#i actually own the rights to all these aus so nobody can use them without my pERMISSION /j /lh
mccall-me-maurice · 8 months
I challenge you to do inventory on all your LoTF AU's.
Like, just the au titles in a list. I wanna see how many you got.
foxhole court au
canon au
post-canon au
canon divergent au (canon never happened and i’m delulu)
angel and devil au
superstar au
elemental/superhuman au <- this au has a tag. it’s macksstories :)
greek god au
immortal au
ever after high au
monster high au
virtual reality au
ralph has cystic fibrosis and he’s dying au
genderbent au
dating game au (but everyone dies it’s okay it’s like omori)
clue au
actor au
hogwarts/magic au (mostly based on w101
pirate au
DAD AU???? um lord of the dads
flowerbeds and fishing lines au (sam is a forest wizard and maurice is a fisherman’s son and they fall in love basically)
librarian x supermodel au (it’s basically a hallmark movie)
tattoo artist x flowershop owner au (rogermon based WHOMP)
barista au
FURRY AU? idk i turned them into dogs and cats
royalty au
i have more i know i do but this is all i can think of at the moment so YUP……
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seenoversundown · 4 months
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Jake x Fem OC (AU)
Warnings: 18+ Smut (Minors DNI) Soft Dom (M) edging, teasing (flirting way not bullying) Hand kink, Oral (M receiving) , Penetrative sex, Cursing, Fingering (F receiving), Cute fluff and silly jokes at odd times.
Word Count: 4.2k
Author’s Note: I love these two so much 😭 Once I had the thought for them, I had to write it 🩷
Siren (noun) 1. any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing
Charlotte POV 
Opening the doors to the bar, I take a quick scan to see who else is working. Seeing that my favorite spot at the bar was open, I swiftly made my way over to claim it as mine once again. Where is he?  Nobody is behind the bar at the moment, but I can hear movement out back. 
“Helloooo, my dear!” Josh’s voice rings down the hall. 
“Oh, hi Josh, how are you?” 
“Great now that you’re here,” he starts, which seems charming to most. Still, I know what that means, “I should be off momentarily. Well, as soon as my wonderful brother finally shows up,” he says with a complacent smile plastered on his face. 
“What are you and Quinn doing for the evening?” I ask. 
“I let Quinn decide because I got my gift this morning,” he tells me, followed by a wink. 
Oh my god, Joshua, what the hell. 
I slowly blink at him before I respond, “That’s great, Josh. I’m so happy for you.” If I didn’t have my makeup done right now, I would be rubbing my eyes until I saw stars. I never needed that image in my head. 
The door chimes ring, causing us both to look over. Mmm, there he is. Jacob saunters over to me; his eyes always seem to find me when he enters a room. In his usual button-up, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, only the bottom half of the buttons were actually done. I love the way he’s so comfortable having his chest exposed, and maybe it’s selfish because I daydream about curling up with him every night. 
“Hi,” his tiny, raspy voice mumbles. His hand gently cups my jaw as he places a sweet kiss on my lips, followed by a few little pecks. 
“Hi,” I manage to squeeze out in between kisses, “I missed you,” I can feel his smile through the kiss. I’ll never get over that, before pulling back and running his hand down the back of my head. 
“I always miss you, honey,” he says, rounding the corner behind the bar. “Did you not order anything yet?” 
I simply shake my head ‘No.’ 
“I was waiting for you to make it.” Resting my chin into my hand, I watch his eyes light up. His hand gesturing for me to wait a minute, he quickly puts a drink together for me. 
“A Boulevardier for you, m’lady,” the English accent he loves coming through. 
“What’s the occasion?” I ask, my eyebrow-raising out of skepticism. 
He shrugs as he backs away to take care of other customers who just sat down.  Knowing him, he probably feels terrible that he has to work today. I can’t really say much, I have been working all week, and this is quite honestly the earliest I’ve been off.  
I will gladly sit here all night, though. I may have a little surprise of my own... Even though Valentine’s Day is overrated? Hush, I know it’s silly, but a girl can have fun sometimes, okay?  Ever since I met Jacob, he’s been an easy target. That sounds mean.. I just mean he’s  still a man. Sometimes, I take advantage of that, and honestly, it benefits us both. 
Watching him work is practically a hobby of mine at this point, anyway. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of it, his hands, his hands, his hands. The way he has gotten so confident in making drinks and talking to customers, it’s been like night and day since I first came in. He can quickly pour drinks without having to measure, and seeing him shaking drinks is… I’m better than no woman, alright? He’s so fine, and watching his arm muscles flex. GOD.  This may be a more potent drink than usual. 
“I’m sorry, this is how we have to spend Valentine’s together,” he finally admits. And the truth comes out, about time, Jacob. 
“No, it’s okay, really.” 
“No, no, I’ll make it up to you,” he says softly, reaching over to grab one of my hands, “I promise,” finishing with a little wink as he runs his thumb over the back of my hand. He promises? 
“And how are you going to do that?” I can’t help but ask. I have been spending too much time around Josh, and now, I’m way too nosy for my own good. 
“I have some ideas,” he says quietly, “I think you’ll enjoy them.”
“I guess we’ll see,” I tell him, the smile pulling at the corners of my mouth. How is he real?  
“Did you make my drink stronger tonight, or is it just made with extra love?” I ask, knowing it’s a bit cheesy, but Jacob is a sucker for romantic things. 
“You think I’m just trying to get you drunk?” He cocks an eyebrow, “Because you may be onto my plan.” Slapping my hand over my mouth, I can’t stop the giggle from escaping. 
He leans over the bar slightly, gesturing for me to come closer. I stand on the little footrest bar of the barstool, leaning over the bar to meet him in the middle. 
“Can’t wait to hear you yelling that later,” he whispers quickly before turning to press a kiss on my cheek. JACOB– Two can play this game. 
My jaw going slack; I don’t even know what to say to him. My lack of response to him elicits the most beautiful smile from him. Nothing makes my heart swell more than seeing that boy smile. I watch as he turns, hearing his name called from the other end of the bar.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The bar gets more crowded now that the night has gone on; every seat at the bar is filled. I’ve had the pleasure of not having to ask for refills but receiving them, along with a few saucy glances from the most delicious bartender I’ve met. 
I tap on my phone to scroll through any notifications when the idea hits me. I click on my messages, seeing his cute little face pinned to the top. 
Me: Maybe I am sad that we’re here on Valentine's Day.. 🥺
I hit send and then wait for him to look at his phone. Please, please, please. He slides it out of his back pocket  and unlocks it. Glancing over to me, giving me a little frown before quickly typing away. 
Jacob ❤️:  i’m sorry honey, just a little longer then I’m all yours. 
‘I’m all yours’ making my heart flutter. Jacob is the most wonderful person I’ve ever encountered, and somehow, he’s mine. 
I need to pee. I wave him down and point to the bathrooms, knowing he’ll ensure nobody takes my seat. I scroll through my emails as I walk down the hall into the bathroom, managing to catch one of them as someone is coming out. I glance at myself in the mirror as I walk in, and suddenly the lightbulb goes off. Mmmm yes. 
I look in the mirror, fix my hair, and check to make sure my lipstick isn’t all over the place. I open the camera on my phone, facing the mirror, and pull up one side of my sweater dress. Revealing the black lace garter snug against my thigh, knowing it would drive him crazy. Taking the picture, a slight pout on my face; he best think I’m hot. Tugging my dress back down into place and locking my phone, I head back to the bar. 
Sliding into my seat, he’s already clocked me being back. It’s cute how fast he’ll catch me. Noticing that my drink is full and fresh, I go to take a sip of it, but as I lift the glass, I see there’s writing on the napkin. 
‘You look beautiful, I can’t wait to get you home’ is scribbled across the top. I feel the heat rush into my cheeks about as quickly as my thighs tighten while I read it. 11:15 p.m. stares back at me, thank god the bar is closing early tonight I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I click on his messages again, choosing the picture I just took and hitting send. 
This is my favorite part. I sip on my drink for a few minutes before he finally reaches for his phone. Leaning against the back counter, I see him tap on his messages. Oops, is all that runs through my mind as I watch his entire face turn red. Looking up at the ceiling for a second and then back at his phone, zooming in and pulling his phone closer to his face to see my little present better. 
Jacob ❤️: holy shit 
Jacob ❤️: FOR ME?
Jacob ❤️: i need to thank everything and anything in the sky for letting you be mine. But really, youre so hot??? I’m so lucky? 
I love when he’s flustered. Who am I? I love him always. Flustered is just a cute bonus. 
Me: only 30 more minutes baby 🤭
The way he drops his head back when he’s struggling makes me giggle. The next thirty minutes need to fly by, or I think one of us may explode.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The moment the last customer walks out of the bar, Jake is right behind them to lock the doors. Shutting all the lights off in the front in one go before coming over to me. 
“You ready to go?” practically falls out of his mouth. I look around, you’re not clocked in right now, and look back at him.
“Don’t you need to clean?” 
“It can wait,” he says, pulling me closer to him, “You’re more important.” 
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I press my body against his. 
“Baaaaby,” I coo into the crook of his neck. Feeling his hands run down my back and landing on my waist, he gently squeezes. He lets out a small ‘mmm’ that radiates through his chest.
“Let’s get you home, yeah?” he says, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. 
I grab my bag from the barstool, and Jacob already has my hand in his, pulling me down the hall. 
Walking into the apartment, it’s dark, and no signs of life. 
“Josh?” Jake says, flipping on the lights in the kitchen, “Bub, are you home?” He walks over, gently cracking Josh’s bedroom door to see that it’s empty. Thank god. 
“He must be at Quinn’s,” I whisper, “He said something about  he let them choose tonight’s activities because he already got his gift.” 
I giggle as Jake shudders, “Hun, you don’t have to tell me everything he says to you.” 
“I had to hear it, so you also have to,” I giggle as he comes closer. “Plus, he’s YOUR brother, so.. it’s only fair.”
“I’ll let it slide this time,” he says, glancing down at my lips before making eye contact, “but only because I’m very interested in this surprise you have for me.”  
Grabbing his shirt and pulling him close, I take a second to admire him. I lean in, placing the tiniest kiss on the tip of his nose. Then, moving down to kiss the corners of his lips, oh, his lips. Seeing the little smirk creep up as I linger over his mouth, I love to tease him and see how long I can stay just a whisper above before he breaks. Tonight didn’t take long before he leaned into the kiss, feeling his soft lips press against my bottom one. Sliding my hands up, holding the nape of his neck as he gently nips at me.
His hands glide from my waist down to my thighs, grabbing behind my knees to pick me up. Instinctively, wrapping my legs around his waist. 
“Let’s go, Captain,” I whisper into his ear, eliciting the most delicious groan from him. He picked up his pace to the bedroom as I pressed a kiss just under his ear, letting lip prints trail down his neck. 
 Pushing the door open with his foot, he spins us around so he can sit on the edge of the bed with me on his lap. Sliding my dress up my thighs, revealing that black lace I’ve been taunting him with. 
“You really do love me huh?” He says, pulling back to look at me, his teeth on full display. I only reply with a quiet ‘mhm’ as I bring my hands back down to his chest, unable to keep eye contact when his mouth looks like that. 
Pushing his chest gently so he’ll lay back on his bed, I hover over him just for a second before he pulls me in for a kiss. This one was more desperate, practically whimpering into my mouth. Fuck me. His hands find the bottom hem of my dress, sliding it up and over my ass, the cool air drawing goosebumps to my skin. He grabs a handful while the other hand slides up to cradle my back. 
Swiftly flipping us over, he hovered over me with a devious grin on his face. He props himself up onto a knee, looking down to see the bottom of my lingerie on display. 
“Fuck me,” he mutters, sliding my dress higher as I arch my back to help him. 
“I’ve been trying,” I quip back, leaning up on my elbows. The look on his face is priceless, his jaw slacked and eyes hooded. I pull my dress over my head carefully and run my hands through my hair quickly. 
“You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?” 
YES. I nod rapidly, reaching my hands out for the bottom of his shirt, lifting it just enough that I can barely see the small trail of fine hair. His hands find mine, gently pinning them above me.
“Mm mm,” he murmurs into my ear, sending a chill through my body, “You need to tell me what you want from me, hun.”
What.  “I uhh—“ I hesitate, distracted by how I can see down his shirt, watching his stomach muscles tense slightly. 
He’s staring at me with that one eyebrow cocked and a little smug smirk, holding both of my hands with one of his.
“Use your words, tell me,” his hand finds a place on the nape of my neck, as his thumb runs across my cheekbone, “I know you’re thinking it; just say it.” His voice switched to a whisper, causing goosebumps to creep in rapidly. 
Touch me, please. For the love of GOD, Jacob. 
“I need you,” I finally squeak out. 
He laughs softly to himself, “Do you want me to..” his voice trailing off as his hand slides down to my chest, gently resting on my sternum. Without having to do anything, I can feel my nipples start to harden; I swear his eyes light up at the sight. Quickly palming one of my breasts, he dances his index finger around me, and I’m already squirming. A small moan slips out, getting his attention. 
“Is this what you wanted?”
“Please, Jacob,” I softly whine, his hand wandering to my other breast. 
The smile on his face is taunting me. He knows exactly where I want him. If he weren’t sitting between my legs, oh god, my legs would be tightly together.
“Touch me,” laced with a moan, falls from my lips, “Please, Jake.” 
Letting go of my hands, he finds both of his sliding down my waist and holding onto my thighs, gently squeezing them. Fuck. Slowly moving them up, barely touching the lace fabric, my hips shift, trying to find relief. 
“Oh,” he says lowly, “This is what you want?” He ever so lightly drags a single finger down my lace-covered middle; I can’t stop the breathy moan coming from me. 
“More baby,” comes out whinier than expected, “please please please more.” 
“How could I ever say no to you?” His soft voice, wrapped in the most sultry tone, already has me in a chokehold when he dips his hand under the lace fabric. His fingers quickly find the perfect spot, making small circles on my touch-starved bud. The sounds pouring out of my mouth at this point are absurd. 
He slides his other hand up my thigh, his index finger gently dipping into me, not far but enough to elicit a small gasp from me. The way this man can have me drenched at the lightest touch is insane. 
I watch as he pulls his hand up, placing that same index finger into his mouth and slowly pulling it back out. FUCK he’s hot.
“My sweet girl,” he says, reaching up to caress my cheek for a moment before he taps my bottom lip, “let me—“ My mouth couldn’t open fast enough, he slides his middle and ring finger in and without hesitation I’m already swirling my tongue around them, hearing him moan quietly at the feeling. 
He pulls his hand slowly back but swiftly, finding my entrance and pushing them in. 
“Shit,” I mumble. 
Finding the right spot, he continues pressing into it, making that knot in my stomach tighter. 
“Come on, honey,” his voice makes everything even more overwhelming. “Need to hear how good you feel.” 
That pushes me over the edge, my back arching as I’m overcome with pleasure. A slew of ‘oh my god’s and ‘Jacob’ loudly escape my body. He slows down but still applies pressure as I come down. 
