indog · 10 months
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Месец јуни обично се оди во chill и хибернација до есен па така и АМ шоу ќе го извози последното понеделничко утро за оваа сезона 4 или 79 епизода или 19 епизода  на радио МОФ. 
Ви благодарам на сите што бевте со нас (како и на техничарите Пецо и Кире) изминатите 5 месеци и што газевме и се дружевме и си ги правевме понеделниците поубави и го рефлектиравме градот во една поинаква атмосфера за нас.
Подкастот за летово го напушта овој радио формат. Во летниов распуст и ќе продолжиме да слушаме плочи и музика некаде низ градов се надевам (TBA набрзо). Ништо претенциозно ниту концептуално него буквално слушање музика, ама ај за тоа потоа. 
Вклучете се утре во 10:00 на www.radiomof.mk/radio да се распуштиме 😘 SВОНЕШЕЕЕЕ 😂 
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Okay, my post is a bit if an easy one today. No doubt Instagram will punish me for being away so long so something that encourages more reactions is beneficial. I also want to check in though. April was awful for me in my work, home and health so I want to see how everyone's been doing. How are you? How's life? How have you been this past month? (Photo by Simon Thomson from Friends of Longely Woods FB group) #checkin #checkup #life #emotions #feelings #mind #mentalhealth #lifestyle #nature #woods #bluebells #support #howareyou #friends #break (at Longley Woods) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdXoZ1_o7rg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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richardstockley · 1 month
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Coaching can help with prioritization and time management, work-life balance, goal-setting, stress management, self-awareness. But perhaps one of the most significant areas that coaching can help with is perspective
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flying-postcards · 2 months
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Sent to BELARUS on 6th of March 2024
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yumacr · 2 months
Your Mom and step dad say hi. You know exactly who this is, don't you?
HI mom, hi dad.
Yes, I know who this is😌
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ladaeliseeva · 9 months
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That carnation!
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koreangermanium · 9 months
Greetings by Region: German
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Greetings are an essential part of human interaction, serving as a means to establish connections, express respect, and foster relationships. They carry a cultural significance that varies from one region to another, reflecting the uniqueness of each community. In this article, we will explore the art of greetings in the German culture, shedding light on their importance and diverse expressions.
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Understanding the Importance of Greetings
The Role of Greetings in Communication Greetings are more than mere pleasantries; they act as an icebreaker in conversations and lay the foundation for meaningful interactions. They set the tone for the communication that follows and demonstrate politeness and respect towards the other person. Cultural Significance of Greetings In every culture, greetings embody the values and traditions upheld by its people. They are an embodiment of societal norms and convey the history and heritage of the community. Greetings are a reflection of the collective identity of a culture.
Greetings in the German Culture
German greetings are characterized by a blend of formality and warmth, emphasizing respect for individuals and their personal space. Here are some common verbal and non-verbal greetings found in Germany: Common Verbal Greetings - "Hallo" (Hello): A simple and casual greeting used in various settings, be it among friends, family, or acquaintances. - "Guten Morgen" (Good morning) / "Guten Tag" (Good day) / "Guten Abend" (Good evening): These greetings are time-specific, showing attentiveness to the appropriate time of day. - "Wie geht es Ihnen?" (How are you?): A polite and formal way to inquire about someone's well-being. Non-Verbal Greetings and Gestures - Handshake: A firm handshake is a common form of greeting, especially in formal settings. - Cheek Kissing: In social gatherings, friends may greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. - Eye Contact: Maintaining eye contact during greetings shows sincerity and interest. Greetings for Different Occasions German culture also has specific greetings for various occasions. For instance, "Frohe Weihnachten" (Merry Christmas) and "Frohes neues Jahr" (Happy New Year) are commonly used during the respective holidays.
Formal and Informal Greetings
Formal Greetings In formal settings, such as business meetings or when addressing elders, Germans tend to use titles and last names. For example, "Herr" (Mr.) or "Frau" (Mrs.) followed by the last name. Informal Greetings Among friends and peers, informal greetings are more relaxed and often accompanied by the person's first name. For instance, "Hallo Peter."
Greetings in Business Settings
In German business culture, handshakes and maintaining eye contact are crucial during greetings. Addressing individuals by their professional titles demonstrates respect, and small talk before diving into business matters is common.
Greetings in Social Gatherings
When attending social gatherings or events, cheek kissing or hugging may be appropriate among close friends. Germans place value on personal relationships, and greetings contribute to strengthening social bonds.
