#how to increase hemoglobin
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
हीमोग्लोबिन लेवल बढ़ाने के लिए फल-सब्जियों के अलावा डाइट में शामिल करें ये चीज़ें
हीमोग्लोबिन लेवल बढ़ाने के लिए फल-सब्जियों के अलावा डाइट में शामिल करें ये चीज़ें
Hemoglobin and fruits: एक स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए उसे कई पौष्टिक तत्वों की आवश्यकता होती है. शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए पोषक तत्वों की मात्रा का संतुलन होना भी बेहद आवश्यक है. पोषक तत्वों की कमी या शरीर में उन की मात्रा अधिक होने से कई तरह की बीमारियां हो सकती हैं. इसी तरह शरीर में हीमोग्लोबिन की मात्रा सही होना जरूरी है, हिमोग्लोबिन आयरन से बना होता है और ऑक्सीजन को रेड ब्लड सेल्स में पहुंचाने का काम…
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jipandit · 3 months
How Increase Hemoglobin? | What is Hemoglobin? 4 Types of Hemoglobin
How Increase Hemoglobin?, What is Hemoglobin?, 4 Types of Hemoglobin, What Type of Protein is Hemoglobin?. How Increase Hemoglobin : To keep the body healthy, all people are advised to consume adequate amount of healthy and nutritious food. In fact, the purpose behind it is to supply the body with proteins, vitamins and essential minerals. Deficiency of nutrients in the body can lead to many…
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exceleurnet · 6 months
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infoidiots · 2 years
TOP FOODS THAT CAN INCREASE HEMOGLOBIN NATURALLY Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein detected in the red blood cells. It gives a red color to your blood. It is responsible for passing oxygen and transporting it to all the areas of the body. Moreover, transporting oxygen also carries carbon dioxide away from the cells and to the lungs for expulsion. Genuinely, hemoglobin is a very vital protein,…
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"Putting an arm around the other’s waist"
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t/w: Blood donation, blood, needles, mention of Schlatt having a phobia of blood and needles
Schlatt’s leg stopped bouncing out of anxiousness as you opened the door and entered the blood donation room. Catching his eye, you brought your hand up and shook a small juice box at him.
Schlatt had decided to join you when you mentioned that you were going to donate blood at a donation camp near where you lived. Unfortunately, you were not eligible to donate since your hemoglobin was lower than accepted. Schlatt on the other hand was in perfect condition to donate. The only problem you two discovered was that Schlatt had a slight phobia of needles and blood. It was only small fear, nothing too serious. He only needed to hold your hand in his suddenly sweaty one and look one-eighty degrees away from where the nurse inserted the needle.
Most of the chairs at the camp were occupied by either nurses or donating patients, so you opted to simply stand next to Schlatt. He dodged the box of orange juice that you were handing him and grabbed your hand instead. The juice was to aid the weakness that often came with draining a unit of blood but Schlatt found your hand better suited to help. 
“Schlatt,” You poked his cheek, “This will help with the lightheadedness.”
The man simply closed his eyes and furrowed his brows together, “Can’t. Both hands are full.” Schlatt's right hand was squeezing a stress ball so that the blood pumped to the packet below his chair, which was attached to his forearm by a needle. Seeing the needle for the first time, Schlatt definitely did not remember some gruesome alien movie and scare himself. His left hand was holding yours, as had been the past half hour.
“Well,” You attempted to snake your hand out of his grasp, “if you let go then-”
“Nope. Not happening.” As stubborn as always. His long and slender hand held yours delicately, focusing his thumb to brush over your knuckles, one by one and not letting his mind wander to the discomfort in his right arm. 
As much as you adored this side of him, where he for once was seeking comfort in you, you still wanted him to drink the juice. You were familiar with the weakness and headaches that came along with donating blood, and you didn’t want him to grumble any more than he already had today. “Schlaaat.”
Schlatt interlocked your hands in response. His fingers pressed firmly on the back of your hand, preventing you from further trying to escape his hold. 
Puncturing the juice box with its straw, you sighed, “Guess I’ll just have to hold this to your mouth like the little baby man you are.”
Schlatt slowly opened his eyes to squint at you. He was well aware of what you were trying to do. “That’s slander...”
“Little baby man.” You smirked to yourself, not meeting his eyes as you fiddled with the straw. “Little baby man, very much the opposite of-” 
“Wait till I’m done with this, I’ll show you who's the little baby man.”
“Mhm!” You nodded sarcastically.
“Ugh, what a pain.” Schlatt rolled his eyes. The feeling of his lightheadedness increased. In a swift motion, he grabbed the juice box and hooked his arm around your waist, pulling you close so that he could rest his head on your front. Hmpf, he sipped the juice with a scowl on his lips, pretending to be irritated by you.
Chuckling to yourself, you stated, “There we go. Now that wasn’t too difficult was it?” 
Schlatt drank juice quietly, only now realizing that he was parched. “Fuck off,” he grumbled. Satisfied, you let out another small laugh when he pulled you closer, nuzzling the side of his head on your chest. 
What a stubborn man.
Read d3, the after events of r6.
A crumb of comment kind fellow? Engage and let me know if/how you like the writing. Reblogging/Sharing is much appreciated.
prompt credit: Fluff Prompt List by rainysoot
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I just huffed paint for the first time it was an accident but it's fuckin fun right but I'm curious now like, what's the dangers? How long does a high like it last? Doesn't feel too crazy, already feeling less high, which makes sense. Anyway it was an accident but now I'm curious. It's fun but I didn't mean to. So yeah. What's the dangers of it? Thanks Shezza xoxo lmao
'Accident' for sure. I know a lot about such 'accidents'.
The dangers would be brain damage and shrinkage, cerebellum and white matter atrophy, as the solvents kill nerve cells, and the inhalants restrict air flow to the nerve cells, and they rapidly deteriorate and die without oxygen. The result is mental impairment, loss of motor control and issues with vision and hearing. But you know to get brain damage one has to have a brain to begin with, so for you there shouldn't be any dangers regarding this.
