#her own parents were more understanding of rory dropping out for a bit
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I hope you dont mind me sliding in again for you games -bows-
I'd like to see Storge: 4, Agape: 5 and Ludus: 5 for Solara. She is the only oc of yours. I really know ^^'
Most certainly I don't mind! ^^ -bows back-
Solara Equinox
Storge 4:
Does your OC have any siblings? If so then did their parents have a favourite growing up? Has their relationship with their sibling changed in adulthood? If they don't have any siblings then do they perhaps feel they have missed out on an important relationship? Do they have any especially close friends who go some way towards filling that role?
She has a twin sister Selena, and a younger a third sister Aurora (or Rory). Selena and Solara are essentially night and day, and it's expressed in their mana affinities, but they do care about each other. Even if Selena can sometimes be a little bit mean, especially to Solara (but those with sisters probably know that it's not that uncommon with sisters sometimes...). But they're always there for each other and talk about anything and everything. Rory is considerably younger than the two, and still trying to find her own path in life, but there's love and care back and forth in those relationships as well. They were lucky enough to not be favoured in childhood. All of the girls were different, but they were wonderful in their own ways. Selena and Solara are more independent nowadays than what they were as kids, since while growing up they were going to the same school, same activities and so on, which caused them to be together a lot of the time. But in their adulthood they come together every once in a while to just talk. Or spend time together. With Rory it's mostly also Rory growing to be more independent, since she did lean on the twins while growing up, because... they were her older sisters ^^'
Agape 5:
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
It depends greatly of the situation, because while she does understand that behind those enemy lines (when humanoid) there are cities and families just like in her home country. But in a battle if it's your own or their own, she tries to shut it out, because it's... much more difficult to be in combat if you stay to linger about what might have resulted into the opponent being there. Everyone plays favourites. And she of course favours her own people over the people of someone else, if she needs to choose. In the heat of the battle, she tries to not think about it.
Ludus 5:
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
Honestly, seduction has a low chance of working unless she already likes and admires you as a person. And one's best chances in succeeding with seduction is admiring her back and showing that you do admire her, genuinely. If it feels generic and shallow form of seduction, she doesn't care. Genuine love and appreciation, as cheesy as it might sound ^^'
Thank you for dropping by! ^^
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riversofmars · 3 years
Prompt: 13 and River babysit Anthony Williams (Amy and Rory’s adopted son)
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This is such a cute prompt! I combined it with a similar one and hope this works for you, enjoy! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1800
Read on AO3 or below
All in the Family
“And you’re sure you’re up for this?“ Amy turned to River one more time, halfway out of the door of their flat in 1940s New York.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?“ River crossed her arms in front of her chest challengingly.
“You’re not exactly the most responsible adult.“ Rory couldn’t help pointing out and glanced to his wife to find out whether they were going to change their minds at the last minute.
“I'll take that as a compliment.“ River smirked. “Remember this was your idea.“
“Yes but only because we don’t know many people here yet!“ Rory admitted.
“And having your baby stolen once, you don’t want to trust strangers, I get it.“ River gave her parents a kind smile. She was very happy for them. They deserved to have the calm family life that they had missed out on with her. Adopting baby Anthony had been a wonderful idea.
“It’s just been such a long time since we’ve been able to go out.“ Amy explained. “I just didn’t understand how hard raising a child would be!“ She sighed, running her hand through her hair. She was more exhausted than she ever had been while travelling with the Doctor. “We just really need to have an evening just for us.“
“Say no more and get yourself going before I change my mind.“ River ushered them out the door.
“You are a godsend, River.“ Amy kissed her daughter’s cheek. “Don’t get up to anything stupid.“ She wagged her finger at her.
“What, me? Stupid? Perish the thought.“ River feigned hurt but laughed.
“Just make sure Anthony is okay.“ Amy implored her and gave a little wave to the toddler that was just coming up behind River and wrapping his arms around her leg.
“You can count on me. We’ll have a brilliant time, won’t we, brother dearest?“ River smiled down at the child and patted his head.
“Ri-ver.“ The toddler nuzzled into her thigh.
“See, fast friends already.“ River chuckled and lifted him up.
“Does she… do you know anything about toddlers?“ Rory asked, insecure for a moment.
“I am married to the Doctor, does that count?“ River countered and the Ponds laughed:
“Fair point…“
“Relax, we will be fine, it’s just for a few hours.“ River kissed the forehead of her adoptive brother who was giving her a koala bear hug. “Tea, books, bed. I got this.“
“See you both later, look after each other.“ Amy smiled and kissed Anthony’s head, as did Rory.
“This is a bad idea…“ Rory hummed to his wife as they waved their goodbyes and made their way down the corridor.
“It’s a brilliant idea.“ Amy waved off his concerns.
“Right Anthony, there is someone I would like you to meet.“ River smiled at her little brother as she closed the door.
“Meet?“ Anthony echoed as River carried him back into the living room.
“Someone very special: Your brother-in-law. Well, I say brother… sister-in-law? Alien-in-law?“ River grinned,and as if on cue the TARDIS became visible in the lounge.
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me see them!“ The Doctor stuck her head out, having waited patiently for the Ponds to depart.
“Because they never would have left and they could do with a break.“ River explained with a chuckle as her wife skipped out of the TARDIS and towards them.
“Hello Anthony Pond!“ She grinned, ruffling the toddler’s curls who just giggled in response. He appeared fascinated by the sudden appearance of the blue box and pulled away from River, seemingly wanting to be set down.
“Williams…“ River corrected the Doctor as she sat her brother down who rushed to the TARDIS, circling around it in wonder.
“What shall we play with, Anthony?“ The Doctor ignored her wife and dropped to her knees in the middle of a pile of toys. “See, we’re gonna have the best time!“ She pulled her screwdriver from her coat and sonic-ed the toys. All of a sudden, cars and toy robots started moving on their own accord. Anthony giggled in delight and rushed over to the Doctor, the TARDIS no longer the most interesting thing around here.
“Guess that means I’m making tea?“ River chuckled as Anthony threw himself at the Doctor.
“Would you want either one of us close to a hob?“ The Doctor retorted, hugging the child tightly.
“Fair point.“ River chuckled.
“I don’t know why I asked you here, it’s like babysitting two toddlers.“ River was cleaning up the kitchen after tea had turned into a food fight.
“'Cause this is the closest thing you and I have to a family.“ The Doctor answered with surprising candour. Anthony was jawing, leaning against her.
“As much as I try to, I don’t really feel like part of them…“ River answered thoughtfully.
“Our lives are more complicated than that…“ The Doctor couldn’t help but agree. Neither one of them was suited to regular family dynamics.
“Would it be so bad though? Settling down for a time?“ River mused, looking from Anthony to her wife.
“Maybe at some point.“ The Doctor gave her a soft smile. This River hadn’t done Darillium yet. She had all of that to come and the Doctor missed their time there more than she would care to admit.
“Bed time?“ She asked, seeing as Anthony was virtually falling asleep next to her.
“I think so.“ River agreed with a smile and walked over to them. “Come here Anthony…“ She scooped him up. “Let’s get you into your PJs…“
Both the Doctor and River had presumed bedtime would be easy, considering how tired Anthony was, but they had thought wrong.
“Stop turning the light on and off!“ River pleaded, picking him up again to finally put him in his bed. Anthony appeared to have saved up his energy just for this.
“Still want kids?“ The Doctor tried her best to keep a straight face as she watched her wife struggle with the toddler.
“You know all of a sudden, being a big sister seems perfectly adequate.“ River retorted.
“I’ll get him a bottle of milk.“ The Doctor suggested, just as Anthony got up again and raced past River to the light switch.
“Stop it with the light switch!“ River groaned and scooped him up again. “Please, will you just stay in bed now?“ She tugged him in.
“Well well well, isn’t this a lovely sight.“ A voice sounded from the doorway that made River’s blood run cold. She whipped around, standing protectively in front of the bed.
“Madame Kovarian, how did you…“ She stared at the woman in the doorway.
“I knew I would find you eventually.“ Madame Kovarian smirked, walking further into the room. “And who is this little man? Tell me, am I a grandmother?“
“How dare you show your face here!“ River growled, regretting immediately that she left her gun in the TARDIS. She hadn’t anticipated needing it for babysitting duties.
“I believe you and I have some unfinished business.“ Kovarian retorted. “How is motherhood treating you, Melody? Where is the husband? Leaving you to do all the child care?“
“Right behind you!“ The Doctor called from the doorway, armed with nothing but a bottle of milk. She quickly accessed the situation in front of her, glaring at the unwelcome guest.
“Oh well, not your child then, is it?“ Kovarian retorted with a cruel smirk. “Now then, I think it’s time for some good old fashioned revenge…“ She pulled a gun on them.
Suddenly the light flicked off! Anthony had snuck out from behind River and gone for his favourite game again. River jumped at the opportunity. She flung herself at Kovarian and disarmed her quickly. The moment the light came back on, Kovarian was on the floor and River held her gun to her head.
“Never underestimate a Pond!“ The Doctor grinned and scooped up the child into a tight hug.
“You little monster!“ Kovarian spat.
“If anyone is a monster here, Madame Kovarian, it’s you.“ River retorted icily.
“Surprisingly quiet in here… maybe River managed to get him to sleep alright after all…“ Rory mused as he opened the door to the flat and they walked inside. It had been a lovely evening, just what they needed.
“What the…“ Amy stopped dead in her tracks as they stepped into the living room.
“Amelia Pond! And Rory the Roman!“ The Doctor exclaimed and ran towards them, pulling them into bone crushing hugs.
“River?!“ Amy exclaimed, needing an explanation. Who was this woman? What was she doing in their flat? Why did she know who they were? And why was Madame Kovarian tied to a chair in the middle of their lounge?!
“What can I say… Mum, Dad… when my husband regenerated into a hot blonde I started batting for the other team, hope that’s alright with you.“ River answered, gesturing to the Doctor who grinned widely, barely able to contain her excitement.
“What?!“ Amy and Rory exclaimed in unison.
“She didn’t want to tell you I was here cause she thought you’d be worried we’d set the place on fire…“ River explained a little bit more apologetically.
“Instead you have a tied up Madame Kovarian in our living room?!“ Amy gestured to the unwelcome guest.
“Ouch!“ Kovarian groaned when Anthony chucked a building block at her.
“Good shot, mate!“ The Doctor grinned and gave him a high five. Of course, Anthony had refused to go to bed after the excitement.
“Sorry, just got to finish building this transdimensional teleport. Teaching Anthony the basics of temporal engineering as we go. One way trip to Stormcage.“ River explained, gesturing to a circle of electrical components that had been erected around Kovarian. Long cables connected it to the TARDIS. “Unless I get the coordinates wrong… might end up in a sun instead…“ She mused.
“Melody, don’t do it, I…“ Kovarian pleaded.
“You have threatened my family for the last time. This is goodbye, Madame Kovarian, for the last time.“ River finished attaching the cables.
“Good riddance!“ Rory mumbled in agreement.
“Anthony!“ Amy called when the toddler skipped forward and hit a big red button on the contraption. Something no child would be able to resist. Kovarian disappeared in a flash of light!
“Was the teleport even calibrated?!“ The Doctor looked to River who gave a little shrug.
“I’ll check up on her when I’m in Stormcage next… she may have ended up in the cantina rather than an actual cell… but never mind.“ She looked to her parents. “So, how was your date?“
“Certainly less eventful than this.“ Amy shook her head in disbelief.
“Come on, mate, let’s get you to bed.“ The Doctor scooped Anthony up who nuzzled into her neck.
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Hi i dont know if your still accepting prompts but I didn’t want to forget the idea lol no pressure though take your time with this one: Hayes bringing Meredith to Ireland to meet his family and to spend time together just the two of them
Tell Ma I'm Coming Home - Merhayes
I've been shockingly bad at writing lately so I'm sorry that this took so long but I hope this is okay x
“You know, it’s a well-known fact that I don’t do very well when it comes to meeting parents.”
After a 13-hour flight that included a stopover, Cormac had yet to persuade Meredith that his family were going to love her. He’d spoken to both his parents in length about Meredith, mainly due to his Ma’s probing. Initially, they had both just been grateful that Cormac had been willing to open up his heart again. There was never a concern as to how he would handle becoming a single father to two teenage boys. The worry had laid in the thoughts that their only son wouldn’t find someone to share his life with. That his grief over losing Abigail would be all-consuming, not allowing him to understand that he could be happy again.
So, when Cormac had finally told them that he was seeing someone, neither of them could care less who it was at first. Their excitement was purely because their son had eventually understood that finding love again didn’t mean that his love for Abigail would ever diminish and that he deserved to be happy. Over the past few months, they’d gotten to know more about the girl that Cormac had fallen for. She sounded headstrong, confident, stubborn. Everything that Cormac needed.
“Mer, I promise you that I’m not throwing you into the lion’s den. I wouldn’t ever do that to you. So, please trust me when I say that they already love you.”
The two of them were trundling up a stone strewn path. After getting a bus and a taxi from the airport, Cormac had told the taxi driver to drop them off in the middle of a small village, telling Meredith that the walk to his parent's house out on the fields was definitely worth it. After ten minutes she was yet to believe that. It might have been a bit better had they not been dragging their suitcases behind them. Cormac had offered multiple times to take hers but Meredith had stubbornly refused. She could carry her own bags.
When the house eventually came into sight Meredith stopped in her tracks. Her mouth dry. Realising she wasn’t following him anymore, Cormac turned around and walked back to his girlfriend. Placing a hand on her hack, he kissed her cheek.
“Come on, I promise you, my family are just as crazy as yours are.”
He gently pushed her forward with him, knowing that she wouldn’t be willing to move otherwise. It was odd for him to see Meredith like this. The woman that he had fallen in love with was so confident in her work, so headstrong in her life that it was peculiar to see her this anxious about something that he hadn’t thought was that big of a deal.
From outside the door, the pair could already hear booming laughter from inside. The sound of his father’s laughter made an unconscious smile appear on Cormac face. It didn’t matter how long he spent in America, this was always going to feel like home to him. One hand still on Meredith’s back, Cormac opened the door with the other ushering Meredith in first, who hesitantly walked in.
Cormac brought both the bags in, giving her a grin before yelling out, “Ma, Da! We’re here!”
A woman in her mid-30s came rushing out of the living room, her blonde hair falling out of a bun.
“Cormac!” She flung her arms around his neck, making him stagger back a little before he steadying himself and returned the hug,
“Trying to kill me, are ya, Niamh?”
She pulled away, slapping his arm. “Well, maybe if you visited more often then I wouldn’t find the need to.” She stuck her tongue out at him whilst Cormac just rolled his eyes.
Not entirely sure what to do or say, Meredith, stood off awkwardly to the side. She didn’t want to interrupt Cormac’s time with his family. He’d spoken in length to her about his sister Niamh. Whilst the age gap between them was quite large, he had always been close to his sister. Always let her tag along when he would be going to play football with his friends, would spend the entire weekend with her when she was able to convince their parents to let her visit him in uni.
Niamh nudged her brother, nodding over at Meredith so she could be introduced.
“You know you could just introduce yourself. I feel like you might just be old enough now.”
That earned him another punch in the arm. Winching, and rubbing the injury, Cormac decided not to risk any more teasing. “Niamh, this is my girl, Meredith. Meredith, this is my entirely annoying,” he flinched as Niamh went to punch him again, “but extremely talented, baby sister Niamh.”
Grinning Niamh pushed her brother out of the way and went to hug Meredith. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
Eventually and awkwardly, Meredith hugged her back. This was definitely a warmer reception than she had had with Derek’s sisters.
“I thought he was going to hide you from us forever. You must be exhausted, come into the living room, Da’s already in there and Ma just ran out for some milk.”
Meredith found herself being dragged off to the living room and when she turned back to her boyfriend, she found him with a huge grin and knowing look on his face. He’d had no doubt that this was going to be the reception she got from his family.
Cormac hadn’t even managed to step foot into the living room before Niamh had begun introductions.
“Da, this is Cormac’s girlfriend, Meredith.”
“it’s a pleasure to meet you, Meredith.” Standing up from a worn-out armchair, Cormac’s father was dressed in a white shirt and a pair of grey trousers.
Meredith took his outstretched hand to shake, “Thank you for letting me stay here, Mr Hayes.”
He gave a hearty chuckle, shaking his head. “Oh, you don’t need to call me, Mr Hayes. Rory will do just fine. Come on, take a seat, Ava won’t be too long now.”
As Meredith took a seat next to Niamh on an empty sofa, Rory welcomed his son home. The two shared a long, tight hug. It was clear to see that Rory had missed having Cormac around. The space between visits had been far too long and Rory had left it up to his wife to badger their son to come and visit them but he had missed Cormac more than anyone. Watching the Six Nation hadn’t quite been the same since his son had left.
When the two of them had finally let go of each other Cormac gave a pointed look to Niamh, the same one he had given her when they were kids as he wanted her to move but she wasn’t six years old anymore and happy to listen to her brother.
“Oh, I don’t think so. You two have been dating for months which means that you’ve had her to yourself for months. So, I’m pretty sure you can survive not sitting next to Meredith while Da and I get to know her.”
Cormac looked over at Meredith, hoping that she might support him but instead his girlfriend just smirked at him. “You heard her. There are plenty of seats in this room.”
Shaking his head, Cormac took a seat on the other armchair in the room whilst his father laughed at him. Inside though, he was pleased that Meredith felt comfortable enough to not need him next to her, that she was happy to sit next to his sister. The next ten minutes were spent with Cormac mostly on the outskirts of the conversation as Rory, Niamh and Meredith all got to know each other. Meredith found herself quickly at ease with the pair much to her surprise. That ease soon faded away when she heard the voice of Ava Hayes as she entered the house. This had been the member of the Hayes’ family that Meredith had been most worried to meet.
Cormac had told Meredith of the close relationship that he had with his mother. She had always been his number one supporter: his toughest critic yet his biggest cheerleader. It was Ava whom Cormac had leant on for support when Abigail was first diagnosed, always at the end of the phone whenever he needed her. Whilst she hadn’t agreed with Cormac’s rash move to Switzerland, she had still gone to visit him and the boys after a few months to make sure that they were settled properly.
“Cormac!” A lady of around five feet bustled through the door in a floral white summer dress and coral cardigan, her brunette hair going white at the roots hung around her shoulders.
Cormac immediately got up from his seat and wrapped his mother in a hug. “Ma, I’ve missed you.” He kissed her cheek as they pulled away.
Ava smacked his arm making her son wince, “You wouldn’t have to miss me if you just came to visit more often.”
As he opened his mouth to reply, his mother quickly waved him off. “Don’t bother with the excuses. It’s Meredith that I’m more excited to see.”
“Thank, Ma.”
Ava ignored her son’s sarcastic drawl and turned to look at Meredith who’d gotten up from the sofa. Much like her daughter, Ava pulled Meredith into a hug.
“it’s so lovely to finally meet you, Meredith. Cormac won’t stop going on about you whenever he calls.”
Meredith gave a nervous smile, a slight blush crawling up her cheeks. “It’s nice to meet you too but I definitely wouldn’t believe everything he says about me.”
“Nonsense. You’re the woman who’s finally managed to put a smile on my son’s face again. I’ll forever be grateful to you because of that.” Ava’s eyes began to well up with tears.
Meredith took one of her hands and gave it a squeeze. “You raised an amazing man and he’s done a lot more for me than I have for him.”
Ava quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen. “Oh, don’t praise him too much, it’ll just go to his head.”
“Oh, trust me, there’s no risk of that.”
“It’s true, that’s probably the first compliment she’s given me in the past three months.”
Meredith just rolled her eyes at him in response, “There’s just not a lot to compliment and that’s not my fault.
Ava couldn’t help but chuckle at their interaction. She felt fully at peace now having met Meredith. She’d never doubted her son’s judgment but having finally met Meredith, Ava knew that her son was in good hands, and she couldn’t be happier. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t spoken to her son’s girlfriend for very long, Ava just had a good feeling about her. Not only that but she had seen the way that Meredith and Cormac kept glancing at each other, she could sense the lightness in her son’s stature that she feared had disappeared forever and the woman standing in front of her had been willing to take a 13-hour flight to meet her boyfriend’s family for the first time. If Cormac ever let go of Meredith, Ava was going to give him hell, but she was pretty sure that this was Cormac’s second chance love and she didn’t know anyone that deserved it more.
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Random Flash Rogue Headcanons
Ideas that pop up a lot in my fanfics and fanart: 
-Mick Rory was a farm kid. 
-Roscoe Neyle Dillon is the son of Reginald Norton Dillon, a well-to-do banker, and Rosa Nicole Dillon, his rather pliant, weak-willed wife. Reginald held his son to punishingly high standards and was quick to criticize, berate, and threaten his son when he failed to live up to them. Rosa never intervened. 
-Roscoe grew up in North Ridge, a suburb of Central City. He is on the autism spectrum, but grew up before it was widely recognized. He was constantly bullied by his peers and was disliked by most of his teachers because of his odd behavior. He had a number of special interests but the most prominent was, of course, tops. 
-Roscoe is one of only three Rogues to attend high school and one of only two to have attended college. Lisa and Hartley also both graduated from high school, and Hartley also went to college. Roscoe studied (possibly has a degree in) physics. 
-Roscoe’s parents currently live in Bridgeville. 
-Mark (Marco) Mardon is the son of Patricia (Paloma) and Matthew (Matias) Mardon, and the younger brother of Clyde (Claudio) Mardon. His parents immigrated from Guatemala when he was a month and a half old and Clyde was about a year old. Both parents were college-educated, which made the process simpler than it otherwise would have been, and the family initially settled in Dunhurst, a suburb of Central City. However, they were never accepted there, and they eventually left the town after persistent harassment from the Clan of the Fiery Cross. 
-They resettled in Bridgeville, and Matias and Paloma went to great pains to hide the fact that they were immigrants, Americanizing their names and refusing to let their sons speak Spanish outside of the home. Patricia became the head of the local library, and Matthew took a job as a teacher of geography at the local high school. The family eventually settled fairly comfortably in the middle class. 
-Clyde was only 11 months older than Mark, so they were always in the same year at school. He was handsome, intelligent, popular, and athletic. Mark, by contrast, was painfully average. He couldn’t live up to the standard set up by his parents’ golden child, and eventually, he stopped trying, knowing that he would never measure up. He and Clyde were very close, but their relationship was often strained by the fact that Mark was so often compared unfavorably to Clyde.
-Mark dropped out of high school at 16 and ran away, eventually drifting into petty theft due to his lack of direction. Clyde, meanwhile, graduated high school early and earned a degree in meteorology. He started work on the Weather Wand when he was still in college, but didn’t finish it until he was 23. He died not long after of congenital heart failure, and then his shiftless younger brother strolled in and took the wand for himself. 
-Samuel Joseph Scudder was born to Percival and Martha Scudder. Unfortunately, Percival contracted cancer a few months before Sam was born and died when his son was only 7 months old, leaving his wife with dozens of medical bills. The Scudders had never been particularly well-off, so Martha was forced to move into an apartment complex on Baker Street, colloquially known as Skid Row, where she would raise her young son. 
-Martha was a talented seamstress, so much so that she was eventually hired by the Rathaways. While this provided steady work, the Rathaways were extremely demanding employers, and so Martha wasn’t able to be at home with her son as much as she would’ve liked.
-Young Sam loved cowboy movies and superhero comics. He was especially fond of the JSA and gathered a collection of JSA comics that he still owns (currently, he hides them in the Mirror Realm so the other Rogues won’t find out about them). He was also a boy scout and eventually became an Eagle Scout. He was highly intelligent and generally did well in school, and he was close friends with Jennifer Conners, who lived in the same apartment complex he did. When they entered high school, the two started dating, and even fantasized about getting married. 
-Unfortunately, life on Baker Street was less than ideal. Sam was embarrassed by the shabby state of his clothes and possessions, had to watch as his mother tried to figure out how to pay their bills, and was surrounded by violence. Fights were common in the apartment complex where Sam lived, and, when he was 15 years old, he and Jennifer bore witness to Jennifer’s father being brutally shot as they came home from school. Both were traumatized. Jennifer began a years-long struggle with PTSD, and Sam’s anxiety levels went through the roof. Not wanting to burden his mother and knowing that they didn’t have enough money for therapy, Sam turned to cigarettes, and then alcohol, in the hopes of relieving his anxiety. As he spiraled into addiction, he got mixed up with the school’s party crowd, and dropped out at 17. He drifted into a life of crime and was sent to prison at age 19 for robbing a convenience store. In this prison, he would mostly break his alcohol addiction, but his smoking habit only got worse. More importantly, however, while serving his sentence for this crime, he would discover the Mirror Realm. 
-Sam loves his mother, but he avoids her because he knows his actions disappoint and worry her. His ex-girlfriend, Jennifer Conners, though continually struggling with PTSD, managed to graduate from both high school and college, and currently works as a school counselor. Sam avoids her, too, but still holds a bit of a candle for her. 
-Mrs. McCulloch’s first name is Eva. She is devoutly Catholic, and, as a result, Evan is also devoutly Catholic (albeit a very confused Catholic). He goes to Mass at least once a week, believes priests are basically infallible, and will threaten to kill you if you so much as look at a nun funny. He goes to Confession at least once a month and would probably go more often if each session didn’t last three hours. 
-Giovanni Giuseppi (James Jesse) is the son of Helen and Alessandro Giuseppi, both of whom are the children of Italian immigrants. He has a very, very, very large extended family, most of whom are in the circus with his parents. Many of them speak Italian; while James isn’t fluent in the language, he can understand it quite well and speak it well enough to get by. The whole family is very emotionally demonstrative and physically affectionate, which is part of why James has no concept of personal space. His relatives include his Zia Catalina (who runs an Italian restaurant), his Nonna Gianna, his Nonno Antonio, his Nonno Aberto, his Nonna Lucrezia, his Zio Luca, his Aunt Stella, his Zio Angelo, his Zia Loretta, his Zia Lucia, his Zio Armani, his Aunt Karen, his Zia Bianca, his Zio Rocco, his Zio Romeo, his Aunt Olivia, his Zia Etta, his Zio Dante, his Uncle Fred, his Aunt Susan, his Uncle Harold, his Aunt Lydia, his cousins Bobby and Susie and Maria and Carly and Matthew and Frank and Julia and Freddie and Joseph and Lucy, and his cousins’ kids, Angela and Charlie and Stefano and Gian and Marsha and Rose and Kaitlyn and Steve. He’s not entirely sure how he’s related to most of them. James’ family is all technically Catholic, mainly because they’re all Italian, but only about half of them are practicing Catholics. 
-James invented the airwalker shoes when he was 13 years old. 
-There was a very large age gap between Leonard and Lisa’s parents when they got married. This is because Larry/Lewis Snart was a 40-year-old creeper who got a 15-year-old girl pregnant. Shirley married him because she had nowhere else to go; her parents kicked her out when she got pregnant. She dropped out of high school soon after, and, after several years of abuse, she ran away, leaving Len and Lisa alone with Larry/Lewis.
-Len is about 5 years older than Lisa; he dropped out of high school at 14 so that he could support her and left home at 18. He continued to send money to her after he left, even after she became a professional figure skater. 
-Lisa’s teenaged years were one long nightmare. She was a beautiful young woman, but because of her background, her mother’s reputation as a loose woman, and her father constantly calling her nasty names, she was demonized by the “nice, proper” people of her neighborhood as a temptress, someone who would lead their sons astray. (This in spite of the fact that they were often the ones making advances on her.) Her father also became increasingly abusive towards her, as Leonard had left the home and, as she got older, Lisa started to remind him of his wife. In response, she threw herself into her figure skating and tried to shut the rest of the world out. By the time she was 16, she was already one of the most talented skaters in the Midwest, and when she was 17, she left her father’s house and moved in with another girl on her skating team for the rest of high school. She graduated with a B+ average and was promptly snapped up by a professional figure skating team. Lisa had managed to escape-at least physically. Her teenaged years left her convinced that her beauty was something dangerous; something evil, and it took Roscoe over a year to break down her defenses when they met. However, once he did, she fell deeply in love. Finally, she had found someone who would never abandon her. 
-Roscoe, for his part, was equally in love. After years of being seen as a socially awkward weirdo, he had found someone who thought he was sophisticated and intelligent; someone who didn’t laugh at his tops and who didn’t seem bothered by his quirks. It was intoxicating. 
-Geraldine is 20 years younger than Hartley; she was born to replace him as the heir to the Rathaway fortune. 
-Hartley’s parents were in their thirties when he was born. Both of them came from long-established “old money” families; their marriage was more the result of a business deal between Hartley’s grandparents than any sort of romantic relationship. Prior to her marriage, Rachel was a Kane. Her uncle was the father of Jacob Kane (father to Kathy Kane) and Martha Wayne (nee Kane), making her the first cousin of Bruce Wayne’s mother. Red hair runs in the Kane family, and she passed it on to both of her children. 
-Similarly, Hartley’s paternal grandmother was originally a Queen before marrying into the Rathaway family. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg: Hartley’s at least a distant relative of most of the wealthiest people in the DCU. 
-Geraldine is on the autism spectrum; she’s able to mask her symptoms well enough that her parents haven’t decided to pull the “let’s fix her with expensive surgeries” trick that they used when Hartley was born deaf. 
-Hartley’s parents engaged him to a girl named Kathryn Kendell, the heir to a fast food corporation, when he was 18; nothing came of it because he got himself disowned before the marriage could actually happen. 
-Hartley’s parents are intensely controlling and basically make all the decisions in their children’s lives without actually asking them for their opinions. 
-Len Snart is prone to ulcers.
-Albert and Rita Desmond have an infant son named Alan. He likes to chew on his father’s Philosopher’s Stone. Alvin adores his “astral nephew” and kept showing up at Albert’s house uninvited to see him. Eventually Albert got tired of Alvin breaking in and put him on their baby-sitting list. Rita is less than thrilled by this but is at least pleased that Alan keeps Alvin from trying to ruin Albert’s life. 
-George Harkness has two half-brothers: an older brother named Tom Harkness, the son of Agnes and Ian Harkness, and a much younger brother named Walter Wiggins, the 12-year-old son of W.W. Wiggins and his wife. (All these characters are canonical, but it’s never actually been officially stated that this is the case.) 
-Jai West idolizes Jay Garrick and plans to take up his costume someday. 
-Josh Jackam-Mardon’s weather-controlling abilities are directly tied to his mood. When he’s happy, it’s sunny and he makes rainbows. If he’s cold, the temperature will increase. If he’s hot, the temperature will drop and it might even start snowing. If he’s sad, it rains. If he throws a temper tantrum, it creates a thunderstorm-and if he’s really upset, a tornado will form. 
-When Barry Allen was 13, he paid the admission fee that was required in order to meet the members of the JSA for both himself and a 9-year-old Sam Scudder. It’s one of both men’s fondest memories, and neither realizes that the other was the boy who met the JSA with him on that day. 
-Axel Walker is the son of Alan Walker and Alice Strickland. His father is a used car salesman who left his wife for Axel’s stepmother, Barbie, when Axel was 7 years old. Axel does not like Barbie and isn’t particularly happy with his father, either. Axel’s mother is Jewish. As such, so is Axel (although Axel doesn’t practice his faith much, if at all.) He can read a bit of Hebrew and speak a bit of Yiddish. 
-Eobard Thawne is convinced that he is an expert in 21st-century technology. The result: “This is a historical device called a toaster. It served as a primitive form of climate control!” 
-Abra Kadabra, by contrast, spends most of his time in the 21st century baffled by the devices used by these primitive savages. What sort of communication device doesn’t send a perfect three-dimensional copy of your body to the person you’re talking to? What kind of food-preparation device takes twenty minutes to cook a meal? Why don’t their hygiene devices instantly clean their bodies of dirt and odors instead of requiring water that’s never a comfortable temperature? HOW DO YOU OPERATE THIS ‘REMOTE CONTROL’? This makes him a very annoying house guest. 
-Mick Rory is an accomplished cook, home repairman, and knitter. 
-Albert Desmond is often so lost in thought that he puts his keys in the refrigerator. 
-All of the Rogues are more scared of Iris Allen than they are of Barry. And with good reason. 
-Owen Mercer is good friends with Joan Garrick. 
-Sam is developing the early stages of emphysema but refuses to admit it because it would mean having to try to kick his smoking habit. 
-Mick Rory’s body is covered by third-degree burns, and his voice is unnaturally raspy because of all the smoke inhalation he’s undergone over the years. 
-Mark Mardon is a horrible klutz. If he can trip over something, he will end up doing it. This is part of why he likes being able to fly so much. 
-Len Snart and Sam Scudder are huge fans of Central and Keystone City’s sports teams. Linda Park-West is among the few who can rival their civic pride in this regard. Evan and Digger are both big fans of rugby and cricket. Hartley is solely a baseball fan; the other Rogues don’t much care about sports unless betting is involved. 
-Mark Mardon watches the weather channel solely so he can make sure that the reporter’s predictions are wrong. 
-Digger loves the great outdoors and can hike for hours.
-Mark Mardon is terrible at cards but gambles constantly anyway. He’s lost more money than he’s ever stolen trying to win bets. James, by contrast, is a master cardsharp. 
-Sam and Roscoe spend more money on clothes (and more time in the shower) than the rest of the male Rogues combined.  
-Dexter Miles knows the birthdays of everyone in the Twin Cities. No one knows how he knows this, he just does. When it’s a Rogue’s birthday, the museum opens a exhibit exclusively about them for a few days. The Rogues don’t know this is intentional and it’s really starting to freak them out. 
-When the Rogues found out that the Flash Museum hires people to dress up as them and teach young visitors about science, Sam Scudder waited for a day when the museum’s ‘Mirror Master’ called in sick and showed up in his place. All the visitors to the museum that day were agreed that he was the best “Mirror Master” the museum had ever had. 
-James once went to the Flash Museum in full costume and stood right by one of the statues of him. He even posed in exactly the same way. He was immediately informed by a patron that he was much too blonde to be the real Trickster. James found the whole experience very amusing.
-Roscoe insists that all the statues of him at the Flash Museum make him look fat. Lisa thinks that’s ridiculous and says that they’re almost as handsome as the genuine article. Len agrees that the statues make Roscoe look fat and thinks it’s hilarious. 
-All three of the Flashes have, of course, been to the Flash Museum while in costume. Like James, they are often told that they don’t look anything like the real Flashes. Barry and Jay are baffled by this; Wally thinks it’s funny. 
-Mick Rory donated his chili recipe to the Flash Museum’s diner. It’s one of the more popular dishes amongst people who love spicy food. 
-Wally is trying to convince his wife to get the kids a pet cheetah. “Come on, honey! It’ll be good for the twins to have a pet who can keep up with them!” 
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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Duo Shot: Stendhal Syndrome Part 2: Daddy
Intro: Steve feels the aftermath of his reaction to Katie’s behaviour. Rogers by name, Stark by nature.
Uh Oh indeed.
Warnings: Bad language. NSFW (SMUT!) No under 18s.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: This was a one shot. I got carried away and wrote 24 pages. So now you have a duo shot thanks to the original photo sending me to a dirty place.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 1
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Katie stood in the quiet of the lounge, watching the door that Steve had walked through, her mouth dropping open. He had never turned her down like that before. She prized herself on normally being able to get what she wanted when she wanted it out of Steve, either by using her words or other means. Of course, Steve always put her in her place when she needed it, which she took on the chin, and there were certain things she would never sway him on but she respected that and heeded it when needed.
But pulling her up like that over some stupid blonde bimbo who couldn’t keep her hands to herself? Really? Why was he defending her? Was…was there…
She shook her head, brushing away the thought as quickly as it came.  Steve wouldn’t do that to her, half the time he was fucking oblivious to the way other women looked at him anyway. No, this was just him being his old-fashioned, chivalrous self…
Wasn’t it?
“Fucks sake Katie…” she grumbled to herself, wiping her eyes before she left the lounge. She checked her face in the mirror in the hall and, happy that her make-up was ok she headed back into the kitchen. Decided she wanted something stronger than beer she walked into the utility room where Steve had built her a Gin shelf to house her various bottles and glasses. Selecting the bottle of Aviation she poured a heavy measure before stalking back into the kitchen. She pushed the glass under the ice dispenser before she grabbed a bottle of tonic and topped up her drink. Taking a long drink she leaned against the counter looking out at the garden. The tables were pretty much empty of party food now, the kids and adults having inhaled it through the afternoon. Pepper and Jennifer were busy sweeping empty plates into large bin liners and Katie knew she should probably go and help…
“Mom?” Emmy drew her from her thoughts “You ok?”
“Yeah, was taking a moment.” she nodded “What time is it?”
“Almost 4:30…”
“Ok, can you tell your dad we’re gonna do the cake now then.” she smiled, setting her gin down.
“Sure.” Em nodded, before she cocker her head slightly “You sure you’re ok? Dad came out before in a foul mood. Nearly took Sam’s head off when he made a joke about that being a definite ‘quicky’” she framed the last words with her fingers and Katie snorted.
“We just had a disagreement, don’t worry about it.” Katie shook her head “It’ll work out it always does.”
Emmy nodded and left her mother to it. She headed back out into the garden and made her way over to her father who currently had two kids hanging off his arms as he playfully swung them through the air.
“Dad.” she said, stopping a little way away. He stood still and turned to face her.
“You ok Em?”
“Yeah, Mom’s gonna do the cake now.”
