#he’s too pacifist he had to give her both apples. come on
hanzajesthanza · 25 days
geralt & rest of the wolf witchers: so we put ciri on the comb and the windmill in the afternoon, and before that she runs the killer at dawn…
triss: hell… i’m going to call kaedwenian CPS on you. i’ve seen the girl, she has bruises all over—this is abuse!
lambert: hah! like hell, it is!
coën: hardly abuse, it’s quite average really.
eskel: we have tried to go easy on her…
vesemir: she’s doing a quarter of what i made you all do 🤨
geralt: triss, i’m trying to give ciri a normal childhood. these are things every child does
triss: …
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starrgaziinggg · 1 year
chapter seven -> when has a frat party ever not ended badly? (written 6k words)
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You thought you were a non violent person. You really did. Pacifist and all that. But after seeing the text Yuna had sent to Hyunjin when you'd asked her to send a reply whilst you were busy, you swore you could throttle the girl.
"Why would you send that?" You practically scream, chasing after your bold blonde headed friend as she scrambled around your dorm in attempt to flee your grasp.
"Because it's funny!" She cackles back, jumping over the sofa to put some distance in between you both. You stop at the other side of the sofa, grabbing the back of it with both hands and attempting to get your breath back.
"It's not funny! We literally just stopped arguing and now you've sent him the flirtiest message," you say with a snarl, giving Yuna the daggers.
"If you think that's flirty," she starts, giggling as she goes to type another message. Luckily for you, Ryujin walks out her bedroom and plucks your phone out of Yuna's hands, passing it to you lazily. "Hey! You're no fun."
"Do you want her to kill you before we even get to the frat?" Ryujin responds, taking her leather jacket off of the coat rack and pointing a thumb at you.
"You're a dead woman," you say, focusing your attention back to Yuna and trying to see if by any miracle Apple had updated their messaging app to allow you to delete a message. Unfortunately, they had not.
"No killing on Jesus day," Chaeryoung says, coming out of her own room with Lia in tow.
"It's Saturday," Lia points out with a confused look on her face, but Chae waves her off.
"Everyday is Jesus day. Anyway, are we going to get a move on? Felix is already asking where we are," Chaeryoung responds, pulling on a pair of trainers.
"Felix is impatient," you reply, huffily shoving your phone in your jacket pocket. "And we're leaving now, if everyone's ready?"
"Yup," Yuna responds, sticking her tongue out at you in another act of defiance. "I'm ready to see my favourite frat guys."
"Down, girl," Ryujin says with a laugh, opening the door of your dorm and letting everyone walk into the hallway before locking it shut.
"What did Yuna even say to Hyunjin?" Chae asks you as you all walk out the dorm building and head in the direction of the guys dorm.
"She sent a stupid kissy face and called Hyunjin 'Hyune'," you groan, trying not to get too annoyed. Realistically, it wasn't that bad, but considering you'd just patched things up with him, you didn't want to cause any upset.
"He won't even care," Ryujin says, trying to ease you. "He probably gets a billion messages like that a day."
"I'd love to be sending him messages like that," Lia says, wiggling her eyebrows cheekily. "That man is so fine."
"Whatever," you say, pretending to gag but laughing afterwards. "I just hope he doesn't get the wrong idea."
You cross the courtyard, passing by a couple groups of people outside of your student Union building. That's when you start to feel the light droplets of rain on your face, groaning again in annoyance.
"Of course it starts raining properly as soon as we step outside," Chae shivers, attempting to pull her jacket over her head to hide from the droplets pouring down on her.
Ryujin walks up beside you, giving you some of her hoodie to cover you both. "If you ask me, you seem to care a lot about what Hyunjin thinks of you."
You roll your eyes at her redirection of the conversation back to Hyunjin. "It's not even that, I just want to stay on good terms with him. It's been a nice week not having to constantly argue with him."
"It's been nice for me to not have to listen to you both constantly argue," Chae grins at you, turning to face you. "I'm finally at peace."
You laugh at her, speeding up your walk to get to the boys dorm as fast as possible. You're all but soaked when you arrive, and just to your luck Hyunjin is the one who answers the door.
"I told you I could pick you up," he says with a smirk, moving out of the way to let you all in. His dark hair hangs loosely in front of his face, and he pushes it away as he moves aside to let you all in. Jisung's clearly already connected to the speaker, blasting tunes so loudly you could barely hear Hyunjin talk.
It had been a pretty intense first week back, and at your weekly student body meeting yesterday Chan had already started delegating tasks relating to your semesterly Charity Week, which wasn't for another three weeks. You were more than thankful to hear the sounds of your friends laughing and letting loose as you walked in the door.
"Don't say I told you so," you reply with a glare, and he puts his hands up in defeat. You watch the girls kick off their shoes and start mingling with the guys, Yuna heading straight for the kitchen as usual.
Hyunjin seems to stick by your side, so you decide it's the perfect opportunity to clear up what Yuna had texted him earlier.
"I didn't send that last text to you, by the way," you say kind of awkwardly, not knowing how to make the conversation seem less weird. "I asked Yuna to reply to you whilst I was doing Chaeryoung's hair and she thought it would be really funny to send something flirty."
Hyunjin waves a hand, giving you a half smile as the two of you walk towards the kitchen. "Don't worry about it. I knew it wasn't you."
"You did?" You ask, taking a shot from Felix after saying a quick hello and downing it.
"Yeah, you'd never send a double smile like that. Plus, you've never called me 'Hyune' a day in your life," he points out, and you wonder when he became so perceptive. He leads you to the back wall, pulling out some things from his fridge.
"What you making?" You ask inquisitively, perching yourself up on the counter top. Hyunjin glances at you quickly, going back to raiding his fridge and quickly switching to the cupboards afterwards.
"Thought I'd make you a mojito," he answers plainly, shrugging. "I know you like them, and we have all the stuff for it."
You can't help but give him a deadpan expression. "You have fresh mint?"
"Minho bought a plant when we did a food shop the other day," he explains, which actually makes a lot of sense. For a college student, your best friend was an excellent cook. "Plus, and this is a trade secret so don't run your mouth, mojitos are my favourite too."
You raise an eyebrow, resting the palms of your hands on the countertop behind you and leaning against them. "Wow, wouldn't peg you for a cocktail guy."
He rolls his eyes, grabbing some ice from the freezer below him to fill up your glasses. "This is why we need to spend more time together. It's scary how little you know about me."
"Yo, can you stop raw dogging the ice?" Seungmin frowns, scoffing at hyunjin. "Minho's told you a million times there's an ice scoop for a reason."
Hyunjin mimics his words, sticking his tongue out at him before handing you your drink for good measure. You thank him after he places in a straw, nodding his head as if to get you to try it. Contrary to how you expected it to taste, you hate to admit it's probably one of the nicest mojito's you'd ever tried.
"Hey, Sueng," you greet Seugmin, who smiles at you. "You coming to the frat tonight?"
Seungmin nods. "Yeah, at least for a bit. Dunno if Jeongin's already mentioned, but we've already got an assignment due for next week."
"Yikes," Hyunjin comments, grimacing as he takes another sip of his drink, looking quite pleased that you seem to like yours.
"Yeah, Jeongin was complaining about it at the meeting yesterday," you add, lighting tapping your feet against the kitchen cabinets.
"Of course he was," Seungmin shakes his head, though the rest of his sentence is cut off by a yell from the hallway.
"Seungmin! Can I use your key card?" Felix all but screams, causing Seungmin to divert his attention from you and Hyunjin and towards the hallway. He tilts his head at you with an exasperated look before turning on his heel.
You focus your attention back to the tall, dark haired guy to your left. "What do you mean, I know nothing about you?" you can't help but ask, pressing the topic. You'd like to think you knew all of your university friends pretty well at this point, bar Lia who you had just met.
"Well, you don't really know much about me at all, do you?" he says, smiling slightly.
"I know you've got rich parents," you say matter-of-factly, which he scoffs at.
"Almost everyone who attends this uni is well off," he points out, and you don't even register the fact that you're in a room full of your friends and you're more than contempt from just having a regular conversation with Hyunjin. It's refreshing, actually, just talking about mundane things.
"I know..." you start, though you begin to fall short when you genuinely try to think of facts you know about Hyunjin and can't seem to.
"This is exactly what I mean!" he laughs, not seeming to mind the fact you know next to nothing about him. Had you really spent so much of your time arguing with him that in all the conversations you'd had, you couldn't pick up on single piece of information?
"Alright, Mr Big Shot, what do you know about me?" you say, an attempt to flip the tables. Hyunjin raises his eyebrows, turning his stance so that he's directly in front of you.
"I know that it took you three whole years to figure out that the expression was 'play it by ear', and not 'play it by year'," he starts, which makes you laugh instantly.
"Hey! A year is a time frame, in the context of the saying, I think it's an easy mistake to make," you defend yourself, throwing your hands up. He nods his head, chuckling.
"Fair enough. Okay, I know that your favourite colour is yellow because, in quotation marks, "It's the colour of all things happy."
You nod slowly, remembering when you said that once over a study session in which everyone had grown bored of studying and you'd all opted to ask each other random questions instead.
"Okay, you're two for two - anything else?" you ask, solely to try and prove he doesn't know all that much about you.
He looks straight into your eyes for a good while, as if analysing you. "I know that you feel this need to make sure everyone's happy, all the time. Like it's your duty to hold our friend group together, even if it drains you," he says, surprising you.
So maybe Hyunjin was a lot more perceptive than you initially thought.
"I'm not that bad," you counter, though it's a weak attempt. It's obvious he can read you much better than you can read him. You finish your drink before he speaks up again, placing the empty glass on the counter beside you.
"I beg to differ," Hyunjin says, though your conversation is cut off as Ryujin saunters up towards you both.
"Do my eyes deceive me?" She says dramatically, leaning against the countertop beside you. "Or are you two actually having a nice conversation?”
You mimic her silently, pushing her away gently with your knee. She laughs at you, shaking her head.
"Alright, alright - I just came over to say that Chan wants to get going soon. Apparently the frats already gone through two of the four kegs," Ryujin rolls her eyes.
"Already?" You mutter in disbelief. To your knowledge, the party had only started not even an hour ago, but they were frat boys after all. You hop off of the countertop, noticing your friends were starting to get their shit together and make their way to the door.
"What kind of frat only has four kegs on a Saturday night party?" Hyunjin comments, following behind you and Ryujin as you walk out the kitchen.
"That's what I'm saying," Changbin adds, walking towards the three of you and handing Ryujin her coat. Cute, you think. He grabs her attention as he does so, leading them to peel off ahead. For whatever reason, Hyunjin sticks to you, waiting with you as you get ready to go to the frat.
Yuna, Lia and Chaeryoung lead your group as you all herd outside, trying to keep to the sides of the road as you walk in the direction of the frat. Thankfully the rain has seemed to clear off, which you think is typical. The three girls ahead are all giggles, clearly excited at a change of scenery from your usual crowd.
"This is a rare scene," Minho comments, coming towards you and Hyunjin as you doddle at the back of the pack, slinging an arm round your shoulders and leaning his body weight on you. "The two of you being civil."
"Yeah, well," you say lazily, leaning into your friend. "Maybe the world's ending."
Minho chuckles at this, which makes Hyunjin roll his eyes. "We're best friends now," Hyunjin mocks, making a face at the man hanging off your shoulder. "You're out, I'm in."
"Is that so?" Minho counters with a smirk, directing his attention towards you. "Come on, who's your favourite, tell us."
Hyunjin steps ahead of you to walk backwards, watching for your reaction. Minho does the same, letting go of your shoulder. You shake your head, pushing them out of your way. You miss the way Minho winces, clinging to your shoulder again.
"Neither of you," you answer them, giving Minho a weird look for returning to your side as you continue walking through the street. "You're both as annoying as each other, really."
"Low blow," Hyunjin points out with a tilted head. "At least I give you company in class."
"At least I didn't spend the last year arguing with her," Minho counters snidely, making you chuckle.
"God, me and Hyun have finally stopped our row and now you two are at it?" You say, shaking your head without realising what you've said. Minho raises an eyebrow, removing himself from clinging to your arm as you all stop walking and group together outside of the frat house.
"He's even got a nickname? This friendship is taking new levels," Minho whines, pouting at you fakely. When you turn to get Hyunjin's reaction he's not looking at you, just smiling inwardly at himself.
"Chan! Bro, how are you?" Some guy shouts, opening the main door to the frat house and giving Chan one of those side bro hug handshakes. Chan gives him an equally frat-bro response, making way so that you can all enter the frat house.
The music is blaring, so much so that you feel the ground physically shake every time the base booms. People are already passed out, bodies sprawled over the sofas who peaked too early. The life of the party seems to be towards the kitchen and outdoor area, so your group starts mingling in that direction. Chan's already been bombarded by his many frat friends, and Yuna's found one of her old flings to reignite.
You're about to find Felix for a drink, as it's become routine for you two to start a night off with shots, when you feel someone grab your arm lightly.
"I've just seen some of my friends," Hyunjin shouts in your ear, trying to let you hear him over the music. "I'll be back in a bit, you okay?"
You almost feel like raising an eyebrow at him, confused as to why he's explaining his whereabouts to you. You don't mind it, though - it kind of reassures you knowing he's looking out for you, especially at a party like this. You'd been to frat parties before and they'd always ended messily.
Smiling, you nod your head at him. "Sure, I'm gonna go find Lix."
Hyunjin gives you a grin before turning his heel, going towards a group of people that had just walked through the door. They welcome him happily as you turn on your heel to go find wherever Felix has wandered off too. It was always like this with your group, unable to locate someone not a second after you'd last seen them.
You spot Jeongin outside, pulling a beer out of the ice bucket. The frat was way bigger than you'd initially thought, the outdoor area stretching out with a whole pool. He spots you instantly as you walk towards him.
"Beer?" He asks you, picking up a second one. You nod, reaching your hand out to take it from him.
"Cheers," you say, thanking him as you pull the cap of the bottle off with your teeth. Jeongin grimaces.
"You know I hate it when you do that," he says, using a nearby bottle opener to open his own. Felix wanders over to you then, passing you and Jeongin a shot glass full of a bright green substance.
“Down the hatch,” he says, making Jeongin cringe as you laugh and down the shot, watching Felix as he downs his and turns his attention back to you. “Got your eye on anyone tonight?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes with a smile. “Frat boys aren’t really my type.”
“Yeah,” Jeongin interrupts, leading the three of you over to an empty seating area. You flop down, making yourself comfortable. “Her types more artistic than frat boys.”
You raise an eyebrow at him from beside you on the outdoor sofa, Felix taking the single chair to your left. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, other than that you’ve definitely got your eye on someone here,” he replies ambiguously. You turn to your left to raise an eyebrow at Jeongin, spying Chaeryoung coming outside and catching your eye.
“Am I missing something?” You ask Felix, you just shrugs lazily with a smile. Chaeryoung takes a bottle from the ice bucket, handing it to you to open as she sits on your lap. Jeongin winces as you pull the cap off.
“Missing what?” Chaeryoung asks, kissing your cheek as a thank you for opening her bottle.
“Just that she’s in love with Hyunjin,” Jeongin says proudly, grinning from ear to ear. You almost spit your drink out, groaning when Chaeryoung laughs manically.
“Ryujin and I have been saying that for months!” She cackles, which you pinch her for. “Hey!”
“No way,” Felix says in disbelief, shaking his head so hard it causes his blonde hair to fly out around him. “You can’t argue with someone as much as those two have for the past year and then magically be in love.”
“Enemies to lovers,” Jeongin replies wisely, giving his friend a wink. “I saw it coming a mile off.”
“Can we maybe circle back to the fact I’m literally not in love with Hyunjin?” You say, huffing exasperatingly. Chan and some of his friends from the frat make their way outside then, cutting your conversation short as they fill up the empty seats around you.
It’s obvious Jeongin’s just doing his upmost to tease you, his usual way of acting towards you, but the way Chaeryoung was so quick to agree sits differently with you. Especially considering the way Hyunjin had been acting toward you recently, tonight in particular. You couldn’t help but wonder if they were seeing something you couldn’t.
You didn’t think much more on the topic, though. Chan and one of his frat friends started putting logs on the outdoor fire pit, which was desperately needed since the September temperature was dropping ridiculously quickly. The fire made for a cosy atmosphere outdoors, seemingly a complete contrast from what was going on indoors. The music could be heard crystal clearly from outside, and you assumed everyone indoors was starting to go deaf.
Despite the rowdiness that could be observed from inside, you spent a good couple of hours enjoying yourself outdoors, cracking open a few more bottles which caused yourself to become pleasantly tipsy. Minho had come out to join you, taking Chaeryoung’s space on the couch beside you as Chaeryoung had wandered off to look for the other girls a few times. She liked to make sure they were all okay (because she is perhaps the kindest person on the planet), and every time came back to report the same thing.
Ryujin was in the kitchen with Changbin, playing beer pong with Yuna, Seungmin, Jisung, and a good few frat boys. Yuna was drunk, but not too drunk, which you were very proud of her for. Chaeryoung had said she was clinging to the arm of a good looking guy, though - which was to be expected. She said she’d found Lia with Hyunjin and his friends, who had taken refuge in the living area and looked high, which was also to be expected from Hyunjin’s arty friends.
Everything seemed to be rather calm and in order for a frat party, which you could attribute to the fact that a lot of the people outwith your group had peaked so early they’d ended up either falling asleep or going home. As you were sitting lazily against Minho’s side, listening to Chan tell you stories about him and his frat friends from high school, you were surprised to think that perhaps you’d all go home tonight in a pretty respectable manner, contrary to every other time you’d left after a night out.
That fantasy slips away pretty quickly, though, when you hear a horrifying crash come from inside. You jump from Minho’s side as Yuna rushes outdoors, grabbing your attention and shouting something about Ryujin and Changbin. Chan’s story was quickly halted as everyone you were sitting with bolts upright and makes their way inside, hanging around the outskirts of the scene unfolding in front of them.
Changbin has some guy in a headlock on the ground and is all but beating the shit out of him, the guy putting up a pretty good defence and getting some punches in himself. Glass was smashed everywhere, the island in the middle of the kitchen wrecked.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch her again!” You hear Changbin shout throughout the chaos, Chan jumping straight to his aid and pulling him off of the guy forcefully. You look towards Minho, your eyes wide as he gives you a look back, a hand on your shoulder.
“What the fuck happened?” Jeongin asks Seungmin, who’s watching the chaos with Jisung after having witnessed it’s outbreak.
“God knows,” Seungmin responds, shaking his head. “One minute we were playing beer pong and the next Changbin decked that guy.”
“It was insane,” Jisung adds, unable to take his eyes off of the disaster in front of him. “I tried to step in but Changbin pushed me away.”
It’s then that you notice Ryujin behind them, looking nothing short of petrified. Despite Minho telling you not to, you move past Chan and the frat guys that have stepped in to de-escalate the situation to comfort your friend.
“Are you okay?” Is the first thing you say to her, holding her against you. She nods, staring at Changbin who’s still trying to lash out. The guy he was fighting stands up with the aid of what you assume to be his friends, stumbling towards Changbin and shouting at him, though you can’t really make out what they’re saying. You spot Hyunjin and Lia with a group of people then, clearly having just come from the living room from the noise of the action.
You think the situation is handled when you go to move around the two psychotic boys, until Changbin lunges for the guy again after he mumbles something and you end up getting caught in the crossfire. All you feel is a shooting pain towards your eye and you’re seeing stars, your vision blurring to black momentarily. Ryujin screams from beside you, and temporarily the shouting subsides. When you come to again, your vision clearing slowly, Changbin’s staring at you solemnly.
“Fucking hell,” you hear Minho say, rushing up towards you. You blink a couple times to try and see properly, but everything’s still very blurry.
“Take Ryujin and make sure she’s alright, I’ll get her,” you hear Hyunjin say to Minho, attempting to get a grasp on the situation as he nods towards you. “She might need to go to the hospital.”
The seriousness of the situation dawns on you when Changbin starts profusely apologising to you, practically in tears. There’s always a sense of adrenaline that stops you from feeling the brevity of an injury after it happens, especially when your drunk, but as the adrenaline starts to subside you can feel the searing pain under your eye.
“What’s happened?” You say, unable to hide how scared you are in your tone of voice. Your vision is still awfully unclear, but you can make out the shapes of people moving around you as Hyunjin guides you outside.
“Is she okay?” A voice asks before Hyunjin can respond to you, and you make it out as Seungmin’s.
“She’ll be fine,” is all he says, before turning to talk quickly with someone. The air is freezing cold at this point, and you shiver against the wind. Hyunjin turns back to you, taking your hand in his and leading you to the roadside.
“My friends gonna drive us to the hospital - don’t worry, he hasn’t been drinking,” he says as he guides you into the backseat of a car. You enter it cautiously, still unaware of how badly you’d been injured in your collision with Changbin.
“What actually happened?” You ask again, clinging to Hyunjin’s hand for dear life as your only sense of comfort. The car starts, and thankfully every minute that passes by your vision becomes clearer. You can see Hyunjin distinctly at this point, but your head is throbbing.
“Here,” Hyunjin says, passing you a tissue. “Hold this against your cheek.”
You do as asked, and you shiver when you pull it away to find blood soaking the tissue. You look at Hyunjin expectantly.
“So, when you moved past Changbin with Ryujin, he went to go hit that guy with a broken bottle,” Hyunjin explains, and you grimace. You know Changbin had a bad streak of getting himself into trouble, but he hadn’t fought someone this brutally for years, you’d been told. “And when you went to get past him, you got in the way of his action and -”
“He hit me with a broken bottle?” You finish, your eyes wide. “Is it really bad?”
You pull the tissue away and watch as Hyunjin physically shivers, using his free hand to place the tissue back on your cheek.
“It’s not phenomenal,” he says with his head tilted, which actually makes you chuckle slightly. The pain in your cheek was sore, but it wasn’t horrific now, especially since you could see properly again. “I reckon you’ll need stitches.”
“They might just glue it,” Hyunjin’s friend says from the front seat, a tall guy with shaggy brown hair.
“Thanks for driving me,” you say to him, and he just nods casually. You turn back to Hyunjin. “Thank you for helping me.”
He squeezes your hand, which casually reminds you that you’re currently holding hands with him. If your previous self could see you now, she’d laugh hysterically.
“It’s no trouble. I stopped drinking ages ago so I thought I’d probably be in the best condition to make sure you were okay,” he explains, and you give him a look.
“You stopped drinking to smoke,” you point out, which makes him laugh.
“Same difference. I hope Ryujin’s okay after that, though. Changbin is such an idiot sometimes,” Hyunjin says with a sigh. You nod in response.
