay alive (febuwhump 2023)
my dearest, angelica (febuwhump 2023)
but this situation’s helpless
like mother, like daughter (agggtm)
“but now this room is spinning…” (whumptober 2023)
“i’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back” (whumptober 2023)
“like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon” (whumptober 2023)
the entire exposé (not an original idea, inspired and based entirely off of ‘the price of his war’ by jittyjames)
my world is burning (not an original idea, inspired and based entirely off of ‘the price of his war’ by jittyjames)
can you hear me, achilles? (au to my fic ‘achilles, come down’ where alexander was caught)
je m’appelle… lafayette? (non binary lafayette- last chapter is in work)
bloom like rose thorns (angst multichap)
judas’ death (jcs angst)
lams (taylor’s version) (requested, taylor swift songfics for lams)
baby don’t cut (lams angst based on a song with the same name)
you’re the one who disappears (agggtm multichap)
whumptober oneshots
baby it’s cold outside (hamilton christmas oneshot)
please ask anything you’d like in the asks box. literally, i have no limits- mostly. but i’ll just ignore anything else. please request fanfics in my asks box, i’ll get to you within 6 months at the maximum… i also love fanfic recommendations, so if you have any hamilton fics you want to rec, please do!!
asks- all the asks i’ve answered, these are also tagged with the url, or with anon dearest if it was an anon ask
akeyla ml- posts about/with my incredible incredible partner @autumnleavesforwinter ❤️
tag games- self explanatory, tag games :)
sleep is overrated- me trying to fix my sleep schedule (this was started because of my post that made it to 10k)
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This is…the saddest argument I’ve ever seen in my fucking life.
The it wasn’t a question but a statement thing? No shit Sherlock, that’s a commonly known phrase not unique to me or anyone else. I’m astonished that you think you can actually argue a line you copied straight from mine by pointing out that part of the phrase is used in other works.
Because guess what? I’ll show you an example to make this easier: Another common phrase is “you never know till you know.” This might pop up in an Avengers fanfic and a Harry Potter fanfic. Heck, maybe even in the same fandom, or even the same pairing.
But if you saw a Loki x Reader fanfic where it’s the exact same situation and exact same scenario and the exact same scene in the exact same place in another Loki x Reader that begins with the exact same plot that uses that exact same line?
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It’s the context and you damn well know it.
Also I hate to tell you this, but some of your followers have spoken with me privately and, while they are still following you, they agreed with me that it’s plagiarism. Even some of your own damn fans know it.
Quit reaching.
You know it’s obvious. You keep picking pieces from the evidence I provided to use instead of looking at it as a whole. The words list? Not weird if I saw them all in a Hannibal fic. The writing style without all the words, same fandom, same pairing, same beginning plot, and same phrases in a Sherlock fic? Not weird either. All of those things combined? Highly suspicious.
I wouldn’t argue it if it was a line from the movie, but Finney never says that. Of alllllll the phrases you could use and alllll the things your Reader could have said, it was the exact same thing?
Gimme a break, man.
Oh and I know at least one of those anons was you btw. It even had the same emoji you use on your posts. That’s why anyone who still believes you should not get to read my stuff. They’re also welcome to block me back, I don’t care.
I tried, I really did. I know you can’t backtrack now because you dug yourself too deep, but I’ve told your followers who messaged me that I’m happy to forgive if you would just stop lying to me.
On a final note: If anyone thinks it’s okay to sit idly by on the sidelines while someone is getting robbed, or bullied, or assaulted, etc.? Then they don’t deserve to enjoy that person’s content. @ my 500+ followers, I’m looking at y’all. Very disappointed. Thanks to those who have actually given a shit, I appreciate you immensely.
And of course you’ve “not been upset over all this until now.” You’re not the one being plagiarized.
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lokisbirdofhermes · 1 year
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@lokisbirdofhermes so I was reading one of your fanfic and saw you never done, a enemies to lovers with a fake relationship aside from your Proposal fanfic. Thus leading me to my request.
Loki and reader had a bet, Loki lost said bet leading reader to gain one favor out of him. Now it is time for reader to cash the favor in as she needs a date to a wedding, as she claimed to have a serious boyfriend that knew who she was. Problem is that she and Loki hate each other, at least she hates him with how much he flirts. Flirts that she doesn’t know is real, but she has no choice. As she is forced to make Loki her boyfriend, Loki taking this chance to woe her over. Perhaps making another bet that if he can by the end of their fake relationship he can take her out for real. Reader agrees because he won’t win her over or will he?
