#her wedding scene is my favorite and everything is perfect☆
pensirru · 2 years
wip for my first lovely wife in Lovestruck♡♡♡
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ktgoodmorning · 2 months
Close your eyes
Alexia Putellas x reader
Inspired by the song "Close Your Eyes And Count To Ten" by GroupLove
You and Alexia take a moment to yourselves on your wedding night, soaking in your time together.
Mind-numbingly fluffy. A little obsessed with how soft and sweet this is. Genuinely one of my favorite songs, go give it a listen.
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“Yeah we lay down in the sand, you took my clothes off with your hands,  I gotta say you look real pretty,  all the way from New York City”
“Hey,” Alexia leaned into your side, whispering in your ear. “Do you want to get out of here for a second? Just the two of us?” 
You looked over at your wife with a shy smile on your face. Your wife. Oh how long you’d been waiting to call her that- your wife. You gave her a quick nod, excited to finally have a minute alone with her. You had both been so busy today, so caught up in making sure everything went smoothly. It was turning out to be the wedding of your dreams, both of your dreams, but neither of you really cared. You would’ve been happy getting married alone in a courthouse if it meant you’d finally get to call Alexia your wife.  
She beamed at your response and took your hand, leading you outside, away from all your wedding guests. You were desperate for a few minutes alone, not for anything promiscuous, (not that you would mind it) but just to take in the moment with her. For a day that was supposed to be all about celebrating each other, you had gotten a shockingly small amount of time together. 
Alexia quickened her pace once you made it outside. You giggled at her and how excited she was to get you away from the guests while she pulled you along. 
“Ale, slow down, where are we going?” you were still laughing, doing your best to keep up but struggling in your wedding heels. She finally slowed to a stop and turned to face you, lacing both of your hands together. 
You weren’t sure if you had ever seen her smiling so big. Not even after winning the world cup had she looked as genuinely elated as she did right now. “I thought we could go down to the beach for a few minutes?” She pressed a kiss to your nose, looking at you hopefully. Her face was like a little kid who was begging for more sweets. 
“That sounds perfect, Ale.” you leaned up to kiss her once more before she turned and pulled you towards the beach once again. The two of you were running hand in hand and giggling endlessly as you made your way towards the sand. It was like a scene from a rom com that everyone said was too cheesy or too unrealistic. But not for you and Alexia. 
As soon as you reached sand, Alexia slowed to a stop once again so both of you could take off your shoes. Neither of you were about to attempt running around in your heels in the sand. With the sand between your toes, Alexia’s hand returned to yours, leading you at a much more leisurely pace. 
In the time you’d been together, the two of you spent a significant amount of time at the beach, somehow always managing to end up there after a long day. You’d had many dates there and of course it was wear she proposed. It only seemed fitting that you’d end up there on your wedding day too. 
You walked silently, just taking in the night, listening to the waves crashing against the shore. The moon and the distant buildings were the only source of light as you stared up at your new wife, admiring her features as you walked. This wasn’t unusual for you but it was different today.
Alexia was wearing the most perfect white jumpsuit with a matching jacket. The white stood out against her sun-kissed skin and the curls in her hair perfectly framed her face. As soon as she noticed you staring, she pulled you to a stop, leaning down to kiss you. It was one of the softest kisses you had ever shared with her, filled with devotion to each other. One of her hands still held yours softly and the other came up to caress your face as you spoke.
“Alexia Putellas, I love you so much.” 
“Mmm, and I love you, mi amor. More than you know,” she kissed you again, before pulling you slightly to join her in the sand. “Come, come sit.” 
It’s not like you needed convincing. You’d do just about anything for her at this point, trusting her more than you trust yourself. It didn’t matter if the sand made your dress dirty or stained her jacket. All that mattered was you sitting in your wife’s arms, taking in this time together. 
You sat facing each other, foreheads pressed together, one of her arms around your shoulders to keep you close. The two of you rotated between kissing each other and just admiring the beauty you shared- the beauty of your relationship. The more Alexia kissed you, the more you drifted away from the real world. Everything disappeared with her. 
You linked your hands behind her neck, pulling your wife into you, closer than seemed possible. It was almost difficult for you to keep kissing, being interrupted by both of your constant smiles and giggles. 
“Ale, you’re so pretty, you know that?” 
She hummed in response before peppering more kisses over your face, loving the way you giggled at her. “I think you’ve mentioned it before, amor.” 
You slid your hands down from her neck to her shoulders, pushing her jacket off of her so you could lay a line of kisses down her shoulder. Instead of continuing your kisses, you just laid your head on her bare shoulder, taking in the warmth of her skin. 
You let out a content sigh, “today is so perfect, Ale.” 
Her only response was a kiss to the top of your head, something she knew always brought you comfort. 
“And the sunlight in your eyes,  pins and needles no surprise,  and the moon shines in your hair,  can you believe it, we're really here.”
“Can you believe that it’s actually our wedding day, amor?” You looked up at her with curiosity, confused by what she meant. “Like it’s actually our wedding day. The day we’ve been planning for so long and will tell our kids about and will hang pictures of in our house. I just love it, it’s perfect. We’re perfect.” She kissed you again, communicating all of her emotions through just that one kiss. 
“You’re the cutest, Ale.” 
“You’re the only one allowed to say that.” You both laughed lightly at the statement, knowing how true it was.  
The light from the moon shining off the water made it clear that tears had pooled in her eyes. “Estas Bien?” You spoke softly, running your thumb under her eyes to catch any tears before they had the chance to fall.
“Más que bien. Estoy perfecto. No sabía que era posible ser tan feliz.” Her words were watery, overflowing with emotion. Alexia didn’t often allow herself to feel this deeply so you knew how sincere she was.
If you were being honest, you were barely holding it together yourself. Nobody made you feel as comfortable as the woman sitting in front of you now. You were so unapologetically yourself with her and she had truly changed your life for the better. 
She had pulled you in tightly against her, holding you tighter than ever before. Her strong hold on you communicated the deep level of appreciation she held for you. And there you sat. On the beach, on your wedding night, in each other's arms, encapsulated by the love you shared. 
“And it’s all handled, you close your eyes and count to ten”
You would stay like this forever if you could, perfectly safe from anything bad in the world, perfectly at home in your wife’s arms. But of course you knew this moment couldn’t last forever. 
A small sigh left your mouth, knowing you should go back to your guests, “Ale, we should probably head back soon.” 
She responded with a groan, knowing you were right but also not wanting this moment to end. “Let’s just take one more minute?” You gave her a look, knowing she’d likely try to draw it out longer until you forgot about the people waiting for you back at the venue. “Amor, everything’s taken care of. Just close your eyes for a second.” Her hands joined yours and once again your foreheads pressed together as her words turned to a whisper and you followed her directions. “Just breathe. Just take a minute to take this in before we have to go back there.” She gave your hands a squeeze as you both just sat, basking in the moment. You wished you could cement this memory in your brain forever and never let go of it. 
After a few moments and some shared deep breaths, you slowly separated from each other. Alexia leaned in for one more passionate kiss before standing up and offering you her hand to join her. “Now,” she kissed your knuckles, “we’ve got a room full of every single one of our favorite people all waiting for us. Let’s go celebrate with them.” 
“Talking about… talking. Talking about how you wanna live, we’ll call it metamorphosis”
The two of you returned to walking down the beach, back towards your wedding reception. You could hardly believe it. How lucky you were to be here with the love of your life, about to be surrounded by both of your loved ones. As you walked, one hand held your shoes and the other held your wife, swinging gleefully between you. You both giggled and talked, mostly nonsense hypotheticals about your futures. 
“So, Ale, would you rather have a kid that sucks at football, or never get to have a dog?” 
“Amorrrrrrr, why would you make me pick that? How would that even be a scenario?” You responded with more laughter, entertained by how she whined at you over the nonsensical question. The further you walked, the more ridiculous your questions became, eventually just turning into nonsense laughter between you. 
When you arrived back in front of your wedding venue, you both came to a stop. “Amor, let me help you put your shoes back on before we go in.” Alexia knelt down in front of you, gently closing the buckle that went around your ankles. You shivered slightly as she pressed a kiss to the inside of your ankle bone before standing up to join you.
“I love you so much, Ale. So so much.”
“Mmm te amo mucho, mi amor.” She kissed you hard. “Now let’s go celebrate, yeah?” You smiled up at your wife as you pulled her behind you, returning to the wedding reception of your dreams. 
All feedback and requests are super encouraged and welcome!! Hope you enjoyed this one!
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 3 months
Semi-Final Two
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Mr Knightley (2009):
Johnny Lee Miller as Knightley is JUST SO. I mean the way he says "if I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more" IS JUUUST. The dance scene. The tentative shy smiles. The fact you can see in his eyes the entire time " I am completely in love with this woman. She'll never love me back BUT I DO NOT CARE I'LL LOVE HER FROM A DISTANCE ANYWAY" IS JUUUUUUST
We need to appreciate Mr Knightley more for both his snark and for those soft eyes just so full of love for Emma
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GIF by dearemma
I was just going to send in the actual dance but the little panic he has when Emma says she knows his secret is just soo charming. There was some thread on twitter a few years ago about how a romcom man's most important quality is knowing how to look at a woman and JLM is just the master of it in this Emma
I really feel like the pictures say it all. He stands there, head tilted to one side. He is listening to you. His posture is relaxed. His gaze open, frank, candid. He's not trying at all. He just is.And that's why he is Knightley.
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GIF by night-unfurls-its-splendour
Some propaganda, not just for Jonny Lee Miller, but the general interpretation of 09 Knightley. I have some excerpts here from my review of the 09 adaptation:
What I really think is great about the 2009 interpretation of Mr. Knightley is what an easy and comforting presence he is, without being apologetic when he scolds Emma. I think this is communicated especially well by how often we are actually shown Mr. Knightley taking his almost-daily walks to Hartfield, how smoothly he comes and goes, and how happy Emma is every time she sees him coming up the path (usually, just at the perfect moment when she needs something to put her back to rights.)
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Here is Emma, feeling lonely after Miss Taylor's wedding. And in the background, walking up to Hartfield--there's Knightley. He's always been there for her, and he always will be.
And also this Mr. Knightley is as understated as ever, but I wanna highlight this outfit and why I love it: This is Knightley’s first appearance in the series and it’s the perfect establishing shot that shows the viewer everything they need to know about Emma and Knightley’s relationship and how it has always been. He sort of materializes, out of focus in the background, but Emma immediately knows he’s there. And to accentuate how much Knightley is part of her home and scenery, his clothes (similar shades of pale tan, white and minty green to the wall behind him) almost camouflage him and make him seem at one with the moulding of her home.
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Additionally, Jonny Lee Miller captures Knightley’s playful qualities, and his exasperation is so endearing
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GIF by christophernolan
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GIF by sashajames
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GIF by christophernolan
I can’t be the only one tickled by this Knightley’s frustration with Emma! JLM FTW!
Jonny Lee Miller is mesmerizing in any role he inhabits. It’s 2009 Knightly all the way.
no but can you actually go vote for mr knightley he was FOUNDATIONAL for 16 year old me my favourite portrayal of my favourite austen man cannot fall at this hurdle!!!
He is my ultimate Austen Dream Man, I'm with him until the end. Honestly this adaptation is my very favorite of them all (P&P 1995 is a VERY close second) because it made me fall in love with Emma as a story? Honestly no other adaptation or indeed even my reading of the book made me love it quite as much. My crush on JLM goes back to 1995 and I do think he is one of the better actors of his generation - his range alone is just impeccable. The fact that he can go from Sick Boy to Mr. Knightley to Sherlock to Jordan Chase is really something. Of all the actors I know, his range is the most impressive. But i love how bright and sunny this adaptation is. The colors, it is as vibrant as Emma should be! The Kate Beckinsale Emma is dark and terrifying to me, not at all suitable an adaptation. I like the Paltrow Emma a lot, but it's got the same issue the 2005 P&P has for me -- it's just too short. This is tonally just right, and the casting is lovely, and JLM is just at his dashing best. His face is so expressive, he is so capable of communicating so much without saying a word. His open jealousy of Frank Churchill is delightful to watch. His face when Emma tells him his secret is out at the ball! JLM is maybe the most underrated actor of his generation and I LOVE that he has been multiple Austen heroes. I maintain that in a future adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, an older JLM would make an EXCELLENT Mr. Bennet. He would convey the right amount of grumpy but fond beautifully.
Look. Do people realize JLM hates wearing period clothing AND hates dancing? And yet in Emma he's sashaying around in pink jackets looking amazing and is THAT convincing? That's called BRILLIANT ACTING!!
A tiny bit of Mr Knightley 2009 propaganda but I love that they put in that bit from the book where he looks like he's going to kiss Emma's hand when he's saying goodbye but then he hesitates and doesn't and I just...it's such a tiny detail but conveys so much!
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GIF by myforeverworldofmovie
It’s the only Emma adaptation that really hits the romance notes well. Knightley’s crowning moment of awesome really feels like it (when he rescues Harriet from humiliation) and his subsequent dancing with Emma does make you feel a shift in their relations. Love this adaptation. - This Knightley and Emma in particular are equals. They quarrel, not because he’s telling her off, but because they can have an argument because they know each other, trust each other and care about each others opinions, and there is never a sense of domination of one over the other. This adds so much fire to the romance, and it’s so unusual for a romance of that era (or even one written today!!). - Emma is rich, clever and beautiful and as powerful as a woman of her age and situation could be at the time and she married Knightley for no other reason but because he’s her best friend and his company for the rest of her life will enrich her. - He even leaves his house to move in with her!
Captain Wentworth (1995):
Ciaran Hinds has that perfect ruggedness yet friendliness to his face that makes him the perfect charming Wentworth. And all of the longing that he manages to convey in his eyes is so hot.
Wentworth may be angry/resentful with Anne but in general he is charming and the best friend you could ever have. Ciaran gets the pleasant parts of his character and brings them out, while keeping a guarded coolness (protective camouflage) with Anne.
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GIF by molinaesque
I dunno if this counts as propaganda or not, but Ciaran Hinds has a face that looks like it was jackhammered out of a shale cliff.
If a line like 'I am half agony...half hope' comes out of a face like that you know that man has a soul for poetry.
I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in
F. W.
I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look, will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never.  
This is propaganda for the next round because I need my boy to be a finalist! But this letter is all the persuasion I need to know that he is a winner
Ciarán Hinds in this is a whole other level of "a good man" He makes Anne's decision at the end so much more perfect.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 month
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Taken from this fic, pwp, secret romance, oral (both receiving), Criston’s delulu mindset, jealousy, Princess just loves knight Dick she can’t help it, he’s a slutty baby per usual
Taglist: @aemonds-holy-milk @arcielee @elaratyrell @fairysluna @jamespotterismydaddy @lovelykhaleesiii @peachysunrize @starogeorgina @towriteloveontheirarms @zaldritzosrose
Criston was complaining quite ardently again. “Just shut up, shut up,” she hissed, eyes casting back toward the shut door. The princess readjusted herself on a steel-plated chest. Her Valyrian eyes cast down at the Kingsguard. His eyes were wet and wide— perfectly pathetic.
