#hey I need y’all to read this article please
savvylittlecoxswain · 1 month
How to Throw Your Coxswain in the Water
Rob Colburn via row2k
“For most coxswains, being thrown in is the perfect end to a perfect day, and they enthusiastically join in. There are always a few dissidents who allow trivial fears of hypothermia, toxic runoff, or impalement on a submerged log, to cause them to resist. Coxswain escapes are serious and time-consuming; once loose, they can wedge themselves like hermit crabs into impossibly small crevices in the luggage compartment of the bus or under the sink in the training room, and -- depending on how much weight your cox has had to cut for the race -- it will cost you at least half of a box of fig newtons to lure them out again.
One of the rowers -- someone big and who is impervious to appeals for clemency (such as your five seat) must keep firm hold of the coxswain from the moment the shell returns to the dock. It is not enough simply to run a trailer strap through the gussets of his or her jacket -- coxswains can gnaw right through those. If things are busy on the dock, and no one can be spared for sentry duty while the shell is washed down and put away, temporarily empty the equipment box. (Most coxswains can be made to fit as long as you fold them properly, and if enough rowers stand on the top to press it down. Remember to punch some holes in the lid)
One very cold day early in the season, the winning coxswain of a crew which shall remain nameless (it's not the one you're thinking), succeeded in getting the drop on his rowers, forcing his exhausted crew to chase him on race-tired legs. He got as far as the soccer fields before they tackled him, dragged him down to the boathouse, stripped him to the essentials, and threw him in. They then lined up on the edge of the dock and pushed h im in again every time he tried to climb out. He had turned a very satisfactory shade of blue before they relented.
They made their point.
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charmedreincarnation · 5 months
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Hey guysss! A lot of people have been asking for me to make a challenge for a while now. I honestly didn’t want to, not because I’m against them or anything but because the law will be different for everyone. Sometimes, it feels like tumblr needs a reminder - you are the only person who knows what you need to do to succeed. I wish I could imprint this realization on everyone's minds. I’ve also gotten so manyyyy asks about things that genuinely just feel like your doubts repeating in your mind constantly so I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs bc y’all are spiraling really hard. I get it you want your desires for Christmas and new years. It’s okay take a breath, you're alive and will be okay.
Firstly: at the beginning I used to spend countless time spiraling into depression, constantly changing my methods every time I saw a new success story, and every time I found a new foolproof' tumblr method. Methods that were supposed to guarantee results in a day so when they didn’t I felt rlly useless. It was annoying, to say the least, and I don’t want to help others do the same thing, but really all I can do is reiterate what I always say and hope you apply it to everything!!
A lot of you guys wanted something that didn’t involve the void state, so that’s what this will revolve around! But feel free to make this void orientated if you desire, and I’ll also add a void section so all my babies can eat!
Ok so you’ve over consumed, you have dropped the void, and now have switched to just assuming and knowing that you would wake up with your dream life - embracing states. Great! At first, it will seem like you're doing nothing but you aren’t! For example, I knew I was dwelling in the state of wish fulfilled when I went to work without shedding tears, when I looked in the mirror and didn't think I was ugly because, well, I'm beautiful! I didn't care abt not performing well on a test because I could revise my past etc. this isn’t to say ignore the 3D: don’t do that, please try and make sure you’re safe and okay. But know life is malleable. Slowly, things that used to bother me—my parents, grades, anxiety, self-deprivation—started to fade away. Even though my dream life hadn't reflected in my 3D yet, I felt the switch. That's when I decided, I know what to do.
I also remember finding this cute website a long time ago that I want to share that summarizes it in such a great and simple way.
So Before I knew or understood what LOA was, I found this gem of an article on I am Love'- "How To Shift Into A State & Stay There". I think I have a post abt it somewhere on my blog but I’m too lazy to find it so here it is again.
Basically it explains that the essence of shifting into a desired state and staying there. What resonated with me was her choice to dwell in the state of knowing that her desires are hers, no matter what.
The way she used colloquial language made the content relatable and easy to understand. It's like having a conversation with a friend who's guiding you through hard concepts with “dumbed down” language because at the beginning states made 0 sense to me.
Posts like this really helped me particularly because when I discovered Neville, it required three attempts on my part to not only intellectually grasp his teachings, but also to truly comprehend him as a whole, given his non-contemporary speaking tbh.
I recommend it if you find yourself stuck or not really grasping the law yet (which is more than okay) but, if you're looking to understand the loa better or just learn more give this article a read.
There’s also a particular quote from Neville that really got me to dive into his work after finding this article and it was- “The being that you really are, descended to the weakness of the flesh, causing you to experience the state you are now in. Contemplate another state, and the same being who brought your present form into being will restore and make alive the other state, the state desired. This he will continue to do until his purpose is fulfilled. That purpose is to follow a certain pattern back into the unity of being. You see, in the beginning we were drafted. We did not volunteer to fall into these states. We were made subject into futility, not willingly but by the will of him who sent us. But when we return we will discover that we are the very being who subjected us. We are now the sons, destined to return as God the Father!”
Now that you understand and are ready to apply state, Here’s a routine I’ve created to hopefully help you guys! It is very simple and not time consuming at all.
Scripting and writing: I love writing and feeling like the author of my own story, literally bringing my creation to life. I would write when I felt like it. Whenever I wanted to dwell in my state, I would simply write, "I have my dream life." It's so simple, yet it embodies everything I need. If you’re more of a picture girl, use Pinterest instead. Or both if you prefer it doesn’t matter.
Edward arts' "I am creator meditation": Again, do this whenever you like it. It's one of the few meditations that didn't bore me to death and seemed to work with my ADHD. I also love reading, so I would read his pdf whenever I felt like it and take mental notes. Reading his work was a reminder I was doing everything right, it resonated with me very well.
During doubt and overstimulation: When things get overwhelming, close your eyes and let the emotions pass. They’re just thoughts! repeat the words "I am" until your heart returns to its normal rhythm. It's a simple yet powerful way to ground yourself amidst the whirlwind of emotions. And guess what? You can use this technique for doubt too! So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember the power of "I am". It's a gentle reminder of your existence, your resilience, and your capability to be whatever you want despairs any emotional turmoil.
Thank god: (yourself!!) When reminded of your desires. Thank you god. When you see your desires, (eg:Pinterest, online or you’re just reminded) thank you god! When you see an image of your desires, thank you god! When you dream or think about your desires. Thank god! Always thank the person fulfilling it aka you ;)! If you’re religious just thank the god you actually follow.
Nightly reflections: At night, ask yourself , "What would I do if I woke up in my dream life right now?" repeat this question throughout the night. Then, imagine whatever scene you want. What would you do if you could not fail? What would you do if you had all the money in the world right now. What if you looked in the mirror and saw the most ethereal being and it’s just you? What about if you woke up in your dream house with your dream family and pets? This is inspired by one of the first shifting methods I created that helped me fulfill my imagination before I knew what that meant. When you’re ready to sleep just remind yourself it is done, and drift off into your desires.
As I've always said, I've been a great daydreamer. I knew exactly what I wanted my life to look and feel like. I envisioned my walk-in closet filled with luxurious outfits, waking up in my dream room on a soft mattress with my pets purring nearby. I saw the decor reflecting my personality in every corner of my large, and pretty room. I imagined walking into my bathroom, seeing all my cool Sephora products lined up for my skincare and shower routine. I love taking care of myself because I know I deserve it. I saw myself looking in the mirror, knowing I'm "that girl" who turns heads wherever she goes.I visualized going downstairs in my boujee dream house,and seeing my family stress-free, smiling, and eating well. I saw plans being made on my phone, my friends were excited to see and talk to me. I went to my kitchen, filled with expensive ingredients ready for me to cook meals for my loved ones - because I love cooking. I saw myself checking my bank account and seeing multiple seven figures in my savings, checking, and investment accounts and opportunities easily presenting myself to make more if I wanted. I saw myself running errands in my car, shopping, getting Starbucks, having expensive lunch with friends, and making a trip to Target. Despite the simplicity of the day, I would come home and be like, "Ugh, what a long day!"like that one khloe kardashian meme. What if all this happened today? Visualize and feel the scenes so clearly that it felt like it's already happening.. not just in your imagination.
Most importantly: Define the law for you! Stop parroting bloggers and intertwine your own beliefs with the law. The only principle of the law is that through persistence assumption will harden into a fact. Other than that anything goes except for facts that are wrong.
Here’s old notes I found in my phone lol just so you know what I mean by define the law for you: ignore the writing I was kinda dumb and new to the law 😭😭
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Now this is for my void babies if you made it this far.
Read this post.
This is it copied bc the links are wonky sometimes
“My previous method is based on the persistent assumption, which a lot of people don’t know how to do right and it might take some time even for those who have the right self-concept and the mindset, so today I was in the process of manifesting this method.
And I was successful!
This method is for everyone. It’s the easiest Void method.
Do you know that you get into the Void state at night automatically? At that time the whole perceived world disappears for you. Every single perception and assumption you have disappears while your consciousness in the calm and natural Void state.
Use it to your advantage. Now that you know about the Void that you enter when you sleep, the perfect state to manifest anything that you wish to perceive, with no “resistance”, no illusions of annoying solid things around, you only need to remember your scripted starting point in your DR and practice watching it all coming out of the Void.
Practice that scene with your eyes closed, say to yourself:”That is what I perceive. Next time I’m in the Void, I’ll experience this”. You won’t even need to be fully aware of yourself that way when you get into the Void while you are asleep. Your subconscious would do all the work as it now would have the instruction and a clear image of you expecting it.
Personal experience: as I was receiving information on this method, I almost stepped into my DR! I wasn’t even in the absolute void state, I was only creating the scene for this method and I felt it materialise with my senses!
I have great feeling that it’s going to give fast results for others! Try it, teach your subconscious what it needs to bring forth while in the Void, let it do your work for you!”
Lastly, I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs real quick bc the fear of shifting vs manifesting makes me sad for y’all. I understand you don’t wanna leave behind the people you love and that’s not fear to feel ashamed of having! I personally hate the npc mindset a lot of have people have adopted. The only thing we know for sure is that assumptions create realities, and consciousness is the real reality. Everything else boils down to assumptions, except for principles. For example, shifting is not lucid dreaming, even if you assume it to be. That is the principle. I’m just going to copy what I told my mutal bc I’m lazy and need to finish Christmas stuff 😭😭 but Our imagination and the 4D realm are products of our consciousness, which is indeed real. Our view of reality is shaped by our consciousness, since we can't experience everything all at once.
Unless, of course, you shift into a super omnipotent god. Even then, you’d probably still struggle with the concept of infinity because, well, infinity is infinite. And it’s constantly a never exnding expansion. As humans, we're finite beings, and our understanding of the infinite is naturally limited. Because you can’t and won’t ever experience everything at once, infinity is always expanding. Our awareness can be thought of as fragments of consciousness; it's like being a drop of water in a massive ocean. Even though our perception is limited, the infinite is always there, always existing. We simply adjust our awareness to perceive this infinite reality.
And through our consciousness, we are able to tap into other realities or 'multiverses', which give us a broader understanding of existence. This exploration of consciousness and the multiverse is a significant part of my journey into the world of manifestation.
The law of consciousness explains why, when you "shift" or change your perspective, you don't physically move. It's all about altering your state of awareness. This is also why time doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You can become aware of any time or day you want, as long as you choose to be aware of it. It's like having a mental time machine. This law is why infinite universes exist. As long as you can be aware of it, you can assume and embody the state of that person. Whether that's someone with a billion dollars on Earth, or a person who lives in the Attack on Titan world, it's all about your awareness.Our awareness is just a fragment of the larger consciousness – hence the idea of the multiverse. Each universe is a different fragment, a different state of awareness. And we have the power to “shift” into any of these states, therefore shifting into any of these universes.
I’m telling you this bc there’s no need to be afraid of manifesting or being in a reality with robotic versions of the people you love. Ariana grande and Marilyn Monroe for example talk about loa without acknowledging it and we see their success. Neville Goddard and his followers saw each other’s manifestions and I manifest for my friends and they mnaifest for me.
Take a deep breath and let go of the tik tok clone mindsets y’all have they don’t exist. You can manifest and assume anything you want in your imagination. Y’all literally want to manifest things like millions of dollars, revising deaths, living in new countries, having immorality in your waiting rooms, and never aging which is all possible of course. So be for real, why assume and know that you can achieve all that, but it won't manifest exactly how you want? I've also wondered about what happens to the "old version" of people when they manifest their dream life. As far as I'm concerned, they dont exist because you choose not to be aware of them.
I really want to talk about this too, as I've received similar questions and, oh my god, I thought I was alone. I've always been a bit delusional and lived in my head, but when I became conscious of the law, did anyone else feel a sense of self-embarrassment? I don't know what that was, but I'd genuinely feel my soul wanting to throw up envisioning my desires that aren't mine, even though I've always been a daydreamer. It's kind of like when you feel you can't have them or it's strange to envision yourself with something you can't have, so you just purge yourself. 😭
I was thinking back to why that happened and laughing at myself because we need to be serious right now. Why are you getting sick by your own mind? Imagine if Van Gogh, anytime he pulled out a canvas and held a brush, was jump-scared by the brush. Picture him holding out the brush and just staring at the canvas crying because "well, the painting is going to suck 😐," "I don't know what to paint☹️☹️," "I already know it won't be like what I envision in my head 😡😡." Like, bro, the canvas is blank, just fucking paint. That’s why I really like his quote that's like...
“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” So If you’re scared of failing, if you’re scared of your desires, or scared of how it will come to fruition, for that reason alone is more so to and manifest it anyways.
But happy holidays guys! make some tea, scroll through Pinterest, read a good book and watch some Christmas films and remember if you can imagine/think your desires you can embody them bc where are you getting it from??
Here are some helpful documents I have read plus a cute vid I saw on insta reels : (let me know if the links are being weird)
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hi, since you seem to be open to giving advice, i figured id try asking you. if this is an issue you cant help with, thats totally okay! thank you for reading.
so um, do you have any tips on how to get someone to take your system/plurality seriously?
i "came out" as plural to my counselor a while ago without using the specific terms, but it feels like she just isn't taking me seriously, or acknowledging that these parts are seperate pieces of me. its really frustrating, because its something she needs to understand about us... and she just isnt getting it.
again, if you cant help with this, thats fine! i just though id try. and ofc, if you need more info, i am happy to provide it.
hey, we’re really sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with someone in your life who you should be able to rely on not taking your system or plurality seriously.
we do have a post with tips and advice on “coming out” as a system to loved ones.
at this point, after you’ve already talked to your counselor about being plural, it may be a good idea to send some resources her way so she can start learning about plurality from some outside perspectives. for singlets who haven’t really heard much about plurality, it may take learning from a few resources in order for them to realize that this is a real phenomenon, and an integral part of who you are that affects every aspect of your life. we’re not sure whether or not you have a dissociative disorder, and we’ve included these links in the above post, but we’ll go ahead and add links to the articles that we (a did system) use whenever we attempt to explain our multiplicity to someone new.