Toluene is in many products the main solvent, and a central nervous system depressant causing the intoxicating effects, by interacting with dopamine, glycine and GABA receptors causing sedation, disorientation and euphoria. However the high is very short lived, although after-effects of dizziness, nausea, confusion and other side effects can continue for several hours. And toluene is known to be neurotoxic, already damaging nerve cells in a single exposure, so well done. It is also suspected to increase leukemia risk, but not conclusively proven yet. Toluene also affects the heart destabilising it's electrical signaling, and destroys hemoglobin in the erythrocytes, causing anemia and worsening oxygen transport further. Other high-inducing solvents would be butane or benzene.
Another danger is 'sudden sniffing death', which occurs either because the lungs have been completely filled with the inhalant, making it inaccessible to oxygen, causing painful suffocation. Or because the inhalants or the oxygen deprivation can cause rapid and irregular heartbeats, which end in cardiac arrest, causing sudden death. The inhalants make the heart more sensitive towards adrenaline, thus when someone who is using an inhalant gets startled, it could cause a sudden heart attack. Even in young people, there was a case of a 16-year old male dying because he used too many body spray cans in his room without properly ventilating it, even without the intent to abuse it. They suspected some sort of foul play or murder, but in reality he just died because he excessively and obsessively sprayed himself with deodorant, completely filling his room with butane until it reached toxic levels.
So for such a short-lived and small high the risks are definitely not worth it. I would say it is even more dangerous than cocaine or morphine with such a sudden death, but weirdly products containing such solvents are for sale everywhere and everyone has them in their home, even though they could potentially be so dangerous and addictive. Really makes you question drug regulations and penalties, doesn't it?
So have fun huffing your paints, if you still dare to.
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greenhousethree · 11 months
hi! i thought your meta was interesting on wizards and genetics. i'm wondering what you think about how magical diseases work, and why only wizards can get sicknesses like dragon pox!
OMG I love this question, thank you so much!
I hadn't given the idea of magic-specific diseases much thought, but it would have been a really interesting (and potentially confounding) factor to introduce when I wrote that meta. And honestly, I don't know that my answer will be satisfying to other biology/genetics folks in fandom, but I'm always happy to chat about the topic if anyone's got more points to add! I'm writing this next to my lab bench of cell cultures today, so here goes...
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First of all, I want to throw away the idea that Muggles aren't affected by magical afflictions because they aren't exposed to them. Wizards live under the noses (literally) of Muggles; if non-magical people could contract Dragonpox and Spattergroit, they would.
This then leads to the question: assuming a magic/nonmagic binary, how have these two populations evolved such different physiologies or genotypes that they can behave similarly and mate with one another, but aren't affected by the same diseases?
Because this question can be answered from sooo many different angles, I've come up with an answer that's basically a headcanon, based on my knowledge and what I think would be a cool way for this to work:
A little non-magical, biology background: there are a lot of ways that our genes affect our physiology. The scientific community has a really good foundational knowledge of how these things work, but we're constantly finding new ways that, for instance, genes we thought only were meant to regulate inflammation also majorly affect lung development. These are multi-factorial genes that affect a lot of specific, but disparate, parts of our physiology.
My favorite example of a genotype that follows a simple Mendelian genetic model occurs in the HBB gene, which encodes a part of the hemoglobin in our red blood cells. When a recessive mutation is passed on by both parents to their offspring, the result is sickle-cell anemia, a heritable condition that affects red blood cells. That's all well and good on a dominant/recessive trait model, but what we continue to learn is that there are also effects of being a carrier of sickle-cell (having only one recessive copy). Carriers have an increased resistance to malaria... not only compared to sickle-cell affected patients, but also to compared to otherwise "healthy" non-carriers. Sickle-cell and malaria are two diseases that seem completely different (heritable vs. parasitic), but they both affect the blood, and carrying one copy of the sickle-cell mutation actually makes carriers' blood just different enough that they become worse hosts for the malaria parasite. This is just one example, and there are a lot of other ways that genes can have protective effects (including by regulating other genes), but I think you get the picture.
Long story short, there are heritable traits that don't seem to be connected, but can really impact one another. I think that whatever that magical "gene" is must work this way, too: it protects against certain Muggle diseases, somehow, and perhaps upregulates or unlocks whatever makes wizards susceptible to magical ones (I haven't even gotten into whether Dragonpox or Spattergroit are viral, bacterial, fungal, or a secret fourth option, but that's for another day). I don't have a proposal for this mechanism, per say, because there are just too many options. But I like to think that there's a little bit of physics and a little bit of magic at work, here.
A few questions that came to me while thinking about this: can half-bloods or Muggle-born wizards contract both magical and Muggle diseases? What the hell to poor Muggle parents do if their pre-eleven-year-old wizard child contracts an illness that the doctors have no idea what to call? I'd be really curious to read some sort of epidemiology text written by a Healer-turned-Muggle-physician, a Carlisle Cullen of wizards, if you will...
(speaking of which, can we talk about how RIDICULOUS it is that vampires, werewolves, and humans apparently all have different numbers of chromosomes? Ugh. I digress...)
Thanks again, anon! 🌱
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kagrenacs · 2 years
This pride month I wanted to discuss my transition a bit, I’ve had a couple people thinking about going on hrt wondering about what testosterone therapy is like. Up front I wanna say I wasn’t on it for very long at all, voice dysphoria was my problem, so I only needed to go on for 8 months until I was happy. I also messed up my dosing for four of those months, instead of 0.5ml I took 0.05 ml of T -_-
I’m lucky to have had a fairly easy time going on T. There’s a few doctors who have sacrificed so much for our community. The woman I saw was fired twice for providing a legal medical service to trans people. When going through the system, it can take up to five years to get referred T, pre-Covid. (I was going to DIY it if they denied me, at the time I had found a supplier of T gel, unfortunately it seems down though)
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We discussed risks, namely being the production of too many red blood cells which can lead to stroke and tissue damage, however the risk is small, (one study says 11%) less than that of smokers. Your primary care provider usually monitors your hemoglobin levels because of this. Our main concern was the fact that I have premenstral dysphoric disorder, and have really struggled with really severe depressive episodes before my periods. Unfortunately there isn’t too resources or much discussion on pmdd and it’s interaction with HRT, beyond women undergoing feminizing hormone therapy potentially having pmdd symptoms. Ultimately though I don’t think I noticed any significant impact on my mood, and I don’t have periods.
