sjbattleangel · 8 months
HellYeahHeroes/Grim Goblin, this needs to stop.
Before you say it, I'm not "tone-policing" or "censoring", I'm simply calling out your hateful toxicity. Once and for all. The way you demonized creators were-and still are-beyond disgusting. Instead of using your platform to celebrate comics as a fantastic medium and form storytelling, you have used it to personally attack writers you hold pretty grudges against. Let's get a few things out of the way:
Jonathan Hickman is NOT a fascist sympathizer or closeted Neo-Nazi.
Jason Aaron is NOT a misogynist, Reddit-dudebro militant atheist or an eugenics supporter.
Ed Brisson is NOT a homophobe, bigot or fascist sympathizer.
Dan Slott is NOT a racist, misogynist, pervert or fascist sympathizer.
Donny Cates is NOT a homophobe, misogynist or Nazi apologist.
James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder and Joshua Williamson are NOT fascist sympathisers nor does Williamson support eugenics.
But most importantly: They are NOT hacks.
It was never about "wanting well-written stories", "having your favourite characters treated with respect" or "criticising crappy writing", no. Comics completely aside, it was all an excuse to lead hate campaigns. Because you hate them as people. Full stop.
Way before you read any of their work, once you saw their faces and names, you've held a deep parasocial hatred against them for existing. Why? Did they personally hurt you? Did they run over your dog? Did they force you to watch them eat your goldfish? Did they shove you into lockers? Did you see them burn an orphanage of puppies and kittens and then get away with it by claiming it was in "self-defence?" Did they take a massive, stinking dump in the middle of your living room and demand that you pay for it? Why? What did any of these creators do to you? Was sending all those death threats necessary? You're no "critic" or "champion of progress", you're a bully. No better than the supervillains your heroes fight against.
Cass, Kamala, Jen, Carol, The Champions, Runaways, New Mutants, New Warriors, Academy-X New X-Men would be ashamed of you.
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hellyeahheroes · 10 days
I remember you from back when you were "HellYeahTeenSuperHeroes" on Twitter and Tumblr a long time ago and really enjoyed you comic recommendations and progressive content. Just recently I searched your name only to come across tons of accusations of toxicity, personally attacking writers and sending them death threats. I eventually came across this letter addressed to you and some of your friends.
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I found this really worrying since I remember you seeming like a very empathetic person with a strong sense of morality but as soon as I heard rumors about you, Ubernegro and others attacking comic writers, calling them "garbage human beings", "eugenists" "fascist sympathizers", "Nazi enablers", "secret Neo-Nazis" and sending them death threats, I didn't know what to think. Is this true? What are your thoughts? I don't know what to believe. If this is all true, then I'm worried you've forgotten the words of Linkara here and here Please, explain this. I need to know.
I'm going to assume you're writing in good faith and aren't author of that fucking "letter" (more like an incoherent rant tbh) on alt account or someone they dragged into being their good little minion.
The posts making accussations include A LOT of things taken out of context and painted in bad light, instances of screenshots deliberatelly edited to make it look like member of this blog says something someone else had and constantly keeps treating people who NEVER WERE MEMBERS OF THE BLOG as if they are regular contributors. One of these people openly hates my guts and informed author of the original psots they do not wish to be associated with me, or as they called me: "this cuck". Another was a fan who would comment with often violent fantasies about writers I was criticising...until I asked him to stop and he did. The latter doesn't even have a fucking tumblr account anymore.
This "letter" comes from people who are just going after any sort of criticism of things they like, mispresenting it and flattenning everything down to the level where not singing praises for a book they like is the same as sending the author death threats.
It's a letter from people who ask me why I keep reading comics from big two if I hate them so much and telling me I must "do better" as a part of the fandom, despite the fact that I HAVEN'T READ A BIG TWO BOOK IN YEARS, I NO LONGER CONSIDER MYSELF PART OF THE FANDOM and THE ONLY KIND OF COMIC-RELATED THINGS I POST ABOUT NOWADAYS ARE REPLIES TO THIS KIND OF ACCUSSATIONS!. I am no longer part of the fandom, I no longer discuss comics and their topic is bad for my mental health.
Leave me alone
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championsofmyheart · 4 years
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Miles Morales in Miles Morales: Spider-Man Issue #14
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docgold13 · 5 years
Hey Doc. Sorry for asking this but can you send this message to @hellyeahteensuperheroes?: "I wish I can get a new inhumans book, do you think they will have one someday?". Sorry for asking you to do this, again.
Hey.  I guess I can ask, or at the least tag them on this ask.  Are you not able to ask them yourself?