The pair made a scene on the stone floor, shamelessly open in her shared chamber with Prince Aegon. The siblings were lawfully wedded but she just couldn’t quit her sweet Criston. He would never quit either, one would have to kill the man before he let go of his favorite princess. His hands bunched the thin material of the younger’s shift.
“I don’t like how he’s been sniffing around. Why does it matter who you bed? Aegon fucks about the entirety of the Street of Silk.”
She rolled her eyes and pet at Criston’s curls, “All you men are the same, jealous and egotistical, ruled by your cocks. You’re pissed that he’s pissed. Make it make sense. Are you going to eat my cunt or not?”
Criston’s eyes narrowed, his gaze flicking to the side a couple of times as he petulantly looked for an answer. His calloused hands dug into her hips as he mumbled, “Yes- get up here.” The knight absently wondered if he was being too needy, cheeks darkening in response.
Her pretty lips curled up as she readjusted her place, seating herself on gorgeous godsdamn lips. No, she thought, she couldn’t do without him. The young woman did love Criston Cole fiercely. She gathered her shift and took it off, exposing her tits and bare skin.
She could feel Criston groan, the shifting of his armor as he fucked up into nothing. Ser Cole gripped her ass and thighs as he began to lap and work himself between her legs. His tongue twisted and jabbed, Criston moaning in delight.
The princess grabbed his hair and gasped as she canted her hips. His perfect nose bumped against her clit as she rode Criston’s face. She whined at the sinful stimulation, both hands anchored in dark hair. The knight had his feet planted, eager to please.
Criston’s hands slid up her waist, thumbs caressing the bottom of her breasts, where the skin was silky soft. The blonde breathed as she rocked, “Criston, my s-sweet, so good.” Ever the slut for praise, the marcher helplessly whined into her cunt, suckling harder at her slick. His palms enveloped the Targaryen’s breasts.
She threw her head back as Criston groped and massaged the flesh— even playfully bouncing them. The princess smacked his flank and kept riding, dragging her aching bundle across his handsome face. He tweaked at a peaked nipple. Everything was perfect, even Criston’s stubble rubbing her sensitive skin raw.
The princess keened and tossed her head back.
Criston’s chest hitched, his armor clacking as he earnestly let his goddess do as she pleased. His cock was fit to burst under the layers. He wanted her mouth regardless of the time limit with Aegon’s recent tomfoolery. He slurped at her sweet cunt, fingers tugging at engorged nipples.
She clenched around Criston’s face, mouth hanging open, platinum locks shaking. The little princess trembled and rocked her hips in jolts of excitement. Aegon’s wife was growing overstimulated and hot. She was unable to stop whining and biting down on her lip to keep from howling in pleasure.
The marcher’s hand came down on her ass in quick succession, urging her to move faster. All she could do was cry “Please! Close! Beloved please!” Criston grinned and began to move her along himself, he had the strength for it. The heightening whimpers were music to his ears as she trembled and babbled.
One, two, three more rocks, and the princess yelled. She folded forward, hands deathly tight on Criston’s scalp. Criston lapped up her gush of juices, slurping and groaning like a damn animal at her lovely fucking pussy. He took his time licking her all up until she wheezed and pushed off.
Criston laid on his back, grinning at her mussed hair and red face, those gorgeous watery doe eyes. She murmured, “You’re…something else. Whole keep probably heard me.” The marcher scoffed even as she pressed a peck to his lips, lithe fingers crawling under his padded tunic.
Criston bit out between kisses, “Let…him..mmh…hear.”
He watched as she pulled away, just enough to tease, “Not the best idea love. Be quiet so I can suck your cock and send you off. You’re territorial and irritable with your balls full.” Criston rolled his eyes, head thudding on the expensive rug. She moved around to kneel between his legs.
The gambeson was half unbuttoned, exposing the tent in his pants. She playfully fisted at Criston’s prick, snickering at his hapless moan. He breathed in as her fingers plucked the strings open and pulled his throbbing heat out. He shivered, eyes blinking up at her. A fucking angel, goddess, something of old and ethereal.
The princess lapped at the pearly bead adorning the tip of his cock, her other hand snug around his sack. Criston gasped her name, groaning when plush lips enveloped the sensitive tip. She knew him well— had the extra skin pulled back so her devious tongue could flick at that tender spot on the underside.
“Ahhh- angel- angel,” the marcher uselessly praised.
Her spit rolled down the shaft as the princess lathered her attention on the tip, swirling her tongue around the bulbous head. Criston was whimpering softly, lips opening and closing repeatedly. He grew overwhelmed with personal attention like this— nearly always transforming into a wet mess.
He squirmed a bit, back arching into her mouth as she took him deeper, swallowing repeatedly. Criston slammed a hand over his mouth when she thumbed the seam of his sack and hummed around his thick cock. He had to keep from whining like a bitch in a moment like this. The knight preferred only his princess to see this side of him.
The thought of Aegon interfering could make his cock wilt. She was Criston’s, not the brat.
“Sweetheart, ahh- oh fuck- can I touch your hair?” He begged.
“Mhmmm,” was the reply, leaving the poor man whimpering again, the vibrations hitting everything. His lower belly twitched and tightened as he gently wound her blonde tresses in a hand. Criston looked down when she bobbed her head, growing ashamed yet hotter by the second.
He was arched and spread for her— reminiscent of some slut in a silver stag brothel. Criston covered his mouth again to hide the wanton moan, too loud for the room, too loud for much of anywhere.
Her bobbing quickened on top, one hand rolling his balls, the other jerking him off in sync with her mouth. He gasped and twitched again, feeling heat spread around his body. Criston’s balls throbbed as they tightened further and further.
He whined her name, neck straining as the orgasm climbed his body. The knight blinked down tears as he babbled, pulling ever-so-soft on the Princess’ hair. She hummed some more, flicking her tongue deep into his slit.
Criston was gone— his vision darkened as he arched painfully, gutturally groaning and whimpering as he spilled down his lover’s throat. She drank him down, eyes filled with adoration. It took a couple more spurts before he was wrung out and limp, panting.
The princess tucked him back in, buttoning and lacing quickly. She sat Criston up, pretty amethyst orbs gazing into his dark ones. He rasped while petting her flushed cheek, “I love you.” The princess, his damn woman, stole a deep kiss as she fixed his hair.
“There you go, I love you, come on now. The buffoon will be here sooner or later. Aemond told me about Aegon nosing.”
The pair helped themselves up, Criston deeply frowning. How he wanted to toss the Prince into a sewage line. He’d fish him out…but the thought was soothing. Another press of soft lips had Criston come to the present.
She looked up at him, promising, “I will see you around, go on love, I’ll be thinking of my knight.”
Criston would never admit but he was like a scolded puppy leaving the room, getting shooed until he exited, the door closing behind his white cloak. Only to make eye contact with the shithead himself.
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
hi srry if you don't do requests but I have to ask cuz I love everything about your writing.
Can u write a fic where the mc is strictly monogamous but 141 are SO madly in love so they fight on who gets to be with her and it's causing actual problems between them?
Ignored this if u don't want to. Anyway stay slaying✨
Hey ☀️🩷 Ofc I take requests this is my first one tho, I hope you like It, and it's like you imagined because I always have like a little movie in my head when I write a scene and with requests. I don't know if my thoughts match with yours- performance anxiety lol. Still thank you for supporting me 🩷☀️
Fighting for you
TF 141 x Reader
You always had that one plan in your life: meet a nice guy, date for 2 years, marry him with the most extravagant wedding dress someone could imagine, and after that, you get three fat babies whom you will love and dote on.
The only problem was, as a nurse on a military base, you didn't meet guys capable of this lifestyle. You hated to see all these men trying to get in your pants while they were married.
"Why are you in the med again, Johnny?" You scolded him. Of course, you found the Scotsman funny and liked his daily visits, but still, having him here all the time felt like a lost puppy when you had work to do.
"Look, Bonnie, have a mean scratch, need stitches from ya."
"Is that so, Mr. MacTavish?"
"Yes, Bonnie, look." He showed you a scar on his biceps, and you sighed. You knew he was only coming for something else; no soldier went to the medical just because of a scratch. He started to flex his biceps.
"Johnny, that's barely anything."
"But ya always fix me good, lassie." He looked at you with puppy eyes, and you sighed, disinfecting his nonexistent wound. "Such a good caretaker, lass. Need to put a ring on ya before someone else does." You blushed at the thought of marrying someone like Johnny. He was handsome, funny, and super strong, but he was a flirt, probably flirting with every other nurse. Besides, you had a date today.
"Johnny, stop flirting. I have a date today."
"Just a date, lass. It's not like you'll marry him."
You stared at him with a dead glare. "For some people, dates are important, Johnny!"
"Who is it?"
"None of your business, and now leave," you scolded him, annoyed by his noisy behavior.
"Who of you bastards broke the agreement?" Johnny started to scream at his teammates.
"What do you mean, Soap?" Kyle asked, confused.
"We agreed that no one can have her since she doesn’t want to share, so who of you tossers broke the agreement and goes on a date with her?"
"How do you even know that mate, if you didn’t break the agreement too?"
"I just needed her to take care of my injuries, Kyle."
"Bullshit, you barely got a scratch. Admit that you wanted to break off the agreement too. Admit it." Gaz barked, walking towards Soap to pick him up by his shirt.
"Enough of you, Muppets!"
"You broke the agreement, Captain, didn't ya? Telling us all about the agreement and then taking out my future wife."
"I didn't, and even if, she'd be more happy to become Mrs. Price than Mrs. MacTavish."
They were so close to fighting; everyone accused the other of taking you on that date. They remembered the first day they saw you; all of them were smitten. You were just too precious, full of love and excitement. Perfect hair, perfect body, everything about you was perfect for them. You could walk with your greasy messy bun, and they’d kneel for you, promising you’re the most beautiful woman on earth. After a while, they noticed how every one of them was smitten, how Johnny spent every minute in the infirmary, Ghost becoming your shadow, protecting you from every danger of the world without you even knowing, the Captain always treated you better than every other staff member, you had more off days, better shifts, and even better pay, and Kyle bringing you always your favorite coffee and a bunch of pastries when you overworked yourself again.
Johnny was the first one to ask the rest if they’d be open to a poly relationship. He was the most open about his sexuality, and having Simon and you was the perfect thing for him. Whether the reasons why they agreed to try to court you in this relationship, every one of them thought you only deserved the best, and that included being worshiped by four muscular men.
Unfortunately, your best friend, who noticed their goal while you still stayed in your naive bubble, popped their bubble, telling them to sod off. You weren’t made for this kind of relationship; you were jealous and liked the idea of monogamy way too much. You only wanted to have one husband. That's how the agreement started none of them will pursue you, and they will only start something with you if you approach them, no more flirting, favoritism, or looming over you.
Nonetheless, they gave a fuck about their agreement, behind closed doors still trying to court you in various different ways, but how could they not? You were perfect, and they were obsessed and way too much in love with you to let someone else have you.
"Where the fuck is Ghost?" Kyle asked, looking around for the scary man with the skull face mask.
"Fucking hell, he is her date."
"Sick bastard."
Soap walked into Ghost's barracks, eager to scream at his best friend. He was the first to love you, so Ghost should not have gone on a date with you without telling him. The betrayal felt immaculate, his best friend with the love of his life.
"Aye, Lieutenant, heard you're going on a date with the lassie."
"Johnny, it just happened."
"No hard feelings, LT. Where are you taking her?"
"Oh, okay."
Simon looked confused at Johnny. "What's wrong?"
"Take her to a better place a steakhouse or a fish restaurant. Give her a real meal, not something cheap. Lassies love this fancy shit."
"Thanks, mate."
Your date with Ghost was okay. He was brooding over something, and as he insisted on ordering something for you as a surprise, despite you telling him no, he did it, wanting to be a posh bloke who knows what his lady wants. Soap said you liked this fancy shit and heavy meat and fish.
As you looked disgusted at the filet steak, trying not to be rude by saying you're a vegetarian, he lost it mentally, not with you but with his best friend, who betrayed him just for you. He'd do the same, of course, but it's still different, right?
The date went on way too cringy, Simon spent most of the time apologizing to you for the messed-up date, and you tried to reassure him that it was okay. When he brought you back home, he asked if he could stay the night, and you politely declined.
"Johnny, I'm going to rip your fucking head off."
"Aye, shit," Johnny screamed as he began to run.
"The date went shit, I guess?" Kyle asked, unfazed by all the screaming from the two men fighting. He acted as if he didn't let slip the information that she is vegetarian next to Johnny or told Price she liked roses after she told him for 20 minutes straight how they are overrated. The best part was no one even suspected him; he was calm about the situation, not trying to solve it with violence like Johnny and Simon. While the others played checkers, he played chess to get you.
"Yes, it was."
"I told you muppets, I'm the one who deserves her."
"Shut up, Price," Ghost scoffed.
"I think so too, Captain should have her. At least he treats her well," Kyle said with a boyish grin.
So the Captain asked you out on a date, and after some convincing, you agreed, making yourself ready and waiting for him in desperation. You looked great, hair curled, mascara applied, and in a dress that was classy but a bit sexy. You knew Price could be a guy for this, maybe a bit too old, but still, you could grow old with him, and maybe he would give you everything your innocent heart desires.
After waiting for an hour, you were sure he wouldn’t come. If only you had known that Ghost was faking an accident and Soap's promise to tell you about it, not to let the sweet angel wait for the Captain. Soap was already on the way to play the knight in shining armor, fully confident to finally sweep you off your feet and make you the future Mrs. MacTavish, his sweet little angel. Oh, how the boys would look to know that he got the heart of their sweetheart finally.
Too late.
"Hey, lovely, why are you sobbing? Do I need to punch someone for you?"
"It's embarrassing, Kyle."
"Tell me about it."
"Just had a bunch of weird dates. One wanted to only bed me, I guess, and the other stood me up," you sobbed, looking into Kyle's pretty face.
"Oh, love, you know that all these guys around the boys are head over heels fighting over you like wild animals."
"They are, how couldn't they? You're perfect."
"You're a flirt, you know that."
"And you're too pretty to cry, you know that?" He winked at you, removing the tears from your beautiful eyes.
"You think so?"
"Kyle," you asked him shyly, looking deep into his brown eyes.
"Are you one of the boys who fight over me too?"
"Sure as hell, love!" He almost shouted, full of enthusiasm.
"You wouldn’t want what I want."
"And how do you know that?"
"I just want you, to know all, exclusive dating."
