#he's canonically bi and so much of the drama points to it
fr3sh-c0rn · 2 months
ive been seeing people do this (it's amazing) and I want to join in. Here is house md reimagined in 2024
the team makes constant h2o (the TV show) jokes to chase. (Ohrrrr naurrrr)
house is canonically bi. And hilson. (It's not a want it's a need)
House and Wilson go see the barbie movie at some point in time. They have a great time. I am also pretty sure Wilson would like mean girls, so he would probably go see the new one and drag house along too
ive seen this somewhere but house totally makes a blue hair and pronouns joke at least once
chase makes vine references at the most inappropriate times
House changed Wilson's ringtone to Gimme More ft. CupcakKe to mess with the team but it becomes permanent because he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. They are mid heated discussion about what the patient may have and then Wilson calls. Wonderful comedic timing.
House knows meme songs on the piano
Cameron is the only one without a tiktok because tiktok has too much drama or something or other
House plays animal crossing for the sole purpose of hitting the villagers with a net
They get to say fuck
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restinslices · 18 days
Ive seen your Lin Kuei Brothers hc about movie reactions and they re hilarious. I watched Mean Girls the other day and thought about their reaction watching it. I bet Bi-han would stan Regina lol. What do you think?
This is short because tbh I don’t really see them liking it😭. I added a little Drabble cause this took so long.
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Although the idea of him being a Regina George stan is conical, I don't really see him enjoying movies like Mean Girls 
I'm not sure what movies he'd like or if he's more of a book guy, but Mean Girls is campy fun about highschool drama. I just don't see him being interested 
I'm not sure any of them would really be interested in it honestly. Mean Girls isn't just a girls movie but these are men who are in their 30s-40s and just don't give me Mean Girl stan. Yk?
I just don't see him liking it at all. He's checked out the entire time and when he's told it's a classic, he doesn't understand why 
It's not the worst movie he's ever seen but it's not his favorite. He'll never go out of his way to see it again 
A party pooper fr 
I don't think he'll be like “this shit is ASS!” because you like the movie but I can see him being like “well it was certainly a movie”
I don't know😭. I wanna say he'd like it, but it doesn't seem like his vibe. I'm sorry 😔
“Did you like it?” You asked once the movie was over. The answer? No. Honestly, halfway through the movie he completely checked out and if you hadn't announced that it ended, he wouldn't have noticed. 
“It was a movie” he answered simply. He went to get up from the couch but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. A random spout of strength that contrasted how sad you looked. 
“You didn't like it?” 
“I'm in my 40s”
“So, it isn't for me”. Your frown deepened and he couldn't understand why. It was just a movie. He could understand why you liked it. It had childhood memories attached to it. He didn't have any memories attached to it, so to him, it was just a movie. 
“You suck ass” you finally said and crossed your arms. “I'm watching it again”. 
“Have fun with that”. 
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I don't think he hates the movie but once again, I just don't see any of them truly appreciating it 
Teenage drama to him just isn't exciting. He's older so when problems arise he starts giving logical answers 
“How does Cady not see that she's also becoming a mean girl?”
Because that's the point of the movie Kuai 
He'll watch it maybe a few times with you if it keeps you happy
In canon he has a wife so I'm sure he knows that sometimes you gotta endure for them
I think his favorite character, if he had to choose, would be maybe Karen because she's just tryna live life based on my memory 
He's glad he understands the references you make now 
So there's positives  
Not his cup of tea but he likes that you like it 
“This is a classic, you say?” Kuai Liang asked. He meant for his tone to come out friendly and curious, but in reality it came out unsure and a little judgmental. Unfortunately for him, you noticed. 
“Shut up! You didn't like it?!” he couldn't understand why you were so surprised. He liked some movies but the movies he liked were nothing like Mean Girls. 
“I didn't say that”
“I cannot believe you. We're gonna watch it again until you like it”. Kuai Liang was tempted to get up and go do literally anything else, but when you snuggled close to his arm, he figured there was no harm in trying again. As long as he was close to his favorite person. 
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I can see him being the brother that understands the message the most 
For some reason people debate on who's actually a mean girl. Whether it's Regina, Cady, Janis, ect. 
Tomas can see that multiple characters are mean asf
Now once again, I don't see this being his cup of tea, but hate is too strong of a word 
Dislike is too strong of a word 
The movie is just eh to him. It's just a movie. He won't suffer if he watches it but he'll never choose to watch it on his own
I can see him lying about how much he enjoyed it so he ends up watching it a lot more than he wants to because you keep putting it on 
Even if this isn't his favorite movie, he definitely thinks the first is better than the sequel 
That shit was ass 
Mean Girls is entertaining. The sequel… no❤
He watches it with you because it lets you spend time together. 
Honestly you could put on a shitty booty ass movie like Teen Wolf (2023) and he'd watch it if it kept the two of you together 
“Sooooo… thoughts?” You leaned back in your seat and look over at him with hope and happiness in your eyes. He internally winced. How could he destroy that shimmer in your eyes?
“I loved it!” he lies. His heart swells in his chest when you clap your hands together and give him a toothy grin. By the Elder Gods… you were far too cute for him. Now he certainly couldn't tell you he didn't particularly care for the movie! You'd look so sad. 
“I'm so glad! We should get matching pink shirts! We can wear them on Wednesdays!”. Tomas kept his forced smile on his face. Internally, he wasn't sure what can of worms he opened. All he knew was that it was too late to close it back up. 
“Sounds great” he mumbled. “Maybe we can watch the sequel I've heard about”. Why did he keep talking?
You scoffed. “Sure. I guess we can suffer together”. 
Suffer? Oh boy… 
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What is with all the fighting?
BuckTommy vs Buddie is going to be a pay per view octagon situation if this continues.
How is everyone fighting about things that have not happened? Why is there a budding ship war?
This is why fandom can't have nice things.
Can anyone provide a reasonable and rational explanation for this madness? Can both sides not see the writers have set this up to go one of a million different ways and no one except the people working on the show know where it is going?
