#hopefully this isn't super shit LOL
indieyuugure · 4 months
How do u draw your characters bc I want make a comic series just like you but my art teacher isn't teaching me shit so I was wondering
Should I do paper comic (doing it on paper)
Or digital (which might be a bit hard to step as I wouldn't have the stuff on hand)
Ps art style is fantastic 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Lol, I’ll try to help the best I can!
Okay, so, I’m not exactly sure what you’re having trouble with specifically, so I’ll just try to keep it general.
For starters, drawing a person at all, typically I start with a sketch that looks something like one of these:
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Notice the usage of circles as guides for the joints. I find that this helps me to understand where in 3D space the character’s elbow or knee or shoulder or wherever is and can also assist with proportions before the drawing is being finalized and would be a pain to fix/erase.
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Not sure how helpful this is, but here’s showing how the drawing evolves as a sketch. The circles help to predict where things’ll be so when you go to draw a rough outline, you have a guide to help you.
I draw chests as usually a trapezoid-esk shape and the hips as triangles(however I recommend drawing it more like a heart when doing girls). The head is kept a circle or oval depending on the character’s face shape and things like hands and feet are basically just a mix of squares and triangles.
Something to keep in mind, is the lack of detail on basically everything. I know from experience how tempting it is to do the detail as you go, and it’s not a good habit to have. Always try to sketch everything in as little detail as possible.
Once you’re done with your sketch, though, you can go crazy!
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Here’s the second picture I did with some details.
Unfortunately, I can’t really help you with detailing since this step starts incorporating your own art style, personal flourishes, clothing taste, even level of detailing, it’s really something you have to learn on your own.
But, GENERALLY, this is where you establish key characteristics like the face, anatomy, clothing, hair, etc. Aka make it pretty!
Again I’m not super sure where you’re struggling, so this is just a general how-to, though hopefully it was helpful!
As for what medium to do your comic on, I suggest doing it in whichever you’re the most comfortable in. If drawing on paper is better for you, sticking with it is perfectly fine. I will say though if you ever plan to post said comic on the internet, digital is a lot easier to upload on the internet. But as I said, which ever is most comfortable is probably best.
If you have anymore questions about this, feel free to message me, I’ll try my best to help you to the best of my ability!
Good questions! :]
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lackablazeical · 2 years
I'm kinda new to this au (I first saw it on ao3), do you have like a rundown of what exactly it is? lore and such? I'm super interested in this au jut i have 0 idea what the story is lmao
Since the masterpost is taking so long I'm editing a previously made post as a placeholder until the ACTUAL masterpost is finished enough to post
As for what the AU is, it's meant to be a horror/comedy but that also tackles dark themes in a (hopefully) well-written way. It's meant to take rottmnt and twist it much darker, and just to be something enjoyable to those who like spooky and disturbing things!
With that disturbing things mentioned, this AU also has a lot of TWs, including (but not limited to): underage drinking/smoking, violence, experimentation/abuse of animals and humanoid beings, dubious/no consent to activities such as kissing or cuddling, disassociation, toxic relationships, stalking, self harm, slut-shaming, useage of queer slurs, and more. Be careful with this one!
Also with that: this AU is not meant to glorify, romanticize, or endorse any of these relationships, warnings, or characters behavior. I do not want anyone finding the relationships cute, thinking they are redeemable, etc. None of my content is meant to be taken that way, it is not created to be sexual/suggestive, etc etc. These are MINORS. In ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. don't be gross.
Lore is iffy in this AU, especially future canon. So good luck and I am sorry lol
Basically, for the Hamatos:
Splinters backstory goes the same, just he was also involved in the yakuza. Him and BM reconnected and ended up together when the boys were young (Raph was 11, L & D were 10, Mike was 9). Mikey starts going/working at the Nexus around this time, and drinking too. I Want to say the gang met April when she was 9 (so R8, LD7, M6) and they do shenanigans for a while. Leo meets Usagi at 16, goes wild.
The foot/kraang in this world are not exactly a threat, as the Hamatos themselves own the key and a large part of the Armour. None of them know what it is or does.
Usagis backstory:
Leo and Usagi are a 'romantic' relationship of the dynamic of stalker and victim. Usagi is a victim to Leo, who is obsessive, can't understand 'no', etc etc. Usagi is codependent further into their relationship. They are forever toxic, this will not change.
Donnie and Ishida aren't romantic, but still a toxic dynamic of sadist and masochist. Ishida wants to feel pain to 'prove' himself, Donnie provides and studies. I may use the term Donnida for these too, but again, not romantic. They are close friends.
Mikey and Kenichi ('Michi') are probably the most functional of the 3 dynamics. They are friends by circumstance, but find they both bond over their hatred of 'Leosagi' and often enjoy gossiping/shit talking together. They also play fight occasionally.
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Characters such as Draxum, Evil league of mutants, Cassandra, and Mona Lisa all exist as well!!!!@ tumblr just has a FUCKING IMAGE LIMIT.
Draxum isn't close with the boys, and he works with BM closely. Only Mikey and Don are aware of the fact he made them.
Cassandra is still with the Foot, crushing on April hard, etc etc.
I promise I'm working on the masterpost, I'm just slow and. A little stupid
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 8 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 11
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Here 
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, idiots in love, Kelsie is her own warning 😈
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: Super short but super important chapter here! This is setting up our Mega Angst for the story, which will be coming next! 👀
As always, thanks to @theradioactivespidergwen for the stellar divider! 🥰
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705 @chezagnes @shouldbestudying41 @thepunisherfrankcastle @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @roseslovedreams
Ugh, why isn't this coffee kicking in, you thought to yourself while you sat at your desk attempting to proofread several articles for the Thursday digital edition of the paper later that morning. I've read this same sentence no less than 5 times.
You shook your head, trying to clear it. The unusual quiet in the normally bustling office definitely wasn't helping your sleepiness. Maybe some stronger coffee will help.
