#he’s also just a REALLY cool foil for the rest of the hells
lunarrolls · 11 months
i’m gonna be a little incoherent here but i just wanna say. i’m actually really really proud of fcg for standing up for himself in this last episode. he is the sole truly godly faithful character among the hells and it was so exhilarating to see him actually stand his ground on his faith. i may not fully agree with him at all but i’m like YES. YOU GO YOU LITTLE ROBIT. YOU’RE BELIEVING IN SOMETHING!! it was honestly a wonderful little parallel to ashton’s development, and might have even been sparked by seeing that change—they were assured by ashton that even though the hells might argue or disagree, they’re always going to be family, and then later, fcg remembers that and disagrees with them rather than simply bottling their opinion and passive-aggressively bringing it up every now and then. it made me really happy. slowly, they’re getting better at this, and i’m so proud <3
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
Title: Final Girl.
Pairing: Yandere!Chrollo x Reader (HxH).
Word Count: 1.4k.
TW: 'Girl' Is In The Title But Reader Is Gender Neutral, Death and Blood, Mentions of Guns, Manipulation, Implied Kidnapping, and Spoilers for the Ninteenth-Century Novel Dracula.
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The night you met him was, by no coincidence, also the night you learned what it meant to feel your blood run cold.
‘Met’ might’ve been an exaggeration. You didn’t meet him so much as you stood still and stared at him – lumbering down the hallway, clutching a gore-splattered butcher's knife, his suit disheveled and stained with a dark, blotting substance you couldn’t bring yourself to put a name to, in your fear-induced paralysis. With the manor's high ceilings and dim lighting, he seemed impossibly tall, his black eyes blank and terrible, his smile manic in a way that sent a chill up your spine, that left you frozen where you stood and unable to run as he came to stand in front of you, as he raised a hand and—
And pointed to the book tucked under your arm, a yellowed paperback beaten to hell and back from weeks of loving abuse. You’d spent hours wondering if you should bring it with you, if there was anyone else on the face of the planet who’d be stupid enough to bring a book to a mascarade ball, but you figured you’d have to step out for a breath of fresh air at some point, tonight, and phones weren’t really an option at this kind of thing. Looking back on it, you struggled to remember why you’d spent so much time agonizing over something so inconsequential, especially when whoever found your body likely wouldn’t pay it a second glance. “Is that—” He started, pausing to wet his lips before correcting himself. “Is that Bram Stoker’s Dracula?”
You blinked several times, shifting your weight. “It is,” you managed, eventually, just before the point of no return. “I… I’m only a few chapters in, though. They’re only on the second blood transfusion.”
His smile widened. “I’m reading it for the second time, now. That’s one of the best passages - you can practically feel the dread mounting in the prose.” While he spoke, you stole another glance at his attire. With your shock beginning to fade and your nerves given a few seconds to cool, you could see that he clearly hadn’t just walked out of a crime scene. His clothes were wrinkled, but not torn, not displaced the way they would’ve been if he’d been in a real fight, and he was covered in a cartoonish amount of (presumably fake) blood. He couldn’t have meant for it to be realistic, not unless you were supposed to believe he’d bled twenty people dry on his own.
He must’ve noticed you staring. His rambling trailed off into an airy chuckle, his free hand drifting to his blood-soaked shirt. “I’m afraid I might’ve misread my invitation,” he admitted, with a slight shrug. You were almost in awe of his nonchalance. Showing up to a masquerade ball in a costume fit for a b-rated haunted house would’ve left you catatonic for… god, the rest of the year, at least. “That’s how I found my way back here, actually. You can understand why I wouldn’t want to stay in the ballroom for very long, considering I’m dressed for a very different party.”
“No, no, that makes a lot of sense! I mean, a costume party would be more in-season.” You felt like an idiot. You could only hope you hadn’t looked as scared as you felt. “Honestly, I’m just surprised they let you in with a prop.”
He glanced to his ‘knife’, too, as if he’d forgotten he was holding it. “Oh, this little thing?” He took the blade in his free hand, bending it downward. Unceremoniously, it snapped into two pieces as easily as if it’d been made of little more than tin foil and plastic - which, to be fair, it probably was. “Most people struggle to see me as a threat, for whatever reason.”
“The doormen probably just felt bad for the strange man who showed up to a charity gala covered in blood.” You spared a small smile, then genuinely brightened, taking up your novel and fishing out the spare mask you’d shoved between the pages while you were getting ready. He should’ve counted himself lucky that you could never be bothered to find a real bookmark. “Mine came in a set of two,” you explained, signaling for him to bend down. A little too easily, he obeyed, stooping just low enough for you to work your spare mask over his head. It was cheaper than anything you would usually like to show off – the base simple black cloth, the embroidery meaninglessly gaudy, the main body kept in place by little more than a simple white ribbon that never seemed to sit just right, but he accepted your offering with a grateful hum. “It’s not much, but—” You paused, buttoning his suit jacket, doing your best to make it look a little less like he’d just walked out of a bad slasher movie and a little more like a tragically color-blind, but ultimately well-dressed party-goer. “It should get you through the door.”
He straightened his back, and you thought you might’ve seen something spark in his dark eyes. Then again, it could’ve just been the moonlight. “I don’t think I ever got your name.”
Oh, right – that was something most people did before offering to fix a stranger’s clothes, wasn’t it? You rushed to introduce yourself, and he did the same. “Chrollo Lucilfer.” And then, offering you his hand, “Perhaps I’d be more warmly received with a plus one?”
As hesitant as you were to slip back into the ballroom on the arm of a disheveled stranger who’d already made an impression of his own, it would’ve broken your heart to turn him down. That, and you might’ve had a weakness for disheveled strangers who fell on the more handsome side of the spectrum.
You laughed as you threaded your arm through his, letting Chrollo guide you back to the main event. A second passed with only the sound of your footsteps and distance music to fill the quiet, then another. Eventually, you broke the silence. “It’s very well-written,” you started, trying to fight the urge to fidget. “But… I don’t think I’m the right audience. I care too much about Lucy. Seeing her go through so much and knowing she’s not going to make it is just—” You sighed, shook your head. “It’s agony. Especially when the villain is literally in the title. I mean, I know the characters don’t know that, but still.”
“The benefit of a voyeur's perspective.” For all his glowing praise, he didn’t seem very offended. “I think the dramatic irony is part of the appeal. By the time the tension breaks, it’s nearly too painful to keep going.”
“Which is exactly why it hurts to read,” you groaned, slumping into his side. “I get why it’s happening, but I just can’t stand spending so long on the build-up knowing how it’s going to end. It probably doesn’t help that Lucy’s one of my favorites, either. Well, aside from Mina, but it wouldn’t be fair to compare her to the author’s self-insert.”
The two of you came to a pair of rounded oak doors. There’d been a pair of attendants stationed outside when you left, but Chrollo didn’t seem to mind shouldering it open himself, ushering you inside with a smile and an idle gesture. You took a second to steel your nerves, still not entirely prepared to throw yourself into a very crowded room filled with very loud music and very eager socialites, then crossed the threshold, coming face to face with—
Carnage. Pure, unadulterated carnage.
There were bodies everywhere, each corpse mangled and bruised and broken in every possible way. Dark blood and broken glass covered the formerly pristine ivory floor, and the walls were painted with the remnants of gunfire. A few people were still standing – the murderers, you figured, judging by the blood on their outlandish clothes, the weapons in their hands, the indifferent agitation written across their expressions as you stared at them in horror, as your heart threatened to give out for the second time that night. The tallest man you’d ever seen pointed a hand-held machine gun in your direction, but Chrollo found his way back to your side, resting a hand on your shoulder as he spoke. “Hold your fire,” he said, casually, as if you weren’t standing at the edge of a bloodbath. As if he’d known what he was leading you into. “I think I’m going to keep this one.”
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t speak. You couldn’t move. You couldn’t breathe. The air hitched in your throat as he brought a hand up to your chin, tilting your head back and forcing you to meet his unblinking stare. You’d been right the first time. There was never anything his eyes could’ve been but terrible. “I always did like Mina.”
There was never anything he could’ve been but a monster, prowling for his next kill.
“I guess I just have a soft spot for survivors.”
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woodlaflababab · 3 months
Thinking about Zuko's influence on the audience's perception of Aang, specifically in Book 1. I kinda touched on it in this post but that post is pure unsorted rambling in which I didn't get to delve as deep as I wanted. Anyway, the relevent part was:
"With this whole episode, it's just the fact that Zuko is the reason we first get to see just how fucking cool Aang is. It's so easy to be like the others in the show and see Aang for his childish antics and sweet nature, but Zuko is the one that consistently reminds us, “No, this is the Avatar. He's powerful, he's brave, he's fiercely protective, and he deserves respect and acknowledgment for that.”"
Like, I mean, the point is redundant, everyone knows they are foils, so I'm not saying anything ground breaking when I say Zuko is often the one who brings out the best in Aang and encourages him to embrace being the avatar and that a lot of Aang's strongest charater moments are because of Zuko, yada yada, okay, we know, zukaang meta 101, nobody wants to hear it
But also, Zuko's opinion of Aang is so interestingly different from everyone else's. We get a view of Aang from the pov of himself, in which we see his doubts and struggles, the pov of the gaang, through which we see his antics and improvement and flaws. We also understand the opinion of the Fire Nation abt Aang (pure threat that's weirdly small), and we get plenty on the different opinions of the rest of the world.
If you took out Zuko's reactions to Aang, you'd feel like you know pretty much all there is to know about Aang. But to Zuko, Aang is an ever present mystery. The gaang doesn't really question anything abt Aang except what he can do and the rest of their enemies don't care to know things about Aang
But Zuko does. To Zuko, Aang is a source of constant questions, and this is sometimes played as a joke (i.e. "He must be a master of evasive maneuvering." to "You have no idea where we're going, do you?") and sometimes it hits the very core of Zuko's being and changes the course of the plot, (i.e. The Blue Spirit)
Zuko is unique because, to everyone else, Aang is one of two things. A Hero, or An Threat. He is neither to Zuko.
Zuko has no desire to defeat Aang. Aang is not a Threat to him. Hell, as Iroh says, Aang actively gives Zuko hope. But Aang is also not a Hero or ally.
