#he never realized that Megumi had a sister he wanted to stay with who the Zenin separated him from
hii 📓
Okay so the thing is that I wanted a “the Zenin raised Megumi instead of Gojo” fic but the thing is that I’m absolutely convinced that if the Zenin were the ones that took Megumi they wouldn’t actually take tsumiki too. The fandom consensus I’ve personally seen has been that she would have been taken and mistreated by zenin for being a female non sorcerer but I personally think they would have just straight up left her behind.
They only bought Megumi. They keep non sorcerers and women as servants in their compound but all of them are Zenin themselves. Tsumiki isn’t related and I couldn’t really see any reason why they’d want her. Which turned this into a fic where Tsumiki loses her brother, but she’s trying to find him again, she swears. I think of it as my “siblings doomed by the narrative desperately try to write a new one where they can be together” fic.
The thing is that Tsumikis mom was one of those people who thought love and consumption were synonymous. She had a habit of getting caught up with assholes and just… having both of them chew on each other for a while until it turns into this horrible fucking bloodbath.
Tojis just another loser her mom got caught up in, but he’s Tsumiki’s favorite out of all the losers, because he gave her her brother. Her mom marries this random guy she barley knows and Tsumikis pretty sure she does it so they can both ditch their kids twice as much, secure in the knowledge that there’s supposedly another person checking in. It works out great for them, because they both stop coming entirely. It’s fine, because Tsumiki has Megumi and Megumi has Tsumiki and they don’t need anything else.
It’s one of those things where they were in really unhealthy circumstances and it made their relationship a little bit unhealthy but not necessarily bad. They both had to grow up way too fast and deal with way too much too soon and become codependent on each other because they are, in the most literal way possible, dependent on one another. Neither of them know how to love in a way that doesn’t involve sacrificing themselves for their sibling, mostly because they don’t have a way that doesn’t involve that.
They’re in a sinking ship and tsumiki knows it. Their parents aren’t coming back. The money is going to run out sooner or later. Their problems are stacking up.
Megumi has confessed to her that he sees things that no one else does. When she asks him how he knows no one else sees them, he explains that they’d say something if they did and won’t say anything else. And she doesn’t know what to believe but she refuses to call him crazy. He tells her that monsters cling to her back and he fights them off for her. She patches up his bruises and cuts and tells him he’s brave and tries to figure out if she’s just imagining that her back feels lighter after. He tells her that there are dogs that only he can see that have started following him around, and she tells him she believes him and can never remember, later, if she meant it or was just saying it.
The last time Toji came by, he left them more money than tsumikis ever seen in her life, took them to ice cream, told them that he was sorry he was so shit at this and that the money was Megumi’s share in a payment. It was for something he was going to help daddy with later. Tsumiki and him were to use it to take care of themselves and be healthy, because Megumi couldn’t help him later if he wasn’t. And tsumiki was always afraid of what he meant by that, but in the end, she let it slip her mind. After all, Toji hadn’t been by in ages. He probably wouldn’t come by at all.
And he didn’t. But others did. Two men she’s never met before are waiting outside their building one day, and when they see Megumi, they laugh. But the thing that Tsumiki can never get out of her mind later is that she swears they weren’t looking at Megumi directly. They were looking at his dogs.
Tsumiki basically tries to get Megumi and powerwalk past them, but they’re a lot bigger and a lot stronger and there’s nothing she can do, really. They have a brief conversation about whether they should take her too, before one decides that Toji only sold him his kid and to leave the other behind. This makes both of them try to run, but there’s nothing either of them can do to overpower the men, and the men say that “Naobito would go ballistic if they left the ten shadows behind” so they take Megumi and leave her.
They put Megumi in a car and shove Tsumiki to the curb outside of it, and she tried to hold onto his hand, she swears. She grabbed at the car door even when the car started moving, and she banged on the windows, and she watched as Megumi kicked and punched and screamed inside, until one of them hit him and he went still. She ends up falling and hitting her head when the car picks up speed, and when she wakes up again, the cars gone and she has no idea where it went.
And it becomes a foundational moment for who she is. I think she was just intensely lonely before Megumi and poured a lot of herself into this idea of a family together. Tsumikis never able to shake the moment of her being outside the car and Megumi being on the inside, and not being able to get into him. She can never again get what she felt in that moment out of her head.
She goes to the police and tells them that it’s her little brother, his dad sold him but she wants him back, and they’re like “…”. The issue is that apparently her mom can pick up the damn phone if the police call and she shows up, spins some lie about how her and the stepdad split up and he took the kid with him, they never adopted each others kids so it was within his rights, Tsumiki was taking the separation hard and acting out. She lies, basically, because toji hadn’t kept up his end of the deal and dropped in to check in (neither had she) and his kid wasn’t her responsibility, he could do what he wanted with him. She doesn’t want the police poking around the way she lives. Just let the kid go because he’s probably dead and not her real brother anyway.
Tsumiki refuses to give up on him. They were both kids who no one cared about but they cared about each other and that had to be enough. But she’s seven with no support and zero idea on how to find him. She starts skipping school to look for him in random streets, puts up flyers, can’t go outside without looking for him. She gets held back a year in school because of how much she skips and she can’t bring herself to care. She buys him gifts on every birthday and writes him letters she can’t post because she’s going to find her brother and she’s going to prove to him that she never once stopped looking for him. She just. She needs him to know that she never stopped looking for him. She needs to find him and be able to honestly tell him she never stopped trying.
One day her mom comes back in clothes she can’t afford and comes with movers they shouldn’t be able to afford and announces a move they definitely can’t afford. Tsumikis absolutely opposed to going because if her brother comes to look for her, she needs to be in their old apartment so he can find her. She doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter. They have mysterious new benefactors who are setting up a trust to take care of tsumiki with a very generous stipend for her mom but they have to move to Sendai as a stipulation of getting the money.
It’s not until the attorney who’s managing her trust hands her a set of glittery blue butterfly hairpins that tsumiki realizes her mom sold her brother a second time.
The thing is that tsumiki had this one cheap set of butterfly hairpins she’d always stopped to look at in the store when she took Megumi to go grocery shopping. Shed never buy them, because they couldn’t afford it, but it was the thing she wanted most openly in front of him. She was always secretly really insecure about her hair, because they were the kind of poor where bar soap was a luxury they could only sometimes afford and kids at school made fun of how her hair was dirty and frayed. Megumi was the only one who ever saw how badly she wanted those stupid hair clips. If they had to give her a set of butterfly hair clips, it’s because he demanded that they did.
It’s basically implied that the Zenin are the ones paying for her care and upkeep due to an unspecified deal they cut with Megumi, but when they approached her mom with it, they added the caveat that Tsumiki had to be moved to a new city entirely and there could be no forwarding address left anywhere.
The zenins stance on tsumiki is, effectively, that she’s a weakness Megumi needs to be weaned off of. They honestly assumed he’d just like, forget she ever existed and he. Did not do that. He actually pitched a total bitch fit. Tried to scale the compound walls. Bit multiple people including the clan leader. But he’s got the ten shadows, he’s heir to the clan, and he can’t be caught up on some random non sorcerer who isn’t even a Zenin. They end up agreeing to pay for her to live very comfortably if he starts cooperating more but they want to make sure that he can’t ever find her again if he does ever succeed in running away.
Tsumiki is at once full of hope and hopeless, because on one hand, the butterfly clips prove that Megumi still loves her and remembers her, at least in her mind. But at the same time, she’s being moved to Sendai and doesn’t know how they’ll ever find each other again. She doesn’t honestly know if they’d recognize each other if they saw each other again. She wears the butterfly clips every day, even when she gets too old for the style, because she’s more confident about her brother recognizing them than her.
The thing about tsumiki is that she doesn’t understand hate. She just doesn’t. Her mom and toji always got caught up in these perceived slights and revenge and never once let go of the past. They’d destroy themselves if it meant taking down the people they hated with them. She never wanted that. She wanted to live with the people she loved and she’d happily turn around and forget everything, all the pain, all the searching, if it just meant she could go back to being megumis sister.
This isn’t about hate. This is about that moment outside the car, where her brother was inside and she couldn’t get in to him. This is about how helpless and small she felt when they shoved her to the curb and ripped megumis hand out of hers. She needs to make sure that when she finds Megumi, she can take him home again. So she decides she needs to learn how to fight.
Itadori Yuuji has the constitution of an ox and the strength to match it, and he is known for getting in fights with bullies and trouncing them so thoroughly that it’s never a question of who wins when the fight starts. He’s insanely physically capable and can hold his own in a fight with ease. He’s also nice and kind and Tsumiki’s comfortable enough asking him to teach her how to throw a punch or two.
She is bad at it.
So fucking bad at it.
But she never gives up, and Itadori is nice enough to keep teaching her despite how embarrassingly horrible she is at it all. He always asks her why she wants to learn so bad, she doesn’t seem to like it all, and she never answers his question honestly.
In their last year of middle school, their class has a trip to Kyoto. She, Itadori, and the rest of their group walk into some random restaurant in the city and have barely sat down when someone comes inside, starts searching every booth in the restaurant while shouting Tsumikis name.
And oh. They could recognize each other after all.
She looked for Megumi in every crowd she was ever in, but she didn’t consider that he was doing the same. Or that he would see her first.
Her brother grew up without her seeing it. Hes older, dressed in strange, expensive clothes, has a slightly bruised up face and split lip, but his eyes are the same, and he looks like the brother she remembered.
But a lot more nervous than Megumi ever was. He was a tiny, stoic child who didn’t take any shit and never showed fear, even when there were monsters that only he could see. But he’s nervous when he tells her that she probably doesn’t recognize him or remember him, but when she was a lot younger, he—
Megumi. He’s her little brother. Of course she remembers him. She’s been looking for him everywhere.
Megumi didn’t smile much as a child, but he smiles at her then. He tells her he doesn’t have a lot of time and she tells him that they can leave out the back, and he never let her hold his hand as a child but he takes her hand so easily in that second. And just for a second, she’s his sister again, and it’s everything she wanted.
They never make it out the back.
Two men come in. Megumi calls one of them uncle, and he goes stiff and flat the second he sees him. His uncle apologizes for his nephew, tells everyone that he always makes scenes when they’re out in public, tells him to apologize to the nice people and leave. Megumi was mistaken.
Tsumiki tríes to keep ahold of his hand. Really, she does. She tries to tell people to call the police. But megumis “uncle” steps towards her and Megumi slams him into a table, and then suddenly Megumi’s the one insisting that they leave immediately. They can go. It’s fine. They’re leaving. She loses ahold of his hand.
She tries to follow, but the other man restrains her. She learns that she’s better at slamming plates into peoples heads than she is at punching, and at this point itadoris Friend In Danger Override has been triggered and he fucking tackles the dude, which gives tsumiki the clearing that she needs to chase outside after her brother. She gets out just in time to see him be pushed into a car, and she’s had years to think about the last time this happened and figure out what to do differently. She throws herself in front of the car and refuses to move.
See her entire stance is that she’ll sooner get run over and killed in the street than let them do this a second time, but she also can see Megumi trying to fucking punch the drivers head in from behind because he’s about to hit his sister. His uncles trying to restrain him, and just for a second, she sees his hands make the shape of the shadow puppets he used to show her as children. Something invisible slams her out of the way just as his uncle knocks him out.
She picks up a rock and tries to smash in the fucking window with it, and itadori has to pull her out of the way to keep her from getting her feet run over when the car finally tears out of the parking lot. She goes ballistic on him for stopping her because her brother was right there and she lost him again and she didn’t even get the license plate. He was right there.
The police basically do jack all again. There’s no license plate, no names they can follow up on, and they’re still half convinced this is a settled custody issue even though tsumiki insists her brother was sold by his dad and is very plainly getting hurt wherever he is. Itadori is now a devoted advocate of finding tsumikis brother and reuniting them, and both basically kind of end up becoming really close to the other? He’s taking care of himself and his grandpa alone, she’s alone while her moms awol again, and they both become the others support system.
At one point, there’s this random girl and boy who doesn’t speak who shows up to their school for indeterminate reasons. The girl is bored and twirling her glasses in one hand while the person in a suit that they’re with asks the principal questions, and when tsumikis eyes catch at the right angle, she sees an invisible monster clinging to a classmates back through them. She realizes it’s exactly what Megumi always talked about and still remembers that the people who took him could see his dogs. She corners the two others in a room and tries to demand information about the invisible monsters or see if they know her brother or the people who took him, and immediately gets blown off. The fight escalates until the girl tells him that actually, yeah. She knows tsumikis brother. He is a very special person to some very powerful people, and the only way she can ever help him is to tell him that she’s let go of him and that he needs to do the same to her. That’s the only message that the people who have him would ever let get through, and his life would get a lot better as soon as he got it.
The people who have him would give him anything in the world, except for her. He could be a lot happier and healthier than he is right now if he just agreed to stop trying to find tsumiki. If she really wants to help her brother, then she needs to let him go.
Tsumiki nails her in the back of the head with a milk carton when she tries to walk away. It sloshes out on her. Tsumiki did not intend this. She cannot admit that fact. There are some actions you just have to own when you do them. She tells the girl that he’s her brother and she’s never letting go of him. She’s going to find him. They can’t keep him from her forever. She doesn’t care how long it takes her.
For a second, tsumiki really thinks this girl is going to kick her ass, but she doesn’t. She wishes her luck and tells her she’ll need it, and it’s only later that tsumiki realizes she slipped the eyeglasses into her pocket.
And as it turns out, her brothers monsters were real all along.
There was a knife that toji left in the frame of his bed. Tsumiki confiscated it from Megumi as soon as he found it, and it was odd and strange and gave her bad feelings when she held it, and it can kill the things that gather on her back. When she follows Itadori to their local high school and joins the occult club in an attempt to find more people involved in this world of invisible monsters, she wears the eyeglasses and keeps the knife hidden in her bag.
It comes in handy when her senpais are trying to open this thing and suddenly there’s like a fucking portal opening and Actually Let’s Not Oh Too Late Let’s Run Let’s Fucking Run.
They run.
Meanwhile at the hospital Megumi found out in very quick succession that his sister has fucking sukunas finger and also that there’s a very over enthusiastic himbo who is the self appointed vice president of the Find Fushiguro Megumi And Bring Him Home Club who absolutely fucking refuses to leave his side. Sorry who are you. Why are you so enthusiastic about finding him. Megumi sort of was the one doing the finding there was a whole tracking situation and him waiting dramatically in the shadows like they just did it.
Anyway they run very very quickly to tsumikis school where she is dodging she is serpentining this is a fuckton of monsters oh holy fuck is that her brother?
The fight goes bad.
Tsumiki manages to follow itadori and her brother out at a much slower pace because she’s not a freak of nature like itadori and shows up just in time to see her brother shouting at itadori to not eat the fucking finger while itadori is absolutely trying to eat the fucking finger.
She chucks her shoe at him. The finger goes flying.
Then the monster eats it instead.
Tsumiki: :o
Yuuji: :o
Megumi: fuck
Now there’s a bigger monster and the fight goes even worse. There’s a lot of shouting. Itadori ends up with her knife. Then he ends up getting eaten and they’re down both a knife and itadori, who’s probably fucking dead. Then megumis insisting she run and she’s insisting he shut the fuck up because it’s sort of taken a decade to get this close to him again and she’s not fumbling the bag now because of a monster on the rampage. Have a sense of fucking priorities here.
Then itadori bursts out of the monsters stomach with the knife like the fucking Kool Aid Man and the fight is suddenly very over. Good job, team.
Gojo rolls up to his most stoic and eternally pissed off student having a dramatic and emotional reunion with his sister.
Yuuji, in a very bad whisper: no no so like she’s been looking for him for years but he saw her in the restaurant
Gojo: :o go on
Yuuji: and then he got caught by like, I don’t know, he said he was his uncle or something but the dude acted so weird and creepy and they put him in a car and Tsumiki tried to stop the car but they got away
Gojo: *gasp* what no
Yuuji: I know! Anyway then I start helping her look for him but we can’t find him anywhere until I’m at the hospital and he just walks up to me right?? And I’m like “dude I have been looking everywhere for you” and he’s like “I have no idea who you are, I’m here about that fucked up demon finger” and I’m like—
Megumi, really trying to have a moment here: we can both hear you
And megumis like “this is uh. My new teacher. I guess. I am his only student. And he is uh. Enthusiastic. Do not linger in conversation with him.”