^ for systems of all types
^ did/osdd specific, but still an excellent read for literally anyone
^ also did/osdd specific, but great for those who are struggling and need support from loved ones
we do hope that after sharing some resources and talking earnestly and openly about your plurality and how it impacts you, your counselor will be a bit more understanding and accommodating. however, please understand that this might not happen. sometimes singlets can be baffled, indifferent, or uncomfortable about plurality. facing something that they don’t understand may cause them to ignore it or lash out.
our system personally prefers to be ignored as a system rather than be shamed, fakeclaimed, or belittled due to our multiplicity. your system might need to have some internal conversations in order to make this call for yourselves. hopefully, your counselor will be open to learning and can start treating your system with the respect and recognition y’all deserve. but if that doesn’t happen, we hope y’all can find some validation internally and continue to learn more about each other and work together in positive ways.
sorry if this response isn’t much help, but we’re wishing y’all the best of luck with everything. and if there’s anything we can do to help y’all figure things out, don’t hesitate to reach out :)
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batmansymbol · 1 year
I am currently open for freelance editing projects :)
Hey y’all! If anyone needs an editor, I have bandwidth right now and have opened back up for editing work. I’m down for anything, “anything” defined here as:
Developmental edits. This includes some manuscript comments, but largely focuses on a comprehensive edit letter comprising notes on plot, character, style, voice, and theme.
Line edits. Feeling good about the bones of your story, but worried that you’re bogged down by inefficient language, indistinct dialogue, or the odd wandering character arc? The line edit may be for you.
Copyedits. Grammar, usage, spelling, etc. Every nit picked. Fair warning: I don’t use a style guide, because I find that imposing e.g. the Chicago Manual of Style on fiction messes with things like “voice” and “fun.” My emphasis will fall on clarity, and on tone: does it feel right?
Query letter edits. Pitches are hell, but weirdly, I love them. Rate: $35 flat fee for a query, $50 for a synopsis. $10 for each revision pass thereafter (I will, of course, not charge you if my response to a revision is “This slaps!”).
Essay, article, or cover letter proofing. For ethical reasons I won’t review academic material, and for national security reasons I won't review classified CIA documents :( Rate: $15 flat fee, plus 2¢/word.
I don't do authenticity editing on its own, because it makes me feel weird. That said, if you happen to have a protagonist who’s bi or pan or Chinese-American or multiracial and you’re like, “Oh no, have I messed this up horribly,” feel free to request that I take a look from that angle. Same for characters with depression, anxiety, or relatively mild ADHD.
Also: I have no reading triggers or content aversions. I'm fine with any kind of material, disturbing, upsetting, or very very sexy though it may be.
My rates for fiction editing vary based on project length and status. With something under 10k words, I feel relatively comfortable ballparking around 2¢/word for developmental/line and 1.5¢/word for copyediting, but beyond that, I’d want to test-edit a sample. Occasionally I’ll swap to an hourly rate thereafter, because what if you send over the next Hunger Games, and I tear through it in three hours, but at 2¢/word it’s supposed to cost $1,600? Ridiculous. I hate editing rates.
You can message me here on tumblr or email me directly at [email protected] if you’d like to hire me. If you have a question, don't be shy about reaching out to ask. I am not a salesperson and will never try to hard-sell you.
If you know anybody looking for an editor, please do pass them this post! On this hellsite I know I am just another weirdo, but in real life, I have the qualifications to provide writers with high-quality editing backed up by years of experience in the publishing industry. Per The Official Bio:
Let’s take your fiction to the next level!
I'm the author of four novels: Alone Out Here, published by Disney-Hyperion; and Seven Ways We Lie, Noteworthy, and Final Draft, published by Abrams Books. My books have been published on four continents, optioned for film and TV, given seven starred reviews from critics, and named to Best-of-the-Year lists by Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, and the New York Public Library. Besides editing my own fiction, I've also done editorial work for authors whose books are published at Scholastic, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, and more.
As an editor, I dive in with an underlying enthusiasm for every project. I'm not interested in trying to alter others' work to my tastes, but in recognizing what story a writer wants to tell and helping them reach that destination, whether with a developmental edit or a final polish. I'm happy to edit works of any length and genre, though my specialty is in fiction, and particularly in children's and YA fiction.
Reblogs would be greatly, greatly appreciated! xo
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Keri Hilson Is Finally Getting the Recognition She Deserves
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In the 2000s, music had a grasp on people like no other. With hits from Usher, Alicia Keys, Destiny's Child, Ciara Missy Elliott and so many others, people still play their classics on repeat. With festivals like Lovers and Friends and local shows like the My 2000s playlist, the 2000s era will always be cherished. As much of an impact that these artists have made in this time, some have not deserved the accolades they should be getting. One that comes to mind is Keri Hilson. In June, Hilson was honored with the Music and Songwriter Icon Award. Not only has she released her own music, but she has also written for artists that no one knew she did. What we’re not gonna do is act like Keri Hilson didn’t have a huge impact on music in the 2000s. She’s more than deserving of a tribute at a black award show. Not only for her albums but for writing hits for many others. https://t.co/cqgOsnMrko — Black Culture News (@blackculturenew) July 7, 2022 After the tribute performance, Hilson was a trending topic, with fans giving her the recognition that the public needs to see. "Keri Hilson deserves all her flowers," wrote one fan. Another fan also tweeted "I don’t think y’all get how much impact Keri Hilson had in the music industry. The amount of hits she wrote for y’all favorite artist and for herself." Keri Hilson deserves all her flowers...Gimme More-written by Keri for Britney...Like A Boy-written by Keri for Ciara...Take Me As I Am..for Mary J and the list goes on and on...Please put some respect on her name... https://t.co/cWPF8fLFYH — Maria Mandolesi ☦️ (@theMMlalaland) July 8, 2022 I don’t think y’all get how much impact Keri Hilson had in the music industry. The amount of hits she wrote for y’all favorite artist and for herself. Her own discography is amazing. She’s talented as hell and could’ve been bigger had she not left music. Get over that diss🙄 — NICKI WEEK👑 (@OnikaQOR) July 7, 2022   Keri Hilson's Discography As a writer, Hilson has co-written songs for artists across all genres. Some of the songs include "Runaway Love" by Ludacris, "Take Me As I Am" by Mary J. Blige, "Ice Box" by Omarion and "Forever" by Chris Brown. She also wrote Britney Spears' "Gimme More" and "Wait A Minute" by The Pussycat Dolls. As an artist, she was first featured on the Xzibit track "Hey Now (Mean Muggin)" in 2004. In 2007, she was then featured on the classic Timbaland song  "The Way I Are." The song went to chart at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and is now certified triple platinum. A year after, she released her debut solo studio album In A Perfect World. The album charted at number four on the Billboard 200 and includes the songs "Knock You Down" featuring Kanye West and Ne-Yo and "Turnin' Me On" featuring Lil Wayne. "Knock You Down" earned Hilson a Grammy nomination for Best/Rap Sung Collaboration. In 2010, she released her sophomore album No Boys Allowed. The album includes the female-empowering anthem "Pretty Girl Rock." Fellow female singer-songwriter Jade Novah performed the song as a tribute to Hilson at the Black Honor Music Awards. For what it's worth, Keri Hilson deserves more recognition than she has. Hopefully, we will see her make more festival and concert appearances and maybe new music soon. Written By: Roy Lott Read the full article
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moneyallthetime · 2 months
Unleash Your Content's Potential With ViralDashboard! ✨Hey There, Friends!Y'all Know
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Hey there, friends! Y'all know how social media is like the heartbeat of our digital lives, right? And if you're trying to keep that pulse beating strong for your brand or business, then I’ve got something that’s about to make your life a whole lot easier. Meet ViralDashboard—the elite multi-tool for content creation that's changing the game for digital marketers, social media gurus, and business owners alike. What Can ViralDashboard Do for You? Imagine having the power to create social media content that turns heads for an entire month with just a few clicks. Yes, you heard right—a whole month! ViralDashboard is that genius friend who stays up all night so you don't have to, brainstorming the catchiest content for your feeds. Here’s the scoop – straight from me to you: Design Like a Pro: With the app Deziner, y’all can whip up gorgeous graphics and ads that will make even the most seasoned graphic designers do a double-take. Instagram Stories & Reels in a Snap: Who needs a bunch of different apps when ViralDashboard lets you craft those eye-popping Insta stories and reels directly within its platform? Child, please—easy peasy! Centralized Control: Connect and manage every single one of your social accounts and channels from one place. We’re talking elite-level multitasking without breaking a sweat. Smart A.I. Content Finder: This artificial intelligence is no joke. It excels at curating only the best content for your social media, ensuring top-notch quality. Content Boss: From crafting to scheduling, ViralDashboard is like your personal assistant, ensuring everything's on point for all your platforms. Marketing on Autopilot: Want to set it and forget it? Use Automation Triggers to slap your content right into your followers’ feeds at the perfect moment. Deep Insights & Tracking: Analyze reports and user demographics to fine-tune your strategy. Oh, and you can also keep tabs on the competition with a powerful spy tool. We keepin’ an eye out! Vast Article Database: Tap into a treasure trove of articles across 70 industries for that oh-so-sweet traffic and engagement boost. Creator’s Playground: A built-in library with so many visually stunning goodies that’ll breathe life into every post. Traffic Without Price Tags: ViralDashboard is out here hustling to drive unlimited free traffic to all your corners of the web—say goodbye to paid ads. Beginner-Friendly: No coding or tech skills required. If you can click a mouse, you can become a content legend. Who's This For? If you're a digital marketer trying to keep your clients smiling, a social media manager juggling multiple accounts, or an entrepreneur looking to skyrocket your online presence without selling a kidney for ad space – listen up! This is your golden ticket to the content creation elite club. Bottom Line Why strain when ViralDashboard can be your creative powerhouse, right? With a friend like this, you're about to make your content pop, lock, and drop into viral city. I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to turn these social media streets into my personal runway, and this right here is like having the fiercest squad to back you up. Ready to step up your game? Head on over to ViralDashboard and bring that heat to your content strategy! 🔥 Talk soon, and keep shining bright! Xoxo 💖 Read the full article
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rjmenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Blog 5
Hey everyone, hope you’ve had a great weekend! I know we are in the midst of midterm season so remember to just take some time to relax and take care of yourself :)
For this week’s blog post, I was stumped on what to write on, because there are so many different topics that I could share with y’all. However, I am going to write about one of my favorite courses that I’ve taken over my last 5 years at Guelph. In my first year, I took a UNIV*1200 course called Wildlife Rehab and Conservation with Dr. Sherri Cox, who is an amazing professor and I got to learn so much from her. If any of you have taken a first-year seminar course you would understand how they generally work. Each week we would get a prompt or an animal to cover and the following week each group would give oral presentations on the research they found.
For the first prompt, we were asked to research whether abandoned kits or baby raccoons could be rehabilitated to be released back into the wild once they became adolescents. My group member and I worked together to find research from primary articles and by the end of the week, we were satisfied with our work and had an answer to share with our class. We were the first to present in our class, which made me nervous but relieved at the same time because I hated public speaking. Before I share my answer, I want to give y’all a little trigger warning, please understand that I was a confused first-year student with little to no experience using articles for research. My group member and I decided that rehabilitation of the kit would domesticate them, and make it impossible for the raccoons to be released back into the wild. We knew that there was a rising population of wild raccoons in Canada, so we concluded that euthanizing the kits would be the best plan of action. With that said, we were done with our 1st oral presentation and the only thing we had to do for the rest of the class was sit and listen. So the rest of the groups started presenting and no one said the same thing that we did, instead, they said the adolescent raccoons would be released back into the wild. Turns out that once these critters reach their adolescent years they instinctively become wild after rehabilitation.
I was mortified, thinking that I chose death for these hypothetical raccoons, but eventually, I learned to laugh at it and saw it as an opportunity to improve my research skills. This course showed me the necessity of convergence of scientific and environmental education as mentioned in one of our ares reading for this week. Every week we would research habitats, behavioral characteristics, and effects of pollution on animals, while also learning the importance of conservation and what we can do as citizen scientists to help injured animals. I learned the importance of interdisciplinary education and how we need to consider social, economic, and ecological factors when it comes to conservation. This course has also inspired me to pursue a career in wildlife conservation.
I think over the last 5 years I’ve learned a lot on how to make science more accessible to the general public, which is an important aspect of being a nature interpreter. I hope to apply this knowledge and the skills I’ve gained in my future career.
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
not so quiet in the library - ellie staple x reader
summary: in a library?! y’all are wild. don’t worry no one is there (this isn’t to lure you into a false sense of security, genuinely no one is there). ellie is a psychology professor at your university. you are her TA (teachers assistant) and girlfriend.
includes: ellie x fem!reader, thoughts are italicized, all in reader’s POV.
warnings: nsfw. public sex. short smut because i am not good at it.
inspired by a scene from the movie Bloomington
944 words
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"Really good." Ellie switches between scrolling and reading my essay till she reaches the end, "It's a good start. Take a look at the last paragraph, though, it needs some clarity."
"Alrighty" I take my laptop back, reading over the section she mentioned.
We return to our own work for a bit. Seated at a small table lit by a hanging lamp, all the way in the back of the university library. Hidden by rows and rows of ceiling-high bookshelves. We’ve been here for almost two hours. 
This woman loves to work.
Bored of writing, my attention shifts to Ellie. Elizabeth. Professor Elizabeth Staple. Dr Elizabeth Staple. Mine. 
Dreamy sigh, turtlenecks have never been so hot.
"Hey, Ellie?"
She replies after a brief pause, "Hm?" clearly not paying attention.
"Dr.Staple?" I call in a nasally, high pitched voice.
Her head perks up and she activates her professor voice, "Yes?" Ellie rolls her eyes and returns to a relaxed posture when she realizes it's only me, “You’re a regular comedian, you know that?”
"What's your article gonna be about?" I laugh.
She smiles to herself, almost shyly, "Boring stuff."
"What kind of boring stuff?"
"The abnormal psyche kind." she scribbles in her notepad some more- preferring to have her notes the ‘old fashioned’ way.
"Please elaborate" I prompt, procrastinating my own work of course.
She furrows her brow as she continues to read.
She takes a long inhale, buying time to find words, "It's based on the theory of the reversal of self denial."
"I've never heard of that."
"Well you know what denial is right?" she arches a brow.