I wouldn’t presume to speak for anyone else, but my guess is that hellyeahteensuperheroes might not have much to offer on the matter.  They’re still reeling (as am I) over the recent cancellation of The Champions.
A book focusing on the young Inhumans (Iso, Ahura, Dante, etc.). Would definitely be cool and I would for certain buy the heck out of that book.  Although The Marvel Rising miniseries(s) kind of has that matter covered.  
It’s a hard time for the Marvel teen heroes out there,  The X-Men teens have been left out in the cold, Champions got the axe, and it all too often feels as though the characters from New Warriors, Young Avengers, Young Allies and Avengers Academy have just been forgotten about.  
The Inhumans are fringe as it is, with not a huge audience out there to support the books.  Add in the extra fringe of a teen book and a teen Inhumans title feels like a hard sell.  
Again, however, I would for certain pick up such a book and it’d be at the top of my reading list.  
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rjbailey · 5 years
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lgbtincomics · 7 years
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Iconic bisexuals from comics → David Alleyne (Prodigy)
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vague-humanoid · 2 years
@hellyeahteensuperheroes @annotated-dc @bigskydreaming @positivelydetectivecomics
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vo-kopen · 2 years
Okay I do have some excitement for mainstream marvel returning. I bothered to spend some time doing math on Shang-Chi.
The movie takes place post Endgame in like 2023,* and ten years ago Shang-Chi was fourteen. So he was born in 1999. In 2006 his mom died and his dad went full abusive. In between 2013 to 2014 his dad sent him to kill a guy and he ran away to San Fran. So he was roughly fifteen during Cap II. About three years later when he was eighteen was Ant-Man and Wasp, and he was living in the city the movie takes place in.
So hypothetically, a future episode of What If could have eighteen year old Shang-Chi and his dad appear in a version of that movie. Maybe because Ghost’s weird anatomy might let his dad’s army cheat the bamboo maze by phasing through it, so the Ten Rings get involved and try to snag Shang-Chi at the same time.
Like I said, some excitement for mainstream marvel has returned. Mildly embarrassing but Shang-Chi is worth it. @muceybbds @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @strixobscuro @majingojira @millyblank @jogress @hellyeahteensuperheroes it’s a good movie.
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cbros5 · 3 years
@judedeluca @hellyeahteensuperheroes @positivelydetectivecomics
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sjbattleangel · 7 months
Public Service Announcement: Please, stay away away from HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, Chadfarsight*, KK4EverStuff, and Cohore.
*I'm aware Chadfaresight doesn't speak to HellYeahHeroes anymore but she's still responsible for spewing the very same toxicity.
HellYeahHeroes/HellYeahTeenSuperHeroes, Ubernegro, Chadfarsight, Cohore and others are the most vile, most pettiest, most hateful people who have no right to call themselves "comic fans".
[Trigger warning for screencaps in the links] They will personally target comic writers using hyperbolic, personal attacks on them: Disgusting insults, making horrible assumptions of them like calling them "Hacks" multiple times, along with "Pussys", "eugenists", "homophobes", "perverts", "mysoginysts", "sex offenders", "cowards", "rape apologists", "fascist sympathizers", "Nazi apologists", "dog f***ers", telling them to "lick goats" and more.
The way they talk about writers like Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenburg, Dan Slott, Donny Cates, Brian Michael Bendis, James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson and others, it's clear that they hate them solely as people. In fact, they have held a deep personal hatred for them WAY before they read any of their works. Yet they will happily mask what is clearly a bloody vendetta against people ,who never harmed them, under a smokescreen of "criticising crappy writing" and wanting their favourite characters "treated with respect".
KK4EverStuff has gone on to send death threats and wish harm upon creators, it's very possible HellYeahHeroes, Ubernegro, Cohore and Chadfarisght have done so too.
Please, report and block them. They are the most hate-filled toxic people to ever exist in the comic fandom.
Eventually, My friend Samasmith23 and I bumped into @Majingojira and told him HellYeahHeroes and co.'s behaviour since he is their friend. Because of his more chilled, open-minded attitude, we thought he would listen to us and condemn this behaviour but instead...
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...he just kept shifting the goalposts; using whataboutisms: Like "Oh, HYH doesn't talk about comics anymore", "KK isn't a member of our group", "That was old stuff", "he (Samasmith) should hold SJBattleAngel to a similar standard", "Screencaps as ammunition is a C*micsgate tactic" and others.
He then suggested that I "fabricated" the screenshots.
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But worst of all?