Tsumiki is lingering. She needs fucking intel so he can’t disappear again. Where does he go to school and can she transfer there. It’s fucking wizard school? Will they take her even though she’s not a wizard? She cannot emphasize enough that she will study any fucking subject they want so that way she can be close with her brother again she does not care if it’s applicable to her education or life. She can throw things at people itadori tell the man tell him how enthusiastically she will throw things at monsters for their weird fucking wizard school.
Itadori: she hit me in the face with her shoe like five minutes ago
Tsumiki: see???
Megumi keeps trying to forbid her from wizard school but she’s technically the older sister so she has override rights. She will go to wizard school. How does she get wizard school to accept her.
And Gojos just really weird and off and keeps looking at Megumi and saying that he “didn’t know he had a sister.”
He really didn’t know that Megumi had a sister he wanted to stay with.
And then suddenly it’s like a switch is flipped and he’s back to his normal self telling them to leave everything to him, because he’ll make sure tsumiki can come back with them. And uh? Itadori? Weirdly physically capable kid who will apparently eat anything? Is he going to be good getting home after all this?
Itadori: actually if it’s not too much trouble can I go to wizard school too my grandpa sort of died half an hour ago and I don’t have plans for the rest of my life. Tsumikis kind of my best friend and I’d like to make sure she’s all good at wizard school. I’m a really good fighter and I stabbed the last monster so like can I come too because you know. Dead grandpa. No family or future to speak of. Haha.
Tsumiki, softly: dude
There’s more after they make it to jujutsu high but this is already really long so we leave it here
#ask games#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#continuing my streak of becoming obsessed with minor background characters#other highlights include itadori trying to platonically wingman for tsumiki with her brother (because it’s been like a decade and she knows#nothing about him and he knows nothing about her and she’s terrified he won’t like her once they get to know each other again) so that way#itadori can be the one asking the get to know you questions and tsumiki doesn’t have to admit out loud that she and her brother know nothing#about each other only the inherent problem is that her brother is actually unfairly pretty and has a sort of dry wit and is reserved but#when you get to know him he’s such a genuine dude and oh fuck oh no he’s in trouble this is his best friends long lost brother he has to be#violating some kind of code here. Kugisaki stop laughing at him this is a crisis.#gojo basically backed out of teenage fatherhood when he saw Megumi walking around with the divine dogs because it’s one thing to butt heads#with a major clan over an outcast member it’s another to do it for their most sacred technique#he thought that Megumi would be better taken care of than anyone else in the clan as the person with the ten shadows and that he’d probably#be better off than with an emotionally broken seventeen year old who works at least 28 days a month and has no idea how to raise a child#he never realized that Megumi had a sister he wanted to stay with who the Zenin separated him from#he tells himself he would have intervened if he had known because he’s been secretly worried and guilty about not taking in Megumi after all#since Maki showed up and said some worrying things about the clan heir and his standard of living and got the confirmation when he met#tsumiki and realized that he could have kept them together all those years ago and didnt. megumi and tsumiki kind of haunt him with lost#potential because not only could they have grown up a family but they could have grown up his family. megumi doesn’t know why satoru gojo#of all people is being so weirdly helpful and intense about about sponsoring tsumiki and keeping her close to him
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suashii · 8 months
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info ⭑ gojo x reader. 1.4 wc. sfw ノ fluff ノ teacher!reader ノ both gojo and reader are ~22 ノ gojo has taken in megumi + tsumiki
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it’s the third time this month that megumi has been the only student left in your classroom. your boss had warned you that this should be something to expect, that his circumstances are special. you truly haven’t had a problem with him sticking around once the school day ended—your only issue is that you’re never certain what days he might be extending his stay or for how long.
it’s the tiniest bit inconvenient, not knowing whether you should bring extra snacks for the boy or if you can agree to plans after work with friends. you’ll never fault megumi for the uncertainties of his schedule, though.
he really is a good kid.
you’re sitting across from him now and he’s got one of the two onigiris you packed for yourself during your after-school grading set on a napkin. his hand reaches out for the last bite of the rice ball before popping the remainder in his mouth. you don’t realize you’ve been staring at the boy until his dark eyes meet yours. in an attempt to avoid any awkwardness, you ask, “how’s your sister?”
“good.” his reply is short, simple—not far off from how he usually acts in class. megumi’s not much of a talker, that much has become clear to you in the few weeks you’ve been his teacher and even more so in these one-on-one moments. it doesn’t bother you and you’ll never push him to hold a conversation he clearly doesn’t want to have.
“anything you want to do while we wait?” he’s finished his snack and you aren’t sure how much longer it’ll be until his guardian, gojo, is here to pick him up. “we could go to the playground if you’d like.”
he shakes his head, leaning down to grab something from his backpack. “that’s okay, i’m fine reading.”
it’s only your first year teaching out of college but you can confidently say that you haven’t met many ten-year-olds who choose to read over playing outside; on a playground all to themselves, at that. the sight of megumi flipping through the pages of his book to pick up where he left off brings a small smile to your face.
your initial thought is that it speaks well of his example at home. although, from the short interactions you’ve been granted with gojo, something tells you that megumi’s interest in reading came from elsewhere.
you’ve had trouble getting a read on the one called gojo satoru, partly because each of your meetings with him last no longer than a couple of minutes, but mostly because he gives off the impression of someone who doesn’t want others looking at him too critically. it’s a little strange, you think, that a man as outgoing as him is just as guarded.
you ponder on the seemingly endless unknowns that surround gojo as you clean up the small snack you shared with megumi. thoughts of him tug at the back of your mind even when you’ve returned to the table with the boy to get some grading done.
the sun’s harsh rays have started to turn a softer golden by the time gojo arrives to take megumi home. he quietly hums a made-up tune as he walks down the path that leads to your classroom. the melody dies in his throat several feet down the hall upon his realization that your door is ajar. virtually undetectable footsteps carry him the rest of the way and he stops just outside your room.
gojo spots you and megumi situated at one of the many tables, a book in megumi’s hand and a pen between your teeth. there’s a slight crease in your brow as you examine the paper on the surface that makes gojo chuckle a bit.
the sound draws your eyes up and to the doorway. there gojo stands, a grin pulling at his lips.
“gojo-san,” you greet him, standing up and wiping the palms of your hands on your thighs.
your words act as an invitation as the man only enters upon hearing them. he waves and offers you a spoken “hello” before placing the same hand on top of megumi’s head. the boy brushes it away nonchalantly and begins to pack up his things.
your gaze is focused on gojo, how he theatrically frowns at megumi’s silent dismissal and how the dark lenses he wears slide down the bridge of his nose, exposing cerulean irises framed by white eyelashes. his attire is different than the uniform he typically dons when you see him at the end of the day, something you’ve noticed holds true every time he shows up late. this time around, he wears a plain white button-up and sandy brown linen pants.
you’ve never questioned it before but the trend has started to make you wonder what exactly he gets up to on these days. although, you don’t think about it too hard. as long as he’s here and megumi makes it home safe, there isn’t much beyond that that you need to know.
“yoo-hoo,” the sing-songy call rings through the air. you reckon that it came from gojo, if his toothy smile is any evidence.
“i’m sorry,” you apologize for spacing out (and for something so trivial, at that) before painting on your practiced smile. “did you say something?”
“i was just asking if megumi here gave you any trouble.” gojo tries, again, to ruffle the boy's hair but a smaller hand is there to knock his away, as if megumi expected the bothersome gesture. 
you hold back a laugh at gojo’s continued efforts being met with even more denial by the fifth grader. “not at all.”
“good.” the white-haired man nods, strands of the silky hair brushing the tops of his glasses. his gaze flits from megumi to you in a split second and even though most of his eyes are hidden, you can feel the intensity his stare holds. “sorry for keeping you so late, i had a bit of extra work to handle today.”
“i don’t mind,” you reassure him with the wave of your hand. “but…”
a thought crosses your mind that leads you to bend down and grab a sheet of paper from the table. you fold the parchment into a square before picking up the pen you had been grading assignments with earlier and scribbling something on the page. gojo and megumi watch quietly as you do so and wear similar expressions of confusion when you hold the paper out to the former.
gojo takes it without hesitation and angles his hand so that he can read what you’ve written. it looks like your phone number and name followed by a wonky smiley face. his eyes widen ever-so-slightly before he looks over his glasses at you. “what’s this for?”
“oh!” you seem to have forgotten to tell him the intent behind sharing your number. you can feel your cheeks heat up as you explain. “just so you can text me in advance if you know you’ll be running behind.”
for a short moment, gojo had interpreted it as something different, though, he opens his mouth in the shape of an understanding “ah” at your clarification while stuffing the square in his pocket. he doubts he’ll ever have the time to actually do so but that doesn’t stop him from saying, “got it, will do.”
your lips curl up in a tight smile as you silently berate yourself for coming off as unprofessional.
“we’ll be out of your hair, then.” gojo’s voice breaks through the thick silence between you. you simply nod in acknowledgement.  “thanks for staying late with megumi.”
the dark-haired boy politely parrots his thank you.
“you’re welcome. see you both tomorrow.”
on their walk home, megumi glances to his side at the man towering over him. he’s pulled out the piece of paper you gave him and is happily saving your number in his phone. megumi may be young, but he’s nothing if not attentive.
“why do you keep stopping at home to change?” he asks gojo.
clear blue eyes stay glued to the device in his hand. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
megumi scoffs. “you put on cologne, too.”
“i always smell this good,” gojo argues, finally stuffing the things and his hands in his pockets. he looks down at megumi, wearing the smile the boy finds annoying. 
something about it feels like confirmation to his suspicions.
“are you trying to impress my teacher or something?”
the fall of gojo’s smile is all megumi needs to know that he’s right.
lithe fingers reach down to pinch the boy’s cheek. “shut it, kid.”
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sua here! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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churipu · 4 months
hello!! can i req megumi dating getos little sister? like, in a au where nothing bad happened between satoru and suguru
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featuring, megumi fushiguro x fem! reader
warnings. none :>
note. anon, i'm sobbing bcs why the hell does gege have to be so allergic to happiness??? gege when i catch u, it's on sight really. but pushing that aside, sorry if this took too long. i just got back from vacation and i hope you like it <;33
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geto doesn't realize at first that megumi and you had something going on, until gojo and shoko asks him about it.
"what do you mean they're dating? no they're no—" he looks back and there you were laughing with megumi, sending a small punch of affection to his shoulder.
"they look lovey-dovey to me." gojo sings out, he was so damn happy megumi was finally dating someone.
geto on the other hand, was mortified, "oh my god, they are." he said while covering his mouth, trying to comprehend what was unveiling in front of him.
megumi was in a lot of trouble. from geto. the day geto finds out about megumi dating you, megumi would then be sitting on his knees awkwardly — his fists balled and laid on top of his thighs as geto paced back and forth in front of him; and you were just heaving out sighs after sighs.
"why must you do this, suguru?" you asked him, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance.
"why does satoru and ieiri know about you both and i don't?" god. he was so dramatic about this. it was like he was about to send you off in a marriage — and you were VERY embarrassed.
"it's not megumi's fault then?" i asked.
"it is!"
megumi chose to be silent as you and geto exchange arguments after arguments, none of them made sense but megumi wasn't in the position to join the argument so he just decided to shut his mouth and listen to you both for at least the next two hours.
megumi after that day, was always tense in front of geto. and geto, will always try his best to ruin your dates. anything that your big brother could do, really. pulling gojo and shoko along with him as an escape plan incase they were caught (he was planning to sacrifice their names for his escape).
"what are you all doing?" you ask, already knowing this was your brother's plan to tail both you and megumi on your date.
shoko and gojo pointed towards geto, but when they looked to where geto was supposed to be — the male had already ran away in a distance.
"so? who's explaining?" you asked.
and gojo had to tell you everything, while shoko was there as his emotional support. megumi though was enjoying gojo having to explain everything nervously.
megumi gets nervous when you ask him if he wants to come over to your house, but he reluctantly accepts. and when he steps inside your house, he is always a little nervous about meeting geto. but pushing that aside, geto never does anything but stare at him in suspicion.
"be right back," you said, standing up and walking away.
if megumi could pull you back, he would. but with geto's eyes glued on his figure, megumi had no choice but to stay seated. clammy hands, shuddering, and he could sense the dark aura surrounding geto's figure.
"suguru, i will poke your eyes with my chopsticks if you don't stop looking at megumi like that." savior.
"you love him more than you love your own big brother?"
"at this rate, yes."
megumi who brings you a bouquet of flowers one time during a visit to your house and geto makes a comment out of it because megumi didn't give him one too. so now, megumi brings two of them. one for you. one for geto.
"huh, to think that my little sister's boyfriend has zero care for me makes me kind of sad," it was supposed to be a simple joke. a simple joke from geto.
"suguru, stop that." you mutter out, defending megumi who just stood there like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.
geto was surprised the next time megumi brought one for him — and that day, geto finally started warming up to the thought of megumi dating his little sister. you.
megumi who meets geto when he walks down the hallway without you and geto being the first one to invite him over for dinner. not you. geto. and megumi was hesitant, but he accepted the offer nonetheless. (you were not told of this by either side until you come home and see them both talking casually on the couch).
"what the hell?" you breathe out, eyeing megumi who was sitting on the couch beside geto who was holding the television's remote control, their eyes also on you.
"oh, welcome back." geto waved at you casually before turning his attention back to the television.
megumi raised his hand up to wave at you, and you joined them on the couch, sitting in between. nobody spoke of it, and nobody asked about it, you three just casually hung and made it a routine after class ends.
megumi who has to be the reason behind your petty arguments with geto because they both wanted to hang out with you. which you win almost every single time, sometimes you just let megumi go with your brother (you didn't want to admit it, but it was nice seeing your brother finally get along with megumi).
"suguru, he's my boyfriend!"
"yeah? he's your boyfriend!"
"that's what i just said, idiot." you shake your head, sighing out exasperatedly.
"exactly, let me hang out with him. you've been hanging out with him for the past week, let him have a day with his future brother-in-law." you sighed again, but agreed in the end, letting geto have his time with megumi (which will be wasted with them both watching the television, with the rule of no interruptions from you).
megumi who was embarrassed when he got caught kissing your cheek by geto when he was about to go home. the younger boy didn't hear the end of it during their weekly watching television session, you just let geto do his thing.
"so..?" geto started
"don't even mention anything about it." megumi cuts him off, looking away with a light blush coating his cheeks.
"but why? i wanted to know about it."
"i'm leaving."
megumi who doesn't have to endure just geto, but gojo too. the two were like parasite when it comes to making fun of his relationship with you, although they don't do it to make him feel bad, megumi is a pretty private person so he gets annoyed by them (but says nothing), and he'll report it to you so you could be the one to give them a piece of your mind.
"what have you been saying to my boyfriend?" you stood before gojo and geto who were on their knees like they had done something bad.
"y/n, you believe me more than megumi, right?" gojo nervously laughs, "i'm your brother's best friend!"
i rolled my eyes, "exactly. that's the main reason why i don't believe in you," the betrayal. gojo gasps out dramatically and shut his mouth, a little offended by what you said (but he's not angry, he just wanted to be a little dramatic for the effects).
"so? suguru?"
"we were just having fun teasing megumi," he mumbles out, furrowing his brows.
god, it feels like they're your younger brothers at times.
megumi who asks gojo for advices in his relationship. what he has to do during arguments, what he should gift you, what he should say, what he should do. anything. as much as he hates coming to gojo for help, he still does it anyway — because believe it or not, megumi trusts him more than anything.
"so, i can buy her the same thing, right? will she get bored of it though? maybe i should get something else." megumi asks, his voice was calm but he was frantic. and gojo laughs at him.
"megumi, she loves you. she doesn't care about anything but you, give her a rock and i bet you she will keep it." gojo mutters out, flicking megumi's forehead.
megumi who broke down in front of gojo when he feels like he's not good enough for you. and gojo keeping all his tears a secret from everyone else including geto whenever he sees megumi and you the next day (you still don't know about it up to now).
"megumi!" gojo swung his arm around the young boy's shoulder, laughing brightly with geto following behind him, "oh, you're here too suguru's sister." he jokes, shoving his tongue out.
the first time megumi broke down, he was a little afraid gojo was going to tell everyone about it — but no words about him crying ever spread, and megumi was appreciative.