I narrow my eyes at her.
Ellie fights a smirk but ends up letting out the laugh I love, "Okay well it's like if you deny yourself something for long enough, for whatever self-imposed reason, then the moment you're faced with any real external imposition you're gonna involuntarily want to do the thing that you were trying so hard not to do."
"Did you just make that up?"
"No." she laughs, scooting her chair back and tapping the edge of the table, "Have a seat here"
She crosses her legs and rests her folded hands on her knee, "Because I'm going to demonstrate the theory."
"Alright..." I move her notebooks back a bit to make room for me to sit. 
"Now, you know how you're often quiet when we have sex?"
My eyes widen for split second as I look around for any potential onlookers only to find we’re still the only ones here because no one in their right mind would be here this late. 
But here I am. Guess I’m just that whipped, "Is that a problem?" I ask as she stands between my legs.
She tugs me a little closer so I’m halfway off edge, "No...I just wondered why, is all. So I figure if you're so darn quiet when you don't have to be" she tucks my hair behind my ear, "let's see how quiet you can be when you absolutely have to. "
I grab her hands when they go to unbutton my pants, "Are you crazy?" I whisper-yell.
"Ah ah ah, hold onto the table" smiling, Ellie positions my hands to hold the edge, "trust me, baby, you're gonna need it." I look down to watch her hand make its way into my pants to palm my center through my underwear, "Don't forget to breathe" she whispers, lips grazing my neck.
A shaky exhale leaves my lips when her fingers move past the waistband of my underwear and brush my clit.
"Good girl" she teasingly kisses the corner of my agape mouth.
My grip on the table increases as she places open mouth kisses along my neck.
She starts making languid circles with her middle and ring finger, "I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought of doing this before, well, more so bending you over and fucking you on my desk. Or laying you on your back...having you spread out and needy for me in my office. I'm no exhibitionist but claiming you in front of everyone, showing them how you're such a good little slut for me has crossed my mind once or twice during class." 
My head falls forward to rest on her shoulder and I surprisingly let out a muffled groan.
Her velvety voice meets my ear, having dropped an octave, "Does that feel good?" and I can tell she has a smug smile on her face.
My response is cut off by one of her fingers entering me, "Ellie-" I bite my lip to quiet myself.
"Shhh, I know, baby." she brings her mouth to mine and uses her tongue to ease it open, then a second finger starts thrusting into me.
She swallows my moan with another kiss, “There you go, pretty girl.”
With the combination of sweet yet dirty nothings in my ear, lips and teeth on my neck, and a 'come here' motion of her fingers and tight circular motions with her thumb, my eyes screw shut and a final moan leaves my throat, "Ellie"
My eyes shoot open and meet hers as she rests her forehead against mine, easing me through my climax, "Give it to me, baby." She slows her motions as my trembling passes. Maintaining eye contact she sucks her fingers and releases them with a pop, "Mmm...theory confirmed. Though I can't exactly use this as an example."
Still shocked, I remain in the same position. Meanwhile she pecks my forehead, buttons my pants, sits in my seat, and goes right back to researching for her paper.
I have never loved psychology so much.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Postmarked In The Past
Spencer Reid x Female Single Mom Reader
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Summary: After sixteen years of no contact Reader reconnects with Spencer because she has to reveal the secret she’s been keeping since she stopped sending letters to him.
A/N: Hey heyyy! This is my sixteenth fic (it’s actually was totally unintentional to choose the 16th for this fic even though the daughter is 16 in this fic lol 😂) for my 30 fics in 30 days for April!! This one is based off of this request and is part of my unlinked Spencer Reid & Letters series! Thanks for all the love and support lately- I was going to put out my plan for my 1500 follower celebration yesterday or today but if you saw my post I’ve been struggling so it’ll probably come on the 19th or the 20th. Submit an ask here- I love hearing from everyone 🥰Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy 🥰
Warnings: Reader keeps a huge secret she definitely shouldn’t have, Reader is a single mother-the daughter doesn’t have a specified name but she is specified to be 16, Reader is very defensive when her daughter finds the letters, mentions of a one night stand
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.5k
Spencer had been a bright spot in my life, one that had been snuffed out all because of me. When I had found myself pregnant with his child, after I had visited him once, I bolted. For a long time I justified my actions, saying to myself that it was better that Spencer was unburdened while his career was just starting out. But, deep down I knew how wonderful Spencer would have been as a father, how he would have moved heaven and earth to make everything work. And, that guilt haunted me.
The memories I had of him were so far in between, every moment with him had been so fleeting at the end. I struggled to sometimes even remember how he looked as it had been sixteen years since I last laid eyes on him.
I had to strain my memory to remember the way his gelled hair curled around his ears and how sometimes I saw him let the curls free only around me. His eyes had been brown, I could remember that. But, pinpointing what shade they were when they glinted in the light or were drenched in the shadows was lost to me. I knew he had been tall and lanky, his hands reflecting that with how spindly they were. To remember how those fingers had felt on my skin, or how his lips had marked me, or how he would gently stroke my hair was too difficult. Whether it was because I couldn’t remember or that I didn’t want to, it was just too hard for me to want to try to strain my memory anymore.
The labor had been the most difficult thing I had gone through, no one had been there to hold my hand. And, I didn’t really want anybody else except Spencer holding it. I had gritted my teeth and accepted it, pushing through the physical and emotional pain, especially since the pain of losing Spencer had been entirely because of me. I had been given a beautiful baby daughter that day and it was then that I started to force myself to forget Spencer, she looked too much like him to be able to bear.
The only things that remained in my life that involved him were the letters I sent to him in the last year of our relationship while we were long distance and my daughter. The letters were able to be shoved in a box at the bottom of a closet, but my daughter confronted me with my actions everyday by existing. I loved my daughter very much, I just tried to avoid the topic of her father by concocting a lie and making myself forget all of Spencer’s features so I wouldn’t see them as much in her. My nightmare would be the two things converging to confront me with my guilt, I don’t think I could handle that.
At the kitchen table I saw my daughter, holding a letter. Her holding a letter wasn’t at its core a bad thing of course, but I could tell by the slight yellowing of the paper that it was getting old. Immediately panic spread through me; there were no other old letters she’d be looking at besides mine, the ones I sent to Spencer.
“Those are private.” I snapped defensively, definitely too hostile to be reasonable. It was obvious by my tone of voice that I was hiding something.
“Private?!” She yelled, giving away that she had already read at least a few of them. I clenched my eyes shut to prepare for her question, “Are these from my father?! Who you said was a one night stand?!” I vividly remember explaining the lie I had concocted for her, her being confused why I would only be with her father once. It was a hard subject to dance around, a difficult lie for me and her to swallow. But, the alternative was too painful for me to be honest with her, or honest with Spencer. And, I knew it made me selfish, at the time it had been so Spencer wouldn’t stop his blossoming career. With time I realized that I really had done it because I had been scared. The guilt had started to sting worse when I realized that.
I had been caught, there was no weaseling out of this. I hanged my head in defeat, finally admitting to the large lie I had even roped the rest of my family in, “Yes.”
If she had been a dragon she’d be breathing fire on me while she spoke, “And why would you keep this from me! Did he do something bad or something?! Is that why you didn’t tell me?!”
“No-I-“ I stammered a few times until I found the words, “I- I did it because I didn’t want to hold him back… We were so young, and I knew he’d quit his new job across the country to come back to me.” Keeping the details still vague was my only armor right now. I kept to myself how those letters were the way we communicated for months when he started in the academy. We were only able to meet up once a month, and one month I unexpectedly fell pregnant. I never sent another letter or came to visit him again once I found out.
She clenched her jaw at me, looking back down at the scores of letters that we had written, and I had hidden. Her next question now made me clench my jaw, “C-can I see him? Or call him? Or send him a letter?” If you don’t know how to contact him anymore I’m sure we can-“
I was nervous as to where this was going. There was no way I could contact Spencer again after all these years, the guilt already ate at me everyday. Seeing and remembering his face would only make it worse. Fear was fueling me and I cut her off because of it, “No- I- I don’t think it’s a good idea...I just need more time- until I’m ready.” I started to shrink away from her, my authority slipping through my fingers as I became more and more vulnerable.
“You’ve waited sixteen years, you’ll never be ready.” The spite in her voice was stinging, she wasn’t completely wrong in her statement.. And when I didn’t answer she then stormed away, slamming the door to her room.
Our relationship in the few weeks following was strained at best, estranged at worse. She barely spoke to me since then, the biggest conversation we had was about what was for dinner- and that had been about two sentences long.
I was slowly coming around to the idea of perhaps finding a way for her and Spencer to reconnect. The guilt that I had been so afraid of becoming worse if I confronted it head on, only grew worse by avoiding it. I was actually going to talk to her after I got home from work, until I realized what she did.
She left her own letter on the table titled Dear Mom, detailing where she was going without giving any specifics. There was one part that gave her reasoning for writing her plan down, she didn’t want me to have a heart attack even if she was mad at me. Plus there were a few sentences about how she had used her own money that she had been saving up, which was supposed to be for college only serving to make you even more frustrated. At the bottom she wrote- I’m going to find my Dad, please don’t follow me or call the police.
I scoffed to myself, wondering if she expected her warning to not to follow her to be followed. Of course I was going to follow her, there was no way I was going to just let her go off on her own like that.
It wouldn’t be too hard to find her. Spencer may have changed apartments since then, but one quick google search of news articles he was mentioned in showed me that he still worked at the BAU in Quantico. It was probably a safe bet that my daughter did the same thing and was planning on visiting him at his office.
The plane ride there had been tumultuous, not in the sense that there was any chaotic occurrence or severe turbulence on the plan, more like in my mind. My hands shook, my foot tapped, and my mind raced while I took the long flight from Las Vegas all the way to Quantico. My mind went round in circles whether or not I viewed Spencer meeting my daughter- our daughter as a good thing. It was difficult to accept that even though they’d both most likely be mad at me, they deserved to meet. Especially since I knew how good of a father Spencer could potentially be. Once I had landed I didn’t stop, getting a cab straight from the airport to where the BAU offices were located.
The building looked daunting in front of me. It wasn’t a skyscraper by any means, but the task that I was here to do was so big it felt like one as I stared at it while trying to work up the courage to go in. The guilt however, was too hard to ignore.
My mind was on autopilot as I told the secretary at one of the front desks. It was too stressful to focus on worrying, so exhausted from the emotional roller coaster I was riding. An agent had assured me that she was safe which made some of the stress melt from my shoulders luckily.
“Here she is.” The agent gestured to the office, empty of any other person except my daughter. I felt even more relieved now that I saw her with my own eyes.
When I entered she waited a second before speaking timidly with disappointment, “He’s not here, he's on a case.” Her demeanor had deflated almost immediately as she saw me escorted up.
“Who told you that?” My arms crossed around my chest, nervous and furious all at once. I didn’t need to tell my daughter how in trouble she was, by the pout on her face she knew she’d be getting grounded for a long time even if I did let her talk to him.
“This nice lady named Garcia, she works with him. But, she did tell me I had to wait for you until she called him” For the first time since I had read her letter to me I cracked a smile. When we had still been communicating, Spencer often wrote and spoke about his teammates. Besides a fleeting photo of the team shown to me by him while I had been over here visiting, all my perceptions of the team and how they might look were all based on my imagination.
Despite that, when a vibrantly dressed woman clicked her heels into the room, I knew it was her. Spencer had perfectly described her, shining bright compared to the dull colors of the bureau’s office.
“So your Spencer’s baby mama.” Yep, she was definitely as blunt and beautiful as Spencer had described. I blanched at her comment, though I didn’t deny it, which was all she needed to know to confirm.
“Can you give me his number?” I skittered past the question, not wanting to confirm it out loud.
She beamed brightly at me, already starting to punch in the numbers with the phone on the desk in front of me. “You can call him now if you want on this phone, they just stopped working for the day.”
When she handed me the phone, it had already started ringing. I couldn’t help but panic, almost refusing the phone until my daughter nudged me forward to grab it. My finger trembled severely as I wrapped my hands around the phone, but I still managed to hold on to bring it up to my ear just as someone picked up the phone.
“Hello?” It was him, he sounded so similar to the boy you knew, that boy was a man now. He sounded more haggard compared to sixteen years ago; I wondered what all had happened since then.
“Hey- Spencer it’s me.” By the hitch in his voice that came through the speaker, he knew who it was.
At first I heard nothing from him, only some rustled feedback in the speaker. My shoulders were practically at my ears now afraid he might hang up. He did eventually stumble out a greeting, “H-hi? Why are you calling me after all these years- aaand on a phone at my work?”
“I’ve got to be honest with you,” I cryptically answered with an evident shake in my voice. I was biting my nails now, not caring if I chipped the polish on them. My daughter grabbed my hand to comfort me even though she was probably still furious at me which helped coax out my next statement, “cause I haven’t told you why I stopped talking to you…” I breathed in deeply once before I finally admitted the secret I had held for so many years, “Spencer, you have a daughter, she just turned sixteen.”
Dead silence was all I got, that was until I heard a choked out sob from him, “Why?”
He didn’t need to elaborate any further, it was quite clear what he was asking. Again another meek shaky reply came from me, “There were a lot of reasons- the main one was I didn’t want to hold you back.”
My daughter was now crying as was I, I hadn’t given her my reasoning until now. Maybe one day I’d give Spencer all the reasons why I had hidden it from him for so many years even though it was painful. I had held a lot of guilt about not ever contacting him again or even sending another letter. Spencer deserved to know everything, especially about his daughter who was the spitting image of him in almost every way.
“Can I talk to her?” I agreed, which seemed to surprise my daughter. I think she thought I’d be furious enough with her to not let her speak to him. She would still be getting many privileges taken away from her, just not this one as it was my fault she never knew her father in the first place. My fingers shook even more as I moved to click the speaker button so he could hear her speak.
“Hi- dad.” They spoke for a while, while I took the back seat, barely interjecting. They both deserved every ounce of father and daughter time that I had deprived them from throughout the years. My chest did feel lighter now that I had told him, now that my daughter was getting the chance to know him. Hearing them laugh and giggle with each other almost immediately only cemented how much she was her father’s daughter.
When the phone was handed back to me, after seemingly hours of talking (Garcia had even popped in a few times to get me more coffee) Spencer asked,“Can you stay in Quantico till I get back?”
I smiled, happy that I’d finally be able to see and remember his face again after all this time, “We’ll be here waiting, it’s time you meet your daughter in person.”
Ask Me Anything
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All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @boxofsparklingmuses @multixfandomwriter @takeyourleap-of-faith
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat @anaagraceeberr @ashcakes1918 @reid-me-a-story @cosmic-psychickitty
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
Letters Series: (Group of Unlinked fluff fics about Spencer and letters): @whoreforthebau @sierraraeck @90spumkin
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pappydaddy · 3 years
For Her (s.h. + b.h.)