Troupes: Fake dating to lovers, enemies to lovers, and male lead falling first.
Potential Title: The Faking Bet
Now if this doesn’t sound good right now consider it an idea for later. I won’t force you to write it just thought it was something I could suggest.
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So this is a little bit of the plot from The Wedding Date (the 2005 Debra Messing rom-com-dram, but to be fair, she hired an escort to take her) and I had been flip-flopping about if I wanted to attempt it since it's been done to death in fics and in movies. I also didn't want to accidentally lean into too many scenes that would overlap with The Proposal, which you cited, so as long as I can avoid those pitfalls, I don't see why not.
I had someone commission me with a Ko-Fi for a Harry Dresden/Reader fic so I will be working on that over the weekend/into next week, but I think I will tackle this one starting next week (if this stupid fucking migraine and my stupid fucking PMS can get under control by then anyway). Thanks for the idea!
Update for the others: I'm working on the final chapter of Passengers, so if I can get over this migraine, it should be posted by tonight.
Ko-Fi link if anyone is feeling generous BTW. Birdie loves you.
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drarryshipperr · 1 year
you know what’s also funny? when i said november last year when it was the first time i watched harry potter in forever well that same night i stared reading harry potter fanfics and that’s when i started shipping drarry fun fact here i knew drarry was a thing before i watched harry potter again in a long while but are you ready for what i’m about to say? i never used to not ship drarry again i knew the ship was a thing but i never shipped them actually i never cared for enemies to lovers then i was like how did people ship draco and harry didn’t they hate each other? well that night when i was going though harry potter fanfics to read i decided you know what lim just gonna try and read a drarry fanfic give it a try see what the hype is all about if it don’t interest me then oh well but we’ll it did interest me i forgot what the first drarry fanfic i read but whatever fic it was i feel in love i loved it then i read drarry fic after another after a nother after a nother and was like i can see why people love drarry fanfiction then i download the harry potter movies on my laptop for free so i can watch the harry potter movies whenever i want if it’s not on tv not only the fanfics made me ship drarry the movies did to after watching the movies a million times because i can and i still do😂 i started paying attention to scenes between harry and draco even though their Conversation are snarky remarks and all but their body language and their tension just screams oh yea they are definitely secretly in love with each other like i can name drarry scenes that says draco you are so in love with harry and harry you are so in love with draco okay starting with prisoner of azkaban when hagrid was teaching class before draco taunted harry about the dementors draco walked up to harry and biting his lip also in prisoner of azkaban when snape was teaching class about werewolf’s draco drew that drawing of harry and made into a bird swan origami and blew it to him like a blowing a kiss and in the deathly hallows part 1 draco did not reveal to his parents and bellatrix that that was harry when harry face was unrecognizable by that stinging jinx spell like draco did recognize him and knew it was him but did not want to give him up to voldemort and in the last movie the deathly hallows part 2 one scene was cut still pissed about btw is when draco gave harry his wand so harry can defeat voldemort and the same movie deathly hallows part 2 most all drarry fan can agree on this and still freak out over when harry saved draco life in the room of requirement when it was set on fire by goyle so draco saved harry’s life twice one by not giving him up to voldemort and second saving his life by giving his wand to harry so harry can save himself and everyone by defending voldemort mind you harry never had his own wand with him when killing voldemort no one else gave harry their wand draco did the movie just showed you and thought the wand harry killed voldemort with was his because like i said the scene that shows draco giving harry his wand was cut from the movie it’s a deleted scene that scene should of never been cut from the movie at all but that scene also showed draco redemption arc i still really hate the creators for cutting draco redemption arc and the drarry scene there’s so many great drarry moments in each movie but it will take too long to write and post this post is long enough i just want to let everyone know how i started shipping drarry the same night i started watching harry potter again in so long last year of november the morning after thanksgiving❤️
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liquorisce · 1 year
I'll definitely be here reading for a long time after aots over with. Anyways its so popular its going to be one of those series people will still be talking about 10+ years later like Harry Potter or FMA. But it does make me sad knowing that eventually many of the amazing artists,writers and moots I have met will log off/delete their accounts and never be heard from again.