“And I don’t know what you said to her but she’s really upset.” Em levelled him with a look and before he could reply she turned and headed back towards Brooke who was stood next to her mother and Bucky.
Steve let out a sigh and untangled himself from the kids before he started to move around, roping the other parents in to helping him shepherd them over to the tables by the side. He hadn’t meant to upset her but her attitude was ridiculous. At the promise of cake the kids were fairly obedient so it seemed, and it wasn’t long before Katie came out of the kitchen, followed by Jamie and Morgan, the candles lit on Rori’s cake. Their little girl squealed in excitement and Steve chuckled and lifted her up as Katie set the cake down on the table and the chorus of Happy Birthday Started.
“Make a wish princess…” He said, kissing her cheek as he held her over the cake so she could blow the 5 candles out. She scrunched her eyes closed and then opened them.
“Ok, wish done!” she beamed and Steve laughed, setting her down. He turned to his wife but she had already moved away from him slightly to begin carving the large pink and purple unicorn cake into pieces for everyone.
“What is that?” Bucky asked, looking at the piece she had given him.
“Cake.” she narrowed her eyes.
“I need more than that.”
Katie looked at him, but before she had time to reply Jennifer had seized the piece of cake and shoved it straight into Bucky’s face. There was a slight pause before Sam let out a bellow of laughter and Katie’s hand flew to her mouth as started to laugh at the look on Bucky’s face.
“Oh you didn’t…” he said, before he reached out and gripped Jennifer around the waist and rubbed his cake covered face against hers. She shrieked, wriggling in his arms and eventually her shrieks turned into giggles as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
“KISSY!” Harry yelled from his spot in Emmy’s arms and Bucky turned his head to look at him, pink and purple icing and butter cream spread through his short stubble.
“You want one pal?”
“Don’t you dare!” Katie pointed at Bucky who began to laugh as Steve handed him a pile of napkins, chuckling. He slid his arm round Katie’s waist and dropped a kiss to her cheek.
“Love you.” he said softly.
She turned to look at him, shot him an icy glare and then turned away, moving out of his reach to begin handing the various pieces of cake to the kids as they all ran around her.
“Ok what did you do?” Bucky looked at him as he rubbed at his face with a Princess themed Napkin.
“Told her I thought her attitude was shitty.” Steve sighed “In a roundabout way anyway.”
Jennifer looked at him, as Bucky handed her a napkin so she could wipe the cake from her face “Her attitude?”
“Yeah, towards Dani.”
Jennifer shook her head “Steve, the woman was practically climbing you like a tree.”
“No she wasn’t…”
“God you can be a real idiot at times.” Jennifer shook her head. Giving Bucky another peck she looked at Steve again, before she made a tutting noise and left.
“Nice one Punk…” Bucky moaned as his girlfriend walked off.
“Don’t start Bucky.” Steve said, shaking his head.
“What did you actually say to her?” Sam looked at him.
With a sigh Steve told them exactly what had gone down in the living room, well, almost everything, he skipped the part about the camero and Katie admitting she was wearing no underwear…as he came to that bit he trailed off blushing slightly and scratched at his neck.
Bucky and Sam exchanged a look “Man, we thought you’d go in there, have angry sex and then that would be it.” “I think she thought that too.” Steve said, his cheeks now even hotter. “I told her no..”
“Wait, wait, let me get this straight?” Sam looked at Steve “You went in there, had a row with your wife because she was pissed off some woman was hanging off of you, and then when she offered you make up sex you said no?”
Steve groaned “That’s not…”
“Jen’s right.” Bucky shook his head. “You are an idiot…”
Steve watched as Bucky sauntered off across the lawn and he turned to look at Katie who was now stood talking to one of the other mothers. Sam shrugged and clapped him on the shoulder.
“Think you might have just earned yourself a night in the spare room…”
Steve groaned and let his head fall backwards, looking skywards for a moment before he head back to the garage. He needed another beer.
It wasn’t long following the cake that the party began to filter out. Katie and Steve made sure Rori thanked everyone for coming as they left and soon they were down to the last 2, a little boy called Ryan and Aurelia. As Ryan’s dad shook Steve’s hand and thanked Katie they waved him off and it came to Dani. Steve noticed his wife stiffen slightly besides him and made sure that he didn’t offer the woman a hug or anything, simply nodding to her politely as Aurelia hugged Rori.
“Mommy…” Aurelia asked, and Dani looked down.
“Yeah honey?”
“Can Rori come play tomorrow?”
“I errr…” Dani looked at Katie who inclined her head slightly. She turned to Steve.
“We don’t have any plans do we?”
He shook his head.
“Then, yeah, it’s fine by me.” Katie nodded and the little girls both gave a squeal.
“Ok, well, erm…” Dani looked down slightly before she took a breath and looked back up “Do you want to drop her off at say midday ish?” “Sure.” Katie said.
With that she watched Dani lead Aurelia out of the garden and down the side of the house.
“Want me to make a start on clearing up?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, ok.” Katie nodded, before she turned and headed back into the house. She shot through the hallway, cursing herself that she was actually going to do this. She opened the front door and caught Dani just as the woman was climbing into her BMW.
“Can I have a word?” She asked. Dani hesitated slightly before she nodded and closed the door making sure Aurelia was strapped in.
“Look, I erm. Well, I wanted to say that…well I was out of order with what I said about your husband before.” Katie said softly. “I had no idea about what had happened between the two of you.” Dani shrugged her shoulders. “It’s fine.” “No, it’s not fine. It was cruel. I shouldn’t have said it. I know what its like to be cheated on and…”
Dani looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
“It was, well it was a long time ago.” Katie shrugged as she continued. “I just wanted to apologise because I know what you’re going through and..” Dani scoffed “You, with your perfect life and…” “You think my life is perfect?” Katie snorted “I’m as fucked up as the next person. I’ve seen and been through things you couldn’t possibly begin to imagine.” she took a deep breath, levelling out her voice “Somehow I wonder how I came through the other side but…”
“Sorry “ Dani looked down, “I know, I just…” she looked at Katie “Forget it, apology accepted.”
“For the record, I’m not sorry for what I said about snapping your hand off.” Katie levelled her with a look “I meant that. You touch my husband again and I will kick the shit out of you.” Dani sighed “Look, I didn’t mean anything by it. Honestly, I was just being friendly…but, I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, however, I don’t think you need to worry. Even if some woman was throwing themselves at him, he wouldn’t look twice. That man only has eyes for you, it’s plain to see. It’s nice. I hope one day I find that.”
Katie looked at the woman and nodded curtly, contemplating what she had said, her earlier stupid wobble completely pushed from her mind.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Mrs Rogers.” Dani said, turning to head back to her car.
Dani looked at her, frowning as Katie spoke again “Katie’s fine.”
With that the blonde smiled softly and nodded again, before she climbed into her car and drove off Katie made her way back inside, poking her head into the den to check that Jamie and Morgan were ok before she headed into the kitchen and poured herself another gin.
“Hitting the hard stuff?” Jen asked as she appeared through the back door.
“Yup.” Katie popped the P “Want one?”
Jennifer nodded and Katie set about pouring her one in silence before she threw a slice of lime and a few blueberries into each glass and topped them both with ice and tonic water.
“I’ll probably get bitched and moaned at for breaking it out so early but…” Katie shrugged as she slid the glass over to Jennifer.
“Do you care?” Jen asked.
Katie snorted “No.”
Jen laughed as she took a sip of her drink. “So you two had a bit of a disagreement..”
Katie snorted “Something like that. He told me I was being a fucking brat.”
Jennifer arched an eyebrow “Well, maybe a tad but…well, she deserved a warning.”
“I didn’t just warn her.” Katie sighed “I said something about her husband leaving her. I had no idea she’d been cheated on. I felt a bit shitty when Steve told me.”
“Doesn’t excuse her climbing all over your husband” Jennifer said.
“I know, I said that to her when I apologised.”
“You apologised?” Jen arched an eyebrow.
“For what I said about her husband.” Katie nodded “For the rest of it no, I told her I’d kick the shit out of her if she touched Steve again but she insisted she was just being friendly…anyway, it’s done, don’t wanna talk about it anymore.” “So how long you gonna give Steve the cold shoulder for?” Jen asked.
Katie shrugged “Until I feel like it. He shouldn’t have been a prick.”
Jen was about to reply but they were cut off when Peter walked into the kitchen.
“Hey Pete!” Katie beamed at him and moved to give the tall kid a hug.
“Sorry I’m a bit late Mrs R…” he smiled “the traffic on the way back was awful. Hey Mrs Bucky…”
“Stop calling me that!” Jen rolled her eyes as Katie laughed.
“I saved you some cake and a plate of food…” Katie smiled at Peter, and moved round Jennifer to the fridge.
“You’re the best!” he smiled at her as she handed him the foil wrapped packages and he retreated back outside.
She grabbed her gin and looked at Jenifer, who smiled at her and they headed back outside.
Now all the guest were gone and they were down to the close friends and family, the plan being the adults to have their own party and toast to Tony later on, everyone was sat on the large decking. Jen perched on Bucky’s knee and Steve sat up, making his lap available for Katie but she brushed past and took up and empty seat next to where Pepper was sat, taking Harry off her with a thanks. She turned to Rori who was perched on Sam’s knee to her right as Sam was chatting to Peter who in turn had one arm round Emmy, the other eating his food.
“You had a good day?” Katie asked her daughter gently, brushing her hair back off her face. She was filthy, covered in cake and all sorts of other food and dirt form the garden but Katie didn’t care. She loved it when her kids got the chance to play and be normal.
“The best!” Rori reached up to give her mum a hug. “But can I put my other clothes on now?”
Katie smiled “of course you can…in fact…I think momma wants to get changed too.”
Rori wriggled off Sam’s lap and Katie held out Harry to the man “Trade ya.” she smiled. Sam let out a grin and took the tot from her with a huge smile, one he reciprocated and she noticed him reach out to Peter’s plate and snaffle a sausage roll. He held his little finger to his lips as he looked at Sam who laughed and gave him a wink.
Katie led Rori past Steve who looked at her with a questioning glance but she ignored him and headed inside. Once upstairs Rori picked out her green dungarees and a sweater and Katie supervised her as she changed, then wiped her face clean laughing at her protests. When she was ready Katie let her head down the stairs, “Hold the rail…” she said, watching before she retreated into her own room, kicking off her sandals before she set about getting changed herself.
**** In the mean-time the conversation had taken a grim turn, a turn which the men decided they didn’t really want to be a part of anymore, so when Bucky announced he was going to get a beer Sam, Steve and Pete all jumped at the chance. Harry toddled in front of them across the grass, settling down in the sandpit near the jungle gym. Steve watched him for a moment before he turned back to the conversation.
“Why do women feel the need to talk about childbirth?” Pete said with a shudder and Steve laughed.
“Yeah, well, be thankful Katie wasn’t there…Rori’s birth was quite traumatic.” Steve said, the memory ingrained on his mind forever. She’d arrived so fast, and Katie had done it all with no pain relief. Frankly, she’d been astounding. He looked up as Rori came running over the garden to join her brother and frowned when he realised Katie wasn’t with her. But before he could think about it anymore, a line that Bucky spoke to Peter jerked his attention back to the men round him.
“It’ll be your turn soon enough.” Bucky winked, patting Pete on his shoulder.
“What?” Steve wheeled back round, turning his head to look at Bucky then Peter who’s face had drained of all colour.
“I…what? Why would…” Peter stumbled as he glanced from Steve and Bucky then back again. “I don’t know why he said that Captain, I mean Rogers, Steve…Mr…Mr Rogers…”
“Practicing Safe sex Pete?” Sam nodded, continuing the teasing whilst Bucky was fighting the urge to laugh at the look on Steve’s face “Good man, wrap before you tap…” “I’m not, I mean, we are but I don’t…because Emmy’s…well I …oh god…” Peter flushed and turned and fled, Steve spinning to watch him.
“Did he…did he just admit to having sex with my daughter?” he spluttered, looking at Bucky who laughed loudly, slapping his friend on the back.
“They’re 21 man.” Sam smirked “What do you think they get up to on alone time? Netflix and Chill…Amazon Prime and Sexy Time…”
“Yeah, not everyone was a virgin into their mid 20s…” Bucky quipped.
“Shut the fuck up.” Steve pointed at his friend, his face bright red.
“Wait…” Sam paused “Did Katie pop your cherry Cap?”
“No, she did not…”
“A chorus girl called Lottie did.” Bucky answered and Sam laughed even more.
Steve glared at Bucky “One more word I swear to God…”
“I’m just fucking with you Steve…” Bucky smirked “A bit like Pete is with…”
“Jerk.” the word was little more than a snarl as Steve gave Bucky a hard one-handed shove in the chest. To anyone else it would have sent them sprawling, but Bucky merely stumbled back a few steps, his laughter louder than ever.  Steve shot him another look before he headed inside to find Katie. As he walked into the hallway she stepped off the bottom stair and it became apparent why she’d taken a little longer than he expected.
“You changed?” Steve looked at Katie, frowning. Gone was that gorgeous maxi dress and in its place she wore a pair of jeans and a long sleeved oversized chunky pink sweater that hung slightly off one shoulder, giving him a flash of a baby blue bra strap and her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. He loved that sweater on him, exposing her neck and shoulder to him, enough of a flash to make him think about running his lips over her skin. God, even in her casual clothes like this she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Yeah well Rori wanted to get changed and I figured I may as well too as it’s gonna start getting chilly.” she shrugged.
“Is there a problem?” Katie asked looking at him.
“No, I just…well, you looked amazing in that dress…” He stepped towards her, reaching out to take her by the waist but she stepped back.
“And I don’t now?”
“Oh stop being ridiculous.” he said, shaking his head as she pushed past him and headed into the kitchen “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Well add it to the list of the many things I’ve been ridiculous about today.” she said, her tone a little icy as she grabbed her drink off the side and headed outside.
Steve let out a groan of frustration as he watched her go.
**** An hour or so later Harry crawled onto Katie’s lap and nuzzled into her neck, hand winding into her hair as he gave a yawn. Katie let him sit where he as for a moment before she stood up and said she was taking him to bed. Steve offered to go with her but she shook her head and said she could handle it, carrying him inside. Steve watched her go before he felt a hand on his arm and he turned to look at Jennifer.
“You know she apologised to Dani before.”
Steve frowned, he hadn’t been expecting that. “What? When?”
“Just before she left.” Jennifer said, sipping her drink “Although it wasn’t a full olive branch, more like an olive twig…”
Steve snorted “Let me guess. She apologised for the dig about her husband but still threatened to snap her hand off if she came near me again?”
“Something like that.” Jen said. “Listen, Steve, I wasn’t going to say anything but the last few years or so…you know you guys draw a lot of attention since everyone came back from the Snap, and you only have to look on social media to see the things that people post…” “We’ve always had public interest but I don’t read it.” Steve frowned, not sure where she was going with this. “I know but Katie does and, well, there are some pretty…how do I put this, dirty things written by females about you on there, especially since you started teaching at the University. Maybe she feels a little bit more insecure about stuff than she lets on.” “She’s no reason to be insecure.” Steve shook his head “Jen, I’d never do that to her. Hell I don’t even want to think about any other woman in that way…” “I know that, I just wanted to make you understand why she reacted the way she did. I’d do the same and I’m not sure you’d appreciate another man fawning over her either.”
Steve looked at the woman, he knew she was right. He glanced at the door to the house and stood up, nodding.  He headed up the stairs, the sounds of soft laughter hitting his ears.
“Harry,  Momma doesn’t want a bath…stop splashing me!”
He gently opened the bathroom door and leaned against the door frame, smiling as Harry was in the bath, Katie attempting to scrub him down.
Honey…” he said softly. She turned to look at him “I’ll do that, you go sort his pyjamas.”
Katie nodded and stood up, passing by Steve in the doorway. He gently reached out, hands falling to her hips.
“Steve…” she said softly.
“Look, I’m sorry for before.” he said, his hands squeezing her hips “I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did.” “No you shouldn’t” she said, before she sighed “I probably was a little OTT though…”
“That you admitting I was right?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.
She narrowed her eyes and pushed him in the chest gently “Don’t push it.”
He chuckled as he let her go and turned to his son. Once he was suitably cleaned and Steve’s shirt was suitably wet thanks to his splashing antics he lifted him out, wrapped him in his little teddy bear towel with the hood and carried him through to his bedroom. Katie had laid out the pyjamas on his bed but wasn’t in there. Steve set about towelling the kid off, gently grabbing his arm as Harry made a break for it, stopping him from running out of the room in all his naked glory. After a few more giggles and wriggles Steve had him wrestled into his pyjamas and was just smoothing his light brown hair down when Katie came back carrying Gerald, his stuffed giraffe that he point blank refused to sleep without.
“No sleep.” Harry muttered, his eyes heavy as he gave a yawn taking the toy off his mother.
“Yeah whatever pal, I give you 30 seconds tops…” Katie said, sitting on the side of the bed as he gave another yawn as he laid back on the pillow. She gently kissed his head and stood up, as Steve did the same and they both made towards the door. When Katie looked back his eyes were already shut.
Steve stood behind his wife, his hands wrapping around her, chin resting on her shoulder as they watched their youngest for a moment before Katie moved back and pulled the door too.
“Come here…” Steve said gently, pulling her to him and she went willingly, her arms wrapping around his back, face pressing into his chest.
“I did what you wanted” she muttered, her voice slightly muffled from the fabric of his jersey, “apologised.”
“I know, Jen told me.” Steve replied, “Doll, I didn’t want you to apologise just because I asked…”
Katie shrugged, her cheek still against his chest “I didn’t. It was the right thing to do. Well, about her husband. I will break her face though if she touches you again.”
Steve sighed and pulled back slightly to look down at her. “You know you really have nothing to worry about don’t you?
She looked down and he gently reached out and with his thumb and forefinger tipped her head up to look at him.  “I don’t want anyone else” “I know and I don’t worry as such, I just…well I don’t like people…”
“Touching your stuff, yeah I know…” Steve chuckled as he finished the familiar phrase with her.
“If I’m such a brat why did you marry me?” she rolled her eyes.
“Because I love you, brat tendencies included.” he smiled, his lips dropping to hers in a gentle kiss as his hands slid down to cup her ass. He looked at her cheekily “You still not wearing any panties?”
“Sorry Soldier…” she smirked “Should have took me up on the offer before.”
He gave a groan “Do you have any idea how much self-control that took to say no?”
“Serves you right…”
“You’re being a brat again.” he said, and she grinned.
“Say it in the way I like…” she whispered and he smirked, pulling her closer, his fingers digging into the flesh of her behind. He bent down so that his lips were by her ear and when he spoke his voice low and sultry.
“Such a fucking brat…”
She practically purred as his lips brushed her ear. “What you gonna do about it, Daddy?” she asked, looking up at him from under lidded eyes.
“Oh I’m gonna show you…” Steve said, and quick as a flash he had hoisted her up, drawing a soft squeak of surprise from her lips as he carried her into their room. Kicking the door shut he deposited her unceremoniously on the bed, causing her to bounce slightly on the mattress before he crawled over her.
“You know…” he said, a soft kiss to her exposed collar bone “This has been driving me crazy all evening, you know I love this sweater on you.” “Why do you think I wore it?” she shot back and he gave a groan as he pushed down harder onto her, the now very present bulge in his trousers pressing against her spot, causing her to moan softly.
“Fucking little tease…” he said, his lips trailing up her neck to her jawline. He gave a little nip before he reached her lips and slotted his mouth onto hers in a deep, needy kiss. Their tongues tangled furiously as he reached down between them, gently grabbing the hem of the offending sweater. With a tug he pulled it over her head and gave another loud groan as he saw the baby blue lace bra.
“You see something you like?” she asked as his hand trailed the edge of the lace.
“Oh I like it, very much…” he said, his hand giving her breast a squeeze as he kissed her again. His mouth moved down her neck and he kissed her sternum then across her chest over the swell of her breast, pulling the cup of he bra down to tease her nipple gently with his mouth. His hand grabbed at the other cup and he pulled it down, roughly and then he heard the tear of fabric. Katie sat up, leaning on her elbows and looked down.
“Seriously?” she deadpanned. Steve winced and looked at her, sheepishly before he shrugged.
“In for a penny…” he quipped as he reached up with his other and with a sharp tug he ripped the garment completely open.
“You’re a fucking jerk.” she shook her head, laughing
“I’ll buy you a new one.” he muttered, his head once more returning to her chest, lips latching onto on nipple as his fingers gently tweaked at the other. Her hands gripped at the bed covers as the heat began to grow between her legs and Steve felt her push up against him seeking friction, anything for relief.
“So needy tonight baby girl…” he muttered, his mouth trailing back upwards to claim hers again in a searing kiss and he pushed down, giving her what she wanted. He swallowed her soft moan and pulled back slightly so he could pop the button and then the zipper on her jeans. He began to pull them down but he got so far and then they stuck, tight.
“Fucks sake…” he muttered and Katie gave a little giggle as he started to wrestle with the damned skinny jeans. “Doll, you look great in these but…”
His frustration built as Katie could do nothing but laugh at the annoyed look on his face as he tugged and pulled ad the fucking irritating denim.
“I’m sure this used to be easier.” he grumbled.
“I wasn’t as fat then.”
“Shut up.” he said sharply. He gave another sharp pull which jerked Katie further down the bed causing her to laugh again, and he was just debating ripping them off as well when she tugged at his hair.
“Don’t even think about it.” she narrowed her eyes “They’re Armani…”
“They’re fucking annoying” he mumbled, as he continued to pull and eventually worked them down over her ankles and tossed them to the side.
“You know if you’d have done me when I said before then the jeans wouldn’t have been an issue.” Katie said as he ran his hands up the side of her thighs gently.
“Actions have consequences…”he muttered, his nose skimming the waist band of the matching baby blue French knickers she was wearing. He kissed his way along her tummy, gently flicking a path up to her belly button with his tongue and she arched her back slightly, letting out a soft sigh. He moved back down and his lips found the apex of her thigh and kissed their way upwards until he nuzzled softly at her panty clad entrance, drawing a keen from her mouth as he took a deep breath, the garment was soaked.
“You’re fucking drenched sweetheart…” he purred as he slid his hands up and pulled her panties down,  kissing back up her leg as he threw them over his shoulder, and set to her with his mouth. His tongue lapped, swirled, a well-known practice as he knew exactly where to pay attention to and in no time at all he had her right where he wanted, a writhing mess, one arm thrown over her mouth to stifle her, frankly, filthy noises for fear of waking their son. The other tangled in his hair and as her pleasure mounted her nails dug into his scalp and he gave a groan.
“Stevie…I’m…” she wined and her back arched, her legs trembled and she uttered a soft “Fuck” as he felt her let go. He took the opportunity whilst she was coming down to shuck off his jeans, he didn’t even bother with his sweater, he was too far gone and needed her now. Grabbing her hips he pulled her further to him and sliding his hands under her back he knelt up and easily lifted her onto his lap. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she gently slid down onto him, her head falling to his shoulder with a groan as he began to thrust up wards.
“Off…” she demanded, tugging at the bottom of his sweater and he moved his arms so she could pull it over his head, not once breaking his rhythm.
“Fuck baby you feel so good” he groaned as he pushed up harder and harder. Her teeth bit into his skin and he hissed at the slight bite of pain increasing his pace until he was relentless, driving into her as deep as he could, hands on her hips, pulling her down to meet him. Her face tilted towards his and she pressed her lips to his, the kiss sloppy and desperate before she groaned again into his mouth.
“Come on doll…” he whispered, “I’m close…tell me you are…”
“Yeah…” she stuttered, her head falling forward again before it looked back, and he dipped forward his mouths swirling at her breast again. At that she let out a low keen and he felt her tightening before her mouth parted in a silent scream, her eyes flittered shut as she pulsed around him. The feeling of her coming undone was enough to tip Steve over the edge and with a few more deep thrusts he spilt inside her and then collapsed backwards, taking her with him.
They were both silent for a while, Steve’s fingers gently tracing up and down Katie’s spine as she hummed in satisfaction, her head resting on his shoulder.
“You good?” he asked, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“Yeah…” she said, and she moved and looked at him, sliding her nose against his “We should get back downstairs.”
“Do we hafta?”
“Yes” She chucked, and she rolled off him and Steve pouted at the loss of contact as she headed into the bathroom to clean up. When she came back Steve passed her and gave her a soft kiss before she dressed again. Once they were sorted and she had straightened her hair out they both made their way downstairs. Steve gently kissed her cheek before he reached into the cupboard in the kitchen and pulled the Wakandan Spice out along with 2 glasses and headed outside. Rhodey had arrived and Steve placed the items he was carrying on the table and reached over to shake his hand.
“Kissed and made up?” Bucky asked from his spot on the chair, Jen still on his lap, as Steve poured them both a good measure of the amber liquid.
“Something like that.” he said handing Bucky a glass. Bucky smirked as Steve looked at Rori who was sat on one of the chairs with a tablet in her hand, earphones in her ears as she watched whatever was on the screen. He crossed over to her and gently tugged an ear phone out and she pouted, making her look just like her mother when she did the same.
“Baby, it’s time for bed. You cant watch that upstairs ok?”
“I can stay up and watch this in my room?” she said, eyes wide. They very rarely let her do that but it was her birthday party after all.
“Yeah.” Steve said.
“Ok.” she nodded. She paused the programme and Steve picked her up whilst she said goodnight to everyone. Making his way back into the kitchen he paused as Katie was filling an ice bucket for the champagne she had just opened.
“Rhodey’s here.” he said and she smiled, nodding.
“Yeah he said he was gonna stop by, he misses Tony as well.” she said gently.
“I’m going to bed Momma” Rori said “Daddy said I can watch my film in bed.”
“Well it is your special day baby” she smiled, kissing her cheek. “See you in the morning.”
Steve carried her out of the room whilst Katie grabbed enough glasses and carried them outside before she gave Rhodey a hug. Back in the kitchen she pulled out the pre-prepared trays of crudites, cold meats and cheese which she had done for the adults and carried them back outside along with a few packets of chips, olives, dips and crackers, all of them giving a groan of delight.
“You’re a legend you know that?” Sam grinned up at her and she smiled, popping back inside for the Champagne.
“She ok?” she looked up at Steve. He nodded.
“I told her she could have a bath tomorrow.” he said, pulling his wife to him and giving her a long kiss. She smiled against his mouth and patted his chest before she grabbed what she had come for and headed outside. Once she had stopped fussing and made sure everyone had a drink she sat on Steve’s knee and his arm curled round her waist.
“I know it’s not actually his birthday until Wednesday, obviously, same as Rori’s, but…” Katie smiled at Pepper who returned her gesture “Happy Birthday Tony.” she said, her head looking up to the now darkening sky as she raised her glass as her eyes filled with tears. She still missed her brother so much it hurt. “Love you, to the stars and back.”
There were mumbles of toasts as everyone raised their glasses and Steve gave her hip a little squeeze.
They settled into a comfortable chat, memories of Tony being shared, namely by Pepper, Rhodey and Katie, everyone laughing along and as an hour or so passed Steve looked at his wife as her cheeks grew flushed the more she drank. Mind you, he was getting that way as well, that Wakandan shit was strong, not to mention the Asgardian ale he had been drinking all afternoon. He really should send another thanks to T’Challa and Valkyrie for keeping his stocks up.
“No,no,no straight up.” Katie laughed, drawing his attention back to the conversation a his wife wiped tears of laughter from her face “He thinks he’s getting lucky right? So he’s sat in his Audi flirting with her…”
”And then she served him a subpoena.” Pepper reached over to top her glass up, spilling some on the table as the alcohol made her aim sloppy. “God he was moaning about that for days.”
“And then he realised he was in love with you.” Rhodey smiled.
“What was it you said to us?” Pepper hiccupped and looked at him “You called us 2 seals fighting over a grape…”
“Get a roof.” Rhodey smirked and Pepper laughed, leaning back and closing her eyes with a nostalgic sigh. “I don’t care what anyone says, you’re never gonna beat the time he got Stern to tell him to go fuck himself.” Rhodey continued with a snort “That will forever be my favourite Tony memory of all time…”
“God he was an idiot.” Katie said fondly.
“But he was our idiot.” Pepper smiled at her, and she nodded. At that point Katie’s attention was taken to Jamie who popped his head out of the door to ask if he could take the potato chips into the den. She nodded to him and he gave a satisfied fist pump before disappearing again.
“What are they doing in there?” Katie asked.
“Making a space station out of Lego, apparently.” Emmy said. “We’re not allowed to go in there apparently, and the door has to stay shut once it’s done…” “Looks like Peter’s on the couch then not the fold out.” Steve said, looking at her “Pepper’s in the spare room.” Peter flushed and Katie dug Steve in the ribs with her elbow “Stop teasing him.”
“I’m being serious.” he said, looking at her before he shot a look at the young man.
“Dad…” Emmy groaned “I’m 21.”
“I don’t care…” Steve shook his head, draining his glass before Katie took it from him and poured him another generous measure, doing the same for Bucky. Jennifer took the glass from him and sniffed at it, pulling a face before she handed it back.
“Yeah leave Spiderling alone…” Sam quipped “You two have no room to talk…”
“Don’t…” Steve pointed at him.
“You know they once did it on a mission against a wall?” Sam looked at Emmy whose face arranged into a look of horror “That was what made Rori…” “Sam shut the fuck up…” Steve glared at him.
“Yeah that’s what I was saying when I heard you.” he shot back and Bucky gave a snort “school boy error leaving your comms on.”
“That’s disgusting.” Emmy groaned.
“That’s what Natasha said…” Sam quipped.
“You know Jamie was conceived between the toaster and the fridge.” Katie said snorting into her glass, “There’s only Harry that came from a bedroom…” “Jesus Doll…” Steve groaned as Bucky sniggered besides him. Sam grinned and was about to reply but Pepper piped up.
“Morgan was an Audi front seat Baby…” she hiccupped and Rhodey choked on his beer as the rest of the adults sniggered, well most of them.
“In thought you were gonna say Iron Suit baby.” Sam looked at Pepper
“Come on Pete, Brooke… I’m not listening to this…” Emmy said as she stood up, tugging on Pete’s hand.
“How the fuck would that work?” Bucky looked at him.
“Docking station.” Pete said as he allowed Emmy to tug him up. There was a moments paused before everyone bar Emmy started to laugh. She groaned and tugged on his hand as the 3 younger adults headed away from the table, Peter nodding to Steve nervously as the soldiers eyes watched them leave.
“Stop it.” Katie said gently, turning Steve’s head to face him.
“Did you know they were…you know?”
“Having sex?” Katie snorted and Steve rolled his eyes “Yes I did,I took Emmy to see Dr Kellet.”
“She’s 21 Steve…” “I know I just…” “She’s grown up.” “I just…oh I don’t wike it…” he whined, his head falling to her chest and she laughed, her hands tangling into his hair.
“Could be worse.” Katie teased, her nails scratching her scalp “You could have walked in on them like Tony did to us…”
“Doll,” Steve looked at her, shaking his head, “just don’t.”
 **Original Posting 1 2 **
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pricetagofficial · 3 years
Ghost -Part Seven
Warnings: Language, angst (lots of it), light bending of cannon
Word Count: 3.3K
Tag List: @kishony-the-geek @idkmanicantenglish @unknowntoanyone @subtleappreciation @catxsnow @spxder-mxns @river-bottom-nightmare @screennamealreadyused @woahjaybird​ @bikoncon​
A/N: There are some more familiar faces here! Maybe a few new ones? 
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Rory opened her eyes with a groan, the sedative that Bruce had given her was brutal. It made her body weak and her head hurt. Slowly she sat up and saw that she was in one of the cells they kept in the cave for times they needed to hold someone like her there.
There was a shuffle outside her cell and she looked through the glass panel to see someone she did not recognize.
He was sat in a chair playing a game on his phone while he tapped his foot. From the first observation, she could tell that he was older than Damian but not much younger than herself.
She narrowed her eyes. "Did Bruce take in another stray?"
The person in front of her jumped and looked at her. "Oh, hey you're awake. Bruce wanted someone down here to keep an eye on you and they are all out right now, so I took the job," he explained.
"How long have I been here?" she asked.
"Only about twenty-four hours, he gave you a big dose. Said something about you being dangerous or something." he shrugged and looked back at his game.
"I'm locked in one of these cells, pretty sure that means I'm dangerous to Batman's standards." she snapped.
"Well, dangerous or not I doubt you can get out of this cell," he said, leaning back in his chair.
Rory looked him over. Maybe this kid wasn't so bad. "I like you, what's your name?" she asked.
"Duke, Duke Thomas. You?" he asked.
"So when you were born, your parents named you Ghost?" he grinned, looking at her again with a smile on his face.
"Yup. It's how all of us assassins are born. Fully grown and equipped with weapons ready to kick ass." she chuckled.
Duke laughed at her comment. "At least you laugh like a human, there was a theory that you were from another planet."
Rory bit her lip to try and keep herself from laughing. Even though she had her mask on still, Duke could see what she was laughing. "Another popular theory is that you are from the future, that's how you kept slipping away."
Rory leaned forward. "I am not an alien, nor am I from the future. Who even came up with those?"
"Jason and Steph," he replied. "But of course, after he met you Jason changed his mind. He's actually been really grumpy since then."
"Well, that's because I shot him in the leg." she chuckled.
Duke laughed at her statement, he couldn't see why the rest of them were on edge around her. So far she made no moves to escape and was holding a pleasant conversation, but then again he was on the opposite side of the glass door. Who knew what Ghost would try to do to him if he pissed her off.
Rory was about to open her mouth to speak once more when a bike pulled into the cave. She held her breath, this was what she was not looking forward to. Dick took off his mask and looked over, his expression neutral upon looking at her.
Yeah, he was still upset with her. What did she expect, that he and Jason were going to forgive her? Rory had a feeling that Roy would forgive her, but she had crossed lines and things weren't going to be the same between them.
"I see you're finally up. Batman has questions to ask you." Dick said.
"You could at least look a little happy to see me, Richard."
"Let's go back to last year and sure, I'd be happy to see you. Ro- Ghost, you've murdered people across the globe. That doesn't just go away." he said.
"Oh, but it goes away for Jason when he slips up or just flat out ignores Bruce's rule. You still accept him." she snapped.
Duke sat in his chair quietly, watching the two of them fight. He might have only been around for six months, but he had never seen Dick snap like that at someone; ever. Not unless they did something to hurt his family. Looking at the girl in the cell once more, the pieces started to click.
Dick knew her, and he knew her well. But what was it she did to make him so upset at her?
Dick clenched his jaw, there were many things he wanted to say to her. Most of them consisted of yelling at her for what she did to Tim, dumping him, and then dropping off the face of the earth. It was something he wasn't ready to forgive her for, and from where he was standing it didn't seem like she regretted it at all.
Rory glared, he might not be able to see her face but it was obvious how she felt. Her body was as stiff as a board and her hands were clenched tightly on the edge of the cot she was sitting on.
Neither of them spoke, only glared at the other leaving a very confused Duke in the middle. Several minutes had passed before he went to open his mouth. "Is anyone hungry? Because I am starving," he asked.
"I would love something to eat, I've been locked in a cell for twenty-four hours. At this point, I would eat anything," Rory said, her gaze not leaving Dick.
Duke quickly got up from his seat and went up to get some food, once he was gone was when Rory spoke again.
"Why don't you tell me what this is really about Grayson? I'm sure there are many things you want to say to me, and nows your chance." she taunted.
"You don't want to know what I have to say, it's not very nice," he said.
"Oh, afraid that you'll make me cry?"
"No, afraid it'll make you change your mind and want to stay."
Rory raised a brow at him. "Why would I want to stay in the hell hole of a city?" she asked.
"The same reason you did the last time, but I am not going to let you hurt my brother again. Not if I have anything to say about it."
There it was. Dick was worried that she had come back for Tim, or at least try to talk to him. Little did he know that that was the last thing she wanted to do. Seeing him in Venice was hard enough, and he was distracted. Rory came to Gotham for one reason, and one reason only. She was going to find Samantha Wilkins and stop her.
"That's not the reason I'm here."
"Then what is?"
The two of them looked behind Dick and saw Bruce walk in, the cape swaying behind him. Damian was off to the side with his arms crossed, looking over at them.
"I was wondering when you would get back Bruce, Dick over here has been keeping me company. Along with that new kid, Duke.  He seems smart, resourceful." she commented, getting to her feet.
"Why are you here?" he asked, his tone stiff and firm. It was clear that he was not going to let up on any of this until he got the answer he wanted.
"Relax Brucie, I'm not here for the reason you think I am. I won't go anywhere near him, I don't want to." she clarified.
Damian's eyes narrowed from across the cave. This situation with Ghost was getting weirder and weirder; she knew their identities and Grayson and his father both seemed to be at least kind of comfortable around her. It was like they knew she wouldn't seriously hurt them, but didn't want to push it anymore than they had.
"Then tell me, why are you here Ghost," Bruce questioned, narrowing his eyes at the girl in front of him.
"That's my business, next question."
"Why were you in Venice?" Dick tried.
"Again, I had no idea he was there." Rory huffed as she began to pace in front of the glass door.
"Why were you in Venice?" Bruce snapped. "There was a League base there, and you were seen inside it. Why were you there?"
Rory stopped pacing and stared at him from where she stood. "Do you really think you can intimidate me?" she laughed. Bruce really thought that he could scare her into talking, but Rory was smarter than that. From all the things she had seen in her life, Batman was not at the top of her list. Hell, Deathstroke no longer scared her anymore. Not after he was locked in Belle Rev Prison and she had almost killed him, it was almost poetic how she had quite literally conquered her fear that night.