I could argue how both sides could be probable and even support the most farfetched "tinhat theories" with actual canonical scenes, lines, and hints.
How the hell are fans arguing over which "endgame" is the right one? We don't get a say. Minear and his crew are firmly in control and unless you are going to argue with him, what is the point? (BTW, don't do that! For the love everything, if you are one of those who goes after the producers, writers, and actors, can I just say you give fandom as a whole a bad name and ask you to stop! Geez!)
A part of me thinks ABC and the showrunners are doing all this to fuel debates and dissent which will increase interest and send the already sky-high ratings through the roof this season and ensure at least several more seasons to come. Guess what? It's working.
Can we all agree that Buck, who didn't just turn bi one day but has been bi all his life and didn't know it, has definitely looked at and flirted with Eddie, Eddie and women have a weird dynamic, Eddie has definitely eyef****d his best friend more than once, Buck and Tommy are definitely having naked fun times (since Tommy is a beast, I think we know who is getting their back blown out), and no one has a clue about the direction the writers will take Tommy in?
Imho, in some more than platonic way, which we can spend hours debating, Tommy was/is into Eddie, Tommy is into Buck, Buck was/is into Eddie, Buck is into Tommy, and Eddie was/is into Buck. Eddie has canonically stated he is not into Tommy, so I am going to go with it because in six seasons, Tommy is the only person Eddie has stated he is not interested in.
If I were in that writer's room, I would be suggesting so much mess it would make Jerry Springer look like Sunday school. (Sue me. I love drama in my shows and movies. Not in my life, though. Definitely not.)
Now, can we all chill the hell out and see where this FICTIONAL story about FICTIONAL characters goes?
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lunar-years · 1 year
There is literally no other way to interpret the side by side posters on Jamie's wall, the boy is bi! Roy and Keeley spend literally the whole episode thinking about Jamie, and then the end when they're all sat together? Oh my heart! Also I would love LOVE to know what Roy whispered to Jamie, but the proud looks from both Keeley and Roy at their boy during the match will sustain me for weeks
Like I'm not even kidding in the slightest when I tell you this episode was ot3 made canon for me. I don't even care what happens with the three of them in the finale, this was it. If the finale is bad for them I'm just going to forget it ever happened and pretend this was the final episode, I don't even care!!!
side-by-side posters?????? of ROY AND KEELEY?????? The reveal was glorious. I can't believe I didn't see it coming but when that door swung back, my jaw DROPPED.
Jamie getting injured on the pitch and then the drama of him getting back up and everyone thinking oh it's all right he's okay only for him to FALL AGAIN. And through all of that we got to watch the face journeys play out on both Keeley and Roy??? that was straight out of a million ot3 angst fanfics i was writhing internally
literally just, Roy and Keeley not actually getting back together (without him)...!!! dropping their hands as soon as he came in. Keeley's expression when Roy told her he didn't want to be friends. If you read my long ramble-y Roy/Keeley meta after last week's episode you'll know I've dreamed of times like these anon
something about Roy going to Keeley to ask her to fix Jamie only for her to be like "welp shit I ended up making him worse" was so glorious and funny and perfect even as it was heart-bending. I know we love to talk about Keeley's emotional intelligence compared to her boys, but at the end of the day they are truly 3 idiots 1 braincell. Keeley just gets to hold on to it the most. I love these dorks.
it was deeply vulnerable of jamie to bring Roy and Keeley with him to his house. like we're not talking about that enough, actually. It was clear he'd never brought Keeley there when they dated. Like, they didn't even know he had a Simon. And this was him completely letting them into his world in one swoop. Letting Simon give them a tour of the Jamie shrine unbothered while he cried to his mum. ???????? JAMIE
the final scene where they bring the champagne into the therapy room is everything to me absolutely everything it is the stuff of dreams and I can't believe we got an ot3 scene like that.
I think it's more fun that we don't know what Roy whispered because in our heads we now get to make it whatever we want. Like, okay, it was obviously, "we're fucking tonight," and WE all know that, but the general audience, who is largely blind, can still go on in their own little delusional bubble like "wow isn't it nice that Roy and Jamie are such good friends ! Surely Roy must've told Jamie good game :D" It was such a completely perfect way of doing it. Ted Lasso writers I never once doubted you (i lie)
there was sooooo much more I loved but yeah these are the talking points my current state of mind is oscillating between lol.
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despapillon · 4 months
Mike is gay
Anyway what always bothers me with these goofy squabbles isn’t those dedicated to defending what sexuality Mike is. It’s fine to believe with your entire body he is gay. Or bi. Straight too but that’s not a Byler thing.
It’s that it always exposes how you guys just want the bare minimum and don’t care.
Yes, all that matters is Byler becomes canon and he loves Will. Mike’s sexuality? Wait, that actually is important? Who cares. The Duffers will sooooo not touch upon that despite it being an important part of Mike’s story. Mike and El will break up after so much time being together and over him being unable to say I love you and lying. El won’t ask or be curious why Mike couldn’t love her. Mike won’t clarify whether he was attracted to El at any point. Mike and El’s romantic relationship was useless and just there. The audience won’t get any closure. You had to sit through all that sweet sweet drama just to find out absolutely nothing.
Nobody is asking for Mike to straight up say he’s gay or bi. It’d just be fucking dumb and, I’d say bad writing, if they just brushed over all this. Mike’s sexuality, his relationship with El, it all mattered. Letting us know what he felt for her exactly is the reasonable thing to do. Maybe some of you just don’t give a fuck. You want to speedrun this and quickly get to the Byler kiss. But I don’t want that. El deserves to get to know what parts of their relationship were real. After so much time spent on Byler and M*leven and Mike’s struggles with his sexuality it is only fitting they will let us know. He’s not a character they can leave as: He likes guys and may or may not like girls.