"sensei." megumi grumbles, though he doesn't push gojo away, he could see the proud glint in gojo's eyes behind his specs.
megumi who hates to admit it, but loves spoiling you with everything. you talk about a food and then he gets it for you the next day. you talk about a place and he will bring you there eventually. you talk about wanting to do a certain activity with him, he will do it no matter how much he dislikes it.
"gumi, dance with me!"
megumi shook his head, "i can't dance."
"please, please?"
he sighed out and stood up, grabbing your hand, "how do i do it?"
it didn't and well, but you appreciated megumi for wanting to try out in an activity that he didn't particularly enjoy in. by the way, you have a swollen foot from getting stepped on by him during the process — and he was there to tend to you.
megumi who absolutely hates having arguments with you and will do whatever you tell him to do just to avoid it (unless he thinks it's necessary to be talked about).
"megumi, just shut up already."
and he does. he doesn't say anything else for the next couple of hours until you were ready to speak to him in a casual manner, it's funny, it was a moment of "do and forget" between you both. you apologize and he forgives (most of the time), and you both never speak on it ever again.
you don't know what that's called, but it just happens between you both.
megumi who loves saving every memory he has of you in a form of pictures, videos, voicemails. anything that you send him, he has it saved in a special album just meant for you and his memories.
"gumi, what's this album?"
megumi looks at you, scrolling through his phone and when he realizes about it, it would be too late. you'd find out his album full of your pictures and videos.
starting from random sky pictures that you send him, to you making weird faces. everything is just there.
megumi was shy about it, but when you expressed your happiness for it — he just lets you be, scrolling through the album, talking about every single picture. and he just listens, looking at you with a dreamy look.
megumi who considers you his home.
"gumi, are you okay?"
he laid his head on your shoulder, not moving an inch nor did he say anything back to you. but you let him be, rubbing the back of his head affectionately as he leans into your touch.
megumi just needed to be close to you to feel safe. to feel at home.
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 29 days
Axl Low is literally insane and inhuman for making that decision at the end of Xrd btw. I know I keep bringing it up but I really don't think we appreciate just how fucking different you have to be to make that decision. Axl lived his whole life doing the right thing and trying to make the world around him better (ending gang violence in his neighborhood, refusing to take a life no matter what, that bit that mentions he cannot ignore someone in trouble) and after all that effort, he gets fucking shafted by fate. I need you to understand that for the majority of this series HE DID NOT HAVE CONTROL OF HIS TIME POWERS: HE WAS SLIPPING TO RANDOM POINTS IN TIME AND HAD NO IDEA WHY. There are a few moments where he gets happy with a specific situation and TIME SLIPS IMMEDIATELY! This happens to him for YEARS. Do you know how insane that would make the average person? He misses his home, he misses his friends, he misses his wife Tails (he misses her a lot), and he just can't do anything about it.
Now imagine after all that you find out you can go back. You have a way back home. "Finally, it's fucking over. I can be done"
Oh but hold on! You are a Time God now, a "Possibility!" If you go back you are essentially killing everyone in THIS timeline (which is fucked up and shitty and plagued by monsters, arguably) and you are just a normal man who has to cope with all of that! But hey, go back if you want, it's your power.
After YEARS of putting up with all that. Put yourself in Axl's shoes. Look me in the eye and tell me you'd give a flying fuck about any of that. Aren't you fucking tired at this point? You didn't ask for this. You were stolen from your time without your consent and time powers got basically stapled to you and now its YOUR fault? You should give a shit and be stuck here forever because of that?
Now, REALLY become Axl Low. Really look back at all that angry paragraph and think to yourself "Wow Sai, that's not how Axl thinks of it at all."
Axl agonizes over a decision that should be easy, even if that decision would be monstrous and selfish, because this is a man who is carried by PERSPECTIVE. Axl is a man who will tell you a glass is half full no matter how you phrase the stupid logic problem, and if you dump the glass out completely he'll just go and get you a fresh one. Axl talks to a bunch of people about his decision - hell, as I recall, Sol actually tells him if he tries that shit he'd try and stop him because that's his world you're erasing. Bedman talks about how much he cares for his sister. I-No talks about how no matter how powerful she is, she can never seem to write the future she wants. Axl seeks the advice of all these people and that's when he realizes:
These are people too. These are people just like him. They didn't ask for this fucked up world they're stuck in either, but they're all living in it. They're making it better. If they can all do it, hell, can't Axl do it too?
"A girl passed by a dog's bark bow wow the smell from that cafe makes me hungry I knew all about it"
Isn't there stuff in this world that makes it special too? Isn't life just as beautiful here too? Don't these people deserve to exist too?
"I'm alive. I'm alive. It is dramatic with just that."
He's still kicking isn't he? Sol's still around and he's been through hell - he's still finding time to drink with this goofy brit he keeps bumping into - Can't Axl find a way to live here too?
He outright admits to Sol that Megumi would probably forgive him - it's an impossibly unfair decision after all, he KNOWS that. But I think after seeing himself in all these people he knows what he'd want- he'd want to live and exist.
And Axl Fucking Low says "How could I be a man worthy of Megumi if I did that?" and saves the fucking world with Sol Badguy. He makes an impossible decision and stays here. And he says he's lucky.
You're the unluckiest man alive, Mr Low. I've not seen anyone get more unfairly treated by fate in my life. But then again-
I suppose I can't convince you how much water you've got in that glass.
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anqelically · 11 months
lost memory | megumi fushiguro x gn!reader
word count: 0.7k
content: no manga spoilers, platonic, angst, death... your relationship with gojo is up to you
navi | jjk masterlist
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he was young when you took care of him.
a little child who only had his sister left, that’s who megumi fushiguro was when you met him. he was seven years old with quite the attitude. though, the way he treated you was different than how he treated satoru gojo, your partner.
megumi found himself more inclined to stay around you. he wanted your care, and he got it every chance he had. your embrace was one of a nurturing mother’s. he didn’t think of it at first, but megumi yearned for the love that he could see in front of his very eyes.
he didn’t remember his parents, so they were long out of the picture. their faces blurred and blended in with the people he’d seen in the streets. they had left his life, so if someone had to ask the young megumi fushiguro who his parents were, the first person he thought about was you.
you, who picked him and tsumiki up after school. you, who took them out to theme parks with gojo. you, who showed up to every concert and talent show. you, who helped with their homework and projects.
the first person the young megumi fushiguro thought about was you. you, who he soon enough forgot about over the years.
after spending a little over 2 years together, you stopped visiting. no matter how much they cried or begged, gojo never said a word about it. he left the children to you, but that responsibility was passed back to him when you left.
more years passed, and megumi eventually forgot about you. it began with him thinking about you leaving every day to you never crossing his mind.
all the emotions and attachment he had with you dissipated into nothing. you became a faint memory, just like his other parents. you, who was the embrace he needed in the middle of the night, were gone.
so when he saw you again at 15 years old, all that he could exchange with you were words of small talk. you spoke to him softly with care, just as you always did, but megumi found himself only able to reply shortly.
not only did he feel awkward, but megumi pitied you. he pitied you for still caring when all he saw you as was a mere acquaintance of his past. you smiled at him, yet the pain carried by your eyes drew his attention.
the conflict in his mind only increased when he eventually heard of your passing.
you were in gojo’s class during your teen years at jujutsu high, becoming one of the closest people he was with. though, you were always sick. sometimes too sick to do missions, or too sick to even get up in the morning. it was only a matter of time until your illness got to you.
it’s why you visited him after so long, megumi figured. you knew your time was running up, so you wanted to at least see him once more. you also visited tsumiki in her hospital bed, according to gojo. but not only that, gojo always kept you updated behind their backs.
now, standing in front of your grave, megumi didn’t know what to do. it was sad, indeed, but he didn’t feel a connection to you like he did once before. you became a lost memory to megumi, even if he was a reason for you to keep fighting.
you had hoped that you’d overcome your sickness, but it had claimed your life in the end. 
even if the two of you only spent 2 years together, and you were barely an adult, megumi was one of your children. no matter what anyone thought or said, that’s who he was to you.
megumi knew that, and that is what was at the root of his internal conflict. you were family when he needed you to be, yet he couldn’t even spare you a tear in your passing. the boy thought he pitied you, but he comes to realize the one he truly pities is himself.
he, who forgot that you took care of him when he was sick, and nursed him to health. he, who forgot that you always cheered him on during school events. he, who forgot that you read him stories to fall asleep to. 
and even though he didn’t remember most of those things, remember you, megumi stood alone in front of your grave, tears silently flowing out of his eyes.
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note: self indulgent but oh well...
reblogs are appreciated + join my taglist !
@nagicore @enomane @spenzitz @chuuyrr @ma3mae @piichuu @userwithlotsoftime
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Geto stays with Gojo AU drabble/headcanon - Gojo proposing to Geto 
Geto never became evil and therefore didn’t get killed. He and Gojo became the strongest together and both are teachers here. They still adopted Megumi and his sister and the two girls which they raised together. 
Everything takes place a bit differently here in this. 
Pairings: Satosugu (obviously), implied Itafuahikugi
TWs: Mention of throwing up(shortly mentioned in a flashback. It isn't a main point of the drabble and is not crucial to the main events so it's really only mentioned shortly), crying (happy crying), probably a bit ooc.
It's all very fluffy and cute. Cheesy even.
Gojo is actually the one who proposes to Geto
He proposed to him when they were around 29, so pretty late, due to them living an incredibly busy life. 
He had no idea how to do so, but he refused to seek Shoko’s advice, knowing that while she would help him, she would definitely tease him about knowing absolutely nothing about this topic and about being extremely nervous about the thought of proposing alone. 
He tried to plan everything on his own but Yuji and Nobara found out about it (They thought that their sensei acted weird and pestered him until they found out what was bugging him.)
They were super excited when they found out and then insisted on helping him with planning everything. 
Nobara pretty much decided on this without waiting for Gojo’s approval. She just asked him many questions about what he had already planned and after realizing how lost he was, she was pretty much just sighing in disappointment, telling him that this won’t work out and started telling him a ton of things which he had to keep in mind for a perfect “proposal”. (In her opinion)
They then all started to think about a time and place. 
Nobara preferred the thought of going out for dinner first and then proposing afterwards while Yuji loved the thought of going on a cinema date before the proposal. 
They both didn’t really know much about what Geto liked or what his favorite free time activities were so they just went with what they thought would be romantic and asked Gojo if Geto would like it or not. 
Megumi overheard them talking after a couple of days in which they would always proceed to try to plan the perfect proposal and he hit Gojo with the “You know Geto the best out of us all and he always loves doing things with you so stop overthinking this too much.”, making Gojo overthink a little bit more.
Eventually Gojo tried to seek advice from Nanami (“How would you propose to your long term partner/love of your life/one and only/best friend/soulmate? Asking for a friend.”) to which Nanami just sighed and told Gojo that he is a grown man of 29 who should be able to figure this out but he also told him that he probably shouldn’t plan a big eventful evening with a proposal in public since it would be very pressuring for his partner.
In the end, after a lot of overthinking, staying awake at night planning and overthinking (worrying Geto in that process, who was by now absolutely sure that something was off due to how weird and nervous his partner had been acting lately), a lot of research and after feeling like he lost some nerves, he did went to Shoko for advice. 
Of course she teased him about it and about the fact that he really had to seek help from his students, Nanami and her but then she actually gave him honest advice.
She suggested that he should do something with Geto which they always did back when they were 16 like going to the arcade and going out to eat something afterwards and after this little calm and very personal date night, he should propose to him but not in a crowded place or generally with people watching. 
Gojo actually thanked her a couple of times, full of relief and excitement
When Gojo wanted to leave the infirmary, she actually called him back and wished him good luck with a warm smile which the other returned to her, thanking her once again. 
After Gojo left the room, she would still have a small but warm smile on her face for a little while. Seeing her two best friends like this, made herself feel happy and warm and she genuinely wished them both the best and luck. 
Gojo actually followed her plan and asked Geto to go on a date night with him after a long week of missions. 
Of course Geto had been caught a little bit of guard because they haven’t gone on dates since their early 20s due to being so busy and caught up with work so that they would be too tired to do anything after a work week but he agreed to it nonetheless, actually feeling a bit excited about it but also a tad skeptical, given the fact how off Gojo had started to act the last week, now followed by this date night. 
He liked to imagine that Gojo would propose to him but he tried to be prepared for anything. He even was prepared that nothing would happen and that Gojo just acted off due to the mentally exhausting missions which they had to go on during the last weeks (which was very unlikely and Geto knew that this wasn’t the case since he knew his partner way too well for that but he still kept that opportunity open just in case.)  
Before the date night, Gojo told Yuji, Nobara and Megumi about him proposing to Geto tomorrow and they reacted utterly excited (besides Megumi who was just looking at Gojo the way he always did when he listened to him) and wished him luck as well as gave him a prep talk, cheering on him that they believed in him and that he could do it. 
Megumi actually went to Saturo when the two of them were alone and he wished him luck too, telling him that he shouldn’t mess it up. 
He secretly hoped that it would all turn out okay. After all, he and his siblings did get raised by those two and he didn't wanted to lose this family. He would never admit it but he grew attached the every member of this little found family, no matter how embarrassed or annoyed he sometimes would feel because of Gojo and Geto and he really wished for them that it would all work out, hoping that neither of them would chicken out.
Imagining them to get finally married, did in fact have something nice, even if he could already tell that they were going to be even more insufferable with their teen like flirting and their jokes then. 
Sometimes he would even forget that they're in fact not married yet. 
On that evening, Gojo and Geto went to the old arcade to which they would always go together with Shoko and just like back then they made bets and had a blast playing the video games, especially while playing “Street Fighters”. 
It was nostalgic but absolutely amazing and a lot of fun for both of them. 
Also, just like back then, the one who would lose in “Street Fighters” would have to pay for the food at the restaurant which Gojo had picked out to which they would go after they were done at the arcade. 
Geto hoped to get his revenge for losing years ago, leading to him having to buy Gojo an ridiculous amount of Burgers and this time he actually won (Gojo let him win since he had planned on paying for the food anyways.).
However, Geto could tell that Gojo let him win which made him a bit more skeptical, asking Gojo why he’d let him win  this time on their way to the restaurant which Gojo had picked out for them, to which Gojo simply answered that he felt generous and that Geto wouldn’t have won against him in years since he was wayyy to slow when playing the game, leading to them playfully bickering and half heartedly  insulting each other all the way to the restaurant. 
Arriving at the restaurant, they had to see that it was in fact closed. 
Gojo had been so nervous about planning the proposal itself, that he did in fact forget about checking the opening times of the restaurants which now resulted in him wanting to disappear right on spot for the first time in his life.
Geto just huffed out a little laugh and took out his phone, searching something up while Gojo was still cursing at himself and at the restaurant before turning to his partner to apologize which actually surprised the other a bit.
Gojo cursing was something Geto had been prepared for but not him actually apologizing to him for not checking the opening times nor for him telling him that he had just wanted to make this evening perfect for them. Especially after this rough week and especially since it was their first real date night in years.
Geto gave him a genuine smile, shushing Gojo, telling him that it was alright but that next time he should keep in mind to check the opening times if he planned something before giving him a small kiss, trying to reassure him that he wasn't feeling upset or anything. 
He then showed his partner his phone, telling him that the fast food restaurant to which they would always go after visiting the arcade was still open so after Gojo asked him if he genuinely wanted to go there to eat fast food on their date night to and after Geto told him that this was in fact the case, they went to the restaurant.
It still looked exactly like back then and even the food which was served was still mostly the same.
It was a bit as if the time would stand still in that place which made both of them feel comforted yet a bit weird and extremely nostalgic but it suited the whole evening.
They ordered the same food they would always eat while excitedly talking about all the memories they had with this place, asking the other if they remembered them as well.
This time, it was Geto's turn to order a ridiculous amount of burgers (which Gojo had to pay) and he carried them to their seats with a shit eating grin.
They had an amazing time even though they were just eating at an fast food restaurant. The place held so many good memories and they felt comfortable.
They would eat and laugh and joke around like teens. Sometimes they would make each other try out different stuff which they ordered by feeding the other a handful of fries with a new sauce or letting them take a bite of the burger, judging whether they liked the newish flavor or some food or if they preferred the old one.