I'm still in my feels ( lol) but idk if I'll be able to commit and interact in another fandom like I did with aot and have never been affectedbyanother series. I guess fandoms are ruined for me 😅😂
anon I hope ur right. idk about HP bc the activity in that fandom is legendary but I do hope we’ll survive as long as fmab!! (epic show btw, one of my all time faves, must watch etc etc)
it’s sad to see the changes in fandom, yeah. I also feel really weird having been on this blog for 9 years now lol
I AGREE! I am trying really hard to get into another series but it’s not happening and I’m about ready to give up. I like spy family and I’m considering writing a fic or two for them, and bleach Omg but it’s really hard to get away from my AoT babies
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holy-weak · 2 years
i just finished reading However I Fall and god! god. this is easily one of the best fics i've read in a while. one of those where you sit back and think i can't believe someone published this on the interenet for free. the author's grasp on both harry and snape is so very accurate and her writing is phenomenal. really hoping for her to return to this fic, but until then rereads will have to sustain me. i'm just waiting for you to wake up one day and write us some snarry btw. 👀
It is gorgeous, isn't it? We'll be in the same boat, reading it over and over again. I agree that her characterizations are perfect. They always are. It all feels so natural. Its truly a gem of a fic, even unfinished. The question is - what shall you read next?
Also, I did read We Dug These Holes We Crawled Into. So much emotion in 1k words! It's stunning. There were several lines that really got me, but the last two were beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing it with me.
I do have a fic drafted but it's hardly even a thing. I would seriously love to write a snarry one day but it intimidates me! I would want the time to be meticulous about it, which I don't have right now... but someday! Someday!
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shelobussy · 3 years
I wanna talk about my fandom experiences on this site.
I joined tumblr somewhere around 2013-2014. I’d have been around 14-15 years old at the time. I had already been reading fanfiction for five years (I was 10 when I started I think) and had cycled through The Lion King 2, Harry Potter, Thor and Doctor Who, before landing on How To Train Your Dragon. I was reading a fic on fanfiction.net that linked the author’s tumblr bio in the A/N and that’s how I discovered tumblr.
I didn’t get an account for almost a year, but I would log on every day to see what my favorite author posted. She was 25+ (I think), married, and trying for kids. I believe by the time I moved on from HTTYD, she did end up having them. I would log onto anon almost every day to leave her messages on how much I loved her writing.
I’m not going to name who she is--even though she’s moved on from tumblr--but she made a huge impact on my life and influenced how I view fandom. She received a ton of anon hate, but handled it graciously. People came at her over the fact she was older, wrote adult content, wanted kids, had a few miscarriages, etc and she still was the most gracious person I ever observed.
Through her interactions with mutuals and other fandom blogs, I discovered other HTTYD blogs (still not naming any names, as most of them are still active). By this time I had moved onto the MLB fandom, which was just starting to get it’s roots.
After an awkward interaction with an author on AO3, where I begged for an update on a fic I loved and the author (rightfully) exploded on me, I went to a well-known HTTYD blog (a person who is 25+ btw) that I liked and respected and--on anon--asked what I had done wrong.
This person was well within their right to tear me apart, but this person kindly explained my error. I went back to the author on AO3 and apologized profusely. Three years later, when I was writing fic of my own and experienced younger readers treating me as I treated the one author, I remembered how kind the one tumblr account was to me.
This fandom blog that corrected my error and compassionately explained why I was in the wrong, is also someone who has received a lot of anon hate over the years. They’ve always pushed themselves forward, kept their inbox open, and continued to interact with those on anon. I have so much respect for them because they’ve put up with so much shit here, and still continue to be an active part of their fandom.
In the Doctor Who fandom, I followed a tumblr blog who not only was 30+ and with children, but who was an actual author (like I’ve purchased her shit from Barnes and Noble). She humored all of my asks, was kind in every interaction (anon and otherwise), and introduced me to new fandoms that I’m still a part of.
None of these people are even in the age bracket of 40+, but they are what you younger fandom goers view as “old people.” Recently, in my inbox, I’ve received a lot of hate for 40+ Tumblr blogs. I’ve also been “accused” of lying about my age and being 40+ myself because I “defend them so adamantly.”
My defense is strong because I was treated with kindness and compassion by older fandom members. I value them because they are good people. You don’t stop being interested in x fandom just because you have kids or turn 25, 30, 40 or have a career.
And FYI, these fandoms that you hate-anons are a part of-- the ones that you shame 40+ year olds for being in--are created by people who are 40+. Your content isn’t created by teenagers.
We should value older members in our fandom. They are the ones who have paved the way for us. They are the one’s running AO3. They are the ones running ComicCon. They are the ones graciously continuing to create content (for free!!) for you younger members.