They could get away with that with a character with a different story. But with Mike, that just doesn’t fit. It’s not satisfying. If he is bisexual that just changes so much about his story. That means he at one point was attracted to El but it never went past a crush. He didn’t fall in love with her, but Will instead. It’d be even more heartbreaking because it means Mike was capable of loving her, but didn’t. If he is gay, that means he was not capable of loving El. This all is important.
Two seasons of Mike being unable to say I love you to El. We find out that’s because he doesn’t love her. Then they just not touch upon what is the reason? Bullshit.
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buddiebeginz · 19 days
I hear what you’re saying and I love and appreciate the positivity but I’m just tired at this point. It feels like Fox all over again where its roads leading to buddie until the end of the season when it’s suddenly *storylines drive off in a random unsatisfying direction for Buck and Eddie and their LI’s* as the network goes hahah you silly shippers. You’re insane for thinking that was happening. We have no idea what you’re talking about or why you would even think that was a possibility. (But please stick around as we gaslight you into thinking it’s happening again next season before we do this all over at the end. 😜)
I understand why you'd feel that way and trust me I've been around for all of it and been burnt by the show time and time again so I get how you feel but I do believe this time is different. I think we're closer now to Buddie than we have ever been before.
If Buddie wasn't happening I truly believe Tim would have handled Buck's coming out in a way different way. He's not stupid and he knows how much people ship Buddie. Yet he made Buck's bi awakening ep all about Eddie. He's also had Buck and Eddie more connected than ever this season. There's also been very little of B/T and T*mmy. That's not the way you get an audience to become invested in a new ship. If Tim was really all about T*mmy and B/T we would have had more development with them yet they've barely had any real meaningful conversations
I also think that there would have been so much less press about Buddie. We've had more talk about Buddie by major press sites (ones that never talked about them before) like Rolling stone and People mag than we've ever had before. Tim and ABC (and the actors) could have made the decision early on this season to answer the Buddie question a couple of times to be firm and make sure people knew it wasn't in the plans. Yet not only have they not shut Buddie down but they continue to talk about it time and time again and the response is always basically that they want to take their time and do the story right. Also remember that questions are preapproved by the network and the actors team. If they didn't want to talk about Buddie they wouldn't be like in previous seasons when most of the time they didn't.
I get being scared to get your hopes up and of being let down again I'm scared about that too. More than anything I just really want to see Buck and Eddie finally be together. Not even just because I ship them but because I know how momentous and important it will be when that happens. I'm also tired of waiting for 911 to finally bring them together but I think we just have to be patient for a little longer because Tim and the rest of them only have one chance to get this right. I know a lot of us have been waiting years but considering they just moved to ABC and Tim just came back in a way it's like we're starting over again. But that's been a good thing I think for the characters and the show and everything feels like it's on a good track for Buddie to happen way more than we were after seasons 5 and 6.
Another thing is that the closer a will they/won't they ship gets to finally coming together shows will usually up the drama so we think it's not going to happen so then when it does it's more emotionally rewarding. So whatever is in store for Buddie right now even if they have a falling out (like some of the spoilers hint to) and even if B/T make things official going into s8 that doesn't meant Buddie is off the table. S7 did the most to let us know that Buck and Eddie know each other and get each other and are there for each other more than anyone else is for them and that relationship will always shine through above any other.
Try not to let the drama in fandom and whatever happens in the finale get you down. We can and always will be able to ship Buddie and celebrate that relationship regardless of whether or not they're canon. Message anytime. ❤️
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supercalime · 2 months
I can’t believe I found people who think about this the exact same way as I do. I don’t get these hardcore buddie stans who suddenly try to make it look like buckTommy shipper are the toxic ones. I haven’t seen a single BuckTommy shipper who was rude without a reason (maybe a bit defensive about their CANON ship). Whereas I’ve seen plenty of incredibly toxic buddie stans who insult everyone who doesn’t ship their ship or share their opinions.
Another thing and don’t get me wrong Im not defending anyone. But I’ve seen many people heavily bullying the marisol actress because she’s apparently homophobic (not saying she isn’t or is) and wanting her to be gone beacause of this reason but totally ignore the alleged racism of ryan (again not saying he is racist or not, i dont know them personally) just because he is part of their beloved ship. By their logic Ryan should leave the show too.
Hey anon, it took me some time to answer your ask (chaotic life stuff lol) but I’m glad to finally have time to talk about this first part with you.
I’ll preface by saying I won’t get involved in actor drama, no matter how true or toxic it is because I don’t have enough information nor am I qualified to talk about the issues they mishandled. I’ll just say that, no matter who does bad things, they should be held accountable.
Okay, back to the main point: yes, it’s very strange how b*ddie st*ns are behaving towards the canon bi!buck thing. Both with people who ship bucktommy but also with the creators and actors on the show. Regardless if they are right or not about b*ddie being canon, this is not how you act with entertainment, specially with the people giving the content.
I hate to bash but it looks and sounds a lot like a toddler throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get a specific toy.
And toddlers only throw tantrums because they are brand new humans who are learning how to behave. They don’t know any better so they react with outbursts and repeated demands because it’s the only way they know to get the attention of the person taking care of them.
If I’m not mistaken, the main audience for the show is 18-45. NO ONE here should be yelling in comment sections “we want buddie! we want buddie! we want buddie!” as if they would immediately get it. It’s not how it works and it’s frankly embarrassing to see a bunch of adults acting like that for everyone to see.
And I can’t stress it enough, I’m not putting myself on a high ground here and saying I’m a better person by shipping bucktommy, as I’m sure there might be a percentage of fans out there being rude and annoying as well. But at least I’m keeping my conscience clear by not acting like me shipping two characters is something big enough in my life to ruin my enjoyment of a whole show in case my favorite ship doesn’t become canon.
I hate how fandoms behave as if they can have control over the content they are consuming. We aren’t entitled to anything and if there is supposed to be ANY discourse about which character was supposed to end with, that should happen AFTER the show ended! The story isn’t over yet! So why are b*ddie st*ns so stressed? If a show is making you this angry and demanding, please step aside a little, give it some distance because that’s not how consuming content is supposed to make you feel.
