haik-choo · 4 years
ok actually i wanna thank you for the toxic traits bc whenever i’m thirsty for a boyfriend i simp over 2D boys and romanticize it into my actual life and reading the toxic traits thing made me realize men ain’t shit and the single life is good
you're welcome !!! I love adding flavor to my favorite animw babies <3 but I lowkey relate because im a HUGE daydreamer
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mooshys · 3 years
"not liable for damages" my ASS. go to jail moosh!!!
I can’t believe the epilogue was so good that y’all want to imprison me 🥰
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sabbywrites · 4 years
you really are the oracle of the HQ fandom with the matsukawa content from ASID. i don't wanna spoil the ending of the series for you but I think you hit the nail on the head with how horny we should be for him
First of all come here and let me kiss u. ily. second of all he honestly did THAT. Like furudate did not have to make him literally the sexiest thing in the world but they did. they did that for us
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cruelwritersthesis · 5 years
So I just finished ITPS and INAS and humor me here: Tori and Luke in a The Good Place AU. Tori dies and wakes up in Elysium and is being introduced to the neighborhood and whatnot. Luke shows up and when they finally get a moment alone, she's freaking out because She. Didn't. Die. A. Hero. Luke chalks it up to a happy mishap. Antics ensue. Cue them realizing they're actually in the Fields of Punishment and this is just a new way of torturing the dead.
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh your Mind
yo comedy is so hard to write, for real, but i’m gonna attempt it also thus far my stories have been far from comedies lol
follow meeeeeee~!
[[[spoilers for the good place below bt-dubs]]]
Tori dies and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes again: “Welcome! Everything is fine.” She can’t remember how she got there, and she’s confused, because wasn’t she supposed to meet Charon? Cross the River Styx? Get in line and wait for her soul to be judged?
She’s sitting an a nice room, fairly minimalist. In one corner there’s a small water feature. To her left, a door opens and a man steps out: “Tori.” He smiles. “Come on in.”
She goes in, not knowing what else there is to do and sit down in one of the chairs in front of a desk, and the man sits down behind the desk.
“I’m Adrian, and I’m the architect of this neighborhood.”
Tori’s even more confused. Neighborhood??? Architect???
Adrian smiles and chuckles. “I can see you’re confused. Elysium is split into neighborhoods, built by immortals like me. And yes, you died.”
Skip to Adrian giving a tour of the neighborhood to Tori: “Three-hundred and twenty-two perfectly matched heroes…” etc.
They come to a stop in front of where Tori will be staying: a ginormous mansion that’s far too big for just her and far too ostentatious. She hates it,,, but it’s Elysium right? Not to mention this neighborhood was supposed to be perfectly crafted to her likes, right???
They go inside and that’s when Adrian drops the bomb: “Oh, and did I mention soulmates exist?” Inside, despite her panic at what’s happening, she feels her heart lift with anticipation. Surely Luke was her soulmate on earth, so he must be her in Elysium [he is, don’t worry, it’s not a plot twist or anything]. Adrian goes on, “Yes, they exist on Earth as well, but the gods decided they didn’t need to give humans a sure-fire way to tell. You were the lucky few who happened to find your soulmate on Earth. It’s always a bit of a mess when someone finds out their soulmate here is not the person they were with on Earth.”
Luke walks through the door then, and Tori can’t help but run up and give him a big hug, tears already in her eyes.
Adrian’s doing his architect act, smiling and all that. “You two must have a lot to catch up on. I’ll leave you to it and meet up with you later. I have some people I’d like to introduce you to, and I have a surprise for Tori. See you both later!”
And despite her happiness at getting to see Luke again, there’s something more pressing, weighing on her chest that she needs to talk to him about immediately.
After making sure Adrian has left, she finds a small broom closet, and just to be safe, checks for any hidden cameras or microphones. All the while Luke is confused and asking Tori what’s going on and what’s wrong. Tori won’t answer until she’s sure they aren’t being watched or listened to.
Finally, she turns to Luke with wide eyes and a look of fear: “I didn’t die a hero. I’m not supposed to be here.” [I could leave it here and be like, Part 2 coming soon! But I won’t.]
Instead of being concerned, Luke just smiles gently and takes her hands into his. “I don’t care if it’s a mistake, I’m just happy to be with you.”
Tori’s caught between wanting it to be some happy, miracle mistake, but the other part of her is worried something could go wrong at any moment. Mistakes didn’t just happen in Elysium, did they? Their souls were judged, how could the judges decide that she belonged somewhere else but send her to Elysium?
She tries to get this across to Luke, but he’s too happy to see her. And she, of course, is happy to see him. But, like most things in her life, she doesn’t want all of this to just disappear. She doesn’t want Luke to just disappear suddenly, and then for her to find out she’s in the Fields of Punishment or something.
“Why don’t we take a walk, maybe it’ll help clear your head.”
So they head out again, though Tori is reluctant, and take a stroll around the neighborhood. It’s beautiful and all the people seem really nice. They’re all paired up with their soulmates, going about their business like it’s just another day in the neighborhood [lol sorry I had to].
But Tori is still worried. “You know I don’t do big or ostentatious,” she mutters to Luke as they walk around. “And what’s with all the tapioca pudding shops? You and I both know that regular pudding is better.” [side note: I actually love tapioca pudding lmao]
Tori stops them and turns to face Luke. “Also, I can’t cuss. You know I love to cuss.”
Luke chuckles and shakes his head, linking his arm with hers and pulling her gently along again. “Yes, but a lot of the people in this neighborhood don’t like it.”
“Okay, but don’t you think that if I like to cuss so much–and I now you do too, don’t deny it–wouldn’t they have put us in a neighborhood with people who also like to cuss?”
“I think you’re thinking too much about it.”
Before Tori can argue more, Adrian shows up with two people trailing after him.
“Tori, Luke, I’d like to introduce you to Mali and Amir. I was just telling them about the welcome party that Tori’s throwing.”