Sadly, most of you won’t understand, or agree with me, until you hit a certain age and realize that you’re still interested in x fandom and you have kids/a career/etc. You’re going to find yourself in a position where you regret who you were as a teenager/young adult and how you treated those around you.
I was fortunate enough to be in a space where I was allowed to grow beyond my shortcomings and broaden my perspective. I only hope the rest of you will be able to do the same.
I hear you when you talk about p*dos on this site. I have zero interactions with these people. I have never met a p*do here. That’s a topic I don’t like to touch with a ten-foot-pole as someone who’s been a victim of such things IRL. Which is also none of your business btw, but I feel like is worth noting.
If there are any 40+ (or any age but that's the one the anons are so set on) p*dos on this site, then I’m 100% behind you on the fact that they’re creepy and don’t belong here. Let’s please remember to not generalize every person above a certain age as a p*do, however.
We are a community that should strive to protect and uplift each other, but it’s not my responsibility to protect minors on this site, it’s a courtesy for me to tag my shit as sensitive content, and I will not fall victim to purity culture as many others have.
If you are a minor interacting with my blog, you are not my responsibility and I would prefer not to interact if possible. However, if you come in good faith, onto anon, and start an interaction with me, I will strive to be like the older members on tumblr who were kind to me.
Let’s please continue to value what older fandom members have done for us. <3
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livingincolorsagain · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖 
Thanks for the tag @bisamwilson 💖!!!
1. loving you is a losing game  rarry, 13.7k, T
Sick and tired of Hermione and Mrs Weasley's nagging, Harry and Ron agree to pretend to date. It's ridiculously simple, they live, work and go out together. Everyone believes it, and after a while, Harry starts to believe it too.
In which the lines get blurry, and Harry only realises what game they're playing after he's already lost.
this fic was me using about 99% of my brainpower and it’s probably still my favorite thing I’ve written. It was the first time I finally planned a fic before posting, which is something I always try to do now. I got to include almost all of my favorite tropes (fake-dating, sharing a bed, idiots in love, friends to lovers and more). So, yeah, this one is definitely my number one. 
2. In The Name of Love rarry, 35.7k, M
For years, they were together, through ups and downs, life and death, friendship and love. They would do anything for one another, lovingly and selflessly.
So, when Ron saw that Harry was losing hope to get the one thing he really wants, he'll do anything he could to give it to him.
Even if it could possibly kill him.
I’ve a complicated relationship with this fic. It has a special place in my heart because it took years to complete and I almost gave up at least twice but always came back (took a year long break twice). It was frustrating more often than not but, hey, I finished it in the end and didn’t give up writing altogether. A win-win. 
3. be together sambucky, 1.2k, G 
Sam’s heart dropped, his insides tied themselves up into a tight knot of nerves, a feeling akin to grief causing his hands to shake.
“What are you talking about?” Bucky asked, but given his tone, Sam reckoned he already knew.
“The stone is down there,” Sam meant to ask, but it came out as a statement. A fact, horrible in its realness. Or, What if... Sam and Bucky survived the Snap?
My first sambucky fic! Writing for a new fandom is frustrating and intimidating and the fact that this is hurt/no comfort (spoiler alert, someone dies) didn’t make it any easier, but one day I got the idea and it wouldn’t go away, but I’m proud of it and glad I did because now I can’t stop writing for sambucky. 
4. but baby i'm a fool for you sambucky, 3.1k, T
After several attempts at getting back in the dating game, Bucky bit the bullet and asked Sam for dating advice. Chaos ensues.
(Or, Bucky and Sam are dating, and they're the last to find out about it.)
as I mentioned before, I LOVE friends to lovers/idiots in love, so writing this was so much fun. I just love the idea of sambucky dating and not even realising it. 
5. Love is Stored in the Dumb Jokes sambucky, 2.2k, T (available as a podfic) 
The first time Bucky heard it, he wasn’t even supposed to be listening.
Or, Four times it was a joke, and the one time it wasn't. 
there was a post floating around that I saw and thought would make a good crack fic, but I’m terrible at crack fics so instead this happened. It still has all the crack elements, I guess. It was fun, a little bit funny, sambucky are being dorks and I love them for it and what makes it so special is that someone read my crack-ish fic and loved it enough to make a podfic. still crying about that btw. 
tagging @cescalr  @elwenyere @writerkenna @the-biggest-sambucky-shipper  @acnelli
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sitp-recs · 3 years
hi! love your blog btw! also i was wondering if you know any fics where harry rejects draco’s feelings but draco is still determined to love him or smth like that 🥺
Hi anon! Absolutely, I can’t recommend these fics enough - except for #2 they all have happy endings :)
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (2019, E, 5.2k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Closure is a state of mind by @quicksilvermaid (2020, E, 12k) - Harry/Charlie
After Harry's husband Charlie is killed, his Mind Healer recommends a Polyjuice therapy company, so Harry can see 'Charlie' again and find closure over his death.