You stood up and walked towards the break room.  Skyler had brought a bag of espresso roast coffee in the previous week and you were pretty sure there was some still left. 
You paused as you spotted Ellison at the Keurig. "Copier's on the fritz again," you said, walking over towards the cabinet that held the coffee mugs. "Thought you should know."
Ellison nodded as he waited for his coffee to finish. "Hopefully there'll be enough money in the budget to replace it next year. Damn thing's probably older than I am."
He looked over at you and squinted. "No offense, but you look like shit."
You huffed out a laugh. "Gee thanks, Mitch. You sure know how to make a girl feel special."
"Rough night?"
You shook your head. "Just tired. I only slept about an hour last night." 
Ellison studied you for a moment. "Look, why don't you take the rest of the day off? Go home and get some rest."
You opened your mouth to protest, then thought better of it. You were still exhausted and a nap honestly sounded wonderful at the moment. "Are you sure?" you asked instead. "I was just going to get some more coffee and try to power through the rest of the day."
Ellison nodded. "Absolutely. It's been a slow news day, and besides, you've been working your ass off lately and deserve a break."
You smiled. "Okay. Thanks, I appreciate it."
Ellison shrugged. "Eh, don't get all sappy on me. I just don't want you burning out on me, otherwise who else would tell me if my editorial column sucks or not?"
You grinned. "Oh I'm sure people would be lining up for that privilege."
Ellison chuckled. "Seriously, go get some rest."
You nodded. "I will. Thanks, Mitch. Really. I'll see you tomorrow."
You walked back out to your desk and gathered your things, then stopped by Skyler's desk. "Ellison gave me the rest of the day off, so I'm heading home. I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?"
Skyler nodded. "Okay. Get some rest."
As you headed down to the first floor and out the door, you considered stopping by Daredevil on your way home so you could apologize to Matt in person.
You headed towards your apartment building, sighing happily when you finally walked in the door.
You shook your head. You were so tired that you honestly weren't even sure if you could come up with a coherent apology. I'll talk to him after my article is turned in.
You peeked in your pantry and refrigerator, wrinkling your nose at the paltry options you had for dinner that evening. Instead of a choice between boxed pasta, instant ramen, or leftover Chinese takeout you wished you had Matt's spaghetti carbonara, pesto-parmesan linguine, and tiramisu. Maybe I could order something for delivery later, try something else on the menu.
You headed into your bedroom, changing into something more comfortable before climbing into bed. 
Your mind drifted to your article. You really didn't want to have to replay the last few minutes of the blind tasting yet again, but you needed to add a bit about it at the end so you could give it a quick read-through then send it to Ellison.
You sighed. You were a professional, dammit, and no matter your feelings, you were going to write a damn good article about Matt… Even if you never spoke to him again after it was all over.
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I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night… No, take responsibility for your actions, Matthew. 
I'm sorry for trying to kiss you last night… Actually, no, I'm really not.
I apologize for my behavior last night. I must have misread the situation and… Ugh.
Matt sighed as he rode the elevator up to the Bulletin offices, wishing he would have had time to make a fresh tiramisu for you. 
He stepped off the elevator, unable to detect your now-familiar heartbeat among those of the rest of the Bulletin staff.
"Can I help you?" said a woman's voice to his left.
"Uh, yeah." Matt turned towards her and asked to speak to you.
"She's not here."
Matt sighed. Damn it. He probably wouldn't have time to come back later and based on what Foggy had said about you looking miserable he wasn't sure if you would be willing to come by the restaurant either. "Do you know when she'll be back?"
"Actually ," the woman continued, "she's out on assignment for the rest of the day. You know those investigative types, always looking for their next big scoop."
Matt furrowed his brow. That had been the exact opposite of the type of stories you had told him you were interested in writing. "I thought she was in Features."
"Oh, yeah, she is, but she really wants to be an investigative journalist, you know, digging up the dirt on people, finding out their deepest, darkest secrets and publishing them for the world to see." The woman paused. "Nothing nor no one is going to stand in the way of her and a good exposé… even if she has to make one up."
She made a dismissive sound. "Anyway, would you like to leave a message for her? I'll make sure that she gets it."
Matt shook his head. "Oh, uh, no, that's okay. I'll… catch up with her another time. Thank you."
"Sure thing. Have a nice day!"
Matt walked back to the elevator then headed down to the first floor. He had thought that he was getting to know you, but after that surprise revelation from your coworker he wasn't so sure.
He shook his head. Could you have been lying to him this whole time?
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inkovert · 6 months
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Writeblr (Re)-Introduction
« A B O U T »
Hello there! Call me Ink (she/her pronouns). I'm a black female writer in my late 20s. I've been on writeblr since 2018 (according to my ~ archive ~) and I've probably made a couple intros since then, but nothing quite as organized/formal as this so - here we are!
I primarily write contemporary/literary fiction (which I know isn't super prevalent on writeblr so happy to bond with any fellow litfic writers). I enjoy writing deeply introspective, character-driven stories (I think because, I'm learning, I'm a deeply inspective person lol) so if that's your cup of tea then check out my WIP(s) below :)
Links/places to find me (if you are on any of these sites, pls connect with me! I'm actively looking for other writers to follow)
Instagram/Twitter: @rianeblackwell (my writer pen name!)
Random things about me/how I run my blog
I'm a dual-degree bio graduate student so I spend my days pipetting shit in a lab
outside of writing, I enjoy reading (when I have the patience and bandwidth for it), watching anime (fav: fruits basket; currently watching: one piece), (guided) painting, and...sleeping?
I am ask game and tag game friendly! Though it may take me time to respond to tag games.
You will typically find me posting my random thoughts about things (tagged: inkoverted thoughts) - as I said I am introspective af so this constitutes like 90% of what I post. my writing you say? yeah we're still working on growing the gonads to post about that consistently or at all :^)
Because I have so many thoughts, I just started a writeblr discourse series called Spilled Ink (tagged: spilled ink) so that I'm not just shouting into the void and can (hopefully) have people talk back to me and share their opinions
I am always down to talk! seriously. a message in my ask box will never fail to brighten my day so come talk to me about anything and everything.
