#heyo... 😏
fuckmeyer · 8 months
Ok I have way more to say about ur eclipse rewrite than just this but for rn I just gotta say. the DRAMA of Edward wearing a silk tie to his date with Bella. Of course he did.
he knows what he's doing 😏
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rascalentertainments · 4 months
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Found some extra shots from the cut Starboy scene! The scene is longer on digital and DVD, but I managed to get these. I think it shows how Star changed shape underwater after they escape Queen Amaya. God, Starboy was just so awesome....The last pic is giving me the "At All Costs" vibe, for real! 😍
Heyo, @annymation! 😏😉
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serxinns · 4 months
Teachers Kid pt 2: Meeting the class
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Requested by @tell-me-whyyyy-am-i-here
"Ua high.." you thought to yourself while standing in silence staring in wonder at the gate it was so much larger than on TV you kept staring blankly until your dad snapped you out of your thoughts "So are you just gonna keep standing there or are we gonna go in" he teased you did a playful glare at him he chuckled in Respond the two of you want to the gates at the entrance were waiting for a small mouse it had a big scar on his left eye wearing a suit smiling warmly and there was
"Greetings y/n l/n and welcome Ua" He held out his hand as you both shaked "I heard lots of things about you I'm sure you're gonna like it here and your classmates I heard they're eager to meet you" Nezu excitingly said
You smiled excited to be here Aizawa forming a small smile under his scarves glad that the 2 of you were getting along,
You arrived at the classroom you heard a mix of yelling chattering and talking when Aizawa and Nezu walked in 1st everyone stopped what they were doing and it became quiet "Class I would like your attention please we have a new student you'd like to meet" Aziawa motioned you to come here you took a deep breath and walked up to him and Aizawa placed his hand on your shoulder "Class this is y/n Aizawa my child"
"Hi everyone" you lazily smiled brightly waving some of the classmates were blushing most were smiling and waving back "My dad would tell me everything about you all lemme guess your izuku correct?" you pointed at the green haired freckled boy who blushed madly they noticed him?! "y-Yea that's me!" "And your jirou am I correct?" jirou was surprise and blushed as well "Uh yeah nice to meet you" your father was getting a little jealous "Well before they sat down do you have any questions you have 5 mi-"
"do you have sensei's quirk? Or your moms quirk or your dads quirk or both "
"where did you get your good looks from 😏"
"how did you survive being raised by him?!"
"is he your mean grandfather?"
As you were getting bombarded by a bunch of questions by your classmates trying to answer one by one your dad was getting jealous and also mad at the old Questions he doesn't look that old right? (yes yes you do) "Alright class I think you asked enough questions kid go to your seat by the red haired kid right there" Kirishima exictidely raised his hand to signal where you were while the rest of them whined a bit wanting to sit right next to you
At hero training, you were doing stretches and getting ready for the sparing you tsuyu was gonna be ur training partner the two of you were having it out tsuyu managed to get a few hits on you but you were able to tackle and pin her down with ease
"sorry if I went to hard on you" you handed her your extra water bottle tsuyu and started at you what felt like forever admiring you beauty even if you were sweaty she snapped out of her thoughts and took the water bottle "T-Thank you *Kero*" "hey you're that frog girl tsuyu right? Ur quirk is so cool!" tsuyu was literally turning red you were so cute and you called her coll you were gonna kill her before the heat did the two of you began to talk about your favorite interest and hobbies etc the more you and her talked the more interested and obsessed tsuyu became wanting to know you more and more
At lunch, you were walking around to see if there was an empty seat nearby but a bit with a blackbird head motioned you to come sit with them "Wow thanks! You must be tokoyami, Shoji am I right?" the boy was shocked but nodded "Yes I am and this is Dark shadow" a bird-like shadow emerge from behind his back giving you a friendly wave "Heyo! Woah is that the teacher's kid you've been blushing about?" Tokoyami blushed telling Dark Shadow to shut it you chuckled
After that day forwards you met and formed a bond with each of your classmates and some teachers
Kirishima was your hype man he tries to act so tough and cool around you but inside he's a lovesick puppy who always admires you blushing when you're near he always encourages you to follow your dreams he even kept anyting you drop to be pit in his collection
Momo loves to spoil you even without mountains of expensive gifts she always wants to take you out somewhere weather be the mall or somewhere you like it doesn't matter she just wants to be the two of you and if anyone tries to join as well she'll decline at 1st but if you want them too then it's ok just don't expect her to be moody the whole time
Bakugo always tries to tease you and mess with you cause he doesn't know how to show positive feelings toward people so he often messes with you or insults you but not too hard as the other and if anyone even agrees with his insult then he'll threaten them to fuck of the always force you to sit near him whenever your hanging out with the bakusquad saying he doesn't want you to catch his group's "dumbass behavior"
Mina is always clinging onto you wanting to do various activities together whether be nail painting or gossiping she wants to do those with you she's kinda of okay with other class 1a girls wanting to join as well that means she could show off how your hers! (which the girls don't like) if your spending too much time with other students not in the class she'll try to make some excuse like she doesn't know this while pulling you away while glaring at the person