Ship of Theseus by GallaPlacidia (2020, T, 18k)
When Harry gets amnesia and forgets he and Draco were ever married, he refuses treatment to remember.
In His Nature by create_serenity (2015, M, 20k)
Harry agreed to have sex with Draco once a month in order to keep him alive, what he didn’t agree to was Draco popping up all over the place and disrupting his life in more ways than one.
you've got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass (2018, M, 20k)
When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
Blueprints for a Dream by Frayach (2013, E, 24k)
Harry breaks Draco’s heart, but that doesn’t mean Draco’s going to let him go without a fight.
Tuxedo Angel by tryslora (2013, E, 25k)
Harry and Neville are looking for the infamous Dragon Lily, a Dark witch active throughout Europe and Asia. Instead, they find the Tuxedo Angel, a beautiful witch performing in Rome.
Your Place or Mine? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (2016, E, 26k)
“This person is so much harder to hate. And I’m supposed to hate Malfoy. How the fuck else am I supposed to limit this to just sex?"
Glory Be by Lomonaaeren (2013, E, 32k)
Draco—Draco Malfoy, skilled assassin, powerful and wealthy Veela, former Death Eater—has always known what to do, where to go, who to kill. And then Harry Potter came along.
The Bucket List by GallaPlacidia (2020, NR, 32k)
Draco will die in six months if he can't get Harry Potter to fall in love with him. Since that's not going to happen, he might as well spend his last days working through his Bucket List.
The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways by @veelawings (2020, E, 32k)
Draco solves crimes that don’t technically belong to him and Harry tries not to fall in love. Co-Starring: Hermione, High Heels, and Hiccups along the way. #dat 1920s lyfe
All Roads by korlaena, Saulaie (2019, M, 36k)
Draco hates his job at the Prophet. He hates it even more when he’s assigned to write an article on Harry Potter, who left the country three years ago after their falling out.
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption by @aibidil (2018, E, 43k)
A fuck-or-die fairytale in which Draco Malfoy lives a despicable and unapologetic life — that is, until he's cursed to die unless he can fall in love with and fuck Harry Potter.
Of Fates Entwined: A Story of Love Lost and Found by taradiane (2014, E, 51k)
Harry Potter vanished without a trace from his home on a warm summer morning in June 2004. This is the story of how a random visit in a cafe on the other side of the world, six years later, proved that the ties which entwine our fates together can never be broken.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by @letteredlettered (2012, E, 54k)
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
Harry Potter Gives a Shit by talithan (2013, E, 58k)
“Where are you headed?” “No place special,” Draco fumbled, and flushed further. But then: “I can change that,” said Harry Potter.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (2018, E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Turning Leaves by Kbrick (2021, E, 112k) - haven’t read this one, but it fits perfectly!
Draco and Harry have a one-night stand that ends in disaster after Harry tells Draco he's unable to move beyond their poisonous past. So when Draco finds an unusual Time-Turner in the Department of Mysteries, he seizes the opportunity to start fresh with Harry.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (2016, E, 113k)
Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
Grounds for Divorce by @tepre (2019, E, 122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter. A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
By the Grace by @letteredlettered (2020, T, 139k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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ununquadius · 3 years
Summary: What’s big, sunny, and in the countryside?
Harry has to guess it. Wordcount: 700 Tags: texting fic, domestic drarry
For @textrovert-01 for encouraging me to write it, even if it wasn’t your intention❤️ Thanks to mosroel for the beta❤️
You can read it on AO3
Today 10:35 AM
Hey, you there?
did something happen?
I found it
You found what?
Today 10:40 AM
What did you find!?
Something you lost? My old snitch? The T-shirt you said you’ve lost but know for a fact you threw in the trash because you hated it?
It was orange
I love orange
I do
Anyway, that’s not the point! Guess what I found!
I honestly have no idea of what it could be
You’re not fun at all
I’m pouting, by the way
You pouting isn’t going to make me guess what the hell you found
And btw I’m in a meeting, I shouldn’t be texting you right now
Oh, but you are!