He is neither a protagonist or an antagonist in Zuko's story. He's a goal. And that's such a unique perspective that allows us to question who Aang is from a neutral standpoint. Who is this person who effortlessly escapes trouble while having no idea what he's doing? Who is this person who saves someone they defeated? Who is this person who looks at an enemy and says 'you remind me of my best friend'?
Who else makes us ask these questions?
Through Zuko we, or at least I, see Aang as more than a person, and more than a hero, but as this unconventional conundrum that defies expectation at every turn, baffling and beautiful. Aang is so much more than your conventional hero and nobody sees or shows us that more than Zuko.
My favorite way to look at Aang is through Zuko's eyes.
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kinderlie · 4 days
thinking more v3 thoughts. it wouldve been REALLY interesting if kaede didnt die in trial 1 and lived so she and shuichi could be foils to kokichi and rantaro, which would be interesting bc the main character always has a partner, but the rival never has. and the difference in ideology could split the group, but as it stands now the v3 cast treats kokichi worse than tbe sdr2 cast treated komaeda, and komadea was a THREAT since the beginning. for the most part, all kokichi did was lie a lot and be rude, so this animosity kind of feels undeserved. like, hajime had a lot more patience for komaeda's shit than shuchi does for kokichi's. so his interactions w the rest of the v3s seems kind of... underhanded and rude. they accepted an assassin into their group but not him, is all im saying.
and it just feels kind of undeserved until chapter 4 where kokichi goes off the deep end. like, before that, he DOES talk about liking the killing game and all, and is insensetive, but he by his own admission a LIAR- why do all the v3s assume the bad things he says are the truth? hell in chapter 2 he spells out MULTIPLE TIMES what his end goal is and what he's doing (trying to caution people from overtly working together because when they do, monokuma punishes them for it, so they shouldnt let on that theyre cooperating) and no one listens?? at all. like its just so blatant because ive been playing sdr2 and v3 side by side, alternating between the two frequently. try it-! the dissonance between how the v3 cast treats kokichi and the sdr2 cast treats komadea is VERY apparent. like sure they tie him up and arent NICEYS to him, but hajime makes a genuine effort to try and understand komaeda, especially in FTEs. shuichi does not extend that same effort to kokichi and imho thats really lackluster writing for the ultimate detective
it just seems like they were going for an ideology clash in v3 but in practice, kokichi is ostracized VERY early on for the crime of Being Annoying, and because of that is placed under a lot of undue scrutiny, with absolutely no one bothering to TRY to understand him. and this happens because he has no genuine foil for his ideology, so theres no ideological conflict, so the writers had to manufacture one by having everyone focus on his (largely just mischevious and at worst annoying) lies and repeat "but all lies are bad!!" unfixingly w/o trying to understand him. which is not really an ideological conflict, it's... kind of childish and they- esp shuichi as the ultimate DETECTIVE- never try to understand kokichi's pov and don't interact with kokichi's TRUE ideological opposition- that they can't trust each other. and kaede and him couldve been great foils in that regard, having the opposite ideological approach to the killing game, but kaede was fridged early on for a male character's development. so thats fine too i guess.
and shuichi and rantaro couldve been foils as well, both leaning hard into detective work but having opposite ideas on what to do with their respective findings- do they trust the group, or not?
also this is just a "hey this would be imo cool" aside, but if it was a kokichi/rantaro pairup.... IMAGINE THE 4TH TRIAL. imagine if it was ambiguous if rantaro was manipulated into killing miu or if it was a willing sacrifice. rantaro doesn't remember, but he admits before execution that, knowing himself, he feels like it was a willing sacrifice on his end, while kokichi insists he manipulated rantaro into it and that he's the true blackened. and we cant see rantaro's memories, so we don't know. and it could be a really tragic trial a la peko's, which would finally allow the cast to know more about rantaro and his true feelings on everyone and the game, in his final moments.
also the sting of the ultimate survivor reveal being so so close by, the tragedy of rantaro surviving a DIFFERENT KILLING GAME only to die in this one, so close to the end... and the implication that he survived his last game by being detached and secretive, only to die because of a connection he had with someone. but thats less meta analysis and more me going "goddamn wouldnt that be fucked up or what. anyway im tumblr user kinderlie"
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sparrowhero · 2 years
could u write something abt shigaraki finding out his crush has a mini crush on eraserhead? 👀
tumblr ate this so you're getting the condensed version. my apologies but if you are upset you need to yell at tumblr hq and be really niceys to me bc i had to write this from scratch TWICE.
ANYWAYS because it's my vision I'm editing this to be more of S1 Shigaraki overthinking your agreement of calling Eraser-head 'cool' post USJ. Reader is implied to be closer in age to Shigaraki and Shigaraki is implied to think that Aizawa may or may not be more than ten years older than he actually is.
First of all, he can't exactly blame you because Eraser IS pretty cool. He can't deny what he's said himself: while his quirk is decent, it's the skills that back it up-- He does above and beyond what all of the other fakers claim to do, for nothing but the safety and peace of mind for a few snot-nosed brats who want to become heroes. He's cool. HOWEVER-- him being cool (for a hero) and him being a match for you are two completely different questions. He goes down a full fledged rabbit hole of comparing himself to Aizawa in order to win you back. (or rather, win you over in the first place, but who's counting?)
Where the hell does that old man get off seducing people?! As a matter of fact, what the hell does he have that Shigaraki doesn't? Other than the ability to grow facial hair. (Sorry, but he cannot. It's not happening. Aizawa has been able to grow a beard since he was in high school if we count MHA Vigilantes as canon.)
Is it the hair? His hair is pretty shaggy too, and he could be considered growing it out. Aizawa has more of a curl pattern but they both pay the exact amount of care to their hair: none. He definitely could beat him on that. Sure, Aizawa has a low voice...if you LIKE that sort of thing...but Shigaraki still has a few years left of growing. His voice could deepen by then. The physique? Well...he may be a LITTLE bit shorter, and Eraser does have some muscle hidden underneath those baggy clothes...BUT THOSE THINGS DIDN'T STOP HIM FROM GETTING HIS ASS KICKED!!
He not-so-subtly reminds you that as competent as Eraser was, he also figured out his gimmick and while Eraser himself wasn't able to land a significant blow onto him, he, however, was able to disintegrate part of his arm. PLUS the nomu beat him anyways (he takes credit for that since he brought the nomu along as part of his grand strategy)
"He's not so great." Shigaraki reminds you at the hideout. After the rest of the staff foiled his plans at USJ, he's needed a lot of support due to the bullet wounds in several of his joints, and you graciously help to nurse him back to health. You're in the middle of changing his bandages when he brings this up, and you give him a questioning look because...who the hell is he talking about?? His red eyes meet yours as he looks down at you from his chair. "Eraser-head."
"I'm better for you than he is." His voice is part whisper, part grunt, and almost completely inaudible as he looks away from you. Once again, you ask him to repeat himself because you can't hear him, and he backtracks-- just a little-- in itchy irritation. "I said I'm better than he is." Shigaraki rasps out, enunciating each consonant. He wishes you were a little quicker on the uptake, not considering maybe it's his own evasive way of phrasing things that's gotten him to this point.
"Of course you are."
He has to double take. It's an answer he's come to expect from Kurogiri, who has been his caretaker for over ten years, but to hear it from you gives it a whole new meaning. His heart beats loudly, almost painfully in his chest as you shrug, as if you're saying something completely obvious.
"If I wanted to jump ship after USJ, I would have done so back then, you know?" Careful hands reapply the clean bandages to his arms while you speak, no trace of hesitation or deception lining your tone. "You said it too, he's pretty cool-- But a hero's a hero." Your eyes and tone sharpen at that. "Garbage doesn't stop being garbage just because it's a little shiner than usual."
You didn't join up with them on anything so petty, that could be shaken so easily. It's true that Eraser-head is a better hero than most, but he's still a part of hero society. He defends it, he upholds it, he perpetuates it...and so any appreciation for him starts and stops there. There's no room for the kind of hypocritical half-measures that heroes embody. "So what if we got our asses kicked? We're going to get our revenge soon enough. We're better than that, aren't we?"
You tap your knuckles against the uninjured parts of his hand in a kind of fist-bump. Ah, he realizes, you've misunderstood him. You think he needs encouragement after the fumble and losing the nomu. His lips twitch into a half smile. Maybe you're right...about that at least. The hit to his pride has gotten him into this kind of weak thinking. Shigaraki allows a few of his fingers to brush up against the outside of yours.
Of course. What a foolish thing for him to consider. He didn't have anything to fear about Eraser. Maybe in another world, a different world, a man like that could have been an asset-- someone who understood the kind of darkness that bred the both of you. But the heaviness that weighs upon you and the drive that binds you two together is stronger and more ferocious than any hypocritical kindness that current hero society offers you.
Kurogiri doesn't miss the exchange, his glowing yellow eyes narrowing fondly as the distraction that was currently weighing on Shigaraki disappears with just a gesture and a few words from you.
"We're better than that." Shigaraki agrees. "It'll be different next time." He intends to show you that you chose the right side-- the right man-- even if you don't know it yet. He'll let you think it's just about USJ for a little while longer, if it means he can hold your hand like this. You'll realize soon enough.
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
Brain go brr on the Q&A
+Xander trying to hide his piercing from his school is so him, I love it.
+Listen, I don't want to overthink the Q&A too much, but my brain won't let me be normal about some things. The birthday thing caught my eye. Supposedly, some of the dates are important, but the rest are meant to be spread out, right? But Veronika and David's birthdays are, like, two days apart, so does that mean they're important? Same with Ace and Arei (ike three days), but at least Ace's birthday is Halloween so it's not hard to figure out. I don't remember most of the other birthdays, so I don't know if there's more examples.
+Why is this the "new David"'s default sprite? Is he so smug it runs all the way to his default pose? What.
+David can cook, malewife status confirmed. Also, "how does he handle his feelings? Badly" That's hilarious.
+New info on the Spurlings! This is getting outta hand, now there's two of them! I'm really intrigued as to what the hell their deal is. And Duke could have been alive during the Tragedy? What are we implying here? So many questions!
+Ace is officially gay! Many people are happy with this development. Though I have to ask, did anyone ship him with any woman? Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen that. Anyways, not like it matters now!
