#he/she/they. non-binary. bisexual. jinx.
saint-saturniidae · 5 months
listen to me. jinx. is a boy. she's a girly little boy. but she's non-binary. okay listen.
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
What your favorite The Owl House ship says about you. (inspired by EldenaDoubleca5t)
(the following does not imply that the author ships everything mentioned here. Please keep that in mind and take your complaints elsewhere. Thank you and good night.)
Lumity: You think that for every tough, mean character, there must always be a beautiful, wholesome ray of sunshine for them to turn into a blushing mess for.
Huntlow: Same as Lumity, but you are heterosexual and you want good things for Hunter. And really, who wouldn't?
Raeda: You are four things. You're just here for some non-binary representation, you love seeing middle-aged people acting adorable, you simp for Eda, and you want good things for Eda & Raine. And really, who wouldn't?
Vinira/Jerdric: You're always a sucker for characters who deserve more screentime.
Boschlow: You ship Bakugo with Midoriya, only you preferred Bakugo when he told Izuku to go kill himself.
Aladarius: You want to fuck both dads and father figures.
Odalador: You're willing to look past Odalia being a horrible person because she has big hips, and you're just here for some MEN GETTING PEGGED!
Lunter: Your ideal relationship dynamic is enemies to lovers.
Amiter: You don't care about Amity canonically being a lesbian. You are a Zutara fan till you draw your dying breath.
Gustholomule: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just guys beings dudes. Bros being friends.
Camileda: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of Luz basically having two moms.
Lumiter: You can't decide between Lumity and Lunter, but then you realized that Luz is bisexual.
Amillow: Your ideal relationship dynamic is friends to enemies to friends again to lovers.
Veesha: You’re always a sucker for characters who shared a few scenes together yet seem ripe for loads of fanart and fanfiction.
Hootlith: Your ideal date is wacky hi-jinx in which hilarity ensues.
Brischa: You took one look at these two mean girls and thought they’d be perfect for each other.
Belos x Anyone: ...............Don’t.
Standa: You've been excited for The Owl House since the SDCC teasers and took the implications that Stan and Eda were married in Vegas for a bit as cold, hard fact.
Lilithford: You ship Stan with Eda and didn't want Lilith & Ford to be left out.
Luzanne: You are also a fan of Amphibia.
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scaryladyswife · 1 year
🖤 Ran Headcanons 🖤
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| Some of my SFW headcanons for a character with zero lines and only a minute of screen time but I love them and we’re married. @sevikitty has very similar headcanons to mine so I’d definitely check out their list of Ran Headcanons.
If you don’t agree with my headcanons its obviously okay and I actually encourage you to tell me your headcanons. (Be respectful of course) |
• Ran is in their mid 20s, maybe early 30s by the end of season 1.
• Non-binary, on the asexual spectrum (because I am and they give me the vibe), and bisexual. (I believe that they canonically use she/they pronouns.)
• Very quiet person. In a group setting, she doesn’t contribute to conversation unless asked for her opinion or feels like she has something important to say.
• The type of person to say something sarcastic or blunt and accidentally make people laugh.
• Ran’s an observer. Loves to just sit at The Last Drop and just people watch with Oba. Always notices small things when they step into a room. Has probably stopped Sevika and Dustin from walking into Jinx’s boobytraps before.
• Has at least 3 pet rats that her and Dustin named and take care of.
• Dustin is their best friend. They’ve been best friends since they were kids.
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• Oba (the person in the picture above. Name not confirmed) and them met when they were a little older. The three of them are a trio, always together.
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• Ran seems to hang out with this one patron with tattoos. They’re the same person they arm wrestled and the same person they play pool with before Vi and Sevika’s final fight. He seems way older so I’m saying he’s either their dad or they just have a casual, competitive friendship.
• Piggybacking off of that, Ran is very competitive and kind of a sore loser. Won’t make a huge scene or anything since they’re pretty reserved but will huff, walk away, and hold a small grudge for a bit.