Do you want to sext? I’d love to see you trying to keep a straight face there in front of McGonagall while I tell you what I want to do to you
OMG NO! Shut up!
I’m not answering you anymore if you do that
I want to touch your pine
My pine? You want to touch my pine?
So hot! I’ve always liked people touching my pine
Are you going to be a dramatic git now over one word?
NO! I’m just jealous you let people touch your pine, but you make fun of me when I say it
One hint! It’s big!
Oh, we’re back at the guessing game
A dog?
No. We already have a wonderful and perfect dog
A fridge?
A fridge? That’s what you think makes me so excited? A fridge? Merlin, Potter. I’m not at that stage of adulthood yet
You spent TWO HOURS yesterday talking about supermarkets
Easy there, supermarket’s expert
McG is looking funny at me. I think she suspects something
Say hi to Minerva for me when she rips your limbs apart❤️
Today 11:05 AM
Did she kill you?
No, I’m still alive, but I had to hide the phone
I can text now, or talk if you want
Can’t. I’m at St Mungo’s. Baby guard, must be silent shhhh
How’s Scorpius?
You’re so cute when you talk about him
I know
It’s sunny
A beach?
Yes, Potter, I found a beach in ENGLAND that is sunny
Summer and climate change are things
It’s November, and it’s fucking freezing
Woah! Are you supposed to speak like that in the baby guard??
They can’t read
Okay, you’re thicker than I thought. Third hint: it’s in the countryside
Big, sunny, and countryside? A farm? But I don’t know why you of all people would be excited about a farm
Because I’m not. I don’t want to get dirty with pigs and cows and mud
You know what? I think you’re rubbish at giving hints
Wait, no
I KNOW you’re rubbish at it
Sure, love. Anyone could have guessed that small, weird, and disgusting were describing a pear
Exactly. And don’t you forget that
Today 11:25 AM
A field
A tree
A cow
A house
Sorry, I was saying goodbye to my perfect son
A cow??? A cow???
Since when are cows sunny??
So it isn’t a cow
I’ve always wanted one
You’re scared of them
We agreed on not talking about that again!!!
You agreed on that. I took pictures of your scared arse running away from that little cow
It wasn’t little
It was tiny
That one had been alive for like 3 hours
And it was huge
You guessed it, by the way
What?? Which one was it??
A house???
You found us a house????
A big, sunny,  in the countryside house!
OMG, DRACO! Why didn’t you say so before??
I’m crying!
I’m so excited that I’m crying!
Don’t you want to see it first?
I trust you. I know it’s perfect
And it’ll be ours
Yes! Ours to spend the rest of our life in!
I love you
Don’t be such a sap❤️
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Hi! Today I saw a newborn baby and it got me thinking so maybe a Ron and hermione’s POV of them watching Harry and Ginny interact with newborn James Sirius, like maybe a dinner at the burrow and James being a month old or something like that , if you don’t want to though it’s fine! Don’t worry, las ve your fics btw
thank you anon, really, I had a shitty day, and writing about James Sirius being pampered by his parents, made me smile again <3 
i hope you liked it :)
Harry looked happy, very happy, Ron thought. He thought he never saw him as happy as Harry seemed when he held little James in his arms, sleeping peacefully after being fed by Ginny, his small hands clinging to his father's shirt.
He looked tired too, very tired, and Ginny looked even more so, they both had dark circles under their eyes, messy hair like someone who hasn't taken a real shower in a few days, and wrinkled clothes. They looked exhausted.
But still, when Ginny passed James Sirius to Harry to lull and put him to sleep, he looked radiant.
James had been born less than a month ago, Ron and Hermione had taken turns to help the two manage the house, make food, and still take care of a baby, so they always stopped by twice a week, checking to see if friends didn't need anything. Also, to see their godson, who Ron thought was the cutest and most beautiful baby he had ever seen.
The boy had fluffy, pink cheeks, a tuft of brown hair that looked like a beautiful mix between Ginny and Harry's hair - but it was still quite dark and messy, and Molly said the boy would look like Harry when he grew up - and the most adorable hands and feet that Ron ever thought he saw. Chubby and cute, that smelled like a baby and made him embarrassingly in love, making him kiss the soles of his feet, or ''hide'' behind his little hands, just to make James let out that giggle that was also the most adorable thing.
And when Ron looked at Harry cradling James, he thought his friend felt everything he felt, but elevated to the tenth power.