Tori wants to object vehemently, but to keep up appearances she grins. “Yes, that party. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. It starts at 8pm sharp, but you can show up late if you want to. In fact, I’d even appreciate it if you didn’t show up at all–”
Adrian laughs. “Isn’t she funny? Of course they’re excited to go!” Talking to Mali and Amir, “Why don’t you two go explore the neighborhood a little more while I talk to these two about the party?”
As soon as the other two are out of earshot, Adrian turns to Tori with an “apologetic” look. “I’m so sorry, I meant to talk to you about it earlier, but it must’ve slipped my mind!” Tori forces a laugh and Luke can tell she’s ready to throttle Adrian, so puts his arm around her waist. Adrian continues, pretending not to notice. “Your house is the biggest, so it would only make sense that you host the party.”
“That makes sense,” Tori forces out. “But why me? I don’t mind lending my house for the party to someone who is a little more equipped for party-planning.”
“Oh nonsense! You’ll be just fine. Listen, I have to go meet some of the others here. I’ll see you at the party!”
As soon as Adrian’s out of earshot, Tori turns to Luke. “What am I supposed to do? I hate parties! I hate people! I don’t know how I’m going to even plan a party. Where am I going to even find stuff? Do they have like some…heavenly gift-shop? Do I need currency, or can I just tell them what I need and they’ll give it to me?”
Introduce Janet [I can’t think of a different name for her :P], who gets Tori everything she needs
Adrian forces Tori to give a speech–the party isn’t a disaster, but Tori’s already under pressure because she knows she’s not supposed to be there, so things slip both in the speech and as she tries to play hostess
Cue Chaos Sequence the next morning
Luke’s like, “Okay, I believe you now.”
As you say, antics ensue as they both try to navigate this neighborhood without exposing Tori being in the wrong place while Adrian actively works to undermine them
Remember those other two demigods I introduced? Yeah, hand-picked to make it difficult for Tori and Luke to keep their secret, because they also don’t belong in Elysium, and are meant to torture Tori and Luke. Long story short, they sided with the Titans, but neither Luke or Tori ever met them because armies are big and like they really had time to meet every single demigod who joined Kronos’s side
More antics ensue as the four of them get all mixed-up and band together to try to keep Tori, and Mali and Amir’s secret, bc they know they didn’t exactly die heroes either (among other things).
Cue more antics and even more crossed wires and confusion.
And then, Tori has her realization when they’re all bickering about who’s going to sacrifice themselves and go to the Fields of Punishment, much like Eleanor’s.
“This is the Fields of Punishment!”
Adrian does his Grinch smile and evil laugh.
It’s explained that, after centuries of the same old thing, Adrian decided to come up with something new–take four humans (and/or demigods) who don’t mix, throw them together in a place they think is Elysium, and make them torture themselves
Luke is confused because, “But I died a hero???”
And Adrian is like, “We changed the formula, numb-nuts! Were you not listening to my whole, entire explanation just now? What, you thought joining Kronos and bringing him back would get you into Elysium? Even if you sacrificed yourself at the last minute to defeat him? Seriously, dude?”
“But the prophecy–”
“You’re dead now, ya ding-dong. The prophecy doesn’t matter anymore!”
aaaaaand that’s all she wrote lol. but for real, i’m not really sure what would happen after that. if we’re going full good place au, then Adrian would reboot them, but they would keep figuring it out and banding together until Adrian gives up and joins them bc his boss (whoever that may be in the Greek mythology world) would rip immortality from him and send him to the Fields of Punishment as well, but the old-fashioned way
unfortunately, the fact that the world is so complicated that an act intended to help actually hurts and docks you points doesn’t quite work for this au lol bc while Luke did have good intentions by raising Kronos, and Tori staying with him is certainly colored in many shades of grey, they did like…get a lot of people killed. like that did happen, they started a war and a lot of demigods and nature spirits died. it’s both very grey and not that grey at all (which muddles things up even more; i could go on)
but hey, if you have any ideas that expands on this au, hmu, lmk!
and thanks for sending this in! i had a lot of fun with it :D
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I'm overflowing with OCs i really should just start writing my own stuff: anyways, my bnha OC is naomi but she goes by Nao. whenever someone asks her what her quirk is she just shrugs because she doesn't know. she has the toe thing but hasn't been in a situation for her quirk to work. (Spoiler: it's a groundhog day quirk, if she dies, she wakes up at the start of that day again with all her memories) but anyways she's in the department of support, is a fashion icon, and working on nanotech armor
also i have another one who works as a mob doc. she's basically a human x-ray/MRI/cat scan. Hospitals HATE her (catch that meme) toga stabbed her once and she clapped right back and sliced her open with a scalpel and then stitched both of them back together. Dabi and her have a running joke that involves seeing how many times a day they can troll tomura without him noticing 
heck yeah, develop and write abt your ocs >:3c!
and dang!! the groundhog day quirk is super interesting, those repeating days stories are always really cool to read. and it makes sense that she wouldn’t know about her quirk, but it would make good content on her finding it out one day and all that.
your second oc is v cool too, like it’s a v effective kind of quirk!! and i love how she interacts w/ the other characters like a mischievous kind of character lol
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tomanpeach · 2 years
the daddyfication of ran haitani (part 2)
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a/n: thank you for the love on part 1!!!!!!! i hope i wrapped this lil story up okay, feedback is so welcome and appreciated please enjoy!!!
content: pregnant reader, mentions of drug use sanzu does some coke oop, angst, angst, angst, comfort!
word count: 2.6k
taglist: @purplesweethart @124925sblog @trashmemebitch @lunaticlunar @bekky06 @dazaisleftballsack @rinrinfoxy @soraxdarwin @gojoscumslut @wakasa-uwu @sh4nn @suzuyamitsuki @luvmatchamilktea @hollypastl <333
part 1
the car ride home from the hospital is tense. ran tries to speak but you shut him down with one word answers or by not responding at all. you feel yourself slipping into a foul mood and desperately want to fight against it so it won't be such an awkward drive, but you can't help it.
you accidentally make it worse by asking, "can you drop me off at my apartment?"
ran gives you a look like you're insane.
in the last few weeks you've only been to your apartment once and it was just to drop off your rent check. you'd slowly started spending more and more time at ran's, moving clothes and items over so that you practically lived there with him. he was too proud (and nervous) to ask you to move in properly, so he did it by suggesting you take more drawers in his closet, bring over more necessities so you'd feel more comfortable at his place. your asking to go there suddenly and without reason felt like a punishment to him.