“This is why I feel the need to get involved - I just, after what happened last year, I don’t want to see her get hurt again,” you explain, thinking about what Hyunjin had said to you a while back.
“Hey, don’t think twice about what I said about you getting involved in their relationship,” he says seriously, turning to look at you properly. “I was just being snarky for the sake of it, I didn’t mean it. I know you just want to be a good friend.”
You shrug, kind of thankful that he was willing to admit there wasn’t any truth behind his statement. “Maybe I shouldn’t get too involved, though, when this is the outcome,” you say with a smile, pointing to your bloody cheek. Hyunjin chuckles, shaking his head.
“That’s us here,” his friend says, pulling up outside the nearest hospital in your area. You get out of the car, letting Hyunjin’s hand go and watching as he thanks his friend and says something about getting an Uber home. His friend gives you a wave before driving off, and Hyunjin walks up to your side.
The two of you go into the accident and emergency section, which is suprisingly quiet for a Saturday night. Usually it’s heaving with drunk people getting themselves into mischief. It only takes you ten minutes of waiting until your seen to, and Hyunjin gives you a half smile and tells you he will wait for you in the waiting room.
After a gruelling physical inspection, your doctor tells you that the laceration needs disinfected and glued together, since the cut isn’t that deep. She also explains the reason your vision was lost momentarily was due to shock and the fact you’d been drinking, and wasn’t anything to be ridiculously worried about. All in all, it’s not long until your joining Hyunjin and arranging an Uber.
“I did not expect this to be the outcome of my night,” Hyunjin laughs, gently tapping your feet with his as the two of you stand and wait for the Uber he’d just arranged.
“Thought you’d be in bed with some sorority chick by now?” You say, taunting him. He scoffs, shaking his head of dark hair.
“I thought I’d be in bed with some leftover beef wellington from Minho and asleep by 2am,” he says, making you chuckle. You pull your phone out of your back pocket to a swarm of texts, your group chat with the girls blowing up and your individual messages with the guys having messages constantly pinging through. A huge chunk of them are from Changbin, a spam from Felix asking if you were okay, a couple from Jeongin, Jisung and Minho and a good bunch from Seungmin as well. Chan has phoned you a few times, like the dutiful father figure he is, and Ryujin had individually texted you to.
Instead of replying, you switch your phone off fully, placing it back into your pocket. You could deal with the swarms of messages tomorrow, you decide, since your friends are probably already at home asleep by now. Hyunjin confirms this after picking up an incoming call from Felix.
“Hey,” he starts, putting the call on speaker.
“Are you guys okay? How is she? Are you at the hospital?” Felix whisper shouts, which makes you think the other guys in his dorm are asleep.
“Calm down, Sherlock,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes at his doting friend. “We’re fine, I took her to the hospital and she got the cut glued. Doc says she’s alright, but told me to look out for signs of a concussion.”
“She did?” You say quietly, and Hyunjin nods. You feel like you must have zoned out when she was droning on and on about symptoms and jargon and whatever else.
“Oh thank god, we were all so scared when Changbin hit her. I called Chan earlier and he says Changbin’s freaking out, says Ryujin won’t speak to him. And then Chaeryoung was texting me saying their dorm is a disaster too, and Ryujin is going nuts,” Felix explains, relaying all his forms of communication to you and Hyunjin. The two of you share a look.
“So our dorm is the only quiet one right now?” He asks.
“Yeah, everyone’s asleep but me, and I’m shattered, so I won’t be long either. Minho’s still at the girls dorm after taking Ryujin home,” Felix clarifies. “Honestly, if I were you guys I’d just come straight here. Ryujin going ballistic won’t do anything to help, especially if you might have a concussion.”
Hyunjin looks towards you expectantly and you shrug, thinking it might not actually be the worst idea.
“I can sleep on the couch?” You offer, which Hyunjin shakes his head profusely at.
“No fucking way,” he says, as if it’s the worst thing you’ve ever said. “You can take my bed and I’ll share with Felix.”
“Fine by me,” Felix says, yawning. A car pulls in then, and Hyunjin recognises the number plate as the Uber you were waiting for.
“That’s our Uber, we’ll be back in, like, fifteen minutes maybe?” Hyunjin says to Felix over the phone. He says his goodbyes and Hyunjin hangs up, opening the door for you as you climb into the back seat. He gets into the other side, and thankfully your Uber doesn’t say anything other than confirm your destination, giving you the peace you need.
When your almost back at the dorm, Hyunjin breaks the peaceful silence. “Don’t worry about messaging the girls, I’ve already sent Chaeryoung a text to let her know your staying with me.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes as the Uber pulls up outside Hyunjin’s dorm. “Great, now I’m never gonna hear the end of it.”
He eyes you with a strange look, thanking the Uber and getting out. “What do you mean?”
You chuckle as you shake your head, following him inside his dorm building after he presses his key card against the reader. “Nothing, don’t worry.”
You attempt to be as quiet as possible when you get inside his dorm, knowing that you’re not the only one who’s had a stressful night. Hyunjin gives you some of his clothes to sleep in which you thank him for, changing into his shorts and tshirt in his bedroom whilst he’s in the kitchen. He returns after knocking with a glass of water and a packet of pain relief tablets.
“Here,” he says, placing the items on his bedside table for you as you get comfortable in his bed. “I’ll just be next door, so if anything starts hurting or whatever, just call or text me, or even come through if I don’t respond.”
You smile, thanking him with a laugh. “Thanks, Hyunjin. You don’t need to worry so much about me. I feel bad enough stealing your bed as it is.”
“You’re not stealing it, I’m giving it to you,” he points on, taking a seat at the edge of his bed to talk to you. You can’t help but think about how kind he’s been to you tonight, and wonder if you’d been looking past his good traits all this time just to align with your theory that he was the devil in disguise. “I’m worried about leaving you alone all night.”
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure him, giving him a smile for good measure. “When did you become so protective over me?”
You watch him roll his eyes with a smile at your teasing, shaking his head. “Who knows. Maybe it was after you stopped being evil to me.”
“And we’re back,” you say quietly, laughing with him. “Go get some sleep.”
“Okay, okay,” he says, standing up off the bed. “Remember to call me if you need me.”
You salute at him as he walks towards his door, stopping at it when you call out his name.
“Thanks for everything tonight,” you say sincerely, which he smiles at.
“No problem,” he responds, lingering a bit longer, until he shakes his phone at you, as if to remind you to talk to him if you start feeling worse. He turns on his heel then, closing the door behind himself, and you kind of hate the fact that you wished you could have asked him to stay with you.
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@cursed-mars-bars @hanjistarss @imasimplol @hyunverse @aestaeticous @dorisnumber1fan @tasteskz-sword @amnmich
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adonis-koo · 2 years
wicked • 13
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 9k
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Note: hello everyone!! it seems as though almost everyone was in favor of me posting 13 when it was finished so here it is!! I hope you enjoy it because it’s laying out some ground work for a lot more intense stuff in the next few chapters! in other news if steve harrington dies tomorrow in v2 of stranger things I will not be okay </3 so I figured it would be better to get this out tonight! enjoy!! 
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A dull throb immediately entered your back as you yelped out, dropping the wooden sword instinctively, “Hey…! That’s unfair!” You cried out as you whipped around to glare at Jungkook. 
His brows pinched as he waved his own wooden sword at your abandoned one lying on the ground, “It’s not, you think someone is going to play fair during combat? And don’t drop your weapon, you’re defenseless right now, what do you think would happen during your duel at this very moment?” 
Your lips quirked into a large pout as Jungkook’s expression grew more stern, “Don’t give me that look, pick up your sword.” 
You huffed as you grabbed your sword once more. With your wounds fully healed, Taehyung had cleared you for training earlier this week and Jungkook had been training every morning and then once you finished with him, you’d have a break before resuming with another teacher. 
Sometimes it was Hoseok or Jimin, more times than less though it was with your new bodyguard.
“You could cut her some slack,” Yoongi called out. 
You had only just been introduced to him just a few days ago, Min Yoongi was one of the top class Knights serving under the royal family and he had just gotten back from a tour which he apparently served at right hand of Areum. 
He was now however your personal knight and therefore followed you just about everywhere you went and attended everything you did. This included, and dare you say, it seemed as if it was his favorite part of the day.
He had been sat on a large bale of hay, lounged out as he had been watching mildly entertained for the last half hour as you got whacked left and right from your ruthless husband, “She does come from a pacifist nation, I’m sure this probably violates at least several Eunoian laws.” 
“If she’s to stand any chance against Seohyun then she can’t be babied.” Jungkook grunted, slashing his sword dangerously close to your upper body as you yelped, jumping back, “Good, but you can’t dodge every attack.” He sighed before pausing, “You’ve been dodging all morning, you’ll have to try offensive eventually.”
“Against you!?” You cried out, “No offense but I’m already more bruised than an apple thanks to you. I don’t want anymore to match.” 
This made a tiny smirk tug on Jungkook’s lips, “Bruising can be attractive.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” You leaned back at the expression on his face, mildly flustered.
“Wow.” Yoongi whistled out before chuckling. 
You glanced at your personal knight before back to Jungkook, somewhat defensive yet totally lost as to what he meant, the sight of this only made Jungkook chuckle, “Nevermind that, try a few swings on me, I’ll be gentle, after all it’s your first time.” It came out like an ushered innuendo and you knew damn well it was!
“Jeon Jungkook!” You reprimanded, smack your sword against his, “You stop that!” 
You weren’t sure when this started up, but ever since two weeks ago when Jungkook gifted you your pup Fenrir, you had noticed the massive uptake on ruthlessly teasing you constantly, and it was often in sexual innunedo’s that constantly made you flustered. 
“Well you aren’t gonna get very far swinging like that.” Jungkook whistled out with a chuckle before he managed to twist the blade right of your hand with his own. 
“This isn’t fair Jungkook!” You whined out once more, now pouting again as you crossed your arms, “I can’t even properly hold a sword and you’ve only been training the moment you could hold one.” 
“I was a beginner once upon a time y’know?” Jungkook replied amused, “Maybe a lot younger than you but I was also not good with a sword either.” 
“Mmm yeah I remember that actually!” Yoongi called out with a chortle, “Your maid servant flattened him to the ground, several times might I add.” Jungkook glared at him but he only kept laughing, “She was a prodigy in the making that one, it’s a shame they wouldn’t let girls participate in the academy.”
You chewed against your lip before you turned to Jungkook, “What if Wheein taught me how to swordfight?” 
“Am I that bad of a teacher?” Jungkook cocked his head to the side. 
“No!” You ushered out before feeling a dull ache in your back, “You’re just…very strict.” You frowned as you rubbed the sore spot on your lower back. 
This made Jungkook snort, “To answer your question I wouldn’t say no, but ever since the incident with me, chances are she would decline your request. She’s very shy of the guardsmen these days.” 
“Was it that bad?” You frowned, you had hard of this supposed incident a few times now but you didn’t realize it had left such a distaste in Wheein’s mouth. 
This made Jungkook frown, “I don’t know, I didn’t get to witness it, just that I heard the old captain of the guard had really frightened her. She hasn’t held a sword around me since.” He nodded to Yoongi, “But if she had been allowed to train alongside us from that age on she’d easily be a prodigy.” 
“Better than you?” You asked. 
This made a small smile tug on Jungkook’s lips, “Perhaps. I suppose we’ll never know. Now, sword.” Jungkook gestured to your sword once more as you pouted but did as told. He then began demonstrating different ways to hit offensively.
It started out as just following his lead but he eventually led his way in doing the motion against him, it was almost like a dance, you step forward and take a hit, he’d take a step back and block, and then he’d do the same to you. 
“Well, well, what is going on here?” 
You both paused at the deep, pleasant voice of Areum, Jungkook’s aunt, a smile tugged on your lips as you waved to her, “My duel with Seohyun is arriving soon so…we’re trying to get as much practice in as possible.” 
Areum nodded at this, “Ah yes, I’ve heard of this duel. The odds are quite against you but you seem rather determined here.” She smiled as she waved to your sword. 
“More like Jungkook is determined,” You smiled back weakly, “I’m simply trying my best and to be quite frank I’ll be ready for when the duel is over.” 
“It’s not much,” Jungkook sighed as he glanced at his aunt, “With her injuries having taken precedence to heal we’ve lost a lot of time to train. But it’s better than nothing, that’s what you taught us after all.” 
This made Areum smile in delight as she nodded, “Even the slightest chance of victory, is still a chance.” It sounded almost like a quote as she walked closer before taking a seat on the hay bale next to Yoongi who nodded in greeting of her, “Spar with her, I want to watch.” 
Jungkook frowned, “We haven’t really progressed as far as a real spar.” 
Yoongi nodded, “Even an informal one, she’s still flailing quite a bit.” 
Areum shook her head firmly, “Spar, I want to watch.” She stared Jungkook down before he broke contact with her, sighing. 
You had become nervous meanwhile, watching them both before you replied, “Um…Does my word count for anything? Because I already have a collection of Jungkook related bruises.” 
“It’ll be over quick at least.” Jungkook said but it was hardly any consolation to you as you glanced back at Areum who seemed amused but nodded encouragingly to you. 
You sighed before you straightened up lifting your sword as you tapped your blade against his before backing up, but before you could even fully get into stance Jungkook had already attacked. You yelped out, barely dodging his quick agile blows as you, the very opposite of him, gracelessly jumped back. 
“It’s like her body is completely rejecting the primal urge to fight.” Yoongi shook his head, watching you barely duck under Jungkook’s ruthless swing as you both switched places before jumping back once more. 
Jungkook heaved a breath looking mildly annoyed, “Stop running from me.” He extended his sword back out. 
“Stop trying to hit me!” You cried back as you cowarded away from him. 
He immediately swung at you once more but this time even more fierce than before, only this time he managed to knock the sword from your hand, grabbing it only to yank you close, an arm wrapping around you waist and the taunt wood of the faux blade met with your neck and Jungkook’s warm breath tickling your face, “I didn’t even hit you.” 
“Yeah you were only trying to take off my head.” You ushered back, this made him snort however as he let you go lowering his blade before he stuck it into the ground while looking at Areum. 
She hummed in thought as she grabbed her chin, “Well, dodging is her strong suit for sure.” 
This made Yoongi cover a laugh as Jungkook sighed pressing his hand to his forehead. 
You rubbed your neck bashfully as you shrugged, “I don’t want to hurt you or anyone else.”
“Y/n…” Jungkook sighed once more, “I don’t think you could hurt me even if you tried.” 
“Ugh can someone help me with this?” Jimin had just appeared from down the slope where he and Hoseok seemed to have been trying to hit a knife into a tree rather high up with a rope attached to it. 
They had been there all morning and Jungkook had quickly told you to not be distracted by them so you had since been ignoring them. 
“Can you not do one simple task Jimin?” Jungkook asked, whirling around at him in annoyance. 
“Why must god always choose his strongest soldiers for their hardest tasks.” Jimin lamented dramatically, “It’s hardly simple my Prince, have you seen this pitiful knife?” He showed it off and it was indeed small, “And have you seen that tree? It’s awfully big.” 
“Isn’t that just a clothing line to dry the guards clothes on?” Yoongi asked while rubbing his head. 
Jimin glared at him sharply as Yoongi put his hands up in surrender, “Nevermind me.”
“What are you trying to do?” You asked, peering out from behind Jungkook. 
Jimin, delighted, held out his hands to you, “Are you volunteering Princess?” 
“Jimin.” Jungkook growled out lowly, planting a firm foot in front of you. 
Your lips quirked a little as you looked up at Jungkook before you replied, “I’d love to help of course, you just have to tell me what it is you can’t accomplish.” 
“You are still training.” Jungkook crossed his arms, his gaze narrowing down on you. 
You quirked a brow, “And I am taking a break to help a friend.” You stepped out from behind Jungkook as Jimin clapped his hands in glee before he excitedly gestured you down the hill, offering a hand out to you to help you down. 
You gladly took it as he walked you over to Hoseok who sighed, “This is embarrassing.” He muttered. 
“It’s not! Tell me, what’s had you both troubled all morning.” You smiled as you clasped your hands together, thin bandages wrapped around them, concealing your newly healed skin, you didn’t have to wear these. But truthfully you just weren’t to let everyone see all the damage that had been done to your hands. 
“We can’t get the knife to stick into the wood,” Hoseok sighed, rubbing his neck, “And it’s not that it won’t stick but more like…we just can’t get the aiming quite right. I don’t know why Jimin brought you, I asked for specifically for Jungkook.” 
“The Prince was giving me a hard time,” Jimin complained, “Besides our Princess here offered to help, who was I to decline her?” 
You shrugged, “Give it to me.” You gestured as Hoseok somewhat hesitant handed his own knife to you, you noted the hole at the base of metal, a rope looped into it, “And, can you show me how to throw it?” You looked at Jimin who nodded. 
He took a few steps back as you mirrored him, the tree was quite tall and round but all of it’s limbs were high up, making it unclimbable which is why they must only have the choice of throwing. 
“Alright m’lady, throwing 101, normally you’d hold the blade end of the knife like this,” Jimin demonstrated it to you, “The weight of the butt of the knife is what gives it the momentum and power it needs to stick into its target. However, you noticed the rope here.” He tapped it as you nodded, “Which means we can’t do that, so instead we um…we’ve just been trying to do it like this.”
Jimin shrugged as he gestured to Hoseok who cleared himself out of the way, choosing to stand behind you both before Jimin held the knife back, throwing all of his power into the throw. The knife shot more like an arrow but it seemed to land too low. 
And rather then stick into the bark it bounced right off. 
This however made you thick of something, “Say…” You gently elbowed Jimin for his attention, “Perhaps this is a stupid question but um…have you both thought about just using a bow?” 
Both Hoseok and Jimin looked at one another wide eyed before Hoseok groaned, “I’ll be right back.” 
“Welp,” Jimin clacked his tongue, “This was a wasted morning. You can still give it a go if you want.” 
You let out a small laugh as you held the knife examining it before you shrugged, mirroring the way Jimin held it before giving it a powerful throw. Jimin’s lips parted immediately before he looked at you, before back at the tree, then back to you once more, “You’re a hell of a shot Princess.” 
You felt pride fill your chest as you crossed your arms at your handiwork, you had managed to hit it right in the knot that Jimin had attempted too, you have the rope a good tug but the knife wouldn’t be falling out anytime soon. 
Hoseok had just come back out with the bow when his lips parted, “Seriously!?” He complained at Jimin. 
“Don’t look at me!” Jimin cried out, “The Princess was the one that did it, her first try too!” He boasted for you as you waved your hands at him to stop talking, now feeling shy under the attention. 
It was just beginner's luck!
Areum from a distance hummed out with a pleased expression as she stood next to Jungkook, “There you go, you found her strong suit.” 
Jungkook shook his head reluctantly, “Good aim won’t help her in a sword duel.” Jungkook sighed as he ran a hand through his hair with a mutter, “What were the odds that she’d be good with a bow?”
“Apparently enough that she’d actually be good with one.” Areum replied as she looked down at her nephew amused, “Just because it’s not a conventional skill doesn’t mean it can’t be utilized.” She smiled cunningly, “Think of my words little nephew, you’re smarter than this.” She continued in a sing song tone as she walked away. 
Jungkook only sighed, running his hand through his hair. He could only hope his aunt’s faith wasn’t misplaced. 
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“Archery?” You whirled around, gathering your cloak to fully wrap it around yourself, the tree’s had been turning hues of oranges and red’s these days as Autumn had fully arrived and truthfully, autumn just might be your favorite season in Penumbra. 
The air had arrived with a cool nip these days and so you had begun dressing more warmly to keep the cold at bay, this was new to you however, winters in Penumbra were cool but never cold.
“Yes,” Jungkook replied, throwing the stick, a very large one far as Fenrir chased after it with a loud bark, “Sword training will continue of course, but you clearly show good promise with a bow, beginners luck doesn’t exist on something like that.” 
You thought of his words but you were interrupted by Fenrir who dropped the stick in front of you, bright blue eyes perked at the sight of you looking at him as he barked again, panting as he stuck his tongue, eager for another throw. 
Laughing a little you grabbed the stick before throwing it, Fenrir immediately chased after the stick, disappearing into the field of wheat that had filled the meadow. 
“Well…I suppose if you think I’d be good at it,” You replied, still pondering on his words, “I still don’t get it though, shouldn’t I be focusing solely on swordsmanship? It was you who said I need only be good at it, but the best at it.” 
Jungkook sighed as he shifted his weight, “Yes I know what I said.” 
Jungkook glanced away from you, “I’d rather you focus on something you’re naturally good at in case a time for self defense might be needed, I know your duel is important, and we’ll continue to work on swords work. But if war ever breaks out again-”
“It won’t,” You cut him off as you shook your head, he said nothing though as your gaze hardened, “Our marriage was to ensure that didn’t happen, within our lifetime at least.” 
Fenrir dashed back through the field once more, blissfully unaware of the more somber tone in the air as Jungkook heaved a breath stepping closer to you as he spoke, “We agreed to that yes, but I don’t know…” He shook his head, “There’s been a lot of stirrings from the West and with what happened at Mabon afoot still…” Jungkook’s gaze hardened, “The last thing I want is war, but more than anything I need you to be prepared and safe if it happens. I won’t be able to stay by your side if the war cannons go off.” 
Just him talking about this had your hands trembling in anxiety, the distant memory of the mourning bells being rung, the bodies…”That would be a war crime if they broke the rite of peace.” You whispered out.
Jungkook smiled mirthlessly as he nodded with a whisper of his own, “It wouldn’t be a first for them.” He frowned, “I’m not saying war will break out, it most likely won’t. But still, in Penumbra we’re always prepared.” 
“I…I understand.” You lowered your gaze sadly, “I just hope you’re right, that war doesn’t break out again.” 
“We all hope,” Jungkook answered solemnly, “The people can’t go through the five year war again. They would rise to the occasion if needed but we’re just entering an era for peace, where they feel they can enjoy their lives. It wouldn’t be fair to take that from them.” Jungkook stared out over the valley where the capitol expanded in the distance.
You shuddered a little as you tightened the cloak around yourself, Jungkook’s eyes trailed to your figure as he sighed, “Let’s get you back into the castle, you’re cold.” 
“I’m okay.” You replied, “But it is a bit brisk out here,” The wind was what made it feel so nippy out today, “How cold does it get in the Winter here?” 
“Have you ever seen snow?” Jungkook had a small smile as he asked, kneeling down where Fenrir had laid down out of boredom, he quickly popped back up however, grabbing his stick and dropping it in front of Jungkook.
Fenrir however quickly forgot about the stick though as Jungkook stroked his fur with a good pat.