The guy looked ridiculously in love with James, a twinkle in his eye that Ron had never seen Harry have, even when he married Ginny. It was different, a completely different joy that everyone seemed to notice when they went to visit the two.
Ginny also looked very happy, of course, but Ron was a little swayed by Harry's happiness.
Molly had said it was as if James was able to turn a key on Harry that would trigger a side of him that no one had ever seen. As if that little baby, less than a month old, was able to finally make Harry look like the 25-year-old man he was, and not that frowning man who always seemed to be waiting for the worst to happen. Harry even started crying and showing feelings in front of everyone, without even looking embarrassed.
He looked almost stupid, crying like an idiot after James was born, showing his son on his lap through the nursery glass. Everyone was there, watching Harry smile like a fool and wipe away the tears that never seemed to end, waiting to pick up his son again.
'How are you doing?' He asked, after storing the food he had brought in the fridge and cupboards, organizing the kitchen and living room a little, going back to their room soon after, finding Harry still cradling James and Ginny in a different outfit from the pajamas from before. A tired smile on her face.
'Good, thanks for helping us.' She hugged him. Ginny had also become much more loving, she was always giving hugs and saying 'I love you' to the brothers when they left. 'James has been sleeping more now, still with us, but it’s too cold and he is never covered at night and would probably freeze if he slept alone.'
‘Still waking up every hour?’ Ron accompanied her out of the room as Harry prepared to place his son in his crib.
'He's been taking a break, waking up every three hours.' Ginny laughed, sounding exhausted, but still looking happy. 'Yesterday was the first night that he woke up only twice, which I am very grateful for.'
'Mione and I can take care of him in the afternoon for you and Harry to sleep.' Ron offered, again.
‘You don’t really need to, we’re holding up well.’ And again, Ginny denied, sitting on the island stool and eating the chicken salad that Ron had brought her. ‘Thank you, again, for helping us.’
'I thought you would like to eat real food.' He smiled. 'Harry told me that you don't even have time to cook.'
'Yes, James likes attention.' Harry walked into the kitchen, his old shirt wrinkled and his son's cloth over his shoulder, sitting next to Ginny and attacking his chicken salad, looking almost as hungry as Ginny. ‘I left some ready-made frozen foods, but I’m still trying to understand how the microwave works.’
'You should just apply a heat spell to food,' Ron debated, pouring juice for both of them. 'Mione sent to ask if you need an ... uh... ointment for your breasts. She said that because of the winter, your skin may be very dry.' He tried not to blush, but Ginny didn't even seem to mind the question, denying it and filling her mouth with salad.
'Harry bought it for me, but tell her that I appreciate the concern.'
'How are things at the office?' Harry asked, looking genuinely curious. Ron wondered if, one day, he would quit work to stay home with his kids, or being active was something Harry needed to feel useful. While he seemed happy to have won that time to be with his son, he also seemed happy that Ron was there to talk about what was going on at work.
'Boring as always.' Ron shrugged, laughing with Harry. 'Robards are in a very bad mood without you there, I think he is a little lost. And Joe finally called that guy from the Department of Transportation.’
'Oooh! Finally! Nobody put up with that sexual tension that surrounded them whenever he came to our office.’ Ron agreed. 'I think that maybe I should come back next week, just part time.'
'I miss you there, it's kind of lonely without having my mate to pretend I'm working when we're actually doing anything but that.' The two laughed, but again, Ron saw that look on Harry's face where he seemed torn between go back to work or stay with his child at home. ‘When do you start training again?’
'Only two months from now.' Ginny sighed. 'Gwenog said she can't take me back until at least three months of recovery.' She smiled, looking a little sad. ‘But doesn’t it look too soon? James will only be three months old and he won't have his parents around… We are still deciding how we will do it.' Harry nodded, his mouth full of juice.
'You will know what to do,' Ron said, smiling at both of them. 'You two look happy, even with sleep deprivation.'
'James brought a life to the house, even Teddy felt it, he came here over the weekend and he looked a lot happier, even when Harry said they couldn't fly.' Ginny smiled.
A few years later, when Ron held Rose for the first time as well and also cried like a fool, he would understand what Ginny was trying to say. For now, he just thought it was adorable as his sister and his best friend looked happy.
The war was over a few years ago, Ron thought that if there was anyone who deserved to be happy, it was Harry. And it was even better that it made Ginny happy too.
'Let me know if you need help, or a moment alone.' Ron raised his eyebrows maliciously, smiling at the two who laughed and looked at each other, seeming to be talking silently.