I reach my arms out to him, pulling him down on top of me, wrapping all my limbs around him. Turning my face into the crook of his neck, pressing little kisses all over him. 
“Feel good?” he mumbles into me. 
“Mhmm,” I hum against his warm skin, “It’s your turn,” Feeling his chest vibrate with a laugh, I hold him tighter against me. 
As he starts to sit up, I let go, missing his warmth already. We switch places; he’s sat up against the headboard. I immediately crawl up in between his legs, wasting no time as I unbutton the rest of his shirt, pushing it out of the way. Kissing my way down from his jaw to his collarbones, finding that slight dip in the middle of his chest. His hands make their way into my hair, brushing it away from my face as I press my lips into his soft skin just above his hips. 
Unbuttoning his pants alone makes him groan; his dick pressed tightly under the waistband, poor thing. Pushing them down with his boxers, my mouth is watering at the sight alone. Lightly tracing my finger up his length before fully wrapping my hand around him, carefully stroking him before wrapping my lips around him, and letting my tongue dance around him. Slowly taking more of him into my mouth, I glance up through my lashes to see his head tilted back against the headboard. Peering down at me, his mouth is barely open, but enough that his moans ring through my ears. I move up slowly and back down, going further so he’ll keep making those beautiful noises. As my nose just touches his stomach, I moan a little, causing his hands to tighten their grip on my hair. 
I come up, still working him with my hand as I line myself up with him. He slides the lace over as I lower myself onto him, his hands finding their place on my hips as I adjust to the feeling. 
“You feel so good,” he mumbles out, clearly focusing hard as his eyes shut softly. I roll my hips forward as he hits that spot again; oh god. Lifting my hips and dropping back down carefully, everything feels good. 
“Oh,” I let out, as he starts thrusting his hips up into me, slowly at first but building up speed. 
“Oh my god, baby,” I can’t hold back the moans anymore as he’s hitting the right spots, “Holy shit.” 
“Stand up for me,” he says as he slows his hips down. 
My legs shake as I lift myself off of him, stepping off the bed as he quickly follows behind. His hands snake around me, pressing his chest against my back, peppering kisses down my neck onto my shoulder. 
“I’ve been thinking about bending you over all night,” he tells me softly, “can you do that for me, beautiful?” I don’t answer him, turning and pressing a kiss against his cheekbone and then leaning down and stretching my arms out. 
His hands graze my ass as he steps closer; I can’t help but wiggle myself against him, teasing him until his palm swats at me with a small clap. 
“Mmm, have I been bad, Captain?” I turn my head to see him from the corner of my eye, trying not to giggle at how ridiculous that sounds. 
His head falls backward as he lets out a belly laugh. He leans over me and presses a kiss in between my shoulder blades.
“Soooo bad,” he says with a wink. 
He lines himself up with me, gently pushing himself in, and god is it good. Feeling his hipbones pressed against me before he starts pumping himself into me. This angle is probably my favorite, feeling so full from him and it’s hitting all the right places. 
“Harder, baby,” comes out a bit louder than before, with a loud moan right behind it. His hand sneaks around me, going back to its rightful place in between my legs and adding some friction to my throbbing clit. The sensation of his hand mixed with the feeling of him behind me. I swear I’m in heaven. 
“Don’t hold back, honey,” he tells me. “Told you I wanted to hear you scream my name tonight, let it out.” 
‘Oh my god,’ slips out as the tension builds again. I’m so close.
“Need to feel you come for me.”
His voice, mixed with his hand and his hips digging into my ass, sent me over the edge. I can’t refrain from the loud ‘Jacob’ that comes out of me as my orgasm tingles through my body. His hips slow a bit as he rubs my sides, waiting for me to come back to earth.
“God, you’re so hot,” he whispers, making us both giggle for a second. “This isn't gonna last much longer, hun.”
I reach back and tap his leg so he’ll step back, pulling out slowly. I push myself up from the bed, turning to face him and sinking to my knees. Wrapping my hand around him and pumping a few times before I lick a stripe up the length of him. Letting him slide into my mouth, I tap on his hip twice, and he starts to thrust gently. He carefully gathers all my hair, wrapping his around his hand and holding the back of my head. 
“I’m gonna-” he starts, and before he can finish, I bob my head so he goes deeper. The delicious moan he lets out fills my ears before I feel his release. His head falls back as he rides out his high. I swallow as he pulls back, letting my hands glide up his stomach, enjoying the bliss on his face before he opens his eyes. 
His hands grab mine and pull me up to my feet. Quickly grabbing the sides of my face, giving my lips a quick glance before smiling into me. His soft lips pressed into mine, taking turns trying not to smile, giggling at each other as he peppered my face with tiny pecks. 
My legs are tired as I walk into the living room and find Jacob sitting on the couch watching whatever Hallmark movie is on the TV. I shouldn’t be drooling over him already, but when he’s just there with no shirt and in his sweatpants, I can’t help myself. I can’t believe he’s MINE.
“Hi there,” he says, reaching out for me. “Feel better?” As I’m crawling into his lap.
“Much better. The shower was needed after all of that.”
Wrapping his arms around me as I curl up like a kitten on top of him, this is my favorite place to be. I tuck my face into his neck, enjoying the warmth of his skin. Quietly toying with his necklace, fixing the chain so the clasp is in the right spot. We sit in the quiet, the background noise of the cheesy romance on the TV keeping it from being silent. 
“Are you hungry?” he whispers.
“I’m starving, actually,” I giggle back.
“Thank god,” the relief evident in his tone, “I’ll make us something quickly.”
“Jacob,” I glance at the clock, “It’s almost 2 a.m.” 
“Already back to my full name?” he asks, raising his eyebrow. My mouth falls open; I tend to full-name him, but honestly, I just love it. 
“You know what,” I start, holding eye contact with him, “Carry on. Thank you, baby.” There’s that smile. 
“I could just call you Captain,” I tease, giggling as he turns around.
Pointing at me with a wooden spoon, “Don’t start something you’re not gonna finish, hun.” 
Standing up from the couch, I make my way over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my face against his back as he cooks. Fiddling with the waistband of his sweatpants until he grabs my hand.
“Alright now,” he mumbles, “what did I just tell you?” his laugh vibrates through his body. 
“And who said I can’t finish it?” 
He turns around promptly, that devilish smirk creeping back onto his face, “care to try your luck?”
“Whenever you want, Captain.”
Masterlist | Taglist | Caravel Tavern Series Masterpost
Taglist Besties: I may have had a little Jakedown and this happened 🤭 Hope you enjoy xoxo
@gvfsstardust , @myleftsock , @mindastreamofcolours , @dont-go-home-without-me , @literal-dead-leaf , @lizzys-sunflower , @mackalah , @klarxtr , @edgingthedarkness , @writingcold , @i-love-gvf , @takenbythemadness , @ladywhimsymoon , @earthgrlsreasy , @peaceloveunitygvf , @violet-hayes , @musicspeaks , @anythingforjtk
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tcfactory · 6 months
So, I have a really silly Mobei-jun transmigrator idea.
OG Mobei gets into writing after his Qinghua dies and Bingge starts doing the endless harem collecting because he wants to get away from what is kinda turning into his personal hell and he doesn't even have a trusty retainer he can bully to let off some steam.
He doesn't plan on getting any of it published because he starts out really clumsy with his words at first and even he knows it. But after getting all his venting out in his early works he really just nails the kind of stories with AU fix-it vibes (even if he always very carefully writes different settings than their own world. Can't have Bingge think he is criticizing what the Junshang has done to the world) that a lot of people in PIDW crave as a form of escapism, actually. And it's a little bit fun to sneak around and get the publishing contract and the illustrations and everything done behind Bingge's back.
The harem is hooked. There are passionate fanclubs for his characters that change the friendships and alliances between the consorts. There are ship wars that escalate to actual murder attempts. Mobei-jun watches with growing dread as the women ignore Luo Binghe in favor of trying to find out who the mysterious author writing the books is. Nobody suspects him because in person he still doesn't talk, like, at all.
Except finally Bingge has enough and uses a relic to track down the mysterious author and ends up killing Mobei, because centuries of loyal service or not, he has stirred up the harem so bad that Bingge refuses to tolerate the distraction anymore. Mobei dies thinking that if it was to end like this anyway he really should have just written that wish-fulfillment fix-it story he always wanted.
So the former Mobei-jun transmigrates into Mo Yunbao, soon to be An Ding's head disciple, a little before Binghe comes to the sect. He doesn't have a digital System (at least at the start), he has an analogue interface: the System directly communicates with these strangely folded paper 'birds'.
It takes Mobei some time to realize that other people can technically see the papers the System sends, but only if he deliberately brings attention to them, they can't read any of the writing and then they forget about them right away. He eats a lot of paper trying to hide them before he realizes that he doesn't have to bother.
Since his complaint was essentially that "nobody was actually happy in PIDW, not even the protagonist" his task is simple: create the maximum number of happy endings without completely sidestepping the main storyline re: Binghe, abyss, the usual System restrictions. How hard could it be, right? He thinks he has a fair idea about all of these people, Luo Binghe just could not shut up about all his horrible childhood when he had a captive audience and Mobei has always been very good at listening.
Except Shang Qinghua is acting strange. Mobei dismisses it as maybe the peak lord being different with his disciples than he is with his king, even if there are other things that are not quite aligning as they should. He already knows how he's going to fix that storyline, he needs to focus on figuring out all the other things, so he just ignores Shang Qinghua.
Yeah, that goes exactly as well as you'd think. Imagine Airplane bro for a moment: he's trying to send his weird little (he's cute, like a feral kitten is cute) gremlin of a head disciple to harass Shen Qingqiu into turning in the bi-monthly financial report early so he can sneak out and report to his king, when the distracted A-Bao reminds him not to forget his fur coat this time. It's the middle of the summer! Even more shockingly a very neatly folded paper plane flies in out of nowhere and hits head disciple Mo on the head with a thwack before it falls on the peak lord's desk.
Qinghua surprises both of them by picking the paper plane up before the other can even reach for it. It's a warning for OOC violation, but no point deduction because there are only transmigrators in the room.
So both Mobei and Airplane tell their stories, they bond over their love of writing and how fucked it would be if everything someone wrote became someone else's reality (Mobei hopes that hasn't happened to any of his stories. He wrote some really dark stuff at the start of his writing career that he would never wish even on his worst enemy), somewhere along the way they bully the System into upgrading Mobei's interface to the digital one and they become allies in fixing the world one doomed relationship at a time.
It's not long into their cooperation when Mobei realizes that he really likes this version of Shang Qinghua, actually, but it would be really inappropriate for a head disciple to hook up with his shizun, so he settles for setting the other Mobei-jun up with Airplane. Airplane is a good, responsible creator deity, he deserves a happy end.
Besides, Mobei has a good life here, as a human. He has friends he can (affectionately) bully, he doesn't have to fear certain death (for a while at least), he teams up with Liu Mingyan and together they convince Shen Qingqiu to preside over a cross-peak literature and creative writing club that's an absolute blast and Liu Qingge is trying to poach him for Bai Zhan because the body of Mo Yunbao is really suited for physical cultivation. He would go too if it wasn't so much more convenient to stay on An Ding for the sake of their schemes, but maybe he can let the War God steal him away for some night-hunting dates every now and then.
They don't know yet what to do with Luo Binghe when he inevitably shows up at the sect, but he has some faith that between Airplane and him they can figure out something good.
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dilfsonic · 9 months
Okay so, unpopular take that applies specifically to my Service Animal AU: Shadow and Maria are not siblings/“sibling coded.”
If you’ve read the notes on the original lore post describing them, you probably already know what I mean. While they can and will have moments of inspired ‘sibling’ like love for each other, that’s simply too disingenuous a way to describe them. They’re so much more. They’re each other’s only friend, they’re charge and ward, they can mimic the attitudes of siblings but never fully understand them, they have no romantic interests (until sonic shows up) and so mimic certain attitudes in that way with each other as well. But all of these are mere approximations and mimicry without fully encompassing any of those relationships. Shadow’s “affections” can be easily misconstrued for holding more weight than they actually are intended, as gestures such as hand holding/cuddling/purring are all utilitarian expressions meant to ease Maria’s physical discomfort or anxiety in accordance to his job as her service animal. Nothing more, nothing less. Maria knows this, but others can and do easily make their own assumptions.
I’ve been a little nervous to express this interpretation as I feel it can be really easily misunderstood, and I don’t want to give people the idea that even the immensely “”romantic”” or affectionate gestures or affiliations applied to them are actually meant to be shippy. Their love is an all encompassing one, and to call it sibling-like or romantic are both incorrect, as they’re neither. Ultimately applying any real world label to this au will be incorrect and a little too extreme in either direction; the closest possible relationship that may most accurately describe them is that between a service dog and their owner, if such a service dog was as intellectually capable of their human.
They’re what you get when you’re the only two people in your whole world. They’re what you get when you pair together someone who’s indebted to the other for their existence, which goes both ways. And by normal relationship standards, I would disagree to consider it a ‘healthy’ dynamic, but it also cannot be judged by the milestones of what a normal and healthy dynamic even looks like.
Shadow is nothing without her (in his own mind), and this lends itself to an inability to conceptualize a ‘self’ to even express. Maria hates how Shadow views himself — a tool, a trained dog, a guard, a companion of necessity — but she also can’t avoid using him accordingly. That means having no choice but to treat him not as a person, but as her crutch. Shadow is little aware of her internal struggle with the dehumanization of him because they communicate this almost never. Nor does he mind being dehumanized, he has never been a ‘person’ since the day he was created anyway.
Maria would love nothing more than to call Shadow a little brother, her best friend, someone who she could’ve had take her to prom because nobody at her school wanted to indulge the sickly child, nor did anyone even know her well enough considering she spent most of her time out of school than in it. She’d love to call Shadow these normal things, but she can’t. Not yet at least. Sonic will slowly change them and the way they can view friendship and the world and what it means to belong to each other, but it’s hard work on Shadow and Maria’s part.
They are something that can’t be easily defined, because it’s complex, and messy, and while there are bright moments of wonder and joy, is also overwhelmingly dark in its implications, and they can feel utterly alone even when standing right next to each other. Shadow owes Maria everything, and Maria owes Shadow everything, but each underestimates the full gravity of how their own existence touches and expands the other. They consider themselves worthless compared to the other, and that’s what gets in the way of them truly being able to open their hearts to each other. The way Sonic later teaches them HOW to open their hearts.
So yeah. I hope this concept of blurring the lines doesn’t scare too many folks, but this is based on my personal interpretation of how I feel a continued existence between them in canon or a canon adjacent world might have been like. I know it’s easy and delightful to see em like wholesome siblings — which is also an interpretation I wholeheartedly endorse and adore, particularly the way my bud @ratrrriot draws them (please go follow them if you don’t already, their shadow and maria artwork is to die for!) — but this is just a slightly different and admittedly darker take on them that I hope won’t ruffle too many feathers. Sibling coded relationships between characters are so wonderful, but in this case doesn’t feel satisfying or like it can possibly cover the scope of them for this particular au. I dislike labeling them or comparing them to another dynamic, like Sonic and Tails who are very explicitly brotherly with one another.