Tokoyami and you get along pretty well due to your laid back and calm deamor so the two of you would occasionally hang out at quiet places sometime will invite shoji as well and of 3 of you would either read book, talk about your interest, or study, tokoyami always have a habit of staring at you while your focusing on something your calm relax expression makes him blush
Sero and you would joke often be laid back and asking dumbass questions to each other while giggling at each other Sero may be a laid back prob the most normal but on the inside dude is possessive, obsessive, and clingy he always wants you to cuddle up onto him and would use the "eh it's fine friends do that" and once you're laying on a chest without a caring dude is just blushing breathing heavily thinking fantasizing all the things he can do to you not caring about the game but if you notice he gets a little too weird he apologies repeatedly embarrassed of himself
Heck even The principal likes you whenever you walk by him he always gives you a warm smile and a gentle wave always hugging you and whenever Aizawa talks about your achievements even if it was small he'll still give you little gifts of his own and praise you for your hard work he would invite you to eat with him in the teachers lougue and the other teachers never question it he even has a photo frame of you which says "Favorite child" he always stares at it so proudly
The present mic would be like a fun uncle making the two of you tease or prank your father one time the two of you swapped his hero suit with a cat onesie, the two of you spammed cat memes and gay memes on his phone endlessly, but the mic is always affection always giving you big hugs if you ever feel sad he's your therapist and tries to cheer you up and if anyone in the school hurts your feelings let's say they're gonna have stacks of homework and a harsh lecture until their ears bleed
The classmates would always argue about who will spend time with who turning it into a whole war war while you just laid back watching it your father would come in and punish them all they whined cause they failed but don't worry they'll impress their darling one day and and your gonna be theirs only theirs
While the class was fighting you ran away to sit and eat lunch with nezu which he was very happy
Taglist: @tell-me-whyyyy-am-i-here @stickystarfishmoon
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 3 months
Heyo, thirsty anon here
Absolutely drooling over ur fics 🤤 🛐🛐🛐You can totally tell Jing Yuan if my fav-
Like the other anon said, I LOVE UR DETAILS ONG 😫
So, imagine Jing Yuan gets exposed to some heat/rut accelerant that sanctus medicus got their hands on (bc yn, abundance = get them kids) Bonus points if his mate is coincidentally going through their heat 😏. Feral Jing Yuan has been on my mind all night lmao.
You should be called "Thirsty for Jing Yuan" anon dang! XD
CW: omegaverse, nsfw
Let's go with this is a direct attack from Sanctus Medicus as a last resort that they flood the Seat Of Divine Foresight with a gas that triggers heats and ruts. It's chaos but they manage to catch the culprit and get everyone to safety. However Jing Yuan was exposed to the brunt of the gas and while he appears rather calm he's holding on by a thread to his control.
He gives his orders before being escorted to his home. Yanqing wants to stay by his side but with one look he's booking it out of there, he's seen enough. His omega smells him before they see him and though they're a bit out of it from their heat their concern is more potent than their lust.
They welcome him into their nest and start fussing over him while Jing Yuan tries to explain the situation to the best of his ability trying to keep his hands to himself lest he lose control. As soon as he let's his omega knows how badly he needs them they just launch themselves at him and it's just free game from there.
He's taking them in whatever way he can bend them and he'll keep rutting into them even if he's not hard. He's all over them and his omega lives for every second of it.
By the end of it all they're both covered and or filled with cum and thoroughly worn out from it all. Jing Yuan extends his leave just to recover with his omega and pamper them for what he put them through.
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southparkhcsocs · 3 months
Heyo babes!
I've Been ill! Like incredibly so
But now I can actually look at a screen again! Yaay
Here's a wip and a question! Who would you like to see as a bg character in this panel? Lemme know! Wanna make this party a party 😏
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bloodweep · 5 months
Omg, RockZombie Branch with a tongue-piercing😏😖😖😖 I mean have you seen the Human version of him with a tongue piercing on? He would be the biggest much because it
Heyo! I think I’ve seen like one (1) image of him with a tongue piercing but I don’t think we are thinking of the same image
THOUGH you’re not wrong he would totally get a vibrating tongue piercing too just for you UGH
Honestly thinking about him with any piercings is starting to make me crush on him a little bit and make me kick my feet
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thefallennightmare · 4 months
Okay, I couldn’t help myself ESPECIALLY with the last pic!👀🪽 Gave me Angel dressed up in her true “Angel Form” for a Halloween/Birthday party or something with all the boys and with Mochi’s birthday being the same day it would be THE perfect costume, idk lol. Every time I get on Pinterest I end up with a TON more Just Pretend coded photos 😂 so, sharing some more Angel photos because I ADORE her character… but ones that felt “From Angel for Mochi’s eyes only” coded since the sexual tension in the most recent chapter was 🔥😮‍💨😏🍡🪽❤️ these are so fun for me to put together and again if me blowing up your inbox ever gets annoying please let me know lol.❤️
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Heyo now this is a NSFW Angel POV and we fucking love it. Keep em coming 😏
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Can I please request some spicy Eddie x plus sized reader van time 😏
Oh fuck me. Finally. God yes!
