#honestly one of the more satisfying things I’ve ever done
sailforvalinor · 1 year
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moonstruckme · 6 months
hi could i request doctor!remus with a r who’s scared of needles? love ur writing!!
Thanks babe!
cw: needles, fear of needles
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 756 words
You’ve been dreading this ever since Remus had mentioned it earlier in the week. He’s pretended not to notice (there’s no point in talking about what neither of you can help, right?) but now that he’s gotten you into his office, your legs swinging restlessly off the edge of the exam table, it’s impossible to avoid the issue.
“What, you don’t trust me?” Remus sets his tray of supplies down by the computer, sending you a little smile to let you know he’s only giving you a hard time. 
“It’s not about that,” you insist anyway. “It just—it’s weird.” The paper covering crinkles under you as you squirm. “It goes under your skin, Rem.” 
“Funnily enough, I was briefed on that part in med school,” he says, deadpan tone at odds with the placating hand he rests on your thigh. It works, and you still, but his heart still contracts at the tensed watchfulness of your eyes as they flit to the needle on the tray. “It’s not as sinister as you think it is, love. Might help if you quit looking at it, though.” 
“I don’t get it.” He frowns. “You’re not normally this squeamish.” 
You look upset, wrapping your arms around your midsection protectively. “I don’t get it either. It just freaks me out, I don’t know.”
Remus eyes you for a moment, assessing the apprehensive set of your shoulders, the wariness in your expression. His mouth pulls sympathetically to one side. “If you wanted, I could tell you about everything this has in it and why it’s good for you, but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to help you very much. Is it?” 
“Probably not.” You gnaw on the inside of your lip, looking at him apologetically. “I know logically that you’re right, but honestly? If we talk about it much more I think it’s going to make me nauseous.” 
He rubs your leg soothingly. “That’s alright. There’s not always room for logic in these things, yeah? We’ll make this quick.” 
That doesn’t actually seem to help, and your arm tenses as Remus cleans it off. “You’re alright,” he promises, grabbing the syringe before using the back of his hand to tilt your face in the other direction. “Don’t look.” 
“Why?” Your voice pitches high. 
He makes his low and soothing to counter it. “Because you’re already nervous, dove, and it’ll only get worse if you watch. Ready?” He takes your arm in his hand, gentle but firm in case you try to move. You grip your leg so hard it looks like it hurts. 
When you nod, Remus wastes no time. You’re barely able to take in a surprised inhale at the slight sting before he’s setting the needle back down on its tray, smoothing a plaster over the pinprick. 
“There, done,” he reassures you, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles over the spot while he watches your face. The tension hasn’t left your expression. “Okay, sweetheart?” 
You blow out a breath, seeming to shake something off you. “Okay.”
“Was that worth all the buildup?” He’s unable to resist teasing you a little, and you reward him with a small, reluctant grin. 
“No, but it’s still gross.” You roll your eyes. Remus switches from rubbing your arm to your thigh, halfway apologetic. “Thanks, Rem.” 
“You’re welcome, dove,” he murmurs, kissing your hair. “I ought to be thanking you, this will be the first year since I’ve known you that I won’t have to take care of you when you get the flu.” 
“Don’t jinx it,” you warn, accepting the hand he offers to help you off the table. “I could be one of those people who has a worse reaction to the jab than the flu itself.” 
Remus scoffs. “That almost never happens.”
You all but grunt in response. “We’ll see.” Your arms come back around your middle. “Can we get out of here? This place gives me the heebies.” 
Sympathy and amusement war in Remus’ chest, but he satisfies both by chuckling as he wraps his arm around you, guiding you out the door. “You’ve really chosen the wrong boyfriend, sweetheart.” 
“My trouble is with this place, not you.” Your lips turn down, and Remus thinks he feels a tiny shiver beneath his arm. He pulls you closer, just in case. “You don’t smell like chemicals and illness.” 
“What?” He does his best to sound appalled, though he has none of Sirius’ talent for dramatics. “But that’s my favorite part of coming to work every morning—the lovely chemical-and-illness aroma.”
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lizziesblueberries · 10 months
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5,598
Warnings: Mommy Kink, Mommy!Wanda, Bottom!Reader, but wait Top!Reader, praise kink, smut, yandere Wanda, possessive Wanda, possessive reader, maybe the dynamic switches, maybe it doesn’t, g!p reader, drinking breast milk, blowjob???, hehehe, maybe some rough sex, fluff, service Wanda, dom reader? Idk depends how you see it, |minors DNI, 18+
Summary: Fifth and final part to the series. The boys are finally here! And you and Wanda deserve some much needed time to yourselves.
Notes: Hello! I know its been so long since I last wrote, a whole year! And quite the year it has been. I just want to say thank you all for liking and commenting my stories. It means a lot and I’ve been so excited to write more for all of you! (and more importanlty, myself 😏) I do have more stories in plan and this will be the last fic for this series, so I hope it satisfies you all. Honestly, I cant wait to post the next story for you guys, this next one is definitely a bit more intense and dare I say, violent, duh duh dun! Anywho, enjoy my thirsty fan club!
Part 4
It’s been about 10 months since you first discovered you were pregnant, ten months since you and Wanda visited that quaint little Sokovian town and saw Strange. Ten months since you woke up with Wanda’s cum filling you completely and then having it ooze out of you when Wanda slowly pulled out. And its been one month since you gave birth to two beautiful little boys named Tommy and Billy.
A whole month has gone by, and it has been the most emotional and exhausting and best month of your life. You and Wanda gave birth in the cabin, Wanda having done a ton of research to prepare yourselves for when the boys came. And Wanda was the prefect partner. You on the other hand, well, Wanda wouldn’t say it out loud otherwise, for her sake. You had been going through emotional mood swings and cravings and body changes, and poor Wanda had to take the brunt of it all. Honestly, the amount of times you cried, threw up, or just threw a pillow at Wanda’s head, was countless. Wanda being Wanda, excepted it all and waited patiently for you to either calm down or rapidly change from angry to needy or some other mood that didn’t involve you wanting to aim something at her head.
Don’t get her wrong, there were some moments where she needed to take some deep breaths, but she knew you were going through something you couldn’t exactly control. And you were the one who was bearing her kids, so, it was the least she could do not to get frustrated or mad at you. You of course always appreciated her patience after, you were weirded out at first from the feeling of little bodies growing inside you, but you soon learned to love their little kicks and Wanda loved sensing their life as well. She spent the majority of your pregnancy being over joyed and over protective. If you so much as even suggested leaving the house for a walk, Wanda would immediately say no and try to distract you with other things. One of those things being sex. You honestly never thought you would ever turn Wanda down from any of her advances, but pregnancy seemed to prove you wrong. When you were in the mood for something it would stay that way until you got it. You would ask to go for a short walk outside, and her eyes would flash with panic, quickly coming up with another suggestion and press kisses against your throat.
“Why don’t we stay inside my love? Where it’s safe and warm, and perhaps reenact another magical moment together?” Wanda would say, doing her best to turn your mind somewhere else, but you were also stubborn. And while you may think you were the simp here, it was in fact Wanda who was the simp.
“No, I’m not in the mood Wanda I want some air and to look at some fucking trees for once, I need to stretch my legs.” You would say, and Wanda, the ever respectful lover, would back off and agree to you. Of course part of the agreement to go outside would involve you staying within a ten foot perimeter around the house and Wanda by your side at all times searching for any danger. It was cute though, to see Wanda so protective and vigilant for you and the boys, so you couldn’t really complain, you got to go outside anyways.
It seemed Wanda got even softer as you grew bigger, her jade eyes always on you, concerned, loving, or just gleeful to see you. Her protectiveness and possessiveness was still there, but there was something else. Your relationship turned into something more equal, she valued what you had to say and what to do, and you seemed to have understood her better than anyone. Loving each other in a more natural and at home kind of way and not just passion.
When the day finally did come, boy was Wanda the least calm you had ever seen her. She could feel your pain and wanted everything to go ok, laying you down and preparing for when the boys would come. Her magic surrounding everything she needed and almost pulsing in worry with her. You weren’t as worried at that point like she was, probably because you felt like your insides were tearing apart at that moment, honestly, who thought it was a good idea for women to give birth this way? That thought left your mind though as soon as you finally got a look at Tommy. Calm for a baby who just entered the world, but then again this was Wanda’s son. You nearly cried at the sight of him, then Billy was on the way and you definitely cried from having to go through the pain again.
It became a blur after that, but one thing you definitely remember seeing, was your two beautiful boys, and your beautiful wife, holding them. Wanda looked radiant, her eyes glistened and her smile was something only held for her boys and you. She gave you Billy soon after she checked for your health, using her magic and spells to make sure you were ok and not in pain anymore. And when you held Billy in your arms, you knew he was going to be a mamas boy, empathetic and sweet for his moms and brother. Wanda sat next to you on the freshly cleaned bed and you looked at Tommy adoringly. He was definitely going to be the one to drag Billy into all sorts of trouble, and from what you heard from Wanda’s stories of them, you would be very right.That night you and Wanda fell asleep with the boys held cradled into your chests (a spell was cast to not hurt them in your sleep of course) and you laid in bed as a new family.
A month has passed since then, and while you would never regret having the twins, they were honestly too adorable, your lack of sleep was weighing on you. The boys were little balls of energy and consumed everything they ate, crying for attention and waking you and Wanda up almost every two-three hours. Being pregnant and already developing milk, you and Wanda decided to breast feed them. This was not as fun as you would think, the whole, ‘babies drinking from their mother will increase the bond’ was not exactly true, those boys would suck everything dry, regardless of where it came from, and you were starting to think breastfeeding was not the grandest idea. Your breasts were sore and you couldn’t really produce enough milk for two growing baby boys, one of them being a speedster mind you.
And this ends our little summary of the past few months up until now. You, having just put the boys to sleep, and for once, the boys are not hungry. So now, you’re tired, AND sore with milk and you just wanted to have a nice relaxing night for once. You quietly walk out of the room downstairs to the kitchen, where Wanda is leaning against the counter sipping tea. Her eyes are slightly glazed from sleep, and she’s wearing a red robe like you are. You walk up to her and just fall into her front, head going into her neck and leaning all your weight into her. Wanda grunts from the surprise weight and sets her mug to the side to wrap her arms around you and hold you to her. You sigh into her and she just rests her head against yours.
“What is it detka? Tired?” Wanda quietly says, moving to softly rub her hands along your back soothingly. You just nod your head and let out a little hum. She chuckles at this and squeezes you to her, only instead of a happy sigh like she thought she would get from you, she gets a hiss of pain and immediately pulls back to look at you in worry. “What was that? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing Wanda I’m just sore because the boys didn’t feed, I think I’m going to get the pump out.” You say tiredly, not really bothered anymore, just wanting to get rid of the ache and milk and just head to bed. You turn and start to walk away, heading towards the cabinet to get the pump, but Wanda tugs on your hand, so you turn back to her in confusion. She looks you up and down, thoughtful and concerned, and maybe it’s the sleep talking but you think you also see a dark glint in her eye.
“What if I helped you out with that darling?” Wanda asks, and you just turn back around not really getting what she’s trying to say.
“That’s ok Wanda, I mean, unless you want to turn it on and watch, there’s not much to really help with the pump.” You walk away, across the kitchen and are about to grab the pump, but scarlet magic suddenly stops you, keeping you in place. “Wanda what-“
“I’m sorry baby, I don’t think you quite understood my question. I’m not asking to use the pump, I’m asking, if you would like my help with getting rid of some of what I’m sure is very warm and delectable milk.” Wanda slowly turns you around with her magic as she asks this. Her walk slow and seductive towards you, and its then you realize what she’s really asking.
“Oh, indeed.” Wanda says amused. She’s in front of you now and she’s looking at you like she’s going to eat you whole. Her magic holding you still, she slowly waves her fingers and moves your hands behind your back. “So? Is that a yes? Would you like my help with that ache of yours babygirl?” Your eyes widen a bit at Wanda’s sudden pet name and bold choice of words, heat flushes to your face from the question.
“I’ve never- we’ve never done that before, I didn’t think you would ever want to. Are you sure?” You ask unsure. The thought has come to you on occasion, but very fleeting. Sleep and the boys have taken up most of your time, and its been a while since you’ve been in the mood for anything sexual. Your pregnancy didn’t exactly make you want to have sex all the time. You felt a little bad, since you knew Wanda was always wanting your body, but she was so caring and never forced herself or tried to make you do anything you didn’t want. In fact she let you initiate most of it. So to say you both had been blue balled was an understatement. An image of Wanda’s mouth on you flashed through your mind and you suddenly realized how badly you missed her and needed her. You looked into Wanda’s eyes and saw her looking right back at you, and you realized she needed it too. She nodded and all you could do was say, “please.”
After that, Wanda couldn’t hold back anymore. It had been weeks since she last got to have you, and now she could finally taste a new part of you. With a flick of her wrist, her magic pressed you against the wall, your arms held behind your back, pressing your chest up more to her. All she could do was look at your breasts, bigger than usual from being full, and she licked her lips slightly at the sight. You still couldn’t move, not that you were complaining, although it would be nice to touch her after so long, you just watched her instead and waited for her to get closer to you.