• Will give people the silent treatment but unless that person really knows them, they might not even notice since Ran is usually quiet.
• I think we’ve established that Ran is very quiet but I also think their kind of a go-with-the-flow kind of person. People come up to them and ask if they wanna arm wrestle or play cards, they don’t usually initiate it unless they lost a game to someone and they want a rematch. Dustin usually has these stupid schemes that Ran just kind goes along with just to see how it turns out, not because they believe in the idea. They’re just the kind of person to just sort of shrug and go ‘okay’ with things.
• Not a dancer. Probably will dance with Dustin and Oba if it’s just them, but won’t dance at a party. Even when they do dance, they just sort of sway and bob their head.
• If a song they like comes on at the bar, they’ll tap/drum their fingers along to it without even realizing it. Dustin calls them out on it sometimes and they get embarrassed.
• I’m not sure how they lost their hand but I don’t think they lost it in the explosion Powder caused. Might have lost it in a fight. Maybe a sword fight.
• In the scene after Vi knocks down the neon sign and Silco is beating the shit out of Dustin, we see Ran running away in the background. I saw one person theorize that Ran was running after Vi and Caitlyn but I personally think Ran just didn’t want to be on the other end of Silco’s anger like Dustin. Silco has probably has taken his frustration out on them before in the past. Ran knows they can’t stop Silco from beating Dustin so they probably think it’s best if they just keep their distance for now until they can grab Dustin later when Silco walks away.
• Ran, Dustin, Oba, and (sometimes) Sevika will patch each other up after fights. It’s kind of the only time they can all let their guard down a bit since they trust each other. They’re a strange little family and they really care about each other but they won’t admit it out loud (especially not Sevika). But they don’t have to, they know.
• Vi and Ran use to be somewhat friends. Ran being older (maybe 4-6 years older). Vi looked up to Ran and had a small ‘kid crushing on their babysitter’ crush on them. And Ran thought Vi was a good kid and taught her some stuff about fighting and how to jump between buildings.
• Ran has a tongue piercing.
• Ran, Dustin, and Oba do each others makeup and nails 100%.
• I think enforcers either arrested or killed one of Ran’s parents when she was around 13 and the other parent fell into a depressive state so Ran had to take care of them and herself. If the man with the tattoos is their father, then they seem to have a good relationship now.
• Is an only child but will say Dustin is their brother if anyone asked.
| I’ll probably add to this list in the future cause I’m always think about Ran and making headcanons for her cause I’m obsessed.
Again, if you have any headcanons about them, I’d love to hear them. |
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fierrochaseist4t · 2 years
ekko and jinx? you mean the bisexual non-binary they/he/she icons who we all love?
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arrowjaeger · 2 years
Arcane Gender & Sexuality Headcanons
because i felt like making this- leave me alone-
warnings: none- but if you are lgbtq+ phobic you shouldn’t be here and, in fact, you shouldn’t have watched arcane-
Jinx is a raging bisexual
realized it pretty early on
“eh.. boys are nice. BUT HAVE YOU SEEN GIRLS?!”
doesn’t really have a preference but-
outed herself by agreeing with Ekko
“Wow- did you see that girl that just walked by? she was really pretty…” “oh of course i saw her! her ass looked really nice..”
theeeen she realized what she just said and they both stared at each other till Ekko just nodded and smiled. (spoiler but he’s pan so they definitely bonded over looking at attractive people)
Jinx uses she/they pronouns
that or she would say “i don’t use pronouns” THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN-
they identify as female and has no issues with people referring to her as a girl
she just thinks they/them pronouns are neat :)
she probably would use neo pronouns but Ekko told her bomb/grenade pronouns miiiight get her kicked out of several social settings..