"why?" he responds simply, eyes fixed to the road again. you watch him adjust his grip on the steering wheel.
"i just... ran, i don't want you to be upset, okay?" you mumble, wringing your hands in your lap. his jaw tightens, "that's not a fuckin' answer."
"please don't be upset," you huff. "i just want to be alone tonight. i feel like shit."
he pulls up to a red light and then turns to you, "you really want that?"
any time he looks at you, and you don't see the mischievous twinkle in his eye or the teasing smirk on his lips, your heart sinks. this time is no different. "yes," you force out. "just for the night. please, please try to understand where i'm coming from."
the light changes. he nods once at you and redirects his attention back to driving. your chest aches knowing that he's hurt, but you need some time on your own to take in everything that's happened today. you needed privacy to receive the doctor's phone call and maybe to buy a fucking drugstore pregnancy test, too. everything still felt like some kind of sick prank.
it wasn't like you'd never thought about having kids before. and after almost a year of being with ran, you'd definitely had your share of wonderings and daydreams about him as a father, of raising a cute little kid together with your eyes and his charming smile. you just hadn't expected to have to confront these imaginings so suddenly.
the rest of the drive is silent. ran pulls up outside your place and says nothing. "ran," you squeak, hoping he'll look at you. when he glances over, his well rehearsed facade is up, smirk and all.
"get inside quick, baby," he jerks his head toward the door. "it's cold."
you can't help but frown at the way he's bounced back so quickly, how he's so unaffected while you feel like you're crumbling. he puts a hand behind your neck and drags you toward him to plant a kiss to your forehead, "love you."
"love you, too," you give him a weak smile that doesn't even last until you get out of the car.
the ding of your phone's timer makes you nearly jump out of your skin. it's the next day, and you're sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, leg shaking anxiously, staring at the little plastic wand on the counter. part of you doesn't want to look at the test at all. it would be much less stressful to toss the thing in the trash without checking the results, wash your hands, and pretend this whole ordeal was just a bad dream. but the vomiting had been real. the emergency room, the dizziness, the sobbing in ran's arms, the doctor's words.
that had all been very real.
you force yourself to your get to your feet and pick up the white and pink stick with trembling fingers. before you can muster the courage to look at it, you bring your attention back to the box the test came in.
one line, not pregnant. two lines, pregnant. simple.
you squeeze your eyes shut and hold the test in front of you. counting backwards from 3, you suck in a shaky break. 2, you grit your teeth. 1, your eyes crack open.
two lines.
two fucking lines. clear as day, there was no mistaking it.
you meet your reflection in the mirror and see that you're crying. you turn away and head into your bedroom, climbing into bed and making the decision to sleep for the rest of the day. ------------------------------------------------------------------
across town, ran is sitting in the back office of sanzu's strip club with sanzu, kokonoi, rindou, and kakucho, waiting for koko to finish looking over sanzu's books so they could all get to the restaurant where they were planning to eat.
"did you have to do this now?" kakucho groans as koko turns another page then turns it back to double check his own work. "i'm fuckin' hungry!"
"i told you we were working," koko replies without looking up.
rindou rolls his eyes, scrolling on his phone. ran is leaned back in a chair, absentmindedly watching sanzu do coke off a mirrored tray on the other side of the desk from kokonoi.
his pink haired head pops up after a line. "stop whining," he sniffs, dabbing at his nose with his sleeve. "i'm runnin' a fuckin' business here."
ran's phone vibrates in his pocket, distracting him momentarily from the euphoria episode unfolding in the stuffy office.
"ran haitani," he answers formally.
a moment later he's on his feet, "uh, yes...but that's not–okay... mhm.... yes.... i understand."
in true ran fashion, he starts to pace down to the far side of the office and back. "i'll call back," he grumbles, the professionalism all but gone from his tone. "right... thank you..."
for a few seconds, nobody says anything. ran's back is to the others, his grip tightening around his phone in his hand.
"you good, haitani?" kakucho's voice startles him. when he turns back to the group, he's wearing an unreadable expression.
"that was the doctor," he's stunned to the point of being unable to produce any emotion at all. "apparently my girl's pregnant."
the responses come all at once, blurted in shock and sympathy:
"shit, dude..."
"i'm sorry, man..."
"wow, what the fuck."
"what the hell are you gonna do?"
ran's staring down at his phone with unfocused eyes, "i have no fuckin' clue."
ran feels a bit stupid. he feels like he should've fuckin' known. the random bi– sorry, moodiness–, crying over anything, the vomiting, the fucking jeans that didn't fit and made you cry... how had he not realized??
admittedly, ran had gotten girls pregnant before. he'd even told you about it vaguely, never wanting to hide who he was from you, who he used to be. receiving an “i’m pregnant” text used to hardly even phase him. each time, he would simply shell out some money to make sure they'd handle it, then promptly ghost them and move the fuck on. the situation had been nothing more than a minor inconvenience, a problem neither him nor any of the women he'd been sleeping with had any difference in opinion about how to deal with.
but now he was with you. and he wasn't so sure that he wanted to do away with this like he had been so used to doing. and, more importantly, what did you want to do? the doctor said she'd told you already it was 99% sure, so why the fuck hadn't you said anything to him?? he didn't want to face the most obvious answer.
you obviously didn't want that with him.
