#hes still a baby
memento-mori-twilight · 8 months
So... Slade...
I know everyone is questioning what they did to Slade Wilson in My Adventures with Superman, but honestly, they didn't do much.
Most people forget or don't know that Slade Wilson (pre-Deathstroke) was just a military golden boy who lied about his age to join illegally and preemptively.
And he was still a bastard blonde pretty boy then too.
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All My Adventures with Superman did is get rid of his perpetual jarhead-esque haircut and give him bangs and a slimmer but still built physique.
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They just anime'd up the actual 20-something year old man that he would be in the comics. Same age range as Superman (and by similar concession Batman) fall into, and we know they made Clark 22 in MAWS.
Meanwhile Slade (Deathstroke) as we know him as the assassin and mercenary (and permanent salty wound in the side of the Teen Titans) is near his late 30 - early 40s, has been experimented on, has kids, and divorced, leaving a pretty permanent chip the size of a continent on his shoulder.
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Deathstroke Slade has given up and rejects authority.
MAWS Slade still has some hope and respect for what he fights for.
And it's gonna be so fun watching that erode over time
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traffic-light-eyes · 1 year
just a kid in a big, big world
Words: 1153
It's a bit difficult to look at yourself in the mirror after you grow up so abruptly, huh, Lloyd? Well, aren't you just so glad that you have your family to help you out?
Disclaimer: panic attack, unreliable narrator
Fic under the cut
He's a big kid. Well, he's supposed to be. He has the too-long limbs and the too-deep voice to prove it. He just doesn't really know how to act like one just yet. He's trying, though. Really!
The soft pitter-patter of rainfall hits at his window on the bounty, effectively scrambling his thoughts. Right - he was doing something. Zane called him for breakfast a few minutes ago. What caused his internal rant, though?
He looked down at his body, his bare chest exposed and his pants on the floor. When he looked up, he saw a strange teenage boy in the mirror. He jumped back in surprise, preparing for a fight in his newly-learnt formation. The boy did as well.
His chest started constricting again, the slow, calm breathing he took comfort in picking up in pace. His shoulders shook with the force of his wheeze. His knees trembled and buckled, and he found the floor was rising to meet him.
No, it wasn't rising. He was just falling. Oh. He was falling.
Lloyd, why is he acting like this? He's a big kid. He's supposed to be strong and brave and not scared of his own reflection. No one is scared of their reflection.
He looked back at the mirror. He saw the strange boy again, but this time sitting unsteady on his knees, hands placed firmly on the ground in front of him. He had tears streaming sluggishly down his slim face, cheeks slightly jutting out in the strain of a too-big body for too little skin. His eyes are puffy and red and painfully deep-set from the lack of sleep he had the last few nights.
Tears? When had he started crying?
He hears a high-pitch keening in the distance, muffled by the hands covering his ears. He doesn't remember covering his ears either. What is making that awful screeching sound?
He scritch-scritch-scritches at his ears, hoping somehow, someway, he could stop hearing that terrible sound.
He looks back at the mirror, and through his tearfilled, blurry vision, he makes out colorful family-shaped blobs, making their way into his room.
He feels someone's unnaturally cold hands remove his own hands from his ears, and he whines when he can hear the painful sound again. He tightens his eyes closed, closing his fists tight until he feels the pinpricks of his nails dig deep ridges into the delicate, new skin.
He feels something warm cover him, but it's not a blanket. It's warm and smells faintly of burnt wood, and that cheap cologne that Kai uses. Oh. It's Kai. Kai's hugging him. He melts against the embrace.
He feels a continuous pressure against his thigh, rubbing and soothing the muscle that he hadn't even realized he was clenching so hard. Lloyd puts a hand over the other's and recognizes the patterned lightning scars immediately. One night, he had spent hours tracing the fine lines while sitting in Jay's lap, happily yapping about their favorite comic series together.
Soft music began to play somewhere, low but ever-present in his bedroom. He stopped hearing the screeching a while ago, and he couldn't help feeling confused when his throat started to hurt. His hand is placed upon someone's chest, and he can feel them hum to the song, deep and reassuring.
Warm hands are placed on his wet cheeks - soft, kind, and calloused from the hard labor she does on her mech. She wipes away the steadily depleting tears, shushing him and quieting his mind. He opens his eyes, and she is the first thing he sees.
He sniffles as he looks around more, fully seeing his family. For a few seconds, he just breathes.
"Are you alright, kid?" Kai didn't release him from the warm hug but faced Lloyd towards him.
Lloyd hummed in response, far too tired to give a true answer.
"Would you like to rest for a while, or do you feel up to eat some breakfast?" Zane asked.
In truth, Lloyd didn't know. He really just wanted to sit where he was for a while. He doesn't want to move just yet. He made his thoughts known by holding on tighter to Kai, his head nuzzling its way under his older brother's chin.
"We can stay here if you would rather that, Lloyd," Zane said. It wasn't really a suggestion, more like just letting Lloyd know that they knew what he wanted and that they were going to provide it for him.
Lloyd relaxed a bit, humming more. He fell silent. Kai had thought he had fallen asleep until he heard the meek, sorrowful voice.
"'M sorry," Lloyd mumbled, hiding his face further into Kai's collarbone in shame. "I dunno know why 'm acting like this. 'M sorry."