Sometimes they would discuss if the food still tasted the same or if it tasted different which resulted in them taking yet another bite out of the other burger in order to check again. 
There was barely a moment where they were quiet and they were more happy and cheerful than they had been for months and also had more fun than they had since months.
Sometimes they would hold hands (the hand with which they weren't eating the food) but generally, even when they were just eating or talking they were sitting so close to each other that there was barely a gap between, permanently touching each other. 
It was like a silent reassurance that they were there, next to each other and that they wouldn't leave as well as some kind of making up for barely seeing each other due to missions and teaching students over the past month.
Them constantly teasing each other and Gojo trying to touch Geto with his fingers which were all greasy from eating the fast food resulting in Geto trying to scoot away, fighting off Gojo's hand while trying hard to not get touched is a thing too.
They sat in the fast food restaurant until an employee came to their table, kindly telling them that they would close in a few minutes.
Both felt kind of bummed that the relaxed and cheer free time at the restaurant of their teenage time was over for now and Gojo felt the nervousness creeping up inside of him again, knowing that now that the evening slowly ended, he had to propose to Geto soon.
Chickening out what no option for him. They both were the strongest so he couldn't get scared off by a proposal (even though it was one of the biggest moments in his life and even though it could permanently change his relationship with his partner forever) and he also didn't want to delay it any further since they already would marry late. Besides that, Shoko would probably scold him endlessly.
After leaving the restaurant, Geto was still in an extremely good mood which made Gojo feel all warm and happy. It had gotten rarer to see his partner like this so he was happy for every second in which Suguru would feel openly happy and carefree.
On their way with him, Geto also told him that they really need to repeat this but that they also need to bring Shoko with them sometime too due to them always having visited the arcade and the restaurant together with her to which Gojo agreed.
Suguru then also told him, that he genuinely preferred going to the old fast food restaurant instead of going to the fancy restaurant and that he would also wouldn't have been able to eat all that expensive food there anyways due to currently not being able to eat a lot which was the result of him having to consume many powerful curses during the last missions which had made him feel sick in the stomach once again and which had been the cause of a sleepless night which he had spended in the bathroom, throwing up. 
By now he was able to eat more again but he still couldn't stomach a lot and it would have looked bad to leave so much food on the plate.
Gojo agreed with him again, asking him if that was why he had left so many burgers untouched to which Geto nodded.
Gojo then proceed to act offended about Geto ordering so many burgers despite knowing that he couldn't possibly eat them all, only in order to get his revenge and to make Gojo pay for the ridiculous amount of large burgers to which Geto just laughed, giving Gojo an amused smile, telling him that the revenge had been necessary.
He then also reminded him about the fact that he asked the employee to give them a bag so that they could take the leftover burgers home with them so that he could eat them later or that Megumi, or the girls could eat them so his money and the food weren't even wasted but Gojo still proceeded to act all offended until Geto proceed to squeeze his hand which he had been holding and give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
After they finally arrived at their car again, Geto thanked Gojo with a small but warm smile for the nice evening and kissed him one more time.
Gojo told him that he was glad that he liked it and that it really had been time to finally go out on a date again.
After they had gotten in the car again, Gojo proceeded to drive to the place where they had often been during their free time as teens and young adults. 
It was one of the many places where a lot of benches stood next to a footwall with a view down to the city. They often spend some time there, relaxing after a stressful day, watching the city and the sky, talking about plans for their future or just random things, about their day or other random topics.
At this time, all the benches were empty and not a single person was in the whole area. It was just them.
Geto was a bit confused after Gojo stopped the car there and got out, following him to the bench on which they would always sit back then.
He asked him if everything was alright and by now he was pretty sure that something big was coming up.
He had noticed that Gojo had gotten uncharacteristically nervous but before he could ask any more questions, Gojo took off his blindfold and proposed to Geto.
His hands were shaking the whole time, he was stumbling over a few words and he dropped the ring like three times but Suguru didn't care at all. He was just staring at Gojo in a mix of disbelief, shock and awe, listening to his partners speech.
His speech was surprisingly extremely carefully put together, talking about how much he loves and admires Geto, how he is his one and only. His best friend. The person he loves more than anything in the world. And how important he is to him before asking him if he finally wants to marry him after all these years.
For a short moment there was a second of silence in which Geto stared at him with teary eyes and Saturo already felt his heart sink but then Suguru suddenly tackle hugged him, squeezing him as tight as he could so that Gojo thought for a moment that he couldn't breathe anymore, while saying Yes at least 3 times. 
Now it was Gojo's turn to freeze for a split second, his brain registering what just happened and that Geto did in fact say yes before before returning the hug just as tightly as Geto hugged him, burying his face in the crook of Geto's neck while he couldn't hold back the tears from falling.
Geto too, was crying out of pure happiness as he held Gojo.
They stood there like this, holding each other tightly as if they would be scared that if they would let go, the other would disappear immediately, crying and feeling overwhelmingly happy (and relief on Gojo's side).
After some time, they finally let go of each other so that Gojo could carefully take Geto's hand which was just as shaky as his own to gently slip the engagement ring on the other's finger.
After that, they hugged each other again, clinging onto each other, telling each other over and over again how much they love the other.
After some time, they sat down on the bench, holding hands and Gojo lied his head against Geto's shoulder.
They sat there in a comfortable silence, just like back then as teens, looking at the city which was lightened up with all the little bright neon lights.
They didn't need any words at that moment. They simply understood each other without words and they didn't need them to feel how happy the other was.
However, eventually Gojo asked Geto if he still remembered how they planned their future here as young adults to which Geto answered with a yes, lying his head carefully against Gojo's head which was still lying against his shoulder.
He then proceeded to caress the back of the other one's hand with his thumb, telling him that he remembered that they held hands on this bench for the first time, making Gojo laugh a bit.
They sat there until it slowly started to get colder and until they both started to feel tired, the exhaustion of the past weeks and the exhaustion from crying for quite a while finally crashing down onto them. 
They dragged themselves to their car and Geto jokingly told Gojo that he shouldn't dare to fall asleep now while driving or else he would have to sleep on the couch for the next few weeks.
After they arrived home, the way to their bedroom felt like centuries due to how tired they were but they still felt incredibly happy and joyful.
On their way to the bedroom, Megumi suddenly stood in the door frame of the dark living room in which he had been watching TV while waiting for Gojo and Geto to return, asking them how it went. (Given by how happy and awfully in love they looked and given by how they were playfully bickering as well as due to how relieved Gojo seemed, he could already tell that it went well but he still wanted to hear it from them.)
Gojo surprisedly looked at him and greeted him happily, asking him why he was still awake before asking him if he waited for them to come home, acting incredibly touched.
Megumi replied that he simply couldn't sleep (They both could tell that this wasn't the case.) before asking them again how it went to which Geto showed him the ring with a big smile.
After seeing this, Megumi couldn't hide a small smile. It disappeared as fast as it appeared on his face but they still saw it.
Gojo immediately got all cheerful and teased Megumi about it and joined in.
Megumi then told them that he will go to bed now, congratulating them and telling them that he is happy for them.
Hearing this, made both of them smile genuinely as they thanked Megumi.
The next morning at school, Yuji and Nobara directly bombarded Gojo with questions about how it went the moment they saw him arriving, complaining about the fact that Megumi didn't want to tell them and even Shoko came out to ask him too. 
Gojo was smiling widely before making a serious face, clearing his throat before telling them cheerfully that he said yes and that Geto is now his Soon-to-be-husband.
Hearing this made both, Yuji and Nobara cheer loudly and tackle hug their teacher, congratulating him and wishing him the best while Shoko also congratulated Gojo with a warm smile, telling him that she was incredibly happy for them and that they better make her, their best woman on their wedding or else she would make them pay her money each time she had to heal/treat them again.
As soon as Yuji and Nobara saw Geto too, they ran over to him and congratulated him too. While they didn't have such a close bond with him as with Gojo, they still were openly excited and happy.
Shoko too, came to Geto, congratulating him, telling him that she already told Gojo that they better make her their best woman for their wedding.
She then also told them that they needed to open a bottle of Sparkling Wine or something else in order to celebrate that later. 
Later that day, Nanami also formally congratulated both of them.
Nobara and Yuji also proceed to admire Geto's engagement ring in awe and Nobara told Yuji and Megumi that they better make a romantic and fancy proposal for her and that they give her such a pretty and expensive ring like Gojo gave to Geto too, making Geto laugh in amusement.
Of course the news quickly spread through the whole school (the fact that Gojo and Geto were a couple wasn't a secret at all due to how openly affectionate they were with each other but that they now finally were engaged was new.) So even Masamichi Yaga suddenly appeared on the school grounds, congratulating his old students. 
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gancegancerevo · 9 months
Complaining about Danji and Megumi's relationship
One episode of Vanguard willDress made me rethink Danji and Megumi's relationship in light of what he does in the episode and I have no good words for him.
I feel like the key issue is that they don't have an equal understanding of what their relationship entails.
Megumi treats Danji like 1. an older brother, 2. a role model, and 3. a standard of strength. As an older brother, she depends on him emotionally and while this aspect does weaken with time, she still treats him like family would: welcoming him, checking up on him, worrying for him. It comes from a place of caring and concern which is likely fueled by the time they spent together as he helped her out through Vanguard.
As a role model, Megumi aspires to Danji's ability to do things that matter in the grand scheme. Danji has connections, notoriety, and skills which allow him to take actions when he feels it necessary. And I believe Megumi wants to do that too. Being the detective type who can both sniff out wrongdoing and beat up whoever's doing it. It's unrealistic, but not uncommon.
As a standard of strength, Megumi always thinks back to Danji when she thinks of being stronger. It makes sense as he's had the most consistent record out of her friends, he's likely beaten her more than she's beaten him, and he certainly acts the part of the strong guy. It's an image that Danji has built up and Megumi truly believes it.
Compare that to Danji. He likely sees Megumi as 1. a little sister and 2. a strong fighter. The little sister part comes from how they met. Danji was friends with Megumi's older brother first and then bonded with her over Vanguard. It's easy to see this in how he treats her (when he notices her).
The more notable way he interacts with her is as a strong fighter. He regularly compliments her on this as he has fun when they cardfight. Indeed, after his departure from Blackout, he mainly interacts with Megumi through onscreen fights.
Already it is obvious that Danji and Megumi hold very different ideas about each other and that's normal for relationships. The problem comes when you realize that while Megumi relies on Danji, Danji doesn't feel similarly responsible for her. Megumi really depends on Danji or her image of him to guide her; both as a cardfighter but also as a person. She wants him to recognize her and her skills both in the game and outside of it and be someone that he can rely on in turn. Danji has no idea of this and no drive to build up Megumi in a similar way. He just treats her like a friend who he happens to meet when it's convenient.
A more concrete description of the issue here is that Megumi puts Danji on a pedestal and Danji doesn't see Megumi as notable at all.
Two episodes highlight these issues well. The first is episode 0 of overDress season 2. In it Megumi boards the train that Danji is riding in an attempt to run away with him. They fight and ultimately Megumi decides to let him go his own path even if they separate. The second is episode 5 of willDress season 3, a disgusting episode that led to the creation of this very post.
But before we devolve into a complaining session, we'll begin with Blessed Rain, the ep 0. Megumi has always had a unique narrative link to Tohya in that they grapple with the idea of throwing away everything else for one specific thing. Tohya 'successfully' threw everything away for the sake of Vanguard and even when he was convinced of his errors, he never did go back to his old life. This episode is Megumi's attempt of doing the same: throwing everything away to stay with Danji. Danji, of course, objects and makes it so that she get off the train before he does. Seems straightforward enough. In fact, I was fooled into thinking Megumi was thinking over her relationship with Danji in that fight and growing through reflection. On its own, it's a nice sendoff to their relationship as Megumi realizes that she can be connected to Danji through their bond rather than physically. In light of recent events however, I am tempted to interpret that fight as an affirmation of her fixation on Danji. She doesn't seem to say these things as an acceptance that she must let Danji go, instead she speaks as though she will always be connected to Danji even if they are apart. She "has so much of him in her" in the sense that everything she does can be connected to him. And people, that is not moving on, at least not definitely. However, the episode as well-written enough that you could interpret it generously and be correct.
a glorious day, ep 5, has no such interpretations. It is a poorly written mess that takes what little character development Megumi could've had in the Uniformers arc and sends it spiraling down the drain. ok, the episode sees Danji checking up on Blackout after his adventures in the US. Of course, everyone is concerned about Uniformers, especially since two of their best: Zakusa and Megumi have stopped showing up, a tell-tale sign of Uniformers membership. Danji doesn't seem to give a shit. He says Zakusa is a grown man with his own life and is shocked that people blame him for Megumi leaving. Now why would they blame him? Primarily because they all knew Megumi texts Danji regularly and he hasn't answered for a LONG time maybe from the beginning of the Deluxe itself, two seasons ago. Danji gets peer pressured into checking on Megumi and possibly bringing her back to Blackout. Megumi and Danji then have a fight ...
and nothing happens
Yeah, nothing of note happens. We get collectively scared that Megumi would be a Uniformer and truly betray Blackout and all Danji needed to do was show up and act like he actually cared all this time to bring her back. He just needed to act exactly how he always does. And you could see Megumi was frustrated with him but he doesn't actually do anything to assure her or even fucking talk to her. He just spouts his usual nonsense of liking to fight strong opponents and somehow a 6th-damage heal causes Megumi to cast aside all of her frustrations with him.
This episode gave me the idea that while Megumi put Danji on a higher and higher pedestal, Danji has objectified Megumi into another faceless cardfighter. He doesn't actually respect her and he doesn't actually see her beyond Vanguard. He doesn't even enlist her to help train Yu-yu or something. Mirei does that. The worst thing is that he doesn't formulate a real apology for ignoring her. It's not like he went silent over all of Blackout so the choice to ignore her was deliberate. He should've known how important he was to her when she nearly abandoned her life to follow him on that train. The responsible bare minimum would have been to send an update along with a warning/request not to text him while he's on his secret missions. Heck, it would've been better if he just outright blocked her to stop her from messaging him at all. Instead he leaves her hanging because he knows she's strong and that's the only reason he maintains this bond.
A person I follow online suggested that Megumi needs to follow in Raika's footsteps to really move on. Raika truly saw and was disappointed by Michiru's character and so his admiration turned into a will to surpass him. I disagree. I've said it before but Megumi needs a life that she cannot connect to Danji at all. Even when he's the most deadbeat friend, her fond memories lead her to forgive him too easily. Megumi needs to reevaluate herself and build an image that isn't reliant on Danji. Blessed Rain could've worked as this if she put all the things that connect her and Danji in the past as a guide and a fuel but she didn't. She continuously brings Danji to the forefront of her mind and it needs to stop. Danji in turn, needs to decide how much he wants to be there for Megumi because (he may not realize it but) their relationship is especially important to Megumi and he either needs to step up to that importance or start establishing distance. He shouldn't get to show up only when it's convenient for him after leaving her on read for weeks or months.
It remains to be seen what will become of Megumi and Danji and the rest of the cast in the future of the story. Megumi is in a pretty troublesome character limbo that prevents her from winning at all in the face of the current conflict. And we on Twitter regularly bemoan the various ways the do our girl dirty. We will continue to complain until they give our girl the respect she deserves.
Thank you very much for reading this long insignificant rant. I really disliked ep 5 and this all came out the more I thought about it. I would love to hear other people's thoughts on this matter.
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rake-rake · 3 months
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Headcanons. Megumi.
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Megumi's first five years of life were spent under negligence and abuse. His biological mother died barely a few months after he was born, which left him with an unwilling father that didn't know how to nor wanted to care for a child. Megumi was 2 years old when Toji married again, giving him a step-mother and a step-sister. Although things went well at the beginning, his tendencies and bad habits quickly created a fracture between him and his wife, with fights starting every day, and he left by himself when Megumi was 3 years old.
Since he was so little back then, his memories only start once he was already under his step mother's care, and he has no recollection whatsoever of the man who was his progenitor. However, even at his young age he realized things hadn't been the best, evidenced by the way his stepmother constantly talked about both Megumi and his missing father.