She finally pressed her body against yours and you both sighed at the feeling, Wanda moved her mouth to your neck and placed small feather light kisses along your throat. You shivered and wanted so much more, but it was nice, the softness and intimacy you could feel coming from her. She wanted to treasure you. Wanda moved her hands to your waist, her hands slid along your sides slowly, up closer to your chest on your ribs, your breathing was increasing and Wanda basked in feeling your breathing quicken and your ribs expand. She could hear your pants against her ear as she kissed down your throat and she enjoyed having you at her mercy, unable to move or leave her hold.
“Wanda please.” You begged. Already impatient and not interested in any teasing. Wanda pulled back to look at you, dark eyes glimmered as they took in your appearance and smirked. She moved into you again until her mouth was pressed against your collarbone and slowly mouthed down to your chest, pausing to place a reverent kiss against the red tattoo there, and then continued to the opening of your robe. Her hands finally put themselves where they belonged and cupped your breasts as she kissed between them. You arched into her, letting out a moan as you felt her start to lightly massage them. Your breasts were tender, and as Wanda kept gently massaging them, milk started to ease out of your nipples. Wet spots started to form where your robe covered them, and Wanda watched with fascination as the spots grew darker and bigger the more she touched you.
“My poor baby. So tender and aching. You’ve been doing so much lately. Pregnancy, giving birth, taking care of the twins, not getting enough sleep, and having to feed them. I should be taking better care of you, cook you nice nutritious meals, take on more work with the boys so you can sleep, help alleviate your sore breasts.” As Wanda said this, she emphasized her words with the action of gripping your breasts more firmly, squeezing them a bit harder, and you nearly went on your toes to try and ease her grip. But you couldn’t, so you just stood there and whimpered in half pain and pleasure.
“Mommy please!” You finally said, and that seemed to move Wanda into motion. Her teasing smirk and gleaming eyes turned feral and dark, and her expression dropped into one with a women on a mission. With a wave of her hand, your robe practically tore in half as she parted it with her magic, she waved her hand again and soon after your hands were raised above your head and held to the wall. Your chest pushed out more and her gaze fixated on your freed breasts, they were so soft looking, so suckable to her, your milk was dripping down your stomach at this point and she couldn’t wait to lick it all up.
She took a step into you and cupped your breasts again, listening to you whimper, she moved her mouth closer and you held your breath. But instead of what you wanted, she lowered her head and went to your stomach, licking a trail up to your breast cleaning up every trace of milk that fell. Your stomach clenched and you jolted from the surprise, and Wanda adored the part of you that was a bit ticklish and made you more sensitive. As she cleaned every trace of milk, she looked you in the eye as she went to its source and finally placed her lips around your nipple.
“Oh god.” You groaned. You could feel as Wanda smirked against your nipple, her warm mouth wrapped around it as she pushed herself more into you. Her body completely molded itself against yours and her magic held you even tighter. Her lips became more firm, and a hot tongue soon came out to press against your nipple. She pressed the tip under it and gave a nice suck, and soon after milk was flowing into her mouth.
Groaning at tasting this new part of you, Wanda squeezed you tighter to her and continued to suck on your nipple. Her knee moved to between your legs and you arched into her, feeling warm liquid leave you and pleasure envelope your sensitive body. It felt so nice having Wanda drink from you, tasting you. And a more possessive side was rearing its head at finally having Wanda take this part of you and make it a part of her. You wanted her to drink this new essence of you and have it in her, to taste you and become addicted to it. It felt like this was the equivalent of having her drink your own cum, as perverted as it sounded, it made you all the more hot as she drank your milk, it made it all the more pleasurable.
Wanda was drinking from you like a woman starved, one hand was holding your breasts to her mouth and the other was trailing down your body to your hip. Her pinkie caressed the panties under it and soon that pinkie was sliding under the cloth and inching closer to your center. You were watching Wanda as she was attached to your chest and you were watching her when her eyes opened suddenly and they glowed from sea foam green to a burning red. Then your hands were released from her hold, but not your body, that didn’t stop you though from dropping your arms down to wrap them around her neck and tangle your fingers through her auburn hair. Pulling her even closer as if she wasn’t already as close as she could be, you pressed her more firmly against your breast and moaned when she rewarded you with a finger pressing against your clit.
“Babygirl you taste so good.” Wanda moaned against you. Wanda could almost feel how pleasurable it was for you, how your thoughts and feelings all gathered into one lovely erotic moment for you both. She could sense your desperation for her and more importantly, she was desperate for you, and for what has felt like the longest time, she could finally act on her need for you. Each time Wanda took a drink from you, she circled your clit. The pulses connecting between your nipple and the deep tug from your breasts as well as the the matching rhythm against your clit, was driving you wild, and soon you could feel yourself coming. Your body lost control of itself and started moving on its own. Wanda watched as you pressed your chest more into her and your hips stuttered against her hand. Your body was shaking and you closed your eyes with a silent scream and came so hard, even Wanda was bit taken aback, but didn’t hesitate to hold you and slowly ease you from your orgasm.
As you came down from wherever Wanda took you, you started to calm your breathing and realized your nails were gripping tightly into Wanda’s neck and back. With a sheepish smile you eased your hold and gently rubbed her new marks from you. Wanda merely smiled and kissed you sweetly.
“Did that hurt Wanda?” You asked.
“Not nearly enough darling.” Wanda said with a chuckle and smirked at your sweet, concerned face.
“Well if that’s the case.” Your face turned darker as you said this and Wanda was once again taken aback by your expression and was even more bamboozled when she was suddenly turned around and you were pinning her to the wall. Honestly, if you weren’t so turned on by her you would have laughed at her stunned face, but you had no time for that and went straight to just kissing her deeply, making an ‘mphm’ come out of Wanda’s captured mouth.
Your breasts were less sore now and you had no problem pressing your body against hers to keep her pinned against the wall. Wanda didn’t know what had come over you, she was so used to her always taking the lead or dominating, now it seems the roles were reversed. Wanda took this time to peek into your mind and was very intrigued by were you wanted to go with this, but more importantly, you seemed to need it, and that made Wanda need it too.
You’d gripped Wanda’s waist to control her body movement, and broke the kiss with a gasp, “Take off your clothes Wanda” you said. Wanda looked at you with a curious face, studying everything you were showing her. You face way determined and almost stern, no, more like you knew you were going to get what you wanted. Your voice was deep and breathless and honestly Wanda was really turned on by how aggressive you were being right now. Still looking at you, Wanda waved her hand and both your clothes were fully removed with a red flash. You breathed in deeply and took a good look at your wife. You may not of had an official wedding, but she was yours, and five months into your pregnancy, Wanda had made a ring for you both and you’d never taken it off. You looked at your wife and fully appreciated what was right in front of you. Wanda’s hips that you were gripping were full and soft, her red hair was in pretty waves going down her shoulders and her breasts, god her breasts were the most beautiful things you’d ever wanted to put in your mouth. They were what you fell asleep on every night and Wanda’s jade eyes were what you woke up to every morning. Wanda’s eyes were staring into yours when you were done appraising her, she was staying nice and still for you and you loved it. You didn’t know what was going on with you, but you felt a deep need to just take her. Everything in you was screaming to just take Wanda. Look at her, her lips were swollen from drinking your breast milk, from your kiss. Her pupils were blown wide and her eyes were saying ‘do what you want with me’ and so you did.
“I think you know what I want Wanda.” You said with a rasp in your voice. Wanda’s eyes flashed red from pure arousal alone. They way you were looking and speaking to her was making her lose it, and she didn’t need to read your mind to know what you were asking for. With a shaky nod from her and a wave of her hand, red magic covered between your legs and soon you felt a new appendage there. Wanda sunk to her knees and you stood there while she looked up at you and waited for you to tell her what to do. You felt a rush run through you and you wanted to feel more of it. Wanda was being such a good little thing submitting for you without you having to even tell her.
Wanda watched the way your eyes grew darker and your expression became pleased, she watched as you sorted through your emotions and waited for you to decide what you wanted next. She wouldn’t lie if you asked her if she liked this. She loved it. She loved being your mommy, but she finally understood why you loved submitting to her as well. The feeling she got when she sank to her knees for you, was something she felt deep in her chest. She could feel your satisfaction from her actions and it made her almost want to cum. This new feeling was beyond her, but she wanted to feel more.
As you looked at your darling wife, you could feel your cock pulse for her. “Be my good wife and milk me some more darling.” You growled, you waited for Wanda to listen and nearly buckled at the knee when Wanda took her hand, gently took hold of your strap, and placed her lips on the tip. Wanda kept eye contact as she tasted you like this for the first time. Her fucking beautiful mouth slowly wrapped around your cock and as she held it with her hand, put her other hand against your thigh to lift more up on her knees so she could lean more into you and support herself.
You let out a guttural moan as you looked down at her, her warm mouth and hot, wet tongue slid itself along your strap and for gods sake it was the hottest sight and hottest feeling. It was just as pleasurable as it was for your pussy, just different, and that different feeling elevated everything that was happening. To feel Wanda surround herself like this around you was making you feral and goddammit you couldn’t handle it anymore, you needed more, you needed to do something.
That something was to tangle your fingers in those red luscious locks and trust your hips against her while you held her still. Wanda took it with grace, opening her mouth wider and sliding her mouth along your cock until it touched the back of her throat. She gagged a little but was fine after that when you just kept thrusting. Wanda breathed through her nose and watched your face as you lost yourself in her. This was almost just as pleasurable for her as it was for you. She soon grew to love this side of you, love this feeling of taking another part of you in her mouth, and now she wanted to taste another form of cum from you.
You were getting close, you looked down at Wanda and groaned at the site of her on her knees, her cheeks hollowed for your cock, and drool dripping down from her chin with how much she was getting into sucking you. She was doing all the right things and even though you knew she was struggling to catch her breath, that made it all the better and the more perverted side of you loved it. You gripped her head tighter and thrusted faster as Wanda knelt there and let you use her. You needed something, one last thing, you just didn’t know what that was, until Wanda, sensing you were close, meaning she could taste your cum sooner, moaned against your cock and the rest was left for hell to deal with.
The sound you made as you came was blush worthy and the slapping came to a halt, and you made one last thrust as shoved your cock as far as you could down her throat and came. Wanda gripped your hips and pressed closer against you, doing her best to make sure every last drop of cum would go down her throat. You felt her throat and tongue move against your cock and actually heard her gulp a little as she drank everything from you. You didn’t realize it, but do to the heightened feelings and how long its been since Wanda got to last taste you, when the first drop of cum hit her throat and she heard you cum, she came with you. Her pussy clenched around nothing but she didn’t need anything, your pleasure and taste was all she needed and she came with clenched eyes and a long moan around you.
“There’s a good girl, god Wanda you feel so good.” You whispered as you slowly caressed her hair and you both calmed down. You were both finished so you gently pulled back and Wanda could finally relax her jaw and take some deep breaths. She hunched over a bit and this made you worried as you knew you were rough with her and may have hurt her. You knelt down with her and held her face to have her look at you. “Darling? Are you alright?” You sounded so concerned.
“Im alright baby.” Wanda said as she looked up and smiled at you. You felt yourself relax a bit and rubbed your thumbs along her beautiful cheeks, remembering how hollow they looked with her mouth around you… you shook your head a bit and checked her over.
“You’re not hurt anywhere? Did I go to hard, could you not breathe?” You asked. Wanda simply smiled again and kissed you to settle your concerns. When she pulled back she looked you in the eyes so you knew she was being honest and reassured you again that she was perfectly fine.
“I quite enjoyed that darling, you were a good mix of rough but not too much.” She said.
“Okay good, I’m glad, that would have been not fun if that were the case, I don’t ever want to actually hurt you.” You said. Wanda looked happy and so were you. That made you even more happy considering this new dynamic between you had been both pleasurable and you hadn’t hurt her. Knowing she enjoyed this too made you excited for future scenarios, and that excitement made you remember you could physically show that excitement and looked down. “Um, so I know that I’m kinda hard right now, but I’m also really exhausted, but I also really want to make sure you’re satisfied too, so tell me what you need Wanda and i’ll do my best to help.” You nervously said.
Wanda chuckled and kissed you sweetly on the nose, she pulled back and pleasantly surprised you with her next words. “Actually, dear I already came with you, just when you did as a matter of fact.” Wanda smirked at you.
“Really?! That’s so exciting and I didn’t even know that could happen Wanda! God I was so overwhelmed I didn’t even realize. Was it alright? Do you want my help with another one?” You stuttered out. You were amazed at this and Wanda could tell you were also nervous a bit with the new things you had tried with her.
“Calm down my darling, I’m quite satisfied at the moment. Hearing you cum, feeling it, tasting it, that was all I needed and I’m pretty sure I came just as hard as you. Now, why don’t we get up and take ourselves to bed. I think were both exhausted after the boys and this lovely night was just what we needed.” Wanda waved her hand and suddenly you were both clean and clothed and you specifically were appendage free. Thank you magic.
“I think that sounds lovely Wanda, thank you for doing this with me and trusting me to have the control like this.” You both got up as you said this and you felt so good and relaxed. You looked at Wanda and pulled her gently to you. Your arms circled her waist and she wrapped her arms around your neck, you both stood there and leaned into each other, just breathing each other in. “I love you Wanda” you whispered against her lips.