Cross-Cultural Considerations
Do's and Don'ts When interacting with Germans or people from different cultures, it is essential to be mindful of the following: - Do: Offer a firm handshake and make eye contact during greetings. - Do: Use titles and last names in formal settings. - Don't: Hug or kiss someone unless you share a close relationship. Avoiding Cultural Misunderstandings Understanding the cultural nuances of greetings can prevent misunderstandings. While Germans may seem reserved at first, they appreciate polite and respectful interactions.
Unique German Greetings
Regional Variations Germany's diverse regions may have unique greetings and traditions. For example, in Bavaria, "Grüß Gott" is a common greeting, while in the north, "Moin" is used for both "hello" and "goodbye." Seasonal Greetings During seasonal festivities like Oktoberfest or Karneval, Germans have special greetings that capture the spirit of the celebrations.
The Impact of Technology on Greetings
Greetings in the Digital Age Advancements in technology have brought changes to the way greetings are exchanged. Emails, social media, and instant messaging have become popular platforms for sending greetings. Virtual Greetings and Etiquette With the rise of virtual meetings and remote work, understanding the etiquette of virtual greetings is crucial in maintaining professionalism and rapport.
Greetings in the German culture reflect the nation's emphasis on respect, warmth, and tradition. From common verbal greetings to regional variations, the diverse expressions of greetings make interactions in Germany a unique and enriching experience. As we navigate the digital age, adapting greetings to virtual settings ensures that the cultural significance of greetings endures. Understanding the nuances of German greetings and embracing cross-cultural considerations foster meaningful connections that transcend boundaries.
- Q: Are handshakes common in all German regions? A: Yes, handshakes are a common form of greeting in Germany across all regions. - Q: How do Germans greet each other during festive seasons? A: Germans have special greetings like "Frohe Weihnachten" (Merry Christmas) and "Frohes neues Jahr" (Happy New Year) for festive occasions. - Q: Is cheek kissing a formal or informal greeting? A: Cheek kissing is an informal greeting commonly used among close friends and family. - Q: What is the importance of maintaining eye contact during greetings? A: Maintaining eye contact shows sincerity and interest, conveying respect during greetings. - Q: How have virtual greetings impacted traditional greetings in Germany? A: Virtual greetings have adapted to modern communication platforms, coexisting with traditional greetings and extending their reach. Read the full article
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williamrayshine-jr · 9 months
Good evening y'all! ❤
Haven't posted here today, soo I figured I'd would come drop a post on this evening😊 side note I'm highly aggravated, not telling you why cause it's not important but I'll probably share it on my diary page if y'all are following that page.
Other than that ill be on blogger venting cause my life is a shit show right now & it sucks donkey dicks but I'm still smiling though (maybe, kinda)
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thecpdiary · 10 months
Mental Health Matters
Mental health matters, but I'm not sure just how many people think about mental health in that way. Growing up with a disability I didn't know I had, I was aware something was amiss with my mental health. I just couldn't get a handle on it.
The bad thoughts were never far behind. It didn't matter how much I tried to replace the bad thoughts, they were never far away. That went on for years.
Anxiety, Depression and Covid-19
In the pandemic, we have all been affected by mental health. But how many of us are taking control? Anxiety and depression are mental health issues, which were a thing in Covid-19. We've probably all caught the virus at least once, some two or three, or even four or five times. We have all been affected by the virus in some way.
The fear of catching the virus stayed with me for a good year and a half before I caught it. That's a lot of mental health to deal with, I know I'm not alone. Mental health matters. I make it matter, you should make it matter, we should all make it matter.
No one is free of 'mental health' problems
No one is free of mental health problems and yet it is ignored. Mental health issues run in families and it starts in childhood. I deal with it and continue to talk about it through my blog. My twin dealt with mental health, but different to me. The truth is, mental health is never far away and yet it continues to be ignored.
As an independent author I rely on goodwill and people kindly spreading the word. Please help support. If you fancy grabbing copies of my books, they are available to purchase on my website https://www.thecpdiary.com/my-books/
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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peachymottainai · 11 months
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doodled these little guys while I was at work on a receipt paper and decided to transfer them to procreate lmfao. my coworker said I could use these to “promote healthy eating”.