  A/N: This is for the lovely anon who asked for a platonic! Steve Harrington x Reader x platonic! Billy Hargrove where they go to prom. I added a little spice about people not believing that they are all just friends bc let’s be honest, people always assume they know more about what’s going on than they actually do. I loved prom even though people really did try to ruin it for me, but that is a story for another day if y’all wanna hear it. Writing this really made me go back to my high school years (my prom was three years ago, yikes) so thank you anon, it was really nice to revisit those days (even though I realized that I am actually old now😅). But anyway, it wasn’t specified what pronouns to use so I am using my default (she/her) like I outline in my Request Rules! Now enough of me trying to recapture my youth when I didn’t have chronic back pain 24/7 and on to the imagine! Hope you like it lovely anon💛!
pairing: platonic!steve harrington x fem!reader x platonic!billy hargrove
show/movie: stranger things
au where billy never beat steve nearly to death
warnings: nothing? good times. some good steve vs. billy bickering. 
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  “Come on, please!” Y/N pleaded, grabbing Billy and Steve’s sleeves to prevent them from walking away from the group. Billy and Steve both stopped, glaring at each other.
  “No.” They answered together, not turning to try and walk away again since Y/N still gripped their sleeves. They both resorted to turning their backs to each other like children. Heaving a sigh, Y/N used most of her strength to yank the two closer to her, her arms growing tired of reaching.
  “Can’t you two just get along for one night,” She asked, her eyes wide and pleading, her bottom lip sticking out. The sound of her voice made the two turn their heads enough to see her. “For me?” She pressed, turning her pouting eyes to Steve, knowing that out of either of them, he would break first. Steve also knew this, making him turn his head away from her, trying not to cave under her puppy-dog expression.
  “Sorry, Y/N/N, I would go with you in a heartbeat, but I can’t go with you if he is going with you.” Steve spoke a little louder, making up for the fact that his back was turned to her. Billy scoffed at this, shifting his weight, his tongue flicking over his bottom lip with an unimpressed glare on his face. Y/N slumped her shoulders, playing on Billy’s weaknesses now.
  “Billy,” She sounded as sad as she could, trying to get her two best friends to come with her to prom. He silently shook his head. “I can’t believe you two.” She sighed, her spirits breaking. Shaking her head in defeat, she let her hold on them drop, but neither boy moved despite regaining their freedom from their mutual friend. 
  “Y/N/N-” Steve breathed out, feeling guilty. He wanted to make her happy, but he just couldn’t handle Billy. The pair just could not get along. Steve constantly questioned how Y/N could be friends with someone like Billy Hargrove. Bad blood ran between them like rushing waters. 
  “No, it’s fine. You guys can’t get along, I know that,” She shook her head. “I should have never suggested this. I’ll just go with some of my girl friends, it’s fine.” She lied, trying to hide her disappointment (even though she was failing miserably). The two boys looked at each other, Y/N’s head bowed as she shuffled her feet against the broken pavement of the school parking lot. 
  “We’ll do it.” Steve declared, rolling his shoulders back to stand straight, tilting his chin up towards the sky in confidence. He wasn’t sure if he would regret this decision, but at that moment, he knew that it would make Y/N happy. Just the way her eyes lit up with excitement and the wide smile that stretched onto her face as she snapped her head up to look at him. 
  “For real?” She practically vibrated with excitement. Billy glared over Y/N’s head at Steve. Steve gave him a subtle look, telling him he better go along with it. With a heaving sigh, Billy’s body depressed for a second before he stood back up. 
  “Yeah,” He gruffed, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. “We’ll go to prom with you.” 
  “Oh my god! I can’t believe this,” She squealed, clapping her hands as she jumped up and down, looking between the minimally excited boys. “I am so excited! I have to go and start planning!” With that, she took off towards her car, leaving the two boys in their spots, glares set on each other. 
  “She is the only reason I’m doing this.” Billy stated. 
  “You think I’m doing this to get a date with you, Hargrove?” Steve bit back. They sneered at each other, hard glared burning into their skin. With a simultaneous grunt, they turned away from each other and walked to their cars; their shoulders tense as they tried to figure out how they could spend Prom night together without ruining it for Y/N.
  “Y/N?” Billy’s gruff voice called through her empty house. She looked towards her open bedroom door, hearing the click of her front door shutting.
  “In my room!” She hollered to him, eyes dropping back down to the pieces of cut out magazine pages scattered around the bedspread in front of her legs. It only took a minute for Billy to shed himself of his shoes and pad along the carpet in his sock feet into Y/N’s room. He knew the layout of her house like the back of his hand.
  “Hey pipsqueak,” Billy smirked, spotting her sitting cross-cross on top of her soft pink comforter. She glanced up from her cut-outs to glare at him. “What’s that? Playing dolls or something?” He teased, spotting the cut-outs of people. Y/N mocked him as he flopped onto her bed, messing everything up.
  “Hey! You messed it up you big dodo!” She whined, trying desperately to get everything organized. Billy watched her before rolling onto his back, picking up a piece on his way. He held it in front of him, fiddling with it. It was a corsage filled with white flowers and a sprig of baby’s breath.
  “So why’d you call me over if you’re just going to ignore me?” He asked, flipping the flimsy paper over to see what was on the back. He read the words that were left from an article that had been sacrificed for a prom dream board.
  “I’m not ignoring you, you just got here earlier than I expected,” She pointed out, searching the bed for one last piece. Glancing at Billy, she sighed before leaning over to snatch the picture from his hands. He cried out in protest, rolling back over onto his stomach. “Don’t touch yet.” She scolded, fitting it back into place.
  “Hey Y/N/N! I brought snacks-“ Steve burst into the room, his eyes in the bag of snacks he brought. His entrance startled Y/N and Billy since they hadn’t heard him open the door. “Wait, why is he here?” Steve questioned immediately, looking up to see Billy in the room.
  “Yeah, you didn’t tell me Harrington was coming!” Billy looked back at Y/N.
  Y/N looked between the boys, shocked that they were so hostile towards each other. She knew they didn’t get along, but they couldn’t be in the same room as each other. Steve she understood sine Billy did try to beat him up and all. “We need to discuss prom details and I didn’t tell you guys because I knew that you wouldn’t come if the other was here.”
  “Not true-” Steve tried to argue, but Y/N simply gave him a look saying that she wasn’t going to buy his lies. “I would have sucked it up, might not have been happy about it, but I would have sucked it up non-the-less.” Steve insisted curtly. Y/N hummed in disbelief, resuming her task of matching bow-ties to the dresses. 
  “Okay, moving on,” She exclaimed, moving the paired clippings into the center of the bed. Clapping her hands, she bounced slightly on the bed. “These dresses are all the same colour as mine so these are the possible bow-tie colours you guys can buy,” She explained, pointing to each tie. “Then these,” She paused, sliding the clippings of corsages. “These are the corsages that will go with each tie and dress combo.” 
  “You want both of us to get you a corsage?” Billy inquired, flicking his eyes up from the scattered clippings to send her a questioning look. 
  “No, one corsage is enough, but you two both need boutonnieres,” She pointed out, grabbing another pile of clippings, letting the rain down onto a free bit of comforter. “This one is my favourite, but it would only really go with this corsage with only goes with this bow-tie-” She gasped, reaching for another corsage. “But this one is so pretty.” As she was busy trying to piece together the clippings, the boys both lifted their eyes to share a look. 
  “You just had to say we’d go together.” Billy grumbled under his breath, making sure only Steve heard. 
  “Suck it up, Hargrove. It’s for Y/N/N.” 
  Tonight was the night and Y/N could barely contain her excitement. Since it was senior prom, the seniors had a shorter day, getting off early in order to prepare for their last prom. “Two dates,” Her hairdresser repeated in a shocked voice, his jaw dropped as he looked at her through the mirror. Y/N nodded, her brows furrowed in confusion. “Well, aren’t you just snatching them right up? Good for you.” He patted her shoulder, going back to put her hair in rollers. 
  “It’s not like that, they are my friends.” She corrected him, inspecting her freshly done nails. Her hairdresser hummed, pinning the last curler in place, stepping away to look over his work. 
  “Whatever you say,” He shrugged, sitting in the empty chair beside her as her makeup artist come into the salon. “Sarah, Y/N has two dates to the prom and she claims that they are just friends.” He filled the girl in as she set her supplies up. Sarah scoffed, assuming he was pulling her leg, but when neither of them laughed, she looked over her shoulder with a worried glance. 
  “Oh, you’re serious,” She realized, clearing her throat. “Just friends?” She asked Y/N to make sure as she started to get to work on her face. 
  “Deadly,” Y/N confirmed. “They basically hate each other so it was really had to get them both to agree to come as a group, but I managed.” She explained. 
  “I will believe this whole ‘just friends’ thing when I see that neither one of them has a thing for you.” Her hairdresser spoke up once again, watching Sarah as she applied the makeup to Y/N. Sarah hummed in response, focusing on blending the foundation. 
  “I second that Randy.”
  “Well, they’re picking me up from the salon so, you’ll both see it,” Y/N informed them, drumming her fingers against the arms of the chair, tapping her foot against the metal bar. “Then you’ll see that it’s true, we are just friends.” She gloated, ignoring the skeptical looks Randy and Sarah shared. 
  “Okay, Y/N, where are these two dreamboats?” Randy asked impatiently as Sarah helped Y/N into her dress. His eyes were glued to the door as he sat behind the receptionist desk, his elbows pressing into the desk. Shaking her head, Sarah muttered under her breath about his constant nagging as she zipped the back of Y/N’s dress up. 
  “They’re probably arguing about the address I told them, they’re both extremely stubborn and head-strong, especially when they’re around each other.” She told him, slipping into her shoes, walking out into the main part of the salon. Randy huffed, swirling around on the stool to face her, his eyes widening at the sight of her in her gown. 
  “Lord, if those two don’t nearly fall over when they see you, I’m not letting you go with them,” He commented, hopping off the stool to stride over to her, taking her hands in his, holding them away from her. “You look show-stopping. The belle of the ball.” He continued to compliment. 
  “Randy, I think they’re here.” Sarah nodded to the door just as the rev of an engine sounded as the blue Camaro pulled into the parking lot. Randy dropped Y/N’s hands, facing the door as he moved to stand behind her. Sarah and Randy clutched hands, waiting with bated breath as Y/N smiled lightly at the door, watching as Billy and Steve climbed out of the car in their tuxes, obviously arguing about something. 
  “Oh my gosh, you are a lucky girl,” Randy gasped, watching the two stride towards the door, two boutonnieres sitting in a case in Billy’s hands and a beautiful corsage in Steve’s. The dig of the bell above the door ceased their bickering, their eyes settling on Y/N standing in the center of the salon. Their breaths seemed to leave them as they froze, eyes wide. “Not the reaction I wanted, but still good.” Randy whispered to Sarah, his eyes still locked on the two boys. 
  “Wow, Y/N/N,” Steve breathed out, straightening up and walking into the salon. 
  “You look stunning.” Billy finished for him, also walking in, the door closing behind him. 
  “There is no way they are just friends, we can’t be wrong, can we?” Sarah asked, doubting that there was anything romantic between any of them. Randy remained silent, not wanting to answer her. 
  Steve extended the corsage sitting in the clear case to Y/N bashfully. “Here, this is for you, it’s the one you really liked and said went with your dress the best.” He spoke, fumbling to open the case. Y/N smiled, extending her wrist towards him gently. 
  “Why thank you, Steve,” She teased, watching as he slipped it onto her wrist. “It’s beautiful.” She breathed out in awe, twisting and turning her wrist as she gazed down at it. Steve watched her, also in awe of her beauty, she was simply glowing. 
  “If any of them liked her, my money is on that one,” Randy whispered, jutting his chin in Steve’s direction. “He’s got amazing hair.” He noted. Just as he spoke those words, Billy walked forward, extending the other clear case towards her. Y/N took it in her hands, gazing down at the matching boutonnieres. 
  “My money is on the other one, the bad boy who is only soft for one girl? Definitely him.” Sarah countered, watching him bend down slightly so that Y/N could pin one of the boutonnieres on him. Randy shook his head, his eyes watching Steve and Y/N as they did the same thing. Looking over at Sarah, he gave her a disapproving look. 
  “Look at them-” 
  “Thank you guys, I’ll show you the pictures tomorrow!” Y/N broke their argument, the two boys leading her out of the Salon. 
  “You’re welcome, have a great time!” Randy and Sarah chorused. 
  The prom was in full swing when the three stepped into the gym. Y/N gazed around at the decorations, truly believing that the prom committee outdid themselves this year. Instead of a disco ball like every other year, there were moons hanging, a soft glow coming from each of them to dimly light the space, tons of shiny silver stars hung down all the way from the ceiling, ending only a few feet over everyone’s heads. Every piece of fabric whether it was draped over a table or covering up the walls and bleachers was a deep purple, sticking with the starry night theme. The centrepieces were deep purple flowers in vases that were a stunning sliver with purple hearts painted beautifully by hand. 
  Students laughed and talked loudly, but the music still boomed over their voices. A big crowd was grouped in the middle of the gym, dancing along to The Police, large smiles on their faces. The entire atmosphere made Y/N’s heart float in happiness and wonder. “This is just like in the movies!” She proclaimed, rushing off to take a closer look at the tables, Steve and Billy following behind her awkwardly. 
  “So how does this work?” Steve wondered, not thinking about how to share a prom date. Do they all slow dance together in a circle? If Steve wants to get Y/N punch, does he have to get punch for Billy as well? 
  “What do you mean how does this work,” Billy asked rudely, looking at the slightly shorter boy, making Steve sneer towards him in response. “Never been on a date before, Harrington?” Billy poked at him, Steve’s sneer turning into a scowl. 
  “Of course I’ve been on dates before, Hargrove,” Steve bit back. “I’m asking how we manage to do this without me having to touch you, ever.” 
  “Like I would want you to touch me, Harring-” 
  “Would you two cut it out, it’s quite simple how we go about this,” Y/N broke up their fight, turning around to face them. “We sit together, talk, dance together on fast songs, and I switch off between the two of you for slow songs. I thought it all out beforehand.” She waved them off, walking over to the punch table which also held a wide assortment of snacks, food and candy, all cut out in the shapes of stars and moons. 
  “I would like to point out that I don’t dance.” Billy grumbled as they followed her once again. 
  “I think you could dance for one night without it killing you.” Steve groaned, taking a cookie from the platter in front of him. Y/N swiped one for herself, taking a bite out of it as she ignored the bickering between the pair. 