“I love you darling” Wanda whispered back and softly kissed you. Amongst all that had happened, it seemed it was you two whispering that finally woke the two twin boys that you both had been blissfully having a break from. Crying was heard from up the stairs and you both laughed a little at the timing. Wanda grabbed your hand and started walking, pulling you along with her as you both walked up the stairs. You watched behind her as you both went up and into the boys room. The twins room was decorated with a mix of blue and greens and in the middle were two cradles holding both your precious treasures. You both went to a separate bed and picked up your sons. You had Billy and Wanda held Tommy.
“Shhh, mommy’s here Billy, and so is momma.” Wanda delicately whispered as she rubbed Billy’s back, you did the same for Tommy. You both gravitated towards each other, and it seemed that calmed down the boys, as their crying calmed and Tommy looked at you. He was the cutest thing, his brown eyes looking at you with curiosity and familiarity. It soothed your soul knowing these precious boys were yours and Wanda’s. You could see so much of her in him. You held him close to you as his eyes started to droop, then you looked at Billy. Him doing the same only fighting a little harder to stay awake and watch Wanda. You couldn’t blame him as you looked at her next. She was the most beautiful person you would ever see and you guess Billy thought the same. He was definitely going to be a momma’s boy. You smirked, you were already mommy’s girl. She looked at Billy with so much wonder and you knew you were right were you needed to be. With your family, that you’d made with the woman you loved, and your boys were happy and safe and together again.
Wanda looked at you and stepped closer, her smile so gentle and at peace, you would never get enough of seeing it. God you loved her. She swayed into you and you both adjusted to hold each other and the boys as they fell asleep safe in both of your arms. You didn’t know it yet, but this would be just one of many moments between you and your family. Wanda had done something she never imagined. She’d found you and made her family whole again. All that suffering. All the pain and fighting to get her loved ones back. And yet, all she needed was you and it all fell perfectly into place. You were at first just hers. What had started as her in your mind, became her having your heart, and then she became yours. You belonged to each other and were equal, partners through everything and you both could finally just, relax.
Please leave your reviews! I love to hear everyone’s favorite parts!😊
@elenaguarnieri @chelleztjs18 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @mjlfluvr @lovelyy-moonlight @spartelkat @1uthina @perdrix-dynamique @daenerys713 @marrymemcgrath @screechcat @spookmomfriendtm @carnagewidow @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @ripofflizzie @jadechasesworld @littlyamadeus @mymommawanda @queenashen @wandas-slut-heart @pure-blood-slytherin @morinfoxixippy @goodness-gaycious @mythosphere-x @tigerlillyruiz @olicity-boo @moonpheus @theunwantedwriter @emilyymbbb @nightimemommy @marvelwomen-simp @lezzbehonesturhaught @wolflover384 @flourishandblotts-inc @ratzyy @wandsmxmff
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br7ght · 5 months
how about 5?
I feel like we should finally give them all what they want 😉
when the god of smut requests speaks she speaks... so here you go guys, have this teaser on us, @occasionallyaurora and I have been working really hard on this one :)
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Captain's Night Out Lucy Bronze x Alexia Putellas
summary: Lucy has a burning request to ask of Alexia, what better opportunity than the annual captain's night out when they've all had a bit too much to drink.
warnings: none... yet
pairing: lucy bronze x alexia putellas
word count: 800 words
14/02/2024, save the date lesbians <3
It had been a wilder night than the five of them were expecting. The annual Captain’s Night Out had been well underway and to Lucy and Alexia’s disappointment it was seemingly reaching a plateau.
“No Mapi, come on one more drink.” Lucy pleaded, her words slurring slightly as her hand gripped around her glass. They had already lost Marta and Paredes to the alcohol, both heading home about half an hour ago despite the blonde and brunette begging for the night not to be over so soon. Little to her surprise, Mapi didn’t give in to her pleading, kissing their cheeks goodbye and stumbling away to get into the taxi that was waiting for her outside.
“And then there were two.” Lucy giggled into her drink, knowing that Alexia would be the last one standing with her, every time they went out together it was the same. They were laughing together in a cloud of tipsiness, fingers grazing against each other from across the table, nothing serious, just harmless touches driven by the alcohol in their systems. “How’s the relationship going?” Lucy questions, acting casual but her cheeks flushing pink at the question giving away her motivations.
“It’s actually the best thing I’ve ever done,” Alexia stated honestly, her chin resting in her hands, her tongue reaching around her straw and sucking up the last of her vodka lemonade. “I’ve never been happier, or more sexually satisfied.” There was a slight pause before the second reason, her grin stretching across the width of her face, but it was Lucy’s cheeks that were still glowing red.
“I mean, two hot women in your bed, what else can you expect?” The raven-haired woman giggled nervously, her fingers rubbing the ridges on her glass as she watched Alexia’s nonchalant reaction to all her questions. The blonde was an open book sober, so she basically qualified as a billboard when she’d had a few drinks.
“How’s Ona?” Alexia asked, winking at Lucy’s flushed cheeks. “You not feeling the same cariño?” Her head tilting to the side as she observed Lucy’s facial expressions, glancing at the way she was nervously tapping her hand against the table, her leg bouncing slightly, and Alexia could tell that she was working herself up to ask for something.
“She’s good, better than good, we’re doing really well actually, it’s like a breath of fresh air being with her.” Lucy waffled, her words tripping over each other. Alexia was grinning at the confident woman losing her words between her tongue. This was one of the only ways that Lucy could be made nervous. “She got a bit jealous though, of your girlfriend.” Lucy admits finally, a weight on her shoulders lifting slightly as she waited nervously for Alexia’s response, hoping it wasn’t a negative one.
“Which one?” Alexia laughed, but Lucy gulped, wondering if she’d overstepped the line, but the warming look she got from Alexia straight after reminded her that it was near impossible to cross boundaries with her.
“Well, I haven’t ever fucked Jenni, have I” Lucy gulps again, her lips pursed as she realised that she was really admitting this to her ex-lover’s new girlfriend. It was all needed if she was ever going to get to the question that had been burning in the back of her mind ever since Ona mentioned it.
“Oh, you and-” Alexia starts, her eyes widened but not with hatred, more a sense of curiosity at how Lucy was nodding before she could even say her girlfriend’s name. “I didn’t know that about you two.”
“Nobody does, it was kind of our secret but when Ona found out she wasn’t too pleased about it.” Lucy said, taking another sip of her drink in order to force her to keep talking, opening up to the blonde who was gazing at her over her glass, looking straight into her brain with those dark glossy eyes that could quite literally seduce anyone she dared to notice.
“Did you fix things or is it all still a bit rocky?” Alexia asked intensively, still not quite processing the information that she’d just found out. Her girlfriend used to have frequent casual sex with Lucy Bronze who was now one of her closest friends.
“No, we more than fixed things, Ona is beyond chill about it now, but something else came up afterwards.” Lucy started, her fingers fidgeting between her hands in front of her before Alexia grabbed her hands to stop her from acting so nervous, not used to seeing the brunette any ounce below confident. “Something I wanted to ask you about.” She finished, feeling at ease once their hands connected across the table.
“Ask ahead.” Alexia comforted, her eyes squinting slightly in anticipation of the words that were about to come out of her mouth. She watched as Lucy’s chest rose and fell a few times before she opened her lips to speak.
“Would you be open to having two extra people in your bed for a night?”
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lusthurts · 10 months
This movie was very entertaining. It hit all the beats of a great rom-com. I personally enjoyed the music a lot, even if it was at times very different from the music in the book. Nicholas Galitzine was a standout of the main cast for me - he really made me feel Henry’s angst just like the book did, and I think this is a character that the film truly did justice. My personal favorite character from the movie though was Zahra - Sarah Shahi was absolutely incredible. She had fantastic comedic timing and her dynamic with Alex, Henry, Shaan, and Ellen. I really enjoyed Bea, Nora, & Pez as well, although I think they were severely underused and I kinda hated how the Nora/Pez dynamic worked without June. I think the romance was beautiful - I particularly enjoyed the polo scene, the karaoke scene, the Texas stuff, and the V&A museum.
I also laughed out loud a ton during the movie. Zahra’s scenes were hilarious, and the royal wedding/cake debacle was handled perfectly. I miss June here a bit, but I generally was very satisfied with how it all went down. Also, despite many fans early fears of a lack of chemistry between Nick and Taylor, I thought their chemistry was fantastic. Maybe not the best I’ve ever seen, but it was definitely believable, entertaining, and one of the most compelling parts of the story.
I also liked that we got more of Henry’s POV than we did in the book. It didn’t add a ton in my opinion, but I do think it allowed Nicholas Galitzine to show off his acting chops. I think the heart of the book remains, and after the press/everything I’d heard about the movie going into it, I was pleasantly surprised with how the political stuff was handled. Alex’s arc with Texas in particular was beautiful, and I think the end of the movie left me with a similar feeling to the book.
As for things I didn’t love, and I will say there were kind of a lot of small things, I’ve made a list that I’m sure no one cares much to read.
I missed June a lot. I identify a lot with her character, and although I totally understand why she was cut out (I do think in the book she serves less plot purpose than Nora), I actually think the choice to exclude her made even less sense after seeing the movie than before seeing it. Nora and Alex’s relationship felt very underdeveloped in the movie, and none of the romantic elements that I thought made their relationship important to the book ended up mattering at all in the movie. He kisses a different girl on New Year’s, there’s no mention of a sexual history between them, there’s no fake dating setup to detract from Alex/Henry, and Nora’s just generally absent. I feel like June would’ve served that purpose fine if not better.
The romance felt kind of rushed. The whole Christmas phone call that imo is so crucial to Henry & Alex’s relationship and character development doesn’t happen at all (probably because his parents are still together), and I didn’t have like a timer or clock or anything but it felt like the 100 or so pages leading up to the NYE kiss was like less than 20 minutes.
I hated that Alex’s parents were happily married, and I think it massively takes away from his character development. His arc honestly fell very short for me which is disappointing since he’s a character I identify so closely with. I don’t feel like they do his like major anxiety justice, and I think he goes from kinda being an idealist, reckless dummy to being a heartfelt, romantic, ready for a big commitment guy in the span of a few minutes.
I honestly could’ve done without the sex scenes. They were good, and I could tell the intimacy coordinator slayed with this one, but they were more explicit than the book imo (especially the one in Paris), and while I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, I would’ve much rather had more fade to black so as to save screen time to develop the romance more at the beginning.
I didn’t enjoy the Miguel character at all. He has no character development, and I do not at all understand how this character is the Luna/Liam blend he was promoted as. He functions as a ruthless journalist who despite being queer himself decides to out Henry and Alex to the entire world, and we NEVER get an explanation for why. It’s alluded to that maybe Miguel had feelings for Alex and did it because he resented Alex for not feeling the same? But like, he literally outed two prominent figures to the entire world at risk of benefitting a homophobic predator running for office. And he never apologizes? Or faces any repercussions???? Like this is just kind of there?? And that is NOT AT ALL Rafael Luna or Liam who are both generally speaking positive forces in Alex’s life. I just don’t get it at all.
This is a personal issue I had that most probably don’t care about, but I’m from Minnesota, and seeing Minnesota red in the movie was infuriating. MN is not a swing state, never really has been, and was basically the only state in the upper midwest to stay blue in the 2016 election. I’m biased because this is my home state, but MN would NEVER vote red and I’m kinda just annoyed at the implication that it did instead of them just choosing to blame it on all the actual swing states.
Okay those are my thoughts. I doubt anyone cares that much, but I needed to get it out of my system. I will say I really enjoyed the movie, and I can see why the bulk of reviews are positive. I think anyone who didn’t read the book won’t feel like anything is missing, and fans of the book will for the most part still really enjoy it. I will definitely be rewatching when it comes out officially on Amazon Prime tomorrow, and I can see myself rewatching hundreds more times in the future. But it sort of needs to exist independent of the book for me, I guess. And that’s okay! I think everyone involved did a great job with the adaptation, and I look forward to watching it again.
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rendevok · 9 months
Do you have favorite nrmt fics? Or just any aa fics
Ooo! Yes! I’ve recently been compiling a list of the ones that I just couldn’t get out of my head, so without further ado~
Here are fics that are pure nrmt goodness:
a seat at the table by parchmints - 7yg, Phoenix officially adopts Trucy, and nrmts finally taco bout it sort of maybe ;3
Butterfly kisses by royalmess - canon compliant and “SO MANY KISSES I DIED” <- actual note from my list
if you leave the light on by angstinspace - 7yg, confessions, and my favoritest thing :^)
rough around the edges by Samioli - [screaming from a megaphone] MILES LIKES THE STUBBLE
the bookstore at the corner of 14th and fen by kbots - bookshop/flowershop au, SOOOOO cute and slice of lifey
Chicago Noël by canolacrush - you ever wanted a baker/mafia au? Well now you do! Takes place in 1950’s Chicago, SO delightful to read, good character variety, holiday vibes, and honestly i will be reading this annually
And it’s not a rec list from me without those tasty tasty casefics! These focus on nrmt too of course:
Dating for a Turnabout by Mikomikono - fake dating, murder mystery but they’re being gay as hell the whole time and it’s AWESOME
Investigations of the Heart by poodlepunk - Miles being tortured and down bad, need i say more?