The thing Rory feared the most, she couldn't get away from.
"I'm beginning to understand why you locked me in here, and it wasn't for your safety." she grinned. "I was for mine, to make sure none of them or you would try and beat me up for what I did is that right?"
Bruce's glare darkened, she was as smart as he remembered if not smarter. The Rory they all knew a year ago was long gone, she was a completely different person now. It was like she enjoyed seeing the pain on their faces, knowing it was her that had caused it.
"Come on, why don't you let me out? I've learned a few tricks, let's see how long it takes me to kick your ass."
"Why the fuck is she here!?" Jason took off his helmet and stormed over, his face contorted in anger. Rory was the last person he wanted to see, especially in the cave. He had been out of town for the last few days and didn't know that she was in Gotham, but when he saw her white suit from across the cave he got pissed.
"Jason, don't," Dick said, moving to stop his brother.
"Did you forget what she did, what she said to him? Or the fact that she shot me? Does any of this ring a bell in that bird brain of yours?" he asked, knocking Dick on the head with his knuckles.
"No none of us forgot, but this isn't the time for grudges. There's a reason she is here, and the quicker we find that out, the quicker she can leave the city." Dick said, trying his hardest to hold Jason back. He was physically bigger than him and could easily throw Dick over his shoulder if he wanted to.
Damian listened to the whole conversation, looking up when Duke came back with two plates and a sandwich on each. Duke decided it was not a good idea to get tangled up in all of that and thought it was a good idea to wait by Damian. He set the sandwich that Alfred made for Ghost down and began to eat his own, watching as Bruce, Dick, and Jason tried to get answers out of her.
"Do you know who she is?" he asked, leaning over towards Damian.
"I have my suspicions, but I want to wait before I voice it. If I'm right, she's an old friend." Damian said, closing his eyes and dropped his head. "But this one time, I don't want to be right."
"Who you think she must be, was pretty important to all of you then?" Duke asked, taking a bit of his sandwich.
Damian gave him another nod. "Yes, but to no one more than Drake. She was his beloved, and about a year ago now she broke his heart and left. None of us has seen her since."
"What if you're right, will you tell Tim at all?"
Again, Damian shook his head. "It's better he doesn't know what became of her."
"Not to be that guy, but that sounds kind of fucked up. Shouldn't he be the first to know, considering that they were a thing as you said?" Duke asked, his brows raised in confusion.
"You didn't see what had happened after she left. Father brought you in several months later, Thomas. The Manor wasn't the same and we all felt it."
"So why do you think she came back then?"
"An excellent question, but I think I can find the answer." Damian pushed off the wall he was leaning on and walked over to the bat computer and began to type things into it, trying to find what it was Ghost was following that night.
Before she had said that she had business to attend to and that they needed to stay out of her way. What he wanted to know, was what exactly it was that she was doing. Whether Ghost was Rory or not, that didn't change the facts that were laid out in front of them.
She was going around, killing members of the League of Assassins. The ones with links to drug trades, trafficking, and other shipments across the world. Damian had already informed them all of this connection, but things got a little weird when she went to Venice, Italy. Up until that point, she had been hunting ring leaders and not attacking bases.
Drake had gone there to try and get some information, hoping that Ra's was in a good mood and willing to cooperate. He wasn't of course, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that she was there for another reason, but why?
Scanning the footage, the voices of his father and two brothers were drowned out as Duke stood there and watched. Damian's eyes didn't leave the screen, let alone blink afraid that he might miss something if he did. There had to be something that gave her away, there had to be. Watching the footage as he followed her, was when he saw a car. It had been in every shot of his footage and Ghost was going in the same direction.
Tracing the license plate, he found who the car belonged to and tracked the name down. Printing the paper, he grinned to himself and walked over with it held tightly in his hand. Pushing past Jason and Dick, he pressed the picture to the glass.
"Who is Samantha Wilkins and why are you following her?" he asked.
"Where's my food? Duke said he was going to get me something to eat," she answered, looking him dead in the eye.
"You'll get it once you answer the question. Who is Samantha Wilkins and why are you following her?" he asked once more.
"Listen here kid, bring me my food and I might talk. I haven't eaten in over twenty-four hours and I am starting to get a little pissed." she crossed her arms, shifting her weight to one leg with a triumphant look to her stance.
Dick turned to look at Duke and waved him over. "Bring the assassin her sandwich," he called.
"One sandwich for the scary-ass assassin coming up," Duke said and slid it through the flap in the door.
Rory's mouth salivated at the sight of the food in front of her, she went to pick it up when she stopped mid grab. The mask she wore covered her entire face, there was no way she was going to eat and keep it on.
Slowly, she looked to the side and glanced at the people who stood in front of her. Most of them already knew who she was, and if Damian hadn't figured it out yet then he wasn't paying much attention.
"I know who you are Sonnet, just take the damn mask off and eat the sandwich." Damian snapped, crossing his arms and glaring at her.
Rory let out a sigh and unclasped the mask from her face, her vision going from the red of the lenses to the natural coloring of the real world. Her hair was a mess of tangles and loose strands hung in front of her face, as she tried to blow them away.
She looked worse for wear than the last time Dick and Jason saw her. The bags that hung under her eyes were more prominent and, there was no life to her face. Her cheeks were sullen and her lips seemed to be in a permanent frown. This new life she led was kicking her ass and slowly killing her, but Rory wasn't going to stop until the job was done.
Setting the mask to the side, Rory sat on the cot and ate her sandwich. They were all watching her, she could feel their gazes without looking up. After taking a few bites, she let out a sigh. "Samantha Wilkins is my next target," she answered.
"So you're here to kill her?" Dick asked.
Slowly, Rory nodded her head refusing to look up. "Yes, but there is more to it than that. She is more than what she seems, Samantha has ties to the League of Assassins and is not a very nice person." she took another bite. "I have no idea how dangerous she really is, but a person with those kinds of connections is not good."
"So you've been trying to take down the League of Assassins then?" Jason questioned.
Rory stayed quiet, that was only partially true. Yes, that was what she was doing, but it wasn't why she was doing it. It was why she left Gotham in the first place, and it was ironic that it was the reason she came back almost a year later.
"You're not going to answer that one?" he asked.
"You won't like my answer, and the fewer people know the better," she said shortly.
"That's bullshit, you just don't want to tell us." he snapped.
She took a deep breath before finishing her sandwich. "I told you before, there's more to this than either of you know. I can't explain because it would only put a target on your back."
Bruce stood there silently, going over the evidence in his head. Rory was smart, smart enough to avoid them all for a year. If she said that there was more to this than they knew, and it was safer that way. It had to do with the League, but she was the one who started hunting down the League members first.
Or, were they the ones hunting her?
That group of assassins from the night before seemed adamant to take her out, but why?
The sound of two more bikes pulling in snapped them all out of their trance. Every single of them turned to look at Tim pull in with Stephanie behind him and they were laughing about something that had happened.
Hearing his laughter, Rory dove for her mask only knocking it to the floor with a loud clatter. Tim stopped laughing and looked up at the cell, dropping the items he held in his hands.
Everything about her was different, from the color of her hair to the color of her eyes but he would know that look from anywhere. She always had that look about her, she wasn't looking at you or through you even. Her gaze was locked inside you, taking in every bit of information she could as she listened. Looking at her now, how could he have not noticed who she was before?
He had spent the better part of almost three years with her, to the point Tim had her body memorized in his mind's eyes. It was either the time away, or the pain she had left him in that pushed those memories away not wanting to make the connection to protect his heart from her.
Stephanie was frozen in place as she stared at the girl behind the glass and then looked back at Tim who wore the same shocked expression she did.
Tim swallowed and opened his mouth. "Songbird?"
19 notes · View notes
wowweeharrystyles · 4 years
Part 11 | Fringe & Change | 7.2k words
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Sequins & Zippers’ Summary: An internship with Harry Lambert transformed into a job of a lifetime - Aurora Del Gatto finds herself touring the world with the one & only Harry Styles as his ‘Head of Wardrobe.’ Aurora is nothing but nerves & excitement as she packs her bags & almost 100 custom designer suits that belong to an unbelievably kind rockstar. She never thought she’d fall in love on top of it all.
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
a/n: 6 weeks later & we’re finally back !!!! thank you all for your patience & thanks to gwen for listening to me complain about writers block week after week. I’m very excited to get back to sharing this story with y’all. 
as always, reblogging helps a ton & comments & feedback are ALWAYS WELCOME !!!! 
Warnings: brief mentions of anxiety & panic attacks 
Here’s part 11 ! 
Aurora’s standing next to Harry, a drink in her hand when Niall launches into “Drag Me Down.” She flashes Harry the biggest grin before singing along, just as she has with every song. Harry smiles back at her, she doesn’t see it but he doesn’t care. He finds himself singing along to a song he used to sing night after night on stage. It’s strange to watch Niall sing his own version and Harry figures Niall felt the same when he sang his own arrangement of their old tunes back in Dublin. Harry looks back to Aurora. She can feel his eyes on her but waits for the song to end before turning to him. 
Her fingers are delicate and barely touch Harry’s neck as she reaches up to him. Her lips brush against his ear before she speaks. “I miss your bit at the end,” Aurora shares and Harry chuckles lowly. She doesn’t pull away though and Harry takes the opportunity to pull her into him with an arm around her waist. His fingers find where the hem of Aurora’s shirt meets the top of her jeans. As Aurora presses her lips to the warm skin of Harry’s neck she can feel his calloused fingertips press into her skin. 
“Havin’ fun, love?” Harry assures. Aurora doesn’t have to verbally respond because the smile on her face after pressing another lingering kiss to the base of his neck says it all. 
Aurora feels warm and it’s not just because of the hot humid air of Buenos Aires. It’s the heat that's radiating from where Harry’s hand is pressed against her skin. The heat that flushes the tops of her cheeks from the cheap alcohol. The heat in her jaw because she hasn't stopped smiling for the better part of 2 hours. She gets to see Harry perform live almost daily, she gets that concert feeling every night, but to share it with him is something different. To share this experience in the traditional way for the first time is another one of those moments she’ll look back on forever. 
Many things are similar to the aftermath of Harry’s shows - showing their passes to the security guard at the gate near the stage, the ringing in Aurora’s ears from the screams, the scratchy feeling in her throat from singing (badly, at that), the buzzing feeling that lingers in her body from the music. The difference is the feeling of Harry’s hand in hers as they slide backstage to find Niall. 
Aurora also notices the striking difference between Niall’s backstage post show and Harry’s. Niall and Harry may have done this together years ago, running off stage together and onto a crammed tour bus but they’ve both found their own way on their own. It's a different kind of loud and chaotic after Niall’s show. Niall’s band is following him to a large green room that is equally as rowdy as a group of guys headed into a party. They’re high off the show and honestly so are Aurora and Harry. 
“So how’d ya enjoy the show?” Niall asks, his Irish accent thick, before taking a chug of water. 
“Rory enjoyed it the most I think. Belted out every single word,” Harry answers as he tucks Aurora into his side. Aurora crosses her arms in front of her in lieu of wrapping one around his waist. 
Niall’s dropped to the couch, his chest still heaving from the performance. 
“Hey,” Aurora whines as Harry and Niall laugh together. “You didn’t miss too many lyrics yourself, Har,” she playfully bites back. 
“Know all the words to my album, Haz? That’s what I like to hear.” 
“Don’t trust a thing she says,” Harry jokes before kissing the top of Aurora’s head. Niall’s laughter echoes off the walls. 
“Hey, I’d be a bit nicer to Aurora. I like her quite a bit. Don’t want you to chase her away so soon,” Niall advises with a wink to Harry. 
“Unfortunately, I think it’d take a lot more than that to chase me away,” Aurora tells Niall. “Anyways, who else is gonna get him dressed?” Niall’s laughing again and his band joins in, Aurora as well. Harry rolls his eyes trying to subside his own laugh but eventually joins in. 
Aurora relaxes into one of the leather covered chairs and Harry sits on the wide arm rest when Niall asks them if they want to stay for a bit and have beer or 2. Aurora leans forward to rest her elbows on Harry’s knees, her chest falling against his thigh. Harry presses the cold bottle of beer to the back of Aurora’s bare neck making her jump from the sudden change in temperature. He switches the bottle to the opposite and lightly digs his fingers into the muscles in Aurora's shoulders. Bending down he kisses her temple before whispering, “We can go whenever you want,” softly, reassuringly. 
Aurora’s extent of her anxiety had been brought up in conversation a few nights ago, Harry wanting to be able to help or at least do what he can to subside it if possible. Nobody had ever asked her how they could help or understood enough to want to know more. Her parents tried to understand, they really did, but something to do with the generational gap made it hard for them to really get it, to believe it even. So when Harry asked about it out of nowhere Aurora was shocked. 
She explained what it's like in different ways and how it comes about. The social anxiety aspect of new people and new places is what triggered Harry’s question just now. She told him about how she’ll feel trapped like she can’t go anywhere and she doesn’t want to create a scene, doesn’t want to offend anyone by leaving. She talked about the anxiety she had from the thought of a new hotel room and new arena every day before she left New York. But she was pleasantly surprised when it felt okay, that the faces became familiar and even though they were new arena’s daily, the pink flowers and TPWK signs became comforting. Harry’s heart swelled when Aurora shared the last bit. After she answered all his questions and told him about how she copes and what he can do that would make it easier, better even, Aurora thanked him. She thanked him over and over again when she crawled into his lap. She thanked him as she pulled off his shirt and kissed the swallow tattoos on his chest. She thanked him when she sank down on him. She shared everything that night, her mind, her body, all of it. She had never felt so understood, so safe.
Harry can tell Aurora’s in another world, squeezing her shoulder, he says her name softly. She looks up to him, a hint of worry in his eyes. She smiles, the memory of nights prior still floating in her head. The worry washes away when Aurora takes his hand that’s on her shoulder and presses a kiss to the palm of it. 
“I’m good right now,” she reassures him. “Thanks for asking.” 
“What're you thinking ‘bout?” 
“I’ll tell ya later.” 
She does tell him later, after they’ve said their goodbyes to Niall, after the car ride back to the hotel, after they get into Harry’s hotel room. She tells him between kisses. She tells him how nobody has ever said “we can go whenever you want” in any way and meant it. She tells him how she was thinking about how she thanked him and how she couldn't stop thinking about it. 
It doesn’t take them long to rid each other of their clothes. It was early morning by the time they fell asleep, their bodies sticky with sweat but too tired to shower now. 
Morning comes too fast and Harry groans into the back of Aurora’s neck when the alarm goes off. He turns away from her, his arm sliding from her waist to call room service. Aurora only pays enough attention to make sure he orders plenty of coffee and then lets herself succumb to sleep again. 
She wakes up only a little bit later when there’s a knock on the door. Harry’s curls hang heavy from his shower and Aurora can’t help but giggle as he tries to blow some of the curls from his forehead as he sets her coffee on the bedside table nearest her. 
After Harry and her eat breakfast, Harry has to jump on a call and Aurora decides to shower back in her own hotel room where her suitcase still is. Considering they had spent most of the past 10 days together, the morning and afternoon apart is nice. She takes a nap and catches up on a few shows, somewhat of a normal day for her. 
Aurora is excited to get back to the shows. To get back to seeing Harry on stage, to seeing Helene, to tour life again. It may have only been just over a week but she misses it. She gets it now, when Harry talks about touring being his favourite part. Aurora’s surprised how much she loves it. 
| | | | |
Aurora’s in the middle of sending a text message when Harry comes from nowhere and pulls her along with a tight grip on her hand. Aurora’s eyebrows furrow as a giggle leaves her mouth after his name does. When she gets a good look at him she smiles. He’s preemptively put on his black St Laurent trousers for his show tonight in Santiago but instead of the green glittery shirt he’s meant to be wearing, he has a white Treat People With Kindness t-shirt tucked in. 
“Come on, Angel,” he says with a smile as he walks them through the hall. The music and noise from the audience grows. 
“Harry, where’re we going?” Aurora almost shouts so he can hear her over the ever growing music. He flashes her a smirk, a dimple showing up. 
He nods his head at one of the security guards at a double door and they open a door for them. Aurora thanks the guard with a smile before getting pulled along behind Harry. He slows his pace so she can catch up with him. Once she’s standing by his side, his hand drops from hers and throws his arm around her shoulders. He leads Aurora the rest of the way to where a set of metal stairs lead to the stage. Aurora smiles up at Harry when they stop. He quickly kisses her cheek and his arm slides further over her shoulders, his hand hanging off casually. Harry hums along to ‘Shy’ as Leon Bridges performs on stage. 
Though a moment like this isn’t deemed normal by most, it feels completely and utterly normal for Harry and Aurora. Both loving the time spent together at Niall’s show, they grasp onto that feeling - the feeling of music making them closer, reaching a new spot in their souls. He continues to hum and sing along throughout Leon’s set and Aurora finds herself closing her eyes, soothed by the live music and his low humming near her ear. 
Harry moves to stand directly behind Aurora, his hands sliding up and down Aurora’s arms while kissing the back of her neck as “Bet Ain’t Worth the Hand” finishes. As the audience cheers for Leon, his hands pause at her shoulders before falling forward, hovering over the front of Aurora casually. He sneaks a kiss behind Aurora’s ear and she giggles at the soft touch, her hands reaching up to settle on his forearms. Aurora turns her head just enough to leave a light kiss at the hinge of Harry’s jaw as “River” begins. 
She sighs, remembering the night in Harry's car in London,  her body relaxing completely into his. She can still remember the sparkle in his eye, even in the dark of the car, and the small smile when Aurora mentioned loving this specific song and her excitement to hear it live. 
There’s a warmth radiating off of Harry’s chest and spreading across Aurora’s back. She can feel the rattle of his chest from the vibrations of the speakers mixed with his quiet singing. His lips are centimeters from her ear. Every couple of words they brush against the shell of her ear, sending continuous shivers down Aurora’s spine. Aurora settles a kiss on his arm, on his bicep near his anatomical heart tattoo. Aurora lets her lips graze there for a moment, completely caught up in the music and the incredibly safe feeling she’s overwhelmed with being wrapped in Harry’s arms. The broadness of his shoulders and his height allows for him to completely envelope her when he crosses his arms over her chest, pulling her into his chest even more. Aurora continues to sink into his chest, melting into his t-shirt and feeling like there is no end to how far she can fall into him. Aurora can feel his slight scruff rub against her cheek every so often. The roughness mixed with the softness of his voice is a feeling that she can’t describe but it makes her heart beat a little faster. 
Harry sways every so often, perfectly in time with the strum of the guitar and rattle of the tambourine. The song is nearing the end and the audience is singing along with Leon, the lyrics echo through the arena. Aurora lets her hands drop from his arms and twists around to face him. She wraps her arms around his neck as his wrap around her waist, hands clasping his opposite elbows to pull her in closer. Her hips are square on his, a place she finds herself more often than not. Careful not to ruin the curls Ayae has already set in place, Aurora barely weaves her fingers in the hair at his neck. Harry brushes his nose against hers before he looks her in the eyes. The vocals coming from stage are just as vulnerable as they feel right now. Not a single person in the crew that is bustling around backstage is relevant to them right now. Aurora and Harry feel as if they are the only people standing there in the dark, Leon singing to them and only them. They meet in the middle, Harry’s lips taking in Aurora’s bottom one first. The kiss is slow and deep. When Harry pulls away barely a millimeter it’s only to tilt his head to deepen the kiss. 
A 4 minute song. A moment for just the 2 of them. A memory from weeks ago. Aurora wishes somehow that there was a way that she could have 2 Harry’s - one to perform his show on stage and one to love on as she enjoyed the show. Show him how much she loves him. How much she loves listening to him, watching him perform. She’ll have to think of more ways to show how much moments like these mean to her. Ways to show him how she wishes she could hold him as he sang has heart out. Show him how he really is that shining light. 
And that’s when the opening lyrics of “River” hit Aurora. Lyrics she’s heard a million times. 
“Been traveling these wide roads for so long
My heart's been far from you
Ten-thousand miles gone”
It may be a spiritually inspired song, but for Aurora, especially in this moment with Harry's lips on hers, it's all about them. Coming from miles away from each other, only to travel thousands and thousands of miles together. Hearts finally feeling safe again. 
| | | | |
The stage set up is different for the South American leg. Without the rising screen, Harry walks on stage in full view as the opening of ‘Only Angel’ begins. The second he’s on the stage, the minimal lights that are shining on the stage catch the sparkle of the rhinestones that cover each strip of fringe. He faces Sarah’s drum kit, takes a swig of water then raises his arms out to the side showcasing the beautiful detail of his jacket - fringe hanging down from his arms and a row across his back. . Aurora can’t help but smile and the second he turns around as the music kicks off there’s a giant smile on Harry’s face as well. 
Aurora’s standing off to the side of the pit, leaning against the wall of the tunnel that leads you in and out of the arena. She sinks her hands into the pockets of her pants as a sigh leaves her lips. Subconsciously, she sings along, song after song. She admires the way he almost saunters across the stage, how he effortlessly draps his hands on the mic stand, the way his hair, even when completely disheveled, is always just so, how he exudes confidence and inclusion, how his voice transports the entire audience to a new place. 
During ‘Ever Since New York’ he has to stop singing a few times because he can’t avoid the smile that appears on his face. It makes it impossible to sing the lyrics and Aurora smiles too. She knows that smile. He’s explained it before, it’s like he can’t believe what he’s seeing in front of him, can’t believe it’s real. 
Aurora’s heart feels heavy in her chest every time he slows down and sings ‘Meet Me In The Hallway’. The care and focus that goes into every note. The pained look on his face that she wants nothing more than to erase. The softness of his closed eyes contradict the tension in his jaw when the words “you left me in the hallway” come floating out of his mouth and echo through the arena. 
He’s back on the main stage, guitar slung over his shoulder after running back from the Bstage. Laughter rumbles through the audience every so often during ‘Anna” as the fringe on his sleeve gets stuck on the pins at the bridge, then again on the strings. It doesn’t faze him though, he keeps going like it really didn’t happen. He does laugh at himself after the song ends, trying to talk with the audience but his habit of talking with his hands fires back at him. The fringe becomes somewhat of a spectacle after he has to yank it from the opening of the guitar when he eventually takes it off. 
The fringe really adds to the chaos of Harry’s dancing during ‘What Makes You Beautiful.’ The rhinestones catch every light and just like many times before, he’s his own disco ball it seems. He tries to clip the mic back into its stand while he sings the chorus again, but the fringe flies and gets trapped before the mic fits in it’s home. He shakes his head as he messes with it and continues singing. The smile that’s become permanent on his face only grows bigger. 
It’s during ‘The Chain’ and ‘Kiwi’ that she starts to see a few red strips of fabric fall to the floor. Aurora laughs for a bit as she watches Harry on stage but then it turns to a groan when she realises that she’ll have to fix the jacket for tomorrow. 
“Guess fringe on your sleeves wasn’t the most functional thing,” Aurora says to Harry as she takes the jacket off his shoulders. “Looks like you shredded a few and ripped some off when they got stuck on your guitar strings,” she laughs. 
“Sorry,” Harry apologizes. 
“No worries, I’ll just fix 'em tomorrow.” Aurora takes a closer look at the sleeves once it’s back on the hanger. “I could adjust it a bit if the fringey bits were annoying, just move them away from the cuff,” Aurora offers. 
“Didn’t really notice ‘em until they got snagged, but even then it didn’t bother me.” 
“Okay, let me know if you change your mind before I work on it tomorrow.” Harry hums. 
“You did really great tonight, feel like I don’t say it enough,” Aurora compliments, a feeling of guilt at the bottom of her stomach. She takes the trousers from Harry, hanging them up besides the jacket. “You always do great,” she adds. Harry doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to. Aurora can see in the mirror off to the side, his dimple sinking in and a smirk coming across his face. “Didn’t realise how much I truly love watching you on stage until this past week.” 
It wasn’t until Harry got back up on stage in Buenos Aires that Aurora realised how much she missed seeing him on stage. It wasn’t until then that she realised they’d be traveling back to the US and that they’re more than halfway through the tour. It’s not that she hadn’t been enjoying it. Aurora always gets this way when something is nearing the end. Like in the last semester of college and during the last few weeks of high school, she had gotten this weird feeling in her chest, something that almost resembled regret but she didn’t have too many regrets from high school or college. The same feeling appeared at the end of her internship with Harry Lambert, but there were absolutely no regrets then. She finally put it into words what this almost regretful, sad, deep feeling was. It was simply her not wanting change, not wanting to lose the familiarity of her current life. Why should things end when you’re enjoying them? Living in the moment, as cliche as it is, is what Aurora has to remind herself--remind herself to enjoy what’s happening right now rather than what will come later. So here she is, after watching him perform on stage, a range of emotions flowing through her, all interrupting what she’s trying to get out. How does she tell the rockstar in front of her that she loves him in every sense of the word. That she loves him on and off stage. How does she explain that she thinks she’s scared of what the end of the tour will bring. And at the end of the day, how does she, Aurora Marie Del Gatto from a small suburb in New York, get to love the rockstar that performs on stage every night to thousands of people and the man that is so inherently down to earth and loving? 
Aurora takes his sweaty white button down from him and hangs that up as well and instead of bringing up what’s actually running through her head she says, “Should wear the black button down tomorrow, I’ll get the white one dry cleaned when we get to the US.” 
She turns to Harry as he’s pulling down a black t-shirt over his stomach. He runs a hand through the mess of hair on his head, a soft smile on his relaxed face. The look he gives her organizes her brain in an instant it feels like.“I always knew I loved watching you on stage, but seeing you back up there-” she pauses and shakes her head. “Being with you is one thing,” she continues as she steps closer to him, a light touch of her hand along his jaw, “but seeing you up there… it’s something else.” Aurora’s other hand reaches for his face before she speaks again. “I’m- I’m- I don’t even know if I have the word to explain it properly.” A shake of her head like she’s rattling her unorganized thoughts around in her head.  “Proud of you,” she says simply before she presses her lips to his. Harry’s arms wrap around Aurora’s waist tightly, simultaneously bringing her closer to him and opening his mouth up to kiss her more. It’s Aurora who pulls away first, both of their chest rising and falling more than before. Her hands move from his face, then scratch at his back before she’s properly hugging him. Aurora’s arms are heavy on his shoulders and she feels his jaw move slightly as she noses at the vein in his neck. 
It could be 2 minutes or 2 hours later when Harry loosens his grip on Aurora, pulling away from her, his smile bright but tired. Harry hums as he kisses her temple. 
“I’m gonna make the rounds, quick,” he says, his voice gravelly and tired. 
“I promised Issac, I’d call him tonight.” Aurora’s mentioned Issac, her best friend from childhood, a few times to Harry. “He’s 2 hours behind us so it’s kind of a perfect time for him,” she explains. Besides her sister, Issac knows absolutely everything, maybe even more. He wasn’t the best with advice but he always listened. Issac and Aurora always joked about how they are pretty much the same person while they were growing up and even in adulthood not much has changed. 
“Oh yeah,” he says, remembering Aurora mentioning it earlier. “I’m sorry, just tired.” 
Aurora’s eyebrows furrow, “no need to be sorry.” She lifts a hand to his face, “get some rest, okay? and I’ll see you tomorrow,” she assures him. 
“Ror, thanks for uh-” he doesn’t know how to thank her for what she said earlier. “Thanks for-” 
“No need to thank me,” she cuts him off, shaking her head. She reaches up to kiss him one last time for the night. “I love you, Harry.” 
“Love you too,” he whispers with a squeeze to her waist then a hand through her hair. 
Aurora waves to everyone in the arena saying goodnight and see ya tomorrow’s to everyone see passes. It's pretty much perfect timing when her phone rings as she unlocks her hotel room door no more than 15 minutes later. 
“Issac!” she greets him when his face shows up on her phone. His hair is hidden by one of the many national park hats he owns and his face is covered by his thick beard. 
“Roo!” he says excitedly. When they first met when they were 5, ‘Aurora’ wasn’t the easy name to pronounce and Issac being Issac came up with his own nickname for her and ‘Roo’ was it.
“How are you?” she asks, setting the phone down on the bathroom counter. 
“I’m great! My last trip was amazing. The dogs loved it and I got some really good photos.” Issac is a photographer for the National Park Service which means lots of camping trip and lots of traveling. “I’ll have to send you some photos tomorrow when I edit them.” 
“Yes please! Where are the pups?” 
Issac turns his facetime to the back camera. His 2 Australian shepards are passed out next to each other on the rug. “They’re always so tired when we get back,” Issac comments as he flips the camera back to him. Aurora aw’s as his dogs as she wipes the makeup off her face. “How was the show tonight?” 
“Really good.” 
“I know that look,” Issac comments. “Tell me more.” 
Issac reads her better than anyone, Aurora didn’t even know she had a specific look on her face. “I don’t know,” she says, drying off her face and then moving to drop herself on the bed. “Adult feelings are hard,” Aurora says with a laugh. 
“You guys already said ‘I love you’ and are sleeping together… what else could there be?” 
Aurora groans. “Him being an international rockstar messes with my head sometimes and tour is almost over.” 
“Ohhhh,” Issac says realising what’s happening. He’s been there for every single ‘existential dread of change’ conversation--his name for it, not hers. “Roo, you’ve got a full month of tour in front of you and if you think Harry’s gonna drop you the second that last show ends you’ve got something coming.” 
“You don’t know that,” she says with a frown. “Roo, do you not think he actually loves you?”
“No!” she says quickly. “I’m not questioning that!” 
“If you’re not questioning that then why would you even think anything is going to change?” 
“Things always change and touring is a different world. Once tour is over, everything changes.” 
“Not everything will change. He’ll still love you after that last show and you’ll both start something new. He’ll make more music, you’ll keep styling him and maybe your boss will get you some other jobs in the meantime.” Aurora lets out a heavy sigh. “And he’ll tour again and you’ll do it again.” 
“I know you’re right. You always are with these things,” she sighs again. “I miss you.” 
“I miss you, too.” 
“Thanks for talking me down,” 
“Now, shall we drink and talk or drink and watch a movie?” 
Issac gets a cold beer from his fridge and Aurora orders wine via room service. They decide on a movie they’ve both seen a million times because without a doubt they’ll end up talking through it anyways. When the movie ends they continue chatting through the credits. 
“Okay, you compare the tour dates with your calendar and then let me know which one works for you,” Aurora confirms. 
“Maybe I'll just tag along on the rest of the tour,” he jokes. 
They’re both laughing despite their tiredness but they eventually stop and say goodnight. 
Aurora snuggles into the hotel bed after messing with the sheets and tossing the extra pillows to the floor. She falls asleep fast now that her head is clear, the feeling in her chest is not so heavy--the magic effects of a facetime with her best friend. 
| | | | | 
Aurora’s sat on the worn down couch in Harry’s dressing room, Harry’s fringe covered jacket that he wore the night before sprawled across her lap, those random Gucci pillows to her left. In front of her on the coffee table, her laptop is propped open, her mother’s smiling face looking back at her. 
“Yeah, I’ve gotta reattach the ones we still have and then I’m making some makeshift ones to fill any other empty space.” 
“You know better than anyone that you should always do a dress rehearsal,” Aurora’s mom reminds her. 
“Mom,” she groans, “yes, I know that, but that’s kinda hard when there’s almost 100 looks. We didn’t have much time before the tour started.” 
“Doesn’t he rehearse or something before each show?” Aurora rolls her eyes. She is more annoyed with herself than her mother right now. 
“Soundcheck, yeah.” She lets out a sigh. “I should’ve had him wear the jacket for soundcheck at least.” Aurora threads a needle with red thread that matches the fringe. “Didn’t really cross my mind. Everything was already designed and made with him performing on stage and everything, but I didn’t think about things getting stuck in his guitar. I was only thinking about how amazing the fringe would look as he danced around.” 
“Rory, sweetie, it’s okay, this is your job anyways, yeah? Making sure he looks good on stage, making repairs and all. I saw a few videos and you were right about how amazing it looks.” 
“Yeah it’s fine. I just can’t believe it didn’t cross my mind.” Aurora shakes her head with a laugh. “Anyways, how’ve you been doing?” 
“Busy at work but Leila came to visit last weekend. She tells me you’re pretty smitten,” her mom shares. 
“Leila,” Aurora hisses. “What on earth did she tell you?” She asks with her eyes narrowed. She does a quick look at the door and it’s still only ajar like she left it. She’d prefer not to have this conversation with everyone being in earshot but this is the best she could do now. 
“More than you have.” 
“Mom, come on! You can’t expect me to tell you everything or that I tell you everything I tell Leila!” Aurora drops her head back and it lands on the back of the couch. “Leila has something else coming for her when I see her.” 
“Aurora Marie,” her mother scolds. Aurora groans. “If it makes you feel better I don’t think she told me everything, but it was still more than you’ve shared.” Aurora looks at her mom through the webcam on her laptop. “She said you stayed at his house in London,” her mother’s eyes soften, trying to relay that she's concerned and skeptical before she continues, “and that he also acted extremely jealous-”
“Do not,” Aurora warns her mother. “Do not pretend like you know anything.” 
“Aurora, I’m just worried,” she pleads.
“Harry is not Adrian.” Aurora can’t believe she even has to say that sentence out loud. She can feel her chest tighten up. She catches a glimpse of what she looks like in the small rectangle at the top of the screen and she’s met with her own scowl. Aurora closes her eyes and lets out a breath through her nose. “It was nowhere near the same situation, Mom. I can promise you that.” She can’t believe her mom had the audacity to even think about comparing Harry to her ex boyfriend, Adrian. 
“It’s hard not to make those conclusions if you’re keeping things from me.”
“Can you see why I didn’t tell you?” 
“Rory, please, you have to understand that I worry, it’s my job.” Aurora can see her mother is trying to apologize. 
“Mom, you have to trust me. Yes, Adrian was a jealous asshole and it ruined me. You don’t have to remind me, I was the one in the relationship.” Aurora doesn’t want to go through this. At this point she’d rather Leila told their mother about her sex life. “But this is not Adrian, it’s Harry and the situation was completely different.” 
“A jealous man is a jealous man,” her mother says with what seems to be an all knowing tone. 
“Mom, stop, please. It was so far from anything that I have ever dealt with before,” Aurora’s growing frustration is boiling in her chest now. Neither of them speak for a minute. Aurora is running through her thoughts trying to find a way to explain this in a way her mother will understand. “Harry’s different. The whole situation was completely different.” A memory sparks and Aurora takes a deep breath. “Okay, look at it this way. You know how I used to get during dance competitions? When I was overly exhausted and stressed? All my emotions at an all time high? That’s what tour is like, but times 10. Harry’s on stage almost every night and add in the traveling and sprinkle in the stress of our new relationship, which at the time was not official. I was stressed over the last part. I had just met his mom and sister and all his friends and I won’t go into it but there was a lot going on. There was a lot going on for both of us and in the midst of the exhaustion and stress and all the other emotions that were floating around, Harry jumped to conclusions. His brain played tricks on him.” Aurora pauses for a moment, her mom nodding along with the explanation. “My brain did the same to me during competitions. You know what that looks like, you know exactly what happened all of those times. I always needed a reasoning voice to calm me down, to explain to me what was really going on. You had to be tough on me sometimes, but you did it because you love me. I dealt with Harry the same way, with love and care but didn’t take any bullshit.” Aurora’s mother sighs then purses her lips together in thought. “Harry did not act on his jealousy like Adrian did. He came to me, we talked it out. I made him apologize.” 
Okay is all her mom says so Aurora goes on. 
“Mom, you’ve gotta trust me. I’ve learned from the past. I’ve grown up. I’m doing good. and god, I’ve never been happier.” 
“I can see that,” her mom says with a smile. “I don’t know how much I have to say this, but I will always worry about you.” 
“Please just try to not worry so much.” They look at each other through the screen. “I love you,” Aurora reminds her mother with a smile. 
“I love you too, sweetie.” 
“Any other burning concerns?” Aurora jokes. Her mother shakes her head with a soft laugh. “Good, anyways, not long till I’ll see you and you’ll get to meet him.” 
“Can’t wait!” Her mother beams. 
“Well, I called ‘cause I missed ya but also ‘cause I had a question.” Aurora hears the door creak and she turns her head to see it open and Harry come through. He’s wearing an old red t-shirt and black workout shorts. It’s clear he’s just finished training with the sweat clinging to his curls, the water bottle in his hand and his headphones in his ears. 
“What was the question?” Aurora’s mother’s voice brings her attention back to the screen and the jacket in her lap. 
“Yeah, so I have to make a few more fringe pieces to replace the missing ones and I couldn’t decide which fabric would match best,” Aurora reaches to the side of her for the few pieces of fabric she pulled from her case earlier. 
“Hiya, Ror,” Harry says softly as he rounds the back of the couch. “Oh hello,” he says surprisingly when he sees an older woman on the screen. “You must be Rory’s mum,” he concludes. “Ror, looks just like you.” The eyes that stare at him through the computer screen are familiar and her hair is just like Aurora’s only with some flecks of grey throughout the dark dark brown strands. 
“Well hello, Harry,” Aurora’s mom responds with a smile. 
“Don’t want to interrupt,” he comments quickly, “just grabbing a quick kiss and then off to shower.” Aurora’s cheeks heat up quickly as she lets out a disbelieving huff. And with a promise on his word, Harry bends down, tilts Aurora’s chin with his free hand, lands a fleeting kiss on her lips and walks out of frame. Aurora’s mom has a bright smile on her face. 