“I’ve heard of the snow.” You smiled sheepishly, “Oh…! I remember one Yule we spent at Kimhae, it started flurrying and I kept chasing the snowflakes trying to catch one on my tongue. None of it stuck though.” 
“It all sticks here,” Jungkook replied as he rubbed Fenrir’s head, “By the feet, we’ll be buried in snow by the time Yule is close…” He stood up, “Speaking of…have you given any more thought to going to Kimhae for Yule?” 
You raised your brows in semi surprise, “You’d be willing to go?” 
“Had I not made that clear to begin with?” Jungkook titled his head, somewhat confused by your surprise. 
You let out a wry smile, “Well it’s just…given your…distaste for Seokjin I would’ve thought you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him.” 
Jungkook snorted, rolling his eyes, “Truthfully I could care less about him, but I’m asking you what you want to do.” 
You had given the situation a lot of thought and weighed what the pro’s and con’s would be, because you knew if you went, you’d have to face Seokjin again and…well…You had changed a lot. You weren’t sure if you were ready to talk to him yet. 
“Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind, then I would like to go,” You smiled gently, “I really do miss my mother and I just heard back from her that she would be attending with my father.” You had ended up writing a letter to your mother and it was originally to ask her about Yule. 
But well, it ended up being a very long rambling letter detailing your experiences in Penumbra and how greatly you missed her, and you just barely remembered to ask about the Yule ball. 
Jungkook nodded, “Then we’ll go,” He offered his arm out to you as you hooked your own around it as he called for Fenrir who quickly began to trot ahead of you both, “I’ll start planning our travel arrangements.” 
Making your way back to the stables Fenrir whined at the sight of his pen, circling back around behind you making you pout, “I know you don’t want to but I’ll be back out later.” You pressed a kiss on his snout as he whined once more but followed the gesture of your hand into the pen, tail between his legs before he curled up in the small pile of blankets you had brought out for him. 
“With how dramatic he acts you’d think we hurt him,” Jungkook scoffed as he shook his head at the admittedly pathetic sight before he closed the pen gate. 
“He is hurt!” You pouted, “I still don’t understand why he can’t be in the castle with us- in Eunoia-”
“He’s an ashe wolf Y/n.” Jungkook chided in.
“But in Eunoia-!”
“Yes I know in Eunoia,” Jungkook placed a hand on your waist, pulling you from the pen and towards the gates, “But he is an ashe wolf.” He emphasized, “You saw his mother, and he’s only going to grow bigger than her in time. He can’t be in the castle.” 
This made you sulk as you crossed your arms as you mumbled, “We could make him fit…” 
Jungkook was about to make a snarky comment as you both stepped inside the courtyard but his words seemed to be lost at the sight of what looked like a rush of people all about. 
You looked at Jungkook in mild concern but his eyes only hardened at the sight from the main doors where an older man waved off three maids that fled from him in fear and shrieks. 
Hoseok had appeared behind him, trying to say something to the man but he only flailed him away with a snap, “I don’t give a damn about decorum boy, I have a job to do!” 
“Who is that?” You asked as you shifted a little closer to Jungkook. 
His eyes narrowed on the elder man as he spoke, “Han Di Jin, the Wolf of the West.” Jungkook shook his head, “He was the old captain of the guard, but since he retired he took to bounty hunter work, that's how he earned his title.”
“...Then what is he doing here?” 
Jungkook frowned, “Well, clearly they’ve decided to make your assassination as a priorty.” 
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“It’s been nearly a month since the assassionation, what’s the meaning of this father?” Jungkook’s eyes burned into his father’s as he sat across from him at the war table. 
Due to you being in charge of heading the operation for rebuilding the Market district, you usually met up with Jeong Dae- much to your displeasure, as the King had anointed him as your mentor and overhead of the project. 
Any concerns would be brought to him rather than the king himself. What you hadn’t expected was to find both your husband and father in law already in the War Room with Jeong Dae, but rather than shoo you away Dae Seong only gestured you to sit. 
And so here you were, awkwardly waiting for them to be done with this as you folded your hands, looking anywhere but at the two men staring one another down.
“We finally have the resources to give to the investigation.” Dae Seong shrugged off his son’s brewing expression, “You should be happy, after you threw such a tantrum last month I thought this would please you.” 
Jungkook’s lips twitched and this made you shift in your chair beside him, he looked anything but happy at the moment. 
“The assassin has had a month to leave this kingdom,” Jungkook replied with a low sneer, “You wanted to chastise me about wasting resources last time we discussed this but you choose to do this a month later?” 
Dae Seong stirred in his chair and he mirrored the very same expression as Jungkook, the only difference being you had slowly begun to find out that the king had a much bigger temper than his son.
“The boy has a point,” Jeong Dae had cut in methodically, leaned back in his chair and for once he hadn’t seemed to be butting into the conversation until now, “If we wanted to catch this assassin then we should have struck whilst the iron was hot. But alas my brother, you choose to have us focus on the pest of a beast.” 
Your lips twitched, just barely at the comment. 
Dae Seong also seemed annoyed by this comment but not for the reason you were, “Yes, and who decided to botch my kill?” He sneered back as he glared at Jungkook who chose to not reply to that, making the king relent, “Nobody leaves this kingdom without my knowledge which means the assassin still resides here and Da Jin will find him.” 
Your gaze met Jungkook’s in silence and neither of you said anything for a long moment. Partly because Jungkook had told you that the assassin had already made his escape, two weeks ago. Why he had chosen to not let this information reach his father was a question you hadn’t even thought to ask.
Partly because you assumed the king had known this. 
“Well what is with those looks?” Jeong Dae called out the exchange making you both break eye contact. 
Jungkook shook his head, “Very well. But I don’t want Di Jin snooping about the castle and disrupting the servants daily activities, he already caused a stir this morning.” 
“He will do his job as he needs.” Dae Seong replied firmly, “As I believe the killer could be residing within these very walls.” 
This made your brows raise in surprise, you didn’t realize the king had the same line of thought as Jungkook…or he did a month ago. Jungkook said nothing before he finally nodded as he ran a hand through his hair, “Very well.” He muttered. “If that is all I have duties I must attend.” 
Dae Seong stood up along side him as he waved him off, “Yes that is all, and I will have you both know that Di Jin will be having family dinner with us on sundays as he is a guest in our castle, so be on your best behavior.” 
He eyed you in particular as you gave a weak smile and nod.
“Yes, yes they aren’t children,” Jeong Dae shoo’d his brother, “Now I must talk to the Princess about the rebuilding project so if you both don’t mind…” 
You dimmed at his words, ah yes that was right, that was the reason you were here to begin with, after all. 
You had begun working on hiring for the project to rebuild the market just last week, unfortunately your supervisor for this was Jeong Dae, so any questions you had or arrangements had to be passed by him. 
You cleared your throat as you shifted upright in your seat a little more, “We just finished hiring the last of the men for the project we’ll be starting next week as planned on construction, I just need to start meeting with some of the business owners and discussing what needs to be where. If all goes to plan we should be finished by the end of Spring.” 
“Good,” Jeong Dae replied with a nod, “Speak with the court businesses first, since they are patrons to our family they will get first pick of their spaces.”
You nodded at this, it made sense and so you began making notes with the spare paper that was on the table, “Is there a particular last name I should do first? I don’t want to step on anyone's toes whilst doing this project.” 
The project hadn’t even been started and yet you had received several letters from various court members requesting many different things, extra space then what was originally given to you to work with, extra budget for their own compensation lost in the fire. Three aristocrats had even went as far as to give you a detailed list of flooring, chandeliers they wanted, and various other things that made your head ache. 
You looked down the list with a sigh, while some of these things were very helpful to you so you could estimate how to manage your budget, many of these things were not what you considered necessary for their shops. 
Jeong Dae sat on your words for a long moment before he replied, “It matters not, though some are more pushy than others. Mistakes are not easily overlooked in this court however so be on your best behavior girl.” 
This made you sharply inhale as you looked up at him, his tone not appreciated, you were just trying to make sure to not offend anyone, “I’ll keep that in mind,” You resisted the urge to bicker however, you just wanted to be done with this so you could get back to work. 
Ever since the king had put you in charge of this project, and with your upcoming duel, it seemed your days of wandering about and free time were over, it felt like you never had a moment to yourself anymore. 
“And,” You paused, feeling this was a stupid question but you just wanted to make sure, “How much of this is actually necessary to a building? Many of the court business are requesting…” You shook your head in disdain, “Rather lavish items…” 
“Such as?” Jeong Dae replied. 
You handed the list you had written down, neatly sectioned off the supplies requested under each surname, Jeong Dae skimmed through the list before he replied, “None seems that awfully lavish.” 
Your brows raised in surprise at this, “Really…?” 
You were a Princess, to say you hadn’t lived a life of certain privilege and luxury in itself would be a lie, but you had also been taught your whole life that these things were never a need but a blessing. Not to mention they were never prioritized if something in the villages was of higher priority. 
“Bit of advice girl,” Jeong Dae leaned in, his eyes darkening a little, “If you want to be accepted into this court, then you must be willing to extend your hand as a friend to the court. Let them have their little luxuries, and they will in return give you theirs.” 
You frowned at this, “I understand but it’s hardly fair to all the other-” 
“Are they the court?” 
“...No..” You didn’t like this one bit, shifting in your seat as you refused to look at him any longer. So much of your budget would be thrown out though when it could be used to help those more in need. Could the aristocrats not afford their own luxuries? Because it looked as if they could. 
“Correct. You are the Crowned Princess of Penumbra,” Jeong Dae nodded with a stern look, “You care for my nephew yes?” 
The question made your head snap back to meet Jeong Dae’s eyes as you flailed a little, flustered by his words, “I…Um…Yes?” 
It came out a little uncertain but Jeong Dae didn’t miss a beat, “Then don’t make a fool of his name. Our meeting is concluded, meet with me once more after you’ve made your arrangements with the court businesses.” 
And with that Jeong Dae left the room leaving you still sitting as you groaned softly, sinking deep into your seat. You had been trained for the duties of a queen growing up, it happened naturally but still, nothing could have ever prepared you for this. 
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“It is quite the predicament.” Wheein hummed as she prepared you for bed. 
You had asked her opinion on what Jeong Dae had told you, as it had been bothering you all day that you had spent rearranging and playing around with the budget to see if there was any way to cut corners. 
And as it would turn out, you could but…With the way it would be done, you had a feeling they wouldn’t be happy about it. 
“I don’t know if it would be appropriate to give how I feel on the matter though Princess,” Wheein frowned softly, looking at you in the mirror reflection, “Other then you must do what you think it best, and truthfully it would make me happy to see you integrating into the court better.” 
You slumped in your seat a little at this, “Even if it means unfairly elevating the court members.” 
Wheein gave you a brief scolding look as you crossed your arms, “That’s how the world works unfortunately m’lady, you know this just as well as I do…”
“Yes I know,” You replied, trying to not sulk about it, “I still don’t like it though.” 
Eunoia wasn’t perfect by any means, if your kingdom’s past was anything to go by your people had once upon committed grave sins, and your family was by any means not always perfect, you knew the court always had slight favor over the people, this was how it had always been. But then again you couldn’t really compare the two. 
Eunoia viewed materialism very differently than any other countries, luxuries crafted of fine wear and materials weren’t seen as musts or needs by your people, and most often let go of materialism altogether to transcend their human side to tune into the dryad nature. 
“Perhaps you’ll find a solution that fits everyone's needs,” Wheein offered a small smile however at your glum expression, “I have faith in you m’lady, the right course will come to you.” 
“You truly think so?” You asked meekly as you looked up at the mirror once more. 
Wheein now smiled brightly as she nodded firmly, “Of course, I don’t have a doubt about it.” 
She just finished with your hair before standing you up to get you changed as you asked, “How has your mother been? I’ve noticed you’ve been at the castle more lately.” 
Wheein smiled a bit shy this time, “She’s recovering well! I think by next week I’ll be able to fully return to my duties, I can’t thank you enough for giving me so much time to tend to my family. My brothers…” She sighed before sadly shaking her head, “They’re still touring with the Eastward movement, so I’m all my mother has left.” 
You frowned softly at this, “What about your father?” 
Wheein’s expression dimmed, “He died during the war. After he passed my eldest brother Yeonjun ended up enlisting since the military promised grain and oil to the families who did, the rest of them followed right after. I went to the castle for work to help pick up slack as well.” 
“I’m sorry.” You ushered softly.
“It’s not your fault m’lady,” Wheein offered a weak smile, “It’s just the world we live in. But I do thank you for being so understanding, many in the court are…” She frowned, “Rather callous. It often has the maids not wanting to linger anytime they aren’t serviced to a certain person.” 
You thought on this, remembering back to when you first arrived. Anytime you’d thank any of the maids of staff they always had a certain look of surprise on their face before hurrying away. Back then you assumed it was because nobody here liked you but now…
“It doesn’t surprise me, unfortunately.” You hummed out, “I’m just glad to hear your mother is doing better, I do miss your company.” You offered a meek smile at this. 
“As do I m’lady.” Wheein gave you one last smile as she finished changing you, “This should be it, is there anything else you might need from me before I go?”
“No, this is fine, thank you.” You nodded with a smile, dismissing her as she gave a curtsey before departing.
You had made yourself comfortable in bed before you began your nightly reading and Jungkook had come in not too long after you started with Taehyun in tow behind him, “It’s annoying.” 
“Well he is your father Sire.” Taehyun rubbed his head making you snort quietly as you watched the two squabble. 
“Doesn’t make him immune to stupidity,” Jungkook rolled his eyes before looking at you, “Di Jin was mucking about with all the court ladies. Apparently under bounty hunter business. Unbelievable.” 
“What does your father have to do with that?” You asked. 
Jungkook flared his nostrils as if just the thought infuriated him, “Because I was somehow the one that got scolded for interrupting his business, when he didn’t even have any to begin with!”
Taehyun began changing him as he spoke, “Well they are old war veterans, it’s probably why he gives him so much leniency.” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook huffed, “I’m aware. Still doesn’t make it anymore annoying, just the very fact that he chose to do this a month after the assassination is like a slap in the face.” 
“Well at least he isn’t trying to waste your time anymore with it and hired Di Jin instead,” You offered a weak smile in consolation. 
Jungkook only gave you an expression making you frown, “...Right?” 
Taehyun spoke up instead, “Sire has been requested to relinquish any information he has to Di Jin and to help with anything he might request need of.” 
Jungkook groaned at the words once more as he closed his eyes, pulling the fine silk top over his head revealing the muscle glad skin beneath. This made you clear your throat, eyes immediately dropping to your book. 
This had become a nightly routine and you had become acquainted with this side of Jungkook over the course of the last few weeks, much to your surprise he was actually quite a lot more opinionated than he ever actually spoke. 
You supposed this shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it did, but it couldn’t be helped you had noticed since knowing his thoughts that he actually holds his tongue a lot during meetings with the court, but it always looked like he had to bite it back when you paid close attention to his expressions. 
They were always so subtle in shift that if one didn’t know him well, they wouldn’t even be able to tell. 
“Relinquish all information…?” You frowned, knowing the obvious discrepancy here.
Jungkook only shook his head, “How would they know that I know more?” 
This made you frown, “Jungkook…” 
“How would they know?” He asked, defending himself as he had clearly not told Di Jin that he discovered the assassin had escaped a long while ago, “They won’t, don’t give me that look.” You crossed your arms at this, “Is he always like this.” You looked at Taehyun. 
“Well don’t bring me into this,” Taehyun complained, not liking both sets of eyes on him like this, “But to answer your question, yes, he’s always-” 
“You’re dismissed Kang.” Jungkook cut through his words like paper.
Taehyun sighed before shaking his head, giving a bow to you both before he departed. 
“So what did you tell Di Jin then?” You asked as you watched the door close before turning back to Jungkook who had been rolling up the sleeves of his sleep shirt to his elbows before he sat down in bed beside you, “What he already knew, which was we had no leads.” 
“But perhaps it would be better to tell him that the assassin already escaped…I mean, that’s the only person who would have breached the border right?” You asked.
This made Jungkook frown, “I can’t say for sure, but that would be the only person I could think of that would go to that length to leave the country. It’s not that I don’t want to tell him, but I’m still uncertain.”
“Of what?” You asked.
“Of who sent the assassin,” Jungkook shook his head, “Who’s to say Di Jin wasn’t summoned here to try and make things worse?” 
This made you frown before you looked down at your book which had been abandoned in your lap, “So many things are uncertain right now…I thought us getting married was supposed to fix everything.” 
This made Jungkook briefly smile as he shook his head, “It’s never that simple princess, even you knew that.” 
“Yes, I just didn’t think I’d live this long afterwards truthfully,” You puffed a breath, somewhat pouty, “What a mess.” 
“A mess indeed,” Jungkook nodded before grabbing your book, “How about we not talk this over for the thousandth time though, how is the project coming along? I heard from Jeong Dae your having some difficulties.” 
“Oh, did you now?” You frowned, not pleased with Jeong Dae running his mouth about you, and this didn’t surpass Jungkook as he raised a brow, “...It’s not a difficulty more like…Something I’m just having to accept.” 
You shifted a little before you sighed and explained to him what you were struggling with, “And I have to start my meetings tomorrow with the court businesses so I need to make a decision tonight on what I want to do.” 
Jungkook hummed as he crossed his arms, “It is a difficult position to be put in,” He shifted, “But truthfully, I don’t think it matters what you do.” 
“...You don’t?” You frowned, somewhat confused. 
He nodded, “The court is a fickle sort, they’ll find a reason to make things difficult for you regardless, I know this because I work with them every day. So, I’d advise you do what you want to do because it won’t matter.” 
“But Jeong Dae said-” 
“He says a lot of stuff,” Jungkook rolled his eyes, “Don’t take his words too heart, he means well but he’s dated in his opinions.” 
You sighed as you fiddled with the edge of your blanket, “I just don’t want to mess up…” 
“Messing up is part of learning,” Jungkook replied, “Embrace it, don’t fear it, you’ll do just fine.” 
You could only hope Jungkook was right.
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The door shut with a resounding click and you could hear laughter on the other side as you sighed deeply. Slumping in your chair as you pressed your hands into your face.
“Do you think that was the right choice?” You asked, afraid to even look up at Yoongi. 
He had stood behind your chair the entire morning, having not even complained once about how boring this had to be for him to accompany you with. 
Yoongi frowned at this scratching his cheek, “Personally? I don’t think you could’ve done much better Princess, the court can be particularly cold to outsiders. Especially given you’re apart of it now.” 
You had been meeting with the royal businesses all morning and it had gone just about how you expected it too, most were outright furious when they had read off the list you’d be willing to provide for them and some of the things they had said to you was simply outright cruel. 
You however had stood your ground with the whole lot of them, saying that either they would accept this, or find business within another district. 
Some however, had still found a way to get the last laugh just as those ladies had, snidely dropping a line about how they had seen your husband with Seohyun just this morning, and clearly the look on your face was enough of a pay off for them after you broken the news that you’d only pay for half of the luxury renovations they wanted. 
“You shouldn’t let their words bother you either,” Yoongi spoke once more at the sight of your somber expression, “I’m sure if the Prince was with Seohyun, it would have been in concern for the duel.” 
You wringed your hands in worry as you nodded, “Yes, yes you’re right. I just…” You sighed as you shook your head, “They have much history together…” You mumbled, you didn’t want to sound insecure, but it was true they had much history together and you weren’t sure where Jungkook stood on his feelings when it came to her and well…his feelings when it came to you. 
Something had certainly grown inside you whenever you thought of him these days, something that buzzed with a warm fuzzy glow and it made you nervous. 
You had originally wanted to simply get along and be his friend, but you were now beginning to fear that he had somehow managed to corrupt even that simple want you had. It was in the little things, how you’d both sit together but just a hair too far apart for your liking. 
How when you stood next to him your fingers would twitch in want to hold his hand, or hook your arm around his, it was like an insatiable itch. 
And so whenever Seohyun had come up in conversation in relation to Jungkook, you had found yourself a bit more sensitive to it these days than you used to be. 
“They do,” Yoongi hummed, “But not a good kind in my humble opinion.” 
You shook your head with a frown as you glanced down at your ring finger, a beautiful shining onyx- what Namjoon told you was the stone of Penumbra, adorned it. It was your wedding band, you hadn’t bothered to wear it for a long while. 
But you had stumbled across it in your jewelry box last week and couldn’t resist the urge to wear it proudly, even if the delicate lace gloves covered up your hands, you hoped maybe one day this ring would give you the courage to freely show off the scars that now stained your skin. 
“Sometimes, we cling to bad history because it’s familiar,” You mumbled once more, perhaps a bit sulky, “I’m sorry Yoongi, I don’t mean to bore you with all of this.” 
You decided to stir the conversation away from Jungkook, “I’m sure a knight of your status would do much better with Jungkook and the others right now.”
This made Yoongi chuckle as he shifted beside your chair, “Truthfully m’lady I am very tired of that work, politics aren’t my strong suit but I do enjoy being away from manual labor for once. You shouldn’t worry about me. Was that our last business of the day?” 
Glancing down at your list you nodded, “Yes I believe so, arrangements have been worked out though so now I’ll need to head over to the library and start working some more numbers and then putting in orders for supplies.” 
You had just stood up from your chair when there was a knock on the door making you glance at Yoongi in semi surprise, you were almost certain you had no more meetings with anyone else.
Yoongi frowned at this as he stepped up to the door, opening it before spoke in surprise, “Di Jin, I didn’t expect to see you lingering about here.” 
The elder man moved forward in an attempt to step into the room, “I’m here to speak with the Princess, boy, so if you don’t mind leaving us for a moment.” 
Yoongi’s expression dropped into something much less friendly, “I’ve strict orders to not leave the Princess alone.” 
“Under whose orders?” Di Jin challenged him. 
Yoongi’s lip twitched in annoyance, “...The Princes.” He looked away as if knowing something. 
This made Di Jin laughed, “Then I do believe my orders from the King supersede yours. Now, if  you don’t mind.” 
Yoongi looked as if he was ready to argue with the older man but you had walked over, graciously holding up a hand, “It’s okay,” You gave him a timid smile, “I’m sure Mr. Han won’t be too long…?”
You glanced at Di Jin who gave a sharp smile, “Certainly not Your Highness.” 
Yoongi shuffled in his spot, his eyes narrowing on Di Jin, “Very well.” He turned to you, his eyes brimmed with concern, “I’ll be waiting outside the door if you need anything m’lady.” He gave you a small bow before stepping out of the room and closing the door. 