Thrown Through a Loop by savitarandsigh - time loop au, tied to a case! Very cute and fun hehe :3
Turnabout Feelings by ssygir - 7yg, set in Paris, and Very Ace Attorney iykwim, a very satisfying casefic
Turnabout Sole by Collaberal Damage - bodyswap au, SO FUNNY AND CUTE and on top of that, the case is really well done imo!
Aaaaaand basically the rest so far are klapollo so if you’re into that:
can i go where you go by parchmints - klapollo getaway fic , fake dating, they melt my heart and make me want to flip a table
In Better Light by cosmogyral & sunsmasher - klapollo Pacrim au with a side of nrmt as well, SO WELL DONE, do yourself a favor and read this
singing my life with his words by angstinspace - klapollo soulmate au, the premise is so original and god, i wept. Cannot recommend any higher than literally mailing you my tears
wherever you stray, i follow by parchmints - klapollo royal/fantasy au, as magical, romantic, actiony, and adventurous as a fairy tale ought to be!
I’m actually quite behind on my fic reading list, so this is where I’m at so far. I’ve definitely got plenty of in-progress fics that i follow & enjoy that will probably make it to this list eventually, so ask me again some time for more!
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radiobelle23 · 2 years
All the KinnPorsche fics that had me in a chokehold - completed recs because I know we all have PTSD from incomplete fics
So here I am after thousands of years of being off tumblr for one reason. KINNPORSCHE. Now if you’re like me and you like to hyper fixate on things, then you know what’s it’s like to spend hours trying the find the best fics to satisfy that boost of serotonin. So here I’ve listed all of my favorite KP fics I’ve read on AO3. Now, I mainly read smut but I do enjoy a little fluff every once in a while so WARNING: I’m gonna list some of the most toe curling, smut filled fics of them all here, some summaries are VERY EXPLICIT. I do read Vegas/Pete and Kim/Chay fics as well but this is primarily dedicated to my two favorite kingpins. Originally this was going to be a complete/incomplete rec list but I then realized it was going to be a monster of a rec page. Anyways ENJOY !
Update 10/1/22: Happy spooky season! Can I just say that I honestly did not expect my little list to blow up like this? You guys all fed into my praise kink, not gonna lie. And some of the authors saw it!?! I am not worthy!!! You all deserve the love!!! I realized I left out a couple fics and I am back to right my wrongs! So any * you see has been added since the orig post date... I might need to make a second list.....
The Kings Tree - LuckyDragon
Summary: Kinn was seven when he woke up one morning to discover a small silver circle on the back of his left wrist.
Chapters: 14/14 Words: 78,474
In the Eye of the Beholder - asleepby2
Summary: Rich, the latest recruit to the main family's famed security detail, has no idea what exactly the two dons have going on and he's determined to find out.
- or -
Kinn and Porsche as observed by an oblivious fool.
Chapters: 3/3 Words: 7,883
tiny spark, mighty flame - BeStillMySlashyHeart
Summary: In a world where the touch of your skin with another could reveal your soulmate, Kinn keeps his collars high and his gloves on. What happens when he's not allowed to do that anymore?
Chapters: 11/11 Words: 29,452
A Little Wicked - midnightsurge
Summary: “There is a way to get her off your back,” Kinn seems reluctant to say. “I don’t know how willing you’d be to go through with it.”
Porsche raises an eyebrow.
Kinn sighs and finally spills. “If she thinks you’re with me, she won’t dare approach you anymore.”
Porsche freezes. He stares Kinn down.
Porsche never pawns the watch. Kinn never kidnaps him. Somehow they still fall for each other.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 11,146
Paperwork Promises - surrealsunday
Summary: Filing paperwork and tending to the needs of rich, stuffy executives was never Porsche’s dream career, but a job is a job. That job is made a lot less easy – but maybe a bit more interesting – when the boss he’s been avoiding since that very first day in the elevator, gets a lapful of coffee and an eyeful of Porsche. Just when Porsche was getting used to the monotony of the every day…
Executive Bossman Kinn | Assistant Smartass Porsche
Chapters: 8/8 Words: 80,533
fool me once (fool me twice) - perfumes
Summary: Porsche wondered if any of it was real. It sure seemed real at the time, when Porsche chose scissors to Kinn’s rock, when Kinn looked back at him with such devastation. Such love. It felt real when he’d looked up from the fish they’d caught and said: So kind. Why do you keep your smiles to yourself?
Now, Porsche wore handcuffs again. He left them lying alone in his cell. He could barely look at them.
Perhaps, Porsche had only seen what he wanted to see. Perhaps, he had only ever been a replacement to Kinn. Until the real thing came along.
“I’m going to do what I should have done a long time ago,” he said. “But I need your help. Will you give it?”
Vegas smirked.
(Or: When Kinn believes Tawan over Porsche, Porsche asks Vegas to help him fake his and his brother's deaths to escape the mafia world. Years later, Kinn visits a small, private beach and orders a drink.)
[Episode 9 Canon Divergence]
Chapters: 8/8 Words:  30,528
Parallel Love - PrinceHeart
Summary: “Do you take Porsche Pachara Kittisawat as your lawful spouse?”
Kinn’s jaw clenched at that, then he reminded himself why he was doing this.
“I fucking do.”
Or where the only solution to bloodshed, violence and disaster between the two mafia clans, is simple. An arranged marriage.
Chapters  20/20 Words:  64,154
between the sheets - DasWarSchonKaputt
Summary: “And who’s that?”
“Oh. That’s Porsche. He’s Khun Kinn’s live-in boytoy. He’s harmless, mostly. Just a pretty face.”
A boyfriend can go so many places a bodyguard can’t. As the threat of a potential leak in their security forces looms large, Khun Korn hatches a plot to place an added layer of protection around his heir presumptive. Enter Porsche, former bartender, current bodyguard, and reluctant fake boyfriend of Kinn Theerapanyakul.
Chapters: 8/8 Words:  70,456
cravin’ - yeetlegay
Summary: It’s only when Kinn is two knuckles deep in Porsche’s ass, his teeth buried in the meat of his thigh, that it occurs to Porsche he probably isn’t that straight.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,847
Trials & Tribulations - rainbowcolored7
Summary: In which Kinn is a renowned lawyer for TK & Associates, as well as a certified bastard, and Porsche is his new assistant who isn't sure whether he'll scald him with hot coffee or fuck him before he decides to quit.
Chapters: 3/3 Words:  26,348
Your teeth round my organs - androktasia
Summary: “Aren’t you meant to finger me?” Porsche asks, breathless, as Kinn smears lube around the rim of his hole. Kinn looks up, pausing his movements, and Porsche shifts slightly, almost unconsciously, as though trying to get him inside.
“Where did you hear that?” Kinn asks.  
“I watched some porn,” Porsche says, and Kinn raises an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. He remembers the kind of porn Porsche likes – shrieking women lying back and taking it from coarse, grunting men. “Gay porn,” Porsche clarifies after a moment.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 3,148
Weak Spot - tessalane
Summary: Kinn nods and clears his throat. “Yeah, I’m – I’m taken.”
“And who is the lucky one?” His uncle snorts, clearly not buying it. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and scans Kinn as if his nephew would say, “ha, sorry, I was just joking.”
Kinn seems hesitant for a moment, but then he turns around and points at Porsche. “It’s Porsche.” He holds out his hand and fakes a smile aimed at Porsche. “Baby, come here.”
What the actual fuck?
Chapters: 11/11 Words:  35,920
give it to ya like you never had it - mirrorofprinces
Summary: “Porsche is extremely close to signing. In fact, he has a final meeting with the execs on Monday morning. The only condition is that he wants to request his first partner, and it’s you.”
Kinn takes a long drink of his whiskey, sets the glass down, and runs his tongue over his teeth. “So you had to meet with me, urgently, to tell me that a beautiful boy wants me to fuck him, thinking I’d say no.” He drums his fingers on the bartop. “Which means there’s a catch.”
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 7,448
right here beside you, i’m still - P1n3appl3_p3n
Summary: When Kinn gets sick, Porsche steps in to lead the major and minor families. They are grossly in love.
In his five months as head of the minor family, this is his first meeting with other clan heads without the weight and presence of Kinn, and to some it probably appears like blood in the water. Porsche much prefers to sit at Kinn's right hand, but he knows he can manage on his own.
His grin is careless, a careful veneer. Time to show these assholes the minor family isn’t one to be underestimated.
“Let’s begin.”
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 3,869
You picked a dance with the devil, You lucked out - aby01
Summary: Feral alphas are devastatingly violent, brutally vicious and absolutely loyal. To have one under your control means great power. Kinn has been looking for his own for years now.
He just didn't think he'd find it in a mouthy beta that tricks him out of his favorite watch.
Chapters: 4/4 Words:  34,025
Note: this is a A/O/B fic, if that’s not your preference genre then skip ahead... But you should really try anything once 😉.
Make Me Come Undone -  ahdriking *
Summary: Porsche fucked up. He fucked up badly.These are his consequences. Kinn teaches Porsche a lesson in trust, and being careful what he asks for. Unfortunately for Porsche, some lessons have to be learnt the hard way.
Chapters: 1/1 Words:  15,108
give him something to believe in. - Skamtrash *
Summary:  vegas and kinn make a bet to see who can fuck their bottoms better. the couples fuck next to each other to see who will win, pure filth ensues.
Chapters: 1/1 Words:  4,134
The Things We Do For Love - Hissnoiice - A/O/B fic *
Summary: He loves in the way a Theerapanyakun does. Kinn is his father's son afterall, looking after what is his has been ingrained in him since birth.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 8,021 
If You Like Series
like real people do -motherfleckers
Summary: A series of fics set in a fluffy AU where Kinn is a celebrity singer and Porsche is a bartender in a small beach town. That's it, that's all there is.
Works: 2 Words 20,279
speeding through all of these red lights - foreigncars (lunarsoo)
Summary: “I’d like to work for you.”
Porsche didn’t expect his words to draw such an easy laugh out of Kinn. He can’t say he doesn’t like the sound of it, but it’s a little disappointing that he gets to hear it at his expense.
“Why would you want to work for me, Porsche? You know what I do, right?”
- Alternatively, the one where Porsche asks to work for Kinn instead.
Works: 4 Word: 90,539
What I Would Do - TheObsoleteOne
Summary: Kinn was always in control - he had who he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted.
Of course Porsche would end up being the exception.
Works: 3 Word: 36,042
note: author does not have a series summary so i placed the summary for part 1 instead. Part 2 is a Kim/Chay one shot that I found cute. Part 3 as of now is incomplete, hoping the author finishes because I really did like this series. I still placed it on the list because part 1 ended well and is worth a read.
Readers Choice - here's where I gush over some authors
Note: Can I just give a round of applause to the following authors for having multiple works ready for me (and you) to spend countless of hours - and I literally mean hours reading through. 
Note: this author also happens to have all of the sexy scenes from the KP novels translated... just saying 👀....
The power in the taking
Summary: They warned him, when he started working for the Theerapanyakun clan. Forget leadership, forget duty to his people, forget all that – they warned him. Kinn Theerapanyakun, clan heir: obsessed with power.
Porsche should have fucking listened.
Chapters: 2/2 Words:  17,005
Public Consumption
Summary: Porsche agrees to be in a gay porno. Kinn doesn't work here.
Chapters: 1/1 Words:  13,598
and its VEGASPETE counterpart
Brand Recognition
Summary: Vegas wants his top billing back. Pete likes being on the bottom.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 6,910
Sample Tasting * 
Summary: Porsche wants Kinn to ask. Kinn just wants the answers.
Chapters: 1/1 Words:  10,037
Note: also part 3 of Public Consumption 😉
Intent to Cherish -  A/O/B fic
Summary: A mouthy beta runs off with Kinn's watch. He goes to get it back
Chapters: 4/4 Words:  47,670
Knowing him, knowing you
Summary: They do the threesome thing, every now and then.
Kinn and Tay meet Porsche
Chapters: 1/1 Words:  12,619
Note: Okay so i couldn't resist throwing this Kinn/Prosche/Tay fic in here, so good and so smutttttyyyy
The Crown
Summary: “Your Highness” Porsche greets after opening the door and finding Prince Anakinn standing there. He keeps his voice flat and emotionless as if he was addressing the King or his General. He bows his head for a few seconds, not looking him directly in the eyes as he’s taken to doing the last few months.
Porsche doesn’t miss the way the way the corners of the prince's mouth tightens at his tone.
“Lieutenant General” Prince Anakinn – Kinn – returns, his voice carefully neutral.
Lieutenant General Porsche and Prince Kinn are together and in love, until they aren't anymore.
This is a love story.
Korn is the villain.
Chapters: 6/6 Words:  25,752
Mr. and Mr. Theerapanyakun-Kittisawasd
Summary: The life of the It couple in Thailand, billionaire Kinn Theerapanyakun and supermodel Porsche Kittisawasd.
Works: 2 Words:  8,634
the undone and the divine
Summary: In the aftermath of battle, all that's left is need.
Need to touch, to feel, to be certain that one is alive and whole.
Kinn and Porsche give in to their need.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,587   
but you’re everywhere (yes you are)
Summary: What if Porsche, upon remembering the kiss on the pier, went to Kinn and said that he remembered? What if there was no diamond auction? What if they'd had a different start?