« W I P S »
Again, unlike most on writeblr (I feel like such an oddball here sometimes), I do not have a trillion WIPs to list and advertise. I'm very much the person that prefers to focus on one WIP at a time. That said, I do have one main WIP and a side-WIP that I started out of spite (and haven't touched since):
My Dearest Enemy (YA literary fiction) | WIP intro | WIP tag | read on wattpad
a coming-of-age story about a 17-year-old aspiring artist whose artwork is deteriorating as she struggles to come to terms with the death of her father a year prior. as the story unfolds she meets a series of new people who force her to contend with the bleak reality she's settled for. the emotional journey that results opens up her world, and ultimately unearths a shocking truth.
Untitled Romance WIP (Contemporary fiction) | no tag or intro just yet
a story about a black female physician assistant living a life of self-sabotage as she jumps from one unfulfilling "relationship" to another. she's been convinced, by society and past experiences, that someone as "dark" as her needs to settle for any form of affection she can get. fairly tale love stories with happy endings don't happen to people like her. But when her crush from high school who unknowingly started her streak of self-sabotage suddenly reappears in her life, she has to decide whether it's worth giving him another chance.
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tmrwds · 11 months
Translation to 19.07. Eura gig stream under cut (10mins)
Banter starting from 01:40
You guy there, were you going skiiing? You have the glasses on your head, or did i see wrong? You're a good-looking crowd. (girl screaming JEREEE) what do you want? I'll give attention to you too. It's like a fucking kindergarten. Pikku Silja is there like (raises his arms) Are there underage ppl here? Hopefully not. You came with your dad's ID? Did it truly work?
You're wearing a Käärijä shirt, lovely. It's like kindergarteners, "look I have a new Gogo figurine" I don't even know what's a gogo-- Have you been eating sausage? The stall, full of sausage. How much is 3x3, sign it for me. How much is it? That doesn't make sense. I'm not going to become a teacher.
Hey, people on the back. Is there a reason you're over there and not on the front row? The man was like (nods) women. -- What do you have there? Your own [smuggled] drinks? No? Fuck, you drink a lot. Huh? For me? I don't drink. I'm an absolutist. Think about it, I've never touched that. Bess was performing today, right? Let's not tell her, but Bess was like "remember to drink water" no, just drink booze. At Käärijä's gig the rules are different, 2%/per mil at least when you're here. My show is so awful I don't want anyone to remember anything about it. Just kidding.
From 3:52 : I have this super fan here - am I allowed to tell? I will. You're not going to be offended? She has been on some 31 gigs this year. That's fucking sick, I don't understand why. But, she sent us an email, think about it, I have an email too, you don't- she sent that..what was it? That I shouldn't mock myself. Something like that. Think about it, how sympathetic. I'm mocking myself and she's like "don't do that! You're really a good, lovely person" I'm not! But I appreciate it, we talked this over with the band. Because of her, we've been going to therapy.
One thing that's fucking awesome about this place is that the internet isn't working. The guestion is, the TVs probably don't work either, so how the fuck did you watch Eurovision? How? Was there a shared TV? (points on the sky) "Oh, there's Käärijä". Do you guys even have phones?! Nokia 3510i, you look like you have that. Or do you? - You came from Tampere? You should've at least said you're from around here [Eura]. How many of you are from here? You know, one day- (dude shouts Urheilujätkä) Shut the fuck up. -when I have the money, I'll buy everyone who lives here a phone, I'll buy an internet here, some fucking tower right there. On the phone there will be apps, you can watch por-, Käärijä's instagram, it's an app too. -- Okay, let's continue, this thing doesn't make any sense.
Paidaton riehuja starts: How many will take off their shirt? -- (cute bit of the front row girls lol "It's coming off! For real? Yes, you're supposed to take it off! I didn't know that you have to take your shirt off!")
I'll do a little bit different speech because we have the superfan here. And sometimes I was like, I didn't compliment my own body. So do you know what I'll say now? Fuck, I'm in a good shape. Before the eurovision shit, I was like this (sucks belly in), but after eurovision when money started coming in… But the saddest thing is, I've drank all the money and I got nothing but the belly left. But at least I got some memory. Let's go.
After paidaton riehuja: Think about it, for the first time I saw boobs. I won't say if it was a man or woman's boobs, but I saw them anyway. And they were great!
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im-1hater · 5 months
Total Drama headcannons cause I've kept these thoughts for too long (mostly Cody lol)
Cody, Noah, and Gwen had an emo phase, Cody wasn't allowed to dress emo so he only participated in the internet culture, Noah was unfortunately enough to have supportive parents so there are at least 100 pictures of Emo Noah in the photo albums (his sisters make fun of him for that) and Gwen insist she left that phase in middle school (she didn't. Once an emo, always an emo). They jump out of their skin when they hear MCR or BOTDF (earlier 2000s with unlimited internet access...)
Cody always wanted a pet dog when he was younger but his parents always said no because 1. They're too dirty, 2. They didn't think Cody could take care of one nor did they have the time themselves to take care of it. 3. They don't like animals and love seeing Cody suffer. 4. they probably think cats are better lol. Anyways because Cody would never shut up they caved and settled on getting him a hamster, a fat, chubby, hamster that looked like it was a month away from dying and Cody loved that thing to death. He would always get the hamster the best things it needs and take care of it properly. It lived for like 3 years much to the surprise of Cody's parents. Well, when it did die today Cody was devasted to an understatement. He had a funeral for the hamster in the bathroom and tried to flush him down the toilet like you would a fish. Only the hamster just clogged the toilet making water go everywhere and Cody crying more. His parents were def PISSED and after that, he wasn't allowed any more pets (all of this happened in the 4th grade til the 6th).