+Pan Veronika, pan Veronika, pan Veronika yes! I love it! New headcanon; she just dates/has sex with anyone she thinks will be entertaining to date/fuck. "Bit-sexual", as internet funnyman Alpharad would put it.
+I swear the David sexuality thing is an actual quote from somewhere. Hold on.
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Found it! Not the exact wording, but Andrew Garfield said something like it once. I love it, it's perfect for David!
+So Charles' scar is a dog bite, but he doesn't remember and thinks it's a birthmark? Is it... related to his brother's death? Dev, what. You can't just say things like that and then not elaborate. /j
+Levi with a sweet tooth is fantastic. I think it was already implied in his profile, but it's still great!
+Alright, about favorite colors:
Teruko: red (reasoning: association)
So... Xander or Mai? I'm leaning towards Mai, frankly.
Charles: "Why would I assign emotional value to colors? That's a ridiculous waste of energy." (cerulean)
That quote is hilarious. And now I can't help but imagine Charles unironically writing "cerulean orbs" in a fanfic-
Whit: neon pink (reasoning: "Pink!!")
God, I love these characters.
J: black (reasoning: cool)
I wouldn't expect less.
Nico: none (reasoning: no interest)
I honestly kinda love this, but also what does it mean.
Ace: dark blue/purple (reasoning: refuses to provide reasoning)
Acevi shippers are eating today, holy.
Arei: azure (reasoning: "I'm blue, so clearly it's the best color!")
Why did you have to die?
Min: taupe (reasoning: comforting)
Min information: absorbed. Love it. Also her design has a lot of taupe (I think) so it's comforting to me too.
Veronika: white in conjunction with other colors (reasoning: brings out other colors well)
Alright, now least favorite:
Whit: gray (reasoning: boring)
Alright, tone it down, Kamukura.
Rose: none (reasoning: all colors have their value in the right situations)
Fantastic, I adore this.
Eden: blue (reasoning: "Kind of a downer color...")
Areden shippers in shambles. How would you say this about your girlfriend's color, Eden?
J: pink (reasoning: obvious)
If you listen closely, you'll hear Whit's heart breaking in the distance. But this is expected.
Hu: blueish white (reasoning: sterile)
This is Arturo's fave. Are we setting up a foil thing here? I'd honestly love to see it, Arturo and Hu may be the characters I want to see the most of after maybe Veronika.
Nico: white (reasoning: unsettling)
Nico, what- what the hell are you talking about?
Ace: titian (reasoning: doesn't like himself)
Min: white and pink together (reasoning: annoying)
Dude, Whit cannot stop catching L's here, what is going on. Anyways, Min info absorbed.
Veronika: white in the absence of other colors (reasoning: soulless)
So, this is pretty interesting and all that... but she dislikes the same color as Nico? The Vero-Nico dynamic grows stronger! You love to see it. Or I love to see it, I adore them as friends/spiritual siblings.
+Ace has nine siblings?! That's a lot of kids!
+Nico cuts their own hair, and gets the cat ear things to stay up? Ultimate Hairdresser in the bulding!
Veronika's single green earring is a 'good luck charm' given to her by her dearest friend.
Aafgsj- Who?! Okay, first, I didn't even realize she had that, so thanks for pointing it out. Second, you can't just say that! Because you know I'm gonna assume that's Mai, especially with it being a 'good luck' charm when Mai is (kinda) the antithesis of Teruko and thus (kinda) the antithesis of bad luck. Am I to assume Veronika will be plot relevant now? Because I sure hope she is! I wasn't supposed to overthink the Q&A, dev, but look at what you're doing to me!
+Now the ice cream flavors:
Charles - coffee
This is actually stated in his profile. You gotta admire the consistency.
Hu - rose
Honey, wake up, a new random ship based on one (1) detail just dropped. It's a pretty cute one, too.
Nico - "the flavor" (doesn't elaborate further)
What is Nico doing in this Q&A? What am I supposed to gather from this?
Min - lemon
Min info drop spotted. I'm very normal about this character.
Xander - sauerkraut???
Xander, what the fuck are you talking about.
Veronika - funfetti
Honestly love this. White with other colors, right? It's perfect!
+Rose's painting preferences are cool to know, and she does give off a bit of middle child vibes, idk why. And two moms? Pog.
+That concept art! DRDT would have ended a lot earlier if Arei simply had a gun.
+Smells! (which of you people-)
Veronika - Womanly perfume (heavy)
I... was not expecting that! But it's Veronika info, so I absorb it. I kinda like the idea.
Nico - Cat
The more I learn about Nico, the more I love them.
Min - Lavender/eucalyptus/lemons/whatever essential oil she decided to use that day
W-Why does she use essential oils? I guess they must help her relax, because there's no way she actually believes they have any other benefit. Unexpected, but it's neat.
Whit - Fruity fun shampoo (for kids)
Yeah, yeah.
+Interesting that the Spurling Foundation and XF-Ture Tech don't have any connection, I guess that post I made on Min's secret is slightly outdated. Still, XF-Ture Tech "seems to do a lot of other things", huh? Peculiar.
I loved this Q&A, it was so much fun! I hope something like this is done again in the future, it's great.
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fatratbabyy · 1 year
hi! i really love your designs, the colours are always really well done anf the characters are full of life.. and i love how your rewrites give the characters complexity and make them really interesting to me, much more so than canon(though i am a fan of some ideas introduced there, they don’t quite turn out in ways that make sense to me)! i’ve been wondering a few things about helluva troupe for a while however and hopefully the answers aren’t spoilers, lol.. in HT, what is Fizz’s involvement with the ‘troupe’ and what is stolas’s involvement too.? i wish you much luck on your work as it is lovely to see! (also apologies for my silly username)
Thank You!
Thank you so much that means a lot!! waaAahee! It makes me happy to see people interested 🥺👉👈
With Fizz it's,,, a bit Fuzzy, because hilariously he's the whole reason I made this AU among other things But I ended up makinh him a sorta side character antag again because while originally he was going to be part of the main crew from the start of HT's storyline, as I went along in trying to write I saw some cool hcs about his star clown days and so I thought to use the more canonized view- mostly in that he's a star clown during the events of HT instead of dropping the show life to join Blitz in I.M.P. That previous version is why you see him in the I.M.P references- and hinty hoo that ol version isnt completely null and voice to the current HT
ANYWAY so yeah- While Fizz isn't as much a main character as he was he still has a great deal of importance to the story and themes I want to express in HT. When it comes to him and the Troupe itself, I could best describe him as one of the biggest foils or parallels to the main cast. Just,, he's this golden image that represents their every want fulfilled. For Blitz especially given their thick history heehooo. (That's not to say this 'golden image' is entirely as it seems btw...)
Now it sounds much like canon I know but I like to think I'm taking a different direction with it- It's not really just the "haha you suck with relationships, fuck, shit, pénis im doing better look at my good relationship" nonsense cuz for 1. Fizzarozzie does nOT exist anymore- its Mamzie now 😊 (Mammon + Ozzie) and 2. The themes with Fizz and really most of HT has less to do with the melodramatic romance "will they wont they" of Stolitz (which isnt really a thing either) and more the struggle impoverished and oppressed peoples experience with success, failure, identity, community, family, status, history, trauma, etccc. Specifically, because I am an indigenous person from Canada, a lot of the themes are drawn from my own experiences, knowledge and history as an indigenous person. Though with execution, creative liberties were taken to make the fact they're in Hell clear btww-
That very likely did nOT answer jour question but i amn,,,stoopi 😭😭😭 simpler answer i suppose maybe by chance would be Fizz is an eventual antagonist to I.M.P. Specifics and how it happens and wheNNN?? Im still not sure yet if im honest- been really busy the last year or so and so Ive hadnt had any time or energy to work as much on writing all the things! ;u; thats probs disappointing to hear cuz plaNNing and all is important if you're gonna post story stuff at all,,, but !! I do hope to work more on the story this year so i can wrap up all these floating ideas into a Concrete line of stuff cuz truly all im missing is the middle pieces. Maybe an HT comic will be real this/or next year! 👀🏃
ANYHOOT ONTO STOLAS! i rambled a bit too much about Fizz cuz im still figuring him out- Stolas might be a bit shorter cuz his role is sweet and simplisticerr.
So, Stolas is an antagonist. He and Blitz still have an exchange sort of deal, but the deal is Blitz gets to keep the grimoire for I.M.P if he handles Stolas' "errands" and gives it back on the full moon with ofc none of the uh,,hawny stuff, obv. Blitz kinda keeps this deal under wraps from the rest of I.M.P because for him, it hurts his pride to admit he's in need of some big guy's help. And Stolas is somewhat aware of this. And so, Stolas is this looming, cruel threat that Blitz carries the burden of cuz he's stubborn as fuck whilst the rest of I.M.P remain ignorant.
Some bonus notes that dont really have to do with Stolas involvement with imp but jus how stuff ive changed with his canon influence the story diff than canon; so, Stella isnt a thing anymore. In general the Goetia work much differently- majority of the Goetia being the children of Ozzie instead of Paimon (who is Stolas' sibling now btw too) and the Goetia being thousands of years old instead of fucking 30- Also! While Via is existant she is but a baby instead of a moody teen,, ties heavily with Stolas' motives and how he operates as a character, royal, and Goetian and felt it would work better with how HT Stolas is as a character than it would otherwise.
Also no worries about the username! I dont like canon stolas much either lol,,;
I apologize if this didnt answer much 😭 feel free to let me know if you wanna hear about somn else gwahgh 🏃
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pathetic-gamer · 10 months
I just saw your reply! I totally agree that he's got such an interesting relationship with grief, home, and the rest of the Faerghus 4. In playing Silver Snow I'm so fascinated by the way some of Felix's lines post-time skip are Dimitri lines pre-timeskip. I think they're fascinating foils for each other: the former is obviously dark and edgy but has a stronger sense of purpose and light, while the other appears to be light and respectable but has darkness underneath. Thoughts?
I absolutely agree that they're foils. It's even more apparent if you recruit Felix in Crimson Flower and he gets the ~zero growth~ arc - he acknowledges it himself in some monastery dialog, which is cool. Also, speaking of switching lines, in Azure Moon they do have a nearly literal line reversal moment from pre- and post-ts.