Would it make them any softer?
Chapters: 3/3 Words:  92,424
even though you’re not mine, you’ve got that look in your eyes
Summary: "He doesn’t do that kind of thing."
What Yok means when she tells Kinn this: Porsche doesn’t engage in sex work.
What Kinn hears when Yok tells him this: Porsche doesn’t take men as clients.
One day, Porsche is struggling to make ends meet, enjoying the occasional hook-up in the back of Yok’s bar. The next, Anakinn Theerapanyakul is offering him an obscene amount of money to get added to his roster of “friends”.
The money’s good, the sex is better, there’s no way that this can backfire, right?
Chapters: 2/2 Words: 26,805
The One Where Porsche and Kim Are Gym Buddies
Summary: When the Phoenix comes up to Kim at the gym and introduces himself as Porsche, it's only polite to reply. They're both in the fighting circuit after all.
One conversation leads to another and soon they're gossiping about their romantic lives.
Romantic lives being the rich dude who's been railing Porsche into next week and the cute guy that Kim can't help but want to spend more time with.
It's nice having a friend who doesn't know your brother.
Chapters: 2/2 Words: 19,598
Happy reading! I will be making a separate list for the current ongoing fics, hopefully by the time i get started they'll be close to completion. Let me know if your interested in the VegasPete or KimChay list, I dont have as much but still good to spread.
i'm the one for your fire 
Summary: This series is canon compliant with the exception of Kinn and Porsche being in an established Dom/sub relationship.
It will explore various aspects of a Dom/sub dynamic with lots of bratty Porsche and doting but firm Dom Kinn.
Works: 5 Word: 39,660
gone was any trace of you *
Summary: Kinn is looking at Porsche like he’s seen a ghost.
Porsche blinks and the haunted expression is gone, Kinn smoothing it over with something neutral, but there’s still something fragile at the edges of it, like a crystal figurine balanced on a ledge. Kinn’s body relaxes in a way that’s purposefully casual, tucking his outstretched foot back onto the bed.
“You were in the bathroom,” Kinn says. He phrases it like an answer rather than a question
Or: Porsche left Kinn in their bed with nothing but a note. In the aftermath of the shootout, Kinn can't stop thinking about it.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 11,097
all of me (is all for you) *
Summary: The water has saturated Porsche's white shirt completely, soaking through the vest beneath. The translucent material clings obscenely to the swell of his pecs. His nipples are clearly visible through the sheer material, hard and pebbled, with the unmistakable shape of the metal barbells pierced either side of them.Porsche’s head jerks up to check if he can still hide them from Kinn, but it’s already too late. Kinn is standing across the room, staring in Porsche’s direction, entire body coiled tight like a spring.Or: While Kinn is away on a business trip, Porsche gets his nipples pierced as a surprise for their anniversary. Kinn comes home earlier than Porsche expected.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 9,940 
Please leave comments and kudos to the authors, they deserve all of the love and more 💞
***yeah im gonna need to make another list...
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luvksj · 1 year
Yandere!Usos: Standing Up For Myself
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author’s pov: hey, long time no see huh? sorry for being so MIA, i’ve been drained of any creative flow and have also been relaxing after a stressful year in 2022! anyway, who enjoyed Royal Rumble 2023 - i definitely did, 100%. 
i’ve been loving the development of the storyline between Sami Zayn and the Bloodline. i’m over the moon Sami finally turned on Roman and has had enough of his bullshit. but i didn’t expect Jey to walk out like that - things have gotten so much more interesting. 
i hope Sami and Jey get their well-deserved main event moments. i know the rumored plan is for Sami to face Roman at Elimination Chamber and then for Sami and Kevin to go after the tag titles but with the new angle regarding Jey - idk what’ll happen. 
but i’m very excited to see how it evolves following the Royal Rumble situation. the entire crowd cheered when Sami hit Roman with the chair intended for Kevin. but this could be the possible downfall of the Bloodline with Roman reaping what he sows. 
also congratulations to Cody Rhodes and Rhea Ripley for winning the rumble. i very much expected this, i can’t wait for Wrestlemania - i’ve honestly never been so excited for a Wrestlemania before. 
anyway, enough blabber from me. enjoy the fic!
pov: you’ve had enough and decided to take a stand. you just didn’t know the consequences that’ll come with your change of heart.
You couldn’t go on like this anymore.
The final straw was watching helplessly as they mercilessly beat up Sami and Kevin. No matter how hard you tried to suppress the tears, they still ran down your face. 
Scrunching your hands into fists, you turn around so you didn’t have to witness the atrocity happening. You’d wince every time Roman hit Sami with the chair intended for Kevin, a fresh batch of tears forming each time. 
After everything he endured, Sami finally had enough. He was fed up with Roman using him and decided to take a much-needed stand against Roman. It was satisfying to watch Sami hit Roman with the chair intended for Kevin. You were beyond proud of Sami.
Roman had become a tyrant, corrupted by power. The greed to have more has changed him into an actual monster and he forced his own family to join his reign of terror — forcing them to “acknowledge” him as the Tribal Chief.
Well, you were officially done “acknowledging him”. 
You were done acknowledging all of them including your boyfriends, the Undisputed WWE tag team champions, the Usos. 
Ever since they joined the Bloodline, they’ve been treating you differently. Treating you as if you’re a ghost, a shadow — neglecting you, pushing you to the sidelines so they can tend to the Tribal Chief’s every command. If this was a short-term thing, it wouldn’t bug you but it’s been happening since 2021 and you were done.
Sami was the only one who truly felt like family in that group and supported you no matter what. He was the only one who remembered your birthday and brought you a gift when no one else did (from the Bloodline, that is). 
You were done with everything regarding the Bloodline. It was time to get some well-deserved payback on them for yourself and everyone whose been a victim of their reign of terror.
Following Royal Rumble, you distanced yourself from the Bloodline. You treated them like they treated you— like a ghost. You were still a part of the Bloodline but fans suspected that you’d leave soon knowing your close friendship with Sami.
You had a plan. A plan to make Wrestlemania greater than ever and you were working discreetly with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens to pull it off. 
At Wrestlemania, Sami and Kevin will battle the Usos for the tag titles while Cody will fight Roman for the undisputed WWE universal championship.
On the day of Wrestlemania, you put the plan you have been working on ever since Royal Rumble with Sami and Kevin into action. You have been absent ever since Elimination Chamber nursing an injury from the Elimination Chamber match you competed in.
Slipping in undetected, you quickly made your way to Sami and Kevin’s shared trailer. You greeted them and got ready, concealing yourself with black clothing. You hid every detail of yourself making yourself look like the outcast the Bloodline made you feel.
Sami and Kevin were called for their match. You wished them luck, giving them a warm hug, “Go kick my boyfriends’ butts.” you muttered making them chuckle, “Don’t worry, we will. Especially with you on our side.” Kevin responded. 
During the match, you got into position and waited. Before the Usos could hit their finisher, you came running out and slid into the ring. Catching them with a punch, you mustered up all your strength and suplexed Jey from the top turnbuckle.
Turning your attention to Jimmy, he attempted an Uso splash but you caught him with a superkick. The fans went insane, cheering loudly as you assaulted them. The referee was down, accidentally hit with a superkick meant for Sami.
So, this was all perfectly legal as long as the referee didn’t see anything.
Pulling Jimmy up, you hoisted him onto your shoulders and did the Samoan drop, planting him on top of Jey. Noticing the opportunity, you climbed up to the top turnbuckle and executed an imploding 450° splash on both of them.
Positioning them so Sami and Kevin were laying on top of a Uso, you dragged the referee back into the ring. He slowly did the count, the fans counting along, “1! 2! 3!” The bell rings as the fans erupt into cheers while the referee rolled out of the ring.
“And the NEW WWE undisputed tag-team champions, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens!”
Sami and Kevin rolled off the Usos, not understanding what just happened. You took the titles and handed it to them — that’s when it hit them. It worked, the plan worked. They stared at it with teary eyes and hugged each other before hugging you.
Standing over the Usos, you pull off the mask revealing yourself and the cheering just got 10x louder. It almost knocked you off your feet, “Oh my gosh, it’s Y/N — the Usos’ girlfriend! She just cost her boyfriends the titles!” commentary was going crazy. 
The Usos were slowly regaining consciousness and you crouched down to meet their eyes, needless to say they were surprised. You grinned at their shocked expressions, “Why are you so surprise? You should’ve seen this coming — it’s only been months in the making.”
Walking off, you all stood at the top of the ramp and raised your hands up proudly to the cheers of fans, the Usos just stared at you in total disbelief which made you smirk. 
You all then headed backstage to prepare for phase 2.
Yes, that was phase one of the plan. 
Phase two was Roman’s match against Cody for the undisputed WWE universal championship. That was going to be the cherry on top. 
Before Roman could spear an oblivious Cody, you all ran into the ring and unleashed hell. Raining punches and kicks on him, you were all getting the long-awaited payback on him.
Roman fell limp and you all offered him to Cody, the same way Sami offered Kevin to Roman during their Wargames match at Survivor Series 2022. Everything was coming back to haunt him cause what goes around comes right back around.
Cody hits his finisher and pinned Roman for the win.
The fans once again erupted, overjoyed that Cody had finally achieved his American Dream and became a world champion. You were also happy for him, this was long overdue. He quickly left the ring so you guys could continue the assault on Roman.
He was now your personal punching bag and no one could stop you guys.
Hauling his limp body out of the ring, you all share a knowing look. Kevin sent him into the steel stairs, Sami drove him into the ring post and you pushed him into the barricade. Roman collapsed on the floor, recoiling in pain.
While Kevin and Sami dragged Roman back inside the ring, handcuffing him to the ropes, you got steel chairs from underneath the ring. Handing the boys a chair each, you surrounded Roman like dogs surrounding their prey.
Paul Heyman had been dealt with and was unconscious. Staring at each other, you look at Roman and grin at his state – he looks like Kevin and Sami when they were in his position. Without hesitating, you three unload on Roman and no-one hold back giving him exactly what he deserves. The cheering fans motivated you, increasing the strength and impact of your hits.  
After a while, you toss your chair aside and crouch down to meet his bloody face. He was barely conscious and gripped his chin, forcing him to look at you. You couldn’t help but smirk, it was a truly satisfying sight to see him like this.
You uttered the words you’ve been wanting to say for the longest time, “I’m done acknowledging you and the Bloodline. I’m done with everything regarding the Bloodline including the people who form it. I don’t need you to be the best, you’ve only been holding me back and now I’m free. So, you can take this ‘Head of the Table’ shit and go shove it cause I’m done acknowledging you.”
Standing tall over Roman’s unconscious body, you revel in the fans cheering. The Underdogs have dethroned the champs and come out on top despite the constant ridicule you guys endured from them. You guys headed backstage and celebrate your well-earned victory, taking one last glance at Roman who was being helped out of the ring by officials and rushed to the hospital.
On the RAW after Wrestlemania, you held a celebration for Sami and Kevin becoming the new tag team champions.
During the celebration, you confessed all your sins. “I had been working on that plan ever since Royal Rumble. I got sick and tired of being treated like a ghost. The final straw was them attacking the people who have felt my family since I lost mine to the pursuit of power.”
You released all your bottled-up emotions and thoughts. “It felt wonderful unleashing that beating Roman and apparently everyone else thought so because it trended worldwide on social media. I guess people have gotten sick of the Bloodline as well?” You were met with cheers making you grin.
Sami and Kevin conveyed similar words. You all cheers to a successful plan and new beginnings, not forgetting to leave a message for the Bloodline who were in the hospital.
“I don’t regret a single thing. I should have done it ages ago. To my boyfriends who have been neglecting me ever since joining the Bloodline, I’m not a ghost or a shadow you can cast aside. You have messed with the wrong girl, all of you have! What happened at Wrestlemania is a taste of what I can do. Besides didn’t anyone tell you that the underdogs always come out on top in the end?”
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [TIMESKIP] ࿐ྂ
You, Sami and Kevin focused on your respective storylines but you had formed an alliance with each other. You guys always had each other’s back no matter what.
During the Bloodline’s hiatus, you had become the Smackdown Women’s champion dethroning Charlotte Flair in a high stakes match at Summerslam, achieving one of your biggest dreams. You proudly held up the title, tears running down your cheeks as reality had set in.
But you did wish that the Usos were here to witness it and celebrate with you. Sami and Kevin had run out to celebrate with you, filling that void. “Congrats Y/N, you deserve this.” They said, hugging you tightly. You smile and return the affection, “Thank you truly.”
Sami and Kevin successfully defended their tag-team titles. You returned the favour, running out to celebrate their victory with them. All of you were now champions and stood proudly together in the ring, holding up your titles as the fans cheered, the biggest babyfaces in WWE were all champions.
Guess it’s true, you really didn’t need them after all.
Looking at Sami and Kevin, you couldn’t help but smile fondly. They had become your second family after you lost your one. The sweet moment was ruined by the sound of oh-so familiar music blaring. Ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach, you guys turn around to see the Bloodline and their eyes were locked on you three.
Marching to the ring, they never broke eye contact and fans enjoyed the tension. You smirked at the scars left on their bodies reminding them of their downfall as the ‘top fraction in WWE’. “Hey Roman,” Sami began, you and Kevin smirked at each other knowing exactly what’s coming.