You cleared your throat, trying to not let the tall man intimate you as you turned around, offering a small smile, “Well, let’s have a seat shall we? What can I help you with Mr Han?” 
Di Jin sat across from you, his expression having gone cold making you do a double take as he spoke gruffly, “This will not take long girl so let me be frank with you,” He leaned forward in his seat, “If I catch even the slightest of evidence that you’re conspiring against our nation, I will not hesitation to let the King know.” 
Your lips parted for a full second, trying to comprehend what he just said to you- not just said, but threatened! Anger quickly replaced confusion as you scoffed, “I beg your pardon?” 
“Don’t play dumb with me girl,” Di Jin sneered as he leaned forward in his chair, pointing an accusing finger at you, “Your little kingdom may have helped our predecessors, but lets not forget the savage nation of Celestial that once devoured their own kin. The very same that had been conjoined with Kimheavan before they split. It’s well known even after the nation split they still kept good terms, is it not true?” 
Your lips twisted in disgust, “That was a long time ago.” Your nation didn’t have the prettiest history, that was true, but to be immediately accused for something your ancestors did and conspired was atrocious at the very least, “And I’ll have you know Mr Han that if I was conspiring against Penumbra I certainly wouldn’t have had my own assassination planned out!” You snapped. 
Di Jin was about to speak but you cut him off immediately, “I may be considered an outsider and you may have your orders from the king but that does not make me less of a royal family member, no less the royal Crowned Princess, so heed my words and get out of my sight. Now. Or shall I go consort with the King to make sure these were his orders for you to threaten me?”
Di Jin’s glare could rain hellfire and yet your glare didn’t cease on him as he gruffly stood up, “Watch yourself girl.” Was all he said before exiting. 
Yoongi quickly stepped back inside, brush the thick black strands of bangs from his eyes in concern, “Is everything okay Your Highness?” 
You stood up from your chair as you sighed before shaking your head, “Something is certainly afoot, that is for sure.”
Yoongi frowned at this as he crossed his arms, “Shall we report this to the Prince then?” 
You shook your head, “No…” You sighed at the confused expression Yoongi had at your words, “Jungkook is dealing with enough as it is, this will surely send him over the edge.”
“I do hope you plan to tell him eventually, his Highness will not like it whenever he hears of this.” Yoongi asked. 
“Of course,” You gave him a soft smile, “When the time is right.” 
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“You’ve been awfully quiet this evening.” 
The words were ushered out soft as you glanced up at Jungkook who hadn’t met your gaze, his eyes still on the letter he had been reading, but despite his focus you were beginning to learn that he was quite the observant person. 
You had been reading in bed the whole evening and had kept to yourself, attempting to relax and let yourself rest well before tomorrow came. 
“I’m trying to not let myself feel anxious.” You finally spoke after a long moment, shifting from under the covers of the bed, “The duel is tomorrow morning and I’ve hardly had any training.” 
Jungkook didn’t reply for a long minute, finishing his reading before he set his letter down, he had spent the evening buried in work that he had been lacking on finishing the whole week, and therefore you hadn’t wanted to bother him. “That may be true but you’re stronger than you think,” Jungkook finally answered, leaning back in his chair as he looked at you from across the room, “Surely in Eunoia you have some form of fighting tactic.” 
Jungkook stood up before making his way over to the bed, taking a seat beside you as he sighed, “I admit, your kingdom baffles me. I don’t understand how a nation could willingly lay down arms and trust that another nation won’t seize the opportunity to destroy them.” 
You shifted in bed to face him, thinking on his words and how to describe Eunoia the best way you could, “Well, perhaps it would be best to maybe explain how our kingdom once was. Do you know of it?” 
Jungkook shook his head, “I know very little of it truthfully,” He admitted, “When I was a boy my father didn’t permit me to learn much else other than what pertained to our kingdom.” 
“Before we became Eunoia, we were once known as Celestial, self named after the King Devourer late Queen Celestia the Forth. When the Dryad’s first disappeared our kingdom…” You shook your head somberly, “Our kingdom spiraled into madness, and many rose up, hungry for power. It was said that Queen Celestia believed to restore our blood to that of a full dryad, we must devour our own kin.” 
“Devour…?” Jungkook frowned at this.
You lowered your head in shame as you nodded, “Yes, she believed that once we devoured our kin, it would restore our blood to anew….” Your nose wrinkled at the thought, “...It’s how she became the late queen and earned her unsavory title…” 
“And how did that era end?” Jungkook asked curiously. 
“Well by the lower people,” You replied, thinking back to when your mother had first explained your kingdom’s history to you, “Though everyone’s blood ran the same, the Aristocrats believed those who deserved to be devoured where the lower class and so a revolt started and the people fought back. It was a war zone from end to end in my kingdom, flesh being severed and ate as if we were nothing more than animals. Eventually the civil war ended when the low class dragged Celestia from her hold and executed her.” 
“It was as if she put the entire kingdom under a spell, because once she was killed, it’s said that it was as if everyone woke up from a deep slumber and realized what they had done.” You stared at your hands, marred and skin discolored from scarring, “They anointed Galadria their new Queen, she had lead the revolt against Celestia and was the one to execute her. Disgusted by what the nation had become Galadria had made a promise to our ancestor king, the Dryad’s, to return our homeland to what it once was. Focused on that of our inner selves, combined into one with nature, and Eunoia was born from that bloody war.” 
You folded your arms as you continued, “Weapons were discarded because back in the Age of Celestia they were often used to dismember others in preparation to be devoured. It’s been only a little more than a hundred years now, so the wounds are still fresh, people who lived through that horror are still alive today. It’s not that we refuse to use weapons, but they still leave a distaste in everyone’s mouth.” 
“I see,” Jungkook hummed as he absorbed the information, “But surely there’s criminal activity in Eunoia, how would that be handled then?” 
“Well there is in any kingdom,” You smiled wryly at this, “But in Eunoia they are apprehended without the need for a blade. When they’re caught they’re put into indentured service, working for the community out in the fields, but during this they also get put into a housing lot where they can still slowly make their living, have the opportunity to learn skills.”
“Criminals are still people, they have a reason to act out the way they did in the first place. It’s our duty as the royal family to provide them an alternative to that, to help them. Not punish them.” You answered, “It’s not perfect, sometimes people are just too far gone to help. In that case we have no choice but to banish them from the premise of our lands.”
You thought of your words for a moment before speaking once more, “Oftentimes Kimhae had no problems stepping in if it was ever needed, but that was rare more times than not.” 
“Well,” Jungkook hummed out, “That does give some perspective. I didn’t realize Eunoia once had its own fall from grace.” 
You frowned at this. “Everything changed after the Great War though, didn’t it?” 
The war that changed everything. what advancement civilization had made since The Fall what been completely ruined when all of the Kingdoms went to war, it was what caused Seoul to fall, how Celestia came into power, it shaped the very being of the world you lived in now.
There was a somber tone that took over and something happened that you didn’t expect, Jungkook gestured you closer as you scooted to him, your thigh touching his and an arm unexpectedly wrapped around your shoulder in a…comforting gesture? 
“Enough of that,” He replied, hushed, “Tomorrow will come and go just as any other day.” 
Your lips tugged into a pout, but you said no more before resignation filled you, sulking as you dropped your head against his shoulder. 
You could only hope that the Dryad’s would be watching over you tomorrow and give you the determination that you would need to end this once and for all.
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darkisrising · 3 years
Bobadinluke, 37?
Ooooooooooh, Anon. Dear, sweet sweet Anon. You have NO idea how overboard I went on this, lolol. Thank you for the prompt, I hope when you read this next 4k+ words you won't regret it too much. Disclaimer: All I know about prison I learned by watching Oz back in the day. Full whump in this one, and threats of sexual assault though none actually occur. Some character death, some mentions of transactional sex... lottttttta cursing. Yeah, just, if you decide to read this one please proceed with caution. 37. meeting in prison au, BobaDinLuke
“First thing you do when you get to prison,” Anakin Skywalker whispered into his son’s ear as he held him so tightly Luke couldn’t draw in a deep enough breath, though maybe that was just the panic setting in. “You find the leader of the Sith in there and tell him Darth Vader said to take care of you. He goes by Maul. He’ll keep you safe.”
In answer, Luke hissed “Fuck you, you fucking bastard” and sincerely meant every word of it. When the guards pulled them apart to lead Luke away—the irons around his ankles clattering ominously—it was a relief. For a father that had thrown him and his sister by the wayside as they were growing up, leaving them to be raised by distant and dubiously-related relations, he sure had decided to make himself suspiciously present in the courtroom ever since he’d framed his only son for murder.
“Don’t be proud, Luke,” Anakin called out, his voice cutting through the courtroom’s chatter. “You’re going to need all the help you can get.”
Luke’s tempted to throw another “fuck you” over his shoulder but then he caught sight of Leia, clutching her tiny lump of a newborn son in her lap. Her eyes were as close to crying as he’d ever seen his sister get and that’s when it all came crashing down on him. That this moment, which some stupid, fragile part of him had thought would never really come to pass, had happened. He’d held on to hope that someone—some jurist— would listen to all the damning witness testimonies and look at all the gruesome crime scene photos and then look at Luke—pacifist, Prius-driving, yoga teacher Luke—and think “No, it couldn’t possibly have been him.” He had a rescue dog, for fuck’s sake. He’d gotten Artoo from the no-kill shelter that he volunteered at between shifts at the local food pantry.
How the fuck could they ever believe him guilty of murder?
But Anakin Skywalker, leader of the Sith crime syndicate—second only to the so-called Emperor whose identity was a mystery to all but his most trusted underling—was good at what he did. If he wanted to kill a district attorney, he killed a district attorney. If he wanted to pin it on his son to keep his own ass out of prison, then that’s what he did. And then if he showed up every single goddamn day to Luke’s trial, sitting there just behind his son so that no one could help but notice the resemblance between the two of them—couldn’t help but speculate at how close they must be for his father to be taking such a personal interest in his son’s trial—until a person decided that the apple hadn’t fallen far from the rotten, mafia-laden tree?
Well, then; he did that, too.
Guilty on all counts. Seven life sentences to be served consecutively. One hundred and five years without the possibility of parole, and Luke knows as soon as the van pulls up to the prison gates and he’s shuffled out along with all his fellow offenders deemed too dangerous to society for anything but the most maximum of maximum security prisons, that he is going to die here.
As it turns out he doesn’t have to go looking for the Sith. Word of his arrival has preceded him and he turns from placing the blanket and pillow he’s been assigned onto the bunk he’s been assigned to see he’s been followed.
“Hey, you Vader’s kid?”
There are two men lingering by his cell’s opening and Luke doesn’t need to ask who they are to know what they are. They have that same glint in their eyes, rabid fanaticism and zero fucks to give, that mark all the Sith that Luke has had the displeasure of knowing in his life.
“No,” Luke says as mildly as he can manage before turning his back on them to pluck at his blanket under the guise of making his bed. His hands are shaking, his anger at his father is like runoff from a melting mountain snow, and he takes deep, careful breaths to try to staunch the torrent. He’d kill for a yoga mat and a dim room right about now, but he doubts that’s in the cards for him anytime soon.
“Aren’t you Skywalker?”
“I am,” Luke allows. “But I’m afraid my father’s name is Anakin. Not Vader.”
“Oh, come on,” one says, standing close enough that Luke can smell that his clothes are fresh from the dryer. It’s an industrial smell and utterly impersonal. “We both know who Anakin Skywalker really is. Maul wants to see you.”
“I’m afraid Maul is just going to have to be disappointed, then, because I don’t want to see him.”
“I think you’re going to want to,” the other one says, flanking Luke’s other side and he’s suddenly very aware of how small this cell is, especially with three bodies in it. “Pretty blond kid like you? Lots of ways you can end up hurt, you know what I’m saying? You’re going to need someone to protect you while you’re here.”
“I can protect myself.”
They only laugh, like they both know things that he doesn’t, but they don’t press the matter any further. Luke finds out the next day they were right to laugh. Maybe Luke had taken enough martial arts classes as a kid—from a sensei teaching out of a strip mall that was so wizened and stooped that he wasn't much taller than the children he instructed— to think he knows something about something. As he lays on the floor of the prison’s basketball court with the taste of his own blood leaking through his clenched teeth, a bribed guard smirking near the closed door as six men pummel him with fists and feet, Luke quickly learns how little he knows about anything. When one stomps on his wrist Luke doesn’t even scream, the pain is so white hot he can only cling to consciousness for one bright, all-encompassing moment before everything fades to black. The last words he hears before he’s gone are “Tell Darth Vader that the Tuskens send their regards,” and then: nothingness.
When he wakes up in the medical ward there is a cast on his arm and a man staring down at him. He's wearing the khaki pants and button up shirt of a prisoner. Tattoos spill across his face, down his neck, and continue again along his exposed forearms and for a moment Luke wonders if he’s the only one that can see this fearsome creature of a man for all that the nurses and guards and other prisoners are ignoring him.
“Still think you don’t need my protection, young Skywalker?”
Maul. It has to be.
Luke has to clear his throat before it’s any use to him but eventually he’s able to get out “Dunno why I’d need it. ‘M doing great.”
Maul grins and a mouthful of sharp teeth glint in the stale, fluorescent light. “Yeah? Well let’s see how long that lasts. Your daddy says I’m not supposed to raise a finger to help you until you pledge loyalty to the Sith.”
Luke’s heart kicks over as a chill spreads across his skin. So that’s what all of this has been about. For years his father had tried to get Luke to join him, to serve the Emperor just as he did, and now—what?—Anakin thought he could force Luke’s hand? That he could manipulate him into a situation where he’d have no choice but to swear his allegiance to the darkness Luke has tried so hard to exorcise from his life?
“That’s never going to happen,” Luke says and Maul only pats Luke’s ankle, a parody of comfort.
“Oh, it will, young Skywalker. The only question is how much pain are you willing to bear before you do? There are a lot of men in here that hate your father. I’m sure one of them will convince you that you need our protection.”
Maul isn’t wrong. In his first month in prison Luke becomes intimately aware of the intricacies of his cell block’s various factions and all the ways that Darth Vader has, one way or another, fucked over each and every one of them. He learns it in the cafeteria, where he’s jumped in line to get his food, and in the gym, where he’s pinned down by steel between the weight racks, and in the library, where he’s caught somewhere between the dictionary and the encyclopedias. He almost learns it in the showers when the leader of the Hutts has him dragged to his knees but that was blessedly interrupted by a CO actually doing his job for once.
Jabba watches him go, thick tongue licking across even thicker lips, and Luke knows his time is running out. He’s going to need to find a protector and quick.
The one respite he's found in this hellish existence are to be found at night. His cellmate, an old man with a white beard that everyone else calls “Crazy Old Ben,” is a lifer who is less interested in Luke’s body and more concerned with his soul. Together they meditate, sitting on the cold concrete floor and tuning their breaths until Luke can pretend not to hear the sounds of quiet violence and even quieter pleasure in the almost-dark prison.
Old Ben takes Luke under his wing until the day Luke comes back from a shower to find no trace of Ben save for the ratty old bathrobe he always wears. It’s crumpled into a heap on the otherwise pristine cell floor, like he had been in it and then, suddenly, was gone.
When the blaring sirens and red flashing lights and screaming of the guards call for a lockdown, Luke knows, he knows, he knows whose body has been discovered. And when, from across the hall through bars of his own, Maul catches his eye and smirks, Luke knows who ordered the hit on the only friend Luke had found in this God forsaken place.
Somehow the warden talks Luke into leading a yoga class for his fellow inmates. It's bullshit, of course; no one ever shows up. But it is nice to have space enough to move the way he wants to without risking someone stepping on his throat while he's down in Shavasana or taking his downward facing dog as an invitation for something he’s not interested in offering.
One day he’s startled to find a man he's never noticed before waiting for his arrival. He’s flanked by two that Luke has had plenty of run-ins with already to know they run with the Mando gang and Luke balks when he catches sight of Vizsla but for once there’s no smirking taunts to be had from him. He stares sightlessly ahead, chin raised, as if at attention and that more than anything makes Luke look back at the unknown man again.
He’s handsome: with sad, dark eyes and a scruffy appearance that somewhat distracts from the fact that his prison uniform is wrapped tight around a body that’s been whittled lean with muscles. He has a smattering of scars, remnants of violence that cut across his arms and hands, and if he’s there to beat Luke up he certainly doesn’t act like it when he extends his hand politely.
"I'm Din," he says in a careful, unassuming voice and Luke warily takes his hand, giving his name in return. “I understand you’re running a yoga class here.”
“Oh, yeah,” Luke says, glancing at Vizsla again and wetting his lips. “But, um, if you need the room it’s yours. No one ever shows and so I can clear out—”
“I’m here to take the class.”
“Oh,” Luke says, mouth running before his mind has caught up but what else if new? “Oh, well, that’s great. Let me get you set up with a mat. Are your, your—” he casts about for the right words. “—friends? Going to be joining us?”
Vizsla snorts. “Hell no, Skywalker. We’re just here to make sure nothing happens to the Manda’lor.”
It takes everything in Luke to simply nod and turn to the pile of mats to find one that isn't reeking of sweat and mold from being shoved into storage dirty. To not gawk at the doe-eyed man who even Luke, who prides himself on knowing nothing about his father's world, knows rules over all the Mandalorians, both inside and outside the prison. The one man that not even Anakin Skywalker will fuck with.
"I have a son," Din explains with a shrug when the class is over and Luke has been rendered suitably impressed with the fluid grace with which the fearsome Mandalorian gang leader had moved through every pose, his body made for movement and honed by battle. "The people that are watching him for me say there's this lady on YouTube that teaches kids yoga that he’s gotten really into. I just thought if I tried it it could almost be like we were, well," he shrugs again like whatever he's about to say is too unbearably personal and despite himself Luke finds it utterly charming.
Luke smiles, asking "How old is he?"
"Well, if he’s anything like his dad then he must be a natural at yoga, too."
Din's lips quirk in a smile and something complicated in Luke’s belly curls at the sight. Or maybe it's not so complicated, Luke considers as he watched the Mand’alor leave with his guards. Luke can recognize a burgeoning crush when he feels it. He floats through his shift in the kitchen, contentedly lost in his memory of the other man, until he's brought back to reality when he takes a punch to the side of his head.
"Watch what you're doing, Skywalker. Hate for you to get hurt when you've got your head in the clouds, " the inmate supervisor calls out and Luke can only nod as he ignores the pain from his jostled skull and gets back to work.
Luke keeps his crush to himself, and would avoid Din completely if not for the fact that folks are remarkably less inclined to punch him in the face whenever he’s in the Manda’lor’s company and so he tries to be as close to him as often as he can. It’s strategic, Luke tells himself, as he asks Din if he has any pictures of his son and coos over a kid with giant eyes who is triumphantly holding up two bright pink Easter eggs. The more Din likes him, the better his chances when he finally works up the courage to officially ask for his protection. He knows he doesn’t have much to offer in return, but by now Luke knows the transactional nature of prison. His body is a hot commodity and he’s perfectly willing to give Din exclusive use of his ass and mouth if it keeps him alive.
He ignores the thrill of excitement that the thought of sex with Din inevitably brings.
So Luke flirts, flickering little touches here and leaning in closer there, hoping that eventually things will progress naturally. They don’t, but that’s okay because Luke is nothing if not persistent. He has full faith in his ability to work the cute twink angle. Lord knows he did it enough when he was on the outside and had far less to lose.
And it works. Sort of. Din doesn’t seem to notice that Luke drifts along in his orbit after morning yoga classes, sometimes well into the evening and as close to lights out as he dares. The reason why he doesn’t make a move on Luke becomes painfully, achingly, mortifyingly clear the morning Luke enters the meeting-come-yoga room to find Din in a passionate kiss with someone Luke’s never seen before.
He should have known something was different when there had been no Mandalorians posted by the door but this. This. This is. It’s—
The man whose mouth Din is trying to crawl into is built like a shit brick house, all thick muscles and big dick energy as he holds Din by the jaw and their teeth clack so hard that Luke can feel the echo in his own mouth. When he tears away to fix Luke with a stare, he can see that this man’s been so scuffed by life that even his scars have scars and when he speaks it is with a deep, gravel voice that shivers across Luke’s skin.
“You must be Luke,” he says, as if he hadn’t just been caught making out in a dark room. Like Luke can’t see his raging hard-on through his prison-issued pants.
With a calming breath Luke grasps desperately for his most enlightened and peaceful tone as he replies. “I am. Will you be joining us for class, Mister….”
“Fett. Boba Fett. And no fucking way. I’m just here to stand in the corner and enjoy the view.” He smirks at Din who answers with a smile that’s absolutely smitten and Luke can feel his heart jump into his throat before plummeting into his stomach.
“Of course. Make yourself comfortable.”
When the class is over Luke lingers in the room, taking his sweet time rolling up the mats. As he follows Boba out, Din turns to look back at Luke with a confused expression. “Aren’t you coming?”
“No, no, you go on ahead. I’ve got things to do.” Din’s eyebrow raises and Luke can concede that maybe his voice was a little high, a little pinched, but Din doesn’t press the issue. He only shrugs and tells Luke “Well, you know where to find me” before he’s out into the hall.
Luke doesn’t need to go in search of information on Boba Fett. It’s drifting through the filtered prison air wherever he goes. His re-incarceration is all anyone can talk about, starting from his offense—knocked over a grocery store and killed the clerk, if you can believe that stupid shit—and wild guesses as to why he would have gotten caught doing something so petty when he’d finally been paroled—probably just missed his husband, you know how stupid those two are for each other.
“Guess you got tossed to the curb, huh, Skywalker?” Jabba says when they are working the food service line and Luke is very carefully keeping his eyes from looking at where Din is sitting, trying to eat between laughs as Boba crowds so close he’s practically in the Manda’lor’s lap. “Tough break. You know the offer still stands if you want a new cock to suck.”
Telling the Hutt what exactly he can do with his cock and precisely how his mother might like it might give him a surge of soaring adrenaline for the moment but he quickly sees the error of his ways when it’s time to clean up and he’s shoved into the industrial freezer next to all the rows of Hoth Farms Vegetables.
By the time he’s found he’s pretty much stopped shivering which doesn’t seem like a good sign. The doctors in the medical ward seem to agree, at least as far as Luke can tell by all their scrambling activity when he’s wheeled in, barely clinging to consciousness.
“That was remarkably stupid,” a melodious voice says a week later.
Luke has been able to cling to lucidity well enough that he’s been sent back to gen pop, for all that he keeps to his bunk and can’t seem to stay awake for longer than a few hours. Shockingly no one has been by to harass him in his weakened state but his luck has finally run out. There is a mountain of a man leaning in his cell’s doorway, and Luke can’t even find the energy to be nervous by the way Boba Fett’s dark eyes are narrowly assessing him.