“that only encourages me, Little Man”
Jinx would definitely be supportive of anyone who comes out to them
unless ofc you are Vi or Caitlyn
Ekko is pansexual
literally everyone is so hot help-
he came to this conclusion as soon as he formed the Firelights
before that, he didn’t understand why he thought everyone was so cool
probably came out to Scar first
probably in a similar why Powder outed themself
he uses he/they pronouns and is trans ftm
he realized he was not in the right body very quickly- started transitioning as soon as they could
it helped that Powder and Vi were so supportive right from the beginning
ofc he doesn’t tell anyone that he uses he/they pronouns because he’s too paranoid of people making fun of them for it-
remnants of being made fun of for being trans still linger-
they pass really well so he comes out to AS FEW people as possible
being in the Firelights means that you’d be around a lot of different kinds of people. being the leader of the Firelights means a lot of kids look up to you
and because of that he’s never been anything but supportive about anything anyone has ever told him
if you came out to him he’d probably give you a hug and offer to paint a mural of your flag above your bed
also might offer tips on binding and/or packing
would definitely ask to switch genitals with trans women
Vi is a lesbian
NEVER been interested in men literally EVER-
came out of the womb making grossed out faces at them
probably refers to herself as all of the lesbian slurs
listens to girl in red unironicly
top energy
is actually a bottom
she’s questioning her gender identity BIG TIME-
the more she thinks about it the more confusing it gets
she thinks she might be non binary but isn’t quite sure yet
if you asked for her pronouns she’d say “she/her?”
definitely as a question-
if you came out to her she’d wonder why you seemed so scared. shed offer to punch anyone who reacted badly to finding out about your gender/sexuality
Caitlyn is questioning
she knows she likes girls especially Vi
she doesn’t really know why she should think about it any more than that since she is in a serious relationship with a girl
girls? pretty.
boys? they’re ok… ig
if you asked her, she’d say lesbian BUT NOT CONFIDENTLY-
she uses she/her pronouns and is totally comfortable in her gender assigned at birth
if you came out to her she’d most definitely congratulate you on figuring that whole sexuality thing out because she is hardcore STRUGGLING-
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Day 30: Pride
"So who all are going tomorrow?" Harry asks his usual friend group. Everyone responds with a yes and how is that possible?
"Uhm, I'm sorry did I miss something?" He asks incredulously.
"Maybe our coming outs," Pansy comments from beside Blaise and he looks at Draco for confirmation and he shrugs.
"Maybe we all can come out to each other? I don't think we ever did that properly." Neville suggests and everyone agrees and so it begins.
"I'll start then?" Pansy suggests and before anyone can respond she is talking again, "I'm a raging lesbian, if there was ever doubt to my homosexuality then I would like to apologise." She smirks at them and all of them laugh loudly at that.
Blaise goes next, "Pansexual!" he declares proudly.
"You mean anyone who even shows a slight interest?" Draco quips and gets swatted on his head for that.
"As if, darling. It's the other way round, everyone falls over their feet for me." Blaise preens and Pansy shuts them both with two mild stinging hexes.
"Okay me now!" Draco squeals and Harry shakes his head fondly, "I'm bi. And ready to die." Draco smiles cheekily at his own joke and Harry shakes his head. What did he do to get this bloke in his life?
"Oh, I always thought you're gay." Ginny comments and many of them nod agreeingly.
"Nah, bi." Draco waves them off and it's Harry's turn.
"Well I'm gay." Harry rubs his neck as he looks around.
"Was I really the only one to think that Harry was bi and Draco was the gay one?" Theo asks and by the looks of most of his friends, no most of them thought the same thing. Well, it's not like he ever came out properly or anything. He just started dating Draco and let people assume whatever they wanted to. Maybe it was a bad decision to not include their friends. Maybe.
"Girls nah!" Harry exclaims and Ginny frowns and exclaims, "Hey!"
"Gin, as much as I love you. You are a lesbian yourself and in love with a mysterious blonde. Much like me, so shut it." Harry says goodheartedly and Ginny makes a face at him but shuts up.
"Well, you all know I'm Trans and probably a demisexual. Not really sure about that," Neville says next and then adds as an afterthought, "I like boys though."
"Really, darling? No one would have guessed via how you are in a relationship with a bloke, now would they?" Theo quips and the rest of them chuckle.