"i'm gonna go," ran croaks, throat suddenly tight and dry. without waiting for any acknowledgement, he disappears out of the office and leaves the club through the back door.
ran would never admit it, but he had spent many nights lying awake thinking about the future he hoped to have with you. getting married, buying a house, growing old together... a huge part of it always included having a kid with you. he loved imagining how you’d be as a mother. he was sure the kindness and patience you showed him on a daily basis would only increase for your child. sure you loved him, but it almost made him jealous sometimes to imagine how much you'd love that fuckin' kid.
sitting in his car, ran realizes the reality of your pregnancy is not anything like he'd imagined. he's not feeling overjoyed. he's not rushing over to kiss you and celebrate. instead, you're hiding the pregnancy from him, alone at your apartment instead of with him at his and he's sitting in his car outside sanzu's fucking strip club. ran feels cheated somehow. why didn't you tell him?
of course he understood if you didn't want to have his baby, as much as that would tear him up inside. he knew he wasn't dad material; his business was dangerous, the lifestyle he'd led for so long was definitely not suited for children. as many nights as he'd spent imagining being a dad, he'd spent just as many worrying about not being good at it.
what would he do if he ended up being a shitty dad like his own had been?
you were his complete opposite: soft, understanding, empathetic. you'd be an incredible parent, you'd make it look effortless. and he would probably just fuck his kid up or leave.
ran presses his fingers against his temples, as if trying to physically work the thoughts out of his head. one thing was clear, he needed to talk to you. soon. immediately. before he can talk himself out of it, he turns on his car and zooms over to your place. ------------------------------------------------------------------
you try your best to ignore the knocking at your front door but the sound won't let up. dragging yourself out of bed, you shuffle through your apartment and open the front door without checking who it is.
"i think you owe me an explanation, sweetheart."
the words are said so calmly but they still make you want to physically leap away. ran looks disheveled, frustrated, and honestly, close to tears. he's watching you with a blank expression but you know him well enough to see the hurt in his eyes.
"come inside," you mumble, leading him toward the couch. he follows wordlessly and the two of you sit on opposite sides, facing each other.
"why didn't you tell me you're pregnant?" he asks, getting straight to the point.
you pull your knees up to your chest, hugging them tightly, "i don't know."
"that's a shit answer and you know it," he snarls.
"i don't know!" you repeat, louder. "i panicked, honestly. i still don't know how i feel about it, and i didn't know how you were going to react..."
"but you should have told me, baby," ran's fists are clenched at his sides as he tries to keep himself calm. "we don't keep shit from each other especially not important shit like this!"
"don't yell at me!" you feel tears prickle in your eyes. "i got fucking scared of what you might think. and i had to know what i wanted before i talked to you. and, honestly, i figured i could probably guess what you'd want right now and that it was not being a father. sorry if that was so wrong."
"i can be a fuckin' father."
"well, just because you can doesn't mean you should."
the words strike him like a slap in the face. "i see."
"ran," you regret the words the moment they're out of your mouth. "i don't mean that. i just, i'm so fuckin' confused, i don't mean to–"
"nah, you don't sound confused," he smiles darkly, condescending. "it sounds like you know exactly what the fuck you want."
"don't do that," you cross your arms tightly over your chest. "don't make me the fuckin' bad guy just for being scared."
"you? scared??" ran asks incredulously, sarcasm dripping from his words. "of what?"
"um, i don't know, of growing a fucking human being?" you sputter. "of having to clothe it, and feed it, and raise it to help it become an actual person without fucking it up??"
"oh, please, you're gonna be fuckin' mother of the year and raise the happiest, smartest, most well adjusted little brat in history."
"but you don't know that."
"i do," he bites back. "and so do you. fuckin' admit it, you're scared you might be stuck with a guy who's gonna fuck up your kid."
"ran!" you recoil in shock at his words. "is that really what you think??"
he lays his head back against the couch cushion, deflating, "it's obvious. why else would you hide it?"
you watch him sink back into the couch, notice how his jaw clenches and unclenches under the skin of his face. he's so tense you can practically feel it radiate off of him.
"can i–?" you start to move toward him. he's tired himself out now, said everything he needed to say. he nods in defeat and you climb onto his lap.
you tuck your head under his chin, curling up against his chest. just having you in his arms– having your body so close to his– calms him down significantly. ran has always said that none of the bonten men would ever believe how quickly he loses fights when they're with you. the man who would be excited to take on an entire gang on his own and maybe even actually stand a chance of winning, folds immediately at the hands of one woman.
your hand cups his cheek tenderly. he leans into the touch, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "you know i love you more than anything, right?"
he's surprised by the words, especially right now. he felt the same way about you, but doesn't usually think about or assume that it's reciprocated. god forbid he got too comfortable and something happened to prove him wrong.
"you have so much love to give, ran," you hug yourself closer to him. "you protect the people you love with everything you have. our kid is gonna be so lucky to have you as a dad."
he's silent for a few moments, then groans out a soft "fuck" that almost makes you laugh.
"you were caught off guard, too," his voice is low, the words are coming out slowly, like he's analyzing each one individually.
"i made it about my fuckin' self when you were just... also scared. jesus christ.
"mhm," you mumble. he rubs your back as he senses you aren't mad at him, "why do i do that shit? i almost fuckin' blew it."
"no, baby," you reassure him. "you didn't. and i obviously wouldn't let you get away that easily."
"oh yeah?" he smirks, heart soaring with the chance to speak normally with you for the first time in what has felt like many weeks. "think you've got me locked down now that you're my baby mama?"
"shut up," you burst out laughing. he kisses your forehead lovingly.
"you know, if it's not the right time now, we don't have to rush it," he tucks your head under his chin. "we can try again when we're ready."
"maybe we're ready now," you say softly. ran doesn't reply. he must've misheard you.
"now?" he repeats.
"you're gonna be good at this," you turn your body to straddle his waist. "our kid is gonna love you so much."
ran takes a shaky breath as he smiles at you. "you think?"
"obviously," you nod enthusiastically. "because i'm the one cooking him and i love you so much."
"there's a lot i'd like to unpack there."
"too bad," you giggle, hopping off his lap. "i'm hungry and you were mean to me."
ran reaches for his phone to order dinner, "yes, mrs. haitani."
"not quite."
"not yet."
"okay, honey. one thing at a time."
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1plus1kiyoomi · 3 years
Chapter 11: Room
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When it comes to brain size in relation to body dimensions, Chihuahuas have the largest brains of all dog breeds.
Like human babies, Chihuahua puppies are born with a soft spot on the top of the skull called a molera. It usually closes within a year, but some dogs will retain the molera throughout their life.
Chihuahuas are believed to be descendants of an ancient breed, the techichi. Toltecs in Mexico kept these pups as lap dogs as early as the 9th century CE.