Cody is almost a carbon copy of his mother (Only because I am too)
Cody has one aunt on his mom's side and three cousins, two boys and one girl. The oldest (3 years older than Cody), Logan, typically likes to tease Cody (which he hates). The second oldest (older than Cody by 2 years), Jamie, is much nicer but that's not saying much really. Though Cody was stuck with getting Jamie's hand-me-downs because they were both the same size and Logan's stuff was too big for Cody. One of the reasons why Cody was bullied so much in school. The last and youngest (15 years younger than Cody), Cody. His aunt basically forgot her nephew existed and named her son Cody and she really liked the name so she didn't want to get the name change. So whenever they're in a room together they're referred to as Cody 1 and Cody 2 (Our Cody is Cody 2 even though it was his name first, lol).
Gwen often had to babysit her younger brother (forgot his name) a lot because her mom had to work two jobs since their father left them both at a super young age (Gwen 6 and her brother 2). She usually tries to help her mom out any way she can with chores, jobs, and looking after her brother. She says the reason why she joined Total Drama was cause her brother dared her to. While that is somewhat true the main reason was actually to give the money to their mom and hopefully make them financially stable. She was definitely disappointed to get second but her mom was proud anyway.
Harold is definitely NOT an anime kid. He actually HATES weeaboos and doxxes the really weird ones that are kinda racist and fetishize Asian people. He enjoys the anime content as he enjoys a lot of Japanese culture but he isn't going down the halls of Naurto running.
Heather's parents bought her an apartment when she turned 18 just so she's out of the house cause they deadass don't want her there they pay for her bills and groceries and all that stuff. It did hurt at first but hey, free water bill!
Trent awoken the bi mess Cody is.
Cody can actually cook somewhat. Only really simple foods that he learned in the cooking class. He only bothered to learn cooking because his parents are barely there and Cody was getting sick of pizza and takeout every other night.
Noah's parents wanted all girls and lots of them, that's why there are like 8 or 9 of them. When they were pregnant they just assumed Noah was going to be a girl and didn't bother with finding out the gender and such. They were very surprised to find out he was a boy. So all his baby pictures are of him in pink girl clothes and a pink nursery. But they still love him just as much as his sisters.
Geoff had a rat tail, luckily Bridgette was able to convince him to cut it off (the only other person who liked it was Brody).
Duncan watched My Little Pony when he was 6. He always said Rainbow Dash was his favorite but it was actually Fluttershy because Duncan has a soft spot for animals.
Courtney hates kids and having to look after them while Gwen loves kids and loves watching them.
Heather's only friends are Cody and Harold (and sometimes Gwen and Leshawna but it's off and on).
Animals are naturally drawn to Cody, even Noah's dog likes Cody more than him (much to his dismay). Cody has never met an animal that hated him (besides bears...)
Cody is terrified of bears.
For some odd reason, Alejandro doesn't like Cody that much but only plays nice for Heather (he wants that twink obliterated) Cody fully knows this and he says he'll "tattle" on him for something dumb he did and Alejandro almost shits his pants each time (Cody doesn't even end up telling).
That's all and these are all correct (I don't take criticism)
I'll probably draw some of these idk
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the1trueanon · 8 months
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Fun fact! Actor AU is currently the only WH AU to have a version of Sage instead of Rosemary! :D
Her intro stuff is really long, so I'll put it under the cut (AAAA IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE HER)!!
So, for the Actor AU, Sage actually isn't an actor at all! She's a singer and songwriter who has pretty recently (like, within the past year or two before meeting the WH cast, maybe?) become very popular. Sage's personality and music draw a lot of inspiration from AURORA and MALINDA -- songs that tend to have a lot of deeper meaning behind them. She's eccentric and honestly a bit weird, but she's most known for being open and honest about herself and her music, and for being very caring and sweet. She's able to immediately connect to people and help them see different points of view, which is part of why she's gotten so popular with both puppet and human audiences.
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Wally, of course, doesn't really trust it, considering how he thinks and what he believes. He assumes she's probably just another attention-hungry diva, thinking they're the shit, using the whole "lets all be best buds!" schtick to sell out. So he doesn't really pay attention to her or what she does too much, besides taking note of her rising popularity.
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That is, of course, until he meets her.
Due to Sage's rising popularity, the show executives decide to have her come on the show as a sort of guest star. Wally doesn't really like this, but they're able to negotiate him to at least try it out for an episode and they'll decide what to do after that. Wally reluctantly agrees, but he's not too optimistic about it. He's really just expecting another one of those "rising star" types, y'know? (Which, fair enough, when you consider what all he's probably had to deal with in his time, plus the fact that all he's probably ever seen or heard of her is in interviews, and he puts on an act well enough for his, so.)
I have a whole actual comic planned detailing this that I'll hopefully finish and get out soon (sitting and writing comics is hard when you have near-zero focus QwQ) but essentially he's outside, before filming for the first day of this, just to get air before having to go back in and start directing things and getting ready and she approaches him and just starts talking with him. And he has no idea who the fuck this is??? (Honest to god, he'll never admit it now but he thought she was an intern or something at first XD) But slowly he goes from just answering her shortly to actually participating in the conversation?? And not just a "how's the weather" sort of thing, but like. Actual deep conversation, about what he's doing out there and talking through a little bit of the stress and stuff. And eventually he kinda like, comes to and realizes he's been talking way too much about way too deep stuff and he's like "hold up who tf are you again?" Which is about the same time her manager (who has been named Savannah and she's also a sweetheart) comes out looking for her and before Sage heads in she fully introduces herself to him, and he's just. Stunned. Absolutely blown away.
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Here he was, expecting some diva he'd have to give the shake down to, but instead he's met with just. A girl. An honest, strange, caring girl.