"Well I'm gay through and through," Theo says next and kisses Neville on the lips as if to show that.
"Agender and asexual." Luna declares next and this is someone all of them knew since Luna was the only one to officially come out to everyone of them.
"And mine." Ginny says possesively beside her and kisses her cheek. "I'm lesbian, as my dear ex just pointed out not five minutes ago." She smirks at him and he flips her two fingers.
"Gay." Seamus and Dean say one after the other. It's not like they ever looked at anyone else since Dean and Ginny's breakup. He still wants to know the actual story behind that one.
"Well, so," Ron starts and everyone looks at him in unison, he looks a bit red but that can he the light as well. "I uh recently discovered that I am bisexual." And everyone looks shocked. Harry is pretty sure he is staring with his mouth open, but he can't make himself look away.
When was his bestfriend going to tell him this? He sorta feels betrayed but how-
"I came out to Hermione a few months ago and well that's it I guess." Ron states, and Harry thinks he is missing a vital part somehow.
"So who was it?" It's Pansy who breaks the silence.
"Yeah that's right, Ron. Who was the bloke or non binary person who finally made opened your eyes towards the other genders." Blaise inquires as well.
Ron is now red in embarrassment so it's Hermione who answers, "Well, love can I then? Since you don't seem like you can talk in the next hour?" Ron nods his head resigned and Hermione smiles her cat-ate-the-canary smile. Oh this is going to be good.
"Well, it's the same person who might have instigated it years ago but Ron had been quite oblivious that time. Much like you and Cedric, Harry." Something in her voice tells Harry that she is giving a clue, to maybe Harry exclusively because the others still look clueless as ever.
And then clicks and holy shit-
"Victor Fucking Krum!" Harry says out loud and it makes sense with all the obsession and everything that he say in his fourth year.
"That's right! Ron saw Krum a few months back, he was in Berlin for the new shop there and he came across there and I got a floocall taht very evening, he came through and told me through his haze." Hermione smiles at her husband and messes his hair slightly, "Just imagine my shock-"
"You thought it was Krum he was jealous of at the Ball but it turned out to be You!" Harry joins in and both of them stare at each other before bursting out loud at the situation.
"Alright, both of you. Stop laughing at my expense. I know the irony of the situation." Ron says at last.
"But Weasley, just think about it! We might have had Krum with us tonight as your partner and not Granger." Draco says and scrunches his nose in mock disgust and the couple sends a stinging hex each and Draco yelps.
"Harry, baby! Your friends are abusing me!" he whines and Harry tuts mockingly which gets him a glare.
"Aww, sweetheart. Maybe don't mess with these two then. One of the most successful business man who is so accomplished in hexes and jinxes and our Minister of Magic. Deadly couple these both."
"Oh come off it, as if you both aren't deadly as well. Head of DMLE and Head of Unspeakables. I think that makes you both more dangerous." Hermione replies and he shrugs in response.
"Yes, yes. All of you are bigshots and we are grateful for so much security among us. Can we proceed then?" Pansy asks and Harry blushes slightly at the implications.
Just Hermione is left.
"Well, I'm just going as an ally. Mostly for Ron but all of you are going to be there anyways so I took a day off." Hermione says and wow, Hermione and off days. That's almost unheard of.
"Wait, so almost all the heads of the Ministry are not going to be there tomorrow?" Blaise asks and six of them turn to glare at him but it's Harry who replies.
"Don't worry, Blaise. Our best officials will be handling everything in our stead. And it's not our fault that all of our friends have such a good role in the Ministry and outside as well." Harry gives him the look he gives the hitWizards when they tell him a basic criminal slipped from their hands. Blaise looks mostly unbothered by it.
"Was planning on making a attack on the Ministry tomorrow. Would definitely be successful." Blaise replies instead.
"Shut up, Blaise." The six of them, him, Draco, Hermione, Neville, Theo and Luna say in unison and it's a pictureworthy moment.