Rice from ilysb was based on my dog Chihuahua. 🥰
Taglist: @amberalisa @mint-mai @134340-cm @quietsimp @anejuuuuoy @kurokawa-aida @gooseyhouse @youpieceofwasabi @bbkiyoomi @chaelysian @chichibia @elianetsantana @maitenight @moonlightaangel @captaincyberqueen @tchalameme @laughingismorefun @tsukkinginamo @keiarma @agaashesmilktea @itsimjaebeomsforehead @rogueariadne @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @yamayoomi @tendo-sxtori @its-the-aerieljeane @karasuqueen @omibaby @graykageyama @koofii @belongtothewcrld @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @tsukkiswifeey @qangaji @oohcherry @yongboxerrr @kellesvt @tsukkisfatsimp @ssunasimpp @hollypastl @merrdlp @iish @bakugoandkageyamaswife @re-i-chel @yqshirov @katxsukishima @toaster-stick @kodzukken5 @erinoikawa @hxked @thesuitelifeofafangirl
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
It's Like "She's the Man" (but worse)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vejJ8K
by hollypastl
you're doing a solid for your bro and atsumu ends up questioning his sexuality
Words: 3061, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Miya Atsumu
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Reader
Additional Tags: mentions of osamu being bi, suna is a memelord, Oh also, slightly larger mentions of atsumu THINKING he's mlm, trigger warning that reader is a gamer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2vejJ8K
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sabbywrites · 6 years
ME TOO FOR THAT PREVIOUS ASK YOU ANSWERED: I haven't even read the new asid chapter but DAMN i'm so excited to read it when I have the time to read it all in one go. I don't even like hanamaki all that much but I know everything you write is god tier so here i go. actual question: is this the longest chapter so far in asid, or is it another chapter?
AHHHHHHHH YOURE SO NICE WTF T.T I really hope you enjoyed it!!!
And to answer your question-- yes, it is the longest! The second longest is the Oikawa demon king chapter, which was around 14k!
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hq-bnha-hcs · 6 years
about Hawk's height: theres the one panel of him walking next to Endeavor and he's canonically 6'4, so someone used this website where you can compare heights and ta da presto Hawks is smol
o i saw that post and i remember reading that page but i just thought that was them using the info to create a visual, lmao thank you for explaining!
i really hope horikoshi releases a character info sheet for hawks, id also like to know his real name
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1plus1kiyoomi · 3 years
Chapter 10: Wrong Account
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“Doughnut” is the more traditional spelling, although its shortened form, “donut,” is also acceptable.
A glazed doughnut has about 240 calories, of which 120 are from fat.
The longest line of donuts ever recorded stretched 1,841 feet 10 inches in Berlin on April 27, 2014.
The largest serving of donuts weighed a whopping 1,470 pounds in Kazakhstan on November 2, 2013.
The world’s most expensive donut is made of 24k edible gold, edible diamonds, and aged chocolate balsamic vinegar. The remaining ingredients are top secret. They sell for $100 a piece.
Taglist: @amberalisa @mint-mai @134340-cm @quietsimp @anejuuuuoy @kurokawa-aida @gooseyhouse @youpieceofwasabi @bbkiyoomi @chaelysian @chichibia @elianetsantana @maitenight @moonlightaangel @captaincyberqueen @tchalameme @laughingismorefun @tsukkinginamo @keiarma @agaashesmilktea @itsimjaebeomsforehead @rogueariadne @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @yamayoomi @tendo-sxtori @its-the-aerieljeane @karasuqueen @omibaby @graykageyama @koofii @belongtothewcrld @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @tsukkiswifeey @qangaji @oohcherry @yongboxerrr @kellesvt @tsukkisfatsimp @ssunasimpp @hollypastl @merrdlp @iish @bakugoandkageyamaswife @re-i-chel @yqshirov @katxsukishima @toaster-stick @kodzukken5 @erinoikawa @hxked @thesuitelifeofafangirl @miyacentral @marvelousbakugou @erens-piss-cleaner
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mizumelona · 4 years
set me up | atsumu x reader
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SYNOPSIS: You’re an ambitious career woman, who’s got everything…except a significant other. Your mom, sick of you showing up to family functions alone, sets you up on a series of (terrible) blind dates. You make these dates meet you at your favorite restaurant, Onigiri Miya, but for some reason the owner’s jerk of a twin brother always happens to be there exactly when things crash and burn.
NOTE: Hello? Remember me? Did ya’ll think I’d dropped this. Ahhh Sorry for being slow. I felt like I had to take my time with this chapter since it’s the last one! (In the main story. I’m still planning on having an epilogue). Thanks for being patient! I’m so excited to finally share this with you all!
TAGLIST: @awkwardali6106​ @kasandrafaye​ @veggytaled​ @svtbitch​ @stinkyobeymerat​ @hollypastl​ @differentballooncollection​ @o51oc​ @sunboikyo00 @justxanotherxshipper​ @kaisemieita @rizamendoza808 @tomo-uwu​ @sugardaddykenma​ @celinafeng@ravioliplease​ @thatpersonwithissues​ @humanbobjeanpants​ @suteorra​ @jh-bee​​ @haikyuu-blondes @of-heroes-and-dreams 
Atsumu’s car flew down the highway toward your aunt's house.
It was a bright day. You observed the puffy clouds spread across the sky through the window of Atsumu’s truck. It was an older Tacoma model but somehow it had a fresh leathery smell. You could tell that Atsumu treated this thing like his baby. As shitty as his personality was, you couldn’t deny that Atsumu seemed like a pretty reliable guy.
You looked over at him in the driver's seat. He was sitting with his left hand on the wheel and his right arm slung over the back of your chair. He was wearing a white button-down with the sleeves pushed up tucked into some dark jeans.
The sun was catching on his hair, dancing along its golden waves as he bobbed his head to the guitar riff playing on the speakers. The first few chords of a new song started. It was that one Megan Thee Stallion song that was always on the radio lately. Huh, you never really pegged Atsumu to be into rap.