“I excel at stupid.”
“Yeah, I’ve gathered that from what I’ve been hearing about you. Son to one of the scariest sons of bitches around and yet you refuse to join up with your old man’s gang. Instead you prefer to get the shit kicked out of you like you're just another prison bitch.”
“Yep, that’s me alright,” Luke says with false cheer as he struggles to sit up.
“Word also has it that you’ve been following my husband around like a bitch in heat.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. “Listen, Fett—”
“Now I don’t begrudge you a little schoolboy crush. Din is a hot piece of ass. And I haven’t exactly been around so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here that you didn’t know that he was otherwise engaged.”
“I didn’t. I swear I didn’t.”
“Okay. Good. That’s that.” Fett nods at him, but he doesn’t move from where he stands, still watching Luke. Still taking his measure.
“Does, uh,” Luke’s tongue darts out to lick his lips, a nervous gesture that Fett’s eyes watch sharp as knives. “Does Din know that I—” and he can’t bring himself to say anything more about it.
Fett snorts a laugh. “Din is clueless about just about everything but fighting and fucking. He doesn’t even know whose kid you are. I’d be very surprised to hear he was able to figure out for himself that you’re in love with him.”
“Ah. Okay, well that’s,” Luke stops when the ache in his chest tightens so abruptly he can hardly breathe. Still, he forces out a bleak: “That’s good.”
“It is. Take care of yourself, Skywalker.”
There seems little point in fighting against the inevitable after that. If his father thought prison was going to break him, then he’d thought right. He takes a month of beatings without so much as lifting a finger to protect himself. His face is in a perpetual state of bruises but he hardly notices for all that it feels like he’s floating, like he’s becoming one with some great higher power and one day he might just fade away entirely.
Fett is usually there in the periphery—watching, always watching—and Din’s eyebrows furrow every morning when he catches sight of some new mark, some swollen finger, some hastily bandaged scape.
“What’s going on?” he asks and it seems like Fett was right, Din really is that unobservant if he doesn’t see how often Luke is made to bear marks in answer for the sins of his father.
Luke plants a sunny smile on his aching face while Fett watches them from the corner of the room, arms crossed and face twisted in a scowl. “Not much. Same old same old. Shall we begin with our Ohms?”
He’s spitting blood down the drain after another ambush that leaves him splayed on the slippery communal shower floor when Fett finally confronts him.
“What the fuck are you playing at? You’re a dead man walking, Skywalker. Quit being stupid and go to Maul. Get his protection.”
“Never,” Luke grinds out with more vehemence than he’s felt in a long time. “I’ll never join the Sith.”
“Why not?”
“Like you care,” he says, reaching for a washcloth to finish the shower that had been unavoidably interrupted. Fett gets to it first and he holds it aloft and out of Luke’s reach unless he wants to strain his ribs that have seen better days.
“You got some kind of Daddy issues or something? That why you won’t become a Sith?”
“Hey, fuck you, Fett,” Luke says and he waits for Fett’s first punch but it never comes.
“Come here,” he says instead, his head tilting curiously. Luke doesn’t move and Fett rolls his eyes. “Come here, don’t look at me like I’m about to eat you.”
A washcloth wielded by a surprisingly gentle hand dabs at Luke’s face. He holds perfectly still under the ministrations while Boba leans in closer. “You’ve got gett'se, that’s for sure.”
“Like I know what that means.” Luke’s tone is bratty and rather than take offense, Fett smiles.
“Gett'se. Guts. Courage. Going to need to learn Mando’a if you’re going to be joining me and Din for the foreseeable future.”
“What?” Luke asks, eyes wide, and Fett doesn’t answer. Not in words.
The distance between them disappears as Fett presses his plush lips to Luke’s bleeding ones. He’s careful, so careful in his kiss and it shatters something vital in Luke. Tears are burning his eyes, biting at his nose, by the time Fett pulls away. “You’re breaking Din’s heart, the way you’ve been carrying on, cyar'ika. And that’s been breaking mine. So why don’t you do us all a favor and come be ours for a little while. If you hate it, we can set you up with someone else, but I have the feeling you’re going to like it just fine. What do you say?”
Luke can’t speak through the tightness of his throat, through the spilling of his tears of relief, and when Fett kisses him again, and again, and again, each time it’s like he’s someone worth caring about. Someone that matters.
Fett—Boba—turns on the shower and leads him under the spray, washing his hair and his skin. “Shouldn’t I be doing that for you?” Luke asks quietly and Boba laughs.
“Sure. Soon as you can lift your arms higher than your shoulders you're free to do anything you want to my body. Until then let me wash your fucking hair, alright? Gotta make you pretty for Din, yeah?"
He rests his forehead against the immense, solid expanse of Boba’s wet chest and for the first time in a long time he feels safe enough to close his eyes somewhere that isn’t his locked cell.
When the guards— who had fucked off to wherever the hell they’d been bribed to go while Luke took maybe his last beating ever—finally show up and yell at them to break it up, Luke isn’t even mad about it because Boba is tossing him a towel and telling him to hurry up and dry off. Din is waiting for them.
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001 .
“I’m mad at you,” Apple said with a small huff, eyes narrowing at him as fingers worked on wrapping the bandages around his injured arm. They were sitting in the grass, or rather, he was while she sat on a fallen tree to give her a slight height advantage to make her work easier. “That was careless, and stupid, and just because—” A deflated sigh escaped her then, knowing she was wasting her breath; he won’t change. This will be part of his life. And she didn’t want him to change. She just worried. A lot. It was simply in her nature to do so.
He teases her, as he often does, and Apple finds it is hard to stay mad at him. No, she didn’t want him to change. Never. She accepted him, every part of him, even the parts that make her twist with anxiety. “Come here,” she chides, hands catching his face and tilting his head up to face her. Her eyes scan his features, gauging the damages done; a small bruise against his cheek, something she can easily tend to. A few cuts here and there, but they’re not too bad.
Her eyes fall on the split of his lip, and she tutted her tongue. Except, her eyes linger longer than she intended to, and she felt her cheeks burn red when he catches her.
“Try to go a few days before I see you as a patient again, will you?” She said, pushing him away playfully. 
Apple absolutely loathes unnecessary violence, which was what made their relationship — whatever it was — rather ironic. While she lived a pacifist lifestyle, to the best of her ability anyways, he had chaos and the urge for battle coursing through his veins; she can’t figure out if it was simply because he loved the adrenaline, or if it was something deeper than that. But she kept her comments to herself, unless it was violence done in her name.
Though, admittedly, Childe had plenty of reasons to worry — how many treasure hunter camps has she walked into, throwing herself in danger, for the act of healing. Knowing that they can just as easily hurt her as easily as she trusted them.
“Childe, I can’t breathe,” Apple protests, arms held out at her side before fingers moved to his shoulders and she shoved gently at him. He was holding her so tight, it was almost as if he was afraid. The idea of anyone worrying about her well being was beyond her, which was so hard to believe, given how beloved the traveling doctor was to most. But she comes from a place where . . . People hated her for the reasons the people of Liyue adored her. And it was the opinions of home that leaves her damaged.
He finally releases her, ruffles her hair, and she pulls back and looks up at him. Heart hammering in her chest, she smiled at him, catching his hand and holding it to her chest. “Let’s get out of here, okay?” 
She never forgot the way Childe held her that day at the domain. The color of his aura when he found her, bound, amongst a bunch of hoarders despite her pure intentions of helping them. That was simply in her nature, it was her legacy. Her dying right. The history of her people has taught her that she was nothing but fodder to the Gods. A being meant to sacrifice themselves to the beasts that once terrorized Teyvat and bring peace to their slumbers so the people of the world can have one less catastrophe to behold.
Bone Witches were made with despair, revenge, and self-sacrifice. She was made by the woes of her fallen sisters, centuries in the past, to uphold their heavy burden once more. Sometimes she dreams of a woman from centuries ago, crying over her, pitying her poor great granddaughter whom she tried to save from her same fate.
Apple never learned the meaning of self-preservation until that day. It never, ever, ever occurred to her that she was seen as someone cherished and precious. Cared for enough that they would cling to her in such a way. Sure, anyone else would have saved her, but it was a matter of morals, not affection.
Pacifistic ideations aside, there’s a small sense of pride at the look of shock that comes from the archer. Electro sparks and hops off of her blade, the hirichurl that had charged at her sent flying into the cliffside. She will fight, rather than accept her fate. Rather than fear and wonder if she will one day meet Death like she has not been tempting him and silently hoping to be relieved from her responsibilities.
She had forgotten the rush of adrenaline when her metal sings with every strike of sword. When they’re done, the electro swordswoman practically throws herself at him. “Did you see me? Bet you never thought I can do that, huh?” She sing-songed, arms wrapped around his neck. She pulls back, and their faces are inches apart. 
She’s forgotten what it looks like to have someone proud of her.
“Did . . . Did you see . .. ?” 
Apple’s voice wavered, and it was clear that she was fighting back the tears that threatened to pool in her coppery gaze. Her back was turned to him, shoulders stiff and raised as if she was trying to recoil into herself, like a turtle in its shell. It was a stupid question, of course he did. Why else would he be here? Have followed her? Most people here were good at minding their own business, even when something like that happens for everyone to see.
“Stay away from him, you — you monster! I thought we saw the last of you! You’ll curse us, you should have joined your sisters!” The words spoken from the woman from her home village stung more than the slap across her cheek and the soreness of her back from when she was shoved into the moat of water. She had thought the little, lost boy she was helping looked familiar. She could tell by his clothes that he was of Inazuma origins, but she didn’t think that he was the grandson of one of the elders of her village that had, almost literally, chased her out of her own home.
Not that would have stopped her. Knowing it’d end up like this, she would never leave a boy to wander by himself through Liyue harbors, with its maze like design.
Turning to face Childe, the sight before him was absolutely heart breaking. Her lips were curved in their usual smile, still filled with warmth and care and love. But she was crying. Tears flowed from her eyes, even though they were clenched shut in a desperate attempt to keep them in.
“Please tell me you didn’t see. You didn’t hear.  I don’t want —” . . . I don’t want you to hate me, too.
Apple remembers sobbing then, as he pulls her in silently. She’s grateful he doesn’t comment on the show that was so graciously provided to the citizens of Liyue. Just offers her the comfort she needed to hear, and was too afraid to ask for. When she calmed down enough and he offered to treat her out to help lift her spirits, all she wanted to do was kiss him.
Even if she meant something to him, and not in the way he did to her, it was all she could think about the rest of the night. But the many sweets she indulged on was enough. 
To say that Apple knew no fear would be the farthest thing from the truth. She knew fear. It was not in the form of her own well-being, though that was something she was starting to work on. But it was in the form of the well-being of others. The people she cared about. Deeply. She knew fear in the form of failure. In the form of abandonment. One would think that, someone who was as pure - hearted as she was, would harbor a hatred for those who were meant for darkness—willingly or not. One would think that she would side herself with the good, and yet, here she was. 
The chaos and havoc is thick in the air, it was almost  nauseating to someone who was so sensitive to auras and the dark. She picks her way through the masses of bodies, hands clutched to her chest, as her eyes scan the corpses around her, steps hasty and almost timid.
Apple is no stranger to the dead. But if there was something she feared: it was this draw she seemed to have to them. Her vision glows, and her hand rises to cover it, clenching it tight in her grasp. “Don’t—” she whispers to herself, mouth dry. Dark magic churns in the pits of her stomach, calling out to the bodies around her.
Bone Witch, the souls of the dead call out for her, and she does her best not to answer. All it would take to raise an army of the dead is to raise her finger in the air and a rune for its namesake to be drawn in the air. The Foul Legacy had left her an army to her disposal, if she so wished.
“There you are . . .” Came a breath of relief when she finally catches up to Childe. Though . . . She wasn’t sure if that is who she should call him. She is unbothered and equally unfazed by the gore that stains his skin, or the inhuman glow of his hypnotic gaze.
It’s voice is almost hypnotic as It speaks at her. Speaks her name in a voice that was both Childe’s but not at the same time. Like an echo in a cave, the voices fill her brain. “Do you hate me too?” It seems to ask, mocking her with the words she was afraid to speak that night in Liyue. 
She surprises It with a small laugh, hand moving to stifle the sound with the bend of her knuckle. It’s a little funny to her, and she knows she shouldn’t laugh. Her hating him . . . Would make her just as bad as her people. Who hated her for something she could not control. Apple understands now, why she has this draw to him. Felt a likeness she has never felt with anyone else before.
There’s more confidence in her steps as she approaches, though a small falter of slight annoyance that size is, as always, an obstacle. But, she makes do and stops before It. Fingers find the fabric of their scarf, and she pulls them down. The kiss is rather gentle for something filled with havoc and blood, and when she pulls way from It, copper on her tongue, her eyes locks with Its purple.
“Never,” she answers it, soft and sweet. She can never come to hate him, no matter what side of him stands before her. 
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hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Ask Event! #4
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - First, Second, Third Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Fourth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Eighth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Ninth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Tenth, Eleventh KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Fifteenth, Sixteenth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Seventeenth, Eighteenth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Nineteenth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twentieth, Twenty-First Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Twenty-Second, Twenty-Third, Twenty-Fourth, Twenty-Fifth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-Seventh, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Ninth, Thirtieth Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-First, Thirty-Second, Thirty-Third KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Fourth, Thirty-Fifth Glorious_Smut - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Sixth KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - Thirty-Seventh, Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth
Error managed to get into the Creator Realm, he brought the gang with him and they were looking for Maxie and her friends. Though that implied the creators wouldn’t find them first, which they did. 
“Hello, hello, hello!” Maxie said, wrapping her arms around Error as he glitched and screamed. 
“LET ME GO!” He screamed, and Maxie let him go with a pout. 
“So, as Kiki said, we will be inhibiting your quest! Trials and tribulations to test how much you have actually grown to see if you actually deserve to know. Also we’re bored and want to mess with you.” Maxie said, and Error facepalmed. 
“So, what do you want us to do?” Nightmare said, growling. 
“Please Nightmare, nowadays your bark is worse than your bite. Anyway, we have a few obstacle courses, some logic puzzles, some PTSD triggers.” Maxie said, smiling evilly. 
“What…?” Cross said, and Maxie raised an eyebrow. 
“What?” Maxie said, and Cross facepalmed. 
“Oh, no no no, I have only written a story about forest rangers. I would never torture Error. I am usually the one hissing in the comments to punish anyone who does hurt Error, I wish the hissing thing was a joke. Nightmare would kill me if I hurt Error, right? Getting killed by my second favorite Sans for hurting my first favorite Sans is not on my list pal.”
“Well, it seems we have a good noodle. Truly a rare find.” Error said, and Cross snickered. 
“One, I’m flattered that you like me. Second, I’m glad you fear me.” Nightmare said, looking around for the voice.
“You won’t see them, from here on out, you’re in a little playground my friends and I made. Good luck.” Maxie said, snicking. 
“Oh dear, guys, watch out the voices are planning to get the askers to mess with your search. They wanna draw this out so take any hints we give with a grain of salt. I'd start by looking at what Error is ẁ̵̡̼e̷̪̿à̸̩r̴̜͗i̸̛̦̗n̶͕̄ǵ̶̲, not many Sans with both a j̷͕͕̈́͂a̸̹̓ċ̵̲k̵̳͈̓̆ȇ̵̟̎ṭ̶̯̈́ ̵̨̺͋a̵̜͝n̵̠͋d̸͙͝ ̷͖̇͊s̵̢̟̑c̷̦̜̐͠a̸̦̘͗̎r̶̪̣͛f̵̰̄̾.”
“I think you guys are being censored. And I think we know who.” Error said, glaring at Maxie as she whistled. 
“So any other possible relationships in the making? come on my gloomy boys feed me gossip!”
“None over on our end. Though Swap!fell has a crush on Blue, and Red is territorial. We’re waiting for the brawl.” Killer said, chuckling at the thought. 
“sanses and the one or two AU papyruses when you try to stop the human at the judgment hall why not stop at the soul room to get near god power”
“Doesn’t matter. They would still beat us. We would have six, and the human has beat the photoshop abomination.” Sans said, and the others nodded. They had come over for a quick hang out.
“Ok my little Horror, aka my third fav, how good a cook are you? Like we talkin Gordon Ramsey of skeletons or what? Also are you aware you are a cute little bean?”
“I love Gordan Ramsey! He’s awesome! He has no qualms about yelling at people for their awful crimes against food. And I am aware, trust me, I know how to use it.” Horror said, winking. 
“May I hug all the dark sanses or would that cross a line? You all deserve all the love the megaverse can give you. I know what it feels like to be trapped, alone, and hurt in so many ways, I know what it is like to feel out of option and angry. You don't deserve that, despite everything you are all wonderful.”
“I’d love a hug!” Cross said and felt the hug, though no presence was seen. 
“Can I have a hug?” Horror asked and was given a hug.
“I’m good.” Killer said, and everyone else nodded. 
“Oh guys there are so many people who have written lyrics for your song megalovania. They can be quite good. I have only ever played the pacifist route myself and can't bring myself to watch an actual playthrough cause I can't watch my beloved monster friends get killed, but it is a catchy song. Have you guys seen any of them yet? Also I think you will like this fan song a lot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtCBLvAw4ZY&t=71s”
“What the fuck?” Killer said, nearly everyone had the same reaction.
“I liked it.” Cross said, humming the tune.
“papyrus how does your special attack work like if the annoying dog didn't take it”
“It’s just a blaster. Though it would be much friendlier than Sans’.” Papyrus said with a shrug.
“Can I also hug Blueberry? He is my fourth favorite.”
“Absolutely! I love hugs!” Blue said and felt the hug as he smiled. 
“You voices are weird.” Stretch said, lighting another cigarette.
“No more. That’s your third, I’ll burn the pack if you smoke another.” Blue said and Stretch groaned. 
“flowey if you really think its fun watching human kill everyone why do you beg for mercy if you act like you dont care ps if u wanna murder human kill toriel first.”
“I don’t beg! I was just scared at first and knew I couldn’t break the script! And in case you didn’t hear, I have literally done everything.” Flowey said, rolling his eyes. 
“to annoying dog sorry to papyrus in advance please follow papyrus all day while playing dogsong and steal all his bones  ps im glad ink didn't murder you”
The annoying dog yipped, he was glad he wasn’t murdered too. He kicked his stumpy legs and wagged his tail as he flew off to Papyrus, who had a feeling of foreboding and anxiety.
“YOU STUPID CANINE!” Papyrus declared as he tried to run while missing his femur. The dog smiled as the song echoed through the Underground and the dog smiled an innocent smile. 
“So here is a question to the Sans personality types, why do you lie to your brother about their food? You're not helping them, it would be far kinder to be honest and help them learn to be better. Someday they are likely to meet someone who will not let them down gently and will hurt them.”
“Implying we can. They either run out the door before we can talk or we have to try talking over them.” Sans said.
“Impossible in many AUs, plus, it’s actually good half the time.” Outer said, and Red nodded, glaring at Swapfell as he was ogling Blue from a distance. 
“Dream, what is it like being with your brother again? How is your guys brotherly bond affected by well everything that happened?”
“It’s awesome. We have fun and prank some unsuspecting Sanses every now and then. As people seem to forget for the longest time, we were mistaken for fey. And we didn’t help those accusations.” Dream said, “Though we never hurt anyone. Just harmless things like a pie going missing or flowers vanishing into thin air.” Dream snickered, he was back in the Doodlesphere by this point and reviewing paperwork. 
“Boys how do you feel about Uncle Dreamy?”
“Don’t.” Killer said. 
“No.” Cross said, eyes blank as he shook his head, everyone else was silent as they shook their heads and cringed. 
“frisk how is murdering everyone one fun after all i dont think you enjoy getting repeatedly killed plus since you reset so many times you know everything that happens underground besides there are more things to murder in surface ps you didnt answer if you got to the surface on genocide”
“I like to see the dust fall, them scream in pain, and beg for mercy. It’s cute. And yes, I can murder more things on the surface, but they don’t turn to dust or give the, for lack of a better term, high I need. And I don’t get to the surface, only if I spare everyone do I get there. And before you ask, in neutral runs I’m in a limbo state, have to RESET to leave.” Frisk said, smiling as their eyes glowed red.
“frisk what about napstablook or mad dummy you can't kill either”
“I can kill Glad Dummy, and Napstablook is worthless. I don’t wanna waste my time on them.” Frisk spat, growling as they left the ruins, stepping over Toirel’s dust. 
“You know what is cute? all the baby bones art of you guys. Awww why is every baby sans just so huggable? Ok ok but really baby Error! just picture a tiny baby Error and tell me that shit is not cute.”
“They’re very cute.” Nightmare said.
“But they didn’t show us any.” Killer said and Nightmare froze. 
“Oh.” Error said, and Nightmare turned into a puddle out of shame.
“And payback time, Nightmare, any stories about Dream?”
Springing back to life Nightmare donned a wicked and demonic grin. “Dream didn’t know what a bed was until he was 100. And it took three people to pry him off of it.” Nightmare said. 
“That’s actually sad. How long did you sleep in a tree?” Cross asked and Nightmare whistled. 
“Our whole lives before the apple incident. Up until then we only slept in a bed seven times each.” Nightmare said, and Cross gave him a teary hug.  
“dust how come your a bad guy you were forced to kill everyone your not a bad person if someones a bad person its the human and chara”
“First of all, Chara is only a problem because of Frisk, so they aren’t as guilty as you think. Though they are not innocent. And no one wanted to befriend a killer, sure they like Red, but it’s the culture. And Ink played his cards right so I couldn’t make things worse for him, there’s a reason he didn’t stop Nightmare from helping me.” Dust said, “Same goes for everyone else.” He finished and everyone nodded. 
“Hold on a sec, contacts? How do contacts work with eyelights? I don't understand...”
“Magic.” Error said, and Maxie snickered. 
“So, let’s begin the challenges!” She said and they were separated and thrown into a version of Snowdin.
“Where are we?!” they cried out, looking around but Maxie laughed. 
“Welcome to your first challenge! Can you handle the Star Sanses all by yourself? Only one of you has to win for all of you to proceed, and the battles will be scaled so you are evenly matched.” Maxie’s voice echoed through the area, but she was not seen. 
“Maxie. What are you doing?” Jana asked, accompanied by Beatrice. 
“Having a bit of fun. What are you doing?” Maxie said, smiling innocently. 
“Are you seriously messing with them?” Jana said, shaking her head in disapproval. 
“You didn’t raise any concern when Jack, Zack, and I were talking about our plan. So why are you looking at me like that?” Maxie said, and the two sighed. 