And I say that last part with sincerity because I too got way too involved with fandom discourse in the past, to the point that I had to distance myself from certain shows because being that involved made me upset.
Im just tired at this point you know. Im trying to protect myself as much as possible. Im not in the bird app, I don’t follow the show or the actors on social media, im avoiding interviews like the plague. All I want from this experience is to watch the show, gather my thoughts, form my opinions, log onto tumblr and reblog the cute stuff I see about my favorite ship without having to worry about whatever the hell is going on outside my pretty little bubble
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Here's MY thoughts on the love island the game's seasons, for no reason other than I want to:
Also because the majority of the people following me are here for OM! & I want to drag more people down into the litg hell with me :)
Season 1: why is everyone so bitchy for no reason????? Talia & Jake are okay but other than that it's meh... don't really like the art style either
Season 2: Immaculate. Chef's kiss. They hit a high they never reached again. Somehow managed to balance the drama & the found family aspect and created a dynamic where you can actually believe everyone is friends and having fun even if sometimes they try to kill each other. Characters are flawed but generally decent people who are allowed to grow throughout the season. You get the option to make MC a bi gym-bro who can devour an entire cake in one sitting and bench press her partner. There's a reason this got two sequels.
Season 3: It's fine ig. Short and kind of boring. Nothing much happens. AJ is so cute though she almost makes up for it.
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Season 4: Honestly a close 2nd favourite. We get a lot of character backstory and like s2 it touches on some serious issues. The season with some of the funniest moments/lines of dialogue - multiple moments where I just laughed out loud. I'm still only half way through it but the "villain" is just straight up mean for no reason and doesn't get any character development like the characters in S2 but makes up for it by having some of the funniest interactions with other characters and I was so sad to see her go. Also the season where I desperately wish MC was allowed to be in an open relationship till the very end and finish off the season in a polycule with every other islander who was in the love "triangle"s of the the season because this was the hardest season to pick a LI - Najuma is just all around amazing, Bruno is sweet & funny, Tom is so pathetic* MC & Thabi's friendship is also the best thing? It's great seeing a platonic relationship that is as loving (if not more so) than the romantic relationships. It's literally:
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Season 5: Psychological horror. The producers said 'hey wouldn't it be funny if we torture this woman on national tv' and then committed to the bit. My memories are hazy because even though I only played it earlier this year it upset me so much I did my best to block most of it out but also I'm 100% sure there was actual galighting happening. Don't know why MC stuck around till the end because all she's gonna be able to use the money for is to pay for her therapy. Anyway I think MC should have been allowed to brutally murder everyone, she deserved it <3
Season 6: I liked the concept but I think they should have utilised it more. I'm still right at the very beginning (around ep 9) and I KNOW the general consensus from everyone who has reached the last eps seems to be that Amelia sucks MAJOR ass. But look, this is the first time a game has given me a MC with a canon family member who is also part of the game so in my opinion Amelia could commit war crimes and she's still be the most precious little uwu ever because I'm activating MC's insanely overprotective oblivious to all faults ""big"" sister mode
*I just played more of S4 and holy shit someone needs to get this man away from his parents and also maybe get him some therapy jfc
Edit 2:
** youcef, mc & valentina helping tom figure out he likes flowers and pink and tie-dye clothes and makeup and being complimented and called pretty and getting hugs is getting to me okay his parents better watch the show and see their adult son finally discovering himself and what he likes instead of what they think he should like and finally being able to let loose and have fun without worrying about what others think of him and finally being happy and they better get some sense knocked into them OR he should go to therapy and realise that no matter how much he loves his parents their love and regard being so conditional to the point that he's hidden his entire personality and is now so extremely self-conscious of it whenever it does manage to peak out, that he nearly cries on national tv after a practical stranger compliments those hidden bits is not good. Also the man has some of the most insane repressed queer vibes???? What do you mean he sees a canon nonbinary person wearing a floppy hat and is reminded of the floppy hat he loved as a child that his father threw away and replaced with a baseball cap and then when he "lost" the baseball cap his father bought him the exact same one again
Edit 3:
*** i was 100% sure i was going to get mc to stick with najuma (dorky mischevious goth who is so so bad at flirting hello!!!?) but i got caught by "sad & shy with serious self-worth issues hidden badly behind an overconfident exterior (who blushes & gets flustered easily because he so rarely receives genuine praise/compliments) experiences postive regard for the first time and loses his shit" for the third fucking time
Edit 4:
Okay but why does Dylan get (rightfully) called out by everyone in S4 for all the bullshit he does to MC from blatantly lying to her to not listening when she says "No" But in S5 when Suresh (admittedly, more subtly) pulls off the same shit no one says anything, even MC's "friends" don't believe her.
In S2 when Luke/Henrik gets a little too forceful after MC says no, he gets called out by MC's partner and immediately apologises
In S4 when Dylan does the whole "stop pretending you don't want me" routine after MC rejects him multiple times, the rest of the islanders band together and basically chase him off the island
In S5 when Suresh pulls literally the same thing from the very first episode itself but none of the other islanders believe MC, and Suresh keeps getting to do this until almost the very end while also managing to constantly play hot & cold with MC and chase away all of MCs other romantic interests
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axel-ambassador · 5 months
Its 4 am for me and I just wanna talk about why poly shipping is so good especially in Total drama.
TD is such a unique show that is able to get away with having an extreme abundance of characters, and by extension, ships, without it coming across as overbearing. Like name a show with over 100 characters that you know the name and personality of. It's an extremely impressive feat.
That said with so many characters there are so many different shipping opportunities. Sometimes the writers give two characters really good chemistry as friends or enemies and the fans take it to the next level. Sometimes the writers completely fumble the potential they have and the fans pick it up from there. Sometimes there are rare pairs that in context make no sense but fans make them work and that's so cool.