I may make a separate post on Sonic’s impact in this world and how he touches the lives of Shadow and Maria, Helen (when she comes along), and this world’s version of Robotnik (Julian) if people are interested in that. I take a lot of inspiration from his characterization in the Adventure games and Sonic X for this AU, as he’s most closely canon-aligned compared to Shadow and Maria who are a little different; though I’m gonna try my best to fit their “canon” personalities into a completely different scenario. Such as, Shadow lacks the innate hatred he has for mankind as he never loses Maria, but he will retain the “my body is a tool” mentality and the general uncaring of others opinions of him, etc.
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regular-gnome · 4 months
Through many AUs I've been through, yours are the one I like the most, because it's a more realistic one.
I can see that the "cruelty" of other Collectors are not like that they are evil.
For a being that is older than universe, they are like the Gardeners of Stars, as a gardener you have to cut it out what is dead, you have to treat the soil, prepare it for a new tree, now with planets it's kind the same, they visit, they watch, and so they decide if some species is worth to keep and if they are not worth for keeping.
And so, this process of leaving a juvenile collector in a planet till the dominant species dies is kinda a hardening process, in order for them to grow mature and to not let feelings intervene in the decision process, like being a doctor, you must put aside the fear of hurting the patient in order to heal the patient.
But in TOH things got different, they found a species that represented danger to themselves, so they used another species to kill the titans and the little collector paid the piper.
Im very glad you enjoy the AU:D
The concept is rooted in the idea that generally, people or characters don't choose evil simply for the sake of being evil. But nobody is omnicent, they react to whats happening, trying to figure out what might be "best" as they go without really a way to know for sure if its a right call. Having power to destroy a planet with swipe of finger rises the stakes for literally everyone. When the Collector was releashed during King's Tide the game changed. If Belos had managed to control them - nobody would have been able to challenge him. Even Odalia tried to suggest totally reshaping the isles. Seeing anyone as mostly/ only dangerous power sources creates power imbalance, something that can evolve into very shaky and actually dangerous relation when the other side realises they were never really considered a equal person and having the ability to revange. There is a lot of implications and possibilities when someone possesses such power with no oversight and unlimited time but also is a person that doesnt want to be alone:D
If involvement with mortals ends in some kind of complications the collectors will be around to see the consequences, even if they don't directly experience them so sort of desensitization toward the very life they are trying to preserve is bound to happen. "They live for so short and can cause so much change in their own system, its best to control the situation" type of mindset. Also thinking of ecosystem like gardens that need work on makes it easier to deal with, especially since with the scale of galaxy they cant just spend unlimited amout of time in one place full of creatures that do not want to be preserved. Their actions come from a place of care but there is inherent cruelty in their concern
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Sooo yeah, its the perspective that might develop in that kind of situation and might end up with leaving one of their own alone for eons. But who knows, this AU is a lot of theories in a trenchcoat and i dont want to defend their actions. Killing all titans? yeah thats bad. It's more about theorizing why anyone would consider that a reasonable option while also not being evil just cuz
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
I don't even like thinking about toji taking megumis girl. Like, in my mind he's trying to atone 😪
Yes!!! Let’s talk about it!
He loves ‘Gumi so much. He was just having a bit of a ✨ emotional breakdown ✨ during that whole selling him off deal. And personally I was coming off the Shouto train so it hits twice as hard cause he always gets his GF taken by Endeavor or Dabi (sometimes Bakugo), which Dabi makes sense since he HATES Shouto. But post-atonement Enji 😭I totally get the kink though (tbh I kinda like it in reverse 🤭). There’s actually a really GOOD fic I like called U&I with Bully!Megumi and you sleep with Toji to kinda get back at him after finding out he’s been using you. I like the revengeful ones or when it’s a 2-parter and they find out what you did.
BUT I DIGRESS, okay so I got some big brainrot and I was half asleep and started thinking about it and ahh! Plus I didn't post for his birthday so this is like the most slap together, grammarless of my brain rotting (and you brought it about Nonnie, so you gotta take responsibility lol) but:
»»———-  ———-««
(SFW) Imagine okay, like a modern AU: Toji is trying to be a better dad after the endless benders after losing his wife. He went from floating from random woman to woman, trying to catch that feeling again like when he was with his first wife. It always devolves into the same thing with him squeezing them dry for every penny he can get before moving on to the next with Megumi in tow. Sometimes it didn’t include Megumi, Toji would leave him alone for weeks to months at a time as he got older, occasionally bringing home some new mom that he’ll eventually abandon at the end of the day or that eventually gets tired of him; tired of both of them because Megumi refused to be nice to anyone Toji brought home.
But it finally hits him to be better, to try to be a good parent. Sadly, it’s too late. Megumi is a teenager now, one year from graduating high school and going to college, where Toji will definitely not have any chance to atone. He doesn’t blame the kid, it’s his own fault.
However, he sees a lot of himself in his son. The apathy that borders depression, the lone wolf attitude, the quietness and independent streak, the very small number of friends (if any, because Megumi NEVER brings anyone over or talks about school at all, usually avoids talking to him in general). He isn’t really sure what to say to the kid, not that he’s figured it all out himself or that Megumi would even listen to him. Indifference was the best he could hope for most of the time.
Then one day, he shows up at home with someone. A girl, even. And you’re cute, way too chipper to be following around his wallflower of a kid. Always entering and leaving with a “Hi, Mr. Fushiguro. Bye, Mr. Fushiguro. Looking good today, Mr. Fushiguro. Love the haircut, Mr. Fushiguro. Rocking that sweater, Mr. Fushiguro. Have a good day, Mr. Fushiguro.”
You seem too good for nobodies like them; and when he teases Megumi with the notion, his son claims you’re just his class partner for this semester, nothing else. But Toji sees how soft he gets around you, the little bit of extra effort he puts in trying to make conversation when you’re over, the blush and grouchy embarrassed complaints he makes whenever Toji tells him to leave his room door open when you guys work on projects in there. The complaints usually get a little quieter given the right laugh from you.
You have a good effect. Megumi seems a little less tense, walking the world with a little less cynicism even though it’s still clearly there. He starts hanging out with two other kids from his school, Megumi claims they’re your friends, not his, but Toji has seen the pink haired boy over twice without you. Overall, you all seem like a really good kids.
One weekend you pop because you and your friends were in the neighborhood and wanted to see if Megumi wanted to join in on whatever you’re doing. Unfortunately, Megumi’s not home, but it gives Toji a small window to prod you a little about your relationship with Megumi. He’s observant enough to notice by now that the two of you like each other but he just wanted to hear it from you, and you make the most darling lovesick face when he asks. As far as he can piece together, you’re not dating officially but the entire world treats you as you are.
When Megumi finds out what happened though. He doesn’t like it, and he makes it clear that the interference was highly unappreciated it. Toji is simply sitting in the kitchen and trying to enjoy his apple, and he’s getting the interrogation treatment by this little gremlin (affectionately) half his size.
“What were the two of you talking about?” “Nothing in particular.” “If you don’t need anything then don’t bother her.” “Why? You don’t want me speaking to her?” “No. She isn’t your type anyway.”
Then, Megumi starts going off on a tangent of why Toji shouldn’t be interested. You’re too young, you're still months off from 18, you don’t have any money for him to leech, and there’s no way you can decide on a movie together with that age gap; 'You’ll kick the bucket 30 years before her' is the meanest one though.
Based on the disrespect, it still looks like Toji has a lot of work to put in but it’s almost cute, in an grouchy, bratty (also affectionately) sea urchin type way that he’s getting so worked up over you. He thinks the kid will combust if he mentions that he does think you’re cute (in an overly energetic bubbly kind of way), and it makes him release a short chuckle as he resists the intrusive thought, which only serves to make Megumi’s frustration even worse.
Normally, he'd get tired at this point and ask if Megumi was done mouthing off yet, but this time it makes him glad to see Megumi getting so worked up over something. It’s a good feeling to know his actions didn’t completely ruin his son, that he didn't completely destroy Megumi's ability to care about life like his former family and the world had once done to him. It makes smile the tiniest bit even as Megumi seems to try to trudge away after making his point. Whatever point there was to be had. The boy is such a chronic overthinking about everything and everyone, including if you’re one of those girls at the school that squeal when they see him pick him up at school on the rare occasion.
“Hey,” Toji calls out to get his attention. “Do you know what you’re doing?” It’s not the best words but it’s the only way to sum up the familiar feelings he gets of his past, right after he left his family, right before he met Megumi’s mom. And after losing her without ever really making the most of everything back then and treasuring the moments together. “It’s hard to find something like that. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
He can sense the tension draining from Megumi, the panic and shaky nervousness from seconds ago leaving in the form of drooped shoulders and a soften, mildly confused expression as he looks back at him. Something seems to finally click in that overly worked brain of the younger Fushiguro and he mumbles, “I know.”
And Megumi gets that look again, that quiet one, too caught up in his own head.
"Do I need to make room for a daughter-in-law in that case?" he asks lazily before taking another bite of his apple, the chewing echoing. It's enough to earn some grumbles and a red face. He smirks when the boy quickly decides to hobble back to his room and hide away in embarassment. Like a normal kid.
And Toji thinks that maybe…a small maybe… that maybe they’ve gotten a little closer. If only in that moment. Regardless, he really hopes that the talk is one of those things the school already covered because he really doesn’t want to be responsible for that.
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cookie-crumblr · 1 year
AU’s With Alastair~
Animal hybrid AU
Part 1
CW: F! reader/reader has a vagina, NSFW, reader and allie are owned by a human, treated like animals, heat, non human genitalia(he has a barbed cock), lactation kink, loss of consciousness, breeding kink, creampie, biting,
You were born to a cute cow lady, and Alastair to a gorgeous feline. It all seemed completely meant to be, as you came to be at the same time.
At least he saw it that way.
You and him grew up always by each others sides’ on a farm in the countryside, far away from anything else.
His mom abandoned him with his little sister and brother, which you don’t think is uncommon for cat folk.
But you bet it would be hard for anyone, let alone a small child that now has to care for two other children with only himself.
You are both older now.
Once your respective cycles started, you had to start taking short breaks from each other.
And now you’re old enough to “work” on the farm like the other hucow ladies…
“Alright girl, you’ll have to settle with a bull eventually,” The farmer spoke a little agitatedly or maybe just tiredly, either way your heart wracked intensely with guilt.
Today had felt so painfully long.
The farmer brought bull hybrids in from all across the country to court you…
Your big eyes stay downcast, wetness clumping your pretty lashes. “I know… ‘m sorry sir, I jus’… Don’t love any of them proper.”
The farmer lets out a long sigh, “Get some rest, Y/N”
Neither you nor the farmer were aware of Alastair watching from the second story window of the bright red barn.
“That stupid farmer.” His ear flicks irritatedly as he thinks. “only caring about production, and not for Y/N at all…” His fists ball while burning holes into the side of the farmer’s head with his stare. “Why’s it gotta be a bull anyway?” He wonders.
Has a hybrid of another species been able to impregnate another hybrid before?
He’s absolutely sure it’s possible.
If not, he’ll make it possible.
Besides, nobody loves you more than he does.
A breeze passes through your hair, and flows all the way up to Allie. Ears now perked up and swiveled all the way toward you, he can smell your heat coming.
That’s probably why the farmer is in such a rush to get you mated.
Alastair has always stayed away from you while you both were on your cycles, for fear of ruining what you have together.
This time he can’t.
Tomorrow he’ll stay with you.
Another evening comes and Alastair finds you whining and writhing in your stable, you’re clearly burning up and desperate.
Face shining with sweat, with barely any clothes on, and the fabric that does try and cover you, is instead stuck to your skin, showing him your peaked nipples and your puffy, glistening lips through it.
He stops in his tracks, mouth agape, his tiny fangs peaking out from behind his lips.
He doesn’t really know what he was expecting.
But god, it wasn’t this…
He thought he was ready.
His shorts are feeling uncomfortably tighter.
You notice him as he swallows.
“Allie! uhm….” You start to cover up with a jean jacket, and he rushes over to you.
“Y/N, it’s… *ahem*… It’s okay! I’m actually here to help!”
“Allie…” Tears stain your cheeks. You get on your knees and present to him, “Then… Please, help me.”
A harsh swallow bobs his addams apple, making his choker shift.
He’s ready.
He takes his claws to your shorts and rips right through them, the freedom, and chill of the air sends shivers through your body.
He untied the silk ribbon he uses as a belt, and undid his shorts.
Next his crochet sweater was discarded to the hay covered ground.
“Wait, Y/N… I-wanttofaceyou…”
You oblige, thinking he’s adorable, and roll over, legs spread, inviting him in.
You’re breathing heavily.
He lifts your top exposing your chest.
Then he leans down to literally kitten lick your nipple, and gently flicks the other one, taking turns for both without leaving the other.
The effect is maddening.
You’re whimpering and throwing your head this way and that. Little “pleases” and “oh my goodnesses” falling from your part lips.
He smiles at this, getting the exact reactions he’s always imagined from you. His perfect beloved.
Dick now taken in his hand, he slaps your puffy cunt, before rubbing it down.
Something kind of stings as he drags down, but it’s so hot and hard it feels like everything you need right now.
“Please, Alastair… I want you inside me… I… really do love you.” You say desperation, and truth seeping from your words.
He almost breaks hearing those four words at the end, but he sets that aside for after, when he can just cuddle you. And tell you how much he’s always loved you.
His tip slides into your desperately wet hole, opening you further.
“Ahhh” You shudder as you begin to feel that which your body craves.
He slowly bottoms out, and stays there, feeling you pulse around him. His head becoming light.
He has to move.
He pulls out quick to snap him back in control of himself.
“AHHH!” You barely make out the scream as your own voice as you black out in an instant. Sharp pain and harsh, hot pleasure zapping through your insides at the same time as if a lightning bolt came down and smited you.
“Y/N! Y/N! Oh no, oh fuck, oh god” Alastair babbles as he accidentally slides back into you, to meet his face to yours.
He cradles you, his body smaller than yours, but he’s always been way stronger than he appears.
You come to only seconds later, your body burning hotter than before, you gasp, and pant.
“Allie? what… happened…”
“I didn’t think….” he’s crying into your neck. “I-I… I’m so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t of-”
“It felt so good…”
“What?” His cheeks reddened. “I mean, are you sure?”
Ending his thought you brought his face down to yours for a kiss. He rocked deeper into you In response.
You felt that familiar drag, as he rocked back slightly, before jamming himself in all the way.
“You like that? You want me to plow into you?” His demeanor completely changed in a split second. “Say Squishmallow if you want me to stop.” He leans in to whisper, and then kisses your neck.
