#madame kovarian
seaweedstarshine · 4 months
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“They engineered a psychopath to kill you.” “Totally married her. I'd never have made it here alive without River Song.”
Sources: Let's Kill Hitler, Diary of River Song: My Dinner With Andrew, Closing Time, The Husbands of River Song, Diary of River Song: The Furies, Diary of River Song: Animal Instinct, The Ruby's Curse, Time of the Doctor
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riversongsource · 1 year
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I'm River Song. Check your records again.
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giddyaunt425 · 16 days
Big Finish really had our boy Five get shot and die while in his UNDERWEAR. The Diary of River Song has been a WILD listen.
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doctorfriend79 · 3 months
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A Good Man Goes To War
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thingsasbarcodes · 2 months
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Doctor Who 6x07 - A Good Man Goes to War
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cursed/non-cursed ships of DW
you know what? that id took so long to write, it deserves to be in alt and not in alt
[ID: Image of a black triangle (not filled in) with the words "Wouldn't i be cute if these two fucked?" at the top point, "Wouldn't it be funny if these two fucked?" at the bottom-right point, and "Wouldn't it be fucked if these two fucked?" at the bottom-left point. At the top point, an image of Bill Potts smiling (from the episode: The Pilot), and River Song with her hands in her hair, her face in shock (from the episode: Let's Kill Hitler) can be seen. At the bottom left point, a photo of the Eleventh Doctor with a serious face (poster photo/no specific episode) and Madame Kovarian who is grinning (from the episode: Closing Time). Finally, in the bottom-right point, an image of Missy with her hands on her hips, pouting (from the episode: Death in Heaven) and an image of River Song smiling at the camera, her hands on her hips as well — no that wasn't intentional. (poster photo/from the Christmas Special: The Husbands of River Song). END ID]
i apologise for curséd 11/kovarian shit :/
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whogirl42 · 11 months
River Song | Who Are You Really?
Just posted a new River Song vid! Go check it out, and if you like it drop a comment to let me know what you think!🥰
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dwimpossblog · 7 months
A Good Man Goes to War
"Demons run when a good man goes to war" - we reach the mid-series finale for Series 6 in this weekend's review!
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Madame Kovarian: oh, look, it’s the three musketeers
Rory: was that an insult?
Amy: kinda lacked punch
11: the three musketeers were cool
Madam Kovarian: i see your points
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paxbe · 4 months
steven moffat has a lot to answer for in his poor writing of women but his worst crime is what he did to river song
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he took a very cool and interesting woman with an unexplored plotline that had limitless potential and turned her into another of his two-dimensional sexy-woman-who-could-shoot-you archetypes. her plotline also falls victim one of his repeated attempts to craft an exciting mystery with a plot twist which ended up being needlessly convoluted and somehow condescending almost, by neglecting to give river her own meaningful journey and centring her existence around creating puzzles for the doctor to solve
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seaweedstarshine · 6 months
People the Eleventh Doctor calls “dear” as a pet name, in order from most to least flirty
The TARDIS (🥰) -“Oh! A new one! Lovely! Thanks, dear.” -“What do you think, dear? Where shall we take the kids this time?” -“Woah! Calm down, dear.”
River Song (😘) -“Just looking on the bright side, dear.” -“Smelling the ozone, dear.” -“No, no, dear. Just me.”
Winston Churchill (😉) -“Oh, hello, dear! What’s up?”
Madame Kovarian (😏) -“Did my best, dear. I showed up. You just can't get the psychopaths these days.”
Handles the Cyberman head (🥺) -“Okay. In your own time, dear. Don’t rush.”
Mysterious floating cube (😯) -“Out of the way, dear, I’m trying to…”
That one Dalek (😠) -“I’m not looking for a countermand, dear. I’m looking for reverse.”
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scvereignreigned · 7 months
💄 – river song
💄 – eleventh doctor
💄 – amy pond
💄 – rory williams
💄 – tenth doctor
💄 – twelfth doctor
💄 – donna noble
💄 – clara oswald
💄 – madame kovarian
💄 – the tardis
💄 – canton delaware
💄 – the silence
💄 – wardrobe
💄 – musings
💄 – about
💄 – aesthetic
💄 – headcanon
0 notes
💄 – river song
💄 – tenth doctor
💄 – donna
💄 – twelfth doctor
💄 – eleventh doctor
💄 – amy
💄 – rory
💄 – clara
💄 – mickey
💄 – rose
💄 – ninth doctor
💄 – the silence
💄 – canton delaware
💄 – madame kovarian
💄 – aesthetic
💄 – wardrobe
💄 – musings
💄 – about
💄 – martha
💄 – thirteenth doctor
💄 – the tardis
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thingsasbarcodes · 2 months
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Doctor Who 6x13 - The Wedding of River Song
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 4
While trying to figure out how Jenny was the Fifth Doctor's daughter, the Nine suggested he might be her father or her mother.
The Nun once shot and imprisoned the Tenth Doctor on her TARDIS, using a psychic shroud to take on his appearance temporarily before "regenerating" into her own body.
The Eighth Doctor has traveled with both a Cyberman and an Ice Warrior before (albeit not at the same time).
Jasper and Stewart are a pair of Fledershrews (a type of bat) that took residence in the TARDIS. The Doctor considered them to be good friends.
The Doctor had at least one grandfather and seven grandmothers.
Horses can be cyber-converted.
The Seventh Doctor took Ace back in time to kill the would-be dictator as well, but they were also unable to go through with it.
At the same time the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby were dealing with goblins (24/12/2023), the Seventh Doctor and Ace were in a Los Angeles toyshop.
Wilfred Mott enlisted while he was still underage.
Orlando Bloom stars in Indiana Jones movie remakes.
Sam Jones knew what the Doctor's name is.
By some accounts, the Doctor removed his name from time, meaning only they and the Master (as well as anyone they later told) remembered it.
Ian Chesterton was taught how to ride a horse by Alexander the Great.
The TARDIS once dematerialized with a Nazi (played by David Tennant) half in, half out, leading to his incredibly gruesome death.
On Harmony, an idyllic planet, the locals harvested any visitors for food as the other animals had all died out.
Sometimes, the Doctor has worked to actively change history, like the time the Second Doctor tried to save Horatio Nelson from dying in the Battle of Trafalgar.
As the First Doctor regenerated into the Second, the TARDIS also somewhat regenerated, shrinking around fifteen centimeters.
River Song has eleven siblings such as Brooke, Stream, Lake, Creek, H-One, H-Two, O, etc. All of them are clones created by Madame Kovarian from River's DNA.
Speaking of River, she's been married to both Bernice Summerfield and Jack Harkness before.
Amy Pond was once mutated into an almost butterfly-like creature.
The Master does not like David Attenborough.
At one point, the most wanted criminal in the galaxy was the Master, and the Rani was second most wanted.
Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday was a Gallifreyan bedtime story the Eleventh Doctor recalled enjoying.
In this story, Rassilon would ask the Matrix daily: "Matrix, Matrix that sees over all, who has the power to make Gallifrey fall?" The Matrix would always respond with: "Only you, oh Rassilon. Only you, through the Eye of Harmony have that power." One day, the Matrix added: "Snowana the Fair, using the Keys of Doomsday, she has the power to destroy all of Gallifrey." Rassilon was greatly angered by this and banished Snowana to the wastelands, expecting her to die, but instead, she grew into Snow White. Selendor had created a great weapon that could be used to destroy cities and fashioned seven keys to it, one for each sin of the Time Lords. He gave one key to Snow White expecting her to get some revenge, but she instead ran away and created a force field around her and the keys. Selendor died of grief for his lost keys
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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