They steer back into what they will be wearing and which type of makeup would look the best.
In the last, Draco agrees on a goth look with a short dress and mesh slacks. Harry with golden eyeliner which Pansy says would look godlike on his brown skin, so Blaise is going to do the same. He decides on wearing just his flag colours, with clip-on earrings and everything.
Blaise agrees on full black, as usual. Just the make-up would be his highlight, according to him. Luna is going in a fairy dress, Ginny in shorts and a sleeveless camisole.
Pansy in her signature heels and dress but make it pride colours. Ron, after a lot of coaxing decides on blue trousers, a pink and violet custom made sweater which apparantly Hermione had ordered almost three weeks ago. That makes him beam at her.
Neville is going in his usual wool sweater and trousers and his flag around his shoulder. Theo is matching with him.
As Harry looks around the table at the end of the night, and sees the happy faces of his friends who has somehow become his chosen family. He just feels one emotion. Love.
Endless love.
Day 29: Coming Out || Day 31: Unashamed
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justperfectlygay · 2 years
Arcane Sexuality Head Canons:
Jinx: Bisexual: Genderfluid: She/They/He
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Vi: Lesbian:Demigirl:She/They
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Jayce Talis: Bisexual/ Transgender: He/Him
Viktor: Gay:Asexual(Maybe Demi):Transmasc:Demiboy:He/They
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Caitlyn Kiramman: Lesbian/ Transgender: She/Her
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Mel Madara: Pansexual: Polyamorous: She/Her
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Silco: gay/non-binary: they/them
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Ekko: Bisexual/Non-binary: They/Them
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Mylo: Bisexual(closeted): he/him
Claggor: Gay/ Transgender: he/they
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Sevika: Lesbian: She/They
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buddiewho · 3 years
Okay. So yes, I want bisexual Evan Buckley. It’s just this power radiating from this...we’re confident about Buck and then there’s Eddie. It’s just two bisexuals would be soul ascending. It would be...amazing. How else do I say it? Two bisexuals. Imagine it. Two bisexual (enemies to best friends, to roommates to lovers) in love with each other. Which leads me to believe that part of 4b must entail some hints or some push towards Eddie rethinking his sexuality. Or completely knowing it already and stops repressing it.
Also, I do think you can make a claim for Evan Buckley on the pansexual side of things. It seems like it could be a direction for him, I’m not denying that either. However, there was a description I heard of bisexuality and pansexuality that sticks with me. Bisexual is attraction to multiple genders. Pansexual is attraction to all gender. Multiple means different than all. Right? Multiple for me is men, women and non-binary people. For some bisexuals it sticks to men and women, I suppose, with the varying moods of attraction to either of them. Sometimes I think, while the bridge doesn’t necessarily connect entirely, like we don’t meet each other on the side all the time-there’s this knowing solidarity between bi/pan ppl that well, sometimes people are just fucking beautiful. Everyone is motherfreakin’ beautiful okay sometimes excluding gender. Now, the reason I think I’m so possessive of Evan Buckley is because it’s been shown (and the journey isn’t really done) but his bisexuality has been shown as a multiple sort of thing, sticking to mostly women. Only really thinking about men, never having gone forward with any of his attractions or feelings and so do I believe Eddie’s on screen introduction ignited that shit again? Hell yeah. And essentially Eddie meeting Buck did the same thing. They’re just sincerely repressing that shit.
It’d also just be soul ascending to see the two of them answer that one question, “so you’re gay now?” And just say, “no.” Person is still confused but Buck and Eddie are now too busy being cute [by that I mean their normal shoulder bumping probably, ha!] but now they’re just kissing each other.
“Isn’t that gay?” Buck pulls away from the kiss. Eddie sighs, watching Buck angle up for the speech; he’s heard it before and it gives him the same blissful feeling every time. “Yeah, sure it is. Of course it is but me and him. We like girls too. Thing is me and him, we also fell madly in love with each other. It is what it is. We’re still bisexual but damn, I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
“This idiot,” Eddie muttered. “Would you just give it up already and kiss me again?”