“What is that look for?” Aurora asks her mom through a giggle she can’t suppress. 
“He’s sweet.” 
“Shush, now help me decide which fabric to use so I can get back to work,” Aurora begs. 
“My mom thinks you’re sweet,” Aurora says as she stands in front of the mirror in the bathroom of the hotel room. Harry’s ears perk up and he follows her voice. When he leans against the door frame of the bathroom he smiles at the sight in front of him. 
The pair of cotton cut off shorts Aurora is wearing are rolled at the waistband to make up for the fact that they’ve stretched out over the years she’s had them. One of the few tour t-shirts she’s acquired over the past few months hangs loose off her shoulders and is tucked into the waistband of her shorts. Hot pink fuzzy socks cover her feet. 
“Does she?” Harry asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. Aurora’s face is covered in soap now. She reaches for a clean washcloth to wet and wipe the soap from her face. She smiles at him through the mirror as she hums back to him. “and why’s that?” 
“Well we were talking about you, had to clear some things up but then you came in and said Hi to her and then she didn’t question a thing.” Harry’s eyebrows furrow at the answer. He decides to walk into the bathroom and leans against the counter, his back to the mirror and head turned towards Aurora. She’s applying a new product from a blue bottle to her face, Harry doesn’t pay much attention to what it is, more interested in Aurora’s admission. 
“What d’ya mean clear things up?” 
“Oh,” Aurora says softly. She reaches out a hand to one of his forearms that’s crossed over his chest. She squeezes it before dropping her hand and grabbing another beauty product from her makeup back. “Nothing you have to worry about. She brought up my ex from a few years ago. He wasn’t-” Aurora pauses and looks to Harry, “he wasn’t the greatest.” She applies moisturize before she continues, Harry's eye’s not moving from her face. She takes a deep breath then turns her whole body so she can comfortably look at him. “My mother worries that every guy I meet is going to be like him. No need for me to go into detail but, he was obscenely jealous. No matter what I did he got upset over it. I thought I loved him at the time and didn’t really see how bad it was. Took a lot of convincing from my friend and Leila and my mom that he was bad news. He really messed with my head for awhile.” Aurora sighs as she searches Harry’s face. She can’t tell exactly what he’s thinking but his brows are furrowed, a crease in his forehead and there’s tension in his arms that wasn’t there before. “But I learned from it, know how I deserve to be treated now.” 
“You deserve the world,” Harry says and it surprises Aurora. “Just hope I can give you it.” 
Aurora’s eyebrows raise in the middle of her face and her lips part. Never has anyone said something like that to her. She releases a breath before a small smile creeps up on her face. 
“Think you might deserve even more than the world,” Harry adds. 
Not even a full second passes before Aurora is cradling Harry’s face and placing a bruising kiss to his lips. Just as fast, Harry’s arms wrap around her waist, pulling her body into his. “I’m gonna try my damndest to give you it though,” he says against her mouth when they pull apart momentarily. Twisting them around, he grips her waist tighter and lifts her onto the empty space on the bathroom counter. 
“I hope to do the same for you, ya know,” Aurora whispers back to him. Their foreheads are pressed together and they just look at each other for a moment. They end up giggling and Aurora can’t help but kiss each and every crinkle that appears on Harry's face as he smiles that smile, the one she’s pretty sure he saves just for her. She starts at his dimples, which are so deep that they seem never ending. She kisses high on his cheek, leading to the creases at his eyes. It’s here she can see the brightness of the green in his eyes even through the squint he has right now. Her kisses land on the bridge of his nose and travel down following the lines that appear as he scrunches his nose, giggles still leaving his mouth. She gives up on trying to land a kiss on every single crease and line and divot and decides to kiss every square inch of his face before she finds his lips again. They’re both giggling lightly still and thought it makes it hard to kiss properly, they don’t stop. Their teeth knock together several times, kisses barely landing on each other's lips but they don’t care. 
It’s long past midnight but neither of them care to move from where they are. Tomorrow’s a travel day, they can catch up on sleep thenn. And anyways, standing in the crappy fluorescent lighting of the hotel bathroom Harry can’t help but think about how he’s falling more in love by the second. 
Her laughter mixes with his and it echoes off the tiled walls and it sounds just like a song. 
thanks for reading !!! I hope you enjoyed !!! 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
Ch. 14: While I'm Gone
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 11th Doctor x Female OC
Chapter summary: The Doctor is slowly losing his mind searching for Avalon and Melody.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel​
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Lena held her sister's prized possession close to her chest. Ever since Avalon had been taken, Lena hadn't let that journal out of her sight. Avalon would want it first thing when she got back...because she would come back. It was just a matter of time.
That morning - or whatever time it was inside the TARDIS after waking up - Lena hurried towards the console room just like she had done from day 1 on their search for Avalon and Melody. And just like always, the Doctor was already in the room, working hard and fast to find a new lead on Avalon and Melody.
"Big brother, did you sleep?" Lena found herself wondering when she realized how untidy he looked. She understood that he needed way less sleep than she and the Sapling did, but he still needed some sleep.
"Yes, um, at some point...one night, can't remember! Busy!" the man was making rounds at the console, not particularly interested in conversations. These days he did a lot more talking to himself about possible clues than anything else.
Lena spotted his tweed jacket on the floor, the same spot he'd thrown it last night after getting a new lead. She and the Sapling had to get some sleep and the Doctor promised them that he would follow in a few minutes. He did not. "Big brother, nobody wants to find my sister and Melody as much as I do but you really need to get some sleep if this is going to work."
"I can sleep when I have Ava here and Melody with Amy and Rory," he said, his voice a bit snappish due to his lack of rest. He never snapped at her.
"But you can't find them if you can't think," Lena sighed. "That's why you sent me to sleep. Why don't you follow your own advice and take a few hours? I can keep looking. The Sapling should be up in a few hours too."
"I can't," the Doctor shook his head. "I followed the lead last night - it took me to the Messier 82 galaxy - and it turns out that there was a spotting of a woman with an eyepatch in one of the black markets. I went, but guess what!? It was a fake! It was a costume! What a waste of time! So now I'm back to zero! I cannot sleep!"
Lena looked at the journal in her arms. If Avalon could see him now, she would definitely slap him. She valued health over everything, even when she was the one who needed the help. "Avalon wouldn't want you to be like this. She wants you to rest."
"Lena! Are you going to help or not?" he snapped again.
"Yeah, I guess so," Lena came up to the console with a sigh. "So, where exactly are we?"
"Like I said: back to zero!"
"Okay," Lena nodded, trying to be the one to think rationally since she had all her hours of sleep. "Well, you said that Kovarian probably took Melody back to Earth in the past. But to find her would be dangerous because of Avalon's existence so we need to focus on Avalon first. We find her, she can tell us where Melody is and we can pick the right moment to take her without endangering Avalon's life." That was far easier said than done.
They'd spent weeks searching for Melody on Earth, but the Doctor ultimately called it off because of the danger they were putting on Avalon's life. The fact that she was Melody's daughter meant that they had be very careful choosing at what point to bring Melody back to her parents. Instead, they switched gears and focused on Avalon. The idea was that Avalon would know precisely where Melody was and they could extract the baby before she was raised on Earth. River had told him that in order for Avalon to continue existing, she needed to attend some university in the 51st century. The Doctor could arrange for young Melody to do that, no problem, but then he also started wondering if that was all that Melody needed to keep the timelines going? As he stated a while back, maybe the reason Melody did what she did at college, made the choices that she made, was because of her life on Earth. It was all a huge headache.
But one thing for sure, the one thing that River Song herself agreed upon, was that the Doctor needed to find Avalon first. She would never forgive him if he chose to search for Melody over Avalon. That made the Doctor feel a little less guilty about his decision when talking it out with Amy and Rory. He wasn't abandoning the search for Melody just because.
But finding Avalon was no more easy than finding Melody. It was like she had vanished into thin air. It terrified the Doctor wondering what they were doing to Avalon if she wasn't outside somewhere. If she was being kept inside, was she tied up? Was she being tortured? There was another part telling him that perhaps she'd been absorbed into their plans and was being trained like Melody, brainwashed no doubt. Repeated brainwashing could permanently damage the mind. If she was being trained to kill him - him - then she would be getting an extensive course. Everything Melody was meant to learn over the course of her life was being crammed into Avalon for the right day and time.
When his thoughts got too dark, even for him, the Doctor did everything he could to shake them off and focus on just finding her. If he found her, then all that could be avoided. "I don't know, I don't know..." he rubbed his eyes tiredly. He had thought of all the possible places that he knew of but Avalon wasn't there. She was never seen.
"Big brother," Lena gently placed a hand on his arm. The Doctor dropped his hands from his face and glanced at Lena, showcasing the heavy guilt that'd permanently become part of his features. Lena rubbed his arm comfortingly. "Take a moment to breathe. Let's think about this, right? If they separated Avalon and Melody, and Melody's on Earth, then wouldn't that mean Avalon is basically on standby? Where could she stay if she was on standby?"
"Well," the Doctor took in a deep breath and focused on the facts they had about Kovarian's style. "They gave Melody absolute independence on Earth, but they were always watching her. If Avalon is following the same plan, then she has to be living the same thing."
"Right, except they wouldn't give her complete independence because she could run away."
"No, they would have to alter her..." the Doctor was very careful with what he said about what Kovarian might be doing to Avalon. Lena didn't need the images he had in his head. "They would have to change something," he settled for the neutral words instead. Her brain. They would have to change something in there to keep Avalon at bay, because Avalon Reynolds was not a woman you could keep at bay so easily. Her terrible temper made her a force to be reckoned with. That's where the brainwashing came in, he imagined. If they changed Avalon's thoughts, she would function just like they wanted her to.
"So then where they would keep her after that?" asked Lena.
"Don't know," the Doctor's eyes found the controls as a new thought popped into his head. "But I bet that whatever they're using they had to have bought it somewhere."
"We're going to the Black Markets, aren't we?" Lena guessed considering the dark nature of Kovarian.
The Doctor nodded. "To as many as we can."
~ 0 ~
3 Weeks after Demons Run.
The tears wouldn't stop falling from Avalon's eyes. She felt like a child constantly having to rub the tears off her face only for new ones to take their place seconds later.
River Song was her mother, River Song.
It didn't make sense. Yes, she knew she was adopted but never in her life did she consider that River might be the woman who gave her up? All those times that she'd bumped into River and the woman never said anything. She acted as if there was nothing bonding them together, blood. It infuriated Avalon all over again. River just paraded through social events, making sure everybody knew who she was and yet the one person that should've been the first to learn her name was the person River chose to abandon and then ignore.
Avalon's eyes fell to the pictures Kovarian had left her with.
"A gift," the woman had smugly said after returning Avalon to her room. She'd let the pile fall to the floor, sprawling around Avalon.
She had been very thorough proving to Avalon that River was Melody and her mother. She had brought Avalon to a room where they played several videos of River confirming that she was her mother. The best one, according to Kovarian, was the video they'd retrieved from Demons Run. River had explained who she was to everyone after the Silence took Avalon. There was no room for doubt.
Now Avalon was left with a series of pictures of River at her finest moments, all of which were her in a compromising illegal act. It was Kovarian's way of showing Avalon that her mother wasn't someone she should try to protect so much. It was a way for Avalon to hate her and willingly work for the Silence. After all, why would she want to protect her mother when she abandoned her?
Even if Avalon didn't want to give Kovarian the satisfaction of being right, Avalon couldn't help the anger that flourished each time she thought about River.
She abandoned me. She didn't want me..
The woman galavanted throughout the galaxies, doing whatever the hell she wanted, and she never once came to see her. River knew where she lived, where she was, and she never did anything. Avalon could understand that being in prison complicated things but River never seemed to mind the fact she was incarcerated. She was always up and ready for an adventure. So why would River leave her with someone else to raise?
Because she probably cramped River's style.
Avalon knew that she was a nobody. She had lived in boring old Leadworth and the only exciting thing about her was meeting the Doctor. She didn't have a penny to her name and she certainly didn't astounding qualities. River probably thought she was boring. How could she tell the world that she had given birth to a boring daughter?
Fresh tears stung her eyes. Avalon let out a fierce growl. Her hands found the closest picture and tore it into pieces. "How could you!?" her hand then swiped away any picture nearby, wanting nothing to do with them. "I hate you!"
Let River keep doing her own thing! She didn't need her. She'd done just fine without her for 22 years after all. If River didn't want her then Avalon wouldn't want her either.
The only mother she recognized was Emmalina Reynolds. Enmalina had protected her and loved her. She had been there to hug her when she was scared, to kiss her 'owies' when she'd fallen, to read bedtime stories to her each night. Emmalina had given Avalon her first journal to write in because she knew from the start what Avalon wanted to be when she grew up. Emmalina knew that before Avalon knew it. That's what a mother was like. She knew things that her child wouldn't know until much later. Emmalina had been there when River had been god knew where.
Avalon picked up another picture and studied it until she saw the last detail. River was dressed fashionably, almost like the first time Avalon met her back at the Byzantium, and was conversing with some woman. River held a beautiful sapphire blue jewel that no doubt had been priceless. The setting was an elegant party, judging by the decorations. Even the chandelier was big enough to be caught on the picture and it was made of diamonds. It seemed like a party Avalon would've loved to have gone to.
But where was she? At home, in Leadworth, on Earth. She'd been light years away from her mother and River didn't look the least bit upset by the matter.
Avalon's face scrunched as her hands gripped the corners of the picture. She yanked the two sides in the opposite direction and felt a dark satisfaction when she heard the picture tearing. Her gaze fell to the remaining pictures and before she knew it, she'd began to grab each of them and tore them until they were nothing but confetti on the ground.
But once there was nothing left, Avalon still couldn't get rid of the heavy pain in her chest. She wanted to scream and cry. Cry for everything that had gone wrong in her life, from the very moment she was born. Her shoulders slumped. The dark anger subsided for a moment to give way for her hear to break all over again.
Her vision blurred with all the tears in her eyes. My own mother didn't want me, what hope do I have? If her own mother didn't want her, how could she expect for anyone else to want her?
Would the Doctor even come for her? He never liked River to begin with and if he knew that she was River's daughter...would he hate her too? The mere thought terrified Avalon.
The Sapling was was quietly going through an album in the TARDIS library. Despite his insistence to help find his mother, his father and aunt Lena told him there was nothing for him to do right now. They had to start out by mapping the possible locations Avalon could be. But even when they visited most of those locations, there wasn't a job for him to actually help. Why? Because they hadn't actually found Avalon, nor Melody. They weren't in any of the locations.
It infuriated all three that they were no closer to finding either girl. The Sapling felt a tingling sensation each time he underwent a new episode of fury. He suspected it was his powers trying to manifest again and the only reason he worked hard to keep them within was because he wanted to use them on the woman who took Avalon and Melody.
But for now, the Sapling was resigned to wait. They needed to wait for anything significant to pop up so they could start the search again. It was why he was in the library, passing the time with the only thing he could: by going through his mother's photo albums. She had gone over them extensively because he had asked her to. Now he was going through them again, alone, and really missing his mother.
Lena had appeared at the doorway and yanked the Doctor to her side. "See!?" she was very careful to whisper so that the Sapling wouldn't hear them. "Poor thing's been locked in here for days. I try to get him to come out to eat something but he refuses."
"I don't blame him," the Doctor whispered as he took a peek inside the library. The Sapling was on the couch with the photo album on his lap. He spotted Avalon's journal sitting on the coffee table in front of the Sapling. "You let him have the journal?" he gave a questionable glance at Lena. She hadn't let go of that journal since she stepped into the TARDIS.
Lena's expression was sympathetic. "He misses his Mum." She motioned him to go to the Sapling. "I think you should spend some time with him."
The Doctor would want nothing more than that - well, perhaps spend time with him and Avalon would be better - but his attention had to be on the search. "I left the console to track the black markets selling the specific software Kovarian would need to use on Avalon. I have to be there if anything comes up."
"I can be there," Lena assured him. "If anything does come up, I'll give you a call."
"Lena," the Doctor sighed and shook his head. "I don't...I don't even know what to tell the Sapling. I mean, I told him that I would find his mother and I have yet to follow through. It's been almost a month and I've got nothing."
"He knows that you're searching hard. Right now, I think you just need to be there with him, like a Dad." Lena bumped his side encouragingly. "Just talk."
The Doctor seemed lost for another option. "But you'll be at the console, right?" Lena nodded. "And you'll call if anything comes up?"
"Of course I will," Lena reassured him that she wouldn't leave the console until he got back. With that, the Doctor truly had no choice but go on inside the library.
The Sapling hadn't noticed him initially. He was focused on a picture of Avalon with her brother, Gavin, in a park. They were both attempting to climb a tree but had stopped to pose for the picture.
"Even as a child your mother looks like a troublemaker," the Doctor came around and took a seat next to the Sapling. The Sapling cracked a smile as they both studied the photograph.
A fifteen year old Avalon was smirking at the camera. She might have done something previous to the picture and no one but her would know about it.
The Sapling agreed. "Yeah. Have you found her yet?"
The smile on the Doctor's face was quick to fall. He shook his head in shame. "I haven't yet. But I will."
"I'm scared, Father," the Sapling admitted, not that it was a news for the Doctor. "That woman was a very mean woman who hurt aunt Amy and her baby. What if she's hurting Mother right now?"
The Doctor closed his eyes for a second. He had thought about that so many times, with thorough images, that it left his body shaking each time. Kovarian was not merciful and because she wanted him dead, she would stop at nothing to make sure both Melody and Avalon were thoroughly skilled.
He wondered how many times Avalon had screamed in terror and pain since she'd been taken. How many times had she cried? How much time had it been for her? A week? A month? Years? His hearts ached thinking Avalon had spent years with Kovarian, just like Melody. She was waiting for him to find her and he hadn't been able to track a single clue of where she could be.
"I don't know what they're doing to her right now, but I promise you that we will get her back," the Doctor promised on his lives. The Sapling believed him. He always did.
"Why did they take Mother away, anyways? And baby Melody? They didn't do anything wrong."
Another hard question the Doctor wanted to avoid. "They didn't, of course they didn't," he first agreed. "They...these people that took them, they don't like me very much. They want to hurt me..."
"And they took Mother and Melody because of that?"
The Doctor nodded silently. Even though the Sapling was a child, he could easily read the guilt on the Doctor's face.
"It's not your fault," he said. "Mother would tell you that too."
"Yeah, she would." A brief smile appeared on the Doctor's face as he thought about Avalon's reaction. She would no doubt call him an idiot for believing that but then she would give him one of her warm hugs. He would then indulge himself by believing her for a moment.
"Do you love, Mother?" the Sapling suddenly questioned. Even though it was done in a gentle child's voice, it snapped the Doctor out of his thoughts in a second.
"Wh-what? I don't...what?" the stammering was a natural response given the heavy weight of the question. The Doctor's face went a deep red in the seconds that followed.
The Sapling just smiled. "I just wonder if my parents love each other. Melody's parents love each other."
"Sapling, uh, Amy and Rory have been married a good while now. Your mother and I...it's, uh, very complicated." And that was still an understatement. At times, he wanted Avalon right next to him so he could dote on her and show her anything she wanted; he was at her beck and call. But other times...he wanted to lock her in a room so he would leave her alone at least for five minutes. She would frustrate him to no end and having an argument with her was sure to end with both of them screaming at the top of their lungs. It was a strange feeling - as he hadn't had that type of relationship with anyone else - but he knew that even during those moments he still wanted her. He would still want to kiss her and hold her. He liked her, a lot, that was past news but to say 'love'...maybe not right now. But you are getting there, he made the startling conclusion. He visibly gulped. That was certainly new.
"Maybe...maybe not right now..." he whispered and swallowed down the lump in his throat. He would have to think back on those thoughts another time, preferably when Avalon wasn't in danger.
"For now," the Sapling said matter of factly as he flipped to the next page of the album. "You gave Mother that journal," he nodded to Avalon's journal on the table. "Uncle Rory gave aunt Amy a ring because he loved her. That's what humans do, but you're not very normal."
"Oh, thanks," the Doctor rolled his eyes. That sounded completely like Avalon.
The Sapling smiled widely. "You gave Mother a journal that never runs out of pages. She wants to write - you gave her the ultimate present. If you don't love her yet, you will soon. And I know that Mother will too."
The Doctor inwardly sighed. The last thing he needed was for that to get around. No doubt Kovarian already had an insight to his feelings towards Avalon. It fueled the game even more, putting Avalon right in the middle of it.
1 Month after Demons Run.
"Why am I here again?" Avalon asked as a female doctor bound her wrists to the metal chair she was forced to sit on. She was back in the room with the screen that originally showed Avalon who her mother was. She didn't want to be there again - actually, she didn't want to be anywhere near Kovarian.
"Because we need to start your conditioning," Kovarian gave the female doctor a nod when Avalon was secured to the chair.
"My what?" Avalon blinked when she saw the female doctor coming back with electric pads in hand. "Why-why are you carrying those? What are you doing?" she frantically asked but the woman started attaching them to her skin without saying a word. Avalon's head craned to see Kovarian watching with satisfaction. "What are you going to do with me!?"
"Same thing we did to Melody. Of course with her, we didn't really use ECT. We just embedded the ideas from the start. I'm making the right adjustments to your conditioning."
"N-n-n-n-no! Get these off me right now!" Avalon resorted to pushing her wrists against the metal cuffs keeping her strapped in.
"Oh don't bother," Kovarian laughed and came up to Avalon. "We know very well about your strength - you get that from your mother - and we have accounted for everything. There is no getting out of this."
Avalon glared, her face scrunching slightly as her anger rose. "What are you going to do?" she flinched when the female doctor attached the last two pads to her temples.
"You seem to cling onto the Doctor more than anyone else, even your grandmother, so we need to change that. Dr. Lefevre here, will conduct the electric shocks at my order and by the time we're done here..." Kovarian came to lean very close to Avalon, allowing her to notice the light freckles on Kovarian's face, "After we're done here, you're going to associate the Doctor with pain."
Gulping came on instinct, but Avalon still endeavored to prove that she wouldn't be an easy victim. "I won't fall for it. I got news for you, lady, my brain's all messed up anyways. And you know what? The Doctor might hate me because of who I am but I won't ever hurt him. I'd rather die first."
Kovarian dramatically groaned as she straightened up and turned away from Avalon. "This idolizing him has got to stop! You don't understand the danger he's putting us in with his existence! But don't worry," she spun around back to Avalon, expressing as if Avalon had done something wrong that she could fix for her. "I see the truth and I'm going to help you see it too. Dr. Lefevre?"
Lefevre nodded again and walked out of the room. Avalon shut her eyes thinking the first wave of electric shocks was about to hit her but instead the screen projector came to life and the room's lights went off.
"Let's start," Kovarian smiled maniacally as she came to stand beside Avalon's chair.
~ 0 ~
1 Month and a week after Demons Run.
"No, more, no more, please," Avalon's voice was too strained to make a proper plead. Her body felt like soup. Yes, that was a feeling she thought wasn't possible until now. She felt like she was floating but couldn't really move her arms nor legs. They were the noodles.
"But this is only 2005 now," Kovarian promised but she had promised that last week when this first started.
"Don't you...get it?" Avalon struggled to breath normally. "If you keep...doing this...I won't m...make it."
"Oh don't worry, that's where your regenerative cycle comes in. If your body truly does expire then you'll just regenerate and we can continue where we left off!"
Avalon felt like she could cry there and then. Regeneration? She didn't even want to think about such a thing. Her body dying? Now that she knew she could, she wondered how the hell the Doctor could do that so easily and not get stuck on the fact he had to die to get a new body.
"I'm going to...die...and...I don't even know how...to survive," Avalon coughed aggressively but Kovarian didn't seem perturbed.
"Lefevre, next!" she gave the order for the screen to switch again.
The next series of pictures shown were the aftermath of a famous battle Avalon once heard of but never had the full details. Along with pictures, Kovarian had also included videos for better representation.
"Cybermen..." Avalon recognized the terrible metal robots marching down a street. "What...what is this?" her eyes widened when the screen switched to show her Daleks flying in the air.
"This is the Battle of Canary Wharf, one of the biggest slaughters of the human race," Kovarian explained, although her tone didn't exactly portray regret. She was angry as hell but it was directed at one man instead of the fact that people died "And who was at the center of it? The Doctor. Have you seen the list of the dead?"
"Have you?" Avalon challenged.
Kovarian knew what she was trying to do and smiled. "My anger is not misplaced. This battle was specifically tailored to the Doctor because it originated from Torchwood. I believe you're familiar with the organization? Queen Victoria was like me. She saw the true danger the Doctor posed for the humans. She created Torchwood as a means to put an end to the man. But in the end, he put an end to it. People died at the hands of the Daleks and Cybermen. His own companion was thrown into a different universe. And that set the course for an even bigger battle that threatened the very existence of the universes."
New tears filled Avalon's eyes as she was forced to see the catastrophic aftermath. Streets were in ruins. Cars had exploded into fire. Several buildings were either half or completely destroyed. But there were so many corpses on the ground. everywhere.
"You didn't know that, did you?" Kovarian watches the tears rolling down Avalon's face. The ginger said nothing, but there was a clear fear etching across her features. "Lefevre!" Kovarian gave a hard yell.
The electric pads sent a riveting shock through Avalon's body. She screamed and wailed for them to stop. Each shock was worse than the last. It was as of everything inside her was on fire and there was no putting it out until Kovarian took pity on her.
When it was over, Avalon's body went limp against her chair. Her eyes wanted to close but she fought to keep them at least half open.
"Pain," Kovarian repeated just as she did each time the shocks were done. "That is what the Doctor is. Pain, destruction, and we have to end him."
However she could, Avalon glared but her mouth was temporarily unavailable. Kovarian knew this. Each time the shocks were over, Avalon would grow weaker against it. She would either die or she would finally start succumbing to effects.
"This is for your own good, for all of us," Kovarian moved around the chair so that she stood in front of Avalon. "I've seen the future and do you know what? I don't think you should even try to defend him. From where I stand, he's already replaced you and your little family." While Avalon couldn't say anything then, she still glared again. "And you've seen it too," Kovarian turned enough to gesture at the screen that was still showing the last pictures of the Canary Wharf battle. "It's a known fact that each time the Doctor faces a big battle, he leaves the companions behind. The one in that battle got lost in another world, and then the next one? Lefevre!"
The screen suddenly switched to a dark-skinned woman wearing a formal UNIT uniform. Avalon squinted her eyes to try and focus on the name tag the woman was wearing.
"Dr. Martha Jones walked the Earth for a year that none of us can remember to fight yet another Time Lord the Doctor was responsible for. The human nearly got killed and guess what happened? The Doctor -" Kovarian's voice took on a hard tone as she looked back at Avalon, "-moved on. And that bit of the woman? Did you know that there was a year completely lost? The Doctor erased a whole year that was full of blood thanks to him and his little Time Lord friend. No one can remember it. Only the Silence could, of course. They're useful like that. Bet the Doctor didn't tell you that, did he?"
Avalon didn't want to look so stunned but...she couldn't help it. What did she mean there was a whole year that none of them can remember? There were no stories about that, not even of Martha Jones fighting in it. The Doctor didn't say a word about it.
"And then the 27 planets that were stolen?" Kovarian yelled for Lefevre to switch pictures. "Oh, there were so many deaths that night. I believe this is where the Doctor moved on from yet another companion after sincerely - how do you humans say it? - screwing her over. Wiped her memories, the whole thing!" she made a quick gesture to the sides of her head.
Avalon's eyes narrowed the moment she thought about Donna Noble. She deeply regretted throwing that in the Doctor's face. That had to be one of the most terrible things he was forced to do. "Accident..." she managed to say. In talking, she got the taste of metal...making her realize there was a bit of blood in her mouth.
Kovarian mocked her with a laugh. "Oh, of course. And do you even know why it was possible for the worlds to be moved? Because that little companion from 2005 was able to cross worlds. The Doctor created a companion so dangerous that she literally broke the walls of the universe. If that doesn't prove how dangerous he is, I don't know what will!"
"N-not his...fault!" Avalon spat and felt bits of blood oozing from the corner of her mouth. It wasn't the Doctor's fault the choices his companions took.
"But it is," Kovarian turned right around to face Avalon. "The next one after that is you and your family. But guess what?" her face morphed into a mocking pout. "It won't last long either. Because I know for a fact that eventually the Doctor will move on from the Ponds. All of you." She made it pretty clear that really did mean everyone which, against her best efforts not to believe it, did sprinkle a bit of fear in Avalon.
Would the Doctor really move on from her too?
You did hurt him, she reminded herself. He has every right to drop you off too.
"And the next companion after you all is the one," Kovarian made sure to express her true hatred for whatever poor soul came next in line. "She's the one that brings the Doctor to the place where he will descend destruction on us."
"Then...kill...her," Avalon found herself saying. She didn't know who was meant to come into the TARDIS in the future but she didn't want the Doctor anywhere near a place that was meant to be a battle zone.
Kovarian feigned a sigh. "But she's a tricky one. I don't know the mechanics. Plus, if I kill her off then somebody else will inevitably bring the Doctor to that place. No, I have to go directly to the source, to the origin. Here. The Doctor has to die here, in this point of time."
Avalon swallowed hard when she got memories of Lake Silencio. But then she realized something...she couldn't remember everything. She started blinking fast the more she thought in vain. "I-I can't...I can't remember...Lake Silencio...what's-what's going on?"
There was a satisfied smirk playing on Kovarian's face. "Oh, the ECT is finally kicking in. The more we do this, the more fragile your brain becomes and once it's fragile enough we can start."
~ 0 ~
2 Months after Demon's Run
"STOP! JUST STOP!" Avalon screamed and wailed, her eyes screwing shut yet snapping open each second like a pattern. Her body twisted and writhed each time she felt a burning prick. "Please...just stop!" Her sobs echoed throughout the crystal clean room but none of the people inside would listen to her.
Two people held her body down, pinning her arms and legs against the metal table. When her skin made contact with the cool metal, she hissed. Her body was so susceptible to radical temperatures right now thanks to the series of tests Kovarian was running on her.
First, it'd been the insomnia test. They deprived Avalon of sleep for God knows what reason, but she was so tired. She'd always had trouble going to sleep but right now she would kill for an hour where she could just doze off. And once they figured out that Avalon could stay a minimum of four days awake, they moved onto to an expanded form of the test. Kovarian wouldn't settle for the simple 'let's see how long you can stay up', no. She would purposely change the temperature, leave Avalon in the dark and if Avalon dared to fall asleep, Kovarian would shock her. It was a piercing electricity that Avalon swore would make her body explode if the tests kept going.
And then they moved onto the injuries. How much could Avalon's body take?
They first started with simple cuts that Avalon would hiss and yell at them to stop. But things escalated. Cuts turned into full-fledged gashes where Avalon would physically want to pass out from how much blood she was losing. She swore that in one of those, somebody had actually touched her bones and organs.
Then Kovarian wanted to see what temperatures Avalon could withstand.
A blazing hot room was Avalon's home for a week. She had never craved water so much in her life. She did pass out a few times but then came the freezing cold. No matter how much she begged for them to stop or to at least give her a blanket, she was left in the ice cold room for another week. There were only intervals with regular temperature just so that she wouldn't die.
And now here she was for the latest test. Something about regeneration. The gashes would return and now they expected for her to heal herself but she didn't know how! How could she access energy that she didn't even know she carried!? And when she proved useless, Kovarian ordered for her people to carve into Avalon's body to examine that energy. One way or another, they would have that energy.
So there was Avalon, desperately crying for somebody to help her. Her right arm felt like it would fall off if she felt another burning cut. She turned her head to the left and blinked fast to get her sight cleared up. A woman was looking down at her behind a pair of glasses.
"Please...just stop...just...for a moment..." Avalon's voice was hoarse from all the screaming and the prior exams. "I...beg you..."
The woman paid her no attention. She just held Avalon's arm tightly and watched the exam continue.
Avalon honestly wished she was dead at this point. Nothing could be worse than what she was living. If she was lucky, they wouldn't find what they were looking for and they would just kill her.
~ 0 ~
2 Months after Demons Run
"Uh, no Dad, we...haven't found her yet," Lena wanted to speak as quietly as possible while talking to her father but it was impossible when she was forced to stay in the console with the Doctor's so very good hearing. She wanted to leave each time her father called to know their status on the search, but the Doctor wouldn't have it. He had made a promise to find Avalon and Melody and he wasn't living up to it.
It was like he was punishing himself by forcing himself to hear the disappointment in Lena's voice when she told her father that nothing changed. They were still completely lost.
With a sigh, Lena ended the call with her father. She didn't have to explain to the Doctor what it was about. "He just says he believes in you."
The Doctor let out a noise indicating his lack of faith in himself. He kept himself at the console, his fingers tiredly working through the controls.
"He knows you'll find her, though. He has no doubt about it," Lena kept insisting. "He says-" but she was interrupted by an alarm from the console. She was quick to react with wide eyes. "Is that-"
"-a clue!" the Doctor lunged for the side of the console that was giving off the alarm. He found new energy that sped him up through the process of discovering what the alarm was for.
"Well, what is it!?" Lena anxiously waited for him to say something.
"Don't know, it's...um, somebody's calling me from a Black Market in..." the Doctor leaned closer to the monitor, "It's a Black Market in the Black Eye Galaxy."
"The what now?" Lena blinked, but the Doctor didn't pay attention to her confusion. All he knew was that there was finally a possible clue of where Avalon was.
"Baby sister, you're gonna want to hang onto something! SAPLING!" his voice roared through the room. They had a new place to get to quick!
~ 0 ~
3 Months After Demon's Run
Three shots fired consecutively, each hitting of their intended targets.
Avalon swallowed roughly when she lowered her weapon and saw she'd gotten three more straight in a row. She blinked several times as she found she was unable to remember when she was ordered to fire. Her eyes swept over the room as if this were the first time she saw it.
It was huge and barely furnished. The only light coming through was from three small windows above. Avalon realized the room was underground, like a basement. Across of her were three dummies with bullets embedded mostly in the chest. She looked down at herself and could not for the life of her remember how she got into an oversized white blouse and skinny white pants. Even her hair was forced back into a messy low bun. Many of her curls - which were untamed and frizzy from lack of attention - were hanging around her face like curtains.
"How does this keep happening?" she whispered to herself, but she was never alone.
"Again," the Silence with her commanded.
Avalon swallowed hard and turned her head to the right where the ugly lone Silence stood. Her hand shakily moved up to her dry hair. "B-but I-I r-remember you. I can't rememb-b-ber a lot but I k-keep remembering you. How are you doing that?"
The Silence left a moment of silence pass by, as if it were actually constructing an explanation to Avalon's questions. Finally, it cocked its head to the side and answered, "Shoot again."
"No!" Avalon took aim on the Silence again, albeit her shaky arms didn't exactly cause fear. Half the time she didn't know if what she was seeing was a hallucination from everything she'd gone through, or if things really were as bad as they were.
"Oh put the weapon down, child," Kovarian ordered as she appeared in the room. "You do this every time." She was not phased when Avalon turned the gun on her. "As you do that."
"I don't understand, I-I remember things but it's in pieces," Avalon's hand curled tightly around the gun. "My b-bbrain...it hurts..." she brought her free hand to her massive curls and pulled on them in frustration. "Everything's all jumbled up..." her voice cracked in the end, confirming she was truly all over the place. She was losing control over her own thoughts. Her body would jerk suddenly, very often, thanks to the electric shocks. Her skin was dry, making it so easy to get cuts and bruises. And it showed.
Kovarian was proud of her newest experiment. It was working marvelously. It was easier to push Avalon and to control her. Now she wanted to give Avalon the ultimate test, the test that would prove if they'd successfully conditioned her.
"We're going out on a little trip," she announced, not that Avalon seemed to be paying attention. The woman had retreated a few steps and was mumbling words to herself, a nursery rhyme. "Yoo hoo! Anybody home?" Kovarian laughed at her own joke. "Bring her along," she ordered the Silence and turned to leave.
Avalon wouldn't recognize where they brought her, nor would she know how to get out. The entire place was covered in taverns. It seemed like was night underneath. Everybody looked suspicious, but everyone seemed to fear them - not her but the woman with her - and didn't want anything to do with them.
"You walk far too slow," Kovarian remarked as she studied every movement of Avalon's. Her walking would definitely have to improve. It looked like Avalon was dragging her feet. "And you're not examining your parameters. An enemy can easily take you down right now."
"T-tired..." Avalon said, too weary to say much more. "Why...am I-I here?"
"Because I want you to walk to the end of this line and back," Kovarian responded and a few seconds later came to a stop.
"What?" Avalon thought her hearing might be going too.
"Walk till the end of this aisle and back," Kovarian repeated. "Simple task."
"But why-" Avalon was cut off midsentence when Kovarian pulled out a gun on her.
"I don't explain my orders, child. I give the command and you follow them," she said with a dark tone that had started to seed fear in Avalon. She'd already gotten a taste of it with the ECT.
Avalon closed her eyes. She didn't want to remember that horrible week. She could still feel the electric shocks making her body tremble, and usually her body would shake and jerk. She just wanted it all to stop.
"Go! Before I shoot you and we both find out how strong your regenerative cycle is." Kovarian motioned with her gun for Avalon to start talking.
