#he seems so big & serious at first i mean hes saving the world ofc he does. but u can tell hes still so kind & observant
skywarpshydroflask · 1 month
rescue bots brings me so much turmoil (LIGHTHEARTED) but I gotta admit it's such a cute show... AND this optimus feels like A Guy Instead Of A Cardboard Cutout without sacrificing the never shows emotion coolest guy ever vibe that hasbro is obsessed with for him.. I never knew it could be possible
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theomnicode · 2 years
Blast and his connections with cosmic powers
An important thought popped to my head.
How is Blast and crew going to react to Saitama when he and Garou come back?
Does Blast realise the true source of the divine power that nearly exploded the earth was Saitama? I feel like it's a bit too early to reveal that but who knows. Saitama does not know the source of his insane punches that can level earth, he just knows he could do it cognizantly. He punches something aggressively, it explodes and dies, that's all there is to. Blast would rightfully assume the energy is all Garou, but he can definitely tell something is off with Saitama. He's going to keep an eye on things at minimum.
But Blast and crew have both experience against Avatars of God and means to contain them when reasoning fails. Blast first tried to reason with Garou, then teleported him to different dimension for containment or dealing with him. Ergo, he was confident he could have contained Garou's divine powers on its own, but Garou is a far trickier opponent than that, as he has his own powers too. Martial arts.
Blast can apparently also contain the power of Serious Punch squared, at least momentarily. But Saitama is limitless, so he would be able to overpower any kinds of containments of his power if he puts enough effort.
So what I can gather is that Blast and crew have means to deal with beings of Garou's current level. And contain them efficiently. Maybe even kill or strip them of their powers if reasoning fails because they're the galaxy protection crew, it's their job to protect Earth and other intelligent beings from God's influence and destructive powers.
Blast can also take a beating from these people. Not just from Garou, but other possible avatars of god and beings of that level.
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Who in the world is this gigachad who managed to make Space Dad Blast bleed from his leg and face?
After he teleported out 3 people from time distorted place? Now that we know that he can easily duel with Garou.
Either one of god's avatars or god itself. Honestly, the slashing pattern on his suit seems to indicate it's the same thing he fights, over and over again.
Ofc, it could just be the Beast King lookalike teammate of his and they're just sparring, but it would be a weird time to spar with teammates when he got concerned he allowed God to almost come into contact with Tatsu. Maybe time distortion from the cube has something to do with it, so when the teleported out, he got pulled back into real timeline during his sparring session or something and had to immediately leave to save Tatsu. Timey wimey stuff. But I'm going off tangent.
It still begs the question: how will they react to Saitama if they figure out he was a source of Divine power?
Would they become hostile? Would they attempt to contain him? What if they deem Saitama too dangerous because he showed to Blast he was volatile enough with the proper trigger to try and blow up the entire planet? All very possible choices.
So far, the story has painted Saitama as morally good. But accidentally destroying Earth is not a morally sound choice. So the narrative direction that Saitama could prove dangerous to mankind if he so wished is now out there. A fairly intentional and big shift if you ask me.
Instead of a hero to be revered for his virtues... the end result might be a being that has to be feared for his powers. Because he's still human being and imperfect, but humans fear what they do not understand.
Would Blast crew and Sai come to blows? Would they leave Saitama alone because he's still a person? Would Hero association try to use Saitama if they realised the full extent of his powers? I bet they would, they're not below trying to force the c-class to use drugs and body enhancements. Not that they could but they would try lol. Good luck on that. But being treated as a weapon for Hero association would suck.
So Saitama being relatively unknown to people serves another thing: he's left alone and out of machinations of more corrupted people and people who have the moral obligations to deal with beings who have godly powers.
Blast is not stupid nor unempathetic, so he will probably at the end, make the right choices when it concerns Saitama, the humane choices, but we'll probably only see that happen at the end of the series. Saitama is still a hero at his core too.
Saitama also has friends now who would sprung to his defence. Like certain cyborg who unflinchingly supports and defends Saitama even if he does not need a personal guard dog, Genos will do it anyway.
In a worst case scenario, Blast crew versus Saitama crew is an actual possibility.
But we could also throw more curveballs at Saitama and someone actually reveals his own divine powers to him. And casually points out that yea he almost destroyed the earth just fyi.
Someone like...God.
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felassan · 3 years
Thoughts on Dark Fortress #3
(This post is under a cut due to spoilers.)
There’s a lot I thought/wanna say about this final issue, to the point that it’s hard to know where to start!
The cover art is.. beautiful. The symbolic allusion between Shirallas and the dragon (his draconic-y claws, the semblance of a broken collar falling off in the same way, the fire) 👌 On the whole, lined up side-by-side the three covers of Dark Fortress feel really thematically cohesive. Shirallas’ and the dragon’s claws echo Tractus’ sharp metal gauntlet, and as well as the similarities between the dragon and Shirallas, both Tractus and the dragon have a circle of weapons, and the patterning encircles Tractus’ neck and wrists like the collars and shackles. Y’know, like you can just really tell the cover artist planned ahead and put a lot of thought into how the 3 cover arts would ‘flow’ from one to the other, blending elements between them.
I posted some of my fav panels here.
I knew he was my boy but Shirallas’ backstory broke my heart ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ) the first panel is so bleak and heart-wrenching. the burning aravel parts.. another Dalish clan met a terrible fate.
I wonder if his clan wandered Tevinter like Clan Oranavra? it makes me wonder if Shirallas and Fenris met in Tevinter. It’s nice to see that another clan took him in. And if Shirallas is a name he took, not his original name, I assume it has a special meaning, maybe to do with his quest for justice/vengeance. Shiral means journey, “allas” is found in vallas, which means set, as in the sun. The “vallas” in vallasdahlen (life-trees, planted in remembrance of those who dedicated their lives to the Dales) means life. in many ways the sun and life are the same thing, and there’s the obvious connection to Elgar’nan, eldest of the sun. So journey/quest - sun/life? Like since the loss of his clan he’s on a journey/quest for the rest of his life to get justice/vengeance, which are attributes of the sun god Elgar’nan? that became his life’s purpose and his direction of ‘travel’ ever since his loss, what he dedicated his life to since then. :’( 
Elgara vallas, da'len. ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
This is our first look at the vallaslin application process, no? what Shirallas is saying in this panel is the Song to Elgar’nan. it’s interesting, in that that prayer kind of resembles what happened, or almost happened, in this issue. a fortress shaken, fire, winged death (a dragon), pretenders to power, “strike the usurpers” (“Red Wraith, dispose of my enemies, kill the traitorous mage”). pretty cool right?
⬇️ me two months ago, look at the tags in red brackets. 
oh my son.. Dalish father roams, and the Dalish son won’t survive the fight   ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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the panel where Fenris and Shirallas shake hands ;; to which experience is Fenris speaking of, I wonder? once upon a time he saw Anders almost lose himself in his own quest for Justice/Vengeance for the mages.
Parallels between Shirallas succeeding in proving himself to Nenealeus and when Fenris succeeded in proving himself to Danarius all those years ago - compare. ;__; an elf surrounded by bodies of people he’d killed to prove himself, and a horrible Magister telling him “well done”.
I love the design of the sword and its use as a ‘divider’ on the first page splitting up the panels is both smart and beautiful. even here there’s pink light around it, the dragon’s fire
overall I wasn’t expecting this issue to begin with flashbacks to Shirallas’ past and backstory, so this whole page caught me off-guard
omg look at the red lyrium ‘veins’ under Shirallas’ skin. when he emerges from the sarcophagus that is a very cool picture of his face
Nenealeus has been taking beard-styling advice/trends from the dwarves
check out the sword crackling and reforming as Shirallas makes contact with it. is the red lyrium under his skin moving in this scene?
in the panel of Vaea running away from the dragon, it’s nice that as she runs Fenris is still behind facing the dragon, to protect her
gorgeous background in the panel with Marquette, and his expression is one of Regret for what he just did and for his part in all this. the dawning realization that I’ve Fucked Up Big Time
as Nenealeus’ weapon is a sword, does he have some Knight Enchanter-adjacent skills (I don’t expect the actual KE artform is exclusive to southern Circles only)? it’s a physical item ofc, not a summoned one. staffs are infused with lyrium to provide a conduit for a mage’s power. so then, mages can channel power through other [presumably similarly-infused] weapons too, not just mage staves/staff-like magic implements or their bare hands
given the color of Nenealeus’ magic and the fact that the dragon was under the control of his magic, it now makes sense to me why the dragon’s fire is that color! o:
Marius is badass (nice touch that his shoulder is smoking pink with the effects of one of Nenealeus’ magic attacks here) and the four panels where everyone’s grim and determined, facing off against each other and Venatori goons made me feel quite emotional. Aaron is Team Dad.. it’s nice to see him having a friendship / paternal moment with Francesca both acknowledging her pain and power while also giving her a pep talk. You can tell when he says too “We all need to do whatever we can in this moment” that he’s talking about himself too and may already be thinking one or some of them aren’t going to make it out of there
Francesca GO OFF!! she’s so powerful, and it’s really cool every time seeing her plant magic in action. it puts in perspective how powerful Velanna would have been with her similar skills (skills like Thornblades), and I enjoy the contrast of the fire in the background and the blue/green of Fran’s magic in action
Fenris is so cool-headed in high-octane combat situations, quickly taking stock, assessing and realizing the odds then coming up with a plan. the look on Vaea’s face when she’s like >:( wtf u can’t just leave is cute
cool pulled-back bird’s eye shot of the Fortress
Karasten continuing with the sass about Tevinter even during a siege
Fenris speaking Qunlat! I love that they brought this lore fact into play and had him make use of this skill, it’s a neat reminder of Fenris’ exchange with the Arishok if you take him into the compound in DA2. in the opening-up the gates scene, Vaea’s worried about letting the Qunari in and going to the Qunari (from her expression), but she trusts Fenris and his judgement enough to open the gate and see what happens
I like that Tessa’s bolts are fletched the blue of her accent color
chills at the panel where Shirallas is walking out of the flames advancing on Aaron. Ser Aaron, who never retreats, not at Ostagar, not now ;__;
the battle-scenes are beautiful, fast-paced and gory, chaotic and colorful, like it would feel to be there 
Fenris then puts himself between Aaron and Shirallas. I could hear “I will deal with this Red Wraith” in my head
Autumn can look so scary. a true mabari warrior! when she leapt towards Shirallas I was Stressed for her safety despite knowing rationally that they wouldn’t kill their dog!
the horizontal combat splash page is awesome
CLEVER GIRL Autumn. she and Fenris are in sync in this sequence.
Shirallas serving super saiyan vibes with the bulk, strength, hair
Fenris bargaining for Fran’s life and then trusting her to use her magic as part of the attack on the Red Wraith
lmao Ser Aaron
smart thinking Fran
Aaron praising her ;__;
Marius was straight-up prepared to die to stop Nenealeus ;__; poor Tessa in this exchange
the face-melting scene  👌
“Ah, Marius... I knew it would come down to the two of us”: this panel is just really cool? Nenealeus looks almost congenial here, which makes him seem all the more colder and more dangerous. and the burning bodies strongly remind me of the bodies at the start of Inquisition which are at the ‘blast point’ of the Breach at the Conclave
when Marius and Vaea’s eyes meet and they formulate the backup plan  👌
nice to see ‘staff’-less magic in action. Nenealeus is clearly a very powerful mage. when he’s frying Marius he has Star Wars Palpatine and force lightning vibes
OH VAEA... you did it, but my heart hurts that she had to kill someone for the first time, even though it was foreshadowed by her discussion with Marius in a earlier issue. & Nenealeus’ look of surprise as he dies says it all
it’s a serious moment but Marius now looks like a cat that stuck its paw in a socket hh
when Nenealeus is doubled over dead, it’s a great panel- the white background taking us out of the chaos that’s going on all-around for just a moment, showing the seriousness of what’s just transpired for Vaea and the realization of it setting in. a pause, the shock. & it’s nice to see Marius being soft with someone other than Calpernia or Tessa
but despite what’s just happened Vaea is still Vaea, she’s concerned about life and immediately wants to save the dragon. I like the part where panels of Vaea and Fran ‘face’ each other as they have this discussion, a lot.
in the moment that it takes off, does the dragon realize Vaea is responsible for saving its life? the ‘eye’ panel feels like an acknowledgement from it, or between the two
Fran’s magic destroying and sinking the sarcophagus into the ground reminds me of what in-world lore says happened to Arlathan, in a way
omg they have to stop Shirallas before he gets over 9000
do you think when Aaron says “We cannot retreat” he’s thinking of Loghain’s retreat at Ostagar?
at this point btw I’m pleasantly surprised that Marius survives, I had sort of expected him to die in this issue
oh Marquette, curiosity killed the cat dontcha know
new lore just dropped: the Red Wraith is able to heal from any wound, which is notable, and he and the sword have a.. symbiotic relationship? with each other. “He feeds energy to the sword from the red lyrium in his veins. And in turn, the sword heals his wounds.” What are the lore implications of this? Just what is red lyrium capable of?
Paragon Branka reference! and later on a Black Marsh reference
:’( As soon as Aaron launched into his story at this point my stress levels went through the roof and I knew it was Time. and then - well. you know :’((( Aaron had death flags in previous issues, so I was logically prepared and not surprised by the occurrence (this isn’t a bad thing btw), but I still wasn’t EMOTIONALLY PREPARED
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nooooooooo.... It was at this point everyone that I burst into tears.. i have never Ugly Cried at a comic before so that was a new experience.. It’s hard to put my feelings about this into words bc rly it just straight-up destroyed me, u know.. Vaea’s “Don’t leave me”, Aaron’s tears when he knows the deed is done, his pendant.. surely the resemblance between the way he looks on this cover and the way he looks in the panel when he’s falling and Vaea is shouting “Aaron!” is intentional. i’m just destroyed okay
On the next page, holes in Shirallas’ shirt where his wounds were before they healed is a nice touch. Autumn’s bite here must surely be shattering the bone in his lower leg. then as if i wasn’t in enough pain already - being separated from the weapon, did that bring Shirallas back to himself for a while? His “Friend?” and the look in his eyes when he looks up at Fenris is so pitiful :’( for a moment just before the end he’s the boy in the wood surrounded by his burning clan again. RIP Shirallas son, we barely knew ye but I loved u :’(((
Having Marquette escape is a smart choice, it means there’s someone still kicking around Thedas who knows what happened here and what went down. maybe we seek him out in the next game when trying to follow up on the plot-thread of the idol/red lyrium/its capabilities/Venatori/Qunari? anyway, can’t help but admire, in a fashion anyway, someone who dips out to save their own skin, and his attempted grift when he’s talking to Tractus x)
we hadn’t seen the last of Tractus indeed. there he is! “This is me, crying over our loss” - he’s such an edgy boi
“Oh, you mean this idol?” feels like they’re breaking the fourth wall and deliberately teasing us x)
when Fenris says “[stay clear of it] Red lyrium can do things with your mind” I wonder if he’s thinking of his experiences with things like Bartrand and Meredith
started to cry again at the final Aaron scenes ok.. when it pans back to Vaea and Autumn on the shore with the dying Aaron, they look so small and lonely set against the backdrop of the gray rock, windy shore, jagged outcrops. it’s a beautifully poignant and incredibly forlorn backdrop for this scene. Autumn in these panels, and again the parallel between Aaron lying here and him on that cover page.. ;; the whole scene is raw and gutwrenching. even in death Aaron was thinking about Vaea, apologizing that she had to take a life, outlining his hopes that she continues to have a positive future and doesn’t descend into any kind of darkness. the fact that all this time he’s carried around a letter addressed to King Alistair in his pocket, to recommend that Vaea be knighted, the fact that he’s crying too, the pendant, the tenderness between them, how proud Aaron is of Vaea, the fact that he goes out telling a story and smiling because he’s so proud of her, here at the end Aaron is filled with pride and looks at peace.. i can’t ( ok i cried again on this re-read when writing this post, Dad Stuff is the ultimate way to get me ok.. don’t look at me _(°:з」∠)_ )
Vaea IS more than worthy. I’m so glad someone recognizes that and sees it in her. King Alistair WOULD knight her, and there’s a beautiful poetry in that fact as the son of an elf. there’s also something poetic in that, if Vaea becomes the first elven knight of Ferelden, well it echoes the Emerald Knights of old in a way. that’s beautiful. I’m very proud of Vaea.
Here we see another parallel - when Francesca is comforting a crying Vaea as her father figure passes away, it directly echoes when Vaea comforted Francesca when she was crying after her own father died. 
Aaron’s hometown of Portsmouth is a real place in England
I’m happy to see Fran and Autumn continuing to travel with Vaea, and Fenris continuing to keep his promise to Aaron to keep Vaea safe, and that Cassé is now Fran’s horse (that’s a lovely touch considering she healed him in Blue Wraith, a full-circle moment)
Fenris is right, they were family. soft supportive Fenris, with emotional intelligence ;; (and he of all people knows about Found Family)
the last panel of Vaea crying is beautiful too, the sun is rising in the east after the terrible night they’ve had, and the ‘faded’ rectangles is a great style/composition choice
even Cassé the horse looks sad
the scene of Fran and Vaea riding double with Fenris smiling in the background is super cute, and I love that the last we see of the party is them honoring Ser Aaron by telling stories like he did, of his exploits. I hope they always tell stories of Ser Aaron ;;
I’m glad Tessa made it out okay, she’ll be able to return to Charter. 💜 I was a bit worried this wouldn’t be the case
Pour one out for Ser Aaron Hawthorne of Portsmouth, Knight of Ferelden.
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A recap on wider plot-points
The Qunari Antaam have taken control of Castellum Tenebris, and Neromenian has fallen to their advance.
The sarcophagus is broken and has been buried deep in the ground. Francesca asserts that it won’t be found.
The Inquisition agents retrieved the broken shards of the weapon, and are going to take its remains to the shadow Inquisition.