“Again, right here in front of this person and more?” Buck turned on his heels.
“Yup,” Eddie grinned. The stranger simply gave up and walked away; not entirely sure they received any answers. The boyfriends didn’t care. They got lost in another kiss.
Also, this is just me going hiatus crazy. But it reminds me of something I also notice about bisexuality. It’s generally still thought of as the gateway to the end journey. That it’s not the actual stopping point. And often, I think the media is afraid to show a bisexual person with the same sex. They are afraid to do as bisexuality states. You’re a bi (man) and that means you like men and woman, okay so we will show you dating both men and women [which may be something bisexuals have to work towards and I think most of us don’t want to remain in a “I’ve only ever dated men” rut or vice versa]. However, the media platform will then only show this bi male character with women, dropping all those hints about how he thinks Johnny on the football team is also sexy or something. Same goes for the opposite, but with that “spice.” You’re a bisexual girl okay so kiss my gf right now dude, threesome yeah boy. Then still that bisexual girl’s journey is about finding the “right man” and all this heteronormativity bs. There’s also the other prominent hurdle for bi men and that’s the straight girl’s “ooh, you’ve been with men? You’re just gay then, right?” Suppose the same goes for bi girls with some lesbians, “ooh you’ve been with men, naw girl...sorry.” Perhaps the bisexual journey does end with the opposite sex. Imagine a bisexual person coming out of high school as part of those high school sweetheart couples, you know? So that was it perhaps but that doesn’t invalidate your bisexuality. 
This also comes to another thought. When can a story be about the right person? Clearly, we can collectively agree on Eddie’s repressed bi feelings so he’s attracted to Ana, yes, but doesn’t see or want to believe in his attraction to Buck (or men in general). However, out of these two who is the right person? We’ve already touched on some things like how Ana is about limitations and sort of has this blasé attitude to trying again. Who actually gives merit to Chris’s independence and who never gives up? Who lets Eddie be entirely himself? That is a person named Buck.
This distinction I think has already been made by the show. So we’re in the stepping stones of this Ana and Eddie thing. Sure, she’s Chris’s former teacher, that lends some trust, perhaps, but how do you make that step to be like oh, you got this? You can watch him while I go to work? That is if you’re not busy. How do we shape that trust when it already started off broken? (the skateboard, yeah, the skateboarding thing...) *keyboard smash* 
We’re forcing something here. 
You know making these posts and envisioning this shit feels so easy. Then I know reality will set in and perhaps and we’ll have to choke down two straight besties dating their new love interests. Yummy. Tastes delicious, it really does, but like I’ve said before I’d rather choke down one (or both) bisexual besties dating their new love interests. The third option (Buddie) however tastes so much more delicious 🤤 especially for a show integrating drama in the characters lives as reflected by the emergencies (last three episodes: Jinx, There Goes the Neighborhood and Breaking Point). Or the entire premise of the show, but really...
I’m just waiting on the universe.
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sn0wgr4ve · 2 years
* OKAY under the read more consists of all 30 chromatic unity’s main characters’ names and basic info. there is a lot and not many of them have designs at the moment
NAME: Salem
IDENTITY: No labels
AGE: 14
BIRTHDAY: February 3rd
CHARACTER: Human in the flashbacks
NAME: Vannie
IDENTITY: Bisexual Non-Binary
AGE: 11
HEIGHT: 4’11
BIRTHDAY: July 17th
CHARACTER: Unused human sprite/sprite in Debug mode
NAME: Tune
IDENTITY: Aroace bi, Agender
AGE: 15
HEIGHT: 5’11
BIRTHDAY: October 31st
NAME: Melody
IDENTITY: Aroace Non-Binary
AGE: 7
BIRTHDAY: September 15ty
IDENTITY: Panromantic Asexual, Agender
AGE: 13
NAME: Plutus
IDENTITY: Trans male, Gay
AGE: 13
BIRTHDAY: October 10
NAME: Persephone
IDENTITY: Omnisexual with a female preference, Demigirl
AGE: ???