This continues throughout that week of filming, Sage subverting every expectation Wally previously had of her. The whole time he's just more and more startled by Sage and who she is. Her whole team is super sweet and she obviously has very deep trust in them, and jokes with them like friends. She treats his staff with utmost respect (which, admittedly, makes him act on his best behavior every time she's around. He doesn't wanna look bad in comparison XD). She seems to genuinely enjoy her time there and what she's doing. Even more than that, Sage honestly has a very poor filter, so she talks a lot about everything lol, but it can be good! Because this is how Wally learns about her drive to create and how much she genuinely wants to bring people together. He finds out that really, the two of them have very similar visions, just for different audiences. Later, he and the executives and director and stuff are all discussing if they wanna keep doing stuff with her and her team and he's just immediately like "Yes. Absolutely. She has a similar vision to me. We either keep doing stuff with her or I'm personally helping fund her, capiche?" and they're all like "👀Got it" XD
And then, of course, there's her music. Which, after that first day of filming, he searches up as much of as he can and listens to it. And is again absolutely blown away lmao (there's another little comic idea I have for this too hehehe but its much shorter than the other one)
And thus begins Wally's journey of self-improvement, led by Sage's example /j XDDDD
ANYWAY HRGHRGHRGHRHGR THATS ALL THE EXPOSITION IMMA GIVE HERE CAUSE THATS A LOT AND THERE'S STILL A TON MORE STORY IN MY BRAIN BUT AUUUGGGHHH I'M SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS AU (also Frills, I have no idea what spell you've put on me with this thing but I have never made such cinematic art before O-O don't stop XD)
As always, Welcome Home belongs to Clown (partycoffin) and Actor/Diva Wally and the Actor AU belong to the wonderful @frillsand!! 💖💖💖
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Guzma with a transitioning S/O headcanons
Thank you so much for the request (u know who u are :) ) Hope you like it!
I hopefully kept it vague enough to work for all kinds of transitiom.
warning: non-descript mentions of transphobia
disclaimer: i am not trans so if i have gotten anything wrong or misrepresented something, please don't be afraid to reach out and let me know :)
Guzma, well…
He’s not the most knowledgeable about being trans
Bit unaware of a lot of the terminology and discourse
"Pronouns? Like on and in and beside and shit?"
"A binder, you mean like, for school??"
However that doesn’t mean he ain’t an ally!
Plus there are defo trans grunts in team skull
Only natural, since it's full of misfits seeking a new, more accepting home
So he's already supported others with their transition
He is very much supportive of you! 
After all, you’re his boo - no matter what!
You were nervous when you came out to him
It can take a lot of courage and emotion to come out, having him react so receptively - it was such a relief
Do NOT listen to Guzma when it comes to choosing a name (if you're changing yours)
They will all somehow be super edgy or bug-related
In other words, very cringey
Actually something like Spyder would be pretty dope ngl
If you're transitioning to something more masculine/androgynous, Guzma can really help you out there
After all, he's a pretty masculine guy, basically came out of the womb that way, so he's happy to take you under his wing and lend you his stuff to make your transition easier
do you really want his 7-in-1 body wash and Haxorus body spray though??
If you're leaning more towards a feminine identity, he'll do his best to help, but Plumes is the one who'll guide you!
Acting like a big sister and all!
You need a new wardrobe?
Boy’s got you covered!
He doesn’t have a lot of money, but he’s trying his best
So it’s mostly second-hand places
And maybe some of the grunts use their five-finger-discount to sneak you some stuff
You try discourage that... but they don't listen lol
It's for a good cause, okay?
Guzma'll try direct you to the sluttiest outfits 
He’s shameless, what can I say?
That being said, it's your body, it's your choice in how you present yourself, so he won't push too much
But still, it's nice to know that he still thinks you're hot AF
Also, the grunts are a crafty bunch, so your clothes can be altered too!
Leave it to Plumes to deal with your hair
Even get you some wigs if you're looking for longer hair
You know team skull is at pride every year
Guzma's obviously there too, and if you're ready for it, he'll proudly show you off!
And I mean anyone
Who misgenders you
Or is just flat gross to you
Is either
a. Bout to be sent home to their mama’s by his troop of fearsome insects
b. Attending an impromptu meeting with his fist
He will not stand for transphobia  at all
But towards you? - the bigot is straight up FUCKED
Knowing you have big bad Guzma on your side, makes everything easier
He loves you - he’ll protect you no matter what
In the unfortunate event that your family isn't supportive
You know you've got a loving, supportive (if a bit choatic) home over in Po Town
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not-poignant · 1 year
Awwwwwwww Haley!!!!! What a gem, I am loving her presence in this story and in Alex's life. It's so interesting how Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail kind of have a chip on their shoulders of "us against the town" that sort of allows them to ignore how Alex and Haley felt growing up in Pelican Town. As if those three were the only teenagers who encountered feelings of isolation or discontent with life in the valley. I think you've talked about this before, hopefully I'm not just repeating what you've previously said word for word hahaaaa
Oh no, you've summarised it up really well! I'm sure I've said something similar to this but took like 1000 words to say it :D
And yeah that's how I feel about them in the story very much. I think when you identify as a geek etc. or when you feel you're better than a place, you might combine 'I'm being looked down on because I'm a geek' with 'I don't belong here because I'm better than this place' and end up with 'it's us against the town' mentality.
I always found it interesting that like, Sebastian, Abigail and Sam are nearly *always* together at every event / festival, and Alex and Haley are *often* together but not always (Alex is sometimes with his grandparents, which is sweet). Sebastian is never actively bullied by anyone except his stepfather in the story (nor is Alex, but Alex does mention a canonically mean / abusive father). Sam is never actively bullied. Abigail isn't either. So from the outside looking in, this is a tight friendship group.
Not only that, but in all of your cut scenes with Alex, he is completely alone. And in fact, in one of them, you eavesdrop on him telling his dog Rusty 'you're the only one I can talk to' - indicating how lonely he is. And then in another cut scene, he has his mother's music box with him while he's upset on the beach, and basically you find out he's been crying, on his own, at the beach. When Alex asks you not to tell anyone that he was emotional/crying about his dead mom, you literally laugh at him and then walk away while he panics. That literally happens in the best case scenario. I hate that scene so much. Playing that up for comedic value is like 'haha lightening the mood I guess' - but from a character meta standpoint, it's like shit, that's brutal.