Tractus Danarius is alive and in possession of the idol, or was at the timepoint of this comic. He wants to use it to impress the Venatori remnants so that he can rejoin them. Marquette thinks, or said that he thinks (could easily be a bluff or his lack of knowledge about it compared to someone like Solas), that it doesn’t work anymore. (I’m leaning towards it does still work, otherwise why would Solas be interested in it?)
Solas, in what looks kinda like his most recent DA4 trailer gear, was watching the events of this series/arc the whole time and knows what happened. He knows Tractus has the idol. None of the people in this comic plot are “People Solas doesn’t know”. And it seems that he is able to use eluvians to watch people.
There’s a chance that Tractus Danarius is the mage in Tevinter Nights, from Dread Wolf Take You - the mage from House Danarius who went with some slaves to Nevarra to use the idol to perform a ritual with the Mortalitasi. That mage wanted to change the world to help fight the Antaam’s invasion. In the tale at least, he used the idol, a rift opened, the Dread Wolf popped out and killed him. At the time of that ritual the idol was still working.
+ some new lore -
the Red Wraith was able to heal from any wound, which is notable, and he and the sword the idol created had a.. symbiotic relationship? with each other. “He feeds energy to the sword from the red lyrium in his veins. And in turn, the sword heals his wounds.” What are the lore implications of this? Just what is red lyrium capable of?
eluvians can be used to watch people. not just to communicate over long distances or as portals between places
Lastly I don’t know what to do with myself anymore as this is the end of a long-running DA arc and was the final piece of [currently-known about] new canon Dragon Age content that we’ll get.
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harryspet · 4 years
dark peter parker x innocent naive reader (or ofc it doesn’t matter) non-con fic?
CAMP KISSLESS | peter parker
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[WARNINGS] dark peter parker x reader (Y/N), virgin reader, noncon sex, outdoor/car sex (public?), peter isn’t very friendly neighborhood spidery in this
A/N: I’ve wanted to do a camp au for a little while so that’s why I chose this setting! This ended up being way longer than I thought it would be. Read at your own risk.
In which your the new camp counselor and you’re excited to start your job but Peter has other plans for your summer.
word count: 2.7k
It was gonna be a great summer. 
It wasn’t your first summer at Camp. No, your parents drove you to upstate New York every summer since you were eight and you stayed at Camp Moonfall for three weeks out of the summer. You always made the best memories there but, now that you were older, you were saving up for college next semester. Now that you were eighteen, you felt responsible enough to get a job and of course, Peter put in a good word for you. 
You remembered the summer before, all the counselors had let you join them around the fire since you were older. That’s when the game of never have I ever happened and that’s when you changed the way you looked at Peter. You always thought he was cute but with him smiling around all his friends, the firelight illuminating his skin, you developed a small crush. He was a year older than you and you remembered saying how you were going to miss him during your Senior Year. 
He smiled at you, of course, and your heart fluttered. 
It was in that game that everyone learned your secret about how you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet. They looked at you, shocked, and you would’ve preferred if they had just teased you rather than pitied you. You didn’t care that you hadn’t had your first kiss because you were waiting for magic. You wanted to settle for nothing less. 
“So who’s first on your list?” Peter had asked you and you raised an eyebrow. He turned his marshmallow over the fire, letting it brown, “Your kiss list? Who’s your dream first kiss?”
“Thor, I think,” You joke to Peter and he only rolled his eyes. 
“Haha, Y/N,” He spoke sarcastically, “But I’m serious, who’s number one?” For a moment, looking in his eyes, you could’ve sworn he wanted you to say him. 
“I don’t have one,” You slouched back in your chair, “Whoever it is, I want them to be the one I marry.”
All of their eyes turned to you, even Peter as if you had said something offensive, “What?” you asked. 
“You should save it for as long as you can, Y/N?” MJ said across from you, easing the tension, “High school boys are Satan's spawn. And I hear college boys aren’t far off.”
For the first day of camp, your outfit consisted of a tie-dyed t-shirt and a pair of running shorts. You had dreamed of carrying the clipboard you now possessed. Along with the wooden whistle around your neck, you felt complete.
MJ pointed at a gray minivan parked in a long line of cars where parents were unpacking their kids, “Y/N, can you check them in?” You immediately nodded 
She remembered her training, all eight hours of it, and took a deep breath as she approached the family. The Dad was lugging things out of the trunk and the mom was rustling around with her triplets. 
“Good morning, campers! I’m Y/N” You greeted them with a wide smile, hands tight around your clipboard. The kids didn’t seem to care much about you but you could get used to that, not every child was gonna fall in love with you, “Hope you all are excited for the best three weeks of your year. Can I get the last name?”
“We’re the Nelson’s,” The woman muttered, clearly not excited to hear your chipper voice this early in the morning. She pointed to each child and named them off. 
You looked down the long list of names and easily found the three Nelson’s. You took a look at each boy, knowing you’d have to remember all of them, “There, found ya! Are these all of their things?”
The father nodded, three suitcases and several pool noodles on the ground, “You got a bellhop, Betty?” He spoke, clearly not bothered to know your name. 
You looked down, still trying to smile wide as you crossed off the names, “Uhm, if you carry your things over there, someone will be there to carry their things to their cabin. Someone will also be there to take the boys down by the lake and they can join in the welcome festivities. You guys can say goodbye there and that’s when your vacation begins, Mom and Dad.”
You expected a smile or a nod of approval but you got cold stares, “We want to make sure they get settled in and see where they will be living. You can’t expect us to say goodbye now.”
Your smile fell a little bit but you kept your composure, “Well, here at Camp Moonfall, we want to keep the goodbyes short. When you took the tour, you were able to see the campsite. It’s very safe. We just find it’s easier for kids to adjust without the big, emotional goodbyes. It helps the homesickness when you start the fun right away,” You thought your smile would somehow lift their spirits but it only crushed yours. 
“Could you stop smiling like an idiot? You’re an adult, aren’t you? They must be hiring the mentally incompetent here, Diane,” The father said to the mother. 
Your heart sank and your lips parted to say something but the words didn’t leave, “I’m going to that cabin, sweetheart. Do you know what it’s like to give birth to triplets? I spent nine months with these kids and you aren’t gonna rip them away from me. I was in labor for twenty hours!”
“I-I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just telling you the camp policy. We just find that it works best-”
The dad interrupted, mimicking your voice, “We just find that it works best. God, Diane, I told you this was a bad idea.”
“My mother said this would be a good experience for them!” The Mom yelled back at the husband, she held her boys closer to her, “The boys are not staying here. It seems like there’s something in the water here anyways …” The woman scowled at you. 
“I-I can g-get my supervisor-”
“And now she’s stuttering,” The father rolled his eyes, starting to grab their things and put them back in trouble, “Get in the car boys.”
How could your first time at this have gone so wrong? You clutched the clipboard to your chest, tears stinging your eyes. 
A second later you felt a hand on your shoulder, “What’s going on, Y/N?” He looked at the family then back at you. 
You just shook your head. He could tell you were about to start bawling, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Go back to your Cabin and collect yourself,” You nodded and instantly walked away. 
You heard Peter talking to the family, hoping to solve the issue so that the boys didn’t miss out on camp because of their crazy parents.
“I did it. I saved the triplets,” Peter entered the girl counselor’s cabin, a soft grin on his face. He saw where you were laying on your twin bed and sat down on the edge, “I might regret it later because the funny looking one with the mo-hawk looks like a biter.” 
You didn’t laugh, just pressed your face further into the pillow. Peter’s hand rested on the small of your back. You felt him start to rub circles there and that level intimacy enticed you as much as it scared you.
“I suck,” You spoke but it came out muffled. 
“You don’t suck,” Peter insisted, “They sucked, hard,” That made you laugh. You turned your body to look at him and his hand moved to your waist, “You’re gonna have a good rest of the day. You’re gonna go swimming, eat hotdogs, and play way too many rounds of hide and seek. It’s gonna be awesome and you’re gonna have to perk up if you want to steal my title as everyone’s favorite counselor.”
You snorted, “Really? I recall Ned being everyone’s favorite last year.”
Peter faked a frown, “The man can make a mean s’ more.” 
Absentmindedly, your hand touched his and you moved it away quickly. Too quickly, “You’re right,” you coughed awkwardly, “Today will be good.”
Something clicked, you could see it in his eyes that something had shifted. 
“Do you want to come on a drive with me tonight, after everyone’s in bed. I have a view I want to show you.”
“Isn’t that not allowed?”
“I’m head counselor, Y/N. Plus, I’m Spiderman. Who’s gonna fire me?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, but we’re back before midnight.”
For such a techy guy, Peter’s car was more run down than you expected, “What? She’s a passion project,” He said, touching the dash as if he believed the car was actually a person. 
Peter was right, you had a great day. The kids loved you and you even had one of Ned’s famous s' mores. You had a feeling the night might even get a little better. The way Peter was looking at you was how you’d always wanted to be looked at by someone. 
The car turned on onto a dirt road and it seemed you were on it for ten minutes before suddenly a valley opened up before you. Peter parked the car so the trunk was facing an amazing view. You got out of the rusty truck with your flashlight shining for extra light. You really didn’t need it because the moon was full and the stars were shining so bright.
They illuminated the valley and the beautiful mountain range in front of you, “Wow,” your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and Peter looked at you as if you were the cutest thing in the world. 
“Just wait,” Peter opened up the back of the pick-up trunk and there laid a bunch of blankets and pillows. He kicked off his shoes, climbing in and setting the lantern down. He patted the spot beside him, “You can see the stars better if you lay down.”
You would’ve thought this idea was the most romantic thing in the world if you didn’t get so terrified at that moment. This was like … a date. At least, to her, these weren’t things normal friends did. Not when they held your waist and looked at you like that. 
You played with your fingernails, “Uhm..” Your voice trailed off. 
Peter had already laid down, expecting you to join him. He sat up on his elbows, “Y/N?”
You could do this. 
You climbed up into the truck, crawling beside him but leaving a few feet in between you. You let the small lantern keep you separated, “D-Did you only bring me here because of what happened earlier, Peter?”
You looked up at the stars and it was breathtaking.
“No,” Peter laughed nervously. “I just … It just made me realize something.”
“Realize what?”
You turned your head and realized he was already looking at you, “That I wanted to get to know you. You were still nice to those people even after they were so rude to you. It made me …” His voice trailed off and his eyes shut as if he didn’t want to admit what was next, “It made me want to protect you.”
Was this it? The magic you always wanted. 
“You don’t … y-you, don’t have to protect me, Peter.”
He laid his hand out and you surprise yourself when you pressed your hands to his, “But I want to,” He said. 
“I don’t know how to do things like this,” You admitted. 
“It’s okay, I can show you,” Peter said quickly, “Not that I’m super experienced either. But, as you can see, I’m pretty good at choosing romantic locations.”
You blushed and he interlaced your fingers. 
You laid there for a while, pointing out constellations and making jokes about the new ones you made up. 
“There, I found it!” Peter pointed up but there were so many stars that you couldn’t tell which one he was looking at. 
“What is it?”
“It’s you, can’t you see it?” You shook your head, leaning closer to him so you could try to see from his perspective. As you moved closer, Peter turned his head towards you, “Take my word for it, it’s as beautiful as you look right now.”
You looked at him too and you stared until Peter leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Magic. This was magic. You weren’t sure how to move your lips but you just pressed yourself further into him. 
As you pulled away to catch your breath, you smiled, “Was that good?”
Peter nodded, “Yeah,” and he pressed his lips against yours again, his hand on your waist, “I’ve wanted to do that since last summer.”
You pulled away, “You’ve liked me for that long?” 
He tried to kiss you again, pulling your body into his, “Of course, you’re so beautiful … and innocent.” And naive, you thought. You didn’t want him to think of you as innocent. You didn’t want that to be the reason he liked you. 
You pressed a hand to his chest, trying to create distance, “Peter, maybe we should go back now. What if someone notices we’re gone?” He held you tighter and your heart raced, “Peter, I-I think we’re moving too fast.”
“This is what people who like each other do, Y/N?” He buried his head into your neck and began to kiss the skin there, “You don’t like me?” His breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine. 
“P-Please, please, Peter,” You begged, struggling against him. He soon was on top of you and, as you tried to escape his grasps, he pinned your arms above your head. You screamed for help and Peter only frowned. 
“No one’s gonna hear you,” He sounded annoyed. Who was this boy above you? Was he always a wolf in sheep’s skin? All these years? 
“Peter, you saved me today,” You tried to reason with him, “Don’t do this.”
He held your legs down as he ripped off your shorts with ease, “White panties? I should’ve known,” This was what he wanted. To steal your innocence and to hold that title forever. He spread your legs with his own. 
His eyes hovered above your own, his eyes staring right into, “What do you think people will believe? This story or that an innocent little girl like you wanted to lose her virginity with the boy she’s always had a crush on. Who do you think they’ll believe, you or me?”
You cried out but he shushed you by forcing his lips on you. You bit his lip and he pulled away, fuming and his grip on your wrist tightened, “We’re gonna have fun these three weeks,” He pulled off your panties next, stuffing them into your mouth to muffle your screams, “I’ll be gentle if you stop struggling, Y/N. I know it’s your first time.”
He positioned himself between your legs, pulling down his own shorts before feeling your sex with his fingers. He tested your reaction, watched you flinch as he stimulated that foreign part of your body, “I bet you haven’t even masturbated,” Peter growled, “Jesus.” He could probably finish just with the idea of you being so tight. 
He positioned himself at your entrance and you felt just how hard he was. You closed your eyes tight but they shot open as he slowly entered you. You struggled but that only made it worse. You were still, the pain ripping through your lower region. Tears were spilling out of your eyes. 
He didn’t need to hold you down anymore, his body was pressed against yours now and you felt too helpless to fight it anymore, “You’re gonna be mine, Y/N,” Peter whispered in your ear, tasting your tears with his tongue, “Only mine.”
As he rubbed your sensitive area and moved in and out, you hated that you were getting used to it. You hated that it was starting to feel pleasure. Peter noticed that you were getting wet and that only made him start to thrust his hips faster. 
Something began building in your core and you thought you might explode. Your body convulses and your breathing becomes even more rapid. You tightened around Peter’s member, milking his climax out of him as you did the same but against your will. Peter slammed his hand down beside your head, groaning loudly as he finished inside of you.
You were his for the rest of camp and you were not to tell anyone what happened. 
“This is gonna be such a good summer, Y/N.”
Feel free to request some drabbles! If you want more dark peter than check out my masterlist!
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biggirllifestyle · 3 years
Forbidden Kisses
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Summary: Maybe things were just too good to be true, and maybe the ones you love are not who they say they are.
Pairing: Clark Kent: OFC (Original Female Character)
Work Count: 2k+
Warnings: Dark Thoughts, People in danger (maybe some background deaths), the writing sucks I apologize for that too
A/N: Hi, I am posting a second part to SLK, I apologize again that it took a turn to this, my cousin has already cursed me and made me promise there will be more, but this came to me one night as laid in bed and I just imagined Clark and I had a conversation and it just progressed from there, I thank everybody who showed some love to my first part, I am glad that you enjoyed it and you were able to relate to it, please don’t fret we big girls are worth the love we deserve and more.
Edited for mistakes: 11/03/2022
“What do you think of Superman?”
Clark asks one late night as we both lay in bed together, the suddenness of his question stirs me awake as I stare at Clark who has a serious look on his face, after 2 months of dating, we have been spending more time with each other to the point that Clark began to stay over.
But Clark’s questions confuse me because never has he ever mentioned or questioned anything about Metropolis hero. But looking back I can see where he was coming from considering that he was the usual person that Mr. White would assign articles about Superman.
 “What about him, I think he’s a good guy if he can bring so much peace to the city,” I said to him with a little shrug, “I mean he’s that beacon of hope that is needed everywhere, so I wouldn’t know what else to say, his actions speak louder than words, no?”
Clark was quiet, mulling over my words, he took a deep breath as he continued, “if you had to choose between Superman or me, from being a part of your life, who would you choose?” His question stopped me a look of confusion spreading on my face, “what kind of question is that, is Perry making you write for the gossip column or something, why are you asking me that?” Clark stayed quiet waiting for my answer, I sighed knowing that I wasn’t going to get anything out of him until I answered his question.
“To be truthfully honest with you, I would choose you over Superman every day, the world might need Superman as many times as they want,” I said to him, “but me, as long as I have Clark Kent by my side I can live happily.”
 I scooted forward and planted a soft kiss upon Clark’s lips, he deepened it as he professed his feelings wholeheartedly, when we separated, I felt breathless the same way I had felt when we had our first kiss, I sighed happily as I snuggled closer to his body, “The world can have their Superman but me I just need my Clark Kent.”
After Clark and I’s, late-night conversation, I began to look into Metropolis's hero. From the perspective that I could judge, Superman or Kal-El did what he could to save all without seeking any form of credit or reimbursement for any of his efforts.
 The news depicted him as a god and the people saw him as a savior, never in my time living in Metropolis did I ever pay so much attention to Superman, of course coming from a small town in Texas finding out that a superhero was living in your city was different but after a while I just ignored it?
But because of Clark, I was now paying clear attention, what I could notice the most was the supposed romantic  relationship between Kal-El and local award-winning journalist Lois Lane, Clark’s coworker, and friend, I met Lois she was a very kind and intellectual woman, so it would make complete and utter sense that they would be involved romantically, this is something that I had mentioned to Clark one night as we made dinner together, “They’re the likely pair to end up together,
“I said as I cut up some vegetables, “She’s beautiful and intelligent, and he seems to know what he wants and of course, she would be his choice.”
 Clark was silent his back towards me before he spoke, voice gravely and firm as if he was grinding his teeth at the prospect, something I had never heard before from him, “Louis is not dating Superman, she has never dated him and they never had anything to do with each other, so keep that ridiculous notion out of your head.”
That night was the first night I had excused myself from dinner and went home, Clark must have felt guilty from our conversation because for the continuing week he apologized and sent out flowers and presents to my work until I finally put my foot down and forgave him. Everything seemed to go back to normal until the day that the infamous kiss occurred.