BIRTHDAY: March 3rd
NAME: Hades
IDENTITY: Bisexual
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: 8’11
BIRTHDAY: August 10th
NAME: Amor
AGE: 19
BIRTHDAY: January 19th
NAME: Atlas
PRONOUNS: He/him, but fine with any
IDENTITY: Trans man, Pansexual
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 6’11
NAME: Pandora
PRONOUNS: She/They/Star
IDENTITY: Biromantic demisexual, Demigirl
AGE: 18
BIRTHDAY: August 31st
NAME: Kylari
IDENTITY: Transmasc Agender, AroAce
AGE: 16
BIRTHDAY: April 1st
NAME: Jadrine
PRONOUNS: He/It/They/She
IDENTITY: Transfem Agender, Aroflux Gay
AGE: 15
BIRTHDAY: November 13th
NAME: Igneous
IDENTITY: Archillean, Demiboy
AGE: ???
BIRTHDAY: June 19th
NAME: Damont
IDENTITY: Never questioned it
AGE: 8
HEIGHT: 4’10
BIRTHDAY: June 15th
NAME: Erinyes
PRONOUNS: He/Him, fine with They/Them occasionally
IDENTITY: Questioning, Libramasc
AGE: 15
BIRTHDAY: November 9th
NAME: Carolle
IDENTITY: Trans woman, Lesbian
AGE: 16
BIRTHDAY: December 25th
NAME: Rosie
IDENTITY: Transmasc Non-Binary, Lesbian
AGE: 16
BIRTHDAY: July 23rd
NAME: Mordai
IDENTITY: Trans male, Gay
AGE: 15
BIRTHDAY: January 11th
NAME: Monarch
IDENTITY: Bisexual, Feminine preference
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: 11’4
NAME: Crowne
AGE: ???
NAME: Junklod
IDENTITY: Not disclosed, Bigender
AGE: ???
NAME: Gouverne Karrd
IDENTITY: Gay, Aceflux
AGE: ???
CHARACTER: Rouxls Kaard
NAME: Taske Leade
IDENTITY: Genderfluid Lesbian
AGE: ???
BIRTHDAY: July 31st
CHARACTER: Tasque Manager
NAME: Dester
PRONOUNS: He/They/Chaos
IDENTITY: Non-Binary, Omnisexual (Masc preference)
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5’10
BIRTHDAY: April 18th
NAME: Purrl/Fur-ious Felicity
IDENTITY: Trans woman, Lesbian
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6’10
BIRTHDAY: Feburary 17th
CHARACTER: Maddie/Mad Mew Mew
NAME: Sleecritz
IDENTITY: Unlabeled
AGE: None
HEIGHT: Fluxuates, usually 6’10
BIRTHDAY: September 2nd
CHARACTER: Napstablook
NAME: Jinx
AGE: 25
BIRTHDAY: November 23rd
NAME: Nimbus
AGE: ???
BIRTHDAY: April 3rd
NAME: Glamket
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 6’10
BIRTHDAY: March 11th
CHARACTER: Burgerpants
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vipers-irls · 2 years
hello !! this is a little intro for all my irls. <3
they're all different than the body, but that's ok :]
max: from sam and max. looking for a max sourcemate. dni if anti neopronouns. he/they/it. gay and trans
sundrop: from fnaf:sb. looking for Gregory. dni if you make NSFW of me, and are a gross simp. he/they/⚙ ace, panromantic
orisa: from overwatch. looking for bastion and zenyatta. dni if you sexualize me. she/it/wire. non binary, asexual, lesbian
viper: from valorant. looking for almost anyone. dni if you're Reyna and if you call me mommy. it/venom. asexual lesbian.
jinx: from arcane. looking for any sourcemates. no dni. she/they/boom. demigirl, bisexual
bloodhound (houndy): from apex. looking for octane. dni if you misgender me. they/it/caw. nonbinary, asexual, aromanitc
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