In fact, in most of his cut scenes or dialogue exchanges, you have the option to laugh, mock, belittle, or abuse him, you can even say 'yeah, your father was right about you.'
On the other hand, Sebastian gets one lengthy cut scene with friends playing tabletop gaming together where it's clear they do this regularly. In his first cut scene, his mother comes in to say Abigail wants to come over. Sebastian's introduced as someone who is social from the beginning, not just with one person, but multiple people, to the point where his cut scenes involve multiple friends.
I find that contrast super interesting. Like, the game indicates one thing about Sebastian in his appearance and behaviour (i.e. loner introvert goth) but then says something completely different in his actual interactions in the town. The game indicates one thing about Alex (i.e. egotistical sporty popular guy) and then says something completely different in their actual interactions in the town.
From a story perspective, I love that - like what if they believe about each other what the game wants us to think before we dig deeper? Except that in this case, Alex realised pretty quickly that Sebastian isn't a loner at all, in fact he's extremely social, and even hosts gatherings at his own place (something no one else does except for Caroline and her exercise group, and Sam with his band - that Sebastian is a member of).
Anyway, enjoying blowing up each one of Sebastian's assumptions! It's incredibly satisfying, lol
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
i am here to provide some levi asks!! hopefully u haven't answered these yet: 1.) are there characters from other fandoms that remind you of levi? if so, who? 2.) which of the cadets dynamic with levi do you like the best? 3.) what are some songs you associate with levi? it can be based on vibes, lyrics, etc. ( one of my personal faves is wise man by frank ocean )
4.) if you could put levi in a room with one character from any fandom aside aot, who would you like to see him interact with? can be for intellectual conversation purposes or just to see shit hit the fan lol!
i would add more but i dont wanna make this ask SUPER long ahahaha! i hope u enjoy these lighthearted questions <3
Hey there, and thank you for the Levi asks! I'm always down for that.
You know, I think Levi is really a unique character. I can't really think of anyone quite like him. His mixture of seeming stoicism, and strength, along with his deep, inner compassion and kindness, is really a combination I've never seen in another character. Of course, there's the whole strong, silent hero archetype, which one could say Levi falls into, but his personality really isn't like any other character I can think of. He's so reserved outwardly, but he has these deep, passionate displays of emotion, driven by pure compassion and empathy. He's violent, but he's so totally lacking in cruelty or malice. I mean, I see a lot of those qualities in Ash and Yashiro too, actually. But Yashiro is nothing like Levi in terms of personality, haha. Ash is closer to Levi's personality, but again, not with quite the same level of reservedness or even-keeled disposition.
I love Levi's dynamic with both Jean and Connie. He goes out of his way to really help those two in moments of vulnerability, and to help them grow as people as a result, and come to more fully realized versions of themselves. I really love a lot of Levi's interactions with Eren early on, too, for a lot of the same reasons. Levi tries hard to help Eren, and I think it must have been devastating to him, to see what Eren eventually became.
Ohh, I always have trouble with asks like these, haha. I'll have to check the song you suggested out! Honestly, the song from the soundtrack for AoT "So ist es immer" makes me think of Levi every time I hear it, probably because it was the theme song for "No Regrets". Also "Omake-pfadlib", again because it's the music that played at the end of "No Regrets", when Levi kills the titan that killed Isabel and Furlan. It's so tragic, so I feel like it really captures Levi's immense grief beautifully.
Haha, this is another hard one. I see people compare Levi to Gojo a lot, and that would probably be a pretty explosive meeting, haha. I can see Gojo REALLY getting on Levi's nerves, with his bubbly, obnoxious personality. At the same time, they're each carrying a similar burden of being the strongest person in their respective universes, so they could relate to each other on that front. Of having the responsibility of being the strongest, and all the expectations that come with it. I would also like to actually see Levi and Ash interact, because I think it would be the opposite, and the two of them would really get along well. They both also know the isolation of being relied upon by others, and also being feared by others for their strength, so I think it would be interesting to see the two of them together.
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ask-pavitr · 2 months
okay okay so basically.
its a "look chosen hero"(link) type book and a princess(zelda) who ends up heing VERY important to the story (this is a struggle to explain without spoiling). depending on the version you read, link grew up differently yk???
but link somehow ends up figuring out "hey bro youre the hero from the legends n shit go save hyrule(the kingdom)" and hes like "oh shit alr" BECAUSE HES JUST LIKE THAT(positive). he figures out that princess zelda is somehow involved in a big way, goes on a long journey, meets ppl, gets trauma, fights bitches, then eventually wins
that is my non spoiler blurb 💪💪💪 personally, i started with ocarina of time. you do have to read it a couple times in order to understand it rly well because it gets confusing at times (in my experience) but if you ask for simpler explanations it makes more sense.
hopefully you enjoyed my rant LMAOOOO
-anxious anon
isn't link a Mario character? I've seen him in mariokart before
ohh I love chosen hero type books teh whole prophecy thing is always so interesting you know (im a pjo fan)
it actually sounds super cool lol
does he go on an adventure with a bunch of friends or by himself? is it like Percy Jackson but without the godly powers 😭
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lightlycareless · 5 months
What drew you to liking Naoya? He’s an extremely unpopular character in the fandom(mostly the English speaking side). I personally like him because i have a habit of liking toxic/evil/problematic characters in fiction and he just had some of my fave characteristics in one lol. Not to mention besides all that he’s just an interesting and well written character. It’s a bit frustrating that others that dislike him won’t acknowledge that he is extremely well written and the perfect example of a product of his environment. Sorry if this is random but I don’t get to see many Naoya fans and I love your works and portrayal of him. I feel you write his character development very well
Aw, don't worry :> this is no bother for me to answer! The only thing I feel kind of bad tho is that I don't know how to explain why I was so attracted to Naoya in the first place hahah 😢
I guess because he's handsome lol, because let's be real, his personality isn't that great... but even then, I also like that because it gave me the idea that he'd be like that to everyone but his special one, you know? In a degree that's how he treats Toji so that might be true. And why not, there's nothing wrong in wanting to "fix" him hehe.