  “Just a few songs,” Y/N settled, peering up at him with wide, pleading eyes. He huffed, looking away from her in an attempt not to fall under her puppy dog-eyed spell. “For me?” She said in a sweet tone, the tone that told Billy she was still sporting the wide eyes and pouty mouth. 
  Looking back down at her, he heaved another sigh. “Only a few songs.” He agreed, making her squeal and toss the rest of her cookie in the trash, grabbing both their hands to pull them onto the dance floor, knowing that when he said only a few, that he was agreeing to as many as she wanted. After all, these boys would do whatever she wanted for her.
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peachbearies · 3 years
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Poseidon E.Honoret
𑁍┊synopsis: Edwin and y/n have been together for months but have never taken it further into intimacy due to past relationships but today is one for the books.
𑁍┊Genre(s): Smut
𑁍┊Pairing: Edwin X Fem Reader
𑁍┊warning(s): soft choking, overstimulation, cursing, unprotected sex.
𑁍┊A/N: Mind of Poseidon has been in my head for days so I decided to write a smut about it I hope it’s good!
Proofread: yes/ no
Patiently dawdling for the boys to get off stage y/n scrolled through her tags on Instagram glimmering at how proud she is of the boys, touring with them has been a hassle but damn near worth it, getting out of her house away from a toxic environment. It felt like shimmering out of the water, her eyes wander up from her phone to be met with the man she fell in love with. Edwin was shouting along with the staff congratulating them for another tour date. Edwin was always shirtless by the end of a performance, it was either him or zion. Y/n was used to it, but today seemed different.
She felt the heat rise from the pit of her stomach, traveling through her veins to her cheeks. Letting out a desperate attempt of a sigh, she lingers back to her phone to read a post that happened to land on a hate comment. “Mi Amor don't believe none of that shit” Edwin tilt her head in between his thumb and index, his glistening skin creating moonlights under the light, his eyes holding a gaze of doubt.
“I don't, I just transpired to land on that post. You killed it out there baby” she smiles into his solace his thumb sweeps her cheeks. “I had a fucking blast tonight, something about today that it felt so good” his lips press against her ear already quivering in his touch “but you look rightfully adequate though” the spectacle she was embarking to stymie ignited up still. She laughs it off holding her hand on his wrist.
“Don't prevaricate, you don't glimmer like that when you're with me” she joked, Edwin hauled back with a stoic countenance “it's a farce sweetheart” she laughs “it better be” Edwin sternly ascertains. He plops next to her lobbing his arm around the davenport, she posteriors in his embrace her knees foraging her chest while his other hand fondled her exposed thighs. Nick walked in with a towel throwing one at Edwin that almost hit y/n in the face.
“Nick you wanna die tonight?!” she implored cackling afterward, “how many times you going to jump this man?” zion screeched, “as many times as I need to!” Edwin kisses in the crook of her neck to which she swivels her hand on his jawline.
“You missed me that much hm?” she taunts
“I haven't properly hung out with you in three days princess, of course, I miss your aggravating ass” she flicks his forehead earning a groan with a frown. Zion walks back in the room to see an Edwin in pain on the couch, and y/n smiling while pushing her hair behind her ears. “I swear Everytime I walk in the room Edwin is in pain because of you, you have no remorse” Zion chuckles at the end.
“No, he called me aggravating so I just showed him how aggravating I can be” she cupped his face before kissing his forehead repeatedly mumming soft “I’m sorry” and “I love you”, Zion shifts in his seat sinking into the leather couch “so you further proved his point? , but we all know you’re aggravating” Zion puffed out a cloud before choking a little
“Karma, you dusty tumbleweed” y/n snaps at him, Edwin’s tiny chuckles turn into loud laughters y/n had no choice but to join him in the laughter fest nick stumbling upon the couple scrunched his eyebrows. “Y’all are an evil couple” nick jokes.
When y/n and Edwin got to their hotel rooms, she couldn’t stop staring at his chiseled lines that formed on his stomach, the way his tattoo lines were glossed from the shower he just taken. “Get it together y/n” she mentally spoke to herself. As much as she was attracted to Edwin, they never did anything more than a makeout session. Ultimately Edwin left it up to her if they should go further after hearing the story of her ex boyfriend.
The way he would please himself and not her, if she did come before him, she had to figure out a way on her own. Her ex boyfriend brung down her confidence but a long shot. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing certain articles of clothing, never visited Edwin with light makeup, whenever they used to facetime, her screen was always paused or she’d tell him to FaceTime audio call. Edwin made her feel special reminded her everyday she is loved in the smallest ways. By taking her to get boba, random taco dates at the park.
Zoo visiting. The little things made her happy. Feeling tender endearments on her neck stirs her attention back to earth “what you thinking about princess?” He mumbles on her skin
“You, how much I love you” she lets out In a soft tone, if Edwin wasn’t so close he wouldn’t have caught it “mmm, I love you too darling, what we doing for the night or are we going to cuddle for the remainder of the night” looking up into his eyes, they follow each other’s movements, her hands caressing the structured lines that flexed his muscles, the veins in his hands as they gripped her waist was causing a heat to arise in her cheeks and stomach. Without thinking she cupped his face in her hands giving him a passionate kiss pulling his body on top of hers while she laid flat on the mattress.
His hands positioned on each side of the bed trapping her underneath him, Edwin towered over her as he deepened the kiss by bringing their bodies closer the metallic chains dangled on her skin, the cold sensation along with the passion trailed goosebumps up her spine to her arms. Her fingers caressing his undercut as he pulled away for air, both of their lips vibrant in hues of pink. “I want you” she whispered softly, Edwin maneuvered his fingers through her hair scanning her eyes for an sense of rejection. “You’re sure about this? I’ll wait as long as you want me too, okay?” He reminded her, y/n’s heart swelled even bigger for him.
“I’m entirely sure about this, I trust you so much. I love you so much” her eyes began to water in happiness and adoration, the man before her loved her so much and she loved him just as much “I love you more, this is about you, be vocal darling I’m trying to study everything about you” his plumped lips stickering on her skin from her neck down to her sternum , the tiny moles she had he kisses them all, the scars his lips lingered on longer. His slender fingers hooked on her skirt he found the zipper with ease before removing it from her body.
“I never got to tell you, but this new confidence of yours, looks so good on you” his lips kissing her inner thighs, before kissing the spot she ached for him the most, getting one quiver out her mouth was enough to make Edwin smirk his hands grabbing her ankles pulling her to the edge of the bed. Y/n gasped at his bold action holding her hands onto his forearm. Edwin raises up to her level stamping his lips onto hers before he travels in between her legs. “May I taste you?” He asks twirling her hair in between his fingers. “Please” she lets out desperately.
“Granted” his fingers lifts up the clothing soaking in between her slit, Edwin was so applaud by how beautiful her body is, everything about her screamed “goddess” to him, he felt like the luckiest man in the world to help her on a new journey of loving herself. His tongue lapping the juices produced just by a mere touch. She was puddy in his hands, her fingers reaching up to her mouth to suppress her moans, but Edwin wouldn’t allow it, grabbing her hands with one he wrapped his callouses around her wrists holding them on her stomach. “Hey, I said be vocal with me okay? I won’t ask nicely next time” her thighs quivering just by the sturdiness in his throat.
Letting go of her hands he trusted her to listen to him, his hands cupping the back of her of ankles made her head sink in the mattress, his tongue flicked on her needy bud, his fingers firmly pressed into her ankles, his tongue lapping up her slit creating a mess on his chin down to his Adam’s apple, he widen her legs to get further precision on her bundle of joy. “Oh my god” she desperately sighed, edwins chuckle sent vibration through her body that bought her closer to her edge, Edwin was make it harder for her to catch her breath as stayed in between her thighs her moans became louder by each lap of tongue.
Her pants were starting to break, Edwin loved the sight of her squirming in his hands. Every lap started to increase as she attempted to push him away from her clit, in order to not choke him with her thighs, but that it precisely what Edwin wanted. “Baby-“ she tried to warn him but the bubble in her throat stopped her. On his tongue he felt her twitch while her thighs closed, but he held them open his tongue swiping from left to right on her clit, her chest was heaving in a frenzy “oh my god Edwin” she practically screamed her nails raked down his forearm, her eyelashes prancing on her eyelids.
The rush of her blood made her body lift of the bed begging to close her legs, her second round rushing in fast, her words couldn’t form to tell Edwin what she really wanted. As her mouth opened by silence was taking her moans away, her toes curled with the hooks of her fingers in his hair. Edwin removed his face from the mess he created her legs closed shut with her body twitching without a single touch. Y/n looked up at him the glossy coat on his lips with the shimmer in his eyes made her body sink more into the mattress. “Mmh, you’re so beautiful princess” his eyes wander down to her lips, his lips engulfs hers as his fingers disappear in between her slit, a soft whimper echos throughout the kiss.
Edwins fingers pumps her needy hole, finding her g-spot like a pinned location her breath stammering as her nails grind into his back “look at you mamas, you look so beautiful” his other hand cupping her chin to look at him, the sounds of her juices and his palm repeatedly clapping against her clit. Edwin speeds up the pace moving his fingers in a circular motion, at this point her moans turned into desperate cries tbd louder they became the faster he went “fuck” she coherently “baby— baby I’m coming” a sentence she finally spoke since he’s started. Edwin kept going despite the tears of pleasure rolling down her face.
“I can’t— fuck baby” she grips his wrist while her legs squirm to calm her nerves. Edwin reached his hand down to rub her bud, her back lifting off the bed as she screams his name her juices coating his toned abs made her dig into his forearms while her body shivered “you did so well princess, only I can make you squirt like this” Edwin kissed her inner thigh as she continued to ride out her high. Her eyelashes batting at him slowly, she was seeing stars. Her fingers hooked on his pants attempting to unhook his belt.
Edwin watches how fucked out she looks but still wants more, he removes her hand taking off his clothing for her, she pumped him a couple of times before her thumb kneaded across his tip, she guided his tip into her, already twitching around his length. “You ready for this?” Edwin wipes her tear ducts “yes” was all she could form In that moment. Edwin slowly sinned into her seeing her eyes open slowly by each inch, when he was finally balls deep in, her legs were fumbling and her fingers were latched onto him. “Fuck you’re so beautiful” his fingers hooked underneath her knees as he pumped into her at a slow pace already making her grab the sheets. “Faster-“ she asked politely, her words made Edwin go feral, his thrusts were loud against her skin.
While her moans couldn’t be silenced anymore, the crescents in his forearm, made him almost rode out his high in this very moment but he held back, her legs now placed on his shoulder as their lips touched, his lips nibbling over her earlobe as he planted wet kisses along her neck. Her fingers combing through his freshly new hair cut. She could hear the sounds of how wet she is, the growls Edwin was letting out on her tepid skin as he drilled into her. Their eyes connected and she whispered ‘ I love you’s’ as she came for the what felt like the hundredth time, Edwin wrapped his hand around her throat lightly pressing force as she held his wrist with one of her hands.
Wet kisses connecting them together, beads of sweat dripping off onto her, then gliding onto the mattress, he thrusted into her a couple of times getting her attention on him, her legs wrapped around him in a fight to close,only made him go harder. The collision of their bodies engulfing each other caused her to whimper in euphoria. “I’m coming princess, you’re so beautiful” he wipes her hair back from her face, planting kisses to the crown of her hair.
“Fuck— I’m coming” she announced to him. Pulling his length out, his tip rubbed against her clit helping her ride out her high before he came on her stomach. She twitched at the soft touches of his manhood sliding in between her folds. “Mm edwin” Edwin shushed her with a kiss “I promise I’m done, I just wanted you to know how it feels when you come too baby” he kisses her softly before going to the bathroom to retrieve a damp warm cloth.
“Thank you” she mumbled “for what mi amor?” He asked cleaning her tummy off along with her sensitive spot, she flinched grabbing his wrist with a soft whimper “I’m sorry love” he chuckled a little “no you’re not” she rebuttals, lifting her up he helps her in the bathroom where he already had a bath ready for them.
“Baby” she pouts, Edwin shushed her with a soft endearment, grabbing her hand and helping her in. “ you deserve it”
Edwin laid his chin on her head as they cuddled in the bed, her soft breaths on her chest made him feel so serene, Edwin looked at her sleeping face smiling softly. “I love you so much, I hope you know that” kissing her cheeks he closed his eyes.
“I love you too baby, I hope you’re happy with me” she replied to which he responded by bringing her closer to him nose nuzzled in his neck his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
“ I am”
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh Season Zero: The Yo-yo Crimes of Jounouchi Pt 2
OK, last we left off, we were in a different Youtube video. This one I grabbed off of 2 different videos (you’ll see their watermark in the corner change) and it makes me appreciate the quality that our other episodes have been, honestly. A little bit of compression going on in these, just to give you even more of that nostalgic feel of watching a bootleg anime from the 90′s your brother got from his weird high school friend’s Napster account.
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Because this is done with subtitles on, it takes more caps to cover it. Part of why I rewrite the dialogue in these recaps is to help abridge stuff, and so consider yourself warned...there’s a lot of caps in this one. For most of you, that’s probably not much of a problem. But I’m just letting you know because...I sure wasn’t expecting it to be over 40 caps for half an episode, and I’ll probably just type less to make up for that. (Tumblr keeps Erasing All My Words anyway, so this is for the best, but that’s a tech issue I already went into in another post.)
(read more under the cut)
So, to start off, Yugioh and co. walk up to a bar like a really weird version of a bar joke and are like “do you know where we can find the yo-yo gang?” And, much like a video game npc, the bartender was like “I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about, and I heard every part of their intimate conversation. Let me give you all the details, children.”
Hey, PS, there’s an entire Wikipedia entry about the bar joke. And that is wild. Apparently the first bar joke was from Ancient Sumeria, and Wikipedia was like “Here is the Sumerian joke, but we Do Not Get it. Please don’t try to get it.”
The joke being: "A dog walked into a tavern and said, 'I can't see a thing. I'll open this one'."
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Damn. I can’t believe the Sumerians were onto meme humor before we ever invented memes. They were in the Galaxy brain over there in the land before time, holy crap. Depositing their memes knowing that 7,000 years later mankind would look at the world’s first joke and be like “I don’t get it!” while all the millennials and zoomers with our MB of nonsense memes on our phones are like “No. I get it.” Good on you Sumerians, that is freakin the best joke ever made. 7000 years to get to the punch line of confusing the hell out of all us. Bless.
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They promptly tell Miho that everything was resolved and that she should go to bed and she was like “Cool!” and exited stage left. Bye, I guess. Anzu also went home, but she didn’t have to be tricked into doing it, she just went the hell to bed.