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Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Warning: 18+ super smut with details, brief mentions of drug use, cursing. Not proof read and no word count.
How you ended up in Eddie Munson's van completely naked looking up at him pressing your tits together while you fuck him with them was just so fucking crazy.
You were literally just at work 30 minutes ago waiting for the bus when this hot mess of a man pulled up and offered you a ride. You and Eddie known each other since preschool. You guys weren't the best of friends but you knew each other well enough to call yourselves buddies. In highschool you guys had almost hooked up. You went over to his trailer to get high. When you found yourself making out. Then Eddie took you to his room and you guys started to undress each other. Eddie had barley taken off your bra when his uncle came home. You rushed to put on your clothes and left out the window so fast that it made Eddie head spin.
You had just moved back to Hawkins after college. You and Eddie were actually in the same grade until he failed his senior year twice. You graduate on time and left as soon as you could. But now back in the sleepy town 4 years later. You were actually happy to be home. You had gotten a job at a diner and had a small 1 bedroom apartment. But no car though. Not yet at least.
Eddie came around a lot since you came back. Sometimes just ordering a coffee and sitting there reading for hours. Talking to you whenever you could give him a second. He was trying to catch up and you felt bad that you couldn't give him more time. So this night when he drove up and offered you a ride home. You jumped at the chance to finally be alone with him. You guys finally got to talk. Swapping stories of the last 4 years. After what seemed like forever and just a few seconds at the same time Eddie pulled up to your apartment complex. You didn't want to leave just yet. You started to remember why you liked him in the first place. There was an awkward moment before Eddie started talking again.
" Remember the time when you kissed me?"
"What? When?" You asked basically snapping your neck towards him.
" Yeah that time in highschool. Remember? You came to get high and then you kissed me."
You laughed. " Umm I totally did not kiss you. You got that all wrong Munson."
Eddie turned to you and tilted his head with his brows pinched together. " No. Nope. I specifically remember you leaning in."
You leaned closer to Eddie. " Uh yeah I leaned. So did you. You were giving me a shot gun like someone who was smoking for the first time. I told you no but you insisted. "
" Oh please you kissed me just admit it."
" Munson seriously you kissed me first. I remember because that's when I got this scar." You turned just a bit to show the scar you had on your hip.
Eddie turn on the over head light to get a better look. That's when he touched it. It sending shivers down your spine. He caressed for a second before you pulled your shirt down after you got embarrassed of your love handles.
" I don't remember you getting that." Eddie sounded a bit sad. You turned back to him.
" It happened when your uncle came home. When I was climbing out your window. My hips were to wide and I cut myself on the window seal."
" you never told me that"
" that's because that was the last time I hung out with you."
"Why did we stop hanging out? I know I wanted to."
" Uh I was embarrassed Munson. You had saw my my stomach."
" So? I liked it....I still like it."
Eddie placed his hand on your thigh.
" I like you y/n. I've always liked you."
Your heart began to race and you felt your face become hot. You've always liked him too. You just didn't know if he was like a chubby chaser or something.
" We never did get to finish what we started did we?"
Eddie's question brought back all the feelings you had for him.
" No I guess not." You paused for a second to look at Eddie's hand now rubbing your thigh. " If you want...I have some time."
Eddie grinned and got up grabbing your hand and pulled you to the back of his van. You guys started to make out. His hands went for the hem of your shirt before he pulled away from the kiss.
" are you sure you want to do this?"
" Munson I've been wanting to do this for years."
Eddie chuckled. " Me too"
As you kneeled next to Eddie moving your chest up and down his cock you looked at him. His head was pressed against the dirty carpet. Moans coming from his lips. His hands were holding on tight to the thickness of your arms. After a few minutes you let go of your tits and grabbed his throbbing cock. You lick one long stripe up his shaft before kissing the head of his penis. Swirling your tongue around it. Licking up the shiny bead of pre cum that had just made it's way out.
" Jesus fuck" Eddie growned
You smiled just before you took him all into your mouth. You moaned a little, it sending Eddie into a frenzy.
"fu-fuck y/n."
You picked up your head and released Eddie's thick long cock with a satisfying pop.