And you're right, he's extremely well written in the sense that he's a product of his environment, but he's also a wasted potential 😭 and what happened afterwards was just oof, he was better off dead you know? like, we could've known so much of the Zen'in... I feel like he was even more slandered; and to believe that came from the author himself!! (or maybe that's just me hoping to get crumbs of Naoya lol)
It's really unfortunate that people tend to do that with characters that are considered villains. Just because he's bad doesn't mean he can't be well written—and to make matters worse, they take it out with their fans too... It's kind of silly to have to remember that what I consume in fiction doesn't go with what I do in real life. :B
BUT anyways— BECAUSE OF THAT I was given more freedom to fill the blanks with just about anything that I want heheheh and I love daydreaming about it.
Whenever writing I try to keep things as canon compliant/realistically as possible, without placing too many limitations on me that I won't be able to do anything—so his development into someone a bit more likeable is... off, very very difficult, but I think very rewarding as well. and sweet because why not.
Hopefully when he's animated we'll be able to see more content of him, as well as more fans :> I feel that after he got his manga cover he kind of... died down a bit. And unfortunately, whenever something does happen in the manga pertaining to him, some take this opportunity to slander his fans or spread misconceptions. (now I got worried thinking what will happen when he's animated damn) but we shall see.
And lastly, but not least, thank you so much for your kind words regarding my work 🥺❤️ I never thought that my writing would ever get attention like this, specially for a character that isn't that popular, but akgagaklghajk aaaaghhhhh it warms my heart to know there's people out there that like Naoya, and my work too 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
TLDR: I like Naoya because I consider him handsome, has a personality that while shit, gives off this bad boy aura of "I hate everyone except my darling." (or idk maybe my delusions are talking haha.) is super talented in what he does, has a prestigious title, yet a lonely life that makes me pity him a bit; and I feel like he'd be a very passionate lover when it comes to it.
Thank you so much for sending in this ask 🤭 I hope it was able to bring you some insights of my mind 😏 Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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angelicyoongie · 6 months
is it weird that I thought it was hot but also really unsettling?? And the fact that Jimin was the first one out of all of them after all the shit he pulled on her???? But it makes sense too?????????
Omg and I can’t wait to find out more soulbond lore!! It was interesting to find out about Namjoons parents and I wonder how the other boys’ parents met and got together? Like did they act just as sinister and possessive as their eventual children would? Brilliant chapter and exquisite writing as always!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
- K
The ls!boys really do give themselves too much credit, lol 💀 Like of course her bestie isn't going to buy that she suddenly doesn't want to talk to him?? But then again, they haven't really had many options either. There's no way the MC would've agreed to lie to Heejun earlier, so they kinda had to stall until she would be willing to cooperate 😩
I actually think that sums up the vibe of the smut pretty well! Like, the idea of being with Jimin is really hot, but knowing everything that has happened and the situation around it is just super unsettling and makes the whole thing feel weird (as it should!). I toyed with making any of the other boys go first but it felt weirdly right to have it be Jimin considering he was the first to find her AND with how desperate he is for intimacy.
I haven't really given it much thought but I think the guys' parents are pretty normal, all things considered! They have "normal" soulbonds, so they wouldn't have felt the need to act the way the boys have been doing. But yeah, it's going to be fun to explain more of the lore and hopefully give the MC some information she can use!
Thank you so so much!! 🥺💖
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
hello! a few hours from now, the epilogue of go on, claim my heart, the my fair lady sequel, is gonna be posting, so i wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has stopped by my lil corner of the internet to read what has become my largest writing project to date. i had no idea what i was getting myself into when i first started writing mfl, especially not half a year of feverish, near-obsessive plotting and writing and rewriting this story that would not leave me alone. a lot of things fell to the wayside as i wrote mfl and gocmh, and i don't regret any of it, because i can safely say that this is the writing that i am the most proud of.
i want to thank @romeoandjulietyouwish in particular for her graciously allowing me to play in her sandbox. no one's mind works like lis's, and as i have said before, she comes up with so many fucking stellar ideas that she leaves crumbs for the rest of us, so i'm super grateful that she's so kind about letting us take those crumbs and make them our own. mfl wouldn't exist without you, lis, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
i also could not wrap this series without calling out the two best readers a girl could ask for, @ravendruid and @crispysnake. y'all are fucking unhinged, but it is the exact energy that every writer needs to keep going. i can't tell you the number of times a drabble or chapter posted that i wasn't particularly fond of that you two completely changed my opinion about. you two are the kindest, most enthusiastic, most generous readers, and i'm so lucky that you're also my friends. please continue to be absolutely batshit in my tags; it's the only thing that keeps me going.
(also @otterlycaleb made fucking ART about this shit, what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK—)
a hopefully but probably not quick note about the future of mfl: today, like literally right now, i am in the middle of my first day of work at a brand new job, one that will require me to move my entire life halfway across the country, back to my hometown. it is big and scary and exhilarating and everything i've been hoping for, and i feel so, so lucky. this does mean that for the next little bit, while i learn a new job and pick up my shit and drive cross-country, i will probably be less able to write long or short fics, so i hope y'all don't mind me shutting up for the first time in forever. that being said, while i have absolutely no plans to write a third installment in the mfl 'verse, that doesn't mean there isn't more to say (as y'all will find out in like three and a half hours lol). i fully plan on still writing tmwiw drabbles set before, during, and after mfl/gocmh, and i will still be accepting prompts and requests for drabbles set in this 'verse until i say otherwise. mfl will always occupy an inordinate amount of my brain space, and i refuse to not share that with y'all.