Anyway back to my point. I personally hate needless drama, in real life and in fiction. Fiction especially because typically said drama involves character derailment and general disappointment for the fans of said characters involved.
My point is that I hate the love triangle. I hate the drama it caused. I hate how predictable it was. I hate that it was an arc spread over multiple seasons starting in season 2 and ultimately lead to nothing by the end of season 5. I hate how such a lazy trope is what defined Gwen, Duncan, and Courtney's characters for a multitude of years only for it to mean nothing, and I'm not exaggerating, nothing, by the end of All Stars; their last canonical appearances.
Duncney was destined to break up after island, that's not what I have an issue with. Duncan didn't have to frickin cheat and drag Gwen in a long with him. I love Gwuncan in concept, I really do, but the terrible execution of it which directly contributed to the down fall of both characters sours the memory and idea of the honestly awesome relationship between two of the most popular characters in the entire series.
And then All Stars rolls around and watching it as a Gwen and Courtney fan is like getting a warm embrace, two incredible characters are finally on good terms, only for that embrace to become a suplex, Sundae Muddy Sundae. So now you're on the ground feeling hurt and quite betrayed. And then the realization that it all was for nothing, Gwen and Duncan breaking up despite them getting together being such a huge plot point, Gwen and Courtney being back to square one despite a whole seasons worth of investment in their relationship, character derailment up the goddamn wazoo on all 3 ends, is like the show consecutively spitting in your face.
You wanna know how all of this frustration, pain, and shitty writing could have been avoided? Poly shipping.
Duncan and Courtney have a serious talk about their relationship, how it's incredibly toxic and they need to smooth things out if they want to progress as a couple.
Gwen over here having a bi panic as, oh no, maybe she likes Duncan more than she thought, and she's also slowly falling for his girlfriend since they've had no one but each other to talk to for half a season.
Courtney coming to terms with huh maybe she's not as straight as she thought and how Gwen calms her in a way Duncan never could.
Meanwhile Duncan realizes he likes Gwen for the opposite reasons he likes Courtney. Courtney knows how to push his buttons and he loves how much it drives him crazy. Gwen is much more down to earth but is just as chaotic and a rebel as he is.
They don't kiss in the confessional in London. They talk. Jesus Christ if there's one thing the characters in this God forsaken show don't know how to do it's fuckin communicate. Especially in relationships.
They come to the conclusion that they like each other, and they both like Courtney. So they go and talk to Courtney, and Tyler can do whatever the hell it is he planned on originally.
So there you go. What was meant to be an informative post on poly shipping turned into a rant and ultimately sloppy fix of the love triangle.
Back to my original point I was trying to make but got side tracked. Polyshipping is a multi shippers heaven. As a multi shipper, it's so much easier to make everyone date instead of just picking which ship I like more.
There are characters with great chemistry that would never be considered canon, Gwourtney, Alenoah, Gweather, Heathney, Nowen, I could go on. There's obviously an overlap in some of those.
I love Gwourtney, but Gweather and Heathney are so cool too. I don't know which one to pick. The great thing is that you don't have to pick with Gweathney. Or Gwuncaney. Or Alenowen. Or Aleheathcan.
There is so much potential with so many characters in this show that it can be challenging to figure out which dynamics you love best and which to pick from.
Not only does polyshipping make that easier but also hella more painless and comical in terms of character interactions.
Thank you for your time and I'm sorry.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Although the Doctor Who 60th-anniversary specials weren't as stuffed-to-the-gills with as many cameos as fans maybe would have liked, the final David Tennant and Catherine Tate special, “The Giggle,” did, seemingly create a new paradigm that could solve a mystery the show set into motion 10 years ago.
In “The Day of the Doctor,” the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) met a seemingly much older incarnation of himself, known only as “The Curator,” played by 4th Doctor actor, Tom Baker. But how does the Doctor eventually become The Curator? The surprising ending of “The Giggle” may have the answer...
By the end of “The Giggle,” not only did we get two living versions of the Time Lord known as the Doctor — David Tennant’s 14th Doctor and Ncuti Gatwa’s new 15th Doctor — but each Doctor also got their own TARDIS. While the new Doctor flew off right away, the other Doctor decided to stay on Earth — perhaps indefinitely. Although we hear about the 14th Doctor taking Rose and Mel on all sorts of adventures (including Mars!) his overall plan is to keep things much more down-to-earth than usual. We even see the TARDIS parked in the backyard of the Noble-Temple home and are given the very clear impression that this other Doctor could remain on Earth for a very long time.
Having a second full-fledged version of the Doctor co-existing with the “regular” incumbent Doctor is certainly a new move for the series, but the storyline of “The Giggle” actually helps to smooth out various canon contradictions. As showrunner Russell T. Davies said on the aftershow, Doctor Who: Unleashed (available in the U.K.), one line from the Toymaker was meant to explain canon confusions with the Doctor’s personal timeline.
When the Toymaker says, “I made a jigsaw of your history,” this is supposed to mean that the Toymaker is responsible for various inconsistencies with the Doctor’s biography, including the idea he might be half-human (from the 1996 TV movie), the idea of the Timeless Child (from “The Timeless Children”), and, perhaps, even other vague plotlines like the idea of the Doctor becoming the Valeyard (“Trial of a Time Lord”) or the Doctor’s eventual death on Trenzalore (“Time of the Doctor.”) As Davies put it: “It just relaxes the rules to say he is whatever you want him to be.”
One of the ways this is seems true is the notion that the Doctor will, at some future date, regenerate into another previous self, the face of Tom Baker’s 4th Doctor. In “The Day of the Doctor,” the Curator (played by Baker) told the 11th Doctor outright that, “in the years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few [old faces] but just the old favorites.”
With David Tennant’s 14th Doctor, we’ve now seen this happen outright. The 13th Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) regenerated and became David Tennant again. So, who's to say that at some point down the line, the 14th Doctor won’t regenerate and become... Sylvester McCoy again? Or Peter Davison? Or Jo Martin? Or, of course, Tom Baker?