" Mmm Eddie. You like that?" You said while sucking on his balls
" uh huh" Eddie groaned
Your tongue lick up his vein that patruted on the underside of his cock. " mmm fuck my mouth Eddie. Please fuck my mouth"
And Eddie did. He has both hands in your hair pulling you down. Shoving his dick deep down your throat. It brought tears to your eyes as you gagged. Eddie picked up the pace and lifted his hips so that he could go deeper. You gasped for air everytime he would lift your head. His grunts and moans filled the van ringing in your ears. He fuck your throat so hard that in just a matter of few minutes he came down your throat. The warm sticky liquid soothed your now sore throat. Eddie released you head and you lifted up swallowing his cum. Licking him clean. With Eddie watching you in aww.
" Oh fuck y/n. That was... fuck."
Eddie sat up and kissed your forehead.
" Damn Munson. You totally have me dripping here."
Eddie smirked. " Show me."
You raised an eyebrow at his request. You took his hand and put it between your thick thighs. Eddie scooped up a little of your juices and brought his fingers to his mouth. Licking your love off.
" Mmmm I knew you would taste sweet."
You bit your lip. You wanted to ask if he could go down on you. But you didn't have to. Eddie pulled your ankles so that you could lay down. He made himself comfortable between your thighs. Running his fingers through your folds.
" Oh sweetheart. You are a mess. Did sucking my cock make you do this for me?"
You didn't get the chance to answer because Eddie lips where around your clit. Tonguing it softly. He licked and slurped up your juices. A low growl coming from his throat. You gasped as he stuck a finger into your aching hole. A mixture of licking and sucking and trusting his thick long finger into you made your eyes roll back. Eddie added another finger.
"Eddie" you whimpered.
" Yeah you like that don't you. Look at you taking my fingers so well sweetheart. "
It was your turn for your moans to fill the van.
"Mmmm" Eddie hummed against your clit. " your so tight"
"fuck Eddie your gonna make me come."
"Yeah sweetheart? Cum for me. " Eddie started to thrust faster curling his fingers upward to hit the pillowing areas of your cunt. making you grind harder against his tongue.
" cum baby. Cum for me love."
And just like that you reached you high. Grinding against Eddie's mouth and fingers until your climax was done. Making your thighs trembled.
" Jesus Eddie fuck you are so good at the. Where did you learn how to do that?"
Eddie wiped his mouth and laid next to you draping he's arm across your mid-section.
" Had a lot of practice on some peaches."
"Lucky fucking peaches"
Eddie chuckled. "man that's so awesome. I've been wanting to do that for so long."
You giggled.
As you both got dressed and made your way back to the front you sat there in silence. Going over what just happened.
"so ummm" Eddie spoke drumming his fingers on his thighs. A nervous tick you remembered him having. " Do you uhh want to go out sometime?"
You were slightly taken back. " I uhh thought this was just a... You know..."
" Do you think I just do that with anyone?"
You hesitated for a moment. " Uhh well I didn't think you umm-"
" No I've wanted to for a long time now. I was so bummed that we never got the chance. I mean yes I want you. But I want you to be more than just this."
" Munson you keep talking like that. Maybe I might keep you."
" Well sweetheart that was my goal. All the extra stuff was just a bonus."
" I uhh. It's getting late. I should be going." You opened the door and slid out. Looking back at Eddie. "If you want you could come up."
Eddie didn't hesitate. He stumbled out of his van and made his way to you holding out his arm for you to take.
" Shall we M'lady"
You giggle. " Still the same dork that I love huh?"
Eddie chuckled " still the same lovely lady I've been pining for."
You both smiled at each other.
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folklore-girl · 3 months
heyo 😏
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once-upon-an-imagine · 5 months
Works in Progress
Okay, this is literally every single work in progress that I currently have on my drafts!
I am the worst at summaries so I put the literal request underneath each one of them 😊 If it's not here, I didn't get the requests, loves so, let me know 😁
I know it's a lot and I really hope to get all of them up soon, it's gonna take me a while, but they are coming! if you'd like to request a preview of one, go ahead 😊 polls might come back in the future since they seem to be working somehow! I'll also be updating my Masterlists
I would like to thank you all again so much for yyour requests, love and patience!
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Steve Harrington
Drabble (Untitled) [Mixing 2 requests]
1. wishingtobeforeveryoung1019 - Hey can I get a Steve and reader imagine where she works with Steve and they both like each other but they don’t realize it. They both think each other are way out of each other’s league. Can be Scoops Ahoy or Family Video, whichever you prefer. Fluffy please 2. Anonymous - Could you write a dialogue for Steve Harrington where the reader works at Scoops Ahoy and Steve and Dustin are in the back talking and Steve tells Dustin how much he likes the reader. Steve says "I really love y/n." and the reader opens the little window and says something like "you know I heard that whole conversation, right?" Steve and Dustin are both really shocked and Dustin runs out the back door, and Steve gets really flustered. And it ends with something really fluffy and cute, and they kiss. You totally don't have to write this, it was just an idea I had.