You were about to go back to staring out the window when Atsumu turned to you and drawled in unison with the speakers, “I’m that bitch~”
You made an incredulous face. He looked over at you with a smirk but didn’t stop. “Been that bitch, still that bitch~”
You burst out laughing and then decided to chime in, “Will forever be that bitch~”
Atsumu flashed a bigger smile, his face turning a little red from trying not to laugh. You had trouble keeping up between your cackles. He was nodding his head and waving his right hand along to the beat. For the next few minutes, you both vibes along with the song until it finished. Once it did Atsumu turned to you with a snicker, “You’re not half bad sweetheart”
“Of course not”, you said crossing your arms. “I am that bitch. And apparently, you are too”, you snickered.
With a sigh you looked out the window, realizing that you were getting close to your aunt's house now. Suddenly it hit you that you were really going through with this. Was it a stupid idea? Would things go terribly wrong? Would someone see through the act and call you out? Your forehead went tense as you imagined all the worst-case scenarios for what could happen.
“Oho it’s a little too late to be gettin’ cold feet”, Atsumu said, clearly reading your thoughts.
“Hnnng”, you grumbled and massaged your temples.
“And anyway”, Atsumu continued, “isn’t this what ya wanted. It’s gonna be fun. Trust me” He turned to you with a boyish grin as he said that, the kind that made your heartbeat just a little bit faster.
Jeez. This guy. It was all your idea, so why did he sound more excited about it than you were?
“Plus. You’ve got me on your side. Makin’ my teammates shine is my special skill.”, Atsumu said with a smirk. Nevermind, he definitely wasn’t cute. Just your every day egotistical asshole. And now your nerves were back. Rip.
“This isn’t volleyball!” You quipped back. “Also slow the fuck down! We’re getting close to the house!”
“Wait, what! Which house!”, Atsumu exclaimed, slamming on the breaks.
“The blue one- No! Not that blue one the other blue one!”
Atsumu pulled the truck into the driveway with a screech. You lurched forward but your seatbelt stopped you from flying into the dash. You were about to flip out at him when you noticed your jerk cousin sticking his head out of the door inspecting the truck. Right. He probably didn’t recognize Atsumu’s truck. Hehe. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.
You looked nervously at Atsumu, but he didn’t seem worried at all. If anything he seemed giddy.
“Ya ready?”, Atsumu said, his eyes glinting.
“Of course”, you said, giving him a sly smile.
You both opened your doors and got out of the truck. As you fixed your hair, Atsumu jogged around to your side of the car and snaked his arm around your waist. You raised your eyebrows at him. He leaned down so his lips brushed against your ear and whispered, “let’s have fun with this”
He then moved his lips from your ear to your face and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. You felt your face flush. He smirked and whispered in your ear again. “That was pretty cute. Didn’t take you as the type get flustered easily”
Was that a challenge? You glanced at your cousin who was still gaping at the doorway and smiled. If that’s how this was going to be, game on. You wrapped your arm around Atsumu and leaned your head against his chest, as you two made your way to the entrance.
“Hey cuz!”, you called out.
“Hey”, he absentmindedly responded, staring at Atsumu. “Who…is this?”
“Oh! This is my boyfriend, Atsumu.”, you said with extra emphasis on the word boyfriend.
“Nice ta meet ya”, Atsumu held out his hand.
Your cousin still looked confused as fuck. To be fair it’d been several years since you’d last been in a relationship and even then you rarely brought your significant others to family parties. In a way, fake-or-not, bringing Atsumu today was a first.
You pulled Atsumu past your dumbstruck cousin, through your aunt’s house toward the backyard where brunch was about to start. You both paused in the doorway taking in the sight. When it came to stuff like this, your family was unapologetically extra. Flowers were arranged and the nice dishware was set out at the large table on the left side of the space where most of your family was seated chatting. Atsumu’s eyes lingered on the volleyball net that was set up on the opposite end of the yard.
You took a few steps ahead of Atsumu, making your way through the door and down the stairs into the yard when your foot slipped. “Woah there!”, Atsumu exclaimed, lunging forward and looping his arm around your waist to prevent you from toppling over the side of the little staircase and into your aunt’s flowerbed. “Jeez that was a close one sweetheart”, he told you with a grin and a chuckle.
“T-thanks”, you stuttered out, hyperaware of how the chatter in the space had suddenly died down. Your aunts and cousins exchanged sly smiles and incredulous looks at the scene in front of them. You gulped. Atsumu beamed.
“Y/n?”, your mom called out looking bewildered. She glanced from you to Atsumu then back to you. “Who is this?”
“I’m her boyfriend, Atsumu. Nice to meet ya. Hope I’m not intrudin’”, Atsumu said with a toothy grin.
“Oh no. Not at all! Come sit down!”, your mom ran up to you both and got you situated next to each other at the table.
“I told you”, one of your aunties whispered loudly to your mom. The kind of whisper that was meant to be heard.
“You told her what?”, you asked.
“That you had a boyfriend. I heard all about it from Daisuke’s mom”, she said with a satisfied shrug.
“You did?”, you said, incredulous. The aunties’ gossip was next level. How did they already hear about that?
“I heard some guy crashed your date with Daisuke to declare his love for you”, she replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Atsumu coughed and looked at you raising an eyebrow. You suppressed a snicker.
“He said what?”, Atsumu said, trying to keep up his dashing smile but his irritation was clearly showing through. You had to suppress another snicker. He was always going on about how fake your smiles were but let’s be real, he was worse. His fake smile intensified and he inconspicuously kicked you under the table, but you just returned the favor and smiled wider. Oh the beauty of gossip.
Your aunt continued, “I also heard that Daisuke was going to fight the guy so you dumped water on him” Now it was Atsumu’s turn to laugh. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. What the hell Daisuke? Talk about a two-faced snake.
“I did what?”, you exclaimed with a scoff.
“And that after you ran off together into the sunset”, your aunt concluded the story. You and Atsumu sat dumbfounded. What kind of warped tale was this? Your aunt leaned closer and asked, “You’re her secret boyfriend right?”