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He made excuses for their abhorrent behaviour towards creators. He dismissed our calls for acountability as "tone-policing", being "puritanical", operating under "Tumblr Morality" ect.
He even excused HYH and co's attacking of comic writers by saying: "Complaining about insults towards creators is rich when creators themselves are generally okay with its existence. Just don't do it to their face."
Calling for innocent creators to be fired is NEVER "okay"!
Telling them to "lick goats" is NEVER "okay"!
Attacking them as "perverts", "eugenists", "fascism apologists" is NEVER "okay"!
Encouuraging harrasment against them NEVER, NEVER "okay"!
Sending them literal death threats is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER "okay"!
Majingojira turns a blind eye to toxic fan harassment and, by doing so, enables it. Stay away from him.
I've wrote to multiple comic/nerd/fandom blogs on Tumblr, telling them about HellYeahHeroes's and his friend's toxicity; asking them to shame this sort of behaviour. But most never reply back. They probably think I'm some sort of "troll" trying to "start drama". And I don't blame them, HellYeahHeroes, Majingojira, Ubernegro and others are some of the most beloved, well-respected comics/social justice bloggers on this website, I understand looking up to someone thinking they could never do any wrong. I know because I was once one of those people.
You know, this takes a toll on my mental health: Trying to tell people that some of the most revered members of our communities are actually horrible pieces of work, but they don't believe you. It's like being trapped in a room all alone, with no door. You scream the truth at the walls, hoping a door will appear. But it never does, and you're stuck forever with no-one to hear your cries. And it hurts. This pain of never being believed.
I hope you all understand.
I just want our community to be safe and healthy. Please, believe me.
Dear @Hellyeahheroes, @ubernegro, @farsight-the-char @Cohore,
The way you targeted and demonized creators like Dan Slott, Tom King, Donny Cates, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenburg, Grant Morrison, Jason Aaron, Brian Micheal Bendis, Adam Glass, Tom Taylor, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson, Rian Johnson, Neil Druckman was just disgusting and horrible. You have every right to dislike their work but to personally attack and vilify them is unacceptable! They are not "misogynists", they are not "creeps", "they are not "racists", they are not "antisemites", they are not "eugenists", they are not "fascist sympathizers", they are not "Nazi apologists", they are not "closeted Neo-Nazis" but most of all: They are not "hacks!"
To @Hellyeahheroes, @ubernegro, @farsight-the-char, @Cohore,: Seeing your disturbing parasoical hatred of creators like Slott, King, Cates, Hickman, Brisson, Rosenburg, Aaron, Bendis, Snyder, Tynion Williamson, it's clear that outside of comics, way before you read any of their work you've always held a personal vendetta against them as people.
Why? Did they personally hurt you or your loved ones? Did they ruin your lives? Even if they did, that gives you no right to email them countless death threats!
I don't know what you think but personally attacking these writers and sending them death threats will not magically undo the likes of One More Day, Robin: One Year Later, Avengers Academy: Arena, Avengers Undercover, Heroes In Crisis! No! Your actions are the very reason people see nerd fandom as a toxic cesspool of bullying and entitlement. And you're just proving them right!
Apologise, do better or leave.
Tell Lily Orchard, CinemaSins and Mr. Plinkett I said hi.
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
The funniest moment in my life as a Trans Woman is when a cishet dude accused me of transphobia for calling another cishet dude a cuckold.
Like, dude mansplained to me transphobia.
It is was hellyeahteensuperheroes btw. Dude is a cuck bitch loser.
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
I see you've had an encounter with hellyeahteensuperheroes. Don't worry, for some reason they despise Damian and are never satisfied with just saying they don't like the character. I honestly don't know what they're problem is, but some people are just weirdos
It's just so weird because like....I didn't even say anything particularly controversial? Just "it should have been a different insult instead of one that makes no sense given his canonical interactions with Cass?" I know you can't please everyone but the response was so genuinely hostile and out-of-nowhere, and it's kinda wack.
Anyway, me: "as someone who likes Damian I'm obligated to remind everyone how much of an absolute genuine pain in the ass early days!Damian was, even if his reasons are generally understandable."
Also me: "if a non-Damian fan insults Damian or insinuates nonsensical OOC-ness just so he can be a plot's antagonist makes sense, I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself in my attempt at retaliation."
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championsofmyheart · 4 years
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I'm Lana. Lana Baumgartner.
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spiralcass · 3 years
@hellyeahteensuperheroes Robbie Reyes recs?
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rjbailey · 6 years
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Friendly reminder that @/hellyeahteensuperheroes is bones
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