I found this chart really helpful as a general guideline to what changes happened when. Everything is dependant on your genetics, looking at cis male relatives can be a good pointer to how your puberty will be.
I noticed skin oiliness first, even with my T micro-micro dose. (However there’s prescriptions to help with acne). I’d get acne around where chin hairs were coming in, near the 3 month of proper dosing, 6 months total mark. The thicker, coarser hair sticks around, I’m not sure if mine is growing as fast, or if i’m just not noticing more hair come in. But it still grows and I still like to shave it back a bit. I never got too much body hair besides leg hair, I have a little bit of belly hair and some slightly longer arm and breast hairs. I believe this is a genetic thing though, my brother isn’t particularly hairy yet either.
I saw a bit of changed patterns of fat distribution around month 4/7, I also increased T by .10 mL at this time. The veins in my arms and hands became much more prominent, I had less round cheeks, though nothing really noticeable. I’ve been off T for 3 months now and everything has returned to pre-t patterns.
A little after the fat redistribution I saw increased strength in small ways, especially in my hands. I was skeptical of that being real, but I managed to cut through some pork so well I cut right through an old plastic plate D: Bottom growth also happened around that time.
It took about 16 weeks total, about 4 weeks proper dosing to first hear the start of the voice changes. I tapered by dose off around 25 weeks, doing it every 2 weeks to slowly inch to where I wanted, and I was happy by 30 weeks. I was starting to grow moustache hairs around then, won’t lie that’s partly why I stopped T, I don’t like moustaches. My voice did change afterwards, I have the ability to pitch it a bit higher now, but it didn’t go to my pre-T voice. I think this snippet I found on google beautifully sums it up.
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foxymoxynoona · 10 months
Omg. You had a surgery? Please be rested and take care of yourself. What surgery did you have btw? Is it too painful now?
Fun fact: this surgery for this type of rare tumor I guess has never been done before and my surgeon joked he's going to name it after me 😂😁 I'll put more info below the cut for those who don't want medical stuff on their TL.
I had a VERY large tumor in my small intestines --now confirmed to be totally benign, but no one understands how it got that big or why because it just doesn't happen. My surgeon couldn't believe I hadn't already had an emergency blockage, it was so big. It's also been taking all my blood and nutrients for a while, so my nutrition is, as they put it, "shitty." Mainly I just was aware I've had really really bad anemia for the past few years, and I was hospitalized in May with a hemoglobin of 5 (which you basically die under, that's so critically low.) They weren't sure what would be necessary to remove the tumor, so I had an open exploratory laparotomy where they basically just go in and figure it out, but we had expected I would need a whipple procedure which is a VERY risky precedure where they remove a bunch of your digestive organs and re-route what's left. (I can explain more why if anyone is curious, I learned a lot about it haha.) FORTUNATELY once they got in there, I didn't need the whipple! They were able to remove the tumor and only my gallbladder and a couple bile ducts along the way.
Even this was still a major surgery though with lots of risks and I've had a few complications that wound up lengthening my hospital stay. 2 days after surgery, I developed a leak which can be a fatal complication or need an emergency surgery to fix, so that was scary, but my body managed to maintain and fix it all on its own after some scary days and only minor assistive procedures! I kept having random white blood cell increases they feared were infections but then I'd fight them off. They also put me on IV nutrition through a PICC line to try and repair my malnourishment as best they could, but also because I can't eat a normal amount of calories yet, so my blood and nutrition levels are still not back to normal ranges but improving!
I finally got to come home after 13 days. It's still early recovery days and I'm still on soft food diet and strict rest and have follow up appointments and all that, but I'm doing a little better each day! It's been a really scary journey getting here, but hopefully things can continue to improve from here. The pain is pretty bad and I have a gnarly midline scar now but I'm coping and it's getting better and and someday soon I may feel better than I've felt in years so that would be really great! And hopefully no more scary life-threatening hospital stays or anemia!
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veiledfox · 5 months
An Experiment Most Marvelous [ II ]
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"Sixty feet, twenty meters. Lady Kyuushi has reached the depth necessary for her to suffer the effects of the Curse of the Abyss. According to the notes she shared with me from her prior experiments, she experiences the earlier effects of the Curse sooner and sooner with each layer. After her experience with the Fifth's Curse, she should be experiencing the dizziness and nausea of the First upon first beginning her ascent."
Hotaru spoke clear, precise, aloud. Keeping information clear and understandable for the Sovreign behind her. Monitoring the Kitsune's vitals every second, eyes darting from reading to reading quickly. Heart rate elevated a little higher than normal, cortisol still high, oxygen in her blood slowly draining. Everything was fine otherwise so far.
"It's admirable that Lady Kyuushi took such thorough notes of her experience with the Curse. No one would willingly put themselves through the pain it can cause just to understand how it effects them in our 'Realm' as you two call it." Bondrewd spoke up to comment in compliment.
"Lady Kyuushi also asked that you remain quiet. I need to focus and keep watch on her vitals." A slight hint of annoyance in the Doll's otherwise polite tone. Glancing to the distance between her and the Kitsune, seeing it start to be reduced. Immediately catching her heart rate and cortisol both rising further. "She's ascending."
"Fifty feet. Second Layer Curse." Another rise in her heartrate and cortisol. Nothing too alarming still, thankfully, but the more it climbed the closer it got to being dangerous. Even for a Kitsune, who could normally handle much more extreme vitals than Humans could. Hotaru's eyes were glued to the conjured display, keeping track of everything.