Ongoing Series - How Will I Know
You have walked the halls of Hawkins High unseen. If it wasn’t because Eddie Munson and his Hellfire Club had found you, you probably wouldn’t even have any friends. You knew someone like your all-time crush Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington wouldn’t notice you in a million years. Until you get paired up for a project and he finally learns your name.  
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Eddie Munson
One-Shot - Alone Together [Mixing 2 requests]
1. mycobrakai1972 - Hello love, me again 😁 but instead of Charlie I have a Eddie request (even through they closed, so if you have to much just keep it for later or if you don’t want to, just ignore my request). So I thought about the reader is to shy to play with the Hellfire Club but she really wants too. And Eddie is thinking about a campaign that he can play only with her like a D&D date night and that has a romantic twist in it? Love your writhing, and look forward to everything that is coming soon. 💗💗💗 2. lunamadhatter99 - Oohhh let me go with Eddie and a shy one😍 Reader is a shy, quiet one, she's always seen (IF she is seen) at the library and there is where our boy notices her, reading basically a book a day. He's a little shy himself, at first, more because he's worried his reputation would scare her, but one day he tries sitting at the same table and... oh boy, when she smiles at him, he's done. He would start slowly: small talk, little glances in the hallway too, making jokes every now and then. To make her feel comfortable, first thing, always. He would start to flirt, careful not to cross any line, but he made her feel so at ease that she. Flirts. Back! But that only means that he need to try try harder to see that sweet blush he loves so much😏
Ongoing Series - There Are Worse Things I Could Do
[Harrington!Reader] Your senior year was supposed to be the best one in your life. But when Jason broke up with you and turned the entire school against you by spreading rumors about you, you can count with your hand the people that talk to you. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, Nancy, and Robin. But there might be a new one you can add to the list. One you never thought possible. Eddie Munson.
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One-Shot - A Kind of Magic (might become a drabble)
Anonymous - Heyo! I’m the anon who requested the learning disability imagine! Talking specifics, I’ve got major dyscalculia & a bit of dyslexia. Social anxiety also didn’t help being called on in class, but yea 😅 thanks for asking!! 🥹🥹🥹
Dialogue (Untitled)
Anonymous - So I saw your post about shy!reader x anyone and I was wondering if you could do shy!reader x argyle where he introduces you to his friends in Hawkins (the older teens) and reader doesn't have like the best experience meeting new people so their scared and wants to like not see them because they have social anxiety and like he cuddles then I'm the end ( I always need Argyle cuddles)
One-Shot - Cielito Lindo
Not requested - [Byers!Reader] Argyle is staying with your family when his parents are out of town. You know he’s been feeling down because he has to celebrate his birthday without them. So, you try to do something to cheer him up. (Sequel to Build Me Up, Buttercup)
Ongoing Series - (500 Miles)
[Hopper!Reader] After moving to California with your sister and your new family, you think maybe you’ll finally get some peace. But, of course, you are now driving across the country in your boyfriend’s pizza van, on your way back to Hawkins.
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Billy Hargrove
One-Shot - Highway To Hell [Munson!Reader] 
itslaqueefababy - Hey Idk if you’re taking request but since you have writers block, Maybe a Munson!reader x Billy Hargrove? Eddie and Billy hate each other and there’s a lot of drama and tension whenever they get around each other. It’s gets really annoying and out of control that reader eventually gets fed up and upset that they don’t care how she feels. She gives them the cold shoulder and silent treatment then eventually comes up with the idea to runaway on purpose for them to get along by searching for her and all? Something funny and angsty?
One-Shot - A Little Death [Mixing 2 requests] [This might be Hartington!Reader]
1. Anonymous - Where the reader breaks up with Billy because he has been toxic and Billy goes and tries to find love in other women. But he gets frustrated because they don't touch him (physically and mentally) the way the reader always did. He gets angry trying to teach them but none come close to the actual thing until he gets so frustrated that he crawls back to her and tries everything to fix it. 2. Anonymous - “I feel like I’m falling apart.” with Billy Hargrove?
One-Shot - RIP, Love [Munson!Reader]
Anonymous - Where the reader is known to break hearts. Not because its fun for her but she does it to protect herself and the person. She is convinced that whoever gets close to her heart either ends up hurting her or she ends up hurting them so she always ends it by leaving them - ultimately hurting them before they can hurt her. When Billy starts getting interested in her and she suddenly leaves just when he thought things were going good, he doesn't back down to find out why and once he does he makes it his mission to show her that he is there to stay and protect, despite being known for leaving and destroying. 2. Anonymous - since you are taking requests, could i request a Billy fic with the following prompts from the prompt list you talked about in your latest post ? "Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me." "Just, please don't leave me." "I don't want you to die for me. I want you to live for me." + "As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you."