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indog · 7 days
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Првата епизода од #celebratelifepodcast ја објавив на 24 март 2020 година, додека бевме сите дома во изолација. За жал, тоа беше во лош миг, но бев инспириран од пандемијата и потребата да се поттикне дискусија за важноста на свеста за менталното здравје. Го започнав поткастот и имав супер дискусии со разни луѓе. Беше супер инспиративно во моментите кога седевме дома и тоа беше начинот на дружење и комуникација. По враќањето во физичкиот живот, поткастот продолжи и еве не до 100та епизода. Уште ми е убаво да го правам ова, да разговарам со инспиративни луѓе и да ги запознаам од друг агол, и секако да сум во mode да слушам нова музика, но и да се навраќам и на некои заборавени музики и артисти за мене. Немам донатор и спонзор за сите овие сезони. Го правам од љубов и ќеиф, и сакам да го продолжам сето ова. Кој што сака да го поддржи поткастот, има начин и го прави тоа, фала ви ептен, сум благодарен за секој booking, графика и професионално ангажирање.
Во 100та епизода гости ми се Даре - Irie scratch и Трајче - Tactivity од Pandamonium радио, со кои што делиме иста цел: Поквалитетна култура, музика и пристап кон сето тоа. Ќе зборуваме за разни теми, вклучувајќи го искуството на водење на поткаст и колку е битно да се сака она што правите и да се верува во истото. И да ве потсетам: Само нежно кон себе во Понеделник!
Слушај #celebratelifepodcast click here!
Culture matters ya already know that!
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eyetcsuffolk · 1 year
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As part of Suffolk County Council’s Public Mental Health COVID recovery fund, at Suffolk Mind we’re aiming to gather 24,000 responses from Suffolk residents to our validated mental health survey, the Emotional Needs Audit, to get a check on mental health and wellbeing in the county. These responses will then go towards actions, funded by the council, to improve wellbeing around the county. We’re currently on almost 9,000 out of the 24,000 responses we need, so I would really appreciate it if you could please help us get the word out by circulating the below around contacts in Eye or other areas within the county? This could be a mailing list of residents if you have one, on your website, or through simply forwarding this email to personal or professional connections. Scan the QRCode to take part. @gardiner.leigh @bruce.salter @bruhabrewing @cafeye14 @the_queens_head_eye @theblossomcharity @clothing_dream_on @thebankartscentre @greendoordecorative @fleurs_artisan_florist @jimmyslimoncello @lifesolesuffolk @dream_on_woman @dreamonbeauty.suffolk @thehexagonsuffolk @tudorbakehouse @eyeflooring @eyehairandbeautysalon #wellness #wellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mindset #health #healthylifestyle #body #head #howareyou #self #selflove (at Eye Market Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2umdVI9I1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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conacona45s · 1 year
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ウサおめ🐰 ウサよろ🐰 ウサましておめでとうございます 今年もウサしくお願いいたしますはわゆ! #わんわんわんの日 #はわゆ #howareyou #こなこなちゃんのお通りよ #ねこ #猫 #cat #cats #neko #catlover #catlovers #instacat #catstagram #catsofinstagram #catoftheday #ilovemycat #kitty #meow #三毛スコ友の会 #ふわもこ部 #三毛猫 #ハチワレ#猫のいる生活  https://www.instagram.com/p/CnRsZqVB4aQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heardyoubeloved · 1 year
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Check-in: How are yall feeling this Holiday Season? How are yall holding up? #👀 #holidayseason #checkingin #checkin #howareyou #whatsgoingon #reels #seasonaldepression #depression #RIPtWitch #selfiimprovement #messageoftheday #thoughtoftheday #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #menspodcast #podcast #growthmindset #harlempodcast #nycpodcast #blackpodcast #latinopodcast #staypositive #letsdiscuss #letshaveaconversation #letstalkaboutit #letshaveadiscussion #discourse #discoursecommunity #judgementfreezone https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYE_sVt_p3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulbitescom · 1 year
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HI. HEY. HELLO! 👋🏻 (The grouphug is spreading over the world ✌🏼 and we are curious to know where you all are from! So say “Hello” in your language & from which country and we will do our best to learn some new words 😎) graphic 🙏 @l_atelier_dune_fille ↘️ this world needs a grouphug so join @instasoulbites & share some good vibes 🫶🏻 - #instasoulbites #soulbites #thisworldneedsagrouphug #armyoflove #planetlove #homeoflove #grouphug #howareyou #blackandwhitequotes https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1UjtLsOb6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladaeliseeva · 9 months
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