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It's also interesting bc it's not just that they switch who is giving the advice, but also exactly what the advice is, though they're in agreement in both cases. "I don't want to fight a friend > You don't have a choice > true, but you can look away" vs "We may have to fight a friend > If we do, I'd like to look away > looking away won't change what you'll have done." So they remain in lockstep during that shift, despite their external states being so different.
idk, I've gone into the question of their coping mechanisms and dynamic before, here and here, so I won't add too much more now, it's just interesting how they handle the same core conflict and principles so differently.
Both are pretty forthcoming about their criticisms of the culture they come from, both are afraid of losing things they love to what they see as needless sacrifice, and of course, both have something of a death wish tied to crushing survivor's guilt. Felix outright pushes away other people who want to reach out to him, and Dimitri (perhaps inadvertently) rejects the attempts people make to connect with him and thus alienates them. I think both feel that their grief can't be reconciled with the values held by their friends, values which are deeply at-odds with their own experiences. And they're not wrong, really. There's a hell of a chasm in understanding between those two and everyone else, but while you would hope that gives them common ground, it obviously doesn’t. They just have very different notions of choice and guilt and blame, and they internalize different pieces of it, so they come out at odds with one another.
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violetlunette · 2 years
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I’ve been seeing these and decided what the hell? Keep in mind all of these are personal opinions and subjective to change.
Also, keep in mind that while I am in the process of re-reading the manga, I cannot recall every detail off the top of my head, I could be wrong at points. These are just brain dumps, so take everything with a grain of salt.
Also, no order for these.
Hizashi Yamada- I really love Hizashi and connect to him on quite a few levels. He’s a super loyal friend and is very intelligent. I like that he’s not all forgiving like the rest of the main cast and is the only one willing to bring up tough issues. I even like that he’s so passive, as it's unique inner conflict for male characters. (Shame we don’t get to see him overcome it, or how much it affects his life.) He’s not a pure ball of sunshine, but he’s a kind cloak of moonlight that I adore.
Aizawa Shouta- I don’t usually like broody boys, but I like quiet ones with an air of mystery and strength. I really like his protective nature as well as his dadzawa moments. He’s also a fun foil to the wild energy around him. It’s also really neat that despite having a cool quirk, Aizawa has to work to overcome his weaknesses by using a creative support item and just working hard.
Toshinori Yagi- Unlike Hizashi, All Might really is a sweet, pure, and genuine ball of sunlight. He is a giant teddy bear that I just want to hug and squeeze. And his scenes with Izuku are the best! I love what Hori did with his character. He’s strong, smart, and an all-around golden boy, but isn’t perfect and makes a lot of mistakes. However, instead of ignoring them he acknowledges his mistakes and uses them to grow and do better. I really love Hori is showing that while All Might can’t be a hero anymore, his life isn’t over and still has meaning.
Tsuyu Asui- My favorite Class 1-A girl. I like that she’s a sweet, friendly girl who is empathetic to those around her, but knows when to use her head. I like that she’s a lawful good character and is willing to call out even her friends for thinking they should break the law and place themselves in danger because of their personal feelings. That being said, she isn’t heartless, far from it. Among the cast, she seems to be the most empathetic right along with Todoroki. (She’s also the one I like the most with Dadzawa.)
Nemuri Kayama- A lot of people are turned off by her “ahem” personality but I don’t mind it. I like female characters who aren’t afraid of their sexual nature—as long as they don’t force it on others. I really like her character in Vigilantes where she’s a sweet woman who tries to help others and is a good friend to Aizawa. I do think she’s underused, however, especially since they decided to kill her off in the main story and try to play it for high drama.
Highly Like:
Izuku Midoriya- I love Izuku! He’s a sweet little angel who deserves better than he gets. The only reason he’s not higher is that he gets pushed to the background as the series goes on. Thus, we’re not allowed to see his internal conflict very often. Plus, the manga completely tossed out a core part of his character arc, which really hurt his development. Despite that, I do like Izuku a lot. I especially like his past with Bakagou. (Not in the way BakaDeku stans do.) I liked the fact he was bullied and hurt, but despite the world being against him, Izuku remained a sweet soul who did everything to protect others. Izuku’s past was a great setup for character development and an arc. Sadly, for whatever reason, we didn’t get to fully explore it.
Toru Hagakure- While I am very fond of Toru, it’s mostly the concept and potential of her character that I like more than anything she does as she’s very underused. That being said, the concept of her character is very appealing to me and I like what little we see of her. She’s a good fanfic character for me. (I want to write a story focusing on her but I have so many plot bunnies! >x<) I’m not too crazy about her ship with Ojiro though. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing bad about it and there are a lot of good things about it, but it gets zero emotions from me. Like, it’s there, but that’s it. I think it’s because even though they’re together they rarely interact. Sorry, this ship just isn't for me.
Knuckle Duster- It’s a shame he left so early as he was a very interesting character. His backstory was interesting and I like that despite not having a quirk or a license he became a hero just to save his daughter. And I like how he handled Stain.
Makoto Tsukauchi- A woman very good at managing things even in emergencies. I love how in control she usually is and how she reins Captain Sunshine in and helps him become a better hero. Plus, her relationship with her brother feels very real. They may be at odds but they still love and respect each other.
Fat Gum- He’s a funny character and I like his interactions with other characters. (Especially Tamaki and the Crab lady.) I really liked him in Vigilantes.
Queen Bee- The bee Quirk was very interesting and I love how it was utilized. It was an awesome concept for a villain and while the manga didn’t go as far as it could, the length it did go was interesting. The idea of using bees to make people lose control of their quirks was interesting. Tamao was—okay, but we don’t get to see her much as a person to judge. Queen Bee is a very scary villain.
Six- Honestly, I think Six would have been a better antagonist for Izuku (more on that—eventually). As is, Six is a cool villain with hella potential. True, he whines at times like Shiggy but he also does stuff and works for what he wants and doesn’t just demand everything. (True, he uses horrible tactics and throws massive tantrums when he fails, but still.) Plus, he just feels more natural and less forced in his actions.
Tenya Ida- I always have fun when I see him. He’s so straightforward, innocent, and hard-working. And I like that he tries to protect Izuku from Bakagou by placing himself between the two often. His serious nature is good for comedy as well. (I especially like him with Mei.) He just reminds me of a little brother who tries to help out by taking care of his family, despite being the youngest.
Ochako Uraraka- She’s cute and I like that she has a sweet connection with her family. Though I’ll admit I like her better before she tried apologizing to Tago in later chapters (I know, I know. Petty.). Like, baby; you did nothing wrong. All you told her was that if she hurt people, she had to be held accountable. And this was AFTER spending hours digging out injured people (and possibly dead bodies). I also love her costume design! I think it's adorable.
Mei Hatsume- Mei is a very fun girl and I love her energy and her passion as an inventor. There’s also something appealing about her ambition and manipulative nature. She wants to be a famed inventor and will use whatever tricks she has to and isn’t ashamed of it.
Inko Midoriya- I love that Inko isn’t a plucky anime girl, but a sweet, shy woman who is kind. And despite not being very strong emotionally or physically, she still called out All Might and U.A. as a whole for her son’s safety. I also like both her chubby and thin design. I think both are equally cute. However, her chubby design is unique as it’s cute, not played for jokes, and her assets aren’t exaggerated. She’s round like an egg and I like that. (She reminds me of a pangolin, though.)
Mirio Togata- He’s a mini-me done right. Unlike Shinsou who is basically diet Aizawa personality wise, Mirio may share traits with All Might, however, he is very much his own person. Mirio is a sweet senpai and I love how he can inspire others. And I’ll admit that his scenes with Eri are so sweet, I can actually stand seeing her when she’s with him. He is a good friend, a good hero, and a great big brother figure.
Tamaki Amajiki- Anxiety-filled, but I like his perception skills, his interactions with others, and how he still tries his best. He’s also just a sweet little elf.
Detective Tsukauchi- This is all thanks to his vigilante persona, otherwise he’d slip under the radar. He plays the everyday man very well.
Eijiro Kirishima- Eijiro is a sweet ball of sunshine and I like the idea of him turning Bakagou into decent person. (Shame he doesn’t do so, but that’s a topic for another day.) He a genuinely good guy who cares about others. What’s not to like?
Shoto Todoroki- I like his arc and his personality after Izuku helps him, but after that, he pretty much stays the same. However, I hate his hero costumes. He needs a better designer.
Momo Yoayorozu- I like that she’s an intelligent ingenue and they set up a decent arc with her, but it was barely focused on and solved too quickly. That being said she’s sweet and cute.
Neito Monoma- He’s fun and smart. I think he gets too much hatred. Usually, I hate arrogant characters but it works with him as he is always called out and his mean-spirited actions are not only not rewarded, but punished. It also helps that while he’s a bully to Class A, he’s sweet to his classmates. Plus his design is really cute.
All For One- So, he is between like and dislike. I like him because he’s the only one the manga isn’t going, “look I know he did bad things, but you have to understand; he was sad.” Plus, as a villain, he is actually kind of fun. Less so lately, but still. Anyway, I just love cunning villains with an elegant nature and a cocky attitude that makes their defeat all the sweeter. There’s also something else that draws me to him as a villain that I can’t quite identify. (I don’t like his “human” design, however. Dunno why just don’t.)
That being said, I don’t like him currently as he’s one of the reasons the manga is dragging on. Plus, I think that his plan with Shigaraki was overly complicated and kinda pointless. If he wanted to hurt All Might, he should have turned Nana into a Nomu and if he wanted a new body, the doctor could have crafted a specially made body. I dunno, I probably missing something. I know his interest in Shiggy seems to come from Shiggy’s hatred, but he cultivated that. And didn’t Shiggy forget his past before he got his muscle-up makeover? So he didn’t hate anything, he was just teenage angry. And why would AFO let Shiggy forget his past if that’s where most of his anger comes from? Okay, cards on the table I read the chapters focusing on Shiggy once, so I’m probably missing a hell of a lot.
The point being, I think AFO makes things more complicated than he needs to on himself. Still like him better than the rest of the villains.
Neural like:
Nezu- I like what we see and again, he has potential that was unexplored. (He was way too eager to crush his students though.)