“Because we want to help. But only to an extent.” Jana said, and Maxie was intrigued.
“To what extent I may ask?” Maxie wondered, smiling. 
“If you trigger their PTSD or do anything relating to Ink, we’re out and we will tell them who Error was.” Beatrice said, and Maxie shrugged. 
“Sure. It’s a deal.” She said, holding out her hand as Beatrice shook it. 
“We’re still going to Jack’s for pizza right?” Maxie asked, changing the subject.
“Hell ya. I’m bringing garlic knots.” Beatrice said and Maxie's eyes lit up. 
“Garlic knots!” She held her hands up in joy. 
“Blue most of us saw that Christmas party webcomic already. We know you spiked the eggnog. Why do you always pretend to be so innocent? not that I have much room to talk on that front...”
“I have long admitted to spiking the eggnog at that party. And I haven’t spiked anything since. No one seems to believe me!” Blue said, grumbling as his eyes turned to small broken hearts as tears filled his eyes. 
“Sure.” Stretch said, and Blue glared, some glitches popping up. 
“to sci and alphys is it possible to turn flowey back into asriel.”
“Without 7 human souls, I don’t think we can. We’ve looked into it, just to see if it was possible. He may be ok with staying as Flowey, with the exception of the pacifist run, but others in his situation aren’t. So we looked at his code to see if it was hypothetically possible, and it isn’t.” Sci said, sipping coffee. 
“Yeah, h-honestly, I was h-hoping that we could. I-I regret i-it so much. I-I wanted to see i-if I could help others. B-but this is i-irreversible.” Alphys said, ringing her hands. 
“It broke Toriel and Asgore’s hearts. Though, they would respect Flowey’s wishes if he didn’t want to, he is still a person whose opinions should be listened to. Even if he is a jackass.” Sci said and Alphys nodded. 
“sanses how do you guys stop genocide routes from starting since you said there were very few”
“We don’t. They just stop, and then they start up again. Like wet and dry seasons, only more sporadic.” Classic said.
“Some worlds, like mine, don’t have as many, the way the world works kinda discourages it.” Red said, and Swapfell nodded. 
“frisk what was the strangest interaction you have had with someone in the underground”
“Gaster. He is so mysterious and strange. I wonder what his deal was, but I never can find out. I’ve met his followers and such, but I’ve never heard him speak, and I’m assuming the person I saw was Gaster!” Frisk said, they were somewhere in Snowdin forest, marking down words on their arm. 
☝☜❄ 💧✌☠💧 ❄⚐ ❄✌☹😐 ✌👌⚐🕆❄ 💣🕆☹❄✋✞☜☼💧☜. 
 ❄☟☼☜✌❄☜☠ 🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧. 
“so what has been the most dangerous mission the dark sanses have been sent on”
“There was HorrorLustFell.” Nightmare said, “Unaware of what was going to happen, I had Cross deal with it.” 
He was waiting for Maxie to start up her game, and he hoped his boys were doing well.  
“HorrorLustFell.” Cross said, “I took a month-and-a-half break after that to recover.” Cross said, raiding Grillby’s and the shops for armor, supplies, and food.
Everyone gave similar responses.
“Who all is helping with the search? everyone or just the gang?”
“Just us. Everyone knows what we’re doing and they’re willing to help if we need it.” Error said, shrugging as he made himself a swing and began to swing.
“Okay here is one for the classic undertale gang, since they know about the resets and multiverse now. thoughts on this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8hGMFQPBDw”
“Sans, do you want to talk?” Papyrus asked, and Sans was gone.
“I knew he had problems, but if someone can deduce that? Wow.” Toriel said, holding her hand over her mouth. 
“We have several therapists available.” Outer said, “The hard part is getting him to see one. And I know I’m a hypocrite.” Outer said, shrugging. 
“You are correct, space Sans.” Papyrus said, “I just wish he could talk about it.” Papyrus said. 
“I mostly wanna see what paps has to say about his brother hiding his mental health problems.”
“I knew he had issues, but I want him to talk to me, I know it’s hard to talk about your mental health problems, but it’s been five years. Though he has suffered far worse than any of us, if the Dark Sanses are anything.” Papyrus said.
“I’m going to stall Frisk, Toriel, you need to get out of here. Frisk will be getting here soon.” Papyrus said and everyone dashed out of the house.
“Have the sans ever had to have an intervention for any of the other sans, like Blueberries alcohol problem?”
“I have no problem first of all. And secondly, we have had to have interventions.” Blue said, “Black had a drug addiction a while back, and we are trying to get Papy to stop or reduce his smoking habits.” Blue said and Stretch sighed. 
“At least I’m working on it.” Stretch said, and Blue nodded. 
“oh i'm just teasing him, cause I love him.”
“Thank you!” Blue said, smiling. 
“frisk has there ever been a timeline in which the annoying dog didn't take the legendary artifact and if it wasn't taken what does the artifact do”
“I have never gotten the artifact.” Frisk said, Papyrus and Sans coming into view.
“to error how much exp did ink get you?”
“Quite a bit. The number escapes me, but it was in the hundreds.” Error said, swinging. 
“flowey at the end of the pacifist timeline you decide to give up the souls and break barrier once the barrier was broken you could have easily murdered more humans and get to be a goat again so why kill a few for their souls?”
“Timelines never last that long, and when I turn back, it leaves an impact on me that makes it hard to be a jerk for a while. Residual effects of being that whiny crybaby.” Flowey said, “And it wouldn’t change anything.” Flowey said, wilting a bit.
“Fresh, tell me about your furby collection? I miss mine. I had 3, they always said they were hungry last at night when I was falling asleep... it was kinda creepy.”
“I have a version of every Furby ever made. 3 is pathetic yo. Though they are demanding and creepy sometimes, I’ll give ya that brah.” Fresh said, looking around as snow fell around him.
“What are you guys doing to find Error's origin anyway?”
“We were going to ask the creators what they knew, since none of Killer, Dust, or Horror’s code could help us and Error’s code is a mess on account of him being a glitch, then we’d go from there, asking questions and making guesses based on what we knew.” Nightmare said, “For all we know Error could be from one of the many neutral timelines, and that wouldn’t pin anything down at all.” Nightmare said. 
“Blue, how do you hide your glitches? That seems like a very hard thing to explain to people you don't want knowing about the multiverse.”
“Dream made a small illusion charm with Sci and Alt’s help that makes me look normal. It’s also pretty!” Blue said as he held up a golden charm in the shape of a blueberry, it was attached to a gold chain that was hidden by his battle body.
“Have the rest of the Sans seen Error in his glasses? I need to see them all squirm at how cute he is!”
“Only Blue and Classic have seen him in his glasses. Other than us of course.” Killer said, “I helped make the frames, and the way his eyes lit up when he could clearly see for the first time, it was the best feeling in the world. I remember taking care of Pap, it felt like that.” Killer said, and he smiled at the memory. 
“How does Dream feel about being an uncle now? Is he a FUN Uncle?”
“I’m not really considered an uncle per say, but I do try to be fun. And it is fun to say that I am technically the Dark Sanses’ uncle, they have the funniest reactions.” Dream said, laughing.
“Error am I embarrassing you too much?”
“Yes.” Error said, still swinging.
(Tumblr, I need asks from you guys too.)
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arysafics · 5 years
If You Would Fight For Me
Summary:  Clarke is having trouble breaking up with Finn, so she enlists Bellamy to pose as her possessive, violent ex, in the hopes of scaring Finn away.
Rated M, ~3000 words
anon asked for “my current partner is a huge asshole and i need a reason to break up with them so will you pretend to be my possessive and violent ex” au
Clarke has tried breaking up with Finn in a normal way, really. But every time she tries, he gets these big sad eyes, and Clarke can’t bring herself to do it. Mostly because she knows she’ll have to explain why she’s breaking up with him and it seems too harsh to just say you’re boring and irritating and I hate you. But she can’t outright lie to him, either. She can, however, set up an elaborate scheme where someone else lies to him. Which is why she’s at Bellamy’s now, with a box of cupcakes she bought when the ones she tried to make from scratch failed miserably.
“What’s with the cupcakes, Clarke?” Bellamy asks, taking the box from her and letting her into his apartment.
“You sound so suspicious.”
“Because you’re clearly up to something.”
“Can’t a girl bring her friend’s brother cupcakes without an ulterior motive?”
Okay, to be fair, her presence at his apartment is both out of the blue and out of the ordinary. She’s been there a few times, but only while Octavia is there as well, so she can’t really blame Bellamy for being suspicious.
“Is that all I am to you? I thought we were friends.”
“We are!” Clarke says hurriedly. “Hence the cupcakes.”
“Well, in that case, thanks for the cupcakes. Is there anything else, or are you leaving now?”
“Actually, I do have one tiny favour to ask.”
Bellamy gives her a triumphant smirk. Cocky is a good look for him, though she’d never tell him that. “Thought as much.”
“There’s this guy—”
“Nope,” Bellamy says immediately. “Not getting involved in your love life.”
“You haven’t even heard my request yet!”
“You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend to make the guy you like jealous.”
Clarke screws up her nose. “No… I want you to pretend to be my ex-boyfriend so the guy I don’t like will break up with me.”
Bellamy looks at her like she’s completely lost her mind. Maybe she has. “That makes no sense, Clarke.”
“It does! Look, here’s my plan. You come to my apartment while Finn is over, and you pretend to be my crazy, possessive, possibly violent ex, and he’ll get scared off. He won’t want the competition. He’s a wimp.”
“A wimp.”
“Yes. You know, a coward.”
“I know what a wimp is. Maybe he just doesn’t like violence. Maybe he’s a pacifist.”
“It’s the same thing.”
“You have serious issues.”
“My main issue right now is that I have a stupid boring boyfriend and you won’t help me get rid of him,” Clarke huffs.
“God, you are such a brat,” Bellamy rolls his eyes. “What do I get out of it, huh?”
“I already have the cupcakes.”
“Can’t you just do a nice thing for your friend because she hates her boyfriend?”
Bellamy twists his mouth, considering. “Why can’t you just break up with him yourself?”
“Because he gets all sad and pathetic every time I try.”
Bellamy rolls his eyes again. “And why me?”
“It needs to be someone he hasn’t met. And you do dangerous and intimidating really well. It’s kind of hot,” she adds, without thinking.
“It’s hot, huh?” Bellamy raises an eyebrow.
Clarke sputters in response, realising her mistake. “I said kind of,” she manages. “You know, if you’re into that kind of thing. Which I’m not.”
“Okay,” Bellamy says, and he’s not exactly smirking, but Clarke can’t help but feel like he’s laughing at her.
“Is that a yes?”
“You promise he’s not going to try to fight me for you?”
“He won’t. I don’t think he even knows how to fight.” Which is actually kind of a shame, because Clarke kind of likes the idea of two guys fighting over her, especially if one of them is Bellamy. Maybe his shirt would rip during the fight and he’d have to fight shirtless. And maybe Finn would get one good punch in and Clarke would have to stitch Bellamy up later. It could totally happen.
“You really want to dump a guy just cause he’s boring and doesn’t know how to fight? You want to date some asshole instead?”
“Assholes come in all shapes and sizes, Bellamy. Just because he’s boring and can’t fight doesn’t make him not one.”
Bellamy nods his head, conceding. “Okay, you’re right.”
“Did you just say I’m right?” Clarke teases.
“You want my help or not?”
“Okay, you got it. I better not regret it.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Clarke says, throwing her arms around him. “I swear you won’t regret it.”
“Clarke, you’re crushing the cupcakes,” Bellamy says, his voice a little strangled.
“Sorry,” she steps back. “I’ll text you later with the details, okay?”
“Oh, you’re going?”
“Don’t you want me to?”
Bellamy shrugs. “I mean. You can stay if you like. I have all these cupcakes I can’t eat by myself.”
“Okay,” Clarke says. She feels strange. Awkward and uncertain. She and Bellamy don’t really hang out alone together. Octavia at least is usually there. She’s their connection. Although, lately Clarke has been feeling less and less close to Octavia. She’d hate to lose Bellamy just because Octavia found some new weird friends Clarke doesn’t like.
Except, the thought of being alone with Bellamy gets her stomach fluttering, and suddenly she doesn’t know what to say to him, or where to look.
“Actually, I should go,” she says, changing her mind.
“That’s okay. Take a cupcake for the road.” He opens the box, and Clarke takes one.  
“I’ll text you,” she says. Bellamy nods, and Clarke hurries out of there as fast as she can.
  Bellamy, Today 8:31pm: I’m at your place I’ll be upstairs in a minute
Me: Remember to be convincing please You have to really sell it
Bellamy: I’ve got it covered, Clarke Do we need a safe word?
Me: What would we need a safe word for?
Bellamy: In case you change your mind In case it goes too far
Me: Okay maybe How about… apples?
Bellamy: Why apples?
Me: Finn is eating one right now He chews so loudly I can’t stand it
Bellamy: Apples it is See you in a second
 Clarke puts her phone down, and looks back up at the TV screen. She has no idea what’s happening in the movie she and Finn are watching, too focused on his arm hanging limply over her shoulders, and the loud chewing coming from his mouth. She’s never gritted her teeth so hard.
“Who are you texting?” Finn asks.
“My mom,” Clarke lies.
“What does she want?”
What Clarke wants to say is, none of your fucking business. What she actually says is, “just mom stuff.”
Bellamy knocks on the door, and Clarke forces herself not to spring off the couch too quickly. Finn looks at Clarke, frowning.
“Are you expecting someone else?” he asks.
Clarke shakes her head, and hops up to answer the door. Her eyes widen when she sees Bellamy, as if she really is surprised to see him. Maybe it’s the way he’s dressed, like he copied his outfit from a bad boy in a teen move, complete with a leather jacket. It would be funny if it weren’t so sexy.
“Hey, baby,” he drawls, leaning against the doorframe. His eyes rake over her, and Clarke knows it’s part of the act, but it gets her heart racing all the same. Her stomach churns.
“Bellamy,” she swallows. “What are you doing here?”
“Uhh, Clarke?” Finn calls from the couch. Bellamy keeps his eyes on Clarke for a moment before looking up at Finn.
“Who the fuck is that?” Bellamy growls. He pushes past Clarke and swaggers into her apartment. He shrugs off his jacket and tosses it on the arm of a chair. His tight white shirt highlights every muscle in his torso and his arms. Clarke swallows, trying to stop her mouth from watering. She shuts the door behind him. Finn is standing by the couch, looking unsure.
“I’m her boyfriend,” Finn says. “Finn.”
Bellamy shoots a glance at Clarke. “Really, Clarke? That guy? You can do better than that.”
“Who are you?” Finn asks, since it seems Clarke isn’t going to tell him. She seems to have lost the ability to speak.
“I’m the guy she’s supposed to be with,” Bellamy says. Bellamy plays his part so well, Clarke is almost convinced he means it. His deep, threatening voice thrills her. He has his arms folded, his chin tilted up, as if he’s daring Finn to challenge him. Clarke has never been more attracted to anyone in her life.
“Clarke?” Finn says uncertainly, waiting for her to explain.
“He’s my ex,” Clarke manages.
“Technically,” Bellamy says tersely. “We both know you belong to me.” Fucking hell. Clarke knew he’d be good at this, but she didn’t expect to be so affected by it. His words have her blushing, her skin tingling, her heart racing.
“Now, what I’m going to need you to do, is run on out of here, and never come near Clarke again, got it? Or you and I are going to have a problem.” His voice somehow sound even deeper now, and though the two of them are of a similar height, Bellamy seems to tower over Finn. His stance is aggressive and imposing, and Finn shrinks away from him. Finn looks to Clarke, swallowing.
“You should do what he says, Finn,” Clarke says. “You don’t want to get on his bad side.”
Just as Clarke had predicted, Finn nods, almost like he’s relieved he doesn’t have to fight this guy for Clarke. Bellamy glares at Finn as Finn passes between Bellamy and Clarke, looking like a kicked puppy. As soon as Finn’s back is turned, Bellamy’s expression softens, and Clarke beams at him in relief. Their plan worked.
A moment later, Finn’s fist cracks against Bellamy’s face.
“Oh my god, Finn!” Clarke cries. Her instincts tell her to rush to Bellamy’s side, but she pulls back when she realises Bellamy has it covered. It takes him only a second to recover from the shock of Finn’s punch, and in two moves he has Finn’s arm twisted behind his back, while Finn struggles in pain.
“Don’t fucking try that again,” Bellamy growls. “Or you’ll be leaving this apartment on a stretcher.”
“Okay,” Finn breathes. “Fuck, okay. I’m sorry.”
Bellamy twists Finn’s arm a little tighter, and Clarke realises this is turning her on way too much, and if she doesn’t stop it now, she’ll let it go way too far.
“Apples!” she yells. Bellamy immediately drops Finn’s arms.
“Apples?” Finn repeats, confused.
“Thought you’d kind of work it into a sentence, but yelling it works fine too,” Bellamy says.
“What the fuck is going on?” Finn asks.
Bellamy looks to Clarke, and Clarke grimaces, a little sheepishly. “Bellamy isn’t my ex,” she sighs. “He’s just a friend I asked to pretend to be my ex to scare you off.”
“Scare me off?”
“I’m breaking up with you.”
“Clarke,” Finn says, and out come the puppy dog eyes. They aren’t going to work this time.
“Sorry, Finn.”
“Because you annoy me, okay? You’re boring and you annoy me.”
Finn looks hurt, and Clarke feels a little bad for him. Not bad enough to take it back. Somehow Bellamy being there gives her the courage to actually go through with it this time.
“Sorry, man,” Bellamy says with a shrug. “You better go.”
Finn eyes him warily, as if he’s not quite sure if Bellamy is going to try and fight him again.
“Fine, I’m going. Thanks for nothing, Clarke,” he mutters, and then he leaves, slamming the door behind him. Clarke gives Bellamy a guilty look.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “For dragging you into this.”
“Hey, I agreed to it,” he shrugs.
“I did promise you wouldn’t have to fight him for me.”
Bellamy glances down, as if he’s trying to hide his slight smile. “Yeah, you owe me.”
Clarke twists her fingers together nervously. Those butterflies she felt the other day are back. “Sit down, I’ll get you something for your face.”
Bellamy nods, and Clarke hurries into the kitchen. She rummages around in the freezer until she finds a bag of frozen peas. She wraps the bag in a dish towel and goes back out to the living room, where Bellamy is sitting on the couch. Clarke kneels on the couch beside him, her knees pressing against his thigh.
“Where’d he hit you?”
Bellamy turns his head, gesturing to the other side of his face. His cheek is bruising already. Clarke reaches her arm over him to press the peas to his face. He’s definitely capable of doing it himself, but he doesn’t make any move to take it from her.
“He got you good, huh?”
“Surprised that didn’t make you change your mind about breaking up with him.”
“He punched you while you weren’t paying attention. He’s still a coward,” Clarke says. “I know maybe I made you think I just want to date violent assholes. But that’s not the case.”
“Glad to hear it,” Bellamy says. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Clarke’s stomach lurches. “Yeah?”
“Of course not,” he says.
“I don’t want you getting hurt either.”
“Little late for that,” Bellamy chuckles. Clarke ducks her head, smiling. “This isn’t exactly how it went in your imagination, was it?”
“No,” Clarke agrees. “In my fantasy you were shirtless,” she admits, blushing. She immediately regrets it. What is she doing, telling him she fantasises about him shirtless?
“Oh?” Bellamy says, interested. He sits up a little straighter. “What fantasy is that?”
Clarke can’t look him in the eye. Her body is hot all over, and their faces are so close. “The one where you get into a fight over me.”
“And do I win the fight, in this fantasy? Or am I the bad guy?” Clarke chews her lip.
“You’re not the bad guy,” Clarke says.
Bellamy raises an eyebrow. “But the bad guy wins?”
Clarke shakes her head. “I told you, I don’t want to date bad guys.”
Bellamy doesn’t seem to pick up on the subtle implication that she wants to date him. His hand moves to cover Clarke’s, the one holding the peas to his face. “What do you want?”
She’s looking at him now, really looking at him. His deep brown eyes bore into hers, like he’s trying to look right into her soul. “Why do you want to know?” she whispers.
“Just curious.”
Clarke swallows. “I just want somebody to be on my side. I want… someone who will stick up for me. Someone who’s honest with me. Someone who’s not scared to fight for me. Or fight with me, if they disagree with me. I want somebody to be soft with me,” she bites her lip. “But also… a little rough with me.”
“When I’m fucking you, you mean,” Bellamy says. Clarke’s breath catches in her throat. Did he just say— “They’re fucking you,” he corrects quickly. “When someone—”
Clarke cuts him off with a kiss, capturing his lips with hers, rushed and shaking. His hand drops from hers, and then both his hands come to grip her waist. Clarke hooks her leg over him, straddling him, drawing another kiss from him, longer, slower, sweeter. The peas drop from her hand onto the couch, forgotten.
Bellamy rubs his hands up and down her sides slowly, deepening their kisses, pushing his tongue into her mouth, taking control. He pulls her closer, until she can feel his cock, pressing hard against the juncture of her thighs. She wants to grind down on him, try to ease the growing pressure between her legs. Instead she pulls away, panting.
“Apples,” she says.
“You don’t have to say the safe word, you can just stop.”
“Okay, I want to stop,” Clarke says.
“Okay,” Bellamy says. Clarke gets off him, and settles back against the couch still breathing heavily. “You okay?”
Clarke nods. “I just—I don’t want to do that yet. I just broke up with Finn, and—”
“You don’t have to explain, Clarke.”
“Do you have any fantasies about me?”
“I told you my fantasy where you fight over me. I want to know if you have any about me.”
“Plenty. None of them are PG rated, though.”
Clarke grins. “I like you, you know. I want to have sex with you. Just not right now.”
“Okay,” Bellamy smiles. He’s relieved, almost. “That’s okay. I want to show you the soft part of me first anyway, before the rough part.”
“I think I already got a glimpse of both.”
“And which do you like better?”
“Soft,” Clarke whispers, cuddling up to his side. “It was hot though,” Clarke says. “The way you stood up to Finn. I like it when you act all possessive of me.”
“Is that right?”
“You were acting, right?”
“Mostly. Might have been a little bit jealous,” Bellamy says. Clarke’s stomach lurches at the admission. He kisses her temple softly. “I just want you to know that I’m always going to fight for you. Even if sometimes you have to convince me with cupcakes.”
“I know,” Clarke smiles. “By the way, did you get your outfit from a theatre production of Grease?”
“What’s wrong with it?” Bellamy says, looking down at his tight white shirt.
“Nothing, I think it’s sexy. Just don’t know if it would have convinced anyone other than Finn.”