(PS, I just realized that if I want to write less...I should probably not look up Wikipedia articles about the world’s first ever bar joke. But y’all, habits die so freakin hard, and I just feel like it’s very pertinent to this Yugioh recap, although I know it’s really not.)
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Yuugi and Honda decide to visit the warehouse and harass Jounouchi. In the context of the show, they’re going out of their way to pull their best friend out of society’s systemic downward pull of a life of crime and most likely turning into exactly like his Father. But, the way that it’s storyboarded makes it look a lot like these kids just show up out of the corner and this gang was like ���Damn it, again? OMG small children, please leave us alone!”
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Honda hands over the symbolism sash, to which Jounouchi symbolically says “Nyeh.”
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And Honda didn’t take it very well.
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After tending to his kidneys for a little while, Honda decided to go back at it again at the Krispy Cream and do some sort of insane parkour over this completely ordinary fence.
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Ah, the very first instance of real duel law where you duel over a relationship. In later seasons duel law is invoked for things like Mai’s marriage and the right to date Tea (and then just kind of forgetting you ever won the right to date Tea twice). But to think the very first time was Honda dueling for the right of Jounouchi to be part of nerd gang because Jounouchi had fallen to the dark side yo-yo gang across the street run by some 40 year old man with blue hair.
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How many times is Honda gonna fight with a broom? Like are they just magnetized to his location? where are they even coming from?
Freakin janitor powers over here, put him in a Final Fantasy style RPG. I want to see what his limit break would be.
Not like it matters, because Hirotani very quickly explains why these yo-yo’s are at all a threat.
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Which honestly shouldn’t be...so lethal? Seems like the weight is all you need, not really the spikes. But it’s at least stronger than Honda’s janitor stuff.
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Unfortunate for Honda that he just destroyed an antique.
So with lightning reflexes, Yuugi does what he does most:
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The death yo-yo ricochets back and does this little itty bitty scrape to this guy’s face and he’s real bothered by it. Although it’s like...well dude, you’re a 50 year old high schooler, I don’t think people will notice the scrape compared to everything else falling apart in your life.
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And so then the Yugioh Season Zero team was like “oh shoot is it time to torture Yuugi???” and they got hella excited.
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Like I thought it was just Yuugi’s class that were a bunch of disturbing criminal disasters, but I guess it’s the whole city. Like...was Yuugi’s class the good school?
I mean, it can’t be, there’s no way...
but like...is there a good school in this universe? How does anyone survive till graduation? If you so much as disgrace a yo-yo, you will get the torture treatment that I sure did expect in Yakuza games, but not so much in Yugioh, tbh.
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Just a reminder: This is the third time we’ve beat up Yuugi this episode. Within the first meeting of Yuugi and Hirotani, he beat the tar out of Yuugi within eye shot of Jounouchi. So like...Jounouchi was reallllllllllllllllly lax on that deal, right? Like...he took his toot sweet time to realize “yeah this just ain’t ever gonna happen.”
And then the yo-yo wars begin.
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Just like Solid Snake crawling through the radiation chamber.
Hirotani throws his Fyper-yoyo, Jounouchi intercepts with his Eireboy, and Hirotani’s completely terrible yo-yo just flies off the string again because Hirotani should have just sticked to using his fists. No wonder they wanted to recruit Jounouchi so badly, their yo-yo game is so off.
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We never get a door to darkness in this episode, dipping our enemies into mind horrors. Instead, we get home-alone style traps. But, this makes sense. Not only do the show makers have to make Yuugi avoid solving problems with magic in front of Jounouchi, they also have to make it Jounouchi’s choice to leave Hirotani behind. If Yuugi did it for him in like...some sort of duel law situation...then that sort of leaves out Jounouchi’s choice in the equation.
Not like this ever really comes up in later seasons, since who even follows through with duel law and marries Mai? But like, it does feel like Season Zero calls out the later Seasons a bit in this regard. Honda got beat up because he tried to win Jounouchi back by force (or game, I guess.) That was just another form of coercion on the heels of Hirotani’s. What Jounouchi actually needed was to make his own decision to leave.
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...most other anime I’d be like “I’m sure that’s just a translation error” but not this one.
So Yuugi runs to the roof where Jounouchi will never see this.
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My audible sigh reading this line about fight club roof.
These stupid gang members went into Yuugi’s native territory, not just a fight club roof, but on a warehouse? They were dead before they arrived.
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This was like maybe 3 frames of animation in just rapid succession, it was pretty silly and good.
Reminder that like 4 minutes ago, Yuugi was about to get like executed on a meat hook.
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Speaking of getting executed on a meathook:
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Hope you like the idea of glass in your eyes, because this anime’s got it.
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They chase Yuugi around, in a sequence that was done mostly to conserve frames, so you rarely saw the ground until this shot:
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Lots of falling down this episode, but unlike Tea, who fell from a warehouse ceiling once and just kind of rubbed her ass after and was like “ah damn it.” these guys won’t come out of it virtually unscathed.
Also, Honda is here now:
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Jumping off of his symbolic sash trapeze, he decides to do in Hirotani for good.
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Hey so like...walk the dog is a fairly gentle walk that a yo-yo does slowly on the ground right?
Just pointing out how sensitive Hirotani’s fingies are.
And he...didn’t appear to be dead, so I don’t have to add to the bodycount...but it’s gonna be a real long road for recovery.
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And now, with the gang back together Jounouchi is back at school knee deep in make up assignments he’ll probably completely ignore since we know that in a years time, these fools are going to be trapped on Pegasus’ island, and at that point school will be just that place you talk about when you try to remember why you’re friends with Bakura.
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---hey aren’t those chairs attached to the desks?
Because...holy crap, Anzu.
Honestly this is what you see before you die, but I guess Jounouchi died off screen after the episode ended, so I don’t have to add him to the deathcount (again). RIP.
Alright! That took like...8 tries to get Tumblr to save this one, but it managed! (well...I guess “managed” isn’t the word you’d use for a typing program that takes 8 tries to save)
Next time, we’ll be back to S5, for an arc I’ve heard is kind of boring. We’ll see. If it truly is, I can condense episodes into fewer posts. Or maybe it’s a secret gem? I guess we shall see.
And if you just got here this is a link to read all the Season Zero recaps from the start:
(there’s also a link to read all the Yugioh posts we wrote from the start in chrono order but straight up, this file won’t freakin save, and I just can’t even will myself to look up that link again. It’s on the home page of this blog on the right.)
27 notes · View notes
Owe You One - Part 3
Title: Owe You One - Saving You
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 5,141
Warnings: Angst, Self Hate, Nudity, Depression, Anxiety, Mentions of Sex, Minor Fluff, Self Loathing.
Summary:  Dean Winchester has been your best friend and neighbour for the last year. A year of finding comfort in random drop ins and casual conversations, but neither of you know the pasts that the other has. Not fully. Pasts that come back to haunt you, and ruin everything you want in life. Can you find what you’re seeking in a couple of favours and a good time between the sheets or is history doomed to repeat itself?
Owe You One - Masterlist
Square Filled : Best Friend for @spndeanbingo
A/N: Here we go! I hope y’all enjoy this part! Please please please, leave a comment, reblog or ask! Your response is very important to me! Happy Reading!
*Tags are still open! Please send an ask*
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Three Months Later
 “Hey Y/N, it’s me, Dean. Again. Uh, look, we need to talk. It’s been three months since I last heard from you. I haven’t seen you since the night out. I’m getting worried now. I’m stopping by tonight around seven. Have a good day.”
 You listened to his words, letting them swirl around in your head as they sunk in. It had been three months since you last saw him. The night of his mom’s party. He called and left messages. Knocked on your door a few times and sent a bunch of texts. You didn’t return any of them. It was for the best.
 You couldn’t get his mother’s words out of your head since that night. You were never going to be good enough for the Winchester family. You were never going to measure up because you were the same filth that your mom was. You were bound to repeat history with their oldest son and she was going to make damn sure nothing happened. Hell, you had no idea what had happened. You were clueless, helpless and most of all, you were completely and utterly alone.
 You glanced around your messy bedroom, knowing fine well it was time to get up to get ready for work. That didn’t help you move. Your room hadn’t been cleaned in close to two months. You had probably vacuumed about three times. You had clothes everywhere. Your sheets were half on the bed. You had blankets on the floor, and the odd pillow. You just stopped cleaning up and taking care of yourself. There was no motivation in you to do anything. You slept, are the odd meal, went to work and repeat. There was nothing special about your life now that you didn’t have anyone in it.
 You rolled off of your bed, your feet landing in what felt to be a sweater that you had worn yesterday or the day before. You couldn’t quite remember. You took a deep breath, searching your drawer for something you could wear that was semi presentable, and not already worn and on the floor. You didn’t have a whole lot of clean clothes left.
 As soon as you pulled on your pants and shirt, you slipped out of your room and into the main part of the apartment. Your dishes were piled up in the sink, and all over the counter. You hadn’t bothered to clean anything in your apartment for awhile now. You just didn’t have the energy to put into cleaning up.
 You shoved your shoes on your feet, wanting to leave the apartment as quickly as possible to get out before you had the chance to run onto Dean. That was the very last thing you wanted. Especially after the message on your phone. If you were lucky and timed everything out, you’d be home early and you could ignore him like you had done for the last three months. Dean and the rest of the Winchester’s were better off without you.
 You hopped on the number five bus that took you straight to the stop right outside your work’s building. You barely gave his beloved impala a second glance as the bus took off down the road. It was filled with the usual crowd. Some in their business suits, others in scrubs. It was always the same people that never said a single word to each other. Not even a hello.
 The ride was exactly twenty six minutes. The average amount it took you to get there. This morning, the lady with the stroller didn’t get on, which saved you three and a half minutes. The old man with the big hat got off at a different stop, and a few new faces got on at a stop that wasn’t typically used. It was all so routine. Nothing ever changed.
 Maybe that was part of your problem. Your life was so routine now that you were alone. You didn’t run the odd chance that Dean was coming over to hang out because you had shut him out. You didn’t go out. You lived the same daily routine every single day. No change. Maybe that was why you were in the slump you were in. Partially anyways.
 You pulled the string, letting the driver know you needed off. You stood up, heading for the side door to get ready to leave. No one looked at you, or even paid any attention to you. They were all staring at their phones, not taking in their surroundings. It made you wonder how they ever got off at their stops.
 You stepped out onto the cracked sidewalk, heading straight towards your building’s entrance. You had your key card ready to scan when you walked in. You took a deep breath as you pulled the door open, your footsteps light as you made your way to the front desk. You slipped your card in the slot, hearing the click to unlock the door.
 The exact same routine every morning. Your work station as you liked to call it was on the third floor. You had your own little cubicle that you made yours. The elevator dinged as it stopped on your floor. You heard the conversations the second you stepped out and headed into the big room. Your area was to the left of the room, near the conference office.
 You arrived at your cubicle, removing your bag from your shoulder before placing it on your desk. You took a seat in your comfortable chair. Your eyes wandered in the same place they always did. The picture of you and Dean that you had there. It was the only picture you had the two of you. You didn’t have the heart to remove it. You loved the picture. He was smiling wide while you were laughing. His younger brother Sam had taken it. What you would do to go back to that day.
 “Morning Y/N,” Charlie beamed, handing you your morning tea with a smile. “Your morning pick me up.”
 “Thanks Charlie,” you smiled softly at her.
 “Are you caught up on The Walking Dead yet?” she asked, leaning against your desk.
 “No not yet,” you shook your head. “I’ve been a bit busy. I think I’m six episodes behind now.”
 “You are and it’s killing me,” she sighed. “Okay, what about we get together this weekend and catch up. Or have a Harry Potter marathon.”
 “I’ll see what I’m doing,” you nodded. “I’ll text you and let you know.”
 “Will you?” she cocked her eyebrow knowingly.
 “Promise,” you said, looking directly at her.
 She gave you a weak smile before heading to the next cubicle with their drink. You let out a breath, turning your computer on. You were just going to focus on getting your work done so you could go home and feel comfortable once more.
 Your job wasn’t hard. You worked for a magazine company called Asemodeus and you wrote articles. It wasn’t your dream job by any means. When you moved here, this was the only place you heard back from that the pay was decent. It was better than nothing. You just weren’t challenged as much as you would have liked. It was all a routine to you.
 Your column was strictly fashion. Nothing to write home about. You worked with a bunch of other woman who helped get the main parts of the magazine together. Your boss, Abaddon was the daughter of the company’s CEO. She ran this floor and was the one in charge of getting everything done. Charlie worked alongside her. She was in charge of everything Abaddon couldn’t get done. Everyone else was just like you in some sense.
 The day was dragging on. You had nothing due. Nothing to research and nothing to write. You were ahead and there wasn’t anything you could help with in anyway. Your eyes kept slipping over to that picture and how he was coming over tonight. He was worried about you. All you could think about was his mom’s words. You weren’t good enough for any of them. What made you think that Dean wasn’t going to realize it at some point? As soon as another woman came into his life, you would be shoved out of his life anyways. You were saving yourself the heartache.
 Six o’clock finally came. You shut down your computer and turned your side light off before standing up. You had your sweater close to you and your bag over your shoulder. If you were lucky, you would catch the first bus back to the apartment, you thought to yourself. You pulled your hair out from beneath the strap.
 You slipped your card in the slot once more, signing out for the day before pushing the door open. The cool March air filled your lungs instantly. The wind had picked up a little. You were looking forward to spring finally making its appearance.
 The bus stopped in front of the stop for you to get on. This ride was shorter than the last one you reminded yourself as you took your seat at the back of the bus. It was a different crowd on this route compared to the morning round. There was a man always on his phone with his wife. Today they were arguing about something which sounded a lot like what to get for dinner. Most of the time, he was telling her how his day went and how much he missed her. He couldn’t have been much older than you by the looks of him. He wore a suit and carried a briefcase. It wasn’t new by any means. A hand me down at best. His suit was one of three he owned. He was definitely just starting out.
 Your stop came quickly and before you knew it, you were back out into the cool evening. You glanced both ways, checking for cars coming before stepping out onto the street to cross over. You couldn’t wait to be in your bed. It was all you could think about.
 It was just after six thirty when you stepped foot on your floor off the stairs. You searched your bag for your keys. You pulled them out of their spot, finally look up, only to have your heart sink in your chest. Dean was sitting on the floor outside your apartment with his knees up to his chest. It wasn’t even seven yet. So much for getting home early enough that you could avoid him. There was nothing you could say to him. There was no point in conversation.
 “Y/N,” he half smiled, getting up off the floor.
 “Look, now’s not really a good time,” you said, slipping the keys in the lock as quickly as you could. “I’ve got a lot of stuff to do.”
 “Not even ten minutes?” he asked, his tone almost cold. Not that you could really blame him.