Avalon lowered her head and turned in the direction she'd been pointed to. In another moment, she would have probably been ecstatic to visit a real life Black Market. This is the place where all of the fun toys were at. But right now, anyone there could easily kill her with a lift of a finger. She couldn't fight anymore, she couldn't snap anymore, she couldn't think properly. She was just so tired, so incredibly tired, both physically and mentally. It was honestly sad how easily she broke. All those times where she thought she was strong was just a lie. She was weak.
Her feet started taking small steps forwards. At the very least if she walked away she would get a few minutes away from Kovarian and the Silence. That sounded nice.
But you'll have to go back, she reminded herself. It returned the fear in seconds.
She would have to go back, back to the torture, back to the nonstop 'training'. She didn't know how much more she could take, honestly. If she didn't die from exhaustion, she might just go crazy from all the memory blocks. If she was being honest, she didn't even remember what she did yesterday. For all she knew, she might have seen the Doctor yesterday.
Her feet came to an automatic stop. Would she forget something like that? Her hand found the Doctor's watch on her wrist, the very same watch she'd won in a bet a year ago. The Doctor swore she had cheated but he still gave up his favorite watch. She knew that if he wanted to, he would've just taken it back or never really had given it up in the first place, but he never did. He allowed her to keep it.
Now maybe you can give it back, came a pondering thought. Her eyes widened for a second as a genuine idea came to mind. It was probably the only coherent thought she'd had in a while. She looked over her shoulder and could barely see Kovarian which meant that Kovarian could barely see her.
Do it, the voice told her.
Avalon found the farthest stall in the aisle and dashed for it. It was an odd run, really, as it seemed like a combination of a hobble and a sprint. Her feet were a bit funny lately, but if she did things right she might finally get some rest (and the good kind not the dead type).
"What do you want?" barked the man in charge of the stall. He seemed human enough until Avalon realized he was a slimy green with spikes sticking up from his head. That probably made for some interesting business.
"I-I-I have..." Avalon involuntarily lost her voice for a second. All her words were trying to come out at the same time.
"I don't understand! Are you going to buy something!?" the man snapped.
Avalon quickly nodded her head. "Y-you're about to have the business deal of your life. You know the Doctor?" It was a stupid question given the man's reputation.
The man sneered. "That idiot who takes it upon himself to say what's right or wrong?"
"That's the one! Y-y-you want to owe him a favor?"
The man, despite his obvious dislike for the Doctor, arched a slightly thicker green eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that if you g-g-give him th-this..." Avalon couldn't seem to get the watch off her as fast as possible, "You'll b-be doing him a huge f-favor and you'll h-have one of the most powerful p-people owing you one."
The man scrutinized the watch in her hand with obvious distrust. "Over a simple watch? You trying to have me?"
"I-I swear I'm n-not. This is h-his watch and I'm s-s-someone he's looking for. A-Avalon Reynolds. Tell him that n-name and y-you'll see how fast he comes." She was truly counting on it. At least one more time.
"And if not?"
"Then you just got yourself a nice watch you can probably tweak to hide something you don't want others to see." Avalon tried her best not to seen as nervous as she truly was. This could work only if the man followed through and if Kovarian didn't catch her.
"What did you say your name was?" the man was eyeing her appearance, as if committing her to memory.
She looked like an outright mess. Her clothes were disheveled. Her skin was poorly kept and the chapped cracks were beginning to show. She had a few bruises along her arms, decorating the healing stitches that looked pretty fresh. Every so often she would shake, just like her shaky voice and stuttering words. Her eyes had bangs under them, ugly purple bags. Her hair was in a low pony tail, but most of her curls were popping out in various directions. And the constant stammering was plain annoying.
"U-um, Avalon..." Avalon brought a hand up to scratch her cheek. She seemed like she would close her eyes to think about something, but once again her body jerked and she dropped her arms to her side.
"Wait a second," the man suddenly blinked as if he'd just realized something. "The Doctor was said to be collecting debts for a battle. He took several of my customers away. You're with the Silence, aren't you? The Kovarian chapter? I heard all about that. They took that baby. Pretty stupid if you asked me, picking a fight with him. But hey..." the man seemed to be making the connections based on Avalon's teary face. "Oh, you couldn't be...?"
Avalon's eyes filled with tears in that one second. "P-please," she resorted to begging. "D-Don't tell anyone a-a-anything. Just...just get the Doctor. If I g-get out, he'll owe y-you s-s-something."
"Really?" the man raised an eyebrow as he watched Avalon hold the watch. Her hand was trembling to the point of nearly dropping the watch. He was no idiot. She was scared out of her mind and with good reason. He had heard all about the stupid woman who decided to kidnap one of the Doctor's companions, along with their child, and now he had the glorious opportunity to force the Doctor's hand?
That was simply too good of a deal to pass up.
He snatched the watch off Avalon's hand, noticing the woman flinch in the process, and bared his yellow pointy teeth at her. "You got a deal."
Avalon was in disbelief that it actually worked. "R-really?"
"Oh yeah, I can't wait to see the Doctor's face when I force his hand," he eyed the watch now in his possession with newfound fondness. He knew the power he held.
Avalon swallowed hard. How mad would the Doctor be once he learned that she basically let someone borrow him? Hopefully he'd still help her in the end. "C-c-can I...leave a-a m-messsage?" she made a gesture as if she was writing something in the air.
"Oh alright," the man rolled his eyes and retrieved a scrap of paper and pen. However she could, she scribbled a quick message - though from where the man stood, it didn't seem like a message. It was more chicken scratch than anything. She could barely hold the pen as it was.
"Could you...b-break...break..." Avalon tapped the glass of the watch. Her strength wasn't for that anymore. The man once again rolled his eyes and shattered the glass of the clock. Avalon quickly took the watch into her hands and pushed in the crumpled paper inside. "Th-there..."
The man snatched the watch before she could say goodbye to it. It was the last piece of the Doctor she had, so she really hoped giving it away would be worth it. Otherwise, she'd just be completely alone now.
"Now scram!" the man roared and laughed when Avalon turned to run away. She truly was a scared little thing.
When Avalon made it back to Kovarian, she was exhausted. It was a struggle to catch her breath, as if she'd ran a whole marathon.
But Kovarian just smiled upon her work. From her perspective, Avalon had passed the test. She'd given Avalon the opportunity to run away, but she didn't. She came right back just like she was ordered to.
The conditioning was well on its way.
The TARDIS landed right where the signal had come through, not a minute too late. She was just as motivated to find Avalon and Melody as everyone else. After all, the two women were a part of her too.
"You're sure we're not late or anything?" Lena questioned while the Doctor did a quick surveillance on the monitor of the Black Market they were in.
"Of course. The TARDIS knows the danger Ava and Melody are in. She wants them back as much as we do, don't you old girl?" the TARDIS gave an affirmative hum. The Doctor continued to work until a new thought crossed his mind. "You know, I guess I now understand why you always liked Avalon so much."
Lena smiled when the TARDIS seemed to hum another 'yes'.
"You know she chose Avalon straightaway?" the Doctor glanced at Lena, feigning a pout. "First night your sister stepped in, the TARDIS was willing to let Ava take her for a ride." Lena laughed when the TARDIS hummed what could only be an 'of course'.
"Are we there now!?" the Sapling came running down the stairs. "Is Mother here!?"
"Ah, not yet sure," the Doctor said once he got back to work. For the most part, the market just seemed to be like any other market.
"So, what was the signal you got?" Lena inched closer to his side to catch whatever was on the monitor.
"Somebody's trying to send a message," the Doctor mumbled as he worked to decipher that precise message. "Psychic connection, you see. Trying to send it through the TARDIS. Ah! Here we are!"
The screen turned black for a moment. Particles were arranging to form letters.
'Avalon Reynolds. Watch.'
That certainly got the trio silent.
"Who sent that, big brother?" Lena found her voice a few minutes later.
"I-I don't know exactly," the Doctor dove to the keyboard to figure that out. His fingers wouldn't work fast enough for him. "S-somebody wanted to get my attention though because they sent it directly to me."
"Then we should go!" the Sapling darted for the doors when the Doctor ordered him to stop. "But why?"
"Because that is a Black Market and you are a child. I don't know who sent that message but they wanted me here," the Doctor strode towards the doors, making sure to usher the Sapling in the opposite direction. "Lena, survey the entire Market for any trace of Avalon."
"On it," Lena nodded. "But what are you gonna do? What if it's a trap?"
"Then at least you and the Sapling will be here to call for back up. River Song's on the dialing list!"
"I'm sure she is," Lena chuckled as she took position by the console.
The Doctor turned for the doors and straightened his jacket. "Let's do this." He pushed the doors open and walked out.
He started down the long aisle of stalls, making sure to scour each stall for any red hair or eye patch. If Avalon was here, he was not leaving without her. And if this was a trick, then pity the fool who was behind it. He was in no mood for jokes and the entire galaxies knew it.
Eventually, he found an icky, slimy green man giving him a funny eye. The Doctor first made sure that the green man was actually looking at him before walking over to his stall. "You wouldn't happen to know if anyone around sent a psychic message to say, oh, a blue box?"
The green man made no attempt to hide his glee. "That'd be me. Doctor, I presume?" the Doctor gave a brief nod, now eyeing the man up and down. "Your different than the appearance description I had of you. Course that was years ago."
"You sent the message?"
"Why yes I did." The man suddenly raised the Doctor's old watch in the air and had a good laugh pulling it away after the Doctor lunged for it. "So it's true then. It is yours and you are very determined to get it back."
The Doctor glowered at the man who's chest practically rumbled with laughter. "You have 10 seconds to tell me where you got that from."
"Oh no, no," the man waved a finger, showing off a bright yellow nail that matched the yellow shade of his teeth. "This is valuable. And don't deny it because I know it."
"Where'd you get it from?" the Doctor's tone was dangerously low.
The man smirked proudly. "Some girl gave it to me. Promised me it was valuable and what do you know? She's right."
"What. Girl?"
"Oh, you want to know what she looked like?" the man lowered the watch for a moment as he pretended to think about it, or as if he had to remember. "Well, to be honest with yah, she wasn't looking all that good. Skin looked ready to crack. She's human, ain't she? That's how humans get when they're, uh, what do you call it? Dehydrated? Or no, wait, dry? I don't remember-"
The Doctor lost it and yanked the man over the counter by his slimy green collars. "You have exactly 0.5 seconds to tell me where the hell you got the watch from."
"Or what? I know your stories, you don't do weapons," the man grinned far too confident.
"Let me put it to you straight: the girl I'm looking for is somebody I will do anything for. I'll throw you into a blackhole right now if you don't start telling me the story. And if you think you just got me to deal with? You got another thing coming. You know River Song?"
The man snorted with heavy distaste. "Blasted woman destroyed my stock in the Celeste Black Market."
"The girl is her daughter. You really want to have me and her on your bad list?" the Doctor wasn't comfortable using that truth for his gain but River told him use anything as his disposal to find Avalon. He would apologize for that later. It'd gotten him some information beforehand so it was definitely useful.
"You're kidding," the man laughed. "That girl is her daughter? Well, I guess that's probably where she got her bargaining her skills from. Sneaky little thing."
The Doctor unceremoniously shook the man. "You get River Song as a treat for being extra disgusting. She takes care of your Black Market stocks and I-" he pulled the man slightly closer to his face, "-will take care of you, personally." There was a sweet, dark smile spreading across his face that promised true horrors.
The man had the good sense to gulp. "F-fine! The girl said her name was Avalon Reynolds. Said if I gave you the watch you would owe me a favor. Some friend you got there, bargaining you off for her own personal gain."
The Doctor let the man go without warning - ignoring the slump noise when the man fell over the counter - and took his watch. He inspected it for any other clue Avalon might have left behind for him. He didn't have to look much since the very first thing he saw was the missing glass. There was a small paper crumpled inside.
"Left that for yah," the man muttered once he'd gotten himself off the counter. "She could barely write, though. Kept shaking and one of her fingers had cuts on them."
The Doctor tried not to picture that image. How scared must she be? I need to be faster. He unfolded the paper and quickly read the few lines Avalon had written.
Brainwashing me. I don't know how long I can keep my sanity, literally.
They keep moving me. It's always in dark places.
Melody's on Earth somewhere. They took her away from me 3 months ago.
I'm sorry.
Three months ago. The Doctor found it incredibly hard to stay on his feet right then. It'd been 3 months for Avalon. Three months that she'd spent with Kovarian under God knew what tortures. His hand gripped the watch tightly between his fingers.
"This is all she left behind?" he scrutinized the man for any clue that he might be holding back.
"Yeah. She didn't look like she could say much more; looked very sick. But you owe me, Doctor. That was the deal the girl promised me. I gave you what she wanted."
"Yeah, except you didn't hold her here," the Doctor stuffed the watch and the paper in his jacket's inside pocket. "Then I would've owed you something."
The man was outraged he'd been lied to. "You can't do that! If you don't uphold the end of the bargain I'll-"
"No, you really won't," the Doctor pulled out his sonic and aimed it at the shelves holding jars of glowing liquids. When the sonic was activated, each of the jars exploded like dominoes. The man screamed at the sight of his ruined products but the Doctor didn't flinch with either noise. He only watched as each jar shattered and splattered the stall. "Use this a message to everyone else: if they see Kovarian, the Silence, or Avalon Reynolds, they better call me or I'll come for them and destroy everything that's precious to them. That's a Time Lord's promise." He took off and allowed himself to relish in the man's suffering just for a bit. Or maybe for a long moment. Because if word got out that he would make anyone suffer should they not follow his instructions, he could get Avalon back quicker. And besides, anyone who hurt Avalon deserved to be terrified and to suffer in pain.
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Stark Spangled Forever: One More
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Intro: How much can 2 words actually mean?
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW) No under 18s
Pairings: Steve Rogers and Katie Stark (Rogers)
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
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April 2026.
“James Anthony Samuel I swear to God you push your sister like that again and there’s no Baseball or Soccer practice for a month!” Steve glared at his son as he picked his 23 month old daughter up from the floor.
“She started it!” the 6 year old met his glare straight back “She smashed up my lego house!”
“Yeah, and you used to smash up our actual house when you were her age.” Steve pointed at him as Aurora buried her face into the crook of his neck, sobbing loudly. Steve gently shushed her as he looked down at Jamie “you’re bigger and stronger than she is, you don’t push her or hurt her in anyway, you got that? If she’s annoying you, you come find me or your ma.” Jamie looked up at his dad for a second, before he looked down, his wrong behaviour understood “Sorry Dad.” “It’s not me you should be apologising to.” Steve said, his voice softening slightly.
Jamie looked up, his blue eyes full of tears and Steve’s heart sank. He hated seeing his kids like this but he knew he had to tell them off when they misbehaved.
“Sorry Rori.” Jamie sniffed.
Rori turned her head to face him leaving a stream of snot and drool hanging from Steve’s shoulder as she eyed up her brother.
“MkayJay…” she sniffed and she leaned forward holding her arms out to him. Steve dropped her to the floor and she toddled across to his open arms and gave her elder brother a hug. Steve smiled as he watched them, despite the fact she bugged the crap out of him Jamie would do anything for his baby sister. Steve knew that.
He also knew that it was only fair Rori got chastised for her part in the argument. So he crouched down in front of them both and he looked at her.
“Aurora, you don’t touch Jamie’s toys unless he says you can ok?” he said to her, firmly but not angrily “You have enough of your own to play with.”
Or destroy as the case may be Her big green eyes, so like her mothers looked back and him and she nodded, looking down at the carpet, suitably chastised, her voice quiet “ok daddy” “Good girl.” He smiled, brushing her brunette hair off her face. When she looked back he was pleased to see both of them were smiling again. Crisis averted, discipline delivered…
“Cookie?” Rori asked hopefully and Steve sighed. He and Katie had been hoping that she would have slightly less of an appetite than her brother but no. The serum was as much a part of her as it was him. He glanced at his watch and seeing it was almost 4:30 pm he knew Katie would be home any time and he had just started their dinner before world war 3 had broken out in the living room. So as far as cookies went he really shouldn’t… “One.” He relented “but you better eat your dinner. And don’t tell momma.” He held out his hand. Aurora slipped her small palm into his and they headed into the kitchen, Jamie following.
There were no more tantrums or arguments that evening, just a small plea from Jamie as he tried desperately  to avoid going to bed at his 9pm weekend curfew      “Just one more please Momma and then I’ll go to bed I swear” he said from his spot sat in between Katie’s legs in front of her on the piano stool. Katie sighed and looked at Steve who leaned in the doorway of the smaller lounge at the back of the house and cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrows before he shrugged. “One more…” she relented and Jamie clapped his hands as she placed her fingers onto the keys of the piano in front of her, Jamie lying his hands on the top of his mom’s. He wasn’t interested in learning to play, not really. Baseball and soccer were his things, but he enjoyed this, the alone time with his momma and dad that the two parents tried to ensure each of their younger kids got fairly (Emmy being far too old for any of that ‘mushy shit’ now) Katie’s hands flew over the keys and her soft voice gently filled the room as she sang, Jamie joining in after giving her a little grin when he recognised what she was playing. “I wanna be where the people are I wanna see Wanna see ‘em dancing Walking around on those…”
She stopped playing and looked down at Jamie playfully “What do you call ‘em?” “Feet!” Jamie said, holding his leg up. Steve let out a soft smile at the display of playfulness and affection between his wife and son as Katie laughed and carried on with the song. Eventually they finished and without protest Jamie turned to his mom and placed his arms round her neck. “Night Momma. I love you.” “Love you too baby boy. I’ll be up soon to tuck you in when you’ve finished your story ok?” He jumped down from the bench and headed over to his dad who gently guided him out of the room with a large, gentle hand on the back of his head. As he turned to go he cast a look over his shoulder as Katie stood up, closing the lid on the American Walnut finished Bösendorfer 155 baby grand piano he had bought her for her 40th. She turned to face him, and shyly smiled in the same way she always did when she caught him looking at her the way he was right then, the expression on his face soft, conveying just how much he loved her and it still knocked her off her feet. “You’re beautiful.” He said softly as she brushed past him in the doorway. “Charmer” she smiled as he captured her lips in a soft kiss before giving her ass a friendly squeeze with both his palms before he headed off after Jamie for their usual bed time stories. A father-son routine that Steve hoped Jamie wasn’t gonna grow out of any time soon.
A story about 1920s Gangsters later Steve bid Jamie goodnight and strode over the landing to Rori’s bed room. He picked up the stuffed bear that had fallen out of her toddler bed and, tucking it in next to her, he straightened the covers around his daughter’s chin and dropped a kiss to her head.  “Sweet dreams Princess” he said, standing up and turning off the lamp, flicking the pony night light on. “You know when they’re in bed I actually understand why we had them.” He chuckled gently as he entered the kitchen where Katie was unloading the dishwasher. Katie laughed softly  “They’re good kids really.” “I know.” Steve’s arms circled her waist “What time is Emmy back?” “You told her midnight…so probably about 5 past.” she grinned. “She text me before, she’s fine. Pete took her to a burger joint and they were just about to go into the movies…” “Better not be on the back row” Steve grumbled. “She’s 18 Steve.” Katie laughed before she sighed. “They’re all growing up so fast” “You not fancy one more?” He asked, his nose brushing against her jaw. Katie stilled and turned her head to face him. “I’m 42, still carrying extra pounds from Rori. And trust me when I say after her birth, I have no desire to push a baby out of my vagina ever again” Steve laughed loudly, his head tipping back as he did so. “Just a thought” he said, kissing the side of her neck before he straightened up. “You fancy a glass of wine?” “Getting me drunk will not make me agree to having another baby…” Katie sly eyed him as he opened the wine chiller and pulled out a bottle of Sancerre. Steve rolled his eyes “That’s not what I was trying to do… I thought seeing as they’re asleep, its Friday…we could sit outside by the fire pit and take some us time. Maybe I can make some loving on my baby momma.” She smiled and slipped her arms round his waist, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss. “Sounds perfect daddy, let me just go tuck Jamie in and I’ll be with you.” *****
June 2026
Steve looked at his wife, simply smiling as she talked. It wasn’t often they got out like they had done before the kids, but tonight they were out for a meal and a few drinks for her birthday. She looked stunning. Her hair was curled loosely, hanging to one side over her right shoulder, her eyes were highlighted even more by the light brown shimmer that sat on her lids and her lips were plump and glossed with a soft, almost neutral pink. It reminded him a lot of how she had looked on her first date. Similar, but yet slightly different. A bit like them really. They weren’t radically different but everything they had been through, seen, done, becoming parents…it had made them evolve in a way but Steve’s heart still burst with pride and lust and love whenever he looked at the woman sat in front of him. Yes she had changed physically over the years. Taught lines of muscle had given way to softer curves over her stomach and thighs, her hips were bigger- not much- but it only served to emphasise her small waist even more. The curve of her ass was more pronounced as was her chest, both of which Steve was more than happy about, especially tonight as they were emphasised even more by the tight black cut off capris she was wearing, low cut shimmering gold top and high heels that made her shapely legs look even more toned. And right now he was imagining them hooked around his shoulders… “Are you even listening to me?” She sat back, glass of crisp white wine in her hand, a teasing smile on her face. He looked beyond gorgeous. Short, dark beard flecked with grey, strands of his short hair also Iightening slightly. His black long sleeved sweater which although loose did nothing to hide his still ridiculously toned physique underneath. He was deep in thought, but relaxed, she could see that from the way he sat. His elbow was leaning on the table, chin resting gently in his hand, his fore and middle fingers making an L shape against his cheek as his thumb gently brushed against the beard underneath his chin. She raised her eyebrows silently requesting an answer and he took a deep breath, and cocked his head slightly more to the left, eyes crinkling even further as he suppressed a chuckle because he had been caught, red handed.  “Sorry baby I was just thinking.” “You were miles away.” She said softly, leaving forward “what’s going on Soldier” He loved how she still called him that. And right then it made him want to bend her over the table and fuck her senseless. He squirmed slightly and picked up his wine glass, leaving back in his chair “Just thinking about you, how lucky I am…how gorgeous you are…” his voice dropped as he arched an eyebrow “and the things I’m intending on doing to you tonight.” They headed to a bar and bumped into Marcus and his brother, Allan, two of the guys who had religiously attended Steve’s support groups pre and post snap. Marcus gleefully told then that his wife, one of the returned, was expecting their first baby, news which both Katie and Steve had greeted with congratulations and a bottle of Don Perignon As they chatted and laughed with their friends, Katie was very aware of how tactile Steve was being. A hand on her back, skimming her ass every now and then, squeezing her hip, soft kisses to her temple and cheek.. it was all driving her wild so after an hour or so in the bar, when he asked if she was ready for home she greeted him with an affirmative nod. He held out her jacket for her, hands skimming the bare skin on her shoulders making her shiver. They bid their friends goodbye and headed out, hand in hand to hail a cab. Katie stole a glance at her husband, the father of her children and a fire lit in her belly. She had never loved anyone as much as she loves him. He wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. But they accepted each others faults as much as they loved each others better traits. He was an affectionate and loving man, both with her and their kids. Firm but fair and never shied away from lavishing affection on any of them. And then, in the dimly lit back seat if that yellow New York cab as it headed over Brooklyn Bridge something stirred in both her heart and her mind. She leaned over to him and gently nuzzled her nose into his neck, breathing in his aftershave. He gave an involuntary shiver and moved his arm around her shoulder as her nose now moved over the short whiskers that adorned his jaw and cheeks up to his ear where she whispered. “One more…” He turned to her, his eyes shining as he looked at her, smiling softly. “You sure?” He asked, barely able to believe it. She placed a soft kiss to his lips and whispered into his mouth. “Yeah, I’m sure.” It was all Steve could do to keep himself from jumping her there and then but somehow his will power held out. Once home, Emmy had simply raised her eyebrows when they had popped their heads into the lounge and told her and Peter not to stay up to late, and then rolled her eyes when Steve had pointedly told Peter the spare room was the 1st door on the right after you climbed the stairs. Closing the door to the lounge, Steve slung his wife over his shoulder causing her to giggle as he carried her upstairs, dropping her gently on her feet in the bedroom when she exclaimed she needed to pee. Steve shrugged off his sweater and was midway into undoing his trousers when she emerged from the bathroom, her pants in her hand, leaving her clad in just that delectable top and underwear. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her almost naked ass and long legs. As she walked past, heading to the laundry basket in the corner of the room,  Steve looped both arms round her waist and pulled her discarded clothes from her hands, dropping them to the floor. He tugged her back into him, his hands gripping the hem of her top before he pulled it over her head, hands setting on her hips as she rolled her head back against his shoulder so he could lightly graze her skin with his lips.  Her hands gently moved between them as she undid the clasp on her bra and Steve slid the straps down, placing soft kisses to each of her shoulders causing her to shudder as he tossed that to the floor too. His palms flattened on her stomach as her arms slid up and connected round the back of his neck, pushing her chest up and he gave moan as he glanced down and saw her presented to him. One of his large hands crept into the front of her lace briefs, the other up to her chest, gently tweaking and playing with her as he saw fit, lips skating over her neck. “So beautiful…” he whispered and she moaned and writhed in delight at his praise and his actions as he worked her over “such a good girl for me…” Her head fell back even further into him as she let out a soft whimper of his name, his hands upping their pace slightly as she began to buck into his touch. She arched her back, her mouth fell open and then her head rolled forward as she came, knees trembling, her hands pulling at his hair. He held her up in his strong arms and whilst she was still in the after throws of bliss he nipped at her neck, drawing a soft groan from her mouth. “Gonna fuck a baby into you…” he said, lips hot on her ear “fill you up, see you all round with my child again…that what you want?” “Please…” she sighed, “Please put a baby in me, Daddy…”   His hands fell to her hips and he spun her round, lips crashing to hers almost bruisingly before he walked her backwards, her knees colliding with the bed as she fell back wards, Steve crawling over the top of her. His lips skated down from her mouth, to her neck, between the valley of her breasts and to her naval where his nose skimmed across the waistband of her panties. He hooked his fingers into the top and slid them down over her thighs, a hot kiss dropping to her ankle. His beard scratched her soft skin as he nipped his way up her leg, before setting his mouth to her. He licked, sucked, bit as she keened into him, her hands tangling into his hair as she writhed and groaned, trying but failing to keep her noise down. It wasn’t long before he’d gotten her there again and as she fell back, panting slightly he crawled over her, ridding himself of the remainder of his clothes as he did so. His hands placed either side of her head, he dropped his mouth to her ear and kissed just underneath before he whispered “I know you got one more in you baby…” as he pushed into her, the pair of them groaning at the sensation.
And she did. As he thrust into her powerfully, her hands skated up his arms to hi back, nails dragging down his skin. It was an assault on her senses, and as he continued to love her in a way only he could, the heat was rising again and she found herself teetering on the edge.
“That’s my girl…” Steve panted out as she arched her back and came again, this one leaving her utterly shattered. Steve wasn’t far behind her, releasing inside of her before they both collapsed, utterly boneless and melted completely into the bed beneath them. Her hands gently tangled into his hair and he lazily picked his head up and gave her a soft kiss, his nose rubbing up against hers.
“I love you baby girl.” he said softly, lips pressing against hers.
“Love you too…” she whispered into his mouth.
***** February 2027 Katie glanced down at the small, white stick in her hands. She inhaled sharply as she glanced at the result and tears filled her eyes as she stood up from the toilet where she had been sat on the lid, waiting for those precious last few seconds to pass.
Her mind strayed to the conversation they had held on Christmas eve little over 6 weeks prior…
“You know… it’s kind of ironic” Katie sighed as she nestled into Steve further, her head on his chest as the arm round her gently traced shaped on her side, under her jumper. “What is?” He asked, although he had a feeling he knew what was wrong. She sat up and looked at him, her eyes sad. “We’ve been trying for our little one more ow for 6 months. Doing everything right and…” she took a deep breath “maybe I just can’t anymore. I’m sorry Steve” “Hey.” He frowned, shifting so he was looking at her as she blinked, trying to stop the tears from falling “You have nothing to apologise for.” “I just know how much you wanted this and…” “Stop.” He said almost sternly as he gently cupped her face in his hands “we already have 3 beautiful kids. I don’t want you feeling like this” He hated it. Hated the fact he felt like he had backed her into this in a way. She was feeling inadequate and she was anything but. “I wish you’d told me you felt like this sooner.” He said softly, and she shrugged as he pulled her face to meet his in a soft, tender kiss. “One more try.” He rest his forehead against hers, his decision made “One more month and we forget it. I’m not having you feeling like this anymore baby. I love you too much to see you hurting ok?” She nodded and smiled gently, her hand reaching up and her fingers gently scratching through his beard. He closed his eyes and then her lips were on his, pulling him down on top of her on the couch, the movie on the tv completely forgotten as they lost themselves in each other again, moans and sighs filling the softly lit room.   No more tries. “Honey?’ Steve called later that evening, his keys dropping to the table in the hall as he greeted their now, very elderly dog, before he headed into the kitchen. She was sat at the table, eating dinner in between watching Aurora feed herself. Jamie was tucking into his food with gusto as both kids beamed at their daddy who greeted them both in turn. “Hi.” Katie smiled softly at him, taking the kiss he offered on her cheek “dinner is in the oven” “Sorry I’m late.” He said “ the faculty meeting went on a bit longer than I thought and then we got caught discussing the next semester…” “Steve it’s fine.” She assured him, taking a drink of her soda, eyes still on her fiercely independent daughter who probably had more spaghetti round her face than in her stomach. “How was your day son?” He asked once he had grabbed his plate and settled into the seat next to him at the oak table. “Ok.” Jamie shrugged. “Ok?” Katie looked at him “more than ok sweetie, tell your dad what you got in class!” “Oh I got the class weekly gold star for my art” he said, excitement flooding his tone. “No way!” Steve beamed at him, he loved the fact his son had inherited his talent “for the sketch you did of the planets?” Jamie nodded as he smiled. “Proud of you buddy” he said, ruffling his hair as Jamie’s grin at his fathers praise practically split his face in half. A few hours later both kids were in bed, they’d skyped Emmy who was just getting ready to go to a party in one of the dorms, something Steve wasn’t feeling all too comfortable about, and were heading up to bed. Steve was just about to make his way into the bathroom for a shower when Katie stopped him. “I have something to tell you.” She said softly before she opened the drawer at the side of her bed and with a sigh she pulled out the test. Steve felt his heart sink as she turned around and held it out to him. “Baby don’t be upset.” He said softly, as he took it, giving it a cursory glance “we agreed that if it didnt…” He trailed off and looked again. 2 blue lines. 2. “Oh my…shit.. Katie…” he looked up at her, his face shocked before he gave out a splitter of a laugh and grabbed her hips, swinging her up in the air. She laughed as he set her in her feet, giving her a soft kiss “You sure?” He asked, wanting to believe it but not daring to at the same time “Maybe you should do one more to be sure?” With a smirk she turned and reached into the drawer and began to toss test after test on the bed. 10 in total, including the one still in Steve’s hand. “Way ahead of you there soldier” “You’re incredible…” he said, tossing the plastic stick onto the bed and pulling her closer “My fucking incredible…” kiss “amazing…” kiss “ gorgeous” kiss “baby momma…” This time when his lips met hers she wrapped her arms round his neck and held him in place whilst she kissed him hard, deep, passionate before she pulled away, her fingers felt tracing his t-shirt clad chest “you mentioned something about a shower…” Grinning his hands slid under her ass and she laughed as he hauled her up, legs wrapping round his waist as he walked them into the en-suite.
***** August 2027 “One more baby.” Steve urged, his wife’s hand tightly gripping his right, his left brushing her hair back off her face “One more honey, you got this.” With a loud yell and a final, almighty effort she sagged back on the bed as a piercing cry hit their ears. “You did it…” Steve said, his eyes welling up “I’m so proud of you Kitten, you did it…” She laughed through her tears as their baby was placed on her chest, cries giving way to soft wimpers which turned into those familiar nickering noises babies make as their newest addition pressed into his momma, pink and wrinkled, brown hair spattering his head, his eyes the same shape and colour as his fathers, but the Stark nose stood out clearly, just as it did with Jamie. Their little one more, Henry Steven Rogers, Harry for short opened his eyes for the first time to reveal a shock of baby blue and Steve felt his heart swell even more. Out of all their kids he had been the easiest to name. Henry chosen by Steve, Steven picked by Katie, Harry agreed upon by both. There was no 3rd name. They didn’t have one they liked or felt drawn to and besides, in Katie’s eyes he didn’t need one, because his fathers was worth two. Something which had made Steve’s eyes fill with emotion when she had told him that. Harry was measured, weighed and returned to his father wrapped in a soft blue blanket as Steve preened over his latest progeny, another male to carry the Rogers name down the line. Eventually he began to fuss and was handed to his mother for his first feed, Steve settling in their bed, arm round Katie as he watched his son’s cheeks work hungrily. “I love you” he said gently, tilting Katie’s face round to his, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you too..” she smiled before they both looked down at their baby as he suckled on his mothers breast, tiny hand shaped in a fist which rest against her exposed skin. Steve gently traced his youngest son’s cheek with his finger, his chest felt like it was going to explode with emotion. After a few hours of being on their own with their baby boy, Katie having been cleaned up and Harry settled and changed and fed again, the peace of their hospital room was shattered. “There really should only be 4 visitors…” Steve heard the nurse say as the door hovered open a few inches. “Oh come on, what’s one more?” Sam’s voice pleaded. She must have acquiesced as the door opened further and their eldest and second eldest shot into the room, followed by Sam and Buck with their now second youngest held on his hip. “Oh Mom!” Emmy gushed, her large brown eyes shining as she looked down at her baby brother in her mothers arms whilst the men were exchanging back slaps and hugs “he’s beautiful” “Course he is” Steve replied, taking Rori and walking her to the bed so she could look at her baby brother “Your mom made him” Katie smiled up at Steve “You had something to do with it…” “The enjoyable bit.” We winked as Emmie moaned
“Gross..” Jamie climbed up onto the bed, his mum gently pushing down the blanket so he could see Harry’s face clearly. The sun was peeking through the blinds, the room was loud and crowded as their older kids aged 19, 7 and 3, and their friends- their brothers- took turns to hold and meet the newest addition to the Rogers family. Steve dropped a kiss to Katie’s head, the pair of them sharing a deliriously happy look.
“Thank you.” Steve said, resting his head against hers. “Thank you for making me the happiest man alive” She smiled, pressed a kiss to his lips before they both turned back to watching the other people in the room, both savouring every goddamned second as they knew full well there wouldn’t’ be another ‘one more'. Tags @the-omni-princess@momobaby227@jtargaryen18@geekofmanythings16@angelofhell-666@marvelfansworld@thewackywriter@cobalt-gear@asgardlover75@jennmurawski13@saiyanprincessswanie@patzammit@navispalace@joannaliceevans-fanficblog@icanfeelastormbrewing@djeniiscorner@ayamenimthiriel@coldmuffinbanditshoe@disneylovingal @madzmillz @sgtjaamesbaarnes@sweater-daddiesdumbdork
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in Time Chapter 20
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in Time Chapter 20 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 20/? SUMMARY: A little girl escapes the Time War when the Timelord’s return in “End of Time Part 2″. The newly regenerated Doctor must now raise the little girl while trying to find out why cracks in time keep following them around.
[A/N - Wow. Chapter 20. Can you believe we’ve made it this far? We’re onto “Amy’s Choice” now, so we’re half-way through the season!]
The Doctor stumbled out of the TARDIS from where it was parked in a small garden. “Rory!” the Doctor yelled as he came out of the house.
“I've crushed your flowers…”
“Oh, Amy will kill you”.
“Where is she?”
“She'll need a bit longer”.
“Whenever you're ready, Amy!”
Amy waddled out of the house.
“Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet!” the Doctor exclaimed.
“I'm pregnant”, Amy told him.
“You're huge”.
“Yeah, I'm pregnant”.
“Look at you. When worlds collide”.
“Doctor, I'm pregnant”.
“Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit…” The Doctor hugged his former companions. “…apart from age and size”.
“Oh, it's good to see you, Doctor”.
“Are you pregnant?”
Amy laughed. “Where’s Elise?” Amy asked him.
The Doctor waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, dropped her off with River for a while”.
“Oh? Co-parenting, I see”, Amy said.
Elise opened her eyes and found herself in a bedroom, but it wasn’t her one on the TARDIS. She sat up as her father came into the room.
“Good morning, my little one!” he said, “C’mon. Mummy has breakfast waiting”.
He picked her up and carried her downstairs.
River was standing in the kitchen.
The Doctor handed her off to River and Elise buried her face in the woman’s blonde curls.
“How did you sleep, my little star?” she asked.
Where were Amy and Rory?
“She seems a little off today”, the Doctor told River as he ate some cereal straight from the box.
River glared at him as she rubbed Elise’s back. “You’ll feel better once you eat something, love”, River said and put her in her chair.
But all Elise wanted was her Auntie Amy. Her blue eyes filled with tears.
“Oh, don’t cry”, the Doctor told her, “We’ll go to the park later and then we can go for ice cream!”
“Not until she’s eaten breakfast”, River said. River set a plate of scrambled eggs in front of her, but Elise pushed it away from her.
She didn’t want to eat. She wanted to go back to the TARDIS.
River sighed. “Elise Smith, eat your food or we’re not going to the park”.
Elise picked up her fork and ate her breakfast reluctantly. Once she was done, River took her upstairs to get dressed.
They came back downstairs and River opened the front door.