The day was anything but normal, that day Leah and I had to open early at the shop, so I had left Clark at my apartment knowing that today he had the day off from work, it started with a loud explosion coming from downtown, which we were just a few blocks away so we could feel when everything shook around and fell from where they were, a loud alarm sounded around the city and the news on TV showed showcased the explosion from a top view perspective, the news conductor warned everyone to stay indoors, we rushed to the front as we ushered people inside the cafe for shelter, on-screen it showed people rushing about trying to find safety, in the middle of it all a man stood, and at his side, Louis Lane stood.
 She seemed to struggle against his restraints before giving up, but then as if by magic she was gone from the scene, our inhibitors murmuring in confusion and wonder at the disappearing act, then everything made sense as Superman came on-screen floating above the destruction, I took my phone out turning away from the screen as I began to text Clark knowing, that it would be safer to let him know that I was okay and that I was safe, there was another loud explosion much closer to where we were and everybody ducked and screamed to cover themselves, I stumbled over to Leah trying to help her out as we saw Superman trying to get to the man, but being restrained away by what seemed to be an invisible wall, but from behind we saw Louis Lane creep up behind the man before hitting him over the head, he didn't flinch but instead made him mad enough to distract him from the real threat who seemed to get himself out of the restraints and was now rushing forward, and just like that it was over, the man was restrained and taken away. 
And there in front of all stood Kal-El next to him Louis Lane who rushed forward and pressed their lips together sealing their entanglement with each other, the crowd around us erupted in wolf whistles and applause, Leah made a disgusted noise before moving to the back to pass around bottles of water to our inhabitants, but for some reason, I couldn’t move I kept staring at the scene as Kal-El pushed away from Louis stared at her for a moment before taking off in the air, my phone was still in my hand silent as ever.
After that eventful day, my relationship with Clark changed. He seemed more distant and distracted, lost in thought most of the time, whenever I asked about his work or of Louis as of late, he would flinch as if my words burned him each time.
Simmering below a heavy feeling at the pit of my stomach, and a little voice in the back of my head hissed at me and I just knew something was wrong. It took me twenty-three days to find out Clark Kent’s secret, twenty-three days of a countdown for the day Clark would break my heart, and for everything to come crashing down around me, maybe choosing Superman would have been the safest option after all.
 Clark had this habit of always forgetting dates when it came around busy times at work, which I could understand, work was important especially to Clark, so the day our three-month anniversary was pushed along, Clark was so focused on a scoop he was working with Louis, I did not question the long hours because I knew Clark wasn’t that type of man, but that didn’t stop the self-doubt to kick in especially with Louis Lane who was even being sought after by Superman himself, the thoughts of comparison between us two just came without thought.
For our anniversary I had planned for us a nice little dinner in my building's roof greenhouse, I had spoken to my landlord who agreed after I let her know what I was planning for us, but 3 hours later Clark was still a no-show. I logged online to check if anything has happened and the news depicted trouble going on at Luther corporation, and Louis Lane seems to have been taken, my heart leaped out of my chest thinking of Clark who was probably with her at the time, thinking the worst I began to dial Clark’s number but there seemed to be no answer and I couldn’t help but panic.
 I switched on the news again to see if any information was said about Clark but nothing so far, and it seems that Superman was struggling from what seemed to be a creature of another world, the panic came quickly and I couldn’t help the tears that worked themself up to my eyes, from where it looked Superman was struggling to beat the monster, it seemed that all hope was lost when Superman fell once again but then the unthinkable happened a woman dressed in armor showed up and began to beat at the monster, she struggled with it until Superman rose again and together they were able to beat the beast down before it could cause more damage.
From within a ruin, Louis emerged covered in soot and a few cuts and bruises littering her body, Kal-El rushed towards her as the other woman tied to the best together and dragged it away, the camera which had been constantly recording the fight had focused on the couple, it seems as if they were speaking Louis speaking frantically before she pulled him forward and crashed their lips together, compared to the other time that they had kissed this kiss seemed different, lasting much longer than before he pushed away and taking off, I stood there at the roof waiting to see if my theory was true waiting to see if I was wrong and Clark was not Superman and he was just my Clark normal simple Clark who ate too many strawberry-lemongrass donuts, who loved to watch project runway and baking shows instead of the usual basketball game. 
The loud sound that came from someone landing on the ground was so loud and defining that it gladly covered the sound of my heart breaking, Clark had just landed on the roof, the symbol of Superman standing proud at his chest when he realized he wasn’t he turned to me and stopped right dead still. “Is the reason why you had asked me all those months ago who I would rather have between you and Superman? You were just waiting to see who I would choose just so you could have your other alter-ego go for Louis?” 
Tears were running down my face and my heart felt as if it was true and broken, the hot flash of shame and embarrassment running through my body, that vicious voice hissing at me from the back of my mind, everything had become too much as I felt my breathing grow harsh as I began stepping away from Superman- from Clark.
He thought I was stupid that everything was going to work his way and he could use me as his plaything while having a serious relationship with another woman, “ I never want to see you again, from this day forward I will be nothing but a spec in your memories I don’t want anything to do with you,” I choked on a sob as I tried to control myself from doing something brash, like throwing myself at his feet seeking an explanation, Clark’s face looked to be in anguish as if he couldn’t believe this was happening his hand was reaching out to me and I couldn’t help but flinch away before I looked back at him and said, “ I hope you and Louis can find the happiness you would wish for, and I hope she is the happiness you were willing to lie for.”
 Before turning around and walking away a scream of anguish followed my path.
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fuckingthefictional · 4 years
Cross my heart- Part 18
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OFC, John Shelby (platonic) x OFC
Warnings: mention of sexual assault, vomiting, injuries, not proofread, swearing, idk.
A/N: This chapter is way overdue- either way enjoy it. Would appreciate some feedback too!
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“Fuck this.” Eliza groaned, “I hate being sick.”
It really wasn’t how she planned her morning to go- bent over on her knees, cheek pressed up against the toilet bowl and acidic bile crawling up her throat.
“I hate this.” She spoke again. It was true she hated being sick- it reminded her of too many negative experiences.
Sickness reminded her of two main things. How ill her mother was in the weeks leading up to her death. And the amount of weakness that Eliza remembered feeling when she was injured and sick in the rehabilitation house.
She gagged as more vomit splashed into the toilet, “Did I mention that I-“
“Hate this?” John butted in, “Yeah only 5000 times.”
Eliza could tell that John was acting different, he had a look in his eyes and an expression on his face that showed he was thinking deeply (Something that they always joked about not happening that often.)
But before she could ask about what was on his mind, she promptly lurched over the toilet bowl and emptied the rest of the contents in her stomach into the loo.
She felt John holding her hair away from her face, and rubbing her back soothingly.
Eliza, although thankful for her friends actions, wished more than anything that it could have been Tommy that stood in John’s spot.
But Tommy had gone to the races with Grace, Arthur and a few of the other Peaky boys.
She wouldn’t lie, but the sight of Tommy leaving her room that morning to go and pick up Grace made her stomach lurch with jealousy.
No matter how many times the notorious gang leader reassured her that he was still “seeing her” strictly for business purposes only.
But Eliza couldn’t help but feel doubt, she knew Grace was a pretty girl- some days she felt as if she wasn’t enough compared to the blonde.
Her jealousy and self doubt was eating her up inside- and it really didn’t help with her nausea.
“Liza?” John’s voice was small. Something that was completely out of character for him to be.
Eliza was used to John being boisterous, loud and cocky.
But rarely did she see him be small or nervous or even particularly remotely serious. Not unless there was something wrong.
“Something wrong- you’re never like this.” Eliza croaked.
John visibly gulped and took a deep breath, “Liza you’ve been ill for almost 2 weeks.” He lingered slightly, “that’s not normal.”
Eliza frowned slightly under his gaze, “I probably have the flu,” she laughed nervously, “It’s not a big deal.”
He just sighed again, “Liza I’m known as the dumb Shelby- and even I know you don’t have the flu.”
Eliza rolled her eyes, “Well I’d like to see you come up with a better diagnoses.”
“No Eliza you don’t understand!” He looked as if he was getting frustrated, “I’ve had a wife and 4 kids yea’?”
She nodded, “Right- and...?”
John ran a hand through his hair, “and that means I’m familiar with what morning sickness looks like.”
“What the hell are you implying!” Eliza stood up from her place on the floor. The world spun for a second but she soon felt her feet plant firmly on the bathroom floor.
“Look all ‘m sayin’ is that there’s a rather big fuckin’ chance that you’re pregnant.”
Eliza didn’t reply, her brain was too busy trying to even process the possibility of her being with child.
The thought made her feel dizzy and sick, everything started to become fuzzy and it felt as if her body was shutting down.
The last thing she remembered was John’s worried face before she felt her body hit the floor and pain spike in her head. And everything fazed into darkness.
At first the plan went smoothly, Tommy had snuck himself and Grace into the races and had not been caught or removed from the premises.
He had started to do business with Kimber’s associate as Grace twirled around with the ‘King’ himself.
Tommy knew that Grace wasn’t happy with the fact that he had practically sold her off to another man in order to do business.
But the world was cruel and so was Tommy, he knew that he was damn well going to pave his way through that world until he became successful- even if that meant breaking a few spies’ hearts along the way.
“Oi Shelby!” Kimber’s nasally voice infiltrated his thoughts. Tommy looked up to see Kimber stood next to Grace, and arm wrapped tightly around her waist.
Grace looked uncomfortable, but Tommy didn’t care- she was the one that was planning on destroying his family.
She practically did this to herself, she took this opportunity and he was in no way liable for whatever happened to the girl.
That was his thought pattern anyway- head over heart.
“I’ll cut you a deal, as long as you throw in your pretty little side piece for an hour or two.” Kimber’s hand was held out in front of him, ready to make a deal.
Tommy knew what he was doing, so he shook the mans hand. Game on.
It had only been an hour, Tommy had Kimber’s wife in the back of his car.
Apparently Kimber assumed they were swapping the women ‘round so Tommy got some fun out of it too.
Tommy hadn’t touched the women, he half-heartedly listened as she waffled on about her hat and her life before she’d met Kimber.
But his own thoughts consumed his mind, he felt a dull ache in his chest. He felt guilty. His heart was getting the best of him.
He had just set Grace up in the same position that Eliza had been in weeks prior.
Tommy didn’t like Grace, in fact he quite frankly despised her, but he knew the damage it did to Eliza- she’d be so disappointed and betrayed by his actions.
He didn’t want to lose Eliza and if that meant saving Grace then so be it. He couldn’t lose Eliza. He refused.
“Miss Fenton?”
The voice was unfamiliar and sounded disembodied. Eliza couldn’t find any recollection of the voice or it’s owner.
“Miss Fenton?”
Whoever it was spoke again.
She desperately wanted to open her eyes, but her lids were heavy and felt like they weighed a tonne.
The antiseptic smell made Eliza want to vomit, it made her heart tremble as memories began to flash around her mind. They were fuzzy and her head couldn’t remember them properly. But it made her feel ill.
Eliza felt her body lurch as vomit crawled up her throat. Her eyes snapped open as she struggled to contain herself.
She could feel someone rubbing her back and holding her hair away from her face, when she’d looked over to see who it was- Eliza found herself in shock.
“John?” She squeaked, her voice still hoarse, “You came back, y-you made it home!” Eliza’s eyes pricked with tears.
John looked absolutely heartbroken, he glanced over at who Eliza assumed was a doctor.
“Did the war end?” Eliza was so confused, her surroundings weren’t like the ones in France. It was cleaner and from the window she could see the old Brummie streets that she was familiar with.
“What happened?” John asked the doctor, “What the hell is wrong with her?” It sounded as if his voice was on the verge of breaking.
The doctor cleared his throat, “It appears that during the fall she may have hit her head- it could have caused a form of amnesia.” He looked guiltily at the girl in the bed.
“And...” John silently questioned.
“She’s still pregnant- she landed on her back, the impact wasn’t enough for her to miscarry.”
“What?” Eliza frantically sat up, “What do you mean pregnant- I’m not pregnant! I haven’t slept with anyone since I was shipped off to France!”
The doctor left the room, leaving John and Eliza alone.
Eliza was a sobbing mess- how could she possibly be pregnant?
“John tell me that he’s joking- I’m not pregnant?”
He sighed and held his head in his hands, “Liza- you...” John paused trying to choose the best words to proceed with, “You had an accident this morning- you were sick and fainted. You hit your head on the corner of the bathroom counter- the doctor said you might have some form of memory loss.”
“But I- I.” Eliza was rendered silent.
“Eliza...It’s 1919- nearly 20.” John broke the news, “the war’s been over for nearly two years- we’re back in Small Heath.”
She felt as if she was going insane- Eliza didn’t want to believe that she’d lost her memory.
She felt fine for the most part. Well, aside for the fact that she’d just found out she was pregnant and couldn’t remember who it was with.
Eliza took a shallow breath, “John...tell me honestly- am I pregnant?”
“Yea’, yea’ you are.” John looked at her straight in the eyes, “The doctors confirmed this mornin’ that you were.”
The young woman, couldn’t believe it. That there was a life growing within her. A human- her baby.
Her hand subconsciously slid to her midsection, and to Eliza’s surprise she found a tiny bump. It made tears fall at an even quicker rate.
The moment was interrupted, when the door was shoved open and in walked a tall, dark haired man. He was handsome, and had a dark suit on.
He look familiar-but Eliza couldn’t place her finger on where she knew him from.
“Tom- You can’t be in ‘ere...not right now.” Eliza’s friend attempted to push him out of the room.
But ‘Tom’ pushed back, he seemed determined to stay in the room for some odd reason.
“Tommy,” John gritted, “She won’t remember you- she’s lost half ‘er fuckin’ memories.”
Eliza didn’t know what to say- it was true. She didn’t remember or know him, his eyes felt familiar and they made her feel safe. But why? She didn’t know.
Tommy just looked numb- his mouth gaped and his eyes full of pain. He turned on his heel and left.
Why did the world want to shoot them down time and time again? Why couldn’t he just have one simple thing that made him happy? Was he that much of a fuck up?
The world was cruel, and he might’ve lost the one thing that he loved most- and he never even got to tell her.
He was in love.
CMH Taglist: @peachy-aisha @eternallyvenus @marvelschriss @annabethgranger123 @captivatedbycillianmurphy @shadow-of-wonder @affection-rabbit @itzmegaaaaaaan @tscamander
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Secrets. Pt1 [Bill Hader]
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15 Days of Hader
Day 5
Part 2
Prompt: OFC has feelings for her boss, Bill.
Pairing: Bill Hader x OFC
Warning: Hurt/confort.
A/N: Day five of 15 Days Of Hader! Requested
I feel like I could've done better but I wasn't really flowing or whatever. Part two coming tomorrow!
Also I'm sucker for that gif.
Word count: 1668
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There wasn't much to say, Amelia was completely and absolutely in love with Bill. It had been four years since they had met on the set of the movie Popstar. She was on the dress department and had an amazing time filming that movie, and even if he wasn't too long there she found him nice to be with. She had thought he was cute, funny and an incredibly good person.
She didn't think much of it though, he was married and she didn't really knew him. But thing took a turn when she started working for him in Barry. At first she thought he was just the lead, then she found out he had created it and was also writing and directing. And, working for him as the head of the costume department, she realized how great he was.
He was a talented actor, she knew that, and had recently found out he was an amazing writer but discussing the characters to create their costumes she found out he was a great director, and an even better person. He had his own ideas, good ideas, but he wasn't closed off about improving them, he understood how far his knowledge and ideas could take them and that gave him the possibility to see when someone knew better. She was mesmerized. And her previous little crush developed into something deeper and more complicated.
After the first season was done Bill texted her every now and then, trying to keep in touch. He was a great person, so she dismissed as a thing he did with everyone because he was friendly and caring, she was wrong. He had taken a bit of a special interest on her. Even when they met, he had seen the nice, sweet way she would treat people, how funny she was and how cute she looked when she was serious while discussing costumes or fixing some problem, that time he rebuked himself for thinking it. But then, a few years later she was working for him and she looked even cuter when she was serious, or so he thought, and the things that made him feel like an ass for looking at her like that before weren't at play anymore, but he still felt guilty since he was technically her boss.
She felt like and idiot every time she caught herself smiling while thinking of him, she felt more of an idiot when she realized she was in love with him, so she procured to keep it under control for the second season but by day two of pre-production she realized she couldn't do it, and she couldn't face her feelings either, she couldn't tell him either. She felt trapped but she tried not to let it show. It was too late to jump ship without it being suspicious, so she planned ahead and got another job at another network by the last few weeks of filming. She wasn't starting there for another month but it gave her security to give Bill and HBO the notification of her departure.
Bill was confused to say the least, he was sure she was happy working there but when he contemplated the idea of her leaving because she was uncomfortable with him he felt his stomach shrink.
He felt a soft knock on the fake frame of the door at Gene's office — Hey, boss. — playfully said D'arcy before noticing his concern face — Are you alright? — she asked, entering the set and completely changing her tone.
— Yeah, just- Yeah. — D'arcy looked at him, completely unconvinced — Amelia is leaving and it sucks. — there was a second of silence before he added — And I think it's my fault.
The girl furrowed and stepped a little closer, intrigued — Why would it be your fault?
— I think I made her uncomfortable. — he rubbed the back of her neck, feeling self conscious because of what he was going to say — I'm really into her but I didn't mean for it to drive her out of the show.
D'arcy looked at him surprised — Did you make any... moves on her or something? — she asked just to check, but she knew Bill well enough, he wasn't a lady's man like that, he was sweet and caring.
— No. — he assured, his eyes still darting away on someplace in to room.
— Then why would she be uncomfortable?