“I resent that.”
“Can I wear your jacket?”
“Yeah, you can wear my jacket. But you still owe me for the punch I got from Finn.”
“Don’t worry, I can think of plenty of ways to make it up to you.”
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marudny-robot · 5 years
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I wanted to say, Big THANK YOU to @afewnovelideas, who gave me such sweet TimTam headcanon <3 Love ya! And also now, whenever I'll think about married Tim and Tam, I'll have below scenarios in mind.
So, Tim's and Tam's kids, eh? I know you said only daughters but I was thinking they will have one boy, but when the youngest daughter is around 8 years old.
But kiddos! Before I could think about their interactions with their uncles and aunties I had to think about the kids first, so if you want read about Tim and Tam kids...:
Oldest daughter (I still didn't decide names, but I was leaning towards Hope) is such a daddy's girl in a way of "I do what I want in the way I want - it just so happens that the way I want is is usually widely acceptable." (Honestly all of their daughters are like that.) Like, most of the time she's the poster girl from rich house. Well mannered, very intelligent, pretty, nice and polite, likes helping others (which all of these made her also very popular in school). But then one time in high school, when she had enough of treatment from teachers part of the student body gets due to misogyny/racism/financial status/etc, she organized not only school-wide protest, but also unofficially she made the problematic teachers and principals resign from the position "willingly" if they don't change their attitude. It happened in Gotham Academy, as well in pubic schools in Gotham. Officially there are many suspects as for who stood behind it all, but Hope is far from being considered a suspect even. She didn't say anything to her family about it, but they just know she was behind it. Plus you know she's Tam daughter based on how she rocks purple-coloured clothes. While she's very romantic (the amount of love novels she stole from her mom, uncle Jason and great grandpa Alfred is enormous) she doesn't date as often as her younger sister. Reasons being: 1) she's waiting for "the one"; 2) for all the smarts she doesn't realize when she's flirted with; 3) most boys just don't spark her interest? No, she doesn't have too high standards, what are you talking about; 4) most of the time she's deep in her work/interest at that time and who has time to date when she's planning her future presidency campaign?
Second daughter (Idk... Rose? Lily? Liliana. Or Iris. I wanted some flower-based name) is more of a wildfire than her older sister. Very Tomboyish. Likes to ride on skates and skateboard. While Tim taught all his children self-defense, she practically inherited being adrenaline-junkie from her father. Contender to give the most gray hairs to her parents. Loves animals and gossiping about rock-stars and actors with her older sister. Love all the colours. Possible pansexual. Easily falls in love, but it's usually surface kind of attraction - kind of puppy love, I guess? However she treats all those crushes seriously and is very dramatic about them. "You don't understand, Daddy! Mike was the one and now he would never want to talk with me again!" she sobs dramatically, while snuggling with Titus’ pups. Damian and Jason try to hide their grins while they "console" their sweet niece. Tim rubs his eyes, feeling incoming headache. He only asked why she doesn't want to be in basketball team anymore...
Majority of time, when her and Hope talk with their grandpa Bruce: "Hey, grandpapa? You know how X band is going to play in Metropolis? Shame most of them don't plan concerts in Gotham..." Or 100 and 1 ways how Bruce arranged for certain bands to play in Gotham because the alternative was what? Let his sweet granddaughters go somewhere else where he couldn't keep eye on them? No way!
Third daughter! (Hmmm... I was thinking Martha? After Bruce's mom?) Now that one is destined to take care of WE, as both grandfathers say. Mostly because at the time she was a toddler Bruce and/or Lucius (or both at the same time) were babysitting her, while working in the WE. All conferences/business meetings during which Tim ad Tam were absent because of reasons and so Lucius or Bruce had to be in their place: Lucius or Bruce: "Well, mister Elijah as much as...insightful your opinion was, I think we should refer to expert here" Elijah: "Expert? I'm sorry, Mr ..., but in this company I'm-" L or B, ignoring the guy: "Martha, sweetheart, what do you think we need?" Martha, still colouring and not looking up: "Apple juice" E: "Mr ..., can we please-" L or B: "Apple juice! But of course! Ladies and gentlemen, along with dear Martha's recommendation I suggest we stop here and have half a hour lunch break. Elijah! You have 30 minutes to reconsider what you presented and give me some better suggestion for our problem! Get! Moving!" But besides that, currently she doesn't have more then ten y.o. in my mind and her current hobbies include horses, drawing and manipulating her many uncles and aunties into doing her bidding. Very spoiled. Loves musicals. She hates not going or doing what her older sister do in the moment because she's "too young" (she really wants to spend time with her sisters - around the time she's eight, 2nd daughter is staring high school (or in one) and the oldest is starting college). Very feminine. Loves dresses and cute hair accessories, even when she's older.
First son! And the youngest kid. (I still don't have a name for him) And also mommy's boy. Is more calm and doesn't jump into dangerous situations as often as his dad and sisters. Look, just because he knows how and can take care of bullies twice his size doesn't mean he likes to do it. Can’t we all just get along? He ask that question at least 20 times a day. He’s tired, but the amount of patience he has in astronomically big. Pacifist. The only time he lets himself... snap lets say and release all that stress is during D&D. Total geek, like his dad. One day he would be taller than Tim (ah! those Fox genes - he would be the tallest in this one family) and would internally freak out, whenever his dad decided to carry him like when his was young.
Look, as Richard is known for his flexibility, Jason for his tights, Tim should be known for his upper body strength. Those arms? *chef's kiss* Doesn't matter how old his kids are he would still spontaneously grab them and carry them, because for him they are still his babies. He. Doesn't. Care. The only difference is that earlier he could carry three of them at once, now it's only one (or two if only his oldest and youngest daughters).
Another thing with Tim is that he's kinda helicopter parent. He overcompensates all this neglect from his childhood (plus considering HIS teenager-hood, he worries what his kids are up to) and so he often calls or text his children where they are, with whom they are, are they ok?, do they need him to come back? screw his job he's booking the plane back to Gotham, Tam don't you dare stop me! Tam is more reasonable. Tries to stop Tim from going overboard, because she trust their kids and wants them to have some independence. However she also had few talks with their children about what their public status means and that she isn't above bugging their phones and that she swears on Wonder Woman if any of them don't reply on planned time, she will assume they were kidnapped and WILL recruit ninja-mercenaries to get them back - doesn't matter if they were simply on a date few block from home or on the other side of the planet. Kids didn't believe about ninja-mercenaries until they met their Auntie Prudence.
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agentravensong · 5 years
4 and every ask that ends in 4
4. What’s your favorite quote?
How y’all gonna make me choose just one?!
The first that comes to mind is Narrator(Chara)’s “Despite everything, it’s still you”, coupled with the post-pacifist version, “Still just you, Frisk.”
But Asriel also has some pretty good lines. Particularly what he says after you hug him: “Frisk... you’re going to do a great job, okay? No matter what you do. Everyone will be there for you, okay?”
Also, any Sans lines that hint at him having a previous life he’s left behind and can’t get back to. Like in MTT Resort when he tells Frisk how good they have it down here and asks if what they have to do is really worth it... that line always made me think, you know? And now, well, we have a good idea as to what all that was about.
14. Which UT character reminds you of your best friend?
Best friend? Never heard of her.
...That being said, I have always said my brother reminds me of Papyrus. They’re both passionate, overdramatic sweethearts.
24. Butterscotch or cinnamon pie?
Never had either. I’m gonna guess that I’d prefer cinnamon since I like cinnamon apple oatmeal.
34. One reason why you hate UT:
I have a few gripes with UT, but the only thing I’d say I might HATE about it is Frisk’s yellow skin (if Toby Fox was willing to give Chara a definite skin tone, why not them? The yellow + Frisk’s facial expression is also... not a good look). It’d also be nice to have irrefutable confirmation of Frisk & Chara being nonbinary in-game.
44. Do you forgive Asgore for what he’s done?
Oof thought this said Asriel at first, which would have been a whole other conversation.
I don’t want this to go on too long, so to summarize my main thoughts on the topic: out of the six main monsters in the cast, Asgore has by far the most guilt on his shoulders, but also the shortest “redemption arc”, if you could even call it an arc. His greatest flaws were his cowardice and lack of a backbone, which kept him from taking numerous other actions that would have minimized the suffering of the humans and his own people. That being said, I do believe he had good intentions and deeply regretted what he did, even if it was too little too late. I don’t think any of the characters in-game would be bad people for not forgiving him, and I hope he takes action in a post-pacifist timeline to fully admit and make up for his flaws.
Remember, the point of UnderTale isn’t that you should just forgive and forget everyone’s misdeeds. The game gives you the option not to forgive Asriel for everything he did as Flowey, and you suffer no punishment or shame for choosing that. The point of UnderTale (well, one of its points) is that, if a person recognizes their faults and is willing to change, they should be given that chance. You don’t owe them forgiveness, but you do owe them Mercy.
(already did 54)
64. How old do you think Frisk is?
Currently, I headcanon them as around nine years old during the events of the game (with Chara being 2-3 years older than them). Anyone who tries to argue they aren’t necessarily a minor in canon is wrong.
74. Which character(s) would you like to cosplay?
I’m not the type to wear crazy makeup or stuff like that, so probably one of the humans. I’d love to have a Frisk or Chara/Kris sweater.
Send me more asks!
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j-mancini · 5 years
&&. word has it ( juliet mancini ) was just spotted around the city. ( she ) is/are a ( twenty-eight ) year old affiliated with ( irish mafia ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( emily rudd ). ( she ) has been said to be ( empathetic & intelligent ) but also quite ( idealistic & obsequious ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( book-keeper ). 
( juliet mancini ) would describe ( herself ) as a ( spring ) person and would identify as a ( isfj / neutral good / pacifist ). ( her ) birthday is ( september twenty-first ), making ( her ) star sign ( virgo ) and ( her ) animal sign the ( swan ). ( her ) biggest pet peeve is ( rudeness ), and ( her ) theme song is ( traveling song by ryn weaver ). finally, ( her ) primary goal is to ( keep the body count of the irish mafia low if not at a zero ).
the pacifist; -
[ tw: drug use, death, protracted disease ]
TL;DR: A Conflict-Averse Soul, A Smart Cookie and A Hardcore Romantic. Born in New York to a heroin addict. Adopted by her aunt when after her mother died and thus moved across the world to Romania. Her aunt was married to a surgeon in the Russian mafia who supplied the organ black market in Europe. Like her mother and her aunt, Juliet has Huntington’s disease. She watched her aunt deteriorate and pass away because of it.
Knows her own body and mind are just a ticking clock.
Joined the Russian mafia as a hacker out of familial pressure. Found a way to escape by convincing the Don to let her go find the supposedly kidnapped member of the Russian mafia (her friend.) Learned her friend has been hiding in New York ever since their ‘kidnapping.’ Decided to follow suit. Now works for the Irish Mafia as book-keeper by night. By day, she is a graduate teaching assistant working towards her PhD in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Juliet was born on the first day of Fall and perhaps that’s why she was able to bloom even in such great darkness. Fall is cold in the city of New York and it was not unusual that September 21th saw chill that year. Juliet came with the Fall and her mother, Hannah, began to deteriorate with the winter. Hannah harbored a terrible heroin addiction and this led to Juliet and her brother having a troubled childhood. Juliet would later come to learn that her mother was also inflicted with a disease (Huntington’s, they called it,) that would pass down to her genetically, but she wouldn’t learn about it she was at least thirteen and she wouldn’t feel it in her blood till she was at least twenty-five.  Hannah’s heroin addiction took her long before the disease did.
When Hannah passed away, Juliet’s brother went off to live with his biological father. Juliet, went sent to Bacau, Romania to live with her mother’s estranged sister, Joana, her husband, Matthias, and her maternal grandparents. She was only 9 years old. While the family had effectively disowned Hannah, they welcomed Juliet with warm and open arms. They adopted Juliet and she became a Mancini.
The Mancini’s though, for all their kindness, came with their own brand of secrets. From day one, Juliet became familiar with the idea of blood. Bad blood, blood money, having blood on your hands- these concepts were made quite clear to her by her uncle, Matthias. Matthias Mancini was a renowned surgeon at the Anadolu Medical Center in Kocaeli, Turkey and a member of the Russian mafia. The man spent most of his days with his hands dipped in blood. The organ black market in Europe was a dark and dangerous thing, but it saw an influx in supply thanks to Matthias’ handiwork. Despite his job in Turkey and their residence in Romania, Juliet never felt as if she had an absentee uncle. Matthias made a concentrated effort to be part of his niece’s life. He made this attempt to make up for his wife’s absence, who spent most of her days bedridden and to herself because of the Huntington’s that afflicted her.  
When Matthias wasn’t around though, Juliet was raised by her maternal grandparents. They were a kind pair, former members of the mafia themselves, but now grown soft in their old age. They found time for things like languages and literature and they brought Juliet into these spheres as well. Shakespeare. Of course Juliet leaned into the bard when she learned of her namesake. Her youth saw an artistic renaissance of sorts and Juliet would spend days holed up in the library or at her aunt’s bedside. When Joana was finally consumed by Huntington’s, it was decided that Juliet would attend preparatory school. This would be a change for Juliet as she was homeschooled for the first first few years of her life.
When Matthias decided that Juliet would attend preparatory school, the young girl had felt her heart sing despite the tragedy that still hung heavy over the family. She ignored the intentions behind this choice - ‘It’s never unwise to invest in the future of the Russian mafia.’- and instead focused on the silver linings. Finally! She’d have teachers and classes and schedules, - but most of all she would have friends. This didn’t go quite to plan. Juliet’s anachronistic taste tagged her as odd and isolated student. Put plainly, the other kids found her kind of weird. But no matter. In a few weeks time Juliet had met Nikolas and all the superficiality melted away. He was smart and tenacious and she liked that. One of the few that could keep up with her. She knew she’d found a lifelong camaraderie in this boy.
Her grandparents heard enough about him too. She invited him over for dinner once, so that they and her uncle could meet him. It was a simple enough affair. “I want you to meet my best friend.”
The event was the beginning of the descent.
An innocent enough question in Juliet’s eyes but she could see what it meant to her best friend. In a couple of weeks, Nikolas was dragged into the belly of the beast (the mafia) and all Juliet could do was jump in after him and hope they didn’t both get digested.  
Juliet joined the Russian mafia out of deep concern for her friend (possibly, her only friend?). Matthias, who’d been steering his own daughter towards this path, was over the moon. But as she watched her friend climb the ranks, a new purpose came into existence for the young woman - she wanted to staunch the flow of blood. While Juliet had a distaste for the organization, its values, and its methods - being part of the Russian mafia meant that she could actively do things to keep the body count low. She could, literally save lives. With her own life on a timer because of a disease that sit in her DNA, nothing felt nobler use of time.
She continued her education too. Juliet studied linguistics at the Sorbonne university in Paris and, for the first few years, she assisted her uncle in those black market deals. Her personal work-ethic became clear: no pointless acts of violence and no killing. Indeed, she found her own disposition much more suited for cyber-crime. Juliet switched to computer science for her masters - which she would earn at Cambridge.
As it turned out, cyber crime was the right fit for her. She excelled and, as a result, gained a reputation for it in the Russian mafia. Juliet loved it because it lacked blood. Meanwhile, she watched Nikolas skyrocket through the ranks. By the time she was entering Cambridge he was well on his way to making waves within the Russian mafia. 
But this is the part where things get muddled for Juliet. Suddenly, Nikolas was kidnapped by another large mafia in Europe - or at least that’s what the Don told them. The Russian mafia looked for Nikolas after his sudden disappearance, of course, but all traces of Nikolas were just… gone. And all searches for him died a little too quickly. Juliet? Not one to give up. 
Any attempts to reach out to Nikolas were meeting dead ends. What if he was still out there alive? What if he was hurt?  For days she searched. And then finally, on a cold Saturday, while on her computer in a small cafe, she found a trace of him in New York (of all places.) Juliet bought a plane ticket and ventured out to the Big Apple. Sure enough, there was Nikolas, not kidnapped, not hurt, but rather…. hiding. 
When she found her best friend in New York – Juliet decided to stay. Maybe, she thought, she could hide here too - far away from the bloodshed of her old life.
Now, Juliet is part of the Irish Mafia, far from her Russian debts or even the traces of her Italian lineage. She’s only been here a couple of weeks. She is still a pacifist at heart.  She continues to spoof her trail so that the mafia thinks she is still searching the world for their former member. Occasionally, she even sends them false updates. Juliet is determined to keep Nikolas and herself safe in this city. She has been here for under a year and, when she’s not with the Irish Mafia, she is working towards her PhD. in artificial intelligence and machine learning. She is a graduate teacher’s assistant at Columbia University.
personification of an Anne Sexton poem
stops to smell the roses
speaks six languages including: english, romanian, french, italian, spanish, esperanto
always tinkering, always inventing
loves a good conlang challenge
pastel ravenclaw aesthetic
advocate for peace, always
proud cat mom to one cat named Sylvia after the poet and author Sylvia Plath.
While she was working the cyber-crime sector of the Russian mafia, she used the alias “Miss Honey.” Sometimes she still does.
Has Huntington’s Disease. Her body and her mind are a ticking clock.
Methodology: no killing. no unnecessary violence.
A smart cookie. Undergraduate degree in linguistics from Sorbonne University in Paris. Master’s degree in computer science from Cambridge. Now, Juliet is a graduate teacher’s assistant at Columbia University. There she is working towards her PhD in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Has been book-keeper for a few weeks. Still on the run from the Russian mafia. Still spoofing the signal.
[ will expand on these soon ]
Best Friend ! - The one she came looking for and found hiding in New York a few weeks ago *This will probably be a WC on the main 
Confide ! - Her doctor and confidant! Huntington’s scares Juliet. She saw what it did to her mother. This person is more than just Juliet’s doctor, they’re her shoulder to lean on.
Geek ! - come geek out with Juliet !! Maybe they’re fellow PhD candidates, maybe they both go to Columbia, maybe she’s their TA.
Adventure ! These are people Juliet has gone on tinder dates with. Because of her condition, Juliet doesn’t think long term romance is something she’s destined for. However, she loves the idea of romance and love and wears rose-tinted glasses about the whole experience. She’s on Tinder and falls in love with everyone she matches with.
Cry ! - The one that Juliet fell a little too hard for. The one she ghosted without an explanation.
Remember ! - If you have have a character that ever dealt with cybercrime - there’s a chance you ran into Juliet’s alias “Miss Honey.” Juliet is currently hiding from the Russian mafia for whom she was a hacker. She’s trying to bury and hide her past, but old habits die hard.
Irish ! - This council woman loves her fellow members of the Irish Mafia !
Read ! - Juliet runs a book club. Join it!
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spiralatlas · 7 years
GCAP 2017 Day 2
Consisting of:
More Wheelchair Hell
student games
Tony Albrecht from RIOT games
Jennifer Schuerle: Why ladders are awesome: A game design lesson in spatial design
Kate Edwards: Striking the hammer: the advocate’s journey
So the day started with me banging my newly hired mobility scooter INTO THE WALL of our apartment building and leaving a HUGE HOLE. Which was not great. But the security guard was nice about it after we showed ourselves happy to leave our details, and organised an easier way in and out via the garage. I spent the rest of the day VERY AWARE of this thing's massive turning circle. My husband Cam was an absolute life-saver, cheering me up and getting me stuff.
Also I managed to GET A SMOOTHIE IN THE END. I noodled south to the South Mebourne Markets, a hub of fancy food places which are only open a few days a week, and had a very nice if expensive vegan salted caramel smoothie and also a nice apple and raspberry sorbet from Fritz Gelato.
Anyway, on to the actual conference :)
The student games:
Unbond: a cute platform puzzler I actually managed to enjoy??
Harvest Hands a 3D farming sim, like Stardew Valley in the style of Slime Rancher.
Just Bearly an interesting series of metaphorical vignettes about awkwardness and anxiety.
Carta A very clever puzzle platformer where you rearrange the platforms, won the Student Showcase award.
Lacuna A point and click murder mystery using time travel and a really interesting connect the clues mechanic.
Komorebi (I couldn't find a link): a cute turn-based rpg using cards.
Misc Convention Stuff: I didn't mention this before but they had gender neutral toilets! I felt too self conscious to use the 'men's but it was nice to have the option. Also the volunteers were super concerned and helpful when my wheelchair broke. They didn't end up being able to fix it but tried really hard.
One of the speakers actually remembered non binary people exist one time when talking about gender bias in the industry!
I didn't go to the awards ceremony because it was at night and also I find awards super boring but seeing everyone talk about it on social media later it sounds like it would have been cool to go.
Opening Keynote: Tony Albrecht from RIOT games
He showed the path his career has taken, and where he and his early colleagues have ended up, updating a world map labeled with a network of connections.
He started out in Adelaide in 1999, he realised he was utterly miserable at his (mining?) job and wanted to get into games. His friends and family thought this was a terrible idea.
He went to AGDC and met other people like himself, forming Ratbag games in Adelaide.
Then they got bought out by a huge company and put in charge of a huge IP, based on a movie, with lots of potential... and the project and his company got scrapped.
And then he joined  anew little company and exactly the same thing happened again. And then again.
During one of these shakeups he managed to jump sideways to the US branch of the company via some guys he met at a party.
Is this kind of thing nepotism? Photo of Donald Trump and family. No, because it's not just about who you know and trust, it's also about competence. And when you meet someone in person it makes it easier to judge cultural fit. (He did not talk about how this kind of "cultural fit" tends to benefit white dudes such as himself. Also, I’ll pedantically point out it it would be 'cronyism' since it's not about family. Anyway, he’s right that for good or ill this is how things work)
The GFC caused a lot of people to lose their jobs, which was a horrible experience, but also brought down the dinosaurs of the industry, leaving space for the little mammal indies to feast on the dinosaur's bones.
In his final diagram, 22 people (I didn't follow who. People from Ratbag?) ended up covering 57 studios. All of those studios are now in a position to judge if he is any good, both competent and good to work with.
You can't just be good, you have to be known to be good, and good to work with. Market yourself.
Be both humble and ambitious.
Go to parties and meet people, but don't get so drunk you make an asshole of yourself.
Speak at conferences. He showed a photo of GDC and one of a games conference in Tehran, I found it interesting that the latter had way more people who I read as women (and of course was less universally white)
Surround yourself with people you want to be like, and be like the people you want to surround yourself with.
He's now at RIOT, a huge American company, and there are four people from Ratbag there.
Why ladders are Awesome: A game design lesson in spatial design Jennifer Schuerle Opaque Space @Gaohmee Training Astronauts with VR.