The way she saw it, Megumi was an undesirable burden she had been left with. Just as Toji, he was just another hindrance in her life. She never showed Megumi any motherly love, and constantly blamed him over the dire financial difficulties the family suffered by extension of Toji. Money was scarce and the woman focused her efforts on the one who was her child by blood, and her hatred and resentment on the kid dumped on her. Megumi was scorned, psychologically abused, and severely neglected, left to fend by himself with some spare change from time to time, which together with undiagnosed autism left him severely lacking on social skills for his age.
During those two years after Toji left and up until meeting Satoru, Tsumiki was the main pillar in his life. She was the one to share his meals with him, comfort him, or help him sneak in the house when he was grounded outside. Unfortunately, that soured her own relationship with her mother, as the woman saw it as a betrayal and didn't take long to start neglecting her as well, to then move on to physical abuse when the girl did her best to protect her brother.
It became a normal occurrence for Megumi to do his best to stay outside the house after school for as long as he could, arriving back late only to then be locked outside for the night, key nowhere Tsumiki could find it. The times he was allowed inside were quick to go sour, with him being punished by being locked inside a closet alone in the dark for hours, something that caused him to develop a deep fear of dark and closed spaces.
It was one of those times, alone in the dark after hours of crying and apologizing, that he summoned his divine dogs for first time. He had no knowledge of jujutsu nor someone to explain it to him, and with being the only one able to see them, he assumed they were imaginary friends, cementing in his head the idea his stepmother was right and there was something wrong with him, just as there was with his father.
He named the black dog, a girl, Kuku. And the white one, a boy, Shishi. After Tsumiki, they became a source of happiness and comfort in his life, his best friends and company. The nights spent locked out of the house became more bearable cuddling up with them for warmth, and the ones locked in the closet more manageable with the puppies to pet.
Megumi was barely 5 years old when (in his eyes) his stepmother had enough of him and left, doing her bags one day and disappearing to never be seen again. Upon realizing they were definitely alone, the children did their best to survive by themselves, with Tsumiki taking the role of the adult and doing her best to learn to manage the house for her and her little brother. This all made Megumi incredibly guilty before his impossibility to help her and the certainty that it was his fault her mother abandoned her.
Without someone to pay the basic bills like are water and electricity, they had been surviving with cold leftovers and expired food for almost a month when Satoru found them, dirty and malnourished. Initially Megumi was extremely wary of him, but he was quick to give in before the first adult to ever show a hint of worry for him. Even more than Tsumiki, he clung to him emotionally to the point of it being unhealthy, in constant need of Satoru in his line of sight for fear of him leaving too, demanding his attention, or simply a gut wretching need for the psychical affection he had been denied. Eventually, he would mostly grow out of it with the pass of the years, but as he is now, a teenager, sometimes he still exhibits remnants from those years in the ways he asks for attention or affection.
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chuluoyi · 6 months
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✩°。 ⋆ love unspoken
- fushiguro megumi x oc/reader - oc/reader's character name is hara sena, pronouns still refer to “you” and i won’t mention it often—just for the sake of aesthetic rather than repeatedly writing "y/n"
in another life, in which fate is still screwing his life over, Fushiguro Megumi finds himself in an arranged marriage―with you.
genre/warnings: arranged marriage au, gojo cameo, jealous!megumi
notes: ladies and gentlemen, it’s with great pleasure to tell you that another drama is about to unfold after a one-week break :)
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✩°。 ⋆ unholy matrimony (masterlist) | chapter six : a longer dream <- previous ✩ next -> chapter eight : all falls down
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Harajuku, Shibuya. The busiest ward in the city is the most lit spot to meet up with anyone. And the greatest place to hide in plain sight.
Gojo Satoru, suave and neat in his casual shirt with that distinctive sunglasses, undoubtedly drew the eyes of many. He appraised you from head to toe, from your curled hair to your blue floral sundress, and then let out a chuckle.
"Well, well… Look at you. Now quite happily married, eh?"
You regarded him with a furrowed brow. "It's been a while, Gojo-san."
"How's it going? No regrets, I hope? You look absolutely stunning, so I'd assume not."
This isn't a good idea, you lamented internally. You shouldn't have agreed when he asked to meet at this popular bakery in Harajuku.
After Megumi's more or less confession on that morning, you immediately contacted Gojo, because in the end, he was the only one who actually could help you and Megumi.
You cleared your throat. "Megumi treats me well, yes."
"As I expected of someone I raised," Gojo proudly quipped with a proud smirk on his face.
You remembered the night following that fateful morning a week ago. Megumi told you that he was this close to finding someone who might be able to break his sister's curse.
“A curse-breaker, also a jujutsu sorcerer,” Megumi explained. “She possesses a nullifying technique capable of canceling all curses. Perhaps she can help to free Tsumiki as well.”
A beam bloomed on your face upon his explanation. "That's great! Like, if she can cancel the curse, there's a high chance for her to recover right?"
"Should be... I've got to meet up with her first though. So far, I'm still using the Zen'in name to contact her." He had this look of being deep in thought briefly before fixing his gaze on you. “Well, I just want you to meet Tsumiki soon.”
The fact that he wanted you to meet his remaining family filled you with joy. "You never talk about her much. Tell me more."
"She's exceptionally kind. In short, she is different from me." His emerald eyes crinkled a bit, seemingly remembering a fond memory. "She is against cruelty, even though there were many people who weren't nice to us."
"For as long as I can remember, it's only been Tsumiki and me," Megumi proceeded to add, as if sensing your curious stare. "Gojo-sensei is there too but I can't say he's my father now, can I?"
No, Gojo is more like his benefactor, and with his sister cursed, Megumi is essentially alone. Your smile fell a bit at that.
It was strange, you did feel sympathy for Megumi before, but now that you had acknowledged that you were in love with him—and even more now that he also made it clear that he felt the same, the thought of him being alone sent needles to your heart.
"Don't make that face," he retorted and you glanced at him. "I'm fine now. It was not that bad."
He then went after your hair and messed it up, making you scrunch your face in faux indignation.
Before you even realized it, you were down bad for him. You didn't want to see him get hurt or upset, and ultimately, you wanted to stay by his side for as long as possible. And that was what hurt the most, because you didn't know how long this could go on.
That was why now you were facing this six-eyed devil once again.
"Gojo-san," you exhaled. You didn't come here just to let him mess with you. "With what I've heard, the first hearing went well. The second one will be held soon. You… will be there, right?"
He let out a thoughtful hum. "Well, if I don't have any missions lined up, then sure."
"Please treat it more seriously. You know how they wouldn't dare to touch him with your presence alone."
"Oh, it seems you've forgotten already," Gojo remarked with a snort as he plucked a mini tart and popped it into his mouth. "That should be your part, Sena-chan. I'm just here to assist."
You clicked your tongue in irritation. "My point exactly. I'm asking you to provide your assistance."
You couldn't really believe him. He had said it himself—he had raised Megumi. Why wasn't he slightly bothered at all?
"You know, you're really cunning now that I thought about it," he blurted, mouth still stuffed full, as if mocking you altogether. "You're playing him like a puppet just to fulfill your goals."
"Don't act like you don't have your own agenda too." You bite back your anger, disregarding his comment. Apparently, true to many rumors about Gojo you had heard, this man was truly infuriating. "You want control over Zen'in. That was why you agreed to my proposition in the first place. You're using Megumi too."
"Are you really in mourning?" Gojo fixed his gaze on you, his clear blue eyes seemed to shimmer. "Barely a month after your mother's passing and you are instigating another bloodbath without knowing the consequences."
You felt your breath hitch at the blunt words. Something inside you snapped at his mention of your mother, and you bit your lower lip, willing your tears at bay.
Gojo's mouth was split into this rather manic grin, satisfied at how he managed to make you clam up. He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Crankiness doesn't suit you, Sena-chan. And you don't have to worry if I will be there, because as you put it yourself, I do have my reasons."
But now your mind was pulled elsewhere. "Did you know something about who murdered my mother?"
"No. But she wasn't even a sorcerer. Who would target her? Someone who pins a mark on you would."
"Zen'in Naoya..." You gasped at the realization. He was the first person you should look into, how could you overlook it?
"Nah, but that's jumping too early," Gojo huffed. "You can't just come with nothing and accuse him of murder. Naoya would have your head before Megumi's."
"But he—!"
"Keep your eyes forward, Sena." Gojo's voice dropped, nearly sending a shiver down your spine. This sensation felt familiar to you, you could have sworn you have gone through this washed up terror before.
Your father's warning words. The way you would lower your forehead to the dirt ground, asking him for permission only to be told to remember your place.
Gojo Satoru was this era's strongest sorcerer, and now he was staring you down as if you were the stupidest person he knew. "I see through you. You can't run away from this. Not anymore."
And his smirk made you flinch.
"Not when Megumi is involved. Figuratively and literally speaking, you can't do that."
You shuddered this time, as what he said sank into your core. Figuratively and literally was the cold truth, incorporated in your binding vow, and not for the first time, you truly feared what and where this would lead to.
Perhaps sensing your silence as petrification—which wasn't far off the mark, brutally speaking—Gojo threw his hands in the air and barked a sardonic laugh to ease the tension. "Well, you've got me. Don't stress too much about him. Worry about your actions more."
"I'm doing this for him as well, you know," you snapped. "All of this, now I'm doing this all for him too, not solely for myself anymore."
Megumi was now so close to breaking Tsumiki's curse. As much as the prospect of him becoming the Zen'in clan head wasn't appealing at the slightest, that vile name was still useful and you could worry about that later.
Gojo released a derisive snort. "Is that so? Then, what's still in it for you?"
You looked at him with blind determination.
"I'm going to destroy Zen'in Naoya by taking away the one thing he covets the most."
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Megumi thought it was going to be an ordinary day. As ordinary as meeting someone new would be, at least.
He was meeting up with a woman by the name of Kurusu Hana to discuss the possibility of curing his sister in Shibuya. At first she was acting fine, he was certain of that.
"Zen'in, right?" her voice sounded hesitant. He snapped his head towards her, and nodded. She promptly took a seat before him in this high-end cafe. She seemed nice, and he was convinced after she introduced herself.
"Let me introduce myself first. I'm Kurusu Hana, it's a pleasure to meet you, Zen'in-san."
"Oh, that... actually—" He never rectified it in their calls, but it felt wrong if he didn't disclose it to her now. "I'm not actually a Zen'in—please call me Fushiguro. Fushiguro Megumi."
"Fushiguro... Megumi...?"
That's when he noticed a sudden shift in Hana's gait. It occurred to him that she might be not as cooperative now after knowing that he was a not true-born Zen'in. However, this theory didn't align with her behavior, as she continued to respond to his inquiries and displayed genuine interest in Tsumiki's condition.
"Uh—oh, so it's been nine years..." she mumbled, lost in thought. "A curse as profound as that is not easily undone." Hana briefly met his eyes, then quickly looked away, a shy expression crossing her face.
If he were honest, her demeanor made him uncomfortable. He saw that kind of expressions on you, and you looked adorable, whereas she... was not. Well, might be because he definitely wasn't remotely attracted to her.
"Can it be reversed somehow?" he asked curtly.
"In theory, there's a chance. Possibly 40% actually," Hana responded, though her tone lacked the firmness he would have preferred to hear. "A curse residing that long in a human's body have... ingrained into the body itself, so it's not going to be as simple as exorcising newly-planted curses."
Megumi knew it wouldn't be easy, but hearing it firsthand was undeniably disheartening. "I see... Is there something that I—or you—can do?"
"I can attempt to break it, but the cost of it failing would mean the vessel’s immediate death."
He took a sharp intake of breath at that, his chest feelings suddenly tight.
Why was this world so unforgiving to kind people like Tsumiki and your mother? They hadn't done anything wrong, so why did they have to bear such heavy curses?
It was hard, but stalling any longer still meant Tsumiki’s impending death, so he decided to go through with the idea.
Hana would do enchantments for three weeks straight as a preparation to lift the curse from Tsumiki's body. And Megumi would be there to keep watch. Ah, he was thinking he could bring you too to switch with him if needed.
Wrapping the discussion up, he expressed his gratitude to Hana and prepared to take is leave. However, she halted him with a hesitant look.
"We have met before." She looked at him with such a hopeful expression it was jarring. "D-Do you... remember me?"
To him, what she said sounded like the peak of absurdity, and so he blurted the first thing that crossed his mind. "No, we have not."
Megumi wanted to argue but then noticed something peculiar out of the corner of his eye. Through the glass panel of the quaint cafe, he could see the establishment next door that just happened to be where you and Gojo were.
Wait, you and Gojo-sensei?
"You saved my life!" Hana exclaimed, her raised voice shattered his thoughts and drew the attention of nearby diners. "You had two dogs with you—they led me out safely. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it until today."
There were many things on Megumi's mind then. It took him a few seconds to discern her words as his eyes flickered again to where you were, and this time he saw you getting up from your seat and grabbing your purse.
And how Gojo seized your arm, pulling you roughly enough that you stumbled back a couple of steps.
Megumi saw red.
"I don't remember."
He knew it was his irritation speaking. He shouldn't have brushed her off like that, especially since he was the one in need of her help, but an overwhelming urge to stride over to where you were surged within him, and Hana's insistence was starting to grate on his nerves.
"I'm sorry, but I need to go." He completely missed Hana's crestfallen face as he fixed his gaze on you. "Thank you. I'll be seeing you again soon. Will contact you later."
He marched towards where both you and Gojo were, forcefully yanking the door that it caused the bells to ring with such intensity that it startled the girls waiting in line for pastries. That was when he realized that this fancy place was the one that required reservation before you could have a seat here.
Was it Gojo? Or you?
In any case, it appeared that both of you had finally become aware of his presence. You whirled to face him, wrenching your hand off Gojo's grasp.
"Megumi." Your voice came in a tense gasp. "What are you doing here?"
In sharp contrast to you, Gojo Satoru was jolly and didn't seem to care if he had just manhandled another man's wife. "Yoo, Megumi! It's been a while!"
It was as if every wire in his body had switched to autopilot. He remained expressionless, but he swiftly grasped your hand and pulled you to his side.
"I'm the one who should be asking you." His voice carrying a hard edge as he turned to you. "What are you doing here with him, of all people?"
"Booo, Megumi, you wound me! It's not like I would do anything to Sena-chan—"
Gojo's familiarity with you seemed to irritate him even further as he shot him a warning look. "Shut up, you're annoying," he said, lacing his fingers with yours and glancing at you from the corner of his eye. "We're going home."
The three of you—or rather, Megumi—definitely had made a debacle that onlookers were left with gaped expressions. He scowled and passed by them, maintaining a firm grip on your hand.
Gojo couldn't suppress an amused smile. "Well, well, Megumi-kun... Look at how much you've grown up."
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Kurusu Hana was in love with Fushiguro Megumi.
She had convinced herself of that fact somehow, going as far as thinking of him as her destined one.
On a harsh snowy day, when she was teetering on the brink of certain death, a fluffy dog suddenly barked at her and indicated the path to safety. She recalled crawling on her hands and knees, following the white dog, until she felt the warm touch of local police guiding her to a secure location, away from menacing curses. She also remembered how the dog had dashed toward a boy who promptly patted it on the head. The boy, whose name she would later learn as Fushiguro Megumi, looked at her with a straight face, before a smile slowly spread across his lips.
She really didn't expect that she would really meet him again. More than ten years had passed by, and yet she still held that boy close and dear to her heart. Her savior.
Meeting him again this time was, of course, fate, or at least that was what she thought. She was about to erupt with euphoria… until he didn’t acknowledge her and left to catch another woman, pulling her along in a display of possession.
She was heartbroken. Maybe it was her fault too for keeping this love unspoken for as long as she did. But then again, how would she even speak it out loud? She never got the chance.
The way this encounter had played out and that she had seen him firsthand with a woman who clearly had his affections made her realize that there might not be a chance for her after all. Hana felt disheartened once more. But her spirits were consoled somewhat as she reminded herself that, from now on, she would be in contact with Megumi regularly due to her involvement in breaking his sister's curse.
It’s okay… Even if she couldn't have him, she could still admire and be near him.
That… should be enough.