Mineta Minoru- Like everyone I hate his perviness and the lack of punishment. (I feel that if you have to have an anime pervert their actions need to be extremely exaggerated and the reactions to those actions should be Tom and Jerry level violence.)
However, I like Mineta’s inner conflict and his personality can be entertaining—again, outside his pervy traits. Personally, I think he had potential to improve and that he’s over-hated.
Mt. Lady- I love her design and how unapologetic she is for fame and I like that she knows when to set her goals aside and help people.
Star and Stripes- We didn’t get to see a lot of her, but I like her concept and wouldn’t mind reading about her in a fanfic where she’s All Might’s adopted daughter and a big sister to Izuku.
Shinsou- Shinsou is a character that is right between irksome and dislike. His personality doesn’t appeal to me as he feels like diet Aizawa with Bakagou’s arrogance and Shoto’s monotone. Plus it REALLY annoys me that canon and fanon try to claim that he was discriminated against for having a villainous quirk, but we never see any proof of that, far from it. Everyone admires Shinsou and his quirk, the only one who gets worshiped more than him is Bakagou. He reminds me of Goob from “Meet the Robinsons.” This might be a result of his high insecurity and that he hates himself so much he can't tell how others really feel, but if that's the case it's not explored enough.
There’s also the fact that fans want to force him into everything with Aizawa and personally, I thought the relationship was okay at best. (This, of course, is petty of me and this is NOT me telling Shinsou fans they shouldn’t do this, it’s just something that annoys me personally.) For more info--search Shinsou critical on my page.
Twice- I feel bad for his past and how he dies, but other than that I do not care about him. And while I’ll probably get hate for this, Twice brought a lot of his troubles on himself. No, he didn’t deserve to be fired or to get a mark on his record, but he didn’t even try to get a job after he was fired. He just went straight to using his clones to commit criminal acts and then treated said clones like slaves till they rebelled. The latter I don’t blame him for as he had no idea each clone was sentient but I do blame him for the criminal acts he committed with his clones before that and all the acts he did with the LoV. Speaking of which, for someone who was supposed to be the heart of the villains but he has zero issues going to a camp to essentially murder children.
Eri- This is through no fault of her own, she just made of a bunch of tropes I hate personally, which summarized are; The overly tragic backstory, the power breaker powers, being forced into the story when there’s no need, no personality outside of being a sad woobie child / broken bird, and the Frozen effect. Again, none of this is her fault, it’s just a bunch of meta tropes I can’t stand and the only thing I like about her is that she has a cute design and her relationship with Mirio. For more information search Eri critical on my page.
Bakagou- If his writing was handled better I’d actually like Bakagou better, but as is it’s annoying how the manga treats him. He’s an arrogant brat who is never called out for being arrogant, just yells at everybody, and is stated to have the potential to be a hero when all he is is a good brawler and hurts more people than he helps. Plus, he tends to be forced into parts of the story where he’s not needed. And then there’s just the bullshit around him. I don’t care if you’re a Bakustan, you have to admit that the stuff in chapters 364-365 is insane even for a story about superheroes. (Search your feelings, you know this to be true!)
Dabi- I like his design and backstory, but other than that—we go up and down and around. I might feel better about him after I get some space, but for now, I just find him annoying.
Shigaraki- A boring villain with an annoying personality. Honestly, he should have just been the first boss, then tossed aside in my opinion. Plus, like Eri, he is made up of meta tropes I really, REALLY hate. And, YMMV, his whole involvement in the story feels forced at times. The whole reason he’s the main antagonist is that he’s the grandson of All Might’s mentor which give a (space balls ref) vibe, ya know? Plus, for a guy who a world who wants to do whatever he wants there’s nothing he really seems to want. He has no goals except the ones AFO gives him and no real desires. Tago wants to do whatever she wants as well, but we know what she wants; to be accepted for who she is and drink all the blood she wants regardless of the consent issue or whether she kills someone.
To be fair, I believe that’s the point of his character but still. That all his desires are AFO who is taking him over, but they did that plot better with Six. Again, I believe Six would have been a better villain for the main manga and Shiggy should have been in Vigilantes as ironically Shiggy is a better contrast to Koichi. (More on that eventually.) As is, Shiggy and I don’t click and I find his personality annoying as hell.
Himiko Tago- Again, I feel bad that she never got the quirk therapy she needed but that doesn’t change the fact she is a self-absorbed terrorist who knew her action was wrong but did them anyway. I could forgive the first time she killed as that was a moment of passion after years of suppressing herself, and maybe even the second time, but after thirteen kills, she knew exactly what her actions were doing. Plus, it annoys me that she states that draining people of their blood and becoming them is how she shows she cares. Okay, so then why does she change back? Is there a time limit on her quirk? Plus, she talks about the people she “loves” so I guess her love was flimsy.
But what really sealed the deal was that she was staring at the consequences of her actions, seeing a city destroyed, people injured and dying, and hell, she even lost her friend, and yet her main focus was on herself. Then when she went to Ochako she wanted the poor girl to feel bad for her despite the fact
a) Ochako had spent hours trying to save people who were hurt and dying
b) Togo just her how she used Ochako’s quirk to murder someone
And yet despite All that, Ochako wasn’t even trying to hurt her! She called Tago out for her deeds and told her she had to accept the consequences of what she did. How fucking dare she?
Overhaul- I’ll keep it short as I don’t want to talk about him. I hated what he did to Eri and wish she rewound him out of existence. The only thing I liked about him was that he managed to knock Shiggy down a peg (before he lost his arms to him). Then when he came back, he was just pathetic. All in all, I hate him. End of story.
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takerfoxx · 6 months
Okay, okay, trying to catch up on some shit. So, let's put the whole High School DXD thing to bed, because analyzing and critiquing ecchi harem schlock that swings way above its weight class is weirdly fascinating to me!
So. Season 4.
Right, let's just address the elephant in the room. The new studio, and with it, the new art style.
Not really a fan.
Like, I know what happened, I know why there was a switch, I know they're trying to emulate the art style of the light novels more closely. I just liked the older style better, especially when it comes to the facial expressions. It used to be so vivid and detailed. Like, one look and you'd be able to tell immediately what a character is about and what they're feeling. Now, everyone just looks kinda stone.
I will say this though. Like the style switch in Pokemon, what we lose in detail we gain in fluidity. Those fight scenes were sick, especially when they dispensed with the artillery and went for hand to hand. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Okay, art style's different, don't really care for it, but I can adjust. How's the season itself?
Again, mostly a mixed bag, which I suppose comes with each season adapting two books each. You just tend to like one kind of story over the other, and here, I definitely preferred one arc over the other.
Like, the whole hunt for Kunou's mom was...fine, I guess. Kunou's cute and I don't object to her, though the cast is getting really crowded. And I did genuinely enjoy just watching the gang get to go on vacation and have fun together.
What I didn't like was who was behind it. I'm sorry, but so far, the Khaos Brigade just isn't working for me, mainly because they keep throwing all these new names at us. Like, okay, I know Cao Cao and the rest of the Hero faction go and become their own thing later, cool, but for now, it's another gaggle of stuff that we've seen before.
And I really didn't like how this was supposedly the challenge that caused Issei to fall into despair and almost give up. Like, really? Issei? After everything else he's vanquished? This is his darkest hour?
I totally buy him needing tits to activate his hidden strength and get back into the game, though. And, okay, I've complained in the past about big, climatic battles being derailed by some cool new character just dropping into the middle of things and solving the problem. But this time I'll let it slide, because we get the OG Monkey King himself, and he's kind of awesome.
The Boob Dragon thing is pretty funny for its ridiculousness, though really? This is considered wholesome children's entertainment in the demon realm? Okay.
Kinda bummed how similar the demon realm and its inhabitants are to normal humans. Like, evil it up! You're demons! Where's your demonic class?
Okay, so the first arc was kind of eh, but the second might very well be one of my favorites so far. For one, the rating games are one of my favorite aspects of the series so far, because I love tournaments and we get to see the other characters shine a little.
Also, Sairaorg, man. What a fucking chad. Dude gets born without powers, is disinherited by his asshole father, almost loses his mom to illness, but reforms himself into a massive physical powerhouse through sheer will and training alone. Plus, he respects the hell out of Issei in a "Game recognize Game" sort of way and wants punch it out with him. Respect.
The rating game was awesome. Yes, there was a bunch of new names again, but it worked better this time and they were able to shine through action. And I laughed my ass off when Issei foiled his opponent's attempt to seduce him because he was so offended at the violation of the proper way to do a strip tease. Man really takes his ecchi seriously.
Issei and Sairaorg just punching the shit out of each other was so goddamned anime. They keep getting more and more power ups, keep giving these heroic speeches, and you kind of want them both to win. In the end, Sairaorg still fighting on despite having passed out long ago through sheer determination alone? Magnificent.
Okay, I'm going to say it. I like Sairaorg as a rival way more than Vali.
Oh, sweet! Ravel's here! I like her. And she and Koneko are immediately petty toward one another, as it should be.
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
So...after a VERY long week, I want to spill my salt somehow by ranking the TWST Books. Some things first...
I'll be using the MAL scale, so 1 means outright garbage, 5 means it's okay and 10 means awesome. I'm not gonna include Diasomnia because of spoilers. (I will say rn that it gets a 4/10).
I'm not considering issues with the game as a whole like Yuu being an inactive protagonist, just at the arcs themselves.
Keep in mind, this is all my personal opinion. If you disagree with any of my takes, great. I don't care. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.
Though, I might save that for another post. Let's get to it!
The Prologue: 5/10 Reason: There are some good bits here like the ominous opening with us waking up in the coffin, Yuu being proactive with the mine bit, and a good introduction to the main friend group. There are downsides as well. Parts of it could've been streamlined better. For example, I don't think including both the statue being burnt and the candelier falling is necessary. One of those should've been scrapped to make the pacing snappier. Hell, that's exactly what happens in the manga. Yuu should've had much more of a negative reaction to being isekaied. While I know they think it's a dream, but they're like, "I've been transported to another world where everyone I know and love don't exist? Cool." And to add insult to injury, they have a good sleep after the first night. Like, what? What kind of person would have that reaction? It's an okay start, but it could've been a lot better.