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Steddie (Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson)
One-Shot - Running Up That Hill (I keep renaming it 😂)
Anonymous - I know you have many request and this one can definitely wait, but maybe Steddie x cursed!reader?? I need some angst and idk if this would help :/ but I understand if you don’t want to! Maybe one where reader bones end up snapping in the attic? It’s like Instead of max being cursed it’s the reader :)
Drabble - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
plk-18 asked - OK first of all i love your work!!! So I don’t know if your requests are still open and I’m really sorry if you already did something like that and I just forgot. But I would love a steddie one-shot, maybe they are not together yet but there is some sexual tension and we have a ‘only-one-bed’ situation👀🤍🤍
One-Shot - A Sunday Kind Of Love
Not requested - For six months, you had been fine with having a secret relationship with Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. But that changes when a very special day for you approaches and you want them both by your side and for that to happen, a few rules might get broken.
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Sirius Black
One-Shot - Out of The Woods [Lupin!Reader] (the request focuses more on Remus and the reader so I put it under Remus for now)
Anonymous - ahh your requests are open!! I love that!! but anyway, I could make a request where Remus has a younger sister who is a year or two below him and she discovers the way the Marauders found to help him deal with his problems during the full moons and decides what she wants to do the same for her brother but Remus doesn't allow it and they just fight about it until one night she decides to follow them anyway but ends up getting hurt because she's not an animagus like the rest of the boys? If you can make her be in an established relationship with Sirius I would appreciate it and sorry if I said something wrong this is not my first language
Drabble (Untitled)
oursilversoul - Heyy❤️ could yo write a Sirius black x slytherin reader where they somehow end up dancing together in the Yule ball with an enemies to lovers undertone? Thank you I love you soo much :)
Ongoing Series - Just Give Me A Reason
[Snape!Reader] Coming back for another year in Hogwarts meant you and your brother were away from your worst tormentor. But when your school tormentor finds out about it, things are about to change and you are not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. (Warning: mentions of abuse)
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Remus Lupin
Dialogue (Untitled)
Anonymous - Hiii i don’t know if u are writing now but i’d love to read your take on remus being unconscious for a prolonged amount of time after transformation and fem!reader taking care of him and talking to him. fast forward to him waking up and confessing he heard everything she said while he was sleeping. i just love the way you write and it would be fun to read it!!
Drabble (Untitled for now)
2. Anonymous - HI! Could you do the prompt “We’ve been by each other’s sides for years, you think I’m gonna leave now?” With Remus Lupin where they're still in school and someone really close to the reader (like someone in their immediate family) died and the reader is miserable and asks Remus not to leave her too? Btw your work is amazing!
Ongoing Series - Too Good At Goodbyes
Twelve years ago, Lily and James Potter were brutally murdered. Twelve years ago, Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban for a crime he did not commit. Twelve years ago Remus Lupin left you to take care of a one-year-old Harry on your own. Twelve years ago Severus Snape was the only person who was there for you. And now, Remus is back to teach at Hogwarts with you, as Harry courses his third year, and Sirius Black escaped Azkaban.
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Charlie Weasley
She Is Love (One-Shot) [Mixing 2 requests]
1. Anonymous - something about a shy reader, who's friends with the twins. Charlie and the reader have a crush on each other and he loves to see her blush and get all nervous, so it's like his mission to make her blush a lot, she kinda likes it though. But when someone else does try to tease the reader, not in a comfortable way, unfortunately, Charlie comes to the rescue and later on confesses his feelings. 2. Anonymous - I am begging for Charlie kissing shy!reader for the first time please
One-Shot - I'm Yours [Mixing 2 requests]
1. Anonymous - One where he gets jealous because of how close you’ve always been to Fred and George, even though Charlie really has nothing to worry about. 2. Anonymous - I have a dialogue request for Charlie Weasley and “Pay attention to me” where maybe the reader is friends with the twins and she’s having a ‘situation’ with charlie that no one knows about?
Drabble (Untitled)
Anonymous - Hi friend! Can I interest you in a dialog prompt for Charlie Weasley and “I’m sorry but I love you and I’m not going anywhere?”
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Evan Buckley
Drabble or One-Shot (Untitled)
Anonymous - Could I request a Buck x plussize reader? One where someone says something mean about the reader and buck defends her and comforts her after? Idk I just feel like I need some buck fluff in my life 😂
Drabble or One-Shot - Late Night Talking
Anonymous - Can you write a Buck x reader fic where they both work at the 118 and are really good friends. They both have a crush on each other. One night reader comes to visit him at his apartment because she doesn't want to go home(she still lives with her parents and they have a argument or something) Buck is happy to see her but also knows that something is wrong. They spend some time together and maybe there is a love confession at the end.