Atsumu thought for a second then looked at you with a devious smirk. While the rumors were wild, they weren’t exactly bad. After all, you were here to convince your family that you and Atsumu were having a sweeping romance. Why not lean into it? You smiled back him and somehow knew you were on the same wavelength. Atsumu put his arm around your shoulder and replied, “Well I guess it’s no secret anymore, but yeah it’s true. I’m absolutely crazy about her”
“And apparently, I’m a little crazy for him too”, you added. You leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Atsumu’s cheek. As you pulled away, you noticed that despite his nonchalant smirk his cheeks were turning pink. For all his big talk, he got flustered this easily? Maybe you should tease him more often.
You reached for his hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze as the meal began. Atsumu turned to you looking a little surprised, then rubbed your palm with his thumb and squeezed your hand back.
“I’m gonna go make myself a drink”, you excused from yourself from the table, leaving Atsumu who was chatting animatedly with your aunties. You made your way over to the drink table and poured yourself a cup. Your asshole cousin, seemingly recovered from the shock of your entrance, walked up to the table and poured himself a drink too.
“So”, he said pausing to take a sip, “How’d you meet this guy anyways. You were definitely single at my wedding three weeks ago.”
“Why do you sound so suspicious? We just kept running into each other. It was like fate or something”, you said making a grand gesture with your cup.
Your cousin scoffed. “Hah fate? Are you kidding? There’s no way.”
“You’re real funny ain'tcha?”, Atsumu appeared wrapping you from behind in an embrace. You tensed up, surprised by his sneaky hug. Something told you this was payback for earlier.
Your cousin rolled his eyes and turned to Atsumu, “Tell the truth buddy, did she bribe you to come with her today?
“Nah she didn’t, but if I knew you were gonna be here, she might’ve had to”, Atsumu said with a menacing chuckle, “I’m kiddin’”
You snickered.
Suddenly, a volleyball flew in your direction. Before it could hit anyone, Atsumu crouched down and bumped it back in the direction it came from, where a bunch of the kids had been passing it back and forth.
“Watch it kiddos”, he shouted as he returned the ball.
“Thanks, mister”, one of the kids shouted back.
“Nice”, your cousin said with a smirk. “Do you play?”
“Yeah I do”, Atsumu said, fixing his hair.
“Hah. Same. I played for the club team back in university. Hey, do you wanna round some people up and play a little match?”, Your cousin nodded in the direction of the net.
You looked at Atsumu skeptically. No matter how you looked at it it wasn’t exactly fair for a pro-player to go up against a bunch of amateurs. Then again, Atsumu was here for the sole purpose of being petty…
“Sure. Why not?”, Atsumu accepted the offer and winked at you.
Soon Atsumu and your cousin had gathered two teams of three people on either side of the net and a small crowd of children to watch. You were watching seated from the table with your mom and a few other aunties.
“Hey lover boy, I’ll let you serve first”, your cousin shouted, tossing the ball to Atsumu. Atsumu adeptly caught the ball and deviously smiled in your direction. You held a hand over your mouth covering your smile. Your shitty cousin had no idea what he was getting into.
Atsumu stalked away from the net then stopped. You thought back to his little serve routine at his game and stifled a giggle. There was no way. He wasn’t going to do it. Not here. Not to a bunch of 8-year-olds. He turned back with a serious face and snapped his hand up into a fist. The kids looked around awkwardly.
“PFTTT”, you nearly did a spit take. LMAO did he really just try to silence a bunch of 8-year-olds. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from full-on wheezing. Your mom gave you a concerned look, so you took a deep breath and tried to pull yourself together.
“So”, the gossiping aunty from earlier turned to you and asked, “What does your boyfriend do?”
“Oh, Atsumu?”, you smiled and watched as Atsumu leaped into the air and slammed his hand into the ball. “He’s a pro-volleyball player”. Everyone at the tables eyes went wide and swung to look the scene at the makeshift volleyball court.
Bang! The ball went flying over the net. You really shouldn’t have laughed, but after all the shit he put you through you couldn’t help the cackle that escaped your lips as you saw the incredulous look on your cousin's face as the ball came barreling in his direction. It slammed into his gut with a dull thud that had him doubled over wheezing.
“Shit man sorry about that.” Atsumu jogged up to the net and rubbed the back of his head bashfully. “I’ll tone it down next time” As he jogged back into position, Atsumu sneakily winked at you. Jeez, what an asshole…but maybe…it wasn’t so bad to have an asshole on your side. To be fair you were kind of a bitch yourself. Honestly together you made a compatible pair. A power couple... A couple huh? You didn’t mind the thought. Maybe even more than that. Maybe you liked it. Because even though today was just supposed to be fun and games maybe, just maybe…you wanted it to be real. Maybe, you liked him for real. Shit. You bit your lip.
“It was great ta meet ya’ll today”, Atsumu waved goodbye to your family and made his way back to his car.
Your cousin grimaced at him through the doorway. Your mom was literally glowing as she waved goodbye. As you ran up to give her a goodbye hug she whispered in your ear, “You are going to fill me in on this later. I don’t know where you found him, but don’t let him get away!”
You smiled and whispered back, “Okay” Well, you couldn’t exactly let your mom down could you? And it’s not like you wanted him to get away either. You made up your mind. There was only one thing to do now.
You and Atsumu got back into his truck and started driving away. The sun was high in the sky now.
“Phew”, you sunk into your seat.
“Tired?”, Atsumu reached over ruffling your hair. You slapped his hand away. He pulled back with a chuckle.
“Just a bit”, you said resting your cheek on your hand propped against the door. “Hey. Thanks for today. For everything”
“No problem sweetheart”, Atsumu said, still focused on the road.
“I can’t believe you tried to silence the kids though. That was fucking hilarious”, you snickered remembering the sight.
“What? It’s my ritual. Can’t serve without it”, Atsumu argued.
“Fine. fine. Also, that serve was hilarious. Thanks for that too”, you chuckled remembering that too.
“I have no idea what you're talkin’ about”, Atsumu said with a sly smile and wink.
“Riiight”, you said rolling your eyes.
“Back to your apartment sweetheart?”, Atsumu asked.
“Hm, can we actually go for a little detour?”
Atsumu raised his eyebrows, “Oh, where d’ya wanna go?”