None of this means this hypothetical event will ever be depicted on screen. The Curator has already had several off-screen adventures in the form of various Doctor Who audio dramas, which means the link between the bi-generation seen in “The Giggle” and the Curator may be made clear in that format.
Then again, the existence of the 14th Doctor does open up the possibility of an entire second future biography for the Doctor, which means, they could arrive in the form of the Curator, the long way around. For now, if fans have head-canon about the 14th Doctor ending up looking like Tom Baker, there’s literally nothing that’s happened on the show to suggest that we’re wrong.'
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gen-is-gone · 8 months
Doctor Who and 2 for the fandom meme?
2. My three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
Hello hi would you like to hear about the best TARDIS team you've never heard of, right as I've fallen back hard into special interest fixation on them :D :D :D
So there's this book series.
After The Enemy Within, aka Doctor Who the TV Movie, premiered to an astounding lack of enthusiasm in 1996, BBC books decided to steal Virgin Publishing's idea to write novels about dr who, and promptly yoinked the license so they could cut out the middleman and do just that, this time starring Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor instead of Sylvester McCoy's Seventh. This novel series was called, aptly enough, The Eighth Doctor Adventures. So entirely skipping over almost three decades' worth of entertaining intrafandom drama and also how nu!who shamelessly stole basically every good idea the EDAs ever had (the biggest being of course the Time War, tho tragically nowhere near as well done), my favorite TARDIS crew:
The Eighth Doctor (as you may have guessed), Fitz Kreiner, and Anji Kapoor.
I love them, I adore them, they're my best friends. All three of them are amazing in their own right, but they're absolutely phenomenal as a team.
Eight, and the EDA version of them specifically, is my favorite doctor bar none. They're flighty and giddy and tactile and deeply affectionate, they're extremely weird and have a number hyperfixations and special interests and other very relatable neurodivergent tendencies. They are very prone to amnesia in a way which starts off as kind of a running gag and ends up being a huge plot point for the entire second half of the series. They're easily the most genderfluid the Doctor ever gets before textually being played by a woman and going by she/her, which is a big part of why I like using they/them pronouns for the Doctor generally. They kiss people often and canonically date people of multiple genders. Being played by (or at least written in reference to) Paul McGann, they are extremely pretty. They also go through the absolute fucking wringer, both in the sense that their arc plots are really dramatic and complicated and dark, and also in the sense that some of the folks writing for the series are pretty unapologetic whump fans lol. Best Doctor. No notes.
Next up is My BoyTM. The ur-blorbo himself, Fitzgerald Michael Kreiner. He's the best and I hate him. He's the worst and I love him. He's a musician from 1963 with appalling fashion sense and truly awful luck. He's canonically bi and in love with the Doctor (and their kiss in the novel Dominion in 1998 was the first kiss between the Doctor and a man in the history of Dr Who). He's a clone of himself because Eight lost the original Fitz 600 years in the future and then he joined cult of shitty time traveling mall goths. The original Fitz lived 2000 years and was filled with hate and wanted to kill the Doctor for abandoning him but never actually stopped loving them. He's a massive idiot. He's genuinely embarrassing so often but also despite thinking of himself as a coward and an asshole he's very brave despite his constant terror and very kind despite his pretending that he's only out for himself. He is such astoundingly perfect tumblr bait it's not even funny. He's one of the longest running companions in the franchise by number of consecutive stories.
Last of my darlings is the myth, the legend herself, Anji Kapoor. The first Asian companion in the history of Doctor Who, she's a stock futures trader from 2001 and to this day the only example I can think of off the top of my head of a woman of color having her white boyfriend get fridged for the sake of her emotional pain and character development. On the surface, she's the one with braincell, but she's so much more than just the white boy babysitter stereotype. She's a massive closet nerd who loves Star Trek but won't admit it, she's got a very weird thought process that makes her jump to the most absolutely batshit decisions while justifying them to herself as being perfectly reasonable and logical and not at all insane, she thinks of Fitz as a brother and the Doctor as a sister, she once called the Doctor a useless otterfucker, literally what can't she do (other than get back to her own time and planet rip).
The three of them have such a wonderful dynamic together. They're best friends and close family despite them being thrown together entirely by chance. They banter and joke and snark together, they riff off each other and enjoy each other's company, all three of them would catch a bullet for each other and all three of them more or less have. They're in a run of I think 25 books, which is a pretty significant time to spend together, and while there are some clunkers in their run ngl, they've also got some truly amazing books together, including one of my favorite books not just in the EDAs or Dr Who, but as a whole, The Year of Intelligent Tigers. I love them so so much I can't even.
I'm... not sure how accessible anything to do with the EDAs is give I fell off the DW deep end solidly a decade ago and at this point I just have to admit I'm in for life, but I have observed that most people who do read the EDAs tend to put 8&fitz&anji in at least their top five TARDIS teams, if not their first pick. Anyway, I love them, thank you so much for letting me gush about the best TARDIS team in all of Dr Who :D
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darkenforcer · 28 days
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: luke ▐ PRONOUNS: he/him, they/them every once in a blue moon ▐ SEXUALITY: bi 👍 ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single ▐ FIVE FACTS:
sonic and tales are my two longest-running hyperfixations. no idea what that says about me aside from proving i'm a giant dweeb.
i lived in europe while i was in university (~4 years)! back in the US since last summer tho and chilling (i.e., working & also not getting my driver's license)
i can and will beat anyone who challenges me to a race in mario kart. this is a threat.
my high school didn't have an official drama club so i never got the true theater exp, but i reaaally like acting and starred in leading roles before! i miss it a lot </3
i've been self-dyeing my hair different colors since i was 14! the best color combo i've ever done (imo) was a vibrant red that faded into yellow back when i had super long hair. it lasted only 2 washes lmao.