"Mhm, I'd give you that without a doubt, love. Just let me prove to you that I'm the right one for you, love." His hand slowly went to your face, caressing the soft skin that was still tinted by your mascara tears. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." And when you looked at him with your doe eyes, he lost it, slowly pulling his rough lips on your soft ones, holding your head for dear life as if you could vanish any second. He was afraid he did something wrong, maybe scared you like a deer, but you didn't shy away; you pulled him closer, letting his lips intertwine with yours and slowly opening your mouth to let his tongue explore yours. It felt like a firework in your body; every fiber burned with pure passion as he kissed you. You didn't want to stop; you needed him as deeply as he longed for you.
"Fucking Garrick, I didn't think he’d win her over," Ghost murmured behind the wall, watching you with the others in jealousy as Kyle got their girl.
"He played us like fucking fools, telling us it's okay if we win her over," Price muttered, annoyed and kinda proud at his sneaky bastard.
"I'm more of a looker than fucking Gaz," Soap said, annoyed.
As happy as you were right now, all of the boys knew the fight for your heart wouldn’t stop until there was a ring on your finger.
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starkwlkr · 10 months
Ruby is such an icon‼️
could you do something where her pre-k does a daddy and daughter dance and Charles takes her shopping for a new dress and ruby helps charles get all ready (like the princess he is)😭😭?
beauty and the beast | charles leclerc
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When Y/n got an e-mail from Ruby’s school saying that they were going to have a father daughter dance, the first thing she did was make sure Charles was free of anything F1 related. She then texted Charles a screenshot of the e-mail. Charles was far too excited when he got the message. He started to book nail appointments and asked around with his friends who had kids on which shop had the best dresses for little kids. He truly wanted everything to be perfect. He had even asked Pascale if she could do Ruby’s hair for the dance, which she happily accepted.
“Okay, let’s go Ruby Jules, we only have a week until the dance and we still have to get your dress!” Charles called out from the bottom of the stairs.
“I’m a pretty princess! I’m a pretty princess! I’m a pretty princess!” Ruby sang as she walked down the stairs with her little purse that Charles bought for her.
The father daughter duo went to multiple shops in Monte Carlo and by 2 PM, Ruby had finally found the perfect dress. Before they could continue with finding her shoes, they decided to eat so Charles drove to their favorite restaurant.
“There’s this girl in my class and she says her maman is putting makeup on her for the dance.” Ruby told Charles as they ate their lunch.
“If this is your way of asking if you can put makeup on, the answer is no.” Charles replied.
“But it’s glittery! Maman has pretty lipgloss.”
“You can put a little and that’s it.”
Ruby groaned. “When can I put the rest on?”
“When you’re older.” Charles replied.
“Old like you?” Ruby asked honestly.
“Just eat your food.”
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The day before the dance came and Ruby was watching the dancing scene from ‘Beauty and The Beast’. She watched Belle’s movements and copied them exactly. She even wore her favorite pink tutu so she could feel like a princess. She wanted to be like Belle so she searched for a pair of her maman’s heels and put the on her tiny feet.
“See? You have to do it like the Beast! You’re noticing right.” Ruby explained to her papa.
“You’re a better dancer than me, Mon amour. I don’t know how to dance.” Charles admitted.
“Grab my hand and I’ll show you.” Ruby reached out to him.
“If I fall, I’m taking you down with me.”
When Y/n got home from grocery shopping, she found Ruby and Charles on the floor giggling. She found it cute until she saw her heels she wore at her wedding on the floor.
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“You look so beautiful, Ruby! Let me take a picture so I can send it to your uncles and aunts. Oh, my sweet girl.” Pascale placed a kiss on the girl’s cheek. She had just finished doing Ruby’s hair.
Ruby smiled at Paascale camera and even did a pose. Pascale then called for Charles, who was just done with his tie, to take a picture with his daughter. The father and daughter smiled as Pascale took multiple pictures.
“Papa, can you stand right there?” Ruby pointed to the spot next to Pascale. “Wait, come here, your hair isn’t pretty enough! It has to be likes this!” She ‘fixed’ his hair like she saw her grand-mère do to him thousands of times before.
“Mon amour, it’s fine. Where do you want me to stand?” Ruby pointed again to where she wanted him.
Charles was confused, but he did was he was told. “Grand-mère, take a picture of me like this please!” Ruby then did a couple poses of her own with her tongue sticking out and holding up a peace sign.
“You sneaky girl.”
“You two look so adorable.” Y/n awed at her family. “Hopefully Mathéo has a mother son dance. Is that a thing? It better be.”
“If not, we can always make one right here,” Charles placed a kiss on Y/n’s lips. “We have to go, don’t wait up, this princess and I are going to party all night.”
In reality, by 9:30 PM, they were both knocked out on the sofa since all the dancing and eating many slices of cake tired them out.
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liked by carla.brocker, landonorris and 748,890 others
charles_leclerc our first school dance of many!
danielricciardo was landonorris the dj?
y/nleclerc the best dressed in the entire dance <3
arthur_leclerc did you fall? please tell me you did and that someone recorded.
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calzone-d · 1 year
Only You (Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Ted have a moment in a closet at Roy and Keeley’s wedding.
Warnings: feelings, handjob/oral sex (m receiving), sassy (she is a warning of her own)
Word Count: 3.2k
a/n: i’m back! i’ve missed being active on here and writing, so i’m really excited to get this one posted. my requests are OPEN, so send things in! let me know what you want to see and i’ll either write it into a fic or do some headcanons or we can just talk!
You can find my masterlist here.
It was a warm, sunny Saturday. The perfect day for Roy and Keeley’s wedding. You spent all morning helping Keeley get ready, and by the time she walked down the aisle she was buzzing with excitement. The morning had gone by in a blur, and it wasn’t until right before the ceremony you were able to check your phone.
Ted: Everything going okay?
Y/N: Yeah! We’re almost ready. See you in a few ;)
You and Ted’s friendship had slowly become flirty and more physical over the past few months. Nothing too extreme, but he now greeted you with a smile and a hug in the mornings. When he walked you home after your nights at the pub with him and Beard, a soft kiss on the cheek came after his goodbyes. Your favorite part, though, were the kisses that you now shared during your weekly post-match movie nights.
What started out as a soft peck had now become the occasional make-out session. Other than Sassy, you knew Ted’s sexual experience had been somewhat limited. With that in mind, and his most recent drama with his ex wife, you didn’t want to push him too far too soon. After being his best friend for so long, you’d started developing feelings for him. What you imagined would be the best hookup of your life, wasn’t worth sabotaging your chance of being with him.
You let out a content sigh as you breathed in Ted’s scent. He smelled like laundry detergent, and you could smell the light notes of his cologne from where your face was pressed to his shoulder. He’d chosen a rom-com for this week's post-match movie night.
The couple on scene held each other in a dramatic embrace before partaking in an even more dramatic kiss. Rom-coms weren’t your forté, but you loved hearing Ted ramble about them. Ted’s arm tightened around you while he watched as if he were scared you were going to get up and leave. You slowly lifted an arm from its place tucked between you to drape over his stomach. Ted relaxed even more under your touch as you lightly grabbed at the fabric of his shirt, just reminding him you were there.
As the ending unfolded you didn’t pay much attention, until you heard Ted speaking your name.
You tilted your head to look at him, not wanting to move from where you were now halfway in his lap. His face was so close to yours that you could smell the wine on his breath from dinner.
You heard him speak, “Do you want to watch another one? If not I can go-“
“No! None of that, it’s late and you’re buzzed.. You can stay here tonight. You know I don’t mind..”, your eyes were glued to his as he trailed off.
Instead of a response you just got a soft hum. Not that it mattered, you were too busy taking in his features anyway. Your eyes traced from his freckles, to his perfectly pointed nose, and when you reached his lips it’s like a switch flipped in his mind. The hand resting on your shoulder came up to stroke your hair, as it often did, but after a few seconds it moved around to cup your cheek.
You heard him gulp before stuttering, “Can I.. kiss you?”. His eyes slowly searched yours as you responded, “Please.”
Your eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his lips to yours. After a few seconds you both pulled away, hearts racing, and went right back in without missing a beat. As you kissed he held you tight, arms holding onto you in such a gentle Ted-like manner. When he pulled away, your breathing had picked up and your cheeks were flushed, and you could only giggle as you pushed your face back into Ted’s shoulder.
That became a weekly thing. When one of you had a particularly stressful week, when something good happened, when something bad happened. At movie nights and outside the Crown & Anchor after Beard went home. In your office at the club long after everyone had gone home.
Neither of you talked about it. Ted was worried you just wanted to hookup, like Sassy. For you, his feelings were legitimate and the idea of being shot down actually hurt. You were worried he didn’t feel the same, or maybe had legitimate feelings for her. After all, you did hear about his failed attempt at asking her out a few months back. Luckily she hadn’t come around since, and you were hoping it would stay that way.
You and Ted told each other just about everything, and you knew if he’d seen her since, he’d tell you. Deep down, you just hoped the next time she dropped in, she wouldn’t spend the night with Ted.
Your fears were put up to bat as you lined up at the altar. There she was, sitting towards the back by herself. Surprisingly, Keeley didn’t ask her to be part of the bridal party. Since Roy only asked Ted and Beard to be his groomsmen, she felt she should keep it small as well. The smirk Sassy wore made you feel uneasy. As if you knew what her end goal was.
Across the altar, your eyes moved to where Ted stood, and to your surprise he was already staring at you. His cheeks flushed when you caught him, but his smile matched yours.
After the ceremony everyone headed to the reception. It was glamorous, perfect for Keeley. Once everyone gave their speeches you snuck away to the bar. The feeling of a warm hand against your back made you jump.
“Hi angel”, you knew that voice anywhere.
You spun around to see Ted there, hair neatly combed, mustache freshly trimmed. He must’ve noticed your admiration when his cheeks blushed once again.
“Hi, Ted. Dance floor get too busy for you?”, he chuckled at your response.
“Right on, LeBron. You know me, just busting out the dance moves.”, his statement made you both chuckle.
The bartender brought your drink as Ted moved closer to you to get out of the waiter’s way. He didn’t move from where he was pressed to half of your back, though. Instead, he brought a hand up to rest on your hip. As you sipped your drink, his thumb softly stroked where your dress showed your warm skin.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “So what’dya say we-“
“Ted!!”, Sassy’s voice was loud as she approached your other side. Ted’s hand didn’t move, if anything he actually held you tighter, which had you smirking into your drink.
“Well, Hi, Sassy.”
“I was wondering if you’d like a guest in your hotel room tonight? You know, like-“
Ted politely cut her off, “I’ll pass, Sassy. But I hope you have a fun night!”
“What?”, she sounded shocked at his opposition.
“No, thank you, Sassy.”, by now you’d ordered another drink as you sat in the middle of a now-awkward conversation.
“But I thought we had a thing going on? Is that not what we do?”, she sounded almost offended.
“We used to, but it’s not the same anymore-“ Ted’s hand lightly squeezed at your hip as he spoke. “I don’t think we need to continue all that, Sassy. But I wish you the best! There’s lots of guys here that would love to-“, although he stayed polite her expression was one of annoyance and possibly disbelief.
“You know what? That’s fine, Ted-“ she glanced at you as she cut him a clearly fake smile, “You two have a good night.”
You and Ted stayed silent as she walked away, and both let out a sigh of relief the second she was gone.
Ted let out a whistle, “Well that was-“
“Yeah”, you chuckled with him.
“Didn’t want a night with Sassy Smurf?”, you tried acting nonchalant but you were eager to hear what he had to say.
Ted glanced down to where his hand was still holding you before responding, “You know, uh- I don’t- I’m not really interested in that anymore.”
“Somethin’ else I’d rather do with my night”, his smile was bright as you began to grin.
“Oh? And what’s that?”, you teased.
His eyes darted around the room before he leaned in, his breath hot on your ear, “Lemme show you, darlin’”.
You looked up to meet his mischievous eyes as you bit your lip in excitement.
No words were spoken as Ted led you out of the ballroom and through a hallway, into a small empty office. No words were needed, though. You’d follow Ted wherever.
Your eyes traveled over his figure and how well it filled out his suit while he shut the door, locked it, and pulled the blinds over the small window.
His hands were characteristically stuffed into his pockets as he looked at you with the same admiration.
“Y’look beautiful, y/n.”, you could tell he meant every bit of the word.
“Thank you. So do you.”
“Good for Roy and Keeley, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s been a long time coming.”, you softly mused.
Ted only stared at you as you waited for him to respond.
“What was this for, Ted? Are you feeling okay?”
Ted let out a soft chuckle as he came closer to where you stood against the wall.
“Oh, me? I’m fine as frog’s hair, just needed a minute alone with you.”, his arms opened as he met your figure and you went into them without hesitation. They were strong and intentional in the way they held you to him. He pulled away slightly, but didn’t dare let go of you.
Before you could say another word, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Both of his hands gently cupped your cheeks and his thumbs softly stroked the skin there.
There was no rush as your lips softly met, parted, and met again. It was slow and deliberate. Every move was calculated. When you breathed in, you could smell so much of him, you thought you’d get a high from it. Your hands grasped the sides of his tuxedo, holding him close. One of your hands moved up to softly stroke the side of his face, and your insides burst into flames at the way it made him sigh into your kiss.
Ted slid a hand to your hip and used the leverage to inch you backwards against the wall. You slid your hands under the coat of his tuxedo rubbing softly at his back and holding him to you. Ted’s lips, more wet now, pressed against the corner of yours as he whispered, “S’this alright?”.
“Mhm”, you hummed in agreement as his lips traveled across your jaw. The hairs of his mustache tickled, but all you could focus on was the warm, wet kisses he began pressing to your skin. It was your turn to let out a sigh as he made his way down your neck and to your collarbones before pausing at your ear.
Sure, you’d kissed before. You’d even had a couple makeout sessions, but it never went this far. This was new, and it had the hot feeling of desire pooling deep inside you.
“Only want you, y’know that?”
If the new sensation of him kissing your neck weren’t enough, the admission of his feelings almost sent you into shock.
Your mouth fell open as he continued to nip and lick at your pulse point.
When you didn’t respond, he stopped and pulled away to meet your eyes.
“Y/n? You okay?”
“Y-yeah I just… Feels good, Teddy..”
You could see him grow more confident from your words. You could feel him grow more needy against your hipbone.
“Can I- should we keep going? We can always-“, you stopped his words by pulling him back in. This time when your lips met his, your tongue darted out to tease the sensitive skin of his lips. You could feel his breath hitch as his head tilted to the side in an effort to return the gesture. The way he held your face felt so protective, like he needed you to know he only wanted you.
You grew hot as you both moved faster, and Ted let out the first moan as you reached a hand around to his lower back and used to pull his hips closer to you. It was unmistakable, how turned on Ted was from the way his bulge was firm against your hip. You pulled his face down to where your lips could ghost across his jaw and over to his ear.
“Can I touch you, love?”