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✩°。 ⋆ next -> chapter eight : all falls down
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🏷️ taglist
@moonmalice @hellothere9597 @qtnfer @firstplaidpeachnickel @waddlingwanderer @chilichopsticks @satorus-slut @dcvilxswish @lees-chaotic-brain @tojirin @bluebreadenthusiast @pandabooster @cole-silas @becsmarvel @giuli-in-earth @fuckimgenderfluid @haitanisrarity @kimura-uzuri @bicchaan @lunavixia @stevenknightmarc @rory-cakes @sushisimp
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augustinewrites · 2 years
gojo + love at first sight for @rosenkow <3 thank you truly for all your kind words! i hope you love this!
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to gojo satoru, love always seemed like an inconsequential thing.
he’d known since he was young that his family was just going to set him up with some girl they deemed fit enough to carry his children. so, why would he need to do something so trivial as fall in love when his family was going to choose someone for him anyway? seemed like a waste of time.
(because love in the jujutsu world was solely transactional. an agreement made between two elders to marry off their kin and pass down their techniques.)
so he’d never actively searched for it. never sought it out or put in any real effort. he didn’t do second dates or meet the parents dinners. he didn’t buy flowers or chocolates or any of the other sappy shit like that. it’s not like he had time for relationships, anyway.
therefore, it goes without saying that gojo doesn’t believe in love at first sight. colpo di fulmine, as the italians call it. ‘the thunderbolt’ (why anyone would compare love to lightning was beyond him).
besides, the first time he’d met you, gojo satoru had been extremely underwhelmed.
you’d just looked so weak.
he’d taken one look at you, fresh out of the city from some cushy family with a strong inherited technique, with your perfectly pressed uniform, not a hair out of place or battle scar on your body, and was mildly irritated.
you looked too soft, too sane to be in a profession that required a little bit of crazy. at seventeen, he’d been all hormones and ego (lots of it, with his height), brushing you off like lint on his sleeve when you’d shown up at jujutsu tech that first day.
but, as the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover.
because then he’d watched you kick nanami’s ass in hand-to-hand, realizing that you had yet to attain a scar on your body because you were good. you were fast, strong, had a good battle sense. sure, nanami had given you a bloody nose, but in that moment, gojo had seen you. saw the wicked gleam in your eye and that self-satisfied, blood-soaked smile and decided then that he liked you. it wasn’t love yet, though.
he wasn’t ready for it to be love yet.
it was something, this relationship he’d craft with you over the next few years. there was attraction, obviously (gojo can appreciate a pretty person when he sees them, but also how could he not be attracted to someone who could kick nanamin’s ass?).
it was friendship at first, that prompted him to sneak out past curfew to meet you in the courtyard for convenience store candy runs. you were fun to hang out with, that’s all, he swears.
and as time went on, the two of you grew— together. shared kikufuku while you’d laid side-by-side in bed, talking about the future. gone on countless missions together. raised a grumpy six year old and his sister.
five years later, he was still meeting you in your room at midnight, but for no specific reason other than he wanted to see you.
because what’d started as friendship had evolved into something like familiarity. you were a permanent fixture in his life now, something he…couldn’t really imagine living without. who else could he trust to watch his back on missions or lecture megumi when he stayed up too late reading?
and he doesn’t realize he’s in love until this one day when you’re both seated at a table with shoko, chatting amicably. there’s nothing particularly special about the day or the topic of conversation, but he’d just looked at you then. with your perfectly pressed uniform, not a hair out of place, or a battle scar on your body, and he’d realized just how much you meant to him.
(and suddenly he gets it-- colpo di fulmine. because the realization that you’re in love truly is like lightning. sudden, bright, intense, and completely undeniable. splitting through gojo’s chest like it does the sky.)
so he’d eventually ask you on a date, then a second, then a third, until fridays were officially date nights. And he did the romance thing, started buying you flowers and chocolates on anniversaries and charmed your parents over dinner.
because love may seem like an inconsequential thing, but not if it’s with you.
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After Gojo, Nanami and Shoko found out about Zenin beating Megumi up, how did the talk go? Megumi was very confused, and the trio was very guilty. I'm interested in how they tried to "reconnect" and apologize to Megumi again.
I mean, they only found out and cut them off because it got bad enough that megumi needed to be hospitalized. So there wasn’t a lot of talking in the immediate aftermath. It was mostly megumi being very small and very broken and very sedated for his own comfort while tsumiki went after anyone who went near him like a rabid coyote.
Reconnecting was a very long and slow process for them somewhat complicated by the fact that this is what made Nanami quit the jujutsu world entirely. Nanami promised him that it would never happen again, that he would personally make certain that megumi never went back to the Zenin again, and he meant it with his whole heart. He knew he wasn’t like gojo. He knew he couldn't take on the Zenin single-handedly. But he would find a way, if it meant not letting megumi down again.
He really hates that he was wrong.
They set up a new custody arrangement, but it was Nanami that had partial custody, and there was no talk of the jujutsu world when they were with him. There was no training. Megumi and tsumiki were just supposed to worry about being kids and nothing else. Nanami was good to his word on all he promised, so that helped rebuild somewhat.
Gojo was harder. Gojo was the one that knew.
By the time that Megumi woke up, he had already gone to the Zenin compound and told them that they were never allowed near him again. That he would kill every goddamn one of them if they ever touched him again. But Megumi didn't know that.
And when he woke up, he thought that he had fucked up and that they would take Tsumiki away from him. He tried to convince Gojo not to. That he would be better for the Zenin and make it work, if they just let him stay with Tsumiki. Gojo realized then that Megumi thought he had been holding his sister And it was just about the biggest kick in the teeth that Gojo could imagine.
Gojo told him that it was okay. That no one was ever taking Tsumiki away, so stop worrying about it. he had taken care of it and that he would never have to see the Zenin again.
He didn't know. He should have known. He's sorry. It would never happen again.
It took a long time for Megumi to trust him again, or even really talk to him. Megumi didn't really believe him that he didn't know for a while. He didn't trust him that it wouldn't happen again for longer.He sort of shut down and iced everyone out for a while. He really wasn't okay, and he didn't want to talk about what had happened with the Zenin. It got better. It was a slow path to repairing their relationship, and it was mostly built on all of them keeping their word when they made promises. But it was really never the same again.
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jjkafterhours · 2 years
PAIRING;; Toji Fushiguro/fem!reader
TAGS/WARNINGS;; Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Toji sucks at feels, slightly domestic!Toji in the end
WC;; 1.5k+
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NOTES;; Tried to make it consistent with the angst but in the end it transitioned to an awkward domestic AU. PART ONE
TAGS;; @teogyuul , @twicetwice0 (Tysm for encouraging me to continue !!)
Your presence slowly, but surely, begins to envelop the household. It was not a surprise for Toji to find you, still there. It did not feel like you were a stranger intruding into their daily life, as you began to settle in. Megumi slowly began to open up to you, and Tsumiki stared shyly at you, hiding behind her father’s back.
Toji hears you first; the clattering of plates in the kitchen as you begin to prepare breakfast. He planned to sleep in; the memories of last night’s job still weighing heavy in his mind. Not that he cared much about the lives he took, he could not afford to have empathy when his own life would be forsaken would he not carry out his work.
It was a relief seeing his children slowly becoming accustomed to you; he had not taken Tsumiki on the stay with the Zenins. His daughter would surely be ostracized for having no Cursed Energy, and she seemed content with little to no verbal interaction with him, instead choosing to quietly play by herself or with Megumi.
Toji was never that experienced with children. The only thing he knew was what not to do, courtesy of the Zenins. He would still stiffen up whenever one of his children rushed to hug him when he returned home. Tsumiki had grown old enough to understand that it was merely a habit of his, and he would be forgiven even before he asked. However, Megumi would pull away, looking hurt, disappointment and rejection clear in his eyes as he sauntered off, instead going to look for his sister, or to play by himself. He would still wait for his father to return home, but would only stare, as his father quietly retired to his room.
He did not know how to make it up to his son; he had little time to spare and by the time he would return the only thing is his mind would be to rest. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, seeing Megumi standing there, slightly curled into himself, far too lonely, his stature small and frail in the apartment where they lived. Wanting to come close, but not being able to, and only managing to stay at a distance not close enough for him. It made his son frustrated and upset.
Megumi would scream, his voice shrill and jarring against the sudden silence as he would begin another one of his tantrums, and only then could he bring himself to scoop his son up in his arms. Megumi’s anger came in short bursts, lashing out any anybody who tried to intervene, even Tsumiki who pleaded with her brother to calm down and tell her what was wrong. He refused to calm down until he could see Toji walking towards him, his arms stretched limply in order to accommodate him, defeated.
Toji never scolded Megumi for any of his tantrums. Sometimes it would feel like his head would split into two, and for the briefest of moments he would think to retaliate, to roar at Megumi to shut up, to protest why he ever had a son like him. It would disappear in moments, and would be replaced with the irritating desire to slump over and weep, the weight finally settling over his shoulder, his throat, threatening to break him down.
He would cave in, accept that it was his punishment for not being a proper father to his children. After all, it was not Megumi’s fault that he could not hold him properly without recoiling with the unfamiliar knowledge of parenthood, the slow realization that he knew little about it and had been planning to learn it while she would guide him.
She was not there anymore, and he was lost. The future appeared bleak, and the only thing he could think of was the reassurance that he had left enough assets for Megumi and Tsumiki. He did not believe that he could be a proper father to any of them, but at least whatever he left would be enough for their education, and allow them to live comfortably a few years after they finished college.
And you.
He was relieved that there would be at least some semblance of a paternal figure once he was gone.
Delphinium; Distance
Toji does not approach you. He does not know how to.
You catch him staring at you. His glare softened, relaxing into an unreadable expression. He did not speak to you much, merely lingering around you, instead. His children slowly began to approach you, especially Megumi, who seemed to receive little comfort from his father.
It seemed wrong at times, when you remembered Toji’s harsher demeanor. He had agreed to the marriage, but he would recoil, his body angled away from you, guilt and shame clear in his eyes as he failed to interact with you. It slowly became clear that you were a replacement for his children.
It would make you cry.
“Call me Toji.”
You wish he would not do that. Give you hope.
“Okay.” You reply, nodded. The sudden urge to cry overwhelms you and you immediately avert your gaze. Toji notices, your sudden change in stature as you move away from him, as if stung by hot coals.
“You must excuse me.” Your voice is all wobbly, and he dimly wonders what he has done wrong. It did not come as a surprise to him; he felt that he was simply not capable of kindling any sort of relationship with anybody. He does not say anything when you get up and leave the room. Toji has gotten used to the heavy feeling in his heart, guilt and self-hatred creating a permanent wedge between him and the people who he considered his family.
He does not go after you, and only hopes that the decision did not make everything worser than it already was.
“Missy?” Megumi finally speaks to you on your way home. He hesitates, before slowly moving towards you and wrapping his arms around your neck. It is a first of many sorts; the first time Megumi decided to talk to you, the first time he hugged you. It makes you happy.
“Was Dad mean to you?”
“No, Megumi. Your dad’s a good man.” You manage.
“Does Dad love you?”
“I don’t know, Megumi.” You reply. It was fine, right? Megumi did not even call you his mother yet, although perhaps he did begin to slowly be accustomed to your presence. Children were always open to affection, so you did not think it was unusual for him to hug you. You were only relieved at the fact that he trusted you and seemed worried about you. He did not need to.
“Megumi, is it okay if I stay here?”
“Yes.” He replies, not missing a beat.
Foxglove; Weak links
“I think Dad loves you.” Megumi says when you reach the porch. You smile and ruffle his hair.
“Your sister must have missed you.” You say softly, as you open the front door. You immediately hear footsteps from upstairs, light and hurried. Megumi’s eyes widen in alarm.
“Careful-“ As his sister squeezes him into a hug, nearly toppling him over. As Tsumiki lets go of a flustered Megumi, her gaze swivels to you. You wonder if Tsumiki thought that whatever was between you and Toji was a one time thing.
But you’re completely wrong, when her smile returns, as warm as ever, as she clings to your waist in a tight hug.
“I missed you guys.” She says.
“We missed you too.” Megumi hollers in agreement.
“Dad-” Tsumiki nearly yells as Toji awkwardly enters the premise. He momentarily freezes up in shock as Tsumiki bolts across the garden towards him.
“You’ll fall-” He catches her before she does, however. His eyes meet yours as he picks her up, resting on Megumi for a brief moment, as he did. You wonder if he wanted to continue your earlier conversation with him, and felt silly for leaving like that. His attention turns towards Megumi, who rests his head against your hip, and anxiously stretches out his free hand, taking Megumi’s palm and giving it a brief squeeze. It is a sweet sign, and you see Megumi relax into his father’s touch. He looks happy-
You hiss in pain, crumpling to the floor. It ruins the moment between them. Tsumiki immediately squirms away from Toji’s arms, who was also putting her down to rush towards you.
“No, it’s nothing-“ You get up and explain, your palm over your stomach as you quickly make your way inside. Toji stood rooted to the ground.
“Cramps.” You reply. “I need to go.”
With that, you race towards the bathroom.
“I’m alright.” You say when you hear him knock on the door. Your pants are stained red, but it relieves you. You were 2 weeks late, mostly likely due to stress, certainly not because of anything intimate. You don’t think you and Toji have ever held hands, even, except for today, when his arm grasped your to stop you from falling as you doubled over in pain.
“Can you, um…get me a pair of underwear?” You ask, feeling embarrassed. “The pads are in the dresser.”
“Okay.” He says, and you hear the footsteps recede. You sit still for a few moments, studying the mess in your pants. Your favorite pair, too. How lucky. You sigh, fiddling with your fingers. You wished it had happened at a different time. You were having cramps this morning, so you had anticipated it; but it really could not have been a worse time. You wince. Maybe you should have asked for painkillers as well.
“Yes, thank you.” You replied, unlocking the door. His pale arm awkwardly reaches out between the crack of the door, to hand you what you asked for, along with a loose pair of dark gray sweatpants. You frown, recognizing them as his, but thankful nevertheless.
“Do you need anything else?” He asks gruffly as you quickly take it from him and the door closes.
“It’s alright, Toji. I’ll join you right away.” You pause. “Er…could you get some painkillers from the pharmacy?”
“Sure.” He replies, as you get up, patting down everything and opening the door. He stares for a moment, expecting to see some drastic injury; he had never seen you slump over like that.
“Sorry.” You say, apologetically.
“Don’t be.” He murmurs. He pauses for a moment, as if to say something more, but then changes his mind and nods instead.
“Be careful.” He suddenly says, and before you can reply, he disappears into the corner of the hallway.
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stanurines1mp · 2 years
Your Side
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x Fem!Reader (she/her)
type: angst + comfort + fluff
an: Happy Birthday, Megumi :) Here's a little treat instead of the usual heartbreak. a little something sweet for the birthday boy, of course :) it is a little angsty but, comfort after angst is always the best. and i wish i could comfort him after everything he's been through. my poor love :( originally, i planned a bday fluff but that didnt work out. anyway, inspired by the song Space Song by Beach House. any requests, let me know :)
warnings: mentions of death, angst, uh pretty much Megumi being a traumatized little shit but its okay bcoz i love him and its his bday. pretty sure thats it though. anything i missed, let me know.
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Megumi knows.
He knows it's not easy to love him. Not with all the curses present in the world. Not with all the death that surrounded him. Not with all the responsibility he held.
His sister still in a coma of a curse unknown, leaving him useless in saving her. The boy Megumi had grown to care for for the past month laid dead in the school's morgue, his body awaiting an operation by Shoko Ieiri.
Guilt flooded Megumi. He knew the only reason Yuji was there in the first place was because of him. Yuji took the finger for him. To save him.
And now, Yuji's dead.
Megumi knows that death only surrounded him. Death and pain. And Yuji's death, Megumi knows, was his fault.
And he had tried to isolate himself from people. Because if no one surrounded him, no one would die. Or at least, he won't feel the pain of their death.
He was scared of watching the people he loved die. And he wanted to let go.
But he didn't know how he could ever let go of you.
You've known him since you were both little kids. Coming from a non-sorcerer family, you befriended the only other person who had eyes to see the things you saw. You could never explain all the monsters that often haunted your vision.
Until one day, you were walking outside your house, your age probably only about 7 years old. You were enjoying the day and well, as a child, enjoyment came pretty easy to you.
But then, a small green monster was sitting in the middle of the road, almost like waiting. Or well, haunting. You were curious.