Elise’s eyes went wide. She was on Gallifrey. They were on Gallifrey! The sky was the same burnt orange she remembered it being and the trees shone with silver leaves. Elise ran into the front yard, burying her hands in the red grass. It all felt so real.
“Elise!” her father called.
She walked over to him and he pulled a tarp off something.
A brand new tricycle sat there.
“Made it myself”, he told her, “Still has training wheels of course. I thought you could ride it to the park”.
“Someone, something, is overriding my controls!” the Doctor yelled.
A short man in a red bow tie and tweed jacket appeared on the stairs behind the Doctor. “Well, that took a while. Honestly, I'd heard such good things. Last of the Time Lords, the Oncoming Storm. Him in the bow tie”, he said.
“How did you get into my TARDIS? What are you?”
“What shall we call me? Well, if you're the Time Lord, let's call me the Dream Lord”.
“Nice look”.
“This? No, I'm not convinced. Bow ties?”
The Doctor tossed his screwdriver at the Dream Lord and it went right through him. “Interesting”.
“I'd love to be impressed, but Dream Lord. It's in the name, isn't it? Spooky. Not quite there”. He popped up behind them. “And yet, very much here”.
“I'll do the talking, thank you. Amy, want to take a guess at what that is?” the Doctor asked.
“Er, Dream Lord. He creates dreams”.
“Dreams, delusions, cheap tricks”.
The Dream Lord pointed to Rory. “And what about the gooseberry, here. Does he get a guess?”
“Er, listen, mate. If anyone's the gooseberry round here, it's the Doctor”, Rory said.
“Well now, there's a delusion I'm not responsible for”.
“No, he is. Isn't he, Amy”.
“Oh, Amy, have to sort your men out. Choose, even”.
“I have chosen. Of course I've chosen”, Amy told him. There was a pause before Amy hit Rory. “It's you, stupid”.
“Oh, good. Thanks”.
The Dream Lord popped up behind them again. “You can't fool me. I've seen your dreams. Some of them twice. Amy. Blimey, I'd blush if I had a blood supply or a real face”.
“Where did you pick up this cheap cabaret act?” the Doctor asked.
“Me? Oh, you're on shaky ground”.
“Am I?”
“If you had any more tawdry quirks you could open up a Tawdry Quirk Shop. The madcap vehicle, the cockamamie hair, the clothes designed by a first-year fashion student. I'm surprised you haven't got a little purple space dog just to ram home what an intergalactic wag you are. Where was I?”
“You were…” Rory said.
The Dream Lord appeared on the upper part of the TARDIS. “I know where I was. So, here's your challenge. Two worlds. Here, in the time machine, and there, in the village that time forgot”.
“One question. What have you done with Elise?”
“And why would you care about that brat? She’s been a burden on you ever since you ‘acquired’ her”.
“She’s not a brat. She’s my daughter”.
The Dream Lord rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ve sent her into her own dream. But it’s not all sunshine and roses there either”.
“If you’ve harmed her…”
“Nothing dangerous. Just not as sweet as it can be. Soon as you choose, you can have her back. Here are the rules for you three. One is real, the other's fake. And just to make it more interesting, you're going to face in both worlds a deadly danger, but only one of the dangers is real. Tweet, tweet. Time to sleep”.
The birdsong started up again.
“Oh. Or are you waking up?”
The Doctor and River walked hand-in-hand down to the shops with Elise riding her tricycle in front of them.
She noticed the looks they were getting. People whispered behind their hands as they passed.
“Ignore them, sweetie” River told her.
They finally came to the park and Elise left her bike with them to go play on the playground. But all the children she encountered ignored her. It was like she wasn’t even there. Every time she tried to insert herself into a game, the other children stopped playing and walked away from her. Elise finally sat down on a swing by herself as she watched her father and River argue.
“It’s okay, sweetie”, River told him.
“No! It’s not, River! Look at her!”
“Shh, keep your voice down”.
“The other children won’t even play with her. What are we supposed to do when she starts the Academy? The teachers are going to be extra tough on her because she’s my daughter”.
“We’ll figure that out when it comes time”.
Tears filled Elise’s eyes as she stormed over to them. She wrapped her arms around River’s legs as she cried.
River picked her up. “Shh…it’s okay, sweetie”.
The Doctor sadly picked up the tricycle and they walked home while River tried to comfort Elise.
Elise didn’t understand what was going on, but she didn’t want this anymore. She wanted to be with Amy and Rory and her father in the TARDIS.
Exploring the galaxy and running around saving people.
When they got home, Elise went straight to her room and climbed in bed. Her father followed her and laid down behind her. Elise rolled over and buried her face in his chest, taking comfort from his scent.
Whatever this was, he still smelled the same to her and wore his tweed jacket and bow tie with pride. “I’m sorry”, he said as he stroked her hair.
She could hear the tears in his voice. Elise closed her eyes as he started to hum “Rainbow Connection”.
The song he used to help her fall asleep after the Byzantium.
A few minutes later, the door opened and River walked in carrying a breakfast tray with three bowls of ice cream.
“I thought you two could use some cheering up”, she said. She set it down on the bed as Elise and the Doctor sat up. River went into the bathroom and grabbed a warm wet towel and cleaned Elise’s face. “There we go”, she said, smiling.
Elise gave her a small smile before grabbing her bowl of ice cream.
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 17
The North American tour & YouTube Collabs
Word count: 3k
>Instagram posts
Aurora was nervous when she entered the recording studio in North Hollywood. Mark had sent her the address the previous week and told her that the four members of Our Last Night would be expecting her at 9am, so there she was walking through the front door, with Harry’s supportive hand on her lower back.
“Yes, Hi,” she replied, reaching her hand out to shake the one offered to her by the tall brunette standing in front of her. “It’s great to finally meet you, Matt. Thanks for having me.”
“Great to meet you too. We were all stoked when your manager reached out. Thanks again for flying out here.”
“Not at all,” Rori said. “This is my partner, Harry by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Harry. Everyone else is back this way.”
They followed Matt further into the building, finding the other members of his band sitting around the studio space. Introductions were made and the rest of the day was spent working on the arrangements for the 2 songs they had already decided on covering. They had been emailing back and forth for much of the last week and the band had already done much of the work, so it was simply a matter of putting the final touches to the instrumentals and by the end of the first day they were ready to start recording. The band invited Aurora and Harry back to Trevor’s house for dinner and they gladly accepted, already enjoying the company of the 4 men. Aurora spent most of the evening with Trevor’s 1 year old perched on her lap until the baby was put to bed. They didn’t stay too late and made plans to meet back in the studio earlier the next morning. Over the next few days they recorded the instrumental tracks for both covers, leaving only the vocal tracks left to lay down for their covers of the Chainsmokers All We Know, and Charlie Puth’s We Don’t Talk Anymore.
At the end of her first week in LA, Aurora, Trevor and Matthew all took their turn in the recording booth to lay down the vocals for each track and then they decided to take the weekend off before returning Monday morning to film the music videos.
Harry felt that Malibu was the perfect place to spend the weekend, renting a beach house for the pair and Aurora spent the days lounging beside the pool and soaking up as much sun as she could. Given their usually hectic schedules, the young couple revelled in the free time. The opportunity to waste away hours by the pool, without the constant demands to be somewhere or do something was intoxicating. Harry was happy to set himself up on a banana lounge with a book and a glass of red wine, enjoying the relaxing sounds of the nearby waves and the view of his beautiful girlfriend laying nearby in a bikini. Likewise, Aurora was also enjoying the calming sound of the waves, and would cheekily request that Harry refill her drink, if only to watch him walking around in a pair of boardshorts slung low on his hips and nothing else. Before long, their mini vacation was at an end and Aurora headed back into the studio, spending three days filming the 2 covers and then helping with the beginnings of the editing process. After what felt like no time at all, the pair said goodbye to their new friends with promises to catch up again in the future before heading to LAX to fly up to Toronto for Harry to start the next leg of the bands tour. By the time they returned to the States on Monday, the two covers were posted on both Aurora’s channel and Our Last Nights, much to their fan’s excitement and praise.
Despite being so close to her home across the river, Aurora didn’t visit while she was in New Jersey with the band and instead Tony came to see her. He was beyond excited when he pulled her into a tight embrace, lifting her feet off the ground as he swung her around.
“Missed you,” he murmured in her ear as he set her back on her feet.
“Missed you too,” Rori replied, “and Pops.”
“He wanted to come,” Tony said, “But things are a bit crazy back home.”
“How is Sergeant Barnes doing?” Aurora asked, leading her dad down the hallways towards the green room.
“Yeah, he’s getting there,” Tony answered. “He was still a bit confused when we finally tracked him down but he’s already getting better. I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s got a long way to go but he’s been doing really well in therapy so it’s just a matter of time really.”
“I was talking to Pops on the phone the other night and he seems really excited to be getting his friend back.”
“He is, I just don’t want him to get his hopes up too much. Barnes has been through so much that I’m not sure he’ll ever be his old self again.”
“I can’t imagine what he’s gone through,” Aurora agreed. “But at least he’s out of it now.”
“You’re right,” her father agreed. “I’ve been working on fixing his prosthetic lately. The one Hydra made for him was a mess. They clearly didn’t care whether it was causing him any pain, so hopefully I can ease that for him with some modifications.”
“Well there’s no one better to work on it than you, dad,” Aurora smirked. “You got Peter helping you on it?”
“I couldn’t stop him if I tried,” Tony laughed. “The kid is having the time of his life.”
The pair spent the rest of the afternoon catching each other up on the last month and simply revelling in being together after weeks apart.
Following the New Jersey shows, Aurora and the band travelled down to Massachusetts, and then on to Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Tennessee, Texas, Missouri and finally Illinois. Along the way Aurora continued heading out exploring whatever city they found themselves in while the boys worked, and she would often find herself sitting in on writing sessions for the next album. Harry would often run lyrics by her, asking for her input and she found that Liam and Louis’ writing style was similar to her own which led to her often joining the two as they threw around ideas. By the time they reached Chicago at the end of August, most of the album had been written, if not recorded in full ready for its November release.
Following the last show in Chicago, the band had a week and a half break before continuing the tour in California, so Harry joined Aurora on her flight back to New York on the Sunday afternoon of the last day of August.
Aurora wasn’t at all surprised by the surprise party that she walked into when she stepped out of the lift and into the penthouse with Harry by her side. The scene that greeted her was so perfectly Tony, that she felt herself grinning widely. There was a banner strung across the living room that read; ‘WELCOME HOME RORI’ with a small crowd of her friends and family assembled underneath it. The crowd included the Avengers, Pepper and Happy, Peter and May, her parents and two new faces; one of which she recognised from photos to be Bucky Barnes, while the other she assumed to be the newest recruit to the team, Sam Wilson. Rori quickly found herself sandwiched between both of her fathers as they threw their arms around her, crushing her in a warm group hug. She laughed as they finally let her go. “I missed you too,” she chuckled, allowing them to lead her further into the room to be passed from one hug to the next as everyone took their turn to welcome her home.
A few hours later, full to bursting from the Chinese takeout Tony had ordered from her favourite place, Aurora was curled up against Harry’s side on the large sofa. Steve brought Bucky over to sit on the sofa opposite the young couple, introducing his daughter to his oldest friend. She smiled softly at him, unsure what to say. She could see the excitement on her Pop’s face to be introducing his best friend from the 1940s but the person she saw before her was also a Hydra assassin who had killed more people than she could comprehend.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Bucky murmured. “Stevie hasn’t really shut up about you.”
“He’s told me a lot about you too,” Rori replied, a soft smile lifting the corners of her lips as she glanced over at her step-father. “That was before he knew you were still alive though.”
“It’s crazy that either of us here now,” Bucky admitted. They continued to talk idly until Steve walked over to the kitchen to refill his and Rori’s drinks. The moment he was out of earshot, Bucky looked between Rori and Harry with a nervous glance. “I understand that you’re both concerned,” he said. “I am too, but I promise you that I’m not a threat.”
“We don’t think you’re a threat,” Harry replied.
“Don’t we?” Rori asked him. “I’m not going to say anything in front of Pops because he deserves this, but I don’t trust you Bucky. Maybe I will someday but not yet.”
“Steve said you were smart,” Bucky replied, seemingly unaffected by Auroras blunt words. “Glad to see he was right. I don’t trust myself completely either but we’re working on it. I’m doing therapy to help with the brainwashing and your dad is fixing my arm. I’ll earn your trust.”
“Yes, you will,” Rori agreed with a genuine smile, dropping the conversation as Steve returned with Sam in tow. “Welcome to the madhouse, Sam.”
“Thanks Aurora,” the newest Avenger replied. “Not sure what I’ve gotten myself into with this one,” he gestured towards Steve, who rolled his eyes. “Should be good fun though.”
“It’s certainly never boring,” Harry joked.
Shortly before midnight, when almost everyone had left for the night, only Nat, Clint and Bruce remained in the living room of the penthouse with the Stark-Rogers family and Harry. After refilling his drink in the kitchen, Tony walked past where Rori was sitting, lifting her wine glass to her lips to take a sip. “What is that on your wrist?” he asked, pulling his daughters attention away from a conversation she was having with Bruce. She paused for a brief moment before following Tony’s eyes to the inside of her left wrist.
“It’s a tattoo,” she replied, holding her arm out so that he could see the fresh ink clearer. “Pretty cool, right? I got it about 2 weeks ago.” The image on the inside of her wrist was of half of Steve’s shield and the right half of the Iron Man helmet, joined together in the middle. “Harry, Louis and I went to this great little tattoo parlour in Philly.”
“It’s nice,” Tony said. “Did you draw it up yourself?” Aurora nodded that she had, tracing her index finger over the ink, smiling at the memory of sitting in the tattoo studio with the two boys, Louis laughing at her as she winced when some of the heavy shading was done.
“I’m already planning the next one,” she told her father. “It really is addictive.”
Tony shot a joking glare towards Harry where he sat with Nat and Clint nearby. “You’ve got a lot to answer for,” he told the younger man.
“I had nothing to do with it,” Harry laughed, raising his hands in mock defence. “She cooked up the idea with Lou and they’d decided they were going long before I invited myself. I was just tagging along and figured I’d get something done while we were there.”
“A likely story,” Tony laughed. “So, what’s the next one?” he asked, turning his attention away from Harry and back to his daughter.
“I wanna get a yellow cab on my ribs,” Aurora explained. “Big Yellow Taxi was mum’s favourite song, so I want to be a walking cliché and put it near my heart.”
“You’re not going to start building a sleeve like Harry’s next, are you?” Steve asked, joining the conversation and sitting down next to Aurora on the sofa.
“No,” Rori promised. “But I think I’ll definitely get a couple more. I really love the idea of having my art permanently a part of me.”
Harrys stayed for the rest of the week, enjoying spending time with Rori without the pressure and constant scheduling of being on tour. He also enjoyed spending time with her family. He would sit with Rori while she sketched on the sofa in Tony’s workshop, watching her father and Peter working away on whatever project had their attention at any given moment. He’d chat with Rori while she drew, her feet perched in his lap and one of his hands resting softly on her thigh. Sometimes she’d be sketching Tony and Peter, sometimes it was Harry and sometimes it was a landscape she could see only in her mind. They reminisced about the tour, recounting the funnier stories for Peter who lapped it all up eagerly. Every morning the couple would head downstairs to the gym, where Rori would run on the treadmill and Harry would use the weights. Steve would join them most mornings and there were always other members of the team floating in and out of the space. On the Wednesday, Rori started back at Columbia and Harry caught the subway with her, wandering the campus and grabbing a coffee at one of the small cafes while she attended her two classes for the day. When she was finished, the pair walked back to the tower through Central Park, taking their time in the autumn sunshine. Eventually Harry had to leave for California, and while Aurora tried to pretend she wasn’t upset to see him go, she lasted only until he was standing in front of the lift with his bag slung over his shoulder. Happy was waiting with the car downstairs and they had agreed to say their goodbyes in private, both knowing that if Aurora went to the airport with Harry, they would be on every gossip blog by morning.
“I’ll see you at Christmas,” Harry promised. Aurora nodded, swallowing thickly against the emotion building in her throat. “Come here,” he said, pulling her against him as the tears welled up and flowed down her cheeks.
“I got so used to see you every day,” she admitted, her face pressed into his neck. “I don’t want to say goodbye.”
“I don’t want to go either,” Harry said, “but you’ve got school and I’ve got the tour to finish. It’ll be December before we know it.”
“I love you,” she told him, pulling her face back from his neck to look into his eyes.
“I love you too,” he promised, leaning forward to lock their lips together.
“Sorry to interrupt,” JARVIS said, “But Mr Styles will need to leave now if he does not wish to miss his flight.”
“I’ll call you when I land,” Harry said, pecking her lips one last time before stepping into the waiting elevator car. As the doors slid closed, she stared at them for a few long minutes before turning towards the living room and throwing herself onto the sofa, her face buried into the cushions. Tony found her there half an hour later and sat down next to her hip, rubbing a handing down her back.
“Harry get away alright?” he asked to which Rori nodded, her face still pressed into the fabric below her. “You wanna watch a shitty movie and eat crap food that will make Steve disappointed in both of us?”
“Yeah,” she mumbled, finally sitting up and allowing her father to crush her in a tight embrace.
Two weeks after Harry returned to the tour, Aurora was sitting at the large dining table with every member of the Avengers team present. They were halfway through the meal before Clint finally snapped, asking the question on everyone’s mind. “Rori are you gonna tell us why you made such a big deal about everyone having dinner tonight?”
Aurora looked up from her plate, glancing around the table to see everyone’s eyes on her, expectant. “Uhhhh,” she mumbled. “I just wanted to talk to you all at the same time, so I didn’t have to repeat myself.”
“You’re not pregnant, are you?” Clint asked, causing both Tony and Steve’s heads to snap towards their daughter.
“No!” Rori gasped, both men visibly relaxing in response to her answer. “Christ, Clint. I just wanted to talk to you about the fact that we’re having visitors for the next few days and I would appreciate if you could all stay on your own floors and stay out of here, so you don’t embarrass me.”
“What kind of visitors?” Bruce asked.
“I’m collaborating with a band called Boyce Avenue, so the three members are going to be here until Monday to record in the studio,” Aurora explained, growing more nervous with every second as Nat and Clint shared a look that could only spell trouble for her.
The three Manzano brothers arrived the following morning and within the hour, the four of them were already set up in Aurora’s studio downstairs. As with her collaboration with Our Last Night, much of the work had been done via email over the previous weeks, so they got straight in to running through the arrangements for their covers of Zedd’s The Middle and Khalid’s Love Lies. The process was effortless and over the next 4 days they recorded the instrumental and vocal tracks as well as filming the two videos for their separate channels. Aurora and Alejandro’s voices blended together beautifully, and they all had so much fun working together. Thankfully the Avengers took pity on her and stayed out of the way for the duration of the Manzano’s visit and before long the men returned to Florida while Aurora through herself into her college classes, hoping that the months of separation from Harry really would fly by as he’d promised.
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rulesofthebeneath · 4 years
@lilmissperfectlyimperfect @oops-metoo @awkwardalbatros
Chapter 3
As much as Grace tried to forget about her weird feelings, the subject of them kept texting her.
Ajay: So, remember how we talked about theatre?
Grace felt like she should respond, but it was an early morning, the sun was shining through her window just right, and she didn’t want to bother to turn off her BiPap. None of this actually prevented her from responding, because she’d fallen asleep with her phone just out of reach on her bed, but she was grasping for excuses. Eventually, she caved.
Grace: Yeah?
It sounded a little hostile, and she wanted to take it back almost as soon as she’d sent it. To his credit, though, Ajay appeared to ignore it.
Ajay: This summer, I’m directing the musical Ragtime at Cedar Cove Community Theatre.
Grace: That’s nice, Ragtime is one of my favorite soundtracks.
Ajay: It’s only been a few rehearsals, but it’s been going very well so far. Skye’s my stage manager, and Rory plays Coalhouse, of course.
Grace: Naturally. They’ve got the baritone for it.
She wasn’t surprised at all. Back in middle school choir, she could always hear Rory’s booming, deep voice from the baritone section across the room. They had always had a talent for singing that Grace was envious of. She had been a good singer herself, but her flooded lungs made things much more difficult.
Ajay: I’m still trying to find someone to do lights, though. It wouldn’t be hard, because Skye’s already set the lights up in the right configurations. 
Grace narrowed her eyes at her phone.
Grace: Are you trying to recruit me?
Ajay: Is it that obvious?
Grace: Why? I don’t have any experience.
Ajay: Skye can teach you everything you need to know, and of course I’ll let you know what I think about your lighting decisions.
Grace: Your criticism sounds terrifying.
Despite the sentiment in her text, she laughed a little. She allowed herself to fantasize, for a moment, working tech on Ragtime. She imagined herself up in the cramped booth, with Skye teaching her the controls and Ajay standing over her chair, supervising. She thought of having a headset and hearing his voice in her ear, telling her to correct one of the spotlights or change the color of the backlighting.
She thought about Skye’s small voice calling cues, and Rory’s strong one singing the songs that made her tear up just from the pure emotion. It seemed almost too good to be true, and she told Ajay so.
Grace: It just seems too good to be true.
Ajay: It can be grueling work. During tech week, we’ll be there all day and into the night. You’ll get frustrated, angry, bored to tears, but you’ll also never be happier in your entire life than you will be on opening night.
Grace: I still don’t understand why you want me, but sure. I’ll do it, but you have to promise to let me quit when I mess up too much.
Ajay: I have the utmost faith in you. And if you mess up, I’ll just blame it on Rory.
Grace: Fine, fine. When’s the next rehearsal?
Ajay: Today, noon to six for techs. I can pick you up around 11 and we can get food beforehand, if you’d like.
Dammit, there goes that feeling again, Grace thought as her heart warmed up without her permission. 
Grace: Fine by me. See you then.
She checked the time, she had about three more hours until he’d be there. Begrudgingly, she unhooked her BiPap and set up her oxygen, making sure to hook one of the bigger tanks up to her cart. That one should last her all day. She left her room and ambled down the hall to where her family was eating breakfast. They all looked up at her in surprise.
“What?” she asked defensively. “I do stuff too, you know.”
“If by ‘stuff’ you mean ‘sit on the couch watching America’s Most Eligible’, then of course you do,” James said. Grace gave him the best stink eye she could muster.
“Want some breakfast?” her mom asked, quickly standing up and abandoning her own plate of perfectly-cooked fluffy pancakes.
“Sure,” she said, sitting down at the table across from James.
“What brings you out of your cave this early?” James asked. Grace shot him another death glare.
“I got roped into helping with a theatre production,” she said.
Her mom turned around from the pancakes sizzling on the stove. “Oh, that’s great, Gracie! You used to love theatre. I’m glad you’re getting involved again.”
“Don’t get used to it. I told the director he has free reign to make me leave when I inevitably ruin his show.”
“Hm, director. Is that by any chance the handsome gentleman who dropped you off last night?”
Grace ducked her head, her cheeks quickly warming. James saw her reaction, and quickly started teasing her.
“Yeah, I thought you were going to dinner with the Silvas,” he said. “What gives?”
“I was rude during support group, and I didn’t want to see Mrs. Silva’s disappointed face.”
“Grace,” her father admonished. “You shouldn’t be rude to her. She’s one of the few people who really knows what you’re going through.”
Grace rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. So anyways, I didn’t want to go with them but I had already told James not to pick me up, then Ajay asked if I needed a ride home.”
“Took you an awful long time to get home,” James mentioned. Grace glared at him.
“We got lunch and talked, normal stuff.”
“Oh, now that you say it, I think I know who this guy is. Honey,” he asked, appealing to his wife, “Isn’t that the kid who helped Mrs. Silva?”
“With the school play last year? Oh, yes, I think so! He’s a very talented director.”
“Can we stop talking about this?” Grace asked, making pleading eyes at her mother as she dropped a generous helping onto Grace’s plate.
The family begrudgingly agreed, and the talk changed to one of James’ upcoming summer league soccer games. Once Grace got up from the table to clear her plate, though, James followed.
“I didn’t even know you liked guys,” he said in a low tone, trying not to attract the attention of their parents. 
Grace could only shrug. “I dunno,” she said. “I really haven’t had much time to like anyone. I might be misreading the feelings.”
“I don’t think so,” James said. “Looks like a classic schoolgirl crush to me.”
Grace hit him with the rag she was using to clean her dishes.
“Go away, I need to get ready. He’s picking me up at 11.”
James wiggled his eyebrows at her, but retreated before she could hit him again.
After she wrestled with her wig for an hour and freaked out about her outfit and makeup for another, she got a text from Ajay letting her know he was in her driveway.
Ajay: I’m here, but no rush. Just a bit early.
Grace quickly threw on an oversized knit cardigan and escaped her room, oxygen cart in tow. When she made it out into the kitchen, her entire family was staring at her.
“What?” she asked.
“Nothing,” her father said, being the first one to recover. “It’s just… you haven’t gone out in a while.”
“Be careful,” her mom said. “And tell Ajay that he’s welcome here for dinner after rehearsal.”
Several retorts crossed through her minds, sharp words that she knew from muscle memory. She could see the way her family’s hesitant smiles would drip off their faces into the masks that she knew they only wore for her. Ordinarily, she would’ve let those words fly off her tongue, but…
She was just so tired. Tired of her own happiness always being a battle. There wasn’t much she could do about it, but she could let herself have this. A new friend, a new hobby, and maybe something that took a little weight off her parents’ shoulders.
So she ducked her head, letting a small smile cross her face, and nodded. Then she turned around and left the house.
Ajay was waiting for her in his stupid sports car right out front, and once he saw her, he looked confused but played it off masterfully.
“Nice hair,” he said once she’d gotten buckled in.
“Hmm, thanks,” she said, avoiding looking at him. 
“Special occasion?”
“Pretending I’m someone I’m not,” she said. 
“Fair enough,” he replied, backing out of the driveway and onto the main road. “I don’t think anyone at the theatre except for Rory and Skye even know that I only have one and a third legs. They might just think I have a bad knee or something, and that’s why I use the cane.”
“Little do they know,” Grace said. “Lucky you, that you can hide it.” She tugged self-consciously at her cannula. No matter if she wore a wig, if she slathered concealer under her eyes, the cannula meant she’d always look sick.
“Just tell them you have asthma,” Ajay said after a few seconds of thought. “And if they give you any grief, I’ll threaten to kick them out of the show.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” Grace argued.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t kick them out. I spent far too long choosing the perfect cast and crew for this show. But they don’t know that.”
Grace rolled her eyes.
Thirty minutes, two take-out burgers, and a couple miles later, the two sat inside Ajay’s car in the parking lot of Cedar Cove Community Theatre. Ajay’s feet were kicked up on the dash as he finished off his fries, but Grace felt a little too self-conscious in the fancy car to do something like that.
“So Skye will be a better person to tell you what to do, but essentially you’ll be sitting in the house with her and I. I have your predecessor’s notebook, he made some notes on the first few scenes we blocked before he left, and I’ll give that to you once we go in. You’ll make notes on lighting that might look good, and she and I will both give you some pointers there.”
“And if I mess up?”
“We’ll fix it.”
Grace narrowed her eyes. “It seems like you guys can handle this on your own. Why do you want me there?”
It was a challenge, and they both sensed it. Ajay looked like he wanted to say something, but something in Grace’s expression must have changed his mind, because he just shrugged and looked away.
“We need someone to operate the light board, at the very least.”
Grace felt disappointment and relief all at once. As much as his answer had made her heart sink, she had been more scared to hear his actual reasoning.
“I think I can manage that,” she said, barbs returning to her tone. Pushing him away was natural territory, and so was sitting on Skye’s other side when rehearsal started. 
Ajay had been right-- there really wasn’t much to do. Her predecessor had already given her a sense of how to draw out the blocking diagrams, and Skye told her that was all she really could do during blocking rehearsals, since Ajay was so prone to changing things around. Occasionally, one or the other of them would whisper a suggestion for a spotlight or a fade out to her, and she’d dutifully scribble it down. It wasn’t difficult work, but she tackled it with more focus than she’d tackled anything in months.
The scenes crawled by, Ajay criticizing more details than Grace could even notice. He’d adjust the angle Rory was facing the audience with, and would tweak it for five full minutes until he was happy. Skye wrote everything down until her copy of the script had more eraser shavings on it than actual words.
Watching them work was intoxicating for Grace. They were like a well-oiled machine, catching every tiny thing wrong with a hand gesture or a prop placement and shifting it until everything just fit. There was no other way to describe it. On first run through the scene would be good, but something was always missing. Ajay’s job, Grace realized, was to find that thing. Skye’s was to record it for posterity. And they were good at it.
By the time he finally called for a fifteen minute break, Grace was overwhelmed. While Ajay patrolled the theater, possibly in search of that missing something, Skye noticed Grace’s internal struggle.
“Want to go somewhere quiet?” she asked.
Grace nodded quickly, and stood up as fast as she could without passing out.
Skye’s lips curled into a small, nearly invisible smile, and then she led the way to the tech loft.
It was on top of a rather nasty set of stairs, but with Skye close behind and carrying Grace’s tank, it was bearable. Once they got to the loft, though, Grace sat heavily in the closest chair and caught her breath. Skye sat carefully across from her, looking out onto the stage.
“This is the booth,” she said. “It’s where we’ll be during performances. You, me, and the sound guy.”
Grace cringed at the thought of having to climb those stairs every night. Once again, she cursed her stupid lungs. Why couldn’t they just work?
“How did you… get started… here?” Grace choked out. 
Skye ignored the coughing, which Grace was grateful for. 
“Needed to get out of the house,” she said. “I’m head tech at Berry, so it’s something I’m good at already. I danced some before I got sick, but after I went into remission I was too weak to do that, so I started poking around in the tech booth, and here we are.”
“You had leukemia, right?”
Skye nodded once. “ALL,” she said. “Pretty much the easiest cancer to cure.”
“Chemo can’t have been fun, though. Especially being young like you were.”
“Eleven when I was diagnosed,” Skye admitted, lowering her eyes. “It wasn’t. Less so when my parents decided to use me as a guilt weapon against their competitors.”
Grace furrowed her brows. “What?”
“Nothing,” Skye said, her face blank again. Grace recognized the trick; she also knew how to turn her features into a mask at the slightest provocation. Skye had let something slip that she’d rather keep private. “Just frustrated. Don’t worry about it.”
Grace let it go with a nod, and Skye turned back to the light board, pulling the dust cover off.
“This is your station. Basically, this is how you’ll get the right lights turned on and off.”
Skye held out a thick book for Grace to take. “The manual,” she explained. “It’ll be easier if you’re familiar with it.”
“Well, I don’t have much else to do,” Grace muttered under her breath. Skye heard her, and she arched a single thin eyebrow. Grace swore she saw the hint of a smile on her dark lips. That ghost of a smile filled her with a sense of belonging, a sense of home there in the foreign booth. She never wanted it to stop.
Grace and Skye talked over the board and lighting operations, soft voices filling the small booth, until Skye looked over at the clock. 
“Time to go back,” she said. Grace sighed.
“It’s too overwhelming down there. Can’t I just stay up here with you?”
Skye seemed to soften a little bit.
“I wish,” she said. “But we have a lot of work to do.”
Grace rolled her eyes, but took the hand that Skye offered her to help her up. Before Skye turned fully around, though, she bit her lip and looked directly at Grace.
Since the other girl was still holding her hand, the effect was a little overwhelming. Grace resisted the urge to step back, and instead stared right back into Skye’s blue eyes.
“I know this is all kind of intense,” Skye said softly. “But it really helped me. Maybe it’ll help you, too.”
Help me? I don’t need help, Grace immediately wanted to fire back, but she closed her mouth just in time to keep the words from escaping. 
Skye seemed to recognize her mistake, but Grace shrugged both the words and the person who’d said them off with a tight nod, She carried her own oxygen down the stairs, even though it took her twice as long as if she’d accepted help. 
It seemed like everything she did these days was to prove a point. 
As soon as Grace made that realization, fatigue washed over her. It wasn’t the ordinary, sick-person fatigue, but a social fatigue. She didn’t like having to keep these walls up all the time. 
Rehearsal continued at a turtle-like pace, but Grace found the entire process a little mesmerizing. It was like watching a tower being built, starting with the foundation.
Hours later, the clock struck six and Skye wrapped up rehearsal, reminding the actors about when to be off book.
“...And I’ll send out an email with notes tonight,” she concluded. With that, everyone stood up. Ajay stretched out and pulled his blazer back on; he’d shed it sometime during a big group scene.
“Need a ride home?” he asked Grace.
“Yup,” she replied, shaking her legs out before standing up. “Oh, and before I forget, my parents invited you to dinner.”
Ajay’s face lit up. “Really?”
“Mm-hmm,” Grace replied, trying not to look at him. His smile inexplicably made her want to smile too.
“That’s great. I was dreading going back home and facing my mom’s boyfriend. I’d love to come.”
“Good, they’ll be happy,” Grace said noncommittally. The wave of fatigue washed over her again. It was taking effort to appear bored, to pretend like she was uninterested in the world. Even her face muscles just wanted to let loose and smile back, and her brain was a little curious about how Ajay would react. But she suppressed it. No sense getting entangled in whatever this was.
Twenty minutes later, the two were walking up the front path to Grace’s house. They both took their shoes off on the porch before heading inside.
Grace’s mom caught sight of them immediately and abandoned her cooking, wiping her hands on an apron before walking up to them. She and Ajay shook hands.
“You must be Ajay,” she said. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Lee,” Ajay said, a polite smile on his face. “You have a lovely home, and the cooking smells wonderful.”
Grace rolled her eyes, but her mom seemed pleased.
“You’re very kind. And call me Rita, please. I have to go back to cooking, but Grace will show you around.”
“I will?” Grace asked, half-joking.
“Unless you want to cook,” she said. “Your father was called for dinner service, so it’s just the four of us tonight.”
Grace said nothing as guilt grew in her heart. She knew full well the only reason he worked such long, hard hours was to pay her medical bills. He hated missing family dinner, and here he was missing it again because of her.
Her mom had gone back to cooking, but Ajay had noticed the darkness growing behind her eyes.
“Come on,” he said, “You’re supposed to be showing me around.”
Snapped out of her guilt spiral, Grace nodded and stepped into the living room.
“Living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom,” she said in a monotone voice, pointing to each room as they went. “My parents’ room and James’ room are both upstairs, but mine’s down here because stairs are kind of hard for me.”
“Understandable,” Ajay said. “Can I see it?”
“My room?”
“Yes. I think one can tell a lot about someone from their room.”
“You’re going to psychoanalyze my bedroom. Why did I invite you over?”
He laughed, and she rolled her eyes even though his laugh made her want to giggle. It definitely made her blush.
“Alright, then,” she mumbled, and led the way to her room.
It wasn’t much, a small but bright room with pink paint on the walls and her bed nestled into the corner. She hadn’t really had much cause or means to decorate the walls, but the floor and bed were covered in books, and her laptop laid open on the bed.
“Interesting,” Ajay said, looking around the small room.
“It kind of looks like mine, honestly,” he said. “Save for the paint. Mine’s green. And my books are a little more organized than yours.”
“So what are you learning about me from that? That I’m clumsy and messy?”
“Sure,” he said, leaning against her door frame, “but also that you’re a big nerd.”
“Nerd?” she asked, nearly laughing from surprise. “How do you figure that?”
“The sheer number of books is a dead giveaway,” he said, and then he crossed over to her bed before she could stop him and picked up a thick book with a blue cover. “And does any non-nerd read about advanced differential equations for fun?”
Grace’s cheeks turned red, and she moved to sit down in her desk chair because she was getting a little tired from standing for so long.
“You got me there. I’m a closeted math nerd.”
“I can tell,” Ajay remarked, flipping through the book. “How can you stand this stuff? I barely passed trig.”
“I don’t know, I just like it. Maybe I have a brain for math.”
“You and my mother,” he said. “She’s a math and physics professor at the community college.”
“I think I would’ve gone into physics,” Grace said. “You know, if I’d stayed in school and stuff.”
“Would’ve? There’s no reason you can’t still.”
“No college is going to accept a high school dropout, Ajay.”
Ajay furrowed his eyebrows. “You can get your GED, though,” he said. “It’s just a test. I’ll help you study for it, but if you can understand this stuff then you’re definitely smart enough to pass.”
“I don’t know.” Grace didn’t want to plan too much for the future. Especially because she most likely didn’t have one. “Maybe,” she said, just to get him to stop talking about it.
He put the book back down on her bed. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, his expression curiously soft, a knock at the door frame startled them both.
James stood there, a shit-eating grin on his face and mischief in his eyes.
“James!” Grace said, surprised. “I didn’t even know you were home.”
“I wasn’t until now. Hi, Ajay. Nice to officially meet you.”
Ajay nodded. “Yes, good to meet you. How’s your summer been?”
“Oh, it’s been fine,” James said. “Mostly summer league baseball. But Grace makes me marathon America’s Most Eligible with her when I have free time.”
“You like AME?” Ajay asked incredulously as Grace shot James a death glare.
“She loves it,” James said before Grace could say anything to defend herself. “She’ll watch entire seasons in one sitting, it’s actually impressive.”
“Shut up!” Grace managed, shoving James with the small amount of strength she had. Ajay just laughed.
“You continue to surprise me, Grace.”
“Anyways, Mom says dinner’s ready,” James said, then disappeared from the door frame.
“We’d better go,” Grace said, “or else he’ll eat everything and leave nothing for us.”
Ajay extended a hand to help Grace up. 