You nod enthusiastically.
His hand finds your tit, when he looks down suddenly. “Wait, Y/N! Look! You really don’t need a bull!” he holds his now wet hand up.
You shift to look down and sure enough you’re lactating!
He hurries to shove one in his mouth and begins to suck, and lick as he paws at the fatty part. This is your first time being milked, and it’s your best friend!
It feels heavenly.
his tongue doing laps around you.
You cry out, “Alastair!” followed by a series of “Oh”’s
He starts pushing as deep as he can go into you.
He pulls out slow this time, as he does the pleasure mixes with pain and you feel yourself producing more and more milk, it’s building up so fast in the one he’s neglecting.
“Please! hah! swap!” You moan exasperated.
He releases with a hearty *pop!* And quickly switches to your other breast, not leaving the other one defenseless this time, he squeezes and rubs circles around your nipple.
“Your milk tastes so good, Y/N, this farm is so lucky!” his eyes are clouded over now with lust.
He’s all the way out of you again, and he slams back in with all of his might causing you to bounce.
“Ahh!” You’re almost shaking it feels so good! “M-More!” you moan.
He obliges and pulls out not as slow, but still slow enough you don’t pass out again. Then he sets the pace for the session.
Slamming into you over and over again, your legs and hips folding more and more each time so he can get impossibly deeper.
He’s purring now, vibrating your sensitive buds as he alternates and sucks on each one, never leaving either unattended.
His skin is slamming against yours, and you swear at this point you feel him hitting your cervix.
You need his cum so badly, your body burns with this sole desire as you’re becoming so overstimulated.
You’re sure you’re babbling nonsense at this point but he continues to pound you as if he has no other purpose but to breed you right here, right now.
“Are you close?”
“Yesh,” you let out a breathy slur, mind hazy and floating with the stars above.
He pounds impossibly harder, rocking your bodies into the wooden wall of the stable.
You hold on for dear life as you come undone around his cock.
Seconds later with one final thrust and he’s shooting thick, hot ropes into you. You feel so full and your temperature starts to decrease back to normal instantly.
You squeeze him, as he lets go of your chest with another satisfied *pop*
“I love you, Allie…”
“I love you too, Y/N, so freaking much.”
He stays inside you as he readjusts to cuddle on top of you, limbs tangled, and both of you breathing heavily.
A little too soon later and the farmer is walking in, he doesn’t give you even a chance to hide Alastair, before spying you both.
“What is this?!”
“Sorry sir!” You sit up, tipping Allie off of you
“Woah!” He exclaims, as he slips, sliding out of you, his cum leaking onto the floor.
“AH!” You squeal from his exit, as milk sprays from your still engorged tits.
The farmer’s eyes widen, “Well… I can’t really complain with this outcome.” He takes his hat off to scratch his balding head. “Well Alastair, looks like you officially work for me now, specifically with Y/N.” he turns to leave mumbling, “if it works, it works i guess… How come i ain’t never thought of cat folk?”
You both giggle, before your temp starts to rise again.
“Allie! Help?”
“Yes, ma’am!” he folds you over yourself again, and slips in easier this time.
“Oh, you’re perfectly prepped from last round… Remember the safe word?”
This time he bends over to your neck and bites you as he pulls out. It hurts in both places, but it feels so good, like an electric shock going straight through your body to your core.
He’s back to purring loudly as he starts to slam back into your abused and throbbing pussy.
You both come quicker this time, your moans and his mewls becoming one mini orchestra to your fuzzy ears.
His tail swishing with his motions, and yours sticking straight out, as tensed as your curled toes.
You feel his hot cum filling you up for the second time, you can tell it’s even more this time, and your own orgasm milks him for everything he’s worth.
This time after, you both drift off into a comfortable sleep, while holding eachother close as possible.
When you wake again, you’ll still have eachother, and you’ll be together for whatever comes next…
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midknightwritings · 1 year
im having the biggest brainrot over this idea so yay req time
au where knights (seperatly) are royalty and their s/o is their own personal knight,,, and Shenanigans happen with each of them,, God i hope this makes sense im not very good with words 😭
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Royal!Knights & their Knight!S/O
Synopsis : Being the personal knight tasked with protecting and directly serving your kingdom’s ruler often leads to eventful, and memorable, moments. Especially when said ruler is also your lover.
Era : N / A
Warning/s : "Beauty" is used once as a gender-neutral descriptor
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Tsukasa / Leo / Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu
A/N : Anon… YOUR BRAIN IS SO MASSIVE FOR THIS !! Omg now I’m brainrotting over this idea too cuz I’m such a sucker for royal AUs 😭 But for the sake of the fluff, just imagine that their kingdom is open to the idea of royals being in a relationship with anybody, regardless of their status LMAO
Tsukasa Suou :
Tsukasa deeply respects your opinion because he knows that you want the best for him and his people. During meetings, he would often seek out your advice. From military tactics to what colour the banners should be for the upcoming festival, Tsukasa trusts you with all his heart and will accept your guidance with open arms. If he's busy with important matters, other castle personnel would seek you out instead as they know that your insight will be the closest to what their king would desire.
He always invites you to tea time !! Tsukasa says it's a reward for working so diligently but you know the truth~ This is the only time he can drop his royal facade and be himself. He wants to share these intimate moments with the one he loves the most !! Mmm~ The taste of this brioche is marvelous !! Here, take a bite. You'll love it~
Tsukasa deeply admires your skills as a knight and secretly desires to train alongside you. One day, you noticed this and decided to personally train your lover in sword-fighting. Now, sword training became a part of his weekly schedule and, even though it gets tiring at times, Tsukasa still holds these moments with you close to his heart~ After all, he's doing something he's passionate about with you !! What more could he ask for?
In the late hours of the night, when the castle is quiet and everyone's asleep, Tsukasa would sometimes sneak out of his bedroom and into the kitchen to try and teach himself how to bake. He does this because he wants to give you a [ F/F ] cake one day !! It's quite difficult to be quiet AND to teach himself at the same time but he's trying his best !!
During royal balls, he's such a gentleman when it comes to entertaining the guests, but if you catch him at the right moments, you'll be able to see how his eyes often glance towards you. How his gaze lingers on you for a while as a soft smile grace his lips. Once the ball is over, he'll gently take your hand and guide you to the castle gardens, where he would ask if he could have this dance. Eyes full of love and his smile never faltering, he'll take your hand in his and hum a familiar tune as you both dance under the moonlight.
Leo Tsukinaga :
You’re the only one in the entire kingdom who can somehow find your king every time he gets lost when he’s out composing. Initially, your fellow knights were panicking as they ran around the entire castle trying to track down the king. After all, he couldn’t possibly have gone far !! R-right…? Well… As the royal guards were checking every nook and cranny to ever exist, your instincts casually guided you to where your lover was. Without hesitation, you found Leo instantly. To this day, nobody can truly comprehend just how impressive your Leo-radar is, and it amazes them every time.
Leo straight up wouldn’t let you call him “your highness”, “your majesty”, “my lord” or any honorific similar to those. This is because he loves the way his actual name rolls off your tongue as he finds his royal titles to be too suffocating. Hearing “Leo” come from you, his lover, makes him feel like Leo, a person, rather than Leo, the king. He would get pouty if you use honorifics in royal meetings or gatherings but understands why you used them [ no matter how much he dislikes them ] but, if you use those same honorifics when you're both alone, he would either pretend that he can’t hear you or say things like, “Aaahhh~!! Who are you talking to? I don’t know who this ‘your highness’ person is~”
The amount of songs Leo composed that's inspired by you is astounding !! You don’t realize just how much inspiration Leo gains from you as his muse. Your eyes could tentatively scan through the crowd for any dangers and Leo already came up with a whole symphony !! You glanced at him from across the room and gave him a soft smile during a meeting? Well… Now the meeting turned into several advisors holding their king back from composing on the royal map !! No matter what you do, whether it’s a conscious or unconscious choice, a melody immediately fills Leo’s mind and he can’t help but write !! He hopes to one day create a symphony that, in his eyes, can truly capture your beauty entirely.
During royal balls, Leo would flat out refuse to dance with anybody except you. It doesn’t matter if they’re the heir to the richest kingdom in the country or if they’re the most sought out ruler for marriage; Without hesitation, he'd immediately turn them down. For Leo, waltzing is something intimate as he views it as a way where partners become one as they synchronize with one another through music. He doesn’t want to share something as sacred as this with anyone else except you.
Even when you're not on duty, Leo would still find a way to be with you. Oh? You're going to town? What a coincidence !! Leo needed to check the progress on the upcoming festival, why not accompany him there? You're relaxing in your room? Knock, knock~ The king is free for tea time and is wondering if you could please grace him with your presence~ Whether you're on duty or not, being by each other's side gives you both a sense of comfort that no one else can give.
Izumi Sena :
Izumi deeply cares about you but shows it through more subtle means. Actions speak louder than words, after all !! He tries to keep up his image of royalty but, if you squint hard enough, you can easily see that facade crumbling if he notices something off from you any way, shape or form. So here, take a seat !! You've been standing all day long, right? Huh?! What do you mean "You're ok”?! Are you disobeying the direct orders from your king? Mhmm~ That’s what he thought~
If you’re not on duty, Izumi's seemingly more grumpier than usual. This sometimes causes the entire castle to practically walk on eggshells because they don’t want to inconvenience their king even more than he apparently is. Though, his mood would instantly shift the moment his eyes land on you. He’ll definitely request for the two of you to walk around the castle gardens just to compensate for the lost time you were not with him~
Izumi hates seeing you fall into unhealthy habits even if you can’t help it sometimes. As the knight that directly serves him, it’s your duty to protect your lover but, even then, he still wouldn't have any of it !! He’ll make you swear to go to bed after escorting him to his bedroom, never skip meals even if you have training right after and take adequate amounts of breaks. This is to help you stay competent in emergency situations and it’s totally not because he’s worried for your personal well-being or anything like that !!
Izumi will personally style your uniform when it comes to important gatherings such as balls, festivals, meetings, etc. He would often add small trinkets from his own accessory collection as a subtle way to connect the two of you together. Izumi would never say anything, but when your gaze alternates between the shining brooch on his tie and the similar one he’s putting on you right now, you can't help but softly smile. If you're quick enough, you might even catch just how much his eyes shine with love and admiration for you, and you alone.
Although Izumi puts up the “strong king” facade for his people, during the rare, quiet moments between the two of you, filled with comfort and relief, he’ll shed away that persona and become a man who’s completely head-over-heels for the amazing knight that’s been by his side this entire time. Embracing you protectively in his arms, he’ll hum a soft tune that lulls you to sleep as the rhythmic beating of his heart accompanies the sweet lullaby that’ll only be heard by you.
Arashi Narukami :
Arashi definitely has an entire section of the castle gardens dedicated to flowers that reminded her of you. Ranging from roses, to honeysuckles, to sunflowers, peonies, hydrangeas and more. This section of her garden is honestly the most stunning and guests are often left in 'awe' by its sheer beauty every time they visit the castle. Arashi personally maintains the flowers herself as a way to further dedicate herself to you.
She dresses up in pretty gowns and outfits in order to impress you. She would sometimes sneak in subtle questions or comments to figure out what your favourite colours, aesthetic, and overall style is before she would ask the royal tailor to incorporate those elements in her next outfit. Her heart never fails to skip a beat when you look at her with wide eyes and lips slightly agape when you see her wear the outfit for the first time. Don’t worry though~ She’s always one-step ahead as she requested the tailor to create a matching outfit for you. So now you’re both matching !!
She openly dotes on you and doesn’t care if others are watching. You’re actually the one that tries to stay professional but that plan immediately fails the moment your beloved queen cups your cheeks in her hands and plants a ton of kisses on your face. It doesn’t matter if you just finished training or if you were tasked with guarding the dining room door, Arashi wants to show the world how much she loves you~
During the more stressful days, you would help sneak Arashi out of the castle and take her to a secluded area of the town that’s filled with stray cats. You would feed them, play with them and take care of them together as a way to help her unwind and de-stress. Arashi even named every single cat and they love her so much that they would often sneak into the castle grounds just to visit Arashi for some caresses !! From then on, during tea time, there would be a ton of cats surrounding both you and Arashi as the two of you would caress them while enjoying each other's presence.
If Arashi ever needs a partner or an escort, she will always choose you without any hesitation !! It doesn’t matter that you’re literally her personal knight [ which puts you on automatic escort duty ], she’ll still say your name first without any second thoughts. A free pass to hold your hand and have you protectively stay by her side outside her kingdom? Sign her up !!
Ritsu Sakuma :
Being Ritsu’s personal knight automatically makes you his pillow !! He gets lulled to sleep so easily when he’s touching you, whether he's laying on your lap, feeling you gently stroke his hair, hugging you, or just feeling your uniform in between his fingers. They all give him a sense of comfort that relieves him from the stresses of being a royal. Oftentimes, if you’re not by his side, Ritsu would reach out to try to find you and, when he finally does, he’ll pull you close and snuggle into you. Good luck trying to escape his grasp~
His most common mode of transportation during the day is you carrying him bridal style. The kingdom is nocturnal in order to accommodate for the royal family but, there are times where he needs to stay awake during the day for meetings or other important gatherings. During days like these, castle personnel can catch you carrying him in your arms. Ritsu would be snuggled close to your chest as you try to wake him up with a soft smile and gentle voice.
Ritsu loves to tease you as he enjoys seeing your reactions !! Most of his teasing would happen when you’re being serious or stoic because he wants to see how much you can handle before your persona breaks and you become a blushing, stuttering mess. To others, it’s quite the sight seeing their majesty get [ playfully ] scolded by his personal knight, but Ritsu would always laugh it off and tease you even further. This results in you losing your cool completely as you try to hide your blushing face with your hands. He’ll give you a ton of kisses to make up for it though, so don’t worry~
He’s very perceptive when it comes to your emotions and would often bring you to a quiet area of the castle [ under "your majesty's orders” ] if he ever notices you getting overwhelmed or stressed. No matter how many times you insist that you’re fine and nothing’s wrong, Ritsu knows better and will ignore your comments as he gently pushes your head onto his lap. Now this time, you’re the one who’s now laying on his lap as he gently strokes your hair. Ritsu will even sing you a soft lullaby, helping you relax as you eventually fall asleep; The comforting melody from his voice filling your ears.
You’re both protective over each other but Ritsu can be quite clingy~ He tends to stick to your side rather than the other way around. Usually, you’re ordered to provide the royal family with enough space, where you’re far enough for them to interact with others comfortably, but close enough to protect him from any sort of danger. Though, if you're too far from him, he’ll just pull you back close and ask why you’re trying to “escape” [ he knows you’re not, he’s just teasing you~ ] So now, Ritsu's draped over your shoulders as you support his weight, trying to explain for the 100th time that you're "just outside the door" and that you'll "be back once lunch is over."
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
I dont think anyone subscribes to you for t rated 5 +1s in your own au lol. Chop chop with those wip’s porn girl!