A breathy whimper left Ted’s mouth.
“O-of course, only if you want t- oh..”, his words trailed off into a low moan as you softly cupped his bulge through his dress pants. Ted groaned in your ear, only encouraging you even more. Your fingers lightly stroked his cock and he moved to put a hand against the wall before bringing you in for another deep kiss. His tongue immediately began to search for yours, as if it were some holy grail.
The kiss was sloppy. It was wet, messy, driven by built up tension. You traced the zipper of his pants and toyed with the button, silently asking for permission to continue.
“Y/n.. please, hun. Shit..“
The fabric holding the button to the pants seemed as if it were about to pop off as you undid it. Ted’s cock was hot and heavy tucked into his briefs, and for a split second he stopped kissing you to let his head fall onto your shoulder. His lips lazily skirted across your collarbone before biting hard, causing you to give his cock a squeeze. The moan he let out in response was filthy, needy, almost desperate.
“More, Ted?”
“Shit- yes, honey, yes.”
Ted’s eyelashes mimicked butterflies as they fluttered closed. His head fell backwards once you took him into your hand. There were a million ideas of what you could do with him going through your head, but you knew soon enough someone would come looking for you. You needed to know you’d have the chance for more.
“Ted, wait-“
He immediately stiffened and began moving away from you, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You softly chuckled at his concern, “No, no.. I just- I don’t want this to be it.. I just want to make sure we’re on the same page because if not then I think we should stop..”
“What page are you on?”
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing, but I don’t want you to think it’s without feelings either. I have feelings feelings for you.. and-“
Ted cut you off with a gentle kiss, “I hear ya, darlin’. I’m there too. Shoot, we can stop here if you want.”
You flashed him a wicked smile as you squeezed him once more and hummed at the soft groan he let out.
“Just wanted to make sure I’d have the chance to do this again, love.”
“You can do this all you- all you want, sweetheart.. mmm”
You’d pulled his cock out from where it was trapped beneath his boxers. Looking down between the two of you, your mouth was practically watering at the sight of it.
Thick, heavy, tall. A pink angry tip, neatly trimmed hair at the base. Practically begging for the slightest touch from you. It seemed so fitting for the man who was currently melting under your touch.
Leaning your head down, you let a drop of spit fall where your hand was stroking him. The sounds it made were crude, but only turned both of you on more. Ted shoved his face into your shoulder as his moans poured from his lips, but the more you touched him, the louder he grew.
“Ted,” You tilted his head up towards yours, “Gotta be quiet, baby. Don’t want anyone hearing you.. Just me.”
Ted let out a needy whimper against your lips, “Only you, only you- mm”
His words were muffled by your lips as you pulled him in for another kiss. Ted kissed you like it was his sole purpose in life. Hands holding you as close as he could, tongue swirling against yours, hips rocking softly into your hand. Your hand pumped his cock at a steady pace, you were desperate to watch him fall apart for you.
“Oh, m’close- fuck”, he groaned as your hand tightened around him before you pushed him away slightly.
Still stroking him, you sank to your knees.
“Baby you don’t have to..”
His words were breathy, and you could tell he was about to finish. Without a second thought, you placed your swollen lips on the top of his cock while your hand stroked the rest of him.
Almost immediately, hot spurts of his cum hit your tongue. You eased the rest of what you could fit into your mouth as Ted rode out his orgasm. Throaty groans left his mouth as his cock pushed deeper into your throat, and his hands had found a home on your head. You let out a moan of your own after swallowing his release, you’d spent many nights imagining having his cock in your mouth. The real experience was better than you imagined.
As Ted came down from his orgasm, you gently pulled your mouth off him. By the reaction he had from the handjob, you weren’t entirely sure he wouldn’t fall to the floor from a little overstimulation. Not that you wouldn’t want to go there later, but not at your best friend’s wedding.
The sound of the doorknob jiggling broke through the muffled conversations outside, and your heart almost fell out of your chest. You scrambled to stand up while Ted attempted to fix his pants.
“That’s not the bathroom!”, you heard from outside the door. Ted’s blown pupils met yours as you both sighed in relief.
No words were spoken as you both calmed your breathing. Ted’s hand slowly raised to move towards your face, “Oh, you’ve got a little uh..” his words trailed off as he swiped a stray drop of cum from your cheek.
You took his thumb in his mouth before he could do anything else with it, and the groan he let out had you wanting to pull him to the floor right now, wedding be damned.
“Darlin’..”, Ted exhaled.
“Did you mean that?”
“Mean what?”, your eyebrows furrowed as his eyes looked around the room anxiously.
“The part about the uh- the feelings n’all that”, he sounded like he expected you to shoot him down. His shoulders visibly relaxed at the sound of your breathy chuckle.
“Of course, Ted. Meant every bit of it.”, he flashed you a nervous smile as you brought him in for a kiss.
This time when his lips met yours, he held you in a gentle embrace. When he pulled away his fingers smoothed your hair back into place as best as he could.
“M’glad. Been hoping you’d say that for a while.”
“It was hard finding the words, and then with all you’ve had going on.. I’d rather be here as your best friend who loves you than ruin our relationship because I went too far too fast. One question though..”, you spoke as you slowly moved towards the door. Ted followed you and nodded for you to continue.
“You meant it when you told Sassy no more?”, you cocked a flirty eyebrow at him, but he knew your words weren’t just flirty banter.
“Been meanin’ to do it sooner, actually.”
His words brought a hopeful grin to your face as you both snuck your way back into the wedding.
Thanks for reading! Please like & reblog!
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forestshadow-wolf · 7 months
Just real quick! Something not soapghost (sorry)
I was rewatching httyd 2 (one of my favorite movies btw)
And I remember the first time I watched it, when Stoic was singing to Valka, I hated when Gobber kept interrupting. I thought it was annoying, and didn't belong.
But watching that scene again and I actually kind of like it now. And to properly explain this I just want to put an image in your head.
So imagine this - you, a fresh-faced young viking, has grown up next to his best friend your entire life. He's been beside you through thick and thin, and has never once left your side. Now you yourself have nevr seen any lady that's caught your eye, but your best friend? Oh He's got his heart locked on one. He's quite the fella, has no shortage of women that he could wed. But no, he want the kind-hearted woman who refuses to harm a dragon.
You think maybe she's too soft for this life. She doesn't belong. But you're best friend loves her, and you're his best friend for a eason so you don't say anything.
At first you leave them alone, the waves of love that radiate from them are sickening. They can't keep themselves away from eachother for a second. So you let them be.
Imagine around this time that perhaps you realize lads catch your eye more than lasses do (this is canon btw, and the VA for gobber is also gay)
At some point, after a few moon cycles of your best friend and his lady being together, the three of you start hanging out. You realize this lady is quite nice, still too kind, but you can see why your friend likes her.
At some point you can't keep it in anymore, and confide in your friend that you won't be looking for a lass, but rather a lad. Your friend claps you on the back, and says he's with you always, and it's like a weight has lifted off your shoulders. But then you hear a noise behind you, and you whip around. Standing before you is your friend's lady, and you freeze, but she gives you a nice smile and says she won't say anything. She says the village won't think anything of it, but regardless she won't say anything.
A few moon cycles later and you really do like this lady now. She may not harm dragons, she may fight to save them, but she is just as fierce as any viking you've ever met. And through it all you're best friend and his lady are tag teaming you, trying to set you up with other lads.
These are your best friends, you couldn't imagine your life without them. You do everything together. They never left your side, even when you lost your leg. They've been with you through everything, and you them.
It's been years now. And your best friends are still just as in love now, as they were when they met, in fact they might be even more so. They're married now. They're still trying to set you up with a few guys. You have dinner every night at their house. You cook because like a perfect matching pair, neither of them can cook. And you all laugh and sing together, and you know that no matter what happens it'll all be okay as long as they're here.
They have a baby together, it's a wee little thing. The lady worries something's wrong with him, but your best friend says he's gonna be the greatest chief there ever was.
Then imagine one night there's an especially bad attack, you see your best friends' house catch fire, that's where the baby is, and quiet possibly the lady. You're too far to do anything. But your best friend isn't. He races to the house.
The next thing you know a dragon busts from the roof with the lady in its clutches. Your best friend bursts from the house, little bundle of furs in hand.
After thay day everything changed. It was the same just... less happy. Less kind. But it can be kind of okay with three out of four pieces.
You watch the little boy grow up. Your best friend he's happy, but he worries. He never sings anymore, that's sad. He won't put him in dragon classes because he's scared of losing him too.
Eventually you convince him to allow it. And it goes great until it doesn't. And your best friend disowns his own son for befriending the very beasts that took his lady, the boy's mother.
And then you see that very beast save your best friend's kid's life. And your with your best friend through all of that. Life and death, thick and thin.
And then imagine you find the lady! Or well the kid did. And all of the sudden, this light that died in your best friend's eyes lights up again. And then for the first time in over 2 decades you hear your best friend singing again. Just once. And it's been so long. And then you hear the lady! And now it's like everything is better, just like old times, and you can't help but sing along.
So there! Now you all know some (probably) useless knowledge :)
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andy-15-07 · 4 months
After all we are a family
masterlist ! pairing: Finnick Odair x fem!reader x Johanna Mason
GENRE: fluff, love
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After everything that happened, with the revolt against the Capitol, you and Finnick went back to our home, in District 4. Everyone and things became normal.
When I got home, it was as if something was missing, not something rather someone and that person was Mags, she volunteered as a tribute for me because she knew I was pregnant, she was not only a mentor for me but she was like a mother. Mags and Finnick were my mentors in the 70th annual Hunger Games, they helped me survive.
Finnick decided that we should have a house right by the ocean, because the ocean is the only thing that reminds us of some beautiful memories, when you and Finnick declared your love for each other, when I called Mags mom for the first time and when I confessed to her that I was pregnant with Finnick's child.
I told Finnick that I am carrying his child after our wedding in District 13 and after I told him he was the happiest man in the world, he had a child with the love of his life, the one who was really happy was Johanna.
When you gave birth to your and Finnick's daughter, Mags Johanna Odair, Johanna and Finnick were with me and they were the happiest. If it was Mags, I know she was also happy that I named my daughter after her.
And the mornings spent with them are the most beautiful.
The morning sun wakes you up and when you turn to your husband's side of the bed, you are met with the place where he was sitting, it was empty, I realized where the most important people in my life were, on the beach.
I get out of bed and take my robe and head out of the house, when I reach the door I look at the scene that is happening in front of me. Finnick was sitting down on the sand with his feet in the water, with Mags on his lap and I see my husband showing something to our daughter.
I slowly leave the house and head towards them, the only thing I'm happy about is that they didn't hear me when I left the house and when I approached them.
"Every time I come here, but especially when I'm near the water, all my worries disappear, just like you did my love." Finnick tells our daughter.
"Good morning Finnick and good morning Mags!" You say and sit down next to them.
"Hello love, I hope you slept well," says my dear husband.
"I slept well. What's up with you two on the beach so early? How long have you been out?" You ask Finnick as you play with little Mags who was happy to see her mom.
"Not long ago, I think it's been 30 minutes since we've been out and the reason we're out is because our little Mags woke up crying and we said not to wake you so we came here, when she saw the water, she calm. It's as if she knows that this is our place, which makes us calm down, it's obvious that she's our daughter." He says and hugs our little treasure.
Johanna always says that her niece is a perfect combination of you and Finnick, Mags has Finnick's eyes and hair, my lips and nose and how we joke about Johanna's behavior when something doesn't suit Mags, which Johanna doesn't deny this.
"Of course she knows she's our daughter." You tell him and rest your head on his shoulder but your eyes don't stop looking at your beautiful daughter.
It's so quiet that we don't hear the famous Johanna Mason heading towards us.
"I know you're fine but I want to know where my favorite niece is." when Mags hears her aunt's voice it's hard to hold her.
Johanna comes and sits next to you and I take Mags from Finnick's arms and give her to her, who was already waiting for her with open arms.
Johanna Mason is not a person who shows her feelings and emotions but around you and Finnick she is completely different, she was always by our side and we were by her side. After all, we are a family.
"I really missed my little niece, sometimes I wish she would come with me, to protect her. But I know our little Mags is safe now, it's not like it was before, everyone is free. " He says and plays with Mags Johanna.
"Johanna, everything will be fine, everything is safe now. We are fine and we are a family no matter what." Finnick says and you keep looking at Johanna who continues to play with the little being, our treasure.
"Finnick's right, we're safe. Jo you know that too." you tell him and then he raises his head and looks in our direction and slowly nods in agreement.
You get closer to her and take her in your arms and after Finnick comes closer and hugs all three of us, his confidants, his wife, daughter and our friend but Finnick and I considered her as our sister.
We sit together on the beach and either look at the crystal clear water, or talk or play with Mags.
After all, we are a family.
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sweetpandorabox · 8 months
Blood Purity - Draco Malfoy x Female Reader (Part 1)
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Synopsis: Keeping your family's Blood Purity and having high values when it comes to Intelligence and wisdom, is a duty and a sacred tradition all your family members of all generations have to follow. Getting sorted into Ravenclaw proving your worth, and following in your ancestor's footsteps, and keeping an Outstanding grade all the way through in Hogwarts kept your parents happy and proud, but not yet joyful. After 7 years of your Hogwarts journey coming to an end, they expect you to marry into a powerful pure-blooded family. As they take matters into their own hands your parents arranged a marriage for you based on a deal, to a boy who came from a powerful and pure-blooded family who you've despised for years.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Story Setting: The story is set in the year the 2000s, 2 years after the Battle of Hogwarts takes place, you and Draco were born in the 80s which would make the two of you around 20 years old in this Fanfiction. (anything in italic and bolded is a flashback scene btw)
Terms 📖:
Y/N - Your name
Y/H/C - Your hair color
Y/E/C - Your eye color
Warnings⚠️: Forced Proximity, Arguments, Bullying, Swearing and Slight Sexual Themes.
A/N: Hey cuties, sorry I've been gone for a while but I'm finally back, I wanted to start writing for Draco Malfoy because I actually love him, he's my 2nd Favorite Harry Potter boy and thought a forced proximity trope would be good and it would fit so well with the life he had in the Harry Potter books, but yeah I hope you enjoy this one I'm not used to writing something with a darker atmosphere and a more mature fanfiction here but I'm trying lol. love you. xx
Word Count: 1,959
The warm fireplace distributes its warm heat throughout the Malfoy Manor's dining hall, saving you from the cool winds of spring outdoors. The sounds of a crackling fire, quiet chatters, and sounds of cutlery being used against the delicate china plates plastered with grey floral designs played harmonically in your ear as you kept your eyes glued down on your plate of food, putting on a somewhat neutral face toying around with the contains you've been served without taking a single bite. "Y/N, at around 11pm tomorrow, you'll have to meet me and Narcissa at Sinclair's Weddings at Diagon Alley, it's for your dress fitting" your mother mentioned with a proud smile peeking through her lips, you raised your head up, and face to your right with a confused look watching your Mother takes a bite of her food, "But Mother, we've only been engaged for two weeks?" you asked with suspense trailing behind your voice, "Oh don't be silly Y/N, you and Draco are perfect for each other, it isn't worth waiting any longer," she replies sharing a smile with Narcissa from across the table as Narcissa did vise versa, "And besides everything has been taken care off, like the official date, venue, the food, the guest. You and Draco will love it" she continued. As silence roams back to the dinner table everyone continues to eat, you take a moment to pause and shift your gaze across the table to the blonde boy, focusing his pair of striking grey eyes solely on his food keeping his mouth shut and his head low.