“Acknowledge us.” You three held up your titles, taunting the now title-less Bloodline. They growl and a brawl ensued. It was Roman vs Sami, Solo vs Kevin and you vs the Usos. The fans cheered as it spilled out into the crowd.
You dodge a punch from Jey and connect with a knee to the abdomen. Jimmy tried to sneak attack but you avoid that and hit him with a Poison Rana. Noticing an opportunity, you lay the Usos on the announcer’s table and climb onto the nearest top turnbuckle. Running across the top rope, you jump and execute an Uso splash on them, sending the Usos through the announcer’s table.
Rolling off them, you lay beside them and catch your breath. Wow, that was exhilarating. It ended once again with you three standing tall amongst the chaos and you guys headed backstage – needless to say that was one of the most successful Summerslams in WWE history.
Unfortunately, it didn’t end there for you. They were determined to get their revenge however that looked a bit different for you compared to Sami and Kevin. Sami and Kevin were competing in a tag team match and you decided to accompany them, watching from ringside, when the Bloodline appeared out of nowhere and attacked.
Well, Roman and Solo were assaulting Sami and Kevin. The Usos had you cornered but they weren’t attacking you. Jimmy had handcuffed your wrists while Jey gagged you, tying a bandana around your mouth. Weaving a hand through your H/C locks, Jey harshly tugs it forcing you to make eye contact with him – his wicked grin tells you something horrible is about to happen.
“I think someone has forgotten whose in charge uce. I think she needs a reminder of what happens when you disobey your master.” Jey taunts, his grip on your hair getting tighter. Jimmy hums, staring at your helpless figure, “I think you’re right uce, I think someone has forgotten whose in charge here. I guess she needs to be reminded.” He responded.
Leaning into your ear, Jey whispers, “You’ve been a brat lately and brats like you get punished. You need to remember whose in charge here.” Unable to make a snarky response, the Usos drag you out of the arena and shove you inside the car, they had gotten your belongings before.
Heading back to the hotel, you endured the harshest punishment ever. You were grateful no one was here to hear your screams. Laying lifeless on the bed, the Usos stare at your state and smirk, “Who’s the boss here?” Jimmy asks rhetorically.
Lifting your head up, you tiredly grin, “Me. I’m the boss of myself and of the Smackdown Women’s division.” Clearly that wasn’t the answer because Jimmy tugs your chin, forcing eye contact, “You clearly haven’t learnt your lesson yet.” He growls.
You endure three more punishments of an equal calibre. Your body was covered in red marks, bruises and cuts – it left you breathless. But every time they asked the question, you gave them the same response, “I’ll never stop being a brat. You don’t own me and besides… it’s fun to get you guys riled you.” You declare, grinning teasingly at them.
Your cockiness costed you severely but you didn’t care, it was fun to rile them up especially on live TV in front of millions of people. 
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wolfmoonmusic · 11 months
Calloused Hearts - 6
Summary: You're stuck. And you're tired of running.
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Tidemaker!reader (though this chapter seriously lacks that. I promise we'll get back to it soon)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, mentions of blood and wounds, mentions of dead character, reader's depressing thoughts, not great writing, major cliffhanger, reader death (maybe?)
w/c: 1322
A/N: This isn't my best writing lol. But here we are!!! I am so sorry for how long it took. This story is an insight into reader's past, so there isn't much of the crows.
Chapter 6:
Let’s just say sometimes you’re too impulsive for your own good. 
You were currently surrounded by armed men and some Grisha, in an alleyway, exhausted and out of breath from trying to escape this very group for the past hour.
You were out of practice.
A day ago, this seemed like an amazing idea.
Going to find Wylan, without any backup.
Just because you couldn’t stand being around Kaz anymore.
Not when his intentions were so damn unclear.
One day you feel like you’re everything to him and the next day he doesn’t even care?
It hurt like hell. And so despite your initial apprehension, you’d decided to go save Wylan and then leave.
You didn’t know what you wanted from Kaz anymore, but this definitely wasn’t it.
Now, stuck, with no help, 2 Inferni, a Squaller, a Heartrender, a bunch of angry gangsters and a very satisfied looking PR, you started regretting the “saving Wylan” part of your plan. Maybe you just leaving would’ve been enough to get Wylan back to the Crows safely.
“You should know better than to run from me, kid.”
You laughed, “You really think you can beat me Pekka?” You sounded way too confident for your own good.
Fake it ‘till you make it right?
“You’re largely outnumbered and up against some of the strongest Grisha. How you see yourself getting out of here alive is beyond my imagination”
You looked at the Grisha then, something dawning on you. You knew all of them. 
“Pekka please. There’s a reason Kirigan is going through so much to get me back to the little palace.” You raised an eyebrow at the Heartrender then, smirking, “I’ve defeated all of them before.” You watched the Heartrender’s eyes widen, as she looked to the other Grisha.
You had defeated them. 
On multiple occasions. Together, alone. Every single Grisha in the Little Palace had fought you. 
And you had never lost. 
You had never allowed yourself to lose. Even though they often begged you for it. Because losing for them just meant more rigorous training. Losing for you meant not being able to see Kaz ever again. 
Or so you had thought.
How foolish of you to trust the General. 
He’d promised you a safe haven. He’d promised to bring Kaz to you. He’d promised to be your guardian and to protect you. He’d told you his story. About the everlasting pressure of having to undo what the Heretic had done. He’d taken care of you like an older brother would. You’d loved him.
But then you’d started to realize the truth of it all. 
He was just using you. 
Your powers. Your ability. 
And then you ran.
And now you were here. 
Honestly, you couldn’t tell which was worse. 
You heard Pekka laugh, drowning out your thoughts. 
“You’ve got confidence, I’ll give you that.”
Your jaw clenched.
You hated seeing him laugh. Men like him didn’t deserve to laugh.
“But you shouldn’t be that way.” He nodded to one of the men standing at the end of the alleyway and he disappeared behind the building. 
“You see, I always have a plan. It’s how you get to where I am”
Then you saw the man again, but this time he wasn’t alone.
Wylan was with him, a knife pressed to his throat, hands tied at the back, the fear evident in his eyes. Your hands curled into fists at the sight.
“Pekka, there’s one thing you should know about me.” Your eyes flicked to him, a plan already forming in your head. “You can hurt me all you like. But you don’t touch my friends.” You seethed.
You flicked your arms then, water swirling around them as you gathered it from the atmosphere. You weren’t a normal Tidemaker. You could gather water from just about anywhere and that was what made you so powerful.
Pekka’s men started to charge, but you were quick to use the water to push them away, making them fall and drop their weapons. You created a watery shield around you as the Grisha started their attacks. Years of practice ensured that even a Heartrender could do you no harm. You ran over to Wylan as the man holding him pressed the knife closer to his throat, when a gunshot rang through the air, making a hole in the man’s chest. 
You followed the sound to see Jesper standing on the roof, a grin on his face. You smiled, glad to see your friend. You dropped the shield, throwing one up around Wylan instead, who gave you a small nod in acknowledgement.
You turned back around to the Grisha, and the Guards who were coming to their senses just then, before a flurry of blue started taking them down one by one, as some fell down clutching their chests, revealing Nina and Matthias standing behind them.
A ball of fire flew towards you, which you quickly doused in water, but it drew your attention away from the Squaller who’s next attack sent you flying into the wall.
You grunted from the pain, getting up again, but unable to move as you were still pinned to the wall by a heavy gust of wind. The Inferni were busy luckily, trying to escape the Wraith and Matthias while Nina was helping Wylan get to safety. Jesper was handling the rest of the Guards, leaving you alone.
But where was Kaz?
You were stuck and the Squaller was inching closer to you with every step. 
And then it struck.
You should wear bulletproof outfits more.
The bullet pierced through your skin, hitting your ribs and lodging itself inside. The Squaller was temporarily stunned, as you both turned to where the bullet had come from.
Pekka’s gun was pointed at you, his hair messy from whoever he’d just been fighting. 
“He said he wanted you alive, but I’ve wanted you dead for a while now,” he rasped out.
“I’ve wanted you dead for longer,” came the all too familiar voice, as the boy swung his cane at the older man. 
He was here.
You could feel yourself losing control, and you dropped to your knees, clutching your chest. The Squaller seemed torn between his duties to the General and his own hatred for you, the desire of wanting you gone that every Grisha had. They didn’t hate you. They hated how important you were. 
Your hands were sticky with blood, as you subconsciously tried to add pressure to the wound. You flung your free hand towards the Squaller, throwing him back against the wall, away from you temporarily.
You hated how weak this made you feel. Unable to help the others, unable to finish what you came here for. Unable to live up to what you were supposed to be. How did Kirigan expect you to take on the Fold when you couldn’t handle a bullet?
But that was the harsh truth wasn’t it? You were a mistake. An abomination that shouldn’t exist. Your mother hadn’t wanted you. Your father’s wife had hated your existence because you were the reminder of her husband’s infidelity. 
And that’s why after he’d died you ran.
You ran until you found Kaz and Jordie.
A temporary haven, until Jordie died.
And then you ran with Kaz until the Grisha had found you.
Then Kirigan took you in. Treated you like his family. But yet again that was temporary.
And then you ran from the Grisha, and from Pekka. From the fear of facing the truth of your life, and the feelings you had for the boy you loved.
You were tired of running. It didn’t seem like you mattered to anyone anymore anyways. 
You’d destroyed what you’d had with Kaz. You were nothing to Kirigan without your powers.
The bullet had seemed to make you realize just how tired you were.
Just how much you wanted to rest. 
And so amidst the chaos, you let your eyes flutter shut.
Tags: @ancientbeing10 @lila-kille @emmnf1 @gabby10100 @foulkryptonitepeanut @pinchofhoney @peaches1958 @lyria-skyfall @sabii5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiana76 @breadbrobin @athenasproverbs @cryinghotmess @urlocalgeek @coldheartedmar @ravenmedows @twlegit @marina468 @aeslenya @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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sillygoose067 · 2 months
Over the 7 Seas
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: the fluff really starts hitting here. I felt the butterflies in my stomach writing this— because hey, a girl can dream, can’t she? Honestly, I think this is pretty light in terms of what I have in store, so hang on tight!
You nod shyly and your hands brush together before you both finally intertwine fingers. You look away with a soft smile and a blush. Charles asks you if you want to take his car to the restaurant or walk. “I’d like to walk, if you don’t mind. Monaco is full of so many beautiful sights”, you respond and he smiles at you with a satisfied look in his eyes. Everyone always saw Monaco for its wealth and splendor, but no one really took the time to appreciate its beautiful culture and people. In Charles’ eyes, so far, you had checked every box (and maybe even added some) he had classified as green flags. 
As you walk through the block and avidly discuss Charles’s career, you feel his thumb brush over your knuckles and feel a wave of affection for this man that you’ve barely known for a week. Either he was a really good player, or he was truly a gentleman who knew how to treat women right. You opted to believe the latter. 
Noticing that you’ve spaced out a little bit, he brings you back gently. “Have I told you how beautiful you look right now?”
Escaping your reverie, you bounce back this time. “And have I told you how absolutely gorgeous you look today?”, you counter. You slap a hand over your mouth with wide eyes and your head snaps toward him in shock. You are appalled by this sudden lack of “feminine grace”.
“I’m so sorry”, you apologize profusely as he stares at you with wide eyes, mouth hanging open, and a faint blush painting his cheeks. You’d stopped walking out of shock and were staring at each other. “I am sooo sorry”, you say again. “I’ve really done it now, huh? No wonder no one ever wanted me…”, you say sadly. 
This makes Charles recover, and he struggles to regain his ability to speak. “Non non, ma Chéri! Don’t think that! I was just surprised.” “No one has ever called me gorgeous, so I was just caught a little off-guard. B-But I liked it!” he blushes a deeper shade of pink. He grabs your chin and lifts your face to look up at him gently. “I think I would like you to let loose like that more often”.
When your eyes meet his hesitantly, he raises his eyebrows in question, asking if you’ve understood. You nod and he grasps your hand once again and you resume your walk to the restaurant. 
Before you enter the restaurant, Charles pulls you aside. “Y/n, I need to clear some things with you before anything becomes too serious”. He takes a deep breath. “Because I’m an F1 driver, and I don’t mean to sound conceited, but, people tend to follow me around and capture every little thing about my life to post on the media”. He lets out a frustrated huff. “And often, this was the reason why my past partners left me. They couldn’t handle the constant spotlight and paparazzi. I don’t blame them, really, but it hurt knowing that my career made them leave the relationship”. Charles brushes his thumb over your knuckles again and looks at you. “I just want to give you an out before we’re too invested. I understand it can be a lot to take”. This time, he’s the one ready for rejection.
Feeling fearless, you reach up and cup his face, brushing your thumb along his cheekbone. He leans into your touch. “Thank you, Charles. But I think I’m enough of a big girl to handle these kinds of situations”, you say softly. “With a mom who was extremely well-known in the community, I grew up with somewhat of a spotlight myself. I know how to handle things when they get complicated”, you reassure him. “I also think that if we want to make this work, we need to disregard what other people think. If we do become a couple, we mustn’t let others define our relationship– Then it wouldn’t be OUR relationship, don’t you think?”
Charles hums appreciatively. “When did you have time to collect all this wisdom, hmm?”.