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): at least 12 years on-and-off! ▐ PLATFORMS USED: email, deviantart, skype, and tumblr obviously ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: IDK!!!! i've had so many fun moments here (especially since app'ing yuri) that it'd be impossible to choose just one. can i be corny and say getting to befriend other muns or will i get mauled
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to lean toward canon male muses that i hit with the transmasc or nonbinary beam, but if i look at my entire history it's been an even split ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: don't have one!! use ur imagination if you've never seen a selfie of mine ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: that's tough... it depends on my mood but i'll always go for anything that'll. ahem. hit me in the feels, as they say. for smut tho idk i've only ever written it in fanfic form so ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both!! i think memes are good for squeezing in smaller interactions you can't fit into long ass threads, but i also rly like planning and working toward a certain point with other muns, too! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i'm totally fine with either but i am Not immune to accidentally making replies longer than needed lol ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: i draft a lot of my replies at work then finish them up in the evening / morning... whenever i have time and motivation tbh ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: IDK.. i feel like i'd be hyping myself up too much if i said i was "like yuri" considering he's won the character popularity poll every time he's been allowed on there. i do relate to certain aspects of his character, though, 100%! it's hard for me to rp characters i can't tap into to some extent.
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spopsalt · 3 months
This will be a bit more of a personal rant / ramble about spop if that's okay!
So like I was around 11 when the first season of spop came out. My sister followed Nate and was very excited for the project so we watched it, and we both really liked it!!
So each time every season came out we watched it and came up with fan theories and all that jazz! Keep in mind, we never really rewatched seasons in between. So we watched season 2, waited around half year and then watch season 3 when it came out. So we never watched season 2 again in between those months. This makes it that you forget some things, but that was alright.
I think this is the way the show is meant to be watched. It was enjoyable, we came up with theories, we came up with ships, we bonded with the characters. Season 4 was my favourite season because of all the tension and drama!!
And then well, season 5 was a bit of a letdown, but yeah sure! That's fine, y'know. I am not a shipper at all, my sister is aware at this point that her ships are never really popular so she didn't have her hopes up (she ships glimmadora). She also followed Nate so she knew that he liked c//a and stuff.
Anyways, when the show was finished, people really started watching it because of the lgbt representation. This always felt weird to me? It didn't make sense? I didn't watch Spop with the idea in mind that c//a would become canon in the end. Which made the show a whole lot easier to watch.
I also felt like.. it wasn't really the point of the show at all? There was just a kiss at the end that was about the romance the show had gotten, I didn't get it (im aromantic asexual so maybe that's why).
I have a lesbian friend (they/she) for example, who watched the show for c//a. Which is fine, they really like it and they relate to c/tra, due to trauma and stuff. It's just that it felt so.. weird talking to them about the show. Because everything about the show kinda felt like it was about c//a for them? Just like how you anti-spop blogs talk about how c//a shippers can make any scene about c//a. That's how it felt. Now I didn't really mind, but it felt odd to me.
Either way. At some point, me and my sister finally convinced my other sister to join our rewatch. Which was,, tough. Well, it was alright, in the sense that, I just focused on my favourite characters and (platonic) relationships. (Entrapta! Scorpia! Glimmer!! Adora!!! :D!!)
But the c//a kiss at the end made me physically cringe. (Literally)
I don't really have a point to make! I just believe that Spop isn't meant to be binge-watched? I feel like? I really really enjoyed my first watch, and I have very conflicted feelings about it (due to nostalgia too. dt being the first enban ive ever seen on tv?? mindblowing!!).
I like it. But also as an emotional abuse survivor, it also is just.. tough. All in all it's just, a bit, disappointing?
I guess that's it :) that's my ramble.
I'm not sure if anyone has any similar experiences, as pretty much everyone I know watched it after all seasons came out and it has risen in popularity.
Have a nice day!! Love ur blog
Awwwww thanks for your kind words, also it's ok, the ask buttons says "Rant with Me!" for that reason, I love hearing rants! But yeah, I personally was never that big of a fan, but it's good that you like it! But yeah the representation is definitely bad, the only bisexual character get in m x f ships, which is fine, ofc bisexual people don't have to date only people of the same gender, but...they never show attraction towards other people of the same gender?! The only bi characters get in m x f ships, one of them was extremely rushed, and one of them was creepy considering it looked like an adult dating a teen. Also the main couple is literally just a victim falling back into the cycle and kissing her sister who literally gave her trauma.
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Posted this on my account in like two different contexts already haha but I think it belongs here the most (long ass response incoming)
I’m sorry, but I had to respond to this take. The most important thing I think I need to clarify about this rant is that Noah is not confirmed to be attracted to men. Hell, he’s been confirmed to not be gay more times than the opposite. Which isn’t great. Another significant point I use is that it’s very obvious that Noah is gay coded/a gay stereotype. Throughout this rant I will be referring to him as “gay coded”. Go on Reddit or something if you want to research that, but I very strongly believe in that and I think it’s pretty clear through just watching the show. Now, onto my criticism of this take…
“Nemma is bad because it makes Noah straight” is a perfectly logical argument to make. Noah is never confirmed to be attracted to men, so confirming that he is attracted to women doesn’t make him bi. It confirms that he is attracted to women. When a character in a tv show is only confirmed to be attracted to women, they are assumed to be straight. Of course he can be bi. Any character who doesn’t have their sexuality explicitly stated can be bi. However, giving your gay coded (but said to not be) character a girlfriend does not make them “bi coded”, it makes them straight. Nemma is making Noah straight. Any “gay representation” that you could imagine he served is eradicated by giving him an opposite gender partner. “Nemma is bad because it makes Noah straight” is a reasonable criticism to have of the ship because both parts of it can be true. It’s understandable to not like a ship because it ‘straight codes’ a gay coded character in a show that has no real queer representation. (obviously not including the reboot, which I think showed representation fantastically. There’s another post on here by someone about how Bowie calling himself the first *openly* gay contestant means a lot... I’ll try to find it later.)