Heartslabyul: 6/10 Reason: The writing in this arc is pretty good. The stakes are reasonably high, you get introduced to great characters, Riddle is a great antagonist for this arc, Ace gets his moment in the sun and it does a good job at mixing in the movie/book while doing its own thing.
There are still some issues. Yuu isn't really proactive, and it's more Ace who drives the plot here. The pacing seems really off, since I don't think the whole "baking the tart" thing was necessary for reasons I'll mention in a bit. There are also plot holes like if Ace's older brother attended Night Raven and told him about sleeping spots, why the fuck is he so shocked about everything, including basic information like the dorm names? Shouldn't he know this shit by now? And why didn't he just straight up challenge Riddle to the position of dorm leader without putting up with the tart BS? It seems more in character for him.
Over all, an overall decent arc, but nothing to write home about.
Savanaclaw: 2.5/10 Reason: And then, things immediately tank. xD If you ask someone in the western TWST fandom what their least favourite arc is, they'll most likely name this one. There's a reason for that. It's total shit.
The Lion King elements feel shoehorned.
The mystery is extremely obvious. Despite Ruggie using his powers right in front of Yuu, no one expects a damn a thing.
Instead of being being cunning foes, Leona and Ruggie are turned to idiots, who telegraph their plans and boast about how evil they are like telenovela villains. This pisses me off, since in the rest of the game while Leona is very lazy, he's also cunning, smart and charismatic. He's like a chessmaster who knows what moves to make. I would've loved to see that Leona in this arc.
Right before Leona overblots, he uses his powers on Ruggie out of anger and almost turns him to dust. Despite this, they go back to normal like nothing happened. This pisses me off so much. First off all, why the hell did Leona do this to Ruggie in the first place? He did nothing wrong. If anything he should do this to Jack, who foiled his plans. Second, why the fuck isn't there any fallout after that? Ruggie was almost murdered! You would think that he would be pissed off at him for what he did, and Leona would have to make it up to him. I know if that were to happen to me I would be pissed off at the very least.
Leona doesn't have a lot of involvement with the story, despite being the main antagonist for that chapter.
Epel is on the magishift team, but his thoughts on this situation and the whole deal with Leona is never addressed.
Why the fuck didn't Ruggie overblot? The game gives the impression to me. He's the one who constantly uses his powers and has everything to lose, not Leona. Hell, making it so Ruggie overblot instead would be killing two birds with one stone, since it would fix that plot hole while also fixing the issue of Leona having no consequences for his actions and not feeling any regret.
Leona's motivation is hardly explored in this arc.
Like always, Yuu doesn't do a damn thing despite them being the protagonist.
Why is Leona's first plan the stampede? Wouldn't Malleus be able to teleport away?
Over all, a shit arc and wasted potential.
Octanivelle: 8/10 Reason: This is by far the most competently written out of all the TWST arcs. Azul is a cunning foe, Yuu is an actual proactive protagonist for once, and the plot is pretty solid. The only nitpicks I have with it is that the Savanaclaw characters should've been more involved in the plot, Azul being able to memorize all that info seemed like bullshit and there is a huge continuity error with the photo that makes Azul come off like a dumbass. (The game takes place in 2020, meaning that smartphones were popular at the time Azul's fat photo was taken. The fact that the photo could be floating around online never ONCE considered. I honestly chalk this up with Yana being an out of touch Gen Xer.) Other than that, solid writing and a great arc.
Scarabia: 7/10 Reason: This one is pretty solid too. Yuu is a proactive protagonist for once, most likely because they only could rely on Grim for half of it. xD The Octanivelle Trio are great. It does a great job at mixing in the Aladdin movies while doing its own thing. There are some issues holding it back like Kalim forgiving Jamil way too damn easily, Jamil being the colpurit being a bit to obvious (but it's more forgivable here since the investigation isn't the point of the arc like with Savanaclaw), the Octanivelle Trio stealing Jamil's thunder too much at times and the idea of them digging out of Scarabia makes no sense. (Seriously, even if that was possible, their room is on top of a tower, wouldn't they just fall and plumpt to their deaths?) Over all, pretty good arc.
Pomefiore: 6/10 Reason: Things go downhill from here. The first half before the training starts is pretty solid. But afterwards issues begin to arise...
The pacing feels extremely off. Sometimes it feels padded out while others it feels extremely rushed, especially after the first day until the day of the festival. I wish that certain parts were scrapped so the story could focus on more important things.
It didn't explore the aftermath of Jamil and Kalim's relationship nearly enough.
Epel does a complete 180 on his views on gender norms in one single afternoon. Sorry, but that's not how that works in real life. People are stubborn, and some never budge. If someone does change their mind about something, it would take months if not longer. He's been living with those stereotypes all his life, so he's even less likely to budge quickly. I think it'd make more sense for him to go "Oh, I see what you're saying, but…" then immediately accept it.
Others have mentioned this before, this arc has a problem of setting up certain characters to get their moment in the sun, but then give it to someone else. The biggest example is the arc setting up that Epel will have a climatic moment where he confronts Vil, but it's Deuce who does instead, despite the little set up. If she wanted Deuce to have the climatic moment, then there should've been more foreshadowing for it.
Vil and Neige's backstory seems like something Yana pulled straight out of her ass, because it makes zero sense. How the fuck is Neige able to live with a group of minors who have the mental capacity of kindergartners without being taken by CPS? Why the fuck didn't Vil know that Neige was poor already? He works with him constantly! (Honestly, I'm 99% sure she did pull it out of her ass. There was a huge incident before Ignihyde debuted in the JP fandom where the JP fans sent her and Rook VA death threats for the ending of Pomefiore. It seems like something she came up with on the spot to plaicate that complaint and make Neige look better, but it failed anyway.)
Vil's backstory made it come off as he had almost no problems.
Why aren't Vil and Neige stepbrothers? It would make their connection much simpler and align Vil up more with the Evil Queen.
Neige and Vil had no direct interaction before the climax.
NRC losing the competition is bullshit. NRC was the better performers while Neige's routine sucked.
The usual issue of Yuu not doing anything to advance the plot is also there.
Where the the fuck is Jack in all this? He and Vil are FRIENDS, so you would think that he would be concerned about Vil and want to stop him from overblotting.
The stuff before is solid, but the stuff after the training camp starts sucks. So it evens out to slightly above average.
Ignihyde: 3/10 Reason: Going against popular opinion, but...I think this one REALLY sucks and is almost on par with Savanaclaw. Because...
Everyone is a total dumbass
There's loads of worldbuilding that comes straight the fuck out of nowhere.
The ending of Jamil and Kalim's character arc infuriates me. Instead of setting Jamil's family free, they go back to the status quo and Jamil is supposed to be happy with it!? Bullshit! (Kalim should've set the Vipers free. Period. No ifs, ands or buts about it.)
Yuu and Idia hardly interact.
Yuu loses their home, and has no reaction to it.
The ending makes Vil look like a total dumbass for never considering just making an antidote to turn himself back to normal like how the Evil Queen would've done in the movie if she wasn't killed off and makes Malleus a Gary-Sue Deus ex Machina.
Leona's reading on Jamil is so inaccurate that it makes me genuinely wonder if Yana even understands her own characters.
Ortho has no personality outside of being a stereotypical child character and is more of a prop for Idia's character.
While I don't usually comment about the gaming mechanics, but the mini games in this one are frustrating as hell. I heard of people rage quiting with this arc, because they are that unfunctional.
Over all, an overrated arc and is total shit in my opinion.
Over all score so far (in my opinion): 62%, or just above average Thoughts: The game has a very strong premise and a mostly solid cast, but there are a lot of things that hold it back from being truly amazing. Certain arcs are better than others. Over all, it's just okay. For a mobile game, that's rather impressive. Twst is best as a jumping point for transformative work. The writing is decent, especially for a phone game, but if you take the premise, characters, setting and just run away with it, you could write something so much more detailed and fleshed out yourself. I think that's why I enjoy writing fics in this fandom so much. It's a fun sandbox to play in. I can use the game's elements to create something far better, fixing any writing issues in the process like the shitty worldbuilding and Yuu being passive protagonist.
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arvadthecursed · 5 months
Alright, I just finished the Trooper story, so here are my thoughts under the cut!
I think a lot of people went into Trooper having played Imperial Agent (the Imperial mirror class) and expecting it to be the exact same, when that just isn't the case. I was thinking about it, and the Agent is supposed to make you feel like Bond; I think the Trooper is meant to evoke feelings of being Arnold Schwarzenegger, a big, tough commando going in guns blazing.
That being said, while I did enjoy the story (mostly for the companions, except for Tanno), it definitely felt... a little half-baked. I've played Consular, Warrior, Inquisitor, and Agent all the way through, and out of those, Trooper has been the weakest, narratively speaking. (Though to be honest, I could argue that Inquisitor is also narratively weak, but it was more interesting to play.)
The first chapter is the best and most frustrating. Going after Havoc Squad was fun! But it was immensely frustrating that you couldn't save any of them, except Fuse if you choose to let Gorik escape -- which I'm guessing most people didn't choose. That gets no follow up on either end, from my understanding. I was annoyed you couldn't even talk to Wraith; you just had to kill her. Everyone else chooses the "oooh I'd rather die" route and you can't stop them.
The second chapter was alright; I liked the super weapon idea, because I think it really fits the Trooper's theme of a badass who runs right into danger. Yeah, you're doing the more secretive operations for the Republic; but you're also running in with a big gun and shooting everyone (I played a Commando).
The third chapter was where I took a long break from Petra, right after Voss. I did enjoy the story on Belsavis, despite it being one of the worst planets in the game, but Voss bored me to tears, and I had to take a break and go play something else. Corellia was actually pretty fun IMO. I enjoyed getting to break the Imperial lines and help the rest of the military get through, and the final fight leading up to Rakton was fun. Rakton himself was a yawn of a boss fight, and I disliked how he was handled in the end. Kill him? Dark side, and Petra isn't that jaded yet. Let him live but keep him as a prisoner? I chose this, because I figured Petra would see him as an asset, someone to get info out of. But when I did that... Saresh wants to just hand him right back over to the Empire??? And it's a dark side choice if you disagree with her?? What the hell??? I would've thought Saresh was gonna just have him killed. That would have been annoying, having spared him, but made more sense for her character.