You make a move toward the entrance of the restaurant, but he pulls you back to him into a hug. You freeze, but reciprocate nonetheless. “Merci, ma Chéri. Truly”
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suitepea · 4 months
Kinda long, sorry. But I love knowing things like these.
10 11 14 18 21 28 30 34 38 51 62 72 73 75 81 82 84 89 91
Omg that’s so many 😂 this was a fun afternoon activity. Thank you
10: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Uuuh yeah. Just once. When I was 18 but still living at my mom’s house, I was on a video call with this super sexy fat guy and we were masturbating together. My mom busts into my room to ask me a question and I just JUMPED out of bed completely naked and shut my computer lol. I think she was kind of embarrassed so she left quickly and didn’t see what exactly I was doing, which I am forever grateful for 😅
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
Fun fact about me: I own, like, 30 pairs of the same cotton granny panties and that is 99% of what I wear. I have like 5 pairs of Super Special Sexy Panties that I only wear on special occasions, so I don’t have a ton of options. That being said, it’s probably the lacy black thong that goes with my favorite lingerie set.
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This isn’t the best picture to show off the panties. I’ll have to take another one sometime for you
14: Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
Honestly, giving. My clit is super sensitive and I often find cunnilingus is too intense for me. It’s hard to get that balance of gentle and satisfying. I’m kind of a submissive person anyways, so it works. Plus, giving head puts my face closer to belly (and therefore closer to god).
18: Are you into dressing up for sex?
Not opposed, but I’ve never done it (unless lingerie counts). Depends on what we’re dressing up as too. I think I would look pretty good with a pig snout and ears 🐽
21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?
Short answer, yes. I have had many threesomes, and a handful of foursomes too. They’re lots of fun. The more the merrier :)
28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex?
Belly 🤤 isn’t it obvious?
There’s so much to love about men’s bodies though. I would struggle to name a second favorite.
30: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find
This is a difficult one because I don’t really have a lot of “secret” objects. Like if my grandma found my vibrator or something I wouldn’t care. I would probably have to say my diary from when I was in middle school where I used to write about the anime characters I was dating. That would be kind of painful to know someone read it lol
34: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience
Honestly fucking anything delicious! I feel like sweets are inherently sexual, so maybe those. At the same time I would be so turned on watching my partner crush a couple burgers. All of it please!
38: Best sexual complement you ever got
Hmmm this is a hard one. There’s no one compliment that really stands out in my mind. I’ve been told I give great head. I’ve been told I have a nice ass. Among other things.
51: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
Peas, but only because I hate them lol.
Other than that I’m not sure. There are probably lots of things I’m not thinking of.
62: has anyone ever watched you masturbate?
Hahaha see first question. Yes, I have been known to masturbate for people I really like. It’s a form of intimacy I really enjoy
72. Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched?
Yo honestly my back and neck are extremely sensitive. My back more so than the average person I think. Back rubs alone are like a near-orgasmic experience for me. They feel so insanely good. Please rub my back.
And belly, of course 😁 The answer is always belly.
73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched?
Can I say belly again? Lol
I guess pussy is the only real answer here? More specifically I like being fingered. If you can find the g-spot then we will get along super well lol.
75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr?
Yes of course :> I love to flirt
81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed?
Yes, I love degradation. But if you want bonus points, make it fat-shamey. Being called a “slut” is fun. Being called a “pig slut” is perfection 👌🏻
82. Are you into any BDSM?
Yes :) My fiancé and I have a big bag of fun toys. If you ask nicely, I’ll show you some pictures of me in bondage. I haven’t posted them because they’re a little raunchy and I’m not trying to lose my blog lol.
84. Do you like dirty talk?
So much. It’s one of my favorite things. I love a partner who’s good with words. It’s a super valuable skill to me that I often struggle with myself
89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them?
I guess so? Haven’t we all? Sometimes one of us is tired or not in the mood so the other has to fend for themselves. Sometimes we’re both horny but too tired to fuck, so we masturbate beside each other lol. It’s not really something I fret about. I see it as a normal part of a relationship.
91. Have you ever had a friends with benefits? Are they still beneficial?
I have. My best friend and I have actually hooked up and had threesomes quite a few times in the past. She’s in a monogamous relationship so we’re just regular friends right now
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valenteal · 5 months
I’ve been posting a lot about my thoughts on Dazai’s characterization and motivations but honestly I’ve been dedicating a lot more energy to trying to understand Oda. Dazai is an amazingly complex character but he’s a constant in the story and we know quite a lot about him, comparatively. Oda is incredibly mysterious and much harder to understand. My breakthrough earlier figuring out that Oda had the book has really helped me open my mind to another side of Oda I hadn’t yet considered.
The things is, authors have to be a bit cruel. Oda’s reasoning for not killing because he wanted to be a writer doesn’t make sense, we kill our own characters all the time. We put them through hell over and over for entertainment/to convey a deeper meaning. I think maybe one of the conditions of having the book is not killing directly, or maybe a certain level of removal from the storyline. Like, if you control reality and others lives with the book you’re giving up a certain amount of control physically in the moment.
Oda is a killer. He is friends with killers. And if I’m right about him being the author of the Dark Era he wrote the deaths of the kids. I think his reaction was genuine, I think he really felt like he shouldn’t have the book, that he didn’t deserve to be its author anymore, but I really think that he wrote the story to give Dazai the opportunity and the motivation to get a better life. I mean, I’ve made myself cry with my writing. The most compelling stories are full of tragedy.
Oda was a child assassin. He was a writer. He was a mafioso. But most of all he was Dazai’s friend.
Wait! Holy shit idea!
Okay so Natsume had the book before Oda, but he was definitely following Dazai around before he got the book so we know there’s already a connection there. I’ve been wondering why Oda was so attached to Dazai. But Natsume wrote the story he adored, the third installment which Oda finished was The Book. But what did Natsume write about? What exactly were the books Oda loved? What if it was Dazai’s story? What if Oda knows Dazai so well because he read his life story over and over and yearned to give him a happy ending? What if his whole motivation was to finish the story in a satisfying way? And everything from the orphan’s existence to Ango’s betrayal was to create an open ended story in which Dazai could potentially have have a better life?
Oda is such an incredible character. He’s full of contradictions until you actually start thinking of him as an author. We authors have strange minds, we love our characters but we put them through so much. Because we wouldn’t love them if we didn’t make them struggle, make them realistic and deep and meaningful. Oda knew the kids were going to die, he wrote it. But he got attached like anyone would. But he was done writing the story, all that was left was for it to play out. So he passed ownership of the book to Dazai and went to play his role.
Fuck I’m getting emotional omg Odasaku is wonderful. I don’t even care if the entire theory is wrong, I’ve figured Oda out with the information I was given and filled in the blanks. Asagiri himself wouldn’t be able to make me give this theory up.
Oda isn’t a good person with strong morals the way he presents himself. He does that to fill the mentor roll for Dazai and to get Dazai to make the desired decisions. He just a fan who was given control of the story by the original author and basically used all the writing tools ever to create a story in which the character he loved but who was tragically doomed and seeped in darkness could find some happiness. Just like anyone writing a fix-it fic. Accept his fix is canon.
Holy shit I’m a genius.
Don’t come at me you have no idea how proud I am of this! Either I figured out the most confusing character ever written or I have created a genius explanation that nothing will ever top (for me anyway).
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an-s-sedai · 7 months
This show!! oh my god this show....
Interviewer: “Were you a fan of the books, familiar with them? Did you have to do an intensive deep dive into them? You can be honest.” Ayla Ruby: “All 15 books.” Brian Shows (s02 vfx producer): “I read all of them 19 times. No, I was not involved with the books prior. Andy has more knowledge on that from the historic perspective. My part when I got into it was to watch season one just prior to starting, and then obviously we get into the scripts, and then we get into the video with the different professionals who really know the books. We were using them as resources right, it’s a great tool. But I wasn’t involved prior.” source
Interviewer: “Again, being in your position, you hear stories about like, oh, guys that like to hide Easter eggs or calls to certain things. Do you ever sneak any stuff in there for you?” Brian Shows: “He [Andy Scrase] does. But he really does pay attention to the books as much as we can. We definitely find things and we add things to it to give people and fans something to look for. So yeah, he definitely does. I’m not sure he’ll say exactly what he puts in but he definitely does.” Interviewer: “We’ll pry it out of him, it’s fine.” Brian Shows: “By all means. Good luck.” source
(interviewer) Ayla Ruby: “It’s funny you said Lanfear because there’s such a passion for that character with the fans. Did you guys anticipate that that people would be-” (executive producer) Marigo Kehoe: “Yes.” Ayla Ruby: “You knew?” Marigo Kehoe: “Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We knew. We knew. And Natasha’s just playing her so brilliantly. I hope you agree. I mean, I just think… And she’s having such a ball playing her, that the enthusiasm is… I just love the way she kind of… It’s kind of she… Which, again, we talked with visual effects earnestly about how she uses the One Power. And she’s so wonderfully dismissive and it’s great.” source
(s02 vfx supervisor) Andy Scrase: "“But I’m really, really lucky in the fact that there’s just so many different creative challenges in the show that it’s certainly not boring. It’s probably one of the most satisfying projects I’ve ever worked on.” source
Andy Scrase: “I knew of the books, I had not read the books. However, obviously, I’m working my way through the books. And I think the size and scope of Wheel of Time hit home with me almost instantaneously when I had the audiobook and saw that it ran for something like 26 hours or something like this. So I knew there was obviously going to be a lot of material there, and there certainly is. Robert Jordan goes into a lot of description and it’s a really interesting story to look at, this repeating of ages and things like the Age of Legends and stuff like this.” source
Interviewer: “You said you joined in season two, how does it feel to join a team that was already working together, and try to bring your own flare to something that was already being done? You had to maintain what was done season one, but also…” (vfx producer) Brian Shows: “Yeah, I think Andy will speak to that too, more in-depth, but it’s a very welcoming team and I think that starts with Rafe [Judkins], all the way down. It’s a very collaborative team, so I don’t think there was any issue stepping in and helping out when we got to the ground. So from Rafe, to the producers, to the cast, to all the department heads, it was very easy, easy to jump into. It’s probably the best project I’ve ever worked on, in that type of environment. It really is a good group of people, a quality group of people, which is not so common.” “Well, not just that, but industry-wise, when you have it from the top down where it’s just a really great environment, you just want to keep doing it. So that’s why we did season two and we’re actually doing season three too.” source
Brian Shows: “Honestly, I never actually looked at any feedback in 27 years. Just because typically there’s people who are going to love it and there’s people who are not going to like it. As long as you know that you put your best foot forward with the time and budget that you could possibly do, put out the best quality product, then to me that’s all that really matters. But this time I heard so much about the fans, I was intrigued. So I did watch and read, and I watched some of the shows, and I did read some of the Twitterverse out there, and most of it was pretty good with respect to our part. So it’s good.” Interviewer: “That has to be difficult hearing feedback from people who don’t quite understand what your job is.” Brian Shows: “Some of the feedback is fun because I like how the fans will go down these rabbit holes of, ‘This is what they meant by…’ And they zoom in and you see the smallest thing, and you’re like, ‘Well that had nothing to do with it. But I love the fact that you read into it that far, right, amazing.'” “And then they go through and then they take the blur off to see what was in the background. Like, ‘I saw those boots once before.’ You’re like, ‘Okay, you did.'” source
(so2 vfx supervisor) Andy Scrase: “[Channeling is] such an important and unique magic system to the show. And I had certain challenges where there was a certain look established for season one. And when I joined the show, that was kind of one of my first priorities was the channeling and what I could do to improve that. There’s a big expectation on it. There’s a lot of intricacies. We’re taking threads and weaving them and things like this. So I think that where I am with the channeling is kind of a very good starting point and everyone seems to have reacted quite positively with it, with this idea. Because as I’ve said, I’ve been very literal with the interpretation of threads of power, but the colors, bringing those in was a really important decision I felt because, it’s a way of describing the different elements that they use, especially in weaves.” “It’s very important to the fan base, as I found out from doing my early research, and then just talking about it to Rafe [Judkins], we came to the decision that we could do it. But I think we always needed to be a little bit careful that it didn’t become too overbearing and too saturated. And I think even in the books, it’s described as being tinged with color. So I think there isn’t anything I’d say that I haven’t done before, it’s in the books. But it’s more a case of working what we have now even closer towards how some things are described. And I think the channeling is one of those. I’m really excited about how we go on and develop that and bring more nuances to it and more levels of detail and subtlety. Yeah.” source
It's a good place to work. They read the books. They adjust what they put into the show based on book fan and show fan feedback. ahhhhhhh my heart
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punkkfiction · 1 year
Howard... I hate you so much for leaving me here, sometimes I hope you die. I'm sorry. I feel awful admitting that, but it's the truth. I was curious about other men. I'm sure you don't want to hear about a stranger satisfying your wife, and I swear it was only once. It was a mistake. It wasn't him that I wanted. I know that now. And I wish things could just go back to the way they were before, but I don't see how they could, not after the things I've done. Oh, Howard. I realize how this all must sound. Honestly, there was a time I was flattered to have someone as handsome as you pine over me. You're such a good person. I know that. I made sure to always be mindful with your heart. I never wanted you to feel jealous. It's an awful feeling like a rot, the way it just twists and turns at your insides. I know that aching so well. I feel it. Whenever I see others whose lives come easy because the truth is, I'm not really a good person. The reason I kept my eyes to the ground around other men was never to avoid hurting you. It's because I understood how lucky I was to have your attention. I may be a poor farm girl, Howard, but I'm not stupid. I spotted you the moment you came to live with us. You worked hard like the other farmhands, but you were different. You're from somewhere. A nice, comfortable place that you could return to whenever you wanted. I'm so desperate to have that. All my life, I've wanted off this farm and you were my ticket out. So... I made sure to never let you see who I really was. It worked like a charm, too. Then when you finally brought me back to your home to meet your family, it was just as I hoped. A life straight out of the pictures. At least that's what it felt like to me. And you didn't want it. You just wanted to stay here on our farm, and that made me so angry. How could you? I'm certain you knew I hated it, you must've. How could you be so selfish and cruel after all I've done to make you happy? I was even pregnant with your baby. I never wanted to be a mother. I loathed the feeling of it growing inside me. It felt like sickness. Pulling and sucking on me like some needy animal in a barn. How could I be responsible for another life? Life terrifies me. It's harsh, and bleak, and draining. I was so relieved when it died. It was one less weight keeping me trapped here, but then the war came and you left me, too. Why did you leave me, Howard? I hate feeling like this. So pathetic. Do people like you ever feel this way? I figure you don't. You seem so perfect all the time. Lord must've been generous to you. He never answers any of my prayers. I don't know why. What did I do? What is wrong with me? Please, just tell me so maybe I can get better. I don't want to end up like Mama. I want to be dancing up on the screen like the pretty gals in the pictures. I want what they have so badly, to be perfect, to be loved from as many people as possible to make up for all my time spent suffering. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and the fear washes over me, 'cause what if this is it? What if this is right where I belong? I'm a failure. I'm not pretty or naturally pleasant, or friendly. I'm not smart, or funny, or confident. I'm exactly what Mama said I was, weak. I don't know why. What did I do? Why wasn't my family like yours? I hate what it feels like to be me and not you. I'm so scared that when you finally come home, you'll see me and be frightened like everyone else is. I know what I've done, the bad things, terrible, awful, murderous things. I regret them now, but I liked how they felt. I wish I didn't, but I did. At first, it was only animals smaller than myself. Nothing with feelings. Nothing that could hurt me back. It felt good. Killing's easier than you think, till recently with Mama and the boy from the picture house. They were different. They were more meaningful. I hurt them so they too might know what it feels like to suffer, but poor Daddy didn't deserve that. I wish I hadn't done what I did. Mama meant well. She had a hard life. She only wanted a home to feel safe in. I can see that. I thought I hated her, but I just want to feel safe, too. Lord... I made such a mess of things. I don't know how much more I can take. I need to clean this up. All of it. I need to make things right before you see me again. Maybe if I can turn this farm into a home for us like you wanted, things will finally be different. I can forgive. I can be who you want me to be if you'll just stay with me. Would you do that, please? I can't be all by myself anymore. It's too hard. We can love each other. I'll do that for you if you really meant all that "till death do us part." It'd be enough, just you and me here on this farm. All I really want is to be loved. I'm having such a hard time without it lately.