"Fourty feet, her ascent is slowing a little. Third Layer Curse." Looking over the readings, her cortisol had thankfully seemed to lower some, but her heartrate kept at the increased pace. Other readings showing hints of odd brain activity and... a hint of dopamine? Whatever was going on, she was growing curious. Though she kept her focus, and she could sense the Sovreign was getting more and more invested in what was happening too, hearing his boots shuffle a bit and a deep long hum.
"Thirty feet. Fourth Layer Curse... Hemoglobin starting to fall... she's bleeding somewhere. It's minor right now thankfully, and... fluctuating? Lady Kyuushi must be using active healing Magicks." The instant she said such a word, the Doll could hear Bondrewd perk up with interest.
"Yes, Magic, it's a very natural thing in our Realm and Kitsune's generate large quantities of it. Their Magic also becomes stronger the more tails they have. Regenerative capabilities included in their natural repitoir, they reach their peak in such field throughout their seventh, eigth, and ninth tails. Lady Kyuushi, possessing eight of her nine, seems to be utilizing her healing to fend off the effects of the Curse as much as she can."
"Twenty feet. Fifth Layer Curse. Sensory Deprivation should be kicking in about now according to known knowledge of the curse and her notes. Her ascent has slowed to a stop..." Heartrate rising, cortisol climbing again, brain firing off in panic and fear, adrenaline surging through her system. Hotaru could see it all, see how her body was working, fighting against the Curse to continue. "Slow ascent, oxygen starting to run low."
Worry was starting to truly take hold of the Doll seeing the state the Kitsune was in begin deteriorating so quickly. Shifting on her feet, starting to tap a foot on the ground below her, even raising a hand to gnaw at a knuckle a bit. She knew Kyuushi was capable, but this...? Even this was starting to look too dangerous for her.
"Ten feet." Glancing ever so quickly down to the water in front of her, catching sight of bubbles rising to the surface then returning immediately back to the vitals. "Sixth Layer Curse... theoretically..." Kyuushi's status just got worse and worse the more she watched on. Heart rate climbing dangerously high, oxygen and hemoglobin dropping, Kyuushi was somehow still ascending though.
At least, she was. A sudden spike in heartrate and surge in brain activity making the vitals display flash red. Hotaru, immediately, moves to the water's edge to look down into the waters. Bubbles, countless bubbles rising from the Kitsune who, from what it seemed, was within five feet of the surface.
Getting down onto the ground, Hotaru lays herself out flat on her front reaching a hand deep into the water, up to her shoulder, trying to reach for Kyuushi. Calling upon some of her own Magic to extend an ethereal grasp for the Kitsune, feeling around until suddenly he feels an arm. Quickly grabbing on, she uses all her strength to pull the Woman up and out of the water.
Once she had her out of the waters, though, the Kitsune's screaming became clear right away. Horrid, blood curdling, loud. Her body convulsing, twitching, twisting this way and that, Hotaru struggled to move her much further from the waters with it all. Though before the could start attempting to do anything to help her charge, blue flames would suddenly erupt around her, not mere ethereal fire, but true and proper flame.
A pyre, a pillar of blue raging fire, all from Kyuushi's body as it writhes and contorts. The Doll and the Lord of Dawn witness to the pillar climbing higher and higher, growing brighter and brighter, and the searing heat it was giving off. It would be difficult to see through the flames with how bright they were getting, but within was still Kyuushi.
The Kitsune, who's body was creaking, groaning, snapping. Her form starting to shift rapidly and uncontrollably. Her Human guise dropping and giving way to her true Humanoid figure, Kitsune and Oni features both clear as day. Her body shrinking down and changing to her true form. Figure shifting and bending to any and all states that it could possibly take between them.
Skin splitting and healing time and again, bones snaping and setting, hair and fur growing longer, falling out in patches, and regrowing. Limbs twisting in ways they shouldn't, fingers bending impossibly, blood that was being spilled burning away almost instantly upon leaving her body within the inferno. Nothing that was happening should've been possible. It was horrid to watch, but it was all that Hotaru could do, watch on as the Woman who had commissioned her creation broke over and over. As her body degraded, regenerated, and changed.
The Curse of the Sixth layer was anything but a joke, this was cruel, terrifying. She didn't even want to attempt imagining what this could do to a regular person from this Realm. Yet the Man standing just meters away had subjected people to this for his experiments? If not for her concern for Kyuushi, Hotaru felt as if she could tear the foul 'Scientist' limb from limb for what he had been doing.
Between the screams of excrutiating pain, the roaring blue pyre, and the disturbing cackling that had begun from the Sovreign of Dawn, she could hardly hear the high pitched whine starting and stopping from the vitals display. Once they had registered in her mind though, her attention was drawn to the readings. To a heartrate flatlining, spiking into such a rapid pace, evening out, and fluctuating wildly between the three states without any rhyme or reason. To brain activity that was flaring across every part of the mind and other readings registering as errors impossible to track.
She was dying, but at the same time she was fine? A disturbing limbo between life and death that was tearing her body appart while it fought to keep itself together at the same time. This level of healing Magicks though, it shouldn't be possible, not for a Kitsune with eight tails, or even a Kitsune with nine. Not from what Hotaru had researched of healing Magicks. Ancient or modern, it didn't matter which, nothing was as strong as this save for the most powerful artifacts in their World.
Whatever was keeping Kyuushi alive, it couldn't have been her own Magicks. Not at the rate this was going, there was no way she was conscious enough to control her Magick like this. She wanted to wonder what it was, what was keeping her from perishing, but right now all she could bring herself to care for was whether she would survive in the end.
All the while the Lord of Dawn seemed to be thriving as he watched this all unfold. His laughter never ending as he approaches the pillar of flame, arms outstretched as he seems to take in the raging heat it was putting out. "Marvelous! Truly marvelous!" He shouts over it all. "The Abyss demands it's sacrifice! Even from a being not of our world! Yet it can't seem to claim it's demanded life, the Abyss is being denied! What will relent first, I wonder?! The Abyss?! Or our dear Lady Kyuushi?!"