— I don't know, maybe I was being creepy. — he spit out without even thinking it twice. And the the doubt dawned on him. Was he being creepy? If he was he didn't mean it. His mind started racing with guilt and D'arcy didn't know how to get him out of the rabbit hole he was getting himself into — God, I'm doing this storyline about Sally and sexism in the industry and then I'm behaving like one of this asshole myself. — he slithered a hand trough his hair in nervous manner — I'm a fucking hypocrite. — he lamented.
D'arcy decided she had seen enough and snapped him back to reality — Hey, Bill, stop. — she said and he looked at her, concern was all over his face — You're not like that. — she assured and he looked at the ground with embarrassment — I'm sure it's not because you like her that she's going. Just- — she looked around trying to think of any good ideas — Ask her at the wrapping party, ok? — he looked at her, unsure — I'm sure she'll give you a reason that's got nothing to do with you being creepy, because you're not.
So he followed her plan, because she seemed confident and he didn't know what else to do, he waited for the party and gave the duty of the speech to Alec.
— Sadly one of us is parting away from the show this season. — Alec introduced as everyone was looking at him, standing tall near the bar — Amelia Lancoponi is an amazing person and an even better costume designer so let's give her a big round of applause as she looks for new horizons. — everyone applauded and she raised her glass in a sing of appreciation — We will miss you. Would you like to say a few words?
She shyly smiled and was about to turn the offer down but a few of her co-worker and friends pushed her towards Alec. She reluctantly walked the rest of the way and gave Alec a short hug and a thank you before facing the crowd — Hi, yeah. These have been some amazing two years and I really enjoyed myself. — she smiled and looked at the faces looking at her, seeing everyone smiling, everyone but Bill, he was serious and had a sad look on his eyes. She swallowed thick and tried to look a way but she was stuck on his eyes — I hope I get the pleasure of working with any of you again. You're all amazing — she was able to look away long enough to raise her glass and then drink it.
Everyone started dispersing and Bill tried to walk towards her but she scrambled on the crowd. He let out a sight and decided to wait a little. He saw her drink a little more than any other time he had seen her drink. He felt. A bit worried. But then, the opportunity of clearing up everything presented itself.
She was standing alone beside a door that lead to the a deserted back garden. He slowly walked towards her — Hey. — he mumbled, Amelia turned around to face him, the world spinning a little. Her head was buzzing but she wasn't completely drunk yet.
She smiled when she saw him — There, handsome. — she said, forgetting all about formal etiquette and the fact that she was dead set on keeping her mouth shut about her feelings. She knew she had said it just because she had been drinking and became a flirt after a few glasses — How is it going?
— Fine. — he said and looked at her a bit curious — Are you ok?
— Yep, never been better. — she said before leaning on him. He let her, it felt nice and she seemed to enjoy it — You're nice. — she mumbled.
— Thank you. — even though he liked the proximity and the praise, he felt awkward, he didn't know what to do with himself. She was clearly drunk so he wouldn't do anything, especially unprompted.
She looked up to him, the rest of his body still pressed to him. She let her hands hold her up by pressing them against his chest and then pouted a little — No, I'm serious. You're nice, and cute, and very talented. You're great. — she leaned her head back on his chest, moving her hands to the sides of his torso in a awkward hug before adding — And hot. — she had sobered up a little but she decided she would keep going like if she was really drunk, just to save herself the embarrassment.
— You really think so? — he said, looking a bit down, testing if he could see her face, he couldn't until she looked back up.
Their lips were a few inches from each other and she felt like if all she could do was look at him and breath. She gathered all the strength she could just to say — Absolutely. — and there they were again in complete silence, looking at each other, waiting. And then, she couldn't wait any longer, she leaned in and kissed him. He kissed her back, holding her close, he put his right hand on the back of her neck and the other one on her back, and right then she knew she would be spending the night with him.
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Haha, yeah, I have forgotten so much too, that's why when I see a scene being discussed I go find it with that chapter summary thing and reread it because I'm sure to discover new details I have forgotten about, plus of course with all the fanons that people keep pushing, especially for some characters. You know which one. But yeah, for the 33 Elders, the fact that they were so many of them together clearly meant for me that LQR, who was also there, expected LWJ to oppose them and to fight. 1/4
Actually it's unclear even in the text how the situation fully went down because WWX was returned safely to the BM, and LWJ went to CR for punishment, but I don't think that the Lan sect would have let WWX go unharmed, so LWJ must have returned voluntary to the CR after dropping off WWX? So there was no need for the expeditionary Elder force at all? Idk. My hypocrisy comment was mostly for the fact that each lash was for injuring an Elder, so if there was less of them, LWJ would have 2/4
gotten less lashes (I didn't get the feeling that he was punished for allying with the YYLZ, just for hurting those particular persons) and the fact that their first worry wasn't LWJ safety (why send people to fight him and then condemn him to the heaviest punishment in the history of the sect with a big chance to leave him dead), but to protect their sect reputation. Staying with the YYLZ was dangerous too ofc, but can't LWJ choose how he wants to risk his life and not get that choice made3/4
for him? Maybe I just feel let down by the Lan sect who is promoting itself as some paragon of virtue and justice, but doesn't act that differently from the other sects and hides as much shitty things behind the curtains that the other ones. Seriously, MDZS world needs a justice system that isn't just powered by idealistic rogue cultivators with high moral values4/4 
I think what happened was LWJ kicked all the elders’ asses, got WWX back to the Burial Mounds, and returned to the Cloud Recesses for punishment? Because LWJ did think he deserved punishment for attacking and gravely injuring his elders to the point that they couldn’t follow him. How much of that is Lan sect and how much is cultural I don’t know enough to say, though. And if I’m remembering right LXC specifically says that the elders chosen to go after LWJ were the ones who respected him and so were less likely to kill him outright or otherwise do him serious harm. So there was definitely an element of wanting to protect LWJ from what the results of defending the Yiling Patriarch would inevitably be; consider that any other sect would almost certainly have executed him outright just for helping WWX, never mind attacking his own clan, and while I personally think LWJ’s punishment was in serious excess, especially given everyone knew the love of his life would be dead soon (isn’t that enough?), it’s easier to control a whipping than a massive attack by all the sects (although I don’t doubt for a second that their reputation played a big part in their decision, even if only deciding how quickly they moved and who was told; there’s a reason LQR chose the elders who most respected LWJ to go after him, and I’m sure that reason at least involved minimizing the odds of one of the elders gossiping to anyone outside the people who already knew what happened about it). Same with not letting him just stay with WWX, actually; at this point in the story, WWX is doomed. Everyone can see it. Even LWJ can see it, even if he’s willing to die trying to prevent it; you don’t beg someone to look at you and let you help them if you think they’re going to be just fine on their own. There’s really no saving WWX from the combined force of all four sects when he doesn’t even want to be saved, and no real way to prevent an attack after the pledge conference. The way LXC tells it, he and his uncle just didn’t want LWJ to die along with WWX. ...You know, thinking about it, a part of me wonders if his punishment was so brutal so that he’d have to stay in the Cloud Recesses where the Lans could keep an eye on him until he healed...
This entire section of the novel, from the pledge conference to WWX’s death, isn’t really about who’s morally right; it’s about love, and what you’ll do for the people you love even if they don’t want you to, even if it’s wrong. You see it with the Wen sibs dying to protect their family, WWX crashing the pledge conference to demand answers (and revenge), JYL sacrificing herself for WWX, LWJ risking his life and standing to get WWX to safety, even JC going against JYL’s dying wish to seek vengeance, and I think LXC and LQR sending the Lan elders who most respected LWJ out to bring him back to the Cloud Recesses alive and safe by any means necessary is just one more example of that. LWJ didn’t want to leave WWX and go back, he was willing to fight to stay with WWX just a little longer... but staying would have meant his death, and I don’t blame his family for being willing to do anything to prevent that.
...I seem to be defending the Lan elders again. I don’t know, maybe it’s just that a part of me sees the whole thing where the fandom goes all in on villainizing the Lan elders as part of the “Make the Cloud Recesses miserable for WWX so he’ll go back to Lotus Pier” thing I’ve discussed before? But while LWJ being whipped for attacking his elders is a Whole Thing and it’s awful and shouldn’t have happened, I would say it seems more like another facet of MDZS’s major theme of people with good intentions causing horrible things to happen than it does outright cruelty or malice, especially since neither LXC nor LWJ, the two people involved in the whole affair who actually discuss it, seem to have any idea who was in the right, if either side was. Also I don’t really like people always taking the worst view of a situation we only get the broad strokes of, because it just seems... needlessly angsty sometimes, y’know?
Are the Lans paragons of virtue? No, definitely not. But considering the situation and the other sects who they’re being compared to... I’d say they definitely come out ahead of the rest, for whatever that’s worth. The MDZS world definitely needs a better justice system, though. Like, seriously, this is a mess.
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fortheloveofkuroo · 5 years
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A/n: This fic is already waiting on my waiting list to get published. I write this story like 3 years ago. With a diffetent character ofc. This fic is inspired by a tumblr post about a Agent!AU.
Todoroki Shoto × F!Reader
!WARNING!: Swearing, Guns, and violence.
• • •
A huge, old yet classy building stands tall infront of you are crowded with a lot of people. From commoners untill the famous one.
Your eyes quickly did a quick scanning about the whole area around you. Making sure that there are no one, not even someone is following you. Trying to act as casual as possible, you grip your clutch to your chest and looking around with an amazed face as if it's your first time being here.
"Invitation?" a big and scary guy suddenly stops you.
You look over to that guy and hands over a small invitation that wrapped in a gold paper. Giving him an innocent smile.
"This way." his big hand welcoming you while opening the glass door. Exposing the hidden world inside. You look around. Scanning the whole Club area carefully through the drunk people that's been dancing on the dance floor and making sure you don't miss a thing because your eyes searching for someone.
Legs stepping in. Your 6in red stilletos heels make a captivating sound everytime your feet touches the floor. Your short spaghetti straps black-velvet dress showing off your curve. All eyes on you.
"Damnit Mina. I told you to not dress me with something eye catching but look what you did." you whispered under your breath, anticipating an answer from a device that's been plugged in your ear.
"Sorry sweetie, but hey look at the bright side, you look gorgeous!" a voice reply with a chuckle and you sighed. You made your way to the bar.
The bar is not so crowded. Only few people sits their ass on there and enjoying their liquor. But the bartender seems busy. There are 2 bartender in that bar. One is mixing the drink while the other one is serving.
You walks closer and take a seat that's closest to the bartender position. Planning to make him spill every information about the target.
Of course you're here with a reason. Your Department, Shiketsu gave you this important mission to capture the big Mafia group that's been troubling this area and doing as they want. Stealing, robbing, killing. You name it all.
And you're the one who will stop it.
Your (E/C) eyes linger around the bar area. Scanning any abnormal things, CCTV, or even a microphone but luckily you found nothing. Your eyes turn to the bartender. He prepare the drink for his customer with such a skill. He's trained and good.
"What can i make for you tonight, Ms?" the other bartender with bright yellow hair greets you.
"One Bloody Mary please." you order simply. Giving him your deadly smile which struck him for a while and made him froze. The bright yellow colored hair bartender order the other bartender to make your order.
Once He's done, he serves the drink to you. "Enjoy your drink." his deep voice creeps to your neck. Lucious black hair with bangs covering his left eye. His face is emotionless but those smug smile.
"[DG], find any information about this club. Find a proof that our target is really here." a voice command you from the device. Easy.
"Say.." you look over to the yellow haired bartender's his uniform. Searching for a nametag.
"Say Kaminari. How is this Club? I would like to know more. This club is very interesting and gorgeous.." you say, leaning close to his ears.
"..Like you." His ears gone red. He's embarassed.
"Um.. Well this club, Golden Rose Club is developed by Mr. Chronos. As you already know, the biggest Mafia in this area. That's why.." you sits back straight, not listening to him anymore. You're in the right place and with the right target. Now you just need to find him.
"Ooh.. And where can i find this Mr. Chronos, Kaminari?" your hand, carresing his cheek and slowly moving down to his neck and chest.
"Um.. He's usually not here but. He's here now. Because there are few important guest that's meeting him here-" he shuts his mouth suddenly. Looks like he spill too much to you. You smirk and drink your bloody mary. Leaving a few dollar to pay but a hand stops you.
"It's on the house." his deep voice makes you feel a little chill again. It's that black haired bartender again. You thank him with a smile and left immediately. You can feel a pair of eyes watching you from far. It's him. He seems suspicious.
But you decided to focus on your target more. You sail the ocean of human in the dance floor, trying to find this "Mr. Chronos".
Untill you found a large couch in the middle of the dance floor with a middle-aged man sitting in the center. Arms extended and young attractive girls around him. Those girls are practically throwing themself to him.
"Remember [DG], Mr. Chronos is a middle-aged man. Often identified as Mr. C in his club. He had a few tatoo on his neck, arm, and face. A claw on his left neck, a demon on both of his arms and a skull on his left cheek."
You match the features one more time and it is. It is him. Your target. Well that's easy and this is gonna end well you tought. You walk confidently and approach him.
"Oh look, what a pretty girl. Who's your name darling? Come sit sit!" he offers you a seat beside him by pushing a girl that's been sticking to him the whole time away.
You smile sweetly and pulls out your gun. Pointing your gun at his forehead while smiling.
"It's over Chronos." you said, feeling win.
But, instead of feeling scared, Chronos laughed. "This is why i like the agents. They're good with surprises. I've been expecting you Agent. Code name [DeadlyGorgeous] am i right?" he smirked playfully while sipping a wine.
You frown. How did he know? Did someone blow your cover? It doesn't matter. The problem is, now you're surrounded with 10 big guy. His subordinate pointing a gun at the same place. Your head. And at that time, you feel dizzy. Your knees feels weak.
The everything is black.
• • •
You woke up in a car. The car is not moving. But for some reason, your body feels heavy and tired.
Wait. You sits immediately. Checking every part of your limbs. They're still there and everything is still in place. Thank goodness. But something fell off. A black vest fell off from your lap.
You picked it up and inspect it closely. Wait.. This vest seems familiar.
"Oh you're up." a voice startled you. The black haired and emotionless face. It's the bartender.
"Y-You! What happened? What did you do to me?!" you point at him. Searching for your gun that you always put in your stocking.
"Looking for this?" In his hand, there's a gold revolver. It's your gun.
"Hey give that back!" you hurrily get out from the car and tried to get your gun back.
"Deadly.. Gorgeous. What a unique code name. But it's definitely suits you." his finger ran over the carving on the barrel. He gave you a smug smile again. What's with him and his smug smile?
Your hand tried to get back the gun but he keeps teasing you and lifting it high on the air. You can't help it he's taller than you. "Give it back!" and your legs slipped. Your body automatically falls into his embrace as he hold you.
With you in his chest, you can feel his warmth and his heartbeat that slowly go faster. "Um.. You okay? Can you get off now?" he asked. "Oh right! Sorry.." you pulls your body away from him. Feeling embarassed and blaming yourself for being so reckless.
He takes off his jacket and put it over your shoulder. "The vest is not warm enough so wear this. With that dress you'll catch a cold."
You're touched with his kindness. But you don't even know who is this person. Can he be trusted?
"Actually.. Who are you?" you hold his hand. He looks at your eyes and sighed.
His hand pulls something out from his pocket and show it to you. "Agent Todoroki Shoto, code name [Twilight] from U.A Agent Department. Nice to meet you, Agent (Y/N)."
You dropped your jaw. 'That' [Twilight]? He's a very famous agent on the secret agent world. He's a very high-class agent.
"Wait but.. The bartender.. How.." You're confused. Somehow your brain cannot process this simple information.
He chuckled. "Have you heard about disguise, Agent (Y/N)?"
Right. How stupid. How can you forgot the basic of undergoing a mission. Disguise is a must.
But, why did such a prestigious agent department send it's finest agent to a club like this? Usually they will handle things a lot more serious than this. Something like the government or even internasional.
"What? Is something wrong?" he asked while cracking open a can of coffee. He offers you some too.
"No it's just.. Why a high-class agent like you is handling a not-so-big mafia in the club? I thought your job is way more dangerous than this." you wondered. Once again you hear him chuckle and he gave you a pat on your head.
"Why are you so cute, agent?" his words immediately make your cheeks heating up. What's this?
"Did you forget that the department can send their agent anywhere, everywhere right? Even to the North Pole if they can." he explained.
"Ah right. I forgot about that. My head is still dizzy." you hold your head and massage it a little.
"Ah the drug is still working."
Drug? Wait what?
"Drug? What drug?"
Todoroki seems dumbfounded, he scratch his neck and smile. "Well, when you order the bloody mary back at the club, i put in a few dose of low anesthetic. Because i know from the first time that you're after that Mafia and we have the same target."
You can't say a word. Speechless. He's just too good.
"I apologized for making you unconscious in the middle of your important moment, but hey i save your life."
"And how about the Mafia" you stare right to his eyes. Demanding an answer. "Calm down. He's already with the police."
You sighed and slump. That means you fail at your mission. Even though you almost had him. You feel a warmth on your shoulder and look up.
"Don't be sad. I sent him to the police with a report that you're the one who capture him. So it's your win."
Shocked. This man always made you speechless.
"Afterall you're the one who attempted to capture that mafia first. So i told them that you fight him and capture him. And you faint because you're too tired. They offer an ambulance but i refuse. Also i told them to report to your Department."
You smiled softly and approach him. Slowly tip toe-ing to reach his cheek an peck his cheek quickly. He surprised and cover his cheek.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"Thank you. You saved my life and my job. I can't thank you enough." you bowed deeply to him. You hear him sighed and his hand slowly brings you to stand up.
"Don't be so polite geez. It's weird, just a moment ago you're flirting with my partner and now you're being so polite." he's averting his gaze and his cheeks are a little flushed.
"Ah it's already 3 in the morning. I have to go home now." you hurrily wear your shoes but Todoroki holds your hand. "I'll drive you home. I can't call myself a man if i let you go home alone in this hours. You're a girl too." he steps in his car and starts the engine. Then he starts driving.