 “As you can see, I’m fine. I’m still alive and all is good. I’m just busy. You can stop worrying,” you stated, pushing the door open.
 “Y/N,” he breathed out. “Please.”
 “It’s not a good idea, okay?” you muttered, stepping inside your apartment. You turned back, finally looking directly at him for the first time. He had a sad, broken and defeated look on his face. It damn near broke you. You didn’t want to hurt him. That wasn’t your intention in the slightest. You were saving both of you from heartache later on.
 “You have someone over last night?” he asked, pointing towards your kitchen, furrowing his eyebrows. Shit. Of course he could see your kitchen from where he was standing.
 “No,” you shook your head. “I gotta go.”
 “Y/N, please,” he pleaded. “I talked to my mom about what happened.” You stiffened at the thought of him talking to her about you. The mere thought of you on her mind, her face turning angry and filling with disgust.
 “That’s great. I don’t want to hear it, okay? Please, leave me be,” you said. Your voice laced with defeat. You moved to shut the door closed, only to have Dean’s hand stop it before he entered your apartment. He wasn’t going to give up. There was no getting him to leave now without a fight.
 “You’re not okay,” he said sadly. “Are you?”
 “I’m okay,” you lied. “I’ve just been busy.”
 “Don’t lie to me,” he stated. “Your kitchen is a mess which is completely unlike you.” He walked over to the fridge, opening it up. “You have nothing in your fridge, Y/N. Not even a carton of milk. You haven’t done the dishes in what looks like a week or two. God knows, the last time you had a proper meal.”
 “I’ve been busy,” you whispered, trying to make yourself small. He wasn’t going to buy a word you were saying. You could see it on his face. Maybe if you kept lying, you’d piss him off to the point where he’d leave. Maybe if you pretended not to need him.
 “Y/N, don’t lie to me,” he frowned, making you feel guilty.
 “Can you please, just go,” you swallowed hard, not daring to look at him.
 “Let me clean up, okay? Go shower and do whatever you do after work,” he told you. You didn’t have to be told twice. You turned on your heel, heading into your bedroom. You shut the door quietly, taking in the darkness that was the room. The curtains hadn’t been opened in months. Dean was going to leave after he did the one thing you couldn’t do. You could handle him doing that. You were tired of fighting.
 You shed out of your work clothes, dropping them near the overflowing laundry basket. You never bothered to make sure they were fully in there. It didn’t matter anyways. Your room was as much of a mess as your kitchen was, if not worse. You reached for your pyjamas that you had on this morning, pulling them on your body before slipping beneath the covers of your bed.
 You lay your head on your pillow, bringing your legs up to your chest as you settled in. You felt everything, but at the same time, you felt nothing. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. Knowing something was wrong, but not having the slightest clue how to fix it, or the energy to even try. Nothing was going to make you feel any better.
 You had no idea how much time had past when your bedroom door opened, letting in a little bit of light from the main part of the apartment. You had no energy to move, let alone talk. You didn’t want to do this. You didn’t want to have to fight Dean on this.
 “Y/N,” you heard as the bed dipped down next to you. You felt his hand coming down to the other side of your body. “How bad is it?”
 “What?” you mouthed.
 “The way you’re feeling. How bad?” he questioned. His tone was light. There wasn’t a single hint of anger or judgment.
 “‘M fine,” you replied, nuzzling your head into your pillow a bit more.
 “Y/N, please don’t lie to me. This is my fault; I know it is. Please just, talk to me,” he almost begged.
 “I would like you to leave,” you asked politely. You couldn’t handle the hurt in his voice. He was worried and you knew it was a long shot of him leaving after he seen you like this.
 “Not without a fight, sweetheart,” he half smiled. “C’mon.”
 He stood up, throwing the comforter back without your consent. You felt the draft instantly, wanting the warmth back. Before you could reach for it, Dean reached down, pulling you into his arms, lifting you out of bed. You could barely protest as he carried you into the bathroom. He placed you down on top of the counter before flicking on the light.
 “Alright, arms up,” he pointed to your shirt.
 “Dean,” you shook your head.
 “I’m going to say this as nicely as possible. You smell terrible. Now arms up. We’re showering,” he explained.
 “I don’t want to,” you protested, casting your head down.
 “Okay,” he nodded. “Then you can go for a bath instead. You can soak in there while I clean up your room.”
 “No,” you refused.
 “Y/N, please,” he declared, raising his voice just a little. He turned away from you, reaching your tub. He turned the nozzle, beginning to fill up the tub. He grabbed the bubble bath from the shelf, adding a good amount into the water before testing the temperature. He never uttered another word to you. You knew he was irritated with you, and you did nothing to make that any better. You were pathetic. Why was he sticking around?
 When he was satisfied with the bath, he made his way back to you. This time, you didn’t protest. You weren’t sure you had any fight left in you. He pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your breasts to him once more. He didn’t look at you with the same lust filled eyes this time. Then again, this wasn’t the time or place. Next were your pants and your panties, which were off quickly. What you weren’t expecting was for him to carry you over to the tub. He was careful when he placed you in the water. It wasn’t too hot. It was the right temperature to provide you with some relief. It felt nice to be in the water.
 “I’m going to go clean up,” he stated lowly. For a split second, you didn’t want him to leave you. After telling him to leave so many times. After avoiding him for so long. You didn’t want him to go. If he was in here, you weren’t alone with yourself and your thoughts. You weren’t alone with your fears, and your depression. You would have him here with you and it was a lot less scary if he was here.
 “Stay,” you whispered. Your voice was weak and barely even there.
 “I’ll just be out there-”
 “Please,” you mouthed.
 “Alright,” he nodded. “You want me to wash your hair?” You nodded your head this time, not daring to try to speak again. He opened up the cupboard door, grabbing the pitcher from the shelf. He moved to the shower, grabbing your shampoo and conditioner from the perch before settling down next to the tub.
 You moved to the middle of the tub, giving him some room to work. You brought your knees to your chest, letting him do what he needed to do. He was gentle, which you should have expected but didn’t. He worked in silence, solely focused on washing your hair the best he could. You didn’t want to do anything to make him mad. You just let him do his thing.
 You couldn’t deny that it felt good to have him run his fingers through your hair. It was that comfort thing again. Like the way he kissed your head at his mom’s party. It was little things that put you at a little more ease. You never really realized just how much you missed him until you thought about these things.
 “I’m sorry,” you mouthed.
 “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart,” he assured you, running his fingers through your wet hair once more. “You want to get out now so we can dry you off?”
 “Okay,” you breathed out. You moved your hands to the side of the tub, finding the energy to prop yourself up to a standing position. He reached for your arm, helping you climb out of the tub and onto the soft mat to dry your feet. He wrapped you in one of your warm towels, trying to dry you off the best he could. He held out his finger to you, taking off into your bedroom a second later. You moved the towel around your body, drying yourself off in all the places you knew Dean would miss.
 “Clean pyjamas,” he said as he stepped foot in the bathroom once more. Dean took the towel from you, and handed you the clean clothes in exchange. You managed to pull them on without too much of an effort. Dean stepped over to the counter, grabbing your hair brush off the little shelf. What you didn’t expect was for him to begin brushing your hair. You felt useless. You couldn’t even take care of yourself and it took to Dean barging into your apartment to help you for you to actually do something. He had to be thinking about how pathetic you were. How much of a broken fucking mess you were.
 “We’re going out,” he told you, throwing his arm around your shoulder. You furrowed your brows. Where in the hell could he be taking you that you could be wearing your pyjamas. He lead you into your bedroom, heading over to your closest to grab you a sweater before exiting the room.
 You followed him into the now clean kitchen. He was setting out your comfortable slip on shoes for you, and he had your bag ready for you. You weren’t really up for going out, but there was no way he was taking no for an answer. Not this time. Even if you tried, you were still going. You were breaking routine, you told yourself. That was good.
 He threw his arm around you once more, pulling you into him as he lead you down the stairs and to the impala. The wind had picked up a little more, chilling you instantly due to your wet hair. Dean still opened the door for you first like the true gentleman that he was. You couldn’t wait for him to get in and turn the heating on.
 You were on the road within seconds, heading left instead of right, which was what you were expecting. The car heated up pretty fast, warming you up slowly. Dean hummed along to the Queen song that played on the radio. The car ride was pretty silent all in all. You didn’t know what to say to him. You were sure he didn’t know what to say to you at this point. You were a mess. You weren’t his responsibility.
 He made another left turn up a road you weren’t sure about. It was a dirt road that went uphill. You weren’t sure how long you were in the car for or where you were for that matter. Dean knew what he was doing and that was more than enough to put you at ease. The car eventually came to a halt and Dean cut the engine. You were at the top of the hill, overlooking the main part of the city.
 It was just starting to get dark out and the lights were becoming brighter. You couldn’t stop staring out the window, taking it all in. It was breathtaking. You took a deep breath, letting the calm feeling take over you. It was the first time in a long time that you felt a sense of ease. You didn’t want that feeling to leave you.
 “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Dean said lowly, grasping your attention.
 “Yeah,” you breathed out. You could sense that he wanted to say something more but chose not to. Not yet. You knew after everything he did for you, you owed him an explanation. You owned him something. There was no nice way to put any of it. You had no idea why he even cared. After everything with his mom. You knew she didn’t want you around him or any of them. You shouldn’t have been with him now.
 “Y/N,” he sighed, almost as if he was defeated.
 “I’m not okay,” you confessed. “But Dean, we can’t be friends.”
 “Why not?” he questioned.
 “Because your family hates me,” you reminded him. “Because for some reason that I don’t know about, they hate me. My existence was enough for your mom to tell me get away from her family. I’m not good enough for you, Dean. Or anyone for that matter.”
 “Is- is that why you didn’t answer any of my calls, or texts? Because you think you’re not good enough for me?”
 “Yeah,” you nodded. “Partially.”
 “I’ve been so fucking worried about you,” he revealed, turning to face you. “And clearly I’ve had a good reason to. Talk to me, Y/N.”
 “There is nothing to say,” you shook your head.
 “Yes there is,” he pointed out. “Since when do you not have something to say?”
 “Since my best friend’s mom hates me,” you raised your voice. “Since the one person I actually got along with was told to break up with me, because my bitch of a mom fucked your mom over in some way that I don’t even know about!” You let out a huff, crossing your arms over your body, trying to make yourself small.
 “I’m sorry,” he frowned. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve done something sooner. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
 “We can’t be friends, De-”
 “I don’t give a fuck what my parents think, Y/N,” he stated clearly. “I care about you. The one who stuck by my side even when she wanted to run. I’m never going to leave you behind because my parents feel a certain way. They can go to hell for all I care.”
 “I’m not going to be the one to break you from your parents, Dean. I’m not worth it,” you argued.
 “I’ll be the judge of that one,” he told you. “I like you and that’s all that matters. I’m not going another day without knowing you’re okay.”
 “You said you talked to your mom about what happened?” you brought up, finally turning to look over at him. He gave you a soft smile, motioning for you to move over to him. You took a deep breath, not fighting him this time. He threw his arm around you, tugging you into him, giving you a squeeze.
 “From what she told me, she said your mom and her were best friends growing up. From Kindergarten to junior year. She didn’t speak kindly of her, I’m going to tell you that now-”
 “I figured,” you shrugged.
 “Your mom cared more about her boyfriends that she did about her friendship with my mom. My parents were together in high school. Have been since sophomore year. Apparently they took a break during senior year and during that time, your mom hit on my dad and said a bunch of things about her to him. Their friendship was over after that and your mom took off. I know there has to be more to it, but that’s what she told me.”
 “I’m trying my hardest not to be like my mom,” you breathed out. “She made it pretty clear before she died that I was going to end up the same way as she did. A slut who was never going to settle down with anyone.”
 “Sweetheart, you’re not your mom,” Dean declared. “You’re not a slut. Trust me, someone is going to fall head over heels for you someday. You’re definitely a little naughty though, I’m not gonna lie.”
 “Shut up,” you let out a chuckle.
 “You are,” he laughed, “I’d fuck you anytime. You’re hot as hell.”
 “I’m a mess. You don’t want me,” you half joked, swallowing hard.
 “I’d take you no matter what,” he assured you. “Best sex I’ve ever had.”
 “You already know you’re the best I’ve ever had,” you shrugged. “Backseat is free.”
 “As much as I’d love that, I’m not sleeping with you. Not tonight,” he breathed out. “You’ve clearly got a lot going on and I’m not about to make that any worse for you. Just, don’t shut me out again, okay?” he said, nudging you.
 “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “Things just got dark, you know? My head got the better of me after that night and I just kinda stopped. Everything whirled around in my head and I convinced myself you were better off without me. After that, I felt trapped in a loop. Everyday was the same shitty routine. I didn’t want to talk to you because of what happened, and I worried that because your mom told you to break up with me, you were going to leave me in the end anyways. You deserved a better friend that your parents didn’t hate. On top of that, I never told you that I have bad anxiety and a bit of depression all wrapped up in this tight little box. I’m a mess nine times out of ten. And everything with my mom and growing up - I figured I’m only good for a night between the sheets and nothing more.”
 “You are worth a lot more than that, sweetheart. I can promise you that,” he stated, pressing his lips to the top of your head. “You might have a few dents, but you aren’t broken and you aren’t a mess. You’ll always have me, no matter what. I’m right next door, neighbor.”
 “Thank you,” you nodded, swallowing hard. You leaned your head over, resting it on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I’ve been a terrible person the last three months.”
 “You do owe me a birthday present,” he joked. “I get it. I don’t mind helping you clean up your apartment when things get to be too much. I don’t want you to feel like you have to shut me out. I’m always here for you. I don’t care about what my parents think. You’re always going to be my friend. I’m not a kid and I can make decisions for myself.”
 “I might need you to remind me of that from time to time,” you shared. “I’m not going to be okay all the time. I’m never okay all the time.”
 “I’m a phone call and probably about twenty two steps away. Anytime,” he assured you.
 “Can - can you stay over tonight,” you inquired. “I don’t really feel like being alone. Not after three months of it.”
 “Only if I can sleep in your bed. I’m not sleeping on the couch,” he chuckled.
 “Yeah you can sleep in my bed,” you nodded.
 “Good. Your bed is comfortable,” he smiled. “We’ll get your room back in order this weekend.”
 “Thank you for being a good friend, even if I’m a shit friend.”
 “You’re not a shit friend, Y/N. You thought you were doing what was best for you at the time. You’re overprotective of yourself and I get it,” he smiled. “But remember I’m here for you.”
 “I know,” you breathed out. “Thanks for caring.”
Part 4 will be out on Sunday 👀 
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Dean Babes
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4 Months - Tanaka x fem!reader, NSFW
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Y’all read my fucking mind. Okay, I got a bit carried away with this one, it’s about 2.5k. I’m so sorry.