It was almost as if the White Whistle had given a command to the Abyss, as mere seconds would pass after he speaks before everything suddenly calms. The raging pyre becoming reduced from the inferno it had become to a mere enveloping flame as the Kitsune's body goes still. The wildly fluctuating readings on the conjured display stabilizing. Heartrate weak, brain activity low, but the Kitsune was alive.
Turning her attention back to the Woman herself, Hotaru hurries to her side. Carefully reaching toward the still flame-enveloped Mythos, the fires were still warm, but not painfully so anymore. Easing her hand into the flame... ethereal, safe to reach into and touch Kyuushi. Which she would, reaching for the Woman's shoulder to oh so gently turn her over.
Humanoid form again, as she had been when this experiment began. Though her inhuman features were present now, as her Human guise had been undone amid everything that was happening. Beyond checking the Woman's body for any remaining injuries, she would take in and make note of anything that had changed from before.
Looking carefully over her features, her Oni horns looked... longer? They had stood at the same height as her ears, an added six inches above the top of her head, originally. Now they appeared to be twice the length, and to curl further back over the head. Still a shallow curve, but certainly more noticeable now. The blue gradient of skin on her forehead having spread, now reaching down to her brows suggesting it was the entire top of her head now this coloration.
Carefully prying an eye lid open, her sclera were black now instead of white, bloodshot, pupils vacant in her unconscious state. Easing her jaw open, her teeth seemed fine, though her canines seemed sharper now. The Vestigial Oni fangs longer, more prominent, like a secondary set of canines. Continuing her examination of the Kitsune with the sides of her head, briefly feeling the back, then continuing along her neck toward her torso.
Noticing quickly all the fresh wounds healing over, dark marks across her body as the flesh recovers bit by bit. Pressing gently at various spots along her collar, chest, abdomen, and stomach. Her muscular structure seemed more... defined? She took only a quick glance to Kyuushi's arms, only needed a quick glance, to notice the blue gradient that had been crawling up her hands was now farther up her arms too. From what she could see through the sleeves of her shirt, it reached her elbows now.
Had the Curse... given her a 'blessing' instead? Did it utilize her Oni genetics to do so? Her claws were even longer now, larger and sharper too. Yet... if this was the 'blessing' she was given, why was it so different from what transformation Bondrewd had experienced? Why did it leave her so intact and relatively unchanged? Did her adaptation perhaps finally take hold amid everything?
Ever so carefully she would turn Kyuushi onto her side and rested against her knees briefly, moving a hand to retrieve her tails and pull them out from under her. First to count them, then to check their condition. Though right away she could feel that they were heavier, longer, and their core seemed thicker. Their fur longer too, a strange mix of soft and rough, denser for sure.
One, two, three from the central base.
Four, five, six from the right base.
Seven, eight, nine from the left base.
Nine tails. The experiment was an ordeal severe enough to grant the Kitsune her last tail. At only one year past her first century too. It made the Doll worry what the future may have in store for the Kitsune, for her to have her nine tails just past her first century. In what little record of Kitsune history still existed in their Realm, not one notable Kitsune had their full set of tails this soon, and most the population had simply just gained their tails over time, back when their population was more abundant.
It didn't seem Kyuushi was going to wake any time soon, however, nor did she expect that she would. Though with her condition having stabilized, and her healing Magicks clearly subconsciously working to repair whatever damage she was still suffering from, it would surely just take time. Time best spent in the Shrine Lands, instead of here in the cold dark depths of the Abyss under the Sovreign of Dawn's ever present gaze.
"Marvelous!" His damned voice rising again, hands clapping together in applause. His boots clacking against the stone as he makes approach. "The Abyss is defeated! Lady Kyuushi yet lives, and though minor... it does appear she has experienced some changes. I do wonder if she has received the Abyss' blessing in this endeavor. Though I suppose we won't be able to tell unless she awakens and returns to test the Curse again. I would most certainly enjoy being present for such experimentation, whenever it may occur."
Hotaru, hardly paying him any mind, had started to cautiously ease her arms under Kyuushi to get a proper hold and lift her. Carrying her sideways across both arms, held closely and securely to her so she could move back over to where the Kitsune's belongings had been set down. Easing down with her so that she could retrieve everything, setting it in the Woman's lap to be able to bring it with them as she stands again.
"I will be sure to inform her of your... disturbing interest in her suffering." She responds finally, malice on her tongue as she glares back at the White Whistle. "But in her current state, Lady Kyuushi needs rest and care. Good day, Lord of Dawn." Taking a step as a tear opens in reality, letting her step through and closing shut behind her. Leaving Bondrewd on his own, looking over the scorched space where Kyuushi had been while her body was ravaged by the Curse.
The Doll carefully stepping out under the Tori at the center of the lake onto the surface of the water below. Quickly starting to make way back to the homestead atop the white sands to the left. To return Kyuushi to her room, her bed, so that she may rest and be cared for as needed.
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homeremediestube · 6 months
Toxicity Risks of Common Supplements: Exploring the Dark Side of Overdosing
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Supplements can be a great way to boost your health and well-being, but it's important to take them safely and responsibly. Too much of a good thing can be harmful, and certain supplements can be toxic if taken in excess.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that plays a role in vision, immune function, and cell growth and development. However, excessive intake of vitamin A supplements can be toxic. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, and blurred vision. In severe cases, vitamin A toxicity can damage the liver and other organs.
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Iron is an essential mineral that is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. However, too much iron can be harmful. Symptoms of iron overdose can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation. In severe cases, iron overdose can damage the liver, heart, and other organs.
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that has antioxidant properties. However, excessive intake of selenium supplements can lead to selenosis, a condition characterized by hair loss, skin rash, and digestive problems. In severe cases, selenosis can cause neurological problems and even death.
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Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is important for bone health and immune function. However, excessive intake of vitamin D supplements can lead to hypercalcemia, a condition characterized by high levels of calcium in the blood. Symptoms of hypercalcemia can include nausea, vomiting, weakness, constipation, and kidney problems.