And the whole time, none of you two have spoken a word. It's just silent and awkward. Untill Todoroki breaks it.
"Where do you live?" his eyes focused on the road.
"Oh right. Luxury Apartment beside the station." you answered.
"Oh wow. You live in Luxury? You must be paid well huh? A month in Luxury itself is around ¥700.000 am i right?" he said while admiring you.
"How about you, Todoroki?" you asked him too. He smiles. "I live on a small simple house." his eyes is still attached to the road.
He clear his throat, then out of the blue asked. "Do you have a boyfri-" "No. We broke up 3 months ago." you answer instantly. "Oh..Why?"
"He found out that i'm an agent. He think that my job is too dangerous for him. He doesn't want to be with me again because i'm always dealing with a criminal and i will put him in danger." you explained with a blank expression.
"What a loser. I'm sorry you have to be with that guy."
you laughed softly. "What for? It's not that he treat me nicely too. Not like you.." you said under your breath at the end of sentence. Hoping that he doesn't hear.
"And we're here."
Todoroki's car stops at the lobby of a fancy building. Your hand unbuckle the seatbelt and stare at his eyes for a while. His turquoise and brown eyes are beautiful. You got off, but you decided to tell him a few things first.
You knock on his window, he opens it quickly. "What's wrong?" he asked, brow furrowing. "Listen, once again thank you for saving me and my job. Also-" before you can even finished your word, his lips already crashes to yours.
He kisses you slowly but full with passion. Then he pulls away and smile. And you froze.
"Your welcome, also do you live alone?"
You nod.
"Good. Can i visit you sometimes?"
You nod again.
"Also one more thing. Would you go out with me?"
And you nod again. Causing him to grin.
"Perfect, Have good rest (Y/N)~" then he just leave like that.
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Eternity (I give to you)
It’s still the 5th. This one took me a minute to actually have time to sit down and write, but it got done. Also this doesn’t Offically take place in the Harmony AU, but. If you want it to, you can make it so. There’s a link that kind of looks like what I was picturing, without spoilers ofc.
Brian has never been good with buying gifts. He overthinks them until he ends up putting them back and buying something generic. Like the year he could have bought John a broken down bass, that they could have repaired together (he’s sure it would have sounded off but how fun it would have been) and then instead bought him a very fancy pack of the tea flavor he prefers.
Roger usually takes pity on me and tells him what he can get him. Dinner at some point during the week usually works out for them, or even lunch. They take at least one meal together in the space between their birthdays.
Then there’s Freddie, the absolute love of Brian’s life.
With the success of Queen and money no longer an issue, Freddie has taken to the mindset that if he wants it he will just buy it. Brian doesn’t mind it, however stressful it is when the purchases clutter up the walkways because they aren’t sure where to put them. It simply makes it impossible to buy Freddie a gift with any meaning attached to it.
Dinner and wine is something that they do once a week as a date night and they always got to a nice restaurant. A habit formed back in their Hot Space era and never broken.
He could buy Freddie artwork, but his taste changes with the wind and Brian doesn’t really want to start any kind of disagreement.
Freddie is touched with grand gestures, Brian bought him a star one year, but the paper is pressed between the albums in their music room.
Jewelry and clothes are always better left to Freddie himself. It saves him both the sizing headache and the lecture on combinations and styles. He likes fashion, and the grand clothes they pick for stage wear, but when it comes down to it, he can’t pick out the cuts or fabrics that would look good with each other. Freddie has Elton for that most days, either way.
Brian pauses, his pencil tapping on the list of potential gifts. The only thing he had managed to write down that hasn’t been scratched out is jewelry. Freddie wears it, certainly, but it usually is only once before he picks out a new piece. Except there’s one thing… Brian shakes his head. He couldn’t.
He reads through the list. It’s the only thing he can think of.
Except that it is so cliché that he can just imagine the ribbing he is going to get for it.
He dials the number before he can think about it.
“That is the number you called,” Roger replies.
He pauses and stares at the list again.
“B? You call for a reason?” Roger inhales shakily, “did something happen?”
Is he really going to ask Roger? Brian sighs, it feels right, and he is running out time to get something together.
“Are you free?”
“Right now?”
“I can be,” Roger replies, “I was just catching up on my reading. Why?”
“I want to,” Brian bites his lips and glances at the list again, “I want to go ring shopping.”
“For Freddie.”
“Well, I assumed you weren’t going to propose to a mistress,” Roger laughs.
Brian grimaces and clears his throat.
“Anyway, ring shopping?”
“His birthday is –”
“I know when my best friend’s birthday is. Do you want to buy him a ring? Brian that means… you know what that means.” “I do.” “Oh, you’re serious. How long?”
“Thirty minutes,” he shrugs.
“You made up your mind in thirty minutes?” Roger barks, “miracles do happen – of course I’ll come with you. I’ll drive. Be over shortly.”
The line goes dead and Brian carefully rips up the list because he knows Freddie likes snooping in his paper’s. Mostly to find songs that he is hiding from him. His plans for a surprise have been ruined more than once because of this habit. It earns him a lot of soft kisses when Freddie learns.
Brian stands and decides that he should look professional. He doesn’t actually know how you’re supposed to look when buying rings. He’s deciding between jackets when Roger knocks on his door.
“Hello – and John too.”
John waves, “Roger called me.”
“Did he tell you why?”
“I assume it’s for Freddie.” Brian rolls his eyes and bites his cheek before stepping out and locking the door. Roger is dressed down, except for the dark green suit blazer he is wearing. John looks comfortable in the short sleeve band shirt from their last tour. Brian glances down and his trousers, sharply pressed.
“Come on. We’ll never leave if you start thinking about your fashion. We should get this done before Freddie comes back.”
“He’s doing his solo work, right?”
“I think it’s a meeting about the album cover,” Brian shrugs.
“Well, let’s go,” Roger bounces.
Brian hasn’t been in a jewelry store since he helped Roger pick out a ring for Dom. He can tell that John remembers the same thing with a tiny grimace on his face. That hadn’t been a great time in their relationship. Even without all the details they refuse to share, Brian can guess how close they came to breaking up.
The clerk greets them with a smile before swaying her hips over. Obviously, they’ve been recognized and Brian spends about four seconds dreading the tabloids getting ahold of this. He’ll have to keep Freddie away from them for a week.
While making sure he doesn’t make it look like he’s having an affair.
“How may I help you?” The woman asks.
“I want to look at the rings?”
“Any occasion?”
Brian shrugs, he doesn’t imagine there’s that much difference between rings. The clerk nods and waves her arm in the direction of one of the display cases. Roger and John both follow him with their hands in their pockets. The rings glitter from the light in the display. There’s just so many of them.
Roger leans over and starts pointing out random rings. Usually, Brian would trust him when it comes to Freddie’s fashion sense, but they all seem wrong. It quickly becomes clear that Roger is just pointing out the most expensive ones he sees.
Not that price matters too much.
John pinches Roger on the side.
“Stop being a nuisance. We’ll let Brian pick and then give him our opinion.”
The clerk smiles setting the rings back in the case.
Brian crouches and starts looking through each ring carefully. He’s drawn to the brilliant yellow diamonds. They remind him of Freddie, and he makes sure to point to the teardrop one. Really, they’re lovely, and Freddie would adore it. Except it’s very blatant as to what it is. He walks down the case, pointing out rings occasionally.
John and Roger both watch the display case fill up. Brian thinks all of them would look lovely, but they Aren’t Perfect.
“This one is nice, Bri,” Roger says holding up a beautiful twisted band, solid gold with tiny diamonds forming leaves.
Maybe if this was Jim, Brian frowns.
Roger sets it back, “Brian, whichever one you get. It’ll be loved.”
Brian nods. He knows that. Freddie would be moved by the sentiment and wear the ring proudly. It’s just that Brian wants to be 100 percent satisfied. Which he rarely ever is. John sighs and crosses his arm as he leans against a pillar.
“Brian,” John says, “trust yourself.”
He takes a deep breath. Closing his eyes, he thinks about what Freddie would love. Something simple and elegant. Freddie might be the world’s best frontman and loves extravagance, but Brian’s always loved the way he looks on Saturday mornings when they have nowhere to be. Hair messed by sleep and eyes softened without the make-up, how the shirt hangs off of him because it’s Brian’s but it’s nothing but soft gray cotton.
Brian thinks about how Freddie’s voice sounds the best when it’s soft and the melody is simple. When the song is so beautiful that he doesn’t need vocal acrobatics to sell it.
Freddie to him is Queen’s frontman, but he’s also the man that picks up his cats swaying with them and sings good morning to them in a bathrobe with coffee filling the house in a wakeup call.
He opens his eyes again and looks back at the case. His eyes are drawn to The Ring. When the clerk grabs it and sets it in the middle of the box, both John and Roger lean forward and share secret grins with each other.
“That’s perfect, mate,” Roger says.
John nods, “see, you knew.”
Brian thumbs the velvet case in his pocket. Freddie wants to stay in tonight. The Big Celebration is tomorrow when more of their guest list could make it, and Brian didn’t have to worry about a hangover on the weekend. Instead, with Phoebe’s help, he made a simple dinner. He picked out a menu that went with Freddie’s favorite wine and found their good candle holders.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Freddie smiles before kissing him on the cheek, “this is lovely. Thank you, Brimi.”
Brian smiles and guides Freddie to the table, pulling out the chair before sitting across from them.
“You know, this reminds me of our first date,�� Freddie says unfolding the napkin.
He grins. Their first date had been on the floor of Freddie’s room in the flat he shared with Roger, too scared to go out. They had pulled the card table in and used cheap scented candles to make it feel more romantic. The dishes had been take-out containers and paper plates. Brian had spilled their cheap wine on his white shirt two minutes into the meal and jumped every time Freddie so much as looked at him.
Tonight, they use fancy china and drink wine that Brian has trouble pronouncing in a mansion with velvet curtains and a central heating system that works. Unlike the Brian who had just stopped curling his hair, and still felt too nervous in his own body much less touch someone a stunning as Freddie, Brian places his hand down on the table face up. He twists their legs together with ease bought by time. Freddie clasps their hands together.
The fact that he loves Freddie Mercury has never changed between the years.
“Good. I wanted to remind you where we came from,” Brian said.
“Ah yes, I wanted to be reminded of the awkward guitarist and too shy singer.”
“Reflection is good.”
“The future is better.”
Brian grins again. The fork clinks quietly on his plate, “about that?”
“Did you finally unlock time travel, Dr. May?”
“Ah, that mystery still eludes me,” Brian laughs, “but I do know who I’d like to spend my future with.”
Freddie lifts an eyebrow.
His hand wraps around the box and pulls it out before sliding it across the table. Freddie’s eyes widen, and he drops his fork before reaching out and grabbing it. He detangles their hands to pick it up and flip open the lid.
A double-banded ring sits in soft yellow silk. He had chosen the color specifically because of how it reminds him of Freddie. One band is white enamel and the other black. They’re connected by a strip of silver where they cross each other. Freddie picks it up, as though he is afraid it will break.
Brian wets his lip, his heart attempting to beat out of his chest. He doesn’t think that Freddie will reject him, but this means so much to him.
“I couldn’t think what else to give you,” Brian says quietly, “but then I thought that I could promise this forever.”
Freddie holds the ring to his face, “it’s beautiful.”
“I know I promised forever, already. Back when we were younger.”
“Under those horribly scratchy hotel sheets in Sydney, I remember.”
They both get lost in their thoughts for a moment. Brian had promised forever and then very nearly broke it a few months later when he got sick in the states.
Freddie drops the ring in his hand and then extends his fingers towards Brian.
He slips it onto the middle finger.
“When we can finally get married, I’ll put a ring there.”
He smiles at Freddie’s surprised laugh. Brian squeezes his hand before dropping it. Freddie lifts the hand to his face, staring at the tangled bands, twisting it every which way.
“It feels heavy,” Freddie says after a few minutes.
“That’s because it’s a promise of forever.”
“You give me forever this year, what will you give me next year?” Freddie teases.
Brian shrugs, “I’ll promise forever then, too.”
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tennyo-elf · 6 years
Thoughts on Cullen, both negative and positive:
Okay, so life crap aside (’cause if you think my hiatus isn’t life BS, you’d be wrong), I am slowly making my way back to Dragon Age. I started a new play through of DAI and I’m rerolling my Ellana (ofc, I love her too much - AND I have to get back to my last ME3 pt too, ‘cause I want to do a video series with ME after that). So generally, getting back into DA and ME makes me happier.
I’ve always liked Cullen! Ellana romances and marries him! This blogs has reblogged tons of gifs and images of him. But, sadly, I can finally see the haters POV, and pretty clearly too. Yet it all comes from Haven/Pre-Skyhold/that one convo after his Lyrium decision.
First, the way he speaks of Kirkwall, like he mentions only the bad things the mages did, like the templars didn’t have a hand in that chaos, and normally I’d say Cullen is blindsided but he knows better here (I’m thinking/hoping it’s just a knee jerk reaction). Then he speaks about how the mages watch the Templars just as much as the Templars watch the mages and states it pretty cluelessly, as if he doesn’t know why - which he honestly may not (the mages are scared and see you guys a jailers/executioners/oppressors/etc  !!***!!). Then later he states he fears for Redcliffe because the rebel mages are there - I know he worries about bad things happening (and bad things did happen, but not because of the mages, because of Alexius) but that means he doesn’t trust mages or think them capable of restraint.. It’s not in your face mage discrimination, but you can clearly see how he still thinks lowly about mages. He is still very much a Templar in thought and action at this time, despite how he wants to get away from the Order. I can see how and why people who don’t like Cullen, would go “ugh” with Cullen and never give him another chance. I’m yelling at Cullen on my screen, because he is too narrow minded during this time (just like I yell at Solas, whom I also love, lol).
I’m so conflicted right now, because I know Cullen gets better, even subtly, later on, but we don’t get the solid details on it. All we get are hints and only if you romance him as a mage. When talking about Maddox and how Meredith wielded the Tranquil brand for far lesser offences, Cullen does seem mad or finds the memory distasteful, but he never tells us what he thinks about it. Unless you count the whole “Meredith’s methods were harsh but they kept people safe” spiel. I don’t like his solution because he ends it with the words “neither freedom nor prison” (dude, your mage gf is right there, you don’t want her free?????). That hints he now realises that it’s a prison for mages or that mages see it that way. That’s something, a start, and it’s a different mindset than at Haven. After that I don’t remember if there is much from Cullen about mages anymore. (His silly worries about the Eluvian is actually pretty funny, because, one, if you joke with him he realizes he shouldn’t worry, and two, he verbally pouts when he states that “he not unreasonable” - it makes me wonder how much contemplation he gives to his opinions or thoughts, because sometimes it seems like he doesnt, while other times he does).
I’ve noticed how he finds it difficult to be or think in someone else’s shoes, not until they knock him over the head with their own experiences. He wrongly thinks about how Tranquillity was created by mages too (the truth is he is very much a parrot to Chantry indoctrination, until otherwise informed but even informed it takes him time to turn around and face the truth). And he is very set in his ways but seems to want to change himself or just not be who he was in DA2. I know he wants to be a good man and wants to protect people (that’s the core of his character and why I like him). He has seen the dangers of magic and I don’t disagree that protections against magical misuse should be in place, but the subject seems to cloud his judgement (and of course it does after what he went through in the Circle of Ferelden). But he doesn’t take nonsense from the Chantry, even though he is very devout, which makes him paradoxical at times too. He is also very unforgiving of those who do wrong, even if it was just an honest mistake, so his mercy bar is low. And yet he needs mercy too, says it himself at the end of the base game (he if it was him, he wouldn’t have given himself another chance).
It’s just, Cullen’s character is layered, and he has done good things (among his bad). And besides Leliana, and besides his botched and ridiculous suggestions for the Clan Lavellan War Tables mission, he actually has some of the best options for a lot of the elvhen centred war table missions. I mean, can someone who wants to change, to be a better person, makes friends with mages, dwarves, qunari, and is around an Inquisitor who makes Leliana Divine, still be stuck in that pre-Skyhold mentality?
I don’t know where I’m going with this. I’m just angry we don’t have a really proper redemption arc for Cullen (and yes, I agree a lot with the idea of DAI only having a recovery arc for him, but that means Cullen still needs a redemption arc and if you don’t want him DA4, how is he going to get that????). We really don’t see him change more from the beginning of the game. Like we get hints, to a subtle shift in his character, and it’s not apparent and can be easily missed or overlooked or even dismissed as Cullen not having changed a bit. It’s so easy to make your own version of Cullen. I choose to see him as changed and that having a Dalish mage lover than later wife, really opens his eyes to a different world he hadn’t seen before due to his insular life as a Templar within a very awful Chantry.
And like, I get the feeling that Cullen can’t shift too fast either because if he acknowledges that “what good he did” as a Templar was just bad/evil like murder evil in general he’d falter or come completely undone, and that can’t happen during DAI because he needs to command the army. Like, hey, that mage that failed her harrowing? If you just dampened her magic for a bit, you could have removed the demon and saved her life (admittingly that risks other lives) but there were options to give mages more chances at life, a better life, within in the Circle. Harrowings are evil, and I want Cullen to get that. Cullen needed more tbh, for him to be more generally likeable. His opinion  about mages, in the beginning of DAI, is annoying and infuriating.