Well. Quite a bit to unpack here on an otherwise unassuming Friday!
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#2: I actually track this stuff. Admittedly the E-rated percentage is a bit higher if you look at RWRB only, but overall...
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#3: I think anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, or indeed anyone who follows the kiwiana-writes tag here on tumblr and sees all those fucking WIPs, knows that I like to write a bit of variety. That's not to say there aren't definite underpinnings of, like, themes and vibes that I return to over and over (which I can only assume are why people subscribe to me), but if someone only likes my college AUs, or only likes my post-canon stuff, or only likes my E-rated stuff, or only wants to listen to my podfics, they're probably going to have a much more successful time saving the tag search than subscribing to me at the author level. Or they've mastered the art of archiving and moving on without complaining about it, like I do when the authors I'm subscribed to write something that doesn't interest me. It's a useful skill! I highly recommend cultivating it.
#4: AO3 not giving series stats is and continues to be the bane of my life, but based on the number of people who subscribed to the OG actor AU, there's probably a significant chunk of people who aren't subscribed to me as an author and only want the actor AU verse stuff. And good for them! I LOVE that AO3 offers multiple ways to subscribe so you can get notified for the stuff you want (my kingdom for the ability to subscribe to individual pseuds, though.)
#5: This fandom is OVERFLOWING right now. Like, I can't keep up. You only want to read E-rated stuff? Awesome! Well over 100 E-rated fics have been posted in the RWRB bookverse tag just this week (it looks like most of the movieverse smut has also been tagged bookverse, but either way it's also very easy to find). Or go back to older fics and find some hidden gems—there's nothing an author loves more than for someone to come in and gush about a fic they wrote a year or two ago.
#6: You don't pay me, and I'm not subject to annual review. One of my favourite authors was talking this morning about how sometimes she thinks about taking a break from writing for RWRB because it's starting to feel a little rat racey, and that would suck for me personally because I love her stuff but god knows I couldn't blame her, because the (extreme minority but still exhausting) entitled comments and rudeness really do not help. Stop treating your favourite authors like content creators who owe you something new on a regular schedule, because that's a damn good way to ensure they don't want to create anything new ever again. Like... anon, you haven't even bothered to couch this in a compliment. The bar is ten feet underground and somehow you still managed to trip over it.
#7: Not to be all 'back in my day' but... well, back in my day, snippets and peeks into the universe of a remotely popular longfic were pretty much the standard lol. Nobody is forcing you to read them, I promise.
#8: I've posted two E-rated fics in the last two weeks.
#9: Honestly I just really want to reiterate #1 because what the hell lol. While pronouns don't equal gender, it's pretty reasonable to extrapolate from pronouns if you don't have any other info to go on—and of the three "main/standard" pronouns, the one most closely associated with 'girl' is the only one that ISN'T in my bio 🤦
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wyvernquill · 9 months
Finally some more Dreamling Anastasia AU!
(Obligatory link to the masterpost with all the other posts in this AU - it's also pinned at the top of my blog!)
So, it's been... a while... but I've recently finally got some motivation to write a bit more of this. Apologies to everyone really looking forward to the finale/resolution - I've decided to go all the way back to the start of the story, instead. I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless!
(Tag list: @10moonymhrivertam @martybaker @globglobglobglobob @anonymoustitans @sunshines-fabulous-legs @dreamsofapiratelife @malice-kingdom - since it's been a, uh, really long time, please let me know if you're no longer interested in this AU/fandom and don't want to be tagged anymore, I won't mind! On the other hand, if someone else would like to be tagged in future updates, please let me know!)
“Sister… it’s me.”
The man on the dilapidated theatre’s stage shrugs a heavy, moth-eaten velvet coat off his narrow shoulders. It crumples into a dark semi-circle around him, releasing a dramatic cloud of dust.
“Dream… of the Endless~”
“Ah. Hm.” A somewhat fussy older gentleman in the empty space usually reserved for the audience adjusts the small circular glasses on his nose, grimacing in a polite and distinctly English way - which he has, once, after first coming to this realm and taking this form, spent hours practising in the mirror - while checking a long list in front of him. “Mr… Carter, was it…?”
“Oh, please.” The man on stage flicks back his white-streaked bangs. “Call me Hal.”
“Yes. Of course, Mr. Hal.” The gentleman purses his lips. “That was… not, er. Not terrible, I suppose. And we’re pleased to note that you appear to have… brought your own cloak.”
“Don’t get used to it. Zelda and Chantal only let me borrow it for the audition.”
“Well, it is a lovely cloak. Only, ah, while Dream of the Endless was known to have quite striking eyes, I do think that, perhaps a little less eyeliner…”
“I could tone it down, I suppose, but I really think the performance would lose something without the makeup.” Hal sighs melodramatically. “I can sing and dance too, if you need it for your… what is this audition for, actually? Play? Music hall show? Ooo, one of those moving pictures?”
“Er.” The gentleman fidgets with his cane, grass-green eyes flickering around the empty theatre. “Well-”
“Thank you, Hal.” The younger man beside him interrupts with a winning smile that only barely covers the boredom and frustration lining a rather ruggedly handsome face. “We’ll let you know.”
“Hm.” Hal, clearly enough of an old hand in the acting business to know a polite “you’re not getting the role, piss off” when he hears one, frowns, and bends down to gather up the borrowed cloak, stalking off towards stage exit right with his head held high, not deigning either of the two men with even one more look.
“...I really do not think this will work, young Robert.” The older man mutters, decisively striking through Hal Carter’s name on his list. It is the last. “None of them look even remotely like him. And the voice-”
“I know, Gil. I know.” The younger man, Hob - only Gilbert is proper and precise enough to call him Robert - rubs at his temples, as if to stave off a headache. “They never manage to get the voice right, do they.”
“Ah, if it were only that…” Gilbert sighs, setting the list down. His eyes are soft and unfocused, seeing far into a past that has long since been razed to the ground. “His Lordship, he… he had a certain air about him, you understand. An otherworldly strangeness. He was the dream-maker, and dream-made, and to look at him was to gaze upon infinity.”
A soft scoff.
“Even if we claim that he has been greatly reduced by being turned into a meagre human - no offence, dear friend - as long as he does not have some spark of endlessness about him, nobody who has ever met him would fall for the ruse. And we are attempting to con his family. I simply cannot see any viable path to success.”
Hob does not respond, for a moment, picking up one of the flyers on their table.
It reads:
SEEKING Actor, slender, pale, tall, dark-haired, in the 20-40 age range to play the role of Dream of the Endless (method actors preferred). Generous pay and further benefits await. Auditions each weekday at 6pm at the Old Whickber Street Theatre, Soho. Ask for Hob and Gil.
“We’ll find him.” Hob insists. “The perfect pretender. He’s out there, I just know it.”
“We are not the first fools who have attempted a, a caper of this sort.” Gil points out, almost gently. “None of the others ever succeeded.”
“Yes. Well. None of the others managed to find and correctly identify the late Dream’s own pouch of genuine dream-sand on sale at the black market.” Hob shoots back, gesturing at the cord just barely peeking out from under Gil’s collar. (They’ve decided it would be safer if Hob comes into contact with the sand as little as possible, and Gilbert has taken to carrying it as closely to his heart as he can manage.) “It’s hard evidence, Gil, it’s a sign, it’s our chance - and it might just be enough. The trick with a good con is really making it look like you’re giving the mark exactly what they desperately want… and there’s nothing in the world Death of the Endless wants more than to have her brother back.”
(She wants it so desperately, in fact, that she’s offering immortality to any sentient being who manages to procure Dream for her.
And, well.
There’s nothing in the world Hob wants more than to live forever…)
“Your word in- or, well, kept out of Destiny’s ears, young friend.” Gil sighs, collecting his lists and notes and the remaining flyers, tucking them into his coat and reaching for his cane. “In the meantime, how about we go down to the public house and have a bit of a snifter to wash away the memories of all those atrocious performances, eh, my lad?”
“Best idea you had all day, Gil.” Hob grins, clapping a hand on Gilbert’s shoulder. “Are you buying?”
Gilbert raises one grey brow. “At the risk of provoking a joke regarding my non-human status: in your dreams, Robert.”
Hob laughs; and, together, they step out into the winter night, old snow crunching under their shoes and new flakes beginning to drift, gradually, down from the sky.
It has been a decade since the end of the Endless’ reign.
Ten years since humanity tore Destiny’s book from his hands and burned it.
Ten years since Destruction abandoned his siblings, hiding away in his own, separate exile. 
Ten years since Despair’s first aspect was killed, and another took her place.
Ten years since Delight went mad with grief and became Delirium…
And ten years since Dream of the Endless was captured, bound, turned human, and killed.
People still whisper about it. Still speculate, trade gossip and hearsay back and forth. Some insist that the Dream King yet lives, hidden away, turned human, just biding his time, waiting for an opportunity to return to his siblings.
It’s a lovely legend, Hob supposes. A fitting end and non-end, for the Lord of Stories, to live on in one… but that’s all it is. A pretty tale, which will breathe new life into a myth only for as long as it’s being told. It isn’t true…
…but now, ten years later, Hob and Gil will damn well make it so.
Ten years is also, coincidentally, all that a man a few streets down from the old theatre can remember of his life.
Ten years since he was found, naked and emaciated and bleeding, in a ditch next to some countryside road in East Sussex.
Ten years of fighting his way through a life in poverty, with no family, no friends, no-one to care for him, except perhaps the birds.
Ten years of strange and haunting dreams, blurred faces calling out to him with names he can never remember later but knows are his; ten years of waking every morning with tears on his face and a longing for someplace - and someones - he wishes he could remember; ten years of a woman’s voice begging him night after night to come home to her, to them.
Ten years of being much too busy starving and freezing and barely surviving to spare even a single thought to the dying legends of the Endless.
This man turns his face up to the sky, snowflakes catching in his dark hair and on his coat like stars glinting in the night; and he shivers, his breath clouding mist-white in the air, curling thin arms around a narrow torso.
(For a moment, just a moment, his eyes glow dark and infinite, a mirror to the night sky and the endless universe beyond.)
And then, he ducks his head down into his scarf, shivers again, and continues on through the snow.
Ten hard years have taught this man better than to waste his time standing about and daydreaming.
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animasola86 · 4 months
(MODERN AU) In Your Care - 4
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!mc Genre: Smut/Fluff/Angst // Words: 6.7k // [READ ON AO3]
Synopsis: Nebbia knows her life is about to change all over again, but before she can allow herself to panic about it once more, she needs to be distracted - and there is one person who can help her with that.
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WARNINGS: NSFW! MDNI! Explicit sexual content (cunnilingus, fingering, vaginal)! Psychological trauma! Sexual abuse/domestic violence! Forbidden foster siblings relations! Horny and damaged teenagers! (Original characters!)
NOTES: This is chapter 4 of my AU series IN YOUR CARE (see Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3). It's set in modern times, there's no magic, just life in its most cruel form. But in this chapter, there's just good old fluffy smut, no trauma whatsoever, I promise. Still, it's NSFW, so proceed at your own risk!
← CHAPTER 3 - // - CHAPTER 5 →
The sun was filtering through the leaves, casting a soft light on the forest floor as Nebbia walked slowly next to Sebastian, his hand holding hers tightly but comfortingly while he led her deeper into the woods, away from the big house and the threat lingering inside. Birds were singing, and it all felt too good to be true.
She threw him the occasional side-glance, glad he was with her, but she could see the tension in his face, how he worked his jaw, frantically thinking of what to do. She was worried too, scared even, but the moment he had helped her to her feet, hugged and kissed her softly before he had grabbed her hand and pulled her after him, her mind had gone quiet, focusing on him, relying on him to be strong for the both of them.
Without question, she followed him, trusting him, maybe blindly and naively, but in this very moment – or ever since she had let him into her heart – she didn't care what it might look like to others. Even after only three months of knowing him, she loved him, they held onto each other's secrets, she needed him as much as he needed her.
And she knew from the bottom of her heart that he would protect her, no matter what, and as dark as the thought was, it comforted her greatly. Inhaling deeply, she squeezed his hand and smiled at him as he met her gaze. His eyes were warm, the sunlight playing in his brown irises, making them glow like amber, but his smile didn't reach them.
She stopped then, stood before him and grabbed his other hand as well as she looked up at him. He frowned. “You worry too much,” she whispered and stepped closer until she leaned against him, chin tilted up to meet his gaze.
“Of course I worry,” he replied, his hands slipping from hers to gently grab her waist. “We have to do something, Nebbia,” he added in a serious tone, his eyes wandering over her face.
She shook her head. “Not right now. Not until the sun goes down and we have to go back. Now we're free, alone in the woods, just us and nobody else, no past or future threat...” Her arms wrapped around his midriff as she leaned her cheek against his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat through his shirt.
He hugged her back with a sigh, holding her tightly in his arms as he rested his chin on top of her head. She knew he was already picturing countless ways of how to handle the situation that awaited them, but she couldn't think about it now. She needed to distance herself from it, completely, for as long as was healthy. It would all come back eventually anyway, be it the nightmares, the panic attacks, or the actual threat, but for now, right here in this moment, she had to have an empty head.
And there was only one way she could achieve that.
“Sebastian,” she mumbled against him, exhaling deeply. “Distract me, please.”
She felt him taking a deep breath, then he pressed his lips to her hair. “Anything for you, love,” he whispered before grabbing her hips and pulling her gently away from him to look at her. She met his heated gaze and licked her lips, feeling the intensity in his eyes breaking through the numbness of her limbs, rushing straight between her legs.
He leaned in and grabbed her face, slowly pushing his lips against hers, and she would have been fine just kissing him in the middle of the forest, feeling his warm breath and his warmer tongue and the urgency in his touch, but he had other things in mind. Leaning away with a sigh, he smirked at her, then turned around and bent over.
“Hop on, kitten, I know just the place for a little distraction,” he told her, and she laughed in surprise before she climbed on his back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. He grabbed her thighs and leaned back up. “Hold on tight.”
She pressed herself against him, her lips ghosting his ear. “Where are we going?”
“Surprise,” he just said and started walking, carrying her deeper into the woods.
Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes, taking in his scent and the noises of the forest, from the birds singing so innocently to the wind rustling the leaves, and small animals scurrying away as they passed. For several minutes he walked in silence, his hands holding her legs tightly and occasionally squeezing them affectionately, and she just leaned against him, relaxing more and more.
“We're here,” he then said, and she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, frowning slightly.
They stood in front of a small wooden cabin, old and overgrown and clearly abandoned, the windows smashed in and graffiti markings all around. She slowly slipped off his back and took a curious step closer. He grabbed her hand and stood beside her, watching her as she took in the unusual sight.
“How did you find this?” she asked a little breathlessly. Lost places like this had always been a secret passion of hers. And to see this small house in the middle of the forest, nestled between tall trees and thick bushes, and so close to her home, was exhilarating.