Other supplements
In addition to the supplements listed above, there are a number of other supplements that can be harmful if taken in excess. For example, high doses of zinc supplements can interfere with copper absorption and cause anemia. High doses of omega-3 fatty acid supplements can increase the risk of bleeding. And high doses of herbal supplements, such as ephedra and kava, can cause serious side effects, including heart problems and seizures.
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Safety tips
To avoid the potential dangers of excessive supplement intake, it is important to follow recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements. Here are some additional safety tips:
• Read the supplement label carefully and follow the dosage instructions.
• Be aware of the potential side effects of the supplements you are taking.
• Tell your healthcare professional about all of the supplements you are taking, including herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications.
• Avoid taking supplements if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, unless directed to do so by your healthcare professional.
Supplements can provide benefits when taken in appropriate doses. However, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of excessive supplement intake. By following the safety tips above, you can help to ensure safe and effective usage of supplements.
Supplement Overdose: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
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We all strive to live healthy lives and often turn to supplements to support our well-being. While these products can offer benefits when taken responsibly, it's crucial to understand that even natural or herbal supplements can pose risks if consumed in excessive amounts. In this article, we'll explore what you need to know about supplement overdose and how to handle such situations.
1. Recognizing the Signs:
Identifying a supplement overdose can be challenging, as symptoms can vary depending on the specific supplement and dosage. However, some common signs to look out for include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, confusion, and difficulty breathing. If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms after taking supplements, it's essential to act quickly.
2. Seek Immediate Medical Help:
If you suspect a supplement overdose, don't hesitate to call emergency services or rush to the nearest emergency room. Prompt medical attention is crucial in such situations. While waiting for professional help, try to keep the affected person calm and monitor their vital signs if possible.
3. Provide Information:
When seeking medical help, provide accurate information about the supplements ingested, including the brand name, dosage, and any other medications being taken. This information will assist healthcare professionals in providing the appropriate treatment.
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4. Avoid Self-Remedies:
It's crucial not to take matters into your own hands by inducing vomiting or administering any substances without medical guidance. Incorrect interventions can potentially worsen the situation or lead to complications. Trust the expertise of healthcare professionals to guide you through the necessary steps.
5. Prevention Is Key:
Preventing supplement overdose is always better than dealing with its consequences. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
a. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any new supplement regimen, consult with a healthcare professional who can assess your specific needs and recommend appropriate dosages.
b. Follow Recommended Dosages: Always adhere to the recommended dosages provided on the supplement packaging or as advised by a healthcare professional. More is not necessarily better when it comes to supplements.
c. Be Mindful of Combinations: If you're taking multiple supplements or medications, be aware of potential interactions. Some combinations can lead to adverse effects or decrease the effectiveness of certain substances.
d. Store Supplements Safely: Keep supplements out of reach of children and in a cool, dry place as directed on the packaging. This helps maintain their potency and prevents accidental ingestion.
Supplements can be beneficial when used responsibly, but it's crucial to understand the risks of overdose. If you suspect a supplement overdose, seek immediate medical help and provide accurate information to healthcare professionals. Remember, prevention is key, so consult with a healthcare professional, follow recommended dosages, be mindful of combinations, and store supplements safely. By being informed and cautious, you can make informed choices about your well-being and enjoy the benefits of supplements without compromising your health.
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azura-tsukikage · 7 months
Burning sage and incense can release various compounds and particles into the air, some of which can be potentially harmful to health. Here's a list of some of the toxic gases and toxins that can be exuded from burning these materials and why they are considered harmful:
Particulate Matter (PM): When any substance is burned, it can produce tiny solid particles or liquid droplets that are suspended in the air. These particles can vary in size and may include PM2.5 (fine particles) and PM10 (coarse particles). Inhaling these particles can lead to respiratory problems, including aggravated asthma, decreased lung function, and even heart attacks.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Many types of incense contain natural or synthetic fragrances that can release VOCs when burned. These compounds can include formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene. Prolonged exposure to VOCs can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and can lead to headaches, dizziness, and long-term health effects.
Carbon Monoxide (CO): Incomplete combustion of organic materials, such as wood or herbs, can produce carbon monoxide. This colorless, odorless gas can bind to hemoglobin in the blood, reducing its ability to carry oxygen, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and, in severe cases, carbon monoxide poisoning.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): PAHs are a group of chemicals produced by the incomplete burning of organic matter. Some PAHs are considered carcinogenic, and exposure to them can increase the risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer.
Aldehydes: Burning incense can release aldehydes, including formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. These compounds can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract and may contribute to respiratory problems.
Phthalates: Some incense and fragrances may contain phthalates, which are chemicals that can disrupt the endocrine system and have been linked to reproductive and developmental issues.
The severity of the health risks associated with burning sage or incense can depend on factors such as the type of material burned, the duration of exposure, how often, and the ventilation in the area. Individuals with preexisting respiratory conditions or sensitivities may be more susceptible to these health risks.
To mitigate these risks, it's my advice to consider alternative methods of enjoying their scents, such as using essential oil diffusers or sachets. Additionally, users should try to use these alternatives whenever possible. If most diffusers have looked boring over time or don't look cool enough for your space, try a flame diffuser. A light is placed directly under the mist so that it changes color!
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exceleurnet · 8 months
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Crunchy Bites
The return of Trevor the Crunchy Vampire
Summary: One of his friends founds out Trevor is a vampire WC: 1448
The hard thing about being a modern vampire was dealing with humans. More specifically, finding ways to let them in without actually letting them in. Humans have this way of sensing when you don’t quite belong, and the best way to survive is to prove them wrong via blending in.
Unfortunately, this also means a potential increase in your actual friends trying to eat your human ones.
I walked into the kitchen with a fresh bowl of greens to find one of my houseguests about to suck on my neighbors neck. A firm yank separated the two and I shoved my neighbor away, nabbing a bottle of garlic-infused holy water and spraying my ‘houseguest’ in the face. While he recoiled and hissed I pushed my neighbor into a secluded room lined with silver.
It burned me a little bit to cross over the material, but didn’t prevent me from crossing the barrier completely; one more unexpected benefit of getting hemoglobin from plants instead of people.