“Who’s your favorite? On AME?”
Grace stared at him.
He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “We all have our vices, Grace.”
Dinner went by uneventfully, Grace’s mom somehow knowing which questions to steer clear of. After the sun finally set, Grace walked Ajay out to his car.
“Thank your mother for dinner for me,” he said.
“You already thanked her five times, but I’ll tell her again.”
“It never hurts to be too polite. It’s important that I impress your parents.”
That statement confused Grace. “Wait, why?”
“Oh, never mind,” Ajay said, brushing the question off. Grace let it go, but she really wanted to know why he’d wanted her parents to like him. So she just squinted at him.
“I should go,” he said, patting the top of his car absent-mindedly. 
“Thanks for coming over,” Grace said. “It was nice.”
Ajay’s smile reemerged, lighting up the dusk. “It was. See you later?”
“Yeah,” she replied. “Monday, right?”
He nodded. “Goodbye, Grace.”
With that, he got into his car. Grace almost felt disappointed as he drove off, but she couldn’t understand quite why.
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halfgclden · 4 years
Ice Ice Babies
Date: February 2014
Characters: Rory&Abel
Summary: Some cousins on a lake, also the zodiac killer?
Abel laced up their ice skates tightly as they sat on the edge of the frozen lake, the sun bright as it reflected off the ice. They smiled at Rory once they righted themself and held out their hands to help her up as well. “Alright, remember not to get too close to the middle, so I don’t have to fish you out.” They smiled. “Ready for some spins and jumps?”
Rory was watching the lake, nervous about the ice skating lesson Abel had insisted on, but regardless, she tightened the laces on her own skates.  When they stood up, she looked up, hoping that her nerves weren't as apparent on her face.  "If I try to do anything other than stand on this, I think I'm going to end up head first in a pile of snow." She slowly reached out and gripped onto Abel's hands, but refused to let go once she was on her own two feet. "Middle is off limits. Got it."
Abel laughed a bit. "I think you should give yourself a bit more credit. I'll hold off on the backflip for a bit, but I think you'll be able to skate in a straight line and maybe even break by the end of this." They grinned and skated backwards slowly, towing Rory with them. "Let me know when I'm okay to let go?"
Rory blinked a few times.  "I have no idea what break means." Her grip tightened as they started moving, staring down at her feet as if that would stop her from tripping on the ice.  "Ask me that again in about a year, and maybe i'll be ready for you to let go." She let out a small laugh at herself, aware that she kind of sounded like she was a ten year old child again.(edited)
Abel snorted. "Well, you'll know by the end of this." They let go with one hand, but kept holding onto her with the other, still towing her around the ice. "Fine, fine. I'll keep a hold of you. Just follow my movements, alright?" They skated slowly so that Rory would be able follow their movements more easily.
As soon as one of her hands were dropped, it flew out in an attempt to balance herself, her lips pursing together in concentration at staying on her feet.  When Abel spoke up, she glanced up at him quickly, and nodded in acknowledgement before her gaze dropped back back down to their feet.  She watched their movements before attempting to make her own feet copy the rhythm, though it was far, far less graceful than Abel's were.   "Just don't let me fall, please Abes."
Abel chuckled, confident in their ability to lead Rory around. “I won’t,” they promised. “Just hold tighter if you feel like you’re gonna fall, I can support both of us. But, if I start going down too, just fall how you do when fighting, okay? Rather have a bruised butt than a broken wrist.”
Rory's nose scrunched up.  "Even that sucks, have you done those training warms up with a bruised butt?  Squats are a nightmare, and then I have Bailey laughing at me when I make faces." She rolled her eyes at the mentioning of her twelve year old sister, but the small smile gave away that it wasn't out of spite.  Losing focus on the ice, Rory's skate ran over a bump, it was small but enough to throw her off balance.  Instinctively, her body jerked quickly, causing her to tug Abel's hand in an attempt to right herself.
Abel laughed quietly at Rory's complaint. They enjoyed the stubborn, younger-sister-like way that she acted sometimes, but enjoyed more the fact that, despite that, she was always willing to go along with his plans. Such as now, when she was obviously less than enthusiastic, but still gave in and agreed to entertain their idea. "Bailey will laugh at you no matter what." They laughed and then shifted their weight easily, balancing them both enough to straighten them as they grabbed Rory's arm with their other hand. "We good?"
Rory looked up at Abel when they balanced both of them with ease, pouting slightly.  "Yeah, I think so."  In contrast, her hands tightened their grip, nervous that she was just going to randomly drop again.  "That's what I get for not paying attention, I guess." Straightening up, she tried to copy Abel's movements again, and couldn't help but laugh at the difference between them.  "Gods, how do you make this look so easy?  You're gliding around, and I look like a baby deer."
Abel shrugged as best as they could with one shoulder and smiled at Rory. "It's the nature of the ice. Lakes don't have a zamboni." They turned, moving them both, as they picked up speed, though only slightly. "Well, you'd probably make something look easy after doing it for eight years, right? Think of how you were with a sword five years ago."
"Gods, thanks for that memory that I didn't need." Rory laughed, wincing slightly at the memory of her early sword fighting days.  Handing a ten year old a wooden sword? Turns out, not the best idea.  "But you made your point."  She was distracted just enough that she didn't notice their small increase in speed, and her feet slowly started to pick up on the pattern, though still a bit wobbly.
Abel exhaled a laugh. They and Rory had gotten to camp within a few months of each other, so they were often put against each other for training exercises, especially considering both of their godly parents. "Isn't it nice to know that I have a point sometimes? Think of five years down the line when you're skating in the Olympics," they said with a grin.
Rory let out another laugh, adjusting her grip on Abel's hand in her own.  "Oh please, if either one of us is going to the Olympics, it's you, Abes.  I'll just be your own personal fan or something."  Over the past five years, Rory had gotten the hang of her wind powers, thanks to countless power lessons that always left her feeling exhausted and drained.  "You know, to always make your hair look fabulous and flowy and all that crap."
Abel laughed and shook their head. "Are you saying that my hair doesn't already look fabulous and flowy, Ror?" They continued to move slowly, aware of both of their movements so that she could follow easily and so that they could point out anything that she could work on. "You know, you're actually getting this pretty well. Are you sure you haven't been sneaking in some late night practices in preparation?"
Rory feigned shock, opening her eyes a little wider.  "What, me? Never, come on." Her fake shock turned to semi-real when she realized that they had sped up, and that her movements looked at least a hair less wobbly than the last few turns around the lake.  Though, she was still convinced she would fall flat as soon as Abel let her go. "Oh yeah, you caught me. I come out here at two in the morning to prepare myself for this exact moment."
Abel grinned and only didn't muss up Rory's hair so that they wouldn't give her a heart attack letting go of her. "Huh. I thought I'd see you while I'm also out at two AM practicing." They slowed down slightly. "Do you want to practice stopping, or just do another lap?"
Rory rolled her eyes. “Why am I not surprised that you would be out here that late?” She was still very uneasy about everything, but she trusted Abel to not let her hurt herself, and they always made her feel more relaxed and calm. Eyeing their feet warily, she decided she could use a change of pace. “Stopping would be nice. I don’t really want to resort to flinging myself into the snow to stop.”
"Because I don't sleep and can see in the dark?" Abel smiled and brought them to a stop, keeping their grip on Rory so that they could stop her when she started moving past them. "That can be plan B?" They laughed. "Okay, so I did something kinda dumb and stopped in a different way than the way that I'm going to teach you how to stop, but just bear with me, okay?" They'd never considered themself a teacher, but they found it easy enough to trade knowledge with Rory, like if she needed help with a spear or if they needed a reminder on what hero killed which monster. They appreciated the equal exchange that they had. "You're going to do it standing still, and just face me and hold my hands, alright? Normally people practice against a wall, but there isn't really a wall here. Just push your legs out, push down, and lean into the outer part of your foot, so you don't buckle."
Rory gripped Abel's arm when she started going past them, and let out a quiet breath when she stopped.  When they spun her to face them, she rolled her eyes.  "Yeah, that's it.  You're like a human opossum with those skills."  When they started to explain to her, she turned a bit more serious, nodding to show that she understand to mini lesson.  It was always easy to learn from Abel, she just understood their explanations easier than other people.  She moved her hand back to their hand, and started shuffling her feet around on the ice to try and replicate what they had described.  "Something like this?"
“You really know how to take me down a peg, Ror. I was thinking cat-like with reflexes and eyes and you compare me to vermin.” Abel laughed again and then watched her feet, keeping his grip tight on her hands. “Pretty good, yeah!” They beamed and then replicated what she was supposed to do. “That’s what you’re supposed to do, just push out. With this one, you’re just scraping off a small layer of ice and creating friction, so you’ll stop moving.”
Rory couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of her throat.  "Gods, cat-like sounds way better than opossum.  Shit, that sounded way funnier in my head." As she spoke, she fixed her feet until she heard Abel's approval.  Glancing down, taking in both how they looked, and how her muscles felt for future purposes, then looked back up at them, beaming.  "I take everything back.  Forget the human fan, clearly we're going to the Olympics as a pair."
"It really does, but I expect nothing less from you." Abel flashed a quick smile and waited for Rory to test her breaking a few more times while they were standing still. "Amazing. I'm glad I can finally have someone to do lifts with me. You can balance me about your head, right?" They laughed and let go of one of her hands. "Do you want to practice stopping while actually... moving?"
Lifting her hand, Rory gently tapped her knuckles against the side of her head.  "Oh yeah, this ol' thing can handle that, easy."  She grinned, but it dimmed slightly at the idea of moving again, she had just gotten used to just standing on the skates without feeling like her knees were going to buckle.  Regardless, she let out a small breath, and looked back up at them before she nodded.  "Okay, yeah."
Abel mussed Rory’s hair with their free hand, no longer able to resist it, and then pulled her along as they started up again. “I’ll follow your lead. Tell me when you want to try stopping.” They smiled, but kept their focus on the ice. “So what’s up? In your whole life and things of that nature?”
Rory lifted a hand to halfheartedly slap Abel's away from her hair, too used to his antics to expect anything less.  Pouting slightly, she tried to smooth down the hairs that had been yanked lose from her braid thanks to their actions, but stopped when they started moving again.  Grabbing onto Abel's arm, Rory kept her eyes on the ice, trying to get some sense of the weird rhythm she had gotten into before stopping earlier.  It took her a minute to answer their questions, too focused on the motions of her feet.  "Same old, same old, really." She shrugged.  "Ambi's really settling in which is nice.  Though, our room is covered in hockey merch, it's unreal."
Abel smiled at Rory affectionately. They found it fairly easy to divide their attention between her and the ice, since skating was somewhat second nature to them at this point, not something they needed to concentrate on. They were happy to be showing Rory how to as well so that she would be able to accompany them without clinging to them, so that they could race and play games on the ice eventually. "That's great. I'm surprised I'm the one who's showing you around the ice instead of her. She trying to steal your place as my favourite cousin, I'll have you know. Told me that we needed to hang out and skate together sometime."
Rory let out a dramatic gasp at Abel's words.  "I'm offended, Abes.  Fives years together and all it takes to replace me is a few months? I'm hurt, honestly." Despite her words, there was a smile breaking out on her face, and she glanced up to look at them.  "I'm not surprised though, she's been enjoying running around and exploring the forests over anything else.  Besides, with how scattered brained both of us are when we're together?  It's better that you're teaching me."
“I am a fairly simple creature,” Abel sighed as they spoke, a smile playing at their lips. “I’m surprised my best friend is not a zamboni.” They laughed thinking about the newest addition to the Zeus cabin. “That’s true, you would think that putting the two of you together might give you somewhat more sense, but instead the nonsense just doubles. Are you sure that the two of you didn’t sprout from Zeus’s thoughts? It would explain the telepathic bond you seem to have.”
"Nope." She replied, popping the final syllable.  "Instead of making each other smarter, we just drag each other down to the mentality of a twelve year old on a sugar high half the time."  Rory laughed, shaking her head slightly as she looked back down at their feet.  Amber and herself had bonded extremely quickly, and as Abel said, they seemed to just understand each other easier than anyone else in camp.  "It would explain a lot wouldn't it?  Alex has started to call us the 'wonder twins' and everything."  After another few strides on the ice, Rory felt semi-prepared, though whether it was to properly stop, or just fall flat, she wasn't sure.  "Okay, I think I'm ready to try breaking.  That was the term for it, right?"
"Twelve?" Abel raised an eyebrow. "I think you're being a bit generous there. I was thinking more along the lines of... eight? That sounds right." They laughed. "Ah, Alex always has a way with words, don't they? What a descriptor. You could be the wonderful twins or the wonder-how-annoying-they-can-get twins." They gave a quick nod and slowed down slightly, loosening their grip on Rory so that she wouldn't have to work as hard to stop both of them. "Yep, breaking. Try it out."May 7, 2020
Rory swatted Abel's arm, feigning hurt.  "How fucking rude, we are not annoying, we're entertaining." She made a show of flipping her braid over her shoulder. "That's it, no more cupcake deliveries for you then."  Honestly, she was just buying herself some time at this point, still trying to work up the nerves to try breaking while actually moving.  Her instincts wanted to cling tighter to Abel when they loosened their hold, but she managed to convince herself not to.  Taking a few more strides, she finally felt comfortable enough and pushed her legs out.  Following the motions that they had showed her earlier, and while it wasn't the smoothest by any means, she actually managed to pull of a pretty decent break.  Once she came to a full stop, she looked up at Abel with a bright grin on her face, knowing that she did pretty well.
Abel laughed once again, their cheeks almost sore from how long the smile was plastered on their face for. "Entertaining, okay. I'll reevaluate my choice of vocabulary, then." They scoffed. "No more cupcakes? That is a fate worse than death!" They brought themself to a stop as Rory did, though using a different method so that they could focus on examining hers. "Amazing!" They beamed at her and patted her shoulder. "I should have a sign that says '10'. You're coming with me to the Olympics, definitely now. You're cool with repping South Africa, right?"
If possible, Rory's grin brightened even more under their praise, it felt extremely similar to a younger sibling getting praise from their older one.  "I don't know about that one, I don't know if I can pull off that accent."  She thought for a second, trying to think about Abel's accent before speaking again.  "How's thi- oh my gods." She dropped the accent almost immediately, and had to grip Abel's arm as she bent over laughing.  The accent was borderline terrible.
"Not everyone in South Africa has an accent, just tell 'em you don't speak Afrikaans." At her attempt, Abel snorted, shaking slightly as they laughed. "Oh my gods," they repeated after her, doing their best to keep her upright with them. "Please, may I request you never try that again."
Rory nodded her head, still laughing. "Done. Never again, I like your idea better."  Standing up straight, she looked back up at them, a few lingering chuckles slipping out of her as she talked.  "Okay, how do I start moving without being pulled by you?"
Abel took a moment to compose themself. "Just do what you were doing to propel yourself forward before. Same movement, you can just start us off this time."
Rory nodded, looking back down at her feet and shuffled them so they were in the correct positions for an easy push off.  Taking an extra minute to compose herself, she loosened her hold on Abel so that way she wouldn't rely too heavily on just shoving him forward and letting him propel her, but not enough that she was on her own.  She pushed off with one foot, and the two of them were off again, and Rory couldn't help but grin down at her feet again as she realized how smooth it was.
Abel followed Rory's lead, only skating once they were already pulled forward by her. If they were honest, they were fairly impressed with how quickly she was picking everything up. "Gods, you're a natural, huh? That was really good." They flashed a smile in her direction. "Are you and Amber going to start playing hockey now?"
"Oh gods, no way.  Ambi would just skate in circles around me." She was starting to feel more confident on the ice, and loosened her grip on Abel to try and slowly get herself used to not relying on their support the entire time.   When she didn't immediately crumple, she took it as a win and looked back up.  "Not to make your head bigger or anything, but clearly I just have the right teacher." Rory grinned up at them, and then her skate bumped off another imperfection on the lake, sending her off balance.   Unfortunately, she couldn't grip Abel's hand or arm in time to stop her fall, but she did manage to take the fall as if she was in a spar.  Once she stopped sliding, she let out a groan, and stayed there despite how cold the ice was.  "I take everything back, you suck."
Abel watched as their cousin skid across the ice away from them, concern causing their eyebrows to shoot up. Once she groaned, they clapped a hand over their mouth stifling a laugh as they skated to her side. They scoffed. "Um, I think this proves that you suck, not me." They skated in a circle around her before they extended a hand to her to help her up.
Rory looked up at Abel as they skated up to her.  "Weren't you just saying I was a natural? The fuck happened to that?" She reached up and took his hand, getting back up onto her feet with shaky legs.  Keeping her grip tight, she bent down to wipe from ice that was still clinging to her clothes.  "At least I didn't slide into the middle, right?"
Abel shook with quiet laughter as they grinned at her. "Have you ever seen Bambi? You're reminding me of him right now." They pulled her up and patted her head. "You're right. I don't feel like swimming today."
Rory flipped them off, standing up straight again once most of the ice was off of her clothing.  "I would be the one swimming, you'd be more like a fisherman than anything else."
Abel flipped her off right back and grinned. "Huh, maybe I can add ice fishing to a list of hobbies?"
"Maybe, but you're not practicing on me, that's for damn sure." The amusement was already seeping back into her voice, and without warning she pushed off again, it wasn't as smooth as it was last time, her legs still shaking slightly from the impact onto the ice, but she stayed on her feet.
"Fine, fine." Abel grinned at Rory, followed her lead, and kept their grip on her. They longed to be able to pick up speed and start zipping around the ice, but they figured they could wait just a little longer for her to actually feel comfortable on her skates before they tried to get her to do any of that. "How about a few more laps and then we can take a rest or something. Your legs are gonna be killer sore tomorrow, sorry Ror."
"Yeah sure, sounds good."  Rory knew what she was getting herself into by agreeing to the lesson, but couldn't deny that she could already tell how sore she was going to be after it was over.   She let her feet fall back into the rhythm that she was starting to pick up on, it seemed like it was more put together and graceful than before.  Once she got comfortable with it, she slowly loosened her hold on Abel to try and balance on her own.  She did a full lap mostly on her own feet, and couldn't hide the smile that started growing on her face.
Abel grinned, mostly looking at Rory, but making sure to check for any imperfections in the ice. They kept their grip on her almost nonexistent, but still there, so she could grab them if she fell.
Rory only had to grab onto Abel once or twice they made a few more laps, and while she wasn't ready to jump into the world of speed skating, she was able to stay up on her own.  She started slowing down, then transitioned into a break, looking back up at them when she was fully stopped on the ice.  "Okay, I'm good for a break now." She looked between Abel and the ice.  "If you want to do a few laps without me hanging off of you, go for it."
Abel came to a stop next to Rory. They sucked their cheeks in as they thought. “I’ll do two. They’ll be quick. Probably done before you’re finished taking your skates off.”
Rory rolled her eyes, a light smile on her face.  "Don't worry about me, go for it."  She started to untie her skates, looking up when she saw Abel still standing there, and waved her hands in a shooing motion.  "Go, Abes."
Abel smiled at her and blew a kiss in her direction as they started off. “I’ll be quick!” They darted around the ice, picking up speed so that they could launch themself into the air, spinning as they did. They managed a fairly good landing, then spun around a few more times to get it out of their system. They did one more quick lap around before they skated back to Rory and crouched next to her, smiling widely with red cheeks. “Thanks.”
Rory looked up as she untied her skates, happy to watch Abel in their element.  She cheered when they landed the jump, and applauded when Abel returned to where she was.  "That was great!  Gold medal for sure."
Abel sat heavily on the snowy shore as they stuck their legs out in front of them. They grinned. "Yeah? Did you make sure to add all the theatrics? Can you produce a lightning storm next time I try the double axle?"
Rory waved her finger in a circle, kicking up a small blast of wind to smack into Abel's face and mess up their hair.  Laughing, Rory pulled off her final skate. "Oh yeah, wind effects are always ready to go."  Her nose scrunched up slightly as they teased her, she had been slowly trying to figure out her electricity powers, but it wasn't coming to her as naturally as her wind powers always did.  "Maybe give me some time before we try a lightning strike? Though can I just run through the judges and zap them? They'll get goose bumps or something and just think it's because of your creative genius."
Abel picked up their hand as if they could stop or deflect the blast of wind sent their way. "Ugh." They laughed and smoothed out their hair as they drew their legs in to start taking off their skates. "Perfect! Or you can full blast them if I don't get a good enough score, right?"
"Oh! That's a great idea, we'll go with that one." Rory was not full of herself by any means, but she knew that five years of training with her powers made her a force to be reckoned with.  "Like, 'You gave them a 6.5? Bam!" She lifted her hand and aimed it at a tree covered in snow.  At the bam, she sent a blast of wind at it, knocking a majority of the snow off of it and onto the ground.
Abel leaned their hands back in the snow and laughed. “Shoot the bones straight out of people’s bodies for a 6.5. I’ll be the new Tonya Harding.”
Rory snorted, curling her legs underneath her.  Holy Zeus, the were already sore, she's screwed tomorrow.  "A Tonya Harding that would get away with it, there'll be no proof linking it to us, after all. We'd be an olympic era Bonnie and Clyde." She was silent for a minute then scrunched her nose.  "Except for you know all the -" She waved her hand around as if that explained everything.
Abel tossed their head back as they laughed. "The olympic era zodiac killers?" they suggested, pulling off one skate and working on the other. "Or... I could just train up really well so we don't have to destroy the judges. Let's just work on blowing my hair around and static shocks, huh?"
Rory snapped her fingers and pointed at Abel. "Yes, that was what I was looking for. Zodiac killers, way cooler."  Realizing how ridiculous this conversation had turned, Rory brought her forehead down to her knees, laughing into her lap.  "We're so fucking dumb."  It took a few minutes for her to compose herself enough to finally lean back into the snow like her cousin. She wiggled her legs slightly and frowned at how noodle-ly they felt.  "Why did you let me sit down? I don't think I'm going to be able to get up again."
Abel snorted, having to take a moment before they managed to pull off their other skate. "We? I think you're the dumb one here, saying that we can not get caught and then referencing Bonny and Clyde. I'm your cousin, Ror, that's kinda gross." They laughed again, obviously teasing her, and grabbed their boots to start pulling them on. "I don't think you're going to be able either, since that's my job."
Rory rolled her eyes.  "Hey, you're the one that decided you wanted to be the next Tonya Harding, I'm just being a supportive cousin, and you know what? You're welcome for that."   As Abel continued, she was silent, processing exactly they had just said.  When it clicked, she let out a loud groan, and dropped down to fully lay in the snow, grateful for the puffy coat she was wearing as soon as she made contact.  "I cannot believe you just said that, you sound like you're fucking fifty years old or something with that dad humor."
Abel laughed and tied the laces of their skates together so that they could hold them like that, then stood, looking down at Rory. "Thank you for being ready to support me busting kneecaps rather than trying to talk me out of it, I know who to come to when I need to bury a body." They grinned down at her, extending a hand to offer to help her out. "What can I say? I'm sixteen on the outside, but on the inside I am an old, withering dad."
Laughing, Rory reached up and grabbed Abel's hand to pull herself up onto her feet.  "Just on the inside? Okay, sure. We'll go with that."  Bending down to pick up her own skates, her face morphed into one of discomfort at the protesting of her legs.  "Gods, I feel like it's my first month of training workouts all over again."
Abel snorted and rolled their eyes. "Yes, only on the inside, dick." They smiled a bit and shrugged. "You'll get used to it the more you come out with me. So you'll get used to it, right?" They raised their eyebrows expectantly.
Rory sigh dramatically, linking her arm through theirs.  "I suppose I'll have to get used to it, then."  She looked up at Abel, her smile and the small twinkle in her eyes similar to how a girl would look up her older sibling.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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I Don’t Like Bullies
Intro: Emmy encounters someone from her past, and is left shaken after they threaten her. Steve and Bucky decided to pay them a little visit…
Warnings: Some violence, a slightly dark Steve and Bucky…some bad language. SMUT (NSFW, No UNDER 18s!!!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Disclaimer:  This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
** If you haven’t read SSB in it’s entirety, this contains MAJOR spoilers**
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August 2024
“Again!” Jamie giggled, splashing his way over to Steve who laughed and waited for Jamie to reach him.
“Ok ,one…two…three…” hooking his hands under Jamie’s armpits he gently launched him into the air and the 4 year old laughed hysterically before he hit the water with a splash in the deeper end of the pool before emerging, from the surface.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack…” Katie sighed from where she was sat on the steps to the pool, submerged to her shoulders. Rori was suspended in the little inflatable baby support, her legs kicking out behind her as Katie gently pushed her away then pulled her back, the baby smiling and thrashing with her arms.
“He’s fine ain’t you son?” Steve asked as Jamie doggie paddled over to him, grinning.
“It’s like flying Momma!”
“Hmmm.” she said, as Jamie jumped on his dad’s back and he pulled at Steve’s neck. Steve, playing along threw himself backwards taking them both under the surface before he stood up, shaking his head like a dog as Jamie’s laugh hit his ears.
“You’re getting strong pal.” he said, turning his head over his shoulder so he could look at Jamie. Jamie grinned.
“How’s my little water baby doing?” Steve asked as he carried Jamie on his back to where his wife and daughter were, Jamie scrabbling out of the pool and heading to the lounger for a drink.
“She’s fine.” Katie smiled, as Steve turned his attention to Aurora, a huge grin on his face as she looked at him and beamed, waving her legs and arms as fast as she could.
“Look at you princess!” he said as Katie pulled her back towards them. He dropped down so his shoulders were under the water and Rori was at eye level. “Think she’s enjoying it.”
Katie smiled as the two of them watched the baby for a moment before Katie looked up at Jamie who was sat now with Lucky between his legs, gently talking to the dog. “Do you know what time it is?”
Steve glanced at his watch “Almost 4.”
“I should really think about starting dinner.”
“Leave it….” he said, turning to her, pressing his lips to hers. “Come on, when was the last time we got an afternoon like this?”
She smiled, “Feels like a while that’s for sure…”
“So…we can chuck a frozen pizza in for Jamie and we can get a take-out…” he said, moving so he was behind her, his arms curling around her waist, pulling her back so she was perched on his bent legs, his chin resting on her shoulder “Eat by the pool…” he placed a kiss to the crook of her neck, “And then later when he’s in bed and she’s settled we can hit the hot-tub…” another kiss “maybe a bottle of wine…”
“You feeling amorous Soldier?” Katie grinned, tipping her head round to face him.
“Always when you’re concerned…” he winked, his lips again meeting hers, only this time the kiss slightly deeper until they broke apart after a loud splash, followed by a smaller splash drew their attention.
Jamie had launched himself back into the pool, followed by Lucky who had clearly decided he too needed to get in the action.
They stayed in the water for another 15 minutes or so until Rori started to get a bit grouchy, and Katie took her out, wrapping them both in a towel and sitting in the quiet for a while to feed her. Steve and Jamie followed her out a little while later, both drying themselves off before Steve took Jamie inside to get him a juice box and throw his pizza in the oven. Jamie then insisted he wouldn’t make it until his pizza was done as he as starving, so Steve got him quick snack of breadsticks and hummus and sent him back out onto the garden where he made his way over to the side of the pool, flopping down on the lounger next to his Momma.
Deciding that a snack was actually a pretty good idea really, Steve grabbed a few things from the fridge, namely olives, more breadsticks, dips, cheeses and was about to carry it down to the pool area when the security system sounded to tell him that Emmy had come home.
“It’s ok…you’re ok…” his ears picked up Brooke’s voice from the hall and instantly he frowned as he heard Emmy’s deep breathing too. He strode into the hallway just in time to see Emmy slide down to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she tugged her knees to her chest.
“Emmy?” Steve asked, quickly dropping down in front of her. “Hey…look at me…”
She looked up and he gently reached out, his hand smoothing back her hair “Use your numbers ok, like we used too, remember?”
She gripped his hand tight and her eyes screwed shut as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing and Steve, not once taking his eyes off his daughter issued Brooke with an instruction to go and get Katie. Less than 2 minutes later she was also on her knees next to Emmy having left Brooke to watch the younger two and it was a minute or so later before the 16 year old began to breathe normally, her eyes slowly blinking as they returned to their usual size instead of being blown wide open.
“You ok?” Katie asked gently, looking at Emmy. She nodded.
“Don’t…” Steve looked at her as she fell into his arms, pressing her face against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head “Don’t every apologise for that, we told you.” The amount of panic attacks their daughter had had when she first came to live with them meant they’d been fairly used to them, but she hadn’t had one in a VERY long time, not since the events of the Final battle with Thanos had hit her and she’d broken down about losing her Uncle Tony, Auntie Nat and then how close she had to losing her parents. Emmy was a strong, independent teenager who for the most part simply got on with things, letting a lot of stuff that would bother other people wash right over her head. But clearly something had triggered her today.
“You need a drink sweetheart?” Katie asked and Emmy nodded.
“Ok. Think you can stand?” Steve asked.
“You’re not carrying me.” Emmy looked at Steve and he raised an eyebrow.
“You used to love me doing that.” Steve quipped and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah at the Parties at the Kids home.” she grumbled “I’m not 7 anymore.”
“Never too old for your Pa to carry you.” Steve teased, standing up and offering him her hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, and despite her protestations at her age she kept her fingers tightly wound around his as they headed to the kitchen.
“Emmy!” Jamie shot off his seat and threw himself at his older sister. She smiled and bent to give him a hug.
“Hey Jay…” she smiled, “You been swimming?”
“Daddy was throwing me.” he grinned. “I bet he could do it for you too.”
“Sure he could” Emmy smiled as she shakily took a seat, glancing at Rori who was in Brooke’s arms, her little hands tangling in the girl’s long, red hair.
“Jamie, why don’t you go in the den for a moment, watch some TV.” Katie looked at him, adjusting the crochet slip she had thrown on over her bathing suit “Momma and Daddy need to talk to Emmy for a second.”
“But I don’t wanna.” he frowned.
“Hey, why don’t you show me your legos?” Brooke said quickly. Steve could see the cogs in his son’s head whirring as he considered this for a second before he nodded.
“Thanks Brooke.” Katie said to her as she handed Rori back over.
“No problem Mrs R.” she said, allowing Jamie to tug her by the hand out of the room.
Once they were gone Katie adjusted Rori in her arms so that her head was tucked against her shoulder, mouth resting on her collar bone and Steve took a seat next to Emmy after pouring her a glass of water.
“Wanna tell us what happened Em?” he asked gently.
“We’d just been in The Hub.” she said, “You know the Computer shop because Brooke needed a new charger for her tablet.” Emmy swallowed and took a sip of her drink “We were walking down towards the bus stop so we could head home and we’d just passed that bar on the corner, you know the Irish Pub place?”
“Mc Mahons, yeah we know it…” Steve nodded
“And then he came out.”
“Who?” Katie asked, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
“Him…my old foster father. The one that used to hit me.”
Steve took a deep breath and breathed out through his nose “Did he hurt you?”
“No, not really…he erm, he didn’t recognise me at first and I kept walking but Brook had stopped and when she shouted my name he realised it was me and he grabbed my arm and…”
“Ok…ok…” Katie said gently, as Steve gently laid a hand on their daughter’s shoulder.
“Did he do anything else?” he asked. Emmy shook her head.
“He just started shouting stuff, saying he knew that I’d landed on my feet and that I was nothing but a worthless brat and that he would come and pay you a visit one day, tell you all about what I used to do and how bad I was and then you’d throw me out and…”
“Em, he’s an ass hole.” Katie said gently “You were never a bad kid. You’d been treated appallingly, what that man did do you…” she shook her head “It was cruel and abusive and…”
Steve’s hand fell to Katie’s knee under the table as she looked away, blinking back the tears.
“Emmy, me and your mom love you.” Steve looked at her, “We love all you kids more than anything, and nothing this dick says or does will change the way we feel. You know that right?” “I know, I just didn’t like seeing him that’s all.” she said gently “I just had all these flashbacks to the basement he locked me in and the belt…”
She swallowed and looked down. Steve looked at Katie, the jaw in his nerve twitching with anger as he took a deep breath and ran his hand up Emmy’s back.
“Well I hope he makes good on his promise and does pay us a visit.” he said his eyes flashing “I’d be very happy to exchange a few words with him, maybe a few fists too.”
Emmy smiled softly as Katie shook her head.
“Pretty sure your Uncle Buck would have a something to say too. And between you and me, his Murder Strut is frightening.” “Murder Strut?” Emmy looked up, the corners of her mouth twitching. Katie nodded.
“Trust me, I saw it a few times. Scared the shit out of me.”
“Woah, you saying I’m not scary?” Steve scoffed, folding his arms.
“Bucky’s a Rottweiler, you’re more of an angry retriever.” Katie shrugged and at that point Emmy laughed, which was exactly what her parents had been hoping to achieve. Steve flashed a wink at his wife before he turned back to Emmy.
“You know he won’t ever hurt you again, not now you’re with us.”
“I know. I love you guys.” she smiled and Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. She looked up, wiped her eyes and then glanced at her mom. “Can Brooke stay tonight?”
“Course she can, I’ll call Jen”
“It’s ok she can message…”
“I’ll call her.” Katie said firmly, “Brooke was there today so Jen has a right to know what happened. Don’t worry, she won’t be mad at you.” “Kay…” Emmy nodded “What’s for dinner?”
“Your dad threw a pizza in for Jamie, we’re gonna get take out and hang by the pool.” Katie said.
“Anything you fancy?” Steve asked.
“Can we try the Greek place?”
“Sure.” Steve nodded “Hey, do they do Shwarma?”
“Gyros.” Katie said, “Same thing almost.”
“I’m in.” Steve said.
“I’m gonna go watch TV for a bit, that ok?”
“Course.” Katie smiled.
Emmy stood up and moved behind her dad, hugging him from behind, her arms round his shoulders. He tilted his head so she could kiss his cheek before she moved to do the same to her mom, giving Rori a peck.
“Love you both.” she smiled at them, before she left the room.
As soon as she was gone Steve stood up, his calm demeanour ebbing away as Katie looked up at him, shaking her head.
“I wanna kill him Steve.”
“You and me both doll.” he paced.
“Think we should call the police?” Katie asked, gently rocking Rori to and fro as she had started to grumble.
Steve contemplated what she had said before he paused, folded his arms and looked at the door, then back to Katie “I got a better idea.”
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“You know I do”
“Then leave it with me.” he said simply
“Steve…” she stated, instantly understanding what he was implying “You can’t.” “Why not?”
“Well, for starters we have no idea where he lives.”
Steve snorted “Sweetheart, you’re forgetting who we know.”
“Oh, no…you can’t drag Sam into this.” Katie shook her head “Ross is being an asshole with him as it is without you giving him ammo by getting Sammy into trouble.”
“I’m not” Steve smiled, raising his eyebrow “I’m gonna drag Bucky into it instead.“
****** Bucky sat at the bar, baseball cap tugged down over his eyes. He’d been reliably informed his target drank in this run-down back dive every Wednesday and Thursday evening. He liked the happy hour, apparently.
Aint gonna be happy for much longer, buddy.
Despite the fact that he was trying to live a normal life now (ok, maybe helping Sam out every now and then) when Steve had asked him to help him with this particular mission he’d immediately said yes. Not simply because Steve was his best friend, but because it involved Emmy. As far as Buck was concerned, the Rogers kids might as well be his own in that respect because he’d give his life to protect any of them.
And then there was Brooke. Bucky had been dating Brooke’s mom, Jennifer now for a few weeks after they’d hit it off at Steve’s birthday party. It was great, slow moving but that’s what he wanted, and when he’d heard that her daughter had been caught up in all this business as well, it was another reason for him to slip back into his old assassin mode.
Only this time his instructions were clear. Apprehend alive.
At first when Steve had told him this he had been about to tease him, wind him up, surely after all these years the Captain had finally found that trigger to flip him over to the dark side, but then he had seen something stir in his best pal’s eyes. He’d told him then about an incident in a HYDRA base, where he had killed on of Katie’s captors and Bucky knew, it was there alright, and he had a feeling he was going to see it whenever they caught this punk.
He ordered another drink, his eyes re-reading the paper he’d brought with him for the 15th time. To most people stake-out work like this would get them bored, antsy, but not Bucky. He’d waited much longer before and he knew that if you got like that you lost concentration which made things 100 times harder in the long run. His eyes scanned back to the entrance to the bar, flicking back round the pub, and he observed the people to make sure he hadn’t missed the man sneaking in, even though he knew that was basically impossible. Satisfied he hadn’t, he took the drink off the bar tender, paid him (another rule of spy work- never set up tabs, you run without paying and your face is recognised all over the damned scene). He took a sip of his beer before he heard the door open and he looked round, fighting the smirk on his face as finally his target walked in and straight to the bar to Bucky’s right.
The man ordered his drink, a straight black label whiskey and when it was served he paid with a bunch of crumpled ones and picked the glass up, heading to a table.
Bucky had to hand it to the guy, in the half an hour he spent in the bar he knocked back a good 5 helpings of scotch before he stood up, and rather unsteadily made his way to the door. Giving him enough time to get out of the door, Bucky then rose and followed him. He tailed him into another bar, then another, before after the 3rd the man headed home.
Bucky watched him unlock the door to the rundown apartment block, before he staggered inside. Quick as a flash Bucky shot over the road, sticking his foot in the door to stop it from shutting. Slipping inside he pressed himself up against the dark wall, just to the side of the post boxes, as the man turned around. After a second or so Bucky heard him heading up the stairs. He walked to the bottom of the steps, and keeping his footsteps light he headed after him and emerged onto the second landing, peering round the wall to watch as the man stopped outside a door, pulling out his keys.