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Eddie Diaz
Drabble or One-Shot - Cramps
Anonymous - One being eddie and the reader are going about they're day. Reader feels unwell but thinks nothing of it until they get back from a call/at the end of one and reader has appendicitis so they rush her to the hospital? Eddie is there when she wakes up and looks after her.
Drabble or One-Shot - Proposal
Anonymous - eddie is planning to propose to reader and he's all fluffy and cute about it?? Maybe gets Chris involved and the team are congratulating them? All fluffy and cute again.
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beeanca-writing · 1 year
heyo been awhile!! just saw that ur work on EfC is going well! i unfortunately havent played it yet (sorry 😢) and been kinda digging for info on it from ur blog. however, tumblr is weird and i cant find exactly who is a RO or not (if that is an ok question to ask?)
i know very little of the IF and i will defo play it! (am doing so rn lol) but i was just curious to know who is a RO, who isn't, you know?
no worries 🫡 Tumblr isn't being weird this time, I'm just messy LOL the ROs are also on the itch.io page, but here they are:
Camila 💞: a bar owner and The Hedonist's closest friend
Sabina 👼🏿: a nun
Narcissa 🌕: the Emperor's favorite mistress
Val 😡: a broody boy
Calvin 😏: the Emperor's advisor
Harry 🐎: The Hedonist's sister's husband. also one of the possible exile routes!
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starlightposts444 · 1 year
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Heyo just a little lance sketch/doodle thing tbh I have no idea what I was going for here but I'm sharing It anyway btw sorry for the no face 🙊 finding myself unable to draw them tonight 😂🤷‍♀️ I suppose it's a kinda futuristic lance drawing but eh either way I was mostly practicing my perspective for charecter posing I rlly fancy making a cool comic but I'll need to brush up on my art first 🤔 also decide what au It should be cause of course it'll be klance 😌😂😏 but anyhoo voila this is my current contribution to the voltron fandom for a little while 😂👐 hope everyone has a fantastic new year don't know when I'll update next but see u all soon in the new year have a great night/day byeeee ✍️🥳👋😁
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honeybeedrabble · 9 months
heyo me again, loving wip wednesdays!!! also kinktober is coming up, any plans ??? 😏😏
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i don’t post one wip wednesday and y’all hold me accountable… i’m proud of you. (i had cramps sorry)
BUT YES !! everybody get the absolute fuck ready because your girl is partaking in kinktober!! me and my best friends are going to be doing kinktober together and there is going to be SO. MUCH. CONTENT. we’re following the official kinktober2023 list, doing one of each days prompts (**some we won’t be doing) and different characters for them too. So maybe we’ll have a character you want to read about!! I do plan on updating Dangerous Desires during this time, i already have a kinktober prompt assigned for the next chapter (y’all are going to have to wait) so stay ready!! I’ll go ahead and tag my homies that way you guys can keep up with their posts too.
@fuckmachine42069 @pasdasin
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Heyo, Lady Oscar! I'm excited to see what you have to share! I'll do a separate ask for each character (six in total), to keep things simple.
So for this first ask... well, I have to start with Kuvira, of course~
Okay! Let’s do the thing starting with my main girl, Kuvira. *cracks knuckles*
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1. Sexuality headcanon 
I've been headcanoning Kuvira as bisexual since I began writing fanfics about her. I personally don't see Baatar Jr. as a beard in their relationship because she seemed to sincerely care about him in canon (until she didn't, lol!) I also don't buy the comphet argument because IMHO, it doesn't fit her personality. I think she's demiromantic, and specifically with Asami and Baatar Jr. I can see her as sapiosexual. She surrounded herself with three intelligent people in the likes of Baatar Jr, Varrick and Zhu Li (and a token himbo, Bolin) on her inner circle so I believe she has a thing for intelligence. Fandom usually headcanons her as a top or dom but I see her more of a switch, especially with Asami and Korra, and between them it's pretty much an endless battle for dominance in the bedroom. 😏
I also lowkey ship her with Mako who I also headcanon as bi so it’s a Bi4Bi scenario, and in this case she’s more of a top because I do agree with the headcanon that Mako is more of a bottom. Fun fact: her voice actress Zelda Williams is bi, as it is Janet Varney, Korra’s VA.  