I sat her down on the couch and looked her over; no skin broken on her neck. Good. Her eyes were a bit dazed, body limp, so I tried to gently bring her out of it.
“Kara?” I said her name softly, rubbing a finger against her cheek. “Are you alright?”
She broke the trance with a shudder and a spasm, arm whipping out to make contact with my face. Flames grew on the side of her face as she pulled her knees up and away from me, voice reaching epic screeching pitch as she screamed, “you’re a VAMPIRE?!?”
I took a breath along with two steps away, holding my hands up. “Calm down Ka--”
“You’re a vampire!?!” she repeated, feet on the couch. “Trevor the vampire!?? How are you a vampire, Trevor!?!”
“Who told you--”
She jabbed a finger at the door. “Your friend! Out there!! Before he tried to eat me!!!”
There was a slap as I facepalmed myself, silently cursing Tommy for spilling the beans. And breaking his diet. “Alright, look--”
“How long have you been a vampire!?” she demanded, standing on the couch. “How can you be one? You’re too nice. And vegan!! I don’t believe this. Vampires aren’t real. Tell me you’re not a vampire, Trevor! Tell me I haven’t been spending my sunday afternoons having brunch and garden parties with a vampire named Trevor!!”
“I…” I hesitated. She stared, waiting. “You want me to answer in order, or…?” An angry snort was all I got, so I assumed that was a yes. “Okay. Yes, I’m technically a vampire. But I prefer the term ‘chlorophyre’; it means I drink from plants instead of humans. I was Turned during a rave in the 90s. I’m...honestly not sure what to say about the correlation between vampires and garden parties, but…” I shrugged. “I guess you have been.”
She stared, mouth hanging open between bouts of gibbering incomplete thoughts. Kara finally scraped together some words into a sentence, sputtering, “what about him? Is his a…” she peered at me, a new thought emerging. “You haven’t been asking me around for him, have you?”
I shook my head. “Of course not! Kara--” My one venture forward was met by a flailing of limbs and backing against the wall. “Alright. I apologize for Tommy, but sometimes I offer my home to others when they’re trying to make the change from people to plants. It’s easier for them when food is right there. They can learn the ins and outs of gardening, and I can monitor how many times they hunt versus how many times they get from the fridge. Plus it’s just…” I flashed a smile, “...nice.”
She hesitated, latching onto another new idea. “...plants?”
I nodded. “Some plant roots produce what is essentially hemoglobin...mix in a bit of coconut water and you’ve really got something.”
“...so you don’t drink blood?”
I shook my head. “I don’t drink blood.”
“...and your friend?”
“Got sprayed in the face with garlic,” I answered. “He’s in the process of rehabilitation. And I’m sure he’s very sorry.” She slowly came down from the back of the couch, peering at me as she moved. I took a breath. “Now for the real question...are you going to tell anyone?”
She paused, foot dangling in the air between the couch and the floor. “Tell…?”
“Other humans.” A hesitant laugh slipped through. “Kara, you can’t tell other humans about us. About me.”
A sudden, hysterically nervous laugh burst from her. “Other humans. Right. Because you’re a vampire. That eats plants.” Another fit of laughter dropped her right onto the seat of the couch. “My neighbor’s a vampire.”
“Chlorophyre,” I corrected. “Still vegan.”
She pointed at me. “Right. My neighbor's a vegan vampire. And he houses other vegan vampires. I live next to a vegan vampire commune!!” She dissolved into giggling fits of hysteria, and I let her descend into slight madness, waiting for her to sober up. I went and got her some water from the far side of the room, bringing it to her and waiting for her to calm down long enough to drink. She sucked it dry and stared at it, finally coming back up to me.
“...so how old are you?”
Really? That’s the first question she asks? I sighed, snatching the glass back from her. “I told you, I was made back in the 90s. If you’re hoping for some juicy tidbit about 1700s France, you’re out of luck. I didn’t pay much attention in history class.”
“...was Dracula real?”
I stared at her, glass still in hand. “In the 90s, Kara. 90s. I have no idea if Dracula was real.”
“How come you didn’t react to my cross jewelry?”
“Because it was jewelry.” I held up a hand to ward off a host of other questions. “Kara, I still need to know. Are you going to keep our secret?”
A smile crawled from one end of her mouth to the other as she flashed me a huge grin. “Are you kidding?! My neighbor’s a vegan vampire!! I’ve got to tell--”
“No,” I interrupted her. “No you don’t. This isn’t a tweeny vampire novel.” Her excitement went down a tad, smile falling at the edges. “Kara, humans have been hurting and killing each other over things like skin color or which gender they find attractive. Can you imagine what they’d do to something they’ve been told to fear for centuries?”
“But...but you’re not--”
“I know I’m not. And now you know I’m not. But not everyone will know that. People will hear ‘vampire’ and immediately think ‘blood-sucking monster’. Even you, when you first found out. Granted, you found out the hard way, but still. You were ready to run. People do stupid things out of fear. You know this. It’s a battle I don’t want to fight right now...so are you willing to help me?”
“But…” she hesitated. “How many others are like you?”
“More than you’d think.”
“So there’d be enough to prove the stereotype wrong.”
“No. There’s not enough of us for that.”
“But if you don’t fight for yourself...if you keep hiding in plain sight…”
I shook my head. “Please, don’t. Not now, Kara. Believe me, I’ve had this conversation. The thoughts have gone round and round with no real answer. I’m not asking you to keep my secret forever. I’m just asking for now. Help me stay safe in today’s world, and let’s worry about the future later on.” She glanced away, thinking. She looked around. I could see her thinking through my plea, considering what I said. Putting a gentle hand on her knee, I asked again. “Kara? Are you going to tell anyone?”
Taking a breath, she put her hand over mine. “I...I guess not.” She flashed me a nervous smile. “Wouldn’t want to lose my friend. My...vampire friend.” I smiled and moved to get up, but her hand held mine down as she stared. “...You’re warm.”
“Vampires.” She held my hand up. “I thought you guys were all supposed to be cold and clammy and stuff.”