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art by em year in review 2023!
for the fourth time, i present to you a selection of the art i did this year! this definitely was the Year of Understanding Procreate, and i think it paid off. as usual, reflections under the cut.
january: i saw @malcolm-f-tucker tag a picture of abigail thaw with a comment about a theresa faceclaim and it left no survivors, i.e. i decided that theresa should have greying hair and did not look back. this was from when i was still trying to figure out what brush to use for lineart in procreate. luckily i had learned my lesson from the sketchbook learning curve and realized that what i liked for lineart would most likely be in the pencil section. however i wasn’t a huge fan of the brush i used in this one, so i didn’t use it again. instead, for later pieces, i decided to customize the 6b pencil brush to my liking, and…
february: …this came out of it! this is still one of my favorite things i have ever drawn, and it’s my favorite thing i’ve drawn yet for herc and linda. this piece really convinced me to use overlay layers more in my art, and the amount of detail i managed to capture in this one still amazes me now. and before anyone asks, yes, they are doing specific things in the startup procedure for an airbus a320-family aircraft, except linda is doing things off the CM1 checklist and herc is doing something off the CM2 checklist, which i learned later is not really something that is done. let’s just say herc is not the tightest stickler to convention.
march: one half of an intended two pieces centered around the f1 au (which, regrettably, i have yet to continue… i just reread what little of the second part is on ao3 and god, it slaps actually, i really need to continue it so bad) depicting a pivotal scene from around the outside, where theresa and linda decide to put aside a childhood feud at the top of the banked curve at monza. at sunset. on theresa’s birthday. i know, very meaningful, incredibly homoerotic. read the fic to see how well that turns out!
april: i always knew i wanted to redraw the first filipino!hercolyn thing i did back in 2020, the one that completely solidified in my mind the notion that These Characters Are Filipino, Actually, and when i got comfortable in procreate i quickly jumped on that. (if you notice, a lot of the stuff i did this year were redraws of old pieces i really liked but wasn’t fully satisfied with.) of course i wanted to draw them in the traditional clothes in my parents’ and grandparents’ wedding pictures. the implication of this being, of course, that this is the soft shoe shuffle wedding. i have a fic planned centered around that, from douglas’ perspective. now that grad school apps are basically done, if my honors thesis doesn’t kick me too hard, i’d love to get on that as soon as i can.
may: YOU JUST GOT COLINED! SEND THIS TO A FRIEND TO TOTALLY COLIN THEM! ah, colin fairbairn: the figure whose presence haunts all of newcastle but is never actually. named. (much to the chagrin of a lot of people who genuinely thought linda’s dad was named colin bc i Wouldn’t Shut Up About It) i just love him so much and i love this piece, i wanted to depict the wistfulness of an older colin whose airline is on the verge of collapse, who has been secure in his job as chief pilot of air cal, who looks out over glasgow airport (that’s glasgow’s runway in the background) and wonders if it’s time to put himself out to pasture. wondering what he could have done differently. it’s okay bby. there’s no way that you could have prevented this. but he’d never believe it. he’s too duty bound. he lives in my head rent free.
june: another redraw, this time of a piece from 2021. i was so happy with this one, and i am very happy with it still! everything about the older piece i loved was improved massively by this redraw: the poses, the proportions, the line work, the coloring. honestly, just thinking about the two of them just existing in the airport, overlooked by bustling passengers, just part of the landscape, but having such a rich history and relationship between them… it’s something i think about a lot and i love it.
july: this comprises the third part of an unofficial trilogy of drawings i did centered around douglas/martin/theresa. in each one, i centered a different member of the ot3: i did one centering martin last year, one centering douglas in the spring, and this one centers theresa between douglas and martin. i really enjoy how i did the expressions in this one: martin, looking out toward the planes; theresa, following his gaze, eager to share in the passion they both have; and douglas, looking down at both of them (yeah i think they’re both shorter than him. i think it’s cute). i feel like when i draw these three, where they look and how they look is very important to me.
august: can you believe before this point i had never drawn herc and douglas together? yeah, me too. anyway, them 🤍 i’ve literally only ever drawn them as older men so trying to draw them younger was. lowkey kind of hard. i’m hoping to revisit air england herc and douglas in the future, especially since i didn’t intend for this to be anything more than a quick bit due to those bisexual divorcee brackets (which i don’t know what became of them in the end except that douglas got through and herc didn’t, lmao)
september: unposted self-portrait done as a part of my aerospace fellowship application i wound up getting rejected from because they required me to do a creative component. not much to say here. anyways.
october: yet another redraw, this time of a portrait of herc, carolyn, linda, and arthur i did a year prior, in october of 2022. i like to think that lfeu!herc carries pictures of linda, arthur, and carolyn in his wallet: he had never wanted to be the family man for most of his life, but in his new life, this new form, he can play it well. something about the coloring seems a little off to me: i think i may have to go in and adjust arthur’s skin tone because i think it doesn’t look 100% right. but i love this one too. i hemmed and hawed for ages over what they should be wearing but in the end i put them in what they’d wear for work bc i couldn’t think anymore. but it turned out super cute and i think it emphasizes what brought the four of them together in the first place: aviation.
november: a cute little doodle of young!colin with baby linda, from a bigger piece. something i generally feel like i’ve gotten stronger with this year has been drawing a larger variety of poses. i discovered that procreate allows you to import reference images in a smaller window that can be very easily dragged around and resized, which was a massive improvement over my previous strategy with sketchbook, which had been to import reference images as their own layers. often, moving it around or resizing reference images resulted in some loss of quality. anyways there’s something just so tender about colin and linda and i love to revisit them.
december: last but not least, we finish off the way we started, with theresa (and an added douglas lol). and boy, how different does december look from january? granted, it’s a different angle, but i personally think there is so much more dimension at the end of the year compared to the beginning. i was less afraid of using overlays to enhance the coloring. and the brush i wound up settling on for lineart really ended up serving me well this whole year, culminating in this piece. not much to say on this one, i like it a lot :)
overall thoughts: i didn’t think i drew as much as i wanted to this year, but looking back i still think i made really good progress and improved a lot from last year, so i’m still happy. definitely want to draw more next year, explore new subjects, and maybe work on redrawing more pieces from previous years because those projects have been very fun to undertake.
once again i want to say a big thank you to everyone who’s ever shared or commented or left a like on anything i’ve drawn: it will have been 10 years next year since the end of the show i primarily create fanwork for, and to still have people out there who like what i do is such a gift. yes i create for myself, but i do also like receiving feedback from others and sharing it with others, so thank you thank you thank you. and happiest of new years to all :)
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fanby-fckry · 2 months
I have decided that Niffty is a Gemini.
I’m not all that interested in astrology irl – at least not star signs – but it’s a fun way to assign birthdays, and I need one for an upcoming fic.
I originally tried taking this test from her perspective, but it didn’t give me results that matched up with my portrayal of her.
Wound up just googling the signs and manually assigning her one.
Used one site (allure) because I’m not doing a deep dive on Zodiacs for what is essentially a throwaway reference. Here are some choice quotes, and how they relate to my version of Niffty:
Content Warning: animal death/cruelty in the form of Niffty-typical pest control
Have you ever been so busy that you wished you could clone yourself just to get everything done? That's the Gemini experience in a nutshell. Spontaneous, playful, and adorably erratic, Gemini is driven by its insatiable curiosity.
I think that one’s pretty self-explanatory. If I had to pick two words to describe Niffty, “adorably erratic,” sums her up pretty well.
Because of Geminis' intrinsic duality, they're often falsely misrepresented as two-faced. In reality, however, Gemini rarely has a hidden agenda.
I write mostly pilot!Niffty, mixed with headcanons and some series canon. So, 50’s housewife who genuinely takes pride in her role, practices manners, considers herself to be ladylike, throws herself into cooking, cleaning, and mending, has an idealized and black and white version of romance and womanhood and very much holds herself – though not necessarily others – to that very high standard.
And also the woman who takes immense pleasure in stabbing pests, writes smutty RPF fanfic for people she personally knows, keeps collections of people’s hair/fluff, and summoned a demon using animal sacrifices on multiple occasions.
She’s not intentionally two-faced, but she does very much have two conflicting sides to her personality, which she holds in equal measure.
These hyperactive air signs have short attention spans and are most satisfied when they can move fluidly from one idea to the next.
I’ve seen Niffty described as “OCD” before, but I’m not sure if there’s anything to that besides the armchair psych, ‘cleaning = OCD’ thing.
However, as someone with ADHD, I can definitely see some aspects of hyperactivity and attention deficit in her. Specifically, the fact that she seems to become hyperfocused on tasks like cleaning, but is easily distracted in other contexts.
She basically narrates her train of thought on the pilot: *polite and enthusiastic introduction* (manners first) -> It’s been a while since I made new friends -> -> *notices everyone but Alastor is fem-presenting and thinks they’re all women* -> Why are you all women? -> (I like men best) Aren’t there any men here? -> *physically lifts Charlie in search of men* -> *remembers manners* -> I’m sorry, that was rude -> *gets distracted by mess* -> Oh man, this place is filthy! It could really use a lady’s touch -> *remembers that she has (mistakenly) identified all of the hotel’s occupants as women* -> Which is weird because you’re all ladies offense (manners) -> *remembers mess* -> *hyperfixates on cleaning*
Honestly, the Niffty ADHD headcanon should probably be its own post. Moving on!
Gemini expresses emotions externally
Communication is paramount for them, and they require fluent streams of transmission.
*gestures to aforementioned inner-turned-outer monologue*
She’s a lot quieter in the series, but she does still butt into conversations she wasn’t previously a part of with usually irrelevant commentary.
In fact, the act of expression is often even more important to loquacious Gemini than what is actually being said
Just… everything she says in the series.
Another incredible Gemini quality, however, is that these natural chameleons can quickly recover from even the most shameful foot-in-mouth moments. Gemini moves too fast to care about embarrassing missteps: They simply move on.
A quick apology or a “no offense” is all it takes Niffty to move past most social faux pas, and most criticism seem to just bounce off of her.
So yeah. Gemini!Niffty.
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