You watched as he eyed down his food, showing no interest in anyone else taking a mouthful bite. Draco Lucius Malfoy goes far beyond your earliest memories of Hogwarts, known to be a bully and a Slytherin prince he paints a picture of himself as a snob and vile evil person, yet cowardice who enjoys taunting others for his own amusement, he gets anything and everything he wants no matter the circumstances as well. You kept to yourself most of the time during your Hogwarts years as a quiet and reserved Ravenclaw, having friends from all 4 houses and not favoring one over the other, you treated everybody equally, overlooking their blood status despite your family's belief, in 4th year however you've taken fond of Ronald Weasley who came from a pure-blooded yet poor family, you started dating him for 2 years but you don't find it easy in the slightest, as constant tournament form Draco swarms over you and Ron, he'd make snarky comments about you and the blood traitor as he calls him. Regular filthy stares came from Draco if you and Ron would show any amount of affection towards each other, because if it wasn't the harsh/shameful comments or filthy stares, Draco always finds another way to break whatever the two of you had.
"So I take it you'll be coming to my manor tomorrow night, make sure you put on that royal blue slip-on dress you always wear, you know the one with the sweetheart neckline, I find it quite alluring" Draco commented as he circle you with his minions chuckling, giving you a smirk and a playful wink. Ron stares in confusion between the two of you, realizing what had just happened you hold on to Ron's wrist, dragging him away quickly from the trio making sure you master up the dirtiest look you can give to the blonde boy, bumping his shoulder as you walk past fiercely drowning the sounds of wicked laughter behind you down. After the past event, Ron grew suspicious and demanded answers to what Draco meant earlier, not wanting to argue with your then-boyfriend you had no choice but to reveal a secret that nobody else knew about, "Ron, please just listen to me... The Malfoys and The Callahan have always been a close-knit group due to their mutual obsession over blood purity. Malfoy's mother and mine happen to be best of friends ever since their Hogwarts years, we have dinner parties with the Malfoys once every fortnight, that's all he meant by that...and since Christmas break is coming up, Draco and I will be home so it seems to be the perfect opportunity to have one in awhile... that's all I promise," you pleaded with guilt. Learning that information made Ron angry, as he decided to keep himself from you for days after that.
3 days have passed since Ron has last spoken to you, growing tired of his ignorance, you march up to the Slytherin table angrily, you scan the Slytherin table for a bleach-blonde head full of hair, and as you spot him you dash right over "Can I talk to you for a minute?" You ask, crossing your arm in frustration, matching the facial expression you displayed. Draco smirks, wasting no time and trails behind you as he leaves his group of unbothered Slytherins. You both settled outside the quiet hallway, leaving the great hall behind before you converse, "Malfoy, I really don't appreciate the comment you made 3 days ago... I mean, what are you honestly trying to do? Can't you see I'm happy?" you huffed out in frustration looking up at the tall figure, as his grey eyes pierced down at your small frame, he paused taken aback by your frustration before scoffing "What am I trying to do?... What am I trying to do? you're really asking that Callahan? he's a blood traitor. You can do so much better than that filthy Gryffindor... when are you going to realize your family would never accept him for who he is" he commented, without realizing how close he was getting to you, you backed up into the stone-cold wall, keeping eye contact with him, as he rests one of his hand on the wall by your head pinning you down.
Tensions spike up high between the two of you as your body comes closer and closer together. "When are you going to realize that your happiness could be right in front of you this whole time?" Draco blurted leaning his soft face closer to you and tilting his head, your cheek changed its shade into crimson red before you broke eye contact hearing footsteps walking away to your left cutting the tight tension, you watched as your loving boyfriend stormed away from what he'd seen, You panicked as he kept going never to look back at you, "Ron...Ron come back" you pleaded, pushing Draco away from you as you run after the Weasley boy leaving Malfoy on his own. The next day Ron breaks it off with you quick, for the very first time you feel as though you aren't worthy of any happiness as your heartbreak drives you into despair, you miss out on meals, frequently find yourself sobbing, and eventually watch as Ron fell in love with Hermione, from that day on you swore to yourself that you despise and hated Draco Malfoy and you will never change your mind about him. The sudden flashback made you fidgety as you smoothed out your old silky royal blue, slip-on dress. The one you've had since you were a teenager not having grown much physically making it fit you like a glove. After dinner has ended, you join your family in expressing their gratitude for the delicious meal and farewells to the Malfoys, completely ignoring Draco as he seems to do with you anyway. You embrace your future mother-in-law Narcissa warmly as she does vice versa and give your future father-in-law Lucious a firm yet polite smile as he smiles back and nods to show his understanding.
Dobby the house elf clicked his finger towards the grand, wooden double door to open it revealing an exit point for you, and your parents finally departing away from the Malfoy manor as you Apparate back to your own mansion, located not far from your fiancé's, ending the night in a blur as you quickly try and sleep it off in order to mentally prepare yourself for the dress fitting your mother and your mother in law has so wonderfully booked and plan. After the battle of Hogwarts took place in 1998 you went back to Hogwarts to finish your 7th year around the same time as Hermione Granger did, making sure you have all the qualifications needed to find the best job that the Wizarding World offers, even if a job isn't necessary for you to have because of the amount money your family has inherited over generations. During the battle of Hogwarts, you weren't actually present at all, since Narcissa warns your mother about the secret attack and plans that the Dark Lord schemes for Potter and how dangerous this war is, so she advised your mother to keep you home and not let you return for your 7th year, and although Narcissa isn't supportive of the Dark Lord at all she is supportive of her Husband and Son, so she has to be present there, but it doesn't mean she can't warn her best friend, your mother, and her family to stay safe and not partake in the war whatsoever and to let it pass you. So that's what your mother and father agreed on doing, keeping you home after explaining the circumstances to you.
Your eyes started to glimmer as salty tears started to fog up your vision, you were distraught by the news and realized that the people you care about over at Hogwarts like your friends and some of the professors who had made a real impact on you might potentially lose their lives over this war. You wanted to help badly, you wanted to be there to protect the ones you care about, but your parents will never allow it as they fear the worst and might end up losing their one and only child, so you slump and cry over it for days in your grand mansion until you've heard the news a week later that most people have survived the war including the Malfoy's and that the Dark Lord was finally conquered. It took a while, but Hogwarts was rebuilt soon after that, and once September rolled back around Hogwarts was ready to bring in young witches and wizards who were ready to embark on their early education, and even welcome those who were not able to finish their last year back with open arms. You studied hard and kept very much focused on all your classes to the point where your NEWT marks show only Outstanding grades all across, simply showering your parents with great pride and joy to have you as their daughter. This time around you sort of hated the idea of leaving school after graduating, Hogwarts was a nicer and much simpler place without some knucklehead like Draco Malfoy running around taunting people or trying to pull your pisser almost every day to annoy and ruin your schooling experience.
You enjoyed your time at Hogwarts without him, but you do tend to wonder if he was alright, or how he's doing or coping after the war. Your mother and father haven't gotten in touch with the Malfoy for a couple of months now as they went into hiding in their own mansion and kept quiet to themselves, laying low in order to keep them from trouble with the Ministry as they potentially find out the ties that the Malfoy family had with the Dark Lord, so for a while, there weren't many connections between the Callahan's and the Malfoy's, a period of time where you enjoyed life as it is because the one person you truly despise and hated is gone from your life, just like you wanted it too.
Taglist : @igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @nighttimemoonlover @el-de-phi
!Click here for part 2!
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queenie-official · 7 months
Chapter Seven: ‘Something New’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
a/n: i’m back 🤭 this is a lot of fluff y’all so i hope you eat it up 💪💪 it’s bit long because i sort of combined chapter 7 and chapter 8 since it made more sense for it to be in this one compared to what i have planned out. anyways that’s all i’ve got say love you all 💋💋
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seven days, that’s how long you had with Anakin before the responsibilities of the world would catch up with you two. seven days then your honeymoon would be over. thankfully even though the first day was a little bit of a rough start it was what you needed to begin truly getting to know each other. and that’s exactly what you’d been doing, over the last four days you’d learned a lot about him- like his favorite color was light blue. and he wasn’t the youngest but in fact had a little sister making him the middle child, which honestly explained a lot.
you were currently taking a stroll with him in the royal garden, conversing and listening to him explain his family dynamic a bit more thoroughly. Anakin had told you how he’d purposely mess with his older brother to keep him on his toes since in his words ‘he’d be to stuck up and a complete stick in the mud’ if he wasn’t there. which prompted you to then ask what would he be now since he was here.
“that’s what my little sister is for, she looks up to me. practically a mini me but smarter” you snort a laugh at that and he smiles brighter. he truly had a pretty smile. “you sound like you adore her” you say with a soft smile and he chuckles “i do but never tell her i said that.” you quirk a brow “why not?” you ask curiously. “because she’d never let me live it down” he states a bit dramatically but completely serious and you can’t help the smile that never leaves your face only growing with each interaction.
“so Obi-Wan can never escape you then” you voice the thought out loud and Anakin laughs, everything about him you’ve been finding incredibly charming. “oh yea he’s never going to have it easy- Ahsoka is like my apprentice of mischief. star pupil” he said with a mischievous smile leaning in towards you as he speaks making you blush slightly. “only pupil” you point out and he rolls his eyes “for now.” your brows knit together in confusion “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“time will tell” he says with a shrug, you scoff and think about pressing more but decide to drop it. you’re both quiet for a moment, silently enjoying one another’s company as you continue the walk in the garden. the warm sun and floral smell from all the flowers creating the perfect bubble. it was your idea, coming on this walk- in fact you insisted he’d join you so you could show him your favorite spot. he seemed reluctant at first but you quickly realized that was just him messing with you and not how he truly felt. you felt your mind wonder back to his sister “it sounds like she cares about you as much as you do her, so how come she wasn’t at the wedding?”
“my mother was afraid she’d cause a scene- which to be fair i wouldn’t put it past her, she can be a bit….snippy and she’s not afraid to speak her mind it was just not the right time or place for that.” you let his answer hang in the air for a bit, in all honesty she sounded like a good person. a free spirit for sure but still a good person “she sounds like she’d make a good leader” you offer as a response. “i suppose” he says with a wrinkled nose, clearly not agreeing with the thought. “i personally can’t see her as much more than a bratty teen.”
“i’m sure that’s how Obi-Wan feels about you” you counter and he can’t help but laugh “well then i guess i got a taste of my own medicine” you giggle at the thought and begin to lead Anakin across the bridge. you where close to the spot you wanted to show him now, just a bit more of a walk but Anakin had stopped. when you turned to see why his footsteps ceased you where met with him looking over the bridge out across the water admiring the view of the fish swimming up the stream and the way the sun reflected across it. you take a moment to admire him first before walking back over and standing beside him to look over the stream yourself.
“i wish i could meet her, i feel like id love her” it came out soft, almost like you hadn’t fully meant to say it out loud. you could feel his eyes on you now, and then a sudden warmth on your back. his hand was pressed against the small of it, you had to fight back the way your cheeks burned at the action. “if she warmed up to you i think she’d like you as well” he says and you finally force yourself to meet his gaze. “as of right now i’m guessing she’s not to keen on me” you ask with a tilt to your head and he bites back a smile. “very much so” not surprising you did technically take away her brother.
“she’s the main reason i agreed” you blink a few times trying to process what he meant. “huh?” he pulled his hand from you and you had to fight a frown at the loss of contact as you watched him lean an elbow on the bridge railing “well i wasn’t really given a choice- but the reason i was so compliant in the matter, and i know this is selfish. was for her not my kingdom.” you mimic his actions leaning onto the bridge railing yourself as you listened to him speak carefully.
“the kingdom of Tatooine is falling, already on its last leg. i knew if i went along and everything went well then we would get the support we need from Alderaan, which would mean my sister would not have to bare witness to what would happen if we hadn’t gotten the proposal and that was the only reason i was remotely okay with everything.” you felt your heart tug at the confession, that familiar feeling of guilt resurfacing. “you’re a good brother Anakin” he smiled at the sentiment. a small silence filled the air before he spoke again.
“could you tell Obi-Wan that, he seems insistent on the fact i’m nothing but a bad influence” clearly the conversation had gotten a bit to emotional for his liking judging by how quick he was to play it off. you smile at that and pull off from the railing “well i never said you weren’t a bad influence.” you retort as you begin to walk off the bridge and continue the original intention of this walk. “ouch, you wound me” he places his hand over his heart in mock offense “honestly me a bad influence? doesn’t even begin to sound true.” he was smiling as he said it unable to take himself seriously with that statement and you can’t help but laugh “you are full of yourself.” he shrugs “i think i have every right to be” he says smugly and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“so what does Tatooine need most?” you ask, promptly changing the question as you both round a corner, now in a much smaller section of the garden. the flowers where much more overgrown here the only clear pathway was leading to the center of some pillars. you turn to him with a smile, this was what you wanted to show him. it was your favorite place to hide when you where younger and upset. you’d stumbled across it on accident but it quickly became your favorite place.
he raised a brow but smiled regardless, taking the time to look around before following you up the path. the center of the pillars was clear just a bunch of grass. you plopped down on the ground opting to lay rather then sit after all your dress wasn’t exactly the sitting kind. he stood over you for a moment looking down and contemplating something, you weren’t sure what but you decided to just brush it off once he followed suit and laid down beside you. “what do you mean” he finally asks in response to your question. “i know our coronation isn’t for another few days but we could begin preparations now, and then once we are officially crowned we can take immediate action. so what in your opinion does Tatooine need most?” you explain, turning your head to the side to face him. tracing over his jaw with your eyes and trying to memorize each detail of his face from this angle as he thinks. it was strange how quickly you found yourself falling for him, but he made it easy and you honestly weren’t mad about it.
“the route of our problems is lack of funds. we have a high crime rate, not for lack of laws but lack of ways to in-force them.” he begins and you move your gaze back upwards, staring out at the passing clouds. “go on” this time he turned to look at you “the only jail we have is the palace dungeons, outside of that there’s nothing. and there chalk full already. we’ve thought of building more but all of the money rightfully goes towards feeding the people” he continues and you nod, turning back so you both where facing each other now. “so funds and military support would be most welcome?” you ask carefully wanting to make sure you got what he was implying.