“Stumbled upon it a few weeks ago on one of my walks from work,” he said quietly, smiling as he noticed her excitement. “There are old train tracks behind it that I followed here from town.”
She looked up at him in awe, eager to see it all as she squeezed his hand. “This is so cool!” she breathed before she moved closer to the cabin, dragging him after her.
He followed without question, his eyes on her as she looked through the broken windows, holding her breath in anticipation as she dared a look into the dark interior. “Do you want to go inside?” he asked, nudging his foot against the old door that was barely hanging in its hinges, swaying slightly inwards at the motion.
“Yes!” she said excitedly, and together they moved closer, he was holding the door open to let her go in first.
An old dust smell hit her nostrils, rotten wood and wet spots made the air damp and stale, and the floor boards creaked ominously as she walked into the cabin. There was barely anything in it, just a set of broken chairs piled in the corner and a small table leaning on three legs. Mostly there were wooden crates all around, most of them broken, only one stack almost reached the low ceiling next to an empty bookcase.
Everything looked aged and long abandoned, with cobwebs and thick layers of dust everywhere, but the small open fireplace seemed as if it would last for all the times to come. There was a wide and surprisingly deep mantelpiece on top of it, and Nebbia walked to it and licked her lips as she closed her hands around the edge.
“Lift me up,” she whispered, and Sebastian followed her and didn't hesitate when he grabbed her waist and picked her up like a doll before he sat her on the ledge and looked up at her with a smile.
“How's the view?” he chuckled.
She laughed and looked down, putting her hands on his shoulders as she spread her legs and pulled him between them. His eye level was right in line with her breasts, while she could have put her chin on top of his head. “Most splendid,” she jested and looked around. “So this is what you see every day?”
“Oh yes, loads of tops of people's heads,” he replied with a smirk.
She grinned and moved one hand through his messy locks. “Yours looks really nice,” she whispered, her fingers digging deep and softly massaging his scalp. He hummed in response and leaned his head against her chest, right between her boobs. She felt him inhaling deeply as his arms snaked around her torso and held her close to him.
They stood like that for a while, with only the birds chirping outside and the wind pushing branches against the siding of the cabin. It was a peaceful moment as she listened to his soft breathing while her heart hammered against his ear. Without saying anything, he moved one hand over her back and under her top, his warm fingers caressing her bare skin tenderly until they fidgeted with the clasp of her bra.
She took a shuddering breath when he eventually leaned back to look up at her, his eyes dark with a mixture of deep adoration and searing desire. He held the gaze as he moved his hands along her sides and slowly pushed her top up. Unable to even think clear under the intensity in his eyes, she raised her arms and let him pull her top and bra over her head which he then put down on the mantelpiece beside her.
Without breaking eye contact, he placed his hands on her waist, his thumbs rubbing circles over her skin, before he leaned in and pressed his lips to the valley between her breasts. She watched him, actually holding her breath, her fingers frozen in the middle of digging through his hair. His kisses were warm and soft and gentle as he made his way down to her stomach, his breath ghosting her skin whenever he moved his mouth to another inch of her body.
The feel of his tongue made goosebumps ripple over her arms and legs, even more so when he started gliding it upwards back to her breasts in long broad strokes, leaving a trail of warm saliva on her tingling skin. She felt her breath quicken as he was so absorbed in exploring and caressing her torso that he had closed his eyes, a sight she adored most of all. His long lashes grazed his cheeks, the hint of a blush spreading over his freckled face as he kept gently licking along her chest until he finally reached the small mounds of her slightly quivering breasts.
She inhaled sharply when he closed his lips around her left one, the warmth of his mouth causing shivers to rush down her spine. He opened his eyes then and looked up at her, while his tongue circled around her sensitive bud, patiently, until she felt it harden against his touch. Then he moved to her other breast and repeated the motion, and she felt herself melting into the sensation of his slow but eager caresses. Her fingers were still buried in his messy locks, and when he leaned back to blow teasingly on her nipples, she mewled and gripped his hair tightly.
He smirked at her before he suddenly leaned up and made her lean forward by grabbing her chin gently so he could capture her mouth for a deep kiss. She almost fell off the mantelpiece if his body wouldn't have held her there. His tongue pushed into her mouth, and she met it with fervor, soft moans escaping her as she closed her eyes and lost herself in the feel of his lips against hers.
When they were both breathless, he leaned away, pressing his lips to her jaw and over her throat and along her neck and back between her breasts. His hands were on her waist, holding her firmly but never too tightly. She watched him move downwards, his eyes closed in concentration as he kissed her abdomen gently. There he stopped and took a step back, and she had to let go of his hair as her hands fell to her sides.
They exchanged a heated gaze, and she only nodded before she propped her hands on either side of her body and lifted herself up slightly, allowing him to pull her jean shorts over her hips. His long fingers undid the button and zipper, and in a swift motion he did as was suggested, pulling her panties along with it. She sat back down on the old mantelpiece, feeling the cool wood on her heated center as he fidgeted to get her clothes over her sneakers.
A smile grazed her lips as she watched him fold them neatly until they found a place next to her top and bra. Only then did he look back at her, his hands running over her thighs as he gently pushed them apart a little more. His eyes wandered from her flushed face down her body until they rested right between her legs.
She should have felt exposed and vulnerable, especially sitting on the ledge with her sex right in front of his face. But he'd seen it so many times, she felt as if he knew it better than her.
He stepped slowly closer, nestling his body between her thighs as his hands moved up her chest to cup her breasts. He continued the journey of his lips, kissing her stomach and her belly button and then eventually, he reached the sensitive skin of her mound, his warm lips only heating her skin up more. A soft whimper escaped her as he rubbed his palms over her hard nipples at the same time as he pushed his mouth to her throbbing clit.
She felt the tip of his tongue poking at the bundle of nerves, and a shiver made her almost flinch against him. He let out a chuckle, the vibration of his voice and his hot breath only adding to the sensations he invoked by caressing her very sensitive nub. Her hands were on his shoulders now as she held onto him tightly in an attempt to control herself under his ministrations.
His hands eventually let go of her boobs and moved down again, sliding along the sides of her body, following the curves down to her rear while he continued to lick and suck until she felt herself getting wetter against his chin that kept rubbing against her folds. Her noises became more frantic, the grip of her fingers must have been painful, but he didn't care, he kept going, focused only on bringing her pleasure.
Yet as she felt herself nearing that much needed release, he suddenly leaned back, his tongue swiping against her agitated nub one last time before he pressed his mouth to her inner thigh, slowly kissing along her trembling skin while she gasped in a mixture of indignation and disappointment. He chuckled again, and she gripped his hair tightly to make him look up. His dark eyes met hers, and the smirk he gave her made her blush even more.
But when he kept kissing along the delicate skin of her thighs, he moved one hand between them and started rubbing his palm up and down her folds, coaxing those sweet moans out of her that made him hum in return. She arched her back and leaned against the wall above the fireplace, her body shuddering under his consistent caresses. Her chest rose and fell faster as she gripped his hair, and when he suddenly pulled one of her legs over his shoulder, she gasped softly.
Because it meant he had moved his face back between her legs, inches away from the needy nub. His gaze moved up to her, and she met it out of hooded eyes, her lips parted and trembling in anticipation. He smiled at her before he pressed his lips back to her mound, planting soft kisses along her heated skin. He pulled her other leg over his shoulder as well and really nestled between her trembling thighs now while she dug her shaking fingers into his locks, holding on for dear life as he continued to stimulate her clit with the tip of his tongue.
More moans slipped from her as she arched her head back, every flick and every kiss and every little bit of sucking causing her to quiver more. He took his sweet time with her, but she felt that tension within her stomach building quickly, and when he suddenly teased a finger against her entrance, she cried out and felt her hips bucking against his face. He leaned back and pressed his open mouth onto her folds as she came with another jerk of her body, her juices flowing freely, the wet slurping sounds almost obscene as he licked up every single drop.
She felt her entire body growing hotter at the sensation, but there was no space for embarrassment, there was only pleasure, blindingly bright pleasure that washed over her with the force of a gentle but fierce wave eager to wipe every sorrow away. Exactly what she had needed. And it wouldn't stop there. As her body went limp in his hold, he kept going, his tongue swiping between her folds and digging deeper, teasing against her clenching entrance.
Her eyes rolled back as she leaned against the wall behind her, boneless and spent, her legs twitching on his shoulders, her toes curled up almost painfully, while his mouth remained focused on her pulsating pussy. She moaned loudly when she felt his tongue pressing into her, the warm soft muscle dipping as deep as possible as he pressed his face to her center, the thrumming hum he issued vibrating through her very core. He worked his tongue inside her, licking and pressing against her clenching walls as his nose pressed right onto her throbbing clit, coaxing more noises out of her raw throat.
The pressure within build once more, and when he moved his hands around her sides until he cupped her ass cheeks firmly, lifting her up slightly, she felt her hips buck again, the tremors rushing through her body and right against his face as she came all over again. In her frenzy she wrapped her legs around his neck and squeezed tightly, unable to control herself any longer, and she felt him groaning against her.
He managed to move his hands under her thighs and pry her clenching limbs away from him before he continued to lick at her release. She was a quivering mess by now, barely able to do anything but lean against the wall, her wetness making it difficult to stay seated on the wooden mantelpiece, but he held her in place now, his big hands holding her legs open as he kissed her warm flesh. Once she came down slightly from her orgasm, he removed one hand and guided it back to her folds.
Nebbia couldn't see it, but he watched her intently as he pressed his lips to the soft skin between her sex and her inner thigh, feeling the tendons twitch against his touch as he moved his fingers over her wet core, swiping through her folds, coaxing those sweet moans out of her while the squelching noises of her wetness made him tremble. First he circled his fingertips around her throbbing clit, feeling her thighs spasm uncontrollably under the motion, then he slid his fingers between her folds and right against her entrance.
She gasped softly as he pushed one finger into her depths, her walls immediately clenching around his digit as he slid it deeper. Caressing her from the inside, his gaze remained on her flushed face, her closed eyes, her swollen and trembling lips. Smiling to himself, he licked his slick lips and kept moving his finger in and out slowly, observing her every reaction. She mewled softly, her limbs twitching, her hands gripping the edge of the mantelpiece so tightly her knuckles turned white.
He retrieved his finger, saw the slight frown forming on her forehead, then quickly pushed back in with two fingers now. She immediately relaxed again and whimpered quietly as his digits stretched her tight entrance. He repeated the motion, moving them in and out, pushing deep and gently spreading them inside her. His face rested against her quivering thigh as he watched her closely, his own breath hitching whenever she issued another soft noise that made his cock strain against the fabric of his pants.
She looked so relaxed, so blissful, so happy, such a contrast to the panicked frightful girl he had chased on her frantic flight just hours ago. Sebastian smiled softly at the change, keeping up his steady rhythm of pushing his fingers in and out of her warmth, eager to hold her in this state of oblivion for as long as possible. She deserved to forget, she of all people. Seeing her bliss had managed to push away his own anger and hatred for the reason why she had needed to be distracted in the first place.
He felt his heart beat faster when he thought back to hearing her horrible tale, seeing her so vulnerable, so fearful, so damaged, had put a dent on his soul, making him form a promise within himself to never let anything bad happen to her ever again. And he knew he wouldn't hesitate to fight anything (and anyone) that came her way and threatened to take away her new-found happiness. With any means necessary.
Lost in thought for a moment, he hadn't noticed that he had increased his pace, mindlessly driving his digits faster and harder into her warm depths, only when she gripped his hair, her body shuddering under his ministrations, did he look back at her, his eyes focusing on her face, contorted in a mixture of pain and pleasure as she furrowed her brows and whimpered continuously. He eased his motions and brought his mouth back to her clit, gently flicking his tongue around and against it until he felt her contractions gripping his fingers.
She came with a long cry, her hips jerking against him as her release sprayed against his face, and he wasn't fast enough to catch it with his tongue as he felt it hitting his eye. Chuckling deeply he pulled his fingers out and licked along her quivering cunt, mindlessly wiping his free hand over his wet face at the same time as he felt her fingers brushing against his cheek. He looked up, one eye still closed, tongue out mid-stroke, as he met her deeply embarrassed gaze.
He leaned away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, then stood up fully and grabbed her warm face to pull it down towards him. She met his lips with desperation, her hands moving over his cheeks while she pressed her tongue against his, tasting herself when she pushed deeper into his mouth. Soft moans slipped from both of their throats as they lost themselves in the passionate kiss that was so much more than just a meeting of mouths.
It was a promise, a silent understanding that nothing would ever come between them.
She felt her heart swell under the force of his lips against hers, how he held her face, how his body pressed between her legs and kept her in place, safe and sound as the aftershocks of her many orgasms crashed through her limbs. He didn't care about getting her juices all over him, and even though she was embarrassed, she knew she shouldn't be. He was there for her, no matter what, be it in her darkest hours with her face covered in tears and snot, or whenever she was at her highest and it was his face covered in her wetness, or even in the somber moments in between.
As if reading her thoughts, she felt him leaning away slightly, his lips pressed to her cheek and slowly moving down her neck. His low voice vibrated through her body as she tried to catch her breath.
“No matter what happens,” he rasped against her skin, kissing and licking it breathlessly. “I'll always be here for you,” he kept going, planting open-mouthed kisses along her collarbones. “Protecting you...” She shivered under the intensity of both his words and caresses. “Distracting you...”
Her fingers dug into his hair as he flicked his tongue against her hard nipples. When he reached her stomach, he pressed his lips firmly against it and looked up. “Loving you...” She bit her trembling lip. “All of you,” he concluded and kissed her abdomen once more, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her close as he leaned his cheek against her. His warm breath ghosted her tingling skin, and she inhaled deeply as a shudder rushed through her body.
His words sank into her soul, pushing through the darkness, leaving a trail of bright promises, but the deeper they penetrated, the tougher it was for them to keep going until they were swallowed by the shadows consuming her slowly. Doubts and memories crashed over her, and she felt a tear slipping from the corner of her eye.
The way he clung to her stomach made it worse, and she knew he meant well, showing her that no matter what was happening to her and her body and what had happened in the past, he was there for her, but she felt the weight of it all, the implications, those hopeful thoughts of a future she might not be able to achieve. Might not be able to give him. Closing her eyes, she let the tears flow, trying to suppress the shivers of her sobs as she leaned against him.
He could feel her body tensing up and a different kind of shudder crashing through her, and when he leaned up and looked at her, he inhaled sharply and quickly moved his hands back up to her face, wiping at her wet cheeks, trying to console her. “Hey, it's alright!” he whispered, kissing her softly until she opened her swollen eyes and looked at him. “Don't cry,” he added quietly, tilting his head as his eyes wandered over her flushed face. “Don't go there,” he said and tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ear as he bored his eyes into hers. “Don't go where I can't follow.”
She blinked at him, furrowing her eyebrows. Confusion washed over her.
A smirk appeared on his lips. “You have a tendency of getting lost in your own mind, love,” he explained and poked a finger against her temple gently.
