yahoo201027 · 1 month
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April 12: Happy 27th Birthday to the Owner and Creator of the yahoo201027 Page…Myself. And no, I’m not being self-centered over that. But hey, another step closer to death…so um…yeah. So to quote a scene from The Simpsons...27.
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ltwharfy · 9 months
For the rare pair ask... let's try Louise and Kaylee
I could see this working. I really like Kaylee as a character and there is a song I like that really makes me think about how she might feel having a crush on someone ("Young in Love" by Sweet Nobody) so I think some day I'll probably try to write a fic about her using lyrics from that song for the title. I think most likely I'd have Rudy as the object of her affections but I think that Louise could also work.
I think Kaylee and Louise had fun together in "Prank You For Being A Friend", and that Kaylee admires some things about Louise (mainly her rebellious spirit), and Louise cares about Kaylee (at least, enough to prevent her from being kicked out of school and to encourage her to find her people.) I could see that developing into a friendship and then into more.
Although, I think (now that she's no longer trying to get kicked out of school) Kaylee might have more difficulty going along with Louise's pranks and other adventures.
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stalkerkyoko · 1 year
yahoo skipping food wars is me skipping naruto
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konfuse · 2 years
May 21: Day 20: Headcanon/Theory
Oh, short headcanon, longer theory!
Headcanon because I just heard the scene: Jimmy Jr.’s "Lady in Red" situation will be him playing it during the reception of Zeke and Tina's wedding as a tribute to their love.
Okay, let’s go weird now and also debunk the most boring theory and create a way more interesting one!
“This is all happening in Bob's imagination after HIS WHOLE FAMILY DIED IN THE FIRE! and that is why no one ages….” like, been there, done that. Stop being boring and get some imagination. Also it was said by Lauren that it's not true.
I propose that the show is happening in the fey world, that the whole city is within a parallel dimension in which magic exists. But no one knows! 
Also everyone has a special ability but they don’t know it and also sometimes it’s stronger sometimes it’s weaker.
Like Teddy can’t die falling down, like off roofs or ladders. 
Tinas imagination is very strong and if it got stronger it might influence reality, that is why her magic “worked”.
Gene can influence the emotions around him with his music, not always as intended but it’s there. 
Louise has charisma (which makes older people angry and younger people look up to her) and also a bit of witchcraft, maybe money magic.
Bob is a food magician but only for Burger and Turkey and also the charisma thing
Linda is like Gene and can influence the emotions around her. 
Stuff like that. And we all know that in the fey world the time moves differently and there is the explanation for that. 
You’re welcome! 
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drawthething · 11 months
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Ahahaha I love making doodle promises and doing it right away 😔
Boblin for @golden--doodler and a Darryl for @yahoo201027 as "Draw a picture" requests from the artists ask game 💫💫💫 Thank y'all for the lovely asks 🥳
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babsvibes · 1 year
Bob's Burgers Blog Rec List
This is in no way conclusive, as there are so many amazing creators in this fandom. I hope you'll want to make your own list to share your faves!
Gif Makers / Canon Content Posters
Ship Blogs
@jimmypesto (not totally dedicated to boblin but very close)
@shelxvy (louisica)
@taatintoo (louigan)
@tacosandtouchtanks (zekina)
@tinimmy (... tinimmy lol)
More blogs
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luckierbutjinxedmore · 2 months
@yahoo201027 wanted a platonic fic
Took me a while to think of this one but here goes…
“So if there is anything down there, the Fish Finder sonar will pick it up,” Kaylee explained, lowering the transmitter into the water.
“This is so cool,” Jessica said, excitedly. “You really think we’ll find Wharfy?”
“I know we will,” Megan insisted.
Louise scoffed at that idea. “I think we’ll find fish. I’m still not fully convinced it was Wharfy that broke our net and ate all these sandwiches.”
“Well there’s something big down there,” Kaylee said, pointing to the monitor she held. “Look at that reading.”
The girls gathered around.
“I don’t see it.” Jessica said, looking at the colorful lines.
Kaylee pointed to a big spike in the graph reading. “There. There’s something big there. It could be the dock itself, or…”
The transmitter swiftly went under the water, as though pulled, snatching the display monitor from Kaylee’s grip and sending it into the ocean.
“Well… who wants ice cream?” Louise laughed.
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Happy birthday Blorbo Man!
I only just realised the source I'm so sorry asdfghjkl full credit to @yahoo201027 !!!!!
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sailoreuterpe · 1 year
Susmita for bingo
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Notes: Susmita is very similar to my best friend from high school so she ranks high just in that regard. Plus, she's such a genuine friend to Tina. Susmita also has such a cute aesthetic; I used to wear pigtails as a child as well. Again, @theangrypomeranian and @yahoo201027 really amp up my (already fairly high) love for this little nerd.