'Thank you mate, but I think the thing I most want to do in bed now, is to sleep.' 
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losthelove · 2 years
WIP Challenge
Thanks for tagging me @de-sire-blog​ - since I’ve got nothing better to do with my time there you go, babes ♥️
WIP Challenge 😁❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤😁🤩🤩 Rules: tell us the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them. Then tag five other writers.
I just want to preface this by saying that I’ve got about 10 WIPs (yes, I am that much of a mess) but I’ll only list the ones I’ll actually see myself finishing one day ✌🏼
“About trains, babies, and handsome strangers”: Remus travels home from two stressful weeks at his parent’s home and Sirius has to come home early from his vacation because Lily’s in labour. They are the only two people in their train compartment and when the train gets stuck due to bad weather they end up keeping each other awake through the night (and fall in love, obviously). - Idk, something about me romanticising long train rides maybe? But I also kinda love it because it’s love on first sight shit and they’ve got a *really* cute bonding moment when Harry’s born. (It’s actually planned as more of a one shot but I’ve got too many ideas for this already so we’ll see)
“Farm story” - this story has no title yet but a summary actually: Remus has no time. Remus has no time for anything but the farm he inherited when both of his parents died five years ago. He has no time to do the groceries, he has no time to go out with friends, he has no time to sleep in in the mornings. Worst of all, he has no time for Sirius Black, the over-ambitious accountant who‘s supposed to help him with the finances of the farm, who‘s the most gorgeous man Remus has ever seen, whose eyes are so distracting Remus gets lost in them. But Remus has no time. No time to fall in love. - Something about the idea of Remus owning a farm and lots of animals and being all soft just does things to me! Also, Sirius is enamoured from minute one and Remus is completely oblivious to it.
"The beginning of summer": Meet-cute in a museum, Remus is a teacher and Sirius is a museum attendant. They both do ridiculously stupid things to see each other again while both claiming that they "don't actually believe in love". - Needless to say they're both huge liars :))) Probably the most "poetic" story I have planned because *lots* of talking about flowers and the meaning of life (that's why I never actually write anything for this story, welp)
"Parenty story" - no title but a summary (again :D): When Remus meets Sirius for the first time he’s sure that falling in love again might just be easier than he thought it would be. The only problem: Sirius is Teddy’s teacher and there is no way Remus can date his child’s teacher, except, Teddy doesn’t really agree. - Okay, this is the story that I probably enjoy the most writing on because it involves a lot of humour and many, many fatherly thought's from Remus's side (Dora's dead btw but Remus is not sad about it (anymore), lol), I love the father-child-relationship in this one (something about the childhood I wish I would've had, whaaaat? :)))) It includes a lot of pining because Remus himself is his biggest obstacle, as always :D (Oh, also #gayauntmarlene because she is my biggest inspiration 💅🏼)
"The seven-year itch" - okay, this is my baby actually and that's why I almost never write anything for it because I don't want to fuck it up (although I basically have the whole story mapped out) and here's what it's about (very roughly) because I'm shit at describing this particular one: Basically, Sirius and Remus fell hopelessely in love in boarding school. Through *circumstances* they haven't seen each other again after graduating and meet again 7 years later when Remus and Dora want to have their wedding in Sirius's hotel. Needless to say they're both still absolutely in love with each other. - The Drama and The Feels in this one, unmatched! I mean, Sirius has to plan the literal wedding of the love of his life, which is mean, I know, but, again, the FEELS!! This Fic is soulmate shit and one day I will actually finish it and it will (hopefully) be great :D Also, it's slightly self-indulgent because I love weddings just that much and there's a lot of wedding-planning involved 🔥
"Midnight tea" - okay, haha, last one, this one's a TextingFic and honestly it was a rather dumb idea of mine that turned into this bigger (although not very deep) thing, yeah, it's the story I'm writing on whenever I can't form a coherent thought (or when I'm too lazy writing all the descriptive stuff because I *love* writing dialogue) and here's the summary: Remus has a boyfriend. Sirius says he's straight. James is a big himbo. Lily doesn't like him. Marlene likes women, especially Dorcas. Peter is being Peter. What could possibly go wrong? - This Fic is such a mess because I have so many random ideas for it.
Anyway, that's it! None of those stories are originial and they all have the same theme which is #boysbeingsoft, also, fun fact: Lily has healthy amounts of main character moments in *all* of those Fics because I love her just that much💅🏼
I don't know 5 other writers actually, so, everyone reading this, consider yourself tagged :D
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