“So you decided to quote Lord of the Rings to me?” she whispered, her own lips quivering as a small smile crept onto them.
“You're back, aren't you?” he teased and leaned in to kiss her softly. She nodded against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He chuckled softly and moved his arms around her to pick her up off the mantelpiece, holding her in his embrace as he kept pressing his tongue against hers. She mirrored his movements, showing him that she was focused on him now, and he felt the tension within him relax a little.
His hands moved under her rear as he supported her weight against him, their lips tangling while he carried her through the old cabin, trying to remember a good place to continue their intimate encounter. He was about to set her down on an old table, but when he did, he kicked against one of its legs, and it immediately fell into itself with a loud creak. She broke the kiss then and clung to him tighter, arms and legs wrapped around him as she looked from the broken table back to him, a quiet laugh on her swollen lips.
He grinned at her and looked around, then decided to bring her towards one of the windowsills – until he discovered that they were either covered in moss or broken glass. Sighing deeply, he considered just taking her right there on the dusty floor, but then she slipped from his embrace, her shoes meeting the ground as her naked body slid along his. She looked up at him as she moved him through the cabin, her fingers eagerly pushing his shirt upwards.
In a swift motion he pulled it over his head while she was already fidgeting with his belt buckle and then the zipper of his pants. He stopped moving, leaning against the wall as he watched her push his pants and boxers down. His chest was heaving as he noticed his cock springing free, yet she still fumbled with his clothes as she crouched in front of him. He had a hand on her shoulder to steady himself while he helped her and stepped out of his pants. When she moved back up, her hands roamed along his legs, her eyes trained on him as her breath ghosted his skin, her face so close to his body it caused shivers to crash over him.
She noticed his shudders, and he could see a smirk playing around her full lips before they were pressed against his thigh, slowly moving upwards. He felt the tension inside his stomach building, and it got even worse when she closed her small hands around his erection, squeezing it gently while she placed a few hot kisses along his hipbones. He grabbed her wrists almost a little too harshly, causing her to look at him in surprise, before she understood what he wanted.
Standing up to her full height, which wasn't much, he quickly placed his hands on the back of her thighs and lifted her up, cupping her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto his shoulders with eager fingers. He stumbled back a little until he hit the wall behind him, then quickly turned around and pinned her to it, the sudden thud causing dust and cobwebs to rain down on them. They both ignored it, only focused on the feeling of their sexes pressed against each other.
Her hot breaths made strands of his hair fly as she grabbed the nape of his neck to lean back enough to look at him out of hungry eyes, her pupils dilated so much her bright eyes appeared almost black. He mirrored that hunger and leaned in to capture her mouth for a searing kiss while she started grinding her pelvis against his cock. A moan escaped him, and with one hand still supporting her body, he moved the other between them and grabbed himself to press his tip against her waiting entrance.
The kiss slowed as they looked at each other, and when she nodded barely noticeably, he pushed in, feeling his crown sink into her pussy, her walls swallowing him needily as he slipped deeper. She groaned against his lips, her fingers tightening around his neck as she moved with him, her hips pressing against his until he was buried all the way inside her warmth. Her legs twitched around him as he gave her a moment to adjust to the intrusion, his kiss demanding enough to distract her from the initial pressure.
Closing her eyes, she moved her tongue against his, almost lazily circling it, feeling the heat of his mouth and his body and his hands and their connection, and when he started bucking his hips upwards against her, she moaned into the kiss. She felt him slowly withdrawing, her walls clenching around him, before he pushed back in, the deep thrust against her cervix causing her to flinch and gasp. He repeated the motion slowly, deliberately, really straining his body to refrain from just rutting into her.
She held onto him desperately, feeling her muscles contracting already under his careful movements, her heart beating faster as she pressed herself against him and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He snaked his arms around her waist and held her close to him as he ever so slightly increased his pace. Her back scraped over the old wall, more debris snowing on her shoulders, but she couldn't care less as she felt him moving within her, pulling out and plunging back in, a steady rhythm that quickly ignited her insides.
Like a wildfire it spread through her body, as moans slipped from her mouth and shivers rippled over her skin. His constant thrusts moved her up and down, the burning friction so intense she had to squeeze her eyes shut until she saw stars dancing behind her eyelids. His groans echoed in her ear, the tension in his body noticeable in every straining muscle that moved against her. She tried her best to mirror his motions, wanting to get him to where she had been before, at the height of all things, with her head in the clouds, forgetting everything.
They fell into a synchronized rhythm, fast and seemingly uncoordinated as he pounded into her, his cock pushing deep in frantic jerks of his hips. Her chest rubbed against his, her hard nipples aching from the friction, but she needed to push this further, so she slammed her hips against him, coaxing deep grunts out of him as he pressed her firmer into the wall, using that position to really piston his cock into her clenching cunt, each stab making her cry out in nothing but pleasure as he hit that spot deep within her, over and over again.
Her vision turned red, then a bright light engulfed her as she arched her head back and opened her mouth to let a long cry fall from her trembling lips. As her orgasm crashed through her, he could feel her contractions and grit his teeth, pushing further and faster, his arms so tight around her he was afraid he could break her, but he was so close, the tension in his stomach almost painful as his balls tightened, he had to keep going, and he did, desperately rutting into her, and with a deep almost primal groan, he thrust into her one final time, burying his entire length deep inside her spasming pussy before he felt his seed spurting out with a force that made his legs tremble.
He grunted as he rested his forehead on her shoulder, breathlessly leaning against her, as he emptied himself inside her, each twitch of his cock sending shivers down his spine. She crossed her feet and dug her heels into his lower back, holding him close, before she moved her hands over his tense back, rubbing soothing circles into his skin until he calmed down again. His hot breath ghosted her neck as he tilted his head, his mind spinning from the intensity of his orgasm.
“I love you,” he rasped barely audible, his body struggling to hold her in his arms, but she clung to him like a little monkey, her back pressed into the wall, holding both of them up, as long as his legs didn't give way.
“I love you too,” she replied quietly, her lips moving over his sweaty forehead. He inhaled deeply when he felt her fingers digging through his locks, gently massaging his scalp.
He could have stayed like that forever, buried deep inside her, with his warm seed slowly seeping past their connection, her sweat slick body pressed to his, united under the same sensation of absolute bliss. But with every high came the moment his head poked through the clouds, and that post-nut clarity brought back the dark thoughts this day had invoked in him. Breathing deeply, he held her close, not wanting her to get lost in her own mind again.
His hands roamed her body, trying to keep her distracted for as long as possible. But she eventually leaned back and grabbed his face, tilting his chin up with her thumbs to make him look at her. There was a smile on her swollen lips that made his heart swell. He couldn't even smile back, he just leaned in and crashed his mouth against hers, kissing her deeply, forcing those thoughts down again. She kissed him back slowly, only to gently push his face away and look at him.
His eyes wandered over her flushed cheeks, her own eyes shining bright in the dim light of the cabin. Without another word, she untangled her legs from around his waist and slowly slipped off him, and where he felt a sudden cold streak rushing through his limbs and his twitching cock, she felt empty without him, but wouldn't admit to it. As much as she needed him as close as possible, she also needed to rest as much as he did.
With her hands still on his shoulders, she stood in front of him, her legs trembling and twitching, their combined juices dripping down her thighs. He gently grabbed her waist and pulled her flush against him, his drooping length pressing into her stomach as he leaned down to kiss her softly. She sighed against him as she looked up at him from under her lashes. Another smile grazed her lips, and this time, he smiled back, watching her closely, looking for any sign of darkness trying to push past her happiness.
His dark eyes were intense as he looked at her, and she felt her knees shaking just meeting his gaze. Her hands moved up his neck until she gently caressed his hard face. The smile faded on his lips, and she knew he was brooding over whatever they should do next, how he could keep distracting her, but she couldn't ignore the fact that the day kept moving around them, hours passed, the sun crawled over the treetops, and eventually they would have to go back.
But not yet. She cupped his face and pulled him down to her before she captured his lips for a deep kiss that kept her occupied for a few more minutes, until she leaned away with another sigh and slipped from his embrace to walk back to the fireplace and her clothes. She heard him exhale loudly as she got dressed again, knowing he was doing the same behind her as the quiet clink of his belt buckle rang in her ears.
“Nebbia.” His soft voice pushed through her thoughts as she zipped up her shorts. Slowly she turned around, finding him fully dressed, slowly walking towards her.
She grabbed his hand and shook her head, squeezing his long fingers as she looked up at him. There was something in his tone that made her anxious. She knew he wanted to talk about what they were going to do about the threat lingering on the edge of the forest, but she couldn't do it. Not yet. Not now. “Hey, can you show me the train tracks now?”
He tilted his head, chewing on his raw lips. “If you wish,” he replied after a moment of contemplating her words. She smiled at him before she dragged him after her out of the dusty cabin and back under the canopy of the trees, the warm breeze making her long hair fly as they walked around the derelict structure, deeper into the woods.
With the birds singing softly around them, Nebbia felt herself relaxing again. Holding Sebastian's hand, she brought it to her lips and kissed it softly as she looked at him. “Thanks for distracting me,” she whispered.
He gave her a dark grimace. “Anytime, darling,” he replied quietly, and she felt her heart beating faster at the sound of his voice. Her eyes wandered over his hard profile, and when she almost tripped over a root on the ground, he caught her with his other hand, and as soon as she was in his arms again, she leaned up and pressed her lips to his jaw until he tilted his head down and captured them with his own, kissing her deeply.
They never made it to the train tracks as yet another urge grew stronger between them. Her carefree laughter echoed through the underbrush when he pulled her down onto a patch of soft moss, their limbs entangling as their hands roamed the other's body feverishly, minds already occupied with more primal needs.
In their heated endeavor none of them noticed the shadow moving between the trees, keeping an observing eye on the two lovers that shouldn't be.
← CHAPTER 3 - // - CHAPTER 5 →
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End notes: Ah, how refreshing, finally a good old smut scene again after all that trauma. How long will the idyll last? Well, heh, you probably know the answer to that.
Thanks for reading and sticking to it, even though it's not your typical Sebastian smut story!
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tulipanthousa · 4 months
tell us about the unwritten au 👀
okay, full disclosure, this will never be written. i have no intention of ever doing so. if someone else is willing to take a crack at it be my guest but this would be too much for me to handle
so, here it is
Content Warnings: angst, RAPE (<- read this. the dove is dead. do not pass go do not collect $200. youve been warned) both directly and via proxy, and other kinds of sexual coercion
LAOFT RELAMP but at what cost
In main story laoft, durant does not see roman and remy's dalliances as important or a threat to him/his control over roman.
in this story. he does
in an agonizing display of cruelty, he kidnaps remy and presents him to night roman as a gift.
its a terrible position - roman cant reject the gift and risk durants anger, which will end in disaster for both him and remy... but niether can he accept it and walk back into his day life with the knowledge that remy will remain here, trapped, alone with durant, and impossibly far away from anything roman can do to protect him
Roman takes the only path he can find - feign gratefulness so deep that he no longer had need of his day left, and giving it up. because at least if theyre both trapped remy's not alone.
Remy and Roman disappear the same night, stolen from their beds without a sound or a trace left behind.
In wickhills, Logan is incandescent with fury and patton cries so miserably the woods and hills around his house are bone-dead silent. not even the birds want to sing in his presence.
May sits alone in her house, the door locked, refusing to answer for anyone.
The Adams' put up posters across all of southeast ohio knowing nobody is going to call
And emile watches them all and churns with guilt because he didnt know remy, not really, so why does he think he has a right to be this sad?
Back in faerieland, things escalate in a bad way very quickly. Durant coerces Roman and Remy into increasingly intense sexual scenarios for his entertainment.
in the midst of this, having only one other person you can rely on or trust can, coupled with the rapid increase in intimacy, cross the wires a bit, and wwhoops, Remy and roman are in love now
Remy: or whatever passes for love in this shitshow Roman: you dont get to tell me i dont really love you Remy, crying: ok
and tbh, all of this is more of just context for what im ACTUALLY interested which is
they get out. now what?
Because in the meantime, Emile has reached out to patton, we still have LAMP and remile, and now we have pair-of-cats-that-cant-be-separated creativisleep
Logan: you thought canon logan had anger issues? ha. ha i say. this logan would kill a man sooner than let them make roman or remy even slightly uncomfortable. he'll snarled at his own mother if she gets too close. he'll snarl at thomas, though he'll feel bad about both. this is actually! not great! because logan tried to guard from the outside looks a lot like Guards Keeping Us Inside to remy and roman, so they have to figure out how to navigate logans nuclear reactor protectiveness vs it wigging roman and remy out.
Virgil: Virgil waking up is the catalyst for them getting free, and in the midst of his horror falls in QP love at first sight with remy, who was so brave and so strong and kept roman safe when virgil couldnt.
Remy: i dont know if 'safe' is even slihtly accurate Virgil: the safety of his heart and mind are of equal importance to me as his body. you have cherished both, and you can have anything you ask for as long as i live Remy: [gay fluster noises]
Patton keeps determinedly dragging emile to mays house (where they are holed up for close access to dizzy and jax) even though Emile feels like he's intruding
Patton, constantly on the verge of tears: I almost lost Roman and i've decided im in love with all of you and i CATEGORICALLY refuse to lose anyone else Emile: um Patton: RE. FUSE.
so pattons HOPE is that they all wind up in a big polycule pile, and its doesnt... not do that, but its not quite as clearcut as all that.
Theres stumbling blocks at the beginning withboth remy and roman wavering on whether or not their romantic feelings are genuine, and subsequently wondering if the fact that theeyre still in love with Emile and LAM respectively means that they arent.
this would go through some oscillations of both of them trying to deny those feelings to "prove" their love for each other, vs trying to push the other away so they can go be with p[eople they "really love"
do! not! separate them!
in my head this ends with romantic LAMP, Romantic Remile, Romantic Patmile, and QPR losleep and sleepxiety - everybody else is friends and cuddle buddies
Remy is actually super comforted by the fact that Patton is in love with him/attracted to him but never asks for more than friendship because he knows remy isnt. Metamour besties.
Dizzy suffers a lot from this ordeal (she hid from durant and subsequently roman, knowing if he found her as romans familiar it would be catastrophic) so their bond is.... stretched, lets say. overtaxed. she's a little sicklier. a little smaller, a little more timid. hides in remy or virgils jackets frequently
All of which is to say that this is a fraught extended metaphor that sometimes trauma changes you, and it changes your relationships, and it changes the way you feel attraction, and all of that is okay. it doesnt make those feelings or relationships less real or loving or valid.
anyway this is my monster. im not going to write it (please dont ask) but some people have expressed that they were glad i still shared it, so have some bite sized angst
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purpleisnotacolor · 4 months
I just had an idea for the saddest, funniest Star Wars AU.
Padmé actually does get resurrected!
It would suck!
it will also take a lot of text to explain...