Your eyes wandered the street for anyone else. Even your parents couldn't see the things you did. But that day, there was another figure. He was slightly shorter than you, allowing you to assume that his age was probably the same as you.
He had spiky black hair, his body covered by a grey t-shirt. His eyes were small and thin, almost glaring at the small creature.
You were sure you've seen him around the neighborhood before but you've never spoken to him. In fact, you've never seen him speak to anyone at all. Other than a tall white-haired man who often visited the neighborhood to see him and his sister.
Suddenly, a black dog appeared out of the shadows. It was sitting beside the boy, eyes focusing on the monster as well. You let out a small scream when the dog pounced on the green monster.
The sound of your voice caused Megumi to turn his head. His eyes widened at the realization that you could see the curses.
Megumi had seen you before.
He had seen you talking to his sister or rather, his sister talking to you. Megumi had seen you in the mornings going to school. Megumi had seen you taking walks with your parents or sometimes, yourself. But he had never talked to you.
Tsumiki always told him he should because you were the only other person the same age as him in the neighborhood but he never cared to actually do it. He didn't care to make friends.
And he most certainly never expected that you'd be like him.
Your eyes stayed wide with shock, your young mind still trying to process everything that happened. You hadn't even noticed when the dog had vanished and the boy was walking towards you.
"You can see it?" He asked, his voice young but monotone.
"Yeah," you nodded hesitantly, eyes still on the road. "Can you?"
"Yes," he replied.
Megumi was the one who introduced you to the world of Jujutsu. Since then, you've been by his side through everything.
Even during junior high, before you and he were meant to enroll in Jujutsu High, you stayed by his side. He often got in trouble in school but you didn't care.
In fact, you were his partner-in-crime. But you never got in trouble. He always made sure your name stayed out of it.
It was due to all the years you both spent together that Megumi fell in love with you. It wasn't just because you were pretty though in his eyes, you were single-handedly the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.
He fell in love with you because you were sweet and kind. And you reminded him of the sun.
How you shined brightly whenever he'd hand you a rose or a flower he found that reminded of you. How you smiled so wide every time he made a joke, which really wasn't a lot of times.
You fell in love with Megumi because he was the very definition of security. Never once did he ever make you feel unsafe.
He always held the security of being your home. Everything about him, from his flaws to the best things about him, you loved him.
And never once did you ever think that loving Megumi was hard.
But Megumi didn't think that. In fact, he knew that he was hard to love.
And he didn't want to burden you anymore. He loved you too much to make you suffer. He loved you too much to make you stay with him.
So one night, maybe a week after Yuji Itadori said his last words, Megumi knocked on your bedroom door. It was quite late at night and he was pretty sure you were already asleep.
Little did he know sleep had rarely visited you for the past week.
Ever since Yuji's death, Megumi had been distant. He'd always been the less talkative one in your relationship but lately, it's been worse.
You wanted to talk to him. You wanted to tell him that you were there for him. You wanted to tell him that you loved him.
But being in the same room with him was hard. Because he was busy. He'd always be busy.
He had to train, he had to help, he had to do something, anything, that prevented being in a room with you for long.
You weren't that close to Yuji although his death still affected you. He was always nice to you since the first time you met him.
You had your suspicions as to why Yuji's death was especially hard on Megumi.
You suspected that Megumi blamed himself.
And watching a friend die in front of you was certainly a call for guilt.
But you knew.
You knew it wasn't Megumi's fault.
You just wished he'd be with you long enough so you could tell him that.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the faint knocking against your bedroom door. Your forehead creased, wondering who would still be up at such a late time in the night.
The sound of your music playing faintly by your dresser, completely ignored when you were thinking of your boyfriend. You opened the door a little, peeking your head to the side to see your boyfriend standing grimly on the other side.
Megumi's eyes, like yours, widened slightly. You both knew each other when it came to appearances.
He knew what you looked like if you just woke up so he knew that he didn't interrupt your slumber because you weren't even sleeping to begin with. And the same applied to him.
"What are-"
"Why weren't you sleeping?" Your words were cut off by his question.
"Oh, I couldn't sleep," you mumbled lowly but loud enough for him to hear. "Come in," you opened the door wider, stepping aside to allow his entrance.
"Sorry for coming here so late," he said as you closed the door.
"No, don't apologize," you smiled, walking towards him.
You stood in front of him, your head looking up into his dark blue eyes due to the height difference. Your right palm reached out to cup his cheek.
Instinctively, he leaned into your touch. Megumi can't help it. Your touch had never failed to make him feel safe.
You tip-toed, connecting your lips against his. Again, he kissed back immediately like it was an instinct to be close to you.
He almost got lost in you but he managed to regain his thoughts before it happened. He stopped the movements of his lips and you felt like crying when he pulled away.
He had never done that to you before.
And Megumi hated doing that. He hated it so much.
More than anything, he wanted to be yours forever.
He wanted to live in a world where it was just you and him.
But he couldn't.
Because he loved you too much.
And he knew what he had to do to assure the safety of your life.
He had to lose you.
In order for that to happen, Megumi knew he had to break up with you.
"We need to talk," he broke the sad silence.
You knew something was wrong. And it was more than just about Yuji's death. His face was an obvious clue that something was wrong.
"Yeah, sure," you gulped, nodding your head in affirmation.
"We need to break up."
His words hurt you harder than any curses you've encountered.
You knew something was wrong but you never expected him to want to break up. The possibility never even occurred in your mind.
"Why?" Your voice trembled, shaking with fear and insecurity.
It was the first time Megumi had ever made you feel insecure.
At this point, everything else was forgotten.
The darkness of the room was left that way. You were a little glad, too. Because now your eyes had begun to water and you didn't want Megumi to see you like that.
The song playing was acting like mere background noise. The textbooks you had on your desk were left in a mess from your failed study session that evening.
"Because I don't love you anymore," Megumi lied.
You didn't want to believe that.
But would Megumi lie to you?
You thought he wouldn't but he was lying.
And it took everything in him to continue the lie.
Because every inch of his being was screaming at him telling him to tell you the absence of truth beneath his words. He wanted to hug you, shower you with kisses that he knew you adored.
He wanted to hold you tight in his arms in the darkness of your room. He wanted to have you with him.
But he couldn't.
He loved you too much.
Too much to risk your life.
So he lied.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, eyes looking down to the dark ground to avoid meeting your eyes.
But you didn't want to accept his words.
"Can we please talk about this? Please?" Your voice shook as you pleaded, pushing your body against his so you could see his eyes. "Please, tell me what this is about," you sniffled.
"I can't love you anymore, I'm sorry," he said coldly but you saw the glimmer of tears flooding his eyes.
"You're lying," you blankly spoke.
You took a step back, eyeing his body language. And you could see, clear as day, he was lying. There was nothing specific about his body language that showed whether or not he was lying.
But you somehow always knew.
That was what Megumi was so afraid of when he came into your room.
"I'm not," he lied again.
"Stop lying to me, Megumi," you scoffed, eyes still glued on him even in the dim light of the room.
"Stop thinking you know me so well," he remarked bitterly.
He could see the hurt you felt and he hated himself so much for it.
But you didn't take it too personally because you knew he didn't mean it. You knew he was lying, trying his best to sustain it but it was impossible.
"I don't think I know you so well. I do know you so well," you replied. "Now please, tell me what's wrong," your voice softened as you neared him.
You rested your palm on his arm, using your left hand to lift up his head so your gazes were to connect. You could feel a tear had already fallen onto his complexion, the cold sensation jolting your senses awake.
"Talk to me," you whispered, making sure to lock your eyes, assuring the view of your sincerity.
"I can't lose you," his voice trembled, more tears falling uncontrollably.
"You won't, I swear-"
"Yes, you will," he looked away, pushing your touch but you just followed him. "You will because everyone does!"
And there it was.
Your suspicions proven correct.
"Everyone around me dies, don't you get that?" He cried, voice rising a little. "I can't lose you. I can't have you dying, Y/N!"
"I'm not gonna die!" You fought back.
"Yes, you will! I told you-"
"No!" You stopped him, your tears also flowing out. You took a deep breath, exhaling sharply before continuing, "People aren't dying because of you, Megumi. Yuji's death wasn't your fault."
"He died because of me," he sniffled.
"No, he didn't," you softened, approaching him as your arms lifted dup to cup his jaw. "He died because of Sukuna."
"Because he was trying to save me-"
"No. This all happened because of his choice, Megumi. It was Yuji's choice to take that finger. And it was his choice to agree with Gojo's postponement. It was his choice," you whispered, softly explaining. "It wasn't your fault. And I'm not gonna let you break up with me because of this," you intently gazed into his blue orbs.
"It wasn't your fault, my love," you caressed the soft skin of his cheeks.
The gesture made him lose himself. He let out his tears, all of it, not caring anymore about the pain he was trying to hide. Why was he even trying to hide?
He let his head fall onto your shoulder, wet tears drenching your shoulder through the thin fabric of your shirt. You brought a hand to the back of his head, gentle fingers stroking his hair. The softness of your touch, the warmth of your love, it all caused him to just let it all out.
"I'm sorry," his words were muffled against your shoulder but you understood him.
You always have.
"It's okay, don't worry about it," you cooed, hand still stroking his hair. "Megumi," you whispered, gaining his attention as he lifted his head. "Can I dance with you?"
You noticed the new song that had come on to play.
Space Song by Beach House.
You always loved that song, the lyrics sending you into a frenzy of comfort.
It felt like a perfect fit for the night you endured with Megumi.
You laced your fingers with his, your left hand guiding his right hand to your waist. You took your left palm and cupped his jaw so he wouldn't look away from you.
As if he could ever want to look away from you.
Your body began to sway to the song, Megumi following your lead. Your lips curled into a comforting smile, blooming his heart like flowers in early spring.
Megumi could never not love you.
There will never be a day when he stopped loving you. When the time arrived, it was you that he'd marry.
Megumi knew that.
And Megumi wondered how he got to be so lucky to have met you. He wondered how he got to be so lucky to have loved you. He wondered how he got to be so lucky to have you loved him.
It was late at night, you held on tight.
The lyrics of the song floated through the four-wall confinement.
You felt Megumi pushing your body closer to him by the hand he had on your waist. The dim light of the room was more than enough for him to see your beauty. After all, he had spent countless hours studying you. At this point, he had memorized you.
It will take a while, to make you smile.
You let the lyrics of the song wander the room. But they were lingering inside your mind and Megumi's, too. And you knew he acknowledged the lyrics that danced alongside you two.
Somewhere in these eyes, I'm on your side.
You didn't notice when you had started crying. It was only after the tear had fallen onto your cheek did you feel the cold tingle. But you ignored it. Because you saw Megumi crying.
Megumi wasn't sad, he was touched. Touched by how much you loved him, leaving him to wonder; Did he even deserve all your love?
"Gumi," you softly called, a small smile plastered on your face. "I'm on your side," you nodded slowly as you said the words, watching as he cried even more.
But this time, he had a small smile on his face, too.
"Nex time you wanna break up with me, the reason better be because you don't love me anymore," you jokingly warned, causing him to crack a light chuckle.
"I could never not love you," he whispered before pressing his lips against yours.
"Good," you murmured in between kisses.
You felt him smile against your lips just as you did. The song still played but your dancing had stopped as you relished in the comfort of his arms.
Megumi learned that night that maybe, it didn't matter if he was hard to love.
Megumi knew then that all that mattered was just the love you both had for each other.
Because no matter what, the connection you two had will prevail through the darkest of days.
And he wanted to make sure you knew he felt the same.
Breaking the kiss, he directed his lips to your ear. his tone was low in a whisper but it was enough for you to hear. Because it was meant only for your ears.
"I'm on your side."
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linkspooky · 3 years
Megumi and Toji
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Megumi knows almost nothing about his father, his early memories are of being abandoned. His only family is Tsumiki as far as he’s concerned. It’s clear he doesn’t regard himself as a Zenin, or Toji’s son. He doesn’t even recognize Toji when they meet again briefly. However, though Megumi’s not even aware of it there’s a lot of story parallels between father and son. Toji serves as a cautionary tale of what Megumi could become if he does not grow up and learn to handle his emotions properly. MORE UNDER THE CUT. 
1. Inherited Trauma 
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this yet, but the Zenin family definitely has issues. They exclude anything which does not fit their arbitrary standards as an outsider. We don’t really know Toji’s backstory. We don’t have to know either, it obviously doesn’t excuse his actions. However, we see the after-effects of him being thrown out and scapegoated by his own family by the time we see him in the hidden inventory arc. Not only that, but from the clan’s treatment of Maki, we can theorize a little ibt of what Toji has been through. 
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Maki and Toji were both born without cursed energy and labeled as defective and wrong because of it. It’s clear both of them developed bad, hostile, even downright violent personalities in order to cope with a home environment that was constantly hostile to them. 
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In Maki’s case, it’s not that Maki is a hateful person it’s that she’s conditioned not to accept any kind of love because she was never shown the unconditional love of a family she was owed. When Yuta tries to accept her, Maki rejects him because she doesn’t know what that feeling of acceptance and security is like if it’s unearned. She ties it to strength, she has to be stronger than the Zenin clan, she has to prove she’s better than them and that they were wrong about her in order to earn it. 
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Maki is so busy trying to reject everything that the Zenin clan stands for, that she can’t really accept other people’s feelings at all positive or negative. She’s too busy thinking about herself, protecting about herself, trying not to hate herself that even the feelings of Mai who loves her, but in a more complicated way is something she can’t accept. She doesn’t want to think about mai’s feelings because she’s too busy with her own, Mai is an afterthought to her. 
Maki has a complicated way of dealing with the abuse of the Zenin family, and I assume Toji did too. The only difference is that Toji is an adult, whereas Maki is still an adolescent. Toji was set in his ways, Maki is still in the middle of changing. 
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Toji is labeled as “the one who is left behind, the one who is free”, it’s very likely especially considering the way he treats Megumi and distances himself from anyone related to him, that Toji’s way of dealing with the Zenin family was to simply reject all of it. He couldn’t accept the hatred of his family, but at the same time he also couldn’t accept any kind of positive emotions too, like love between a father and son. It’s likely Toji can’t even accept the idea of having a family, or the unconditional love of a family because he’s never had it - not that any of that is Megumi’s fault.
 Toji grew up completely isolated from his own family until he was eventually thrown out, and he probably had no idea how to raise a family, but he turned around and inflicted those same circumstances on Megumi. Toji grows up alone, Toji makes Megumi grow up alone because he fails to provide for him as a father. 
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Toji deliberately made a choice to throw out Megumi along with the rest of his family trauma, that’s his self reflection upon the moment of death. He wanted to throw away everything and live for hismelf, but he threw away Megumi too. 
However, from Meugmi’s perspective his father gave him the name ‘Megumi’ and left. Apparently Toji was around so little that Megumi doesn’t even recognize his face whent hey meet again as a teenager. He married Tusmiki’s mom, got a divorce, and presumably left Megumi there. 
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Megumi grew up with no idea of what a family was, except for his step sister, and also completely isolated from others. He grew up with the same sense of isolation and distance from his family that Toji did, lacking totally in the unconditional love a child needs from his parents in order to grow up, because Toji was never even around for Megumi. Megumi just by default assumes that his father either didn’t love him, or just plain forgot about him. 
2. Like Father, Like Son.
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However, despite the fact Toji wasn’t even around to raise his son, Megumi turned out a lot like Toji. There’s a lot of parallels between father and son, probably because as stated above Megumi grew up in isolated circumstances, completely cut off, never truly receiving the parental love or guidance that he needed to help him mature into a emotionally healthy adolescent able to process his feelings and handle them properly. 
Both Megumi and Toji respond to their emotional trauma in the same way, by suppressing themselves and all their feelings, and rejecting the feelings of everyone around him. Megumi isn’t even able to hear the news that his dad died, because he insists that already in first grade, he doesn’t care about his dad or even want him around. 
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This is you know, a lie of course. Megumi’s a first grader. All children want a parent. It’s just, Megumi’s way of dealing with his feelings is to just pretend that they’re not there, to pretend he doesn’t care. A first grader is not really mature enough to think of his family situation in these terms, or cope with these feelings. Megumi is simply pretending to be mature as a way of pretending to deal with his hurt feelings. 
We as the audience know that Megumi is a deeply caring, and deeply feeling person. However, Megumi himself seesm to be in denial of this fact. 