“I dunno…anywhere?”, you weakly suggested. Atsumu tilted his head, looking even more confused. You continued, “I just don’t feel like going home just yet”
“…Okay”, he had a mischievous smile, "Then I’ll take ya to my special spot.”
“Ooo. Special spot? Wonder where it could be”, you rolled down the window letting the breeze blow through your hair.
“Y’know when you said you were gonna take me to your special spot somehow I thought it was going to be I dunno...cool?”, you deadpanned.
“What! This is totally cool!”, Atsumu exclaimed.
“This is the dingy back parking lot of the volleyball stadium!”, you exclaimed back, motioning to your surroundings. Yep, he’d brought you to the empty parking lot behind Sendai stadium. It was just you two in the truck and the dumpster across the lot. So romantic.
“It’s my special spot!”, Atsumu grumbled.
“…”, You didn’t know what to say to this idiot. You fell for this guy? This guy? Talk about a volleybaka.
“…it’s even more special because this is where we had our first date”, Atsumu continued grumbling.
“Date?”, you asked. Did he really think of that time as a date? Was he just messing around again? You couldn’t keep leaving things ambiguous. You snapped, “Party’s over lemon head, you can drop the act now.”
“Right…”, Atsumu sighed and scowled. Maybe that was a little harsh, but you needed to get real with him right now.
You steeled yourself and turned to him, ”Hey Atsumu. I’m done acting, so can you hear me out for real?”
“…Sure?”, Atsumu propped his cheek on his knuckles, his elbow resting on the steering wheel.
“When I first met you”, You tentatively started, “I thought you were a complete asshole”
“Well jeez thanks”, his face turned even more sour.
“As we kept running into each other”, You continued. Atsumu’s face lit up. “I was even more convinced you were an asshole”
He grimaced and looked down. “You really had me in the first half the-“
“You’re a big, fat, petty, asshole BUT I’m also a greedy, irritable bitch.”, Atsumu looked up and raised his eyebrows. You kept going, “When I’m with you I feel like I can just be my realest, nastiest self and it’ll be okay”
You sighed and smiled a genuine smile at him, “It’s like I can finally take a breath y’know. Be at ease. And because I’m not afraid of coming off as nasty, I have the space to be sweet if I want to, to be comfortable. And the more comfortable I got around you the more I realized you could be sweet and sincere too”
You turned and looked him straight in the eyes. You had to see his reaction to what you were about to say next. “I know I asked you to come today so we could mess around and be petty but”, you paused then squeezed the final words out, “but I think I like you for real”
You stared intently at him, trying to read his expression. To deduce his feelings, predict his response. What was he thinking? For a second his expression didn’t change at all, then he sighed an exasperated sigh, and a small grin spread across his lips.
“Jeez [y/n] that ain’t fair”, Atsumu raked his fingers through his hair and pouted. “You weren’t supposta beat me to it!”
“Huh?”, you paused, not knowing what to make of it. Beat him to it?
Atsumu started speaking, “I’m a jerk and I know it. I don’t care. It makes me stronger this way. Usually, people back off or scold me once they realize I’m an asshole, but you’re never afraid to play dirty.” He stopped to chuckle. “It was kinda charming. I thought that was all there was to my feelings for you: a little sexy rivalry. But lately, that changed…”
Atsumu bit his lip before continuing. “I hate losers…even if that loser is me, but with you…”, he sighed. “Did ya really expect me not to fall for ya? You, the girl who makes me feel cool even when I’m a loser” His face flushed and he smiled but he also looked like he was on the verge of tears. “I didn’t think somethin’ like that could ever happen. Do you know how crazy that feels? For everything you thought you knew about yourself to be flipped upside down like that?” He looked straight at you with determination. You couldn’t turn away. “That’s why I’m sure. I like you. I like you for real”
Atsumu smiled a vulnerable, boyish smile. It looked so different on him from his usual devious smirks. You sat with your mouth agape.
After sitting in silence for what felt like it could be an eternity you finally spoke up, “…So we both like each other”
“Guess so sweetheart”, He shrugged, some mischief creeping into his tone. Classic Atsumu. He bit his lip, seemingly deciding on something and spoke, “Hey, there’s one thing I really don’t want ya to beat me to…if you’ll let me”
He leaned over the console, cupping his hand around your cheek. His hand was warm. You shivered at the touch.
“Can I?”, he asked.
You smiled and leaned toward him, but he swiftly pulled away.
“Woah woah I said I wanted to beat you to it!”
He closed the distance between you.
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
He's A Multitasker Of Sorts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GNmQa4
by hollypastl
Just a series of drabbles about a girl and her asshole of a wonderful boyfriend.
Words: 1861, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Miya Atsumu
Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Original Female Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GNmQa4
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pentapoda · 6 years
people came to register all the seniors in my gov class! Can I get a happy sakura?
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Thanks for registering! (x)
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5sos-au-imagines · 9 years
OK now you HAVE to make a third part to the doctor who au pls pls pls
i’m going to call it a time travel au so people aren’t put off by the doctor who thing but i’m so in love with part 3, i’m so happy this was requested
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1plus1kiyoomi · 3 years
Chapter 6: Knees
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Taglist: @amberalisa @mint-mai @134340-cm @quietsimp @anejuuuuoy @kurokawa-aida @gooseyhouse @youpieceofwasabi @bbkiyoomi @chaelysian @chichibia @elianetsantana @maitenight @moonlightaangel @captaincyberqueen @tchalameme @laughingismorefun @tsukkinginamo @keiarma @agaashesmilktea @itsimjaebeomsforehead @rogueariadne @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @yamayoomi @tendo-sxtori @its-the-aerieljeane @karasuqueen @omibaby @graykageyama @koofii @belongtothewcrld @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @tsukkiswifeey @qangaji @oohcherry @yongboxerrr @kellesvt @tsukkisfatsimp @ssunasimpp @hollypastl @merrdlp @iish @bakugoandkageyamaswife @re-i-chel @yqshirov @fukurodianthus @toaster-stick @kodzukken5 @erinoikawa @hxked @thesuitelifeofafangirl
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