Slowly he stops talking about mages and seems slightly more reasonable near the end, but it’s almost too subtle, or just plain unclear just how much he has changed. I understand he won’t be 100% pro-mage because of what happened in the Circle of Ferelden, but like being around mages, free mages no less, who don’t go spewing blood magic or summon demons willy nilly, etc, should have made a dent in his thick skull! I headcanon that it does, because knowing what I know of Cullen, it seems natural to me that he would learn and be better, slowly but surely. His stubborn, very stubborn, but to me his shift from DA2 to DAI means that he is capable of re-evaluating previously held beliefs. So what’s stopping someone like that from learning even more though proper guidance and exposure?  He’d always have certain traits, he’d always be devout to the Maker, but wouldn't evidence during DAI show him that mages can be free to govern themselves? We never find out though just how much his opinions can change though. We don’t hear his opinions or thoughts on the matter at all in the end (what does he think about Adamant or Mythal or Solas, on the College of Mages and the allianced mages who successful ran themselves?). That is what frustrates me so much!!! I just want a clear answer, if Cullen is around a pro-mage Inquisitor, who allies with the mages, and then has Leliana Divine, does that help him grow out of all that up there that has me yelling at him? I want it to be so, but that fact is it’s unclear, that DA4 might not mention it, or that if Cullen is in DA4 we won’t get to see how much he changed because he’ll be a quick guest appearance or..?
And throwing this out there, I like how he says to a Dalish LI, “I want your promise to be true” in such a serious tone, when they mention needing Dalish vows. But does that mean he cares about her faith or respects it (which seems like he would do, by this time, he’d need time to respect another faith besides his own at first)? Or he doesn’t care if she like recites some demonic passage to some daedric princes, so long as she marries him....(because he can be a stubborn, ignorant toad sometimes that needs to be taught)? We don’t know because we never get a chance for a Dalish LI to speak with Cullen about faith...
!!***!!Just came to me, Cullen is not very observant/is pretty ignorant about things. I don’t think he lies about things (that would be OOC for him), he just talks erroneously about things he doesn’t know anything about. (Thus, again, he needs better guidance...so would a pro-mage, pro-elf, merciful leader like my Ellana, truly help him change for the better?)
I still love Cullen, but my boy is problematic AF.  And I honestly believe bioware didn’t do him right (on point, to my liking, which I know others will disagree). Bioware either brushed off what he did or what he believes since they don’t think it’s a big deal, or because of time and budget, maybe they just couldn’t give him more of an arc. Or maybe Cullen is too much of a side character to get more story. Companions did have more than Advisors, so knowing that, I want Cullen as a companion is DA4 so he can get that arc I want him to have? Wishful thinking, I know. But tin foil hat on, maybe that’s why it’s only a recovery arc now, so later on, they can delve into more of his story? (Doubt it, wishful thinking AGAIN. But if what your Inquisitor did in DAI can vastly change him in DA4 and he has to go through that process of change. I mean, it shows just how much influence the Inquisitor had on her inner-circle and the world of Thedas?)
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softboyholland · 6 years
Ok ok I need ABSOLUTELY NEED a petermj celebrity au with t*mdaya teas pls
ok ok headcanon time binches
ok so i decided to go with supermodel!mj and regular ol’ peter parker
except everyone knows that he’s spider-man now
he did the whole reveal a year ago (it was very iron-man like)
and now he stays at the avengers mansion with the rest of the avengers
ok so peter makes a friend in wanda
because she’s young too and she was ROBBED of her childhood and basic societial skills and pop culture because of her powers
so when peter gets over his fear of her, he makes it his personal mission to help her experience being a teenager
(even though they’re all in their early 20s here)
ok so wanda gets a little invested in fashion and makeup
peter knows nothing about that BECAUSE HE’S A NERD
so he begs tony to get him and wanda two seats to a fashion show
of course everyone knows that they’re scarlet witch and spider-man so they’re honored to have two heros present at their fashion show
so they’re at a chanel fashion show in paris and PETER IS BORED OUT OF HIS MIND
he tries to look interested for wanda but i mean sure the clothes look cool??? but what else is he supposed to do??
he’s just very awkward
and everyone seems to know each other and wanda feels a little out of place AND IT’S NOT LIKE HE KNOWS WHO THESE HIGH FASHION PEOPLE ARE
so he can’t exactly introduce them to wanda
but because this fashion show isn’t like any other, they all have tables and they have dinner and everything
the girl next to wanda whom he’s pretty sure has been watching the two of them for the past 10 minutes with the same bored expression on her face sighs overdramatically and turns to wanda
“i’m michelle jones. are you wanda maximoff?”
wanda nods nervously and peter pretends like he isn’t listening in on the conversation
“i love your lipstick. you’re really pulling off the color, especially with that skirt.”
and then michelle is introducing wanda to her stylist and her stylist is complimenting wanda’s outfit and wanda seems genuinely happy it’s so heartwarming to watch.
so michelle hits it off with wanda and peter isn’t as bored anymore because at least wanda’s happy now
when they finally leave the fashion show, peter asks wanda if she had a good time and wanda thanks him
but then she shoots peter a text which is just a number sequence
peter’s like, “are these the codes for some sort of launch?”
and wanda laughs, “that’s michelle’s phone number.”
and wanda’s all like chill, “she offered to take me shopping tomorrow so you know where to find me, in case you can’t get me.”
peter’s all red now and then wanda jokes, “it could totally mean something else if you want.”
peter groans and ignores her teasing.
it’s really nothing, peter really does not have a crush on mj. he really doesn’t. no like i’m serious you guys.
he only starts like REALLY NOTICING HER when he walks into wanda’s hotel room like after 2 days of minding his own business and working on web formulas
she’s laying on wanda’s bed and they both have facemasks on and bathrobes on and michelle is asking wanda all about being an avenger and “is black widow really THAT badass? i bet she is. i can’t believe you get to see her almost everyday.”
it’s really cute actually
wanda having a friend is real cute
and then she stops talking when peter walks in and wanda’s like, “hey! i haven’t seen you in days!”
michelle is unusually quiet throughout the whole thing
finally she gets a call
because she removes her bathrobe and lets her hair down from it’s messy bun and she’s tugging on her heels and she’s slipping on a trenchcoat over her gymwear???
and she does everything in under a minute and it all happens in slow motion for peter (like in those rom-coms he makes fun of wanda for watching)
she hugs wanda goodbye and tells her that she’ll see her soon and wishes both of them a safe flight
she goes to hug peter but peter goes to shake her hand (HOMEBOY IS STILL A LITTLE STARSTRUCK OK) and they hug all awkwardly and he can literally see michelle cringing for a split second before she leaves
peter feels like, and probably looks like the heart eye emoji
wanda smirks at him and he shrugs it off
there’s some sort of commotion downstairs and there’s literally a whole crowd because of her, “jesus, how famous is she?”
“she’s a supermodel, peter.”
“she’s a supermodel, an activist, a fashion and feminist icon…” wanda drawls out, watching peter from the corner of her eye.
he looks like he’s about to short-circuit.
when wanda teases him, he claims that he was just shocked he’s never heard of her before.
sure, jan
when they’re back in new york, mj invites wanda over to visit her on the set of her photoshoot
ofc she doesn’t tell him that they’re going to visit mj
and then, bam!
and her shoot is literally by the poolside right
so peter thinks, oh wow we’re just going to a fancy hotel with a pool and a really nice view
literally, of course
i mean can u imagine
so we’ve been focusing on peter
and okayyyyyyy so she did initially think that he was a little cute because he kept on looking around at everyone in the fashion show like a lost, confused, puppy
it was quite hard for her to believe that HE was spider-man
and then she befriends wanda and wanda tells her all about how peter wants her to experience a normal life and he’s the one who got her the tickets to the show and
and so what if she got caught off guard the other day when he walked into wanda’s room, his lab goggles resting on the top of his head, messy brown curls and all
and then now!! wanda brings him to her photoshoot
which she’s totally cool with yep no big deal but now she has the need to look 100x cooler than she already does
and her photographer is hyping her up
and he’s wearing a very thin, white tee that shows off his muscles and for the first time since she’s met him, she’s like, “hot damn.”
then she’s biting her lip and not-so-subtly ogling him
wanda smirks at her and she looks away
wanda snaps it
the avengers tease him for days
after the internet does it’s thing and everyone is like ‘get u a man that looks at you the way spider-man looks at something in the far off distance’
and wanda invites michelle to the mansion one day
and mj totally freaks out when she sees black widow AND t’challa
peter’s sparring with natasha when wanda introduces them
because she usually looks so cool, and calm, and collected
and maybe he does get a teeny bit jealous when mj gushes over black panther being the coolest superhero ever
so from then on, she spends a lot of time w wanda in the common room
she’s throwing popcorn at wanda and she’s laughing– his heart flutters
he may have a thing for her
but she does befriend peter eventually,
after he stops being weird about his crush on her, he does realise that he’s going to have to hangout with her if he wants to hangout with wanda
and then he finds out that she’s really, really funny
like she makes you clutch your stomach because you’re laughing from too much pain kind of funny
and that makes him fall even harder
so they become close too right
she doesn’t have snapchat
so ppl inevitably start shipping them together
because if you add peter on snapchat
sometimes it’s just 4 second videos of michelle laughing uncontrollably
thats his whoLE DAMN STORY
then whenever he goes shopping with her and she gets irritated at his fashion choices
you’ll see peter zooming in on michelle with her arms crossed and rolling her eyes at him from the opposite side of the room
fans always see them out together
and peter’s always posting shit about her
also, he visits her shoots regularly
unless he’s gtg save the world he’s usually snapchatting michelle going from hot to a dork in 0.5 seconds from behind the camera
and peter totally takes candid photos of her that fill his instagram
at this point, falcon and bucky take to teasing him about his ‘girlfriend’ all the time
sometimes they always have little impromptu photoshoots
(if y’all follow cole sprouse, you know he has little impromptu photoshoots with his girlfriend aka lili reinhart all the time and THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THESE DORKS DO)
like michelle will show up to a shoot wearing a flannel that’s a little too loose on her shoulders, and is way too big for her tiny arm AND EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS WHO IT BELONGS TOO BUT
no one says anything cuz she always gets so damn defensive over it
he IS an avenger
that means, attending tony stark’s parties
and michelle always styles him and occasionally lets him borrow her stuff
they never return to her
so at this point, everyone literally thinks they’re dating
because like in every spideychelle fic ever, they’re always too oblivious of their feelings for each other
then one day, they’re literally mobbed by paparazzi
the poor children are literally just watching some nerdy movie that peter wanted to watch together
and everyone’s asking them if they’re dating
its fuckin weird
(lmao no its not)
they keep getting followed by paparazzi
so much so that all the snaps stop
almost everyone on social media thinks that they’ve broken up
so they meet up in secret
like they literally only hang out at night
she’s either at the compound
or he’s at her penthouse
that’s literally the only way they get to hang out w each other
but because they’re an ass backwards couple,
as the whole internet, thinks that they’re broken up
they kiss one night
(it happens because peter’s staring at her and she throws a pillow at him and tells him to stop but he doesn’t stop and then they’re kissing)
so everything is lowkey
and ppl still think they’re broken up
but one day
there’s a paparazzi photo of mj leaving some event
and then fans realise that her lockscreen looks very suspicious
so after zooming,
they realise that it’s literally just a photo of her pet cat and some guy
if only they had better pic quality
but that’s not even what gives them away
what really gives them away is when peter parker who NEVER uses his twitter account accidentally posts a photo of MJ
you can only see half of peter’s face but like ANYONE CAN TELL IT’S HIM
ok and on peter’s chest is a sleeping mj, and you can very clearly see the smirk on peter’s face
but by the time he deletes, there are already 2 screenshots and they’re circulating stan twitter ALREADY
when mj finds out about this, she really almost rolls her eyes so hard that they fall out
but it was bound to happen anyway
so tony is forced to increase security around them
but they become everyone’s relationship goals
it’s great
hope u liked it!
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
Ptn I’m so inspired but I’m so busy like!! Pourquoi je m’inscris à 2 forums en même temps aussi
Anyway have you seen Tom Felton’s latest IG posts because CASSIEL FEELINGS ARE STILL GOING STRONG
 Visual representation of Wynona by the beginning of Incendio:
Tumblr media
Also I guess she’d be sort of middle-ground between Sacha and Nathan?? The dragons are her kids yo, she’s literally in a “the more family I lose the more dragons I will have” sort of shit. BUT at the same my girl likes a good fire…. And so dragons…..
Plus I mean it’s obvious she’s never given up on the Rebellion. She did not want to join originally because of the kids, but she hates so goddamn much this government and like?? The Ryders are muggleborns?? She’s angry as fuck rn.
(The fact that she’s siding with the Muggleborn Resistance is proof of that ofc, but it’s also out of opportunity. She can rebel while doing her own thing, that’s good with her atm. Or so she tries to believe)
Mdrrrr nan c’était pas cringy!! En vrai autant je trouve que certains de mes plots étaient invraisemblables autant j’ai pas été choquée par notre manière d’écrire mdrrrr (bon sauf quelques traits d’humour. Ça, je. Hm. Oui.)
GIVE NATHAN SOME SOLID BROMANCE 2K19 Avec le Charlie Hunnam là, Lily dit pas non :siffle:
  Mdrrrr ouais all this pureblood shit is so awkward for her I swear to God. Pretty sure that at one point she showed up in a Sioux outfit and everyone was like “…….. *cricket noises*”
Tbh Emori’s glow-up for the prime thingy is a 100% Wynona showing up to these events (plus they have relatively similar styles au quotidien) YASSS QUEEEEN (still a weird thought yeah mdr) (i thought at some point Luisa would be a good fc for Wyn btw) (and also Indyamarie Jean!! plus she’s like half native american or so) (but your last gifset i mean??)
Omg I didn’t think about it (whispering the names before going to sleep) but 100% this is so HER
I mean even though she stopped her terrorist “phase” (IT’S NOT A PHASE MOM) she’s still living by the words of her family. She’s still angry. She’s still about fire. Tbh she’s gonna die in a ring of fire one way or another
(mdr Nathan sweetheart btw)
“but they would put her head on a stick so maybe not.” yeah what about trying to avoid that amirite
“did she anger the yaxley family and if so can nathan and her go after rick yaxley like the power couple they are?? just couple things… murder….arson…” well I mean if Rick and Wynona ever sat at the same table to talk about politics…. I don’t think he would really like her…
plus he’s on the list anyway because he hurt Nathan and Nathan is part of The Tribe™ and no one hurts The Tribe™
Mdr can you imagine Wyn literally bringing Rick to Nathan like “woopsie doopsie I think I may have a present for you” :arrow: (MAYBE A SIMPLE TEAMING UP WOULD DO UH) (mdr Rick is a bitch don’t tell me he’s not gonna make girlfriend jokes)
RED. Honestly I thought she’d be dead BUT I actually like to think of her as having survived the shitstorm, being still relatively sane and undyingly loyal to Nathan?? Because that’d be quite a plot twist judging who she is, but it would be interesting to see her as “wiser”, and especially, the ride-or-die lieutenant (ISN’T THAT SUPPOSED TO BE LILY THO OY)
(I mean especially if Red was close to Aron, she’s definitely trying to live up to his memory, so there’s that as well)
Wesh Win is gonna make so much fun of the MacFusty if they didn’t even play the dragons card 
NOW I really think Carmen and Win must have teamed up on some terrorist shit. No wonder the world c o l l a p s e d
(yeah yeah, Nathan-Carmen-Wynona is such a bad idea. Let’s not do it. Never ever. *winkwink*)
I mean they could be a trouple. I wouldn’t be incredibly surprised to learn that Win has hooked up with Carmen once or twice tbh :siffle: (WHY IS EVERYONE HAVING SEX WITH EVERYONE)
And meanwhile
My girl Lily
Anyway. NATHAN EXPELLED WYNONA. No wonder there’s some unresolved angst™ (actually, maybe not so much. Wynona is all about justice and she’s going to respect any decision/”trial”. She’s a “I did what I did and I will face the consequences of it” gal.)
 I read “try yoga hug” and I’m honestly here for it
“I AM going to be 23 and who am i??? i cry at cute animals videos!!! sometimes i forget to eat!!!” This was so relatable it kinda hurt tbh :////
Nathan and Lily are gonna have so much fights omg
RICK GETTING INTO LILY’S HEAD????? …. kinda makes sense….
“how is nathan supposed to RELAX and let lily BE when she’s always in so much trouble?????” TROUBLE USUALLY FINDS ME BITCH. True tho, sorry big bro
“ça me fume” ptn Elo t’es si française jpp j’adore
I don’t even think that would be a trigger for Lily tho tbh because active denial™ BUT there definitely would be people calling her on her bullshit (maybe even Fury??? Who sort of created this whole dynamic, or at least pushed her into that direction)
 Gnnn I actually love Fury so much, I’m binge-watching Peaky Blinders rn and I LOVE CILLIAN MURPHY TO DEATH and it just hit me that Fury could be an!! Irish!! Traveler!! THE POTENTIAL. Gypsy magic I’m so so so here for it
(also people probably don’t understand any shit he says so Lily has to translate it all)
(he likes (well, respects) Nathan a lot btw, too bad it’s not réciproque :( probably really likes the Blackbird girl too hihi)
“it’s okay they’ve been busy they just kinda forgot that they’re not JUST the red leader or morrigan or an auderic or a mudblood, they’re also FAMILY” THE TEARS IN MY EYES BITCH THIS IS SO TRUE
They really really really really need to talk it out/hug it out
Lily’s so far deep tho, like even if Nathan calls her out on her bullshit once she’d be like “Idk what you’re talking about, I’m fine, really, SI SI”
BUT she really needs to have this emotional breakdown where she goes like “there HAS TO be a reason why I’m still alive?? I HAVE TO save these people?? My people???”
Omg this moment is 10000% happening when Nathan’s losing his leg
She’d feel so guilty, like she failed to protect him
One thing I’ve always liked about Nathalily’s relationship is how it’s not what it seems like at first glance?? Cause it sounds like Lily is heavily dependent on Nathan’s for protection and Nathan’s needs Lily so much to “protect him emotionally” sort of? And actually Lily needs Nathan so fucking much to stay sane/ALIVE and Nathan needs his baby sister to save his drunken/reckless ass every once in a while :’))) IN MY MIND IT’S WAY CLEARER BUT ANYWAY
She’d be there in a SECOND as soon as she hears about Nathan getting hurt
Idk why I have the scene of the Weasley twins after George lost his ear in mind
That’s definitely round 2 of “you’re my family too, I lost sight of that” and “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU BITCH” (mdr the “Nathan doesn’t cry but I sure do” part was so relatable mdrrrr)
Anyway drama drama drama feels feels feels!!