He heard a soft gasp. "Lloyd, no. Why are you apologizing?" His sister said.
"'M acting like a little kid!" Shouldn't this be obvious? Can't they see him, teary-eyed and trembling in his older brother's lap? Don't they understand? Lloyd isn't a baby anymore. He's the green ninja, sworn protector of Ninjago and destroyer of his own dad. He has an important prophecy to uphold. He can't be acting like this. He can't.
"Lloyd, you are a kid," Jay said. His voice warbled, and Lloyd isn't sure if that's because his hearing is being muffled by Kai's shirt or if, for some reason, Jay decided he was worth enough for him to cry over. When he heard a sniffle from his right, he knew his answer.
Lloyd shook his head, "No. 'm the Green Ninja."
"You can be both. One is not exclusive to the other," Jay tightened his grip on Lloyd hand's when he felt it try to scurry away.
"Nuh-uh," he shook his head again, "I have to keep everyone safe. 'm a big kid. I have to do that now and I don't have time to be a little kid. I have to be a strong, big kid."
He felt the warm arms around him tighten. "Lloyd, for as long as you know me, you will be able to be a kid whenever you want. It doesn't matter how tall you are, how deep your voice gets, or even how strong you are. You are my little brother, Lloyd. Our little greenbean, and nothing will stop us from letting you be the kid you want to be and are. Understood?"
"But Kai -"
"Understood?" The arms tighten, threatening to suffocate him in a warm embrace for all of eternity. Well, now that he thinks about it, that wouldn't be too bad.
Lloyd looks around him at his family that he hadn't even known existed until a few months ago. The family that he now cares for more than life itself. The family he knows loves him so, very dearly.
He looks at them - eyes steadily filling with tears and smile threatening his cheeks. He looks at them and says yes.
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yaeception · 2 years
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glad to know that despite all the shit that happened denji is still so silly
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captainsaltypear · 4 months
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saelrum · 3 months
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"Was I sweet once?"
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artkaninchenbau · 5 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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FNAF Circus baby or not, she’s still Michael’s little sister,,
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wasyago · 3 months
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various tango doodles
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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so ranchers huh
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ssaraexposs · 3 months
Do you ever start thinking about the fact that Dazai literally made tiny snowmen based on his favourite people? The ones he secretly keeps in his heart?
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Said people being:
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artchixs · 5 months
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if I loved you. you would know it.
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poobirdy · 1 month
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xin mo did not become the demonic op sword of all three realms for this!!! for @kawouwu who asked for binggeyuan sillies! thank you for your donation to svsss' gotcha 4 gaza!
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beybuniki · 9 days
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romantic bakudeku for a kofi request ^-^
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the-phantom-peach · 13 days
I saw ur Tp fanart and it made me wonder
Idk man teenage Colin gettin a big hug from his big bro Adult Tp link
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can i tell you about the hard reset my brain did when i first read your ask some time ago and how the exact same thing happened when i read it again to respond to it (i mean this positively i love these two so very much you don’t understand).
So here it is. I’m normal and didn’t spend an hour on this yeah
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
Danny may be a Ghost Baby who feels like an Anicent, but his friends don't.
SO, we all know the Ghost Baby Headcanon by now right? The idea that Danny is literally a Toddler by Ghost Standards, but because of how powerful he is everybody else believes that he is an Ancient or a God who is hogging the Mortal World to himself.
But what about his friends?
They were right there when the Portal opened. No Hazmat Suits, no Cover, no Protection from the Dimension of Pure Energy that had just been opened right in front of them.
That has to have some kind of Side Effects!
And actually, we do know of a Character who was just standing in front of a Portal when it opened and still got affected by it. Vlad.
While Danny was turned into a Halfa instantly, his friends would be more similar to Vlad in that they are slow to transform.
It takes weeks, but eventually they become mini-halfas themselves. Except they didn't have an entire Dimension of energy pushed into them upon fully forming, so their Ecto-Signatures actually feel like the babies they are supposed to be.
So imagine this from the Ghosts perspective.
They meet this guy called Phantom, a Halfa who is Extremely Powerful, but nobody has seen him in centuries. He was known as a very powerful Protector Spirit for millennia, randomly showing up across history, but always helping others. And then he just vanished one day, not seen again for centuries.
Until recently, when he showed in the Mortal World, stopping any other Ghost from fulfilling their Obsessions with Humans. And by his side are 2 smaller Halfa's that feel like they must have barely formed. You can see where this is going.
They think Sam and Tucker are Danny's children.
It makes sense! A Powerful Ancient, known for protecting people, suddenly disappears for centuries and then shows up again with 2 baby Halfa's in tow? That sounds like a Protector Spirit who lost his will to fight, decided to settled down in the Mortal Realm, and then found out that 2 baby Halfa's were formed when a Portal was opened!
He isn't selfishly holding the Mortal Realm to himself! He's protecting the Fledgling Haunt of his 2 Babies! They must still have living Family, that's why he is so adamant that they don't hurt the Civilains in their battles!
Now they just feel like assholes for attacking the Baby's dad when he was just trying to protect their stuff.
Danny finds this both extremely infuriating, and also agonizingly hilarious.
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lesliemeyers · 2 months
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