“yes, of course food and supplies would also be a good help but with money they’d be able to buy their own” you hum a brief response before giving him an affirming nod “understood, then we have our priorities” he raises a brow, a small half smile appearing on his face “just like that?” you smile back “well we are to be king and queen, our word is law.” not entirely true, you both did have your own set of rules and regulations to follow. but overall you two where at the top, the people look to you not parliament. “i guess being a king isn’t as bad as i thought” he joked.
a comfortable silence fell once more, only this time you where staring at each other when it happened. you hadn’t realized just how close he’d laid next to you until now, his entire body pressed against your side. faces only inches apart, if you moved any closer you’d kiss. the thought made your stomach erupt with butterflies, it wouldn’t be your first kiss since technically that happened on your wedding day. however it was different then than now. now it was you wanting to kiss him and not a requirement, you felt uneasy. not use to this type of thing, you force yourself to break the eye contact looking back up to the sky before starting a conversation for a distraction.
“tell me more about Tatooine- the good parts what’s it like there?” you ask him and he laughs.“Tatooine has very few good things in my opinion- for starters we’re a desert kingdom, which means there’s sand for days.” he says annoyed and you turn your attention back to him with a raised brow “not a fan of sand?” you ask and bite back a laugh. “i hate it. it’s course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” you couldn’t hold the laughter in anymore especially with how serious he meant it, brows furrowed like he was cursing the sand in his mind. “well remind me to never take you to a beach” you say in between giggles, it was his turn to roll his eyes at you as you kept laughing. “there is one thing that i love about Tatooine- aside from my family” his sentence pulls you back and you force yourself to calm down. “what’s that?” he relaxes more once you ask and smiles as he speaks “the races.”
“races?” he nods and begins to explain “we have horse races, i was a rider- against my mother and fathers wishes but they never exactly stopped me either. it’s not like i took place in the gambling side of things, i just like the adrenaline of it.” you watched as he spoke with the enthusiasm of a small child. it was cute and his eyes sparkled “have you ever won?” you wonder out loud. “oh yea just about every time i’ve raced, ill miss it” he says rather solemnly and that made your heart ache.
“what if we introduced the races to Alderaan? it seems like a harmless enough tradition” you spoke before really thinking and he snapped straight up like you’d just told him the best news in the world before he quickly shut himself down not sure if you where being serious. “honestly?” he presses needing confirmation before he allowed himself to be to excited. “why not, it could be fun a way to unite our kingdoms- people from Tatooine can come here to compete and vice versa.”
he’d kissed you then. it was gentle but passionate, a smile on his face the whole time. it made your head spin, face burn but you liked that and when he pulled away you did your best to act unaffected not quite ready to express yourself.
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The next two days with Anakin where just as sweet, you both where getting along great. opening up about any thought that came to mind. it was wonderful and then something changed.
you weren’t sure what caused it but he was acting different today. more shut off and distant, it hurt. this was the last day of your honeymoon and somehow you’d messed it up without even realizing. all day he’d been brushing you off and keeping as much physical distance as possible, your head was spinning trying to find where you’d gone wrong. each conversation you’ve had with him running on repeat looking for even the smallest inkling that you’d crossed a boundary of sorts but you kept coming up empty. you tried asking him what was wrong as well wanting to just rip off the bandaid but he simply said nothing was wrong.
talk about emotional whiplash, if nothing was wrong why was he acting this way. why would he not even let you get near him. you’d let him be alone for about an hour before you couldn’t take the pit of anxiety anymore and decided to face him once more. This time you weren’t going to stop asking him until you got an answer, so you made quick work to hunt him down. which was surprisingly easy compared to the last time he’d disappeared. you found him struggling to walk up the stairs, you where quick to rush up to him not even giving him a chance to process it was you who now stood beside him. “Anakin what happened?” you ask concerned reaching out to help him but he moves away from your touch. “i’m fine” he says curtly and you’re taken aback briefly but recover “are you confident in that fact because-“
“i said i’m fine!” he shouts and you go silent letting your arms fall to your side as you begin to pull back, feeling yourself mentally shutting down. you see a look of regret on his face when he finally looks at you, as well as a sheen of sweat on his forehead. actually now that you got a better look at him he was pale, sickly so. he took a deep bated breath before proceeding up the stairs.
“i mean it i’m fine.” you scoff at him before following behind, he was heading in the direction of his room and you where going to make sure he got there safely. “could you just leave me be” you roll your eyes and cross your arms “i’m not going anywhere Anakin so would you just let me help yo-” you watch as he began to fall backwards, in a panic you do your best to catch him only to realize just how heavy he was the second his weight hit your arms and you fall down with him.
he was out cold, you on the other hand where now stuck underneath him. at least you’d broken his fall.
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you wring out a wet cloth before placing it on his head that rested in your lap. you had gotten the attention of your guards and made them carry him to his room as you got a hold of the royal physician. that was two hours ago, now he was resting much more peacefully after he’d been woken up to take some medicine to help fight a fever. The Flu was what the physician said it was, and he’d insisted you not be in the room with Anakin in fear you might get it as well. as if that would stop you, he was sick and you wanted- needed to make sure he was okay. if you got sick in the process then oh well.
you watch over him carefully, running your fingers through his damp sweaty curls. what irked you about all of this was that he said nothing, suffered in silence instead of asking for your help. you thought you guys where finally getting somewhere. finally trusting one another- liking one another, learning to love one another and then he does this. ignores you, pushes you away when he needs you most. you see his eyes twitch and your mind goes blank, waiting patiently to see if he’d finally fully wake up. at least enough to have a conscious conversation.
soon enough his eyes do flutter open, looking around himself briefly to process his surrondings before looking at you. “you said you where fine” was the first thing out of your mouth a frown gracing your features and he had the audacity to smirk. “i was” he huffed, and you had to fight the urge to flick his head. “i’d believe you if you hadn’t passed out right after you said it” he remained silent after that statement and so did you. upset with his actions and not wanting to make a scene while he was sick you figured it best to just quit speaking entirely.
“why are you doing this” you raise a brow and he sighs knowing what you where going to ask “caring for me i mean” you feel your nose scrunch up, what a stupid question in your opinion. “I am your wife, it is my job” he closed his eyes at that “i didn’t think that applied to us” he said simply. “what?” your brows knit together “the duties of a married couple” he adds. it triggered you a bit, why would he think you wouldn’t want to help him. “you’re sick, was i just supposed to stand to the side and watch you suffer?” he opens his eyes and shrugs. “the vows i said may have been empty when i made them but i still made them nonetheless and i for one keep my promises.”
“so you’re only doing this out of obligation?” he asks and you frown “no-” he shifts slightly so that his head is more propped up on your thigh, closing his eyes and letting out a soft groan like it physically pained him to move. “then why? because you like me?” he smiles as he asks- unbelievable he could not possibly have the energy to be teasing you right now. “i’m doing this as your wife and nothing more” you say but it’s clear you aren’t being entirely truthful with that statement and you can tell by the look he gives you he’s not buying it.
“i think you just don’t want to confess you like me” he chuckles but quickly regrets it, closing his eyes again in pain. “if i did i would tell you” you say and begin to run your fingers through his hair again and watch as he relaxes. “well make sure you shout it” he mumbles. “i’m sorry?” he opens his eyes again, scanning over your face before answering “when you tell me you like me, shout it so i can hear you and know you mean it.”
“you’re delusional” you huff but can’t hide your smile and he’s quick to mirror you. “that’s probably the fever” he says with a shrug before allowing himself to doze back off to sleep in your lap.
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part 8
Tag List: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06
AHHH OKAY HERES CHAPTER SEVEN LOVES💋💋 side note i could not resist the urge to include Anakin’s hatred for sand- it was too good of an opportunity 😭 not to mention idk about you guys but i am completely with him on that ☝️as someone with sensory issues sand is one of my worst nightmares💀 anyway i hope you huns enjoyed Xx<3
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Now please allow me to sing this movie's praises.
First, I love a sequel that knows its a sequel. It didn't try to outdo Enchanted at all. I think that "That's How You Know" is THE song from Enchanted and Robert and Giselle dancing at the ball is THE scene. None of the songs tried to be That's How You Know, or be better. They never tried to do a better dance scene. There was the adorable little slow dance at the very end but it was more in honor of the original. Everything was in honor of the original. They respected it and added onto the story in a way that made sense and was good. It was so good.
All of the old disney easter eggs got me they really did!!! We love easter eggs.
The plot as a whole was just!!!!! So good!!!!!! I love that Giselle's life wasn't bad, she just had struggles that she never would have had in Andalasia. And I also love that even though Morgan's teenager-ness was the catalyst for the conflict, she wasn't villainized for it. Giselle didn't resent her for it, she just wanted to understand and help. She wasn't "fixed" at the end. She was still a teenager, still a little snippy, she's still gonna be embarrassed by Giselle sometimes, but that's ok. And Giselle understands her better now. Her whole relationship with Morgan was beautiful. The way she was just so desperate to help, how Morgan was declared a true Andalasian daughter because she's Giselle's daughter. Morgan calling Giselle "mom" really got to me. The fact that her saying "she's my stepmother" has the power to make Giselle that upset just shows how good of a mom she is!!!! That entire dynamic was just. More than I could have asked for.
Speaking of dynamics!! Giselle and Nancy girlbossing together. Amazing. Edward trying to help Robert. Adorable. I love how Giselle and Nancy basically switching roles made them able to understand each other so well. The fact that Nancy is the one dealing with hobgoblins on a daily basis now but she can still give Giselle teenager advice. I love it. Nancy and Edward on their own were amazing as well!!!!! Big fan of them not having kids. Big fan of Edward being the largest himbo to exist even after all these years. Big fan of him sword fighting with the kids at the end. Big fan of him saying "that's all it [the wishing plate] does, we're fairly certain?" Big fan of Nancy's wardrobe. Big fan of them being Sofia's godparents. Big fan of the implication that they visit pretty often. Big fan of them <3
The Giselle and Robert content, while perhaps a bit more sparce than I may have hoped for, was just UGSFJHSDBHGBVOUBGABVSDAU. Perfect. The way he looks at her??? Kill me. I love how he loves her singing now. When he was watching her dance around the house in the beginning and when he was smiling when she started singing again that night OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM I LOVE THEM. The kiss at the end. Actually. Every kiss. They kiss and I cry it's very simple. The glimpse of the wedding oh my god??? When you can hear Robert's voice say "I do" and "You'll always be a princess to me" when Giselle's getting the memories back I DIED. And I choose to believe the princess line was a part of his vows. Yeah.
The soundtrack was great. Badder is my favorite at the moment lol. Speaking of, Amy Adams' range???? I mean I knew she had it but Giselle slowly becoming a villain was so satisfying to watch. I loved when she was talking to herself sdfbsdjf she's so funny. The humor all around was great too!
That's all I got for now. I'm sure more will come to me. Overall i really loved the movie and im really happy with how they handled it and seeing Giselle and Robert again in the year 2022 was desperately needed for my mental health. thank you.
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hey-kae · 2 years
Home is Perfect Starts
Part one of the “Home is…” series.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x singer!female reader
Request: read here
Warnings: language, sexual jokes, some smut.
a/n: okay so the request was for one imagine but this has turned into a series because there are so many scenes i wanna include what would have left us with a fic of 20k+ words so i decided to divide it. Really hoping the person who requested this doesn’t mind.
Just a year ago, you would've never imagined that life would somehow lead you to move to Monaco with the person you were quite sure you'd spend the rest of your life with, both of you looking with so much optimism towards a future that seemed so bright and perfect, slowly building a life together that you two knew you'd pick over anything and everything at any given space and time.
Around two years ago, you were sat unassumingly under the hot stage lights of yet another interview studio, the interviewer across from you asking prying questions and giving you curious looks like she was desperate for you to spill everything you have ever kept a secret about your life into the little microphone clipped onto your shirt. In reality, she wouldn't have exactly minded you giving her exclusive details about the private matters you kept to yourself but she was also aware that such occurrence was practically impossible, not with the intensive media training you had undergone, not with your manager backstage, not with your instance that your private life would always stay private no matter how much you fame might grow. However, her knowing all that didn't really mean that she wouldn't try to throw in the bait and hope for a scoop or some grand story she'd get to take credit for.
The loud cheers of the small crowd as the show resumed airing had alerted you back to reality, the host almost immediately announcing the start of "the fan favorite part of the show, a quick game of Would You Rather."
Fast forward a few questions that seemed eerily safe, you had been met with the one question that had gotten a laugh out of the audience.
"Would you rather skip a relative's wedding or miss a Formula 1 Grand Prix?" The interviewer had asked with a cheeky smile that had perfectly showed that she already knew the story.
"Oh God..." you had kept a smile but looked away for a second, a blush spreading over your cheeks in memory of that day, "How did you find out about this?" A perfectly timed chuckle had escaped your lips as you pushed your hair over your shoulders elegantly.
"We have our ways."
"Oh, quite mysterious!" You laughed a bit, "Alright, alright. Here's the full story but before anyone decides to judge, l ended up not missing any of the two, by the way! This was a few years ago so i was considerably young but... yeah, there was a race on the same day as a family member's wedding. It was a championship decider basically and i really wanted to see who would end up winning so i tried sweet talking my parents out of taking me to the wedding, even tried playing sick but it didn't work out. So, after a big argument with my mom, i ended up going but i'm a girl who has her priorities set straight so naturally, i stayed glued to my phone all the ceremony, what got me a lot of disapproving glares, not gonna lie. And i remember it so clearly, but my favorite driver ended up crashing out during the vows so -god, this is embarrassing- i was literally crying and everyone around me thought i had gotten emotional over what the bride was saying when, obviously, that wasn't the case." You had finished the story with an embarrassed nod and pursed lips.
The following question was one you had cautiously answered.
"Do we get to know your favorite team?"
"Well, everybody's a Ferrari fan. Right?" You quoted Sebastian Vettel with a smug smile since you knew only F1 fans would catch the reference.
How that little statement and a few unconvered pictures of younger you watching races, all decked out in Ferrari merchandise, ended up with you being invited to the Ferrari hospitality at the Italian Grand Prix, your name on the pass hanging around your neck being "Charles Leclerc guest 3" was something you still couldn't wrap your head around.
When your manager had informed you of the invite, you wouldn't have ever assumed that you were invited by the driver himself, not the team so naturally, seeing his name on the pass was a shock, especially given the fact that the two of you had never interacted in the past aside from the follows you had exchanged on instagram after that interview.
During that race weekend, the tension between the two of you had debuted. You had ended up with him in a flaming red Ferrari, helmet on and filming a hot laps video around the track.
You were a bit shy by nature, especially around people you were undeniably attracted to and while locked into the car with you, Charles was quick to take notice of that. It had boosted his ego and therefore his confidence, encouraging him to push the car to its utmost limits, drifting it through the corners and letting the tires screech as they struggled against the black asphalt.