Also I actually don’t want Nathan to lose his leg, he’s already in emotional pain yo :’(((((
Can we talk about how Nathan and Wynona used to be sex-symbols/rock stars/badass athletes and now they’re both CRIPPLED
(I’m sorry but Nathan losing a leg also quite inevitably means Wynona being back into the picture)
Maybe he’s been sent to the Blackbird ranch for recovery :’)))
Makes me think that Lily is actually still… “whole”??? Like she’s got scars and shit but in spite of everything she’s been through she’s physically still ok? (besides the Occlumens thingy)
Interesting how the weaker one is still fully in capacity hé
I mean she’s got that black magic wound thing…. WAIT
I always thought this was a progressive thing and this would eventually kill her
Have I already considered having Lily die in the middle of the night because of this when she survived so much shit?? YES YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF THIS
But my girl deserves better so
Anyway what if it’s a curse actually related to death and this is why she attracts/is attracted to death so much???? Deatheaters may have done that to make fun of her survivor/Banshee vibes but that would make sense?? (i don’t really appreciate death eaters’ humor yo)
What’s this quote again
“Her presence always signed imminent death, torture, betrayal, or some other horror”
I’m having I D E A S I need to sort this out
 ���est-ce que lily va se faire soulever un jour’ MDRRRRR didn’t have a drink but it was TOUT COMME ptn Lily’s MY DAUGHTER j’étais pas prête DU TOUT
En vrai interesting because they’re all screwing each other but Lily… I mean she was supposed to hook up with this one guy on Excidium but besides that?? I honestly don’t think she’s ever been with anyone else since the beginning of the war??
Mdr she had so many boyfriends in Hogwarts and now look at her
But she doesn’t have time for that? And she doesn’t want it? And she wouldn’t be able to take it if she lost that other person too?
ACTUALLY that would do her so much good but she just can’t see that
Mdr sorry pls let her have a nice functional guy
(funny how Wynona’s quite openly bisexual when coming from a very close-minded family and I think of Lily and Aron as strictly straight when they come from a much more tolerant background?? Idk)
(anyway yeah the Evans were Christians but at least for the parents it was this whole “RELIGION IS ABOUT LOVE, ALL TYPES OF LOVE” vibe)
(anyway je diverge)
Also she’s still pretty much traumatized by the fact that she lost her first love and learnt about it… almost a year later mdr
She carried the earrings he gave her for SO LONG, she probably lost it by now but still
It’s like the original trauma of the war
(sometimes I think about the toxic aspects of Mily’s relationship but today is not the day)
“do you think nathan will ever see that lily is not a kid anymore or will he always be like “oh yes my little sister she’s like… 15….” even when they’re both 30…40…50 years old lmao” MDR BIG ASS MOOD I LOVE THEM
Wait Edan’s ooooold
Sacha’s breaking my heart pls tell him I’m sending a hug
Lily probably felt this so much when she first arrived to the Rebellion, she was still a kid and Nathan was overprotective and she wasn’t a great fighter and no one could understand how she had made it??
Just thinking how the rebellion may have tried somehow to exploit Lily’s banshee capacities and how Nathan would not appreciate it :’) but she’d thought it was kind of her only weapon so
Idk but yeah banshee!Lily is canon I guess
Tbh I LIVE for the idea of characters never meeting in Hogwarts even though they were so close?? Idk like Wynona/Nathan, even Sacha/Lily
Or maybe she’d know him vaguely
Lily was quite known as the gnome that will kick anyone’s asses for calling someone a Mudblood so maybe something like that, but not a full-fledged friendship?? Or once again they almost killed each other in Quidditch you know, shit happens
That’d be fun tho if they recognized each other
Meanwhile Wynona
·         lmao no one: 
·         literally no one:
·         wynona: hey you want to FIGHT bITCH?
Mdrrrr bah Kira avait quand même mis une tarte à Lily (ou l’avait poussé dans un mur aussi je crois) et il était devenu son psy LE CHAOS
(bon et Milo essayait de noyer Lily/lui faisait exploser des bouteilles de bière sur la tête/faisait des rape jokes aussi des fois)
Anyway: chaotic energy is the least we can say mdrrrr
Mdr I’m here for a weekend d’escapade tbh (NO JOHN DO involved tho)
Mdr Nathan really was a piece of shit on Les AM sometimes :’) can Lily tell him already how she admires that he became a better man at war
I mean she kind of feels it you know
NATHAN AND WYNONA CASUALLY DISCUSSING TRAUMA IS *chef’s kiss* (mdr sorry but this whole part about emo!Nathan made me laugh so much mdrrrr)
They’re definitely gonna fight on their first meeting and I’m here for it
I mean Wyn is NOT hard to trigger and she’d be so mad she may let slip some personal stuff like “SO YOU’RE THE ONE NEVER SHOWING UP TO LITTLE PURIES PARTIES”
Also it’s a fun dynamic bc that means they may know their whole names and faces and sort of family backgrounds when the Rebellion was still all about anonymity at that time?? Mdr she’d feel so threatened she’d probably think “I won’t hesitate to murder this mofo if he becomes creepy yo” but then he’s hot
Wynona leaving him kicking his ass without giving the info
Wynona showing up to the next rebellion meeting without him being aware, grumpy face bras croisés *sigh*
I don’t why I’ve always felt a Dorne vibe with both the Blackbirds and the Shafiqs but ANYWAY they could get along well
Too bad Wyn just wants lands for her kids and dragons
Mdr now I have that in mind THANKS ELO
I mean…. That we could be a temporary thingy…. We’re trying to heal each other we love each other… until we realize we’re burning each other up too much…. *falls* *dies ensouvelie sous les feels*
Mdr the pureblood reactions
Btw vu que je rame sur mon chapitre JE SPOILE mais en gros je voulais finir sur une base de 2 mangemorts qui discutent de la newbie Blackbird et qui finissent par lâcher un « faudrait peut-être redessiner les plans de table. Manquerait plus qu’elle s’accoquine avec l’Auderic » MDRRRR
I mean she needs to come to the wedding
PLOT TWIST²: the “bad guys” (Ydria, the Americans) are actually HELPING the rebellion (they’re still scary people tho I’m not sure we should want that)
they’re all originally coming for the wedding
(but!! Native American magic!! Sorry)
There are wolves on the Blackbird ranch, we don’t know why they’re from BUT THEY’RE HERE
(or if they’re still en froid just mentioning it casually thinking it’ll make him happy)
Aron found a dog at some point and it literally ended up being his last true friend/source of joy and this dog MAY VERY WELL HAVE LOOKED LIKE A WOLF
This dog may be following Lily everywhere now?? (Or did she let him go because this was too painful)
Aron had also adopted a kid btw mdr
A kid Lily is now raising :’) Mom!Lily may be rising in the end
Wynona showing up to the battlefields with 2 dragons and Nathan with wolves?? Has anyone ever made fun of our crippled huh????
(I’m here for a pureblood recap thingy bc I actually don’t know enough about them to write about it hihihi)
(merci pour la chrono btw!!!!!)
 just seen one of the gifsets you’ve reblogged and is Nathan ever gonna call out Lily on a “THE MORRIGAN? IT’S A STORY FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD” basis??
idk if you can tell but I stopped the 100 for a while, went back to it and I’m having loads of Blake siblings feels zhgfshfslq
I’m also having Nathange feels now. Why can’t Nathan have simple relationships with women
PTN IF RICK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NATHAN’S LEG I know at least 2 women that will come for him :face: :face: :face:
CARMEN GET IN LOSER you’re also part of the Nathan defense squad amirite
the Morrigan, a child ripper and une ex-tueuse à gages come knocking to your door
Wynona raised one of her dragons. He’s a scary dragon. He’s a threatening dragon. What if the dragon raised by Sacha is goofy af and keeps on making “”jokes”” and Wynona’s always looking at him like “……..” but she secretly loves him/her to death just like Sacha arfhdhsfhqfcq and also she can ride him/her!!!!!
And Sacha will never be at peace anymore because this dragon is always watching his ass :’) through his window while he’s sleeping :’) through the ranch while he’s working :’)
(I also appreciate Nathan and Wyn together A LOT because they’re both such n e r d s like omg some of the discussions they must be having)
Just saying I’m very excited for Nathan’s story hihihihi!!!!!! It’s been so long since I haven’t read you btw!!!
Alice’s death :’(((
NATHAN ALREADY LOST HIS LEG???? I’m not ready I don’t want this bb :( :(
Ptn je regarde plus TWD depuis des années mais je viens de voir une vidéo sur Carol and NOW I NEED une ex-Auror trop badass, genre Maugrey Fol Œil en féminin, dans la résistance et/ou la rébellion
Ecoutez j’ai un train à 7h demain il me semble plus raisonnable d’aller se coucher c’en est trop pour mon cœur
Je sais pas si j’ai dit quoi que ce soit de constructif dans ce post mais yallah bye homies <3
0 notes
its-naruto-universe · 7 years
My top Anime of the season
Spring 2017
Ok since the first time I did this It was quite appreciated, I’m doing it again. Those are the anime I enjoyed the most this fall. You should definitly check it out :)
*The anime aren’t in order since I’m doing first the original anime of the fall followed by the sequels
-Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine
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I’ll be honest, I was expecting nothing from the anime. I thought it woud be the same fujoshi bait with some bishounens and the chibi moe sensei. Oh I was so wrong.
This became easily my favorite anime of the season. The characters are so loveble, the animation and character design is great and so is the story.
It goes from adorable and silly
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To serious and somehow sad and touching arguments, such as selfconfidence, society and family.
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Equally charming and stern, Heine Wittgenstein is a brilliant man who commands respect, despite his short, childlike stature. Thus, the king of Grannzreich has called upon Heine to undertake a daunting task that has driven away many before him—become the new royal tutor to four princes who are in line for the throne.
The four heirs each have very distinct and troublesome personalities: Licht, the flirtatious youngest prince; his immature older brother Leonhard; Bruno the studious third prince; and Kai, the oldest of the four and the most reserved. Hilarity ensues as Heine attempts to connect with each of the princes in order to groom them for the throne. However, Heine's mysterious past and dark undercurrents in the present may threaten the harmony within the kingdom.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
-Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho
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From what I’ve seen this anime was quite underwatched considering how good it was for its genre. This was quite enjoyible and the bond between the two protagonists zero and yohei, It’s one of the best I’ve seen in anime. The anime is the adaption of the first light novel, and I think they did a great job afterall.
In a world of constant war between humans and witches, there exist the "beastfallen"—cursed humans born with the appearance and strength of an animal. Their physical prowess and bestial nature cause them to be feared and shunned by both humans and witches. As a result, many beastfallen become sellswords, making their living through hunting witches.
Despite the enmity between the races, a lighthearted witch named Zero enlists a beastfallen whom she refers to as "Mercenary" to act as her protector. He travels with Zero and Albus, a young magician, on their search for the Grimoire of Zero: a powerful spell book that could be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. During their journey, his inner kindness is revealed as he starts to show compassion and sympathy towards humans and witches alike, and the unlikely companions grow together.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Shingeki no kyojin season 2
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I’ll be honest, I did like the first season of Snk but I pretty much couldn’t stand most of the characters. With the second season I understood how silly I was and how much of an fucking masterpice snk is. I finished the rest of the manga the day later and damn I can say for sure now that snk is one of my most favorite manga/ anime ever.
You don’t even need to compare them, because witt studio did a magificent job. Be it the animation, the soundtrack, the extra scenes and the most important fact. They were able to do the impossible .
Pardon my fangirlism lol
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For centuries, humanity has been hunted by giant, mysterious predators known as the Titans. Three mighty walls—Wall Maria, Rose, and Sheena—provided peace and protection for humanity for over a hundred years. That peace, however, was shattered when the Colossus Titan and Armored Titan appeared and destroyed the outermost wall, Wall Maria. Forced to retreat behind Wall Rose, humanity waited with bated breath for the Titans to reappear and destroy their safe haven once more.
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
, Eren Yeager and others of the 104th Training Corps have just begun to become full members of the Survey Corps. As they ready themselves to face the Titans once again, their preparations are interrupted by the invasion of Wall Rose—but all is not as it seems as more mysteries are unraveled. As the Survey Corps races to save the wall, they uncover more about the invading Titans and the dark secrets of their own members.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Boku no hero Season 2
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Ok this precious gem is slowly taking over my heart. The characters are so loveble I just can’t. There are ofc quite some tropes of the usual shonen story but the way It’s executed makes you overlook them.
Studio bones just confirm once again why they are my favorite studio by omitting the sensless possible fillers, animating properly and respecting the mangaka work.
Also a huge plus for using kenshi yonezu and amzarashi songs as openings for the anime
One day, a four-year-old boy came to a sudden realization: the world is not fair. Eighty percent of the world's population wield special abilities, known as "quirks," which have given many the power to make their childhood dreams of becoming a superhero a reality. Unfortunately, Izuku Midoriya was one of the few born without a quirk, suffering from discrimination because of it. Yet, he refuses to give up on his dream of becoming a hero; determined to do the impossible, Izuku sets his sights on the elite hero training academy, UA High.
However, everything changes after a chance meeting with the number one hero and Izuku's idol, All Might. Discovering that his dream is not a dead end, the powerless boy undergoes special training, working harder than ever before. Eventually, this leads to him inheriting All Might's power, and with his newfound abilities, gets into his school of choice, beginning his grueling journey to become the successor of the best hero on the planet.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Natsume yuujinchou roku
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Whenever I see natsume yuujinchou I get this fuzzy and warm feeling I used to have when as a child alone, anime were my only happiness. It just makes me feel inside why the japanese animation has always held such a big significance on my life.
Natsume is special, it’s one of those masterpieces that is always able to move you. I’ll never stop reccomending it to people. Be it the beatiful anime delievered to us by brain base studio, or the manga accurately drawn by Midorikawa Yuki.
I also want to mention the opening of this season which in my humble opinion It’s one of the most beatiful anime opening I’ve ever seen. The visuals, the music the deep meaning behind every character aparence and the flower language just makes this so precious. It shows once again how much this anime is treasured by the studio, which is always beatiful to see in my opinion.
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The link for those who want to check it out immediatly :Floria
While most fifteen-year-old boys, in one way or another, harbor secrets that are related to girls, Takashi Natsume has a peculiar and terrifying secret involving youkai: for as long as he can remember, he has been constantly chased by these spirits. Natsume soon discovers that his deceased grandmother Reiko had passed on to him the Yuujinchou, or "Book of Friends," which contains the names of the spirits whom she brought under her control. Now in Natsume's possession, the book gives Reiko's grandson this power as well, which is why these enraged beings now haunt him in hopes of somehow attaining their freedom.
Without parents and a loving home, and constantly being hunted by hostile, merciless youkai, Natsume is looking for solace—a place where he belongs. However, his only companion is a self-proclaimed bodyguard named Madara. Fondly referred to as Nyanko-sensei, Madara is a mysterious, pint-sized feline spirit who has his own reasons for sticking with the boy.
Based on the critically acclaimed manga by Yuki Midorikawa,
Natsume Yuujinchou
is an unconventional and supernatural slice-of-life series that follows Natsume as he, with his infamous protector Madara, endeavors to free the spirits bound by his grandmother's contract.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
30 notes · View notes
Lives Intertwined
Characters: Y/N (reader), Chris Evans, Chris and Reader’s mom’s mentioned, Natalia (OFC), Clark (OMC)
Pairing: Clark x Reader, Chris x Reader (sorta, kinda)
Warnings: It’s angsty - don’t wanna say anything else cause it will give the story away.    
Word Count: 2800ish
A/N: I have been suffering from a writer’s block trying to work on my Dean series so I decided to try and switch it up a bit. I had some serious Chris feels and I was apparently in a angsty(ish) mood so here you go guys. I missed writing him :)
Thanks to the sweet amazing @percywinchester27 for being my beta
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Chris couldn’t believe he was here. His heart clenched as he walked down the hall of the Hotel. He knew he shouldn’t have let things get this far. He shouldn’t even be thinking about telling her now. He should keep his mouth closed. Nothing he could say was going to do anything but cause heartache.
She was his best friend. She had always been his best friend. She had been the first kid to walk up to him on his first day of school. She had been the first person other than his mom, to reassure him everything was going to be okay. Everytime he felt like crying and running from the building, she had known. Her hand finding it’s way into his had always stopped him. She had given him the strength he needed to eventually open up and be himself. As long as she was by his side, he knew everything was truly going to be okay.
Chris took a deep breath as he stood outside her door, trying to prepare himself for the sight that would meet him beyond that door. She was going to be gorgeous, and she was going to take his breath away. He was going to want to say all the things to her, that he so desperately tried to hold in. All the things he had no right to say, because she wasn’t his. He was too late and he had no right to ruin this day for her.
Chris smiled sadly as he remembered the first time he had seen her all dressed up. Back then it had been for their prom. Chris hadn’t been planning to go, but as soon as her mom had called his mom to tell them her date had stood her up, Chris pulled out the suit his mom had forced him to get, in case he changed his mind. He remembered the way she smiled through her tears when she saw him and told him he didn’t have to do this. He had told her then she was the only girl he wanted to take to the prom, and that it was his turn to hold her hand when she needed it.
She had taken him up on his offer and they had barely let go of each other at all that night. Dancing and laughing and ignoring the world. Y/N was his best friend, and she had been from the moment their hands had joined for the first time when they were 7 years old.
They had stayed with each other through every up and down their lives had presented them with. She had been there with him when he had been spiraling down, handling the rejection that came with his trait poorly. He had been there with her when she had dropped out of Juilliard, pregnant and heartbroken.
Chris remembered wanting to kill that guy, but she had held him back. She had told him it didn’t matter. No matter what Chris did, it wouldn’t change the fact that her daughter would never have a father. Chris had held her when she had broken down, and he had made her a promise that he had kept to this day.