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Megumi’s response to all of thes icky gross feelings he has for people, soft feelings that makes him feel vulnerable because while Megumi cares deeply, circumstances have taught him that people do not care about him, or at least Toji didn’t care enough in Megumi’s eyes to stick around. Megumi’s response is the same as Toji’s, he shuts everyone out, he insists he doesn’t care about anyone. 
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He can’t accept anyone’s feelings because he’s too busy rejecting everyone. He can’t even accept the positive feelings of familial love his sister has for him, he almost begrudges her for it. Tsumiki chose to see him as family, different from Toji who he feels didn’t choose him and Megumi just couldn’t realize that until it was too late. He’s so used to being abandoned and unchosen that he doesn’t know what familial love even looks like in Tsumiki. 
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This is also something that Toji does to Megumi. It’s said in a bonus in volume 8 or volume 9 that after the death of Megumi’s mother, Toji insisted that he “stopped caring about everything.” We see this repeat when he’s about to sell Megumi to the Zenin clan. 
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Toji insists he doesn’t care, while Megumi tries to creep back into his thoughts, and he keeps trying to help him in indirect ways. Toji wishing for a better future for his son than he had, while at the same time, selling him off for the money he plans to gamble away at the race track. Toji forgetting his son’s name, and then remembering it on the brink of death and asking his enemy to do something about it. These are all compeltely contradictory behaviors because Toji has no healthy, adult way of processing his emotions. 
He’s just used to pretending he doesn’t care about things, that even when he obviously does care it’s what he keeps falling back on. It’s the same as Megumi’s complex with saving people, he insists he hates people, that he doesn’t want to save them, and then he goes far out of his way to save people like Yuji. 
3. Growing Out of Your Father’s Shadow
They process emotions the same way, both insisting that they don’t care about anything around them, the only real difference is their priorities. Toji is a self centered person who prioritizes himself above all others. Megumi’s a self sacrificing person, he’s continually belittling himself for the sake of other people. Megumi belittles himself to the point where he insits he could never be strong enough to challenge Gojo. Being the strongest individual is just never his priority. 
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Toji however is someone who climbed to the top of the Jujutsu World to try to prove he could become a better fighter than them without any cursed energy. Megumi is someone who ran away from the challenge of becoming stronger than Gojo, but Toji wanted to prove himself stronger than Gojo so badly he stayed and fought a fight he knew he couldn’t win. 
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However, even though their priorities are total opposites, Toji prioritizing himself, and Megumi prioritizing other people above himself they both end up in the same place. They’re both incredibly self destructive people. Toji stayed and fought with Gojo, knowing that he would die. When Megumi is pushed to his limit in Shibuya, rather than try to run away he also sacrifices himself in order to summon Mahoraga in a suicidal move against his opponent. They are even paralleled in the way they’re drawn. 
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I think the takeaway from all these connections set up between Toji and Megumi is that even though Megumi doesn’t know his father well he’s a lot like him. They both handle their emotions in the same way, insisting that they don’t care when they in fact care deeply. They both repress all of their emotions until they go crazy from it. 
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Toji literally springs from Megumi’s shadow. The shadow is the symbol of repressed emotions. Emotions that people are conscious of, the ones they acknowledge are usually represented by light, deeper emotions, the ones they repress and refuse to acknowledge are then referred to as the shadow. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. The more Megumi pretends not to care about his father or his family situation, the deeper the shadow underneath his feet grows. 
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Being underneath your father’s shadow is even a common phrase used to describe people who are unable to escape from their parents, and become their own person. There is a connection between Megumi and his father between Megumi and the Zenin, even if Megumi likes to pretend it’s not there, like when he denies any similarity between himself and Kamo Noritoshi.
 A lot of Megumi’s life is dictated by his family circumstances too, he’s just in denial about it. Kamo’s aware to sympathize with people because he’s far more aware fo himself and his family circumstances, Megumi denies sympathizing with other people, because he doesn’t have any sympathy for himself either. 
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Zombie Megumi is colored in pure shadow. He’s even referred to as a manifestation of the repressed feelings of the Zenin clan. Those who are restrained by their connection to the Zenin clan, all look in awe at the one who broke free from the Zenin, and free from everything. 
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Megumi exhibits the act same behavir as Toji. He suppresses himself, suppresses himself, and suprresses himself and then he just goes crazy. Megumi claims he’s not the strongest, he doesn’t care about being strong, but then he pulls moves like summoning the Mahoraga and Domain Expansion. Megumi just holds himself in until he violently lashes out on everything around him too, he’s hurt feelings waiting to explode. 
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Which is why Megumi learning more about his father and the connection between them could be a good thing, not because Megumi necessarily owes Toji anything, but that he could learn from Toji’s mistakes. When Megumi sees his own unhealthy behavior exhibited in another, he can learn to accept the things that Toji could not accept. He could learn to accept connections like family, and friednship, before they become chains that hold him down too hard, until he breaks everything and himself trying to be free. Megumi dosen’t have to become the strongest like Gojo, he doesn’t have to surpass or fight against the Zenin clan. He doesn’t have to save everyone in the whole world like Yuji. The best thing for Megumi’s character development would be for him to learn to accept his own feelings and the feelings of others without going crazy. That’s a strength that neither Toji, nor Gojo could never find in themselves. 
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hwaa0lyn · 2 years
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characters : Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
desc : You’re failing your class but a certain boy makes everything better
cw : fluff
m a s t e r l i s t
3 : 1 5. You stayed behind in class trying to figure out the last question on the stupid exit sheet. Maybe if you weren’t absent these past two days you would have answered the question with ease, but that clearly wasn’t the case.
“Y/L? If you aren’t able to pass this upcoming exam, I think I need to assign a tutor for you.” Your teacher sighed, “I was hoping that you would pull through without any help but it seems to me that you really need help.” Looking down at the list of tutors as he read one name hoping he might work a miracle to help you pass.
“Oh, are my grades that bad?” You asked a bit embarrassed. To be honest, you haven't checked in with your counselor these past few months. “They could be better but like I said I can assign you a tutor and if you retake a few quizzes and study for the exam you might pass.” He explained again with a little to no hope in his eyes.
You slowly nodded in agreement because who were you kidding this school year was not it. You looked back down to the unfinished paper in front of you. Exhaling you closed your eyes debating to tell your teacher that you give up and to just mark it unfinished. Upon struggling, you didn’t notice that a particular boy came in.
“Ah, Fushiguro, the books are over there. Just take one and make sure to sign your name on the log.” Megumi Fushiguro You blushed at the name. Not moving your head up to look at the boy, you sensed that he was coming your way to getting the books behind on the shelves. You couldn’t lie, you knew that this crush was only a hallway crush and that he probably doesn’t know who you are but besides that, you always dreamed of dating him. You heard a few rumors that he was voted the most romantic boy even though he never dated anyone in the school.
Before your mind drifted further about him, your teacher cleared his throat, “Well since the both of you are here, Fushiguro I saw that you were on the tutor list and well Ms. Y/L could really use some help to pass this class or perhaps your sister-.” You quickly looked up at your teacher with crazy eyes hoping he was only joking. “Sure,” You hear from behind you.
Still looking at your teacher with mad eyes, you felt his body moves next to you but he was still looking at your teacher. “We can start on Friday after school. I usually help students from 3-5 at the library” He said quickly but sternly. “Well L/N is this fine with you?” Your teacher asked, and as soon as he finished the question you nod your head faster than before. “Great it’s all settled!” he said clapping his hands looking back down at his desk.
You realized that nodding your head like that either made you look stupid or desperate, maybe both. As you tightened the grip on your pencil you noticed Megumi had changed his position to meet your level. “The answer is C, if you read the question a bit closer you can see they already provided the equation just add those two then find the square root.” He said a bit softly so that the teacher wouldn’t notice.
Quickly doing as he told you, you jot down the work so you could at least get some points from this paper. Once you finished you stood up with a smile ready to thank Megumi only to see that he had disappeared. Losing the smile, you walked to your teacher and handed the sheet in. As he looked at it, you already could tell that most were wrong but he told you that it was good enough and that you can go home.
The past few days were rough. Megumi takes tutoring way too seriously than needed. You truly didn’t mind it though. The more you stayed after school with him, you have noticed more things about him than just stalking him around the halls. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, there were moments when you just wanted to make a move and kiss him because he made it seem like he was interested in you too.
It’s about 4:00 pm and you two were still at the library. Megumi asked the Gojo if you two can stay a bit late since you needed the extra help. “Do you even know how to read?” He asked with concern in his eyes. Frustrated, he thought that you would already understand the equation even after the little corrections on your papers and notes. He sighs and sets his pen down looking away from you.
You looked down at your thighs and you fidget with your hands. You kept trying to find ways to apologize to him for being so dumb but the words did not form in your head. Quite honestly you felt bad because you have been studying and looking over your notes. You kept fidgeting with your hands, loudly cracking your knuckles. Megumi quickly caught on to the fact that he made you anxious.
Right before you cracked your pinky Megumi grabbed your hand and slightly squeezed it. Looking up at him, his face was unreadable. “You might wanna stop before your fingers fall off” He whispered still holding your hand. “Look Megumi, I’m sorry I’m not at the level of expertise that I need to be. And before you get mad-” “The library will be closing in 10 minutes. Please gather your stuff and head to the exit.” Shaking your head in defeat, you stood up and packed your things quickly.
Debating if he should, Megumi joined you as he also packed his stuff, but seeing as you were about to leave he quickly threw his stuff in his bag not caring if it was messy at this point. Trying to catch up with you, he could tell that you were upset but he didn’t want you to be alone while walking home.
Rushing out, you felt like a complete mess. Exams were coming up fast, all your teachers were rushing you, weekly meetings with your counselor, the one guy that makes everything feel better is probably thinking so many bad things about you, your head was a jungle. Stepping outside the library, you came to a halt when the distance yelling of Megumi calling your name rang in your ears.
“Y/N, please slow down.” He huffed, the library door closed behind him signaling that it was only you the two of you. “Look, I don't need you to remind me that I’m stupid, okay? It hurts coming from everyone and I’m pretty sure it will hurt even more from you.” You cried out. Megumi didn’t know how to react, you felt the same way as him? Before you were able to walk away again, he grabbed your wrist and make you face him, seeing as you were looking down he couldn’t read your expression.
“Look at me. Please look at me, you’re not stupid. I know that. Don’t think low about yourself okay?” Megumi spoke. He brought his hand near your chin lifting your head up his eyes met yours. Pulling your face closer to his lips landed on yous. Eyes closed, the kiss was pure, the warmth of his lips spread through yours. Your head was going through it all. You never would have thought that Megumi Fushiguro would be the one kissing you.
Separating, you both huffed out a breath of air. Looking at the eyes of each other you both stepped away from each other blushing from embarrassment. “Date me,” “what?” “I like you and you like me. Let's be together without the reason of studying so date me.” Megumi smirked. “Okay, Let’s date.” you pecked him on the lips and smiled back.
Right as you were about to hug him, a car speeded to the side of the building. Three long honks came from the car, “OI, MEGUMI you two hurry up and get in. I have a date with a special lady and you two might just get the worst of me if I’m late” Gojo shouted as he konked longer. Chuckling you both rushed to the car.
10:30 ; i’m sorry for being inactive !! school has been a pain. BUT i wrote this for a certain someone and i’m pretty sure she is aware :3 i’m not a very romance writer BUT i kinda like this one though i rushed it. i also added my little headcanon that Gojo tried dating when megumi was younger but he just gave up bc he “didn’t have time” lol. Ty for reading <3
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Protector | Fushiguro Megumi
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SYNOPSIS: You would always protect him.
READER: female
WORDS: 1017
WRITTEN: 03/25/2021
NOTES: Sorry this took so long! I was busy crying bc I got waitlisted and bc this fic hurt me. @sashaisangel
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You weren't special like Itadori and you weren't strong like Gojo, but it didn't stop you from always protecting Megumi.
It stemmed from being childhood friends. You met him in elementary school, and you were the first person to approach him and try to be his friend.
Of course, he disliked you. He disliked everyone. He didn't need people around him and he thought they were annoying like flies.
You didn't give up trying to be his friend, and you probably should have if you had known how much trouble it would have gotten you into in the future.
He was a child who rarely talked, and when he did, it was usually to insult someone. It was no wonder he had enemies, even as a child.
The day you stood up to his bullies and got a bloody nose because of that was the day he became your friend. You were his first friend, and honestly, his only friend until he entered Jujutsu Tech.
You were even there when his father disappeared. He was left alone with his sister who you thought was the prettiest girl you'd ever seen.
You were even there when Gojo approached him in the middle of the street. You stood in front of Megumi protectively because you thought Gojo was a predator.
You went to middle school with him as well. You were always seen by his side, hands wrapped around his arm occasionally whenever he wasn't in too bad of a mood.
At the beginning of the year, before Megumi put bullies in their place, boys would snicker and whisper to themselves about you.
They'd try to see under your pretty, little skirt and tug your hair occasionally in class when Megumi wasn't near or with you.
But once Megumi had enough and put them in their place, all boys stayed away from you.
"That's a lot of blood, you idiot," he had said.
You had winced when he dabbed the disinfectant on your cheek. You had protected him from bullies, even though he was much stronger than you.
Surprisingly, you had enough cursed energy to become a sorcerer. Granted, you were low on the grade pyramid, but it made you happy you were able to be with Megumi.
Despite knowing him for nearly a decade, he was still stubborn and cold to you at times. You didn't mind though. You loved Megumi, and you were sure he knew that even if he never said it back to you.
You were sent on a mission with him, Kugisaki, and Itadori. With the four of you together, it should have been easy to exorcise the curse.
"Just breathe," he said.
You smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm just excited!"
But it wasn't so simple. What was supposed to be a low-level curse turned into a special grade curse.
Not expecting a sudden attack from such a vicious curse, the four of you were overwhelmed and you had taken most of the impact.
His voice was weak and it trembled whenever he tried to speak. Itadori and Kugisaki were fighting the curse behind him, and he knew he should have been helping and that it was bad for him to get emotional, but he couldn't help it.
You were lying in his arms, coughing up blood as you looked up at him. You never had a chance against the curse, and while maybe Megumi did, sorcerers off guard rarely survived surprise attacks. Your main goal was to protect Megumi, and you succeeded.
"Hi," he whispered, bottom lip trembling as he brushed your hair back.
You weakly smiled at him.
"Stay with me, okay?"
" 'm tired," you mumbled.
"Hey, stay with me," he repeated with more force. "You can't die. I won't let you."
He knew it wasn't up to him whether you lived or not, and he knew that you weren't possessed by a strong curse like Sukuna. You weren't going to come back like Itadori.
You looked past him with glassy eyes to see someone you hadn't seen in a while. You had only seen him once before, but he reached out to you with the same hand he used to give you a lollipop after seeing you with Megumi.
At the time, you didn't realize he was Megumi’s father, but as time went on, you put the pieces together. You remembered him vaguely patting you on the head and telling you to protect Megumi.
Naturally, you would have done so without him telling you to, but it made you proud that someone else wanted Megumi to be safe.
"I did it," you whispered. "I took care of him as promised."
Megumi glanced behind him. "Y/N, there's nobody there."
Your eyes slowly moved back to Megumi. "See you later, 'gumi.”
“Wait, Y/N! Don't go,” he whispered. “Please, please, just stay awake.
You hummed. “Love you."
Your voice trailed off as you stopped breathing. Blood soaked through your uniform, staining his hands as he cradled your body to his chest.
Fat drops of tears fell onto your face as he stared at you. Your cheek was getting cold against his warm hand.
He pressed his forehead against yours and clenched his eyes tightly together, drowning out the sounds of his friends battling a curse behind him.
You were the most important person in his life. You were the only one who knew what he was going through. You helped him through his hard times, consoling him on late nights when he couldn't sleep after thinking about Tsumiki.
"I love you," he whispered. "God, I love you, Y/N."
He only wished he said it at least once while you were still alive. You deserved to hear it from him after all the times you said those three words to him while you were making breakfast for him, cuddling him to sleep, or holding onto his arm like when the two of you were children.
He pressed a wet kiss to your forehead before gently setting you down onto the ground. He turned around and pressed his fingers together.
“Domain Expansion—”
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