The companions are really what had me coming back to Trooper. I absolutely love Aric, Elara, and Yuun. I polyship Petra with Aric and Elara. Aric is such a lovely slowburn romance; and Elara is a genuinely kind, loving person. Yuun is a fascinating addition and foil to the rest of the crew. I really liked how much personality he had. The same goes for Forex. While being a one-note character, I could forgive that, because he was written so entertainingly. It was hilarious going up to him, learning he was gonna go kill some Sith Lord, and just being like "cool, have fun, buddy." Tanno was the only one I actively disliked. He's just an edgy asshole, and not even in a fun way.
But! I think that out of all the stories I've played so far, the Trooper companions really feel like they're YOUR companions as a group rather than on a very individual basis. I love that you get a squad that feels like a real squad.
As for LS/DS, I did like how there were shades of nuance. DS actions could be wildly going off course and being a crazy muderman, sure. BUT it could also be blindly following your orders and killing innocent people. LS actions could be taking in prisoners of war, or they could be refusing Garza's orders and trying to mitigate the human cost. Some of them were pretty cookie cutter, but I really liked the little moments like that.
anyway, it was overall fun mostly for the companions and their stories. The story itself was kinda meh. But I put a lot of effort into Petra's character and history and I am proud of that. <3
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the squad!
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punz4lyfe · 1 year
Pokemon Journeys Episode 141 Review
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 141. Let’s review:
If I could summarize this episode as simple as I could, I would say that it’s a decent episode with some noticeable flaws.
While I enjoy the concept of Ash reuniting all four of his Kanto Starters, something that hasn’t happened since the Battle Frontier, it’s honestly pretty jarring that Ash only has two reserves with him this episode. Since this is the 5th episode of Ash’s final chapter and there are still plenty of reserves left even if we don’t count Ash’s Journeys mons, it’s pretty concerning in regards to the show’s endgame.
The whole plot of Squirtle’s frustrations towards his former companions honestly seems a bit forced. He became disappointed when he saw his friends leave the area without interacting with him after the show, but from where he was at on the stage, he, or at least one of his squad-mates, should’ve easily seen the gang walk to the queue for fan interaction. I mean, how can you miss the big ass orange dragon in a crowd mostly full of kids? And even then, Squirtle could’ve called out to his friends or the gang could be trying to wave goodbye as they left the performance area, and it just seems very out of character for both sides that none of that happened. Squirtle’s frustrations just seem more forced when he continues to be ticked at his friends when they meet him at the hotel. It really should’ve been a big indicator for him that they things weren’t they seem at the stage if Ash and his Pokemon were willing to bypass their current managers to see them. Yeah, Squirtle’s a stubborn Pokemon, but he has never been shown to be THIS stubborn, especially towards his friends. (it also would’ve been cute if Charizard and Bulbasaur wore Squirtle Squad merch as well)
He get a bit more out of character moments with Squirtle again when conflicts rise between him and Ash’s current Pokemon. For one, Squirtle wouldn’t get that angry at Charizard’s Flamethrowers because he knows himself that he does those out of affection now. Two, Charizard gets angry way too fast, even though both Best Wishes and Journeys have established how much more mature Charizard is nowadays. Three, while Bulbasaur has lost his cool several times, he wouldn’t be that quick to get angry at Squirtle as well after getting hit by one Water Gun. If anything, he would be asking his best friend questions on why he did that and why he’s so pissed right now. And four, you would think Squirtle would calm down faster when Ash enters the fray, especially when his and Bulbasaur and Charizard’s attacks end up hurting him and Pikachu. If written in-character, I can bet he would see something’s up if Ash came to the hotel to see him and calmed down from there.
And why the hell does Bulbsaur look like he was the most damaged out of everyone from Pikachu’s Thunderbolt when compared to literally everyone else, he would be the less affected considering he’s part grass? And how did Misty, Brock, and Team Rocket join the pileup afterwards when they were a bit further away from the conflict? It personally would’ve been funnier if the pileup was just Ash, his Pokemon, and MAYBE the rest of the Squirtle Squad as well.
Later on in the episode, there are a bit more writing inconsistencies like Pikachu suddenly not being angry at Squirtle himself despite getting pissed at him with Bulbasaur and Charizard later on. And both Bulbasaur and Charizard jus seem a bit too quick to give up their long friendship with Squirtle. I do, however, really liked Team Rocket’s plans getting foiled by the wind of all things and both Misty and Croagunk pulling Brock away from Officer Jenny.
For the Warehouse Fire Climax, I did like seeing Croagunk help Brock tell people to stay away from the fire, but one thing that especially bothered were Bulbasaur and Charizard preferring to stay back, just because of their feelings towards Squirtle. This is just SUPER out of character for them because they should know themselves how badly the fire could escalate and are mature enough to put aside their current feelings to help people out. Remember all those times these two have been mediators and teachers for other Pokemon? Also the bit of Charizard needing Bulbasaur and Squirtle’s help to rescure the three trapped Pokemon just seems kinda silly when you remember that the dude’s been dipped in lava before (something that seems to be a non-issue for his species if you’ve played Pokemon Snap), so he could’ve just easily flew to the roof himself and grabbed the Pokemon without the issue because I heavily doubt simple building flames are gonna hurt him. Though, Ash and Squirtle’s reconciliation was cute to see despite how forced their conflict was and it was very enjoyable to see Ash get some recognition as Champion from both kids and adults at the very end of the episode. And Charizard in particular made some really hilarious faces throughout the whole episode, which were all a joy to see.
Overall, I’d give this episode a 7/10. It’s enjoyable, but the flaws are just too noticeable. Please give us more reserves next episode...
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fuck it. i decided to do the rest of the p4 cast (besides marie bc haven't played her dungeon yet) bc i wanted to
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i love him so so so so so much. way more than i thought i would. i am somehow kinnie. he was my pfp on discord for months. i can't wait to watch the anime solely for him.
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yukiko is best girl but her rank 9/10 is fake and doesn't exist in my universe.
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kanji my beloved. has never done anything wrong in his life. gay as hell and we love him for it.
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chie is cool and also yukiko's gf :)
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naoto is best boygirl. i fucking adore them with my whole being. i need them to interact with akechi so bad. also double bingo.
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i feel like my opinion on teddie is how a lot of people feel about morgana. sometimes he's a sweetie and sometimes he just really gets on my nerves. i do not like his english voice actor and for the love of god he needs to stop relentlessly hitting on every feminine person he sees.
also teddie is genderfluid. i will not be taking constructive criticism at this time.
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i like her in theory. genuinely can't tell if my indifference/annoyance with her is bc her writing is sexist or if i've just got internalized misogyny. it's probably some combination of both.
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*incoherent sobbing as i gesture in her direction muttering about how much i love her and want to adopt her as my little sister*
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i was spoiled for him and i'm upset about it. his thematic position in the game lives rent free in my mind. but honestly as a narrative foil i prefer how akechi functions. but that's a whole other meta.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Sugary Sweet Apologies
Summary: You and Reid never really got along but when he saves your life, you decide to be the bigger person and thank him and hopefully start over. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: light to mild angst with fluffy ending, swearing, spencer reid being an annoying bitch, brief mentions of case stuff (if you watch cm, you should be fine)
A/N: this is for @willowrose99 ‘s 1 year anniversary on tumblr writing challenge!! congrats! i literally wrote and edited this whole thing in less than one day because i got so excited, anyways i hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1.8k
“Reid and Y/L/N, go to David Whitney’s house. He was the therapist of two of the three victims. He could have some insight into the victimology and know of any overlap between them. He has no criminal record of past aggressive behavior but we can’t rule him out as a suspect entirely,” Hotch stated.
“Hotch, you stuck me with her yesterday for the geographical profiling. Send Prentiss with her instead,” Spencer whined.
“I don’t mind going with Y/L/N. She is a great partner in the field,” Emily glared at Spencer.
“No. Reid, go with Y/L/N or be taken off this case. I’m a unit chief, not an elementary school teacher. I don’t have time for temper tantrums,” Hotch chided.
“Fine,” Spencer grumbled as you grabbed the keys to an SUV.
You don’t know what it was but ever since you started at the BAU four months ago, Spencer had never liked you which resulted in you disliking him as well. Everyone else on the team was super friendly and welcoming but Reid always was jabbing snarky remarks your way like “I don’t have time to explain it to you” or “This was in the FBI handbook. God, you need more training.”
Luckily, the others were quick to defend you. Once Garcia even heard him snip at you over the phone and as soon as you all got off the elevator after the case, Reid was being dragged by his ear into Garcia’s lair with him going “ow ow ow” behind her. So, you didn’t really pay much mind to him because you could deal with one annoying know-it-all to have such an amazing job with great coworkers minus the one.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either,” you said as you climbed into the driver’s side of the SUV, “But at least I’m not being a whiny bitch about it and being rude to the other person’s face.”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry that I hurt your feelings,” Spencer mocked.
“Fuck you, Reid,” you shook your head.
David Whitney was on edge the second you arrived and showed him your badges. He was bouncing his leg up and down, he couldn’t sit still, and he kept avoiding eye contact.
He knew way too much about the other victim that wasn’t even one of his clients but you didn’t have anything solid on him. His house seemed very neat so you doubted he kept anything incriminating here. Organized offenders usually have a secondary location. So, you decided to push his buttons a little.
“I mean blitz attacks, leaving the bodies on the side of dirt roads,” you combed through the crime scene photos, “This guy was a real coward.”
Spencer picked up on what you were trying to do and his eyes widened, he was subtly shaking his head and mouthing “no”.
“Excuse me?” David asked.
“Well, I’m just saying a real man wouldn’t cower in the bushes and blindside a woman. He must not be very strong,” you stated, “He probably can’t even get it up.”
Before you even had time to react, David pulled out a switchblade knife from inside the couch cushions and put you in a chokehold, pressing the cool metal up to your throat. You closed your eyes tightly.
“David, you don’t have to do this,” Spencer stood with his gun pointed at you both.
“This bitch insulted me,” he snarled.
“She insults me too. That doesn’t make you any less of a man,” Spencer spoke carefully, “Just put the knife down and I’ll escort you out.”
David sighed, dropping the knife to the floor and releasing you.
Spencer put David in handcuffs and walked him outside as reinforcements came running in.