I also think it’s important to clarify that I personally don’t hate Nemma. I like both Emma and Noah as characters, I feel neutral on it most of the time, I enjoy some content of it, and ship hate is something I’ve never been a fan of. But I personally do not feel very positively about it being canon in the show. I mean absolutely no hatred towards the shippers. If you have any complaints or arguments about what I’ve said here, feel free to tell me. I’m not that much of an expert, and I should probably be sleeping right now, so I doubt this is as well-worded as I would like it to be.
Ummm that’s it! No hate to op ofc, these are just my thoughts on the issue. Thanks for reading!
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lakesbian · 2 months
2, 3, and 10 for Pact! (Blake & Rose)
24, 25 for Worm~ (Alec ofc unless you're in the mood to think abt brian/taylor)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
blake: we KNOW i can't pick just one rose: honestly it's kind of a loss for feminism that i don't have a post like the above but for rose, but she distinctly did not get all the fun and cool traits in the divorce. the divorce was not kind to her. i'm still thinking about the blake & rose hug tbh, the Thing where she's been given the man she could've been as a sacrificial lamb but still can't refrain herself from petting his soft delicate head on the way to the altar is really something. especially because the lamb doesn't even like pets! it fucking hates pets, but is putting up with them for the shepherd! it doesn't know there's an altar!!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
blake: PMT wasn't canonically trans and bi rose: PMT wasn't canonically trans and bi. also, she should've become bisexual again after blake became a birdhouse in her soul, and i'm not kidding. extra points docked for wildbow making a character homophobically joke about this possibility just so it could be explicitly denied
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
obviously if rose were real she would not be getting along well with much of anyone, but if blake was real he would without question be a guy my friend whose hobby is doing obscure ttrpgs on public park benches with 100 of their closest friends knows, and i would be vaguely aware of where his account is on tumblr and perhaps like a birdwatching photo he posted once. this is my vision
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
look. i'm not NOT in the mood to think about brian and taylor, but we all know if you give it for alec i'm gonna answer it for alec. frankly they're all kind of their own guys & i'm not really into that many things but the first thing this made me think of was when i watched the new total drama island reboot as Slutch while i was sick and there was a line where a character was described as. "you look weak, and super weird. you dress like a haunted circus doll and have the eyes of a soul-sucking corpse." and you can guess how much i proceeded to go around repeating that line about alec vasil
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
first impression was like. Bit of a nothing guy who is an annoying amount of a biphobic stereotype. and well
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to reuse an old doodle. we know how i feel now. also, i've gotten mad about the biphobia in more nuanced and scathing ways.
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue One: The Castle
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I love how excited Vanessa is to see a fairy school, she's so down for this fairy stuff 🧚‍♀️✨
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"They do that sometimes." What does this mean?? Like some barriers just inherently keep magic-less out without even being programmed to do that?? Wild
Also the collective term for magic users in the comics is "Magicians" which is interesting. Like you have your technicians, your politicians, and of course your magicians. Important jobs in the magical dimension
I definitely like magus and magi more bc it sounds fancier for my own stuff but I'm now going to call the Winx magicians in canon thank you
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The implication being that Mike kept this phone on him the entire time instead of giving it to her before they left to the magic dimension
Tho this does contribute to why Bloom was so upset about what Tecna said to her, her dad literally just got her this phone
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The fact that he still has his face is so fucking creepy
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According to the comics, Alfea is a five year school
Which, according to my research (aka texting my Italian friends) is normal in Italy
Also why is talking to them like their freshmen??? Italian freshmen are 14, they're 16. They've cut out two of those years already
Because the Winx are 16, that means Bloom skipped two whole years of magic school
They're probably on intermediate spells at this point no wonder she struggles so much in the first ep
Tbh she should be struggling more
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Alfea is the only fairy school in Magix, CT is likely the only witch school, idk about RF bc is it really even a magic school??
The implications of how big the magical population is compared to the rest of the dimension is insane if the entire magical population of one planet can fit into two schools
Six billion, which was the population of earth in 2000, is gonna be our stand in for how many people are on Magix
Alfea is a boarding highschool, and at most schools like that hold about ~1200 students, usually they only hold about 300-400 students
If we were to put the number of Alfea students at 1200, the fairy population of individual planets (bc in later seasons we only see one magic school per planet too) is about .00002% of six billion
And pretending that Wizards, Witches and Faries are just as common as each other for a moment, that would make the magician population per planet .00006%
Or per every 6 billion people there are 3600 magicians
And that's at most
You are more likely to win the lottery because that's 1% of 292.2 million
This one line of dialogue has so many implications to it omggg
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I love how Bloom is excited to see some witches and Stella is like "Woah woah woah there, hold your fucking horses. Witches are to be avoided and disliked." No other place is the division between witches and faires seemed more like a very weird magic caste system
I wonder what would have happened to Bloom if she presented as a witch instead of a fairy... unlikely because Bloom doesn't have a negative bone in her body, but she and Mirta could become besties
The Trix would also have a much easier time manipulating her...rip Bloom
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You know I just realized
Princess Stella di Solaria gets a room for herself, but Princess Varanda di Callisto doesn't. This is also true in the show, which sorta calls into question the idea that Stella has no roommate just because she's a princess
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I love how Tecna's dialogue here comes off "She left because she's offended by me." Sounds like something that would come out of an extremely annoying person's mouth but Tecna means it literally
I love her
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I really like how the comics use the idea that Stella can't transform without her ring by having people fighting with her stop her from using it
It's a really good and compelling way to use that piece of plot that the show only remembered when it wanted too
Also Stella saying Domino strengthens the connection between the sword ring and Domino but it's very very weird
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Where is the favorite??? Where is the drama??? These are just three nomral ass bitches, and one is wearing a collared crop top
-10/10 not impressed
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Seeing them do magical battles without transforming is so fucking weird
It's like the uncanny valley for Winx, they aren't supposed to be doing that
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In this house we hate comics Griselda
Seriously what the fuck is this dialogue, fucking YIKES
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