Visual stimuli guidance, tell players what to do and where to go. Lights: Points of interest. Colour theory. Positive vs negative feelings, mood. Logical pathways. Repetitive visuals guide players towards a goal.
Firewatch given as an example as being good at guiding the player (which shows that this stuff can be subjective because I got lost so much I had to give up haha) Uncharted, too.
More than just "good architecture". Oni used real architects as level designers and it was bad. The layout was boring and samey.
UX behavioural science.
Player expectations: a rusted barrel with a “flammable” symbol on it is read as "Shoot me and I will explode", which would weird people out in a pacifist game.
Health pack: Illegal to use a red cross against a white background for health. Instead people use a red H, blue cross etc.
Lock down parameters. How long should it take? Mission metrics. Visual themes. What need is this space supposed to fulfill?
Context: what does the player already know? eg in LA Noire you learn early that golden handles means an openable door.
Pacing: tension and mood is created by going from a confined space to large space, from dark to light. Make the player look away before a jump scare.
Explicit: Instructions telling the player exactly what to do. Implicit: in the environment Emergent: What the player makes up in conjunction with what is given by the game.
Some bad corridors:
Minecraft portal: doesn't look like it leads anywhere, looks like a dead end.
Portal corridor has extrusions in the wall hiding an upcoming intersection.
A good corridor: light highlights door, small flight of stairs hints to progression, hint of a curving corridor beyond the door, shows edge of the next room. Raised viewpoint makes it easier to see.
Ladders, interactive objects: must be clearly designed, grab attention, can lead to a surprise because you know where the player is facing and have a reason for things to change.
Buttons control exactly where the player is facing. It controls expectation.
Super Mario is a masterclass of level design. Include objects which illustrate the rules of the world.
Cognitive priming: Foreshadowing. If you show them before they have to do it they will do better.
(Alice?) shows you what you're going to do next with flythroughs, view from a hill etc. Gets players to follow the intended path.
Gone Home is one of the most important walking sims. You explore the world and character.
Players more on board if invested. Give them time to connect to characters and environments.
Give time, show they can trust your design.
Earthlight Arcade: 15 minute virtual space walk on the outside of international space station.
New technology means new challenges, for both devs and players.
Collaboration with NASA requires a commitment to a certain level of realism.
Astronaut suits are fucking annoying. Obstructs view, takes up lots of space.
Airlock: people have expectations that don't match actual airlocks. No up! Corridors tend to be round. Exit is on the side of the airlock, how do you point people towards it?
Cannot move without applying force, pulling on handlebars etc. People lean and it doesn't work. Can rotate in any direction when holding handlebars. (I asked if people get motion sickness and she said no, because they are in control, even if things work in unexpected ways)
The goal is to get the player to: learn how to move. Find the airlock hatch. Climb out feet first.
First attempt: "Ladder" of handlebars leading to airlock. Logos with text on to suggest an up. Didn't work.
Second Attempt: Narrow airlock so you have nowhere else to go but the door out. GIANT EXIT SIGN. Worked, but for the wrong reasons: players didn't notice the sign, there was just nowhere else to go.
People. Never. Read. People. Never. Listen.
Whenever people are overwhelmed, new information is hard to retain. It doesn't matter how clear your solution seems to be if the player doesn't get it. It's your responsibility to make it work.
Earthlight Arcade is at PAX in the freeplay area!
Summary: Make mechanics come first, use spatial design as a support tool.
Design for the human perception. How do humans navigate environments?
Believable carefully crafted environments mean people will follow your lead.
Question: How do you keep track of the player's centre of gravity? You can't with the current model. Don't model below the stomach.
Question: How did NASA feel about this highly innaccurate airlock? There are multiple builds. An easier and less precise one for the public, a more exact one for NASA they add their own models. They have to worry about tethers etc.
Closing Keynote: Striking the hammer: the Advocate’s journey Kate Edwards CEO & Principal Consultant, Geogrify Director of Outreach & Board Member, Take This Former Executive Director, IGDA [email protected] Twitter: @geogrify
Scholarship to GDC.
Pushed against various things (crunch, sexism etc) During Gamergate was a primary target, as was the organisation. Once you have 100 arrows in your back you don't feel any more.
Now works with Take This which focuses on mental health.
Her influences: Watched the moon landing. Tolkein's map helped her on path to becoming a cartographer. Star Wars. Pong.
Writer (wanted to be astronaut, star wars conceptual artist) -> cartographer -> VR researcher -> Geopolitical Strategist at MSFT -> Cultural consultant on games -> IGDA Executive Director -> Raging Advocate
Who am I? Created a unique Geopolitical career at Microsoft and Google. Worked on every Microsoft game 1994-2005 Worked on [redacted] for [redacted] Magazine columnist (other stuff I missed)
But then she was overwhelmed with self doubt and imposter syndrome. Watching the Matrix: "Don't think you are, know you are", she burst into tears.
She realised: Disbelief in your own skills doesn't make them disappear, or be invisible to those around you.
Know the reality of what others perceive in you, even if you struggle to think you have skills or not.
Imposter syndrome: What I know is a tiny subset of what everyone else knows. Reality: they are two overlapping sets of about the same size. The associated image
Comparison is the death of joy- Mark Twain.
Embrace your adversity. Treat it as your crucible, your forge. The Supreme Ordeal of the Heroes Journey.
Embrace your superpowers.
Even if it's self delusion it works. A bruise is a lesson and every lesson makes us better.
Be like Wonder Woman, stepping up out of the trench to stand up and do what's necessary. Only by emerging through the crucible can you do it.
Who am I? Someone who decided to give a shit. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.
Cultural Change Catalyst
Change culture within: Games: Helped people stop making games that would be problematic in other cultures. Companies The Games Industry
Why do I care? Love. Respect. Admiration. Passion.
Humans have told narratives since the dawn of time and we in the games industry are changing how that works in new ways.
It's not about rage.
It's about righteous rage: A reactive emotion of anger in response to mistreatment, insult ...injustice.
Injustice: Crunch. Lack of diversity. Screwing over indie devs is wrong.
Inaction. Complacency.
righteous rage=advocacy
She became fierce.
Does a lot of cosplay, daughter is a costume designer. Wear it for a day first. First day she wore the Thor costume she felt kickass. I'm not pretending to be Thor I am Thor. An external representation of how she feels about herself.
The fierce formula (drawn for Inktober) authenticity/adversity, maintain conviction over rejection, willpower + (Fear times zero).
"Industry" thought of as a machine where people are cogs. The "industry" is us. If you don't like it, change it.
Video games seen as a waste, causes violence, played by children and boys, cause obesity, motivated by money. Who controls this narrative? Noone in particular. But we need to work together to try to fix it.
Perceptions of sexism going up, concern about diversity also up.
Most people think crunch unnecessary. Read Crunch hurts on takethis.org about the mental health effects.
People say can't change can't happen quickly. Photo of Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly, Google manifesto dude. People say it takes time, but what it takes is willpower and people banding together. Change is punctuated.
FX network CEO decided to fix things. 2014 12% directors women or POC. 2016 51% directors women or POC.
Why can't games CEOs take a stand against crunch?
Focus on The Cause over the fear.
She would speak up against Gamergate again, despite knowing how she would be harassed later.
If everyone felt this way there'd be a wall of resistance, not just ripples but a tsunami.
Be willing to be relentless. Fervently support each other. Mentor each other. Reach out to people who need help. Act with common will.
Common question: will there be a union? Interest continuously increases. She was vague about whether she thought it was a good idea.
There were suggestions to join with hollywood unions but game creators would never be respected by them.
Everyone in history who made a change was "just one person". If you can't feed a hundred people just feed one.
She isn't trying to change the world, just her corner, that's the part she has chosen.
gameadvocacy.org (not up yet) Reporting on specific issues whistleblowing public collective action on specific targets
Wonder woman from comics: when asked how strong she was, she said "I don't know. It's difficult to find an upper limit against which to test myself"
fiat justitia ruat caelum: Let justice be done though the heavens fall
She's turning 53, doesn't want to have to wait decades for games to be accepted as a medium.
She got a standing ovation.
Closing speech: Reminder that there is a strict code of conduct. If you see something and feel comfortable standing up we will be your shields. If you are not comfortable enough come and find the team.
Lots of thank yous. LOTS.
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
Toshinori and Nana and One for All
So I??? Invented a backstory for All Might, how he grew up, developed his ideals, met Nana and turned into the hero we all know and love. It's like, 100% made up but I adhered to canon events as best I could. I'm so stoked to hear more about Nana, Torino and young Toshi but until then, here's my dumb thoughts
- Toshinori Yagi was born in the United States, as American as Apple Pie. I personally am liking him being from the American Mid-west, I'm thinking like Kansas (like Clark Kent). I want him to be from a decently sized city but still with that Heartland feel. Toshinori is half Japanese on his father's side (hence his surname, Yagi) but takes after his American mother more with his blond hair and blue eyes. Despite the name and some Asian features, he's not involved with his culture at all. I'm playing with the idea that Toshinori wasn't his birth name growing up in American. Not sure yet but I'm liking the idea of a similar sounding name that people in Japan had problems pronouncing so they just started calling him Toshi which stuck. Once he was more settled in Japan, he changed it to Toshinori. Still working on that.
- Anyway, Toshinori had a good, nice American childhood with loving if maybe distant parents. He grew up on a small farm with his parents, which he both loved and hated because well farm but also he enjoyed the atmosphere and freedom. I see him as being a good, smiley kid with a strong sense of right and wrong. The hero situation is different back when he was a kid, less structured and more like vigilantism. I feel like Toshi would like the idea of heroes as a kid but it's never a big passion. The organized hero biz is still in it's infancy so it's not as big a deal. He, like Izuku, receives trouble for his quirklessness but it's not a big issue for him, he's ok with it as it's a little more common. Anyway, he's happy until, suddenly and tragically, he's orphaned at a young age maybe like 8
- Yeah, typical hero origin. He's got no other family and is shipped off to a city orphanage that just isn't cutting it for him. He takes to the streets, making his own way and learning how to survive on his own. But Toshinori has a heart of gold, he's always helping out others street kids, defending them from bullies, giving out his meager supplies. It's here he really sees how weak and defenseless he is without a quirk and works twice as hard to compensate. He is angry about what happened to him, feeling disillusioned about the state of the world and wanting to better it but he never lets it dim his inner goodness. Despite being a good kid, he becomes bitter about his situation and the so called heroes who aren't doing anything to help these kids. He hates the state of the world but wonders what a quirkless orphan like him can do.
- Years pass and Toshi is now like 10-11 when his life changes forever. Like another quirkless boy will do in the future, there's an incident (I'm feeling a fire in the abandoned building Toshi and his street kids have been squatting in?) where Toshinori rushes in without thinking while cops and heroes stand outside and make no moves to help for some reason. He's trying to save these kids and it seems they'll all die right there when a woman bursts in and tells them it's alright because she is here. She saves all of the kids and smiles down with admiration at the awestruck blond boy. Toshi hasn't liked heroes for a while, but after his first meeting with Nana he is amazed. He's not the only one, Nana saw so much raw potential in Toshinori. When she hears of his situation she can't leave him be. She's a mother as well as a hero and she's already a little smitten with a smart-ass street kid with a heart of gold. She offers to train him and he accepts. She vaguely thinks he might be a candidate for One for All but, at this stage, she's not thinking of a successor.
- Nana is native Japanese but she's a travelling hero. She believes a hero is supposed to be more than someone who punches bad guys, they should be someone who smiles and makes the world a happier place. Despite her incredibly power, she's not much of a fighter. She'd much rather rescue and inspire than exchange blows as she's such an open pacifist. She loves her husband as they work together to make the world a better place. She returns home frequently to see her husband and child and they have a good relationship despite her being gone so much. Also for some reason I hc her husband as a quirkless hero because I do. It's during one of these trips she finds Toshinori and basically adopts him.
- She and Toshi travel for a few months during this time they grow incredibly close. He calls her master but it's clear to everyone they're developing a mother/son bond. Her family and friends are taken aback that she's taken this reckless, not-powered kid under her wing. They all ask if she intends to give him One for All and she laughs it off that she's just helping Toshi out. Toshi himself, while very respectful of Nana, is a little bit of a delinquent. He's used to being completely independent and hasn't had the best education since being on the streets, he can be rude and surly, getting into fights with people he think are in the wrong and generally being kind of a brat. Nana mostly lets him work his issues out but she does stop him when he's gone too far or is in danger.
- After travelling a bit of the US and Europe, Nana gets the news that her husband has died in battle with All for One trying to get to her. She is devastated and tells Toshi she needs to return to Japan and probably stay there for a while, Toshi agrees to go with her. Once home, she puts her child into foster care out of desire to protect them. It nearly breaks her but one thing that holds her together is Toshi. Having him there, with his spirit and big heart, keeps her going. She feels incredibly guilty, as if she's trading one child for another. For the first time she properly considers Toshi as an heir for OFA which she'd kind of ignored out of desire to protect him from that fate. But now she feels she can't justify keeping him around (since she gave up her child to "protect them") unless she's planning on passing her power. She's torn but decides to tell Toshi about OFA, he's surprised but takes to it. He agrees to take the power when the time comes, she delays the transfer as she's not "ready to retire" but also to try and give him more time in case he changes his mind. She knows she's sentencing him to a hard life of brutal fights, that'll most likely kill him.
- Toshi is enrolled in Japanese Middle School while his training increases to prepare him for OFA. It's during this time he meets Gran Torino who is initially very antagonistic towards Toshi and thinks he isn't worthy. Toshi has trouble adjusting to Japanese life, not to mention not knowing the language and culture. He gets into lots of fights and really gains a perspective on how the world is. He comes up with the idea that the world needs a hero to serve as a pillar, an example that heroes and citizens can rally behind. Hearing this, Torino begins to change his mind on Toshi and starts working more with Nana to train him. Like his friend, he begins to develop a soft spot for the cheeky American. Nana meanwhile has put some distance between herself and Toshi, trying to be more of the mentor than the mother. She doesn't deserve to have another chance with a child and, besides, it'll only hurt more when he takes OFA.
- He graduates middle school after about a year. He has a bit of record and not the best grades but he finally has a clear vision of what he wants to be as a hero and has adjusted to living in Japan. Nana wants him to go to UA, the best hero school in the country. Toshi and Torino think it's time to pass on OFA so he get into the hero class and begin working towards his dream. Nana is still unhappy about putting this boy she cares for deeply in that kind of danger (since AFO is still out there waiting for her) and proclaims he's not ready yet. He's admitted to the UA General Department on Nana's recommendation, since his grades weren't the best. This puts him at odds with a lot of the other students, especially once it gets out that he's a quirkless student aiming for the hero department.
- Nana isn't quite a teacher at UA but works out of the school to do her hero work but she stops travelling and operates solely in Japan. She and Torino continue to train Toshi hard in both fighting and smarts and he becomes quite the force to reckoned with. He doesn't have a lot of friends, due to his intense, slightly abrasive personality but he still has Nana and Torino and that's enough. He does become friends with Naomasa Tsukauchi who remains a lifelong friend and grows up to be a detective. As his first term at UA concludes, he begins to wonder if Nana will ever give him OFA. He begins to doubt himself, doubt all the praise and assurances Nana has given him. He believes she doesn't think he's worthy but really she's not ready to put him in danger. This slowly starts to put a wedge in their relationship.
- All for One starts to move again and Nana is out for blood. This man killed her husband and made her give up her biological child. She tries to keep Toshi out of it and search for AFO on her own. This upsets Toshi who, again is feeling worthless and like Nana doesn't think he's good enough. This builds up until finally everything explodes out, they're both yelling and screaming and nothing really gets resolved because neither is willing to open up about what's really bothering them (Toshi and his insecurities, Nana and her protectiveness). The fight has upset Nana and it's during this time she finds AFO who approaches her seeing how off kilter she is. A huge fight ensues and Nana takes serious hits. AFO breaks her with his powers and with his words, breaking her will slowly but surely. She fights valiantly, trying to stay alive long enough to get back to the others and apologize and pass on OFA. But AFO is trying to end her now, knowing she hasn't passed on her quirk yet. He mortally wounds her and walks away knowing she doesn't have much time left.
- Toshi and Torino hear the commotion of this fight and know Nana has to be involved. Toshi, against Torino's warnings, rushes in trying to find Nana. He is so concerned for his mentor and angry that their last words had been an argument. He comes and finds her barely alive in the wreckage. He's trying to help, crying and doing all she can to save her. She's too wounded to say the things she wants to say, instead she uses her dwindling strength to try and put her blood into his mouth. Toshi is too upset at the time note the significance of the action when she dies shortly afterwards. Torino comes across Toshi crying over his mentor's body.
- They take away Nana's body and bury her in a private ceremony. She wasn't a well known hero at all, partially because she travelled so much and also because she wanted to keep a low profile. It's only later does Torino consider if Nana had been able to pass on OFA, but it's unclear if Toshi has actually swallowed enough of her blood. Toshi falls into a depression having lost someone he had been immensely close to, he takes a leave of absence from school and seems lost. It's only when he activates OFA on accident that he realizes that his teacher and his dream aren't gone yet. He's still broken up over her death, always will be, but if he stops now then her death and her faith in him will be wasted. He and Torino train hard for the next few months and come next term, he's easily able to register for the hero course. Torino becomes a teacher  and trains the hell out of Toshi, he's fired for being too tough but by that point Toshi has immense control of his power and can move forward on his own.
- So Toshi was taken in by Nana around 10-11, travelled then came to Japan around 12, went through Japanese middle school and started at UA as a General student around 13-14. Nana died/passed OFA onto him around 15 or so
- To most people, All Might just came out of nowhere. UA seems to heavily emphasize the hero classes with not a lot of attention on the other sections. I feel like our Toshi would have been rather infamous in the General Department (maybe even going under a different name) but none of the other sections really knew about him so they didn't make the connection to the troublemaking, quirkless General student to the strong, powerful prodigy. Once he rose through the ranks in UA, he really developed his hero persona. A lot of his personality is an act, but not all. He does genuinely care for people and wants to save everyone but he puts on a big, blustery show to make people smile and reigns in his more reckless and ideological impulses in order to try and set a good example. He'll mostly deny it, but much of All Might's personality is faked with only the core elements truly belonging to Toshi. 
- Toshinori decides to use all of his experiences to become the kind of hero he wants to see in the world: he thinks of his American upbringing, he thinks of the anger he felt at indifferent heroes only in it for the money and power, he thinks of how sad he was at the loss of so many people and how important a life is, he thinks about how the world needs a symbol to look up to, he thinks of Torino's tough love training that made him strong, he thinks of how Nana thought it was so important to smile and present a strong but reassuring front to the world. He chooses the name All Might because he swears to protect the people of the world with "All of his Might". He puts on a bright costume and an even brighter smile and he makes his debut and swears that he will achieve his goal for Nana and he will avenge her murder if it's the last thing he does. At this time, AFO does not know that Toshi has OFA (and he doesn't learn until much Toshi has grown in power and is able to deal a devastating blow to AFO)
- Years and years later, after many tragedies and triumphs, Toshi runs across a quirkless boy who loves heroes but doesn't have the power to be one himself. He smiles at the boy's spirit, at his astounding amount of compassion and perseverance, and offers his power to him. He has no way of knowing that, many years ago, Nana had looked at him with the same loving eyes. He doesn't quite understand that the pride and warmth he feels for Izuku is close to the feelings that Nana once held for him. Only when he furthers his training, and his bond, with Izuku does he start to properly understand his mentor and why she did what she did. It makes her seem close to him again and that alone is worth everything he has endured. He still hasn't told Izuku because he doesn't want to scare the boy with all that death talk and Toshi is very guarded and not one to open up on something so very personal. Maybe someday he'll tell his student about his wonderful teacher and how she made him into a hero.
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melodrama28 · 5 years
Another 1
Can’t remember the last time I posted here. It’s been a while. I’ve been working on this for some time now. Last I spoke was about a friend or should I say a crazy ex of mine. Who am I to judge, we’re all a bit crazy inside.
I guess In this trip I’ll take you on another ride down memory lane. For the sake of the topic let’s call her A.
We met online, she was picture perfect to me, we spoke for a couple of days and decided to meet. Usually when I meet these girls I wait around the corner to see what they look like, just Incase I get catfished. When I saw her it was love at first site. I approached her and as soon as she saw me she jumped on top of me. We walked to the diner, and had a blast, then she hits me with the “I live with my ex” thing. I was blown back but I have her the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has their own struggle, their own story, whom am I to judge right. We got serious and I was as happy as I ever been. 5 months later things were going downhill. Almost every time I wanted to see her, her excuse was she has to go home to him to cook or do something. My birthday she couldn’t come see me, her birthday we couldn’t see each other, Christmas, thanksgiving, New Years and Valentine’s Day were all no gos. Spent them by myself. During that time I was stressed, under so much pressure, I started smoking cigarettes, stress drinking getting blackout drunk. I got kicked out my house over her and at 1 in the morning we’re on the train going to queens with my belongings she decides to go back home to “him” I didn’t get to my destination until 4 in the morning. It got to a point that the following night my buddy that I was staying with in queens went out with his fiancé and I was alone so I started drinking whatever they had in their cabinets after I ran out of my beer. I got so hammered I puked in the bathroom while taking a crap. I passed out and when they got home they had to break the door down and his fiancé wiped the vomit off of me. Good thing i wiped myself before they got in. I was just sitting on the toilet to drunk to move. I still owe her a bottle of Bacardi green apple lol.
I still gave her the benefit of the doubt.... or maybe the reality of it was that I didn’t think I could do better. All I knew was that if I can get her out that house and in with me we could be perfect. But she would have to want it too. I finally decided after so many tears, blood and pain to just take it for what it is... great sex. We both agreed to be friends with benefits but that only lasted but for so long.
Now I just think back how I brought her so much stuff of hello kitty because it was her favorite, to the point that the last gift I was gonna give her was given to a coworker because of the downward spiral we were in.
I remember have a huge anxiety attack on the train, going to pick her up because I’d never know if he would be there too to pick her up, I wasn’t afraid of confrontation but I’m a pacifist, I avoid conflict as much as possible. Violence is never the answer. I guess it was more worry for her then it was me, if he did anything to disrespect her, who knows how I would react. My temper was very short back then, I guess I contradict myself with the pacifist thing. I am one now for sure. But back then was truly a different story.
There are songs I listen too that not necessarily reminds me of her but reminds me of the moments during her time, like going to pick her up and coming out the train station and the sun hitting my face, the warmth of the sun on a beautiful day picking up my woman to go out to eat and have a good time While sitting on the pier.
I don’t think I would want to forget her but I would definitely have done things a little different.
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