additionally! starting very soon (like, maybe tomorrow? we'll see how busy i am, lol), i will be posting to ao3 the entirety of the mfl 'verse in chronological order. every chapter, one-shot, and drabble, in the order that they happened. another massive shout-out to @ravendruid for being my own personal lore-keeper on this; she read every single mfl chapter, tmwiw drabble, and one-shot to help me get this shit in order. the ao3 work will be titled i've come a long, long way (also from "my fair lady" by kaleo, are we seeing a pattern here?), and the plan is to post five chapters a day until the whole thing is up (although, again, with the moving this might get a lil wibbly wobbly). there will be some additional proofreading edits to these chapters (sometimes i can't spell!!) but nothing about the substance of these chapters will change, so this is just for people who like their stories to be told chronologically (fucking weirdos). this work will only be available on ao3, although it will be linked on my mfl masterpost.
ok, i think i am done for now. i have taken up enough of your time, in so many more ways than one. thank you again, if you read every single installment of the mfl saga or if you just read a paragraph. all of it means the world to me, and i know i never would have continued past the first chapter if i weren't part of such a wonderful, loving, generous, brilliant community. i've only been watching critical role for just over a year now, part of the fandom for even less than that, and i can't believe i haven't always had y'all in my life. please continue to love and support each other, and thank you for loving and supporting me.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 3 months
Alright, BL multiverse, let's goooo!
(I am so happy we are in an era of getting more creative plots in BL)
Anyone else get a momentary flashback to H2O: Just Add Water? Just me?
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Ngl, I laughed at Kram dropping the locket, because I am an absolute klutz and would totally do the same thing.
Poor Kram, no one expects a strange naked man first thing in the morning.
Omg, I thought they were going to say Phupha was a life model for the dad, since he's a painter. How much tea did he spill to have to get completely naked??
Also, what exactly does the dad do that would make them such a target?
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I'm assuming Bad Max is the leader of this gang.
Speaking of the devil... this went from cute to scary real damn quick. Poor Kram.
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Max does intimidating very well.
They picked some gorgeous locations for this.
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Lol, we are speedrunning this enemies to lovers arc. But also it's a nice example of what an empathetic character Kram is.
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Oof. There is something darkly ironic about Phupha wanting his body to be captured in good shape when we know he's going to die soon.
Gotta give Phupha credit for using any strategy at his disposal, from "draw me like one of your French girls" to "Oops, now I'm naked in a mosquito-ridden forest and need your help".
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I wasn't sure how Kram & Phupha would feel as a pair, as they'd be competing with five years of real life MaxNat chemistry, but honestly both Gun & Nat are doing great! I'm on board.
Oh damn, I am such a sucker for lines like this.
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Ooh, Phupha was wearing the blue before, and now it's Kram! I love that I notice these things now.
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Ok, I liked the not-sex scene. There was a very realistic awkwardness to their inexperience, and even though Phupha is super ready, he sees that Kram isn't, and that's ok.
Oh shit, I forgot about her! Don't do something bad, sweetie.
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Ok - maybe she's cool? But I'm still worried. There's something about her face as she's saying it's all ok.
It's funny, this has had such a timeless feel up to now, the cars feel really jarring.
THERE IS SO MUCH HAPPENING!! Phupha is a real estate mogul? He owns an art gallery? Tai is a baddie who likes to make dramatic entrances?
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Goddamn, Max is bringing the sexy-scary.
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Speaking of which, why the fuck haven't you hired guards already?
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IF HE COMES BACK!?!?! HE JUST HELD A KNIFE TO YOUR SON!!! This dude has terrible survival instincts.
Um, wtf?
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HE KNOWS IT'S WRONG?!?! He leads a gang, ffs!!!
Oh god, is this some weird rich people family shit? Are Phupha and Tai stepbrothers or something? Is that why these people aren't treating Tai like the scary motherfucker he clearly is?
Damn, there is a lot Phupha didn't tell Kram. I think the right time to tell someone you have a fiancee is before you try to fuck them and ask them to move away with you.
Wait, now we have a masked sword-wielding assassin? What is happening?!?!
Damn, that was the clunkiest exposition ever, lol. But now we know Phupha is a hemophiliac too.
Ooh, this was genuinely creepy.
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Huh, they got out of that more easily than I expected.
But dad is not dad? And he's one trying to get to Phupha? But he knew where he was in the forest.
I'm so confused.
I'm enjoying the vibes and the acting, but the story got deeply confusing in the last bit. Hopefully we get some things cleared up in episode 2!
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snaildotexe · 1 year
my WaffleHacks 2023 submission
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This was my first hackathon! A bit late in the game as a 4th year, I was always too intimidated by the idea of trying to write an entire project in a day and then have it judged and compared to other projects that are probably leagues better than mine. But a waffle themed hackathon was much less intimidating.
My project is Packmate. It's supposed to help you decide how many of X item to bring, somewhat inspired by those posts/memes that are like "I'm bringing 12 pairs of underwear on my 2 day weekend trip, y'know, in case i shit myself 10 times"
As you can probably tell, it's not finished😭 I actually decided to join this hackathon super last minute, and still I didn't even start until yesterday afternoon (submission was today at noon), so I didn't work on it for as long as I would've liked to.
I am a bit upset that I didn't get to implement my full concept for the project (I actually wanted to use an Accuweather API to have it check the weather and select different types of clothes you need during your trip but that was not happening in this timeframe lol), but in the end I'm happy for the experience.
Rather than aiming for any prizes or ranking, I ended up just using this project to focus on practicing html/css design, which is what I want to improve in. This was also really good practice in project timeline estimation, feature prioritization etc. I was able to whittle down my feature wishlist and focus on what I know was realistic for me in my timeline.
I was honestly unsure if I would even have *enough* project to be worth submitting. There were so many points yesterday where I was like "This is hard. This isn't school, I could quit right now with zero repercussions" lol. But in the end, I'm proud (and ngl a little surprised at myself) to have submitted anything at all, let alone a somewhat finished demo of something I had only conceptualized hours before.
So thanks Wafflehacks for being waffle themed. This is hopefully my first of many!
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