askagamedev · 7 months
How long is the scoping process for a game development typically in the industry, and does it vary greatly depending on what type of game, like from an open world PC game, to a mobile game, to a game based on a Hollywood IP?
Scoping is an ongoing process and not a particular phase of development that we finish. Even though we try to figure out what we can do early on, we still have to make scope adjustments as we follow the schedule. If higher priority tasks fall behind, it is only natural to cut lower priority tasks so we can redirect those resources to the higher priority tasks.
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At most studios, we work in milestones. A milestone is a longer period of time where we have a set of targets to deliver. When the game is green lit, the general milestone schedule is agreed upon and high level goals are set. This process can take a few months while we figure out what the game is about. The establishment of the milestones is very important, because it provides a means of tracking the game's overall development progress. Independent studios that have contracts with a publisher usually get paid for each successful milestone - the funding is given when the project reaches the goals set for the milestone.
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Early in the milestone, we usually have some planning meetings where the high-level goals are broken down into smaller tasks that get estimates from the developers in the trenches. If the tasks are too difficult to estimate by themselves, we break them down further until we get some consensus as to how expensive a task will be. Then, the producers take all those estimates, prioritize them, add them up, and compare to how much time we have in the schedule for the milestone. Starting from the highest priority and working their way down, they put as many of the tasks that we can do and will fit into the schedule in, and the other tasks that are either lower priority or have dependencies on the current tasks get put into the backlog. Then, as we progress through the milestone, they'll update the schedule as additional tasks get cut or added based on our progress and speed.
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Sometimes tasks slip the schedule for unforeseen reasons - our estimates are off, the person who was working on the task left the company, the licensor vetoed the idea, there's a new thing that takes priority, etc. When this happens, we can sometimes push the task into the next milestone (we call this punting), as long as the overall milestone goals are still hit. If we can't hit the overall milestone goals, the milestone is delayed and the studio may not get paid until the milestone goals are reached. If we consistently miss milestones by too much and the project is in danger of getting cancelled.
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
Of course, Mr. Vimes had kept his desk piled high with paperwork, but it occurred to Colon that maybe Vimes and Carrot between them had developed a way of keeping just ahead of the piles, by knowing what was important and what wasn't. To Colon, it was all gut-wrenchingly mysterious. There were complaints, and memos, and invitations, and letters requesting "a few minutes of your time" and forms to fill in, and reports to read, and sentences containing words like "iniquitous" and "immediate action" and they tottered in his mind like a great big wave, poised to fall on him.
The sane core of Colon was wondering if the purpose of officers wasn't to stand between the sergeants and all this sh--this slush, so that they could get on with the sargeanting.
Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
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businessmemes · 5 months
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Personal reflection time is sacred, but Jeremy really needs to clear some time for the pre-pre-pre meeting meeting. Meeting.
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kp777 · 9 months
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jpmellojr · 10 days
OWASP's LLM AI Security & Governance Checklist: 13 action items for your team
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Artificial intelligence is developing at a dizzying pace. And if it's dizzying for people in the field, it's even more so for those outside it, especially security professionals trying to weigh the risks the technology poses to their organizations. That's why the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has introduced a new cybersecurity and governance checklist for those security pros who are striving to protect against the risks of hasty or insecure AI implementations. https://jpmellojr.blogspot.com/2024/04/owasps-llm-ai-security-governance.html
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tmarshconnors · 9 months
Qualities That Define a Minimalist Person
A minimalist person is someone who adopts a lifestyle that focuses on simplicity and intentionally reduces the clutter, distractions, and excess in their lives. Here are some qualities that often define a minimalist person:
Simplicity: Minimalists prioritize simplicity in all aspects of their lives. They seek to simplify their possessions, daily routines, and commitments to create a sense of calm and clarity.
Intentionality: Minimalists are intentional about their choices. They carefully consider what they bring into their lives, whether it's physical possessions, relationships, or commitments. They focus on what truly adds value and eliminates what doesn't align with their priorities.
Decluttering: Minimalists actively declutter their physical spaces, getting rid of items they no longer need or find joy in. They understand that physical clutter can lead to mental clutter, and strive to create a clean and organized environment.
Mindfulness: Minimalists practice mindfulness and live in the present moment. They appreciate the simple pleasures of life, often finding joy in experiences rather than material possessions.
Frugality: Minimalists tend to be frugal and avoid unnecessary consumerism. They question the need for excessive spending and prioritize saving money for things that truly matter to them.
Environmental consciousness: Many minimalists are environmentally conscious and make choices that reduce their impact on the planet. They might prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly products, embrace minimal packaging, or reduce waste in their daily lives.
Detachment from material possessions: Minimalists do not attach their self-worth or happiness to material possessions. They understand that true happiness comes from within and focus on cultivating meaningful relationships, personal growth, and experiences.
Time and energy prioritization: Minimalists value their time and energy. They avoid activities, commitments, and relationships that drain them or don't align with their values. They prioritize activities that bring them joy, personal growth, and fulfillment.
Quality over quantity: Minimalists value quality over quantity. They prefer owning a few high-quality items that they truly cherish rather than accumulating a large number of mediocre possessions.
Focus on personal growth: Minimalists often prioritize personal growth and self-improvement. They strive to simplify their lives to create space and time for learning, pursuing hobbies, and developing meaningful connections.