Bucky waited until the door was closed before he headed back down to the ground floor, pulling out his phone.
“I got him.”
***** Steve climbed out of his car, looking up at the ramshackle building before he crossed the road. Bucky was waiting for him and opened the door to the apartment block from the inside.
“What you come dressed as?” Bucky arched an eyebrow, scanning Steve up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark navy t-shirt and black boots, with a cap pulled down over his face.
“You.” Steve said simply, and Bucky snorted.
“He’s on the Second floor.” he said simply “Number 202. Still think you should just let me shoot him.”
“No.” Steve said “We’re not killing him…”
Bucky rolled his eyes “Why?”
“Because I want him as scared as he made Emmy.” Steve said simply. “He can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.”
Bucky shrugged, “Your call…”
Steve headed to the stairs and started to climb them, stopping as he heard his foot crunch on something.
“Nice place…” he mumbled as he looked down to see he had stood on a cockroach.
“Don’t be a snob Stevie…”  Bucky looked at him, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Even my place in the 40s wasn’t this grim.” he turned to look at his friend before he continued up the flight of steps.
“It wasn’t the ritz either.” Bucky shrugged as they emerged onto the landing. They stopped outside the door and Steve took a breath before he looked at Bucky.
“Looks like we need a key….” he quipped. Bucky gave a smirk, before he drew his left hand back and punched straight through the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to undo the lock from the inside. He threw it open and strode inside, Steve casting a look around before he followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Hearing the noise the man flew out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand, stopping dead when he saw Bucky.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
Bucky simply raised his eyebrows.
“Look, if Mario sent you…I told him, he’ll get his money…”
“I don’t know any Mario…” Bucky shook his head, “Well, not unless you count the one that rides on the karts in that game my nephew enjoys kicking my ass at. Now put the knife down Jack before someone gets hurt.”
“How do you know my name?” Jack asked, his eyes not once leaving Bucky, missing the Captain who was stood in the darkness of the room behind him. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I don’t want anything…” Bucky said, shrugging, “But he does…”
At that point Steve stepped forwards, drawing up besides his friend, getting a good look at the man in front of him. He was quite tall, but lanky, with a pointed noise and sharp features, reminding Steve of an overgrown rat.  Which fitted him perfectly, out and out vermin. Jack frowned and squinted slightly as he looked straight at Steve, suddenly paling even further. Whilst Steve looked a lot different from the once blue-eyed All American hero the world recognised him to be, there was no mistaking who he was, especially to the man in question. Steve stood stock still, his hands falling to the buckle which was round the waist of his black jeans, his chest flexing under his navy t-shirt as he glared at the man.
“Woah…look…I don’t want any trouble…” Jack began to press.
“You should have thought about that before you touched and threatened my daughter.” Steve’s voice was icy.
Jack’s hand clenched around the knife and Bucky rolled his eyes, before he whipped off the glove on his left hand, holding it up, the metal glinting in the dim light of the lamp that stood in the corner of the grubby apartment.
“This can do far more damage than that blade can.” he said simply, looking at his hand before he turned to Jack “Go ahead, I’ll even give you one free swing. But it better be fast.”
Steve expected the man to drop the knife, but instead he lunged forwards. Bucky sighed, and almost lazily dodged to the right before he knocked the knife out of the man’s hand with a single swipe and gripped him around the neck with his hand, slamming him hard into the wall.
“That was really fucking stupid.” he said, tightening his fingers around the man’s windpipe, lifting him off the floor. The man grabbed at Bucky’s arm, desperately trying to prise his fingers from around his neck.
“Buck…” Steve said, and Bucky let go, Jack slumping to the floor. Steve reached down, grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet slamming him against the wall.
“Now…” Steve said, his hands tightening. “I don’t like bullies. And that’s what you are. I know exactly what you did to Emmy, all the times you beat her, hurt her, whipped her with a belt until her back split and bled. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you in half right now.”
“Captain America…nah…you wouldn’t…” Jack stuttered, shaking his head “You’re a good guy…”
“Well, here’s the thing.” Bucky said, picking up the knife that Jack had dropped, leaning on the wall, lazily twirling the blade in his hand. “He’s not Captain America anymore. Just some guy whose daughter you threatened.”
“Which makes me a hundred times more dangerous…” Steve said.
“And I, well, I just don’t give a shit.” Bucky shrugged “Killed a lot of people one way or another…what’s one more piece of shit like you gonna mean?”
Jack looked at Steve, shaking his head “No, you wouldn’t…”
“I snapped the neck of the man who raped my wife.” Steve said, his gaze not once leaving the man’s in front of him “Trust me, you have no idea what I would do to keep my family safe.”
He paused for a second, letting it sink in as Jack swallowed.
“But I’m a fair man.” Steve said, letting go of Jack who dropped a few inches before he pulled himself back up full height. Steve smoothed down the man’s dirty t-shirt before he smiled at him. “So I’m gonna give you a chance to play ball. You got 48 hours to leave New York.” “By that we mean the state.” Bucky clarified.
“And if I ever get a sniff that you’re back in town…” Steve continued.
“And trust us, we’ll know…” Bucky mused, still looking at the knife before he grinned at Jack “We got friends in high places, eyes and ears everywhere…” “….then you’ll lose more than your teeth.” Steve concluded, matter of factly.
“My teeth? What do-“
Steve cut him off with a sharp jab straight into his mouth and Jack dropped to the floor howling in pain as the blood poured from between his fingers which clamped over the lower part of his face.
“Got the message?” Steve asked, standing over him as Jack rolled around, screaming. He mumbled something, his head nodding furiously.
“Can I shoot him now?” Bucky asked.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Just once in the knee?”
“No.” Steve snorted “Come on…let’s get out of here, the amount of noise he’s making someone’s bound to hear. He turned to go, and then heard another loud scream. Spinning around he saw that Jack’s hand was now pinned to the floor by the knife Bucky had been holding.
“What?” Bucky asked, shrugging as Steve shot him a look “You said I couldn’t shoot him, didn’t say anything about stabbing him.”
***** The two friends sat at a bar, not far from Steve’s house, each with a beer in hand.
“So, run that by me again…” Bucky said.
“I told Katie I was meeting you for a drink.” Steve shrugged, nodding at the bottle “Technically now I’m not lying.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted.
“She’ll know full well where I’ve been.” Steve shrugged “She ain’t stupid…”
“Good luck to you pal.” Bucky said, taking a drink “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
Steve snorted “Nah, she won’t be mad…she knew full well I was planning on giving him a warning so…”
“Then why not just tell her?” “Because she’d worry.” Steve said simply.
“Think he’ll heed it?” Bucky asked after a little pause and Steve pondered the question for a moment before he nodded.
“Like I said he’s a bully.” he took a swig of his beer before he looked at Bucky “You know as well as I do that the minute someone bigger stands up to them they back off.”
“Gotta hand it to you pal…” Bucky said, sitting back “You come a long way since you were defending yourself with a trash can lid behind the movie theatre down town…”
“So everyone says.” Steve shrugged “Still don’t feel any different.”
“Remember when Howard’s flying car was the strangest thing we had ever seen?” Bucky sighed “I almost miss those days.” “Would you go back?” Steve asked, “Given the chance?”
Bucky took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose “Nah, I’m too different…too much has happened you know. I don’t think I’d settle. Plus this would probably attract a little more attention than it does now.” he said, flexing his left hand.
Steve smiled “I know what you mean. If you’d asked me when I first came round…I’d have jumped at the chance but after Katie…” he took another drink before he let out a soft huff. “I crossed oceans of time to find her.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Dracula…romantic.” he said and Steve let out a laugh.
“Speaking of romantic…” Steve looked at his friend “How’s it going with Jen?”
“Just ok?”
“I’m taking it slow.” Bucky shrugged “We’ve been on a few dates and…yeah I like her Steve and she likes me so…”
“Well if you ever want any advice on modern day dating…”
“The day I ask you for dating advice is the day I quit.” Bucky snorted
“I did ok.” Steve grinned “Well, more than ok actually. I lucked out.”
“No, you got what you deserved.” Bucky shook his head “A woman that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Steve felt his cheeks flush a little as he shrugged “Not quite sure what I did to deserve her but…”
“You’re a good man.” Bucky said “You always were and always have been. A pain in my ass like, but…” he drained his beer and shook his head “Anyway, enough sentimental crap. You want another?”
Steve contemplated that before he shrugged “Sure, why not?”
One more turned into 5 more, and it was a good 2 hours later and approaching midnight when the men left. It wasn’t the first time they’d been out for drinks since being re-united, but to Steve it was the first time that it felt like the old days. They’d talked about so many memories, he’d laughed until he had cried as they both recalled some of their antics, and he felt completely at peace when he walked into the hallway of his house.
Removing his cap he ran a hand through his hair before he hung it on the coat rack on the wall. Then he dropped his keys into that infernal golden pineapple bowl that Katie had bought him all those years ago and headed into the lounge where Katie was sat in her pyjamas, Rori clutched to her breast as she fed.
“Hey…” he smiled, crossing the floor and dropping a kiss to her lips before he turned his attention to his daughter, his finger gently running along her hardworking cheek.
“You have a good time?” she asked, giving a little yawn.
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “It was nice. When did she wake up?”
“About half an hour ago.” Katie shrugged “With a bit of luck she’ll go down again soon and sleep for a couple of hours.”
“I’ll do the next feed.” Steve said “You can get some rest.”
“Ok.” Katie agreed, yawning again and as she did so Rori mimicked her, her eyes which were now carrying a slight greenish hue fluttering. Steve gestured for Katie to hand her over, and she did so as Steve held her up over her shoulder, hands that had hours ago been so violent were now ever so gentle, rubbing his daughter’s back to wind her as Katie adjusted her top.  They sat there in silence for a little while before Katie finally spoke.
“So how badly did you hurt him?”
“Jack?” She turned her head to Steve who looked at her “I know full well what you were up to.”
“I knew you would.” Steve huffed a laugh “And not too badly. Knocked a few of his teeth out…oh, and Bucky nailed his hand to the floor with a knife. He won’t be bothering Emmy again, or any of us for that matter.”
Katie looked at him for a moment before Rori gave a light burp and Steve gently turned his face, pressing his lips to the baby’s head.
“Here…” Katie said, and Steve handed her over “I’ll go put her down.”
She gathered the baby in her arms before she dropped a kiss to Steve’s mouth “Don’t be too long…”
He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Well, you know what you getting all dark and protective does to me…” she grinned, looking down at Rori “That’s what made her in the first place.”
Steve’s eyes darkened at the memory of that particular day in the HYDRA base which he was recalling for the second time in the space of a few hours, albeit for very different reasons. “How could I forget?”
Standing up she walked to the door, Steve watching her go, before she shot him a coy look over her shoulder his pants became a lot tighter than they should have been. He gave a soft groan, before his head fell back against the cushion of the sofa. After a moment or two he stood up and turned off the lights, before heading up the stairs after his wife.
He stood in the doorway, watching as she placed Rori in the crib at the end of the bed before he strode over to her, his hands falling to her waist as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers. She took the kiss eagerly, her tongue sliding against his as he backed her towards the bed, her hands fumbling with his belt as they went. Neither were wasting any time, and after a quick wrestle with their clothing they both collapsed onto the bed, Steve caging his wife underneath him with his arms and legs.
Their eyes locked for a second before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again, slow and hard, both his hands cupping her face, thumbs gently skating her cheeks as she let out a soft groan and he felt his cock twitch. His lips not once leaving hers his right hand gently slid down to her thigh, and his fingers gently gave her hip a squeeze causing her to sigh into his mouth again. Using his hand he hooked her leg round his waist, and ground his erection against her spot causing her to moan as she pulled away from the kiss, her head laying further back against the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut as his mouth dropped, swirling softly around her pebbled nipples, carefully lavishing affection on them in turn, and in moments she was quivering to his touch, her breathing ragged.
“Look at me…” he said, voice low, almost a growl and her eyes sprang open obediently, those sparkling emeralds glinting in the dim light as he held her gaze as he pushed into her, her breath catching in her throat. He stilled for a moment, enjoying her warmth as it gripped him before he moved his hips back, thrusting into her again. His pace was hard, deep and he continually dragged in and out of her, dropping his head to kiss and lick and suck all along her collar bone, knowing full well he would leave marks there for the morning but neither of them cared as their moans grew louder as his thrusts grew more desperate.
"Fuck.” he groaned, both hands now on her hips as he continued his movements and Katie’s hands moved to brace herself against the headboard, her body moving with every slam he made into her. One hand moved to the back of her head and he used it to make her look up, her eyes locking onto his as he felt her body start to quiver.
“I love you…” he said, his pace not slowing in the slightest.
“Love you too Soldier…” her words stuttered as he thrust up hard, stilling slightly, grinding up against her, as she writhed underneath him, a desperate, filthy noise escaping her mouth as her back arched and her hands flew to his back, nails scratching at his skin. God he loved the feel of her doing that, the stinging pain mixed with the pleasure was a heady mix and he took in a sharp breath, dropping his mouth to capture hers as she moaned again, this moan broken as she bucked upwards and clutched at him desperately.
“Stevie…” she moaned and her walls tightened on him as she came, her entire body trembling underneath him and he pulled back so he could watch her, lips swollen from his desperate kisses, cheeks flushed, eyelids fluttering against her cheeks. He continued his pace, her eyes opening moments late to lock onto his as the spring that had been coiled so tightly suddenly released and he spilled himself insider her with a low, rough grunt of her name and he tipped forwards, his hips slowing to a stop as he buried his face in her neck.
The pair of them lay still, the only sounds in the bedroom now were the deep, ragged drawings of breath. Katie gently ran her hands through his hair, as she always did, Steve’s body on top of hers rising and falling through the movements of her deep breathing.  Eventually he raised his head gently and pressed their foreheads together, his nose sliding up and down hers. She smiled at him, and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss before he rolled over onto his back, and she snuggled into him, her head on his chest. He reached for her left hand which was laying flat against his abs and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just underneath where her wedding band sat.
“I love you, I love you all so much.” he said gently. She raised her head to look at him, smiling as she kissed him softly.
“I know, I love you. We all do.”
She was asleep before him, Steve lay awake for a little while longer contemplating everything that had gone down that evening. He’d crossed that line again, the darkness that had awoken all those years ago had bubbled inside of him and he wasn’t going to lie, it had been satisfying, and despite what he had said to Bucky, he would have happily killed the snivelling bastard with his bare hands and not even blinked twice about doing so. But something had stopped him short this time, and he knew now what it was.
His kids.
Back then they hadn’t been in the picture, and he wanted to be able to look them in the eye and tell them right from wrong without feeling like a hypocrite. Steve Rogers was a good man, a loyal husband, doting father, and he wanted to be worthy of the love that surrounded him on a daily basis.
He looked down at his sleeping wife before he shifted slightly, dropping a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes and fell into a trouble free sleep.
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northsidekitty · 5 years
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
Who: Kitty Wilde & Rory Weston Del Monico ( @waywardxson )
What: Kitty sets up a meeting with Rory to clear some things from their past
When: Nov 30, 10 pm
Where: City Centre Motor Hotel parking lot
Notes: A lot of truths are unveiled and a lot of lies are exposed
Kitty was nervous. Her whole body was shaking as she sat inside the car. This was a bad idea. She couldn't have come. She shouldn't have contacted him. She shouldn't have told Quinn anything. Why couldn't it have stayed in the past? Kitty was over it, she had resigned to the fact that she had been abandoned. Why did it have to come up again now?
A shiver went down her spine as she stared out into the dimly lit parking lot. She had never step foot in the Southside, yet here she was, meeting a man in a motel parking lot. She was pathetic. But she couldn't bring herself to leave either. Instead, she sat there quietly, hands fidgeting while she waited for Rory to appear. If he even dared to show at all.
Rory had spent the better part of the previous few days trying to decide if he should just text Quinn and tell her it was a bad idea. He had spent a lot of time trying to get over what happened and move on from it. Now he was expected to rehash what happened? And what kind of information could Quinn had about him? Everything that happened, like most things on the North Side, had been kept quiet. The fact anyone knew anything about it just made him feel sick.
But on Saturday night, he found himself dropping Grace off and heading out to the motel where she wanted to meet him. It was strange that Quinn Fabray would come this far out, especially at night, but his curiosity was too much to ignore. Pulling up in the parking lot, he looked at the clock and then climbed out, suddenly wondering what the possibility was that Derek got a hold of a burner phone and pretended to be Quinn. The Ghoulies could be out here now, waiting to attack him and he walked right into it. But he leaned on the car and tried not to worry.
It suddenly hit her. What did he look like now? What would she look like to him? It was silly of her to think of her looks, but it kept her mind busy. She adjusted the review mirror in order to look at herself in it, her fingers running through her long blond hair. She always did that when she was nervous. Fixing herself gave her some sense of control; something she'd been lacking recently.
The sound of a car startled her, making Kitty breathe heavily. She had to force herself to calm down. Maybe it wasn't him. But from where she was parked, she couldn't see who the driver was. She needed to get out of the car. She took a deep breath, taking one last look in the mirror. "You can do this..." With a slight nod of her head, Kitty opened the door and stepped out into the cold air. The lot was darker than she expected and for a moment, she regretted her choice in location. But it was the only place she could think of so suddenly. She walked toward the car slowly, carefully not too make too much noise. And then...there he was. Her breath hitched in her throat, halting her steps. She wanted to run before but now that she saw him... She couldn't go back. Not now. She took a few steps closer until the light of a nearby lamp shone down on her. Now or never. "...Rory?"
If he hadn't been out of cigarettes, now would have been a perfect time to light one up. After everything that happened with Derek, Rory wouldn't admit it but he'd been freaked out enough that he let himself smoke a few times to relax himself. He usually only lit one up from time to time after a fight but he'd finished a whole pack in the past few days. Running his hand over his facial hair, Rory looked across the lot with it's flickering light, and he noticed a car. From that distance, all he could see was that there was a woman. A blonde woman. Quinn.  
He cleared his throat and straightened his back and decided that he was only going to stay a few minutes. If she didn't have anything big to say, he was just going to leave. He didn't need to relive this. But then she slowly came into voice and every step made him smaller and smaller until the light shone on a face he hadn't set eyes on in so many years. His stomach knotted and his breath caught. It couldn't be. "Kit?" He shook his head and stepped back. "I-- you shouldn't be here.. I should go.." Without even thinking, Rory turned to the truck and yanked the driver's side door open. He was supposed to stay away from her and even though she'd come here, and she was now over eighteen, he wasn't sure what the law said about this.
Her insides twisted into a million knots. He looked the same yet so different. Older, wiser, but still those same brown eyes and honey colored hair that she had fallen in love with. She wasn't used to seeing him with a bit of a beard but she didn't mind it. Just the mere sight of him was enough to make her speechless. All of a sudden, whatever it was that brought her to this meeting was forgotten.
But the second he stepped back toward the car, her brain kicked into gear. "No, wait." She couldn't let him leave. Not without saying what she needed to say. So she lurched forward, reaching out for him, to keep him from leaving. "Don't leave. We need to talk. I need to talk. Please." Her hand found his and she held on tightly, bright green eyes staring up at the male.
She couldn't be here. Hell, even if he could wrap his mind about her being here, it wasn't safe for her on this side. Maybe that made him a hypocrite that he didn't care about her coming here when he thought it was Quinn but the second he remembered the sweet girl who made his heart feel things it never felt before, he cared.
"You can't be here, Kit," he said, shaking his head. The restraining order had expired when she turned eighteen, and it had been years since then, but everything was slowly rushing back and he remembered why he hadn't tried to contact her after her eighteenth birthday. "We don't need to talk. I think you said everything you needed to say all those years ago. I can't be--" but in the middle of his words, her hand was suddenly on his and all but his racing heart stilled.
Rory looked back at her and he still saw the girl he'd fallen for all those years ago. He still saw the bright eyes that could shine brighter than the sun when she laughed, and even more so when she looked at someone she loved. Or he thought when she'd been in love. She made it clear after she teary told him she was pregnant. "Why are you here?" He asked, voice much softer than it had been.
"No, no. It wasn't me!" She was in a rush; trying to keep him from leaving. He couldn't go without her saying what needed to be said, what she'd been mulling over and over again for over a week. Hell, she'd spent most of her Thanksgiving day preparing a speech for him, only for it to escape her mind the second she laid eyes on him.
The way he spoke about her, about their past, made her feel as if someone had reached in and squeezed her heart and pushed it up against her throat. She was trying to keep herself together, force herself to be strong. But his hand, the familiar touch she apparently hadn't forgotten seemed to somehow sooth her. And it seemed to have the same effect on him because he suddenly stopped. He wasn't running anymore. This was her chance. "I had to see you. I knew you wouldn't come if you knew it was me so--" She cut herself off, shaking her head lightly. It didn't matter. She took a deep breath, tightening her grip on his hand as if it was a lifeline. Or maybe it was to keep him from leaving. "I need you to hear me. It wasn't me. I never signed a restraining order against you. I would never do something like that. All these years I couldn't understand why you left so suddenly. I thought it was because--" The knot in her throat made it hard to finish the sentence. It was difficult to revisit such hard time, let alone speak of it. But she had to say it, he had to know. "My father told me you didn't want anything to do with me."
"Please don't lie to me," Rory growled, feeling that ache that he'd long since stuffed into a box and hid away deep inside of them - one that only opened every now and then when Grace did something so blatantly Kitty. He didn't like to hear about the restraining order and he wasn't sure why she'd lie about it now. "I saw the papers, Kit. With my own two eyes. Which was a hell of a nice change from the threat of filing statutory rape charges on me." His jaw clenched, hating that he was reliving this. "I know I was wrong, okay? I was older than you and.. I shouldn't have done what I did but I.." He could leave, he thought. He didn't have to do this. But the words had been inside for so long, sitting unsaid and broken. "I fell in love with you and I thought.. I thought you did too. I would have never used you."
"And I-- I was scared as hell when you told me you were pregnant but I meant it when I said I'd be there because.." He took a breath, emotions bubbling inside of him until he felt sick with it. He shook his head, "I never left suddenly. The charges were brought up to my parents and they convinced you guys not to press them. So I got this nice restraining order to stay the hell away from you. They disowned me for loving you, Kit. And I don't give a fuck about them or losing them, but I lost you and I thought we were.. something. I meant it when I said that I would have gotten a job and taken care of you, got an apartment.. I wanted those things and I wanted them with you, and then you just turned."  And it wasn't that Rory didn't understand. She'd been young and even now if he thought about Grace at fifteen with some guy seven years older than her, he'd have murder on the brain, but he'd been in love. "Say what you have to but just don't lie to me."
She could hear him speak but all her brain registered was no no no. She didn't even realize her head was shaking along to his word until she heard the words statutory rape. When Quinn told her about it, she felt sick to her stomach, but that didn't stop the punch she felt when it came out of his mouth. "Those papers were never legal because I never signed anything! They must have faked my signature. I--" He clearly wouldn't hear anything she had to say. He was hurt by what happened and he had every reason to be. But hell, so was she. She lost something too. She stepped closer, bringing her free hand to cup the side of his face. She had to make him focus on her somehow. "I did. Okay? I did too."
Her vision became blurrier as more and more poured out of his mouth. She could hear the pain in his voice, mixed with anger and...maybe a hint of regret? It was hard not to break down and cry but if she did, she wouldn't be able to say anything else. "I wanted all of that too. With you. You can't take advantage of someone who wants the same things." Maybe she was in the wrong for standing so close to him. After all this time, he probably had someone waiting for him back home. But he wasn't pushing her away yet. And she didn't want him to. "I didn't know. About any of it. My father told me you didn't want me. Us. He sent me to Greendale. I wasn't here when all that happened. And then I heard you left town. He told me you were gone. I was stupid to believe anything he said. I know that. He's the liar, not me. You have to believe me. You're not the only one who lost everything."
Rory had every intention of leaving. He didn’t need to wait here and listen to anything she had to say. Not because he was angry at her but because all those years ago, he’d been hurt. He didn’t stay because of that but he stayed anyway. He stayed because the moment she touched the side of his face, his feet grew into the ground and his body refused to move even if he wanted it to. “Kit,” he said, but then went silent as she spoke, saying things to him that made him shake his head. She went to Greendale? “He said you went to stay with some cousin is Chicago,” he told her in a small voice, and that’s when the wheels started turning. He’d never questioned whether this was actually what Kitty wanted because as soon as her father uttered the words ‘statutory rape,’ he’d known deep down he’d never see her again. “He.. said you hated me for what I did to you. That you couldn’t look at my face. That you begged him to give me the papers and make me go away.”
In that moment, Rory let himself look past the pain and the sadness and see her, really see her. Not for the girl she’d been but the woman she was. The one who reminded him that she’d lost everything too. But something still didn’t add up. He opened his mouth to ask, then closed it. Then opened it again and let the question roll of his tongue, “If you wanted us, why did you give her up?”
"I loved you. I wanted to be with you. To have that life we talked about. Why would I tell him something like that?" She was almost desperate in the way she spoke. They had clearly been told two completely different stories and they had all been created by the same person. Her father; the man she idolized for so many years. The same man that had betrayed her in so many ways. The thought alone felt like another punch to the stomach; one of many in the last several days.
The second he brought her up, the baby they made together, she couldn't keep herself together anymore. Both arms fell at her sides helplessly, tears streaming down her cheeks. She wasn't sure what it was about it that hurt the most. The guilt of giving her up or the shame of not fighting harder for what they had. But she knew why she hadn't. "I thought I was alone and I couldn't do it alone. He told me he'd find a good family for her. And after you signed the adoption papers, I didn't see a reason not to. What could I give her on my own?"
"Because of what I did," he said, repeating all those things he'd told himself ever since he lost everything he thought gave him peace. "You were fifteen and I... wasn't. I figured it just hit you later and-- I wasn't going to try and force you to talk to me if you felt disgusted." Which was exactly what her father had told him she felt. He wanted to push, to make her understand that he didn't like whatever this was. He was right for backing off when she wanted him to. But now it felt a little more blurry as to whether she ever had stopped back then.
When the tears that had built in her eyes started to fall down her face, all of the hurt instead of him broke away. It suddenly wasn't about him because in that single moment, those tears were on the face of a girl he loved, years ago, telling him she was scared, showing him the positive pregnancy test. Back then, he'd wiped her eyes and pulled her against his chest, heart thudding, and he let her cry. Rory's body ached to do the same, and he even took a step towards her until he heard this words she said. He shook his head at her question.
"What do you think I gave her?" His arms fell at his sides. "I was disowned. I didn't have a home. I didn't have anywhere to go. I just had her and--" The knot grew in his throat but he fought it. Not having enough for his daughter had been his biggest regret but he never wanted to use the money he'd been given to stay away. It felt wrong. "I still just do the best I can and I know it's not enough but I.." Rory stopped mid-sentence, noticing that Kitty actually looked sick. "What?"
"I feel disgusted now. At my father for lying to me all these years. I was young, but I knew what I was doing. I never regretted my choices. Not even when I believed you abandoned me." Kitty couldn't even look her father in the eye nowadays. Every time she did, she felt gross as if somehow it was her fault. And part of it was, for believing in him for so long without question.
"That was wrong too. You were supposed to stay in the Northside with me. Not be thrown out like trash. Because you were not trash." He seemed to be finally understanding her side and more and more, she could see the gaps in the lies they were told. They could have had a beautiful life together and instead were torn apart by people who didn't understand what they had.
As Rory spoke, Kitty's eyebrows furrowed further and further, confusion seeping inside her. He wasn't talking in the past tense anymore. He was talking in the present tense. And that didn't make sense. "You do the best you can? What do you mean?" Was he still somehow trying to honor her? Was he trying to do better now to make up for mistakes of the past?
Was it too much to wish that she was telling the truth? Was it too foolish to want to believe everything she was saying to him? He'd spent so many years accepting the fact that he was a piece of shit who didn't deserve the gift he had in his daughter, only to be told that they'd both been played. Rory let his mind scan through all of his encounters about the restraining order and the charges, every moment outside of the first when she told him she was pregnant, and they had all been with Pastor Wilde. Rory had believed it easily, willingly, because if Kitty did feel violated then she wouldn't want to see him. He'd loved her too much to force it.
He averted his gaze to the ground when she said he was supposed to stay on the North Side with her, and it made him wonder what his life would have been life. How different would Rory Weston have been as a father? How better would Grace have had it with the money and family ties that came with that name?
Lifting his gaze back to her face, Rory watched the look of confusion seed itself in her eyes, creasing the lines on her face, until she asked a question that even confused him. Even if she had been lied to, she'd signed the papers... the same papers that he'd signed when she gave up her parental rights. Hesitantly, he said simply two words, "... with Grace."
Two words. It was all it took for everything to freeze for a moment. Everything but her brain. Kitty's mind raced through all the events from the past eight years. When they first met, their first date, first kiss, first night together. When she found out she was pregnant and the darkness that came after that. Everything was real up until then. And everything since was a lie.
For eight years, Kitty believed she had lost the two people she had loved the most, only for them to be on the other side of town, leading a completely different life. "You have her?" Part of her wanted to believe it. But another part needed to hear it from him. He had to say the words to make them real. She just didn't know if she could take it; take the fact that she had been so close to them but too snob to allow herself to step into the side of town that was known for its criminality.
It clicked. She asked that question and everything clicked and a sadness descended upon him, taking root deep inside his chest. He looked away from her, scanning the parking lot but not really seeing anything. Not until his eyes landed back on hers. Her one question told so much more than all of her explanation and all of the confusion. He knew now and it was simple. She didn’t know.
She didn’t know anything. She didn’t know that he’d been raising their daughter. Rory stared at her and for a moment he worried that she would break. But Kitty has never been weak, not even all those years ago. He nodded, almost distrusting his voice. He wasn’t sure exactly what passed through her; relief or sickness, maybe both. But he knew that she needed more than just a nod. She had been right when she said he wasn’t the only one to lose everything, and he saw that loss written across her face. “Grace... is our daughter, Kit.”
The air escaped her lungs all at once, a ringing began in her ears. She felt as if she had entered a roller-coaster that she couldn't find her way out of. She didn't even notice when her arms wrapped around her middle, as if to trying to hold herself together. She couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true.
But it was. And even hearing her name felt true. Grace. Rory had mentioned her name in a text and she loved it. It was one of her favorite names. But she assumed it was a child he'd had with another woman, another relationship and life that was supposed to be hers. She was wrong. "She's here?" Her words were barely above a whisper, a small squeak that she managed to get out. She couldn't breathe, she needed air. Her feet moved on their own accord, stepping away from Rory enough that she could see something other than him. Her head was spinning and she felt as if she could topple over any minute. "I-- I thought--" Her brain was trying to put a coherent thought together but she found it difficult to stay focused. She brought a hand up against her forehead, as if that motion would help clear her brain. "I'm so stupid. I believed everything he told me. He said--He said she went to a good home in California."
Kitty turned suddenly to face him again, her body swaying lightly before she quickly regain her composure. "How can he be so evil when he claims to be a man of God?" She was crying again, but she didn't care. The pain and sadness she felt mixed with a rage that she kept bottled up inside all the time.
Rory nodded again and suddenly felt like he needed to be gentle with her. That look on her face was clear enough. She was just realizing that she'd spent the last seven years in the same town with the daughter she thought she gave up for adoption. She'd been lied to for years by her father, and he'd been lied to as well but his didn't feel nearly as big as it once had.
He watched her, knowing that her words weren't directed at him exactly. She just needed to say them, had to ask, because she didn't understand. And he didn't either. How could anyone be so cruel? He decided to just tell her the truth. "After my parents convinced your father not to press charges, I asked about the baby. He tried to tell me you wanted to give her up for adoption, that you didn't want her to be with me but I-- I couldn't just leave. I couldn't lose you, and her, at the same time."
Rory took a slow breath and let it out, "So I.. I got a call when you went into labor and I waited at the hospital. It took sixteen hours." Of course he didn't have to tell her that because she had lived it but he wanted her to know he meant it when he said he'd been there the whole time. "And then he came down to the waiting room with her. I took her in my arms, and he gave me the papers that he said you signed to give up your rights, and.. that was it."
Lowering his eyes for a second, he said, "I was terrified holding her because she was so tiny. My car was parked outside the hospital but I couldn't even get in it. I had a car seat but.. I don't know, I didn't trust other people on the road, so I walked." How could her father had taken that away from her? Looking up at Kitty, he frowned, "Do.. do you want to see a picture of her?"
Kitty honestly didn't want to hear anything more. She wasn't sure she could handle any more revelations. "He would never press charges. He couldn't handle the scandal." She knew it to be true now. But back then, they'd been naive to think the Pastor was a good person.
She heard him speak; talk about a time where she needed him the most. She was so focused she didn't notice her own two feet walking toward him again. "I kept wishing you were there with me. I didn't think I could do it alone. And then she was here and she was gone." He had been there without her knowing it. And somehow that comforted her. Her baby girl hadn't been alone like she thought she had. "He let me hold her for a few minutes before he took her away. I really thought I was doing the best."
Kitty's head tilted slightly, listening to him as the back of her hand wiped the tears from her cheeks. She probably looked like a mess, with mascara running down her face. No waterproof mascara could resist so many tears. But she didn't care. Her whole life was turned upside down and suddenly, she found the one good thing to come out of it. "I'm sure you were a good father to her. Like I knew you would be. I--" She paused mid-sentence, slightly taken aback by his question. With all this time she had been standing there with him, arguing in a motel parking lot, she didn't once consider the chance of actually seeing her. She didn't think it possible until he asked her about it. It took her a moment to register that he expected an answer, but once it did she nodded her head, letting out a nervous little laugh in the process. "Yes... Please."
When she spoke about wishing he'd been there, Rory felt a twist in his chest. He remembered sitting in the hospital waiting room, knowing that she was in labor, giving birth to the child they'd made together. After everything, he'd assumed she was in agony. Not only from the pain but from the act of having to deliver something that reminded her of someone who violated her, who hurt her, and he'd hated himself for it. He'd hated himself until he held their little girl in his arms and cried at how perfect she was.
Now he knew that what she'd been through was so much worse. She'd only gotten to hold Grace for a moment. She'd had her and then lost her and never saw her again. "I know," he said about her thinking she was doing the best. Because the Kitty he knew would have never given her child away maliciously, and Rory had been stupid enough to believe that she wasn't the Kitty he knew when her father approached him.
He hated the tears on her face and wished he could take them away but unlike what he previously believed, he hadn't caused them, and he couldn't stop them. He nodded at the almost meek way she said yes. Reaching into his back pocket, Rory pulled out his phone and he tapped on the photos icon. Up popped hundreds of pictures of her. She was all he ever took pictures of. The first was one of her wearing her favorite butterfly wings, playing in the grass in front of their new trailer. Her golden hair wreathed her face like a halo, glasses positioned on the tip of her noise as her face brightened in a laugh.
Rory held the phone out to Kitty. "There's more if you swipe to the side." But instead of talking, or narrating the pictures, Rory's eyes were focused on hers, watching that wonder of the first time she saw their daughter.
Her heart thundered in her chest as she waited for Rory to fish his phone out of his pocket. She never thought she'd see her little girl again. Her hand were shaking again with a sudden nervousness. Did she look like Rory? Like her? It was almost overwhelming, even more than the encounter with him after all these years.
Kitty took the phone from his hands and stared at the screen. There she was. A beautiful little girl. Blonde hair like hers, hazel eyes like Rory's, big glasses on the bridge of her nose and the widest smile she had even seen. This girl reminded her so much of herself as a child that it almost spooked her. Shaky hand raised to swipe to another picture and her breath caught in her throat. The little girl was dressed in a costume, clearly from Halloween. Kitty recognized it immediately because she'd seen that girl. She'd spoken to that girl. Oh god. Kitty had been so close to her own daughter and she didn't even know it. She could have touched her, caressed her hair, stroke her cheek, something. But she just let her go back to the woman she had come with.
Suddenly, it was hard to stare at the picture, at the realization. This was all too much. Coming here was a bad idea. Her world was falling apart and Kitty had no control over it. She shoved the phone back into Rory's hands, her chest heaving as she breathed heavily. "I can't be here. I'm sorry. I-I have to go." She started moving backwards, wide eyes staring at Rory before she turned toward her car. She felt sick to her stomach, she needed to leave. To be somewhere other than in that parking lot.
Rory didn't know what he expected but as he watched Kitty look through the pictures, he found himself wondering how he would have reacted if their situations had been reversed, if he hadn't been in Grace's life all this time and then finally laid eyes on the little, amazing human being that he helped give life. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to handle it, so the second his phone was shoved back at him, Rory could only grab it before it hit the ground.
"Kit?" She mumbled her words and was suddenly moving away from him, back to her car, and all he wanted to do in that moment was reach for her. It had been too many years and watching her walk away felt too much like losing her again, even if she wasn't his anymore. "Wait--" Rory walked a few steps after her, making it to the middle of the parking lot before he stopped himself. She was already in her car, already leaving, and he was left standing alone.
Rory watched the lights disappear down the street and then looked to the picture she'd last looked out, one of her from Halloween. He swallowed the knot in his throat and felt the realization of everything hitting him in the chest, a strong blow that rocked everything. Kitty had never hated him, and she'd been tricked into giving their daughter away.
And now, everything was changing.
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