“Are you okay, Y/L/N?” Hotch asked.
“Yep, a little shaken up but fine. Thank you,” you stood.
“Let’s get you to the medics,” Morgan grabbed your arm to support you as you walked over to the ambulance.
Spencer never checked on you.
You knew your decision in the field was a little rash and you wanted to thank Spencer for essentially saving your life.
However, there was no way in hell you could verbally get out an apology while staring at his smug face, but you could bake. You settled on a note tucked inside a tupperware container of your Grandma’s special recipe of chocolate chip cookies. It was a good peace offering, maybe even a chance to start fresh.
During your lunch break, you took the tupperware from your desk drawer and approached the break room where Reid had entered about 5 minutes ago.
“I’m just saying I could not have been more clear in my message to her that it was too dangerous but of course, Y/L/N didn’t listen cause Y/L/N is going to do whatever she feels like,” Spencer stirred his coffee.
No one had noticed you standing in the doorway yet.
“Reid, you’ve got to be nicer to her. She earned her spot here just like the rest of us,” Emily defended you.
“Did she though? How much do we really know about her? She couldn’t even tell me how many pages the FBI protocol manual was,” Spencer said.
“That’s not a normal thing people know,” Morgan retorted.
“Well, I’m just saying the team was perfectly fine before her and it would probably be better off if she left,” Reid finished.
Garcia looked up from her yogurt to see you standing there, “Oh, Y/N”.
Spencer turned around in his chair as you angrily stormed up to him.
“Here’s your cookies, asshole,” you seethed, grabbing the note from inside and crumpling it up into a little ball and tossing it into the trash.
“Y/N!” Emily called after you but you were already gone.
The whole team glared at Spencer and picked up their lunches, leaving him alone at the table.
Spencer retrieved the balled up paper from the trash, having to fish through Rossi’s week old pasta and Anderson’s half eaten tuna fish sandwich.
Dear Reid,
Thank you for saving my life, I guess. These are my Grandma’s secret recipe for chocolate chip cookies so I hope you enjoy. I think we got off on the wrong foot and I would like to start over. I think cases would be a lot less miserable for everyone if we got along.
Thanks again,
Spencer, you’re such an idiot, he thought to himself.
You never came back after your lunch break ended and Derek made Spencer go tell Hotch why it’s his fault you were missing the rest of the day.
He tried to call you multiple times but they always rang out before going to voicemail.
Spencer hesitantly knocked on Penelope’s door at the end of the day.
“Is she okay?” he asked softly.
“You don’t get to ask that as the person who hurt her in the first place. Also, she told me to tell you that don’t you dare go to her apartment to ‘check on her’. I’m headed over there myself actually,” Penelope collected her things and shut off her monitors.
“Will you at least tell her I’m really sorry?” Spencer followed her to the elevator.
“Absolutely not. I’m not doing any apologizing on your behalf,” Penelope huffed as the elevators shut.
You came in the next morning, keeping your head down. You grabbed a pen from your cup holder and the first folder on your stack before getting to work.
You were on the second page of the file when your clean, empty tupperware was placed in front of you plus another baking dish with aluminum foil over the top.
You glanced up to see Spencer guiltily looking down at you and you returned your eyes back to the file.
“I-I made you cinnamon rolls,” Spencer broke the silence.
“Are they poisoned?” you asked, not sparing him another glance.
“No, they’re not poisoned,” he assured you.
“I’m just saying how can I trust you as you have made it very apparent you would like me off this team.”
“I didn’t mean that,” Spencer was quick to reply.
“Then why the hell did you say it, Reid?” you slammed your pen down.
You grabbed your empty coffee mug and briskly walked to the break room but unfortunately, Spencer was right behind you.
“I didn’t eat any of your cookies by the way. Not that I didn’t want to but I felt like I didn’t deserve them so I handed them out to everyone else.”
“Oh how kind, taking credit for my work,” you tried to close the door in his face.
“I told them that they were from you,” Spencer insisted.
You rolled your eyes as Spencer grabbed the coffee pot before you could get to it, pouring your mug of coffee for you.
“What do you want from me, Reid?” you asked defeatedly.
“I want you to try a cinnamon roll and let me explain.”
“Fine but only because I didn’t have breakfast yet and I want to critique your baking skills,” you huffed, walking back to your desk.
Spencer gingerly placed one of the sticky frosting-coated rolls on a napkin and pushed it towards you. You tentatively bit into it. Damn it, it was actually delicious.
“It’s okay,” you understated.
You knew Spencer hardly ever used his kitchen let alone be up baking all night. He even chose a recipe that required more time and effort because the yeast dough would have to rise for a few hours.
“That’s good. The first batch didn’t come out as great...or the second,” he smiled softly.
“Well, the floor is all yours, Reid. Please explain to me why you talk shit about me to my co-workers when I’m in the other room,” you leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.
Spencer muttered something incoherent.
“I have to hear the apology, you know,” you said, enjoying watching him uncomfortable.
“You’re intimidating to me because you’re intelligent, beautiful, and courageous. I think I was a little jealous that my spotlight as the ‘kid’ of the BAU was coming to an end so I said some harsh, completely untrue things and I’m sincerely sorry.”
“Oh my god,” you smirked, “Hotch was right, you are an elementary school kid.”
“In what way?” he curiously asked.
“You like me like like like me. You don’t know how to talk to the girl so you pull her pigtails on the playground,” you giggled.
“I take it back. You’re a horrible profiler,” Spencer was getting up from his seat, completely flustered.
“Awww,” you were laughing at Spencer’s bright red face as he went to go to the break room to fill his coffee mug.
When he got back to his desk, a sticky note was placed front and center.
In typical elementary school fashion…
Will you go get coffee with me?
Spencer smiled before picking up his pen and checking one of the boxes, crumpling the sticky note up into a ball and throwing it over to your desk.
“Good choice. See you Saturday at 9 at the cafe down the street,” you grinned.
“It’s a date,” he smiled.
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tomcats-fandom-blog · 3 years
“So let’s circle back to my old favourite punching bag: Age Of Ultron. Specifically the bit where Quicksilver dies. See, Age Of Ultron spends basically the whole movie trying to convince us that Hawkeye's going to die. He gets injured early on, sarcastically announces that he's going to live forever, and we learn he's got a secret family with a loving pregnant wife and two adorable kids and he stares at a picture of them before heading into the final battle. Then, when he runs into danger to rescue a kid and gets attacked by a gunship, Quicksilver zips in behind a car, gets riddled with bullets, says "you didn't see that coming,” and dies.
Couple of problems, and by a couple I mean... WOW.
So, category one, "the twist makes no sense." The movie shows us that Quicksilver is fast as Hell. I have NO trouble believing he could get Hawkeye to safety. But I do have trouble believing he couldn't ALSO get himself to safety. Like, did he... Carry Hawkeye most of the way to the car and then push him while he was still in the open? That seems kind of unsafe at those speeds. It makes more sense that he carried him behind the car, but then why was Quicksilver still out in the open to get shot? The movie doesn't convince me that Quicksilver had to die, and in fact gives me reason to believe he's absolutely fast enough to NOT die in this specific situation. We've seen what bullets look like to him! And it's pretty embarrassing for him to go out like a punk when barely a year earlier Days Of Future Past showcased exactly what a speedster like Quicksilver was capable of. Not a great look.
Category two, "the twist isn't as clever as it thinks it is." When your plot twist looks directly into the camera and cheekily says "you didn't say that coming,” please just... Stop. And maybe fire your writers. More importantly, I did see it coming and so did a lot of people. See, when you give us a lot of really obvious death flags on an important character but then introduce a bunch of disposable new characters, it's not hard to assume that you're faking us out. Vision and Wanda are famous for their relationship in the comics so they were both out of the death running, which just leaves us with Quicksilver, who's arcs are mostly centred in things like Magneto and the X-Men, AKA stuff Marvel doesn't have the rights to. Yeah, it wasn't hard to see that one coming.
Category three, "the twist is less interesting than not having the twist." I want you to picture for a moment, a world where Quicksilver existed for the events of Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame. He'd already started outgrowing his angry, jaded personality and had begun recognising the Avengers as heroes, seeing them do their absolute damndest to save Sokovia from a problem he indirectly helped cause. He started off hating Tony but changed his mind to side with him instead, recognising that all Tony wanted to do was fix the problems he caused. So, if Quicksilver survives Age Of Ultron he becomes an Avenger, most likely as fiercely loyal to them as he was to Ultron, just in time for them to tear themselves apart in Civil War. Say he sides with Tony, seeing the accords as just another step in Tony's journey away from being a weapons dealer he hated. It puts him in opposition with his sister, the first time they've really fought, and would be cool to see them fight! Even if it... Probably wouldn't last very long.
Say he survives the snap in Infinity War, the first time he's separated from his sister. The way they played out Endgame, during those five years there were almost no active supers on the planet. Thor was getting drunk and Hulk was getting therapy, but I don't see Quicksilver taking armageddon lying down. He could be doing his damnedest to keep the peace Flash-style, maybe even clashing with Hawkeye's one man vigilante crusade, a narrative foil situation, each of them responding to the loss of their family in very different ways. Maybe he's doing for Earth what Captain Marvel is doing for the rest of the galaxy, desperately running around keeping things working while the rest of the team searches for a real solution because he's the only one with the powers to do it. Then Wanda comes back after the snap and suddenly there's a five year age difference between these twins. Wanda's still mourning Vision, Pietro's just happy she's alive, and- My God! The emotional baggage they could unpack there. There is SO much potential here, but Age Of Ultron wanted a death and Pietro was available so... Sucks to be him. Bad twist.
Category four, "the twist has no meaningful impact." You guys notice nobody liked Quicksilver? Literally nobody but Wanda. And his death just made her kill Ultron-bots slightly faster than she already was. Quicksilver dies, Hawkeye lives, the cast expands by two instead of three, nobody mourns, nobody gets a funeral, nobody cares. Hawkeye grimaces sadly for a couple of minutes and then everyone puts on their Dark Serious Pants for Civil War. (And I'm pretty sure they don't even mention him in Civil War.)”
-Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions on “Why The Quicksilver Twist In AOU Is Poorly Written.” (Trope Talk: Plot Twists)
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