“No she won’t have. But she will have the next best thing. She’s gonna have an uncle who will go to every school play, to every soccer game there is, whenever she needs him to be there.”
Y/N had smiled through her tears as she clung to him, saying she had no idea what she would have done without him, and Chris had told her the feeling was mutual.
Y/N had been his whole world for so long, he hadn’t even realized his feelings for her had changed. Not until 9 years after Natalia was born. Not until Y/N was engaged and it was too late.
Chris thought he had hit it well when he realized. He had played a part to look happy for her and it wasn’t entirely an act. Y/N was smiling. Clark wasn’t a bad guy. He was a music producer and he understood her life. He cared for Natalia, and most importantly he made Y/N smile. Chris had no right to ruin her happiness, just because hated that Clark’s hand rested on her back the way Chris’ used to. He had no right to ruin her day, not when she had asked him to be the one to give her away. Her dad died before he had even met her and she said she wanted Chris to be in the wedding. That she couldn’t think of a more perfect person to walk her down the aisle. ,
Chris had agreed. Of course he had. How couldn’t he? How could he deny her when she looked at him with so much hope and happiness in her eyes? How could he tell her he didn’t want to walk her down the aisle, but that he wanted to be the guy waiting for her at the end? So he hadn’t. He had accepted, and he had wailed his tears as tears of happiness, when she hugged him tightly.
He should have told her then or before that. Hell Chris didn’t even know anymore. All he knew was that he had messed up big time, and there wasn’t anything he could do to fix it. Worst of all was Y/N wasn’t the only girl he loved as if she was his own. Natalia had become more like a daughter to him than a niece. He had been there when she was born, he had been there for every birthday every since, movies and press tours be damned. That was the one thing he would never miss for anything in the world. Her words had been what were now causing him doubt yet again. Y/N was getting married today, but maybe it wasn’t too late.
“Hey. What’s wrong Nat?” Chris sat down on the bed next to the 9 year old girl, but she didn’t look up. She kept her face buried in her pillow, crying her eyes out. Her little body was shaking and Chris felt a sharp pain course through his heart. He hated seeing her like this.
“Are you homesick? Do you want me to call Mom? I am sure she wouldn’t mind having you at the Hotel if you prefer being with her?” Chris tried, still not sure what caused this. She had had sleepovers at his place thousands of times ever since she was a toddler. But tomorrow was a special day, and maybe she wanted her last night alone with her mother. Chris couldn’t really blame her if she did.
“No. I… I don’t want a new dad,” Natalia mumbled into the pillow and Chris barely heard her.
“What do… Nat what do you mean by that?” Chris’ heart shattered when she looked up at him. He knew exactly what she meant. He had always been uncle Chris in front of everyone else, but ever since she was little she had called him Dad or Daddy when they were alone. Not even her mother knew of their little secret. It had started innocently. Natalia had been crying because the other kids had picked at her for not having a dad, and Chris had told her not all families were the same. Some had two moms, some had two dads, other kids had moms and dads that weren’t really blood related.
In his efforts to calm the three year old little girl he had sparked an idea in her mind. She had asked him if he would be her secret daddy because that way she wouldn’t care when the other kids picked on her. She would always know she had him. Chris had known he shouldn’t have agreed to that not without talking to her mom or at least telling her about it, but he had. He loved her as if she was his own anyway, so he hadn’t really seen any harm in adding a title between them to that love.
“The three of us don’t do things together anymore like we used to. And now he is always going to be there,” Natalia sniffled, “I want you to be my dad all the time Chris.”
“Natalia… I will always be you dad,” Chris tried. He couldn’t tell her but he hated when she called him his name when they were alone. After 6 years of Dad or Daddy it felt wrong. “I will always be here for you no matter what. You will still visit me here or on set,” Chris tried, but the little girl angrily tossed herself down onto the bed.
“Why can’t you just tell mom that you love her and we can be together all the time?” She hissed into her pillow, and Chris froze in place. How the hell did she know how he felt towards her mom?
“Natalia I love your mom, but not like Clark loves her,” Chris tried to lie, but Natalia just looked up at him. Anger was still painted across her face when she spoke.
“Oh really? Is that why you look away every time he kisses her? Or why you seem so sad every time all of us are together now?” She accused him and Chris took a deep breath. This kid was too damn smart for her own good.
“Nat… It’s not that simple,” Chris tried, but Natalia jumped from her bed now full on screaming at him.
“Yes it is. Just tell her, and we’ll be a family. Why can’t we be a family?!”
Chris’ heart broke with her words but he still reacted. He rushed to his feet, pulling the little girl into his arms, and let her cry against his chest as he made her a promise he hoped he would be able to keep.
“I love you Nat. We’ll always be a family.”
Chris closed his eyes as his hand rested on the doorknob to her hotel room. He owed it to Natalia to at least try. Hell he owed it to Y/N even if she was going to hate him for this. She needed to know how he felt. If there was even the slightest chance she had ever felt the same about him as he was feeling for her, she deserved all the information before she made her decision today.
She spun around as soon as he opened the door and a radiant smile spread across her face. She looked like an angel and it took all his willpower to not spring across the room and kiss her right then and there before her mom and all her bridesmaids.
“Chris!” She greeted him and he forced himself to smile back at her, before he asked the women in the room to give them a minute. Natalia looked up at him with a question on her face as she passed him and Chris gave her a slight nod, which cause her to throw her arms around his waist and whisper she loved him.
“So what are the two of you up to?” Y/N laughed at him when the door closed behind Natalia, and Chris took a deep breath.
“I…” Chris started, but he had no idea where to even begin so he just froze, making her frown and walk up to him, taking his hand in hers.
“Breathe Chris. It’s me. What’s wrong?” The worry and care on her face was evident, and Chris felt the tears press against his eyes.
“I love you,” he stated, making her smile at him.
“I love you too, Chris,” she answered as the most natural thing in the world and Chris’ heart sank.
“No. I mean… crap. I am so sorry for doing this to you but I can’t walk you down that aisle with you not knowing. I love you Y/N. I am in love with you,” Chris rambled, and the tears started to spill when she let go of his hand, taking a step back.
“How… When…” she looked as if she couldn’t breath and Chris had no idea what to do. He reached out for her but she just backed away from him yet again, this time with anger plastered across her face.
“You’re telling me this an hour before I am supposed to get married? You have known me for over 20 years Chris, and you tell me this now?!” She hissed at him, and Chris nodded with tears streaming down his face.
“I’m sorry. I know I got lousy timing, but I kept coming up with excuses to why I shouldn’t tell you. I am not trying to ruin anything for you, Y/N/N. If you don’t feel the same way then I will still give you away. I will still be your best friend. Nothing is going to change that. I just couldn’t live with myself if there was a chance… and I didn’t tell you,” Chris was pouring his heart out to her and her tears streamed down her face.
“Does Nat know about this?” she gasped clearly remembering the little moment her daughter and he had shared before she walked out of the room.
Chris nodded, guilt written all over his face, “She just knew. I couldn’t lie to her.”
“Like you couldn’t tell her not to call you dad?” Y/N added, and Chris stared at her in disbelief. “Yes I have known about that for years Chris. She never told me, but I heard the two of you picking her up one night. I have overheard you since. I don’t mind. I am never going to take her away from you if that is what you think,” Y/N didn’t seem angry anymore, but she was still crying. Chris slowly began to realize why.
“This is not about her sweetheart. This is about you and me. Yes Natalia is a bonus but it’s you that I love,” Chris tried, biting his tongue when he heard how wrong it came out.
“We’re kinda a package deal Chris,” Y/N snapped at him, and Chris could no longer control himself. He leaped forward, pulling her into his arms and crashing his lips against hers. For a brief second he was sure he had overstepped, and that he was going to be leaving the room with a black eye. Then she melted into him. Kissing him back and the entire world disappeared around them. They were both heaving for breath when then broke apart. Terror was written all over her face as she tried to back away from him, but Chris didn’t let her. He knew her. He knew she would panic no matter what her choice would be. He just needed her to make it.
“Tell me you don’t love me, and we’ll forget about this ever happening. I promise. No one has to know, and I will talk to Nat. I’ll take the blame,” Chris promised her, giving her an out even if it hurt like a million knives plunging through his chest to make her that promise.
“And if I do love you?” She spoke barely above whisper, but Chris heard her. He fought the urge to pick her up, spin her around, and kiss her breathless. “Chris what the hell do we do? There’s a church full of people out there?”
“I.. don’t know,” Chris admitted, not able to wipe the smile of his face. “All I know is I want you. You and Nat.”
Y/N closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and Chris stared at her. He was sure she was going to come to her senses any minute now, and kick him out of her life for good, but she was laughing when she opened her eyes again.
“Go get Nat. I’ll get out of this thing. There’s a backdoor down the hall.” Chris’ eyes opened wide, hearing what she was suggesting, and then he big grin spread across his face as he pulled her in for another kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered as they broke apart. Her hand ran down his arm, her fingers linking with his as he headed for the door, making him turn back around to face her.
“You are so going to pay for this Evans,” Y/N scolded, but she was still smiling, and Chris grinned at her.
“I know,” he gave her hand a quick squeeze before he headed out the room in search of their daughter, more than ready to become the family he deep down had always wished they were.   
Chris Tag Team
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bascojinn · 7 years
What Ardyn did wrong... and why everything was wrong with Noctis’ fate
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Ardyn is the most interesting character in FFXV, indeed. Mysterious man of no consequences. Despite his horrible actions, a lot of people being sympathetic to him, because Trash Jesus is very charismatic person with aura of tragic, misunderstood hero, who was punished by terrible Gods for nothing.
But people simply ignore a big elephant in the room.
Ardyn didn’t cure Starscourge. 
He didn’t fullfill God’s task, he absorbed Starscourge within himself, but didn’t destroy the plague properly. 
But why? Why didn’t he sacrifice himself like Noctis? Why did once selfless and kind man choose the path of Accursed?
There is popular fanon that Ardyn was both - Chosen King and Oracle, but I doubt it. There is no evidence for it, aside once dropped “healer” during Ardyn’s speech. But nature of Ardyn’s “healing” was different from actual healing.
One more reason why I didn’t support Oracle!Ardyn fanon - Oracle bloodline has already existed 2000 years ago.
In the distant past, Bahamut, the Draconian, descended to the mortal realm and graced the people of Tenebrae. From among them, he handpicked a pious maiden and bestowed upon her the power of the Stars and his trident. Using these gifts for the good of all, she became the first Oracle—she who joins heaven and earth.
In Cosmogony books Chosen King always portrayed with the First Oracle behind his back.
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The Crystal and Ring of the Lucii were delivered to the king of Lucis by the astrals before they entered a deep sleep.
Ancient King had Crystal and Ring. Covenants with Gods were forged. But something went wrong. But something stopped him. 
Okay, here is my theory. 
Ardyn didn’t want his Oracle to die.
[If you don’t like the idea of another forced lovestory and idea of straight Ardyn at all, you can replace Ardyn x Oracle with Ardyn x someone significant to Ardyn, who’s death was required to fullfill the Prophecy. I went with Ardyn x Oracle as example, because it helps to cover massive amount of plotholes in noctluna storyline. I included another variants under the cut.]*
[you can also said that Ardyn x Oracle or “Ardyn wished to save his s/o” wasn’t mentioned in game. But Ardyn’s backstory is very vague and almost nonexistant in game. More information about Ardyn spread across different media (Ultimania, guidebook, interviews). E.g. only recent DLC revealed that first Chosen King had his own Shield and Ardyn has his own Sword of Father]
Just like Noctis he fell in love with her and just like Ravus he wanted to find a way to save her from her destiny.
Why I think so?
Usually we tried to find answers in the past, but due to “glorius” FFXV storytelling I would pay attention to the present, specifically to Noctis x Luna plotline.
Since the first day of release I had wondered why Luna didn’t join Noctis and bros after Insomnia’s fall. She loved him, she wanted to hear his voice once again... but she went her own way. The pursuit of Imperial army wasn’t a big problem, because her brother was in charge of Nifflheim military. But for some reason she avoided Noctis’ company.
It doesn’t make sense at the first sight.
It makes sense if we assume that 2000 years ago happened incident when certain Chosen King failed his job, because he wanted to save Eos, but without Oracle’s* sacrifice.
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The earliest accounts of covenants are found in ancient times dating back to the time of the Cosmogony, some two millennia ago. According to such tomes, the rites are a means by which the Oracle summoned forth the gods, that she might make the will of mortals known to the divine.
Lunfreaya is Oracle. She knew about Prophecy, her and Noctis’ fate, Ardyn’s identify and many other important things. I’m pretty sure that she also knew why previous Chosen King was a mistake didn’t comply his mission to cure Starscourge.
[don’t forget that she was trained by Shiva in disguise]
Luna’s illness is weird thing, which seems unnecessary on first sight. Why should we care about it, when she is already dead? What’s the point of this ass-pulled revelation?
Now imagine if Noctis was aware about her illness. Imagine if Luna joined chocobros after events of Kingsglaive. Imagine her travelling with them, making covenants with Gods, helping Noctis with trials... and slowly dying.
What would Noctis do if he learned “price of the covenant”?
I think we know the answer.
Until Luna’s death Noctis didn’t see himself as Chosen King. He wanted to save Luna and nothing else. He fought against Empire, he wanted to beat the shit out of Ravus, because he thought that Ravus hunted Lunafreya, he would have done everything for her, but he didn’t know what actually killed Luna. He was misguided by Luna herself.
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[and then Lunafreya... told Noctis about Prophecy again]
It also explains why Gentiana didn’t help to save Luna in Altissia. Luna should’ve died. Her own precense kept Noctis from fulfillment his duty as Chosen King.
Almost everyone, who knew about Prophecy, tried to hide from Noctis horrible truth about his fate and, which is more important, Luna’s illness. Gentiana, Regis, Luna, Ardyn (just how fucked up is plot of this game if “good guys” used exactly the same methods to manipulate Noctis as main villain) deprived him of any chance to change something. Looks like they were afraid that Noctis can choose another path, isn’t it?
I put Luna’s illness over Noctis’ future sacrifice, because Noctis was ready to die young. It was revealed in Ignis Brotherhood Episode, when Noctis realized that like his dad he will spend his life sources to hold the Wall around Insomnia. Ofc, he didn’t expect to die like in this one cutscene, but he was ready to die anyway. Luna is whole different thing. Her death was last straw for him.
Although, there was a moment, when Noctis had a chance to learn the truth from another character, who was also informed about Prophecy and constantly tried to mess up with it.
Back to chapter Five, when Noctis met Ravus first time. There is a common misconception about this scene, a lot of people thought that Ravus wanted to kill Noctis and Ardyn saved him.** But I think that real reason why Ardyn interrupted them was this particular line:
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Ravus told Noctis about trials and consequences, but Noctis didn’t mind about it... and you know what happened later. 
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Congratulations, Noctis, you fooled yourself.
[now there is another big question - why Luna didn’t write Noctis about Ravus’ true position?]
After this event Ardyn took Ravus on leash. Ravus himself wasn’t dangerous for Noctis, but Ravus’ knowledges and intentions were dangerous for future sacrificial lamb. Remember: Noctis shouldn't have a choice.
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People compare FFXV with FFX and FFXIII a lot. These games are opposite to each other. In FFX and FFXIII characters didn’t accept their fate so easy as characters in FFXV, they fought for their lifes and lifes of their beloved (Lightning and Snow wanted to save Sera, Sazh wanted to save his son, Tidus wanted to save Yuna), they fought against destiny, broke the rules and won. 
It always bothered me that chocobros never demonstrated any serious resistance. But, well, they simply didn’t know what’s going on. They were desinformed from the beginning. 
[That one character in FFXV who just wanted to save his sister was labeled as villain and turned into monster. Just think about it]
Now back to Ardyn and his possible past. Imagine him travelling in company of his King’s Shield, Oracle and may be his own versions of Prompto and Ignis. Imagine them fightning daemons, camping, making covenants with Gods...
But something went wrong. Oracle is dying. Ardyn wanted to save the world, but not for this price. He tried to find a loophole... and he was tricked or made a deal with Ifrit. From perspective of mortal man it was perfect deal - he can save everyone by healing absorbing Starscourge into his own body without sacrifices. But from Astrals’ point of view it was nothing. It was temporary solution.*
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I never liked Noctis that much***,but I think that his situation was horrible. People that are most dear to him treatened Noctis like possible failure aka Ardyn 2.0. They were afraid that if he finds out the truth, he will get out of control. They did everything to prevent Noctis’ possible resistance to his fate.
All these people prioritized Prophecy over Noctis’ life, happiness and free will.
Just like Ardyn.
It wasn’t even “kill one to save many”.
Everything is wrong with Final Fantasy XV story.
@stephanythedramaqueen it’s not exactly that Regis’ post, which I promised, but it’s something like prequel to it.
*I prefer Chosen King x Oracle, because it’s good parallel to noctluna. But I also thought about Ardyn x Chosen King (not in shipping manner, but what if Ardyn wanted to save previous Chosen from his fate? So, Chosen King could be Ardyn’s brother or son. Or just his good friend. May be Ardyn wanted to avoid his own death, but I think that it’s too... boring?
**Go and rewatch this scene if you think opposite. Ravus had a good opportunity to choke Noctis with MT hand, but he didn’t do it. 
***I wouldn’t mind Regis or Luna actions, if this game didn’t try to show them as epitome of goodness. I wouldn’t mind if Tabata stayed with old concept of Yakuza Regis. I wouldn’t mind if he stayed with concept of antagonistic love interest. But Tabata erased moral ambivalence of Versus XIII. Lunafreya is perfect woman, which Noctis can’t reach and his role model. But she is also woman, who didn’t tell him all truth. Shiva, the most friendly Astral, hides the truth too. And of course, Regis didn’t even try to raise Noctis as king, because he knew true meaning of Chosen King title.
Chosen to die.
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