Okay, we were gonna have to have a talk about acceptable questions. Instead, warned her away from the use of ‘you guys’ before answering and preparing her for dealing with Tommy.
Like I said, it’s not easy being a modern vampire dealing with humans. But I guess not all of them were difficult. Some humans were worthy of being let in to your life. Plus it was a little nice knowing I now had a friend, someone evidently willing to advocate for me, even if it was a little misguided. It was still...nice.
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ficsforeren · 1 year
How has your pregnancy been going along?
Hi, Nonnie!
Well I'm still struggling with eating healthy foods cause I still feel nauseous and I'm trying to increase my hemoglobin level but other than that, I think it's going well hehe
thank you for asking, baby 💕💕💕 hope you're having a great day!
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singernoble36 · 7 months
Preventing Dental Problems in Diabetes: Tips for Success
Why is diabetes associated with an increased risk of oral problems? High blood sugar ranges are the primary cause of oral issues related to diabetes. Oral health issues are more likely to happen if blood glucose is not managed correctly. This is as a end result of unmanaged sort 2 diabetes weakens the white blood cells that are the body’s major defense system against bacterial infection. As research have shown, regulating blood glucose ranges reduces threat of major organ issues corresponding to eye and coronary heart harm, as properly as nerve and eye injury. This can also shield against growing oral issues. What oral well being circumstances are related to diabetes? Diabetes increases the chance of: Dry mouth may result from unmanaged diabetes, which decreases saliva (spit). Dry mouth can also be associated with soreness, ulcers and infections. Gum inflammation (gingivitis), and periodontitis. Diabetes also leads to a thickening in the blood vessels. This can slow the flow from waste merchandise to the mouth and nutrients into the tissues. In the occasion of this mix, the physique is unable to struggle an infection. Because periodontal is a bacterial disease, these with uncontrolled diabetes could expertise extra severe and frequent gum illness. The oral tissues do not heal properly after dental surgery: Patients with uncontrolled diabetics might experience a sluggish therapeutic course of because their blood move is affected. Thrush - People with diabetes, who often take antibiotics for various infections and are frequently exposed to them, are particularly susceptible to growing this fungal an infection. The fungus is drawn to the excessive glucose content within the saliva of these with unmanaged kind 2 diabetes. The wearing of dentures can also cause fungal infections, significantly if the dentures are worn on a daily basis. Thrush causes a burning sensation within the mouth and/or on the tongue. Smokers who've diabetes are much more at risk of creating thrush, periodontal illness and other infections. They may be up to twenty occasions as prone to get these ailments as non-smokers. Smoking appears to reduce blood provide to the gums which may have an result on wound therapeutic. PREVENTION How do I forestall oral issues if my diabetes is severe? As people with diabetes are typically extra susceptible than others to oral ailments, it is essential to maintain an in depth eye on any adjustments to your oral well being. Call your dentist instantly if these adjustments happen. To prevent or decrease oral well being problems, you can: Keep your blood sugar stage as close to regular. Tell your dentist at each dental appointment in regards to the situation of your diabetic. Knowing your glycosylated blood hemoglobin degree (HgA1C), as an example, is important. (A level less than 7% signifies good management). If you have ever had a low blood sugar episode (also recognized by the term insulin reaction), you're at heightened threat of getting one other one. Tell your dental skilled when your last episode occurred, how frequent such episodes are, and whenever you last took your insulin dose (if you employ insulin). Before scheduling therapy for periodontal ailments, consult your physician. Ask your doctor to talk to your dentist about your overall health. If oral surgery shall be carried out, they can inform you whether you should take pre-surgical antibacterials, change your meal plan, or modify your insulin dose and timing. Do not neglect to provide your dentist with the physician's phone number and identify. These details will enable your dentist to be extra accessible in case of questions or concerns. Bring to your dentist all of the names of medicines and dosages you take. This will enable your dentist to prescribe medicine which are much less likely to intervene. In the case of a major sickness, insulin dosage (for those on insulin) might have to adjust. Do not rush to have non-emergency dentistry accomplished if your blood glucose just isn't nicely managed. Acute infections such as abscesses should be handled instantly. Be aware that healing could take longer for individuals with diabetes. Follow your dentist's post-treatment directions closely. Call your orthodontist as soon as attainable if a brace or wire cuts your tongue. Another oral hygiene tip for diabetics: You ought to visit your dentist twice a yr to have your enamel cleaned and your gums examined. You can discuss along with your dentist the frequency of checkups you want. https://probiotiv.com/oral-health-and-diabetes-avoid-common-risks/ Dental floss must be used no less than once per day to avoid plaque on the tooth. Brush your mouth after each meal. Use a brush with delicate bristles. Dentures should be removed and cleaned every day. Ask your physician how you can quit smoking. LIVING W What are some common misconceptions about diabetes and oral health? Dental caries is more prevalent in diabetics There are two faculties on this problem. Two schools of thought exist on the subject. Caries (tooth cavities or decay) and gingivitis can develop in consequence. Also, diabetics tend to have smaller and extra frequent meals. This increases the danger of bacteria and cavities. Another school holds that individuals who have diabetes are better educated about diet and how to control their sugar consumption. They don’t consume so much meals that trigger cavities. In truth, people with diabetes that's well managed don't experience more tooth decay or gum illness than those who don't have diabetes. It is greatest to take care of good oral hygiene as nicely as regulate blood sugar ranges in order to keep away from cavities and periodontal issues. People with diabetes are most likely to lose tooth sooner and extra incessantly in comparability with individuals with out diabetes Diabetes may cause enamel to fall out for a selection of reasons. First, uncontrolled diabetes makes individuals more susceptible for gingivitis and gum illness. If the an infection isn't handled, it might spread to the bone beneath the enamel. Infections do not heal as shortly for individuals with diabetes, which complicates this case. Good oral hygiene can help people with diabetes keep away from periodontal disease and scale back the risk of tooth decay. This consists of brushing at minimal twice every day, or ideally each meal, with toothpaste containing fluoride and flossing every day..
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