The Setup
from her perspective, ROTS happens, she gives her kids to Bail and Obi-wan for safety, dies, then wakes up in her gosh darn burial clothes in front of THAT SLEEMO, SHEEV PALPATINE and this ominous dark cyborg who IS HER HUSBAND, who explains to her that he needed to genocide the Jedi to bring her back to life, and also nobody can find Obi-wan, and also Obi-wan and Palpatine mutilated your husband.
so she'd obviously have a breakdown, and fall into mourning for... basically everything she's ever loved or known.
Palpatine is of course aware of the threat Padmé poses, so she'd be watched like a hawk. Just in general she'd live in a gilded cage, because she has access to pretty much all of the Empire's resources, but can't say what she believes openly with the Emperor always watching.
What she'd do about it
As horrible as all of this was, she deals with it like she does any other tragedy, with calculated determination and faith. She absolutely, 90000%, would support the rebels, not in spite of being married to Darth Vader, but more because she wants his path of evil to be as rough as possible, and for his evil boss who regularly tortures him to die.
she's also not going to hide that she's married to "Darth Vader", and probably would also be very openly affectionate because:
after going through all that, nobody can tell her she has to also keep their marriage secret still.
he's not yours Palpatine, he's mine. He's not your slave, he is my husband, who I am married to, don't you forget it you Sith sack of slime.
to remind herself, him, and any onlookers that this tall dark brooding monster does still have a heart locked inside there.
while she would hate to admit it, there is a rush that comes from being the only person who's allowed to act that way with "Darth Vader".
the only thing she'd keep from the public is his true name, because of the threats she gets from Palpatine if she does. She'd absolutely still use it in private though, even if her husband hates it, because she's not dignifying any this Sith nonsense.
she would have to keep her marriage secret in the rebellion, except from Mon and Bail, because aside from those two, nobody is going to trust "Darth Vader's Wife", regardless of how good her intel is.
As for her kids.... she'd have to leave them. she trusts Bail and Obi-wan (wherever he is) to take care of them way better than she and "Vader" can with the Emperor breathing down their necks. It would be hard to keep that secret from Anakin, but fortunately he'd recognize a "miscarriage" as a sore subject she wouldn't want to talk about.
What Anakin would do about it
mostly feel like hot garbage.
In his anger he murdered his own wife, so from now on he'll act as if she were made of glass. He can't afford to loose her again.
He can tell she's hiding something from him, but every time he asks about it, he gets the same response of "remember how you did unspeakable things for me? I might have to do some for you, don't worry about it", which he supposes is fair, but Palpatine does not trust her intentions.
oh right... Palpatine.
He doesn't want to have to choose between Palpatine and her, but they both quietly fight over him all the time. Palpatine will ask him to kneel, Padmé will immediately do something sugary to reclaim him as her husband, Palpatine counters, she counters, on and on and on and it's exhausting, even without the threat of him and her getting electrocuted. At times he might even hide Padmé from the Emperor, both to protect her, and to save the headache.
while she still shows affection towards him, their marriage is obviously not doing well. so dang it he'll give her whatever he can, time, attention, gifts, political power, her children (once he discovers they exist), whatever he can get his cybernetic hands on.
How everyone else would react/the funny part
The general public: it would be the hottest drama in the galaxy. Padmé dies, people hold a massive funeral, and then she comes back. there's a lot of confusion, and she's of course changed, but it verifiably is her. And now she's married to some Imperial higher-up called "Lord Vader", and claims they've been secretly married for years but are finally coming out with it. Nobody would shut up about this or stop speculating, except under threat of criminal punishment.
Mon Mothma: revulsion honestly. the first time everyone saw Padmé and Vader making out at Padmé's anti-funeral, she downs her champagne flute like a shot. but eventually she finds out Padmé wants to join the Rebellion, and any allies are welcome at a time like this.
Bail Organa: Happy to see her alive! but also confused, as he's pretty sure he saw her die. She's also now married to this "Vader" fellow, despite the fact that he's pretty sure she was married to Anakin... and there is no good resolution to that snag. she explains the situation to him, and that she wants to join the Rebellion, and he accepts.
her children are another issue, but she thankfully doesn't ask for Leia back, so he'll do the best he can to raise her, occasionally including Padmé in Leia's life when it's safe to.
Vader's underlings and other Imps: in a word, pissed. Vader is known for being violent, except around his wife. here is walking proof he can be gentle, he just chooses not to be, because you're all beneath him.
Obi-Wan: honestly not much different than canon, he can't help Anakin, he can't help Padmé, he's just going to do the best he can with Luke.
Palpatine: has made a grave mistake. this was a bad idea, this was such a bad idea, she keeps getting in the way, he can't just kill her again, why did he do this? it doesn't matter now, he can still work with this, he can bend it to his favor, he just needs to be clever.
Ahsoka: that bastard murdered her master and stole his wife. She's going to kill him. Might end up on an awkward rescue mission that ends with her learning some things she'd rather not know.
Thrawn: morbid curiosity and respectful suspicion. given that this "Lord Vader" shows up out of nowhere with the only known fact about him being that he's married to the senator of Naboo, he honestly suspects some form of identity fraud is at play. Finding Vader's identity becomes one of his research projects, and his marriage becomes his favorite soap opera to look into when he's bored.
Leia: really mad that her mother was right there this whole time, and she never got to know until she was older. also very very mad that their marriage was across political factions, meaning their marital issues literally got millions of people killed. very very much wants Padmé to just dump him.
Luke: gosh darn it he's going to patch this hot mess of a family up with duct-tape if he has too. he hates every inch of this drama as much as everyone else, but he's going to do something about it.
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omg-gojo · 18 days
"What did you just said?!" Lee screamed covering his mouth when he realiced.
"We are getting married in the five nations peace cruise next month" he says as calm as he say it the first time. "We can make the arrengements with Kakashi. Unless, you... do not want to?"
To be honest when Rock Lee said i will marry you in any place at any time even right here and right now an event so important as THE event of the year, he would even dare to said of the decade, didn't crossed his mind for a second. But it didn't stop him from feeling light headed, warm spreading in his cheeks and butterflies filling his stomach.
"Of course i want to marry you! I won't step out of my word to you" he murmurs reminding himself that they are still here, in the cementery afterhours. He's been waiting here, like the first plan was. He looked at the gray plate above the grass. Just Neji as or witness for our vows, blood instead of rings because nobody should know and a passioned night at his place, so Gaara could pack his things and make his way back to Suna. "It's just that when you told me about mantaening the secrecy of our nuptial, doing it in a place with the most important people of all five nations was not in my list"
"It's not like they are invited anyway" Gaara expressed while crossing his arms.
Lee frowned in confussion "i don't follow..."
"We'll have our own wedding in the cruise while the rest of the guests are at the party" he kept explaining "in the middle of the celebration we'll slipt away for a few moments, get married and go back to the event without anybody noticing. Everybody would be so drunk not even the council nor the rest of people there could guess what just happened" a little smirked scape from the corner of his lips, that for anybody else would look like a grimace, but for Lee wasn't.
"Hmm, i don't know. I think you'll enjoy more the fact that you're doing it just under their noses than us ACTUALLY getting married" Lee joked while taking his lovers hands to pull him closer.
"It would only be a plus to it" exhaled. While remembered the words of Temari when he told her about his plan. Of course their families where the only ones that will know, eventually, right now just Temari. You imprudent rugrat! you maybe wear the hat of the Kazekage but you are still act like a child! No. Not that. Marriage is something you enjoy in a unique special way. No, im not talking about sex! Is a promise! to both of you and your families, that you'll be by each other side for the rest of your lifes taking care of what you'll built. So...are you gonna make it right?
....Or are you gonna do the Uchiha way? He squirmed at the mere thought. Right, he's gonna make it right, Lee deserved that. He squized Lee's hands for comfort "...One Day Suna will know the name of my husband, i'll prepare everything for that. But for now I wanna give you a wedding we and our families wont forget."
"Our families..." Lee's eyes went wide and shine as the moon above them. He won't leave his family for you, he will make you part of his.
"It'll mark a new beginning for the world and for us. Marry me" told him almost begging while getting closer to the tearing face of the leaf shinobi.
"Yes" Lee smiled.
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"Remember, Metal, no weapons!" "Yes, Papa!" but seal rolls are not weapons
"Shit kiddo, we are gonna be late!" "I literally can teleport us there, uncle"
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muzzlemouths · 10 months
Use this ask to talk about any ideas you have, either an AU or a personal proyect :D
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Let me introduce you to a little concept called Red Giant au…
I'm choosing to talk about this AU because it'll never actually see the light of day. Mostly because I already have a whole list of other AUs I really need to be tending to before introducing another, but also because this specific AU is…well, it's mean.
If you've been following me for a while (or have read even one of my stories) you should know by now that I'm a sucker for plots that center around Sun and Moon's (irrevocably bonded) relationship. No matter the hardship at hand they always somehow find their way back to each other and sweep their differences under the rug for another day, because at the end of that day, all they really have is each other. It's a hopeful narrative. A patient and kind-hearted story.
This is not that kind of story.
Red Giant AU is the culmination of brainworms that stemmed from one single thought.... What if they didn't become Eclipse in Ruin?
What if, against all odds, this hardship was the one to break the camel's back. All those years, forced out of their element and shoved into another, the conflicts it brings about, the new stage they're presented with which take their arguments off-script, the back-and-forth of who is right and who is wrong, the crumbs swept under that rug stack higher and higher, and eventually, someone is going to trip.
Sun has a right to be tired, doesn't he? Even the hero deserves a break from the villain, a chance to breathe, to know for certain that he's in the right without having to constantly fight for it. Wouldn't you get tired of cleaning up someone else's mess? Every day? For years? Wouldn't you miss how things were before everything changed? Wouldn't you be looking for something — someone to blame?
And maybe Ruin is his final plea. Maybe it's the last olive branch that he extends in a desperate attempt to convince Moon that this, too, can be salvaged. But Moon is (rightfully) bitter, and he intends to show Sun a taste of his own medicine. Locked away without any say in the matter. No more Sun, no light, only night.
This does nothing but stir up the dust beneath that rug. It rips the band-aid off and reopens old wounds until both parties are speaking with tongues that cut even deeper. It isn't too late, of course. This relationship can still be saved, Sun thinks, if they're whole again. If someone, anyone, would come along and reset them so they could start over and have a fresh start —
But what if nobody ever comes? The plex has been closed for some time now, after all, and they have no reason to believe anyone will be stepping foot in this dilapidated building ever again. His hope surrounding this idea dwindles by the day until finally, at last, something snaps.
Someone tosses a rock through the daycare window, maybe. Debris shifts at just the right angle. A stream of light pierces the darkness, and he takes the opportunity for what it's worth, fighting, fighting, fighting until uneven feet stumble into its warm embrace and he finds enough control there to make a decision that is tangible.
The daycare will remain trapped in night indefinitely, that is true and fact and certain, but the outside? Oh, the outside is bright and full of opportunity. He's carving a path up to that window without giving himself the time to think about it. Hesitation is what got him into this mess, now there is only commitment, and that decision means tuning out Moon's every shriek and shrill, even as he reaches the sill, even as wires are further ripped from their core as he shoves himself through remaining glass.
Do you know what a red giant is? It's a phase that occurs after a sudden, drastic change. Specifically, when the sun begins to die.
This puts something of a deadline on their body. They become a walking timebomb of gears and frayed wires, out in the open world for the very first time, and things are made all the more difficult in that Sun's mental state has frayed beyond repair. Now it's his turn to cause a mess. It's his turn to play the villain. Whatever it takes to carve a new life for them out of the debris they left behind, even if it means doing so with his bare hands.
Even if it means shutting out Moon completely.
After all, why waste any further time arguing when he's finally learned how to put a wall between them? Things will go much smoother now that he's figured out where that handy little mute button is.
But eventually the day must end and the night arrives, and with it, Moon is given a few spare hours to stretch his legs and, eventually, teach himself to do the one thing that Sun has been managing alone all these years...how to put the pieces back together.
drops some art into your hands
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side notes:
Sun becomes 'redder' the further he snaps and the longer he shuts Moon out. It's already spread to his chest by the time Moon finds and recruits some help.
Both of their faces are fucked Ruin style, but — either due to the red giant "virus" or his own denial — he's unable to see it in his own face. Looking into a mirror only draws forth an error screen.
While obviously built off of the Ruin DLC and some What Ifs, I have to admit the AU is also heavily influenced by the song You're Not Welcome
Despite not having any (current) plans to write this AU I'd still love to talk about it! If you have any questions my askbox is OPEN 👋
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jennilah · 1 month
For the saw ask!! 5, 11, 14 <3
5) A character you wish could have lived
there are many characters I wish I could watch an AU where they lived, but am generally not torn up that they had to die to move the plot forward because I thought the final story was compelling. but there is one character I really did not like seeing die for many reasons, and that was Jill :(
11) Thoughts on Saw VII
Saw 3D they cant make me hate you. i dont often dislike movies at all, actually. in most films, even widely hated ones, i like trying to find the positive. i can usually list at least one aspect i enjoyed & Saw 3D was no different.
I know theres some argument about how in-character some people were, but i dont like getting into that sort of thing. I dont want to dig into writers and script n shit that much, that reminds me too much of how I used to fandom. ugh, barf. thats taking things way too seriously for my taste now. Going into it, I had no idea about any of that, I was just thinking about how things progressed from the last film, right?
so whatever characters do, thats canon now. i just gotta deal w it and adapt my characterization accordingly whether i like it or not
so I explain things like Hoffman and Lawrence's behavior as simply losing what little humanity they had left. Listen. Like, the guys have been though an absolute hell of an experience in different ways, and spent a significant amount of time drinking John's kool-aid. He had a way with words and was a master manipulator.
Hoffman just spent the last four movies slowly spiraling further down and down into the hole he was digging himself in, i had no problem with him going full terminator in the end. He was off the deep end and his penchant for revenge reared its ugly head once again, and he couldn't be stopped. he was blinded by his own bad decisions and nobody could stop him- he killed them all. He was drunk with power and behaved at times like a cornered animal that snapped.
his slasher rampage made me fall in love with him, after all. it opened my eyes to him being more than just "boring cop jigsaw" (though my tune was starting to change by Saw VI)
Lawrence was recruited during likely another vulnerable position in his life, recovering from the trauma of the trap, likely also dealing with a divorce and more. Him returning to be an apprentice was fanfiction, but what can I say? I dont hate fanfiction movies. I like what apprentice!Lawrence has brought to the table in the grand scheme.
i also enjoy some of the campier sillier moments. Horsepower trap, my beloved
i dont love all of it. but idk. im forgiving w "bad films". very few are completely without any intriguing moments
14) Favorite trap
oh god this is so unbelievably hard to answer
the Horsepower trap has an absurdity to it that makes me laugh a lot. The Glass Coffin had my favorite characters & ship fodder.
I also really like the Nerve Gas House & Fatal Five but maybe more as like, a vibe and plotline? I guess those are "games" more than individual traps right?
maybe the Glass Coffin. i did make this, after all
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