However, the precise moment where the two of you figured there might be something more to the instant connection you had formed was when he noticed how unaffected by the speed you were, cheering him on as he drove instead of freaking out like he had seen in the hot laps videos he had binge watched to know what to expect.
"Oh, come on! I have to find a way to get some screams out of you!" The monégasque spoke before thinking, stepping harder onto the gas pedal as the car shot down a straight, only to realize the double meaning of his words when he saw you struggling to hold in your laughter, your cheeks blushing a deep shade of red before finally allowing yourself to laugh, deeming your attempt to neutralize your reaction as a failure.
Charles absolutely loved your reaction to the dirtier side of his words. Something about the sound of your laugh had caged in his heart, leaving him to grin at you like he could see the future. Likewise, something about the way he had looked at you while you laughed, his eyes glistening in the sun told you he'd be someone special in your life.
While he was still grinning, he worked some buttons on his steering wheel then he drove the car in donuts as you giggled, genuinely enjoying the experience, loving the speed and the smell and sound of the tires.
To your surprise, Charles' comment about getting you to scream wasn't cut out of the video. In fact, it became the star of it. It was actually the spark that ignited the fire between the two of you, especially when that little interaction, more specifically your reactions to it caused fans to ship the two of you.
After that day, you had contacted Charles to thank him for the invite and the experience and that ended up in a meetup then another then another and soon enough the meetups turned into dates then secret getaways. Barely any additional time passed before you found yourself calling Charles Leclerc your boyfriend.
Almost instantly, you started getting spotted sneaking around with him wether it was around paddocks, backstage at your shows, around Monaco or from your tourbus. The first video that went viral and made it harder to play off the rumors was one of Charles in a VIP box at your concert, singing along to practically every song, assuming people hadn't spotted him. The relationship became impossible to hide so, naturally, you went public with a video of him visiting you on tour, playing the piano backstage at one of the arenas to help you rehearse a song. The short clip quickly became a fan favorite to yours and Charles' relief.
The special and wholesome nature of your relationship left you so scared that your schedules would ruin it for the two of you at some point. You loved each other to death. You texted and called and facetimed each other endlessly but it was undeniable that it wasn't exactly normal for a couple to see each other less than once per month sometimes.
Eventually, it became an issue.
Eventually, both of you started realizing that the relationship was being built on texting, calls and facetimes. Not an ideal base in any way.
Eventually, you found yourself locked up in your tourbus, on a video call with Charles who was alone in his driver's room after a qualifying session that hadn't gone exactly well, the both of you choked up with the fear that the rough patch might just be the end of everything.
"It doesn't feel like a relationship anymore." He had said, his eyes dazed as he bit onto his lips from the anxiety the conversation was giving him.
"I know." You had answered with defeat, your eyes tearing up while imagining where this could go.
It terrified you when silence took over after the small sentence.
"I don't want to break up." Charles' voice was shaking as he said that.
"Me neither." The reply was instinctive.
There was close to nothing you wouldn't do to save the relationship.
Charles looked relieved, the next words leaving his mouth with so much ease, it made it obvious he's thought about them before, "We should move in together."
He had studied your reaction to his words so intensely, fearing that he was asking for too much.
"I would love it if you moved in with me. Actually, i want a fresh start with you, a new place that would be just ours, our own little world, an escape from everything. Monaco doesn't even feel like home anymore, the apartment doesn't feel like home anymore. There's always something missing and I'm pretty sure it's you... and i know it won't solve everything but at least we'll get to come home to each other, spend our breaks by each other's side instead of wasting days trying to decide who is flying to who or where to meet up. I just want to wake up next to you, see your stuff next to mine, fall asleep with you sleeping on my chest. I want to hear your presence nearby so life doesn't feel so lonely anymore."
You had stared at the screen for a long time, imagining every word he had said.
The house you owned was already far from your friends and family so moving a bit further wouldn't change a thing. Plus, you loved Monaco and could see yourself living there, especially if Charles was involved in those plans.
It barely took any further thoughts for you to nod with a smile, Charles leaning backwards in his seat in relief.
That weekend, Charles took the track and you took the stage with so much energy and positivity, everyone you both worked with had noticed it.
That is how you ended up watching an extremely confused Charles from your seat on the countertop as he tried to figure out the correct ingredients for a cake, a swipe of flour covering his cheek, a frown on his face and a bandana pushing back his hair.
After an extensive apartment-hunting week in Monaco, the two of you finally found a place to call home, a shared apartment that would be your shelter from the your hectic lives outside. It was perfect, overlooking the harbor, cozy but elegant and perfectly suited for both your tastes.
"Charles, let me help you." You suggested for the third time, a smile on your lips as you took in how adorably cute your boyfriend currently looked, an extremely confused expression furrowing his brows.
"No, baby. You already did the pizza dough." He nodded towards the oven where the pizza was being baked,  "I want to make you something myself, a small welcome to Monaco, you know?" He grinned up at you, looking away from his phone where he was googling easy cake recipes.
Sighing in defeat, you relaxed against the wall behind you and preoccupied yourself with admiring Charles while he moved, more like fidgeted, around your shared kitchen.
After the long day of cleaning, unpacking, organizing and reorganizing, it was finally starting to sink in that this is your home with the person you wanted to spend all your days with, the same person that you had been barely able to see for the whole year the two of you had been dating. Now, in a very contrasting turn of events, you got to call him home.
Smiling at the thought, you exhaled out loud in content.
"What is it?" Charles glanced at you, smiling himself when he saw how much you looked at peace.
"Fuck...we actually live together, Charles." It came out as a chuckle that made him grin widely at you.
"Doesn't feel real yet."
You hopped off the counter and crossed the kitchen towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist while he was still facing the other way.
"It doesn't feel real but it definitely feels perfect."
Charles smiled at your statement, pulling you around and caging you between his body and the counter, a mindless smile still on his face as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a messy, playful kiss.
This was all new. Sure, you've been dating for a while but you never got the opportunity to kiss just because you felt like it, nor playfully and casually since your time together was always brief, always limited, making the kisses either heated or rushed but now, his lips were moving against yours so softly, almost delicately, his tongue lightly grazing against yours as you discovered new sides of each other.
His hands moved up, one resting gently on your neck as the other caressed your cheek just as you felt him smile into the kiss.
"Welcome home, baby." He pulled back and grinned at you, his dimples on full display and his eyes sparkling as if your heart needed more reasons to race. It was at times like this when you realized how much you loved him, at times when he felt so surreal but so yours.
You smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder, your fingers tracing small patterns on the fabric of his shirt as he stared down at you with an adorable expression on his face, the small smile never falling off his face as he rubbed his hand on your back, feeling you relax into his touch.
"You're gonna let me help you with the cake so we can... do other things?" The question was delivered along with a soft kiss onto his neck then another one under his ear, "Or, you could welcome me with something other than a cake." You put as much distance between the two of you as was possible in this position so you could eye his reaction.
Charles was looking at you with raised eyebrows, amused eyes and a slightly tilted head.
"No, baby. Trust me, you're getting that kind of welcome and okay, maybe we can forget the cake but we're going to eat," he lifted you to sit on the counter, pushing himself between you legs, his lips immediately finding your slightly exposed shoulder, "because i'm done rushing."
Charles brushed your hair behind your ears, his eyes locking with yours for a second before he kissed you again, slow and determined like he was proving a point.
"I'm taking my time with you tonight, baby."
With that final statement and a peck to your neck, he walked away, grabbing the oven mittens to check on the food, only looking back at you for a second to give you one of his signature winks along with a smirk.
"Fuck, Charles... the food won't run away." You complained and received a declining sound from Charles as he took out the pizza, placed it on the counter and began cutting it.
To be fair, the food looked really good.
"Fine." You groaned and headed to the cupboards that had the plates and grabbed two, placing them neatly on the table in the dining room before going back to grab knives and forks, crossing Charles who was carrying the tray of food to the table.
After some minor last touches, the two of you sat to eat, genuinely happy in the simplicity of each other's company in a place that actually felt yours.
Charles seemed to be really excited about just having you by his side as he does things as simple as eating dinner. He was trying hard to balance eating and talking as he rushed stories of his childhood memories in this city that now you too called home.
"It's tiny, i know, but you'll love it here. I promise." He beamed at you as he ate his last bite, brushing his hands together to shake the flour remainings off.
"I know, i love it here already. You -i don't know how to say it- You're just so much happier, i guess, when you're in Monte Carlo. That alone is enough for me to love it." You replied as you too finished eating, catching Charles looking at you in a way that never failed to make you blush.
Following that, you headed back to the kitchen to rinse the dishes and load the dishwasher when a pair of strong arms wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground and walking off to the bedroom with you hoisted over his shoulder.
"Charles, i can walk, you know?"
"Well, not for long."
"Charles!" You squealed as he put you down on the bed and climbed on top of you, giggling and tickling your sides.
"We finally live together." He reminded you with so much excitement as he kissed your face, the both of you chuckling until his lips found yours, effectively changing the whole vibe, the kiss being hungry and needy this time.
"I love you so much." You breathed out the words as things escalated, Charles now fiddling with the back of your bra to get it off while his other hand toyed with your clit and his mouth sucked a hickey onto your neck.
"I love you too, so much." He said the words back just as he felt you grind down on his hand, wanting more.
"Just one second, baby." He assured you, kissing your forehead before tossing away the bra and making sure your panties quickly followed it before his head was between your thighs, his tongue working its magic on your clit. He had you arching your back within less than a minute, you hands moving down to tangle themselves in his hair only to find the material of his bandana slightly limiting the easy access. You mindlessly got rid of it, allowing your fingers to comfortably disappear between his locks as his hand held your other one tightly.
He made you cum multiple times with his fingers and mouth all while giving you small encouraging remarks until you were begging him to just fuck you, and he did.
"Your wishes are my command, angel." He had said before he slipped inside of you, making love to you soft and slow, his body as connected to yours as was possible, his lips never breaking contact with yours, muffling both of your moans while your arms remained wrapped around him, needing to feel him close to you, his skin against yours in such vulnerable moments.
Soon enough, your body shuddered beneath his and you let go, feeling the pressure exploding in your veins, Charles' release quickly following yours.
"Fuck, living with you might be the best thing to ever happen to me." He had said from beside you, still panting after his orgasm, his body glistening with a thin layer of sweat, his cheeks flushed and his lips plump from all the kissing. His arm was stretched out under your head, pulling you to him as you chuckled from his revelation.
"I always knew you were dating me for the sex, Leclerc." You had attempted to joke but Charles took it a bit seriously.
"Ah, tais toi!" Oh, shut up! He pulled you closer so your head was laying on his chest, his hand softly moving around the small of your back, "You know you're so much more than that, right? I mean, you have got to know because, quite honestly, the times we had sex in the past year can literally be counted and that wouldn't make sense but it's not even that. I love you so much, baby. Like, i don't know, i can't even really explain it but... but, yeah, i love you for so many things that are way more meaningful than sex." He went on a rant, wanting to prove you wrong.
"Baby, relax! I was only joking." You giggled, looking up at him, switching positions so you were laying on your stomach, half of your body on top of his as you reached up and cupped his face, moving your thumb softly along his cheek. Charles instinctively leaned into your touch, his eyes closing.
"Still... i don't like hearing you say that."
You nodded and gave him a soft kiss on the chest then dismissed the subject, getting up and putting on your underwear back on along with his shirt, causing him to grin like a lovesick teenager.
You smiled back at him and grabbed his arm to try to pull him out of bed.
"C'mon. We're gonna do some skin care." You proposed but his reaction contradicted yours as he groaned in complaint.
"Please..." you whined, grasping his hands tighter and pouting.
"Oh, no. Don't give me that face!"
"Charles, s'il te plais." please. You brought out one of the very few french expressions you knew, making him raise his eyebrows and giggle before his hand rubbed over his face.
His body relaxed and he allowed you to pull him up into a standing position, the french trick working like always. It reminded you that you needed to try learning the language again.
"Merci, baby." You smiled at him as he put on some boxers, fake glaring up at you through his lashes from his hunched position as you made your way to the bathroom but, as you expected, he was quick to follow you.
Charles watched as you laid out the various products you used usually before pulling out two headbands and turning to face him, moving closer to his body to push the hair out of his face with one.
His hands instantly moved to your waist as you put the headband on him while not-so-subtly admiring his features with a smile.
"How the hell are you so beautiful?" You chuckled, your hands resting on his bare chest while you continued studying his face.
The slight blush that painted his cheeks was unmissable, his eyes disappearing as he giggled, his dimples showing even as he tilted his head forward.
He pulled you closer, hugging you closer as his heart raced and you felt it against your skin. The fact that you had that effect in him was something you truly cherished.
"Have you seen yourself, baby? You're the most beautiful person I've seen." His fingers lifted your chin up and he pecked your lips, then your cheeks and forehead and before you knew it he was peppering small kisses all over your face.
"I love you." Charles said.
"I love you too, angel." You replied, your hands cupping his face for a moment, you body electrocuted with the love that was coursing through it.
With one final peck to the lips, he let go of you and you reached for your own headband, putting it on after tying your hair into a messy bun to get it out of your face.
"First, cleanser 'cause we don't have makeup on." You informed Charles as you grabbed the bottle.
He frowned and reached for a brightly colored jar, bringing it up to his line of sight to read the label.
"Can we use this? It looks fun."
"Yeah, sure, but this is a moisturizer so, at the end." You smiled at him as you foamed up the cleanser between your hands before gesturing for your boyfriend to come closer so you could put the product on his face.
Charles pushed out his head towards you, closing his eyes  and pursing his lips so you could rub the cleanser onto his skin.
"Baby, you can talk and open your eyes, you know?" You chuckle and he peaked one eyes open to look at you.
"I don't want my eyes to burn." He complained.
"Oh, i'm sure you'll be fine, angel." You amusingly said then pecked his lips before starting to cleanse your own skin while he stood awkwardly with his eyes still closed and you watched him in the mirror.
"Baby, you look ridiculous." You laughed and Charles groaned.
"Can i wash it off?"
"Yes, of course! It's not a mask or anything."
Sighing in exaggerated relief, Charles grabbed a towel out of the cabinet and splashed water on his face, a couple droplets hitting you as he did so. You followed in his footsteps and washed the cleanser off.
"Now, this!" You grabbed one of your favorite mask. It did an amazing job soothing your skin and since it usually felt really nice and cool against your face, you knew Charles would like it.
"Wait, it's kind of cold." He proved you right as you applied it onto his face, his hand reaching up to swipe some off his face. You pushed his hand away and told him to leave it alone before you put on some yourself.
"We wait 15 minutes now."
You could practically see the idea spark in Charles' mind.
"I'll be back in a second." He walked out of the bathroom, disappearing out of your sight within seconds.