2. OTP
Oooh, this is a tough one because although OTP stands for “One True Pairing” I ship her pretty much equally with both Asami and Korra. With Korra, I indulge in the angsty, dramatic side of things. They have so many parallels that are ingrained in canon that it makes for an interesting exercise to explore the ways they resemble each other and in the ways their differences serve to complement and balance each other. It’s basically a lot of “the sunshine who can kill you and the badass who can kill you” relationship meme with these two. 🤣
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With Asami I play on “what if” canon divergence scenarios which make for more lighthearted and flirty situations. They make for such an amazing power couple that is just too darned good. Plus their sexual chemistry is off the roof, a “can’t keep their hands off each other” kind of chemistry that's way too much fun. 😉
Although he's the romantic interest in canon, I headcanon Junior as more of a second in command/partner in crime than as significant other material and they’re very much BROTP in my stories. Jinora is my other candidate as BROTP for Kuvira in a Republic City setting because Kuvira is a jock/dancer/soldier who is also cunning, smart, and well versed in strategy,  so I can see her bonding with Jinora over books and history. And of course, my beloved Lin Beifong and Kuvira would bond by swapping stories and gossip about Suyin, and boy I bet they both have a lot to talk about Su. I think they would realize they have more in common than they think since they’re both the type to bottle up their emotions and to put their work before everything else, and they both wanted to impress their maternal figures. Lin would be an excellent mentor and friend for Kuvira, since Lin won't take crap from anyone so shr would keep Kuvira in the straight and narrow with her no nonsense attitude.
I basically don’t ship her with any of the Beifongs but the big NOTP for me is Suyin. I just can’t shake the mentor/protege relationship off my mind to see them even remotely romantic. From an objective standpoint, I can see the appeal with all their drama but it's a big nope for me.
5. First headcanon that pops into my head?
She’s a sleepwalker. Her childhood trauma manifested in sleepwalking which was pretty severe during her first years with the Beifongs but she grew out if it gradually as she grew up. Following the events of Book 4 and Ruins of the Empire which ends with her in house arrest, her sleepwalking came back but not as bad as when she was a child, which it’s fortunate because I can’t imagine the mess she would leave behind while bending in her sleep. 😱
6: favorite line from this character 
"I owe the Avatar my life. Her power is beyond anything I could ever hope to achieve. I'll accept  whatever punishment the world sees fit”. 
This is from The Last Stand. Although the entire scene with Korra and Kuvira in the Spirit World is amazing since we get to witness Kuvira’s emotional breakdown, it's in her surrender that we see what we can consider the beginning of her path toward redemption, meaning that her story is not over yet. 
7. One way in which I relate to this character 
We're both familiarized with military service and the concept of discipline and service to the nation since I also served. I also relate in the need to prove ourselves, something that is evident in the way she ends up emulating her mentor Suyin and in having strained relationships with siblings, like the one she had with Opal. Come to think of it, having strained relationships with siblings seems like a very Beifong thing to do. 🤔
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The whole having her foster brother end up as her fiancee thing is kinda weird so I totally get Opal when she was all weirded out with the news of their engagement.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Both! 🤣
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
hey absolutely love ur writing I’m a bit of a fan girl 🙏
Could you do a fic with like Mitsuri x Obanai x reader with how they got together and their life as a throuple and how shmex works.. I’m in dire need of some sort of fic like this I’m going morbidly insane
Either way do not feel pressured to write this if you don’t want to, I’m just glad to add onto any possible ideas you’d need 🔥
Heyo !! 😁 I'm grateful to know you love my writing — receiving kind, supportive Asks (such as your own) make my day 🥰, and help keep me inspired/motivated to continue writing! 🤓
That being said, I don't foresee myself feeling up to writing a proper threesome fanfic anytime soon 😅, so I'm going to decline your prompt (I really appreciate your specifying to not feel pressured to write your thirst 🥺).
Sending you (almost) wonderful Wednesday vibes !! 💝
More below...
Imo, Mitsuri def expressed her interest in you to Obanai first, but Obanai was likely the one to actually initiate the larger convo between you all... mostly bc Mitsuri began overthinking and worrying that you'd reject them, so Obanai ~eventually took the lead (after one too many evenings of listening to her gush over how amazing you were, and, "How could they ever love us both?! 😭😭😭"). @namodawrites has an incredible fanfic about this here.
As for life after getting together... a lil awkward to start, bc Mitsuri and Obanai know each other so well, while you're simultaneously going through the get-to-(romantically)-know-you process w/ both of them (and that process, altho fun, can be a lot w/ one person, let alone two 😆). It doesn't take too long tho to find your own rhythm — w/ them individually, and as a throuple. You end up mediating between them more than anticipated, Mitsuri provides reassurance when Obanai's harshness slips, and Obanai provides quiet companionship when Mitsuri's energy overwhelms. You press kisses to their knuckles when the other is unable — just as they're happy to kiss yours. 💗
Sex initially takes a lot of discussion, planning, and negotiating, but you figure out ~rules that satisfy and feel safe for everyone. #1? Communication. I was going to get into detail 😏, but I've hit my limit. 😓
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sharpth1ng · 10 months
Heyo I’m Stu coded!!! Where are my people at!? I am down to organize or… whatever 😏😏
You’re not allowed to organize, I already told you that.
(Or whatever??? 😏??? Nefarious, I’m slapping your hands away)
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