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yahoo201027 · 2 months
003 for Moon Tobin
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: He's my second favorite character aside from Judy and even though people think that he's like this show's version of Louise, though the comparisons are different between the two other than wearing animal-themed outfits,
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Quinn Notti (even though the romantic interest with Moon and Quinn felt like it was out of freaking nowhere, mostly because we had just met Quinn for three episodes last season, they do look cute and would be cute together (still a dumb move for Quinn to deny his request to be his date and choose a pig over him as a practice prom date that would have Moon follow his great-aunt's footsteps) but they do look cute together)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Moon & Henry, Moon & Russell
My unpopular opinion about this character: Looking back to it, I know that people would like to compare Moon with Louise, the difference is quite clear in their own right. There are some in the similarity pile but a lot of differences between the two.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: You know how in every episode since Season 3 we have the yeti appearing in the background? Knowing that Moon has been on the hunt for the creature since "Keep Beef-lievin' Adventure", I feel like at some point in time, the yeti would be caught red-handed by Moon, whether or not it might be a potential jumping-the-shark moment for the show, which I hope that doesn't become the case.
My OTP: Moon/Quinn
My OT3: N/A
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ltwharfy · 9 months
Rarepair and this might be the most random one yet, Alex Papasian and Rupa. Random pick out of the hat, something has to give lol 🤷‍♂️
Ha! I am truly enjoying the randomness of this, and will attempt to do my best to answer it.
I could see them getting together. Afterall, Alex does admit that he like-likes every girl in their grade (and Strawberry Shortcake), so if Rupa showed the slightest interest in him, he'd likely go along with it. If Courtney and Gene got together again, I could see Alex and Rupa getting together because their friends are dating. One problem I could see with the relationship is that Alex is supposed to be somewhat smart while Louise described Rupa as pretty dumb (she thought elbow macaroni was made from human elbows).
Would I enjoy it if they got together? It would probably make no difference to my enjoyment of Bob's Burgers in any way. I'm pretty sure answering this question is the most I've ever thought about Rupa. LOL
Thank you, and good night!
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stalkerkyoko · 6 months
says it for louder in back "classic who is on prime / britbox
so yeah specials are +
new who is netflix
classic is prime / britbox
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konfuse · 2 years
May 23: Day 22: Crossover with Any Series
Okay, I know it happened before but...
The Simpsons and Bob's Burgers.
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Okay listen, the thing is we would need to age up the Simpsons kids a bit like, five years.
Because then Lisa and Tina are the same age and they would get along great.
both love horses
both are nerds
both are from a poor background
both have a very eccentric parent
both love to write and so they could talk about fiction
both are the moral compass
Lisa could help Tina with school. Tina could help Lisa to embrace her weirdness.
I think Gene and Lisa could jam just fine too and he would also have fun with everyone.
I also think that a six year old Maggie would get along great with a eight year old Louise. And Louise would be very inspired by Barts pranks.
Also even though Bart would be a bit older (16 years if I remember correctly and very much a heartthrob for Tina) he would still have fun, I'm sure.
I just think the kids would get along great and the same goes for Marge and Linda. Linda would be a great friend for the more reserved Marge.
Also to counter the couch-gag I think Homer would love Bob's Burgers and not panic when he walked into the restaurant. It's not like that has been the first time of him traveling through dimensions.
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So yeah, if Family Guy can do it, why not Bob's Burgers???
Heck if you're worried about not enough conflict, make a rivalery about Homer and Teddy as Bobs best customer and the kids are creating havock at the wharf.
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drawthething · 1 year
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Watch out people, it's the rise of the sorta-left-out- sorta-underrated minor characters 👀🤟 Don't worry about little Kaylee, she's doing great!
Funky fun doodle suggested by @yahoo201027 :D Hope ya enjoy these and your boy Darryl in his high school self. What? Yeah yeah he's still short. Also now knows four coding languages and helps Louise hack into the school computer system once
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bw-mnstr · 4 years
Love the artwork you did with the Bob's stuff, especially with the Gene x Alex stuff. Also Alex x Darryl, something that I didn't expect to be a pairing but...I could get behind that as a crack pairing. Just love these two boys, being Alex and Darryl.
🥺🥺🥺 Thank you!!! I appreciate it!!
I know Alex and Darryl are such a crack ship but ,,, they’re so sweet 😔💗
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 years
Nice to see the Bob's Burgers art again for you in these trying times. Keep it up 👍
I plan to! èwé I really hadn’t been drawing enough burgerbabies lately, I’ve missed it...
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