In the time he was gone, you grabbed your phone, checked for any texts and snapped a selfie in the mirror, intending to share it on your story. It was only then that you noticed the purple mark on your neck, making you blush like a teenager.
You saved the picture instead and went to search for your boyfriend when he appeared in the doorframe, carrying a bowl and his phone.
"I brought cucumbers!" He beamed, crunching on a slice as he spoke, "Now, we can look like we are at the spa."
Highly amused by this, you threw in a joke that you already knew was lame.
"Spa?" You made a driving motion with your hands, smiling as you spoke.
Charles narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, "Oh, come on! You know what i mean."
"Oui, i know what you mean." You grabbed a piece of cucumber and ate it, then another piece that you put on one of Charles' eyes.
"No, wait. I wanna put some music first." He grabbed your hand to stop you, unlocking his phone and scrolling through his music before clicking on a song and letting it play softly as he took a seat on the edge of the bathtub and covered his eyes with some cucumbers.
Smiling at the sight, you took a quick, discreet picture of him before you sat by the sink and mirrored his actions, loving that the picture was basically unsharable since he was in just his boxers, making it only yours to see.
While waiting for the time to be up, the two of you chatted about really random things, laughing so much that the cucumbers fell off a bunch of time until the both of you gave up on them. Instead, you had a small, silly photoshoot in the mirror than ended up with one of your favorite pictures of the two of you. Charles had one brow arched and was pouting his lips as he stood behind you while you were giggling at something he had said seconds earlier. It was a picture that would be kept between you and him only due to the choice of clothing, or lack of it thereof, and the painfully obvious mark on your neck.
Then, as his music shuffled, one of your songs came on. You rushed to skip it, groaning in a bit of annoyance but Charles pulled his phone away from you, telling you he loved that song, what left you inevitably enduring the awkwardness of listening to your own voice blasting out of your boyfriend's phone speakers. On the bright side, you got to witness Charles singing along to one of your songs what you found utterly adorable.
"You know, this was nice!" Charles admitted after he washed off the mask a few minutes later. You gave him an "i told you so" look as you patted your own face dry and grabbed the moisturizer that impressed him earlier.
You motioned for him to sit again and stood between his legs when he did, feeling his hands on the back of you thighs as you opened the jar and took a bit of product out, softly massaging it onto the entirety of his face, making sure not to miss any spots. He was smiling up at your the whole time, his eyes shining with all the love he had for you as he watched.
He grinned at you and admired as you moisturized your own skin.
"It feels like, it's really smooth." He gushed, touching his face repeatedly.
You laughed at that, "You were literally complaining just about half an hour ago."
He shrugged, waited for you to finish putting away the products before he pulled you to bed, slipping underneath the sheets with you pulled close to his chest. How could he not hold you so close when he's been dreaming of this for so long?
"Today was a bit tiring." He said, rubbing his eyes as he felt the sleepiness coming close to overpowering him.
"It was." You wrapped your arm around his waist, feeling so safe and serene with him so close, "But it was so worth it. Now i get to come home to you." A smile shone on you face as you looked up at him, finding that his gaze was already glued onto you.
"I love it so much, baby. You don't even know." His last word was interrupted by a yawn, "I love it so much that this is our bed, that you are actually here, not just an image on facetime while you talk from a completely different place. I love it so much that we don't have to calculate time zones as frequently as before, because let's be honest, that is kind of inevitable, and that you aren't a seven hour flight away from me." He lazily spoke, his arms tight around your body, one of his hands sliding down to move your leg so it was draping over his while you faced him and nuzzled your head into his chest.
"I love sleeping next to you too, angel. And I'm so thankful for you and for this. I don't think there is any greater comfort than sharing a home with you Charles. I don't know what i did to deserve you, to deserve so much happiness and love but I'll forever be grateful that you're the person i fell for."
With that, you hugged each other tightly and fell asleep in the safety of each other's arms, under a roof that you shared, not knowing what tomorrow would bring but still looking forward to it.
It was all so perfect.
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ptersparkers · 2 years
Imagine Aaron and r at JJ’s wedding. Dancing and looking into each other’s eyes and everyone is like 🧐they’re next
scenario 1:
the both of you have been dancing around your feelings for ages—bureaucratic red tape, worries about work life, etc etc—but the team are NOT having it. you’re both clearly in love with each other and they always joke about “mom and dad” so they’ve already been your #1 fans.
i think that jj’s motherly instincts come out and she deliberately tells aaron not to bring a +1 and to ask you as his date instead and leaves him before he can argue. so he does (after rossi’s given him a pep talk) and he’s more than shocked when you agree. dancing with him feels so normal. being with him feels like second nature. he kisses you and it’s like everything’s falling into place.
rossi and emily are drunk as hell, talking about how they just knew tonight would be the night. penelope is taking photos while spencer and derek are giving aaron shit eating grins. jj makes a joke to will that she isn’t sure what she’s most happy about: marrying him or finally getting to see you two together.
(bonus: jj tells will about the work tea and he’s like finally, they’re together)
scenario 2:
you both have been together for quite a while and it becomes a no brainer to assume you both will be attending together. the way jj and will look so happy makes aaron think about you wearing a wedding dress and a wedding ring.
he’s barely able to pay attention to the ceremony because he pictures both of you up there and when it’s time for everyone to party and celebrate the wedding, he’s attached to you like glue. his hands are so delicate on your back when you dance that derek makes a comment to emily about how sickening it is (all said with love) and emily can’t help but tear up at her two favorite people falling in love.
penelope joins the group, tugging spencer (who’s a bit tipsy) and they’re all looking at the both of you away against the music. rossi finds jj and will, who eventually join the rest of them, and that’s when they place bets on how long it’ll take for aaron to ask you to marry him.
(penelope’s guess is within the week. she claims it’s because she’s drunk and you both are in love)
(emily and derek both think it’ll be in a month with the argument that he’s too stubborn. they settle on different dates so that there’s only one winner)
(rossi, at first, says he’s above making bets, but eventually relents and argues two months)
(jj, with a shit eating grin, bets on will’s behalf too. they say three months. everyone’s laughing at the fact that will and jj are more invested in this than their own after party)
(spencer guesses four to five months with the reasoning that aaron needs everything to be perfect and he’s got so many people he needs to ask—the team, jack, jessica, your friends and family—and that with the workload you all carry and how long it takes for aaron to make a decision about his personal life, his guess is right. everyone kind of brushes him off and tells him to live a little)
no one is happy to admit that spencer was right
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lookingfts · 28 days
Just wanted to say that I love seeing all of those insights and snippets that expand your stories. Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into the "behind the scenes" and into how those characters tick in the given universes! It's such a gift!
If you ever find the time and inspiration, I would be so, so happy to see anything from Anthony's point of view or any additional info how you thought up the story for "You echo in the Halls". I think it's my absolute favorite one shot of yours. I have re-read it countless of times (and I come back to it at least once every few weeks) and every time I find something new to speculatate about, which I love.
Anyhow, sorry for fangirling...
Thank you! “You Echo in the Halls” is one of my favorites as well! It’s such a pleasure to hear that someone is re-reading it. Sometimes me and other Kanthony writers will bounce ideas off each other – things that we think would be fun, but might not necessarily have the time or inspiration to write ourselves. The lovely @mxkateb pitched the idea of Kate struggling with a big life event for her ex, Tom, and Anthony following her around, annoying her to distract her and help her get through it. And that evolved into the fic. So, here’s a little companion/continuation scene from Anthony’s POV.
Anthony was used to losing his breath to Kate Sharma.
When he saw her for the first time. Leaning against the bar at a seedy pub, ebony hair curling around her shoulders, legs endless in a pair of tight jeans. That was her – the person he would chat up tonight. He couldn’t let a woman that gorgeous slip through his fingers.
And then Tom had appeared, sliding his arm around her waist, a big smile forming on her lips as she fluttered her lashes up at him, and Anthony’s chest tightened. That was her. Kate. The woman that Tom hadn’t stopped talking about since he met her. The woman his best friend, his brother, was falling in love with.
When she kissed him. Standing outside her flat, both of them pretending to be drunker than they were so they could get just a little closer. He knew he should have stopped it, but the oxygen rushed out of his lungs at the first touch of her lips to his. Soft and sweet and wanting.
Kate sank into his arms, perfect there, filling an ache he had felt for so long now. She clung to him as he tasted her, as he moved inside her, and for a second, he thought maybe he could stay. Maybe he could let her hold on to him forever. But she fell asleep and he sobered up and it felt so clear, suddenly. He was a rebound. If Tom hadn’t been good enough for a woman like her, what hope did Anthony have except to disappoint her?
When he chased her out of Tom’s wedding reception. She finally called him out on his bullshit and there were no thoughts in his head except that he couldn’t leave it like this. Maybe there would never be a chance for them, but another two years would not pass without her knowing.
Anthony held her close as she sobbed, all the pain and loss and regret draining from her body. He hated that he’d played any role in it, hated that Kate didn’t feel all the love and security she deserved. So he let her cling to him until she was calm, until she was kissing him again and everything felt like a fresh start.
When they met Tom for drinks to tell him that they were dating. Tom raised an eyebrow. This didn’t start at my wedding, did it? And Kate’s guilty expression probably told him everything.
Before Anthony could even register what was happening, Tom punched him in the jaw, then straightened his jacket and sat back down. Alright. Now that’s out of the way, appetizers?
When she walked down the aisle to him. In a red saree with weighty gold jewelry, her hair pinned back, the most radiant smile on her face. That was her – the woman he would spend the rest of his life with. A few years late, perhaps, but it didn’t matter now. Not when his family and hers were in the audience, all of their friends, and Kate wasn’t even looking at them. Only at Anthony.  
And he had willingly said whatever vows she wanted, done whatever traditions she wanted, let her have anything and everything she wanted because none of it would ever be enough to thank her, truly thank her, for the second chance she took on him.
“It’s funny,” she said quietly as they swayed together on the dance floor. “Dancing together at another wedding. Except this time…”
“Except this time, it’s ours,” Anthony finished, dropping his forehead against hers. “I do hope you don’t plan on bursting into tears and running away from me again.”
“Technically, I ran away and then burst into tears,” Kate clarified a little teasingly, her breath warm on his lips. “What would you do if I did?”
“Run after you. As many times as I have to.”
Kate’s soft hands tightened around the back of his neck. “I don’t have to run,” she whispered. “We got it right this time.”
She kissed him.
And it was the first time he’d ever had the privilege of losing his breath to Kate Bridgerton.
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1.) okok so a major character (nandor) uses a genie wish to bring back the 37 wives he had when he was human (he’s a vampire who was turned in the 1400s but is alive in the modern day) to pick his favorite to live with and settles on marwa. she’s established as someone who’s passionate about science and mathematics, but nandor uses his genie wishes to essentially mold her into his perfect woman like a doll, from changing her hair color to making her not want to go to the night market with him to making her like all the things he likes. this culminates in him LITERALLY TRANSFORMING HER INTO A BRITISH MAN NAMED FREDDIE and that is her send off from the show. the treatment of her is disgusting i’m sorry for ranting i love wwdits but honestly the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth
2.) WHERE TO START my god. Marwa is introduced into the story as one of a crowd of women who are interchangeable to the man summoning them, WHO IS HER CANONICAL HUSBAND but he gives less than half a fuck about her, which is played for laughs. The writers made it completely unclear whether she is a real person or basically a magical simulation with no inner life and did not bother to clarify that at any point. Her plotline consists of her husband using magical wishes to modify various aspects of her body and mind and the writers never explore whether she is aware this is happening or not, much less how she might be experiencing it. It is a terrifying psychological horror story from her perspective but we are not given any insight into her perspective so who cares I guess!! For example, he wishes for her to have a rounder ass and then wishes that all of her preferences align perfectly with his own, so that she'll stop nagging him about wanting different colored flowers at their wedding than him. There are SEVERAL more examples. Her experience of having all of her desires replaced with her husband's desires shows up only for jokes, plus one moment that is used to confirm that her husband's real love interest is one of the other male leads in the show. (I ship the two male characters, I'm not complaining about that, but like COME ON SHE WAS A HUMAN PERSON ONCE AND SHE IS LIVING IN A HORROR MOVIE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH THAT???) THE WORST PART is that when it's time for her to exit the story because her body and personality have already been essentially replaced by magic and she is now a boring toy, she is LITERALLY PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY transformed into a random British man so that her husband can have that guy as a love interest instead of her. She (he? It? Again it is never NEVER explored whether Marwa is like, alive inside this British man's mind somehow? Or if she was ever really alive in her body?) moves to England to be in love with the original British man she was based off of, so basically her twin. This is also played for laughs. Her entire personality and body are not even killed off with like a death scene but literally ERASED FROM REALITY AND REPLACED WITH A COPY OF THIS SHITTY WHITE DUDE.
3.) (Context: Nandor is a vampire who has been alive for a while. When he was human he had 37 wives. (Btw some of the wives were men but that’s besides the point.))
She was brought back to life (along with a couple others) via Djinn wish just because Nandor wanted to have a ‘wife’ (some of the ‘wives’ are men). After being deemed the ‘best wife’ by Nandor she is the only one left alive. It is clear the entire fourth season that Nandor doesn’t care for her much and she is only there because Nandor wants to be married to someone. He ignores her wants and interests the whole season. Via another Djinn wish Nandor makes Marwa like everything he likes so she is more agreeable with him. Later on, he meets another character’s boyfriend named Freddie. Nandor basically falls for Freddie immediately and via Djinn wish, wishes Marwa to be exactly Freddie. :| With that wish, Marwa is effectively gone. She now looks and acts like Freddie. The two Freddies meet and after freaking out a little (and some magic) they get along because they like the same exact things. By the end of the season both Freddies are sent off to never be seen again. Also, Nandor has some extra Djinn wishes so he could’ve turned Marwa back but he didn’t.
Additional links: Article about the Freddie thing: https://www.themarysue.com/what-we-do-in-the-shadows-missed-hard-with-its-treatment-of-marwa/
She likes what he likes:
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Also This:
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1.) She is one of two (2) women with a speaking role in the manga (which has been ongoing since the 90s), and was the first female character to appear at all. She has a crush on the protagonist, Kaiji, but this is treated as a joke/ as gross because of her appearance. She is meant to be ugly because of the size of her nose and lips and therefore is invalid as a person. She has no role other than to pester Kaiji with her crush, and despite him ignoring or acting weirded out around her constantly, her attraction to him never fades. She gets almost no characterization outside of this and is only seen once after Kaiji leaves, where she is drawing a manga where he comes back to her. When she's shown once in a bikini, the sight is so disgusting to the protagonist that he sprints away at full speed. Despite this, she is sometimes used in ads for the series.
2.) Her face looks "too much like her father's", yet he never receives any negativity for it. Every single male character in the manga has the same style of facial features, yet when the creator puts them on a woman it makes her mockable and gross.
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