@froppysgirl​​ I hope you like it
NSFW 3 - Tanaka Ryunosuke: “I swear im going to fuck the next person that comes through that door.” Warnings: public sex, swearing, unprotected sex
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“Dude, it’s been about four months since I’ve gotten laid.”
Tanaka’s confession comes out of nowhere, catching Nishinoya off-guard, making him choke on a sip of beer. The two old friends are in the college dorm lounge area, playing video games and drinking. Noya sputters out the liquid, coughing and beating on his chest as he looks at Tanaka with wide eyes.
“Dude, no,” he gasps, the words laced with disbelief.
“Oh, ya, believe it.”
Tanaka raises his hands above his head, stretching out his spine, cracking the entire length before leaning back on the sofa, downing the final sips of his beer. The empty bottle is placed precariously close to the edge of the coffee table, right next to his feet; an accident waiting to happen. He rubs a hand over his buzzcut, feeling the way the hairs bend against his palm and prickle at his scalp, he lets out a frustrated groan. Noya pauses the game, grabbing a handful of chips from the bowl set between them, turning, a teasing smirk on his lips.
“Damn, you must be really lame in bed, Ryu,” he laughs, crunching on more chips, washing it down with beer. “What if word got around and that’s why no one wants to sleep with you?”
With flames dancing in his eyes, Tanaka throws a couch cushion at Noya’s face, which the spunky man easily dodges, ducking before pulling back up with an even wider grin than before. He’s cackling at the expression on his sexually frustrated friend.
“Bro, it’s not funny.” Tanaka groans, bringing a closed beer between his teeth to open it.
“It is a little.” Noya counters, going back to the game, folding his legs underneath his body.
Most of the dorm residents are out for the night, off to a frat party which meant the building was quiet and they’re left to their own mischief.
“What are you going to do about it?” Noya pipes up after a few minutes, alluding to Tanaka’s dry spell. The shaved-haired man furrows his brows in thought.
“You know what? I swear, I’m going to fuck the next person that comes through that door.” Ryu points over his shoulder at the entrance of the dorms. Both men turn, half expecting fate to work and for someone, anyone, to stumble in, but it remains closed. Noya barks out a laugh and Ryu sulks, grumbling under his breath at his luck.
“Even if it’s a dude?” he’s howling now, tears pricking at the edges of his eyes, clutching at his gut.
“Whatever, man, I’d fuck anyone right about now.”
That makes Noya shut up, head snapping up, eyes wide as he wipes at his tears.
“Yeah, even her.”
Tanaka just nods, feeling his chest tighten at the thought of you. God, everything about you drives him wild, sets him on edge. You had him wrapped around your little finger and you didn’t even know it. He was usually so forward about his feelings, however, with one look from you and his heart drops to his stomach and all words fly out of his mind.
“Nah, you’re too chicken.” Noya teases, shaking his head, his blonde fringe swaying like a metronome. Tanaka has half the mind to smack his bestie on the back of his head but just takes another swig instead.
“I really wo--”
And just like that, fate decides to jump in and the door slams open, laughter and noise from outside trickling in. Both men whip their heads around to stare at the incoming party. Noya stifles a laugh when he realises who just walked in.
“Ryu, there’s your chance,” he whispers, nudging his friend's knee with a foot, face giddy with glee.
“Shut up.” Ryu seethes back, shoving the foot away, but his breath hitches as he glances at the door again.
You stride into the room, smile bright and dress short, giggling with a mischievous glint in your eyes. You turn to the boys that had walked you back to the dorms, seeing their fallen faces as you wish them goodnight and close the door. Tanaka and Nishinoya peer over the back of the couch to watch you bend over to take your heels off, rolling and flexing your ankles and toes, the hem of the thin material riding up a little higher. Noya can’t help but snicker at Tanaka’s starstruck face, kicking him once again to pull his friend out of the stupor, a little too late.
As you stand up, heels in one hand, you catch Ryu’s stare, your smile faltering as you feel warmth bloom on your cheeks. Fuck, you had no idea he would be in tonight. He looks so good, dangerous even. You see the glint of a gold chain underneath his black t-shirt, making you want to tug on it, pull him closer, feel those lips on your neck. You bite your lip, you should not be having these thoughts now, but the way he’s staring makes your heart slow. You see Tanaka’s friend in your peripheral, and you want to turn away to let them hang out, but your body moves before you realise what’s happening. It must be the liquid courage in your veins, egging you on.
With your free hand, your ghost your fingers up your thigh, lifting the hem of your dress slightly on the side, inching it higher until it shows off the side of your hip, the lace of your thong, before you drop it with a smirk and a wink. Tanaka licks his lips, glancing from you to Noya, who had somehow missed it, eyes back on the TV. Your movement makes his eyes snap back and he catches the end of it, seeing the thong drop to the floor around your ankles, and you step out of it, nudging it forwards just a little before turning to leave, swaying your hips as you walk to your room.
Tanaka claps his hands together, a smile wide on his face, shocking Noya with the sudden energetic action. Noya raises an eyebrow, looks over his shoulder at the small black article of clothing on the floor and rolls his eyes. Ryu looks at him, a pleading look that says, ‘I know it’s bro’s before hoe’s, but please’. Noya nods.
“Alright! See ya later, bro.”
Tanaka practically leaps over the back of the sofa, running to pick up your thong, stuffing it into his pants pocket as he turns the corner of the room. He jogs lightly to catch up with your retreating back right as you reach the elevator, the same mischievous grin on your face.
You’re leaning against the wall, arms crossed underneath your breasts, peering up at him.
“Hi there,” you breathe, and you see the way his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. You know he likes you, and you can’t help yourself as you tease him. You want him too, after all.
“Hey yourself,” Tanaka greets, hand pulling out of his pocket to dangle the thong between your bodies, “you dropped these.” The smile on his face is lascivious, and you can’t help but clench your core in response, feeling a growing wetness pool between your legs.
“Thanks,” you reply, taking them as the door to the elevator opens and you push past to get in. Tanaka is glued to the spot, head following your body, thoughts running through his mind.
Are you serious? Do you want this? Is he too tipsy? Are you tipsy? The elevator doors start to close but grind to a halt, your hand slamming between them as they reopen.
“Ryunosuke, are you coming?”
The way his name rolls off your tongue sets his heart ablaze and he jumps into the elevator as though it was a life raft, pressing you up against the cold mirror. You let out a little squeal as his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you close to him and your arms hang past his neck, your shoes still in one hand, and your underwear in the other. You can feel the strength in his grip as your body is pressed against his muscular chest, breasts tight to his body, lips mere inches apart. He’s hesitant, and you shut your eyes, leaning that distance to capture his lips in a kiss, using your forearms to deepen it. He groans at your touch, hands instantly moving lower to tap your legs and you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist as your back is flat against the elevator. Your heads twist, lips melding, breathing heavily, and you open your eyes to find your reflection on the opposite side. It makes you moan, and you feel the stiffness of his cock between your legs, aware at how there’s nothing covering your sex. Your inner thighs squeeze in response, your hips grinding down as his thrust slightly, creating a delicious friction to your clit, but you’re so empty, and all of a sudden, very, very horny.
You drop the things in your hands, ignoring the dull thud against the floor, bringing your palm to cup the back of his neck, turning your cheek to kiss along his jaw and up to his ear. Tanaka imitates you, lips leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck, you stare at your reflection again, your reflection within the reflection; you can see his face, how his eyes are squeezed shut in concentration, how he moans into your skin, the vibrations making your spine tingle. It’s almost too much. You want him now, and from the way he’s devouring your taste, you can tell he wants you just as badly. You pull away, back of your head resting against the wall and stare into his eyes, which are dark, lidded, ready to eat.
“I want you inside me.” You say, ignoring the fact that you’re still in the elevator, in public.
“What if someone sees?” Tanaka asks, voice hoarse, but he’s already shifting you to awkwardly pull down the waistband of his athletic shorts and boxers. You reach over, pressing the emergency stop button, realising at the same time that you’d never actually pressed your floor button, you were still on ground. The anticipation that anyone could’ve walked in makes your cunt clench.
“There. Now please Ryu, I need you inside me.”
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he whispers, “condom?” he asks, ever a gentleman. It makes you smile, and your heart decides to flutter at the words, realising just how sweet he is underneath his loud actions. You shake your head, resting your forehead against his.
“I’m on the pill,” you say.
It’s all he needs, restraint breaking as he teases the silken head of his cock against your folds. You suppress a moan between clamped lips, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, and he slowly starts to inch into you. Your eyes fling open, feeling how he’s stretching you. Fuck, he’s bigger than you thought, and your eyes roll back in your head. The tip of his cock is inside you, and he gives you a moment to adjust, peppering kisses and bites to your cheeks and nose and lips, before starting to thrust slowly, shallow. You feel how you’re leaking down his cock, your juices gliding between your sexes and soon each thrust becomes deeper, harder, faster, until the fingers holding up your legs are bruising and Tanaka pants with each inhale, knocking broken whines from your throat.
“Yes, Ryu, you’re so god damn big,” you praise, feeling some drool slip from the corner of your lips. His tongue is there, licking it up and you clench around another thrust. He’s secretly filthy underneath, and it makes you grin. He grunts in response, your words spurring him on even faster.
It’s been way too long since he’d fucked anything, and you feel even more delicious around his dick than he ever imagined. The way your walls clench around him, pulling him in deeper. He wants you to come undone around his cock so badly. He drops one of your legs down, bending his knees slightly to accommodate your height, keeping the other leg up, stretching you open. The new angle makes you cry out and you bite your tongue, remembering you’re still in public, and his friend is in the living room. Oh, that’s so fucking fantastic.
A finger taps your lips and you eagerly open to suck on them, before they’re pulled out and are on your clit, rolling and rubbing circles that wind you up closer to orgasm. You can’t stop saying his name, the word tumbling from your lips like a broken record, a prayer, and Tanaka can’t stop his movements, eternally entranced from hearing your voice. He never wants it to disappear. He feels his release piling up, and he clenches his teeth.
“I’m close,” he breathes into your ear, and you can only moan, feeling how he starts to rub your clit harder, flipping a switch in your brain, letting you come undone around his cock, seeing white and black and stars, your heart pounding in your ears as your thighs tremble between his body. With a grunt, your clenching walls pull his release from him, painting you with the same white that you saw behind your eyelids.
Your legs are shaky as you stand and he pulls out, bringing your body close to his in a hug. Your forehead rests on his shoulder, breathing heavily as you twitch from the aftereffect of your orgasm.
“Shit,” you hear Ryu curse, and you roll your face to look at him, the slight panic on his features, “I’m sorry, I came inside, I didn’t even ask you.”
“It’s fine,” you laugh, placing a small kiss on his shirt, feeling the collarbone beneath, “really, it’s okay, I liked it.”
His grip on you relaxes and he pulls away slowly, suddenly bashful and avoiding your gaze. He tucks himself back into his pants and turns to pick up your things. You take them with a smile, kissing his cheek quickly, before putting the lace thong into his pocket.
“Huh? What-” he starts, but you put a finger to his lips before trailing it down his chin, grabbing that gold chain you noticed earlier, tugging it so that his lips connect with your own once more. They’re so warm, moist, inviting, and you sigh into him.
“Keep them, Ryunosuke. You can give them back when we go on a date.”
The grin that erupts onto his lips is in no way equal to the elation he feels inside, pulling you tight into a hug. Some banging on the elevator door pulls you both away, blushes creeping up your necks at the sudden intrusion.
“You guys finally done fucking?” Nishinoya calls out, incredibly turned on from the lewd noises he had to endure from the other side.
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Keri Hilson Is Finally Getting the Recognition She Deserves
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In the 2000s, music had a grasp on people like no other. With hits from Usher, Alicia Keys, Destiny's Child, Ciara Missy Elliott and so many others, people still play their classics on repeat. With festivals like Lovers and Friends and local shows like the My 2000s playlist, the 2000s era will always be cherished. As much of an impact that these artists have made in this time, some have not deserved the accolades they should be getting. One that comes to mind is Keri Hilson. In June, Hilson was honored with the Music and Songwriter Icon Award. Not only has she released her own music, but she has also written for artists that no one knew she did. What we’re not gonna do is act like Keri Hilson didn’t have a huge impact on music in the 2000s. She’s more than deserving of a tribute at a black award show. Not only for her albums but for writing hits for many others. https://t.co/cqgOsnMrko — Black Culture News (@blackculturenew) July 7, 2022 After the tribute performance, Hilson was a trending topic, with fans giving her the recognition that the public needs to see. "Keri Hilson deserves all her flowers," wrote one fan. Another fan also tweeted "I don’t think y’all get how much impact Keri Hilson had in the music industry. The amount of hits she wrote for y’all favorite artist and for herself." Keri Hilson deserves all her flowers...Gimme More-written by Keri for Britney...Like A Boy-written by Keri for Ciara...Take Me As I Am..for Mary J and the list goes on and on...Please put some respect on her name... https://t.co/cWPF8fLFYH — Maria Mandolesi ☦️ (@theMMlalaland) July 8, 2022 I don’t think y’all get how much impact Keri Hilson had in the music industry. The amount of hits she wrote for y’all favorite artist and for herself. Her own discography is amazing. She’s talented as hell and could’ve been bigger had she not left music. Get over that diss🙄 — NICKI WEEK👑 (@OnikaQOR) July 7, 2022   Keri Hilson's Discography As a writer, Hilson has co-written songs for artists across all genres. Some of the songs include "Runaway Love" by Ludacris, "Take Me As I Am" by Mary J. Blige, "Ice Box" by Omarion and "Forever" by Chris Brown. She also wrote Britney Spears' "Gimme More" and "Wait A Minute" by The Pussycat Dolls. As an artist, she was first featured on the Xzibit track "Hey Now (Mean Muggin)" in 2004. In 2007, she was then featured on the classic Timbaland song  "The Way I Are." The song went to chart at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and is now certified triple platinum. A year after, she released her debut solo studio album In A Perfect World. The album charted at number four on the Billboard 200 and includes the songs "Knock You Down" featuring Kanye West and Ne-Yo and "Turnin' Me On" featuring Lil Wayne. "Knock You Down" earned Hilson a Grammy nomination for Best/Rap Sung Collaboration. In 2010, she released her sophomore album No Boys Allowed. The album includes the female-empowering anthem "Pretty Girl Rock." Fellow female singer-songwriter Jade Novah performed the song as a tribute to Hilson at the Black Honor Music Awards. For what it's worth, Keri Hilson deserves more recognition than she has. Hopefully, we will see her make more festival and concert appearances and maybe new music soon. Written By: Roy Lott Read the full article
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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