It's important to note that minimalism is a personal journey, and individuals may embrace these qualities to varying degrees. Minimalism can be tailored to suit an individual's needs, values, and circumstances.
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bybanker · 3 months
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monriatitans · 7 months
How ADHD Affects Prioritization (And Why Recognizing IBNUs Can Help)
How to ADHD Prioritization is hard! Recognizing IBNUs can help. So can Sunsama! Start your 14 day free trial here (no credit card required!): https://www.sunsama.com/a/howtoadhd Thank you so much for watching, commenting, sharing and being generally awesome to each other. I appreciate you so much! Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/howtoadhd Check out our website:…
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House GOP Determined to Strike US
By Josh Marshall
|January 14, 2023 
We’ve been waiting to hear what secret agreements now-Speaker Kevin McCarthy had to make with the Freedom Caucus to become speaker. Yesterday we learned one key condition. McCarthy agreed to pursue something called “prioritization” as part of their plan to push debt default later this year. On its face, prioritization is a scheme by which the U.S. government will simply stop doing various functions — food and safety, Medicaid, roads, school lunches, air traffic control, border security — to prioritize only debt interest payments and likely Social Security and the military. In other words, there’s no need to default on the debt, the argument goes. You basically just default on the U.S. government.
In addition to the reality of having a big chunk of economy shut down because the U.S. government stops functioning, there’s a basic problem with this “plan.” We’ve been through this idea back in 2011. The U.S. government isn’t equipped technologically to pay some bills and not others on the fly. The U.S. government makes millions of payments every day. It also probably wouldn’t avoid the kind of financial crisis that full default would. And finally, this would only happen if the Senate passed such a “prioritization” bill and President Biden signed it. Obviously those things aren’t going to happen.
This gets us to the real gist of the matter. The Post calls this an “emergency plan for breaching the debt limit.” But it’s not. It can’t work. It couldn’t pass into law even if it could work. This isn’t actually a plan to avoid default. It’s a messaging plan aimed at being able to blame the White House for the federal debt default and the ensuing financial crisis after it happens. House Republicans want to be able to say, we offered this prioritization plan and you rejected it so obviously this is on you.
The real import of this revelation is that it shows how serious House Republicans are not simply about threatening a U.S. debt default but actually forcing a default. That’s the real story. They got McCarthy to agree to put in place the plan, really a messaging plan, that assumes they will force the country to default on its debts later this year.
Josh Marshall
 is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TPM.
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howdoesone · 9 months
How does one balance the demands of multiple consulting projects?
Consultants often find themselves managing multiple projects simultaneously, each with their own deadlines, deliverables, and client expectations. This can be a challenging task, especially when balancing the demands of multiple clients and ensuring the quality of work. In this article, we will explore strategies for effectively managing multiple consulting projects and maintaining a high level…
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bitchout · 11 months
Me: *Crying me eyes out alone in the middle of the night*
*Opens Tumblr’s Trending*
Oh mystery files is here.
*wipes tears opens YouTube*
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askagamedev · 9 months
With Gundam Evolution's shut down just being announced, I wonder again:
Why do multiplayer games like that not at least give the option to have a private server browser after the dedicated ones shut down? Doesn't the anguish of having your years of work just vanish outweigh the costs of implementing that?
It always breaks my heart, both as a player and as someone who wants to preserve gaming history
Let me turn this question around. Do you think these devs should do this work without being paid for the weeks or months necessary to build and ship the feature you're asking for? If not, who do you think should be paying for them to do this work? As much as we might like to set the ship into a good position to autopilot into the sunset, the amount of work necessary to do so is usually untenable, especially if it is a console game and the desired features require certification.
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Whenever the decision came to shut down a game I was working on, one of the first things that the publisher did was either reassign me to a new project or let me go as part of a layoff. My time is valuable - if they want to keep me, they want me working on something that contributes to their continued financial survival. If they can't afford to keep me, then my need to earn a living and feed my family supercedes my desire to make the fans of the game I worked on happy.
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We're all sad to see a game we worked on go off into the sunset, but there is never any end to the game dev tasks we can take on. As much as I wish each and every game get the sendoff its community wants and deserves, the reality is that our skills are needed elsewhere and we always need to justify our paychecks.
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Prioritizing Technical Debt in Business-Focused Scrum Teams: A Framework for Addressing Technical Debt to Improve Product Quality, Increase Productivity, and Align with Business Objectives
Abstract In Scrum teams, prioritizing technical debt can be a challenge as the focus is primarily on delivering value to the business through product features and functionality. Technical debt can hinder the team’s ability to deliver value over time by slowing down development, introducing bugs, and making it difficult to maintain the codebase. Therefore, it is essential to address technical…
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yourjadedmuse · 1 year
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Warren Buffet || Prioritizing.
-- Grit, Angela Duckworth
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cloverhail · 1 year
Tips for work-life balance
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ritik3630a · 1 year
What is the importance of time management in personal growth?
Time management is the practice of organizing and prioritizing your time to maximize productivity and achieve your goals. It’s a crucial skill for personal growth and development, as it allows you to make the most of your time and achieve more in less time.Here are a few reasons why time management is so important for personal development: Increased productivity: By managing your time…
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